HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/07/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING April 7, 1964 MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Waitstil E. Brown, Ralph B. Goodrich, Augustus T. Stannard, Stephen M. Whittlesey. ALSO PRESENT Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager; William E. Mikell, Town Attorney; Mrs. Terrill and Mrs. Woolson of the League of Women Voters and Mrs. Gould, Clerk of Republican Party, Mr. Ed Myers. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman D'Acuti. The minutes of the meeting were approved of March 24 as read and the Clerk was authorized to accept the minutes. Chairman D'Acuti stated that Mrs. Terrill and Mrs. Woolson were on the committee for the booklet that was to be published and called on Mrs. Woolson to explain the details of progress. Mrs. Woolson explained the memo and information we have received on the Town Government and left a copy of the memo as is now compiled for a memorandum and also a copy of some of the historical data that had been compiled. Mrs. Terrill explained the historical data. Chairman D'Acuti requested the committee not to plan on too early a publication of the printing as there might be additional information that should possibly be incorporated into the booklet. The Town Manager explained to the Board and the guests that final approval for this publication should come before the Town Manager for review of quotations and the Town Manager would have to issue an order for this printing $$. The Board reviewed the salary agreement with the Town Clerk and requested that the salary be inserted in this agreement before accepted by the Board of Selectmen. Naming the new cut-off from US 2 to Dorset Street Chairman D'Acuti explained to the Board that apparently the people that he had talked with recommended the cut-off to be named the John F. Kennedy Drive and also stated that there had been recommendations for naming this cut-off the General McArthur Drive. Mrs. Gould stated she would like very much what was suggested but this be named Centennial Drive as this would represent the founding of the Town and believed it to be more appropriate that this be named as suggested. A letter was read from Charlotte Marsh objecting to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Drive. Miss Marsh also had a letter published in the Free Press objecting to this name. Ed Myers of Glendale Pard did not believe that the naming of this cut-off, the John F. Kennedy Memorial Drive would be appropriate to the assassinated president and he would very much like to see it some other name such as Centennial Drive as the celebration of the town will be in 1965 when this road would be accepted. There being no further conversation for or against the naming of this cut-off it was moved by Ralph Goodrich that this road be named John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Drive. The sign will read "Kennedy Drive." This motion was seconded by Waitstil Brown and unanimously voted by the Board. Mrs. Gould questioned Chairman if a petition would be accepted if one was presented against the naming of this highway "Kennedy Drive" and would the Board listen to any objections if a petition was presented. Chairman D'Acuti explained that the people do have an opportunity to present a petition and make recommendations. The naming of this road has been discussed for several months; the Board would welcome any objections that the people wanted to bring before the Board of Selectmen. This can be done at any Board of Selectmen meeting. The Town Manager was instructed not to make this naming of the street official for at least ten days from the date of the meeting of April 7 to give the people an opportunity to present any objections that they might have. If no objections were received at this office there would be no reason to call a special meeting by the 17th of April. The naming of this street John F. Kennedy Memorial Drive would be official. The Board of Selectmen signed the agreement with the Highway Department for the construction of U 528-2 (1) cut-off road from Hinesburg Road to US 2. Design for Town Seal This item was tabled until April 21 till more thought could be given to the design. Purchase of One Ton Maintenance Truck The Town Manager explained the necessity of purchasing a one ton dump truck for maintenance work. The Town is using one of the larger trucks for road patching, brush cutting, installation and removal of snow fences, building of catch basins, any other uses for this truck as a more economical operation for the Town. The Town Manager also explained that this has been a request for the past two years by the Highway Department and the Town Manager and it is believed that this is a necessity for good economical maintenance operation. In October, the Board of Selectmen suggested that we wait until after the first of the year or after the Town Meeting before this truck was purchased. Chairman D'Acuti referred to the recommendations presented to the Board during the budget hearing and that no objections were raised at this time. It was suggested that this item be tabled until the April 21 meeting when Mr. Ladd, Highway Superintendent, would be at the meeting to further explain what the uses of this truck would be. Briefing of the Lateral System for Sewers The Town Manager explained that a plan of the lateral sewers for phase one had been sent to each member of the Board for their review and that due to the phase two not being approved when these plans were sent out that it was the intention to ask the HHFA for engineering funds for the completion of the contract and specifications to include phase one only. The Town Manager explained that on Monday, April 6, that he was notified by phone that phase two engineering cost had been approved by HHFA and that we would soon have a letter authorizing entry into a contract with Webster-Martin for this phase. The Town Manager recommended as long as phase two had been accepted that we instruct the engineers Webster-Martin to complete application for engineering cost of phase three or complete lateral system. This was unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen. Stephen Whittlesey explained his desires to have these plans on a request for Federal Aid for the construction of all of this work be presented to the HHFA for approval at the earliest possible date. The Chairman of the Board asked that the liaison work by the individuals on the Board of Selectmen be dispensed with and that all items for the various departments be collectively reviewed and that no liaison work be done by individuals of the Board. The Town Manager was instructed not to recommend any payments be made on any account by the treasurer until authorized by the Board of Selectmen unless it was an extreme emergency and approved by the Chairman of the Board and one member of the Board of Selectmen other than special items of $100 or less. The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to donate $100 to the Welfare Commission for the health study. The Town Manager explained to the Board that the South Burlington Ordinance for the care and control of dogs could not be carried out until we have a specific officer assigned and pound keeper authorized to handle the dog complaints. The Chairman of the Board directed the Town Manager to contact Mr. Herbert T. Davis, president of the Burlington Humane Society to see if arrangements could be made with the society to handle the complaints we receive in connection with the dog ordinance. Ralph Goodrich read the letter from Senator Aiken in reference to the Accelerated program funds. A copy of this letter will be incorporated in this meeting. The Board approved the appointment of Martin Powell as Historical Custodian of the Eldrid School. The appointment of all committees were approved as listed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. APPROVED Ralph B. Goodrich, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.