HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-78-0000 - Decision - 0085 Swift Street4. PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 8. 1978 of city personnel and that had been one of the reasons that the Commission ,101 had two new members. He therefore felt that they should not strike out any of these recommendations. Mr. Woolery then moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission_ approve the site plan of _Rinald Precourt _for 500 square foot addition_ to College Formals, as depicted on the plan of record, sub�jgct to the following stipulations: 1• b _laridasapinQnd_4i ;18U shall be posted. 2. interconnections between abutting properties shall be kept open. 3. A sign shall be _erected to indicate "Do Not Block Driveway - Parking in Rear". 4. Thisapproval expires 6 months from this date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ewing and passed with all in favor. Mr. Draper did not vote. Site plan review for proposed miniwarehouse business, 85 Swift Street, Mr. Ray Conchieri Mr. Page said that the plan included severalnlong buildings, of which parts would be rented. There were 28' between the buildings and there will also be a boat and camper gravel storage area. The area around the buildings is paved. Mr. Page felt the plan was adequate for fire protection. Access and Bight distance are both good. Mr. Page showed the Commission a sketch of how Lindenwood Drive could be extended through Farrell rark to Swift Street, using the existing entrance to the park. This would not take any valuable land in the park. Mr. Page wanted Mr. Szymanski to review the plan for drainage. Sewer and water lines are already on the property. There will be an apartment for a resident manager. Mr. Page said that Mr. Conchieri had submitted a memo to the Zoning Board regarding traffic generation and it was expected that the project would generate 35-50 cars in a 24 hour day and 55-80 on Saturdays. Mr. Mona asked how many partitions the buildings could have and was told it was about 625 for the entire project. A person could rent as much or as little as he wanted and there would also be some commerical storage but only for small retail stores. It was not intended that there be any on -premise sales of retail merchandise. In response to questions from Mr. Draper, Mr. Page said that Lindenwood was 20' wide and that if it was extended it would probably be closed at Shelburne Road. fir. Conchieri said that the buildings would not be heated, there would not be a sprinkler system, that the area was zoned BR but that they have a use variance and that there would be security fencing around the parking lot while the rest of the buildings would be provided with detection devices and haveAAk own security systems. The fencing around the narking area will be 6' high chain link with a locked gate to which the manager would have the key. Mr. rage said there were sume nice hardwood trees in the area and he asked if they could be moved 40-5c' to the north. Mr. Poger said he was uneasy about the plan for the extension of Lindenwood to Swift St, feeling that it might be better to line it up with 5. PLANNIIJG COMMISSION AUGUST 6. 1978 j Farrell Street than to have it offset so much. Mr. Draper shared his concerns but pointed out that there was a single family dwelling opposite that street now which would preclude such a plan. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan proposal of Ray Conchieri for a mini -warehousing business_ consisting of 5 buildings totalling 54.000 square feet,- ad depiatedon is plan dated July 1978 drawn by George Brady, subject to the following stipulations: 1. aisle widths between buildings to be 28'. 2. storm drainage and curb cut design, shall be as approved _the Cif Engineer. 3. paving and building elevations shall be above the 100 year flood elevation, as determined by the City Engineer. 4. a landscaping bond of $10,250 shall be posted; credit fo_r- existin,g vegetation, up to $5,000, may be allowed upon reapplication,.after construction is complete and the proposed plan is installed. _ 5. this approval shall expire 6 months from this date. 6. on -site lighting will be provided by 8 lights around the periphery_ of the two buildings at the ends and 4 lights in the aisles between the buildings. These will be directed downwards. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ewing and passed unanimously. Review Zoning Board and next Commission agendas There was some discussion of item 2 on the Zoning aE;enda, dealing with a restaurant to go on Green Mountain Drive, but the Commission took no action. Election of a Vice Chairman Mr. Woolery moved that the nominations be closed and Mr. Jacob seconded. Mr. Poger announced that Mr. Levesque had been unanimously elected Vice Chairman. Discussion of a road connecting Dorset St. and hinesburg Road Mr. Ewing recommended that the Commission write the Council a letter stating that they favor a road connecting Dorset St. and Hinesburg Road through the Munson property. He wanted to recommend to the Council that such a road be put on the Urban Systems map. Mr. Poger asked Mr. Page to draft such a letter. If it goes on the map, the city will be able later to get some funding for it. Mr. Poger suggested a meeting with the Council next week and said he would call the Chairman to discuss that. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm. Clerk