HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0133 Cheesefactory Lane4/22/88 JBL MOTION OF APPROVAL I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Final Plat application of Sawyer and Linka Lee for the subdivision of a 121.5 acre property into two lots - a 10.3 acre lot with 8 acres in South Burlington and the balance of the property owned by John Ewing and Linka Lee located south of Cheesefactory Lane as depicted on a plan entitled "Sawyer W. and Linka R. Lee - parcels of land in South Burlington and Shelburne, Vermont" dated March, 1988 with the following stipulations: 1) It is the applicants responsibility to record the final plat within 90 days or this approval is null and void. It must be approved by the Planner and signed by the Chairman or Clerk of the Planning Commission prior to recording. 2) A legal easement shall be given to the City of South Burlingotn for a snow plow turn around area. PLANNING COMMISSION 26 APRIL 1988 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 26 April 1988, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Peter Jacob, Chairman; Mary -Barbara Maher, William Burgess, Catherine Peacock, Ann Pugh Also Present Jane Lafleu . City Planner; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Sawyer Lee, Joe Savio, Marcel Beaudin 1. Minutes of 12 April and 19 April Mrs. Maher moved that the Minutes of 12 and 19 April be approved as written. Mr. Burgess seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Ms. Peacock abstaining. 2. Public Hearing: Final Plat application of Sawyer and Linka Lee for subdivision of a 10.3 acre parcel from a 121.5 acre property with 8 acres in South Burlington, located south of Cheesefactory Lane Mrs. Lafleur noted the City wants an easement for snowplows to turn around. This will be shown on the plan to be filed. The house will be constructed in Shelburne as will the sceptic system. Mrs. Maher moved that the Planninq Commission approve the Final Plat application of Sawyer and Linka Lee for the subdivision of a 121.5 acre property into two lots - a 10.3 acre lot with 8 acres in South Burlington and the balance of the property owned by John Ewing and Linka Lee located south of Cheesefactory Lane as depicted on a plan entitled "Sawyer W. and Linka R. Lee - parcels of land in South Burlington and Shelburne, Vermont" dated March 1988 with the following stipulations: 1. It is the applicant's responsibility to record the final plat within 90 days or this approval is null and void. It must be approved by the Planner and signed by the Chairman or Clerk of the Planning Commission prior to recording. 2. A legal easement shall be given to the City of South Burlington for a snow plow turn around area. Mr. Burgess seconded. Motion passed 4-0. Ms. Pugh arrived after this vote. 3. Sketch Plan application of Kuzins Construction for a planned development of a 5 unit building on 1.3 acres and subdivision of the existing house on .4 acres on the Franco Property, 150 Airport Parkway CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Linka & Sawyer W. LeeO Sr 2) Name of Subdivision Linka & Sawyer Lee plot plan 3) Submit Subdivision Fee $30.00 4) Describe Subdivision (i.e. total acreage, number of lots or units, type of land use, gross floor area for commercial or industrial uses):Approx 450'x1000' to make 10.3 acres with 30 ft right of way running along west boundary for access to remainder of Ewing farm and adjoining land of Nature Conversancy. 10.3 acre single lot to be used for single residence to be placed in town of Shelburne 5) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, or contact person since sketch plan application: none 6) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Engineer Fred Koerner,53'Birchcliff Rd,Burlington VT 05401 862-5256 b. Surveyor Frank O'Brien,Rt.7 Shelburne, VT 05482 985-8595 c. Attorney Benjamin F. Schweyer, 308 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 863.2826 d. Plat Designer Fred Koerner 7) Indicate any changes to the subdivision such as number of lots or unit_, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the prolx�rty, etc., since sketch elan application: none 8) List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all contiguous properties: Fred Leduc RFD Cheesefactory Rd,So. Burl.VT 05403 985-2012 Richard Chapman, RFD Cheesefactory Rd So. Burl. VT 05403 985-2739 Ernest Auclair RFD Hinesburg Rd, So. Burl. VT 05403 658-1823 Joint ownerJohn T. Ewing(& Linka R. Lee) 60 DeForest Hgts,Burl. VT 05401 864-4424 9) State title, drawing number, date of original plus any revisions, and designer(s) of the.,preliminary map(s) accompanying this application: Sawyer W. & Linka R. Lee , R-210, March 1988, Fred Koerner, 10) COST ESTIMATES for Planned Unit Development#, multi -family projects, and commercial and industrial complexes: (a) Building $130,000.00 (b) Landscaping 10,000.00 (c) All Other Site Improvements (e.g., curb work) 20,000.00 11) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC for Planned Unit Developments, multi -family projects, and commercial and industrial complexes (2-way traffic, in plus out): A.M. Peak hour P.M. peak hour Average daily traffic o of trucks 12) Attach four copies of a preliminary map showing the following infornotion: a) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the city. h) Name and address of owner of record,subdivider and designer of PLelillr inary Plat. c) Number of acres within the proposed sukx3ivision, location of property lines, structures, watercourses, wcxxded areas,and other essential xist- ing physical fe,itui e.,_ d) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and the names of owners of record of adjacent acreage. e) The location and size of any existing sewers and water mains, culverts and drains on the property or serving the property to be subdivided. f) Location; names and widths of existing and proposed streets, private ways, sidewalks, curb cuts, paths, easements, parks and other public or privately maintained open spaces as well as similar facts regarding adjacent property. g) Contour lines at intervals of five feet,:based on United States Geolog- ical Survey datum of existing grades and also of proposed finished grades where change of existing ground elevation will be five feet or more. h) Complete survey of subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor. 1) Numerical and graphic scale, date and true north arrow. j) Details of proposed connection with existing water supply or alternative means of providing water supply to the proposed subdivision. k) Details of proposed connection with the existing sanitary sewage disposal system or adequate provisions for on -site disposal of septic wastes. 1) If on -site sewage disposal system is proposed, location and results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions, depth to ground water unless pits are dry at depth of five feet; location and results of percolation tests. m) Provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage in the form of drainage plan. n) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. o) The location of temporary markers adequate to enable the Commission to locate readily and appraise the lvisic layout in the f ield. Unless an existing :-�treo inters('cti(m i:, iJiown, tlu ils;t,cnc ll()n(I i :,trc'c't hOn, onc, ('OI-M,1 ()f tI1c, f)Y'Of 'Ity tc, Hit n( ,11 ("A �.-:1 it Ilhi ` , t l ( ( -t lnt#,I ""'c•t IOII ,fi.11 i P) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use and the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 13) Developmental timetable (including number of phases, and start and completion dates) 14) List the waivers applicant desires from the requirements of these regulations: 15) Attach a vicinity map showing the following: 1) All existing subdivisions, approximate tract lines and acreage of adjacent parcels, together with the names of the record owners of all adjacent parcels of land, namely, those directly abutting or directly across any street adjoining the proposed subdivision. 2) Locations, widths and names of existing, filed or proposed streets, curb cuts, easements, building lines and alleys pertaining to the proposed sub- division and to the adjacent properties as designated in paragraph 1 atx)ve. 3) An outline of the platted area together with its street system and an indication of the future probable street system of the remaining portion of the tract, if the Preliminary Plat submitted covers only part of the subdivider's entire holding. l<'�llit Ot Iltic'l lx'1' 1,lit R, ai I f -,, o, u r March 16, 1988 Mrs. Jane LaFleur Town of South Burlington Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mrs. LaFleur: Sawyer W. Lee Paul Trono District Representative Chace Mill 1 Mill Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 802/658-6126 After our last phone conversation, my wife and I contacted John Ewing and have reached agreement to buy his share of 8 acres in South Burlington and approximately 2.3 acres in Shelburne so that the total lot acreage owned by us will be between 10 and 10.5 acres depending on final survey. I hope this change will better meet the require- ments needed for your approval. Please let me know if any further information is needed for the preliminary approval process and thank you very much for all your help. Cordially, Sawyer ,W. Lee S WL / z l Enc. li.r Jb i CLASS RINGS -FINEST GRADUATION ACCESSORIES -AWARDS so,wev�. a rr�zurr ..,Tour.. ao. ww sru,Er oo,o.ss. Mu.,�Ton vv+. T ` `'� c�rrY�CL�EqRI�BOFFICE RBMAW R corded in Vol. �S c 9112 ' 1� 01 So. Buriing.on Lx d fl:.c ' . Mast QUIT CLAIM DEED 6MugntA.Plmrd,City Clak KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT LEDUC FARM, INC., A Vermont corporation of South Burlington, in the Cqunty�of Chittenden and State of Vermont, GRANTOR, in the consideration of `TEN AND MORE DOLLARS paid to its full satisfaction by JONN T. EWING and LINRA R. LEE, of Burlington and South Burlington,' i respectively, in the County of Chittenden, and State of Vermont, GRANTEES, have REMISED, RELEASED, AND FOREVER QUITCLAIMED unto the said JOHN T. EWING and LINKA R. LEE, as tenants in common, their heirs, or assigns all right and title which it or its successors and assigns have in, and to a certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: All the right, title and interest of the herein Grantor Leduc Farm, Inc. in and to the following described strip of land which strip of land includes that strip described in an "Easement and Right of Way" previously granted by Alfred and Irene Leduc to the herein Grantees dated December 26, 1976 and recorded in Volume 123 (Mist), Page 506-7 of the South Burlington Land Records and also includes that strip of land described in an Easement and Right of Way previously granted by Leduc Farm, Inc. to the herein Grantees dated January 16, 1987 and recorded in Volume 217 (Mist.), Pages 311-312 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The herein conveyed strip of land is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly boundary line of the property formerly owned by the within Grantees, Linka R. Lee and Sawyer W. Lee and now owned by Richard and Nancy Chapman, and which point is also in the easterly line of a town road that leads southerly from Cheesfactory Road to the property formerly of Linka R. Lee and Sawyer W. Lee and now owned by Richard and Nancy Chapman; thence proceeding easterly in and along the northerly line of said parcel of land now owned by Richard and Nancy Chapman an approximate distance of 300 feet to the northeast corner thereof; thence continuing easterly in an extension of said Chapman's northerly line an additional distance of 5o feet; thence deflecting to the left and forming an angle of 90 degrees with the northerly line of the so-called Chapman parcel and proceeding northerly 60 feet; thence deflecting to the left, forming an angle of 90 degrees and proceeding westerly in a line parallel to the first described line and 60 feet northerly therefrom an approximate distance of 350 feet to a point in the easterly line of said towm highway; thence deflecting to the left and proceeding southerly in and along the easterly line of said town highway a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginning. Said strip of land is for purposes of ingress and egress to lands of the within Grantees, John T. Ewing and Links R. Lee. The within described strip of land includes the two easements - 1 - Vd. =y 6 '� previously granted to the within Grantees and additional land. Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned instruments, the records thereof, tha references therein made and their respective records and references in aid of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all right and title in and to said quitclaimed premises, with the appurtenances thereof, to the said JOHN T. EWING and LINKA R. LEE, as tenants in common, their heirs and assigns forever. AND FURTHERMORE It the said, LEDUC FARM, INC., does for its successors and assigns, covenant with the said JOHN T. EWING and LINKA R. LEE, their heirs and assigns, that from and after the ensealing of these presents the said LEDUC FARM, INC. will have and claim no right, in or to the said quitclaimed premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, It hereunto sets its hand and seal this 14th day Of December , 1989. In "e presence of: �'[ciin �LIK LEDUC FARM, INC. It Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At South Burlington this 14th day of December , 1989, Al red Leduc personally appeared and he acknowledged the instrument by sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Leduc FarmsX'4/'/""% c. Before me, V No ary Public my commission expires 2/10/91 BFSREAL\Leduc.QCD Vewat ftDertY Transfer Tax 32 V. S. A Clop, 231 ACKrvowLEDGUM. ¢r,F;r rELvy�y11D-�7rOdIW1�tL �.r.u� exsr.ura rtrMmlHfOppp��K[CtC7 sc.�wervi s rrrzur� Retim NM Dare a ao os.ozolra _ 2 _ T Vol. 217 Page 311 EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY Leduc Farm, Inc , a Vermont corporation of South Burlington, Vermont, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten or more dollars, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby give, grant and convey to JOHN T. EWING of Burlington, Vermont and LINKA R. LEE of Shelburne, Vermont the following described easement and right of way over a ten foot strip of land owned by the within grantor in the City of Sc-uth Burlington, said strip of land being more particularl,; described ae follows. Beginning at a point in the northerly line of the Easement and Right of Way previously granted by Alfred and Irene Leduc to the within grantees dated December 26, 1976 and recorded at Volume 123 (Miscellaneous) pages 506-7 of the South Burlington Land Records, at a point which is in the easterly line of a town road leading southerly from Cheesefactory Road to the property formerly of the within grantees, thence proceeding easterly in and along the northerly line of said Easement and Right of Way an approximate distance of 300 feet; thence deflecting to the left, forming an angle of 7O degrees with the northerly line of the previously granted Easement and Right of Way and proceeding northerly 10 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left and proceeding weste_-ly in a line parallel to the first described line an approximate iistance of 300 feet to a point in the easterly line of said toy:n highway, thence deflecting to the left and proceeding southerly in and along the easterly line of said town highway a distance of 10 feet to the point of beginning. vol. 219-- Page 312 '1 Said strip of land shall be for the purpose of ingress and egress over the land; of the within grantor for all purposes to the farm of land jointly owned by the within grantees, John T. Ewing and Link. R. Lee. The within Easement end Right of Way, when combined with the previously granted Easement and Right of Way dated December 26, 1976, shall consist of a total strip of land 30 feet in width and approximately 300 feet in length. To have and to hold the above easement and right of way with .ill the privLlege., and appurterances thereof, to the said Grantees, Joan T. Ewing and Linka R. Lee, as tenants in common, their heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNE'S WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 1 day of January, 1987. In Presence ,,, Prreesenceof: Leduc Farm, Inc —y1\'_5' W / c ell, , .,� By: X �t•rl , r. ZI.2�I�J ,l; 'I �— ' STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHIITENDEN, SS. At South Burlin ton ch:s 1 r= President of Leduc Farm. In: personally 7_ day oappeared, and f January, 8 acknowle dger;DUC this instrument, by him sea.ed and subscribed to be his free ac:t and deed and the free act and d•:ed of Leduc Farm, Inc. Vermont Proper y Transfer Tax 32 V. S. A. Chap. 231 ACiiPi i7'_:.Jl= "'=NT BE -fore me, arrux. x c o u. ewe .mxu ov at•mi cur s. evuro runs en cur atcu Vo tary Public Return No. g Pn 9 550 _ Date -7 TQ. Itis') Clerk Date � 1c18t% Received for Record January 26, 1987 at 10:15 a.m. a Attest: r( ( C p .�v CI CLERK I • I EASEMENT - RIGHT OF WAY We. ALFRED and IRENE LEDUC of South Burlington, Vermont, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten or more dollars, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant and convey to JOHN T. EWING of Burlington, Vermont and LINKA R. LEE of Shelburne, Vermont the following described easement and right of way over a strip of land owned by the within grantors in the City of South Burlington, said strip of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly boundary line of property owned by the within grantee, Linka R. Lee, being in the southerly boundary line of the within grantors, at a point which is in the easterly line of a town road leading southerly from Cheesefactory Road to the property of the within grantees; thence proceeding easterly in and along the northerly line of said parcel of land owned by the within grantee, Linka R. Lee, an approximate distance of 300 feet to the northeasterly corner of said parcel, being a northwesterly corner of the farm of land owned jointly by the within grantees; thence deflecting to the left, forming an angle of 90 degrees with the northerly line of the within grantees' property and proceeding northerly 20 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left and proceeding westerly in a line parallel to the first described line an approximate distance of 300 feet to a point in the easterly line of said town highway; thence deflecting to the left and proceeding southerly in and along the easterly line of said town highway a dis- tance of 20 feet to the point of beginning. Said strip of land shall be for the purpose of ingress and egress over the lands of the within grantors, as above described, for all purposes, along the northerly line of said parcel owned by the within grantee, Linka R. Lee, to the farm of land jointly owned by the within grantees, John T. Ewing and Linka R. Lee. r � 1z3IS6� To have and to hold the above easement and right of way with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantees, John T. Ewing and Linka R. Lee, as tenants in common, their heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this T 7�< day of December, 1976. In Presence of: / / - Alfred Leduc Irene Leduc STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. At South Burlington this �Z " day of December, 1976, ALFRED LEDUC and IRENE LEDUC personally appeared, and acknowledged this in- strument, by then sealed and subscribed to be their free acts and deeds. Before me, °��x4 ✓ ��.( _ / Nq ary Public VerRtdn( Property Transfer Tax 32 V.S.A. Chap. 231 —ACKNOWLEDGMENT-- Return Rec'd.�-Tnx P.�d--Buerd of Health Cerl. Rec'd... Vt. Und Dsa S Develop—t Plans Act Cerl Rec'd Return No. S Signed �i. �� —clerk Date Received for record December 30, 1976 at 11:00 a.m. Attest:_y(1� CITv CLERK� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Received Oct 26►2009 11:00A Recorded in VOL: 901 PG: 47,1 OF So. Burlinston Land Records Attest-' Donna Kinvi Ile City Clerk 00006207 QUITCLAIM DEED V: 901 PG: 47 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that NORMAN LEDUC, JEANNE LEDUC and JONATHAN LEDUC, of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantors', in consideration of the sum of Ten and More Dollars, paid to their full satisfaction by NORMAN LEDUC and JEANNE LEDUC, of South Burlington. County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, and JONATHAN LEDUC and SARAH L. LEDUC, of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantees'), do hereby REMISE, RELEASE and FOREVER QUITCLAIM unto the said Grantees, NORMAN LEDUC and JEANNE LEDUC, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, and JONATHAN LEDUC and SARAH L. LEDUC, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, together owning the property as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and their heirs and assigns and the heirs and assigns of the survivor thereof forever, the following property in the City of South Burlington, Vermont (the "Premises') described as follows, viz: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Norman Leduc, _ Jeanne Leduc and Jonathan Leduc by Warranty Deed of Leduc Farm, Inc. dated September 16, 2009 and recorded on September 17, 2009 in Volume 894 at Pages 75-77 of the City of South Burlington Land Records, and being more particularly described therein as follows: A parcel of land located on the southerly side of Cheesefactory Road and easterly side of Cheesefactory Lane containing 2.0 acres and depicted as Lot 1 on a Plan entitled "L.educ Farm, Inc. Associates, Cheesefactory Road, Shelburne and South Burlington, Vt.", by Warren A. Robenstien dated September 18, 2007 and recorded on Slide 507, Map 5 of the South Burlington Land Records. Said parcel being a portion of the land and premises conveyed to Leduc Farm, Inc. by Warranty Deed of Alfred J. Leduc and Mary I. Leduc dated October 3, 1979 and recorded in Volume 155, Page 457 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The parcel is conveyed subject to the following easements and rights of way: 1) A Community Wastewater System in favor of lots 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 to include a 2000 gallon pump station and wastewater disposal field is shown on the Plan. 2) A 20' Sewer Easement in favor of Lot 2. 3) A 20' Sewer Easement in favor of Lot 3. 4) A 20' Sewer Easement in favor of Lot 6. 5) A 20' Sewer Easement in favor of Lot 7. The parcel has the benefit of the following underground easements and rights of way: A utility easement in favor of Lot 1 for connection to the existing utility transformer/pedestal located on Lot 3 and as shown on the Plan. 2. A utility easement in favor of Lot 1 for connection to the existing utility pole Located on 3. The above described easements will be subject to the following: r +a • + `' •, . A � �i a � � 4 00006207 V- 901 PG: 48 The Grantor, its successors and assigns shall have the right to make use of the surface of the land subject to the right of way easement such as shall not be inconsistent with the use of the easements by the within Grantees, but specifically shall place no structures or other improvements within said right of way easement which shall prevent or interfere with the Grantees' ability to exercise its rights granted hereunder. The Grantees, for themselves and their heirs and assigns agrees that any premises affected by their entry pursuant to this right of way easement shall be restored to its condition prior to such entry at their own cost and within a reasonable time. Together with the right at all times to cross and re -cross Grantor's premises by convenient and reasonable approaches on foot and with motor vehicles and construction equipment for the purposes herein described, provided, however, that this right of access must be exercised in a careful and prudent manner so as to not interfere unreasonably with the Grantor's use and enjoyment of their premises. Association AIso included is one membership in the Leduc Farm Homeowners Association which is not severable from the parcel described above. Also included with this conveyance shall be all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to the transfer of development rights ('TDRs') associated with Lot I which is designated as a "Sending Area" under the Land Development Regulations of the City of South Burlington pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4423. A portion of the above described parcel is being conveyed subject to the Notice of Option between Leduc Farm, Inc. as optionor and Spear Meadows, Inc. as optionee dated February 12, 2009 and recorded in Volume 837, Page 225 of the South Burlington Land Records. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained in further aid of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all right and title in and to said quitclaimed Premises, with the appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantees, NORMAN LEDUC and JEANNE LEDUC, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, and JONATHAN LEDUC and SARAH L. LEDUC, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, together owning the Premises as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and their heirs and assigns and the heirs and assigns of the survivor thereof, to their own use and behoof forever. AND FURTHERMORE, the said Grantors, NORMAN LEDUC, JEANNE LEDUC and JONATHAN LEDUC, for themselves and their heirs and assigns, covenant with the said Grantees, and their heirs and assigns, that from and after the ensealing of these presents the said Grantors will have and claim no right in or to the said quitclaimed Premises, except as aforesaid. -2- 00006207 � V: 901 PG: 49 1 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, NORMAN LEDUC, JEANNE LEDUC and JONATHAN LEDUC, do hereby execute this Quitclaim Deed this j4— day of October . 2009. &r�� - - V Norman Leduc n,� , ,�� '0' e,-- J an Leduc STATE OF 1 i COUNTY OF j SS. On this / day of , 2009, personally appeared NORMAN LEDUC and JEANNE LEDUC, to me known to be the persons who executed dd#e foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged this instrument, by them signed, to be his free act and dgbd. NOr�LE Before me Puu Notar ' 0 REuua Printed Name: s1, xof1 [Affix Notarial Seal or Stamp) STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHTITENDEN, SS. On this � day of U�—+�� , 2009, personally appeared JONATHAN LEDUC, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him signed, to be his free act and deed. Before me, _ ,.• �', �� '•;'t Notary Public Printed Name: r— � Notary commission issued in Chittenden County . ' fi, -S� •'N. My commission expires: 2110/11 'r•,,,,, Vermont Property Transfer Tax 32 V.S.A. Chap 231 —ACKNOWLEDGEMENT— RETURN REC'D-TAX PAID BOARD OF HEALTH CERT. REC'D. VT LAND USE 6 DEVELOPMENT PLANS ACT. CERT. REC'D arn�n�.,ox�oaem Return No. ------------------------- Donna Y,inville City Clerk Date Oct 26+2009 -3- END OF DOCUM"OENT Conserved Land Shelburne Vermont Legend Conserved with Open Space Funds Conservation Easement Owned by Private Conservation Organization Sa C 'cd I ird apdaedfiy CCRPC. TDti h smn f V I L d Trusr. R d C tM in 911 oad data, Nl l Railrmd • VTran.s data Swam Centerline - Vermont Hydrogiaphy D r R Water Body - Vermonr Hydr g aphy Dataset P.—I Boundary - 2011, D. R xll hlap cmmed by P. Brangan u ng AmGIS All data is _ in Sw£e Plane Coorditnne Sy.— NAD I9&1- D. IajmeTh,arcy of mfotmatron p t d h ermined by �K soomes b nd may exist Thc Chittcnden Co. Regio elsPlannmg Comm ss t sponeible for thex of IhT'` In - dl i b=Guest li dby to p&,.-and/ y by g 1 d y rh.topiI a. tt tInr del' ff m th y d This map identifies the presence of features and moy indicate relationships between foam W I is not a rep£aecment for surveyed informationor-ginecring smdi— it t t ff 4. Conserved with Open Space Funds Map Number Property Year Conserved I Palmer Property - LaPlatte River 1994 2 Gentry Property - Shelburne Pond 1995 3 Clark Farm - Route 7 1996 4 Hayes Property - LaPlatte River 2000 5 Tballi/Stem Property - Harbor Road 2002 6 LaFontaine Property - LaPlatte River 2002 7 Maille & Borden Farm Project 2004 8 Clark rope - Shelburne River Park 2005 9 Leduc Family - Bread & Butter Farm 2009 10 Zen Center - Upper LaPlatte River Natural Area 2011 11 Lissarrauge Property 2012 SHELBLR2NE BAY PARK -`� ri. o ,T ;1 H t � ) I a LA PL 4TTK- j 1 NATUREX—d }_t �^ PARK \' _ 11 V --- 4 IR14111I \ T1 FI1 h1,S tt ll �� • i �—`T c UPPERATTE RIVER o.. NATURAL AREA % 3 10 f_ C�ar�nttc 1 ti,o SHELBURNE PO NATL'RALAR EA' .,ff. 1 � f� � fI fOAC6t TOW. f 1-11 T1 C.S.b tl C �' 1''; CHITTENDEN COUNTY RPC �� Communities Planning Together .. •«� Le-.Onvrc Cn .<.-anJrlrr. ,ri9f`m:,r Dar:1'f1?pf! Legend Protected Land-VCGI (2017) Current Use Parcels -Forest Management (2015) "IN ill sl�",§",�, ST. GEJE W 0 100 200 Wetland Lot 1 8.00 ac n ' I» ) etland Conti Lot 6?�.... - u 01 Wr =B + C f r� E' r EY'w k{ Lot4p� .ox� Y' Lot b 5.46 ac 6.71 ac r _ .v t,4 3 e� s a Wetland continu 400 600 800n" Feet ®■ Acei_TRUDELL Consulting Engineers 802.879.6331 www.trevt.rom Location f s+ ark i r Cogyright'U 2013 National , t s Geographic Soctiety�� NGU'hed Legend E3Proposed Lot Lines - Shelburne Proposed Lot Lines - South Burlington Tax Map Parcel Lines .Proposed Home MProposed Roadway —Town Boundary Slopes > 15% Contours (2') TCE Delineated Wetland OState Significant Wetland Sources: Aerial Imagery by VCGI (2013); VT Significant Wetland by ANR (2015); Contours by VCGI (2017); All other layers by TCE (2017). Disclaimer: The accuracy of information presented is determined by its sources.TCE is not responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist. Questions of on -The -ground location can be resolved by site inspections and/or surveys by a registered surveyor. This map is not a replacement for surveyed information or engineering studies. Ewing Property Cheese Factory Lane Shelburne, VT Site Overview Map Project: 15-187 Prepared By: ALD 10/04/2017 1 inch = 200 feet w d uu o � � e OryOp Q U . a T oWAf OF � hF f tax map no. 4.1.25 Shel. 0340-00030 So Burl. L. WALKER v. 254 p 437 (Shel ) V. 546 P. 154 (So. Burl.) map Slide 223 (Shel ) tax map no 7.1-2 Shel. EWING FAMILY FARM TRUST v. 322 p 754 (Shel.) v 700 p 87 (So. Bud) REMAINING LAND 2 ' 104 ACRES +_ h� k / I tax map no. 0360.00475 002 So Bud N LEDUC. ETAL v 901 Is. 47 (So Burl.) map slide 507 (So- Bud.) I II\ I 3v031 \ I soB\� F I p II I I Z I< I Itax map no. a I o y She . I m I u SAWYER W. LEE LIVING TRUST LINKA R. LEE LIVING TRUST 2.30 Acres I ��I II� 77613� i _ S 83.32'22"W PARCEL TO RE CONVEYED FROM EWING FAMILY FARM TRUST TO LEE LIVING TRUST 711 Acres tax map no 0360-00010 So. Bud. G. ATWEH J. MARCHESSAULT v. 1212 p. 72 (So Burl.) map slide 507 (So. Bud.) a tax map no. � 0360.00020 So. Bud SAWYER W LEE LIVING TRUST LINKA LEE LIVING TRUST v. 1207 p. 15 (So Burl) map slide 213 (So. Bud.) \ 31,00 SQ\o�F /zjs➢ d, u� \r F 3v� tis� may, .rr SHELBURNE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE RECEIVED FOR RECORD AD 201 at O'clock minutes m and recorded in Slide Attest Town Clerk tax map no. 7.1.2 Shel. EWING FAMILY FARM TRUST r 322 p. 754 (ShNJ v 700 Is 97 (So. Burl.) REMAINING NNo 106 ACRES +_ Graphic Scale t0 0 60 120 / LEGEND low aI - L1 LlflE °AIA iA9LE REFERENCE NOTES I THIS PLAT IS BASED ON DEEDS RESEARCHED IN THE TOWN OF SHELBURNE AND THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND RECORDS .AND A CLOSED FIELD TRAVERSE CONDUCTED WITH A TOTAL STATION ON 3/1 ]/16 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON VERMONT STATE PLANE GRID NORTH ESTABLISHED WITH RTK OBSERVATIONS FROM VERMONT COPS STATION VTSA 2 REBARS SET ARE NO 5 REINFORCING BARS WITH ALUMINUM CAPS STAMPED 'TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LS 4W' 3 THIS LOT IS THE SHELBURNE PORTION OF THE LANDS CONVEYED TO THE SAWYER W LEE LIVING TRUST AND THE UHKA R LEE LIVING TRUST IN VOLUME 416 PAGE 716 OF THE SHELBURNE LAND RECORDS AND SHOWN ON A PLAT ENTITLED"SAWYER W AND LINKA R LEEWHICH IS RECORDED IN MAP SLIDE 70 OF THE SHELBURNE LAND RECORDS 4 DISTANCES A RE SHOWN TO THE HUNDREDTH OF A FOOT AND BEARINGS ARE SHOWN TO THE SECOND FOR MATHEMATICAL CLOSURE PURPOSES ONLY 5 AN ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO IDENTIFY OR DELINEATE EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY LEA5E LANDS, SS111111111I/FFr of vpR !per ENCROACHMENTS, EIC OBSERVED IN THE FIELD OR READILY FOUND IN THE LAND RECORDS ADDITIONAL scoTr ^� ENCUMBRANCES MA( EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON ;5 - Tn noR - THI5 PLAT 6 U N DERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED ON rvo 4ae a= ABOVE GROUND STRUCTURES AND PLANS OF RECORD ACTUAL LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND LINES MAY VARY 7 THE LOCATION OF THE TOWN LINE SHOWN ON THI5 PLAT IS rrF111111ll It%%15` BASED ON THE PLAT RECORDED IN MAP SLIDE 70 OF THE SHELBURNE LAND RECORDS AND MAP SLIDE 2130E THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND RECORDS APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SHELBURNE, VI ON THEDAY OF 201— SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID RESOLUTION SIGNED THIS DAY OF 201_ BY CHAIR °al. 4nn6 Subdivision Plat �. I -w SAWYER W. LEE LIVING TRUST Nrvmd., —.1 LINKA R. LEE LIVING TRUST 50T fro»cl Monoger J.° 133 Cheese Factory Lane pp,=v.d L, Shelburne, Vermont F,a,dI er ^mil^^ 1R0 240 e.�a�o,ss Feet y4 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS cm N. 2DI5187 n oe:=nRr.o� o=I. Y nuuiR psR. oo+o I wluislou vssnoet osss sox br us.I www tcsvT con sne.t C-02 CITY OF SOUTH BURLING`ION Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record JOINT OWNERSHIP• JOHN T. FWTNG, 60 deforest Heights, Burlington, VT 05401 864-4424 LINKA R TFF, TG Garflauside Tnhs Shelburne VT 05482 985-850 b. Applicant SAWYER W. LEE & LINKA R. LEE 985-R5n5 ar 658-6190; c. Contact person LINKA & SAWYER LEE 985-8505 or Benjamin F. Schweyer 308 Main St R„rlingtoa 863 2826 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). One lot of 10.3 acres for residence for —Sawyer 'end Linka bee--Approx imately 8 acres in Snu th R„rl i n ornnn -zjA - 2-r2- &Erz26 In Shelburne 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) 4�Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties RED LEDUC, Cheesefactory Road South Burlington 05403 985 2012 RICHARD CHAPMAN, Cheesefactory Lane(Shelburne)Mail to South Burlington 985-2739 ER Hinesburg Road SouthBurlington 05403 658 1823 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. Right of way to property of Nature Conservancy land around Shelburne Pond. 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. NONE 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions: N NONE 8) Submit four copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and cove- nants. 4) Type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. S) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. Sian ui r_) cipp. icant or contact- w•' a..9' ,r i00 r r�a�rlt 700': - 8 HGeES ti a i Ab`r NI+TU p GON5f,8 In ' CNA-MV o oc�GT .. •_ f 1-ACC Z00 y NATUe 'E F W1f•vG scd �ti •- - _�,-�� Kt/ jJ''!/! .��� r, ,�. ',Q:t."\`�:' _�t'ti:�.i�1r�'?ll fll `.i.I:SZ` Sr..l, ' •s •� .' ��(1`�a"•vi�t/��f?'�/f[4- - ��..f\..:���q(�: �\j ;'�.� - s+y-� - � c� �i,�:/�i`�tJ✓i"�:U'4:fYE rw<.�`T �:r, - - .. •r�• ' .'• •- ..y�..1• •�'� -I'-'s .• .(.� r • ! -', ..<< f _�.,'y$.� I �a`':,L 4. 'Sty. `_� `•�j'%:`fi.''�, :�'` f••r .1 71+F� - �r ,� - _ "�{:��'( sa - � -: '.l.•DYk1':%�y.:�.f.TYfYL.16So- :fi�l;-r-�.+►• ' i--.:+: -'✓ �[ r� �/�lfl '�_ °,yi�y. ��n; ,-:, •~�•'?".• y �+ .�T�fr •'^uYY•:Y���.i�,ALI• -i.yl �`• C.*•-. _ \ - .Y •. y_.'Y.i I: - ���M• '��.I���t+�\<`��l••„ -. �. � %� .�y,.; ti• .'�.'i �. •� YJ lyl •- 'r•': _ e r +tjj, •• .. 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' (. • ..\ '4'�� ,�� 1ti'�y. �1,•}E � kl: ;� � � ,�, :4� „!,� :i'►�'�+1� , ti.L. �`-�s•�:j .�jy; tt. _p j .�17{�- (�F 4 I j�••,.\';�rt�%I`Ty�'�;'7� `�- �5..� t'�+t•:S'Y, ;�•'� �'�,-,��`ti.,�r; •�; - _ .'� P. -1- ! �:r ';'i'� � �"•� , R= ;'�, a�� -=ti.:;� t `t !4. = y'�-f.�. 'f�` t.-'. ���°� ;�, 't - - �''::t.' � r,:: •� �• t ...• '•3t:.i }'f ...r. `r-r�d�•��+...'-.+r , '�-'�t � r � �,��'� '� "1 - h •'-. �: r.• .a-� -..x- vfr, RGrR 17-. f+r 4:i �. ••v .J-.... r."t i•t, .l •. '7 .�,�'`t•,r ,r. .r ��✓._i '•%,. `• 'R:F 'n:..i ..i `.iS :i: .... a , SPOKES, lFOLEY & 8TITZEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 239 SOUTH UNION STREET P. 0. BOX 986 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402-0986 RICHARD A. SPOKES (802) 882-6451 JA�S D. FOLEY (802) 863-2857 STEVEN F. STITZEL TELECOPIER: RICHARD F. PETERSON, JR. (802) 863-2859 February 24, 1988 Benjamin F. Schwayer, Esq. i� jLathan, Eastman, Schweyer & Tetzlaff `Y4.0. Box 568 Burlington, VT 05402 keg Property of Ewing and Lee I ' ear Bent ou have asked what procedures must be followed for John Ewing and Linka Lee to subdivide --a 5 acre lot from lands which they presently own in South urlington and Shelburne. I understand that approximately 3 acres of the j 1 roposed lot lies in Shelburne and 2 acres of the proposed lot lies in South -J urlington. f�It is my opinion that the proposed subdivision will require subdivision approval under the applicable regulations of both the Town of Shelburne and the City of South Burlington. I Mould like to outline a couple potential issues that V, see developing during this subdivision review process. t n initial issue is the effect of the municipal boundary line on the property 1 presently owned by Ewing and Lee; specifically, whether this boundary line creates a lawful subdivision of the property into two lots, one of approxi- nately 8 acres in South Burlington and one of approximately 113 acres in Shelburne. If the Ewing/Lee land is viewed as two legal lots, one in Shelburne and one in South Burlington, it is clear that the proposed subdivision cannot be approved by the City of South Burlington because of the prohibition in reduction of lot sizes contained in Section 18.114. The 8 acres presently located in South Burlington already fails to satisfy applicable lot size requirements and would be rendered less conforming by the proposed subdivision Benjamin F. Schweyer, Esq. Latham, Eastman, Schweyer 6 ,etzlaff Page 2 February 24, 1988 Even if the entire $wing/Lee parcel is viewed as a single lot, (a view which I consider appropriate) the South Burlington Planning Commission may have a concern that approval of the proposed subdivision will establish a precedent for extension of the Shelburne 5 acre lot size district into South Burlington 10 acre lot size district. This concern should be resolvable through approp- riate conditions. The second potential issue that arises is one of access. Specifically, while more than half of the proposed lot is located in the Town of Shelburne, the principal access is via roads in the City of South Burlington. The principal concern which this raises is one of school bus service. Again, I don't view this as a major obstacle but I do view it as an issue. Please give me a call once you have had an opportunity to review this letter. Very truly yours, SFSIIjj ccl Pam Pomfret Jane Lafleur Y Steven F. Stitzel I ck V\ S, �,cx L s M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: May 26, 1988 agenda items Date: April 22, 1988 2) SAWYER - LINKA SUBDIVISION, CHEESEFACTORY LANE. 1. Public Street (Cheesefactory Lane) serves these parcels. This street should be shown on the plan. This street dead ends with no turnaround. The subdivision should include land for a adequate turnaround. 3) FRANCO SUBDIVISION, AIRPORT DRIVE 1. Site grading shall be such that the lot drains towards the brook. 2. The parking is inadequate at the very least. There should be a turnaround so that when lot is fell delivery vehicles can turnaround and not have to back out to Airport Parkway. 3. There should be a parking area for boats, trailers, etc. 4) ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1. usually if construction limits are shown it implies full use of that area for construction and the site is cleared. If that is the case here, several trees will be removed. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner,, Re: April 26, 1988 agenda items Date: April 22, 1988 2) LEE PROPERTY,'CHEESEFACTORY LANE This Final Plat application shows the 10.3 acre parcel subdivided from the 121.5 acre property that is primarily located in Shelburne with 8 acres in South Burlington. The new parcel will have 8 acres in South Burlington and 2.3 in Shelburne. The house will be constructed in Shelburne and must meet Shelburne's set back, perc test and water standards. The City Manager requested an easement be given to the City to turn around snow plows. This should be prepared and filed with the City Clerk. There are no problems with this subdivision. The final plat must be recorded within 90 days or this approval is null and void. See Bill Szymanski's comments. 3) FRANCO PROPERTY, KUZINS CONSTRUCTION, 150 AIRPORT PARKWAY Joe Savio of Cousins Construction would like to subdivide the 1.72 acre Franco property into two parcels. The existing house would be on a 16,742 square foot parcel and a 5 unit apartment building would be constructed on the remaining 58,233 square feet (1.34 acres). The area is zoned R4.' Access: The plans show 60 feet of frontage on Airport Parkway. Access is shown from a 24 foot wide private driveway. The 5 unit building and the new house would have access from the private driveway. Circulation: The driveway leads to an eleven car parking lot along the front of the building. See Chief Goddette's comments. Since this is proposed as a private driveway, snow plowing will not be a City responsibility. Parking: Eleven spaces are shown to provide 2 spaces per unit plus 1 extra for guests. Landscaping: A landscaping plan should be shown at Preliminary Plat. Other: The 50 foot conservation zone is maintained from the center of the stream. The driveway will be constructed over the top of the bank which will require some fill. See Bill Szymanski's and Chief Goddette's comments. 1 PLANNER 658-7955 a � City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 April 20, 1988 Sawyer and Linka Lee #J4 Gardenside Terrace Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Re: 2 lot subdivision, Cheesefactory Lane Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lee: Enclosed are the agenda and my memo to the Planning Commission. Also enclosed are Bill Szymanski's comments. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, April 26, 1988 to represent ,your application. JBL/mcp Encls cc: John Ewing Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner PUBLIC HEARING South Burlington Planning Commission The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, April 26, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final plat application of Linka and Sawyer Lee for a two lot subdivision of the 121.5 acre property owned by John Ewing and Linka Lee into a 10.3 acre lot and the balance of the property. The 10.3 acre lot will have 8 acres located in South Burlington and 2.3 in Shelburne. Property is bounded on the north by E. Auclair and Leduc Farms Inc., on the east by E. Auclair, on the west in Shelburne by R. and N. Chapman, Leduc Farms, Inc. and University of Vermont, on the south by J. Ewing and L. Lee and UVM and is located south of Cheese Factory Lane. Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. April 9, 1988 Peter L. Jacob, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission 1 u City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 April 13, 1988 Sawyer & Linka Lee #J4 Gardenside Terrace Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Re: 2 lot subdivision, Cheesefactory Lane Dears Mr. & Mrs. Lee: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are the March 29, 1988 Planning Commission minutes. Please call me if you have any questions. JBL/mcp 1 Encl cc: John Ewing Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner Memorandum - Planning March 25, 1988 Page 2 3) DESARNO, 12 BERARD DRIVE David Desarno proposes to convert the body shop at 12 Berard Drive to a mixed use facility including two of the following uses: wholesale, distribution, retail and industrial. The 2900 square foot building will be divided in half. The second building on site is an 1100 square foot single story building. The 48,600 square foot property is zoned Industrial -Commercial and since this -is a change of use, it requires Planning Commission approval. Access: Access is adequate from existing driveway. Circulation: Is adequate. Parking: The 2900 square foot building will be divided in half. Eight parking spaces are existing. This should be adequate. Landscaping: All landscaping is existing. No new landscaping is proposed or required. Other: See Bill Szymanski's comments. 4) LEE, CHEESE FACTORY LANE Sawyer and Linka Lee propose to subdivide a 10.3 acre parcel from the 121.5 acres of land owned by John Ewing and Linka Lee. Eight acres are in South Burlington and 113.5 total are in Shelburne. The new lot will consist of the 8 acres in South Burlington and 2.3 in Shelburne. The balance of the property is located in Shelburne. Since we require a 10 acre minimum and Shelburne requires 5 all 8 acres in South Burlington will be part of the lot to make it conform to our standards. The house will be located in Shelburne. Access: The 10.3 acre parcel will be served by a 50 foot right- of-way across the Alfred Leduc property at the end of Cheese Factory Lane. Sewer and Water: Sewer and water will be from on -site systems. Other: See Bill Szyymanski's comments. PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 March 25, 1988 Sawyer & Linka Lee #J4 Gardenside Terrace Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Re: Subdivision, Cheese Factory Lane Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lee: Enclosed are the agenda and my memo to the Planning Commission regarding your application. Also enclosed are Bill Szymanski's comments. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, March 29, 1988 to represent your request. JBL/mcp Encls CC: John Ewing Sincerely, Jane B. Lafle r, City Planner M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: March 29, 1988 agenda items Date: March 25, 1988 2) COMMERCIAL BUILDING, AIRPORT ROAD 1. The 18 inch metal drain pipe adjacent to the west property line has been a maintenance problem to the City. We suspect a portion or all of it is rusting out. This pipe should be replaced with concrete or plastic pipe. The City will cooperate with the developer to see that this is done. Because of the depth of the pipe (8' - 101) the corner of the building could be undermined if the pipe is replaced after construction. There is an easement along 'this pipe and should be shown on the plans. The building must be outside of the easement. 2. Plan should include manhole and inlet details. 3) DESARNO, 12 BERARD DRIVE No comments. 4) EWING-LEE SUBDIVISION, CHEESE FACTORY LANE 1. Cheese factory Lane is a City street, the City plows this street. Plows have to turn -around on private property. This has not been a problem however, the City should have something in writing or an easement to do this. 1 FRANK R. 07BRIEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P. O. Box 715 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 (802) 985-85% April 26, 1988 Mr. Sawyer Lee J4 Gardenside Townhouses Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Dear Mr. Lee: This letter is to confirm that our office has conducted soil testing and will be preparing a sanitary design for your proposed house off Cheesefactory Lane in Shelburne and South Burlington. The sanitary design will be in compliance with the Vermont Environmental Protection Rules and should be completed within a few days. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, 3k".�C. P, 0 (�� Frank R. O'Brien, PE NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING SHELBURNE PLANNING COMMISSION Pursuant to Title 24, Vermont Statutes Annotated, Chapter 117, Section 4414 and of the Shelburne Subdivision Regulations, the Shelburne Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on THUR1= SDAY MAY 12 1988 at 7 : 30 p.m. in the Shelburne Town Office Building to hear the following requests: FINAL PLAN - LEE 2 LOT SUBDIVISION Linka and Sawyer Lee are proposing to create a two lot subdivision on approximately 125 acres of land. The smaller lot is to consist of 10.3 acres (consisting of 8 acres in South Burlington and - 2.3 acres in Shelburne). The second lot shall consist of approx- imately 115 acres predominately located within Shelburne. Property is located south of Cheesefactory Road in the Agricultural I Zoning District. . PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT REGARDING SCHOOLS The following wording has been proposed for Sections 510.2, 620.4, 720.4, 810.5, 910.4 �tnd 1010.9 in'the Zoning Bylaws which currently allow for "Public Schools" with the exception of section 910.4 which reads "Public School, private schools and other educational institutions certified by the Vermont j Department; of Education": �f "Public and private schools certified by the Vermont Department of Education and other educational institutions certified by the Vermunt Department of Education." Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the Shelburne Town Office Building. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 May 9, 1988 Sawyer and Linka Lee #J4, Gardenside Terrace Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Re: 2 lot subdivision, Cheesefactory Lane Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lee: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are the minutes of the April 26, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Please be sure to record the Final Plat within 90 days of the approval date or this approval is null and void. Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner JBL/mcp 1 Encl cc: John Ewing ®MM M south PLANNING & ZONING February 2, 2009 Mildred Auclair 1650 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mrs. Auclair, Enclosed are the documents from our files regarding permit #SD-09-03, which was withdrawn on January 26, 2009. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning and Zoning Assistant Enc. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802 846 4106 fax 802 846-4101 www sburl com 11 January 26, 2009 South Burlington Planning and Zoning Attn: Ray Belair 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mr. Ray Belair, This letter is to request withdrawal of application # SD-09-03 of Bernard & Linda Hemond for a two (2) lot subdivision on my property on Cheesefactory Road. Sincerely, Ernest Auclair CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 Permit Number SD- APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #)_ Cu-.,o� d„ o.1/7.:►r rL,STi Ailn,-,.S�ura Rd Sa, Rrirli na�rn V/T U 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) \10I 171 pa 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) &IOACGYc. + h� I I y� Rvwr Cuve fed IA) l i'►s� �l� S�yS 80�- ?'7f' 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) NONE 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) RPrnard rAhA 1 indc-- W emonj 14H 12iVcr 640C- Contact email address 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (incl 0 ption and size of each separate use) b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Sin A� ) j 1 q1AJeh c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Iv6 NE d) Proposed height of building (if applicable) NJA e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) f) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) 9) LOT COVERAGE AIJA a) Building: Existing % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed % 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) / oIVF- 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) NO/VE 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERT S & MAILING ADDRESSES (this maybe provided on a separate attached sheet) a 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE VpOn arri Vc4i 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I 1" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A sketch subdivision application fee is $125. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OP PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: C° I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: Complete ❑ Incomplete 11.1 lAld of Planniig& Zoning or Designee Town of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Board 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Conservation Plan for Southwest Quadrant off Cheese Factory Road South Burlington, VT The plan for the approximately 80 acres on Cheese Factory Road, owned by Ernest Auclair and referred to as the southwest quadrant, is to allow one building lot of approximately 3.5 acres for the Hemonds and the remaining acreage will continue to be farmland for producing hay crops as feed for cattle/horses. Respectfully Submitted, Ernest Auclair T.AL 0.760-OWaa M LEDUC if fv '44 T.M. ONW-01731 E. AUCLNR T.M. OWO-01731 E. AUCLAfR LOr T.N. E. * 0660-0170.7 Um T.M. QHO-00020 O S. ! L LEE A. e u T.AL 7-1-2 + r MI/O FARM TRUST APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELCPNENT RENEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINOTON, VT, ON THE — DAY OF — 7 200— SUB.VCT TO 114E REQUIREMENTS AND CONDI7WS OF SAID RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS DAY OF j 200— BY CHAIRMAN OR CLERK INS PLAT IS 11ASW ON IW FOLLONINC: 1) DETDS_RElEARCiED IN ;HE CITY OF SOUTH EAIRLNCTON s2)/} aDEm, Mp RtAVVW CONDUPM NITH-A TOTAL STATI(7N M 4/'Q. EEAMNGS ARE EASED ON MAGNETIC NOR TAKETI ALDNO A LED OF 7rE TRAVERSE, 3) SET ARE N0. S O BARS NI1H CAPS STAMPED 'TRl/DELL SILTING EN LS IS A PORTION of THE LAN05 CONVEYED ro EMJEST. ACRIAIR M Vp.UAIE 171 PA 4Pf AND UEO. I E) DISTANCES ARE SHOW TO THE HU)OMTH OF A FOOT AND EEARNOS ARE SHDNN ro I E SECOND FUR MATHOWICAL CLOSIUE PURPOSES ONLY. R) AN ATTEMPT HAS WN MADE TO IDENTIFY OR OELAEATE EASEMENT, RNTHT OF WAY, LEASE LANDS, DMIACHMENIS. ETC 0111" D N m FELD OR READILY FOIMD M THE LAND RECORDS AWRONAL ENCIL&WANCES MAY ETMST NFMCH ARE NOT SHONN ON THIS PLAr. 7) *IM FACTORY ROAD 6 AS"%T&TBE i IFODS MUR'.. ON MM'OItNA77p11N 7HE'S USi1NC AND RIGNT OF WAY BOOK N THE OTY afKS OFFICE. GapMc Scab Feet SD 0 50 JOO 150 200 16 ae m— I I E.r w.1 1-1-7 PROJECT LOCATION SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RECEIVED FOR RECORD A.D. 200_ at O'dock minutes _ m and recorded In Yap SRda Attest, CRy Clark o REam ( Tow SET) 01, RmAR ( FOUND ) SubdivIslon Plat 4k WNAWN" 2107016-40 OIL mT ERNEST AUCLAIR �„�. me ,ems * Wtt4 * Cheese Factory Road ` 4 South Burlington, Vt. OM �^'�° ' -� s nil TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS (TCE) I lips,`" 2" o. Tor a» art r.t aw r. 0, s.. ass Wert.. v...AA a"" pox) aTwM AppWnd