HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/16/1984CITY COUNCIL (ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING) MAY 16, 1984 The South Burlington City Council held an organizational meeting on Wednesday, May 16, 1984 at 5:15 PM in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, Leona Lansing, William Peters, George Mona. Others Present William Szymanski, Margaret Picard, Richard Ward, Robert Chittenden, June Mona, Joel Mona, Jim Cheng, Free Press; Betty Bailey. City Manager William Szymanski chaired the meeting and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Administration of the Oath of Office City Clerk Margaret Picard administered the Oath of Office to Michael D. Flaherty for the three-year term and to George J. Mona for the two-year term on the City Council. Election of Officers Mr. Szymanski said the chair was open for nominations for Chairman of the South Burlington City Council. Mr. Flaherty nominated Paul Farrar for Chairman and Mr. Mona seconded . Ms. Lansing nominated Mr. Flaherty, who had to decline . Mr. Farrar was unanimously elected Chairman of the City Council. Mr. Szymanski said the chair was open for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Farrar nominated Mr. Flaherty and Ms. Lansing seconded . There being no other nominations Mr. Flaherty was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman. Mr. Szymanski then said that the chair was open for nominations for Clerk. Mr. Flaherty said that it had been the custom that the newest elected member be the Clerk. He then nominated Mr. Mona for Clerk, Ms. Lansing seconded . There being no other nominations Mr. Mona was unanimously elected Clerk. Set Time and Place for Regular Meetings Ms. Lansing moved to set the Regular meetings for the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 PM throughout the year. Mr. Farrar seconded the motion and all voted favorably . Appointments to be made by the majority vote of the Council under Chapter 3, Sec. 301 (2) of the City Charter. Mr. Szymanski said the following appointments were to be made: City Treasurer and Trustee of Public Funds, City Attorneys, Grand Juror and City Agent, Zoning Administrative Officer, First Constable and three Second Constables. After some discussion of clarification of these appointments, Mr. Farrar made the motion to accept the appointments as presented (see attached list) and to confirm the previous appointment of the Auditors by the City Council on January 16, 1984 to audit fiscal year 1983-84. Mr. Flaherty seconded and the motion was accepted unanimously. Tax Reappraisal Discussion Mr. Flaherty mentioned the fact that the letter that had gone out to property owners with the reappraisal notices was confusing. He felt that a letter with more explanation should go out to all property owners and that an article be published in the Other Paper explaining how a property owner could figure his taxes. Also a booklet such as was sent to owners in 1971, be sent to all property and commercial owners showing the previous appraisal and the new appraisal for each property in South Burlington. Mr. Flaherty made the motion that Mr. Farrar and Mr. Szymanski draft a letter to be sent to all Taxpayers on how the tax rate is arrived at, Ms. Lansing seconded, all were in favor . Mr. Mona made the motion that a booklet be sent out to all residential and commercial owners showing the 1971 appraisal and the 1984 appraisal on each property. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Farrar brought up the subject on extending the Grievance Hearings, which in the State Statutes say have to be set within fifteen days of the receipt of the reappraisal notice. Mr. Szymanski said that he would have the City Attorney look into this. Mr. Mona requested that the City Representatives each receive a set of all City Council Minutes. Mr. Szymanski said this would be done. There being no other business, Mr. Flaherty made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Mona seconded. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM. Clerk: Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. a TO: MEMORANDUM ---------- South Burlington City Council FROM: William J. Szymanski, City Manager RE : City Council Appointments (Organizational Meeting) DATE: May 16, 1984 (Wednesday, 5:15 PM) The following is a listing of the appointments that are to be made at the Organizational Meeting each year. These appointments are made in conformance with the City Charter, Chapter 3, Sec. 301 (2). 1983-1984 (one year appointments) City Treasurer & Trustee of Public Funds ........... Margaret A. Picard Margaret A. Picard City Attorneys ..... The Law Firm of Spokes, Foley & Stitzel Law Firm of Spokes, Foley & Stitzel, Attorneys Grand Juror & City Agent ......... William J. Szymanski William J. Szymanski Zoning Administrative Officer ............... Richard Ward Richard Ward Auditors .......... Sullivan, Powers Sullivan, Powers & Co. Auditors re- & Co. appointed 12/6/82 to audit appointed by Council 1/16/84 to fiscal year 1982-83 audit fiscal year 1983-84 First Constable....Donald Lavalette Donald Lavalette Second Constables....Norman Airoldi Albert Francis, Daniel Wright Norman AirolditDaniel Wright, Rod (Albert Frances resigned Jan.'84) Wheelock Rod Wheelock willing to take 84-85 appointment) Respectfully submitted,,. William .i-Jsw City Manager