HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-85-0000 - Supplemental - 0057 Swift StreetNo Text Wte Appl ication Completed and Received By ------ ----- -- By -- CITY OF SOUTH BURLING'IUN APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVILIV 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF: (a) Owner of Record navicl r,_ .7n1)z 57 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Fib - 783 (b) Applicant Mark P. Stephens 17 Twin Oaks, South Burlington, VT 05401 865409 (c) Contact Person Mark P- StPnhPns / RohPrt Fol P�Z 862-271 1 PROJECT • ADDRESS: 3) PROPOSED USE(S) : Office for Arnold Bakery Distributorship. 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e., # of units, floor area, etc.) nffir-P nn first flnnr of present structure. Buyer _intends to live on property. —` No changes are necessary to the present building 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) me_Mark fit P phcns 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildings (h) Landscaping ---$ 2 5D­ 0 0 (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) Remove present_ hedge_____ ---by -dries,—widen--present dr-isr-e-wa-y--fjz-(m 1 0`feet _to-2-Q—f.eat,------- 7) ESTIMA'rH) r'RC)jF;LT COh1PLE�'ION DA'PE: 3- -days-aft Pr a. -Proy�d by city. Fi) H'STIMA'rF.D AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out)----- 9) PEAK HOUR (S) OF OPERATION N n n �, — —_ 10) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION -Openn- 5--days­-_a-sze-ek__,.-T DATF SIGNATURE OF APPr.ICAN February 7, 1985 Mark P. Stephens 17 Twin Oaks South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mark: Enclosed please find your copy of Findings of Fact. If you have any questions please call me. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg January 25, 1985 Mark P. Stephens 17 Twin Oaks South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mark: Enclosed are the minutes from the Planning Commission meeting. I will send you the Findings of Fact under separate cover. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Robert Foley January 18, 1985 Rpbert Foley 36 Swift. Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Bob: Enclosed is the agenda fro the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, January 22, 1985. Also enclosed is a copy of my memo to the Commission. Please be sure someone is present to represent your application. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 2 Encls cc: Mark P. Stephens 2. PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 22. 1985 Consider site plan application of Mark P. Stephens for conversion of buildin to office space for Arnold Bakery Distributorship. 57 Swift Street Mr. Stephens said he would remove the existing hedge along the drive and put in white pines instead. He will also widen the drive to 20'. Parking spaces for 4 cars will be put in. Mr. Stephens will work downstairs in the building and live upstairs. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Mark P. Stephens for the conversion of a building at 57 Swift Street to office space for Arnold Bakery Distributorship, as shown on a plan entitled "Site Plan, David Joly Property, 57 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont" as prepared by John Stephens, dated 1/18/85 with the following stipulations: 1. Landscaping shall be completed as shown on the plan. The applicant shall post a $100 bond conditional on completing the landscaping. 2. The warehousing operation is restricted to a one-man operation and to 3-4 a.m. 5 days per week for delivery, and to leave the property by 5:00 1 m. 5 days per week. 3. The modifications shown on the site plan be accomplished by July 1, 1985. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and all voted aye. Continue public hearing on Cardinal Woods Extension Ms. Bechtel said the application was not ready yet. Mrs. Maher moved to continue the public hearing at the request of the applicant, until the next regularly scheduled meeting, February 12, 1985, at City Hall, at 7:30 pm. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Continue public hearing of Butler Farms Subdivision. Hinesburg Road The Commission read the City Manager's 1/22/85 memo on this application. Mr. Cobb, speaking for the developer, said that the problem had not surfaced until last Friday and that his engineer, Mr. Tyler Hart, had had some discussions with the City Manager. He felt there were some alternatives here and that something could be worked out. If in the future, sewerage runs north from this area, it would have to cross other properties and eventually end up in the Kennedy Drive system. Mr. Cobb mentioned that perhaps sewer could go through the Mitel/Semicon force main for now, and in the future it could be changed to go north across Vermont Structural Steel and landowners north of that. Mr. Poger asked who would pay for such a change at a later date. It was noted that there had been some discussion about spreading some open space throughout the development, for small play areas for children, and to break up the grid. Mr. Cobb expressed concern about obtaining approval from the State under criterion 9B of Act 250, if they did not have a large open space area left. He asked whether the city would want this land deeded to them. Mr. Poger said the Commission was thinking about areas that would just be left open, not areas for formal recreation. It was suggested that they be deeded to the homeowner's association after one is formed. Several pairs of lots were mentioned (39 and 41, 67 and 68, 131 and 146, 122 and 108, 1/18/85 JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That the Planning Commission approve the Site Plan application of Mark P. Stephens for the conversion of"building at 57 Swift Street to office space for Arnold Bakery Distributorship, as shown on a plan entitled "Site Plan, David Joly Property, 57 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont" as prepared by _�-�C��'�L`� _ dated 1/18/85 with the following stipulations: 1) Landscaping shall ,be completed as shown on the plan. 2) The warehousing operation is restricted to a one-man operation and to 3-4 A.M. 5 days per week for delivery, and to leave the property by 5:00 A.M. 5 days per week. Memorandum January 22 Agenda items January 18, 1985 Page 2 Future Streets and sewer connections: Sewer stubs have been in- cluded at all future streets. Streets have been named Butler Drive, Worcester Street, Adirondack Street, Mansfield Street, and Marcy Street. Intersection Improvements: The formula and fee is for future, necessary improvements to the Hinesburg Road Kennedy Drive intersection. will review this witn the applicants engineer. Other: See Bill Szymanski's memo, especially regarding sewer pro- visions. 4) FARRELL, SHELBURNE ROAD This Final Plat application has no changes since the preliminary plan approved'at the last meeting. The subdivision regulations require a 3 step process of all commercial subdivisions. The approval motion will be essentially the same. 5) ARNOLD BAKERY DISTRIBUTORSHIP, 57 SWIFT STREET The applicant proposes to convert a single-family home in the C-1 District to office space for Arnold Bakery Distributorship. The business will operate as a warehousing facility and a zoning variance was obtained for this purpose. The second floor will be used as a residence for the owner. A multiple use permit was also granted by the Zoning Board. Pedestrian and Vehicular Access: The existing 10 foot wide drive- way will be widened to 20 feet. This meets the minimum commercial standard. Circulation: The driveway provides adequate circulation and access to the house and garage. Parking: A parking lot is shown for 4 vehicles. This meets the requirement. Landscaping and Screening: An existing hedge will be removed to build the parking lot. Two White pines will be planted in the front lawn. Other: The business will consist of one delivery to the garage between 3 and 4 A.M., 5 mornings a week. The bakery goods will be reloaded into a bread van that will leave the property by 5:00 A.M..,5 days a week. The first floor will be an office; the second floor will be a residence. There will be no other employees. Two vehicles will be on site, one in the garage and one to the right side of the driveway. No customers will come to the office and no goods will be sold from the office. The ;'oning Board limited it to a one-man operation, and restricted it to the hours stated above. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The South Burlington Zoning Board of Monday, January 14, 1985 at 5200 P.M. 575 Dorset Street Members Present JANUARY 14, 1985 Adjustment held a regular meeting on in the City Hall, Conference Room, Fred Blais, Chairman; James McClary, .John Dinklage, ,Tames Thibault, Daniel King Members Absent Alex Guyette, Donald Graf Others Present Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Ron Bouchard, Bob Foly, David L. Joly, Mark Stephens, Joyce Collette, Richard Collette, Sarah Pappas, Nicholas Pappas, David Spitz No. 1 Appeal of David Joly and Mark Stephens Appeal of David Joly and Mark Stephens seeking a variance from Section 11.10 Permitted uses and Section 19.65 Multiple uses, request is for permission to occupy an existing dwelling unit as an office and dwelling and an existing garage as a storage distribution facility on a lot containing 15,000 square feet, at 57 Swift Street. Mr. Ward stated the area is zoned C-1. The storage -distribution facility proposed for the garage is not permitted in that area. The existing structure is now a single family dwelling which is not proposed for that area. The proposed is for Mr. Stephens who owns the Arnold Bakery Distributorship, to use the garage for storage and part of the house for office space and reside in the balance of the house. The structure is a two story unit 22' x 24' in size and the garage is 20' x 22'. As far as site improvement there will be some landscaping changes and the driveway enlarged to accomodate a tractor -trailer. Mr. Stephens said he. -felt this conforms to the neighborhood as all the uses around him wer*—Icommercial. He stated this would not create traffic because there would only be one delivery a day at 3:00 to 4400 A.M. five days a week. There would be no long term storage. The products are distributed daily and nothing is returned to the garage. Mr. Dinklage made the motions is passed it be stipulated that the business be restricted to that designated in the Memo to the Board dated December 14, 1984 by Mark Stephens. And that only used for the business owned and operated by Mr. Stephens and not transferable to another owner accept for the same use. This was seconded by Mr. Thibault. All were in favor. The appeal was granted on a unanimous vote. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 14, 1985 No 2 Appeal of Nicholas and Sarah Pappas Appeal of Nicholas and Sarah Pappas and Peter Val Preda seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements, request is for permission to subdivide a parcel of land into (2) lots containing 31.250 square feet with one hundred twenty-five (125) feet frontage at 1090 Shelburne Road and 43,500 square feet with one hundred seventy (170) feet frontage at 1080 Shelburne Road. Mr. Ward stated the area is zoned C-1. The proposed is to devide the land into two lots averaging 43,500 saure feet involving Clausen's South and their building. There would be an exchange of land between Peter Val Preda and the Pappases for a new access to Orchard School. The City would then convey Hough Street to Peter Val Preda of which Pappas would gain a 50 foot strip from Mr. Val Preda. The two lots would be nonconforming. David Spitz speaking for Mr. and Mrs. Pappas said this would make the land better marketable as the Pappas restaurant is closed and they would like to sell. It was pointed out that the City Council and School Board of accepted the proposed and it was before the planning commission. Mr. and Mrs. Collette who are the adjoining neighbors voiced concern over whether or not the proper screening would be used. They preferred a solid fence rather than shrubbery. Mr. Dinklage made a motion if passed it be stipulated that a satisfactory screen between between the Collettes and the street be worked out by the Planning Commission. Mr. McClary seconded the motion. All were in favor. The appeal was granted on a unanimous vote. Mr. McClary made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 17, 1984 meeting. Mr. King seconded the Motion. All were in favor. Mr. King made the motion to adjourn. were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 500 P.M. Mr. McClary seconded the motion. All Clerk December 14, 1984 I am seeking permission to use the property knowias, 57 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont, for my Arnold Bakery Distributorship. The use of the property would consist of one delivery to the floor of the garage, between the hours of 3:00 and 4:00 A.M. five mornings a week. I will be reloading these bakery goods into my bread van and leaving the property by 5:00 A.M., five days a week. I will use the first floor of the house for my office, and I will live upstairs. I will need to widen the driveway from the existing 10 foot width, to a width of 20 feet. I will replace the existing hedge with two #3 caliber white pine trees. I have no employees, and do not foresee hiring any. I have two vehicles, one will be in the garage, the other will be parked to the right side of the driveway. I have no customers coming to my office. No bakery goods will be sold from this office.