HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0105 Central AvenueDEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 FEBRUARY 2007 Board members were comfortable waiting for a motion. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Final Plat Application #SD-06-103 until 20 February. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-107 of Joseph & Susan Mack to amend a previously approved four lot subdivision. The amendment consists of modifying the location of the driveway, the sewer pump station, and the stormwater detention area on lot #4, Westview Drive: Mr. Belair distributed a report from Heindel & Noyes, stormwater consultants. They approve the proposal with a condition that is included in the draft motion. Mr. Mack questioned having to file a mylar. Mr. Belair said if a mylar isn't filed, the applicant can run the risk of a title issue down the road. Mr. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-06-107 of Joseph & Susan Mack subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed- -ublic Hearing: Variance Application #VR-06-02 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflish for re -approval of a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to the north side of the property line thereby projecting five feet into the setback requirement, 107 Central Avenue: and 6. Miscellaneous Application #MS-06-12 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for re -approval to install an erosion control measure (retaining wall along shoreline) and steps to a new terrace, 107 Central Avenue: and 7. Public Hearing: Variance Application #VR-06-103 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for re -approval of a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to either side property line thereby projecting five feet into each setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue: and 8. Miscellaneous application #MS-06-13 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for re -approval to install an erosion control measure (retaining wall along shoreline) and steps to a new terrace, 105 Central Avenue: Mr. Dinklage noted these applications had been previously approved. It was necessary for the lake to be frozen for the work to be done, and that did not happen within the 6- month life of the variance, so reapproval is needed. -2- )DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 FEBRUARY 2007 Ms. Quimby moved to approve Variance Application #VR-06-02, Miscellaneous Application #MS-06-12, Variance Application #VR-06-02, and Miscellaneous Application #MS-06-13 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch subject to the stipulations in the draft motions. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sketch Plan Application #SD-07-05 of Antonio B. Pomerleau, LLC, to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of a 76,630 sq. ft. shopping center, drive through bank, and a 106-room hotel. The amendment consists of subdividing the property into two lots, Williston Road & Hinesburg Road: Mr. Pomerleau said this project was before the Board many years ago. The current application is the result of a change of ownership of Comfort Inn. The total property will still remain a PUD. The shared parking arrangement will still remain. Members had not objections. 10. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-07-06 and Final Plat Application #SD-07-07 of - Antonio -P-omerleau,-LLC, to amend-a-pr-ev-iously - approved planned unit development consisting of a 76,630 sq. ft. shopping center, drive through bank, and a 106 room hotel. The amendment consists of subdividing the property into two lots, Williston Road & Hinesburg Road: Mr. Pomerleau said everything that now exists will continue to exist. There is just a transfer of ownership of the Comfort Inn. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-07-06 and Final Plat Application 4SD-07-07 of Antonio Pomerleau, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-07-03 of Homestead Design, Inc., to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of 89 multi -family units in 24 buildings. The amendment consists of replacing a six -unit multi -family building with three 2-family dwellings, Songbird Road: Mr. Blais attested that they will building what they have shown. Mr. Belair said the new street, Kingfisher Court, has to be on the plan with a 911 address. Mr. Hausner said the previously proposed buildings were too massive. Now there is more space between the buildings. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-07-03 of Homestead Design, Inc., subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. -3- SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 March 7, 2007 Steve Caflisch 105 Central Avenue South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: DRB Minutes - Retaining Wall Dear Mr. Caflisch: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved minutes from the February 6, 2007 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, I Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 February 7, 2007 Steve Caflisch 8116 Kerry Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Re: 105 & 107 Central Avenue Dear Mr. Caflisch: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project a pproved by the Development Review Board on February 61 2007. Please note the conditions of approval including that you obtain a contact me. zoning permit within six (6) monthy questions, please Sincerely, — ?Y-- � � "I k Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 24, 2007 John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch 8116 Kerry Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Re: Retaining Wall Re -Approval Dear Mr. & Mrs. Caflisch: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on February 6, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, _�C- Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. No Text CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PROJECT DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch, hereinafter referred to as the applicants, are seeking a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to either side property line thereby projecting five (5) feet into each setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue. The proposal received approval on January 3, 2006 but has since expired since no zoning permit was issued as the conditions required to install the retaining wall have not been favorable- the lake must freeze to access the location. This is of no fault of the applicant. No issues were raised at the previous hearing. M6 Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Raymond Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans and have the following comments: VARIANCE REVIEW STANDARDS Title 24, Section 4468 of the Vermont Municipal and Regional Planning and Development Act establishes the following review standards for all variance requests: On an appeal under section 4464 or section 4471 of this title wherein a variance from the provisions of a zoning regulation is requested for a structure that is not primarily a renewable energy resource structure, the board of adjustment or the development review board, or the environmental court created under 4 V.S.A. chapter 27 shall grant variances, and render a decision in favor of the appellant, if all the following facts are found and the finding is specified in its decision. (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to the particular property, and that unnecessary hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulation in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located. The unique physical condition present is the unique topography along the Lake Champlain shoreline which is being eroded. (2) That because of such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulation and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable the reasonable use of the property. Because of the unique physical circumstance described above, which is also present on the adjacent property to the north, it is not possible to interrupt the retaining wall along the shoreline to meet the five (5) foot side setback requirement. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING (3) That the unnecessary hardship has not been created by the appellant. The Lake Champlain shoreline, creating the unnecessary hardship, was not created by the applicant. (4) That the variance, if authorized, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, reduce access to renewable energy resources, nor be detrimental to the public welfare. Staff does not feel that the variance, if authorized, would alter the essential character of the neighborhood, nor would it permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, reduce access to renewable energy resources, or be detrimental to public welfare, since there are other similar retaining walls along the Lake Champlain shoreline in the vicinity. (5) That the variance, if authorized, will represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least deviation possible from the zoning regulation and from the plan. The authorization of the variance will represent the minimum variance that will allow the retaining wall to continue uninterrupted from the north boundary to the south boundary. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Variance application #VR-06-03, as all five of the above criteria are met. Respectfully submitted, Cathy n LaRose, Associate Planner Copy to: Steve & Elizabeth Caflisch No Text CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch, hereafter referred to as the applicants, are seeking miscellaneous approval to construct an erosion control measure (retaining wall along shoreline), 105 Central Avenue This application is being reviewed under Conditional Use criteria and Section 12.01(1)(3) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The proposal received approval on January 3, 2006 but has since expired as no zoning permit was issued because the conditions required to install the retaining wall have not been favorable - the lake must freeze to access the location. This is of no fault of the applicant. No issues were raised at the previous hearing. Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on December 12, 2005 and have the following comments. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 14.10(E) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Staff does not feel that the proposed project is in conflict with the planned character of the area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. According to Section 4.08(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Queen City Park district is designed to promote the area's historic development pattern of smaller lots and minimal setbacks. The district encourages the conversion of seasonal homes to year round residences. The proposed retaining wall will not affect the stated purpose of the Queen City Park Zoning District. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. Staff feels that the proposal does not adversely affect municipal or educational facilities. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 41 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. Staff feels that the proposal does not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposed addition will not affect traffic in the vicinity. (d) Bylaws in Effect If the variance request is approved, the proposed retaining wall will be in compliance with this criterion. The proposed retaining wall shall also adhere to Section 12(D)(3) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, governing water -oriented development. (a) The improvement involves, to the greatest extent possible, the use of natural materials such as wood and stone. The applicant has proposed a retaining wall composed of natural stone rip -rap. (b) The improvement will not increase the potential for erosion. Staff feels that, when construction is complete, the proposed retaining wall will actually deter erosion better than the existing retaining wall. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and his comments are available in a memorandum dated December 29, 2005 (attached). Those comments have since been taken care of and no action is necessary on the part of the applicant. (c) The improvement will not have an undue adverse impact on the aesthetic integrity of the lakeshore. The proposed retaining wall is more aesthetically pleasing than the existing retaining wall. (d) A landscaping plan showing plans to preserve, maintain, and supplement existing trees and ground cover vegetation is submitted and the DRB finds that the overall plan will provide a visual and vegetative buffer for the lake. A landscaping plan was submitted and reviewed by the City Arborist, who had no comments. Pursuant to Section 3.13(F) of the Land Development Regulations the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: The Development Review Board in granting conditional use approval may impose conditions of the following: a) Size and construction of structures, quantities of materials, storage locations, handling of materials, and hours of operations. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD b) Warning systems, fire controls, and other safeguards. c) Provision for continuous monitoring and reporting. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING d) Other restrictions as may be necessary to protect public health and safety. Staff does not feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions on the proposed project. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Miscellaneous application #MS- 06-13. Respectfully submitted, �' rl-i' a &Z" �. A ) zz::e� Cathyon LaRose, Associate Planner Copy to: John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch, applicants Permit # . U k - 66 4-- APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD AM udar nation ragwded on tick application must be cortoptetsd in M. Failure to provide fh e requested inmlormabon either on this application form or on the slime plan WIN result in your application being aleclsd and a delay in the review before the Dsvdopment Review Board, w deratand the presentation procedures squired by State Law (Section 41dd of the Planmmimg & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a mnonth. That a legal advertisement must appear a m inknum of MAesn (15) days prior to the hearing. 1 agree So pay a hearing be which is to off-est the cost of the how". Type of applicetl (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Adrnwftbative 011loer (includes appeels from Notice of Violation ( ) Request for a conditional use (vYRaquest for a variance ()Other PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) DWNER OF RECORD as shown on deed, msftV address, phone & fax M: 1 i a. "A k. M. C kF J; i - e V C L A--v C►.,lf it . tM A 1.Orr/ (1— kA, 11 P V%dVa- '�k fni— WN— A A'cP f F wx 3 c1 r— ipSY— ?t 7 o Z) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & peps 0) 3) APPLICANT (name, maiMng address, phone and fax #) CQflii%A,, —o4 c�JP4^ 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff consepondence. Include narrls, mailirp address, prone & fax 0 if different from above): p, C nX�'1 r_ % L — -A . h R ., t L,, 'I 1! S) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: ) 0,r )9'V i 8) TAX PARCEL ID t: 0 3 3 O— 0 010 S 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Existing Uses on Properly (irx x*V demor"on and size of each separate B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildups & exis*V buNdup to remain): D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed b and existing buildups to remein, specNy if basernert a rnazzanuls): E. Number of rosidartial Units (if applicable, new units & eo aft units to remain): 0 y, F. Number of arnployess S company vehicles (existlng & proposed, note office vs. nor"Wics employees): AI A G. Other Q* arty other Wdbnnabon pertinent to this application not spscftaNy ad above, please note if ova* dWels are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size: 0 Sq. Ft. 13. Buildips: / a = 0 Sq. Ft Sq. Ft. C. Overall impervious coversge (building, peridng, outside storage, etc) Existing ___2J6._% / Sq. Ft. Mj ►„,N v-uduw•l Proposed 96 / 0 Sq. Ft. �� J D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: _T 01 Sq. Ft. " • Projecta disturbing more than orwhatf we of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Rand Development Regulations. Projects di kA*ig more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conaervation. A. Building (including interior renovations): $ B. Land aping i h o O C. Other sits i 1"Wvrr1pents (Please list with cost): t ^^ j'� U u n Tw r.� v- lDl)•�"47 u n. 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average daisy traffic for entire property (in and out): B. A. M. Peek hour for entire property (in and out): C. P.M. Pak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE_ 1a �� 14) UST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and sdd , of allabutting property owners, including time across any street or right -of -ray. You may use a separate sheet of paper ff necessary): !�vb-ert•t- Sty 6rvF4Fi, % T? Ce-I+Wvi,i 14v��%Ac ►�1 i C� c,�s� f�,.rn -cr-� /'1 M,,� Jae t 11 11 C L-1-A-rua X) --., ev- Pov- I CLk 1 0 4 C41,J-1K.l 14V-t-eve Sil r,m , B3 LhOL-r a- I 0 e Ce�4-,rw ( ►4vehKe F� Koz r- 4 k i I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. IGNATURE CAP APPLICANT SIGNATURE &F PROPERTY OWNER G .. . l4, Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: P �" REVIEW AUTHORITY: �elopment Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this application and find it to be: /COMPLETE ❑ Incomplete 0 "Porlffi Of Planning & Zoning or Designee Permit #- APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Administrative Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation ( ) Request for a conditional use () Request for a variance ("Other vtt.} b r r k 4 i4�,�•.i�►.mot PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) OWNER OF RECORD c11V as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): Vh . C kF I i r c l., c1' ► iy k-�vy 1.c�„ e - F c x 3 ct 1— .&,5-q— 9/ 7 o 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) 3) API ,ANT (name, mailing address, phone and fax #) I .c Q " — at L. b v v-,- 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax # if different from above): cr CDFAr_, \, h ^ ca aL b 6 j I-- A- tiv eT�� '9 Aat" 2 Va- r_D 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: l cjS— C rah (y 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: C 3 3 0 — (3014,7 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): PLA-A-r'jY% r- a.h R %�dq 1 t ,r<-F- a_ ti r.� wul l ,,✓I a i r.-o f Q- Y t-4, r.Z ., i.w,l 1.. ) _ . , l_ 4-tn^eec e . Ttrr0lC P— V J v C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): E. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): Q ►., r- . F. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees):A G. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically uested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size: / / Q t1 Sq. Ft. B. Buildings: Existing %/ PM ?0 Sq. Ft Proposed 1 % / ;1c1 r) 0 Sq. Ft. C. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing —• 7, —% / kjCp 1 J— Sq. Ft. Cl r� � �w duw-1 Proposed % / 31gyr D Sq. Ft. D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: 10 c1 (Dy Sq. Ft. • • Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. A. Building (including interior renovations): $ B. Landscaping $ 4%,J,pt O L C. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): B. A. M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): C. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE rr 1 3.a;5Q 14) LIST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and address of all abutting property owners, including those across any street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): R v JD �c-f •�- S w�. r, G ,. �- n IT Q Ce �►�-rw.l 14ti t� �,. c ►"1rC�c�� (R ; c,1 0.4 P ov- I cz+c S � k m,,, e h cc a- F� 1 o ce Ce-ti�1 14v-���� i t (f Ce,,*r*t I )4vi�--11Ae I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. .5 IGNATURE APPLICANT SIGNATURE F PROPE TY OWNER U � Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: l J 6� REVIEW AUTHORITY: M16velopm;nt Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this application and find it to be: M' COMPLEJE ❑ Incomplete CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 2, 2007 Stephen Caflisch 8116 Kerry Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4812 Re: Public Hearing Date Change — Central Avenue Dear Mr. Caflisch: I regret to inform you that the Burlington Free Press failed to publish the public notice we provided them for a hearing on the above referenced application. Consequently, your application will be rescheduled for a public hearing on February 6, 2007 at 5:30 PM. We are sorry for this delay and should you wish to voice your frustration with this delay, please contact the Free Press Classified section. Sinc I j ay o J. Belair Administrative Officer e, nanGLeS weu in winrer ions, comes w/4 studded :fires, leather interior, new ission. 115 K. Asking only IOBO.802-598-9180. 1 CIVIC '96 Hatch- 2-door, black. $1200. 16-2849. D - HONDA CIVIC 2005 4- nanual, 26 K, 4 new snows ,el wheels & 4 at[ -season m alloys, excellent condi- ,ray metallic. $18,900/060. '9-7400. ;NOW TIRES W/RIMS Four 3gnagrip snow tires w/rims. From Subaru Impreza. JBO.802-598-5267. RMANCE EXAUST Dyno- atalytic converter, Walker mance muffler. New still in 2 3/8 - 2 1/4 pipe. Paid Sell for $90. Jeremy at ;9-6271. E BUY MY TRUCK! 1998 1500 4WD, long -bed w/ auto, A/C, cruise, cassette on!) RUNS GREAT! MUST IMMEDIATELY! $5200/OBO. )07. HEVY PRIZM 2001 Great on 6 K. 5-speed. AC, AM/FM/ r starter. 1 owner. Comes w/ set of Nokia snows. $4250. ma, 802 734-3846. r 1996 INFINITI I30T to sell, below book. 150 K, �d, power everything, well wined, 20 mph in town, set inted Btizzak snows. Asking Call 862-4450. 1 CROSS COUNTRY 2002 ent condition. AWD. Navy Leather interior. Incredible features. Power windows cats. CD/ cassette. Heated AC. Manual and auto trans- n. 53 K. Asking $18,500/ all Dan or Callie, 802-860- ca[Liefortin@hotmail.com. the Water ------------------- Little red sailboat. Sleeps horse outboard, jib, main »n inct. 802-498-4634. 0 120 KAYAK 10' long, large it and storage. Excellent Jon. No scratches. Best of- )2-355-2817. Bands/ Musicians COWGIRL? DO YOU SING AND.. ...play guitar? Bassist/harmony vocalist looking for a pard'ner to cover Patsy, Kitty, Tammy, Cindy Walker... Seeking right match for open-mic and small gigs. Sup- portive, no -pressure, emphasis on fun. Bill, 802-373-4568. DISC JOCKEY AND Classical gui- tarist. Experience and elegance for your wedding and reception. Hann Hill, 802-922-6425. EXPLOSIVE FRIDAY NIGHT DJ Raul is playing at the Green Room, 01- 19, 10 p.m. up. No cover charge. GUITARIST/VOCALIST WANTED Prof., working function band is seeking experienced guitarist/ vocalist to join established rock/ dance band. Please contact Brian at 802-309-1010. JOHNNY AZER, SOLO ARTIST www.myspace.com/johnnyazer, (performed on Kimmel) looking for "David Gitmore/Edge" guitars, "Rick Whiteman" keys and "Geddy Lee" bass to form intense, prog rock, top 40 band. 863-5630. NEW BAND WANTED Formally of PRISM. Lead guitar, lead vocals. 658-6075, 999-1410, Frank. VERSATILE ELECTRIC BASSIST For short/long-term projects, studio sessions, lessons, or just filling in. Can and will dive into just about anything. Live in Mont- pelier. 371-7674. For Sale CASIO CTK - 631 Electric piano w/memory and touch response and Ultra stand. $200/OBO. 802-859-0901. CELLO FOR SALE Full size Doetsch, beautiful instrument. $2500/firm. 802-899-2981. FENDER GUITAR AMP Ask for Steve, 244-8998. HALF -STACK Peavey 5150 head 120 watts, $500. Marshall jcm 900 lead-1960 4x12 cab, $450. Call Jim at 310-9299. r�. W W W.beVC11UdybV L Y111 lcixcx Uti ciassineasj HIGHWAY ONE STRAT Fender lace -sensor pickups. Rosewood fretboard. American made. 3- tone sunburst. Hard case. Mint. $650. 802-279-2004. KEYBOARD AMP (STEREO) Mo- tian sound kp-200s 3D stero amp. Visit www.motian-sound.com for details. Excellent conditon asking $600, over $900 new. Located in Winooski. Call 279-8859 for more info. PEAVEY XXL HEAD AND CAB 100 watt head, 3 channel. Cab is 300 watt 4X12 w/a few small scratch- es. $500, flexible. LoserVideo5@ aol.com, 802-922-3196, leave a message for Chris. TOCA CONGA W/ STAND 11" red Toca Conga w/Gibraltar adjustable conga stand. Some scratches on finish, otherwise plays wonder- fully. $150. 802-343-2579. Instruction ANDY'S MOUNTAIN MUSIC Afford- able and accessible instruction in guitar, banjo, mandolin, kids' les- sons, "Bluegrass 101" workshops and more. References, home vis- its offered! Andy Greene, (802) 658-2462; guitboy75@hotmail. com. www.andysmountainmusic. com DRUM LESSONS Energetic, pro- fessional drummer seeks students of all abilities for drum lessons. About me: 27 yrs. old, 19 yrs. playing experience, Bachelor's Degree in Jazz/Commercial Mu- sic, extensive touring experience in US and Europe. A real working drummer offering a customized curriculum, competitive rates and real results! I'll even come to you, so can learn on your own drums. Refs. avail. Contact steve@ste vehadeka.com or call anytime 802-658-6205. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/classical background offers lessons in guitar, theory, and ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. I enjoy teaching all ages/styles/levels. Rick Belford 864-7195, www.rick belford.com. GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/ levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough mu- sicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kilimanjaro, UVM and Middlebury College Faculty) 862-7696, www. paulasbell.com. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Guitar les- sons structured to your personal goals! Learn what YOU want to Learn. Call Dave Diamond (Grippo Funk Band) at 802-734-2032 for schedule and rates. ars. Puzzles on page 39a. III Ine e I o I i IKI Ie T n r_ c nt n IWM(,101 N I E I R MUSIC LESSONS Piano, trombone, improvisation, theory, composi- tion. All styles welcome - work on whatever music you're into. An- drew Moroz (Trey Anastasio Band, UVM faculty) 802-999-4186, amoroz2220@yahoo.com. PIANO/IMPROV Teaching Artist (Flynn Theater, St. Michael's Col- lege, CCV) - currently accepting limited number of motivated stu- dents for private study. Lessons are highly personal and creative. 279-8859. Studio/ Rehearsal DIAMOND STUDIO RECORDINGS Record and produce your own ma- terial! We specialize in bands/solo perfomers as well as audio AND video podcasts. Call Dave at 802- 734-2032 for rate information. EMP STUDIOS- World class studio, economy class rates. $45/hour evenings. Special low weekend rates too! Check out myspace. com/eganmedia or eganmedia. com. 655-1886. LP TO CD Preserve unique au- dio recordings with a CD custom burned from your LPs, cassettes, reel to reel tapes or 78s. Call Ki- eron Digital Labs, 802-865-3417. Auditions/ Casting ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Pro- ducer looking for new female talent for future productions. 802-862-1377. FEMALE MODELS WANTED for art and fashion projects in Burling- ton. Excellent opportunity for be- ginners, free portfolio. Call Dave at 373-1912, email - dave@daver- ussell.org, Website - http://www. daverussell.org 2. Application #VR-06-02 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for re -approval of a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buf- fers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retain- ing wall (accessory structure) to extend to the north side of the property line thereby projecting five (5) feet into the setback requirement, 107 Central Avenue. 3. Application #VR-06-03 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for re -approval of a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buf- fers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retain- ing wall (accessory structure) to extend to either side property line thereby projecting five (5) feet into each setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue. 4. Final plat application #SD-06- 108 of Pizzagalli Properties, LLC for a planned unit development to construct a 58,400 sq. ft. building consisting of 29,200 sq. ft. of general office use and 29,200 sq. ft. of medical office use, 194 Tilley Drive. 5. Final plat application #SD-07- 03 of Homestead Design, Inc. to amend a previously approved planned unit development consist- ing of 89 multi -family units in 24 buildings. The amendment consists of replacing a six (6) unit multi- family building (Unit A) with three (3) two-family dwellings, Songbird Road. 6. Final plat application #SD-07- 04 of Patrick Malone for a planned unit development consisting of: 1) converting an existing 18,327 sq. ft. building from auto sales & ser- vice to retail food establishment use and 2) constructing a 15,406 sq. ft, gfa addition (including 5,071 sq. ft. of mezzanine space) for retail food establishment use and 1760 sq. ft. of short-order restaurant use for a total GFA of 33,733 sq. ft., 222 Dorset Street. 7. Preliminary plat application #SD-07-06 and final plat ap- plication #SD-07-07 of Antonio B. Pomerleau, LLC to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of a 76,630 sq. ft. shopping center, drive through bank, and a 106 room hotel. The amendment con- sists of subdividing the property into two (2) lots, Williston Road and Hinesburg Road. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. January 17, 2007 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS COMMUNITY BOATHOUSE SNACK BAR AND FUNCTION ROOM MANAGEMENT The City of Burlington Depart- ment of Parks and Recreation is soliciting proposals from interested vendors for a service contract to provide management of the Department's function room at the Community Boathouse, to operate the cafe/snack har it tko Via Express Mail 8116 Kerry Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4812 December 169 2006 Ray Belair, Administrative Officer South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Caflisch and Turner Applications Ray, Enclosed are the variance and water oriented development (miscellaneous) applications for our property, along with the checks for our property and the Turners' property. The Turners' applications will be delivered Monday. All four applications are identical to those approved last January, except we've change the expected completion date to April 2007. I appreciate your offer to combine these with the drawings we submitted last time. Please call me at 310-654-3288 or 202-558-5149 if you have questions. Thanks, Steve Caflisch SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 January 18, 20o6 Steve Caflisch 8116 Kerry Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Re: Minutes — 105/107 Central Avenue Dear Mr. Caflisch: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved minutes from the January 3, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.,� -S Sincerely, x; 1,L'& �- I Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOAR,, J (-r►� JC_.l� 1' 3 JANUARY 2006 The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 3 January 2005, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Dinklage, Chair; L. Kupferman, C. Bolton, G. Quimby, M. Behr, R. Farley. Also Present: R. Belair, Administrative Officer; B. McDonough, J. Caflisch, C. Boyea, F. Essian, B. McDougal; A. Parent, the Other Paper; Channel 17 1. Other Business: Mr. Belair noted that the applicant for Agenda Items #2 and #3 has asked for a continuation to 17 January. Staff has no issue with this. Mr. Kupferman moved to continue Master Plan #MP-05-02 and Preliminary Plat Application #SD-05-92 of South Village Communities to 17 January 2006. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing: Application #VR-05-03 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to either side property line thereby projecting five feet into each setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue: Mr. Dinklage noted this is a very unusual case and one where the applicant appears to meet the 5 criteria for a variance. He asked the applicant what exists there now and what it would be replaced with. Mr. Caflisch said there is now a small stone bare hillside, part of an old foundation (which is crumbling), a small terrace with 2 small retaining walls (an upper one tilting over the lower one). They propose to put riprap along the water edge. Mr. Caflisch showed photos representative of what they would put in. He noted that the neighbors are OK with this as long as the Caflisches pay for it. Ms. Quimby moved the Board approve VR-05-03 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Miscellaneous application #MS-05-12 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for approval to install an erosion control measure (retaining wall along shoreline) and steps to new terrace, 105 Central Avenue: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 3 JANUARY 2006 Mr. Dinklage drew the applicant's attention to the City Engineer's comments. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Miscellaneous Application #MS-05-12 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Public Hearing: Application #VR-05-04 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to the north side of the property line thereby projecting five feet into the setback requirement, 107 Central Avenue: Mr. Dinklage noted the same reasoning applies to this application. Mr. Belair said staff has no issues. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Application #VR-05004 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Miscellaneous application #MS-05-13 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for approval to install an erosion control measure (retaining wall) along shoreline,107 Central Avenue: No issues were raised. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Application #MS-05-13 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Sketch plan application #SD-05-93 of McDonald's Corp to amend a previously approved plan for a 3481 sq. ft. short-order restaurant. Request is for permission to: 1) raze the existing 3481 sq. ft. short-order restaurant building and 2) construct a 3656 sq. ft. short-order restaurant, 1205 Williston Road: Mr. Boyea explained that the property is wholly owned by McDonalds. They propose to take down the existing building and put a new one in its place. The new building would be 175 sq. ft. more in size with the increase located in the back, not in the customer area. The building now seats 108; the new facility would seat 90. -2- CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: (�(� NAME MAILING AnnRFSS Dl?n Icr�- nr IAIT�nnnT 6 R I y da, M b Y Pap��K.'1� �Cls sst / ME5;r 1) ,�, �- CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 4, 2006 Steve Caflisch 4118 Kerry Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Re: 105/107 Central Avenue Retaining Wall Dear Mr. Caflisch: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced projects approved by the Development Review Board on January 3, 2005 (effective 1/3/06). Please note the conditions of approval including that you must apply for a zoning permit within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, I G Obi Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL — 7005 1820 0004 9293 8956 cc: Mike Turner & Mary Jo Reale Holzhuh wa113 jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x960 pixels) - Sca. mailbox:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/Ap... 1 of 1 1/3/2006 4:19 PM P1000751_edited jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x960 pixels) - ... mailbox:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/Ap... 1 ) 1 of 1 1/3/2006 4:24 PM Holzhuh wa112.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280y"T pixels) - Sca.. mailbox:///Cl/Docur-- s%20and%20Settings/Owner/Ap... 1 of 1 1/3/2006 4:22 PM CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 30, 2005 Steve Caflisch 105 Central Avenue South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 105/107 Central Avenue Dear Mr. Caflisch: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2oo6 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 u GSA L�, � December 13, 2005 Michael Turner Mary Jo Reale 110 Central Avenue South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." Please call our office at 846-4106 if you have any questions. Sincerely, I Cl Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Steve & Elizabeth Caflisch AUUM LtUA')5/bU F"I'UFK I KUu r� HOUSECLEANING: Concerned about your health and the envi- ronment? I clean using only nontoxic and environmentally friendly cleaning products. References available and free estimates. Call Kathy at 802- 285-6263 or802-233-1697. PET SITTING. Go to www.pre pawpetcare.com for info. PROFESSIONAL HOUSEKEEP- ING: 18 + years experience. If interested please call -Betsy at 802-734-2870 or email betsy rose46@hotmait.com. RECENTLY RELOCATED CHEF FROM world -class establishment Looking for full-time, long-term employment. Are you looking for someone to change the way your kitchen runs? Please email chef- scottandrew@adelphia.net. SICK OF DOG KENNELS? Leave your pooch at a friendly home while you're away. We'Ll walk, feed, house and Love your,dog in your absence. $15/day. 802- 793-1286. TIDY HOUSES BY T.T. Experienced residential cleaner. Reliable, efficient and honest. Great rates and references. Contact Tanya at 802-655-5071 or email Tbirdvt@verizon.net. TREAT YOURSELF OR A, LOVED ONE to chemical, free house- cleaning at its best. Organizing and more. Respectful and reli- able. Call today. 802-453-7871. ► travel ECUADOR TRIPS: Low-cost, 17 week trips to lively town at edge of the rainforest. Can be tailored to interests like agriculture, environment, education, health- care, etc. Beautiful lodging & weather! Get a taste of daily life, relax, see the area, gain insight into dev. issues. Led by ex -Peace Corps Vol. (and Burlington resident) with tons of connections in the community. For info, call Keith at 877-435- 7592 (rings in Ecuador) or e- mail kparisella@yahoo.com. ► volunteers TRULY MAKE A DIFFERENCE for a child, volunteer! Help par- ents and children learn the skills they need to ctrPnathen_tbam- collector, not for resale. Contact thecatmax@aol.com. ► legals PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Master plan application #MP- 05-02 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a planned unit development con- sisting of: 1) a 334 residential unit traditional neighborhood design to include single family, two (2) family, and multi -family dwellings, 2) a 100 student edu- cational facility, and 3) a com- munity building to support a 35 acre farm. The amendment con- sists of: 1) eliminating two (2) streets, 2) relocating a street to reduce wetland impacts, and 3) revising the lot layout resulting from the street modifications, 1840 Spear Street. 2. Preliminary plat application #SD-05-92 of South Village Communities, LLC to amend a planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 150 resi- dential units and a 100 student education facility, of a 334 resi- dential unit project. 1) The amendment consists of: 1) realigning the connector street to Phase III, and 2) revising the lot layout, 1840 Spear Street. 3. Application #VR-05-03 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch for a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to either side property line thereby pro- jecting five (5) feet into each setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue. 4. Application #VR-05-04 of John Stephen & Elizabeth Caftisch for a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to the north side property line thereby pro- jecting five (5) feet into the setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City HaLL John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board December 14, 2005 the first Tuesday of each month at Vermont Protection and Advocacy, 141 Main St. suite 7 in conference room #2 from 6-8 p.m. Call our helpline at 1-877- 856-1772. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT: St. Albans evening support group meets the second Monday of each month at Northwestern Medical Center, 133 Fairfield Street from 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Call our helpline at 1- 877-856-1772. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT: Bennington day support group meets the first Friday of the month at Second Congregational Church, Hillside Street from 1-2 p.m. Call helpline at 1-877-856-1772. TEEN GIRLS GROUP: 10-week therapy group for teen girls who would like a place to talk. Call RiverValley Associates for more information, 802-651-7520. SOCIAL SKILLS GROUP: Girls 9- 12 years old needing help with social skills/friendship. Please call RiverValley Associates for more information, 802-651-7520. THE WOMEN'S RAPE CRISIS CENTER is offering a free, confi- dential 10-week support group for women who have survived sexual assault. Beginning November 3. Info, 864-0555. OCD SUPPORT GROUP/THERA- PY GROUP: Come share your experience, get support from those who have been there, Learn about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and how to reduce its symptoms. Therapist facilitated. Weekly meetings, 802-343-8114. NW VT GAY AND LESBIAN Foster and Adoptive Parent Support Group: 6-8 p.m. The third Thursday of each month, starting October 20 through May, 2006. Casey Family Services, 46 Main St., Winooski. AUTISM: Free support group for parents and caregivers of chil- dren with ASO. Montpelier, 2nd Sunday of the month, 3-5 p.m. at the Family Center. Call Jessica, 249-7961 for child care inquires. More info, www.aaware.org. BIPOLAR SUPPORT GROUP open to new members. Meets downtown. Our goal is to become healthy and happy. For info, call Gerhard at 951-2543. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MOTH- ERS OF CHILDREN WHO HAVE SURVIVED CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: The Women's Rape Crisis Center in conjunction with Family Connection Center offers a free, confidential, ten -week support group, beginning on October 25. Info, 802-864-0555. PARTNERS OF CHILDHOOD SEX- UAL ABUSE SURVIVORS. Meet 4th Monday of month. R.U.1.2? .ggDttgr, J4 Elmwood Ave.. 6:30-8 MALE SUPPORT GROUP: For men who have survived sexual violence. This group will provide a safe, encouraging space for survivors of sexual assault to share their stories with other men. Offered by the Women's Rape Crisis Center. Info, 802- 864-0555 or the 24-hour hot- line, 802-863-1236. PARENTING GROUP: 6-week group for people parenting chil- dren of all ages now forming. Please call RiverValley Associates for more information. 651-7520. HAIR PULLERS SUPPORT GROUP: The Vermont TTM Support Group is a new support group for adult pullers (18+) affected by trichotilLomania (chronic hair pulling) as well as parents of pullers. This will be a supportive, safe, comfortable and confidential environment. Meets on the 4th Monday of every month, 6-7:30 p.m. First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Info, 453-3688 or vermont_ttmout reach@yahoo.com. DEPERSONALIZATION AND DEREALIZATION: If you suffer from either of these trance states, please call Todd, 864-4285. THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY EAST CHAPTER of the Compassionate Friends meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 7-9 p.m. at the Christ Church Presbyter-ian, 400 Redstone Campus, UVM. Info, 482-5319. The meetings are for parents, grandparents and adult siblings who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP for those who have H-C, their family members and friends. Wednesday, November 9, 6:30- 7:30 p.m. McClure MultiGenera- tional Center, 241 N. Winooski Ave. Burlington. Info, 802- 355-8936. DIABETES EDUCATION and Support Group of Chittenden County meets the third Thursday of every month at the Williston Federated Church, 6:30-8 p.m. We often have guest speakers. Info, 847-2278. CHADD is a support organiza- tion for children and adults with AD/HD. Every second Wednesday of the month. Champlain College, Global Technology Building, Maple St., Room 217, Burlington, VT. MOOD DISORDER SUPPORT GROUP: Every Monday, 4:30-6 p.m. Pastor United Church. Info, contact Lorraine, 485-4934. WOMEN HELPING BATTERED WOMEN offers free, confidential educational support groups for women who have fled, are flee- ing'or are still living in a world where intimate partner violence I�b��P�PISORDER SUPPORTvAn GROUP: First group meeting, Monday, November 8; 4:15-6 p.m., Northfield United Church, Main St. Info, 485-4934 or email suppgrp@yahoo.com. TOPS(Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter meeting, St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski. Sundays, 6 p.m. weigh-in, 6:30- 7:30 p.m. meeting. Info, call Fred or Bennye, 655-3317 or Patricia, 658-6904. INTERESTED IN WRITING for children? Support and critique group meets monthly. Call Anne, 861-6000 or anne@booksby me.us. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS group of recovering addict live without the use of drr costs nothing to join. The requirement for membersh desire to stop using. Info, 4516, or visit www.togethi net/-cvana. Held in Burlir South Burlington and Colc For more information, call 8388 or toll -free, 1-866- 972-5266. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE: Support group for those w have lost a loved one to s Meets the 2nd Wednesday every month at the Holida in South Burlington, (1061 Williston Rd.), from 6-70 For more information, pLei contact Cory Gould, 223-4 cgould1136@earth Link.nei Sponsored by the America Foundation for Suicide Prevention -VT. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS: 12-step re( group. Do you have a prol with sex or relationships? can help. Sunday meeting. 8:30 p.m. Men call Sandy, 5708. Women call Valerie, 233-3447. SUICIDE SURVIVORS GR Survivors and their famitie monthly for mutual suppo the Burlington area, 6-7 r Call for Location, 223-411 SMOKING CESSATION GP Willing to kick the habit? free, five -week program hi quitters to follow through Community Health Center Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.rr Info, 864-6309. DOES YOUR PARTNER/S HAVE AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Diso Support group meets ever week in Burlington to sha experiences, challenges, b resources. Want more infc tion? Write addpartner@ yahoo.com. WEDNESDAYS CIRCLE: A Transpersonal support groi every Wed., 6 p.m., Innerl mony Community Wellnes<- Center, Rt. 10ON, Rochest 767-6092. A sharing circL( focusing on personal grow transformation, spiritualit healing, led by Jim Dodds DE CLUTTX..R,S.SILP_PQkT. . needed. Call Linda at 802-z 4423 or email: dragonheart mont@gmavt.net or go to: www.dragonheartvermont.o NAKED IN VERMONT: The mier Nudist/Skinnydipper o zation in Vermont offering mation library, message boy chat room, yahoo group, ar more. (ALL FREE) Visit www.nakedinvermont.com. SCLERODERMA FOUNDATI New England: Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732 or atbtythel@aoL.com. OLDER WOMEN EXERCISII TOGETHER: For motivation do what's necessary. Call An 861-6000. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: December 19, 2005 Application received: December 9, 2005 JOHN STEPHEN & ELIZABETH CAFLISCH VARIANCE APPLICATION #VR-05-04 105 CENTRAL AVENUE A enda # 4 Meeting date: Jan ary 3, 2006 Owner/Applicant Property Information John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch Tax Parcel 0330-00105 8116 Kerry Lane Queen City Park (QCP) Zoning District Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Location Map CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch, hereinafter referred to as the applicants, are seeking a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a retaining wall (accessory structure) to extend to either side property line thereby projecting five (5) feet into each setback requirement, 105 Central Avenue. Planning & Zoning Assistant Betsy McDonough and Administrative Officer Raymond Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans and have the following comments: VARIANCE REVIEW STANDARDS Title 24, Section 4468 of the Vermont Municipal and Regional Planning and Development Act establishes the following review standards for all variance requests: On an appeal under section 4464 or section 4471 of this title wherein a variance from the provisions of a zoning regulation is requested for a structure that is not primarily a renewable energy resource structure, the board of adjustment or the development review board, or the environmental court created under 4 V.S.A. chapter 27 shall grant variances, and render a decision in favor of the appellant, if all the following facts are found and the finding is specified in its decision. (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to the particular property, and that unnecessary hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulation in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located. The unique physical condition present is the unique topography along the Lake Champlain shoreline which is being eroded. (2) That because of such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulation and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable the reasonable use of the property. Because of the unique physical circumstance described above, which is also present on the adjacent property to the north, it is not possible to interrupt the retaining wall along the shoreline to meet the five (5) foot side setback requirement. (3) That the unnecessary hardship has not been created by the appellant. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING The Lake Champlain shoreline, creating the unnecessary hardship, was not created by the applicant. (4) That the variance, if authorized, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, reduce access to renewable energy resources, nor be detrimental to the public welfare. Staff does not feel that the variance, if authorized, would alter the essential character of the neighborhood, nor would it permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, reduce access to renewable energy resources, or be detrimental to public welfare, since there are other similar retaining walls along the Lake Champlain shoreline in the vicinity. (5) That the variance, if authorized, will represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least deviation possible from the zoning regulation and from the plan. The authorization of the variance will represent the minimum variance that will allow the retaining wall to continue uninterrupted from the north boundary to the south boundary. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve variance application #VR-05-03, as all five of the above criteria are met. Respectfully submitted, &+a M(-)�Manl' Betsy McD nough, Plannin & Zoning Assistant Copy to: Steve & Elizabeth Caflisch CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: December 22, 2005 Application received: December 9, 2005 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATION #MS-05-12 105 CENTRAL AVENUE A enda # 4 `J Meeting Date: anuary 3, 2006 Owners/Applicant Property Information John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch Tax Parcel 0330-00105 8116 Kerry Lane Queen City Park (QCP) Zoning District Chew Chase, MD 20815 Subject Property John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch, hereafter referred to as the applicants, are seeking miscellaneous approval to install an erosion control measure (retaining wall along shoreline) and steps to new terrace, 105 Central Avenue. This application is being reviewed under Conditional Use criteria and Section 12.01(D)(3) of the Land Development Regulations. Planning & Zoning Assistant Betsy McDonough and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on December 9, 2005 and have the following comments. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 14.10(E) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Staff does not feel that the proposed project is in conflict with the planned character of the area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. According to Section 4.08(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Queen City Park district is designed to promote the area's historic development pattern of smaller lots and minimal setbacks. The district encourages the conversion of seasonal homes to year round residences. The proposed retaining wall will not affect the stated purpose of the Queen City Park Zoning District. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. Staff feels that the proposal does not adversely affect municipal or educational facilities. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. Staff feels that the proposal does not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposed addition will not affect traffic in the vicinity. (d) Bylaws in effect. If the variance request is approved, the proposed retaining wall will be in compliance with this criterion. The proposed retaining wall shall also adhere to Section 12(D)(3) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, governing water -oriented development. 2 (a) The improvement involves, to the greatest extent possible, the use of natural materials such as wood and stone. The applicant has proposed a retaining wall composed of natural stone rip -rap and stone steps. (b) The improvement will not increase the potential for erosion. Staff feels that, when construction is complete, the proposed retaining wall will actually deter erosion better than the existing retaining wall and the steps will not increase the potential for erosion. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and his comments are stated in a memorandum dated December 29, 2005 (attached). 1. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer, prior to permit issuance. (c) The improvement will not have an undue adverse impact on the aesthetic integrity of the lakeshore. The proposed retaining wall and steps are more aesthetically pleasing than the existing retaining wall and steps. (d) A landscaping plan showing plans to preserve, maintain, and supplement existing trees and ground cover vegetation is submitted and the DRB finds that the overall plan will provide a visual and vegetative buffer for the lake. A landscaping plan was submitted by the applicant. The City Arborist reviewed the landscaping plan and had no comments. Pursuant to Section 3.13(F) of the Land Development Regulations the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: The Development Review Board in granting conditional use approval may impose conditions of the following: a) Size and construction of structures, quantities of materials, storage locations, handling of materials, and hours of operations. b) Warning systems, fire controls, and other safeguards. c) Provision for continuous monitoring and reporting. d) Other restrictions as may be necessary to protect public health and safety. Staff does not feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions on the proposed project. 3 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Miscellaneous application #MS- 05-12 subject to the numbered conditions above. Respectfully submitted, Betsy MUknodgh, Planninb & Zoning Assistant Copy to: John Stephen & Elizabeth Caflisch, applicants 4 Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4io6 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS Slope Repair Caflisch Property Central Avenue Queen City Park 12/29/05 1. Site plan should have lot dimensions. 2. Some improvements will be done on the lot to the south. An easement or agreement shall be obtained from the owner. Permit # V- 0 � APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Administrative Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation () Request for a conditional use () Request for a variance (iwy Otherk- PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): + C_ irF- 1 i 4 i„ d'I ! V C I— -'� _ .., '�-- %-, Y, , e . 01 I'�' J- 0 ee I 1 — Ll AN 1..1 J' vNj hR z '� Q I — t6J­tl -- 3:A lrT ' 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) . 3) APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone and fax #) L-o l i a �,, — o.-J t� )p" � 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax # if different from above): Le5y-lf:.\'h— C-� kb "t A�Iv 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: ! 0,' C .y,,,, A---& ( jq V of 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: 1, 3 C - 0 C / 0.�- 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): &tom �Ca,'Y, ►-i e—I 'T Z,^ - o, v. '� v J - Y C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): ,sL�~ � -i � c.�+�-4�y� .,C'dil�"r r"�' � ' '�,� ✓i�J�l cr7C,'� c E. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): 0 ►•, r- . F. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees): N/p4 G. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): � ' P N4 GL \n � C. J�4 T �� J r f W "J Iz_�l 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size: / / Al n Sq. Ft. B. Buildings: Existing % / 70 Sq. Ft Proposed % / A%,)1) 0 Sq. Ft. C. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing ')1. % / .( C� I S' Sq. Ft. (Z5 r VY•44 z^ �� b.-o 9-1.., du�• � Proposed 3,,, L/� D Sq. Ft. D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: 10 �) (S 4) Sq. Ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. •� • :�I�i,'�,+.►,lss„i.P/fia4.e w,�AILRI1 �iMT "rfGs. -��•. Y►. .. A. Building (including interior renovations): $ 0 B. Landscaping $ X _aQ� 13 C. Other site improvements (please list with cost): * ^- '% v a U Fvv Tv,�"7"t�_ �ti�� 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): B. A. M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): C. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE_)q ,� J �J�v tr 14) LIST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and address of all abutting property owners, including those across any street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): I I L1 Q z-t,i-A-,-, i #\2v.P1 ,k,- Fmk KZZr -, s ki I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. IGNATURE 0# APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPE TY OWNERY'" Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: 0 Development Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this application and find it to be: 3-COMPLEX ❑ Incomplete Ci ing or Designee Permit # " L- 0 APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Administrative Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation ( ) Request for a conditional use (kf Request for a variance ( ) Other PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) •OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): *J + t5- I , Vh C f vi k kk , e C" L.L... 11 • _ ,M n ] CN'pi ,-- tL Nil b ._ _ -1 .,, f-. -% . .7fl h Gx 3 z i— &S-q— 9/ `, o 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) 3) APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone and fax #) C a;-1 t c kA, - 0--i 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax # if different from above): r,� CQ�tt,\,6" c-a kb Gyt A liv a,loht­t 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: ) 0 S- C A j j-,.. ( )qy ,4- 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: C 3 3 O d 0 r 0-7 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate y9 B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): PLixarl 11IQ wi -k .'4- CI ■ ✓�'�a_"10l vyt i)) Ia a i Lwfi vim--+krWZ.. al lirye2 e-, J -- C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): E. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain):- 0 p, r . F. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees): (\/ /,4 G. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically ed above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size: t1 Sq. Ft. B. Buildings: Existing % / � d ?0 Sq. Ft Proposed % / Sq. Ft. C. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 23 % / A.& I .I' Sq. Ft. (I j k-w duw.7 Proposed � % / 3 a y� 0 _Sq. Ft. `^""� • 1 D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: 1 � U y Sq. Ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. A. Building (including interior renovations): $ 0 B. Landscaping $ �q pt 0 C. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): B. A. M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): C. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE„ rti i aA�UCo 14) LIST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and address of all abutting property owners, including those across any street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): IT Q Ceh'i-Yv 1 14v < h u c ►l)iC�c,.il w��-v-,I'�u�i Ja Rxa►t 1 / b R; t-L," Per I c.o S � kM,., a" h UL V- a- Fe,-,t Koz r-1 k i 1 0 4 I ►4v -t-, ,,e r o (f C( )4v-P-v,m-t I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNIATI IRE OF A LICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O NER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 4 REVIEW AUTHORITY: 56evelopment Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this application and find it to be: E COMPLE,TE ❑ Incomplete of planning & Zoning or Designee 12/09/2005 15:29 FAX I @001 �, �► J -Fe„rc. -C tF I r i c.,� D 1 — c#-Fq-- 3.�. (fS a[� Dec, 9/ )03- q P.ayu 1'-� tJ,,Jv") c n "J- �/ `'�--mod L C--it.�! �i l,p..1`7�[�/`v�-, 1�-C-� �?� d` ►'Yi'�l -Ivl tell f. � - City Of So. BurimI}rt CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNE"4G & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 April 21, 2004 Jeff Rand Camerand, Inc. 10 Deerfield Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 105 Central Avenue Dear Mr. Rand: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the March 2, 2004 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Vrl Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 MARCH 2O04 The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 2 March 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Dinklage, Chair; L. Kupferman, M. Kupersmith, C. Bolton, G. Quimby, R. Farley Also Present: R. Belair, Administrative Officer; B. Robertson, Associate Planner; S. Smichenko, A. Matthews, E. Brodsky, W. Eldred, R. Jones, J. Rand, M. Turner, N. Hellen, R. Parlato, F. Kosnitsky, S. Behan, K. Killian, S. Chase, B. Nedde, P. Brogna, D. Burke, G. Lavigne, B. Savoie, M. Simoneau, D. Marshall 1. Other Business: Mr. Belair reported on an administrative decision for Pizzagalli property at 62 Tilley Drive. They are converting 26,000 sq. ft. from general to medical office use. Mr. Belair reminded members the Board will not meet on 6 April but will meet on 13 and 20 April. 2. Review Minutes of 9 December and 17 February: Mr. Kupferman moved to amend the Minutes of 9 December 2003 as written. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed 5-0 with Ms. Quimby abstaining. It was noted that in the Minutes of 17 February 2004, on p. 3, next to the last paragraph, it should read: "The Board does not approve nor disapprove the traffic study; they just acknowledged receipt of it." Mr. Kupferman moved to approve the Minutes of 17 February 2004 as amended. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed 5-0 with Ms. Kupersmith abstaining. QPublic Hearing: Conditional Use Application of John Stephen & Elizabeth M. Caflisch seeking conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to expand size of an existing single family dwelling by 678 sq. ft. located within 150 ft. of Lake Champlain, 105 Central Avenue: Mr. Rand, representing the applicants, said he didn't understand whether stonework is included in the $3000 landscaping requirement. Mr. Dinklage said the Board would have to know the details. He asked if the applicant would have a problem meeting the $3000 in trees and shrubs in addition to other amenities. Mr. Rand said the clients would be happy to spend half that amount. The rest would be for stonework. -1- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 MARCH 2O04 Mr. Belair said if the stonework is between the house and the lake, it must be shown on the plan. The architect showed where there would be some retaining stone foundation work. He also showed an existing area where there might be some pea -stone. Members were OK with requiring at least $1500 in trees/shrubs. Mr. Belair reminded the applicant that there must be a landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect. Mr. Rand then showed the expansion area of the house. They would remove an existing deck and expand toward the south. Mr. Rand made a commitment to build what he showed the Board. Mr. Parlato, a neighbor, said he felt this is a substantial increase which will have a substantial impact on the neighborhood and will have a detrimental future affect on the view from the lake and from the road. Another neighbor commented that when you are on the lake now, most of the houses aren't seen. This house will be a 3-story mass which will be seen from the lake. The applicant is also proposing to fill in an area between the house and garage which is now open and affords a view of the lake from the street. Mr. Belair noted the applicant is not requesting a 35 ft. building height which would be possible with a conditional use permit. Mr. Rand said the house would actually be 2 stories above the existing grade. Ms. Yankowski, who lives near this structure, said this is a very old neighborhood. This house has already been upgraded and now they are proposing to increase the bulk of the house considerably. She said she is horrified. It will affect the view of the lake from across the street and for those walking in the neighborhood. She said this will be "gross" compared to what exists in the area. She felt it would also artificially inflate property values. Ms. Yankowski also noted recent landslides in the area and was concerned with all the digging that will be going on. Mr. Dinklage explained what current zoning allows. Mr. Turner, who lives to the south of this property, noted there is an open lot to the south of this property which is used as a garden by neighbors. This project will put a stone wall within 5 ft. of the property line which he felt would have an adverse affect. He was concerned with this mass of building so close to the lake, especially in light of land movement. Mr. Turner said lot lines also seem to be inaccurate on the plan based on the deed they have to the property to the south. Mr. Rand said these are just parcel lines and are not necessarily accurate; they are from an aerial photo. -2- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 MARCH 2O04 Mr. Bolton asked for elaboration on what exists now on the adjacent lots. Neighbors showed where there are now houses. One resident also indicated the dimensions of the existing homes and their heights. Most of the homes have 625 sq. ft. footprints, and this applicant is proposing 1362 sq. ft. Mr. Rand noted that some of the neighboring homes are 2 full stories. He also noted a 900 sq. ft. ranch just to the north of the project lot. Ms. Hellen gave members information on the average square footage of neighboring homes. She felt the proposed house will look very different from other homes on the street and that the size will impact the other homes. Mr. Rand said his clients are proposing something less bulky than what is allowed. He agreed this was a cottage at one point in the past and then became a full 2 stories. He said that at the street side they will be reducing the second story by removing a bedroom and that would make it more like the original cottage look from the street. Mr. Dinklage noted people would still see a roof line that is 4 ft. higher than what is there today. A resident read letters from three other neighbors all opposing the project. One cited the quaint, modest existing homes and the closeness of the environment and felt what is proposed is not in keeping with that character. The second also felt the proposed house is out of keeping with the neighborhood character and that the house should not be allowed to obstruct the view of the lake from the street. There was also a concern with setting a precedent. The third letter also cited the blocking of views from the street. Members felt substantial discussion was needed and suggested closing the public hearing and then allowing the Board to deliberate. Mr. Bolton moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Continued Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-03-02 of JAM Golf, LLC, to amend a planned unit development consisting of 264 residential units and an 18-hole golf course. The amendment consists of approval for "as -built" berms located on the east side of Dorset Street beginning at the Old Cross Road intersection extending north through the Holbrook Road intersection: Mr. Marshall noted the location of landscaping that has been placed on the berm. He said this was for the benefit of the abutting properties. Staff recommends this landscaping be removed and the applicant will comply. Mr. Dinklage noted Stipulation #5 requires this. Ms. Smichenko read a statement into the record questioning the impact of the berms on the wetland and expressing concern that staff did not follow up on the original letter of concern with deviances from the approved plan. Mr. Robertson said staff feels the changes are minimal. Ms. Smichenko felt there needs to be more response from staff to -3- L� I-- 3� o n GREAT ROOM DOWN BEDROOM ,nrnnm TT r1rlT7 nT A TAT fink DEN DOWN ENTRY SCREENED PORCH GARAGE FROM.,: ANYTHING GROWS FAX 140. : 9028995307 Ape,. 07 2004 07:51FI P1 Mrofessic,xa�l Jeff Rand Camerand Inc- 10 Deerfield Road South Burlington, VT 05403 c`rpe L)a tgra & April 7, 2004 Project: Caflisch Residence 105 Central Avenue Queen City Park South Burlington, Vermont Plant UstUst Quantity Noma six*— 1 3 1 Miss Kim Lilac Potsntille Pink Beffi& Ciethra sinifolia 3-4' 3 oallon 3' 3 Frabeli soiree 3ga fton SO 5 Perennial Mix- Da lilies, Astilbe & Ne eta Fanny Roses 1 gallon_ 3 gallon 1 Viburnum dentatum_'Arrowwood'_ 44' 1 3 Daphne Hydrangea 'Annabslle' 1" S allon 1 Japanese tree lilac _ " 2' call er Planting Total Fieldstone at lower entrance Fieldstone Patio $1, 555.00 $150.00 Approximately $121ft2 698 Johnny Brook Road Richincind, Vermont 05477 (802) 434-4088 CITY OF SOUTH B URLING TON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 March 18, 2004 Jeff Rand Camerand, Inc. 10 Deerfield Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 105 Central Avenue Dear Mr. Rand: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision regarding the above referenced project dated 3/16/04. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Brian Robertson Associate Planner Encl. Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested #7003 3110 0001 3598 4506 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to expand size of an existing single family dwelling by 678 sq ft located within 150 ft of Lake Champlain, 105 Central Avenue. The subject property is located in the Queen City Park Zoning District. In addition, the subject property falls within 150' of the high water elevation of Lake Champlain, so the proposed project shall comply with the Surface Water Buffer Standards outlined in Section 12.01(C) of the Land Development Regulations. COMMENTS Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on February 2, 2004 and have the following comments. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 14.10(E) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: !. The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed addition to the existing single-family dwelling is in keeping with the planned character of the area as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. According to Section 4.08(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the QCP Zoning District is formed to encourage residential uses at densities and setbacks that are compatible with the existing character of the QCP neighborhood. It is designed to promote smaller lots, and reduced setbacks. Staff feels that the proposed addition to the existing single-family dwelling is keeping in with the purpose of the QCP Zoning District. 3. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. Staff believes that the proposed structure will not adversely affect municipal services. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate 0: uses. Staff believes that the proposed structure is in keeping with the character of surrounding properties and will not adversely affect the character of the area or the ability to develop adjacent properties. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposed structure will not affect traffic in the vicinity. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposed structure is in keeping with applicable regulations. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. The proposed structure will not affect renewable energy resources. (0 General public health and welfare. Staff does not believe that the proposed structure will have an adverse affect on general public welfare. Pursuant to Section 3 13(F) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: The Development Review Board, in granting conditional use approval, may impose conditions of the following: 1. Size and construction of structures, quantities of materials, storage locations, handling of materials, and hours of operations. Staff does feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. 2. Warning systems, fire controls, and other safeguards. Staff does feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. 3. Provision for continuous monitoring and reporting. Staff does feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. 4. Other restrictions as may be necessary to protect public health and safety. Staff does feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. 3 Pursuant to Section 12.01(D) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: (a) The structure to be expanded or reconstructed was originally constructed on or before April 24, 2000. For purposes of these Regulations, expansion may include the construction of detached accessory structures including garages and utility sheds. The existing single-family dwelling on the subject property was in existence prior to April 24, 2000. (b) The expanded or reconstructed structure does not extend any closer, measured in terms of horizontal distance, to the applicable high water elevation or stream centerline than the closest point of the existing structure. The proposed addition will not extend any closer to the applicable high water elevation than the closest point of the existing structure. The plan entitled "Caflisch Residence - Queen City Park - South Burlington, Vermont" show the proposed addition relative to the closest point of the existing structure. (c) The total building footprint area of the expanded or reconstructed structure shall not be more than fifty percent (60%) larger than the footprint of the structure lawfully existing on April 24, 2000. For purposes of these regulations, reconstruction may include razing the existing structure and/or foundation and constructing a new structure in accordance with the provisions of the underlying zoning district regulations and this section. The existing structure is 1,362 square feet. The proposed addition is 678 square feet, which is less than 50% of the existing structure. (d) An erosion control plan for construction is submitted by a licensed engineer detailing controls that will be put in place during construction or expansion to protect the associated surface water. An erosion control plans and an erosion control details were submitted by the applicant. These plans and details were prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, and are on sheets C2 and C3 of the plans. (e) A landscaping plan showing plans to preserve, maintain and supplement existing trees and ground cover vegetation is submitted and the DRB finds that the overall plan will provide a visual and vegetative buffer for the lake and/or stream. The plans that the applicant submitted show the excising landscaping on the subject property. One (1) Lilac will be removed on the southern portion of the property. The applicant has stated that an additional $3,000 worth of landscaping will be planted on the subject property. 1. The plans shall be revised to indicate the location and species of the proposed landscaping, prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 4 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Conditional Use application #CU-04-01 as submitted. Respectfully submitted, C2t- 4 Brian Robertson, Associate Planner Copy to: Jeff Rand, applicant CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 Permit NumberCu -�-� APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of hearing. Type of application check one: ( ) Appeal from decision of Administrator Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation) Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( ) Other OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY) L kr�i,,. G-vN-yk WHAT ACTION OF'THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax # L-i 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) V !�1 05 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Cc�e,„o� 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax vt- AS -Q 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: IC. S' �,,) V , 6) TAX PARCEL ID 4 (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) o ^ma`s n -- o o i o _s7 1 I 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) c) Total uilding squa ootage on property (proposed buildings anc4xisting buildings to remain) 0H� d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existin buildings to remain, specify if basement i< and mezzanine) J '� �- �'g Lcv^s e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): �C �\'` r .. r . -'— . 1 _-� #_o..i, 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing__(��_ % Proposed 15 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing f 5 % Proposed_% *ront yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed. (does not apply to residential uses) 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) b) Landscaping: $ $ � C` cec ` c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14) LIST ABUTTERS ( List names and addresses of all abutting property owners on a separate sheet of paper). c�c= 1/ S I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SI OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date 02/01/2004 22:39 FAX RROM . FAX NO. : 80266546: S @1001 Feb. 01 20e4 04:17PM P4 I hereby cWtiify that au the infor=tion .requested as part of this application has been submined and is accurate to the hest of nay knowledge. C �L cat�2m M'URE OF APPLICANT ._ d` k Do not write below this lint DATE OF Si SNffSSJM 94/ Q REVIEW ATJ'MORTI'Y: eDcwelopment Rcvicw Hoard ❑ Direcaor, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: ❑ Imam lets/Complew�, � � coming & Zoning or Designee Date 135, 77131 WEl'es'r h 011-'Tll 1—:E"rz,\lATlUPJ March 1 St, 2004 To whom it may concern, I am a resident of Queen City Park. My house is on Cedar Court, just up the hill from the now Caflisch residence. I've had the opportunity to look at the plans for the proposed renovations and although I cannot make the hearing meeting, there is something I'd like to say. While it's difficult to put into words, there is a feeling when you walk through most any neighborhood. Queen City Park is no exception. A walk down Central Ave. will take you past houses that are quaint, quirky and modest in scale. The character of the neighborhood conveys a sense of humility and human scale. Perhaps these arose years ago at the founding of the community as a Spiritist community. Perhaps they are also a part of the Vermont spirit. While Queen City Park residents honor the rights of individuals, there is also a feeling of respecting the community while protecting the rights and privacy of each inhabitant. People don't want to tell others what to do with their property, but because of the closeness of the environs, it's important to be mindful of the impact a renovation of yours might have on others. In my opinion, the proposed renovations to the Caflisch property are not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood of Queen City Park. I'm certainly not saying that a new homeowner should not make improvements to his/her property, but rather that the plans be reconsidered and scaled in such a way that they are more appropriate to their environment. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Jill Entis Queen City Park homeowner and resident March 2, 2004 Letter to the Development Review Board of South Burlington. -from Janice Russotti, 18-year resident of Queen City Park I would like to express my concerns about the proposed additions to the Caflisch summer residence. I have carefully looked at the plans for the house, garage, and additions. My concern is that the finished product would be out of character with the rest of the neighborhood, due to its somewhat spread -out nature, both in height and length. One of the great things about our neighborhood of Queen City Park is the feeling of community we share with our neighbors. The lake is one of our communities' great resources, and a beautiful sight to see whet: taking a walk down the street at sunset. I would ask that the plans for the house be reconsidered so as not to obstruct so much of the view from the street... Plans of a more compact nature would better fit the existing character of the neighborhood. I am also worried that this renovation, if executed as planned, would set a precedent for future renovations of other properties on the lake side of Central Avenue, which would mean alot less visibility of the lake in the future. This is not meant to be unwelcoming of our new neighbors, but just to ask their consideration for the greater good and future of our community. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Janice M. Russotti. March 2, 2004 Re: The Proposed Caflisch Residence, Queen City Park March 1, 2004 To Whom It May Concern: As a resident of Queen City Park, it has been my practice during the spring and summer to run the road down Central Avenue by the lake as a kind of (jogging) course for myself. It is one of the best views of the lake, and quite striking at any hour. I take this route because the beauty is truly motivating -most especially when neighbors are out, and a riot yard plants are blooming with the lake as a dramatic backdrop. It is commonly known that the QCP area is famous and cherished for its lake views, both by inhabitants and visitors. My objection to the proposed Caflisch residence is on these grounds. Not only will the proposed residence block the view from the neighbors that built their homes to avail themselves of the lake and the natural sunlight, but the sprawling building will also block it for the rest of us, who continue to enjoy the walk and view on that side of the lake. I have, of course, no objection to Mr. Caflisch building a residence that will suit him, only that he respect those around him and alter his design accordingly. Thank you. Rhonda Freed 9 Lyons Avenue S. Burlington, VT Central Avenue house size, .)uare feet Page 1 number building area porch 26 1108 232 28 772 144 32 2704 34 1224 90 35 1248 224 38 1319 39 1620 160 41 1184 54 42 1294 207 43 876 44 S.B. 45 1071 133 46 1484 192 47 1776 48 1020 160 49 1355 25 50 800 52 1592 95 54 1504 120 56 960 360 62 1944 16 63 #1 1100 63 #2 1148 % �p�j 108 63 #3 1798 / 65 1820 570 66 1384 8 70 Fire District 72 1865 76 1156 78 1150 80 1820 82 1501 98 84 1500 112 86 1466 88 1596 15 90 1312 208 94 1100 190 95 960 96 Fire District 97 1170 99 1179 105 1632 106 1476 107 land 108 1700 110 1562 464 114 1872 496 average 1398 ) 1865 1156 1150 1820 1501 1500 1466 1596 1312 1100 960 1170 1179 1632 1476 1700 1562 1872 ri-44;) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: February 25, 2004 \drb\misc\caflisch\conditional_use.doc Application received- February 2, 2004 CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION #CU-04-01 105 CENTRAL AVENUE Agenda #4 Meeting Date: March 2, 2004 Owners Applicant John Stephen and Elizabeth Caflisch Cameranel, Inc. 8116 Kerry Lane 10 Deerfield Road Chevy Chase, MD 20815 S. Burlington, VT 05403 Engineer Property Information Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. PO Box 485 Tax Parcel 0330-00105-C Shelburne, VT 05482 Queen City Park Zoning District Location Map y w t $i %IN r rz { T x y r y z r QF a � LAKE CHAMPLAIN NOTES LAKESHORE 2123AJ ELE VA TION 98 5' C. LEWIS TRUST , III 7 -4: 2 BOLE 20" OA47 l � , ! III/�l 1 I ! i � /' / r' / / / � !' r ! i/ - /`� � ✓�� .n, � I I`„�. , 1/ E4 GIABI,(N r / rl l 1 / r it ( I I ! / r / 18" PINE �; I / 3" CRAB III I it '' / I I EXIST GARAIT GE `. a, I I I I! I i tl FFE = 136.5' l i 11 I� I j I I I I' (' I � i .i;•//j m / ; ' / %% EXISTING HOUSE / I / / III I ! EX FIRE PIT / \ 136.8' kkXI RtlTAII,JIN WALL I I /� r l 1 I / I .///�/•,/ j/ CRAB YYY����\ �I I ^�� �� LILAF -. o � I "24" OAK o I \�\\\N\\w\\\ I�� u 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 11 `I V � 'I CJ � p�,� \- \\ \` / �• s ou�l I I' I Dl1 \r \ \ \ \ \\\ !o�iAbPorAAnel wr J I \ •\ t�', \.>, `!� � \ \� I I '' I I i I 111\ I I ' 1. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utilities located upon or ad/scent to the surveyed premises FNosfing utility locations are approximate only. The Contactor shell field verity all utility conflicts. All discrepancies shall be reported to the Engineer. The Contractor stall contact Dig Safe (386-344-7233) prior to Orly construction. 2 Elevations are based on the level of Lake Champlain measured at the King Street Ferry Dock on December 23, 2003. (Elevation 98.55) 3. This plan Is not a boundary survey and is not Intended to be used as one. Property lines am based upon a plan entitled " Plan of Southern Section of Queen City Park - South Burlington, Vt." prepared by Hoag, Stone and Associates listed October 23, 194B 4 Field topography was Completed on December 23, 2003 Due to significant snow cover on this date locations of certain ground Matures were difficult to obtain. All features shah be venhed by the contractor prior to constuction. All discrepancies shall be reported to the engineer. 5. This property lies in the OueenCity Park Zoning District. 15" MAPLE \ ` ` \ �\ IJ' M. TURNOR & M. IZEALE I I I SITE ENGINEER: f_ CIVIL ENCIMEEEING ASSOCIATES, INC. r0 BOX 485 SHELBURNE, K 05M env veo-z�za rrvc rm sr.. zan w wow e...vm„ DnArn CJG cHnnD JLM "".MD JLM OWNER STEVE AND ELIZABETH CAFLISCH 1 � I PROJECT: EXISTING E,,1 ��. R CONDITIONS J SITE PLAN Z 1 105 CENTRAL AVE. Q SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT C. PARKER ON( lIDOE / LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR RED R= PANT — — — -- APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE LAKE — SETBACK LINE CHAMPLAiN �J O IRON PIN PROJECT O CONC MON LOC__ATION' Z --- ---OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ' U-- -UE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ---- ® SEWER MANHOLE LOCATION MAP e SHUT-OFF }` 'a. POWER POLE a.. CNiC1PiD amarox MAILBOX 1 DECIDUOUS TREE -1' CONIFEROUS TREE— — ? EDGE OF WOODS/BRUSH S. BEHAR EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE DAnt DI Mw 11 a DEC., 2003 IN FMoc1"=10' C1 I Loch — 10 rl 10.1 No 03295 LAKE CHAMPLAIN NOTES LAKESHORE 1212JI03 ELEVATION 98 5' C. LEWIS TRUST 7 7 / // 4'/CRLfa E4 GIt1BI�N1 ! I I' l� /' r I' ! U EROSION CONT)RQL i�r s°(rv�°vA `ED P l l r • i r l ) CCRAB l l ; / I ; lr I I ! ' EXIS i Illill li I r FFE f� Sll/T FENCE ;1 +! r ! P 1 'EXISTING I I ' f FIRE PIT E r I �I / / FIFE = 7 9 I R 7AIMINO WALL, CRAB 1. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utilities located upon or ad/scent to the surveyed premises. Existing utility locations am approximate only. The Contractor shall field verify an utitily conflicts. All discrepancies shall be reported to the Engineer. The Contractor shell contact Dig Safe (888-344-7233) prior. to any construction- 2 Elevations am based on the level of Lake Champlain measured at the King Street Ferry Dock on December 23, 2003 (Elevation 98.55) 3- This plan is not a boundary survey and is not Intended to be used as one. property lines are based upon a plan entitled " Plan of Southern Section of Queen Ciry, Park - South Burlington, Vt." prepared by Hoeg, Slone and Associates dated October 23, 1945. 4. Field topography was completed on December 23, 2003. Due to significant snow, cover on this dale locations of cerlam ground features were difficult to obtain. All features shall be verified by the contractor prior to constuctlon All discrepancies shall be reported to the engineer. 5. This property lies In the Ousendy Perk Zoning District 8. Proposed addition locations were drown based on site plan by Roger Jones (architect) - SILT FENCE (TYP.) 15' MAPLE M. TURNOR & M. IZEALE 2. BOLE 20' OAK CAM, SEED�d MULCH I, L DISTURBEDAREAS' E SHEET C3 FOR ® RIP(, 6. Cif, Q C. PARKER LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR �- — — APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE i -r— SETBACK LINE O IRON PIN o CONC. MON. -- -- OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — --UE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ® SEWER MANHOLE • SHUT-OFF •n, POWER POLE m MAILBOX DECIDUOUS TREE s! CONIFEROUS TREE r rtiti-. EDGE OF WOODS/BRUSH S. BEHAR GRAPHIC SCALE — — 1 (w rear ) I i-h - 10 tt SITE ENGINEER: f CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. PO BOX465 SHELBURNE. VT t131/2 liul WSxJ2] FA% ADx-9r4xxll wY verve crMewn �Cm �aIIY DIYIIN CJG 0MOD JLM rJ1-D JLM OWNER STEVE AND ELIZABETH CAFLISCH PROJECT, EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN 105 CENTRAL AVE. SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT OAK LEDGE — RED ROCK tMMT LANE CHAMPLAIN PROJECT LOCATIONI i LOCATION MAP ,• � J600 DA= CxLfaD YWaM �ivre. ru � Awes / ovat aaaa EROSION CONTROL PLAN DAT! D _ JAN., 2004 . Ww I'm ND 03295 EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS PANT 1 - ,iNEIIA I. wMMANY A. .o.tlwl moored I The wrY enInw to -sWI.A. Who Now.of AN roeuNoe who rMbw r•Mwn wnlr.l m•«too. ■. eel 1If wih•nl. db.dr .1 the NwnF r.Nn thn" Met Met me Vwmwllbettlew,,ft With Who 1-1roWDerorthi et EnA-.tNNn Cr1,rwlNn FAwl.n O.IV. Hr,iowk , ON _EA.L MOTS A Thb eYMwg. a Now I.dn wm hwln m. -IW -to M /rMIRA At MwcMryr wm On- wewmMg •bPwttl« MId M•Mwg. N.. town«, w.ebn.ltwtNn ■. anM,em Md N r.N.nwM1 m inyrW went mM1..INg MI r.Yn ws,W m.wwn, an Pn}ct to ;w.wkr C Gentwbr wnN 1.11 the well do"~w w. WI.eln, IYaM, detr to Moon .1. IM end Gabber loth 11 dMly . Noon let. Ms, Oef•br 150 tab rrlr 1. APr, I.A. -1. m wnlnl mrwroo RO be nocenry. 0. NI .MMyIN mgt•rlNL (t•Pvv:,-=..tF) e■ h« hw NtN dab r Yl fEtwnn anetM rwlnd m• P.Hmom. ■M .4 Its .t•dow metrW we Nown I•�Nc�M 4 rp�•rMI�NyI�I�rWnrMld wd0Flntnlahn oR •IN so Ir rear Lung .e1•y'mINwFtitwq iir�w end N w..wew r bet.ed Nrrorrlet• it N ,•rant Wind ..r.. E Soroo W-M teen 1 3 MM how, weoln rutted nolling In", to Wdlln lab dye end .6- th. woolen POMIW. 1. mIt WdN I M•P. w Town M :m N =:I NA Its will windDuke 11,noting Ith wW .Ned. S .. to Wow. AM Mding ath eel eulflo. F IMd MY NN N N«-Thor NNr 10ptit r N• W nt Ints,now wWi M.TII N r.n•y1 Mn wNNtitent MI N •et.IlMed. O SIN, W. WWI N NteXr won thM bee. IT .II RI M... Th« hod -.I In rs« nil the pre%. el4 . Ms, :mlood. N. Control oetr. Met.yr . opiithne,11, The wOanc.1 on. r.nd , cawklm wnlwld• Nr teem tom of wr/weed .. bhrdel be ordd.M fee who bwtm.11. Th. •«I MmM of ry e=' env wmwnl of 4uet •nbdr "IN bb.d .wen 1Wd .M owlho as,ellMna II Mell No toner in uM mmer wn4 Ny who wool« mot uamm ewwtYn 1. .font ..w tho ,Redo •Two on .hkn N to Mwr PI. - Mon he.. minnnum If 4 NW.e of Irm rfi.ow boor• bong .red and mWMr 1.3 cOXS11NICTOI lO om A Prlw to on, Llano,, .. IImiN -1 cnRW- who" be reMlMod N Cho M Vwtm boor . MIM rho O- The, I�No Mal b. «rm.d M w nab Yy th. wn. r hie «who en4the. ■ Erosion. . .t lid NmtlIn m..um MMI be hei .Nr 4 NY Moth m..' Wpw IMn an. eM Mo.- • wm. C NI M,,HTs,l dllMon, •wlw wno MImen1 Ndn. MNI be ot.NIM MMr la dIFMNg n.N to tho n. D 0er end woo« •I d•Mla 1 Ron« obnow N on w ne"We IeulNn. E Th• "what pnctkur l •no .1 lend Wiwi he www•at my m, tlm. F Inet.11 rrwwtM ullilNw .. Mown on %. Mm• O O.W. end per rMnyyss d fw't,g„ •INM - IN own lid rwt1M nee Mal N .\.Ilwow knn+.IdelY MN. "Of'. N ■"In peentivent nee t-"I, ••din, lid muIMM. NI wul w III .Mpow MNI be worlN end malMr MmNletdy m wftheor «oto-le, I C--.I care, -. end 1inIM row IN ro,ewy on, P.ble, la. 1 Centsete pone- owed, end l•ndwbi N R;me. bwrN ...onto hMn rlbcm oww we •P..PFMto and then r,m.. l.nr.vy r•;Iwn eAI Thwatenew PART 2 - PRODUCTS iD EROSION CONTROL NETTING A Julo nollN, MNI Ina•! PIN, un4yit d .. n.l«hym .eon Ne • unlNrm Nwn N•rn. mwh. 202 FJt M CONTROL MATTING A Mhr1 nwbr en MI Nen, r Mm 41n<lN .y M. Mrwrbn 0�1 C125 to Mined., moo SOM.I IN N„dm eteYll.tNTI. r Mrynwed «hrent 2.0 CALCIUM CHLOtlOE A. GFJum 111 MNI amrwm to Chip n.r•rnwne of AA NITO M 1M E W, owl. Awed roam Mlwlw Tyr• 1 w wenownweted Nae. pow.. ethr F-0..Wum MIW. Type 2 Dry No u.r 205 WATER A AN wet. we. MNI N .Men ond fowl of h-N1 ton wnl. of N, NL Ile., WWAIP, wHr, .rynk -ter on. ,the, wr•ten« .1- ate IN MMnr towei Nwnt nab e 0.N .N .t".a. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1N HAY SALE CHECK DM AND INLET PROTECTION A, gat, MM be Nerd in a red .10 enN TblOy Nuttug the N)N.rt Mi E.M boo MMI be WNeM In the Not ImNimum of 4 Imllw bolo ehd be -,oiZ .hrN In ra by woos. ar r•bo, dAnn t� 0 The ga. no 0 law in .W NI. "I Me TLI tewrd the ,.Omw, IMM We to fort. the below Wiletnr RL ■aM Mall No npahod a rwo.M N n.r On. '.." N wNMIMr ., In. NNW New no lalwe nor« lor .00lwn .n-, we, MNI be rrllwwr C SNImr1l e•r.le Net an rwn,.wo r TOR In PIT env In. NnIW h. = IN IJMI MMI N gr•M4 a ul,lmm With the bRNtinit to ogroN'I end .MNw .Mng th. ow rNPHet..wl.lhw been men•t-on, rrowtkw. 3 D2 SILT FENCES A Thrl finwo. I. M. _.hod In Ncwdne. wHh the Ia.WILH,11n .1.1 no hen. howl ..,rally bePIwcod 10 look Nwn In. 1. of m..Iwre w •• sh In w N.L Th. show of the how MMI N NZ u;r N M1rm . II,Iwel1w Mw, to On d MAMR. IN. no .It M« Md be nWmtld::M4k.Ry m dwn.g. sr WIIII N Mknwn4 An .om,wd M1n« .h.11 N yMed . rN1.M S.in t dyr1N Moll be r.now4 nwln tho how N "A"" " u/ oho N PH"'W""" M s, woo on-thm Y no danger of fiat r •rwtlen 3W EAO■ON MATTING A Erow-w.omold,.... We plowed n IN poor-IIMM rlMr With FI.InaN c �N u du5 Ox .rued WhoeeM:.wd rd rwwnmM.N.n ]04 RESTORATION A As eM We We .1 1. wmploted In O IT- red, It OWN wN•tww within by li ln 72 noon et N.nPI.Oe et th. WNo", moth.. I Aro..... To Mid, m not h N. Mr- w dbluroe. MwX N oo•M N N.N In th. prmenwnt oo.Ng wMhn 2. A«, Af Its ww'M t aNM m to N left I•mrr.Dr end .hick .■ boo ,rawer r •mmYe 4Wrbr I.tr iIM1 I "101 WMI N We"IIIIN n orNinr in ve, T.ng.rry I S.mwn 305 QUSS-LINED DITCHES A AN WIM•e thon on net en. -IMN MNI be lerooNN, .•rw m Nboe end mWMwe. Mr ... Mlrn Moto Won. wwlee, MNI N 1w,•red Imrrn41.N1y rho mwNWnN M pen Amenl wowtotion I. rt.wim" IN OUTLET PROTECTION A Th. w= M Me mlr mot•rW, gw1b111. 1ebRe r rr}1Nryy m.. N dNnd Ne gwbNd to own« r roll. wgwl•Wn. en. eNM entl .weer to the INw and rMM MNn M the Nen. ■ TM now, uM m ri rap PI tnW,hrm to the yNIAN grg.lW1 N the A'oN.g. bectlen. O Gawitg• INri . MM We rnectes Iron o'"W" . t•Wg 4urbp /I.c.mwnt et Ch• rod «Ong / Neant MNn •f «d and grown et, the N d. V In No NII. MNI as MwWr IN N.Ng • N« eel f k M• demtgN red by wlnNdt r.N•wmMl N the teems AN MMI, rwuhwe f. ,reed w NYIin� M rIMMe of Now, MNI N • MnNNm of 12 bIM D Stow. fee the rl,ry -, N Nwo•e by owirmbnt wn4 Moll M. Mwnelndr to the Nil III Ihlekrlows M nee weredien env 1 who n M. is -I Wwwwwn 1 et ON 4RHIAn ,mW Hwno N•w.nent they Nw ruinoe to /rMs,l ope tonY "Wnt arucWroo E Sw.. for nab M.II .. m iw Ar tuNn.Aor. Th• oen. M.IIII N. M.ed we moot th. I«t dlnrlNen It th. wls,. t•Pmonl .NX No net 1« then me -third If Who Weerbeet ~We, M an. rr.gment net reek, Md net be Nor no- F VAIN In tho rook no., Mw11 .. nlw oIU I.,. on, .nil., rocll;. ] OT S00 A Awn« to be •o4M MNI be brwght to rove With 4' mMlrrlum twoo, ■ LNM .4 -St., M. Per No yoil.r in. see eln, swdNn. of the .INmcrin. IN LEVEL SPREADER A TM Iwo .Prover Wal be Nlnetrnl., In P,nTo, o. .Ith th. hNti. Md No no I.r w«a. ehwld N MMr P.Mdlcaly� rho witty wwy Cho* MAT, 10 Mennln• it th, Up he, b« NmNed we to M.ml. Chet the Mlw wonoltlel. M. net Mwn,•d, Any ewb.n.lm Mlmnl NwmW.11wn bi b. rwn•M, I1 A.. nit be w1 N« ... 14, th. the do-" Mean be rotebow weOM .~-IM t io•nmb Y111 �I~of wee. w•�.1.- tweeGy/NW Mwu .w .: .4 Nw.N a ,NIN Chw wr.4. n....y Ir.m th. wKN m. Fwtfilwlln Adne . be o« I. n«rwy to Mwrw the ..t.0r ho.Ithy lie eon. 30 MAINTENANCE A AN w elon «trol mwwrr MNI N InyMr weekly end -I- .d/w rwNM are nweN IN NI weMwr -1. IT.= wholl N N•PNlow ,Rr Now- a N.vy nab C NI M.wnI cnlnl m MMI b. pwleelwell, Owen.. elm tb. w•ennent r-- to . ••won lw•IMn wo We to pwAi d411en of h•Wral water they D HIT a ,Vey malts 1. wuI h one 1- MWM m.y noti anM.N.. In. WMha coh,11I wo-I 110 ".TIER CONSiM1(C"Im A If. No to .. Pnlwl .nrul., m.Wctl. Burin No I. moth. 1• no.+«ry, an Cntnar .hoedIN 'Inter .Mn,'tW pr,wwwwwo It , mNlmum but It IWItN to. MlitsnNdn ouMIN... .nw• MWw. Gaut end Me, o1- es,hM m••wm Mrl b• M /Yoo wla N m. ,tome NwtN, 3 of s M ' N Nr 1I% N all Nw Now. The •t w nit f p .In, P l row, Mum f- The C111 •hd m•nt o W r« met be muIMN nO prmennl vwetatlon mil be rl•MIWw TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A Star InduNr L F-IMN, a1 Robot, notrkl. wnd ".Ito wnt 1. .nrNele al MM•wing rowl,wel N proylso tompowy Prelwttn M.Net .hod Wr -to, m•Nn 102 GENEENA NOTES A llin"A Nenllny M r tln.nd�l.•nl w..lalot..IT �w�i1w no .gontwe xm to mn1nl ,nNwn PART 2 - rRWUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A At • tam al ,.to thdl nn- IN Mm rowent. of the P-...l SwMng -then PART 1 - EXECUTION 101 SEEDING CONOTONS A NI lW q.whj .lie .11 ­­W, of-t..., who n r NnrMe, dr„F ,IIMr..e ore..now-new I. P 1 gIr11Nn, end rNuw d14tMn, enwl. We wenpIwow Prlrm lfe WARS . None. ;thee env Vwn the, ... In_ .Nn werN, IN .r. 0- .-1.. W the weX to . own at ✓twit 3 NM. a p . I RM b. and ChM .Ruler Inv the Me Tho w.N bed onw11 be 'wit In a Rom and --th c•nNlun Th. lowl INI.g• y.r.11an WII be r.mmr w« • Mw; M.nw.r Pncllael 102 FERTIUMRS A Fwdlar M. 14 N unll-1, wowed ewe th. m. IN- lo bent, In. 1. Nh the .et,, A mN.um .1 100 rMww rrw (T rwnd. nF 1.000 wow. feet) .f 10-10- 10 Mub , . 1. M.-Wh I...Id N wNNw 3.03 SEED AND SEEDING A Swell well breing ,two m.y be oe•aw hen The table bat, In a- 0f the"" cwl. the w•dNg .0PonIrm elm the rMIt." Mubwnnl. Thee welean n .11 be NM on In. 1...1 teeter th. bwNn, N to N me ee n4 M. 1". .1 Dm. Ch. ng.4lNn N h MNr4 W wetMMn Tho red Mwlo N ,.M.+ .IMmdr •woo w woo Arm wok. m. well Mwld Me fl-WA ./ Mlinq r •N.in. Mm -WitI, moan. Inot 1«MF m. red -.11 b. .Nww Il,hily IN,,Mng, dWdn.. dr.ggmg IN Plent SMNIMn .4 S•ON R.- Pr M SpWom Per Am Sq. FL Remark, Mnud 40 IN. 1 lb Grove III Yul 1, wl R).V- -1, d-1. J. lire .SolddaooHy An, Nant ,/. Ntr.•n " .1 15 wnd Woo"' IS Grer in. r .,In no Don th.n 0 25 NM a ed PwnnITI N be 07 N. Good .w.r Whln 11 Ingo Rm.. lasting an .,horn ,ygnn Seed bol ^« Asp Un 1 end . I d/r between Aug.l 15 end OdNer 15 Mu hq; AS el1.w «Mt) _,I the S Ln, s..d lee n Mm .I wprknetdy 5 Inch 3N MULCHING A INNm It I. n/n;tkabl. 1. in.rparll. fed111tw no Into mole) red, th. rr.1 .n. on-ol .. mu to fwlee g.nMwtNn 305 MAINTENANCE A II the •Min, Two to weed, It ,rlw -1 1. b. Fw- rl.ellMr I. w.Ne. wow,_ -- ..Irk ■ II weed. Ncem. A prNl.m, th.y may nwr to be .-thw by who SECTION 02936 - PERMANENT SEEDING PART I - GENERAL 1 01 SUTANANY A 4cll.n Induda 1 FumNlne .11 INw, m ted.F ... ..IpC nl 1. -,let. NI wMN.g work ao .on an In. --in, lid .rwlNAe h.M. 2. Et.Nt Mr. •thml. Mow •r r.-J. the Cent- Mal who al awn« ohm n. coot... r. Mow . the ew.Mg..d ell a« on.. eelet., W­ woo haw Now w-,b d by In. Cnlrb.loe. wmtl.. . All owl, rd m.mwlw of HI. Srben Mal -non I. Che ePNk.M. ruu-.nl..1 h. VAOT Slnd•rd S..cllNwtlon. DIN•I. ... 1 02 ..MIrA. A P,w AM' at. fwl...g for .Pnr MON, to Wlzvy I. m. Wt. 1 Suprllere CrlIOUN awn C.mril...1-ting mwl Inn. -N.Wr -1 rod mwl the n,W-ont. y.dn•d 2 The Cnhwl.r MNI PI.MN rorrw-tot- epedl ownedow m low., .4 «tool. dea- nmrl. e ,MI. wet -wen .new N.cy twill, I -lacy, ha. wling rwvl o lit directly 4 th, Lmomp• Arehlwt ,lid /w all ..to Toaln. MMI Iwrl on m.Menka lid MwmlGa (pH wel.bla want) nelyl. ,wort Well be wbmlllod IT I...1 we moth of- any looming I. to No en; 103 SUNNI SEA50,15 A SrM, wno Inlll0l fidlll.ln, MNI 1. tin. W.- API. Mone Jun. 1. Nt+ewn AIW.l 15 M slab. 15, . we WMHtr. Seeding MMI net be time ouring .indy ...thr . Mwn the grwnd I. fro., eecooNry ..t or omrN. .,khow. 11 .NM, M d.. during JWy awn Auuwl, arRlen•I mulch m•l.n.l may be rwvInwd 0, In. Er01nter PART 2 - PRODUCTS 201 TAME A Um. MNI N, otne.e, I- -It. Ilmrhnw, gkullunl rra cntalnin, . minbauln .f IN It .1 cWI ono mwnwokm urbnvl.F Twx Rholl P« the 10 moth .loot minlmum on Well pan its 20 "wh .1- minlmum AN MNI r« the IDO mots .Nee 2. FENTUGS A -to- MNI W. Aemmwdd pw. gr.ul.r iwlJlt;r .. -.I- fr .N c..11Mn. we -Med In thi t41 .r the VAOT Slender. SpodR.On. no Nrtellr Md be d.11.M to th. NnMa In .... down. wew. montane; MM Y•r • Wool It, NNrIbN, the --to, th. ahemlwl wnw w. of nab nutiwnL The NP1,11Ier pro, the net \ulk th. brnd and aw IT...not •derv. of an mnuNclurr no Ietid- And Wholl. Wd unfrm 1. We -Win, Son. In. F.enl reim'.1two. and MNI m..l the ower4M of th, A.«Ndn vl Orllal.l Al-RInl MMI.I. 2 0.] GRASS SEED A Rrwwlde N.h, down..«-arup Down of the grow; were... Pr•Porden, and minlmum r.nentaw, of Purity. qW, in.11n wed -k- Pr-IW .f ..r wet a. IAN.... I Pat, weed MNI norm 11, be a.r .Rowe, or... Tnh weed mI.- went cenlorm 1. in. 1Nh.in1 teal. M.... MIn-nn KnW .f -1 P-Y G,I ID./Aar• Crwwing RN 1.- .i Sox M Prrnl•1 Rppooa Sxx ,Ox M Kntudy ■lawr•r 97x 55% 25 Rooky so. .Ox 5 ITTAL = 120 2 S.. seed Md nem.l, b; uw C loell ;I.p. -Wily 11 w weelpw I.. -I.- 1. moo hllNing tell. Nlnnnum Mlnlmum ono of SON Purity GrmM•tln Ile/Act. CrMo inq A. Fewus Nx box 35 Prennla It row on wR ]0 11N1. 25x .Ox S A.M. Corr Six 90111 5 MNdokel 11,001 ..x Sax b TOTAL = Net A Thw Meow mMun M.11 boo nW'- In no., clw.n, .weld e.nNMrw Lebo• wn. content• W.1 ewnfdnn la NI Slat. •M F.P. rNWahn. 5M MNI be •ab,4ct 1. the twitn, M.nMen, of the Awwc[, en of OM.I,I S..9 Maye c Sxd mat net. e..«ne .et mMIMy. awn of i.. Nm.g..11, N. ,Maw 2,04 MULCH A Mulch moot .. Inet.11.1 •n a1 wooded rww. The I.Ilawin. hh-wo r; wcwt•M..1 u 1 Hay thin. hr .I ..wed ntl .- Weller al a r.1. OI .O Fwn& awn I.ODO Moor. feet 2 woo. new, NII. in • eim, (1/41' awn leeg.r) .I e nn. .1 40 r«d. P.r 1,OD0 .,.or 1-1 2 OS WATER A AN e•t.... Mal be attained Awn tots .at., Whurn• awn MNI N wow, tam MPH- 0-1u1 and an. keel. �ui Two h. I to "..I IN N...Iw Mlch I. n Win .IN N pnnIIIN It eny A. no Contra- Nh,ll ti fy to the Engln•w NI 10 Ion of wvtr at to lab who• pdr N a.. Tho En,ln.., k hit dr.mll•n.11 m.y Its ownje ..f the who It In •...cr - Me Ink .t .ny Ihn. lid noon • Idmlay twetmowmN,, hr wh.nkd and rain. -tort no conk ... to, Mall not u•. .ny At- Iran why .urn MIM I, Nl.p,nwd by the Enshot, Idl..., wen beet. 2N HERrODES A A .w-enn.nnu ho li .Nunn (t.p a ), M.II be .Nee to thw MNhr l.00ll If Mring I, to weer III 4 Jun. 1 Title teb. of h.bkld. 1..fNll. M~ g.rminMg «N - It MIT. the plant. W.1- they e the WIN wrlaca Mm hn,rtanay, It d« net Nterrrw am the gorminetlon at ud «on ,n;eeR wch . Kent-ky se..nwe and C-2S H.rd Fwea. 5 .plk.tkn GnOocla M.II u..1,a or. In h.ndlIna SUM... cvnmor ly known we "twonon', III be uN1.d 0t the moms -we. nc•mmn..1 nh 2-07 FINAL FERTUIER A 'U.hnH. I, ".-loan' c.lalnlnf ].x nlln,wn In a el.w nit.w IPTn PANT 3 - ENEGUTION 301 PREPARATION A Ewwmin, MIM ..do.. and 9-0. not wlvrt .-Ing .dab unlll unwliafmtary-Itlan. m cNer-tin! Perf- wMing week nay .ttr plwling no wMr w.,, •Ifwclm2 mono Md h. Wo., .-,let. 5 NotNy L.dwah, Archiloct at I.nI bewn (]) o,Ni,q doe, N_ to Nwlin. weeds. C Pm... w.d Immriplwly rrk, t. •eeMg as 1u117 . 1 Low« eel of 1.d owe. la a mMNnum Nplh of ♦" 2 Re- t.. - 1' In any Nemoter aM .IIMu, tool•. -lent who Mtnn.u. moth 3 Rwnawe wMI and, and linen•• by pu111, awn tIIINg undo ♦ OM wen to be wooded la a om.th. M. CnlnNg own wrfic. with a Ib«, medorwely.earn III 5 Renrm rugs and r1 =94.1n. a. -1q 1. drmn . Rwmn prw•w w... Ir red.. w Nwwror .1r I. ..wing SD2 SEED CONOITONS A -In, Moll net N ew,. then Th. pooh. To Mtn, one. wwo. Dory, or In An, •IMF unwllwfw;try wnellln Ae, plentin, No ""in, wr.tM. M111 1..n4- under .d,weN 11111,. McWHI.nT, w ono .II mMWIA, «oA4nt unlewwl; (Uwe .•I or tip. by) or when +I.e..NM 5 NrH M Cn.lwctln nethed, M.II N moo• ow-Hento we welly wwwlNh one two.Ml. Th. Cnt-r. MNI a L_ hew been weed. To w-1, -1. - •cNw, .1 dmMw to punt Nonle Whr. Wueh --ton h. cumd, the Cant-Ar mell ,wart, me .I to ChM, . wltdl.... boR then rw,.N an. mulch who Moo. .1. the NII bm.nt..1 In. yWf.d maNRNF .1 no welre ewwn. t. No O.w C Sud.c. n. weq.g1 wtr .noun N -Ined or el.rtoo from 1n. Nh 1. /r•wnt r•.ning or wlnl•r MINI .I the N 1, D All ar« and pod• of ona..hkT, Me to Me. a uNlwm ;Imo of grit. fe .n, rwwn Ma-- Mal N rrM.. end -.1,rr end rode al m. Mall be owed. rw..t•dly un111 all Drew on ;ousted with . wlNM1cmy perm of p1•. E Wetwing 1. -wontnod o neI wennent Iw wetwblNnm•nl and ­­L F Wh•o r w- hark a.. pl.M. III, I.mpwary wrwln -ol wed he. not been dnnln.IN pnw to the a.nrl.tfin al the wwn, who any MNI be dNwd .1 INN 3 ARM.. yew and aooM to prmwnMl ii,+«, to prevent the ry we Iram rewoft, end N..min, a r.tlll..Ith .4 nlw4ln, C.rwm.nt If the p•rmnnt w.ae ] 02 SEENNC A d lerh-r should be appllr .I., to or of in. I- of wwedlnq end Incrp-lea ink. the ..II Kind. lid wnl, 0 IIm, and III MWId be boo. on In. tion If roll wet. Non a wet teal he n t o 11,blo, the Mlawl , minlmum -Munh .hwNbe wNled Arlwltur. IInn-ne, 2 ln. or wm a I00 IN. rw 1.000 Mum 'Met .H_wn (N), Set 1. or ..To I, 11 IN. pr 1,000 WIuon Iw., Phawhat. (P205), 100 N. a., am w 22 14, rwwn 1,000 _wr. ..I I...h (K2.), 100 III. ry acre or 22 It. P., I,000 ...... fiw (Nat. nl. N the .WIMmI of 1.0 IN Pr -r. .1 10- 20-20 fiertnM.r awn 1,000 lb. IN., awe s-10-10) D Seed -Id N Rented u 11-ly by w -w mwl arwrnRwt. Nr the •It. M.M.• Ind-.rweeaw-I no nyr-.g •e fat.. 1 gnd«m. S•...N ..In, m.chwlael wrw4r It I rare a 4 lbw /1,000 ;w1wA Net. Dilid- «d Jwnly ono ,two ml by «Tng root wanllty In tow NNIim• al Mont angled t. •bab .In. Rat, woo. INhby Into 1. 1/.• of tw.M1, r.11 IINO, who -r with . line why 2 Hymww•aing MITI bi Dal. l,rtNl,, one wlw.iw IT- In vale...,no wWpmonl _111 lly d"WHal for hydrwwd wNlrlln Conlin. mI.In. unlll .nil-1, bIMM Into h.m.wlw. Murry wlteble m hynulla oalutlwn /N/le, dwry .11-1y 1. III a ewe la be «M R.le of olrllc.tln 1. rMulnd t..Ian ;pwIM, ww woe.' rut. ] 03 MULCHING A Mu mwleHw. ­0 .e I,- unllemly by I or mwhln. .I a r.(. of T.. M IN. bow IN. 1.000 ..or. foot B DIN-. Mulch Anchadng - Stnw w hoe, ­Inn- We a .- ImmrNl.ly eke, wruoing k. a•wnl In. NI r 304 MAINTENANCE A 'he m.intnmae vied Mdl immNb4 ;Im rNin P bpm t one Mall c.tlnu unlll mwhncl ■ NI .-w moot N Inwww prl-WI, N NRNu1. .Nor nN.1-W, to hoed her oil ..I.. Mhw. m.1. I. 0.1..do- -A), Mall be NNIed Net w w be MM•cw after nthol•nn. Tar dlMPnllOn awn I.9ur. If wMwh •r Mw.k...Rut, -wiell net .e nw•nw, .1. nNNTWI domed• tthe e.a Inw.awn..hwld I.. N . u OI now.. -1, vtN« IMMe Or.. .hat not be .-Adwetl MnWIWed .nu I «.anal .., I. ..4"d Old, I. mat.. wgh to Inky wed wrookand d I. wn1..... ..other mndltl.. c Rhrt Dula, M uM nn),nctI,nn wllh orn,whontw pl.nthg. InywcL porl-In,d Y thraughaA the pee to ottefmin. If mulch I. manlaning ...rag. a the well wrfno. r..k a. nw-N! C Seeding awn . Mall a. pawed and -IT.InN by wtW,S. w.ean!• m Mng, eeding, roll,,, In- w dfiww nlnl m re-fid111zMq ntl 1 .1 wn•ul. wn1cM1 m hme wy C The Con Geehr NMI malnlaN ell ..do. redo untg NII cw,w.11. N wnt.Wr 0. NI eo.d•M ... MM b. Moot Irw tent .M. An. i.\rIA w.. cl•n.e. uM.F M.M..Ir., lid .11•lop.. 41 w Ate(N.11w) on. I.- l.1 In No mow In moo fowelks red 1 When "a r..Mwe a naMt of 4-.', mow to I h1len1 of 3' 2 M Ite. Two attlnp .h.11 be m.e. rrlr 1. and ,..ple- E F1'o+Nmm ing, . .l wroM: a NmeeN wed) rNktof howWI Iwtllwr hydr•Wlully pll« at the rll, If 10 woo PwnN rr 100 Wwm Net 105 ACCEPTANCE A In wGn 1, Not- •w•rtn,, of ...ded .rww ndl be mitt by mCont-ter', Lone. -tort, up. Contter'w entlen I+w., 1 Prwl.. n 11"1 .1 Rua ton (10) -In, I.y bem. row.aN Intoo,tl. del. B So.ed now .III No ...PIabN'mded MI NN.Ilatl. end m.NMnnc. recubrnn4 hew bun camNlN wllh lid . halm, unl I.n . w.-IMN C Upon •;Nylon.•. th. Owner WII a«m. ..Int..,. 1w WAMARTY A N1 wowed w .41 be wwnnted fwr • ,orIed of low- .... hen to .1 Onr'. eN.hnu S,w eny .w1. •two Lot a int.ln NO e,wellwn f.N4 M... will \• r"to" un I MI• oPwNlOutln 6 aWN.d It the cool of the C.lndw 5" 1 5" 145 GA WIRE MESH 30. HIGH AND BURIED ." BELOW GRADE, HOOKED TO STEEL STAKES (MIL E MESH CAN BE EUMINATED FOR FENCE 24" OR LOWER) -FILTER FABRIC CLIPPED OR POST '"RED TO MESH, TO BE MIRAR 100NS OR APPROVED EQUAL fFNOE MENNi 34' ]0' Y o 2 WOOD 5' 25' 24" MIN ETAL POST 11qjwj - POST a . a WOm Wm ACING BELOW GRADE -STEEL OR WOOD STAKES SEE CHART AT RIGHT 2 NNwat MITE IENFL�To .E FA31ENfD SEO"ELI TO POSTS Win RAKE TIES ON STARES 3 FIi. OATH TO .E FASTEN. SEOINELY TO aO.FN MNE fEMLE WTH Me SPAOD EERY 2C AT TOP, NO SEOTW, ANO WO a wfN M SECTONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL SEE OWILANFD .Y 1' - ARD STAPLED SILT FENCE DETAIL N,T S SITE ENGINEER: r lip CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. PO BOX455 SHELBURNE, VD 05482 edy Nep r,1A a ni-wane wwb .1.r c•„a won a.- CJG CNSC.SO JLM Awe.... JLM OWNER STEVE AND ELIZABETH CAFLISCH PROJECT, EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN 105 CENTRAL AVE. SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND NOTES a- JAN., 2004 9CAL. 1 r' = 101 FRN NO 03295 DM111NG RIRp1O C3 11 I z I CAFLISCH RESIDENCE QUEEN CITY PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT LAKESHORE 72/23/03 ELEVA 77ON 9B 5' C. LEWIS TRUST 1 ♦ ry ^��� ,�O 2 BOLE 20" OAK E G Bf DMO b, ` ON B' CRAB LAKE EXIST. GARAGE CHAMPLAIN FFE 1136.5' W �i ADIITt�JN IC s Ruc�At 1 r N C. PARKER rp I I EX ffRE 17 pp 0STING HOUSE / T T / FFE x 136..t8' LEGENDQI{{ X TAI IN W LL_npmm " Mrxml N eNarnoloiD JJ� EXISTING CONTOUR CRAB �' f APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE r SETBACK LWE N/y �0 9 O IRON PIN o CONC MON. W \ Or \ x t 1 u Z IU - OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC �aI ws 3 0 + V Uf UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SEWER MANHOLE e SHUT-OFF MAPL •o, POWER POLE m MAILBOX tj DECIDUOUS TREE c� NOTES t�r CONIFEROUS TREE OF T Utilltiae charm do not purport to corretitu o or rrprew N au rvv� EDGE WOODS/BRUSH u0fbs k"W upon or ad/soerrt to the eurveyad premisw. Ekpting ulWy looations one epprartlnMe ony. TM Corn6aCEor phaN Be/d wity.Il utlRy oonfnote. An d�Scr.p.ncte.,naB be M. TUANOR a M. lZEALEreported F..r� Ervirmw ho Cohtmactor o� a«Itrc1 Dig S. BEHAR Sob •� pdor Or MXtI 2. EbvsCons pro bawd on the teve/ of Lake Chorryown rnoaa d 04 of tM /Ong Street Ferry Dock on December 23, 2003. (EASIAMn 98.6S) 3. 7hle pten Is not a boundary survey and fs not Intended to be used w ate. Property flnw ere based upon • pJan entlpW ' Plan of Soutitem Section of Ouesn w Perk -South Budlnftton, prepar6d by Fbag, Stone and Awoclates dated Oolaber 23, 1046 I. FN/tl topography was Completed on December 23, 2003. Due to sfgnf mnf snow oover on We dab locations of torten growd Avmkw" were dMReuk to obb/n. An features ~ be ved W 0-1 by the contractor prior to conanrction. AN dlacrspanc/ps ohs# be GRAPi�' 9CA?.� fop~ to ins engineer. 0 o r o J. This property flea In tiro OueenClty Perk ZonkV DrsMct i c Q ttdrt r t natrh � 0�0 M v IV 1-\ AT 1V - L r� Ti V Lt d'- L� Q " I-> C ( " Q Qt%l Q DETAIL SILT _FENCE RECEIVED DEC 0 j City of So. Burlington Mad NO KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PO- SOX 23 WILLISTON, VT. 05495 — TEL 879-6343 I MN —LE C. LEWIS TRUST o / DTtION U I O iER ,N R 0 S B S R s i IST A� LA E `W `E R� EX CNN SRmO/ i CLOSER J LAKE `�'RE iD L KE s >BA K I EXIST. GARAGE CHAMPLAIN FFE = 136.5' Q K E R IN D ADDITION M 3 �J e SN E5 D,S nNL 9E r f`—+ KEN EYE NC STRUCTURE 0 C. PARKER N { AKE A O 5 ' EXISTING HOUSE —°` --- FFE = 136.8' LEGEND P SNO iE T D TA LE E EN XIS L 5 RUC RE AND LnKE im a omiwc eel !s Niwtenlmml r1iN1 ®---------3as--------- — EXISTING CONTOUR _ _ - Rf gNFN TAOliPD � '—------- APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE v r SETBACK LINE ' N N N O IRON PIN [ram] CONC MON, ? C¢L --------OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC n 4 EN MARH { ``Jf] -------UE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CY Po OO SEWER MANHOLE X, SHUT—OFF o \ \ POWER POLE iTl MAILBOX f.ry l\ � �•,\\ \ �� r i \ ` DECIDUOUS TREE NOTES �''`� CONIFEROUS TREE IEDGE OF WOODS/BRUSH W 1. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utilities located upon or edlecent to the surveyed premises. Existing utility locations ere approximate only. The Contractor M. TURNOR & M. IZEALE shell field verify all utility conflicts. All dlscrepencles shell be reported to the Engineer The Contractor shell contact Dig S. BEHAR W Selo (888-344-7233) prior to any construction. 2. Elevations ere based on the level of Lake Champlain measured at the King Street Ferry Dock on December 23, 2003 (Elevation 98.55) 3. This plan is not a boundary survey and is not intended to U be used as one. Property lines are based upon a plan entitled \�•�/ " Plan of Southern Section of Queen City Perk - South Burlington, Vt." prepared by Hoeg, Stone and Associates dated October 23, 1946 4. Field topography was completed on December 23, 2003. �T Due to significant snow cover on this date locations of certain Fie'ti ground features were difficult to obtain. All features shall be verified GRAPHIC SCALE by the contractor poor to constuctlon. All discrepancies shell be reported to the engineer 0 5. This property lies in the QueenCify Perk Zoning District. V ( IN FELT j I inch . 000 It