HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 08/31/2021Public Art Selection Committee Meeting Minutes August 31, 2021 In Attendance: Michele, Denise, Penne, Amanda, Trice, Jean, Ilona (staff), Laura Winn Kane (public) Trice called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Minutes Approval: Action: Penne moved, Jean seconded, all voted in favor except for Amanda who abstained. Trice handed the meeting over to Ilona for election of Committee officers. Action: Trice nominated Penne be accepted as Chair. Penne nominated Jean be accepted as Vice-Chair. Amanda seconded both nominations. All voted in favor of accepting Penne as Chair and Jean as Vice-Chair. Ilona handed the meeting over to Penne, who proceeded chair the meeting. Curator search: Ad in 7 days Next: the other paper and VT arts council Denise will ask someone who could be interested. Next exhibit: current exhibit will be removed Oct 14. Penne suggested Martin Lalonde's watercolor, modern/contemporary quilting association, Vermont pastel society Champlain region hub Trice will contact quilting. Penne will contact Martin Lalonde. Laura Kane commented: the curator listing was not the 7 days print edition. She suggested: the Vermont Pastel Society Champlain Regional Hub (interested next Spring). Review of opening: Next show opening should be on a Friday or Thursday, when the library is opened. The Library is open in the evening on Thursday but not Friday. Food cost has been researched. There will potentially be food at the next opening. They should always be a show on display with as little as time as possible between exhibit. Monday and Tuesday are not the best days for installation of exhibit. Meeting frequency. The Committee meets ad hoc. Penne suggests setting a regular monthly meeting which can be cancelled if there is no business. Annual report: Review and edits Potentially including performing arts in the program for next year. Tabled: garden street art location, goose in the bush. Public art dedication for the geese and clock needs to be organized, suggestion is there are separate dedications. Next meeting Monday the 13th, 6:30-7:30 to finish annual report. We will set a regular meeting then. Amanda motioned to adjourn, Trice seconded, unanimous vote in favor. – approved 9/13/2021