HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-78-0000 - Decision - 0000 Stonehedge Drive (3)PLANNING COtYITSSION MEETING APRIL 25, 1978 11; The South Burlington Planning Commission held, -.a regular meet ing'`on"Tuesday, April 25, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont. br ? tpe,. tilt ry MEMBERS PRESENT - `= ° '�'� vr:`t nut t; at s'Vcr. trt tile Chairman William B. Wessel, Ernest Levesque, Sidney B. Poger, James R. Ewing, David Morency, W. Kirk Woolery and George J. Mona. V �►r• MFMRF.RS A RS FNT tt•. t b 9c, t: None OTHERS PRESENT City Planner Stephen Page, Free Press Reporter Scott Sartorius, Robert A. Lang, Bill Brown, Audrey Park, Gloria Sessions, Don Sessions, Madge Kepf, Jerry Olsen, Sid Levitsky, Carl H. Lisman, Esq., Mervin Brown, Terrence J. Boyle, Edward Smith, Pete M. Collins, Veronica Mellish, Paul Mellish, Larry MacKenzie, Elizabeth MacKenzie, George and Joanne Weal, Chuck Munson, Alan Palmer, Louise Flynn, James Lamphere and Ray Unsworth READING OF THE MINUTES OF APRI L 18, 1978.- Mr. Poger made a motion to postpone the reading of the minutes of April 18, 1978 until the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ewing and passed unanimously. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OF GLENWOOD CORP. Chairman Wessel reported that the Planning Commission had walked the site of the proposed development. Lawyer Carl Lisman said he had talked -with Mr. Moser, an adjoining property owner, about the drainage run-off and had reached an agreement. He said there would be site work on the second Moser lot and that Mr. Moser seemed satisfied. Planner Stephen Page said he had met with residents of the area and' they have serious and legitimate concerns about the ability of the sewer lines to accomodate the enlargement of Cedar Glan North. They have reservations about the city•s review of the sewer capacity when the development was first constructed and now. Mr. Page felt that preliminary approval should have a stipulation that City Engineer Szymanski meet with the resident's engineer to resolve the differences. The residents should have a response to their concerns. Other concerns brought out at the meeting were about traffic, drainage and water supply. Mr. Wessel remarked that improvements on the above concerns would be bonded and Mr. Page said the people seemed to want more details on the improvements. .*Mr. Morency said that Mr. Szymanski would be the one to answer the questions on the sewer, and other improvements, agreeing that Mr. Szymanski should get together with their engineer. ij PLANNING CQMMISSION MEETING APRI L 2 5, 1978 Mr. Mona and Mr. Poger both felt that the sewer problem should be looked into. Mr. Robert Lang, a resident of the area, said that Mr. Page had covered the concerns of the people. He said they questioned the wisdom of adding demands on the sewer system and felt the sewers should be repaired before being added to. He said there are other areas in the system that were never looked at, pointing out that some of the system has been in more than half the normal lifetime of 25 years. Mr. Morency asked what else beside -the sewer system presented problems. Mr. Page said there were some drainage problems on the lower section of the project, but that it was nothing costly and also that looping of the water line should be done. Mr. Lang said having more units would bring on the added expense of educating the children in our schools since the original Cedar Glen plan did not include children. Mr. Levesque pointed out that we must have housing for our children when they graduate from high school or college. r- Mr. Mona brought up the questions of catch basins and was told that all the catch basins were in place. Mr. Mona then questioned having a single access road to take care of what will eventually be a fair number of houses. Steve said he had asked for a reservation for a 50' right-of-way. Mr. Ewing felt it should be a 60' right-of-way- if it was eventually going to be a street. Mr. Woolery made a motion for approval of the preliminary plat applicantion which was seconded by Mr. Poger. Mr. Wessel asked for discussion on the motion and the following changes were agreed upon: In stipulation 2: That for a total of 6 be inserted after the phrase "4 additional hydrants." In stipulation 3: Delete the words (goverened by the Paulsen Associates report associated with the Cedar Glen North proposal) and change the word "interpreted" to determined. Add stipulation 5: City Engineer to meet with Laurel Hill residents and their Engineer and the applicant, if he so desires, re sewers and looping of water lines and a reporC of the City Engineer's conclusions be sent to the Planning Commission by May 5th. Mr. Mona then read Mr. Woolery's amended motion as follows: I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plataRplication of the Glenwood Corporation, for 92 condominium units as depict on a plan set of 2 pages, entitled "Glenwood Site Plan", dated 2 23 78L drawn by Terrance Boyle, subject to the following stipulations: 1. A pedestrian easement, skirting cluster "C" to connect the UVM property to the city parkland, shall be shown on the final plat. 2. The final plat shall also show: 4 additional hydrants, for a total of 6, to be installed as shown on the plan of record, minimum building separations of 301, resitinR of units atop the water line, total number of bedrooms and approxi- mate breakdown by unit and "loop" road name and revised project name. 3. Engineering- shall be reviewed and apprnyed by the City Engineer for_storm drainage, water mains, and sewer lines. Sewer line sizing and capacity _shall be as determined by the City Engineer. Bonds for all required improvements, especially for the sewer line improvements in the Laurel Hill area. shall be set in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer. 3, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 25, 1978 4. Because of uncertainty reiardl�riA the adequacy of the present width', of the Phase I "Loop" Road, the Commission retains the right to require widening of the pavement to 24', with 4' gravel shoulders, during review of the next phase, if the 20' width proves to be inadequate in Phase 1. .:`r. 4—C.3 t t-a. Treffic F 5. City Engineer to meet with` Laurel Hill residents and their Engineer, and the applicant if he•so desires, re sewer and looping of water lines and a report of the City Engineer's conclusions be sent to the Planning Commission by May 52 1978. Chairman"Wessel called for a vote oiAhe motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of passage. a. z . s + ems : G t I 04 SITE PLAN REVIEW, LOT #I, MUDDY BROOK INDUSTRIAL PARK w*.F Chairman Wessel called on Mr. Alan Palmer to comment on this proposal. Mr. Palmer pointed out details of the application on the plan, saying this would be a 40' by 60' steel building with access from a new street, would have a gravel drive and turning access to the building, the water would be connected to the Champlain Water District, that the sewer plans, lot size and setbacks all meet the city requirements, etc. Mr. Poger asked about road improvements and Mr. Palmer said that all road improvements would be bonded and that he is following up on the improvements to be made by the state. Mr. Poger said he felt the roadways should be completed before the building can be used. Mr. Woolerty asked about the run-off and Mr. Palmer said that it was being taken care of. Mr. Page pointed out that there are 5 lots concerned, 3 could be developed, but the developer would have to come back before the commission before getting approval for the rest. Mr. Woolerty made a motion that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Mr. Alan Palmer for a 2400 square feet contractor's building, as depicted on a Plan entitled, "Site Plan - Lot #I....." drawn by Alan Palmer. dated March 23, 1978, subject to the following stipulations: 1. The required improvements to Williston Road shall be completed prior to occupancy. 2. A landscaping bond of $1,000 shall be posted. 3. This approval expires 6 months from this date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Poger and passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT APPLICATION OF MERLIN CORPORATION (FOR RED COACH GRILL). Chairman Wessel asked Mr. Page to comment on this application. Mr. Page discussed the general facts of the application, pointing out the location, saying the property contains 9 acres and the plan is to subdivide 3 acres, leaving 6 acres for a Red Coach Grill Restaurant that would seat 250 patrons. He said the sewer capacity and approach access to Dorset Street were o.k., the internal circulation plan, parking and landscaping plans all meet the city requirements. He mentioned that the second curb cut could not be lined up with 100 Dorset Street but he thought it was not too bad. He added that the internal circulation plan was reviewed by Bruce Houghton, the Vermont Highway Department personnel and Mr. Szymanski and they had no objections.