HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH 2 - Supplemental - 0089 0012 Springhouse Road14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 i LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. May 31, 2001 Sarah MacCallum Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff Proposed 3 Lot Subdivision Springhouse Road Dear Sarah: (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding their proposed 3 lot subdivision located off Springhouse Road. We are requesting sewer allocation of 960 GPD to serve the two proposed single family residences, in addition to 810 GPD for the existing dwelling on Lot 1. The total design flow of 2010 GPD, based upon the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules, is summarized below: Lot 1 6 bedrooms x 150 GPD/bedroom x 0.90** = 810 GPD Lots 2 & 3: 2 houses x 4 bedrooms/house x 150 GPD/bedroom x 0.80* = 960 GPD Infiltration 0.13 mile x 6" pipe x 300 GPD/inch/mile = 240 GPD Total design flow = 2010 GPD * * 10% reduction taken for connection to municipal collection system * 20% reduction taken for water conserving fixtures and connection to municipal collection system The existing Skiff home, as well as two adjacent properties are currently served by an existing .6" sewer line that connects to the municipal system on Meadowood Drive. The two proposed lots will also be served by this existing connection to the municipal sanitary sewer. 7 �' letter + +1 .� L '?;+., F41, r' -rO �1, 1'Y .� a .,:.�� �v..,n, W e are requesting a ette tating tla evil ty vi tuC '-AY O �7v"tu Burlungton tv provide ,ve service for this project (please reference the total design flow in the letter). Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, Andrew Rowe cc: Bob & Marley Skiff Peter Collins QA2000\00-133\SEWER REQUEST.wpd Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 MARCH 2O01 Mr. Rabideau said they would be asking for a separate curb cut, as this is important for emergency vehicles. Mr. Dinklage said the Fire Chief would also pay attention to access to the sides of the building. Mr Schmitt raised the question of danger from carbon monoxide from the under -building parking. Mr. Rabideau indicated that would be addressed, including the use of carbon monoxide detectors. There will also be automatic sprinkler systems. Mr. Dinklage stressed that due to the location, this application will have to be "squeaky clean." He said the Board would rely heavily on the recommendations of the Fire Chief. 7. Sketch plan application #SD-01-07 of Robert and Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three lots: 1) lot #1 a 7.58 acre pai-,Zel with an existing single family dweuing, 2) lot #2 a 3.13 acre parcel, and 3) lot #3 a 2.14 acre parcel, Springhouse Road: Mr. Collins said the existing house was built in Connecticut, then taken apart and moved here and reassembled. It is a big old house on 12.85 acres with only 2 people living in it. The owners want to sell the house, then build a smaller home for themselves on lot #2 and allow for another house on lot #3. The existing barn would be part of lot #2. Mr. Rowe noted that UVM owns some of the adjacent vacant land. He showed the developable and restricted areas on the property and noted that the lot #2 and #3 building envelopes would be within the developable areas. Because of the location of the fire hydrant, the Fire Chief has requested that the buildings be sprinklered. Mr. Dinklage stressed that the Board will support what the Chief requests. The question of a private vs. public road was raised. The applicant wants a private road, but Mr. Belair noted that regulations say that a road that serves more than 3 homes must be public, and this road would serve 5 homes. Mr. Rowe said their intent is to upgrade the road to allow 2 cars to pass ::__=_ :,_:er, but they would like to road to remain private. Mr. Dinklage noted that the problem has been that substandard private roads are allowed, but then down the line the residents decide they want the city to maintain the roads. Mr. Collins said they are willing to stipulate that the road would remain private forever. Mr. Dinklage asked if the Board allowed the road to remain private, would the applicant revert to the driveway for lot 93 as in the sketch. Mr. Rowe said they would. 5 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 MARCH 2O01 Mr. Dinklage said he would be comfortable with the private road with documents satisfactory to the City. It was noted that the city does not have to agree to make a road public when people request it, but in the past they have "caved in." A poll of members showed that only Ms. Quimby was opposed to having the road remain private. No other issues were raised. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Clerk Southeast Quadrant - Restricted Areas within Residential Lots"` r7l ��. F li tc Robert & Marley Skiff Subdivision MAY 2 9 2001 May, 2001 City of so. buri►figwa The project area is within the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) and includes designated Restricted and Development Areas as shown on the SEQ Official Zoning Map. Although the building envelopes of the proposed residential lots are located entirely within the Development Areas, portions of the lots include Restricted Areas. Pursuant to Section 6.602 of the Zoning Regulations, the Development Review Board (DRB) may approve portions of residential lots to be located in Restricted Areas provided that the DRB determines that such development activities are consistent with the intent and purpose of the SEQ. The location of residential lots in a restricted area shall be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria of Section 6.606: (a) Designated open space shall be located so as to maximize the aesthetic enjoyment of users of the site, surrounding. properties, and roads in the vicinity. The project does not include any designated open space. However, the proposed building envelopes on each of the new lots are located entirely within the designated Development Areas with the balance of the lots being Restricted Areas. A notice of the conditions upon land development activities within the Restricted Areas will be recorded for the new lots. The proposed construction of access driveways and utilities to serve the new lots is permitted in the Restricted Areas in accordance with Section 6.501. While there is no designated open space, the conditions placed upon activities in the Restricted Areas will effectively maintain an open space around the building envelope of each lot. (b) Proposed buildings, lots, streets, and other structures shall be placed so as to maximize potential of land for open space and natural resources preservation, scenic view protection, and/or continued agricultural use. In an effort to maximize the above goals the following shall be considered: (i) Existing natural resources on the site including streams, wetlands, floodplains, conservation zones, wildlife habitats and special features such as mature maple groves or unique geologic features. Lot 2 and the southerly portion of Lot 1 is identified as woodland / wildlife habitat on the SEQ Official Zoning Map. However, the existing single family dwelling on Lot 1 is located to the north of the this area, and the building envelope on Lot 2 is within the designated Development Area. Both Lots 1 & 2 are abut the existing residential lots of Swift Estates to the south and east. There are no resources identified within the project site on the Natural Resources Map #7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Healthy existing trees outside the limits of construction within the building envelopes, as well as the existing hedgerow along the westerly boundary will be saved. Robert & Marley Skiff Subdivision May 2001 Page 2 (ii) Scenic view corridors from existing or planned public ways. There are no resources identified within the project site on the Natural Resources Map #7 of the Comprehensive Plan. The Restricted Areas on the SEQ Official Zoning Map include a 200 feet wide corridor along Swift Street. This Restricted Area will maintain an open space corridor along Swift Street. The proposed building envelope on Lot 3 is within the designated Development Area, and is consistent with the setbacks of existing adjacent buildings along Swift Street. (iii) Existing agricultural use and/or ability of the land to be improved for agriculture. The proposed residential lots are located to the east of agricultural lands owned by the University of Vermont. An existing hedgerow and old fence run along the boundary separating the two properties. The two proposed single family residences will not have an adverse effect upon the continuation of agricultural practices on the adjacent property. (iv) Size and shape of contiguous open space and potential for combination with open space and adjacent lots. The project does not include any designated open space. However, the proposed building envelopes on each of the new lots are located entirely within the designated Development Areas with the balance of the lots being Restricted Areas. A notice of the conditions upon land development activities within the Restricted Areas will be recorded for the new lots. The proposed construction of access driveways and utilities to serve the new lots is permitted in the Restricted Areas in accordance with Section 6.501. While there is no designated open space, the conditions placed upon activities in the Restricted Areas will effectively maintain an open space around the building envelope of each lot. (v) Natural topography and existing vegetation and forest lands. There are no resources identified within the project site on the Natural Resources Map #7 of the Comprehensive Plan. Healthy existing trees outside the limits of construction within the building envelopes, as well as the existing hedgerow along the westerly boundary will be saved. (c) The placement of buildings, lots, streets, and utilities shall conform with planned public facilities including, but not limited to, parkland, recreation and pedestrian paths, streets, schools, and sewer and water facilities. There are no existing or planned public facilities on the project site or shown on Map #2 Recreation, Map #3 Transportation, or Map #8 Community Facilities in the Comprehensive Plan. There is an existing bike path across Swift Street, and a planned recreation path which appears to be located on the adjacent property to the west of the project. The proposed residential lots will not have an adverse effect on existing or planned public facilities. Robert & Marley Skiff Subdivision May 2001 Page 3 (d) In developing_a plan which maximizes the goals identified above, the developer shall rely on specific site analyses, inventory maps contained in the Comprehensive Plan, and planning studies such as the "Public Improvements and Scenic Views / Natural Areas Protection Study, Phases I & II". Q:\2000\00-133\section 6.606 criteria.wpd Vr General Standards for Planned Residential Development MAY 2 9 cUJI Robert & Marley Skiff Subdivision May, 2001 City of So. Buriuigton In connection with a planned residential development, the Development Review Board (DRB) may allow portions of residential lots to be located in restricted areas provided that such development activities are consistent with the intent and purpose of the Southeast Quadrant District (see Section 6.602 of the Zoning Regulations). Although the building envelopes of the proposed residential lots are located entirely within the Development Areas, portions of the lots include Restricted Areas. Therefore, the project must also be reviewed under Section 26.151, General Standards for Planned Residential Development: (a) The planned residential development(PRD) will not result in undue water or air pollution. The project will be served by municipal water and sanitary sewer service. All water and sewer improvements have been designed in accordance with the Vermont Environmental Protection Rules and the Water Supply Rules. The proposed sewer design flow, including infiltration, is 1200 GPD. (b) The PRD will have sufficient water available to meet the needs of the proposed development. The project will be served by municipal water and sanitary sewer service. All water and sewer improvements have been designed in accordance with the Vermont Environmental Protection Rules and the Water Supply Rules. The proposed water design flow is 1,080 GPD. Sufficient flows are available for the proposed project without encumbering the system's present users. We have addressed the City Water Department comments in regards to the Sketch Plan, and have forwarded a copy of the current plans for their review. (c) The PRD will not cause unreasonable soil erosion or reduction in the capacity of the land to hold water so that a dangerous or unhealthy condition may result. The project involves the extension of Springhouse Road, an existing gravel drive, to serve two new residential lots. The construction of a new house and driveway will not result in significant lot coverage (20% building & 40% total maximum allowable coverage). Others areas disturbed during construction will be re -vegetated and mowed as lawn, or allowed to regenerate through natural succession. The existing drainage patterns will be maintained. Diversion swales around the houses, or along drives will direct run off to the existing drainageways. Erosion control measures will be in accordance with the Vermont Handbook for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites. (d) The PRD will not cause unreasonable highwgy congestion or unsafe conditions on existing and proposed roadways. Springhouse Road will continue to provide access to existing residences as well as the two new residential lots. Sight distance greater than 1000 feet is available in both directions at the intersection of Springhouse Road and Swift Street. The two proposed lots will generate an additional 3 trips end during the P.M. peak hour, and an average of 19 trips ends per day. Robert & Marley Skiff Subdivision May 2001 Page 2 (e) The PRD will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide education services and facilities. Based upon a ratio of 0.5 children per dwelling unit, this project would only generate 1 additional student. The proposed subdivision does not represent a significant increase in school children. In addition, the City has adopted an impact fee to mitigate the impact of new residential development upon the school system. (f) The PRD will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide municipal or governmental services and facilities. The project is located in an area currently served by municipal services. The City has adopted an impact fee to mitigate the impact of new residential development. All of the proposed improvements including the private shared driveway, sewer and water services will be constructed and maintained at the expense of the developer / homeowner. The proposed homes will be subject to water and sewer connection and user fees. The proposed lots will also be subject transportation, recreation, and school impact fees. (G) & (H) The PRD will protect the important natural resources of the site, and will not have an undue adverse effect upon the scenic or natural beauty of the area. Lot 2 and the southerly portion of Lot 1 is identified as woodland / wildlife habitat on the SEQ Official Zoning Map. However, the existing single family dwelling on Lot 1 is located to the north of the this area, and the building envelope on Lot 2 is within the designated Development Area. Both Lots 1 & 2 are abutting the existing residential lots of Swift Estates to the south and east. There are no resources identified within the project site on the Natural Resources Map #7 of the Comprehensive Plan, and the project is not within an Overlay District. Healthy existing trees outside the limits of construction within the building envelopes, as well as the existing hedgerow along the westerly boundary will be saved. (I) The PRD will create a contiguous, meaningful, common open space for the residences that will preserve natural resources of the site. The project does not include any designated open space. However, the proposed building envelopes on each of the new lots are located entirely within the designated Development Areas with the balance of the lots being Restricted Areas. A notice of the conditions upon land development activities within the Restricted Areas will be recorded for the new lots. The proposed construction of access driveways and utilities to serve the new lots is permitted in the Restricted Areas in accordance with Section 6.501. While there is no designated open space, the conditions placed upon activities in the Restricted Areas will effectively maintain an open space around the building envelope of each lot. The Restricted Areas include a 200' setback to the building envelope from the centerline of Swift Street, providing an open space corridor along the roadway. Robert & Marley Skiff Subdivision May 2001 Page 3 (J) The PRD proposes an efficient layout and high quality construction of streets and public facilities. The proposed improvements have been designed in accordance with the Vermont Environmental Protection Rules, Water Supply Rules and City Subdivision Regulations. City staff in the various departments have reviewed and provided comments on the proposed improvements which have been incorporated into the plans. The proposed driveway and services will be constructed at the expense of the developer or homeowner. The utilization of the existing private drive (Springhouse Road) is reasonable given the small number of lots served. The PRD is within an area which is planned for municipal services (see CCRPC Municipal Sewer Service Area Map, Map 5 of the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan, and the Capital Budget and Program). (K) The project has considered the extension of roadways and utilities to adjoining properties. However, there is no need to provide future easements or rights of ways to connect with adjacent properties. To the south and east are the existing Swift Estate residential lots, with Meadowood Drive ending in a cul-de-sac to the south of the project parcel. The undeveloped University of Vermont parcel located to the west has frontage along both Swift Street and Spear Street. (L) The project conforms with the City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed residential lots will conform with the City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project is substantially in accordance with the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations. The Subdivision is consistent with the Purpose of the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District. Q:\2000\00-133\section 26.151-prd criteriampd 9/18/o1 s MOTION OF APPROVAL WITH PRIVATE ROAD ROBERT & MARJORIE SKIFF I move the South Burlington Development Review Board approve preliminary plat 41,04, application #SD-01-37 of Robert & Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots of 7.54 acres (lot I), 3.13 acres (lot z), and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 {� Springhouse Road, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, page one (i) entitled,t ^ "Lands of Robert & Marjorie Skiff Springhouse Road, South Burlington," prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated 4/2/oi, last revised on 9/13/01 with the following stipulations: i. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. z. Pursuant to Section 513 of the Subdivision Regulations, the Board waives Sections 4oY-1(i) and 4oi.i(j) of the Subdivision Regulations and approves aAli private street serving five (5) separate residential lots. �✓ 490 3. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the applicant shall record a* irrevesable 10 ffe r of ded icat4e-nlor the water line approved by the City Attorney. 4. The plat plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Four (4) copies of the approved revised plat plans shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to recording. a. The applicant shall comply with the City Arborist's recommendations for this project. b. The final plat plans shall be revised to provide street numbers for the development based on the Egn addressing system. 5. Pursuant to Section 513.1 of the Subdivision Regulations, the Board grants a waiver from Section 4o8 of the regulations from the requirements to install street lighting. 6. Pursuant to Section 6.502 of the zoning regulations, the Board approves the subdivision of land which results in the portions of three (3) lots which are located in a restricted area. I 7. The Development Review Board approves a sewer allocation of zoio g.p.d. The sewer allocation shall remain in effect for ten (io) years from the date of final plat approval. Any lots which have not been developed within ten (io) years shall lose their allocation unless reapproved by the Development Review Board. The applicant shall be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. Cf 8. T e property owners. 9. The sewer m�nole nve shel6;a not �efthe entire pipe diameter not .6o in plans shown. io. Any change to the final plan plans shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. ii. The final plat plans (sheet i and survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within go days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. State of Vermont SUBDIVISION PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules Effective August 8, 1996 Case Number: EC-4-2440 PIN: EJOI-0295 Landowner: Robert A. & Marjorie Skiff Address: 89 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 This project, consisting of a three lot residential subdivision identified as Lot #1 being 7.54 acres in size with an existing six bedroom single family residence and Lot 2 being 3.13 acres and Lot 3 being 2.11 acres each with one proposed four bedroom single family residence served by municipal water and wastewater services located off Springhouse Road in the city of South Burlington, Vermont is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. GENERAL This permit does not relieve the permittee from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Quality Division - Wetlands telephone (802) 241-3770, the Department of Labor and Industry - telephone (802) 828-2106 or (802) 658-2199 and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans which have been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: proj. no. 00133, sht. no. 1 "Site Plan" dated 4-02-01 last revised 9-18-01; sht. no. 2 "Road & Water Details & Specifications" dated 4-02-01 last revised 9-18-01, sht. no. 3 "Sanitary Sewer Details & Specifications" dated 4-02-01 revised 8-31-01; and sht. no. 4 "3 Lot Subdivision Plat" dated 4-2-01 last revised 9-19-01 prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans without prior written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. Each prospective purchaser of each lot shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan and this Subdivision Permit prior to conveyance of the lot. Subdivision Permit EC-4-2440 Robert A. & Marjorie Skiff Page 2 4. The conditions of this permit shall nin with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the penmittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The pennittee shall be responsible for the recording of this permit and the "Notice of Permit Recording" in the South Burlington Land Records within 30 days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this pen -nit. This project has been reviewed and is approved for the construction of one four bedroom single family residence on the approved Lots #2 and #3 and for the existing six bedroom single family residence on Lot #1. Constriction of other types of buildings or dwellings, including public buildings, commercial buildings, duplexes, and condominium units, is not allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. 6. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property subject to this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental/health statutes and regulations. WATER SUPPLY 7. Each lot is approved for water supply by connection to the municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. No other means of obtaining potable water shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 8. Each lot is approved for connection to the South Burlington wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 960 gallons of wastewater per day for Lots #2 and #3 and 720 gallons of wastewater per day for Lot 41. No other method of wastewater disposal shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division, and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. Subdivision Permit EC-4-2440 Robert A. & Marjorie Skiff Page 3 9. A professional engineer, registered in the State of Vermont, is to generally supervise the constriction of the sanitary sewer line extensions and, upon completion of constriction, the supervising engineer is to submit to the Wastewater Management Division a written certification stating all constriction has been completed in accordance with the stamped approved plans. The engineer's certification is to be submitted to the Division prior to the occupancy of a structure on either Lot #2 or #3 and the certification shall include, but not be limited to, the results of all leakage testing performed on each segment of the sanitary sewer extension and all manholes, as described in the Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Appendix A. 10. The sanitary sewer collection system has been designed and approved to serve Lots #2 and #3 of this permit. Prior to the connection of a third stricture to the sanitary sewer collection system, a Vermont registered professional engineer shall submit a design along with an application request to amend this Subdivision Permit to replace the proposed cleanout located between Sanitary Manholes SMH #1 and SMH #2 with a manhole. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on December 26, 2001. Christopher Recchia, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation Ernest P. Christianson Regional Engineer For the Record South Burlington Planning Commission & Select Board Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Water Supply Division Water Quality Division Department of Labor & Industry CITY OF SOUTH H BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 5, 2001 Mr. Andy Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, SIT 05452 RE: Skiff Subdivision, Springhouse Road Dear Andy, This is to confirm that the City of South Burlington has allocated 810 gallons per day of municipal wastewater capacity for the existing Skiff residence on Springhouse Road, and that the City will allocate an additional 1,200 gallons per day of municipal wastewater capacity to serve the approved subdivision. The total allocated wastewater flow from this subdivision will be 2,010 gallons per day. Each of the new homes will be individually permitted for four bedrooms or 480 gallons per day of wastewater capacity, based on 150 gallons per bedroom less the 10% municipal connection and 10% water conservation credits. The fee for the additional 1,200 gallons per day will be $5,520.00. If you need any additional information, please call me. Sincerely, Juh Beth Hoover, AICP Director of Planning & Zoning cc: Robert & Marley Skiff Ray Belair, Administrative Officer 12/05/2001 i3:05 802-878-3135 LAMOLFEUX DICKINSON PAGE 92- -L 14 Mor.- Drive Essek )unction, Vermont 03452 r LAMOUREUX Sr DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. May 31, 2001 Sarah MacCallum Depar'trient of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff Proposed 3 Lot Subdivision Springhouse Road Dear Sarah: (802) a 78-4450 iek (802) 878.)13s We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding their proposed 3 lot subdivision located off Springhouse Road. We are requesting sewer allocation of 960 GPI) to serve the two proposed single family residences, in addition to 810 GPD for the existing dwelling on .Lot 1. The total design flow of 2010 GPD, based upon the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules, is summarized below: Lot 1 6 bedrooms x 150 GPD/bedroom x 0.90** = 810 GPD Lots 2 & 3. 2 houscs x 4 bcdroo nsi'lhouse x 150 GPD/bedroom x 0.80' = 960 GPL) Infiltration 0.13 mile x 6" pipe x 300 GPD/inch/rnile = 240 GPD Total design flow = 2010 GPD *' 10% reduction taken, for connection to municipai collection system * 20% reduction taken for water conserving fixtures and connection to municipal collection system The existing Skiff home, as well as two adjacent properties are currently served by an existing 6" sewer Iine that connects to the municipal system on Meadowood Drive. The two proposed lots will also be served by this existing connection to the municipal sanitary sewer. We are requesting a letter statLng the ability of the City of South Burlington to provide sewer service for this project (please reference the total design flow in the letter). Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, Andrew Rovvc cc; Bob & Marley Skiff Peter Collins 0 2MMWHA A2()L .yT.,,V Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture + Hydrogeology • Land Surveying 0`�_ AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # DEC PERMITS / PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW RESPONSE DATE _ //' PENDING APPLICATION # DISTRICT TOWN �/� WIH PIN # E.TDI- Da Qs' OWNER OF PROJECT SITE i NAME: 0e4-9,f- /1'rli2,J-'e!E ADDRESS: g s%e/pa'C�ft'uSF z' TELEPHONE: APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: o .. +, ;�o� r ,, /6w,,,i✓emu c fcrLia t,e,cJ re(-.Pived on i/li310 / a oroiect was reviewed on a tract/tracts of land of acres, located on The project is generally described as: Cc/IN 6')USnk'C G f / .. /l A �Yjeiy &4 �iZtiel"d,5crJ � 6��.Li�%y S/a(,cE' A'd S4'_.�,47Z. IV 'E r�t�9ra'i R'G 601-0-1d , Prior Permits From This Office: PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION 10 V.S.A. S YLength 07(C)). Commercial, residential or municipal project? of new/improved road(s) Has the landowner subdivided before? When/wh re/ of lots AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED: YES XNO; Copies sent to Statutory Parties: YES NO COMMENTS:- /,�/ / ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DISTRICTS #4,6 &9 111 WEST STREET ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 SIGNATURE: DATE: , ADDRESS: District Coordinator Telephone: (802)879-5614 C2 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED ✓ YES NO Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal / Subdivision &710 E rrrptton Deferral of Subdivision TentiTravel Trailer Campground Mobile Home Park Floor Drains (UIC) Sewer Extension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: �-_ �`i 7' AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNATURE: /�t C�a m' �' � DATE: !«, U/ ADDRESS: CONSERVATION Environmental Assistance Division, Permit Specialist Telephone: (802)879-5676 111 WEST STREET Wastewater Management Division Telephone: (802)879-5656 ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION BY THE PERMIT SPECIALIST REGARDING OTHER PERMITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS INDICATED BELOW AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: Discharge Permit; pretreatment permits; industrial, municipal Underground Injection Control (UIC) Indirect Discharge Permit Residuals management sludge disposal OVER OT 1PERMITS AND REVIEWS YOU MAY NEED: )ntinued) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (888 520-4879) Contact: Construction/modification of source Open Burning Wood Fired Units (>_90HP) Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation Industrial Process Air Emissions Diesel Engines L 200 bHP) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400)(800 823-6500 in VT) Contact: New Hydrants >500' of Waterline Construction Community Water System (CWS) Bottled Water Transient Non -Community Water System (TNC) Capacity Review for Non -Transient Non -Community Water System (NTNC) 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR Contact: River Management (241-3770) Stormwater Permits (state and federal, UIC) (241-1452) Shoreland Encroachment (241-3777) Aquatic Nuisance Control (241-3777) Wetlands (241-3770) Section 401 Water Quality Certificate (241-3770) Stream Alteration (241-3757) Water Withdrawal (241-3770) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facility certificate (241-3888) Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) Hazardous waste handler notification requirement (241-3888) Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities, drop off (241-3444) Composting Facilities (241-3444) Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) HW transporter certificate (241-3888) Waste oil burning (241-3888) Used septic system components/stone 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.)(241-3451) State funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Contact: Judy Mirro 802-241-3745 10. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & WILDLIFE, ANR (802-241-3700) Contact: Nongame & Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species) Stream Obstruction Approval 11 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office# 879-2300 Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) Storage of flammable liquids, explosives LP Gas Storage Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers Boilers and pressure vessels 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors Program for asbestos control & lead certification Children's camps Hot Tub Installation & Inspection - Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: Child care facilities (800 649-2642) Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) Nursing Homes (241-2345) Therapeutic Community Residence (241-2345) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) Junkyards (828-2053) Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) Railroad crossings (828-2710) Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) Airports and landing strips (828-2833) Construction within state highway right -of way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contact: Use/sale of pesticides (828-2431) Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) Milk processing facilities (828-2433) Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-2421) Golf courses (828-2431) Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431) Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) 16 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT Energy Code Assistance Center (888-373-2255) ✓ VT Residential Building Energy Standards DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3211) Historic buildings Archeological sites' 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) Liquor licenses General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) Business registration Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551) Business taxes (sales, meals & rooms, amusement machines) 2 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2074) Fuel taxes; commercial vehicle Franchise tax/solid waste LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. FEDERAL PERMITS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS,8 Carmichael Street, Suite 205, Essex Jct, VT 05452 (802)872-2893 24. OTHER: Form Date 11197 Rev. 9/01 AMOUREUX & DICKINSON 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Essex )unction, Vermont 05452 September 20, 2001 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff 3 Lot Subdivision - Springhouse Road #SD-01-37 Dear Ray: (802)878-4450 fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding Final Plat approval of a 3- lot subdivision granted by the Development Review Board on September 18, 2001. As required by the conditions of approval, we have enclosed the following: • Mylar copy of the Site Plan (sheet 1) and the Property Plat for recording. • Digital copy of the Property Plat (on 3.5" disk). • As required by condition 4 of the approval, the landscaping schedule on the Site Plan and tree planting detail on sheet #2 have been revised. • Lots 2 & 3, in addition to the City of South Burlington were added to the note regarding the easement along the south side of the existing waterline across a portion of Lot 1. • E911 addresses for the two proposed lots have been added to the Site Plan. • The sewer manhole shelf detail (condition 9) was revised on previously submitted plans. We have enclosed four paper copies of the revised plans and 2 mylars with $22 recording fee ($11/mylar). Please call with any questions. cc: Robert & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Q:\2000\00-133\belair3.wpd C"W SAP 2Ah&W Rowe '--ty of So. Burlington Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying N I TY MAP N.T.5. IPF 1-1/2_ 0.2' HIGH ARC, L•225.76' R•698.27' EXISTING 30' WIDE X 59.14' LONG - EA5EMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RUNNING FROM SWIFT STREET, GRANTED TO AU5TIN A5 RECORDED IN VOL. 351, P6. 496. EXISTING 30' WIDE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RUNNING FROM SWIFT 5TREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT #1 GRANTED TO DEETJEN A5 RECORDED IN VOL. 118, PG. 396 UNIV. OF VERMONT N/F VOL. 134, PG.364 UNIV. OF VERMONT N/F VOL. 433 PC7. 195 20' WIDE UTILITY EASEMa AND RIGHTS OF WAY TO LOTS 1 + 2 CENTERED ON PIPE OR CONDUIT CHORD DEAR LNG• FKANCI5 J. VON TUKKOVIGH ) PATRIGE A. 5TRATMANN N/F FKANGI5 J. VON TURKOVIGH PATRIGE A. 5TRATMANN N/F r _ 4,1.6 aO pC7 �jW 493 vOL. - �F� _ D. + L. AU5T I N \ N/F IP5 IPF 1/2" VOL. 351, PG. 496 I II FLU5H I K. + J. POULIN 588 29 45 E: N82'14'32"E 0 < EXISTINC I5' WIDE N/F 22478' q I nj 0 - EASEMENT TO SKIFF VOL. 102, PG. 462 w b ,O 9.00 I - t- + A5 RECORDED IN VOL. \ 351, P6. 325 PKOP05ED 30' WIDE RIGHT OF WAY AND IRF 3/4' EASEMENT FOR INGRE55 I 0 0.5 HIGH + EGRESS AND UTILITIES N FROM 5W IFT 5T. TO I G \ `LO•T5®+ 2 II�01 Orm IRF 1/2" (p Z 0.5' HIGH G58'W 2 5P/21-7 035'`N 88D. + E. TADER2RNHO?02S ROAIRF 3/8 N/F N825538"E-' _ - 0.3' HIGH VOL. 362, P6. 49 IPA 316`10 PROPO5ED 20' WIDE I II IPF 1" SEWER EASEMENT TO PKOP05ED 20' WID I FLU5H LOT5 2 + 3 UTILITY EASEMENT AND I I II RIGHT OF WAY TO LOT 31 1 1 I t--'PROP05ED 10' WIDE WATERLINE CENTERED ON PIPE I DOGITY OF 0 UKLINGTON AND LOT5 2+T3 30' ON ON 5OUTH SIDE OF WATERLINE NOx PROPOSED 30 WIDE WATERLINE IRF (D15TURDED) Z EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF = - Q: O w WAY TO CITY OF SOUTH I I I A M. + L. SAMARA DURLINGTON (FROM SWIFT 3.69' WEST OF Jx U STREET TO A MINIMUM OF ) I I I CALCULATED PL. O p I N/F i55' DEYOND GURD5TOP51 I I I w VOL. 406, PG. 540 t l 11 1` LOT Q m l x 20' WIDE SEWER 89 SPR NGGHOURSESROAD EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF - LP5WAY TO LOT 2 CENTERED 1p8' INS 24" OAK ON PIPE 0.41' WE5T OF �� 420.00 CALCULATED PL. 58755 47 W IPF 2" 1.52' WE5T OF GAL(,ULATED PL. KK.,K.,D FARRELL + D. GOLF N/F VOL. 274, PG. 260 NOTES t THIS PLAT WAS COMPILED FROM FIELD SURVEYS AND RECORD RESEARCH INCLUDING THE USE OF TFE FOLLOWING MANS- IRF 1" X 2" A) "PROPERTY OF JAMES W. AND ALICE M. MARVIN, SOUTH 0,7' HIGH DURLINGTON, VERMONT", DY CIVIL EN65INEERINE, ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED APRIL, 1971. AND REGORDED IN VOL. 105. PAGE 5. 6) "PROPERTY TO DE CONVEYED TO JAME5 4- C DATED FED UAPYY, �4 DYN6 CIVIL EINEERINGA55OGIATE5 AND RECORDED IN VOL. 107. PAGE 99. C)-EDWARD L JR ♦ JANET T. AUSTIN, SWIFT 5TREET, SOUTH DURLINGTOK VERMONT, 517E PLAN, DY DONALD L HAMLIN GONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. DATED 9-17-92 AND RECORDED IN VOL. 286, PG. 75. D) -SWIFT E5TATE5, SOUTH DURLINGTON, VERMONT.- DY WILLI5 ENGINEERING, DATED 6-30-71 AND REGORDED IN VOL. 60, PAGE 164. 2. BEARINGS ARE RASED ON GP.5. OBSERVATIONS AT TFE TIME OF THI5 5URVEY. 3. THIS PROPERTY HAS TFE DEDIEFIT OF A 15' WIDE 5EWEK EASEMENT AS GRANTED IN VOL. 339, P6255. 4. THI5 PROPERTY MAY DE 5UDJEGT TO A GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT TO VT. GAS 5Y5TEM5 AS RECORDED IN VOL. 31t P6. 552. 5. THIS PROPERTY MAY DE 5UDJEC.T TO OTHER EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHT5 OF WAY. PROPOSED 30' WIDE R 16HT OF - WAY + EA5EIVENT FOR INGRESS 46� + EGRE55 AND UTILITIES LOT 3.13 ACES 116 5PRINC7HOU5E ROAD IPF I" 0.26' NORTH OF GALGULATED PL. M. + M. SGOLLINS N/F VOL. 115, PG. 523 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 o ao 100 200 IOo ( DY FEEL' 1 inch = 100 tL LEGEND PROJECT DOUNDARY PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE - - - 51DELINE OF EASEMENT - ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE IPF IRON PIPE FOUND IP5 IRON PIPE SET IRF IRON ROD FOUND N/F NOW OR FORMERLY x-x-x DAKDED WIRE FENCE APPROVED DY KE50LUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH DURLINC7TON, VERMONT, ON THE DAY OF , 2001 5UDJECrT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND GONDITION5 OF SAID RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2001 DY (CLERK OR CHAIRMAN) 01 a M. + L. TERRIS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE N/F GITY OF SOUTH DUKLINC7TON, VT. 2001 VOL, 212, PG. 516 RECEIVED FOR RECORD AT O'CLOCK M., AND RECORDED IN VOL. OF ON PAGE ATTEST GITY CLERK 9 -19 -01 ADD E911, MODIFY W.L. EASE NOTE ADR 2g72q 9-13-01 EASE TO GITY ON SOUTH SIDE W.L. ADR IPI S IP5 IRF 2" X 2" 8-31-01 ADD ROW FOR TURNAROUND ADR IPF 1-1/2" 2.97' WEST OF date description by 0.37' SOUTH OF CALCULATED GOR. REVISIONS CALCULATED FL. a THESE PLANS WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD / Or I ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELDW: SHEETS P. + A. ROCHE I N/F f 0 SKETCH/CONCEPT VOL. III, PG. 410 0 PRELIMINARY FINAL f'. ,4 K. + G. QUINN E] RECORD DRAWING N/F VOL. 439, PG. 17 LAN25 OF prdj. 00-13333 R06EKT AND MAKJ©R I E BFD/COS 5K' ` I FF design ABR 3 1 racewn LOT + ` H/ MMD ce TO THE 13E5T OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIS 5Uf5D I V 15 1 ON PLAT Da{ /LAL PLAT 15 DA5ED ON INFORMATION AD5TKACTED 01 2 FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER 4 / / OFFICIAL TTHE PROPER Yo AND GONFOKM5E WITH EVIDENT ON LAMOUREUX & DICMSON scale 1"=100' REQUIREMENTS OF 27 VSA 1403. ConeWting Engineers Inc. DATED THI5 _ DAY OF 2001 14 Morse Drive ht. no. Essex Junction, VT 05452 L.5. (802) 878-4450 4 -Engineers-Planners-Surveyors- LEGEND EXISTING UTILITY POLE 4� M� PROJECT BOUNDARY 1 DOSTTNG TREEWE 5 DaSTWG SEWER UNE / Y4GA72'1L• /( PROPOSED LOT LINES PROPOSED TREELNE ---w ---- *---* ' PROPOSED SEWER, MANHOLE a C EANOUT SIDEUNE OF EASEMENT G EXISTING BURIED GAS UNE NEW DRIVE OR WIDENED PORTION , CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "DIGSAFE" AT BUILDING SETBACK E-------- EXISTING BURIED ELECTRICAL LINE SPRINGHOUSE ROAD .g �-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. KAREN, KEVIN do BRENT FARRELL ' LIMITS OF DEVELOPMENT AREA -w _... EXISTING WATER LINE. CURBsroP & HYDRANT E D-- RaiS A} AND BRENDA COLE BARBED WIRE FENCE 0 N PROPOSED WATER LINE & CURBSTOP PROPOSED TREE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT , /F 4�o4fi�-1W D ' f0' yy TYPICAL EXISTING NEW HARDWOOD TREE OR 1. PRIOR TO ANY EAF.AVATION CONTACT DIGSAFE. I EXISTING NEW HARDWOODCTREE = _ - 2. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCIWTF4IF THE NEW SANITARY SEWER AND WATER'SHiNCES, _ NG NOTE AL LOCATION EXISTING TREE TO BE PRESERVED - SEE - - _ "� _ ELOj1AW _ I LANDSCAPING NOTE ACTUAL LOCATION ON , _ THE ACNAL HORIZONTAL AND �pKCAL LOCATIONS OF THE E%ISTINC UTRltiES - _ _ ' _ ' ON LOT WIU. VARY ACCORgNG TO ... _ _ _ _ _ ]1J LOT VARY ACCORDING TO HOMEOWNERS SHALL BE 1ERIEED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND ANY CONFLCTS REPORTED TO THE -- __ '- HOMEOWNERS PREFERENCES ENGINEER. A MINIMUM 618• VERTICACWIID 10 FT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION -_'_ - I 80 GTON SMALL BE MAINTAINED AT SEWER & WATER UiR17 CftO551NGS E APPROTOMATEOLEARING WITS. EXACT 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VEIiIF`A D REPORT TO I _ L_A"_ AND SIZE OF HOUSE AS WELL AS `41T_ LIMITS OF GEARING MAY VARY ACCORDIq THE ICE 7 T E THE PRESENCE AND INTEGRITY OF THE EXISTING ABSENCE OF .' •*I I9 _ ' �! THE EN 10 THE PROPOSED CONNECTION FOR INTEGRITY 2 W THE ABSENCE OF A - I 5 TO THE NEEDS O THE OWNER. �� SUITABLE DOSTNG�2• SERVICE, THE EXISTING SERVICE WILL NEED TO BE UPGRADED m !FSw �ry� d"H TO ACCOMMODATE THE FLOW DEMAND FOR LOT 2 ILL• _- rA1E 1� 'I-- LOT O - 0 I9 � I `tom` 4. THE NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ON LOTS 2 R 3 SMALL HAVE RESIDENTIAL I -�`Wa- HNiE'gBrA SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PRIOR TO -CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW WATER SERVICE, THE - '� ✓m 2 3.13 ACRES �I. HaMEONNEIi ANDATE FOR1i/fOER ARCHITECT SHALL VEB Fl MAT THE NEW SERVICE SIZE IS I '----------------- ,SPRINKLER' 116 SPRNGHWSE ROAD ". I ADESYSTEM SHALL PROPOSED ACCORDANCE WITH'THEE QUIIREMENTS OF AND I `THE•� �W�y _/ ! > APPROVED BY THE SOUTH BURUNGTON WATER DEPARTMENL LOT ZI `. S. FOUNDATION DRAINS FOR EACH NEW HOUSE SHALL DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT _ - _ _ -�2. - I l�wwl�u�• ' < O FOUNDATION- DRAINS SHALL NOT BE CONNECTED TO THE MIORCPAL SEWER �`p' MAIN BE A MINIMUM O D I COU-ECTION SYSTEM. U SPRI ACRES __ - _ FEET SERVICES SEVER AND `I yy�1 22 SPPoNGHWSE ROAD WATER SERVICES II `�` Q I c / PROVIDE WATERTIGHT END CAP �` e!� 20' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT U AND MARKER AT END OF PRESERVE EXISTING AND RENT OF WAY TO LOT 3 � SERVICE SLABS (TYP.) I � CEN7CtED ON PIPE TREES OUTSIDE LIMITS PROPOSED LOT 3 ?� Ll7+f . 6 CONSTRUCTION0 30'�tWDE WATERLINE EASEMENT I �., W SEVER SERVICE �` A•' NEW Y TYPE TC' I I AND MOHT OF WAY TO CITY OF NEW S@I 02 w .A'� NV - 387.32 20'. TIDE SEWER EASEMENT AND ' COPPER WATER SERVICE SOUTH OURLINCiW (FROM RM - 393.5 I'A 0. I RIGHT OF WAY TO LOT 2 W��TREEfT TO 5' BEYOND C IN - 388.22 b 7s'tR I UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT CI]ITEAED-ON PIPE 1 1 I PAIEH '- "JO4- our 388.02 / b _ AND RIGH OF WAY WIDE umfrr EA70 LOTS T '_, I 1 f 'r T� 1 2 130 RIGHT O WAY AND J �' COUWCENIFRED ON PIPE-1 1 ( DEED REFERENCE VOLUME 7 PAGE 41 EASFMEN� TO LOTS 1 R 2 � - � I 43 / 2 _ EXISTING PRIVATE - OLD WELL I Q4' ZONING - SOUTHEAST QUADRANT EXISTING U - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL I _ PROPOSED USE - J LOT SUBDIVISION iY)R 1 2 U FAMILY x 1 __ _ 00 13FOD � SNAG GRAVEL DRIVE Jae ---------- Pjlg _ TO WIDENED TO IR' I'D. E - _ ^ - - - �/ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT DENSITY NITS//ACRE MEW_ SIIH ;3 1 E X I S __-. -._._� ___.._— , 12.78 ACRES / 1.2 UNITS/ACRE - 10.6 -> 10 LOTS IlAXW1UM r RIM 398.4 -•� �. N G O R A� y E DRI I lg DEVELOPMENT AREA - 4.24 ACRES B' IN - 389.57 - - $ P R I 0 II RMAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY WI DEVELOPMENT AREA - 4 UNITS/ACRE �y AGE - S X 4 ABLE 78.98 UUNITSLOCATE EXISTING UNE AND 10 - ++ T ALLOWABLE HE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY NSITY WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT AREA EAHIDE AND CONNECT NEW 2' SERVICE ASUAENT AND NIGHT UNE AND C�RBS'fOP ,� � � CANNOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT DENSITY C/ rr UTRJTIES - PROPOSED SERVICE CONNECTILIS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL OF WAY 70 LOT 2 GRAVEL TURNAROUND W1NI o - - f 5 M WATER AND SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS EASEMENT TO LOr z 7.� ACRES # F y°� ACCESS - SHARED PRIVATE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY (TO BE WIDENED TO IV) 1 SPRINGHOUSE ROAD / 1 $ I I REOUESTED WMVER FROM SECTION zfi.2a2 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND L00BHING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I EXISTING OWEWN0 .� WAYr AND EASEMENT Or MAXIMUM NUMBER IOF LOTS SERVID BOU RPRIVATE EGULATIONS DRIVE VE TING TO THE BARN I + 10' WATERLINE UTILITY EASEMENT TO ll!!/DEEFJEN AND AUS1N PARRrE15 APPROXIMATE LOCAT7ROR CITY CIF SOUTH BURUNC70N AND CIF DasTNc PPoVAZE 2• LOT 2 & 3 ON SOUTH SIDE OF FRANCIS J. VON TURKOVICH _ WATER LINE i EXISTING WATERLINE PATRICE A STRATMANN 00E2150NAL.BE91B8F]IFN7S PROPOSED 20' NR]E N MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 12,000 SF EASEMENT Tp LOTS 2 k S CLIFFORD M. k KRABERLY J. DEETJEN - _ HAYBALE DAM (TYP.) NIP - _ _ _ _ _ _ 'A1 MINIMUMOR PROMDE MINIMUM 20 FT WIDE ROlHT OF WAY MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE REPLACE EMSTINO CONCRETE BUILDING - 3OX MAXMUM JUNCTION BOX WRH NEW PARIQNGS BUILDINGS R OUTSIDE STORAGE 4OX MAXIMUM ^PPROV+uUE NSEWER C.O. I" SEWER MANHOLE - SMH;1 -- _ _ g ay> -gal RIM 35&3 MINIMUM SETBACKS _ IC•4RWq. PVC 4• IN 354.0 (SKIFF) _ FROM YARD 20 FT .pD' 4� 4' IN 384.0 ((DEETJEN) SIDE YARD 10 FT NEW 6• IN 384.OD REAR YARD - 30 FT ---- _ - 6' OUT - 383.81 390__ I .'�� - S&T FENCE NQIE:R EXIST JUNCTION 80% w Z QZ .0 __-------- -� _ _ i RIM a 387.86 1. THIS PLAN IS FOR SITE PLAN PURPOSES ONLY. SEE PROPERTY PLAT FOR -'•'' ` `----------___ -' AT 4• IN - 384.0 (�F (BUJ _ BOUNDARY INFORMATION. APPROXIMATE LOCAPOJ OF ABANDONED SEPTIC .' liF UT-- mSB7 2 THE UTILITIES SHOWN CN THIS PLAN WERE OBTAWED FROM LIMITED FIEID EVIDENCE AND 'BOUNDARY PLAT SHOWING BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LANDS OF DAVID SYSTEM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXISTING 15' WIDE SEWER I D Y DONALD HAMLIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. LAST REVISED ONa-14-9& CONTACT LINE EASEMENT TO SKIFF DIGSAFE PRIOR TO ANY IEXCAVATIOL. u 9-18-01 REVISED PER CITY ARBOPoST / ADD E'911 ASR 1 a JJJ C' 9-13-01 ADD EASE ON SOUTH SIDE WATERLINE ABR I 1 �O OWL 8-31-01 WIDEN ROAD, REV. LOT 3 DRIVE, TURNARND PER ORB ABR date dexription by -_-- I REVISIONS DAVID T. & LAURA L. AUSTIN 1 N/F TNRE RAND WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOW ; G ------ ---- '�� ONLY HE USED FOR THE PWOSE SHOWN BEM. 3D SEIOS _ ----- � SKETCH/CONCEPT E--] PRELIMINARY IM FINAL 4 E:1 RECORD DRAWING pro no. LANDS OF ooT33 ROBERT & MARLEY SKIFF y F I ! SPRIIVGHOUSB ROAD, SOUTH BIIRLINGTON e89n z OWfNRR k APPLICANT Brawn ------ SITE PLAN ___--------37G--------- ROBQtT A h MARJORE N. 5'IQFF ABR F �o�—�B'� x r`��� — SOUTH BBUPoJNGTONN,, VT05403 DJG/Ld N rc� AL MILTON & NWAN lERR15 TILLRRT M a e "z GRAPHIC SCALE ��J`�F ►� ��� 3 LOT RESIDEIVTI!►L SUBDIVISION 4-02-01 MICHAEL & U Y SAMARA DAVID L & IZ BETH TABER ' N N p XW~�` A,�� LAYOUREIJ% !c DICRLriSON ecae F _ t"=40 b a consulting En`ineers Imo. 43x 14 Marge Drive sht. no. I DWI- 1 i05452 00 mh P )- 40n i/��nlaB,Ease(802)a8 8-4450 DWI DWI MMMM„RI` RDRin—III—PLnae1'B—sur-y— ROADWAY AGREEMENT AND WAIVER Agreement, by and between Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, hereinafter referred to as "Owners", and the City of South Burlington, a municipal corporation located in Chittenden County, Vermont, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owners have received final subdivision approval from the Municipality's Development Review Board for the construction and development of a three -lot Planned Residential Development ("Subdivision") shown and depicted on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Project No. 00133, and recorded in Map Slide of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Plat"); and WHEREAS, the Subdivision will be serviced by a private roadway as depicted on the Plat; and WHEREAS, the Municipality has approved the final subdivision application with said private roadway, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to record a confirmation of said conditions to the effect that, by granting said approval and otherwise authorizing said subdivision, the Municipality has not assumed, but rather has specifically disavowed, any intention or obligation to plow, repair or otherwise maintain said roadway or to accept the same as a public street. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board and other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: Owners will not apply to the Municipality to have said roadway accepted as a public street. 2. Owners waive any rights they may have or claim by virtue of the Municipality's approval of said roadway to request the Municipality to accept the same as a public street. 3. Owners will not in the future change the location of said roadway nor extend said roadway without the prior approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board, nor shall Owners permit said roadway to service more than five (5) dwelling units without prior approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board. 4. Owners, for themselves and their heirs, executors and assigns, hereby waive any rights they, or any of them, now have or may hereafter acquire, to seek plowing, repair or maintenance from the Municipality with regard to said roadway.. 5. Owners and their heirs, executors or assigns shall plow, repair and maintain said roadway at their own expense and keep the same in good order and repair. 6. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Owners to dedicate said roadway as a public street, and similarly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Municipality to accept any such proffered dedication. 7. This Agreement may be amended or revoked only upon written consent and approval of the Municipality. 8. This Agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of September, 2001. In the presence of: Robert A. Skiff witness as to b h Print Name: _ 9 41 MarjoAAN. Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of _ this /7 day of September, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff a Marjorie N. Skiff and they acknowledged this Agreement, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before me,� Print Name: My Commission Expires: �. 4 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By:� witness Duty Authori ed Agent Print Name: ►% J ZI.-x Print Name: �(�� 4w E�& State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of So th B lington thisay day of September, 2001, personally appeared the duly authorized agent for the City of South Burlington, and / acknowledged this Agreement, by him/l�signed, to be his/l r he free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. Before me, Prin My 260263 v1:3531-00005 3 SEWAGE SERVICE AGREEMENT, WAIVER AND EASEMENT Agreement, by and between Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, hereinafter referred to as "Owners", and the City of South Burlington, a municipal corporation located in Chittenden County, Vermont, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owners have received final subdivision approval from the City's Development Review Board for the creation of a three -lot Planned Residential Development shown as Lot 1 through Lot 3 (the "Development") on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Project No. 00133, and recorded in Map Slide of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Plat"); and WHEREAS, the lots therein are to have access to and be benefited by a certain private sewer line running from said lots to a municipal manhole located in the right-of-way of Meadowood Drive, Swift Estates ("Sewage Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the City has approved the Development with the private Sewage Improvements subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to record a confirmation of those conditions to the effect that, by granting said approvals and otherwise authorizing said project, the City has not assumed, but rather has specifically disavowed, any intention or obligation to repair or otherwise maintain said Sewage Improvements. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Development by the City's Development Review Board and other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. Owners waive any right or claim they may have by virtue of the City's approval of said Sewage Improvements and its approval of the use by the Development to request the City to accept the same as public improvements. 2. The Owners will not at any time in the future change the location of said Sewage Improvements nor extend said Sewage Improvements without the prior approval of the City's Development Review Board. 3. Owners, for themselves and their respective heirs, executors and assigns, hereby waive any right they, either of them, now have or may hereafter require, to seek repair or maintenance from the City with regard to said Sewage Improvements. 4. Owners, and their respective heirs, executors and assigns, shall construct, operate, repair and maintain said Sewage Improvements at their own expense and keep the same in good order and repair. Owners may, by agreement, determine their respective obligations to repair, maintain and finance the Sewage Improvements. 5. In the event that the Owners or their respective heirs, executors or assigns shall fail to repair or maintain said Sewage Improvements and it becomes necessary to make repairs or maintain the Sewage Improvements to protect the public health or welfare, the City may, but is under no obligation to do so, with 24 hours notice (if reasonable) to the Owners (with respect to the Sewage Improvements), make needed repairs. The Owners and their respective heirs, executors and assigns shall advise the City Zoning Administrator, from time to time, of the name, address and telephone number of the persons designated by them, or their respective heirs, executors or assigns, to respond to the City relating to said Sewage Improvements. For the purposes hereof, the City shall have sole discretion, reasonably exercised, to determine when repairs are required to protect the public health and welfare and what repairs and/or maintenance are required for such purpose. In the event that the City incurs any expenses in repairing and/or maintaining said Sewage Improvements, all of those expenses shall be assessed against the Owners, or their heirs, executors and assigns. If the amount so assessed is not paid within ninety (90) days from the date of assessment, such amount shall be assessed as a lien, on a proportional basis, against each of the lots served by the system requiring such repairs, as shown on the Plat, and the City may recover such amounts in the same manner as it may recover real property taxes assessed against the said lots. The City and the Owners understand and agree that a private sewer line agreement ("Sewer Line Agreement") was entered into by and between Edward L. Austin, Jr., Janet T. Austin, Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, dated February 3, 1993, and recorded in Volume 338, Pages 737-741 of the City of South Burlington land records. This Sewer Line Agreement set out the rights and obligations of the parties between themselves, and their heirs, assigns, and successors in interest, with respect to the use, repair, maintenance and/or replacement of said private sewer line. Nothing contained in this present Sewer Service Agreement, Waiver and Easement is intended to supercede or terminate the prior Sewer Line Agreement; it being understood and agreed that said Sewer Line Agreement shall continue to control the rights and responsibilities of the parties using said private sewer line. 6. Owners, as their respective interests appear, hereby grant the City an easement and right to enter upon their respective properties and lots for the purpose of maintaining and making repairs to the Sewage Improvements, as provided above. 7. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Owners to dedicate said Sewage Improvements as public sewage improvements, and similarly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the City to accept any such proffered dedication. 8. This Agreement may be amended or revoked only upon written consent and approval of the City. 9. This Agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of September, 2001. In the presence of: 0A i4 State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of this ���day of September, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, and they acknowledged this Agreement, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before Notary,p • Print Name: ✓E %%�%. My Commission Expires: 0 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Duty Authorized Agent Print Name: Y�-c.L State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the Cityof=4— urlin ton this �ay of September, 2001, personally appeared g �. , the duly authorized agent for the City of South Burlington, and he cknowledged this Agreement, by him/lsigned, to be hisll� free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City qf-South Burlington. 260252 v2:3531-00005 Before me, Print Name: F1'/ ip J l My Commission Expires: < Y,-A in p L c7� 3 A State of Vermont x Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Environmental Conservation November 19, 2001 Robert A. & Marjorie Skiff 89 Springhouse Road South Burlington VT 05403 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation Wastewater Management Division Essex Junction Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802)879-5656 EC-4-2440 -- Create Lotl 75.A w/existing 6 bedroom single family dwelling & Lot 2 3.13A & Lot 3 2.11A Subject: each proposed four bedroom single family dwellings mun. w/s located on Springhouse Road in South Burlington, Vermont Dear Applicant: We have received your application and fee paid by check #9189 on November 13, 2001, which begins the 45 day in-house performance standards for our review. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 in-house days, please contact this office at (802) 879-5656. We have forwarded your application to the Information Specialist, who will send you a Project Review Sheet indicating other state departments you should contact about additional permits you may need. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. PLEASE SUBMIT A LETTER FROM THE CITY FOR THE SEWER ALLOCATION. FINDINGS OF FACT ARE NOT SUFFICIENT FOR APPROVAL. Sincerely, Irene L. Roberge DEC Regional Office Coord. City of South Burlington Planning Commission Leonard Lamoureux TDD: 1-800-253-0191 Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Pittsford/Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury 100% Processed Chlorine Free OV 4,ot leti Jet WATER LINE AND ACCESS EASEMENT,, - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Robert A. Skiff and .,J !, fI C t ttL ` ue E fsC�G, ' 91�f �I, Skiff, husband and wife, of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantors"), for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, by these presents do give, grant, sell, convey and confirm unto the City of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality situated in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantee"), and its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way in perpetuity for the purpose of accessing water line curb stops in a certain private water line which extends from the southerly sideline of Swift Street in a southerly direction along the right-of-way for "Springhouse Road", so-called. Said easement and right-of-way consists of (1) a 30-foot wide water line access easement from the southerly sideline of Swift Street to a point 5 feet beyond curbstops, and (2) a 10-foot wide water line access easement, which is adjacent to and southerly from the 30-foot wide water line access easement, all as shown and depicted on a plan entitled. "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised on September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson, Project No. 00133, and recorded in Plat of the City of South Burlington Land Records. sir Grantors, and their successors and assigns, shall have the right to make use of the surface of the land subject to this right-of-way such as shall not be inconsistent with the use of the easement by the within Grantee, but specifically shall place no structures, landscaping or other improvements within said right-of-way easement which shall interfere with or prevent Grantee's ability to exercise its rights granted hereunder. The Grantee, for itself and its successor and assigns, agrees that any premises affected by its entry pursuant to this right-of-way easement shall be restored to its condition prior to such entry at its own cost and within a reasonable time. This easement does NOT act as a bill of sale conveying any water lines or equipment located under, on or through the easement to the Grantee; it being understood and agreed that said water line is to remain private, and the sole obligation for repair, maintenance, service and/or replacement of said water line shall be on the owners of dwelling units using said water line. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the references therein made, and their respective records and references, in further aid of this description. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this // day of October, 2001. In the�esece of: Robert A. Skiff Witness as to bo a Print Name: 1 a ' orie N.Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At South Burlington this / day of October, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, and they acknowledged this' ent, by them sealed and subscribed, to be their free act and deed. �/' Before me, �� /' Notary c� Print Name: My Commission expires: Was 261057_vi: 3531-00005iU� Now 263306 O: 3531-00005 PF fta �"hw� e fi ;: ^.f v6flm�a AGREEMENT AND WAIVI�I� Agreement, by and between Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, hereinafter referred to as "Owners", and the City of South Burlington, a municipal corporation located in Chittenden County, Vermont, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owners have received final subdivision approval from the Municipality's Development Review Board for the construction and development of a three -lot Planned Residential Development ("Subdivision") shown and depicted on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Project No. 00133, and recorded in Map le of the Citv of South Burlington Land Records (the "Plat"); and 011 WHEREAS, the Subdivision will be serviced by a private roadway as depicted on the Plat; and WHEREAS, the Municipality has approved the final subdivision application with said private roadway, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to record a confirmation of said conditions to the effect that, by granting said approval and otherwise authorizing said subdivision, the Municipality has not assumed, but rather has specifically disavowed, any intention or obligation to plow, repair or otherwise maintain said roadway or to accept the same as a public street. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board and other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. Owners will not apply to the Municipality to have said roadway accepted as a public street. 2. Owners waive any rights they may have or claim by virtue of the Municipality's approval of said roadway to request the Municipality to accept the same as a public street. 3. Owners will not in the future change the location of said roadway nor extend said roadway without the prior approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board, nor. shall Owners permit said roadway to service more than five (5) dwelling units without prior approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board. 4. Owners, for themselves and their heirs, executors and assigns, hereby waive any rights they, or any of them, now have or may hereafter acquire, to seek plowing, repair or maintenance from the Municipality with regard to said roadway.. 5. Owners and their heirs, executors or assigns shall plow, repair and maintain said roadway at their own expense and keep the same in good order and repair. 6. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Owners to dedicate said roadway as a public street, and similarly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Municipality to accept any such proffered dedication. 7. This Agreement may be amended or revoked only upon written consent and approval of the Municipality. 8. This Agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of September, 2001. In the presence of: witness as to bQ* y Print Name s2'.`� ; y: q r Marjo ie N. Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss At the City of personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Ski- Agreement, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before me f this day of September, 2001, and they acknowledged this Print Name My Commission Expires: a 'r 2 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Duty Authorized, Agent Print Name: —,(-JAA, State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of South Burlington this day of September, 2001, personally appeared , the duly authorized agent for the City of South Burlington, and he/sIve acknowledged this Agreement, by hinter -signed, to be his/1 - free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. 260263 v1:3531-00005 Before me, Print Name: f y P -2� I � / , My Commission Expires: /i /cp 9 jj SEWAGE SERVICE AGREEMENT, WAIVER t . 11 G.I imCORDS El EA4 ,NT Agreement, by and between Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, liifiii&�pr����ce��t�'�'�'r�� to as "Owners", and the City of South Burlington, a municipal corporation located in Chittenden County, Vermont, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owners have received final subdivision approval from the City's Development Review Board for the creation of a three -lot Planned Residential Development shown as Lot 1 through Lot 3 (the "Development") on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, ,South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Project No. 00133, and recorded in Map e­ 3 of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Plat"); and #Ak" fihra: WHEREAS, the lots therein are to have access to and be benefited by a certain private sewer line running from said lots to a municipal manhole located in the right-of-way of Meadowood Drive, Swift Estates ("Sewage Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the City has approved the Development with the private Sewage Improvements subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to record a confirmation of those conditions to the effect that, by granting said approvals and otherwise authorizing said project, the City has not assumed, but rather has specifically disavowed, any intention or obligation to repair or otherwise maintain said Sewage Improvements. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Development by the City's Development Review Board and other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. Owners waive any right or claim they may have by virtue of the City's approval of said Sewage Improvements and its approval of the use by the Development to request the City to accept the same as public improvements. 2. The Owners will not at any time in the future change the location of said Sewage Improvements nor extend said Sewage Improvements without the prior approval of the City's Development Review Board. Owners, for themselves and their respective heirs, executors and assigns, hereby waive any right they, either of them, now have or may hereafter require, to seek repair or maintenance from the City with regard to said Sewage Improvements. 4. Owners, and their respective heirs, executors and assigns, shall construct, operate, repair and maintain said Sewage Improvements at their own expense and keep the same in good order and repair. Owners may, by agreement, determine their respective obligations to repair, maintain and finance the Sewage Improvements. S. In the event that the Owners or their respective heirs, executors or assigns shall fail to repair or maintain said Sewage Improvements and it becomes necessary to make repairs or maintain the Sewage Improvements to protect the public health or welfare, the City may, but is under no obligation to do so, with 24 hours notice (if reasonable) to the Owners (with respect to the Sewage Improvements), make needed repairs. The Owners and their respective heirs, executors and assigns shall advise the City Zoning Administrator, from time to time, of the name, address and telephone number of the persons designated by them, or their respective heirs, executors or assigns, to respond to the City relating to said Sewage Improvements. For the purposes hereof, the City shall have sole discretion, reasonably exercised, to determine when repairs are required to protect the public health and welfare and what repairs and/or maintenance are required for such purpose. In the event that the City incurs any expenses in repairing and/or maintaining said Sewage Improvements, all of those expenses shall be assessed against the Owners, or their heirs, executors and assigns. If the amount so assessed is not paid within ninety (90) days from the date of assessment, such amount shall be assessed as a lien, on a proportional basis, against each of the lots served by the system requiring such repairs, as shown on the Plat, and the City may recover such amounts in the same manner as it may recover real property taxes assessed against the said lots. The City and the Owners understand and agree that a private sewer line agreement ("Sewer Line Agreement") was entered into by and between Edward L. Austin, Jr., Janet T. Austin, Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, dated February 3, 1993, and recorded in 'Volume 338, Pages 737-741 of the City of South Burlington land records. This Sewer Line Agreement set out the rights and obligations of the parties between themselves, and their heirs, assigns, and successors in interest, with respect to the use, repair, maintenance and/or replacement of said private sewer line. Nothing contained in this present Sewer Service Agreement, Waiver and Easement is intended to supercede or terminate the prior Sewer Line Agreement; it being understood and agreed that said Sewer Line Agreement shall continue to control the rights and responsibilities of the parties using said private sewer line. 6. Owners, as their respective interests appear, hereby grant the City an easement and right to enter upon their respective properties and lots for the purpose of maintaining and making repairs to the Sewage Improvements, as provided above. 7. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Owners to dedicate said Sewage Improvements as public sewage improvements, and similarly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the City to accept any such proffered dedication. 8. This Agreement may be amended or revoked only upon written consent and approval of the City. 9. This Agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of ,September, 2001. In the presence of- 0 Robert A. Skiff Y witness as to both Print Name Marjor". Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of this this day of September, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff; -and they acknowledged this Agreement, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before me Notary Public Print Name: ` a �0,�4:f My Commission Expires: d 0 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON B• Y: witness Duty Authorid Agent Print Name: PC N�j slk Print Name: CIh. State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. ry g 24 day of September, 2001, personally appeared At the City of South Burlington this ; the duly authorized agent for the City of South Burlington, and he/ acknowledged this Agreement, by him/l* signed, to be his/l r free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City o�lth Burlington. Before me, Notary Public Print Name: A,,OJP My Commission Expires: g 260252 v2:3531-00005 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 5, zooi Mr. Robert Skiff 89 Springhouse Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Final plat Application - 89 Springhouse Road Dear Mr. Skiff: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the September 18, zooi Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to. contact me. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl./Td DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 SEPTEMBER 2001 PAGE 3 Mr. Kupferman asked where drainage goes. Mr. Belair said there is a large wetland behind the property. Mr. Dinklage noted that any changes to the plan will require Board approval. Mr. Cameron moved to approve Application #MS-01-05 of David & Heather Main subject to the stipulations in the draft motion of 18 September 2001. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat application #SD-01-36 and Final Plat application #SD-01-37 of Robert and Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three lots of 7.54 acres (lot 1), 3.13 acres (lot 2), and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 Springhouse Road: Mr. Collins said the main issue to be resolved is whether the road will remain a private road. The neighbors want it that way to maintain the ambiance of the neighborhood and also feel a public road is not needed. The proposed private road will be increased to 18 ft. and will be gravel. Mr. Collins indicated they have signed agreements for the City Attorney to review for the private roadway and sewer. This would forever be a private road and would be privately maintained. Mr. Rowe noted that the driveway was moved so that lights from incoming cars don't shine into someone's house. There is also an agreement with the Fire Chief that the 2 new homes will have residential sprinklers. Mr. Belair noted that the city denied a project and then a few months later approved a similar project. There is a question of consistency. The City Attorney has stressed the importance of being consistent. In another case, this Board required a public road up to where the houses would be served. Mr. Belair also noted that someday this may not be a rural part of the city. Mr. Collins said the Goldberg case was different as that road can be connected to another property. The road in question here goes nowhere. A straw vote of members showed that all would support a private road. The draft motion was then amended as follows: 1) The opening of the motion reads "...approve preliminary plat application #SD-01-36 and final. plat application #SD-01- 37..."; 2) stipulation #3 reads: "Prior to recording the final plat plans, the applicant shall DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 SEPTEMBER 2001 PAGE 4 record an easement allowing access to the private water line as approved by the City Attorney; 3) stipulation #8 was amended to read "The ownership and maintenance of sewer lines shall be as described in the sewage service agreement, waiver and easement approved by the City Attorney." Mr. Farley moved to approve Preliminary plat application #SD-01-36 and Final Plat application #SD-01-37 of Robert & Marjorie Skiff subject to the stipulations in the draft motion of 18 September 2001, as amended above. Mr. Schmitt seconded. Motion passed 5-1 with Mr. Cameron opposing. 8. Public Hearing: application #CU-01-36 of A Marcelino & Company seeking approval from Section 26.05, Conditional Uses, and Section 26.605, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The request is for permission to utilize four recreational vehicles for temporary residential facilities, 20 Palmer Court: and 9. Site plan application #SP-01-57 of A.1dlarcelino & Company to amend a site plan for a 10,981 sq. ft. building used for a contracting business. The amendment consists of utilizing four recreational vehicles for temporary residential facilities, 20 Palmer Court: Members agreed by a vote of 4-2 to hear the amendment on the basis that the change in the job market was not foreseeable. Mr. Kupferman and Mr. Cameron did not agree with this finding. Mr. Kupferman noted that the approved use of this site does not include housing. Mr. Bombardier said the temporary housing is for seasonal employees from Guatamala. He then showed the location of the RV's. They are being provided with municipal water and sewer. Mr. Dinklage asked when they will be removed. Mr. Marcelino said the latest would be 1 December. Mr. Schmitt asked about the question of front yard coverage. Mr. Bombardier said the front yard had been revised prior to the approval Gordon Woods got for Alan Palmer. That plan showed 29% coverage and that is what is there now. The plan will be revised to show this. Mr. Bombardier noted there is a question of a requirement for extra sewage allocation. He said the site was permitted for 2800 gpd which included use by 4 companies and an allowance for expansion. Mr. Dinklage asked if the applicant can attest that they are under the allocation. Mr. Bombardier said absolutely. PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS John T. Sartore (NY) A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION I Michael Frye Alan D. Port Robert G. Cain (NY) ATTORNEYS AT LAW S. Crocker Bennett, III Robert S. DiPalma ONE CHURCH STREET Stephen J. Soule (NH) Gail E. Haefner P.O. BOX 1307 Stephanie J. Mapes BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402-1307 Stephen G. Norten Elizabeth J. Grant (MA) TELEPHONE (802) 658-2311 Christopher McVeigh (NE, NY) H. Draper, IV FAX 802 658-0042 Iohn an E. Bernascom (MA) www.pfclaw.com William Alexander Fead (NJ) Matthew E.C. Pifer (MA) Robert Grenier J. (MA) William D. Riley Mark G. Hall David J. Spielman (NY) September 20, 2001 Joseph S. McLean, Esq. Stitzel, Page & Fletcher, PC 171 Battery Street, PO Box 1507 Burlington, VT 05402-1507 Re: Skiff Subdivision / Water Line Access Easement Dear Joe: C (D"-) F If Bess Messerman Okum (OH) Frank V. Petrosino James G. Murphy (CT) David R. McLean William J. Morris III R. Allan Paul Toseph E. Frank Peter M. Collins Catherine Kronk Lynda L. Marshall (AL, LA) OF COUNSEL The South Burlington Development Review Board approved the Skiff three -lot subdivision on Monday, the 17th. One of the conditions of the approval was the granting of a water line access easement from the Skiffs to the City, in order to enable the City to reach the curbstops in the water line. I have enclosed a draft of a proposed water line access easement for your review. Please discuss this with Ray Belair at your earliest convenience and let me know if I can put it in final form for execution. Thank. Cordially yours, PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS Collins PMC:src Enclosure cc: Robert and Marjorie Skiff Raymond Belair 261203 vl:3531-00005 A Member of TerraLex® The Worldwide Network of Independent Law Firms DRAFT 9119101 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY WATER LINE ACCESS EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, husband and wife, of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantors"), for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, by these presents do give, grant, sell, convey and confirm unto the City of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality situated in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantee"), and its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way in perpetuity for the purpose of accessing water line curb stops in a certain private water line which extends from the southerly sideline of Swift Street in a southerly direction along the right of way for "Springhouse Road", so-called. Said easement and right-of-way consists of (1) a 30-foot wide water line access easement from the southerly sideline of Swift Street to a point 5 feet beyond curb stops, and (2) a 10-foot wide water line access easement, which is adjacent to and southerly from the 30-foot wide water line access easement, all as shown and depicted on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised on September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson, Project No. 00133, and recorded in Plat of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Grantors, and their successors and assigns, shall have the right to make use of the surface of the land subject to this right-of-way such as shall not be inconsistent with the use of the easement by the within Grantee, but specifically shall place no structures, landscaping or other improvements within said right-of-way easement which shall interfere with or prevent Grantee's ability to exercise its rights granted hereunder. DRAFT 9119101 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Grantee, for itself and its successor and assigns, agrees that any premises affected by its entry pursuant to this right-of-way easement shall be restored to its condition prior to such entry at its own cost and within a reasonable time. This easement does NOT act as a bill of sale conveying any water lines or equipment located under, on or through the easement to the Grantee; it being understood and agreed that said water line is to remain private, and the obligation for repair, maintenance, service and/or replacement of said water line shall be solely on the owners of dwelling units using said water line. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the references therein made, and their respective records and references, in further aid of this description. Dated at , Vermont, this day of September, 2001. In the presence of Robert A. Skiff Witness as to both Print Name: Marjorie N. Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At this day of September, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, and they acknowledged this instrument, by them sealed and subscribed, to be their free act and deed. 261057 v1:3531-00005 Before me, Notary Public Print Name: My Commission expires: 2 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS FOR MEETING 9/18/oi DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD David & Heather Main - 38 Knoll Circle i. Concrete curb along the street shall be protected if trucks hauling fill will drive over it. If it is damaged it shall be replaced. Marcelino, A. - Williston Road - Temporary housing units i. Services to units must be winterized if they are occupied during winter months. Eddy Holdings, Lot 29, Commerce Avenue i. Depressed curb at entrance shall have a 1 1/2 inch reveal and not flush as plan shows. O'Dell Parkway, Farrell Corp. Grading Plan 1. The site plan showing limited site work in the northwest section of the project is acceptable. This plan No. C4 dated 11-18-99 was prepared by Civil Engineering Associates. Paul Heald - 6 lot Subdivision - lzoo Dorset Street 1. Plan should show all utilities, water, sewer and drainage. z. Power and telephone lines shall be placed outside of the street Right -of -Way. 9/14/O1 ARBORIST'S COMMENTS FOR 9/i8/oi MEETING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD HEALD - 6 LOT SUBDIVISION A mix of z or 3 different species in roughly equal proportions is advisable. Soil test should be performed. If soil PH is alkaline Freeman Maple may not be the best choice although "Celzam" is probably one of the better cultivars of Freeman Maple for those conditions. I also recommend moving the trees back further from the road (8 to Io feet). This will help reduce damage from plowing and vehicles. ROBERT & MARLEY SKIFF - 89 SPRINGHOUSE ROAD I recommend eliminating Green Ash as a species as it is over planted in the City of South Burlington. Soil testing should be performed to access ph. If soils are not below 7.0 ph, Red Maple should not be planted. The possible species substitutions include Honey Locust, Freeman Maple, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Bur Oak, English Oak, Hybrid American Elms. Planting Detail - Fertilize should not be added to backfill at time of planting. Branches should only be pruned to a height of 6 ft. if they conflict with landscape, traffic, etc. Use of arbor tape or tree saver (rubber rope) is preferable to iz gauge wire encased in rubber hose for staking. Stakes should also be removed after i year. FIRE CHIEF'S COMMENTS FOR 9/i8/oi DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEETING i. Site Plan & Conditional Use, zo Palmer Court - Access to the southern portion of the building, where the dwelling units are proposed, is inadequate. Access, in the form of a road, should be provided to the southern facade of the building. z. Preliminary Plat, izoo Dorset Street - The applicant should consult with the fire department on the location of a fire hydrant along the new road. -r�.�� 9/18/OI MOTION OF APPROVAL WITH PUBLIC ROAD ROBERT & MARJORIE SKIFF I move the South Burlington Development Review Board approve preliminary plat application #SD-01-37 of Robert & Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots of 7.54 acres (lot 1), 3.13 acres (lot z), and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 Springhouse Road, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, page one (1) entitled, "Lands of Robert & Marjorie Skiff Springhouse Road, South Burlington," prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated 4/2/01, last revised on 9/13/01 with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. z. Prior to issuance of zoning permit for the first lot or start of utility or road construction, all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g., irrevocable offer of dedication and warranty deed for the proposed public road and utility, sewer, drainage and water, etc.) shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington land records. Prior to start of construction of the improvements described in condition #z above, the applicant shall post a bond which covers the cost of said improvements. 4. In accordance with Section 301.5 of the subdivision regulations, within 14 days of completion of required improvements (e.g., roads, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc.) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer, "as -built" construction drawings certified by a licensed engineer. 5 The plat plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Four (4) copies of the approved revised plat plans shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to recording. a. The plans shall be revised to show Springhouse Road constructed to City standards to the point where the street services the first three (3) driveways which shall include street trees. b. The applicant shall comply with the City Arborist's recommendations for this project. 6. Pursuant to Section 513.1 of the zoning regulations, the Board grants a waiver from Sections 401.1 (i) and 4o8 of the regulations from the requirements to construct sidewalks and street lighting. 7. Pursuant to Section 6.502 of the zoning regulations, the Board approves the subdivision of land which results in the portions of three (3) lots which are located in a restricted area. 8. The plans shall be revised to provide street numbers for the development based on the Egn addressing system. 9. The Development Review Board approves a sewer allocation of 20I0 g.p.d. The sewer allocation shall remain in effect for ten (io) years from the date of final plat approval. Any lots which have not been developed within ten (io) years shall lose their allocation unless reapproved by the Development Review Board. The applicant shall be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. io. The applicant shall post a landscape bond in an amount to be determined by the Director of Planning & Zoning for street trees prior to start of road construction. This bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of surviving. ii. The sewer lines outside the proposed street shall be maintained by the property owners. 12. The sewer manhole invert shelf shall not be for the entire pipe diameter not .6o in plans shown. 13. Any change to the final plan plans shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 14. The final plat plans (sheet i and survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. CITY OF SOUTH BI.TRLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 September 14, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Skiff 89 Springhouse Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Final Plat Application — 89 Springhouse Road Dear Mr. & Mrs. Skiff: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and my comments. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Enclltd ROADWAY AGREEMENT AND WAIVER Agreement, by and between Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, hereinafter referred to as "Owners", and the City of South Burlington, a municipal corporation located in Chittenden County, Vermont, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owners have received final subdivision approval from the Municipality's Development Review Board for the construction and development of a three -lot Planned Residential Development ("Subdivision") shown and depicted on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Project No. 00133, and recorded in Map Slide of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Plat"); and WHEREAS, the Subdivision will be serviced by a private roadway as depicted on the Plat; and WHEREAS, the Municipality has approved the final subdivision application with said private roadway, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to record a confirmation of said conditions to the effect that, by granting said approval and otherwise authorizing said subdivision, the Municipality has not assumed, but rather has specifically disavowed, any intention or obligation to plow, repair or otherwise maintain said roadway or to accept the same as a public street. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board and other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: Owners will not apply to the Municipality to have said roadway accepted as a public street. 2. Owners waive any rights they may have or claim by virtue of the Municipality's approval of said roadway to request the Municipality to accept the same as a public street. 3. Owners will not in the future change the location of said roadway nor extend said roadway without the prior approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board, nor shall Owners permit said roadway to service more than five (5) dwelling units without prior approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board. 4. Owners, for themselves and their heirs, executors and assigns, hereby waive any rights they, or any of them, now have or may hereafter acquire, to seek plowing, repair or maintenance from the Municipality with regard to said roadway.. 5. Owners and their heirs, executors or assigns shall plow, repair and maintain said roadway at their own expense and keep the same in good order and repair. 6. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Owners to dedicate said roadway as a public street, and similarly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Municipality to accept any such proffered dedication. 7. This Agreement may be amended or revoked only upon written consent and approval of the Municipality. 8. This Agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of September, 2001. In the presence of: Robert A. Skiff witness as to both Print Name: Marjorie N. Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of this day of September, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, and they acknowledged this Agreement, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before me, Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: 2 witness Print Name: State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Duty Authorized Agent Print Name: At the City of South Burlington this day of September, 2001, personally appeared , the duly authorized agent for the City of South Burlington, and he/she acknowledged this Agreement, by him/her signed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. Before me, Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: 260263 v1:3531-00005 SEWAGE SERVICE AGREEMENT, WAIVER AND EASEMENT Agreement, by and between Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, hereinafter referred to as "Owners", and the City of South Burlington, a municipal corporation located in Chittenden County, Vermont, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNES SETH: WHEREAS, the Owners have received final subdivision approval from the City's Development Review Board for the creation of a three -lot Planned Residential Development shown as Lot 1 through Lot 3 (the "Development") on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert and Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, Three Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised September 13, 2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Project No. 00 13 3, and recorded in Map Slide of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Plat"); and WHEREAS, the lots therein are to have access to and be benefited by a certain private sewer line running from said lots to a municipal manhole located in the right-of-way of Meadowood Drive, Swift Estates ("Sewage Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the City has approved the Development with the private Sewage Improvements subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to record a confirmation of those conditions to the effect that, by granting said approvals and otherwise authorizing said project, the City has not assumed, but rather has specifically disavowed, any intention or obligation to repair or otherwise maintain said Sewage Improvements. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Development by the City's Development Review Board and other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. Owners waive any right or claim they may have by virtue of the City's approval of said Sewage Improvements and its approval of the use by the Development to request the City to accept the same as public improvements. 2. The Owners will not at any time in the future change the location of said Sewage Improvements nor extend said Sewage Improvements without the prior approval of the City's Development Review Board. 3. Owners, for themselves and their respective heirs, executors and assigns, hereby waive any right they, either of them, now have or may hereafter require, to seek repair or maintenance from the City with regard to said Sewage Improvements. 4. Owners, and their respective heirs, executors and assigns, shall construct, operate, repair and maintain said Sewage Improvements at their own expense and keep the same in good order and repair. Owners may, by agreement, determine their respective obligations to repair, maintain and finance the Sewage Improvements. 5. In the event that the Owners or their respective heirs, executors or assigns shall fail to repair or maintain said Sewage Improvements and it becomes necessary to make repairs or maintain the Sewage Improvements to protect the public health or welfare, the City may, but is under no obligation to do so, with 24 hours notice (if reasonable) to the Owners (with respect to the Sewage Improvements), make needed repairs. The Owners and their respective heirs, executors and assigns shall advise the City Zoning Administrator, from time to time, of the name, address and telephone number of the persons designated by them, or their respective heirs, executors or assigns, to respond to the City relating to said Sewage Improvements. For the purposes hereof, the City shall have sole discretion, reasonably exercised, to determine when repairs are required to protect the public health and welfare and what repairs and/or maintenance are required for such purpose. In the event that the City incurs any expenses in repairing and/or maintaining said Sewage Improvements, all of those expenses shall be assessed against the Owners, or their heirs, executors and assigns. If the amount so assessed is not paid within ninety (90) days from the date of assessment, such amount shall be assessed as a lien, on a proportional basis, against each of the lots served by the system requiring such repairs, as shown on the Plat, and the City may recover such amounts in the same manner as it may recover real property taxes assessed against the said lots. The City and the Owners understand and agree that a private sewer line agreement ("Sewer Line Agreement") was entered into by and between Edward L. Austin, Jr., Janet T. Austin, Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, dated February 3, 1993, and recorded in Volume 338, Pages 737-741 of the City of South Burlington land records. This Sewer Line Agreement set out the rights and obligations of the parties between themselves, and their heirs, assigns, and successors in interest, with respect to the use, repair, maintenance and/or replacement of said private sewer line. Nothing contained in this present Sewer Service Agreement, Waiver and Easement is intended to supercede or terminate the prior Sewer Line Agreement; it being understood and agreed that said Sewer Line Agreement shall continue to control the rights and responsibilities of the parties using said private sewer line. 6. Owners, as their respective interests appear, hereby grant the City an easement and right to enter upon their respective properties and lots for the purpose of maintaining and making repairs to the Sewage Improvements, as provided above. 7. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Owners to dedicate said Sewage Improvements as public sewage improvements, and similarly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the City to accept any such proffered dedication. 8. This Agreement may be amended or revoked only upon written consent and approval of the City. 9. This Agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of September, 2001. In the presence of- 2 Robert A. Skiff witness as to both Print Name: Marjorie N. Skiff State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. At the City of this day of September, 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, and they acknowledged this Agreement, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. witness Print Name: State of Vermont County of Chittenden, ss. Before me, Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Duty Authorized Agent Print Name: At the City of South Burlington this day of September, 2001, personally appeared , the duly authorized agent for the City of South Burlington, and he/she acknowledged this Agreement, by him/her signed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. 260252 v2:3531-00005 Before me, Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: 3 LEGEND DOSTMIG UTILITY POLE 4� 4� PROJECT BOUNDARY EXISTING TREEUNE 5---- EXISTING SEWER UNE PROPOSED LOT LINES PROPOSED TREEUNE PROPOSED SEWER, MANHOLE & CLEANOUT - - SIDELINE OF EASEMENT G EXISTING BURIED GAS LINE NEW DRIVE OR WIDENED PORTION OF SPRINGIOUSE ROAD BUILDING SETBACK E EXISTING BURIED ELECTRICAL LINE EXISTINGTREES KAREN, KEVIN & 13RENT FARRELL lRAl7S OF DEVELOPMENT AREA W - FROSTING WATER LINE. OURBSTOP & HYDRANT AND BRENDA COLS --- BARBED WIRE FENCE -O-W- PROPOSED WATER LINE& CURBSTOP PROPOSED 777EE N/F UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT - N/F - RpmA. 1 I I UTILITY CONSLIgfTON NOTES I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "DIGSAFE" AT 1-aao-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 1. PRIOR TO ANY EXEAVATION CONTACT DIGSAFE. 30' TYPICAL EXISTING NEW HARDWOOD TREE OR � _ - ON AL EXISTING G NEW HARDWOOD TREE -`N _ / '� .�\ �____,,,, , ON LOT WILL, VARY ACCORD!NG TO EXISTING TREE TO BE PRESERVED-SiE-__ 2 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTWT4.DF THE NEW SANITARY SEINER AND WA7ER'SI3RV11E5, SEE LANDSCAPING NOTE ACTUAL LOCATION '-,� LANDSCAPING NOTE ACTUAL LOCATION ON THES OF THE EXISTING -1 - LOT WILL VARY ACCORdNC 70 HGAEOWNLTRS A AL HORIZONTAL AN LOCATION NC UTILITIES - HOMEOWNERS PREFERENCES _ -- N CN D ��EpR771TCAL ST uTIEs p� Bye I')j7REN� I SHALL BE VTRIFlED BY THE OONTITAlipR AND ANY CONFLICTS REPORTED TO THE I , ` 80 GTON ENGINEER. A MINIMUM OF /B" VERTICAL YND 10 FT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION _ L SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT SEWER & WATER UiR7TY.CR_OSSINGS ' i APPROXIMATE CLEARING UNITS. EXACT ' 3. -PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VII P'FitfD REPORT TO LOCATION AND SIZE OF HOUSE AS WELL AS 30' _ N !1 L/ .� I LIMITS OF CLEARING MAY VARYACCORDING SHE SERVICE T ON THE PRESENCE AND INTEGRITY 2- THE EXISTINGE14CE O EB_ --_ _ 9 _ _- ( i n M n-1 TO THE NEEDS OF THE OMER - SERVILE TO THE PROPOSED CONNECTION FOR LOT 2 IN THE ABSENCE OF A Im 109 m I SUITABLE EXISTING 2" SERRVCE, THE EXISTING SERVICE WALL NEED TD BE UPGRADED_ i '--- soa NTER+TA fr (1 I TO ACCOMMODATE THE, FLOW DEMAND FOR LOT 2 I� 3Z */yam O I WT @ 4. THE NEW SINGE FAMILY-DWUUNGS ON LOTS 2 & 3 SHALL HAVE RESIDENTIAL ' n� _ 'YTE Ip 15 �` I - SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PRIOR TO -CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW WATER SERVICE. THE I \`� m 3.13 ACRES �`,A, ADEQUATE AND/OR PROPOSED WHALING. I A THAT THE NEW ON ON SIZE IS 1 AOEIXIATE FOR THE PROP0�4'D DWE111NG BAd(E�OW E_RFQLTION ON THE d In m I I '.SPRINKLER SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 'TNE_REWNEMENTS OF AND ` I APPROVED BY THE SOUTH BUPoJNGTON WATER DEPARTMENT. E. =`. 5. FOUNDATION DRAINS FOR EACH NEW HOUSE SHALL DRAIN TO DAYUGHL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -392-- I • f LOT ® `1 1 FOUNDATION' AIMS SHALL NOT BE CONNECTED 70 THE MUNICIPAL SEWER - I'--- _ 2.11 AGES Po MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 10 SY9TEIA. -'-JOS_ _ FEET BETWEEN SEWER AND COLLECTION WATER SERVICES I < I L 20' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT PROVIDE WATERIiGIHI END CAP U AND MARKER AT END OF I r`PRESERVE COSTING AND RIGHT OF WAY TO LOT 3 N 1/Z. SERVICE STUBS (TYP.) TREES OUTSIDE UMITS CENTERED ON PIPE PROPOSED LOT OF CONSTRUCTION 30' WIDE WATEBNE EASEMENT r a SEWER SERVICE NEW Y TYPE T<' ' 20', RIDE SEWER EASEMENT AND AND Po(YIT OF WAY TO CITY OF NEW SMH �'t INV 387.32QN N. COPPER WATER SERVICE RIOT aF WAY TO LOT 2 SOUTH BURUNCTON (FROM RN J93.5 WA TION %� SWIFT STEER m 5' BEYOND e" IN - 388.22 7b't SA I UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT I PN CURBSTOPST 8" IN - JB8.22 / 'b I N/F - f 44' 6` OU7 388.02 ` t 20' RIGIDE T OF EASEMENT T AREA L AND RIGHT OF WAY lD LOTS 1 PROJECT -_crAT'--rn�� 1 ' &OONDUI REINED ON PEKE DR I PARCEL ® SIREFERElCE. VOLUME 43 / PAGE 412 -CIED ' ^30' 1WDE'RN71T OF WAY AND ��L�^^,1!S_I. - Ly+?00 - _ - - - 10• EASEMEN(• TO LOTS 1 & 2 i _ ' OLD WEIl R4' ZONING -SOUTHEAST QUADRANT T 13P0DA�G OPRPoAV DRIVE HOUS G EXISTING USE -SINGE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL NIDENED TD lie ' E PROPOSED USE - 3 LOT SUBDIVISION FOR S09XE FAMILY JOB P2; *- - � iA .I. F MAXIMUM70 ACRES ALLOWABLE UNITS/ACRE CRE - 10.6 - 1.2 10 LOIS MAXIMUM 1 PoM yMNi4 18 AXIS NG GRAVVIV 1g8 P 8I O U O yild_DEVELOPMENT AREA 4.24 ACRES 8" IN - 389.57 '�MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY WITHIN DEVELOPMENT AREA - 4 UNITS/ACRE -_-- 8" OUT 38D.37 / - - 4.24ACRES X 4 UNITS/ACRE - 18.98 UNITS"LE EXISTING UNE AND 10TINE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY NITHIN TI1E DEVELOPMENT AREA RY 1MDE UTILITY CONNECT NEW 2" SERVICE 2 1 / CANNOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OEVII.OPMENT DENSITY EASEMENT AND RIGHT UNE AND CC�c1 OF WAY TO LOT 2 cro UATER -PROPOSED SERENE CONNEC'nONS 10 EXISTING MUNICIPAL WATER AND SANITARY SEINER CGIECTON SYSTEMS. EGRAVEL ASEMENT 7OAROU ZDLOT`�{} ' I R I ACCESS - SHARED PRIVATE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY (TO BE WIDENED TO 15) LOT 7.54 ACRES , I 4 4 , I REQUESTED WAIVER FROM SECTION 25.202 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS I� SR EXISTING W WIDE RIGHT Orr AND SECTION 401.1 OF THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE i U M EXISTING .'------- EXISTING DWELLING ' = J MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED BY A PRIVATE DRIVE BARN .' __-_-- , I ,y� I 10' WATERLINE UTILITY EASEMENT TO WO�T,pOµD AAUP TO :PR01OMATE LOCI SOUTH BURLINGTON ON SOUTH SIDE _-----"' aF EXISTING PPov Y OF EXISTING WATERLINE FRANCIS J. VON TURKOVICH _ I WATER UNE 16_� PATRICE A. STRATMANN =Il0QN&_REMUBE dU= 3255' _ 1 -- --- ----- \ _ O 3 i� II �z a ------------------------------------------------------------------- J AALja "jRti alLIMLI AULD SECTION 412-4 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS REQUIRES SUITABLE HARDWOOD SHADE TREES BE PLANTED AT 80 FOOT INTERVALS. ON THE AVERAGE. ALONG BOTH SIDES OF STREETS OR PRIVATE WAYS WHERE THERE ARE OR OTHERWISE WOULD BE NO TREES. IN ADDITION, A MINIMUM OF TWO TREES PER LOT SHALL BE PROVIDED- - THE APPUCANT IS REQUESTING CREDIT FOR THE EXISTING TREES ALONG I PROP09iD 2O' TAIDE SEWER CLIFFORD M. & KIMBERLY J. DEETJEN N/F MINIMUM LOT SIRE - 12000 SF EASEMENT TO, L075 2 & 3 HAYS" DAM (IYP.) N/F MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE L B5 FT ��!'� 'T. OR PROVIDE MIND" 20 FT WIDE RIGHT OF WAY ,f""r„ j" " MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: - - REPLACE EXISTING CONCRETE BURRING - 30X MAXIMUM PARKINGS, BUILDINGS & OUTSIDE STORAGE - 40X MAXIMUM ' .J M�WO S4ATElUCa1/p� ' A '--- JUNCTION BOX WITH NEW - SMH# MINIMUM SETBACKS S a'y 'SFRRR PoSEWER - 388.3� 4" IN - 354.0 (SKIFF _.__ _.. FRONT YARD - 20 FT FT ' �0-• 4 pVG J �.� 4" IN - 384.0 (DEETJEN) NEW 8" IN - 354.00 SIDE YARD - REAR YARD -10 30 FT -- 6' OUT - 383.81 v FENCE / EXIST. JUNCTION BOX AT• "H °: vI RIM - 387.85 4" IN - 384.0 (SKIFF) 4" IN - 354.0 (OEETJE - _ _ NOTES 1.B THIS PLAN IS FOR SITE PLAN PURPOSES ONLY. SEE PROPERTY PLAT FOR APPROXIMATE LOCATION n LLT-- 3&TBI BOUNDARY INFORMATION. OF ABANDONED SEPTIC _ -- _ M 2 THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WERE OBTAINED FROM LIMITED FIELD EVIDENCE _ _ _ _ _ Sy _ _ _ OOSTING 15' VIDE SEWER iv AND "BOUNDARY PLAT SHOVING BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LANDS OF DAVID IE LEASEMENT TO SKIFF I T. & LAURA AUSTIN AND LANDS OF EDWARD L AUSTIN JR. AND JANET T. AUSTIN" BY DONALD HAMIN OONSU L7NG ENGINEERS. INC. LAST REVISED ON 8-14-98. CONTACT DIGSAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION SPRINGIHOUSE ROAD. - A MINIMUM OF 2 HARDWOOD TREES SHALL BE PRESERVED OR NEW TREES PLANTED M WITHIN THE BUILDING ENVELOPE ON EACH LOT. I a fr .J NEW TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2 1/2-CALIPER AND SELECTED FROM THE I N I e 9-13-01 ADD EASE ON SOUTH SIDE WATERLINE AM FOLLOWING SPECIES 8-31-01 WIDEN ROAD. REV. LOT 3 DRIVE TURNARND PER DRB AN - ON - GREEN � ' O. DM< date description by RED OAK M - AMERICAN LINDEN __---- :REVISIONS -,1 -_------- _ -- I DAV1D T. & LAURA L. AUSTIN TIESE PANS NIR LAIESf OSE S! KI i DF ' N/F I� ONLY BE USED FOR 1R PUBGSE SIIOMW BROW: �EEIS ---_�_____ � SKETCH/CONCEPT ------ R 0 PRELIMINARY W FINAL 4 ED RECORD DRAWING i� pro no. $ LANDS OF 00133 f I ROBERT & MARLEY SKIFF e� j F I t OANSR de APPLICANT SPRINGROUSE ROAD. SOUTH HORLn1tGTON ABI 1 raven '------ ABR " -�---�� -- _370-__-___-_ �l4�lt•�.����'�= ��-sIW �4�41111111�4�Tr�4�-�� MILTON & N/F TERRIS I N/F MICHAEL & LUCY SAMARA DAVID L & EIJZABET14 TABER N/F I N/F r OWL WL OWL 89 SPRI A. & MARJOFtlE N. SKIFF SOUTNBURLINGGTTONN.. VT SITE PLAN 1 j _ 05403 DJG/LAL 1/111N 3 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION n e G.�� rfi.,� GRAPHIC SCALE \ A• `O : 4 02-01 ec0 e LAYOUREUB It DICEQQ30N 1"=40' Conmdtins Engineers Inc. -3 ! } -Z ( IN 1�1') •�fJ. ®I,m� \ %,1,� 14 Morse DnIVe Essex Junction. VT 05452 (8021 78-4450 t no. 1 1 Inch - 40 r< t�,,� 14 Morse Drive cssex Junction, Vermont 05452 )WOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. September 11, 2001 William Szymanski City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff 3 Lot Subdivision - Springhouse Road Preliminary & Final Plat Application Dear Bill: (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding your review of the proposed 3 lot residential subdivision off Springhouse Road. The following summarizes our discussion of this project last week based upon your comments provided for the 8/7/01 Development Review Board hearing: • Springhouse Road will continue to be privately owned and maintained by the homeowners. • The Site Plan has been revised to show a proposed width of 18 feet along Springhouse Road. A turnaround will be provided where Springhouse Road splits between the existing house on Lot 1 and the proposed house on Lot 2. • The proposed shared driveway cross section has been revised to show a minimum crushed gravel depth of 18 inches, in accordance with the typical street section details included in the Subdivision Regulations. There is presently 16"-18" of existing gravel base along Springhouse Road. An additional 4" of crushed gravel will be placed over the entire width of the road, including the existing base. • Foundations drains will drain to daylight on each lot. A note regarding this has been added to the Site Plan. • The Site Plan has been revised to show a sewer manhole at station 15+20, eliminating the need for cleanouts. • The existing 6" sewer line that serves the Skiff, Deetjen, and former Austin home is currently privately owned and maintained. The proposed extension to serve the two new lots will also be privately owned and maintained. The 6" sewer main proposed is consistent with the size of the existing main being extended and has adequate hydraulic capacity to serve the existing and proposed homes. • The sewer manhole invert shelf has been revised on the detail sheet to match the full depth of the pipe. • An existing hydrant is located off Swift Street along the frontage of Lot 3. As requested by the Fire Chief, the homes on the two proposed lots will be equipped with residential sprinklers. Civil • Environmental •Transportation • Planning 9 Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying Or R Is William Szymanski September 11, 2001 Page 2 Please call our office with any questions. After your review of this letter and the enclosed plans, please initial in the space provided below and forward a copy to Ray Belair. The Development Review Board will continue their review of this project on September 18`h Reviewed b i Szymanski cc: Robert & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Ray Belair Q:\2000\00-133\SZYMANSKI.wpd Sincerely, Andrew Rowe - JITY MAP N.T.5. IPF 1-1/2= 0.2' HIGH ARC, L•225.76' R•698.27' EXISTING 30' WIDE X 59.14' LONG — EA5EMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RUNNING FROM SWIFT STREET, GRANTED TO AU5TIN A5 RECORDED IN VOL. 351, PG. 496. EXISTING 30' WIDE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RUNNING FROM SWIFT STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT #1 GRANTED TO DEETJEN A5 RECORDED IN VOL. 118, PG. 396 UNIV. OF VERMONT N/F VOL. 134. PG.364 FRANGI5 J. VON TUKKOVICH UNIV. OF VERMONT PATRIGE A. STRATMANN N/F N/F FRANGI5 J. VON TUKKOVIGH VOL. 433 PG. 195 PATRIGE A. STRATMANN N/F 20' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT R,OW• AND R1 + 2 A WAY TO — 4q•5 8 PG. 4`1'3_ P°M 'OR+ cO o IT ON - c�W IFS `>TREET v°► • IPF 2" 0 1.52' WEST OF - CALCULATED PL. 0 D. + L. AU5TIN \ N/F C/ HOR IPS IPF 1/2" VOL. 351. PG. 496 BEARING• FLUSH I R. + J. POULIN 588.29'45"E N6Y14'32"E I � < EXISTING 15' WIDE N/F 224.75' u O EA5EMENT TO SKIFF VOL. 102, PG. 462 `19•00 1 w0 T- } AS RECORDED IN VOL. \ 351, PG. 325 PKOP05ED 30' WIDE \ 1 II coo Z I RIGHT OF WAY AN O v IRF 3/4" EASEMENT FOR INCGRE55 I ��� 0.5' HIGH + EGRESS AND UTILITIES I M) — ---3, FROM SWIFT 5T. TO 1 cmi \ R LOTS I+ 2 I �� m IPF 1/2" 0.5' HIGH LOT (5) 1 1� 211 ACRES 1 I I SBp2.5 582 6!55w C IRF 3/8" 202.17' D. + / TABER N/F 0.3' HIGH IPS N87� VOL. 382, PG. 49 316.10 1 1 PROPOSED 20' WIDE IPF 1" SEWER EASEMENT TO PROPOSED 20' W ID 1 11 i I FLUSH LOT5 2+ 3 UTILITY EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY TO LOT 3 1 1 11 1'-- PROPOSED WIDE WATERLINE CENTERED ON PIPE 1 I I EASEMENT TOO GI7Y OF SOUTH II BURLINGTON ON SOUTH SIDE PROF05ED 30' WIDE WATERLINE JO' OF WATERLINE 00 w wAT�im oFsaIJT�H+ 1 1 IPF (DI5TURBED)I1 M. + L. 5AMARA DURLIN&TON VKOM SWIFT I 3.69' WEST OF �Ix N/F lt• STREET TO A MINIMUM OF 1 I I CALCULATED PL. I VOL. 406, PG. 540 0 0. 5' DEYOND cuRD5TOP51 1 11 I m I I I 1 LOT 10 11 I % 20' WIDE SEWER \ _ 7.54 ACRES EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF — �— LIP Y TO LOT 2 CENTERED 106' IP5 24" OAK ON PIPE _ 0.41' WEST OF 5875 W 4p'� CALCULATED PL. KK-K-15 FARRELL + B. COLE N/F VOL. 274, PG. 260 NOTES L TH15 PLAT WAS COMPILEO FROM FIELD SURVEYS AND RECORD RESEARCH INCAJOIN6 THE U5E OF THE FOLLOWING PLM4- IRF I" X A) PROPERTY OF JAMES W. AND ALIGE M. MARVIN, SOUTH 0.7' HIGH DURLINGTON. VERMONr, DY CIVIL EW INEERING A55OGIATE5. INC. DATED APRIL, 177L AND RECORDED IN VOL 105, PAGE 5. 8) PROPERTY TO DE CONVEYED TO JAMES ♦ ALICE MARVIN' DATED FEDRUARY. M74 DY GIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES AND RECORDED IN VOL 107, PAGE 11 C) -EDWARD L. JR ♦ JANET T. AU5T81 SWIFT STREET. SOUTH 5URL.IN6TON. VCKMONT, SITE PLAN DY DONALD L. HAMLIN CONSULTING EN6INEER5, INC. DATED -1`7-12 AND RECORDED IN VOL. 256. P6, 75. D) -SWIFT ESTATES, SOUTH DURLIWTOR VMtMONT." DY WIL -15 ENGINEERING, DATED 6-30-71 AND REGORDED IN VOL. 50. PAGE 164. 2 DEARIN65 ARE DATED ON G1.5. OOSFJRVATION5 AT THE TIME OF TH15 SURVEY. 3. THIS PROPERTY HA5 THE DENEFIT OF A IS' WIDE SEWER EASEMENT AS GRANTED N VOL, 331, PGM5. 4. TH15 PROPERTY MAY DE 5USJEC.T TO A GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT TO VT. GAS SYSTEMS AS REGORDED IN VOL. 31L PG. 552 5. TH15 FROPERTY MAY DE 5UDJECT TO OTHER EASEMENTS AND/OR Ri6HT5 OF WAY. PROPOSED 30' WIDE RIGHT OF ® '\ O' WAY + EA5EMENT FOR INOKE55 U M. + L. TEKKI5 + EGRESS AND UTILITIES N N/F 0- VOL. 212, PG. 516 w o LOT © w �0 1 °- 3.13 AC 1M5 IPS IPS �_ IRF 2" X 2" � 47"W IPF 1-1/2" 2.97' WEST OF 0.37' SOUTH OF CALCULATED GOR. CALCULATED PL. IPF f 0.28' NORTH OF ❑ I CALCULATED PL. P. + A. ROCHE \ N/F VOL. 111, PG. 410 K. + G. QUINN -OLLIN5 5PG523 N/F N/F 43 VOL. 439, PG. 17 VOL. 115, I GRAPHIC SCALE Im 0 so Im =0 goo ( IN FEL?'r ) 1 inch - 100 tL TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, TH15 PLAT 15 BA5ED ON INFORMATION ABSTRACTED FROM PERTINENT DEEO5 AND/OR OTHER OFFICIAL KEC.OKD5. AND MARKEK5 EVIDENT ON THE PROPERTY, AND CONFOKM5 WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 27 V5A 1403. DATED TH15 _ DAY OF 2001 L.5. LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPO5ED PROPERTY LINE — — — SIDELINE OF EASEMENT — ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE IPF IRON PIPE FOUND IP5 IRON PIPE 5ET IRF IRON ROD FOUND N/F NOW OK FORMERLY xx—x BARBED WIRE: FENCE APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT. ON THE DAY OF , 2001 5UBJEGT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID RESOLUTION. SIGNED TH15 DAY OF 2001 BY OR CHAIRMAN) CITY CLERK'5 OFFICE CITY OF 5OUTH BUKLINGTON. VT. , 2001 RECEIVED FOR RECORD AT O'CLOCK _ M., AND RECORDED IN VOL. OF ON PAGE ATTE5T CITY CLERK 9-13-01 EASE TO CITY ON SOUTH SIDE W.L.1 ABR 6 - 31-01 ADD ROW FOR TURNAROUND ABR rdate description by THESE PLANS OF ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELD�W: 'SHEETS D SKETCH/CONCEPT E::1 PRELIMINARY FINAL 4 0 RECORD DRAWING LAND5 OF 00- 3 IKOf5EKT AND MAKJOK) E survey SKIFF . �°� 3 LOT U'ij 5U15D I V 151 ON PLAT LAMOUNM do DICENSON Consulting Engineers Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 878-4450 Engineers—Planners—Surveoors ABR drawn / �, 10,Y ki i : C eC e DJG/LAL ae 4/2/01 scale 1' = 100' 37 . no. 4 oma3-d 1DEYEL3PMENT R1EVIEW BOARD MEMO August 7, 2001 MEETING the area shall be computed by taking the total area of the facing or the total area within the outer edge of any existing border of the sign. Section 8(d) (1) states "A freestanding sign which is located on a lot of less than 40,000 square feet shall not exceed 32 square feet in overall dimensions, including cladding". 6) SKIFF —PRELIMIANRY & FINAL PLAT APPLICATIONS — THREE LOT SUBD"ION, SPRINGH®USE ROAD This project consists of subdividing a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots of 7.54 acres (lot 1), 3.13 acres (lot 2), and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 Springhouse Road. The Development Review Board considered the sketch plan application for this property at their March 6, 2001 meeting (minutes enclosed). This property is located within the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District. It is bounded on the north by Swift Street and two single family dwellings, on the west by an undeveloped lot, and on the south and east by single family dwellings. Access: Access to this property is currently provided by a 30 wide foot private r.o.w. from Swift Street known as Springhouse Road. The applicant has proposed using this r.o.w. and extending the road, with a width of 15 feet, to serve one of the new lots. This private r.o.w. currently provides access to three existing single family dwellings. It is required by the Subdivision Regulations that roadways serving four (4) or more separate residential lots shall be publicly owned. The applicant will request a waiver from this requirement. Staff recommends that Springhouse Road be constructed to City standards for a public street as required in Section 401.10) (1) (a) of the Subdivision Regulations at least to the point where the street services the first three driveways. Staff recommends that the request for a waiver of sidewalks and street lighting be granted. Coveraae/Setbacks: The building footprints are depicted on the plans. All appear to meet setback requirements from the proposed new property lines. Lot size/frontage: The minimum lot size requirement of 12,000 square feet and the minimum frontage requirement of 85 feet are being met. Restricted area: The plans illustrate the building envelopes, development area, and restricted area. No development is proposed in the restricted area. Portions of lots # 1, #2, and #3 will be located in a restricted area. Section 6.502 of the Zoning Regulations prohibits land located within a designated restricted area to be included in any lot created for residential development. This section does allow the Board to approve portions of lots in a restricted area with the recording or a notice of appropriate conditions. The applicant has requested a waiver from this requirement under Section 6.606 of the Zoning Regulations and has submitted a report addressing the criteria of this waiver (see enclosed). Sewer: The applicant has requested a sewer allocation of 2,010 g.p.d. The applicant should expect to pay the per gallon fee. 3 DEVELOPMENT RESEW BOARD MEMO August 7, 2001 MEETING Landsc� The applicant is requesting a waiver from Section 412.4 of the Subdivision Regulations that require two street trees be planted for each lot created. Staff recommends against granting this waiver, and recommends requiring the applicant to revise the plans to illustrate at least two street trees per lot. A landscaping schedule also needs to be submitted. L,i htin : The applicant has requested not to install street lighting. Staff recommends that this waiver be granted under Section 513.1 of the Subdivision Regulations. Impact Fees: The applicant should expect to pay road, recreation, school, fire, and all other applicable impact fees. Other: The applicant has submitted a report addressing Planned Residential Standards in Section 26.15 of the Zoning Regulations (see enclosed). 7 BAILEYY & IBRACKET'T — CONDITIONA1L. USE APPLICATION — ACCESSORY AIPART TENT 22 WRIGHT COURT This project consists of a request under Section 26.05, Conditional Uses, and Section 26.75, Accessory Residential Units, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The request is for permission to allow an accessory residential unit at 22 Wright Court. This property is located within the Residential Four District. It is bounded on the north by open land, on the west by a residence, on the south by Wright Court, and on the east by a residence. The proposed use complies with the stated purpose of the Residential Four District to "encourage residential use at moderate densities that are compatible with existing neighborhoods and undeveloped land adjacent to those neighborhoods." In accordance with the Zoning Regulations, the proposed use must not adversely affect: a) the capacity of existing or planned community facilities. No effect expected. b) the character of the area affected. No adverse effect is expected. c) traffic on roads or highways in the vicinity. The proposed use is not expected to affect traffic. d) bylaws in effect. The proposal is in conformance with the zoning regulations. e) utilization of renewable resources. There is no utilization of renewable energy resources to be affected. f) general public health and welfare. No adverse effect is expected. Section 26.75 of the Zoning Regulations- The occupancy of this accessory unit will be limited to the conditions of Section 26.75 of the Zoning Regulations which are: a) Occupancy of the accessory residential unit is restricted to not more than two (2) persons, one of whom is related by blood or marriage to the owner of the primary single-family residence, or is disabled as defined in subdivision 252(2) of Title 18, or is at least 55 years of age. M. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 7 AUGUST 2001 PAGE 4 Ms. Quimby moved that the Development Review Board uphold the Code Officer's decision to deny sign permit application #SN-01-25 of S. B. Collins, Inc., on the basis that the proposed free-standing sign exceeded the maximum sign limitation of 32 sq. ft. Mr. Kupferman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-01-36 and (Final plat Application #SD-01-37 of Robert and Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three lots of 7.54 .acres (lot 1), 3.13 acres (lot 2) and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 Springhouse Road: Mr. Collins said the applicant would like to sell the existing house and build a house on lot #2. They would also sell lot #3. The existing house is presently served by a private road and is on public water and sewer. The 2 new lots would hook onto public utilities. Mr. Dinklage addressed staff comments. He noted the road would have to be built to city standards to a point where it serves the first 3 driveways. Mr. Lamoureaux said they suggest an 18 ft. road with a turn- around. Mr. Belair noted the City Engineer suggested this, but planning staff does not agree. He noted that 4 or more homes require a public road. Mr. Collins said there was an agreement to waive that at Sketch Plan Mr. Dinklage said the problem is that down the line residents ask the city to take over these roads and they are hard to maintain if not built to city standards. Mr. Belair said another issue is increasing the size of the sewer line.. Mr. Lamoureaux said they would sprinkler the new homes but not the existing one IVIr. Belair said the road would have to be built to city standards even if it is not a public road. Mr. Collins said they had not wanted to pave it. They want to keep it as much the same as possible. Residents want it unpaved. Mr. Cameron said he would not mind if it is iron -clad that it stays this way forever. He suggested the road be 18 ft., to the City Engineer's standards, with a solid base, and with covenants that if the residents want the road maintained by the city, they would have to bring it up to city standards. Mr. Dinklage said he could support that. Mr. Belair said he would want an opinion from the City Attorney. It was noted that the sewer line would have to be 8". Mr. Lamoureaux said they propose 6" which is plenty for these homes. The line would go to a 6" connection to a manhole. Mr. Collins noted this is a privately maintained line. Mr. Belair said the city does not want a line serving 2 or more structures to be private. A neighbor said he would not want the proposed drive heading straight toward their front door and asked that it be on more of a slant. Members wanted to continue the hearing to get more information about the sewer issue. Mr. Kupferman moved to continue to 18 September. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed. 7.:Public Hearing: Application #CU-01-28 of Keith Baily and Tatum Brackett seeking approval from Section 26.05 Conditional Uses, and Section 26.75, Accessory Residential Units, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to allow an accessory residential unit, 22 Wright Court: CITY OF SOUTH BIJRLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, `IERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 August 29, zooi Mr. & Mrs. Robert Skiff 89 Springhouse Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Final Plat Application - 89 Springhouse Road Dear Mr. & Mrs. Skiff. Enclosed please find a copy of the minutes of the Development Review Board meeting of August 7, 2001. If you have any further questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl./td " 'NITY MAP N.T.5. UNIV. OF VERMONT N/F VOL. 433 PG. 195 20' WIDE UTILITY EA5EMET AND KIGHT5 OF WAY TO LOTS I + 2 GENTEXED ON PIPE OR CONDUIT — IPF 1-1/2" �'—_' 0.2' HIGH GHORK ARC L-225 76' BEARING• FRANGI5 J. VON TUKKOVIGH PATRIGE A. 5TRATMANN N/F FRANGI5 J. VON TUKKOVIGH PATRIGE A. 5TKATMANN N/F T 495 REO..WO 493 _ STREET VOL - SW IFT D. + L. AU5TIN \ N/F IP5 IPF 1/2" VOL. 351, P6. 496 aFLU5H I R. + J. POULIN EXI5TING 15' WIDE N/F K•698.27' 58224.78' 2945E N82'14'32"E Mi g P EASEMENT TO 5KIFF VOL. 102, PG. 462 99 00' EXI5TING 30' WIDE X 59.14' LONG — EA5EMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RUNNING FROM SWIFT STREET, GRANTED TO AU5TIN A5 RECORDED IN VOL. 351, PG. 496. EXI5TING 30' WIDE EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RUNNING FROM SWIFT STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT #1 GRANTED TO DEETJEN A5 RECORDED IN VOL. 118, PG. 396 NOTES UNIV. OF VERMONT N/F VOL. 134, PG.364 IPF 2" c 1.52' WEST OF - CALCULATED PL. O r + AS RECORDED IN VOL. \ Cp�351, PG. 325 PROPOSED 30' WIDE \ III � w Z 7` I RIGHT OF WAY AND IRF 3/4 EASEMENT FOR INGRESS 0.5' HIGH + EGRE55 AND UTILITIES u — FROM SWIFT 5T. TO c \ LOT5 I + 2 IRF I/2" A I CP Z 0.5' HIGH $ LOT® 11 ACRES III S8p256 W 5871835 W D. + E. TAKER p2.17' N/F N87� 553 "e — — IRF 3/8. VOL. 382, PG. 49 IP5 316.`10 0.3 HIGH 111 IPF 1" 1 PROPOSED 20' WIDEJ FLUSH PROP05ED 20' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT AND I I II SEWER EASEMENT TO RIGHT OF WAY TO LOT 3 1 I I LOTS 2 + 3 — GENTERED ON PIPE I III I MOF05CO 30' WIDE UTILITY Z FA5eMENT AND RIGHT OF O W WAY TO CITY OF SOUTH DUtI.INGTON FROM SWIFT I U STREET TO A MINIMUM OF I I I I DEYOND CUKCSTOPS) � � IIIII '� I \\� J 20' WIDE SEWER — EA5EMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY TO LOT 2 CENTERED �8.,►-- ON PIPE 42000 IP5 5675� W _ KK.,K.,B FARRELL + D. DOLE N/F VOL. 274, PG. 260 L THI5 PLAT WAS COMPILED FROM FIELD 5URVEY5 AMC) REGORO RESEARCH INGLUDING THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING rLAN5- IRF 1' X A) -PROPERTY OF JN,ES W. AND ALICE M MARVIN. SOUTH 0.7' HIGH DURLINGTOK VERMONi, DY CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED APRIL, P171, AND RECORDED IN VOL. M. PAGE 5. B) -PROPERTY TO DE CONVEYED TO JAMES + AUGE MARVIN7 DATED FEDRUARY, Pr74 DY CIVIL ENGINEERING A550CIATE5 AND REGORGED IN VOL. 107. rAGe 11 C)-EDWARD L JR + JANET T. AUSTIN. SWIFT 5TReET. SOUTH DUKLIN&TON. VERMONT. 517E PLAN DY DONALD L HAMLIN CO145U_TING EN INFERS, INC_ DATED 1-T7-12 AND RECORDED IN VOL. 266. M. 7S. D) -SWIFT ESTATES. SOUTH DURLINGTON. VERMONT.- DY WILLIS ENGINEERING. DATED 6-30-71 AND RECORDED IN VOL. so, PAGE 154. 2 DEARING5 ARE DATED ON GP.5. ODSERVATION5 AT THE TIME OF TH15 SURVEY. 3. THI5 PROPERTY HAS THE DENEFIT OF A 15 WIDE SEWER EA5EMENT AS 6RANTeD IN VOL, 339, PG.255. 4. THIS PROPERTY MAY DE 5L6JEGT TO A GA5 PIPELINE EASEMENT TO VT. GAS SYSTEMS AS REGORGED IN VOL, 311. PG. 552. 5. THI5 PROPERTY MAY DE SUDJEGT TO OTHER EASEMENTS AID/OR RIGHTS OF WAY. PROPO5ED 30' WIDE RIGHT OF WAY + EASEMENT FOR INGKE55 + EGRESS AND UTILITIES w LOT Q g- 3.13 ACRES 419 0�0 IPF 1" 0.28' NORTH OF GALGULATED PL. I M. + M. SGOLLINS N/F VOL. 115, P(5. 523 1 LE&END PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE — — 51DELINE OF EASEMENT — ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE IPF IRON PIPE FOUND IP5 IRON PIPE 5ET IRF IRON ROD FOUND N/F NOW OR FORMERLY x—■—a BARBED WIRE FENGE IRF (DISTURBED) / Z> 3.69' WEST OF l M. + L. SAMARA APPROVED BY KE5OLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT CALCULATED PL. yx N/F REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF 5OUTH BUKLINGTON, O' w_ Lm 1D rn VOL. 406, PG. 540 VERMONT, ON THE DAY OF 2001 SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND GONDITION5 OF SAID RESOLUTION. 516NED 7.54 ACRES THIS DAY OF 2001 BY 24" OAK (CLERK OR CHAIKMANI 0.41' WEST OF CALCULATED PL. IT S 01 M. + L. TERRIS N/F CITY CLERK'S OFFICE VOL. 212, PG. 516 CITY OF SOUTH DUKLINGTON. VT. 2001 KEGEIVED FOR RECORD AT O'CLOCK M., AND KEGORDED IN VOL. OF LLp ON PAGE IO o, ATTE5T CITY CLERK IP5 IRF 2' X 2" 8-31-01 ADD ROW FOR TURNAROUND ABR IPF 1-1/2" 2.97' WEST OF date description by 0.37' 50UTH OF CALCULATED GDR. CALCULATED PL. REVISIONS 1 THESE PLANS WITH LATEST REVISIM SHOULD / OF ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOtM BELOW: SHEETS \ P. + N/ROCHEF SKETCH/CONCEPT VOL. 111, PG. 410 PRELIMINARY FINAL 4 R. + G. QUINN 0 RECORD DRAWING N/F VOL. 439, PG. 17 LAND5 OF n3 �pl. ty33 R06ERT AND MARJOR I E " TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THI5 GRAPHIC SCALE PLAT 15 DA5ED ON INFORMATION A155TKACTED FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER Im o eo loo aao uo OFFIGIAL KEGORD5, AND MARKERS EVIDENT ON THE PROPERTY, AND CONFORMS WITH THE REQUIREMENT5 OF 27 V5A 1403. IN FEET) DATED THI5 _ DAY OF 2001 1 Inch - 100 tL L.5. REr 0 %, -D I i'j I 1 I€ ROBERT C. & CHRISTINE OUINN N/F PAUL E. & ANNE N. ROCHE I I�IppJii ryy �I 1 �L�I�Q{Ny HA� SOp>ppLL� As{PI'1� Y Y.'1I�AA 1F!1 $Q 4� 'Age If I I �aLs 138a0O cu W U U U W 0 <�->__­ k� f D� ••�Y 4� OAd 9CUM .Y GRAVEL Dmvr _ — D • $ ` cRaeEL wal MICHAEL L & WIRY D. SMIM N �-� UMIi5 DF BUILDING ENVELOPE T I I I / Nip'; I" 3 I ----- --- -- -- -_j 1— 4 _ w 6 all -,RAP, �$N 1 . lij. g ' � �'� ' 2W ; `ar �iy>I I — — — — — I— U111T� OF BURRING ENVELOPE —� I ��I 74 MT AREA *4MUMTED AREA 'I C ._ —go i Li, a 1., Al a ''�I1111N� �y CAe�i A r A "I� zPa� 18 Nd to cn i9 3 q >101,, u o T01113 .11 11 <i z ^ e� s 0. m P. g 059 0> of o= ':2 14 Morse Drive Essex )unction, Vermont 05452 AOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. September 1 l , 2001 William Szymanski City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff 3 Lot Subdivision - Springhouse Road Preliminary & Final Plat Application Dear Bill: (802) 878-4450 fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding your review of the proposed 3 lot residential subdivision off Springhouse Road. The following summarizes our discussion of this project last week based upon your comments provided for the 8/7/01 Development Review Board hearing: • Springhouse Road will continue to be privately owned and maintained by the homeowners. • The Site Plan has been revised to show a proposed width of 18 feet along Springhouse Road. A turnaround will be provided where Springhouse Road splits between the existing house on Lot 1 and the proposed house on Lot 2. • The proposed shared driveway cross section has been revised to show a minimum crushed gravel depth of 18 inches, in accordance with the typical street section details included in the Subdivision Regulations. There is presently 16"-18" of existing gravel base along Springhouse Road. An additional 4" of crushed gravel will be placed over the entire width of the road, including the existing base. • Foundations drains will drain to daylight on each lot. A note regarding this has been added to the Site Plan. • The Site Plan has been revised to show a sewer manhole at station 15+20, eliminating the need for cleanouts. • The existing 6" sewer line that serves the Skiff, Deetjen, and former Austin home is currently privately owned and maintained. The proposed extension to serve the two new lots will also be privately owned and maintained. The 6" sewer main proposed is consistent with the size of the existing main being extended and has adequate hydraulic capacity to serve the existing and proposed homes. • The sewer manhole invert shelf has been revised on the detail sheet to match the full depth of the pipe. • An existing hydrant is located off Swift Street along the frontage of Lot 3. As requested by the Fire Chief, the homes on the two proposed lots will be equipped with residential sprinklers. Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying William Szymanski September 11, 2001 Page 2 Please call our office with any questions. After your review of this letter and the enclosed plans, please initial in the space provided below and forward a copy to Ray Belair. The Development Review Board will continue their review of this project on September 18`h. Sincerely, v � Andrew Rowe Reviewed by William Szymanski cc: Robert & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Ray Belair Q.'QO�NI':00.133\SZYMANSKLw pd KMOUREUX & DICKINSON 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Essex )unction, Vermont 05452 September 11, 2001 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff 3 Lot Subdivision - Springhouse Road Preliminary & Final Plat Application Dear Ray: (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding the Development Review Board's continued review of this project on September 181h. Since the last hearing, we have discussed comments provided with Bill Szymanski and Chief Michael O'Neil. The enclosed letter to the City Engineer summarizes our discussion and response, including modifications to the project plans. We also contacted the Fire Chief to clarify the need for residential sprinklers. As discussed with the DRB, we agree that the homes on the two proposed lots should be equipped with residential sprinklers, but that Lot 1 should not be required to install them in the existing house. As you know, we are requesting a waiver so that Springhouse Road may continue to be privately owned and maintained to serve the existing and proposed lots. As a result of discussions with Staff and the DRB, we have proposed widening Springhouse Road to 18 feet, providing a gravel base in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, and including adequate room to turn around where the driveway splits to serve lots 1 & 2. The driveway to Lot 3 will also be relocated to minimize its impact upon the adjacent Deetjen lot. The Site Plan has been revised to show preserving or planting a minimum of two hardwood trees within the building envelope on each of the new lots. A landscaping schedule listing the species of hardwood trees and size (2 V? caliper) is also shown. Peter Collins has revised the proposed Covenants to address the private ownership and maintenance of Springhouse Road, and provided them to the City Attorney for review. We have enclosed five copies of the revised plans for your use. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, /5� Andrew Rowe cc: Robert & Marley Skiff Peter Collins QA2000\00- 133\beta i rl wpd Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS John T. Sartore (NY) A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION B. Michael Frye Alan D. Port Robert G. Cain (NY) S. Crocker Bennett, II ATTORNEYS AT LAW Robert S. DiPalma ONE CHURCH STREET Stephen J. Soule (NH) Gail E. Haefner P.O. BOX 1307 Stephanie J. Mapes Stephen G. Norten BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402-1307 Elizabeth J. Grant (MA) TELEPHONE (802) 658-2311 Christopher McVeigh (NE, NY) H. Draper, IV FAX (802) 658-0042 �ohn an E. Bernasconi (MA) William Alexander Fead (NJ) www.pfclaw.com Matthew E.C. Pifer (MA) Robert J. Grenier (MA) William D. Riley Mark G. Hall David J. Spielman (NY) September 4, 2001 Mr. Raymond J. Belair Department of Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert and Marjorie Skiff / Subdivision #SD-01-07 Dear Ray: Bess Messerman Okum (OH) Frank V. Petrosino James G. Murphy (CT) David R. McLean William J. Morris III R. Allan Paul Joseph E. Frank Peter M. Collins Catherine Kronk Lynda L. Marshall (AL, LA) OF COUNSEL In preparation for the final hearing of the Skiff Subdivision before the Development Review Board on the 18t", I have enclosed a draft set of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, which I believe will accomplish the objectives of both the City and Mr. and Mrs. Skiff. Of particular importance are Section 2.01(c) (dealing with the private sewer lines), Section 3.01 (dealing with the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the private road), and Section 3.07 (which places restrictions on the ability of the owners to amend these Covenants without permission of the Development Review Board. At your request I am sending a copy of the enclosed to attorney Joseph McLean. I would appreciate your comments and/or suggestions in time to have a final set ready for the hearing. I await your advice. Enclosure cc w/enc: Joseph McLean, Esq. cc w/o enc: Robert and Marjorie Skiff 259454 vl:3531-00005 A Member of TerraLex® The Worldwide Network of Independent Law Firms Draft 8/29/01 QDo a SPRINGHOUSE ROAD SUBDIVISION A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made this day of , 2001, by Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff of South Burlington, Vermont, (the "Declarant") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Declarant plans to create a three lot subdivision on that property in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, conveyed to Declarant, pursuant to an administrator's deed from David R. Marvin, James W. Marvin, III, and Robert H. Erdmann, co -executors of the estate of Alice M. Marvin, dated December 26, 1978 and recorded in Volume 143 at Page(s) 412-414 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Said land and premises are more particularly described as follows: Lot 1, containing 7.54 acres, Lot 2, containing 3.13 acres, and Lot 3, containing 2.11 acres, all as shown and designated on a plan entitled "Lands of Robert & Marley Skiff, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Site Plan, 3 Lot Residential Subdivision" dated April 2, 2001, last revised ,2001, prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, Consulting Engineers, Inc., project # 00133, and recorded in Volume , Pages of the City of South Burlington land records (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Declarant intends to establish thereon a Planned Residential Development, consisting of three (3) single-family homes on individual Lots together with a common shared private drive to be maintained by the owners of the lots using said drive (the "Project"); NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant hereby declares that the Property described above shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to and have the benefit of the following easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the Property and which shall run with the real property and be binding on all [DRAFT #2 - August 29, 20011 Draft 8/29/01 OGgqR? parties having any right, title or interest in the described Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each Owner thereof. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any one of the three (3) Lots which are part of the Property, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Section 1.02. The "Property" shall mean and refer to all of lands and premises hereinbefore described. Section 1.03. "Unit" shall mean and refer to any single-family dwelling house, created on a Lot within the Property. Section 1.04. Any reference herein to "Plan", "Plans" or "Plat", without specific designation, shall refer to the final Plans and Plats prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson, project No. 00133, and approved by the City of South Burlington Development Review Board on 2001, and recorded in Volume , Page(s) , File No. of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Section 1.05. "Lot" shall mean and refer to each of the three (3) individual single-family Lots shown and described on the Plan, located within this Property. ARTICLE II PROPERTY RIGHTS AND RESTRICTIONS Section 2.01. Rights of Way and Utilities. Declarant does hereby establish and create for the benefit of the Property, and does hereby grant, give and convey to each and every individual or entity hereinafter owning any portion of the Property, the non-exclusive easements, licenses, rights and privileges: [DRAFT #2 - August 29, 20011 2 Draft 8/29/01 (a) Right of way for ingress and egress, by vehicle or on foot, in, to, upon, over and under the 30' right of way and private gravel road known as Springhouse Road, leading from Swift Street into the Project for approximately 600', for all purposes for which a private roadway is commonly used, all as shown on the Plan. (b) Right to connect with, make use of and, if necessary, to maintain, repair and replace underground utility lines, pipes, conduits, and drainage lines, which may from time to time be in or along the roads or in other areas of the Property as shown on the Plan; provided that all damage caused by the exercise of such right is promptly repaired, including, without limitation, damage to any other lines, pipes or equipment, and the restoration of all surface areas to their condition immediately prior to such exercise. (c) The sewage disposal system for the Property will consist of separate sewer lines (either gravity or force main) from the individual units on the Property, all as shown on the Plan. The individual sewer lines shall connect to a common 6" diameter line which in turn connects to the sewer system for the City of South Burlington. The individual lines and the common 6" line shall remain private in perpetuity. The Owners shall be individually responsible for the repair, maintenance and/or replacement of their respective individual lines, and the Owners shall be equally responsible for the repair, maintenance and/or replacement of the 6" common sewer line. The City of South Burlington shall have no obligation or responsibility to maintain, repair or replace any part of said private sewer lines. The rights, duties and obligations of the Owners in connection with said private sewer lines are more fully set forth in the "Sewer Line Agreement" dated February 3, 1993, between Edward L. Austin, Jr. and Janet T. Austin, and Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, recorded in Volume , Pages of said land records. (d) The easements, licenses, rights and privileges, established and created by this section shall be for the benefit of and restricted solely to the Declarant, its successors and assigns, and the Owners from time to time of dwelling units in the Property, their tenants, families and guests, who are residents in occupancy of said dwelling units. (e) All Lot Owners shall take title subject to all easements and rights of way, including, but not limited to ingress and egress, sewer, electricity, water, storm water, and telephone, as shown on the Plan and/or recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. (f) Any party acquiring an interest in any Lot within the Property shall be subject to and bound by these restrictions in the same manner and extent as if said restrictions were copied in full or made a part [DRAFT #2 - August 29, 20011 3 �o �1f a Draft 8/29/01 r instrument or device or process under or b v of the deed or other p Y which title shall be claimed. ARTICLE III MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 3.01. Maintenance Repair and/or Replacement of Private Road; Road Damage. As a condition of the approval for this Project by the South Burlington Development Review Board, it is a covenant and condition, running with the land, that all present and future repairs, maintenance and/or replacement of the private road shall be at the sole expense of the Owners, and others entitled to use same. The City of South Burlington shall have no obligation or liability at any time to repair, maintain or replace said road, nor be under any obligation to take over said road as a public street. If, at any time in the future, the Owners unanimously agree to make Springhouse Road a public street, the Owners and/or others entitled to use said road, shall be solely responsible for constructing Springhouse Road to existing City standards, including paving. Only if the City, in its sole discretion, wishes to accept said road as a public street, will Springhouse Road become a public street. Any damage or extraordinary wear and tear on the road or other common improvements serving the Property caused by a Lot Owner or contractors and subcontractors of a Lot Owner during the course of construction and/or improvements to a Lot shall be the responsibility of that Lot Owner. It is intended by this covenant that damage caused by heavy construction equipment or trucks would be the responsibility of the particular Lot Owner and not the Lot Owners as a group. Section 3.02. Land Use Permits. All Lot Owners, have the benefit of and are subject to the conditions of subdivision approval from the City of South Burlington, dated the day of _, 2001, and any amendments thereto. Section 3.03. Enforcement. The Declarant and its successors and assigns, or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, [DRAFr #2 - August 29, 20011 4 a RAFF Draft 8/29/01 covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Declarant, or by any Owner, to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 3.04. Invalidi1y. If any provision of this Declaration is held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any provisions of this Declaration which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, and to this end the provisions of this Declaration are severable. Section 3.05. Waiver. No provision of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been waived by reason of any failure to enforce, regardless of the occurrence of violations or breaches from time to time. Section 3.06. Headings. The headings in this Declaration are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. Section 3.07. Amendments. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Property for a term of twenty (20) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time they shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. This Declaration may be amended by an instrument signed by not less than one hundred percent (100%) of all Lot Owners. Any amendment shall become effective only when recorded. Any amendment of this Declaration which is intended to modify the conditions set forth in the aforementioned subdivision permit issued by the South Burlington Development Review Board, including but not limited to, additional subdivision of Lots, maintenance repair and replacement of Springhouse Road, and the maintenance, repair and replacement of the private sewer lines, shall not become effective until any such amendment is approved in writing by the Development Review Board, or its equivalent municipal board existing at the time. [DRAFT #2 - August 29, 20011 Draft 8/29/01 DRqR? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has caused this Declaration to be executed on the day of IN PRESENCE OF: Witness Print Name STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. 2001. DECLARANT Robert A. Skiff Marjorie N. Skiff At this day of , 2001, personally appeared Robert A. Skiff and Marjorie N. Skiff, and they acknowledged the foregoing instrument, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before me, Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: 2/10/03 257213 v2:3531-00005 JDRAFP ill - August 29, 20011 6 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 8/7/oi Robert & Marley Skiff Springhouse Road i. Road 700 feet in length should be 18 feet in travel width. A turnaround should be provided at the end. z. The plans should show how basement and foundation drains will be provided to serve the new house. These drains can not connect to the sanitary sewer. 3. A sewer manhole should be provided at station Y5too with no clean outs in between. 4. The sewer lines are to be privately maintained by the property owners. 5. The sewer manhole invert shelf shall be for the entire pipe diameter not .6D as plans show. Vt. National Golf Course Long Drive i. The road width should be the City standard of 30 feet not 24 feet as plans show. z. The private road serving lots 46, and 6 should be 18 feet in width With z foot shoulders. 3. The gas main should be on the opposite side of the street from the watermain. 4. Sewer manholes and drainage structures, especially those exposed to road salt, shall be adjusted to grade using pre -cast concrete risers, not bricks or concrete bricks. City Engineer's comments to DRB, 8/7/01 Meeting: Robert L Marley Skiff Spri�q Fouse Road 1. The road serving the three lots it about 700 feet in length, it should be a minimum of 18 feet in width for two way traffic. It should also have an adequate turnaround. 2. The existing sewer is a r_' service to the existing lot No 1. Dwelling. it is not a main and should not be used as such. To be used as a main it must be 8 inches in dia. And include main holes. 3. Lot CTo. 2 should have a hydrant available for fire protection. 4. Spring House Road shall be a private road. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT -i REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a pub- lic hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, . South Burling- ton, Vermont on Tues- day, August 7, 2001, at 1:30 P.M. to con- sider the following: 1. Application #CU-01- 28 of Keith, Bailey and Tatum Brackett seek- ing approval from Section 26.05, Condi- tional Uses, and Sec- tion 26.75, Accessory Residential Units, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permis- sion to allow an ac- cessory residential unit, 22 Wright Court. 2. Application #MS- 01-04 of Kenneth Horseman seeking approval from Section 26.0,5, Conditional Uses.; and Section 25.118, Exceptions to YardSetback and Lot Coverage Require- ments, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to allow a roof over existing steps and entry to encroach into the required front yard setback by four [41 feet. 3 Jonathan Avenue. 3. Appeal of a deci- sion of the Code Offi- cer pursuant to Sac- tion 29 of the South Burlington Sign Ordl- nance denying sign permit' application #SN-01-25 of S:B. Col- lins, Inc. This permit was denied because the proposed free- standing sign ex- ceeds the size limita- tion of 32, square feet„ 1110 Shelburne Road. 4. Preliminary plan ap- plication #SD-01-36 and final plat applica- tion #SD-01-37 of Robert & M•arlotis Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots of 7,54 acres [lot 11, 3.13 acres [lot 21, and 2.11 acres (lot 3). 89 Springhouse Road. 5. Final plat applica- tion #SD-01-39 of Gardner & Son Deve17 opment Corp. to amend a previously approved 11 unit, planned residential development. The amendment consists of revising the land- scaping plan, East Birch Lane. 6. Preliminary plat ap- plication #SD-0142 of R & L Taft Building, Inc. to amend a planned residential development consis- ting of 296 residential units, and an 18 hole golf course. The amendment consists of subdividing 10 lots off from Golf Course Road, with access with between lots #86 and 87. Copies of the applica- tion are available for public Inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chair- man South Burlington De- velopment' Review Board July 21, 2001, __ August 7, zooa MOTION OF APPROVAL ROBERT & MARJORIE SKIFF I move the South Burlington Development Review Board approve preliminary plat application #SD-01-37 of Robert & Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots of 7.54 acres (lot I), 3.13 acres (lot z), and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 Springhouse Road, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, page one (a) entitled, "Lands of Robert & Marjorie Skiff Springhouse Road, South Burlington," prepared by Lamoureaux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated 4/2/or, with the following stipulations: i. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. z. Prior to issuance of zoning permit for the first lot or start of utility or road construction, all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g., irrevocable offer of dedication and warranty deed for the proposed public road and utility, sewer, drainage and water, etc.) shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington land records. 3. Prior to start of construction of the improvements described in condition #z above, the applicant shall post a bond which covers the cost of said improvements. �. In accordance with Section 301.5 of the subdivision regulations, within 14 days of completion of required improvements (e.g., roads, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc.) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer, s`as-built" construction drawings certified by a licensed engineer. 5. The plat plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Four (4) copies of the approved revised plat plans shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to recording. a. The plans shall be revised to show Springhouse Road, constructed to City standards to the point where the street services the first three (3) driveways which shall. include street trees. b. The plans shall be revised to show the two (z) required trees per lot. c. The plans shall be revised to show a manhole provided at Station i5too d. The plans shall be revised to increase the size of the sewer line to 8 inches in diameter. e. The applicant shall comply with the City Arborist's recommendations for this project. 6. Pursuant to Section 513.1 of the zoning regulations, the Board grants a waiver from Sections 401.1 (i) and 4o8 of the regulations from the requirements to construct sidewalks and street lighting. 7. Pursuant to Section 6.5o2 of the zoning regulations, the Board approves the subdivision of land which results in the section of three (3) lots which are location in a residential area. 8. The plans shall be revised to provide street numbers for the development based on the Bgii addressing system. The Development Review Board approves a sewer allocation of 20I0 g.p.d. The sewer allocation shall remain in effect for ten (io) years from the date of final plat approval. Any lots which have not been development within ten (io) years shall lose their allocation unless reapproved by the Development Review Board. The applicant shall be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. io. The applicant shall post a landscape bond in an amount to be determined by the data on page 2 for street trees prior to start of road construction. This bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of surviving. ii. The sewer lines outside the proposed street shall be maintained by the property owners. 12. The sewer manhole invert shelf shall. not be for the entire pipe diameter not .6o in plans shown. 13. Any change to the final plan plans shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 14. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within go days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ;PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 August 3, 2001 Mr. Andrew Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Re: Preliminary & Final Plat Application, Springhouse Road Dear Mr. Rowe: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Committee meeting , my comments, the City Engineer and Fire Chief comments. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallum Associate Planner SM/td Encls. C:\Marie\My Documents\@DRB Reminder Norm 6.1.01.doc Id Permit Number SD - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) 6 5 8 - 0 2 0 8 Robert & Marjorie Skiff, 89 Springhouse Road, South Rurlingt-nn,VT 05403 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 14 3 /412 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax Same as Owner 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Andrew Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson Consultinq FngixiPrs, Inr-, 14 morse Brive Essex Junction, VT 05452 878-4450, 878-3135 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Springhouse Road 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 16 4 5 - 0 0 0 8 9. R 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) One existing single family dwelling on 12.78 acres. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Three lot residential subdivision; lot 1 (existing dw llinc) = 7.54 acres, lot 2 = 3.13 acres, lot 3 = 2.11 acres, c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Existing dwelling shown on plans, footprint of proposed dwellings to be determined by homeowners. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Single family dwellings. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain Total of 3 single family dwellings f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Waivers requested: private drive serving 5 residential lots, residential lots including portions of restricted areas_, and credit for existincf trees nn ic)t. 2 anH ainnri Springhouse Road. 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing -% Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed % 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ b) Landscaping: $ c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (see Exhibit A). 2 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. IGNATURE OF APPLICAN SIGN RE OF PROPERTY OWNER %-- ('\ aut Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this final plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date 3 MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: William 3. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: March 6, 2001 Agenda Items Date: February 16, 2001 ROBERT & MARLEY SKIFF - SPRINGHOUSE ROAD (SWIFT STREET) 1. Size of proposed and existing w,}er and sewer services lines should be shown. 2. A house on lot 2 will have a runoff about 800 feet to the five (5) hydrants. This is excessive. 3. Lot 3 shall access from Springhouse Road a private street not from Swift Street. 4. There should be a gravel turnaround at the extension of the private street. 5. Plan should have contours especially lots that will be built upon. 6. The sewage pumping station at the Ridgewood development may require some upgrading. This must be checked with the City Sewer Department. K-MART - SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Trees in parking lot islands should be replaced. 2. Site plans prepared by Trudell Engineering dated August 2, 2000 acceptable. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTOINT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONE4G 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Clifford Deetjen 41 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl / td CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONQ NG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. David Austin 15 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would development, or attend the hearing. Sincerely, like to know more you may call this scheduled public Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td about the proposed office at 846-4106 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING s& ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. David Taber 204 Meadowwood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td CITY OF SOUTH BURLI GTON DEPAXrMENT OF PLANNEgG & ZONE1IG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Michael Samara 206 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would development, or attend the hearing. Sincerely, like to know more you may call this scheduled public Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td about the proposed office at 846-4106 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERIVIONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Milton Terris 208 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would development, or attend the hearing. Sincerely, like to know more you may call this scheduled public Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td about the proposed office at 846-4106 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONE"4C 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH EURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Robert Quinn 210 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would development, or attend the hearing. Sincerely, like to know more you may call this scheduled public Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td about the proposed office at 846-4106 CITY OF SOUTH BUR LINGTOl DEPARTMENT OF PI ANNIE iG & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Paul Roche 212 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPAHTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONE'gG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Michael Scollins 214 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would development, or attend the hearing. Sincerely, like to know more you may call this scheduled public Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td about the proposed office at 846-4106 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNgNG & BONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Kevin Farrell 1350 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl f td CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 Mr. Francis J. von Turkovich 300 Swift Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl/td CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPAMWENT OF PLANNING & ZONNG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONI' 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 23, 2001 University Of Vermont Land Records Office Waterman Building Room 339 Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah H. MacCallum Associate Planner Encl / td 14 Morse Drive Essex )unction, Vermont 05452 �MOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. June 28, 2001 Sarah MacCallum Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marjorie Skiff #SD-01 •-07 Springhouse Road - 3 Lot Subdivision Dear Sarah: (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marjorie Skiff regarding their proposed 3 lot residential subdivision. As you know, this project is currently on the Development Review Board (DRB) agenda for July 24". We are requesting that this project be re -scheduled for the subsequent DRB meeting to be held on August 7`h. As outlined in our application, we are requesting that both Preliminary and Final Plat review be done concurrently on the same night. We look forward to receiving your initial comments on these applications. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, 6-21-24 /�� Andrew Rowe cc: Bob & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Paul O'Leary QA2000\00-133\final- cover Itr.wpd Civil - Environmental - Transportation - Planning 9 Landscape Architecture - Hydrogeology - Land Surveying CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT Dedicated to Quality Water & Service 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-7454 Fax: (802)864-0435 June 8, 2001 Mr. Andrew Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 RE: Act 250 Review: Skiff Subdivision, Springhouse Road, South Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. Rowe: In response to your request for information regarding the Champlain Water District's capability to supply water to the referenced proposed project, we submit the following: 1. Water is supplied to the referenced area via a 24" "high service" transmission main. 2. Adequate water storage is located south of Dorset Street and Swift Street intersection, as provided by a 1,500,000 gallon water storage tank. 3. Your estimated demand of 1,890 gallons per day, for this proposed project could be furnished by the Champlain Water District without restricting or encumbering its present users on the CWD supply system. 4. Capability of the local water distribution system must be verified by the local water system official. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT I ( �l 1 (✓� Richard A. Pratt Chief Engineer / Assistant General Manager cc: J. Fay J. Nadeau P. Jacob C. Hafter 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 1MOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. May 29, 2001 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marjorie Skiff #SD-01-07 Springhouse Road - 3 Lot Subdivision Dear Ray: (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marjorie Skiff regarding their proposed 3 lot residential subdivision. As you know, the Development Review Board (DRB) reviewed the Sketch Plan for this project on March 6, 2001. As discussed previously, we are requesting that the Preliminary and Final hearings for this project be held concurrently. There have been no significant changes to the proposed layout since the Sketch Plan. The sewer service for Lot 2 has been routed around the westerly side of the existing house to minimize conflicts with the existing trees, structure and driveway. As a result, it is also necessary to modify our sewer allocation request. The design flow for the two new lots, including infiltration, is 1200 GPD. As requested by the Fire Chief, we have proposed residential sprinklers for each of the two new lots. We have also incorporated the comments from the Water Department into the project plans. We have enclosed the following information for your review: • Preliminary Plat application & $100 fee; • Final Plat application & $85 fee; • Abutting property owners list; • Five full size copies of the plan sheets 1-4; • One reduced (11 "x17") copy of the Sketch Plan; • Narrative addressing Section 26.151 of the Zoning Regulations, General Standards for Planned Residential Developments; • Narrative addressing Section 6.606 of the Zoning Regulations. Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying '! l Raymond J. Belair May 29, 2001 Page 2 Legal documents will be forwarded to your office by Paul, Frank & Collins, Inc. Included will be the Notice of Restrictions (for residential lots including Restricted areas), and an agreement for the continued private use and maintenance of Springhouse Road and the private sewer collection system. Please call our office with any questions. cc: Bob & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Q:\2000\00-133\final- cover Itr.wpd Sincerely Andrew Rowe )LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. (802) 878-4450 Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Fax (802) 878-3135 lb�� March 27, 2001 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marjorie Skiff - #SD-01-07 Springhouse Road - 3 Lot Subdivision Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marjorie Skiff regarding their proposed 3 lot residential subdivision off Springhouse Road. This Sketch Plan application was reviewed by the Development Review Board (DRB) on March 6. As we had discussed with you, we would prefer combining the Preliminary and Final hearings to expedite the review process. We understand that this project is classified as a major subdivision since a public street would typically be required (even though this requirement was waived by the DRB), lots without frontage on a public street will be created, and review as a planned residential development is required since the lots will include restricted areas. However, this project is not complex, and we feel that the required review criteria and staff comments from Sketch can be adequately addressed in one hearing. We are requesting the Staff s and DRB's opinion on this request so that we avoid procedural delays. We anticipate submitting an application in 1-2 weeks. Please call with any questions or to discuss this request. Sincerely, Andrew Rowe cc: Bob & Marley Skiff Katherine Kronk - Paul, Frank & Collins Q:\2000\00-133\request-combine hearings.wpd Civil • Environmental • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying Permit Number SD - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robert & Marjorie Skiff, 89 Springhouse Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 658-0208 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 143/412 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Same as Owner 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Andrew Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive ss x Junrfinn, VT 05452 87R 44550 878=3135 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Springhouse Road 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 16 4 5 - 0 0 0 8 9 . R 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) One existing single family dwelling on 12.78 acres. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain)Three lot residential subdivision; lot 1 (existing dwelling_)= 7.54 acres, lot 2 = 3.13 acres, lot I _ 1 arrPG. c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Existing dwelling shown on plans, footprint of proposed dw Minas to be determined by homeowners. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Single family dwelling e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Total of 3 single family dwellings f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A iI g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Waivers requested: private drive serving 5 residential lots, residential lots including portions of restricted areas, and credit for existing trees on lot 2 and along Springhouse Road. h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc.: S) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed % 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ b) Landscaping: $ c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (see Exhibit A). 2 E I I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. NATURE OF PPLICANT SIG ATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date 3 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - PRELIMINARY PLAT 1) Name of Applicant _Robert & Marjorie Skiff 2) Name -of Subdivision Skiff subdivision 3) Submit Subdivision Fee _$100.00 40 Describe Subdivision (i.e. total acreage, number of lots or units, type of land use, gross floor area for commercial or industrial uses): Subdivide 12.8 acre parcel into three single family lots including one lot with the existing single family dwelling. All lots to be served by municipal water & sanitary sewer. 5) Indicate any changes to name, address, or'phone numbers of owner of record, applicant, or contact person since sketch plan application: 6) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Engineer Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 878-4450 b. Surveyor same C. d. Plat Designer 7) Indicate any changes to the subdivision such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, etc., since sketch plan application: I 8) List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all ' contiguous properties: See attached Abutters List. 9) State title, drawing number, date of original plus any revisions, and designer(s) of the preliminary map(s) accompanying this application: Sheet 1, Site Plan: Sheets 2 & 3, Typical construction details & s ecifications; Sheet 4, Property plat, all dated 04-02-01 10) COST ESTIMATES for Planned Unit Developments, multi -family and commercial and industrial complexes: a) Buildings b) Landscaping c) All other site improvements (e.g., curb work 11) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC for Planned Unit Developments, multi- fam'ly projects, and commercial and industrial complexes (2-way traffic, in plus out): A.M. Peak hour P.M. peak hour Average daily traffic % of trucks 12) Attach FIVE copies and ONE reduced copy (11 x 17) of preliminary map showing the following information: a) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the City.. b) Name and address of owner of record, subdivider and designer of Preliminary Plat. c) Number of acres within the proposed subdivision, location of property lines, structures, watercourses, wooded areas, and other essential existing physical features. 2 d) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and the names of owners of record of adjacent acreage. e) The location and size of any existing sewers and water mains, culverts and drains on the property to be subdi- vided. f) Location, names and widths of existing and proposed streets, private ways, sidewalks, curb cuts, paths, easements, parks and other public or privately main- tained open spaces as well as similar facts regarding adjacent property. g) Contour lines at intervals of five feet, based on United States Geological Survey datum of existing grades and also of proposed finished grades where change of exist- ing ground elevation will be five feet or more. h) Complete survey of subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor. i) Numerical and graphic scale, date and truce north arrow. j) Details of proposed connection with existing water supply or alternative means of providing water supply to the proposed subdivision. k) Details of proposed connection with the existing sani- tary sewage disposal system or adequate provisions for on -site disposal of septic wastes. 1) If on -site sewage disposal system is proposed, location and results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions, depth to ground water unless pits are dry at depth of five feet; location and results of percolation tests. m) Provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage in the form of drainage plan. n) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culvert which may be required. o) The location of temporary markers adequate to enable the Commission to locate readily and appraise the basic layout in the field. Unless on existing street intersection is -shown, the distance along a street from one corner of the property to the nearest existing street intersection shall be shown. p) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use and the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 3 13) Development timetable (including number of phases, and start and completion dates): Development of lot 2---2001 Development of lot 3 - Dependent upon sale of lot & owners plans. 14) List the waivers applicant desires from the requirements of these regulations: Private drive serving._ 4 residential lots. Residential lots including portions of restricted areas. Credit for existing trees on lot 2 and along Springhouse Road. 15) 1) All existing subdivision, approximate tract lines and acreage of adjacent parcels, together with the names of the records owners of all adjacent parcels of land, namely, those directly abutting or directly across any street adjoining the proposed subdivision. 2) Locations, widths and names of existing, filed or pro- posed streets, curb cuts, easements, building lines and alleys pertaining to the proposed subdivision and to the adjacent properties as designated in paragraph 1 above. 3) An outline of the platted area together with its street system and an indication of the future probable street system of the remaining portion of the tract, if the Preliminary Plat submitted covers only part of the subdivider's entire holding. e ) applicant or ontact person i 4 s fJ I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Robert & Marjorie Skiff 2) Name of Subdivision Skiff Subdivision 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application Requesting concurrent review for Preliminary & Final Plat 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: S) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (I1 x 17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and cRntaining all information required under Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor sudivision and under Section 204.1(b) or a major subdivision. ( igna ure) applicant o contact person Dat c VA L f (rJ CITY OF SOUTH BU RLINC TON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONMTG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 March 2, 2001 Andrew Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Sketch Plan, Springhouse Road Dear Mr. Rowe: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and comments from the City Engineer, Fire Department, Water Department and myself to the Board. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Raymond 1. Belair, Administrative Officer Encls Memorandum March 6, 2001 agenda !items March 2, 2001 Landscaping: The applicant should revise the plans to illustrate at least two street trees per lot as well as additional street trees along the access road. Lighting: The applicant should illustrate any proposed street lights or infrastructure for future lights on the plans. All lights should be downcasting and shielded. Cut sheets should be submitted to the Director of Planning and Zoning for approval. Impact Fees: The applicant should expect to pay roG�, recreation, school, and all other applicable impact fees. Other: The preliminary plat application should include a survey plat of the property with five foot contours stamped by a licensed land surveyor. Utility details and a brief report addressing Section 26.15 and Section 6.666 of the Zoning Regulations should also be submitted. 12 March 6, 2001 agenda Aherne March 2, 2001 7) SKIFF — SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION — THREE LOT SUBDIVISION, SPRINGHOUSE ROAD This project consists of subdividing a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots: 1) lot one a 7.53 acre parcel with an existing single family dwelling, 2) lot two a 3.13 acre parcel, and 3) lot three a 2.14 acre parcel, Springhouse Road. This property is located within the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District. It is bounded on the north by Swift Street and two single family dwellings, on the west by an undeveloped lot, and on the south and east by single family dwellings. Access: Access to this property is currently provided by a 30 foot private r.o.w. from Swift Street known as Springhouse Road. The applicant has proposed using this r.o.w. and extending the road, with a width of 12 feet, to serve one of the new lots. This private r.o.w. currently provides access to three existing single family dwellings. It is required by the Subdivision Regulations that roadways serving four (4) or more separate residential lots to be publicly owned. The applicant is requesting a waiver from this requirement. Staff recommends that Springhouse Road be constructed to City standards for a public street as required in Section 401.10)(1)(a) of the Subdivision Regulations at least to the point where the street services the first three driveways. Staff recommends that the request for sidewalk and lighting be waived Coverage/Setbacks: The building footprints are depicted on the plans. All existing buildings meet setback requirements from the new property lines. Lot size/frontage: The minimum lot size requirement of 12,000 square feet and the minimum frontage requirement of 85 feet are being met. Restricted area: The plans illustrate the building envelopes, development area, and restricted area. No development is proposed in the restricted area. Portions of lots #1, #2, and #3 will be located in a restricted area. Section 6.502 of the Zoning Regulations prohibits land located within a designated restricted area to be included in any lot created for residential development. This section does allow the Board to approve portions of lots in a restricted area with the recording of a notice of appropriate conditions. Sewer: The applicant has requested a sewer allocation of 960 g.p.d. The applicant should expect to pay a per gallon fee. 11 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 MARCH 2O01 Mr. Dinklage said he would be comfortable with the private road with documents satisfactory to the City. It was noted that the city does not have to agree to make a road public when people request it, but in the past they have "caved in." A poll of members showed that only Ms. Quimby was opposed to having the road remain private. No other issues were raised. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. -% Clerk C DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 MARCH 2O01 Mr. Rabideau said they would be asking for a separate curb cut, as this is important for emergency vehicles. Mr. Dinklage said the Fire Chief would also pay attention to access to the sides of the building. Mr Schmitt raised the question of danger from carbon monoxide from the under -building parking. Mr. Rabideau indicated that would be addressed, including the use of carbon monoxide detectors. There will also be automatic sprinkler systems. Mr. Dinklage stressed that due to the location, this application will have to be "squeaky clean." He said the Board would rely heavily on the recommendations of the Fire Chief. 7. Sketch plan application #SD-01-07 of Robert and Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three lots: 1) lot #1 a 7.58 acre pai,Zel with an existing single family dweuing, 2) lot #2 a 3.13 acre parcel, and 3) lot #3 a 2.14 acre parcel, Springhouse Road: Mr. Collins said the existing house was built in Connecticut, then taken apart and moved here and reassembled. It is a big old house on 12.85 acres with only 2 people living in it. The owners want to sell the house, then build a smaller home for themselves on lot #2 and allow for another house on lot #3. The existing barn would be part of lot #2. Mr. Rowe noted that UVM owns some of the adjacent vacant land. He showed the developable and restricted areas on the property and noted that the lot #2 and #3 building envelopes would be within the developable areas. Because of the location of the fire hydrant, the Fire Chief has requested that the buildings be sprinklered. Mr. Dinklage stressed that the Board will support what the Chief requests. The question of a private vs. public road was raised. The applicant wants a private road, but Mr. Belair noted that regulations say that a road that serves more than 3 homes must be public, and this road would serve 5 homes. Mr. Rowe said their intent is to upgrade the road to allow 2 cars to pass ;� _per, but they would like to road to remain private. Mr. Dinklage noted that the problem has been that substandard private roads are allowed, but then down the line the residents decide they want the city to maintain the roads. Mr. Collins said they are willing to stipulate that the road would remain private forever. Mr. Dinklage asked if the Board allowed the road to remain private, would the applicant revert to the driveway for lot #3 as in the sketch. Mr. Rowe said they would. 5 SKIFF SUBDIVISION SPRINGHOUSE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON Landowner Clifford M. & Kimberly J. Deetjen David T. & Laura L. Austin David L. & Elizabeth Taber V Michael & Lucy Samara Milton & Lillian Terris � j Robert C. & Christine Quinn Paul E. & Anne M. Roche L/ Michael J. & Mary D. Scollins V,/ Karen, Kevin & Brent Farrell and Brenda Cole Francis J. von Turkovich & ✓ Patrice A. Stratmann ✓ University of Vermont Q:\2000\00-133 WBUfTERS.wpd Preliminary / Final Plat Mailing Address 41 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 15 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 204 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 206 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 208 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 210 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 212 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 214 Meadowood Drive RECEIVED South Burlington, VT 05403 1350 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 300 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Land Records Office Waterman Building Room 339 Burlington, VT 05405-0160 M M 2 9 2001 on VIL) Raymond J. Belair February 1, 2001 Page 2 We are requesting Sketch Plan review before the Development Review Board. We have enclosed the following information for your review: • Sketch Plan application (no application fee); • Abutting property owners list; • Five full size copies of the Sketch Plan; • One reduced (11 "xl7") copy of the Sketch Plan. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, e. 4 / � Andrew Rowe cc: Bob & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Q:\2000\00-133\sketch - cover Itr.wpd LEGEND = PROJECT BOUNDARY DOMING TREII1ff S EXISTING SEVER PROPOSED LOT LIES PROPOSED TRm1+E PROPOSED SEWS ` I CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'DIGSAFE' AT SIDELINE OF EASEMENT O BURIED GAS LINE`o' EXISTING URTHE CONTRACTOR POLE THE BUILDING SETBACK E BURIED ELECTRICAL LINE DIG -SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. IF.IOARIC KAREN. KEVIN do BRENT FARRELL I , J LIMITS OF DEVELOPMENT AREA w EXISTING WATER LIE AND BRENDDA COLE ' BARBED WERE FENCE • PROPOSED 1YAIM ENE - UNIVERSITY VERMONT ?_ % ------ ^ — —r I I 1 1 I T - I I % so' - g _1 - ' N SO B GTON t= _ APPROXIMATE CIEAND S Z OF HOUSEAS WELL AND SRE OF HOUSE As WELL As IA = I CLEARING NEEDS VARY OWNER DI NC To I I m ' 2ODJ - N w THE N OF THE ONNER INTERSTATE t"/ 9 I 1 1 I N TTDtSyA I m I 2W I� LOT O I ® TE WT O 2.14 ACRESUR �z I' 3.13 ACRES ` _ f ®� PROP - I> II SEEVIEERRSERCEC 3 r IP - 75f I \ ` �""�� UNIVERSITY OF VERMDNT LOCATION PLAN I.\.. \4y — \ HYDRANT N/F ` \ , OEbElOP1.QNT AREAC. 3C WIDE RNi1T Q \ PROJECT STATLSTICS 1 RESTRICTED AREA — — — — — J a 70 LOIµS°1 ec2 PARCEL SIZE - u35 ACRES \ \ 3G WIDE RIGHT OF WAY \ DEED REF'ERQICE VOLUME 143 / PAGE 412 13 AND EASEMENT TO EDT 2 OLD 0 HOUSE ZONING - SOUTHEAST QUADRANT ELEC.I EXISTINGPROPS USE - SINGLE SUBDIVISION ISION RESIDENTIAL S ,� METER % /� PROPOSED USE - 3 LOT SUBONSKN FOR SINGLE FAMILY _ - =G --=L. 7__= __._. MAXIMUM ACRES / 1. D TS/ACENT DENSITY 1.2 UNITS/ACRE 12.fl5 ACRES / 1.2 11NITH/ACRE - 147 -> 10 L01S MAXIMUM E% I S T I N G GRAVEL D R I V E - - - -0-- J DEVELOPMENT AREA - 4.24 ACRES %MIU 8 I' B I N G H O U S$ $ Q D J MAM ALLOWABLE DEIISTY W IN DEVELOPMENT AREA - 4 UNITS/ACRE 4.24 ACRES % 4 UNITS/ACRE - 19.90 UNITS' THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSTY WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT AREA CANNOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT DENSTY W� SEPROPOSED �YICE SSYS CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER AND �\ 1 I I / ACCESS - SHARED PRIVATE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY PROPOSED t5' WIDE SILVER I REQUESTED WAIVER FROM SECTION 26.202 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS Y EASEMENT ro LOT 3 �T ' WAY A EA WIDE T OF AND SECTION 401.1 OF THE SIBgNSON REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE SINGLE FN1LLY u \ � fJOSI1N0 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WAY AND EASEMENT 7[I � ^ ' y 1 MAXIMUM NU1ABfR ff LOTS SERVED BY A PPoVAIE IXdVE EXISTING DWE'LUND DEETJEN AND AUSTIN AR f ---/// GARAGE I FRANgS J. VON TURKOVICH \ \ 8 PATRICE A. STRATMANN DIMENSIONAL REaAREM CLIFFORD M. do KIMBERLY J. DEETJEN N/F MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 12.00D SF - _ _ 32w Y I N/F MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE - 85 FT \ {� A OR PROVIDE MIIAAIM 20 FT WIDE RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED IV WIDE SEVER MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE EASEMENT TO LOT 2 A s I I BUILDING - 30% MAXIMUM awNnT i PARKINGS. BUILDINGS h CU7NDE STORAGE - 4OX MAXIMUM MINIMUM SETBACKS * pNC FROM YARD - 20 FT �_ A• _— ___ -_. _. - _-. f �-._ _ - _ .-_ __--_-. - SOIL YARD - 10 FT �RD REAR YAW - 30 FT EXISTING CONCRETE / SEWER JUNCTION BOX y 1. THIS SKETCH PLAN IS FOR PLANNING AND LAYOUT PURPOSES OILY. IT IS NOT MENDED FOR RECORONG OR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. _ LOT O - --- _ _— 2 BOUNDARY INFORMATION IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING 7.58 ACRES 0 ABANDONEDOS PTC uj ) SYSTEM 'PROLES R. F DAMENHAM LS DATED AM. RVN� BY CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC.. y�,;J 71. 'BOUNDARY PLAT SHOWING BOUNDARY LANE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LANDS OF DAVIT T. 8e <2 L,�..j DONAL➢ L HAMUN CONSULTING DKIIN L�JI LAURA L AUSTIN AND LANDS 4F EDWARD L AUSTIN. JR. AND JANET T. AUSTN- BY EIILS, IN0. VAST REVISED ON 8-14-98 3. UTIUTIES INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PAN IS BASED UPON THE ALRSTIN PLAN uj I N UNREFERENCED ABOVE AND UL97ED FELD OBSERVATIONS .° h A t5' WIDE SEVER S i ° LINEE EASELENT TO SKIFF a y I I date d—riptiun by DAVID T. h LLAU A L AUSTIN THESE ftA1a WTDIRf IONS SIquD , OF ONLY BE USED FOI THE PITMWMV SHMMS EEL"W.. SHEETS I� 1 SKETCH/CONCEPT 1 � PRELIMINARY O FINAL E�l RECORD DRAWING o LANDS OF OO133a A ROBERT & MARLEY SHIFF deelgn z SPRiNGHOIISS BOAR, SOUTH BIJRIdNGTON z --- a a'drownSIR MOVIE- SOT-7EQQ� �, _�III_,�__ - - ---- ---- x - - _ SKETCH PLAN 5(�3t ABR 2HI_TO' CheCked 8 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION z GRAPHIC SCALE OWNER & APPUCANT 01-24-01 4t MILTON Q LILLIAN TERRIS MICHAEL do LUCY SAMARA DAVID L & ELIZABETH TABER eGGe [i I N/F I N/F I N/F - ROBERT A. a MARJORIE N. SNEF_-I"OUB= AC DICSRMN 1--40- 89 9PRNpWUSE ROAD Conwalting Rmgin E7 Eme. SMITH BURINGTON. VT O544T 14 Morse Delve no. IN I = _ Essex Ju-tlon, VT 05452 L inch - 40 Ec --_(802) 876-4450 1 Slntineers-Plannexs-S�oas r . E City fElIX I KAREN, KEVIN Be BRENT FARRELL AND BRENDA COLE N/F 3oJr'- So. B lington ► �A A A A A w A A t A A A .■ ' I WHEWL��3 TE CLEAR N I LIMITS - ATION AND SIZE OF 3.1 WELL AS 1AITS OF AY VARY ACCORDING bIDS OF THE OWNER d Io z I�S i I i IS j< 2 M PROJECT BOUNDARY I PROPOSED LOT LINES SDELNE OF EASEMENT ' BUILDING SETBACK LIMITS OF DEVELOPMENT AREA BARBED NINE FENCE NOOMWOD'E 11 LEGEND rYWYY YYl EXISTING TREEINE PROPOSED TRMUNE BURIED GAS LINE f - BURIED ELECTRICAL LINE EXISTING WATER LNE f PROPOSED WATER LINE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT N/F i ;m I \'Q I RIMM RD IRA WIDE RIGHT OF WAY �\ AND EASLDmMr ro LOT 2 EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE \ >V PROPOSED 15' RIDE SETER EASEMENT TO LOT 3 \ _ ETfISTMC SINCE FAMILY V I �I� f F z z 3 x x x Z VFX a� U z MILTON & LILLIAN TERRIS MCiAEL A LUCY SAMARA DAMD L A ELIZABETH TAOR N/F I N/F ' NIP it I I �\ I PROPOSED 15• WIDE SEVER EASEMENT TO LOT 2 5� ,��!'�•7�7) ,Y1J,�J I "- YMMnINN NWIy � \ q WF O APPROXIMATE LOCATION 7.58 ACRES OF ABANDONED SEPTIC SYSTEM 5- - EXISTING SENE4 2 PROPOSED SEND, EXISTING UTILITY POLE $$$ ITHE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY •DIGSAFE• AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. / I I I � � _1 1 ; N SO GTON E� �'m 1 20y ISEOTATE 169 1 ' E+R71>iTAIt 4 I21141ACROES j PROPOSED LOT 3 SERER SERNCE I UlBVElt9TY OF VERLIONT LOCATION PLAN HYDRANT N�' 3O TIDE naff eF WILY ND PROECL4Affi TICS _ J EAmlf To LOU I s 4 PARCEL ACRESD® 9RE}i:PENQ:Z VOLUME 143 / PAGE 412 OLD WELL HOUSE AN ZONING - SOUTHEAST QUADRANT � I - I E EEC. I EXISTING USE - LFANNY RESIDENTIAL METER /L PROPOSED LASE - 3 a LOT s1BDIN9oN MR9MOLE FAMILY E �1 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVRDPMENT DENSITY - 1.2 UNITS/ACE 12.85 ACRES / 1.2 UNITS/ACRE - 10.7 -> 10 LOTS MAXIMUM G DEVELOPMENT AREA - 4.24 ACRESI S P I N O H 0 u 8 ita O A D -- - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY WIT N DEVELOPHENT AREA - 4 UNITS/ACRE 4.24 ACRES X 4 UNITS/ACRE - 18. 98 UNITS - THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT AREA CANNOT Ex® TIIE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT DENSITY 0-11 SAANITARY SYSTETIES - PROPOSED SERVICE MS. TO DUSTING wnTFA AND _ I I ACCESS - SHARED PRIVATE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY DOSDUSTING _ T. REWESTED WAVER FROM SECTION 2I.Z02 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS SI DM811N0 FAMILYOLE W EASEMENT ANOMIE AUSTMI PAA�F1.5 I I I AND SECTION 401.1 OF THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS RELATING TO THEDEETJEN MAXNDM NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED BY A PRIVATE DRIVE. FRANCS L VON TURKOVICH PATRICE A. STRATMANN MMUL90RAI MMABLM MM CLIFFORD M. h KIMBERLY & DEETJEN N/F MINIMUM LOT SIZE - IZOOD SF N/r MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE - all FT OR PROVIDE MINIMUM20 FT WIDE RIGHT OF WAY MAXIMUM LOT COVERACE: I BUILDING - 30% MAXIMUM PART NGS. BUILDINGS & OUTSIDE STORAGE - 40I MAXIWUM MINIMUM SETBACKS FRONT YARD - 20 FT SIDE YARD - 10 F NET AR YARD - 30 FT EXISTING CONCRETE 0' SEWER JUNCTION BOX 1. THIS SXErOH RAN IS FOR PLANNING AND LAYOUT PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MENDED FOR RECORDING LW PROPERTY CONVEYANCE -- 2. BOUNDARY INFORMATION IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING I I -PROPERTY OF JAES NL ! AUE M MARVNCIVIL BY �ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC.. CHAR ES R. OLMIAM L.S.DARED AP74 ie71. R "BOUNDARY PLAT SNOMEM BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NT BETWIFN LANDS OF DAVD T R fi LAURA L AUSTN AND LANDS OF EDWAD L AUSTIN. JR. AND JANET T. AU— BY V DONALD L HAMUN CONSULTING ENW*Ilt% INC LAST REVISED ON 8-14-Ifl e 3. UTILITIES INFORMATION SOWN ON THIS PLAN IS BASED UPON THE AUTSTIN PLAN REFERENCED ABOVE AND UNITED FIELD OBSERVATO M 0. DOSIiNG 11 WIDE, SEVER LEE EASEMENT TO SNRF ILA `mJ date Mwiptbn by REVISIONS I DAVID T. h LAURA L AUSTIN THESE NAM$ WITH LATEST W18OMe SHOULD OF 51 N/,F ( I ONLY BE USED FOR M PINPOSE LgWN BELW. SRIR SKETCH/CONCEPT 1 — 281.70• GRAPHIC SCALE a ( DI }BSf ) L Inoh - 40 tL OWNER & APPUCAW ROBERT A A MARJOIE N. S OFF BB SPRNOLWSE ROAD SOUTH BURLNGTON. VT 05403 0 PRELIMINARY [] FINAL E:j RECORD DRAWING ro no. LAND$ OF 00133 ROBERT & MARLEY SKIFF SPRINGBOUSS ROAD, SOUTH BUMMGTON awn SKETCH PLAN ABR^ 9 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION - D1-24 -- L I"OUF2= & DICEDASON- 1•m�, Coneniting Rngft ee" Inc. 14 M— D0. htna E—x Junctbn. VT 05452 (802) 878-4450 1 14 Morse Drive Essex junction, Vermont 05452 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer �AMOUREux & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marjorie Skiff Springhouse Road - 3 Lot Subdivision Dear Ray: February 1, 2001 (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 RECEI` CD FEB 0 5 City of So. Burlington We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marjorie Skiff regarding a proposed 3 lot residential subdivision. The 12.85 acre project site is located off Swift Street on Springhouse Road. The current use is residential. The applicant's residence is located at the end of Springhouse Road, which also serves two other single family parcels. The project parcel abuts Swift Estates located off Meadowood Drive along the south and east. The project is located in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) zoning district. The Development and Restricted areas shown on the SEQ Official Zoning Map have been added to the Sketch Plan. The parcel includes a woodland / wildlife Restricted Area, as well as an Open Space corridor along Swift Street. The Development Area is located along the westerly boundary, except for the Open Space corridor along Swift Street. The proposed subdivision involves the creation of two new single family building lots. Lot 2 is proposed in the southwesterly corner of the project parcel, within an area that is presently wooded. Lot 3 is proposed in the front portion of the meadow, with frontage along Swift Street. Both of the proposed building envelopes are located within the designated Development Areas. Access to Swift Street and existing utility services is proposed utilizing the existing right of way and private gravel drive (Springhouse Road). Service connections to existing municipal water and sanitary sewer collection systems are proposed. We are requesting a waiver so that Springhouse Road may remain a private shared driveway serving the existing and proposed residential lots. Although Lot 3 could have direct access onto Swift Street, we have proposed using Springhouse Road to minimize curb cuts onto this existing City street. We feel that the proposed development and density on the project parcel does not warrant a public street. Civil • Environmental 9 Transportation 9 Planning • Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: South Burlington Fire Department Re: March f, 2001 agenda items Date: February 8, 2001 SKETCH PLAN, LIME KILN ROAD The congregate housing facility should be sprinklered and include a fire alarm. SKETCH PLAN, 935 - 947 SHELBURNE ROAD The addition should be sprinklered and include a fire alarm. THREE LOT SUBDIVISION, 89 SPRING HOUSE ROAD The units should be sprinklered with residential sprinkler systems. SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT February 9, 2001 Andrew Rowe Lamoureux and Dickinson Consulting Engineers 14 Morse Drive Essex jct. VT 05452 RE: Springhouse Road, South Burlington Dear Mr. Rowe: 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the sketch/conceptual plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below. 1. At the point the existing water line is to be extended to lot number 2, a curb stop shall be installed. 2. The water line to this lot shall be no smaller than 1 '/2" copper tubing from the point of connection to the water meter. The water meter shall require reduction fittings inside the house to accommodate a standard residential meter. 3. The curb stops to the existing dwellings should be indicated on future plans. 4. An easement shall be required at the new curb stop to allow for operation by this department. The water line from the curb stop at the Swift Street R.O.W. to the house shall remain private. 5. The proposed water service to lot number 3 shall be no less than 1" copper tubing, 6. The curb stop to lot number 3 shall be placed just inside the Swift Street R.O.W. 7. The owners shall be responsible for all fees associated with the tapping the CWD 24 " DI transmission main along Swift Street. 8. This department shall be notified of any changes to this project with revised hard copy Plans. If you have any questions or I can be of further service, please call me. Sincerely, i Jay Nadeau Superintendent CC; Sara McCullum /���/� S/~C1GCi ✓ (o� /CAS. ���1`...�r�c.�, ���p����.���� ��L fs .' 3Q ro •r., f5�,,-�f sP . /2 �df'S:L6 � ...,�• t J S: ZeS . C,�- I Z . r (j+!/(•'4 !/l / C.��IG�s �iG i�s / Gas �/ /��-� Y �V f i . � �T • �i � / 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 )LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON' Consulting Engineers, Inc. February 12, 2001 Sarah MacCallum Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Robert & Marley Skiff Proposed 3 Lot Subdivision Springhouse Road Dear Sarah: (802)878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 We are writing on behalf of Robert & Marley Skiff regarding their proposed 3 lot subdivision located off Springhouse Road. We are requesting sewer allocation of 960 GPD to serve the two proposed single family residences. The design flows, based upon the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules, are summarized below: 2 houses x 4 bedrooms/house x 150 GPD/bedroom x 0.80 * = 960 GPD * 20% reduction taken for water conserving fixtures and connection to municipal collection system The existing Skiff home, as well as two adjacent properties are currently served by an existing 6" sewer line that connects to the municipal system on Meadowood Drive. The two proposed lots will also be served by this existing connection to the municipal sanitary sewer. We are requesting a letter stating the ability of the City of South Burlington to provide sewer service for this project (please reference the design flow in the letter). Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, Andrew Rowe cc: Bob & Marley Skiff Peter Collins Q:\2000\00-133\SEWER REQUEST.wpd Civil • Environmental • Transportation 9 Planning . Landscape Architecture • Hydrogeology • Land Surveying To: Applicants From: Sarah MacCallum, City of South Burlington RE: Project Staff Notes Date: January 29, 2001 SD-01-07 SKIFF— SKETCH PLAN — 3-LOT SUBDIVISION, SPRINGHOUSE ROAD Previous Action: None. Overview: This project consists of subdividing a 12.85 acre property into three (3) lots: 1) lot one a 7.58 acre parcel with an existing single family house, 2) lot two a 3.13 acre parcel, and 3) lot three a 2.14 acre parcel. Due to the extension of municipal services and the recommendation from staff that the road become a public street, this application will be considered a major subdivision and a planned residential development. Issues: ■ The applicant should be aware that staff will recommend that Springhouse Road be constructed to City Standards for a public street as required in Section 401.10) of the Subdivision Regulations at least to the point where the street services the first three driveways. Preliminary Plat Issues: ■ A sewer allocation request should be submitted. ■ The plat should illustrate 5-foot contour lines. ■ Utility, road, lighting, and landscaping details should be submitted. ■ The applicant should submit a report addressing the criteria of Section 26.15 of the Zoning Regulations. Completeness of Plan: The applicant has submitted sufficient information for Development Review Board to consider the sketch plan. Additional information should be submitted no later than February 16, 2001. Recommendation: Staff recommends that this application be considered at the March 6, 2001 Development Review Board meeting. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGToN Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record RohPrh A. & Marjorie N. Skiff 89 Springhouse Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 RKEV-'"rD w1lue. FEB o 5 "-'b. Applicant Robert A. & Marjorie N. Skiff City' of So. Burlingt®rl c . Contact Andrew Rowe - Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive, Essex Jct., VT 05452 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). Proposed 3 lot residential subdivision located off Springhouse Road. 3) 4) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc. Fee simple Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties See attached list. 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. 30' wide right of way for access & utilities. 15, wide easement for connection to municipal sanitary sewer. 1 i 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. Proposed service connection to municipal water and sanitary sewer systems 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affects the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of such actions: 1976- Request for re -zoning from AR to R-1 8) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (81 x 11, 8J x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the following information: a) Name and address of the owner of record and applicant. b) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. c) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). d) Boundaries and area of: 1) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record, and 2) proposed subdivision. e) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. f) Type of, location, and size of existing and proposed streets, structures, utilities, and open space. g) Existing zoning boundaries. h) Existing water courses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. i) Location of existing septic systems and wells. j) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. k) All applicable information required for a site plan, as provided in the South Burlington Zoning Regulations, shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential evelopment. ) ___ , . I 1 2, � C (Si ture) applicant or co tact person Date SKIFF SUBDIVISION SPRINGHOUSE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON Sketch Plan - December 2000 Landowner Mailiny, Address Clifford M. & Kimberly J. Deetjen 41 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 David T. & Laura L. Austin 15 Springhouse Road South Burlington, VT 05403 David L. & Elizabeth Taber 204 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Michael & Lucy Samara 206 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Milton & Lillian Terris 208 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Robert C. & Christine Quinn 210 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Paul E. & Anne M. Roche 212 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Michael J. & Mary D. Scollins 214 Meadowood Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Karen, Kevin & Brent Farrell 1350 Spear Street and Brenda Cole South Burlington, VT 05403 Francis J. von Turkovich & 300 Swift Street Patrice A. Stratmann South Burlington, VT 05403 University of Vermont Land Records Office Waterman Building Room 339 Burlington, VT 05405-0160 Q:\2000\00-133\WBUTTERS wpd