HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - City Council - 07/21/2014 ,40 SOUt 1,r VERMONT AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Regular Session 6:30 P.M. Monday, July 21, 2014 1. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items. (6:30—6:32 PM) 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. (6:32—6:42 PM) 3. Announcements and City Manager's Report. (6:42—6:52 PM) 4. Consent Agenda: (6:52—6:54 PM) A. *** Sign Disbursement B. ***Approve Minutes for July 7 and July 14 C. *** Correct prior notice of terms of two appointments to the Development Review Board (David Parsons and Jennifer Smith) D. ***Accept the resignations of Michelle Conner- Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee (2014) and Susan DuCharme- Recreation & Leisure Arts Committee(2015) 5. ***Volunteer Committee, Board and Commission interviews. (8 scheduled) (6:54—7:44 PM) 6. ***Consideration of Amendments to the Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows; public hearing and second reading of draft and possible action to adopt amendment. (Kevin Dorn) (7:44—7:59 PM) 7. General discussion of City Center TIF District proposal from Saxon Partners. (Kevin Dorn) (7:59—8:19 PM) 8. Discuss and develop plan for second round of Committee, Board and Commission appointments. (Kevin Dorn) (8:19—8:29 PM) 9. ***Convene as the South Burlington Liquor Control to approve the following: (8:29—8:34 PM) • Monkey Hospitality,LLC -cater party on 8/1/2014 • McKee Enterprises-cater wedding 8/8/2014-8/9/2014 10. Enter Executive Session for the purpose of considering public appointments. (8:34—9:04 PM) 11. Take action on public appointments to volunteer Committees, Boards and Commissions (9:04—9:14 PM) 12. Other Business: (9:14—9:19 PM) A. Items held from the Consent Agenda 13. Adjourn (9:19 PM) Respectfully Submitted: Ke v%w Do-rw Kevin Dorn, City Manager ***Attachments Included Issues raised by Councilors or the public that have not been on a prior meeting agenda: 1. Policy regarding landscaping City-owned land and request from Hadley Road. 2. Encouraging litter removal by businesses and the public 3. Cost of development/cost of open space Issues that have been discussed by the Council where further action is pending: 1. Transferring FY'14 surplus funds into paving budget 2. FY'15 and '16 paving budget 3. East Terrace neighborhood conversion of housing into rental units 4. Electronic distribution of South Burlington City/School budget and Annual Report 5. Street light policy 6. Laying out of Holmes Road as a public road South Burlington City Council Meeting Participation Guidelines City Council meetings are the only time we have to discuss and decide on City matters. We want to be as open and informal as possible; but Council meetings are not town meetings. In an effort to conduct orderly and efficient meetings,we kindly request your cooperation and compliance with the following guidelines. 1. Please be respectful of each other(Council members,staff,and the public). 2. Please raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. Once recognized please state your name and address. 3. Please address the Chair and not other members of the public,staff,or presenters. 4. Please abide by any time limits that have been set. Time limits will be used to insure everyone is heard and there is sufficient time for the Council to conduct all the business on the agenda. 5. The Chair will make a reasonable effort to allow everyone to speak once before speakers address the Council a second time. 6. The Chair may ask that discussion be limited to the Councilors once the public input has been heard. 7. Please do not interrupt when others are speaking. 8. Please do not repeat the points made by others,except to briefly say whether you agree or disagree with others views. 9. Please use the outside hallway for side conversations. It is difficult to hear speaker remarks when there are other conversations occurring. Public Sign-In July 21, 2014, City Council Meeting Please Print Name Name Name 1 <, I< ►15 ;�\18 35 i'E 2 i,,,a Y ►'Y! cJa tr d 19 36 3A dr , 20 37 4ciifl Aa 21 38 5 , 22 39 6 tJ3SS(CcL 23 40 7 —It 74/ 24 41 8 25 42 9 26 43 10 27 44 11 28 45 12 29 46 13 30 47 14 31 48 15 32 49 16 33 50 17 34 51 CITY COUNCIL 7 JULY 2014 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 July 2014, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Mackenzie, Chair; H. Riehle, P. Nowak, C Shaw ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; J. Rabidoux, Public Works Director; I. Blanchard, Project Manager; Rep. H. Head; Simoneau, S. Fakim, S. Luca, C. Remmel, P. Clemins,J. Makrides, M. Hirsch, R. Betz, M. Behr, B. Cimonetti, J. Calcagni, S. Clark, M. Favreau, F. Mason, H. Damm,J. Jurmain, S. Baker, B. Bull, A. Clift,J. Wilking, B. Finnigan,J. Weinstock, M. Kenny, M. Coel 1. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items: Ms. Riehle asked to remove item #C from the Consent Agenda and to vote on it separately. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to agenda items: Mr. Calcagni: Asked about the bike path being extended down Dorset St. He noted some people have no access to it now and it is dangerous for them to be out pushing baby strollers, etc., on Dorset St. He added that residents were told the money is "tied up in City Center." Ms. Mackenzie said she would like to see a list of priorities form the Rec Path Committee. Mr. Dorn invited Mr. Calcagni to come in and look at the current plan and work through the Rec Path Committee. 3. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Mr. Dorn: a. Mr. Rabidoux has advised that the contractor for Laurel Hill road work is required to be on site on 21 July. The consultant has said a 3-way stop is not justified, but other traffic calming might be useful. b. The annual review of Department Heads is underway. c.The city is trying to "jump start" Garden Street planning. d. City and town managers from the area (including Milton, Williston, Colchester, Burlington and South Burlington) are meeting regarding property tax and spending reform. There will be a major conference with city/town managers, City Councils, aldermen, etc. on 14 August. e. Louise Murphy retired on 1 July. Cathy Blakeman is Acting Library Director. CITY COUNCIL, 7 JUBLY 2014, PAGE 2 f. The Chittenden Country Regional Planning Commission has approved a planning grant of$100,000 for South Burlington's planning for the Chamberlin/Airport area. Mr. Dorn praised the efforts of Paul Conner in securing this grant. g. A meeting was held with Fletcher-Allen people regarding their plans for the future. Members of the Council then reported on meetings and events they had attended. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Sign Disbursement b. Approve Minutes for 10 June 2014 Special Session and 16 June Regular Session c. Removed d. Entertainment permits: Magic hat (22 July and 9 September) Infinity Brewing (9 events) e. Special Event: Shelburne Vineyard (29 August 2014) WhistlePig Whiskey (11 July 2014) f. Catering: Bevo @ Airport (19 August 2014) Ms. Riehle moved to approve the consent agenda as amended. Mr. Shaw seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Presentation from Residents in Support of South Burlington Rental Housing Registry Proposal: Ms. Dooley said this effort is a result of owner-occupied homes being converted to rentals taking away housing from families. In some circumstances, city rules are being violated (more than 4 non-related people in one residence), and there are often issues of upkeep, parking on lawns, etc. The neighbors propose that the city create a task force to look into the creation of a Rental Housing Registry. Mr. Clemins then reviewed the results of a survey he had conducted via 9 Front Porch Forum neighborhoods. 109 responses were received. People had strong feelings both ways. Of the 8 rental property owners who responded, 4 were opposed and 3 were undecided. Ms. Dooley said she would be happy to help frame a charge. Mr. Shaw saw no harm in looking into it. Ms. Riehle felt it was important to do. Ms. Nowak had no issue with the task force but questioned what mandates might come out of it and the legal issues and question of enforcement. CITY COUNCIL, 7 JULY 2014, PAGE 3 Members were OK with residents come back with a proposed charge to a task force. 5b. Award of Paving Contract: Mr. Rabidoux said the contract time is 21 July through 31 October, but the bids would hold for a whole year if any money is left over. With a decision tonight, work would start on 21 July. He said the bids were very close, and the recommendation is to go with Engineers Construction Company (formerly A. C. Paving) at a cost of$437,972.20. Ms. Riehle moved to award the FY15 paving contract to Engineers Construction Company in the amount of$437,972.20, and to authorize the City Manager to sign the contracts. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Volunteer Committees, Board and Commission interviews: The City Council interviewed the following candidates for city boards, commissions, and committees: a. Mark Behr— Development Review Board b. Jacob Jurmain— Library Board of Trustees c. Spencer Baker— Pension Advisory Committee d. John Wilking— Development Review Board e. Bonnie Finnigan — Library Board of Trustees f. Carl Remmel—Airport Commission g. Michele Hirsch —CCTA Representative h. Jackie Weinstock: CCTA Alternate or Library Board of Trustees i. Paul Hart—Airport Commission j. Martin Kenny— Library Board of Trustees k. Mark Coel —Library Board of Trustees I. Bill Cimonetti —Airport Commission m. Agnes Clift—City Charter Committee n. Shima Fakim — Development Review Board, Planning Commission or Design Review Committee Ms. Mackenzie advised that a decision would not be made at this meeting as there were still more candidates to interview. 7. Draft Capital Improvement Program FY15-24 Public Hearing: CITY COUNCIL, 7 JULY 2014, PAGE 4 Ms. Blanchard reviewed the nature of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the history of the current CIP. She noted that this CIP takes into account the input and recommendations of department heads, community members, etc. Projects are laid out according to priorities and include: roadways, vehicles, City Center development, sidewalks, rec paths, etc. Come of these projects are eligible for impact fees. Some also include revenues from the General Fund. Ms. Blanchard noted there could be new proposals for impact fees in the future. Ms. Blanchard stressed that "banking" money for future projects helps avoid paying interest on loans. Ms. Nowak then moved to open the public hearing. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Dooley encouraged the Council to approve the Resolution. There was no further public input. Ms. Nowak moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Consider approval of Resolution to Amend the Capital Improvement Program FY15-24: Ms. Riehle moved to approve the Resolution to amend the Capital Improvement Program FY15- 24, as presented. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dorn thanked Ms. Blanchard for the significant work done in this endeavor. 9. Liquor Control Board: Ms. Riehle moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The following liquor licenses were presented for consideration: Quarry Hill Club—First Class License/Outdoor Consumption Cheese Traders—Corporate Name Change/2nd Class License No issues were raised. CITY COUNCIL, 7 JULY 2014, PAGE 5 Ms. Riehel moved to approve the first Class License/Outdoor Consumption for Quarry Hill Club and the Corporate Name Change/2nd Class License for Cheese Traders as presented. Mr. Shaw seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Riehle moved to reconvene as City Council. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Other Business: No other business was conducted. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Ms. Nowak moved to adjourn. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. , Clerk C ## y 07/17/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 1 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 j Purchase Discount Amount Check Check 1 Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date A & I A & I CLEANING SERVICE INC 3802 WQD - JUNE CLEANING 480.00 0.00 . /--/-- A & I A & I CLEANING SERVICE INC 3801 PW CLEANING - JUNE 960.00 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCEP ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741882 BUS PARTS 13.65 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741822 FILTERS 571.20 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741827 BUS PARTS 24.60 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCEP ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741827X AIR FILTER 36.93 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741892 FILTERS 40.95 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741842 FILTERS 304.98 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCE? ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741920 IGNITION WIRE 12.00 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCE? ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741920X SWITCH 30.52 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741911 BUS FILTER 33.06 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741892X FUEL FILTERS 69.42 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCEP ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741892CM RETURNED FILTERS -104.04 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741840 SHOP SUPPLIES 67.71 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741841 SWITCH 15.26 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCEP ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741890CM RETURNED SUPPLIES -33.39 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCEP ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741890 SWITCH 7.63 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCEP ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741889 STEERING STABILIZER 34.96 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741961 SPARK PLUG 4.36 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCER ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741961X BRAKE PAD SET 17.99 0.00 . /--/-- ADVANCED ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PROFESSIONA 128741967 OIL & BRAKE PADS 66.67 0.00 . /--/-- AIRGAS AIRGAS USA, LLC 9029071938 OXYGEN CYLINDER 59.37 0.00 . /--/-- ALDRICH ALDRICH & ELLIOTT, PC 75008 JUNE SERVICES 39.00 0.00 /--/-- ALL ALL CYCLE WASTE INC 2300972 CITY HALL TRASH REMOVAL 287.06 0.00 . /--/-- ALL ALL CYCLE WASTE INC 2300678 BARTLETT BAY-TRASH REMOV 134.14 0.00 . /--/-- ALL ALL CYCLE WASTE INC 2300789 AIRPORT PKW-TRASH REMOVA 249.79 0.00 . /--/-- AQUAFIX AQUAFIX INC. 13575 AQUABAC 1710.25 0.00 . /--/-- AUTO AUTO ELECTRIC INC. 24347 ALTERNATOR WOOD CHIPPER 150.00 0.00 . /--/-- BCN TELE SCN TELECOM INC 21617947 PD TELEPHONE 143.45 0.00 . /--/-- BCN TELE RCN TELECOM INC 21618379 CITY HALL PHONES 1121.46 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 775807/3 BOLT & SIGN 6.37 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 775877/3 FOGGER 18.98 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS SIRENS ACE 775884/3 FASTENERS 7.20 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 775901/3 LADDER 104.99 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 775973/3 GARBAGE BAGS 12.99 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 775974/3 PLANT SUPPLIES 37.25 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 776031/3 BLEACH 7.96 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 776013/3 RAKE 55.96 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 776158/3 GLOVES 25.98 0.00 /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 776157/3 EAR MUFFS 20.99 0.00 . /--/-- BLUR BLU, HAY 63775 REFUND - JR. REC 100.00 0.00 . /--/-- BRADBURY BRADBURY, NATE 63853 INSTRUCTOR - ZERO TO 5K 660.00 0.00 . /--/-- BRADBURY BRADBURY, NATE 63754 INSTRUCTOR RUN CAMP 1946.00 0.00 . /--/-- BSN BSN SPORTS INC 96181915 ARCHERY SUPPLIES 202.74 0.00 . /--/-- BURLCO BURLINGTON COMMUNCIATIONS 20141090 RADIO ANTENNAS 198.00 0.00 . /--/-- BUSINESS BUSINESS CARD 0608-070714 BOA CREDIT CARD 4470.68 0.00 . /--/-- BUSINESS BUSINESS CARD 0608-070714X BOA CREDIT CARD 1408.00 0.00 . /--/-- CANONSOL CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA 776598 PW COPIER ANNUAL MAINT 430.80 0.00 . /--/-- CANONSOL CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA 774264 PW COPIER QUARTERLY MAIN 129.39 0.00 . /--/-- -- CANONSOL CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA 774708 PD QTRLY METER READING 401.92 0.00 . /--/-- 07/17/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 2 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Chq l I Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-60660 BRAKE CLEAN 23.88 0.48 /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-60777 CONNECTORS, CABLE 22.23 0.44 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-60533 ANTIFREEZE 411.99 8.24 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-60620 FILTERS 91.04 1.82 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-60649 BOX OF SHOP RAGS 32.28 0.65 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-61255 WIRE CABLE 32.13 0.64 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-61557 SHOP SUPPLIES 9.96 0.20 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-61464 RATCHET 21.10 0.42 . /--/-- CCR SALES CCR SALES AND SERVICE LLC 16072 TRACTOR 27526.00 0.00 . /--/-- CGLIC CHLIC 1689234 JULY 2014- HEALTH INS. P 118057.57 0.00 . /--/-- CHAMOI CHAMPLAIN OIL COMPANY INC 147289 GASOLINE 6137.43 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLE CHARLEBOIS INC IC81193 VEHICLE PARTS 95.30 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241820047 SOCKET 10.42 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241820042 SOCKET 8.02 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241890066 PIPE ADAPTER 8.40 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241920030 HOSE ASSEMBLY 113.33 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241910026 FLAGS FOR WOOD CHIPPER 82.12 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 3241910004 PUMP SHOP PRESS 490.58 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241910050 SPRING PIN 17.25 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1241830041 PLUGS 23.13 0.00 . /--/-- CHASTE CHASTENAY PLUMBING & HEATING 8750 SLOAN VALVE 381.00 0.00 . /--/-- CHASTE CHASTENAY PLUMBING & HEATING 8751 MAP SINK FAUCET 442.50 0.00 . /--/-- CHITRS CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL SOL IVCO20760 BIOSOLIDS - MAY 5417.01 0.00 . /- CIVIL CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES I 14000 HOLMES ROAD EXT 1707.70 0.00 . /-( CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342520 BUS FILTERS 1075.08 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342576 BELTS 829.85 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER CM342299 CREDIT - FIILTERS -1327.32 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342929 BELT 87.30 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342600 BUMPER 699.70 0.00 . /--/ - CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342777 SHIELD / BOLT 53.44 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342692 Q BOND KIT 39.98 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 342947 KIT - BUS 62.57 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER CM342576 BUMPER -703.48 0.00 . /--/-- CLEAN WAT CLEAN WATER, INC. 6484 EMULSION POLYMER 7834.93 0.00 . /--/-- COMCAST COMCAST 07070806C14 CITY HALL INTERNET 322.43 0.00 . /--/-- COMCAST COMCAST 07110810P14 P/D COVERT 75.51 0.00 . /--/-- CONTIN CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATI 1254061 BUILDING SUPPLIES 219.12 0.00 . /--/-- CONTIN CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATI 406588-CRC-1 SOAP BUILDING 334.31 0.00 . /--/-- CRYSTAL CRYSTAL ROCK LLC 06302014 CITY HALL BOTTLED WATER 34.55 0.00 . /--/-- CYR LUM CYR LUMBER 05092014 BARK- VETERAN'S MEMORIAL 252.00 0.00 . /--/-- CYR LUM CYR LUMBER 07022014 3 YDS MULCH 84.00 0.00 . /--/-- D MFIR D & M FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT 033328 ANNUAL FIRE EXT. MAINT. 191.00 0.00 . /--/-- DE LAGE DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVI 41918495 LIBRARY COPIER 163.87 0.00 . /--/-- DELL DELL MARKETING L.P. XJFF8T233 DESKTOP COMPUTER 868.75 0.00 . /--/-- DEMPSEY DEMPSEY, CECELIA 63750 REFUND - TENNIS 40.00 0.00 . /--/-- DINISI DINIS, ILIA & DINI KOCI & STAM 03152014 OVERPAID TAXES 336.15 0.00 . /--/-- DONOSPR DONOVAN SPRING CO. INC. 295007 REAR SPRING- FIRE TRUCK 1354.02 0.00 . /--/-- DORE DORE AND WHITTIER ARCHITECTS I 00001X PROJ: 14-0686 - JUNE 201 22055.44 0.00 . /--/-- ELECTR ELECTRONIC BUSINESS PRODUCTS I AR1N035210 TONER 63.65 0.00 . /1 ELECTR ELECTRONIC BUSINESS PRODUCTS I CN1N132730 CM OFFICE COPIER CLICKS 1772.77 0.00 . /--)-- ft 07/17/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 3 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct l(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 ( Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149018 AIRPORT PKWY - SLUDGE 720.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149019 AIRPORT PKWY - DIGESTER 59.60 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149023 BARTLETT BAY 365.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149020 MAGIC HAT 40.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149021 WEEKLY ANALYSIS 175.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149022 AIRPORT PKWY METALS 39.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149024 AIRPORT PKWY TEN 25.00 0.00 /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149025 MAGIC HAT 40.00 0.00 /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 149017 AIRPORT PKWY DIGESTER 720.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENGINE ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION INC 23270 CONDUIT REF #14133C 18100.00 0.00 . /--/-- ESSEQI ESSEX EQUIPMENT INC 10546277-1 EXCAVATOR 48875.00 0.00 /--/-- ESSEXBOO ESSEX BOOSTERS 07142014 HERSHEY MEET 2014 100.00 0.00 . /--/-- ESSPAINT ESSEX PAINT & CARPET 131196 CARPET INSTALL 2154.70 0.00 . /--/-- FAIRPOINT FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3-2825JUN14 ELEVATOR PHONE - JUNE 17.09 0.00 . /--/-- FAIRPOINT FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4-78819JUL14 DSL STAND ALONE 51.99 0.00 . /--/-- FASTEN FASTENAL COMPANY VTBUR187268 UNIFORMS / SHOP SUPPLIES 381.67 0.00 . /--/-- FISHER FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 1384175 LAB SUPPLIES 543.55 0.00 . /--/-- FLEET FLEETPRIDE 62206635 FILTER 30.81 0.00 . /--/-- GALLS GALLS, LLC 002123091 UNIFORMS 114.86 0.00 . /--/-- GALLS GALLS, LLC 002133376 UNIFORMS 287.00 0.00 /--/-- GOSSDODGE GOSS DODGE, INC 778184 TURN SIGNAL 40.48 0.00 . /--/-- GOT THAT GOT THAT RENTAL & SALES, INC. 6227 MOWER PARTS 32.25 0.00 . /--/-- GOT THAT GOT THAT RENTAL & SALES, INC. 6362 GRADE STAKES 32.90 0.00 . /--/-- GREATREE GREATREE ARCHERY 12536 BOW LIMBS & STRING 53.97 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 885961JUL14 PUMP STATIONS 2390.90 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 05995JUN14 BARTLETT BAY 8568.92 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 072744JUN14 ANDREWS AVE PARK 23.46 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 72761JUL14 AIRPORT PARKWAY 19073.98 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 07961JUL14 LANDFILL PUMP STATION 585.31 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 27931JUL14 1100 DORSET ST. 54.85 0.00 /--/-- GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 240703001 VEHICLE REPAIR 501.60 0.00 . /--/-- GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 240707004 TIRE REPAIR 16.00 0.00 /--/-- GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 240710001 VEHICLE REPAIR 693.22 0.00 . /--/-- GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 240626001 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 225.47 0.00 . /--/-- GUAYJ GUAY, JOE 07142014 -FACILITY MAINT. CONTRACT 1264.00 0.00 . /--/-- GUERRERO GUERRERO, LISA 07072014 MAY-JUNE PUNCH PASS 100.00 0.00 . /--/-- GURWICZR GURWICZ, ROBERT 63755 ROCKETRY CAMP 2640.00 0.00 . /--/-- HACH HACH COMPANY 8915922 LAB SUPPLIES 499.04 0.00 . /--/-- HART HART FENCE COMPANY INC 18532 CEDAR POSTS 768.00 0.00 . /--/-- HEFFERC HEFFER, CAROL 03152014 OVERPAID TAXES 10.44 0.00 . /--/-- HERITAGEF HERITAGE FORD P02569 5 NEW VEHICLES 119692.00 0.00 . /--/-- HINES HINESBURG SAND & GRAVEL COMPAN 498770 WASHED STONE 120.23 0.00 . /--/-- HINES HINESBURG SAND & GRAVEL COMPAN 498771 WASHED SAND 49.50 0.00 . ' /--/-- HONEST HONEST YOGA 06302014 HIP HOP CAMPS 500.00 0.00 . /--/-- IDENTI IDENTI-KIT SOLUTIONS 104453 MONTHLY LICENSE 34.00 0.00 /--/-- INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60721401 BOOKS 194.30 0.00 . /--/-- INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718046 BOOKS 102.26 0.00 . /--/-- INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718048 BOOKS 15.40 0.00 . /--/-- ( INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718051 BOOKS 8.79 0.00 . /--/-- ' - INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718050 BOOKS 21.99 0.00 . /--/-- 07/17/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 4 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Chg� Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718052 BOOKS 21.99 0.00 . /--/-- INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718049 BOOKS 11.00 0.00 . /--/-- INGRAM INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 60718047 BOOKS 34.91 0.00 . /--/-- j IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 330925 GRADE RING -LAUREL HILL 798.72 0.00 . /--/- IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 330976 SEWER MATERIALS 1811.28 0.00 . /--/-- IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 330759 GRADE RINGS 331.50 0.00 . /--/-- IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 330693 FRAME GRATE - FAIRWAY DR 258.30 0.00 . /--/- IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 330954 SEWER COVER & GRADE RING 860.35 0.00 /--/- IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 331083 GRADE RINGS 1262.25 0.00 . /--/-- IRELAND IRELAND COMPANIES, S.D. 42074 CONCRETE - PATCHEN/KIRBY 243.00 0.00 . /--/- J A PUMP J & A PUMP AND MOTOR SERVICES, 8349 BALL BEARINGS/REPAIRS 291.38 0.00 . /--/-- J B J & B INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC T325052 BUS VALVE 132.81 0.00 . /--/-- J B J & B INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC T324901 BUS PARTS 113.30 0.00 . /--/-- J B J & B INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC T324834 BUS PARTS 148.82 0.00 . /--/-- J C J C IMAGE, INC. 00022867 T-SHIRT EMBROIDERY 728.00 0.00 . /--/-- J C J C IMAGE, INC. 00017261 UNIFORMS 182.00 0.00 . /--/-- J C J C IMAGE, INC. 00017243 SCREEN PRINT TEES. 345.00 0.00 . /--/-- JANITECH JANITECH INC 32227 PD CLEANING - JULY 2014 2638.76 0.00 . /--/-- JAZ JAZZERCISE 06032014 JUNE JAZZERCISE CLASSES 745.00 0.00 . /--/-- JOYCE JOYCE, TOM 07152014 PERFORMANCE-MAGIC SHOW 300.00 0.00 . /--/-- KERSHN KERSHNER SIGNS 5321 VEHICLE DECALS 1067.00 0.00 . /--/-- KONE KONE INC 151049856 ELEVATOR REPAIR 4288.00 0.00 . /--/-- KULKARNI KULKARNI, BIMANGI 63660 REFUND- DANCE IF YOU DAR 100.00 0.00 1/ LAMOUR LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON 39442 DESIGN / ANALYSIS 770.00 0.00 . /-\_ LANGAN LANGAN, THOMAS 63650 REFUND - RUGBY CAMP 90.00 0.00 . /--/-- LENNY LENNY'S SHOE AND APPAREL 59195 STEEL TOE BOOTS - GREGOR 195.00 0.00 . /--/-- LISAK LISAK, MARYANN 63845 REFUND - ZERO TO 5K 90.00 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902636 VALVE 23.18 0.00 /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 917377 VALVE RETURN -23.18 0.00 /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902747X VALVE 23.73 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902791X VALVE 23.73 0.00 /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S • 909321 PLYWOOD 148.55 0.00 . /--/ - LOSES LOWE'S 902244 BOLTS FOR PARKS 7.04 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902312 BOLTS - PARKS 15.90 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902312X RED ROCKS PARK SUPPLIES 18.95 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902478 4X4 LUMBER - GARDENS 41.50 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 902017X LUMBER - PARKS 28.93 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 914561 FENCE CABLE TIES 55.86 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 910779 BLUE POLY 14.23 0.00 . /--/-- LOSES LOWE'S 994791 TB BRONCO 1139.05 0.00 . /--/-- LOVES LOWE'S 902366 TOOL BOXES 1145.70 0.00 . /--/-- LOVES LOWE'S 912467 . BRACKET 94.92 0.00 . /--/-- MAINEPR MAINE PRINTING & EMBROIDERY 8897S TRACK SHIRTS 349.73 0.00 . /--/-- MARSH MARSHALL TIRE GROUP INC 32062 TIRES 1782.95 0.00 . /--/-- MIDAMER MID-AMERICA SPORTS ADVANTAGE 308779-00 AERATOR PARTS 373.60 0.00 . /--/-- MILTON MILTON RENTAL & SALES CENTER 101-321801-02 YORK RAKE 8115.00 0.00 . /--/-- MILTON MILTON RENTAL & SALES CENTER 101-320839-01 TRIMMER LINE 31.27 0.00 . /--/-- MILTON MILTON RENTAL & SALES CENTER I 01-320841-02 TRIMMER LINE 61.75 0.00 . /--/-- NATAUD NATIONAL AUDIO COMPANY, INC. 6786 CD BINDERS 274.45 0.00 . /-/ NEMUNI NEW ENGLAND MUNICIPAL RESOURCE 32774 GRAND LIST & TAX BILLS 687.50 0.00 . /-\=, 07/17/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 5 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date NEMUNI NEW ENGLAND MUNICIPAL RESOURCE 32736 GRAND LIST WORK 62.50 0.00 . /__/__ NORTRAX NORTRAX EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1061087 BUMPER 313.20 0.00 . /--/-- NY CLEAN NEW YORK CLEANERS 06302014 JUNE CLEANING 1110.50 0.00 . /--/-- OBRIEN O'BRIEN & SONS INC, M. E. D-0418B BLEACHER & ASSEMBLY 7196.00 0.00 . /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 30254 PAPER 34.99 0.00 . /--/_- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 30242 PAPER 80.10 0.00 . /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 30251 BINDERS 99.52 0.00 . /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 30250 MISC. SUPPLIES 26.07 0.00 . /__/__ OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 30252 TONER & RECEIPT BOOKS 161.25 0.00 . /__/__ OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 30253 CLIP BINDERS 11.88 0.00 . /--/-- OFFMAX OFFICE MAX INCORPORATED 866036 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76.39 0.00 . /--/-- OFFMAX OFFICE MAX INCORPORATED 137578 TAX CREDIT -6.56 0.00 . /--/-- OFFMAX OFFICE MAX INCORPORATED 137599 TAX CREDIT -7.20 0.00 . /--/- OFFMAX OFFICE MAX INCORPORATED 137546 TAX CREDIT -4.79 0.00 . /--/- OFFMAX OFFICE MAX INCORPORATED 137518 TAX CREDIT -10.51 0.00 . /--/- OFFMAX OFFICE MAX INCORPORATED 137616 TAX CREDIT -3.95 0.00 . /--/-- OTHER OTHER PAPER 4979X CCRP AD 126.00 0.00 . /-_/__ OTHER OTHER PAPER 4994 VETERAN'S PAVER'S AD 298.00 0.00 . /--/-- PARKINK PARKINK 19238 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 491.90 0.00 . /--/-- PERMA PERMA-LINE CORP OF NEW ENGLAND 145595 TRAFFIC SIGNS 224.20 0.00 . /--/-- PIKE PIKE INDUSTRIES INC 759637 ASPHALT 217.62 0.00 . /--/-- PIKE PIKE INDUSTRIES INC 760288 ASPHALT 280.86 0.00 . /--/-- ( PITNEY PITNEY BOWES INC 500452 METER RENTAL 189.50 0.00 /-_/__ POLSINELL POLSINELLO FUELS INC 29911 BULK OIL 807.82 0.00 . /--/-- POLSINELL POLSINELLO FUELS INC 29910 BULK OIL 2182.26 0.00 . /--/-- POLSINELL POLSINELLO FUELS INC 485265 OIL 360.25 0.00 . /--/-- PREMIER PREMIER COACH COMPANY INC 29523 BUS RENTAL TIF OUTREACH 595.00 0.00. . /__/__ PROVOS PROVOST, RENE 63687 INSTRUCTOR ANIMATION 900.00 0.00 . /--/-- R & B R & B SUPPLY CO., INC. 26623 AIR HOSE FITTINGS 121.95 0.00 . /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 24133062 PORTABLE RADIO 19159.00 0.00 . /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC. 24132969 PORTABLE RADIOS 10148.00 0.00 . /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 24133145 VOLTAGE CONVERTER 95.00 0.00 . /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 24133165 RADIO REPAIR 168.00 0.00 /--/-- ROGERW ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY 5043 SEMINAR- INTERNAL AFFAIR 630.00 0.00 . /--/-- ROTHMAN ROTHMAN, DARCY 63737 REFUND - DEATH IN FAMILY 100.00 0.00 . /-_/__ SAINM1 SAINT MICHAEL'S COLLEGE 2890 CHAIN SAW OPERATIONS 60.00 0.00 . /--/-- SECU SECURSHRED 168568 CH SHREDDING 22.50 0.00 . /--/-- SEVEN SEVEN DAYS 138890 EMPLOYMENT WEB AD 99.00 0.00 - . /--/-- SHAH SHAH, SEMEN 63751 REFUND - TENNIS 80.00 0.00 . /--/-- SIG SIGN A RAMA 28118 PW & CSWD SIGNS 1001.24 0.00 . /--/-- SIGNAL SIGNALS RYG,INC 608 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 1187.88 0.00 . /--/-- SIGNAL SIGNALS RYG,INC 607 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR 437.90 0.00 . /--/-- SMALL SMALL ENGINE CO. INC. 059947 WEED WACKER HEAD/STRING 29.55 0.00 . /--/-- SMITHKS MICHAEL K. SMITH 6 CONSULTING SERVICES 4450.00 0.00 . /--/-- SOUTHW SOUTHWORTH-MILTON INC PART9043263 GASKET & SEAL 23.54 0.00 . /--/-- SPEAR SPEAR STREET MOWER SPECIALTIES 14710 SWITCH 40.82 0.00 . /--/-- SPEAR SPEAR STREET MOWER SPECIALTIES 14881 MOWER BLADES 319.32 0.00 . /--/-- SPEAR SPEAR STREET MOWER SPECIALTIES 14883 MOWER BLADE 101.00 0.00 . /--/-- j SPEAR SPEAR STREET MOWER SPECIALTIES 15005 MOWER TIRE 47.95 0.00 . /--/-- 1 STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8030351928 SUPPLIES - TIF OUTREACH 24.78 0.00 . /__/__ 07/17/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 6 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Aoct 1(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Che` Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8030351927 TONER & MISC. SUPPLIES 105.64 0.00 /--/-- STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8030434372 MISC. SUPPLIES 256.06 0.00 . /--/-- STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8030434371 TONERS 259.88 0.00 . /--/-- STRATEGIC STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 07022014 MANAGEDCARE BASIC 490.00 0.00 . /--/-- TASER TASER INTERNATIONAL INC SI1363719 CARTRIDGES 237.66 0.00 . /--/-- TECHGROUP TECH GROUP 64835 IT SUPPORT 1615.00 0.00 . /--/ TECHGROUP TECH GROUP 64944 IT SUPPORT 303.75 0.00 . /--/-- TECHGROUP TECH GROUP 64836 IT SUPPORT 710.00 0.00 . /--/-- TECHGROUP TECH GROUP 64862 10 DESKTOPS 9150.00 0.00 . /--/ THOMREUT THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 829904414 ATTORNEY SUBSCRIPTION 225.60 0.00 . /--/-- TRACTORSU TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 100085630 TRAILER COUPLER 54.99 0.00 . /--/-- TRACTORSU TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 100088315 TRIMMER LINE 25.98 0.00 . /--/-- TRACTORSU TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 100088370 MISC. SUPPLIES 187.43 0.00 . /--/-- TRACTORSU TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 100088633 FENCE POST 179.55 0.00 . /--/-- UMIAK UMIAK OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS 3397 CUSTOM PADDLE 180.00 0.00 . /--/-- UNIFIRST UNIFIRST CORPORATION 036 1623229 PW UNIFORM CLEANING 67.59 0.00 . /--/- UNIFIRST UNIFIRST CORPORATION 036 1623501 CH MAT CLEANING 89.55 0.00 . /--/-- UNIFIRST UNIFIRST CORPORATION 036 1624413 PW - CLEANING 64.20 0.00 . /--/-- VARDAKES VARDAKES, DANIELLE 63674 REFUND - SOCCER & GOLF 95.00 0.00 . /--/-- VAUGHNS VAUGHN, SUE TENNIS070714 TENNIS PROGRAMS 1150.00 0.00 . /--/-- VERGENT. VERGENT POWER SOLUTIONS SBU-14-06 CLIMATE MODULE/TEMP SENS 345.00 0.00 /--/-- VERLG2 VERMONT LEAGUE OF CITIES & TOW 2014-15067 LABOR RPT PREP AF 1350.00 0.00 . /--/- VERREC VERMONT RECREATION & PARKS ASS 06302014 PARK TICKET SALES 3306.00 0.00 . / VERTIR VERMONT TIRE & SERVICE INC 178433 TIRES - WPC TRUCK 806.84 0.00 . /-( VERTIR VERMONT TIRE & SERVICE INC 179056 TIRE TUBE 15.65 0.00 . /--/-- VERTIR VERMONT TIRE & SERVICE INC 178802 MOWER TUBES 17.05 0.00 . /--/-- VERTIR VERMONT TIRE & SERVICE INC 179121 INSTALL TIRE MOUNT 5.00 0.00 . /--/-- VHB VANAS VHB - VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN 0183908 MAY USACE SW 595.92 0.00 /--/-- VHB VANAS VHB - VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN 0183349 MAY MARKET ST. 3497.80 0.00 . /--/-- VLCT PACI VLCT PACIF 18246 POLICY #P6632014 ADD VEH 511.00 0.00 . /--/-- W B MASON W B MASON CO INC I18974611 ADAPTER 40.68 0.00 . /--/-- W B MASON W B MASON CO INC I18949284 OFFICE SUPPLIES 769.75 0.00 . /--/-- WANGYAH WANG, YAHSIA 63749 REFUND - CIT PROGRAM 155.00 0.00 . /-/-- WESTON WESTON EXCAVATING INC, DON 1 US2 ROAD WIDENING PROJ 289103.79 0.00 . /--/-- WHEELCOM WHEELING PARK COMMISSION NRPA SCHOOL NRPA DIRECTORS SCHOOL 2279.85 0.00 . /--/-- WHITER WHITE RIVER PAPER COMPANY 603235 PAPER PRODUCTS 595.56 0.00 /--/-- WILLIWW WILLISTON WORKWEAR 1172 BOOTS 130.00 0.00 . /--/-- WOOD CN C.N. WOOD CO., INC. 01484474 VACTOR PARTS 1467.00 0.00 . /--/-- WOOD CR WOOD'S CAW CORPORATION P02568 EXCAVATOR 166750.00 0.00 . /--/-- YUABIGAIL YU, ABIGAIL 63803 FENCING INSTRUCTOR 350.00 0.00 . /--/-- 07/17/2014 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 7 of 7 03:14 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From / / To 07/21/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check - Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date Report Total 1,019,923.41 12.89 0.00 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL To the Treasurer of CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, We Hereby certify that there is due to the several persons whose names are listed hereon the sum against each name and that there are good and sufficient vouchers supporting the payments aggregating $ *1,019,910.52 Let this be your order for the payments of these amounts. Meaghan Emery Chris Shaw Pat Nowak \. Helen Riehle Pam Mackenzie i i South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 07/22/14 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 7/22/2014 2586 Burlington Communications 44.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 6/24/2014 VI-13423 20141020 44.00 44.00 7/22/2014 2587 Champlain Water District 42,661.26 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 6/30/2014 VI-13420 SBWD-290 42,661.26 42,661.26 7/22/2014 2588 Champlain Water District 108,504.78 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 6/30/2014 VI-13419 SBWD-282 37.53 37.53 6/30/2014 VI-13421 JUNE CONSUMPTION 108,467.25 108,467.25 7/22/2014 2589 JPW Assocaties,Inc. 50.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 7/8/2014 VI-13425 25221 50.00 50.00 7/22/2014 2590 Office Essentials 1,803.74 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 7/6/2014 VI-13422 30236 59.90 59.90 7/7/2014 VI-13424 30249 1,743.84 1,743.84 7/22/2014 2591 Kim Swain 6.14 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 7/14/2014 VI-13426 REFUND 6.14 6.14 Total Amount Paid: 153,069.92 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Printed: July 18, 2014 Page 1 of 1 CITY COUNCIL 14 July,2014 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, 14 July 2014,at 5:30 PM, in the Main Conference Room, City Hall,575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Mackenzie, Chair; H. Riehle, C.Shaw ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn,City Manager 1. Agenda Review. Mr. Shaw moved to add the Catering Permit application of Augusta, Inc.to the agenda of the Liquor Control Board. Ms. Riehle seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. There were no comments or questions from the public. 3. Convene as the Liquor Control Board Mr. Shaw moved to convene as the South Burlington Liquor Control Board. Ms. Riehle seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. Ms. Riehle moved to approve the Catering Permit applications for Lar, LLC,the Wooden Spoon Bistro and Augusta, Inc. Mr. Shaw seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. Ms. Riehle moved to adjourn the Liquor Control Board. Mr.Shaw seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. Mr. Shaw then moved to adjourn. Ms. Riehle seconded. The motion passed 3-0.The meeting was adjourned at 5:33. PM. ,Clerk Won south urlington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: Kevin Dorn, City Manager FROM: Paul Conner, Director of Planning&Zoning SUBJECT: Clarification of DRB Appointment terms DATE: July 21, 2014 It has recently come to our attention that a minor clerical error was made last July in the appointment of two people to the Development Review Board. Staff respectfully requests the following modifications be made, to assure the terms of the following members follow the City's protocol of 3-and 4-year terms. Member July 2013 Appointment July 2014 Clarification David Parsons Appointed to 3-year term 4-year term ending in 2017 Jennifer Smith Appointed to 1-year remaining 3-year term ending in 2016 of term 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Todd Goodwin From: Michelle Connor <colem2003@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday,July 09, 2014 1:21 PM To: Todd Goodwin Subject: Resignation from Bike/Ped Committee Hi Todd, I would like to submit my resignation from the Bike/Ped Committee. While I greatly enjoyed being a member of the committee throughout the past three years, my family and I are moving to Essex this month and I will no longer be a South Burlington resident. Best wishes for the future! Thank you, Michelle Connor LiP 2— January 1,2014 To: City of South Burlington's City Council and Department of Recreation and Parks and the South Burlington Volunteer Recreation and Leisure Arts Committee From: Susan DuCharme—Member of the SB Recreation and Leisure Arts Committee 142 Cobblestone Circle South Burlington,VT 05403 I am writing to express my need to resign from the SB Recreation and Leisure Arts Committee. I regret that I am unable to fulfill a full three year term due to business demands upon me and my personal health. My focus at this time is developing the HVAC-R Hands-On Trade School which is consuming my time and energy. I an unable to give to this committee the commitment it now requires of its members. I support all the wonderful new directions this committee is taking on and have enjoyed being a part of it. I have offered to continue to stay on the committee while a search is made to replace my position. Sincerely, Susan DuCharme Sm- -o+�. WWI ir Commission. Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly Legal Full Name: /v L Ctr-C. Aubo<i AIA Date of Birth: Other Names/Nicknames Used: Present Mailing Address:1OZ 5. etfCt-f 1 Q• How long at thisAddress? .3J/ Legal residence:(iifQf different from above) Home Phone:6/V 4-w3 Business Phone Z Z,, 5 Cell Phone: BmailiWi3 c)406J c C,f 7 N> Current Employer: $zz4r,12/4 Hi t� O C!' `7E-S/IA)C Years of Service: 5( Employer Contact Person and Phone: A-(4, C. j Cs Ac'.V 62- 33 Are you a legally registered voter in the City of SDuth Burlington? Yes X No Mu/ � ap- Position(Commission, Board or Committee)applying for: 1) PE5lC� 3) Term (Rease provide your 1st,2nd,&3rd choices) Reese give detail dating why you want to serve in this capacity and list qualifications you have which you believe may be beneficial to the commission,committee or board to which you are applying(please use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). Co you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal offense? If so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). By signing here you acknowledge:All information provided isaoaarate and complete to the best of your ability,and,you understand the City Council has the authority to remove members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont Sate Satue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of any thisa cati�i� Flease sig-i here: �0� ate: / / 11- By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Criminal Information Center,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outside party and will be sole used b the Man so ce. Sgnature: J b ` Gate:It /(Co 11it- Oty Manager's Office Use Only Application has been notified by(phone e-mail etc) 64e./S to attend Council meeting on, lei //+r (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) _ Voter registration verified by(staff person) Date '7/11./pi For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) /4/ co Aa t7‘777 r c14- 1-Akl s rf 2p •epN� n) U Td cOArey/J u E - City Council My background in design started in College with a degree in architecture with a major in urban planning. Returning to Vermont after 11 years mainly in New York City I designed and built a house on Shelburne-Point. Dick Snelling asked if I would be a charter member of the Shelburne Planning Co.mmisions._ Amongst our efforts was to bring a zoning ordinance to Shelburne. After Dick's tenure as chair i became chair for a number of.years. After relocating to Burlington 1 served on.th Church Street.Committee: to turn Church Street into a pedestrian mall, a concept 1 suggested in my college thesis, a conceptual plan for the greater Burlington area including South Burlington. I also served on the Waterfront board. Relocating to South_Burlington on Shelburne Bay I was asked to apply for the Planning Commission: i was chair for a:number of years. After that tenure 1 requested to serve on the Design Review Board.. I have consistently recommended that Design Review be extended to all of the City's commercially zoned districts. An example as to why is on Shelburne Road where several automobile agencies where obliged by their manufacturers to add iconic entrances (which are really signs). This is an effort by the manufactures to BRAND the structures, This is all well and good for the manufacturers but also BRANDS South Burlington as just another cooky cutter town. This could of been prevented by a Design Review Board.. Marcel B.eaudin A1A emeritus • r?eca*Pe et 7-)(./y 41. ..,. 401 City of South Burlington,575 Dorset Street,VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission, Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly Legal Full Name:• Qi2i4r-cL. a ' CJa / 7Date of Birth:, • Other Names/Nicknames Used: Sa ktdi/ Present Mailing Address: 114 gad-`Th t-rCt__etSl cr/; Hpw long at this Address? yeoziv.^..c Legal residence:(if different from above) Sallie as above., Home Phone: ID .2 /?Business Phone: I Cell Phone:S--?-/ 9.27 E-mail d (e7}fi g Corr s+/ re_ ` /J CCC��� I) 4q44- Current Employer: { � Years of Service: Employer Contact Person and Phone: !V 4 / Are you a legally registered voter in the City of South Burlington? Yes V No PC boar". �, Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying(.e.C.,e ) I s /� 2) 3) Term ar,Js1.-s (Please provide your 1st, 2nd,&3rd choices) Ate-47u Lo t erne- Please give detail statingwwhy you want to serve in this capacity and list qualifications you have which you believe may be beneficial to tNle:commission,committee or board to which you are applying(please use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). a tack e.d /&-//e Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal offense? If so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). "20 By signing here you acknowledge:All information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City Council has the authority to remove members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State Statue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of any sta ment made on this aappli,ation. -���/ Please sign here: G� / Date: M1/ /Iy f/57i ftl ..gal By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Criminal Information Center,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outside party and will be sol used by the itageffice. � Signature: LA---- Date: ? / /5 rJ city Manager's Office Use Only P "4/1I Application has been notified by(phone,e-mail,etc) ?'a,. to attend Council meeting on 7/2+ _y (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) C.`i;Y Date '7//`//y For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) SANDRA DOOLEY 44 East Terrace South Burlington, Vermont 05403 July 15, 2014 Pam Mackenzie, Chair South Burlington City Council City Hall 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Pam, Enclosed is my application seeking appointment to serve as first alternate to the City's representative to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission(CCRPC). In this role,if appointed, I would attend the CCRPC meetings on behalf of the City when the City's representative is unable to attend. Marcel Beaudin and Rosanne Greco have served as the City's first and second alternate representatives,respectively,to the CCRPC while I have been the City's representative. It has been an honor and pleasure to serve as the City's representative to CCRPC these past two years. It was especially rewarding to have served during development of the ECOS (Environment. Community. Opportunity. Sustainability)plan, which,in June 2013,became the combined Regional Plan,the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Chittenden County(CC). Formulation of the ECOS plan involved all CC municipalities,45+ organizations, and hundreds of residents in an ambitious and stimulating process. In addition,I previously served on CCRPC's Unified Planning Work Program Committee and am currently a member of the Board Development Committee. Since planning vis-à-vis City Center and completion of the rewrite of the City's Comprehensive Plan are major South Burlington initiatives,right now,it seems like a good time to have a new person fulfill the role of representing South Burlington on the CCRPC board. Also,the merger of CCRPC and the Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization,two years ago,made CCRPC a major player relative to funding for transportation projects in the county. Transportation,in its many forms,will,no doubt,always be a major factor in City planning. Thus, it is prudent to expand the pool of folks who are knowledgeable about transportation planning at the county level. I look forward to meeting with the Council relative to my application. Thank you and the other City Councilors for the considerable time and talent you direct toward the betterment of our wonderful City. Best egards, Sandra Dooley Enclosure: application and resume SANDRA S. DOOLEY 44 East Terrace South Burlington,Vermont 05403 E-mail: dooleyvtl@comcast.net (802) 862-7019 COMMUNITY SERVICE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON South Burlington(SB) City Council (2007-2013, vice chair 2009-11, chair 2011-12), SB Board of Civil Authority and SB Steering Committee (2007-13), City Liaison to UVM(2007-2012), representative to Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization(2009-12), representative to Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission(2012-present), Affordable Housing Committee (2012-13), Affordable Housing Subcommittee (Planning Commission) (2013), City Center Public Facilities Task Force (2013)Affordable Housing Trust Fund Feasibility Committee(2014) OTHER COMMUNITY SERVICE Champlain Housing Trust Board of Directors (2011-present), Volunteer, Robin's Nest Children's Center(2010-present),Vermont Commission on Women(1986- 2005), Governor's Partnership in Child Care Committee (1988-95), Child Care Fund of Vermont(past component fund of the Vermont Community Foundation)Advisory Board(1995- 2006), Elderly/Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee Chair(1980's),Vermont YWCA board(1990's),Vermont Ecumenical Council and Bible Society board (1970's) SUMMARY OF WORK EXPERIENCE—1970-2009 (most recent first) Department of Health,Burlington,Vermont, SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR(seven years) Department of Prevention,Assistance,Transition, and Health Access (PATH),Waterbury, Vermont(before July 1, 2001,Department of Social Welfare;now part of Department for Children and Families [DCF]),DEPUTY COMMISSIONER,REACH UP DIRECTOR,PLANNING AND EVALUATION DIRECTOR(16 years) Self-employed, South Burlington,Vermont,PUBLIC POLICY CONSULTANT (five years) Mathematica Policy Research,Inc.,Montpelier, Vermont,POLICY ANALYST(one year) Agency of Human Services, Waterbury,Vermont,PROGRAM PLANNER(one year) U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,PROGRAM ASSISTANT (one year) Department of Social Welfare,Montpelier, Vermont, SPECIAL ASSISTANT, (one year) Champlain College,Burlington, Vermont,ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/INSTRUCTOR (four years) Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (now DCF), Burlington,Vermont, SOCIAL WORKER(four years) Sandra S. Dooley, July 15, 2014 Page 2 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW) ongoing National Association of Social Workers (NASW)ongoing NASW Vermont Chapter Board of Directors 1993-1999 Vermont Public Health Association(2003-2012) EDUCATION MSW, 1979 West Virginia University,Morgantown, West Virginia MEd, 1975 University of Vermont,Burlington,Vermont AB,1969 Middlebury College,Middlebury, Vermont Diploma, 1965 Oxford Area High School, Oxford,Pennsylvania PUBLICATIONS A Foundation For Change: Moving Toward Family Independence.Vermont Department of Social Welfare, 1992(one of two principal authors). Self-Sufficiency for Single Parents: Is A Job Enough?Vermont Department of Social Welfare, 1985 (principal author and editor). Dooley, Sandra. Child Care in Chittenden County: Resources, Needs, and Agenda for Increased Community Support. United Way of Chittenden County,Inc., 1984. . The Impact of Federal Policy Changes on Working Single-Parent ANFC Families in Vermont.Vermont Department of Social Welfare, 1983. . Human Services Transportation in Chittenden County, Vermont. Vermont Agency of Human Services, 1981. et al. Welfare Reform: A Vermont Perspective. Vermont Agency of Human Services, 1979. . Home Health Care in Vermont. Vermont Department of Social Welfare, 1978. HONORS 1989 Toll Fellow - one of 32 state government leaders selected for leadership program of the Council of State Governments. Trailblazers: Vermont Women and Leadership Development-one of 24 women in State government featured in this book by the late Barbara Davis Cheng, Ph.D. Trinity College. 1988 2004 NEPHLI(Northeast Regional Public Health Leadership Institute)Scholar—one of 28 public health professionals completing this year-long leadership development program. Reu;,c &-1l-iY y �, -e� .1 • City of South Burlington,575 Dorset Street, VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission, Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print`clearly - Legal Full Name: "Don 1 611 Fdo u arc/ G is r(;L rd Date of Birth: Other Names/Nicknames Used: —Dan Present Mailing Address: I f P!.r.1 ` 1-re P:'r How long at this Address? Legal residence:(if different from above) Home Phone: Business Phone:360^7267+ Cell Phone: 802."S9g"S77E mail Qr'dcor pap I.C©M il Current Employer: VR � _1 nC. (self) Years of Service:` 2$ t,/r-5, Employer Contact Person and Phone: 5 elf- eM?7I oyed Are you a legally registered voter in the City of South Burlington? Yes V No Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying for:1) A I►^L7o rt 2) 3) Term (Please provide your 1st,2nd,&3rd choices) r Please give detail stating why you want to serve in this capacity and list qualifications you,have which you believe may be beneficial to the commission,committee or board to which you are applying(please use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal offense? If so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). By signing here you ack dge:All i ation prov'ded is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City Council has the a on t remove • -rs appoi ed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State Statue,as applicable,for misreprese ion of y fate ma on t 's. ,lication. Please sign here: d l _/) / Date:_/ q / /4, By signing h you derstand a Cri .'ri/onvictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Ver nt Cri ' form tion ' : ,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outsi y an i e ply u, the City Manager's office. Signature: ' 1 %� Date: t,/ q / / City Manager's Office Use Only Application has been notified by(phone,e-mail,etc) 3,.a(Via n to attend Council meeting on 7 / 31/iv (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) Date_2/_//f y For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) Daniel E. Girard 11 Heath Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Commission Application: Airport Commission Qualifications: • Born and raised on Airport Parkway, So. Burlington • Worked at the Airport as a teen • My father worked at the Airport for 28 years • I am familiar with the Airport administration • I have an airplane based at KBTV in a hangar that I own • I use the Airport regularly, both as a pilot and a commercial passenger • As a business owner most of my working life, a regular user of the Airport, growing up near the Airport, and owning a home and a residential rental property near the Airport, I believe that I can contribute a unique, fresh voice for the City on this Commission. Reun',vA ("411-9, 000004 611 City of South Burlington,575 Dorset Street,VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission, Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly - Legal Full Name: Arthur Klugo Date of Birth: Other Names/Nicknames Used: Art • Present Mailing Address: 102 Fairway Drive How long at this Address? 2-1/2 Years Legal residence:(if different from above) Home Phone: 862-2326 Business Phone: Cell Phone: 373-8112 E-mail aoklugoPgmail.com Current Employer: Years of Service: Employer Contact Person and Phone: Are you a legally registered voter in the City of South Burlington? Yes X No Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying for:1) Planning Comm,2) 3) Term • (Please provide your 1st,2nd, &3rd choices) Please give detail stating why you want to serve In this capacity and list qualifications you have which you believe may be beneficial to the commission,committee or board to which you are applying(please use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal offense? If so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). By signing here you acknowledge:All information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City Council has the authority to remove members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State Statue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of any statement made on this application. Please sign here: � ,' '` - Date: 6 / 11/ 14 By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Criminal Information Center,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outside party and will be solely used by the City Manager's office. Signature: Date: 6 / 11/ 14 City Manager's Office Use Only Application has been notified by(phoneelL91,etc) —15-,q to attend Council meeting on 7/joy y (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) Date 7/Il,/ly For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) June 11,2014 Dear City Council: This letter,and attached application,is sent to you to express my interest in becoming a member of the City of South Burlington Planning Commission. Should the City Council accept my application, I would look to continue as a member of the Development Review Board(DRB)and serve both simultaneously with the same commitment to community as I believe I have while a member of the DRB. Professionally, I have spent 20+ years in the built and un-built environment either permitting, designing, engineering, constructing, or developing projects of all types and sizes from mixed-use residential to multi- family, hospitality to healthcare and other commercial and industrial projects of various complexities and costs. Why volunteer for the Planning Commission? I have a deep interest in helping the City advance issues of sustainability and growth in a way that provides a positive impact on the residents,business owners,and guests of the City.Serving on the DRB only allows me to partially fulfill this commitment since the DRB charter is to implement the policies outlined in the LDRs. As a member of the DRB for the past two years,I have been able to gain an understanding of the Land Development Regulations(LDRs)and how those regulations shape the community through projects that have come before the board. Being able to serve on the Planning Commission would give me the opportunity to contribute to the dialog on current and future planning policy that will help shape our community into the foreseeable future through ongoing advancement of the LDRs. What are my qualifications to serve on the Planning Commission? My qualifications to serve on the Planning Commission are as they were when I volunteered for the DRB ... my commitment to family, continued volunteerism in the City of South Burlington and in the professional experience I would bring as a volunteer. Certainly academic and professional qualifications are important, but I believe a passion for the community you live in is as important.It is this passion that will help focus efforts and reach the many compromises necessary to move the City of South Burlington forward. As mentioned above, I have worked for developers/owners, architects, engineers and contractors throughout my career and believe I could bring a balanced perspective of what it takes for a project to be successful for all stakeholders,not only a select few. Having been a resident of South Burlington for the past 7-1/2 years, I have an understanding of some of the challenges the community faces and would welcome the opportunity to assist the Planning Commission and DRB in meeting those challenges. If necessary, a resume and references can be provided for your review. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Art Klugo 102 Fairway Drive hPtorVc' e1 G-io-I H 3.,„,,r 7 o ice. e Lift, City of South Burlington,575 Dorset Street,VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission,Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly Legal Full Name: Jessica Clark Louisos Date of Birth: Other Names/Nicknames Used; Jess 8 Valley Ridge Road,,South Burlington,VT 9 years Present Mailing Address: How long at this Address? Legal residence (if different from above) same Home Phone:5�8-2016 Business Phone:882-8335 Cell Phone:578-2016 E-mailhouisos@sburi.com Current Employer:Mllone&MacBroom, Inc. Years of Service;7 years Employer Contact.Person and Phone; Roy Schiff,P.E.,PhD., {802}8$2-8335 Are you a legally registered voter In the City of South Burlington? Yes X No Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying for:1) Planning Corn.2) 3) Term (Please provide your 1st,2nd,&3`a choices) Please give detail stating why you want to serve in this capacity and list qualifications you have which you believe may be beneficial to the commission,committee or board to which you are applying(please use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). SEE AirAcHED S 1EE T * Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal offense? if so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed), ti JC>, By signing here you acknowledge:All information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City Council has the authority to r move members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State statue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of any e t made on yliiis agp atlon. ,�1 1 Please sign here: , �i6444.4P ' Date: U/ / 1 LI By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Criminal Inf. ,tion Center,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outside party and will b •66-y used by the M ager's office. Signature: ii/4 I 0` /72 Date:it IOJ 11 City Manager's Office Use oni Application has been notified by(phonea-mai etc) 4-as-/V to attend Council meeting on '1 I '7 tit (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) (i- Date1/ / For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) Jessica Clark Louisos 8 Valley Ridge Road, South Burlington,Vermont 05403 (802)578-2016 jlouisos@sburl.com STATEMENT OF INTEREST: I have been a member of the South Burlington Planning Commission(PC)for five years and hope to continue to serve the City for another term. The PC has been working hard with staff, consultants, public comment, and significant work from other city committees to update our Land Development Regulations (LDR). The draft version including Form Based Code for the City Center and updates to stormwater management is near ready for final public outreach. These efforts to update the LDR are not quick and I would like to be able to see them through the rest of the process to adoption. The LDR is a living document and will continue to evolve over time,with input by many people. The next expected larger effort for this document is to extend the inclusion of Form Based Code type regulation to the rest of the city, outside of the City Center area. I look forward to being involved in this large effort and helping to ensure that these large changes reflect what the community desires and expects. The comprehensive plan updates have been underway for years and I am excited to finalize a draft of the document and work with the community to complete and approve the wholesale update of this important community document. I look forward to our upcoming planning project related to the airport and Chamberlain neighborhood. We originally began looking at this area five years ago and the project was unfortunately delayed,but now has been revived with grant funding. The pressures on this part of the city are large and this area deserves forward-thinking planning that includes all of the stakeholders. In my years on the PC I have tried to prioritize the overall needs of the public by listening and evaluating all sides of an issue fairly before coming to a conclusion on particular issues. I believe the public process is very important and have done everything I can to encourage all voices to be heard. • My experience as an engineer has taught me to objectively evaluate the facts and make logical conclusions as to the path forward. My training as a water resource and civil engineer have given me specific technical knowledge about design and the landscape that have positively informed planning within our community. I have included in the following pages a summary of my professional qualifications for your review. I believe that my experiences and skills translate well to the work of the PC and have helped me when wrestling with the large issues that come before the PC. Jessica Clark Louisos-South Burlington Volunteer Application-June 2014 Page 1 AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZATION: River and floodplain restoration; stream and watershed hydrology; instream habitat assessment; fluvial geomorphology; hydraulic modeling; flood hazard mitigation and resiliency; ecological wastewater and stormwater treatments; aquatic organism passage; watershed management; green building design and implementation. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION: Master of Science in Environmental Engineering University of Vermont,Burlington,Vermont-May 2006 Thesis Topic: "Linking Stream Channel Geomorphology and Aquatic Habitat Quality Using Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling" (Clark et al.,2008) Study Abroad University of Auckland,New Zealand-Fall 2003 Licensure Vermont Professional Engineer,Civil Engineering WORK EXPERIENCE: Milone&MacBroom,Inc.,South Burlington,VT-Water Resource Engineer-May 2007-Present Responsibilities include:Hydraulic and hydrologic modeling;river and floodplain restoration; construction oversight;design and testing of river habitat assessment protocols;prioritization of stream/culvert crossings regarding both aquatic organism passage and geomorphic processes; design of stormwater management treatments; site assessment and survey;field design of river projects;technical presentation of projects to clients and stakeholders; assistance with project scoping,proposal writing,project interviews, and marketing efforts. Ruggiano Engineering,Inc.,St.Albans,VT-Project Engineer-October 2006-May 2007 Responsibilities included:Managing engineering projects including design and permitting of small subdivisions;obtaining state permits for wastewater and potable water,operational stormwater,and construction stormwater;researched rules for newly adopted state stormwater permits, developed permitting strategies and new design techniques, and taught coworkers new stormwater design strategies;some direction and teaching of engineering intern and drafting staff;representing clients at local and state levels. University of Vermont,Burlington,VT-Graduate Teaching Assistant- Spring 2006 UVM CE-154 (Analytical Practice for Environmental Engineers and Scientists) a course teaching water quality tests, process flow dynamics, laboratory procedure, scientific writing, and experiment design. Responsibilities included: Co-teaching and restructuring existing course; preparing reagents; ordering materials; setting up lab equipment; overseeing students during lab time;advising students on final experimental design projects; grading homework. University of Vermont,Burlington,VT-Graduate Research Assistant-June 2004-October 2006 Responsibilities included: Creating research plan; conducting stream field work; directing field crew; creating computer based two-dimensional hydrodynamic stream habitat models; conducting geostatistical and multivariate statistical analysis of stream geomorphic condition and hydraulic variability. University of Vermont,Burlington,Vermont-Graduate Teaching Assistant-Fall 2004 UVM CE-10 (Geomatics) a course teaching general surveying, measuring, mapping, GPS, and ArcView GIS skills. Responsibilities included: Leading three afternoons per week of laboratory work; preparing and maintaining equipment; creating laboratory assignments; demonstrating techniques for the 40 sophomore undergraduates. Jessica Clark Louisos-South Burlington Volunteer Application-June 2014 Page 2 Systems Design Engineering,Inc.,Reading,PA-Engineering Intern- Summer 2003 Responsibilities included: Creating water distribution systems models using WaterCAD; assisting in monitoring and reporting of small municipal water and sewer systems; completing unit capacity analysis of waste treatment plant; designing five year plan for sewage collection system repairs and monitoring. Advanced Farm Ecosystems of the Intervale Foundation-Ecological Intern-March 2003-June 2004 Responsibilities included: Design and construction of treatment system to handle high nutrient effluent from a biodigester and maximize growth of lemna menor; completing process flow analysis of underutilized farm wastes to produce food and fuel; designing laboratory analysis scheduling for processes. Ocean Arks International,Ecological Design Firm -Summer Intern-May 2001-August 2001 Responsibilities included: Assisting with proposal, grant, and project report writing; performing general office work; participating in on site construction of an ecologically based industrial wastewater treatment system for Tyson Foods. -Research Assistant-January 2002-March 2003 Responsibilities included: Caring for plants and performing Integrated Pest Management in research greenhouse; experimenting with and building prototype scale of possible full nutrient cycle industries for an eco-industrial park. University of Vermont,Burlington,VT-Resident Assistant-August 2000-May 2001 Responsibilities included: Overseeing 40 undergraduate residents of college resident hall; creating healthy community; assuring safety; completing administrative tasks; planning and carrying out community meetings and programming;enforcing University policy. F.T. Clark Enterprises, Boyertown, PA- Multi-Trade Contractor's Assistant- vacations during college, summers 1997-1999 Responsibilities included:Helping with family business working on residential,commercial, and industrial sites doing: electrical work;plumbing; general construction;koi pond treatment system design and repair; as well as other specialty areas. HONORS AND ACTIVITIES: -South Burlington Planning Commission, Chair 2012-Present, Clerk 2011-2012, Vice Chair, 2010-2011,Member beginning 2009 -Vermont Young Engineer of the Year-2013 -American Society of Civil Engineers: Vermont Section Young Engineer of the Year,2013 Vermont Section Past President, 2013-Present Vermont Section President,2012-2013 Vermont Section President Elect,2011-2012 Vermont Section Treasurer,2008-2011 Engineer's Week Committee,2011-Present Regional Delegation Meeting Host,Fall 2012 Co-Author of 2010 and Expected 2014 Infrastructure Report Card for Vermont -Lake Champlain Research Consortium-Received Small Research Grant 2005 -Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Award for Senior who "Most Contributed to the Department"-2004 Jessica Clark Louisos-South Burlington Volunteer Application-June 2014 Page 3 -American Water Resources Association, UVM Student Chapter, Founding Officer- September 2004-Present -American Society of Civil Engineers,UVM Student Chapter,Treasurer-September 2001-2004 -2002 and 2003 Regional Steel Bridge Design Contest Champions -2004 Steel Bridge Design Team Captain -Consortium for Ecological Living,President-September 2000-Present -Received Environmental Council Grant for Green Roof Research Project -Student Government Association Senator-Public Affairs Committee-September 2001-2002 -National Society of Collegiate Scholars -Phi Eta Sigma,first year honor society -Girl Scout Gold Award-Received Spring 1999 -Burlington Community Gardens Member,2004-2012 -Living Learning Center Pottery Coop Member, 1999-Present -Mad River Glen Coop Member,2010-Present -Volunteer Service for Martin Luther King Day—2010-Present PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: American Society of Ecological Engineering American Society of Civil Engineers American Water Resources Association THESIS AND REFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Clark, J.S. (2006). Linking Stream Channel Geomorphology and Aquatic Habitat Quality Using Two- Dimensional Modeling. Civil and Environmental Engineering Master of Science Thesis. University of Vermont,Burlington,Vermont,USA. Clark,J.S.,Hession, W.C., Rizzo, D.M., Laible, J. & Watzin, M. (2006). Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Approach to Linking Stream Morphology and Aquatic Habitat Quality. Refereed Paper and Oral Presentation. In: Voinov,A., Jakeman, A., Rizzoli, A. (eds). Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: "Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Burlington, USA, July 2006. CD ROM.Internet:http://www.iemss.org/iemss2006/sessions/all.html Clark,J.S., Rizzo, D.M., Watzin, M.C., &Hession, W.C. (2008). Spatial Distribution and Geomorphic Condition of Fish Habitat in Streams: An Analysis using Hydraulic Modelling and Geostatistics. River Research and Applications,24, 885-899. Schiff, RS, Clark, J.S., & Cahoon, B. (2008). The Lamoille River and Black Creek Floodplain Restoration Project.AWRA 2008 Summer Specialty Conference. Virginia Beach, VA,June 30— July 2,2008. Fitzgerald,E.P.,McBride,M., Clark,J.S.,Hannon,J.,Pearce,A.,Mouser,P. &Newcomb,D. (2006). Stormwater Treatment on a Shoestring Budget: An AWRA Student Chapter's Experience. In Proceedings of the 2006 Meeting of the American Water Resources Association. Baltimore,MD Jessica Clark Louisos-South Burlington Volunteer Application-June 2014 Page 4 e cei ve d 7 4'-i11 6041 City of South Burlington, 575 Dorset Street,VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission, Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly Legal Full Name: PaWQ..1-_, e N 1t.`9 7\ Date of Birth:. Other Names Nicknames Used: G. Present Mailing Address: Lit rn 1(\(\ `(\t\ , How long at this Address? C�1. Legal residence:(if different from above) �V\ Home Phone:Lf 7 \ lusiness Phone: SriNvn-Q_ Cell Phone Cl.13 E-mail eyn.C� Q r.z ..)-D ` �9 {{� CI) hek Current Employer: rt\(-;`n V\ l"�`� Years of Service: Employer Contact Person and Phone: S€c Are you a legally registered voter in the City of South Burlington? Yes f No Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying for:1) CC 2) 3) Term (Please provide your 1st,2nd,&3`d choices) Please give detail stating why you want to serve in this capacity and list qualifications you have which you believe may be beneficial to the commission,committee or board to which you are applying(please use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal offense? If so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). By signing here you acknowledge:Ail information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City Council has the authority to remove members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State Statue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of tatement ade on t plication. Please sign here: ,i ("" Date:. -2/e By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Criminal Information Center,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outside 'party(�s�wil�l be� s ely used b y he City Manager's office. '""� Signature: 1 GVylit a) Date: -7/�U / City Manager's Office Use Only Application has been notified by(phone,e-mail,etc) to attend Council meeting on'7 / /lY (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) •77" Date 47/Jf /1y For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) July 7, 2014 South Burlington City Council City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 Council Members; I am writing with regard to the opening for appointment as the City of South Burlington Representative to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission. I would like to be appointed to this opening. I have been a resident of South Burlington since 2009. Since March 2012 I have served as a member of the South Burlington City Council,and have served as Chair since March 2013. The City of South Burlington must actively participate with the Commission. The CCRPC is one of 12 regional planning commissions in Vermont,and also serves as the only Metropolitan Planning Organization for the State of Vermont. Both of these functions are critical to the current activities and future plans for our community. The work we are doing with City Center,the Chamberlin Neighborhood Planning Project,and proposed Fletcher Allen Health Care project will benefit from working closely with the CCRPC. In addition,as these projects gain traction-it is extremely important that we are involved in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program and Unified Planning Work Program. Prior to serving on the South Burlington City Council,I spent over 25 years as in the telecommunications industry. I have a strong track record developing and implementing strategic direction for public and private sector organizations. In 2011,I was asked by Governor Shumlin to serve as the Chair for the Vermont Telecommunications Authority. I lead a nine member independent,volunteer Board responsible for managing and building through private/public partnerships, broadband and cellular services throughout the State of Vermont. Established by the State of Vermont Legislature in 2007 to facilitate the efficient and effective use of Federal and State stimulus funds (in excess of$300M),and $40M bonding authority to bring these services to residential and core anchor institutions in rural Vermont. This has involved identifying unserved and underserved areas of the State,developing strong working relationships with the State Legislature,private sector providers and State Agencies and Departments. In Chittenden County, I have served as a member of the Board of Directors of The United Way since 2010 and Mercy Connections since 2013. Please let me know if you have any questions,I look forward to representing South Burlington on the CCRPC. Best regards, rOd4(1/Lizi4_k_ Pamela K Mackenzie, Chair South Burlington City Council • Pee.;ie cl C-f ' i4 a-lya+ _o, 41 ter- Or • City of South Burlington,S75 Dorset Street,VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission, Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including.incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly Legal Full Name: LI f en,e J Ptt ld O o d Date of Birth: . Other Names/Nicknames/Used:ctf' Present Mailing Address: ?� liver 7 1/1 . /:xt r ✓liow long at this Address? /5 yfs Legal residence:(if different from above) /� /�/�/ Home Phone:bill ZBusiness Phor g?./7 0/Ge Cell PhoneZ9 9 3 gb<1Q E-mail 7c', 2 404 1/c Current Employer: -S 4ri/rM'' cV MU II(?f/NI r Years of Service: f/ Employer Contact Person and Phone: gir 0 >i a1/414t/e. c /E! ' 7// ` , �/7 Are you a legally registered voter in the City of South Burlington? Yes 1)4. No Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying for:1) irr 2) 3) Term T Y1/5 (Please provide your 1st,2nd,&3`d choices) Please"give detail stating why you want to serve in this capacity and list"qualifications you have which you believe may be . beneficial to.the commission,tom Are hoard to Bch you"are applying(please use back of formfo or attach additional sheets/ as needed). � florel ►f tx,fg /�t, apm ail fit tti`eW 7' h`sfor-1 fr it {'1a�1 Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever/ been charged with,or convicted of,a/criminal offense? if so,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). By signing here you acknowledge:All information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City Council has the authority to r ove members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State Statue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of any s t ment mad on thx i yation.� ._ / Please sign here: p042, � "v cr Date:b /t / 11/ By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Crimin I Information Center,as permitted by law. Any and all confidential information(birth date;etc)will not be shared with any outside party and be y urted bye sty Ma gets office. J / Signature: �, j f9 " Date:A /� / City Manager's Office use Only Application has been notified by(phon e-mail,etc) 6,:41-0 f to attend Council meeting on '/,)I /1y (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) tr.., Date 1/Jj,/iy For Incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) Dear Members of the City Council and City Manager, After finishing out a half term (my first appointment as commissioner), I am interested in re- applying for a full term as the SB Airport Commissioner. As some of you are aware, I live in the Chamberlin neighborhood and believe that, at this critical time we are entering into, I am well suited to represent the City to the Commission and vice versa. I expressed interest several months ago to Kevin that I would like to be a part of the planning talks for Chamberlin neighborhood, and the Commission felt that I would also serve them well in that role. I am aware that the CCRP Grant to the City has just been issued. Most of the business of the Commission is routine, based on Airport financial concerns.The agenda is set by Airport Staff. Items needing a vote are advisory in nature and are there so the Burlington Board of Finance has a sense that a second set of eyes has looked over what's to be spent before they approve it. I've been looking forward for many years to a time where we can discuss neighborhood concerns in an open and peaceful manner.These first two years have been like an orientation period to see how the Airport works. There is a learning curve involved and I think my re- appointment would lend itself to a continuity, which would serve the City well at this time, in particular. I recall Gene Richards mentioned to me he also observed the Commission's dealings for a period of about 2 years before really feeling comfortable to contribute. I realize that the Airport is an important entity to the entire region and that the issues we face are complicated and won't be solved overnight, also realizing that in all human relationships dealing with negotiation, moments need to be chosen. Chase Bank used to have a motto, "the right relationship is everything". I believe that I have handled myself well as your representative, and would like the opportunity to continue. I am well liked by both the Airport Staff and my fellow Commissioners, and would like to build on those relationships for the benefit of the City as we engage in upcoming planning talks. Thankfully submitted, Gene Palombo e . ' - -Itr le City of South Burlington,575 Dorset Street,VT 05403 802-846-4107 Website:sburl.com Commission, Boards and Committee Application Form Note to applicants, including incumbents: After submitting a completed application to the City Manager's Office you will be required to attend a City Council meeting to be interviewed. You will be advised of the date and approximate time of the Council meeting when you will be interviewed and your application considered. Please print clearly Legal Full Name: C,4 '/$%er tr/py1CA 5# Date of Birth: Other Names/Nicknames Used: L/-/4/5 Present Mailing Address: 5-7 nn'5- 6Lt-1 �,5' How long at this Address? /5— )' 5' Legal residence:(if different from above) Home Phone: /S��Business Phone: Cell Phone: 6 5"0359 E-mail C 5r'fArf-1 0 5 3ugL, Ce44 Current Employer: P' CeTlfrek. Years of Service: 6 Employer Contact Person and Phone: APeeeta 52,964 '3 7fS 2332 Are you a legally registered voter in the City of South Burlington? Yes No AL t N/ �p - non✓ Position(Commission,Board or Committee)applying for:1) CC!c Pc 2) 3) Term (Please provide your 1st,2nd,&3rd choices) 'Plea give dei:ii stat[n why jfou want to serve fy this capacity and list gdaiftk ipns you have which you belte'ire mat be _ y beneficiai`to the comrnission5 committee or board towhtfih you are apply n� pi4a use back offo:r_n�car attach addition l sheets) as needed). "re- s zzve 4 5- Y f one ,'ativN,Nc C Mi55,ce'/(5 ), cot;Tivcit ive c -iei' /u 'NrfG Co/JM71ss/c u' —,�9ii �, �zy i ,✓ rc Do you have any violations other than minor traffic violations? Have you ever been charged with,or convicted of,a criminal / 47 offense?NIf,p,,provide complete details(use back of form or attach additional sheets as needed). /15‘) giaiue Co�� By Si ere you acknowledge:All information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your ability;and,you understand the City cjno, Council has the authority to remove members appointed by them in accordance with the City Charter and Vermont State Statue,as applicable,for misrepresentation of a statement lade/on this pplicati .n. Please sign here: '; #' e • t,+. 'd f} Date:_JJ_it By signing here you understand a Criminal Convictions Records History will be obtained by the City of South Burlington Duly Authorized Agent from the Vermont Criminal Information Center,as permitted by law. Any and ail confidential information(birth date,etc)will not be shared with any outside party and will be solely usectlay the�City M er's ice. Signature: g ,-` 6f =L� Date:�� /� City Manager's Office Use Only (/ Application has been notified by(phone,e-mail,etc) to attend Council meeting on '7 /e?f/f (date) Notification made by(staff person) Term of appointment(to-from) Voter registration verified by(staff person) a Date 7/IC,/EL For incumbents-attendance during the past year has been(provide numerical information) July 8,2014 South Burlington City Council City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 Fellow Councilors: Please accept this application for appointment as the Alternate Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Representative from South Burlington. I have served South Burlington for over 5 years on the Planning Commission,and chaired the Commission during my last year before I became a South Burlington Councilor. I became a City Councilor in 2013 for 3 years. I presently serve as the Council liaison to the South Burlington Form Based Code Committee. I have served the City as a Justice of the Peace/Board of Civil Authority for 6 years and was appointed to that position initially by Gov. Douglas. I began my service to the City on the Natural Resources Committee in 2000 and worked for 5 years with them. At the beginning of the "complete streets" project along Williston Road, I worked with the CCRPC at their Winooski location, participating in those initial meetings. More recently, with CCRPC's ECOS Project/Plan,we have benefited with grant funding to help our work on Form Based Codes,and I have kept current with this initiative. As we begin overdue planning for the Chamberlin neighborhood,we have received additional grant funding from CCRPC to help drive this effort. I believe I have the knowledge and skill set to help represent South Burlington's interests and keep our community goals and objectives on the planning board at CCRPC. My experience with CCRPC leads me to seek the Alternate position in light of my regular employment where CCRPC's meeting schedule for all 19 communities may be inflexible. I am willing and able to make this commitment since I can adjust my work schedule, but it varies from each summer to each new school year. If appointed, I can fulfill all the requirements of the regular representative as needed and would look to be closely involved with our regular representative in staying informed and offering a different perspective. Thank you for your consideration. Best, (-4,r "%di / Chris Shaw 864-1515 • southb Uri n 0 . .. , MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington City Council and City Manager FROM: Jim Barlow, City Attorney SUBJECT: Public Hearing on South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows DATE: July 18, 2014 Background At the May 19, 2014 meeting, the City Council discussed giving the City Manager authority to issue entertainment permits under the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows (the "Entertainment Ordinance"). At its June 16, 2014 meeting, the City Council had its first reading on amendments to the Entertainment Ordinance and passed a motion to hold a public hearing on Monday July 21, 2014, 7 pm, at City Hall. The Ordinance The Entertainment Ordinance requires a license from the City Council for any circus, carnival, menagerie, street show, itinerant show, or for any form of live entertainment or performance open to the public, such as concerts, plays, dances with live music or a disc jockey, dance reviews, clowns, magician, or comedians. The ordinance sets forth certain standards for license approval and authorizes the imposition of conditions to mitigate impacts under these approval standards. Entertainment licenses expire April 30th of each year unless the license has an earlier expiration date or unless the license has been revoked by the City Council after a hearing. The cost of a license is$25.00. Fines for violation of the Entertainment Ordinance range from $50 to$500. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 tel 802.846.4107 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Proposed Amendments Staff proposes the following amendments to the Entertainment Ordinance: • Granting the City Manager authority to grant licenses. See Sections 2(a) and (b), Section 4, and Section 5. • Updating reference to South Burlington Land Development Regulations. See Section 4(a). • Clarifying that a person who violates a condition of an entertainment license will be subject to a penalty. See Section 8. • Increasing the wavier fees and penalties to reflect current statutory maximums for civil ordinance violations. See Sections 8, 9 and 10. • Updating reference to the Vermont Judicial Bureau. See Sections 8 and 11. • Including a standard severability clause. See Section 13. • In order to avoid the existence of multiple amendments to the Entertainment Ordinance, repealing and replacing the existing Entertainment Ordinance in its entirety. Existing licenses granted by the City Council will remain in effect until April 30, 2015 or an earlier expiration date or the license is revoked by the City Council under Section 2(c). See Section 14. Recommendation If the Council wishes to adopt the Entertainment Ordinance amendments, it may do so at this meeting. Should the Council wish to make any additional changes to the Ordinance, it must warn a new hearing. Possible motion: "I move the City Council adopt the proposed amendments to the Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows as presented." 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 tel 802.846.4107 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com SOUTH BURLINGTON ORDINANCE REGARDING LICENSURE AND REGULATION OF CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS AND OTHER SHOWS The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: SECTION 1. Definitions "Show" as used herein shall mean any circus, carnival, menagerie, street show or itinerant show. "Show" shall also mean any form of live entertainment or performance open to the public such as, but not limited to, concerts, plays, dances with live music or a disc jockey, dance reviews, clowns, magicians, or comedians. SECTION 2. Regulation of Shows (a) No show shall be conducted in the City of South Burlington unless a license has been obtained from the City Council Manager, nor shall any show be conducted in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. (b) A license issued under this Ordinance shall be effective on issuance and shall remain in effect until midnight on the next occurring April 30th unless the City Council Manager provides for expiration on an earlier date. A license which expires on April 30 shall remain in effect beyond April 30 if the holder of the license applies for a new license before April 30 and the application for new license is pending before the City Council on April 30. (c) Any license issued under this Ordinance may be revoked by the City Council, for just cause, after notice to the license holder and provision of an opportunity for a hearing before the City Council. SECTION 3. Application for License (a) An application for a license under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be filed with the City Manager at least twenty-one (21) days before the date set for the opening of the show. (b) Such application shall include: (1) The name of the owner and operator. 1 (2) A site plan indicating: location, and distance from the nearest residences, fire hydrants, state and local highways, overhead electrical and telephone wires, entrances and exits to shopping centers and other public places. (3) The intended hours of operation, and the number of days that the show will be conducted. (4) Description of the show, including a list of each item of proposed exhibit or entertainment. (5) Any other information required by the City Council or the City Manager. SECTION 4. Approval Standards Prior to the issuance of any license under this ordinance,the City Council Manager shall determine that the proposed show satisfies the following standards: (a) The proposed show is in conformance with any applicable City ordinances including the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations Land Development Regulations; (b) The proposed show will not result in undue adverse traffic congestion and unsafe conditions regarding the use of public roads. (c) The proposed show will not present or create a threat to the safety of persons or property because of fire, explosion or other hazard. (d) The proposed show will not create unhealthy conditions regarding water supply, sewage disposal or solid waste disposal. (e) The proposed show will not interfere with the use of neighboring property for its customary use by the creation of noise, dust, noxious odors, lighting or other activities which extend beyond the boundary of the activity. (f) The proposed show will not overburden the public infrastructure of the City. Special attention shall be given to the cumulative impacts of other activities which may be occurring at the same time. (g) The proposed show will not have an adverse effect on public health, safety, welfare and convenience of the inhabitants of the City. 2 SECTION 5. Approval Conditions When issuing a license under this ordinance, the City Council Manager may attach such reasonable conditions as they Manager may deem appropriate to mitigate or eliminate any impacts reviewable under the Approval Standards set forth above. Such conditions may include but are not limited to: (a) establishing specific hours for the proposed show;, (b) establishing noise limits; (c) requiring the provision of traffic control personnel at no cost to the City; (d) requiring the provision of crowd control and medical personnel at no cost to the city; (e) requiring the provision of fire fighting equipment and personnel at no cost to the city; (f) requiring the posting of security bonds or escrow accounts to ensure compliance with applicable ordinances and license conditions; (g) requiring that trash and litter on public streets attributable to the proposed activity be collected and removed at no cost to the city; (h) restricting or prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages in connection with any regulated activity; (i) prohibiting the sale of admission or seating tickets in excess of the established capacity of the event area. SECTION 6. License Fee The fee for any license shall be $25.00 which shall be paid at the time of filing the application. SECTION 7. Exemptions 3 Activities conducted by schools licensed by the State Department of Education and/or churches, on school or church grounds, are exempt from the requirement to obtain a license and pay a permit fee. SECTION 8. Enforcement Any person who violates a provision of this civil ordinance or who violates any condition of a license issued hereunder shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to $§800 per day for each day that such violation continues. Police Officers of the City of South Burlington shall be authorized to act as Issuing Municipal Officials to issue and pursue before the Traffic and Municipal Ordinance Judicial Bureau a municipal complaint. SECTION 9. Waiver Fee An Issuing Municipal Official is authorized to recover a waiver fee, in lieu of a civil penalty, in the following amount, for any person who declines to contest a municipal complaint and pays the waiver fee: First offense $50100 Second offense $125250 Third offense $200400 Fourth offense $275550 Fifth and subsequent Offenses $350700 Offenses shall be counted on a calendar year basis. SECTION 10. Civil Penalties An Issuing Municipal.Official is authorized to recover civil penalties in the following amounts for each violation: First offense $4-08160 Second offense $2-90320 Third offense $400480 Fourth offense $480640 Fifth and subsequent Offenses $5.00800 4 Offenses shall be counted on a calendar year basis. SECTION 11. Other Relief In addition to the enforcement procedures available before the Traffic and Municipal Ordinance Judicial Bureau, the City Manager is authorized to commence a civil action to obtain injunctive and other appropriate relief, to request revocation of a license by the City Council,or to pursue any other remedy authorized by law. Section 12. Authority This ordinance is enacted by the City Council to promote the public health, safety and welfare of the City under the authority it is granted to regulate public entertainment activities set forth in 24 V.S.A. Section 2291 and Section 104 of the South Burlington City Charter. This ordinance shall constitute a civil ordinance within the meaning of 24 V.S.A.Chapter 59. Section 13. Severability Any part or provision of this ordinance shall be considered severable and the invalidity of any part or section will not be held to invalidate any other part or provision of the ordinance. Section 14. Repeal of Prior Ordinances, Existing Licenses This ordinance repeals and replaces any prior Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows, and any amendment thereto, in force at the time this ordinance takes effect. However, any existing license issued by the City Council under the Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows repealed hereby,shall remain in force and effect until April 30, 2015, unless the City Council has provided for expiration of the license on an earlier date under Section 2(b) or unless said license is revoked by the City Council under Section 2(c). Adopted at South Burlington, Vermont this day of , 1995 2014, and to be effective upon adoption. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Michael D. Flaherty_Pam Mackenzie, Chair 5 James C. Condos Pat Nowak,Vice Chair William J. Cimonetti Meaghan Emery, Clerk •Robcrt B. Chittendcr.Chris Shaw • Helen Riehle Received and Recorded This day of , 1995 2014. Margaret Picard.Donna Kinville, City Clerk 6 SOUTH BURLINGTON ORDINANCE REGARDING LICENSURE AND REGULATION OF CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS AND OTHER SHOWS The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: SECTION 1. Definitions "Show" as used herein shall mean any circus, carnival, menagerie, street show or itinerant show. "Show" shall also mean any form of live entertainment or performance open to the public such as, but not limited to, concerts, plays, dances with live music or a disc jockey, dance reviews, clowns, magicians, or comedians. SECTION 2. Regulation of Shows (a) No show shall be conducted in the City of South Burlington unless a license has been obtained from the City Manager, nor shall any show be conducted in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. (b) A license issued under this Ordinance shall be effective on issuance and shall remain in effect until midnight on the next occurring April 30th unless the City Manager provides for expiration on an earlier date. A license which expires on April 30 shall remain in effect beyond April 30 if the holder of the license applies for a new license before April 30 and the application for new license is pending before the City Council on April 30. (c) Any license issued under this Ordinance may be revoked by the City Council, for just cause, after notice to the license holder and provision of an opportunity for a hearing before the City Council. SECTION 3. Application for License (a) An application for a license under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be filed with the City Manager at least twenty-one (21) days before the date set for the opening of the show. (b) Such application shall include: (1) The name of the owner and operator. (2) A site plan indicating: location, and distance from the nearest residences, fire hydrants, state and local highways, overhead electrical and telephone wires, entrances and exits to shopping centers and other public places. 1 (3) The intended hours of operation, and the number of days that the show will be conducted. (4) Description of the show, including a list of each item of proposed exhibit or entertainment. (5) Any other information required by the City Council or the City Manager. SECTION 4. Approval Standards Prior to the issuance of any license under this ordinance,the City Manager shall determine that the proposed show satisfies the following standards: (a) The proposed show is in conformance with any applicable City ordinances including the South Burlington Land Development Regulations; (b) The proposed show will not result in undue adverse traffic congestion and unsafe conditions regarding the use of public roads. (c) The proposed show will not present or create a threat to the safety of persons or property because of fire, explosion or other hazard. (d) The proposed show will not create unhealthy conditions regarding water supply, sewage disposal or solid waste disposal. (e) The proposed show will not interfere with the use of neighboring property for its customary use by the creation of noise, dust, noxious odors, lighting or other activities which extend beyond the boundary of the activity. (f) The proposed show will not overburden the public infrastructure of the City. Special attention shall be given to the cumulative impacts of other activities which may be occurring at the same time. (g) The proposed show will not have an adverse effect on public health, safety, welfare and convenience of the inhabitants of the City. 2 SECTION 5. Approval Conditions When issuing a license under this ordinance, the City Manager may attach such reasonable conditions as the Manager may deem appropriate to mitigate or eliminate any impacts reviewable under the Approval Standards set forth above. Such conditions may include but are not limited to: (a) establishing specific hours for the proposed show; (b) establishing noise limits; (c) requiring the provision of traffic control personnel at no cost to the City; (d) requiring the provision of crowd control and medical personnel at no cost to the city; (e) requiring the provision of fire fighting equipment and personnel at no cost to the city; (f) requiring the posting of security bonds or escrow accounts to ensure compliance with applicable ordinances and license conditions; (g) requiring that trash and litter on public streets attributable to the proposed activity be collected and removed at no cost to the city; (h) restricting or prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages in connection with any regulated activity; (i) prohibiting the sale of admission or seating tickets in excess of the established capacity of the event area. SECTION 6. License Fee The fee for any license shall be $25.00 which shall be paid at the time of filing the application. SECTION 7. Exemptions Activities conducted by schools licensed by the State Department of Education and/or churches, on school or church grounds, are exempt from the requirement to obtain a license and pay a permit fee. 3 SECTION 8. Enforcement Any person who violates a provision of this civil ordinance or who violates any condition of a license issued hereunder shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to $800 per day for each day that such violation continues. Police Officers of the City of South Burlington shall be authorized to act as Issuing Municipal Officials to issue and pursue before the Judicial Bureau a municipal complaint. SECTION 9. Waiver Fee An Issuing Municipal Official is authorized to recover a waiver fee, in lieu of a civil penalty, in the following amount, for any person who declines to contest a municipal complaint and pays the waiver fee: First offense $100 Second offense $250 Third offense $400 Fourth offense $550 Fifth and subsequent offenses $700 Offenses shall be counted on a calendar year basis. SECTION 10. Civil Penalties An Issuing Municipal Official is authorized to recover civil penalties in the following amounts for each violation: First offense $160 Second offense $320 Third offense $480 Fourth offense $640 Fifth and subsequent offenses $800 Offenses shall be counted on a calendar year basis. SECTION 11. Other Relief In addition to the enforcement procedures available before the Judicial Bureau, the City Manager is authorized to commence a civil action to obtain injunctive and other appropriate 4 relief, to request revocation of a license by the City Council, or to pursue any other remedy authorized by law. Section 12. Authority This ordinance is enacted by the City Council to promote the public health, safety and welfare of the City under the authority it is granted to regulate public entertainment activities set forth in 24 V.S.A. Section 2291 and Section 104 of the South Burlington City Charter. This ordinance shall constitute a civil ordinance within the meaning of 24 V.S.A. Chapter 59. Section 13. Severability Any part or provision of this ordinance shall be considered severable and the invalidity of any part or section will not be held to invalidate any other part or provision of the ordinance. Section 14. Repeal of Prior Ordinances, Existing Licenses This ordinance repeals and replaces any prior Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows, and any amendment thereto, in force at the time this ordinance takes effect. However, any existing license issued by the City Council under the Ordinance Regarding Licensure and Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows repealed hereby, shall remain in force and effect until April 30, 2015, unless the City Council has provided for expiration of the license on an earlier date under Section 2(b) or unless said license is revoked by the City Council under Section 2(c). Adopted at South Burlington, Vermont this day of , 2014, and to be effective upon adoption. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Pam Mackenzie, Chair Chris Shaw Pat Nowak, Vice Chair Helen Riehle Received and recorded this this day of , 2014. Meaghan Emery, Clerk Donna Kinville, City Clerk 5 4 o City of South Tinton 0* City Clerk's Office °o; Donna Kinville, City Clerk July 21, 2014 The following catering permits were approved by the South Burlington Liquor Control Board after review by the city fire, police, zoning and health departments. Name Description McKee's Pub & Grill wedding 8/8/14 & 8/9/14 Monkey Hospitality LLC cocktail party 8/1/14 Pam Mackenzie Chair Pat Nowak Vice Chair Chris Shaw Meaghan Emery Helen Riehle 575 Dorset Street South Burlington;VT 05403 802-846-4105 dkinville©sburl.com • K � Cl y .of South Burlington ._• _ ... � �. , City Clgrk's Office }fr,�`-� :air : Donna Kinville,City Clerk . '.;. - S -4. - 1 SPECIAL EVENT(ENTERTAINMENT)OR CATERING PERMI "-__ t- - .. C C(*e)(%, . FULL NAME OF PERSON,PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION: ' • } '� LA) )11 r CONTACT PHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL: - • • . ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE: . • • POLICE APPROVED: • DATE: FIRE APPROVED: ' e _ K [ � :ZONING.APPROVED: t�'. DATI rl�ia••••••//// k RECREATION APPROVED: DATE: HIGHWAY/HEALTH DEPT APPROVED: 07 J DATE: CITY COUNCIL DATE:_ • DATE SENT TO MOIVTPELIER: • - _ 3k . • 6111‘'' 11/ '/ Request to Cater Malt,Vinous and/or Spirituous Liquors $20.00 Fee(must be included) i e ` Licensee Corporation Name: Pl, Gr K< _ 4-4 r; 3 Doing Business as: , CR. -\5 ?G4,,_,) % )( r Street: 19 ' 53 /l ))e, Town/City [ , <- c•-;5 k.c. Contact Name&Phone: Gd,.z., :',e ,, !lam Gk 2 !G 5.j C70 cf Email or Fay y'n G k �‹.-5 f ii Jo 5 t t ,r]. G 0''y1 BE SURE TO READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW,BEFORE COMPL NG APPLICATION 1) De 'be type of party to be catered:j4j d / (/l� 1`1( r./F/T- f CZ,r • ` t J 2) Location of catered party i' D err.,-d- � d c.er k�`)J e.),:t --,-, V1 05 0 3 7 3) Date of catered party: 4) Hours of o.-•.-I+n from beginning to end: -/ i -oop 'qql y 5) Appro- tt of.:44ex d: ( 0 Signed-�'_ Date: 7/3i(4( , GGL Each catered event must have approval from the Town/City before submitting this application to Liquor Control. Towns Recommendation(please circle one) Approved Disapproved 'own/City Clerks Signature(Catered location) Town/City Date SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION TO DI.0 AT LEAST 5 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT DIRECTIONS: 1) Submit to Town/City clerk for approval(Town/City Clerk will send to DLC). 2) Follow all liquor control laws and regulations(what applies to a first or first and third class license also applies to the caterer's license). 3) Must have a defined area for serving and consumption of alcohol with designated barriers. 4) Must have separate toilet and lavatory facilities available for both men and woman. 5) Provide sufficient number of employees for control purposes. l00l100 d LELO» CO:CO 0l0Z/EZ/Ca Laura From: ray Sent: Tuesday,July 15, 2014 11:54 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: cater permit No zoning issues. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records:let,all e-mail,e-mail attllchrazents as well(IN paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business.concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to he regarded as public records which may he inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by lin. If you have received this message in error,please iwtlfj%us immediately by return email. Tlranli you for your cooperation. From: Laura Sent:Tuesday,July 15,2014 11:54 AM To: ray;Trevor Whipple; Doug Brent;Terry Francis;Justin Rabidoux Subject:cater permit McKee's Enterprises Thanks- Laura psi Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkintbal@sburl,com. Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Tuesday,July 15, 2014 2:12 PM To: Laura Subject: Re:cater permit Ok with me On Jul 15, 2014, at 11:53 AM, "Laura"<aur_, sburLcom>wrote: McKee's Enterprises Thanks- Laura <image002.jpg> Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 ball@sburi.co Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. <20140715114245417.pdf> 1 JLadd From: Doug Brent Sent: Friday,July 18, 2014 8:47 AM To: JLadd Subject: Re:agenda items 7/21/2014 It is ok per me for fire dept. Doug Brent Fire Chief Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2014,at 7:49 AM, "JLadd" <iladd@a sburl.com>wrote: Yes cTI ankru 49anlce add City of South Burlington HR Director/Office Manager/Assist. City Treasurer 802-846-4118 Notice- Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notifj'us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Doug Brent Sent:Thursday,July 17, 2014 5:24 PM To: JLadd Subject: Re: agenda items 7/21/2014 Is that k of c? Sent from my iPhone On Jul 17, 2014,at 12:47 PM, "JLadd" <jladdPsburl.com>wrote: It's a special event and catering permit for a rehearsal dinner and wedding on August 8 &9 at 17 Beard Dr for 140 people attending. v'hanksou Jlanice crack/ City of South Burlington HR Director/Office Manager/Assist. City Treasurer 802-846-4118 1 • Notice- Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. ................................ From: Doug Brent Sent: Thursday,July 17, 2014 12:36 PM To: JLadd Subject: Re: agenda items 7/21/2014 Janice-what is the address of this I signed everything Laura had on Monday(she said) Doug Sent from my iPhone On Jul 17,2014,at 12:21 PM, "JLadd"<j!add@sburl.com>wrote: After reviewing these I see the following.. 1. McKee's Pub&Grill is pending Fire Dept approval & Police Dept approval. Let me know if these change before Monday meetings. Thanks! Jim nk ru ,la►zlce cfadd City of South Burlington HR Director/Office Manager/Assist. City Treasurer 802-846-4118 Notice- Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Laura Sent:Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:08 AM 2 JLadd From: Trevor Whipple <twhipple@sbpdvt.org> Sent: Friday,July 18,2014 9:10 AM To: JLadd Subject: Re:McKee catering permit/event No concerns. Approved. >On Jul 18, 2014,at 8:58 AM, "Ladd"<jladd@sburl.com>wrote: >Hi Trevor, >Could you please look over the Catering permit/event for Mckee's and let me know if you approve it or not so I can have it go through the Council meeting on Monday night not pending your approval? >Thanks! >Thank you >Janice Ladd >City of South Burlington >HR Director/Office Manager/Assist.City Treasurer >802-846-4118 >Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. > From: Laura >Sent:Thursday,July 17,2014 11:08 AM >To:Ladd;Trevor Whipple >Cc: Kevin Dorn t _ City ©f South Burlington O�_ON Cit Clerk's Office yF -4- Y °TE FD Donna Kinville, City Clerk SPECIAL EVENT(ENTERTAINMENT) OR CATERING PERMIT FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION: - 111D2114A - 414011� CONTACT PHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL: ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE: KG?/ POLICE APPROVED: DATE: I 4.. FIRE APPROVED: v7 DATE: • ZONING APPROVED: DATE: /2-1 RECREATION APPROVED: DATE: HIGHWAY/HEALTH DEPT APPROVED: C;?. DATE: "7- / CITY COUNCIL DATE: (4U) e:RI f DATE SENT TO MONTPELIER: Request to Cater Malt,Vinous and/or Spirituous Liquors. $20.00 Fee(must be included) Licensee Corporation Name: 4 O V&1 IACS -c.V+ L L L (,It o-OO'I-c't -01 Doing Business as: M DY• vl .r 3-4,— . Street: 30 ,�,ti,. , ..,ak' Town/City Vmac—y$.8:_.‘ Contact Name&Phone: I-.1_601,, Wj,+ „ zoo 233 `J'22 Email or Fax: )v s A kotav' ry i c--e. V+-Q.-4 PAv k(, ""- BE SURE TO READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW,BEFORE COMPLETING APPLICATION e-e1) Describe type of party to be catered: `o 4-y 2) Location of catered party 1 ?1 i tn+k.A.c.s' 'Or Si 'L J 1 ✓1 V 3) Date of catered party: /I /I 4 V 4) Hours of operation from beginning to end: Lib,..,, — 12_4e^ 5) Approximate#of persons � expected: . Signed:, ( `' Date: 12 1i" 4. Each catered event must have approval from the Town/City before submitting this application to Liquor Control. Towns Recommendation(please circle one) Approved Disapproved Town/City Clerks Signature(Catered location) Town/City Date SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION TO DLC AT LEAST 5 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT DIRECTIONS: 1) Submit to Town/City clerk for approval(Town/City Clerk will send to DLC). 2) Follow all liquor control laws and regulations(what applies to a first or first and third class license also applies to the caterer's license). 3) Must have a defined area for serving and consumption of alcohol with designated barriers. 4) Must have separate toilet and lavatory facilities available for both men and woman. 5) Provide sufficient number of employees for control purposes. Laura From: Trevor Whipple <twhipple@sbpdvt.org> Sent: Thursday,July 03, 2014 10:37 AM To: Laura Subject RE: Catering permit Approved Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police,City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington,VT 05403-6047 802-846-4155 twhipple(ivsbpdvt.org Notice-Under Vermonts Pubic,Records Act,all e-mail,e ma i attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon on request,unless otherwise made confidential by law,it you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. From: Laura [mailto:laura@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 10:05 AM To:Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Catering permit Attached find permit for cocktail party 8/1/2014 by Monkey Hospitality. Thanks- Laura q mga ear°�r" Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lirnl alIgsburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in mailers concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return emaiL Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: ray Sent: Thursday,July 03, 2014 10:12 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Catering permit No zoning issues. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice- Under I'ertnont's Public Records.lot,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in mailers concerning Cite business.concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City, business are lady to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law. If:L`ou have received this message in error,please notify us irttnae£liutely°in return email Thank,voti,/or your cooperation. From: Laura Sent:Thursday,July 03,2014 10:05 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject:Catering permit Attached find permit for cocktail party 8/1/2014 by Monkey Hospitality. Thanks- Laura 04- Sff Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 kiball 'sburl.com. Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Ad,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Thursday,July 03, 2014 10:10 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Catering permit OK with me From: Laura Sent:Thursday,July 03, 2014 10:05 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject:Catering permit Attached find permit for cocktail party 8/1/2014 by Monkey Hospitality. Thanks- Laura S Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@shurl.com, Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return emaiL Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Terry Francis Sent: Monday,July 07, 2014 12:19 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Catering permit Ok from FMO From: Laura Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 10:05 AM To: Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Catering permit Attached find permit for cocktail party 8/1/2014 by Monkey Hospitality. Thanks- Laura Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.c€ern Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1