HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - City Council - 04/07/2014 attool southburlington VERMONT AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Executive Session 6:30 P.M. Monday, April 7, 2014 Consider entering executive session to discuss legal issues relating to Burlington International Airport. Regular Session 7:00P.M. Monday, April 7, 2014 1. Recognition of former Councilor Rosanne Greco (Council) (7:00—7:10 PM) 2. Top Dog and First Feline contest winners are drawn and announced. (Donna Kinville, City Clerk) (7:10—7:15 PM) 3. Tour of Recreation & Parks new office & program space (Todd Goodwin) (7:15—7:30 PM) 4. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items. (7:30—7:32 PM) 5. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. (7:32—7:42 PM) 6. Announcements and City Manager's Report. (7:42—7:52 PM) 7. ***Financial Review—February (Tom Hubbard) (7:52 —7:57 PM) 8. Consent Agenda: (7:57—8:00 PM) A. *** Sign Disbursements B. ***Approve Minutes for March 17, 2014 C. *** Special event/Entertainment applications: Concentra Medical Center, Magic Hat Franny O's, Sheraton, Venue, Higher Ground D. ***Resolution Authorizing Lease Offer of 19 Gregory Drive to the GSA 9. ***Update and report from Recreation & Parks Director(Todd Goodwin) (8:00—8:30 PM) 10. ***Consider request by Burlington Electric Department to waive 45 day notice period for proposed 500 kw solar array at BTV. (Kevin Dorn) (8:30—8:35 PM) 11. Laying out westerly extension of Holmes Road right-of-way across State of Vermont/Vermont Railway railroad right-of-way. (Kevin Dorn) (8:35—8:40 PM) 12. Discussion regarding issuing public debt to pay for paving (Justin Rabidoux) (8:40—9:00 PM) 13. ***Appoint Auditor of Accounts (9:00—9:05 PM) 14. ***Convene as the Liquor Control Board to approve the following Liquor Licenses: Pauline's Café, Jolley#146,Silver Palace, Zachary's Pizza,Champlain Farms,Chipotle Mexican,Gonzo's,Healthy Living,Higher Ground,Olive Garden,Pour House,Walgreen #11526,Windjammer (9:05—9:10 PM) 15. Other Business: (9:10—9:12 PM) A. Items held from the Consent Agenda B. Bike Rack—items Council may wish to place on a future agenda: i. Policy regarding landscaping City-owned land and Request from Hadley Road. 16. Adjourn (9:12 PM) Respectfully Submitted: KewLw Darn/ Kevin Dorn, City Manager ***Attachments Included South Burlington City Council Meeting Participation Guidelines City Council meetings are the only time we have to discuss and decide on City matters. We want to be as open and informal as possible; but Council meetings are not town meetings. In an effort to conduct orderly and efficient meetings, we kindly request your cooperation and compliance with the following guidelines. 1. Please be respectful of each other(Council members, staff, and the public). 2. Please raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. Once recognized please state your name and address. 3. Please address the Chair and not other members of the public, staff, or presenters. 4. Please abide by any time limits that have been set. Time limits will be used to insure everyone is heard and there is sufficient time for the Council to conduct all the business on the agenda. 5. The Chair will make a reasonable effort to allow everyone to speak once before speakers address the Council a second time. 6. The Chair may ask that discussion be limited to the Councilors once the public input has been heard. 7. Please do not interrupt when others are speaking. 8. Please do not repeat the points made by others, except to briefly say whether you agree or disagree with others views. 9. Please use the outside hallway for side conversations. It is difficult to hear speaker remarks when there are other conversations occurring. Public Sign- In April 7, 2014 Please Print Name' Name j. � Name 1 _iL e 18 35 2 i� ��� -_- 19 36 3 bJi)& G2ECG' 20 37 38 5 22 39 6 'L 23 40 7.____G-__________ °�' � 24 41 8 25 42 9 26 43 10 27 44 11 28 45 12 29 46 13 30 47 L4 31 48 5 32 49 6 33 50 „tz tt, COI March 19,2014 City of South Burlington City Council do Kevin Dorn,City Manager City Hall 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 Re: Burlin on Electric De artilleries Petition for Certificate of Public Good in accordance aith 30 VS.A. 248 and Vermont Public Service Board Rules 45-Doc Notice for Pro sod 500 kVI Solar Arno to be located at Borth) ton International Ai rt South Bodin ton. vr, Dear Mr, Darn, L Introduction and Back round The purpose of this letter is to notify you, in accordance with Section 248 of Title 30, Vermont Statutes Annotated (-Section 248') and Vermont Public Service Board Rule 5.400, that Burlington Electric Depanment ("BED.)plans to file a Petition for a Certificate of Public Good with the Vermont Public Service Board ("Board” or "PSB") requesting approval to build and operate a 500 kW solar electric generation facility on the existing roof of the parking garage owned by the Burlington International Airport (the "Airport")and located at 1200 Airport Drive, South Burlington, Vermont (the "Project.). Encore Redevelopment, LLC, of Burlington, Vermont, is assisting BED with the Section 248 tiling, Development of the proposed solar Project is part of BEM goal of securing a greater amount of locally generated solar PV electricity to address the utility's exposure to transmission costs and summer peak electrical demand. Pursuant to PSB Rule 5.402(A),the following letter includes information sufficient to understand the overall Project and its impacts and benefits, This letter also describes the rights of the local and regional planning commissions and the municipal legislative body to comment on the Project plans and panicipate in the PSE Section 248 process. H. 30 V.S.A.Section 248 Petition and Notice The state permitting process requires BED to provide notice to the municipal and regional planning commissions and municipal legislative body in the affected area at least 45 days prior to a formal filing with the PSB, For additional information regarding the PSB process, including your right to participate in the proceeding, please refer to the -Guide to the Vermont Public Service Board's Section 248 Process" which can be found at http://psb.vertriontgovMnder the link "For Consumers and the Public:* You will receive a copy of BED:s petition when it is filed with the PSB, Under Section 248(f), municipal and regional planning commissions can provide their recommendations to the petitioner (in this case BED) and to the PSB. Such commissions shall make recommendations, if any, to the PSB and to the petitioner at least 7 days prior to filing of the petition with the PSB. Please note that the South Burlington Planning Commission and Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission may make revised recommendations to the PSB within 45 days after the petition is filed if the petition contains new or more detailed information that was not previously included in the petitioner's filing with the municipal and regional planning commissions in the 45 day notice. Recommendations made to the Board under Section 248(f)do not preclude the municipal and regional planning commissions from presenting evidence during technical hearings if granted party status. The expected date for filing the petition is April 18,2014. III. Waiver Rearrest At this time, BED respectfully requests that your governmental body waive this 45-Day notice period, based on the limited environmental and aesthetic impacts and significant community and economic benefits associated with the Project. BED would like to advise you that, under PSB 5.402(A), you may waive the right to the 45-Day notice period and thereby allow for a more timely filing of the final Petition with the PSB regarding Project installation and operation. Should your governmental body grant the 45-Day waiver, it will still have the right to comment on the Petition to the PSB or BED with recommendations on the Project. Therefore, BED's request is simply asking to speed up the process, and thereby improve efficiency, by eliminating the 45-Day waiting period. Should your municipal or regional governmental body wish to waive this 45-Day notice requirement,please sign the attached waiver form,Exhibit 2,and mail 2 copies in the enclosed envelopes to: Encore Redevelopment,LLC Attn: Chad Farrell 110 Main Street Burlington,VT 05401 IV. Project Description BED proposes to locate the Project on the rooftop of the Airport parking garage,situated between Airport Drive and the Airport Terminal as shown in the preliminary site plan below(Exhibit l). The site currently exists as a vacant,flat,concrete rooftop. Preliminarily,the Project will include: 1) Approximately 1,800 solar panels installed on of fixed,roof-mounted racking systems; 2) One new inverter and replacement of one existing transformer;and 3) Auxiliary equipment associated with interconnection of the system into BED's 3-phase service currently serving the Airport. The Project will connect into BED's distribution network with all electricity generated by the array anticipated to be used within BED's service territory. BED proposes to slope the non-reflective panels at approximately 10 degrees on non-penetrating, ballasted racking with a height of less than six (6) inches on the low side to around twelve (12) inches on the high side, and group the array in rows running east west, with panels facing south. BED proposes to stage the inverter adjacent to a cellular communications building in the center of the roof area. The Airport parking garage currently has no higher and better use, as this section of the garage roof was designed specifically for installation of a solar array. The benefit of using this space to host the solar array includes its minimal potential for aesthetic and environmental impacts given that BED plans to locate the array on an existing structure. V. Aesthetic Impacts As noted above, BED proposes to locate the Project on the existing rooftop of the Airport's parking garage. The array will be located entirely within the boundaries of the existing structure. Visibility will be limited to the panels and racking visible on the edge of the rooftop, if at all. The aesthetic impact will be de minimus given the present activity of the Airport and the existing Airport infrastructure. BED will engage a qualified aesthetic consultant to perform an aesthetic impact analysis and provide testimony to support the Section 248 CPG application. However, it is considered highly unlikely that the Project will result in any undue adverse aesthetic impacts. VI, Construction &Transportation BED proposes to deliver materials to the rooftop Project site via a crane, which will be located in a construction staging area in the paved parking lot near the northwestern corner of the parking garage, without the need for any new roads. Most all transportation activity would occur during the construction phase, which would involve light activity that would last approximately two (2) months. BED proposes to deliver Project components by truck to the site via Airport Drive (and other state and local roads). BED does not expect the deliveries to require oversized or overweight special permits, with the exception of the crane. Once operational, activity will consist of periodic visits for system maintenance. Access to and from the Site would be restricted by an existing rail system surrounding the roof deck. VII, Non-Transmission Alternatives BED needs this Project because it will allow lower exposure to peak transmission costs as well as allow procurement of more distributed generation from renewable resources. BED's analysis of the Project need demonstrated that investing in local,renewable energy would best meet these goals compared with investing in additional transmission,energy efficiency,or demand side management. BED has incorporated significant energy efficiency planning and demand side management strategies into its power portfolio. This Project presents an opportunity to secure a long-term stable price of power that also mitigates the utility's exposure to peak summer spot market prices and lowers transmission costs,all to the benefit of the BED ratepayers. BED's 2012 Integrated Resource Plan identified that obtaining an additional 5MW of solar power within BED's service territory would help to minimize capacity and transmission cost. In furtherance of this goal.BED issued a Request for Proposals to locate solar arrays on various municipal properties within BED's territory. This project is part that effort. V III. Conclusion The Project's long-term benefits are anticipated to outweigh the temporary impacts due to construction. BED looks forward to submitting the full Section 248 filing package, which will contain all of the information required for the PSB and others to evaluate the merits of the Project for potential award of a Certificate of Public Good. Sincerely, 1/401.1,-Z A 4164r— Chad Farrell,Principal Ken Nolan, Manager of Power Resources Encore Redevelopment,LLC Burlington Electric Department CC: Chittenden County Planning Commission do Regina Mahoney 110 West Canal Street, Suite 202 Winooski, Vermont 054t 4-2109 City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning c/o Paul Conner City Hall 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 Department of Public Service Commissioner Christopher Recchia 112 State Street-Third Floor Montpelier,VT 05620-2601 Planning Center, Agency of Natural Resources Atm: Billy Coster Center Building—Third Floor 103 South Main Street Waterbury,VT 0567 1-030 1 Vermont Public Service Board 112 State Street Montpelier,VT 05620-2701 EXHIBIT 1: Preliminary Site Plan (Please see next page) so. _ yOAn- r v ? 4 C"Qy= a�9T rz gam, 3}}3! z _ 4 Lit ^Z T Y i az %sC^; 6 i _ v - • i4i.i.)r114 IJ1i014.111 ili:li111111 .�0,11 1 ier11114/WI - r W irldE�C r-r: i wuwr�errrslr+al�iarru,wnriiiiniMi j Iwli� �n•r i.ir.r r ua r l rime*ni iiriiiiitlilliii i 111/11.111l � uri �ilMi 1111iwiwrirnriinip ' 010+Wii 0IJiIf,'ri 1 i1�11 `IvI lIsui.INirrilFIsN, uia, 'li;WWrr1- • r iOA. 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BTV SOLAR PROJECT is- 2 s 'f :; 1��#' 50D KWAC PV PROJECT jl e s PI t "6 P_. 12OOAIRPORT DRIVE A i6I- SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT 0503 "r I g — 1 EXHIBIT 2: 45-Dav Notice Waiver (Please see next page) Date: Chad Farrell Encore Redevelopment LI..C. 110 Main Street Burlington,VT 05401 Re: Proposed S00 kW Rooftop Solar Array at Burlington International Airport, South Burlington. VT Dear Mr. Farrell, The hereby confirms receipt of Burlington Electric Department's 45-Day Notice Letter and Request for Waiver of such applicable 45-Day waiting period, with respect to the installation and operation of a 500 kW solar Burlington International Airport parking garage. The project on top of the has en informed on all relevant and current impacts and specifications regarding the project, which is to be located on the top floor of the northwest section of the Burlington International Airport parking garage,and hereh waives the 45-Da Notice rind aired under 30 V.S.A. 248 . This waiver of the 45-Day Notice period in no way relinquishes any right to participate in later Section 248 proceedings.As such,the provide die Board with recommendations,comments,and other applicable info r its right to project or Section 248 petition,or to otherwiseration on the participate proceedings before the Public Service Board. in such relevant Section 248 Sincerely, Signature: Name: Title: Date: cc: 1 Councilors: Please find attached the financials for the month of February, we'll have the March financials for the April 215Y meeting which will bring us up to date. The March financials will include the quarterly narratives from departments. Helen and I had a conversation after the last meeting about providing some type of summary that presents more of an overview, along with the exp. & rev. reports which are a bit more tedious to sort through. With that, we've prepared an additional sheet as part of each report to help simplify this. Essentially, we can create just about any excel spreadsheet, but want it to be meaningful for you. We'll look for your thoughts on this at the meeting on Monday. Additionally, in talking with Pam and Kevin, I'll present a brief overview as part of the agenda when financials are submitted to highlight the major points, and will plan to do that at the next meeting. At this point we're 8 months into the budget which is 66%of the way through the year, and revenues are right on track, and expenditures slightly lower, at about 60%. So overall,things are in good shape at this point, in spite of a tough winter with overspending in overtime, salt, and fuel costs. The over expenditure in the Council items reflects the contractual obligations for payout to the former manager, which completed at the end of February. If there's anything specific you'd like more information on regarding the February financials, please let me know before noon on Monday. Going forward, we'll provide the reports with more lead time for your review. Best, Tom Thomas Hubbard Deputy City Manager City Treasurer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset St, South Burlington, VT 05403 (P) 802-846-4107 — (F) 802-846-4101 f south!)-::4 i oft Stay Connected with Us! www.sburl.com Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Total CITY COUNCIL $177,050.00 $215,328.40 121.62% ($38,278.40) $35.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE $3,740,890.00 $1,685,449.08 45.05% $2,055,440.92 $171,367.95 Total CITY MANAGER $526,609.00 $309,483.43 58.77% $217,125.57 $52,702.42 Total LEGAL,ACCOUNTING,ACTUARY $310,500.00 $176,433.46 56.82% $134,066.54 $27,695.35 Total ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $957,990.00 $398,765.62 41.63% $559,224.38 $55,519.26 Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $181,000.00 $71,382.73 39.44% $109,617.27 $25,708.15 Total CITY CLERK $196,916.00 $128,390.10 65.20% $68,525.90 $17,495.16 Total GENERAL LEDGER/PAYROLL $71,502.00 $52,519.18 73.45% $18,982.82 $7,103.57 Total ASSESSING/TAX $128,075.00 $92,537.76 72.25% $35,537.24 $10,273.82 Total PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW $318,427.00 $184,016.96 57.79% $134,410.04 $29,957.08 Total NATURAL RESOURCES $2,900.00 $586.27 20.22% $2,313.73 $415.98 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $543,700.00 $543,700.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP. $7,155,559.00 $3,858,592.99 53.92% $3,296,966.01 $398,273.74 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $2,152,702.00 $1,695,970.33 78.78% $456,731.67 $174,508.09 Total AMBULANCE $855,228.00 $445,423.28 52.08% $409,804.72 $69,038.68 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $4,116,532.00 $2,671,182.89 64.89% $1,445,349.11 $309,251.20 Total PUBLIC SAFETY $7,124,462.00 $4,812,576.50 67.55% $2,311,885.50 $552,797.97 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $1,388,000.00 $357,800.00 25.78% $1,030,200.00 $335,000.00 Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $2,356,605.00 $1,876,596.95 79.63% $480,008.05 $204,471.77 Total RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $241,698.00 $137,079.75 56.72% $104,618.25 $17,507.25 Total PROGRAMS $16,857.00 $8,229.50 48.82% $8,627.50 $1,364.14 Total RED ROCKS PARK $15,800.00 $8,832.11 55.90% $6,967.89 $21.92 Total FACILITIES $147,148.00 $79,612.67 54.10% $67,535.33 $1,291.45 Total LEISURE ARTS $16,159.00 $5,550.10 34.35% $10,608.90 $67.10 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $114,136.00 $109,594.59 96.02% $4,541.41 $32,190.83 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $432,645.00 $238,675.55 55.17% $193,969.45 $31,186.63 Total CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE $199,431.00 $116,828.33 58.58% $82,602.67 $15,923.19 Total CULTURE AND RECREATION $1,183,874.00 $704,402.60 59.50% $479,471.40 $99,552.51 Total OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES $642,525.00 $499,927.34 77.81% $142,597.66 $0.00 Total CURRENT PRINCIPAL,BONDS $966,512.00 $703,589.00 72.80% $262,923.00 $0.00 Total CURRENT INTEREST,BONDS $751,768.00 $187,233.10 24.91% $564,534.90 $0.00 Telephone $21,569,305.00 $13,000,718.48 60.27% $8,568,586.52 $1,590,095.99 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February CITY COUNCIL General Expenses $2,743.00 $4,141.79 150.99% ($1,398.79) $0.00 Interim Zoning $95,230.00 $46,867.61 49.22% $48,362.39 $35.00 Contractual Expenses $0.00 $89,242.00 100.00% ($89,242.00) $0.00 G.B.I.C. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 V.L.C.T. $19,037.00 $19,037.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Chamber of Commerce $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 Social Services $36,300.00 $36,300.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 CCTV-Clickable Meetings $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Councilors $5,480.00 $5,480.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Liquor Control $300.00 $300.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Front Page Forum $3,960.00 $3,960.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total CITY COUNCIL $177,050.00 $215,328.40 121.62% ($38,278.40) $35.00 ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE Payment to Sickbank Fund $200,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $200,000.00 $0.00 Fringe Benefits $33,000.00 $6,314.84 19.14% $26,685.16 $446.77 FICA/Medicare $12,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $12,000.00 $0.00 Non-Taxable Fringe Benefi $10,000.00 $80.00 0.80% $9,920.00 $0.00 Vision Plan $12,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $12,000.00 $0.00 Vision Plan Sick Bank $350.00 $0.00 0.00% $350.00 $0.00 Short Term Disability Pla $19,000.00 $11,157.32 58.72% $7,842.68 $2,486.21 Long Term Disability $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 Group Health Insurance $1,420,000.00 $812,160.53 57.19% $607,839.47 $131,361.63 Health Sick Bank $70,000.00 $40,111.87 57.30% $29,888.13 $6,066.18 Group Life Insurance $17,000.00 $21,047.29 123.81% ($4,047.29) $4,949.01 Group Dental Insurance $120,000.00 $85,511.32 71.26% $34,488.68 $18,762.74 Dental Sick Bank $6,000.00 $2,872.60 47.88% $3,127.40 $615.84 Pension $822,000.00 $16,912.16 2.06% $805,087.84 $0.00 ICMA Match $80,000.00 $36,595.93 45.74% $43,404.07 $5,045.85 Workers Comp Insurance $448,470.00 $312,916.99 69.77% $135,553.01 $0.00 Property Insurance $408,950.00 $296,966.25 72.62% $111,983.75 $40.00 VLCT Unemployment Insuran $15,000.00 $9,547.89 63.65% $5,452.11 $0.00 Deductibles/Coinsurance $10,000.00 $10,134.65 101.35% ($134.65) $1,593.72 Employee Payouts $17,120.00 $23,119.44 135.04% ($5,999.44) $0.00 COBRA $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE $3,740,890.00 $1,685,449.08 45.05% $2,055,440.92 $171,367.95 CITY MANAGER City Mgr.Salaries-Perm. $430,284.00 $256,193.75 59.54% $174,090.25 $36,873.61 City Mgr.Salaries-Other $2,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,500.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $34,200.00 $26,041.92 76.15% $8,158.08 $5,201.60 Office Supplies $4,000.00 $2,293.29 57.33% $1,706.71 $289.55 Advertising $8,000.00 $7,067.10 88.34% $932.90 $374.00 Telephone $3,625.00 $5,785.49 159.60% ($2,160.49) $2,190.59 Postage $3,500.00 $3,039.56 86.84% $460.44 $2,639.56 Dues and Subscriptions $3,500.00 $2,128.02 60.80% $1,371.98 $445.00 Printing $8,000.00 $4,869.80 60.87% $3,130.20 $4,098.50 Consulting Fees $2,000.00 $238.81 11.94% $1,761.19 $238.81 Travel&Training $15,000.00 $1,825.69 12.17% $13,174.31 $351.20 Harvard Kennedy School $12,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $12,000.00 $0.00 Page 1of11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Total CITY MANAGER $526,609.00 $309,483.43 58.77% $217,125.57 $52,702.42 LEGAL,ACCOUNTING,ACTUARY Hiring-required testing $1,000.00 ($63.00) -6.30% $1,063.00 $0.00 Payroll Processing Fees $10,500.00 $8,550.43 81.43% $1,949.57 $1,944.72 Appeals/Abatements $7,000.00 $35,298.36 504.26% ($28,298.36) $3,985.00 Gen Govt.Actuaries/Pensi $95,000.00 $13,226.00 13.92% $81,774.00 $13,191.00 Gen Govt.Audit/Accountin $22,500.00 $18,200.00 80.89% $4,300.00 $400.00 Background Checks $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Legal/Labor/Suits $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 ($54.70) Legal Costs $171,500.00 $101,221.67 59.02% $70,278.33 $8,229.33 Total LEGAL,ACCOUNTING,ACTUAR' $310,500.00 $176,433.46 56.82% $134,066.54 $27,695.35 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Muni Bld Cleaning Supplie $1,750.00 $706.04 40.35% $1,043.96 $406.57 Natural Gas Car-Parts $100.00 $64.71 64.71% $35.29 $0.00 2nd Floor Copier $8,000.00 $3,784.57 47.31% $4,215.43 $1,292.08 Muni Bld Cleaning Service $15,000.00 $14,678.67 97.86% $321.33 $6,433.35 City Hall Maintenance $60,000.00 $42,601.54 71.00% $17,398.46 $12,238.03 Contingency Fund-Infrastr $200,000.00 $32,300.19 16.15% $167,699.81 $2,768.00 Energy Efficiency $36,000.00 $9,389.00 26.08% $26,611.00 $0.00 Facilty Signage $18,000.00 $5,145.67 28.59% $12,854.33 $736.45 Facilities Assessment $40,000.00 $6,907.60 17.27% $33,092.40 $0.00 Positive Pay Fee $1,440.00 $498.83 34.64% $941.17 $498.83 Training Fees-Boards $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Electricity-City Hall $43,000.00 $15,298.63 35.58% $27,701.37 $101.45 Utilities-City Hall $21,000.00 $14,349.79 68.33% $6,650.21 $8,257.68 Utilities-Wheeler Park $0.00 $3,127.60 100.00% ($3,127.60) $1,006.93 Street Lights $170,000.00 $87,509.18 51.48% $82,490.82 $14,259.04 Stormwater User Rent $287,000.00 $147,311.01 51.33% $139,688.99 $6,029.10 Urban Art Project Park $3,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,500.00 $0.00 Health Officer Reimbursem $100.00 $0.00 0.00% $100.00 $0.00 Emergency Mgmt Center $8,000.00 $1,431.00 17.89% $6,569.00 $284.00 Generator Prevent Maint. $1,100.00 $525.00 47.73% $575.00 $0.00 Council/Board Secretary $8,000.00 $7,753.67 96.92% $246.33 $1,207.75 Possible Additional Staff $35,000.00 $5,382.92 15.38% $29,617.08 $0.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $957,990.00 $398,765.62 41.63% $559,224.38 $55,519.26 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IT Staff $80,000.00 $9,816.01 12.27% $70,183.99 $3,272.00 IT-Overtime $0.00 $46.01 100.00% ($46.01) $0.00 FICA/Medicare $0.00 $961.71 100.00% ($961.71) $472.88 Health Insurance $0.00 $4,505.98 100.00% ($4,505.98) $4,505.98 Computer Software $25,000.00 $17,781.23 71.12% $7,218.77 $3,224.72 Assess digital integratio $20,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $20,000.00 $0.00 Computer Hardware $41,000.00 $32,229.13 78.61% $8,770.87 $14,232.57 IT Service $15,000.00 $6,042.66 40.28% $8,957.34 $0.00 Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $181,000.00 $71,382.73 39.44% $109,617.27 $25,708.15 CITY CLERK City Clerk Salaries-Perm. $149,605.00 $106,772.99 71.37% $42,832.01 $12,545.62 Leave Time Turn-In $3,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,500.00 $0.00 Page 2 of 11 i Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Overtime $1,000.00 $478.44 47.84% $521.56 $37.01 FICA/Medicare $12,500.00 $10,861.20 86.89% $1,638.80 $1,911.33 General Supplies $2,500.00 $1,401.17 56.05% $1,098.83 $104.32 Animal Control $6,400.00 $2,033.69 31.78% $4,366.31 $618.40 Election Expenses $3,200.00 $1,214.21 37.94% $1,985.79 $1,114.57 School Election Expenses $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Telephone $650.00 $200.72 30.88% $449.28 $24.97 Postage $2,300.00 ($2.28) -0.10% $2,302.28 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $300.00 $125.00 41.67% $175.00 $0.00 Printing $375.00 $0.00 0.00% $375.00 $0.00 Board of Civil Authority $1,045.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,045.00 $0.00 Election Workers $1,200.00 $600.00 50.00% $600.00 $600.00 BCA Appeals/Abatements $1,500.00 $971.06 64.74% $528.94 $0.00 Office Equip Maintenance $3,749.00 $130.69 3.49% $3,618.31 $0.00 Travel&Training $4,700.00 $2,601.19 55.34% $2,098.81 $290.00 Photocopier Lease Prin $1,392.00 $1,002.02 71.98% $389.98 $248.94 Total CITY CLERK $196,916.00 $128,390.10 65.20% $68,525.90 $17,495.16 GENERAL LEDGER/PAYROLL G.L./Pyrl.Salaries-Perm. $61,802.00 $46,468.24 75.19% $15,333.76 $5,636.81 FICA/Medicare $4,900.00 $4,204.87 85.81% $695.13 $792.42 Nontaxable Fringe Ben. $300.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $800.00 $663.15 82.89% $136.85 $240.89 Telephone $220.00 $67.92 30.87% $152.08 $8.45 Postage $2,305.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,305.00 $0.00 Dues&Memberships $250.00 $190.00 76.00% $60.00 $0.00 Printing $425.00 $425.00 100.00% $0.00 $425.00 Travel&Training $500.00 $500.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL LEDGER/PAYROLL $71,502.00 $52,519.18 73.45% $18,982.82 $7,103.57 ASSESSING/TAX Assessing/Tax Sal.-Perm. $106,625.00 $74,602.24 69.97% $32,022.76 $8,972.80 Overtime $500.00 $167.55 33.51% $332.45 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $8,410.00 $7,826.46 93.06% $583.54 $1,397.92 Office Supplies $1,000.00 $667.61 66.76% $332.39 $0.00 Tax Sales Advertising $1,000.00 $1,936.50 193.65% ($936.50) $0.00 $304.10 Telephone $440.00 $135.90 30.89% 1 $16.91 Postage $4,200.00 $2,787.00 66.36% $1,413.00 $0.00 Dues and Memberships $600.00 $50.00 8.33% $550.00 $0.00 Printing $2,000.00 $2,778.76 138.94% ($778.76) $0.00 Consulting/Assessing Othr $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 ($238.81) NEMRC/APEX $1,300.00 $991.88 76.30% $308.12 $0.00 Travel&Training $2,000.00 $593.86 29.69% $1,406.14 $125.00 Total ASSESSING/TAX $128,075.00 $92,537.76 72.25% $35,537.24 $10,273.82 PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW Planning Salaries-Penn. $227,027.00 $151,843.63 66.88% $75,183.37 $25,808.14 Leave Time Turn-In $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Overtime $4,500.00 $4,170.57 92.68% $329.43 $307.31 Fringe Benefits $750.00 $300.00 40.00% $450.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $18,500.00 $13,143.99 71.05% $5,356.01 $2,414.55 Nontaxable Fringe Ben. $300.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 Page 3 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Office Supplies $4,000.00 $1,076.66 26.92% $2,923.34 $268.01 Public Meeting Advertisin $3,500.00 $3,062.41 87.50% $437.59 $811.60 Telephone $650.00 $200.72 30.88% $449.28 $24.97 Postage $1,500.00 $24.51 1.63% $1,475.49 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $1,200.00 $620.00 51.67% $580.00 $0.00 Document Printing $2,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,000.00 $0.00 Maps $2,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,500.00 $0.00 Consultants $5,000.00 $657.16 13.14% $4,342.84 $322.50 Payment for GIS Services $2,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,500.00 $0.00 PC/DRB Stipends $9,000.00 $8,322.96 92.48% $677.04 $0.00 Travel&Training $4,500.00 $594.35 13.21% $3,905.65 $0.00 Legal Permit Review $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Independent Technical Rev $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 Reimbursable grant expend $15,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,000.00 $0.00 Total PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW $318,427.00 $184,016.96 57.79% $134,410.04 $29,957.08 NATURAL RESOURCES Dues and Subscriptions $700.00 $0.00 0.00% $700.00 $0.00 Educational Programs $200.00 $0.00 0.00% $200.00 $0.00 Special Projects Material $1,700.00 $446.27 26.25% $1,253.73 $415.98 Printing $100.00 $0.00 0.00% $100.00 $0.00 Travel&Training $200.00 $140.00 70.00% $60.00 $0.00 Total NATURAL RESOURCES $2,900.00 $586.27 20.22% $2,313.73 $415.98 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Ambulance Department $155,000.00 $155,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Fuel Pump Reserve Fund $8,200.00 $8,200.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Open Space Reserve Fund $285,000.00 $285,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Reappraisal Fund $95,500.00 $95,500.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $543,700.00 $543,700.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP. $7,155,559.00 $3,858,592.99 53.92% $3,296,966.01 $398,273.74 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Salaries-Permanent $1,096,326.00 $814,150.39 74.26% $282,175.61 $92,958.80 Fire Salaries-On Call $7,500.00 $10,602.93 141.37% ($3,102.93) $0.00 Leave Time Turn-In $8,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $8,000.00 $0.00 Holiday Pay $133,364.00 $116,062.89 87.03% $17,301.11 $16,262.86 Fair Labor Standard O/T $87,284.00 $47,488.13 54.41% $39,795.87 $0.00 F/D Overtime-Fill-In $50,000.00 $132,485.13 264.97% ($82,485.13) $7,787.33 F/D Overtime-Training $25,000.00 $41,801.77 167.21% ($16,801.77) $3,427.35 F/D Overtime-Emerg Call $15,000.00 $7,166.47 47.78% $7,833.53 $312.44 Wellness/Fitness $9,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $9,500.00 $0.00 Fire-Off Duty Outside Emp $3,000.00 $970.00 32.33% $2,030.00 $0.00 Swing Fire Fighter $45,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $45,000.00 $0.00 Fringe Benefits $30,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $30,000.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $113,500.00 $113,965.01 100.41% ($465.01) $17,591.13 Supplies $2,000.00 $2,428.98 121.45% 00 ($428.98) $0.00 Vaccinations-HEP $1,000.00 $524.00 52.40% $476.00 $0.00 REHAB Supplies $300.00 $202.01 67.34% $97.99 $16.45 Station Operating Supply $4,500.00 $2,629.39 58.43% $1,870.61 $223.43 Page 4 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Maintenance Tools $420.00 $240.07 57.16% $179.93 $159.12 Uniforms-Career $11,150.00 $10,229.38 91.74% $920.62 $760.95 Firefighting Clothing $5,000.00 $3,438.73 68.77% $1,561.27 $414.71 Vehicle Tools $1,000.00 $823.42 82.34% $176.58 $70.35 Gas Chiefs vehicle&rei $2,800.00 $5,670.57 202.52% ($2,870.57) $2,003.69 Diesel Fuel $28,000.00 $17,246.35 61.59% $10,753.65 $333.31 Oil $600.00 $155.56 25.93% $444.44 $52.00 Films and Books $1,100.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,100.00 $0.00 Fire Prevention Materials $3,000.00 $2,759.17 91.97% $240.83 $363.78 Fire Extinguishers $600.00 $256.50 42.75% $343.50 $0.00 Airpacks Maintenance $8,000.00 $2,200.05 27.50% $5,799.95 $481.14 Telephone $13,000.00 $8,658.11 66.60% $4,341.89 $972.60 Postage-Tool Shipping $400.00 $98.89 24.72% $301.11 $29.91 Dues and Subscriptions $1,350.00 $264.00 19.56% $1,086.00 $0.00 Fire Station Maintenance $14,000.00 $15,528.20 110.92% ($1,528.20) $1,939.45 Laundry and Bedding $900.00 $164.43 18.27% $735.57 $8.00 Radio Repair $2,500.00 $558.00 22.32% $1,942.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $8,000.00 $3,095.32 38.69% $4,904.68 $1,227.46 Vehicle Repair $15,000.00 $17,097.84 113.99% ($2,097.84) $5,364.19 Equipment R&M $4,000.00 $4,602.16 115.05% ($602.16) $0.00 Computers Contract ACS $2,500.00 $1,588.28 63.53% $911.72 $0.00 Conferences $1,500.00 $81.36 5.42% $1,418.64 $0.00 Training Schools $4,000.00 $2,414.55 60.36% $1,585.45 $260.00 Training Equipment $750.00 $474.19 63.23% $275.81 $0.00 Recruiting&Testing $500.00 $870.00 174.00% ($370.00) $0.00 Fire Station#1 Heat/Elec $0.00 $179.88 100.00% ($179.88) $0.00 Fire Station#2 Heat/Elec $12,500.00 $6,710.67 53.69% $5,789.33 $2,792.04 Fire Safety Equipment $109,500.00 $32,924.61 30.07% $76,575.39 $18,695.60 F/D Furniture/Equipment $2,500.00 $2,399.00 95.96% $101.00 $0.00 Firefighting Equipment-ho $10,000.00 $7,990.74 79.91% $2,009.26 $0.00 Note on Quint Fire Truck $152,658.00 $152,645.60 99.99% $12.40 $0.00 Copier $4,200.00 $4,127.60 98.28% $72.40 $0.00 F/D Equipment Trsf Out $100,000.00 $100,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $2,152,702.00 $1,695,970.33 78.78% $456,731.67 $174,508.09 AMBULANCE Permanent Salaries $504,025.00 $218,542.12 43.36% $285,482.88 $30,187.56 EMT Pay $65,003.00 $35,823.35 55.11% $29,179.65 $5,561.52 Holiday Pay $50,936.00 $30,773.98 60.42% $20,162.02 $3,109.48 Fair Labor Standard OT $45,614.00 $18,434.14 40.41% $27,179.86 $2,585.60 Overtime Fill-In $20,000.00 $24,305.48 121.53% ($4,305.48) $705.60 Overtime-Training $12,900.00 $6,458.10 50.06% $6,441.90 $868.87 Overtime-Emergency Call $5,000.00 $1,678.02 33.56% $3,321.98 $140.28 Wellness $1,500.00 $120.00 8.00% $1,380.00 $0.00 FICA/MEDI $52,500.00 $30,566.79 58.22% $21,933.21 $5,676.80 Doctor Service Stipend $2,400.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,400.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $1,104.52 55.23% $895.48 $23.74 Medical Supplies-Disposab $19,000.00 $19,413.08 102.17% ($413.08) $3,099.04 Medical Supplies-Oxygen $4,000.00 $1,184.22 29.61% $2,815.78 $34.92 Medical Equipment Replace $3,500.00 $6,861.69 196.05% ($3,361.69) $452.10 Uniforms-Career $6,000.00 $4,517.43 75.29% $1,482.57 $387.96 Diesel Fuel $7,500.00 $5,034.09 67.12% $2,465.91 $547.89 Training Films and Books $750.00 $0.00 0.00% $750.00 $0.00 Telephone $3,250.00 $1,015.67 31.25% $2,234.33 $124.53 Page 5 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+1-) Paid February Billing Postage $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Dues&Subscriptions $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Radio Repair $1,750.00 $286.00 16.34% $1,464.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $2,500.00 $723.07 28.92% $1,776.93 $43.74 Vehicle Repair $3,000.00 $3,859.36 128.65% ($859.36) $1,308.99 Equipment R&M $1,250.00 $1,235.16 98.81% $14.84 $0.00 Office Equip Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 ($23.74) Billing Software/Upgrades $4,000.00 $3,449.53 86.24% $550.47 $0.00 MedEquipmentMaintenance $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Training Programs $5,850.00 $5,746.00 98.22% $104.00 $45.00 Training Equipment $500.00 $132.68 26.54% $367.32 $0.00 To Reserve Fund-Training $10,000.00 $10,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 EMS Patient Care Discript $16,000.00 $14,158.80 88.49% $1,841.20 $14,158.80 Total AMBULANCE $855,228.00 $445,423.28 52.08% $409,804.72 $69,038.68 POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Salaries-Permanent $2,456,961.00 $1,619,475.47 65.91% $837,485.53 $188,751.24 Police Salaries-Other $15,000.00 $6,753.96 45.03% $8,246.04 $2,813.12 Leave Time Turn-In $12,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $12,000.00 $0.00 Police Salaries-Overtime $220,000.00 $218,518.97 99.33% $1,481.03 $18,272.44 Holiday Pay $223,539.00 $131,320.34 58.75% $92,218.66 $15,001.55 Automatic Corporal $12,419.00 $1,364.80 10.99% $11,054.20 $0.00 Shift Differential $36,480.00 $14,082.07 38.60% $22,397.93 $2,206.69 Drug Task Force Personnel $45,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $45,000.00 $0.00 Off-Duty Police Salary $22,000.00 $2,998.75 13.63% $19,001.25 $480.00 Fitness $24,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $24,000.00 $0.00 Reparative Board Grant Ac $100,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $100,000.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $225,500.00 $190,170.51 84.33% $35,329.49 $32,996.63 Office Supplies $10,500.00 $7,646.68 72.83% $2,853.32 $1,812.99 Range Supplies $11,500.00 $10,698.22 93.03% $801.78 $281.60 Radio Equipment-Supplies $800.00 $0.00 0.00% $800.00 $0.00 Investigative Supplies $8,000.00 $1,387.59 17.34% $6,612.41 $319.39 Youth Services Supplies $6,000.00 $2,824.66 47.08% $3,175.34 $0.00 Traffic Unit Supplies $2,000.00 $2,258.47 112.92% ($258.47) $585.81 K-9 Supplies $3,000.00 $809.80 26.99% $2,190.20 $201.70 Janitorial Supplies $3,000.00 $2,009.90 67.00% $990.10 $481.36 Uniform Supplies $34,000.00 $22,257.77 65.46% $11,742.23 $3,180.99 Tires $10,200.00 $4,820.12 47.26% $5,379.88 $1,581.10 Gas and Oil $77,500.00 $50,869.64 65.64% $26,630.36 $7,830.73 Telephone $27,500.00 $18,822.44 68.45% $8,677.56 $3,483.37 Postage $2,800.00 $1,031.48 36.84% $1,768.52 $200.00 Dues and Subscriptions $2,774.00 $787.76 28.40% $1,986.24 $220.00 Towing Services $1,000.00 $387.00 38.70% $613.00 $202.00 Crime Prevention Supplies $4,500.00 $2,734.82 60.77% $1,765.18 $0.00 Building Repairs $3,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,500.00 $0.00 Building Maintenance $12,000.00 $2,383.66 19.86% $9,616.34 $142.50 Uniform Cleaning $15,000.00 $9,547.15 63.65% $5,452.85 $1,426.00 Office Equip.Contract $5,000.00 $3,095.39 61.91% $1,904.61 $195.12 Generator Prevent Maint $700.00 $635.00 90.71% $65.00 $0.00 Radio Equip.Maintenance $10,000.00 $3,750.00 37.50% $6,250.00 $1,800.00 Vehicle Repair $40,800.00 $29,367.16 71.98% $11,432.84 $3,551.93 Computer Connections Syst $18,339.00 $16,437.00 89.63% $1,902.00 $0.00 Equipment Maintenance $3,000.00 $442.20 14.74% $2,557.80 $0.00 Records Management System $10,000.00 $2,770.00 27.70% $7,230.00 $0.00 Page 6 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Consulting Services $6,840.00 $3,402.00 49.74% $3,438.00 $567.00 Tower Lease $300.00 $300.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Animal Control Contracts $21,000.00 $1,542.30 7.34% $19,457.70 $0.00 Conferences $6,600.00 $2,314.71 35.07% $4,285.29 $208.64 In-Service Training $28,380.00 $22,951.81 80.87% $5,428.19 $1,374.86 Recruiting&Testing $2,500.00 $2,083.05 83.32% $416.95 $574.50 Tuition Reimbursement $6,800.00 $0.00 0.00% $6,800.00 $0.00 Electric-Police Dept. $56,000.00 $35,473.70 63.35% $20,526.30 $4,831.86 Heat/Hot Water $13,000.00 $2,295.64 17.66% $10,704.36 $1,571.60 Radio Installation Utilit $500.00 $327.40 65.48% $172.60 $327.40 Building Common Area Fees $43,000.00 $40,492.18 94.17% $2,507.82 $9,069.09 Cleaning/Building Service $34,200.00 $21,148.00 61.84% $13,052.00 $2,488.00 Vehicles and Equipment $148,000.00 $149,231.71 100.83% ($1,231.71) ($9,616.35) Vehicle Equipment $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $9,616.35 Office Equipment $6,300.00 $219.99 3.49% $6,080.01 $219.99 Radio Equipment $21,000.00 $1,380.00 6.57% $19,620.00 $0.00 Taser Replacement $5,800.00 $5,561.62 95.89% $238.38 $0.00 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $4,116,532.00 $2,671,182.89 64.89% $1,445,349.11 $309,251.20 Total PUBLIC SAFETY $7,124,462.00 $4,812,576.50 67.55% $2,311,885.50 $552,797.97 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT To undesignated reserve f $75,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $75,000.00 $0.00 Market St./City Center $978,000.00 $22,800.00 2.33% $955,200.00 $0.00 To Capital Improvements $335,000.00 $335,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $335,000.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $1,388,000.00 $357,800.00 25.78% $1,030,200.00 $335,000.00 STREETS&HIGHWAYS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Salaries-Perm. $640,575.00 $482,260.41 75.29% $158,314.59 $60,809.08 Leave Time Turn-In $8,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $8,500.00 $0.00 Highway Salaries-Overtime $30,000.00 $17,490.16 58.30% $12,509.84 $3,860.24 On-Call Pay $18,700.00 $325.00 1.74% $18,375.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $55,000.00 $49,674.72 90.32% $5,325.28 $9,520.74 Drug/Alcohol/Phys.Testing $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $2,500.00 $1,954.30 78.17% $545.70 $449.43 Traffic Light Supplies $25,000.00 $16,673.30 66.69% $8,326.70 $3,143.66 Sign Supplies $6,000.00 $5,003.46 83.39% $996.54 $0.00 City Highways Material $21,000.00 $18,348.64 87.37% $2,651.36 $1,513.60 Road Striping $15,000.00 $6,852.76 45.69% $8,147.24 $0.00 Winter Salt $86,000.00 $109,485.66 127.31% ($23,485.66) $31,769.44 Winter Sand $1,500.00 $635.36 42.36% $864.64 $307.65 Winter Liquid Deicer Addi $14,000.00 $17,950.88 128.22% ($3,950.88) $4,451.04 Building Supplies $2,500.00 $1,309.78 52.39% $1,190.22 $124.02 Uniforms $13,000.00 $11,224.45 86.34% $1,775.55 $1,133.48 Vehicle Repair Parts $85,000.00 $83,501.47 98.24% $1,498.53 $8,789.29 School Bus Parts $32,500.00 $11,484.68 35.34% $21,015.32 $2,424.20 Gasoline $21,000.00 $25,548.59 121.66% ($4,548.59) $6,030.53 Oil $5,000.00 $7,162.50 143.25% ($2,162.50) $635.69 Diesel Fuel $68,500.00 $33,906.08 49.50% $34,593.92 $31,015.27 Diesel/Gasoline Non City $130,000.00 $133,916.69 103.01% ($3,916.69) $18,883.49 Advertising $0.00 $1,500.00 100.00% ($1,500.00) $0.00 Telephone/Internet $8,800.00 $6,156.06 69.96% $2,643.94 $840.45 Page 7 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Building Maintenance $30,000.00 $18,938.58 63.13% $11,061.42 $4,482.02 Generator Prevent Maint $630.00 $630.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Tree Care $8,000.00 $2,514.32 31.43% $5,485.68 $0.00 Equipment Rental/Purchase $3,500.00 $311.37 8.90% $3,188.63 $0.00 Office Equipment Maintnce $3,500.00 $1,013.55 28.96% $2,486.45 $840.85 Travel&Training $5,400.00 $4,904.28 90.82% $495.72 $838.51 Utilities-Garage $16,000.00 $9,720.09 60.75% $6,279.91 $1,469.63 Utilities-Garage Heat $15,000.00 $9,540.46 63.60% $5,459.54 $7,457.89 Traffic Lights $34,000.00 $21,892.91 64.39% $12,107.09 $3,681.57 Vehicle Replacement $360,000.00 $275,260.91 76.46% $84,739.09 $0.00 Highway Paving $575,000.00 $485,251.43 84.39% $89,748.57 $0.00 Curbs and Sidewalks $15,000.00 $4,254.10 28.36% $10,745.90 $0.00 Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $2,356,605.00 $1,876,596.95 79.63% $480,008.05 $204,471.77 Total STREETS&HIGHWAYS $2,356,605.00 $1,876,596.95 79.63% $480,008.05 $204,471.77 CULTURE AND RECREATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Rec.Admin.Salaries-Perm. $198,891.00 $110,060.90 55.34% $88,830.10 $14,004.80 Leave Time Turn-In $9,279.00 $2,672.40 28.80% $6,606.60 $0.00 Taxable Fringe Benefits $603.00 $0.00 0.00% $603.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $16,000.00 $11,708.83 73.18% $4,291.17 $2,045.79 Office Supplies $2,900.00 $1,653.50 57.02% $1,246.50 $93.55 Telephone $875.00 $585.05 66.86% $289.95 $33.61 Postage $600.00 $23.68 3.95% $576.32 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $650.00 $673.33 103.59% ($23.33) $0.00 Scholarships $1,000.00 $500.00 50.00% $500.00 $0.00 Printing $3,600.00 $3,600.00 100.00% $0.00 $1,329.50 Software/Printer Contract $3,900.00 $3,635.68 93.22% $264.32 $0.00 Travel&Training $3,400.00 $1,966.38 57.83% $1,433.62 $0.00 Total RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $241,698.00 $137,079.75 56.72% $104,618.25 $17,507.25 PROGRAMS Salaries-Programs $9,900.00 $4,889.41 49.39% $5,010.59 $441.13 FICA/Medicare $757.00 $963.21 127.24% ($206.21) $65.13 General Supplies $3,000.00 $559.88 18.66% $2,440.12 $559.88 Advertising $2,200.00 $1,817.00 82.59% $383.00 $298.00 School Wage Reimbursement $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Total PROGRAMS $16,857.00 $8,229.50 48.82% $8,627.50 $1,364.14 RED ROCKS PARK Red Rocks Park Salaries $10,400.00 $7,900.00 75.96% $2,500.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $800.00 $604.35 75.54% $195.65 $0.00 General Supplies $3,500.00 $129.80 3.71% $3,370.20 $0.00 Printing $400.00 $0.00 0.00% $400.00 $0.00 Utilities $700.00 $197.96 28.28% $502.04 $21.92 Total RED ROCKS PARK $15,800.00 $8,832.11 55.90% $6,967.89 $21.92 FACILITIES Park Salaries $3,900.00 $4,914.00 126.00% ($1,014.00) $0.00 FICA/Medicare $298.00 $760.24 255.11% ($462.24) $0.00 Page 8 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Supplies $5,500.00 $1,316.52 23.94% $4,183.48 $0.00 Fuel-Gas $2,700.00 $1,837.41 68.05% $862.59 $987.94 Recreation Path Committee $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Electric-Jaycee Park $1,400.00 $996.24 71.16% $403.76 $127.34 Electric-Dorset Park $3,200.00 $1,237.01 38.66% $1,962.99 $151.24 Electric-Overlook Park $500.00 $187.96 37.59% $312.04 $24.93 Electric-Tennis Courts $650.00 $363.29 55.89% $286.71 $0.00 Facilities Improvements $32,500.00 $25,000.00 76.92% $7,500.00 $0.00 Capital Items $96,000.00 $43,000.00 44.79% $53,000.00 $0.00 Total FACILITIES $147..148.00 $79,612.67 54.10% $67,535.33 $1,291.45 LEISURE ARTS Playground Director $2,000.00 $2,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Arts&Crafts Instructors $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Adult Programs Supplies/I $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $459.00 $130.00 28.32% $329.00 $0.00 Kids Playground Supplies $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Kids Arts&Crarts Materi $400.00 $184.62 46.16% $215.38 $0.00 Senior Club Contract $3,800.00 $1,435.48 37.78% $2,364.52 $67.10 Reimbursement-Bus Drivers $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Artists-Contracts $400.00 $0.00 0.00% $400.00 $0.00 Chorus Directors $3,600.00 $1,800.00 50.00% $1,800.00 $0.00 Total LEISURE ARTS $16,159.00 $5,550.10 34.35% $10,608.90 $67.10 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Adult Programs $32,000.00 $17,325.85 54.14% $14,674.15 $4,325.00 Jazzercise of Shelburne $4,200.00 $1,951.00 46.45% $2,249.00 $495.00 Special Events $5,500.00 $5,507.99 100.15% Swim Lessons-Sport/Fit Ed $7,700.00 $720.00 9.35% $6,980.00 $0.00 Youth Programs $21,000.00 $47,450.79 225.96% ($26,450.79) $15,715.00 Great Escape Tickets $15,000.00 $12,452.00 83.01% $2,548.00 $0.00 Afternoon Skiing-Middle S $6,000.00 $9,645.00 160.75% ($3,645.00) $5,445.00 Afternoon Skiing-Orchard $6,200.00 $2,705.00 43.63% $3,495.00 $2,705.00 Spec.Activities Salaries $7,000.00 $5,223.50 74.62% $1,776.50 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $536.00 $402.36 75.07% $133.64 $0.00 Supplies $7,500.00 $2,897.53 38.63% $4,602.47 $49.70 Track Meet(VRPA) $0.00 $2,205.04 100.00% ($2,205.04) $0.00 Telephone $1,500.00 $1,108.53 73.90% $391.47 $192.32 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $114,136.00 $109,594.59 96.02% $4,541.41 $32,190.83 COMMUNITY LIBRARY Library Salaries $271,909.00 $173,150.15 63.68% $98,758.85 $21,671.24 FICA/Medicare $21,500.00 $17,616.33 81.94% $3,883.67 $3,224.78 Library Supplies $5,500.00 $4,393.15 79.88% $1,106.85 $540.30 Books-Adult $13,686.00 $10,409.59 76.06% $3,276.41 $1,189.12 Books-Children $7,550.00 $4,254.15 56.35% $3,295.85 $289.60 DVDs/CDs-Adult $4,500.00 $3,041.69 67.59% $1,458.31 $288.15 DVDs/CDs-Children $1,800.00 $1,362.42 75.69% $437.58 $931.16 Program Supplies-Arts/Cra $1,450.00 $407.72 28.12% $1,042.28 $80.51 Blanchette Expenditures $10,000.00 $5,388.66 53.89% $4,611.34 $810.90 Blanchette/Subscriptions- $6,000.00 $4,851.46 80.86% $1,148.54 $4,851.46 Bookmobile Maintenance $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Page 9 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Postage $1,779.00 $146.25 8.22% $1,632.75 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $400.00 $100.00 25.00% $300.00 $50.00 Online&Print Subscripti $3,000.00 $1,577.56 52.59% $1,422.44 ($3,619.46) School Use $56,287.00 $0.00 0.00% $56,287.00 $0.00 Community Programs $5,265.00 $3,735.00 70.94% $1,530.00 $135.00 Bookmobile $1,500.00 $41.31 2.75% $1,458.69 $0.00 Computer Operations $3,092.00 $408.88 13.22% $2,683.12 $0.00 Travel&Training $2,500.00 $610.00 24.40% $1,890.00 $580.00 Furniture $4,400.00 $5,849.60 132.95% ($1,449.60) $0.00 Computer Improvements $7,560.00 $0.00 0.00% $7,560.00 $0.00 C/L Photocopier Lease Pri $1,967.00 $1,331.63 67.70% $635.37 $163.87 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $432,645.00 $238,675.55 55.17% $193,969.45 $31,186.63 CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE Park Maint.Salaries-Perm. $150,381.00 $98,260.54 65.34% $52,120.46 $12,614.64 Leave Time Turn-In $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Park Maint.Sal.-Overtime $8,000.00 $1,842.53 23.03% $6,157.47 $498.29 Parks On Call $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $12,750.00 $10,296.78 80.76% $2,453.22 $2,028.52 Group Health Insurance $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 ($460.00) Park Supplies $12,000.00 $5,241.10 43.68% $6,758.90 $1,241.74 Cemetery Supplies $300.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 Recreation Path Supplies $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $0.00 Recreation Path Imprvmnts $7,500.00 $1,187.38 15.83% $6,312.62 $0.00 Homestead at Wheeler Park $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,000.00 $0.00 Total CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE $199,431.00 $116,828.33 58.58% $82,602.67 $15,923.19 Total CULTURE AND RECREATION $1,183,874.00 $704,402.60 59.50% $479,471.40 $99,552.51 OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES County Court $123,700.00 $124,220.34 100.42% ($520.34) $0.00 Winooski Valley Park $54,000.00 $54,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 C.C.T.A. $429,347.00 $286,232.00 66.67% $143,115.00 $0.00 Regional Planning $18,325.00 $18,322.00 99.98% $3.00 $0.00 Metropolitan Planning $17,153.00 $17,153.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES $642,525.00 $499,927.34 77.81% $142,597.66 $0.00 Total OTHER ENTITIES $642,525.00 $499,927.34 77.81% $142,597.66 $0.00 CURRENT PRINCIPAL,BONDS Public Works Facility $98,568.00 $98,568.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Kennedy Dr Reconstrction $22,440.00 $22,508.00 100.30% ($68.00) $0.00 Lime Kiln Bridge $22,440.00 $22,508.00 100.30% ($68.00) $0.00 PENSION LIABILITY-PRINCIP $262,974.00 $0.00 0.00% $262,974.00 $0.00 F/D Building Improvements $30,090.00 $30,005.00 99.72% $85.00 $0.00 Emergency Center $130,000.00 $130,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Police Headquarters $360,000.00 $360,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Parkland/Brand Farm $40,000.00 $40,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total CURRENT PRINCIPAL,BONDS $966,512.00 $703,589.00 72.80% $262,923.00 $0.00 CURRENT INTEREST,BONDS Page 10 of 11 i Expenditure Report-February,2014 General Fund Year-to-Date %Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Public Works Facility $40,670.00 $21,626.80 53.18% $19,043.20 $0.00 Kennedy Dr Recnstrction $11,955.00 $6,150.20 51.44% $5,804.80 $0.00 Lime Kiln Bridge $11,955.00 $6,150.20 51.44% $5,804.80 $0.00 PENSION LIABILITY-INTERES $397,975.00 $0.00 0.00% $397,975.00 $0.00 Sewer Fund Note $13,000.00 $12,004.68 92.34% $995.32 $0.00 F/D Building Improvements $16,030.00 $8,198.72 51.15% $7,831.28 $0.00 Emergency Center $2,405.00 $1,811.30 75.31% $593.70 $0.00 Police Headquarters $256,644.00 $130,158.00 50.72% $126,486.00 $0.00 Parkland/Brand Farm $1,134.00 $1,133.20 99.93% $0.80 $0.00 Total CURRENT INTEREST,BONDS $751,768.00 $187,233.10 24.91% $564,534.90 $0.00 Total GENERAL FUND $21,569,305.00 $13,000,718.48 60.27% $8,568,586.52 $1,590,095.99 Total All Funds $21,569,305.00 $13,000,718.48 60.27% $8,568,586.52 $1,590,095.99 Page 11 of 11 Expenditure Report-February,2014 Stormwater Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS Salaries-Permanent $211,750.00 $154,096.60 72.77% $57,653.40 $20,806.03 Leave Time Turn-In $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Salaries-Overtime $11,000.00 $15,558.52 141.44% ($4,558.52) $1,084.17 Payment to Sick Bank Fund $5,555.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,555.00 $0.00 Payroll Svc&Testing to $480.00 $0.00 0.00% $480.00 $0.00 GIS Employee-PT $25,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $25,000.00 $0.00 Fringe Benefits $200.00 $63.97 31.99% $136.03 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $17,200.00 $17,829.04 103.66% ($629.04) $3,308.26 Nontaxable Fringe Benefit $600.00 $0.00 0.00% $600.00 $0.00 Vision Plan $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Disability Income Insuran $1,000.00 $703.44 70.34% $296.56 $156.32 Group Health Insurance $43,500.00 $25,675.23 59.02% $17,824.77 $4,266.66 Reimburse to Highway Bene $9,125.00 $9,125.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Health Insurance FICA $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Group Life Insurance $800.00 $727.65 90.96% $72.35 $161.70 Group Dental Insurance $4,200.00 $2,599.80 61.90% $1,600.20 $557.36 Pension $22,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $22,000.00 $0.00 ICMA Match $8,600.00 $4,447.03 51.71% $4,152.97 $557.64 Pension Note Payment $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00% $26,510.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $3,000.00 $1,154.58 38.49% $1,845.42 $311.44 Small Equipment/Tools $4,000.00 $3,993.96 99.85% $6.04 $0.00 Uniforms/Supplies $3,885.00 $2,162.51 55.66% $1,722.49 $690.03 Gasoline $4,500.00 $2,556.71 56.82% $1,943.29 $299.51 Oil $350.00 $47.68 13.62% $302.32 $33.40 Diesel Fuel $8,500.00 $5,259.96 61.88% $3,240.04 $76.11 Permit Requirement-Educat $7,800.00 $8,342.00 106.95% ($542.00) $0.00 Telephone $2,850.00 $1,657.13 58.14% $1,192.87 $164.04 Postage $300.00 $6.64 2.21% $293.36 $0.00 Membership/Dues $500.00 $374.00 74.80% $126.00 $0.00 Discharge Permits Renewal $4,770.00 $789.22 16.55% $3,980.78 $220.08 Workers Comp Insurance $5,386.00 $6,506.07 120.80% ($1,120.07) $0.00 Property Insurance $17,990.00 $9,957.03 55.35% $8,032.97 $0.00 Unemployment Insurance $2,000.00 $1,273.06 63.65% $726.94 $0.00 GIS-Fees/Software $8,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $8,000.00 $0.00 Sediment&Depris Disposa $750.00 $0.00 0.00% $750.00 $0.00 Water Quality Monitoring $30,000.00 $5,739.74 19.13% $24,260.26 $845.00 Building/Grounds Maint $1,500.00 $1,000.00 66.67% $500.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $8,500.00 $4,341.08 51.07% $4,158.92 $24.55 Storm System Maint Materi $65,000.00 $14,751.05 22.69% $50,248.95 $0.00 Printing $100.00 $102.00 102.00% ($2.00) $0.00 Legal Services $15,000.00 $3,776.19 25.17% $11,223.81 $945.00 To GF-Audit and Actuary $3,555.00 $3,555.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Engineering-Watershed $28,000.00 $4,130.75 14.75% $23,869.25 $395.00 Engineering-Nghbrhd Asst $22,000.00 $37,868.26 172.13% ($15,868.26) $715.00 Billing Payment CWD $33,800.00 $17,200.00 50.89% $16,600.00 $0.00 IT/Computer Support $13,300.00 $3,272.00 24.60% $10,028.00 $0.00 Office Equipment Maintena $1,000.00 $83.34 8.33% $916.66 $0.00 Page 1 of 2 Expenditure Report-February,2014 Stormwater Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Equipment Rental $2,000.00 $2,346.01 117.30% ($346.01) $0.00 Administrative Services $128,549.00 $128,549.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Conference/Training Expen $3,000.00 $1,150.87 38.36% $1,849.13 $88.83 S/W Bldg Utilities $3,500.00 $2,094.17 59.83% $1,405.83 $969.96 Stormwater Pumps Electric $480.00 $178.07 37.10% $301.93 $22.23 Vehicles/Equipment $200,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $200,000.00 $0.00 Stormwater Capital Projec $531,000.00 $337,331.51 63.53% $193,668.49 $94,441.66 Office Furniture/Equipmen $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Project Notes Princ/Inter $103,420.00 $101,758.09 98.39% $1,661.91 $0.00 Flow Restoration Plan Ana $256,000.00 $8,180.48 3.20% $247,819.52 $0.00 Reimbursement to Highway $16,341.00 $16,341.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS $1,933,146.00 $968,655.44 50.11% $964,490.56 $131,139.98 Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $1,933,146.00 $968,655.44 50.11% $964,490.56 $131,139.98 Total All Funds $1,933,146.00 $968,655.44 50.11% $964,490.56 $131,139.98 Page 2 of 2 Expenditure Report-February,2014 Stormwater Fund Year-to-Date%Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS Salaries-Permanent $211,750.00 $154,096.60 72.77% $57,653.40 $20,806.03 Leave Time Turn-In $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Salaries-Overtime $11,000.00 $15,558.52 141.44% ($4,558.52) $1,084.17 Payment to Sick Bank Fund $5,555.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,555.00 $0.00 Payroll Svc&Testing to $480.00 $0.00 0.00% $480.00 $0.00 GIS Employee-PT $25,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $25,000.00 $0.00 Fringe Benefits $200.00 $63.97 31.99% $136.03 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $17,200.00 $17,829.04 103.66% ($629.04) $3,308.26 Nontaxable Fringe Benefit $600.00 $0.00 0.00% $600.00 $0.00 Vision Plan $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Disability Income Insuran $1,000.00 $703.44 70.34% $296.56 $156.32 Group Health Insurance $43,500.00 $25,675.23 59.02% $17,824.77 $4,266.66 Reimburse to Highway Bene $9,125.00 $9,125.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Health Insurance FICA $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Group Life Insurance $800.00 $727.65 90.96% $72.35 $161.70 Group Dental Insurance $4,200.00 $2,599.80 61.90% $1,600.20 $557.36 Pension $22,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $22,000.00 $0.00 ICMA Match $8,600.00 $4,447.03 51.71% $4,152.97 $557.64 Pension Note Payment $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00% $26,510.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $3,000.00 $1,154.58 38.49% $1,845.42 $311.44 Small Equipment/Tools $4,000.00 $3,993.96 99.85% $6.04 $0.00 Uniforms/Supplies $3,885.00 $2,162.51 55.66% $1,722.49 $690.03 Gasoline $4,500.00 $2,556.71 56.82% $1,943.29 $299.51 Oil $350.00 $47.68 13.62% $302.32 $33.40 Diesel Fuel $8,500.00 $5,259.96 61.88% $3,240.04 $76.11 Permit Requirement-Educat $7,800.00 $8,342.00 106.95% ($542.00) $0.00 Telephone $2,850.00 $1,657.13 58.14% $1,192.87 $164.04 Postage $300.00 $6.64 2.21% $293.36 $0.00 Membership/Dues $500.00 $374.00 74.80% $126.00 $0.00 Discharge Permits Renewal $4,770.00 $789.22 16.55% $3,980.78 $220.08 Workers Comp Insurance $5,386.00 $6,506.07 120.80% ($1,120.07) $0.00 Property Insurance $17,990.00 $9,957.03 55.35% $8,032.97 $0.00 Unemployment Insurance $2,000.00 $1,273.06 63.65% $726.94 $0.00 GIS-Fees/Software $8,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $8,000.00 $0.00 Sediment&Depris Disposa $750.00 $0.00 0.00% $750.00 $0.00 Water Quality Monitoring $30,000.00 $5,739.74 19.13% $24,260.26 $845.00 Building/Grounds Maint $1,500.00 $1,000.00 66.67% $500.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $8,500.00 $4,341.08 51.07% $4,158.92 $24.55 Storm System Maint Materi $65,000.00 $14,751.05 22.69% $50,248.95 $0.00 Printing $100.00 $102.00 102.00% ($2.00) $0.00 Legal Services $15,000.00 $3,776.19 25.17% $11,223.81 $945.00 To GF-Audit and Actuary $3,555.00 $3,555.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Engineering-Watershed $28,000.00 $4,130.75 14.75% $23,869.25 $395.00 Engineering-Nghbrhd Asst $22,000.00 $37,868.26 172.13% ($15,868.26) $715.00 Billing Payment CWD $33,800.00 $17,200.00 50.89% $16,600.00 $0.00 IT/Computer Support $13,300.00 $3,272.00 24.60% $10,028.00 $0.00 Office Equipment Maintena $1,000.00 $83.34 8.33% $916.66 $0.00 Page 1 of 2 Expenditure Report-February,2014 Stormwater Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2014 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $(+/-) Paid February Equipment Rental $2,000.00 $2,346.01 117.30% ($346.01) $0.00 Administrative Services $128,549.00 $128,549.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Conference/Training Expen $3,000.00 $1,150.87 38.36% $1,849.13 $88.83 S/W Bldg Utilities $3,500.00 $2,094.17 59.83% $1,405.83 $969.96 Stormwater Pumps Electric $480.00 $178.07 37.10% $301.93 $22.23 Vehicles/Equipment $200,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $200,000.00 $0.00 Stormwater Capital Projec $531,000.00 $337,331.51 63.53% $193,668.49 $94,441.66 Office Furniture/Equipmen $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Project Notes Princ/Inter $103,420.00 $101,758.09 98.39% $1,661.91 $0.00 Flow Restoration Plan Ana $256,000.00 $8,180.48 3.20% $247,819.52 $0.00 Reimbursement to Highway $16,341.00 $16,341.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS $1,933,146.00 $968,655.44 50.11% $964,490.56 $131,139.98 Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $1,933,146.00 $968,655.44 50.11% $964,490.56 $131,139.98 Total All Funds $1,933,146.00 $968,655.44 50.11% $964,490.56 $131,139.98 Page 2 of 2 Revenue Report-February,2014 General Fund Estimated Received %Budget 0 FY 2014 Account Revenue To Date Received $(+I) received-February Total PROPERTY TAX REVENUE $11,980,219.00 ($8,984,739.50) 75.00% $2,995,479.50 ($278,564.99) Total LOCAL OPTION TAXES $3,550,000.00 ($1,332,607.21) 37.54% $2,217,392.79 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $15,530,219.00 ($10,317,346.71) 66.43% $5,212,872.29 ($278,564.99) Total INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX $236,500.00 ($101,461.23) 42.90% 135,038.77 (1,881.79) Total CITY MANAGER $1,536,915.00 ($1,462,713.61) 95.17% 74,201.39 (1,094,694.50) Total CITY CLERK $307,850.00 ($139,868.36) 45.43% 167,981.64 (15,525.52) Total PLANNING&ZONING $303,000.00 ($236,902.74) 78.19% 66,097.26 (11,865.20) Total MARKET STREET&DORSET PAR $983,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 983,000.00 0.00 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $260,000.00 ($312,930.75) 120.36% (52,930.75) (54,915.76) Total AMBULANCE $704,000.00 ($543,318.82) 77.18% 160,681.18 (62,052.14) Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $447,280.00 ($96,957.74) 21.68% 350,322.26 (28,864.34) Total PUBLIC SAFETY $1,411,280.00 ($953,207.31) 67.54% 458,072.69 (145,832.24) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $1,025,841.00 ($779,411.93) 75.98% 246,429.07 (20,032.90) Total RED ROCKS PARK $5,200.00 ($3,840.00) 73.85% 1,360.00 0.00 Total FACILITIES $450.00 ($2,135.00) 474.44% (1,685.00) (70.00) Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $204,900.00 ($149,522.77) 72.97% 55,377.23 (16,888.00) Total RECREATION $210,550.00 ($155,497.77) 73.85% 55,052.23 (16,958.00) Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $24,150.00 ($5,697.08) 23.59% 18,452.92 0.00 Total GENERAL FUND $21,569,305.00 ($14,152,106.74) 65.61% $7,417,198.26 ($1,585,355.14) Revenue Report-February,2014 General Fund Estimated Received %Budget FY 2014 Account Revenue To Date Received $(+/-) Received-February TAX REVENUE Tax,Current Budget $11,875,719.00 ($8,949,103.50) 75.36% $2,926,615.50 ($278,564.99) VT Payment in Lieu of Tax $33,500.00 ($35,636.00) 106.38% ($2,136.00) $0.00 Taxes,Reappraisal/ACT 60 $71,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $71,000.00 $0.00 Total PROPERTY TAX REVENUE $11,980,219.00 ($8,984,739.50) 75.00% $2,995,479.50 ($278,564.99) LOCAL OPTION TAXES Local Option Tax-Sales $2,650,000.00 ($964,838.30) 36.41% $1,685,161.70 $0.00 Local Option Tax-Rooms/Me $187,342.00 ($367,768.91) 196.31% ($180,426.91) $0.00 Rooms/Meals-Fire Vehicl $352,658.00 $0.00 0.00% $352,658.00 $0.00 Rooms/Meals-P/D Hdqtrs $360,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $360,000.00 $0.00 Total LOCAL OPTION TAXES $3,550,000.00 ($1,332,607.21) 37.54% $2,217,392.79 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $15,530,219.00 ($10,317,346.71) 66.43% $5,212,872.29 ($278,564.99) INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX Penalty,Current&Prior $108,000.00 ($76,612.93) 70.94% $31,387.07 $0.00 Interest,Current&Prior $35,000.00 ($23,827.51) 68.08% $11,172.49 ($1,881.79) Abatements/Write-offs $0.00 $1,696.32 100.00% $1,696.32 $0.00 Attorney Fees $2,500.00 ($2,260.03) 90.40% $239.97 $0.00 Fee to Collect State Educ $76,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $76,000.00 $0.00 Current Use $15,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,000.00 $0.00 Per Parcel Payment Traini $0.00 ($457.08) 100.00% ($457.08) $0.00 Total INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX $236,500.00 ($101,461.23) 42.90% $135,038.77 ($1,881.79) CITY MANAGER Administrative Services-W $44,665.00 ($44,665.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Administrative Services-S $128,549.00 ($128,549.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Administrative Services-W $143,800.00 ($143,800.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 From Sewer-Audit&Actuar $6,214.00 ($6,214.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 From SW-Audit&Actuary $3,555.00 ($3,555.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 COBRA Repayment $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 Pension Liab Note-WPC $38,675.00 $0.00 0.00% $38,675.00 $0.00 Pension Liab Note-SW $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00% $26,510.00 $0.00 , From Water-Audit $2,100.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,100.00 $0.00 DPSA Insurance Reimb. $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,000.00 $0.00 Admin Svc Fee Fund 240 $31,424.00 ($31,424.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 From WPC-Payroll,Testing $700.00 $0.00 0.00% $700.00 $0.00 From SW-Payroll,Testing $480.00 $0.00 0.00% $480.00 $0.00 Adminstrative Services-CJ $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,000.00 $0.00 Insurance/Leadership $0.00 ($4,783.43) 100.00% ($4,783.43) $126.73 Miscellaneous $4,000.00 ($13,480.18) 337.00% ($9,480.18) ($8,578.23) Applied Surplus-Gen.Fund $400,000.00 ($400,000.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($400,000.00) Transfer In-Criminal Just $686,243.00 ($686,243.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($686,243.00) Total CITY MANAGER $1,536,915.00 ($1,462,713.61) 95.17% $74,201.39 ($1,094,694.50) CITY CLERK Returned Check Fees $50.00 $0.00 0.00% $50.00 $0.00 Recording Fees $150,000.00 ($82,528.00) 55.02% $67,472.00 ($5,690.00) Photocopy Fees $22,000.00 ($17,513.25) 79.61% $4,486.75 ($1,632.00) Page 1 of 4 Revenue Report-February,2014 General Fund Estimated Received %Budget FY 2014 Account Revenue To Date Received $(+/-) Received-February Photocopies-Vital Records $5,500.00 ($3,627.00) 65.95% $1,873.00 ($369.00) Pet Licenses $35,000.00 ($5,337.00) 15.25% $29,663.00 ($2,643.00) Pet Control Fees $4,000.00 ($1,801.00) 45.03% $2,199.00 $0.00 Beverage/Cabaret License $6,000.00 ($5,550.00) 92.50% $450.00 ($3,075.00) Entertainment Permits $100.00 ($420.00) 420.00% ($320.00) ($75.00) Fish&Game Licenses $0.00 ($37.50) 100.00% ($37.50) $0.00 Marriage Licenses $1,500.00 ($1,150.00) 76.67% $350.00 ($70.00) Green Mountain Passports $200.00 ($184.00) 92.00% $16.00 $0.00 Motor Vehicle Renewals $1,500.00 ($438.00) 29.20% $1,062.00 ($39.00) School Reimburse-Election $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Interest on Investments $80,000.00 ($21,282.61) 26.60% $58,717.39 ($1,932.52) Credit Card Cash Back $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Total CITY CLERK $307,850.00 ($139,868.36) 45.43% $167,981.64 ($15,525.52) PLANNING Building&Sign Permits $190,000.00 ($164,777.33) 86.72% $25,222.67 ($4,098.20) Bianchi Ruling $6,000.00 ($5,550.00) 92.50% $450.00 ($390.00) Zoning and Planning $60,000.00 ($57,195.41) 95.33% $2,804.59 ($7,377.00) Sewer Inspection Fees $0.00 ($1,450.00) 100.00% ($1,450.00) $0.00 Peddlers'Permits $1,000.00 ($630.00) 63.00% $370.00 $0.00 Legal Permit Review $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Market Street Grant $15,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,000.00 $0.00 MPG 11 Grant Revenue $15,000.00 ($6,800.00) 45.33% $8,200.00 $0.00 Independent Techincal Rev $10,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,500.00 $0.00 Grant Revenue-EECBG $0.00 ($500.00) 100.00% ($500.00) $0.00 Zoning Violations $2,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,500.00 $0.00 Total PLANNING&ZONING $303,000.00 ($236,902.74) 78.19% $66,097.26 ($11,865.20) Market Street/City Center $978,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $978,000.00 $0.00 Dorset Park Solar Array $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,000.00 $0.00 Total MARKET STREET&DORSET PAR $983,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $983,000.00 $0.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Engine Trade In $2,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,000.00 $0.00 Outside Employment $4,000.00 ($138.50) 3.46% $3,861.50 $0.00 Misc.Revenue-Fire Dept. $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 Fire Inspection Revenue $200,000.00 ($262,792.25) 131.40% ($62,792.25) ($4,915.76) Fire Impact Fees-Fund Tru $50,000.00 ($50,000.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($50,000.00) Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $260,000.00 ($312,930.75) 120.36% ($52,930.75) ($54,915.76) AMBULANCE Tax Revenues $155,000.00 ($155,000.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Ambulance Service Billing $525,000.00 ($371,281.29) 70.72% $153,718.71 ($59,817.14) Williston Billing $18,000.00 ($12,485.88) 69.37% $5,514.12 ($1,583.00) Grand Isle Billing $6,000.00 ($4,551.65) 75.86% $1,448.35 ($652.00) Total AMBULANCE $704,000.00 ($543,318.82) 77.18% $160,681.18 ($62,052.14) POLICE DEPARTMENT Vermont District Court $110,000.00 ($30,105.50) 27.37% $79,894.50 ($3,420.00) Traffic Safety Grant $15,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,000.00 $0.00 Page 2 of 4 Revenue Report-February,2014 General Fund Estimated Received %Budget FY 2014 Account Revenue To Date Received $(+/-) Received-February Sale of Cruisers/Bequest $4,000.00 ($3,355.00) 83.88% $645.00 $0.00 Police Reports $7,500.00 ($4,910.15) 65.47% $2,589.85 ($332.15) I.C.A.C. $0.00 ($1,460.38) 100.00% SHARP ($1,460.38) ($424.94) $0.00 ($418.96) 100.00% ($418.96) $0.00 Drug Task Force Grant $78,000.00 ($38,849.13) 49.81% $39,150.87 ($22,218.06) Asset Forfeiture for Trai $8,380.00 $0.00 0.00% $8,380.00 $0.00 Parking Tickets $300.00 ($180.00) 60.00% $120.00 ($35.00) Alarm Registrations $11,000.00 ($4,650.00) 42.27% $6,350.00 ($1,275.00) Alarm Fines $4,500.00 ($1,565.00) 34.78% $2,935.00 $0.00 Off Duty Police $30,000.00 ($6,040.00) 20.13% $23,960.00 ($984.19) Bullet Proof Vest Grant $3,600.00 ($413.75) 11.49% $3,186.25 $0.00 Reparative Board Grant $100,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $100,000.00 $0.00 Police Impact Fees $75,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $75,000.00 $0.00 Miscellaneous-Police $0.00 ($5,009.87) 100.00% ($5,009.87) ($175.00) Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $447,280.00 ($96,957.74) 21.68% $350,322.26 ($28,864.34) HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Road Opening Permits $132,400.00 ($41,600.50) 31.42% $90,799.50 $0.00 Overweight truck permits $1,200.00 ($385.00) 32.08% $815.00 ($210.00) Highway State Aid $212,000.00 ($77,788.62) 36.69% $134,211.38 $0.00 Fuel Pump Surcharge $1,000.00 ($3,925.95) 392.60% ($2,925.95) ($510.64) HazMat Facility Lease $18,000.00 ($14,860.85) 82.56% $3,139.15 ($546.11) School Bus Parts Reimbure $32,500.00 ($19,190.55) 59.05% $13,309.45 ($393.30) School gas/diesel reimbur $130,000.00 ($95,346.48) 73.34% $34,653.52 ($16,582.79) School vehicle repair pay $17,700.00 ($14,939.63) 84.40% $2,760.37 $0.00 Salary Reimbursement-WPC $257,434.00 ($257,434.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 FICA Reimbursement-WPC $21,070.00 ($21,070.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Pension Reimbursement-WPC $81,640.00 ($81,640.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Benefits Reimbursement-WP $70,431.00 ($70,431.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Salary Reimbursement-SW $16,341.00 ($16,341.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($16,341.00) Benefits Reimbursement-SW $9,125.00 ($9,125.00) 100.00% $0.00 $16,341.00 Reimburse from Fund 265 $8,000.00 ($8,000.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Vehicle Trade In $12,500.00 ($1,000.00) 8.00% $11,500.00 $0.00 Sewer Inspection Fee $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Hgwy Misc Fuel $4,000.00 ($46,333.35) 1158.33% ($42,333.35) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $1,025,841.00 ($779,411.93) 75.98% $246,429.07 ($20,032.90) RECREATION RED ROCKS PARK Red Rocks Gate Receipts $5,200.00 ($3,840.00) 73.85% $1,360.00 $0.00 Total RED ROCKS PARK $5,200.00 ($3,840.00) 73.85% $1,360.00 $0.00 FACILITIES J/C Park Rentals $450.00 ($2,135.00) 474.44% ($1,685.00) ($70.00) Total FACILITIES $450.00 ($2,135.00) 474.44% ($1,685.00) ($70.00) SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Great Escape Ticket Sales $15,000.00 ($12,456.00) 83.04% $2,544.00 $0.00 Atrnoon Skiing/Middle Sc $6,600.00 ($10,745.00) 162.80% ($4,145.00) $0.00 Afternoon Skiing/Orchard $6,700.00 ($2,235.00) 33.36% $4,465.00 ($10.00) Tennis Class Receipts $4,600.00 ($4,126.00) 89.70% $474.00 $0.00 Page 3 of 4 Revenue Report-February,2014 General Fund Estimated Received %Budget FY 2014 Account Revenue To Date Received Youth Programs $75,000.00 ° $(+�") Received-February ou Classes ($87,868.77) 117.16/o ($12,868.77) ($12,490.00) $44,000.00 ($29,692.00) 67.48% $14,308.00 Vermont Track Meet-VRPA ($4,3$0.00) Recreation Impact Fees $0.00 ($2,400.00) 100.00% ($2,400.00) $0.00 Re reatio paad Grant $6,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $6,000.00 $0.00 $47,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $47,000.00 $0.00 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $204,900.00 ($149,522.77) 72.97% $55,377.23 Total RECREATION $210,550.00 ($155,497.77) 73.85% $55,052.23 ($16,958.00) COMMUNITY LIBRARY Grants and Donations Late Book C onatioFines $0.00 ($4,136.56) 100.00% ($4,136.56) $0.00 Non-Resident Fees $3,200.00 ($911.00) 28.47% $2,289.00 $0.00 Blanchette Gift $750.00 ($250.00) 33.33% $500.00 $0.00 $17,200.00 $0.00 0.00% $17,200.00 C/L Photocopies $0.00 Boo ohileDenations $1,500.00 ($80.00) 5.33% $1,420.00 $0.00 BIBRmRY MISCELLANEOUS $1,500.00 $390.48 -26.03% $1,890.48 $0.00 $0.00 ($710.00) 100.00% ($710.00) $0.00 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $24,150.00 ($5,697.08) 23.59% $18,452.92 $0.00 Total GENERAL FUND $21,569,305.00 ($14,152,106.74) 65.61% $7,417,198.26 ($1,585,355.14) Total All Funds $21,569,305.00 ($14,152,106.74) 65.61% $7,417,198.26 ($1,585,355.14) Page 4 of 4 Revenue Report-February,2014 Sewer Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2014 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $(+/-) Received-February WATER POLLUTION CONTROL CHARGES FOR SERVICES W.P.C. User Fees $3,207,304.00 ($2,223,336.30) 69.32% $983 967.70 W.P.C. Truck Charges , ($217,587.00) Connection Fees $50,000.00 ($24,590.50) 49.18% $25,409.50 $0.00 $133,907.00 ($201,310.45) 150.34% ($67 403.45 Enviromental Impact , ) $0.00 $50,000.00 ($9,835.99) 19.67% $40,164.01 $0.00 Total CHARGES FOR SERVICES $3,441,211.00 ($2,459,073.24) 71.46% $982,137.76 ($217,587.00) BOND AND LOAN PROCEEDS Colchester A/P Pkwy Pmt $742,310.00 $0.00 0.00% $742,310.00 W.P.C. Reserves $13,000.00 0 W.P.C. $0.00 0.00/o $13,000.00 $0.00 Total BOND AND LOAN PROCEEDS $755,310.00 0 $0.00 0.00% $755,310.00 $0.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS IN $4,196,521.00 ($2,459,073.24) 58.60% $1,737,447.76 ($217,587.00) Total ENTERPRISE FUND/W.P.C. $4,196,521.00 ($2,459,073.24) 58.60% $1,737,447.76 ($217,587.00) Total All Funds $4,196,521.00 ($2,459,073.24) 58.60% $1,737,447.76 Revenue Report-February,2014 Stormwater Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2014 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $(+/-) Received-February S/WATER UTILITIES REVENUE Intergovernmental Revenue $0.00 ($144,016.07) 100.00% ($144,016.07) $0.00 S/W User Fees-Water Bil $1,835,306.00 ($1,072,654.65) 58.45% $762,651.35 ($98,2$0.Payment from GF re: GIS $9,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $9,500.00 $0.000) State of VT Fee for Servi $50,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $50,000.00 SW Grants $0.00 Land Owner Payments $25,000.00 ($68,000.00) 272.00% ($43,000.00) $0.00 $44,815.00 $0.00 0.00% $44,815.00 $0.00 Stormwater Miscellaneous $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 Reserve Transfer In $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $100,000.00 $0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES REVENUE $2,065,621.00 ($1,284,670.72) 62.19% $780,950.28 ($98,205.14) Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $2,065,621.00 ($1,284,670.72) 62.19% $780,950.28 ($98,205.14) Total All Funds $2,065,621.00 ($1,284,670.72) 62.19% $780,950.28 ($98,205.14) It III• southburlanyion VERMONT To: Kevin Dorn, City,Manager From: Ilona Blanchard, Project Director Subject: Authorization to Submit Lease Proposal— 19 Gregory Drive Date: Apri17, 2014 Background: Last fall the City showed the vacant condominium unit over the City Police Station to the Federal General Services Administration(GSA)—Veteran's Health Administration Office. The property was shortlisted, and the GSA is requesting lease proposals be submitted by April 18. The lease proposal includes numerous technical requirements, and due diligence will be required to determine if it is a good fit for the City. This will occur prior to completing the lease proposal. The GSA seeks to lease a portion of the space available for 5 years, extendable to 10. The City has been advised that the remaining smaller space will be easier to lease as most Vermont companies are looking for smaller spaces. 19 Gregory Drive The City owns a portion of the second story of 19 Gregory Drive in addition to the area occupied by the South Burlington Police Station. This unit is approximately 5,000 square feet, served by a separate entrance from the Police Station, and has associated parking spaces. The City will be required to finance the fit-up of the property as negotiated with the leasee; fit-up will not occur until a lease is in place. Amortization of these costs will need to occur over five years. Attachments: • Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Proposal No. 3VT0049 Upon Satisfactory Completion of Due Diligence. Recommendation Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the lease proposal No 3VT0049 Burlington/S Burlington if after conducting due diligence, the space meets the needs of the Federal Government, the allowance offered will place the City in a positive financial position, and the submittal otherwise makes sense. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4107 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com RESOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE PROPOSAL NO. 3VT0049 UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF DUE DILIGENCE WHEREAS,the City has space available for lease at 19 Gregory Drive; and WHEREAS, the General Services Administration Federal General Services Administration(GSA)— Veteran's Health Administration Office has issued GSA Request For Lease Proposal No. 3VT0049 Burlington/S.Burlington,VT,with a deadline of April 18, 2014; and WHEREAS,the Veteran's Health Administrative Office would be a compatible tenant with the Police Station. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that South Burlington City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to submit a lease proposal in response to GSA Request For Lease Proposal No. 3VT0049 if the City Manager finds that 19 Gregory Drive meets the requirements of GSA Request For Lease Proposal No. 3VT0049 , and submission of the proposal is otherwise in the best interests of the City. APPROVED this day of April, 2014. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Pam Mackenzie, Chair Pat Nowak,Vice Chair Meaghan Emery, Clerk Helen Riehle Chris Shaw t 0 t'';'"'' " '"' '- eill5 CA 111111. CC a ....ic 0 C. , ;IRO 2 fi`e M L aft IN- t. rd.' ti , s , . ', : ., pig W `* ' ^lit+J.`f+ ,.x" $ i C 0 C in) ..Lk'li) CC I'.' "':::''''' ,- „.7 '� N �i o ,� c� & coM 44 fl o • N al tr) In �� �w . C ,' i�l .r! O d �' l Q O '5 - srrNt �0 It t L sue ::; • O d d. . ,� „ i :. -- '', ' .- . -:-. 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V,F - �''1 1 N N CU v u u U a� i (� 4.-, v) s • W_ vrCS iUu o O N(11 v1 a)' jt OU. L.- O > o - iv (I) QS V U O M .rd PM' O v O v . . minCILI) L.L z ) C C C N L v tA L 0 r +�� O L L -- E P a 0 0 as , c t/1 n- E C3_ U a_ a)2S O .c Q v + 00 cti ttS Q O Nm pmci F-- wQQ � � 1� Q Li... c N E 0 L 0 N Ol N aJ +� i- rt -0 L, — O C N a Q v •1 cn C. t ) au ' _ N— _ — S i ,� O Ot O L -1 0 L ctj s-.. Ol cu a1 �, ccS V Q. c� >` < t) d OC Q Ce Cl - m V) ikqe • VERMONT To: Kevin Dorn, City Manager From: Ilona Blanchard, Project Director Subject: Authorization to Submit Lease Proposal— 19 Gregory Drive Date: April 7, 2014 Background: Last fall the City showed the vacant condominium unit over the City Police Station to the Federal General Services Administration(GSA)—Veteran's Health Administration Office. The property was shortlisted, and the GSA is requesting lease proposals be submitted by April 18. The lease proposal includes numerous technical requirements, and due diligence will be required to determine if it is a good fit for the City. This will occur prior to completing the lease proposal. The GSA seeks to lease a portion of the space available for 5 years, extendable to 10. The City has been advised that the remaining smaller space will be easier to lease as most Vermont companies are looking for smaller spaces. 19 Gregory Drive The City owns a portion of the second story of 19 Gregory Drive in addition to the area occupied by the South Burlington Police Station. This unit is approximately 5,000 square feet, served by a separate entrance from the Police Station, and has associated parking spaces. The City will be required to finance the fit-up of the property as negotiated with the leasee; fit-up will not occur until a lease is in place. Amortization of these costs will need to occur over five years. Attachments: • Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Proposal No. 3VT0049 Upon Satisfactory Completion of Due Diligence. Recommendation Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the lease proposal No 3VT0049 Burlington/S Burlington if after conducting due diligence, the space meets the needs of the Federal Government, the allowance offered will place the City in a positive financial position, and the submittal otherwise makes sense. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846,4107 fax 802,846.4101 www,sburl.corn r l �-2 Th RESOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE PROPOSAL NO. 3VT0049 UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF DUE DILIGENCE WHEREAS,the City has space available for lease at 19 Gregory Drive; and WHEREAS,the General Services Administration Federal General Services Administration(GSA)— Veteran's Health Administration Office has issued GSA Request For Lease Proposal No. 3VT0049 Burlington/S.Burlington,VT,with a deadline of April 18,2014; and WHEREAS,the Veteran's Health Administrative Office would be a compatible tenant with the Police Station. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that South Burlington City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to submit a lease proposal in response to GSA Request For Lease Proposal No. 3VT0049 if the City Manager finds that 19 Gregory Drive meets the requirements of GSA Request For Lease Proposal No. 3VT0049, and submission of the proposal is otherwise in the best interests of the City. APPROVED this day of April, 2014. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Pam Mackenzie, Chair Pat Nowak,Vice Chair Meaghan Emery, Clerk Helen Riehle Chris Shaw CITY COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 17 MARCH 2014 The South Burlington City Council held an organizational meeting on Monday, 17 March 2014, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Emery, P. Mackenzie, P. Nowak, H. Riehle, C. Shaw ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn, City Manager;T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; B. Cimonetti, R. Nowak, M. Simoneau, B. Goldberg, B. Maynes,J. Wilking, T. Harrington, R. Greco, S. Dooley, L. Michaels 1. Election of City Council Officers: Mr. Dorn presided over the election of a City Council Chair. He opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Shaw nominated Ms. Mackenzie. Ms. Emery nominated Ms. Riehle. There were no further nominations. In the vote that followed, Ms. Mackenzie was elected 3-2. Ms. Mackenzie presided over the meeting from this point. She opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Ms. Emery nominated Ms. Riehle. Mr. Shaw nominated Ms. Nowak. There were no further nominations. In the vote that followed, Ms. Nowak was elected 3-2. Ms. Nowak then nominated Ms. Emery for Clerk. There were no further nominations, and Ms. Emery was elected unanimously. 2. Set dates and time for regular meetings being held 17 March 2014-15 February 2015: Members agreed to meet on the first and third Mondays at 7:00 p.m. When a national holiday falls on a Monday, the City Council will meet on the following Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. 3. Annual Appointments to be made by Majority Vote of the City Council Pursuant to City Charter, Chapter 13, Section 301: Ms. Riehle moved to make the following appointments: Tom Hubbard City Treasurer James Barlow City Attorney Ray Belair Zoning Administrator Cathyann LaRose Assistant Zoning Administrator Deputy Captain Paul Edwards First Constable CITY COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING, 17 MARCH 2014, PAGE 2 Sgt. Andrew Chaulk Second Constable Kevin Dorn Grand Juror Kevin Dorn City Agent &Trustee of Public Funds Ms. Emery seconded the motion which then passed unanimously. 4. Designate Official Paper of Record: Ms. Nowak moved to designate The Other Paper as the Official Paper of Record. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Designate Official Depositories: Ms. Emery moved to designate the Merchant's Bank as Official Depository. Mr. Shaw seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Appoint Council Representative to Pension Advisory Committee: Ms. Riehle moved to appoint Pat Nowak as Council Representative to the Pension Advisory Committee. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Organizational meeting ended at this point, and members moved to the regularly scheduled meeting. CITY COUNCIL 17 MARCH 2014 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 17 March 2014, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Mackenzie, Chair; H. Riehle, P. Nowak, C. Shaw, M. Emery ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; M. Simoneau, R. Nowak, B. Cimonetti, B. Goldberg, B. Maynes, J. Wilking, R. Greco, S. Dooley, L. Michaels 1. Agenda Review: Members agreed to add a discussion of solicitation of committee/board members at the end of the meeting. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised. 3. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Mr. Dorn: Two meetings have been held with representative of Patrick and Elizabeth Streets regarding parking concerns in the neighborhood. Others attending included Airport representatives, the Public Works Director, Police and Fire Chiefs, City Manager and Deputy City Manager. One possibility being considered is blocking off the streets and providing only emergency access. A follow-up on East Terrace concerns was delayed by the snowstorm. Last week city people met with real estate professionals, showing them the vacant space at the Police Station and also discussion of City Center potentials. The Affordable Housing Committee group discussing a possible housing trust fund will be meeting tomorrow. They hope to have a recommendation on the trust fund and on inclusionary zoning to the Planning Commission soon. Ms. Riehle is the Council representative to that group. Mr. Dorn noted the outstanding work done by the Public Works Department from Wednesday through the weekend during and following the snowstorm. Council members reported on meetings and events they had attended. Concern was raised about the continuing bus strike and its impact on South Burlington. Members agreed to continue the discussion at the end of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL, 17 MARCH 2014, PAGE 2 4. Consent Agenda: a. Sign Disbursement b. Approve Minutes for 18 February and 3 March 2014 c. Review January Financials d. Approve Entertainment Permits It was noted that the 18 February meeting was held at the Police Station, not at City Hall. Ms. Nowak moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the above amendment. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Appoint City Council Member to Council/Staff Committee Structure Task Force: Mr. Dorn reviewed the history and charge of the Task Force and cited the importance of getting this work going. Mr. Shaw agreed to serve on the Task Force. 6. Consider and Possibly approve energy Efficiency and Conservation in City Buildings and Programs Resolution: Mr. Dorn noted the Resolution represents a collaboration between the Energy Committee and city staff. The City Manager will report annually to the Council Ms. Riehle moved to approve the Resolution for Energy Efficiency and Conservation in City Buildings and Programs as presented. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Establish Council Training Priorities: Ms. Mackenzie suggested inviting Committee/Board Chairs and Vice Chairs when training occurs. Mr. Dorn suggested including a discussion of public records in the training session. Ms. Riehle suggested looking at the Conflict of Interest Policy, if there is one, or looking at creating one if there is not. Ms. Nowak suggested including a discussion regarding meeting participation of both Council members and the public and what are the expectations (e.g. during a hearing). CITY COUNCIL, 17 MARCH 2014, PAGE 3 8. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Shaw moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Members reviewed liquor licenses for Interstate Shell, Maplefields, Price Chopper, and Mac's Southwest Grill. Ms. Riehle said that in the future she would like to see more details on any noted offenses. Ms. Emery moved to approve the four Liquor Licenses as presented. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Emery moved to resume regular session. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Other Business: a. Items Held from the Consent Agenda b. Bike Rack: 1. Policy regarding landscaping city-owned land and request from Hadley Road Members agreed to place this on a future agenda as part of a larger discussion. 2. Other: Members discussed what position the Council might take regarding the ongoing CCTA strike. Most members felt it was appropriate to support citizens who use and need the bus service. They were not prone to getting involved in a contract negotiation. They agreed to ask the city's representative to the CCTA Board about the best way to communicate the city's concerns. Ms. Mackenzie suggested placing a discussion of a potential street paving bond on a future agenda. She also suggested involving the state in this discussion as South Burlington is not the only community with problems following the unusually bad winter weather. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Ms. Nowak moved to adjourn. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Clerk 03/28/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 1 02:49 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/07/14 To 04/07/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date A C S AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES I 1018517 20/20 VISION SYSTEM 1726.30 0.00 . /--/-- AIRGAS AIRGAS USA, LLC 9916458686 LEASE RENEWAL 4/1-3/31/1 179.00 0.00 /--/- ALLENRD ALLEN ROAD LAND CO INC. TAXES 3-14 TAX REIMBURSE - 3/15/14 9314.84 0.00 . /--/-- AT&T AT&T MOBILITY 623X03152014 PW MOBILE PHONES 194.75 0.00 . /--/-- AT&T AT&T MOBILITY 292X03152014 WQD MOBILE PHONES 210.99 0.00 . /--/-- AUTO AUTO ELECTRIC INC. 24053 ALTERNATOR 185.00 0.00 . /--/-- BAO BODY ARMOR OUTLET, LLC 16728 UNIFORMS 170.00 0.00 . /--/-- BATES BATES & MURRAY INC 52014-6599 FIRE ALARM INSPECTION 390.00 0.00 . /--/-- BATTERYPL BATTERY'S PLUS 2356 SURVIVOR BATTERY 320.85 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773261/3 HOSE CLAMP & PUMP DRILL 26.95 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773127/3 GLOVES & FASTENERS 24.28 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773243/3 VISE GRIP & BATTERY 40.14 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773336/3 SUPER GLUE 7.49 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773273/3 GLOVES & HAT 25.98 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773413/3 PIPE FITTINGS 20.42 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773220/3 23.27 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773353/3 CORNER BRACE 3.99 0.00 . /--/-- SIRENS BIBENS ACE 773519/3 RAIN BOOTS 32.99 0.00 . /--/-- SIRENS BIBENS ACE 773525/3 PROPANE REFILL 36.99 0.00 . /--/-- SIRENS BIBENS ACE 773534/3 SANDPAPER 4.49 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773280/3 OUTLET TESTER 23.38 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773321/3 BATTERIES 62.94 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773450/3 LATEX GLOVES 50.38 0.00 . /--/-- BIOSPARK BIO-SPARK CLEAN ENERGY, LLC 022014-1 CAPSTONE TROUBLESHOOT 3047.20 0.00 . /--/-- BLAIRP BLAIR, PATRICIA TAXES 3/14 OVERPAID TAXES 635.53 0.00 . /--/-- BUS BUS PARTS WAREHOUSE IN19831 BUS HORNS 29.96 - 0.00 . /--/-- CARGIL CARGILL INC - SALT DIVISION 2901646565 DEICER SALT 1786.57 0.00 . /--/-- CARGIL CARGILL INC - SALT DIVISION 2901636936 DEICER SALT 4029.46 0.00 . /--/-- CARGIL CARGILL INC - SALT DIVISION 2901641787 DEICER SALT 4840.53 0.00 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56036 LAMP 5.26 0.11 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55747 HALOGEN BEAM 15.38 0.31 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55263 AIR FILTERS 21.60 0.43 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55745 PLUG 2.63 0.05 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55773 PLUG 5.26 0.11 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55917 SOLDER RING 3.35 0.07 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55874 THREADLOCKER 22.99 0.46 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55878 SHEAT SHRINK TUBING 10.55 0.21 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55867 FILTERS 40.97 0.82 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55758 REFUND -79.74 -1.59 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-55692 WINDOW BLADES 38.98 0.78 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56144 WIPER BLADES 23.78 0.48 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56244 HOSE & FITTINGS 25.94 0.52 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56163 OIL FILTER 25.16 0.50 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56200 FUSES 6.28 0.13 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56165 RADIATOR CAP 4.48 0.09 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56302 PERMIT HOLDER 9.17 0.18 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56301 OIL FILTER 7.95 0.16 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56293 OIL FILTER 8.16 0.16 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56422 FILTERS 30.35 0.61 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56393 BATTERY 81.61 1.63 . /--/-- 03/28/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 2 02:49 pm Check Warrant Report # cingalls Unpaid Invoices For Check Acot 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/07/14 To 04/07/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56315 MEMORY SAVER 16.14 0.32 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56316 VEHICLE PART 5.22 0.10 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56413 BATTERY CABLE BOLTS 2.66 0.05 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56378 RETURNED PARTS -5.22 -0.10 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56457 POWER PLUG 18.60 0.37 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56447 BATTERY CABLE 9.91 0.20 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56449 FUEL FILTER 6.05 0.12 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56448 CREDIT - BATTERY -12.00 -0.24 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56478 BEAD SEALER 15.29 0.31 . /--/-- CAW CDW GOVERNMENT, INC KM99375 COMPUTER PARTS 2872.72 0.00 . /--/-- CHAPLN CHAMPLIN ASSOCIATES INC 9323 HARD RUBBER LINEAR 1450.00 0.00 . /--/-- CHARBONM CHARBONNEAU, MICHELLE 61837 REFUND FLOOR HOCKEY 30.00 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1240730023 VALVE 23.60 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1240740004 VEHICLE PARTS 24.30 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1240790022 REPAIR PLATE 100.00 0.00 . /--/-- CHARLI CHARLEBOIS TRUCK PARTS INC 1240850028 CUT OFF SWITCH 55.64 0.00 . /--/-- CHITRE CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLA 14-01-121 CENTENNIAL BROOK FRP 100.27 0.00 . /--/-- CLEAN WAT CLEAN WATER, INC. 6235 EMULSION POLYMER 7834.93 0.00 . /--/-- COLCRESQ COLCHESTER RESCUE ASSOCIATION 03262014 HEALTHCARE PROVIDE-RENEW 10.00 0.00 . /--/-- COLLIERR COLLIER, REN 61908 BOOTCAMP LITE INSTRUCTOR 567.00 0.00 . /--/-- COMCAST COMCAST 03200419P14 P/D INTERNET 194.85 0.00 . /--/-- COMCAST COMCAST 03210420PD14 P/D INTERNET 59.74 0.00 . /--/-- COMCAST COMCAST 04010430PW14 HIGHWAY/DPW 109.95 0.00 . /--/-- CURTISLUM CURTIS LUMBER 1403-756589 PARK PICNIC TABLES 91.96 0.00 . /--/-- CURTISLUM CURTIS LUMBER 1403-757182 PARK PICNIC TABLES 6.17 0.00 . /--/-- CVCPAGING CENTRAL VERMONT COMMUNICATIONS 10292914 AIR TIME & PHONE LINE 12.75 0.00 . /--/-- CYR LUM CYR LUMBER 03252014 LUMBER - WHEELER PLOTS 64.99 0.00 . /--/-- DE LAGE DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVI 40762427 2ND FLOOR COPIER 356.07 0.00 . /--/-- DENNISONW DENNISON, WILLIAM 61891 REFUND BOATER SAFETY 10.00 0.00 . /--/- DIONS DION SECURITY, INC 48939 LATCH 10.00 0.00 . /--/-- EMERY EMERY, MEAGHAN 03172014 GOODREADER FOR IPAD 5.34 0.00 . /--/-- ENVSYS ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH 92788105 ARC GIS FEES 4400.00 0.00 . /--/-- ESSEQI ESSEX EQUIPMENT INC 10535678-1 PRESSURE WASHER 64.68 0.00 . /--/-- FAIRPOINT FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4-78819MAR14 DSL STAND ALONE 51.99 0.00 . /--/-- FAIRPOINT FAIRPOINT COMMMUNICATIONS, INC. 2-6503MAR14 STATION #1 #2 INTERCOM 54.82 0.00 . /--/-- FASTEN FASTENAL COMPANY VTBUR183902 DRILL SET 123.94 0.00 . /--/-- FASTEN FASTENAL COMPANY VTBUR183992 BOLTS 43.40 0.00 . /--/-- FASTEN FASTENAL COMPANY VTBUR184026 JAM NUTS 73.91 0.00 . /--/-- FINAL FINAL CONNECTION 12354 PHONE MAINTENANCE 185.00 0.00 . /--/-- FINAL FINAL CONNECTION 12370 PHONES FOR GYM & REC 287.10 0.00 . /--/-- FINAL FINAL CONNECTION 12372 PHONES - REC 2336.40 0.00 . /--/-- FINAL FINAL CONNECTION 12371 PHONES - REC 750.00 0.00 . /--/-- FLAG FLAG SHOP OF VERMONT 5918 FLAG FOR DORSET PARK 256.00 0.00 . /--/-- FLETCH FLETCHER ALLEN HEALTH CARE 13327 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 33.84 0.00 . /--/-- G & K SER G & K SERVICES 1295854289 UNIFORMS 98.06 0.00 . /--/-- G & K SER G & K SERVICES 1295851063 UNIFORMS 99.06 0.00 . /--/-- G & K SER G & K SERVICES 1295857505 UNIFORMS & SUPPLIES 98.06 0.00 . /--/-- GALLS GALLS, LLC 001688859 UNIFORMS 59.98 0.00 . /--/-- GALLS GALLS, LLC 001685292 UNIFORMS 1758.93 0.00 . /--/-- GALLS GALLS, LLC 001696580 UNIFORMS 42.99 0.00 . /--/-- 03/28/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 3 02:49 pm Check Warrant Report # Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/07/14 To 04/07/14 cingalls Vendor Purchase Discount Amount Check Invoice Check Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date GALLS GALLS, LLC 001696332 UNIFORMS 258.92 0.00 _ __ GALLS GALLS, LLC 001735514 NAMETAGS & NAMEPLATES / -/ GALLS GALLS, LLC 001736068 VEST 20.70 0.00 /__/-- GALLS GALLS, LLC 735.00 0.00 001724541 UNIFORMS /--/-- �EA G.M.W.E.A. 593.23 0.00 01312013 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS (2) 70.00 /--/--GRAIN GRAINGER INC 0.00 9394005699 VEHICLE REPAIR /--/- GRAYBAR GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC 971647811 PW LIGHTING 24.54 0.00 / GRAYBAR GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC 971674749 111.20 0.00 _^/-- PW LIGHTING GREENLIGH GREEN LIGHTS ENERGY, INC. 9314 111.20 0.00 _ __ NEW REC OFFICES / -/ GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 07961MAR191505.27 0.00 /--/^- LANDFILL PUMP STATION GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 37931MAR14 MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 5 .36 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 21855MAR14 1-89 RT 2 T/L 5859.59 0.00 39 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 47532MAR14 T/L WHITE ST/PATCHEN RD 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 90476MAR14 T/L WILLISTON RD/DORSET 106.81 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 46332MAR14 T/L WILLISTON RD/MIDAS R 106.52 0.00 /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 18931MAR14 T/L DORSET/KENNEDY-SOLAR 0.00 /-_/_- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 61476MAR14 T/L CLARION/WILLISTON RD 736.88.570.00 �EPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 08310MAR14 T/L KIMBALL /KENNEDY DR 0.00 /-_/_- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 73761MAR14 T/L LIMEKILN /AIRPORT PK 47.28 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 80476MAR14 T/L SWIFT ST/FARRELL ST 0.00 /_-/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 75731MAR14 702 T/L U MALL/ DORSET $ 272.95 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 10432MAR14 T/L WILLISTON /HINESBURG 0.00 /_-/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 84290MAR14 T/L SPEAR ST / SWIFT ST 62.70 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 11094MAR14 100 KENNEDY DR T/L 72.272 220 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 11830MAR14 T/L DORSET/SWIFT-SOLAR 170.39 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 11855MAR14 SPEAR ST PUMP STATION 0.00 /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 62761MAR14 VAN SICKLEN RD PUMP STAT 35.06 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 90268 1111.7 MAR14 HINESBURG PUMP STATION 5 .72 0.00 , GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 00040MAR14 911 DORSET ST PUMP STAT0.00 , GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 31855MAR14 MILL POND LN PUMP 218 6 111.794 0.00 GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 21094MAR14 DORSET ST PUMP STATION 0.00 240.GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 05995MAR14 BARTLETT BAY 2 0.00 / 8 GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 248.78 0.00 _-/-- 240320001 OIL CHANGE GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 58.78 0.00 _ __ 240303002 OIL CHANGE / -/ GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 58.78 0.00 240303003 OIL CHANGE & CAR REPAIR /--/-- GSM GSM GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 685.58 0.00 /__/_- 240329005 OIL CHANGE GSM ENTERPRISES, INC. 58.78 0.00 240227007 OIL CHANGE /--/-- GSM 53. HANNAFD HANNAFORD CHARGE SALES 22 0.00 _ 6096 DISTILLED WATER /--/- HARTT HART, TODD 23.22 0.00 _ __ 03052014 RESTITUTION / -/ 60.00 0.00 HOYLE HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC 0052765 AIRPORT PKWY WWTF 7 HOYLE HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC 0052766 HINESBURG RD WATER/SEWER 1316.00 0.00 HOYLE HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC 0052768 0.00 /--/-- MONITERING LANDFILL 1155.00 0.00 HOYLE HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC 0052767 /--/-- GENERAL STORMWATER 130.00 0.00 IAAI IAAI 57698 /--/-- MEMBERSHIP-ARSON INVEST. 75.00 0.00 _ __ JAZ JAZZERCISE TILE FLOOR 2 TILE FLOOR FOR AEROBICS 440.00 / -/KAMCO KAMCO SUPPLY CORP OF BOSTON 241620 0.00 /_-/__ HINGES 21.00 0.00 LAMOIL LAMOILLE COUNTY COURT DIVERSIO 611 /--/-- COSA TRAININGS 60.00 0.00 _ __ LAWGALE LAW OFFICE OF LISA GALE, PLLC TAX 2014 TAXES OVERPAID - RUSNAK / / LENES r g gpgpH 660.89 0.00 03202014 OVERPAID DOG LICENSE /--/-- LENNY LENNY'S SHOE AND APPAREL 5.00 0.00 _ __ 55907 BOOTS - MORIN / ^/ 135.00 0.00 4 03/28/1 02:49 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Check Warrant Report # Page 4 Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/07/14 To 04/07/14 cingalle Vendor Purchase Discount Amount Invoice Invoice Description Check CDate Amount Amount Paid Number Date LENNY LENNY'S SHOE AND APPAREL 55774 RETURN BOOTS - MORIN LENNY LENNY'S SHOE AND APPAREL -200.00 0.00 55882 BOOTS - MCCARTHY /--/-- CONDO LONDON, MIRIAM 160.00 0.00 61912 YOGA INSTRUCTOR /--/-- LONGST LONGSTRETH SPORTING GOODS 432.00 0.00 1021520A LACROSSE BALLS /-'/-- MAACO NAACO COLLISION REPAIR & AUTO 6351 490.00 0.00 �� REAR BUMPER REPAIR /-_/__ MARAM, RAMANUJAM 490.00 0.00 61838 REFUND - FLOOR HOCKEY /--/-- MARSH /--/-- MARSHALL TIRE GROUP INC 30,00 0.00 30773 TIRE TUBE MCBRIDE MCBRIDE, MAEVE 123.60 0.00 61913 YOGA INSTRUCTOR /--/-- MERRICKS MERRICK, SUSIE 594.00 0.00 _ 03202014 REIMBURSE PACT-NEIGHBOR. 387.22 / -/ MIT TEM MINUTEMAN TRUCKS, INC0.00 1005418 DPW AIR CHAMBER /--/'- MUKHERJEE M(JIO:IERJEE, RAJA 289.64 0.00 _ _ 61815 REFUND - CANCELLATION / -/ - MURRAYD MURRAY, DEJA 40,00 0.00 _ 61930 FLIRTY GIRL INSTRUCTOR / -/ NEWENGFLR NEW ENGLAND FLOOR COVERING, IN 017085 125.00 0.00 FLOORING IN OLD PD /--/-- NORTHEND /--/-- NORTHEND HARDWOODS, LLC 5125.00 0.00 33395 SANDING - PINE NORTRAX NORTRAX EQUIPMENT COMPANY 25.00 0.00 982129 BLADES /--/-- NORTRAX NORTRAX EQUIPMENT COMPANY 788.55 0.00 977028 WIPER BLADE. /--/-- OCC OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS34.70 1202758687 EVALUATION 0.00 /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 29805 167.4574.50 - 0,00 ENVELOPES /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 29814 167.45 0.00 TONER /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 29813 64.93 0.00 PENS /--/ OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 3.78 0.00 29815 TONER /--/-- OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 29816 124.49 0.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES /--/-- OTHER OTHER PAPER 115.05 0.00 5068 LEGAL NOTICE - DRB /--/-- PERMA PERMA-LINE CORP OF NEW ENGLAND 143871 47.608 0.00 STREET SIGNS /-'/'- PERMAMARK PERMANENT MARK INC. 138.50 0.00 _ 14532 LASER MARKING PAINTS / -/ PIKE PIKE INDUSTRIES INC 926.00 0.00 743753 ASPHALT /--/-- PACE PIKE INDUSTRIES INC552.50 0.00 743971 ASPHALT /--/-- PITNEYG PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL 1510913-MR14 405.00 0.00 MAILING SYSTEM LEASE /--/-- QUILL QUILL CORPORATION 159.09 0.00 1132644 TONER /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 512.78 0.00 24132527 EARPIECE /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 24132553 60.00 0.00 RADIO REPAIR /--/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 930.00 0.00 _ 24132556 DPW RADIO SERVICE / -/-- RADION RADIO NORTH GROUP INC 852.00 0.00 _ 24132462 REPLACE MODULE- MICROWAV 2033.00 / -/ READYJ READY, JANE TAXES 3-14 OVERPAID TAXES 0.00 --/ - REARCH REARCH COMPANY 3349.08 0.00 4113-INDS.R BALANCE OWED /--/-- REM R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LL 03142014 75.28 0.00 _ FEB 2014 COMMON FEES / -/-- REPRO REPROGRAPHICS OF NEW ENGLAND 178160 3686.00 0.00 MEDICAL INFO PADS /--/-- REYNOL REYNOLDS AND SON INC 186.00 0.00 3220685 BATTERY ASSEMBLY /--/-- SANEL SANEL AUTO PARTS INC 154.15 0.00 13ZH1725 ANGLING CYLINDER /--/-- SANEL SANEL AUTO PARTS INC 96.30 0.00 13ZH1855 HYD BLD /__/_- SANEL SANEL AUTO PARTS INC 14.48 0.00 13ZH2169 TRUCK PART /--/-- SANEL SANEL AUTO PARTS INC 4.17 0.00 13YY3473 MIN LAMP /--/_- SANEL SANEL AUTO PARTS INC 0.51 0.00 _ 13ZI0345 GREASE GUN & PLIER //--/-- SBCOLLINS -/-- 3BCOLLINS, INC 59•57 0.00 227820 DIESEL FUEL SBCOLLINS SBCOLLINS, INC 16935.16 0.00 227610 DIESEL NOZZLE /--/- SCHWAIG SCHWAIGERT, ERIC & DIANA99.50 0.00 TAX 3-14 OVERPAID TAXES � /--/'- SENTINEL SENTINEL ALARM COMPANY 252.875 0.00 6804 AIRPORT PKWY WWTF � /'-/-- SEWLY SEWLY TAILORING 198.75 0.00 _ __ 0000004 PD-OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DE / -/ SEWLY SEWLY TAILORING 544.50 0.00 FD - 0000004 FD -UNIFORM REPAIRS /--/-- SHARPEB SHARPS, BROOKS 437.40 0.00 _ 61911 ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR / -/-- 260.00 0.00 03/28/14 02:49 pm City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Check Warrant Report # Page 5 Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND cingalls From 04/07/14 To 04/07/14 Vendor Purchase Discount Amount Check Invoice Invoice Description AmountCheck Amount Amount Paid Number Date SHARPED SHARPE, DONNA 61911(2) ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR SIGNAL SIGNALS RYG,INC 260.00 0.00 559 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR /--/-- SIGNAL SIGNALS RYG,INC 1529,75 0.00 _ __ 566 STREET LIGHT REPAIR / -/SMALL SMALL ENGINE CO. INC. 1095. 0 0.00 _ __ 057921 IGNITION MODULE-CHAIN SA / -/ SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 7642J-M14 85.24 0.00 MARKET ST /--/-- ' SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 7643J-M19 219. 0.00 MUNICIPAL COMPLER /--/--SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 7749J-M14 DORSET ST 730.80 0.00 SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 7789J-M14 ROADS/PATHS/SIDEWALKS 61058.34 0.000.00 SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 7794J-M14 DORSET ST 0.00 SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 4918J-M19 HINESBIIRG RD p 164.43 0.00 , UMP STATIO /--/-- SOTWAT SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTM 6552J-M14 1100 DORSET -NAT'L GARDE 98.92 0.00 SOUTHW 3OUTHWORTH-MILTON INC 98.92 0.00 _ SERV1623172 REPAIR GENERATOR / -/SOUTHW SOUTHWORTH-MILTON INC 417.26 0.00 _ 9ERV1623846 REPAIR GENERATOR / -/-- SOUTHW SOUTHWORTH-MILTON INC 1331.61 0.00 SERV1620968 GENERATOR REPAIR /--/-- SOUTHW SOUTHWORTH-MILTON INC 1331.21 0.00 SERV1598572 REPAIR DIESEL FILTER SPORTS SPORTS & FITNESS EDGE 1460.69 0.00 _ __ 32014 SWIM LESSONS -SESSION 3 / -/STA STATE OF VERMONT 490.00 0.00 _ __ 4113-9010.R2 SW - TECHNOLOGY PARK / -/STA STATE OF VERMONT 166.40 0.00 _ _ 3153-9010.R2 SW -STONE HOUSE VILLAGE / -/ STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 327.20 0.00 8029087490 PHONE CABLE . /--/-- STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 68.58 0.00 / -/ 8029008020 POWER CORD STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 64.97 0.00 _ 8029087439 OFFICE SUPPLIES / -/- STRAUSS STRAUSS, MICHAEL & SHERLOCK, R 03052014 120.8497 0.00 . /--/-' ' RESTITUTION TEAM EJP TEAM EJP SO BURLINGTON 140. 0.00 � /--/-- 2 MISC. ITEMS 477316 TEAM EJP TEAM EJP SO BURLINGTON 7 .45 0.00 4775247 SHOP SUPPLIES /--/-- TECHGROUP TECH GROUP 185.00 0.00 63869 PD REPAIRS /--/-- TECHGROUP TECH GROUP 487.50 0.00 _ 63922 FIRE DEPT.DESKTOP / -/-- TENCO TENCO INDUSTRIES INC 69.42 0.00 _ 4412344-RI PLOW PARTS � / -/-- TENCO TENCO INDUSTRIES INC169.424.1 0.00 4412351-RI FLANGE /--/-- TENCO TENCO INDUSTRIES INC 44.12 0.00 4412374-RI OIL SEAL /'-/- THERRIEN THERRIEN'S BOILER & MECHANICAL 11263 69.72 0.00 Ng REPAIRS /--/-- TIFCO TIFCO INDUSTRIES INC 282.50 0.00 _ __ 70933290 SPRAY PAINT & LOOM CLIPS 158.49 / -/ TRONOFUEL TRONO FUELS 0.00 /--/-- 175707 FUEL - WHEELER PARK /--/-- TWINST CEO - TWIN STATE 805.40 0.00 8124-794759 LIGHT BALLAST UNIFIRST UNIFIRST CORPORATION 33.2620 0.00 _ 036 1603589 MAT CLEANING / -/- VACA VACA 82.30 0.00 _ _ 03252014 NICHOLS MEMBERSHIP / -//--/-- VCJTC - VCJTC - VERMONT CRIMINAL JUSTI 140310065 40.00 0.00 K-9 DRUG �VER IZON VERIZON WIRELESS 13.00 0.00 _ __ 9721799068 I-PAD WIRELESS SERVICE / -/VER IZON VERIZON WIRELESS 315.56 0.00 9721921350 FD PHONES � /--/-- VER IZON VERIZON WIRELESS 315.56 0.00 3053412854 CELL PHONE /--/-- VERGAS - JUSTIN 97.94 0.00 VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS INC 40515-9MAR14 GROUP INV. #12329 /--/-- VERGAS VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS INC 11460.99 0.00 _ __ 190006-7M14 208 LANDFILL - GARAGE / -/ VERGAS VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS INC 1646.72 0.00 190008-3M14 LANDFILL RD. /--/-- VERLG2 - OFFICE 1862.13 0.00 _ __ VERMONT LEAGUE OF CITIES & TOW 2014-14645 WORKSHOP-BUDGET & FINANC 100.00 / -/ VERSDX VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF TAXES 0.00 /--/-- SOLAR '14 SOLAR ENERGY CAPACITY TA 234.00 VERTIR VERMONT TIRE & SERVICE INC 0.00 /--/-- 165359 TIRE 294.93 • VERTRO VERMONT TROPHY & ENGRAVING INC 61201 0.00 /--/-- EMERY NAME PLATE 18.70 VIM VANAS VHB - VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN 0177976 0.00 /--/-- VIKING VIKING-GIVES (USA) Market Street B 19053.64 /-_/--0.00 4456889 VEHICLE REPAIR VIKING VIKING-CIVES (USA) 91.78 0.00 _ __ 4456883 VEHICLE REPAIR / -/ VIKING VIKING-GIVES (USA) 10.04 0.00 _ 4457076 TRUCK BODY & PLOWS / -/-- 69828.60 0.00 03/28/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable 02:49 pm Page 6 Check Warrant Report # Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND cingalls From 04/07/19 To 04/07/14 Vendor Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date VIKING VIKING-LIVES (USA) 4453444 TRIM EDGE CYLINDER VIKING VIKING-GIVES (USA) 9 723.75 0.00 /__/-_ 4457015 VEHICLE PARTS 3.75 0.00 _ __VIKING VIKING-GIVES (USA) 4457075 TRUCK BODY / -/ VLCT PACI VICT PACIF 49590.00 0.00 _ __ 2014 QTR2 FIN.#0660 PROP & CASUALT 239651.00 / -/ W B MASON W B MASON CO INC0.00 /_-/__ 117027249 CLOCK, FAN & TONER 139.49 WAHEEDW WAHEED, WAGAR 0.00 /-_/__ 61751 REFUND - FLOOR HOCKEY 30.00 WHITER WHITE RIVER PAPER COMPANY 0.00 /-_/_- 587487 PARK SUPPLIES 279.66 YOUNGREMB YOUNG REMBRANDTS 0.00 /_-/__ 481 ELEMENTARY AFTERSCHOOL 765.00 YOUNGREMB YOUNG REMBRANDTS0.00 /--/_- 482 ELEMENTARY AFTERSCHOOL 255.00 Report Total 597,422.29 7.35 0.00 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL To the Treasurer of CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, We Hereby certify that there is due to the several persons whose names are listed hereon the sum against each name and that there are good and sufficient vouchers supporting the payments aggregating $ ***597,414.94 Let this be your order for the payments of these amounts. Meaghan Emery Chris Shaw Pat Nowak Helen Riehle Pam Mackenzie 04/04/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 1 10:28 am Check Warrant Report # sdorey Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/08/14 To 04/08/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date A & I A & I CLEANING SERVICE INC 3687 PW CLEANING - MAR 2014 960.00 0.00 . /--/-- A & I A & I CLEANING SERVICE INC 3686 WQC CLEANING - MAR. 600.00 0.00 . /--/-- BATRAJ JASKANWAR BATRA MAILBOX MAILBOX REIMBURSEMENT 71.45 0.00 . /--/-- BENNETT BENNETT, CAROL 62084 YOGA INSTRUCTOR 504.00 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773438/3 SPONGE & GRAB HOOK 15.97 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773549/3 ANT BAIT 14.98 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773602/3 BATTERY, FLASH LIGHT, CA 32.77 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773695/3 CAPS-WASHER SLIP JOINT 7.27 0.00 . /--/-- BIBENS SIRENS ACE 773704/3 SHOP CLOTHES 96.98 0.00 . /--/ BIBENS BIBENS ACE 773680/3 RAGS, CHAIN COIL, WD 40 79.43 0.00 . /--/-- BURLPARK BURLINGTON PARKS & RECREATION 03202014 CVRA BASKETBALL TOURNEY 100.00 0.00 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56581 TIE ROD END/TWIN PACK 56.04 1.12 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56570 JOINT BOOT, BRAKE HDWR 16.09 0.32 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-54395 CV AXLE 55.37 1.11 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56768 H.D. CLAMP 3.77 0.08 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56767 H.D. CLAMP 7.54 0.15 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56643 JOINT BOOT -5.15 -0.10 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56736 RNX 25 DEICER 71.82 1.44 . /--/-- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56727 1 GL SPLASH 20 DEG 43.02 0.86 . /--/- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56731 ROTOR, PADS KIT AXLE,SEA 212.46 4.25 . /--/- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-54722 100 SINGLE BLADES 5.54 0.11 . /--/ CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11141-56748 RIBBON SEALER 15.28 0.31 . /--/-' CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-54721 HUB ASSEMBLY 92.70 1.85 . /"/- CARQUE CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 11138-54734 TIE ROD END 29.63 0.59 . /--/-- CHITRS CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL SOL IVCO20534 BIOSOLIDS-FEBRUARY 9066.39 0.00 . /--/-- CHOWJ CHOW, JASON 62052 REFUND - OUTDOOR SKILLS 20.00 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 338098 CORE 87.14 0.00 . /--/-- CLARKS CLARK'S TRUCK CENTER 337390 MOTOR 89.42 0.00 . /--/-- DE LAGE DE LACE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVI 40601584 CLERK COPIER 121.43 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 141646 TKN-AIRPORT PARKWAY 25.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 141647 CU-ZN AIRPORT PARKWAY 49.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 141645 DIGESTER SLUDGE 334.60 0.00 . /--/-- ENDYNE ENDYNE INC 141648 BARTLETT BAY SLUDGE 353.00 0.00 . /--/-- ENVRES ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIA 717382 LAB SUPPLIES 563.66 0.00 . /--/-- ENVRES ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIA 717383 LAB SUPPLIES 260.66 0.00 . /--/-- FINAL FINAL CONNECTION 12387 NEW PHONE SYSTEM 31269.84 0.00 . /--/-- FRACKJ JEFF FRACK MAILBOX MAILBOX REPLACEMENT 70.19 0.00 . /--/-- G & K SER G & K SERVICES 1295860746 UNIFORMS & SUPPLIES 98.05 0.00 . /--/-- GOLD STAR GOLD STAR DOG TRAINING 135 BASIC PUPPY CLASS 800.00 0.00 . /--/-- GOSSDODGE GOSS DODGE, INC 774617 BOLT-HEX FLANGE HEAD 8.64 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 45514MAR14 LAUREL HILL DR STORM STA 21.92 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 05995APR14 BARTLETT BAY 8240.12 0.00 . /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 88596APR14 PUMP STATIONS 2398.42 0.00 /--/-- GREEPW GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATI 51995APR14 HOLMES ROAD 371.29 0.00 . /--/-- HANNAFD HANNAFORD CHARGE SALES 1760 LAB CLEANER 9.98 0.00 . /--/" HERITAGEF HERITAGE FORD 907294 ION C SENSOR 125.36 0.00 . /--/" BUYER BUYER, LISA 62092 CREDIT- YOGA FITNESS 36.00 0.00 . /--/-- JARRETT JARRETT LAW OFFICE 03282014 COURSE-WILLS FOR MINORS 570.00 0.00 . /--/-- KLEHL LOUISE KLEH MAILBOX MAILBOX REPLACEMENT 37.43 0.00 . /--/-- KUHN MEMO KUHN MEMORIALS LTD 2014SBVC21 1ST INSTALLMENT-PLAQUE 3381.67 0.00 /--/-- 04/04/14 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 2 10:28 am Check Warrant Report # sdorey Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/08/14 To 04/08/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date KUHN MEMO KUHN MEMORIALS LTD 2014SBVC22 2ND INSTALLMENT-PLAQUE 3381.67 0.00 /--/-- KYNOCH KYNOCH, LYNN 62086 CHEERLEADING INSTRUCTOR 400.00 0.00 --- . /--/-- MERCH1 MERCHANTS BANK RENTAL2014 BOX RENTAL 65.00 0.00 /--/-- MILTON MILTON RENTAL & SALES CENTER I 01-313876-02 MOWERS 521.13 0.00 . /--/-- NORTRAX NORTRAX EQUIPMENT COMPANY 989139 WIPER BLADES 34.70 0.00 OFFESS OFFICE ESSENTIALS OF VERMONT 29838 CHAIRMAT-KEVIN DORN 87.53 0.00 . /--/-- ORKIN ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY IN 04172014 SERVICE -APRIL - FIRE 211.75 0.00 ORKIN ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY IN 04182014 SERVICE- APRIL 154.57 0.00 . /--/-_ PIKE PIKE INDUSTRIES INC 744113 COLD PATCH 910.00 0.00 PITNEY PITNEY BOWES INC 412189 METER RENTAL 189.50 0.00 . /--/-- SANEL SANEL AUTO PARTS INC 13ZQ0557 MUFFLER & PIPE 195.07 3.90 /--/-- SATHALLJ JUNE SATHALL MAILBOX MAILBOX REIMBURSEMENT 21.39 0.00 . /--/-- SIG SIGN A RAMA 28538 INTERIOR SIGN UPDATES 676.39 0.00 . /--/-- SMALL SMALL ENGINE CO. INC. 58007 TRIMMER LOOP HANDLE 263.96 0.00 . /--/-- SMITHKS MICHAEL K. SMITH 3 CONSULTING ON CITY CIP 1950.00 0.00 STAPL STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8029170739 SUPPLIES LESS TAX 48.98 0.00 SUMFIRE SUMMIT FIRE AND SECURITY LLC 2369 FIRE COMPLIANCE 8393.82 0.00 /--/-- UNIFIRST UNIFIRST CORPORATION 036 1606126 MATS 82.30 0.00 . /--/-- VASTA VASTA, LLC 2148 TEAM STRENGTH & CONDITIO 156.00 0.00 VASTA VASTA, LLC 2149 TEAM STRENGTH & CONDITIO 234.00 0.00 /--/-- VAR IZON VERIZON WIRELESS 9722000403 REC PHONES 148.74 0.00 . /--/-- VMERS VMERS DB 2014-3MGMT JAN-MAR 2014 MGMT-NONUNI 18025.66 0.00 . /--/-- VMERS VMERS DB 2014-3WPC JAN-MAR 2014 WPC CONTRIB 8958.27 0.00 . /--/-_ WOODG WOOD, GORDON 62053 REFUND - PAPER MAKING 8.00 0.00 /--/-- I . 04/04/2014 City of South Burlington Accounts Payable Page 3 of 3 10:26 am Check Warrant Report # sdorey Unpaid Invoices For Check Acct 1(GENERAL FUND) From 04/08/14 To 04/08/14 Purchase Discount Amount Check Check Vendor Invoice Invoice Description Amount Amount Paid Number Date Report Total 106,614.60 15.99 0.00 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL To the Treasurer of CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, We Hereby certify that there is due to the several persons whose names are listed hereon the sum against each name and that there are good and sufficient vouchers supporting the payments aggregating $ ***106,598.61 Let this be your order for the payments of these amounts. Meaghan Emery Chris Shaw Pat Nowak Helen Riehle Pam Mackenzie Resolution to Change the name of Dorset Park to Veterans Memorial Park Whereas,the City of South Burlington has supported the South Burlington Veterans Committee in its endeavors to build a Veterans Memorial at Dorset Park; and, Whereas,the concept of this Veterans Memorial was initiated by a group of concerned citizens who visualized and planned this tribute, with overwhelming support from our community; and, Whereas,the concept, location, and plans were unanimously approved by members of the City Council; and, Whereas,the Memorial was designed and built through the generous in-kind contributions from partnering local businesses who, along with the numerous financial contributions from individuals made this project a reality; and, Whereas,this Memorial will stand as a lasting tribute to the men and women, past and present, who honored these United States with their service to our Country; and, Whereas,the original name for Dorset Park is based on a street reference, unlike our other parks, and the Veterans Memorial is a prominent component of the Park; and, Whereas,this Memorial was established in the fall of 2013 and will be dedicated this May, 2014; and, Whereas, it is the expressed desire of the members of the South Burlington Veterans Committee to have Dorset Park renamed in honor of our Veterans; and, Now,Therefore, Be it Resolved,that the City Council hereby approves that the official name of Dorset Park be changed to Veterans Memorial Park; and, Furthermore, Be It Resolved,that this change will take effect at the dedication of the Memorial, scheduled for May 17, 2014. Dated the 7th day of April, 2014 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Pam Mackenzie, Chair Pat Nowak,Vice-Chair Meaghan Emery, Clerk Helen Riehle Chris Shaw South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 04/08/14 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 4/8/2014 2506 All Seasons Excavating 30,353.36 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/10/2014 VI-13303 28086 5,433.25 5,433.25 3/1/2014 VI-13305 28060-REVISED 10,764.66 10,764.66 2/24/2014 VI-13306 28085 283.00 283.00 3/5/2014 VI-13307 28084 13,872.45 13,872.45 4/8/2014 2507 Burlington Communications 176.50 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/27/2014 VI-13309 20140504 176.50 176.50 4/8/2014 2508 Champlain Water District 42,560.40 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/31/2014 VI-13316 SBWD-287 42,560.40 42,560.40 4/8/2014 2509 Champlain Water District 95,374.35 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/31/2014 VI-13312 SBWD-279 128.66 128.66 3/31/2014 VI-13313 MARCH CONSUMPTION 95,245.69 95,245.69 4/8/2014 2510 Holly Deridder 165.95 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/3/2014 VI-13317 REFUND 165.95 165.95 4/8/2014 2511 E.J. Prescott, Inc. 3,257.71 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/17/2014 VI-13298 4774858 369.87 369.87 3/17/2014 VI-13299 4773916 727.33 727.33 3/10/2014 VI-13302 4772953 2,056.14 2,056.14 3/5/2014 VI-13304 4773257 104.37 104.37 4/8/2014 2512 Ferguson Waterworks#590 1,031.03 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/18/2014 VI-13296 0353416 821.28 821.28 3/4/2014 VI-13308 0353249 209.75 209.75 4/8/2014 2513 Frank W.Whitcomb Construction 52.42 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/11/2014 VI-13297 00650629 52.42 52.42 4/8/2014 2514 Vivian Hodgkin 10.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/3/2014 VI-13318 REFUND 10.00 10.00 Printed: April 03, 2014 Page 1 of 3 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 04/08/14 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 4/8/2014 2515 Office Essentials 161.50 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 1/27/2014 VI-13263 29663 -308.53 -308.53 2/6/2014 VI-13268 29733 61.23 61.23 2/2/2014 VI-13273 29703 237.25 237.25 3/23/2014 VI-13311 29826 171.55 171.55 4/8/2014 2516 City Of South Burlington 289,854.80 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/2/2014 VI-13315 MARCH SEWER 289,854.80 289,854.80 4/8/2014 2517 City Of South Burlington 173,539.69 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/2/2014 VI-13314 MARCH STORMWATER 173,539.69 173,539.69 4/8/2014 2518 SoVerNet, Inc. 40.33 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/15/2014 VI-13301 3356650 40.33 40.33 4/8/2014 2519 Joyce E.Stutler 315.15 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/19/2014 VI-13300 355169 315.15 315.15 4/8/2014 2520 U.S. Postal Service 2,000.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/25/2014 VI-13310 REPLENISH BULK MAIL 2,000.00 2,000.00 4/8/2014 2521 USDA Forest Service 54.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/3/2014 VI-13319 REFUND 54.00 54.00 Printed: April 03, 2014 Page 2 of 3 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 04/08/14 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid Total Amount Paid: 638,947.19 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Printed: April 03, 2014 Page 3 of 3 1 1 S 1l 1 At cm clev:s ()Wee 1 Donna KinviIle,City Clerk i lbo DEED 4 yOTE April 7,2014 nt permits were inment licen5e5 and special eve ann entertainment \\ ual e The following 2p14 City Council after review by the City Fire,police, approved by The South Burlington Zoning and Health departments. N� AppRESS DESCRIPTION g70 Williston Road Sheraton Burlington Hotel 733 Queen City park Rd 5 Market Street Venue 1214 Williston Road Higher Ground MaY 8 2014 event Magic Hat Apri126,2p14 open house Concentra Medical Center pat Nowak Vice Chair Mackenzie Chair Pam Meaghan Emery Chris Shaw Helen R1ehle �kin�file@;bu $02 p�6.4i0S South Burlington,VT 05�03 c75 Dorset Street 1 • South Burlington ofi 's 0� City Clerk's fice 0 ��„ City G 4) �� City Clerk ai . �� Donna Kiriville. L7 ��:v NG PERMIT t `.1 �1T (ENTERTAINMENT) OR CA �1 ` SPECIA � ,�1 .4\v/'AD E OF PERSON,PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION. , o FULL NAM a 4/6" 000 /4 CONTACT PHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL: ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE: s • • DATE• 6POLICE::: i - 0GECRETIONPPR APPROVED:_____ _ OVED �_ ,/ DATE: H16HwAYIHEALTH DEPT A PPROVED: q CITY COUNCIL DATE: DATE SENT TO MONTPELIER. { i t AK#: �� t i 0 4 vts^A. .A. ft1PLQ 1 it° sy D 1`� � '// 6 a® V E R M �AD P4'6 ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION Date of Application: Y� � Annual Permit T e of Application 0 Special Event Permit ‘...)-.J..., t-- 0 . Name of Establishment: _ n Address of Establishment: ( : n \ii OC i Name Owner: �c-t ti J' Address of Owner: {j lD bz Name of Operator: Address of Operator: J v < ,. + Complete Description of Show: 2 D • Date(s)of Show and Hour(s) of Operation: \\4,. U ; u -(-- D r---- to (� 1 ��r � —� is� :5 Security Provi\ssions: G1"(--(...1 D \ Burlington Ordinance Regarding As applicant,I have read and ttnderstCarnivalsd e randT Ot1i r Shows. I on of the South�so understand that only the Licensure of Regulation of Circuses, permitted and that additional typesof type ofentertainment applied for in this license is p specific entertainment will require an additional application. f � Date: Applicant's Signature: 0‘ Date: ' itow Sta. 93 VERMONT vD „yx,‘ ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION x® " Type of Application ,15 Annual Permit Date of Application: a )0 ri 0 Special Event Permit • Name of Establishment: G n ni �a S Address of Establishment: 7 3 3 Q t .e , �� ()co Pet 3c.t �. -c 'n-cur �� b�' , 054 0_2,_ Name Owner: Fr Con CI S ebe`gen Address of Owner: 'A' V u231 Rd Li1l14' ni O}-. C)Sti CO' Name of Operator: FrGnwrr c,13r Address of Operator: ' I' u R d, i t r shay, k U 4-. 059 95 Complete Description of Show: I<crcaio he.G �•�2cX ��netrS 3c oe(4 Loce —ban c15 i d q to i h-i- 3uft -ruies d - ie. 4'C f M-IF Date(s) of Show and Hour(s) of Operation: J Date(s): 3ulnd �cifurcl Lyar Tusul col S) Hours(s): 9 :3 0 - 11. b oily) Security Provisions: oor mean C\n 1i.A A csaat. corvirc ( As applicant,I have read and understand the provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows.I also understand that only the specific type of entertainment applied for in this license is permitted and that additional types of entertainment will require an additional application.p Applicant's Signature: '.,--�.. 0. fZ`-- Date: y t rya 04 • ' VERMONT DD ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION ack MM Type of Application NUJ Annual Permit Date of Application: 3—Z ��\ J ❑ Special Event Permit Name of Establishment: �L ` Address of Establishment: 6cAv- -4- Name Owner: Oel 7?— = L Address of Owner: AC 19 Name of Operator: c \,1 C I,o L-\t Address of Operator: Lys`1 ��''at � A C � c - cl \f[ 4)`41 Complete Description of Show: 1D , � s Date(s) of Show and Hour(s) of Operation: Date(s): Hours(s): `--- Security Provisions: t r'> As applicant,I have read and understand the provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows.I also understand that only the specific type of entertainment applied for in this license is permitted and that additional types of entertainment will require an additional application. •Applicant's Signature:7 /'L/-z-/ �� Date: j I \E° z tittr , y. s ep.. ate. .si t' ='j. r, ::.r4.. VERMONT qd,6,Dv ADG ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION Type of Application lit Annual Permit Date of Application: i /'-giz.bt 0 Special Event Permit Name of Establishment: C:°C,-�Y1' Address of Establishment: \Z\`l ,\\ CL"c cV c e‘ L� .Von 47 0 5 0 3 Name Owner: '..2'ii! R. Address of Owner: 5 01._ A v or A-, O R. Name of Operator: S A NI Address of Operator: 6A ill E Complete Description of Show: \tom' (3 a Cr COr\ 42.Y k Si Come A r Date(s) of Show and Hour(s) of Operation:o Date(s): City %Rx L^ A cve f. S l'"l6.-4 ck 010 d c Sche ,. ) Hours(s): m"-r ; - c_ avNA (1.._ncc"v -' n., Security Provisions: P P r‘c.,•2 tcke '11- Ce Pe-4'S r)A. f c'r v v^" j v fU c-tik/1 v' 1 C\"e c otk the fvfm+ Apo , As applicant,I have read and understand the provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows. I also understand that only the specific type of entertainment applied for in this license is permitted and that additional types of entertainment will require itional application. // / Applicant's Signature` Date: l/a-� J Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:39 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: permits/ent licenses Ok with me From: Laura Sent:Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:37 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject: permits/ent licenses Hello- Attached are two 2014 annual entertainment licenses for Sheraton & Franny O's.also one for another taste testing event at Higher Ground on 4/24/2014. Let me know if ok. Laura vonaa rfr Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Trevor Whipple [twhipple@sbpdvt.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:42 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: permits/ent licenses No issues. Approved. Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police,City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive,South Burlington,VT 05403-6047 802-846-4155 twhipple@sbpdvt.org Notice•Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e•mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. From: Laura [mailto:lauraCasburt.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:37 AM To: Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: permits/ent licenses Hello- Attached are two 2014 annual entertainment licenses for Sheraton& Franny O's.also one for another taste testing event at Higher Ground on 4/24/2014. Let me know if ok. Laura von Om Laura Kimball - Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: ray Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:27 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: permits/ent licenses No zoning issues. Ray Belau. Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Laura Sent:Tuesday, March 25,2014 10:37 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject: permits/ent licenses Hello- Attached are two 2014 annual entertainment licenses for Sheraton & Franny O's.also one for another taste testing event at Higher Ground on 4/24/2014. Let me know if ok. Laura . WO 4404 Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return emaiL Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Terry Francis Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:01 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: permits/ent licenses Both Ok from FMO From: Laura Sent:Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:37 AM To:Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: permits/ent licenses Hello- Attached are two 2014 annual entertainment licenses for Sheraton & Franny O's.also one for another taste testing event at Higher Ground on 4/24/2014. Let me know if ok. Laura k� 3 citt Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: ray Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:38 PM To: Laura Subject: RE:Venue annual entertainment permit No zoning issues. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sboathtosustainabilitv.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a Ciry official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If;you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Laura Sent:Tuesday,April 01, 2014 12:20 PM To:Terry Francis;Trevor Whipple; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject:Venue annual entertainment permit Let me know if any issues. Thanks- Laura ‘'( ' Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 IkimballPsburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:01 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Venue annual entertainment permit OK with me From: Laura Sent:Tuesday,April 01, 2014 12:20 PM To:Terry Francis;Trevor Whipple; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject:Venue annual entertainment permit Let me know if any issues. Thanks- Laura fir i pit Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Terry Francis Sent: Tuesday,April 01, 2014 12:44 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Venue annual entertainment permit Ok from FMO From: Laura Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 12:20 PM To:Terry Francis; Trevor Whipple; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Venue annual entertainment permit Let me know if any issues. Thanks- Laura 406. •t; Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 City of South Burlington City Clerks Office agra Donna Kinville, City Clerk SPECIAL EVENT(ENTERTAINMENT) OR CATERING PERMIT FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION: —111 a 84G 1--/erk reb061T CONTACT PHONE NUMBER 0 E-MAIL: deal ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE: POLICE APPROVED: DATE: `3ieo //4 FIRE APPROVED: (mil \ DATE: 3 1 zi- ZONING APPROVED: DATE: /LL l 1� RECREATION APPROVED: _ram DATE: HIGHWAY/HEALTH DEPT APPROVED:6X DATE: W/,/ 4. CITY COUNCIL DATE: 7/' 1/ DATE SENT TO MONTPELIER: `. _ _ - - 4. avos CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION Type of Application 0, Annual Permit sr Special Event Permit • Date of Application: Metirei �� Name of Establishment: Magic Hat Brewery and Artifactory Address of Establishment: 5 Bartlett Bay Road South Burlington VT 05403 Name and Address of Owner: North American Breweries 445 Saint Paul Street • Rochester,NY 14605 Name and Address of Operator: Dani Gleason 627 Woods Hollow Road Westford,VT 05494 r, Complete Description of Show: - Need a pint permit for a private party for 50 people. Food will be provided by the event organizers Date(s) of Show and Hour(s) of Operator: Date(s) ' Thursday May 8,2014 • Hour(s) 4:00 PM- 8:00 PM Security provisions: We will have ample DLC certified staff on to facilitate the event and pour As applicant, I have read and understand the provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows . I also understand that -only the specific type of entertainment applied for in this license is permitted and that additiona types of rjtertainm t will require an additional application. It r 0 ignature Laura From: Trevor Whipple[twhipple@sbpdvt.org] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 8:43 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits No concerns. Approved. Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police,City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive,South Burlington,VT 05403-6047 802-846-4155 twhippleAsbpdvt.org Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,ail e-moil,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in mutters concerning City business,concerning n City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise mode confidential by low.If you hove received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. ----- From: Laura [mailto:laura@sburLcom] Sent:Thu 3/20/2014 9:48 AM To: Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura tan otrtt fr to Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: ray Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:27 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits No zoning issues. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Laura Sent:Thursday, March 20,2014 9:48 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura if Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 Ikimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:37 AM To: Subject: RE: Magic Hat, one tra ed r. pnits Good with me From: Laura Sent:Thursday, March 20,2014 9:48 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat,Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura a Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 Ikimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff;or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Terry Francis Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 4:20 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Ok from FMO From: Laura Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:48 AM To: Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura fq,7- kteo Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 City .of South Burlington �41Ao 4 City Clerk's Office < Donna Kinville, City Clerk SPECIAL EVENT(EN ,ERTAINMENT) OR CATERING PERMIT 1 l vv�t FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION: nvr)� l' 'r � �� CONTACT PHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL: r4 ADDRESS: e4r� DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE: 4---%)a rc k J POLICE APPROVED: ekti DATE: 4•VillP FIRE APPROVED: CZ v DATE: 40-4))11 ZONING APPROVED: &K., DATE: e/AD/14 RECREATION APPROVED: DATE: ��- HIGHWAY/HEALTH DEPT APPROVED: DATE: 4:A/51)/11 CITY COUNCIL DATE: DATE SENT TO MONTPELIER: C J 63 } t • '` s,. a: ' tut ass:... ft > ry t n (pig ig (ft �-1 c�Y ,,,,,.,,,..,,;0,—......•♦♦♦/ VERMONT eAcive(-"6-6 , I4 ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION ems' ° %)1 ah-- I Lt Type of Application El Annual Pei wit Date of Application: 'tort_Am 0 Special Event Permit Name of Establishment: 0-691WA_Vec fitectu al epickr Address of Establishment: 7rtuy6 f by 5 )LI)l J c/tu /I/i t, 1/7 057 63 Name Owner: t i Address of Owner: paly[-t_i t, 4tt_ i5 , Name of Operator: JeULL/ r/ Fd d- &6 S-5 75 Address of Operator: €4 1 ' 16u r: 17riA, VT 0 5Y&3 Complete Description of Show: (pot. f-.64 ve.r ot_, alth 'u.Gc.6 yz..._) Oi o Lur 1 e-ft even i 24.44 C /s,t_at n T i..e-h ifn2C:c'L '' -.0..1 1Y24-Yc.5, &4o . ,t Ce p a-zy4—A ✓Lil , r.eilep..c 'fe.0 Li-/r c ayL' C/ ,/5, y 'a- / e)ps -tv / fry. Date(s)of Show and Hour(s) of Operation: Date(s): RV ri / 26 ., .412-t- r.-l-'.'-y Hours(s): /0 — / Security Provisions: rya-he /c ,„fr-v?{/ , ,g iLi._ it_euic.. , ,--XiiZ- lb .S/Zt.t-ll i /i./,e_ 7YkGA5 i s e_rz,t-7 z b/c_ , /)„,/k ry As applicant,I have read and understand the provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses, Carnivals and Other Shows.I also understand that only the specific type of entertainment applied for in this license is permitted and that additional types of entertainment will require an ditional application. ti� At._A.- �� di;e'SSA'c/ r � �4 � Applicant's Signature: ! / Cit—t, Date: o 7z//f. Laura From: Trevor Whipple [twhipple@sbpdvt.org] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 8:43 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits No concerns. Approved. Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police,City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive,South Burlington,VT 05403-6047 802-846-4155 twhipple@sbpdvt.oru Notice•Under Vermont's Public Records Act,ell email,email attorhmoats ns well as poper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning n City officiel or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to he regarded as public records which may he inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law:if you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. e From: Laura [mailto:laura@asburl.com] Sent: Thu 3/20/2014 9:48 AM To: Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura vat 4ta f', Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 Ikimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,a-mall attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email.Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:37 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Good with me From: Laura Sent:Thursday, March 20,2014 9:48 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura mir has€#tom Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 • Laura From: ray Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:27 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Ma •� Hattoncentra Med Ctr. rmits No zoning issues. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. P __ From:Laura Sent:Thursday, March 20,2014 9:48 AM To:Trevor Whipple;Terry Francis; ray;Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura t N. Et f iiis Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball(tbsburl.com , Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Laura From: Terry Francis Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 4:20 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Ok from FMO From: Laura Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:48 AM To: Trevor Whipple; Terry Francis; ray; Justin Rabidoux Subject: Magic Hat, Concentra Med Ctr. permits Hello- 2 special event permits. Let me know if ok. Laura dog Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com Notice-Under Vermont's Public Records Act,all e-mail,e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business,concerning a City official or staff,or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request,unless otherwise made confidential by law.If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. 1 City f South Burlington City Clerk's Office VDT Donna Kinvi le, City Clerk April 7, 2014 The following first, second class, tobacco licenses were approved by the South Burlington Liquor Control Board after being reviewed by the City Tax, fire and Police departments. NAME DESCRIPTION Pauline's Café first class Jolley #146 (1110 Shel Rd) second class/tobacco Silver Palace first class Zachary's Pizza first class Champlain Farms(801 Will Rd) second class/tobacco Chipotle Mexican Grill first class Gonzo's Indoor Golf first class Healthy Living second class Higher Ground first class Olive Garden first class Pour House first class Walgreen #11526 second class/tobacco Windjammer first class/outside consumption Pam Mackenzie Chair Pat Nowak Vice Chair Chris Shaw Meaghan Emery Helen Riehle 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 802-846-4105 dkinvilie@sburl.corn City of South Burlington ►40& e City Clerk's Office varF� • Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENANE ADDRESS l LJ'1vrr FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFI fjrC �T SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. BURLINGTON FIR P L71 Chief Douglas S. rent /U4 SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date sent to Montpelier: 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6470-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SFff1, MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Blue Heron Cafe & Catering, Inc. Licensee # 6470- 1 Doing Business As: Pauline's Cafe and Restaurant Mailing Address: 1834 Shelburne Road 1834 Shelburne Road South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 862-1081 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: CAJL) e�C � rok(1{ W. pCN1A- @ Description of Premises: Lessor: Restaurant located in a two story cement block and wood frame Robert Fuller building situated on the east side of Route 7 approximately 400 feet 1834 Shelburne Road north of the Shelburne Town Line, designated as 1834 Shelburne Road, i South Burlington VT 05403 in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. Last Enforcement Seminar: 07/13/2012 Fed. ID Number: 26-1529100 Incorporation Date: 12/06/2007 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Hoene, David M. 2179 Downingville Road Lincoln VT 05443 Stockholder 2. Hoene, David M. 2179 Downingville Road Lincoln VT 05443' Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes xNo If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes '(No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 101 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Rooms Cert./Acct. No.: 440-261529100E-01 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date .74 of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6470-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SF7,T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this t" j day of r0( _ti) , 1 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, club or association (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes yyto Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully meet by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control ,-d, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of -- ity o ''f i ofc�/•0� /,„Air .a d ...._ ..:s J`sav�c4w .,, > a .. Div Total Membership E5 , members present , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of alderuen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 0 ,.4) 40 City of South urli ton 0440 City Clerk's Office VOT Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME - -.01/6fror- 4 /4-1p , ADDRESS ll1 D PJby r-i& P FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE Frl52, 5/ DIr—t' SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. BURLINGTON FIRE DEPT"--r— ' llChief Douglass S. Brent D e SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT LiOt-t A711-41----// -24-K9 . 2-- 41 (1/ Marta Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector ° Date sent to Montpelier: .,,,,X /-\''0\9 ("Cid-- D 575 flnrsat Street South Rill linntnn 1!i our n Rn7_RAn_tnn, rilrin%rillc,(7chnrl rnm 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-025-SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SFT,T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $140.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $70.00 is paid to town/city $70.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Jolley Associates LLC Licensee # 406- 25 Doing Business As: Jolley #146 Mailing Address: 1110 Shelburne Road P.O. Box 671 South Burlington VT 05403 St. Albans VT 05478 Telephone: (802) 865-2005 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: -3 \, b(1.�CA)c-s-f.CO t'i r1 Description of Premises: Lessor: A convenience store located in a single story steel/masonry building James & Deborah Wesson being 3450 square feet in size and located a the southeast corner of Strafford, NH the Intersection of/Baldwin Avenue and Shelburne Road in the City of Charlotte Vt South Burlington, Vent. Last Enforcement Seminar: 03/12/2013 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 01/01/2013 Federal ID Number: 99-9999999 Majority of Members are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability Canpany Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Member 1. Jolley, Bruce 180 Overlake Drive Colchester VT 05446 Member 2. Jolley, Robert, Estate of 180 Overlake Drive Colchester VT 05446 Has any person been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or matier vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? _Yes ILlis If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any person held any e e ive or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont • (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes f o If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We ere in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Ehployment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page -3) - 1y 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-025-SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SETT MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this t)Jx day of (j Cy aQ�'1, 1--/ Signature of authorized agent S': - -e of ' divi. or .. - of corporation, ccnpany, club or association —Aar (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes o Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully net by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recarmendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license maybe granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Rnard of Control Commissioners o C' Town of, •� r)i Total Membership 6 members present i Co , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 - } 3 2014 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-025—TOBC-001 1 TOBACCO LICENSE TO BELT TOBACCO Page 1 Optional Fee: $100.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $0.00 is paid to town/city $100.00 is paid to DLC Fee due only if licensee does not have a liquor license Town: .04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Jolley Associates LLC Licensee # 406- 25 Doing Business As: Jolley #146 Mailing Address: 1110 Shelburne Road P.O. Box 671 South Burlington VT 05403 St. Albans VT 05478 Telephone: (802) 865-2005 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: ori-i.'\c Q_\\�., �(:�\\<L`� ,C� Description of Premises: Lessor:/ A convenience store located in a single story steel/masonry building James & Deborah Wesson being 3450 square feet in size and located a the southeast corner of Strafford, n the Intersection of Baldwin Avenue and Shelburne Road in the City of Charlotte Vt South Burlington, Vermont. Last Enforcement Seminar: 03/12/2013 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 01/01/2013 Federal ID Number: 99-9999999 L Majority of Members are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES ) AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability Company Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Member 1. Jolley, Bruce 180 Overlake Drive Colchester VT 05446 Member 2. Jolley, Robert, Estate of 180 Overlake Drive Colchester VT 05446 Has any person been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or t vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes , If yes, please attach the following information: Indivirh,al's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any person held any elecive or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes 1X No • If yes, please attach the following infonnaattibn: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good ia standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. • I/We herebyy certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated thig�)* day of Ens- , e d J�/ Signature of authorized agent Signature dividual or rtners of corporation, congaany, club or association (Title) vt Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes /�To Continued on next page �����\ ,P 0_01 ,-, 1,.:.ccLc-1 o cm - Jo -,,__.2) - / 1 i 2014 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-025-TOBC-001 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SFT1 TOBACCO Page 2 UJon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED 9 �1 Approved by Board of Control Comanissioners of ' .City or of /FP Ii,FIpp Total Membership , members present • -st, ! , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 = � a® City of South Burlington 44��* City Clerk's Office VOTE - - Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME ADDRESS AA/ (a &Dill% °D '4 • FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE j, I , D, .eCv1 SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. BURLINGTON FIRE DEPT ofir t Art Chief Doug s S. Brent a e SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT- 7/7 I/Pt( /- 41/ Martha Lyons, Deputy/Tx Collector Date sent to Montpelier: F7F Mrcpt Ctrppt Cnuth Rnrlinntnn VT OFP.!1; R119_RAR_6111F it invillp�chnrl rnm 1 1 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 1969-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SKrJ MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTONit , MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SH LAL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Szechuan East-Restaurant Corp. Licensee # 1969- 1 Doing Business As: Silver Palace Mailing Address: 1216 Williston Road 1216 Williston Road South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 864-0125 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: E tet,L Q( C3 Fv1 ti i l'CJ Y'A, Description of Premises: Lessor: Restaurant in a 1 story cement block building on the north side of Merrill Jarvis Rt. 2 (Williston Rd.) designated as 1216 Williston Rd., in the City 1210 Williston Road of South Burlington, VT. South Burlington VT 05403 Last Enforcement Seminar: 04/17/2013 Fed. ID Number: 03-0304864 Incorporation Date: 07/03/1986 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Lee, Edward E-9 Stonehedge Dr. South Burlington VT 05403 Director 2. Ng, Kin Ting 135 Sadler Road Williston VT 05495 Director 3. Wong, Ken 177 Sadler Lane Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 4. Lee, Edward E-9 Stonehedge Dr. South Burlington VT 05403 Stockholder 5. Lee, Kenneth 350 Spear St. South Burlington VT 05403 Stockholder 6. Chu, Wai King L-6 Stonehedge Dr. South Burlington VT 05403 Stockholder 7. Ng, Nang 328 Sander Circle Erie CO 80516 Stockholder 8. Louie, Hung 291 Sander Circle Erie CO 80516 Additional stockholders are on file Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any crimiy61 or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any electiv9or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes V No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 1427 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Roans Cert./Acct. No.: 15615 Li t i Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes M‹No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page i i 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 1969-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this 21 - day of JC({l(.4y)J't-{ , 20 l L Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of coipuration, canpany, club or association (Tletcz (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes t/No — I Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED t Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o e City wn of t h Total Membership , members present Clown Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town hard of selectmen or city hoard of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 • • • , :�. City of South Burlington City Clerk's Office oT!°E° ; = Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET )LICENSE APPLICATION 1 i { FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME 7kari , 1 ADDRESS /®? 0 it/i DV S , FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE P 141. C91)14' -fra) / 1 SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. BURLINGTON F T Chic,, Douglas . rent to SO. BURLINGTON T DEPT � �� Marth Lyons, Deputy Tax hector Date sent to Montpelier: 575 fnrset Street Smith Riirlinntnn VT fl'fttr, R119_RLR_n1fc ratin iillonchnrl rnm 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 4294-002-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SELT MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $1 1 5,00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DLC • Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON • MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Williston Road Pizza, LLC Licensee # 4294- 2 Doing Business As: Zachary's Pizza (sb) Mailing Address: 1250 Williston Road 8 White Street South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403-5713 Telephone: (802) 864-9817 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: Description of Premises: Lessor: A restaurant approximately 13,000 square feet in size located in a one Faraoore, TIC story brick and steel frame building north of Al's French Fries and 8 White Street designated as 1250 Williston Road in the city of South Burlington, South Burlington VT 05403 Vermont. Last Enforcement Seminar: 04/09/2013 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 03/10/2000 Federal ID Number: 03-0364382 Majority of Members are US Citizens: Ye s ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability Canpany Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Member 1. Moore, John 132 Allen Drive Milton VT 05468 Member 2. Farrell, Shawn 26C West Street Essex Junction VT 05452 Has any person been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes �o If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date • • In the past year has any person held any elect;ve or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes ,"No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 247 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Roans Cert./Acct. No.: 11878801 • Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No • ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Rnsrd may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Carmissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full canpliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page • • • 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 4294-002-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SFT,T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this �� " day of aV) Signature of authorized agent • ture of individual or partners o serporation, company, club or association (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes ‘/No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual catmissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED v � Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of 14 City Town o" ¢ Total Membership members present Ite t T^wn Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as:taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 • ii City of South Burlington 0.04® 4 City Clerk's Office oar E8? Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME �a) r ADDRESS 5D/ /1 I D1' i, ro6A, FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET (:::7 DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE , tip)I SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO.' : •' INGTON FIR PT 9)4/Y Chief Douglas S. Brent Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT f � 1it. Martha Lyons, Deputy T4X Collector Date sent to Montpelier: A' /1.1' 16/611) ri75 Rnrcet Street Sniith RUT linntnn \?T fF4(1? R f17_R[1R_A.1(ic r11 invillonchnrl rnrn 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 2396-023-SECN=001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELT, MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $140.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $70.00 is paid to town/city $70.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Wesco, Inc. Licensee # 2396- 23 Doing Business As: Champlain Farms - Exxon Mailing Address: 801 Williston Road 32 San Reno Drive South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403-6310 Telephone: (802) 860-5850 1 r PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: 2 ( U (? e)(1 e-lf1'1 v'A.t c - _YAn. S •C Description of Premises: Lessor: A convenience store and gas station located in.a brick building Wesco Oil approximately 900 square feet in size and located on the south side So. Burlington Vt of Williston Road due north of Spillaines Mobil at 801 Williston Road in the city of South Burlington, Vermont. Last Enforcement Seminar: 09/27/2013 Fed. ID Number: 03-0273319 Incorporation Date: 09/21/1979 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Simendinger, David 88 Calloway Drive Williston VT 05495 Director 2. Simendinger, William 12 Whiteface Street S Burlington VT 05403 Director 3. Simendinger, Joann 43 Summit Ridge Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 4. Simendinger, David 88 Calloway Drive Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 5. Simendinger, William 12 Whiteface Street S Burlington VT 05403 Stockholder 6. Simendinger, Joann 43 Summit Ridge Williston VT 05495 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminaj,or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes o If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any electiveer appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes 4,INo If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(1:1.), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page Health License Expires December 31, 2014 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 2396-023-SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SFT.T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this \ \-k` day of cV\N\Y n , a 6v� gnature thorized ag t Signature of individual or partners of torpor 'on, company, or a ociati ���� �� (S ' vtiy r \ SL0� `VvL GJA �eSt . (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes V No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license maybe granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title most be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED i e i Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of City Town of Total Membership .6 , members present " ..- 1 Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or ' second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 2014 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 2396-023—TOBC-001 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SFTJ TOBACCO Page 1 Optional Fee: $100.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $0.0 0 is paid to town/city • $100.00 is paid to DLC Fee due only if licensee does not have a liquor license Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. • Applicant: Wesco, Inc. Licensee # 2396- 23 Doing Business As: Champlain Farms - Exxon Mailing Address: 801 Williston Road 32 San Remo Drive South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403-6310 Telephone: (802) 860-5850 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: , Cp ;\(C�)t1C).sn/N \GA.Ave ‘fY`\S• CN"'1 Description of Premises: Lessor: A convenience store and gas station located in a brick building Wesco Oil approximately 900 square feet in size and looted on the south side So. Burlington Vt of Williston Road due north of Spillaines Mobil at 801 Williston Road in the city of South Burlington, Vermont. Last Enforcement Seminar: 09/27/2013 Fed. ID Number: 03-0273319 Incorporation Date: 09/21/1979 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Simendinger, David 88 Calloway Drive Williston VT 05495 Director 2. Sinendinger, William 12 Whiteface Street S Burlington VT 05403 Director 3. Sirnerdinger, Joann 43 Summit Ridge Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 4. Sirnendinger, David 88 Calloway Drive Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 5. Sindinger, William 12 Whiteface Street S Burlington VT 05403 Stockholder 6. Simendinger, Joann 43 Summit Ridge Williston VT 05495 • Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any crimi,gal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes V No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any electi`',7�, 6r appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes V No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. • I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date 1_. of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) • In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page fi 2014 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 2396-023-TOBC-001 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SETT, TOBACCO Page 2 I/ide hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this l J day of -)()JO-N)C,'(-LA, (5)-D\L\ ignature authorized ent Signature of individual or partners of corpo -ti.n, c.: .. club o associa o Lk-DPSLO `V\C (Title) // Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes VNo Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license maybe granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Tease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of City of Total Membership 6 , members present , ei4wn Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE • MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town hoard of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 _ 'i› City of SouthBurlington o * e City Clerk's Office -°TE°F .ai. Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME I. Gkl491L.- yea h17 ADDRESS 6-6.4, ! or o , FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE ,0 ) efiNq' SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. URLINGTON DEPT _1( 0/14 lt6 1 Chief Douglas S. Brent Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT C atA6 . ice. f 1 ,3.1.1.y Marthhons Y > Deputy/TaxL Collector' / Date sent to Montpelier: 1 i F7 flnrcat Crraat Cnntb Rnrlinntnn 1/T f1�A(12 Pny_aAr_Air) ILin nlln(nl,h rl �nr 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 7952-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SFT,T, MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Chipotle Mexican Grill of Colorado, TAN Licensee # 7952- 1 Doing Business As: Chipotle Mexican Grill Mailing Address: 580 Shelburne Road 1401 Wynkoop Street Suite 300 South Burlington VT 05403 Denver CO 80202 Telephone: (802) 859-3303 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: 1/ rirSt enec 1, (C-4 Cc 1 i Description of Premises: Lessor: Restaurant in the south end of a single story stip mall located on the Heath Cote Associates LP south east cornerof the intersection of Rte 7 & 189. Designated as South Burlington VT #580, Suite 13 Shelburne Road in the city of South Burlington, VT Last Enforcement Seminar: 07/17/2013 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 10/20/2011 Federal ID Number: 84-1485992 Majority of Members are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability 1 Company Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Jam.1. Ells, Matthew S 12 Ja Otecct A Ncw York Member 2. Moran, Montgomery 7705 Fairview Road Boulder CO 80303 Has any person been convicted or pleaded guilty to any crindgl or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes No If yes, please_attach the following information: Individual s name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any person held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes x No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 15336 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Roams Cert./Acct. No.: 440-841485992F-01 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date - of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page Changes in Application: Change in Matthew S Ells Address: New Address: 40 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 Driver Safety - Motor Vehicle Report &Driver Profile Page 1 of 1 Driver Safety ` Motor Vehicle Report & Driver Profile rti Received:01/17/2014 Lessee: 0B99 Division:01 Driver Name: MORAN,MONTGOMERY Employee ID#:051028 FREDERICK Requested By:CHIPMG DRIVER INFORMATION 7705 FAIRVIEW RD State: COLORADO Start Date:03/23/2012 License No: 963650360 DOB: 08/12/66 Sex: M Height: 0604 Weight:200 Employee ID#:051028 Driver Number: 051028 Eyes: GREEN Hair: BROWN Requested/Also Known As DRIVER LICENSE INFORMATION Class Issued Expires Status Restrictions PERSONAL- 0 5//2 5/2 0 1 1 12:00:00 08/12/2016 VALID AM MISCELLANEOUS/STATE SPECIFIC INFORMATION VALID DRIVING RECORD INFORMATION I Tvpe V/S Date C/R Date Description Order Date Clear End Date I I1 VIOL 08/22/07 08/31/07 DEFECTIVE HEADLAMPS i VIOL 08/24/07 09/14/07 DROVE A DEFECTIVE OR UNSAFE VEHICLE VIOL 02/24/08 02/29/08 SPEEDING-10-19 OVER LIMIT VIOL 03/11/08 03/21/08 SPEEDING-10-19 OVER LIMIT VIOL 10/19/08 04/10/09 SPEEDING-10-19 OVER LIMIT 'VIOL 04/09/09 04/17/09 DROVE A DEFECTIVE OR UNSAFE VEHICLE VIOL 09/07/09 09/15/09 DROVE A DEFECTIVE OR UNSAFE VEHICLE •VIOL 04/23/12 04/27/12 DROVE A DEFECTIVE OR UNSAFE VEHICLE VIOL 10/24/13 10/30/13 SPEEDING-10-19 OVER LIMIT End Of Driver Records RELATED DRIVERS Pea,ed Drivers MOTOR VEHICLE REPORT INFORMATION Violation Violation — — ARI Date Code Accidents Violations Violation Description Points 04/23/2012 021 0 1 Vehicle equipment failure or misuse(vehicle 2 moving) l 10/24/2013 033 0 1 Speeding: 10-20 over posted limit 3 Totals: 0 2 Rating: 5 https://ariinsights.arifleet.com/AriAccessWeb/WebForms/Details/DriverSafetyMVRAndD... 1/20/2014 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 7952-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO,SFT.T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this 1 +hday of JD�4°�,VIO.,iT` , 7 O )4 Si t e of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of co 'o company, club or association / 10 A me v j /110-0A Lug (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes )(No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recaanendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o e City or g ?���` � o a=rt n _� . own Clerk Total Membership , members p - - , , TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, loral control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 j 1 4. of South Burlington BoaCity City Clerk's Office VOTE°Fe° Donna Kinvrlle, City Clerk G' s = FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION nell .A.60--ciatYmi DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME 0?i 1/ i C'a r ADDRESS y� ,r �ry� ^� i 0. 6 , G Lbor (....� 4=Li , FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET __ J D/ DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFIG�F, 2)/Y-/ SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. INGTON FIRE DEPT ' V/3/ Chie, ug as S. Brent Da t Y te SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEP .- , ---77- ,-, - Lek_ ,l,„,q7).-1-1--J . . . . . 3/7/ irni Mart a Lyons, Deputy'Tax Collector Date sent to Montpelier: c7F nnrcat Ctront Ch,.tl: R,,G.,,,t.,., l/T ngnnz WV) ona Atr“: 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 1758-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SE'LI,MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to htr Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: GM Restaurants of Vermont, Inc. Licensee # 1758- 1 Doing Business As: Olive Garden ItaliAri Restaurant #1520, The Mailing Address: 1025 Shelburne Road P.O. Box 695016 South Burlington VT 05403 1000 DaLdeil Ctr Drive Telephone: (802) 863-4907 rlando 32869-5016 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: 4.,cceA Description of Premises: Lessor: Restaurant located in a 1 story wood building approx. 6014 sq. ft., Southland Enterprises, Inc. located at 1025 Shelburne Road, City of South Burlington, VT. 69 College St. Burlinnj on VT 05401 Last Enforcement Seminar: iQja972 1l ✓ f EEn Fed. ID N:miber: 03-0330790 Incorporation Date: 07/12/1991 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Ccde Director 1. Kern, Joseph G PO Box 695016 Orlando FL 32869 Stockholder 2. G 9RI, Incorporated, 1000 Darden Center Drive Orlando FL 32387 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past,year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 3980 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Rooms Cert./Acct. No.: 118281 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes EX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (WA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Depa_Lwent of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page • 1 ; i 1 I 1 , 1 ; ..< CT3 CA (1) eZ (") r-) ''- C - cil 1 a. 0 - = - 2., > 2 s. a • , t,, - 0 x ,.... CF:': •• M fp — I —3 0' •-, 5 'a 9.',. ‘.`- P .--t ''u i !I ` a. ....,.. --1 r.., z 0 ,--, 0 .. .... 1=', '—i p *I. ,) ro a. - — ra . Cii .. CD I i L. cio i' >acl. ,. z.. an ' <'D —• 'cl) ''4 l i n I _ ra 57: _ - *wk. 1 i 5 . 0 , i..' 0 r'\ •• x I-",.. 2r i W 1 ! '''' '. ...,4 \ 0,,,,i• •.ml, S ielt WI CD I i, i tia n s ....i r t.) "0 ro 4 f i 1 N,.... •=1",-: = Sh) Alt ,T.. ...,t.,.., -,.)... 4".• iiiit ,.. , ,..... = I:- ..' 14 *1 '=•.' to ft c.-_•.*- _ 41 j or„ -.. I , , Z i -I I '71 C:14 Pe, 'a‘o k 13 = i n ; '' • ; \......" ; 1 , i; • I 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 1758-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby 1�certify that the information in this s application is true and complete. Dated this day of ichplag , awn Signature of authorized agent evn Signature cf o partners of corporation, company, club or association �j7 7 lk Veirno974 l (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes '/No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on. the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the .liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title mist be recorded in town or city oefore issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of City or "o �f U.f y - awe f Total Membership 6 , members present , Town Clerk. TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 *�, City of South Burlington 4�,� City Clerk's Office " Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAiME ''—= nL)Y A 0L ADDRESS FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE `mod Ml it, {RD1 SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. TINGTON F DEPT ,e_ Chie, oug as S. Brent LIMY Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT c/# ;2e/ ,i,„ � _5171 ' .(#1 Mart a Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date sent to Montpelier: 575 (lnrcat Ctrnnt Cr..th R.„i;,,,,t.,., 1/7 nc,n n? ono onr. nine .l L....:nl.,r,-.i-.,.-.1. 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 5830-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SF'.T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is Feld toDLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: German, Inc. Licensee # 5830- 1 Doing Business As: German, Inc. Mailing Aridress: 1930 Williston Road 1930 Williston Road South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (80DE2) 862 --�•—� 1 i C PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: N,f(��i ,/%� Description of Premises: Lessor: Ct� �t�a A Restaurant located in a one story wood frame building being .TT= y- Li-- approximately 2,000 square feet in size with a detached 24x24 foot 1900 Williston Road garage being 8 feet from the premise, located at 1930 Williston Road, South Burlington VT 05403 _.t o , ,rli iQ.a`','.d i', the City t1 Of. SLR...... '7. -g,`�J,j, vcf zP.Z�_. Last Enforcement Seminar: 03/29/2012 2/ ✓f / Fed. ID Number: 38-3729636 Inco.cporation Date: 11/17/2005 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. German, Jr., Joseph J. 419 Bonaza Park Colchester VT 05446 Director 2. Fisk-Gennani., Lori 419 Bonanza Park Colchester VT 05446 Stockholder 3. Germain, Jr., Joseph J. 419 Bonaza nark Colchester ITS 05446 Stockholder 4. 'Fisk-Gezmani, Lori 419 Bonanza Park Colchester VT 05446 des any director or stockholder beer convicted or pleaded guilty to any prpal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) tiring the' last..year? Yes No If yes, please attach, the following information: Indi.cidnal'a name, court/traffic bureau,,offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elect'v or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Verront (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 10847 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Roams Cert./Acct. No,: 440-393729636F-01 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: XX Yes No Important: You MUST re-submit a new Non-profit Disclosure form yearly with your renewal application or your permit will be invalidated. ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VIA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page ) STATE OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 Green Mountain Drive Montpelier Vermont 05602 Tel. (802) 828-2339 DISCLOSURE OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION FORM License# 5830-001-1RST-001 Licensee Germani, Inc. DBA Germani, Inc. Address 1930 Williston Road South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone Number: (802) 862-3653 Email address: 01—> e, 1 Name of Nonprofit Organization /'/ 5Sf ,4i5 F.;z A,1, / pk,l..li)‘,uC C Address es ° , 4t3 G'AK a - .,� �,, trL�f 5-re vt./ t/7"p S`t`1„µme ' ,.— ` Non-Profit Contact Person WI A g 1 {-!-1 i°A/O Telephone Number/Email of Non-profit b O ^ 999 75 -9 Proof of Nonprofit Status 501C1 or 501C3 must be attached I certify that the information in this Disclosure is true and complete. ignature of Authorized Agent of the Nonprofit Organization Date 212SX 1./ Signatu f ens e Date - i 0// GENERAL REGULATION #9. Gambling on licensed premises: With the exception of Service Clubs, any licensee wishing to conduct game(s) of chance on licensed premises must first obtain a permit from the Vermont Department of Liquor Control using the prescribed form or format. Licensees applying for and/or receiving a permit shall be subject to financial disclosure to the Department for the purpose of verifying the disbursement of proceeds in accordance with applicable Vermont statutes and/or regulations. 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 5830-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SPILT MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby/ certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this /111P day of rA.Pjoeiiiiity , O/t Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of co ti ny, club or association V . (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes Xlo Upon being satisfied that the conditions pre,Adcrt to the granting of this license as provided i.n Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each .id cal c.nu 'ssiorer registering either Pp roval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of City Towq '"��j' i,��f SL.�i Total Membership6 present t Atte �«»« "` "00� � , # , .-_ Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 • i City of South Burlington City Clerk's Office Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME 'tea)r'E17 /12A/..49 ADDRESS FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE rt r OF .# SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. B NGTON FIRE DEPT Chief Date S.Dou i Brent g SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT; Martha Lyons, Deputy T' ax Collector Date sent to Montpelier: "4" k" CJ C,17 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 802-846-4105 dkinville@shurl.com 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005—SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SF1 MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $140.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $70.00 is paid to town/city $70.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Walgreen Eastern Co Inc. Licensee # 6905- 5 Doing Business As: Walgreen #11526 Mailing Address: 514 Farrell Street tx) Box 901 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 651-0597 ) Deerfield IL 60015 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: Ify-K/Fk ,f'i'j 1 tir�3 � �KSGZ ICp t'� 7 '-0 it Description of Premises: Lessor: Store in a single story block constructed building located on the Point Five Development north side of Farrell Street at the intersection of US Rte 7 South Burlington VT 05403 designated as #514 in the city of South Burlington VT Last Enforcement Seminar: 12/24/2012 h ;� Fed. ID Number: 36-1924026 Incorporation Date: .] Valid Charter?: No State of Charter: /J Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Curie Director 1. Wagner, Mark 1127 5 Ridge Road Lake Forest IL 60045 Director 2. Crawford, Kermit 20742 W Highridge Road Kildeer IL 60047 Director 3. Hans, Rick 328 Wmrfand Lake Bluff IL 60044 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes }(No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes ,(No If yes, please attach the following information: Indivirblai's name, office and jurisdiction Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order: (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. I/We hereby certify that th information in this application is true and complete. Dated this 1 co+k day of V Signature of authorized ag Si f ' 1 or partners of corporation, company, club or association it4;e_h4E4 L. i / sl,, Pss+ /Rakcit a_. (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes ,YNo Continued on next page ' .t ftrstait.,-.F.tA WALGREEN EASTERN CO.,INC. Officers& Directors Place and Name Title Residence Address Date of Birth SSN *M. A. Wagner President 1127 S. Ridge Road Covington, KY 407-84-7488 Lake Forest, IL 60045 10/22/1961 *K. R. Crawford Vice President 20742 W Highridge Rd Alvin,TX 452-31-7494 Kildeer, IL 60047 9/5/1959 J. A. Mann Vice President 1409 Royal Oak Lane Flint, MI 377-66-5584 Glenview, IL 60025 8/16/1957 R. N. Steiner Vice President 330 Forsythia Drive Chicago, IL 321-60-9684 Deerfield, IL 60015 6/19/1967 J. H. Greenberg Vice President 2008 Patriot Blvd Chicago, IL 360-56-0945 Glenview, IL 60025 10/26/1961 `R. M. Silverman Vice President& 1421 Coral Parkway Chicago, IL 331-50-3655 Secretary Northbrook, IL 60062 10/1/1955 *R. J. Hans Vice President& 328 Woodland Watertown, WI 396-56-5928 Treasurer Lake Bluff, IL 60044 2/4/1956 M. Redstone Assistant Secretary 1896 Penfold Place 365-74-1617 Northbr Kok. IL 60062 y-vr1964 M. D. Fetish Assistant Treasurer 2230 13::ter'y Lane t.'ai,: park, IL 351-40-3559 ' iern::e:v It 60026 C'24'1957 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005-SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 • Fee: $140.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $70.00 is paid to town/city $70.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Walgreen Eastern Co Inc. Licensee # 6905- 5 Doing Business As: Walgreen #11526 Mailing Address: 514 Farrell Street PO Box 901 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 651-0597 Deerfield IL 60015 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: e 'ii�X i f�-.�vSe�,p�tlf,i1 9/1-4‘_'0 uja.�#2.cr,ks-g•? • Description of Premises: Lessor: . Store in a single story block constructed building located on the Point Five Development north side of Farrell Street at the intersection of US Rte 7 South Burlington VT 05403 designated as #514 in the city of South Burlington VT Last Enforcement Seminar: 12/24/2012 Fed. ID Number: 36-1924026 Incorporation Date: .1-, _a) Valid Charter?: No State of Charter: ii►,`d I Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Wagner, Mark 1127 S Ridge Road Lake Forest IL 60045 Director 2. Crawford, Kermit 20742 W Highridge Road Kildeer IL 60047 Director 3. Hans, Rick 328 Woodland Lake Bluff IL 60044 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes )(No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes x No If yes, please attach the following information: Indivirhal's name, office and jurisdiction Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. I/We hereby certify that th information in this application is true and complete. Dated this /(p`1-1 day of •S(J Signature of authorized ag Si or partners �///�of corporation, Lu pany, club or association $ + /� i ; ..h4E Lie . F I;51, / ,ss+ I�ti/�:LAB. L (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes ,YNo Continued on next page WALGREEN EASTERN CO.,INC. Officers & Directors Place and Name Title Residence Address Date of Birth SSN *M. A. Wagner President 1127 S. Ridge Road Covington, KY 407-84-7488 Lake Forest, IL 60045 10/22/1961 *K. R. Crawford Vice President 20742 W Highridge Rd Alvin,TX 452-31-7494 Kildeer, IL 60047 9/5/1959 J. A. Mann Vice President 1409 Royal Oak Lane Flint, MI 377-66-5584 Glenview, IL 60025 8/16/1957 R. N. Steiner Vice President 330 Forsythia Drive Chicago, IL 321-60-9684 Deerfield, IL 60015 6/19/1967 J. H. Greenberg Vice President 2008 Patriot Blvd Chicago, IL 360-56-0945 Glenview, IL 60025 10/26/1961 *R. M. Silverman Vice President& 1421 Coral Parkway Chicago, IL 331-50-3655 Secretary Northbrook, IL 60062 10/1/1955 *R. J. Hans Vice President& 328 Woodland Watertown, WI 396-56-5928 Treasurer Lake Bluff, IL 60044 2/4/1956 M. Redstone Assistant Secretary 1896 Penfold Place 365-74-1617 Northbrook, IL 60062 6/5/1964 M. D. Felish Assistant Treasurer 2230 Butterfly Lane Oak Park, IL 351-40-3559 Glenview, IL 60026 10/24/1957 Corporate Address 300 Wilmot Road *Indicates Director Deerfield, IL 60015 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005—SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SFT,T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each indivirinal commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Ccrnissioners of City.o Town of Total Membership , members present s e Ak Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town hrosrd of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 2014 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005-TOBC-001 TOBACCO LICENSE TO Sv,T, TOBACCO Page 1 Optional Fee: $100.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $0.0 0 is paid to town/city $100.00 is paid to DLC Fee due only if licensee does not have a liquor license Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form,, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Walgreen F stern Co Inc. Licensee # 6905- 5 Doing Business As: Walgreen #11526 Mailing Address: 514 Farrell Street 90 Box 901 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 651-0597 j j} Deerfield IL 60015 f 4-X/i e.f',k: L>!C FA? ' i74'// . k. a r'7 f-4. .; PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: --..t 864,1 Description of Premises: Lessor: Store in a single story block constructed building located on the Point Five Development north side of Farrell Street at the intersection of US Rte 7 South Tnrlingt_on VT 05403 designated as #514 in the city of South Bur_ington.VT Last Enforcement Seminar: 12/24/2012 j'�/`��`i Fed. ID Number: 36-1924026 Incorporation Date: --I Valid Charter?: No State of Charter: Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Wagner, Mark 1127 S Ridge Road Lake Forest IL 60045 Director 2. Crawford, Kermit 20742 W Highridge Road Kildeer IL 60047 Director 3. Hans, Rick 328 Woodland Lake Bluff IL 60044 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any cltnal or rotor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any electi or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes `)No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jufisd_ction ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department ofloyment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. I/We hereby certify ' th information in this appli tion is true and complete. Dated this l , ... day 0/ J Signature of authorized agen S" e o 'viCt al or partners of corporation, company, club or association lkst (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes )(NO Continued on next page WALGREEN EASTERN CO., INC. Officers& Directors Place and Name Title Residence Address Date of Birth SSN *M. A. Wagner President 1127 S. Ridge Road Covington, KY 407-84-7488 Lake Forest, IL 60045 10/22/1961 *K. R. Crawford Vice President 20742 W Highridge Rd Alvin, TX 452-31-7494 Kildeer, IL 60047 9/5/1959 J. A. Mann Vice President 1409 Royal Oak Lane Flint, MI 377-66-5584 Glenview, IL 60025 8/16/1957 R. N. Steiner Vice President 330 Forsythia Drive Chicago, IL 321-60-9684 Deerfield, IL 60015 6/19/1967 J. H. Greenberg Vice President 2008 Patriot Blvd Chicago, IL 360-56-0945 Glenview, IL 60025 10/26/1961 *R. M. Silverman Vice President& 1421 Coral Parkway Chicago, IL 331-50-3655 Secretary Northbrook, IL 60062 10/1/1955 *R. J. Hans Vice President& 328 Woodland Watertown, WI 396-56-5928 Treasurer Lake Bluff, IL 60044 2/4/1956 M. Redstone Assistant Secretary 1896 Penfold Place 365-74-1617 Northbrook, IL 60062 6/5/1964 M. D. Felish Assistant Treasurer 2230 Butterfly Lane Oak Park, IL 351-40-3559 Glenview, IL 60026 10/24/1957 Corporate Address 300 Wilmot Road *Indicates Director Deerfield, IL 60015 2014 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005-TOBC-001 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SPT.T TOBACCO Page 2 Upon.being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this.license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the catamissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. TPase or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of r Town ��o [/, f / • Total Membership members present Attester eun Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city herd of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 City of South Burlington • 44,0 "110* 4 City Clerk's Office VDTE Donna Kinyille, City Clerk Aftmoto FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS! TRADENANE rrarr 427 ADDRESS iDni, linift)V1 —eej arivrni(i9 holi) FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE 5/941.1, 69€1Z:44 SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO RLINGTON DEPT h Chi , Douglas S. Brent Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT ;V 4( Z it/ Martha ‘Lyons, Deputy TAx Collector Date sent to Montpelier: 575 Dorset Street South BUI linpton,VI 05403 802-846-4105 dkinviHe@sburl.com 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 413-002-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DI,L Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Tygate Motel Corporation Licensee # 413- 2 Doing Business As: Windjammer Restaurant Mailing Address: 1076 Williston Road Gara tat-eau South Burlington VT 05403 1076 Williston Road Telephone: (802) 862-6585 , South Burlington VT 05403 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: '"',(f I. P'1$A .tat rdiA � Ly Description of Premises: Premises: XX Owned Leased Restaurant on the ground floor, lounge on 2nd floor, of a 2 story steel and wood frame building on northerly side of Williston Rd. east of the Best Western Inn & Conference Center at 1076 Williston Rd in the city of South Burlington, Vt. Last Enforcement Seminar: 05/04/2013 Fed. ID Number: 03-0264469 Incorporation Date: 07/27/1977 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Nate Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. O'Connell, Laura L. 154 Sutton Farm Drive Williston VT 05495 Director 2. O'Connell, Bernard T. 154 Sutton Farm Drive Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 3. O'Connell, Laura L. 154 Sutton Farm Drive Williston VT 05495 Stockholder 4. O'Connell, Bernard T. 154 Sutton Farm Drive Williston VT 05495 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any cr -tal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elect iv or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vercmmont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Indi;ridnal'a name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 1570 Vt. Dept. of Fealth Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Rotms Cert./Acct. No.: 44074 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (NSA, Title 32, Section 3113) • I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page } '.�'" �,,-+. ,. . .} f' ,. .. ;;fgi'" . `«ee i R',,,,ti�V , �# +.� pie jrr ,1:0:1'-. -J.P.'boi*,,i,1 ,,,„,' '' „....T tsIKB f l 4***MgRi/RR R0..4%404441 4R,i444,4�0�flkr44;4'44ik t,44:RF444474.@C :Ara ;. R! x �q a 1:1,;1 *'. maw !t,.:(..N.. i g i CI' limn < C •'� sib .. :tom,; c a) 0 ,� .� • .. i 0 O a Clift►.+• ... I , �_ , x u li j y 4 ,.< _. 0, „) C,) N.) =.- CD e.g. m i' } ri:S. *.. z,; = 'I = "f A • -, pi : -f spa !! `. V/ R , 4 3,. I= d #Iriri s,� � sss�� : tix ,,p } z, + ` L �`,, s R 3 P" . ',S l?3: .3 i rr is 4+t IPa 44sa sraR t 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 413-002-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page I/We hereby certify that information in this application is true and complete. Dated this __Airtday of , g D I V Signature of au orized agent Signature of individual or partners of corpo catpeny, club or association (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title rest be recorded in to or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of City wn of ) Total Membership 6 , sent x� r p members present own Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control caimissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of seleUaen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 0 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 413-002—OUTC— OUTSIDE CDNSUMPTION PERMIT Page 1 Fee: $20.00 License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 Pei MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Tygate Motel Corporation Licensee # 413- 2 Doing Business As: Windjanmrr Restaurant Mailing Address: 1076 Williston Road Sara Lebeau South Burlington VT 05403 1 1076 Williston Road Telephone: (802) 862-6585 uth Burlington VT 05403 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: f.-N.. V tO jyrj t�j y�1 Li �C Description of the delineated area is as follows: j 70x50 fenced in pool area with 8-10 tables May 1st to October 1st 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. I/We hereoy certify, under the peins and penalties of perj that I _qe are ;n good standing with respect .o or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes ce,e the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full catpliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this 1(0 day of , Signature of a rized agent Signature of individual or partners y of corp6ration, , club or association , / )i ��1 (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit. of any other party? Yes No MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO AND MAIL TO: VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the catnt ssioners will endorse their recarmendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registe_L.g either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of 41110„ Town of�dgbri Total Membership J" , members present Aeest,. CAdoidgbwn Clerk ) ,e City of South Burlington ►��� City Clerk's Office ;rip Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOIME NG BUSINESS AS/ TRRAD�EN�i'llOr &2 • ADDRESS e60 w;i/,:c, w r . ( , • (::- .71.RST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFIC -1/1104 L��l __ Ii V/ SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. B TINGTON FIRE DEPT Chief, Douglas S. Brent Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT J/ 7/ft r _ fry j 5"l1` Martha Lyons, 'Deputy Tx Collec„or Date sent to Montpelier! 575 Dorset Stre South Burlington,VT 05403 802-846-4105 dkinvilleg churl rnm 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6462-002-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SFT,T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC Licensee # 6462- 2 Doing Business As:Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC (S. Burl) Mailing Address• et, tJ`Rt/ Y�i 1860 Williston Road South 2 2 Lane South Burlington VT 05403 Es VT 05452 a j 4140 Telephone: (802) 881-0660 t PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: 1V W'S /19_ 919Zforri Description of Premises: Lessor: Restaurant in a single strip mall consisting of approx 5400 sq ft South Burlingotn Realty Co located on the north side of Williston Road. Designated as #1860 Williston VT Suite *2 in the city of south Burlington, sT Last Enforcement Seminar: 05/04/2013 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 09/13/2007 Federal ID Number: 71-1039478 Majority of Members are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability Company Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Member 1. Gonsalves, Stephen 2 Cardinal Lane Essex Junction VT 05452 Has any person been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motel/vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes tdo If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any person held any el,ec�t'sre or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes lam`"o If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 14389 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Roans Cert./Acct. No.: 440-711039478F-01 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information fran State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full carpliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full carpliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full carpliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO WARD &BABB BY FEBRUARY 14,2014 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF GONZO'S INDOOR GOLF CLUB&ACADEMY,LLC The Annual Meeting of the Members of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club cadernyy, LLC was held at the principa office of the LLC in South Burlington, VT on the 1� day of 6got11 2014 at ?:0 4-in o'cloc• . P.M. The following,being a quorum and all of the Members of the LLC,were present in person,by proxy,by telephone,or by other ele "c presence: LI' phen D.Gonsalves e pu Check the box by the name of each annual meeting attendee. DO NOT check the box if the individual(s)listed did not attend the meeting in person,by proxy,by telephone,or by other electronic presence. Stephen D.Gonsalves was elected Chairman of the meeting,and was appointed Secretary of the meeting. The Secretary presented and read to the meeting a waiver of notice of meeting, subscribed by all the Members of the LLC,and it was ordered that it be appended to the minutes of the meeting. The Chairman of the meeting then rendered a general report of the business of the LLC, the Secretary presented his/her report, and the Tax Matters Member rendered a report of the finances of the LLC. The Members'reports were received and ordered on file. The parties whose names appear below are hereby confirmed as Member-Managers of the Company to serve pursuant to the operating agreement, or for a period of one(1)year,or until their successor is appointed or elected and shall qualify: Stephen D.Gonsalves All actions of any of the Member-Managers in managing the Company and any and all annual business activity in which the Members and/or their agents or employees may have directly or indirectly engaged be,and they hereby are,ratified,adopted,confirmed,and approved for the preceding tax year. The following actions were taken by the Members and/or their agents or employees of the LLC during the 2013 business year,and are hereby adopted,ratified,approved,and confirmed: Yes No (Check the appropriate box and give a brief explanation. If necessary,attach additional descriptions as Exhibit A.) Xt Major purchase or lease of equipment by the Company(Itemize): ? VZu�5 pars �n0) � parc gi Hired new employees(List): Srn., oAS -! Yi Sold real or personal property out of the ordinary course of business(Explanatory Note): Initiated new product line(s)or business division(s) (Details): :..1 Leased real property in the name of the Company(Explanatory Note): 7 Transferred real property into the Company(Note): v ► ril -- Ct-s vji s.rMS Borrowed funds in the name of the Company(Explanatory Note): �'�- • APurchased real property in the name of the Company(Note): Changed the Members of the Company(Explanatory Note): ❑ Changed the name of the Company,created a trade name or renewed a trade name I (Note,List Trade Narne(s)): • XL, Loaned to or from Members(call if you need promissory notes)(Note): O ( Started or funded employee retirement plans(Note): l] Updated owner valuations in buy/sell agreements(Note): _1 Other(Explain): PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO WARD & BABB CON/VS INDOOjt GOLF CLUB& ACADEMY,LLC MEMBIERSHIP INTEREST TRANSFER AGREEMENT This Agreement made effective the / if day of June, 2013, by and between Phillip Gellis, of Charlotte, Vermont (hereinafter "Transferor"), and Stephen D. Gonsalves, of Essex Junction, Vermont (hereinafter"Transferee"), being all of the Members of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club& Academy,LLC,a Vermont Limited Liability Company with its principal place of business in South Burlington, Vermont (hereinafter"Company"). WHEREAS, the Transferor is the owner of fifty percent(50%)of the membership interest of the Company and the Transferee is the owner of fifty percent(50%)of the membership interest of the Company; WHEREAS,pursuant to Paragraph 14,Assignment of Interests,of the Operating Agreement of the Company dated September 19,2007,the Transferor desires to transfer all of his interest in the Company to the Transferee and the Transferee desires to accept the same upon the terms hereinafter set forth. NOW,THEREFORE, it is agreed: 1. Purchase Price. Phillip Gellis does hereby transfer, sell and deliver to Stephen D. Gonsalves and Stephen D.Gonsalves does hereby accept from Phillip Gellis,all of the membership interest in the Company now owned by Philip Gellis for the price of One Hundred Thousand Dollars($100,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration as set forth below. 2. Manner of Payment. The Transferee shall provide consideration to the Transferor for the membership interest as follows: a. The sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars($50,000.00)shall be paid by the Transferee to the Transferor at the signing of this Agreement. b. The sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars($50,000.00)shall be paid by the Transferee to the Transferor on or before July I,2014,as evidenced by a promissory note of even date herewith. 3. Outstanding Loans. a. As part of this transaction, the Company or its remaining member, Stephen D. Gonsalves, shall pay off the outstanding loans due and owing to Phillip Gellis and Linda Gellis simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement. The amounts due are set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto,as prepared by the Company's accountant, David A. Lavallee,CPA. The parties agree that these amounts are accurate. b. The Company or its remaining member,Stephen D.Gonsalves,has paid off the line of credit with People's United Bank in the approximate amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00). Page I • 4. Covenant Not to Compete. The Transferor shall not directly or indirectly compete with the Company individually or as an officer,owner, partner,director,agent,investor,advisor,or employee of a firm or entity substantially engaged in the golf simulation business or indoor golf facility within Chittenden County for a period of three(3)years. 5. Representations of Transferor. The Transferor represents and warrants that Transferor is the owner,free and clear of any encumbrances,except as herein stated,of all the membership interest in the Company sold and delivered by the Transferor hereunder. 6. Survival of Representations and Warranties. All representations and warranties made hereunder shall survive the delivery of the shares of the Company transferred hereunder. 7. Notices. All demands and notices given hereunder shall be sent by certified mail,addressed to the respective parties at the addresses set forth below, or to such other address as each may hereafter designate by certified mail: Stephen D.Gonsalves Phillip Gellis c/o Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy 475 Island Farm Road 1860 Williston Road Charlotte, VT 05445 South Burlington,VT 05403 8. Benefit. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective parties hereto,their legal representatives,successors,and assigns. 9. Amendment to the Operating Agreement. The Member Percentage Interest in the Company's Operating Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: Member Percentage Interest Stephen D.Gonsalves 100% Ali other provisions of this paragraph remain the same. Dated at South Burlington,Vermont the day of June,2013. TRANSFERC)R: TRA , ; t,„ Phillip GeWs Stephen D.Gonsalves AG APPRO D GONZO' INDOOR GOLF CLUB&ACADEMY, LLC er Stephen .Gonsalves, ember and Phillip Gellis,Member and Duly Authorized Agent of Duly Authorized Agent of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy,LLC Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy,LLC Page 2 �w■sw EMMY Loans and Capital Calculations Due to Phil Gellls Due from Gonzo's Indoor Golf and Steve Gonzalves Date Loan Name Disbursed Amount Loa Payable Phil 2009 8/31/2009 25,000.00 10/15/2009 5,000.00 10/28/2009 10,000.00 Total Loan Amount 40,000.00 Interest Rate 4% 1t of Days From 10/28/09-06/14/13 1,324 Accrued Interest 5,803.84 Loan Due at Closing on June 14,2013 45,803.84 MEM Loan Payable Simulator 6 8/1/2010 25,000.00 Interest Rate 4% #of Days From 08/01/10-06/14/13 1,048 Accrued Interest 2,871.23 Loan Due at Closing on June 14,2013 27,871.23 1 Loan Payable Simulator 7&8 9/16/2011 25,000.00 10/14/2011 17,000.00 Total Loan Amount 42,000.00 Interest Rate 4% #of Days From 10/15/11-06/14/13 546 Accrued Interest 2,513.10 Loan Due at Closing on June 14, 2013 44,513.10 111111111111111111 Loans and Capital Calculations Due to Phil Gellis Due from Gonzo's Indoor Golf and Steve Gonzalves Date Loan Name Disbursed Amount Loan Payable Simulator 1 &2 (See Detailed Spreadsheet) 7,942.46 Loan Payable Simulator 3&4 (See Detailed Spreadsheet) 25,014.31 MUM Opening Loan to Steve&Gonzo's (No Interest Loan) 25,000.00 Total Debt Due at 06/14/2013 176,144.94 Partner Buyout Agreed to 100,000.00 Amount Due For Debt and Buyout 276,144.94 Amount Due at Closing on June 14,2013 226,144.94 Amount Due by June 14,2014(No Interest Shall Accrue) 50,000.00 r3.'a BILL OF TRANSFER KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that Phillip Gellis, of Charlotte, Vermont, owning fifty percent(50%)of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy,LLC,a Vermont limited liability company with its principal place of business in South Burlington.Vermont,in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00)and other good and valuable consideration paid to his full satisfaction,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does hereby GRANT,TRANSFER AND DELIVER unto Stephen D.Gonsalves,of Essex Junction,Vermont,all of his membership interest in Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy,LLC. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said personal property to the said Stephen D.Gonsalves,for his own use and behoof forever. AND Phillip Gellis covenants that,after the ensealing of these presents,Phillip Gellis will have and claim no right in and to the membership interest,other than that provided for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and seal the __day of June, 2013. TRANSFEROR: (I Phillip Gellis • RESOLUTION OF THE MEMBERS OF GONZO'S INDOOR GOLF CLUB&ACADEMY,LLC Stephen D.Gonsalves and Phillip Dellis hereby certify that they are all of the Members of Gonzo's indoor Goif Club&Academy,LLC,a limited liability_ company organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Vermont,and that the following reflects a true and correct resolution duly adopted by the Members of said Company. NOW THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that Phillip Gellis is hereby authorized to transfer all of his membership interest in Conzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC to Stephen D. Gonsalves, and to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the transfer of all of his membership interest in Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy,LLC with the approval of the Company. We have signed this Resolution on the !C f day of June,2013_ 91 CI) Phillip Gellis, Member l Stephen D.Gonsalves, Member AG ROAD BY GONZO'S INDOOR GOLF CLUB&.6CADEMY, LLC . . Stephen D.Gonsal ,Member and Philip Dellis,Member and Duly Authorized Agent Duly Authorized Agent H:tStn 81[1ClGatzo',Indoor GolfCAtb&A®dany1Resolution to Tr refer(2013).wpd MEMBERSHIP INTEREST PLEDGE AGREEMENT This Agreement effective this ( L, day of June, 2013, between Stephen D. Gonsalves, of Essex Junction, Vermont("Pledgor"), and Phillip Gellis, of Charlotte, Vermont ("Pledgee"). WHEREAS, PIedgor represents that he is the holder of record and is the sole beneficial owner of one hundred percent (100%) of the membership interest in Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company(the"Company"); and WHEREAS, Pledgee has agreed to loan Fifty Thousand and 00/100 (S50,000,00) to Pledgor, which loan will be evidenced by a Membership Interest Transfer Agreement of even date herewith("Loan"); and WHEREAS, to induce the Pledgee to make the Loan, the Pledgor has agreed to pledge his membership interest in the Company ("Membership Interest") as security for the repayment of the Loan. NOW, THEREFORE, Pledgor agrees with Pledgee as follows: 1. Pledge Of Membership Interest, Etc. Pledgor hereby pledges and deposits the Membership Interest with the Company's counsel, Ward & Babb, and hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to Pledgee all of the Pledgor's right, title and interest in and to the Membership Interest, to be held by Pledgee. ?. Pledgor's Rights While No Event Of Default. During the term of this pledge,and so long as Pledgor is not in default in the performance of any of the terms of this Agreement or in the payment of the principal or interest of the Loan, Pledgor shall be entitled to vote any and all of the Membership Interest and to give consents, waivers, and ratification in respect thereof, Provided that no vote shall create a consent, waiver, or ratification to an action taken which 1 would violate or be inconsistent with any of the terms of this Agreement, the Loan or the Promissory Notes. 3. Representations. The Pledgor warrants and represents that there are no restrictions upon the transfer of the Membership Interest, other than may appear on the face of the certificate, and that the Pledgor has the right to transfer such interest free of any encumbrances and without obtaining the consents of the other holders of an interest, or that Pledgor has obtained any such consents if required. 4. Intentionally deleted. 5. Intentionally deleted. 6. Remedies In Case Of Default, Etc. In case Default shall have occurred and be continuing after thirty (30) days written notice of default to Pledgor and the Company's counsel, Ward & Babb, Pledgee may immediately or at any time thereafter exercise any rights and remedies available at law or in equity including the right to vote and control the Company's business affairs. No delay or omission on the part of the Pledgee in the exercise of any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise by Pledgee of any right or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy. 7. Application Of Monies By Pledgee. All monies collected by Pledgee upon any sale of the Membership Interest, together with all other monies received by Pledgee hereunder, shall be applied by Pledgee to the payment of all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Pledgee in connection with such sale, the delivery of such Membership Interest or the collection of any such monies (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney fees and expenses), and the balance of such monies shall be applied by Pledgee to the payment of the aggregate payment 2 of principal and interest due under the Loan set forth above, as shall not theretofore have been paid,and the balance thereof, if any, shall be paid to Pledgor. 8. Transfer By Pledgor. Pledgor will not sell or otherwise dispose of, grant any option with respect to, or mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber any of the Membership Interest or any interest therein, until this Agreement shall have been terminated pursuant to paragraph 11. 9. Further Assurances. Pledgor, at his expense, will execute, acknowledge and deliver all such instruments and take all such action as Pledgee from time to time may reasonably request for the assuring to Pledgee of the lien of this Agreement on the Membership Interest and the full benefits hereof. 10. Termination. Upon payment of the payments due under Loan, this Agreement shall terminate, and Pledgor shall be entitled to the return of such of the Membership Interest as has not theretofore been sold or otherwise applied pursuant to this Agreement, together with any moneys at the time held by the Pledgee hereunder and to the cancellation and return of this Agreement by the Pledgee. I I. Notices,Etc. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such address as the parties shall have furnished to one another writing. 12. Miscellaneous. Neither this Agreement nor any term hereof may be changed, waived, discharged. or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto. All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the heirs, administrators, successors and assigns of Pledgor and 3 Pledgee. The headings in this Agreement are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to the laws of Vermont. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pledgor and Pledgee have caused this Agreement to be executed this day of June,2013. PLE , Stephen D. Gonsalves PLEDGOR: Phillip tellils CONSE T TO PL..; E: Go' '. door G Clu Academy, LC • By: Stephen D. Gonsalves, Sole Member H:\St:a $\LLC\Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club&Academy\MEMBERSHIP INTEREST PLEDGE AGREEMENT.docx 4 4) s o; j R P X) v v U aa> 'd _.. -x p CA ."1 w -a Z. - r CO � .-. C) y V w• 614 C, 6) gli MIN �r Os* = `.0 c O tr ["a - O Ew o z � - 04 .T.; a a G w p ; O ..o a,°o � c V �� 4) w E~4) A . = u -� CIA • �1 'O- H W F o c3 .] O ' Q ,;-,75 0 7.1 ? W 20 cs -v y n. rj '1 ti - s C CIO v v cn MCI IC_ t-. At F' U, _ a ,.:). ,.". �K v° • U Gti (Wj w t C . ��1 �� 5 ..... a s c — tj 4) ,4 0,01 0 c Q �! Q' = NO a y -0 v A. ao U. ) >,0 • w y x z a a • L a wQ a Q ' Q. ' 4) x W --- ----i_cm.3 4.- 4) u o L.- U ' U La o. a) v y - W cn • v w, = y a) O O 2� CO a) c a O '.�• tli E• 5 L or ., >a F , 4..)X *Z Z a Ecz X Z n d V) a.- • GENERAL RELEASE TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME OR MAY CONCERN, GREETING; KNOW YE that Philip Cells and Linda Gellis, their heirs and assigns, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR (S1.00j and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by Stephen D. Gonsalves and Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy,LLC,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and forever discharged and by these presents do for their heirs and assigns, remise, release and forever discharge the said Stephen D. Gonsalves and Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC, their employees, agents, heirs, successor and assigns, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, damages,judgments, executions, claims for personal injuries, property damage and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which they ever had, now have or which their heirs or assigns hereafter can, shall or may have against Stephen D. Gonsalves and Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC, their employees, agents, heirs, successors and assigns, upon, or by reason of, any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents and particularly, but without in any manner limiting the foregoing, specifically all business dealings between and among the parties. Excepted from this General Release are all duties and obligations of the releasor and releasee set forth in the Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC Membership Interest Transfer Agreement and referenced documents and attachments thereto, including but not limited to the Promissory Note from Stephen D. Gonsalves, and guaranteed by Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club& Academy, LLC to Phillip Gellis. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Philip Gellis and Linda Cells have caused the r hands and seals to be set this I 0 day of June,2013. ,t Phillip Gellis R Linda Cellist STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY,SS. At 'SSEtc 'c — 1\1T , in said county and state, this ,8 day of J , 2013, personally appeared Philip Gellis and Linda Gellis, and they acknowled e the withi istru , by them subscribed, to be their free act and deed. Before me, N u tic My Commission Expires:02/10/2015 GENERAL RELEASE TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME OR MAY CONCERN, GREETING; KNOW YE that Stephen D. Gonsalves and Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC, their heirs, successors and assigns, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00)and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by Pbillis Gems and Linda Gellls, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and forever discharged and by these presents do for their heirs, successors and assigns, remise, release and forever discharge the said Phillip Gellis and Linda Gellis, their employees, agents, heirs and assigns, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, damages, judgments, executions, claims for personal injuries, property damage and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which they ever had, now have or which their heirs, successors or assigns hereafter can, shall or may have against Philip Gellis and Linda Gellis, their employees, agents, heirs and assigns, upon, or by reason of, any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents and particularly, but without in any manner limiting the foregoing, specifically all business dealings between and among the parties. Excepted from this General Release are all duties and obligations of the releasor and releasee set forth in the Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC Membership Interest Transfer Agreement and referenced documents and attachments thereto, including but not limited to the Promissory Note from Stephen D. Gonsalves, and guaranteed by Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club& Academy, LLC to Phillip Gellis. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stephen D. Gonsalves and Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC have caused their hands and seals to be set this 17 day of June, 2013. Stephen D.Gonsalves, individually Gonzo's Indoor Go Cl b & Academy,LLC By: 2111/2e - Stephen D. Gonsalves, its Sole Member STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At XI Iirti 0,k o-,(1}U'\ , in said county and state, this I iliv day of June, 2013, personally appeared Stephen G. Gotlalves, individually and as the Sole Member of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC, and he acknowledged the within instrument, by him subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club& Academy,LLC. Before me, _ �— — No blic My Commissio xpires: 02/10/2015 PROMISSORY NOTE $50,000.00 June .2013 FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Stephen D. Gonsalves, of Essex, Vermont, does promise to pay to Phillip Gellis,of Charlotte,Vermont,or order,the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($50,000.00) as hereinafter provided. INTEREST: No Interest shall accrue on this Promissory Note. PAYMENT: The principal balance is due and payable in full by July 1,2014. The principal balance may be paid in optional installments of no less than One Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000.00). Presentment, demand, notice, and all surety defenses are hereby waived by all makers, guarantors and endorsers. In the event this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection,the maker agrees to pay the reasonable costs of collection, including attorney fees. There shall be no prepayment penalty for the early retirement of this obligation. If any installment of principal is not received by the holder within fifteen (15) days after it becomes due, the maker shall pay to the holder a late charge of five percent(5%) of the installment. Said late charge shall be immediately due and payable. No delay or omission on the part of the holder in exercising any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver of such right or of any other right of such holder,nor shall any delay,omission or waiver on any one occasion be deemed a bar to or a waiver of the same or any other right of any future occasion. Reference is made to a Membership Interest Pledge Agreement between Stephen D.Gonsalves and Phillip Gellis of even or approximate date herewith. 7' Dated at South Burlington, Vermont,this day c} e, 13. Stephen D. v p Gonsalves This Promissory Note is hereby unconditionally g ra Gonzo's door • Club & Academy,LLC,this day of June,2013. Stephen D.Gonsalves, Member of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club& Academy, LLC This Promissory Note is hereby endorsed by Phillip Gellis to Phillip Gellis and Linda Gellis, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, this day of ,201.3.1 4414 Phillip Gellis H:`S,s 8LL1_C\Goozo,Indoor Gott Club&AudartylPromismry No'r(50k buyoutj,wpd PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO WARD & BABB BY FEBRUARY 14,2014 The Member-Managers of the Company,or any of them,are each hereby authorized to open on behalf of the Company any and all savings, checking or other business accounts deemed necessary by the said Member- Managers at any bank or financial institution, and are further authorized and empowered to execute and deliver to any such bank any and all documents, tax forms or signature authorization cards he/she shall deem necessary or appropriate to open and maintain such accounts. It is further hereby resolved that the Members of the Company may elect not to obtain Worker's Compensation insurance for the Member-Managers of the Company pursuant to the exclusion allowed under Vermont law. The Member-Managers are hereby authorized to contact counsel regarding the submission of Vermont Department of Labor forms as may be needed. Any further agenda items discussed and decided shall be attached hereto as Appendix A. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried,it adjourned. Dated the is day of 614041 2014 415'Alej2-) Stephen D.Gonsalves,Secretary of the Meeting WAIVER OF NOTICE OF MEL t'ING We, the undersigned, being all the Members of Gonzo's Indoor Golf Club & Academy, LLC, a limited Iiability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Vermont, do hereby waive notice of the time and place of the Annual Meeting of e Members of the LLC and consent tha he same s r- he held at the principal offices of the LLC, on the Jday of 1F'AV , 2014 at o'cloc i"/P.M. of that day. i+ We do further consent to the transaction of any and all business that may come before the meeting. APPROVE AS TO RM AND CONTENT: JAir Stephen D.Gonsalves,Member PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO WARD & BABB 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6462-002-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SFT,T MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this a!`Q day of A)1112 , (901 11 Signature of•a 0 orized agent ,I Si..�ture of e .'vidual partners ,'coi�oratio . :AjDo" association • v ,n !/L ii r /v�r �j� J vie v I - (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Pnard for suitable action thereon, before any license maybe (_ranted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applicationsshall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o de City or awa.rof l, 40d b��a I f Total Membership , members present A 'k`a ``._. ram' Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town heard of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 1' City of South Burlington 1ejoe City Clerk's Office ENF Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME i4a4418/ZiVintrMi r:4-4 24-PF-"_> ADDRESS FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE j7.,::i4 „:59D1 SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date SO. RLINGTON DEPT YktY Chief Douglas S. Brent Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT it Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date sent to Montpelier: 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 802-846-4105 dkinville@sburl.com • 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3766-001—SECN-001 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $140.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $70.00 is paid to town/city $70.00 is paidtoDLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Road to Hana, Inc. Licensee # 3766- 1 Doing Business As: Healthy Living Market and Cafe Mailing Address: 222 Dorset Street 222 Dorset Street South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 863 2569 4� ea- a �, ! PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: -tj 11t ?`1 Description of Premises: Lessor: A health food store consisting of two floors being approximately Malone Properties 33,000 square feet in size and located at 222 Dorset Street, in the 122 Gallison Hill Road City of South Burlington, Vermont. Montpelier Vt 05602 Last Enforcement Seminar: 10/10/2012 Fed. ID Number: 03-0304710 Incorporation Date: 08/01/1986 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Director 1. Lesser, Katherine 68 Lower English Settlement Rd Underhill VT 05489 Director 2. Lesser-Goldsmith, Eli 135 Lakeview Terrace Burlington VT 05401 Director 3. Lesser-Goldsmith, Nina 1345 Mayo Road Huntington VT 05462 Stockholder 4. Lesser, Katherine 68 Lower English Settlement Rd Underhill VT 05489 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's nacre, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? „/Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office,snd j isdictiorx £>k- t.,t a- C,rst b 0141 104-t. o4 ' d 2 Erwitiorr, Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Cau..issioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full cone iance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page Attachment to 2014 Liquor License Renewal Application Please note the following change: 2. Road to Hana, Inc. is doing business under the Tradename "Healthy Living Natural Foods Market" (Business ID: 0270562)that was registered with the Vermont Secretary of State on July 1, 2013. The Tradename "Healthy Living Market and Café"was allowed to expire. 1 - ➢4 i STATE OF VERMONT i OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE 1 1 Certificate of Trade Name Registration - I,James C. Condos, Vermont Secretary of state hereby certify that HEALTHY LIVING MARKET AND CAFE ,. , ,-1-7.:*--' ....._ , '--7-7-42:::-;'''.2 'im_,---.: - -1 was registered on July 12,2013 per copy attached. 1 E / 11 i � ` July 15,2013 r ~ i i -" Given under my hand and the seal 1 of the State of Vermont, at ; 4 1-1 I . .1 Montpelier,the State Capital i A.14„......... c: James C. Condos ; . Secretary of State t " "- . filkttrrade name expires 5 years from the date of registration/renewal 8 ,.--i a Y p TRA.DENAME REGISTRATION (11 VSA, Ch.15) Vermont Secretary of State, 128 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05633-1104 (802-828- 2386) BUSINESS NAME: (corporate indicators such as incorporation,limited, company,LLC cannot be used in a trade name) Note: anyone intending to operate a postsecondary school must first apply to the state board of education. !Healthy Living Market and Cafe Alternate name: (If first choice is not available) Name of the town where business is located: 'South Burlington, Vermont Date business began: 05/02/08 ;I) c Businesspurpose - (be specific- "restaurant"/ "beauty shop"/"auto sales") Market and cafe g, i List below the individual(s) or the entity names & address that are doing business under this trade name. Name of owner (list person or company name) street & po box ci state & zip code Road to Hana, Inc.,222 Dorset Street, South Burlington Vermont 05403 Name and address of process agent (non-residents only): Vermont One of the individuals listed or an officer of the corporation/LLC must sign in front of a notary public. Appli1ant's i ature: Subscr'bed and sworn to before me this day of t 3 Notary Public si ature commission expiration date Aa $50.00 FEE: File in duplicate with self-addressed envelope. Once filed name is valid for 5 years and is public information. Trade name registration is not a guarantee that you are entitled to the name, a person or entity may have, or claim to have, a pre-existing right to exclusive use of the name. You must notify this office if the business name, address or ownership is changed. Resources to help you start and grow your business can be found through Community Business Connections at: www.StartaBusinessinVermont Email address or phone contact: CD PO r=� c�T tTi'� 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3766-001-SECN-001 SECCND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL HALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated this 155 _ day of J(,?'Uet& , i Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of coipration, corpany, club or association (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes '" No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully net by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual ccstuissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Le:_=e or title rust be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED • Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of A - Ci or own of Total Membership ;!5 numbers present Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, lcr.21 control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 i.Ar+ City of South Burlington !, City Clerk's Office YOrE Donna Kinville, City Clerk FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/ TRADENAME J-i% .r r .6rbvi ADDRESS 0/4 b0 it/iSjDV OGt d FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE ';b , 3, aD/4L- SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPT Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date TRLIN RE DEPT LAJ"GTON Y/1iH Chief Douglas S. Brent Date SO. BURLINGTON TAX DEPT .. ;712 ((i°ki Mirth Lyons, Depu x Collector Y , u y P Date sent to Montpelier: A:.......f......,..." I 1411/611# 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 802-846-4105 dkinville©sburl.com 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 5589-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SKT,r MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $230.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2014 ending April 30, 2015 $115.00 is paid to town/city $115.00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the infon ation presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: OB2, LIC Licensee # 5589- 1 Doing Business As: Higher Ground Mailing Address: 1214 Williston Road 1214 Williston Road South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (80.2) 652-0777 , Plitt PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: $ e v,,,1(•,, , r t'v„45It,' :CU" I Description of Premises: Lessor: 1st class consisting of two roans & lobby area with an upstairs LBJ Enterprises, IJC mezzanine area, with a total approximate size of 13,700 square feet 105 Appletree Point Road being a primary steel and block constructed building, located as 1214 Burlington VT 05401 Williston Road, in the City of Sout-, E;iliny—,.cn, Vent. Last Enforcement Seminar: 12/13/2012 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 09/14/2004 Federal ID Number: 20-1656098 Majority of Members are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability Company Name Address Town/City State Zip Code Member 1. Statesir, Kevin 502 Acorn Drive Waterbury VT 05676 Member 2. Crothers, Alex 98 Park Street Burlington VT 05401 Has any person been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or pop6r vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes V No If yes, please attach the following information: Individnal's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any person held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Veununt (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes V No If yes, please attach the following information: Indiviciial's name, office and jurisdiction Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No.: 2579 Vt. Dept. of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Roans Cert./Acct. No.: 440-201656098E-01 Disclosure of Non-profit Organization?: Yes OC No ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information frcm Stat- .• ederal record repositories. ereby certify, under the pains and penalties of per jury, thatfa are in good standing wit.. respect to or in full compliance with a plum', 'Proved by the Caarissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of thi ..lication. (VSA, Tit , Section 3113) �,�� ereby certify that, I re not under an obligation to pay child support or that rake in good standing with re- o child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and al 1 child suppor payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) �j� In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b),C'�4"�- -rtify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that pare in good s . g with respect to or in full cxcpliance wi a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of con leons due to the Department of Employment and Training. -ve registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page Vermont Department of Liquor Control ertificate of First Class Seminar Attendance Name(print): Signature: Date: ; Li I j - (expires two ears from aboac date) Investigator's Signature: 1 Certificate of First Class Seminar Attendance Category(circle one): Owner ,- Director Partner Manager i4 Employee _ref Corporation Name: i•.‘21; L... Business Niame: - - ,D Street and Town: • Seminar held in: • r Town/City Education Regulation 3-B V.S.A. T.7 §239 . . _ • 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 5589-001-1RST-001 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT/BAR LICENSE TO SETS MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page iereby certify that the information in this applcation is true and complete. Dated this O_ day of J Q�;� , 2014 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners %oration, c or association /ram (Title) a Are you making this Application for the benefit of any other party? Yes_ f,tvt� Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the application and transmit it to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED ' Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of . e City or !• of mm Total Membership . , members present At t--- W tlWA Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312