HomeMy WebLinkAboutZB-93-0000 - Decision - 1990 Spear StreetPLANNING COMMISSION 13 April 1993 page 3 4. The a plicant shall record the finalplat plans in the land records within 90 da s or thisapproval is null and void. The plans _shall be signed by the Pla_nninc_Commission Chair or C_l_e_r_k__ prior to recordin the plans.1 5. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of occupancy from the Administrative Officerprior to occupancy of the new addition. 6. A_n_y_changes to the final _plat -plans shall require approvalby the Planning Commission. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion asked unanimous) . 5. Request of Skip Vallee to construct a single family house off Spear Street in an area of the Southeast Quadrant designated as restricted area, in accordance with Section 26.501(g) of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations: Mr. Vock said the property is 28 acres, with 17 of them in Shel- burne and the remaining in S. Burlington. Mrs. Maher asked the distance of the proposed house from the Velco line. Mr. Vock said it is approximately 400 feet. No other issues were raised. Mr. Austin moved the Plannin Commission approve the request of Skip_V_allee to construct a sin le-familv house in -an -area -of the Southeast Quadrant District designated as restricted area as de- icted on a lan entitled "Vallee Farm Subdivision Parcel #1 preparedby Civil Enqineering Associates, Inc, and dated 10/24/ 91. last revised 10 30 92. It is the_ Commission's opinion that the_proposed project meets the re uirements of Sections 25.501( ) ------ --------- and 26.606 of the South !1urlington�Zoninq Regulations. Mrs. Maher seconded. The motion then passed unanimously._ 6. Preliminary Plat application of Thomas Farrell for a planned commercial development consisting of a new bank building with drive-thru service, existing car wash, existing office building, existing restaurant/bar building and leased parking for the ad- joining Ben Franklin business, Shelburne Road: Mr. Sheahan expressed concern that the Commission had just been handed the traffic report and has not had a chance to review it. He said he would not want to make a decision without such a re- view. Other Commission members agreed. Mr. Webster then presented the plan. The land is owned by 3 en- tities but will be put together as one entity. There is frontage on Hadley Rd, Farrell St, two frontages on Shelburne St. There