HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - City Council - 04/04/2011 • southburlington VERMONT AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Executive Session 6:00pm Monday, April 4, 2011 1) Consider entering executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations and litigation. Regular Session 7:00 P.M. Monday , April 4, 2011 1) Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items. 2) Comments and questions from the public(not related to the agenda). 3) Announcements and City Manager's Report. 4) ***Resolution to honor Richard "Dick" Stevens for his years of service and dedication to the South Burlington Fire Department On-Call Staff. Doug Brent, Fire Chief 5) ***Discussion on the Summer 2012 Paving Projects on US2 & US 7. Mike Fowler, Vtrans Paving Program Manager and Justin Rabidoux, Director of Public Works.. 6) ***Consider approval for a Resolution Amending the Sewerage Connection Fees pursuant to Article 111, Section 6(e)of the City of South Burlington Sewerage and Stormwater Ordinance. Justin Rabidoux, Director of Public Works. 7) ***Consider approval for a Resolution Establishing Fees for the Issuance of Truck Overweight Permits Pursuant to Title 23, Chapter 13, §1400a(d)of the Vermont State Statutes. Justin Rabidoux, Director of Public Works. 8) ***Consider approval to apply to the Town Highway Class II Roadway Program Grant, Justin Rabidoux, Director of Public Works. 9) ***Consider ratifying an application to the Vermont Humanities Council Grant, Louise Murphy, Community Library Director. • s sout bUrlinClf VERMONT AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Executive Session 6:00 m Monda A ril 4 2011 1) Consider enterin executive session to discuss ersonnel contract ne otiations and liti ation. a. KTurbo: Update on efforts to keep the units. ear not to have billed the School District for their b. School billing regarding elections—we appear share of the election costs. We are going to change this practice immediately. c. Gloria Yandow"deal". Apparently, in 1996 and 1999 the City Manager entered into agreements with Ms. Yandow regardingextraordinary m and ouunts tside of theensatory lme union had accumulated (over 4,000 hours—possiblywithout approval contract). Aside from a payment of some $12,000 made in 1996, the 1999 agreement appears to allow her to carry those hours forward and obligates the City to pay upon her retirement for 2080 of those hours, which is equivalent to one year's salary. d. Other ere deals and therCity nd ng/Public"special"deals,orks nsuch as the onuiry". The e above, which I'll Hall union has ken an explain interesting position regarding Monday night. They haven't filed a grievance, but instead are making an "inquiry" and want to meet with me to discuss this. Chuck e. Health Living "deal" for maintenance ear.of the There is nothing dium pn wrils is ting and welsgou d discuss then with HL and I agreed to pay Y arrangement and whether or not this is good policy going forward. f. Airport Agreement—did we bill or pay in 2010. I've put a call into Gene Richards about this and, depending upon what he says, we may want to get Steve Stitzel in for a discussion on April 19 . g. Vermont Gas response—have waiting swritten indicated you may want to h. SM Contract—assuming you are ready to doo, Sandy consider this item. 1) gen Session 7:00 P.M. Monda Aril 4 2011 1) A enda Review: Additions deletions or chan es in order of a enda items. Self-explanatory. 2) Comments and uestions from the public(not related to the agendal. Self-explanatory. 3) Announcements and City Manager's Report. a. John Wilking, former Vice-Chair, a its suninbmitted per his resignation ndrom the Library Board. This leaves the Library Board sixwith o analysis and prepare a report on the status and ongoing efforts in this area. I have already basically "stopped"this effort while we undertake this assessment. 12) ***Appoint Kelly Murphy, Planning and Policy Analyst as Town Service Officer. While the duties of the Town Service Officer are much more limited than they were in the past, we are still required to have one. Kelly has volunteered to serve in this capacity. Town Service Officers used to have to arrange for emergency car-gas fillips, overnight shelter in emergencies and other, similar, duties. Most of these functions have now been assumed by social services providers and Town Service Officers merely need to have referral information in most cases. 13) ***Discuss the possibility of marketing and selling City owned TDR's. Paul Conner, Planning & Zoning Director. Several months ago we received an inquiry from a developer about purchasing one or more city-owned TDRs. When we discussed the possible real estate transaction with CC we were asked to draft a policy for CC's consideration. Paul's memo outlines the work done on this so far. We are not proposing to sell the TDRs to anyone at this time, merely presenting a possible process to you for your consideration. 14) *** Consider authorizing financing of the City's unfunded pension liability of up to $8,200,000 with all necessary paperwork to be executed by the City Manager. Sandy Miller, City Manager and Bob Rusten, Assistant City Manager. Pending bond counsel opinions, we believe it is prudent and cost effective for CC to initiate this borrowing. Further, the savings to the City will be between $90-110K annually for the"make up" portion of our pension contributions—the amount of the contributions which is tied into the unfunded pension obligations. We are recommending the borrowing offered through Merchants Bank and can discuss, in more detail, the terms offered at the CC meeting. 15) ***Consider authorizing interim borrowing up to $2,500,000 to finance South Burlington's Airport Parkway Waste Water Treatment upgrade and expansion with all necessary paperwork to be executed by the City Manager. Bob Rusten, Assistant City Manager. ???We initiated this request for borrowing interim funds as we are not sure if we will receive the supplemental funding from the State Revolving Fund before we need the funds to pay the contractor. We received three quotations for this borrowing (a bid sheet is attached). We asked for quotes for six, nine and twelve month periods and for a line of credit. We are not sure at this point in time which vehicle we should use based on ongoing analyses of our cash flow for the project and total dollars needed. Therefore, we are recommending CC approve the borrowing from Merchants Bank for two reasons: 1) all their fixed term interest rates are lowest; 2) if we were to borrow on a line of credit basis, we believe the total cost for Merchants is most likely to be lowest when the cost of bond counsel opinion is factored in even though People's interest rate appears to best Merchants' rate by 0.04%. 16) ***Consider authorizing refinance a grant anticipation note in the amount of$348,000 for a Stormwater mitigation project with all necessary paperwork to be executed by the City Manager. Kelly Murphy, Planning and Policy Analyst. ??? We received two bids and recommend this be awarded to Merchants bank at an interest rate of$1.64%. The previous lender, TD Bank, did not wish to refinance this note. This happened previously with another note and, like this time, worked to the City's advantage as we are reducing our interest rate by almost 0.3%. 17) ***Consider approval of Entertainment License Application for: All items have been reviewed by city departments and approval is recommended. These can be approved en masse or individually. • North American Breweries • Magic Hat • Sheraton Burlington Hotel • Higher Ground 18) ***Review and approve minutes from the Special meeting of January 25, 2011, the Organizational meeting held March 7 and 9, 2011 and the Regular meeting held March 21, 2011. We realized the minutes of January 25th had not been presented to CC for approval. Resolution 2011 - 15 Relating to Richard E. Stevens Charter Member South Burlington Fire Department WHEREAS, on July 1, 1970 the Town of South Burlington, Vermont formed the South Burlington Fire Department for the safety and protection of its citizens; and WHEREAS, on July 1, 1970 the South Burlington Fire Department appointed Richard E. "Dick" Stevens as a charter volunteer member; and WHEREAS, throughout the years Richard E. "Dick" Stevens served the South Burlington Fire Department as an on-call firefighter, apparatus operator, and Captain; and WHEREAS, Richard E. "Dick" Stevens since becoming a member of the South Burlington Fire Department has served the citizens of South Burlington admirably, with honor, dedication, and without regard for his own wellbeing; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2011 Richard E. "Dick" Stevens resigned his appointment as a member of the South Burlington Fire Department after serving 40 years, 7 months and 22 days. NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that we the undersigned members of the South Burlington City Council, on behalf of all officials, employees, and citizens of the City of South Burlington, do hereby express to Richard E. "Dick" Stevens our most profound appreciation for his generous contributions of time, knowledge and experience that he has steadfastly given to the City of South Burlington and wish he and his wife Sandy, the very best in their retirement. LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be placed in the permanent records of the City of South Burlington, and a copy be presented to Richard E. "Dick" Stevens on April 4, 2011 at the meeting of the South Burlington City Council in the presence of his family, friends and co-workers. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL THIS 4TH DAY OF APRIL 2011 City Councilors Sandra Dooley, Chairperson Meaghan Emery, Vice Chair James Knapp Rosanne Greco, Clerk Paul Engels Donna Kinville, City Clerk 410 40 Oiel 0 southburlington PUBLIC WORKS MEMO To: South Burlington City Council From: Justin Rabidoux j Date: March 29, 2011 Re: Summer 2012 Paving Projects—US2 and US7 As part of their annual Class I highway paving program,the State of Vermont Agency of Transportation(VTrans)is scheduled to pave two roads in South Burlington in the 2012 construction season. The projects and brief descriptions are: 1. U.S.Route 7, Shelburne Road—The road will be repaved between the Holmes Drive/IDX Drive intersection south to the intersection of Queen City Park Road.Work will include grinding the road down,repaving with a leveling and wearing course, pavement markings, sidewalk ramps with truncated domes, signalization improvements and incidental items. 2. U.S.Route 2,Williston Road—The road will be repaved between South Willard Street in Burlington to approximately Pete's RV in South Burlington. Work will include grinding the road down,repaving with a leveling and wearing course,new pavement markings, guardrail, signs and incidental items. VTrans paving program manager, Mike Fowler, will be at the April 4 Council meeting to introduce the projects to the Council and public as well as to solicit feedback.VTrans is considering night work and will be discussing that with the Council. Given the current conditions of these roads,these are needed projects and will reduce the City's maintenance needs,especially during pothole season. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.658.7961 fax 802.658.7976 www.sburl.com Physical Address: 104 Landfill Road South Burlington RESOLUTION AMENDING THE SEWERAGE CONNECTION T OF SOUTH A R RESOLTUION OF TH PURSUANT TO ARTICLEEIAND STROM�'�'ATER ORDINANCE BURLINGTON SEWERAGE WHEREAS,it is necess ar for the City of South Burlington to amend its current Sewerage y Connection Fee Charges; and, and an existing Sewerage capacity WHEREAS,the City charges every person a seeking to expand ' requiring a new Sewerage capacity allocation a Connection Fee; allocation or building a facility and, and Stormwater WHEREAS, Article III, Section 6(e) of the City of South Burlington Sewerage Ordinance authorizes the City to assess Connection Fees; and, n of new or increased daily S the current Sewerage Connection Fee is $9.20 per gallo WHEREA , demand. ton City Council establishes the NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED the South Burling Fee at$9.48 per gallon of new or increased daily demand. Sewerage Connectionon assage by FURTHER,BE IT RESOLVED,the terms of this Resolution shall be effective up p the City Council. APPROVED this _day of April,2011. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Meaghan Emery,Vice Chair Sandy Dooley, Chair James Knapp Roseanne Greco, Clerk Paul Engels RESOLUTION A RESOLTUION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TRUCK OVERWEIGHT PERMITS PURSUANT TO TITLE 23, CHAPTER 13, §1400a(d) OF THE VERMONT STATE STATUTES WHEREAS, a person or corporation owning or operating a traction engine, tractor trailer, motor truck or other motor vehicle that desires to operate it in excess of the weight limits over highways and bridges under the jurisdiction of the City of South Burlington shall make application for a permit to the City; and, WHEREAS, Title 23, Chapter 13, §1400a(d) of the Vermont State Statutes authorizes the annual charge of$5 for an individual truck permit or$10 for a fleet permit; and, WHEREAS, currently the City issues approximately 200 truck overweight permits annually and charges no fee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the South Burlington City Council establishes the annual Truck Overweight Permit Fee at $5 for an individual peiniit and $10 for a fleet permit. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, the terms of this Resolution shall be effective upon passage by the City Council. APPROVED this day of April, 2011. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Sandy Dooley, Chair Meaghan Emery, Vice Chair Roseanne Greco, Clerk James Knapp Paul Engels ,.. , . .. 0F 'I 00-, , ::;.;;; ...„ ....,,,,_,...„.., „...„_......,„ . figli.„"Ittfil , !'!/M $:'-'414,43,tliiiitt0:04t,*5"!- Ifith -.- --",-f't-O.PP Date: ;14r4;b:2tgiVII . A Re ,thing„' '; -417Atttr;Foitiv, C14ss:11PaliintPeet'Whik'*.roet, 4!: . - DPP041#)1);PANWONot#*ofro4t0444-**41400XwArtholo414iat of the White $otgcovtffzlo*otiotozo4tgf00V-otidottt4ttiwai:eafit 24Viklki*ai,A,#,odibn.of 4 Whi&Streei:?.iiirialtded ht!eart voterapp.meAfrgpohlg.*g#44,twe50givpwpopoittgtho „:„,•- tom.#14044fipt fk,i:::V:0h4aggtptpgo-- The 3,W.14-4KikosolooP.Vg#04„*ii44- q'-- --!..(iittifid.ila0,04iii04064a,...efiailidliak:Whitegti,66t, it % 1100.t004.44#.1104. -t11rtilt,W.Itli41100itiit*Ii41,::1;.*- iMtiOatiFOAV ..... 4 1 Vpx41,44.441c:gq-qtto4000.4.,! ,. -W4,11'14t0ki.-k*, til-iii!ate§..Vati'lietit!.!0-iitatti6—tititaltidedaliii :showit., li! 1 PithifoNo*OpavinoOlans for Fr12-and'ql, it W.4,1*0:1444141144,:4,,17a*fitot qwitett4t.&-,as otottabyvtia In order !I! 03.14*Iliiiit4tiiiiiiiiittaiit kitita':S0/2%,ifie City inst agree to adhqmtcyt, At444-401*4114410a04400:440Agt44WIlt-Qi0Mi,;04',,:out plAtm**00:; ,t -444gogt4otioomotho4ottitittwaiit,thotiiitYarU Statteeetiiiiieriat,the ., CouncilstiPthef9riltr4MAC'W144,0**93.1.rtgOOVPSOOPJA ,-, 1!! : ,- !-i !! ! iF . 1!! .r! 4, -C- .1. $ , 1 ....,,,,„ ....„.-..-. .„„„.. :.„..,.,:.::.....„.„.......,...„.....„ _.,„.,,..,..„....::. litt:.*.artOiti $000104110.#4,004, g4.).- . -f,,,,,i1:Ii•.a ? A:1„,.=0-3',..:1'# .,345.4,ZIcjql .:i',),ftY0Aitil.31,911t% ---10MOBVW.614dditifOODAftteb.W.Y.R4'.',0 :,-5dVI-Ltu,MTp4tb.e.v. 44 . s . City:Of South Botliugtoi,Grafit Request-Form Prior to applying fir a grant please complete this form and,submit to Assistant City Manager Please submit at least two weeks prior to City Council approval meeting.-. Extenuating circumstances which do not permit two ,weeks noticeshould bibroughtto the attention of theAssistant Ci0Manager as soon as possible. t ,Please attach actual grant application form.,,cither bliznk.or completed Craiz.F.t Plunib.,Deouty.Director ofPublic:Works, March 22,2011 .11a*and..tigOrtiOtaonetOtithia.11004.(Ps9*t.$4440S). Date .1. . .. .. I,.. Natneitit10 asrot:04:$4btatta.doilinctiawyotpitioighsoy-ofoxill?pargfivoy.07,000*40.410.4.5.i. 2011, 2:;:.: What spoigotijvi$:-tho:groxit purpose?The cfrokft 040 proi4ofip#44 for up to.$0S..qf me project cost for iiiepailMse.qfpoement repair-(ntVitig).Of Class It state roads Examples of such roads-in. South Burlington WhiteStreet,Dorset,-Xennedy,.$4.4..,, ,.....: .. . . :... . .,... , 1., What does the grant fund and not ftin4-(be..speei.A6)? The:grant can be used for 4ityptiliOn'4,the project 1: . . : . . ... . 3.. from of existing materials to oftraffia loops,as lonkasthey are associated with the Class :t II P.O.P4 : 4. Total Project Cost'. -074100,,,see.attached spread Sheet Or' .more detail. a.. Amount of grant tip to 80%of total project cost,not to exceed.$175;000 1. :.• b Is there a Oitymateh0quiied,hoW)1.4..not.00d J'xi,wiigli:$ealyeat(S)? Yes.The grant an-80/20 split ' - , .. wiika:currentroadinventory not older than 3 yrs. The grant covers and:FY.13.. : e.., Are there other grants 400.007 or being used 45 4::4404 for' Ft4is gr*tt of which are matching 1 < ----. . funds thistrW?:N& 5. From what budget paid line will match be and is there unencuniberedimoncyto.pay it?Mateltingfunds !!: . . . . :. ..„ :.. , . WOW coinafroMline54.6itsli*W.0..figten we put together the battgetfm,,n11 04 did optiaeltt4e :1 any grant Mario:sq$,es4Phereii-attinatitered money toiitilizble If we obtain thiSgrant,it will serve to, eirnertt/Jte4ttee to*monks needed 0 fund,Ito:friz Paving Program.or.b)allow u,to reallocate . . .. . . monies 41 another project equitl.vtatt :tc.tithgr-geostfis-ceeek 1 C. Its there:a Cost:to-tie'City upon&ant tonchiSiorkatid if yes;please..desailie?NO 7, IS grad for stand alotiettojeot;04,iftle,.hOW does grant fit into another project(describe in some detail)?' 1 .,, T40;grant would be applied to the repaving of White Street,to include;Cold-Planing,repaving,:traffic loop repair,line and wgogc,mate Stools part al.00r.:3"poi-paving ph:0i. . S Length of -ww*01044:GFP's *Cgt:y-F41-()11 The grant is for two,yoor*, 1 9, 3.y.t.p'w0).iapply for grant(name/title)?Craig P.rintnbi Deputy director ofPub(ic.Works: la.HOW,Mtioh tiriteW.1.ithke to.oOmplete grant applie4timifatit?.Les than one Week It How likely iiit that we will receive grant?1V0),;:00$:001*,000t0iiitg:totattheokgh:.rfraitSiand Oatt.;ki .,, appife.4fo rviwry:.1rOyel0..Wfliavf:#0.10'00404grootAiii:ce.200$: , .. . 12.,Who-willintanage(project manager)grant Ahdgtattopetworkifapproved(if different person than who is filling out this fOrm) what are any grant compliance requirements,how much time will this take and how is that time'available? Are there funds available in the grant to pay for Att:0$4nisttatiVe costs9' . an.in4kind , . service be used as part of the Citylnatch?The:.(1)1Vpwouldhe Craig Plumb with.oversight by.Junin Rabidoux. There are two re4airentert4fO r the Class 11.119a4vay program a-s follows, I 0 ..The town has adopted codes and standards which meet or exceed the minimum standards in the January 4,ZOLI template by the Ve*Ont.400 of Transportation(copy incitided with.this Tegaest). AND . . . *': .Theistoivit has a documented,network.inveniookotont.which.is no atote,thaalittee:Yeat$44 of roods; bridges and culvert s.that identrtgs the location,size,deficiencies;condition and. 1 estimated cost of repair if apPlfrable,.(Weiggkfic"1*Fo'ROgt00.0 111701dgg*001:software for -. our roads inventory,and the inventory is up to date). 1 1 .. ,, .. ••,, • ,•',.• 1 1; 1E' 1.' I: .t: .., 1, ... ILI . 0 0:0: W:: :a .:o 0. t ot :r4 :;7c? 4.. X 1--: ,.647 ci- co .:. • - '. .. .. ....:- ... i I: ... ,, ...... ... ..: . -.:.:. ", C>: 'Ci 0. c>. 'O.-0 X.:• sco_ ,:N ck-: 4 . .' :,-,- . • c1.• -, . 0 • "-"'" -5-7::7:- ' 1 co' Z...i. a 0 0 .,: • 0. 44 0. i,- ...,,..:.. , :_: .o. :o o: 1,, . , o ,.,o.: o Cl): E til,... LP.9; U.. ,. .,. 0- ' t° 05--ui-' o : co, 0? '- ... ..,.. '409,.. 64.69. < ,: . . ... ..•;:-.:. :-:. .,,.• .. - 0 .cr) -0. :•.: ..!r.: 17-.:„.1 < •;:. .,..Rt: :R., ',]•14: . ::, . . 0 .:.}.- ....., 1. = O.• i.., I '' . E Er 2.! . .,:Z <, .. - --: •.- --t'-* t. !t4., .. -:-:a,.... : 0 g,=. ••. ,-; co. .,;‘, - - P, :: :',0, --1--• 04 :i-,,,", '••:, ; -et• : •;,}4. ., - 0 2: ., LI. . ':'<'. :. .111 :. ...,.., c): & tii f0 re:: :. a ,: '43-: i..i: to i... . I :0 1.,. .,-,: < .._, ::: .:61:- .}- -, (Li.'.'--;. M!?'"'' • :0: < ta -, ,:,,::: 1;9: ,, , : ,m:i: EL -,. , IA ct;, ' a izi-. .... f ,: 2 :11j UT ., i si'.: t , : ''F'",.. 0..---!--- ft al..: :-.: 10:: 97 .1, Lij 0) < <:. : ': Ail Lii '..- •'.--(0-. DO '' ..1 .-. 14.. ....,...._,,, 0- 0,: 0-,.. - . •:.. •: -........ ' ...: „#. . -,. .., .•,1 I. 'I.I. Attae rilent 2:Mtr irnurri Town Road and'Bridge:5tandards that include wate itlt Best:l5►tanagement Practices t 1. Jau407 4, oti TOWN RfA►D AND BRIDGE STANDARDS , T wis I3F A v NT 1 1 The Town.of hereby adopts the following Town Road and Bridgetandarda which shall apply to the onstxuction,.maintenance•anal repair of alltown.roads anal bridges I: z The standards lasted hrere are considered minisrium acid are presented for purposes of guiding construction_andaintenance personnel.The:standards listedhere include thr. e types of` f management•pia ces dare,designed to ensure the•safet�r of the traveling public,minimize i damage to road infrastructure during flood events,and enhance Vater quality proteetioxzs by mimmruzing sediment delivery to surface waters and/or•wetlands.The:.select beard reserves the right to;"modify the standards for a particular'project,where,because of hnlque physical circumstances;or, conditions thereisnopossrbility that the project-canbe corrp leted.in strictcofozanee withthee , n s prvisons' Any 0odifcatiosto the.sandads must be,doneura manner that protects the underlying: intent of tie management practice,heft public safety,flood hazard avoidoitte,or water quality1. protection Fiscal reasons are not a basis for modification of the standards, Questions about modificat ens.tt'the stare. . s should be directed to the .Tans Dxs nct Qf.fZce, , Any newroad,whether or not that road is proposed to be conveyed to the town,shall be constructed according.to the minimums ofthese stand•rds:If any federal atzd/ox state funding•is'involved in,u.. project,the VTi ns district.office will Abe notified prior to;arty°field changes taking:place that would alter the original scstpe ofworlr: Roadways • All new or substantially recozistrueted•:roads tilihave at least a 1ST-inch.thick processed': gravel s bbase,with gravel roads having the:_top,3 inches(rt inunt rn)as crushed gravel: • All roadways wi l:be graded so water'does not remain on the road surface. For roadways that: is are nao t's pereev ated,this generally means a 24%(/a"- V2"pee r fOi crown for gra vel roads amd 1 11 (i's,; i 1 per0)crown o .pvedraids to prQnotsheng ofwater 0 iPrOi3er gradingechniqesfrgravl•roaw,aysileused oa•oda iiig idgeorbewt ea a between cownand:the ditch. •:. Any berm along;the roadway shoulder that.prevents:the proper.sheeting of water will be removed i ii Ditoes and Scopes Soil exposed during flitch and slope constnzction or maintenance will be treated u nediately .1 following the,operation, Priority should be given to ares vulnerable to erosion mmediately adjacent •1. to Or discharging to surface Waters and/or:roadway drainage facilities Tl e:following are_mtnimum erosion:control measures,. • Seed and mulch•ditches.with grades less than.2%.. Ilse biodegradable,non-welded matting: arid seed:on ditches with grades between 2°%:and 5%4 Stone•line all ditches with grades greater than 5% alternatively; ,alternatly install stone check dadzs.. 1Dams should be comprised of a well t graded stone matrix 2 to 9 inches in-size. Pains should not=exceed 2 feet:;in height and check dam crest should lie at least 6"below the top.of the ditch.. i, I. r li City Of South Burlington, Grant Request Form Prior to applying for a grant please complete this form and submit to Assistant City Manager.. Please submit at least two weeks prior to City Council approval meeting. Extenuating circumstances which do not permit two weeks notice should be brought to the attention of the Assistant City Manager as soon as possible. Please attach actual grant application form—either blank or completed Louise Murphy Name and title of person completing this form(Project Manager) Date 3/18/11 1. Name/title of grant and submittal deadline date: Vermont Humanities Council Grant/Deadline 3/31/11 2. What specifically is the grant's purpose? The Council supports public humanities programs that contribute to the achievement of its masion. By promoting humanities programming for all Vermonters, the Council works to achieve its vision of a Vermont in which everyone reads,participates in public affairs, and continues to learn throughout life. The humanities include history, literature,philosophy, the social sciences, comparative religion,jurisprudence, classical and modern languages, linguistics, ethics, and the history, theory and criticism of the arts. The South Burlington Community Library will seek funding to support our Lifelong Learning Music Series which is in its 9th year. It has been a well-attended,popular program. The series consists of six lectures that take place between September 2011 and March 2012. Like the humanities themselves,these programs may be multi-faceted. Examples of public programming include lecture series,museum programming, community projects, or programming meant to explain or augment the humanities content of an event. 3. What does the grant fund and not fund(be specific)? • Programs over$5,000. • any project that does not have strong humanities content; • for profit organizations; • individuals; • retroactive funding; • advocacy-based, biased, or politically-charged projects; • projects focused principally on literacy; • projects that principally provide social/human services; • musical/dramatic productions, visual art, or creative writing projects, i.e. the "making"or "doing"of art as opposed to the history, theory, and criticism of it; • grants to fund salaries of organization staff members; • research grants; • projects that are not timely enough to include credit to the Council in publicity; • scholars-in-residence; • classroom augmentation(such as supplemental classroom texts or guest speakers); • school events that are not not open to the public; • book publishing without programmatic component • any organization that has an open grant with the Council* 4. Total Project Cost: a. Amount of grant: $450 Humanities "Sharing Our Past—Shaping Our Future" Grant Program Guidelines 2011 Vermont Humanities Council 11 Loomis Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602 phone (802) 262-2626, ext. 304 • fax (802) 262-2620 jsantucci@vermonthumanities.org www.vermonthumanities.org •4 . 4 II. Educational Outreach The Council supports efforts by schools and other organizations for curriculum development. Certain guidelines apply,however. School curriculum must be based on the Vermont Framework of Standards and must include a plan for distribution to other schools or region or statewide. Proposals from museums or historic sites should address the problem of transporting students to and from their location. Example: The Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium received a grant to develop curricula for their exhibit Pathways to History. The exhibit, which paired historic Native American artifacts with those created by living artists, was a springboard to programs explaining the history and culture of Native Americans. In addition to hosting local school groups,the curriculum was made available to schools statewide through the museum's Web site. III. Teacher Enrichment Organizations may apply for funds to support seminars or workshops for teachers who teach any grade level. The topic of these programs should be humanities-based and easily transferable to the classroom. Funds may be requested for the programs themselves, or for providing scholarships to Vermont teachers. Example: Vermont Courage to Teach received a grant to support a professional development program for public school teachers and principals involving facilitated book and poetry discussions. The program focuses on the Why and Who of teaching rather than the What and How. Please see Addendum Two: Grants Awarded in 2009 (pg. 6)for a list of successful proposals. Applications related to the following areas are encouraged during 2011: ✓ Projects related to the Civil War leading up to War's the 150th anniversary which begin in 2011 ✓ American history and culture;founding values (relating to the NEH We the People initiative;see www.wethepeople.gov) • Civics;community building ✓ Collaboration with other Vermont non-profits Grant applications will not be considered for: • any project that does not have strong humanities content; • for-profit organizations; • individuals; • retroactive funding; • advocacy-based,biased,or politically-charged projects; • projects focused principally on literacy; • projects that principally provide social/human services; • musical/dramatic productions,visual art,or creative writing projects,i.e.the "making" or "doing" of art as opposed to the history,theory, and criticism of it; • grants to fund salaries of organization staff members; • research grants; • projects that are not timely enough to include credit to the Council in publicity; • scholars-in-residence; • classroom augmentation(such as supplemental classroom texts or guest speakers); • school events that are not not open to the public; South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4110 To: Sanford Miller, City Manager Members of the City Council From: Douglas Brent, Chief of Fire and EMS Date: March 30, 2011 Re: Authorization to Purchase Attached please find 3 documents outlining the purchasing information regarding the vehicle acquisitions approved as part of the FY 11/12 budget. As you may be aware, there is a significant amount of lead time needed to construct these vehicles so it is time critical to get them ordered to arrive as early in the new budget year as we can. At this time I would request authorization to enter into contract to purchase a new ambulance and a new "quint" firetruck. I would also request that City Manager Miller be authorized to act as the purchasing agent to execute the contract on the city's behalf when the price negotiations and specifications are finalized. South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4110 To: City Manager Sanford Miller Members of the City Council From: Douglas Brent, Chief of Fire and EMS Date: March 29, 2011 Re: New Emergency Vehicle Replacement/Purchases History of Current Project As you are aware from departmental budget discussions for FY 11/12, funding was included for two major purchases of fire department emergency vehicles. These involve the replacement of a 1997 ambulance which was purchased used in 2004, and replacement of a 1990 Aerial Platfoini truck purchased used in 1997. Due to consolidation of equipment we would also be disposing of a 1996 Pumper. As part of the budget, $170,000 ($165,000 plus $5,000 trade-in value) was allocated for outright purchase of a new replacement ambulance. Also allocated in the budget was a 5 year payment schedule (initial payment plus a 4 year note) for a $750,000 "quint type" aerial ladder truck. As part of this purchase $82,500 was the projected trade-in value ($75,000 for 1990 aerial and $7,500 for 1996 Pumper). Background Until now South Burlington has had no hard and fast replacement program or schedule for emergency vehicles or for that matter any city owned vehicles. Historically, our vehicles have been replaced either because they were unsafe to be on the road or they were deemed unreliable. Though there had never been a foiinal replacement schedule developed, for many years the city charter has contained language for fire equipment replacement. The charter directs the city treasurer to establish/create a fire equipment replacement fund, and also establishes how purchases of fire equipment can be made. This fund was broken into two parts; fire truck replacement and ambulance replacement. The charter reads: "a short tertmi note may be obtained provided that it is for no more than four times the amount in the (equipment replacement) fund, AND, the loan must be paid back within a four year period." Almost every year, money from the fire department budget and money from the ambulance budget had been put into the equipment replacement fund. Page - 3 Ambulances Currently no guidelines exist regarding life span of an ambulance. The NFPA has recently begun work on ambulance vehicle standards and guidelines (similar to the fire truck standard) but it is not yet available. The federal government does have minimum standards (KKK A 1822E)which outline how ambulances should be built, test parameters, and essential criteria for ambulance design,performance, equipment and appearance. These minimum standards however do not specify how long an ambulance should be used or when it should be replaced. One example of how some states are requiring replacement is the"7 years and out" plan. These states have adopted a requirement that no emergency ambulances will be licensed if they are over 7 years old. Prior to 2004 when the SBFD ambulance service was established, the city council formed an ambulance advisory committee. The advisory committee was made up of depaitnient members, city council members, city manager and members of the general public. When they reported back to the city council, the initial recommendation of the advisory committee was to replace our frontline ambulance when it had been in service for 5 years. The concept supported the theory that our frontline ambulance would never be more than 5 years old, and our back-up ambulance would never be more than 10 years old. Based on my knowledge and years of experience, my recommendation would support that of the advisory committee, that an ambulance in a busy service like ours should be on the frontline for no more than 5 years. I base this recommendation on what I feel is a safe and reliable timeframe. Joint Purchase MedTec Ambulance Manufacturers is a sister company to Pierce Manufacturing, they are both wholly owned subsidiaries of the Oshkosh Company. The dealership represents both MedTec and Pierce. Our recommendation is to do a joint purchase of both the new ambulance and the "quint"fire truck. As outlined in the quint purchase recommendation a joint purchase (2 units) will be very advantageous for us. South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4110 To: City Manager Sanford Miller Members of the City Council From: Douglas Brent, Chief of Fire and EMS Date: March 29, 2011 Re: Ambulance Purchase Ambulance Replacement Review When the city originally began operating the ambulance service, a plan was approved which would have us replace our frontline ambulance every 5 years. That meant that we were scheduled for the replacement of our frontline ambulance in 2009. The original plan included the process to put aside $15,000 each year in a replacement fund. The plan was followed and we budgeted money for the first 5 years of operation and set it aside in the replacement fund. In that timeframe our fund would have grown to $75,000. We would then purchase a replacement using the fund,the trade allowance, and a note to fund the balance. Due to budget issues in 2009 the city manager asked us to defer replacement for 1 year. In May of 2010 during the interim period between city managers, I presented a request to the city council to proceed with ordering an ambulance and the request was denied pending arrival of the new city manager and the development of a firm city wide equipment replacement schedule. Current Situation We are in dire need of a new ambulance. Our fleet currently consists of 2 ambulances, one used as frontline response, the other is a back-up. Ambulance#1 is a 2004 Ford/AEV ambulance and Ambulance#2 is a 1997 International/Wheeled Coach. Our down time with both units has been significant. Several times both ambulances have been broken down at the same time for extended periods and luckily we have graciously been loaned a back-up from Burlington Fire Department. In December the Ford needed a new engine installed. As an example, at this very moment while writing this memo, an emergency call has been received and once again the frontline ambulance will not start. Our repair budget for FY 10/11 is already overspent just trying to keep one on the road. The assumption was made when preparing the FY 10/11 budget that we would be replacing the oldest ambulance at the beginning of the budget year. Due to the extenuating circumstances explained above, that never occurred. South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4110 To: City Manager Sanford Miller Members of the City Council From: Douglas Brent, Chief of Fire and EMS Date: March 29, 2011 Re: Quint Fire Truck Purchase Given the time constraints and the desire to implement operational changes within the fire department the decision was made by the City Manager to pursue a directed purchase for the acquisition of our new aerial ladder truck and our new ambulance. There are several reasons why this type of purchase makes sense for us at this time. Benefits of Directed Purchase As you know, in July 2009 we received two new pumpers. They were both purchased from Pierce Manufacturing in Appleton Wisconsin. At the time we had a truck replacement committee that met over a 20 month period beginning in February 2007. This committee spent an enormous amount of time researching, visiting other fire departments, going to trade shows, and discussing what attributes we were looking for in our new trucks. We sponsored a demonstration of trucks from 5 different manufacturers for all department members to view, drive and give input on. Given the results of our previous efforts and the subsequent excellent results we have had since choosing and receiving the new trucks, the department leadership felt it was in the best interest of the fire department and the city government to purchase the new aerial device from Pierce. Members of the previous truck committee were tapped again to assist with the specifications for the new aerial ladder truck as they were familiar with the process. Again, our number one priority was safety of the personnel, if we are safe, then the people we protect will be safe as well. Purchase of another Pierce will make us much more efficient and effective. - Training would be greatly reduced due to use of the same cab and chassis. - Driving will be the same. - The fire pump would be exactly the same as would the operation and control panel. - The storage compartments on the truck would be almost identical other than where the ladder is mounted. • Page - 3 The committee has met with our salesperson several times in the last few weeks. We have gone with him to visit two fire departments that have similar vehicles to what we are looking at. On Thursday March 10th after incorporating all of the input from the committee and personnel, we finalized all of the features which we desire in our new truck. Those specifications are now being turned into a blueprint and build list. It is my recommendation, and that of the apparatus committee, that the City of South Burlington enter into a contract to purchase a; 2011 Pierce PUC Quint with a 75 foot aerial ladder, 1500 GPM fire pump, 500 gallon water tank, and associated ground ladders and equipment. Finance of this project would be as follows: Price of Vehicle NOT TO EXCEED $750,000 Total Trade-In: less 1990 Aerial Truck 75,000 Less 1996 Pumper 7,500 Total Cash Payout $667,500 Year 1 initial payment in 11/12 budget, plus 4-year note to pay balance Andrew Legg, P.E. 15 Woods Hollow Rd,Westford,VT 05494 Phone: (802) 999-2516 March 16,2011 Sanford I. Miller, City Manager City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 Re:City Center:Infrastructure Improvements—Progress Assessment: Dear Sandy, In response to your request,I have developed the following proposal to evaluate progress on the City Center infrastructure improvements. Project Understanding The City of South Burlington plans to develop a network of public streets,utilities,and streetscape amenities to facilitate the development of a new downtown known as."City Center". The City has consultants under contract to plan and design the public infrastructure improvements._ The City has received several grants to help fund design and construction of the project, including$5 million from the Federal Highway Administration funding bill known as SAFETEA-LU, $1 million from the Transportation for Sustainable Communities Program,and funds from the US Army Corps of Engineers for stormwater improvements in the project area. Managing consultants and coordinating with funding agencies for such a large project is complex. The City wishes to have the project reviewed in order to assure that there has been sufficient progress made towards constructing public infrastructure for the City Center. Scope:of Work • My anticipated scope of work includes the;following: 1. Review project documents. I will visit the City office to review project files including: • Requests for proposals; • Consultant contracts and amendments; • Work products including schedules,estimates,plans,and reports; • Grant applications and awards; • Permit applications and agency clearances; and • Project expenditures including invoicing to date. Your staff will provide copies of documents needed for more detailed review outside of the City office. All materials will be returned to the City. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTRACT WITH ANDREW LEGG, P.E. TO PROVIDE A PROGRESS ASSESSMENT DETAILING CITY CENTER INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSULTING ARRANGEMENTS WHEREAS, South Burlington City Center infrastructure improvements are characterized as construction projects (i.e. streets, utilities, and amenities) contributing to the creation of an"identifiable"downtown comprised of a mixed-use development, open public spaces, and streetscapes; and, WHEREAS, City Center parameter is generally bound by Dorset Street, Williston Road, Hinesburg Road, and Kennedy Drive; and, WHEREAS,it has been determined that such development and the associated consulting agreements warrant evaluation and assessment; and WHEREAS, such an assessment will require an in-depth review of all project files and documents; and WHEREAS,the result of said review will culminate in the deliverables prescribed in the attached proposal of March 16, 2011; and, WHEREAS,the assessment will result in a report which will identify and assess any strengths or weaknesses in the city's approach to this project and provide recommendations, as appropriate, for further consideration. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the South Burlington City Council authorizes the City Manager to enter into contract with Andrew Legg,P.E. for the purposes examining and evaluating City Center projects and consulting arrangements. Date this day of April, 2011 Sandra Dooley, Chair Meaghan Emery,Vice Chair Rosanne Greco, Clerk James Knapp Paul Engels Department for Children and Families ncy of man Services Economic Services Division (phone)802-241-2800 103 South Main Street (fax) 802-241-2235 Waterbury,Vt.,05671-1201 Benefits Service Center: 1-800-479-6151 www.dcf.state.vt.us . MEMO TO: Chairman, Board of Selectman qP�7 U FROM: Pam Dailey, Interim Deputy Commissi W DATE: February 15, 2011 SUBJECT: Town Service Officer Appointments in accordance with 33 V.S.A. §2102 The term of office of your present Town Service Officer expires on April 14, 2011. Vermont law provides for the appointment for a Town Service Officer by the Selectmen for each town on or before April 15th of each year. The role of the Town Service Officers is helping needy Vermonters to obtain the assistance they may be eligible for through our Division such as Reach Up, 3 SqVT (Food assistance) and health care programs. Once you have appointed your new TSO and submitted their information to us,we will update our list of Town Service Officers. I'd like to suggest that you give serious consideration to the following when you consider persons for this appointment: ➢ Does the candidate really know the people of your community? ➢ Is the candidate available to assist members of your community in accessing needed services? ➢ Can the candidate be depended upon to maintain in complete confidence (as required by law)the names of people who are receiving assistance? To ensure continued availability of a Town Service Officer to assist needy individuals in your community, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of the person named to fill the position as soon as possible. Because the law allows an appointed town service officer to serve simultaneously for more than one town, you might consider making arrangements to share a town officer with an adjacent town. In addition, a selectman may be a town service officer and is expected to act on behalf of the town service officer in his or her absence. Please complete the enclosed form even if you appoint your current Town Service Officer to a subsequent term and return it by March 31,2011. If you do not respond by that date, the Town 'Service Officer currently listed for your town will remain on file in our records and may get telephone calls. Thank you for your assistance. /sa Qnnlnnfirn south PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington City Council & City Manager FROM: Paul Conner, Director of Planning &Zoning SUBJECT: Discussion of Potential Policy for Sale of City-Owned Transferable Development Rights (TDRs) DATE: April 4, 2011 City Council meeting In examining city assets and potential revenue opportunities, staff was asked to provide some background on the city's ownership of Transferable Development Rights (TDRs) in the Southeast Quadrant(SEQ). A. How TDRs Work: The City's Land Development Regulations include a provision for the "transfer" of development capacity within the SEQ (roughly the area bounded by Swift Street to the north, Spear street to the west, and the city boundaries to the east and south). The Regulations use two related density standards to accomplish this. (1) Overall, throughout the SEQ there is a maximum residential density of 1.2 housing units per acre of land. (2) The SEQ is divided up into a series of zoning"subdistricts."These include "sending areas" and"receiving areas". a. In a sending area, a landowner may only build homes at an extremely low density on their property(one unit if they own less than 15 areas, 3 units if they own more than 15 acres. The landowner in a sending area may, however, sell their"development rights" at a rate of 1.2 housing units per acre to a receiving area. b. In a receiving area, a landowner may apply to the DRB to build homes at a density of 1.2 units per acre from density on their own property, and additionally may acquire "development rights" from a sending area and then apply to the DRB t build homes at a density of up to 4 or 8 housing units per acre (depending on the subdistrict). 1 The most clear approach would be for the City Council to require any sale of TDRs to be outright. This would ensure that any sale results in immediate funds,rather than a delayed potential financial gain. In addition, an outright sale of TDR would ensure that there is no perception that the city has a"vested interest" in the outcome of an application review by the DRB. 4. Conditions of Sale Any policy for the sale of TDRs should make it clear that the buyer is responsible for all costs associated with the transaction. That would include any legal fees, as well as the requirement that any present OR future land surveys be paid for by the buyer(state law requires a land survey be completed when a TDR is used in a DRB application). 3 South Burlington Zoning Map (Southeast Quadrant) Effective February 8, 2011 HAYES AV C 9JO m CUTE 159S et g i DERBY CIR ii INTERSTATE 189N �_ -. _. SONGBIRD RD - INTERSTATE 895 �..-Tg1EyDR-._ _-_ COMMUNITYDR I - NR % I �. 1I 1 -- TArE�8/ , rz I .1, v _ SWIFTST • i m i VC_g I I .-..we WOR _ ` ----rA-LN =_— - STONEHEDGE DR ; OEN� ' NR" t _ ,MU.PONDINA ■MU i NR ,..A ;tt ; --. • ,AossGIFR LN A a"..Jf {Da tZ"` .• �} l�J.fl1 Dr .. S 3' li BUTLERDR O Z y F p 9 NR r q p d "^'wqy P , ,,z o 0 3..moo � Q"_ z 9 to� m � y i wNR 1. D,ACRDS6 _ NR '"A? NR .) _. NDN i o # m • k m AN BID.0 RD PHEASANT Wi V b. ?L. VR NR VR 'WNpa[irE pt I _ -. CIDER 1"1- st m : NRP VD A p° VR Z 0 pop o ALLEN RU I _ sam�To NR ! Dewey L.: I _ NRP 'Jf6 § , IDu,-a1_� 1 FL ORAL OR tf,0 ',, - , Floral Or OPO i tP A S NRP NR-T NR p0 0*"1� SNF4e0_,,, Q Scott Property Si Legend �j Disclaimer: `.� Parcel Boundary City Boundary ® The accuracy of information presented is determined by its sources.Errors and omissions may exist. Sub-District Questions of on-the-ground location can be resolved by site inspections and/or surveys by registered surveyor. Municipal-MU 0 970 1,940 2,910 3,880 This map is not sufficient for delineation of features on-the-ground.This map identifies the presence of Natural Resource Protection-NRP .. features,and may indicate relationships between features, Feet but is not a replacement for surveyed information or (_) Neighborhood Residential-NR engineering studies. State Plane Coordinate System fdr Neighborhood Residential-Transition-NR-T Vermont FIPS 4400 Sources: North American Datum 1983 SEQ Zoning:Updated by February non per City Council C:1`'Village Commercial-VC approval effective February 8,zou. Village Residential-VR zott Parcel boundaries-South Burlington GIS __---' g 2oo7 Roads-South Burlington GIS Orthophotography-zoo4 EarthData Color. 7:41/4 ' ':•• • • • - Allitehl441201,T iOtaitorfitkati dithee Vityloaauttattiltiguati 0.1)00.f,$ttot: $o(11_,13i41. 'VT 10441, 4.4X4S0.00,:rorfitahoilibAlo--4 asWilW1Vbit „VeliflkMihen Vttik yet 4et the iitifitirtutilty, xeeizel* tty yew;rev-ea; fer"WeenTatitim'WAWA& Ow filidd§t n thit1 tb 4Atyswit-444.0 Teigka lowly ht:kiwomopt.of $.0400.06. „ . 1 -$000.41V, Tfig.:00-stili.d.1*.gOoit Await-t.tited-tdAtl b .jtted on ot iihcrnt June 15 2141I clo1;44'.0.; June 15, 201 44, PAYMWT,X1fERTIat5 Payments will 1Ajni1bm3. eyerkg two!yorp4duo tehitketidog • the,Lftepiieeitliittt4ategstfuiitweas flitqw* Tool-44‘100,, Yoe 0‘,-- -14041.rolMO. 4,11thiiiiwitiw,0460,1*eto tatoo Age la-47.4:40.0t0Mtig 01pokkoitit..koe M.?* oWERTIBLE yARmar Nrom, mro 01119W-6 TA.q, Oty ho.; witmth 6-OriVdittd&-va.fidideAliferotr*psiu4:t9,14gig+I*0; • refiek Pett#4:40eitiOt;AS.64# 4.64 rgigr.04 Ptioo•-4,••6•,021:ofio:17*,M.p7:06%1 7,?' nor kemo.:44,041-#4...t$4,Cay „AO •• „ ,• 'i:-..mxt4domlio,oxp,,gtgoiyz.,4otft 14.44k:to:K. &viso,140.40--toto Aogaik:44ti.:445-2 1-).4„oroo.! This bid shall expire by 5:00 p.m. on April 8,2011, and is subject to withdrawal if any adverse information relating to the issuer's affairs is discovered prior to closing. A minimum of 6 weeks once FY 2010 audited financials are received shall be required to prepare for a closing. Sincerely, Anita Bourgeoisanie Kelly Vice President Vice President Government Banking Government Ba ing (802) 865-1641 or(802) 279-1627 (802)775-3348 o 002) 236-1022 • SEEN AND AGREED TO ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON: By: Its Duly Authorized Agent merchants -j. BANK v March 25, 2011 Mr. Sandford Miller, City Manager City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,VT 05403 ga_m_c_66 Dear M ler: Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your request for a Bond Anticipation Note for the City of South Burlington in the amount of$2,500,000.00. This bid is submitted as per the request for quotations of March 11, 2011. ❖ ISSUE DATE: The note will be issued on or about July 1, 2011. ❖ MATURITY DATE: All principal and interest on the loan will be repaid on or before June 30, 2012, depending upon the maturity date chosen. ❖ INTEREST RATES: The following rates apply: ➢ The rate of interest on the note on a one year as needed basis (line credit) on an actual/365 day year will be 1.79%. ➢ The rate of interest on the note on a"lump sum"basis on an actual/365 day year will be as follows in accordance with the term of the loan chosen. 12 months 1.64% 9 months 1.58% 6 months 1.52% ❖ DENOMINATION OF NOTE: There will be one note issued in the denomination of $2,500,000.00. ❖ PREPAYMENT PROVISION: The note may be prepaid at any time without penalty. ❖ CONFIRMATIONS: The City must confirm in writing that: ➢ The anticipated total borrowing for 2011 will not exceed$10,000,000; ➢ The City will comply with all aspects of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including all provisions relating to arbitrage and rebate. This bid is i P.O.Box 1009, Burlington,VT 05402 Member FDIC �Equal Housing Lender 802.658.3400 800.322.5222 mbvt.com Page 1 of 1 Bob Rusten From: Jeanie Kelly [JKelly@mbvt.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:33 PM To: Sandy Miller; Bob Rusten Cc: Anita Bourgeois Subject: RE: Clarification of BAN Good Afternoon Sandy& Bob, This is a follow up to clarify a couple of items regarding the$2,500,000 BAN bid letter dated March 25, 2011. To clarify: • The IRS only takes into account tax exempt debt when considering the$10,000,000 in a calendar year. In the event that the City does enter into borrowing for the$8,200,000 this will not affect other borrowings as the$8,200,000 is taxable debt. • The meaning of the actual/365 day year has to do with the calculation of interest due. Please note the difference between a 360 day vs. 365 day with a loan that is outstanding for 180 days: _ $2;,93OUXI.Qo r IRO, I 1= $20,219.18 Z UOI11 I X 1 X. IEDI n -, $20,500.a0 Should you have any questions or wish to discuss further please let me know. Regards, eyeania Jeanie Kelly I Vice President I Government Banking Merchants Bank 192 Woodstock Ave. I Rutland,VT 05701 P: 802-775-3348 I C: 802-236-1022 I F: 802-773-1170 www.rnbvt.com I www.vermontmatters.com Please consider the environment before printing this email Please Note: Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not Please advise immediately if you or your employer does not consent to Internet email 3/30/2011 City of South Burlington,Vermont Friday,April 01, 2011 Grant Anticipation Note ($348,000) Bid Sheet Merchants Bank' Northfield Savings Bank2 12 mo. 1.64% 1.85% Terms & Conditions • No prepayment penalty; • No prepayment • The note will be issued penalty; on or about April 5, City of South 2011; Burlington fiscal year • All principal and end 2010 annual audit; interest must be repaid ■ All principal and by April 4, 2012; interest must be repaid • Rate of interest on note by May 1, 2012; is"lump sum"over an • Evidence of approved actual/365 day year; grant financing. • Total borrowing for • "The actual terms and 2011 not to exceed conditions under $10 M. The $8.2 M will which the Bank might not affect other extend credit are borrowings b/c it is subject to satisfactory taxable debt; completion of due • Compliance with IRS diligence, credit Code; approval, and • Public bid; satisfactory approval • The Bank will prepare of documentation and the loan documents for other terms and execution by City conditions determined Officers at a public by the Bank." meeting; • Must submit the past three years of financial statements; • City will submit a copy of the Grant Award Letter; • Legal opinion from bond counsel at the expense of the Bank. 'Bid shall expire by 5:00p.m. on Tuesday, April 5,2011 (per phone conversation with Jeanie Kelly). 2 Bid shall expire on Wednesday,June 1,2011. merchants - -, BANK March 30, 2011 Sandford Miller, City Manager City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Grant Anticipation Note Dear Mr. ler: Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your request for a Grant Anticipation Note in the amount of$348,000.00. This bid is submitted as per your request for proposal specifications dated March 22, 2011. ❖ ISSUE DATE: The note will be issued on or about April 5, 2011. ❖ MATURITY DATE: All principal and interest on the loan will be repaid on or before April 4, 2012. ❖ INTEREST RATE: The rate of interest on the note on a"lump sum"basis will be 1.64%based on an actual/365 day year. ❖ DENOMINATION OF NOTE: There will be one note issued in the denomination of $348,000.00. ❖ PREPAYMENT PROVISION: The note may be prepaid at any time without penalty. ❖ CONFIRMATIONS: The City must confirm in writing that: ➢ The total indebtedness issued by the City in calendar year 2011 will not exceed $10,000,000; ➢ The City will comply with all aspects of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including all provisions relating to arbitrage and rebate. This bid is subject to confirmation by the Bank that the note represents a valid and binding general obligation of the issuer, and further that the note is a"qualified Tax exempt obligation" for the purposes of Section 265(b)(3)of the Code; ➢ All public bid, procurement and request for proposals statutes, ordinances and regulations have been complied with; and P.O.Box 1009, Burlington,VT 05402 Member FDIC Q Equal Housing Lender 802.658.3400 800.322.5222 mbvt.com t 7 City of South Burlington ii, ��, 575 DORSET STREET [• f ''il ,� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 OFFICE OF �i`�`�'1� CITY CLERK `" DONNA S.KINVILLE ''s TEL.(802)846-4105 SNrO 8 TOWN M AaO SPECIAL EVENT ( ENTERTAINMENT) OR CATERING PERMIT ---A le 7/ ,D11 Full name of person, partnership, corporation: • arr • e r�I,Deri s Contact phone #: 665 .73Q x 49 Doing business as (Tradename): -✓ /6 „i-W- e-mail (optional): Address: ,-, 6Q ,/ , r, i Date received by clerk's office- l// A9/l Police approved: z0:)% date: J I(8, D 8 Fire Dept approved: M date: 3/5011 Zoning approved: 5 date: , •J/ '�Dlf Highway/health dept approved: C., r/ • date: 3 , )/ 'Cil Date sent to Montpelier: South. Burlington City Council Action: 1. Verification of license fee: CityManager (See Section 6 of Ordinance) g 2 . Verication of approval standards : (See Section 4 of Ordinance) Council Chair 3 : . Application of License has been approved/disapproved by South Burlington City Council on f}. -------- 4. . : Special Conditions attached to License (See Section 5 of . Ordinance) . • • • • • • • South Burlington City Council Chair . • Date V _ -.. = 1 c I i I I CI 1 11 CI a 3 2 1 I 1111 1 4 ' i 1 - . — _ ;:". •--• k . •' ... ia n"..1.} -• 0 . '.... • I —. . ....-.. 4-3 1 ei1 4 ..119.11 t lars 01 113 W, ... r., ,...dp ,.... -,..., ,....,,..x, '0 4 —c, ,(.4, , ,......" , , , i ,..,. ,! ,I I•.• , ' A 4 - - 0 I 0 lTh'i P —1 0 0 0 ....., 0 0 E..... to...) 0 ' ,..... o .... u [ 1 I. CI ... ® . i I ' Laura From: ray Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 1:45 PM To: Laura; 'Trevor Whipple'; Justin Rabidoux; Doug Brent Subject: RE: Magic Hat special events No zoning issues. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 802-846-4106 From: Laura Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 1:21 PM To: Trevor Whipple; ray; Justin Rabidoux; Doug Brent Subject: Magic Hat special events Hello- Attached are 2 entertainment permits for Magic hat events. One is May 21, 2011 and the other is August 27, 2011. Thanks and let me know if any issues. Laura Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 Ikimball@sburl.com 1 Laura From: Doug Brent Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 1:14 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat entertainment Laura - Magic Hat is OK to proceed. Doug to,ypOSN 9UPLIPOTOM ,.4, 5 1- City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET s t' ►l �l `��� �� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK "Jr om DONNA 5.KINVILLE 'm�, TEL.(802)846-4105 S"EO 4 TOWN MAPG SPECIAL EVENT ( ENTERTAINMENT) OR CATERING PERMIT 4--111e I, aD 11 Full name of person, partnership, corporation: /0 0' a r i r iD r )6S <-3).Q r) oka4ork Contact phone #: 66$ ", 2q ti-ct Doing business as (Tradename): .��� �I ,eJG e-mail (optional): Address: 1,0)6M, ibQrj'' K. , Date received by clerk's office: ),k) /, , 9D11 Police approved: 1°,i I - dater 1g ®// Fire Dept approved: n I 1 date: 3/ ill Zoning approved: date: --3 ,/Zo , 0 Highway/health dept approved: date: ,3 . /1 , a11 Date sent to Montpelier: South. Burlington City Council Action: • 1 , Verification of license fee: CityManager(See Section 6 of Ordinance) g • 2 .. Verication of approval standards : (See Section 4 of Ordinance) Council Chair 3: . Application of License has been approved/disapproved by South Burlington City Council on D.�--- . 4 . . .- Special Conditions attached to License (See Section 5 of . Ordinance) . South Burlington City Council Chair . Date <. nay., i 0-7, _ , i _.„4 . • 3 A 5 i 9i) 111 a 1}7 i 1 4 elt j.IW i 1 3 9i of 0 et to 0 f 0 0 E CI to I MISSION STATEMENT OF BIG HEAVY WORLD PAGE 2 OF 3 PRODUCE AND RELEASE COMPILATION RECORDINGS showcasing Vermont music of various genres. Generate revenue for Big Heavy World and humanitarian charities through sponsorship and sale of these compilations and related events. Expand regional network of wholesale product distribution and point-of-sale promotion of the products, their related causes and the organization. Pursue broad promotional exposure for compilation tracks and artists. FUNCTION AS A CLEARINGHOUSE OF STATEWIDE MUSIC INDUSTRY INFORMATION. Publish directories of musical talent, performance venues, record stores and radio stations. Maintain these directories to standards of quality equivalent to state tourism or commerce department products. Develop these directories to meet Federal accessibility standards. MAINTAIN A DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM PROGRAM. Aggregate a photographic historical record of live music performances occurring in Vermont and publish in searchable format to the internet. Engage presenters of the visual arts to display images in galleries and public forums. PRODUCE SPECIAL EVENTS AND ANNUAL MUSIC CONFERENCE to showcase Vermont artists in performance; create informational and career-improvement opportunities for musicians; generate exposure for artists and the organization; provide an educational platform for youth and volunteers in subjects of event production, promotion, and media technologies; and generate revenue for the organization. Collaborate with regional and national partners to augment the quality, diversity, uniqueness and scope of event projects. WORK WITH COMMUNITY LEADERS to improve economic opportunities for Vermont musical artists and the industries and agencies that are vital to their success. Provide opportunities for civic engagement by youth and young adults in relation to advocacy of the arts and allied industries. Inculcate principles of participation and respect for a multicultural, democratic society. MAINTAIN A COMMUNITY-BUILDING WEBSITE. Create opportunities for social and commercial interaction within the site. Publish the organization's research, collections, and catalogs to this site. Generate revenue for the organization via sponsorships of the site. ESTABLISH INDEPENDENT STREAMING AND TRADITIONAL RADIO BROADCAST of Vermont-made music programming. Encourage community participation at broadcast studio. Transmit in accordance with contemporary regulation and oversight of streaming and broadcast transmissions (FCC, Library of Congress, performance rights organizations). ESTABLISH AN ARTS-CENTRIC COMMUNITY CENTER (ATHENAEUM). Establish a multifunctional, multigenerational arts and culture-imbued community gathering place incorporating principles of inclusiveness, economic and ethnic diversity, tolerance, peace, participative democracy and intellectual freedom. Laura From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 1:30 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat special events OK with me From: Laura Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 1:21 PM To: Trevor Whipple; ray; Justin Rabidoux; Doug Brent Subject: Magic Hat special events Hello- Attached are 2 entertainment permits for Magic hat events. One is May 21, 2011 and the other is August 27, 2011. Thanks and let me know if any issues. Laura • VIM 6tq Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 Ikimball@sburl.com 1 Laura From: Trevor Whipple [twhipple@sbpdvt.org] Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 10:33 PM To: Laura Subject: RE: Magic Hat special events We have had no issue with these events. Both have police approval. Thanks, Trevor From: Laura fmailto:Ikimbalk sburl.com] Sent: Wed 3/16/2011 1:21 PM To: Trevor Whipple; ray; Justin Rabidoux; Doug Brent Subject: Magic Hat special events Hello- Attached are 2 entertainment permits for Magic hat events. One is May 21, 2011 and the other is August 27, 2011. Thanks and let me know if any issues. Laura Itt Wait krti 19' Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com 1 ( el , _ 121 ) -'" ,,,":1,1i 11 Afht,-------- A4 ,00 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION Type of Application Annual Permit Special Event Permit , Date of Application: , i Z l \ \ ` Name of Establishment: X-A,.Ye.C.-i,. -, 6� \ b'"-' --\A" 64_1 j \ Address of Establishment : 73 -1t) ln�w\�� ` 4- r- \((-•/• 6 . 6L,__.< ,%\. A-b- 0-1 DL-57-kb Name and Address of Owner: ' ' t.\ l.� �e( ,,-� ���'`'� Name and Address of Operator: "Je`-t-c- 0 ,.. \l LC'sr`^y r"� Lc-e v- Complete Description of Show: - ‘v-4.- J `)\ Z emot. t j 0 e\,---v -- it& U : ti . Date( s) of Show and Hour(s ) of Operator: / Date( s) �v (.�U-w ow 1 h-�� k \\,t,-t.. .- - L (04 Hour( s) 6 A,,c-0 0 _ 0,_,4_1, ,..... -X J f s. 7 Security Provisions : 6 As applicant, I have read and understand the/provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses , Carnivals and Other Shows . I also unders;and= at only the specific type of entertainment applied'' f r ` n this lice se is permitted and that additional types of eri• r ment will quire an additional application. F-- Signatu 6ropoil4 - . CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION Type •of Application g Annual Permit ❑ Special Event Permit Date of Application: J14NUA-P-y 20 , Name of Establishment-: ( U- Ge..PI tND Address of Establishment : Zr1 ) WillASr N RD . O �U CJC��, , VT- Name and Address of Owner: Ke4 l N 'R. `STINT-6S 1 1 _ 502 Ac oR-13 1tz.N C �u, l riy t i pfgo Name and Address of Operator: ` I Complete Description of Show: - 1,IUE Music Co N.) Caken S1-[ewS 's DNOce •-pi2\VAte- e' u cnoNJS L VEMi Date( s ) of Show and Hour(s ) of Operator: Date ( s ) =-SUNDN-N1 ONLY bloc-K1 Glv bA' S A' -IO .J : is Sll-leouLLL>) Hour( s) M-F ?pi\ - 2 AM S 5 12. Nbo0 -''2 A ,AA Security Provisions : V% ?QIN t 1 Staten-C) ceRSON 'RyC< ox-ey 5 PA i KbOs AN) " C HecY-W At i 4 c As applicant, I have read and understand the provision of the South Burlington Ordinance Regarding Licensure of Regulation of Circuses , Carnivals and Other Shows . I also understand that -only the specific type of entertainment applied for in this license is permitted and that additional ty nter t will -require an additional application. Si ature SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL 25 JANUARY 2011 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday,25 January 2011, at 7:00 p.m.,in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: S. Dooley, Acting Chair; M. Emery, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Assistant City Manager; Chief D. Brent and Firefighters, Fire Department; T. &M. Moore 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience,not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised from the audience. Ms. Emery thanked Mr. Miller for organizing the Town Meeting event. 2. Receipt of Draft Form of MOU with the IAFF Local 3671,Amending the Collective Bargaining Agreement: Mr. Miller explained that this draft is in line with what was described at the last meeting. Ms. Dooley read the draft. Mr. Miller said the estimated savings to the city is between$130,000-135,000 to start. Mrs. Moore asked if the SAFER firefighters will remain. Mr. Miller said there was never an actual proposal to eliminate the firefighters added from the SAFER grant. That had been just a hypothetical discussion. The one position being given up by the Firefighters (an Administrative Captain) is through a retirement. The Depailuient will lose some administrative support. Mr. Miller stressed that there will be no impact on safety. The agreement also involves Firefighters giving up two promotions. This means that savings will be at the captain's level instead of at the entry level. Mr. Murray added that the agreement also provides that there will be no additional reductions in Fire Department personnel until 2018. 3. Consideration of Approval of Annual Warning of 1 March 2011 Annual City Meeting: Ms. Dooley indicated that she would recuse herself from voting on issues that involve Butler Farms/Oak Creek since she and her husband own property there. Mr. Miller said the total city budget is $25,425,893.00 with$10,501,268.00 to be raised by the property tax. He stressed that voting for the Wastewater Treatment Plant ballot item will not cause taxes to go up. CITY COUNCIL 25 JANUARY 2011 PAGE 2 Mr. Murray moved to approve the Annual Warning of 1 March 2011 Annual City Meeting, which warns voters for the election of city officers, and of the request for approval of the City Budget for 2011-2012, additional bonding of$2.5M for completion of upgrading and expanding the City's Airport Parkway Waste Water Treatment Plant, and for the levy of $245,000 and $255,000 special assessments to fund construction of storm water improvements to the respective benefit of the Stonehedge and Butler Farm/Oak Creek Village neighborhoods as identified in the City's Land Records. Ms. Emery seconded. The motion passed 4-0 with Ms. Dooley's abstention on the Butler Farms/Oak Creek item. 4. Resolution of Intent to Borrow $2,500,000 for Airport Parkway Upgrade and Expansion: Mr. Miller explained that this Resolution as well as a public vote are needed to comply with State Statute. Mr. Murray moved to approve the Resolution to submit to voters for their approval on 1 March 2011 to incur an additional bonded debut of $2,5M for the purpose of completing the upgrade and expansion of the Airport Parkway Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated waste water facilities. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration Authorizing Scolaro, Shulman, Cohen, Fetter & Burstein to Submit to the IRS the Re-Statement of South Burlington's Retirement Income Plan (RIP) Documents (deadline is 31 January 2011) and Execution Documents as Required: Mr. Miller noted that this is a requirement, and that 31 January is the absolute deadline to do it. He added that the document has been drafted to conform to statute regulations. Mr. Miller said a few minor issues have been noted with the draft, so it will be reviewed with the Pension Advisory Committee and City Attorney. Any changes will be filed as an amendment. Mr. Murray noted that the city retained by bid a law firm that specializes in this type of work to prepare the documents. Mr. Miller said their fee was $4,500. Mr. Murray moved that on advice and recommendation of the City's legal counsel to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the documents necessary to approve amendments to the City's retirement plan and further to authorize its law firm to submit the required documentation for the effectuation of said amendments to the IRS by 31 January 2011. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL 25 JANUARY 2011 PAGE 3 6. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 7. Executive Session: Ms. Emery moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations and legal issues and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Regular Session: Council returned to regular session. As there was no further business Mr. Knapp moved for Council adjournment. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Council adjourned. Clerk SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7 MARCH 2011 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 March 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the Small Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Councilors Present: S. Dooley(Vice-Chair); J. Knapp (Clerk); P. Engels; M. Emery(via telephone); R. Greco (via telephone). Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; P. Conner, Director of Planning&Zoning 1. Third Reading, Second Public Hearing, of Re-Adoption of Amended Comprehensive Plan Mr. Knapp moved that the City Council open the public hearing on the re-adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Dooley invited comments from the public. No members of the public were present. Mr. Knapp moved that the public hearing be continued to Wednesday, March 9th, at 7 pm, or as soon as possible thereafter. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Executive Session Mr. Knapp moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss contracts, litigation, and personnel matters, and to take no further action except for adjournment. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3.Regular Session: Council returned to regular session. As there was no further business, Council adjourned. Clerk of Council 1 CITY COUNCIL 9 MARCH 2011 The South Burlington City Council held an organizational meeting on Wednesday, 7 March 2011, at 6:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Councilors Present: S. Dooley, M. Emery, J. Knapp, P. Engel, R. Greco Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Assistant City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; J. Rabidoux, Director of Public Works; T. Hubbard, Director of Recreation; J. Ladd, City Hall Staff; Hon. J. Dooley; B. Stuono, P. Taylor, J. & A. Dinklage The City Manager presided over the opening of the organizational meeting. 1. Ceremonial Swearing in of New City Council Members: Ms. Kinville administered the oath of office to new City Council members Paul Engel and Roseanne Greco. 2. Election of City Council Officers: Mr. Miller opened the floor for nominations for City Council Chair; Ms. Emery nominated Ms. Dooley. Mr. Engel seconded. There were no further nominations and Ms. Dooley was unanimously elected. Ms. Dooley presided over the remainder of the meeting. She opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Ms. Greco nominated Ms. Emery. Mr. Knapp seconded. There were no further nominations and Ms. Emery was unanimously elected. Mr. Engel nominated Ms. Greco for City Council Clerk. Ms. Emery seconded. There were no further nominations, and Ms. Greco was unanimously elected. 3. Establish Newspaper of Record: Mr. Knapp moved to establish The Other Paper as the newspaper of record with Seven Days and the Burlington Free Press as back-ups. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Establish Banking Institute of Record: Mr. Miller noted that a competitive bidding was recently done, and the Merchants Bank was the low bidder. CITY COUNCIL 21 MARCH 2011 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 21 March 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Councilors Present: S. Dooley, Chair; M. Emery, J. Knapp, P. Engels, R. Greco Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Assistant City Manager; K. Murphy, City Manager's Staff; Chief T. Whipple, Police Department; T. DiPietro, Stormwater Superintendent; L. Murphy, Community Library; S. Magowan, G. Wyman, J. Kearns, Mr. Scanlon 1. Executive Session: Ms. Dooley moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiation and litigation. Ms. Greco seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: 1. Agenda Review: Members agreed to move item#8 up on the agenda to accommodate a presenter. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 8. Consider Approval for a Resolution Designating City Representation on the Chittenden County Transportation Authority Board of Commissioners: Mr. Miller said that because of the merger of CCTA and GMTA, the Commissioners of CCTA will be changing. There will be one representative and one alternate for all communities except for Burlington which will keep its 2 representatives and one alternate. Staff is recommending that Steve Magowan be the representative with Bill Wessel as alternate. Mr. Magowan is currently Vice President of the CCTA Board. Mr. Magowan noted that he has been on the CCTA Board for 3 years during this period of service. He was previously a representative when he was a City Councilor. He also noted that CCTA General Manager Chris Cole resigned a few weeks ago to take a position with the State. A search is underway for his replacement. Mr. Magowan also noted that service is growing and that he will be coming to the City Council for a higher level discussion regarding what CCTA is doing. He stressed that public transit is one way to drive down green house gases. Mr. Magowan praised the 37 years of service that Bill Wessel has given to the city as CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 in drug-related cases. The application amount is $106,303. Ms. Greco asked what happens to that officer's position. Chief Whipple said they would bring in someone as a full-time temporary hire. This officer would be lower on the salary scale, so there would be a potential savings. There is a lead on a potential candidate for this position. Mr. Miller noted the grant submission deadline was 15 March, and the application was filed. If the Council does not approve,the application can be withdrawn. Chief Whipple noted that interviews with candidates for the Drug Task Force are on 8 April. Ms. Emery moved to approve application to the Vermont Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force Grant. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consider Approval for a Resolution Complying with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit: Mr. DiPietro noted this is required for compliance. The major components of the permit include public education/outreach and volunteerism. Mr. DiPietro noted South Burlington is doing this in conjunction with other communities. The cost of this is about $1800 a year. It involves stream clean-up, etc. The money is in the next year's budget. Mr. Miller noted it would be more costly for the city to do this by itself, and it is a great example of inter-community cooperation. The other communities involved include Essex, Essex Junction, Colchester, Shelburne, Burlington, Milton, and also the Airport and UVM. Ms. Emery moved to approve the Resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign MOUs with other communities for the purpose of complying with MS4 permit requirements. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consider approval for a Resolution Establishing an Annual Non-Residential Library Charge: Mr. Miller said this would involve a$10.00 a year fee, and would exclude non-residents who own property in South Burlington. Ms. Murphy said it would also exclude those in the Home Card system. About 375 people would be affected. Ms. Emery moved to approve the resolution approving an annual $10.00 non-residential library feed, effective 1 April 2011,with exemptions for those who own property in South Burlington CITY COUNCIL 21 MARCH 2O11 PAGE 4 seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Review and Approve Minutes from the Regular Meeting of 7 March 2011: Spelling of names was corrected. It was noted that on page 4, the motion should read"as presented and amended." Ms. Emery moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting on 7 March 2011 as amended. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As the Minutes for the Organizational Meeting were not warned, they will be reviewed at a later meeting. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Mr. Miller noted the addition of$590,000 as payment of part of the Vermont Community Development program. This was reimbursed by the federal government. Disbursement orders were signed. 14. Liquor Control Board: Ms. Emery moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Miller presented the following Liquor and Tobacco License applications. He indicated that all were in order: Van Phan Sports The Rotisserie Moe's Southwest Grill Gracey's Store Champlain Farms (1800 and 1118 Williston Road) Outback Steak House Uno's Bourne's Service Ctr. Champlain Farms (1041 Shelburne Rd) Franny O's Green Mountain Suites Hotel Jiffy Mart Kmart Mama Mia Pizzeria LLC Mr. Knapp noted he had a conflict of interest with the Champlain Farms applications. Ms. Emery moved to approve all but the Champlain Farms applications. Mr. Knapp seconded. CITY COUNCIL 21 MARCH 2011 PAGE 6 f • , City of South Burlington c���i ����It+��l�4.,�1���'i 575 DORSET STREET K�1fA�! W�►��ii� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 i TOWN.'it FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION t a,'o , 111G DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME Ck&' ra A6r/ ADDRESS 0 i1/i or' - FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE / '1 /G D/t South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date t)3 c-D- Sou Jinglton FDepartment Couglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax De artment -97/C?,(144_ -t7/57A-/3 / //, ill Martha Lyons, Deputy Tdx Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: a 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6320-001-SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SF11 MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify/ that the information in this application�o is true and complete. Dated at f1 t /h/ Nr//12� ;(iiin the county of &U 'yd j� and State of �I 0117 this "7 day of pc. 7 4# Si ure of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners o co tion, company, club or association (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes /No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Comni.ssioners of elCity or of An Total Membership , , members present A C.leiYoum Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 t *°4 ..- t City of South Burlington "� 11�11 q$ 16l� 575 DORSET STREET �_�t �i/�i� .i,�� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 Jf'e C � ShF04 7OWM MARL FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION ALI 11!_0� F- -, ) n1 DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME r 'ig .Za./4vk zip 1-1m ._, ADDRESS FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE R ID/ 00l 1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date Soli Burlingto 're Department J3/21/,, Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlin; n Tax D partment ----7/A ,,0 ..4,1(({ Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3279-002-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated eta),641.,.ZI 9// y✓ , in the county of / �� � and State of /�� this 7 w2 day of %�'�%�2LG4/Geii , (2011 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, club or association ,!r (Title) • Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o the City o, .f „aD, 1/, Total Membership 6 , members present A'? ) C' , K Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 e 4J0'S°S' I MCip�,Yt ypy 11111111 , City of South Burlington � ' ,4 !1����.,) 575 DORSET STREET tv at.�)41 b‘ 44, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 J,7 r ,... iO N M'R�H FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME ; ily-r ADDRESS )0 61rri'Xii FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE ' )--)17 f ) /� Q:D II South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date S l Burlington ire Department 3/2,bi Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax Dep .tment • t •W./4 *? I/ Mart a Lyons, Deputy T x Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 2606-001-SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SF1.1 MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at f:), evr1/7-int. , in the county ofc1,#.(/,-ap,1 , and State of ,f/'ryjZ l this JO day of )—O// Signature of authoriz agent Signature of individual or partners of coLpurati n, company, cub or association (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of i e City o `qof Total Membership , members present At t ^Q� y C�G , Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 1 4y 4 4 _ O4 _ 1 City of South Burlington 11�� t#'ik 11 575 DORSET STREET t---iniAra 4ti SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 r.i�iu�//! $ NFO 4 TOWN FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION ' 6, /012zr>,a 1 rcrn I 71 FULL NAME OF PERSON, PART ERSHIP, CORPORATION I _ 6, , *yo-7a-19or , 6i) w , - , di- ti DOING BUSINESS AS TRADENAME ADDRESS ` 7Z7 0I J/l O K? , CFIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET ,..._ DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE (A J / )1/) t South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date Soi Burlington Fire Department Chie ouglas S. Brent Date South Burlingto Tax De_pa tment 4411 Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3780-002-1CAB-01 FIRST CLASS CABARET LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at 6Lt W ,, in the county of C LY i5-4.../L- , and State of c y....0;.. A-- this 2 6 day of b.I...NA 1m,, W Signature of authorized agentSignature of individual or partners • company, club or association /'+ tl25rli1 (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of the City o, of -52)f ) 7 &el Total Membership 5 members present As2467i/ 4 , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CI:PRK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control coumissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 r r 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3780-001-1HTL-01 FIRST CLASS HOTEL LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. l Dated at )�t c k.O v.. p ,l , in the county of C..L uNk1A.)41..-. and State of V I., „✓i,c v 4..4 this IL day of L—v`' 0.4 y , 1,0 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners 4• o .'�.., • club or association iz(//1, G-t ` IM 1...,41,/c (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes o Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioner of the City To o a ita., Total Membership members present Attest, , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 sp„tN PURLINCTCN,`` ly yCy City of South Burlington . r 1���Wit 575 DORSET STREET r �/1�j1Aki � SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 f'e ti� SyfA rDWN M'�`N FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, P NERSHIP, ORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME )Z ADDRESS /A61) 010:4)119KG'S FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE , l'/ cR D South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date a' :urlingto Fire Department /2,-, Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax Depar ment CY,CY��' a 7ic/i/ Mar Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 1 a a 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 4294-002-1RST—01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 IA e hereby certi y that the iQnformationAn this application is true and complete. q Dated at S�Y u f\ lithe'county of (/14, 1)N i U e 0 , and State of V {�✓�0r t this Cl day of b beQU f) , afi I ) Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners c_of_corpor 'on, canpany, club or association (Title) ,� Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes L.N75 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Coimnissioners of e City .it of 6D A t Total Membership 5 , members present '1.XgiP & • e t. [! own Clerk 1 TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 I City of South Burlington r, �����1IL 14 575 DORSET STREET c_—/� jti1 i 6 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 J� _ i 1Be SNFo,TOWN MApc�`M IRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION Yiji/;" FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION )(D `-fro& -o ri Corp DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME , )au&_ dS6 r 1� r1�. , ADDRESS 7D L__ b 0 r of,,___ _,0614. FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFI E_ rck 11t �0/1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date Sout rlington Fire Department 121(2X- Lyiii Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax Depar ment .- /Y/iO1 -4_,A, W/1" 3/fith/ Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3544-019-SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SETT MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at� T.,Q S.e , in the county of uas'E , and State of this /�/.: ,7- day of ,oi< a / J, 0// Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners o corporation, club or association //Cs/'ly Gc- ,95�%. � -? ecov - 'any (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes 2&No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of e City or n o '.U��/ 1� /�, Total Membership . members present Attest, , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3544-019-TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SF11 TOBACCO Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the domnissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED i Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of e City Town of 540/ Total Membership 5 members present We'V Fown Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 ' 4a��U�N......CT0N fyQy ...,:. City of South Burlington , j�`�11��-,1Vi;� 575 DORSET STREET [• ��f��. ��y�♦ SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 JJ'e�M� FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME Cd/-r ' ''l� `' ( rir- -- (9roW ADDRESS .:42v, ' -') -JO r '_,',„? ,a,A, /FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE C(/. . ,? )/ South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date So .th Burlington Fi Department ,3 Jz / ( l/ Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax Dep tment/ .---7/ /acik6L__ e7-7 / 4/f Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 4040-001-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify� ��th�agt�the information in this application �ji's�true and complete. Dated at `fc?'' �1 4 2 L$ 1Lc 7MI , in the county of ( 41 / / , and State of �J this l I day ofFt* 2-b-11 Signature of au ized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporat' , ccmpan , lub or ciation bVV / (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes 0 No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED ry I. Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o . e City .. of � �� , / /I/ • ^• Total Membership 0 members present ._i.Ikitil. C ie.l YNW own Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 • If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 4 0,,9ll Rll NCTCA, .44. 'lp 4 : 4, iiill ` City ofSouth Burlington ��,r(/��t,`I� r# ') 575 DORSET STREET ,4 giil� A 1.1 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 6260 �1CNPA TCwN M' � FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION i')/1) (1 (.' FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION (ij: _______d_Olietrat26/1. DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME _611E)* ,6 a /D4 ADDRESS N leD 16- 4 , FIRST CLASS ,SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERKS OFFICE 1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date S Burlingt Fire Department jJi rj„ Chief Douglas-S. Brent Date U South Burlington Tax Dep ent *fit Marth Lyons, Deputy T Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-011-SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED • DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of City o , .5161 Total Membership 5 , members present A t Q- 4W 1 C To Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-011-TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SFP L TOBACCO Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control AnArd, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of - City o. Town of / Total Membership , members present tt C.cleitS,Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 -t Scut,Yu.LINCr0 F ' 4y yes City of South Burlington i� �I;� 575 DORSET STREET �fj!'!,1oti SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 w eN sip• e SNFO 70 WM M'RG FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNE�RSSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME g%1V ADDRESS 21L� ()/}/ O - . :IRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERKS OFFICE 0�I 1"/ • J d I 1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date S uth Burrllinggtt n Fire Department /v ,/ 2.k/ // Ch Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax De rtment Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector ate Date Sent to Montpelier: -S 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 1969-001-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SF7J MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete.Dated at /21 , ►j ilt5 1,?i kci, in the county of Ntitrhden r, and State of VeFina this 2-4 day of JLtyit,(c:r-t) , 201( Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, club or association secretvri (Title) / Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes t/ No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully mot by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED 1,4 Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of , e City or own of , vr , Total Membership 5 , members present Atte C. $ Jerk r� TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 y0,40,„„BURLIRCTO„`f. City of South Burlington I ��� 575 DORSET STREET 1-szrart� t =i 4., SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 faa a•"w_.. __y J 0 SHfO A TOWN M'BO FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION Ei' ')'P\ 61-e.tir---6.) FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION ooi i a• , DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME Arivoi4 , 047)ip 0- 0.6 ADDRESS ) /4' 0 if/iiigir) .1,1 ,J ' FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date Sou h"Burlingto Fire Department ) rein :3)2,0i Chic ouglas S. Brent Date South Burlington��� Tax Department /7l7a-cil a 44/vt,_-:) .�/(s /If Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: ti , 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-007—SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SETT MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of teg..City o own f _x Total Membership members present Att 4 ', [ a C',�owh Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 406-007-TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SELL TOBACCO Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual cc missioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o e City o ODD f Total MembershipiJ members present y ti4 Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control ccmmi_ssioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 • �00Na„■uN°t°N ` Y* / *Ot City of South Burlington iage � � �;) 575 DORSET STREET ns A. �`4� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 my s16�." `'sNf0A T°WN MAA��♦ FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION —O.-) 0.: 1/ D FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOIN BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME r'ic c,k4Atr 4____A____ ADDRESS r -11,4 , FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE r (.Cr) ,e- , /� AN/ South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date So B rl. gton Fire Department ri 34// Chief Douglas S. Brent j Date LJ South Burlington T Department CC-1. liCill /1Z4 (I Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 03/03/2011 08:39 13157368871 PAGE 02/03 Vermont Department of Liquor Control Certificate of Second Class Seminar Attendance Name (print): .-ThrO.'Y 1ia,5 " tg-Ckc Signature: i5 ..�'-- .. _ ._. Date: .. �. (expiren two Yom from nhove dnte) Investigator's Signature: L .T Cert fical.e of Second Class Se:n roar Attendance Category (circle one): Owner Director Partner Manager ,rtxployee Licensee Name: ::I_C. t b Cocp..,-- d/b/a: fco Address: I I dee\1t61004 -\. a L).t RA L(,7 1 Education Regulation 3-B V.S.A.T-7§239 ULC:t OM:12/07:SC 03/03/2011 08:39 13157368871 PAGE 03/03 Vermont Department of Liquor Control Certificate of Second Class Seminar Attendance Name (print): 11: 743( 1$0 Signature: Dac: 3/Zia • 14ro,venrs from nbove rime) Investigator's Signature: Certi maite of Second.Class Seminar Attendance Category (circle one): Owner Director Partner k1anager ) Employee Licensee Name: PC"1i C-„ 4" C:k-A)r p 6oliA ?-04-,711.4-,, Address: Hi i (ICS , Bc- I II `-):4- Education Regulation 3-B V.S.A.T.7 §239 DLC:10M:12/07:SC 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 241-018—SECN—01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at Schenectady, NY , in the county of Schenectady , and State of New York 2+11 this I day of January , 2011 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of co at' n, company, club or ass 'ation Christ ne C. Daniels, Corp. Secretary (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes X No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED if Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of e City or Town of,S 1 , 9 Total Membership ✓ , members present Attest w�- � C.atitdAlerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: • DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 241-018-TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SELL TOBACCO Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of e City of��•� Total Membership,,' members present A G9le0K 1 1 , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control camrtissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 4a�y°u.0 OURIIMCrOk p_*Oy City of South Burlington /r� 11I� �i�� l4 575 DORSET STREET 66.,.., 414� i,.. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 AD ('shO A 7°W N NI^a`N FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION 4a 2,:4;7/ Og te( V4 , A' DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME1 I22o- } tifr ADDRESS 2/ 4 c'l lbo rn&-PO. FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE .Q , /' npl ) South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date S1. . Burlingt Fire Department 21 314 Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Depart ent --7/ C:'�-t 4 _ / l Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax ollector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 341-005-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at Vv -1 tTA , in the county ofs �lC , and State of Kp,ty5;/1,,,S , this 61 day of rP� . , Za I Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, club or association F ----/. 41A441 a—A.../44...— \1 l e-F FRF Q./see-. (Tit e) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes Y-No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the catmissioners will endorse their recannendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual catmissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners o e City or of . Total Membership 5 , members present A s , ` G 1eri4n Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 �+ - City of South Burlington trIr,,/, /M 014 575 DORSET STREET ` * i 4% SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 sh,,. TOWM111 MA0.0+ FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION 0 I ei Irc, DOING USINESS AS/TRADENAME f Ud'G1 nP ADDRESS IRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE 6GtI1 e �'// aDl/ South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date , So Burli/n�gtoo "Fire Department e � v 1,.),/, Chie ouglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax Department '/ — 44 iPiflir Martha (Tons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6470-001-1RST—01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SETS MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. �p N Dated at m) .-/' �U1A, in the county of `-U �1�../U1U( A , and State of V er tu U" this a i Sf- day of Au WUiI aU 1I Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, cl or association ()CCAU2 1/ ( PC'S' J s (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes •kNo Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of . ''City or o s - Orr4 Total Membership_,4;; members present Attes + . _(C.tiediV.lerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, loral control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 Sy.,,00,PURL.MON.,.`F 404 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET [ ��,�+r;,ti� �'1 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 SNEp,TOWN M'aG FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON,� PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION 6� - -) 1"aU}tear or A 1}-) . DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME ,, oLw6 gartri___ , ic,ID ADDRESS )I _')),borr) - . FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE .�' (0 i ao( 1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date So urlingto ire Department De.C ,73)2,ii, . Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington� Tax Dep tment — 7g C(..- - P/(( I i t Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 1758-001-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SFLT MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at Orlando , in the county of Orange and State of Florida this 7th day of February , 2011 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, campany, club or association Colleen M. Hunter, Assistant Secretary (Title)` Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their reccemendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual carmissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of - City o Town of 27, Total Membership .5 , members present Att st, / (Kr Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 Laura From: Trevor Whipple [twhipple©sbpdvt.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:28 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Liquor Licenses/ Entertainment permits The police department has no issue with any of these. Thanks, Trevor Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington,VT 05403 (802)846-4155 twh ipple(a�sbpdvt.org From: Laura [mailto:lkimball@sburl.corn] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:29 AM To: Sandy Miller; Bob Rusten; Trevor Whipple Cc: JLadd Subject: Liquor Licenses/ Entertainment permits Hello- Attached are the following items for April 4, 2011 Council meeting. I will have copies ready by Wednesday at noon. Laura "V'JTE 64,0 Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com i y1{YOUTH yURLIMCTO^, f 404 4 . + City of South Burlington 0 11�'��M..,,� 4 575 DORSET STREET Iris 410ti`°t"ft' SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 tFO ATOWN 'a0 FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION 64,eri-l-ziti /(c1- __ FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION Oi /res, 4. r_ . DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME )414\44 Leri t'r'ourd ADDRESS _,1 1/0//h4r1---- __ FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS C CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE i ii • S// a / South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date Sout clington Fi Department , /4 Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South B rlington Tax Dep rtment —7 CujAPK..., /0-1470 41 /I( Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 5589-001-1CAB-01 FIRST CLASS CABARET LICENSE TO SF7,T, MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at Saold 131d1WINGAett J , in the county of CHtniti JE►) , and State of VEcMb J this V11 day of (Woptio/ , 2011 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, club or association Kvv)N NINeR/rn Pam- (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes ) No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED • Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of the C' Total Membership , members present ttes , C lei$€own Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 Sy�yOU0,4URLINcrok Le.yOi City of South Burlington ,/ �����!.1���f') 575 DORSET STREET c_,74 1 �;tW./�4� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 6260 � =N b thfO�TOWN MAC` FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION 6r)ir (/- FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTN SHIP, CORPORATIO DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME Aniner-For ozi groT- ADDRESS J}r i '-2 ,__ `-'F LO)' , FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE �-yC •(D t/1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date Sou urlington F'_ e Department ,ta „:,,,,,,jit, Chi -D'ouglas S. Brent Date South Burlingto Tax Department i ' 4ti 41 Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date I Date Sent to jMontpelier: 1 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 955-002-SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at $WV �` , in the county of , and State of V,0.1VI � w ( this I day of V1 , apt' ' Signature of a orized agent Signature of individual or partners of co ation, c y, ub or association . gOA 4s0. Tau/r l ll'i c-A-C-' ' Se-e•rejal I. IDu.gIas (`Pt ra)L-. (Title) Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes ✓ No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of 410 To 0� 6 0�) /� _O A 'r"_�0�U`Gk- ' C sell'. Total Membership 5 , members present Atl.evi, , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldeimen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 I MARTIN'S FOODS OF SOUTH BURLINGTON,INC. ACTION TAKEN BY UNANIMOUS WRT'TTEN CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING Pursuant to Title 11A of the Vermont Business Corporation Act,the undersigned,being all of the Directors of Martin's Foods of South Burlington,Inc. (the"Corporation"),hereby unanimously consent to the taking of and hereby take,the following action in the form of the following vote: VOTED: To elect Lisa R.Miller as Vice President of the Corporation effective March 1,2010,until such time as her successor is duly elected and qualified. This action is effective as of the 1st day of March, 2010. n n Aietitii �' •.ppillyrik Beth Newlands Campbell Garrett D.Bowne,IV Lisa . Toner 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 955-002—TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SFT.T TOBACCO Page 1 Optional Fee: $10.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2011 ending April 30, 2012 $1 0.0 0 is paid to town/city $0.00 is paid to DLC Fee due only if licensee does not have a liquor license Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Martin's Foods of South Burlington, Inc. Doing Business Ps: Hannaford Food & Drug Superstore Mailing Address: Dorset Street 217 Dorset Street University Mall South Burlington VT 05403 South Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 11 r „_,t' (`�, J PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: D(�N, �(t Description of Premises: Lessor: Supermarket in a 1 story steel and cement block building in the University Mall Realty Trust University Mall Shopping Center, Dorset Street, in the City of South 3 Burlington Woods Drive Burlington, VT. Burlington MA 01803 Last Enforcement Seminar: 09/22/2010 Fed. ID Number: 03-0222879 Incoiporation Date: 07/24/1969 Valid Charter?: Yes State of Charter: Vermont Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL, SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. SEE ATTACHED SHEET FOR CHANGES TO Corporation Name Address DIRECTORS,(I Ow F 'iI C'E R S. State Zip Code President 1. Campbell, Beth 24 Stonegate Road Cape Elizabeth ME 04107 Secretary 2, Pierson, Douglas C. 175 West Shore Road Grand Isle VT 05458 Director 3. Campbell, Beth 24 Stonegate Road Cape Elizabeth ME 04107 Director 4. Bowne, Garrett D 11 Streamwood Lane Falmouth ME 04105 Director 5. Toner, Lisa 53 Haywood Street Portland ME 04102 Stockholder 6. Hannaford Bros. Co. , P.O. Box 1000 Portland ME 04104 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal-or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes ✓No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any electiv9,6r appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vermont (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and jurisdiction ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Conmissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in lieu of contributions due to the Department of Employment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page 1 • MARTIN'S FOODS OF SOUTH BURLINGTON,INC. (VT) FED ID#: 03-0222879 09-01-10 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS i NAMFJTITLB/SS# HOME ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS PATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH Beth Newlands Campbell 24 Stonegate Road HANNAFORD BROS.CO. 03-29-65 Ithaca,NY , President&Director Cape Elizabeth,ME 04107 145 Pleasant Hill Road 090-54-7774 Scarborough,ME 04074 Robert J.Schools 17 Prosperity Lane HANNAFORD BROS.CO. 06-24-57 Farmington,ME Vice President Windham,ME 04062 145 Pleasant Hill Road 006-58-4620 Scarborough,ME 04074 Lisa R.Miller 5 Ole Musket Road HANNAFORD BROS,CO, 05-11-61 Glens Falls,NY Vice President Cumberland Foreside,ME 04110 145 Pleasant Hill Road 061-60-3862 Scarborough,ME 04074 Garrett D.Bowne,IV 11 Streamwood Lane HANNAFORD BROS.CO. 10-04-53 Marblehead,MA Treasurer&Director Falmouth,ME 04105 _ 145 Pleasant Hill Road 023-44-4149 Scarborough,ME 04074 Elting IL Smith 75 Field Road HANNAFORD BROS.CO. 02-19-54 New York,NY Assistant Secretary Cumberland,ME 04021 • 145 Pleasant Hill Road • 113-38-9287 Scarborough,ME 04074 Lisa K.Toner 53 Haywood Street. HANNAFORD BROS.CO. 04-27-58 Kingsville,TX Assistant Secretary&Director Portland,ME 04102 145 Pleasant Fi"ill Road 389-66-5742 Scarborough,ME 04074 Patti M.Fletcher 6171 Gold Will Road FOOD LION,LLC 01-19-68 Concord,NC Assistant Treasurer Concord,NC 28025 2110 Executive Drive 244-29-1891 Salisbury,NC 28147 Douglas C.Pierson 175 West Shore Road Pierson,Wadhams,Quinn&Yates 02-11-32 Mount Clair,NJ Secretary&Clerk Grand Isle,VT 05458 253 South Union St 526-42 2541 Burlington,VT 05401 • • • • 09/03/10 MARTIN'S FOODS OF SOUTH BURLINGTON,INC. ACTION TAKEN BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING Pursuant to Title 1 1A of the Vermont Business Corporation Act,the undersigned,being all of the Directors of Martin's Foods of South Burlington,Inc. (the"Corporation"),hereby unanimously consent to the taking of, and hereby take, the following action in the form of the following vote: 1 VOTRT): To elect Patti M.Fletcher as Assistant Treasurer of the Corporation effective June 4,2010,until such time as her successor is duly elected and qualified. This action is effective as of the 4th day of June,2010. Ikgr\ACtOme/O' Beth Newlands Campbell Garrett D.Bowne,IV LisaM Toner ,no,$uRumcr°w City of South Burlington ., '::. if 101 575 DORSET STREET ' 46... �� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 5 S,,. i°WN M�R • FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION '� ) i�.�o o / F C I DL2 DOING BUSINESS AS/TRkDENAME c D' )rvDr 6')i-P ADDRESS JI.Q.c,. D5/J ' - O c . Az). 0-- FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERKS OFFICE 62 r • )q, at) it South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date So urlin;toire Department ,-272 SA Chief Dougla -S. Brent Date South Burlington T Z Department 4 n4O • // o /t/ Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: - • 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6462-002-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 I/We hereby cert'fy that the information in this application is true and complete. Dated at //, i a , in the county of Ctfr-.obi„" , and State of 1/ EA MOAil- this 111 day of �1)0 4 - Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners o torpor ion, c y, club or association (Title) v 1 /7 Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes No Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title most be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED • �/}n t Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of the City or To ✓v ' Total MembershiparL-------'. ' C.lea& members present Attu 2 Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 yo,tN yU.,IMCro,,„f 1y yoti City of South Burlington Mir �� �IIU 575 DORSET STREET c�'���f��i .i i� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 -- M i 5', 00., !off iDWN M'0. FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNER HIP, CORPORATION harTlet4)(/ ai," 'n'3 toe lr DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME 6ç)6S civ,,d - qe ADDRESS JA ,e g)/07vr FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE ' q' AD)) South Burlington Police Department Chief-Trevor S. Whipple Date Sy z-.) �rlingtgn Fire Department 3fts-4/ Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlingto Tax De artment ' Pit ,77- rolo Mart a Lyons, Deputy ax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: A note c►-om ayes Lod ye U y " cy 0 A x� 1 ., ram; ^ Laura From: Trevor Whipple [twhipple@sbpdvt.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:28 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Liquor Licenses/ Entertainment permits The police department has no issue with any of these. Thanks, Trevor Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington,VT 05403 (802)846-4155 twhipple onsbpdvt.orq From: Laura fmailto:Ikimball@sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:29 AM To: Sandy Miller; Bob Rusten; Trevor Whipple Cc: JLadd Subject: Liquor Licenses/ Entertainment permits Hello- Attached are the following items for April 4, 2011 Council meeting. I will have copies ready by Wednesday at noon. Laura vvt Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 lkimball@sburl.com 1 Y� �1 y0 City of South Burlington Ii 575 DORSET STREET ii-it�f�,� ����� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 4 _._--fib �e`'sH 4 70 E, W M M0a��`'�,IRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION char 1; o ;1-4(� DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME c kiwor\ G harRs ADDRESS //lQD 1))1/11/ D Vt FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE f O 1 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date ou urlin n Fire Department _1/28'1 r i Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Bur ington Tax Department 31,7111 7 4' cc.dita . \40/1/K) Martha yons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 679$-001-1RST-01 FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT LICENSE TO SFTri, MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 1 Fee: $200.00 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2011 ending April 30, 2012 $100.00 is paid to town/city $100:00 is paid to DLC Town: 04065 — SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of ithe information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Charlie's on Fire, TIC Doing Business As: Charlie's on Fire, LLC Mailing Address: 1160 Williston Road 1160 Williston Road S. Burlington VT 05403 1 S. Burlington VT 05403 Telephone: (802) 862-1211 PLEASE INCLUDE_ EMAIL .ADDRESS: - Description of Premises: Lessor: Restaurant in a single story strip mall on the north side of Williston, Precourt Investment Co. Road.designated as #1160 unit #2, 1/4 mile east of 189 off ramp in Shelburne VT 05482 t'r» r-tv 'f Snuth Fgrrlinritnn-- V^' -Last Enforcement Seminar: 10/20/2010 Filed Articles of Organization: Yes Date Filed: 02/14/2000 Federal ID thither: .03-0365684 Majority of'Members are US Citizens: Yes • ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Limited Liability Catpany Name Address Town/City State Zip-Code Member 1. Kinstantonis, Taso M2 Stonehedge Dr : S. Burlington VT 05403 Member 2. Intini,-Lori S M2 Stonehedge Drive - S.. Burlington VT 05403 Member 3. • Farmer, Patricia M 7 Stonehedge Drive S. Burlington VT 05403 Member 4. Fisher, David 25 Pheasant Way S. Burlington VT 05403 Member 5. Hudson, Dennis N9 Stonehedge Dr S. Burlington VT 05403 Has anperson been convicted-or leaded 'It to an criminalehicle offense in any court of law - (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? Yes No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any person held any elective or appointive state, county, city, village or town office in Vetnwnt (See VSA, T,7., Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes No If yes, please attach the following.information: Individual's name,-office and jurisdiction .:Vt. Dept. of Health Food License No. . 12416. Vt. Dept::of Health Lodging No.: Vt. Tax Dept. Meals & Rooms Cert./Acct- No.: 440-030365684E-01 Outside Consumption Permit?: -:- Yes - X(No Disclosure of Non profit Organization?: Yes XX No ALL APPLICANTS 'MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories: I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date of:this application. (VSA, Title 32,'Section 3113). I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under en obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or.are in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) . In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1375(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or'in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all contributions or payments in'lieu of contributions due to the Department of Training._ I/We have registered the trade name of these es with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page I - woa•pngs@llegwl)il £OVSO '1A `uolSullane q noS ;awls 1asaoG SLS uoi2u!IJng 4lnoS 4o Al10 pap Alp A:ndo IlegwD{ eanei r �. • eanei •uoou le Aepsaupa/N Aq Apeaa saldoD anal IIIM •Sul1aaw Iluuno0 TIOZ 'V Ilady swall 2uIMolloJ aye aae paq elly -ollaH silwaad 4uawuleiJa4u3 /sasuaall aonbll :paCgns � PPeIC :DJ aIdd4 M JOA j 'ua4sn { qogW Apues :ol WV 6Z:8 TTOZ '6Z 11Da214 'Aepsanl :lugs [woo•Iangs©Ilegwpll:o4llewj eanel :woJA bio;npdgs�a�ddlunnt SS I 17-9V8(Z09) £OVSO IA'uoj6uiiJn9 43noS anua tio60JO 61. uo;6uons 41nos do Apo aoilodJo lal43 aldd!gM S Jonah JOA8J j `s)lueyl •asauf Aue anssl ou seq luawpedap aollod eq spwaad.juewulepe u3 /sasuaoll Jonbll :loa(gns eane- :ol WV 9Z:6 L I.OZ '6Z 43JeW `Aepsanl :;ues [6ao•;npdgs@alddlgM}]alddigM JoAeJJ :woad - eane-7 City of South Burlington .,,,,00.u.mar.,,..„ 575 DORSET STREET a,. _.. ,of, (----- ro ��'� VERMONT 05403-6260 SOUTH BURLINGTON, ''.. '4?' ��`° IRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATIO N XE°A TOWN M'F FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME /1/611).... 16/19 ADDRESS 1 - -------D FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERKS OFFICE D South Burlington Police Department Date Chief Trevor S. Whipple So th urlington ire Department Date Chief Douglas S. Brent South Burlington Tax Dep rtment Z,6 Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: — WALGREEN EASTERN CO., INC. Officers & Directors Name Title Residence Address Birth Date *Mark A. Wagner President 1127 S. Ridge Road 10/22/1961 Lake Forest, IL 60045 *Kermit R. Crawford Vice President 20742 W Highridge Rd 09/05/1959 Kildeer, IL 60047 John A. Mann Vice President 1409 Royal Oak Lane 08/16/1957 Glenview, IL 60025 M. E. Kellen Vice President 845 Wagner Road 05/07/1946 Glenview, IL 60025 R. N. Steiner Vice President 330 Forsythia Drive 06/19/1967 Deerfield, IL *R. M. Silverman Vice President& 1421 Coral Parkway 10/01/1955 Secretary Northbrook, IL 60062 *Rick J. Hans Vice President& 328 Woodland 02/04/1956 Treasurer Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Gary M. Martin Assistant Treasurer 1309 Madison 02/22/1955 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Michael D. Felish Assistant Treasurer 219 9th Street 10/24/1957 Wilmette, IL 60091 Corporate Address 300 Wilmot Road *Indicates Director Deerfield, IL 60015 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005-TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SELL TOBACCO Page 1 ril 30, 2012 Optional Fee: $10.0 0 of which License Year Beginning May 1, 2011 ending AP $10.0 0 is paid to town/city $0.00 is paid to DLC Fee due only if licensee does not have a liquor license Town: 04065 - SOUTH BURLINGTON MISREPRESENTATION OF A MATERIAL FACT ON ANY LICENSE APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE, AFTER NOTICE AND HEARING Applicant: Review all of the information presented on this form, indicating any changes in the spaces provided. Applicant: Walgreen Eastern Co Inc. Doing Business As: Walgreen #11526 Mailing Address: 514 Farrell Street PO Box 901 South Burlington VT 05403 attn: Erie-LT-Tea /CAS Do 94' /WEL Telephone: (802) 651-0597 Deerfield IL 60015 PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS: Description of Premises: Lessor: Store in a single story block constructed building located an the Point Five Development north side of Farrell Street at the intersection of US Rte 7 South BurliugLcn VT 05403 designated as #514 in the city of South Burlington VT Last Enforcement Seminar: 12/27/2010 Fed. ID Number: 36-1924026 Incoipuration Date: Valid Charter?: No State of Charter: Majority of Directors are US Citizens: Yes ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET TO THIS APPLICATION NOTING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES AND UPDATES THAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE PAST YEAR. Corporation Name lethed ,} Address Town/City State Zip Code President 1. Green, Ilona SeeA1Rer 200 Wilamt Road Deerfield IL 60015 Secretary 2. Hans, Rick J 200 Wilmot Road Deerfield IL 60015 Director 3. Green, Dana 200 Wilcamt Road Deerfield IL 60015 Director 4. Resnick, Allan 104 Wilmot Road Deerfield IL 60015 Director 5. Hodge, Garrick J 104 Wilmot Road Deerfield IL 60015 Has any director or stockholder been convicted or pleaded guilty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense in any court of law (including traffic tickets by mail) during the last year? _Yes )(No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, court/traffic bureau, offense and date In the past year has any director or stockholder of the corporation held any elective or appointive state, oo nty, city, village or town office in Veliauit (See VSA, T.7, Ch.9, Sec. 223)? Yes .)14.2No If yes, please attach the following information: Individual's name, office and juris?iction ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN The applicant understands and agrees that the Liquor Control Board may obtain criminal history record information from State and Federal record repositories. I/We hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full curgliance with a plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes to pay any and all taxes due the State of VeimL.nit as of the date of this application. (VSA, Title 32, Section 3113) I/We hereby certify that I/We are not under an obligation to pay child support or that I/We are in good standing with respect to child support or are in full cumpliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order. (VSA, Title 15, Section 795) In accordance with 21 VSA, Section 1378(b), I/We certify, under pains and penalties of perjury, that I/We are in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all cuntributiams or payments in lieu of u_mtributions due to the Department of Pliployment and Training. I/We have registered the trade name of these premises with the Secretary of State. Continued on next page UAR23 2011 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 6905-005-TOBC-01 IOBACCD LICENSE TO SF?a. TOBACCO Page 2 I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and eulplete. Dated at b lcf/4'L6 , in the county of L n '` e , and State of /L G i/UO'S this .2 3 day of //Te C I./ , r267/ Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corporation, company, club or asqoriation Gary Martin /iii (TAteistant Treasurer Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes KNo Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Verncuit Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recannendation on the back of the applications and transmit both Lvpies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Camnissioners of Ct o Total Membership members present 'r\ — C le.(KTown Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 City of South Burlington .,'idly . �,��1� 575 DORSET STREET �sl glut,�r'�M����� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-62 0 4�i _a /,(` `Jl y00 / 18-',-.A raWN M,-''y. FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME DO Ve- &Vraigr__ , ADDRESS I'L. iD`1) On i FIRST CLASS SECONDC LAS) CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE 'A9. . J- -C))l South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date S t urlington ire Department 9/4? Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlin on Tax Depar ment .-1(il C._ APA/C' 2-/c2., ---/(( Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: 4 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3919-001-SECN-01 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully mot by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED 001 Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of e Cites. Town of ^t ', )- Total Membership members present 411, ) Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldennen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 • 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION 3919-001-TOBC-01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SELL TOBACCO Page 2 Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recomnendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Conanissioners of the City or 1 o s r Total Membership members present 7 41C.lei KTown Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city hoard of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 A0+yC"N SV.IINCTok,t 14 C City of South Burlington �`,��� � ��I;) 575 DORSET STREET sits 4,,, ►, 1_,�s,-,7-.136 � SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 0(�,Y sN_O A TOWN MAc+ FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION lr";-1__L-: i' .`� s 44 L . VaJl6& ,l r --- - DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME '- _.ete—kfis6) irnqd9)6r) a)TO (r.: ya FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET r DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE j t i , South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date South Bu ingt n Fire D partment 3/2f1/// Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlington Tax Dep rtment Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax Collector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: _ 14otor Vehicle Violations irector or stockhotder been corriricted or•pleaded puitty to any criminal or motor vehicle offense In eny•court Yes No Leese atarplete• the following Information: e Name of Court Offense Date , .Rodolphe J. Franklin County Maple intoxication 11/21/1957 , Rodotphe J. Franklin County Failure Display poet Red 07/2T/1979 ,-Timothy L. Vermont VSL • 12/31/1986 , Timothy L. Vermont • ISL 06/04/1987 , Timothy L. Vermont VNI 09/09/1987 , Timothy L. Vermont VSL 12/17%1987 , Timothy L. V9rsont FR 05/18/1988 , Timothy L. Vermont Fs 05/16/1990 , Timothy L. Vermont VSL 04/22/2001 , Rodolphe 1. Vermont S01 08/01/1991 , Rodotpbe M. Vermont BR 08/08/1998 , Rodotphe Si. Vermont ISL 01/05/1999 1 ; r. (,y-k,...A) �t G J' ,!' Y .Y`iC'Pit e^ rD/ C, '•�.4a \i, „‹.:, .-;\, 'e.•4�1$,w i`„ 1-G.3N S;A ram. 7 t, o 4 F Laura From: Trevor Whipple [twhipple@sbpdvt.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:28 AM To: Laura Subject: RE: Liquor Licenses/ Entertainment permits The police department has no issue with any of these. Thanks, Trevor Trevor S.Whipple Chief of Police City of South Burlington 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington,VT 05403 (802)846-4155 twhipplesbpdvt.orq From: Laura [mailto:Ikimball©sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:29 AM To: Sandy Miller; Bob Rusten; Trevor Whipple Cc: JLadd Subject: Liquor Licenses/ Entertainment permits Hello- Attached are the following items for April 4, 2011 Council meeting. I will have copies ready by Wednesday at noon. Laura Ktij • Laura Kimball Deputy City Clerk City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vt. 05403 Ikimball@sburi.com i S��t0 pU..crpk Ye. City of South Burlington . . '' 'Gilt, 575 DORSET STREET �(� �i�(f 1',11:Pl SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6260 fry==— N 1,A TOWN MI,aG FIRST, SECOND CLASS AND CABARET LICENSE APPLICATION FULL NAME OF PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION(! /�_Gp 4°14 (J DOING BUSINESS AS/TRADENAME a' ADDRESS iriCkfrXjlan4' ''...‘111°'sr /./X1' U e);)e,j- C, D LV FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS CABARET DATE RECEIVED BY CLERK'S OFFICE � C4/• /cf:Qv8 South Burlington Police Department Chief Trevor S. Whipple Date So h rIington ire Department (Z -WV) k , Chief Douglas S. Brent Date South Burlingto ax Depar ent - -7// /1CIA/0 G gl -lif Martha Lyons, Deputy Tax ollector Date Date Sent to Montpelier: t Kp,THERINE A.?IRONS 2011 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION,a Pubes 01 �Ion Q2TIb1 • Page 2 SECOND CLASS LICENSE TO SELL MALT AND VINOUS BEVERAGES FieQualiitied n Erie County My Commission Expires Aug.4,20�" I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. uf fa 10 Ebel e , and State ofCYV , n Dated at +�� , in the county of this / CO day of Feb r o a ry 20 t 1 Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corpora on company, club or association VtG ressdell+— (Title) /iNo Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party. Yes V n ont , Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of thiscliccninseoasrsse as provide Tittheile fe the mVermoitn on Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. DISAPPROVED APPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of the City ocr,-]!: es r��— G�Er' TOan Clerk Total Membership 5 , members present s TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a first or second class license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312 { { EIN 911258355 Brewery Registry No.:BR-VT-PYR-15000 Signing Authority For Corporate Officials 17.We held our board meeting with(check one) August 11,2010 Directors Trustees r— Managers El GovernorsDate of Meeting offices o cute l documents to do all acts for us in We dealing with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax cials,and Trade Bureau.r incumbents of the(You must impress your corporateorporate seal.If you I do not have one,two witnesses must sign.) dealing By the authority of our board,I certify that this authorization is true and complete. Chief Executive Officer Title: Chief Financial Officer Title: Corporate Seal: Title: Vice President Title: Director Title: Title: Witness: Witness: Brewpub Applicant Information (If you are a brewpub,you must complete this section.) 16. We are a brewpub. Our entire business location is the brewery premises. We understand that by initialing these boxes,we acknowledge that: a. We must separate the brewery operations(non-public area)from the public area of the brewery premises by an adequate partition. _ Access to the brewery operations must be restricted to authorized visitors and employees only. s. hese tanks have a b. The serving tanks as noted on our attached diagram are our barrels/kegs and are accuratelyacalliiibrat d with approp beer riateT working capacity of measuring devices, approximately c. We must transfer beer ready for consumption or sale from our fermenters into an empty tax-detemination tank for measurement by the approved measuring device. We will make prompt and accurate records of these transactions to determine tax due. 19. We plan to sell retail liquors other than beer. Attachment Section 20.You must make attachments to complete an original notice. You may also need additional information for an amended notice. Check all the blocks here for your attachments for this notice. For original Brewer's Notices,you must attach all documents for your type of business organization. For amended Brewer's Notices,some forms are mandatory,while others may be optional. ❑ Articles of Incorporation/Organization (Corporations/EEGs) F/ Personnel Questionnaires (for all owners/officers/directors/partners/ members/stockholders of over 10%) E Trade Name Registrations (if required by state) ❑ By-Laws (Corporations/LLCs) ❑ Certificate to Transact Business in a Foreign State (if applicable) C Partnership Agreement ✓ 0 Environmental Information (TTB F 5000.29) Power of Attorney (TTB F 5000.8,or Corporate Resolution)Diagram (or Plat/Plan)with dimensions of the brewery El Diagram for Brewpub as required Describing the Security at the Brewery Legal description of the Brewery _ ❑ri Supplemental Information on Water Quality Considerations (TTB F 5000.30) ❑ Other All statements and documents are part of this notice. Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have examined this notice and all attachments and to the best of my knowledge and belief they are true,correct,and complete. ate 21. Signature of Authorize e o D .. ate 1 j 22. Printed or Typed Name and Title Ri'CharCl Lb2yniC;kiCGL7 Mail this completed package with all attachments to: Director National Revenue Center 550 Main St,Ste 8002 Cincinnati,OH 4 5202-5 21 5 TTB Section-For TTB Use Only Effective Date: Approval Date: This Notice is: Approved nNot Approved Registry Number: Director,National Revenue Center BR TTB F 5130.10(11/2009) CONFIDENTIAL Independent Brewers United Corp. —FEIN - 91-1258355—Brewers Notice Quest. 15 -Brewery List 901 Gilman St. BR-CA-PYR-1 Berkeley, CA 94710 BR-CA-PYR-2 1410 Locust St. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 BR -CA -3 1029 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 BR-OR-PYR-15000 2730 NW 31st Ave. Portland,OR 97210 5 Bartlett Bay Rd. BR-VT-PYR-15000 South Burlington,VT 05403 BR-WA-THO-1 91 S Royal Brougham Way Seattle,WA 98134 . I 1 III I 1 , 1 i I I 1 f , 0 L 1 Ct. O Li PC:: V C a�0+ V uiU o. Cto m m U o • 'to Q J yto it-) u7 N Li. O d O 0 00 H 3 F- 8 IF . t 0 t Q. 1 , N t 1 N C l 1 N l2 c t I O t 1 6 i V 4 N G a c ma) . 9,-- p N OO , ,, o Eado �� "3 z J C ice- Pd-i L.) c�8 cn .n o N m Q o -00 d — d - • ai a .. �, o Z C7) z 5 z z � � t; ct U n oz p O M z O O O trl r.. o o 0>{ 0 0 a H CO a) U I T 0 0 i o s. a.) b I U U 4 d'_ y k w O 0., 0 U 0 a.) v) 0 ocd 45 tO zs t�, A.TIRONE 2011 TOBACCO LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICAT KA7H Notary puEAT`X ®RI QS�OB '01 TOBACCO LICENSE TO SRLT TOBACCO R®gistration N0. 02T16190840Page 2 Qualified in Erie County 20 i°n Expires Aug. pall C�rr:;1,i . r I/We hereby certify that the information in this application is true and complete. Y Dated at 8 )ff Q/C) , in the county of EYi e. , and State of Nl C,w YQ rk this �to day of Pith/U4Yy . 2OI , Signature of authorized agent Signature of individual or partners of corpor.lt, 9K7 y, club or association • VICe rest (Title) • Are you making this application for the benefit of any other party? Yes YNo Upon being satisfied that the conditions precedent to the granting of this license as provided in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, as amended, have been fully met by the applicant, the commissioners will endorse their recommendation on the back of the applications and transmit both copies to the Liquor Control Board for suitable action thereon, before any license may be granted. For the information of the Liquor Control Control Board, all applications shall carry the signature of each individual commissioner registering either approval or disapproval. Lease or title must be recorded in town or city before issuance of license. APPROVED DISAPPROVED Approved by Board of Control Commissioners of + of✓(/, 1f - �1 46 Total Membership members present 1 C1� , Town Clerk TOWN OR CITY CLERK SHALL MAIL APPROVED RENEWAL DIRECTLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL 13 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05602 If application is disapproved, local control commissioners shall notify the applicant by letter. No formal action taken by any agency or authority of any town board of selectmen or city board of aldermen on a tobacco license application shall be considered binding except as taken or made at an open public meeting. VSA T-1,Sec.312