HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH 16 - Supplemental - 1840 Spear Streeti_t t I 0 4 y3 et _ 2 `/ f the Property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if Lot 39 p and/or the buildings constructed thereon are conveyed to separate owners. F 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility i lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. 5. Any changes to the Plat shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 1 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property, any of the Property's constituent lots, or an interest in the Property, or in any deed for the Property's constituent lots. 4 7. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the Owner and the Owner's i successors and assigns. Dated at South Burlington, VT this day of January, 2017. STERLING CONSTRUCTION, INC. Duly authorized agent STATE OF VERMONT ) COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) ss. At Burlington, on this 77day of January, 2017, Bartlett H. Frisbie duly authorized agent of Sterling Construction, Inc. personally appeared before me, and he acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Sterling Construction, Inc. Before me, Notary Public 5685736 1:10935-00034 My Commission Expires 00t 43432 Received Feb OBY2017 01:50P Recorded in VOL: 1361 P<< 162 .� OF So. E.0 linston Lend Records Attest-' Donn? Kinville cits Clerk NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WHEREAS, Sterling Construction, Inc. a Vermont Corporation is the successor in interest to South Village Communities, LLC (hereinafter "Owner"), and is one of the builders of homes in the "South Village" Community, located at 1840 Spear Street, in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, and; WHEREAS, Owner obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board for the three -lot subdivision of Lot 39, the addresses of which are 69, 73 and 83 South Jefferson Street, as shown on a plan entitled "Lands of Sterling Construction, Inc., Chipman St. & Madison Ln., South Burlington, VT, Lot 39 Townhouses Plat" prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson /Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated November 18, 2016 ("the Plat") and recorded at Map Slide 6of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Property" herein) by a Findings of Fact and Decision on Final Plat Application #SD-16-35 of the Development Review Board, dated January 18, 2017 (the "Decision"); and WHEREAS, the Decision imposes certain conditions on the Property; NOW THEREFORE, Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the Property unless or until modified or removed by the South Burlington Development Review Board or its successor: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the Plat and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Decision. 3. For purposes of planning and zoning and compliance with the City of South Burlington's ordinances and regulations now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the three (3) lots included in the subdivision shall be considered one (1) single, 12,806 sq. ft. parcel of land. Owner covenants and agrees that for purposes of compliance with and application of the City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations (for example: for application of lot coverage and setback requirements), 4'3 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE :e_arded in 4�L: i323 PG; 193 — / 17 5 0 5o. BurIi-is or, Land Records AttJaS m ,onna Kinvil1= .1ar.'•, AMENDED AND RESTATED NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 00039940 Ve 1323 PG: 193 WHEREAS, South Village Communities, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with its principal place of business in Williston, Vermont, (hereinafter "Owner"), is the owner of certain property known as South Village Community located at Allen Road and Spear Street in South Burlington, Vermont (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Owner obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board for the development of Phase 2 on the Property, as shown on a plan entitled "Phase 2, Lotting Plat, South Village Communities, LLC, Spear Street, South Burlington, Vermont," Sheet P2, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated October 31, 2013, last revised December 8, 2014 and recorded in Map Slide 582, Page 5 of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "2014 Plat"), pursuant to Findings of Fact and Decision on Final Plat Application # SD-14-33 of the Development Review Board dated December 17, 2014 (the "2014 DRB Approval"); and WHEREAS, subsequently, on December 3, 2015, Owner obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board pursuant to Findings of Fact and Decision on Final Plat Application No. SD-15-32, dated December 3, 2015 (the "2015 DRB Approval") for certain modifications to the 2014 Plat in accordance with a plan entitled, "Phase 2, Lotting Plat, South Village Communities, LLC, Spear Street, South Burlington, Vermont," Sheet P2, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates Inc., dated October 31, 2013, last revised February 22, 2016, and recorded in Map Slide Sq , Page 1— 3 of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "2015 Plat"), changing the identifier "Common Land" to "Parcel,"; and WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the 2014 DRB Approval and the 2015 DRB Approval impose certain conditions on the Property. NOW THEREFORE, the Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the land unless or until modified or removed by the South Burlington Development Review Board or its successor: 1. The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 2014 DRB Approval and the 2015 DRB Approval. 2. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 3. This project shall be completed as shown on the 2015 Plat. 4. For purposes of compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations, all "footprint lots" contained within Parcel "Al," being "footprint lots" labeled #1N through #4N shall be considered one (1) lot for planning and zoning purposes (i.e. for coverage and dimensional requirements); all "footprint lots" contained within Parcel "A2," being "footprint lots" labeled 45N through #12N shall be considered one (1) lot for planning 1 and zoning purposes; all "footprint lots" contained within Parcel `B," being "footprint lots" labeled #13N through #19N shall be considered one (1) lot for planning and zoning purposes; all "footprint lots" contained within Parcel "C," being "footprint lots" labeled #20N through #25N and #56N through #65N shall be considered one (1) lot for planning and zoning purposes; and all "footprint lots" contained within Parcel "D," being "footprint lots" labeled #26N through #37N shall be considered one (1) lot for planning and zoning purposes, even if all the aforesaid "footprint lots" on each respective Parcel "Al," 66A2," "B," "C" and "D" are conveyed to separate owners. 5. Nothing in this notice or the conditions or covenants contained herein shall be construed to prevent the conveyance, lease, assignment, mortgage, or other transfer of any interest in or to any one of the "footprint lots" as separate and apart from the other "footprint lots" within each respective Parcel "Al," "A2," `B," "C" and "D," provided that the Owner or its successors or assigns seeks Development Review Board approval for any subsequent subdivision of the footprint lots pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, if applicable. 6. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. 7. The proper party for the purposes of submitting applications for approval from time to time under City ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, shall be the then owners of the "footprint lots" or their duly authorized representatives. The City shall act upon any applications submitted by all owners of the "footprint lots" or their duly authorized representatives and shall not be required to resolve a dispute between the owners as to the respective rights of the owners. It shall be the duty of the owners to provide written notice of any such applications to all others having an interest that may be affected by the application proceedings or the commencement of such proceedings. 8. Any action to enforce any City ordinance or regulation, including zoning and subdivision regulations, or activities or events occurring on the "footprint lots" shall be brought against the then -owners of the "footprint lots" or their duly authorized representatives. It shall be the duty of the owners of the "footprint lots," or their duly authorized representatives, to provide written notice to all others having an interest in the "footprint lots" that may be affected by the enforcement proceedings or the commencement of such proceedings. Any decision in an enforcement proceeding, including a decision granting injunctive relief or penalties, shall be enforceable at the City's sole discretion against the then owners of the "footprint lots." 9. Any further changes to the 2015 Plat shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 10. This Amended and Restated Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying any one of the "footprint lots." 11. This Amended and Restated Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors and assigns. AI_l1_3,j9gfit-9 1 � V = 1.-2.3 PG - 195 Dated at Williston, Vermont, this Z3 day of May_, 2016. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Spear & Allen, LLC, Its Managing Member By: Its Dul uthorized Ag nt L— x STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: At ���� , in said County and State, this z day of May_, 2016, personally appeared o4t t; -f4W, Duly Authorized Agent of Spear & Allen, LLC, Managing Member of South Village Communities, LLC., and he/she acknowledged the within instrument, by him/her subscribed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of Spear & Allen, LLC and South Village Communities, LLC. Before me, Notary Public Commission Expires: 2/10/2019 K December 3, 2015 Re: Final Plat Approval #SD-15-32_ 1840 Spear Street Ms. Robin Jeffers P.O. Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ms. Jeffers: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on December 1, 2015 (effective 12/03/15). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plans must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to me in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by May 31, 2016) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Since el , aymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7015 0640 0007 8199 3396 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com IS southbur n ton PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑ Preliminary 8 Final PUD Being Requested? 4 Yes ❑ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities, LLC, P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 Phone: 802-658-0101; Fax: 802-860-1528 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Vol: 801; Page: 465 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Same as owner 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers (802-316-6004), P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 a. Contact email address: robin@sdireland.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1840 Spear Street, South Burlington 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1640-01840 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Amendment to Phase Two of the South Village Communities Planned Unit Development, including revising the previously proposed 26' wide non -curbed roadway cross section to 26' wide curbed cross section. Additional sidewalks on both sides of the roads are proposed, new Churchill layout (refer to Plan Set for additional information) b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Phase Two of South Village Master Plan Development c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Residential, refer to Lotting Plan (Sheet P2) for lot sizes d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 0 SF existing; 152,000 SF approved (19.7%). Master Plan Reconsideration Approval approves up to 42% single family building coverage & 50% multi -family building coverage, provided that the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District Limitations of 15% building coverage are met for the overall South Village project. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 40 Feet maximum (pitched roof); 35 feet max. (flat roof) f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): 0 existing, 99 approved (Units 61-99 will require future Site Plan approval(s).) g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): N/A i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Project approved as "Phase 2" from South Village Master Plan. Please refer to the Plan Set for property lines, units, and infrastructure layout Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 17.92 acres/780,595 sf (Phase 2 only) (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing 0 Proposed 175,433 square feet 0 % square feet 22.5 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 0 square feet 0 % Proposed 406,368 square feet 52.1 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing N/A square feet N/A Proposed N/A square feet N/A ova 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? I Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) Yes, please refer to the attached plans for areas of wetland / buffer encroachments. c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 839,965 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ See attached Landscaping Sheets (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): PM: 65 Trips (42 in; 23 out) AM: 52 Trips (11 in; 41 out) 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7-9am; 4-6pm 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday -Friday 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 2015 / 2016 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (l 1" x 17" ), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fees all be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. C4 0444W4V1 -*/10 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of DJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City priory to the start of any public hearing. 11 it 4 n � � Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. . --r- SIGNATURE OF PRO SIGNATURE O A ICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: lete Officer ❑ Incomplete PRINT NAME The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 8 79-56 76 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON WAIVER OF RIGHT TO APPEAL The Administrative Officer may issue a Zoning Permit pursuant to an approval of a Zoning Permit Application prior to expiration of the thirty -day appeal period set forth in 24 V.S.A. section 4471 only if there are no interested persons, as defined in the aforementioned section, other than the City and the applicant/landowner, and if the applicant/landowner waives his or her rights to appeal any relevant Development Review Board approvals. In order to ensure the finality and validity of any relevant Development Review Board approvals in those cases where there are no interested persons other than the applicant/landowner and the City, the applicant/landowner must waive his or her rights to appeal in order to receive a Zoning Permit prior to the expiration of the appeal period. Zoning Permit Application No. IM46A4 (office use o The undersigned property owner(s) hereby waives any and all rights to appeal the approval(s) of the Development Review Board, listed below. Property Owner Date Property'Owner Date The undersigned applicant(s) hereby waives any and all rights to appeal the approval(s) of the Development Review Board, listed below. Applicant �-- Date Applicant Date Do not write below this line - For office use only Date of site plan approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of subdivision approval/denial !e Ap rov I Date Denial Date -1- y' CITY CLERK'S QFF lt=L_ Received Maj 20►2015 02:05P Re:_orded in VOL: 1267 PG: 260.1 j OF So. Burlington Land Records / !]F_1� 34-9533 �V : 1267 F'G = 261-1 Attest: Donna Kinville Citi Clerk NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL WHEREAS, Sterling Construction, Inc., a Vermont Corporation, is the successor in interest to South Village Communities, LLC (hereinafter "Owner"), and is one of the builders of homes in the "South Village" Community, located at 1840 Spear Street, in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, and; WHEREAS, Owner obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board for the two -lot subdivision of Lot 32, the addresses of which are 54 Frost Street and 138 Chipman Street, as shown on a plan entitled "Lands of Sterling Construction, Inc., Frost Street & Chipman St., South Burlington, VT, Lot 32 Townhouses" prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated March 16, 2015 ("the Plat") and recorded at Map Slide 0$f the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Property" herein) by a Findings of Fact and Decision on Final Plat Application #SD-15-13 of the Development Review Board, dated May 6, 2015 (the "Decision"); and WHEREAS, the Decision imposes certain conditions on the Property; NOW THEREFORE, Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the Property unless or until modified or removed by the South Burlington Development Review Board or its successor: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the Plat and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Decision. 3. For purposes of planning and zoning and compliance with the City of South Burlington's ordinances and regulations now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the two (2) lots included in the subdivision shall be considered one (1) single, 10,089 sq. ft. parcel of land. Owner covenants and agrees that for purposes of compliance with and application of the City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations (for example: for application of lot coverage and setback requirements), O FJ034958 L) : 1267 PG : 261 the Property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if Lot 32 and/or the buildings constructed thereon are conveyed to separate owners. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. 5. Any changes to the Plat shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property, any of the Property's constituent lots, or an interest in the Property, or in any deed for the Property's constituent lots. 7. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors and assigns. Dated at South Burlington, VT this It day of May, 2015. STERLING CONSTRUCTION, INC. Bw Duly authorized agent STATE OF VERMONT ) COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) ss. At Burlington, on this E6Jay of May, 2015, Bartlett H. Frisbie duly authorized agent of Sterling Construction, Inc. personally appeared before me, and he acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Sterling Construction, Inc. Before me, Notary Public My Commission Expires 5685736 1:10935-00034 END OF DOCUMENT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON WAIVER OF RIGHT TO APPEAL The Administrative Officer may issue a Zoning Permit pursuant to an approval of a Zoning Permit Application prior to expiration of the thirty -day appeal period set forth in 24 V.S.A. section 4471 only if there are no interested persons, as defined in the aforementioned section, other than the City and the applicant/landowner, and if the applicant/landowner waives his or her rights to appeal any relevant Development Review Board approvals. In order to ensure the finality and validity of any relevant Development Review Board approvals in those cases where there are no interested persons other than the applicant/landowner and the City, the applicant/landowner must waive his or her rights to appeal in order to receive a Zoning Permit prior to the expiration of the appeal period. Zoning Permit Application No. Z� (office use only) The undersigned property owner(s) hereby waives any and all rights to appeal the approval(s) of the Development Review Board, listed below. Property Owne � Date q 27; Property Owner Date The undersigned applicant(s) hereby waives any and all rights to appeal the approval(s) of the Develo ment F3eview Boar "de Applicant Date Applicant Date Do not write below this line - For office use only Date of site plan approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of subdivision approval/denial C� pr val 6ate Denial Date CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON WAIVER OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Date of conditional use approval/denial Date of appeal variance approval/denial Date of miscellaneous approval/denial Date of design approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Approval Date Denial Date Approval Date Denial Date Approval Date Denial Date WAN 6 (5OUt1v1I1a' South Village Residential Design Standards Guidelines: For Residential Homes (Single Family, Duplex, Triplex, Carriage Home): *All home, designs and color schemes to receive SVC DRC review prior to construction and any exterior renovation. Each home also requires a City of South Burlington Building Permit Overall Design; Home are to be designed to be considered "New England" style architecture, with traditional lines, fenestration, decor, etc. Farmhouse, Cape, Colonial, Cottage, Bungalow, Farmhouse, Federal, Saltbox, Shingle, Victorian, etc are some of the many styles encouraged. Entrys: Each building shall have a front entry that is street facing, it shall be easily distinguishable so that the street facing front entry is the primary visual entry and more prominent than any other entry. Each 'front' entry shall have a feature that further defines it, examples are; covering, large stoop, front porch, or have extensive architectural trim surround on the front door that clearly establishes the entry from other doors or window openings, the added definition to provide added visual 'welcome'. The front entry shall have a connection to the street or sidewalk via walkway. Garages: Shall be set back 8' from a full front porch, or 8' back from the front elevation of conditioned space if a front porch is absent on any front load garage home. A full front porch shall be considered to be a 'full front porch' if it cover the full front of the conditioned street facing elevation on the home with a street facing garage or at least be as wide as 60% of any street facing garage elevation on the home with a street facing garage and 6' in depth. Rear load garages are exempt from this standard. Side & rear load garages are encouraged. Any side load garage shall have architectural fenestration on any street facing elevation of a window, door, false window (shuttered, louvered) etc. and shall appear as an integral home element. Side load garages may be home forward if appearance from the street is not of the garage door. **Street facades of homes shall be b lanced that he street elevation of conditioned space shall be no less than 70% width in relationship to the width of a street facing garage that serves the unit. . Any garage wall on the rear facade of a home that faces another home or a street shall have fenestration on that wall of window and/or door. Street visible elevations (911 Address view perspective including full sides if a corner lot): The street view perspective as viewed from the street & sidewalk shall have architectural fenestration so that there are no 'blank' walls of 12' or greater, examples are; but not limited to; door, window, false window, etc. Each expanse of a full story shall have this fenestration, ie, 2 stories, a window or other listed element at the first and second level. Street view lae s ,y hive shall be deftped to be, the 911. street e (front) of the l or e. �d 50% of the side elevation street fvrwar from„midline.of the home one SEfe, leQ% of the side Nov 24, 2015 p1 a. Each home shall feature a neighborhood friendly welcome -integrative front door facing the street of generous stoop, covered landing, or porch, b. No home with same design of street elevation within 3 lots of same design, c. No home regardless of style of identical color within 3 lots of a home of the some color, d. A maximum of three homes with an identical color scheme, e. A maximum of two duplexes of the some color scheme, f. No Duplex of identical design of street elevation side by side. g. Identical Design differentiation shall be further defined to be a change clearly visible to the naked eye from the street, of a fundamental element, ie a change in roof direction, and/or a change to the plane of street facing elevation in number of windows and or doors, joining of windows or separation of windows, to be more distinct than a change in window size, may also be a change in materials, siding to shingle, brick or stone, or other change that is readily apparent, etc. h. Landscaping minimum for carriage home, duplex and triplex shall be 4 small shrubs and one small tree per dwelling and per L1 and L2 specifications by Mike Lawrence Nov 24, 2015 p2 �p�Villa for Phase Z and for single family homes shall be 6 shrubs and 2 small trees per Master Plan 'typical' landscape designs by Landworks. i. Historical colors are encouraged to achieve a cohesive palette. The Benjamin Moore Historical palette shall serve as a reference for color variance selection. All color schemes to receive DRC approval prior to implementation. *The above shall not nullify any pre-existing guidelines of the Declaration, Bylaws or Land Management plan, but shall serve to add clarification to those guidelines already in place. The South Village Design Review Committee reserves the right to add more defined input and directive into design of new homes not yet presented as of this date, and this document may be amended from time to time by addition. Nov 24, 2015 p3 O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC ;I CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING July 17, 2015 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) to request your review and DRB scheduling of the attached Final Subdivision Plan amendment proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. Phase 2 received Final DRB approval on December 17, 2014. After the Final approval was granted, the applicant has been working with some of the landowners within Phase 1 of the development, and has decided to make some changes to the layout and infrastructure design. The project was originally approved with 26' wide, non -curbed roads with shallow roadside swales to capture stormwater runoff. The amendment proposal is to change to 26' wide curbed roads, with the catch basins brought within the roadways to capture the stormwater runoff. Locations of the catch basins, sewer manholes, water hydrants and applicable utility lines have been revised accordingly to accommodate the proposed curbed roads. Additional sidewalks are proposed along the north side of Preserve Road and the southerly sections of North Jefferson Road (refer to Plans for specific locations) to provide a more pedestrian friendly site. Sidewalks and/or Recreation Path are now proposed in front of all single family lots, single "footprint" units, duplex "footprint" units and multi -family buildings. The layout in the interior lot between Churchill Street, North Jefferson Road and Preserve Road has been revised, as well as shift the multi -family buildings to one lot on the North side of Churchill Street. New single family lots are shown on what was previously "Lot 48 — Retained Land), with the total number of units decreasing from 99 previously approved to 96 proposed. With the increased impervious coverage, the two stormwater treatment areas have been reviewed to confirm the systems are able to handle all stormwater runoff up to the 100-year storm event (refer to Plan Sheets S1 & S2 for additional information). The Design Review Standards are being re -submitted for with fine tuning regarding the blank walls from street view provision. We have defined what 'street view' is, and how the blank space shall be treated. We request the new language be approved. We found in practice this standard needed better definition to be understood and put into practice. 13 CORPORATE DRIVE ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com Please find the following attachments: 1. Final Plat Amendment Application with (fee was waived) 2. Abutters List; 3. South Village — Phase 2 Final Approval, dated 12/17/14; 4. ITE Trip Generation Rates; 5. South Village Design Review Standards; 6. Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and digital (pdf) copies of revised Plan Set; Please schedule this submittal for Final Plat Amendment at the next available hearing. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ,ter Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC Enc. cc: Scott Ireland 2012-48 — South Village — Phase 2 Abutters List Parcel I D#: 1640-01730 Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01720 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01803 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 23-Jun-15 ITE Trip Generation Rates - 8th Edition Pass -by rates from ITE Trip Generation Handbook - 2nd Edition Instructions: Enter Expected Unit Volumes into Column 'M' Description/ITE Code Units ITE Vehicle Trip Generation Rates (peak hours are for peak hour of adjacent street traffic unless highlighted Expected Units Total Generated Trips T_ , ion of Generated Js Weekday AM PM Pass -By AM In AM Out PM In PM Out Daily AM Hour PM Hour AM In AM Out Pass -By PM In PM Out Pass -By Single Family Homes 210 Du 9.57 0.75 1.01 25% 75% 63% 37% 25.0 239 19 25 5 14 0 16 9 0 Apartment 220 Du 6.65 0.51 0.62 20% 80% 65% 35% 24.0 160 12 15 2 10 0 10 5 0 Resd. Condo/Townhouse 230 DU 5.81 0.44 0.52 17% 83% 67% 33%11 47.0 273 21 24 4 17 0 16 8 0 672 52 65 11 41 0 42 23 RED Rates = CAUTION - Use Carefully - Small Sample Size Green Rates = Peak Hour of Generator - (no peak rate for the rush hour of adjacent street traffic) Blue Rates = Saturday Daily total - (no weekday daily rate) *Pass -By % are Rates from Weekay PM Peak Period *The Total Pass -By Trips will be Distributed: 50% IN / 50 % OUT NA = Not Available KSF 2= Units of 1,000 square feet DU = Dwelling Unit Fuel Position = the number of vehicles that could be fueled simultaneously Occ.Room = Occupied Room 23-Jun-15 South Village Residential Design Standards Guidelines; For Residential Homes (Single Family, Duplex and Triplex, Carriage Home): *All home designs and color schemes to receive SVC DRC review prior to construction and any exterior renovation. Each home also requires a City of South Burlington Building Permit. Overall Design: Homes are to be designed to be considered `New England' style architecture, with traditional lines, fenestration, decor, etc. Farmhouse, Cape, Colonial, Saltbox, Federal, Cottage, Bungalow, Victorian, etc are some the many styles encouraged. Entrys; Each building shall have a front entry that is street facing, it shall be easily distinguishable so that the street facing front entry is the primary visual entry and more prominent than any other entry. Each `front' entry shall have a feature that further defines it, examples are; covering, large stoop, front porch, etc, the added definition to provide added visual `welcome'. The front entry shall have connection to the street or sidewalk via walkway. Garages: Shall be set back 8' from a full front porch, or 8' back from the front elevation of conditioned space if a front porch is absent on any front load garage home. A full front porch shall be considered to be a `full front porch' if it covers the full front of the conditioned street facing elevation of the home or at least be as wide as 60% of any street facing garage elevation on the home with a street facing garage and 6' in depth. Rear load garage homes are exempt from this standard. Side & rear load garages are encouraged. Any side load garage shall have architectural fenestration on any street facing elevation of a window, door, false window (shuttered, louvered) etc, and shall appear as in integral home element. Side load garages may be home forward if appearance from the street is not of the garage door. "Street Street facades of homes shall be balanced that the street elevation of conditioned space shall be no less than 70% width in relationship to the width of a street facing garage that serves the unit. Street visible elevations: (911 Address view perspective including full sides if o corner lot): The street view perspective as viewed from the street or sidewalk shall have architectural fenestration so that there are no 'blank' walls of 12' or greater; examples are but not limited to: door, window, false window, etc. Each expanse of a full story shall have this fenestration, ie, 2 stories, a window or other listed element at the first and second level. "Street view perspective" shall be is defined to be, the 911 street elevation (front) of the home and the side elevation forward from midline of the home on each side (i.e. 50% of the side elevation), unless a full side is visible from the street, by nature of being on a corner lot, or other lot configuration South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 H c5outh`Jillage' where a directly neighboring home is absent, in which case the entire exposed side is to meet the street visible criteria. Street facing trim color detailing; All street facing trim elements; skirt boards, risers, railings, deck trim, frieze, columns, lattice, window, rim board, door, gables, drip edge, gutters, etc. shall be white unless an approved whole home auxiliary color scheme is applied for and approved by the DRC. Doors, shutters and louvers may be colored, color to be approved by DRC approved historical color palatte. Fencing: All street facing fencing shall be white, picket is encouraged. All fence hardware shall be home facing, not street facing. All fencing shall otherwise follow the existing guidelines, 4' height max (or to require separate Design Review), 6" inside of property line or more, etc. Windows: All street facing windows shall have grilles/muntins that are 2 over 2 or greater in division. Non street facing windows, or small ornamental windows may be different. DRC review required. Flag Lot Variance: Flag lot homes shall have the visible portion of the home made attractive from the street. Garages may meet South Village lot 58 design guidelines, ie: not set back 8', not visible from the street, or if visible from the street and not set back, be made more attractive by means of at least two (2) accessory elements of small roof, pergola, decorative door style, etc, or be made to appear as an auxiliary building, such as a barn, etc. Additional Guidelines; a. Each home shall feature a neighborhood friendly welcome -integrative front door facing the street of generous stoop, covered landing, or porch, b. No home with same design of street elevation within 3 lots of same design, c. No home regardless of style of identical color within 3 lots of a home of the same color, d. A maximum of three homes with an identical color scheme, e. A maximum of two duplexes of the same color scheme, f. No Duplex of identical design of street elevation side by side. g. Identical Design differentiation shall be further defined to be a change clearly visible to the naked eye from the street, of 'a fundamental element, ie a change in roof direction, and/or a change to the plane of street facing elevation in number of windows and or doors, joining of windows or separation of windows, to be South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 � �*W .. �5outhVillage- more distinct than a change in window size, may also be a change in materials, siding to shingle, brick or stone, or other change that is readily apparent, etc. h. Landscaping minimum for carriage home, duplex and triplex shall be 4 small shrubs and one small tree per dwelling and per LI and L2 specifications by Mike Lawrence for Phase 2, and for single family homes shall be 6 shrubs and 2 small trees per Master Plan 'typical' landscape designs by Landworks. i. Historical colors are encouraged to achieve a cohesive palette. The Benjamin Moore Historical palette shall serve as a reference for color variance selection. All color schemes to receive DRC approval prior to implementation. *The above shall not nullify any pre-existing guidelines of the Declaration, Bylaws POS or Land Management plan, but shall serve to add clarification to those guidelines already in place. The South Village Design Review Committee may provide more defined input and directive into design of new homes not yet presented as of this date, and this document may be amended from time to time by addition. South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 Michael Lawrence Associates Landscape Architects / Site Planning Consultants July 17, 2015 South Village LLC c/o Robin Jeffers PO Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05407 Re; Landscape Cost Estimate for Planting—Streeet Trees, Foundation & Edible Perimeter South Village— North Phase Residential Development Jefferson Road —South Burlington, Vermont STREET TREES Qu Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total 4 Acer x freemanii `Celzam' 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 2,500 6 Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumanii' 2-2.5 in. $600 $ 3,600 11 Ginko biloba `Autumn Gold' 2-2.5 in. $738 $ 8,118 6 Ginko biloba 'Magyar' 2-2.5 in. $725 $ 4,350 17 Ginko biloba `Princeton Sentry' 2-2.5 in. $738 $12,546 6 Gleditsia triacanthos `Shademaster' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 3,480 5 Gleditsia triacanthos `Sunburst' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 2,900 4 Platanus x acerifolia `Columbia' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 2,320 15 Quercus bicolor 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 8,700 13 Quercus imbricaria 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 9,375 15 Quercus macrocarpa 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 8,125 8 Quercus muehlenbergii 2-2-5 in. $625 $ 5,000 14 Quercus rubra 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 8,120 8 Tilia cordata `Greenspire' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 5,520 6 Tilia cordata `Glenleven' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 4,140 9 Tilia euchlora 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 6,210 4 Tilia tomentosa `Green Mountain' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 2,760 13 Ulmus americana `Valley Forge' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 8,560 11 Ulmus davidiana `Jacan' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 7,260 5 Ulmus morton `Accolade' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 3,300 4 Ulmus morton `Glossy' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 2,640 TOTAL STREET TREES........................................................................... $119,524 MEMBER I Eight Linden Lane Essex Junction, Vermont, 05452 American Society PH/FAX 802-878-2778 C 802-578-9591 of Landscape Architects mike@mclasla.com EDIBLE FARM PLANTING Ou Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total ARONIABERRIES 20 Aronia arbutifolia `Brilliantissima' 3 gal. $ 50 $ 950 11 Aronia melanocarpa `Autumn Magic' 3 gal.. $ 50 $ 550 8 Aronia melanocarpa `Viking' 4-5 ft. $ 87 $ 696 (QUINCE 12 Chaenomeles speciosa 3 gal. $ 58 $ 696 HAZELBERT 11 Corylus Americana 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 SEABERRY 8 Hippophae rhamnoides `Askola' 3 gal. $ 75 $ 600 1 Hippophae rhamnoides male 3 gal. $ 75 $ 75 14 Malus domestica `Honeycrisp' 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,610 18 Malus domestica `Liberty' 5& 7 gal. $115 $2,070 10 Malus domestica `Snow Sweet' 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,150 9 Malus domestica `Sweet Sixteen' dw. 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,035 CHERRIES 18 Prunus maritime 3 gal. $ 67 $1,206 16 Prunus tomentosum (Nanking) 3 gal. $ 67 $1,072 ELDERBERRIES 11 Sambucus canadensis `Adams' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 11 Sambucus canadensis `York' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 BLUEBERRIES 18 Vaccinium corybosum `Bluecrop' 3 gal. $ 58 $1,044 11 Vaccinium corybosum `Blueray' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 16 Vaccinium corybosum `Chippewa' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 928 14 Vaccinium corybosum `Northland' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 812 18 Vaccinium corybosum `Patriot' 3 gal. $ 58 $1,044 TOTAL EDIBLE FARM PLANTING LANDSCAPING .............................. ........$18,090 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS (Plant material described on Sheets L-2 average $350.00/unit) 40 UNITS 350 $14,000 TOTAL FOUNDATION PLANTING.............................................................. $14,000 TOTAL PLANTING........................................................................$151,614 (5outh`%illaW Design Review Standards *All home, site and landscape designs and color schemes to receive SVC DRC review prior to construction and any exterior addition or alteration. Each home also requires a City of South Burlington Building Permit and Ordinance compliance. All designs should take in account neighboring homes and landscapes and meet Energy Code Plus or better energy standards. General; Home design shall overall be reflective of general "New England" architecture styles, with traditional lines, fenestration, decor, etc. Cape, Colonial, Cottage, Bungalow, Farmhouse, Federal, Georgian, Greek revival, Queen Anne, Saltbox, Shingle, Victorian, etc Home Color: Shall be of a palette that would constitute a "Historical' palette, of natural tones that are complimentary. Benjamin Moore "Historical Palette" may be used as a general reference. Excessively bright and/or neon types of colors are not allowed. Home trim to be white. Entrys: Each building shall have a front entry that is street facing, it shall be easily distinguishable so that the street facing front entry is the primary visual entry and more prominent than any other entry. Each 'front' entry shall have a feature that further defines it, examples are; covering, large stoop, front porch, or have extensive architectural trim surround on the front door that clearly establishes the entry from other doors or window openings, the added definition to provide added visual 'welcome' and identification. The result should be an entry that any passerby would easily identify as the 'front door'. The door or street connected element (example: porch) shall have a front walk leading to it from the street. Street visible elevations (911 Address view perspective including full sides if a corner lot): Any home elevation visible from the street & sidewalk shall have architectural fenestration so that there are no 'blank' walls of 12' or greater, examples are; but not limited to; door, window, false window, etc. Each expanse of a full story shall have this fenestration, ie, 2 stories, a window or other listed element at the first and second level. The requirement is double for any expanse of 20' or greater, ie, 2 windows or such per story per span. Street view perspective shall be is defined to be, the 911 street elevation (front) of the home and 50% of the side elevation street forward from midline of the home on each side, unless a full side is visible from the street, by nature of being on a corner lot, or other lot configuration where a directly neighboring home is absent, in which case the entire exposed side is to meet the street visible criteria. Any garage wall on the rear facade of a home that faces another home or a street shall have fenestration on that wall of window and/or door. November 24, 2015 p1 (�5outhVillaW Street facing trim color detailing; All street facing trim elements; skirt boards, risers, railings, deck trim, frieze, columns, lattice, window & door trim, rim board, gables, drip edge, gutters, fascia, rake, soffit, etc. shall be white. Doors, shutters and louvers may be colored; color to be approved by DRC approved historical color palate. *All multiplex units are to have railings on their front porches. Windows: All street facing windows shall be primarily double hung, divided light aesthetic that are 2 over 2 or greater in division. Use of transoms, bow and custom windows keeping with the traditional appearance scheme are encouraged. Window plans shall have symmetry and cohesiveness with the home plan in general. Shutters: If shutters are installed they are to be sized logically to fit (cover) the window to which they are adjacent. Garages: Street facing garages shall be set back 8' from the front of the home's conditioned space and separated from the Entry element of the home, so as to not substantially become the first part of the home a visitor connects with. Street facing garages shall have some element of architectural style; windows, or combination of hardware and window, or other trim such as pergola or similar treatment, window transom, etc. to lend visual appeal to the expanse of door or door surround area. *An exception may be taken to the 8' setback from conditioned space if the home has a full front porch, the 8' setback may be measured from the face of the full front porch subject to the following definition; a full front porch shall be at least 6' in depth and be at least as wide as 60% of any street facing garage elevation on the home with a street facing two car garage. Side & rear load garages are encouraged. Side load garages may be home forward (see city ordinance) if appearance from the street is not of the garage door. Garage sides shall meet street facing element requirements. Rear load garages are exempt from the 8' setback standard by their nature. Any garage wall on the rear fagade of a home that faces another home or a street shall have fenestration on that wall of window and/or door. House width in relation to garage width: Street facing facades of homes shall be balanced that the street elevation of conditioned space shall be no less than 70% width in relationship to the width of a street facing garage that serves the unit. Flag Lot Variance: Flag lot homes shall have the visible portion of the home made attractive from the street. Garages may be sideload, ie: not set back 8', not visible from the street, or if visible from the street and not set back, be made more attractive by means of at least two (2) accessory elements of small roof, pergola, decorative door style, etc, or be made to appear as an auxiliary building, such as a barn, etc. November 24, 2015 p2 c5outhVillaW Additional Guidelines; a. Each home shall feature a neighborhood friendly welcome -integrative front door facing the street of generous stoop, covered landing, or porch, b. No home with some design of street elevation within 3 lots of some design, c. No home regardless of style of identical color within 3 lots of a home of the some color, d. A maximum of three homes with an identical color scheme, e. A maximum of two duplexes of the same color scheme, f. No Duplex of identical design of street elevation side by side. g. Identical Design differentiation shall be further defined to be a change clearly visible to the naked eye from the street, of a fundamental element, ie a change in roof direction, and/or a change to the plane of street facing elevation in number of windows and or doors, joining of windows or separation of windows, to be more distinct than a change in window size, may also be a change in materials, siding to shingle, brick or stone, or other change that is readily apparent, etc. h. Historical colors are encouraged to achieve a cohesive palette. The Benjamin Moore Historical palette shall serve as a reference for color variance selection. All color schemes to receive DRC approval prior to implementation. *The above shall not nullify any pre-existing guidelines of the Declaration, Bylaws or Land Management plan, but shall serve to add clarification to those guidelines already in place. The South Village Design Review Committee reserves the right to add more defined input and directive into design of new homes not yet presented as of this date, and this document may be amended from time to time by addition. Review Procedure: Plans shall be submitted to the design review committee for review on a DRC request form and include elevations w detail, site & landscape plans. Upon submission of a request for review, the Design Review Committee shall meet and provide a reply within two weeks' time on a new build, and/or generate comment that may require additional information to be provided and/or presented. If a plan meets all the above criteria, an approval shall be written. An initial architectural review may be requested for an informal review, that review shall be non -binding. The DRC retains it's currently adopted 30 day review window for all other applications. Waivers from Standards can be sought, but not necessarily will be given. These standards are adopted and accepted by the South Village DRC Board, effective 11-24-15. These standards are written in accordance with all City Land Development Regulations and City Ordinances, and meets all SVC current City Permit requirements November 24, 2015 p3 O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC i CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING November 6, 2015 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) to follow up with the recent continuation of the 10/20/15 DRB hearing of the attached Final Subdivision Plan amendment proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. As discussed at the hearing, we have made the following changes / additions to the plans: Cedar Split Rail Fencing has been provided on the "Open Space" lot property line behind units 26N-37N to better delineate the area as a common area, and not just an extension of the back yards of these Units. As shown on Plan Sheet 8, there will be 16' segments directly behind each building (1' inside the Open Space lot property line; (5) fence segments total). Details & Specifications for the fencing are also shown on Plan Sheet 8. The locations of the Recreation Path to the east of Farms Edge Lane will also help delineate the Open Space Lot between Units 92N — 96N; The applicant agrees that Units 92N — 96N will be sprinklered, as they are located on a Private ROW; Street Trees: Please refer to Landscaping Plans (Plan Sheets L1 & L2) which provide the locations & design of the proposed Street Trees. Please refer to Plan Sheet L1 for the "Street Tree — Average Space Calculations" table for each road. The required tree spacing in the SEQ-NR is 30' O.C. The plans have been revised to allow for as close to 30' O.C. as possible, with an average 32' O.C. spacing shown along North Jefferson Road due to the locations of Unit driveways and the required min. offset of tree placement from the edge of driveways. All other streets conform to the average 30' O.C. spacing; Landscaping Budget: The estimated Total Building Construction Cost for the project is $7 million. Per Table 13-9 in the LDR's, the required landscaping budget is $77,500. Per the attached Landscaping Cost Estimate, prepared by Michael Lawrence Associates, PLC, the project proposes $32,090 in plantings. As part of the original Phase 2 approval, the board had granted $51,520 landscaping credit for the installation of the split rail fencing along the edge of the wetlands to the east of the project. The applicant is now also requesting an additional landscaping credit for $13,323 for installation of Vinyl fencing, which would bring the total landscaping budget to $96,933. Private ROW / Units 92N — 96N: Fields Edge Lane is a proposed Private ROW that serves Units 92N — 96N. Per the Staff Notes & LDR's: "Dead end streets may not exceed 200 feet in length." The proposed dead end road is 486'. As discussed at the hearing, detailed in tht-(aftk1 &_6cfdbeV of "may", TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 80) 878 9989 1 ohc, <o)olearyhwkex om Section 2.01(A)(5): The words "may" and "should" are permissive." Please refer to the attached except from the LDR's for the Rules of Construction, Intent and Usage. The wording/definition of "may" allows the DRB to approve the road as is, without obtaining the City Attorney's opinion on whether "may" is the same as "shall". The DRB has also recently approved similar projects (e.g. Goldberg project - 325 If Private dead end road with no potential for future connection). The plans have also been revised from (5) single family homes off a Private ROW to (3) single family homes (Units 94N — 96N) and (1) duplex (Units 92N/93N). All of these units will "Front" the private drive and will comply with the Residential Design Guidelines (8' garage setback). Please find the following attachments: 1. Landscape Cost Estimate; 2. LDR Section 2.01 Rules of Construction, Intent & Usage; 3. Hearing Follow up Email from David Burke to Ray Belair, dated 10/21/15; 4. Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and digital (pdf) copies of revised Plan Sheets 1, 3, 8, P1-P3 & 1-1-1-5; If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC Enc. cc: Scott Ireland AhA Michael Lawrence Associates PLC Landscape Architects / Site Planning Consultants October 30, 2015 South Village LLC c/o Robin Jeffers PO Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05407 Re; Landscape Cost Estimate for Planting —Street Trees, Foundation & Edible Perimeter South Village— North Phase Residential Development Jefferson Road —South Burlington, Vermont STREET TREES Ou Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total 5 Acer x freemanii `Celzam' 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 3,125 4 Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumanii' 2-2.5 in. $600 $ 2,400 11 Ginko biloba `Autumn Gold' 2-2.5 in. $738 $ 8,118 23 Ginko biloba 'Magyar' 2-2.5 in. $725 $16,675 14 Ginko biloba `Princeton Sentry' 2-2.5 in. $738 $14,332 37 Gleditsia triacanthos `Shademaster' 2-2.5 in. $580 $21,460 20 Gleditsiatriacanthos `Sunburst' 2-2.5 in. $580 $11,600 13 Platanus x acerifolia `Columbia' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 7,540 19 Ouercus bicolor 2-2.5 in. $580 $11,020 6 Quercus imbricaria 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 3,750 15 Quercus macrocarpa 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 9,375 14 Quercus muehlenbergii 2-2-5 in. $625 $ 8,750 8 Ouercus rubra 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 4,640 10 Tilia cordata `Greenspire' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 6,900 9 Tilia cordata `Glenleven' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 6,210 7 Tilia euchlora 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 4,830 2 Tilia tomentosa `Green Mountain' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 1,380 17 Ulmus americana `Valley Forge' 2-2.5 in. $660 $11,220 10 Ulmus davidiana `Jacan' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 6,600 6 Ulmus morton `Accolade' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 3,960 9 Ulmus morton `Glossy' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 5,400 TOTAL STREET TREES........................................................................... $169,285 MEMBER I Eight Linden Lane Essex Junction, Vermont, 05452 American Society PH/FAX 802-878-2778 C 802-578-9591 of Landscape Architects mike@mclasia.com EDIBLE FARM PLANTING Qu Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total ARONIABERRIES 20 Aronia arbutifolia `Brilliantissima' 3 gal. $ 50 $ 950 11 Aronia melanocarpa `Autumn Magic' 3 gal.. $ 50 $ 550 8 Aronia melanocarpa `Viking' 4-5 ft. $ 87 $ 696 QUINCE 12 Chaenomeles speciosa 3 gal. $ 58 $ 696 HAZELBERT 11 Corylus Americana 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 SEABERRY 8 Hippophae rhamnoides `Askola' 3 gal. $ 75 $ 600 1 Hippophae rhamnoides male 3 gal. $ 75 $ 75 APPLES 14 Malus domestica `Honeycrisp' 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,610 18 Malus domestica `Liberty' 5& 7 gal. $115 $2,070 10 Malus domestica `Snow Sweet' 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,150 9 Malus domestica `Sweet Sixteen' dw. 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,035 CHERRIES 18 Prunus maritime 3 gal. $ 67 $1,206 16 Prunus tomentosum (Nanking) 3 gal. $ 67 $1,072 ELDERBERRIES 11 Sambucus canadensis `Adams' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 11 Sambucus canadensis `York' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 BLUEBERRIES 18 Vaccinium corybosum `Bluecrop' 3 gal. $ 58 $1,044 11 Vaccinium corybosum `Blueray' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 16 Vaccinium corybosum `Chippewa' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 928 14 Vaccinium corybosum `Northland' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 812 18 Vaccinium corybosum `Patriot' 3 gal. $ 58 $1 044 TOTAL EDIBLE FARM PLANTING LANDSCAPING .............................. ........$18,090 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS (Plant material described on Sheets L-2 average $350.00/unit) 40 UNITS 350 $14,000 TOTAL FOUNDATION PLANTING.............................................................. $14,000 TOTAL PLANTING........................................................................$201,375 David Burke ,om: David Burke gent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:07 AM To: 'rbelair@sburl.com'; 'dalbrecht@ccrpcvt.org' Cc: Peter Heil; 'robin@sdireland.com'; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) Subject: RE: 2012-48: South VIllage - Phase 2 Ray / Dan: Also discussed last night, Black Dog Drive of the Goldberg project on Dorset Street which is within the Southeast Quadrant and has no extension provision / ability was approved at greater than 200 feet. Based on follow-up, Black Dog Drive is 325 feet in length. David From: David Burke Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 8:39 AM To: 'rbelair@sburl.com'; 'dalbrecht@ccrpcvt.org' Cc: Peter Heil; 'robin@sdireland.com'; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien(dSDIRELAND.COM) Subject: 2012-48: South VIllage - Phase 2 Ray / Dan: I am writing as a follow-up to last night's hearing on South Village Final Plat #SD-15- 32, which was left open and continued to 11/17/15. Specifically, I am writing in regards to the iscussion "Dead ends may not exceed 200 feet in length". Part of the discussion was obtaining the City Attorney's opinion on whether "may" was the same as "shall" and then Tim Barritt's question of "may not". As S. 2.01 of the LDR's was brought up last night, I reviewed and am following up on the same, as it does provide the answer. Per the attached, S 2.01A. (5) allows the DRB to waive the 200' length as it clearly states the words "may" and "should" are permissive (S2.01A(5)). By extension of this definition the discussion on "may not" is the same as "should not". This is further supported by S 2.01A.(4) which states the words "shall" and "must" are mandatory and are not optional or merely directory. As S. 201 of the LDR's include the discussed definitions, it is not appropriate to seek the opinion of Legal Counsel. Should you disagree, please include this e-mail with attachment to your request. Regardless, based on these definitions, we will continue to propose the road at approx. 450 If. Thank you for your consideration. David W. Burke 1 ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS 2-1 2 DEFINITIONS 2.01 Rules of Construction, Intent and Usage 2.02 Specific Definitions 2.03 Definitions for Flood Hazard Purposes 2.01 Rules of Construction, Intent and Usage A. In the construction of these regulations, the following provisions and rules shall be applied, except when the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) The "City" is the City of South Burlington, Vermont. (2) Words used in the present tense shall include the future and words used in the future tense shall include the present. (3) Words in the singular number shall include the plural and words in the plural number shall include the singular number. . The words "shall" and "must" are mandatory and not optional or merely directory. *. The words "may" and "should" are permissive. (6) The word "person" includes an individual, firm, association, corporation, partnership, trust, company or other organization, governmental body or agency, and any other legal entity. (7) The word "lot" includes the words parcel, plot, tract of land, or piece of land. (8) The words "used" or "occupied" include the words intended, designed or arranged to be used or occupied, employed for, constructed for, altered for, converted for, rented for, leased for, maintained for, utilized for, or occupied for. (9) The word "includes" shall not limit a term to the specified examples, but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or character. (10) The terms "such as" and "for example" shall be considered as introducing typical or illustrative, rather than an entirely exclusive or inclusive designation of, permitted or prohibited uses, activities, conditions, establishments or structures. (11) A "building" or "structure" includes any part thereof. "Building" shall have the same meaning as "structure." (12) The word "built" includes "erected," "constructed," "reconstructed," "altered," "enlarged," or "moved." (13) The word "premises" shall include land and buildings thereon. (14) The masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter, and vice versa. (15) The words "adjacent" and "next to" shall have the same meaning as "abut." (16) The words "original" and "existing" mean the conditions existing on the effective date of these regulations. South Burlington Land Development Regulations Effective September 24, 2013 ray From: Craig Lambert Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 7:27 AM To: ray; Dan Albrecht Subject: RE: South Village - Phase 2 new plans The plans look good Craig Lambert South Burlington City Arborist 104 Landfill Rd South Burlington, VT 05403 Ph: 802-658-7961 Fax: 802-658-7976 email: clam bert(c)sburl.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email.. Thank you for your cooperation. From: ray Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:47 PM To: Craig Lambert <clambert@sburl.com>; Dan Albrecht <temp.planner@sburl.com> Subject: FW: South Village - Phase 2 new plans Craig, We just got these revised plans in showing more street trees. Could you take look and let us know if you have any comments. Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of'documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify its immediately by return email. Thankyoufor your cooperation. From: Peter Heil [mailto:pheil@olearyburke.com] Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 8:18 AM To: ray <ray@sburl.com> Subject: RE: South Village - Phase 2 new plans ray From: Robin Jeffers <robin@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:19 PM To: ray Cc: Patrick O'Brien; David Burke; Peter Heil (pheil@olearyburke.com) Subject: South Village Phase 2 Final Plat Amendment Applicaiton Hi Ray, Thank you for your time this morning. Upon further consideration of zoning requirements for proposed units 92N-96N of our current application, we would like to request these units be withdrawn from consideration at this time from our application. We prefer to take more time to review this section of homes and come in with a separate application for their review. We will consider the acreage where there are currently identified as a reserved area 'future development'. Thanks again. Robin Robin Jeffers S D Ireland PO Box 2286 S. Burlington, VC 05401 802-863-6222 Cell: 802-316-6004 robin( c@sdireland.com www.southvillage.com � I Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: �I L)2-1l6� To: f)'aq & IG�� From: Project(s):So 1 Description: � ` Plan - m I nl • dMQ9 f �-- �� Message: r f a daChu x Ila I(t n I`l � Copies To: angle = 21-16-49 Radius '1 11,250.00' length 46.97' length 92.85' length ,= 92.32' INTERSECTION STA. 219+80.75 = S,�A. 409+76.62 +� J 00 o_ 10.g, i � 1 O.g, 1 O' 3. TA. 1 g� 6 \ I \ \ I \ rA PLANS PREPARED BY: 0 X 0- 17 V CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. / P.O.BOX485 SHELBURNE, VT OW2 302-BB62323 FAX 602AB. 0 1 Deb: www.cae-M.wm /7 D A DY ACL / I / CBEOEED / CQ DSM / 0 II APPROVED Y DSM I I l I M TC APPLICANT: T ' 1181 SOUTH VILLAGE D — 01 0' I NY STATE STANDARD TRA/1RICKFF] RATED PAVERS COMMUNITIES 1 92 GGRPAEPMI ITE SL E EDGING , LLC. BITUMINOUS EMULSIFIED I _ ASPHAULT TACK COAT PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 15 1 4" MA%. 2' MAX ° I" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT °°° ° ° °£WEARING COURSE, TYPE III LANDUSEPLANNER/ARCMTECT \� 2 J. BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT O O O O OOOOOOOOCj0000000000 O BINDER COURSE, TYPE II LOONEY RICKS KISS °a0 °OO °O °O °O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O C °O °OO °o0 00 °O °0 °O O O O O O O O O O a O O O O O O U °OO °°O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 3" FINE CRUSHED GRAVEL NASHVILLE, IN SEE ROAD SECTION O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 o O O O O O O O� \ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 09 O O O O O O C DETAIL FOR PAVING 15" COURSE CRUSHED GRAVEL 1,4f, N \ \ INSTRUCTIONS UOOOOOOOOo 0000000 0000000000000000CIOOo 0o 0000000C U ED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o c CML ENGINEER P U Nj \\ 0 0 o 0 0 0aaao0aoa000aaaoo Oaoaaaaaa o a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o a 0 a 0 0 0----1 -III— —III-� a a a aa000 (—III— — CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT \ 0 00000 a 00000 III —III —III- 1�—III- S T T I O N \ I o 0 —_i. TRAFFIC ENGINEER UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TND ENGINEERING B" MIN. COURSE CRUSHED GRAVEL --� OSSIPEE, NH � MINI ROUNDABOUT DETAIL LANDSC.4PEARCHITECT N.T.S.LAND-WORKS MIDDLEBURY, Vr Data: ` In'CIL4ed angle 32-49-11 Radius = 00' PROJECT TITLE: Tangent lengtR-- 6.26' Arc length = 1-28 Chord length = 127.13' \ 1 / i *TEMPORARY `7- INTER�ECTI sTA.i219+* �PHALT CURB STA. 1 0+00 I I GRAPHIC SCALE lo IN FEET I I I I I' 1 ■ I inch = 10 ft. zT� 0.5" T� 4" TO CENTERS FOR FORMED OR ROLLED ON 12" OF NO CONCRETE PAVEMENTS ONLY TYPICAL 12" NO DEPRESSIONS SECTION DEPRESSIONS ry 7. ONCRETE PAVEMENT MCOURSE,CTYPE WEARING III PROFILE }INOUS 2 " BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT BINDER COURSE, TYPE II B" NO RUMBLE STRIP WIDTH VARIES — 2R 2R — 4" SECTION A —A } BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT WEARING COURSE, TYPE III 2 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT CHANNELIZATION ISLAND BIDDER COURSE, TYPE 11 N.T.S. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 4:_NAx. LEGEND -27-071 DSM IRENSEO FOR PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION L SITE LAYOUT PLAN MINI -ROUNDABOUT APRIL, 2007 AS SHOWN C3.2 PROJ. N0. 01243 CIS/!! E'P, IrII ECU'dI Ir AS_!�OC.I rE it Ir, 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com uctooer 1 b, Lul b Mr. Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Communities, LLC Phase II Open Space Summary Dear Mr. Belair: At the request of Robin Jeffers, from South Village Communities, LLC, we have undertaken a reconciliation of the current status of the open space and development envelopes associated with each of the three (3) phases of the South Village project. Outlined below is a summary of the originally approved master plan identified open space areas and the reconciled values based upon the development footprint for Phases I and II most recently approved by the City. Master Plan Permitted Dev. Area Open Sp. Dev. Area Open Sp. Phase 1 35.30 21.89 32.72 24.69 Phase II 19.70 16.54 18.68 16.43 Phase III 13.10 116.601 13.13 117.76 Total 68.10 155.03 64.531 158.88 223.13 Ac. 223.41 Ac. This summary does include a 0.27 acre reporting inconsistency which we are conducting further forensic review to determine if this discrepancy falls within the original Master Plan reporting of the land areas. Still, either way, the Phase I and Phase II project envelopes create more than three (3) acres of additional open space in comparison with the master plan approval. It should be noted that the open space values reported here either for the master plan or detailed approvals do not include any of the open space parcels internal to the overall phase development footprint. We have attached the spreadsheet showing the background documentation of the values for your use. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshafl, P.E. Principal Engineer PAAutoCADD Proiects\2001\01243\Permitting\Belair Open Space Summary.rtf South Village Open Space Summary Raw Land 223.14 Total Land South Burlington 2.61 Total Land Shelburne 225.75 Total Land Master Plan Values Development Lands 30.30 Phase 5.00 Phase 1 - School Site 19.70 Phase 2 13_10 Phase 3 68.10 Acres Total Open Space So. Burl Open space Phase I Permitting Development lands 25.61 Phase 1- South 6.78 Phase I - North 32.39 Acres Phase I Permitting with Soccer Fielc Development Lands 25.61 Phase 1(calc) 5.04 Phase 1- School Site 2.07 Lot 11A 32.72 Total Development Lands Phase II Permitting Open Space Lands 18.90 Open Space Ph 1- South (includes 2.61 acres in Shelb.) 5.60 Open Space Ph 1- West 13.00 Open Space - Ph 2 Ag Land 3.30 Open Space - Ph 2 North 0.24 Open Space - Ph 2 NW 116.60 Open Space - Ph III Phase 2 - Lot & ROW Areas 157.64 Acres 2.27 N.Jefferson Rd 155.03 Acres 0.95 Churchill Street 223.13 Total S. Burlington Acreage 1.76 Preserve Road (0.01 acre rounding error) 2.22 Common Land C 3.11 Common Land D Open Space Lands 193.82 Listed Open Space (Lot 48) 191.21 Open Space In South Burl 226.21 Total Land 0.46 acre reporting error Open Space Lands 5.67 Open Space (lot 1- Ph 1 West) 2.71 Soccer Field Parcel 184.6 Open Space (Lot 48 listed) 192.98 Total Open Space Lands 2.61 Total Land Shelburne 190.37 Total S. Burl Open Space 223.09 Total S. Burlington Acreage 0.05 acre rounding error Development Lands Open Space Lands 25.61 Phase 1 5.67 Open Space (Lot 1- Ph 1 West) 5.04 Phase 1- School Site 2.71 Soccer Field Parcel 2.07 Lot 11A 12.67 Ph II Lot 63 (Ag Land) 18_68 Phase II Lots 0.24 Ph II NW Corner 51.4 Acres 3.52 Phase II North (woods) 117.76 Open Space (Lot 48 Listed) 13.13 Phase III Area 18_92 Phase 1-III South Open Space 174.62 Total Open Space 226.02 Total Land 223.41 Total S. Burlington Acreage 0.17 acre reporting error Fture Phase III Permitting Development Lands Open Space Lands 25.61 Phase 1 5.67 Open Space (Lot 1- Ph 1 West) 5.04 Phase 1- School Site 2.71 Soccer Field Parcel 2.07 Lot 11A 12.67 Ph II Lot 63 (Ag Land) 18.68 Phase II Lots 0.24 Ph II NW Corner 13_13 Phase 111 3.52 Phase II North (woods) 64.53 Arcres 117.76 Open Space (Lot 48 Listed) 18.92 Phase 1-III South Open Space 161.49 Total Open Space 226.02 Total Land 223.41 Total S. Burlington Acreage 0.27 acre reporting error Master Plan Permitted Dev. Area Open Sp. Dev. Area Open Sp. Phase 1 Phase11 35.30 19.70 21.89 16.54 32.72 18.68 24.69 16.43 Phase 13.10 116.60 13.13 117.76 Total 68.10 155.03 64.53 158.88 Ac. 223.13 Ac. 223.41 0.17 acre reporting error 1.59 Common Land A 0.94 Common Land B 0.25 38N 0.2 39N 0.25 40N 0.18 41N 0.24 42N 0.17 43N 0.17 44N 0.17 45N 0.17 46N 0.17 47N 0.17 48aN 0.17 49aN 0.2 50N 0.22 51N 0.23 52N 0.23 53N 0.21 54N 0.2 55N 1.01 68N 0.22 66N 0.29 67N 0.32 92N-93N 0.13 94N 0.13 95N 0.14 96N 18.68 Acres ray From: Patrick O'Brien <pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 9:31 AM To: ray Cc: Peter Heil (pheil@olearyburke.com); Robin Jeffers; David Burke Subject: RE: waivers Hello again! In regards to the required lot width to depth ratio of 1:2, 1 read that as saying that a lot must be twice as long as it is wide. I just measured lots 94n, 95n and 96n and they are 68' wide by 132' deep which calculates out to a 1:1.94 ration, so please add this to our waiver request. In the event that the required ratio also counts for the duplex lot (with units 92n & 94n), we also need a waiver for that lot, because it is practically a square which would give it a 1:1 ratio. Thanks Ray From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:59 AM To: Patrick O'Brien Subject: RE: waivers Patrick, Any waiver previously approved, unless altered by the DRB, are still in effect. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Ifyou have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Patrick O'Brien [mailto:pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM] Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:46 AM To: ray <ray@sburl.com> Subject: waivers Good morning Ray, in regards to the new waivers we are seeking, there is only 1, which is to allow the street trees to be planted more than 30' apart. I have directly asked Craig Lambert to weigh in on this so I hope he does. In our original phase two application, we requested and received the following waivers, all of which I believe (please confirm) are still alive: 1. The minimum lot width to depth ration of 1:2 for lots 39-47, 48a,49a and 50-55. 2. The garage setback requirement for lots 40,41 and 60 with a condition that the garages will be side loaded. 3. The section of Marsh Road extending from Churchill Street to Spear street which is nearly 1,000 feet in length. (Please keep in mind that we changed the name of Marsh Road to Preserve Road, so now this waiver in for Preserve, not Marsh. 4. The section of North Jefferson Road extending south of Marsh Road which is nearly 900 feet in length. Thank you very much. Patrick O'Brien S.D. Ireland Companies 193 Industrial Avenue Williston, VT 05495 Office 802-863-6222 x 242 Cell 802-373-0096 e-mail pobrien@sdireland.com ray From: Patrick O'Brien <pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:46 AM To: ray Subject: waivers Good morning Ray, in regards to the new waivers we are seeking, there is only 1, which is to allow the street trees to be planted more than 30' apart. I have directly asked Craig Lambert to weigh in on this so I hope he does. In our original phase two application, we requested and received the following waivers, all of which I believe (please confirm) are still alive: 1. The minimum lot width to depth ration of 1:2 for lots 39-47, 48a,49a and 50-55. 2. The garage setback requirement for lots 40,41 and 60 with a condition that the garages will be side loaded. 3. The section of Marsh Road extending from Churchill Street to Spear street which is nearly 1,000 feet in length. (Please keep in mind that we changed the name of Marsh Road to Preserve Road, so now this waiver in for Preserve, not Marsh. 4. The section of North Jefferson Road extending south of Marsh Road which is nearly 900 feet in length. Thank you very much. Patrick O'Brien S.D. Ireland Companies 193 Industrial Avenue Williston, VT 05495 Office 802-863-6222 x 242 Cell 802-373-0096 e-mail pobrien@sdireland.com ray From: Dave Wheeler Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 1:07 PM To: ray; Dan Albrecht Subject: RE: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Dan/Ray, Our comments have been sufficiently addressed. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain the stormwater treatment practice. Thanks, Dave David P. l heeier Assixtant Stormn.ater Superintendent Departmentof Pub-1- 7,v'orU . City- of South Burtingtun (3 )6>S 7961 Eat. 11 Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Peter Heil [mailto:pheil@olearyburke.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:53 PM To: ray <ray@sburl.com>; Dan Albrecht (dalbrecht@ccrpcvt.org) <dalbrecht@ccrpcvt.org>; Tom Dipietro <tdipietro@sburl.com>; Dave Wheeler <dwheeler@sburl.com> Cc: David Burke <dwburke@olearyburke.com>; Patrick O'Brien <pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM>; Robin Jeffers <robin@SDI RE LAN D.COM> Subject: RE: South Village Communities —Overall Phase 2 Plan All, Please find the following comments / attachments per Dave Wheeler's comments below: 1. The project is located within the Munroe Brook & Barlett Brook Watersheds. The project falls under jurisdiction of the State Stormwater Discharge Individual Permit and is in compliance with the provisions of 10 V.S.A. Section 1264, the Stormwater Management Rule for Stormwater-Impaired Waters (see attached draft permit); 2. Please find the attached revised Plan Sheets S1 & S2 for the drainage areas within each watershed and the Stormwater treatment practices details & specifications; 3. Per the State requirements, the stormwater treatment facilities have been designed to accommodate up to the 100-year storm event. Please find the attached updated model. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC From: Robin Jeffers [ma iIto: robin@SDIRELAND.COM] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:36 PM To: Peter Heil Cc: David Burke; Patrick O'Brien Subject: FW: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Peter, Please see comments and requests below- thanks. Robin From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:30 PM To: Robin Jeffers Subject: FW: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan See comments below. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Dave Wheeler Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:25 PM To: Dan Albrecht <temp.planner@sburl.com> Cc: ray <rav@sburl.com> Subject: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Dan, The City Stormwater Section has reviewed the "South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan" prepared by O'Leary Burke, dated 6/25/15. We would like to offer the following comments: 1. The proposed project is in the Munroe Brook watershed. 2. Please provide an updated drainage area map for the stormwater treatment practices. 3. Please submit updated modeling for the stormwater treatment practices, including the 25 year storm. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. - Dave David P. Meeaer Assistant Stormu,aterSuperintendent Department of Pubh.'tb"ark s City of South Bursmetton (862)4353--961 Ext_ 113 2 jNotice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning //{ a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which maybe inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. ray From: Terry Francis Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 1:43 PM To: ray Subject: South Village phase II Afternoon Ray: Just wanted to give you written comments on the projects due 10/09. South Village phase II changes look good, with a couple of comments: Lots 40,41 and 67 are greater than 150' off the public way and shall be sprinkled. All hydrants shall be tested and approved by the water folks BEFORE construction is started. There is a single family home under construction that has no hydrant closer than 1200' away (residential std is 500' spacing). I have called Robin about this very issue and SDI is working quickly to resolve same as they are wholly liable if the building is lost. DC Terence Francis, CFI Fire Marshal South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset St. S. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4134 Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. ra From: Peter Heil <pheil@olearyburke.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 11:50 AM To: ray; Paul Conner; Doug Brent; Justin Rabidoux; Dan Albrecht (dalbrecht@ccrpcvt.org) Cc: David Burke; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM); robin@sdireland.com Subject: South Village - Phase 2 Plan Set revisions Attachments: Private Drive P&P (8).pdf; Overall Plan (1).pdf All, Thanks for meeting with us to go over the South Village — Phase 2 amendment proposal. As discussed, the changes from the approved project to what we are proposing now include: • Curbed roads proposed (previously designed with no curb and shallow roadside swales); o Stormwater catch basins brought inside the road system; o Utility alignment / separation revisions associated with the storm changes; • Add sidewalk on both sides of road (previously only on one side); • New Lots/Units 92N-96N, located on previous "Lot 48 — Retained Parcel"; • Revised interior/northern Churchill lots: now showing (2) multi -family buildings on northern lot and (5) duplex units on interior lot; • 99 units previously approved 4 96 units proposed. The difference of 3 units will be incorporated into other phases of South Village; As requested at the meeting, we had dropped off a complete revised plan set on Tuesday. The revisions on these plans, than what was originally provided as part of the Final Plan amendment include: • Lots/Units 92N-96N have been revised to allow for slightly larger building envelopes. This change resulted in having to adjust the Private Road and Rec Path alignment serving these units; o Lots 92N-96N have been revised to merge (2) lots and show a duplex for Units 92N/93N, as discussed during the meeting; • Sidewalks were revised to be uniform 6' off edge of curb on a sections (previously only new sidewalks were shown 6' off, while approved sidewalks had remained unchanged); • Due do the changes above, the storm, water, sewer, gas, and power alignments, elevations, easements, etc. were revised accordingly; • (1) Parking Lot Area Light is now shown in the parking lot associated with the multi -family building lot (previously none were shown) —Site Plan application for Multi -Family Buildings; • We have applied for amendments for all the applicable State permits associated with these most current plans and revisions; o Minor review comments were made by the various State agencies and Public Works/City Stormwater, and as such the current plans incorporate these changes (mostly to the details & specification sheets); • The applicant is proposing to show 50' spacing for the Street Trees and are requesting a waiver from the 30' spacing requirement; • The Architectural Plans provided are for the multi -family buildings shown on the Northern lot to match what is shown for grading/access/etc. The previously provided Architectural plans were the same plan set from the multi -family buildings on the southern lot within Phase 1 —Site Plan application for Multi -Family Buildings; • As discussed at the meeting, the "Open Space lot" will have birdhouses and "open space" signage to delineate the boundaries between open space and common land area for units 26N-37N; If there are any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I Project Engineer O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 13 Corporate Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 email: pheil@olearyburke.com phone: (802) 878-9990 1 fax: (802) 878-9989 ray From: Robin Jeffers <robin@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 2:37 PM To: ray Subject: FW: South Village Revised Plans Hi Ray, For Final Plat, There have been small changes, the majority of the changes are associated with the lots off Farms Edge Lane (Lots 92N-96N), including lot sizes, road/rec path layout, water, sewer, stormwater alignments & inverts. There have also been small revisions to the plans, details & specifications associated with the stormwater / wastewater / public works review comments. For Site Plan: The architectural drawings provided today are the current plans associated with the buildings on the northern lot, as what we previous had provided to the City were the same architectural drawings for the Phase 1 buildings, and did not match what we were showing for entrances / grading / etc. for Phase 2. Peter Heil dropped off complete full sets of our civil plans and CEAs Plats, so everyone ( SD Ireland, City of SB, State agencies, etc.) are all on the same page. We will still need to provide the required # of sets of the updated Landscaping plans to be included (for both the Final Plat amendment (Sheets L1— L3) and Site Plan applications (Sheets L4 & 1-5)). 1 have also forwarded these same plans to stormwater, DWGWPD and WW. Robin From: ray [mailto:ray(d�sburl.com] Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 2:17 PM To: Robin Jeffers Subject: South Village Revised Plans Robin, I just received complete sets of plans for both of your projects but no explanation of what changed. Could you please let me know why these plans were revised? Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainabilitv.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. LED AREA LIGHTS — CHALLENGER° MEDIUM (XCHM3) Cower US patent 7828456, 8002428 and CAN 2736757 & 2736757 and MX patent 29631 and ISRL 49679 and AUS 2008312668 and US & Int'I. patents pending LIGHT OUTPUT - XCHM3 # of LEDs Lumens (Nominal) Type 3 Type 5 1 Type FT 3 350 mA 128 12200 10500 12700 0 450 mA U 128 14500 12600 15300 3 350 mA 128 11200 11000 11800 450 mA Z 128 13000 12700 13700 SMARTTECTm THERMAL CONTROL - Sensors in both optical and driver enclosure reduce driver current when ambient temperatures exceed 50°C. Current is lowered in imperceptible 5% increments every 5 minutes until safe operating temperature is reached. EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. LEDS - Select high -brightness LEDs in Cool White (5250°K nominal) or Neutral White (4100°K nominal) color temperature, 70 CRI (nominal). DISTRIBUTION/PERFORMANCE - Type 3, 5 and FF. Exceptional uniformity with full cutoff creates bright environment at lower light levels. Improved backlight cutoff minimizes light trespass. HOUSING - Radiused, rectangular -shaped, aluminum housing with stainless steel or electro-zinc plated steel mounting hardware. OPTICAL UNIT - Clear tempered optical grade flat glass lens sealed to aluminum housing creates an IP67 rated, sealed optical unit. Pressure stabilizing breather allows super -tight protection while preventing temperature cycling from building up internal pressures and vacuums that can stress optical unit seals. Patented integral single -blade heat sink does not trap dirt and grime, ensuring cool running performance over the life of the fixture. Two stainless steel captive fasteners allow easy access to driver. One-piece extruded EPDM gasket seals optical assembly against housing. MOUNTING - Use with 5" traditional drilling pattern. An extruded radius 8" arm is shipped standard and compatible with all fixture mounting configurations. The fixture may also be mounted to 3"-5" round poles using the round pole plate adaptor accessory (RPP2), which must be ordered separately. ELECTRICAL - Two -stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2-2002, Location Category C. Available with universal voltage power supply 120-277VAC (UE-50/6OHz input) and 347-48OVAC. Optional twistlock photocell receptacle is available. Photocell must be ordered separately. Fixture Watts: 350 mA -141, 450 mA -187 nominal. DRIVER - Available in 35OmA and 45OmA drive currents. (Drive currents are factory programmed). State-of-the-art driver technology designed specifically for LSI LED light sources provides unsurpassed system efficiency. Components are fully encased in potting material for IP65 moisture resistance. Driver complies with FCC 47 CFR part 15 RFI/EMI standard. OPERATING TEMPERATURE - -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +1227) FINISH - Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGrip° polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard colors include bronze, black, platinum plus, graphite, satin verde green, metallic silver and white. Meets requirements of ASTM 6117 1000-hour salt fog and ASTM G155 1OOO-hour Xenon Arc UV tests (supersedes G53 UV13313). WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures carry a limited 5-year warranty. PHOTOMETRICS - Application layouts are available upon request. Contact LSI Applications Group at lighting.appsQlsi-industries.com SHIPPING WEIGHT (in carton) - 33 lbs./15Kg LISTING - ETL listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards. Suitable for wet locations This product, or selected versions of this product, meet the standards listed below. Please consult factory for your specific requirements. A-- In—M- IP67 C ` ET��s RMS FCC ARRA A.- ­Mad. ^.,OMPLIANT Funding Compliant Intertek Suitable for wet locations Oi Project Name _ Fixture Type I 06/17/13 Industries"- ©2013 A-- rh,.Ughrechn.l.gy Catalog # - _.__ _... _________ ._ I LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED AREA LIGHTS - CHALLENGER° MEDIUM (XCHM3) f Cower` tED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION TYPICAL ORDER EXAMPLE: XCHM3 FT LED 128 450 CW UE WHT PCR Prefix Distribution Licht Source # of LEDs Drive Current Color Temperature Inout Voltage Finish Options XCHM3 - LED 3 - Type III LED 128 350 - 350mA CW - Cool White UE - Universal BILK - Black PCR - Photoelectric Control Challenger 5 - Type V 450 - 450mA NW - Neutral White Voltage BRZ - Bronze Receptacle' Medium (120-277) GPT- Graphite FT - Forward Throw MSV - Metallic Silver 347-480 PLP - Platinum Plus SVG - Satin Verde Green WHT - White NOTE: 1 - Photocell must be ordered separately - see Accessories. LUMINAIRE EPA CHART - XCHM3 i Single i 1.4 F -M 0180° 2.9 �i D90° 2.5 T90° - 4.0 �,— T 0 - 4.1 090" 5.1 Note: House Side Shield adds to fixture EPA. Consult Factory. ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessories are field installed) Description Order Number PC120 - Photocell 122514+ XCHM3 HSS - House Side Shield for Type 3 and FT 496128BLK+++ PC208-277 - Photocell for 208V, 240V or 277V 122515+ BKS-BO-WM-'-CLR - Wall Mount Plate 123111 CLR PC347 - Photocell 159516+ BKA-BO-RA-B-CLR - Radius Arm 169010CLR PC480 - Photocell 1225180+ BKU-BO-S-I9-CLR - Upsweep Bracket for Round RPP2 - Round Pole Plate 162914CLR and Square Poles 144191CLR FK120 - Single Fusing FK120++ NOTES: FK277 - Single Fusing FK277++ +Factory installed PCR option required. DFK208, 240 - Double Fusing DFK208,240++ ++Fusing must be located in the hand hole of the pole. DFK480 - Double Fusing DFK480++ +++Black only. House Side Shield adds to fixture EPA. Consult Factory. FK347 - Single Fusing FK347++ DIMENSIONS 23-1/2" —T 9-1/8" 5 3/8" 17- 3 3-9/16" 777 11-7/16" 7 17 HOUSE SIDE SHIELD(496128BLK) Aiinclustries" American Innoutkn Through Tedinokqy Project Name .- Catalog # Fixture Type _ I 06/17/13 © 2013 I LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED GREENBRIAR® WALL SCONCE Shown with optional decal striping LIGHT OUTPUT - XGBWM3 Distribution/Lumens (Nominal) Milliamps M of LEDs Type FT Type WT Type WW Watts d E 28 2876 2902 3032 34 3 48 4855 4931 5038 55 a E 28 3522 3542 3720 44 48 5900 5972 6115 72 E 28 2787 2792 2898 34 3 48 4553 4660 4580 55 E 28 3377 3369 3517 44 = e 48 5453 5562 5452 72 (XGBWM3) i Cower t,£D CrGHT(NG TECHN01 Q!7V US patent 7828456, 8002428 and CAN 2736757 & 2736757 and MX patent 29631 and ISRL 49679 and AUS 2008312668 and US & Int'I. patents pending SMARTTECTm ENERGY SAVING FEATURES: THERMAL CONTROL - Sensors in both optical and driver enclosure reduce driver current when ambient temperatures exceed 50oC. Current is lowered in imperceptible 5% increments every 5 minutes until safe operating temperature is reached. OPTIONAL INTEGRAL MOTION SENSOR - Passive infrared motion sensor activates switching of luminaire light levels. High level light is activated when passersby enter target zone and increased to full bright in 1-2 seconds. Low light level (30% of maximum drive current) is activated when target zone is absent of motion activity for 5 minutes and is gradually ramped down (10 seconds) to low level. Sensor detection range 110' horizontal x 93' vertical x 10 meters maximum distance. EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. LEDS - Available with 28 or 48 select high -brightness LEDs in Cool White (5300°K nominal) or Neutral White (4200°K nominal) color temperature, 70 CRI (nominal). OPTICS/DISTRIBUTIONS - Ultra -high efficiency reflectors provide three distributions. Choose from Wide Throw (WT), Forward Throw (FT) or Wall Wash (WW). HOUSING - The aerodynamic aluminum housing is a rectangular shape. All mounting hardware is stainless steel or electro-zinc plated steel. Housing and optical unit are sealed with extruded silicone gasket; supply conductors with molded EPDM bushing. OPTICAL UNIT - Clear tempered optical -grade flat glass lens sealed to the aluminum optic housing creates an IP67 rated unit. Pressure stabilizing breather allows super -tight protection while preventing cycling from building up internal pressures and vacuums that can stress optical unit seals. WALL MOUNTING - Galvanized -steel universal wall mounting plate easily mounts directly to 4" octagonal or square junction box. EPDM gasket is supplied to be installed between mounting plate and junction box, sealing junction box from entrance of water. Universal plate permits fixture to be mounted in uplighting (indoor only) or downlighting position. POLE MOUNTING - XPMA (for square) or XPMAR (for round) allows mounting to poles in single and D180 configurations. Use with 3" reduced drilling pattern. ELECTRICAL - Two -stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2-2002, Scenario 1, Location Category C. Available with universal voltage power supply 120-277VAC (50/60Hz input) or 347-480VAC. DRIVER - Available in 350mA and 450mA drive currents (Drive currents are factory programmed). Components are fully encased in potting material for IP65 moisture resistance. Driver complies with IEC and FCC standards. Driver can be easily accessed and removed. EMERGENCY OPTIONS - Integral emergency battery -back-up options are available. BB option operates in 0°C to 60°C ambient temperature and CWBB operates in -20°C to 60oC ambient temperature. When primary AC power failure occurs, both options operate 10 LEDs for minimum of 90 minutes. OPERATING TEMPERATURE - -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +122°F) FINISH - LSI's DuraGrip° polyester powder coat finishing process withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. Guaranteed for five full years. This product, or selected versions of this product, DECAL STRIPING - Optional color -coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to accent the meet the standards listed below. fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. Please consult factory for your specific requirements. WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures carry a limited 5-year warranty. Am,r, an,nnn.a, nn PHOTOMETRICS - Application layouts are available upon request. Contact LSI Applications 1P67 DI SC 1 N H 11,6 N T S Group at lighting.appsQlsi-industries.com pm°n° Wd,SHIPPING WEIGHT (in carton) - 31 lbs./14Kg �/ LISTING - ETL listed to ANSI/UL 1598. UL8750 and other U.S. and international safety A R R A RIMS ` ��" °S standards. Suitable for wet locations in downlight position. C Funding Compliant COMPLIANT Intertek Suitable for wet locations S" dustries" Amencan innwatlon Through Technology Project Name Catalog # Fixture Type 06/13/13 ©2013 LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED GREENBRIAR° WALL SCONCE (XGBWM3) Ct'oss�wer` LED [1GHT'MG TECH(YO[Or" LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION TYPICALORDER EXAMPLE: XGBWM3 FT LED 48 450 CW UE WHT BB Prefix Distribution Light Source N of LEDs Drive Current Color Temperature Input Voltage Finish Options {GBWM3 - LED WT - Wide Throw LED 28 350 - 350ni CW - Cool White UE - Universal BILK - Black BB - Battery Back-up' Greenbriar Wall FT- Forward Throw 48 450 - 450mA NW - Neutral White Voltage BRZ - Bronze CWBB - Cold Weather Battery Back-up' Sconce (120-277) GPT - Graphite IMS - Integral Motion Sensor WW - Wall Wash MSV - Metallic Silver PCI120 -120V Button Type Photocell 347-480 PLP - Platinum Plus PCI208 - 208V Button Type Photocell SVG - Satin Verde Green PC1240 - 240V Button Type Photocell WHT - White PCI277 - 277V Button Type Photocell PCI347 - 347V Button Type Photocell XPMA - Pole Mount Adaptor for use with Square Pole (for single or D180 mounting configuration only)Z XPMAR - Pole Mount Adaptor for use with Round Pole (for single or D180 mounting configuration onv)2 TP - Tamper Proof Color Decals 45 - Light Gold Metallic 55 - Black 20 - Charcoal Metallic 50 - White 94 - Blue Metallic 51 - Dark Red 21 - Tomato Red 59 - Dark Green 700 - Aztec Silver Metallic NOTES: 1 - Available with UE voltage only 2- Designed with 3' reduced drilling pattern. For S or D180 mounting configuration only. 3- Tamper -proof Screwdriver must be ordered separately. (See Accessory Ordering Information.) DIMENSIONS 3" (511 MM) (511 MM) 8-5/8" ~(219 mm) 30° J-BOX CENTERLINE 13.1/2" (343 MM) 8-5/8" (219 mm) 30" 13-1/2" (343 MM) 15-3/8" (390 mm) Shown with IMS option ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessories are field installed) Description Order Number XGBWM3 PLS - Polycarbonate Shield 172787 XGBWM3 SW BLK - Surface Wiring Box 1731568LK+ SCD - Tamper -proof Screwdriver 477974 FK120 - Single Fusing FK120++ FK277 - Single Fusing FK277++ DFK208 240 - Double Fusing DFK208,240++ DFK480 - Double Fusing DFK480++ FK347 - Single Fusing FK347++ NOTES: +SW BILK not compatible with XPMA or XPMAR option. Available in black only. ++Fusing to be installed in a compatible junction box supplied by contractor. 3-7/8" (98mm) �� 511/161, 113/8" �OD (145+ m) (289 mm) 0 7 3/4" �(197 mm) y Universal Mounting Plate 3-7/8" (98 mm) 11-318" (289 al 06/13/13 AW11ndustrieSr"ProlecName Fixture Type �©2013 erim�rnmugn rochnobgy CatalogN___ _� LSI INDUSTRIES INC. Michael Lawrence Associates PLC Landscape Architects / Site Planning Consultants October 6, 2015 South Village LLC c/o Robin Jeffers PO Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05407 Re; Landscape Cost Estimate for Planting—Streeet Trees, Foundation & Edible Perimeter South Village— North Phase Residential Development Jefferson Road —South Burlington, Vermont TREET TREES Ou Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total 4 Acer x freemanii `Celzam' 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 2,500 6 Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumanii' 2-2.5 in. $600 $ 3,600 10 Ginko biloba `Autumn Gold' 2-2.5 in. $738 $ 7,380 6 Ginko biloba 'Magyar' 2-2.5 in. $725 $ 4,350 15 Ginko biloba `Princeton Sentry' 2-2.5 in. $738 $11,070 4 Gleditsia triacanthos `Shademaster' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 2,320 2 Gleditsia triacanthos`Sunburst' 2-2.5in. $580 $ 1,160 2 Platanus x acerifolia `Columbia' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 1,160 12 Quercus bicolor 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 6,960 13 Quercus imbricaria 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 9,375 12 Quercus macrocarpa 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 7,500 6 Quercus muehlenbergii 2-2-5 in. $625 $ 3,750 13 Quercus rubra 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 7,540 6 Tilia cordata `Greenspire' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 4,140 6 Tilia cordata `Glenleven' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 4,140 10 Tilia euchlora 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 6,900 4 Tilia tomentosa `Green Mountain' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 2,760 12 Ulmus americana `Valley Forge' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 7,920 9 Ulmus davidiana `Jacan' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 5,940 4 Ulmus morton 'Accolade' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 2,640 4 Ulmus morton `Glossy' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 2,640 TOTAL STREET TREES........................................................................... $105,745 MEMBER Eight Linden Lane Essex Junction, Vermont, 05452 American Society PH/FAX 802-878-2778 C 802-578-9591 of Landscape Architects mike@mclasla.com EDIBLE FARM PLANTING Qu Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total ARONIABERRIES 20 Aronia arbutifolia `Brilliantissima' 3 gal. $ 50 $ 950 11 Aronia melanocarpa `Autumn Magic' 3 gal.. $ 50 $ 550 8 Aronia melanocarpa `Viking' 4-5 ft. $ 87 $ 696 QUINCE 12 Chaenomeles speciosa 3 gal. $ 58 $ 696 HAZELBERT 11 Corylus Americana 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 SEABERRY 8 Hippophae rhamnoides `Askola' 3 gal. $ 75 $ 600 1 Hippophae rhamnoides male 3 gal. $ 75 $ 75 14 Malus domestica `Honeycrisp' 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,610 18 Malus domestica `Liberty' 5& 7 gal. $115 $2,070 10 Malus domestica `Snow Sweet' 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,150 9 Malus domestica `Sweet Sixteen' dw. 5& 7 gal. $115 $1,035 CHERRIES 18 Prunus maritime 3 gal. $ 67 $1,206 16 Prunus tomentosum (Nanking) 3 gal. $ 67 $1,072 ELDERBERRIES 11 Sambucus canadensis `Adams' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 11 Sambucus canadensis `York' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 BLUEBERRIES 18 Vaccinium corybosum `Bluecrop' 3 gal. $ 58 $1,044 11 Vaccinium corybosum `Blueray' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 638 16 Vaccinium corybosum `Chippewa' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 928 14 Vaccinium corybosum `Northland' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 812 18 Vaccinium corybosum `Patriot' 3 gal. $ 58 $1,044 TOTAL EDIBLE FARM PLANTING LANDSCAPING .............................. ........$18,090 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS (Plant material described on Sheets L-2 average $350.00/unit) 40 UNITS 350 $14,000 TOTAL FOUNDATION PLANTING.............................................................. $14,000 TOTAL PLANTING.............................................................. ..$137,835 PUBLIC BLARING SOUTH fit JRHNGTON DEVELOPNIFNT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review board will hold it public I earing in the South Burlington City Hall Upstairs Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday October 20, 2015 at 7:00 PXf. to consider the following: Final plat application rSD-15-32 of South Village Conrmi IT!iti(U C to amend a previously approved 334 unit planned unit development'The amendment co nsists ofrevising th e play ns for Phase ll of the (level opmen t to: 1) add curbs along the roads, 2)1'add sidewalks along the north side of Preserve Road and the southerly sections of North Jefferson Road, 3 ) revise [lie lot layout between Churchill Street, North Road'and preserve Road, 4) add new single family lots on lot #48, and 5) reduce the number of units in this phase froni 99 to 96 units, 1840 Spear Street. Prelitinary&final ,plat applica(ion#SD 15 33'OfCityOfBurlington/Bur lington International Airport for a planned unit development to amend a previously approved plan for a 65, L50 sq. ft. aircraft maintenance hangar. The amendment consists of: 1) expanding the parking area t u add 14 spaces, and.2) adding two (2) infiltration basins for storrnwater treatment, 228 Aviation Avenue. Preliminary&finalplatapplication #SD 15 34ofBriar) Pollica & I lannah I'= for a planned unit development to amend a previously approved. plan for a building consisting of 1,378 sq. ft. of medical office use air(] 200sq. ft. of general office use.'Ihe application is to construct an 896 sq. ft. addition resulting in the following hreakdown of uses for the entire building: 822.5 sq, ft. forpersonal service use, 629 sq. ft. o£medical office use & 1,035 sq ft. of general office use, 22 Pitchen Road. P Tim Barritt, Chair South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take anysuhsequent appeal October 1, 2015 7-1 hmulo theOther Paper • otherpaper CITY OF SOUTH BtJRI,INGT( PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF S( ORDINANCE; REGULATING TIIE USE OFPLJBLIC F SEWERAGE AND STORMWAl'ER S' Second Reading and Public I fearing October 5,20 15 at 7:00 p.m. PLEASETAKE NOTICE that the South Purtington City Council will ht 5, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the City I fall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Strec adoption of proposed amendments to the City of SOUttiBurlington Or Private Sanitary Sewerage and .StorrnwaterSystems. Theproposedair • Allow certain regulated private storniwatersystenistoobtain St age under the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (; • Establish a storrnwater treatment standard to which certain rc need to be upgraded before the City will allow hem to obtat technical requirements of the treatment standard are contain Analysis (SUFA)', which is incorporated by reference in the Ord • Update (lie City of South Burlington Credit Manual for Storrnw; ence in the Ordinance. Changes to the Credit Manual clarifphov and expand the ability of properties ,,vith National Pollution Di obtain credit lorttea(ing storrnwater. • Clarifythe definitions often I i s used in the Ordinance. • Standardize the penalties for violation 'ofthe Ordinance and al plicable Vermont statutes. • Standardize the Ordinance's organization, for inatting and font. Copies of the Ordinance Regulating the Ilse of Public and Private San the Storrnwater Upgrade Feasibility Analysis, and the Credit Manual amendments, are available for public inspection at the South Burling business hours. furniture, tools, quilts, linens, sn D1JPLI X FOR RENT appliances, rugs and more. (10/ New two bedroom, 1 ,/'„ haths Saturday, October 3. Multi -fan three Level SheIbut tie Duplex, yard sale. 12 White Place Burlit Large shed, deck,, laundry' ton -Off Shelburne Rd behind r1,,.... (1-,- A -„1 --I ..tr-.,r- -- :.. - ray From: Peter Heil <pheil@olearyburke.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:53 PM To: ray; Dan Albrecht (dalbrecht@ccrpcvt.org); Tom Dipietro; Dave Wheeler Cc: David Burke; Patrick O'Brien; Robin Jeffers Subject: RE: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Attachments: Stormwater - POIl (S1).pdf; Stormwater - P012 (S2).pdf; 4096-INDS.lA_Draft Authorization.pdf; 2012-48-STORM2-100 yr-070615.hcp All, Please find the following comments / attachments per Dave Wheeler's comments below: 1. The project is located within the Munroe Brook & Barlett Brook Watersheds. The project falls under jurisdiction of the State Stormwater Discharge Individual Permit and is in compliance with the provisions of 10 V.S.A. Section 1264, the Stormwater Management Rule for Stormwater-Impaired Waters (see attached draft permit); 2. Please find the attached revised Plan Sheets S1 & S2 for the drainage areas within each watershed and the Stormwater treatment practices details & specifications; 3. Per the State requirements, the stormwater treatment facilities have been designed to accommodate up to the 100-year storm event. Please find the attached updated model. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC From: Robin Jeffers [mailto:robin@SDIRELAND.COM] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:36 PM To: Peter Heil Cc: David Burke; Patrick O'Brien Subject: FW: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Peter, Please see comments and requests below- thanks. Robin From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:30 PM To: Robin Jeffers Subject: FW: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan See comments below. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com 1 Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation. From: Dave Wheeler Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:25 PM To: Dan Albrecht <temp.planner@sburl.com> Cc: ray <rav@sburl.com> Subject: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Dan, The City Stormwater Section has reviewed the "South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan" prepared by O'Leary Burke, dated 6/25/15. We would like to offer the following comments: The proposed project is in the Munroe Brook watershed. Please provide an updated drainage area map for the stormwater treatment practices. Please submit updated modeling for the stormwater treatment practices, including the 25 year storm. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. - Dave Daces PP 1761eeler YJ Assistant Stormwater Superintendent Department if Pub ,o ititrt City of South burirngtutt ?sQ2 65S-7961 Ext. 113 Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act. all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law, if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on thi day of r . ZOt a copy ai the foregoing public notice for F ^ y� j pe of application] z. [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) Parcel I D#: 1640-017 30 Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01720 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01803 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dated at �' �l�b"'` [town/city], Vermont, this day of� 20 Printed Name: % 3 " 3 J c Phone number and email: -az - 3t b - a a f-6No,n (s? S i C_6 M Signature:�,..2 -- Date:_ ts'� Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev, 1-2012 ray From: Dave Wheeler Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:25 PM To: Dan Albrecht Cc: ray Subject: South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan Dan, The City Stormwater Section has reviewed the "South Village Communities — Overall Phase 2 Plan" prepared by O'Leary Burke, dated 6/25/15. We would like to offer the following comments: 1. The proposed project is in the Munroe Brook watershed. 2. Please provide an updated drainage area map for the stormwater treatment practices. 3. Please submit updated modeling for the stormwater treatment practices, including the 25 year storm. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. - Dave Da-vid P. Wheeller d A. Storms ater Superintendent 1 eparttatexet £Pubhc Work—, City of South Burhn8tc (SOLD fa 1 8- 7961 Ext_ 1 I Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. g - Plat & Plan References - 12 This sheet is based upon the following plats or plans: i n/f rill L. & C. Long o A. `DOWNING - CALKINS REVOCABLE TRUST -PLAT OF SURVEY', dated o Vol.BS P 67 ^� v March 23, 2005, by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. i L. & C. Long / g' m _ n// h Vol. 411 Pg. 307 L. A. & J. G. D'emers B. `PLAT OF BOUNDARY SURVEY - PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF ILA / i IRS E M. ISHAM. , prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., lest revised June / I _ Vol. 171 Pg. 286 30, 1999. I y I 3/I' ANGLE ,NdY 0 0.23- Acres B" AG 995.48 Z 1 C. "BOUNDARY SURVEY- MBL ASSOCIATES", prepared by I hI of Lot 48 W CR Lor Iia Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, dated January 6, 1994. I (Open Space) Sg2.13'1�� LP LP tn. O Cys 9'� tot 17� iD O IRS D. `SUBDIVISION MAP - VALLEE FARM -WEST PROPERTY", prepared by I rn • J Brooks Land Surveying, Inc., ]set revised May 10, 1997. J/�3vF I CH11 HIu _ _ 'fc 581'53' 57=-- _- e•AC I E. "VERMONT ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY INC. - QUEEN CITY TAP, / 3.52t Area o prepared by Moore Survey & Mapping Corp., last revised January 26, 1978. I 13 O/Lot 48 p - ., IRS x 1 F. "DORSET FARMS - PERIMETER PROPERTY PLAT", prepared by cArF 1. IV Space /nN (Open Space) 0.49d: Acres I iF I 1 1 Lamoureux, Stone &O'Leary Consulting Engineers, dated August 29, /997. 6' AG 14 Ad � - Wetland I G. `PORTION OF THE PROPERTIES OF LUCIEN A. & JANE DEMERS & l� `r �"'"� �, I Area RICHARD K & DAWN V. DERRIDINGER`, prepared by F.H. Reed, dated a—I� 4 10,_ (Typical)- 1 - March, 1981, 4 0� i t H. "PROPERTY SURVEY FOR WILLIAM & GAIL LANG", prepared by Palmer CPAs - - I _ I I n/f y ' 1 ? _ 1 D. V. Derridinger Company Ltd, dated October 22, 1980. a PRE SE" R=12000' RD. \ I I L=744.74' _ _ VOL 583 Pg. 137 I. `SUBDIVISION FOR JAMES & DOLORES SCANLON - DORSET STREET', Proposed prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated August 4, 1980. ` 1 i CHORD PHASE 2 116. 6 - - Acres s� S10'13'32w I�;,, 18.79x Acres _ _ of Lot 48 Nor an LMe J. "A PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED FROM WILLIAM & GAIL LING TO .4 744.62' TOM1 7 o NORMAN A. RAMSEY", papered by Fred C. Koerner, dated Dec. 7982. 11 Agricultural Lease�� (Open Space) I �i Lot 63 A� Ul rw/ I 12.61tAcres PROPOSED L £ (Open Space) PO/YDS am.)SEE SHEET P2 (of 3) for LOTTING I; LnT% SEE SHEET P3 (of 3) for EASEMENTS I _- ��7 ► wetland 1 -- z2s' IPF i Area 'I BENT i 1 � � •- �� � � / I Lor I 1a 'r` l ❑__ W. R. & G. S. Lang -Leend - ALLEN ROAD 01 l , _\ AealAEaoacAL •I I Vol 131 Pg. 299 •yJ oseAc. , - AKA 1' EXISTING PROPERTY LINE csc.e cvch OTHER APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE I ___ ❑_ N8126.O3E - EASEMENT LINE �� e- AC �I 126.09' Lae 101 _ ---_n---- TOWN LINE /� / L--- J " I .a•\ ❑_____❑ r-AG IRS ioi uw CMF ❑ CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND Ifl CMS ElCONCRETE MONUMENT SET 1 I$ V a I a+ + IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE �I I rn y e PHASE 1 nit I FASEMEM �,: '•\ w '�' e 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SEI iT QI = R / I 41 m 35.3± Acres - _ 3E D�rcat Farms UTILITY POLE 1 / 0, vt �---� Homeowners Assoc (Including School Site) - - / 1' OFr •IPF FENCE LINE (� ' I 8" AG 9' AG Vol. 426 Pg. 101 1 ... STREAM R=12000.DO' AG/BG ABOVE GRADE/BELOW GRADE L=157.49' 1�111 ! 5812a1 W Z PC/PT POINT OF CURVATURE/TANGENCY CHORD i11 I 1 .� •�� �$ VELCO VT. ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. SOB 04'38"W I �•� o+ tit 157.49' cs20 PGrt o \ O - '� E.4 WATER N 1 I \ EASEMENT I f TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY Gillis I •PT I I ,A.... 1 �� '•\ FLUSH TO DOfSC� street a- I1 I 1 All TO �� I••� 1241.81' — n E I" OF µIV I I ^ 1. \ R N60'2623" 1" IPF FLUSH ` Proposed g BRASS CAP FLUSH - - FLUSH I/1' IRF ./ _ / ` _ PHASE 3 FLUSH � ` f z �� t0R nlf CO f �\ Lot 49 \\ Dorset Farms South Village Communities, LLC 3 J/ 18.9± ACreS ��� = o Homeowners Assoc. - OF A r STORM \ 0, "; South Burlington VOL 801 P 465 1 '�y A's � ` EASE. WATER (Open Space) be Vol. 426 Pg. 701 IA open Shelburne Vol. 348 Pg. 416 1 v O:o\ �! I c N SP— �9io7.� �i% % — at: wF to 779.05' �-ias _ 1471.75' 251.35' PF APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT — N89'OB'09"E N67.03'56"E FLUSH Areas by Survey cws N89'OS'09"E /T REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, I � ` I�`ro eASEwENr � 223.14 acres (South Burlington) VERMONT, ON THE _ DAY OF 2015, 1 m° `\7Z� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + 2.61 acres (Shelburne) SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 1 OF SAID RESOLUTION 1 1 n/f e \ C n1f 225.75 acres Total SIGNED THIS_ DAY OF 2015, P. & J. Clifford I 7 jo\f so R. M. & D. M. _ 1 I Vol. 165 Pg. 130 of 01-b- LP d BY CHAIRPERSON. m s ton V.�411 s To the best of my knowledge & belief this ti plat, consisting three depicts the �7(\ of sheets, property results of a survey conducted under my supervision and is based upon GRAPHIC SCALE records field evidence round. Perimeter boundaries RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF shown are in substantial conformance r the records THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, �a �W/WA� CAP unless noted otherwise. This plat is in substantial s i AT O'CLOCK ON THE DAY OF - compliance with 27 VSA 1403'Rewrding of land Plats'. ,20 — — (a F�'T 7 ``�7Z 1 lace - 20B ft. _ I ON ATTEST. cnY CLERK ©! Timothy R. Cowan VT LS 597 - Location Map - - - Survey Notes - 1. This sheet depicts the perimeter boundaries of the subject property and the location of Phase 1, 2 & 3 within. 2. The boundary survey was performed during 2004-5 using an electronic total station and GPS. 3. Bearings shown are referenced to Grid North, Vermont Coordinate System of 1983, related to National Geodetic Survey marks PG1580 "F 65" and AB9571 `NE Aiken' established by RTK GPS measurements. 4. Spear Street has a 66 foot wide right of way. Location was determined by existing monumentation and the traveled portion of the road. Reference Town of Burlington "Highways and Roads 1802-1866', Page 22, and Town of Shelburne Town Minutes Volume 1, Page 229. 5. This property lies within the "Southeast Quadrant" and the "Spear Street - Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay" zoning districts. suRvewoRs: 1 C E A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 10 MANSFIELD VIEW LANE, SOUTH BURUNGTON, VT 05403 602-864-2323 web' www.cee-vf.com COPYRIGHT @ 2015 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVEn DRANK GAC rascxso TRC A- TRC DATE BY QYI®aM 08.12.2015 TRC Conform wl Revisions to Sheets P2 - P3 12.08.2014 TRC Revisions to Sheets P2 - P3 10.152014 TRC Lot Naming - Numbering 10.10.2014 TRC Conform with Sheets P2 - P3 12.04.2013 TRC Revisions on Sheet P2 PHASE 2 OVERALL PLAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont DMYIN, NIIYDI.H OCT, 31, 2013 1, ,_Al20 P 1 01243-08 - Survey Notes - 1 v 1. This sheet depicts the boundaries of proposed lots of Phase 2. � I Cl) 2. The perimeter boundary survey was performed during 2004-5 I using an electronic total station and GPS. l 3. Bearings shown are referenced to Grid North, Vermont Coordinate System of 1983, related to National Geodetic Survey marks PG1580 "F 65" and AB9571 "NE Aiken" established by RTK GPS measurements. 1 N12'00'32"E 1 4. Spear Street has a 66 foot wide right of way. Location was 30.31' I determined by existing monumentation and the traveled portion of the road. Reference Town of Burlington "Highways N12'00'32"E /CMS and Roads 1802-1865", Page 22, and Town of Shelburne 52.03- p 1 11C Town Minutes Volume 1, Page 229. I NJ6'11 5. This property lies within the "Southeast Quadrant" and the 314 "A�FO "33" IYp.7'33"W 3 "Spear Street - Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay" zoning districts. <o I -Legend - N76'191'33"W - - - - EXISTING PROPERTY LINE / - - OTHER APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE 13 . - - - - - - EASEMENT LINE / IN ----TL---- TOWN LINE CM" 6"AG¢ M M CMF [3 CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND o1 Iph I IN h CMS E3 CONCRETE MONUMENT SET IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE I 0 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET I / `a, UTILITY POLE 1 I EE FENCE LINE I AG/BC, ABOVE GRADE/BELOW GRADE IcJ4, 1 PC/PT POINT OF CURVATURE/TANGENCY I 1 Exist. 20' wide multi -purpose 42N LOT/UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) ECMS easementfor 61N-70NMULTI-UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) E��v ' FIICstormwatera %/1potential future tL 1 recreation paths - Short Line Table - Line Dist. Beorina L1_ L2 37.81 45.10 N5B'03'16"W N58.03'16"W L3 62.84 S40'36'37"E 4 11.67 N18'16'16"W 41.36 N67'23'12"E 9.36 N67'23'12"E L7 8.85 S89-5939"E L8 31.03 NO2'11'25"E L9 28.74 S02'11'25"W L10 15.10 S8959'39"E L11 12.00 NO6'02.33"W L12 16.63 1 S10'08'48"E L13 33.36 S16'22'57"E L14 33.36 S1622'57"E L15 6.09 S64'57'47"E L16 7.75 S64'57'47"E L17 34.10 N40'14'09"E L18 9.78 N22'22'47"W L19 43.53 N48'35'55"W L20 51.75 N22'36'48"W 0 nif C.E. Long n1f L. Long Revocable Trust Ng3'26'18"E 529 7' Exempt Family Trust 18"E - TO IRS --� 1 N83-26'18"E 23.63' NB3'26' 63.63 41. 5 e 314" ANGLE IRON N83'26'18'E 178.84' 3 N83'26'40"E rn 67N ti�u 0.23 Ac. of Lot 48 5' SETBACK -_�-•�O_____.=--�0\7 ;n �t;- t29.71, 0.29 tic. _ _ - - - _ ��_ = h tN o.2z �. 66N 1' m 120.OD _-----az 60_ - B h = --0 ..IN e°§ _(Open Space) 3"E 952.99 �� N82'13' 594.08�^ - - N83_57'27�E _ " /1}�'' S83284 '7�D '1f I - NB_5'29'25"W '_•t `25.48' ............. J 1.5.16 ; 69 78 6'S6 5. 40N °sa rim// e4�vF l� 68N-79N I Lot 68N 51,93' �� S20'9'29"W 80N-91 N / 1.01 Ac. J12 S1'52'55"W\\ 78'- .- -- R-1000' \II 7Mry .h0 S .25 A. ry i 19. 34' 396. my 38N /\ Sa• , ti� rho- s2� os Omer Pem^ _ 2ry Q25 Ae. 2 OO )pr `)\s, 2p ,O^° �. F �� Exact loceb'on to be I'= r �. g9, F 41 N determined dung B4.25' zo C1 o.1e Ac.00 lI construction Nl,o Ll 0.20 A. (o`3�".. ``3 �O�A k.S� 0.205Ae WIO L2 2. � N84'26'36"E £ 26' R.O.W. II ��110.03' 3' 42N N o 'n 54N 03is• 0.24 Ac. o.\ II SETBACKS 5' ZI m Q21 lc. %C4 m L=69.43'% 571 %a �4' N I 3.5Z AC. N79..2659."E R=100.0' Of Lot 48 z tab a3 L4 \ �. I i (Open Space) 53N 0.m Ae. 0.17 A. \ 0 1p609 0 � ( ���\ 5 a04 �; o\�, II NOTE: 4 ta1' c\ t o 44N o- \ra CAPPED IRON RODS O �\ zto 0.17 A" /\ II PROPOSED AT LOT > 0 \p809 0\ 111 CORNERS (TYP.) Zd O a 523'31'26"E `r ^'�tt 0 0.17 A. �11`1 31.00' SIN W r w� 1p609 0 \11N7 oa 52 t 0.17 Ac. 11 N6 0p1� i. C5 t o. S,,o 57. 1\ �o°�� 48aN°tPo\a9a 47No \ 0.17 A. �' R-6L=93.78 S6q.5 .01\Nc, 0.17 Ac. .j0.06�,,,.�12 R=115.0' a6f 4 L5 N^N R'�V'(�.tY, C6 Y � N°3 g<s•• Y 1z�1 1 C4 54.09 152.00 I I W J73 - I' '67 23 1 C5 13.40 63.00 I I L 744.04• Proposed Street 68 L=es.s7' I� 6 29.95 63.00 I CHORD R 630' R=115.0' rC C7 55.20 170.00 s,o•,3'32"w Dedication Table Ce n.7o no.00 744.62 N. Jefferson Rd. 2.27� Ac. 'f 0.1e C9 60.25 660.00 1 i Churchill Street 0.95� Ac. s87.24 C10 70.00 660.00 90.; 11 57.93 660.00 ' ' % Preserve Road 1.76- Ac. C12 38.50 160.00 I Total: 4.98± Ac. 0.13 1 60.95 560.00 , Agricultural Lease C14 15.04 500.00 I C15 39.62 120.00 C16 5.67 600.00 I 1 C17 41.47 230.00� _ C18 57.16 230.00 C19 31.31 35.00 1 C20 29.48' 65.00' I CMF BROKEN } PHASE 1 �.� LOT 11 B (FOR DEVELOPMENT) 1 1 I� I I 1.25" IPF ' I BENT I \h CMS PHASE 1 LOT 11A To Shelburne Rd i (FOR DEVELOPMENT) ALLEN ROAD - AD C � I [n I I I I II II I I I I\ \ - Curve Table - 1 I Curve Lang. Radius 1 C1 25.42 32ZOO_. ' I C2 25.32 152.00 I I C3 26.13 152.00 [7.1 1 I LOT 63 w 90 C 12.67± Ac. � N o.1s (Open Space) P s0- 0 0 95P z e o.t t S87'24' 90.5 GRAPHIC SCALE SIN FEET ) `>\/x\/y, _ 1 i h = so ft. - � 331.87 of iw_ S10'8'48"E II "---'------ N63 57 27 E CHILL N.I m C) 40.91' CHUR_' �t L=39.39' " N05256' _ N��3' 727"E 27_338,�,"� - N R=Soo.o' \\\ Quiet Pam• APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT r --' I S2 I ►� N76'�B' , \\ Bete �tiontobing 1' REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, ° L11 I 59N I 160N 161N I 162N I C1$ C14 "O.7 Q 1 j construction VERMONT, ON THE _ DAY OF 2015, 63N y1 SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 19N, �'o II OF SAID RESOLUTION. L O J L13 III y` SIGNED THIS_ DAY OF 2015, t _ a �a _ _ \ 0 1 o u 57N \f lf�rA r r 11 1 t C� 1 ` 1 18N , 1 \\ e,p 0a eY CHAIRPERSON. m �t r4pO S89'25'13"WPlii 01 rot 1 56N \ j39.22' 1 65N I �� wts 17N-- r �79'06'45•IW - - J J� oto _ - - tlD �o RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF 3Z 58 W _ 6g.54 _ o oolu! -' 1 // r THE CnY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, C16 r O ZN,53o 0.49 Ac. Ot Lot 48 w 20N� I;1 1 I 16N J V7 1 i / ! AT _ O'CLOCK ON THE DAY OF . 20_. N N NA (Open Space) o I .z L-- 1 1 p Aerand ATTEST.• CITY CLERK _A�O.% rII 21N 15N I 11 f A'SBB'08'41"W z z -J a1\ SAaE C8 ,�j F----158.32'' ml \\I A 31 C7 ml 25N 1 24N I 22N Or 0 14N II ml ll O50N I __ LB .6D0.L u0 J--J 23N N�M d mI N-13N II nail 116.6± AC. 2^ 60_0A- i,-LsD - ---J O,� U m--J'W,I Of LOt 48 84-..��-'''20Jp R-175.00, i .5 L15-W,"a ---- .�` L16 23't 2'E i 26N i 27N / � O O / 27.02' / 27.0 ?0 (7 28N / O/ / 6O• _J SCHEMATIC 9 \ BLDG. Lots - J ^ ry ONLY(TYP.) A (� C19 r--, ti�4M• ry o . j 12N 4 3IN j 0 m " o � o/L wf --\ \ 711t� - it V 1 32N I J J 1 -- I r•� r---I: to,� o ry O 0 o ION 33N I 13 wl I L---� Ilo CO - 1 o 5= OD V z )"E _ (- 1 alvl --- Jn ' 34N o W o `- _ I - ( 12 44 of j -I rrn 96N I 1 1 h+4 1 1 BN a Iv ).t Ae 35N [i] Q 7N T N87-21'01'W 125.00' O L_--O z �/\ � \ /rvrv' Nib \\ \ 36N j �/a �� 6N � CZy �� \\ 37N \ \i'�v / r� V / X j562'5f PHASE 1 . X' LOT 11 N49 4 60 0d - -6o_I/rI' tiE/�N6gz8 (Gpen Space) SEE SHEET P1 (of 3) for LOCATION MAP I SEE SHEET P3 (of 3) for EASEMENTS -OE C A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 10 MANSFIELD WEW LANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 802-864-2323 web: www.ce w.com COPYRIGHT n 2015 -ALL RIGHTS RESRRYED DRAWN GAC STORMWATER TRC DETENTION AREA (TYPICAL) ArmRove TRCD DATE I BY RRYIBION S07'24'37"E 2772' II \� "Quiet Path' AREAACCESS Exact location to be ' determined during construction II To the best of my knowledge & belief this plat, consisting of three sheets, property depicts the results of a survey conducted under my supervision and is based upon records &field evidence found. Perimeter boundaries JEFFERSON shown are in substantial conformance with the records unless noted otherwise. This plat is in substantial ROAD (Exist.) compliance with 27 VSA 1403 "Recording of Land Plats". Timothy R. Cowan VT LS 597 "quiet Path" Exact location to be determined during construction JUL I City of So. Common A Bldg. footpi Rev. bldg h Lot Number Notes & Lot PHASE 2 LOTTING PLAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont DATE DBAvwG NUMBER OCT. 31, 2013 DRmGINAL G ' P 2 1"=80' 01243.08 SHEET 1 "r I - Survey Note - I n/f C.E. Long 1. This sheet is intended to depict easement locabonas and / v/ n/f L. Long Revocable Trust E2 (E�P� EASE. _a extents. Please see Sheets P1 and P2 for boundary E 1 information and notes. 1116 Exempt Family Trust 1G' EASE. (GMP) ) ? -- 1 \E2/3/I" ANGLE IROti-Legend- I 3 Ao-67N PROPERTY LINE 0°JcPROPOSED LOT LINE 1 (Open Space) __�►.� - --- - -- EASEMENT LINE 1 1 0.23 AC. OlLOl4✓� Lot 88N 1 PEDESTRIAN CMF ❑ CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND ' E11 CMS p CONCRETE MONUMENT SET /CMS // 40N \J\ /// PE02. IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE I / r E4 E4.1 `/ \ /� I E2 — _ _T�_— O 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET 3/4 "IPFO / 38N \ \ e / / / ��\ // LLL "Exact rbc location to be �= CHILL r,�� It •i 6 AG 1 ` �� :. f E3 41 N � 11 determined during CHUB _ _ _ _ _ , w \�� . Y... r-O� UTILITY POLE 1 • ll conaWcbon :0 \\ Quiet Porn^ APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT --x FENCE LINE \\ Exactio-h-toba °t REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, 39N i r�rN 1 ►� determined during PROPOSED MTC ��8�� / /� II I O E2 1 /� I 111 construction VERMONT, ON THE OAY OF 2015, a (MODULAR TERMINATION CABINET) •� (�. / / ::/p+' / E2 II y 1 II ; SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS p PROPOSED TRANSFORMER PAD ! 1 \ �v" 26' R.O.W. II 10EASE. (GMP) \ 3. �I OF SAID RESOLUTION. \ j ! E l \ L I e4 PROPOSED SECONDARY PEDESTAL u I ll I E1 SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2015,/ t j1 Ad1 I STORM t SETBACKS 5' I 54N 1 42N LOT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) 1 E5` E1 I I 1 \ f C.4 1 \\d BY CHAIRPERSON. 0 /I �\ 42N O ' ? � I I , "� `' COMMON aC• \ 1 E[2�1 _ t \\ / II . \ , - u 1 52 Ac. - - ,x, 2.22 A-. 1 1 CT� I \ of Lot 48 `1 ` I, cMF1 — 43N 53N E2.1 ` `\ E2 1. 1 r ?I - Easement Notes - 6. AG r �/ i E1 `�j \ II (Open Space) E2 `SE. If l _ _ RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF I I 1oOAIP 1 \ 11 - - THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, El Proposed easements for buried power 8 / ( ) \ �� O \ I I AT _ O'CLOCK ON THE _ DAY OF 20_ \ O 0.49 Ac. of Lot 48 1 telecommunications cables servingGreen Mountain I 44N II 52N (f% 1 1 1 Power (GMP). Typically 10' in with and bounded by / I I \1 11\ j1 II 1 �j\ (Open Space) I I t 1 p, li ?, ` E2.1 N§ and t Z ? ATTEST: CITY CLERK street right-of-way lines, as shown hereon. E8 1 I . e O \I EQUIP. EASE). Proposed equipment easements for transformer pads and I I REC PATH 45N 11 (TYPICAL) E2 modular termination cabinets (MTC) serving Green 1 \ 1\ 51N GRAPHIC SCALE OMP Mountain Power (GMP). Easement boundaries to be 6' 10, EASE. � 1 1 \ � t l\I ( ) E2 constructed.� i i N 1 1 111 distant from each side of structure, as constructed. I Exist. 20'wide E1 0 1 II \i m 1e0 Locations shown schematically hereon. I multi -purpose C El CMS easement for 46N 11 mI I Proposed equipment easements for "secondary / PC stormwater& \ `I \ O �,\ \ 50N E2 _ I'I ;rI� 116.6± Ac. ( IN FRET I E2.1 pedestals" serving Green Mountain Power (GMP). potential future / E2,1 \ 498N -- E2 I �I r inch = eo it Easement boundaries to be 6' distant from each side of 1 recreation paths \�' \ _ LLYYBB gyp_ 1 /'1of Lot 48 structure, as constructed. Locations shown schematically / I \\ 48aN� 1 — 1 l.' en Space) 1 \ - - �j hereon. \\ 47N \ �. ^� AD //�� p p ) SEE SHEET PI (of3) for LOCATION MAP Proposed gas line easement, 10' wide, crossing Lot 42 le — E3 Lots 40 and 41, to be centered on gas line as constructed, E2 — �' rgV Y �� STORM E10 If , SEE SHEET P2 (of 3) for LOTTING serving Vermont Gas Systems (VGS). I \ �C�TJ/��/ \ ` E7 \\ i g OSEWER \, Proposed easements for wastewater lines crossing Lot ? I ux�erosc. E4 39 to service Lots 38, 40 and 41. 10' and 15' in width, I I ? \�� — _'/ ' // \�\ C to be centered on wastewater lines as constructed. ^ I Proposed Street \ I /+ 11 E E5 Proposed storm water management easement over ' Dedication Table s 8TH 1 \ / q COMP�ION '''1 A portion of "Open Space Northwest" parcel near Spear / �," + - - Street, to be conveyed to City of South Burlington. I i N. Jefferson Rd. 2.27± Ac. 1 92N 1 F\P)J iA° E6 Proposed storm water management easement over 1 i Churchill Street 0.95± AG _ _ 0(� 159 A;TkES r' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. portions of "Common Land A" and "Open Space ' I Preserve Road 1.76±AC. r1 I / E6 // ? 10 MANSFIELD VIEWLANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT OWNortheast", to be conveyed to City of South Burlington. 1 93N r E2.1 /i ! 802-864-2323 web:—cea-vecom 1 rDtai: a.srs� Ac. - A ricultural Lease _ _ _� I / / E� Proposed storm water management easements over 2 g LOT 63 r l Y ' �� oPe RrDHT © 2016 -ALL RIGHTS RRSRRVED small portions of "Common Land D", to be conveyed to I V E6 J ( /' DRAIIN City of South Burlington. 1 1 — — '; %, 12.67± Ac. � saN 0 I r I 1 ?/ I CEA Proposed recreation path easement, 12' wide, / — _ - � Q cescr® E8 to be conveyed to City of South Burlington. I (Open Space) - - � I - 1 1NNOI 0. I I I i/J 1 I I Y STORMWATER TRC tl DETENTION AREA Proposed easement for sidewalk over portion ? 95N V W 1 11 l APPann" Ell of "Gammon Land D", in front of units 26 - 29. / E2 I I I I (ErPICALl TRC Proposed easement of irregular shape and A �� I j j I t width for sewer lines, structures and equipment \ 96N I on portion of "Open Space" Lot 48, east of 1 WTt ar sms,ox E10 1 �1 Jj N. Jefferson Rd. BROKEN ; PHASE 1 O \\ I o-Wy �I r' �j f 08.12.2015 TRC Arid Easements 11 - 13 t I� ( 12.082014 TRC Labels for Easement E6 and E10 Proposed 10' wide pedestrian easement over portion of I j LOT 11 B / E8 \ y F Ll ; 11.26.2014 TRC Mufti -purpose Easement E11 "0.23 Acre of Lot 48, Open Space" near Spear St. ? 10' EASE. (GMP) E12 \ REC PATH STolilA / _ i t 10.15.2014 TRC Lot Numbering Changes (FOR DEVELOPMENT) j I g ge E12 Proposed 10' w de easement for buried power I I \h E7 E2.1 1% 10.10.2014 TRC Notes 8 Lot Numbering & telecommunications cables serving Green 1 I EQUIP. EASE. \ Lr III t a 03.22.2014 TRC Add Sheet P3 (Easements) Mountain Power (GMP) from N. Jefferson to 1 (GMp E2 , i �11 (TYPICAL) i III "Retained Parcel". ) S I ' ,\ /. �/ ♦i + I.I E1 Proposed 26' wide R.O.W. in common 1.25" IPFO I — — _ 0' EASE. (GMP) E1 �O�� // I PHASE 2 serving Lots 39N, 40N, 41 N 8 42N. (O.D7 Ac.) 8�47 I ? -- _ /. EASEMENT PLAN -� GMS I PHASE 1- — _ �• E2.1 Es ,� Quiet Path" PC I PEDISTAL i J / Exact �I location to be detinduringLOT 11A construction SOUTH VILLAGE Eg REc PATH <' Rd. (FOR DEVELOPMENT) E2 �j� ' / LLC �— To Shelburne % _ COMMUNITIES, .--.;.............a,o y �.................... PROPOSED .. STORMWATER /. — I I •Quiet Path- AREA ACCESS ALLEN — — = t=-===_____= I Exact location to be ROAD PHASE 1 q 1 Spear Street O� ALL \ . \ ' determined during - - - - _ EN R \ . LOT 11 i� I construction South Burlington, Vermont OAjj (For Development) To the best of my knowedge s belief this plat, consisting W I �l I iiA \ of three sheets, property depicts the results of a survey I J I NORTH conducted under my supervision and is based upon s . DATA Da�rn.�c . �curiex U 1I JEFFERSON records s field evidence found. Perimeter boundaries in OCT. 31, 2013 I II \'� shown are substantial conformance with the records This -C I j ROAD (Exist.) unless noted otherwise. plat is in substantial compliance with 27 VEIN1403 "Recording Land Plats". omcrxu scAll of P3 ? Pas. xD. Timothy R. Cowan VT LS 597 01243.08 sxeer December 18, 2014 Robin Jeffers South Village Communities, LLC PO Box 2286 So. Burlington, VT 05407-2286 Re: Final Plat Approval #SD-14-33 — 1840 Spear Street Dear Ms. Jeffers: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on December 16, 2014 (effective 12/17/14). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plans must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to me in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by June 15, 2015) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. R,bymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7010 0290 0000 2215 0414 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7�9bi������ l��fi�� ���t�jGlC 41/✓�� �tS x�nixli We the undersigned residents of South Village Community request the South Burlington Development Review Board require as a condition of approval of final plat application #SD-14-33 that the developers install sidewalks on BOTH sides and not just one side of the future North Jefferson Road. SignatureA•• ` Flay WIN .WE 1� It VA IMM WR ���M MWIARWAWTJ M2 \ P • A1M •1-1 MIVAW1��/ IT �a #�1�s P.; AA- Cat: IS Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing tf )vening during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 l X B <jkboyd08@gmaiI.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Bill West <bill.west@mac.com> Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 3:00 PM To: JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Cc: Daniel Wilds <dc.wilds@mac.com> Hi Judy I couldn't agree more with you regarding having sidewalks on both sides of the street. It has enhanced the walkability of our village and is what distinguishes South Village from other South Burlington neighborhoods. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are what make us a village rather than just another suburban development. I strongly object to this change in plans both as a resident and member of the South Village Stewardship Fund board. Daniel and I are in Colorado and can't attend the meeting. Please use this email as a signature on your petition and you may quote me if you wish. Thanks, Bill Sent from my iPhone [Quoted text hidden] https: //mail. google. com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=83 8010951 O&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=... 12/ 16/2014 Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing tf evening during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Daniel Wilds <dc.wilds@mac.com> Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 3:03 PM To: Bill West <bill.west@mac.com> Cc: Judy Boyd <jkboyd08@gmail.com> I agree wholeheartedly with Bill, please add my signature. Thanks, Judy! Daniel Wilds [Quoted text hidden] https: //mail. google.com/matL/u/O/?ui=2&ik=838010951 O&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=... 12/ 16/2014 Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing tl )evening during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 Gr�il JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Steve Roy <sroy@wiemanniamphere.com> To: JK B <jkboyd08@gmai1.com> Hi Judy, Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 2:42 PM Thanks for sending this. It's nice to know you have your attention on it. (because I certainly didn't) Do you happen to know anything about the timing of construction for walking trails? My concern is that the things promised for phase I should be completed with phase I before they are allowed to construct phase II. I think your argument for sidewalks on both sides of the street makes sense, especially when lot 11 is developed into something. I could understand if the sidewalk didn't extend into lot 11 at this time, but it should be connected in the future and the houses should have the sidewalks in front of them now. Thanks, sue' tevevl, i-'C.DAIA / SEED AP PP.Yth,CY Iv cid:i Wiemann Lamphere Architects mag 525 Hercules Drive, suite two e001 Colchester, Vermont 05446 @g1 telephone: 802.655,5020 CFB www.wiemannlamphere.com C',rotWe / Susta%vt abl e / SULuti oo s From: JK B [mailto:jkboyd08@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 1:50 PM To: JK B Subject: Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting [Quoted text hidden] https://mall.google.com/mail/u/O/?ul=2&lk=83801095 I 0&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=... 12/ 16/201.4 Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing tl )vemng during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 1 C-1r*'I II JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Betty Andrews <baandrews11 @gmail.com> Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 2:46 PM To: JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Yes Judy. Sidewalks in both sides. Do you need our signatures. Do we stop by your house? BA Sent from my Phone > On Dec 16, 2014, at 1:50 PM, JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> wrote: (Quoted text hidden) https: //mail. google. com/maiVu/O/?ui=2&ik=83 8010951 O&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=... l 2/ 16/2014 Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing tl yvening during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 JK IS <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Ann Owen <owen.ann@gmail.com> To: JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 3:21 PM Thanks for letting us know about all these issues, Judy. I will be happy to sign the petition about sidewalks on Jefferson. How do we find out about the location of the (town?) recreation path options and our SV paths? Ann > On Dec 16, 2014, at 1:50 PM, JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> wrote: [Quoted text hidden) https://mail.google.com/mal1/u/O/?ui=2&ik=83801095 10&view--pt&search=inbox&msg=... 12/ 16/2014 Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing tl yvening during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Liz Robert <jackhammered@juno.com> Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:03 PM To: JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> We strongly support sidewalks on both sided to ensure the safety of our very young child. Liz & Larry Robert South Village Ih*m. eowni ers Sent from my Phone On Dec 16, 2014, at 1:50 PM, JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] Heavy rains mean flooding Anywhere it rains it can flood. Le am your risk. Get flood insurance. www,fboc smart.gov https: //mail. google. com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=838010951 O&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=... 12/ 16/2014 Gmail - Final Phase 2 hearing t' evening during South Burlington Development Review... Page 1 of 1 JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Final Phase 2 hearing this evening during South Burlington Development Review Board meeting Stephanie Mann <smann1031 @yahoo.com> Reply -To: Stephanie Mann <smann1031@yahoo.com> To: JK B <jkboyd08@gmail.com> Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 2:06 PM Hi Judy, I cannot attend tonight but agree that sidewalks should be on both sides of the future North Jefferson Road. Thanks, Stephanie Mann �Quoic_; 1C\1 I11'Id"11 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ul=2&lk=83801095 10&view--pt&search=inbox&msg=... 12/ 16/2014 #SD-14-27 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC —1840 SPEAR STREET PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-14-27 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, seeks to amend a previously approved plan for a three (3) phase, 334 unit planned unit development. The amendment consists of subdividing three (3) duplex lots (#39, 39A, & 40) into two (2) triplex lots, 69, 73, 83, 87, 95, & 101 South Jefferson Road. The Development Review Board held a public hearing on October 21, 2014. Robin Jeffers represented the applicant. Based on testimony provided at the above mentioned public hearing and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the Development Review Board finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant seeks preliminary and final plat approval to amend a previously approved plan for a three phase, 334 unit planned unit development. The amendment consists of subdividing three (3) duplex lots (#39, 39A, & 40) into two (2) triplex lots, 69, 73, 83 87, 95, & 101 South Jefferson Road. 1. The owner of record of the subject property is South Village Communities, LLC. 2. The subject property is located in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) Zoning District. 3. The cover sheet of the plan set submitted is entitled "Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT", prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated June, 2013, and last revised 11/14/13. 4. The applicant is seeking a reversion of the following element of a previously approved proposal, #SD-13-37: Resubdivide lots #39 and #40 into three lots (creating new lot 39A); and then Shorten lots #39, #39A, and #40 by approx. 2' to 113.5'; That Findings and Decision noted, in part: Dimensional Standards: Minimum lot sizes for single family homes remain consistent with prior approvals for this project, and are all above the minimum approved lot size of 3600 sq ft. The applicant has proposed that lots #39 and #40, previously approved for triplexes, become three lots, each with a duplex. Although there is no change in the development density based on SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #SD-14-27 number of dwelling units, this does require a waiver of the minimum lot size for each lot. The new plan shows lot #39 at 0.20 acre; lot #39A at 0.19 acre; and lot #40 at 0.21 acre. The Master Plan approval is silent on the issue of minimum lot sizes for duplex lots. The Board has the authority under the PUD provisions of the bylaw to issue a waiver on these lot sizes if it deems them consistent with the standards. As precedent, several other lots were previously approved as multi -unit dwellings on lots smaller than the 0.55 acre/dwelling lot size base requirement in the LDRs: lots #31 and #32 are each only 0.23 acre in size, lot #46 is only 0.26 acre, and lot #45, a triplex, is only 0.30 acre. Based on this, the Board finds that granting these lot size waivers for duplex lots #39, #39A, and #40 acceptable and consistent with applicable standards and prior approvals for this project. Based on this, the Board finds that granting the subdivision of three (3) duplex lots (#39, 39A, & 40) into two (2) triplex lots, 69, 73, 83, 87, 95, & 101 South Jefferson Road is acceptable and consistent with applicable standards and prior approvals for this project. The Board also finds that as the number of units are not changing, a Master Plan amendment is not required. Site Plan Standards Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. (f) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. There are no changes to the above criteria in relation to this application. SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #SD-14-27 Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements There are no changes to the above criteria in relation to this application. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: (A)(1) Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. (A)(2) Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. (A)(3) The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. (A)(4) The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. (A)(5) The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. (A)(6) Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #S D-14-27 (A)(7) The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. (A)(8) Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. (A)(9) Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. (A)(10) The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). The Board finds that the proposed amendment meets the above criteria. SOUTHEAST QUADRANT DISTRICT This proposed subdivision is located in the southeast quadrant district. Therefore it is subject to the provisions of Section 9 of the SBLDR. 9.06 Dimensional and Design Requirements Applicable to All Sub -Districts The following standards shall apply to development and improvements within the entire Southeast Quadrant Zoning District. A. Height. (1) The maximum height of any occupied structure in the SEQ-NRP, SEQ-NRT, or SEQ-NR sub -district shall not exceed forty-five feet (45'); the waiver 'provisions of Section 3.07(E) shall not apply to occupied structures in these sub -districts. (2) The maximum height of any occupied structure in the SEQ-VR or SEQ-VC sub -district shall not exceed fifty feet (50'); the waiver provisions of Section 3.07(E) shall not apply to occupied structures in these sub -districts. The Table of Uses and Dimensional Standards (Appendix C) also specifies the maximum building height for the SEQ Sub -Districts, applicable at the time of zoning permit issuance. Section 3.07(C) Maximum height related to projects with Master Plan approval, also applies. B. Open Space and Resource Protection. (1) Open space areas on the site shall be located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating usable, contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels. (2) Building lots, streets and other structures shall be located in a manner consistent with the Regulating Plan for the applicable subdistrict allowing carefully planned development at the average densities provided in this bylaw. The Board finds that the proposed amendment meets the above criteria. 4 SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doC #SD-14-27 9.07 Regulating Plans A. Description and Regulatory Effect. The regulatory text of this Article is supplemented with illustrations, officially known as the Regulating Plan, illustrating the dimensional and design concepts. The Regulating Plan contains basic land planning and neighborhood design criteria that are intended to foster attractive and walkable neighborhood development patterns. Design criteria and guidelines set forth below are intended to address basic neighborhood design relationships related to scale, connectivity, and overall orientation that promote pedestrian friendly development as follows in Section 9.07(C). The Regulating Plan is an illustrative guide; it does not have the some force of regulation as does the text in this bylaw. However, the Development Review Board will refer to both the Regulating Plan and the text of this section in its project reviews B. General Provisions (1) The Regulating Plan shall apply to new development within the SEQNRT, SEQ-NR, SEQ-VR and SEQ-VC sub -districts. (2) All residential lots created on or after the effective date of this bylaw in any SEQ sub -district shall conform to a standard minimum lot width to depth ratio of one to two (1:2), with ratios of 1:2.5 to 1:5 recommended. C. Street, Block and Lot Patterns (1) Overall Criteria: Development criteria within the Street, Block and tot Pattern section are intended to provide pedestrian -scaled development patterns and an interconnected system of streets that allow direct and efficient walking and bicycling trips, and decrease circuitous vehicular trips. (2) Street Design: The intention of street design criteria is to provide a system of attractive, pedestrian - oriented streets that encourage slower speeds, maximize connections between and within neighborhoods, and contribute to neighborhood livability. (3) Building Design: The intention of the building design guidelines is to ensure that new housing and commercial development reinforce a pedestrian friendly environment, while allowing creativity in design. (3) A plan for the proposed open spaces and/or natural areas and their ongoing management shall be established by the applicant. (4) Sufficient grading and erosion controls shall be employed during construction and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. In making this finding, the Development Review Board may rely on evidence that the project will be covered under the General Permit for Construction issued by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. (5) Sufficient suitable landscaping and fencing shall be provided to protect wetland, stream, or primary or natural community areas and buffers in a manner that is aesthetically compatible with the surrounding landscape. Chain link fencing other than for agricultural purposes shall be prohibited within PUDs; the use of split rail or other fencing made of natural materials is encouraged. C. Agriculture. The conservation of existing agricultural production values is encouraged through development planning that supports agricultural uses (including but not limited to development plans that create contiguous areas of agricultural use), provides buffer areas between existing agricultural operations and new development, roads, and infrastructure, or creates new opportunities for SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #SD-14-27 agricultural use (on any soil group) such as but not limited to community -supported agriculture. Provisions that enhance overall neighborhood and natural resource values rather than preservation of specific soil types are strongly encouraged. D. Public Services and Facilities. In the absence of a specific finding by the Development Review Board that an alternative location and/or provision is approved for a specific development, the location of buildings, lots, streets and utilities shall conform with the location of planned public facilities as depicted on the Official Map, including but not limited to recreation paths, streets, park land, schools, and sewer and water facilities. (1) Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity shall be available to meet the needs of the project in conformance with applicable State and City requirements, as evidenced by a City water allocation, City wastewater allocation, and/or Vermont Water and Wastewater Permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation. (2) Recreation paths, storm water facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines, and lighting shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent properties. (3) Recreation paths, utilities, sidewalks, and lighting shall be designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility plans and maintenance standards, absent a specific agreement with the applicant related to maintenance that has been approved by the City Council. (4) The plan shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief or his designee to insure that adequate fire protection can be provided, with the standards for evaluation including, but not limited to, minimum distance between structures, street width, vehicular access from two directions where possible, looping of water lines, water flow and pressure, and number and location of hydrants. E. Circulation. The project shall incorporate access, circulation and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unsafe conditions on of adjacent roads and sufficient to create connectivity for pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles, school transportation, and emergency service vehicles between neighborhoods. In making this finding the Development Review Board may rely on the findings of a traffic study submitted by the; applicant, and the findings of any technical review by City staff or consultants. (1) Roads shall be designed in amanner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent properties. (2) Roads shall be designed in a manner that is consistent with City roadway plans and maintenance standards, absent a specific agreement with the applicant related to maintenance that has been approved by the City Council. (3) The provisions of Section 15.12(D) (4) related to connections between adjacent streets and neighborhoods shall apply. The Board finds that the proposed amendment meets the above standards and do not constitute a change where applicable. 6 SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #SD-14-27 9.09 SEQ-VR Sub -District; Specific Standards The SEQ-NR sub -district has additional dimensional and design requirements as enumerated in this SPrtinn A. Street, Block and Lot Pattern (1) Development blocks. Development block lengths should range between 300 and 500 linear feet. If longer block lengths are unavoidable blocks 500 feet or longer must include mid -block public sidewalk or recreation path connections. (2) Interconnection of Streets. Average spacing between intersections shall be 300 to 500 feet. Dead end streets (e.g. cul-de-sacs) are discouraged. Dead end streets may not exceed 200 feet in length. Street stubs are required at the end of dead end streets to allow for future street connections and/or bicycle and pedestrian connections to open space and future housing on adjoining parcels per section 15.12(D)(4). (3) Street Connection to Adjoining Parcels. Street stubs are required to be built to the property line and connected to adjacent parcels per section 15.12(D)(4) of these Regulations. Posting signs with a notice of intent to construct future streets is strongly encouraged. (4) Lots shall maintain a minimum lot width to depth ratio of 1:2, with a ratio of 1:2.5 to 1:5 recommended. B. Street, Sidewalk & Parking Standards (1) Street dimensions and cross sections. Neighborhood streets (collector and local) in the VR sub- district are intended to be low -speed streets for local use that discourage through movement and are safe for pedestrians and bicyclists. Dimensions for public collector and local streets shall be as set forth in Tables 9-3 and 9-4, and Figures 9-8 and 9-9 below. (2) Sidewalks. Sidewalks must be a minimum of five feet (5') in width with an additional minimum five-foot planting strip (greenspace) separating the sidewalk from the street. Sidewalks are required on one side of the street, and must be connected in a pattern that promotes walkability throughout the development. The DRB may in its discretion require supplemental sidewalk segments to achieve this purpose. (3) Street Trees; see Section 9.08(8) (3) Street trees are required along all streets in a planting strip a minimum of five feet wide. Street trees shall be large, deciduous shade trees with species satisfactory to the City Arborist. Street trees to be planted must have a minimum caliper size of 2.5 to 3 inches DBH, and shall be planted no greater than thirty feet (30') on center. (4) On -street parking; see Section 9.08(8) (4). (5) Intersection design. Intersections shall be designed to reduce pedestrian crossing distances and to slow traffic; see Figure 9-6 and Section 9.08(B)(5). SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #SD-14-27 (6) Street and sidewalk lighting. Pedestrian -scaled light fixtures (e.g., 12' to 14') shall be provided sufficient to ensure pedestrian safety traveling to and from public spaces. Overall illumination levels should be consistent with the lower -intensity development patterns and character of the SEQ, with lower, smoother levels of illumination (rather than hot -spots) and trespass minimized to the lowest level consistent with public safety. The Board finds that the proposed amendment meets the above standards and do not constitute a change where applicable. C. Residential Design (1) Building Orientation. Residential buildings must be oriented to the street. Primary entries for single family and multi family buildings must face the street. Secondary building entries may open onto garages and/or parking areas. (Special design guidelines apply to arterial streets). A minimum of thirty five percent (35%) of translucent widows and surfaces should be oriented to the south. (2) Building Facades. Building facades are encouraged to employ a theme and variation approach. Buildings should include common elements to appear unified, but facades should be varied from one building to the next to avoid monotony. Front porches, stoops, and balconies that create semi -private space and are oriented to the street are encouraged. (3) Front Building Setbacks. In pedestrian districts, a'close relationship between the building and the street is critical to the ambiance of the street environment. Buildings should be set back twenty-five feet (25') from the back of sidewalk. Porches, stoops, and balconies may project up to eight feet (8') into the front setbacks. (4) Placement of Garages and Parking. See Section 9.08(C)(4) and Figure 9-7. The front building line of the garage must be set behind the front building line of the house by a minimum of eight feet. Rear Alleys are encouraged for small lot single-family houses, duplexes, and townhouses. (5) Mix of Housing Styles. A mix of housing types is encouraged within neighborhoods and developments. Housing types should be mixed within blocks, along the street and within neighborhoods rather than compartmentalized into sections of identical housing types. The Board finds that the above residential design standards do not apply as the project had a prior approval and the proposed modification are minor in nature and are consistent with the original Master Plan and preliminary/final plat approvals. DECISION Motion by , seconded by , to approve Preliminary and Final Plat Application #SD-14-27 of South Village Communities, LLC, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc #SD-14-27 3. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. 4. Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 5. The final plat plan (survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 180 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning and Zoning. 6. All mylars shall be recorded prior to any zoning permit issuance. Tim Barritt— yea nay abstain not present Mark Behr— yea nay abstain not present Bill Miller— yea nay abstain not present David Parsons — yea nay abstain not present Jennifer Smith — yea nay John Wilking— yea ` nay h Motion carried by a vote of X— 0 — 0. 4k, Signed this :, day of abstain not present abstain not present ///k Tim Barritt, Chair 2014, by Please note: You have the right to appeal this decision to the Vermont Environmental Court, pursuant to 24 VSA 4471 and VRECP 5 in writing, within 30 days of the date this decision is issued. The fee is $225.00. ` If you fail to appeal this decision, your right to challenge this decision at some future time may be lost because you waited too long. You will be bound by the decision, pursuant to 24 VSA 4472 (d) (exclusivity of remedy; finality). 9 SD_14_27_69_et_al_SouthJeffersonRoad_South Village Communities_LLC_ffd.doc E the Other Paper • otherpape'rvtxom -• October 2, 2014 • 19 v Pu-mbliec Notices ITEMS: 2 new picture frames mea- suring 8"x6", $3 each; fitted mat- PUBLIC HEARING Burlington � tress cover for double bed,$5; two � SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Mediterranean style matching wall Tog natural light. I:arr e pictures - senorita and matador, measuring 14"x26", $35 for pair. The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a id living room with gas 802=658-1636. (09/25) public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference ii-ing areas, S bedrooms, 2 Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Octo- acuzzi, and handicap ac- ITEMS: Elvis '68 Comeback Bear, ber 21, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: hborhood. 802-238-27 61, produced byDakin in 2000 to com gslist comma memorate the December 3, 1968 1. Preliminary plat application #SD-14-25-of Halverson comeback special of Elvis. Certifi- Development to amend a previously approved, planned cate of Authenticity attached, $50; unit development consisting of. 1) a 9,356 sq. ft. 275,seat` 'MENT FOR RENT Elvis Collector Trading Cards, 106 standard restaurant; 2) a 71 room hotel (Comfort Suites), )W Qx different cards produced in 1992 with Elvis Presley Enterprises in and 3) an 89 room hotel The amendment consists of; 1) , � plastic sleeves and a binder, $20; razing the 275 seat restaurant building, and 2) constructing iet dead end street. Fenton Bicentennial Plate, heavy 11,242;sq. ft. retail building, 1 Dorset Street. Lftilities not include d chocolate colored glass featuring j. $L 200/month an eagle in the center surround- 2. Preliminary & final plat application #SD-14-27 of South 862-6353 ed by stars and the dates "1776 - Village Communities, LLC to amend a previously 9 1976". Backhas words from Daniel approved plan for three (3) phase, 334 unit planned unit' Webster's eulogy onAdams and Jef- development. The amendment consists of subdividing ZING SUPPLIES: 7 quart ferson. $10: 802-497-0865. (09/18) three (3) duplex lots (#39, 39A & 40) into two (2) triplex r - 13 small mouth OT jars, 8 nouth and many 1/4 and 1 /2 OVEN: Emerson microwave oven, lots, 69, 73,'83, 87, 95, & 101 South Jefferson Road. Lrs. $15 for all. 802-860-7933. 70OW power, white. 17 1/2 x 9 3/4. Tim Barritt, Chair I) $25.802-658-8869. (10/02) South Burlington Development Review Board ivinAdjustableBed byKmgs- TELEVISION: Sharp brand flat - It has head, foot and mas- screen television, non -HD. Works Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at natures. Purchased 2008- (for great, just replacing with a larger the South Burlington City Hall Participation in the locE I proceed- ,) and onlyused for two years. one. Only $50, will include stand if ing is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal 302- 865-4918. (10/02). you need it 802-864-3789. (09/18) October 2, 2014 SER: 5 drawer Child Craft TIRES: 4 Hankook I -Pike winter r - excellent condition: $75. tires, 215/601116. Rated for 30,000 4-6655. (10/02) miles, used only 3,000; $230 cash. 802-862-5961.(09/25) :ECHAIR: Humanscaleergo- ,, Planning CO1t11t1ISSIOt1 Synopsis freedom seating office chair TIRES: 2 Snow tires, Nokia-Hakke- Co.vi LN Ut) flr()M PAGE 5 ead rest. Orig. $950. Almost pelita R-2, size 225-45 RI& Dnv-- 1w, royal blue, with wheels, . en 2,500 miles, great condition. ijustable. $50 OBO. 802-324- $350 for both, OBO. 802-864-6990, Riehle moved to approve the Energy Committee's work for 10/02) (10/02) : request, Harrington seconded, the Energy prize, Garden Street - --and the vote was unanimously Purpose and Need statement for �SS: Elliptical vision fitness, in favor.. Planning Commission approval; x6000. Original owner, like:. the Rolls Royce of ellipticals. - 2009 SUBARU FORESTER: Black b. Initial review of request of Tim 3D mapping video to share re - garding what City Center could 102-221 1074. (10/02)-- - -_. -Foresterforsale-Great shape driven McKenzie to add a pirtion of a potentially look like. - -:_ - [TURF Solid wood,breald'ast by one owner. 85,000miles. $14,300.. C0ntact802-598-7278. (09/25) - parcel presently zoned Industrial - -Open _ Space District to the SEQ- aicn -Minutes and Base 46"wide x20"deep . ;h. Top 48Wx32:5D. Make an _ - - 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER Blue Neighborhood Residential District HinesburgRoad. Riehle moved to w Quest ni a 02-863-5764. (09/18) / grey leather, very good condition.- Towpackage, 4wheel drive (hi/low), accept McKe_nzie's request;,Har mind e P:�.- » [TURF: Antique bow back : all wheel. Remote auto -start, 6 disk rington,secondediand'the ote. was unanunously' avor, :gnonseco o :)r chair, $200. Club chairwith CD, sunroof, fog lights, auto driver dons, $200. 802-658-3659. and passenger seats, rear entertain- �v + c. Review o ublic ini ut rovtde fP_ P P ewe - ment system. Four VG Nokian Hak- kapeliitta tires and extra summers ,.,. , on the 'draft Land Development �'•� •, [TUBE Glider chair and _ . too. Original owner, no accidents,. Regulations: Jennifer Le, the ad `' Metribe s e e C riw ing slider foot rest. Excel- minor rust as visible, structurally mmtstrative assistant to the City . Louisos, ViceQ art ac a �ndition, $15. 802-863-5772. solid. Always maintained - records Y Managers office, is mi the process " rington, Clerk Gietche Calca is;, ,. -.�--•�•-- included, uses no oil,146K._$4,600, ofcate categorizing ubliciri ut,Ci g g P P City- TedRiMle,So hie" nest,Barbara 1a' P. Q call 802-864-4357. (09/18) Planner. CathyannLaRoseiswork- . Benton, and Bernie Gagnon.• Y is Foosball Table $25 and ing on creating an FAQ, and the _ rn t Oil Buer ,8 years old, $80. TOYOTA COROLLA 2011:- Corolla task force created to tackle Form Staff present: Director of Planning 8-5093. (09/18) m good condition with 44,000 miles Based Code technical issues is andZoningPaulConner_..v South Village Residential Design Standards Guidelines; For Residential Homes (Single Family, Duplex and Triplex, Carriage Home): *All home designs and color schemes to receive SVC DRC review prior to construction and any exterior renovation. Each home also requires a City of South Burlington Building Permit. Overall Design: Homes are to be designed to be considered `New England' style architecture, with traditional lines, fenestration, decor, etc. Farmhouse, Cape, Colonial, Saltbox, Federal, Cottage, Bungalow, Victorian, etc are some the many styles encouraged. Entrys; Each building shall have a front entry that is street facing, it shall be easily distinguishable so that the street facing front entry is the primary visual entry and more prominent than any other entry. Each `front' entry shall have a feature that further defines it, examples are; covering, large stoop, front porch, etc, the added definition to provide added visual `welcome'. The front entry shall have connection to the street or sidewalk via walkway. Garages: Shall be set back 8' from a full front porch, or 8' back from the front elevation of conditioned space if a front porch is absent on any front load garage home. A full front porch shall be considered to be a `full front porch' if it covers the full front of the conditioned street facing elevation of the home or at least be as wide as 60% of any street facing garage elevation on the home with a street facing garage and 6' in depth. Rear load garage homes are exempt from this standard. Side & rear load garages are encouraged. Any side load garage shall have architectural fenestration on any street facing elevation of a window, door, false window (shuttered, louvered) etc, and shall appear as in integral home element. Side load garages may be home forward if appearance from the street is not of the garage door. **Street facades of homes shall be balanced that the street elevation of conditioned space shall be no less than 70% width in relationship to the width of a street facing garage that serves the unit. Street visible elevations: Any home elevation visible from the street & sidewalk shall have architectural fenestration so that we have no `blank' walls of 10' or greater, examples are; but not limited to; door, window, louvered opening, etc. Street facing trim color detailing; All street facing trim elements; skirt boards, risers, railings, deck trim, frieze, columns, lattice, window, door, gables, drip edge, etc. shall be white unless an approved whole home auxiliary color scheme is applied for and approved by the DRC. Doors, shutters and louvers may be colored, color to be approved by DRC. South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 Fencing: All street facing fencing shall be white, picket is encouraged. All fence hardware shall be home facing, not street facing. All fencing shall otherwise follow the existing guidelines, 4' height max (or to require separate Design Review), 6" inside of property line or more, etc. Windows: All street facing windows shall have grilles/muntins that are 2 over 2 or greater in division. Non street facing windows, or small ornamental windows may be different. DRC review required. Flag Lot Variance: Flag lot homes shall have the visible portion of the home made attractive from the street. Garages may meet South Village lot 58 design guidelines, ie: not set back 8', not visible from the street, or if visible from the street and not set back, be made more attractive by means of at least two (2) accessory elements of small roof, pergola, decorative door style, etc, or be made to appear as an auxiliary building, such as a barn, etc. Additional Guidelines; a. Each home shall feature a neighborhood friendly welcome -integrative front door facing the street of generous stoop, covered landing, or porch, b. No home with same design of street elevation within 3 lots of same design, c. No home regardless of style of identical color within 3 lots of a home of the same color, d. A maximum of three homes with an identical color scheme, e. A maximum of two duplexes of the same color scheme, f. No Duplex of identical design of street elevation side by side. g. Identical Design differentiation shall be further defined to be a change clearly visible to the naked eye from the street, of a fundamental element, ie a change in roof direction, and/or a change to the plane of street facing elevation in number of windows and or doors, joining of windows or separation of windows, to be more distinct than a change in window size, may also be a change in materials, siding to shingle, brick or stone, or other change that is readily apparent, etc. h. Landscaping minimum for carriage home, duplex and triplex shall be 4 small shrubs and one small tree per dwelling and per L1 and L2 specifications by Mike Lawrence for Phase 2, and for single family homes shall be 6 shrubs and 2 small trees per Master Plan 'typical' landscape designs by Landworks. South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 r7l'. c5oVillaW i. Historical colors are encouraged to achieve a cohesive palette. The Benjamin Moore Historical palette shall serve as a reference for color variance selection. All color schemes to receive DRC approval prior to implementation. *The above shall not nullify any pre-existing guidelines of the Declaration, Bylaws POS or Land Management plan, but shall serve to add clarification to those guidelines already in place. The South Village Design Review Committee may provide more defined input and directive into design of new homes not yet presented as of this date, and this document may be amended from time to time by addition. South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 LARGE STREET TREES Qu Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total 6 Acer x freemanii `Celzam' 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 3,750 12 Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumanii' 2-2.5 in. $600 $ 7,200 6 Betula nigra `Heritage' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 3,480 15 Ginko biloba `Autumn Gold' 2-2.5 in. $738 $11,070 8 Ginko biloba 'Magyar' 2-2.5 in. $725 $ 5,800 17 Ginko biloba `Princeton Sentry' 2-2.5 in. $738 $12,546 8 Gleditsia triacanthos `Shademaster' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 4,640 12 Gleditsia triacanthos `Sunburst' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 6,960 7 Platanus x acerifolia `Columbia' 2-2.5 in. $580 $ 4,060 20 Quercus bicolor 2-2.5 in. $580 $11,600 16 Quercus imbricaria 2-2.5 in. $625 $10,000 13 Quercus macrocarpa 2-2.5 in. $625 $ 8,125 7 Quercus muehlenbergii 2-2-5 in. $625 $ 4,375 18 Quercus rubra 2-2.5 in. $580 $10,440 2 Sophora japonica 2-2.5 in. $650 $ 1,300 10 Tilia cordata `Greenspire' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 6,900 6 Tilia cordata `Glenleven' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 4,140 11 Tilia euchlora 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 7,590 6 Tilia tomentosa `Green Mountain' 2-2-5 in. $690 $ 4,140 14 Ulmus americana `Valley Forge' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 9,240 14 Ulmus davidiana `Jacan' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 9,240 5 Ulmus morton `Accolade' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 3,300 4 Ulmus morton `Glossy' 2-2.5 in. $660 $ 2,640 TOTAL STREET TREES........................................................................... $152,536 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS (Plant material described on Sheets L-2 & L-3 average $350.00/unit) 40 UNITS $350 $14 000 TOTAL FOUNDATION PLANTING.............................................................. $14,000 TOTAL PLANTING........................................................................S182,327 Michael Charles Lawrence ASLA Michael Lawrence Associates Landscape Architects / Site Planning Consultants November 25, 2014 South Village LLC c/o Robin Jeffers PO Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05407 Re; Landscape Cost Estimate for Planting — South Village— North Phase Residential Development Jefferson Road —South Burlington, Vermont POLLINATOR HEDGEROW Scientific Name Size Unit Price Sub -total _Qu 12 Aronia arbutifolia `Brilliantissima' 3 gal. $ 50 $ 600 9 Aronia melanocarpa `Autumn Magic' 3 gal.. $ 50 $ 450 7 Aronia melanocarpa `Viking' 4-5 ft. $ 87 $ 609 10 Amelanchier Canadensis 6-7 ft. $412 $4,120 20 Cornus alba `Prairie Fire' 2 gal. $ 45 $ 900 19 Cornus alba'Siberica' 3 gal. $ 45 $ 855 7 Cornus racemosa 2 gal. $ 45 $ 315 15 Cornus sericea `Baileyi' 3 gal. $ 45 $ 675 16 Cornus sericea `Flaviramea' 3 gal. $ 45 $ 720 7 Fothergilla major `Mt. Airy 3 gal. $ 58 $ 406 5 Fothergilla major `Red Licorice' 2 gal. $ 58 $ 290 7 Hamamelis virginiana 3 gal. $ 58 $ 406 5 Ilex verticillata `Afterglow' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 290 14 Ilex verticillata `Berry Heavy' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 812 13 Ilex verticillata `Berry Nice' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 754 3 Ilex verticillata `Jim Dandy' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 174 9 Ilex verticillata `Winter Red' 3 gal. $ 58 $ 522 18 Itea virginica `Henry's Garnet' 3 gal. $ 48 $ 864 6 Malus dolgo 15 gal. $ 305 $ 1,830 30 Rhus typhina `Tiger Eyes' 2 gal. $ 48 $ 1,440 18 Rosa rugosa 2 gal. $ 37 $ 666 9 Salix discolor 2 gal. $ 37 $ 333 9 Sambucus Canadensis 3 gal. $ 67 $ 603 TOTAL POLLINATOR HEDGEROW ..................................................... ......$18,634 MEMBEight Linden Lane Essex Junction, Vermont, 05452 American SocietERy PH/FAX 802-878-2778 C 802-578-9591 of Landscape Architects mike@mclasla.com ray From: Robin Jeffers <robin@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 1:09 PM To: ray Subject: SV Phase 2 landscaping budget Hi Ray, Mike Lawrences' budget was/is: $32,364 The Landworks project : $51,520 (in fencing)(signage excluded) Dave Burkes calculation for the project needs: $67,500 Street trees excluded. Let me know if you need any more info - Thanks Robin Robin Jeffers S D Ireland PO Box 2286 S. Burlington, VT 05401 802-863-6222 Cell: 802-316-6004 robin@sdireland.com www.severancecorners.com www.southvillase.com www.southvillageleasing.com ..ITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-14-33 Location Map DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date: November 26, 2014 Plans received: October 28, 2014 nda Item #7 Meeting Date: December 2. 2014 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN(5TON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING PROJECT DESCRIPTION Final plat application #SD-14-33 of South Village Communities, LLC for approval of Phase II of 334 unit planned unit development. Phase II is to consist of the following: 1) 31 single family dwellings, 2) 13 two (2) family dwellings, 3) 1 three (3) unit multi -family dwelling, and 4) 39 multi -family dwelling units in four (4) buildings, 1840 Spear Street. The preliminary plat application (#SD-13-44) for this project was approved by the Board on March 10, 2014. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair, Director of Planning & Zoning Paul Conner, and Planner, Temporary Assistant Dan Albrecht ("Staff') have reviewed the plans submitted on October 28, 2014 and offer the following comments. Numbered items for the Board's attention are in red. ZONING DISTRICT & DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS The dimensional standards outlined in Table C-2 of the Land Development Regulations were altered though the Master Plan approval process for the subject property. The approved waivers are outlined in the decision and findings of fact for Master Plan #MP-05-02. The proposed project (Phase 2) meets all of the dimensional standards approved in the Master Plan. As discussed during the Master Plan approval, the applicant had asked that the preliminary and final plat reviews of each of the three phases be limited to single-family, two-family, and three-family dwelling units. Thus, any buildings with greater than three dwelling units, in addition to the school, will be reviewed under separate Site Plan reviews. The DRB approved this Master Plan approach. Therefore, the three (3) buildings with 10 dwelling units each and the one nine -unit building have been removed from these plans submitted for final plat approval, and are not part of this review, except for acknowledging the proposed locations as shown on the plans for these multi -unit buildings. MASTER PLAN Pursuant to Section 15.07 D (3), the following applies: Any application for amendment of the master plan, preliminary site plan or preliminary plat that deviates from the master plan in any one or more of the following respects, shall be considered a new application for the property and shall require sketch plan review as well as approval of an amended master plan: a) An increase in the total FAR or number of residential dwelling units for the property subject to the master plan; b) An increase in the total site coverage of the property subject to the master plan; c) A change in the location, layout, capacity or number of collector roadways on the property subject to the master plan, South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 2 l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINoTON 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING d) Land development proposed in any area previously identified as permanent open space in the approved master plan application; and/or e) A change that will result in an increase in the number of PM peak hour vehicle trip ends projected for total build -out of the property subject to the master plan. At the sketch plan level, it was identified that the roadway configuration had changed. However, the Board finds that the proposed "Marsh Road" and southern portion of "North Jefferson Road" are substantially similar to the Master Plan in function and location. The Master Plan did not specifically state which was a collector road and which was a local road. At the preliminary plat review, the Board found that two (2) items did not rise to the threshold of requiring Master Plan amendment/approval. These were the roadway configuration for the proposed "Marsh Road" and the southern portion of "North Jefferson Road" and a slight change in location but not size of designated open space. No changes in FAR, coverage, number of units, or PM Peak hour vehicle trip ends are proposed. Therefore, an amendment to the Master Plan is not required. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, PL1Ds shall comply with the following standards and conditions: (A)(1) Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13(B)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public utility system shall be extended to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure, to the proposed dwelling units. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The applicant has submitted copies of its applications to both the water department and the wastewater department. Staff considers this criterion to be met. (A)(2) Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board set Condition #7 which stated that "(t)he proposed project shall adhere to the erosion control standards in Section 16.03 of the LDRs, and the grading plan shall meet the standards in Section 16.04 of the LDRs." The applicant affirms this Condition and states that they are met on the project plans. Staff considers this criterion to be met. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 3 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINVTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (A)(3) The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. However, the Board also established Condition #9 that "(p)rior to the issuance of the zoning permit for the 50t" unit within Phase Two, the " Marsh Road" connection to Spear Street shall be constructed." The applicant has agreed to this condition. Staff considers this criterion to be met and recommends it be included as a condition of any final plat approval. (A)(4) The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board set Condition #11 which stated that "(p)rior to final plat approval, the applicant shall submit a copy of the state wetland permit for encroachment into the class 11 wetland and wetland buffers." The applicant has submitted a copy of said permit which was approved on September 10, 2014. Staff considers that the applicant has satisfied this Condition and that this criterion is met. 9.06(B) (5) also requires that wetlands and buffers, streams, and natural communities be visually delineated in some way in order to prevent creep from private parcels into the wetland. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. However. the Board also established: * Condition #15 which stated that "(i) n order to protect the wetland and associated buffer areas, the following conditions are attached to this approval, and shall be included in homeowner documents for owners of the lots and dwelling units: no pesticide nor herbicide application within wetlands and buffer areas, no mowing in wetlands and/or their buffers, disturbance of wetland vegetation should be limited to remediation activities, and no planting non-native species in wetlands or their buffers. The applicant has agreed to this condition and submitted legal documents with the Preliminary Application. The applicant understands that the documents will be reviewed by the City Attorney and changes, if any will be required prior to recording. Staff considers this Criterion to be met. * Condition #16 which stated that "(f)urther delineation shall be provided at the boundaries of all development/open space areas as depicted by the dashed lines on the plans, for both single family and multifamily housing, in order to protect the integrity of the wetland areas and associated buffers. This may include coniferous trees, split rail fence, or other similar method of delineation and these shall be shown on any plans submitted for final plat review. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 4 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN6TON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING The applicant has submitted plans prepared by Landworks to address this Condition. The plans are thorough. Staff believes this likely meets the requirement, but recommends that the Board have the applicant describe the plans in greater detail at the Hearing. 1. The Board should have the applicant describe the plans to distinguish open space areas from L"I-11 wetland areas and associated buffers and should determine whether Condition #16 is met. * Condition #8-g which stated that "(t)he final plat plans shall be revised to provide additional, common delineation at the boundaries of all development/open space areas as depicted by the dashed lines on the plans, including for single and multi family housing." The applicant has submitted plans prepared by Landworks to address this Condition noting that split rail fencing with signs and/or stencils will be used to delineate the development / Open Space areas. The applicant also argues that tree cutting limits for lots 38-55 form an appropriate delineation. Staff considers the proposed plan to meet this Condition. 2. The Board should review these plans and determine if Condition #8-g regarding delineation 6"� between development and open space areas is met. * Condition #17 which stated that "(t)he final plat submittal shall include a plan for the management and maintenance of the dedicated open spaces created through the Master Plan. As with Phase 1, any issues for which the Board seeks technical review shall be conducted at the applicant's expense. These documents shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney, and then recorded in the land records prior to issuance of a zoning permit for any aspect of Phase 2 as approved herein. As evidence meeting this Condition, the applicant has submitted the existing Land Management Plan that is recorded within the City Land Records which applies to the entire development. Staff considers this Criterion to be met. (A)(5) The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. Pursuant to Section 9.01 of the Land Development Regulations, the Southeast Quadrant District (SEQ) is hereby formed in order to encourage open space preservation, scenic view and natural resource protection, wildlife habitat preservation, continued agricultural use, and well as planned residential use in the largely undeveloped area of the City known as the Southeast Quadrant. The open character and scenic views offered in this area have long been recognized as very special and unique resources in the City and worthy of protection. The location and clustering of buildings and lots in a manner that in the judgment of the Development Review Board will best preserve the open space character of this area shall be encouraged. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. (A)(6) Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 5 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINO TON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. (A)(7) The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44 the Board set forth Condition #6 which required that "(t)he Fire Chief shall review the final plat plans.." As noted in the applicant's submission the Assistant Fire Chief expressed concerns about fire apparatus being able to safely travel through current "pinched down" intersections on Phase 1 roads especially in heavy snow and/or street parking. The applicant indicates that they have revised their initial Phase 2 plans and proposed intersections to match Figure 9-6 of the LDRs. As copied below, The Fire Chief provided formal comments to staff on November 19, 2014 via email and the applicant's engineer, David Burke, provided responses to the Chief's comments to staff on November 20, 2014. (Note: the Fire Chief's comments are in Brown; Applicant's responses in Blue) November 19, 2014 Mr. Ray Belair, Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Proposed Phase 2, South Village Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed development. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. 1. All multifamily units will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. Applicant Comment: The Multifamily Units (60 — 99) require future Site Plan approval and we understand Fire Protection review will occur with -the -same. - -------------•- 2. The four (4) multi family dwellings shall have sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. App- it'2� applications. roposed and reviewed upon future Site Plan 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 6 r r CITY OF SOUTH BURLINOTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Applicant Comment: Agreed. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and fire protection systems. Applicant Comment: See comment on Item 1. above. 5. Provide emergency key boxes for the multi family dwellings, location to be specified SBFD. Applicant Comment: See common- ----ram 6. Buildin number 40, 41, and 60 to their 'stance from the pubis Item 1. above. way. NFPA 13 D residential sprinkler due Applicant Comment: These single family homes are on driveways and as such Sprinkler systems are not required nor proposed. We understand this item is a request, not a requirement. 7. No gas or charcoal grills on outside porches. Applicant Comment: Provided that this item is for future Units 60 — 99, which are subject to future Site Plan applications, we agree. Page -2 8. As we have done with the other phases of South Village, when the streets are laid out, we would like to perform some actual on -site testing to assure turning radii are acceptable and that emergency access is achievable. Applicant Comment: We have no issue with the Fire Department performing turning radii exercises following Construction. However, we delayed our design significantly regarding this very issue, as we are not in favor of the City standard "pinched down" intersections for emergency vehicle turning movements. Regardless, we were unable to convince the Fire Department of the same. This was after the Fire Department performed turning movement exercises of existing pinched down intersection within Phase 1 of South Village. As such, should the Fire Department have issues with the proposed standard intersections after -the -fact, we suggest the standard should be changed for future Projects and not be applied to this project, which preferred conventional (non pinched down) intersections. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Douglas S. Brent Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 7 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINo TON 8 ( DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Cc: Deputy Chief Terry Francis, Fire Marshal Applicant Comment: Thank you for your review. 3. The Board should discuss the Fire Chiefs recommendations with the applicant to assure clarity on the issues identified and also discuss appropriate conditions to be established. See also discussion of Condition #8-J below. (A)(8) Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. (A)(9) Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Infrastructure details are submitted as part of the final plat application, including roadway profiles, recreation path details, and lighting cut sheets and point by point plan. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board established several Conditions applicable to sections (A) (8) and (A) (9). Those conditions and the applicant's response (as detailed in their October 24, 2014 letter) are as follows: Condition #8-a. The final plat plans shall be revised to show the proposed trail located along the southerly side of North Jefferson Road as phase 2 of the recreation path as depicted on the approved Master Plan and show how it connects with the Phase 1 recreation path. This is shown on plan sheets 1— 4. Staff considers this condition to be met. Condition #8-b. The final plat plans shall be revised to show sidewalks along the two (2) smaller east - west road links. The appropriate plans have been revised accordingly. Staff considers this condition to be met. Condition #8-c. The final plat plans shall be revised to show a sidewalk or sidewalks along the north - south road as recommended by the Public Works Director. The applicant, after consultation with the Public Works Director, is seeking approval for a sidewalk along the eastern side of the road so as to match the sidewalk in Phase 1. Staff considers / this condition to be met. 4. The Board should decide if it finds this proposed sidewalk location acceptable. Condition #8-f. The final plat plans shall show the phasing of construction of the public infrastructure, unless the entire infrastructure will be constructed all at once, with the landscaping budget (street trees) included for each phase. The applicant's letter indicates that they are proposing that the infrastructure will be constructed in two (2) Phases (Phase 2A and Phase 213). The letter points to Plan sheet 1. Staff was unable to find this detail. Staff recommends that the Board discuss phasing with the applicant for clarity. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 8 l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING 5. ,,. a Board shout h t applica t confirm their propos d ►nN,51 hasing plan and -'' determi oarooriateness. Condition #8-h. The final plat plans shall be revised to show a recreation path or trail along the western side of the development. The applicant is proposing a full width recreation path in the central portion of the parcel and then heading west alongside Marsh Road to join Spear Street near the northwest corner of the parcel. The Bike-Ped Committee met on November 13, 2014 to review the application has indicated that their preference is to have a multi -use path oriented closer to Spear Street rather than adjacent to the new proposed streets and houses (see email from Matthew Boulanger to staff dated November 14, 2014.) 1 SV'" ec-' S r✓{'" 6. The Board should establish the alignment of the recreation path. Condition #8-I The final plat plans shall be revised to show street intersections in compliance with (2 Figure 9-6 of the LDRs. The applicant indicates that the Phase 2 roadway intersections have been revised accordingly and that the DPW Director has reviewed and accepted the proposed layout. Staff considers this condition to be met. Public Works staff and the applicant discussed the standards (A) (8) and (A) (9) above via email which are extracted below. (Note: DPW comments are in Brown; applicant's in Blue) From: Peter Heil (mailto:pheil@olearyburke.com) Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 2:51 PM To: Justin Rabidoux; Tom Dipietro; ray Cc: David Burke, robin @sdireland. com<mailto:robin @sdireland. com>, Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM<mailto: pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM>) (pobrien @SDIRELAND.COM<mailto: pobrien@SDIRELAND. COM>) Subject: RE: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Hi Justin, Tom & Ray, Please find the following responses to the Dept. of Public Works review comments: Justin's comments: 1. The detail for Replacement of Existing Bituminous Pavement shall be changed to read 2 '2" of Type 11 base with 1 %" Type 111 top or match existing, whichever is greater. The detail has been revised to call off 2.5" Type 11 Base and 1.5" Type 111 Top, or match existing, whichever is greater. Please refer to the detail on Plan Sheet 8, 2. I previously commented on this and the applicant acknowledged the comment, but the detail has South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 9 I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINvTON 10 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING not been added to the plan sheets. All pavement markings within future public ROWs shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW). Please refer to the "Intersection Detail" on Plan Sheet 8, which has been revised to reference all pavement markings shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW), 3. There is a gravel path shown between lots 10 and 11. 1 am not sure its purpose. This is the former location of a pump station, perhaps the path simply hasn't been removed from the plans. The 12' wide gravel access drive between units 10 & 11 is for access/maintenance purposes to the stormwater pond (specifically the forebay) behind Units 9110. This is a requirement of the State Stormwater Permit review. The note on plan sheet S1 has been revised to state "12' wide gravel access drive to stormwater pond" (previously stated access to pump station and not corrected when the location of the pump station was revised); Tom's Comments: 1. This project is located in both the Munroe Brook and Bartlett Brook watersheds. These watersheds are listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Also, the project proposes to create greater than 1 acre of impervious area and disturb greater than 1 acre of land. It will therefore require a stormwater permit and construction permit from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The applicant should acquire these permits before starting construction. Understood. The Stormwater Discharge Permit (#4096-INDS.1) is currently on Public Notice (until 12117114). The State Stormwater Division has provided a draft permit that will be issued shortly after the Public comment period closes (provided no comments are received). The Construction General Permit (#4096-9020.1) is expected to be issued very shortly (within days). 2. Portions of the project are located in the Stormwater Management Overlay (SMO) District and are therefore subject to the requirements of section 12.03 of the LDRs. The applicant should confirm that requirements in section12.03.C.1 are met and that peak runoff rates in the SMO district (i.e. the Bartlett Brook watershed) are not increased during the 1 year storm event. The modeling provided appears to indicate this, but it is difficult to confirm without a key and drainage area map for the watershed. The plans meet the requirements of Section 12.03.C.1 and all post -development routed peak runoff rates (1, 10, 25, 100-year storm events) are less than pre -development conditions as modeled with the previously provided HydroCAD computations. The drainage areas and flows can be found on Plan Sheets S1 & S2, 3. As designed, the stormwater pond is located directly behind and in close proximity to units 6 through 12. Please describe the precautions being taken to ensure resident safety. The stormwater pond slopes will be gentle (1 on 4), and as such State Stormwater requirements do not require fencing or safety benches, 4. Between units 10 and 11 is a "10' wide gravel access drive to pump station ". There is no pump station in this location. The language should be revised to reference access to the stormwater pond. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 10 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN6TON 11 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING The 12' wide gravel access drive between units 10 & 11 is for access/maintenance purposes to the stormwater pond (specifically the forebay) behind Units 9110. This is a requirement of the State Stormwater Permit review. The note on plan sheet S1 has been revised to state "12' wide gravel access drive to stormwater pond" (previously stated access to pump station and not corrected when the location of the pump station was revised), 5. The Vermont Stormwater Management Manual indicates that maintenance access should be 12' wide (section 2.7.I.F). Only 10' is provided. The plans should be updated to provide this additional width in order to facilitate equipment access for maintenance. Please note that this applies to maintenance access between units 4 and 5 and 10 and 11. Plan Sheet S1 has been revised to provide 12' wide access drives to the stormwater pond (between units 4 & 5 and 10 & 11); 6. Confirm that the plats (sheets P1 through P3) don't need to be updated to show the reconfigured stormwater detention area and associated easements. The Plats (P1-P3) are up to date and any stormwater easements encompass all of the stormwater detention areas and associated elements (access drives). The change to the 12' wide access drives still fall within the easement areas, 7. All "Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington" labels should be updated to include the word proposed (e.g. "Proposed Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington"). The Plats will be revised to incorporate "proposed" prior to filing of the mylar; 8. Confirm that the State wetland permit has been amended/approved to reflect any changes in the project since it was first issued. The applicant should acquire this permit prior to starting construction. The State wetland permit references the most up to date plans. The small revisions requested from City and State review have do not result in additional impacts to the wetlands and/or buffers, 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance infrastructure. Agreed. As part of the State Stormwater Discharge Permit, yearly inspections will be required (and corrective action taken if necessary). 10. Per section 12.03.F(1) of the City's Land Development Regulations, the final decision should require the submission of record drawings showing pipe invert elevations, drainage structure rim elevation, pipe material, final grading, etc. Understood, If there are any additional questions, please let me know. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC / O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 11 I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINu TON 12 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING On November 21, 2014, the DPW Director indicated to Staff via email that DPW had acc pted the applicant' responses and proposed plan revisions sent on November 20, 2014 7. Staff recommends that the Board require the applicant to comply with the recommendations of the Department of Public Works. Lighting is discussed under Section 9.08, SEQ Neighborhood Residential. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. The applicant understands and accepts this requirement which was stipulated as Condition #3 in the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44 (A)(10) The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (A) Relationship of the proposed development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. (B)(1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. These standards shall be evaluated with more specific level of review for each of the multi -family buildings as part of a separate application for site plan review. (B)(2) Parking: a. Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. b. The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. C. ... South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 12 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINvTON 13 ( DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (iii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; Single and two-family homes in the proposed Phase II are not subject to this standard. Although 3-unit structures are not exempt from the above standard, the Board has previously found that with the Master Plan having granted a waiver for 3-unit buildings to be approved without site plan approval, this standard related to parking location requirements does apply here. The 4+ unit buildings will be reviewed separately if and when applications are submitted. (B)(3) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found that the homes proposed here satisfy the standards within the Land Development Regulations, and that the elevations for the multi -family buildings shall be reviewed as part of the site plan review for each multi -family building. (B)(4) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. (C)(1) The Board shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. (C)(2) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (A) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found that no additional easements are needed for this project (Phase 2 of the Master Plan). (B) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 13 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINvTON 14 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found this criterion to be met. (C) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). No dumpsters are currently shown. Dumpsters and other facilities serving the proposed multi -family buildings will be addressed at their Site Plan review. (D) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the proposed Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to planned unit development review. The minimum landscape requirement for this project is determined by Table 13-9 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The cost of the street trees are above and beyond this requirement. The applicant has provided detailed landscaping plans for street trees and plans as well for transformer cabinets and utility pedestals as well as an extensive hedgerow near the NW corner of the property. lJ As noted above in the PUD discussion, the City Arborist was satisfied during Preliminary Review that his >w recommendations concerning the proposed street trees were incorporated. The applicant submitted a street tree planting plan, a typical planting plan for the transformer cabinets and the utility pedestals, and the planting schedule for the pollinator hedgerow. Missing is a budget for these planting schedules and the landscaping plan and budget for the single and 2-family building clusters. 8. The applicant should submit the missing budget for these planting schedules and the landscaping plan and budget for the single and 2-family building clusters. y '1 E911 Addressese�s As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board established Condition #17 that the s` "applicantshall submit E911 addresses for the proposed project, in conformance with the E911 addressing standards, with the final plat application. The applicant has added E911 addresses to Plan Sheet #1 per E911 addressing standards. Staff considers this criterion to be met. SOUTHEAST QUADRANT DISTRICT This proposed subdivision is located in the southeast quadrant district. Therefore it is subject to the provisions of Section 9 of the SBLDR. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 14 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINo TON 15 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 9.06 Dimensional and Design Requirements Applicable to All Sub -Districts The following standards shall apply to development and improvements within the entire SEQ: A. Height. (1) The maximum height of any occupied structure in the SEQ-NRP, SEQ-NRT, or SEQ-NR sub -district shall not exceed forty-five feet (45'); the waiver provisions of Section 3.07(E) shall not apply to occupied structures in these sub -districts. (2) The maximum height of any occupied structure in the SEQ-VR or SEQ-VC sub -district shall not exceed fifty feet (50'); the waiver provisions of Section 3.07(E) shall not apply to occupied structures in these sub -districts. In addition, the standards set forth in C-2 — Dimensional Standards Applicable in All Districts shall apply. The most restrictive limitations shall apply at the time a zoning application is submitted. And shall apply to the single, two (2) and three (3) unit buildings. Note that for the multi -family (4+ unit) structures, section 3.07(C) & 9.05 (B) provide specific provisions for projects with Master Plan approval. At this time, no 4+ unit buildings are proposed. B. Open Space and Resource Protection. (1) Open space areas on the site shall be located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating usable, contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels This standard is satisfied, as discussed above from master plan approval. (2) Building lots, streets and other structures shall be located in a manner consistent with the Regulating Plan for the applicable sub -district allowing carefully planned development at the average densities provided in this bylaw. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44 the Board found this criterion satisfied with respect to the block length below. The average density remains below that which is permitted in the sub- district. (3) A plan for the proposed open spaces and/or natural areas and their ongoing management shall be established by the applicant. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board set forth Condition #14 which stated that "(1)egal documents shall be worked out prior to final plat approval and recorded prior to issuance of a zoning permit to reflect any portion of the subject area not addressed in the Master Plan or Phase 1 approval. The applicant has submitted the proposed legal documents as part of the preliminary plat. These will be reviewed by the City Attorney." The applicant's letter notes that these documents are the same as the Phase I documents that were previously approved. The applicant has also submitted language regarding the Phase II project that will be incorporated into any sub -association governing documents. Staff considers the applicant to have complied with the Condition and to have met this criterion. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 15 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN(jTON 16 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (4) Sufficient grading and erosion controls shall be employed during construction and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. In making this finding, the Development Review Board may rely on evidence that the project will be covered under the General Permit for Construction issued by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board set forth Condition #7 which stated that "(t)he proposed project shall adhere to the erosion control standards in Section 16.03 of the LDRs, and the grading plan shall meet the standards in Section 16.04 of the LDRs." The applicant affirms this Condition and states that they are met on the project plans. Staff considers this criterion to be met. (5) Sufficient suitable landscaping and fencing shall be provided to protect wetland, stream, or primary or natural community areas and buffers in a manner that is aesthetically compatible with the surrounding landscape. Chain link fencing other than for agricultural purposes shall be prohibited within PUDs; the use of split rail or other fencing made of natural materials is encouraged. As noted during Preliminary, there are small encroachments into a Class II wetland buffer and what appears to be an isolated class III wetland on the site. See the discussion above in A (4) of the PUD compliance analysis. Staff considers this criterion to be met. C. Agriculture. The conservation of existing agricultural production values is encouraged through development planning that supports agricultural uses (including but not limited to development plans that create contiguous areas of agricultural use), provides buffer areas between existing agricultural operations and new development, roads, and infrastructure, or creates new opportunities for agricultural use (on any soil group) such as but not limited to community -supported agriculture. This standard is satisfied from master plan approval. D. Public Services and Facilities. In the absence of a specific finding by the Development Review Board that an alternative location and/or provision is approved for a specific development, the location of buildings, lots, streets and utilities shall conform with the location of planned public facilities as depicted on the Official Map, including but not limited to recreation paths, streets, park land, schools, and sewer and water facilities. Staff considers the proposal to comply with the Official Map, which proposes a road and a recreation path or trail connection in the vicinity of those proposed on the Phase 2 plan. (2) Recreation paths, storm water facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines, and lighting shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent properties. (3) Recreation paths, utilities, sidewalks, and lighting shall be designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility plans and maintenance standards, absent a specific agreement with the applicant South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 16 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINu TON 17 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING related to maintenance that has been approved by the City Council. See the staff comments and recommended items for Board review under PUD standards for a discussion of recreation paths and sidewalks. (4) The plan shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief or his designee to insure that adequate fire protection can be provided, with the standards for evaluation including, but not limited to, minimum distance between structures, street width, vehicular access from two directions where possible, looping of water lines, water flow and pressure, and number and location of hydrants. See above discussion under PUD standards. E. Circulation. The project shall incorporate access, circulation and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unsafe conditions on adjacent roads and sufficient to create connectivity for pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles, school transportation, and emergency service vehicles between neighborhoods. In making this finding the Development Review Board may rely on the findings of a traffic study submitted by the applicant, and the findings of any technical review by City staff or consultants. (1) Roads shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent properties. (2) Roads shall be designed in a manner that is consistent with City roadway plans and maintenance standards, absent a specific agreement with the applicant related to maintenance that has been approved by the City Council. (3) The provisions of Section 15.12(D)(4) related to connections between adjacent streets and neighborhoods shall apply. See discussion above in the PUD section of this report. D. Parks Design and Development. (1) General standards. The SEQ has an existing large community park, the Dorset Street Park Complex. Parks in the SEQ may be programmed as neighborhood parks or mini -parks as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. Mini parks in the SEQ should be a minimum of 10,000 square feet, with programming approved by the South Burlington Recreation Department. Such parks are to be located through the neighborhoods in order to provide a car free destination for children and adults alike, and to enhance each neighborhood's quality of life. They shall be knitted into the neighborhood fabric as a focal point in the neighborhood, to add vitality and allow for greater surveillance by surrounding homes, local streets and visitors. Each park should be accessible by vehicle, foot, and bicycle and there should be a park within a quarter -mile of every home. (2) Specific Standards. The following park development guidelines are applicable in the SEQ- NRT, SEQ-NR, SEQ-VR, and SEQ-VC districts: (a) Distribution and Amount of Parks: (i) A range of parks and open space should be distributed through the SEQ to meet a variety of needs including children's play, passive enjoyment of the outdoors, and active recreation. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 17 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINu TON 18 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (ii) Parks should serve as the focus for neighborhoods and be located at the heart of residential areas, served by public streets and fronted by development. (iii) Parks should be provided at a rate of 7.5 acres of developed parkland per 1,000 population per the South Burlington Capital Budget and Program. (iv) A neighborhood or mini park of 10,000 square feet or more should be provided within a one -quarter mile walk of every home not so served by an existing City park or other publicly -owned developed recreation area. (b) Dedication of Parks and Open Space: Parks and protected open space must be approved by City Council for public ownership or management, or maintained permanently by a homeowners' association in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. (c) Design Guidelines (i) Parks should be fronted by homes and/or retail development in order to make them sociable, safe and attractive places. (ii) Parks should be located along prominent pedestrian and bicycle connections. (iii) To the extent feasible, single -loaded roads should be utilized adjacent to natural open spaces to define a clear transition between the private and public realm, and to reinforce dedicated open space as a natural resource and not extended yard areas. Several parcels of open space are proposed on the project with a substantial network of trails. In addition, as part of the Master Plan, a future public recreation field was approved near the intersection of Allen Road and Spear Street. The Board found this criterion was satisfied through the Master Plan. 9.08 SEQ-NR &NRT Sub -District; Specific Standards The SEQ-NRT sub -district has additional dimensional and design requirements, as enumerated in this Section. A. Street, Block and Lot Pattern (1) Development blocks. Development block lengths should range between 300 and 500 linear feet; see Figure 9-2 for example. If longer block lengths are unavoidable blocks 500 feet or longer must include mid -block public sidewalk or recreation path connections. (2) Interconnection of Streets. Average spacing between intersections shall be 300 to 500 feet. Dead end streets (e.g. culs de sac) are discouraged. Dead end streets may not exceed 200 feet in length. Street stubs are required at the end of dead end streets to allow for future street connections and/or bicycle and pedestrian connections to open space and future housing on adjoining parcels per section 15.12(D)(4). The section extending to Spear Street is shown as depicted on the Master Plan and consists entirely of open space / agricultural lands to the south, and a significant wooded area immediately north of the proposed single family homes. A trail as shown on the Master Plan and preliminary plat bisects this length. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 18 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN(.;iTON 19 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING The section extending to Phase I is proposed as a single road with homes on either side. This differs from the Master Plan but includes the same — or possibly slightly less development area. To the east and west of this development area are open spaces / agricultural areas. A trail crossing is proposed at approximately the midpoint of this block. The proposed Phase 2 plans largely consist of blocks lengths of 300 to 500 feet. However, as part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, in Condition #10, the Board approved a waiver to the block length requirement for the following: a. The section of Marsh Road extending from Churchill Street to Spear Street which is nearly 1,000 feet in length. b. The section of North Jefferson Road extending south of Marsh Road which is nearly 900 feet in length. Staff considers this criterion to have been met. (3) Street Connection to Adjoining Parcels. Street stubs are required to be built to the property line and connected to adjacent parcels per section 15.12(D)(4) of these Regulations. Posting signs with a notice of intent to construct future streets is strongly encouraged. The only street stub proposed as part of this application is at the north end of North Jefferson Road. It is proposed to be constructed to the property line. (4) Lots shall maintain a minimum lot width to depth ratio of 1:2, with a ratio of 1:2.5 to 1:5 recommended. The proposed development includes both individual lots for buildings as well as PUD sections with shared lots. On average, the homes on the shared lots average a ratio of 1:1.5. Given the desires for common open space and significant wetland buffers, staff is comfortable with that ratio. The majority of single family home lots are requesting waivers from the requirement above. It appears as though only 3 of the 20 lots meet the full requirement. The majority of the remainder are near compliance, in the 1:1.5 to 1:2 range, with a few odd -shaped lots at corners and other places. In Condition #13 for its Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board found that the due to the Master Plan and conservation of open space lots on the property, a waiver of these strict ratios was deemed acceptable for Lots 40, 42, 47-49 and 54-55. The applicant has discovered that additional lots will need this waiver which include lots 39, 42-46 and 50-53. Staffs review indicates that lots 41, 54, and 55 also do not comply. L11 9. The Board should decide whether to approve a waiver to the minimum lot width to depth ratio of 1:2 for Lots 39-47, 48o, 49a, and 50-55. B. Street, Sidewalk & Parking Standards (1) Street dimensions and cross sections. Neighborhood streets (collector and local) in the NR sub- district are intended to be low -speed streets for local use that discourage through movement and are safe for pedestrians and bicyclists. Dimensions for public collector and local streets shall be as set forth South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 19 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINtoTON 20 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD in Tables 9-1 and 9-2, and Figures 9-4 and 9-5 of the SBLDR. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING The Board has already commented on the roadway, sidewalk, and recreation path design. (2) Sidewalks. Sidewalks must be a minimum of five feet (5') in width with an additional minimum five-foot planting strip (greenspace) separating the sidewalk from the street. Sidewalks are required on one side of the street, and must be connected in a pattern that promotes walkability throughout the development. The DRB may in its discretion require supplemental sidewalk segments to achieve this purpose. (3) Street Trees; see Section 9.08(B)(3) Street trees are required along all streets in a planting strip a minimum of five feet wide. Street tress shall be large, deciduous shade trees with species satisfactory to the City Arborist. Street trees to be planted must have a minimum caliper size of 2.5 to 3 inches DBH, and shall be planted no greater than thirty feet (30') on center. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board set forth Condition #8 — i which stated that the 'final plat plans shall be revised to incorporate the recommendations of the City Arborist contained in his memo of January 11, 2014." The applicant indicates that they have incorporated these recommendations. In a November 19, 2014 email to Staff, the DPW indicated that the applicant's submissions had addressed the City Arborist's comments. Staff considers this criterion to be met. (4) On -street parking; see Section 9.08(B)(4). On street parking is appropriate in a small neighborhood. The roadway is of sufficient width and well - planned to accommodate such. (5) Intersection design. Intersections shall be designed to reduce pedestrian crossing distances and to slow traffic; see Figure 9-6 and Section 9.08(B)(5). See discussion of Condition #8-J on page 7. Staff considers this criterion to be met. (6) Street and sidewalk lighting. Pedestrian -scaled light fixtures (e.g., 12' to 14') shall be provided sufficient to ensure pedestrian safety traveling to and from public spaces. Overall illumination levels should be consistent with the lower -intensity development patterns and character of the SEQ, with lower, smoother levels of illumination (rather than hot -spots) and trespass minimized to the lowest level consistent with public safety. As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board established Condition #8-d which stated that "(t)he final plat plans shall be revised to propose pedestrian -scaled light fixtures (e.g., 12' to 14'). The applicant has submitted Lighting Detail on plan sheet7 as well as cut -sheets of proposed luminaries that are 14' high. Staff has asked for and the applicant has agreed to have these lights be LED. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 20 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN(LiTON 21 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Staff considers that the applicant has satisfied this Condition and this criterion is met. C. Residential Design As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board established Condition #13 which noted that "(r)esidential design standards provided in Section 9.08 (C) of the Land Development Regulations shall be addressed at final plat review. The applicant has submitted revisions to the "footprint units" in its plans received on October 28, 2014 as well as a revised version of its October 24, 2014 letter received by Staff on November 19, 2014 to address the project's compliance with these standards. (1) Building Orientation. Residential buildings must be oriented to the street. Primary entries for single family and multi family buildings must face the street. Secondary building entries may open onto garages and/or parking areas. (Special design guidelines apply to arterial streets). All proposed buildings are oriented to the street. Staff considers this criterion to be met. (2) Building Facades. Building facades are encouraged to employ a theme and variation approach. Buildings should include common elements to appear unified, but facades should be varied from one building to the next to avoid monotony. Front porches, stoops, and balconies that create semi -private space and are oriented to the street are encouraged. See discussion below under Mix of Housing Styles. (3) Front Building Setbacks. In pedestrian districts, a close relationship between the building and the street is critical to the ambiance of the street environment. Buildings should be set back twenty-five feet (25') from the back of sidewalk. As part of its Master Plan approval the front setback for both single family homes and multi -family units was reduced from 20 ft. to 10 ft. (4) Porches, stoops, and balconies may project up to eight feet (8') into the front setbacks. Porch, stoop and balcony areas within the front setback shall not be enclosed or weatherized with glazing or other solid materials. As part of its Master Plan approval the front setback for both single family homes and multi -family units was reduced from 20 ft. to 10 ft. None of the porches, stoops or balconies project into this setback. Staff considers this criterion to be met. (5) Placement of Garages and Parking. See Section 9.08(C)(4) and Figure 9-7. The front building line of the garage must be set behind the front building line of the house by a minimum of eight feet. The applicant and staff have been discussing this item and the Mix of Housing Styles standard below. The applicant provided an initial proposal with the application, and a supplemental proposal in an email dated November 25, 2014. Staff feels that this criterion is largely met; see below under Mix of Housing South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 21 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINU TON 22 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Styles for further discussion. In a November 24, 2014 email the applicant requested a waiver to the 8 ft. garage setback for Lots 40, 41 and 60 arguing that "(w)e learned in construction on Phase 1, that with the limitation on lot size and garage orientation, that we need to locate the garage forward of the home to allow for safe egress (turn around -ability) in and out of the driveway. The 8'setback is pretty impossible with these specific lot designs. As was the case with Lot 58 in Phase 1, we'd like the flexibility to locate the garage where it makes the most sense. The very orientation of the lot precludes a 'snout house' from coming into being, but the language of the LDRs is too limiting for these lots construction feasibility. Staff supports this waiver for these three (3) lots with a condition that the garages would be side loaded. These lots were conceived of during the Master Plan phase, prior to existence of the current regulations. 10. The Board should determine whether to grant a waiver to the garage setback requirement for Lots 40, 41 and 60. (6) Mix of Housing Styles. A mix of housing styles (i.e. ranch, cape cod, colonial, etc.), sizes, and affordability is encouraged within neighborhoods and developments. These should be mixed within blocks, along the street and within neighborhoods rather than compartmentalized into sections of near -identical units. The applicant submitted a letter, dated October 24, 2014 but received by Staff on November 18, 2014, addresses the Residential Design, pursuant to Section 9.08(C) of the Regulations, including building orientation, building facades and front building setbacks, placement of garages and parking, and mix of housing types. It includes drawings which illustrate the general layout of the proposed units. In the letter, the applicant proposes a methodology for determining whether the mix of housing styles has been met. This letter was supplemented / replaced with an updated proposal on November 25, 2014. The applicant and staff are working to further refine these. Staff's comments have focused on three aspects: a) Assuring that terms are clear within the proposed standards (e.g., that a "full front porch" has a minimum depth to it) b) Presenting facades that lessens the dominance of garage doors, particularly for duplex lots c) Assuring variability in house styles, particularly for the duplexes. M re ,l N� Staff considers that the proposed conditions on the single family lots as well as the variability inherent in "Custom" home building will result in an adequate mix of styles for the twenty single family homes. However, staff considers the proposed duplexes and carriage style units to be essentially the same style. 11. The Board should discuss mix of house styles, garage setbacks, and fagade standards with the applicant. The applicant has proposed conditions for the single family lots regarding building color, shingle color South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 22 j CITY OF SOUTH BURLINu TON 23 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING and design. The applicant has also proposed conditions for duplexes that sets parameters on colors for the buildings and for the shingles. v J 12. The Board should decide whether or not to establish such conditions for the single family lots and/or for the duplexes and if so, confirm that the applicant's proposed methodology will allow the Administrative Officer to effectively determine compliance with these standards at time of final plat review. OTHER As part of the Findings of Fact & Decision for #SD-13-44, the Board established Condition #8-e, that "the final plat plans shall be revised to include all utility cabinets in compliance with Section 13.18 of the Land Development Regulations." The applicant has detailed such locations on Plan Sheet #11 and the landscaping plans have been revised to provide screening details around all cabinets. Staff considers the applicant to have fulfilled this Condition and that this criterion to be met. Phasing The phasing of various components of the project are addressed in the Master Plan. Staff is recommending that the decision include a condition that zoning permits be obtained for all the units in common clusters A — D within five (5) years of approval with the option for requesting a one (1) year extension. Notice of Conditions There are "footprint" lots proposed around several of the units. For purposes of the Land Development Regulations, all footprint lots within a cluster will be considered one lot. South Village Communities, Phase 11 SD-14-33 Final Plat 23 .,c O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING December 8, 2014 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: RECEIVED DEC 0 8 2014 City of So. Burlington We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) to follow up with the December 2, 2014 DRB hearing for the attached Final Subdivision Plan proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. As requested, please find the following supplemental information: 1. The attached plans have been revised to show a min. 6' deep "median" between the duplex garage doors to break up the shared driveway. A note has been provided on Plan Sheet 2 calling this off at Units 13/14; 2. Units 22/23 & 28/29 have been revised to show side -loaded garages. Unit 25 has been revised to show a wraparound porch. With these changes, the "footprints" to these Units have also increased. Please refer to the attached Plans and new elevations for additional information; 3. The three (3) elevations which previously showed partial porches have been revised to depict "full" porches. As discussed at the hearing, the porches shall be a min. 6' deep to allow for patio furniture / actual usable space; 4. As discussed at the hearing, we agree to provide "Common Land Stencils" on the trees behind the Single Family Lots 38 — 55 to better distinguish development and common open space areas. These details are the same as shown on the LandWorks plans. Please find the following attachments: 1. Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and digital (pdf) copies of revised Plan Sheets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, S1 & E1. 2. Revised Elevation drawings. Civil Engineering Associates will be delivering the revised Plan Sheet P2, which depicts the new footprints for Units 22/23, 24/25 & 28/29. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ,-Z- r4f_� Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC Enc. cc: Scott IrelahcCORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com I�l�f M _ _ � tip r� �� ���L ../La►a.t .f�rLs.J�,lf/��r.rr �1ELey/'T oN RECEIVED DEC 0 8 2014 City of So. Burlington north jefferson South Burlington, VT ::: 5 m ,11 4 12 mm HiOi, -LEVAII,)N -- sm a mmw� 57 RECEIVED lid Ofj DEC 0 8 2014 City of So. Burlington IN 11� 1 1 / - Survey Notes - I w 1. This sheet depicts the boundaries of proposed lots of Phase 2. t 2. The perimeter boundary survey was performed during 2004-5 I using an electronic total station and GPS. �1 3. Bearings shown are referenced to Grid North, Vermont I I Coordinate System of 1983, related to National Geodetic 10 Survey marks PG1580 "F 65" and AB9571 "NE Aiken" 0.23 Ac. of Lot 48 established by RTK GPS measurements. 1 (Open Space) N12'00'32"E 1 4. Spear Street has a 66 foot wide right of way. Location was 30'31' 1 determined by existing monumentation and the traveled T portion of the road. Reference Town of Burlington "Highways N12'00'32"E /CA45 and Roads 1802-1865", Page 22, and Town of Shelburne 52.03' I O 183.9 ' nN Town Minutes Volume 1 Page 229 I / r n/f C.E. L -ng nif L. Long Revocable Trust Exempt Family Trust l / 1,183'2618"E 23.63 N83'26'18��- 63.63' J/q•AN(Xf AG N83'2618•E 178.84' 3 453*26'40"E m ---�1 6D NI W 5' SETBACK _ ��O�_-_-_=--�\7 W h/� 1T -f oi1N ass In Flo 10' SETBACK .. _ _ - - }41.84_ _ _ \ o' In to; 0.A8 Aa 59 Nj C A. N83.57' 7"E iv N `0 m 120'L 952.99' "� --_ - �184.58'� N Jn y _ 583'2640"W N82'13'13"E��� 594.08 -=- -157.2fi �.� z -Lot 81-, M�= 140.68' - -� o' r _ _ - au Ao. n ��85 �y25_W 25.48 ...-..... 9s Lot 561 o1N I _ S209.29•W /"-- �qb�-� 69.78 sp �. ii 0 0.39 Ao. I - col , / 51.93' ]5.18 ' 141c ;1 61-70 C12 S12'52'55"W \\ 40 �9, �S• // 'Quiet ,0 56-58 I 41 L-40.t9' \\ t may' 012eO �___J__J lJ---,s�z.Zg' ,Z R-100.0' 111 �1 ��� 7eY, 33• % hry 38 'h/\S�9• ✓4�rycia 'den\y�.! // N8 ;� 10 11 g 57 27 310.02 tl 40 9E 48"E 5. This property Iles within the "Southeast Quadrant" and the 3/4 IPFO i W R• ?N ^p O r r0\3r6• �'"/oh '�• mac" // z T TRCHILL L-39.39' \ \ 6"AG 1 2'�� 3?7 0.e6 A. 8 !gam f 2 41 84.25' 21.85' CHv+'• 7�E R-500.0 1 "Spear Street - Alien Road Scenic View Protection Overlay' 1 (• j 0 r 9• /1 $ ,G N83.57 2 �T •' \\ '� ' /•Dy ct / 4 39 a.le An 1 dto 165.20--L12 g1o"E i zoning districts. I O I O r- IF L1 0.20 AD. �r" `�L3 \Og, h�Vt II IN 55 ulcNi� 108.181 I I N76� j5' 6�'.ry �p'I II u,l rd 0.90 Aa ',t r-N06'02'33"W 81-90 C13 110• ,ry /. y'I n f L11 52.56' 1 I t C74 I ?750i/ M,,'\ S II N84'26'36•E -��. 11 I 0 1 74.59' •7 2 / M• ' I TYPICAL 00 1 I z L _ _ - - _ _ > ` 7 1 r - Legend - a / N76'11'33"W �s n 110.03' xi 1 71-80 1 1m L13 `��J to u / I I .YS8629� 3 42 o SETBACKS 10' Z 54 9 O I d Lot 81 Od - -1 Q 1� 1 �,.�/w�•ti - - - EXISTING PROPERTY LINE I 1 bJy� 024 An \ I' I O ►� 1 I Lot 71, + 0.87 Ac. ---1 1 ('18 - - -OTHER APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE /3 B k• 4 4q II / ro 0.$ ,yg J z1 A 0.49 Ac.l 10-1�5 r r C�►11 1 \ O - - - - - - - EASEMENT LINE / 1+ L=69.43'� 5T1%3 09 ,� N I 3. 7.i AO. N79'26'43 a u _ - - J tf I 91-139 1 L • \- °' \\ i ' ----TL---- TOWN LINE CMF I IM "� R-100.0' 108• o r9 I 136- 1, o1•p S89'25'13•W �,1 ►5� 701u l '� I) I- 1V ., 43 $.�. II OfLOt48 z of o1'. rs9.z2' _ �1� CMF p CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND 6" AC / 1 / 0 L4 1 4 O \ m, II (Open Space)a2s Ao. 4 y7a _,1 I 1• h $. 0 II0.41Y)B'V-111 •t.4$o u!-_ry 1 I y3� 3 699.- 01"� Co --ICMS13 CONCRETE MONUMENT SET I ^ OI u; N75 5 2 - 54 108• oir 04' C16 T9 1_0IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE I1 NOTE: ` `18 $ I /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE I ?\ r� -I O $$N II CAPPED IRON RODS Z \ 0� (fi �'N 0.49 AC. Oi LOt 48O 1 � /1 a l 0 10 52 L1 e Z m (Open Space) 20 1 1 L_- 1 O 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET I o'•� $- 0.17 lI V .i"E NN ,�(� o. st I j• _ 1 �1 1 , 1 1 /1 PROPOSED AT LOT t$ 1� •� - } CORNERS TYP. r. 1$. 11 i, v' ^S ebNand; u' 0°I r--1rr I 1 I �. a. 1oe•o9 0 \I ( ) NT ' 4 N N. Sc ...--.. A sa r - j 21 I I C1 r-Qa UTILITY POLE 1 £\ O \ 1 •1.2 'ut ✓,t� .._.. m 1 zz z FENCE LINE I N�1 £ 0 0.t7 A. \I 523'331.00' 51 0•� C 4 _758.32' a u u a -_-_J 01\\\ f AG G ABOVE GRADE BELOW GRADE 1 m 1 $- \ \\ 1, 9E ~--SBB•88'41-rw Nlo' 1..�i wit•' ' g1 11 1' /a / � I 1 0 5 Irlr I I bras Al« u N ,� 1 \ 1 Existing 20 code 108 p9 0 11 1> p2 \P NTt� s s :r ('t u 14 1 o I 1 PC/PT POINT OF CURVATURE/TANGENCY I 1 •s\2 10• ZNN 134}1 C7 25 1 24 CO O C f f I O I m -I storm water , 46 �\ , a >. I I I_ 22 I J 1 C) CU5 easement is \ N6 2 50 - 42 LOT/UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) I PC rj2 \ 0 0.17 O W 1 p0 w. rn� L10 __� I 1 II 116.6 AC. 81-70 MULTI -UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED)cproporneyedosed to � CS 1 571�a357' 1111 �ODZ�� m\ 01® V4�" aO62' L eao4L L 23-_J o�o d n ^ 13 J �r�l / asmutti-purpose 1p6' \ 0 8 0\ 22zo sv3v - �2' ;QO J. a/c --- +.. Of Lot 48 I I easement for \\�Z247 0\ o.t®.�" ,1��2 L7 ROAD •5yj tq w o 011 (Open Space) L=37.98 w\ L6�. s'Q I ; O en S ace stormwater& T O \W. S89'S8'39"E S87'43'S2"W, / Short Line Table l poranuallDn re R-63.o' \` Ss4 SBB. 0 \NW 0.17 Aa 70°2.2y12EL�+`� so 12 _ _ - o7g L15 �Line Diat. Bearing I I recreation paths L=93.78; ` Sg d- 4 L5N61L-69.09 33 -4)Sa� 8'0 Do' I L1 37.81 N58'03'l6•W 45.10 N58'03'16-W 82.84 S40'36'37"E 11.67 N18'16'16"W 41.36 N67-23'12'E 9.36 N67'2312 E 7 8.85 S89'59 39"E L8 31.03 NO2'1125"E L9 28.74 S02'1125•W L10 15.10 S89'59'39"E L11 12.00 N061D2'33"W 16.63 S10'08 48 E 33.36 S1622 57 E 33.36 S1622 57 E 15 6.09 564-57 47 E L16 7.75 S64-57'47 E L17 34.10 N40'1409 E L18 9.78 N2222 47 W R=115.0 ir�LL „_ - 1 I R-173 0' r - - 16 I IW I I I ; R=12000' , L-744.74• Proposed Street ' I / CHORD S10'13.32"W Dedication Table 1 744.62' N. Jefferson Rd. 2.27t Ac. 1 i Churchill Street 0.95t Ac. ' I Marsh Road 1.76-_ Ac. 1 I I I- Total. 4.98± Ac. � - Curve Table - 1 Curve Leng. Radius 1 I C1 I L \ C2 25.32 152.00 C3 26.13 152.00 4 54.09 152.00 BROKMri PHASE 1 13.40 63.00 I I LOT 118 29.95 63.00 55 20 170 00 I IRS DEC 08 2014 City of So. Burlington APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, ON THE _ DAY OF 2014, SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS _ DAY OF 2014, BY , CHAIRPERSON. RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, AT _ O`CLOCK ON THE _ DAY OF 20_. ATTEST.- , CITY CLERK SEE SHEET P1 (of 3) for LOCATION MAP SEE SHEET P3 (of 3) for EASEMENTS 1 1 26 127 I / r L-27.04' \\ N67'2312"E / 7 R-280.00 /' ' I I I I 28 30.64' L _ _,_ _ J / O� 29 57.71' \\ } I SCHEMAI7C���< l 4/,h S6 S25'02'13"W 1 1 -OE I BLDG. LOTS _ J ^ / N 43" A ' ONLY(".) h � h , 95 , 4/ E. COMMON 00 47 'TJ1r/ro 5 LAND AA4 I 30 n, 3 1.u9 ACRES o , / 2// ; CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Pi J III , `l / ` O / • r / 12\/ �v 1/ 10 MANSFIELD WEW LANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 L 31 / n o /����/ r // ! n m Q 4u J �/$ N o / yN 53'11'S8"W// ! 602-864-2323 web: www.cea-v[com tV (� • /N /p 11 COPYRIGHT Q 2014 - ALL RIGHTa REBRRYRD In /1N10 i Q mIN Z:Q I 32 Ic O i( Dw m I M GAC . y E i,1 I- I Z 1 10 I 1 !It I 33 ,rn O L_ __..I ,• �1i1, I I io1 II 1 PROPOSEDSTORMWATER TRC L1 1---� od Q'4 ~o O I "I II ' DETENnONMEAS APPsovm (TYPICay TRC I I I I I Pr, I I O Z II DATE aT Iuvmlor, N872ro1"w 1 35 I W I L-109.85' N 182 '01 L ---) I I I R-203.45' 12.08.2014 TRC Bldg 2-25, 28, 29 I I I 11.26.2014 TRC Rnts 125.00'L_QZ^o,�I I 1 S07'24'37"E 10.15.2014 TRC Lohanges o \ II 27.72' I, i� \ Q•y^ "?/ 4r �� 10.10.2014 TRC Notes & Lot Numbering C8 17.70 170.00 1 1 GRAPHIC SCALE C9 60.25 660.00 C10 70.00 660.00 57.93 660.00 Ngt\ 3943.` W r.e5 BB L=95.57' L=22.41' R=115.0' R=63.0' Agricultural Lease LOT 63 12.67± Ac. 38.50 160.00 60.95 560.00 1.25' IPFO _ _ �� 1 IN FEET ) I inch = 80 tt. C14 15.04 500.00 BENT - C15 39.62 120.00 C16 5.67 B00.00 C17 41.47 230.00 PC ` / v �� �` s8Z s9S C18 57:16 230.00 ' PHASE 1 TO Shelburne j LOT 11Ax �> %< '/ -❑-___ ---ALLEN ROAD / PHASE 1 O - - - - q) ALLEN R LOT 11 1 N49'45'51"W 60.00' JII �L PHOPCSEO ACCESSwna I I FOOTPATH II nYPl041-, n 11 To the best of my knowledge & belief this plat, consisting of three sheets, properly depicts the results of a survey conducted under my supervision and is based upon records & field evidence found. Perimeter boundaries shown are in substantial conformance with the records unless noted otherwise. This plat is in substantial compliance with 27 VSA 1403 "Recording of Land Plats". Timothy R. Cowan VT LS 597 'Quiet Path' 112.04.20131 TRC I Lot 48 & Common lands labels & areas PHASE 2 LOTTING PLAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont DM OCT. 31, 2013 1N ,1 eCAL9 "=80' PH D . No. 01243.08 DnA1rING N .. P2 laser z "1 z It J I1111 J 1 I It 'l llllll I \ I1 1 \ 1 1\J///// I / , rf l Ig1IlI \1 \ \/ 111� //r l ( 1\ EXI5 ` 11q\I`\ r Jam\ I I II (/ "r \MULTI 111\` 1 hlli\\I\\\\`" rA 41 / \1 /1 / l \ I J \ 11 1 \ \1 \ I j/ I 1 II \III 1 I/ I l\\\\I\\\ 11 1 1�I. ilk II 1 rl 11 111 I111 I I J( I j `A1 (1 1171 1�1/ 1J11 ill \I\\\l\11 \II\IN I II/l 111111 Notes: U ALL WAM SYSTEM! WORK 51— W IN ACCpIDANCE WITH CISME M WATER DISTRICT 'SFEGIF.- IONS . DETALS FOR — INSTALUTION OF WATER LIKS + —TM..,., ' L ALL SEWER SYSTEM! WdLK 51NLL DE IN AGGORDANLE WITH TIE STATE OF vEMIMONt ETRS AID TIE CITY OF SOUTH DLELIMSTON PLOI.IG WORKS SPEC 1-TIOMS. 31 /LANA NOT TO ISE U5F0 FOR FROFERTY CONVEYAX.E REAER TO FLAB ENTITLED TIN- 2 —ALL Mr AID YHA- 2 LOTTINo, FLAT` SOUTH VILLAGE LOAYNITIES, LLC. DATED V/3V0 FREFARm DY CIVIL EN6INEORIN6 A55OCIATES. INC. IJ \ - - _ ` / 1 / J / I RECREATION Y rATH \ \ ` -\\ I /� i f� 1(\Q \A6�.IGUZTUKAL I / ! 1 1 1/ I/ 1�, I I�I�I � \I OPEN 5f'*LE / I // ✓J / / // / j / '7I11 \ I l/ i - NQT DELElobgT I \\ 4N rH^INCx -12.67 krp i j // /i / // / // \ / / t~ .N/LI / Itf = r) / \ \ ��� \` ��- ( 1 1 \ rROrOSED 1 \\ \ / EGREATIO FAT; ' \ \ 1 \ FUTURIE JQO �_\` 1 ••_ i \II l\ 15.0 AGRE5\ JJJ ••• ) > GORE 4 BOOT •T _/ /' FORC.EMAIN INTO'-' _ EXI5TIN& 5MH J=-'- / (WW-4-2613-1; j /�/ f / I\I 11 �.•�. �\ 1 1 It� / RECREATION I / t / ` 1 /r,ATH_\ FN __T -�I "/EXISTING 12 i I` RO �- 7 / /' GRAVITY \ SEWER MAIN_ 7 SOUTH V VILLAGE PHASE I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FRET ) L inch = 100 ft. MIA- 2 DREMOOWN (-AROLYN E. LONG, REVOGADL.E TRU5T N/F ,UII !I111\\1111I 1 11 I J - •J. �// .z 10 (, M- 5YoRTAWATEFt' + 1 DETENTION'AK1 \ lif\E-)5HT.•511 N A TRAI 1J / \ . y�EtL,�•1D5 / .\.• \ ( S . ./. fit. '15•. .j•.• rye•. I.•i ..•. % 1. .. �. I. 1. \ i ` j (' '•' j It •' � kJr .\\ _•.\` 1 .I IT`,\ -•. J • 51— 'FOOTPRINT" GARR— STYLE WITS I. 2. 5, 6. 15-F1, b AND 37 • 11 UNITS DUMEX WO TFRINr WITS 3+4. 7-14. AND 20-35 26 WITS TRIPLEX 'FOOTPRINT" WITS M-56 • 3 WITS 5ING41-E FAMILY LOr5 3D-55. 54 AID 60 ZO WITS MLLTI-WIT WILDINf 61-�, 0 DUILDIN65 W/ V WITS EAGHI 30 WITS MU.TI-WIT IM WIT DUILDINGI 5 WITS T WITS NOTE -15 MN DFTIGTS TIE OVERALL rROF05ED MASS 2 FRRLIMINMY r_AN LAYOUT WITH UNIT STYLE REVISIONS AID UNDATED WETLANDS PER M12 MATING. Owner & Ao,olicant SOUTH VILLAT GOAM.RIIT IES. LLG IC/ O RODIN JFFFM5) r0. 5OX 2266 SOUTH DU RLINGTON. VT 05407 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NI 'DIGSAFE' AT DR 1-D-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. I Location Plan SOUTH DUKLINGTON, VT 1-200 Legend FROJECT DOADARY — - — - FKCIMTY LINE - - - - - - - - - MTDACK -------- yq--------- GONTOLR OE 1 U.5.05. OATUI I FKOPQ-D FINISH GRADE CONTOUR Q EXI5TIN6 IRON rIM ® EXISTING GONGRETE MOIAAQIT S RON rIFE ITO M %TI CONCRETE MONUMENT ITO M 5En �a UTILITY 104E E EXISTING ELECTKIG/TV/TELEFFVNE LIE SEWER LIRE 5TORMLIW W WATERLINE EXISTIN6/FROF05E0 HYDRANT SILT FENCE Zoning Information FAKG _ 101• 111 (224.11, AGRE5) PHA- TWO. (M.75 ACRESI - EXGI UPCS LOT 46 1132 AGRE5) PREVIOUSLY INGLUDm AS PART OF rN1A- TWO OVERAL AREA ZOIED SOUTH EA5T QUA0RANT-WI6IEORIgOP RESIDENTIAL 1-Q-NRI VWDITY- "H TWO MAXIMUM, IXr UNITS; T WITS MASTER RANTED / FROCO , I—TI-UNITS 61-" SOUTH VILLAGE MASTER FLAN RECONSIDERATION APFROVAL DATED 210`061 APFROVE5 TFE FOLoWIN6 WAIVERS. PROVIDED TFE AIISLE 50UTFEA5T QUADRANT ZONING DISTRICT LIMITATIONS OF DI DUILOING COVFR,A6 AND MZ OVERALL COVERAGE ARE IET GowIAEc• SINGUE FAMILY MAX DUILDING COVERAGE FROM W TO 42I 51I G FAMILY MAX TOTAL LOT GOVERAGE FROM 302 TO 67 MULTI-FAMILY MAX DUILDIN6 GOVERAGE FROM 52 TO 5M MOLT FAMILY MAX TOTAL LOT GOVERA6 FROM ]EMI TO 65I LOT Sla 51NOE FAMILY MIN. LOT SIZE FROM 12.0D S.F. TO 3.600 5.F 5l1DACR5• 51N/+ r FAMILY FRONT YARD SETDAGK FROM 20' TO V' 51NGLE FAMILY REM YARD -TDAGK FROM 30 TO V (5 FOR REAR LANES! MULTI -FAMILY FRONT YARD SET DAGK FROM 20' TO 10' MU.TI-FAMILY REM YARD SET DA" FROM 30 TO 5' MAX DUILDING FEI6HT- 40 FT rITG1ED ROOF!! 35 FT PLAT ROOF) 11/24/14 KEV151F rEK WW REVIEW rFH IV201M REVISE rEK DWGWrD REVIEW IFH IIIIII Gt 5/26/14 REVISE rEK DKD rKELIMINAKY APPROVAL CONDITIONS er PFH SS5\III \1 //i•., 05- O o FAc.EAr SOUTH VILLAGE w 11W2 ��\ o saDvmvar COMMUNITIES, LLG 2— =• is = oRA O'L.EARY-BURKE -� 141 c:m i rJ/ Rlrmm a-., CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC SPEAR STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 012- 11S13 Vim: !111�0,5 own OVERALL PHA5E 2 PLAN 1 1 IewN ray From: Robin Jeffers <robin@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 4:02 PM To: ray Subject: South Village Design standards. Hi Ray, We met as a team this morning after reading the staff notes and are agreed to update the Design Standards I had sent in further by adding that duplex units shall have full front porches, and that we will a landscape guideline to enumerate minimum planting standards to meet Mike Lawrence's images and apply to single family, duplex and triplex by multiple of unit; for example for a carriage home, a minimum of one small tree and 4 shrubs, for a duplex (double that- 2 small trees, 8 shrubs), triplex: 3 small trees and 12 shrubs. Again this would be a minimum standard and follow Mike Lawrence's L2 and L3 plans. I'll amend the standards I had sent to reflect this change. I think this will help to clarify and manage builders adhering their plans to the 'standard' and be more clear for you and I to track visually and on paper. Robin Robin Jeffers S ll Ireland PO Box 2286 S. Burlington, VT 05401 802-863-6222 Cell: 802-316-6004 robin@sdireland.com www.severancecorners.com www.southvillage.com www.southvillageleasing.com ray From: Doug Brent Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 10:45 AM To: ray Cc: Terry Francis Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Ray - I have looked at the comments and have the following reply: - (DB1, DB2, DB4, DB5) Site plan review and Fire Protection/construction permit processes are not the same and will not occur together as stated. - (DB3) OK - (DB6) The DRB can and has required sprinklers in single family if FD access is an issue. We recommend to the DRB that they require sprinklers due to distance from the public highway. - (DB7) In multifamily dwellings this is currently STATE LAW, future or not, regardless of site plans - (DB8) It sounds like we (the developer and the FD) are in agreement on this issue. However, as reviewers for the DRB process, we need to have our opinion put on the record as a recommendation. We will do on -site testing to assure access, from that, any issues of non-accessability will be brought to the developers attention. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Douglas Brent Fire Chief From: ray Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:32 AM To: Doug Brent Subject: FW: South Village Phase 2 Doug, Could you review the response to your comments and let me know if you have any reply? Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Lf you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: David Burke[mailto:dwburke@olearyburke.com] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:29 AM To: ray Cc: Peter Heil; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM); Robin Jeffers Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Ray: Please see the attached for replies to the Fire Departments review comments for Phase 2 — South Village. Other than item 6 and 8, which are requests, not requirements, the other items are for future Site Plan reviews for Units 60 — 99. David From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:09 AM To: David Burke Subject: FW: South Village Phase 2 Dave, See the Fire Chiefs comments attached. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainabilitV.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If'you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Doug Brent Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5:03 PM To: ray Subject: South Village Phase 2 Ray - See attached for above. Any questions let me know. Doug 2 ray From: David Burke <dwburke@olearyburke.com> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 11:48 AM To: ray Cc: Robin Jeffers; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM); Peter Heil Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Ray: Thank you for forwarding the below. I'm confused by the replies to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7, as the Multi Family require Site Plan reviews and I trust the Plans when submitted will be sent for Fire Department Review — correct? Regardless, we did not state that we disagreed with these items, in fact we agree, it's just that it will occur in the future. If it makes it easier and is appropriate, we are OK with a condition of this approval accepting items 1-4 and 7 of Doug Brent's review. He was good with items 3 and 8. David From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 11:10 AM To: David Burke; robin@sdireland.com Subject: FW: South Village Phase 2 David, See comments below from the Fire Chief. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Doug Brent Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 10:45 AM To: ray Cc: Terry Francis Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Ray - I have looked at the comments and have the following reply: 1 - (DB1, DB2, DB4, DB5) Site plan review and Fire Protection/construction permit processes are not the same and will not occur together as stated. - (DB3) OK - (DB6) The DRB can and has required sprinklers in single family if FD access is an issue. We recommend to the DRB that they require sprinklers due to distance from the public highway. - (DB7) In multifamily dwellings this is currently STATE LAW, future or not, regardless of site plans - (DB8) It sounds like we (the developer and the FD) are in agreement on this issue. However, as reviewers for the DRB process, we need to have our opinion put on the record as a recommendation. We will do on -site testing to assure access, from that, any issues of non-accessability will be brought to the developers attention. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Douglas Brent Fire Chief From: ray Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:32 AM To: Doug Brent Subject: FW: South Village Phase 2 Doug, Could you review the response to your comments and let me know if you have any reply? Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: David Burke[mailto:dwburke@olearyburke.com] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:29 AM To: ray Cc: Peter Heil; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM); Robin Jeffers Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Ray: Please see the attached for replies to the Fire Departments review comments for Phase 2 —South Village. Other than item 6 and 8, which are requests, not requirements, the other items are for future Site Plan reviews for Units 60 — 99. David From: ray [mailto:rayC-asburl.com] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:09 AM To: David Burke Subject: FW: South Village Phase 2 Dave, See the Fire Chiefs comments attached. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. !f you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Doug Brent Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5:03 PM To: ray Subject: South Village Phase 2 Ray - See attached for above. Any questions let me know. Doug I South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 November 19, 2014 Mr. Ray Belair, Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Proposed Phase 2, South Village Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed development. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. 1. All multifamily units will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. 2. The four (4) multi -family dwellings shall have sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC�. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and fire protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxes for the multi -family dwellings, location to be specified by SBFD. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Building number 40, 41, and 60 should have NFPA 13 D residential sprinkler systems due to their distance from the public highway. 7. No gas or charcoal grills on outside porches. Commented [DBI]: The Multifamily Units (60-99) require f future Site Plan approval and we understand Fire Protection review will occur with the same. ................. ........................ .......... .............. ........... ...... Commented [DB2]: Understood, this will be proposed and reviewed upon future Site Plan applications. ( Commented [D63]: Agreed Commented [DB4]: See comment (DBI) above Commented [ D85]: See Comment (DB l) above. Commented [DB6]: These single family homes are on driveways and as such Sprinkler systems arenot required nor proposed We understand this item is a request, not a requirement Commented [DB7]: Provided that this item is for future Units 60 — 99, which are subject to future Site Plan applications we agree. Page -2 8. As we have done with the other phases of South Village, when the streets are laid out, we would like to perform some actual on -site testing to assure turning radii are acceptable and that emergency access is achievable. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Douglas S. Brent Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief Commented [D68]: We have no issue with the Fire Department performing turning radii exercises following Construction. However,', we delayed our design significantly regarding this very issue, as we are not in favor of the City standard "pinched down' intersections for emergency vehicle turning movements. Regardless, we were unable to convince the Fire Department of the same. This was after the Fire Department performed turning movement exercises of existing pinched down intersection within Phase I of South Village. As such, should the Fire Department have issues with the proposed standard intersections after-the-fact,we suggest the standard should be changed for future Projects and not be applied to this project, which preferred conventional (non pinched down) intersections. Cc: Deputy Chief Terry Francis, Firelmarshail (Commented [D697: Thank you for your revrew. ti CI r- // Tri J / /10 \ \ oI Jill, 11\ \ t III111 L 11 1 j 1 1 ErN� \)\\\_�\ IO o•�i� M... {' \ /lr 11 \ 1. _- I .xt:.�:: •: ••+ 1I11/`fl11111�� /, ::r c J Ij ll I t/ 1 \tllfl/1,/,r \\\11j111111 \ \ 11 11111 I I ll\\\ \\ lr \ \ J \\ /hlrl+l+l\\\\I\i\� ♦I�1 I l� l Irl •:r,L'�i'-1�1�7. jl\I l\ ' `11\\\\\\1EMIitr�l 1111111\-�,1111 l 1 \�/ /...{. -J I Jill( 11111IUII1r ;I,,,1\ `, \ \1\`\� Jf 1 f /j1\\�Irl I j / !/ /f // ... ,,'i,T\I'i-lll^I/'rirr_ 1 1 `\ 4n •\ \) 1 l \ 1 t- �,-_\ -) i'z• rr It IIII1/ril l l I )\\ I EXI5TING ` \ Ij1l l! \MULTI -USE, / f'..:•• M(lilt \\ t I !/ r/TH I Ill! I \t ��•.Aaa,!�<( ; 1 1\ l ) l \l I // \II 1 1 I l \\ `\ 1 I\ - f 1/ / /J /IlkIII tit) /) 11\111`ill l t l I1'�J jl �/ 11lI1 lt�/II I�1\\I1`I11 / \\\f /' t`\ t\�\`i I^f1 i\1 jlt 1rIlW'\II ill!' tk 1111) Notes U ALL WAm SYSTEM WORK SHALL K IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAFLAW WAM DISTRICT 'SfEGIFIGATION5 ♦ OETALS FOR M INSTALLATION OF WA— LPLS . ATRTONMfES' ZJ Al SEWER SYSTEM WORK SHALL - IN ACCOltCIANCE WITH M STATE OF VERMONT MS AND M 61" OF SOUH, DIatLINGTON nALIC WORR5 X IFIGATIONS, L RAA NOT TO OE UXO FOR rROFERTY GOHNEYNICE REF[R TO RAA ENTIT T 5E ] OVERALL MT' NO -5 ] LOTTING RAY SOUTH VILLAGE GOtYINITIES, LLG. OAMO D/JI/U —AIUD OY CIVIL —NMI MNG ASSOCIATES. INC. R / 2b I rltoroSEo / I/ / ll 11 l \ \ \ �l I )\��\-` /I RECREATION \ \\ r `l `\ \\ \\ \ A\KICUZ-TIJRAL\l 1 J. ) Il JJ 1411 l / 11 :.; NQT oE[E 1NGy 1T J .�jN rHA`Fi1NCz/ \ �/ / I / / / I /�'/J / , 1 I EGREATIO \ \ rATH • \ 1 ) I \ / \ . �J 1 ) I t J 1 l �i \ \ ,\ I 1 1 \ FUTU&JQO-��--^J/i \ \ \\-4T.lJDENT /J J 5GH0bb-51TEE r/r/ j f' f t ••: • ::.lv. • \ \I 1 •5.0 ACRES\\ ) GORE + 600T � FORGEMAIN INTO \ _ • )- ^_) _ _ �`�_ EXISTING 5MH , �� / (WW-4-2613-1; ) 1 5MH i7A) l rKor05ED RECREATION I / ` 1 PATH 1 _ I �l eNRpq �y�--3�{ - -�-�I / /EXISTING 17_Z�,� �w JF �s GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 1 inch = 100 ft. SOUTH VILLAGE rHA5E I rHASE ] ORF-ARDOWN CAROLYN E. LONG REVOCADLE TRUST Il 11\\\\11N/F 11 1 1 I 1 1 1 .'Gt TWO: •VJ$(K15 -.•�J. � . a' 5T00AWATER` + f DETENTION 'ARO' \ 8 \ •/) "r01 tl1"•ISi7;E�5HT.•511 f 6 • I\\ I. TRAIL • , - XzAt5, TWO i • . , ,X .•Il I ! t lit•-•!•_� _ .•i h ) d SINGLE 'FOOTPRINT' GMRIA" STYLE UNITS t ]. 5. 6. 15- . J6 AND 57 • II UNITS DI.R.EX 'FOOTPRINT' UNIT5 3+4. 7-14 AND 10-M 26 UNITS TRIREX 'FOOTPRINT' UNITS M-56 • J MITI SINGLE FAMILY LOTS )0-35. 51 AND 60 ZO I.NIT5 MIAL -UNIT DUILDIM55 61-1D, U DUILDIN65 W/ 0 UNITS EAGHI JO tNIT, MULTI -UNIT WILDING 11-Y- n UNIT DIIILDIN6) 1 WITS r UNITS NOTE THIS 11_AN OFJIGT5 M OVERALL PROPOSED R1A5E Z MIFLIMINAtY MAN LAYOUT WITH UNIT 5TYLE REV151ON5 AND UFOATW WETLANDS FER MU NAMING. RECEIVED NOV 2 6 2014 City of So. Burlington Location Plain SOUTH DURLINGTON, VT 1"-200' Legend rRO T VOINJMY - — - — momTY LINE -- - - - - - -- SETDAGR --------IT6--------- CONTOUR LINE 1 U.5.6.5. DATUM 1 (ID MMO•AED FINISH 6RADE GONTOUt Q EXISTING IRON PIPE El EXI5TIM6 GONLRETE MONUMNT IRON rIM ITO DE SEn • CONCRETE MOMAEIIT ITO DE SETI `Ue UTILITY rO E E%I1TIN6 ELEGTRICRVR� LINE m 5EWEIt LIRE �� STORMLINE W WATERLINE EXI5TIN6/MR 05M HY AMT SILT FENCE Zoning Information rMCEL 1DI• 10 0-0I IZ]4.b AGREN r SE TWO. ITT.15 AGREN - EXCLLOE5 LOT 46 IUZ AGRE51 PREVIOUSLY INGLUDEO AS rMT OF h SE TWO OVERALL ALMA _MD, SOUTH EAST QUADRAM-IE161CORHOOD M510 1AL ISEO-MD COMITY. rHASE TWO MAM XIMU1% UNITS• 11 UNIT5 MASTER MANNED / MR 05ED. I.MA.TI-UNI7`5 61--M SOUTH VILLAGE MASTER r RECONSIDERATION AIMOVAL DATED ]/ID/06) A OYES M FOLLOWING WAIVERS, PROVIDED M AMLICADIE SdITFEAST OVAORMT ZONING DISTRICT LIMITATIONS OF nZ DUILOIHI6 GOVERAGE AND M. OVERALL GOVIlU ARE MET GOVIRAee. SINGLE FAMILY MAX OUILDIN6 COVERAGE FROM nz TO 41a 51N FAMILY MAX TOTAL LOT GOVERA6E FROM 30z TO 6R MULTI -FAMILY MAX DUILDIH6 GOVEMA6 FROM na TO SOK MULTI -FAMILY MAX TOTAL LOT COVERAGE FROM JIM TO 65E LOT 51ID SIN6UE FAMILY MIN LOT 51ZE FROM MOO SF. TO 34M IF 59WAGX5. SINTM F FAMILY FRONT YARD SETGAGR FROM ]D' TO V SINGLE FAMILY REM YARD 5EMAGR FROM JO' TO 0' W FOR REAR LAIME51 MULTI -FAMILY FRONT YARD SET DAGR FROM 2V TO 0' MA.TI-FAMILY REM YAtCI SET DAGR FROM JO• TO V MAX ISVILC 1N IEI 40 FT INTU ROOF); ] FT FLAT ROOF) Owner & Applicant 5CIUTH VILLAGE (QMMUNITIE5. LLG 0/O Km,.JFPFER51 AS11111// r5WTN00URLIM,TON. VT 0540T11 `` Y O'lt' �- 54TA P - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'DIGSAFE' AT 1-666-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 'i/II\ASS, Aal l l l lIS 11/24/14 REV15E rER WW REVIEW 1V10/M REVISE r DWGWPD REVIEW as5/26/14 KEV15E rER OMD MELIMINM7 APPROVAL oeCA o /xOM1D MAIWe o FnOHwAry FIIML C3 SN lM/MVCPT W,, D O'I EARY-Bi TRKE 5 CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC rtm1E'9uT1', RATE W6aN W6� 1 =10D SOUTH VILLAGE GOMMUNITIE5, LL1 VT OVERALL PHA5E 2 PLAN I 1 J - Survey Notes - nif C.E. Long 529.17 1. This sheet depicts the boundaries of preposetl Ids of Phase 2. / m / n/f L. Long / Revocable Trust � --, +�.N83'26- i0 IRS --, 2. The perimeter boundary survey was performed during 2004-5 , � Exempt Family Trust 1 18•E N83'26 t 8 using an electronic trial station and GPS. ;� , , 483'26 23.63' tat. 5 ' 3 , 3/4' ANGLE_IRpV N83'2fi t8-E 178.84 63 633 N83'26'40"E RECEIVED 3. Bearings shown are referenced to Grid North, Vermont h BAG - _40.47' h - t29 71' v O ml o •,•:' d¢\ Coordinate System of 1983, related to National Geodetic / O 5' SEreACK _ ��_ _ _ _ _ _ -- ry �/h ?tN 020 A. Survey marks PG1580 "F 65" and A89571 "NE Aiken" ~/ IC' SETBACK - _ _ O Nio r" 341.9a_ _ ;n aPP A. 59 12o a0' f 0.23AC.O1Lot 48 _ - - N83'S7' 7 E n _ 2014 established by RTK GPS measurements. g9 - t84 58 e h N Sgj 26 a0 W NOVN12V0'32'E 1 1 (Open SP80e) N82'131�"E 9� 594.0 - - - 157.26 I `y _ 40.6 ' r•- Y 1 Z Litt 61--, ,.112 \� H85R9' 88 -- �25.48' %' 4. Spear Street has a 66 foot wide right of way. Location was 3031' �� = - - Z - e' r - osi Aa n _ �5_W------•-•--- determined b existing monumentation and the traveled 1 3,16 r 1 Litt 1 SIN I _ 5209'29"W .' Y 9 / 69.78 63.J7. ii 3 6 1 0.30 Ae. I o �I I / 51.93' ♦\ potion of the road. ReMrence Town of Burlington "Highways CMS s `/6•• //� d 1 I _Mi 61-70 51 T52'55"W \\ /'� r N12'00'32"E / t05.18 O N' ^'- O C12 City QI �o. Burlin ton and Roads 1802-1885", Pa a 22, and Town of Shelburne ar ? 40 S• // 'Gum prW1• l0 56-58 I s:I L-40.19' \\ 9 52.03' a/ f __y_J 183.9' N a ny 6 i // a L_ __ y-�1�2.76 R=100.0' 11 Town Minutes Volume 1, Page 229. I h / 7. ,•i•,-_,-•__-,_•- -•- N7i• r/ryh r,`f\y, O.P6 Ao. ,y/' 9♦O- /If N83'57'27"E f L �1 7_Z 31002 SI SIO'8'48"E 11 J/<lPF 6 r'•JJ'R. ro/ 38 ^i•ti' of •' ZS,, // 10_6.10' '�N83'57 27 E 8.1 40.91' 11� 5. This property lies within the "Southeast Quadrant" and the B :IC O ,7�j'2'�9�R 3 2� 0.O 2/ 70r ems• 1► rah' O 8• f // � UR,�HILL .,*1 L=39.39' \\ "Spear Street - Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay' L.. °• / 99. ll 0 21.85' v N \ 17 f 41 84.25' CH R=500.0' zoning districts. ri 7jOg• Ct / ° 39 /� I ° l o N83'S7 27"E �T- L12 610� \ 'OtrielPeN• APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT C I 0.A b.� I O-165.20-- ►� Nj6'-_E 1 \\ REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, Lt Sao An LJ 5' s�v1 II try TN oB.Tel I 1�4 I o N ',10?6 /1 1\ VERMONT, ON THE _DAY OF 2014, ­�:8j 6'i.. �4 , W lm o.zo Aa 6'oz'33'w 61-90 Gi3 1 1 Ra -:°6' L2 �y �y°� 'f 1 %•t 4 Ll l.56' w I C14 ' -1 1. 1 I I SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS J 1 225. r 6y S`� N84.26.3l, _ -Le end- q , 74.59' 2 ;M TYPICAL I Iz --- 19 OF SAIDRESOLUT/ON. •�74.59' 33•W o' >n 110.03S . SETBACKS 10'o��'1-80 1 �$ LOts1 L13 > O 3l0 1 SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2014, - - EXISTING PROPERTY LINE Y'i l I &°J9/. J aPO 1 Zr r O ,��K 1 1 Lot 711_ OTHER APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE , I / I 7fi'k C4 \ �I 1 m 0'g 1. 11 ~ -1 n 0.49 M.1 iO 1'up �- ,� C.1 Kt \ 78 , \\\ •� d BY ,CHAIRPERSON. 13 ♦ 0, 19"E EASEMENT LINE I ° L=69 43"' 571 %3 p9' i 11 3.73 AC. N79'2643, o �, - - _ J I� 1 91-99 'S 1 A _ _ m p ----TL---- TOWN LINE CMF,j 1 M ~% R=700.0' 1� O a my 11 of Litt 48 Z 1� �K 589'25'13•W - �, K IS� 11N 1� 11 lIJ 39.22' -- o O 10 I I 6- AG 1' N 43 0-1�- 11 G of r oK �'T1 �K"' 17 la f3� ! ui L4 a17 Ae m I (Open $p8C@) 1$ 53 aP3 Ae. t 1=7g ---- o . ■ o CMF Q CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND o w 'Ds' Im er I // RECEIVED FOR RECORDING /N THE LAND RECORDS OF \ o /1rn 11 • 1$. E 58 45'W 48 ■ ? •13�8 0'?2- • 69 ' $ o o -1 // THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, \0 O u 04 C76 •I g2 .- 5 65107 W CMS l7 CONCRETE MONUMENT SET 1.� �609 \ I U N75 5154 gg o I r - // ti 1 f 131 2 8 r - - 1 0- i� 10 1 L AT _ O CLOCK ON THE _ DAY OF 20 IPF/IRFO IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE 1 y\� O$ `fn 11 '- NOTE II/n1 N 0.49 AC. Or Lot 48 o O „ 1 18 ,/ 0.17 A. 10.11 CAPPED IRON RODSry 0'� L18 Zv' m N (Open u J 20 I C'1 0 I L--J� 1, ! U 5 8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET %, 1 1 c, Zlo /\ 1 PROPOSEDAT LOT 1D O '' : - t ��� d'1 x 1 A I r ATTEST: CITY CLERK / l I �K m. o. 11 CORNERS P. �. \qj .22�•E .r N�o. n aytk.w `. �lal I r- -1 `O, UTILITY POLE 1 m �8 o \ (TY ) 1� N N. u W \ 10 \\ N 724 w e,: -� 1 21 I 1 I -15 I� 11 " "-• FENCE LINE I l 1 1c aL 45 $. \\\ S23'31'26"E ' \\ , I\ 4 0.17 An \ 0 158.32' u, u AG BG ABOVE GRADE BELOW GRADE / 1 J1.00' S1 E C YA �- 588.0841 W r• NIN UIN ---� m111 •\ / / j 0 \ 5q8 1� r--I--� �i6-A..�_ a Lr I Existin 20'wide 50 1 10� PC/PT POINT OF CURVATURE TANGENCY ' 9 10 O \\ \7•E 007. y N N A}1 C7 w 25 1 cfjjytJy�om tic's u! � O 14 / / storm water O 3 �1 r;�13O O 24 O f f I-IL.- 0 42 LOT/UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) [7 LhS easement is r $ \I N61�% y 50 1 I 23 I 1 I PC 52 1 o.a17An �w 11 10"o N°m L'0-I_-J 01 l7 I.gl'I 116.6±Ac. I proposedrobe 1 aim 1 ® r;'> o.POAe L L ti 13 81-70 MULTI -UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) %/1 econveyed CS 571� I' 1 0� m\ �9S,. a., - �--_-J oo J I Of LittejB V1 I S 1 O• 0.t7 A. 4 �- p o--- 1 as In Ili -purpose \oe' 1 o � o\ qy.o a959'S9- ��� to I eisementfor 1\�N 47 Q\ 017Ie OZj�p,/R L7 R=52 � �f`v uo tOi1'Q•0 1 , (Open Space) ' 1 stormwater 8 L-37.98' O r\ g LLG - R,OAD 52' °� sB7 a3's2 SEE SHEET P1 (of 3) for LOCATION MAP Short Line Table - l 1 potential future R=63.0' ♦ Z$s \ 017 A. OZ 17E - 589'S9'39 E - L.2 L15 SEE SHEET P3 f 3 f EASEMENTS Lane uric. oeanng Li 37.61 N58TJ3'16 W - Curve Table - Curve Lang. Radius Cl 7. C2 25.32 152.00 26.13 152.00 4 54.09 152.00 13.40 53.00 29.95 63.00 7 55.20 170.00 CB 17.70 170.00 C9 60.25 660.00 CIO 70.00 660.00 11 57.93 560.00 36.50 160.00 1 60.95 560.00 C14 15.04 500.00 C15 39.62 120.00 C16 5.57 600.00 C17 41.47 230.00 C78 57. 66 230.00 To Shelburne ALLEN ROAD - O _ _ -- / / recreation paths L-93.78'♦ Sfi*38:' 'ou'\.r,' 906�•Zi Q5 J3 5012 07.52• a;�.;►\ L=4804' or ` 4 LS N lv L=69.09' f--I -1 4)5�� R=280.00' -per' N F C6 1♦IY 1 R=175.0' lO1 O1 L16 ' I I fie• 60 1 28 I 27 I / L=27 04' \ f Ss• - •� 1 N6-23'12"E 1 1 I I / 28 / ' R=280.00' s suxveroes: Y/?S 56 7512 1 30.64' L--I--J / O/ 29 / L 11 5771' 3.W \\ ^1 I I R=12000' se' -- I I SCHEMA77C��/ m C L=744.74' Proposed Street L=95.5T J q; ti Se.s,, �� E �y SLOG. LOTS CHORD R 63.0' R=115.0' ONLY(TYP.) ��^ '91 42F rrilltM� 'i A SIo,3 32-w Dedication Table I h Qr�,; 5 �p,np y,. 1 744.62' et N 7 h/o- r N. Jefferson Rd. 2.27± Ac. I I O Churchill Street 0.95t Ac. I o `J 1 a z" of ;; t.59 ACRES i CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. I t l�� l -7 ,y f 1 W I -4 Rf 1 q I j - / 12 r 11 10 MANSHELD WEW LANE, SOUTH BURUNGTON, IT 05403 Marsh Road 1.76i Ac. ca - �, 31` o i - / s31, 56 w // 1 -- m '� to 1 ad/d N o c,`V // 8024164-2323 web: www.ces-.tcom 1 iiIIitII easeAtisrc4tass ep COPYRIGHT (0 ZU I. atRvIrGaHoniS RESERVDTotal. 4'96=AAc' Agricultural Lease -' IL, --,z 3'-� GACLOT 63 aoor M a12.67.tAc. O L PROPOSEDSTORMATER TRC0 I of DE7EN71°NMEAS yRpY® (YPIGL)og+J 11l TRC lm Lz4 it _- II 1 I L=109.85' CMF ' I N87.21'01W L--J 1-9 I - II R-203.45- SROKEN , PHASE 1 t32.et' I O 2 1 II 11.26.2014 TRC Rev. bldg rodprints I , LOT 11B 12500 _ �^ �° N L--� II I S07'24'37"E 10.15.2014 TRC Lot Numbering Changes 27.72' 10.10.2014 TRC Notes Blot Numbering GRAPHIC SCALE ©0 0e22.2014 TRC Add Sheet P3(Easements) 1 \\ O \ \� v 44'� lr 11 j� 12.04.2013 TRC Lot 48 6 Common lands labels 8 areas �1 � II I 1 ( IN ever) r„ , Og o c�' Ly O o joh I I',$ L25• IPFO I _ _ I inch = SG ft. o N S�9 pg ,p , �\ : o>� a PHASE 2 BENT I _ - 0 9�6 _ _" / ��.eo s59�`°,5 \\\> i 4 LOTTING PLAT PC5 i S82'59'98"E L1��Gy ,�\,.�\ �.�� __ SOUTH VILLAGE I PHASE 1 �60 a. �\ > , S5 ,. LOT 11A ,o% ��'\0 /%/ - - -`. COMMUNITIES, LLC Wet/and Bounder PROPOSEDPAVEDPY J Otir�i? - _- JI PROPOSED ACCESSATHA PHASE 1 r _--__ I FOOTPATH Spear Street N49.45'51"W �' II (TYPICAL) q) ALLE�r h, LOT 11 60.0° Cut do sec to be II South Burlington, Vermont C 0 11 To the hest of my knowledge a belie) This plat, consisting v terminated upon erdaruion olROW or three sheets, property depicts Me results of a survey ro 0 conducted under my supervision and is based upon L I I records 8 field evidence found. Perimeter boundaries Bm .tuna, rrutiesa NORTH I I �,(ti shown are m substantial conformance with Me records OCT. 31, 2013 JEFFERSON unless noted otherwise. This plat Is "n substantial I I compliance with 27 VSA 1403 Recording ofPlat s", as". I y ROAD (Exist.) P2 otucrnu scNx h i I I ill =80' 1 I EReI. aa. Timothy R. Cowan Vr LS 597 01243.08 sxELT z .r z \ A l 1 - Survey Note - ' r n/f C.E. Long 1. This sheet is Intended to depict easement Ideational and I I n/f L. Long / Revocable Trust Et E2 iaP� EASE. —_ indents. Plead Wes.`ee!>1,.K`P' eta P2 ror boundary and Exempt Family Trust 10" E Et `#'P) E2 --���- , 4 - Legend - I h _ _—_-_____- -y It 10 0/ - - PROPERTY LINE _ - - - PROPOSED LOT LINE I l �- — - - Lot 61 f ____- Lot W ---�-- . EASEMENT LINE I - _ "" CMF ❑ CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND I 7 CMS O CONCRETE MONUMENT SET /cM5 40 •Quiet Path,PEDI TAL EI IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE I 1 / r E44.1 / \ / \ E2 z It, ...- e 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET J < e 6AGC r��. O . ` !/ CHURCHILL "A � `� UTILITY POLE , � � _ _ 777��� \\ "GdarRmMr" APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT \ E3 41 11 r , _ _ �_ 1 A � � \\\ REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, •+• FENCE LINE I 1 r 39 i _ PROPOSED MTC - ` / , II 55 1 r E2 I t+" t„ 1� VERMONT, ON THE DAY OF 2013. �j , �� _ 11 1, , I SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS (MODULAR TERMINATION CABINET) , / / / �. / E2 I, r II j AL _ _ 1 \ 3' I 11 OF SAID RESOLUTION. \ ( SIGNED THIS_ DAY OF 2013, ❑ PROPOSED TRANSFORMER PAD 3 1 r �-f Et fl SETBACKS 10' �a I LOI'81 \ Q , 1(1 . ee PROPOSED SECONDARY PEDESTAL ' ' STORM v/C1 1 I t( LOf %1 t \ C I l \ �`r 42 O r� E1 1 .4 1\ E2.1 � I \\\ e BY CHAIRPERSON. 42 L07 NUMBERS (PROPOSED) I I , E5 .` II 3.73 Ac. - - \, 10' EASE. ' Is IofLot48CMF I e � 1 ' EI 43 jl (Open Space) 53 E2.1 \ t�.4 `t�. E2 Ez 1 \ o i/1 _ _ — RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF - Easement Notes - 1 - _ - _ - - 1 '� �l I 10' EASE. \ II "� I /i/ (r THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, 1 (GMP) II `-' CJl I v \ // + AT O'CLOCK ON THE DAY OF ,20 . Proposed easements for buried power d / 1 I \:7 \ \ I I ` 0.49 AC. a Lot 48 , ;0 1 / / i telecommunications cables serving Green Mountain 1 , O 1 II \ 52 (O(JBmT $peC9) 1 C) 1 36 I I 1 ATTEST. E1 Power GMP T I 1 \ \ /t I t r� � I I 1 'z, �I r ,CRY CLERK (GMP). lines, a 10• in width and bounded by 1 1 E8 T I E2.1 EQUIP. EASE. I Iwband 1 i street right -of --way lines, as shown hereon. 1 ) � � � \ '•._ REc PAIN �\ 45 1111 (TYPICMAL) O �� tt / GRAPHIC SCALE Proposed equipment easements for transforms pads and � 51 1 1lY EASE. GMP _ mod Jar termination cabinets (MTC) serving Green �����r►►►�TT111/// , \\ t 1\ (GMP) E2 - - - r I 1 1 I t s E2 Mountain Power (GMP). Easement boundaries to be 6' I 1 Existing 20 wide \ \ 111 E1 1 CCOMMf N are I 1 Q 1 I I distant horn each side of structure, as constructed. I t \ \ O/ \I11 ® storm water /\\ LoeNana shown schematically hereon. C Q CMS easement is 1 50 E2 1 I (tK eeer ) C�1 PG � t , C 11 116.6± Ao. t inch = aG n. proposed to be \ ' E2.1 \ 9 �= --rn= _ E2_ 'll of Lor 48 Proposed equipment easements for "secondary re -conveyed 1/\ —J1711 nq pod state" serving Green Mountain Power (GMP). I , as multi -purpose \\\\\ \ 48 \ -� ROAD `\ (Oren Space) E2.1 Easement boundaries to be 6' distant from each side of , , easement for structure, as constructed. Locations shown schematically I , stormweter 8 potentrel future ` \ t hereon. I , -(-�' recreation paths E2 �I ` - ��, ^ \ STORM t Proposed gas line easement, 10' wide, crossing Lot 42 to I / 1 ' _ \ E9 \\ E7 SEWER E3 Lots 40 and 41, to be centered on gas line as constructed, 1 \ \ 1 WALK �\ serving Vermont Gas Systems (VGS). W l Proposed Street Proposed easements for wastewater lines crossing Lot , E4 39 to service Lots 38,40 and 41. 10' and 15' m width, Q4 / , E8 \ \ / 4 COMMON to be centered on wastewater lines as constructed. �/� , Dedication Table REC PATH I 00 LAno 'Act N. Jefferson Rd. 2.27= Ac. v; v I 1 / `�� 1.59 ACRES Proposed storm water management easement over 1 I •4�1.,, + E5 portion of "Open Space Northwest" parcel near Spear ' I Churchill Street 0.952 Ac. J � 1 I STORM I I t I � � i I Street, to be conveyed to City of South Burlington. I I 1 Marsh Road 1.76d: Ac. •,� CL w f I�E2 1I D 9 I Agricultural Lease I I "; Total. 4.98d /1c. Proposed storm water management easement over E6 portions of "Common Land A" and "Open Space , Q •C , I i E6 T Northeast", to be conveyed to City of South Burlington. I , _ _ LOT 63 ad 12.67s Ac. cti m Proposed storm carter management easements over 2 I , �� _ Q I E7 lost port ens of "Common Land D", t0 be conveyed to , Asti I 1 I PROPOSED STORMWATER City of South Burlington. 1 � Ll �„1 1 I� I DETENTION AREAS ES Proposed recreation path easement, 12' wide, I I I E2 I W I I !1 (rYPICAU ato be conveyed to City of South Burlington. I E9 oropo Proposed easement Land Dfor sidewalk lk over Units 28portion9. CMF � � II � � � � / V A � � � 1 I� eAacu ❑ PHASE 1 RECEIVED 1 LOT 11B REC PATH � r STORM i 1 E7 NOV 2 6 2014 r I 1 1 EQUIP. EASE. � I (TYPICAL) , es+ I r 2BENPF 10• EASE (GMP) E, I Ci of So. Burlington e • � ! Imo\ vcs ' -� - - ' E2.1 E6 , 'quirt Pith' �. PEDISTAA L- i,f . • — I a PHASE 1 //�( ?i' ES REC PATH I ' ❑ To Shelburne Rd. ; LOT 11A E2 i/� - -••'• •—. - / P J..._...-..-- PROPOSED band tTarnduy A — — / / , — — — — I I r PROPOSED PAVED PATH a LLEN ROAD 1 PHASE 1 --- FOOTPATHACCESS II �w _ A ]] EN LL � LOT 11 // Cul de sac to lea I I AD an temp-tedupon To the beat of my knowledge a belief this plat, consisting � Ro extension of R.O.W. rd three sheets, properly depiots the mesons of a survey C I 1 I I conducted under my supervlaion and is based upon I � - NORTH records a field evidence found. Perimeter boundaries ` & �� JEFFERSON shown are in substarreal conformance with the records I I unless noted otherwise. This plat is In substantial I ' 11 11 ROAD (Exist.) compliance A th 27 VSA 1403 •Recording of Land Plats" !I Timothy R. Cowen VT LS 597 I \ SEE SHEET P1 (of 3) for LOCATION MAP SEE SHEET P2 (of 3) for LOTTING .—Toes. C E A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 101WWSRELDVIEWLAW, SOUTHBURUNGTOK, VT OW e02-964-=3 wee: wsvw.cerw.com COPYRIGHT © 20tt -ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ORAen CEA ouir.D TRC API.— TRC can BY Rsvtslon 11.2 .2014 TRC I Muhf-purpose Easement 110.15.20141 TRC I Lot Numbering changes 10. t0.2014 TRC Notes 8 Lot Numbering r08.22.2014 TRC Add Sheet P3 (Easements) 12.04.2013 1 TRC I Lot 48 8 Common lands labels 3 areas PHASE 2 EASEMENT PLAN SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont DATE DRAIRING NIHIUR OCT. 31, 2013 oRtG = 0' P 3 Peou. No. 01243.08 saccr a at October 24, 2014 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: RECEIVED NOV 19 2014 C4ty of So. Burlington We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) to request your review and DRB scheduling of the attached Final Subdivision Plan proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. Phase 2 is comprised of a total 99 Units with associated infrastructure (please refer to Plan Sheet 1 for location of types of units proposed). The ninety-nine (99) Units breakdown is as follows: • Single "Footprint" Carriage style Units 1, 2, 5, 6, 15-19, 36 & 37= 11 Units • Duplex "Footprint" Units 3 & 4, 7-14 & 20-35 = 26 Units • Triplex "Footprint Units 56-58 = 3 Units • Single Family Lots 38-55, 59 & 60 = 20 Units • (3) Multi -Unit buildings (units 61-90) ; 10 units each = 30 Units* • Multi -Unit building (units 91-99) ; 9 units = 9 Units* 99 Units *These units while within Phase 2 require future Site Plan approval. The project will gain access from Spear Street, as well as connecting to the existing Phase One entrance from Allen Road East. The proposed units are to be served by municipal water and sewer connections and on -site stormwater treatment & control. The project received Preliminary approval on March 10, 2014. Please find the following responses to the nineteen (19) approval conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect: Understood; 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plan and shall be on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning: Understood; a 3. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground: Understood; 4. Applicant shall obtain preliminary water and wastewater allocation approvals prior to final plat approval: Please see Attachments #3 and #4; 5. The applicant shall obtain preliminary water and wastewater allocation approvals prior to final plat approval: Please find the attached Preliminary Water and Wastewater allocation approvals for South Village — Phase 2; 6. The Fire Chief shall review the final plat plans: Understood. The Assistant Fire Chief has reviewed the plans and has been out to Phase 1 to perform navigation tests with afire truck and has concerns with the "pinched down " intersections as required / desired by the City's LDR's and has stated that during periods of heavy snow or if there are any parked vehicles along any of the curbing, it becomes very precarious or impossible to the extent that any physical pinch down will interfere with the ability to get to an emergency in a sage and expeditious manner. Please see Attachment #5 for the Assistant Fire Chief Email. Per comment 8) j.) below, we have revised the proposed intersections to match Figure 9-6 within the LDR's. 7. The proposed project shall adhere to the erosion control standards in Section 16.03 of the LDR's, and the grading plan shall meet the standards in Section 16.04 of the LDR's: Understood, these requirements are met on the project plans. 8. The plans shall be revised to show the changes below prior to final plat submission: a. The final plat plans shall be revised to show the proposed trail located along the southerly side of North Jefferson Road as Phase 2 of the recreation path as depicted on the approved Master Plan and show how it connects with the Phase 1 recreation path: This is shown on plan sheets 1, 2, 3 & 4. b. The final plat plans shall be revised to show sidewalks along the two (2) smaller east -west road links: The appropriate plans have been revised accordingly. c. The final plat plans shall be revised to show a sidewalk or sidewalks along the north -south road as recommended by the Public Works Director: As a follow- up to the discussion at the Preliminary hearing, we confirmed with Justin that a sidewalk is necessary on one_ side of the road only and requests the sidewalk remain on the east side of North Jefferson Road to maintain continuity with Phase 1. Please see Attachment #3 for his concurrence with the sidewalk to be along the east side of the North Jefferson Road only. d. The final plat plans shall be revised to propose pedestrian -scaled light fixtures (e.g., 12' to 14'): The Lighting Detail on plan sheet 7 has been revised to be pedestrian friendly (14 ). Please refer to the attached Lighting information from the manufacture for specific information on the luminaires proposed. e. The final plat plans shall be revised to include all utility cabinets in compliance with Section 13.18 of the Land Development Regulations: Please refer to Plan Sheet 11 "GMP & VT Gas Utility Plan "for locations of the Utility Cabinets. The landscaping plans have been revised to provide screening details around all cabinets. £ The final plat plans shall show the phasing of construction of the public infrastructure, unless the entire infrastructure will be constructed all at once, with the landscaping budget (street trees) included for each phase: The infrastructure for Phase 2 will be constructed in no more than two (2) Phases (Phase 2A and Phase 2B). These Phase limits are shown on Plan Sheet 1. g. The final plat plans shall be revised to provide additional, common delineation at the boundaries of all development / open space areas as depicted by the dashed lines on the plans, including for single and multi -family housing: Please see plans by Landworks for wetland delineation. In addition the pertinent plan sheets have been revised to call for split rail fencing with signs and/or stencils to delineate the development / Open Space areas. As discussed at the Preliminary hearing it is our opinion that the limits of tree cutting behind proposed single family lots 38 — 55 form an appropriate delineation, therefore, no additional delineation is shown in this area. The limits of tree cutting has been revised on Plan sheet I to better define the same. h. The final plat plans shall be revised to show a recreation path or trail along the western side of the development: The former proposed path along the western side of the development has been revised to a full width paved recreation path. See Cover Sheet, plan sheets 1— 3 and the detail on plan sheet 8. i. The final plat plans shall be revised to incorporate the recommendation of the City Arborist contained in his Memo of January 11, 2014: The Landscaping Plans by Michael Lawrence, Licensed Landscape Architect incorporate said recommendations. j. The final plat plans shall be revised to show street intersections in compliance with Figure 9-6 of the LDR's: The Phase 2 roadway intersections have been revised to be in compliance with Figure 9-6 of the LDR's. Justin Rabidoux, Public Works Director has reviewed and accepted the proposed layout. 9. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for the 501h dwelling unit within Phase Two, the "North Jefferson" connection to Spear Street shall be constructed: Understood; 10. The Board approves a waiver to the block length for the following: E a. The section of North Jefferson Road (to be re -named Marsh Street) extending from Churchill Street to Spear Street which is nearly 1,000 feet in length: Thank you. b. The section of North Jefferson Road extending south of Marsh Road which is nearly 900 feet in length: Thank You. 11. Prior to final plat approval, the applicants shall submit a copy of the state wetland permit for encroachment into the class 2 wetland and wetland buffers: As discussed at the Preliminary hearing CEA (David Marshall) is doing the wetlands permitting. Please see Attachment 97 for the Individual Wetland Permit #2013- 049; 12. Residential design standards provided in Section 9.08 (C) of the Land Development Regulations shall be addresses at final plat review: The Single "Footprint" Carriage Style Units, Duplex "Footprint" Units and the Triplex "Footprint" Units have been revised to incorporate the residential design standards provided in Section 9.08 (C) of the LDR's including the garages being revised to be at least 8'set behind the front building line of the house (porch). The project proposes a mixture of different types of housing including 20 single family lots, 13 duplexes and 1 triplex, along with the future (require Site Plan) multi -unit buildings even prior to the individual single family lots. The 20 single family lots will include Custom single family homes. While "Custom" will usually result in a good mixture, we offer the following restrictions as a proposed condition for the single family lots: a. A maximum of three of the 20 homes with an identical color; b. No home, regardless of style of identical color within three lots of a home of the same color; c. A minimum of three colors of architectural shingles; d. A maximum of three homes of the same design (subject to above); e. No home of the same design within three lots of a home of the same color. Information was previously submitted for the Duplexes. In addition, we would agree to a condition incorporating the following. o A maximum of two of the 11 duplexes with an identical color; o No Duplex, regardless of style of identical color within three duplexes of a duplex of the same color; o A minimum three colors of architectural shingles. Please refer to the attached elevation renderings for examples of potential mixture of housing units; 13. The Board approves a waiver for the lot to width ratio requirement for the following lots: 40, 42, 47 — 49 and 54 — 55: Thank You, however, per plan sheet P2, Lots 39, 43 — 46 and 50 — 53 while close to 2 to 1, also need to be included in the Waiver; 14. Legal documents shall be finalized prior to final plat approval and recorded prior to issuance of a zoning permit to reflect any portion of the management not addressed in the Master Plan or Phase 1 approval. These documents shall be reviewed by the City Attorney prior to recording: The blanket documents are the same as the Phase 1 documents that were previously reviewed and approved, so we don't expect changes to the same. We understand the legal documents will be reviewed by the City Attorney and changes, if any will be required prior to recording. The attached language for the Phase 2 project will be incorporated into any sub -association governing documents (which sub -associations will be under the umbrella of the Master Association (South Village Community)). Please also see the easement along the proposed Recreation Path at the western portion of the parcel on the attached Plats; 15. In order to protect the wetland and associated buffer areas, the following conditions are attached to their approval, and shall be included in homeowner documents for owners of the lots and dwelling units: no pesticide nor herbicide application within wetlands and buffer areas; no mowing in wetlands and/or their buffers; disturbance of wetland vegetation should be limited to remediation activities; and no planting non-native species in wetlands or their buffers: Agreed; The legal documents submitted with Preliminary by Ward & Babb included the Restrictions Concerning Class H Wetlands & Fifty Foot Buffers (Section 9.3). We understand these will be reviewed by the City Attorney and changes, if any will be required prior to recording; 16. Further delineation shall be provided at the boundaries of all development / open space areas as depicted by the dashed lines on the plans, for both the single family and multi -family housing, in order to protect the integrity of the wetland areas and associated buffers. This may include coniferous trees, split rail fence, or other similar method of delineation and these shall be shown on any plans submitted for final plat review: Please see plans by Landworks for wetland delineation methods, which were based on coordination with the State of Vermont Wetlands Program; 17. The final plat submittal shall include a plan for management and maintenance of the dedicated open spaces created through the Master Plan. As with Phase 1, any issues for which the Board seeks technical review shall be conducted at the applicant's expense. These documents shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney, and then recorded in the land records prior to issuance of a zoning permit for any aspect of Phase 2 as approved herein: See Attachment # 8 for the existing Land Management Plan that is recorded within the City Land Records (Vol. 815, page 384-467). These blanket documents cover all open land in South Village and were previously reviewed and approved, so we don't expect changes to the same; 18. The applicant shall submit E911 addresses for the proposed project, in conformance with the E911 addressing standards, with the final plat application: We have added E911 addresses to Plan sheet #1 per E911 addressing standards; 19. The final plat application shall be submitted within 12 months of this decision: This submittal is prior to the March 10, 2015 deadline for Final submittal. 1J Please find the following responses to the attached Department of Public Works email (from Justin Rabidoux), dated 1/7/14: 1. The street layouts have been revised to include at least one sidewalk or multi -use path along each section of street. 2. The following intersections have been revised: a. The intersection of Marsh Road (previously N. Jefferson Road) and N. Jefferson Road: A 3-way stop with stop signs, stop bars and crosswalk; b. The intersections of Churchill Street and Marsh Road/N. Jefferson Road: Stop signs and stop bars are shown stopping the Churchill Street traffic; c. The intersection of Marsh Road (previously N. Jefferson Road) and Spear Street: A stop sign and stop bar is shown stopping the Marsh Road traffic; 3. The road names have been revised per the Final Plan set. N. Jefferson Road now runs North -South along the eastern portion of Phase 2 and Marsh Road runs East-West (previously N. Jefferson Road, Sta. 10+00- 25+33); 4. The pump station has been revised: a. A 10' wide gravel access drive w/ curb cut is proposed; b. Additional landscaping is shown around the pump station area. Please refer to the Landscaping Plans; c. The pump station location has been moved from between units 10 & 11 to the southerly side of Unit 13 to allow for the new access drive and provide additional space to access/work around; 5. Crosswalks have been added to the plans. Please refer to Plan Sheets 1-6 for locations; 6. Understood; 7. The widths of the rights -of -way shown are as previously approved at Master Plan, with this section of road (now Marsh Road) is 52' wide as shown via separate cross section on plan sheet 8. The 52' width does not allow for a walkway; therefore the plans propose a 12' wide easement along the southerly side of the right-of-way to allow for the same. Please find the following responses to the attached Stormwater Services Division email (from Tom DiPietro), dated 1/6/14: 1. The project is located in both the Munroe Brook and Bartlett Brook watersheds, both of which are listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont ANR. The project will obtain all applicable State permits prior to construction, including a Stormwater Discharge Permit. A copy of the permit will be forwarded upon receipt; 2. The project will obtain all applicable State permits prior to construction, including a Construction General (3-9020) Permit. A copy of the permit will be forwarded upon receipt; 3. The plans have been revised to provide a min. 15" stormwater carrier pipes. Please refer to the Plan & Profiles for specific information; 4. Please refer to Plan Sheets S 1 & S2 which show the detail for the Footing Drain and Footing Drain Connection. The Footing Drain Connection detail shows backflow preventers being installed prior to the connection to the stormwater piping. The Footing Drain detail shows clean outs to be installed on each line located near the building foundation for access and maintenance. Footing drains are shown connected to the larger stormwater "carrier" pipes as available, however there are small sections of the project that do not have the larger pipes, as such the footing drains will connect to the smaller 6" road underdrain piping (which flows into the larger stormwater piping system at the nearest CB); 5. Units 1 — 19 are proposed with basements and the raised elevation of the road and the resulting elevations of the Units allow for footing drains to daylight, as shown on Plan Sheets S1; 6. Please refer to Plan Sheets S 1 & S2 for the stormwater drainage areas associated with the project. Please see Attachment #9 for the HydroCAD stormwater model for Phase 2 of South Village; 7. Please refer to Plan Sheet S 1 where two (2) 10' wide gravel access drives have been added to provide access to the stormwater pond behind Units 5- 12. The grass swale along Spear Street and the entrance of Marsh Road has adequate access from both Spear Street and Marsh Road; 8. Stormwater Easements to the City of South Burlington (outside of the future City owned ROW) have been added around all stormwater areas including ponds, swales, piping, and access drives. 9. Please see Attachment #9 for the HydroCAD stormwater models for the WQv, 1, 10 & 25-year storm events; 10. Please refer to the attached HydroCAD stormwater model for the 25-year storm event, which confirms that there will be no surcharging based on the lowest catch basin in the system (CB #12). All stormwater runoff will discharge through the associated outlet structures; 11. No culvert is proposed at the intersection of Marsh Road (previously N. Jefferson Road) and Spear Street. As shown on Plan Sheet 3 the new access road matches into the existing grade of Spear Street, comes off at a -1.5% slope (so runoff does not flow onto Spear Street) and grades back into the existing Spear Street roadside swales. A culvert under Marsh Road would create a 3.5' depression with no outlet; 12. The project requires an Amendment to the existing Master South Village Vermont Wetlands Permit. Please refer to attachment #7 for the Individual Wetlands Permit; 13. As part of the State Stormwater Discharge Permit, Annual Inspection Reports will be required for the project. During inspections the systems are checks and debris removed from applicable outlet control devices if necessary; 14. Understood. Record Drawings will be provided to the City upon completion of the project; Please find the following attachments: 1. Final Plan Review Application with $3,790.50 application fee (($500 base + $13 recording fee + (($25/unit x first 2 units) + ($50/unit x 7 units (Units 3 — 9)) + ($35/unit x 51 units (Units 10 — 60)) x 1.5 SEQ ) _ $3,790.50); 2. Phase 2 Abutters List; 3. Preliminary Water Allocation; 4. Preliminary Wastewater Allocation; 5. Email from Assistant Fire Chief regarding intersection design; 6. Email from Public Works Director regarding sidewalk layouts; 7. Public Notice for Individual Wetland Permit #2013-049; 8. Land Management Plan; 9. HydroCAD Stormwater Computations; 10. Lighting Specifications 11. Preliminary Approval, dated 3/10/14; 12. Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and one (1) digital copy of the Final Plan Set (Sheets 1-11, S1, S2, E1, E2, PL1-3, Ll-L3, LandWorks Plans). Please schedule this submittal for Final Plat and inform us, once scheduled. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC Enc. cc: Scott Ireland ray From: Patrick O'Brien <pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:31 PM To: ray Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Hello Ray, Here is what we are working on: 1. A revised mylar that has: 1. the word "proposed" in front of the words Stormwater Easement (per DPW request), 2. that depicts the garage set back 8' from the front plane on the duplexes and carriage houses, and 3. rewording the 20' wide storm easement along Spear to a multi -purpose easement (per Rec. Comm. Review and request). Tim Cowan should have these three changes later today which means that you will have copies later today or first thing in the am. 2. Robin is currently working on a narrative that specifically outlines the proposed design criteria that each building will conform to. This is meant to trump/replace and clarify item #12 in Cover Letter submitted to you with the application by O'Leary Burke. 3. In regards to the elevations. Five front elevations of the carriage and duplex units were recently submitted to you, two of which (one carriage and one duplex) depict a full front porch which matches the sheet 1 and matches the to be revised plat. The other 3 elevations do not conform to the 8' garage setback, but we would still like to present them to show their different siding styles, different peaks and different roof (front to back and side to side) lines. We acknowledge that elevations that meet the SEQ design criteria will have to be submitted to you prior to receiving a permit to construct each building. 4. In regards to the landscape requirements, their seems to be a bit of confusion on my part so I am not sure if I understood you correctly or not. I thought you said that there were no landscape plans for the carriage homes or duplexes and that it was a requirement. I spoke to Dave Burke and Peter H. and confirmed that on sheet L-2 there is a typical that is to be used for each carriage and duplex unit. I also spoke with Robin who said that there was a typical landscape plan submitted with the Master Plan that we should stick to so I emailed Mike Lawrence and we now are waiting for the landscape budget and a revised typical that is more in line with the Master plan. Yes, we are still shooting for approval next week and you will have all this stuff soon after it hits my computer. Thank you, Patrick O'Brien S.D. Ireland Companies 193 Industrial Avenue Williston, VT 05495 Office 802-863-6222 x 242 Cell 802-373-0096 e-mail pobrien@sdireland.com From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:57 AM To: Patrick O'Brien Subject: RE: South Village Phase 2 Patrick, I left you a voice mail, please call to discuss. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which mqy be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Patrick O'Brien fmailto:pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM] Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 4:40 PM To: ray Subject: South Village Phase 2 Ray, Robin tells me we are on for December 2"1. That's great. She also told me that we will likely not see a staff report with proposed conditions until late the week prior to the meeting. Is there any way that we can meet before that to see if there are items that we can start addressing now? I am trying to avoid a second meeting with the DRB and one way to minimize that risk is to try to get out in front of the staff report. For example, there good items that you have already brought up which we are currently working on and will have answers for. If you can do this please shoot me a day and time or two. Thank you, Patrick Patrick O'Brien S.D. Ireland Companies 193 Industrial Avenue Williston, VT 05495 Office 802-863-6222 x 242 Cell 802-373-0096 e-mail pobrien@sdireland.com ray From: Robin Jeffers < robin@SDIRELAND.COM > Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 2:10 PM To: ray Cc: David Burke; Peter Heil (pheil@olearyburke.com) Subject: SV Ph2 Flag Lots Attachments: 01243-PHASE-I-CD PLAT -LOT 58.pdf Hi Ray, Pardon a last minute request! In reviewing our application for Phase 2, for South Village, we have missed addressing the flag lots needs. We respectfully request that the 8'garage setback condition be waived for Lots 40, 41 and 60. We learned in construction on Phase 1, that with the limitation on lot size and garage orientation, that we need to locate the garage forward of the home to allow for safe egress (turn around -ability) in and out of the driveway. The 8' setback is pretty impossible with these specific lot designs. As was the case with Lot 58 in Phase 1, we'd like the flexibility to locate the garage where it makes the most sense. The very orientation of the lot precludes a 'snout house' from coming into being, but the language of the LDRs is too limiting for these lots construction feasibility. I have attached the lot plat for lot 58 for your reference to the history on these lots. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Robin Robin Jeffers S D Ireland PO Box 2286 S. Burlington, W 05401 802-863-6222 Cell: 802-316-6004 robin@sdireland.com www.severancecorners.com www.southvillage.com www.southvillageleasing.com el<u Jl N� f" i /00f r� k �/o VW dit IN.-d 1' vt ^ rr y''v< Jk I '1 r �F?� NoseH-Lno � I tSET yrr1��r� So9OS A I 00 0 r 00 00 CA m S b3 I I / /► /�, /aQ Co rr 10 CIVIL U r II r ^^O 1 r' Project No. ~� i �i� i����i1 i � ����� _i��r�, i� i .. � SOUTH VILLAGE 01243 10 MANSFIELD VIEW LANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 LOT 58 — 334 S. JEFFERSON RD. Sheet a0S2caale: 1" �so3Da-zv1 web: Drawn�by ACL BUILDING PERMIT PLAN Date NOV. 2011 Checked b DSM Y SOUTH BURLINGTON VT. ray From: Peter Heil <pheil@olearyburke.com> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 11:44 AM To: ray Cc: David Burke; 'Paul Brogna' (paulbrogna@sheppardcustomhomes.com) (paulbrogna@sheppardcustomhomes.com); Tom Sheppard (tom@sheppardcustomhomes.com) Subject: South Village, Phase 2 Attachments: Overall Phase 2 Plan (1).pdf Ray, As a follow up to the initial TRC meeting back in December 2013, we had increased the footprints to allow for future modifications (sunrooms, deck expansions, steps) to be made w/o the need of going back for an amendment, but with the revised building footprints to meet the required 8' setback garages, the new units took up more of the footprint. Per the initial recommendation from Paul Conner, we have revised units 1, 2, 22/23, 26/27, 28/29, 30/31, 37, 56/57/58 to allow for additional footprint areas. The remaining footprints are already maxed out due to proximity to property lines, stormwater areas, building setbacks, etc... Please refer to the attached Overall Phase 2 Plan for new footprints. Also as a follow up to Section 9.08 (C) Residential Design Standards, per the submitted plans, we are confirming all units will have a minimum 8' setback garages. If there are any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I Project Engineer O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Junction, VT 05452 email: pheil@olearyburke.com phone: (802) 878-9990 1 fax: (802) 878-9989 ray From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 8:13 AM To: Peter Heil; ray Cc: David Burke; robin@sdireland.com; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) Subject: RE: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Ray, We are good with these responses and proposed plan revisions. Justin From: Peter Heil [mailto:pheil@olearyburke.com] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 2:51 PM To: Justin Rabidoux; Tom Dipietro; ray Cc: David Burke; robin@sdireland.com; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) Subject: RE: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Hi Justin, Tom & Ray, Please find the following responses to the Dept. of Public Works review comments: Justin's comments: The detail for Replacement of Existing Bituminous Pavement shall be changed to read 2 %" of Type II base with 1 %" Type III top or match existing, whichever is greater. The detail has been revised to call off 2.5" Type II Base and 1.5" Type III Top, or match existing, whichever is greater. Please refer to the detail on Plan Sheet 8; I previously commented on this and the applicant acknowledged the comment, but the detail has not been added to the plan sheets. All pavement markings within future public ROWS shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW). Please refer to the "Intersection Detail" on Plan Sheet 8, which has been revised to reference all pavement markings shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW); There is a gravel path shown between lots 10 and 11. 1 am not sure its purpose. This is the former location of a pump station, perhaps the path simply hasn't been removed from the plans. The 12' wide gravel access drive between units 10 & 11 is for access / maintenance purposes to the stormwater pond (specifically the forebay) behind Units 9/10. This is a requirement of the State Stormwater Permit review. The note on plan sheet S1 has been revised to state "12' wide gravel access drive to stormwater pond" (previously stated access to pump station and not corrected when the location of the pump station was revised); Tom's Comments: ray From: Peter Heil <pheil@olearyburke.com> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 2:51 PM To: Justin Rabidoux; Tom Dipietro; ray Cc: David Burke; robin@sdireland.com; Patrick O'Brien (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) (pobrien@SDIRELAND.COM) Subject: RE: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Attachments: 4096-INDS.1_Notice.pdf; 4096-INDS.1_draft.pdf; 4096-INDS.1_cover.pdf; Stormwater Management Plan - POI #1 (Sl).pdf; Roads, Details & Specifications (8).pdf Hi Justin, Tom & Ray, Please find the following responses to the Dept. of Public Works review comments: Justin's comments: 1. The detail for Replacement of Existing Bituminous Pavement shall be changed to read 2 %' of Type II base with 1 %:" Type III top or match existing, whichever is greater. The detail has been revised to call off 2.5" Type II Base and 1.5" Type III Top, or match existing, whichever is greater. Please refer to the detail on Plan Sheet 8; previously commented on this and the applicant acknowledged the comment, but the detail has not been added to the plan sheets. All pavement markings within future public ROWS shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW). Please refer to the "Intersection Detail" on Plan Sheet 8, which has been revised to reference all pavement markings shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW); There is a gravel path shown between lots 10 and 11. 1 am not sure its purpose. This is the former location of a pump station, perhaps the path simply hasn't been removed from the plans. The 12' wide gravel access drive between units 10 & 11 is for access / maintenance purposes to the stormwater pond (specifically the forebay) behind Units 9/10. This is a requirement of the State Stormwater Permit review. The note on plan sheet S1 has been revised to state "12' wide gravel access drive to stormwater pond" (previously stated access to pump station and not corrected when the location of the pump station was revised); Tom's Comments: This project is located in both the Munroe Brook and Bartlett Brook watersheds. These watersheds are listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Also, the project proposes to create greater than 1 acre of impervious area and disturb greater than 1 acre of land. It will therefore require a stormwater permit and construction permit from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The applicant should acquire these permits before starting construction. Understood. The Stormwater Discharge Permit (#4096-INDS.1) is currently on Public Notice (until 12/17/14). The State Stormwater Division has provided a draft permit that will be issued shortly after the Public comment period closes (provided no comments are received). The Construction General Permit (#4096- 9020.1) is expected to be issued very shortly (within days). 2. Portions of the project are located in the Stormwater Management Overlay (SMO) District and are therefore subject to the requirements of section 12.03 of the LDRs. The applicant should confirm that requirements in section 12.03.C.1 are met and that peak runoff rates in the SMO district (i.e. the Bartlett Brook watershed) are not increased during the 1 year storm event. The modeling provided appears to indicate this, but it is difficult to confirm without a key and drainage area map for the watershed. The plans meet the requirements of Section 12.03.C.1 and all post -development routed peak runoff rates (1, 10, 25, 100-year storm events) are less than pre -development conditions as modeled with the previously provided HydroCAD computations. The drainage areas and flows can be found on Plan Sheets S1 & S2; As designed, the stormwater pond is located directly behind and in close proximity to units 6 through 12. Please describe the precautions being taken to ensure resident safety. The stormwater pond slopes will be gentle (1 on 4), and as such State Stormwater requirements do not require fencing or safety benches; 4. Between units 10 and 11 is a "10' wide gravel access drive to pump station". There is no pump station in this location. The language should be revised to reference access to the stormwater pond. The 12' wide gravel access drive between units 10 & 11 is for access / maintenance purposes to the stormwater pond (specifically the forebay) behind Units 9/10. This is a requirement of the State Stormwater Permit review. The note on plan sheet S1 has been revised to state "12' wide gravel access drive to stormwater pond" (previously stated access to pump station and not corrected when the location of the pump station was revised); The Vermont Stormwater Management Manual indicates that maintenance access should be 12' wide (section 2.7.11). Only 10' is provided. The plans should be updated to provide this additional width in order to facilitate equipment access for maintenance. Please note that this applies to maintenance access between units 4 and 5 and 10 and 11. Plan Sheet S1 has been revised to provide 12' wide access drives to the stormwater pond (between units 4 & 5 and 10 & 11); 6. Confirm that the plats (sheets P1 through P3) don't need to be updated to show the reconfigured stormwater detention area and associated easements. The Plats (P1-P3) are up to date and any stormwater easements encompass all of the stormwater detention areas and associated elements (access drives). The change to the 12' wide access drives still fall within the easement areas; 7. All "Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington" labels should be updated to include the word proposed (e.g. "Proposed Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington"). The Plats will be revised to incorporate "proposed" prior to filing of the mylar; 8. Confirm that the State wetland permit has been amended/approved to reflect any changes in the project since it was first issued. The applicant should acquire this permit prior to starting construction. The State wetland permit references the most up to date plans. The small revisions requested from City and State review have do not result in additional impacts to the wetlands and/or buffers; 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance infrastructure. Agreed. As part of the State Stormwater Discharge Permit, yearly inspections will be required (and corrective action taken if necessary). 10. Per section 12.03.F(1) of the City's Land Development Regulations, the final decision should require the submission of record drawings showing pipe invert elevations, drainage structure rim elevation, pipe material, final grading, etc. Understood; If there are any additional questions, please let me know. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:41 PM To: David Burke Subject: FW: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Dave, See comments below. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice- Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mailattachments as well as paper copies of documents received or preparedfor use in matters COileerlalaag City buSlaaeSS, COrlcernllag a City OffaClal Or Slaff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:36 PM To: ray Subject: FW: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Ray, My comments are below and Tom's following that. This current submission addressed all of Craig Lambert's previous comments so he's all set. 1. The detail for Replacement of Existing Bituminous Pavement shall be changed to read 2 %" of Type II base with 1 %" Type III top or match existing, whichever is greater. 2. 1 previously commented on this and the applicant acknowledged the comment, but the detail has not been added to the plan sheets. All pavement markings within future public ROWS shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW). 3. There is a gravel path shown between lots 10 and 11. 1 am not sure its purpose. This is the former location of a pump station, perhaps the path simply hasn't been removed from the plans. Justin From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:01 AM To: Justin Rabidoux Subject: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 3 Justin, I reviewed the plans for the South Village — Phase 2 project that were prepared by O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC dated 11/6/12 and last revised on 5/28/14. 1 would like to offer the following comments: 1. This project is located in both the Munroe Brook and Bartlett Brook watersheds. These watersheds are listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Also, the project proposes to create greater than 1 acre of impervious area and disturb greater than 1 acre of land. It will therefore require a stormwater permit and construction permit from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The applicant should acquire these permits before starting construction. 2. Portions of the project are located in the Stormwater Management Overlay (SMO) District and are therefore subject to the requirements of section 12.03 of the LDRs. The applicant should confirm that requirements in section 12.03.C.1 are met and that peak runoff rates in the SMO district (i.e. the Bartlett Brook watershed) are not increased during the 1 year storm event. The modeling provided appears to indicate this, but it is difficult to confirm without a key and drainage area map for the watershed. 3. As designed, the stormwater pond is located directly behind and in close proximity to units 6 through 12. Please describe the precautions being taken to ensure resident safety. 4. Between units 10 and 11 is a "10' wide gravel access drive to pump station". There is no pump station in this location. The language should be revised to reference access to the stormwater pond. 5. The Vermont Stormwater Management Manual indicates that maintenance access should be 12' wide (section 2.7.1.F). Only 10' is provided. The plans should be updated to provide this additional width in order to facilitate equipment access for maintenance. Please note that this applies to maintenance access between units 4 and 5 and 10 and 11. 6. Confirm that the plats (sheets P1 through 133) don't need to be updated to show the reconfigured stormwater detention area and associated easements. 7. All "Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington" labels should be updated to include the word proposed (e.g. "Proposed Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington"). 8. Confirm that the State wetland permit has been amended/approved to reflect any changes in the project since it was first issued. The applicant should acquire this permit prior to starting construction. 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance infrastructure. 10. Per section 12.03.F(1) of the City's Land Development Regulations, the final decision should require the submission of record drawings showing pipe invert elevations, drainage structure rim elevation, pipe material, final grading, etc. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658-7961 x108 Email: Tdipietro@sburl.com Web Site: www.sburi.com Twitter: @SBPubWorks Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. ray From: Matthew Boulanger <mattboulanger@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 3:34 PM To: Paul Conner; ray; Cathy Frank Subject: South Burlington Bike/Ped Committee Comments on South Village and Lang Project Paul and Ray - We looked at two development proposals as part of the Bike/Ped Committee meeting last night and will want to make comments to the DRB regarding both. First, South Village, because it is a little more complicated. I believe this is scheduled for review on December 2. Cathy Frank on our committee has been exploring the possibility of the property owner to the north of this project giving a bike path easement to the city. The owner and her family have been receptive to this idea ans their preference is likely for such an easement to connect to South Village fairly close to Spear Street. At the same time, former committee member Lou Bresee has been working with the applicant or their representative on the location of the bike path through this phase of South Village. For a number of reasons, the committee's preference is to have a multi -use path oriented closer to Spear Street rather than adjacent to the new proposed streets and houses. We hope that Cathy and Lou will be able to meet with the developer on this- with the goal that the developer asks for this change with the support of our committee. If the developer is amenable to the change, I am hoping we can get comments in support of it to you in time to distribute to the DRB before the hearing- if that is something you typically do. On the Lang project on Dorset Street, Todd wasn't sure when the review with the DRB was going to take place. The committee would like to recommend that the applicant explore options to connect the new development to the existing bike/ped network, both along Dorset Street and in the Dorset Farms neighborhood. If I need to get a letter of comment to you, when would your deadline be for this? Thanks so much for your help and guidance. Matt ray From: Peter Heil <pheil@olearyburke.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:53 PM To: ray Subject: RE: South Village, Phase 2 revised cover letter Attachments: elevations.pdf; Final Cover.docx Hi Ray, Following up with Dan's comments today in regards to the Residential Design standards (Section 9.08 (Q. I have revised the attached document (specifically item 12) to incorporate our response that was provided as part of the January 14, 2014 cover letter as a follow up to the Technical Review meeting on 12/19/13. 1 am also attaching elevation drawings that were previously provided to be used as examples to show conformance with the Residential Design standards. If there are any other questions, just let me know. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC From: Peter Heil Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 4:08 PM To: ray (ray@sburl.com) Subject: South Village, Phase 2 revised cover letter Hi Ray, Please find the attached revised Page 2 of the Cover Letter for South Village Phase 2. Specifically, I revised item 8 c. to state there only be sidewalk on one side (east side) of North Jefferson Road to maintain continuity with Phase 1. Thanks, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC I Project Engineer O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Junction, VT 05452 email: pheil@olearyburke.com phone: (802) 878-9990 1 fax: (802) 878-9989 400 VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septic.vt.gov November 21, 2014 South Village Communities, LLC P.O. Box 2266 South Burlington VT 05407 Agency of Natural Resources [phone] 802-879-5656 [fax] 802-879-3871 Subject WW-4-2613-3 South Village -Phase II amend WW-4-2613 for Phase II to construct sixty of the ninety nine unit PRD located on Spear Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: I reviewed the application and technical information submitted for the above referenced project. Unfortunately, there were items that were not included or were insufficient and I was unable to determine if this project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. Please provide the following information: 1. Please provide a copy of the "Drinking Water" Permit for the proposed project. 2. Would like to discuss the proposed pump station and wastewater force main for the project. 3. Include minimum required slope for 4" individual building sewers. Please respond within thirty, (3o) days from the date of this letter. Re -submittals that are incomplete or made after thirty days may result in the denial of the project. I will continue my review of the project once I receive the information requested. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, you will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier and me notifying us that you have resubmitted. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, William k Z iloski Assistant Regional Engineer cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary - Burke Civil Associates, PLC Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Peter Heil To: David Burke Subject: RE: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 10:18 AM To: ray Subject: FW: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 My comments below, and Tom's follow. CWD, Sewer and Craig Lambert are also reviewing and we will get you their comments when I receive them. South Village — Phase 2 Review Comments 1. Each section of street shall have sidewalk on at least one side of it. 2. At the following 3-way intersections, please show Stop Signs and Stop Bars: a. At the intx of North Jefferson Road and North Jefferson Road — a 3-way stop. b. At each of the Churchill Road and North Jefferson Road intxs, stop signs stopping Churchill Road traffic. c. At North Jefferson Road and Spear Street, stopping North Jefferson Road traffic. 3. The road names, combined with the proposed road layout, lends itself to confusion. Please have the applicant review and revise. 4. Pump station: a. It needs a more defined access drive. b. Assuming the DRB will require it to be screened, the applicant should propose screening. c. The PS is wedged in between units 10 and 11. There seems limited space to access/work around it. 5. The plans contain no proposed crosswalks. Please have the applicant indicate where crosswalks would be, especially after they add the necessary missing sections of sidewalk mentioned in 1. above. 6. The applicant covered this in a note under the sidewalk ramp detail, but it's worth repeating for inclusion in the pavement marking spec, when one is developed. All pavement markings shall be durable Type 1 markings. No paint of any kind is allowed, even on center lines. 7. A cinder path is proposed outside of the ROW connecting Spear Street up North Jefferson Road. This path must be constructed of normal sidewalk materials, and at a width of 5' that would mean concrete in this case. A cinder path would not hold up to winter maintenance. Please have the applicant 1) move this path into the ROW and propose it as a typical concrete sidewalk. Justin From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 4:32 PM To: Justin Rabidoux Subject: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Justin, I reviewed plans for the South Village — Phase 2 project that were prepared by O'Leary -Burke Associates, PLC and dated 11/6/12. 1 would like to offer the following review comments: This project is located in the Munroe Brook watershed, which is listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). Also, the project proposes to create greater than 1 acre of impervious area. It will therefore require a stormwater permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Stormwater Division. Obtaining this permit should be a condition of approval for the project. 2. The plans indicate that the project will disturb greater than 1 acre of lana. Therefore, this project will need to obtain and comply with a construction stormwater permit (3-9020 or individual permit) from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Obtaining this permit should be a condition of approval for the project. 3. The City's minimum pipe size for stormwater drainage structures is 15". Please update the plans accordingly. 4. Some footing drains are connected to 6" perforated pipe (road underdrain) instead of stormwater drainage pipe. In the proposed configuration, residents will not have access to footings drains for maintenance purposes. All footing drains entering the road ROW must be connected to larger diameter stormwater drainage pipe and be fitted with backflow preventers. Preferably these connections will be made at structures to allow for easy access and maintenance. 5. Will units 1-19 have basements? If so, confirm that the footing drain locations as shown will provide the necessary slope to drain effectively. 6. In a future submission, provide drainage area maps and hydrologic modeling for the new stormwater detention areas "A" & "B". 7. In a future submission, provide and label maintenance access for proposed stormwater detention areas "A" & "B„ S. The applicant may wish to identify proposed future easements around the stormwater treatment facilities if there is a chance that they'd like to transfer these facilities to the City in the future. 9. In a future submission, provide information indicating that the drainage system along Spear Street can handle the additional stormwater volume and flow from the proposed development. See requirements in section 15.13.F of the City's Land Development Regulations. 1-0. Confirm that the proposed drainage network conveys the 25-year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? 11. The City's minimum culvert diameter is 18". Provide pipe material and diameter for the culvert at the intersection of North Jefferson Road and Spear Street. 12. Portions of the project will impact class 3 wetlands and class 2 wetlands or their buffer (e.g. units 15 and 16, the intersection of North Jefferson Road and Marsh Road, the intersection of Marsh Road and Churchill Street, etc.). Is this project subject to an existing State of Vermont wetlands permit? The applicant should provide information confirming that the project complies with section 12.02.E of the City's Land Development Regulations. 13. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 14. Per section 12.03.F(1) of the City's Land Development Regulations, the final decision should require the submission of record drawings showing pipe invert elevations, drainage structure rim elevation, pipe material, final grading, etc. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658-7961 x108 Email: Tdipietro(cDsburl.com Web Site: www.sburl.com Twitter: @SBPubWorks Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Lf you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. E Page -2 8. As we have done with the other phases of South Village, when the streets are laid out, we would like to perform some actual on -site testing to assure turning radii are acceptable and that emergency access is achievable. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Douglas S. Brent Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief Cc: Deputy Chief Terry Francis, Fire Marshal South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 November 19, 2014 Mr. Ray Belair, Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Proposed Phase 2, South Village Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed development. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. 1. All multifamily units will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. 2. The four (4) multi -family dwellings shall have sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and fire protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxes for the multi -family dwellings, location to be specified by SBFD. 6. Building number 40, 41, and 60 should have NFPA 13 D residential sprinkler systems due to their distance from the public highway. 7. No gas or charcoal grills on outside porches. 5. The Vermont Stormwater Management Manual indicates that maintenance access should be 12' wide (section 2.7.11). Only 10' is provided. The plans should be updated to provide this additional width in order to facilitate equipment access for maintenance. Please note that this applies to maintenance access between units 4 and 5 and 10 and 11. 6. Confirm that the plats (sheets P1 through P3) don't need to be updated to show the reconfigured stormwater detention area and associated easements. 7. All "Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington" labels should be updated to include the word proposed (e.g. "Proposed Stormwater Easement Area To City of South Burlington"). 8. Confirm that the State wetland permit has been amended/approved to reflect any changes in the project since it was first issued. The applicant should acquire this permit prior to starting construction. 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance infrastructure. 10. Per section 12.03.F(1) of the City's Land Development Regulations, the final decision should require the submission of record drawings showing pipe invert elevations, drainage structure rim elevation, pipe material, final grading, etc. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658-7961 x108 Email: Tdipietro@sburl.com Web Site: www.sburl.com Twitter: @SBPubWorks Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. ray From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:36 PM To: ray Subject: FW: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Ray, My comments are below and Tom's following that. This current submission addressed all of Craig Lambert's previous comments so he's all set. 1. The detail for Replacement of Existing Bituminous Pavement shall be changed to read 2 %" of Type II base with 1 %" Type III top or match existing, whichever is greater. 2. 1 previously commented on this and the applicant acknowledged the comment, but the detail has not been added to the plan sheets. All pavement markings within future public ROWS shall be VTrans Spec 646.07(a) (or another material approved by DPW). 3. There is a gravel path shown between lots 10 and 11. 1 am not sure its purpose. This is the former location of a pump station, perhaps the path simply hasn't been removed from the plans. Justin From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:01 AM To: Justin Rabidoux Subject: Comments on South Village - Phase 2 Justin, I reviewed the plans for the South Village — Phase 2 project that were prepared by O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC dated 11/6/12 and last revised on 5/28/14. 1 would like to offer the following comments: 1. This project is located in both the Munroe Brook and Bartlett Brook watersheds. These watersheds are listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Also, the project proposes to create greater than 1 acre of impervious area and disturb greater than 1 acre of land. It will therefore require a stormwater permit and construction permit from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The applicant should acquire these permits before starting construction. 2. Portions of the project are located in the Stormwater Management Overlay (SMO) District and are therefore subject to the requirements of section 12.03 of the LDRs. The applicant should confirm that requirements in section 12.03.C.1 are met and that peak runoff rates in the SMO district (i.e. the Bartlett Brook watershed) are not increased during the 1 year storm event. The modeling provided appears to indicate this, but it is difficult to confirm without a key and drainage area map for the watershed. 3. As designed, the stormwater pond is located directly behind and in close proximity to units 6 through 12. Please describe the precautions being taken to ensure resident safety. 4. Between units 10 and 11 is a "10' wide gravel access drive to pump station". There is no pump station in this location. The language should be revised to reference access to the stormwater pond. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 11 th day of Nov. , 20 14, a copy of the foregoing public notice for Final Plat [type of application] # SD-14-33 [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section l 7.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) Littleton Long 1720 Spear Street Exempt Family Trust South Burlington, VT 05403 Carolyn E Long 1720 Spear Street Revocable Trust South Burlington, VT 05403 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Dated at Essex [town/city], Vermont, this _11th day of November , 2014 Printed Name: Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC Phone number and email: 802 878- 90 / pheil@olea!yburke.com Signature: Date: 111I i 114 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 1 theOther .. ......... S * s fi ol ­% i e U Z) , IPTURE ITEMS: Hardwood few times, $350; stressless leather l 48" dual dropleaf dining chair with footstool, $500; futon, nrith 4 chairs, like new, $300; $100. Exercise equipment: bench, vood extendable dining barbells, tat machine and weights, like new, $400; round 42" $300.802-497-3029. (vith 4 chairs, like new, $200; )ack knee-tilt/swivel black ITEMS: Steering wheel lock for r chairs,1 like new $100, 3 in car (the Club), 2 keys, excellent ood shape $80 each, one -in condition, $15. Frederick Cooper ;ondition $20, or all 5 chairs antique brass finished adjustable 80; two large office desks, floor lamp, excellent floor lamp, y good condition, $400 for excellent condition, $10. 802 -658- two office chairs and end 1636. (11 / 13) $30. Two file cabinets, like ,25 ea. $1600 for all furniture SNOW TIRES: 4 Nokian WR G2 802-448-2678. (11/13) 91T All Weather Plus with esti- mated 20,000 of wear. Size 195/65- IITURE AND GRILL: Sofa R15, $120. 802-863-9176. (11/06) 2ueen hideaway bed, $475; ling armchair and ottoman, TELEVISION: 14" RCA TV- very VT made coffee table, $245; good condition. 802-863-2252. ling end table, $160; Queen (11 / 13) ess, box spring and frame yused), $385; Dresser, $175; TREADMILL: Horizon Fitness g room table with 6 chairs, Treadmill. HORIZONCLUB Series. Charbroil gas grill with pro- CST 3.5. Plugs into a regular 120V tank and cover, $290. All of outlet. Not used much, works per - items purchased new less fectly. Adjustable incline. Safety 2 years ago and in excel- "kill switch' strap. Rubber mat :)ndition. Patio table with 4 included. Asking $325. 802- 862- .$50.914-629-8606(10/30) 5978.(11/13) [ITURE AND APPLIANCE: ig washer and RCA electric Not sure how old but in Norking condition. $300 for ir, will sell separately. Black er reclining sofa- bought rom The Super Store 2006. .great shape.$400.802-238- (11/06) ,OWEEN - LIFESIZE VE- kN VICTORIA: Perfect for door or covered outdoor y. Victoria stands 5 1/2 feet her ghostly garb, posable Her eyes light up and fade d out. Easy- to_assemble. .,new, never displayed and final box $50.802-497-0865. 0 3: Dining table with 4 chairs, Cherry wood wine cabinet 54 bottles, $500; Queen ess and box spring, used WHEELS: Original wheels for Lexus RX300, size 225/70R16. $50 each - 4 wheels available. 802-233- 2909. (11/06) ;i 2011 TOYOTA COROLLA LE: Reli- able, affordable and low mainte- nance. In great condition. Never been in snow, with 44,000 miles and a 100K extended warranty. Just brought from Texas, no rust. New snow tires and battery. Silver. $14,000. (832) 797-5477 (10/30) 2004 SUBARU OUTBACK LIMIT- ED:139,000 miles, AWD. Serviced at the Twisted Wrench, summer and winter tires on 16" Subaru rims. Many new parts and all ser- vice records since 75,000. Second owner car driven daily. $4000. 802-238-5088(11/06) er • otherpapervt.com • November 13, 2014 • 19 iPlease Check One Below 1 ❑ Free Ad: Ads from South Burlington residents for ITEMS FOR SALE, 1 1 FREE ITEMS, TAG SALES,WANTED ITEMS, FOUND ITEMS, LOST ITEMS and 1 1 VEHICLES FOR SALE will be printed for 2 weeks free of charge, 1 1 on a space available basis. 1 1 1 1 ❑ Paid Ad: BUSINESS, SERVICE, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or REAL ESTATE 1 1 FOR RENT ads cost $20 per week. Make checks payable to 1 1 The Other Paper and mail to the address listed at the bottom of this form. 1 week(s) @ $20/wk = $ (please submit this amount) 1 1 1 Ad information (50 words or less) and; applicable payment must be received 1 1 by our THURSDAY NOON deadline to be included In the current issue 1 1 1 Name, address and phone are required for residency verification. 1 Name: 1 1 Phone Number: 1 1 1 Address: 1 1 1 1 Advertisement: (50 words or less) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Other Paper, 1340 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. 1 %—————————————————————— — — — — —- JI ray From: Todd Goodwin Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:35 AM To: ray Subject: FW: Next Steps with South Village and Rec Path FYI- This might be a possibility. See email below. �� snatthi��trl6sa�ta, �� �'«rr..svraa ♦ etaec Todd Goodwin, CPRP Director of Recreation & Parks South Burlington Recreation & Parks 575 Dorset St, South Burlington, VT 05403 (P)802-846-4108 — (F) 802-846-4 101 Stay Connected with Us! www.sburlrecdept.com hi!ps://twitter.com/sburlrec http://www.pinterest.com/sburlrec www.facebook.com/SouthBurlingtonRec www.sburlrecdept.com/erec newsletter.php https://www.youtube.com/user/southburlrec "Dream, Believe, Dare, Do"— Walt Disney Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Catherine Frank [mailto:clfrank2@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:43 AM To: Boulanger, Matt Cc: Dana Farr (danafarr@yahoo.com); Leban, Donna; Neuer, Roy; Todd Goodwin Subject: Next Steps with South Village and Rec Path Just got off the phone with Lou and we are correct in our understanding of his initial conversation with the developer of South Village and he will contact her for us within the next week and get back to us. At the time he talked to her, the developer had some concerns about retention ponds that are called for in that area which require a 50 foot buffer but thought there was probably a way for the Rec Path to ft. He suggested if the developer is willing that we sit together at the DRB meeting in proposing the change and also let Ray Belair know in advance that we will be suggesting a proposed change. Cathy O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC a CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING October 24, 2014 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) to request your review and DRB scheduling of the attached Final Subdivision Plan proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. Phase 2 is comprised of a total 99 Units with associated infrastructure (please refer to Plan Sheet 1 for location of types of units proposed). The ninety-nine (99) Units breakdown is as follows: • Single "Footprint" Carriage style Units 1, 2, 5, 6, 15-19, 36 & 37= 11 Units • Duplex "Footprint" Units 3 & 4, 7-14 & 20-35 = 26 Units • Triplex "Footprint Units 56-58 = 3 Units • Single Family Lots 38-55, 59 & 60 = 20 Units + (3) Multi -Unit buildings (units 61-90) ; 10 units each = 30 Units* _ • Multi -Unit building (units 91-99) ; 9 units = 9 Units* 99 Units *These units while within Phase 2 require future Site Plan approval. The project will gain access from Spear Street, as well as connecting to the existing Phase One entrance from Allen Road East. The proposed units are to be served by municipal water and sewer connections and on -site stormwater treatment & control. The project received Preliminary approval on March 10, 2014. Please find the following responses to the nineteen (19) approval conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect: Understood; 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plan and shall be on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning: Understood; __ �_U t„ C;IW E DRI TE #`1 SSEX R. J TIO�1 V; I;iv°;ON . 34.1. E(.. hOL 8,18 99(0 1 FA 302 8i 3 9989 I obl ..: )@,, ilf:af`y'budk':'..coni 3. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground: Understood; 4. Applicant shall obtain preliminary water and wastewater allocation approvals prior to final plat approval: Please see Attachments #3 and #4; 5. The applicant shall obtain preliminary water and wastewater allocation approvals prior to final plat approval: Please find the attached Preliminary Water and Wastewater allocation approvals for South Village — Phase 2; 6. The Fire Chief shall review the final plat plans: Understood. The Assistant Fire Chief has reviewed the plans and has been out to Phase 1 to perform navigation tests with afire truck and has concerns with the 'pinched down " intersections as required / desired by the City's LDR's and has stated that during periods of heavy snow or if there are any parked vehicles along any of the curbing, it becomes very precarious or impossible to the extent that any physical pinch down will interfere with the ability to get to an emergency in a sage and expeditious manner. Please see Attachment #S for the Assistant Fire Chief Email. Per comment 8) j.) below, we have revised the proposed intersections to match Figure 9-6 within the LDR's. 7. The proposed project shall adhere to the erosion control standards in Section 16.03 of the LDR's, and the grading plan shall meet the standards in Section 16.04 of the LDR's: Understood, these requirements are met on the project plans. 8. The plans shall be revised to show the changes below prior to final plat submission: a. The final plat plans shall be revised to show the proposed trail located along the southerly side of North Jefferson Road as Phase 2 of the recreation path as depicted on the approved Master Plan and show how it connects with the Phase 1 recreation path: This is shown on plan sheets 1, 2, 3 & 4. b. The final plat plans shall be revised to show sidewalks along the two (2) smaller east -west road links: The appropriate plans have been revised accordingly. c. The final plat plans shall be revised to show a sidewalk or sidewalks along the north -south road as recommended by the Public Works Director: As a follow- up to the discussion at the Preliminary hearing, we confirmed with Justin that a sidewalk is necessary on one side of the road only and requests the sidewalk remain on the east side of North Jefferson Road to maintain continuity with - Phase 1. Please see Attachment #3 for his concurrence with the sidewalk to be along the east side of the North Jefferson Road only. d. The final plat plans shall be revised to propose pedestrian -scaled light fixtures (e.g., 12' to 14'): The Lighting Detail on plan sheet 7 has been revised to be I V by r CA C� C'I V -e�,-O;l 10/y pedestrian friendly (14 ). Please refer to the attached Lighting information from the manufacture for specific information on the luminaires proposed. e. The final plat plans shall be revised to include all utility cabinets in compliance with Section 13.18 of the Land Development Regulations: Please refer to Plan Sheet 11 "GMP & VT Gas Utility Plan "for locations of the Utility Cabinets. The landscaping plans have been revised to provide screening details around all cabinets. f. The final plat plans shall show the phasing of construction of the public infrastructure, unless the entire infrastructure will be constructed all at once, with the landscaping budget (street trees) included for each phase: The infrastructure for Phase 2 will be constructed in no more than two (2) Phases (Phase 2A and Phase 2B). These Phase limits are shown on Plan Sheet 1. g. The final plat plans shall be revised to provide additional, common delineation at the boundaries of all development / open space areas as depicted by the dashed lines on the plans, including for single and multi -family housing: Please see plans by Landworks for wetland delineation. In addition the pertinent plan sheets have been revised to call for split rail fencing with signs and/or stencils to delineate the development / Open Space areas. As discussed at the Preliminary hearing it is our opinion that the limits of tree cutting behind proposed single family lots 38 55 form an appropriate delineation, therefore, no additional delineation is shown in this area. The limits of tree cutting has been revised on Plan sheet I to better define the same. h. The final plat plans shall be revised to show a recreation path or trail along the western side of the development: The former proposed path along the western side of the development has been revised to a full width paved recreation path. See Cover Sheet, plan sheets I — 3 and the detail on plan sheet 8. i. The final plat plans shall be revised to incorporate the recommendation of the City Arborist contained in his Memo of January 11, 2014: The Landscaping Plans by Michael Lawrence, Licensed Landscape Architect incorporate said recommendations. j. The final plat plans shall be revised to show street intersections in compliance with Figure 9-6 of the LDR's: The Phase 2 roadway intersections have been revised to be in compliance with Figure 9-6 of the LDR's. Justin Rabidoux, Public Works Director has reviewed and accepted the proposed layout. 9. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for the 501h dwelling unit within Phase Two, the "North Jefferson" connection to Spear Street shall be constructed: Understood; 10. The Board approves a waiver to the block length for the following: a. The section of North Jefferson Road (to be re -named Marsh Street) extending from Churchill Street to Spear Street which is nearly 1,000 feet in length: Thank you. b. The section of North Jefferson Road extending south of Marsh Road which is nearly 900 feet in length: Thank You. 11. Prior to final plat approval, the applicants shall submit a copy of the state wetland permit for encroachment into the class 2 wetland and wetland buffers: As discussed at the Preliminary hearing CEA (David Marshall) is doing the wetlands permitting. Please see Attachment #7 for the Individual Wetland Permit #2013- 049; 12. Residential design standards provided in Section 9.08 (C) of the Land Development Regulations shall be addresses at final plat review: The Single "Footprint" Carriage Style Units, Duplex "Footprint" Units and the Triplex "Footprint" Units have been revised to incorporate the residential design standards provided in Section 9.08 (C) of the LDR's. The Single Family homes on Lots 38-55, 59 & 60 will be custom built and will be built in compliance to Section 9.08 (Q. 13. The Board approves a waiver for the lot to width ratio requirement for the following lots: 40, 42, 47 — 49 and 54 — 55: Thank You, however, per plan sheet P2, Lots 39, 43 — 46 and 50 — 53 while close to 2 to 1, also need to be included in the Waiver; 14. Legal documents shall be finalized prior to final plat approval and recorded prior to issuance of a zoning permit to reflect any portion of the management not addressed in the Master Plan or Phase 1 approval. These documents shall be reviewed by the City Attorney prior to recording: The blanket documents are the same as the Phase 1 documents that were previously reviewed and approved, so we don't expect changes to the same. We understand the legal documents will be reviewed by the City Attorney and changes, if any will be required prior to recording. The attached language for the Phase 2 project will be incorporated into any sub -association governing documents (which sub -associations will be under the umbrella of the Master Association (South Village Community)). Please also see the easement along the proposed Recreation Path at the western portion of the parcel on the attached Plats; 15. In order to protect the wetland and associated buffer areas, the following conditions are attached to their approval, and shall be included in homeowner documents for owners of the lots and dwelling units: no pesticide nor herbicide application within wetlands and buffer areas; no mowing in wetlands and/or their buffers; disturbance of wetland vegetation should be limited to remediation activities; and no planting non-native species in wetlands or their buffers: Agreed, The legal documents submitted with Preliminary by Ward & Babb included the Restrictions Concerning Class II Wetlands & Fifty Foot Buffers (Section 9.3). We understand these will be reviewed by the City Attorney and changes, if any will be required prior to recording; 16. Further delineation shall be provided at the boundaries of all development / open space areas as depicted by the dashed lines on the plans, for both the single family and multi -family housing, in order to protect the integrity of the wetland areas and associated buffers. This may include coniferous trees, split rail fence, or other similar method of delineation and these shall be shown on any plans submitted for final plat review: Please see plans by Landworks for wetland delineation methods, which were based on coordination with the State of Vermont Wetlands Program; 17. The final plat submittal shall include a plan for management and maintenance of the dedicated open spaces created through the Master Plan. As with Phase 1, any issues for which the Board seeks technical review shall be conducted at the applicant's expense. These documents shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney, and then recorded in the land records prior to issuance of a zoning permit for any aspect of Phase 2 as approved herein: See Attachment # 8 for the existing Land Management Plan that is recorded within the City Land Records (Vol. 815, page 384-467). These blanket documents cover all open land in South Village and were previously reviewed and approved, so we don't expect changes to the same; 18. The applicant shall submit E911 addresses for the proposed project, in conformance with the E911 addressing standards, with the final plat application: We have added E911 addresses to Plan sheet #1 per E911 addressing standards; 19. The final plat application shall be submitted within 12 months of this decision: This submittal is prior to the March 10, 2015 deadline for Final submittal. Please find the following responses to the attached Department of Public Works email (from Justin Rabidoux), dated 1/7/14: 1. The street layouts have been revised to include at least one sidewalk or multi -use path along each section of street. 2. The following intersections have been revised: a. The intersection of Marsh Road (previously N. Jefferson Road) and N. Jefferson Road: A 3-way stop with stop signs, stop bars and crosswalk; b. The intersections of Churchill Street and Marsh Road/N. Jefferson Road: Stop signs and stop bars are shown stopping the Churchill Street traffic; c. The intersection of Marsh Road (previously N. Jefferson Road) and Spear Street: A stop sign and stop bar is shown stopping the Marsh Road traffic; 3. The road names have been revised per the Final Plan set. N. Jefferson Road now runs North -South along the eastern portion of Phase 2 and Marsh Road runs East-West (previously N. Jefferson Road, Sta. 10+00- 25+33); 4. The pump station has been revised: a. A 10' wide gravel access drive w/ curb cut is proposed; b. Additional landscaping is shown around the pump station area. Please refer to the Landscaping Plans; c. The pump station location has been moved from between units 10 & 11 to the southerly side of Unit 13 to allow for the new access drive and provide additional space to access/work around; 5. Crosswalks have been added to the plans. Please refer to Plan Sheets 1-6 for locations; 6. Understood; 7. The widths of the rights -of -way shown are as previously approved at Master Plan, with this section of road (now Marsh Road) is 52' wide as shown via separate cross section on plan sheet 8. The 52' width does not allow for a walkway; therefore the plans propose a 12' wide easement along the southerly side of the right-of-way to allow for the same. Please find the following responses to the attached Stormwater Services Division email (from Tom DiPietro), dated 1/6/14: 1. The project is located in both the Munroe Brook and Bartlett Brook watersheds, both of which are listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont ANR. The project will obtain all applicable State permits prior to construction, including a Stormwater Discharge Permit. A copy of the permit will be forwarded upon receipt; 2. The project will obtain all applicable State permits prior to construction, including a Construction General (3-9020) Permit. A copy of the permit will be forwarded upon receipt; 3. The plans have been revised to provide a min. 15" stormwater carrier pipes. Please refer to the Plan & Profiles for specific information; 4. Please refer to Plan Sheets S 1 & S2 which show the detail for the Footing Drain and Footing Drain Connection. The Footing Drain Connection detail shows backflow preventers being installed prior to the connection to the stormwater piping. The Footing Drain detail shows clean outs to be installed on each line located near the building foundation for access and maintenance. Footing drains are shown connected to the larger stormwater "carrier" pipes as available, however there are small sections of the project that do not have the larger pipes, as such the footing drains will connect to the smaller 6" road underdrain piping (which flows into the larger stormwater piping system at the nearest CB); 5. Units 1 — 19 are proposed with basements and the raised elevation of the road and the resulting elevations of the Units allow for footing drains to daylight, as shown on Plan Sheets S1; 6. Please refer to Plan Sheets S1 & S2 for the stormwater drainage areas associated with the project. Please see Attachment #9 for the HydroCAD stormwater model for Phase 2 of South Village; 7. Please refer to Plan Sheet S 1 where two (2) 10' wide gravel access drives have been added to provide access to the stormwater pond behind Units 5- 12. The grass swale along Spear Street and the entrance of Marsh Road has adequate access from both Spear Street and Marsh Road; 8. Stormwater Easements to the City of South Burlington (outside of the future City owned ROW) have been added around all stormwater areas including ponds, swales, piping, and access drives. 9. Please see Attachment #9 for the HydroCAD stormwater models for the WQv, 1, 10 & 25-year storm events; 10. Please refer to the attached HydroCAD stormwater model for the 25-year storm event, which confirms that there will be no surcharging based on the lowest catch basin in the system (CB #12). All stormwater runoff will discharge through the associated outlet structures; 11. No culvert is proposed at the intersection of Marsh Road (previously N. Jefferson Road) and Spear Street. As shown on Plan Sheet 3 the new access road matches into the existing grade of Spear Street, comes off at a -1.5% slope (so runoff does not flow onto Spear Street) and grades back into the existing Spear Street roadside swales. A culvert under Marsh Road would create a 3.5' depression with no outlet; 12. The project requires an Amendment to the existing Master South Village Vermont Wetlands Permit. Please refer to attachment #7 for the Individual Wetlands Permit; 13. As part of the State Stormwater Discharge Permit, Annual Inspection Reports will be required for the project. During inspections the systems are checks and debris removed from applicable outlet control devices if necessary; 14. Understood. Record Drawings will be provided to the City upon completion of the project; Please find the following attachments: 1. Final Plan Review Application with $3,790.50 application fee (($500 base + $13 recording fee + (($25/unit x first 2 units) + ($50/unit x 7 units (Units 3 — 9)) + ($35/unit x 51 units (Units 10 — 60)) x 1.5 SEQ) _ $3,790.50); 2. Phase 2 Abutters List; 3. Preliminary Water Allocation; 4. Preliminary Wastewater Allocation; 5. Email from Assistant Fire Chief regarding intersection design; 6. Email from Public Works Director regarding sidewalk layouts; 7. Public Notice for Individual Wetland Permit #2013-049; 8. Land Management Plan; 9. HydroCAD Stormwater Computations; 10. Lighting Specifications 11. Preliminary Approval, dated 3/10/14; 12. Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and one (1) digital copy of the Final Plan Set (Sheets 1-11, S1, S2, E1, E2, PL1-3, Ll-L3, LandWorks Plans). Please schedule this submittal for Final Plat and inform us, once scheduled. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Peter F. Heil, PE, CPESC Enc. cc: Scott Ireland 2011-64 — South Village Abutters list Parcel I D#: 1640-01730 Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01720 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01803 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 SOV 7ti_BURUNGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington. VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax; (802) 864-0435 www sburi.com February 26, 2014 Mr. Paul O'Leary Jr. P.E. O'Leary- Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive Suite 1 Essex Jct., VT 05452 RE: South Village Phase II (SD 13-44), Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mr. O'Leary, In response to your request as to the capability of the South Burlington water distribution system to supply water to the above referenced project we submit the following Preliminary Allocation Determination: 1. Sufficient water storage is located at the South Burlington East Tank off Dorset Street in South Burlington. 2. In accordance with the South Burlington Water Ordinance (November 04, 2002) Article III, Sections- A-E your preliminary water supply requirement for this proposed project, including the request for 24,840 gpd can be furnished by this Department without restricting or encumbering present South Burlington water customers. 3. Based upon your final allocation request, water allocation and service connection fees shall be apply to this project according to the City Water Ordinance Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified at any time by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council. 4. You are also required to contact the Champlain Water District (CWD) in order that they verify supply, treatment, and transmission capability as the wholesale water supplier for the South Burlington Water Department. 5. Any significant increase in current demand or any change in use will require water allocation re -approval from the South Burlington Water Department. 6. Water is supplied to the referenced area through 8" distribution water mains. 7. This Preliminary Allocation Determination shall not constitute a binding commitment of capacity to the applicant and may be revoked by the Superintendent before a final allocation of capacity is granted if uncommitted reserve capacity ceases to be available. A preliminary determination may be used by the applicant that a proposed development has sufficient water capacity available to proceed through the development process. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, South Burlington Water Department J John Tymecki Superintendent CC. (via email) J. Fay D. Pratt J. Rabidoux R. Belair u APPLICATION FOR WATER ALLOCATION * Items marked with an asterisk must be filled in by ALL applicants * Applicant Information Applicant: Contact Person: Mailing Address: Telephone & Fax for Contact: Property Owner Name (if not applicant): Property Owner Mailing Address: South Village Communities, L L C Robin Jeffers P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 863-6222 Same as Applicant * Physical location of project: Spear Street Robin Jeffers * Signature of Applicant * Project Information If the project is a single-family home, please check one: New Existing (For existing homes, no Application is required if revised demand is less than 1,000 gpd.) If not single-family home, project name: South Village - Phase 2 * Application or Permit Numbers: (from Department of Planning & Zoning) # SD _ 13 _44 Engineer's Information for flows over 1,000 gpd Name of Engineer: Paul O'Leary, Jr. PE Firm: O'Leary -Burke Civil Assoc. Mailing Address: 1 Corporate Dr., Suite 1, Essex Jct., VT 05452 Phone & Fax: p: 878-9990 / f: 878-9989 PE License #: 5477 * Flow Calculations (You may substitute an engineer's calculation or letter containing the information requested below) For additional bedrooms in single-family homes: Number of existing bedrooms: Number of additional bedrooms requested:_ Page I a APPLICATION FOR WATER ALLOCATION For other residential oroiects. list number of bedrooms and units requested: Number of bedrooms x Number of units x Gallons per day per unit = Total flows 1 150 2 1 300 300 gpd 3 54 450 24,300 gpd 4 5 600 3,000 gpd 5 750 6+ (specify) TOTAL 60 27,600 gpd ror commercial ana inaustnai projects, list existing ana proposed tenants, uses and flows: Tenant / Number of Other Business Type of use seats, SF, etc. x Flow per unit Adiustments Total flow TOTAL Total development water flow requested: 24,840 gallons per day (27,600 gpd - 10% for Low Flow Fixtures' = 24,300 gpd) '(Please note that as per the Vermont Water Supply Rule - Chapter 21, Part 2, section, a 10% reduction has been taken for use of low -flow fixtures) Please do not write below this line Approved by Water Department 'OupEkintendent of Water Da e Preliminary Allocation approved: Date Final Allocation approved: Date Final Allocation Expires: with permit # - - (Date) For Extensions of Final Allocation Only EXTENSION GRANTED to G:W ord:SBForms: W aterallocationForm (Date) (Date of Expiration) Page 2 �► Y �0 soutwouPlIng gton PLANNING & ZONING October 23, 2014 Robin Jeffers South Village Communities, LLC P O Box 2286 So. Burlington, VT 05407-2286 Re: Final Plat Approval #SD-14-27 — South Jefferson Road Dear Ms. Jeffers: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on October 21, 2014 (effective 10/22/14). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plans must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to me in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by April 20, 2015) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Xymond Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7010 0290 0000 2215 6249 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com Am(I- I .,kIr,A Mi southh urlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- =q-- —*� 3 (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑ Preliminary A Final PUD Being Requested? I Yes ❑ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities, LLC, P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 Phone: 802-658-0101; Fax: 802-860-1528 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Vol: 801; Page: 465 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Same as owner 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers (802-316-6004), P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 a. Contact email address: robin@sdireland.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1840 Spear Street, South Burlington 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1640-01840 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Phase Two of the South Village Communities Planned Unit Development, including 99 residential units with associated infrastructure. Units 61-99 will require future Site Plan approval(s). b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Phase Two of South Village Master Plan Development c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Residential, refer to Lotting Plan (Sheet P2) for lot sizes d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 0 SF existing; 152,000 SF proposed (19.7%). Master Plan Reconsideration Approval approves up to 42% single family building coverage & 50% multi -family building coverage, provided that the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District Limitations of 15% building coverage are met for the overall South Village project. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 40 Feet maximum (pitched roof); 35 feet max. (flat roof) £ Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): 0 existing, 99 proposed (Units 61-99 will require future Site Plan approval(s).) g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): N/A i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Project approved as "Phase 2" from South Village Master Plan. Please refer to the Plan Set for property lines, units, and infrastructure layout Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 17.75 acres/773,190 sf (Phase 2 only) (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing 0 square feet 0 % Proposed 158,000 square feet 20.4 c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 0 square feet 0 % Proposed 375,500 square feet 48.6 d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing N/A square feet N/A % Proposed N/A square feet N/A ova 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? 8 Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) Yes, please refer to the attached plans for areas of wetland / buffer encroachments. c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 773,190 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ See attached Landscaping Sheets (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out) PM: 71 Trips (46 in; 25 out) AM: 56 Trips (12 in; 44 out) 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7-9am; 4-6pm 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday -Friday 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 2015 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be p id to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. / NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNAITURE OF SIGNATURE T P LICANT I13 Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: v7pq I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: VI-C"ornplete 111 P ❑ Incomplete PRINT NAME The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 8 79-56 76 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 PweMs. southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ✓❑Preliminary OFinal PUD Being Requested? ❑Yes ❑✓ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1.OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities LLC PO Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407-2286 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Vol 815, p 384-467 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Owner 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers same as owner a. Contact email address: robin@sdireland.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: S. Village Subdivision, Allen Rd E and Spear St 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Convert/Revert three duplex lots to two triplex lots no change to area or units, only lot lines and footprints b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Vacant building lots c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Residential multi family dwellings d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): to be determined e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 2 story with basement f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): 2 triplexes, 6 units, no change to total number of units g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Our original plat had the lots as triplexes, we changed them to duplexes, now we'd like to change them back to the original plan. i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. the total combined lot area will not change, the property lines will reflect two lots in the same space currenity scheduled as 3 lots. area and unit count to remain the same. Subdivision Application Form, Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel:.6ac total (.19,.20, .21) b. Building Coverage: Existing 0 Proposed tbd (acres /sq. ft.) square feet % square feet % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 0 square feet % Proposed tbd square feet % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing square feet % Proposed square feet % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Not on the lots 39, 39a or 40 b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) no c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ tbd b. Landscaping: $ tbd (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): No Change 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: No Change 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: No Chanqe 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Dec 2015 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I V x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. AM NOTE: NOTIFICATION *ADJI�IL PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Di9iblly ei9ned q, Rod, Jellea Robin J effe rS $elanCnemelll-rangy egnlandca , c-U II; g Allan: SD Dab: 2014.09.0512: 52:31 -0/'00' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DI911all, signed 1, Rodn Jet., ON m-Robin Jeffers, o•S.D. Ireland, —13.1h Vlllape, Severenoa Cornea, SMSDC, ILH, IGSP, Speer 8 Allen, Robin e e rs SD I,ab�, aae0.mWomlreland mre, e.US Robin Jeffers Dab: 2014.09A5 12:52:44 -04'00' SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: lN VI have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Incomplete The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 8 79-56 76 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Subdivision Application Form Rev 12-2011 .�� Robin Jeffers From: Robin Jeffers Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 12:58 PM To: ray (ray@sburl.com); Paul Conner Cc: Robin Jeffers Subject: S. Village Subdivision review Application 7 ttachments- 01243-PHASE-I -911-Plat 2-25-14.pdf; So Village -master -phase -plat S1.0.pdf; 911- PHASE -I -CD plan.pdf, SV 13-2 O&S Plans SIGNED 4-3-14.pdf; SubdivisionApp_ 9-5-14.pdf, SV 13-2 O&S Plans SIGNED 4-3-14.pdf Dear Ray and Paul, Attached please find an application to change three duplex lots to two duplex lots. This request to change is a result of the Options to Builders changing in our development. Our original master plan and plat had Lots 39 and 40 as two triplex lots. We came to you this past spring at the request of Gristmill Builders to change the lots from the triplex configuration to duplex configuration. The DRB granted the request and a subsequent new plat was filed with the change from triplex to duplex. Our current request is to revert back to our original plan of two triplex lots at the request of Sterling Construction who is purchasing the lots and will market triplex lots. The triplex option offers more flexibility in marketing residential units at more varied pricepoints, with the center unit being more affordable and reaching a greater market share than the duplex offering. The builder is having success with the triplex model elsewhere on site as depicted on the attached drawing for lot 13. I've attached plat plans showing the current 3 duplex lot configuration and plat showing the original 2 triplex configuration, also elevation of the proposed triplex unit typical style. I apologize for taking both yours and the boards time for this lot change second request. If there is a more simple way to affect the change, please let me know. If not, we do want to pursue the DRB venue and appear Oct 7 or sooner as time may be available. It's our hope that this is fairly straightforward and will effect little change, other than approval and new plat filing and not absorb too much time on anyone's behalf. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. I understood from talking to Ray last week that tomorrow, 9/5/14 is the deadline for the 10/7/14 meeting and agenda, we'd very much appreciate the processing of our request for that schedule. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding the application. I will bring a paper application in today with a check. Please accept this submission as the electronic version of the application. Thanks again- Robi Robin J� fer S D Ircland PU Box 2296 S. Burlington, V f 05401 n 802-8-6222 Cell: 802-316-6004 robin@sdireland.com C V 4 www.severancecorners.com www.southvillage.com www.southvillageleasing.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 2 ( day o c p , 201, a copy of the foregoing public notice for5ku 4 k + Prot,. f-,gi4 J4ttype of application] # a �'y = L �` [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) 5T-1:-YLL- k"I-9 Cc. '_3 Dated at ��i [l5 [town/cityl, Vermont, this day of 20 14 Printed Name: I4a3"-J Phone number and email: 3 o04 r cka.n Signature: 4�(,._- Date: y'- 2L. e Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION m 4 18CO± AC. I I I bOlf I I O 1 r l O I 1 1 F 1 ® I 0 28 AC R r S 022 AC I SITE ENGINEER: 1 Ip ti I} 111 ml$ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. naT I #18 �a gI I (D f _8 O.MI IG /� i Wm�A•aYW , I ro O PROPOSED CONCRETE MONUMENT I� n 1 1#300 I I // O UTILITY POLE (EXISTING) /r L - s msTae • Tmvuw / - / 2a-u.Do'� I EDAie.w _� ne'aTw aN O /BUILDING ENVELOPES r (- 1 f •7xn "6/ / ��� NUMBER OF UNITS 51 U. o 20' WATER MAIN / / C, 11� I I I I 1 1/" EASEMENT TO BE / / LOT NUMBER �I Dwlrn 11ii ICI® ,C/ �- CONVEYED TO CITY/ / SI ACL / o.0 Ac. 1 I r r w' IS I r �/ O I O y��N.I O m O .I t III: O I I O S1$ � O I li / / 0.20 ms .�' Mid AC. i ale IC• I 0.20 AC. / / #73 ADDRESS NUMBER ,., clMcuD A ;q- I� Q37 AC 0.17 IC. 8 ale AG / wD, l IF SI- O "I m i"1 (D (°� II (� (D �'I J / STORM WATER EASEMENT Tx t�^� ea #26 N r 1 I II t I (D I I �I TO BE CONVEYED \ / CORNER SITE TRIANGLE RESTRICTIVE AREA C` g Jr 0.20 ACRR2 1 1 #380 J 3 J 1 #358 `344_ J I� #326 _ _ #310 -; 1 #290 (� ro CITY Y / I APPROVED I.118 _� J L - STORMWATER EASEMENTS N PRIVATE LOTS I TRC y ��yy Rba. x�, p/yNm�eTut�p/�a� p/�-�.•� m .3T / / \\ i- _ J OR COMMON LAND OWNER: 1\ J mAWA� EAWDIENi 14.m' ��/ 1 n 11 NxaRID laExo>EG a+ DRir u ''Yt L �4�pw ' r// J STORMWATER \\\ - MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS DEFERRED PENMEN ( SOUTH VILLAGE r h� ' FOND [.AST \ �� 1` CITY OF SOUTH BUI NGTON 1 "'vea3o \ #83 `• SIX \ i� D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL ( COMMUNITIES, LLC. � #170 - L``` / R.xxnm r Q16 'n 1 1 1 I .� Hat' - 1 LOT 50 1 8 I �. ` #48 O I.#175 "'e r I STORMWATER \ (LOT ) 1126 ACMe �p (i) J L PAD THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION L -5 _ - 1 ri J+•�+' 0•� �.� (gyp p 17 \ te6xl*m N , I / OF A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING I - 1 (2) "�?• ] ln3t.T I / UPON OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. HOMEOWNERS ASSOGATION. aayy,,..�� #1Co ® 11 I I#38 (3) I L #79� - - _ _ _ d>t +s 00 I \ Aa2Mocgme TREmT • aanx EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO V� 1 - 0.19 ppL.��E" ��n• 1- - - - - - REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TIRED: BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION QW AO. ro 1 1 _ -j{ag - I 1 inov- - ro W smve'ox'W +F7 R p4„Tx. , -----1 \` VLUGE - PLAT OFWIl OLAr DATED MARCH 23. OF THE ROADWAY. L - aY - J - 77\ E _ 1 r #65 : .#169 014 n. am eT ��� \ \\ RECORDS2005 ECORDEOINTMESOUTHBURLINGTON AND #150 L_`34 1ayS'- a 27A �. (U j r#217#205' -- �`ee� m"".o E�wT \ \ AC9®(D I O _ -N 0 E W^ #164 O S r' - d #143 T ( \\ \\ PLTO AT PRO PERLBEST OFY DEPICTS Aa BPROPO PELIEF ROPOSED 1].m' 1 #61 11 - O' - (1) '$ I 0.19 ACRES - �� I?O 1 O ( I /I \\ \\ DRECBUBOITI SUPERVISION. EXISTING BO NDARIYED UNDER ES _ -„aaW- 1 #14 Q92 ACM r161 A 19 .�' L -. NO9113 J I mNMm I SHONM ARE BASED UPON OUR ANALYSIS OF #153 I 1 N �% `% _ - I 0.19 AC. • 0.19 I' caT I T 1 RECORD a PHYSICAL EVIDENCE RECOVERED AND L yy a _ _ - Ixa.m' - - �. Ty, 0.28 ACRES I (>e xmF ,) #140 O_ �Tr r#148 : (�) 0{ #144 ®s 1 I ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE 1 S `� 0.34 AC10L9 #57 - (D (2) #139� I/ I RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN SUBSTANTIAL \ I! I 1 na VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPAE NTH 27 VSA N ED BY MY ORIGINAL FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT I y-a1 O - STATEMENT ij#10 (3) I - 1 3 (D L L_ - Ty•a4�� TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. I iP 0.81 AL'� �, x°' RS -Taos I I SITE PLAN APPROVAL 3 I#136 a) „aOa „ 0.20 ACRL9 I r-T+.m•- rN.W� r - 11 - / 1 ' SOMA IRESSFAL(ABOVE). (LOT 11) I $ #6 _ J t ,EAIvMo'T 'a»' 91-_- mzE'T- J I #127 I II I -- #130 nam7 Faa_#143 r#138 I lO O y • III TMOTHYR.COVMN vrlss9T O T _ y I ?ll AC. I I I�l y(c A 41 #123 50 PROJECT TITLE: m(a xai) _ ",�io.a7_ - (D 28 o�1.s 1 OIR W wl>I' O nk AC. 'I I I O j O W x3 #3 - a J �` =�j 0.19 Ac.� I 0.30 ACRES I 5.04 ACTS® WWn'A°E1g1 3 �=' _.-1 �.� 'yt�y1 n�._ -saw ` w. a29 Acm pl'C (D I I (9) #119 " �l I I> > s (¢ (� 1 O !<sl _ - #1331. #134 _ _ L#52_ _ �#42 . E.49 e� SOUTH VILLAGE L-Ta• 8 '0�-1'D.s+'_ - 1 i41 1 (1) O.tS "m°uxt _ 8 #28 k 0.25 ACR® Qrj Ac. Tf tTaar Nm ze.o' ,mm eTlo' I 0 O9 (D 1 O $ 1 #241 „xx'E ± �,7•,r FROST SiAEE� ; / I/ i i I SPEAR STREET & SEE SHEET S1.3A/ - ; I o.z5 ACR© 1� 9 . - 1 `' ; ' °°°'M1231 #110 W I I ALLEN ROAD FOR LOTS 11, 11A & 11B � L (D Y 11 _ �(p r ° � _ - emmmw I Rt #22- Q$ ¢ 6 #24 E r ' #15 1 24 a.15 ' g - m r # #41 „a _ I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT / -' o a'o3%_ 1 O ISO R L.xasr $ 1 #101 I I I a.m' _ _ _n.ar e.a _ _ / t� AC. 1 51 r 'A'tl •xo E- / 1 t3tm•xew / / I�o.12 .jr -(D `3#8 O 1, a29 ACRm '�1 �- - � #114 An O =�1 O x; s O s / j #12 ; 1 o.z0 Ac1� (Z1 1 r (D aT.sr d = 21 o.z9 ACRES - N o.90 ACRE.s A- I II lily III #9 \ 23 a.1e #110 a19= 0.19 #95 eo Rik% .� _-�'=®' �' I w I - - - - - OAc.-#111' - L _,b OrE- _ ACRES AC. i (3) ro 1s #a _ �l i#98 _ Ta �- - 1 1 cD I #8 1 NN + F / �#4 0.12 ACO7 ,p�•.r 4}T M..r xe.es tm.m xz.:aa I_ 1 L-. _. DB - - fie / E na -.. y. j - n.6o•- -I r 4nn N-D m' E 1 1 T t - "uQrpy xa.n• n-eeam /III O(1) r � J,T sfi• 'T Saar 1 083 I �l 1B4.- ACRES I 11 Lea Nona7Ot t at ` D.1B ACRES _ 3] WIWf R I I 11 Roee, R-eaaar / 9 wlee 1 L-a.sT A 11' .E b. _ _ - - - - - rl - a' O I I O 39 I I \L.aTr W-,oam Ta.m N _ #81 - Sls o.19 III- #73R I -' ] _ _ _ - _ f o DxW T Y I I#84 AOc� p" Ic® s S a29 #74 11 1 #96 yy O _ sEreAOL (+,o.) I jlk I O aF '_ qI � _ 8I (D �' � i (3) ,T A aaor -m L��`��} MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT I I# 9 RI f0 I #691 H;3t a3° #38 >�`t 0.29 1CR® D.19 ACRES mAwArc usEVENi n.e»m I r 1 RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING 1 b� II i I L _#40 #30 - (eEE xoTE ,> _ _ I _ W #10 "mO1'arE I Narn 1 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURUNGTON I O (D - - - - J - J L n ,;! n.s+' 1#22 P t A� I D.R.B. SITE PLAN LOT 4)APPROVAL II �11 II - 0.52 ACRES -_i I z 1--NOT_0e�a•E INOIDe'OYE n.m' Nmm•m-E xs-a Nmaem'E I .. yL f SS' R.O.W. / O Y R= O i:� s +OF LOT M ./ LIpI•\I dTCCGT oRMxA4E usdLRT 0.92 ACRES DI I ® pl - - - - - - - - SO42YxTw-sDET�'w'W-J 1 FAwn of LOT ae VxIIF RIIIII, O 1 FICC I I= N=1, - ; / LOCATION MAP PA it I m / I I I 0.21 ACRRR 1 - J L j - - ,M1.6a• sa.,o' I \ Haler I/ NOT TO SCALE i L (0 0.20 AC. 1 0.0#-1�0 - m - - - - - - J _ ICI h) I - gg67!- - - - - _nA ne a n.ar Warr _ 1 I I I - - tWitM - - J- REARTSOE I r - - 1 ,.,T - - l - - - -' l 11 mTe cc�D Re,•tslDn arI I T'� _ J L _ nn_- J Ib.ei' J "- - - - - _, (TYP.1 #73 #61 lYe7 #35 r dtolaRe L _ J / ILSEat'OS -- CCA EAe[ T )• l I• I 9- EDem - _ 1 FA of LOT aA = )yam ,^/'� 1 )yx� }§ W 1 23-H iNc NEN9= LDi 39..D F�AYDn­Of lD T4e 5A •'_"4 OIg (, / ^•q O "Ig O_�', O I 1 I I I 2-25-,4 GAC ADD 911 ADDRESSES - - IN T I • k 8 p v -P 8 'n /N� 1 1 I STORMWATER EASEMENT ( N/F t_15_14 TRC S. JOT. R.O.W. DMENsax LABELS EA9EMENi IN e 1 I I 1 I I I I - MUMOeMMErT • iAwn OF LOT w I 0.47 ACRES 10.17 AIC. I 0.17 AC. a17 AC. 0.17 AC. 1 1 0.24 ACRE \ I TO BE CONVEYED II P. & J. Clifford REALIGN CHIPMAN ST. R.O.W. SLWE EASEMENT 1 \ I I I 11-14-13 RC/ALL REV. LOTS 5, fiA, SB. 2]. 26A, - - - - - - FAME DF 5T aA" O �D - I I ro Ili (D III ro I (D Ili ro , y TO GTY I 1 (sM11T41rne) 29-32, 35-40 f 49. L J+I J j - �l _n_ -J1L �Il e - 1 o-ze t] me/Aa REVISED Lors n ro LOT ]e 2.07 ACTS® 1 n.ar- n.ar ar Tt.ar- I--1 I I STORMWATER EASEMENT I - - - - `- - - - - - 6.67t ACRE ae ox w mot WW a W ima7m W sos Tsaa-fi e'm�W I \\ I 7-1-13 W/Aa FENBED LOTS 35 TO LOT 40 I �TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY( - I 8-30-10 rRC ADDED EASEMENTS TO LOTS 4A a M 20' REC. PATH I ��� -- -_-_/ cI II EASE. TO CITY 1 30 pR- --`- STORMWATER EASEMENT Teo• I \\ I I STORMWATER LICENSE AINq TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY ` - 3-16 -09 TRC MODIFY LOT IIA, Am LOT ne II - -�- �CASEMENT��,- I \ I I (WITHIN R.O.W.) TO BE 1-16-09 me CRiATE LOTS M kIB 04 STORMWATER I \ I CONVEYED TO SOUTH ------ , / \ / VILLAGE COMMUNITIES PHASE �� ----- � PONDS I STORMWATER 11 - - ` \ RMWATER Y /MAINTENANCE , I TO E�ENTDTO Q I # - w POND 1 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF _ _ _ _ _ _ rg�y POND // EASEMENT TO BE ='„ DEDICATION - 14' x 200'-�� 20 RECREATION PATH EASEMENT TO CITY - - - - - _ �drt _i / CONVEYED TO DIVISION r _____ _ J_t `---------\ 3 ---- - ---- �1 R.O.W. EXPANSION _ _ _ - EASI�a / / - - - - { _- _------------------------_-__G-ASi TO --- le' 3 ' 20 VRDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO CITY - - - - - - qq��,, I 1 T - to PA1N1 Nmzr+,t - - - - � - xaZ-igi•E e� � J � � � � � � � � � � �����•I szM_ � JOiQ7� � � raxa-�/'af&'li T " PLAT I � - - BARSTOW ROAD TO SVJFf STREET SPEAR STREET EDGE OF EXISTNG ROAD SPEAR STREET TO -------_ _ JULY, 2004 xn IN � � 66' PUBLIC R 0 W ci - - I N - - - --.-I- - _ I- -- -7-------T r -�-- ,-r- --------------- GRAPHIC SCALE - - - TI IIR ,AI ,01;1 V 1 1 - I -� -- - -7--- - -- -- , I Ic 1'-60 PROD. NO. IN FEET I (�243 1 I I I 1 I 1 inch - 60 EL DRANAI E ASEMIENT NOTE NOTE 1: INDICATES STORMWA- MAINTENANCE EASEMENT (TYPICALLY 2O WIX)I CENTERED ON SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS CRID NGR1H ur. COORD.. SYSTEM 1983 FROM cas o6sERvnnOxs LEGEND PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - - EASEMENT LINE O IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND W/SIZE 0 US* REBAR W/ SURVEY MARKER US* ED r 153 6. O o � TORM WA L J y 1 POND 3 F ALLEN ROAD EAST O 'JJ 187.8 MRB 'I I STORM WATER I POND S (v l 1 1 � 1 li`ibr �. Ir of _ 1 SITE ENGINEER: 1 1 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 ACL I CN6CCED DSM 1 TRC I OWNER: SOUTH VILLAGE 1� COMMUNITIES, LLC. f, I 3 7914 STORY WATER POND 2 4 7ORY WATER POND 1 —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --— ----- -- — — — —_-- o — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ �--- -------- L ------ — --= ---- --- --=--- — -----. TD SWIFT S REEr --------_ — --- __ _-_______�__I _________�_r_____Tr_______� r___—____ _ �_T_-_ — — — — — — — — — — — 77 — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — -, t -- - - - - GRAPHIC -SCALE I ( IN FEEL) I I Inch - EO It TD BAFeroW FD. ----.--------- 01243 PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP t = 3000 an car psvlsloN }-)-01 OSu RCNY� 9�) ,100RI55[S 911 ADDRESS PLAN 911 i 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING 1 I i I MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ORAWA E EASBB/T NOTE U) e.84 ss _ I }I 184.83 AC. (� (-HA-) xuwaa sDTXH'w NOTE 1: INDICATES STORMWATER MAINTENANCE cn, N I I EA4WBT ��' EASEMENT (TYPICALLY 20' WADE) CENTERED ON I 3 olN O I (SEE u SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS I I VT COORRGRID o SYSTEM 1983 0.28 AC�li 0 AQ I N O ols FROM GPS OBSERVaRONS #18 o.tB Ac. P ^ #33�4 IJ I L300 /-110e?TM2 S Oa33'M' W OSSH"W 61.se'- M 71.1 - n eaow• - -� r r 20' WATER MAIN C� I I I �-1 I$ �n I EASEMENT TO BE / 01 AM 1 r r 1 ` I w I eWJ/ II$ `gy p I W p 6Q 184. of ACRES M�Y/ CONVEYED TO CITYro tIk ' o.zORe 1.va o.lO. Ala O II: O O vls Il O eF / _1 �7,�^( gy g 0.17 AC.' 1- 0.2o Ac. I o.17 AC. t'�$ g 0.14 AC. do /#26 '/ 8/% 22 � (1) . (1) 1 I (� iI' (1) II (1) _ - (1) ^ J/ // STORMWATER EASEMENT " "/ 0.20 ACRES I I #3A0 a368 J #358 - N344- J i #326 _ _'� j #310 - #290 iIG / / ; / /-- TO BE CONVEYED #8 (n J / / (V/ To CITY N' A-. - xp. FIewSTM'EDO bLL15 CNUINCEK: 1 IA O ml A 1� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. 1P Narrshard'✓zw!auro, :nutty BuriinpM, �� v"S+U3 emaeF-2sae FAx: aewas4-an wwe: WW,v.OrW.4Nm C'O °OPTMGMr ® 2 - 41- DAAWN F ACL �Im CxECNED " DSM 1 1 APPx0Y60 OWNER: W �Do E�R�yy (� �E Fir "Or �H .�oH (Sg ND,E t, R_mDa ",e,..t„ � I I SOUTH VILLAGE •Ily x c 4a Noq}r�t L s2' _ x1°' // - MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 1 LMa..y, A Tss - - °a' _ _ n'°°• - <. r I r STORMWPONAATER oDen1AGE \\ i� RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING #83«• ys,,, x51c, L� �• CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON , COMMUNITIES LLC. L_iaaz J D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL r `, I#48 ' n #175 \ ins' I ' STORMWATER c ) 1 AC. O(1)L ! O � I �b? I _ _ x,r _ �i LOT 50 0.26 AI.'1® y p - J ,Ky, L'�34�' / POND I I THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION t- s 110.pd- O.gP ACIi® P 20 0.17 \ , L-fit I 1 I OF A PORTION OF THE F TIECT PROPERTY BASED TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING 1 °'' ` 1 #38 (3) � � #79 3 � �'UP N OUR SURVEY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. y r#16U eft 1 1 -1 '1Y 'R "� � a''' r L - - - REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLATTITLED EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO {.%4Q'jei Ac ®(UE 1 ! L _ DOWNAOGEL/Wa8 1PE'eOCAAY£ 77MI8T - 80UTN BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION I E , -tea - r o� T � �r�' M, �' � � � � NLLAQE -PRAT OF DURYEY', DATED MARCH 23. OF THE ROADWAY. L - ¢i - r ,,L .#169 a n_ n. a eT r #34 E- _ #65 ± 27 A O.0 1 \ RECORDS RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND r#150 L - yy, - i LOM AC. (p `�,E ro = r#217 #205- `yeeni�'W SNANAD[(a��LlxiT �\ �\ RECORDS. ( IC. ®(fl 'o2-w I • _ - D3•_ - #1 V'P !O� • I� #) 43 I \ \ TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE a BELIEF THIS I O't9 1 " 1y. D• ,S �/� a � \ \ PUT PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED y. _ 42 i �` I / \ \ SUBDIVISION OF LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY #61 ti. - °' (U - Ole ACRES _ O �O6 la , DIRECT SUPERVISION. EXISTING BOUNDARIES •} #14 e'er ALAS r#161 19 a _ -^ n's - J o.te AC. �$+� 0.13 -I I• O I DIT I I \I \ SHOWN ARE BASED UPON OUR ANALYSIS of #153 D P 9 EN (D j�1 2� _ p ,N.DS - - - I AO. IZQ� y�l 0.28 ACRES 1 . (SEE xp E ,) RECORD 8 PHYSICAL EVIDENCE RECOVERED AND I r#140 \ O i _ � Ay, �r#148 3 (� J 1 #1`4 ( 11 ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE O - �Ils 0'34 ACRES _#57 Dip O 1qr f I (O ' w #139 / I I RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN SUBSTANTIAL FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT #) 0 (•� - p - J I I I ) COMPLIANCE WITH Zl VSA 1403. THIS STATEMENT (Y' 0.31 ACRES Ly�,fsw'E VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.S. F 1-tog 0.20 ACRES r -n. r4avw'� r - t. -� I / I SIGNATURE B SEAL (ABOVE) SITE PLAN APPROVAL \ #1316 (3) a J � EwsET.o.r % sy,yy 7 J 1 ( I (LOT 11) ) FRO - cm MOTE ,> SDd2e•� �- �� - - I I I ' #127 I 1 l - S I TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 1 1 #130- r#138 I i �I y E^p "ayoE os7 (� 0.14 A (y W 41 � . 0.13 I- #123 PROJECT TITLE: _ 32 i AC 0.3o ACRIs /� tsO _ - #35, ` OAc. J O �! 0.19 AC. (1) j l I I O i IZ W 5.04 ACRES -AI! (ya Wo1E 11 xa, ,�,aa�s _ - -1 (2) •R.a -l. - -tea ' 0.23 ACRES 8 (3) L/e ACM I j j ° 3 22 ;r^I r _ ; W133y(� #134_ _ _ #52� a42 1 #119 I I i Im/m SOUTH VILLAGE L.T.04 X u ' 1 R1 1 (D G 0.15 fig'8. - J L - - - j, 1, - xaeae•Tt I I jiT laxaaoo yy,f #28 ¢ '` 0.25 ACRES #29 25 AC. 4 ` r nloal m.d ,is.w et.,d I W ,y0 #32 0.13 9 (1) 1 ' ® ! 1 _ - „•$� _ f rs SEE SHEET S1.3A �/ �- - ' FROST STREET �/ 1 = / SPEAR STREET & �1 AC. 5 1'g 0.25 ACRES , - -1 1- , aoD'-#123` a #110 1 I / ALLEN ROAD FOR LOTS 11, 11A& 11B t - W #24 _ J ' - #15 I �et> =oxoaD_w 2w _ W eaveD]W I / IrvY} 1 24 AC. , � ,, _ _ MIT xs_o�_ �l al r _ 'a" - - I I ` I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT #22 �pJ- 5 1 AC. sxe, - - F I O - a.op #51 #41 #- % 0j '► �gl-o_-5?;�'�' �` �' � �j � � II O- anm•Erw 1 , 4T.4x• _ O F5 38f = I o.zl ACRES aoo' / •� (>1 0.23 ACRES - sE / $ a #1 atP ec.7 _ 1 o.2e ACRES a #9 I Oa.1e - al#116 - I I 0.1e o.13 i L (21 #95 / I eo• / - r g - W Row/ L S°S3J - 1 F I F (2) - - - - - 4871 o ° - AC # Q y � r L J I AC /ICE s oeoe'or w re aysA r � (A (1) r sw O _g�_ 434 m. m.a #98 seza4 - "�.agLt aa7 I_ J I ve•az-J g H S al - _ 7 e _ .. o - - / a 'E ati.i,' Lnwnao 5 • A r n.w - -T r b."-I O.le ` S3j66Jg.w / M1Y F�� H.TS e6 y M Lye. NOw1JSD'E xlLtrs�E Z • L OO(E ? nC M L - #83 /I �/ IB4. B3 ACRES "-eD3.ao' L-4,.as L-awOo /"'~_ tnd 1 -°I- - _ _ w�vs�E O # a,s w-taaao ,d Fwoxrri#Sl r - r#84 t�diP - I A 1RES •I � t,�j, 5 S 73= I #74 .�`` ,.Ir='e • _ _#� ft O sl O (U c (1 r IE o.2o I W / u, -Oo es.m. A e.ao I w la' 1/ -TIME - - - r MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT I I 1 0.ES �� I ; 1 (v #69/ I � 1 ssr o-A.w #38 RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING I O. LB ACRES (em.oE ugAIFNT 1Ig 48 tt40J L#30 _ cgE ND,E ,> - - '� / Iaexoo I I N00'am I CITY OF SOUTH BURUNGTON I � I � - - - - - J # 10 HOeO:si dE 1 - -j +taod n.op .a t• tt s./ I 1#22 +av I I D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I(- I I "d'�YS'E- Nowo� x"01'oo I 1/ „ ;( LOT 4 1 1 0.52 ACRES � -.- wweoe'mY Novo m Ilewtlw'tli s arE I _ - „71 ;,,, A 53 RD.w, I$ It• ,a ( ) 1 1 ,y _ - - - - - - - o I EAst]ENT M 1 I O / o� 2 ? I- ® ;la 4A _ - _ - - FAYo, o< �r b L-= ��N STREET DxAx A� EAsaD r n // 1 II LOCATION MAP p0.0p�� w - / 0.32 ACRES 2 1 1 1 0.21 ACRES I - J L - Sas4' ea.td ttxln' I NOT TO SCALE _ _ x _ _ yLzyxflll-sa+rso-.J (SEE NOTE ,) y - I Iq 1 c (A I 0.20 AC. I M I 1 O.OS'ACP� .Sfe•% .w.ee• n.ao• n.m' _n.ad 02% WE (A - - aw _ i EAIXrya J ) E - - - r - - -1 F - - r - - r r 11 own cxxC'Q0 wxvMlan aw f ► ° °j "� - az.e• -J L - �e.m_- -) 13osr - J - - - - sEIBA (tYP.) #73 #61 #47 #35 #21 # 13 718 I / 1 EetoaTw L _ J n•os w ass EASLWENT I I, I/ / soeol'20'w L - - - - IN FAWR a LOT 4A s ��pry I I 2-25-14 MC/CAC ADO 911 ADDRESSES 30'w 50d M FAWN RmTTN xA -..T k P O I� O O tO � O ! O ! �yy�p �C I 1 T- I REALIGN CHIPNAN ST. R.O.W. EASdENT IN �lo vI n n n13 I - �I 1 �'4 1, 1 STORMWATER EASEMENT / I N/F 11-M-U TRC/A0. REv. O 9 5 sA, 5023. 26A, ( • I - _ _ - _ MAxAmprt r FAWR a LoT .e 0.47 ACRES i10.17 Ar- i I 0.17 AC. � I Q17 AC. 3 I 0.17 AC. ; � I 0.2E ACC \ I 1 29-3Fi, J5-70 k a9: FAWII� M m I (1) 1 (1) I I (fl I (1) 1 I I ro ` \Y TO CITY ON VEYED �� P. (Shelburne) lClifford 10-29-13 TRC/An REWSED LOTS 35 TO LOT W 2.07 ACRES I I T - - ` _ _ _ ` _ _ _ O tn.lY- - - J L - - J L- L- L _ - _ '- - J I 1 1� R-1-u niC/q1 IEWYD Lors 35 TO LOT a ( STORMWATER EASEMEN I _ \ _ - e.e73 ACRES smn'm'W / sseoero3" I \ 1 4 I \ I 8-30-10 TRC ADDED EASEMENTS TO LOTS M A 48 TO BE CONVEYED TO CI� _ - , r - J , \ I 3-25-a9 TRc YOOFY LOT IIA. ADD LOT 1IB 20'SR EC. PATH 1/,. - - - _ - - - - - I / EAE. TO an I 1 - - i 0 ORgINq TOTBEMCONVEYED EASEMENT CITY °�� ad „g I \ _ I STORMWATER LICENSE 1-16-09 TRc CREATE LOTS 4A a 48 CASCMENT``_�-_ T VSf I �\ I 1 (1WTHIN R.O.W.) TO BE 3-31-081 TRc IWAFnNC EDITS I \ I 1 CONVEYED TO SOUTH I \ I VILLAGE COMMUNITIES - - - - - - - � STORM WATER 1/ PHASE I STORMWATER II �� ------ PONDS I TORMWATER % 20' MAINTENANCE 20' WIDE DRAINAGE I ONVEYED TO POND IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J EASEMENT TO CITY I --' - 1 - _ POND / I O DEDICATION - 14' x 200' 20 RECREATION PATH EASEMENT TO CITY RIR / I ' \ / Q r R.O.W. EXPANSION �_L---__---__-___ ---- _-_- ® �� //I To. OF S ELBURNE SUBDIVISION __-- - \ �- Ir-------------------- ----_- ___�---__--_---_- _-_, _ - - --- __ �,• �T V WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO CITY _ REC, PATH. 20' 1 1 PLAT t NOfR tt �.1��...111 L.I SE 4w' I eaE,pM T - -------------------------------------- ------ _ _-_______________--____---___________------ TO__-__-___-____---TO EDGE OF EXISTING -ROAD--- STREET TO BARSTOW ROAD •re I,.,•..,..,.xe..P SWF(STREET ^SPE�� 66' PUBLIC R.O.W.---_---____-__ __- __ __ -- _-__-_ O --� - _�- _ �--�--_---T-�----- T r ---T-T--- �--,-r---------------- GRAPHIC SCALE [t''�� j^- Y 004 1 �t.. P 2 yJ L , DRII:TNLL eC2ALE A. �- -- r� :--Wjj 1. 1a,•.� S1.3 1 ( IN EE6T) City of �C3. : t . 01243 1 I inch - 60 R. No Text r .m.mz.ae �F.l4St� SCALE: - i w12/Iy RECEIVE® SEP 2 3 2014 City of So. Burlington R '40 �Vll Oyo� t—ob F)w SCALE: t, j2�1 y -P 2 3 2014 Ci'�-f So. Burlington No Text (n 187.8OACRES r D. 1 2 RES 1 I O.IS 2 2. / 51 D 1 54 56 / 1) 0. AC I o. AC I I 153 6.04 ACRES ALLEN ROAD EAST O /JJ 187.8 ACRES I II I STORM WATER I POND S bi i.ac n,v.,uvccn:f 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC i I nr 1 DNA" 1 ACL �' I cDSM 1 TRC � 1 I OWNER: ' SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. �WA _ � I 217:1 NUN �4 m n42 I 4 1 1 33 ( y 0. AClPS .0,13 ACRES I ) 0.28 ACRES 29 1 I (2"J cn (n w >o RES 15 r / G 41 ACC 1 11 1 O dN I,. I ACRES I 10.2• ACRES I 11 p PROJECT TITI.F.- E3 ACREB I O.1B(IACREB (n (3) 7 La IOH k CM 4 Ii l SOUTH VILLAGE --� FFK)ST ET , SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN •••v SOUTH' BURLINGTON, wag I ��, u�(� ilia • n 'iS::.lidns: T•1 J+� i aiiia i NMI ■✓ . _ ff`61 co I STORM WATER WAIM ��J r POND 3 - - - - - - - - — - -_ - - - - - - - - - — - - - - — — TO SWIFT ErmIEET - - - - - - - --------- --------- — — — — — I g �I 1 ,I I ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -- - - - - - - a --, -- ----- ------------r-1 - f--------------- � I ( 1 I V - y LOCATION MAP r RE, I{ ,, g na7s C8 AA91810R 11-)-D] D54 RCNYD 911 ADptES5C5 r ,I SEP M4 r r C% ity rfingtor r I/ P ND I J 911 ADDRESS PLAN E TO BAFWM RD- — DATe _ _ _ -_--- - DEC., 2007 tAPHIC_ SCALE —1 ( IN lr66ET) )m � 11 �� 1 inch . 80 }t. �2` 911 °5a' •,� 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION iyd uw g DRAINAGE FJW86YBIf NOTE "$ & , w_ NOTE 1: INDICATES STORMWATER MAINTENANCE 1 1 184.Bt AC. I EA OOT EASEMENT (TYPICALLY 20' WIDE) CENTERED ON TM , SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS GRID NOR Pn I (SEEE mom I) K I . NORTH SYSTEM 1883 e 1z I 1 O I W I FROM CPS OBSERVATIONS 0.26 AC. 15 0.22 AC. `�•�'iJ g Y sm,s•orw " I :• " m - '$ 0.1e #18 �6 $ / 62- I to #33�4L#300 / )Y 50e33'Nw I 1--x063T4.•E s 0e3Y11' w _. r n.U- -1 2a -_w_ gp .i.�'N ney3w S2E o / z9 - sass'- Seas' - ]e. b 51 r - r - - �w I ( mes• Q � 20' WATER MAIN I I 113 EASEMENT TO CI 4 � 0.21 AC. O I w w 1 O 7�' I 57 Y I Ig O I W I 62 i 18L.8i: ACRES !�+/ CONVEYED TO CITY/ / ,/ (A a/5 b ' ago rc� ale Ac. o.1e Ac. lg O `�1 Ij` o.zo AC. O 9 N O A I g gy18- 0.17 AC. I 0.17 AC. $ 3 0.16 AC. I t 91LY E 52 ro ro a (D I 1117 CIS �-JSTORMWATER EASEMENT l +III TO BE CONVEYED #? J/ �0.2o ACRE J i In #380 _; #368 J L#3Mas�TME J #344 J#326 _ _ Ear o J L#� i (V\�\ To cln / 6 !'1< • �' }l �' ORANAQ L-I 1 SITE ENGINEER: I „ Iv A rl zI , mh CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. -�,'#Y F,old VA L-, s..th Budragl00, VT Ob403 B02daI-Y.i23 FAX 902-06/-P271 wm: www.ar4tmm A coPTR,cxx ® RoI4 - 31'0 � oRAwrc �1: ACL CHECKED l DSM APPP-D A 1RC OWNER: °0`u• DRAMA0E EA9FLF11T " ,..0E 3 )u 111 ��� NBIE 1) C R-29am / /_ _ / \ - m 1 w21 (SEE NOTE 1) Fb E ., Na�11'H'E , sr \� MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SOUTH VILLAGE t •4 was •.+ n.+s ,is ' t. \ ' STORMWATER \ __ owawncE-- RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING 'COMMUNITIES, LLC. i _ rzx.• _ _ W ", \ POND A.gxwr \ 1 `�0°'3a• \ _ r #83 - 'L fib- (SEE NorE ,) i CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON \ - L-za,z• N�taS.�00' #170 1 J< gasp ��_-� i� D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL 2xim 1 I x GAS 12 �8 � O � 1##175� \ 'a7�-� '-� � � (LOT 50) R 1 pp a,r _ STORMWATER I of AC. (1)L , a25 ACRE.4 f O/�pro � � - 'J - - LST � -- POND \ i I i L- -5�� - f I M 91.LD U ACRES ,ean' q,Ea.�Op / J I THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION I a,od- 1 I ,� (-V 0.17 ns,,-r , �, / I / OF A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED `TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING 1 #38 (3) #79 AC - HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. r#16O 1 _ _+r Si ��1•m _ 41zPt L _ -- UPON OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO , 0.13® \ I I - Sa6S,'N'w - L - Naa35.1'E Yry" 1Fn)'I• REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION AC. E (1) 1 , o.00'-. - -+ goZ'p o9'oz•w 'off q'Ne.00 r .w x, _ _ -I- \ \ VILLA DGlJ0Af8 REVOCABLE TRUST - 801/TX OF THE ROADWAY. W L - P± L #169 D s,.e]' ]t.m' e. ar r s.>z -, � \ VILLA - PLAT OF 8ORVEY•, DATED MARCH 23, ,E ^ \ 2005, RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND _11 ems- - 1#34= Src� F 5 - �A �(D . (i) ? #217 #205 �xaal� oRAN E EN7 / \.\ \\ RECORDS. #150 A �� I 1 AC ®(U ozw I 16 -w " #164 O ELIEF THIS 0.13 9" �w ' #143 -]s I \\ \\ PLAT TO HE PROPERLY DEPIBEST OF MY CTSDGEAB BPROPOSED Q 1yq• _ 42 `f`e O I II \ \ SUBDIVISION OF LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY {L L _ y(f9G 1 1 0.19 ACRES O o I' -east- -1 0.32 ACRES 19 r: \ \ DIRECT SUPERVISION. EXISTING BOUNDARIES #14 1 #161 'A - -" 5 - - J OAS AC. RI+ om I �R aaE�T I SHOWN ARE BASED UPON OUR ANALYSIS OF #153 I - •. ,, O (3) I •- _ r --,21.as - -- -3 I (1) AC. 0.20 ACRES p / I#140 WI 0.8L ACRES f° #57 q�E .a+8 #148 S 8 (1) •(� +•y} #144 (SEE NOTE ,) , I RECORD a PHYSICAL EVIDENCE RECOVERED AND C � AL O - III} Y I #139 I' }577j a ARE RECORD. SUBSTANTIAL AL CONFORMANCE WITH THE FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT I ,M,y{l y#10 (3) +� I (1) L _ 5 L - J I I COMPLUWCE WITH Z/ VSA 1403. PLAT IS (THIS STATEMENT f 0.81 ACRES IF. , `, --_,r�a'E M' $ mE 1RO' " - a]T��p'a1�� _ VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. 1 !L �T .Ty. - .00 - dEv-I-113.00-- SITE PLAN APPROVAL #136 (3) F ffi I`L J „0.0N onNNA� EASIMIA, ~ so0•ze'oz'E '� 6�- OmR o2 w - -I r se a 1., E r #127 I SIGNATURE 8 SEAL (ABOVE). (LOT il) I - - - ?. RI/I _ _ma�cc - T6�( (gEE xOtE tJ - - - _ - _ 6 I I 1 I TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 #130 „aaT M e�`�►E°`- �,a.19-#143g. r#138 1'I W lO_ O 32 �, O RMMACE EASE .�^ I r, S O 41 n� 0.13 - 1' #123 I O I IA.1 2a,d 99'� (1) Q14 11 (2) 50 PROJECT TITLE: - ,2. (SEE Iw1T[ ,) is E ,+e #3 - Off' J J I 32 rvlm 0.19 AC. j I IC 0.30 ACRES 1 /= W J,,4� 0.A4,t�. 0.23 ACRES I(l" (A SI C3) #119 1.49 ACRES �/ I Iz z 5.04 ACRES J� (qE xo „aa�a _.. - --\ A L. - ,a0.sA - 1> > #13.3 1 ml SOUTH VILLAGE r,,E S - - - 1 O 14 1 - '� #134_ - _ J #52 _ _ J �#42 I S (� r 0.16 w - woevlioz'c- z I /,Ff L7.o° npye #28 '9 1 0.= ACRES #29 25 AC. �` � � ,i0.oa wa axE 21 naoT e,.tn / .fi/rn #32 awO9 (0 �Jy O E 1 . 1 Osa2��- J z,.za EppgT y^TpE� ] I l/ I y� I"/ SPEAR STREET & 1 W. A � -,l,aW R-a]a.od °'.l,J' V( 1 SEE SHEET S1.3A Ay _ 1 - o.25 ACRES - `- - 1 _ #123; e / ALLEN ROAD FOR LOTS 11 11A & 11B �' - ae _„a. r saeveorw N s 'o w�• w maneoz'ww #110 alg W �/ ro l4 #24 r #15 W �(1) lee m a xiy nam' T#22 8 d 1L , �? oa�d - 1 24 nc° - - Eel I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT - - , 1 A'aaar ! #51 � r#41 #101 / 1 O'er_, (1)� #8 18 O.zO $A1 xeszex E W#114 j i$-- / a. 1 g °�, .].ez• 6 36 YYs 0.21 ACRES R la a / / _012 7A '= it W O o (2) (t) = j 0.23 ACRES O n ' O. - oz lI I 1 I „www wrMr • . 0.t2 AC. 1 \ ;A 0.25 ACRES •!� '1 #9 1 23 8 ' n AC.f#110 AC 1 l j 0.13 #9 J / I I co-.S j LVw+7me -soA�•E, (?� - - - - --lE #111`:a L.-waeOa'01'E-._.J AC. r - -na O Q A:/ •1- ,no.so (1) @ #4 - n ,s Nm,a'm•E 5' r#98 WioS-.- (D 1 (1) I #87 h� -2666 1a].01' SB27YM-E _ / / 0.12 AC 7 _ - Ncgsp •E Aa7 I- - 71.0oz•wJ sd $ mlr I O / O _ „o.A� L-w 52 °_ 30 n m' � w.n• N � � ! I I / / -.rye, Ye.n• R.sxmI W (1) . ' I- j 0.19 RES / 1 1 ` S3T765g• / n/-.0 oo' e9... " T .E Z O ('#83 /1 1 1 z. a Q L 0,111 ACRES 35 37 L _ /I / I84.Bt ACRES I 1 % 31ss7. w / r1'a �•esa/_ -._. O p IOW R - w-e3am'� Less 1 L-2tsr A �yos•E ea. _ - -I 11 p _Waco- �\ , #74 I II La]T / b,al.ao • -nl.m "ar BY FAWr #O1 r#84 ACC 4 0.1E I s (391 #73g I I I / ! - - - a �( �� Ig f I / seam 0e E - rl j,l nl ®-EPI (Q 0.20 - r MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT I I I CIE a� ACRES R ~el - 11 (y #69i I/ - / / s.a• r L-..e 538 I j RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING I I O , •I ro o.le ACRES J - #40� L#30 (SEE NOT EASEMENT #10 N011. 2CE R-eaam xm•e osE I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON I ie - NOTE n'ar#22 to I I D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I �I 1 I-IwTxs•E---I nano' n.ad .am• ^:, im: rti,m Il I 1 -. A� (LOT 4) 1 1 I 0.5E ACRES /-._i,aoo'--_ woene-ox•E xoeoe'oYE �. w az'E / / /Op\•1F•h SS'R.O.W. / O ® O------_-- -- 1 i b 9 I - EASEMENT Iw - I / FLE Y n _EASEMENT] LOT IB \.. ' L-22 N EITREE'1' gtaNAfY EASEMENT n 3 // 1 I / 0, - A 1 _ - - - _ _ 5041r2]•w-SOe,a•m'w-� R-IS.m cSEE wO,E ,) w - Jl LOCATION MAP 0.21 ACRES I - - J l- - m.s.• ewto' \ / / NOeO9 x E 112181 1 Ll(1)III-__a-- J 1aasen.ar n.ar • _n.arI__I/1NOT TO SCALE y.Jeitrs' - -- �- • RFM/SIDEr - - - - aw_97.4tV - 7a0r - J 3o.sY SERMU f (T1P) #73 1 #61 r #47 r #35 r #21 1 1 #13 to DATe cxecXBO Revlsmn a•os w _ Fi1sEMExT 3 - 1I EAwDEN,a L - J mem'xo•w 500 L - - - IN FAWN OF LOT 1A� SAIE SB O I$ OI$ O $ O I II 1 I Z-25-I4 me/cac nno ail Aooxcsscs CfF EASEMENT d _ y,& N FA d OF LOT de MAMA YL ENT tr 1 y n n n r3 Il REALIGN CHIPMAN ST 10 W 19 1- �1- I PI STORMWATER EASEMENT I N/F 11-14-13 TRC/ACL REV. Lois 5 5a se 23, 26A• AWR ENT IN z 0.47 ACRES w 0.17 AC. 1'] 0.17 AC. I 0.17 AC, 17 0.17 AC. I 1 0.24 ACRES \ / TO BE CONVEYED 1 /J. ___2 _3 35-AO . a9' FAVOR BE W"E"T 1A" (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) I: (1) 1 y 1 I P. (Sh 1b,Lrne) ClLfford / _ ( \ 1 TO CITY / / to-2e-13 TRc Acl R<ng0 Lan 3s m LOT .re _ _ 7-I-17 IRG ACL REND L0,5 35 TO LOT 40 �l�71. J1- - l - �l� _ 2.07 ACRES I T _ f _ S.67t ACRES soave z w soave oz w soeoe"aYw soe 6zrw wave o^x w soeva�oa w / I / / ' - 8-30-10 MC ADDED EASEMENTS TO LOTS aA k 4B STORMWATER EASEMENT TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY , ` _ - - __ __/ - - - - - - _ _ \ \\ / s-09 ATER LICENSE Rc Mb01FY LOT IIA, MD LOT 178 20' REC. PATH l - _ 30� _ STORMWATER EASEMENT \ EASE. TO CITY 1 III _ = ORAINgGE EASEMENT TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY / - (WITHIN STORMWR.O.W.) TO BE 3-3 Ga TRC D AF DRAFTING EDITSTS A k IS _ _ - - - - CONVEYED TO SOUTH ---- STORMWATER \ / --- PONDS STORMWATER II -�\`\ ,_,` $ R \ / VILLAGEMAINTENANCE COMMUNITIES / TORMWATE / 20' MAINTENANCE W IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF � \ - - - _ _ - - - - _ _ F POND / // EASEMENT TO BE PHASE 20' WDE DRAINAGE 1 POND EASEMENT TO CITY 1 - - I DEDICATION - 1N• x 200' _ LO_RECREATION PATH EASEMENT TO CITY - - - - - - -. - - \ - L - - - -E /� - - E SUBDIVISION N., CONVEYED TO 1 r - R.O.W. EXPANSION - _ / / DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO CITY - - - - - - - - - - REC PATH 2tl - ' - - - - - _ - T.9- _ L�1 a2.9• 152,06' - - - - - PLAT Q$, � 1 -- NOBR WE 1i--_ Noel]11 E s70.]S - -0 - - - - - - - - �� q.I�L000.00 - _ NO]'42'O.i \ 12'04 'Y 21.pQ •w, N ______________________ -75P1f 6a ��-�------ - - - - - - - 0.. . TO swiFr STREET 0 SPEAR STREET EDGE -OF-EX-1 STING ROAD ----- --- _ _ _ _ _ -SPEAR E;TFl�f - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ TO BARSTOW ROAD -- - -- DATE RAwlnc naxaER 66 PUBLIC R.O.W. -------------------------�r-------T J--------- 7--- --)- 4t, ------- - - - - i - ----- -ol't GRAPHIC SCALE - - - - _ --mow\ -� � 1 ORIGINAI. SCALE J 1' = 60' S1.3 1 1 1, I I Q \ I --y. ,..e„-..�.;. (IN FEET ) PRat. wD. I I I : \ 1 / 1 inch = 60 ft. 01243 k J CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 7 (l day o �- , 20 t , a copy of the foregoing public notice for*s.kti + Prot,.+{,s••4Q. pe of application] # y= L �O [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) STN6� a7� U -G_ S• C3�-�w-,�.,. , o r4 3 Dated at [town/city]. Vermont, this day of (' 20 Printed Name: {ZU3'3 Jt`FF"ytJ Phone number and email: 3 - r 4 .n Signature: l S--.(,.— Date: y'- Z`• < Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 r southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- L - (office use onI APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW SOUTHEAST QUADRANT All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities LLC, PO Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 802-863-6222. 802-316-6004 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Vol 815, p 384-467 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Owner 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) fee simple 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers same as #1, 802-316-6004(cell) 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS robin(cD_sdireland.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 69, 73, 83, 87, 95, 101 South Jefferson Road 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): Create 2 triplex lots from 3 duplex lots. No change to acreage of total, or number of units. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) vacant building lot c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) two triplex unit of residential housing d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) tbd e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) tbd 0 Total parcel size(s) .6acre g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) this change reverts a change from earlier this year, and revert the plan to original status 9) 9a: SEQ SUBDISTRICT (identify in each) Acreage Units Existing Units proposed NRP NRT NR VR VC 9b: Are Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs) being utilized? n If yes, please identify how many and from which parcel (street address) 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) n/c 11) LOT COVERAGE WC 61, a) Building: Existing % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed % 2 Southeast Quadrant Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 12) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) n1c 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Dec 2015 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting tjf applicat�nee the city fee schedule for deta S. NOTE: NO IFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATUR APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROP£XZINY OWNER Do not write/below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: �/ < I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: Complete ❑ Incomple p inistrative Officer The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 8 79-56 76 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Southeast Quadrant Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 Ei r Q � .. O To 0T arNFPr .-------------II f / / / / / / 1� , 1 /�I. ' ' al0a1E w1G rao a smw wmt q 27 � Rayp- co42 1 i I u I 6 c 1 91T[ 6NGDlm� 1 IE 1 CIVIL ENGINEELINS AMCIATES. INC. 1 ACL I DBM 1 me II O-SOUTH VILLAGE i COMMUNITIES, LLC. 52, - , "Off 81RffT I / 51 % ry ro L , _ I i I Lp W VI o. u CH'NAN BTFMT all 47 13 r I I I � ajT iA 10.��1 '64T,� � l _a• � a a� I ,l E Pp TIAa. SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Ad LOCATION MAP � mF3L h I O slaw WATER IE .�Aa. I'm: POND 11TR 911 ADDRESS ------------------ PLAN ------�------------—�_ .— ------------ - ----- --------------- I � I ---' TO WJWmm rn .n.vs .ire ----- ---- DEC.. 2007 axerluc_scel.t: _ _ _1 ' r-W. 911 oF2ai W ACQ55 EASEMENT SERWNG M — NOMEOwwERs SSO 1— allAalA(E EAfu1BR Ig1E / / 1 Nan: t: w icA1E5 SroRcuw ER MUNTEMAMrt: a71 t Yatl C 1 I I 1-. -, EASEL�ENr (iYPICKLY 2 7 CEMiEREO M 1 1 �� SI1BStJgfAfF pRUNAGE CpIRONCMiS t ' nO ire, O I aO I wa, os mawv.rrtwz �a18 i . a334 .. L 00tt r OrnO.y, w.ae /'� arr,' j A Ir a a26 a�iam nwO mM� J1 i m 9-«rrEvrE glco r 34a29ro 8 0 ` JM380 1 I� 11 CMIENGINIEEING ASSOSIATES ING sly A� I DBM 1 7RC 1 OWwEP: �� MULT-F-EV OFRRMEW—N SOUTH VILLAGE =� �aHo "• - - - - I- -- - I I i xmo E o e 95°E d".M .M"PRd°k 1� COMMUNITIES, LLC. Ij I. a179 i 'sTONMwAmI (.T so) �(\' rvs 1 t as NL ��➢KT .® a! ryQp1 r �ro� _J __ Ir��_�1 J pm I ` `TEM-All E-M- SERNNG 1 ` •- ( m ..E..- -AT. 6160 � 1 a38 .0.!(c) a79 ! .-' _I_� E.-.T o aa-of-sAc ro 1 m® 1 L.-y, -, , - BR'!R1- _. „ -�- �. NE RMAu ar oAownr. L_ - _!l,'•d`- - a34 r x65 ' . - o M.,w mv,R w.,�,�.ox vMo (pitf1w ® - «�>O O skO; I« 18 «143 I 11 ♦♦♦. ♦TI 1153 3 ,xI4�NOLa161� as �.__sR=_J / I �a140 CIO)dt . o - x57 - -«148 ro i m 37 ° a14f �"mw e a it 1� NME RNOOE 511E SBBECT 1 i tl x10a m Oro ; L J «139J I / _ ro a1Y 6 Sa1M BMRUIGn«I OA B. 1 1 r srE RUP APPRwa a136' (3) (LOT n) % i �� 46 11 O«127 j I I II i I l� O a°nY = I- a! .� a12T I O ' dl �Mo I iilO�i a roc �« ro m «l19 aWx s It i r PRaEcr mEe: �1 1 �° �� �m .. «133� a13a «sz wz _ -- _ I 11 I SOUTH VILLAGE e L_____JE___ _a m «z9 O" I. �I, SEE SHEET S1.3A i 132 r 1 ' t� , L ER=811♦ffT l/ iSi MI SPEAR STREET & FOR LOTS 11 11AS i1B . #" a` _ O 'Oi>; 1 a O ; '_ .- - "1 t173� a110 ±iy ;z I , ALLEN ROAD , T� x24 - f - a15 1 �m 21 nb ` v. -. _ _ _ I j5p I i I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT ® 1 On -� ,fal �rM1-) « #,--„_-a101 I I�� N8 ® um l� �m I arA� a (36J .TF'O 5 I� O- `al uY 1 �, nn 1 '1 N ta110 !� < L _a�?7 A95J 1'a ; L. _ •ev Q E'._,'3--ro*� qW m J ___-_ - - �-�0{bag`_- ro Oro n 999 ` T dry 1 ��> _ - — T- ` sY w®_ n L._ xe3 I �I uEu s ii r POP _ LI �a96 iav c,,..l iiM ia81 O O 1 `mod ky� IR am� 073 I x74 i iI Sd a t 7Aror £'------� ` �dl nm - r ✓ - r - -- r MULn fAYLT OEVELryMEwr 1'1 O M 1 a! Inx� ro • II o,.,.R: , 1 IE 9 • a38 1� rs oErcm.o PEManc 1 m I aY .cNs J _ _J La30 "-++� 1 1 arr aR sarR alRUMcroM 1 --1 ' I Eor. 7 t _ ___ �I 1. 1 4 i n O �@ ® E O �1� _ --- - - µp.. i .:.. m CHP" ei1EET �w7e ,x LOCATION MAP m ro sc.EP ro ro 1 L r 1 _ -- _ ___ T- ♦�� L.-ati �L "-w ----i - - --- i 673 Ta61 T$47 TAS Ta21 7 «13 a is2 1 1 I —A- EASEMENT 1 I ■ eZ O i -' ___ - - - - - an xs u• < 5 an r f " an Pi an C 'i.Cp1vE14D I Ik P. a a cum" ..pa I11 m IL ro �Ii ro III ro II ro III ro ♦1 roaTv 1 x is«.O�lr> wxfu x.ln �evro ��JI�- ,C � ♦ i i 1� T-t-t ..I,a w.>n I I RTOiYW 1FR EASENQ1T� --- L I I r 4.N-t0 nK _ n Pf�iORon 11 I �ro ! CdVEYEO ro aTV 1 ���- -�� # STGRIIWAIER J I I ♦ I EASCMEni TO t£ C— ro an I ♦♦� _ I 'I/y STaMw/,lEii -♦♦ i IcwivErioian�i >-.Wa Rcwnam STDNMWAIEw 1 �� ''' v j1 SIpYMIEII ♦I S RC Waf l.111ME I POND 1 NYEWCABIF 14* 20' MAENT To CE PHASE I EASBpi 100tY i + 1 OEdGAIgI - 1.' s 100' �-� ` ZO' NEQFAMs PAN -_______- - PGMa �R' W ECONVCVE0O0 a.W. EI<PAI9011 _ __---------EA!]IEIIT ar -- - - - - - - - - - - - SUBDMSION __J_ 1 ______________ __-__ _ - rowN a sa1BURNE � 7mYOE wIwAa EAstvEllTroan--_--__________� � i �nN '+a _ PLAT `�' 117 if 911ET SPEAR BTF�T EDY OE ENS1lG ROAD Po' Rues R.QN. opm gn*Er TO BAFUM IK= ______ ______ __ /_________ ___ JULY.' 4 I�. _ T _ay r r �_�-__--______ -_-_— I __Tr-_______________ GRAPHIC SCALE - _ _ TI ®,M .2 �- -- T-� S1.3 55 7 1 I 0id3 c5VW Abutters List For lots 39-40 Subdivision Application; SMSDC, LLC PO Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Sterling Construction 1037 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 South Village Communities, LLC c/o Spear & Allen LLC P.O. Box 2286, S. Burlington, VT 05407 Tel: 802-658-0202, Fax: 802-658-6869 rlvl! C Irl� Itt;tl� IG ����OCI��r��l !l IC, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 August 15, 2014 Mr. Ray Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Communities, LLC Site Plan Compliance Review for Lot 50 (Building A) Dear Mr. Belair: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com We are in receipt of the structural plans for the multi -family Building "A" located at 74 South Jefferson Avenue on Lot 50 of the South Village project. We have been asked to review the proposed use of a suspended deck system which extends approximately four (4) feet from the face of the building. We understand from the structural drawings that these decks are: • not solid floored as they will have planks with spaces between them; • precipitation is designed to move through the openings; and, • are suspended on the upper story only. We note that the City Land Development Regulations defines impervious surface area as: "Those manmade surfaces, including, but not limited to, paved and unpaved roads, parking areas, roofs, driveways, and walkways, from which precipitation runs off rather than infiltrates. Impervious surface shall also include, but is not limited to, compacted gravel or soil surfaces, storage areas, awnings (and other fabric or plastic coverings). Properly installed and maintained pervious pavement shall not be considered Impervious Surfaces for stormwater purposes." Most of the definition focuses on improvements attached to the ground, which this feature is not. The definition does include awnings as being considered an impervious surface. The purpose of an awning is to typically keep the area underneath it dry. These decks both are pervious and are located sufficiently high above the ground so as not to limit the ability of water to infiltrate the ground surface underneath them. Based upon the above information, it is our opinion that the characteristics of these proposed suspended deck installations are not "impervious" surfaces. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer cc: R. Jeffers; File 13162.00 PAAutoCADD Projects\2013\13162\3-Penmitting\l-Local Applications\3-Final\Belair - Lot 50 Building A Impervious Opinion.rtf C:ITY C:LER',� EIC:E �=1i��=�?2457 � �J: 123$ PG-.PG-.2;�8 i' S. �yO`r . Received Oct 22)2014 11:20A O Recorded in VOL: 1238 FG: 2.38 OF co. Burlington Land Records Attest-. NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF Gonna al? City Clark SUBDIVISION APPROVAL rk WHEREAS, Fred W. Westenfeld, Lee A. Rock, Wendell Davis and Martha Davis (hereinafter "Owners") are the successors in interest to Sterling Construction, Inc. a Vermont Corporation, one of the builders of homes in South Village; Sterling Construction having been the owner of that certain Lot 18 within the "South Village" Community, located at 1840 Spear Street, in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, and; WHEREAS, Owners and Sterling Construction, Inc. obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board for the two -lot subdivision of Lot 18, as shown on a plan entitled "Plat of Survey, Lot 18 Townhouses, South Village Communities, LLC, 4 & 8 West Fisher Lane" prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, dated March 10, 2014 ("the Plat") and recorded at Map Slide_ bf the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Property herein) by a Findings of Fact and Decision on Final Plat Application #SD-14-19 of the Development Review Board, dated July 18, 2014 (the "Decision"); and WHEREAS, the Decision imposes certain conditions on the Property; NOW THEREFORE, Owners hereby give notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the Property unless or until modified or removed by the South Burlington Development Review Board or its successor: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the Plat and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Decision. 3. For purposes of planning and zoning and compliance with the City of South Burlington's ordinances and regulations now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the two (2),Iots included in the subdivision shall be considered one (1) single, 10,93.6 sq. ft. parcel of land. Owners covenant and agree that for purposes of compliance with and application of the City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations (for example,ew. for application of coverage and setback requirements), i_ fi 1,32457 / V = 1238 PG: 239 the Property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if Lot 18 and/or the buildings constructed thereon are conveyed to separate owners. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. 5. Any changes to the Plat shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property, any of the Property's constituent lots, or an interest in the Property on in any deed for the Property's constituent lots. 7. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the Owners and the Owners' successors and assigns. Dated at Burlington, Vermont this ! s - day of �,1y, 2014. STATE OF VERMONT ) COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) ss. At Burlington, on this day of A.4ist, 2014, Fred W. Westenfeld and Lee A. Rock personally appeared before me, and they acknowledged this instrument by them sealed and subscribed, to. be their free act and deed. Before me Notary Public My Commission Expires 2 •STATE !_If it i324 57 + V : 12 3av PG : 24CI Dated at Burlington, Vermont this tT day of A,vg6si, 2014. Martha Davis STATE OF VERMONT ) COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) ss. At Burlington, on this day of Aft, 2014, Wendell Davis and Martha Davis personally appeared before me, and they acknowledged this instrument by them sealed and subscribed, to be their free act and deed. Before me,\ �� Notary Public My Commission Expires 4384155 1:9895-0000.1 yy 4397194_1:10935-00007 ST END OF DOCUMENT I south -"I"I:,,'1 4`�Il PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑ Preliminary JiQFinal PUD Being Requested? ❑Yes ,QTo All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. 2. t(S) OF RECO (Name(s) as shown► deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) ../� -7 / �wi� ,ice 0 TfON OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and ..g 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phon and fax#) 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) a. Contact email address: 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) A77 7> . 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project.Description (describe what you are proposing): b. Existing t)ses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and ske remain): ,�ll� 1 4eCJ 7 d. Total building sq footage on property 0 and exist ,�pg uses to !.- T I-ewT buildings and existing buildings to remain): i e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine):' f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): r- g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicab ): i. List an changes to the subdivisio , such asiaroperty lines, ber of units, lot mergers, etc. 2 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 e I 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: es q. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing //uaare % Proposed % c. Overall Coverage (building, arkfi4 (outside storage, etc): Existing square feet % Proposed VIV/square feet % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing square feet % Pr ed square feet % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? ■ 1 I b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: + /% ,® SQ. FT �— *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifcatio for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations) b. Landscaping: (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): A /,?-PFP5?e!P 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 P9" 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION:' 1,;"7/` 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE:1� / 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (1 1" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. /AAA,,n 414� 64 f46WI� /* NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. t SIGN_ATUR OF APPJL.I�,ANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and trod it to be: ❑ Complete incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 ell 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE 1 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x IT), and one digital (PDF-format) copy ofthe plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification ofadjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) ofthe South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility ofthe applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate ofservice. The sworn certificate ofservice shall be returned to the City prior to the start ofany public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part ofthis application has been submitted and is accurate to the best ofmy knowledge. Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: ❑ Comp lete ❑ I ncomp fete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular s:i2e copies, one reduced copy (11"x IT), and one digital(.PDF-format) copy ofthe plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the app tication. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification ofadjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) ofthe South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility ofthe applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate ofservice. The sworn certificate ofservice shall be returned to the C ity prior to the start ofany public hearing. I hereby certify that all the in&rmation requested as part ofthis application has been submitted and is accurate to the best ofmy knowledge. S RE OF APPLICANT,,5��,,,,A- 11VA TILTRE Df PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: ❑ comp lete ❑ incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 #SD-13-35 City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning Application #SD-13-35 South Village Communities, LLC MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer, and Lee Krohn, AICP, Planner Temporary Assignment RE: South Village Communities, LLC Sketch Plan application #SD-13-35 DATE: November 27, 2013 Applicant South Village Communities, LLC, 1840 Spear Street, seeks sketch plan review to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 156 residential units (part of the larger total project which includes 334 residential units) and a 100 student educational facility. The amendment proposes minor changes in boundaries and sizes for several of the lots, and minor shifts in roadway locations of Madison Lane and Chipman Street, all in Phase 1B of the overall development. These are all proposed in order to accommodate front yard setback requirements for a house on lot #23, and as previously agreed to with the Fire Chief and included as a condition of prior approval (non weatherized porches may be 5' from the property line, but any enclosed/livable space must be set back at least 10' from the property line). The proposed changes are described in partial form by the applicant, and appear to include: Increase the size of lot #23 to 0.16 acre, by moving the front boundary 5'; Shorten lots 29-31 from 114.01' to 113'; Resubdivide lots 39 and 40 into three lots (creating new lot 39A); and then shorten lots 39, 39A, and 40 by approx. 2' to 113.5'; Increase the size of common lot 26A by 373 sq ft, but still 0.09 acres; Decrease the size of common lot 49 by 373 sq ft but still at 0.11 acres; Move Chipman Street (west of Frost Street) 5' to the south, including curb realignment to 'soften' the shift in the right of way; Move Madison Lane 1' to the north. Staff has identified two areas for the Board to discuss: Lot sizes Minimum lot sizes for single family homes remain consistent with prior approvals for this project, and are all above the minimum approved lot size of 3600 sq ft. The applicant has proposed that lots 39 and 40, previously approved for triplexes, become three #SD-13-35 lots, each with a duplex. This action would require a waiver of the minimum lot size. The new plan shows lot 39 at 0.20 acre; lot 39A at 0.19 acre; and lot 40 at 0.21 acre. The Master Plan approval is silent on the issue of minimum lot sizes for duplex lots. The Board has the authority under the PUD provisions of the bylaw to issue a waiver on these lot sizes if it deems them consistent with the standards. As precedent, several other lots were previously approved as multi -unit dwellings on lots smaller than the 0.55 acre/dwelling lot size base requirement in the LDRs: lots 31 and 32 are each only 0.23 acre in size, lot 46 is only 0.26 acre, and lot 45, a triplex, is only 0.30 acre. Based on the above, and the fact that no additional dwelling units or development areas are proposed, staff feels the lot size waiver request is in keeping with previously approvals. The applicant, however, should be asked to confirm that the proposed changes will not result in an increase in the total site coverage of the property as approved in Master Plan approval #MP- 05-02. Common land areas The LDRs state that "Land development proposed in an area previously identified as permanent open space" triggers a Master Plan amendment. The applicant is proposing to make the following changes: Common lot 26A is 373 sf larger but still 0.09 acres. Common lot 49 is 372 sf smaller but still at 0.11 acres. The Board should discuss this item and determine whether a reduction that does not change acreage at two (2) decimal points (ie, 373 sf) rises to the level of requiring a change to the Master Plan as identified above. Aside from these questions about lot sizes and coverages, all of the proposed changes all appear to be de minimus and of no cause for concern under the LDRs nor the prior Master Plan approval. There are no changes in development density nor any other issues, and the case appears ripe for preliminary and final plan review at the next DRB meeting on December 17. The Public Works Director will be consulted regarding proposed changes in roadway alignment, and other related elements that may be affected (such as water or sewer line locations). In order to complete this amendment process, the applicant must submit all necessary revised legal documents and a survey plat clarifying all of these proposed changes, as well as the revised road rights of way and offers of irrevocable dedication to be offered to the City. southburlington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer RE: Agenda 5 Application #SD-13-37 — South Village DATE: December 13, 2013 Preliminary & final plat application #SD-13-37 of So. Village Communities, LLC to amend a previously approved plan for a 3-Phase 334 unit planned unit development. The amendment consists of: 1) relocating seven (7) lots, and 2) resubdividing two (2) of those lots into three (3) lots, 1840 Spear Street. Staff has prepared the attached draft decision to substitute for staff comments as the Board indicated at the sketch plan meeting that it would be willing to entertain issuing a decision if the hearing is closed at the meeting on December 17t" 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com CANDELA SERIES Product Overview and Technical information >> PHILIPS LUMEC ic t r� Traditional Evolution / Attention to detail is perhaps the most important aspect of the Candela Series. From the European inspired nautical design to the wide range of optical systems available, to the wide assortment of complementary products that harmonize with this luminaire, no stone has been left unturned to give decision makers unprecedented flexibility and design options. >> . ,.... AMON EM .x ... IiW With a wide range of optical systems, the Candela Series assures photometric efficiency across a variety of applications. Our optics also guarantee an appropriate and reliable lighting solution for nautical environments, roads, parks and other urban applications. The Candela Series is a sure choice for a harmonious integration of any architectural site or urban setting. Traditional style and European inspiration set the tone for the Candela Series. Truly versatile, these luminaires are well suited to nautical environments, as well as to roadways, parks and other urban developments. Whatever the project, be it town or country, the presence of Candela luminaires will bring architectural and landscaped developments to new heights. Functional and with their own unique style, the Candela Series illuminate the creation of an evolving world. >> BENEFITS Wide selection of options, optics, and styles for greater design freedom. Durable and easyto maintain construction. Various heights and sizes for pedestrian scale application. Available in wall mount versions. Exceptional photometric performance. Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notification. PHI LIPS For the latest updates go to www.lumec.com L V m E C CANDlmCN1 CANDELA SERIES -� - LUMINAIRES Conform to the UL IS98 and CSACl22 Mo. SQO-0d standards W 2T"(6$6mmj 1 I 24' iG�O s_cand 1 _cn_eng.epCAND1-CN1 E.P.A.: 4.67 sq. ft. Weight: 58 Ibs (26.3kg) SPECIFICATIONS These globes are available in the following finishes: PCC: Clear Polycarbonate PCO:Opal Polycarbonate PCCPD: POND Polycarbonate CANDI-CN1, CANDSI-CN1S and CANDSI-CNS-M luminaires are UL and CSA approved Housing Made from round shaped die cast aluminum (356), c/w a watertight grommet, mechanically assembled to the bracket with four bolts 3/816 UNC.This suspension system permits for a full rotation of the luminaire in 90 degrees increments. Guard Made from round shaped aluminum (6063T5) with 1/2" (13 mm) rods and is mechanically assembled to the access mechanism. Arm Twin arms made from welded rectangular aluminum tubing (6061T6) of 2" x 3" (51 mm x 76 mm), with a 1/8" (3 mm) wall thickness, complete with an access door covering a 2 1/4" x 2 7/8,,(57 mm x 73 mm) opening. Decorative Element Made from welded die cast aluminum (356), with a 1 5/8"(42 mm) outside diameter. Central Tubing Made from aluminum (6063T6), with a 4" (102 mm) outside diameter, complete with a tenon that slips 12" (305 mm) inside the pole. The tenon is mechanically fastened to the pole by two sets of three setscrews at 120 degrees around the pole. Wiring Gauge (#14) TEW wires, 6" (152 mm) minimum exceeding top of the bracket. Hardware All exposed hardware is stainless steel. All seals and sealing devices are made of and/or lined with EPDM and/or silicone. Finish "Hot dip" chemical etching preperation. Lumital- polyester powder coat finish. Excellent color retention as per #ASTM D2244, and outstanding salt -spray resistance according to #ASTM B117 testing procedures. Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notification. PHI LIPS For the latest updates go to www.lumec com L U M E E E 1J PRODUCT LAMP REFLECTOR VOLTAGE LUMINAIREOPTION FINISH' CANDI-CNI-IA 50MH, medium RR3 120 DR' BE2/TX CANDI-CNI-2 70 MH, medium RR3MD 208 GFP BE6/TX 100 MH, medium RR5 240 BE8/TX ' - 150MH',medlum 277 ' 200MH',mogul 347 BK/TX 250MH',mogul SE3 BR/TX H54 SES GN/TX 35HP5,medium GN4/TX 50 HPS, mogul RACES GN6/TX 70 HPS, mogul RACE3D 150 HPS', mogul RACES !' GN8/TX 200 HPS', mogul. GY3/TX 250 HPS', mogul I�, RD2/TX RD4/TX '�. 18 CF j WH/TX 26 CF' li 32CF' NP 42 CF` TG TS i 40W42LED4K-R , ........................................... 65W42LED4K-R: .............. ............. ................ : ' Remote ballast (pole with an enlarge base) HS: House shield ' DR: Duplex receptacle (120 V only) ' Socket: GX24Q-2 (78W), GX24Q-3 (16 or 32W), GX24Q-4 (42W), GFI: Duplex receptacle with ground fault interuptor triple tube compact fluorescent (lamp not included) on mounting (720 V only) > See end of document for details on line of poles available. LED LAMP DETAILS ........................- . ......................................... These LED lamp details are showing typical delivered lumens relative to the complete luminaire with EcoSwap. LED = Philips Lumileds Luxeon R, CRI = 70, CCT = 4000K (+/- 350K) LED rated life = 70,000 hrsDriver rated life=100,000 hrs TYPICAL TYPICALLAMP TYPICALSYSTEM TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL LED HIP LUMINAIRE LAMP DELIVERED WATTAGE WATTAGE' CURRENT@ CURRENT@ CURRENT@ CURRENT EQUIVALENT' EFFICACY LUMENS' (W) (W) 120 V (A) 240 V (A) 277 V (A) (MA) RATING (LM/W) i 40W42LED4K-R 4093 40 45 01 91.48 0.24 0.22 333 70 t 65W42LE04K-R 6020 65 70 0.72 0.36 0.32 500 II 100 1 86 ' L70 - 70,000 hrs (at ambient temperature = 25°C System wattage includes the lamp and the LED driver and forward current - 500 mA). 4 Equivalence should always be confirmed by a photometric layout. ' May vary depending on the optical distribution used. Note: Due to rapid and continuous advances in LED technology, LED luminaire data is subject to change without notice and at the discretion of Philips. Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notification. PH I I.I PS For the latest updates go to www.lumec.com L V M E C CANDI CANDI CANDSI CANDSI (ANDS1 CNIAA CN1-2 CN1-IA CN1S-2 CNS-M Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior not ocation. PHILI PS For the latest updates go to www.lumec.com L V M E C POLES CANDELA SERIES APR4Aluminum APR4Aluminum SPR4Steel SPR4Steel APR4 C/W LBC4C or LBC10 - Aluminum c/W LBC4C c/W LBC10 APR4F-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.125 3.2 21 10 12.5 9.5 78 5.8 APR4U-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.226 5.7 32 14 22.4 17.2 14.3 10.8 kA G'..,6 d •,-M-, V y(Frea S4APR4F-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.125 3.2 24 11 9.5 7.1 5.7 4.1 LS ;; APR41.1-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.226 5.7 38 17 16.7 12.6 10.4 7.8 APR4F-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.125 3.2 28 13 6.7 5.0 4.0 2.9 h ���Ib»Nzf3mm) APR4U-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.226 5.7 44 20 11.5 8.6 70 5.2 a'1) 2r:n.;1 4'(b2r rj1 APR4W-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.318 8.1 58 26 15.3 11.5 9.5 7.0 H H APR4F-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.125 3.2 31 14 3.6 Z5 1.9 1.3 APR41-1-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.226 5.7 51 23 6.6 4.8 3.9 28 ,y APR4W-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.318 8.1 67 30 8.9 6.6 5.4 3.9 APR4F-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.125 3.2 33 15 2.8 1.9 1.4 - ~`s APR41.1-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.226 5.7 S4 24 5.5 3.9 3.1 2.1 �. APR4W-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.318 83 71 32 75 5.5 4.4 3.1 ''. ft m In mm in mm lb kg 70ft 80ft875ft' 100ft - c '' } '' Catalog Nominal Wall EPA rating 81 number height Section thickness Weight (mph) l. A F/U/W.--Wall thickness L-I>l read 14'f>?-rcrr�l AMOSAluminum P604Aluminum SM6 Steel P604S Steel Mt Ord. 10VY 'C-3aves�i !_T, &C. A l± N'tc 11'; ♦'I)•i: rrrr�j 4'�:d rrr:�l H H AM8 Aluminum SM8 Steel ♦tM mmj H L I A I'� W (r.6 rrrr.l P804 Aluminum P804S Steel Q> R. *-9. T,Y �' I; X�G nni) nc. 31 b wA: n Y.'to- 15' } C::*to 5?6 rrm) 1v Y49 WA) AM6 - P604 - Aluminum AM6F-8 mow -a 8 244 4 102 0.125 3.2 27 12 18.4 14.3 12.0 9.2 AN161.1-8 P6o4Au-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.226 5.7 37 17 30.0 25.0 21.0 16.3 AM6F-10 P604AF-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.125 3.2 31 14 13.2 10.2 8.5 6.4 AM6U-10 Peo4Auuao 10 3.05 4 102 0.226 5.7 41 19 23.4 18.0 15.0 11.3 AM6F-12 P604AF-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.125 3.2 35 16 9.9 7.4 6.0 4.4 AM61.1-12 P604Au-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.226 5.7 4S 20 15.8 11.8 9.8 7.3 AM6F-13 P604AF-13 13 3.97 4 102 0.125 3.2 36 16 8.1 6.0 4.9 3.5 AM6U-13 P604AU-13 13 3.97 4 102 0.226 5.7 46 21 13.1 9.9 8.1 5.9 AM6F-14 P604AF-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.125 3.2 38 17 5.3 3.9 33 2.2 AM6U-14 P6o4Au-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.226 5.7 48 22 8.7 6.5 5.3 3.9 AM6F-15 P6o4AF-1s 15 4.57 4 102 0.125 3.2 40 18 4.3 3.0 24 1.6 AMISU-15 P6o4Au-is 15 4.57 4 102 0.226 5.7 50 23 7.3 5.3 4.2 3.0 ft m In mm in mm lb kg 70ft' 0fl 8751t2 100ft Catalog Nominal Wall EPA rating height Section Weight number thickness (mph) F/U/WWall thickness AM8 - P804 - Aluminum AM8F-8 P804AF-8 8 2.44 4 102 a125 3.2 34 15 19.9 15.5 13.0 10.0 AM8U-8 Pso4Au-s 8 2.44 4 102 0.226 5.7 41 19 30.0 27.0 223 17.7 AM8F-10 Pww-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.125 3.2 38 17 14.1 10.9 9.1 6.9 AM81.1-10 Pso4Au-to 10 3.05 4 102 0.226 5.7 47 21 24.7 19.3 16.3 12.5 AM8F-12 P804AF-121 2 3.66 4 102 0.125 3.2 42 19 10.5 8.0 6.6 4.9 AM81.1-12 P804AU-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.226 5.7 53 24 18.9 14.6 12.0 9.0 AM8F-13 P804AF-13 13 3.97 4 102 0.125 3.2 43 20 9.2 70 5.7 4.1 AM8U-13 Peo4Au-13 13 3.97 4 102 0.226 5.7 56 25 15.8 11.8 9.7 73 AM8F-14 P804AF-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.125 3.2 45 20 6.1 4.6 3.7 2.7 AM8U-14 P804AU-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.226 5.7 60 27 10.5 78 6.4 4.7 AM8F-15 P804AF-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.125 3.2 47 21 5.0 3.5 2.8 2.0 AM8U-15 Pso4Au-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.226 5.7 63 29 8.7 6.4 5.2 3.7 ft m in mm in mm lb kg 70ft80ft 875ft' 100ft Catalog Nominal Wall EPA rating number height Section thickness Weight (mph) F/U/WWall thickness Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notification. PHILIPS Far the latest updates go to www.tumec.com L ILT M E C POLES CANDELA SERIES SPR4 dw LBC4C or LBC10 - Steel SPR4D-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.120 3.0 55 25 27.5 21.2 176 13.4 SPR4D-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.120 3.0 65 30 21.8 16.6 13.8 10.3 SPR4N-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.188 4.8 94 43 30.0 24.8 20.8 15.7 SPR4D-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.120 3.0 75 34 17.6 13.2 10.9 8.0 SPR4N-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.188 4.8 110 50 26.4 20.3 16.8 12.6 SPR4D-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.120 3.0 85 39 11.8 8.8 7.1 5.1 SPR4N-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.188 4.8 125 57 17.0 12.9 10.6 79 SPR4V-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.250 6.4 160 73 22.7 77.2 14.2 10.7 SPR4D-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.120 3.0 90 41 9.9 7.3 6.0 4.3 SPR4N-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.188 4.8 133 60 14.7 11.0 9.0 6.7 SPR4V-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.250 6.4 770 77 19.6 14.8 12.1 9.0 ft m I in mm I in mm I lb kg I 70ft2 SOW 87.5ft' 100ft'I Catalog Nominal I Section I Wall Weight EPA rating number height thickness (mph) D/N/V.• Wall thickness SM6 - P6045 - Steel SM6F-8 P604SF-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.120 3.2 85 39 30.0 30.0 270 20.8 SM6N-8 P6045N-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.188 4.8 99 45 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 SM61F-10 P6045F-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.120 3.2 95 43 30.0 23.5 19.7 15.2 SM6N-10 P6045N-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.188 4.8 115 52 30.0 30.0 29.4 22.5 SM6F-12 P604SF-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.120 3.2 105 48 23.6 18.3 15.3 11.6 SM6N-12 P6045N-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.198 4.8 180 59 30.0 27.3 22.8 175 SM61F-14 P604SF-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.120 3.2 115 52 15.5 11.8 9.8 7.3 SM6N-14 P6045N-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.188 4.8 14S 66 23.2 18.0 15.0 11.3 SM6F-15 P604SF-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.120 3.2 120 54 14.0 10.5 8.7 6.4 SM6N-15 P604SN-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.188 4.8 153 69 20.7 15.4 13.0 9.7 SM6V-15 P6045V-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.250 6.4 182 83 25.4 19.4 16.0 12.0 I I ft m I in mm I In mm I lb kg I 70ft' 80ft 87.5ft' WWI Catalog Nominal Section Wall Weight EPA rating number height thickness (mph) F/N/V Wall thickness SM8 - P804S - Steel SM8F-8 P804SF-8 8 2.44 4 102 0.120 3.2 117 53 30.0 30.0 29.1 22.5 SM8N-8 P804SN-8 8 Z44 4 102 0.188 4.8 129 58 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 SM8F-10 P804SF-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.120 3.2 127 57 30.0 25.2 21.2 16.2 SM8N-10 P804SN-10 10 3.05 4 102 0.188 4.8 145 65 30.0 30.0 30.0 24.0 SM8F-12 P804SF-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.120 3.2 137 62 25.0 19.3 16.2 12.3 SM8N-12 P804SN-12 12 3.66 4 102 0.188 4.8 160 72 30.0 28.9 24.1 18.5 SM8F-14 P804SF-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.120 3.2 146 66 16.2 12.3 10.2 76 SM8N-14 P804SN-14 14 4.27 4 102 0.198 4.8 175 79 24.2 18.8 15.6 11.8 SM8F-15 P804SF-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.120 3.2 151 68 14.6 10.9 9.1 6.7 SM8N-15 P804SN-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.188 4.8 183 83 22.0 17.0 14.2 10.6 SM8V-15 P804SV-15 15 4.57 4 102 0.250 6.4 210 95 28.7 22.3 18.5 13.7 ft m I in mm I in mm I lb kg I 70f2 80ft87.5ft2 =ft'j Catalog Nominal Section Wall WeightEPA rating number height thickness (mph) F/N/V..Wall thickness APR4 c/w LBC4C or APR4 c/w LBC10 Made from a one-piece, seamless 4" round (102 mm) tube of extruded aluminum welded to both the top and bottom of a reinforced base cast from zinc -rich aluminum. SPR4 c/w LBC4C or SPR4 c/w LBC10 Made from a one-piece, 4" round (102 mm) tube of high -tensile carbon steel sealed by a rolled and flattened vertical weld seam and welded to both the top and bottom of a steel base. AM6 / P604 / AM8 / P804 Made from a one-piece, seamless 4" round (102 mm) round tube of extruded aluminum welded over and in a 6 5/8" round (168 mm) extruded aluminum pole base for AM6 / 604S poles and 8 5/8 (219 mm) for AM8 / P804 poles. SM6 / P604S / SM8 / P804S Made from a one-piece, 4" round (102 mm) high -tensile carbon steel shaft sealed by a rolled and flattened vertical weld seam and welded over and in a 6 5/8" round (168 mm) high -tensile carbon -steel pole base for the SM6 / P604S and 8 5/8" (219 mm) for SM8 / P804S poles. The assembly is welded to both the top and bottom of a steel base. All poles: -Maintenance opening, complete with cover. -Copper ground lug. -Joint and base cover: made from two pieces of cast aluminum (356) mechanically fastened with stainless steel screws. •Finish:"hot dip" chemical etching preparation. LumitalTm polyester powder coat textured finish. Available in 14 standard colors. •Duraval UV -resistant exterior finish as per # ASTM G7 and outstanding salt -spray resistance according to # ASTM D2247 testing procedures Note: EPA recommendations are calculated according to AASHTO standards and include a 30% gust factor, with a 50 lb. (22.7 kg) load applied 1 ft. (305 mm) above the center ofthe pole. The maximum EPA rating shown is 30.0 sq. ft. Some poles may exceed this rating. Options: PH7: Button -type photoelectric cell (specify operating voltage). DR: Duplex receptacle (120 V line volt. only) GFI: DR with common ground fault interrupter (120 V line volt. only) Other pole thicknesses are available for use with banner arms. Consult factory. Philips Lumec neither designs nor makes recommendations as to the design of concrete bases. Note: Philips Lumec reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials and/or production and/or design without prior notice. Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notocation. PHILIPS For the latest updates go to www.lumec.com L V M E C PHOTOMF7' Round borosilicate refractor RR3 Type 3 Asymmetrical distribution that spreads the light forward and on either side. Non cut-off optics according to IES classification. CmRecommended applications 0 > Roads, pedestrian walkway, bicycle path > Building entryway > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Nautical environment, boardwalk RRS Type S Symmetrical distribution that spreads the light forward and on either side. Non cut-off optics according to IES classification. Recommended applications O O > Middle of parking lot > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Building entryway Hydroformed reflector system set in faceted arc -image duplicating pattern SE3 Type 3 Asymmetrical distribution that spreads the light forward and on either side. Vertical control of the flux. Non cut-off optics according to IES classification. Recommended applications > Roads, pedestrian walkway, bicycle path i > Building entryway > Narrow streets, private entry > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Nautical environment, boardwalk SES Type 5 Symmetrical distribution that spreads the light in a square pattern. Non cut-off optics according to IES classification. �p^� Recommended applications �J > Middle of parking lot 1 > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Building entryway > Pedestrian walkway Compact fluorescent photometry available on demand Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notification. PH ILIPS For the latest updates go to www.lumec.com L V M E C Acrylic (max.100 W) or borosilicate (150 W and more) refractor with segmented uplight recovery reflector RACES Type 3 Asymmetrical distribution that spreads the light forward and on either side. Non cutoff optic according to IES classification. Recommended applications > Roads, pedestrian walkway, bicycle path > Building entryway > Narrow streets, private entry > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Nautical environment, boardwalk RACES Type 5 Symmetrical distribution that spreads the light evenly in a circular pattern. Non cut-off optics according to IES classification. CosRecommended applications > Middle of parking lot > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Building entryway (a > Pedestrian walkway Small round borosilicate refractor SR5 Type 5 Symmetrical distribution that spreads the light in a circle pattern. Non cut-off optics according to IES classification. Applications recommandees O > Interior and exterior pedestrian mall > Building entryway > Pedestrian walkway > Pares Compact fluorescent photometry available on demand Philips Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior noty7cation. PHILIPS For the latest updates go to www lumeccam L V M E C www.philips.com/lumec PHILIPS LUMEC HEAD OFFICE ONTARIO OFFICE 640, Cure-Boivin Boulevard 189 Bullock Drive Boisbriand, Quebec Markham, Ontario Canada 17G 2A7 Canada L3P 1W4 T: 450.430.7040 T: 416.223.7255 F : 450.430.1453 F : 866.971.2825 For the details of our different agents and representatives, please consult the Contact us section of our Website. ® 2012 Philips Group. All rights reserved. We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finishes. (fig / Some luminaires use fluorescent or high intensity discharge (HID) lamps that contain small amounts of mercury. Such lamps are labeled "Contains Mercury" and/or with the symbol "Hg." Lamps that contain mercury must be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Information regarding lamp recycling and disposal can be found at www.lamprecycle.org >> The choice to not print paper brochures anymore but to make them available on-line is an example of the positive environmental actions that Philips Lumec has decided to undertake. This not only considerably reduces our paper consumption but also guarantees the exactitude ofthe information our clients receive. cr I WE South PLANNING & ZONING March 14, 2014 Dave Burke O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1 Essex Jct., VT 05452 Re: Preliminary Plat Approval #SD-13-44, 1840 Spear Street Dear Mr. Burke: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on March 101, 2014. Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat review application must be submitted within 12 months of this approval. If you have any questions, please contact me. Since , aymond J. Belalr Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7010 0290 0000 2215 5938 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com .� VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinldng Water and Groundwater Protection Division Essex Regional Office in West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 wA,w.septic.vt.gov October 14, 2014 South Village Communities, LLC P.O. Box 2266 South Burlington VT 05407 Agency of Natural Resources [Phone] 802-879-5656 [f-] 802-879-3871 RE: WW-4-2613-3, South Village -Phase II; amend WW-4-2613 for Phase II to construct sixty of the ninety nine unit PRD located on Spear Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above -referenced project on October 9, 2014, including a fee of $9,500.00 paid by check #101423. Under the performance standards for this program, we will have a maximum of 45 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, your consultant will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier, James Sandberg and the reviewer notifying us that you have resubmitted information. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. For the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division r rnestine evner Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary/O'leary-Burke Civil Associates, PLC Regional Offices - Barre/EssexJct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date: August 30, 2013 Application received: June 14, 2013 SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES LLC 47, 110 & 144 SOUTH JEFFERSON AVENUE SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-13-33 Agenda # 2 Meeting Date: September 3, 2013 Owners/Applicant Property Information South Village Communities LLC Tax Parcel 1640-01840 c/o SD Ireland companies SEQ-NR Zoning District Ms. Robin Jeffers, Project Manager Williston, VT 05495 rnntnrt David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \F:\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SP_13 33_74-110- 144S_Jefferson_SouthVil lage_revisions_Sept_mtg.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking site approval to construct two (2) 12 unit multi -family dwellings and one (1) 10 unit multi -family dwelling, 47, 110 and 144 South Jefferson Avenue. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner, Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the revised plans submitted on August 23, 2013 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements The subject lot is part of a previously approved master plan for the entire Planned Unit Development known as South Village. Setback requirements are met. Building coverage is calculated at 34.5% (maximum approved per Master Plan is 50%) is also met. The proposed project meets dimensional requirements and limits for overall coverage which had been approved as part of the Master Plan approval (#MP-04-01 and the amendment #MP-05-02). The overall coverage is proposed to be 65.0% (maximum approved per the MP is 65%). Height Section 3.07(C)(1) states that "Where a structure has been approved as part of a Master Plan prior to January 9, 2012 with a height greater than that permitted in these Regulations, such approved maximum height shall remain in effect." The maximum height at time of the Master Plan approval was 40 feet for a pitched roof structure. The heights of the proposed pitched -roof buildings are as follows: • Building A = 32.7 ft. • Building B = 29.1 ft. • Building C = 29.8 ft. All buildings will comply with the height limitation. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. The 34 units of housing will require 68 spaces calculated as 2 spaces per unit as the spaces will not be reserved. The applicant proposes a total of 68 spaces on the property itself: 44 underground spaces and 24 surface parking spaces. The applicant also notes that eight (8) parallel parking spaces will be constructed CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \F:\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SP_13 33_74-110- 144S_Jefferson_SouthVil lage_revisions_Sept_mtg. doc along the south side of South Jefferson Avenue. The applicant notes that the SBLDR and the ADAAG require that the 68 combined spaces include three (3) handicap spaces. In response to concerns discussed at the August 201h meeting these 3 handicap spaces are now proposed to be located in the off-street parking areas and are noted on the revised plans submitted on August 23 d. Pedestrian movement is adequate between buildings. This standard is being met. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Parking is proposed to be located to the side and underneath of the buildings. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. Bicycle racks are shown on the plans (one (1) for each building). (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The proposed buildings are a pitched roof type structure. The maximum allowable height in the district is 45 feet for a pitched roof. The proposed buildings are between 29.1' and 32.7' high at the midpoint of the sloped roof. Therefore no height waiver is requested or required. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 1. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The South Burlington Water Department has no comments. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed buildings. Staff feels that the proposed buildings are in compliance with this criterion. (f) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed buildings. Staff feels that the proposed buildings are in compliance with this criterion. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \F:\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SP_13 33 74-110- 144S_Jefferson_SouthVil lage_revisions_Sept_mtg.doc to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. The proposed buildings are accessed via two curb cuts. Furthermore, the overall layout of the subdivision has been reviewed as part of Master Plan review and as a 3-step PUD. Staff feels this criterion has been met. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The applicants are proposing to locate the trash and recycling facilities in an enclosed area on the south side of the parcel between Buildings 50B and 50C. No details on the enclosure are provided. 2. The plans should be revised to include the details of the dumpster enclosure. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Based on submitted building costs of $3,600,000, the minimum landscaping budget should be $43,500. The applicant's current on -site landscaping budget for acceptable trees and shrubs is $43,500. In response to concerns discussed at the August 201h meeting, all landscaping (with the exception of one (1) Japanese Pagoda Tree at the northeast corner) are now proposed to be located within the subject property. This tree should be relocated so it is on -site. The plans have also been revised to be in compliance with the August 13th comments of the City Arborist. 3. The landscaping plan should be revised to locate the Japanese Pagoda Tree proposed to be off -site at the northeast corner of the site to be on -site. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the plans shall depict snow storage areas that will minimize the potential for run-off. No snow storage areas are shown on the plans. 4. The plans shall be revised to show snow storage areas or a note indicating that there will be no snow storage on -site. Lighting Pursuant to Section 13.07(A) of the Land Development Regulations, all exterior lighting shall be shielded and downcasting to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent properties and rights -of -way. The applicant has submitted revised lighting details on August 23rd in response to concerns identified at CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \F:\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SP_13 33 74-110- 144S_Jefferson_SouthVillage_revisions_Sept_mtg.doc the August 20t" meeting. Different luminaires and rear shields are now proposed to reduce the lighting levels to comply with the 0.3 fc standard. They meet the standards set forth in the SBLDR. Other — Units in a Structure Section 9.05(B) of the LDRs limits the number of units in a building to four (4), and provides the following: "Where a structure has been approved as part of a Master Plan prior to January 9, 2012 with a greater number of dwelling units than those permitted in these Regulations, such approved number of units in a structure shall remain in effect". The proposed two (2) 12 unit buildings and the 10-unit building were approved as part of the South Village Master Plan on this lot and are therefore in compliance. Other - Fire Chiefs Comments We have reviewed the plans for this proposed development. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. a. Commercial structures and multifamily units will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. b. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. c. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. d. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and protection systems. e. Provide emergency key boxes, location to be specified by SBFD. f. No gas or charcoal grills on outside porches. Other - Public Works Comments reviewed the plans for the proposed South Village Communities, LLC project located South Jefferson Road. The plans I reviewed were developed by Civil Engineering Associate and, dated May 2013 with no revision dates. I would like to offer the following review comments: a. It appears that the project will disturb greater than 1 acre of land and will therefore require a construction stormwater permit (3-9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. This lot appears to covered under a previous authorization (4096-9020). The applicant should provide updated information on State permit coverage. b. If the project creates greater than 1 acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3-9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. This lot appears to be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (4096-INDS). The applicant should provide updated information on State permit coverage. c. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \F:\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SP_13_33_74-110- 144S_Jefferson_SouthVillage_revisions_Sept_mtg.doc d. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City's watershed model for Munroe Brook. The applicant has addressed these items with the Public Works Department. The Department was satisfied with the response of the applicant. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board close the hearing following any discussion or questions to the applicant. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates south-V PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer RE: Agenda 6, Miscellaneous Application #MS-13-01 DATE. August 15, 2013 Continued miscellaneous application #MS-13-01 of South Village Communities, LLC to alter the grade of lot #48 by adding fill, South Jefferson Avenue. Under its revised submission for #MS-13-01 the applicant is now requesting approval to place 120 cubic yards of fill in an area of the adjacent identified Open Space lot, Lot 48, related to parking lot grading on Lot 50. The placing of fill on this property constitutes "land development" as defined in the LDRs. Section 15.07 (D) of the LDRs requires an amended master plan if: "Land development proposed in any area previously identified as permanent open space in the approved master plan application". Staff notes that this would require changes to the Master Plan as the placement of fill is considered land development and a change to the Master Plan has not been approved. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r southburlington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer Dan Albrecht, Planner, Temporary Assignment RE: Agenda Items #3 and #4 South Village Communities, LLC #SP-13-33 #MS-13-01 DATE: July 12, 2013 South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking site plan for approval for three 12-unit multi -family dwellings, 74, 110, & 144 South Jefferson Avenue and miscellaneous permit review for alteration of existing grade by placing fill, South Jefferson Avenue (lot # 48). The applicant's plan and materials for #SP-13-33 submitted sought four waivers in connection with development of the multi -family dwellings at Lot 50: a front -yard setback, an off-street parking waiver; a waiver of the off-street parking green spaces within parking areas requirement and increase in lot coverage from the Master Plan approval and lastly, a height waiver for all three buildings. Staff identified that some or all of these waiver requests were not permitted without amending the Master Plan and relayed these concerns to the applicant. Under its submission for #MS-13-01 the applicant requested approval to place 700 cubic yards in a 600 SF area of the adjacent identified Open Space lot, Lot 48 related to parking lot grading on Lot 50. Staff noted to the applicant that this request also would require changes to the Master Plan. The applicant understood the concerns identified but indicated they would still like an opportunity to make an informal presentation to the Board so as to submit improved applications Staff will provide a full review upon receipt of revised materials. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD enda #8 Location Map DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date: February 15, 2013 Plans received: December 26, 2012 SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-12-36 Meetina Date: February 19, 2013 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking Sketch plan review to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of 334 dwelling units in three (3) phases. The amendment consists of developing phase two (2) of a project which includes 99 dwelling units, 1840 Spear Street. The applicant received master plan approval on July 19, 2005. Those items included in the master plan approval must abide by the conditions of that approval, and shall supersede the current regulations (i.e. lot and building coverage). Those items not covered in the master plan (i.e. residential design) decision are subject to current land development regulations. City Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on December 26, 2012 and have the following comments. Master Plan Amendment Required Pursuant to Section 15.07 D (3), the following applies: Any application for amendment of the master plan, preliminary site plan or preliminary plat that deviates from the master plan in any one or more of the following respects, shall be considered a new application for the property and shall require sketch plan review as well as approval of an amended master plan: (a) An increase in the total FAR or number of residential dwelling units for the property subject to the master plan; (b) An increase in the total site coverage of the property subject to the master plan; (c) A change in the location, layout, capacity or number of collector roadways on the property subject to the master plan; (d) Land development proposed in any area previously identified as permanent open space in the approved master plan application; and/or (e) A change that will result in an increase in the number of PM peak hour vehicle trip ends projected for total build -out of the property subject to the master plan. The sketch plan submitted shows that there are changes (additional development) proposed in the previously approved Open Space on the site. As such, per letter (d) above, this would require an amendment of the Master Plan. Staff has communicated this to the applicant. No changes in FAR, coverage, number of units, or PM Peak hour vehicle trip ends are anticipated as part of this approval. Some roads are proposed to have minor adjustments to exact location. Staff finds that the layout of these roads is similar enough to not trigger letter (c) above but leaves it to the Board to discuss if they wish. P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840SpearSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch.doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements The dimensional standards outlined in Table C-2 of the Land Development Regulations were altered though the Master Plan approval process for the subject property. The approved waivers are outlined in the decision and findings of fact for Master Plan #MP-04-01. The proposed project (Phase 2) meets all of the dimensional standards approved in the Master Plan. As was discussed during the Master Plan reconsideration, the applicant had requested that the preliminary and final plat reviews of each of the three phases be limited to single-family, two-family, and three-family dwelling units. Thus, any buildings with greater than three dwelling units, in addition to the school, will be reviewed under separate site plan reviews. The Development Review Board approved this with the Master Plan approval. Therefore, any buildings with greater than three dwelling units shall be removed from the plans that are submitted for preliminary plat approval and are not approved herein. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, PUDs shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13(B)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public utility system shall be extended to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure, to the proposed dwelling units. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The applicant shall submit utility sheets as part of the preliminary plat application. The South Burlington Director of Public Works and his staff shall review the plans at that time. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. Grading and drainage plans shall be submitted as part of the preliminary plat application. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840SpearSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch. doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to this project is proposed via an existing 48' wide pubic roadway directly across from Allen Road, a proposed 24' wide roadway approximately 1,260' south of Allen Road, and a 24' wide roadway approximately 1200' north of Allen Road. Both of these public roads access onto Spear Street and have a 60' wide right-of-way. They feed into a public roadway network within the project boundaries. As part of Phase 2 build -out, the applicant will be constructing the northerly connection to Spear Street, as well as the connection, via North Jefferson Drive, to Phase 1 to the South. The Board should discuss the phasing of construction of these connections. The applicant should propose which roadway connection would be completed first, as well as a trigger for completion of the other connection. Staff notes that Phase 1 has 156 units. At present, it is accessible via a single point of access. If Phase 1 were to be built out completely, it would far surpass the 50 units permitted on a single point of access. If Phase 2 were to connect to Phase 1 prior to the construction of the northerly most access point on Spear Street, this could create a situation with greater than 156 units accessed via a single point. Staff urges the Board to keep this in mind when considering roadway construction and roadway connection phasing. The Master Plan approval stipulates that a left turn lane be constructed on Spear Street at the northern access prior to construction of any buildings in Phase 3. Circulation on this property appears to be adequate. The applicant is currently proposing two (2) points of ingress and egress, and the master plan proposed two (2) additional points of ingress and egress for the overall project. In addition, the master plan depicts a right-of-way to the property to the north, which could facilitate an additional point of ingress and egress in the future. A private road is proposed in "Morgan Lane." Proctor Lane, Marsh Road, Churchill Street provide a small gridded street system. (Note all roadway names are draft and not yet approved by the Planning Commission). The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. This phase of the master plan overlaps some Class III wetlands and is adjacent to the major Class II wetland on the property. There is no development proposed in the Class II wetlands or its respective 50' buffer. Staff recommends the following conditions be included in the Phase 2 decision, to be included in homeowner documents for owners of the lots and dwelling units: 1. no pesticide application; 2. no mowing in wetlands and/or their buffers; 3. disturbance of wetland vegetation should be limited to remediation activities; 4. no planting non-native species in wetlands or their buffers. P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840SpearSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch.doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Staff also recommends that the wetland and buffers be visually delineated in some way in order to prevent creep from private parcels into the wetland. The applicant has succeeded in this with the proposal of the stormwater detention areas along the southeast line, and the construction of a recreation path along the entire easterly property line. The applicant also succeeds along the central part of Phase 2 by separating the open space from the dwelling units with the roadways (North Jefferson Road and Morgan Lane). Staff does not recommend any changes to the plans with respect to this criteria. Pursuant to Section15.18 (13)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall submit a plan for the management and maintenance of the dedicated open spaces created through the Master Plan. The management and maintenance plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning and Zoning, prior to final plat approval for Phase 2. As with Phase 1, any issues on which the Director of Planning and Zoning seeks technical review shall be conducted at the applicant's expense. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. Pursuant to Section 9.01 of the Land Development Regulations, the Southeast Quadrant District (SEQ) is hereby formed in order to encourage open space preservation, scenic view and natural resource protection, wildlife habitat preservation, continued agricultural use, and well as planned residential use in the largely undeveloped area of the City known as the Southeast Quadrant. The open character and scenic views offered in this area have long been recognized as very special and unique resources in the City and worthy of protection. The location and clustering of buildings and lots in a manner that in the judgment of the Development Review Board will best preserve the open space character of this area shall be encouraged. In order to analyze this project's visual compatibility with the area, the entire master plan, of which this project is phase 1, must be considered. The master plan is visually compatible with the planned development patterns of the Southeast Quadrant. The buildings, building lots, and roads are clustered and concentrated towards the westerly portion of the property, creating significant open space areas in the central and easterly portions of the subject property. The more than 132 acres of open space preserved through this master plan will maintain the open character of the Southeast Quadrant and will protect wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife habitat. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. In order to analyze this project's open space areas, the entire Master Plan, of which this project is Phase 1, must be considered. The layout proposed through this Master Plan will preserve over 152 acres of dedicated open space, mainly in the central and easterly portions of the subject property. The location of this open space will create contiguous open space corridors with the properties to the south and north of the subject property. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. PADevelopment Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840SpearSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch.doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING The South Burlington Fire Chief shall review the plans on an ongoing basis. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. All of the proposed infrastructure and services proposed for this project are consistent with the infrastructure and services proposed in the Master Plan, of which this project is Phase 1. These services and infrastructure have been designed to facilitate extension to adjacent properties. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. The applicant shall submit infrastructure details as part of the preliminary plat application. This shall include roadway profiles, recreation path details, and lighting cut sheets and point by point plan. The proposed recreation path is depicted for the entire master -planned development, of which this project is Phase 1. The Recreation Path Committee reviewed the recreation path and provided comments in a memorandum from Tom Hubbard, dated December 10, 2004. The plans depicting the recreation paths, including their location and timing of construction, have been approved as part of the Master Plan process. All of the proposed roadways and sidewalks shall be compatible with the approved Master Plan. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed project is consistent with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan and the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Staff feels the proposed project accomplishes a desirable transition from structure to site and from structure to structure. Staff also feels the site provides for adequate planting and safe pedestrian movement. Again, these standards shall be evaluated with more specific level of review for each of the multifamily buildings as part of a separate site plan application. P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840Spea rSt_SouthViIlage Ph ase2Sketch. doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Pursuant to Section 13.01(G)(5) of the Land Development Regulations, bicycle racks shall be depicted on the plans. The plans do not depict bicycle racks because a previous decision states that multi -family buildings containing more than three units shall be reviewed individually. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The maximum height for buildings with a pitched roof is 40' from average pre -construction grade. The maximum height for buildings with a flat roof is 35' from average pre -construction grade. The elevations for the mullti-family buildings shall be reviewed as part of the site plan review for each multi -family building. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Staff feels this criterion is being met. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff feels this criterion is being met Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. It is not necessary for the Development Review Board to require any additional easements for this project (Phase 2 of the Master Plan). Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. PADevelopment Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_l 2_36_1840SpearSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch. doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any dumpsters and utility cabinets on the site shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board. Landscaping and Screening Requirements Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the proposed Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to planned unit development review. The minimum landscape requirement for this project is determined by Table 13-9 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The costs of street trees are above and beyond this minimum landscape requirement. The applicant shall submit landscape plans for the proposed street trees as part of the preliminary plat application. These shall be reviewed by the City Arborist. Street Names The applicant shall submit street names for the proposed project, as approved by the South Burlington Planning Commission, with the final plat application. E911 Addresses The applicant shall submit E911 addresses for the proposed project, in conformance with the E911 addressing standards, with the final plat application. Other Pursuant to Section 15.08 (D) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall submit homeowner's association legal documents with the final plat application. The documents that include language that: a. prohibits the storage and parking of recreational vehicles within the development,- b. prohibits clearing of land, disturbance of land, or application of pesticides within wetlands or wetland buffers except where approved on the plans The final plat application shall include a Certificate of Title as required pursuant to Section 15.17 of the SBLDR's. Pursuant to Section 15.17 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, prior to issuance of the first zoning permit or start of utility or road construction, the applicant shall submit all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g. irrevocable offer of dedication and warranty deed for proposed public roads, utility, sewer, drainage, water, and recreation paths, etc.) to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington Land P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840SpearSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch.doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Records. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Prior to the start of construction of the improvements described in the condition above, the applicant shall post a bond which covers the cost of said improvements. Pursuant to Section 15.14(E)(2) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, within 14 days of the completion of required improvements (e.g. roads, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc.) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer, "as -built' construction drawings certified by a licensed engineer. Sheet 2 incorrectly accounts for the number of units in the multi -family buildings. 24 units are listed as proposed in 4 buildings of 8 units. 4 buildings of 8 units results in 32 units. This shall be correctly noted on the plans. PADevelopment Review Board\Staff Comments\2012\SD_12_36_1840Spea rSt_SouthVillagePhase2Sketch. doc I I — I 1 I / TLETON LONG. EXEMPT FAMILY TRUST N/F _ � '-— .24 JC,/ 70 8 �1 71 m A&F�41 ,ULTUKAL OF,?EN 5PACE WbT DEPENDENT 11, ON PHASING 13.4 AGRE5 .. o 1 73 74 75 76 RAIL W A&R I CULTURAL OPEN 5PACE NOT DEPENDENT ON PHA5ING 113.0 AGRE5 FUTURE 100 5TUC)ENT \ 5CHOOL 51TE '-5.0 AGRE5 21 120 (,AROLYN E. LONG R.EVOGADLE TKU5T N/F 19 118 ��`•'� III ••.•.-.-.-.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...•.•. . TLC\ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 It Water: The Phase 2 water system shall be designed in accordance with Specifications and Details for the installation of water lines and Owner & Applicant appurtenances for all lines owned by CWD and the City of So. Burlington. The schematic water line shown shall be an 8" connection to the existing 12" Phase 1 stub. Detailed Design including hydrant locations and individual services shall be included with the Preliminary 5OUTH VILLAGE GOMMUNITIE5, LLG /O DR266 FFERS + JOHN MAGNU51 design plans. r.OOX 2 Sewer: The Phase 2 sewer system shall be designed in accordance with the State of VT. EPR's and the City Public Works. The SOUTH DUKLINGTON, VT 05407 schematic gravity sewer line shall be 8" leading to a Pump Station between Units 5 and 6. The force main shall convey effluent from the Pump Station southerly along North Jefferson Road to the existing force main which leads to the gravity sewer line on Allen Road. THE CONTRACTOR 5"ALL ND11FY XCAV E AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION._ *Full Water and Sewer Design, including likely changes will be included with the Preliminary Design Plans. Location Plan SOUTH DURLINGTON, VT N.T.S. Legend MOUEGT pO 1 — - — - rROFI.7ETY LIE! --------- xrencK --------- M--------- CONTOUR LIM 1 U.5.6.5. OATW I (81 MR OSEO FINISH GRADE GONTOIA G EXI5TIN6 IRON PIPE O EXISTING GONGRETE MONUMENT IRON FIFE ITO OE xTl ■ CONCRETE MONUMENT ITO ee xT1 'II• UTILITY POLE E DO5TIN6 ELEGTRIG/TV/TELErHONE LIEF 5EWER LIM STORM.IW • WATERLIW 1K EXI5TIN61rKOPO5M HYDRMIT SILT FENCE Phase 2 Breakdown Zoning Information fARGEL IDES 16�-OI IZZ1M AGRE51 M1fAx TWOS AGRE51 ZOIED- SOUTH EAST QUADRANT-NEI6 MI10OD KE5IDFNTIAL I5e0-NV CMMITY- rHASE TWO MA%"M 1% UNIT5- 99 UN1T5 MASTER RMIMD / MorOSED. sela,' s. FRONT 75 FT FROM 510EWN_K WILDIM, GOVeKA&E- 15E MAX U.O A 5 MAXJ TOTAL. LOT LOVERAGE ]OE MAX 0.01 AGRE5 MA%1 MAX. WILDING EEI6M 45 FT - Single "Footprint" Carriage style Units 1 - 10, 17, 32 and 33 = 13 Units - Duplex "Footprint" Units 11 - 16, 18 - 31 and 34 - 39 = 26 Units - Single Family Lots 68 - 83, 86, 87, 90 & 91 = 20 Units - Duplex Lots with individual "Footprints" 94 = 2 Units - Triplex Lot with individual "Footprints" 88 & 89 = 6 Units - Mufti-UNit buildings 84, 85 (two) and 95; 8 each = 24 Units 99 Units NOTE THIS PLAN DEPICTS THE OVERALL PROPOSED PHA5E 2 5KETGH PLAN LAYOUT WITH UNIT STYLE REVISIONS AND UPDATED WETLAND5 PER 2012 MAPPING. 1Lia112 ddetl alit Wei«Ilse. crevn 5 r�nM1dea. P« slelim eM F«ce Mein per tzlt"12Tovnreviewe- 1 'Owe P A Ao RE aAWN� o FAu SOUTH VILLAGE °A zn a/1 z o °/°" "` COMMUNITIE5, LLG ""`019-4e re` OELEARY-BURKE 5PEAR STREET SOUTH DURLINGTON, VT zol z-aa CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC A„ DWB OVERALL PHASE 2 PLAN �X�E.FT Page 1 of 3 ray From: Paul Conner Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3:26 PM To: ray Subject: FW: DRB agenda 2/19 #SD-12-36 Attachments: image001.png; image001.png Please print this for the DRB meeting for the Board members and put a copy in the file. Paul Conner, AICP, MCIP Director of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington South Burlington, VT 05403 pconner@sburl.com www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com (802) 846-4106 Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Mitchel Cypes [mailto:mcypes@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3:31 PM To: Paul Conner; danwetz@us.ibm.com Cc: PMAROB@aol.com; danwetz@comcast.net; Cathyann LaRose; ray Subject: Re: DRB agenda 2/19 #SD-12-36 Hi Paul, Thank you for sending us the link. We have reviewed the amendment application for South Village. We have no concerns regarding this amendment. Please state for the record at the hearing that "we do not have any specific concerns regarding this amendment application, however, we, the homeowner's association board of Dorset Farms, wish to be noted as an interested party in this application and for all further applications regarding South Village". As our Board President, Dan Wetzel, stated in his earlier email, that we wish to remind the City of its agreement, which was part of the Environmental Court decision, that the City agreed to meet with the residents of Dorset Farms to discuss mutually agreeable traffic calming measures and created a $20,000 fund to construct these traffic calming measures. The meeting and construction of traffic calming measures must be completed prior to the opening of the Midland Avenue connector roadway. 2/19/2013 Page 2 of 3 Thank you again for your assistance. Mitchel Cypes Dorset Farms Homeowner's Association Board -----Original Message ----- From: Paul Conner <pconner0_)sburl.com> To: Daniel Wetzel <danwetz(d-)us.ibm.com> Cc: PMAROB <PMAROB(a-),aol.com>; danwetz <d a nwetzQ-com cast. net>; Mitch Cypes <Mcvpes(a)aol.com>; Cathyann LaRose <clarose(a)_sburl.com>; ray <rbelair(a.sburl.com> Sent: Tue, Feb 19, 2013 10:48 am Subject: RE: DRB agenda 2/19 #SD-12-36 Hi Daniel, Yes, the staff report and a plans submitted by the applicant are both available on our website, under DRB packet with today's date. I've copied Ray and Cathyann LaRose, City Planer, so that they can read and be aware of your note below. The link is: http://tinyuri.com/cn93do Paul Conner, AICP, MCIP Director of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington South Burlington, VT 05403 pconner .sburl.com www.sburi.com (802) 846-4106 Details at www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Daniel Wetzel fmaiIto: danwetz(a)-us.ibm.com] Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 10:18 AM To: Paul Conner Cc: PMAROBCcD-aol.com; d anwetz(D_com cast. net; Mitch Cypes Subject: Re: DRB agenda 2/19 #SD-12-36 Hi Paul Is there a packet for: Sketch plan application #SD-12-36 of South Village Communities, LLC to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of 334 dwelling units in three (3) phases. The amendment consists of developing phase two (2) project which includes 99 dwelling units, 1840 Spear Street. I represent Dorset Farms Home Owners Association as their President. We have been involved with South Village Project as an interested party since the beginning. PS I also don't know if you are aware but $20,000 was but into escrow from South Village/Retrovest for speed control on Midland Avenue to be installed once the cut through road is completed. This was part of the settlement with Skip Vallee, Dorset Farms and Retrovest. Ray Belair may recall the details. (This was during Julie Beth's tenure under Chuck). If the cut through road is in the plan for phase 2 then we should probably start getting together on the speed control on Midland. If I recall correctly the trigger for completing the cut throw road was when South Village 2/19/2013 Page 1 of 1 ray From: David Burke [dwburke@olearyburke.com] Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 8:07 AM To: ray Cc: Robin Jeffers; John Magnus; sdi@sdireland.com Subject: 2012-48: So. Village - Phase 2 Ray: Following your phone call and question regarding the current South Village Phase 2 submittal including land outside of the original Phase 2 footprint, I reviewed the Plan, my notes from meetings with you and Paul and spoke with Robin Jeffers. The private lane and 3 duplexes adjacent to the Agricultural Open Space was on the Plans when we met a couple of times with yourself and Paul. I concur that this area is outside of the original Phase 2 development limits. My recollection, includes discussion of this area, as well as a request to show the former Phase 2 limits and proposed Phase 2 limits. In other words, we thought these 3 duplexes did not trigger the need for Master Plan approval and the accompanying City Council approval. With the hearing scheduled for next Tuesday, the 19th and only being Sketch, we'd like to leave the submittal as is. Should Staff and the DRB state the need for Master Plan due to these 3 duplexes, we will agree to remove the same, with the Preliminary submittal as we don't want to trigger Master Plan. I know you were going to check with Paul on his recollection regarding these 3 Units also. As the hearing on the 19th is Sketch and I assume packages have either been sent out or will be sent out today to DRB members, we trust the above is acceptable. Please have the Agenda and Staff Report e- mailed to me once available (also Gardner— IDX Staff Report). Thanks! David 2/15/2013 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this _8_ day of _February .3 __, 20 1 '_, a copy of the foregoing public notice for DRB Sketch Plan Reveiw # SD-12-36 , was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property t�-development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including, the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street S. Burlington,VT 05403 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street S. Burlington, VT 05403 Kevin and Kristen Lahue 1803 Spear Street S. Burlington, VT 05403 All Resident Homeowners of South Village Communities LLC, by email, copy attached. Horn/Patterson, 26 N. Jefferson Basiliere, 18 N. Jefferson Butler, 8 N. Jefferson Boyd, 380 S. Jefferson Morse/Swope, 368 S. Jefferson Andrews, 258 S. Jefferson Roy, 244 S. Jefferson Wilds/West, 334 S. Jefferson Corry, 42 E Fisher Staples, 38 E Fisher Letourneau, 34 E Fisher Clarke, 28 W Fisher Quintana, 24 W Fisher Burti, 12 Dewey Foxman, 22 Dewey Edwards, 32 Dewey Dated at Williston, Ven-nont, this 8day of February, 2013. Printed Name: Robin Jeffers Phone number and email: (802)316-6004 Signature: Date: February 8, 2013 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 Robin Jeffers From: Robin Jeffers Sent To: p/ocompo@eoloom 'ann oana 'sue@vermontishome.com'; 'Roderick Butler; 'Judith Boyd'; 'jerry@jerryswope.com'; rse43 @gmail.com'; 'Betty Andrews'; 'nandrews66@gmail.com'; Steve Roy; Meg Krueger; 'bill.west@mac.com'; Daniel Wilds; Steven P Pouliot; Filo; 'Sarah M. Corry'; 'p.ryancorry@gmail.com'; 'Fred Staples'; 'Francois Letourneau'; 'kcandkc@g mail. com, Cc: Ron Bouchard; Kelly Fiske; 'robin@sdireland.com'; John Magnus Subject: DRB Meeting Notice Hi All, Phase Um[SVCwill have it's first Sketch Plan Review later this month. We're excited to see our second phase take it's first steps into coming into being. FYI- See attachments. Robin rr southburlington PLANNING & ZONING l Permit Number SD- I - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW SOUTHEAST QUADRANT All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities, LLC, P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 Phone: 802-658-0101; Fax: 802-860-1528 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Vol: 801; Page: 465 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Same as owner 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) Fee Simple 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers (802-316-6004) and John Magnus (802-316-2756), P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS robin@sdireland.com / jmagnus@sdireland.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1840 Spear Street, South Burlington 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1640-01840 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): Phase Two of the South Village Communities Planned Unit Development, including 99 residential units with associated infrastructure. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Phase Two of South Village Master Plan Development c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Residential, refer to Sketch plan for lot sizes. d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 0 S.F. Existing; Approx. 64,000 S.F. proposed e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) 45 Feet maximum f) Total parcel size(s) 19.7 acres; (75 "Footprint' Units and 24 (3 - 8 Unit buildings) Units for a total of 99 Units. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) NIA 9) 9a: SEQ SUBDISTRICT (identify in each) Acreage Units Existing Units proposed NRP 0 0 0 NRT 0 0 0 NR 19.7 0 99 VR 0 0 0 VC 0 0 0 9b: Are Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs) being utilized? No If yes, please identify how many and from which parcel (street address) 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) None known at this time 11) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 0 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 0 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 0 % PA Proposed 15% Max. % Proposed 30% Max. % Proposed 1.1 % Southeast Quadrant Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 12) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) Sanitary Sewer, Water Public Roads, On -Site Stormwater 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Summer 2014 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17" ), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time f submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. �y, GLv U NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATU O CANT Do not write below t 's line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: �l Comps rM The applicant orpermittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Southeast Quadrant Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 2011-64 — South Village Abutters List 9/25/12 Parcel lD#:1640-01730 Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel lD#:1640-01720 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01803 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 0 O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING December 14, 2012 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) to request your review and DRB scheduling of the attached Sketch Plan proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Development. Phase 2 states the maximum number of Units and 118, with 99 Units proposed. This proposal for actual Phase 2 approval, revises the Unit styles (predominantly revisions from previous envisioned small single family lots to single Carriage Units and Duplex "Footprint" Units. This submittal follows: • A May 23, 2012 meeting with you, Cathy Ann and Paul regarding potential Phase 2 modifications. Noted highlights of this meeting were no change in overall total project units, mid -block crossing(s), mixture of housing, roadway changes and garage setbacks; An August 14, 2012 meeting with you and Paul to further discuss Master Plan / IZ triggers and to review our revised plan per the May 23, 2012 meeting. The plan increased the area proposed for change by seven (7) Units, with a to be agreed condition that a Multi -family Unit(s) within Phase 2 would be decreased by a total of seven (7) units, provided the suggested multi -use path to address mid -block crossing, changed the previous duplex units to single units and duplexes and re- aligned the previously proposed road network to provide the "north -south" connector. We understand that Preliminary submittal will need to include the level of detail for the Units to conform to setback garage requirements. The one (1) remaining unresolved item being whether a Master Plan Amendment would be triggered as related to the "north -south" road and if so, 1Z being triggered; • A subsequent August 30, 2012 telephone conversation with you following my review of the City Regulations regarding Master Plan triggers, in which you confirmed that you and Paul Conner were in agreement that the discussed Phase 2 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com Mr. Ray BeLair December 14, 2012 Page 12 revisions did not trigger a Master Plan amendment. We understand you (Staff) will include the same in the Staff Report and that while informal DRB feedback on Interim Zoning will occur at Sketch, formal DRB input will not be received until a Preliminary Approval. Master Plan, S. 15.07 (D)(3) responses are as stated in condition #6 of the February 10, 2006 South Village Master Plan reconsideration are as follows: (a) An increase in the approved building coverage or overall site coverage, or an increase in the number of residential dwelling units for the property subject to the Master Plan: This proposal will not result in an increase of the previous 99 residential units for the previously envisioned Phase 2 portion of the Master Plan. In summary, the increase of seven (7) units in the re -worked portion of Phase 2 will be offset by a decrease of seven (7) units with the elimination of former "Flag" Lot 79 and the removal of one of the multi family building(s) on Lot 95. Please see below for additional information. (b) A change in the location, layout, capacity or number of collector roadways on the property subject to the Master Plan: This proposed modification of Phase 2 of the Master Plan was revised from our initial May 23, 2012 meeting to maintain a "north — south " connector. Based on our May 30, 2012 telephone discussion, we understand you and Paul are in agreement that the proposed "north -south " connector does not meet this trigger. While not a "Collector" Road, Fisher Street was eliminated due to the 2012 updated wetlands delineation and West Proctor Lane was eliminated due to the removal of former "Flag" Lot 79; (c) Land Development proposed in any area previously identified as permanent open space in the approved Master Plan application: N/A, per Plan sheet 3 minor deviations of the Phase 2 limits have occurred due to the 2012 wetland delineations and the proposed more compact re -worked area. Most notably the southeasterly limits of Phase 2 has decreased significantly. While relatively similar, the proposed overall Phase 2 limits encompass less area than the limits shown on the Master Plan. Please see the attached plans for additional information; (d) A change that will result in an increase in the number of P.M. peak hour vehicle trips projected for total build -out of the property subject to the Master Plan: ITE figures do not differentiate between single family homes on individual lots and Carriage (Single) Units on Common Land. While experience tells us that Carriage Units typically generate less PM peak hour trips, we have used the ITE single family home category for the proposed sixteen (16) Carriage Units to provide Mr. Ray BeLair December 14, 2012 Page 13 for a conservative comparison versus using the "Residential Townhome " category, which is for buildings with more than one (1) Unit. Based on the attached ITE calculations, the PMpeak hour traffic will reduce from 28 trips to 25 trips for the portion of Phase 2 proposed for revision. The attached Sketch Plan Proposal is for a change to the previous planned portion of Phase 2 comprised of twenty-five (25) single family lots. The twenty-five lots will be replaced with total of thirty (32) units, comprised of nine (9) duplex units and fourteen (14) single-family carriage units. As previously discussed, the total Phase 2 units will remain at the previously approved ninety-nine (99) units. This is in -line with the conversation on May 23, 2012 that an increase of units in one area is acceptable if another area is reduced, preferably within the same Phase. The ninety-nine (99) Units breakdown is as follows: • Single "Footprint" Carriage style Units 1 — 10, 17, 32 and 33 = 13 Units • Duplex "Footprint" Units 11 — 16, 18 — 31 and 34 — 39 = 26 Units • Single Family Lots 68 — 83, 86, 87, 90 & 91 = 20 Units • Duplex Lots with individual "Footprints" 94 = 2 Units • Triplex Lot with individual "Footprints" 88 & 89 = 6 Units • Multi -Unit buildings 84, 85 (two) and 95; 8 each = 32 Units 99 Units The project will gain access from Spear Street, as well as connecting to the existing Phase One entrance from Allen Road East. The proposed units are to be served by municipal water and sewer connections and on -site stormwater treatment & control. Please find the following attachments: 1. Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and one (1) digital copy of the Sketch Plan Set (Sht. 1, 2 and 3); 2. Sketch Plan Review Application with $4,338.00 application fee (($350 base + $13 recording fee + ($37.50 / 1" two units x 2 units) + ($75 / units 3-9 x 7 units) + ($37.50 / 10+ units x 90 units) _ $4,338.00) — Southeast Quadrant Supplemental fee applies. Please schedule this submittal for Sketch Plan at the next available hearing and call if you have any questions. Sincerely, David W. Burke Enc. cc: Scott Ireland 23-Oct-12 ITE Trip Generation Rates - 8th Edition Pass -by rates from ITE Trip Generation Handbook - 2nd Edition Instructions: Enter Expected Unit Volumes into Column 'M' Description/ITE Code Units ITE Vehicle Trip Generation Rates peak hours are for peak hour of adjacent street traffic unless hi hli hte Expected Units Total Generated Trips :- e , 7 ,p , Weekday AM PM Pass -By AM In AM Out PM In PM Out Daily AM Hour PM Hour AM In AM Out Pass -By PM In PM Out Pass -By Water ort/Marine Terminal 010 Acres 11.93 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Water ort/Marine Terminal 010 Berths 171.52 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Commercial Airport 021 Employees 55% 45% 54° 446 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Airport 021 Avg Flights/Day 54 % 46% 45% 55% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Airport 021 corn. FlightstDa 55% 45% 54 % 46 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Aviation Airport 022 Employees 14.24 83% 17 % 45% 55% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Aviation Airport 022 Avg. Flight./Dsy 1.97 0.24 0.301 NA NAI NA NA 0 1 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 General Aviation Airport 022 Based Aircraft 5.001 02= 1 83% 17 % 45% 55% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Truck Terminal 030 Acres 81.90 72- 41% 59% 43% 57% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Truck Terminal 030 Employees 6.99 0.67- 40 % 60 % 47 % 53% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Parkinq spaces 4.50 0.72 0.62 81% 19% 23% 77% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Acres ­2 32 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 occ s aces 62 ?.81 69 % 31 % 28% 72% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Light Rail Station w/ Park. 093 Parking Space = 80% 20% 58% 42% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Light Rail Station w/ Park. 093 occ. spaces 1 80% 20 % 58 % 42 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Light Industrial 110 KSF' 6.97 0.92 0.97 88 % 12% 12% 88 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Light Industrial 110 Acres 51.80 7.51 7.26 83% 17 % 22 % 78 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Light Industrial 110 Employees 3.02 0.44 0.42 83% 17 % 21 % 79% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Heavy Industrial 120 KSF' NA NA NA NAI 0 0 1 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 General Heavy Industrial 120 Acres NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 General Heavy Industrial 120 Employees, NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Industrial Park 130 KSF' 6.961 0.84 0.86 82% 18 % 21 % 79% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Industrial Park 130 Acres 63.11 8.55 8.84 83% 17% 21 % 79% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Industrial Park 130 Ern to ees 3.34 0.47 0.46 86 % 14 % 20 % 80% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Manufacturing 140 KSF` 3.82 0.73 0.73 78% 22% 36% 64% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manufacturing 140 Acres 38.88 7.44 8.35 93% 7% 53% 47% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manufacturing 140 Employees 2.13 0.40 0.36 73 % 27 % 44 % 56 % 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Warehousing 150 KSF' 3.56 0.30 0.32 79% 21 % 25% 75% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Warehousing 150 Acres 57.23 10.03 8.69 72 % 28 % 35 % 65% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Warehousing 150 Employees; 1 3.89 0.511 0.59 1 72 % 28 % 35 % 65% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mini Warehouse 151 KSF' 2.50 0.15 0.26 59% 41 % 51 % 49% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mini Warehouse 151 Storage Units 0.25 0.02 0.02 67% 33% NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NA NA 0 Mini Warehouse 151 Acres 35.43 2.62 3.45 NA NA 52 % 48 % 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 Mini Warehouse 151 Employees 61.90 5.26 6.04 67% 33 % 52 % 48 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High -Cube Warehouse 152 KSF' 1.44 0.09 0.10 65% 35 % 33 % 67% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utilities 170 KSF` NA NA NA 45% 55% 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 Utilities 170 Em a s; NA 90 % 10% 15% 85 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- Single Family Homes 210 Du 9.57 0.75 1.01 25% 75% 63% 37% 25.0 239 19 25 5 14 1 0 16 9 0 Single Family Homes 210 Acres 26.04 2.06 2.74 31 % 69 % 66 % 34 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single Family Homes 210 Persons 2.55 0.21 0.28 31 % 69 % 66 % 34%U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sin le Famil Homes 210 Vehicles 6.02 0.51 0.67 31 % 69 % 66 % 34 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Apartment 220 Du 6.65 0.51 0.62 20 % 80% 65% 35 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apartment 220 Persons 3.311 0.28 0.40 NA NA NA NA 0 1 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Apartment 220 Vehicles 5A0 0.46 0.60 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Low Rise Apartment 221 occ.Du 6.59 0.46 0.58 21 % 79% 65% 35% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High Rise Apartment 222 Du 4.20 0.30 0.35 25% 75% 61 % 39 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mid -Rise Apartment 223 Du NA 0.30 0.39 31 % 69 % 58 % 42 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rental Townhouse 224 Du NA 33 % 67 % 51 % 49 % 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Resd. Condo/Townhouse 230 Du 5.81 0.44 0.52 1 17 % 83% 67% 33 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resd. Condo/Townhouse 230 Persons 2.491 0.19 0.24 1 16 % 84 % 67% 33 % 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resd. Condo/Townhouse 230 Vehicles 3.34 0.24 0.32 16% 84 % 66% 34 % 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Low Rise Resd. Condo 231 Du NA 25% 75% 58 % 42 % 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 High Rise Resd. Condo 232 Du 19 % 81 % 62 % 38 % 7.0 29 2 3 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 Luxury Condo/Townhouse233 occ. Du NA 23% 77% 63% 37% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mobile Home Park 240 occ. Du 4.99 0.44 0.59 20% 80%. 62 % 38 % 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 71-16, ic1 a'k`f� 5 1 (p i6 10 23-Oct-12 ITE Trip Generation Rates - 8th Edition Pass -by rates from ITE Trip Generation Handbook - 2nd Edition Instructions: Enter Expected Unit Volumes into Column 'M' Description/ITE Code Units ITE Vehicle Trip Generation Rates (peak hours are for peak hour of adjacent street traffic unless highlighted Expected Units Total Generated Trips Total Distribution of Generated Trips Weekday AM PM Pass -By AM In AM Out PM In PM Out Daily AM Hour PM Hour AM In AM Out Pass -By PM In PM Out Pass -By Waterport/Marine Terminal 010 Acres 11.93 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Waterporf/Marine Terminal 010 Berths 171.52 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Commercial Airport 021 Employees 55% 45% 54% 46% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Airport 021 Avg Flights/Day 10. 54% 46% 45% 55% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Airport 021 Com. Flights/Day 1-- 55% 45% 54% 46%J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Aviation Airport 022 Employees 14.24 1 83% 17% 45% 55% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Aviation Airport 022 Avg. Flights/Day 1.97 0.24 0.30 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 General Aviation Airport 022 Based Aircraft 5.00 83% 17% 45% 55% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Truck Terminal 030 Acres 41% 59% 43% 57% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Truck Terminal 030 Employees 40% 60% 47% 53% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Parkin Spaces 0.72 0.62 81 % 19% 23% 77% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Acres NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Occ. Spaces 69% 31 % 28% 72% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Light Rail Station w/ Park. 093 Pa kin S ace 80% 20% 58% 42% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Light Rail Station w/ Park. 093 Occ. S aces 80% 20% 58% 42 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Light Industrial 110 6.97 0.92 0.97 88% 12% 12% 88% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Light Industrial 110 �SF' 51.80 7.51 7.26 83% 17% 22% 78% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Light Industrial 110 ees 3.02 0.44 0.42 83% 17% 21°/ 79% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Heavy Industrial 120 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 General HeavyIndustrial 120 Acres NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 General HeavyIndustrial 120 Employees NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Industrial Park 130 KSF' 6.96 0.84 0.86 82% 18% 21% 79% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Industrial Park 130 Acres 63.11 8.55 8.84 83% 17% 21% 79% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Industrial Park 130 Employees 3.34 0.47 0.46 86% 14% 20% 80% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manufacturing 140 KSF' 3.82 0.73 0.73 78% 22% 36% 64% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manufacturin 140 Acres 38.88 7.44 8.35 93% 7% 53% 47% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manufacturing140 Employees 2.13 0.40 0.36 73% 27% 44% 561 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Warehousing 150 KSF' 3.56 0.30 0.32 79% 21% 25% 75% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Warehousing150 Acres 57.23 10.03 8.69 72% 28% 35% 65% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Warehousing150 Employees 3.89 0.51 0.59 72% 28% 35% 65% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mini Warehouse 151 KSF' 2.50 0.15 0.26 59% 41% 51% 49% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mini Warehouse 151 Storage Units 0.25 0.02 0.02 67% 33% NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 Mini Warehouse 151 Acres 35.43 2.62 3.45 NA NA 52% 48% 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 Mini Warehouse 151 Employees 61.90 5.26 6.04 67% 33% 52% 48% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High -Cube Warehouse 152 KSF' 1.44 0.09 0.10 65% 35% 33% 67% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utilities 170 KSF' NA NA NA 45% 55% 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 Utilities 170 Employees NA 90% 10% 15% 85% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single FamilHomes 210 DU 9.57 0.75 1.01 25% 75% 63% 37% 16.0 153 12 16 3 9 0 10 6 0 Single FamilyHomes 210 Acres 26.04 2.06 2.74 31% 69% 66% 34% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single FamilyHomes 210 Persons 2.55 0.21 0.28 31 % 69% 66% 34% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single FamilyHomes 210 vehicles 6.02 0.51 0.67 31 % 69% 66% 34 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apartment 220 DU 6.65 0.51 0.62 20% 80% 65% 35% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apartment 220 Persons 3.31 0.28 0.40 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Apartment 220 vehicles 5.10 0.46 0.60 NA NA NAd42 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0 Low Rise Apartment 221 Occ.DU 6.59 0.46 0.58 21% 79% 65% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hi h Rise A artment 222 DU 4.20 0.30 0.35 25% 75% 61 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mid -Rise Apartment 223 DU NA 0.30 0.39 31% 69% 58 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rental Townhouse 224 Du NA 33% 67°/ 51% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resd. Condo/Townhouse 230 DU 5.81 0.44 052 17% 83°/u 67°/ 16.0 93 7 8 1 6 0 6 3 0 I -L ilk Land Use: 210 _Single -Family Detached Housing Description Single-family detached housing includes all single-family detached homes on individual lots. A typical site surveyed is a suburban subdivision. Additional Data The number of vehicles and residents have a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. The use of these variables is limited, however, because the numbers of vehicles and residents was often difficult to obtain or predict. The number of dwelling units is generally used as the independent variable of choice because it is usually readily available, easy to project and has a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. This land use included data from a wide variety of units with different sizes, price ranges, locations and ages. Consequently, there was a wide variation in trips generated within this category. As expected, dwelling units that were larger in size, more expensive, or farther away from the central business district (CBD) had a higher rate of trip generation per unit than those smaller in size, less expensive, or closer to the CBD. Other factors, such as geographic location and type of adjacent and nearby development, may also have had an effect on the site trip generation. Single-family detached units had the highest trip generation rate per dwelling unit of all residential uses, because they were the largest units in size and had more residents and more vehicles per unit than other residential land uses; they were generally located farther away from shopping centers, employment areas and other trip attractors than other residential land uses; and they generally had fewer alternate modes of transportation available, because they were typically not as concentrated as other residential land uses. The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. The sites were surveyed from the late 1960s to the 2000s throughout the United States and Canada. Source Numbers 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 71, 72, 84, 91, 98, 100, 105, 108, 110, 114, 117, 119, 157, 167, 177, 187, 192, 207, 211, 246, 275, 283, 293, 300, 319, 320, 357, 384, 435, 550, 552, 579 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 268 Institute of Transportation Engineers Land Use: 23 Residential Condominium/Townhouse Description Residential condominiums/townhouses are defined as ownership units that have at least one other owned unit within the same building structure. Both condominiums and townhouses are included in this land use. The studies in this land use did not identify whether the condominiums/townhouses were low-rise or high-rise. Low-rise residential condominium/townhouse (Land Use 231), high-rise residential condominium/townhouse (Land Use 232) and luxury condominium/townhouse (Land Use 233) are related land uses. Additional Data The number of vehicles and the number of residents had a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. The use of these variables was limited, however, because the number of vehicles and residents was often difficult to obtain or predict. The number of dwelling units was generally used as the independent variable of choice because it is usually readily available, easy to project and had a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. The sites were surveyed from the mid-1970s to the 2000s throughout the United States and Canada. Source Numbers 4, 92, 94, 95, 97, 100, 105, 106, 114, 168, 186, 204, 237, 253, 293, 319, 320, 321, 390, 412, 418, 561, 562, 583 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 366 Institute of Transportation Engineers Land Use: 232 High -Rise Residential Condorninium/Town house Description High-rise residential condominiums/townhouses are units located in buildings that have,tthrw or more levels �s�d u. Both condominiums and townhouses are included in this lanse. Residential condominium/townhouse (Land Use 230), low-rise residential condominium/ townhouse (Land Use 231) and luxury condominium/townhouse (Land Use 233) are related land uses. Additional Data The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. The sites were surveyed in the 1980s and the 1990s in the metropolitan areas of Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Vancouver, Canada. Source Numbers 168, 237, 305, 306, 390 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 399 Institute of Transportation Engineers O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LAND USE PLANNING December 24, 2012 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of South Village Communities, LLC (c/o Robin Jeffers) as a follow up to our December 14, 2012 submittal for Phase 2 Sketch Plan scheduling and your attached December 18, 2012 initial review via e-mail. Section 15.05 (A)(7) of the LDR's states "Type of, location, and size of existing and proposed streets, structures, utilities and open space". The approved South Village Plan call for a 12" gravity sewer stub and a 12" water stub just beyond (North) of the approximate 2501f portion of North Jefferson Road to be constructed as part of previously approved Phase 1. While it is early to provide water and sewer layout on such a large project, plan sheet 2 has been revised to show both with a note regarding both at the lower left corner of the Plan. Per revised Plan sheet 2, the water will be reduced to 8" at the 12" Phase 1 stub and continue as 8" within Phase 2, ultimately connecting to the existing 12" water main at the proposed intersection of North Jefferson Road with Spear Street. Each Unit will be served by a 1/4" copper water service with individual curb stops. Based on site topography, it is unlikely that the 12" gravity sewer stub at Phase 1 will be utilized. For the Sketch level, a Phase 2 pump station is being shown between proposed Carriage Units 5 and 6. Phase 2 will include 8" gravity mains with sewer manholes at 300' or less intervals and 4" services for each Unit. Full design will be included with the Preliminary Design Plans. We trust you can now schedule this submittal for a Sketch Plan hearing. Sincerely, Z//a xrl),4d David W. Burke Enc. cc: Scott Irelap4ORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com David Burke From: Robin Jeffers <robin@SDIRELAND.COM> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 11:19 AM To: ray Cc: dmarshall@cea-vt.com; David Burke Subject: RE: South Village Sketch Plan Application Ray, Thanks for the quick review and feedback. I will pass along your comments to Dave Burke and Dave Marshall and we shall provide the needed information. Thanks again - Robin From: ray [mailto:rbelairO)sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 11:14 AM To: Robin Jeffers Subject: South Village Sketch Plan Application Hi Robin, I have reviewed the sketch plan application for phase 2 modifications in South Village. It appears that these plans are missing the information required under Section 15.05 (A) (6) on the LDRs. Specifically; I can not find the type of location, and size of the existing and proposed utilities (water & sewer lines). Once the plans have been modified to provide this required information, I will deem the application complete and schedule it for review by the DRB. Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com M AC-7R ICULTURAL OPEN SPACE NOT DEPENDENT ON PHASING s13.0 AGRE5 FUTURE 100 STUDENT \\ SCHOOL 51TE ±5.0 AGRE5 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 (( Water: The Phase 2 water system shall be designed in accordance with Specifications and Details for the installation of water lines and appurtenances for all lines owned by CWD and the City of So. Burlington. The schematic water line shown shall be an 8" connection to the existing 12" Phase 1 stub. Detailed Design including hydrant locations and individual services shall be included with the Preliminary design plans. Sewer: The Phase 2 sewer system shall be designed in accordance with the State of VT. EPR's and the City Public Works. The schematic gravity sewer line shall be 8" leading to a Pump Station between Units 5 and 6. The force main shall convey effluent from the Pump Station southerly along North Jefferson Road to the existing force main which leads to the gravity sewer line on Allen Road. *Full Water and Sewer Design, including likely changes will be included with the Preliminary Design Plans. Owner & ADDlicant SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC (C/O R061N JEFFEK5 + JOHN MAGNU5) P.O. 60X 2266 SOUTH 6UKLINGTON, VT 05407 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY-DIGSAFE- AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. w V) 51TE W (PHA5E TWO) N PROPOSED ALLEN ROAD LIMITS I r (19.95 AGRE5) 1 — OLD LIMITS (19.7 ACRE5) CST Y O_ TO�rV OpOTy BO F Location Plan SOUTH DURLINGTON, VT N.T.5. Legend PROJECT DOUIDMY - - — PROPERTY LINE -------- SETDA- Zoning Information _------- O -----__ _ CONTOUR LINE I U.5.6.5, DATW 1 PARCEL ID• I6/A- TWO, 1PIM.2 "ESI -� %tOPO5E0 FINISH GRADE GOMOIAN PNNSE TWO• II6.I AGRESI C EXISTING IRON PIPE ZONED SOUTH EA5T OVADRANT-NE1C-HDOIUlOOD RE5I0ENTIAL ISEO-M OQElITY. EXISTING CONLRETE MOMII.ENT PNIASE TWO MAXIMUM, IN MIT5; ' 1MIT5 MASTER PLN 0 IRON PIPE ITO W SETT / PROPOSED. GONLRETE MONAR W ITO DE 5ET1 1ETDAU •Da UTILITY POLE FRONT• ] FT FROM SIDEWALK E EXISTING N:LEGTRIG/TV/TELEPHONE LINE WILDING GOVEK— DS MAX. 13.0 AGRE5 MAXI SEWEIE LIIE TOTAL LOT COVERAGE ]OE MA % 16.01 AGRE5 MAXJ MAX. WILDING IEIGMT• ♦5 FT �'�'� STORM_INE WATERLINE EXISTINO/P OPOSED HYDRANT - - -- SILT FENCE Phase 2 Breakdown - Single "Footprint" Carriage style Units 1 - 10, 17, 32 and 33 = 13 Units - Duplex "Footprint" Units 11 - 16, 18 - 31 and 34 - 39 = 26 Units - Single Family Lots 68 - 83, 86, 87, 90 & 91 = 20 Units - Duplex Lots with individual "Footprints" 94 = 2 Units - Triplex Lot with individual "Footprints" 88 & 89 = 6 Units - Multi-UNit buildings 84, 85 (two) and 95; 8 each = 24 Units NOTE: TH15 PLAN DEPICTS THE OVERALL PROPOSED PHA5E 2 5KETCH PLAN LAYOUT WITH UNIT STYLE REVISIONS AND UPDATED WETLANDS PER 2012 MAPPING. 1 vzanz Aaaea a cre.•n sue, n�, O rW � sxErcN/caWxvr OBCA PFH O'LEARY-BURKE CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC DwB N p.YIpM,EOh; 81AE, 1 ,00 RFA�X� E•IW:aEaWIrWMmn 99 Units SOUTH VILLAGE °" 12/1< 2 COMMUNITIES, LLC °°4o,2->a SPEAR STREET SOUTH DURLINGTON, VT 171z-4— FUN -1; OVERALL PHASE 2 PLAN 2 I I I I I - I 1 I I LITTLETON LONG, EXEMPT FAMILY TRUST N/F I rRfRR(R 1.24 AG. R ULTUrN 5PAGDEPENDENTPMA51Nv�nAO6 s3.3 AGRE5 72 \ II (.. \ \` 73 —A II, -TRAIL 1-1 \ \ 75 79 �4 \ 76 80 \\ / 78 77 • � /Fi ✓lVi A&K IGULTUKAL OPEN 5PAGE NOT DEPENDENT ON PHASING 2 13.0 AGRE5 1 SOCCER FIELD I PROPOSED \\\\\\`� \ I I 1 I 1 \2 1 \\ `• / aI 1 I STORM WATER POND 1 1 . FUR 5Tl 5GHO =5.0 r TE :lc__ — 1 GRAPHIC SCALE I IN FEET ) I inch = 1 0 it I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 63 I I I I I GAROLYN E. LONG REVOGADLE TRU5T N/F 0 COO 091 / 916 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY bIGSAFE" AT 1-868-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. Location Plan 5OUTH DURLINGTON. VT N.T 5. Legend PROJECT DOUN Y MOMItTY LINE XTDAGK --------- Oro --------- GONTOVR LINE 1 U.5.6.5, DATUM 1 PROPOSED FINISH GRADE CONTOUR Q EXISTING IRON rim O EXI5TING CONCRETE MOMlACIJT IRON rim (TO DE XT) CONCRETE MONACNT ITO DE XTI 'Oa VTILITY POLE E EXI5TING ELEGMIG/TV/TEL9FHOM LINE XWER LINE 5TORMLINE WATERLINE EXI5T ING/MorOXD HYOKANT SILT FENCE Zoning Information rMGEL ID4- I640-0IA40 L224.M ACRE51 r11AX TWO. 11D.2 AGRE5) NE ZOD• SOUTH EA5T QUADRANT -WIG ORHOOD RE5IDENTIAL DEQ-NR) DENSITIN —5E TWO MMI— 116 UNITS, ' VNIT5 APPROVED: SETDA N FRONT Z5 FT FROM SIDEWALK DUILOING COVERAGE- bI WX 13.0 AGRE5 WX) TOTAL LOT GOVEKAGE- 331E W% I6.01 AGRE5 WX4 WX. WILDING HEIGHT- 45 FT Owner & ADolicant SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIE5, LLG (C/O KODIN JEFFER5 + JOHN MAGNU5) P.O. BOX 2286 SOUTH DURLINGTON, VT 05407 NOTE: TH15 PLAN DEPIC.T5 THE PHA5E 2 LAYOUT PER THE ORIGINAL MASTER PLAN. INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL WETLANDS. PHA5E 2 HAD A MAX. UNIT COUNT OF 116, WITH 99 TOTAL UNIT5 PROPOSED •Y o A" WAMN� o SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIE5, LLG °"x2114/12 's-2-4e OEI.EARY-BURKE CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC SPEAR STREET 50UTH DURLINGTON. VT PHASE 2 LAYOUT FROM ORIGINAL MASTER PLAN I "ME9ME1 �xKW I I I I LAHUE 1 N/F I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I Owner & ADolicant SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIE5. LLC IC/0 KODIN JEFFEK5 + JOHN MAGNU51 P.O. BOX 2266 SOUTH DUKLINGTON, VT 05407 1 I ILITTLETON LON EXEMPT FAMILY TK N/F G. U5T GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET > I inch = 100 ft. CAKOLYN E. LON& REVOCABLE TKU5T N/F Al 16 • • . 15 . . . . . . -. - 7 to 1 13 . . . . . . . 12 10 g. . . . . . a STORMWR-rER SET-ENT16N -AKEA5 \ . . . . . _ . ...:.:.:. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY •DIGSAFE• AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. Location Plan SOUTH DUKLINGTON, VT N.T.5. 26 2012 Legend ����� FRo.JECT DOI.IDARr morERTr LRE _------_ SETDAU, _-------no----_____ CONTOUR LINE I U.5.G.5. DATUM I —�— FROCOSED FINISH GRACE CONTOUR 0 EXI5TING IRON PIM O EXI5TING CONCRETE MONU.ENT IRON FIM ITO DE SETT ■ CONCRETE MOMA.ENT (TO DE SETT 'II, UTILITY POLE - I ---- EXI5TI% ELEGTRICM,TELEAIO/E LINE SEWER LINE 5TORMLM WATERLIE ■ EXISTINI, F Of-M-T - SILT ffN Phase 2 Breakdown City of So. Burlington Zoning Information PARCEL 101- IE40-0W40 1224.1E ACRE% FHASE TWO, IIE.2 ACRE% 0NE0 2, SOUTH EA5T QUADRANT-NEIGNDOR11000 RE5IDE4TIAL 15EQ-NVI 0nercr• F M TWO MAXIMUM IIE LNITS: 11 UNIT5 MA5TER PLANNED / MR O5O. XiCALR!- FRONT 25 FT FROM StO"AL GE DUILDING COVERA. DI MAX DO AC4M5 IAAX.I TOTAL LOT CO CIE, 301 MAX 10.01 ACRES MAXJ MAX. WILDING MlI6 45 FT - Single "Footprint" Carriage style Units 1 - 10, 17, 32 and 33 = 13 Units - Duplex "Footprint" Units 11 - 16, 18 - 31 and 34 - 39 = 26 Units - Single Family Lots 68 - 83, 86, 87, 90 & 91 = 20 Units - Duplex Lots with individual "Footprints" 94 = 2 Units - Triplex Lot with individual "Footprints" 88 & 89 = 6 Units - Multi-UNit buildings 84, 85 (two) and 95; 8 each = 24 Units NOTE TH15 PLAN DEPICT5 THE OVERALL PROPOSED PHA5E 2 SKETCH PLAN LAYOUT WITH UNIT STYLE KEV151ON5 AND UPDATED WETLANDS PER 2012 MAPPING. oeo., 0 rrmeu ae — O FAn.1M..xr o RNAL ■ �I,ai , O'LEARY-BURKE CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC �e , GYIIOMIEmIE. EI.IIE r U ®r.Ri, Yr 99 Units SOUTH VILLAGE GOMMUNITIE5, LLC, sREr A OVERALL PHASE 2 PLAN aAv 2 QD 83 16 74 '' -- 1- - - - - 1 i 82 �� 15 ' . . . . . . . . 17 \ i 0 (TRAIL 81 D i r 70 76 80 21 ; 20 _ ;14 WETLANDS O (Y7 9�) 19 i 18 I 70 , T IL 74 ' - > - PROPOSED 77 ROAD PHASE 'TW0 � . LIMITS \\` N / 22 23 / rn z - - 24 25 / 1 � w Q W I 34 TYP. DUPLEX FOOTPRINT > ' 35 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 W ( IN FEET 1 z Q ► 36 1 Inch = 50 ft. J_ Q 37 O , 38 0 39 ' PROP05ED AGRICULTURAL PHASE TWO 1 OPEN SPACE L I M I T5 ' -t ------ ----~= NOT DEPENDENT 1 ON PHA5INC7 1 -13.0 AGRE5 1 OLD PHASE TWO LIMITS \ \ \ TYP. SINGLE _ FAMILY FOOTPRINT \ \ FUTURE 100 5TUIDENT SCHOOL 51 TE '-5.0 AGRE5 PHA5E 2 F I ELD5 EDGE MAXIMUM OF 116 UNITS .19.7 AGRE5 60 \ 26 O i -?i-OLD PH SE' - - - 12 11 TWO L11TS - - 27 28 29 30 31 T�TRAIL 32 33 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 . . . . . . W I � 9 i = I 5TORMWATEP, - - F 1 8 D TENT I ON AREAS O z / . 7 I . . . . . . . I 6 1 - 1 4 � 1 __ OLD PHASE . . . . . .. 1 TWO LIMITS . . . . . . . . W IFH Location Plan SOUTH DURLINGTON. VT NT5 Legend -�-� MOJ CT DO-DAKY --- MOFERTY LINE --------- 5ET15ACR ----------0--------- CONTOUR LINE 1 U.S.G.S. DATM 1 (gp-- MOFOSED FIN15H GRADE CONTOUR 0 EXISTING IRON FIFE O EXISTING GONGRETE MOIAAENT IRON FIFE ITO DE SET) CONCRETE MONI.MENT ITO DE SET) •R, UTILITY POLE E EXISTING ELECTRIG/TV/TELEFYXkJE LINE SEWER LINE STORIA.INE M WATERLINE EXISTING/MCCOSED HYDRANT SILT FENCE Zoning Information FARCEL ID•- 1 -OMAO (221.W ACRE5) FTN5E TWO, 1152 ACRE51 ZONED 5OVTH EA57 QUADRANT-WICIDOKHOOD RESIDENTIAL DEO-MU omrrn MAX TWO MAXI— 1% UNIT5; " MIT5 AFMOVED -51NGLE FAMILY LOTS E17-Ul 125 LNITSI MOFOSED TO DE REFLACED DY GMRIAGE MIT5 EI-12, D•IG ATES DUFLEX UNITS D-M AND 17-V 132 TOTAL MIT51. -T NET 7 UNIT GAIN WILL M REMOVED MOM THE MEVIOUSLY DE5IG14ATED MATT -UNIT DUILDIN05 ON LOT 15 FOR NOT NET TOTAL GAIN. FRONT, 25 FT MOM SIpEwA1J. WILDING COVERAGE- DI MAX. (3,0 ACRE5 MAXJ TOTAL LOT COVERAGE• 302 MAX I6,01 AGRE5 MAXJ MAX. DUILDING HEIGHT 45 FT ME CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY'DIGSAFE' AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. ECE. .SEC: 2 6 2012 Owner & AODlicant SOUTH VILLAGE GOMMUNITIE5, LLG (G/O ROBIN JEFFEK5 + JOHN MAGNU5) P.O. BOX 2286 50UTH DUKLINGTON, VT 05407 o ATra oWA.W� C3 o TNu . �E,aiL�,�AT O'L.EARY-BURKE CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC SOUTH VILLAGE GOMMUNITIE5, LLG PEAR STREET SOUTH DUKLINGTON, VT 127218-S, PHA5E 2 50 SCALE PLAN 3 O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC l CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING July 26, 2017 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two, Final Subdivision Plat Amendment Review 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Rivers Edge Building, LLC (c/o Paul Brogna) to request your review and DRB scheduling of the attached Final Subdivision Plan amendment proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. Phase 2 received Final DRB approval on December 17, 2014. Some slight architectural design changes have been made to the (4) "Corner" duplex units and the footprint lot lines of those units have been adjusted in order to accommodate those changes. Previously, duplex units 22N/23N, 28N/29N, 58N/59N, and 62N/63N were divided by a straight shared wall running through the building along which the original footprint lots were divided. Architectural design changes will require modification to the dividing line between each unit's footprint lots and, with the exception of Unit 22N/23N, the footprint lot of each duplex will require a 3' increase in depth. See attached Subdivision Plat, Sheet P2 "Phase 2 Lotting Plat". Please find the following attachments: 1. Final Plat Amendment Application with $225.00 Application Fee Abutters List; Five (5) full size copies, one (1) 11" x 17" copy and digital (pdf) copies of revised Plat; Please schedule this submittal for Final Plat Amendment at the next available hearing. If you have any questions, please call. Enc. cc: PaulBrogna Sincerely, i Graham Tidman M 13 CORPORATE DRIVE ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com 1 ) rr RSOI :6001�i southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD -- (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑ Preliminary ❑✓ Final PUD Being Requested? ❑Yes ❑No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities LLC, P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington VT 05403 Tel:802-658-0101 Fax:802-860-1528 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Vol: 801, Pg-. 465 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Rivers Edge Building Development, LLC. 41 Gauthier Park, Suite 1, Essex Jct. VT 05452 attn: Paul Broana tele: 343-0185 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers (802-316-6004), P.O. Box 2286, South Burlin, a. Contact email address: robin@sdireland.com , VT 05407 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1840 Spear Street, South Burlington 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1640-01840 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Amendment to Phase Two of the South Village Communities Planned Unit Development to revise footprint lot lines of duplex units 23N/22N, 28N/29N, 62N/63N, 58N/59N on Churchill St., North Jefferson Rd., and Preserve Rd. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Phase Two of South Village Master Plan Development c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Residential, refer to Lotting Plat (Sheet P2) for lot sizes d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): Approximately 58,000 SF of approved units have been built and are existing. 117,000 SF of approved units remain to be built. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 40 Feet maximum (pitched roof); 35 feet max. (flat roof) f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): Approximately 27 units existing. 99 units approved. g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): N/A i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Revise footprint lot lines of duplex units 23N/22N, 28N/29N, 62N/63N, 58N/59N on Churchill St., North Jefferson Rd., and Preserve Rd. See attached Sheet P2 "Phase 2 Lottinq Plat" Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 17.92 acres/780,595 sf (P2) b. Building Coverage: Existing 58,000 Proposed 175,433 (acres /sq. ft.) square feet 7.4 % square feet 22.5 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 170,000 square feet 21.8 % Proposed 406,368 square feet 52.1 ova d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing N/A square feet N/A Proposed N/A square feet N/A % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? ✓❑ Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) No, the revision of the aforementioned footprint lot lines will not impact anv of the on -site wetlands c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 839,965 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ Previously Approved (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): Previously Approved 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 4pm - 6pm 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 2017 / 2018 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the informatio equested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledg . IGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: -4/ 2Cnl9,,o I q I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and -find it to be: .0 Complete ❑Incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for; and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Digitally signed by Robin Jeffers Robin Jeffers DN: cn=Robin Jeffers, o=S.D.Ireland, ou=South Village, Severance Corners, SMSDC, ILH, IGSP, Spear & Allen, SD Ireland, email�robin@sdireland.com, c=US Date: 2017.07.26 0R:02:09-04'00' SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant orpermittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 2012-48 — South Village — Phase 2 Abutters List Parcel I D#: 1640-01730 Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01720 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Parcel I D#: 1640-01803 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 September 30, 2018 Ms. Marla Keene City of South Burlington Development Review Planner 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Subject: Proposed Plan for Lot #48 in South Village Dear Marla: Regarding our letter to you dated September 4, 2014 we have discussed the proposed plan of building 3 triplex buildings on lot #48 with many of our neighbors in Phase 1 and Phase 2. We have collected signatures to demonstrate this is not just a concern of a few residents but a large representation from our community. We would, however, be in favor of a proposal that reflects the original plan of single family village homes. We feel that it is very important that anyone in a position to grant approvals for future development in South Village visits the site prior to any meetings to see firsthand the impact the additional road and buildings will have on our community and the farm. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns. Joanne and Champ 107 N. Jefferson Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Cell: 802-363-5891 Attachment Homeowner Signatures: — -:� � � I ifi - ''. Print Name ;1I 7 LT) signature J Ck'lj �� n.1'. C (toill co ( I ljo-t ,5A Ix - Homeowner Signatures: Print Name I Signature kt✓1ka- �x . bJ , � `cams �,na_� �. W I( (i Qn1� C) /7 M %Rfi= 1 Mks A-IJ -Die, e, 64 K N cfT��2T f4a w4-f- (J IE L 1 f, m o 1.J ffT Wwu E hu�' PLANNING & ZONING September 12, 2017 Robin Jeffers P.O. Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Final Plat Approval #SD-17-19 — 1840 Spear Street Dear Ms. Jeffers: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on September 5, 2017 (effective date 09/08/2017). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plans must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to this office in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by March 7, 2018) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, arla Keene Development Review Planner Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7016 1370 0000 1412 0650 N 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 04 10 b� �q �471 b W4r* TOa I 111111111 III 111111 I III I I III I 9590 9402 3184 7166 4419 75 2. Article Number (transfer from service label) 7018 0040 0000 1165 PS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-o2-uuu-auu A. Signature X 'Y C {,- gent ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery t ( 12 - 4f� - / —/ I D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ es If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Express® ❑ Adult Signature ❑ Registered Ma1ITM Vdult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered Mail Restrictec Certified Mail® Delivery ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑ Return Receipt for ❑ Collect on Delivery Merchandise ❑ Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature ConfirmationTM ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Signature Confirmation ^ '^�,—i Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 3062 °) o Domestic Return Receipt USPS TRACKING # 9590 9402 3184 7166 4419 75 United States Postal Service First -Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+40 in this box• CITY OF SOUTH UUHLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 ru 0 m Ln _a a r=l O O O O O S O 0 co ri O f%- May 11, 2018 Robin Jeffers South Village Communities, LLC P. O. Box 2286 So. Burlington, VT 05407-2286 Re: Final Plat Approval #SD-18-12, 1840 Spear Street Dear Ms. Jeffers: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on May 1, 2018 (effective date 05/10/2018). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plans must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to this office in time for recording along with a $15 per page recording fee by November 6, 2018) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Marla Keene Development Review Planner Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7018 0040 0000 1165 3062 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com e theOther Paper • otherpapervt.com • April 12, 2018 * 15 iw Recruiting .25/hr. 14.25/h r 2.50/hr. must have a ervice classwork. isible for providing )sition requires a CADC hing certification eaching certification apply go to: n unity Employer ;reran cabin ng! ind RNs ne vent community seeks strong desire to work Robin provides high itial and long-term care ;ense of "home". Wake ong relationships with ty setting. ift differentials; •, and weekends $1.55 -r letter and resume to ication online at www. cgt, + Pub,""` N.1 ol PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 7:00 RM. to consider the following: Final plat application #SD-18-12 of Rivers Edge Building Development, LLC for re -ap- proval of an amendment to a previously approved planned unit development consisting of revising the footprint lots for eight (8)-units, 1840 Spear Street. Site plan application #SP-18-15 and conditional use application #CU-18-06 of Steve Gregory to amend a previous approved site plan for a 60,000 sq. ft. multi -tenant industrial building, unit #7 of which is currently approved for use as a funeral home and mortuary (crematorium). The amendment is to add one additional retort to the existing funeral home and mortuary, 472 Meadowland Drive. Bill Miller, Chair South Burlington Development Review Board A copy of the application is available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. April 12, 2018 l� �; � a AUTO: Set of four Summer tires 205/55 R16 on steel rims, low mileage, switched cars, $225. Text 802-355- 0043: (04/12) COLLECTIBLES: Collection of assorted colored glass items and china tea cups. In- dividually priced at $8 each, OBO. 802-859-0115. (4/12) IRISH FAIRYDOLL: Redhead fairy sprite dressed in green, includes wings and authentic accessories. 2 ft. tall. $50.802- 859-0115.(4/12) PRINTER: Canon MX922, new, photo, scan, copy, print, not in box, never used, comes with new cartridges installed, $90.802-985-3421. (04/12) TABLECLOTHS: 12-round, white, polyester tablecloths, used only once and washed, perfect for party or wed- ding, $60 OBO.914-337-4010. (04/05) WOODEN BOWLS: 8 Weston bowls, made in Weston, Ver- mont. $70. 802-985-3421. (04/ 12) PAID AD: O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, my re- quest has been granted. Pub- lication -promised. NH O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING March 23, 2018 Mr. Ray BeLair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: South Village — Phase Two, Final Subdivision Plat Amendment Review 1840 Spear Street Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Rivers Edge Building, LLC (c/o Paul Brogna) to request your review and DRB scheduling of the attached Final Subdivision Plan amendment proposal for Phase 2 of the South Village Planned Residential Development. Phase 2 received Final DRB approval on December 17, 2014. Some slight architectural design changes have been made to the (4) "Corner" duplex units and the footprint lot lines of those units have been adjusted in order to accommodate those changes. Previously, duplex units 22N/23N, 28N/29N, 58N/59N, and 62N/63N were divided by a straight shared wall running through the building along which the original footprint lots were divided. Architectural design changes will require modification to the dividing line between each unit's footprint lots and, with the exception of Unit 22N/23N, the footprint lot of each duplex will require a 3' increase in depth. See attached Subdivision Plat, Sheet P2 "Phase 2 Lotting Plat". This Final Subdivision Plat Amendment proposal was previously approved (#SD-17-19) on September 8, 2017 but the approval was subsequently voided due to the final plat not being recorded in the Town land records within 180 days. We are seeking reapproval of the same proposal. Please find the following attachments: 1. Final Plat Amendment Application with $225.00 Application Fee Please schedule this submittal for Final Plat Amendment at the May 1st hearing. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Graham Tidman 13 CORPORATE DRIVE ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com R� hgerrkirf south- � -I i ._ PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑Preliminary ❑✓ Final PUD Being Requested? [:]Yes ❑No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities LLC, P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington VT 05403 Tel- 802-658-0101 Fax: 802-860-1528 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Vol: 801, Pg: 465 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Rivers Edge Building Development, LLC. 41 Gauthier Park, Suite 1, Essex Jct. VT 05452 attn: Paul Brogna telex 343-0185 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Robin Jeffers (802-316-6004), P.O. Box 2286, South Burlington, VT 05407 a. Contact email address: robin@sdireland.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1840 Spear Street, South Burlington 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1640-01840 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Amendment to Phase Two of the South Village Communities Planned Unit Development to revise footprint lot lines of duplex units 23N/22N, 28N/29N, 62N/63N, 58N/59N on Churchill St., North Jefferson Rd., and Preserve Rd. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Phase Two of South Village Master Plan Development c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Residential, refer to Lotting Plat (Sheet P2) for lot sizes d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): Approximately 58,000 SF of approved units have been built and are existing. 117,000 SF of approved units remain to be built. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 40 Feet maximum (pitched roof); 35 feet max. (flat roof) f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): Approximately 27 units existing. 99 units approved. g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): N/A i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Revise footprint lot lines of duplex units 23N/22N, 28N/29N, 62N/63N, 58N/59N on Churchill St., North Jefferson Rd., and Preserve Rd. See attached Sheet P2 "Phase 2 Lotting Plat" Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 17.92 acres/780,595 sf (P2) (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing 58,000 square feet 7.4 Proposed 175,433 square feet 22.5 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 170,000 square feet 21.8 % Proposed 406,368 square feet 52.1 d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing N/A square feet N/A Proposed N/A square feet N/A 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) No, the revision of the aforementioned footprint lot lines will not impact anv of the on -site wetlands c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 839,965 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ Previously Approved (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): Previously Approved 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 4pm - 6pm 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 2018/2019 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Robin Jeffersoae'20signed so 2216 053e0400' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Digitally signed by Robin Jeffers Robin Jeffers Date: 2018.03.2216:41:13 Robin Jeffers -04'00' SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete Administrative Officer ❑ Incomplete PRINT NAME S The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the informatioq�fequested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge./% �IGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line .DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary platapplication and find it to be: -Fl_❑ Complete Incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, .and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 Date: To: I � Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 5/30//� �-% ; l rl �'✓wl � �"(�f /� %vim_ �L� C� From: --'`� Project(s): -k o l Z y;' /a --s' A 1 "11A"7'C �- - Z- Description: ) '' Pl-N�sti Z Message: - ►- rc,� K f� C� C t'f �( ��v� y `r Sn j C) (3 C/% 1 7� 41 JC )4, °• ~, Copies To: May 26, 2018 Mr. Ray Belair 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ray: Champ and I have just returned from Colorado and would like to reiterate our concerns for South Village Phase 2 and the "future development" of lot#48. It appears no decision has been made at this time, but I'm hearing that options are being discussed. There was a plan for 5 single-family homes on the original marketing maps when we signed for our lot. We understood from the beginning there would be neighbors on this lot. At some point the developer changed the 5 Village Homes to "Future Development" which has been very upsetting to us since we made this investment based on the original sales brochures. Other concerns we still have that have not been addressed are the overall Master Plan and how the affordable homes fit into Phase 1 and 2. Another concern is what is the impact of the buildings on lot #48 to the farm, to the Community Land Management Plan, and to the Phase 2 Community. Thank you for your consideration of our situation. Sincerely, Joanne and Champ Soncrant 107 N. Jefferson Road S. Burlington, VT 05403 cell: 802-363-5891 cc: Marla Keene - Survey Notes - ' I Phase 2 ' r n/f C.E. Long v / 1. This sheet depicts the boundaries of proposed lots and parcels Developed 17.92- Ac. Revocable Trust N83'26't8 E 529x.17� of Phase 2. Open Space 1.36-_ Ac. 1 �.. 2. The perimeter boundary survey was performed during 20045 1 I n/f L. Long Total -19.26 �C. 16"E --� I / N83.26'18"E 23. 6>3''� NBQ2, 5 Im - using an electronic total Station and GPS. or 3/4" ANGLE RIC t8'E 63.63' or 3 N83'26' 178.84 3 N83'26'4�0"E rn 67N m,u i -s 02 Exempt Family Trust 9"A®"_'-4D.47' 1n ,29.71' o+l 3. Bearings shown are referenced to Grid North, Vermont / 5' SETBACK - _ _ - - �\ !n,� of �- 0.29 A. o Coordinate System of 1983, related to National Geodetic I9 -_ --- _ Survey marks PG1580 "F 65" and AB9571 "NE Aiken" 0.23 AC. Of Lot 48 _ _ _ - q28 60' _-�_ _26'4 ,c0 established by RTK GPS measurements. I (Open Space) 95299=N83_57 2� 1v/ �u 1 a068' 26 40 W p ) N82'1 594.08' _ e _ �' m 583' • J° 4. Spear Street has a 66 foot wide right of way. Location was Nt 2 0 30.31' 68N-79N Ol 68 nI z _ - - S20 9 29 - . _N85'29_25_'W 25,48' ____ determined by existing monumentation and the traveled "� SS L N 8ON-91 N / 51.93' �� W - portion of the road. Reference Town of Burlington' Highways 69 7B BS 73 // r 1.m As. - \ The following sr gle-fa note, `q •6• I C 2 5725255 W .I and Roads a road 8 Ref Page 22, and Town of Shelburne Nt 2'00'32"E ' CMS 105.18' 40N s 4S" /// _ _ =i00 0' SPECIALSET-BACK .NOTE e Town Minutes Volume , Page 2 , 52.03' 183.96 h ,a°' b 6 f I - �� _ 1 " Z R ,• \\tl '',•- , _ marked deved �eciat asterisk approval 'n / h 0.25 Ac. �. / 396.78' - h/iy hrO ; 19.34' _ St0'8'48"E 1 5. This roe lies within the "Southeast Quadrant"and the ' N76 jt'J3' ro/� 8N h//�558•. •'Le'�o,° 9•'`�S l/ "Quiet Path" L _ N"8' j5T2���3tTT Sla O 40.91' L 1 setbacks, fl0 astretfaa g property rtY 314'IFF > W h o 2/o r0 326• a �07 per• ,, I/ Exact location to be z T.jU 111 ijlLL - v„4-39.399 setbacks. The subject are "Speer Street -Allan Road Scenic View Protection Overlay" 6AC0 I ��2'�B�R'31> 2 0.26 AD. o {gam f �' 41N N determined during 84.25 o NO6'02'33"w CS 27s.srsN R=500.0' \ "Quiet Peth' 638N, <: O' r0 g' ' ll construction o' 52.56' N�3'5727�--- _ \\ num eyed 44N 39N 40N 41N zoning districts. >1Og• C1 / 39N ' Bt i1c' O Nl.o -T g10� \ Exact location to 42N, 43N, 44N, 45N, 46N, 47N, ' _ O It in 55N -1 L12 N76-�__• '' \ determined during '1 48aN, 49aN, SON, 51N, 52N, r4,.. 5i" IN O -1� -tr--I 1 I 16 \ "N (a L7 0.20 AD. be - �.., wL3 \Ojq'1 45 11 w 1 "i 0.20 An w °' r I I C1 FT 110. , 1 construction 53N, 54N, 55N, 66N, and 67N. I `6 R :�o6T f� L2 {,'y .tio,�. Sys II N o, `n L11 I 59N I BON 11 1 t 62N I C14 ' O 1 II II -Legend- 5 a ry� a NBa'26'36"E J I 63N > c I 1 74.59' 2> O 2 2. /a 26' R.O.W. II :n 110.03 II 58N I L I L-J L13zIJ Ili �q N76'11'33"W - - EXISTING PROPERTY LINEC3 42N rn TYPIC o�M,u y 1 o.za Ac. o, sETBAC s s' =I 54N * GI t 9r4 (-',1 L t� \ co 1 - - - - OTHER APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE I 76 ,� I 0.21 AD. p,is _ -; PARCEL r - / \ •' e9 -. - - _EASEMENT LINE / 1'3 69.43'\ C4 57\�3 pgW s -II 3.52 AC. N79_z6_9"E * 1� o ��. 57N,\\ 2.22 AC. 1(91 11 I 1p8 0\ 1136 43 f1 spa p1 A _ 1 S89'25' 13"W - - -I �, 1 ►S� p w _ - - N 11 --TL ---- TOWN LINE I N h R=100.0' o\`1rn. Of LOt 48 Z �C 1 0 39.22' 1 II CMF 1:'7 N * 43N o.\ II 1? $ 53N t.zs Ac. o \ \ I 65N CMF ❑ CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND 6" lI ¢ I Ip� yj L4 �\ o0 0.17 AD. m II (Open Space) �,b O r \ \ 56N _} N7g•06.95,1 OJ olc,O� j1 SEE SHEET P1 (of 3) for /t413'E� / CMS O CONCRETE MONUMENT SET \' 3--- 69.Sq o� o r -11►I LOCATION MAP IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w SIZE 108 o 01 04 Cie �0' '0 1 // r� o rn g 137 ('t 2 5 v, r - -1 iN o-L� I 16N I C'11 / ;. / ifn 2\ 1,��N \o i NOTE, Z� o�,A. o N' 0.49Ac. oiLot48ON _, p , ��. ,l SEE SHEET P3 (of 3) for O 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET ' 1 d, `� y1� 017 A. \o, If CAPPED IRON RODS d 52N L18 ?�N NN (Open Space) olw--- I �t , L--- I� II PROPOSED AT LOT Alo F. N.� o?Iip EASEMENTS 1Q., UTILITY POLE [ / . \ $- pq it CORNERS P. -10. •12?i , o' .'' 'o. ''-' w none r - -, I C� , • \ (TY ) W 7 i N N. Ares 1 N / 1 °'- m. 108 o \\ -r N 2^ * 'w nCl$ s 15N 1 t --• FENCE UNE W 1 �\ m, 45N o0. \\ 4 13 W' °'• L---J ^I 1 I >� O S23'31'26"E 22 4'�%� _ z �, - p \ AG/BG ABOVE GRADE/BELOW GRADE r l I �t f o 0.17 Ao. 1\ 0' 5_BB'OB'a1"w w o, t \ F. [� 31.00' 51 N C m o \ Wt o. \\\ w 4gE 7� ro�--158.32� r---- NIu'�1N„INooi 11 PC/PT POINT OF CURVATURE/TANGENCY �,. �809 1\ N70� 10 ©I©N110 uilN 14N I of 11 I Exist. 20' wide t0 0 \\ 3 \2 E 70 01 N/ \3q 3 C7 al 5N I 4 L _ 2N I O SEE SPECIAL SET -BACK NOTE l mufti -purpose ,o- \\ Ny1? ' ` SON * I I C CMS easement for , 0.19 AD. 02 �i. rn L10 Im z 1 42N LOT/UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) PC stormwater & 1 0. 4q W \ �o' o\ 498 N\� o.2�"Ae. L J -- J I I d i� ° O I m I 116.94 " AC- ' I 'IY4 % 11 `r' ,3, 9 62 so.ca•L - 3N 1 iv o m 13N J Nt Long Bearing I SEE TABLE -Footprint Lot" Dimensions for Lots; li potential future CS 5 �6 y7 goo m ot7 Aa f �><e,; L "--� ono o p--- of Lot 48 GRAPHIC SCALE recreation paths 10 \ 0 48a 'o\ •* \ �-�" ��7.0 89'S9'39" ��z23023• 1 61N-70N MULTI -UNIT NUMBERS (PROPOSED) 1 l p - \N 4]p1 .0 0.17 Aa S L7 ROAD 6r R-S2>�� Iry 100.00' N (Open Space) I I L=37.98' L6 6909 0: 587'43'S2 R=63.0' 15 0 \v. ( Ls 175 0' S89'S9'39"E Short Line Table - Curve Table - R_935 8 Sea' 91 s.F 'oJ \w4''* L5 N6 y3 ail��j 3p bq R L19 N6 r� -1--, R?O>L75 L Curve Leng. Radius QV��� R=280.00' i ^1N Pe8T 1 I Proposed Street 3 L=27.D4' C7 27. art / 6q5 �` �����60. I 6Ni 7Ni / 8N / i R=2aa.00'`�� rra�rvons. �l N C2 25.32 152.00 I ' / g48W qS\2 I \\ 525'02'13'W C C3 26.13 152.00 I / Dedication Table 7?5 - Sib -J--J [,` 9N h ,3 25'0 \\ •t _045+.os 152.00 1 / R=12o00' N. Jefferson Rd. 2.27- Ac. 66, L=ss.s7• I 63.3a / �'/-' S64 \\ '. _ 13.40 63.00 1 I L=744.74' N8T21'01'W��J M, ry ass:' a PAR..EI A2 - E ^w L=22.41' R=15.57' A[� 4, 4>. r a a CS 29.95 63.00 1 = I Churchill Street 0.95± AC. R=63.0' '1r 55 /\ C7 55.20 170.00 (J� CHORD 1 1 / 1�,+,rv,� 1108 ACRES S10'13'32"W Preserve Road 1.76-_ Ac. h�o' CB 17.70 170.00 1 I 30N O C9 60.25 660.00 1 I 744s2' Total. 4.98-_Ac. I I'��, z /O �� " CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. C10 70.00 660.00 12N _ C71 I I11 1 o /i ',• I 110e OU 4NSFIELDWEWLANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT.05403.61 G ///502.864-2323 web: wce-vtcomJ -tm/1 38.50 160.00 PEN SPACE _ J N coPr[cxr Cc) zoro - ALL RIGHTS xeseaveo 3.3 S16-22.57-E C60.95 560.00 A ricultural Lease f , 1.92 ACRES a C74 15.04 500.00 I 133.36 C7I (RESERVED FOR IN GACL7 .l LOT 3 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) � L16 775 5.67 600.00 I 1 1 1ON I L17 34.10 N4ffC7 4L 47 230.00 12.67-Ac. 1N " J 9.782-22247 WEl8 5716 230.00 (Open Space) 6TGRMwATER L78 TRC Ll9 23.78' S89-59'39'E Ct 9 49.17' 86.00 z I l o r _ _ oo a t+ti o 0 9N I N;piDETENTION AREA APPsoves L20 52.66' S02'38'S9 W I I I n I 34N plo W of±_-_� m TRC I_ _I 11n �I zl II i, APPRRESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT I \ I I I 1 1 SN OVED BY REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH I I \ I I L 35N _ Q I Rs 2a38 5. 1 ogre er BURLINGTON, VERMONT, ON THE _ DAY OF OCMF 1 PHASE 1 06.09.2017 TRC 2015, SUBJECT TO THE BROKEN '1 REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID I LOT 11 B RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS_ DAY OF , 2C 1 (FOR DEVELOPMENT) 1 BY , CHAIRPERSON. I I 1.25" IPF RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF BENT THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, AT O I 7N F , 1 6.24.2016 TRC N8T27'01"W 725.0S07'24'77"E 2.22.2016 TRC \27.72' 11.17.2015 DSM rP\tC=!"J° \ \36N` �rri `v°��b' 6N /4 'I '£ 1.91 Ar(tEJ 1= \ \ i p< 11.05.2015 TRC 10 212015 TRC anwsroN Revise Footprint Lot for Duplex Units Add "Special Set -back Note" Label "Common Lands" as "Parcels" Removed Lots 92N - 96N 10.012015 TRC Modify lots 92N - 96N,'Areas, Table INN y9°9 SIN% PHASE 2 _O'CLOCK ON THE DAY OF .20_ I _ _ M/f yyO �10 Oo /4N _ _ _ 2N S \`` \ SCHEMATIC LOTTING PLAT ATTEST: .CITY CLERK CMS ' PHASE 1 - ,y \\ 3N \ BLDG.LOTS - "Quiet Path" PC + S82'59'58"E G 2N / �'� ONLY(Il'P.J -- / deteExacrlocetlonto9 L17 \ \ /6\' , 4 deter mined Burin I I LOT 11A 931•O� �/ bpo+� �.\\ \\ y�� PROPOSED ;' construction i �c� �� S70RMWATER �` AREA ACCESS SOUTH VILLAGE (FOR DEVELOPMENT)>o / To Shelburne Rd. I"�: s�4j� /y.r,y // xtl and @pyyay / COMMUNITIES, LLC 11 • "Quiet Path" ....... ALLEN J PHASE 1 Exact location to be OCEIVED g SpearStreet RO /1it determined Burin ..zll Na9•a 60 00' " PARCEL #A'1° I 0 r construction AL LOT 11 600 0.51 ACRES 111 South Burlington, Vermont .0 ROA it (For Development) To the east t my knowledge &belief this plat, consisting v ,(f of three sheets ro ad de ids the results of a survrve ** "Foot rant Lot" Dimensions Lot I Long Bearinx Dimension Arm 22N 5 83'08'21" E 94,00, 46.67, 44,79, 10.00. 39.22, 36,67 3530 23N N 83"08'21" W 84.00 40.67, 39.22 10.00, 44.78, 30.66 2,970 28N N 29"15'24" E 73.00 48.25, 44.50,10.00, 28.50 38.25 3,240 29N 519'15'24" W 73,00, 48.08, 28.50, 10,00, 44.50, 38,08 3,070 58N SSTST27' W 73,00, 46.67, 44.50, 10.00, 28.50, 3a67 3,120 59N N 834ST27" E 73.00, 40.67, 28,50, 10.00, "..50, 30.66 2,520 62N 506*02133" E 73.00 46.67, 44,50, 10.00, 28.50, 36.67 3 1M 63N 5 06'02'33" E 73 00, 40.67, 28.50, 10.00, ".SO.30.67 2,520 pt C 1 I 4& NORTH conducted under sup emision and is based upon P Is Y p Y i L 2 6 2017 records & field evidence found. Perimeter boundaries DATE OCT. 31, 2013 nx.xivr. �r Nsru I 1 1 ar '� to 11 I I I I I I JEFFERSON _ ROAD (EX191..) shown are in substantial conformance with the records unless noted otherwise. This plat is in substantial compliance with 27 VSA 1403 "Recording of Land PI `ity of So. Burlington owcmu, sa.u.e 1" = 80' 2 lO 1 1 I 1 !2 I 1 \ Timothy R. Cowan VT LS 597 PRw. No. 01243,10 1 I \ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 15th day of August , 2017 , a copy of the foregoing public notice for Final Plat Application [type of application] # SD-17-18 [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) Littleton Long, Exempt Family Trust 1720 Spear Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Carolyn E Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Kevin & Kristin Lahue 1803 Spear Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Dated at Essex [town/city], Vermont, this 15th day of August 2017 Printed Name: Graham Tidman Phone number and email: 802-878-9990 / gtidman@olearyburke.com Signature: Date: RH 5/9017 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 September 1, 2018 Mr. Ray Belair Department of Planning and Zoning 595 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mr. Belair: PmCEIVED SEP 0 5 2017 City of So. Burlington My names is Joanne Soncrant and live at 107 No. Jefferson Road, So Burlington in South Village. I was in attendance at the most recent DRB meeting and understand that you and the DRB will be reviewing the South Village Master Plan on September 5th and 19th. As one of our neighbors requested, we would like the DRB to review the Master Plan before approving the Phase 3 plan. As residents of the development, my husband and I have concerns regarding the location of the multiplex units planned on lot #48, as well as how the affordable housing will be distributed equally in all three phases since nothing has been deemed "affordable" at this point in time. My husband and I built on lot #37 with the knowledge there would be homes on lot #48. However, it was only recently that it came to our attention that two multiplex units were approved for this lot. This lot boarders on the farm land and just seems architecturally inappropriate for this space. The other multiplex units sit at the ends of the development and look as if they were planned for those areas. In addition, there are three multiplex units in Phase 1, five multiplex units planned for Phase 2 and two planned for Phase 3. If affordable housing is going to be distributed equally throughout the neighborhoods, the concern is Phase 2 might be the logical place because of the number of multiplex building designs. It is our understanding, however, that affordable housing cannot have a concentration in any one area. It is also our opinion that these multiplex units will give Phase 2 a more commercial look and feel compared to the "community" feel of Phase 1 which has many different types of single family homes, duplexes, triplexes, etc. Our objection is not about the existence of affordable housing but the design of the buildings on lot #48. The multiplex building design, in our opinion, does not fit on lot #48 ecologically per our Community Land Management Plan. The garage lighting in the existing buildings are on 24/7. According to our Community Land Management Plan outdoor lighting can affect plants animals, and even people. These buildings are closer to the homes adjacent to them than the existing multiplex buildings. The light pollution, the continuous garage exhaust fan, and the noise from cars going in and out of the garage and parking lot could cause a nuisance to those of us who live next to it. According to the research provided in the Community Land Management Plan, "behavioral patterns of insects, birds, fish, mammals, and other wildlife are altered in a significant, detrimental ways. For example, nocturnal birds use the moon and stars for navigation during their biannual migrations. When they fly through a brightly lit area, they become disoriented and are susceptible to collisions with over lit structures." Since we are a green and environmentally conscious development, I would assume these factors have to be taken into consideration. The existing multiplex buildings are brightly lit and noisy, but the existing locations are very different from the situation on lot #48. It seems that the Row House style or duplex or triplex would be a better fit in the community of Phase 2. As residents concerned about the integrity of the neighborhood, we hope that you will consider our concerns and look at alternative architecture that will be more suitable for this lot. Thank you. Sincerely, 1 � Joanne and Champ Soncrant 107 No. Jefferson Road So Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: 802-363-5891