HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH 13 - Supplemental - 1840 Spear StreetSOUTH VILLAGE A MULTI -PHASED, MIXED USE, CONSERVATION COMMUNITY DECLARATION OF AREA ASSOCIATION AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS DRAFT October 11, 2007 SOUTH VILLAGE A MULTI -PHASED, MIXED USE, CONSERVATION COMMUNITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Preamble Page Article I Definitions Page Article II Names of Community and Association Page Article III Property Location and Description Page Article IV Units Page Article V Common Elements and Limited Common Elements Page Article VI Declarant Right and Special Rights Page Article VII Allocated Interests Page Article VIII Restrictions On Alienation Page Article IX Appurtenant Easements and Licenses Page Article X Relocation of Boundaries Between Lots and Units Page Article XI Subdivision of Lots and Units Page Article XII Amendment of Declaration Page Article XIII Termination of Common Interest Community Page Article XIV Rights of Way and Utilities Page Article XV Design Review/Architectural Control Committee Page Article XVI Membership and Voting Rights Page Article XVII Area Association Purpose Page Article XVIII Covenant For Maintenance Assessments Page Article XIX Sub -Associations Page Article XX Community Land Management Plan Page Article XXI Miscellaneous Provisions Page Exhibit A Description of Property, etc. Page Exhibit B Plats and Plans Page Exhibit C South Village Area Association, Inc. Bylaws Page - Article I Plan of Ownership Page - Article II South Village Area Association, Inc. Page - Article III Board of Directors Page - Article IV Officers Page - Article V Operation of the Planned Community Page - Article VI Miscellaneous Page Exhibit D Table of Interests Page Exhibit E Land Management Plan Page 2 3 4 5 5 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 20 22 24 25 25 25 29 32 34 39 41 42 ARTICLE XXI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 21.01. Town & State Approvals & Permits. The Area Association, and all Unit and Lot Owners therein, have the benefit of and are subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of the Development Agreement and permits and approvals from the City of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, and any amendments thereto. These include, but are not limited to, the terms and conditions contained in the following, which may be amended or replaced from time -to -time: (1) Findings of Fact and Decision of South Burlington Development Review Board re: Master Plan Application #MP-04-01, dated August 16, 2005; (2) Findings of Fact and Decision of the South Burlington Development Review Board re: Planed Unit Development — Phase I Final Plat Application #SD-06-21, dated May 2, 2006; Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the Vermont Natural Resources Board, District 4 Environmental Commission re: Application #4C 1160R, dated July 9, 2007; Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the Vermont Natural Resources Board, District 4 Environmental Commission re: Application #4C1160-1, dated , 2007; Conditional Use Determination issues by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources re: Application #2001-274, dated May 1, 2006; Stormwater Discharge Permit No. 4096-INDC issued by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Quality Division, dated June 15, 2007; Waste Water System and Potable Water Supply Permit No. WW-4-2613 issued by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, dated July 11, 2007; and Public Water System Permit to Construct for Project #C-1688095.0 issued by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, issued July 3, 2007. The Area Association and the Unit Owners have an ongoing obligation to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and permit requirements, including those listed above. Section 21.02. Garages. Garages shall not be converted to living spaces. Section 21.03. Recreational Vehicles. Storage and parking of recreational vehicles is prohibited in the development. Section 21.04. Wetland Disturbance. The clearing of land, disturbance of land or application of pesticides within wetlands or wetland buffers is prohibited with the exceptions of the Class III wetland to the west of Lot 20 and those agricultural activities permitted under the Vermont Wetland Rules. Section 21.05. Sewage Pumping Station. The homeowners association assumes all maintenance responsibilities for the sewage pumping station. Section 21.06. Stormwater Drainage Facilities. The homeowners association assumes all maintenance responsibilities for the stormwater drainage facilities within the development and outside of the City right-of-way until such time as the City Stormwater Utility accepts the stormwater infrastructure. 21 Section 21.07. Enforcement. The Declarant, the Area Association or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens, and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Declarant, the Area Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In addition, if the violation of the covenant, restriction, or condition is also a violation of any state or local permit or approval, the applicable governmental body shall have the right to enforce any such condition or restriction. These rights to enforce specifically include the rights of the Declarant and the Area Association to require that each Owner maintain its Unit and/or Lot in good repair and in a neat and well kept state, including but not limited to maintenance and repair of all roofing, siding, fencing, landscaping, painting, exterior openings, porches and decks. Nothing in this provision is intended to replace or limit the authority of the South Village Community Design Committee, as set forth above. Section 21.08. Invalidity. If any provision of this Declaration is held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any provisions of this Declaration which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, and to this end the provisions of this Declaration are severable. Section 21.09. Waiver. No provision of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been waived by reason of any failure to enforce, regardless of the occurrence of violations or breaches from time to time. Section 21.10. Acceptance of Title. The Area Association shall accept the legal title by deed of the Common Elements from Declarant when it conveys the same to the Area Association on or before the completion of construction on the Property by Declarant, its successors or assigns, provided that title to the Common Elements at the time of such conveyance is free from liens or encumbrances, causing title to be unmarketable. This conveyance by Declarant, its successors or assigns shall be subject to all rights of way, easements, restrictions, covenants, permits, approvals, licenses, leases and conditions of record. Section 21.11. Capitalized Terms. Except as otherwise set forth in Article I, all capitalized terms used in this Declaration shall have the definitions provided in the Act. Section 21.12. Headings. The headings in this Declaration are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has caused this Declaration to be executed on this day of , 2007. By: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company 22 1 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , in said County, personally appeared David Scheuer, the d Communities, LLC, and he acknowledged this and deed as its duly authorized agent and Communities, LLC. Before me Its duly authorized agent this day of , 2007, my authorized agent of South Village instrument, by him, to be his/her free act the free act and deed of South Village Notary Public 23 'b X* kv( ((a C'C CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon recei t of otice of a d appehaval the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the eal to appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: J �)f V `66 60 NAME MAILING ADDRESS � �'✓a 1/ t CEP, yr 1N 1 CKtJ w C18/1! E IG.iINto' E IIN G A*SS0CI ArE15, lI IC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 February 1 ", 2005 Mr. William Szymanski City Engineer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Subject: South Village Sanitary Sewer System Investigation and Design Study Dear Mr. Szymanski: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com In accordance with you request, an analysis of the sanitary sewer collection system for the proposed South Village Residential Development has been performed. This new development is to be located to the lot east of the intersection of Spear St. and Allen Rd. The sanitary sewer throughout the development will be collected by a system of gravity sewer lines and sanitary manholes, which will accumulate at the primary sewer pump station located at the low point of the system (see attachment A). The pump station will then feed a force main, which runs to an existing gravity sewer main located on Allen Rd. that is collected at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The purpose of this investigation is to determine if this existing gravity sewer infrastructure has the ability to accept additional capacity of flow from this proposed project. Existing Conditions This existing gravity sewer main is part of a larger sewer collection system (see attachment B). The existing main line, which will be directly affected by the additional effluent produced from the South Village development, was surveyed and inspected for physical condition, existing size and slopes, as well as current and maximum capacity. Attachment C details the existing conditions of the sewer main and structures connecting the South Village force main to the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. All pipes and structures appeared to be in good physical condition upon visual inspection. Analysis Once the pipe slopes were calculated, a field investigation was performed at critical structures, which either had minimum slope values or were located at critical points within the system. These structures include SMH's 5, 6, 11, 16-18, 23, 27-30 and 34. Flow data was collected at these structures at peak use time periods (between 7:00-7:30 AM) on various days (see attachment D). This chart provides the measured depth of effluent at the aforementioned structures, as well as a calculated percentage of flow through each pipe using open channel hydraulics. This chart also calculates the new capacity at the critical points within the system after adding the additional flow produced by the pump station of the new development. To determine the additional flow from this pump station, the values from the Wastewater Pump Station Analysis for the main pump station were used (see attachment E). Findings All structures measured were well below full capacity conditions, and in fact, after adding the proposed additional flow from the South Village project, no point in the system would be running at over 40% capacity. There were two points within the system with similarly high capacity values after introducing the proposed additional flow. The gravity sewer line between SMH's 23 and 24 represent the highest proposed capacity at 39%, in part due to the additional flow, shallow existing gradient and small 8" diameter. The sewer line between SMH's 34 and 35 has a proposed capacity of 35%, mainly due to the high existing flows, which stems from this line being the first shallow gravity piping section after a major collection structure. Treatment Capacity In terms of treatment capacity, the Bartlett Bay Treatment Facility itself currently runs between 0.5 to 0.6 mgd, with a maximum capacity of 1.25 mgd. Full build out capacity of this treatment facility is roughly 1.6 mgd. The new South Village development is expected to generate around 74,780 GPD, based upon the wastewater Pump Station Analysis (attachment E), creating a new effluent total of between 0.58 to 0.68 mgd to be treated, well within the capacity of the facility. We appreciate the assistance of Mr. Jim Marshall from the City of South Burlington Public Works Department in providing all of the technical information regarding the exiting sanitary sewer collection system and the Bartlett Bay Treatment Facility. This concludes our assessment of the sanitary sewer collection system for the proposed South Village Residential Development. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures: Attachments A-E cc: CEA file #01243 (w/ Enclosures) R Sew2✓ VAOVIi P�� V `9~4-.. onw6 0 w x va ` U r hr Yf v ST. w tY Ro^p 4 �' 1► � v - a r� : :F. • N ;�yr pRrV♦ •. • Z of - , i N• X! 'C �l� r �X CX FnR RrD�� lAl�ll- _!'� 1 Y 1 ~ rMAX OR y, �i o �['��� y �TF•t� �. YAHOO aA 1°-ti M r r R iR as ,fit ti Nru G -+Y' Dft. f i ~s R �{ ; i .Nj By ell r avcw[*s *WE N • •{AMO � � L � i p 2 N[A LT Av(. C 1 M N ORlY ♦ •- ; ��ELT FrM/ OT^ ` It / pr J At N Atlyz a-- c r o wtcww ac.wa a •� i� fta AL 4, SHEL.BURNE WDA(l Rr . _: s.w 1 ftMArx t' ^• Y -p� M.� fRMRTS filllNDlR fW�l'� J gal A / 1 forFes" ►1R 41•[ cr �At�7j wn' S��° It• rt' rr n� • kiwxwroRDa �v��l� j ti4t�2 1 l�XN� tps t J �i fj7 ?pq 'GeY . ;� rt .Z.AKEYlEW DarVt. _ J E� Wastewater Pump Station Analysis South Village Main Pump Station #1 July 15, 2004 Design Conditions Design Flow 72,380 GPD Infiltration 3,000 GPD 20% Municipal Credit Total Design Flow 74,780 GPD Average Daily Flow 77.90 GPM Peaking Factor 4.20 Peak Flow 327.16 GPM Required Storage 18,695 gallons Storage Provided 20,000 gallons Force Main Dia. 6.00 Inches Min. Cleansing Velocity 2.50 FPS Min. Pumping Rate 220.19 GPM Chosen Pumping rate 330.00 GPM Length of FM 1,800.00 feet Friction Losses 13.37 feet High Point of FM 377.00 feet Low elev. in PS 342.00 feet Elevation Change 35.00 feet Minor headlosses 4.00 feet Residual 0.00 feet TDH 52.37 feet Pump Cycle Storage 1,800 Gallons Run Cycle 7.14 Minutes Wet Well Detention Time 23.11 Minutes Pump Efficiency ( % Pump Size 7.27 Hp System Curve GPM TDH 300 50.2 330 52.4 350 53.9 400 58.1 Hydromatic SFPX, 8.25" Impeller, 7.5 HP single phase, 1750 RPM. 01243 - Retrovest Existing Gravity Sewer Line Inverts, Distances, and Slopes. Level Run - JSO/WGS 07/21/03 TBM Control Point #2 - Capped Rebar - Elev.=367.67' Description Rim Elev. In Out Inv. In Inv. Out Slope Dist. Horiz. Dist. Pipe Size Pipe Slope TBM 367.67 - - - - - - - - SMH 1 348.68 6.75 6.80 341.93 341.88 280.00 279.61 8.00 0.066 SMH 2 333.97 10.65 10.75 323.32 323.22 271.00 269.61 8.00 0.084 SMH 3 306.56 6.10 6.15 300.46 300.41 53.30 53.05 8.00 0.068 SMH 4 301.43 4.65 4.70 296.78 296.73 275.30 274.59 8.00 0.072 SMH 5 281.67 4.70 4.75 276.97 276.92 70.50 70.50 8.00 0.008 SMH 6 281.31 4.95 9.70 276.36 271.61 224.90 224.89 8.00 0.012 SMH 7 278.91 10.00 10.10 268.91 268.81 211.10 210.84 8.00 0.050 SMH 8 268.34 10.05 10.15 258.29 258.19 269.50 269.35 8.00 0.032 SMH 9 259.43 9.95 10.10 249.48 249.33 300.80 300.69 8.00 0.026 SMH 10 251.38 9.90 9.95 241.48 241.43 239.60 239.54 8.00 0.024 SMH 11 245.91 10.30 10.40 235.61 235.51 258.70 258.61 8.00 0.007 SMH 12 238.90 5.20 5.25 233.70 233.65 39.00 39.00 8.00 0.087 SMH 12A 238.59 8.35 8.45 230.24 230.14 132.00 131.92 8.00 0.031 SMH 13 234.05 8.05 8.10 226.00 225.95 210.00 209.90 8.00 0.055 SMH 14 227.46 13.10 13.20 214.36 214.26 305.50 305.34 8.00 0.023 SMH 15 217.64 10.30 10.35 207.34 207.29 167.60 167.58 8.00 0.030 SMH 16 215.35 13.10 13.20 202.25 202.15 106.30 106.30 8.00 0.006 SMH 17 214.66 13.10 13.20 201.56 201.46 217.00 217.00 8.00 0.004 SMH 18 213.84 13.30 13.40 200.54 200.44 248.30 248.18 8.00 0.012 SMH 19 206.23 8.75 8.85 197.48 197.38 260.40 260.10 8.00 0.053 SMH 20 193.74 10.10 10.20 183.64 183.54 - 180.00 8.00 0.054 SMH 22 182.28 8.40 8.45 173.88 173.83 - 252.00 8.00 0.069 SMH 23 165.04 8.50 8.55 156.54 156.49 - 142.00 8.00 0.003 SMH 24 163.06 7.05 7.25 156.01 155.81 - 76.00 8.00 0.073 SMH 25 160.64 10.35 10.40 150.29 150.24 - 282.00 12.00 0.006 SMH 26 155.68 7.20 7.30 148.48 148.38 - 244.00 12.00 0.008 SMH 27 154.05 7.55 7.65 146.50 146.40 - 215.00 12.00 0.002 SMH 28 152.19 6.20 6.20 145.99 145.99 - 215.00 12.00 0.001 SMH 29 152.81 7.00 7.00 145.81 145.81 - 246.00 12.00 0.005 SMH 30 152.18 7.50 7.50 144.68 144.68 - 210.00 12.00 0.001 SMH 31 151.63 7.20 7.20 144.43 144.43 - 210.00 15.00 0.002 SMH 33 151.91 8.00 8.00 143.91 143.91 349.70 349.49 15.00 0.033 SMH 34 139.67 7.30 7.30 132.37 132.37 348.90 348.79 15.00 0.017 SMH 35 130.78 4.20 1 4.20 1126.58 126.58 35.60 35.60 18.00 0.037 SMH 36 130.38 5.10 1 5.10 1125.28 125.28 - - 18.00 - 01243 - Retrovest Existing Gravity Sanitary Sewer Line Flow Investigation Prepared by Civil Engineering Associates Measurements taken represent average centerline depths of flow in inches. Structures used in the investigation were chosen based on location within the system and pipes having shallow slopes. All measurements taken were done between 7:00-7:30 AM on their respective days. Date 11/24/04 12/8/04 12/22/04 Structure m (ft/ft) Avg. (in) Pipe Dia. (in) y/D Surface Diameter (in) Area of Pipe (in^2) SMH 5 0.008 0.00 0.00 <0.10 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 50.24 SMH 6 0.012 0.00 <0.10 <0.10 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 50.24 SMH 11 0.007 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 8.00 0.06 3.80 50.24 SMH 16 0.006 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 8.00 0.06 3.80 50.24 SMH 17 0.005 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.75 8.00 0.09 4.50 50.24 SMH 18 0.012 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 0.13 5.20 50.24 SMH 23 0.005 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 0.13 5.20 50.24 SMH 27 0.005 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 12.00 0.13 7.75 113.04 SMH 28 0.005 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 12.00 0.15 8.50 113.04 SMH 29 0.005 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.25 12.00 0.19 9.00 113.04 SMH 30 0.005 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.50 12.00 0.21 9.50 113.04 SMH 34 0.017 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 15.00 0.30 13.75 176.63 Structure Effluent Area (in^2) Capacity (%) Theta (radians) P (ft) Rh (ft) Q (cfs) Qt (gpm) New Capacity (%) SMH 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.00 #DIV/0! SMH 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.00 #DIV/0! SMH 11 3.14 0.06 0.99 0.65 0.03 0.32 475.15 0.20 SMH 16 3.14 0.06 0.99 0.65 0.03 0.30 464.38 0.22 SMH 17 4.71 0.09 1.19 0.77 0.04 0.32 472.68 0.31 SMH 18 6.28 0.13 1.42 0.91 0.05 0.54 571.10 0.30 SMH 23 6.28 0.13 1.42 0.91 0.05 0.35 485.63 0.39 SMH 27 14.13 0.13 1.40 1.35 0.07 1.03 791.03 0.21 SMH 28 16.49 0.15 1.57 1.50 0.08 1.06 806.75 0.25 SMH 29 21.20 0.19 1.70 1.60 0.09 1.20 869.32 0.30 SMH 30 23.55 0.21 1.83 1.71 0.10 1.23 884.07 0.33 SMH 34 52.99 0.30 2.32 1 2.60 0.14 4.62 2401.53 0.35 *** P=Wetted Perimeter, Rh=Hydrualic Radius, Q=Flow Netw, N. All work to be performed In accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington• and the Village of Jericho. Details should b l e modified to the above reference speclflcations. ED CONNECT FORCE MAIN T EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER MAIN SEE SITE PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION II GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 i h- 200/l. - - / PLANS PREPARED BY: l 40� Clylk INGINIMM ASSGICIMils, INt, P.O. BOX 465 SHELBURNE, VT 05M r, 2D 23W FAX: WAI52271 -b' w�hr.ce. N.com DRANK AWY rJa� # DSM APPMO DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LANDUSEPLAM RC4*71SCT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, 7N CML &VAMW CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 7R9FM EM MYEB4 TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L ANOSGAPE AWAM7ECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE N„n I� ne.ii„ V.. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LEGEND [3 SEWER [� WATER a LOCATION MAP 1" = 3000, MTE C1IECIGED RS7S10N SEWER i- WATER MASTER LAN DAn DWIND NUMID AUGUST, 20U 11- - 200' C6.0 PROW. NO. 01243 E CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 10, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: Preliminary Plat #SD-07-74 & Final Plat #SD-07-75 Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on January 8, 2008 (effective 1/9/07). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 180 days (must be submitted & recorded by July 7, 20081 or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Mc onough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: David Scheuer, Retrovest CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7006 3450 0002 0949 2120 City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 south�-txrlington vF_itM0NI January 9, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: Minutes — South Village Dear Dave: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved December 11, 2007 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. (802)846-4106 — phone (802)846-4106 — fax planning @sburl.com cr '. K southburlington PLANNING & ZONING May 23, 2008 David Scheuer Joe Segale Retrovest 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05403 Re: #SP-08-34, #SP-08-35, #SD-08-24, & #SD-08-25 Dear Mr. Scheuer & Mr. Segale: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Betsy onough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com . � \/ t 1�t CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: NAME MAILING ADDRESS p ) 6''6 ill I c� ttd a �� ROJECT OF INTERES 1 be jii pL ,w 1 C7 GO / k✓If L ! GLS IV) C) vT G- �III IF t I i- 11"' ;Vv o 44Z CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of otice of and appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE. NAME MAILING ADDRESS /V C 10 t! "r -P S G.1 d✓r o o 1 l 6 JV-4 PROJECT OF INTEREST --t (rf- `! OAR�► fl-.�W southburlington PLANNING & ZONING May 23, 2008 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Site Plan Application #SP-08-35 Dear Dave: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on May 20, 2008 (effective 5/22/08). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, 6!�v Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6150 5423 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 65403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r PAP 4 OP �® southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING May 23, 2008 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Drive South Burlington, VT 0.5403 Re: Site Plan Application #SP-08-34 Dear Dave: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on May 20, 2008 (effective 5/22/08). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, 4& &k4-- Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6150 5423 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 16 r 1481®14 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING May 23, 2008 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-24 & Final Plat Application #SD-08-25 Dear Dave: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on May 20, 2008 (effective 5/20/08). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 180 days (must be submitted & recorded by November 18 2008) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, on7& BetsytcDough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6150 5423 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846,4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com southhurlington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM To: South Village Communties, LLC Abutting Prope ers Town of Shelburne, Town Clerk From: Betsy Brown, Planning & Zoning Assistant Re: Additional South Village Communities, LL ?Heari Date: April 30, 2008 In addition to the preliminary and final plat hearings for a two (2) lot subdivision on the South Village Communities, LLC properties, two (2) site plan applications were also submitted and will be heard at the May 20, 2008 Development Review Board meeting. They are as follows: 1. Site plan application #SP-08-34 of South Village Communities, LLC, to construct a 12 unit multi -family dwelling, 96 Aiken Street. 2. Site plan application #SP-08-35 of South Village Communities, LLC to construct a 12 unit multi -family dwelling, 64 Aiken Street. The May 20`h Development Review Board meeting will be held at South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, at 7:30pm. The official agenda for the meeting will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by May 16`''. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection in the Planning & Zoning Office. Please call us at 846-4106 with questions. VSM ® southburlinton PLANNING & ZONING April 29, 2008 Harold & Eleanor Benson 1803 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will Lot receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, L&�&W,,— Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com rr ,g �' ,`►W southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 29, 2008 David Scheuer South Village Communities, LLC 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." Please call our office at 846-4106 if you have any questions. Sincerely, a* &osL Betsy McDonough Brown Planning Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Dave Marshall 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com RIN Ar southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Scott J. Michaud Dorset Farms Master Assoc. c/o Property Management Associates PO Box 1201 Williston, VT 05495 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &Lw� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846,4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com ANN aIIi®E R .4,011 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Mark & Deborah Fay 188 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, beN&wL,- Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Brian & Carolyn Terhune 35 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�N &-aj� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r �0 southburlinoon Cy PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi 29 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, ex�,A&OUK— Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com `lam southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano 75 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, *you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &+,,� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.346.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com P e16® IF , 0-3401 �X southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Peter & Gayle Conklin 67 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, * &Go� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.shuri.com P P lk .6, !s :6.01001� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan 185 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &isq &UWL Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r ,' .4, ►�®� N southburhnoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 John & Ritika Paul 191 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�q &Di� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com �� 40111NAN southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Tonya Bosworth 192 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, fdsq &�z� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, V7 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r o �, ..1R southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Susan C. Bliss 197 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 to[ 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com rr �M1 0-14 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto 33 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &OOL) Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com �► 41 southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Robert P. James 79 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r s southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Donald & Lisa Angwin 73 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 6 r--64 Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com kJFF,—r 4 southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Brian & Christine Sowle 50 Cabot Court South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r� o'•�, Dlt�il R / southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Philip & Darcy Carter 187 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &Asq&nd� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com rr 14060 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Dirk & Deborah Marek 193 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�q &4-1'- Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 0 '44 00 n southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Jason & Jennifer McGahey 190 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &S] Tw� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com P no n-A'14, f� southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 37 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, <-� &OATA� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r �, southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Michael & Mary Elizabeth Bouvier 31 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�Q &"7t- Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com A,' southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 James & Karen Larrow 77 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 6&Q L Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r oN0 V!01 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Mitchel Cypes Lynan Moy 74 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &b4 Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com Ar '0 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Dan & Marguerite Wetzel 183 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�q && Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r �► m ..,1� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Brigette & Richard White 189 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r 1604MIN9 �� 4k�� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 195 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, �Ck&w-- Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com P ► t kmm� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Ruth Trevithick 1751 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 6 +Lt &ML Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r `lam southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Mary Pappas 1809 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com A ® southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Stuart & Helen Hall 1815 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &-tal Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 George & Shelley Vinal 1845 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r �4, Whilt0l southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 William Reed 1967 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 6�� &Mb Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r Q0 `.lam southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Alan & Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &iN &DJ�u Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com O AIRNI= southburlin2ton PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Harlan & John Sylvester 51 South Street Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r 0 aP �� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Carolyn E. Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�N 660L Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com R 'og_ southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 66q Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com P f� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Donald & Lynn Cummings 1811 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, ed bm�u Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846,4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Harry & Patricia Davison 1827 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r ►gam0100�i southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Mark S. Westergard Curt Moody 1855 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, TC)E4'�� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r ®MOO �/.`R `.lam southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Frank Costantino 1971 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, <—� H -T�� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com WARrr .t� southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 John & Amy Averill 3958 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 6� Gcw— Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com A,Am 1102 16, R 5� 4 0 � southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Craig S. Bartlett, III 4047 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, "-� &W, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com rr w2or , AR e southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com ON;i .1� southurlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Janet Farina 1807 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, L`rp� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Ar* southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 William & Ayse Floyd 1813 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &�L[ 6adx--, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sbur1.com r southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Patricia Calkins 1835 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 te1 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburI.com r FIT*� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Barbara Lande 1865 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r a� �0, southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 James & Paula Carroll 155 Chesapeak Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com AP IN40, �S southburlineton PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Daniel Martin 4012 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, e* 6&� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com P 11,011, ► 6roi southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 6eEVB/m� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r MEN IN, `�^ southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 16, 2008 Robert F. Cooper 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, &: &Q� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com gov*�- \lM-XLI southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 29, 2008 Town Clerk Town of Shelburne PO Box 88 Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is a copy of a public hearing notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts the Town of Shelburne. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 7y Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Dean Pierce, Town Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com Subdivison Plat Application Permit Number SD- APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW o Preliminary ❑ Final PUD Being Requested? o Yes ❑ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) v c L. ,ram g C� w� Mac �l n ESQ U-C !F/o 'D I►.t tp Cx-H-Eu tm -76 So, -LT ' A04E Cb�-L7-(-CLJQ=,.1 -r er- �ro3-u3Z'S 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) t3K 4 cy PG 454-4-55 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) 0..),4€v, 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) 3Jovto 5, t1� J i %-, Fo 4>✓5 t-hR.P-�11CN�, ACT o�fE u 2 >E7N 4MYj5-2'>25 2Z-71 a. Contact email address: i7v.A P1:254-4A-k -© 4=M7p --t-C 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: t 9,40 hPE?-Z 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) Subdivison Plat Application 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): a+�7- LOT 4 tf,4cU Two UOT5 4a 42 c:Q l -745 1 "Pw l D'_1 r-L_ l..Or GOB CtE12Lwi #''¢-` r CO S�a MA `� t0 '�irJ�f/il N\*--1c . b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 1.4 c��T �,,v�� ►� , .a t-,,,oc.o„sc�S d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): o s%- 12gj__ t��t«.oi��►s �T e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 3�cs `c�oc,czouN,� Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): ,d -s uo o cb u c C_Ad c l-A } S C (Z '__k ' c r tf ,�_ _ g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): vu�—� Subdivison Plat Application i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. (3 C.-I I vi4>(.o� me 1_0s P,.r--- c-0T e� k'Lvo 9. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: _. I .o5 A;r_ 4-5, 13`6 51= (acres /sq. ft.) 0.6 3 PAc b. Building Coverage: Lo < 4 4 A Existing O square feet _ "� % Proposed k 4 s2.O square feet 3-Z• 4% c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing ,_ square feet _ __ % Proposed 3z'*b'3'7 square feet _ "70.1 d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing _ , ' square feet Proposed 9. WETLAND INFORMATION square feet 3z. k 0(. % —70 - 45 a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or Ill) on the subject property? o Yes n No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: O.5 2. AG .4 5 32.1 Y. -70.9 -/o 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 3 Subdivison Plat Application 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 52,_-io0 0.7- s+-., SQ. FT * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ __ 3, 0-5 Lo, 000 b. Landscaping: $ C),4°Jo _ 38,0(o4 REoa Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) 4 20 3. 000 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 2`4 3 b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 8 -"� P "^ �4 t _7 VAA 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: '-' 0P.-`- F�r( o = 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: -D"'i zc�ag n Subdivison Plat Application 16, PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach on a separate sheet. 17. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the inform# io equested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knoww edge. _ SIGN SIGNAT1= OF APPLI RE OF PROPERTY OWNER �Av10 SCH646K PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Vcomplete Incomplete 5 Subdivison Plat Application YZ Planning & Zoning or Designee JOB ADDRESS - COST CATEGORY Inv Date Invoice # PHASE IAI- Infrastructure Phase IA1-1290.8 Misc. Infrastru 4/25/2008 Plat Fee PAID TO: CITYSBVT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON South Village Communities LLC Chittenden Bank c/o Retrovest Associates, Inca 70 South Winooski Avenue' Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802) 863-8323 Pay Seven Hundred Eleven and 00/100 Dollars TO THE City of South Burlington ORDER 575 Dorset Street OF South Burlington, VT 05403 F Pe 8 SECURITY FEATURES INCLUDED. DETAILS ON BACK. U 0000 L6 2 3 1:0 L L60006 21: 1110 L111 5 2111706 L11l611' GI. Num Amount 1440 $711.00 25-Apr-08 $711.00 J Updated at SO.BLIrlingion Town Clerks Office by consulting Grand List dated 6/28/07, Sales Report By Michelle Holgato� Ruth'Trevithick Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farina 1751 Spear Street 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, vT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mary Pappas 1809 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stuart & Helen Hall 1815 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 George & Shelley Vinal 1845 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 William Reed 1967 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Alan & Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harlan & John Sylvester (ref.2003 Spear St.) 51 South Street Burlington, VT 05401 Carolyn E. Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Donald & Lynn Cummings 1811 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harry & Patricia Davison 1827 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mark S. Westergard/Curt Moody 1855 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Frank Costantino 1971 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Amy Averill 3959 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Craig S. Bartlett, III 4047 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 William & Ayse Floyd 1813 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Patricia Calkins 1.835 Spear Street So. Burlington, v'r 0-5403 Barbara Lande 1865 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 James & Paula Carroll (ref.197.15 Spear St.) 155 Chesapeak Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 Daniel Martin 4012 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05,482 Robert F. Cooper (ref.1505 Dorset St.) 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Scott J. Michaud Dorset Farms Master Assoc. Tonya Bosworth Jason & Jennifer McCahej c/o Property Mgt. Associates 192 Catkin Drive 190 Catkin Drive P.O. Box 1201 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Mark & Deborah Fay Susan C. Bliss Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 188 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Carolyn Terhune Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto Michael & Mary Eliz.Bouvier 35 Floral Street 33 Floral Street 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi Robert P. James James & Karen Larrow 29 Floral Street 79 Rower Street 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano Donald & Lisa Anqwin Mitchel Cypes & Lynan Moy 75 Bower Street 73 Bower Street 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter and Gayle Conklin Brian & Christine Sowle Dan and Marquerite Wetzel 67 Bower Street 50 Cabot Court 1.83 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan Philip & Darcy Carter Brigette & Richard White 185 Catkin Drive 187 Catkin Drive 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 PLANT SCHEDULE (STORM WATER POND / REC. PATH I KEY I QTY I SCIENTIFIC NAME I COMMON NAME I SIZE I CONDITIONI COMMENTS I UNIT COST I SUBTOTAL I DECIDUOUS TREES AR6 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple 6" - 6 1/2" Cal. B + B Specimen $3500 E4 $3500 AR 10 Acer rubrum Red Maple 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. B + B $500 EA $5000 OV 5 Ostrya vlrglniana Hop-Hombeam 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. B + B $500 EA $2500 QB 2 Quercus biloba Swamp White Oak 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. B + B $500 EA $1000 QR 7 Quercus rubra Red Oak 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B _ $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES PG10 8 Picea glauca White Spruce 10'-12' High B + B $575 EA $4600 PG 9 Picea glauca White Spruce 8'-10' High B + B $425 EA $3825 SHRUBS CS 11 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $605 CAM 5 Corylus americana American Filbert 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $275 PO 22 Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $1210 PERENNIALS HHR 213 Hemerocallis'Happy Returns' Happy Returns Daylily 1 gal. Container or B/R $15 EA $3195 Native meadow / wetland seed mix per AES plans and specifications APPROX. 15,500 SF $.25 / SF $3875 Herbaceous plantings within emergent zones per AES plans and specifications SEEDED AREA TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $33,085 PLANT SCHEDULE - CONDOMINIUMS I KEY I CITY I SCIENTIFIC NAME I COMMON NAME I SIZE I CONDITIONI COMMENTS I UNIT COST SUBTOTAL DECIDUOUS TREES AF 7 Acer x freemanii'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze Maple 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES PG 11 1 Picea glauca White Spruce 10'-12' High B + B $575 EA $6325 PG6 4 Picea glauca White Spruce 5' - 6' High B + B $200 EA $800 PS 5 Pinus strobus White Pine 6'-8' High B + B $350 EA $1750 PS10 1 1 Pinus strobus White Pine 10'-12' High B + B $575 EA $575 SHRUBS IV 16 Ilex verticillata'Cacapon' Winterberry 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $880 PO 7 Physocarpus opulifolius'Nanus' Dwarf Ninebark 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $385 TM 6 Taxus x media'Tauntonii' Taunton Yew 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $330 PERENNIALS HHY 44 1 Hemerocallis'Hypedon' Hyperion Daylily 1 gal. Container or B/R $15 EA $660 Seeded Lawn -'No Mow' Mix APPROX. 10,000 SF SEEDED AREA $•12 / SF $1200 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $16,405 GRAND TOTAL $49,490 South Village Preliminary/Final Plan Submittal April 24, 2008 Request for Waivers The following waivers are requested in support of the development of a neighborhood friendly roadway system and layout of a traditional village style environment. Planned Residential Developments Southeast Quadrant District Section Title Description & Reason 9.07 Dimensional Standards - In the Southeast quadrant District, all requirements of Article XXV governing lot size, density, frontage, and setbacks shall apply. The request is to waive the following requirements: Appendix Table C-2 Dimensional Standards - The following waivers are requested to allow greater interaction between the proposed buildings in support of enhancing the fabric of the neighborhood. A. Single Family Minimum Lot Size from 12,000 SF to 3,920 SF. B. Single Family Max. Building Coverage from 15% to 52%. C. Single Family Max. Lot Coverage from 30% to 60%. D. Single Family Front Yard Setback from 20' to 10' (5' for certain lots). E. Single Family Rear Yard Setback from 30' to 10' (5' for rear lanes). F. Single Family Side Yard Setback from 10' to 5'. G. Multi -Family Max. Building Coverage from 15% to 50%. H. Multi -Family Max. Lot Coverage from 65% to 75%. 1. Multi -Family Front Yard Setback from 20' to 10'. J. Multi -Family Rear Yard Setback from 30' to 5'. K. Multi -Family Rear Side Yard Setback from 20' to 5'. Subdivision Plat Application Permit Number SD- - APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑ Preliminary F i Final PUD Being Requested? [.i Yes ❑ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) �o�tr�+ �cC.L�,� l �nti�wuc.alticzi L LC- 40 U;a-4t0 JI�Z E '10 ecx� 2 LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) P>k Acq V�tq' 46E +55 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) �pm" Ow,4�-9, 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #)Do.-i Fb 40� v.-cw,cE� US'F-,2 ICE F ,S-ZZ'71 a. Contact email address: 5 PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1.C234o 5. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1 Subdivison Plat Application 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): �j�tG3 �71` l's LoT 4 �l►—Lro Two LOTS 40. 42c^�1 �iE 1 r 1�1 rl l t7�1 Pal_ _ LO'r 'ia b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 24 c.1,T sze--,,v- , ,� .rc JcDg,� kc_v% gs d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings t0 remain)' O 5r ��ccSnr�"1 TUNp 471Z"4205 P50kC_ ---- e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine)- 3�� pests �cwoc�rzo�,, �;> f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): -221 ttiI Two �ucc VcrSAS (12 u.�c rS te� g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): _, a tff h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 9 Subdivison Plat Application i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. 115 .(3rJIVtfj(� "Dr-1 mE 1.40s Ae. (_.err �.s 9. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 1 .05 Aq-- 451 -75 F (acres /sq. ft.) 0.5 3 Als b. Building Coverage: Lo C 4 4 A Existing o __square feet % Proposed k 4 -2-O square feet 32 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing v _,square feet o % Proposed 3Z 3'37 _ square feet -7 0.1 _ oho -70 .'5 d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing t--A A -_ square feet % Proposed A A square feet % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? o Yes �< No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: O.s2 A-6 .48 32.-7Yd -70 .9 -/o 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 3 Subdivison Plat Application 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 52,SQ. FT. *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 000 b. Landscaping: $ 4c),40J0 _ 3 g( 0co4 REaD Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost)._ 4 20 --a. non 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 2-4 3 k4 t-7 13, PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 8'"� p"`" -5 - G wM 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: � o,-( - F-Ipr- ( o 15 ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 7­130') 4 Subdivision Plat Application 16. PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach on a separate sheet. jo-tt Pe-tE� I t" r- . 17. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the inform Ion requested as art of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best o y kn wledge„� NATURE OF A "DAVI0 scNEu.EQ, GNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line 5 Subdivision Plat Application DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: H Complete ❑ Incomplete r of Planning & Zoning or Designee Da 9 JOB ADDRESS - COST CATEGORY Inv Date Invoice # PHASE IAl- Infrastructure Phase JAI-1290.8 Misc. Infrastru 4/25/2008 Final Plat PAID TO: CITYSBVT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON South Village Communities LLC Chittenden Bank 58-6/116 c/o Retrovest Associates, Inc. 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802) 863-8323 Pay Five Hundred Eleven and 00/100 Dollars TO THE City of South'' Burlington GL Num Amount 1440 $511 M 25-Apr-08 $511.00 iq 00001624 ORDER 575 Dorset Street OF South Burlington, VT 05403 g PJB a cF AUTHO ED GWATrJRF 8 SECURITY FEATURES INCLUDED. DETAILS ON BACK. I f 0000 L5 24 1:0 L L00006 21: 11*0 Lill 211,706 L111611' SOUTH VILLAGE ABUTTER LIST - UPDATE 4/7/08 Updated at So.Burlington Town Clerks Office by consulting Grand List dated 6/28/07, Sales Report Transaction book dated July 2007 thru March 31, 2008, and Day Book thru 4/6/08, 7*" *a�& By Michelle Holgatd Ruth Trevithick Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farina 1751 Spear Street 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mary Pappas Donald & Lynn Cummings William & Ayse Floyd 1809 Spear Street 1811 Spear Street 181.3 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stuart & Helen Hall Harry & Patricia Davison Patricia Calkins 1.815 Spear Street 1827 Spear Street 1835 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 George & Shelley Vinal Mark S. Westergard/Curt Moody Barbara Lande 1845 Spear Street 1855 Spear Street 1865 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 William Reed James & Paula Carroll 1%7 Spear Street Frank Costantino (ref.1975 Spear St.) So. Burlington, VT 05403 1971 Spear Street 155 Chesapeak Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Alan & Diane Sylvester John & Amy Averill Daniel Martin 1985 Spear Street 3958 Spear Street 4012 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 Harlan & John Sylvester Craig S. Bartlett, III Rodolphe & Denise Vallee (ref.2003 Spear St.) 4047 Spear Street 4043 Spear Street 51 South Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 Burlington, VT 05401 Robert F. Cooper Carolyn F. Long Revocable Trust (ref.1505 Dorset St.) 1720 Spear Street 7 Mariners Cove So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Richard & Dawn ,Derridinger William & Gail Lang 1575 Dorset Street 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Scott J. Michaud Tonya Bosworth Jason & Jennifer McGahev Dorset Farms Master Assoc. 192 Catkin Drive I" Catkin Drive c/o Property Mgt. Associates P.O. Box 1201 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Mark & Deborah Fay Susan C. Bliss Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 188 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 0503 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Caro" Terhune Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto Michael & Mary Eliz.Houvier 35 Floral Street 33 Floral Street 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 0503 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi Robert P. James James & Karen Larrow 29 Floral Street 79 Rower Street 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano Donald & Lisa Anqwin Mitchel Cypes & Lynan May 75 Bower Street 73 Bower Street 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter and Gayle Conklin Brian & Christine Sowle Dan and Marquerite Wetzel 67 Bower Street 50 Cabot Court 183 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 0503 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan Philip & Darcy Carter Brigette & Richard White 185 Catkin Drive 187 Catkin Drive 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Rhagwat & Gift Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin T)rive So. Burlington, VT 0503 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 PLANT SCHEDULE (STORM WATER POND / REC. PATH KEY I QTY I _ SCIENTIFIC NAME I COMMON NAME I SIZE I CONDITION I COMMENTS I UNIT COST I SUBTOTAI I DECIDUOUS TREES AR6 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple 6"- 6 1/2" Cal. B + g Specimen $3500 EA $3500 AR 10 Acer rubrum Red Maple 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $5000 OV 5 Ostrya virglnlana Hop-Hombeam 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. B + B $500 EA $2500 QB 2 Quarcus blloba Swamp White Oak 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. B + B $500 EA $1000 QR 7 Quarcus rubra Red Oak 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. g + g $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES PG10 8 Picea glauca While Spruce 10'-12' High B + B $575 FA $4600 PG 9 Picea glauca White Spruce 8'-10' High B + g $425 EA $3825 SHRUBS I CS 11 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $605 CAM 5 Corylus amedcana American Filbert 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $275 PO 22 Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $1210 PERENNIALS HHR 213 He merocallis'Happy Returns' Happy Returns Daylily 1 gal. Container or B/R $15 EA $3195 Native meadow / wetland seed mix per AES plans and specifications APPROX. 15,500 SF Herbaceous plantings within emergent zones per AES plans and specifications SEEDED AREA $.25 / SF $3875 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $33,085 PLANT SCHEDULE - CONDOMINIUMS KEY I QTY I SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME I SIZE I CONDITION1 COMMENTS I UNIT COST SUBTOTAL DECIDUOUS TREES AF 7 Acer x freemanil'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze Maple 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + g $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES 1 PG 11 Picea glauca White Spruce 10'-12' High g + B $575 EA $6325 PG6 4 Picea glauca White Spruce 5' - 6' High g + g $200 EA $800 PS 5 Pinus strotws White Pine 6'-8' High g + g $350 EA $1750 PS10 1 Pinus strobus White Pine 10'-12' High g + g $575 EA $575 SHRUBS IV 16 Ilex verticillata'Cacapon' Winterberry 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $880 PO 7 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Nanus' Dwarf Ninehark� 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $385 TM 6 Taxus x media'Tauntonii Taunton Yew 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $330 PERENNIALS HHY 44 Hemerocallis'Hyperion' Hyperion Daylily 1 gal. Container or B/R A$15 EA $660 Seeded Lawn -'No Mow' Mix APPROX. 10,000 SF --� SEEDED AREA $12/SF $1200 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $16,405 GRAND TOTAL $49,490 South Village Preliminary/Final Plan Submittal April 24, 2008 Request for Waivers The following waivers are requested in support of the development of a neighborhood friendly roadway system and layout of a traditional village style environment. Planned Residential Developments Southeast Quadrant District Section Title Description & Reason 9.07 Dimensional Standards - In the Southeast quadrant District, all requirements of Article XXV governing lot size, density, frontage, and setbacks shall apply. The request is to waive the following requirements: Appendix Table C-2 Dimensional Standards - The following waivers are requested to allow greater interaction between the proposed buildings in support of enhancing the fabric of the neighborhood. A. Single Family Minimum Lot Size from 12,000 SF to 3,920 SF. B. Single Family Max. Building Coverage from 15% to 52%. C. Single Family Max. Lot Coverage from 30% to 60%. D. Single Family Front Yard Setback from 20' to 10' (5' for certain lots). E. Single Family Rear Yard Setback from 30' to 10' (5' for rear lanes). F. Single Family Side Yard Setback from 10' to 5'. G. Multi -Family Max. Building Coverage from 15% to 50%. H. Multi -Family Max. Lot Coverage from 65% to 75%. I. Multi -Family Front Yard Setback from 20' to 10'. J. Multi -Family Rear Yard Setback from 30' to 5'. K. Multi -Family Rear Side Yard Setback from 20' to 5'. CIVIL E, IGINEERiIN G A"SS0r'.I HES, 1, IC&, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 April 28, 2008 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Lot 4 Subdivision & Lot Coverage Amendment Site Plan Application for Lot 4. Dear Ms. LaRose: In accordance with the requirements set forth in the Master Plan approval, South Village Communities, LLC hereby submits this Site Plan application detailing the proposed improvements for the condominium buildings on Lot 4. In addition, the applicant is also seeking a preliminary and final plat application package for the Subdivision of Lot 4 into two lots, one for each condominium building, and, as permitted by the Master Plan approval, hereby requests an amendment to the original individual lot coverage waiver. 1. Site Plan Application - This application depicts two proposed 12-unit condominium buildings. The access will be through a common driveway thereby minimizing the number of curb cuts on Aiken Street and reducing traffic noise to the adjacent single family lots bordering the north and south sides of the project. Landscaping - The proposed landscaping plan for these buildings has taken advantage of the natural screening made available when the condominium lot on Aiken Street was shifted to the south as part of the Development Review Boards approval of the property line revisions in January, 2008. Consistent with the conceptual landscape screening plan developed for the Master Plan application, the applicant is seeking to supplement the screening along the northwest quadrant of the site with a layering of landscaping beginning at the intersection of Spear Street and Allen Road East. This includes a concentrated planting scheme at the detention pond and new trees along the recreation path and Lot 4 property line. The value of the proposed planting is included as an attachment to this application. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 2 of 3 April 28, 2008 Building Height - The proposed building is three stories tall as it relates to the street frontage with underground parking. Approximately'/2 of the garage will be above grade on the west side of the buildings to reflect the topography sloping down and away from the site in the westerly direction. The regulatory building elevations is summarized below: North Building South Building Avg. Preconst Grade 376.2 376.0 1st Floor Elevation 379.2 381.0 Elevation at Top of Flat Roof 414.2 = 38.0' 416.0 = 40.0' Elev at Midpoint of sloped roof 413.8 = 37.6' 415.6 = 39.6' This building roof line is a hybrid in that it has qualities of both a flat roof and has components of a pitched roof as the sloped roof runs all the way across the building in the east -west direction. Applying the pitched roof allowable height of 40' from Article 3.07 D, would indicate that both buildings are compliant. An alternate view would indicate the buildings have a flat roof (with dormers that do not extend across the front face more than 50%) and that a waiver request of 3' for the North building and 5' for the South building is in order. It should be noted that due to the efforts to avoid the need for placement of excess fill in the designated farming areas or undeveloped open spaces, the proposed finish grade of the entire Phase I site was raised by approximately two feet. This has accordingly made the building height that much higher. Parking - Two spaces per unit are required for the 24 units of housing. This application proposes to provide 53 spaces in comparison to the 48 required. The SBLDR and ADAAG require that 3 handicap spaces be provided. Two of these spaces have been provided along the main entry drive as close as possible to the ADA compliant public access (front door) entry. The widened pavement at the entry drive to accommodate the handicap spaces has been filled out with four additional parallel paring spaces. The third space is provided on the north end of the site. Each building also has a small amount of surface parking near the underground parking entry points. This allows ready access to the elevators for patron use. As the surface parking lots are fairly small in size, they do not trigger the parking lot landscaping and green space requirements. Trash Retention - The trash and recycling will be stored in the garage. The refuse will be removed by contracted firm familiar with the requirements and space limitations. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 3 of 3 April 28, 2008 Front Building Setback - The main building complies with the 10' front yard setback set forth in the Master Plan. This lot is not one identified as being eligible for the 5' front yard setback recently approved by the DRB. 2. Lot 4 Subdivision - The attorneys have indicted that it would be beneficial if Lot 4 is subdivided into two lots, one for each building. The proposed property line which would generally bisect the common drive would not create any non- complying issues with regard to side yard building setbacks. 3. Proposed Revision to Lot Coverage Waiver - The city previously granted a lot coverage waiver to up to 65% as part of the Master Plan approval. The original request was made upon best available information regarding building and lot configurations. We are now finding that some of the smaller lots, as well as the current configuration of Lot 4, requires additional relief. The applicant is seeking that the waiver be increased from 65% to 75%. No change in the required lot coverage for the entire project is being requested. In fact the computed lot coverage is still in the range of 16% for the entire build -out This completes our summary of the proposed changes that are reflected in the Phase I Preliminary/Final Plat amendment package and Site plan Application for Lot 4 Condominium Buildings. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Prelim. Plat Applic. & Applic. Fee - Base Fee ($511.00+ 2 x $100) = $711.00 Final Plat Application & Application Fee ($511.00) 1 set of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans Site Plan Application & Application Fee ($186) 1 set of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans cc: J. Segale (w/ 2 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosure) CA1Let\01243\Phase I\LaRose-Prelim-Final AmendmentLot 4let.wpd Site Plan Application Permit Number SP- APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): �r�c..rra+ �/ � �-L.AC�.� C�a,� rota �.�. �r �, Ll_G. e-�o � �-•r c�D � �i-t-6v,�"� 'i 0 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): p5K 4cC3 fE?Z, 454--E-5S 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Ac A,5 A-V50 16 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): !Dar t r-> S tita_-sbb�, l'• .r (. ,'moo Z>C)A . n , -,!T 054 i32 P k+ ICY as F C) PAC; ZZ—1 I a. Contact e-mail address: , 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: I sA a -npEp-r_ 6,T7L-5T 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description: oFI "@.A -�- C_o Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 2 — 12 e.C�C„�,,,�itc.t,� etc c�bt titiP, S d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): oA 'L-cyr 4 -rt Tr -cam P = 3 gro0 e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 3 {yoo�,s pis u,,jr,.mzG fLo� tc> �7P-RK c ti� (�_qEri-7E TY4E Go 14,Q, L.9E nM -rror' PW Vic P!)'u t L- 0 t ,�Sca t'FL l G� HT 3 f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): Z4 g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): Fjo,-j h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): p,-t-w-.w c�.,iQnz- 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: A5i -7 3`d Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing o % 0 sq. ft. Proposed 32.4 % / %4 0 tg sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 0 % / o sq. ft. Proposed --co ,-7 % / 3,z337 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing O % / o sq. ft. Proposed #J A % — sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 52, 300 5i= I . Z AI Site Plan Application * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 3, oo ---.. 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC 3, 05(01 000 a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 243 14 1-7 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 3 - "> A�VA Ei-(_e V'" 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: #-tat-k C>'"-F-V-`DA-1 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: , 'z�`) 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) '3 c_.IST . i1 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of myk"o o�ledge. '11-� OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line -DA V I D Sc H tL(I=2 PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: E Development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: [ Complete ❑ Incom ctor of PlatiSirlg`& Zoning or Designee < Date 5 JOB ADDRESS - COST CATEGORY Inv Date Invoice # GL Num Amount PHASE IAI—Infrastructure Phase IA1-1290.8 Misc. Infi-astru 4/17/2008 Siteplan Fee 1440 $186.00 PAID TO: CITYSBVT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 17-Apr-08 $186.00 SOUTTI VILIA(I'll AMITIT'R LISI e, S I "Z 1 /71 11 Updated at So.Burlinglon Town Clerks Office by consulting Grand List dated 6/28/07, Sales Report Transaction book dated July 2007 thru March 31, 2008, and Day Book thru 4/6/08, 7&" *ate& By Michelle Holgatd Ruth Tre-vithick Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farins 1751 Spear Street 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 0.5403 So. Burlington, VrI, 05403 Mary Pappas 1.809 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT Stuart & Helen Hall 1815 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT Donald & Lynn Cummings 1811 Spear Street 05403 So. Burlington, VIF 05403 Harry & Patricia Davison 1827 Spear Street 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 George & Shelley Vinal 1845 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 William Reed 1.967 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT Mark S. Westergard/Curt Moody 1855 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Frank Costantino 05403 1971 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Alan & Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harlan & John Sylvester (ref.2003 Spear St.) 51. South Street Burlington, VT 05401 Carolyn E. Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 0.5403 John & Amy Averill 3958 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Craig S. Bartlett, III 4047 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 William & Ayse Floyd 181.3 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Patricia Calkins 1835 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Barbara Lande 1865 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 James & Paula Carroll (reE 1975 Spear St.) 155 Chesspeak Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 Daniel Martin 4012 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Robert F. Cooper (reLI505 Dorset St.) 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Scott J Michaud Dorset Farms Master Assoc. c/o Property Mgt. Associates P.O. Box 1201 Williston, VT 05495 Mark& Deborah Fay 188 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Carolyn Terhune 35 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi 29 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano 75 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter an►d Gayle Conklin 67 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan 185 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Tonya Bosworth 192 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Susan C. Bliss 197 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto 33 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Robert P. James 79 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Donald & Lisa Anqwin 73 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Christine Sowle 50 Cabot Court So. Burlington, VT 05403 Philip & Darcy Carter 187 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Jason & Jennifer McCahev 190 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Matthew & Beverly Broornhall 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Michael & Mary Eliz.Bouvier 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 James & Karen Larrow 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mitchel Cypes & Lynan Moy 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dan and Marguerite Wetzel 183 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brigette & Richard White 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin .Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Item Pavement Sidewalk Retaining Wall Sewer Service Water Service Elec/Comm Line EPSC 15" Drain Line 12" Drain Line 15" FES Catch Basin Yard Drain South Village Lot 4 Site Development Costs April 28, 2008 Qty Unit 16,300 SF x 1,500 SF x 1,564 SF x 20 LF x 20 LF x 220 LF x 1 LS x 275 LF x 320 LF x 2 EA x 2 EA x 5 EA x Cost Unit $3.50 SF = $1.20 SF = $60 SF = $60 LF = $60 LF = $60 SF = $5,000 LS = $30 SF = $30 SF = $300 EA = $3,000 SF = $1,000 SF = Total $57,050 $1,800 $93, 840 $1,200 $1,200 $13,200 $5,000 $8,250 $9,600 $600 $6,000 $5,000 $202,740 South Village Vehicular Trip Generation ITE Trip Generation 7th Edition D- aWeekday .. .. - uantity AM pk Enter Exit PM Peak Enter Exit LUC LUC North @ Spear Single Family 32 363 32 8 24 38 24 14 210 LUC Multi Family 17 142 13 2 11 14 9 5 23 505 45 10 35 52 33 19 less 5% East 25 2 1 2 3 2 1 net 480 43 9 33 49 31 18 total: 49 LUC Central entrance Single Family 98 1,018 78 20 58 105 66 39 210 LUC Multi Family 21 170 15 3 12 17 11 6 230 LUC luxury flats 34 25 6 19 1 1 0 233 LUC middle school 50 81 27 15 12 15 7 8 522 LUC High school 50 153 41 28 13 48 15 33 530 — Z4 ?143 14 3 11 1'7 II G LUC Apartments 77 782 4.4 . 9 35 54 35 19 221 total: 23 2,204 230: 81 149 240 135 105 less 5% 'East 110 11 4 7 12 7 5 net 2,094 219 77 142 228 128 100 LUC South @ Spear Single Family 26 300 28 7 21 32 20 12 210 LUC Multi Family 27 211 18 3 15 21 14 7 230 total: 53 511 46 10 36 53 34 19 less 5% East 26 2 1 2 3 2 1 net 485 44 9 34 50 32 18 332 TND Engineering P 0 Box 388 Ossipee, NH 03864 PLANT SCHEDULE (STORM WATER POND / REC. PATH) KEY I CITY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE I CONDITION COMMENTS I UNIT COST SUBTOTAL I DECIDUOUS TREES AR6 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple 6" - 6 1 /2" Cal, B + B Specimen $3500 EA $3500 AR 10 Acer rubrum Red Maple 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $5000 OV 5 Ostrya virginlana Hop-Hombeam 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $2500 QB 2 Quercus blloba Swamp White Oak 2" - 2 112" Cal. g + g $soo EA $l000 QR 7 1 Quercus rubs Red Oak 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES PG10 8 Picea glauca White Spruce 10'-12' High B + B $575 E4 $4600 PG 9 Picea glauca White Spruce 8'-10' High B + B $425 F11 $3825 SHRUBS CS 11 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $605 CAM 5 Corylus americana _ American Filbert 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $275 PO 22 Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $1210 PERENNIALS �� HHR 213 Hemerocallis'Happy Returns' Happy Returns Daylily 1 gal. Container or B/R $15 EA $3195 Native meadow / wetland seed mix per AES plans and specifications APPROX. 15,500 SF $.25 / SF $3875 Herbaceous plantings within emergent zones per AES plans and specifications SEEDED AREA TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $33,085 PLANT SCHEDULE - CONDOMINIUMS I KEY I CITY I SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE I CONDITION1 COMMENTS I UNITCOSTL SUBTOTAL DECIDUOUS TREES AF 7 Acer x freemanii'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze Maple 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES PG 11 Picea glauca White Spruce 10'-12' High B + B $575 EA $6325 PG6 4 Picea glauca White Spruce 5'- 6' High B + g $200 EA $800 PS 5 Pinus strotws White Pine 6'-8' High B + B $350 EA $1750 PS10 1 Pinus strobus White Pine 10'-12' Hlgh B + g $575 EA $575 SHRUBS W IV 16 Ilex verticillata'Cacapon' Winterberry 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $880 PO 7 Physocarpus opullfollus'Nanus' Dwarf Ninebark 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $385 TM 6 Taxus x media'Tauntonii Taunton Yew 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $330 PERENNIALS HHY 44- 1 Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' Hyperion Daylily 1 gal. Container or B/R $15 EA $660 L - J Seeded Lawn -'No Mow' Mix APPROX. 10,000 SF . I SEEDED AREA $ 12 / SF $1200 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $16,405 GRAND TOTAL $49,490 Westbrooke (CF1 2) Specification Sheet ......... .. MPG: Hadco pu v "': C"atalog NQ�: City: Ordering Guide Example: CF12 T A GF 3 N D 70S E Product Code CF12 Westbrooke Mounting ---jp T Top Arm Finish A Black 8 White H Bronze i Green Lens ---V GF Flat Glass KL Ribbed Acrylic Teardrop KS Acrylic Sag Optics 3 Type Ill 5 Type V Photo Control N None Socket T_ Medium Wattage 70S 70W HPS 100E I DOW HPS 150E 15OW HPS __W 70H 70W MH 100H 100WMH 1 50H 150WMH 175H 175W MH E 120V F 208V G 240V H 277V K 347V Housing: 4113FL'Capr 3' aluminum. 0.090'thir.* spun aluminum, Lens frame door is a one-piece cast aluminum frame with an integral cast hinge, Includes 0.09(r thick spun aluminum d.. It'No.4brim, A weatherproof ballast assembly isolates the ballast from water and heat for longer fife. Ali non-ferrous fasteners prevent corrosion and ensure longer life, Finish: Thermoset polyester powdercoat Is electrostatically applied after a five -stage conversion cleaning process and bonded by heat fusion thermosetting. Laboratory tested for superior weatherability and fade resistance in accordance with ASTM B-1 17-64 and ANSVASTM G53-77 specifications, For larger proiOds where a custom color is required, contact the factory for more information. Optical Assembly: Type Ill Cutoff, Type V Cutoff. Precision formed, segmented Specular aluminum internal cutoff reflector With horizontal lamp mounting. Reflector Is rotatable in 90' Increments, U.V. stabilized, clear acrylic sag tons. Clear tempered flat glass tons. U.V. stabilized acrylic k)tvg globe with Optical Rib (TM) technology, Lamping: MH and HPS Medium base: El T Electrical Assembly: Key -slotted taBallast Assembly with stainless sleet plungers and Quick Disconnects for tool -less removal. 4kv rated medium base porcelain socket Nickel -plated screw it center conct. raw shaft with Ballast: All HID ballasts are care and coil and regulated with power factors better than 90% (HPF). Ballast provides +/- 5% lamp power regulation with +/- 10% input voltage regulation. Ballasts are factory pre -wired and tested. Metal halide ballasts are cap" of starting at -20r F or -3(r C and HPS at -40*F or -40rC. Mounting: Top Arm Mount (T), Arm sold separately. certification: UL Listed to U.S. safety standards tar wet locations, cUL Listed to Canadian safety standards for wet locations. Manufactured to ISO 9001:20W Standards, Warranty - ISO 9001:20W Registered Pa l of 2 Note! He dco reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes In the cost of materials andlor production and/or design without prior notice. 100 Craftway Liftlestown, PA 17340 tel(717) 359-7131 fax (717) 359-9289 www.hadco.com Copyright 2008 Philips HADCOis a Philips group brand PHUIP S" Westbrooke (CF1 2) Specification Sheet Three-year limited warranty. Height: Flat GlassjW (41CM) Height: Acrylic Sag Lens: 19 3/4* (50cm) Height: Teardrop Globe: 26 3/4' (68cm) Width: 19" (48cm) Max. EPA: 1.0 sq. ft. Max, Weight: 23 lbs IESNA Classifications: Full Cutoff Flat Glass lens IESNA Classifications: Cutoff: Acrylic Sag lens IESNA Classifications: Semi Cutoff: Ribbed acrylic Teardrop IS-7 9001 � 2" istered S_W *#JAkJC*C4W Note: HadcO reserves The fight 10 modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials and/or production and/or design without prior nwic,!, 100 Craftway Lstlestown, PA 17340 tal(717) 359-7131 fax (717) 359-9289 www.hadco.com Copyright 2008 Philips HADCO is a Philips group brand P " I IL i Pr" S HFP210 Single Arm (HFP2 10) "gaRMW a GEHME company Page I of I Products Hews Training About Hadco Representative Locator N HFP210 Single Arm (HFP210): Commoirctal: Arms . . . . .. . .......... ...... . . . ........ . . ... .. . Description "Is Arm Housing: 6063-T6 Extruded aluminum Rnish: Thermoset polyester powdercoat is electrostatically applied after a five -stage conva'si and bonded by heat fusion thermosetting. Laboratory tested for superior wtatherability and fa accordance with ASTM 8-117-64and ANSI/ASTMGS3-77spectficatwris, For larger projects w is required, contact the factory for more information Additional Information Warranty: Three-year limited warranty, Lj SMwKalon Sheet Height: 35- (89 CM) Shorts Length: 26 314* (68 cm) L­ Art Internal Slip Fitter Height: W(48cm) Internal Slip fitter Diameter; 3 112* (9 cm) EPA: 210 -, ft. Ordering Guide Ex4impW HFP210 P4 A PM Product Code HFP�� 10 HFP210 Single Arm Post diarnetet P4 4' PWt Moillt Finish A 91­p b vih'te H Bronze 3 Greea Post Machining PM Fast Machmiog 0 WN H4&* I Privacy Statement t Diwlain­ I w,ivranty Wliat you want, how you wancit, Otter, V_-'l http:/,'www.hadco-cormfHadco/Public/ProductDetaii.aspx?pid=561 4/228/12008 Site Plan Application Permit Number SP- db - � APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): S bL.+ -/ t CCD&X nxc4 a i1-X E-t>, LL-r— a-1 o _iO -5 (,too s 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): .qc�> r 454 -5S 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #):_I:) As Q S 1�lcz sttra_L� �, L ti.I t���- a. Contact e-mail address: cJMa �z5+ t�J �—�-r _ e- 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: eAa 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description: /of�-trW� _-5�� r� C7 b /�-a t nl t C� A 1� Ll C��1i-7�1jI��? � d fJ _ �-'-' 1 `-Y t' l.�`7E• -_�� A' Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): (2 LA•-<<r d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): eat t_CDT 4 el - t co980 ' IF e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 3 _FL0o 12,A.ls ""ot-u.c4��--xo P�zK �Sq . Pc ^sc 2z--4r od2L-1 -'-I '-A la A-4, 4 2�3 - 03 f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): ( z_ - g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): rcic= h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): ?,_ct-> .- i _eTre',"- 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 22t cow ' Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing O % / CD sq. ft. Proposed 524 % / 74k0 sq. ft. l^. Overall impervious coverage (building, Existing 0 % / Proposed io.9 % / parking, outside storage, etc) v sq. ft. (o o too sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing ►J % / sq. ft. Proposed % sq. ft. Site Plan Application d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) D • (., JN--g3* * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ l t52g 200 b. Landscaping: $ 2-4,-7'4 5 1 -1, -7 vo ZE-ci,_LA Rcv c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): + o 1 G. oe -fbr*2- 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): t z Z b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): -7 c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: y 1 - ,� 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) 3 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of mykFo�i pledge. OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line 1- Av i D Sc H 6L t=i2 PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: L� Development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: 12 Complete ^ ❑ Incomplete Di$bclor bf'Planning & Zoning or Designee 5 TD Banknorth U L b b V L Vermont�J"rvrUCES, 114Ca 58-3/116 CHECK DATE 10 Mansfield View Lane So. Burlington, VT 05403 PAY CO 0.4t_: P--1 ram! U WtFU E Ftlz� <bI AMOUNT C7O TO G l p 4, p c�l`C1 F �Z1 (ZL( fSp1 n s , lvcl« w eal o AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 11' 0 2 5 5 8 2119 1: 0 1 L 6 0 0 0 3 D: 5 24 L 4 SO 3137110 \ EMILYBUSIN 5 FORMS 800.392.6018 ADVANTAGE C IA L ENGINEERING r>JJ0CIAf VS, I IC 10 Mansfield View Lane • So. Burlington, VT 05403 025582 Updated at So.Burlington Town Clerks Office by consulting Grand List dated 6/2.8/07, Sales Report Transaction book dated .July 2007 thru March 31, 2008, and Day Book thru 4/6/08. ,�) &" A .. By Michelle Holgaty, Muth `l reviddet, 1l:arold & Eleanor Rensen JanetFarina 1751 Spear Street 180.3 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, Nil' 05403 Nlary Pappas 1809 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 0 5403 Stuart & Helen Hall 181.5 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 George & .Shelley Vinal 1845 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 William. Reed 1967 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Alan & .Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harlan & John Sylvester (ref.2003 Spear St.) 51 South Street Burlington, VT 05401 Carolyn E. Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Donald & Lyan Cummings 1811 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harry & Patricia Davison 1827 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mark S. WestergardlCurt Moody 1855 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Frank Costautino 1971 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Amy Averill 3958 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Craig S. Bartlett, III 4047 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Wilbaan & Ays e Floyd 1813 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Patricia Calkiras 1835 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Barbara Lande 1865 Spear Street So. Burlington. VT 05403 James & Paula Carroll (ref.1975 Spear St.) 155 Chesapeak Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 Daniel Martin 4012 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Robert F. Cooper (reC1505 Dorset St.) 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Scott J. Ntichau(1 Dorset :Farms Master Assoc. Tonya Bosworth Jason & Jennit�:r Nlc(, ahe� c/o Property Mgt. Associates 1.92 Catkin Drive 190 Catkin DriN,e, P.O. Box 1201 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 0-5403 Williston, VT 0549; Mark & Deborah Fay Susan C. Bliss Matthew & Be%,-erly Brooaaahiall 188 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 0540 Brian & Carolyn Terhune Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto Michael & Mare l,liz.Bouvier 35 Florid Street 33 Floral Street 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Anthony & ]Taney Bianchi Robert P. James James & Karera Larrow 29 Floral Street 79 Bower Street 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano Donald & Lisa Anqwin Mitchel Cypes 4& Lynan Moy 75 Bower Street 73 Bower Street 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter and Gayle Conklin Brian & Christine Sowle Dan and Marqxierite Wetzel 67 Bower Street 50 Cabot Court 183 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan Philip & Darcy Carter Brigette & Richard White 185 Catkin Drive 187 Catkin Drive 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah March, Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Item Pavement Sidewalk Retaining Wall Sewer Service Water Service Elec/Comm Line EPSC 15" Drain Line 12" Drain Line 15" FES Catch Basin Yard Drain South Village Lot 4 Site Development Costs April 28, 2008 Qty Unit 16,300 SF x 1,500 SF x 1,564 SF x 20 LF x 20 LF x 220 LF x 1 LS x 275 LF x 320 LF x 2 EA x 2 EA x 5 EA x Cost Unit $3.50 SF = $1.20 SF = $60 SF = $60 LF = $60 LF = $60 SF = $5,000 LS = $30 SF = $30 SF = $300 EA = $3,000 SF = $1,000 SF = Total $57, 050 $1,800 $93,840 $1,200 $1,200 $13,200 $5,000 $8,250 $9,600 $600 $6,000 $5,000 $202,740 South Village Vehicular Trip Generation ITE Trip Generation 7th Edition Description Dwellings/Q Weekday Weekday 1 1 Weekday uantity 1 pk Enter Exit PM Peak Enter Exit LUC North @ Spear Single Family 32 363 32 8 24 38 24 14 LUC210 LUC Multi Family 17 142 13 2 11 14 9- 5 230 505 45 10 35 52 33 19 less 5% East 25 2 1 2 3 2 1 net 480 43 9 33 49 31 18 total: 49 LUC Central entrance Single Family 98 1,018 78 20 58 105 66 39 210 LUC Multi Family 21 170 15 3 12 17 11 6 230 LUC luxury flats 34 25 6 19 1 1 0 233 LUC middle school 50 81 27 15 12 15 7 8 522 LUC High school 50 153 41 28 13 48 15 33 530 24 (12) -2A3 <t-Z 14 `,7 3(2) 11 17 II;v� (c � Luc A artments .77 782 44 . 9.. 35 54 35 19 221 total: 23 2,204 230: 81 149 240 135 105 less 5% fast 110 11 4 7 12 7 5 net 2,094 219 77 142 228 128 100 LUC South @ Spear Single Family 26 300 28 7 21 32 20 12 210 LUC Multi Family 27 211 is. 3 15 21 14 7 230 total: 53 511 46 10 36 53 34 19 less 5% East 26 2 1 2 3 2 1 net 485 44 9 34 50 32 18 332 TND Engineering P 0 Box 388 Ossipee, NH 03864 PLANT SCHEDULE (STORM WATER POND / REC. PATH I KEY I Uly I SCIENTIFICNAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION] COMMENTS UNIT COST SUBTOTALI DECIDUOUS TREES AR6 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple 6" - 6 1/2" Cal. B + 8 Specimen $3500 EA $3500 AR 10 Acer rubrum Red Maple 2" - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $5000 OV 5 Ostrya virginlana Hop -Hornbeam 2" - 2 112" Cal. 0 + B $500 EA $2500 QB uercus bo Swamp White Oak 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. g + g $500 EA $1000 QR t1Q,-_-_rc­-�__,,1_r_- Red Oak 2" - 2 1/2" Cal. B + B $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES PG10 8 Plcea glauca White Spruce 10'-12' Hlgh B + B $575 EA $4600 PG 9 Picea glauca White Spruce 8'-10, High g + B $425 EA $3825 SHRUBS '7 CS 11 Comus sedcea Red Twig Dogwood 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $605 CAM 5 Corylus amedcana American Filbert 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $275 PO 22 Physocarpus opufifollus Nlnebark� 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $1210 PERENNIALS HHR 213 Hemerocallis'Happy Returns' Happy Returns Dayllly 1 gal. Container or B/R $15 EA $3195 Native meadow / wetland seed mix per AES plans and specifications APPROX. 15,500 SF • • - Herbaceous plantings within emergent zones per AES plans and specifications SEEDED AREA $3875 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $33,085 PLANT SCHEDULE - CONDOMINIUMS I KEY I QTYI SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME I SIZE I CONDITION1 COMMENTS I UNITCOSTI SUBTOTALI DECIDUOUS TREES AF 7 Acer x freemanll 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze Maple 2' - 2 112" Cal. B + B $500 EA $3500 EVERGREEN TREES -j PG 1 1 Plcea glauca While Spruce 10'-12' High B + B $575 EA $6325 PG6 4 Plcea glauca White Spruce 5' - 6' High B + B $200 EA $800 PS 5 Plnus strobes While Pine 6'4Hlgh B + B $350 EA $1750 PS10 1 Plnus strobus White Pine 10'-12' High B + B $575 EA $575 SHRUBS IV 16 Ilex verticlllata'Cacapon' Winterberry 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $880 PO 7 Physocarpus opullfollus 'Manus' Dwarf Nlnebaric 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 Fes. $385 TM 6 Taxus x media'Tauntonir Taunton Yew 3 gal. Container or B/R $55 EA $330 PERENNIALS HHY 44 Hemerocallls'Hypedon' Hyperion Dayllly 1 gal. Container or B/R Seeded lawn -'No Mow Mix APPROX. 10,000 SF $ 4 2 / SF $12U0 SEEDED AREA TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $16,405 GRAND TOTAL $49,490 4�04=Z l_-oz-5 44, -k 4 a Westbr oke (CF12) Specification Sheet Orderinq Guide Example: CF12 T A GF 3 N D 70S E Product Code CF12 westbrook:e - -- Mounting .­7 T Top Anrt Finish .—%, A Black B While Il Bronze J Green Lens ---V GF Fiat Glass KL Ribbed Acrylic Teardrop KS Acrylic Sag Optics --xi 3 Type III 5 Type V Photo Control N None Socket D Medium Wattage 70S 70W HPS 100S 100W HIRS 150S 15OW HIPS --W 70H 70W MH 100" 10OW M H 150H 15OW M H 175H 175W M F-I Voltage __�j E 120V F 208V G 240V H 277V K 347V Specifications Housing: 413F, Low -Copper cast aluminum, 0.090' thick spun aluminum. Lens frame door Is a one-piece cast aluminum frame with an Integral cast hinge. Includes 0.090" thick spun aluminum decorative brim. A weatherproof ballast assembly isolates the ballast from water and heat for longer fife. All non-ferrous fasteners prevent corrosion and ensure longer life Finish: Thermoset polyester powdercoat is electrostatically applied after a five -stage conversion cleaning process and bonded by heat fusion thermosetting. Laboratory tested for superior weatherability and fade resistance in accordance with AST 8-117-64 and ANSVASTM G53.77 specifications. For larger projects where a custom color Is required, contact the factory for more information. Optical Assembly: Type III Cutoff. Type V Cutoff. Precision (wnled, segmented specular a U.V. stabilized, clear acrylic sag lens. Clear tempered flat glass lens. U.luminurn internal cutoff reflector with horizontal lamp mounting. Reflector is rotatable in 90` Increments. V. stabilized acrylic long globe with Optical Rib (TM) technology. Lamping: MH and HPS Medium base; E17. Electrical Assembly: Key -slotted Ballast Assembly with stainless steel plungers and Quick Disconnects for fool -less removal. 4kv rated medium base porcelain socket. Nickel -plated screw shell with center contact. Ballast: All HK) ballasts are core and cob and regulated with power factors better than 90% (HPF). Ballast provides +/- 5 % lamp power regulation with +/- 10% input voltage regulation. Ballasts are factory pre -wired and tested. Metal halide ballasts are capable of starting at -20" F or -30° C and HIPS at -40'F or -4(re. Mounting: Top ATM Mount (f) Arm sold separately, Certification: UL Listed to U S. safety standards for wet locations. cUL Listed to Canadian safety standards for wet locations. Manufactured to ISO 9001:2000 Standards. Warranty: ISO 9001.200U Registered Page / of 2 I"'at a .Note Hadco reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials and/or production and/or design without prior notice. 100 Craftway Littlestown, PA 17340lel(717) 3,99-7131 tax (717) 359.9289 www.hadco.com Copyright 2008 Philips Westbrooke (CF12) specification sheet Pro 9lrt Ne Location: MFG: Hadco �:Ixlk a TYRe. ---- - Catalog No.: - -- ------ — aty' Three-year fimad d warranty Height: Flat Glass.l6" (41cm) Height: Acrylic Sag Lens. 19 314" (5ocm) Height: Teardrop Globe: 26 :3/4" (68crTl) Width_ 19" (48cm) Max. EPA: 1.0 sq. ft. Max. Weight: 23 ibs IESNA Classifications: Full Culotf� Flat Glass lens IESNA Classifications: Cutoff: Acrylic Sag lens IESNA Classifications: Semi Cutoff. Ribbed acrylic Teardrop ISO 90012000 Registered Page_2 of 2 Note, fiadco reserves the right 10 modify the above details to reflect changes In the cost of materials andlo( production and/or design without prior notice. 100 Craftway Litttestown, PA 17340 tal(717) 359-7131 fax (717) 359.9289 www.hadco.corn Copyright 2008 Philips i jAlO :i Philips gIL„1,, k , } fin, I IFP?- 10 Sjtigle Arm (HIT2 1 (0 Pagc I of 1 "IMEMIC401 a GE-filtyl-3 company 91"MMOM-1111011 I , I -A., �� Products flews Training -tbout fladco t ati.e Locator Di HF_PZ 10 5inill a Am (HFP210); CoMmerejal! Arms .... . . ....... ....... .......... . .. . .. . ..... .... Single Arm Specificatlens Housing: 6063-T6 Extruded aluminum Finish: Thermoset polyester poirtatimoat is electrostaUcalty applied after a five -stage coriversi and bonded by heat fusion thermosetting. Laboratory tested for superior weatherability and fa accordance with ASTM 8- 117-64 and ANSIJASTM G53-77 sPeOFICations, for larger projects w Is required, contact the factory for more information, Additional Information Vierranty; Three-year limited Warranty. rj,' Specificatw Snert Haight. 3S- (89 cm) kV_ciio,, Sheet Length- 26 a/4' (60 cm) `g LA.. Art Intemal Slip Fitter Height: 19' (48 cm) Interrial Slip Fitter Dismateu; 3 112" (9 cm) EPA: 2.30 sq. It. Ordering Guide Example: HFP210 P4 A PAA Product Coda HFP210 HFP210 Single Arm Post diameter P4 4" Post ftinit A .1— e Wr"te G Verde H bronze J Green Post Machining PM Pest Machining Vorhat you warit' 4OW yOU watt it, *belt you want lt. 01008 HAd­ I P—CY StAtMuYnt I DiwlA(nwt I Warranty I litip://www.liadco.cotnlf-ladco,/Public/Pi-odtjctDetail.aspx?pid=561 4/28/2008 CIVIL ENGINEERING A SSJC AREIS, 11 IC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 April 29, 2008 Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Site Plan Application for Lot 4B (96 Aiken Street). Dear Mr. Belair: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com In accordance with your request, please find a Site Plan application for 96 Aiken Street (proposed Lot 413). The application package mimics the package submitted on April 28, 2008 (64 Aiken Street) as this is the same building. We have updated the information in the application to only reflect the information related to 96 Aiken Street. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, ��avi_d_S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer 1Cit_iil Attachments: Site Plan Application & Application Fee ($186) 1 set of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans (previously submitted) cc: J. Segale (w/ 2 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosure) C:\1Let\01243\Phase 1\BelairLot 41396 Aiken Site Plan let.wpd com, penystane.com. VEGETABLE OIL Have used Vege- table oil that can be used for die- sel fuel. Come and take it. Have a lot of it! Info: Global Markets, 802-863-9460. Furniture 2 POTTERY BARN BOOKCASES White, 4 shelves, one drawer. Chez Moi collection. Like brand new. $400/ea. Info: 802-497-0011, tet—it—belove@yahoo.com. ART TABLE & CHAIR Adjustable art/drafting table w/ adjustable chair. $125. Info: 802-660-8070. FISH TANK STAND - $50 Black, wooden, 30"W x 28"H x 13"D. $50. Call or email. Info: 802-355-3671, JupiterVT@hotmail.com. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual ori- entation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings, advertised in this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels her or she has encountered discrimination should contact the: HUD Office of Fair Housing, 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309. OR Vermont Human Rights Commission, 135 State St., Drawer 33, Montpelier, VT 05633-6301.800- 416-2010 Fax:802-828-2480 t uisie uy rot temonade and cookies and snag old comics and house- hold supplies! Info:. ----------------------- Kid Stuff -------------------.---- BABY JOGGER Big 20" alloy wheels. Lightens the load and smooths the bumps. Zoom -zoom quickly. Hand brake, too. Collaps- es flat for easy transport. $120. Info: 802-899-6742. Pets ----------------------- 20-GALLON AQUARIUM + M04E! Tank incl. heater, lamp, chemi- cals, great working pump + much more. Very good condition! $100. Info: 802-860-1962. AKC ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS In Datton, Georgia. $1275/ea. A de- posit of $375 will hold your pup- py. Pups & parents can be viewed online. Info: Gary Shoemaker, 706-695-0055, gds45@alltel.net, fancys.net. FREE CAT Free loving neutered black male cat to a good home. Gets along w/ other cats, not sure about dogs/kids. Info: 802-881-8960. MALE BOXER FOR SALE Perfect purebred male boxer! 1.5-yr: old, well-behaved, has a wonderful dis- position & only wants to please. $600/OBO. Info: 802-881-1881. ROTTIE PUPPY 1 male Rottie puppy. 8-weeks-old. First shots & claws done. To good home only! Asking $400. Info: Matt or Chris- ty, 802-497-0250. Sports Equipment CANOE 17.5" stable fiberglass all- agash canoe. New gunnels & seats. $275.Info: Brenda, 802-660-2417. Bands/ Musicians BAND SEEKS GUITAR/VOCALS Burlington -based working rock band seeking guitarist/vocalist. Looking for energetic attitude w/ rock 'n roll heart to share guitar/ vocal duties. Info: 802-863-1570. DRUMMER WANTED Experienced drummer needed for jazz/rock fusion band. Higher Ground gig on July 27 & beyond. Check out the Market Zero website. Info: Brian Harris, 917-922-5925, www. myspace.com/marketzeromusic. DRUMMER WANTED Newly formed blues/funk project seek- ing drummer who can communi- cate and know when to hit. Info: 802-363-6902. FEMALE VOCALIST TO ROCK! Seeking musicians to jam, join, start - whatever it takes to ROCK! Experienced in local scene, can line up gigs. Info: 802-933-2162. LET'S MAKE MUSIC & MONEY I have a couple of hours' worth of original music that doesn't suck. The summer is near. Let's do it old -school for fun & bucks. Info: Wampeejawed Marketing, 802- 658-8376, www.wampeejawed. com. --------------------- For Sale SOOW MARSHALL HEAD W/ CAB DSL100, all tube, excellent condi- tion w/ 4x12 incl. $1000. Info: 607-592-7111. Bedrosian, 802-5984861, bassa- lisk@yahoo.com, www.arambed- rosian.com. DRUM KIT LESSONS! All lev- els & styles. Full studio in town (V-drum kit/acoustic drum kit/ percussion) or will travel up to 30 miles from Burlington. Info - Tim Sharbaugh, 802-922-7050, timothysharbaugh@comcast.net, www.myspace,com/tsharbaugh. GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/ Levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough mu- sicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kilimanjaro, UVM and Middlebury College Faculty). Info: 802-862- 7696, www.paulasbett.com. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee grad. w/25 years teaching expe- rience offers lessons in guitar, music theory and ear training. Individualized, step-by-step ap- proach. All ages/styles/levels. Info: Belford Guitar Studio, Rick Belford, 802-864-7195, rickbelf@ verizon.net, www.rickbelford. com. MUSIC LESSONS Piano, guitar, voice, theory, composition, song - writing. All ages, levels, styles. 20 years' experience. Friendly, individualized lessons in So. Bur- lington. Info: 802-864-7740, ero- maill3@gmail.com. Call to Artists CALLING ALL POTTERS Dynamite Clay Studio on Rt. 2 in Plainfield is offering Throwing and Hand - building Classes. Sign up today. Call for more info. Info: Dynamite Clay Studio, Katie Feddersen, 802-454-9947. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final plat application #SD-08- 23 of Sierra Pacific II to amend a planned unit development consist- ing of 210 residential units, a 61 room hotel, a 20,000 sq. ft. movie theater building (1000 seats), a 22,500 sq. ft. restaurant/medical office/day care building, a 3500 sq. ft. restaurant with drive - through service and a bank with drive -through service. The amend- ment consists of: 1) constructing an"B 00 sq. ft. retail addition to the building at 7 Fayette Road and 2) converting 10,700 sq. ft. of restaurant and indoor recreation us(Ltp retail use, 7 Fayette Road. 2. Preliminary plat application #SD-QS-24 & final plat appUca- tion #SD-08-25 of South Village Corllmunities, LLC to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consist- ing of,156 residential units and a 100-s*ent educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) subdividing a 1.05 acre lot (lot 4) into two (2) tots of 0.53 acres (lot 4A) and 0.52 acres (tot 4B), 64& 96 Aiken Street, and 2) increasing tot coverage waiver from 65% to 75%, 1840 Spear Street. John Dinklage, Chairman South -Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. April 30, 2008 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S0719-07 CnC provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Winooski. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Trustee By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste- 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S899-06 CnC Long Beach Mortgage Company, a Delaware Corporation, Plaintiff V. William E. McMahon, Amy L. Mc- Mahon, State of Vermont Depart- ment of Taxes, Sargent Construc- tion, Inc., Vermont Engine Service, Inc. And Occupants residing at 53 Cloverdale Road, Underhill, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Flexpoint Funding Corporation to William E. McMahon dated October 18,.2005 and recorded in Volume 149, Page 199 of the Land Records of the Town of Underhill, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 8:15 A.M. on May 14, 2008, at 53 Cloverdale Road, Underhill, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: legals ., 1 - - _ 1FLANS PREPARED BY: I: I // / BLOCK RETAINI G ALL I I GRAPHIC SCALE Y-kt I I \ b o \ I (REDI ROCK 0 APPROVE 1 1 I I I a o o zo A 1 1 i \ I! EQUAL) WITH 6 IGH I p FENCE -ATOP W - (t IF-F g FF 3w I I I 6 \ ( h FEET 10 > \ _ _ N 89-78-55 120.00' _ _ i r.rr I I B 1 I I I Dch = 20 11, 3707 I I CIVIL NCIN EMIG ASSOCIAI INC. 1 1 LOT 4 ARA = 1.05 AC. I; -, � .cam t. U; .X a«3. -2. r net. v✓wn-<t.v. ;,.. W )c+:) B SE I DRAWN N I N SIOUTHEA�T OUADRANT I RICT ;' L+ 369.5 I ACL o c; PARKING SPACES E lb 53 P�OVIDEC� Z; `° I I DSM I .. VC.. I 37 .B APPROVRD // I I °�� I' GARAGE6 � ! DSM HANDICAP SPACES 1i Q'D 3 F�ROVIDEb I APPLICANT: I �I ' I , I DUMPS I Lh LOCATI,'J I �IDE GARAGE [ �\ I , II �ii Z i 1 _ SOUTH VILLAGE W 4- ° COMMUNITIES, LLC. ALL EXTERIOR LI T ARE BUDDING MOI�PVTEDL IL 1 8' N , o _-1 BYCYCL�iACK/`f E PROVIDED IN Z' ` I 1 PROJECT CONSULTANTS: ' ' 6'46E CONCR�f _ L pJ J SIDEWALK - _ + -� LAND USE PLANNER/ARCH/TECT ' GARAGE LEVEE _;. Q , I ' LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN I { I I { CIVIL ENGINEER I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES .�..I II I SHELBURNE, VT V i I I I I Z I I TRAFFIC ENGINEER 6' WIDE CONCRETE ' TN G SIDEWALK — ENGINEERING NH N rl_ ' D I I - � ;. I 1 OSSIPEE, NH P ._..:. I 1 I I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 1 1 I / / / • \ , , I i 1 LAND -WORKS 1 I 1 . 1 ` / l I • . MIDDLESURY, VT I 1 1 FUT RE DU LEX 1 I , I / I 5' WIDE CONCRETE I _ 89-18-5512000 N 1�• O I PROJECT TITLE: I SIDEWALK - - �OUTH VILLAGE Soo th B uri i ng ton Vermon t L CURRENT' CLEARING � I •`' _ - _ — t"` - SPEAR STREET AND LIMITS -------------- - -- ---- O O I VAN ACCESSIBLE { qI I HANDICAP SPACE �� , ALLEN ROAD i W r7 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT Z o 0 ADA--SIGN LEGEND EXISTING z (TYP.) WOODED AREA �7 o I BUILDING LIGHTING E-- CAP }g' z I (TYP.) _ — - - 4& WATER SHUT-OFF 6' WIDE CONCRETE %bE % i SIDEWAL L j J ,r CONCIRETE - - -- -� I HYDRANT I . ® GATE VALVE I YI 1 i i DUMPSTER SHALL BE —G— GAS LOCATED INSIDE PARKING' al LL ; i I — W-- WATER I O GARAGE (TYP.) a $ I o —SS— SANITARY SEWER �I n FUT RE I-•-ST--- STORM DRAINAGE DU LEX --UD-- UNDERDRAIN —E — ELECTRICAL DAM CBRCCRD RRVl610N O 'I I1 "V" l I, O - a�, o e N I I •' ; 1 Dsu/Aa RENSFD GARAGE R PARKING AND y 1 SAC Ir I � 1 y� _ co I 1 i W: \ hl ^ )I LOT 4 IMPROVEMENTS - - - - �- i r - 31 +o _ RS PLAN \ 1 N 82-24-44W 120.Op I j\ ` --- i LOCK RETAINING WALL - 30400 __._+.-.- { - - _ DAi DRA pN NDNRRR --- --, \ 1 I LOCK EDI ROCK QR A (� _ - APRIL, 2008 \ I i QUAL) WITH 6' H H I - =1 - ------------- SCA R I ENCE ATO ALL I , - -- , C-13.1 PRa. NO. 01243 ''" I I y/ / II PLANS PREPARED BY: I 1 (GRAPHIC SCALE \ BLOCK RETAIN( G ALL I I/ 1 j I \ I (RED( ROCK 0 APPROVE i I EQUAL) WITH 6 IGH I I: I C I I w \ FENCE ATOP-W - - - - I I. 1st FF 38L6 I I FF 380• I c IN FEET) - . I I \ i h= 20 I BAST I B ]o ft. A II I I 1 \ T 378.0 370.7 I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC. 1 1 I 12" HDPE \ 372. 3 1.0 ` 00 I I I C. .1V)A 485 SHEtBURNET;41) 1 I I `W/FES INV.=364.8 �� 1 c''� O 1sk O N Iv, NEW C8 370 ++ C 1 6 I I ACL RIM=368. K In 7 3 it ; ► rh •- •-•-•- I INV. IN (")=365.9 - RD I I - >�._._._._ I M I DSM INV T 365.6 N ^�/ 3 4 I 1 ' I i u� V. �3 i - - _ f HA 378.E I RI =3 6S DSM =�78.0 I II 1 1 � � �• � Imo. I INV. 368.8 .=a73. I '1 - Tb 50+3 NV. IN 67. APPLICANT: r`! IN IM=376:4 v:=kssa.8: IN=36 I -,- - SOUTH VILLAGE + . _._ _ o -COMMUNITIES , LLC. O�CE' O -FIa 8 HEM 5 --�i 0_ -__= ... PROJECT CONSULTANTS: .4 6' CONCR&J 1 .I: \ M .. Wes.: ^ �• SIDEWALK ' LAND USEPLANNER/ARCH/TECT _J I I ' j i a j LOONEY RICKS KISS I COW I NASHVILLE,TN .. co CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES I I r o i SHELBURNE, V/ v - D H 2- STA, I 1 Z R =375.4 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 6' WIDE CONCRETE I i its U Q I IN 67.6 TND ENGINEERING I SIDEWALK �� i� Y IN CB 1D - A 604 1. INV. U - 67. OSSIPEE,NH YARD DRAIN RI 3 7. o I j I \ RIM=373'5 \ I - - - -� - - -` INV.1= 73 NI = N76.8 3 I LANOSCAPEARCH/TECT I INV.=370.0 \ 1374.E INV. UT=3 2.2 LAND -WORKS I I MIDDLEBURY, VT 1 (TIE TO FDN• DR ) \ fUT RE. 1 I co j DU jp ' WIDE CONCRETE 3 4 /> _ _ _ _ _ CB 9 STA` 60 PROJECT TITLE: 5 EX I I SIDEWALK 374.85 RIM=3 INV. 0 T=372.5 SOUTH VILLAGE 11 8.7 t - -r 5­h Burlington Ve CURRENT CLEARING y) i 375.1 379.,9 _ _ --- - - �- - I LIMITS - -FD-• •-•--•-• •-•-•- O I� S SEAR STREET AND O I AN ACCESSIBLE V ,7 P N 37 ALLEN ROAD I r� tr1 p N-� I � ANDJCAP SPICE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT o- O 1 Z , - Dk,SIGN LEGEND 1 EXISTING I (YPC I ¢� WOODED AREA � � ! � co I � RIM=d379. VLDING.'L,IGHfING E- CAP ' ? I INV.�375. P: - 6' WIDE CONCRETE I W O a1 L ) ' WATER SHUT-OFF I 1 SIDEWAL i W d 6' WIDE _ W -� CONCRETE - HYDRANT IX ><' "' „�- is SIDEWALK GATE VALVE DUMPSTER SHALL BE I * ° -G- GAS \ LOCATED INSIDE PARKING {� � I� i i o I I -W- WATER rn, O GARAGE (TYP.) i I a Ico C-1D I -SS- SANITARY SEWER 5y� 12" HDPE t` � I II I p FUT RE I-•-ST-•- STORM DRAINAGE W/FES i " I: I DU LEX --UD-- UNDERDRAIN INV:=366.5 ni i00 O I 8 51 - -E - ELECTRICAL I \ E1 00 �I I R M - N 1. 6 Dere CHRCY6D RENSED GARAGE ReV R 0 PARKENO AND FD- - -FD- K 1 fie' .. O 1 s-I5-06 DSM/Aa 1 I o In - ADDED TERS - rt LE F x INV. OU 3 --r ___ - co I C B 5 T I .-\._._._.�. M r� n r� YARD] DRAI RIM=3 RIM=079.5 .1 INV. OUT= 1 n I F wl NEW CB INV.d374. i 1372.0 N RIM=IN (6 1 LOT 4 INV, IN (6")=367:7 I 8 V. O`UT=367. 37z.o - ^ SITE GRADING _ I - _. \ I o -�- y = - 31 + o PLAN -- - A I I 1 CK RETAINING WALL 30400 0-----"- ----+- - A RI 008 DRA GNUYBBR - AP L 2 \ \ I DI ROCK OR I I QUAL) WITH 6' H I __ _ SDALR _NR\ 1 \� ENCE AT A INV. =3 6. PROD. N0. � \ � Co O � INV. UT= 6 01243 No Text ■" PLANS PREPARED BY: 052 _0� ACL DSM DSM SOUTH VILLAGE rri:: _ • i1a PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 1' LAND USE PLANNERIARCHITECT � s■ ■■'•■■ - ■■.■■ LOONEY RICKS Kiss NASHVILLE, TV as No CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING 1j , 1■5�■■■• �i • • TES CIA TRAFFIC ENGINEER I I■■ ■■mil - • •• u1u■■! Q i� ' ulm■vr 1u • • ■ON olom • u,00n ENGINEERING %OSSIPEE, NH uu■o ■■lion■ _ ouu■' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 1■mnu I •• i::i::ii ® _ �rMIDDLEBURY, VT �• ��■v_MIT �■■ill PROJECT TITLE: mom SPEAR STREETAND ALLEN ROAD l�liin,� ♦ ` J I■.11\I•cii111I 1■■11■IMC•II�I '' 1■mil■Y■III - • » • / ' .n•1� SOUTH• 0 Im■ll■■.Im Im■11■■ll■ 1•M LEGEND .■calm, • u■Il.u■n■n • • • • • u■r-nmlun •E— CAP .� I■YLII■11■11 _ • .�� Imm •■m11■II ■m■ ■■m111m11 ■0.u10110" 1 1 2111111111:11111111 SIDEWALK GATE VALVE 'Ion■mm1,11m EMENOWMIki —SS— SANITARY SEWER IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII I.■■►uon■ r Ilmm■■tl■■ ,..: Ilmmlm■-a • I monommilu luuon■ELECTRICAL luolio u1 • iy '• `mod• I■mlulI . 1r• • '�: rq bmix - ...■■o■■■ii,�iii'■ion■■■■■■• � �rew�i ` � �� ...■ a ie■..ii�SiGii•ate■■\■ononumollo ommunr■FI _ �S7■l.\Lae■■■■u■mAo1W. Q-YiJFr.■m,mmm■mm■li■II -- �•/• N�mmm■■�Gilmm■l■■onm■■� �i■Yl■im■[N\\Ill■\■mmm,m4 -� I ��\■■■!i■ill■■ill■!�aA\l■■■■■I,■m■ml I■■IllllO■■■A■ � ' •�l■■fill■■■■■mme:.■■■■m■m■m■lm■•�■mmml■■mm■mmn■\u/ �••�■mom■m■■■.z.lmml■e■lm■■■■�._�■■■mmY.lr�m■■■m■•mv �.RiLF!% ■ro -"'q!Iu-■-u��u�!uG■■■.�_m-1i.■um■■laonm■l■l■lul■u■!incm■■m■ul■ul\ulmm\l► . I . EPSC PLAN ImII■m11'Imm■I\I - �oq■euumm�il .OI■■/�■e■I■I Gl mir,p mamenrAnm oil PLAN Mffmm 7■■Ilmm■ 7m'■I imorino In i s aura■■ lush - : • - `J uI■uuul.■ei■I ,'mow, 11 ei ■�m::�Y:lllml®l� i • 5s�� I■llON ■ lm■ ,■moo SONI V III • rm®® CSC- • '�® !�■ �� n � " °s � � � ���� °'•� � S� a � �s ��,� �� �s� °� � � ��5 � �5� SE 6 � � � � S 6 S � i� �g is t lilt] � g 11! $ i8 yP = 8 B6 S F� 8 a $� � ••6S s s s � za h b �$- � � . � livSki eqq 8 s �•b E.¢h «i§E1 ; E«'� h P z e 6 Z Va 9 ° 1• .Ill j b §1 ! P a E �a L q y « 6S 25 i•�6ao7 €� � ss6$a E gh � � 3sE«� � �° � hee ee 'o� xX •€g�s � o`�l E §h �sIg a7S '€ E 3f .c ,n rid Sagtlit F:SIIV ;FS § s g " a e I slit E: Sjj f; 111-11 s§ s 3 § ��� ' � o � R 3 � zg a ; �� 6 �� 1 �o s Hill s a 211 > R a t g t s t ad d s t ad o w 4 g t ed • sf S gg ih w`Q#E aE • i.91 E s SaEl m ^i' bT; • fb;d5i6 i It § §I la�e ILc �e �e o 6 £P h $HE 3Fz r 7G r g 6 b# b r � �§ �� 6� o e �. E.iRi � € •� � S � y '$i �nE aE E�Z a.S 1 f 3 s'8 Ev sPB X a a 56 5�E ' obg6•E `r 9v6 ES E r6iY E h cc E 1%1454 sEl a a tt i•_S 3 Jai r YWit 6 6 •i i Pg9i$ g �aa gg i gsb$��!j 8 : jo .6v ; gg S t °i a t "a t t $' t "d t ad ci h IV s•• to S a a6i 36� � •�' i �6s� .c �5 a � cgs $ g b E6si 6 s � � �� S« g� �§ arn� B $ s h g N$ N a �$ �j EsaE c .r �i of i 1S E i i� iasas b SE �; 6�E Ei 6a 3$ a P 4 6 � e F �E!1S b �E Eli -]6 § � § �5G 6 c og d y E s a 80 'o$.$ 6 S6 ■ 4: if yIa jsoE2!ia bs a is xb I � I 1 Dt 4 Ch f rn 21 in <Ib �C! ��S§ iz �� Z� u � s t of cs s t a $ t t g t C g t vs � s a« P J s s CppC A L :�•�Y�«6 z+ �ba 6�E �Y SE 16�6 91 PFa€i gEygi�� ; $E€ ill bE y ; s b - b w6s a8 S s g .1 s 5, V.h -St g. d 6 h� � g �s�ai S 5a �x � h� 6 �� � •a�� � ��� �� §Ea «g a9a i��4 n§�3E� �$�ijE a sis oEa • Y fy if FlR € :' 3 N u i i6 rs§ Ys vgg� 6 S ai z b E S i fi �t f1 SS o9i S $ s y S�- 6 a;'s'� � � � § i � 4g �s g� �� 'i § ��� §6� i e Jig ��bY o �•g� s t m g t m d o W � a s t s t g t t g t a N a C4 a f ACRE 1 L — CAI Abt layout 'perimeter I'nrrect — Instal/ %hooks control" mW fences along property TNes. All sediment laden runoff N77/ concentrate and overwhelm the system. NL97E .911` fence shot/ not be Placed In anxos of concentrated flows. 1\� \•tit L O.J Atq:E 05 07screet ssgm is of silt fence, installed with ✓-hooks or sm/les' wA/ be much more effective. SILT FENCE PLACEMENT FOR PERIMETER CONTROL N.T.S. MINIMUM 1*0 ROCK PLACED AROUND AND r PLACE FILTER FA13RIlC TO THE TOP OF / BETWEEN INLET GRATE CONCRETE BLOCKS AND FRAME 01 la PLAN MINIMUM 1'0 ROCK PLACED AROUND A TO THE TOP OF CONCRETE BLOCKS CONCRETE BLOCKS STACKED 1 OR 2 LAYERS HIGH PLACED ROUND CATCH BASIN RE SCREEN 0.5' OPENINGS P D AROUND CON ETE BLOCKS CROSS-SECTION CATCi BASIN INLET PROTECTION (MATH CONC. BLOCKS) N.T.S. CATCH BASIN IN 2' SUMP 8' x 8' 14.5 GA WIRE MESH 30' NIGH AND BURIED 8' BELOW GRADE, HOLED TO STEEL STAKES , WRE MESH CAN BE ELJMNATED FOR FENCE 24- OR LOWER) LTER FABRIC CUPPED OR POST WIRED MESH. TO BE IIRAFI ICONS MH.OR APPROVED EQUAL r"FLOW FEIIfE HOOKY 24' MIKT If m• I = Woad S 2 f • SPACING IETAL POST 10, 1O1 +=+WOOD 1O 1O 24' FILTER FABRIC TO BE CLIPPED, BACKn' I m AND TAMPED 8' BELOW GRADE STEEL OR WOOD STAKES SEE CHART AT RIGHT t INSTALL MT TOM AT TOES OF UNPROTECTED SL8O AND AS PMALIFL TO CONTOURS AS P'OSSBE QARE THE ENDS OF THE FENCE U' INTO THE SLOP. ROIOSE SaMOIT 1/EN ACOAU ATED TO NALF THE HDO T OF THE FENC£ CONIRACTOI SHALL INSTALL SLT FENCES AT THE TOE OF ALL FUID OR UPROIECTD MOPES CREATED DUPING CFNSTDCTIOL NOT NECESSAPLY REFLECTED ON I E FINAL PLATS. SLT FENCES ARE TO EE MANTNED UFTI SLOPES ARE STAERFWD. I WOVEN WE FENCE TO E FASTENED SOOAELY TO POSTS WIN WE TES OR STAPLES S MTER ROM TO E FASTENED 3OAELY TO WOVEN ERE PENCE UTH TES SPACED EVERY 2 r AT TOP. W SECTION. AND BOTTOL 4, WEN 110 ECTOM R FILTER CLOTH ARAM EACH OIHM 1IET STALL E OYM.V n BY If, FODED AND STAPLED. L 1T PENCE SHALL NOT BE PLACED N n OF CONCENTRATED FLOWS. SILT FEM WTAL N. S EXISTING GROUND EROSION CONTROL MATTING N TOPSOIL DITCHES r/PROPI E GRADES EXCEEDING 5X STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. �I� FOR LNVEOETAT31 SLOPES USE DOZER TREADS TO CREATE GROOVES PERPENDN TO SLOPE ORECTI01 TO MNM112E RUN-0 VELOCITIES. SLOPE TRACKING / SURFACE ROUGHENING N.T.S. DID POINTS 'A' WST BE NO" FLMW SLOPE ROCK I BPIF •� ref {Wt .•� _ •_ R _et t:�.11�a:It...! REAL— IIe�1Bt�ljlEallrsnl .��P Log ll: P� .�, eh�L 91�L1NROCK SET I. FLOW LINE 6 IS— (0.5 A.) DIFFOUENDE T KAM DOWNSTREAM STRITCTAE SUCH MAT PONT •B• IS APPROMATELY LEVEL SETH THE LmEYT GROUND ELEVATION OF THE CNSTENI SIRUCNE STONE CHECK DAM STRUCTURE N.T.S. NOTE ALL DEMATERING DISCHARGES SHALL BE THROUGH SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAPS, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND CLEW TRAPS AS REQUIRED. PLAN i I 0 rc Z ! z S 2' CRUSHED STONE `t= e� NOTE PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION BETWEEN O STABIIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PUBLIC RO.W_ PLAN RM d' L. SECTION A -A 1 15' MN. 10 CRUSHED STOW /� ` ETGSTINC GRADE CROSS-SECnON ST111BN M OON IRUCAi10N EaI7RMIICE N.T.S. PLANS PREPARED BY: r CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. P .80R+Fa SHELBURNE VT 05462 BC2,9852= FAX' 8M0N5-2_71 web: www Cx3-rT APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ACL �cATm DSM ATTROVTD DSM APPLICANT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNERIARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CALL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TR4FFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE S o„[h B . , I i. V is 1 Ve Ira onI SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT I DATs I cTiBacrD I IIxYTDON EROSION CONTROL DETAILS DATA I DNWMG NUI®RR MAY, 2008 S.T- AS SHOWN C-13. P . NO. 01243 SEDUM COMM 7RAP DETAL N.TS �31C�pKPLE DETA<IS:TAL N.TS TOPSOIL, RAK UNPAVED PAVED g:ID k MULCH--- ... ,... ... naaoaao NOTES v000aaGoaaouco,v°n�,. an°a°o•�o°ooeo°o�o°ooa 1. Compaction of h and bedding a °va°ao OaOpp°vo°v°, ay s rf minimum of 907G (95IG under roadway surfaces) (95 of maximum dry density determined kt the standard proctor test (ASTM D698). APPROVED BAdffILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2 Bedding material shall not be placed an frozen i IN e' UFTS subgrads. b RGD INSULATION AS 3. Approved backfni shall not contain an Names r6' T REQUIRED. USE 1' OF o INSULATIONdwo FOR EVERY more than 12' In largest din. an h rooyyee 2' maximum dimeter within 2' of FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, D+2IS LESS THAN 6'-0' wet, or organic material. D J". NEW WATER LINE WITH 4. Trench.. shall be completely dewatered priorto POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT placing of pips bedding material and kept e. (HIGH DENSITY CROSS dewatered during installation of pipe and backflll. you, LAMINATED VIRGIN POLYETHYLENE 4 MILL FILM) ,i 5, In trenches with unstable materials, trench D/2 t THOROUGHLY COMPACTED bottom shall first be wtabilmd by placement of III fabric then cashed stone (3/4' maximum). SAND BEDDING 8. The sides of trenches 4' err more In depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel Mall be eeeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standards. TYW..AL wAjM TIRO CH DETAL N.T.S. WATER OR SEWER LINE MINIMUM 18' SEPARATION BETWEEN OUTSIDE OF PIPES WATER OR SEWER UNE NOTES: 1. AT CROSSINGS, ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER/SEWER PIPE SHALL BE LOCATED SO BOTH JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR FROM THE WATER/SEWER AS POSSIBLE 2 IF THE SEWER MAIN IS OVER THE WATER MAIN, THE FIRST SEWER PIPE JOINTS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WATER MAIN MUST BE CONCRETE ENCASED. SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE WATER AND SEWER PIPES MAY BE REWIRED. 3. WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE 18' SEPARATION, THE SEWER MATERIALS SHALL BE WATER MAIN PIPE OR EOLAVALENT AND SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS 4. WATER MAINS AND SEWER LINES OR MANHOLES SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. THIS DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED EDGE TO EDGE, WMER M Mkt CROSSM DETAL TLEBARON L17248 24' x 24' C.I. GRATE w/4 FLANGED FRAME BITUMINOUS CONCRETE (OR APPROVED EQUAL) PAVEMENT SET FRAME ON FUL1 MORTAR BED MAX L ADJUST TO GRADE WITH PRECAST CONIC. RISERS PRECAST CONCRETE 24^ WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1' W/UWOUTHIC BASE MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET (SEAL EXTERIOR JOINTS AND LIFT HOLES w/NON SHRINK GROUT) SEAL w/HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR, OR CAST -IN -PUCE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES I I I 1B' SUMP �B' MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL oa a0000 n oao o r.a co.%c Ott- ir7 *PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION), TYPICAL CATW BASIN N.T.S. TOPS RAKE, UNPAVED. PAVED SEED h MULCH APPROVED BACKFlLL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 8' LIFTS APPROVED GRANULAR FILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 8' LIFTS PVC SEWER PIPE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BEDDING MATERIAL (3/4' CRUSHED STONE) UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK TYPICAL SEMAER 7REWN WTAL CURB CUT DETAIL N.T.S. • ALL CURB WOW TO BE CONCRETE CAST IRON H-20 RATED GRATE H-2o RATED PVC a®Y) . NO ADDITIOAL COCKEYE SLAB REQUIRED INLET AND OUTLET ADAPTERS AVAILABLE 4' THRU 12' \ , VARIDLLS TYPES OF OUTLETS VITH VATF3RTI01T ADAP7IRS - FOR SDR-35 SEVER A-20W -RIB PV ATED PVC LLTRUGAT PVC CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE 6' MIN BADIffILL MATERIAL SHALL HE CRUSHED STOW OR GRAVEL MATERIAL MEETING CLASS I OR 2 AS SPECIFEED IN ASTM NOTES: 1. Compaction of badcfll and bedding shall be a minimum of Sax (93% under roadway surfaces) of maximum dry density determined In the standard proctor test (ASTM D698). 2. Bedding material shall not be placed an frozen subgrade. 3. Approved badcfll shall not contain anyy stones more than 12' In largest dimension `8' In roadways. 2' maximum diameter within 2' of the outride of the pipe), or contain any frozen, wet, or organic material. 4. Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewatered during Installation of pipe and backfill. 5. In trenches with unstable material., branch bottom shall fist be stabilized byy pplacement of on filter fabric then —hod stone ME- maximum). 8. The skim of trenches 4' err more In depth entered by nd Mdl be Mested or doped to the an e of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standard.. 7. Bedding material shall consist of crushed stan.. R�aacal a vend with a maximum size of 3/4'. SLbrnN a sample to the Engineer for app-vd. RNA, UNPAVED PAVED MULCH NOTES: Nn 1. Campoctlon of backfel and bedding shall be a 3 °� ocv°o°J co ono°u minimum of 9OX (95% under roadway surfaces) .. _ of maximum dry densityy determined In the test D898). 3 APPROVED BACKFlLL standard proctor (ASTM THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 8' 2 Bedding material shall not be placed an frozen H o �l UFTS subgrad.. o APPROVED GRANULAR FILL 3. Approved bockal shdl not contain an stones more than 12' tt largest dknension r8' In n THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 8' LIFTS roadway.. 2• maximum diameter within 2' of the outside of the PIP.), on contain any frozen, wet, a organic material. D i HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE 4 Trenches shall be completely dewatered m to 12' placing of pipe bedding material and kept !s dewatered during Installation of pipe and boakfill, THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5. In trenches with unstable material.. trench BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall fist be stabilized byp lacement of Enter fabric then cashed stone (3/4' maximum). 8. The sides of trenches 4' m more In depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or doped to the angle of repose a. defined by O.S.H.A. standards. 7. Bedding material Mall consist of size of /4' ¢¢oval a sand with a maximum size of 3/4'. to the SubmR a sample Engineer for approd. MATCH DITCH CULVERT & END SECTION SECTION A —A TYPE 11 STONE FILL e �e ENO SECTION A STABILIZATION FABRIC CONTINUE STONE MIRAFl 5DOX OR FILL IF REQUIRED APPROVED EQUAL END SECTION DETAIL N,T.S. EXISTING GROUND — EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN •' IL" DITCHES w/PROFlLE GRADES TOPSOIL DITCHES 5X STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. AU DRAINAREA - 9847 SQ. INCH CRATE HAS H-20 0£AVY TRAFFIC) DOT RATING QUALITY, MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A48 - CLASS 30D PAINT. CASTINGS ARE FURNISHED WITH A BLACK PAINT GRATE COVER IS ONE SIDE STD]($ OUT LIKE IS SHUVN a THE RIGHT. ONE SIDE IS FLUSH LACE IS SRDVN ON THE LEFT. §I BACKF MATERIAL SHALL BE 1Y YAW "M BAM PLACED UNIFORMLY IN le IV CA8T MM GRATE LIFTS AND COMPACTED NITS FIN. SLAB EL (SEE PUN) i FOUNDATION DRAIN DETAIL NTS 3 1/2' BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVER 1 1/4' TYPE IV FINISH COARSE 2 1/4' TYPE I BASE COARSE `—COMPACTED SUBORADE-1 STABILIZATION FABRIC MRAFT 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL PLANS PREPARED BY: r CIVIL ENGINEEMING ASSOCIATES, INC. V 0 BO%4rs SHELBURNE. V' 05462 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL COPISUCTANTS ACL CDHCSTm DSM DSM APPLICANT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNERIARCH17ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE,VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHI7ECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, Vr PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE S nn,h Bu, I in R, o n, Ve,m on, SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Generd Nate: All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District /1 and the Village of Jericho. I — I cascesD I ReVIRON I SIDEWALK TH AS SHOWN ON PLANS S CONCRETE SIDEWALK SITE + UTILITY °° °°a°a°aoarya°a a a° oaoaoaoo�ao ao DETAILS e• r GRAVEL SUBBASE e• UNDISTURBED SOIL OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL NOTES 1. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 20 AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PREFORMED JOINT FILLER (1/4 CORK OR wTz MAY, 2008 DIMING NTa®HR BITUMINOUS TYPE) 2 BETWEEN DPANSION JOINTS THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE DIVIDEDREE�F�EETT BY/�M MMMY-JOINTS. act AS SHOWN C-13. AATTIINNTEERVALS�OF B H rH\eP�, .ilyEW" YL I I� M PWa. N. 01243 s" r l^ P n w ?Is A A r= a t 8 {� r$ t 8 Q4y 5 r R n w r E w r n w r s s off fso1. S.I.all; s R o ?2 : 28 j I _ r A 39 f g a�� � ggg v 1z In R � q" 9�� ���q � � �� �' S ��•� � � S $ �i Y � g�� � �� a'�� � pr �{ �• S •�qt &�R � ry3� 3 `} S }Y � �� '1= � i� �¢ l�a � } 9n � � yS i RY �j i 7Fg e R �. C � YR �R € flip,; a Y R 4 pS} - �ss � z 9 r }g r R w t iJ t q r s �Pj 'yn� yu r R p w y r y� {� paw t t s A r R yw t E 4 S+N+2� � \ fk�9 Iiiyfyv¢�N3 �z }ssss s •4 `fig} R3r y �Sb. 4 4 n q fig. if R I I I I i R V. P rg sit its 9. f3} Y ` g Ry7 igh IV SL s ooi.'$ ii g IIgqpIpp I■!� IIppI�Ip � IIIPIp IIIpIpp e 3q Q NS III S m Xj g T 4 �9 N88O S 1JQgs rT PNOO PNSO r KR� �� PNO �g • ` ;n= f o» 9 • , r Y w � s� s• a v n w t 8 n w r 8 r^ A n w r g w r 8 t 3 o n ve r s a 3} 33 q go g 3 }a,m3N R t9t E 3 to r Nr4� R 2v r & 3, �g r s s ;ns = sR A E Q$ �S g sr S »a 5 qa g - il t }jug a p ; Y4 SR R} Y� Y� l3 }13•3 _ $a4 Y��Y 3 s p�3 : 1 Y[' s Y$tj !r 1 q Ya $_it 1 iqq gSR e ¢ Y s q x g$ !� c R n _ qr 5 £a3! sY i q 9 g iSJ�g2 sSs� �:q fit; a Ila is F _ ita=9 R Ss R R 9 q g zr 4 i a YR g v QIt I q i 3 R rq P n w t BT�i t s� Ts w t E n w ILI A aypNI YQY�_g3p i Y�.q 2a SaY �S E S 3 aia 'Jg S SY N 4 3 Z 8 0 2 s c i nj RR$t }eg9q�a S , v XS S s'3 �q S ? S. Su t 9 gi ago = S} q lot g s SR S$ 9 SS s c 3.}q fit!= 3 R R FIR 9 � �• i oag it t I s S g � �!• s� y q g pQ Y = N o n w t 8 n r t^ •S og 83SR p'pyR 5a ° g ir Ur at '09 o IF l P n w T 8 T T' F A T rn n w T R 4UP Y g Sq@ a g 4 } o S Sa 9 q l�S 9q gY YS 4nY g=IL $sa �YNY �Y�� � _ Si S g 3p� p »� g 9 P �s � q o r ig g IT Jro[[ art f R ° SQ c > I D1 00 co rn cn O ea 0 (/)ro- 1 1 cn ��� m - 2 N N O � � n `/ 2 7JT C a0 m m2 2 2Zt7 T ? Cm l i1 / D 2 �� a 2 C) (n O x Z ~ O 0 m D w z m n R1 ` W Cl)- cn , P n P r s P r s x r" p n P P. g } Pila slip � �Y$ Y � � �� '$� s�� � Y�� ss� ��� _�• _ll III fit Is �a g si 0 71Y ss g� a _}}�_� S 93� s = gY4sp ° s g S 3P4 g .'Y•° ��s ;oYp : } ' Y ° i0� Y aZ 9 fit 1$ 1$f =Ys s Olt y■°r yy3 qq1�5 S o w1 g $i 1 �c giQ < j.91 8 1 Z R R as q Y it i s}} 3 r 8 n P T 9 P n P T 8 n P r r w } r R r E n P r s r s r s o P P r s r& if , t -- n 111 og a 5* �rY S IF » 9 s 3� �. r v 3 n" g3 RIF a $ IL �9 zr pit $yy G tit s" Wap girt 41, g S t aS=jo Ya�.°°9 s to S it y P v N N N v y 4w S+ g A P. ei yP �" P n P T= A ?IT$ T s T S a P T o T$ 0.� "S i Y ¢ $ i } i&° 4 "S ia s3 if $ s�' �' N• 3 x t9 p p� p s ��gg� }* _irl t s'� }7 YY 3 = g g g9 s e s Fri It 3 Y Y Ys ;Y " 4 y 2v } € q}g4 9�s o 9 3g rY� sg• �j !f 4 S av 8 titj ss�Y � Y4 r ss � psiF _ga 9 F Y g $� } g } a° N 9 gp� ' r ira r 2 i S• Y $ } 3 o}s�ci g} $� g �s a *4� ° Y A: s;2z a ��Y'Y 43 t ,j _ YQ p Tit o �a a IQ s� s.+� # �s€'R Yeas a o yIT IL s a �s � Y JIll s ri } s s s Y 2 } =4 $g�s8 t q p 9 1 1, 4 S � S 3 r Y y lRg Pf Pro ilV9r• AA n P T s Y fit � I p s ' t1$I Ise $IF s 3 SY ' gxF gs$ & } Fig IL i, if saw a q 9 S 3 P r 9 P r 8 n P T P. n Q P r s T s r T S yTe s A Q $r} fig tit 51 Y i �4r S€s9 a g Gad S $ IF IL a RRR > r a r P r8 P r R n P r 9 = F r F > r �s t ZVO. .0 ° wP. a _ p � g 3If II jj = 4 a _ 9 Y s € ,} S Y $� Y 44s }f'Ifil "SSe 9°3Y• g� �s}Y sYg 3 < g�a 1119 �4$ _ g r �b } S S �5 3, L. r& p g &Q S p5= r� l�} o C g !!s Ii i 3 3 � ;a •f ig I 1 x ��. � '�s' � �Y s(�J� ����� � � �� i� � $ � ��} �Ss � sasp '�b,� �•� � � � � ?� a� �,�g� s 4:� � '�4� of c SS2 �S° S Y i;, !� ill �� OL Im �.4 " rt44 3= i4QS s s S ! } 3 4 rk p 3s 'gitfit s gig r $ g S 5 s»s ° 3 � � g 9 � Ira � ro n ro n �a 5 p D zn ro pE fA Dq - o o v� �� 01 m5 Cn e i r— M 0 (� n r o r m m "� m a ^ y m ¢a y Z z o O 0 l/ x as " 3 a yC) � zC m x C mz ro yrTj zcz om �� m z� m � W z l n m CO co ° �' SOUTH eIJRLLNGTON WATER DEPARTMENT NOTES: 1. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal exp®lion system in compliance with the Ordinance for the Control ,,_a Connections Within the Water Svstem of the City of South Burlington, henceforth the "Backflow Ordinance." Please contact this department for more information on backflow protection devices. 2. Access must be provided to the Department for those curb stops and gate valves located outside the City ROW for disconnecting service to delinquent accounts provided that the City of South Burlington follows the requirements set forth in Sate Statute Title 24 V.S.A Chapter 129, Uniform Water and Sewer Disconnect . 3. Eight -inch Ductile Iron (DI) water pipe shall have no less than three (3) brass wedges installed at each joint Bury depth to the new main shall be six feet (6) to the top of the pipe. 4. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned specifications, and a hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant. Hydrant drains shall have all drains plugged prior to installation. 5. No underground utility lines or stmcturea shall be installed within four feet (4) from the water main on either side, from the rap of the main to the finish grade, with the exception of storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines as stated in the above referenced Specifications. Trees shah not be placed over any water main or service line, nor placed within twenty feet (20) of ary appurtenance, including fire hydrants. 6. Separation between the water main and service fine and nearby sanitary and storm sewer lines shall comply with the VT WSR requiremanu and the above referenced Specifications. 7. The South Burlington Water Department ordinance states that "All water lines and appurtenances not located in the City right-of-way or public grounds shall be considered private pursuant to the ordinance and others of the City," and; 8. "The Department shall not maintain any water Imes that have not formally been accepted by the City, except in subdivisions that are designed to Depamnent Specifications and are intended to be accepted," and; 9. "All water lines and appurtenances located within an area so designated as restricted m private by the developer shall be considered private." 10. At this time private fire hydrants are assessed a $100 per hydrant annual fee, and sprinkler systems are assessed a $30 annual fee. 11. Prior to any building constmetion, the building contactor must contact this Department to discuss City requirementa for meta sizing, meter settings, end backflow protection. 12. The SBWD shall be sent my future hard copy plans involving this project for review. Future plans most include details and specifications as required in the above referenced Specifications. 13. The SBWD shall be notified prior tobackfilling to inspect all joints, fittings, main toe taps, appurtenances, water fire crossings, and testing. 14. The m polyetheylene pipe encasemesod installation shall confirm to current ANSUAW WA C105/A21.5 Specifications. 15. A had copy set of As-Builts as well as one electronic copy in Auto-CAD.dwg Version 14 Format or newer shall be supplied to this department upon completion of the water system improvements. SECTION 02725 - DRAINAGF PART I - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section holuder 1. Drainage pipe and appuurterwron. 2. Drainage struchues. B. Related Sectlome 1. Section 02225 - Utility Trenching and Baokfillkhg 1.02 SUBMITTALS A Yarsufachrsr. technical data for: 1. Pipe and eppurtena aae 2 S�uc4xsa PAR12 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL REQUIRE611NM A Furnish de, tent, reducing toea, wyn, couplings. Inasosa; anew, transitions and and oepe of the wane type ad dose of natrld as the coaduM, r of material haNq pad or superior physical and ahrnlod properties as adoptable to the Er9Inor. 202 DRAINAGE PPE AND PERFORATED PIPE A. If the Contract Plots do not specify a patoulor type of pipe, at the Contractors pU^ the following materials may be used: 1. FD ylar F117de pipe "forming As nd hSpecification 2. Camugcted Polyethylene pipe ad Mthgo (saaoth htrb) m ding the retlul - to of AASKTO M-294 and M-252 2.03 CONCRETE STRUCTURES A. ATM C478, shod w Indicated, 204 METAL ACCESSORIES A Manhole franca act coves: 1. trey cost tan, ASTM A48, w shown an pieta PART 3 -- EXECUTION A01 INSPECTION A. Ehaarnhs the mew and conditions under which when. seer system work le to be Installed and notify the Engineer In writing N oo dlUan dotAmrttd to the proper and timely comi"Um of the work. Do not proceed with the work antl u eaUsfoctay axhdticns have bear oanctsd S02 GENERAL A. Wes n odstkp undoigroud utlltko, which as not scheduled for rernoval or abandonment. an raauntred In the enervation, they shot be adequately supported and Protected from damage. Any damage to ut#Kloe shall be repaired promptly at no aldtIond coot to the Owrnr. A03 PREPARA71ON A Hand trim swawton (what enceway) to rewired elevations. Correct over-roovotkm with fill materiel. B.. The dapee snot be graded to match the grod. as shown an the plan. wwrw nested. sad sections shall be placed and baddMd to prevent uderrnIning. C. Remove large stm s a other had matter which card damage drainage structures or Impode consistent bo"lhg or narnpoou- A04 DWALLA71ON OF PPE A. shall he InstalledInaccordance with Section 02225 - UtlMy Trehdulp and Uodd11In¢ 5.05 NSTALLA71ON OF DRANAGE STRUCTURES A. Precast concrete structures: 1. Pace Pit oawete Nruatuw ad antes w down an the Contract Plms. 2 Mee manholes occur In pavement, set tap of frames and coves flush with finish surface. 3. Provide rubber lout gasket oanplykhg with ASTM C44& a05 INSTALLATION OF STOLE FILL A. Plans done fill as have an Contract Pkm SECTION 02730 - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS PART I - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A SOCUM InrAudne 1. Oravity Sour Pip* 9. RsatW S..U- 1. Section 02225 - Utility Trenching end Baakfflhg 1.02 SUBMITTALS A Product Data Submit published data from menufacturre of product. and accessories specfied. Indenting complimae with requlrsm a ts. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A N wanitay sewer material" and construction of sane shall be w sawn an the Contract Piano and dnd meet the roqutamrnts of the State N Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (Deprhnmt of Environmental Consrruflon) and the Public Works Standards and SpedBwtlom of the had munloipdlfX PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A rumkh was, tows, reducing te"q eyes, couplkge. kuorsawsn, aomm traMtlow and and own of the sano type and does of material w the cmduR, r of material having equal or superior physical act chemhal prpetlw w acceptable Engineer to provide a complete and 202 PVC GRAVITY SANITARY gVER PPE A PVC aewr pipe sal conform In all respects to the kited revidan of " D-3034 a F679, Typ PSM Polyin)f Chloride (�s Pipe and FftWg.. SOR 35 plpw N pip. aW Milk shad be dearly madaW w - Maafaehsses Nam and TMdrrwk Nanhot Pipe Size (w shown an palms) - Material Designation 12454-C PVC - d � Sewer DR 35 PVC Sever PW or - Designation ASTM D-3034 or F679 B. Joints srd be push-m type using Wad -ale gaduthe and droll condom to ASTM D-3212 The gaskets shall be factory . - a& The *a sell be l rnidwd fn nominal 13 foot lengths. Sufficient numbers of short length* and frr machine flub shag be provided for use at manholes and ahmvectlanw AN oarroctlone MI require the use N motufochurod MOnge. FTdd fgbrkiated, saddle-typ ..,.all. N not be canddred acceptable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A Can drag be resrJ.ed by the Contractor to avid disrupting the w-.U- of soddini; fadlt es Without priorNUtout prior written approval ofit the Engineer. B. Mwn rdothg urdrgro and utlitlas not adu6uled tar removal or abandonment are poamhted In 11" excavation, they sholl be ddomage. My dear age to utilities and be rspab PlanPOY at No additional and to the Orur. C. Imtdlaton of pipe shall be In accordance with SecOat 02225 - Utility Trmahhg ad BaddMing act w p-dtled by this eatlon. 3.02 BEDDING FOR PPE A Th* bedding m dald shall be shaped to fR the pipe for a depth N not toes than /0 prcont of Me babei height and shall have rac.esse to receive the bag. kSdfII.Y. Hlls. A In general. sewer pipe shall be Installed In co -dance with the Ictood detailed iwtrucUans of the maolachrr. B. The laying shd begin at the outlet end and the kart Dow- d tM ppo shall be Inish contact wthe sMpod b*ddng Uuau�hart Ib 1W Irpth. Bag or grooved rots of Mod pipes and the ckornfrrrtid lope of flexible, Pipe shot be placed facing upstream. C. N pipe and shall he - R, eaarnMd for d.f cte and no pipe r fittings and be laid which are laroveh to be dNootM. M any defective place Is dh-,asd after IIoayyiiqnq,, it shill be removed and replaced at the Contrvotars a prwa. N pipes and Mthgs shad be d"md befae ilia an kid and ohoil be Impt des; mtl accepted In the completed work 0. TM ppe�ww dhd be kid to conform to the Bitesd agradow kndloatW m the drawings or given by the Engineer. Each pipe sholl be so laid an to foirm a - t with the nod dphhq pip. and to bring the Inverte continuously to the required grade. E. The Contractor shot toko all nooneay preoautkw to prevent flotation of the pipe In the Ir mod F. Nhrt plpa krAn I. not In rree pogrrss, the apen rhM ofM t pipe shall be closed wfth tm waata Is In the bwwh when work is resumed. tMequp .hot not be removed until all danger N vote entrap the pips Is elkNnatd. 3.04 GRAVITY SEVER PPE TESTING A The Contractor doll provided necessary equipment and Instrumentation reclu►ed for proper completion of the flushing and Walk%% Quality of water. test prcwduss, and method of dnpoeci of water shad be approved by the Engkwaa Prior to testing, flush with water to remove construction debris. IL AN testy shot be made In the presence of the Proanlnry tests mods by the Contractor without obe k by Via Engher will not be aau.pt I 11he Engineer will be noUfiad at Newt sot hors before my work Is to be Inspected r twsted C. The madmrn now length to be twtW at ate time srd be that length between my two manholes. D. Air TwUW Low at teal, snot be conducted it, accordance with ihe idlowh9 Moo.ar'ee 1. Each rind of the test "CUM snot be pkuggd, capped od braced. Nooaeory so" pr-tons shag be taken to prevent blowouts and pass&" h)ry. PLANS PREPARED BY: 2 An atr have shot be connected to a taped plug used for an at Mot. The how wM be omnected to the atr (- control equipment. which show Include valves ad peeewrc gwgee. Thew ehdl des atr to enter the 9 feet One, monitor air prs*eue In the new. shut - off atr, and provide pressure reduction and relief. The monitoring pressure gage shot have a raps of 0-10 pot with dvis0m of 0.10 pot and accuracy of MOB petit. 3. The dr compressor and air supply slid be connected to CIVIL ENGINEEkING ASSOGAfES, INC. the test Ili" ad teethe te*eetlarh trod slowly, Will- : •. SOX 485 SHELBURh'E. VI 054u2 a aorotant presesn of 4.0 peig le maintained. rez. w_w,: sew,.-rnsw....�- 4. A pressure above 3.0 peig shall he mahtdnod for et , uo-zazs soz�xsazrb lewt five minutes to der the temperature to stabliu A check for Mare and be mods and Many an found, the p- ohd be nlweed ad the APPLIED ECOLOGICAL COPISULTAMTS fttUrvg replaced or repaired. 5. After 1 stablizotlon period, the prosr+e alud be djuetd to 3.5 pope and the air apply disconnected. fa the test Bite aaurN 0. Measure and record tha time htrvd prwsre to drop from 3.5 pdg to 2.5 pug. 7. 7. M the grsndwatr table Is above the plpe, Increase above teat presarsw 0.5 pdg for each foot the CHIcsan r above the Invert pip �M mnb et title Wholl be The roWir en 0. The con.Mor"d satlsfid M the fie regaled In eeoandr for ldho APPearm the prwwxs to decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 pie greater DSM thin Uw aveags bock prseesn d my groundwater that tram theof pipe In not thin that computed APPLICANT: aawordding to (d Mhknum Teet Time far Various Pip* Shea Dlaneter 0-) Time (Soo./100 Ft) SOUTH VILLAGE a 18 45 5 COMMUNITIES, LLC. ,o 90 12 110 Minimum Teel Period 1 mkwte PROJECT CONSULTANTS: [AND USE PLANNER/ARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE South Na rl ins, o n, Ve,m ones SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT I Data I cse® I ssrtwov SPECIFICATIONS Dada aAAiING Nmapt MAY, 2008 AS SHOWN C-13.10 Poor. No. 01243 III ilibi -, h- (5out hVfflaW- RECONNECT www.SouthVfllage.com 802-861-7600 1 STREE T VIEW PERSPECTIVE BEGUEL FRANK Emma .................... A R G H I T E G T 5 ,ii; k, c5outhvill,age RECONNECT www.SouthViflage.com 802-861-7600 �1 ®® No so on IN® on ®® ®® STREET ELEVATION BEeffm Fret Fjum on .................... A R C H I T E C T S f W)NT et Ar,T1 ELEVAPOH T-Ml L.r..crm �� f - 1 � it .,+�"'f"�� , �r� L._+�...._, � l� 4.J- � �I�r �� r I _+�I Fr � ♦ice ° 'j� _. REAR (YJE,T) EtFlATION VE (`ORiY) E EliATI(Al °IGc I;IGF) FR.i''lA?IpN �,91on � Ly I�I ,y s' r Itl iv �� IL lit 1 fe.Nw++rw of+IO f'MI tGl�iTf iyCilntrGCS W .+ Cr.rERu„� [LG''lA r Ii7N"s oVPI A-3 r i ,I 1 f 1 PLANT SCHEDULE (STORM WATER POND / REC. PATH) KEY I OTY I SCIENTIFIC NAME I COMMON NAME I SIZE 1 CONDITION11 COMMENTS DECIDUOUS TREES ARB 1 _ rubnlrn Red Maple 8' - 8 112' Cal. B + B SPechlen AR 10 1 A-,— Red Maple 2'-2 Ire Cal. B+B 01y 5 Oslrya AngNlana H.~beam 2'-212'Cal. B+8 OB 2 Ouenax Mlobe Swamp WNle Oak 2'-212'Cal. B+S OR 7 Ouemus mbre Red Oak 2'-21J2'Cal. 8+6 EVERGREEN TREES PG10 8 Pkee gles— While Space I0'-12'High g+B PG 9 Pkea gleans While Spun 8'-10'Migh B+B SHRUBS CS 11 Comus sentea Red Twlg Dogwood 3 gal. Container or BR CAM 5 Corylus amerlm American Filbert 3 gal. CoMWLx or B/R PC 22 Physocarpua opullfolua Ninebark 3 gal. Conlauwr a BRR PERENNIALS HHR 213 Mrrrrlerar'alYs'Happy Returns' Happy Resume DayYly 7 gel. COmalner ar 8/R N. meadow 1 wetiand seed mix par AES pans and specffi tlUms Herbaceous plantings within emergent zones par AES plans and specifications PLANT SCHEDULE - CONDOMINIUMS KEY OTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION COMMENTS DECIDUOUS TREES AF 7 Aar x heamaMl'Autumn Blaze' ADlumn Blew Maple 2' - 2 12' CDT, B + B EVERGREEN TREES PG 11 pkea glass' Wnils Sp— 10'-12' High B+8 PGB 4 Pkw glauw While Spruce 8'-VHiph 8+8 PS 5 Pimu esobus White Pine 8'-8'High B+B P510 i Pins suobus While Pine 1G-12'High 8+8 SHRUBS N 18 Ilex veNciilats'Cacapon' Winterbeny 3 gal. Container or BAR PO 7 Physocarpua oputlloYu.'Manus' Owed Nkreberk 3 gal. Container or BJR TM B Taxus x media'Tauntonir Taunton Yaw 3 gaL Contalnar or SIR PERENNIALS HHV 1 44 1 Hemaocallle'HYWIW Hyperkn DaylYy 1 gi. Cohtamer ar B/R Seeded Lean -'No MOW Mix 1" es 40'-U" ; I I i 3PG, , ��/ y 1.. i !1 i V {/: Al Of l I PLANTING PLAN 1" = 20'-0" @ TOWNHOMES N SITE ENGINEER: _0�_ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. PO.BOk'485 S7iELBURNE, V7 05482 602+166232.9 TAx: a02-a852211 web www.caaw.Can COTTR aaT Dues' PO ME—D i 2YaNN�a�Mw3R LandW�\o�\r�`k�vsvannom gdslaall DR APPROVED OWNER: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF APO ION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: 'DOWNING-CALKJNS REVOCABLETRUST- SOUTH VILLAGE- PLAT OFSURVEY% DATED MARCH 23, 20D5, RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 8 BELIEF THIS PLAT PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY DRECT SUPERVISION. EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORD 8 PHYSICAL EVIDENCE RECOVERED AND ARE INSUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN SGBSTANTAL COMPLIANCE WITH 27 VSA 1403, THIS STATEMENT VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE 8 SEAL (ABOVE). PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP 1 = 3000 DATR C118CC8D ReVIRrON LOT 4 CONDOMINIUMS PLANTING PLAN DATE 4.28.08 1 DRAM. NVImIIX x" VARIES I L-6.2 PRoJ. NO. CM43 T9 Ic I I , 1 ' I i 1- " PLANS PREPARED BY: d II ► RAPHIC SALE BLOCK RETAINI G ALL --- F 1 i 1 (REDI ROCK 0 APPROVE i I 1 i 1 i EQUAL) WITH 6 IGH I i 1 I I I 0 0 - \ / �__FENG€-ATOP Wi �380• I i I', I j ( IN FEET) / 1 \ / N 8 -18-55 120.00 4A FF 38L8 1n 1, 20 IL I / \ / ` —I — — — — — — I I B 1 1 I 1 I / / \ / BASEMEN I 1 1 I I I \ \\ \ _ _ _.,r j 1 370.7 1 1 CIVIL EI'IGIHEE OCIATES. IHC, 1 , / \ / I I P.0.80X9 1 SHELSO 402 I LOT 4 AR A = 1'.05 AG. x; r I I I I Y>z M r�M�, 1 II ./ / 1 n Qh /I �00, f 1 I II / / + 1 5 1SOUTHEA�T QUADRANT I RICT i l PARKING SPACE I S� E '� 53 P /OVIDE � I �I 1 it E i Z' i QAFl!►(3E 37 b � c / ¢' U� i I ' 3788 1 ! DSM Cry �I 11 �/ ' HANDICAP SPACES /, 'D 3 P/ ROVIDE W' I I I / cV _ I I _ I _ APPLICANT: �. 1 / I a� rn I I 7`1 +, a,; ,t� ��._ I _ I I - _ -1 -____ � -/i_ _ L. x rnl �lil l- , DUMPSTE LOCATIO I IDS G HA N _ - - w �� I �+ GE I I � �? i �,';� -- � � � ,. � _ :, � 1 __ _ — = SO' j �i + _ 51 0 _ COMAft 107ES, LLC. ALL EXTERIORLIG T /ARE SUI, DING MO NTED--' o N I { I 18 I . I1' 1 (6 ,- , 50ir -+- ---- yV BYCYCLACIC/fiPROVI©ED IN i o �I�� ! l� — — _ - PROJECT CONSULTANTS: GARAG LE \ } m J W I 6 w DE coNCR y_ fit i i 1 II / / / II C� L IIO z W - J SIDEWALK LAND USE PLANNER/ARCH/rECr 1 I� ' 1 4� �„I / 1 _ (�1 Q - - -- j I 1 i LOONEY RICKS KISS .! •-. I I 'i .. NASHVIL.LE. TN Iil.� 0.11 I' 3 'I 11 z W I l l OTl �..(J * CN/L ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES // I 11 T i I SHELBURNE• VT I I I I � � , Z - I I TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1• I 1 , 1 I 6' WIDE CONCRETE TND ENGINEERING SIDEWALK \f I� Z i ;\ OSSIPEE, NH i 91 N 1 1' \ I \ / \ / I I P I I i FU URE I i l I t LANLASCAPE ARCHITECT yq I I I I 1` 1 1 LAND -WORKS DU LEX �\ I I MIODLEBURY, VT cb l� i I _ 8-55 120.00' _ I 1 \II i PROJECT TITLE: 5' WIDE CSIDEWA K T M9s 1 --- - --- -- - -I--- SOUTH VILLAGE E ( ,�#-�7 V...... 1)Lr�/ ,C) 4� I I it, CO ; j / J CURRENTi CLEARING 1 aD- (11 l ) ai L - - - -- O I SPEAR STREET AND WSJ i LIMITS o it ll q O VAN ACCESSIBLE ALLEN ROAD I I 1 Ilf I/ // / M (s' I o I� Z0, 'R HANDICAP SPACE - III V-_ I- I w O--;------------------ ---- SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT 1 dl ' I� I o p AUA SIGN LEGEND EXISTING I I 21 0 I I 2 (TYP.) WOODED ARA i C� i I j E— CAP I 8' I 1 I UILDING-'LIGHTING - -- - 4& WATER SHUT-OFF 6' WIDE CONCRETE W. - u SIDEWAU /, m W IiJI i CONCRETE - -_ - - - - - HYDRANT hl Q SIDEWALK r_ I ( ® GATE VALVE 5� llYt 1 DUMPSTER SHALL BE ^ Z ^ ( 1, —G— GAS is j 11 }� LOCATED INSIDE PARKING' NI —W— WATER GARAGE (TYP.) —SS— SANITARY SEWER • , 1 � I / � \\ / `\ I i I � ! i , � - � '\ �� � L! i ,' FUT EX I-•-ST-•- STORM DRAINAGE DU I -UD- UNDERDRAIN W OI —E — ELECTRICAL + DATE CHMM rtmslon I I • '1 Q ► �o, _ -F I 1 ---- LOT 4 �1 - I J E — '; �� ; L - - - IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 44W 120 pry �- - i I - - l V I\ \ i i I LOCK RETAINING WALL --1 F-- APRIL, 2008 DNA.INC NUYD6R EDIi ROCK OR A i I 1 \Ilil \ \\ I i' 1 ,\ • `1 I QUAL) ATO H 6' H H 1 - -I r - - 1) - I --------------- 1'"I- 20' I \ 1 \ i f ,------_ - - C-13.1 I f _ I I— I 11 I I I pm. NO. O D1243 PLANS PREPARED BY: BLOCK RETAIN! G ALL wl irli I p i `GRAPHIC S bALE \ I (REDI ROCK Q APPROVE I 1 II II \ I EQUAL) WITH 6 IGH lilu-) I FENCE ATOP-W - - - - I 1st FF 38t6 I I FF 380.1 1 1 II ( IN FEET ) 1 t I n- zB n \ X T 378.0 BAST I I v 370.7 II 1 ,xc I 12�• HDPE CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC \ 372. 311.0 0 1 I C. P.O.13OX 4M SIIEWUDNE, VT �4B2 I 1 W/FES / I I I exz-ssszaza vnx: eozenn »ti:... INV.=364.8 I I _ �'`� O I let NEW C8 70 CP + CB� 1 6 RIM=368. 3 �+ 3 I I ACL 1 j 11 1 j I j /`•' _ V. IN ;( �!)=365.9 I j = i cxEcsex 1 , n , , I 1 / • •�1'�• `INV -T 3 35.6 - N • O ^ INV. OUT 3 ' 4 Q DSM ...... _ oNi ^� 'n co I� GARAGEGr: j I V. lF3 I eFPBovm eo AR RA 378.g I I: - S DSM j i�i i I I 1 �I ce _ =$78.0 I' INV 368.8 I R =3 .6 - I I f = I` N IN APPLICANT: I 1 r I i r �I IP� �� I. I =1i73. �� -_ Tb 504-1 M=37 5.4 I r 1 I _ s7, SOUTH VILLAGE =- Q ! I I : IN=36 1 _:- • + _ I I I LL I I Z Y I 1 0 COMMUNITIES, LLC. II;I J J _ I. / / 1 '1 11 1 \• I }__. L. - ir- 0i �7 _._..-r�I C.�O 1 00 �`�s ,.-.__.-6- - F H-E� -- j (V / n L I ___ -.-"{- - - \ 1 - - - - -- - / i �I T. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: �, p W I rl 6' DE CONCREF _ - - - In r }�, W y J -/ .. � �. SIDEWALK / « LAND USEPLANNER/ARCH/TECT f 0 I I , LOONEY RICKS KISS J �� �/ ll l r� I.I COW I I I NASHVILLE, IN I c) 1 I. II O I l it I I I I, Z o ,� : _ U- I 1 co .. CIVIL ENG/NEER � r CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOCIATES D H 2 SHELBURNE, yr I 1 I Z R =375.4 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 , 6 WIDE CONCRETE _ 1 Ip U ¢ IN - 67.6 TND ENGINEERING 1 1 II Z 1 _II, �r RI 3 7. IN I \ \ \ \ \ - \ RI INV. U - 67. OSSIPEE. NH I 1 SIDEWALK I ` i I YARD DRAIN I 1 - CB 1376 A 604 1. I 1 I RIM-373.5 I _ IN INS I LANDSCAPE ARCH/TECT 1 I \ 374.6` I MIDDLEBURY, VT T" INV.=370.0 I 7 INV. T1�� LAND -WORKS 1 i r I 1 '~' (TIE TO FDN. DR ) ) i I1�I i 1 I 1b 5' WIDE CONCRETE 3 4 p _ _ _ I PROJECT TITLE: CB SIDEWALK; 374 85 "� - - - R M 93 - STA 60 911 tINV. o T=372.5 SOUTH VILLAGE Q 7 - _ - C��_ ---'� th Burlin`i Ve 1 LI CJ }yc o n ji I i i CURRENT; CLEARING 375 1 W j1 I �1 1 LIMITS -F - - - - - - - - - O S 7 SPEAR STREET AND M7 rd I;'j - ';( ',, O O I AN ACCESSIBLE a INV.=37 ALLEN ROAD In I o ANDICAP SPACE qqr I1 Z- r✓) BI SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 1 0 O I, i � � I I I I I CV I I. , I DA SIGN - LEGEND EXISTING I ^ I. o i YARD DRA (TYP.) li fi i b WOODED AR" � r � } I(_ ' O c� u I ' � RIM�379. E- CAP 1 I f I I INV.�375. UILDING LIGHTING WATER SHUT-OFF 6' WIDE CONCRETE I 0 of L - II II I SIDEWAL I i m J W' �i d 6' WIVE (TYP.) - rl I I r 11 W �J� �JI CONCRETE - - HYDRANT ao SIDEWALK Ln I. I ,,. �� ���) li r7 I I ® GATE VALVE DUMPSTER SHALL BEI " -G- GAS Z I r \ , ) LOCATED INSIDE PARKING' r I.I r jl� ___� i 1 I -W- WATER GARAGE (TYP.) M r ,� ,I I� ! I I \ I' I I ( c a I -SS-- SANITARY SEWER \ 12•' HDPE i f ! Yi �E iI I o FUT RE 1-•-ST--- STORM DRAINAGE i INV;=366.5 I i 1 Z II o I --UD-- UNDERDRAIN 9I r I W/DES I DU LEX 1 I -E - ELECTRICAL I 1 I \\ '1 \ 1 , I ^ •;.I ' O j Crl %'.. I R =371 . BAT6 cBscKeB BmsloN � , M. IN- 6 �- _ -Fo X Ire ! t O I INV. OU =3 I N _- ____ _.a ap ! _ CB 5 - T _ -•- - - }" r7=YARD! DRAI RIM=3 I NEW CB RIM=079.5 I INV. OUT= 1 1 E INV.�374. , 1 372.0 N RIM=370.7 I LOT 4 - INV. IN (6'•)=367.7 I 8 V. our 367. ! _ _ '_ _ - GRADING -- � 372.0 ,1� SITE XXI 31+0 L P I \ \ I I I CK RETAIN I 30 - -+._-' own BBe�mc Nurx[x \ \ \ I DI ROCK OR G WALL i i - -- --i~"- - - APRIL, 2008 _... QUAL) WITH 6' H S ENCE ATO A / I 370.9 1' - 20' C-13.2 1 (p 1, I IµO ! / I I INV. =3 6. Pm No. M I I I I INV. UT= 61 01243 II r 1 ' '•. v �� ii I I I i ( I ' ,1 PLANS PREPARED BY: tl 1 RAPHIC SME I 1 O 0 O ' i BLOCK RETAINI't G ALL I I (REDI ROCK OF APPROVE)I II i is I 1 \ I EQUAL) WITH 6 IGH i111 II r I I ( FENCE ATOP—W IN FEW 1 I 1 496' 5' P VC \ I — _ � 38L6 1s1 FF 380. III II' I i Inch . 536' PHASE \1 /0 1, ' VI .I BASEMENT BA370.7 1 1 I I 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. 1 '• 1 1 I I \ ; I I - - j S Gi I n►e' r.o. Box 485 siiawi NE, yr 05482 1 I I � \ _ j I I :'ir)T 905.2Yt3 PM: 81#nBSJ2)1 wN.: "ww.carf.carr p j 3 p 1 1 11 I I II I I ' I j V I A oRA"x + v ACL I I 'II ' I y O cDxsScRM -- — I GARAGE 37 %�3 — —•_ PROV E DANFORMER/V K30.3 AULT1 T3786 It TYp1E 1 B I G I 4' 3 pAPl 'I'll;--- 1I O O I it I Z ij i `� INv:= sa. '1 - SOAl LAGS . _ M I I 1 1 1 I I I > I` !1 I I I i I ) MH #1'2. soa+3� i ., _ 0 3� D0 �U6, LLC. 1 J'J / t 11 II l 11 l IM 3j�3� Kr! II I i SS — 1�9 �0 i I i I i 1 I' L.vV.IN 3ss.3 61"iiD \---- 4------- - F -__ f� II L� / 1 1 - 11y 5 11 - _ - -•- - - - _ JBCT CONSULTANTS: 1 i;1 I I 1 I UT') 366 L.E 6' E C NCREII _ - - - - - - /,% i' I i 'I 'I I J 1 r r O W rIJ n ,-; SID ALK w 1 I I \ L 1 �1I Z• L151 9 i J _ WS /' PLANNER/ARCH/TECT Ir r ^I Lillj II)�jl 3 LO NEY RICKS KISS r 1 lEi I 00 1' I ` = O J I ` I W ; I NASFMLLE IN 111 Lu I j to .. . • � I i r CML ENO/NEER I J 1 l 1 1 I J II� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 11 o I /' 11 SHELBURNE, VT O _ 'I \ �1 1 I �I j Oz r . . nWFIC ENGINEER w I YP E 1 6' WIDE CONCRETE I �J i U a TND ENGINEERING SIDEWALK ; i I 1 i !� Z OSSIPEE.NH I ' 1 \ / \ r • I 1 - - - - - -• ...... WA It O OF REU11 .I LANOSQAPEARCN/7ECr I L, 1 I C c_r \ I 0� ) 1 LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT 11 1 � II 1 � I •1 I.J' `• { Amz 5' WIDE CONCRET 1 E --I p �6�i!9 I PROJECT TITLE. it II i i 1 i SIDEWALK; -- ] 316. 3" .I 455' 3 P = 34 1 /0 15K SOUTH VILLAGEI ► / / / I i 485' 14-J KV V CURRENTi CLEARIN� (iJ LIG PVC ALLEN ROAD MITS SPEAR STREET AND VAN 9�E� r i i i I 1 i / I I : q v ;I iIIj • HANDIC 4-p8 1 TYPE r7 -- 1 / / ; SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT _ADA--SIG TYPE 1 B LEGEND I ' U EXISTING I O 0 0 0 I �' Q - ,�. i (TYP.) I I 1 A WOODED AR ''� I' O e i I E— CAP 6' � O r _ I I WIDE CONCRETE i ! J �I I _ _ - - 4f WATER SHUT-OFF _j ii I I r 1 6' W bE U` II I I I SIDEWAL i'I m Y 1 I W LJI' L'. 1 CON ETE — HYDRANT /1 / ;. 1 . r L�©LK i2 r zpr 1.. SID IAi I ® GATE VALVE DUMPSTER SHALL PB) I ' OJ JW I,r I j SMH 80.0STA. 60 + —G— GASRIM= LOCATED INSIDEiPARKI G' r365 3Q W— WATE RGARAGE(TY ' r q D INV. UT ( S) 33 3.2 5 II —SS— SANITARY SEWER 1263' 3i' VC jS yy FUT RE-•-ST-•- STORM DRAINAGE �293' 1 � 15K�/ " I W j� �-1 I DU LEX IYf? --UD-- UNDERDRAIN I I I I o i, Z MY STA. 602+0 I p b 00 —E — ELECTRICAL 1 \ I I I I M1 � 1 •:ar oAn Cx6CEEn Rtvtston 4 I � CD�� ��''V"I 1�2 1 '1 11 II 1 I' I �1, L----• FD--F"D .I. , (` � II Lij I 1 S 0- 1 INV.=3 3" Al O 16 350MO i CONSTRUCTION UTILITY PLAN �_ 11 t ___ — 31+0 _ _ — 1 LOT 4 1 LAN `------,\_____ � I LOCH RETAINING WALL 30 0 -- I I — A RA"ING NUMBER 1 O — 1 ----4-- — -O O O O 11 \ I 1 I EDh ROCK OR A G i _ _ APPoL 2008 I 1 \ I 1 QUAD WITH 6' H H- -55>'' 3' P _ o _ I 11 \ I j 11 I I ]FENCE ATO ALL / �� .3 --- 50MC Pam. 20' C 13.3 1 \ I It I lull 0 / I 01243 i,� �/'' ' -r 1�,�1'11 ��1���1Y1 ►� IIII�I�ID ���'_I 11 �► ii l 'L it i PlANS PREPARED By. CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIAIES. INC. I/ • III 4., I I,. ��, `11t� k'�in '• 111� '•,ACL HECKn SM stPPROWD r • r��LAND USE PL4A(NER1ARrHl7Ecr LOONEY RICKS KISS SHELBURNE. VT , ENGINEERING OSSILWDSCA o _ . • LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT II, �•• -PROJECT SOUTH VILLAGE1 cJ -... 4 ® �' ',� • LEGENDSOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 571 WATER SHUT—OFF E— CAP (D GATE VALVE r� �, • • ■- ■ �� •� rSANITARYDRAINAGE �. . -.-. - ..ruw�c•��ii:iG■iii��•oouonrw I � ►�n �{ ai:.i_�io...::uoo■o■■ono:a-ar•e■■ii ® � •uo�•e■u■oreauuouuov�uui■o. f �L+ .� �.-eoou■o■�ao■000u■.e_�.o■u■ un■ .ir,;�.w.■■■■e:e000■uv_�.uu000■ueeu e • I ■■�■■�:■■■•I■I EPSC • I■11■■■III■I.■. � — ��A�� -� �x uu■n■Iv■n G\ � 3 nquv,ro�_,r • `4� o��•e � � � � � 1 I■■e■■r'eYr11■• � \ i►u■u■u�■ew■► a< � • • .■■ruuu■ nw ■u■uioerru■ 1` � - • • - ■ u unu■ur■u. :. •� ■■■■� ■■■11■17.11 \ ';t I■r■■■■\ell.■■R•1 V d•• •' �} eolo■ouuu+■ III III T--7ii uiiiiiiiiiii�iii • � r • � • 1►� /rwl G/L`:' I.k�iiia��h` • .C����a �� ■ ,,W''sWW I 1 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING J MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE AS j (� 1 '$ $ Iowa•1•w NOTE is INDICATES STORMWATER MAINTENANCE If ,/ );,/. • 187.Bf ACRES I $I I I EASEMDN moo'- EASEMENT (TYPICALLY 20' WIDE) CENTERED ON I ` rJB p - I M"rOED) r , SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS GRID NORTH 1 O e l (SEE NONE ,) 1 O I g - I I VT. DIPS . SYSTEM ONS Yr. C OR OBSERVATIONS 198 IS 0.22 AC. I adis, n sm,■arw 1 0.LS AC. A I (1) 0.18 AI;. i _ .u.w soseJ'uw 1 •ssu7 _(J, 1 22j u w 50a 'uw20' WATER MAIN/ f III I" I I I I EASEMENT TO CI0.2t A 1 54 I 58 : I w I 13 J 187.Bi ACRES CONVEYED TO CITY/I� O"-Pall 11e I$I O gg;1� 0.20 ACRtl : 0.18 AC. 0.1E Arm )R $ 0.17 AC. 1- 0.20 AC. 0.17 AC. +� 8 n I '" �p �p $ I$ 1- I g 'cg�1$1 1 I$ 0.18 AC. 11; J / STORMWATER EASEMENT 22 o i (n i (i) I (1) Ily (1) !. EI'�,! (1) �A - O TO. BE CONVEYED A., q. °0� ° L /l w w / o.zo ACRES \ Ij Na u I I 1 I I 1 I (t) alb ; /-- TO CITY Nz 71:ram. j l ._._.J L._._._.J L_._ _.J 1 IL._. �- -J� ~I ;14 .J L _ I " 4U/ No.. 191'JO•C L . _. _ . �' J L„p,ar.cE ar Npa43'u•E - \ J ( N 1■K'25 E \` La• sa.x. N0a3Su,i _LL.-- - w`zeo.op my 41 R7,,, \_ Op �'� _ oaAR,AGE L.laa■ p1 q I SITE ENGINEER: 1 f' I9 e1 P ml$ (� CIYIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. UOX 406 SHELBURNE• VT 05402 OfY/A96 S FAY 902 271 w www.<wavGcw" go pP>PIGHr z 41 DRAwN ACL FI r �'m cxecKeo DSM 1 APPROVED AP IIIC 1 OWNER: `d. `'IC -!'_� - EAROMIIT 00 R-2�l0.00 Tao / \ -. '✓ ) -` ao - _ .p0 ..._-- (m NOW EA90ApT SOUTH JEFFER.S. ON MAD HDrz n -- °° Nla•Ja r - _ \� ---- "\aov (sEE Nor[ q _-- - yJu•E L�2JY zs.lol Ui / \ MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT \ JSp-f-^ �'- 1 4•J M.,9 3,'� - - _ - t/ may �Q STORMWATER \ _ SOUTH VILLAGE � p'AO•F u - o?la>�.E xoe��3..1, �, r �.ar �� � } ' �/ oRAMAGE ��-' RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING 1 POND 5 \ i CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON •' "rba;1 Ns9szu•Ei \�! D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1 COMMUNITIES, LLC. R-220.00 `; - (1) O \ 1 1 �\ \ \ W. I O a hTO e� zasr / \ (LOT 50) o.t6 12 t , w:\ gl'T, n I \-�\ 'V?i. N l� ze.u• .i ,.,STORMWATER \ ' r'`�- POND 4 1 I TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING 1 t- _ \, Ix 0.32 ACRES \ I (.� 28 0.17 �µµI a7. , L-3, >Y N2,7Pry / 1 THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF HOMEOWNERS ASSOGATION. r (� (� \\�': L DAD. T - Jaa \ ,-' .eY� N,eA _..... a sO..m �a"h• I_-- l�� A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON Q (A �nOp 1 1 \•/' ,, \ J L . - NOa3J'w'E- - a - ' r 7 J -I .ACC 2Zv 2.,", /• OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO W W ,j 0.19 N� •.1\\-spesJ'uw- - - ,� .e.pp \ Ty _ J \ \ \\ „0.ar - - ^ r ODAIACN N E p w Soeveb2,e s1az. NImIrE _ - _4 - \ REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION iR S �• ( \• �+ -' -IIp'00- - _w - - p l RS - , _ \ •DOWNING.CALKINS REVOCABLE TRUST• SOUTH i9¢ sli \ \\.\ + (- E RO .o.Tr__ \. OF THE ROADWAY. &w 1- _ .ppE - 1', ( A�C� \ \\� ^o F 2]A 0.14 3i� I w r _ r I•r, pRgD --� \\ \\ Va1AGE-PLA70F SURVEY', DATED MARCH 23,2W5. AL• Y .EAepp,T \ \ RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND I, 7 O.ta v _ �vpph ) , 1 _J I \\ \\ RECORDS. AC. ®_ 1 ■ I O w = N ° y^o _ ACREA4 a19 ACRE9 (� g 44 I rwg I- /I \ TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE A BELIEF THIS PLAT L �.� _ �, 1 \ 0,� ACR69 w 1 a (U $ T 7 O p s O,1 . 46 I \ PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF 0.00-' 0.19 7w Jrv�--Npe•Ia'a>i-- p� Ip O 5^"I� ORNNAOE / LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. {n 27 C _ -19LW _ _ I 0.19 AC. 81 I 0.19 iY ;In :•h �T \ \ EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON 1 )1:J alo ml b' �_ 907E w 8 r . - -W I AC. i a29 AOR6'.9 m'a I (m No1[ I) I d••tl O N \,,. I ' 7a E 5p0.xSe' -_ q ! (A ( I ` (.� 47 .■ I' I OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORDS PHYSICAL EVIDENCE O 11w 0.9L ACRE9i. ml 1,aoo' i ^ to (D O Y I (D I RECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL z L _ ���TTI CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN �FU7URE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT (3) _ _ E 2a• Lsaeve'oYw Ct�MM`DN r'1+ I SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE VATH 27 VSA 1403 THIS y J I I ( I IYI IN 1 11- - s02,Y� . _- . ,w, ,� ( _ ,,.pp• -. ryT9• -na i I STATEMENT VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. Y , 0.91 ACRES >+ . L - 0.20 ACRES -, r' - 0.39 AC. I _ ' SITE PLAN APPROVAL-7 ' rg S yY3a•E �-a- IIo� N .-.--- y,.3Y 77 r 2 ORIGINAL SIGNATURE A SEAL (ABOVE). / (r,{) F Spy._ p MANAGE EAS[MENT Spp2602'E:_._soero■oz•w-. _.J . i ! I 1 I I I (LOT 11) I -E - _ re.ea' TI ,ErT (SEE Norz O ii6.z3'_ L�3 I „u�29'-'- _ -, 45 I TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 $ Ci f i w i B O O / s,.p -p,A HAOE EAs[ sDsr'=` w o.ls W - a 32 " 1 41 �� 1 a9D ACRES Dw PROJECT TITLE: - vo57r Now 0 -_ soz,ne E noov _ - R e 26 AD. XW'. ry (7�O �Ig �1= I I .I^ :3�= I W �n 1 : O:2YF & YIII o.29 ACRES lm o.re AC. (D (3) as L49 R83 s' _-,R I I I _TJ�4w �r ,-�=.2,,,,cn n�f.�,0 �� SOUTH VILLAGE r. yoY.�I,J11 06 F'y, Q .-. _.� L.-,I.00 J oerraaz• ze:osnaorE - J rl.lp / nryl .ice I v=, p.� ,op r> _ o CIS az6 ACRES 1 25 AC $, _-- NAO -- - 9.oY 3p- Oar / 8 '. O $1i x _ '4-' 2 i = Nesze• E N q` Y I 8 SPEAR STREET & O (A o.19 9 1\ 19 1 L 7_ 1 FROST STREET s!� 4 c?9, N Ac 3S E 1 0.2E ACRES O saY+3'p- . n e 1�J(ILJ� ALLEN ROAD 5.04 ACRES T -soA - 20 _ „p. U Q 7 ;• - / W y Y'C 1_ ,raaa Yd ,'' - , 1 0.1E A saeoe'oz•■ saenearz'w sn oe az•w _ soeroe w- soave oz-w O . .sw I I w' SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT spA-a _ COW" 1 1% F l r I \ O R.11-sa�°2ec r I (?) W I (A I O 2 I / / ry 3 �1 1_ _50A a _ 1 `, i w:. 0.20 ACRE P 1 - _,roar (� 1 �I® O .Ip r (1) O 1 f I I _ - o za o ^a. 7 aJlrora•w / / �/ ©� $ \y r -(7) ] •1 �' 1 lvR �I r 0.1E `� o.29 ACRES 36 : s I s $ O �g : _:.e/. �' It O'!'�: I I" I I �1 a 1. I YF I s1 1 Q y aoo• / D.zB Acaes , , o.2a ACR69 1y$� 23 I- s [M 38 *}��1 LLZ1 ml= BE' / Q 1 1 tkl 0.12 AC�_ 1 \ 3\.\ 1 '\ 'd.: I j0.19 ACRES > O49 Q 0.90 ACRES ^/ 4 W COMMON iJ �l_.�w,�.- �� , 1 i ('/J \\'..,_._._.-. .H -..1 -',may- - ': L - ua. Q , 1 Js 1 $ 1 \ \ . 1 " E- seneu 0.19 (3) \ Q as s' a s t r 1 t _ _._, xi' rtse.ao u.s>• rze.e In I 11 2 N31•DI29E (t) ] 1 -1•E A}.TO• _ -.... _.._ - -.__ ) .M1 `.- a37a -.J 7 - / , �/ 1 lea ` 4 0.12 ACO I , na.a L-a ea• N.. O U L °°o •w� 9�• I YR 30>,w- Ian' -,taez -. _.� 1 _Hp$Arb3,.E 2e.nI R-ssam ,n _i r F 1 W- -__. .__.._-_ - - w r /� I Y^ 7 �/ - ry BAM a9.N _--/-rE�1ca �/MY R,Sp..Op HOa1SSCE NOE .�.L G.19 AC f• /�� I I 3] I I 2 / 197.Et / p l I 1 � ^ ` aA. _- _.. •c ee.eo'._. _ \l Noam'T2•E- I Y I �I (/j 1, AAnMgaa r3j O O O �Ip ,wo•A,•m . _ Yr :n"se-\ .a1.o■ / /� /. � L a.Ja' .. �'- IS ACRES WS 1�c L•vJ' / _. , aao - _ r - - � 0.19 ACRES ri ez9: Ewwr �I'R O dYll w ( (TYP.) CIE 0.22 ACRES $1 31 a1E ACSES(1) I I I MANAGE EASEMENT .u�° r L a9 r O I I (SEE NOTE 1) 9m / b 2D' RECREATION PATH j R-sze.ao ! I Nar11 os•E ( MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 4B I � _ _ _ - _ _ . J I_ _ . _ - J L . _ _ _ _ _ ) EASEMENT ro CITY NoeTn• I RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING $ L_.-NarJs,e•E---� DA.01• T,.po' .e.or. ze p• O.O W O B wA CITY OF S(0 RLIRO AL I I 0.62 ACRE9 rar a-liaoo'- lV.. a.u. xaeoe'oz'E 1�11�ANzSTREET2E (� AGE oeae oz'E �saT�a •w- I /l� w'L / I nsl• 1 1.• 1. _ gl 2A >/,h. ao R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I sl- 3 1 1 _ m.7Y I .,e ee MANAGE EASE wNr R h LOCATION MAP � '/ affi ACRE I (0 I o.21 ACRE9 , _ _,J L._ -'- SasC 6A10 \,NIHE nzbr / / NOT TO SCALE r�L I I 1 9.69 ACRES 66. I \ NMOe'OYE NOP NOVOE'03-E HOewa OYE NOewB'02•E SOO-I,�M� S' PEAR/SDE 5/L (T) ', Mee' 71.op' ),.00' ) pp' 1 9e.Tr _ 11 / I/ LEE ACRES / i1r8, I J L _ _ .��U"sw SERIAGA OYF.) /1 - i I- - -, L- , r.- , r - - - II ^I8 f I DATE xacXeD smnon L Je.m_- J Sosi s,.1 ■ I 0.47 ACRES II 11 1 saem'zo w.� w sorcAi Os w sl$ O I O O s l O i II. O NiEa(g ergI$ RI$.. 5F "vn 3 a,-oe RD oaAE MG m,S Iw Iss"I8 0.17 AC. PIS 0.17 Ar_ PIS 0.17 At- m,3 0.17 AC I Plal 1 ` / STORMWATER EASEMENT / I N/F ^ I 9 1 I ! I 0.24 ACRES .( \ I I P. A J. CIII,Grd 1-31-06 DSM III DOWN FRONT SETBACKS TO IV I TO BE CONVEYED /� j (A I I (t) j (1) I \ I' TO CITY 1 ll (Shelburne) 1-3-00 DSM REYD PROPERTY UNES AND E RSIEA LANE 5.67f ACRES - Y / I i - 1' J _1 L.-11. L . _TI. - . J u . _ _n_z,e•- 9-zs-oT DSM REvo LOT 11-9-07 DSM III uTaR a WE A "EM SEAMCKS TO SIIDMC DWEDPES• N ` 1 ` - ` _ 90apa-Ol•EI SOaea o2 / a0a0a 0�w o� I I I STORMWATER CONVEYED ED ST AIE 1 , , , _ ` _ _ 7 _ 1 \ I ll T-n-m DSM REMSEo MAeu(x EASEMENTS �TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY _ \ / / PROPo� JO• STORMWATER EASEMENT 5-07 OSM REMSEO MANAGE EASEMENT _ORgINgGE EA T ` ` TO BE CONVEYED 70 CITY S I _ I STORMWATER R. . LICENSE aEwscD LOI urpul AMEN ��� {E y / (WITHIN R.O.W.) TO BE A-IA-M asM aVELCOAN a PA I II CONVEYED TO SOUTH _ - - - - _ - STORMW/ \ I /I VILLAGE COMMUNITIES PO�ATERD STORMWAIER 1 ���� _-_-J/ I TORMWATER PHASE 20' MAINTENANCE 20' WIDE DRAINAGE I �'-' $ w POND' 3 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ §Ip : j N / POND 1 // EASEMENT TO BE EASEMENT TO CITY ='g DEDICATION - 14' x 200' ���` �0_RECREATION PAT; EASEMENT TO CITY -------- ------------ SR !R �/I CONVEYED TO SUBDIVISION nI $ � I R.O.W EXPANSION _ ------ -- 'A �- TOWN OF SHELBURNE V ISIOI V ----------------- T - __ ----- __---_---- __-_--- _ -_____-- tea, . 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO dTY - - - - _ _ -- - - - ar j6I BATH 20' EASEMENT - - - -- NWETIIK 9]O.Ti ---_- _--_____--- - A-12000.00 D�:04E - - N�F.2p.' - PLAT ----------- tol 37w HOesT- �_--_ - _\_.-_-__- O- ---_-_----- O----------- Az a'w i TO SWFr STREET � � EDGE OF EXISTING ROAD SPEAR STREET ET 6"'"° "°M9EP ------------------------ ------------- JULY,2004 T--------- - _ 6_PUBLIC R.O.W.ROW ---_- --__ a -- r------ter- T-r 7-- -- ,------�-r- ------------\ _ (T I _ I !--------------- GRAPHIC SCALE - - T, SCAM ORIGINAL SC I 1 \ - 60'Uj S1.3 I I 1 , ! PPOJ. NO. ! ! J ( IN FEET ) G1243 ! ! Q \ I 1 inch = 60 ft. ) I Q) Z Q O O Cu cc O LL O LIJ OF cr Z O 2 Z C7 O rJasr-� S (9 ,/ � I • 107.83 ACRES w 11 O 1 i 0.26P. L.T w «•w '«-w 1- 5*5 I l O l 1 x oORES g 0.16 AC. f 0.18A s' 0.17 Ar- I I I I 0.20 ACRES -20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BEAwA¢ 'fA1V EASEMENT (NA HIE°) �(]EE NOTE 0 W ' O.is Ac. I. cv 111 O = 0.20 AC. (1) st S 1 0.17 AC. r� -1, Is (1) 9 ,III'- __ I'I - L - -N L,.- J' xm wL raev'«'E L DRAINAGE EAM"T SOUTH JEFFERSON ROAD -I / /- J DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE / / cwo rce es 1: INDICATES STORMWATER MAINTENANCE FNAO�TE EMENT (TYPICALLY 20' WIDE) CENTERED ON BSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS I Gm0 NORTH 31� Vr. COORD., SYSTEM 1993 FROM GPS OBSERVATIONS Qi SRlye•2J},. -Jr.es•T O O Q. / WATER MAIN EA EASEMENT TO BE 187.82 ACRES QO CONVEYED TO CITY/ / � IW 0.110 AC. O J// /STORMWATER EASEMENT I (1) aIR cc / / /-�- TO BE CONVEYED L _ I „ / t / TO CITY - N,won / V LEGEND - - - - PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - - EASEMENT LINE 0 IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND w/SIZE 0 5/8' REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER PROPOSED O PROPOSED CONCRETE MONUMENT O UTILITY POLE (EXISTING) - - - BUILDING ENVELOPES / �1) NUMBER OF UNITS I CORNER SITE TRIANGLE RESTRICTIVE ARE{+ yy os;�;m4sN STORMWATER EASEMENTS ON PRIVATE LOTS OR COMMON LAND SITE ENGINEER: 1 I � h r E ml z CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. P.O BOX 405 SHELBURNE, IT 05402 OIYIPRS222J FAX' B02-0B62271 xwb: www.cwo-H.com O A C o cxe7a�cx'r (c 2 _ AM, RTGEDE Reeelwee 31 RaAEn r ACL � cxecl(ED m Im DSM ( AEFRovro TRC 1 OWNER: E ?�«3. N04- "� 1�1.3Y 1 �'10 // ` \ � MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SOUTH VILLAGE ,a2A. : , aTe" �\ 4A,tl w n°°' .2 w <.�, �' o?z �Q' STORM TER \ - RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING _._. Lra.]e• _ _. _. - - - 1 \\� \ r. er .... POND 5 ORAWAQEm1T \`.. i'- I _% R�el13o �\� \ - ]� y.�O1• ��4r i CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON r\ \(SEE Norz ,\IDR.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL1 COMMUNITIES, LLC. `STORMWATER(LOT 50) O.EB(n"OqQ - - `13e POND 4 $ -g __ ,ea2,' p-ee. r '7 J I `-TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING ( - "a0°• 1 - (;, 0•� �� �' O:\ \� I jr(P) 5 (1) �{ . 1lwss - -- THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDMSION OF HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. yyy r 1 ^ (3) I i ({ a Q 2• ,--_--M.e2. R'so..00 �/]� L__-- EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO Y'. ? (1) 0.19IVG ':1 I O47 .!LGR� : L _ J 1--N°e`-3]'N C- - _ _ __� _ _.. �"r /~ OUR RTIONO THE SUBJECT F THE ENTIRE PROPERTY BASED UPON BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION ,,8sy �A� AC. E 1 \ \ \;+ r - Taao---+,nar (v- :0[16KW _),w «-E eTffiot:.i! )1.Oa w.30eoe��-,n`,E�E p�.0p !43 +!+?it�"E __--�'� \\ REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: N OF THE ROADWAY. y11� [,� L - - -1 I - r- - rrl] -- +�o.7r� \ 'DOWNIN0.CALKINS REVOCABLETRUSr.SOUTH 27A P 31A I W IoR�D r \ \\ WLLAOE-PLATOPSURVEY'. DATED MARCH 23. 2005. (]�{ _ ys _ _ S�spap.� RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURONGTON LAND (n AC. ®� �I I 0,24 �O _ L.`,M�2• ) 1 \ \ RECORDS. g. xeewe oz'w _ N o2 0.14 (1) • W I I } 9e oG 1 \ \ ,T.ae' I _ _�,a'F' ACRES '^'" 'Q N O.19 ACRES I TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE A BELIEF THIS PLAT Z L 99;j�- _ -T'1 1 �.' 1 0.92 ACRES wad ar .19en $' ,� i I J 7� _ _ Naex1'el'E - . _ J O rrs O.5i1R I O I I // \\ \I. PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED SUBDMSION OF I' _ oDUNAc,- -Ir. I: / 1 LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. 3 13 1 Y . R�R �1 �. 2' - �7 1 E I a g r - 121M - - r I 0.1(nAC. � I 9 1 = r 0.26 ACRES �2 � a I (E-MEITSEE No+E t) I ) EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON 1 of± ly �11^ 0.94 ACRES m ^ $ i1aeD E e' n O n $ - 4% / RECOVERED EC OVER D AND ARE ISIB OF N SUBSTAYNTIALL EVIDENCE / I ° 1' 1-1 5orae of . Y I ( I (2) _�. `FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT jR �I O 1 - \ 1 - _ - I ( 1 J I W L_ J �I'.` 1 CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD THIS PLAT IS IN 1 Iw 1, (3) Y-E $ 50908'02'w m' N Z - o7 'A w n I I f SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH 27 VSA 1,KO THIS 70 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. 0.31 ACRES % '^. I -n.ar- r.e.n'� _ ,Sao--- -) nK-' SITE PLAN APPROVAL L] h „o.oG' tr ^R 0.20 ACRES r r' 0.99 AC. 1 - - STATEMENT VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY (3) ti E J •1Y>�E .-AGE EASEMENT � - >5>T '�� � � � - I� I ORIGINAL SIGNATURE 9 SEAL ROVE. (LOT 11) I Q , "1 a Gz•E --saene•Gx'w- . _ -I j I I i w ) soi•,Y>e'E 7aeeGr'f (sex Nore ,) + _ TR2d_ _ I I O . -. GGe „aav- _ _.l }0 1 ..-.-,. y,. E .-- I (n g I I • W I cR O 52' 1 II TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 _ DRAINAa GSE �7 w}. 3s.• 0.14 9 g $ts a.1s` (m Mom IT _ E naov _ - g 32 w I 41 (7�JC O g 2-yy yp2,Y>s _ _ - 26 W. ' �oI (tiO .IR �F AM �I 9.I 0.30 ACRES r- 1 I� PROJECT TITLE: - 2 m^ - g Jlp _- y,MpAGE F,,sEi _ 'W 1 i1 �' _gp�'»RYE _ w �rc o.25 ACRES o.1Y AC. i I (n I � (3) I 1.49 ACRES I I I� /z �'- (s¢ No ,2aaY/ Haws _ _ - -1 ' O 94'y _,os.a W I I (n I I ffi - I I �/a- 22 gl - cn A:, z _ _.J L._._ _ L _ I m SOUTH VILLAGE _ - Q ne3z' lRoevYOYe- ) lei/lu L.7.w ,Ir]tlE +10_ ; -o`R '{8 0.25 ACRES I '', 25 AG V%� T I ium' >,.ar w.ot• zeo• naaT e��IG e. IZ Ie�1T5 .-___ -..._. __ .-._. eel (n o�19 9 _ 1 Iw 8.o.26RES $Ig aGl3' 1 R _ 2z E (n Y n.�- N O 11 y )u _ 1 O FROST STREET �' ao4O ~ \ a O - i 1''R O , --pad' _ SPEAR STREET & �TL.-so.� TF 2O _ _„a U - •s" Q % W I / ALLEN ROAD _.-„a +E _ r. 1 0.16 '�, sol '0 'w soem'Gz-w AE42' w _ soene'oz'w soene'az•w a 1 /I o, nar .e.z ivo ,en �;./ Teo' p/ Q � �� SOUTH BURLINGTON VT / 1 0.12 z,E ' �� -CID oo� 1 0.23 Ac.W� 21 T� I, ` R �q 2p'E-t• - (- - --� I I , O Z I 1 a I / / © �I wA 1 ,'° e - ' 1 18 :� 1 . _--,G.09' (U , Ylel O(aJ YI. (n I I (n '4 C 1 z ss,m•"-w // T (1) E1; �e 1„= rl,o o.zM(2)R� g;', 0.16 I Ise 31 9f'` 36 ?FB % I I o.25 ACRES alb. w �. T I O.E9 ACRES /. j W =L eE•pN / W \'; ►',w - - 23- I- Y I'OIc'1=? E, 0.12 AC( _ E ; s 0.30 ACRES (L/ 1 n ._sGs]s7Urt' _ -1. I` Lam- . .yisr I �ze.ee N 1�-023, 52 L - _ ; Io.i�4'M'CC ' 1 O.19 Z (3) RG@•/ ,�[ CAN (1 50 L _. awT r._._ nN.er-- AC. I I A wne,Y (HOAR AC. 7O- ze:, .w'� A>.To i L oz'w I O L - w J 7 °p'/r 4AA ll° d n u°e oo uT 3*0 = r' r I- -i I Dl'2p:E 3eoD. _.�" S N� _- -- _. R-0010o Noe,rso-E -. - - I 0.19 ACRES � j I 1 I a / 4 Noe,]s7'• To.di' i_.- O I I 37 I 39 W� / /� • I� I MODwos'E II O n ll Raul vaa,. i0.19 ACRES -- f .13 7 / L�v) 0.30. ACRES O ACRES F Y (n h gIFa.eTL-�FZ7 I I�E.SdFxT0.ACRES 2O' RECREATION PATH I MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT yl$ 4B _ JL__-, L.._.)EASEMENT Ta CITY NoeDX• I I RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING r I L „A.m�1- i - - none',a-E - - - H.ar AaR za_aR.m,.ao I l 9�%� g� CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON I 0.52 ACRES -nand-, noswsoz•E Noemoz Naeve•o2 xoem ozy: a $($ Oh w R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I i ' . _ _.1 _ _.... R $ 1 11 L ) ' �- °°° N D`"�'D" " / LOCATION MAP / O A _9 ? O aA (LOT a i CHIPMAN STREET L / I- o.w At 1- - b ' g x 1 0.92 ACRES � I � I 0.21 ACRES 1 ! L _ -. _ - m.z>z7'w-sar,]'so'w-1 I \°+l~ R wao ) vI �.b.w _ J ) I (n J sale e..Ia „21er I / /• t (n 1J.52 0.63 ACRES � Iw. I /-\ \ xoem•o2•E xoemoz'E Noem• .Noe o Noewe•o�E NOT TO SCALE L62 ACE® XLr , I _ 50� //\\��s.ee• n um n.aa now=�r SETTAO'0".) sA I- 1 r - --r- _1.,�.___-.1 1, I 11evw' J I- . - �a.m_-oe,.A L '.:I? I /' I DATE ReCKED REVISION I soewY2l,w `_`soeo,zG-w ggpMas If$ 0.47 ACRES w I O T I O T I O I O I� -- 3-31-08 TRC DRAF11NG EDITS I / I fl(g st19 A� stl8I$ O 1 I # "__ 0.17 AC.0.17 AC. I_ 0.17 AC. I0.17 1C. I 0.24 ACRESI'w(STORMWATER EASEMENT INIPI \ I 1-11-06DSM REVO ERAWNG FRONT SETBAODS ro,o' 1TO BE CONVEYED 1 11 P. a< J. Cliffrd�•5.87t ACRES Y TO CITY 1l (Sholbume) 1-3-OB DSM REV,1R,,NI Y UNESAND E. RSXER LANE T- _I u'JAL - 7,.ar- - JL-n.ar-� I L-7, arl n. JAL,e•- - - ( / a-a-oT Dsu rEvO BUDxc 9GE a pEH1 sTEAas ro s' STORMWATER EASEMEN1 _ ut.; soeoeo soem'oz ww s soem•oz°w w�smve ax w 1; \ I I 9-2s-0T DSM REVD LOT LAYOUT a EDUCING ENMELOPE enowsco ORrh I f �TD BE CONVEYED TO CITY ` _ 1-11-07 DSM RENSRI DRAINAGE EASEMENTS J1 _ NAGS EA TOBECONVEYED TO CIN - - 1 \ I 1 / STORMWATER LICENSE -s m osM RENSED AGE EASEMENT -��_ DRAI ` STORMWATER��� \ I MENT' (WITHIN R.O.W.) TO BE 4-1e-0e DSM R SOD LO uraur - - - - - - - �.R.WAT-Ell '�� \ l 11 CONVEYED TO SOUTHADDED TN MNr STORMWAl1Jt _'----------- - 11 VILLAGE COMMUNITIES __ `` L- ------ ------------------ _ TORMWATER PHASE 20' WIDE DRAINAGE I POND 3 I IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r-20' MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TO CITY ,� �' - I DEDICATION - 14-K 200' 20' RECREATION ppTH EASEMENT TO CITY _ R 1; POND 1 / NIL EASEMENT TO BE F R.O.W. EXPANSION � / CONVEYED TO -------------- -LED-N-------------------------- ------------- --- R EAglf]7T , / E SUBDIVISION • -10 PATH 2O' - --------- _U'E 9zo.79 - 20' MARAI ACE EASEMENT TO CITY - - - - - ----- 20 4s_--�- - - 1sz.ae �P _�p.,gy // ~ - _�\= w -Rl.f& TOWN 0 SHELBURN 0 oG.oa xorw'GA•E - -\ no7•s7 o.'E - - TO SWFT STAE ET EDGE OF EXISTING ROAD 66' PUBLIC R.O.W. nAwmc nuweea --------------------- - SPEAR STREET ---------- ------------------------------- - JULY, 2004 -- -- _ 77-----`-�-------T r 7 ---- ---T------�-r------- TO -- GRAPHIC SCALE - - - �R CinAL SCAE I j 7- 1• a 60• S1.3 I IN FEET I FRm. no. 1 1 I I Inch - 60 ft. 01243 r southbgr1fington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review( Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner' RE: Agenda #8 Preliminary Plat application #SP-08-24 Final Plat application #SP-08-25 DATE: May 16, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) subdividing a 1.05 acre lot (lot 4) into two (2) lots of 0.53 acres (lot 4A) and 0.52 acres (lot 4B), 64& 96 Aiken Street, and 2) increasing lot coverage waiver from 65% to 75%, 1840 Spear Street. Subdivision of Lot 4: The applicant is proposing to subdivide Lot 4 into two parcels of .53 and .52 acres respectively. The minimum lot size in the Southeast Quadrant for multi -family residential is approximately .92 acres. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a waiver of the minimum lot size. Staff has no objections to this request. Had the applicant not drawn a property line around each building, the same buildings would meet the ordinance as it simply refers to minimum lot size for multifamily residential and does not relate to the number of units. Increased Lot Coverage: The applicant is proposing to increase the approved percentage of impervious lot coverages on the multifamily lots in PhasE requesting a change to the limitation on remains in the range of 16% at full build -out. 1 from 65% to 75%. The applicant is not lot coverage for the entire project, which The Board should discuss this request. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846,4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com o W,-A,INN southhurlinoon qzp PLANNING & ZONING May 16, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: South Village Applications for 5/20/08 DRB Meeting Dear Dave: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy onough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 MEMORANDUM To: Ray Belair Cathyann LaRose From: Jay Nadeau Date: May 8, 2008 Re: Site Plan Comments 64 and 96 Aiken Street, Lot 4 South Village Below are my comments on the above referenced site plans: 1. The proposed six-inch (6") water service to lot 4B must not be installed within three -feet (3') of the fire hydrant swivel -tee, nor within four -feet (4') of the proposed gas lines to lot 21. 2. The proposed gas lines to lot 21 must not be located within ten -feet (10') of the fire hydrant (STA. 602+05) Please contact me if you have any questions. CITY OF SOUTH BURLING TON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: May 15, 2008 \drb\sub\southvi11age\64Aiken_sit.doc Application received: April 28, 2008 SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES LLC 64 AIKEN STREET SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-08-34 Agenda # 9 Meeting Date: May 20, 2008 Owners/Applicant Property Information South Village Communities LLC Tax Parcel 0007-00064 c/o David Scheuer SEQ Zoning District 40 to; 70 South Winooski Ave Burlington, VT 05401 Contact David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvil1age\64Aiken sit doc South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking site approval to construct a 12 unit multi -family dwelling, 64 Aiken Street. COMMENTS Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on April 23, 2008 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements The subject lot is part of a previously approved master plan for the entire Planned Unit Development known as South Village. Should the Development Review Board approve the applicant's request for a waiver of overall coverage as part of related applications (SD-08-24 and SD-08-25), the proposed project will meet all dimensional requirements and limits which had been approved as part of the Master Plan approval (MP-04-01 and the amendment MP-05-02). SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Access to the building is proposed via a shared 20' curb cut from Aiken Street. This is a private entrance drive. Staff has no concerns with the proposed curbcut. The twelve (12) proposed units require twenty-seven (27) parking spaces. The site plan includes parking for 28 vehicles (nineteen spaces in the subsurface garage, nine spaces in the proposed parking area and access drive). However, based on the site plan submitted, the parking spot dimensions do not meet the standards of the SBLDR. The plans should be revised to ensure that the underground parking spaces meet the requirements of Table 13-8 of the SBLDR. 1. The site plan shall be revised to ensure that all parking spaces meet the requirements of Table 13-8 of the SBLDR. A note on the plan is incorrect with respect to the number of parking spaces required. This should be revised to accurately reflect the number of required parking spaces. 2. The plans shall be revised to accurately reflect the required number of parking spaces. Pedestrian movement is adequate. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvillage\64Aiken sit doc (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking is proposed to be located to the side and underneath of the building (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The roof of the proposed building is a hybrid of flat and pitched. The height of the building is proposed to be 37.6 feet to the midpoint of the eave for the sloped portion of the roof. The height of the building to the top of the flat portion of the roof is proposed to be 38 feet. The maximum height for a flat roofed building is 35 feet. The maximum height for a pitched roof building is 40 feet. The Board should discuss whether they wish to classify this building as a flat roof or pitched roof building. Should the Board decide it is a flat roof building, the applicant wishes for a height waiver of three (3) feet. Should the Board decide that it is a pitched roof building, no height waivers are needed. Staff would not oppose the proposed three foot height waiver for this building. 3. The Board should determine if any height waivers are needed and should be granted (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a letter dated May 8, 2008 (attached). 5. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated May 8, 2008. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed buildings. Staff finds the proposed buildings to be in compliance with this criterion. (� Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed buildings. Staff finds the proposed buildings to be in compliance with this criterion. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvil1age\64Aiken sit doc onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. The proposed building is access via a shared curb cut with a similar 12-unit multi -family building. Furthermore, the overall layout of the subdivision has been reviewed as part of Master Plan review and as a 3-step PUD. Staff does not find any need for additional access to abutting properties in relation to this site plan application. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The dumpsters are proposed to be located within the parking garage. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Based on submitted building costs of $1,528,000, the minimum landscaping budget should be $10,780. The applicant's current on -site landscaping budget does not meet this value; staff has spoken with the applicant and they have agreed to revise the plans to meet the minimum. 6. The plans shall be revised to show a minimum landscaping budget of $10, 780. As the plans are to be revised, the City Arborist has not yet reviewed them for planting details and species selection. He shall review them and provide comments; if necessary they shall be revised. 7. The City Arborist shall review the plans and provide comments. If necessary, the plans shall be revised in compliance with the comments of the City Arborist. The plans do include landscaping around the utility cabinets. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the plans shall depict snow storage areas that will minimize the potential for run-off. No snow storage areas are shown on the plans. 8. The plans shall be revised to show snow storage areas. A note on the site plan ensures that a bicycle storage rack is to be included in the garage. Lighting Pursuant to Section 13.07(A) of the Land Development Regulations, all exterior lighting shall be shielded and downcasting to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent properties and rights -of - way. The applicant has submitted lighting details for building mounted lights; they meet the standards set forth in the SBLDR. There is no proposed ground or pole -mounted lights. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvillage\64Aiken sit doc Other The City of South Burlington Fire Chief has not yet reviewed the plans or provided comments 9. The South Burlington Fire Chief shall review the plans and provide comments. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the City of South Burlington Fire Chief; if necessary, the plans shall be revised accordingly. Section 9.05B states that the DRB may approve up to 12 dwelling units per structure, provide that "such approval must be granted in conjunction with approval of a Master Plan, and shall require review and a recommendation of approval by the Design Review Committee of the architectural design, massing, materials, landscaping and other site plan features." The Design Review Committee has been reduced to merely two members who have not been able to meet. The Planning Commission is working with staff to redesign the scope and function of this Committee. In the interim, staff recommends that the Development Review Board function as the Design Review Committee in oversight of this project. The applicant has submitted all the details which would facilitate this review. Staff has also reviewed the design specifications for the proposed multi -family and has no concerns or objections and finds it in compliance with the general goals of the Comprehensive Plan for the Southeast Quadrant. Staff recommends that the Board approve Site Plan Application #SP-08-24 subject to the applicant satisfactorily addressing the conditional items included in the comments section of this report. Respectfully submitted, Aath'ydaJ,n23LaRose, Associate Planner Copy to: David Scheuer for South Village, Owner and Applicant Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, Contact CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: May 15, 2008 \drb\sub\southvillage\96Aiken sit.doc Application received: April 28, 2008 SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES LLC 96 AIKEN STREET SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-08-35 Agenda # 10 Meeting Date: Ma 20, 2008 Owners/Applicant Property Information South Village Communities LLC Tax Parcel 0007-00064 c/o David Scheuer SEQ Zoning District 70 South Winooski Ave Burlington, VT 05401 Contact David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. V® 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvi1lage\96Aiken sit doc South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking site approval to construct a 12 unit multi -family dwelling, 96 Aiken Street. COMMENTS Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on April 23, 2008 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements The subject lot is part of a previously approved master plan for the entire Planned Unit Development known as South Village. Should the Development Review Board approve the applicant's request for a waiver of overall coverage as part of related applications (SD-08-24 and SD-08-25), the proposed project will meet all dimensional requirements and limits which had been approved as part of the Master Plan approval (MP-04-01 and the amendment MP-05-02). SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Access to the building is proposed via a shared 20' curb cut from Aiken Street. This is a private entrance drive. Staff has no concerns with the proposed curbcut. The twelve (12) proposed units require twenty-seven (27) parking spaces. The site plan includes parking for 28 vehicles (nineteen spaces in the subsurface garage, nine spaces in the proposed parking area and access drive). However, based on the site plan submitted, the parking spot dimensions do not meet the standards of the SBLDR. The plans should be revised to ensure that the underground parking spaces meet the requirements of Table 13-8 of the SBLDR. 1. The site plan shall be revised to ensure that all parking spaces meet the requirements of Table 13-8 of the SBLDR. A note on the plan is incorrect with respect to the number of parking spaces required. This should be revised to accurately reflect the number of required parking spaces. 2. The plans shall be revised to accurately reflect the required number of parking spaces. Pedestrian movement is adequate. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvillage\96Aiken sit doc (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking is proposed to be located to the side and underneath of the building (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The roof of the proposed building is a hybrid of flat and pitched. The height of the building is proposed to be 39.6 feet to the midpoint of the eave for the sloped portion of the roof. The height of the building to the top of the flat portion of the roof is proposed to be 40 feet. The maximum height for a flat roofed building is 35 feet. The maximum height for a pitched roof building is 40 feet. The Board should discuss whether they wish to classify this building as a flat roof or pitched roof building. Should the Board decide it is a flat roof building, the applicant wishes for a height waiver of five (5) feet. Should the Board decide that it is a pitched roof building, no height waivers are needed. Staff would not oppose the proposed three foot height waiver for this building. 3. The Board should determine if any height waivers are needed and should be granted. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a letter dated May 8, 2008 (attached). 5. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated May 8, 2008. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed buildings. Staff finds the proposed buildings to be in compliance with this criterion. (t) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed buildings. Staff finds the proposed buildings to be in compliance with this criterion. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\southvillage\96Aiken sit doc onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. The proposed building is access via a shared curb cut with a similar 12-unit multi -family building. Furthermore, the overall layout of the subdivision has been reviewed as part of Master Plan review and as a 3-step PUD. Staff does not find any need for additional access to abutting properties in relation to this site plan application. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The dumpsters are proposed to be located within the parking garage. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Based on submitted building costs of $1,528,000, the minimum landscaping budget should be $10,780. The applicant's current on -site landscaping budget does not meet this value; staff has spoken with the applicant and they have agreed to revise the plans to meet the minimum. 6. The plans shall be revised to show a minimum landscaping budget of $10, 780. As the plans are to be revised, the City Arborist has not yet reviewed them for planting details and species selection. He shall review them and provide comments; if necessary they shall be revised. 7. The City Arborist shall review the plans and provide comments. If necessary, the plans shall be revised in compliance with the comments of the City Arborist. The plans do include landscaping around the utility cabinets. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the plans shall depict snow storage areas that will minimize the potential for run-off. No snow storage areas are shown on the plans. 8. The plans shall be revised to show snow storage areas. A note on the site plan ensures that a bicycle storage rack is to be included in the garage. Lighting Pursuant to Section 13.07(A) of the Land Development Regulations, all exterior lighting shall be shielded and downcasting to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent properties and rights -of - way. The applicant has submitted lighting details for building mounted lights; they meet the standards set forth in the SBLDR. There is no proposed ground or pole -mounted lights. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING _- \drb\sub\southvillage\96Aiken sit doc Other The City of South Burlington Fire Chief has not yet reviewed the plans or provided comments 9. The South Burlington Fire Chief shall review the plans and provide comments. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the City of South Burlington Fire Chief, if necessary, the plans shall be revised accordingly. Section 9.05B states that the DRB may approve up to 12 dwelling units per structure, provide that "such approval must be granted in conjunction with approval of a Master Plan, and shall require review and a recommendation of approval by the Design Review Committee of the architectural design, massing, materials, landscaping and other site plan features." The Design Review Committee has been reduced to merely two members who have not been able to meet. The Planning Commission is working with staff to redesign the scope and function of this Committee. In the interim, staff recommends that the Development Review Board function as the Design Review Committee in oversight of this project. The applicant has submitted all the details which would facilitate this review. Staff has also reviewed the design specifications for the proposed multi -family and has no concerns or objections and finds it in compliance with the general goals of the Comprehensive Plan for the Southeast Quadrant. Staff recommends that the Board approve Site Plan Application #SP-08-24 subject to the applicant satisfactorily addressing the conditional items included in the comments section of this report. Respectfully submitted, athya n LaRose, Associate Planner Copy to: David Scheuer for South Village, Owner and Applicant Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, Contact SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 MEMORANDUM To: Ray Belair Cathyann LaRose From: Jay Nadeau Date: May 8, 2008 Re: Site Plan Comments 64 and 96 Aiken Street, Lot 4 South Village Below are my comments on the above referenced site plans: 1. The proposed six-inch (6") water service to lot 4B must not be installed within three -feet (3') of the fire hydrant swivel -tee, nor within four -feet (4') of the proposed gas lines to lot 21. 2. The proposed gas lines to lot 21 must not be located within ten -feet (10') of the fire hydrant (STA. 602+05) Please contact me if you have any questions. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 2 of 2 January 13, 2008 This completes our summary of the proposed changes that are reflected in the Phase I Preliminary/Final Plat amendment package. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Prelim. Plat Applic. & Applic. Fee - Base Fee ($511.00) Final Plat Application & Application Fee ($511.00) 1 set of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans Landscaping Plans as 8.5" x 11 " format cc: J. Segale (w/ 2 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosure) CAI Let\01243\Phase 1\LaRose-Prelim-Final Amendment2 let.wpd MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Plannelo RE: Agenda #8 Preliminary Plat application #SP-08-24 Final Plat application #SP-08-25 DATE: May 16, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) subdividing a 1.05 acre lot (lot 4) into two (2) lots of 0.53 acres (lot 4A) and 0.52 acres (lot 4B), 64& 96 Aiken Street, and 2) increasing lot coverage waiver from 65% to 75%, 1840 Spear Street. Subdivision of Lot 4: The applicant is proposing to subdivide Lot 4 into two parcels of .53 and .52 acres respectively. The minimum lot size in the Southeast Quadrant for multi -family residential is approximately .92 acres. Therefore, the applicant is. requesting a waiver of the minimum lot size. Staff has no objections to this request. Had the applicant not drawn a property line around each building, the same buildings would meet the ordinance as it simply refers to minimum lot size for multifamily residential and does not relate to the number of units. Increased Lot Coverage: The applicant is proposing to increase the approved percentage of impervious lot coverages on the multifamily lots in Phase 1 from 65% to 75%. The applicant is not requesting a change to the limitation on lot coverage for the entire project, which remains in the range of 16% at full build -out. The Board should discuss this request. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.41,01 www.sburl.com 04 ® 40/ I 11110 WE southburlingto PLANNING & ZONING February 26, 2008 Dave Marshall CEA PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: South Village Dear Dave: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. cer ly, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: David Scheuer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r ate®" i southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING February 26, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: Minutes — South Village Dear Mr. Bradley: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved February 5, 2008 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com q; south". PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner 9 RE: Agenda #8, Preliminary Plat application #SP-08-03 Final Plat application #SP-08-04 DATE: February 12, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing the front yard setback from 10' to 5', and 2) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street. The proposal was heard on February 5, 2008 but continued at the request of the applicant. Meeting minutes may be available by the date of the hearing. Front yard setback: The applicant and staff met with Fire Chief Doug Brent on December 20, 2007. After a thorough discussion, the agreed approach is as follows: 1. Non -weatherized porches may extend into the front yard setback but must respect a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the front property line. Such porches may be covered but not weatherized or otherwise used as livable space. 2. Only one story porches will be permitted between at the five (5) yard setback limit. 3. The front yard setback for all other portions of the buildings will remain at 10 feet. The Director of Public Works has issued a memo regarding the reduced front yard setback, dated January 8, 2008 and revised February 4, 2008 (attached). The Board should consider the request and the statements of various staff members 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 902.846.4101 regarding the reduced front yard setback Staff reminds the Board and the applicant that all coverage limitations imposed as part of the final plat approval must be respected. Utility Cabinets: Staff has reviewed the proposed utility cabinets and discussed the plans with the City Arborist. Overall, the screening plans meet the goals of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations to significantly screen the proposed structures. The City Arborist, per the memo dated February 1, 2008, recommends a change in some of the proposed species. The applicant is requesting approval to locate the cabinets within the front yard setback. The SBLDRs state that no accessory structure may be located in the front yard. The applicant is requesting a waiver from this regulation. 1. The Board grants approval for the location of three (3) accessory structures (utility cabinets) in the front yard. The applicant is proposing to locate three of the utility boxes as close as five feet from the property lines. As noted in the comments of the City Arborist dated February 1, 2008, this requests presents a real problem with the ability to properly screen these units. The applicant is proposing to place some of this landscaping within the City's Right of Way. This is not permitted nor encouraged by the City and should not be allowed. The five feet that would be left between the ROW and the transformer does not permit adequate space to provide adequate screening of these units. Staff further notes that there do not appear to be any restrictions on the land which would prohibit the location of these units at least 10 feet. Staff does not support the request to locate the utility cabinets and related structures any closer than ten (10) feet from the City's Right of Way. The front yard setback in the Southeast Quadrant is 20 feet. This would result in a front yard setback waiver of 10 feet. 2. The Development Review Board grants a front yard setback of ten (10) feet for the three (3) utility cabinets and associate concrete pads. The structures shall in no case be located closer than ten (10) feet from the right-of-way. The plans shall be revised accordingly. South Burlington Public Works 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL: (802)658-7961 FAX: (802)658-7976 oFfIcit 104 L.ANEWILL RC January 8, 2008 To: Development Review Board From: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director Re: Agenda Item #9 Preliminary Plat #SD-07-74 and Final Plat #SD-07-75 of South Village I oppose granting any further Front Yard Set back distances for this project. Set back distances were dealt with over many meetings with the developer prior to the approvals for this project. The main reason for my opposition to reducing the Front Yard set back any more have to do with winter conditions. We are already having issues with developments that do not have enough storage for snow in the winter. I am not talking about snow from the City ROW but from the residents themselves. When we have times of heavy snows or constant snow showers there is not enough room for the residents to deal with the snow from their driveways or sidewalks. The residents end up having to put the snow in the City ROW. This is costly to the city, dangerous for emergency services and illegal. It truly does make our job of snow plowing much more costly. Our trucks each have an assigned route and we try very hard not to have to go back to a street anymore then we have to. When public property is used to move snow off private property it is impossible for us to maintain a road in such away that we feel comfortable that when we leave it is in serviceable condition and able to be used by both the residents and any emergency service that may be needed for the residents. February 4, 2008 I have met with the developer again in regards to their request for a 5 ft setback. It is my understanding that they are asking for this reduction in very specific areas. The only way that I would support any reduction would be as described on the e-mail from Joe Segale to me on February 4, 2008 and only in the very few locations that are now being presented. Also there would have to be some assurance that a driveway cut could never happen at these specific locations. The 5' from the porch to the sidewalk would have to be free of shrubs, trees and other plantings. Also I want to make sure that I only would allow this change if the DRB felt that there is a way to make these conditions permanent. II N m \ NTH JEFSE ON R040 11 / 153 5.04ACRES 1 STORM WATER O I-� I POND 3 TO SWIFT STREET ------------ �I O 187.0 ACRES I 1 1 2 >ES I .18 CRES I 3 ) I --- 3 0 56 --IT I o.2 I cR I Fs I I I 1 I I cREs I SOUTH JEFFERSON ROAD COMMON ACRES 'i15 0.47 ACRES I O 'JJ 187.8 ACRES 7 I I j / I STORM WATER - .POND 5 WHO SOUN JEFFE O LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ----- EASEMENT LINE ------ TIE LINE -' CALCULATED POINT O IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND /SIZE O 5 REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER PROPOSED O PROPOSED CONCRETE MONUMENT O UTILITY POLE STORM WATER POND 4 217 205 - N ROAD 0.19 ACRES I OAS .. I 1 I 46 143 0.28 ACRES ACRES (2) 139 I 144 I I (n cnl w -1 I a 1 SITE ENGINEER: I I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC 1 I P O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, 2ff 0.548: m ctla �.0-995-2.32.3 FA%: b(Y•-9b5 2 1 1 ACDRARN L CHELEBD DSM APPROVED TRC IOWNER: SOUTH VILLAGE i COMMUNITIES, LLC. (LET LFL�Ae!01.23 I O(1) II ° 127 s ACRS ' 0,a i1 ....123 5 .IB ACRES (,) 0(3) 119 1.49 ACM 9 0.25 C 52 42I f/ / t / 5 na O FROST STREET W 1 110 f /' 24 Ac. 23 AC I 5 cn 0.23 A IEs � .36 51 4318 I I II �/ �0' / / pI� 930 AC AC5 23 . 1:019 ACRES I Z 89 , j J / I � Q (2 0.30 ACRES O NO 013Ol(3) 85ACRES AIKEN STREET IEs 1.05 0.19 I 0.13 I 39 75 1 ' / 1 I p / i 0 / w 74 / O i 187.8 ACRES I/ (1) o. s 81 o.1a A ACRES ACRES A^ 30 4V 0.30 ACRES 71 (3) .., 7:: I I l ( / I' �/ 1� Ililllllilllll ;f 0.21 ACRES I I I I I I I I I I I i CH STREET -- / 61471 5 1 113 0.47 CR I 1 r ll 5B 5C I 5D 1 5E I 1 1 I 1 0.17 ACRES ' I 0.I7 ACRES ' I 0.17 ACRES I 0.17 ACRES I 0.24 ACRES I 61 , 1 I / r4 I ll r I I STORM WATER rl POND 2 TORM WATER 1 POND 1 =---------0 o / TO BARSTOW AD. --------r-- _----------- 7------ —T r---------- T---- - ------------ -—�1*-- -- -- c5yLIlL� C.ALE __---- ; t I I I Lzo PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP 1 = 3000 REP.- 911 ADDRESSES 911 ADDRESSES 911 ADDRESS PLAN DEC., 2007 RL" 911 r�so' CIVIL "ING311NERING AVSOCU011"', INC. 928 Falls Road Phone: 802-985-2323 P.O. Box 485 Fax: 802-985-2271 Shelburne, VT 05482 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com February 14, 2008 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village PRD SD-08-03 & 04 Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: Please let this serve as notice that the applicant is hereby requesting a continuance of its spot on the February 19, 2008 hearing to the next hearing date before the Development Review Board. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985- 2323 x310. Respectfully, avid S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer ldsm cc: D. Scheuer CEA File 0 1243. 00 OG CDW'PUta t �o 1 -Mmfl�s tt cc Ats 09"WRA�s I JId 1 waalt C:\1Let\01243\Phase 11LaRose-Prelim-Final Amendment3 Continuance let.wpd } CIVIL E, IGII IEURI IG A1,15JCIrkrEs" 11 IC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 February 14, 2008 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: South Village PRD SD-08-03 & 04 Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: Please let this serve as notice that the applicant is hereby requesting a continuance of its spot on the February 19, 2008 hearing to the next hearing date before the Development Review Board. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985- 2323 x310. Respectfully, avid S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm M D. Scheuer CEA File 01243.00 C:\1Let\01243\Phase I\LaRose-Prelim-Final Amendment3 Continuance let.wpd southburlington PLANNING & ZONING I MA MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner C RE: Agenda #5, Preliminary Plat application #SP-08-03 Final Plat application #SP-08-04 DATE: February 26, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing the front yard setback from 10' to 5', and 2) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street. The proposal was heard on February 5, 2008 and but continued at the request of the applicant. The proposal was then scheduled for February 19, 2008 but continued at the request of the applicant. The application was not discussed at the February 19, 2008 meeting. Meeting minutes from February 5, 2008 are attached. Front yard setback: The applicant and staff met with Fire Chief Doug Brent on December 20, 2007. After a thorough discussion, the agreed approach is as follows: 1. Non -weatherized porches may extend into the front yard setback but must respect a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the front property line. Such porches may be covered but not weatherized or otherwise used as livable space. 2. Only one story porches will be permitted between at the five (5) yard setback limit. 3. The front yard setback for all other portions of the buildings will remain at 10 feet. The Director of Public Works has issued a memo regarding the reduced front yard setback, dated January 8, 2008 and revised February 4, 2008 (attached). 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com The Board should consider the request and the statements of various staff members regarding the reduced front yard setback. Staff reminds the Board and the applicant that all coverage limitations imposed as part of the final plat approval must be respected. Utility Cabinets: Staff has reviewed the proposed utility cabinets and discussed the plans with the City Arborist. Overall, the screening plans meet the goals of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations to significantly screen the proposed structures. The City Arborist, per the memo dated February 1, 2008, recommends a change in some of the proposed species. The applicant is requesting approval to locate the cabinets within the front yard setback. The SBLDRs state that no accessory structure may be located in the front yard. The applicant is requesting a waiver from this regulation. 1. The Board grants approval for the location of three (3) accessory structures (utility cabinets) in the front yard. The applicant is proposing to locate three of the utility boxes as close as five feet from the property lines. As noted in the comments of the City Arborist dated February 1, 2008, this requests presents a real problem with the ability to properly screen these units. The applicant is proposing to place some of this landscaping within the City's Right of Way. This is not permitted nor encouraged by the City and should not be allowed. The five feet that would be left between the ROW and the transformer does not permit adequate space to provide adequate screening of these units. Staff further notes that there do not appear to be any restrictions on the land which would prohibit the location of these units at least 10 feet. Staff does not support the request to locate the utility cabinets and related structures any closer than ten (10) feet from the City's Right of Way. The front yard setback in the Southeast Quadrant is 20 feet. This would result in a front yard setback waiver of 10 feet. 2. The Development Review Board grants a front yard setback of ten (10) feet for the three (3) utility cabinets and associate concrete pads. The structures shall in no case be located closer than ten (10) feet from the right-of-way. The plans shall be revised accordingly. SOUTH BUx INGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 FEBRUARY, 2008 The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 5 February 2008, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Dinklage, Chair; G. Quimby, M. Behr, R. Farley Also Present: R. Belair, Administrative Officer; C. LaRose, Associate Planner; D. Marshall, D. Scheuer, K. Donaghue, T. Duff, J. Buhl, T. Loyer, J. Bradley, B. Bouchard, M. Wilson, R. Ernshaw, S. Allen, S. Carroll, J. Carroll, P. Yee, M. Sperry, T. Lieberman, J. Anderson, B. Cooper, D. Pugh, F. Costoudino, J. Beall, N. Fitzgerald, A. Conte, B. Armstrong, R. Redzic, Z. Redzic 1. Other Business: No issues were raised. 2. Preliminary Plat Application 9SD-07-76 and Final Plat Application #SD-07- 77 reopening the hearing of Chittenden Bank to amend a previously approved planned unit development of a 704,655 sq. ft. GFA shopping complex with 618,846 sq. ft. of GLA. The amendment consists of. 1) razing a 4879 sq. ft. drive-in bank, 2) constructing a 7310 sq. ft. drive-in bank, and 3) installing a 1330 sq. ft. temporary drive-in bank. This hearing is being reopened to correct errors in the decision dated 12/13/07, 55 & 155 Dorset St: Mr. Belair advised that the applicant had asked for a continuance until 19 February. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Preliminary Plat #SD-07-76 and Final Plat #SD-07-77 until 19 February 2008. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Continued Final Plat Application #SD-07-55 of R. L. Vallee, Inc., for a planned unit development to: 1) raze an existing 2313 sq. ft. service station and convenience store, 2) construct a 2313 sq. ft. building consisting of 1079 sq. ft. of convenience store use and 1234 sq. ft. of short-order restaurant use, and 3) reducing the number of fueling positions from eight to six, 811 Williston Rd: Mr. Belair advised that the applicant has asked for a continuance until April. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Final Plat Application #SD-07-55 until 1 April 2008. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. i 4. Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-03 and Final Plat Application #SD-08- 04 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a previously approved -1- SOUTH BUAINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOA RD 5 FEBRUARY, 2008 planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of 1) reducing the front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, and 2) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Marshall showed the plan with the road highlighted. He noted that the City Arborist has reviewed the landscaping plan, and the applicant is willing to make the suggested changes. Mr. Marshall showed the location of the proposed utility cabinets. He noted that staff has recommended no less than a 10 foot setback for the utility cabinets, and the applicant is OK with this. Mr. Belair noted that typically utility cabinets are in the side or rear yards, but this is where GMP wants them. Mr. Marshall noted they have moved as many as possible to the rear yards. Regarding building setbacks, Mr. Marshall said he had met with the Fire Chief who is OK with the 5-foot setbacks as they were explained to him. The Public Works director expressed opposition in his memo of 8 January because of concerns with snow storage in relation to driveways. Mr. Marshall said they explained to Mr. Hoar that these areas would have no driveways, and Mr. Hoar said he would agree provided there are never driveways in the location of the 5-foot setbacks. Mr. Belair said he didn't know how an action of this DRB could bind a future DRB that might be inclined to allow driveways there. Mr. Marshall said that once the buildings are built, you wouldn't be able to bring driveways to the street. There would also be notice of this in the deeds and association documents. A resident asked why the applicant is seeking 5-foot setbacks. Mr. Marshall said the original plan was conceived based on the old GMP system that required 10 feet. Since then, a different system has been created with GMP. The applicant's intent is to create a very close neighborhood. Mr. Marshall showed the 20 units where the 5 foot setbacks would apply. Mr. Donaghue asked if there would still be sidewalks with those units. Mr. Marshall said there would. Mr. Donaghue noted that the sidewalk snowblower blows snow 20 feet onto his lawn. He didn't think the city should have to deal with figuring out where to put snow. He felt the residents would complain when snow was blown onto their porches. Mr. Scheuer said there will be specific instructions for homeowners as to whom to contact if there is snow on their porches so the City would not have to deal with this. It would also be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Association to clear the walkways. Ms. Quimby showed what 5 feet would look like on a measuring tape and said she is opposed to it. The applicant felt it would be better to wait for a full Board rather than have a denial at this time. -2- i 1 1 I SOUTH BLAINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 FEBRUARY, 2008 Ms. Quimby moved to continue Preliminary Plat Application 7SD-08-03 and Final Plat Application #SD-08-04 until 19 February 2008. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Site Plan Application #SP-08-05 of Joel Bradley to amend a previously approved plan for a mixed use 4005 sq. ft. building. The amendment consists Of. 1) converting 948 sq. ft. of vacant space to retail use, and 2) allowing a two parking space waiver, 1197 Williston Road: Mr. Duff said the applicant plans to convert a vacant space to retail use and is requesting a 2 space parking waiver. The existing building has a variety of uses including 4 residential units and a business. The newly proposed tenant is a retail use. The applicant feels there will be enough parking as there are non -simultaneous uses of the residential and retail uses. Mr. Belair said staff has no issues. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-08-05 of Joel Bradley subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Continued Final Plat Application #SD-07-77 of Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, for a planned unit development consisting of a 30,000 sq. ft. general office building, 193 Tilley Drive: Mr. Bouchard said they have received the memo from FEMA which confirms that they are not in the flood plain. Mr. Bouchard distributed a color photo of what the building will look like. He agreed that they will build what is shown in the photo. Ms. Wilson asked if this is a different building from the one which is now going up. Mr. Dinklage said it is. Mr. Behr noted that with the next building, the applicant would have to provide an updated traffic study. Mr. Bouchard said that is being done at this time. Mr. Dinklage stressed that it appears Exit 12B is being very seriously considered, and he urged the applicant to do nothing to compromise that. Mr. Ernshaw asked how to provide input and get information regarding the traffic study. Mr. Dinklage said input would be welcome, and the City Manager is the person to speak with. Ms. Quimby moved to approve. Final Plat Application #SD-07-77 of Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. -3- Page 2 of 2 David G. White & Assoc., Inc. PO Box 1007 168 Battery St. Burlington, VT 05402-1007 Phone: 802-862-1225 x13 Fax: 802-862-3601 Juli Beth Hinds wrote: The Oracle Speaks: Because Merchants Bank shares its access to Shelburne Road with K- Mart, what we'll have you do is to project the ITE trip ends for (a) the occupied K-Mart space and (b) the existing and proposed banks. The property is in zone 3 for traffic overlay, giving you 45 trip ends per 40,000 SF for a traffic "budget." As big as that total property is, you're probably well within the budget even with K-mart's trips added in. If you're over it, we may want to use existing counts for the site as the baseline. The bank would be eligible for the "internal absorption of trips" reductions in Appendix B as well. Juli Beth Hinds, AICP Director of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vl' 0J403 (802) 846-4io6/4101 fax ihinds(&sburl.com www.sburl.com 2/15/2008 F, r-41, EVA southburlington PLANNING & ZONING March 6, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on March 4, 2008 (effective 3/6/08). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 180 days (must be submitted & recorded by September 2 2008) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Mc o ough Brown Planning & oning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6151 0014 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Ar a �D a W 5 `PA � 0 southburfington PLANNING & ZONING March 6, 2008 Kevin Donahue 22 Pinnacle Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Donahue: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com rr e southburlington PLANNING & ZONING March 6, 2008 Curt Moody Mark Westergard 1855 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Moody & Mr. Westergard: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. ce ely, nml Root) Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com n -x CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). �/kc&rchHEARING DATE: p2c�Og NAME nnnn IAI!_ AMr,r-jr I Ur Illy 1 CKCJ I �,� ,� CI -A , pa a0 5( 4 �5 1 r O 2 43 5-,o 1 �^ U�Cru avdJo'anne l9 d'��- -V- cJ csm 6 &eal U r a� S G.ati,-a�ti�e pax �OO� ��o-'isCn q C'� I S'4 h e-lAe c� e D`- so �3 U rl U`(� S �{ !fie S4 v►c <-0 S._ L( to e. V 4 v I < V�Ila�e.. �FS� wear S�- . x CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of otice of and appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: f-Aar-ch p2©Qg NAME nnAn IK]f-- AMMMr'c1c, - _ .-- .......•�.,., rrtvJGl. 1 yr iN i tKtJ i fIC�10'jt'fti,S! Z� i7l'GY.InSa �Q vl 4-3 5�� TC-T %We' fitAle Aed JT U7.C�l/ ardJ a n/ie- cJ cSm k b &ea, U 7- TM�' �L9 ! sa - J3ud 1/7u 5 y wes4 v►c (-d eL- .U-F ?mnc IL -� Mac�1�� �ucskc�a�d � c,.��llagz �855 mar S+ r �P 0�/ ®1 /, jq f� southburlinton PLANNING & ZONING April 3, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: Minutes — South Village Dear Dave: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved March 4, 2008 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com (Sq�� � Q-�r f � DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 4 MARCH 2O08 Mr. Provost said there is an existing single family house with an accessory apartment, and he is proposing to add another single family unit in the back with another accessory apartment. He showed the existing home on the plan and indicated an existing 2-car garage with an attached office. The office would become the accessory apartment for the new single family home. Mr. Belair said currently the building is considered a duplex. The applicant would convert one of those units into an accessory apartment so he can then have the other single family home with another accessory apartment. Mr. Belair noted that accessory apartments don't count as units. Mr. Belair also noted that the applicant has said he wanted to do footprint lots, but that will have to be worked out. Mr. Dinklage said the Board will want to see elevation plans and have the applicant attest that he will build what is on those plans. He added that the application should be "squeaky clean" and encouraged the applicant to continue to work with staff. Mr. Knudsen noted that one of the units must be occupied by the owner. Neighborhood residents expressed concern with turning a single family house into an apartment house complex. Mr. Dinklage explained that recent changes made at the state level permit this type of development. It also encourages "infill," and the city has made changes to encourage this. He suggested that if the residents have an issue with this that they take it up with the Planning Commission. Mr. Belair added that the result of the State law changes would allow every home in the neighborhood to have an accessory apartment. Continued Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-03 & Final Plat Application #SD-08-04 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of 1) reducing the front yard setback from 10' to 5' and 2) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Marshall showed the location of the utility cabinets on the plan. He also showed how electrical distribution will feed in from the back of the units. This allows for more front yard flexibility. Mr. Marshall said the applicant will assure that all landscaping is out of the right-of-way. Regarding the reduced setbacks, Mr. Marshall said that traditional neighborhood design tries to bring buildings closer to the street. He reviewed issues with the Fire Chief to assure the Fire Department's ability to respond to a fire. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 4 MARCH 2O08 Mr. Marshall noted concerns raised by the Public Works Director relating to snow removal and snow storage. Mr. Hoar said he would only consider agreeing to the reduced setbacks if there were never any driveways coming out to the street. Mr. Marshall noted that there is a community driveway in the rear of the units. He said there would be a condition in the deeds that no driveways be added that would go to the pubic street. He then showed a design that would allow for snow storage. Mr. Belair said the Public Works Director wants a "guarantee" that there will never be driveways to the public street, and there is no mechanism to make that guarantee. Mr. Dinklage suggested language that any curb cut would require site plan review. Ms. Quimby noted that a sidewalk plow can throw snow 5-30 feet. This would result in thrown snow hitting houses and residents complaining to the city. She showed members what a 5-foot span would look like. Mr. Belair noted that the lots involved in this request are enumerated in Stipulation #4. A stipulation could be added that there be no additional curb cuts for those lots. Mr. Scheuer said there is only 10 feet between the buildings which would never be practical for adding a curb cut. Mr. Donaghue said he agreed with the potential snow removal problem and added that the plow could throw rocks as well as snow at the buildings. He questioned whether the original Board would have approved a 5-foot setback. He said that if it is allowed, he would require the homeowners' association to plow the sidewalks so there would be no liability to the city. Mr. Scheuer noted that the offered to take over the streets, but the City rejected that request. Ms. Quimby then moved that the Board approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-03 and Final Plat Application #SD-08-04 of South Village Communities subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed 6-1 with Ms. Quimby voting against. 6. Final Plat Application #SD-08-10 of Joseph & Susan Mack to amend a previously approved four lot subdivision. The amendment consists of amending condition #6 of the Sept. 6, 2005 final plat approval #SD-05-68 to eliminate the requirement that the house on lot #4 have a residential sprinkler system, 54 Westview Drive: Mr. Mack said they would like to install a partial sprinkler system. He said the house is only 500 ft. from Spear Street and there is a hydrant within 1000 feet of the house. He added that there are no codes to identify what to put in for a sprinkler system. Mr. Dinklage read from the original approval and noted that the system must be to the approval of the Fire Chief. 928 Falls Road Phone: 802-985-2323 P.O. Box 485 Fax: 802-985-2271 Shelburne, VT 05482 E-Mail: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: March 31, 2008 To: Ray Belair From: Dave Marshall/Allain Loiselle Project(s): South Village Description: 3 prints, 1. recordable plat Message: Ray, Attached are 3 full size prints and a recordable mylar of the Phase I Subdivision Plat. Al Copies To: �)V AUQ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2008 Lowe's currently has approval for 17 spaces for display purposes. This application would increase that to 41 spaces. Mr. White showed where these spaces would be. This would be an 8.41 % waiver. Mr. White also noted that Hannaford would like to add 4 more shopping cart corrals in its parking lot as part of this application. Mr. Dinklage cited past problems with other shared parking arrangements. He stressed that the DRB will look very carefully at how this is working as time goes by. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-07-108 of Lowe's Home Centers subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Final Plat Application #SD-07-78 of Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, for a planned unit development consisting of a 30,000 sq. ft. general office building, 193 Tilley Drive: and 8. Continued sketch plan #SD-07-69 of Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, to subdivide a 14.5 acre parcel into three lots of 1.01 acres, 5.76 acres, and 7.77 acres, Old Farm Road & Tilley Drive: Mr. Belair advised that the applicant had asked for a continuation of both items until 22 January. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Final Plat Application #SD-07-78 and Sketch Plan #SD- 07-69 of Pizzagalli Properties until 22 January 2008. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Continued Preliminary Plat #SD-07-74 and Final Plat #SD-07-75 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 156 residential units and a 100 student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 2) reducing rear yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 3) reducing side yard setback from 10 feet to 4 feet, and 4) revising the lot configuration of the northern third of Phase 1, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Belair distributed recent memos from Bruce Hoar, Fire Chief Brent, and Dave Marshall. Mr. Marshall reviewed the history of the project. He noted that the applicant had met with the Fire Chief on 20 November and the Chief is now more comfortable with what is being proposed. Mr. Marshall showed sections of the street that would be "No Parking" sm CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2008 in order to guarantee adequate turning radii. Mr. Belair noted it would be up to the City Council to approve the "no parking" areas. Mr. Marshall said they agree that all of the proposed porches would be in the 5-10 foot portion of the setback and would be non -weatherized. He showed photos of what was done in the Stowe development where the roofline was extended over the second floor porch. Mr. Belair said that specifying the buildings where this would be allowed will prevent anyone applying for this modification for other buildings. Mr. Dinklage noted that Bruce Hoar, Public Works Director, opposes this. Mr. Marshall said if this were a typical project, he would agree with Mr. Hoar, but all driveway clearing will be on a private street, not a public street, and will be overseen by the Homeowners' Association. Mr. Scheuer said they have had no problems in Stowe, and there is more snow there than in South Burlington. Ms. LaRose noted that the Planning & Zoning Director supports the application. Ms. Quimby noted that with the recent heavy snows residents on Barrett St. and Hinesburg Road have been plowing the snow from their property into the public roads. With cars parked on the roads, roads a down to 1-1/2lanes. Mr. Scheuer stressed that all snow removal will be done by a central provider, not individual residents. Stipulation #4 was revised to read: Only one story porches will be permitted at the five- foot setback limit, except that two-story covered porches will be permitted on Lots 3, 5B, 5E, 24, 28, 30, 33,034, 52, 54 and 59. Stipulation #2 was revised to read: Plan Sheet C4.IA shall be revised to include a second floor covered porch typical section. Ms. Quimby said she agreed with Bruce Hoar and could not support the application. She felt the city would end up paying for it. She was OK with everything except the front yard setback. Mr. Marshall said he would work with Bruce Hoar on issues and build it into the next application. He asked the Board to approve all but the front yard setbacks. The approval motion was amended to delete Stipulations #3, 4 and 5 and #2, 3, and 6(1) of the Findings of Fact. A stipulation was added as follows: The plans shall be revised to reflect a 10-foot front yard setback. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-07-74 and Final Plat Application #SD-07-75 of South Village Communities, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above, with the amendments having the effect of maintaining the ten foot front yard setback. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 south"Oturlin. VE11M0N'I February 6, 2008 Dave Marshall CEA PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: Minutes — South Village Dear Mr. Marshall: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved January 8, 2008 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. (802)846-4106 — phone (802)846-4106 — fax planning @sburl.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 15, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC c/o Retrovest 70 S. Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It incl application for development on your propertudes an l the abutting property owners to make aware that a Ip Public hearing is b and held regarding the proposed development. 9 being Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a munici a regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to Iappeal local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. St t a specifies that "Participation in a local regulator ate law offering, through oral or written testimony, a s aptementdof c nclern elat of d 9 the subject of the proceeding." teto Please call our office at 846-4106 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Dave Marshall CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 15, 2008 Ruth Trevithick 1751 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. r Sincerely, I Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 16, 2008 Brian & Carolyn Terhune 35 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy Mc nough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. am and Central VT. Servic- assage, hydrotherapy, hair have. For appt., call Jim. 802-310-8291, jhart1159@ st.net. WE FOR MEN BY SER .,2me and melt your winter away with a warm room aep tissue massage. Info: 3-7206. AGE OFFICE FOR RENT Pi 'at, fully equipped massa for rent in a lively Cent atth club. Free parkir shower, laundry, varie avaitable, liability inst squired. Info: Fusion St 2-223=6161. INTO MASSAGE Cand ;oft music, massage. Me inter blues away. $60/h ington, or will travel w Info: Jaquelline Rober. 2-310-6519. BE PREGNANT? Nee e offer friendship, help w ig options, free pregnant d ongoing support and en ment. Info: BIRTHRIGHT :on, 802-865-0056. ENLARGEMENT FDA Ap medical vacuum pumps Testosterone, Cialis. Gair manently. Free Brochures AN) Info: 619-294-7777 oelkaplan.com. f COUNSELING and Chan - Bernice Kelman, Under- 30+ years experience. ergy heating, chakra bal- Reiki, rebirthing, other asses & more. 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Immediate job op- portunities at Eckerd outdoor therapeutic programs in NC, TN, GA, FL, VT, NH and RI. Year- round residential position, free by January 29, 2007 Pet PROFESSIONAL DOG WALKING Vermont Dog Pack offers dog walks in Shelburne, So. Burling- ton, Burlington, Colchester & Winooski. See our website, www. vtdogpack.com, or call/email Rhonda: Rhonda @vtdogpack. com, 802-578-2151. Info% CATS LOOKING FOR NEW HOME Sonic and Gish are both 11-year- old females. With two young children, the cats are not getting the attention they deserve. Info: 802-891-1084. FOUND CAT 12/25 in Winooski. Small adult female. Black/brown tabby w/ white rings around eyes. Info: 802-373-9128. ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 On December 20, 2007, Forestdale Heights, Inc., filed application 4CO329-17E for a project generally described as: Subdivide Lot #13 of Lot C into 11 hits fot c6nimercial 'use with mu- nicipal water and sewer services and extension of Corporate Drive 950 If. The project is located off Allen Martin Drive in the Town of Essex, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Essex Municipal Office, Chit- tenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 30 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board's web site (www.nrb.state. vt.us/lup) by clicking on "District Commission Cases," selecting "Entire Database," and entering the case number above. No hearing will be held unless, on or before January 29, 2007, a party notifies the District Commis- sion of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at *k. ti....-..,- Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Re- gional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners, other interested persons granted party status pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c). Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5). Dated in Essex Junction, Vermont, this 2nd of January 2008. By /s/Peter E. Keibel Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5658 E/ peter.keibel@state.vt.us ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 On December 20, 2007, Nathan iel Hayward, filed application #4C1194 for a project generally described as: A 16 lot Planned Residential De- velopment consisting of 14 single family residences and 2 common lots, 1400 If. of new road, on -site community wastewater system and 5 shared drilled wells. The project is located on Niquette Bay & Route 2 in the Town of Colchester, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this ap- plication under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Colchester Municipal Office, Chit- tenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 30 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board's web site (www.nrb.state. vt.us/lup) by clicking on "District Commission Cases," selecting "Entire Database," and entering the case number above. No hearing will be held unless, on or before January 29, 2008, a party,notifies the District Commis- sion of an issue or issues requiring the ptesentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shalt be in writing to the address below., shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the dis- trict coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the fnmmic 4 this 3rd day of January, 2008 By /s/ Peter E. Keibel Peter E. Keibet Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5658 E/ peter.keibel@state.vt.us PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Preliminary plat application #5D-08-01 & final plat application #SD-08-02 of Trench Boxes Etc. for a planned unit development to re -subdivide a 41,365 sq. ft. lot developed with three (3) buildings into two (2) tots of 21,815 sq. ft. & 19,550 sq. ft. , 80 Ethan Allen Drive. 2. Reopened hearing for Prelimi- nary plat application #SD-07-76 & final plat application #SD-07-77 of Chittenden Bank to amend a previ- ously approved planned unit de- velopment of a 704,655 sq. ft. GFA shopping complex with 618,846 sq. ft. of GLA. The amendment consists of: 1) razing a 4879 sq. ft. drive-in bank, 2) constructing a 7310 sq. ft. drive-in bank, and 3) installing a 1330 sq. ft. tempo- rary drive-in bank. This hearing is being reopened to correct errors in the decision dated 12/13/07, 55 & 155 Dorset Street. 3. Preliminary plat application #SD-08-03 & final plat apptica- tion #SD-08-04 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a Previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100- student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reduc- ing the front yard setback from 10'to 5', and 2) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Halt. January 16, 2008 Permit Number SD- d�g - v 3 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Scsot14 VcL.LA(� 'R J t7- L 1 tisr -t-n L-1, !�> Gv'-l0 ( A- au.o ' ed (05 -` 5 3 w 3 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 1av- A-t 9 0:� 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) C-c:,,M NA %-4r�t L-n cs LL c G/) V A..r 02 -70 5 . �-(c r tacf ► r�.�c r Sc t �z a acre ►-1 f `t T c�S� o t 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #)5 , Contact email address: ann p g6 © GeA-,r5-. crg 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: l ; 4p 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Atl�a rz—\ e--"L— rl—lV--/"%l-- b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) ,e-c �, c u..rL\ r� ( �zc s -�t-r t n-c, t 5 c-} oo L- c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) hio G\�.r�p�rc -�C�M (-iGzc'�I\ocss %20�ff�. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) µc) ­vF4zz-, 4-T-- P1z o�c� e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) (5-41 f_iz l rl T-yTM- u-1 k- 5 f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees):_ rso g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable):_ fg�z. s-�¢Eu-t �� 1 Qt5 rs� t c�rsa�R Z!3212!XC P41­55 � h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc.: J a N• t3 , 2 ogB by Pav W L-44421AA-1-L 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing _(o - ( % Proposed 5D % 4'-oR iNat4. LoT-5 -715 lr_- R c"nW_'!E F "J -e r b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing o . I % Proposed � %o l u gd. Low 16.15 vt.► pR of .z-r c) Front yard (along each street) Existing L! % Proposed N k 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ IJ� op,6cw�,1zc.-.►�a ►S ��gM«trn S b)Landscaping: $ t-Lo � sr-pw_�-4%ca.5 5 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): tso b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): -C> % rr C) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): -V ► rro 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: t-Lo GttP�C- -Fi--O ,A i� �� �� `a3 kM Tr^ 1.. 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: -Fw--�AA -P;'\z. c-Ao-L5 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: FN-po>E t -- 2c k 14) PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach a separate sheet. 15) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF PLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPER Y OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: ( r v I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: El/complete ❑ ing & Zoning or Designee Updated at So. Burlington Town Clerk Offices by consulting Grand list dated 6/28/07 and Sales Report Transaction book dated 1/1/06 — 9/1/07. Confirmed Shelburne addresses with Town Clerk. By Michelle Holgate Zuth Trevithick Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farina .751 Spear Street 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street io. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 ✓Iary Pappas Donald & Lynn Cummings William & Ayse Floyd .809 Spear Street 1811 Spear Street 1813 Spear Street ;o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stuart & Helen Hall Larry & Patricia Davison Patricia Calkins 815 Spear Street 1827 Spear Street 1835 Spear Street ;o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 ,eorge & Shelley Vinal Mark S. Westergard/Curt Moody Barbara L.ande .845 Spear Street 1855 Spear Street 1865 Spear Street 9o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 JViliia�n Reed Jaynes & Paula Carroll 967 Spear Street Frank Costantino (reL1975 Spear St.) 1971 Spear Street 155 Chesapeak Drive 5o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Ilan & Diane Sylvester John & Amy Averill Daniel Martin _985 Spear Street 3958 Spear Street 4012 Spear Street io. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 larlan & John Sylvester Craig S. Bartlett, III Rodolphe & Denise Vallee (reL2003 Spear St.) 4047 Spear Street 4043 Spear Street 51 South Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 3urlington, VT 05401 Robert F. Cooper �arolyn E. Long Revocable Trust (ref.1505 Dorset St.) [720 Spear Street 7 Mariners Cove 5o. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Richard & Dawn Derridinger William c& Gail Lang 1575 Dorset Street 1675 Dorset Street 3o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Ott J. Michaud lorset Farms Master Assoc. Tonya Bosworth Jason &Jennifer McGahey 'o Property Mgt. Associates 192 Catkin Drive 190 Catlin Drive .O. Box 1201 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Villiston, VT 05495 lark & Deborah Fay Susan C. Bliss Matthew & Beverly Broomliall 88 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive 37 Floral Street o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 ,rian & Carolyn Terhune Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto Michael & Mary Eliz.Bouvier 5 Floral Street 33 Floral Street 31 Floral Street .o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington., VT 05403 inthony & Nancy Bianchi Robert P. James James & Karen Larrow 9 Floral Street 79 Bower Street 77 Bower Street ;o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 'asquale & Deborah Distefano Donald & Lisa Anqwin Mitchel Cypes & Lynan Moy 'S Bower Street 73 Bower Street 74 Bower Street >o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 'eter and Gayle Conklin Brian & Christine Sowle Dan and Marquerite Wetzel i7 Bower Street 50 Cabot Court 183 Catlin Drive 5o. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 7inaida & Vazgen Aydinyan Philip & Darcy Carter Brigette & Richard White 185 Catlin Drive 187 Catlin Drive 189 Catlin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catlin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 I I Sca`e: V - 9(y-x LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN SOUTH VILLAGE Date: January 14, MW 228 Maple St, MW32 mont NORTH JEFFERSON CUL-DE-SAC Drawn by: PO Middleb8 2 388 Sot t NEAR STATION 229 + 50 SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Checked by: DR www.landworksvt.com I I 3 Pkea alba - 5' - 6' h. White Spruce 4 Physocarpus opullfbilus'Nanus' - W h. Dwarf Ninabark I + 3 Pinus mugo var. mugo - 240 - 30" h. I Compact Mugo Pine I 3 Pinus mugo var. mugo - 240 - Xr h. Compact Mugo Pine 1 Picea albs - 5' - 6 h. White Spn= 3 Ph s uiifolius 'Nana' - 3W h. Dwarf Nlnebark Scale: In -'y-°" LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING FLAN SOUTH VILLAGE Date: January 14, 2= 228 Maple St, MW32 Middlehory, Vermont AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF MULTI -FAMILY SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Drawn by: PO 802.388.3011 HOUSING PAR UNG LOT Checked by: OR www.landworksvt.com ,IAVMXV400, verticulate 'Cacaoon' mil' - 30- h. 'NanLW - 36' h. J + - 1 Picea aiba - 5' - 6' h. White Spruce Pinus muggy var. muclo - 24' - 3(r h. Fiberglass Vault / Single -Phase Transformer 3 Comus sericea'Alleman's / Allemans' Compact Red-7 3 Picea alba - 5' - ' White Spnxos -24'-36'h.I / Sca1e: ', -'(y-v LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN SOUTH VILLAGE Date: January 14,2" 228 Maple St, MW32 Vermont ALLEN ROAD EAST Drawn by: PO Mitidleh802.388.3011 NEAR STATION 221 + 50 SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Checked by: DR www.landworksvt.com 3 Ph oca us ulifolius 'Nana' - 36' h. Dwarf Nlnsbark I 3 Pinus mugo var. mugo - 24" - 30" h. Compact Mugo Pine � I \� I I Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet 3 Comus sericea 'Alleman's Compact - 24" - 3r h. Allemans' Compact," DW&wd r � _ I 4 Pk ea albs - 5' - V h. Ir j White Spruce ^ / Verizon Pedestal `I on Concrete Pad - _ T (6) Physocarpus opulifolius'Nanus' - 36" h. 1 Dwarf Ninebark I i (3) Cornus serloee'Alleman's Compel' - 24" - 3r h. — -- Allemans' Co" Red -Twig Dogwood (3) Picea albe - 5' - 6' h. 6 Pinus mugo var. mugo - 24" - 30" h. \ --White Spruce Compact Mugo Pine I \ \ ` (3) Comus seric ea 'Alleman's Compact - 24" - 3W h. emans pal Red-TwIg Dogwood \ \ \ 4 Physocarpus opullblus 'Nana' - 36' h. Dwarf Nlnebark I Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" UTILITY SCREENING PLAN Date: January 14, 20228 Maple St, MW32 LandWOCkSSOUTI Middlebury, Vermont ALLEN ROAD EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Drawn by. DR 802.388.3011co��� NEAR STATION 102 + 50 Checked by: DR www•landworksvt com Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet 4 Pinus var. m - 24" - 30" h. act Pine �) rlvmrf NIFUbhork s opuNfo�us 'Nana' - 36" h. • wz� Comus serlcea 'Alleman's Comped - 24" - 36" h. Allemans' Compact Red -Twig Dogwood Pinus muao var. muao - 24" - 30" h. -24"-30"h. I �'��'°�-0" landWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN SOUTH V I L LAG E Date. January 14, 2°°6 2 id Maple , V MW32 Middlebury, Vermont ALLEN ROAD EAST Drawn by. PO 802.388.3011 NEAR STATION 107 + 00 SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Checked byDR www.landworksvt.com . ND450 Fiberglass Vault LOCATIONS: • North Jefferson Road cul-de-sac Station 229+50 • Allen Road East Station 221+50 along with a transformer and Sewer Pumping Station Size: 8 ft long, 4 ft wide, 4%: ft tall Fiberglass Vault — Front View Fiberglass Vault — Side View Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet LOCATIONS: • Primary Utility Entrance off of Allen Road East near station 102+50. "` • Allen Road East near Station 107+00. Size: Concrete Pad = 10 ft x 6 ft n- Metal Cabinet = 67" long, 22" wide, 30" high rX t:fn 6` Metal Cabinet with Concrete Vault— another example - 1 J i siµ Vl7{ `d I f Single Phase Transformer J LOCATIONS: PAD • Lot 53, Lot 58, Lot 19, Lot 14, Lot 25, r � Lot 27, Lot 30 and Lot 33 z� r Qo . 1I I „'t X � • Adjacent to ND450 Fiberglass Vault and Sewer Pump Station near Allen Road East Station 221+50 FvtkXJs Size: 32 inches high, 35 inches wide, 35 inches long. VERIZON CABINETS AT MAIN UTILITY ENTRANCE NEAR ALLEN ROAD EAST STATION 102+50 "VIESA, MilS"f".CIni £ st.EY23 Y7l i:.DSA If:fS L'lS7:IR;:+ TYPICAL UTILITY SCREENING PLAN FOR TRANSFORMER, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE PEDESTALS LOCATED BETWEEN HOUSES SOUTH VILLAGE SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Scale: 1" = 10'-0" Date: January 14, 2008 228 Maple St, MW32 Middlebury, Vermont Drawn by: PO 802.388.3011 Checked by: DR www.landworksvtcom LandWorks ND450 Fiberglass Vault LOCATIONS: • North Jefferson Road cul-de-sac Station 229+50 • Allen Road East Station 221+50 along with a transformer and Sewer Pumping Station Size: 8 ft long, 4 ft wide, 4% ft tall Fiberglass Vault — Front View Fiberglass Vault — Side View Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet LOCATIONS: • Primary Utility Entrance off of Allen Road East near station 102+50. • Allen Road East near Station 107+00. Metal Cabinet with Concrete Vault — another example Single Phase Transformer LOCATIONS: • Lot 53, Lot 58, Lot 19, Lot 14, Lot 25, Lot 27, Lot 30 and Lot 33 • Adjacent to ND450 Fiberglass Vault and Sewer Pump Station near Allen Road East Station 221+50 Size: 32 inches high, 35 inches wide, 35 inches long. VERIZON CABINETS AT MAIN UTILITY ENTRANCE NEAR ALLEN ROAD EAST STATION 102+50 NIEES.-k 4 Marc-nni Communications Dvve Quemsbury, NY 12�W,l 1J, Power Pedestal Concrete Pad: 9 ft x 15 ft CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 February 1, 2008 Dave Marshall CEA PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Marshall Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. VERIZON CABINETS AT MAIN UTILITY ENTRANCE NEAR ALLEN ROAD EAST STATION 102+50 y M Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet LOCATIONS: i 6s� _ • Primary Utility Entrance off of Allen 21 Road East near station 102+50. X w $` • Allen Road East near Station 107+00. �. Size: Concrete Pad = 10 ft x 6 ft Metal Cabinet = 67" long, 22" wide, 30" high , JUL 16 2007 - - - Metal Cabinet with Concrete Vault— another example .- I - - Single Phase Transformer LOCATIONS: • Lot 53, Lot 58, Lot 19, Lot 14, Lot 25, Lot 27, Lot 30 and Lot 33 • Adjacent to ND450 Fiberglass Vault and Sewer Pump Station near Allen Road East Station 221+50 Size: 32 inches high, 35 inches wide, 35 inches long. �-— ' a 1 rott �°'y a�r411 ND450 Fiberglass Vault LOCATIONS: • North Jefferson Road cul-de-sac Station 229+50 • Allen Road East Station 221+50 along with a transformer and Sewer Pumping Station Size: 8 ft long, 4 ft wide, 4% ft tall Fiberglass Vault — Front View Fiberglass Vault — Side View Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet Pinus mugo var. mugo - 24" - 30" h. Compact Mugo Pine Phy ocarpus opulifolius 'Nanus' - 36" h. • Comus sedcea'Alleman's Pinus mugo var. mugo - 24" - 30" h. Compact Mugo Pine Aroma -24"-36"h. rMAM alum - A - O 11. White Spruce 'Autumn Maolc' - 24" - 30" h. Scale: 1" = 10'-0" LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN S U TH VILLAGE Date: January 14, 2" 226 Maple St, Mw32 ALLEN ROAD EAST y. Middlebury, Vermont SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Drawn b PO 802.388.3011 NEAR STATION 107 + 00 Checked by: DR www,landworksvt.com v,0*-A*y,-00, UTILITY SCREENING PLAN NORTH JEFFERSON CUL-DE-SAC NEAR STATION 229 + 50 SOUTH VILLAGE SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Scale: 1' = 10'-W Date: January 14, 2" 228 Maple St, MW32 Middlebury, Vermont Dnwn by: PO 802.388.3011 Chocked by: DR www.landworksvt.com 6 V./A&Y, 0, LandWorks' - 7-7:7117 0-- Single -Phase Trarakmw r-ILAM uJun - 0 - White Spruce Pinue mum var. muao - 24' - 30' h. White Spnm -24*-Wh. Scale: In = IOP-V LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN Date: January 14, 2M 228 Maple St, MW32 SOUTH VILLAGE iry, Vermont ALLEN ROAD EAST Drawn by: PO Middleh802.388 3011 NEAR STATION 221 + 50 SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Checked by: DR www.landworksvi.coln,/!%I 11 n Picea alba - 5' - 6' h. Dwarf Ninebark Pinus Comp Pinus 'Nanus' - 3W h. var. mugo - 24' - 3(r h. wo Pine var 1) Picea aiba - 5' - 6' h. Whtte Spruce -24'-30'h. 'Nanus' - 36' h. Sale: ', -'y-o" LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN SOUTH VILLAGE Date: January 14, 2006 228 Maple St, Mw32 AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF MULTI -FAMILY Drawn PO MitirilebVermont HOUSING PARIUNG LOT SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT �' 80202.31 Checked by: DR www.landworkso.cosvtcom TYPICAL UTILITY SCREENING PLAN FOR TRANSFORMER, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE PEDESTALS LOCATED BETWEEN HOUSES SOUTH VILLAGE SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Scale: 1" = 10'-0" Date: January 14, 2" 228 Maple St, MW32 Middlebury, Vermont Drawn by: PO 802.388.3011 Checked by: DR www.landworksvt.com LandWorks Comus sericea 'Alleman's Compact' - 24' - 36' h. Allemans' Compact Red -Twig Dogwood Physocarpus opulifolius'Nanue' - 36' h. Dwarf Ninebark Dwarf Nlnebark Pinus muao var a3-- Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet Verizon Pedestal on Concrete Pad 4) Plosa albs - 5' - V h. White Spnxe 'Nana' - 36' h. -24'-30'h. 3 Comus sericea 'Alleman's Compact - 24' - 3W h. - Allemans' Compact Red -Twig Dogwood ` 3 Picea albs - 5' - 8' h. 6 Pinus m var. mugo - 24' - 30' h. -.-White Spnxe Compact Mugo Pine (3) Comus serlosa 'Alleman's Compact' - 24' - 36' h. \ mans pad Red -Twig Dogwood \ 4 Phuarvmm in eulifolius 'Nanus' - 36' h. Dwarf Nlnebark Scale: 1/16' _1'-0' LandWorks UTILITY SCREENING PLAN SOUTH VILLAGE Data: January 14, 2008 228 Maple St, MW32 mont Middlehe2388.3011 ALLEN ROAD EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Drawn by: PO � A NEAR STATION 102 + 50 Checked by: DR www.landworksvt.com R South Burlington Public Works 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL: (802)658-7961 FAX: (802)658-7976 OFFICE 104 LANDFILL RC January 8, 2008 To: Development Review Board From: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director Re: Agenda Item #9 Preliminary Plat #SD-07-74 and Final Plat #SD-07-75 of South Village I oppose granting any further Front Yard Set back distances for this project. Set back distances were dealt with over many meetings with the developer prior to the approvals for this project. The main reason for my opposition to reducing the Front Yard set back any more have to do with winter conditions. We are already having issues with developments that do not have enough storage for snow in the winter. I am not talking about snow from the City ROW but from the residents themselves. When we have times of heavy snows or constant snow showers there is not enough room for the residents to deal with the snow from their driveways or sidewalks. The residents end up having to put the snow in the City ROW. This is costly to the city, dangerous for emergency services and illegal. It truly does make our job of snow plowing much more costly. Our trucks each have an assigned route and we try very hard not to have to go back to a street anymore then we have to. When public property is used to move snow off private property it is impossible for us to maintain a road in such away that we feel comfortable that when we leave it is in serviceable condition and able to be used by both the residents and any emergency service that may be needed for the residents. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner RE: Agenda #6, Preliminary Plat application #SP-08-03 Final Plat application #SP-08-04 DATE: January 31, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing the front yard setback from 10' to 5', and 2) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street. Front yard setback: The applicant and staff met with Fire Chief Doug Brent on December 20, 2007. After a thorough discussion, the agreed approach is as follows: 1. Non -weatherized porches may extend into the front yard setback but must respect a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the front property line. Such porches may be covered but not weatherized or otherwise used as livable space. 2. Only one story porches will be permitted between at the five (5) yard setback limit. 3. The front yard setback for all other portions of the buildings will remain at 10 feet. The Director of Public Works has stated that he is not supportive of the reduced front yard setback, per a letter dated January 8, 2008 (attached). The Board should consider the request and the statements of various staff members regarding the reduced front yard setback. Staff reminds the Board and the applicant that all coverage limitations imposed as part of the final plat approval must be respected. Utilitv Cabinets: Staff has reviewed the proposed utility cabinets and discussed the plans with the City Arborist. Overall, the screening plans meet the goals of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations to significantly screen the proposed structures. The City Arborist, per the memo dated February 1, 2008, recommends a change in some of the proposed species. The applicant is requesting approval to locate the cabinets within the front yard setback. The SBLDRs state that no accessory structure may be located in the front yard. The applicant is requesting a waiver from this regulation. 1. The Board grants approval for the location of three (3) accessory structures (utility cabinets) in the front yard. The applicant is proposing to locate three of the utility boxes as close as five feet from the property lines. As noted in the comments of the City Arborist dated February 1, 2008, this requests presents a real problem with the ability to properly screen these units. The applicant is proposing to place some of this landscaping within the City's Right of Way. This is not permitted nor encouraged by the City and should not be allowed. The five feet that would be left between the ROW and the transformer does not permit adequate space to provide adequate screening of these units. Staff further notes that there do not appear to be any restrictions on the land which would prohibit the location of these units at least 10 feet. Staff does not support the request to locate the utility cabinets and related structures any closer than ten (10) feet from the City's Right of Way. The front yard setback in the Southeast Quadrant is 20 feet. This would result in a front yard setback waiver of 10 feet. 2. The Development Review Board grants a front yard setback of ten (10) feet for the three (3) utility cabinets and associate concrete pads. The structures shall in no case be located closer than ten (10) feet from the right-of-way. The plans shall be revised accordingly. South Village- Utility Cabinet Landscaping February 1, 2008 Landworks, Middlebury The plans look good overall with the following recommendations: • In many instances the white spruces are too close to the transformer pads and too close to each other; • Mugo pines are susceptible to disease; I recommend an alternative species here • There should not be any shrubs planted in the City's right of way. This appears to be the case on the sheet detailing the "North Jefferson Cul-de-sac near station 229+50" and "Allen Road East Near Station 221+50" and "Allen Road East Near Station 107+00". These must be moved out of the City's Right of Way. If they then become too close to the utility boxes, the utility boxes should be moved back. I r3WY� + MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA710N J a 48 rvGE93',i E Op es' -, I / 1,�so-e.i I DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE .{\ Wj (1)187.8 ACRES Iomy,•E '/ I I I 1 eWao•- NOTE 1: INDICATES 20' WIDE STORMWATER F•� I '1 MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CENTERED ON O ell- I W l (31 I SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS 53 d 0.22 ACRES / DRAINAGE,) sl' g EASE>.ENr � � 18 ACRES 0.25 ACRES (n I (SEE _O •orw i R / L. - oes3'w w NaeeJw �. _ I noae3•uK sS17o• L s r>Yem• ' / / r,aa'-.� �e.Go--- oo� f. -E0.0o' -)a._. Ja. waz['TS'>J•N O �/ f 1 n r j f r 3,�Jte3• / ap / `51 / O i j O 1 l 56 I I 5 7 1 I <:' �I 9 f I� i I T �20' ACCESS EASEMEN{SERVING A'tl 021(� R64 r i 'I j p j • I J/ y,I ,, i .� I'wl j.J O wl Y I I87.8 ACRES / MASTER HOMEOWNERS/ASS9CIATON 0.2o ACRES RI20.16 ACRESR(% D.1 ACRE rO�I 1 ga s s / Ehs k. $ (D g o.17 ACRsv lg �. o.zo ACRES 0.17 ACII a w (n - (n �I- - cn : ( l la I_ I8 52 TM� l l I I (T) I ) { (T) I l 0.18 ACRES-io / / %-. / STORMWATER EASEMENT s8 Napo wz. ra» L / 0.2o REe 11, rvoewJw I j i I I a II I TO BE CONVEYED TO s9 8' 1s•,p Nz.��4 J / (n IAOe' L J L e3.w.E L w L-x°ev'w•E J.i1Ge 'w - J L CITY OF S. BURLINGTON .0 z E J� !I A I )� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC, P.O. BOX 405 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 802-9aiz3z3 FAX B02-oaszz7l we0: Www.ewww.mrW i oLorrn,aMi �)' ope - Au moaTe waeewvm oRAwn ACL " DSM APPRGYED Tmrl M I J o e..., w.--_.-- RwrvAGE 70- ad es. R .o0 1 DRAINAGE -lase �tBp -AGE EASEMENT NDe'eJ'1,'E EASENENi -xa 04 ,• Nore I) ALLEN ROAD EAST (SEE Nore o $ 7a 1 oe rE nGe �.iE NN33'I,K ..x.Jx' gox1.,e'.,w ' �, STORM WATER - LLC Qa,o soe 'w 33'w• _ w r.. - n.ar- - -zzo. [. � fir• 1 a a_ SOUTH VILLAGE / ned.3o rJe.ze' z� sm•u w I ... PONDS i \\ _ ` i / \ \ `I COMMUNITIES, > I 1 T ° a MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 12 I m l ro s zs.m• I _ oRNNACE RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING - A 0.1 (n I3' I ' COMMa� I>a 17 I I "SE"'ENT STORM WATER '. C OF SOUTH BURUNCTON O - . - " A SEE No. o : r 1 I �� 8 s O.ze AGEER a °° - - - a R� e p I POND 4 D.R .SITE PUN APPROVAL ✓\\ o32 ACRE �= 15 I, 28 0.17 s•O �:' a..pp N:1 'N ,. "CI `TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING I r- `F z O I (2) 1 111)O AC $. R l0 'JI.7x' 'x. rr I .. I THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF HOMEOWNER$ AS ON. 1 0.13 I (B) n °•Tww. k '-. Ts- SQ °J>r .,A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO F - �.0(1)�,�) 0.47 ACRES L - 3 w- J - oYLE-- JEFjc R-„°p v\ OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. �{_ wSoemo 'w Eqg D ' a. SY, Sturicw _ �- � \ REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION („1d , - -- a--w of �OC��I Neavw'pisoave oY - QN -- OF THE ROADWAY. 4 W L.--q,,To, r._ l L„ Nz .� a �� 'DOWNIN0.CAWNS REVOCABLE TRUST. SOUTH Q E- _ �r aLr-. oo'- ea- e.w' t!arr� \ g P RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND p _ SY $ I. 0.14 F - �R r Ayr OR', \\ VILLAGE-PLATOFSURVEY'. DATED MARCH 21. 20D5. I C I ;{� / 1 G,G ANAq EA lr ( r 0.19 �(1), tt• L'��.eY� .N m. I 18 1 $ X1) �Ac. w- A y VIA I fin/ O S a j I I' - 'ee aat< , _ -77 (`F7NotE N)SENENT I "03'[RECORDS = o1iW1� _ OES es (1) - w I Ix w O ae.00 I 2 I a'A w ACRES '^ O O ^ I TO THE BEST OF TS KNOWLEDGE E BELIEF THIS PLAT v 0. ACRES 42 )s 44 RI's Rlg 46 I \ Y 7 PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF I L.= _ 0.s2 ACRES R1 •'� 19 $ ` _ _„�,. J 0-lY ACRES"1- ^I- hl2 'gC 47 A I oaAINAa I \ V LAND SURVEYED BOUNDARIES SHOWN DIRECT BASED UPON. O (3) 27 a D.19 3- O (am NOR r 'N (1) - x,oa' - ,� 0.28 ACRES �y I EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON 1 LV��.1-r g+lo 5oyxe'D� E a Y A ACREq I .� 81g {E�y a (eEE NOR U I I OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORD A PHYSICAL EVIDENCE m(mRe'02"E- ,1.,8 q_y (1) I (1) W '0? I I RECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL 0.9{ ACRES (n 33 { I s "_' j� CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT ( $,)0 10 ,c - o O L L - J �� I I TO CITY OF SOUTH BURUNGTON D.R.B. 1- (3) 1 _y0-yy�'E- ze. soe7mo •w m'ox'w) 1 ,y;• w - l^ R 1 uj 1 . - „o 0o R. 0 0.20 ACRES r r r o7ap' - / ' ' SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH 27 VSA NIE THIS SITE PLAN APPROVAL -E `X oa'w I m'-, ,a7Y'-I - Sao- 03 I / ORIGINALSTATEMESIGNATUREASEAL(ABOVE).VAUD ONLY WHEN vaNIEDBVMv 0.31 AC _ I az_t7 i� AINAGE USEND[r ,Owze '-19-.-soeoe'oz•w-.-.J 7a.ee (sEE.rvort t) oiE ,W-1TA.xi'_.- O I / I I (3) L _ soya=E- �p�E� I 43 I 1/ J j1E TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 Y E_ ` �' -ME EASDAeRT _ a E _ "l 4 * mig alb W I 41 nrb Orr Rlo gla. 0.90 ACRffi -try, 50 II 1?/ PROJECT TITLE: a0 (SEE NO E , o.l 32 $ m.3° IozO=� r I 26 t&.(n J ltiO ?I� 1� HI= 31= wl- IrW ^,s DRAINAGEEAWEMENr �_,r3�,E _,� (2) "`Oa, -, a SIP 41a 0.23 ACRES "Im o.te ACRES. I (n (3)l.ae ACRES _ , _ p aax'x,'w'E I cn ; , I _,SIR SOUTH VILLAGE -'� ,p' (SEE NOTE I) _ _ 1,0.0G� • I 22 •� � Y w3aW=. (Z) s '%m O (n R n- sarmaz.w - J `-wem'° v� Isaem'oz•w'-soese'o�w 1 �2 -io,'oo ,Y - 1i 'x1 �T•18t 0.25 ACRES (. Q 0,15 1 n,.oY 7Lar .a.or e.or m.m I; I ) b D.13O (n 19 r R 25 A1. J A0. g 1''3 3 i - J3Y,.E R_ I 'rX I SPEAR STREET AND O 8 0.250 \ soS+532�E- -I OsM3o00 1 C 8 FROST .STREET I RE I 5.04 ACRES d °p• _ w•33,x E- ,. 1; .` $ 20 G.00- �- lrl 5 sla I ALLEN ROAD _,lo.eo °Q' RNSROlEo.0IarPr'W xe•/E / / / // 9QE" tP / //a.�' NmiJe /os./z,O' 'xee6'EACRes11'r1�`�-I 1 eo. 1_rb 9r_-_�-(`' npa�o0•.Ua„z.1)3(�21`)- .E__Ij .3 I�Lrt1:1i .1 50_anovaI1COIIA0-11 we":w11� i _oL:.z,e �AC(-RvES-30e,3•O\'w isOg --n -01s5 Kw-J;�a rRR •S RL -- - - u,e.00•8r 2_1) . --�-' JIA or SexvR,'w•[ l j am.avr z'w m) yLam'oZ-w ".w- wa .zscii I I 2l[ SOUTH OUTH BURLINGTON, AV+ T se j j 1491 GD (2) w 31 � 1O8 0.15 36(1) Sk "iR[[0• IF O.z%ty 0.25 ACRES 2O 0.23 ACRESI 35 0.30 ACRES10.19 ACRES (2)I019 OFT, bseoS, � eT r �3E sw7 w 023rw • .E jt; b�l / w ,i7 ` ND�.w �.�.p� O I I pdICE a.10 ACRES 1 NFL'"' E.es.3e' s°e,J'ao'w 509,3'SO'w 35 1137 I I II O I I/ EAW T 4i4. -4, _ _ r.-.-Tio.oT L.-rmamTx•E-- I w S 8' O / I I I P " e I 39 PJ); I 1 I .In „rr�no samwl .I ar o.lo ACRES ir># 0.13 Is I � /. 187.8 AC (YE NOTE 0 _ _� zea,7R - I O (1) �� let D.so. ACRES I/ I� I II • •w _ a 5 m (n s m (n (n R R I (3) I E s oo- F- 7aa3' - r R ze.00 r ohl, 8 Pi w I E N31012e E 1 - ® 0,•J.2 AC•RE3 ,9, O.IB ACRES ORA NO EASEMENT aEV01 ]E E j" P B q[r 10' RECREATION PATH EASEMENT / I l I 1 I (SEE DONE t) ( A'G ms' j L-,.A I 1.05 ACRES 1 TON TO aTY a SOUTH BUFUNGTON a-ssa.ao I xaoi„'oe E I I L - 7:Te'i6w- - J L woem'm'E . -. J L NIOE''Oe 02 E J NoeoeoxK _ - L - xo�,o uz'E J R•�i?00 / l n.Wr , ff� r--un - ng 0.20 ACRES gl- 3 tl -Bee CHIPMAN STREET R a� J 11A o , 0.32 ACRES j U) � O 1 _ _ _ _ -3 ,3e0wJ �P a0» ob�w /1e �il, , CATION MAP 1 = 3000 O / I 0.21 ACRES I _ e,.to D �� I (n \ noem'o Noe 'oz x m'ozK Noem'oz•E rvo4yeK w j U12 ACRES_ _N ., 5A r -a..e -7 00--,,.°o--7Lo0'- -ar - I I I soenrzrw I L MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT • I 0.47 ACRES l r I r I r r I uJ �� DAU CNECXED RECISION RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING II' ' SB IN 1 T I 5D I 5E SI8 91s Q REVO PROPERTY LINES AND E. RSHER LANE aIm O �( O RI O O 5FIa II u-s-m Os gEVD BIAL08lG SIDE a REM SE I8ACK5 i0 5' I I i CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON r $ � $ n r1g 0.17 ACRES, pI 1 D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL m I- 0.17 ACRES oI- 0.17 ACR64 s1-0.17 ACR15 _i I 0.24 ACRES ` 1 w I $ I I I i $ i �%A� s-25-07 DSM REYD LOT urouT A BALDING DAnaPE STORMWATER EASEMENT ) II Ci �i. 1-11-0 DSM REMSED DRAINAGE EASEMENTS TO BE COVEYED TO 1 Jll-n.Go'-)1L--n.o0'-)1L n.00•- -j L=' -. nz1r-- J S \CITY OF S. BURLINGTON/ 1-S-o7 DSM SENSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT ` ` s'A soemo soeve'az'w soem'ox•w Naem ox ��saeoe'Duz w -$ ,-I,-De 05M vlsED L u i ( I STORMWATER EASEMENT- 1 ON,wwE EAsaIENT / \ / TO BE COVEYED TO �I - _ _ , SEE NOTE ,) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l� I-.u-Ge DSM REwsv LOT uYOUT I CITY OF S. BURLINGTON _ _ STORMWATER EASEMENT ( ) I \ I I-I2-OP DSN SENSED LOT UYOUT TO BE COVEYED TO :, 8. •-. a - � I , STORMWATER LICENSE CITY OF S. BURLINGTON ;a I (WITHIN R.O.W.) TO BE 5-23-05 DSM NE'sED HATCHING i< I O ,,`---------------- Yw \ - _ CONVEYED To souTH PHASE I WA 1, 2W AEA _ ` \ \ ` _ - - - 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT - STORMPOND 2 WATER A p I �I N�OE COMMUNITIES POND 3 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF s1 TORM WATER POND 1 // EASEMENT TO BE Ira I DEDICATION - 14' X 200' � _ ---__________ l`\=?,tl /// CONVEYED TT O THE SUBDIVISION ECREATION PATH 20' EASEMENT TO CITY OF SOUTH BUR-NGTON TOWN OF SHELBURNE R.O.W. EXPANSION __----------__-_--_-___- sue, __- I L- AORGE - - ---------- - - - - -- L- ----- PATH 20 EA PLAT EA ENT TO CITY I I 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OF SOUTH BURUNGTON � RECREATION �yQ'-� G - � - _------ --�--- _ 1ST,-�----�- 5°T -A ___--- _ _ �,�-w-- --_- o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- - ------ U 004 NAWING noMRFR Y TO BVI�f STREET -- ----- ----------- - ----------------- ----- --------------- - .------- - , _----------r--�-----------�- -- - -- _ SPEAR STREET 66' R.O.W. / T° BARSTOW _ °"TE 2----------- _ -� f - - - - - -rr - Ord- - Orr J , r \ GRAPffi��c.A - - -` SC LY 2 SCALE - g - - I -�- - - - - Rl I = 60,S1.3 2 I I I r I I (IN Beer) I PROD. NG. I I 1 inch - 80 2L. 01243 P:A, Itc(7MD Pr^i^rts\7nni-\0i 743\01743-PHAFF:+CD.d1A/e, 1./3/2008 4:70:43 PM, ahiselle 1-3' ELEC. CONDUIT--j'�' 1. 4' CABLE CONDUIT 1 4 TEL CONDUIT TYPE 1 1-5" ELEC. CONDUIT 1.4' CABLE CONDUIT 2-4 TEL CONDUIT TYPE I 1-3" ELEC. CONDL T 1. 4' CABLE CONDUIT 2-4 TEL CONDUIT TYPE I 2-4' TEL CONDUIT 1-4' CABLE CONDO 3-3' ELEC. CONDUIT TYPE 2 2-4" TEL CONDUIT 3-4' CABLE COND' 2-3" ELEC. CONDUIT 1-5" ELEC. CONDUIT TYPE 2A 2-4' TEL CONDUIT 1-4" CABLE CONDO" ;l 2-3" ELEC. CONDUIT TYPE 3 2-4" TEL CONDUIT 1-4" CABLE CONDUIT 3' ELEC. CONDUIT ELEC. CONDUIT TYPE 3A PLANS PRRPAM BY: C cm ~ ckxm m P.Q B=4W SaANK" Y! WM m ML' 4Ri6YH M.R WOW.a�wtasw MAW ACL DSM LPFIGM DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSUCI'ANTS: LAAVLWP!tAAAEWAqoW1EVr LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN LYI'i Bk9NB5i CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT "KARC ayawim TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LAAQSGPE AST LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY. VT PROJI& "PT EA SOUTH VILLAGE 1" .k 8„r11. V.. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 2-4" CABLE CONDUIT --4' TEL CONDUIT LEGEND 1-3" ELEC. CON IT 1-5" ELEC. CONDUIT TYPE 38 — — — PROPERTY LINE OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ' E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC u, POWER POLE 2-4' CABLE CONDUIT 4-4' TEL CONDUITI • LIGHT POLE EDGE OF WOODS/BRUSH 2—S" ELEC. CON IT JqN o TYPE 4 , y ? i 008 2-4' TEL CONDUIT 4' CABLE CONDUIT nAT6 W6YpRON O 2-3" ELEC. CON IT 2-5" ELEC. CONDUIT n?E 5 1. THE EASEMENT CONVEYED SHALL BE 5' ON BOTH ELECTRICAL SIDES of THE CENTER OF THE INSTALLED CONDUITS, 10' TOTAL ADJACENT TO ROADWAY TELE. + CABLE ALONG THE STRIP AND EXTEND 3' SURROUNDING TEVAU °ESSWICHGARTSNSRYPDESTA SITE PLAN DSCAR. OFF ROAD EASMENT SHALL BE 10' ON BOTH SIDES ouvm Kum OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE INSTALLED CONDUITS, TOTAL ALONG THE STRIP. 2. THE EASEMENT CONVEYED BETWEEN PROPERTIES APRL_ 2007 SHALL BE 10' ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE INSTALLED CONDUITS, 20' TOTAL ALONG ears 1' 60' A A.71J (v'{�ri� THE STRIP, EXCEPT FOR WHERE BUILDINGS ARE INSIDE THE 20' EASEMENTS. EASEMENT SHALL NOT Pim NO. PASS WITHIN 2' OF A BUILDING. 01243 O (,) 187.8 ACRE I 1 2 I 18 3 51 ,) 10.2 1 C I E I 1 56 \ NORTH �EFFE /"QAD 153 5.04ACACRES SOUTH JEFFERSON ROAD I COMMON 1 ICRE 1 15 0.47 ACRES 1 �r � uerou I I I 370 J uEiELei O I / STORM WATER 4e I I POND 5 1, r- — SO,frH ✓Eppi�p� J Q LEGEND — — — PROPERTY LINE ------- EASEMENT LINE --------- TIE LINE ------- • -- --_ CALCULATED PANT O IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND w/SIZE O 5/B' REBAR r/ SURVEY MARKER PROPOSED O C} PROPOSED CONCRETE MONUMENT UTILITY POLE STORM WATER POND 4 — — — N ROAD 217 205402 -- 0.19 ACRES 0.13 1 O 143 ACC I 47 I r 0.28 ACRE I c,) "�,� (2) 139 w Z _ I i \ 1 SITE ENGINEER: 1 I r 1 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. I PO. 1101111 SHELBURNE, V/ 054R'' .,... cav vl f'Y dD2 DflS2.348 FAN: BR?-"85 221 1 D—N 1 ACL I ...C_ DSM 1 APPROV¢D A 1 I RC I OWNER: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. O 6 O 127 0 U 11 0.13 SIA� 6 pC („1 (2) 3 1 41 I ACRES I < I 0.30 ACRE123 I O / 5 — — 0.23 ACR 1 (10 le)cRE (1) (3) 119 E 1.49 ACRES / i 91 g cn 1 52142 1 1 0.25 CR 0," C I1 n 5 A— 1 FROST STREET 5 GO — Z 0.16 — — — I J �Q ( 1 5 2a c I ' 23 DQ�1011 1 9 a 4 (2 I 51 41) Cos) � f^) 93 2 11 1 0 23 AC. (1) o. 3 I 36 (D 1 O 1 z I O 89 1 = 0.19 ACRES 0.30 ACRES Q �r c2 98 - - 0.13 (3) 85 ACRES Z (,) ° AIKEN STREET o.1e — Es 35 37 :2 39 75 1 r/ 0.19 ACRES I 0.13 71 1 r 74 187.8 ACR65 r/ (1) I ACRE I 1 0.30. ACRES / I 4 5 0.18 A (1)cn cn ca) 67 I / 1.05 AD °� 81 40 30 CHIPMAN STREET 0.21 ACRES -- I' 61 47 2 51 13 0.47 C FJE \\ O 1 1 STORM WATER W ACM V1 POND 3 1 I O 'I O I O I I O I 1 0.17 ACRE 1 0.17 ACRES 1 0.17 ACRES I 0.17 ACRES 1 0.24 ACRES 1 I r r , STORM WATER i I/ POND 2 i TORM WATER / it POND 1 I , o- _ •--------�---- °--------- °----------- - °----------- E TO BARSTOW RD. - - - TO SVIIFT STREET If ----------r-- ----------- -- ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - — - ----- -- - r — — — — — I — — — �� QRAP1�CALE �1 t IN FEET E ) fl PROJECT 'TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Mvy.l I -v 6 1 1'N RDtd 9Yuge -- � I r, f � 7 ll LOCATION MAP 1 = 3000 DATE CHECKED REV1910N OSM RENSED 911 ADMESYS -II-M DIM RENSED 911 ADpRESSES 911 - - - ADDRESS PLAN DEC.,2007 " "IA NIIMRER sf A� 911 r-so' PROD. N0. 01243 zl�outh Burlington Public Works 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL: (802)658.7961 FAX: (802)658-7976 OFFICE ID4 LANDFILL RC January 8, 2008 To: Development Review Board From: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director Re: Agenda Item #9 Preliminary Plat #SD-07-74 and Final Plat #SD-07-75 of South Village I oppose granting any further Front Yard Set back distances for this project. Set back distances were dealt with over many meetings with the developer prior to the approvals for this project. The main reason for my opposition to reducing the Front Yard set back any more have to do with winter conditions. We are already having issues with developments that do not have enough storage for snow in the winter. I am not talking about snow from the City ROW but from the residents themselves. When we have times of heavy snows or constant snow showers there is not enough room for the residents to deal with the snow from their driveways or sidewalks. The residents end up having to put the snow in the City ROW. This is costly to the city, dangerous for emergency services and illegal. It truly does make our job of snow plowing much more costly. Our trucks each have an assigned route and we try very hard not to have to go back to a street anymore then we have to. When public property is used to move snow off private property it is impossible for us to maintain a road in such away that we feel comfortable that when we leave it is in serviceable condition and able to be used by both the residents and any emergency service that may be needed for the residents. February 4, 2008 I have met with the developer again in regards to their request for a 5 ft setback. It is my understanding that they are asking for this reduction in very specific areas. The only way that I would support any reduction would be as described on the e-mail from Joe Segale to me on February 4, 2008 and only in the very few locations that are now being presented. Also there would have to be some assurance that a driveway cut could never happen at these specific locations. The 5' from the porch to the sidewalk would have to be free of shrubs, trees and other plantings. Also I want to make sure that I only would allow this change if the DRB felt that there is a way to make these conditions permanent. Pagel of 2 ray From: Bruce Hoar Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 11:55 AM To: ray Subject: FW: So Village Front Yard Setbacks Bruce K. Hoar Director South Burlington Public Works 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802-658-7961 bhoarCa)sburl.com From: Joe Segale [mailto:js@retrovest.com] Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 10:24 AM To: Bruce Hoar Cc: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Subject: So Village Front Yard Setbacks Bruce - Below is the proposed condition that Dave Marshall and I drafted related to the request to reduce front -yard setbacks to five feet in certain circumstances. There is a DRB hearing tomorrow night on this questions (as well as presentation of landscape screening for utility cabinets). Can you provide a letter to City Planning staff as we discussed? I think the condition addresses your concerns about dealing with snow removal when there is a concentration of driveways and walks in close proximity. Basically, the five foot setback would only be allowed for "rear load" houses that have driveways on private lanes. We tried to address your concern about the possibility that a driveway could still be added sometime in the future by requiring prohibitions on Association documents and deeds for specific lots. Take a look and give me a call if you want to discuss. Proposed Condition: "The front yard setback shall be 10 feet for conditioned (weatherized) spaces. The front yard setback for non - weatherized porches may be reduced from 10 to 5 feet when the driveway for the building accesses a private road from the rear or side of the building and not a public road. Association documents shall include language that prohibits driveways on public streets when access is available on private lanes. Deeds for lots with access to a private street will include language that prohibits driveways on to public streets" Joe Segale, P.E. 2/4/2008 Permit Number SD- - d CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) �c�tN �1 LC./�GE GoN�NI V IJ tT l � S 1-LC-- U�O �A�L 117 SOH IZ S ! tixsoSiG( Age 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 8v- plc) PG 454-455 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) G0 -ANX .rtm �1 t %-44 c F4 cX3-..,k--t , Pn/e i F3y gu t'k� , I 01 Pi µ 9-) r4-t 2>3z > 4) CONTACT PERSON (Person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address phone& fax #) a 5. NA0.1z-5ti�,L,1 G�-41e__ ��eems!�:C�ertQ� AsSoc,e�s1 FLU E3a�`4� �4-1-�tCiP-Nrcl -tT Pry Contact email address: 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS l ? y4(=3 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 7) DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) —etc Gg % e- c . L_T- , m-pq . -gc�-�-t,., T c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) !-Lo x--= ca& A D &.--\r% U�l `3 S LA (?pm %t hT7R —S d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) -F-UM �7G2�if�cxLS Gicll�jM l'S?BLS e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) 1 �4 + hs.o f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) Ko *=jzcv,n c �ttZ�E►-cr fip�►�c�cFrtr g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) h) Lis anv changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. S) WETLAND INFORMATION a) Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? b) If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands or their associated 50' buffers? tiLc) GN7r- F-tYM c) If yes, this project MUST be reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee prior to review by the Development Review Board. Please submit the following with this application: 1. a site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's Wetlands Map. 2. response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria). 9) LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a) Size of Parcel: 2 2 3. \4 nz (acres /sq. ft.) b) Building Coverage: Existing Proposed square feet 0 A % square feet 50 % +-or, t&AQty. L, r '7 .5 4-oCL 614'rI z-417 ?a-J-cr c) Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): 2 Existing square feet 0.1 { 5.5 Proposed square feet &5 d) Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing square feet �d a X:6 tz- c "'n V-JZ5 p r-oj L- c t- % -FbkZ f oTS % (wt2 .5t=1+) Proposed square feet hi % ( Mr- C-V4' 0L- -y trv- PC&-t,> 14-r ,e'ae,rA t vn-- , LAeol- > 10) AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 5 t5 A c- ~* *Projects disturbing more than on -half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11) WAIVERS REQUESTED a) List any waivers from the strict standards in the Land Development Regulations (e.g., setbacks, height, parking, etc.) that the applicant is seeking Pt_ ftSG- �p�-� �c�•c �-� -f-�M StDC' �P fJ �J t�1C Fes_ t2EQs�<�"f 12) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) $ t4c T- ,- -P¢.c-v t OJ5 5 k-loannt tt-1­t- 5 b) Landscaping (see Section 13.06(G) of the Land Development Regulations) $ /.t,, c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) �, P��r to�s� Sc1 ca�trt.s 13) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out) t-ln +iz-oA-k mas b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out) 14) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 15) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 16) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE D t rro V % rrq=� P N�Sc Z — 20 t l 3 17) ABUTTING LANDOWNERS —please list abutting landowners, including those across any streets. You may attach a separate sheet. 16) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my know!pdge.� SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ` ga &A SIGNATURE OF RO RTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: E Complete rX of Planbinf & Zoning or Designee /D SOUT-H VILLAGE ABUM."ER'. LIST - 10/1 r—o,.,/ Updated at So. Burlington Town Clerk Offices by consulting Grand List dated 6/28/07 and Sales Report Transaction book dated 1/1/06 — 9/1/07. Confirmed Shelburne addresses with Town Clerk. By Michelle Holgate -luth Trevithick 1751 Spear Street I o. Burlington, VT 05403 ilary Pappas 1809 Spear Street 5o. Burlington, VT 05403 Stuart & Helen Hall 1815 Spear Street 3o. Burlington, VT 05403 George & Shelley Vinal 1845 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 William Reed 1967 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Alan & Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Elarlan & John Sylvester (rcL2003 Spear St.) 51 South Street Burlington, VT 05401 Carolyn E. Long Revocable Trust 1720 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farina 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Donald & Lynn Cummings William & Ayse Floyd 1811 Spear Street 1813 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Harry & Patricia Davison Patricia Calkins 1827 Spear Street 1835 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Marls S. Westergard/Curt Moody Barbara Lande 1855 Spear Street 1865 ,Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 James & Paula Carroll Frank Costantino (reL1975 Spear St.) 1971 Spear Street 155 Chesapeak Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 John & Amy Averill Daniel Martin 3958 Spear Street 4012 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, V'f 05482 Craig S. Bartlett, III Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4047 Spear Street 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Robert F. Cooper (re£1505 Dorset St.) 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Scott J. Michaud Dorset Fa��ens Master Assoc. Tonya Bosworth Jason & JenniferMcGahey Property Mgt. Associates 192 Catkin Drive 190 Catkin Drive �/o VBox 1201 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Mark & Deborah Fay Susan C. Bliss Matthew & Beverly Broomliall 188 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Carolyn Terhune Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto Michael & Merry Eliz.Bouvier 35 Floral Street 33 Floral Street 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi Robert P. James James & Karen Lai -row 29 Floral Street 79 Bower Street 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano Donald & Lisa Anqwin Mitchel Cypes & Lynan Moy 75 Bower Street 73 Bower Street 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter and Gayle Conklin Brian & Christine Sowle Dan and Marquerite Wetzel 67 Bower Street 50 Cabot Court 183 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan Philip & Darcy Carter Brigette & Richard White 185 Catkin Drive 187 Catkin Drive 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Bbagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 No Text Concrete Pad with Metal Cabinet LOCATIONS: • Primary Utility Entrance off of Allen Road East near station 102+50. • Allen Road East near Station 107+00. Metal Cabinet with Concrete Vault — another example Single Phase Transformer LOCATIONS: • Lot 53, Lot 58, Lot 19, Lot 14, Lot 25, Lot 27, Lot 30 and Lot 33 • Adjacent to ND450 Fiberglass Vault and Sewer Pump Station near Allen Road East Station 221+50 Size: 32 inches high, 35 inches wide, 35 inches long. VERIZON CABINETS AT MAIN UTILITY ENTRANCE NEAR ALLEN ROAD EAST STATION 102+50 Marconi Communicatioxis 17 McDonaid Drive CIVI! IING.II I��R' IING A��SJCI�\rE�, I1 IC� 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 January 13, 2008 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: After additional research on market conditions and the completion of final coordination efforts with the area utilities, South Village Communities is hereby submitting this amendment application to propose the following modifications to the existing Development Review Board approval. 1. Front Yard Setback - In support of bringing the front porches of the Traditional Neighborhood Design closer to the sidewalk, the front yard setback on public streets is proposed to be revised from 10 feet to five (5) feet for non -weatherized front porches. We are working with Bruce Hoar, Director of Public Works to review the snow removal issues and to determine if any further modifications of this proposal are required. 2. Electrical - Generally the project has been designed so as to provide much of the distribution system from the perimeter into the middle of the project site. There are three proposed locations where we are seeking a waiver to the front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet (lot 11, north of Lot 51 and Sta 221 +20 on Allen Road East). The proposed distribution system layout and associated electrical cabinets are depicted on Sheet C6.1. The proposed landscaping plans for each transformer and MTC location has been prepared by Land -Works and is included with this submittal. C18/1! El Ir!1t"ENRIINr r�JJJC�;ar��, IIN C46 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 July 24, 2007 Mr. Craig Lambert, City Arborist South Burlington Dept. Of Public Works 500 Patchen Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Phase I Plat Plans Response to Review Comments Dear Mr. Lambert: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Phase I of the South Village project was approved by the Development Review Board in May, 2006 and contained a condition of approval which required that we address your April 27, 2006 review comment prior to filing the mylars in the Land Records. The attached plan has been revised to specifically address your review comment. We have included a copy of your original comment letter to the Planning Staff for reference. The note has been revised to follow your recommendations, word for word. Ray Belair will be requesting your input on whether these revisions address the issues raised in your review comments. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985- 2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Sheet L-8 cc: R. Belair (no enclosures), J. Segale (no enclosures) PAAutoCADD Projects\2001\01243TocalReviewTambert Reply to Comment.wpd .,,t July 25, 2007 C I V I L s! IGIN fEIkIIN G ;'1JS,0r,I itS), I NC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Mr. Bruce Hoar, Director South Burlington Dept. Of Public Works 500 Patchen Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Phase I Plat Plans Response to Review Comments Dear Mr. Hoar: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Phase I of the South Village project was approved by the Development Review Board in May, 2006 and contained a condition of approval which required that we address your April 27, 2006 review comments prior to filing the mylars in the Land Records. The attached plans reflect those sheets which were revised to specifically address your review comments. We have included a copy of your original comment letter to the Planning Staff and have summarized the same in this letter which provides a response to each item. We previously forwarded to you the construction bid documents for the northern portion of Phase 1 which is currently proposed to be constructed by the applicant. These plans are inherently more detailed than the plan set used for permitting the project. The applicant is planning to submit the construction bid documents as part of an amendment application to update the permitting plans. When this process is complete the construction document set will become the new enforcement standard for the project. Ray Belair will be requesting your input on whether these revisions address the issues raised in your review comments. Public Works Director's Comments No brick to be used in any structure. This reference has been removed from the detail on Sheet C4.13 2. Just putting a line through an item is not changing the plans. These plans, including the proposed roundabout on Sheet C4.15 have been updated to eliminate the hand drafting. Mr. Bruce Hoar Page 2 of 2 July 25, 2007 3. C4.14 why note one that allows for reduction of Bike Path widths. The potential reduction was a requirement of the State Wetland CUD where sections crossing the wetlands were required to have narrowed sections. This applies principally to roads in Phase III (Plan attached). This language was included in support of the proposed use of this detail by the Rec Path Committee on other projects. 4. Only approved method for pipe connections at structures to be cast in place flexible manhole sleeves. Remove or approved others. We are not recommending any brand name just a type of connection. This has been revised on Sheet C4.13. 5. 1 do not approve of flush curbs if the roundabout is approved. 1 support the idea of the roundabout but want to make sure that it is used properly. The original mountable curbs were acceptable. I want some curb reveal to help keep the traffic flow where it should be and also for snow plowing. I want to make it clear that I support a roundabout just not one with flush curbs. The design has been revised in accordance with the condition of approval from the DRB in which the divider islands will be raised with the use of mountable edges no more onerous than those experienced at other traffic calming components in the City. Sheet C4.15 depicts the proposed design. Ray Belair has indicated to us that he would appreciate your input on this proposed design (which is the same as that included in the construction bid documents). Thank you for your assistance on this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323 x310. Respectful David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Sheets C4.13, C4.14, C4.15 cc: R. Belair (no enclosures), J. Segale (no enclosures) PAAutoCADD Projects\2001 \01243\LocalReview\Bruce H Reply to Comments.wpd 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 July 25, 2007 Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer South Burlington Dept. Of Public Works c/o Planning & Zoning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Phase I Plat Plans Response to Review Comments Dear Mr. Szymanski: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Phase I of the South Village project was approved by the Development Review Board in May, 2006 and contained a condition of approval which required that we address your April 27, 2006 review comments prior to filing the mylars in the Land Records. The attached plans reflect those sheets which were revised to specifically address your review comments. We have included a copy of your original comment letter to the Planning Staff and have summarized the same in this letter which provides a response to each item. Ray Belair will be requesting your input on whether these revisions address the issues raised in your review comments. City Engineer's Comments 1. Public street R.O.W. width should be at least 60 feet. The street widths are 60 feet wide except where specific waivers have been provided by the DRB which is most of the streets except for Allen Road East and North Jefferson Street. 2. The Engineer (Civil Engineering Associates) shall prepare the as -built plans. They shall maintain good field notes as construction progresses so that accurate as -built plans can be prepared. Acknowledged. Mr. William Szymanski Page 2 of 3 July 25, 2007 3. Add north arrow to plan S1.3A. This has been added to the plans. 4. Add north arrow and street name (Spear Street) to plan S1.3113. This has been added to the plans. 5. The southerly street connection to Spear Street should have a R.O.W. width of 80 feet for a distance of 200 feet so in the future that intersection can be improved. This has been added to sheets S 1.2 and S1.3. 6. Add north arrow to sheet L-2. This was already on the plan in the bottom right corner. 7. Add street names to sheets C-4.8, C-4.9, & C-4.10. The street names have been added to these plan sheets. 8. Manhole covers and drainage structures shall be adjusted to grade using precast concrete risers, not bricks. The details on sheet C4.13 has been revised to remove any reference to the use of bricks. 9. The radii of all intersecting streets at the Spear Street/Allen Road intersection shall have concrete curbs shown on all plans. The new Allen Road East Road intersection at Spear Street and Allen Road has concrete curbs depicted on sheet C5.3. This is the most detailed sheet that would over -ride any of the other sheets that may show the pavement edge with a single line. 10. Sheet C6.0 is impossible to read. This is for general reference only and can be removed if preferable. 1 1. A fence as called for In sor-ne of the street cross sections should be outside the street rights of way. The proposed fence has been moved back off of the right-of-way onto the private property. This has been corrected on sheets C4.1 through C4.3. 12. City Pollution Control Superintendent shall review the sewage pumping station design. Mr. George Dow has reviewed the plans and has called for the pump stations to be constructed in accordance with the South Burlington Standards for private pump stations. We have added automatic air Mr. William Szymanski Page 3 of 3 July 25, 2007 ventilation as part of our review of the upgrades necessary to bring the design into compliance with the standards. 13. City Water Department notes on plan sheet C-9.2 shall be compiled with - especially note 5 - regrading tree planting. The tree location and water main location is very much an issue with the Dept. of Public Works and this has been stressed in our recent meetings with them. 14. Prior to planting any trees, the Engineer shall take out the location of water and sewer mains within the planting area. This note has been added to sheet C6.1. This is also being coordinated with Public Works during the construction phase. Landscape plans shall also show water and sewer mains where trees are planted. As an alternate, the tree locations have been added to the utility plans. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323 x310. Respectfully, avi S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Sheets S1.2, S1.3-3B; L-2; C4.1-4.3; C4.8-4.10, C4.13, C5.3, C6.0-6.4 cc: R. Belair (no enclosures), J. Segale (no enclosures) PAAutoCADD Projects\2001\01243\I,oca)Review\City Engineer Reply to Comments.wpd E State of Vermont WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective January 1, 2005 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-2613 PIN: EJ05-0114 Landowner: Paul Calkins P.O. Box 82 Lyndonville VT 05851 This permit affects property referenced in deeds recorded in Book 419 Pages 454-453419 and Book 210 Pages 106-107 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of Lots #2A, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F, 8, 9, 24 through 30, 33 through 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, and 51 through 62 each proposed for the construction of one three bedroom single family residence; Lots #7, 121 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, and 46 each proposed for the construction of one duplex with a total of six bedrooms; and Lots #10, 13, 14, 16, 39, 40 and 45 each proposed for the construction of one triplex with a total of nine bedrooms served by municipal water and wastewater services located on Spear Street in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions: 1. GENERAL 1.1.The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. listed as follows: Proj. No. 01243; Drawing Number S 1.2 "Phase 1 Subdivision Plat" dated August 2004 last revised 4-3-07; Drawing Number S1.3 "Phase 1 Subdivision Plat" dated July 2004 last revised 4-14-07; Drawing Number C4.4 "Road Profiles" dated August 2004 last revised 6-23-07; Drawing Number C4.5 "Road Profiles" dated May 2004 last revised 6-23-07; Drawing Number C4.6 "Road Profiles" dated May 2004 last revised 6-23- 07; Drawing Number C4.7 "Road Profiles" dated May 2004 last revised 6-23-07; Drawing Number C4.13 "Roadway Section and Details" dated Feb. 2004 last revised 4-3-06; Drawing Number C6.0 "Sewer + Water Master Plan" dated August 2004 last revised 4-7-06; Drawing Number C-6.1 "Utility Plan" dated July 2004 last revised 6-23-07; Drawing Number C-6.1A "Utility Plan" dated June 2006; Drawing Number C-6.2 "Utility Plan" dated July 2004 last revised 6-23-07; Drawing Number C-6.3 "Utility Plan" dated July 2004 last revised 5-24-05; Drawing Number C-6.6 "Pump Station #1 Plan and Section" dated July 2004 last revised 6-21- 06; Drawing Number C-6.8 "Water Details" (for water service details) dated Feb 2005 last revised 6-21-06; Drawing Number C-6.9 "Sewer Details" dated July 2004; Drawing Number C- 9.2 "Specifications Plan" dated June 2004 last revised 4-10-06; and Drawing Number C-9.3 "Specifications Plan" dated June 2004. 1.2.The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the building, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-2613 Page 2 1.3.This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division — telephone (802) 241-3400, Water Quality Division telephone (802) 241-3770, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety — telephone (802) 879-2300, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 1 A.The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (30) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.5.By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 1.6.This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply with these rules. In issuing this permit, the Division has relied solely upon the licensed designers certification that the design -related information submitted was true and correct and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1.No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply until the Secretary receives a certification from a designer, or the installer, signed and dated, that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply was installed in accordance with the permitted design and all permit conditions, was inspected, was properly tested, and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the water service lines to each structure. Construction of the municipal water line shall comply with Condition #2.2 of this permit. 2.1.This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The proj ect is approved for a maximum of 3 5,100 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 2.2.The water main extension is approved provided the water main extension is constructed in strict accordance with the Agency of Natural Resources, Water Supply Division's "Public Water System Permit to Construct " Project #C-1688-05.0 WSID #5090. 2.3.The connection of a sprinkler fire suppression system to a public drinking water supply system shall require the installation and maintenance of back -flow prevention devices which conform to the standards acceptable to the Department of Labor & Industry. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Pen -nit WW-4-2613 Page 3 3.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1.No d by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed wastewater system permit issue certification from a designer, or the installer, signed and dated, that until the Secretary receives a states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with the permitted design and all permit conditions, was inspected, was properly tested, and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the municipal wastewater collection system and wastewater service lines to each structure. 3.2.This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The project is tooved for a maximum of thesystem shall be allo,840 w d gallons of wastewater per day. No changeso the wastewater without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 3.3.This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to a written request wtheir ith th eent facility. If the municipal approval expires, and the municipality Secretary, the Secretary will remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve capacity. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval and does not request that the Secretary remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve. Once the project is removed from the list of committed reserve capacity, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. Jeffrey Wei-mberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Ernest Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated July 11, 2007 C South Burlington Plarming Commission Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. South Village Communities, LLC Water Supply Division Water Quality Division Act 250 District Environmental Commission #4 — Case #4C1160-1 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety Y o YERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Water Supply Division The Old Pantry Building 103 South Main Street (PHONE) (802) 241-3400 Waterbury, VT o5671-0403 (FAxi (802) 241-3284 www.vermontdrinkingwater.org Public Water System Permit to Construct PROJECT #C-1688-05.0 WSID #5090 PERMITTEE: South Village Communities, LLC ADDRESS: 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 PROJECT NAME: South Village TOWN LOCATION: South Burlington, VT General Agency of Natural Resources PIN #EJ05-0114 The referenced planning documents are approved in accordance with 10 V.S.A., Chapter 56, provided that all conditions listed below are complied with and continually satisfied. This Construction Permit, with conditions, is granted based on a review which determined that the proposed works, if built in accordance with the approved planning documents, will conform with adopted design standards and will not constitute'a public health hazard or a public health risk. The review and approval did not, however, include the structural engineering aspects of this project. Project Description The project is represented by plans and specifications prepared and submitted by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers. The project involves an extension of South Burlington Water Department's existing 12-inch water main located on Midland Avenue. The extension will be made with approximately 4,800 linear feet (If) of 12-inch and 3,475 if of 8-inch Class 52 Ductile Iron pipe, sixty-five (65 ) water service lines, nineteen (19) hydrant assemblies, fire suppression sprinkler systems with required backflow prevention, and appurtenances. The extension will serve a proposed residential development (South Village Communities, Phase I) with a design average day water demand of 62,145 gallons per day (School —100 students x 25 gpd/student and 10 employees x 15 gpd/employee plus Day Care —59 children x 20 gpd/child and 8 employees x 15 gpd/employee plus Farm — 15 acres x 300 gpd/acre plus Housing — 404 bedrooms x 150 gpd/bedroom less a 10% reduction in design demand due to the installation of low flow fixtures). ' r6l Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St.Johnsbury Permit to Construct South Village Page 2 of 4 The project is presented in the following: Sheet No.. DrawingDate Last Revision Date C6.0 August 2004 April 7, 2006 C6.1, C6.2 July 2004 June 23, 2006 C6.lA June 2006 None C63 July 2004 May 24, 2005 C6.4, C6.5 July 2004 April 20, 2006 C4.4 August 2004 June 23, 2006 C4.5, C4.6, C4.7 May 2004 June 23, 2006 C4.7A April 2006 None C6.8 February 2005 June 23, 2006 C9.2 June 2004 April 10, 2006 The total number of sheets reviewed by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for this project is 14. Project Conditions (1) All construction on this project must be completed by and the permit shall expire on July 31, 2009 unless written approval is obtained from the Department of Environmental Conservation which extends the expiration date. (2) This Construction Permit is not transferable or assignable and shall automatically become invalid upon a change of ownership or upon suspension or revocation. A successor in interest to the permittee may apply to the Department of Environmental Conservation for issuance of a new permit. (3) By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the project, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental laws and this permit. (4) The Department of Environmental Conservation maintains continuing jurisdiction during the life of the permit and may require the permittee periodically to file an affidavit certifying that the project is operating in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and conditions of the permit. Permit to Construct South Village Page 3 of 4 (5) The project shall be constructed, completed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in accordance with the conditions of this permit. No changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation. (6) Construction inspection shall be performed by a competent inspector under the general supervision of a professional engineer. It is the permittee's responsibility to ensure that inspection is undertaken to assure that the project is constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, plus any authorized change orders. (7) The permittee or representative shall submit as -built Record Drawings to the Department of Environmental Conservation indicating the system as it was constructed, including any field modification. Record Drawings shall be developed by the professional engineering firm responsible for observation of construction. Record Drawings shall be submitted within 60 days of final system field approval by the responsible engineer. (8) Prior to being placed in operation for domestic use, all new portions of the system shall be flushed, pressure tested, disinfected and flushed again. Following this procedure, at least two samples must be collected from representative sample points and sent to the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory at 195 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 (or any other Vermont Department of Health certified laboratory) for Bacteriological Examination of Public Water Supply and indicate on the form that it is for a new system awaiting approval. Coliform Absent sample results are required before the system may be placed "on line" for potable water use. (9) If control of the newly constructed water distribution system is not assumed by the South Burlington Water Department as indicated in a letter from the South Burlington Water Department received by the Water Supply Division on July 2, 2007, the permittee shall not place the system in operation prior to receiving an operating permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation. Prior to receiving an operation permit, the permittee shall demonstrate that it has, and will continue to have in the future, the technical, managerial, and financial capability to operate the distribution system in compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Appeals Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00 payable to the State of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. Permit to Construct South Village Page 4 of 4 The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on-line at www.vermontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. #802-828-1660). Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner By Acti g Director Water Supply Division Signed this _'D rc� day of , 2007. GB c: youth Burlington Water Department /South Burlington Fire Department Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Ernest Chritianson, Regional Engineer, Essex Junction Regional Office, DEC Greg Bostock, P.E, Senior Environmental Engineer, WSD/DEC PID #C-1688 Permit File VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Water Supply Division The Old Pantry Building 103 South Main Street [PHONE] (802) 241-8400 Waterbury, VT 05671-0403 [FAX] (802) 241-3284 www.vermontdrinldngwater.org Public Water System Permit to Construct PROJECT #C-1688-05.0 WSID #5090 PERMITTEE: South Village Communities, LLC ADDRESS: 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 PROJECT NAME: South Village TOWN LOCATION: South Burlington, VT General Agency of Natural Resources PIN #EJ05-0114 The referenced planning documents are approved in accordance with 10 V.S.A., Chapter 56, provided that all conditions listed below are complied with and continually satisfied. This Construction Permit, with conditions, is granted based on a review which determined that the proposed works, if built in accordance with the approved planning documents, will conform with adopted design standards and will not constitute,a public health hazard or a public health risk. The review and approval did not, however, include the structural engineering aspects of this project. Project Description The project is represented by plans and specifications prepared and submitted by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers. The project involves an extension of South Burlington Water Department's existing 12-inch water main located on Midland Avenue. The extension will be made with approximately 4,800 linear feet (If) of 12-inch and 3,475 if of 8-inch Class 52 Ductile Iron pipe, sixty-five (65 ) water service lines, nineteen (19) hydrant assemblies, fire suppression sprinkler systems with required backflow prevention, and appurtenances. The extension will serve a proposed residential development (South Village Communities, Phase I) with a design average day water demand of 62,145 gallons per day (School —100 students x 25 gpd/student and 10 employees x 15 gpd/employee plus Day Care 59 children x 20 gpd/child and 8 employees x 15 gpd/employee plus Farm —15 acres x 300 gpd/acre plus Housing — 404 bedrooms x 150 gpd/bedroom less a 10% reduction in design demand due to the installation of low flow fixtures). ' Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St..Johnsbuiy Permit to Construct South Village Page 2 of 4 The project is presented in the following: Sheet No: Drawing Date Last Revision Date' C6.0 August 2004 April 7, 2006 C6.1, C6.2 July 2004 June 23, 2006 C6.lA June 2006 None C6.3 July 2004 May 24, 2005 C6.4, C6.5 July 2004 April 20, 2006 C4.4 August 2004 June 23, 2006 C4.5, C4.6, C4.7 May 2004 June 23, 2006 C4.7A April 2006 None C6.8 February 2005 June 23, 2006 C9.2 June 2004 April 10, 2006 The total number of sheets reviewed by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for this project is 14. Project Conditions (1) All construction on this project must be completed by and the permit shall expire on July 31, 2009 unless written approval is obtained from the Department of Environmental Conservation which extends the expiration date. (2) This Construction Permit is not transferable or assignable and shall automatically become invalid upon a change of ownership or upon suspension or revocation. A successor in interest to the permittee may apply to the Department of Environmental Conservation for issuance of a new permit. (3) By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the project, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental laws and this permit. (4) The Department of Environmental Conservation maintains continuing jurisdiction during the life of the permit and may require the permittee periodically to file an affidavit certifying that the project is operating in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and conditions of the permit. Permit to Construct South Village Page 3 of 4 (5) The project shall be constructed, completed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in accordance with the conditions of this permit. No changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation. (6) Construction inspection shall be performed by a competent inspector under the general supervision of a professional engineer. It is the permittee's responsibility to ensure that inspection is undertaken to assure that the project is constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, plus any authorized change orders. (7) The permittee or representative shall submit as -built Record Drawings to the Department of Environmental Conservation indicating the system as it was constructed, including any field modification. Record Drawings shall be developed by the professional engineering firm responsible for observation of construction. Record Drawings shall be submitted within 60 days of final system field approval by the responsible engineer. (8) Prior to being placed in operation for domestic use, all new portions of the system shall be flushed, pressure tested, disinfected and flushed again. Following this procedure, at least two samples must be collected from representative sample points and sent to the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory at 195 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 (or any other Vermont Department of Health certified laboratory) for Bacteriological Examination of Public Water Supply and indicate on the form that it is for a new system awaiting approval. Coliform Absent sample results are required before the system may be placed "on line" for potable water use. (9) If control of the newly constructed water distribution system is not assumed by the South Burlington Water Department as indicated in a letter from the South Burlington Water Department received by the Water Supply Division on July 2, 2007, the permittee shall not place the system in operation prior to receiving an operating permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation. Prior to receiving an operation permit, the permittee shall demonstrate that it has, and will continue to have in the future, the technical, managerial, and financial capability to operate the distribution system in compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Appeals Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the cleric of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00 payable to the State of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. E } Permit to Construct South Village Page 4 of 4 The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on-line at www.vennontjudiciar�org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. #802-828-1660). Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner By Acti g Director Water Supply Division Signed this ' °rc� day of , 2007. C. South Burlington Water Department South Burlington Fire Department Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Ernest Chritianson, Regional Engineer, Essex Junction Regional Office, DEC Greg Bostock, P.E, Senior Environmental Engineer, WSD/DEC PID #C-1688 Permit File �IVII s�lrl�ls� l�l r�� ��lr�r� . INC,% 928 Falls Road Phone: 802-985-2323 P.O. Box 485 Fax: 802-985-2271 Shelburne, VT 05482 E-Mail: cea-vtcom LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: June 5, 2007 To: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer City Offices 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 From: Paul Boisvert Project: South Village Description: Mylar of sheet C5.0, Check in the amount of $11.00, for recording fee. Message: Please record the enclosed mylar in the land records. This plan is being recorded at the request of the South Burlington Stormwater Utility, as an accompaniment to legal agreements currently under development. If possible, I would also like to receive a notice of recording, for the attorneys. Copies: CIVIL EA IGII EERI1 IG NEOSOClArIEES, IINC. 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 July 24, 2007 Mr. Craig Lambert, City Arborist South Burlington Dept. Of Public Works 500 Patchen Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Phase I Plat Plans Response to Review Comments Dear Mr. Lambert: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Phase I of the South Village project was approved by the Development Review Board in May, 2006 and contained a condition of approval which required that we address your April 27, 2006 review comment prior to filing the mylars in the Land Records. The attached plan has been revised to specifically address your review comment. We have included a copy of your original comment letter to the Planning Staff for reference. The note has been revised to follow your recommendations, word for word. Ray Belair will be requesting your input on whether these revisions address the issues raised in your review comments. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985- 2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Sheet L-8 cc: R. Belair (no enclosures), J. Segale (no enclosures) PA\AutoCADD Projects\2001\01243\LocalReview\Lambert Reply to Comment.wpd From: Craig Lambert [mailto:sbpwcl@adelphia.net] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 2:34 PM To: Cathyann LaRose Subject: Re: Landscaping, etc etc Cathy, I just finished looking at the South Village plans. Everything looks pretty good with one exception in the Tree Planting Detail. The following clause, "the root flare shall be planted at or slightly above final grade(due to nursery practices, this may require removing soil from the top of the root ball to locate the root flare)" should be substituterd for the specification which states " set rootball 4-6" above final grade to allow for settling(12" in clay soil). Let me know if you have questions. I should be able to stop by sometime this week. Craig � » ~� � � The Re*rovest Companies "'''^^«`& ^"^''^''"^ Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer South Burlington Department o(Public Works c/o Planning and Zoning Department 57SDorset Street South Burlington, VTO54O3 Re: South Village Phase 1ACity Infrastructure Bond Dear Mr. Szymanski: It is now most likely that the very first component of work that will occur at the above referenced project is installation ofthe waterline from Midland Avehe proposed roundabout located within the project. We intend to submit a zoning permit for that segment of work and must provide a letter of credit to the City. We are requesting your review and approval of the attached cost estimate for the value ofthis work. The estimated value is $3OQOOOand the total length ofthe waterline along this segment is approximately 2,625 feet. Please find attached the cost estimate for your review. I have also attached a general site plan that shows the location of this segment. Please refer to the previous plans we provided ifyou need more information. The cost estimate includes the Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control measures associated with the waterline installation; clearing, grubbing and trench rock excavation; installation of the 12 inch waterline, hydrants and related appurtenances; and a section of under drain that needs to be installed along with the waterline. There are no other utilities that will be installed in the corridor between Midland Avenue and the roundabout. Please feel free to contact me at 802-863-8323with any questions. Sincerely . ' ,�� �� � l/1.«� ^� � �,^°w^= ^"� ^'^~ '^, 2� � v ��� / ' -� u� �O��+ Project Manage/ Attachments cc: Ray Belair; Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates South Village Phase 1A Waternne from Midland to Roundabout Cost Estimate Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control 3 Daily Temporary Stabilization 4 Strip & Stockpile Topsoil 5 Laydown Areas 6 Construction Entrances 7 Topsoil Placement 8 Erosion Control Matting 9 Final Hay Mulch 10 Drainage Inlet Protection 11 Silt Fence 12 Construction Fence 13 Permanent Seeding 14 Temporary Seeding 15 Remaining Permanent Site Reclam. 16 Polymer Blocks (Allowance) 17 Polymer Floc Log Flume (Allowance) 18 2.5" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 19 3" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 20 4" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 21 Inspection/Reporting Requirements 22 All Remaining EPSC Measures Demolition 23 Clearing 24 Grubbing 25 Mass Rock Overblast (Allowance) 26 Trench Rock & Boulder (>1 CY) 27 All other Demolition Items Water 27 Water System Connection - East 28 Water Connection (TS&V) - West 29 Jack & Bore - West 30 Pressure Reducing Vault Complete 31 12" Water Main 32 12" Gate Valve 33 8" Water Main 34 8" Gate Valve 35 Air Release Structure 36 Fire Hydrants 37 1" Copper Water Service 38 1" Water Service Corp & Curb Stop 39 Type I Insulation (2" Thick) 40 All Remaining Water Installations Sewer 42 12" Sewer Main 43 8" Sewer Main 44 6" Sewer Main 45 Sanitary Manholes 46 4" Sewer Service Line 47 6" Force Main 48 6" FM Directional Bore & Connection 49 Force Main Air Release Structure 50 Pump Station & Storage 51 6" Relief Drain at Low Point 52 All Remaining Sewer Work ON Unit Unit Prira rnst 0.2 LS $30,000 $ 6,000 2.4 Acres $3,000 $ 7,200 0.85 LS $12,500 $ 10,625 0.95 LS $7,000 $ 6,650 11662 SY $1 $ 11,662 4000 SY $1 $ 5,000 11662 SY $0 $ 3,149 0 EA $100 $ - 950 LF $1 $ 1,188 5248 LF $1 $ 5,248 11622 SY $1 $ 6,276 3000 SY $0 $ 900 0 SY $0 $ - 0 EA $150 $ 0 EA $750 $ 0 EA $1,000 $ 0 EA $1,000 $ 0 EA $1,500 $ - 0.2 LS $4,000 $ 800 0.2 LS $65,000 $ 13,000 > 77,1597 Otv Ilnit I Init Prirn rnct 0.90 Acres $4,000 $ 3,600 0.90 Acres $4,000 $ 3,600 0 CY $10 $ 500 CY $75 $ 37,500 0.60 LS $2,500 $ 1,500 j 4b,zuu ON Unit I]nit Prirn rnet 1 LS $500 $ 500 0 LS $13,000 $ - 0 LS $30,000 $ 0 LS $31,750 $ - 2624 LF $49 $ 128,576 8 EA $2,000 $ 16,000 20 LF $35 $ 700 3 EA $1,300 $ 3,900 1 EA $5,200 $ 5,200 3 EA $3,400 $ 10,200 0 LF $22 $ - 0 EA $300 $ - 0 SY $8 $ 0.2 LS $10,500 1 $ 77T1Tl > lb/,1/b Otv []nit I Init Prirn rnet 0 LF $45 $ 0 LF $37 $ 0 LF $35 $ 0 EA $3,500 $ - 0 LF $17 $ 0 LF $20 $ - 0 LS $9,000 $ 0 EA $6,100 $ 0 LS $110,000 $ - 1 LS $8,000 $ 8,000 0 LS $2,500 $ - y N,uuu Summary for Waterline from Midland to roudabout Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control $77,697 Demolition $46,200 Water System $167,176 L__ Sewer System $8,000 Total $299,073 8/16/2007 Prepared by the Retrovest Companies Pha`ie 1A-1 Tt F, .,Phase IA-2 ( J J ' P aas91� - _Y r x14 { - i t ;t r G Phase �� South Villagi� South Burlington, Vernio Home Types by Lot Medium Shale 12 unit DSmall Single 57 unit _ Q cottage 23 unit ' Bam Home 8 units © Attached Singles 8 units +, El Duplex Townhomes 34 unit ® Triplex Tow•nnomes 11� unit C:otxlununiutc; un r j` 334 tut SOUTH VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION INFO First phase of construction will consist of: • 12" water main construction from the end of Midland Avenue into the SV property. This will involve tree cutting & digging. • Detention ponds along Spear Street. The earliest possible start date is August 27th Notes: • there will be a request put in to the state for winter construction. • Hamlin Engineers are onsite inspectors. Will be on site entire work day. • There will be multiple crews doing multiple jobs at once (water main, stormwater, road construction) • There will be Saturday construction weather permitting. Will be'/2 day of work and not a full crew. • A weekly email (sent on Monday) will be sent to P&Z outlining what work will be done that week. Our contact for any questions/problems is JOE SEGALE @ Retrovest. 863-8323 SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Ray Belair CC: Dave Marshall From: Jay Nadeau Date: August 9, 2007 Re: South Village 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 On August 3, 2007 the South Burlington Water Department reviewed revised plans for the South Village project that reflected corrections made by Civil Engineering Associates, based on our April 27, 2006 project review letter. Additional comments were provided to the engineer and also discussed in a meeting today. As a result of our meeting, the South Burlington Water Department trusts that all remaining water distribution related issues for this project are being addressed, and will be integrated through further construction document plan reviews Please call me if you have any questions. No Text No Text �J�1CIVI E GI IEMPU G A*SC". UNIC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 July 25, 2007 Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer South Burlington Dept. Of Public Works c/o Planning & Zoning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Phase I Plat Plans Response to Review Comments Dear Mr. Szymanski: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com 0/if W T S Phase I of the South Village project was approved by the Development Review Board in May, 2006 and contained a condition of approval which required that we address your April 27, 2006 review comments prior to filing the mylars in the Land Records. The attached plans reflect those sheets which were revised to specifically address your review comments. We have included a copy of your original comment letter to the Planning Staff and have summarized the same in this letter which provides a response to each item. Ray Belair will be requesting your input on whether these revisions address the issues raised in your review comments. City Engineer's Comments 1. Public street R.O.W. width should be at least 60 feet. The street widths are 60 feet wide except where specific waivers have been provided by the DRB which is most of the streets except for Allen Road East and North Jefferson Street. 2. The Engineer (Civil Engineering Associates) shall prepare the as -built plans. They shall maintain good field notes as construction progresses so that accurate as -built plans can be prepared. Acknowledged. Mr. William Szymanski Page 2 of 3 July 25, 2007 3. Add north arrow to plan S1.3A. This has been added to the plans. 4. Add north arrow and street name (Spear Street) to plan S1.3B. This has been added to the plans. 5. The southerly street connection to Spear Street should have a R.O.W. width of 80 feet for a distance of 200 feet so in the future that intersection can be improved. This has been added to sheets S1.2 and S1.3. 6. Add north arrow to sheet L-2. This was already on the plan in the bottom right corner. 7. Add street names to sheets C-4.8, C-4.9, & C-4.10. The street names have been added to these plan sheets. 8. Manhole covers and drainage structures shall be adjusted to grade using precast concrete risers, not bricks. The details on sheet C4.13 has been revised to remove any reference to the use of bricks. 9. The radii of all intersecting streets at the Spear Street/Allen Road intersection shall have concrete curbs shown on all plans. The new Allen Road East Road intersection at Spear Street and Allen Road has concrete curbs depicted on sheet C5.3. This is the most detailed sheet that would over -ride any of the other sheets that may show the pavement edge with a single line. 10. Sheet C6.0 is impossible to read. This is for general reference only and can be removed if preferable. 11. A fence as called for in some of the street cross sections should be outside the street rights of way. The proposed fence has been moved back off of the right-of-way onto the private property. This has been corrected on sheets C4.1 through C4.3. 12. City Pollution Control Superintendent shall review the sewage pumping station design. Mr. George Dow has reviewed the plans and has called for the pump stations to be constructed in accordance with the South Burlington Standards for private pump stations. We have added automatic air Mr. William Szymanski Page 3 of 3 July 25, 2007 ventilation as part of our review of the upgrades necessary to bring the design into compliance with the standards. 13. City Water Department notes on plan sheet C-9.2 shall be compiled with - especially note 5 - regrading tree planting. The tree location and water main location is very much an issue with the Dept. of Public Works and this has been stressed in our recent meetings with them. 14. Prior to planting any trees, the Engineer shall take out the location of water and sewer mains within the planting area. This note has been added to sheet C6.1. This is also being coordinated with Public Works during the construction phase. Landscape plans shall also show water and sewer mains where trees are planted. As an alternate, the tree locations have been added to the utility plans. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323 x310. Respectfully, avi S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Sheets S 1.2, S 1.3-3B; L-2; C4.1-4.3; C4.8-4.10, C4.13, C5.3, C6.0-6.4 cc: R. Belair (no enclosures), J. Segale (no enclosures) PAAutoCADD Projects\2001\01243\LocalReview\City Engineer Reply to Comments.wpd CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 August 9, 2007 Mr. Joe Segale, P.E. Project Manager South Village Communities, LLC c/o The Retrovest Companies 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Re: South Village Phase 1 A City Infrastructure Bond Dear Mr. Segale: As required in Condition 18 of the South Village Communities, LLC, Planned Unit Development Phase I Plat (#SD-06-21; approved May 3, 2006), the applicant must post a bond which covers the cost of the public infrastructure. I have reviewed the cost estimate you submitted on August 2, 2007.1 agree that the value of the public infrastructure in Phase 1 A of South Village is $3,727,554. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer U � LAJ J V - y-U7 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 August 30, 2007 Mr. Joe Segale, P.E. Project Manager South Village Communities, LLC c/o The Retrovest Companies 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Re: South Village Phase 1A-1 Infrastructure Bond Dear Mr. Segale: As required in Condition 18 of the South Village Communities, LLC, Planned Unit Development Phase I Plat (#SD-06-21; approved May 3, 2006), the applicant must post a bond which covers the cost of the infrastructure. I have reviewed the cost estimate you submitted on August 23, 2007 for Phase 1A-1. I agree that the value of the infrastructure in Phase 1A-1 of South Village is $2,727,577. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer l[�= ���� ^ ."""� .�.-~�0'���� �.K�K��0x�U�Ues Mr. William Szymanski, OtyEngimeer South Burlington Department ofPublic Works c/o Planning and Zoning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VTDS4O3 Re: South Village Phase 1A-1 City Infrastructure Bond Dear Mr. Szymanski: We are requesting your review and approval of the attached cost estimate for the value ofthe public infrastructure in Phase 1A-1 of the above referenced project. The limits of Phase 1A-1 are shown in the attached site plan. The estir-nated value of the public infrastructure is approximately $2,730,000 and generally includes: * The 12 inch water main from Midland Avenue to Spear Street and all other water lines and appurtenances necessary toserve the lots inPhase lA,1; • The sewer system pump station and force main and all gravity sewer lines and appurtenances necessary to serve the lots in Phase 1A-1; * Construction of the four Phase 1A storm detention ponds and the drainage collection system necessary tuserve the lots and streets in Phase 1A-11- * Construction of the public streets within the limits of Phase 1A-1 (Allen Road East, Dewey Lane, Aiken Street, and Slade Street); * Widening of Spear Street at Allen Road to include turn lanes and a bicycle lane. A traffic signal will beinstalled during asubsequent phase; and ° All erosion prevention and sediment control measures related to the above work. Please refer tothe previous plans weprovided ifyou need more information. Assuming you agree with the attached estimate, please provide a letter acknowledging your review and approval, We need to submit a letter from the City as part of the bond application. Thanks for taking another look at this and please feel free to contact me at 802-863-8323 with any questions.' � ^4� Y-�� -- c�' /�r / �- '��~� u�~�r�-��7 = ncerely,-^' - ' - � - - ~- ` ^ -�- ^� }./ '� ' � �1 ^ / ^m i�*c ��� ^�w/ x �� mv��� " �r�� � ~ ^ =/ _�`~ J�u YL/0 t 5 r --�7 -y "7.' � /� �� ,/ /^�m�`�r/*w^J ` /�� � ` Joe 5ega|e^pE.;Pn�ect��anager ' '' «�'"^ ', + rn� ^^~^ ^ - ' - -- � ' ��^` /~�`y ���*n, �' �@ y� �,°~^u������ Attachments u0��,�$ -� J� -/ `' � � " * , =��� _�u^/� .6� � J-/~ ^� ''I����� �C- ocRay 8e�i�Dave ��ardhm8.CivUEngineering ��'��' v'xe,k `����m��V, '^�- "����zL �� ��mr C**/��� � a'rt *°C; tXU s. A-J 7VSouth Winooski Avenue 8udinXmo' VT0s*O}']H3O 802-863'0323 m � � ~/ -��='�� 3b6 South Village Phase 1A-1 Traffic Control 112 Flaggers 113 Portable Message Signs 114 Permanent Signs and Posts 115 Temporary Construction Signage 116 Temporary Pavement Markings 117 Permanent Pavement Markings 118 Traffic Light Foundations 119 Traffic Light Superstructure 120 Traffic Light Controller 121 Remaining Traffic Light Work 122 Remaining Traffic Control Work Public Infrastructure Cost Estimate Qty Unit Unit Cost Cost 800 Hr $25 $20,000 4 EA/Mo $1,400 $5,600 0.8 LS $20,000 $16,000 0.8 LS $1,500 $1,200 0.8 LS $11,000 $8,800 0.8 LS $32,000 $25,600 0 LS $12,600 $0 0 LS $38,000 $0 0 LS $42,000 $0 0 LS $50,925 $0 0.8 LS $41, 700 $33, 360 $110,560 Summary of Phase 1A-1 Public Infrastructure EPSC $195,782 Demolition $46,200 Water System $546,030 Sewer System $386,198 Roadway $903,831 Drainage $538,977 Traffic Control $110,560 Totals $2,727,577 Notes Item numbers relate to estimate for all of Phase 1A Unit costs from SD Ireland bid Quantities for Phase 1A-1 based on SD Ireland bid, CEA, and Retrovest take -offs 80% of Phase 1A 80% of Phase 1A 80% of Phase 1A 80% of Phase 1A 80% of Phase 1A August 23, 2007 Prepared by Retrovest Companies South Village Phase 1A-1 Road 53 Site Grading to Subgrade 54 Filter Fabric 55 Construction Entrance Stabilization Material 56 Borrow 57 Road Subbase 58 Road Base 59 Base Course Paving 60 Finish Course Paving 61 Spear St. Base Course Paving 62 Spear St. Overlay Paving 63 Spear St. Widening/Remaining Work 64 5" Concrete Sidewalk 65 10" Concrete Sidewalk 66 Detectable Warning Plates per Location 67 Recreation Path Grading 68 Rec Path Construction - Complete 69 Site Lighting Pole, Base, Luminaire 70 Concrete Curbing 71 Recessed Concrete Curbing 72 Spear Street Curbing 73 Roundabout Approach Dividers 74 Roundabout Mountable Curbing 75 Roundabout Island Surface 76 All Remaining Road Work Drainage 77 42" HDPE Storm Line 78 30" HDPE Storm Line 79 24" HDPE Storm Line 80 18" HDPE Storm Line 81 15" HDPE Storm Line 82 12" HDPE Foundation Line 83 10" HDPE Foundation Line 84 8" HDPE Foundation Line 85 6" HDPE Foundation Line 86 4" HDPE Foundation Line 87 Foundation Drain Cleanouts 88 4' Diameter Catch Basin 89 5' Diameter Catch Basin 90 8' Diameter Catch Basin 91 4' Manhole 92 5' Manhole 93 8' Manhole 94 Flared End Sections 95 Detention Basin (NW) 96 Detention Basin (SW) 97 Detention Basin (NE) 98 All Remaining Drainage Work Public Infrastructure Cost Estimate Qty Unit Unit Cost Cost 0.52 LS $133,000 $69,160 13375 SY $1 $13,375 0 SY $0 $0 3300 CY $13 $42,900 7280 CY $21 $152,880 1946 CY $21 $40,866 2061 Tons $62 $127,782 1097 Tons $60 $65,820 209 Tons $80 $16,720 300 Tons $80 $24,000 1 LS $70,000 $70,000 1406 SY $45 $63,270 77 SY $54 $4,158 28 EA $300 $8,400 0 LS $2,000 $0 0 LF $25 $0 11 EA $3,750 $41,250 6600 LF $15 $99,000 390 LF $15 $5,850 80 LF $30 $2,400 0 LS $7,400 $0 0 LS $5,000 $0 0 SF $20 $0 0.8 LS $70,000 $56,000 $903,831 Qty Unit Unit Cost Cost 440 LF $80 $35,200 200 LF $60 $12,000 397 LF $49 $19,255 503 LF $34 $17,102 1583 LF $29 $45,907 25 LF $35 $875 350 LF $33 $11,375 1331 LF $23 $30,613 0 LF $0 $0 35 LF $20 $700 11 EA $200 $2,200 27 EA $2,100 $56,700 2 EA $2,550 $5,100 2 EA $7,500 $15,000 3 EA $2,300 $6,900 1 LF $2,800 $2,800 1 EA $8,500 $8,500 1 LS $3,250 $3,250 1 LS $40,000 $40,000 1 LS $110,000 $110,000 1 LS $91,500 $91,500 0.8 LS $30,000 $24,000 $538,977 80% of Phase 1A 80% of Phase 1A August 23, 2007 Prepared by Retrovest Companies South Village Phase 1A-1 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control 3 Daily Temporary Stabilization 4 Strip & Stockpile Topsoil 5 Laydown Areas 6 Construction Entrances 7 Topsoil Placement 8 Erosion Control Matting 9 Final Hay Mulch 10 Drainage Inlet Protection 11 Silt Fence 12 Construction Fence 13 Permanent Seeding 14 Temporary Seeding 15 Remaining Permanent Site Reclam. 16 Polymer Blocks (Allowance) 17 Polymer Floc Log Flume (Allowance) 18 2.5" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 19 3" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 20 4" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 21 Inspection/Reporting Requirements 22 All Remaining EPSC Measures Demolition 23 Clearing 24 Grubbing 25 Mass Rock Overblast (Allowance) 26 Trench Rock & Boulder (>1 CY) 27 All other Demolition Items Water 28 Water System Connection - East 29 Water Connection (TS&V) - West 30 Jack & Bore - West 31 Pressure Reducing Vault Complete 32 12" Water Main 33 12" Gate Valve 34 8" Water Main 35 8" Gate Valve 36 Air Release Structure 37 Fire Hydrants 38 1" Copper Water Service 39 1" Water Service Corp & Curb Stop 40 Type I Insulation (2" Thick) 41 All Remaining Water Installations Sewer 42 12" Sewer Main 43 8" Sewer Main 44 6" Sewer Main 45 Sanitary Manholes 46 4" Sewer Service Line 47 6" Force Main 48 6" FM Directional Bore & Connection 49 Force Main Air Release Structure 50 Pump Station & Storage 51 6" Relief Drain at Low Point 52 All Remaining Sewer Work Public Infrastructure Cost Estimate Qtv Unit Unit Cost Cnst 0.8 LS $30,000 $24,000 5.9 Acres $3,000 $17,700 0 LS $12,500 $0 0 LS $7,000 $0 21600 SY $1 $21,600 8000 SY $1 $10,000 21600 SY $0 $5,832 31 EA $100 $3,100 8880 LF $1 $11,100 12300 LF $1 $12,300 26000 SY $1 $14,040 5700 SY $0 $1,710 0 SY $0 $0 48 EA $150 $7,200 10 EA $750 $7,500 2 EA $1,000 $2,000 1 EA $1,000 $1,000 1 EA $1,500 $1,500 0.8 LS $4,000 $3,200 0.8 LS $65,000 $52,000 $195,782 Qtv Unit Unit Cost Cnst 0.9 Acres $4,000 $3,600 0.9 Acres $4,000 $3,600 0 CY $10 $0 500 CY $75 $37,500 0.6 LS $2,500 $1,500 $46,200 Qtv Unit Unit Cnst rnct 1 LS $500 $500 1 LS $13,000 $13,000 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 1 LS $31,750 $31,750 4920 LF $49 $241,080 21 EA $2,000 $42,000 1300 LF $35 $45,500 11 EA $1,300 $14,300 4 EA $5,200 $20,800 12 EA $3,400 $40,800 2000 LF 1 $22 $44,000 33 EA $300 $9,900 500 SY $8 $4,000 0.8 LS $10,500 $ Qtv Unit Unit Cost Cnst 30% of Phase 1A M% of Phase 1A M% of Phase 1A 8,400 80% of Phase 1A $546,030 960 LF $45 $43,200 1715 LF $37 $62,598 110 LF $35 $3,850 15 EA $3,500 $52,500 2750 LF $17 $46,750 2110 LF $20 $42,200 1 LS $9,000 $9,000 1 EA $6,100 $6,100 1 LS $110,000 $110,000 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 0.8 LS $2,500 $2,000 80% of Phase 1A $386,198 August 23, 2007 Prepared by Retrovest Companies I Phase 1A Waterline— Part of Phase 1A South Village South Burlington, Vernic Home Types by Lot i Medium Single lI unit Small Single 57 unit CC)ttage 23 unit Barn Home S units Attached Singles S units LjDuplex Townl outes 34 a n€ Triplex Tciwnlwrue, 36 unit f ondon iniuir-s 156 un Total 334 tit` Recreaticni Path 3 Walking Trail ic" The Retrovest Companies WWI The Retrovest Companies October 10, 2007 B U I L D E R S& DEVELOPERS Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer South Burlington Department of Public Works c/o Planning and Zoning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: South Village Public Infrastructure Cost Estimate for Winter EPSC Phases Dear Mr. Szymanski: We are requesting your review and approval of the attached cost estimate for the value of public infrastructure that can be constructed within the constraints of the project's winter EPSC plan over a four week period starting on October 22, 2007. The attached plans highlight the components that we anticipate completing during this time period. The schedule also recognizes the City's November 151h deadline for waterline work. The estimated value of this work is $730,000 and generally includes: • Construction of the northeast and northwest stormwater detention ponds; • Installation of the water main from Midland Avenue to the Allen Road roundabout and along Allen Road East to Spear Street. The cost includes connections at Midland Avenue and Spear Street; • Installation of the sewer force main from its connection on Allen Road to a force main air release structure that will be installed approximately 700 feet east of Spear Street; • Other water, sewer, and storm water drainage lines as highlighted on the plans; and • Associated erosion control measures. As a heads up, we plan to submit an estimate in early November that accounts for work completed by then and the value of work that will continue through mid -December. Please feel free to contact me at 802-863-8323 with any questions. Sincerely; )be Segale, P.E., Projec Manager Attachments e u Y—e-/c- as ,,Zc,i J cc: Ray Belair; Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates; Randy Laframboise, S.D. Ireland 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401-3830 802-863-8323 800-679-1929 F 802-863-1339 www.retrovest.cor The Retrovest Companies BUI L D E R S& DEVELOPERS August 2, 2007 Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer South Burlington Department of Public Works c/o Planning and Zoning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: South Village Phase 1A City Infrastructure Bond Dear Mr. Szymanski: Please find attached for your review the cost estimate for the public infrastructure associated with Phase 1A of the South Village project. Also attached is an overall plan that indicates the extent of the roads, water, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure included in the cost estimate. The total value of the public infrastructure is $3,727,554. Last week, I submitted a similar estimate for the start-up phase that includes construction of the waterline from Midland Avenue to Spear Street and the sewer and drainage work that would occur along the same corridor. We are still requesting your approval for the cost of the start-up phase which will be secured with a letter of credit. The start-up phase will allow us to begin construction on a logical segment of infrastructure (the waterline). The attached estimate includes the entire public infrastructure in Phase 1A, including the start-up phase. We are in the process of securing a bond for all of Phase 1A that will replace the letter of credit for the start-up phase. Please feel free to contact me at 802-863-8323 with any questions. Sincerely -, Joe Segale, P.E. Project Manager Attachments cc: Gabrielle Meunier, Retrovest; Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401-3830 802-863-8323 800-679-1929 F 802-863-1339 www.retrovest.com Guth Village Phase 1A Infrastructure Cost Estimate Phase 1A Total Cost Phase 1A Public Component General Conditions Unit Unit Price Qty Cost Qty Cost 1 Mobilzation & Demobilization ILS 1 $5,000 1 1 $5,000 1 $5,000 2 Performance & Payment Bonds LS $25,000 1 $25,000 1 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 Sediment & Erosion Control Unit Unit Price ON Cost ON Cost 3 Daily Temporary Stabilization LS $30,000 4 Strip & Stockpile Topsoil Acres $3,000 5 La down Areas LS $12,500 6 Construction Entrances LS $7,000 7 Topsoil Placement qY m nn 8 Erosion Control Matting SY $1.25 9 Final Hay Mulch SY $0.27 10 Drainage Inlet Protection EA $100.00 11 Silt Fence LF $1.25 12 Construction Fence LF $1.00 13 Permanent Seeding SY $0.54 14 Temporary Seeding SY $0.30 15 Remaining Permanent Site Reclam. SY $0.00 16 Polymer Blocks (Allowance) EA $150 17 Polymer Floc Log Flume (Allowance) EA $750 18 2.5" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer EA $1,000 19 3" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer EA $1,000 20 4" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer EA $1,500 21 1 Inspection/Reporting Requirements LS $4,000 22 JAII Remaining EPSC Measures LS $65,000 nemnlition 1 $30,000 13 $39,000 1 $12,500 1 $7,000 4nnnn $4n nnn 16000 $20,000 40000 $10,800 57 $5,700 10000 $12,500 13500 $13,500 40000 $21,600 10000 $3,000 0 $0 80 $12,000 10 $7,500 2 $2,000 1 $1,000 1 $1,500 1 $4,000 1 $65,000 0.85 $25,500 10.9 $32,700 1 $12,500 1 $7,000 336nn $33 6nn 13600 $17,000 33600 $9,072 47 $4,700 9680 $12,100 13300 $13,300 38000 $20,520 8700 $2,610 0 $0 68 $10,200 10 $7,500 2 $2,000 1 $1,000 1 $1,500 0.95 $3,800 0.951 $61,750 $Wt3,6uu $178,35z Unit Unit Price ON Cost Otv Cost 23 Clearing Acres $4,000 24 Grubbing Acres $4,000 25 Mass Rock Overblast (Allowance) CY $10 26 Trench Rock & Boulder (>1 CY) CY $75 27 All other Demolition Items LS $2,500 Water 2.5 $10,000 2.5 $10,000 14000 $140,000 500 $37,500 1 $2,500 2.1 $8,400 2.1 $8,400 12600 $126,000 500 $37,500 0.9 $2,250 $zoU,000 $1 U,55u Unit Unit Price ON Cost Otv Cost 28 Water System Connection - East LS $500 29 Water Connection (TS&V) - West LS $13,000 30 Jack & Bore - West LS $30,000 31 Pressure Reducing Vault Complete LS $31,750 32 12" Water Main LF $49 33 12" Gate Valve EA $2,000 34 8" Water Main LF $35 35 8" Gate Valve EA $1,300 36 Air Release Structure EA $5,200 37 Fire Hydrants EA $3,400 38 1" Copper Water Service LF $22 39 1" Water Service Corp & Curb Stop EA $300 40 T pe I Insulation (2" Thick) ISY $8 41 JAII Remaining Water Installations ILS $10,500 Sewer 1 $500 1 $13,000 1 $30,000 1 $31,750 4920 $241,080 21 $42,000 2300 $80,500 20 $26,000 5 $26,000 14 $47,600 2200 $48,400 45 $13,500 500 $4,000 1 $10,500 1 $500 1 $13,000 1 $30,000 1 $31,750 4920 $241,080 21 $42,000 23001 $80,500 20 $26,000 5 $26,000 14 $47,600 2200 $48,400 45 $13,500 500 $4,000 1 $10,500 $614,83U $1i14,8:SU []nit ItnitPrirP Otv Cnst Otv Cast 42 12" Sewer Main LF $45 43 8" Sewer Main LF $36.50 44 6" Sewer Main LF $35 45 Sanitary Manholes EA $3,500 46 4" Sewer Service Line LF $17 47 6" Force Main LF $20 48 6" FM Directional Bore & Connection LS $9,000 Force Main Air Release Structure EA $6,10 Pump Station & Store e LS ff 6" Relief Drain at Low Point LS All Remaining Sewer Work LS $2,500 1140 $51,300 1715 $62,598 110 $3,850 15 $52,500 2750 $46,750 2110 $42,200 1 $9,000 1 $6,100 1 $110,000 1 $8,000 1 $2,500 WU4, f Utll 1140 $51,300 1715 $62,598 110 $3,850 15 $52,500 2750 $46,750 2110 $42,200 1 $9,000 1 $6,100 1 $110,000 1 $8,000 1 $2,500 $394,798 August 2, 2007 Page 1 of 3 ,)uth Village Phase 1A Infrastructure Cost Estimate Rnarl Phase 1A Total Cost 11nit 11nit Prira Otv Cnst 53 Site Grading to Subgrade LS $133,000 54 Filter Fabric SY $1.00 55 Main Entrance Stabilization Material SY $0.00 56 Borrow CY $13 57 Road Subbase CY $21 58 Road Base CY $21 59 Base Course Paving Tons $62 60 Finish Course Paving Tons 1 $60 61 Spear St. Base Course Paving Tons I $80 62 Spear St. Overlay PTvinF Tons $80 63 Spear St. Widen in /Rema in ing Work LS $70,000 64 5" Concrete Sidewalk SY $45 65 10" Concrete Sidewalk SY $54 66 Detectable Warning Plates per Location EA $300 67 Recreation Path Grading LS $2,000 68 Rec Path Construction - Complete LF $25 69 Site Liahtina Pole, Base, Luminaire EA $3,750 70 Concrete Curbing LF $15 71 Recessed Concrete Curbing LF $15.00 72 Spear Street Curbing LF $30.00 73 Roundabout Approach Dividers LS $7,400 74 Roundabout Mountable Curbing LS $5,000 75 Roundabout Island Surface SF $20 76 All Remaining Road Work LS $70,000 Drainanp 1 $133,000 24575 $24,575 0 $0 7900 $102,700 9900 $207,900 3000 $63,000 2932 $181,784 16121 $96,720 ono @1R 790 300 $24,000 1 $70,000 2736 $123,120 167 $9,018 50 $15,000 1 $2,000 555 $13,875 18 $67,500 9000 $135,000 550 $8,250 80 $2,400 1 $7,400 1 $5,000 707 $14,140 1 $70,000 Phase 1A Public Component Otv Cnst 0.82 $109,060 20575 $20,575 0 $0 6300 $81,900 8980 $188,580 2626 $55,146 2631 $163,122 14311 $85,860 ona $16,?20 300 $24,000 1 $70,000 2736 $123,120 167 $9,018 50 $15,000 1 $2,000 555 $13,875 18 $67,500 9000 $135,000 550 $8,250 80 $2,400 1 $7,400 1 $5,000 707 $14,140 1 $70,000 $1,393,102 $1,287,bbb Unit Unit Price ON Cost ON Cost 77 42" HDPE Storm Line LF $80 78 30" HDPE Storm Line LF $60 79 24" HDPE Storm Line LF $49 80 18" HDPE Storm Line LF $34 81 15" HDPE Storm Line LF $29 82 12" HDPE Foundation Line LF $35 83 10" HDPE Foundation Line LF $32.50 84 8" HDPE Foundation Line LF $23 85 6" HDPE Foundation Line LF $0 86 4" HDPE Foundation Line LF $20 87 Foundation Drain Cleanouts EA $200 88 4' Diameter Catch Basin EA $2,100 89 5' Diameter Catch Basin EA $2,550 90 8' Diameter Catch Basin EA $7,500 91 4' Manhole EA $2,300 92 5' Manhole LF $2,800 93 8' Manhole EA $8,500 94 Flared End Sections LS $3,250 95 Detention Basin (NW) LS $40,000 96 Detention Basin (SW) LS $110,000 97 Detention Basin (NE) LS $91,500 98 All Remaining Drainage Work LS $30,000 Flartrirnl/Cnmmi mirntinnc 440 $35,200 200 $12,000 880 $42,680 620 $21,080 2360 $68,440 270 $9,450 550 $17,875 1711 $39,353 0 $0 1610 $32,200 13 $2,600 47 $98,700 3 $7,650 2 $15,000 5 $11,500 1 $2,800 1 $8,500 1 $3,250 1 $40,000 1 $110,000 1 $91,500 1 $30,000 440 $35,200 200 $12,000 880 $42,680 620 $21,080 2290 $66,410 25 $875 350 $11,375 1331 $30,613 0 $0 1145 $22,900 13 $2,600 43 $90,300 3 $7,650 2 $15,000 5 $11,500 1 $2,800 1 $8,500 1 $3,250 1 $40,000 1 $110,000 1 $91,500 1 $30,000 $699,778 $65b,Z33 11nit I Mit Prire Otv Cost ntv Cnst 99 Conduit Cross Section Type "1" LF $12 100 Cond. Cross Sec. Type "1" Mod. (5" Elec) LF $10 101 Conduit Cross Section Type "2" LF $15.50 102 Cond, Cross Sec. Type "Y (two 3" cond.) LF $15 103 Conduit Cross Section Type "Y LF $22 104 Transformer Pad - K30.2 EA $5,300 105 Transformer Pad - K30.3 EA $8,000 106 Fiber Vault Pad EA $250 107 E, T, & C Pedestal Installation EA $200 108 2" Secondary Conduit & Wire (Allowance) LF $5 109 Concrete Encasement LF $24 110 All Remaining Electrical Work LS $0 5850 $70,200 400 $4,000 1120 $17,360 1975 $29,625 100 $2,200 1 $5,300 1 $8,000 6 $1,500 10 $2,000 1500 $7,500 625 $15,000 1 $0 $1bzlb85 W August 2, 2007 Page 2 of 3 puth Village Phase 1A Infrastructure Cost Estimate Phase 1A Total Cost Phase 1A Public Component Gas Piping Items Unit Unit Price Qty Cost Qty Cost 111 lCoordination Work ILS 1 $3,000 1 1 $3,000 0 $0 $3,000 $0 Traffic Control Unit Unit Price ON cost ON cost 112 Flaggers Hr $25 113 Portable Message Signs EA/Mo $1,400 114 Permanent Signs and Posts LS $20,000 115 Temporary Construction Si na a LS $1,500 116 Temporary Pavement Markings LS $11,000 117 Permanent Pavement Markings LS $32,000 118 Traffic Light Foundations LS $12,600 119 Traffic Light Superstructure LS $38,000 120 Traffic Light Controller LS $42,000 121 RemainingTraffic Light Work LS $50,925 122 RemainingTraffic Control Work LS $41,700 House Lot Develonment 1000 $25,000 6 $8,400 1 $20,000 1 $1,500 1 $11,000 1 $32,000 1 $12,600 1 $38,000 1 $42,000 1 $50,925 1 $41,700 1000 $25,000 6 $8,400 1 $20,000 1 $1,500 1 $11,000 1 $32,000 1 $12,600 1 $38,000 1 $42,000 1 $50,925 1 $41,700 $283,125 $283,125 Unit Unit Price ON Cost ON Cost 123 Foundation Excavation per Unit Unit $5,000 124 Foundation Drain & Backfill/Unit Unit $5,000 125 Utility Connection Per Building EA $2,500 126 Site Grad in /To soilin /Seedin /Bld . EA $4,000 127 Driveway Construction SY $30 128 Concrete Walkway Construction SY $54 1291 Remaining Site Development Work ILS 1 $5,000 20 $100,000 20 $100,000 10 $25,000 10 $40,000 1042 $31,260 89 $4,806 1 $5,000 $306,066 Project Summary - 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 Phase 1A Total Phase 1A Public General Conditions $30,000 $30,000 Erosion and Sediment Control $308,600 $278,352 Demolition $200,000 $182,550 Water System $614,830 $614,830 Sewer System $394,798 $394,798 Roadway $1,393,102 $1,287,666 Drainage $699,778 $656,233 Electrical/Communications $162,685 $0 Gas Coordination $3,000 $0 Traffic Control $283,125 $283,125 House Lot Development $306,066 $0 Total $4,395,984 $3,727,554 Notes: Unit costs from S.D. Ireland June 16, 2007 bid proposal. S.D. Ireland is the selected site contractor. Phase 1A total quantities from S.D. Ireland Bid. Phase 1A public quantities prepared by the project civil engineer (Civil Engineering Associates). Spreadsheet summary prepared by J. Segale, Retrovest Companies August 2, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Item # Sediment & Erosion Control 3 Daily Temporary Stabilization 4 Strip & Stockpile Topsoil 5 Laydown Areas 6 Construction Entrances 7 Topsoil Placement 8 Erosion Control Matting 9 Final Hay Mulch 10 Drainage Inlet Protection 11 Silt Fence 12 Construction Fence 13 Permanent Seeding 14 Temporary Seeding 15 Remaining Permanent Site Reclam. 16 Polymer Blocks (Allowance) 17 Polymer Floc Log Flume (Allowance) 18 2.5' Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 19 3" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 20 4" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 21 Inspection/Reporting Requirements 22 All Remaining EPSC Measures Item # Demolition 23 Clearing 24 Grubbing 25 Mass Rock Overblast (Allowance) 26 Trench Rock & Boulder (>1 CY) 27 All other Demolition Items Item # Water 28 Water System Connection - East 29 Water Connection (TS&V) - West 30 Jack & Bore - West 31 Pressure Reducing Vault Complete 32 12" Water Main 33 12" Gate Valve 34 8" Water Main 35 8" Gate Valve 36 Air Release Structure 37 Fire Hydrants 38 1" Copper Water Service 39 1" Water Service Corp & Curb Stop 40 Type I Insulation (2" Thick) 41 All Remaining Water Installations South Village Cost Estimate of Public Infrastructure in Start-up Phase (1A-1.1) Otv Unit Unit Cnct Cnct 0.25 LS $30,000 $ 7,500 1 Acres $3,000 $ 3,000 1.00 LS $12,500 $ 12,500 1.00 LS $7,000 $ 7,000 0.00 SY $1.00 $ - 8,000 SY $1.25 $ 10,000 21,600 SY $0.27 1 $ 5,832 24 EA $100.00 $ 2,400 8,800 LF $1.25 $ 11,000 12,300 LF $1.00 $ 12,300 6,000 SY $0.54 $ 3,240 5,700 SY $0.30 $ 1,710 0.00 SY $0.00 $ - 48 EA $150 $ 7,200 10 EA $750 $ 7,500 2 EA $1,000 $ 2,000 1.00 EA $1,000 $ 1,000 1 EA $1,500 $ 1,500 0.25 LS $4,000 $ 0.25 LS $65,000 $ 5 Otv 11nit 11nit Cnct 3ased on 6 weeks for phase 1A-1.1 out of total of 25 weeks for Phase 1A �O.e Slm'o :,(/,c -�ra UeS� Roundabout to Midland only 1,000 Based on 6 weeks for phase 1A-1.1 out of total of 25 weeks for Phase 1A 16,250 Based on 6 weeks for phase 1A-1.1 out of total of 25 weeks for Phase 1A 112,932 Cnct 0.90 Acres $4,000 $ 31600 0.90 Acres $4,000 $ 3,600 0 CY $10 $ - 500 CY $75 $ 37,500 0.60 LS $2,500 $ 1,500 $ 46,200 ON Unit Unit Cost Cost 1.00 LS $500 $ 500 1.00 LS $13,000 $ 13,000 1.00 LS $30,000 $ 30,000 1.00 LS $31,750 $ 31,750 4,420 LF $49 $ 216,580 20 EA $2,000 $ 40,000 0 LF $35 $ - 0 EA $1,300 $ - 3 EA $5,200 $ 15,600 7 EA $3,400 $ 23,800 640 LF $22 $ 14,080 16 EA $300 $ 4,800 5001 SY 1 $8 $ 41000 0.251 LS 1 $10,500 16 connections at - 40 ft per connection $ 2,625 25% of entire Phase 1A $ 396,735 July 25, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Item # Sewer 42 12" Sewer Main 43 8" Sewer Main 44 6" Sewer Main 45 Sanitary Manholes 46 4" Sewer Service Line 47 6" Force Main 48 6" FM Directional Bore & Connection 49 Force Main Air Release Structure 50 Pump Station & Storage 51 6" Relief Drain at Low Point 52 All Remaining Sewer Work Item # Drainage 77 42" HDPE Storm Line 78 30" HDPE Storm Line 79 24" HDPE Storm Line 80 18" HDPE Storm Line 81 15" HDPE Storm Line 82 12" HDPE Foundation Line 83 10" HDPE Foundation Line 84 8" HDPE Foundation Line 85 6" HDPE Foundation Line 86 4" HDPE Foundation Line 87 Foundation Drain Cleanouts 88 4' Diameter Catch Basin 89 5' Diameter Catch Basin 90 8' Diameter Catch Basin 91 4' Manhole 92 5' Manhole 93 8' Manhole 94 Flared End Sections 95 Detention Basin (NW) 96 Detention Basin (SW) 97 Detention Basin (NE) 98 All Remaining Drainage Work South Village Cost Estimate of Public Infrastructure in Start-up Phase (1A-1.1) ON Unit Unit Cn t Cnst 1,140 LF $45 $ 51,300 163 LF $36.50 $ 5,950 0 LF $35 $ - 7 EA $3,500 $ 24,500 600 LF $17 $ 10,200 2,110 LF $20 $ 42,200 1.001 LS 1 $9,000 $ 9,000 1 EA $6,100 $ 6,100 0.00 LS $110,000 $ 1.00 LS $8,000 $ 0.25 LS $2,500 $ b 15 connections at - 40 ft per connection Will be owned by Homeowners Association 8, 000 625 25% of entire Phase 1A 157,875 ON Unit Unit Cost Cnst 440 LF $80 $ 35,200 200 LF $60 $ 12,000 880 LF $49 $ 42,680 107 LF $34 $ 3,638 441 LF $29 $ 12,789 0 LF $35 $ - 01 LF $32.50 1 $ 0 LF $23 $ 0 LF $0 $ 0 LF $20 $ 0 EA $200 $ - 10 EA $2,100 $ 21,000 2 EA $2,550 $ 5,100 0 EA $7,500 $ - 0 EA $2,300 $ - 1 LF $2,800 $ 2,800 1 EA $8,500 $ 8,500 1.00 LS $3,250 $ 3,250 1.00 LS $40,000 $ 40,000 1.00 LS $110,000 $ 110,000 1.001 LS 1 $91,500 1 $ 91,500 0.25 LS 1 $30,000 $ 7,500 25% of entire Phase 1A $ 395,957 Summ ay Phase 1A-1.1 Public Infrastructure EPSC $ 112,932 Demolition $ 46,200 Water $ 396,735 Sewer $ 157,875 Drainagel $ 395,957 $ 1,109,699 Notes Item numbers relate to estimate for all of Phase 1A Unit costs from SD Ireland bid Quantities for Phase 1A-1.1 based on SD Ireland bid, CEA, and Retrovest take -offs July 25, 2007 Page 2 of 2 The Retrovest Companies B U I L D E R S Sa D E V E f O P E R S April 4, 2007 Mr. Charles Hafter, City Manager City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Communities, LLC Municipal Impact Fees, Request for Waivers Dear Chuck: South Village Communities recognizes the intent and public benefits of the City's Impact Fee Ordinance. We also understand that in situations where a project provides many of the intended amenities that would otherwise be financed through collection of impact fees the City has waived all or a portion the impact fee as permitted in Section 8 of the Ordinance. Based on the public roadway improvements and recreational amenities to be provided by the South Village project, we wish to submit the following request to the City Council for relief of some of the impacts fees the project is associated with the project. Roadway: The project calls for a number of transportation related improvements, some project specific and some more global in nature. Below is an outline of the traffic related improvements and associated costs that are components of this project. $93,000 Traffic Signal at Allen Street and Spear Street - This project calls for the construction of four mast -arm traffic signal poles and lane widening to address not only the additional traffic needs of the project but to mitigate the AM and PM peak traffic periods. $20,000 Mitigation of Spear Street/Swift Street intersection and Dorset Farms Traffic Calming - This is a condition of approval by the Development Review Board and further refined by Environmental Court Decree Order to address Dorset Farms traffic calming. While a relatively small amount of traffic from the South Village project will utilize Midland Avenue, the traffic calming efforts required in the Consent Decree at Dorset Farms is to mitigate an existing problem and not one created by the South Village project. The traffic study indicated that signal re - timing and lane re -striping is all that was necessary at the Spear Street/Swift Street intersection. 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401-3830 802-863-8323 800-679-1929 F 802-863-1339 www.retrovest.com E Mr. Charles Hafter April 4, 2007 Page Two: $13,000 Bike Lane Construction - In the areas of road widening to support the new three entry points onto Spear Street, the developer will including an additional five (5) feet of pavement to support a future bike lane. The estimated cost for the above outlined roadway improvements is $126,000. The current formula for the Traffic/Road impact fees calls for a total payment of $43,000. Based upon the project's mitigation of existing deficiencies at Dorset Farms and providing a new bike lane where now none exists, together with the global improvements enabled with the Spear Street intersection improvements at Allen Road and Swift Street, we request that the impact fees associated with road/traffic be waived in full. Recreation Path: South Village embraces engaging the project's neighbors in enjoying its substantial open space. Outside of the 1.74 miles of recreation path that will be constructed, the project calls for extensive public access to the 140 acres of open space through the 2.4 miles of quiet paths that includes the construction of a wildlife observation platform. In support of reducing the impacts on South Burlington existing recreation fields, two separate athletic field platforms will be created in the mid section and south end of the property. The estimated construction costs for each component are summarized below: $459,000 Recreation Path $116,000 Quiet Path System $210,000 Athletic Field Platforms The total estimated costs for the recreational facilities is $785,000. Based upon the amount of public accessible recreational amenities that are proposed for the project, we are requesting that the $563,000 recreational impact fee be waived in full. We have attached a copy of the detailed cost breakdowns for the listed improvements associated with this project. Schools: Communities such as South Village with "New Urbanist" design typically have less impact on local school systems than a traditional single- family subdivision. This is generally because the higher density and smaller home size tends to appeal to a market that is predominantly childless, the so-called "bookend" of young professionals and older "empty -nesters". Families with children prefer neighborhoods with conventionally sized lots and yards. Our own experience in previous projects we have developed locally bears this out: we average approximately one child for every fifty units built. We recognize the Council cannot accept this actuarial data. However, in light of decreasing Mr. Charles Hafter April 4, 2007 Page Three: enrollments in South Burlington grade schools and a very limited number of children projected within South Village, we are seeking partial relief. Specifically, we are requesting full relief from the school impact fees for those affordable and workforce homes that are included in the 25% density bonus. This accommodation would enhance the affordability of these homes; it would not impact the impacts fees derived from the market -rate homes. We believe this waiver is consistent with the well -established City goal of increasing the supply of affordable housing, especially for first-time homebuyers. This proposed waiver would cover 66 units, 33 work force housing and 33 affordable units. The 268 market -rate homes (the base density) will create $534,000 in school impact fees. The proposed school impact fee waiver has a value of approximately $114,700. In return for this, as I have indicated in the past, we will make these residences available to eligible City employees on a priority basis. We believe these waiver requests are reasonable, and consistent with City policy; we also believe these waivers are entirely appropriate as we are making substantial investments which will serve the larger community beyond our own residents. Approval of these waivers will protect South Village from a "double indemnity scenario' where we are both providing public benefits and being taxed on them as well; more importantly, waiver relief will allow us to improve on the quality of many of those benefits such as public trails and affordable housing. We look forward to discussing this further with the City Council. Respec David South Village Communities, LLC Enclosure Cost Estimate Breakdowns Copies: David S. Marshall, P.E., Julie Beth Hinds Tom Hubbard Zce Hoar Szymanski (all with enclosures) SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC "IN KIND" CONTRIBUTION REVIEW April 2, 2007 Roadway - Traffic Signal at Allen Street and Spear Street - Description Value UWA Unit Cost Total Cost Notes Traffic Light Poles/Mast Arms 4 EA $10.000 $40,000 Includes concrete bases Traffic Light Signals 8 EA $3,000 $24,000 Control Cabinet 1 EA $10,000 $10,000 Vehicle Loop Detectors 1,328 LF $8 $10,624 Wired Conduit 25 LF $8 $200 Electrical Conduit Sleeve 25 LF $40 $1,000 Pull Box - AOT Standard 4 EA $1,950 $7,800 Mitigation of Spear Street/Swift Street Intersection and Dorset Farms Traffic Calming - Description Value Upjf Unit Cost Total Cost Notes Environ. Court Decree Order 1 LS $20,000 $20,000 Dorset Farms Traffic Calming Bike Lane Construction - Description Value UA Unit Cost Total Cost Notes Bike Lane Bit. Paving Base 60 Tons $65 $3,900 2 1/2" depth, 5' wide Bike Lane Bit. Paving Final 35 Tons $66 $2,310 1 1/2" depth, 5' wide Road Gravel Subbase 200 CY $30 $6,000 18" depth, 5' depth Stabilization Fabric 490 SY $1.50 $735 - Pavement Marking Symbols 2 EA $30 $60 Recreation - Recreation Path - 12auri tp ion Value 1112 Unit Cast Total Cost Strip & Stockpile Topsoil 3,100 CY $5 $15,500 Earthwork 3,100 CY $8 $24,800 Recreation Path Bit. Paving 1,135 Tons $75 $85,125 Recreation Path Gravel Subbase 4,765 CY $35 $166,775 Curtain Drain Crushed Stone 205 CY $40 $8,200 Curtain Drain Filter Fabric 1,000 SY $2.00 $2,000 Curtain Drain Pipe 1,850 LF $30 $55,500 Place Topsoil 1,400 CY $8 $11,200 Grass Lined Swale 920 LF $15 $13,800 Stabilization Fabric 14,300 SY $1.50 $21,450 30' Bridge - Dedicated Lane 1 LS $55,000 $55,000 Quiet Path - Q%Udlatim Yahm ilnit Unit Cost Total Cost Clearing & Grubbing 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 Gravel Base 100 CY $35 $3,500 Foot Bridges 3 EA $1,000 $3,000 Wildlife Observation Platform 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 Page 1 of 2 Notes Assume 6" Depth, 18' wide Assume Avg 6" cut/fill 2" Type IV VAOT Bit. Conc., 10' wide 12" depth, 14' wide Washed 2" Minus (2'x1.5') 4" Perforated Pipe 2" Type IV VAOT Bit. Conc., 10' wide Includes shaping & stabilization Mirafi 50OX Includes foundation & decking, 9' wide am SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC "IN KIND" CONTRIBUTION REVIEW April 2, 2007 Athletic Field Platforms - Description Value S.1_o t Unit Cost Total Cost Notes Placement of Fill Material 20,000 CY $5 $100,000 Placement of Topsoil 10,000 CY $8 $80,000 fertilizing, Seeding 8,000 SY $2 $12.000 Stabilization/Mulching 72,000 SF $0.25 $18,000 As necessary School - Base Project Density Descr*ptio❑ Value Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Notes Single Family 95 EA $2,817.22 $267,636 Multi -Family 173 EA $1,544.24 $267,154 268 $534.789 Project Bonus Density Description Value UMA Unit Cost Total Cost Dotes Single Family 10 EA $2,817.22 $28,172 Multi -Family 55 EA $1,544.24 $86,477 66 $114,650 Summary - Roadway_ Traffic Signal at Allen Street and Spear Street - $93,624 Mitigation of Spear Street(Swift Street Intersection $20,000 and Dorset Farms Traffic Calming - Spear Street Bike Lane Construction - $1__3 005 Roadway Total - $113,624 Recreation - Recreation Path - $459,350 Cost per Linear Foot $50.00 Quiet Path - $116,500 Athletic Field Platforms - $210,000 Recreation Total - $785,900 Page 2 of 2 VERTICAL CLEARANCE SEE NOTE 3 {�—.. 3' MIN._ 1 6' MAX. 1° 6' PROPOSED = SIGNAGE s 10' :r SEE NOTE 1 2' 4' _ -- MIN 2' �110% 2% - r_ lox SEE -'i- -Mt- NOTE 00000uou0000000u0000�a00000ao 000 0°000°00 00°0 0 00 0 0°000°03 MIN 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.6 000000uoo0a000000000�00000000 0000000000 0000000000000o000000 B. o 0 0 o r o 2' TYPE N VAOT BR. coNC 12" MIN. VAOT FINE GRADED DOWN SLOPE OBSTRUCTION CRUSHED GRAVEL ( SEE NOTE 4) STEEPER THAN SEE NOTE 4 2(HOR) TO 1(VERi) MIRAFl SOOX OR APPROVED EQUAL ALTERNATE CURTIAN DRAIN DETAIL 4- RECREATION PATH TYPICAL DETAIL FILTER NOTES: z FABRIC 1. THE 10' WIDTH CAN BE REDUCED To B' IF WASHED 2' A. BICYCLE TRAFFIC IS EXPECTED TO BE LOW VOLUME MINUS STONE B. ONLY OCCASIONAL PEDESTRIAN USE IS EYPECTED C. THERE IS GOOD HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT D. THE PATH WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO MAINTENANCE VEHICLE LOADING 4' MIN. PERF. PIPE 2. WHEN THE S' WIDTH TO AN OVERSTI}P SLOPE OR DANGEROUS CONDITION CAN NOT BE PROVIDED, THEN A SAFTEY RAIL MAY BE REQUIRED 3. A 10' CLEARANCE MAY BE REQUIRED FOR TUNNELS AND UNDERCROSSINGS 4. OBSTRUCTIONS INCLUDE TREES, POLES, WALLS, FENCES. GUARD RAILS OR OTHER LATERAL OBSTRUCTIONS 5. WHERE SPACE IS LIMITED. A CURTAIN DRAIN CAN BE INSTALLED IN UEU OF THE TYPICAL SWALE & INSTALL APPROPRIATE EPSC MEASURES FOR SWALE STABILIZATION. BIKE PATH SECTION NTS CIVIL EIIGlIII E-FRINr ASSOCIARIC., 11,11c, SOUTH VILLAGE Project No. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 01243 802-985-2323 FAX.802-985-2271 RECREATION PATH Sheet Scale: AS SHOWN Drawn by 3so TYPICAL SECTION ,� • 0 Date 3/28/07 — Checked by DSM S. BURLINGTON VT. LAC - SOUTH ijURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DECEMBER 11, 2007 11. Miscellaneous Application #MS-07-14 of Warren & Mary Lahue for approval to construct a 64 sq. ft. deck to project 7.75 feet into the front yard setback, 120 White Street: Ms. Quimby moved to continue MS-07-14 of Warren & Mary Lahue until 8 January 2008. Mr. Behr seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Site Plan Application #SP-07-99 of Patrick Malone to amend a previously approved plan consisting of a 33,733 sq. ft. building with 31,973 sq. ft. of retail food establishment use and 1,760 sq. ft. of short-order restaurant use. The amendment consists of. 1) redesigning the stormwater system, 2) reducing the size of the retail food establishment use to 31,351 sq. ft. (including mezzanine), 3) increasing the size of the short-order restaurant use to 2,382 sq. ft., and 4) revising approved lighting, 222 Dorset Street: Ms. Hainley said there was an administrative approval granted in May which has lapsed. Now a new lighting fixture has been chosen. Ms. Hainley also noted that an element in the "blue zone" scheduled for Phase I should be done in Phase 2 because of the weather. It is now scheduled for spring construction. The utility pipes on the south side of the building will be painted to match the exterior color. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-07-99 of Patrick Malone subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Behr seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Continued Public Hearing: Appeal #AO-07-04 of Veve Associates, LLP, appealing the decision of the Administrative Officer in issuing Notice of Violation #NV-07-18, 435 Dorset Street: Ms. Quimby moved to continue Appeal #AO-07-04 until 22 January 2008. Mr. Behr seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 31-Application Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-07-74 & Final Plat #SD-07-75 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 2) reducing rear yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 3) reducing the side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, and 4) revising the lot configuration of the northern third of phase I, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Belair noted that the applicant has removed the request for the utility cabinets. WIN SOUTH 1siJRLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DECEMBER 11, 2007 Mr. Marshall showed the specific changes from single to multi -family units on several streets. He noted that with the addition of porches, they are running out of room. The Fire Chief has expressed concerns with overhead lines impacting use of the tower truck. Mr. Marshall said there are no overhead lines. They have modified some of the tree locations to facilitate the Chief s ability to respond to an event. The Chief also has concerns with bringing the houses closer to the right-of-way, but Mr. Marshall said when they swing the tower, it does not impact the porches. Mr. Dinklage asked how the Board can be sure that if it approved a structure that doesn't limit it height, porches don't become a 2-story structure. Mr. Scheuer said this can be prohibited in the homeowner documents. He said this was just overlooked at the earlier hearings. Mr. Belair said he spoke to the Fire Chief, and he is concerned about the ladder truck. Mr. Dinklage noted that the Fire Chief must be totally in approval. Mr. Westergaard, who lives across from the project, said he thinks the applicant is abusing the process by coming back after an approval without compelling justification to do something else. He expressed concerns with density, public safety, etc., and said he was present to preserve his right to appeal to the Environmental Court. Another neighbor noted that most of the big trees have been ripped out. He felt going 5 more feet in each direction doesn't make this a "quaint community." He noted you can't even plant a tree in a 5-foot setback. He also indicated concern with density and public safety and was present to preserve his right to appeal to the Environmental Court. Mr. Scheuer noted this project has had as much scrutiny as any project in Vermont. He said they are asking for flexibility. There will be no impact on the landscape plan and indicated their work is known for the quality of its landscaping. Mr. Dinklage asked if the applicant could testify that there will be no change in the sizes of the buildings. Mr. Scheuer said absolutely. The buildings will just be closer to the street. Mr. Dinklage noted there will be full site plan review for the multi -family units. He noted that such changes are encountered in many developments because of changes in market conditions, site conditions, etc. He stressed that there is to be no change in density and no change in traffic generation. Mr. Behr asked why additional footage is needed in the rear if buildings are being moved forward. Mr. Marshall said because of elevation changes into the driveways. Mr. Dinklage asked the applicant to meet with the Fire Chief to address his concerns. 7- SOUTH RURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DECEMBER 11, 2007 Ms. Quimby moved to continue Preliminary Plat Application #SD-07-74 and Final Plat Application #SD-07-75 of South Village Communities until 8 January 2008. Mr. Behr seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Continued Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-07-55 of R. L. Vallee, Inc., for a planned unit development to: 1) raze an existing 2313 sq. ft. service station and convenience store, 2) construct a 2313 sq. ft. building consisting of 1079 sq. ft. of convenience store use and 1234 sq. ft. of short-order restaurant use, and 3) reducing the number of fueling positions from eight to six, 811 Williston Road: Mr. Vock noted concern with the potential interconnection with the adjoining property to the west. They feel it will eliminate at least 3 parking spaces and will add traffic and make the situation worse. He noted that the adjacent neighbor already has access to Staples Plaza. Mr. Dinklage responded that there may not always be 2 gas stations there, and the city's philosophy is always to connect properties. Mr. Vock said the neighbor already has the ability to make that connection. Members agreed with the applicant that it made no sense to require the connection through this property and could create a dangerous situation on this property. Stipulation 3c and Stipulation 13 were deleted from the draft approval motion. Mr. Vock gave members pictures of what they would do to keep the "phantom" pumps from looking like fueling positions. Mr. Plumeau noted that the MPO is currently cutting a contract for a study of extending the third lane in front of Staples Plaza. This may involve re -engineering Staples Plaza parking.. He was concerned that the Board not do anything to add to an unsafe stretch of road. Mr. Dinklage said he didn't see anything in this application that would compromise that third lane. Members wanted to see details of the screening in front of the "phantom" pumps, something more substantial, including cutting back the canopy to the end of the blue stripe. The applicant indicated that insistence on cutting back the canopy might make the project unfeasible. Mr. Behr was concerned with keeping open the option of bringing back use of those pumps at some time. Mr. Gracyk, representing Timberlake Associates, owner of the adjacent property, gave the Board a letter from Bill Simendinger questioning the underground storage tanks and whether they are still there and, if so, whether they will be removed. CIVI! El I G I IN IIt' C'itll I ANOS !SJCIrsZS0. Il IC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 July 25, 2007 Mr. Jay Nadeau South Burlington Water Department 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com RE: South Village Water System Pressure Reducing Valve Dear Mr. Nadeau: Phase I of the South Village project was approved by the Development Review Board in May, 2006 and contained a condition of approval which required that we address your April 27, 2006 review comments prior to filing the mylars in the Land Records. The attached plans reflect those sheets which were revised to specifically address your review comments. We have included a copy of your original comment letter to the Planning Staff and have summarized the same in this letter which provides a response to each item. Ray Belair will be requesting your input on whether these revisions address the issues raised in your review comments. South Burlington Water Department Comments 1. The attached Application for Water Allocation must be completed and returned to the South Burlington Water Department as soon as possible. As your project continues, the Application for Water Allocation will need final approval from this Department, which will be contingent upon available water storage capabilities within the City. Current water distribution system upgrades have been substantially completed that should allow for the construction of your project, pending approval of all other local and State requirements. The application was returned per your request and promptly processed. 2. Based upon the final water allocation request, water service fees shall be applied to the project based on the current Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be Mr. Jay Nadeau Page 2 of 5 July 24, 2007 recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council, and therefore is subject to change prior to completion of the project. Acknowledged. 3. All water installation work and water distribution material must comply with the "CWD Specifications". Details for this project must be the same as those within the above referenced CWD Specifications. We have updated the specifications to reflect the latest standards for no -lead services. 4. The above referenced CWD Specifications state that no water lines shall be installed after November 15 or before April 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent. The Superintendent may restrict work before November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions. Acknowledged. 5_ Mechanical joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or a Department approved equal grip ring. Acknowledged. 6. Fire hydrants shall be placed at each intersection, with a maximum of 500' between hydrants. Fire hydrant assemblies shall consist of an anchor tee connected directly to a six-inch RW gate valve, the appropriate length of 6" DI pipe, the fire hydrant, and appropriate thrust block. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned CWD Specifications, and a hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant at the time of installation. Hydrant shall have all drains plugged prior to installation. Note: Waterous fire hydrants must be installed with a "Boston Operating Nut." Acknowledged. 7. Corporations shall be Mueller B-25008 or Cambridge brass. Curb stops shall be Mueller B-25209 or Cambridge brass. All brass unions and adapters shall be Mueller or Cambridge Brass. Acknowledged except where superceded by the latest requirements for no -lead services. 8. Sheet Specific Comments: Note: All station locations are approximate. a. Sheet C-6.1: i. There is a 12x12 Tee, 12x8 Reducer, 12" Gate Valve, and 8" Gate Valve shown at Station 224+50 on Allen Road East that does not coincide with a water line. Please identify the correct location for this tee and valves or remove it from the plans. This has been removed. ii. Much of the water line on Blade Street is shown as being constructed in the road. The water line must be located behind the Mr. Jay Nadeau Page 3 of 5 July 24, 2007 curb, in the green belt between the curb and sidewalk. This shall be the case for all water line within this project. This has been moved to inside the curb line. iii. The same comment can be made for portions of the water line on Allen Road East. This has been moved to inside the curb line. iv. The water line on Allen Road East is shown as requiring two 90 degree bends where it crosses the road near station 221+20. This Department prefers the installation of two 45 degree bends with joint restraints and appropriate thrust block. This has been changed to two 45 degree bends. v. It does not appear necessary to install an 8" gate valve at station 220+80 with gate valves at station 219+50 and station 227+00. A preferred location would be in the middle of these two stations. This valve has been relocated to Sta 24+25. vi. Any location on these plans that show a change indirection of the water line which requires a bend must be identified on the plans with the appropriate sized bend (ex. 45 degree bend). Acknowledged. b. Sheet C-6.2: i. At approximate station 8+25 you have designed a fire hydrant installation at a 90 degree bend with three 8" gate valves. This location shall have two 45 degree bends installed with one 8" gate valve. The hydrant shall be located on the west side of the western 45 degree bend, near the sidewalk crossing. This has been redesigned to reflect the recommended layout. ii. Please refer to note a-ii from C-6.1 above for several water locations on this sheet. The water main has been relocated back behind the curb where it was shown within the pavement limits. c.. Sheet C-6.3: i. This Department would like to review the detail of the PRV at your earliest convenience. This was subsequently submitted and approved. Mr. Jay Nadeau Page 4 of 5 July 24, 2007 d. Sheet C-6.4: i. There is no identification of what is to be installed at the point of intersection on South Jefferson Road and the 12" water line leading to Midland Drive. (See note a -I from C-6.1 above). This information is depicted on Sheet C6.1. ii. The valve configuration at station 11+30 on the line to Midland Drive should be a 12x12x8x8 cross, not a tee as shown. This has been changed and tine 12x8 reducers eliminated. e. Sheet C4.4: i. Water line sizes are still identified as 6" on several of the road profiles on this page. These have all been changed to 8" mains. ii. The water line on the "L" Street profile must go around the bridge system, not underneath the system as shown. It has been relocated around the bridge. The profile correctly shows the vertical installation. f. Sheet C4.5: i. Water line sizes are still identified as 6" on several of the road profiles on this page. These have all been changed to 8" mains. g. Sheet C4.6: i, Water line sizes are still identified as 6" on several of the road profiles on this page. These have all been changed to 8" mains. h. Sheet C6.8 i. Typical Hydrant Installation: The water line is shown as being in the road in this detail. Water lines shall be placed behind the curb within the R.O.W. The curb has been redrawn in the correct location. ii. All fittings shall be restrained with Mega -Lug retainer glands or approved equal. This note has been added to the plans. iii. Air Release Manholes: The vent tube 4 may be required to be run to a location so as not to be a hazard for pedestrians or traffic. Vent tube locations must be determined on a case -by -case basis. All air release structures must be set far enough away from nearby fire hydrants to avoid flooding during routine or emergency use of the fire hydrants. Appropriate notes have been added to the plans. Mr. Jay Nadeau Page 5 of 5 July 24, 2007 g. Sheet Cam - i. All Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe for this project shall be installed with polyethylene pipe encasement. This is depicted on the typical detail. Pipe testing: Maximum pipe test lengths shall be approximately 1,000 feet. Longer lengths may be approved on a case -by -case basis. This requirement is listed in the technical specification. 9. Fire flow conditions must be able to meet the requirements stated in the CWD spec.ifications, as well as meeting any conditions set forth by the Fire Department. A minimum 35 psi rule under normal conditions, and a minimum 20 psi rule under fire flow conditions may be limited in this project area. Sufficient engineering and design must be incorporated in orderto meet State Water Supply Rule and the above CWD Specification requirements. This requirement has been met with the original modeling of the system prior to the vertical extension of the Dorset Street water tower. 10. Normal working pressure in the distribution system for this project shall be designed to produce 60 psi and not less than 35 psi. Further, the SBWD Specifications for Water Lines and Appurtenances requires all hydrants in a residential development to be able to supply no less than 500 gpm at 20 psi at the worse case hydrant residual pressure. The developer and his engineer are responsible for ensuring any hydraulic design for this project considers these requirements. The developer and engineer are responsible for all inadequacies in water supply pressure for fire and domestic requirements within this development, including those associated with the aforementioned changes. Acknowledged. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. If you should have any questions, piease feei free to contact me at 985-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P. E -- Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Sheets C6.0 - 6.5; C4.4 - 4.6; C6.8; C8.0 cc: R. Belair (no enclosures), J. Segale (no enclosures) ®Chittenden Bank —01 ❑ Bank of Western Mass — 02 ❑ Flagship Bank + Trust — 03 ❑ Ocean Bank — 04 ❑ Maine Bank + Trust — 05 ❑ Merrill Merchants Bank - 06 Date: 02/19/08 Please amend by ® Regular Mail ❑ Airmail Letter of Credit No. 1442899 as follows: FILL IN THE APPROPRIATE INFORMATION Extend Expiry Date to: Increase value of credit by: Decrease value of credit by: STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT AMENDMENT APPLICATION ❑ Express Mail ❑ Preadvice by Teletransmission Other changes in documents, terms, or conditions: BELAIR SPELLED CORRECTLY AND HIS TITLE IS "ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER" PARAGRAPH 4: A WRITTEN STATEMENT THAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HAS DEFAULTED UNDER THE TERMS OF A SUBDIVISION LETTER OF CREDIT AGREEMENT OF JANUARY (OR FEBRUARY) 2008. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN UNCHANGED WE HEREBY AGREE AND GUARANTEE TO MAKE DUE PROVISION FOR ANY DRAFTS UNDER THIS AMENDED CREDIT WITH THE SAME FORCE AND MANNER AS COVERED BY THE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT APPLICATION AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT REIMBURSEMENT SIGNED AT THE TIME THIS STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT WAS ORIGINALLY OPENED. In accordance with ICC Publication 500, Article 9d, a Letter of Credit can neither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of all parties thereto. Such amendment or request for cancellation will not become effective until such time as the Beneficiary has agreed thereto. Note to Correspondent Bank or Third Party Obligor: Please sign as applicant. Signature of Account Party should be affixed below. BY: BENEFICIARY SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Applicant Authoi"ed Signaturefritle DAVID SCHEUER, PRESIDENT 70 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVE, BURLINGTON VT 05401 Applicant Address 802-863-8323 Applicant Telephone Authoirzed Slignaturerritie Lot 10 - Triplex Impact Fees Per Unit Zoning Permit Aplication Fee $ 350.00 School Impact Fee $ 1,544.24 Recreation Impact Fee $ 1,243.05 Road Impact Fee $ 450.11 Fire Protection Fee $ 106.96 Dorset Street Waterline Fee Waived by City Sewer Inspection Fee $ 25.00 Sewer Inspection Recording Fee $ 11.00 Sewer Allocation Fee $ 524.40 Total per Unit $ 4,254.76 Mutiplied by Number of Units 3 $ 12,764.28 Permit Recording Fee $ 11.00 Total For a Triplex $ 12,775.28 1/23/2008 Page 1 of 1 ray From: Joe Segale Us@retrovest.com] Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 4:36 PM To: ray Cc: Juli Beth Hinds; 'David Scheuer' Subject: South Village Zoning Permit Withdrawl Ray - South Village Communities is withdrawing the zoning permit application submitted on Nov 21, 2007 for roadwork. As you noted, the City Attorney was not able to review the letter of credit agreement in a timely fashion. We will resubmit next week. Joe Segale, P.E. The Retrovest Companies 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401-3830 Cell: 802-881-3069 Phone: 802-863-8323 js@retrovest.com 12/24/2007 It ros' 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING / _ 1 SITE ENGINEER: aose 48 F^a I � MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION LEGEND / 1 xoe'sr1. E / av ••d •' [. DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE / - - ?� PROPERTY LINE tB-r,0 ACRES I 1 x s'De• E f( - n18 I 1 s.00•_ , NOTE ,: INDICATES 20' WIDE STORMWATER--------- EASEMENT RE \. O 58 III MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CENTERED ON I - - TIE UNE l' 1 el JO / w rB61 W SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS I - IRON PIPE PENT O IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND w/SIZE N 0.22 ACRES / owaNAGE �1: yl- I ^ O PROPOSED /�0� R w/ SURVEY MARKER m1A CIYIL ENGINEERING A$$UCIATES, Io IC, 1 r - 11 EASEMENT ^P �D.18 ACRES n G I FR 0.28 ACRES ' ^ 31 I (t) (SEE No. II "I (t) �Iw / i O PROPOSED CONCRETE MONUMENT ; P. BOX,186 311E1-13UD1JE, VT OGJD2 SOse'oTw (� F 1 n I .0,- e9'06ME-O- UTILITY POLE 1-tg32]2i FAX BU2-BITS-xRJI L - 3344'E N0853 'E 1 11 I L a Ir19' O J // // - BUILDING ENVELOPES Q p IcoPYpl i (fl aa0 Btcxre sesesven / 1 09'S!'1." n 065]'sa" E , A rv0e�]'_'E 1 Spj�ojj'w ,,,,• w 5 NUMBER OF UNITS Ru 0.21 ACRES I r I i w I I „ Oar �,I 5g s.ee'- zi'u ea• w 48 / e A / eD.z9 -erss - 1-ea,] - la - -I Is.Ba- r W. _ I_ // / 51 i I � I I p I 20' ACCESS EASEMEN{SERRVING �� I O O I 56 s I f I I O I I I 187.6 ACRES MASTER HOMEOWNERS/ASSOCIATION CORNER SITE 1RIANGLE RESTRICTIVE AREA SIB ACL b"Ia 0.20 ACRES ftl).18 ACRFSk& 0.18 ACRES rl- 0.17 ACRES; 8 1 0.20 ACRES i r 8{ 60 Ylg Yin s2 w // // I m c9ECKEo gg L 1 (,.1 3TORMWATFlt EASEMENTS ON PRIVATE LOTS m� DSM rpy rpm�d I I I�IS:10.17 ACRE9g1818 ylo a' ao ml- �r_ 52 = ; cn ; I (n (n r 1 D.IB 1) '- r J ; R.t oo - / 1 I I II '.I I 1; bi �.'ll (1) I I (A 12w / (. / STORMWATER EASEMENT 0'20 RE9 NO633 a1'E I I I I IIG V IT BE CONVEYED TO APPROYW i." ,9 ]r,,OT. "wyayo• J I U) { 1 1a.oa' _ L - ' I / CITY OF S. BURLINGTON 1 TRC E I L • J Lnoaeava-E J L •N No_'sr,.-E '�Noesa•,rE-. /. AI.. _ IN0190'.OE-' J0.00 9&Oe' Sl.al' �Yllp� la.0a•- �' e,.,]' DRAINAGE >e0.00 \ I ['/ R-zzo.00 ) -13'4. E °RNNACE -IAae'-xa.°I' OWNER: NNNAGE EASEMENT EASEMENT-2e0.00 / \ _ SON 9E xe E n ALLEN ROAD EAST aEE N°re ,) - "°B° qG(F °°� / / - SOUTH VILLAGE ROgON069] . ESTORM- \ 9 x0653'41-E L.iz.az• _ �n1e•]a•4r" ( WATE \ r� . TT eU'- - Rr2x0.00 / COMMUNITIES,LLC p�OFgsr / RaBeaB 1 n - POND 5 \�-\ // \ MULTI FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 1 zsm' I oRNNAGE _ - / RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING 1 A 12 # w COMMON m 1 �' I ' } a EASEMENT STORM WATER \ \C OF SOUTH BURLINCTON ` 0.1� (n g ( O gr� 17I I� s• - SEE o E II r _ AC. 1 j i 14 sl'8 6- ¢ En' N •4w,fi1. soeawo w _ _ - B Lam, POND 4 D.R. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I '""'x' R'al os / N I THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF sssQE �i 1 x �12 g 0:28 ACRES SI Wo I"I6 28 0.17 �' �/ T Nzlt,•I,• 1 _ TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING 1 r _ _, o0o I'Y 0.32 ACRES w 15 (2) I 11)O 3, °b• -]' ''A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. 1 0.19 Y� F (`�) Z AC. $ r�: sU�.y, '1 _a -So1A0 Sp ed rp I--'--- ��� OUR SURVEY OF HE ENTIRE PROPERTY.BASED UPON 1 0.47 ACRES - I J L _ ,, E- - ^ �EF� R- .a.0p slzz9 z w sMADE EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO -� AC. OB(t)G 'A `--506'e.T4,•w- _ _11Q0d• xaB9Y ox- SOBVe'o2•w p� REFERENGCALPUN R VOCABL TRUST- PLATOUTH Q�• aoe,IB'OZ'W RSpN DOWNIN0.CALKINS REVOCABLE TRUST -SOUTH BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION N � °> 1-"o'ar-'- o LJr T w 91�.BT->I.o°'- q.a9 Ld"'">' "'Y bn_� V""'. PLATOFSURVEY', DATED MARCH 23,2005, OF THE ROADWAY.g w 1-- _ _�� - 41 1 E', _ I �// a r o P r �II." 7 00 14 : 31A / - r�, I N-39 e9•l l E AD (YE HAo°EiE � nT N -r1 / \ \ \ \ \ RECORDS. D IN HE SOUTH BURLINGTON HAND 1 �yY r 0.13 :;t. L ,!o? n O S N1) - e 8 n O ry a; I I G.. - 1 't .o • i I y.; \ \ 4 O U) 1 I �9e. oa 1 I TO THE BEST OF MY KNOVAEDGE E BELIEF THIS PLAT 1 3 AC. w 16 1 _ °1%s _ x o 14 (1) i O w I EOM w I O W ) �l \\ \ N „°.SB' ACRES - (�" 0.39 ACRES 42 :r 44 RI Rle 46 O PROPERLY DEPICTS PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF W� 0.92 ACRES ^� Y 7 _ 6 dlanACE \ LANDSURVEY UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. I Z L _ �•°�° _ 3 1' (B) �1 ' ^� 27 0.19 - • .� - --npg�9'J'Z0.19 ACRES InI^ 0.28 ACRES �n 47 I EASEMENT /, \ 1 EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON m O e'oz'E w a s -- Ixa.oa'."'1 221SS ' I �36 1 I � y (sc n°¢ 1OUR1 ) RECOVERED ARE IN SUSSTANnALL EVIDENCE 1 °w5 ! 0.34 ACRES ^i- ml 1 s (t) 33 wj L (1) 1 (t) I Cc NI I 1 CONFORMANCE WIH HE RECORD. HIS PLAT IS IN UO.W W _ _ J SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH 27 VSA 1403. THIS FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT '� t+ E' ze.o O BOeroe'0 •wJ TM Ox"WI Z L_' °>il'4Yr." m'IR I BTATEMEM VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED SV MY TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. 1 1 10 m1 1.1 (3) :1 .. z o w I r - rl.00 - I-1sT9 Q r { L . ���.OD 0.20 ACRES -1 J I ORIGINAL SIGNATURE A SEAL (ABOVE). SITE PLAN APPROVAL. 0.31 ACRES �. .1 , mi21T'3�•E „Does oiw q8-. _.J p��r�� I� II I - s E unAo EASDAENr _ _ , r _ii�E.zw _ _ , ex . , •7 / I Z I O I I (9) I Y]= ,e.ee' (SEE NON )ye'�i E I `/ 1 Ij1 - t,o.x9 -' 1 i` I >' I 32' I TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS SB7 C�E 8 O N /�C PROJECT TITLE. .ACE usEMenr soxn•]�E _ -\ 9 8 0 !'✓ `rs 0.13 grslo kl� 1 .JO� I 131 ze. \\ 8 E- cxENo,E1) T•]iF« _,ao9- O.tA(n J $1' $I� (2) 32 YIR 41 "1- ACRES„1? Fls o.sD ACRES mla I 1.a9 ACRES / 1 I �z E ezz, r (2) 26 AC E 4I� ql� „Is o.f9 ACREs� I (1) I (3) 8 H 'I 1 71� oRNnAGE usEMaT w3 -' 1 9a W �` so53q 0.29 ACItE9 II m (SEE NOTE tl _ - 10SB2Z1i{-E��a SOUTH VILLAGE ]e•E f I T 22 (1) ^ soeae'oYw - J Lsoe'oe•oz•w I roe'oz'wI aoeoe•oz'w a - (2) A'. r n _ 5oe _ � _ _ ,0s9'� 8 {,xh> 0.25 ACRES R-- .zor _ `r 8 1 '� DAD 1 .°r n.00' 9.ar us.or 11 - w 0.13 g (t) ` 1g tip ` , j x 25 �' J FROST ET SPEAR STREET AND . "aL, AC' O Its O 1A I E' �.� �1 f' $ rIIOV I STREET 1 IP+� 7- I W 6.oa ACRES / °^ osz�E" 1= wer, ACRES \ 20 jl el^ 1 b I I ALLEN ROAD s �qso L, , O.lti W meroa'o�•w n S°e'oe• •w soe'o •w - soeve'as•w so va•a •w 1 E O' - �• I Br- -n.ar-. � n4x'1 - us.TO - 1 71' .. $l 1 N 1 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT _„� . / ! � ` (Du 1 fit$, � _�_"gE � , w � 24 D) � w � � ,11. - � � I �. I � -'� �0 1 � / 1 '$ 0.12 AC. fj) !- .%AD00- 23 AGE � w �- i R w I I'I 49 � a I� / © wRA L saiwsna` 1 [[ - OOM110R w O - ..0- ^'"r Q YI I 31 (2) O w I U) 1 w I I 1 I N]IM•Ze•E / / �1 .�, 18 xt..s i O a)?r �SisWsla zw 0'16 - >rlm Im 36 E ACRES 3 (n w a N D.23 ACRES 1 z^ ]sG• / D.xe acRFS a - o.z5 ACRES A- _ \ 23 „ Y I 1 1=O I-ZZ I-� / 1 E (2) w S j o.19 ACRES j -aid j o.9D ACRES of / 1 c I B..L y SO• / . 1 A L 1 eg• O,W, / /:.; COMMON L�aao ` _ (2) soe'u'w•w-saevw'w - . J 8 R'OW, r�:r 1 so I� ., adli os'w n�sa.00 usr e.e 1°zo1• I ex• n3'V 2e•E U)n 1 w�., m•E- I J-'- J 1y0' Yw nO^ oo- I II I 0.12 •ae'e- 1' „o.4e s�e.oa _ 3O r . - _xo0u_ I 1 w w - e9.1 EET w 1 0.19 ACRES R 35 i i 37 1 a1,a ass AIKEN �:� _ aar,]ao'w N aBe,]arw Ok 1 I to riT / al >S EASEMEx 1 E _ _ - -.� I- - _T,aO?-. =.-tq r --xaem orE__ I O w�0.1O3 W I 1 I. 111 O II j1 •'`Aaxr Romp sa>WWe ai9115II 1S7.B ACRES ,'9i• _ I 0.10 ACRES Y ,N X ti 0.30. ACRES I ,w3, / a �•:,^.+ OR NAGS fl 1T1.00 :r �O1 1i zsv.T9 ACRES - F.mw j'"zu• SOOT) 0'w L.ax. 'I I� R.I as 00-. Ia.aJ' - - RExfi.00 E m'a u v) I I ORNNACE EASEMENT Se9Vl ]9 E I I E �Y 9 A( / e Nmn ze E r i i o.1e ACRES IIY��'- / [e 0.2z ACRES - I i I I �- noa ,) 20' RECREATION PATH EASEMENT 151Y I L-4.9 1 1 1.05 ACRES 1 J L _ J L. 1. / ) TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON / soaro,'xow R-sm.ar I Noo'a,-e 1 L, .J L--.-L4.o1_- -N.ar•_ J lay.ar-- R.]H.00 ' II I l.sl I I lo.o' pi I - z7a'lliw-'- rvoeva•ox'E NB mazE oa OtE Noem'ort / I O ® O -near-. 1/ I ss 2 F 3 R ' 1 a. _le.ee CHIPMAN STREET 5 . LOCATION MAP O 1 gyp 0.32 ACRES �It(a.2o acRes IR 2� i I we�ab -19.00 N m_no�3"- I 1/ 1 = a000 9f-soe'1]so flA Q 1 1 I I 0'21 ACRES 1 _ . - 50.51 ea.10 (1i j (1) I NoeTb•or Novae• noeveoz� roro •E noe"e•Hrzt I I I LOZ ACE® I / i i _ - _ _ -" „-,'.>q 5A U) r--a..aa• r -,Loo• - r'-,LBB•- r ,so•- - �Tr - - , 1 I , , I� �8 I 1 II DATE cecCXEo RsvwwN I a el J L J L I I II -I_ I II !-0B DSM REVD PROPERTY NES ANO E. FISHER HAM soearzo'w aos'-"ar MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT w 1 0.47 ACRES - O I I 7 O z,8 1 1 ezae' ie.oi m'xo' RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING' m ' SB ) I I 5D T ' 1; ol, RI`". 1 I _ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON $ ^Im91$ O NI$ RI$ 5F 1 I O-B-m OSM REVD BUILDING SIDE t REM SETBACKS TO 1 a D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL - "-Ig 0.17 ACRE9ml2 0.17 ACRES "-I� 0.17 ACRES "1'0.17 ACRFSI nI3; 0.24 ACRES plw ` 1 j a-z]-07 DSM REVD LOT LAYOUT k BJEpNC ENVELOPE 1 71w I �LL �I �I "I 1 \ 1 REVISED I (1) I \ \ STOORM EATER COVETED LTD T I I-s.o' DSM REVISED ORANAGE EASEMENDRAINAGE TS -� L nar -) I->,.ar-L-nao'-) L. _,,.ar•_.J L_! _ -nz le•- CITY OF S. BURLINGTON=- TGE . l-_e�Btw 15 ,.w 1 �7121 1 NBBroaDx-�l \\ Q _ _ _ _ _ ) 1-1 DSM REN u T I STORMWATER EASEMENT I_ ` N �E I `^ 1 0. r r ,wLo 01U'f I TO BE COVETED TO _ _ _ 11 1-l0-0a DSM REVISE° LOT LAYOUT 1 I _ -__ _ -_ � ---------- � \\ _ / � $TORMWATER LICENSE '-'z-0a DSM REt+sm LOT LAYOUT 1 CITY OF S. BURLINGTON STTO BE ER EASEMENT 8 I � , \ TO BE COVETED TO � ) WITHIN R.O.W. TO RE s-tl-m DSM RENRV HATOIINC L \ i 11 _ ; \ _ -• _ ` _' _ _ ` ` _ CITY OF S. BURLINGTON { p ` \ ) �l (CONVEYED TO SOUTH - -. - _ - - _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ � STORM WATER J \ I II - VILLAGE COMMUNITIES STORM WATER I �� - _ POND 2 I 20' MAINTENANCE PHASE 6A7 ACRES _ _ 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT w TORN WATER _ _ POND 1 /I EASEMENT TO BE _ _ _ _ _ _ 81 8 e / CONVEYED TO THE POND 3 I IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF - _ ION I DEDICATION - 14' x 200' �__` ECREATION PATH 20• EASEMENT TO --'--------- RI^ j RI i TOWN OF SHELBURNE SUBDIVISION R.O.W. EXPANSION---__-_-- CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON !----------- _ --- -_ 7Rn I_------------------- __-----_-•----_-_____--'m PATH 2O'�ASEMENT EA SEE-WARIAG I - - - 1 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ,m �. \ 'so, e1�yi • _ m3"z,Tw , - - - �� _ - _ s _ - _ - - _ �� e 3 °ay4-- _��- _ ' 07-42-04 W - Imraz - 4z04-w 0 cREAnoN PLAT - - - - - - - - - ----------------_------_-_ RAKING NUMBER L _-_�__-_-__-__-�_ 3_�R__________________�_____Q __________-__- _--_----_-_-- _-_______________ / TO BARSTOYV RD BATE o ToEWFTSTREET SPEAR STREET 66' R.O.W. _________ _________ ULY, 2004 - - ,_-_------ --�----------- -------------- r---------_ -7 --_ _-------_ _---- ---� * ----- cL &pwc__sc1 - RCAA __ w p II I 1 I \ I IN FEET) 0124.3 1 1 •-'1 I I I Inch = 60 It r):1 A, It„cnnD Pm.i^ !'s\70n1-\01 i./3/2008 4J.0:43 PM, ,Ioiselle I 1 , ------ 1111I �I; 1 D Y • ia�sM- ` •• •_ SREM STREET S,MLLM�EI I lr•-RA56 MVFIfM/ 1 _ — _ .. � 1Mfy IXIfIO \ ' _ — _ � mpn THE IEw `I .. /// �.. -Y. RFafOWfMAT FDG9 MFSr EDGE OiWIF. FAOM TE 1 ._ _ sPflw G1RFET1p TIE 1 I � I - 307 TO INE OF 1nE Nln1 aOW FwST NIERSti'TION XAaaAt]O]oeTpTHEGWTM,aW imrmec we-sTEntr Ar Tlx lRmuxnoa TO WE]T Om •urry ROW FAST STa. n00.ro. THE f]OSa 1 1 _- - THE ovEawr wR]HFFp TOa REYm MIX anO T1E 1 I 1 1 STORM WATER POND 1� I Ij 1 1 V. 1 ' I 1 1 , 1 , 1 . I ' {I[ - i 1 I I I 1 ---------------- 1 I I h 1 , , r--- 1 r F. cow / r[ 71L1 'kCrAD EAST,-- 1—~ = — _ • l V I I I I I ..' ,� n ,w If • SHER LANE ! �srl • I � If ..__.__ � I ' f 01 • ,I 1 I tN _, gg — — ll �. �, � — J 1 �- Ik_- • I M , -T , ' ' � 1, � .'• , I ¢R _ — i. TI I _ Street Tree Plant Schedule C. „t MAN ' 1 1 I / L — � Y -- 1 Y LandWorks Mitldebury.VF05753 ``�\` phone: BU3883011 WMIN//J � inloplanewarwvt.corn IRwwry PO DR DR OWNER_ SOUL-14 VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDI VISION OF APO TIONOF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: 'D0M9YWG.CALXWIPEV fiLE Ylilli SCUM W-LAQB- AIIArO $MI IEY. DATED MARCH 23. 2DO5. RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE a BELIEF THIS PLAT PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOM ARE BASED UPON OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORD Is PHYSICAL EVIDENCE RECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE VATH 27 VSA 1403. THIS STATEMENT VAUD ONLY VVIEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY _. ORIGINAL SIGNATURE B SEA_ (ABOVE). TIMOTHY R. COVVAN VT LS 597 PRQJECr TITLE: STORM WATER SOUTH VILLAGE POND SPEAR STREET AND �. ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Botanical Name Common Name Sl- Qty. Not" Dedduaa Tree• A— , freema. Freeman Maple 2.2.5• d. 37 9" Acer rrbum 'Armstrong' Amstrong Reo Maple 2-2.5" d. 3 IOU Amelanch a , himns Allegheny Servkebery 103 12' muu.t— 20 am Co,Yk. cduma Turkish Rlbet 2-2.5" d. 31 a" Gymnodaae oohs K-tucky Coffe•tme 2-2.5" d. 29 B ee Q-- .--.,Pa Bur Oak 2 2.5" "' 19 Ben Quaaas mhm Red Oak 2-2.5" d. 30 BMB Somw oe-m Moontanah 2-2.5•d. 21 Bee Umus amercana'Primaton' Princeton Elm 2-2.5" d. 37 Bee Note: • Lano scape Architect to assert in selecting plain materials. • All stmet trees plantings shall conform to Ne Arbond[unl Spedfiotions and Standards of Practice of the City of South BW4ngton • No time planting shad be undatakan —I finsh grading Is completed • Street Tree Wantit'es are for entire Phase I project (Ph. 1 a , 1 b) (INFEET ) 1 — • Gat ,th Visage LOCATION MAP t .3000' an Rm MYlson n.]JM M -T t9aN1—ALR' W PHASE I -A STREETSCAPE aTE w,a: Wlemn DECEMBER, 2007 = 60' L- 2 I� i I II Iiq , 1 l I� I Ii I a, a� 7 I- — ul� 1 IMP, r - S: �-r; )I I I L._ Ii I ;— i t �•r�- .- i/ ./III 1 —_._I J �1 , 1 1 Jf p� I ov -- ; JJY iM1M1R rvL.J I1/ _ ` i, Z Phase 1-6 Z a„e, t - cJ I - L ., . s, • I ill III _ I�I l •r I xgr� _ r r i i I I� S I LandWorks Mid Vr05 3 ��vzo plwnr 0I l las: B02386.13B8.1950 'niogmi lvuorksvl.wm PO Oecvta DR Street Tree Plant Schedule. m Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes DR Deciduous Tres Aar s freemmlii Freemen Maple 2-25" d. 37 a" OWNER: Aar rub —'Armstrong Armstrong Red Maple 2-2.5" cal. 3 B&B VILLAGE Amdandller z I—Alleghany Se-ceberry 10-12' multi -stem 20 so SOUTH Corylus pduma Turkish Fllbet 2-2.5".1 31 w COMMUNITIES, LLC• Gymnodadus ddcus Kentucky Coffeetree 2-25" cal. 29 ees Querns marfocarpa Bur Oak 2-2.5" cal. 19 Bee THIS PLAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF Quer us r.,bra Red Oak 2-2.5" cal. 30 B&B A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY Sorbus de=a Mcuntalnash 2-25" cal. 21 B&B REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO OUR PLAT TITLED: •p0jgR%V 7.a4LJ0WREWCAl 7711l SOI?H Princeton Elm 2-2.5" cal- 37 Bee VKIAGE-PLATOFsLmFr DATED MARCH 23.2005. Umus a aricana'p-mce m' RECORDED IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE& BELIEF THIS PLAT Note: PROPERLY PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF • Landscape Amistea to assist in selec:l plant materials. LAND SURVEYED UNDER HO DIRECT SUPERVISION. EYED UNDER EXISTING BOUNDARIES SMOWN ARE BASED UPON SP • All street trees plartings shall conform to theArbanalltuml ecificatioris OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORD B PHYSICAL EVIDENCE and Standards of Procure of the City of South Burlington RECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD THIS PLAT IS IN • No nee planting shall be undertake, until firelh grading is completed SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH 27 VSA 1403. THIS • Street Tree quanta[ es are for more Phase I project (Ph. 1 a + 1 b) STATEMENT VAUD ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE & SEAL (ABOVE). TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 PROJECT TITLE SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND \ ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr Map LOCATION MAP 1". "DO. Dart acaun uvwa PHASE I-B STREETSCAPE OCTOBER, 200 m .we GRAPHIC SCALE -11 L- 2 .1 1"=60' (M FEET 1 mN- Got. JJ! 0 0 9 r" 5' 8' 26' 8' 5' 2 LANES 52'-0" OPTIONAL R.O.W. DECK OVER i 10' PORCH MIN. I 5' I I MIN I lilutl{111 5' 8' 26' 8' 5' 2 LANES 52'-0" R.O.W. ST-52Pb I lS U c7 � 16 p I � p M U t? I I I CP c� 0 P Q Qo v � cP P cp Qo 0 11' 26' 8' 5' I _ 2 LANES 50'-0" -- R.O.W. s- 10' — MIN. I 5' MIN. I I ff �Illl��lil�, 11' 26' 8' 5' 2 LANES I 50'-0" R.O.W. ST-50b NOTE: ALL CURB WORK TO BE CONCRETE (TYP.) NOTE: THESE STREET SECTIONS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED FOR SOUTH VILLAGE, IN RECOGNITION OF ITS ENHANCED NON -MOTORIST DESIGN AND AS A TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT. THESE STREET SECTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE ELSEWHERE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON. PLANS PREPARED BY: I I I � L I 204 100, A.— S.th, 5— 408 No.M111e, Tee .. 37203 I _ I T.IAphene 615 726 1110 fe. 615 726 1112 Mbmei www.lrk.cem 9 P DRAMN I I ACL I 0 p I c EED DSM l i APPROVED J DSM I I APPLICANT:. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. p PROJECT CONSULTANTS: I I 11 I LAND USE PLANNER/ARCHITECT I I LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES I I SHELBURNE, VT 9 Q I TRAFFIC ENGINEER �.4' _ I 4' TNO ENGINEERING •�'--� 5' 7I� 8—' 26' 8' 5' OSSIPEE, NH 2 LANES �— LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS R.O.W. 6 O. MIDDLEBURY, VT W. 10' MIN. PROJECT TITLE: I 5' MIN. I SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT I 4' 4' 5' 8' 26' 8' 5' 2 LANES 60'-0" R.O.W. ST-60Pb GATE CNECEED RION NOTE: - ALL FENCES SHALL BE PLACED NO CLOSER THAN 3' FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE _ SIDEWALK. FENCES SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS ogre DRAEINO R—ER DEC., 2007 N T.S. C4.1A PROJ. N 01243 } I R3, 17 24'zi0' LINE 1� 1 N I I I I 113-1713 DOUBLE 4' 24'z8- (ASSEMBLY LINE ll PLACED 50ft FROM END I OF BIKE LANE I ; I MITE UNE I I ; I I 1 MITE u E I I I I IN I i III i MITE I IIaN LY 111 I I' II j i I R3-17 I I'l I R3-17 I 24'z18' I ,Q i 24J'zal B' _ ui 4' WHITE UNE I I / I ` 1 ,� SEE SICNALIZATIIXJ PLAN, IortluB e' DOTTED 4 SHEET C4.17, FOR SIGNAL MIR VMIIE UNE I MAf " INFORMATION I NRUR R}7R 30'z30' I Ir I2Frwe II Mer R3I & r R}_7L R3-7L 18f1.VE GILT m• 30-z30' MUIR MIRROR 2 36 Em. 4• OF RJ-17 I 2z18• I 'J0' DOUBLE 4- YELLOW MIRROR OIF R3_17 pop i i DOUBLE 41 / YELLOW I I 8' OOTIED ____�__"- MITE UNE .100+50 (50 FRON 6ry1g1 BAR) PARKNO -- WHITE �N 101+00 I� BP® LII I~ LINE 25 FQ R2-1 24'z30' UL9r 24.000 —6' WHITE POUND9 LINE .77 24'z30' PURCHASE PARKING BAN SION FROM CITY OF S. BURL. I R3-17 I I ' 2CXXz18' PLACED AT I 0% BEGINNING OF I ' BIKE LANE I R3-17 —�� 24'z18' AY _ 1 PLACEO 50ft FROM BEGINNING I /® RS-17A OF BIKE LANE 24 -'i 3 T� 4,. DOTTED LINE (WHITE) T 24.• 12„ 24" 12" 24" 12" 24„ 36" YIELD LINE DETAILS TO BE PAID AS ONE LETTER OR SYMBOL PER TRIANGLE U- z w w � 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a \ w 0 0 w wLu z a ; w 1 , 1 VARIES j • ADJUST SPACING (12"-24") TO AVOID WHEEL PATHS BLOCK PATTERN CROSSWALK DETAIL NOTES: 1. ALL TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE PAINT. ALL DURABLE PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE, TYPE I TAPE, FROM / PLANS PREPARED BY: 0 ry}+ f / E CIYIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. ".O. BOX 486 SI IELBURNE, VI 05402 0113-085-2J23 fAX: B0. 06,22T1 web: www.caovl.caii ACL/PJM \ DSM DSMN APPLICAN'IT. SOUTH VILLAGE \' COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USEPLANNEWCH?ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Sau16 VRrmo.. j SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD _ SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Z—t-1 i RJOBSION E. R91ER LANE STRIPING AND SGNAGE PLAN OATS DMINNG NUMBER APRIL, 2007 SCA18 1' = 50' C-4.11 PRO(. N0. 01243 P:\N,fof.ADO Projerts\7.001.\,01.243\01743-master-signagP-nirm.dj Aig, 1/3/2008 4:43:09 PM, alnigelle w IL R I � 6 1+15 I 701 50 I I I W11-2 0' -- i 30"x o f �Isi I 1 x1 " I '1 +� 60 � _ I 57 IO I 7P , 'a - a 7 1 15 W16 24"y 2" D I R i _1 i xi I o A R I R i ' 4D 12" IJ 5 24 30' + Ir�l i, PH x it 1 7 I sI TO I I 0-+48. 2 v UN I III1 R7-1 I ,o SIMILAR ^ 12"x18 l TO I ��' I1111 I1111 _ y - � I venue _ _ 4 4p5t x�. fll! 1z x1e' 1. 0 I � � - I I (� I � e�„I '•�4 � �'------CTII �p�� IIIIII IIIII '' aevw er -.y._-_..... 408i+00. _.4. - -4 9 405+7 o O 4. r ���k J "6 "x30" m.. l IIiiIIX' 407+ A ' ~ 9+ l50 50 1 1 r 409 a SIMI I " 1 T 24x I y 1 11-2 SMGOLS R7- 504+15 0 12'08' 1 IMILA fr + I d 3 " 30' TO 1 8-7P j 12 x1 I R -•� i�� co 4-4 OTFRU 1 _ _ srA- 2a J y 1 I 1 i +-NO ' I Sm , _m _ J— ' R7-2a _ - ' STA. I I ' • I _� = - MADISON LAN —_ MADISON.LANE r , ( I + STA I I R7-2.a STA I i r PATm R7-1 >c R1-1 ' 41� PAf 41 R7-5 lSIDE STA_ ..,.,ll STA. 7r l STREETr+e T ,.,. STA. , -_ 1 n I♦ r 1 uI ro - r _ ' I eD6 oP NOI � , R7 2a STREET1 I / n, , oo Y-2. HERE PARKING TO I _.... _. m STA:- i i ' THIS Comm ' - - 1 meor 91RREET I /._.�.. �--•5T . R7-2a Iq / �0....\-STA.- - - I� sYA I R TA. �« . _ '\. - /ONR ..nun / I 1 I' STA; /./ 7-5 10 If STA. I ' i 71CQQ I1' R7-5 ; STA , �I Fly;' PARKING HUE TO INSTALL TEMPORARY CULVERT _ CC"4El PAW.M I UNDER PROPOSED nOADWAY ��` R7-2a 1Ne see or INV IN-345.0, INV OUT- 344.5 `\� STA �T r RI-L W/FLOWABLE FILL UP014 R7-2a 1 COMPLETION OF CONSTRUC11011 STA. i 221+10 o SIMILAR ITIYIgMI To R7-1 aQ 2 z 4 4" YELLOW \M:2T5 220+75 yyy,• LINE (TYP.) R7-2o STA:. .. . PLANS PREPARED BY: f CIVIL ENGINEEkING ASSOCIATES, INC. 0.0. BOX MIS SHELBlINOE, VT Wa02 nO2�Ra5s 3 rar W2-2 2nr ww: xw.Vice„M. APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS I6. . r L6 . (z) ACL ?0 SO' cxecxxo DSM ;r-2 APPROV80 DSM 7P- 24'x12� APPLICANT: Gi51VRenMU 0 P1 SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND XEPLANNERIARCHUFCT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHWLLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 77WRC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L.4ADSC4PE ARCH17ECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Sa h n­ii,.r ,. V.,. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 'M I 1e44xeo ' Revs,e ,_,_,T� Raav<e RBIREr j STRIPING JANv i SIGNAGE PLAN UATB AAIIIN� NUMRP.R FEB., 2005 1. - 40' C-4.1 PRUI. NO- 01243 P,\PntoCAnn Pi-oj^r*-\?001\01243\01243-master-sinna0e-njm.dw0, 1./3/2008 4:45:1.1 PM, alniselle a � r' r " L The Retrovest Companies October 10, 2007 B U It D E R S& DEVELOPERS Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer South Burlington Department of Public Works c/o Planning and Zoning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: South Village Public Infrastructure Cost Estimate for Winter EPSC Phases Dear Mr. Szymanski: We are requesting your review and approval of the attached cost estimate for the value of public infrastructure that can be constructed within the constraints of the project's winter EPSC plan over a four week period starting on October 22, 2007. The attached plans highlight the components that we anticipate completing during this time period. The schedule also recognizes the City's November 15th deadline for waterline work. The estimated value of this work is $730,000 and generally includes: • Construction of the northeast and northwest stormwater detention ponds; • Installation of the water main from Midland Avenue to the Allen Road roundabout and along Allen Road East to Spear Street. The cost includes connections at Midland Avenue and Spear Street; • Installation of the sewer force main from its connection on Allen Road to a force main air release structure that will be installed approximately 700 feet east of Spear Street; • Other water, sewer, and storm water drainage lines as highlighted on the plans; and • Associated erosion control measures. As a heads up, we plan to submit an estimate in early November that accounts for work completed by then and the value of work that will continue through mid -December. Please feel free to contact me at 802-863-8323 with any questions. Sincerely; oe Segale, P.E., Projec Manager CoWP4 Attachments ,vrc�aV, d c u t—ef --Ic. eJ s .� v, J 74 cc: Ray Belair; Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates; Randy Laframboise, S.D. Ireland 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401-3830 802-863-8323 800-679-1929 F 802-863-1339 www.retrovest.com South Village Public Infrastructure Cost Estim, '?r Winter EPSC Phases October 22-Nov 16, 2007 Sediment & Erosion Control 3 Daily Temporary Stabilization 4 Strip & Stockpile Topsoil 5 Laydown Areas 6 Construction Entrances 7 Topsoil Placement 8 Erosion Control Matting 9 Final Hay Mulch 10 Drainage Inlet Protection 11 Silt Fence 12 Construction Fence 13 Permanent Seeding 14 Temporary Seeding 15 Remaining Permanent Site Reclam. 16 Polymer Blocks (Allowance) 17 Polymer Floc Log Flume (Allowance) 18 2.5" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 19 3" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 20 4" Sed. Basin Floating Skimmer 21 Inspection/Reporting Requirements 22 All Remaining EPSC Measures Demolition 23 Clearing 24 Grubbing 25 Mass Rock Overblast (Allowance) 26 Trench Rock & Boulder (>1 CY) 27 All other Demolition Items Water 28 Water System Connection - East 29 Water Connection (TS&V) - West 30 Jack & Bore - West 31 Pressure Reducing Vault Complete 32 12" Water Main 33 12" Gate Valve 34 8" Water Main 35 8" Gate Valve 36 Air Release Structure 37 Fire Hydrants 38 1" Copper Water Service 39 1" Water Service Corp & Curb Stop 40 Type I Insulation (2" Thick) 41 All Remaining Water Installations Sewer 42 12" Sewer Main 43 8" Sewer Main 44 6" Sewer Main 45 Sanitary Manholes 46 4" Sewer Service Line 47 6" Force Main 48 6" FM Directional Bore & Connection 49 Force Main Air Release Structure 50 Pump Station & Storage 51 6" Relief Drain at Low Point 52 All Remaining Sewer Work Qtv Unit Unit Price Totals 0.12 LS $30,000 $3,600 3 Acres $3,000 $9,000 0 LS $12,500 $0 1 LS $7,000 $7,000 5000 SY $1.00 $5,000 1920 SY $1.25 $2,400 4800 SY $0.27 $1,296 0 EA $100.00 $0 1200 LF $1.25 $1,500 6000 LF $1.00 $6,000 0 SY $0.54 $0 1200 SY $0.30 $360 0 SY $0.00 $0 0 EA $150 $0 0 EA $750 $0 0 EA $1,000 $0 1 EA $1,000 $1,000 1 EA $1,500 $1,500 0.12 LS $4,000 $480 0.12 LS $65,000 $7,800 $46,936 ON Unit Unit Prire Totals 1 Acres $4,000 $4,000 1 Acres $4,000 $4,000 0 CY $10 $0 500 CY $75 $37,500 0.2 LS $2,500 $500 $46,000 ON Unit Unit Price Totals 1 LS $500 $500 1 LS $13,000 $13,000 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 1 LS $31,750 $31,750 3420 LF $49 $167,580 14 EA $2,000 $28,000 580 LF $35 $20,300 3 EA $1,300 $3,900 2 EA $5,200 $10,400 8 EA $3,400 $27,200 390 LF $22 $8,580 13 EA $300 $3,900 0 SY $8 $0 0.5 LS $10,500 $5,250 $35u,36u ON Unit Unit Prirn Tntal¢ 295 LF $45 $13,275 170 LF $36.50 $6,205 0 LF $35 $0 3 EA $3,500 $10,500 840 LF $17 $14,280 1240 LF $20 $24,800 1 LS $9,000 $9,000 1 EA $6,100 $6,100 0 LS $110,000 $0 0 LS $8,000 $0 0 LS $2,500 $0 $84,160 Page 1 of 2 10/9/2007 , SOLIth Village Public Infrastructure Cost Estim, 'Pr Winter EPSC Phases October 22-Nov 16, 2007 Drainage 77 42" HDPE Storm Line 78 30" HDPE Storm Line 79 24" HDPE Storm Line 80 18" HDPE Storm Line 81 15" HDPE Storm Line 82 12" HDPE Foundation Line 83 10" HDPE Foundation Line 84 8" HDPE Foundation Line 85 6" HDPE Foundation Line 86 4" HDPE Foundation Line 87 Foundation Drain Cleanouts 88 4' Diameter Catch Basin 89 5' Diameter Catch Basin 90 8' Diameter Catch Basin 91 4' Manhole 92 5' Manhole 93 8' Manhole 94 Flared End Sections 95 Detention Basin (NW) 96 Detention Basin (SW) 97 Detention Basin (NE) 98 All Remaining Drainage Work Traffic Control 112 Flaggers 113 Portable Message Signs 114 Permanent Signs and Posts 115 Temporary Construction Signage 116 Temporary Pavement Markings 117 Permanent Pavement Markings 118 Traffic Light Foundations 119 Traffic Light Superstructure 120 Traffic Light Controller 121 Remaining Traffic Light Work 122 Remaining Traffic Control Work Qty Unit Unit Price Totals 440 LF $80 $35,200 0 LF $60 $0 0 LF $49 $0 0 LF $34 $0 0 LF $29 $0 0 LF $35 $0 0 LF $32.50 $0 0 LF $23 $0 0 LF $0 $0 0 LF $20 $0 0 EA $200 $0 0 EA $2,100 $0 0 EA $2,550 $0 2 EA $7,500 $15,000 0 EA $2,300 $0 0 LF $2,800 $0 1 EA $8,500 $8,500 0 LS $3,250 $0 1 LS $40,000 $40,000 0 LS $110,000 $0 1 LS $91,500 $91,500 0.16 LS $30,000 $4,800 $195,000 Qty Unit Unit Price Totals 160 Hr $25 $4,000 1 EA/Mo $1,400 $1,400 0 LS $20,000 $0 0 LS $1,500 $0 0 LS $11,000 $0 0 LS $32,000 $0 0 LS $12,600 $0 0 LS $38,000 $0 0 LS $42,000 $0 0 LS $50,925 $0 0 LS $41,700 $0 $5,400 bummary Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control $46,936 Demolition $46,000 Water System $350,360 Sewer System $84,160 Drainage $195,000 Traffic Control $5,400 Total $727,856 Page 2 of 2 10/9/2007 CIVIL ENGAMEtURIING AS"SOCIPJE'S, MCI. 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 December 31, 2007 Mr. Douglas S. Brent, City of South Burlington Fire Chief South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Road and Life Safety Issues Dear Chief Brent: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com /�P �mov, Thank you for taking the time to review the life safety accessibility issues associated with the pending DRB amendment application for the South Village project. We recognize that one of the Department's main concerns that needed to be addressed with the proposed modifications in the front yard setback is was how the emergency response personnel would be able to access the structures within the proposed neighborhood configuration. We propose to respect the 10' front yard setback for the main building and any weatherized portions of the residential buildings. As outlined in the attached sheet C4.IA, we propose that only one story porches (with roofs) be allowed to constructed between a 5' setback to the right-of-way and the main building. In recognition of the fact that the location of the (one side of road) parking can help or hinder the set-up of the tower truck, we have revised the proposed pavement marking plans (attached) to maximize as much as possible the parking on the same side of the road as the buildings of concern. The landscape architect has updated the enclosed L-2 site plan which depicts the proposed building layouts and the proposed tree planting configurations. As you recall the earlier submissions of this included the template of the tower truck and how it would it would set up for an emergency at each building. For clarity, this submission does not include the tower truck template but it does depict the "openings' In the street trees designed to accommodate the Department's access requirements. r r ivir. Douglas Brent Page two December 31, 2007 This completes the summary of our submittal to you covering the life safety issues for the proposed South Village project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Typical Sections (C4.1 A) Pavement Marking Plans (C4.14 , C4.12) L-2 Site Plan cc: C.La.Rose (1 copy only, full submittal to be made on 1-3-08); CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosures) C:\1 Let\012431MasterTireChiefBrenOmpd South Burlington Public Works 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL: (802)658-7961 FAX: (802)658.7976 OFFICE 104 LANDFILL FIC January 8, 2008 To: Development Review Board From: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director Re: Agenda Item #9 Preliminary Plat #SD-07-74 and Final Plat #SD-07-75 of South Village I oppose granting any further Front Yard Set back distances for this project. Set back distances were dealt with over many meetings with the developer prior to the approvals for this project. The main reason for my opposition to reducing the Front Yard set back any more have to do with winter conditions. We are already having issues with developments that do not have enough storage for snow in the winter. I am not talking about snow from the City ROW but from the residents themselves. When we have times of heavy snows or constant snow showers there is not enough room for the residents to deal with the snow from their driveways or sidewalks. The residents end up having to put the snow in the City ROW. This is costly to the city, dangerous for emergency services and illegal. It truly does make our job of snow plowing much more costly. Our trucks each have an assigned route and we try very hard not to have to go back to a street anymore then we have to. When public property is used to move snow off private property it is impossible for us to maintain a road in such away that we feel comfortable that when we leave it is in serviceable condition and able to be used by both the residents and any emergency service that may be needed for the residents. Cathyann LaRose From: David Marshall [dmarshal l@cea-vt.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 5:18 PM To: Cathyann LaRose Cc: ray; ds@retrovest.com; Joe Segale Subject: South Village second story covered porches. Cathyann- After discussing this further with Dave Scheuer and Joe Segale, I now do recall with more clarity the discussion with Chief Brent on the second covered porches. The discussion centered initially on the ability of the tower truck to turn into each property and the difficulty of getting past the porches set five feet closer to the right-of-way. After JB read section of the LDR's which spoke about requiring all porches to be non weatherized when they were extended to within five (5) feet of the ROW, the applicant agreed to conform with those expectations (Le. not seek approval for weatherized portions of the building within the 10' front yard setback). The proposal to include non -covered second floor porches was reviewed and deemed acceptable to the chief The discussion then focused on a proposal to cover the second floor porches as part of an architectural feature on the "anchor" buildings at the ends of public spaces. The discussion focused on the fact that non -weatherized second floor porches provided an improved means of access for the Fire Department and it was agreed that the inclusion of second floor non -weatherized covered porches was acceptable to the Chief. Based on this, we would request that the second condition of approval from the staff memorandum be removed. 2. Only one story porches will be permitted between at the five (5) yard (sic) setback limit. We feel strongly that this condition should be consistently applied throughout the project based on the residual access benefits outlined by Chief Brent. However, if there is some concern that this discussion was centered only on the "anchor" building locations, then we would propose the following amendment to Condition 2. 2. Only one story porches will be permitted at the five (5) foot setback limit except that two story covered porches will be permitted on Lots 3, 5B, 5E, 24, 28, 30, 33, 34, 52, 54 and 59. Additionally, the following condition should be added. 5. Plan Sheet C4.1A shall be revised to include a second floor covered porch typical section. David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 928 Falls Road, PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 P 802-985-2323 x310 F 985-2271 1/8/2008 South ", rlington Fire Depart.Aent 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4110 Douglas S. Brent, Fire Chief January 7, 2008 Ms. Juli Beth Hoover, Director of Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Project, Spear Street Dear Juli: As a follow up to my letter dated December 11, 2007 and the meeting with the developers of this which occurred on December 20, 2007 I have the following comments regarding the South Village project. I have also reviewed the updated plans forwarded to me by Dave Marshall. 1. 1 am comfortable with the agreements which were made at the meeting of December 20th. I believe that the developers understand the issues which I have brought forward and that they have addressed them adequately. 2. I believe that the shifting of the parking spaces will also help in the event that emergency vehicles need to access this development. When construction begins and they have constructed the types of structures in question I would like to perform some actual on -site testing to assure that access is achievable. Should you have any further questions please contact me. Si ely, Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief December 12, 2007 The Retrovest Companies Re: South Village Communities, LLC GG� Mr. Curt Moody Mr. Marls Westergard 1855 Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Gentlemen: Pursuant to your comments at the South Burlington Development Review Board last night, I would like to invite you to a personal briefing on our South Village project. I believe some of your comments reflected a misunderstanding both of the neighborhood we plan to build and the careful attention with which we manage our development operations. As I mentioned, we also take pride in our relationship with our neighbors and the larger community. We initiated an extensive outreach with our neighbors long before we submitted plans to the City. This was an open process which encouraged comment and input; I do not believe any developer in this market has made equal effort to listen carefully to the concerns of abutting property owners. Throughout the entire planning process we maintained a website and e-mail access for public comment. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and give you a full briefing on South Village, at your convenience. If you are interested, please contact me. As I mentioned, if you have further issues with construction impacts at South Village, please do not hesitate to contact me. All best 'shes f the ' a , David Scheuer President Copy r. Ray Belair City of South Burlington 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401-3830 802-863-8323 800-679-1929 F 802-863-1339 www.retrovest.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 3, 2008 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: South Village Applications #SD-07-74 & #SD-07-75 Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, / l Betsy McD ough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Joe Segale, Retrovest CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner(O RE: Agenda #9, Site plan application #SP-07-75 DATE: January 4, 2008 South Village Communities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 156 residential units and a 100 student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 2) reducing rear yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 3) reducing side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, and 4) revising the lot configuration of the northern third of Phase 1, 1840 Spear Street The Development Review Board held a public hearing on Tuesday, December 11, 2007. At that time, the Board discussed the concerns that the Fire Chief had with respect to reduced front yard setback and the possible impact that could have on adequate and efficient emergency response. The Board instructed the applicant to meet with the Fire Chief and staff and discuss the issue further. The applicant and staff met with Fire Chief Doug Brent on December 20, 2007. After a throrough discussion, the agreed approach and conditions of approval are as follows: 1. Non -weatherized porches may extend into the front yard setback but must respect a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the front property line. Such porches may be covered. But not weatherized or otherwise used as livable space. 2. Only one story porches will be permitted between at the five (5) yard setback limit. 3. The front yard setback for all other portions of the buildings will remain at 10 feet. 4. Side and rear yard setbacks will be permitted to be five (5) feet from the property line. The applicant has also relocated parking on the streets to provide better access and set up for emergency response vehicles. Staff reminds the Board and the applicant that all coverage limitations imposed as part of the final plat approval must be respected. Staff recommends that the Board approve Site Plan Application #SP-07-75. CIVI! E` 11 Gi11 I!I':;t!! IG A!So 1'� 0JCIArItS. I! IC4 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 January 3, 2008 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner # E tl VE D City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 City of Bun' Re: South Village PRD �gton Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: Thank you for providing the time arrange and meet with Chief Brent concerning the front yard setback issues for the South Village project. As outlined in the package we forwarded to Chief Brent on December 31, 2007, we have revised the plans to reflect the agreed upon solutions to minimize the accessibility issues in this TND neighborhood as outlined below: 1. The front yard setback for the conditioned portion of the buildings will remain at 10 feet. 2. The unconditioned (non -weatherized) covered porches will have a front yard setback of five (5) feet. 3. The on -street parking has been revised to maximize the distance between the set-up location of the Fire Department's Tower Truck and the face of the buildings. 4. The street tree locations have been updated to reflect the originally permitted concept of providing "gaps" to enable accelerated response with the Tower Truck. As part of the amendment process which updates the unit types throughout the Phase I portion of the project, we have also implemented the following modifications in the plat: A. The property line locations have been moved slightly between lots 7 and 12 to meet the agreed upon 10 foot setback criteria for the conditions portions of the buildings. This was necessary as the Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 2 of 2 January 3, 2008 corner lots created the need to comply with a 10 foot setback on two sides of the lot instead of just one. B. The access to Lot 53 was changed from the south side of lot 52 to the north side. C. Bentley Lane (private road near Lots 45 and 46 was removed in favor reducing impervious area and increasing green space. D. The Lot 49 Common area was reduced in width by five feet. E. East Fisher Lane was shifted to the south at its intersection with Allen Road East to improve the off road parking opportunities for Lots 10B and 12. Lot 14 was shifted to the south accordingly. This completes our summary of the changes that are reflected in the Phase I Preliminary/Final Plat amendment package. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: 10 sets of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans cc: J. Segale (w/ 1 set of 11 x1 7 enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ 11 x17 enclosures) C:\I Let\01243\Phase I\LaRose-Prelim-Final Amendment let2.wpd SoutlAurlington Fire DepaAment 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4110 Douglas S. Brent, Fire Chief December 11, 2007 Ms. Juli Beth Hoover, Director of Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Project, Spear Street Dear Juli: In reference to the request to allow a reduction in the setbacks for this project I have the following concerns: 1. I am comfortable and have no problem with the separation distances between buildings from a fire protection standpoint of 5 foot side setback with a minimum of 10 foot separations between buildings. 2. I am still not comfortable with the buildings being closer to the street. In a letter dated November 26, 2002 I wrote the following in regards to this issue. "Boom swing of the aerial ladder can be a problem with nearby obstructions such as buildings which are too close, light posts and overhead electrical wires, and trees like I spoke of. Our truck has a 31 foot boom including bucket, minus the 9 feet which it must be away from the curb to set up leaving a nominal length of 22 feet." We could very likely be in a situation where we need our aerial ladder to perform a rescue or to provide fire suppression and not be able to set it up due to the close proximity of the buildings in relation to the street. Five feet may not seem like a lot in a normal neighborhood, but with the Traditional Neighborhood Design the buildings are already close to begin with. Page — 2 I cannot condone any changes which could possibly compromise the life safety of the occupants of this neighborhood. Should you have any further questions please contact me. n-f---- Douglas( , S. Brent Fire Chief CAVIL EN GA 11 EERlIN G AISONSOJC AQES, 11 IC� 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 December 10, 2007 Mr. Raymond Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: South Village PRD Calkins 1 South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Request for Modification Dear Mr. Belair: In accordance with our discussions earlier today, on behalf of the applicant, we would like to request that the pending application before the Development Review Board be revised to eliminate the request for approval of the electrical cabinet placements. We will submit a new application in the near future that provides more detail on the locations, type and character of the proposed landscaping. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm cc: J. Segale CEA File 01243.00 C:\1Let\01243\Phase Melair-Prelim-Final Amendment let.wpd r �. SOUTH L� � ABUTTER LIST i Updated at So. Burlington Town Clerk Offices by consulting Grand List dated 6/28/07 and Sales Report Transaction book dated 1/1/06 — 9/1/07. Confirmed Shelburne addresses with Town Clerk. By Michelle Holgate 1 Ruth Trevithick Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farina 1751 Spear Street 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mary Pappas Donald & Lynn Cummings William & Ayse Floyd 1809 Spear Street 1811 Spear Street 1813 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stuart & Helen Hall Harry & Patricia Davison Patricia Calkins 1815 Spear Street 1827 Spear Street 1835 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 George & Shelley Vinal Mark S. WestergardlCurt Moody Barbara Lande 1845 Spear Street 1855 Spear Street 1865 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 William Reed James & Paula Carroll Frank Costantino (ref.1975 Spear St.) 1967 Spear Street 1971 Spear Street 155 Chesapeak Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Alan & Diane Sylvester John & Amy Averill Daniel Martin 1985 Spear Street 3958 Spear Street 4012 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 Harlan & John Sylvester Craig S. Bartlett, III Rodolphe & Denise Vallee (ref.2003 Spear St.) 4047 Spear Street 4043 Spear Street 51 South Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 Burlington, VT 05401 Robert F. Cooper Carolyn E. Long Revocable Trust (ref.1505 Dorset St.) 1720 Spear Street 7 Mariners Cove So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Richard & Dawn Derridinger William & Gail Lang 1575 Dorset Street 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Scott J. Michaud Dorset Farms Master Assoc. c/o Property Mgt. Associates P.O. Bog 1201 Williston, VT 05495 Mark & Deborah Fay 188 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Carolyn Terhune 35 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi 29 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano 75 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter and Gayle Conklin 67 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan 185 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 f Teeth 192 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Susan C. Bliss 197 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto 33 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Roberti'.- s 79 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Donald & Lisa Anqwin 73 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Christine Sowle 50 Cabot Court So. Burlington, VT 05403 Philip & Darcy Carter 187 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 )Jason & Jennifer McGahey 190 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Michael & Mary Eliz.Bouvier 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 James & Karen Larrow 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mitchel Cypes & Lynan Moy 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dan and Marquerite Wetzel 183 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brigette & Richard White 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 n[.l.L» LA-LN 1 JLRv1- MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION / o? 187.8 ACRES g •� " µ4••E j 11 / (1) �• � � � I II m•11•c / file I I (1) I 1 1 I 60'00 NOTE 1: INDICATES 20' WIDE STORMWATER I �lal W - p I 11 Or. A � MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CENTERED ON 53 s- gl�I 58 I�g I'MANAN I 61 Isl$ SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS so e, orw q25 ACRE j I/ (SEE No [ r -1 era s� 022 ACR ; I L _,J r•s z�B'w w-3v,y.t,. 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O s ry �1$I 29 ;I$I I$ I �19 I IH ^I I^ (1) a (1)a 029 ACRES Iw I 2/\ Irgp=1 O uai 018ACRES "1 IwTwAaE.E�uEwTII f'L j ej I$IR 24 ACRES I- ��.�•w -I 0.20 ACRES o 1 wmE 11 +s 1 024 ACRES �. ..�--- - - - L._._ J L J. L._._ _.J Ir '1�''1 I Ip oau• _ n1.or >oao• wm 100.9e• �. / o / 21 ACRES I 3 - - -I �. a rwem'oz•E x m oz E uoem'oz• rasmron RECREATON PATH 20' EASEMENT / I p'^'/ LO2 ACRES I 'L , IL I J \ +$. CF{�PMAN STREET b I I I LOCATION MAP 0.13 ACRES « J / To OTY OF SOUTH BURUNG70N l-n.et'- - �I.L-e..30'- \' ti -b.00 ^ °p»e'�y'w• 1 CD / M•jly seea21Z•w soe,1'xiw soaTa'9ow I �Ad NeeIIIle1' I (I 1" = 3000, Q L 9Cex'E NOem' NBE9e'e •C Hee9B'02•E ,Nle9e'0�' i I 1 r / lu - - J ; i 5A (1) l saes' maa moo >aro' Loa.>r r I 1 , I 1 ' - - I r - _ _1 r - - r : r - - - ,- els 1 I , I, MiE CII6 D REYI9IBN ` �NOp93 ]i E - - - - 0.47 ACRES t I I 15D I w 5 A j' s I " T-2}07 DSM REVISED SOT 5, SDESPEAR YARD 10 le 11 - _.� iRl= 5B _ 5C �.� 0 jgl ;1 48 1 W ' MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT I?II$I IRI8. 1?ISI IIRI$I 1 / 2 s-t1;a7 osre NEV15Tn mAr+ACE [AStuENTs I 2 I RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING I^I .n ACRE i'Sl�,17 ACRE I .n ACRE%_Ib,17 ACREOIMjI 025 ACRES 1#1� I I 1.72 ACRES :Ip LLI _ _ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON I I F - \ 197.8 ACRES I ,I I-H-oz osM tEHSEo MANAGE EASEMENTS I g ,DLR.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I i I (1) I I (1) I (1) 1 (1) I I ,. I I (1) 1 �. \ /I ,l o 1-5-m DSM REVISED MANAGE EASENEWT _ _ L_ _ J L -J l- -I L J I _ _ y I 1 '-m DSM N Io uYw >oar >aar >o.ar--ne.1e'- \ STORMWATER EASEMENT , 2 YAtN A uNT _ `_���� _ saA0e 8Pw ar '�. STORMWATER EASEMENTS 1 _ _ seeae'az'w soem'ox'w .-Ao[ EAsr 1 H0°m'oz' T-soem-orw $ 1`A I sgTY OF 5 BURIITO BECONVEYED T13 t \ I TO BE COVEYED TO \I txE NoT Il - ------ \ I II �•+r TO BE CONVEYS N DSM tEHSEo Em urouT l _ _ _ _ _ 20' MAINTENAN 1-12-m DW xEMYD Io7 UYat 1 I I CITY OF RLINGTON I O _ - _ ` STORMWATER EASEMENT \ 1 s2}m DSM IEM3D NATOwG I -. \\ I _ '�- TO BE COVEYED TO -- $ a'�' TOWN OF SHELS 1-12-05DSM RETIED LAYOUT yyv� I 1 CITY OF S. BURLINGTON $ T _-----_ STORM WATER I \ I STORMWATER LICENSE 5.76 ACRES - ----------- POND 2 STORM WATE PHASE STORM WA 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ (WITHIN R.O.W.) TO BE CONVEYED TO SOUTH NO 3 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF -----_ ____ IOU I _ 1 VILLAGE COMMUNITIES I DEDICATION - 14' x 200' EASEMENT----------- Ip 2 \/ ��� RECREATION PATH 20' EASEMENT TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON-------_-_ I I \ SUBDIVISION ' I \/ n' _ 20' WDE DRAINAGE n $ 1 I R.O.W. E%PANSION-------- =1 a / / S V BD V ISIOI V A MENT NI iAVOR OF ___________________----_________________ __ _ - O OF 50U1H RLI _ 1 20 VADE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON - A PATM EA R / PLAT - - - - - pxp,� - - - - ,os.ax'� _ L � w 6 - _ - �� ��1 _ _g..- - - -1-4d'w - �\ >rz a _ - � •� C 0�+ . . - - -4- 9 = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a------------------ srREET SPEAR STREET DATI SPEAR STREET /-_____-_-_ _ JULY, 2004 P wIN v11NBEP �,�-,. - �---------r-- ----------- ---- ---------------------------- i -- - e - - - - - - - - - ;- 1 e r-so' S1.3 1 1 I PRo, No I 1 1 \\ I I I 01243 I 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING q MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION • NOIS-44" I I I � � DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE I am' 4"E I I I II o0o NOTE 1: OINDICATES 20' WIDE STORMWATER MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CENTERED ON SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS i 0.22 ACRE;tI' 2/1ASEAENT '�g O yl8 (SEE NOTE NI b.le ACRENI' / LNt,wa JB'E- J r es 9n - O.w'- r-T0.3e'- N aM_ Il(18I., II I .O 44E I swPA7nw n' O r -' m oe r- 9. / // ...I ACRE I / I W11 O ' I O I I O I I O 71 II 59 FI Id Tj0 I .< �20' ACCESS EASEMENASS90ATI (t) p H I I 187.8 ACRES / MASTER HOMEOWNERS/ASSE516 ON S-A '�'I 0.21 ACRES �X 0.17 ACRES .S 0.17 ACRES .+-la Ipl §I' a 8 $ 0.17 ACRES $ 0.20 ACRE a 1= (1) �g (A �" (A i (t) 1 1 ' I II10.n ACRE.R7I_ ?IZ 62 �I n8 8 >O.00 r° ( 0.18 RE I uoear.. E I I I I I I I II I I 1 r " I o.le ACRE 18 /- / -STORM WATER EASEMENT l l 9.ar J I. (t) / (v/ TO BE CONVEYED TO 1 (11I I •.o"E - 1- . J I Noev'.4-E J L x -NaeS 4 E - IJ I N06t,.,4.E _ J L / / CITY OF S. BURLINGTON raasrl a ,9Op i N f 4B (i) 1 187.8 ACRES _ 1 1 Inc SITE ENGINEER: 1 f F I A v j CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BON 480 SHELBURNE, VT 05402 Dpq.NIM1PJPJ FAN: 60xN153xT1 xdr. www .°x N.c9nr Olp CDPYRI9M -ALL PIaNTa a 0 �1 NMwN sly ACL Oxv�Ew " DSM 1 AAPPPRROM N L•.1>'- ' '101p.: ram'N1AwADE [ASEAwNr ro.00 a_xm. R_x]o.0° "0,9n'40'C (RC NOTE t) xaa9J'•4Y p1ANe4F 9RANA4 EARIIENr EA-T.r - a.na' _3n.°4 / , �C ^ ALLEN ROAD EAST fsEE xoTE 0 $-x°°'0° _ w.00 4414 � qea�' / / � � i ` _ I O11NER' �•4D larx, Jx- 9O x,a]a.rw w sae_s]4rw Naas] E Naa3]'�4'[ _ q �•. ' I (�. STCIRM WATER \\\ - ve' „x.w - x i r- n.eo'-x:°.o° W ^ f�>r Q� �p�. - _ SO LACE RR POND 5 \ -� 1 COMMUNITIES LLC. a�ad'oo � CST J ea.z•0''� xasr - \ MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 1 1 / '1 \ \ V s 29 5416 oPAwA°E "I 17 •'-'1 I• A EA]EMENT 1. 0.13 2C A d ` O COON w R O E�y�,,�, W I \ N;r�, a I - - / STORM WATER \�,IT H OF SouiH URLINGTNON 1 Al+. 0.26 ACRE �j"T]- t _ soave aYw _ - _ mu. n0rz ,) -� D,R. SITE PLAN APPROVAL _ Y`po Try 28 nazr q•as. I ^7 POND 4 ROYAL `TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING I _ -0.0- -� {4 0,32 ACRE �I_ 15 - I (2) I W I O (1) so7. A 0.171 Ac. R 2 w _]I.r3' 24Y1 I I THIS PIAT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDMSION OF HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. (3) I A 2pq�y -ea.00 S ea>r' L----L O A o.al ACRE _ L - A PORT ON OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON EASEMENT AND UPON E-SAC TO W E 0.31 AC. 1 - L_.- J a'L,s;E IIEFJ��_ 1 OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION S $ D 1 - i, �" -t10 °° -- �R`_lrnEaY. ° ( ; 0.ao - - -� - l DOMI0I7 nv'or b" ]IQO>`w Soeoa'Ox•W soam'ox„' e.0o 9, W _ - -i \ REFERENCE SHALL BE AMDE TO OUR PUT TRIED: OF THE ROADWAY. 9 L _Sv°°°-°rEp+ r n - /_ -vl m• _ , r _r°.o°'- p.e9 -, - L�n.er` %�q0 a4.]x' w ..•,zi? 7 \ 'DOWNM°0'QAWns REVocABLE TRU5i.8oV1N -To ] w _ 50 a, E - n g 0.14 (AC i- . N • �' Y j I J s4jr �Y MAM. Eq ) I \ \ \ R ApgpED W THE SOUTH BURLINGTON UNDO. 2005. 1 o.lz AC. 0 , - ' s 16 :R I `O O r a O :rxE ED[NI� \ 8 1 ,A "� $ i •� rarz r) Y./ \ \ \ RECORDS. O _- Ne-,a s 014 •E- 1 , s,- ACRE 9 0.19 ACRE I va.ao I I \ \ L _ 0.32 ACRE M +y �r ^"$ y� •lY �{ Rlo P(o O e / TO THE BEST OF MY NNOWLEDGE6BEUEF THIS PLAT I Z - -0° °2 $� 1 Sle 1 (t) 27 J 10.18 ACRLSr)- R rn.= :I' 47 1 pINxA« ', \ \ MOPERLY DEPICTSAPROP08ED SUBDIVISNJN OF W r F (3) e J -1�°� R I RI^ �9,1° 0.28 ACRE R "" I (A![IRNT LANDBURVEYED UNDERMV DIRECT SUPERVISION. 4 0.13 AC. - +9..ee' - --w -1} 13I�11+I� �SOD�'m 500 a0xE+ _$ I j (t)ti I i (2)IB I / 11 II OLIR ANALY8IS OF RECOROA PHYSICAL EVIDENCE J I 1 fA ],a i c -a (KII NOT E%18TW0BWN[MRIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON • • (A I � I I t +'� RECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT K 10 1 taw I 0.34 ACRE S $ _z� _ l L no.oa i (1) O m xe o _ J I W L J CONFORMANCE WRH THE RECORD TH S PUT IS M TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. I ( O �(„( It', (3) �t w�,r - s00TW02•w soeoe'oz•r/-soeoe'ox"w- �, I I 9IIBSTAEJTINL COMPLIANCE WTnEnvsA uo3. THIS SITE PLAN APPROVAL. o.31 ACRE 1^ E L o0o e 0 20 ACRE r T000 - -1 I-w.rv'� r - -Novi - - _ + I I / STATEMENT VAUD ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY I I wz+ M NOT EAan•ENr _ NW2a I _ _ I 8 MOVE). A17II e _ I J y°vt�•w + srom.1 _ -. J I -O I � I I ORIGINAL &OINTURE 6 SEAL rx'[ w++ y 1 r"'� fsfE Norz ) zaK•Je E _ -1 ]/ A\ r - - e ]i - - - - l I II" I II I I noon y1r"' _ _ .r - .8 'F`J' I • .�"� I T " I O i DRAN_usEMExr �' s°,r= A AC 4, g I W .lo y� Rlo kI- .-Io 1 s2 / 1 1 -COWANw I _y01'E ]+I fsEE Norz 1) ox,rj°'" r - -p0v -'$ 26 D-L (1) $I' alb (2) 32 'YI.I 41 r_ ( "ra �,: 028 ACRE O / I PROJECT TITLE: _, 8 I A 1-ss 1 CI I VVV I MANAGE EASD[ENr w:sr�` Ae ]] (2) 'O E� �TJIa 41a "I$ 0.18 ACRE? I `_ 2: (3) R 1.4D ACRES ?h fsEE No E 1) _ pOv- - c ^\ 'Rta ` -3;1- - a o.zs ACRE "„ I (1) I, 1 1' SOUTH VILLAGE 22 n - Pmz se:2:w•E I c j I j (2) : O - o.la Ac' I T f I `I m _ o.y° _ 1 'A1 8 0.2a ACRE R •03'" - --' Lsoem'ox'w- s0em'02'w'' - �--weae'oz•w _ - L I 1 I �S O 1_ 25 (n J ram aaal Na,e' I , Z w� tl 1"8. 1j s _ W I 6.04 ACRE "7 s (t) s1iE�- 1? o.za ACRE 1 w� : - O as o'O'_ ` r g r FROST STREET �1 / I ti 1 / SPEAR STREET AND rT,A\'S0'os° (- _ - „ao° lL x 1 1` 1ITALLEN ROAD AC. saem oa'w wam'oz'w seem• 'w - soem'ox"w •w b 1 , /.� 0.13 AC. 1 I I-.v.� no.er- ee / I / 1- s°=�`E-.. I i w a 24 (n r- r , a N / O I 1 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT ,wcQ a (n yE 1 :COYICII �1 R p O (� I I 49 I QQ I -.-„ g s 36- ].ao' / 6 .g " 0.13 AC. S , 0.28 ACRE r O �Q o.2o ACRE t S a) ®, 1rA1_ 0.2a ACRE m- 1 I O.15 AC. ' S $ I 0.23 ACRE R I r' I` I• 1 ^ / x (2) 23 018 ACRE�1' R e= O R. O / ..1 E1 I 1 (t) J$ - I (t) I I 0.29 ACRE I tl/ Be R w / / COAYdON _ 's°(2) ` L - NOem'Ox'F - J 50324.4 E u urA x,wNael. Y QW '1 so I \-L.a. s -me 350-saev's,�" -u4m. I c I ,Q 1 soo-4 •as'w weae.ao o.o• xa ioz.w• s2• r -- - -T - (3) 0.12 AC. O A (� � u�,•,'oYE - •am L w J j - J } TF,q„ Ea.e N0.•w (1) I soem'o soe 71 j - - soem arw - �ry / ' IF _ ,pp•.:0a'E .sse.ao : a O r 1 1 I I III! �S I t I -M.00- 9T1' ,IO.JO- ,R ,\r q. •V8 Q \ zro �°,°e /ra/ VVV 8 N ' STREE _.e. Te �so.sa _ - ��Na¢r•,l,ywYLrs.ae' s,ao'w -Tsow 4.wA '4 iNNA! =0.N1°8 �mA07CaxREE- • I 35�4i4o E�= r-4,as Dr loza(EE Norz ,) w Y;II O37 WsI's. roloI 0.O293ACRES -(3) I11= I tezORE 018 ACRES�I1) 1 1 1I1I I1 ROWI isaAawNy. I _ R�xe.w r _ ti Y$x]Iro,xeI 022 ACRE 0.18 ACRE •$(1) mAwaa EAyNENTn20' RECREATION PATH EASEMENT /9I1.08 �� S I I I _ m NEM I) I / ), TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON I R_sm.m I 1 /^l / saeTn•]Dw I �� Nar41 _ ! J L J ,� I ��■ _ CI GY_ / nsr I I j al' I L -.�-11•.01•--Tnoo'- Sao _���--- VVV tt� I s1A-w 88 O Slg ® RJ^ R _Ilo.°o'- Noem'ox'E Noem o:E xoem'ox"[ rwem oz'E / a-m.00 1 �9 ITO I y SIR o.zo ACRES sl$ .I' q $; _laaa' CHIPMAN STREET 1 fl ` �I I IA p , / D.32 ACRE (n I 0.21 ACRE ' I _ _ - - - - w- u° ' a� y ••9.00-mr_s°•4a-w Nov D LOCA I ION MAP ...,.'E Noe9 M E NONTNT.• NOem'OYE Noem' E„ Nxbi �/ j 1 = 3000 SA (1) I r .-ss.na' -1 r _ ro.00' - , r-ro.ao'- , F_ -Tana- , r --10177- I °jnr �� J L saeor:owJ laaa'- n j I j I O j I II / 1 11 D4n cxeclG° Ravl9 on MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 3 1 0.47 ACRE I- O O I I RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING YI f " I ; , 5E ! O $ f 1 481 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON d RIE 5B AI"g '�' alg SD xlg !Rlg'I 5F SI- I I So• D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL i Vp 0.17 ACRE nIa 0.17 ACRE mIa 0.17 ACRE"1ACRE pIg ! 0.25 ACRE { I,J I� �V �� ,t f•7s-OT DSM REVD LOT uttNT A RmOwD ENVELOPE _ "I I "I °p I I \ I fl �l0 1 I"it! - - _ - - - - - - - - \ 1-I6-07T DSM REVISED ORANAM EASESEWEN7 I 8 `- "-- I I I I(i) � I I I (t) \ STORMWATEREASEMENT II nT 14,.x7- - -J L -r ao-J -L-lo L . _ '- J L-1. - -s \roBE 'OVEYED ToJSTORMWATER EASEMEN 1- 412'-CITY OF S. BURLINGTONaN-06 DSLI O as vFLm _y ANTI c PIN r I - - - - �- % I A \ I J0-O6 DSM RE%MD LOT uTpR E PRE�Qrt° °""I I TO BE COVETED TO \ I I CITY OF S. BURLINGTON ` - ` - _ - - fu MOTEE,'j E � - - - _ - - F \ \ /� 1-12-ol DSM RENYD LOT u1Q)T e• \ 1 1 - - � ' - � _ � - STORMWATER EASEMENT 1 l - TO E C VEYED TO ,8 _ I STORMWATER LICENSE Y7a-m DSM REVISED HATOINO \ I B o - CITY OF S. BURLINGTON t I ., I - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ DSTORM WATER !i " \ \ 1 (CONVEYED TOIN SOUTH TO 13E f-Il-� DSM REHs[D uraT POND 2 \ I II VILLAGE COMMUNITIES �p1c 1 Ilr STORM WA II 5W ACTS `- ,- '- - 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT J/ TORM WATER V ppltO 3 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF - ` _ _ _ _ - - - -1 I 20' MAINTEEMFNTNANCE PHASE DEDICATION - 14' z 200' _ ^ >; R.O.To BE W. EXPANSION ECREATION-- pgTH 2p• EASEMENT TO--_ ---____ -\ I e FOND 1 CONVEYED TO THE BDIVISION M NT 0Aj,7 - - - ,0,�20 WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OFSOUTH BURLINGTON ----CITY OF SOUTH _------------ RECRE �� -- I ________���777____ _ BURLINGTON \ 1 �- EA ENT TO GTY I -- - ]3qq�� ��-- `-------- loa]3' - - - - - I �7 �e2Til w - - - - - - --�---�Tu .W2 ! I ANON PATH 2D' EASETAEHt - - - PLAT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i TOWN OF SHELBURNE i 0QD ,sx.Dawx _ -.-_- - _--_-L_L- _---__-__------____ 0 - OTYI04'E - - ��-� _--____----___-- _--____ 1-___________________� 0 _-----------__-___ --_- TO BWFT StfiE£I ` _____ R STIR_ ____- _ _-__-__--,,,�- _ 004 "INC NUYRI:R SPEAR STREET 55' R.o.w. JULY, 2 --------_--- -- -- Anerow / DM IT- - - , , - - - -, "�- -�-t -- - I-, - - - - - - ; -I - - -- - \- `-L1rLlll�-rEC� I 1 = ---- -1 aCAIS Q� ,' • 80r S1.3 I FRD,. NO IN FEET ) I 01243 1 inch - aD It 0 0 0 L. a. PLANS PREPARED BY: GRAPHIC SCALE • i ( IN FEET) Inch 00 R. CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. R.O. R(7N 40.5 51IFL901INE, VT 05402 1 / .1-D01..i rAC DUI-D352 1 waU: YnYw.cxa N.rrnn iUl — _ . . . . _ . . / APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS URARN ' AIM, CHECKED I . . . . - DSM � APPROYKD f / /. . _ _ . . DSM _ A APPLICANT: ' SOUTH VILLAGE 3�4 COMMUNITIES, LLC. I PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNER/ARCH/TECT LOONEY RICKS KISS • `� / \ NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES J — SHELBURNE, VT \ _ TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE,NH B \- 4+`6.2 I PHASE I LIMITS OF RECREATION \ �� .PATH CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RIM-3 0 t I LAND -WORKS INV. IN=3 `- W' MIDDLEBURY, VT INV. OUT-371. rn 0\ 5.6' �`9/ PROJECT TITLE: UT= //fit(' INV.- 369 SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD CB 6 -STA 4 `�� / o / / RIM- 376.6 \ INV. = 371 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT (O I INV. i IN-372.3 INV. OUT=372.2— I LEGEND 0) _ — — —M-- PROPOSED WATERLINE + 1 I I \ PROPOSED SEWER LINE ,v j 11 DMH 1 - STA 606+00 I ��.. G.. I� RIM=378.0 1�� --POSED STORM WATER LINE B + I/ INV. IN=370.8 I N 107� .— — PR P ELECTRIC LINE 1 1. INV. OUT=370.7 — -- - PROS LINE iillllllll ____ CB 7 - STA 61+34.5 I RIM=37 I ...� PjOSEf TREE j 1 INV. OUT 1 I TIfjIG WET+L�ANDS O + - - - - - - 62+00 t62+ .9 ZQD/ 611ro I �.----IJ YYI— L IrL- i I m T+ BATR CHECKED 3101/ N i I CB 8- STA 6 3. c 1 0 a-zo-m DSM/ACL REMSED DRAINAGE - I ., i d1 1 - INV =371.7 1 I 1 , TIE N ���I�� �jll��� M'37 B A 7D -N GRADING -1- 1 V IN 367.3 '� + DRAINAGE I � C�12- s Iv a .o 2 I I _.. I I I _1-1 .3 A+�I51 94.8 OI �0�, 0�O0 ---�I------3- ' -- PLAN �, 3 _+-­;:•- NW 3I 11 S 50+3 + DATE BRNNG NUMBER CI36 APRIL, 2007 .4 K• _+ . d our — 5 4p_ c D 3DAu _ — 0 ER -LANE `U-- 1 INV. 37 � ,• - 3or C5.11 s l i i B,. 50-�0o `. —+---- ��6 • . '. 1i �{ II��111.4"i.INV�37 : i 01243 1 , I , ---- I '" """""" .1 i •'� �� PLANS PREPARED BY: 1 -17' -119 9ZOD CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC, \ J P.O. BOX 485 SHF.LBURNE, VF 05902 802-90-2323 FM 802-00522T1 weir: m.w.cee vl.oan APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS DRAWN AWY DSM / I ' . . . . . . . I. 2 DSM asps 1 x APPLICANT: I I I. . . SOUTH VILLAGE \ I 1 . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . i. . . COMMUNITIES, LLC. 1 - ,- - - PROJECT CONSULTANTS: \� \ Lam--- " — I . - . • . • . • . - - \ - . • . - . LAND USEPLANNER/ARCHgECT 1 1 h LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN \: �\ \\ ./ i • . CIVIL ENGINEER ' \ \ • . • . • • i CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES \ •' I SHELBURNE, VT 1 �\ •� TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 \ \ 4 TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH 1 I 11 ,,(.f.;: 1 � 1.��`` - - LANDSCAPEARCHRECT . . . . . . . . 1 . LAND -WORKS A . . . . . . % I ^\ ,\• _ MIDDLEBURY,VT / \ ./ • . . `�\ �/ I •) PROJECT TITLE: . - - SPEAR STREET AND • - ALLEN ROAD . - SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LEGEND \ —�— PROPOSED WATER LINE \\ . . . . . . _� — PROPOSED SEWER UNE \ . Move . \ PROPOSED STORM WATER LINE \ — PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE \ - / �• - �— PROPOSED GAS LINE Off , __—_ PROPOSED UNDERDR41N O..B 1 PROPOSED TREES OUSTING WETLANDS �. vto� i \ 1 \ , • 11 / •I DATE —INGI re.Y1S It ie-�a-D� Dvgna Ec„gD oauxu�E •--5 GRAPHIC SCALE r GRADING + . . . �. . . . . . . . ,� I 'IL DRAINAGE .. .� ' ' PLAN - NE • � \ � �.� --_--� � � % Darn naaW,nc nuunER APRIL, 2007 ' 1' - 30' __ 01243 t '.•..'Alt'.aater.-.tine•.tintt.teldt d work to be 1 foriri4d'!Fi•'d&&ddri' with the 121 11 120 1 : •.Pol'ctrest'er..F.ire.DisVlct•. ':flBC!flGgtiGOP.'pP.d•.E OtCi of .Water .lines'.attd.'App Wd£er' Systems'AwFled•'ti ;the;;Eily; for the Installation tenonces for all the Champlain South Burlington, and the Village of ":':,.....'..':. ..:...•'•' Tj �.... :::f :rtr:rser:>:::::::...: .....:::: .""" . CONNECT NEW WATER LINE TO EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN ON MIDLAND AVE. SEE SHEET C-6. 13 `` 33 \ \ � �35 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.: ............ ........ .. . . ..... ..::::::::.: . 1. OEVELO�ft SNALL ISM D INSTALL ALL TR CGN (STOP. P ING. SPEED LIMIT. 2 PNIVATE STREE AL/BEi MAINTAINED BY THE N`x. ■\/_ 5. AS -BUILT DR ALL ENGINEERING A C� �v09 p, �f So. A. PLANS PREPARED BY: r o� CIVIL ENGINEEIUNG ASSOCIATES. INC, P.O.SO%485 SHELBURNE, Vr 85482 EGA--=1 FAX ERtRep: ­- A WY CNECRRD DSM DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USEPUWNER/ARCH/TECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML END/NEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 7RAFF/C ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE South BoEItD Vermont SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LEGEND E— CAP WATER SHUT—OFF HYDRANT ® GATE VALVE —G— GAS —W— WATER —SS— SANITARY SEWER -•-ST--- STORM DRAINAGE --UD-- UNDERDRAIN —E — ELECTRICAL An I CQD® IR11BWN KV40 UIEIIES 13EWER + WATER MASTER PLAN DRAe1NG NUMDeR APRIL, 2007 scAle 1. - 60, C6.0 01243 12' PLANS PREPARED BY: GRAPHIC SCALE 1 1-3' ELEC. CONOUIT�1- 4" CABLE CONDUIT C 1 4 TEL CONDUIT > A TYPE L d ina(.IN IR real•) CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. 1 h - 80 IL / / it P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 1.. Bd2.935-23P3 FAX: B02-R85-P21f we0: www.cee-N.com / 1-4" CABLE CONDUIT 1-5' ELEC- CONDUIT oRAeR / ,as 2-4" TEL CONDUIT ACL RDAD \ .-.'.. �A DSM ErvD �• / / ' ,H socs I`'ruluni gSFMrC�ry .vrRov°D e \ / 8 'f uo Mq vxxrr 1-3" ELEC. CONDUIT 1-4' CABLE CONDUIT DSM 2-4" TEL CONDUIT APPLICANT: TYPE 1 \ TYPE 'LA. . ......@ SOUTH VILLAGE 1SEMENTJP / , �. .o0 2-4' TEL.. CONDUIT i-4" CABLE CONDUIT COMMUNITIES, LLC. r 10' UTILITY TYPE 1A I 8 's'01G1 TYPE 1B EASEMENT o00+ 0 000 vu�T 0a s ove PROJECT CONSULTANTS: _ . _ . _ . s>� }r"^ Lam= _ 1 3-3• ELEC. CON.0 T TYPE 2 LAND USEPLANNER/ARCH/7ECT 8100 -- _ LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN 8 '/ E 1 2-4" TEL CONDUIT 3-4' CABLE CONDUIT 20' UTI z �9LMENT B ER P Ir I. 2 CIVIL ENG/NEER 000 ti o 4 �' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 000 SHELBURNE, VT I 0 1 :', �I.,1 I ly,� _..,17s• s I' oo 2-3' ELEC. CONDUIT j ( -' .._•_' 1-5' ELEC. CONDUIT )iIAFF/C ENGINEER TYPE 18 0 4�, ,q +! ,I • TYPE 2A 0 000 _ TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH CONDU �— - L. IT a1 0° ' � -��� � • - � 20' UTILI 2-4" TEL 1-4' CABLE CONDUIT EASEMENT . . . . . . . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT / ME� g 1 I TYPE 18 . LAND -WORKS 7 '�E4 �✓ ......• • • MIODLEBURY, VT �3 `• 1� I p0 4 2-3' ELEC. CONDUIT 0000 . . . . . . {TYPE 3 E 1 0. . . . PROJECT TITLE: E1 Imo°- 2-4" TEL. 1-4' CABLE CONDUIT CONDUIT SOUTH VILLAGE 20' UTILITY °O° I ,.a, EASEMENT f T- - _ NTERED ON P y SPEAR STREET AND . �.-I'- u-3' ELEC. CONDUITALLEN ROAD 1-5' ELEC. .CONDUIT ro:, °°° \� _ '= TYPE 3A SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT _ TYPE 18 �,;,°+ 2-4' CABLE CONDUIT ` 4-4' TEL CONDUIT LEGEND oS tim 1p 1xv { i 9 0 0' l . . . . . PROPERTY DNE A 1 . . . . . _ . . . 1-3" ELEC. CON IT OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC �' o °o • TYPE 1 - 1-5' ELEC. CONDUIT TYPE 3B UNDEUNDERGROUNDsa+oo E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC o 00 _an.---- v, POWER POLE '—/-- Sz sa a• kCOND 2-4' CABLE LIGHT POLE u1, 'u0 v/o i cv 1 EDGE OF WOODS/BRUSH T �J 4-4' TEL CONDUIT �O� t 41 f I ry . . . 1 f / 20' LITY 0 0 EA -NT - 2-3" ELEC. COND IT — •. .- . - TYPE 4 ofs od i ""ssO UDZ _ TYPE iB Q A aj o00 10' UTILITY 000 • . •.'-'•'. V EASEMENT 2-4" TEL CONDUIT -4' CABLE CONDUI CHIC-5 aensmry nxc ,y - ''�sD TEMPOAR 20-U•TI61TY . d pro vEASEMENT NT1L IT-BECOME^S 2-3" ELEC. COND IT - - .•. A PUBLIC AD _' 2-5' ELEC. CONDUIT .tr . �'. TYPE 5 -uletPath./:......:.:.:.:...:. NOTES• ELECTRICAL 1. THE EASEMENT CONVEYED SHALL BE 5' ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE INSTALLED TELE. +CABLE CONDUIT, I0- TOTAL ADJACENT ALONG THE STRIPAND EXTEND3' SURROUNDING THE I �\ .......... .. OUTER PERIMETER OFTHE TRANSFORMER AND SITE PLAN SWITCHGEAR VAULTS. OFF ROAD EASMENT SHALL BE ' .......... 10' ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE \ . / • • • • INSTALLED CONDUITS, 2W TOTAL ALONG THE STRIP. oArR DRAIBNG NIIMBBR .. APRIL. 2007 �\ - ' '_•_' 2. THE EASEMENT CONVEYED BETWEEN PROPERTIES s .. r,..- �JI a. .. •\' qs ... •..,.� - - SHALL BE 10' ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CENTER LINE 30A1•R \ OF THE INSTALLED CONDUITS, 20- TOTAL ALONG 1' a 69 THE STRIP, EXCEPT FOR WHERE BUILDINGS ARE C6.01 ..... INSIDE THE 20' EASEMENTS. EASEMENT SHALL NOT PASS WITHIN 2' OF A BUILDP- 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: - _ GRAPHIC SCALE C CIYIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. IN FEET I l I I inch - 00 ft. I P.O. BOX 05 SNELBORNF, Vf 06482 00&D952329 W OU2-00&2271 wn0: mww.cae-N.con / AWY I- - - - - _- '. -�/. CHECMBO DSM APPROVED-/ DSM I APPLICANT: a SOUTH VILLAGE ING 4iT HRd I � - - - - - - Note, All water line and related work to be performed in accordance withlthe Specifications and Details for the Installation COMMUNITIES LLC" 'Q ` 'R E l / - of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, PROJECT CONSULTANTS: Colchester Fire District #1 and the Village of LAND USE PLANNER/ARCHITECT Jericho LOONEY RICKS KISS NOTE: GMP REQUIRES A 10' EASEMENT ADJACENT TO ROAD NASHVILLE, TN AND 20' FOR ALL LINES NOT RUNNING CIVIL ENGINEER ADJACT TO ROADWAY. THE EASEMENT AREA WILL EXTEND 3' SURROUNDING THE OUTER PERIMETER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES �SHELBURNE, Vi gK�6' •����\ THE TRANSFORMERSc AND SWITCHGEAR VAULTS. `1 / _bA �8" Gy E•VAL-VALVE­_-__ EASEMENT STRIP WILL BE CENTERED-� OR- 10 ON BOTH SIDES ( ' x Co. w \. OF THE C ENTERLWE OF-T}�E TINSTALLED CONDUITS. TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING RANTS �f II R� OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCH/TECT LAND -WORKS O \ 2 GA VALVE \ O MIDDLEBURY, VT 4X ., PROJECT TITLE: MAIN A I \ \ \ m \ STRUCTURE n 6"% 6,. j STA 106+78 Q 6" GAT SOUTH VILLAGE �\> NV.- 369 \ / 9( South Xurlln roa, Vrrm one / X 12X8 TEE �% (1) 8' GATE VALVE SPEAR STREET AND (2) 12" GATE VAL / AIR REL ALLEN ROAD HYDRANT STRUCT o / 378 \ AT HIG SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT n INV.-369.9 o / / � NV.- 3 450 FIBER VA LEGEND ' 3)s 70- ,(o \\ e" — E— CAP SMH #13 STA. 606+84 \�'� - - - f RIM- 376.8 \� '& WATER SHUT-OFF INV. IN (6"W)- 367.9 I + INV. OUT (8"S)- 367.8 'I'q'Z G I � a - --� HYDRANT 107+00 IUD -- I. ® GATE VALVE 45' ELBOW I I (TYP) I � 1; —G— GAS . i I 1 I —W— WATER ! I —SS— SANITARY SEWER _ _ _ _--•-•- - 62+00 162+ :9 -•- _-F----� - I +-•-ST-•- STORM DRAINAGE 9 0 1j - i p 0 i -_� n Al 1_'`�►- -- W I --UD-- UNDERDRAIN if NEW HYDRANT w I 1 0 3) a"xc TEE V AL —E — ELECTRICAL , - + DATB CXBCKEB REVIBION �4 C p 'S i yam.' II O 7-I8-01 05M/A0. RENSID 9k PUN AND UlU11F,5 8-20-07 091/XL REN U1t1PES WA AIN I I 111111 B"x 6" TEE 6" GA E VALVE nE N B t i I RI fsm Mfttsisis T II +bo Ip/ 36 .31 ai I 86INV �LS,�T4(R'I �V B 5 NIi L s III _ UTILITY CD co_ , 'PLAN - NW j1 I, II INV.- 68 1t I I 70 00 36�. `�-'? t INV.- ♦ I �� .—..—. DMEINC NUMBER - 0 4 APRIL, 2007 I AI N12 STA. 604 ___^ _ C 0. I _I� scut - 377.3 1 INV. 37 �_I�I �' - 30' l/'�_ (//'�� IN (e"N)- 366.6... +., .-. 16 ....-��-LAI�t 1" WS. V_ V.11 IN (4"W)- 366.E --.- .- ^J - - - - _ _ - 0 PRW. No. OUT (8"S) 388.4 INV. " �. a Il,,illl I ,INV. 37 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: 0 - I GRAPHIC SCAkE ', r Ip ( IN FEET) CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC, 1 Inch - 30 IL P.O. BOX 405 SIIELBMW,, VT 05492 _ W252 (AS: 8-98029& 227I weh: www.cea-N.com � DMRN --'- ` AWY I CHECKED 1 DSM 6D) 'i / I APPROVED1 � ��� / DSM / - - - - - - I • y APPLICANT: 118 i . . • . . . • \ • . • ' • . • . ' • I SOUTH VILLAGE ,tl , . I- - - COMMUNITIES, LLC. \ I . . . mat.. II \\ I 1 . All water line cnd.related work to be I. - 1 _ performed in accorQonce with the 1` 1 Specificeflone orld lietatls for the•lnstalldtioA - I . PROJECT CONSULTANTS: of Water liAes-and �ppur-tensnces for ell 1 1 Water•Systems Owne by the Champlain •� _ LAND USEPLANNER/ARCH/7EC7 Water District, tRe bi y of South burlingfon, I LOONEY RICKS EY RICTNKS KISS Colchester -Fire District •#4 and the•ViIlage•of 1 Je icho. I — — — r — — — ` `- 1 . . . I. . . �. CN/L ENGINEER \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES \ \ I SHELBURNE. Vr \ ' 7RAFF/C ENGINEER _ TND ENGINEERING 1 OSSIPEE, NH - . 1 \T� •l . LANDSCAPE ARCHMECr LAND -WORKS • - 1 I . 1 . . MIDDLEBURY, Vr 1 I" • - / `` I ^\\� PROJECT TITLE: \ SOUTH VILLAGE • i S— th Bur11D Vermont - SPEAR STREET AND _ I ALLEN ROAD I I• SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr I RC LEGEND E— CAP \ - - i A'O WATER SHUT—OFF \ . . . . . . . . - . . C. 1�0 HYDRANT GATE VALVE -- \ —G— GA —W— WATER —SS— SANITARY SEWER \\ �1 . . . . . . . i---ST--- STORM DRAINAGE 1 1 . . . . . . . . I --UD-- UNDERDRAIN 1 \I 1 �•� ��• . . . . . • —E — ELECTRICAL - - - - � 1 / - - - - ]AL •i DATE CN6C[6D ftM510N • 1 1 7� I 7-111-0I 0511/Aa. FEW= 511E PLw .0 UMJI ES • - - �,--, / 1 620- BSI/Ad KWED UII11E5 - UTILITY / • • . . . . . . . . I PLAN - NE \•........... I I DATE OWING NUMBER — — — —-- I r APRIL, 2007 1' - 30' C6.12 PROJ. NO. / . . . . / 1 - -� ll 01243 Permit Number SD -- CITY OF SOUTH BUF LINGTON APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) VP-owtE (n2to - !!5-) C:� j 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 8tc 4L 9 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) `4t Lj--rk ,e C-c- rm m "r-L DTI E3 �L LC, e-/5) 'Da.r tV fiC-t-rW" C-r-. -70 S . �-i ( r-400� t A-ct Su u a�► 4 -4T o54o GH�raE 'i3� 3 - 83 Z"3 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) �•�fl �, �r.Fz�ttL J ► �._ E tip, tr-le eR tc� P 45,x� . eo . P>C7A 4,965 5 ttEi .P� l R-1�! EyT 054 2 P 9i'�S-2Z-il Contact email address: d c-e--A--c--• c.v M 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: t 34-c> 9rT't2e- - 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) _ p-e, r=.�, c�.r �z r-c rzcS t t�-art^ t �t 15 c*4c,,O t_ - — c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Pict 4=,PtC &X (��c1(� o S AVP2C!N r - I d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) I.Lto CA_AR9-er1 M e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) (54, t PA -t-cst?-I— •-- "^J'.-9 ':___'F_ CF f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): t.4o g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): :a=L7r_ a [S 1 Qtkerm-g h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc.: IrtuP� cF t_trytr 'ti.\pt�— VP=- e c_w� r�r riot + o o _' . e.u-Pe'—_ 5�'-w cnv c_L-_� L�'S . 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing d . l % Proposed 5b % 4�-o R t m v 4 J. t-° T 15 '115 4,R � "MAC P"J CLr b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing o. 1 % Proposed (os % +orz. 15.5 *be_ c) Front yard (along each street) Existing N p,% Proposed N p 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) W'o GV-T-I'A6 -TV-cm �i(zca�1\CLf5 �xgMlttf�Ls b) Landscaping: $ t-to el-ta.P. - ;rz c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): t.dyt+r�g :eczo+v. p7,--4tca. n-,,, 45mkc q-s b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): -o % rr C.) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): -V t rfC) 2 { 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: �g� �' " � �"` �� �� `� "M Tr^ 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 0-0 Cr '' c -F-Vr 1 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: t -- ZcD % 1 14) PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach a separate sheet. �—r� �=-c �-c-�ek►�y Srrc�T 15) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. /< SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT s6e a-cYPfCk+:9a PwWA4A4-E7 -* '5--A�5 SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: l / I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: f� Complete ❑ In 3np to 11111,)7 Vl�rjho'r of PlannirYg & Zoning or Designee batt 3 AMENDMENT TO OPTION TO PURCHASE AND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT SOUTH VILLAGE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT This Amendment to Option to Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement (hereinafter this"Amendment") is made this day of March 2005, by and between South Village Communities, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with a principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, the assignee of Retrovest Associates, Inc. (hereinafter "Developer") and Paul R. Calkins of Lyndonville, Vermont (hereinafter "Calkins"). WHEREAS, Calkins owns the property known as 1840 Spear Street located in South Burlington and Shelburne, Vermont (the "Calkins Property"); WHEREAS, Developer and Calkins entered into that certain Option to Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated j uiy 51" and 6" witli respect to the Calkins Property (the "OptioL, Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Developer is seeking approval from the City of South Burlington for a Planned Unit Development (hereinafter "PUD") (referred to in the Option Agreement as a Planned Residential Development) to be constructed on the Calkins Property; WHEREAS, in order to construct its proposed PUD, the Developer may be required to obtain local, state and federal permits, approvals, rulings, judgments and decisions and pursue appeals related to the same; WHEREAS, to the extent necessary, Calkins desires to grant the Developer permission to seek any and all permits and approvals for the Developer's PUD on the Calkins Property and to join in as a co -applicant and otherwise cooperate with the Developer in obtaining any and all permits and approvals for the Developer's PUD; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Developer and Calkins agree as follows: To the extent necessary, Calkins hereby grants the Developer permission to seek any and all permits, approvals, judgments, decisions, rulings, appeals or other actions that Developer, in its sole and unfettered discretion, deems necessary or advisable for Developer's proposed PUD. Calkins further agrees to cooperate, and if necessary serve as a co -applicant, on any permit application or other approval sought by Developer and in any appeal therefrom. 2. Calkins and Developer hereby agree that the Developer, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have no obligation to construct its PUD nor to exercise Developer's rights under any permit or approval granted to it. Developer shall be responsible for compliance with said permits to the extent that it develops the PUD, and has not assigned any permit provided for herein or is required to do so by the terms of any permit in the event of non -development and non -assignment of the permits. 409597 v2:8346-00007 1 Calkins and Developer further agree that Developer, in its sole and absolute discretion, and to the extent allowed by law, may assign any permit or approval issued to Developer in connection with its proposed PUD to any party, including but not limited to a homeowner association, condominium association or similar entity. 4. Calkins and Developer hereby agree that should Developer assign any permit issued to Developer in connection with Developer's proposed PUD Developer's assignee shall assume full responsibility for compliance with said permit and should the Calkins Property or any portion thereof be sold, the purchaser of the Calkins Property shall take the Calkins Property subject to any permits or conditions pertaining to the Calkins Property. The assignee shall agree to the same. Calkins hereby agrees that Calkins shall look solely to the Developer's assignee after said assignment. In the event the Developer chooses not to construct or proceed with the Developer's proposed PUD, and the Developer chooses not to assign its interest in permits and approvals to another party, any permits and approvals issued in connection with the Developer's proposed PUD and any plans, reports, surveys and other information relating to the permits and approvals shall be assigned by the Developer to Calkins upon the request of Calkins. In the event that the Developer assigns its interest in the permits and approvals to Calkins, Calkins shall assume all risks and responsibilities relating to said permits and approvals. 6. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be amended except by an instrument signed by both parties to this Agreement. In the event the terms and conditions of this Amendment conflict with the terms and conditions of the Option Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall control. In witness hereof, the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the dates shown herein. In the presence of: �l2CC�22G1� By: Witness Print Name: HolCf�� Date: March /, /�, 2005 !� Witness Print Name::y- Date: March 2005 f So Vill ge Co n s LLC Du Aut orized gent Print Name: LVAous} SC14L aEiZ By:..- _ Paul R. Calkins 409597 v2: 8346-00007 Permit Number SD-�- CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) MR • Pyc.►l.- P-O. P50,9 5Z{L�#t--lCtpr1V 1L-L-E, —lT 05ib51 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) eK 4ky pe, 454-455 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) e::&D&A&hurAm1i r5 G�o -DA--4 l9 to 6� "-10 'S .� c ►.l oo��ic d Pn/�c t Pic f RL�t�i-�t'1n! , 4T �� 4 0l 4) CONTACT PERSON (Person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address phone& fax #) lam. 55o>c4 eS 51+��1W.lrc� �lT 0548Z Pt•� 485-al'�Z?� K310 FAQ 9�25-ZZ"i l Contact email address: 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS 5 pt-- - S rrt�- 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 7) DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) fit, W - �.ru �� . R4-5 k �E t�-n rrl— c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 1-kQ GttnStL E ,Feza.A ►� R+�V� c�1 s S �l Ct�M�t Ct T��S d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) esH-P,*- Ca fTtaul P"PPfZ,0QPW1_ f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) 1.10 c t-t.v�gE c�..tQ.R��tr P►Zc��t. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. tZEcow� c..cJ�tz or.S eny- L07--5 P-k0 uKiT lra r-tofzcl �.1 �7olzZ,y� FL_Q-or - t 1 l�-rr�-ice Vox 8) WETLAND INFORMATION a) Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? -1E5 b) If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands or their associated 50' buffers? r l.o GNr sc�,� � Q-t �T ,��fz47.1P4 � • c) If yes, this project MUST be reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee prior to review by the Development Review Board. Please submit the following with this application: 1. a site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's Wetlands Map. 2. response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria). 9) LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a) Size of Parcel: 2 2 3. \4 n-c (acres /sq. ft.) b) Building Coverage: Existing square feet O. 1 % Proposed square feet 50 % +:o R. i"Q,J • k­� ? .5 �ogc c) Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing square feet 0.1 __% 15.5 r-A0 c_ e=;Wm a.c pezoJ CV--t Proposed square feet (05 % -Fot2 1 reo►J. LOTt> d) Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing square feet t-t P % (iv12 -5r-1 ) Proposed square feet tSa % (tur- s�t�ot~ -� ttz, Pcr►s�, r sc� 0"I't✓rAtLT,—p (:ter 10) AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: > %S k c- sue-* *Projects disturbing more than on -half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11) WAIVERS REQUESTED a) List any waivers from the strict standards in the Land Development Regulations (e.g., setbacks, height, parking, etc.) that the applicant is seeking prA]tSC- '5erE C-0.4 tF'R. (_G Tre'7_ Aat­SI DC— C41^y_s,7 Jul Alt. FL 12EQ s 1L��i5. 12) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) $ "o OJ5 5v ennt "-7`cL_Z) b) Landscaping (see Section 13.06(G) of the Land Development Regulations) $ ILc-tk-;�<= c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) y f+cn��a pr,�,� ►ovs S� ta�crrAti s 13) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out) t-� -f`ur.)nx b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out) 14) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 15) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 16) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE 3 17) ABUTTING LANDOWNERS — please list abutting landowners, including those across any streets. You may attach a separate sheet. 5e-14E� L--i5-r 16) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my know!pdge.- OF Er? Ak-rr CAC-D P49c*+Arse * sari A,6r'Z1EE(-V,-tt SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I l b I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: CompletekDirecjt& ❑ Incomplete, fPlanni g & Zoning or Designee bate 4 AMENDMENT TO OPTION TO PURCHASE AND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT SOUTH VILLAGE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT This Amendment to Option to Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement (hereinafter this"Amendment") is made this day of March 2005, by and between South Village Communities, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with a principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, the assignee of Retrovest Associates, Inc. (hereinafter "Developer") and Paul R. Calkins of Lyndonville, Vermont (hereinafter "Calkins"). WHEREAS, Calkins owns the property known as 1840 Spear Street located in South Burlington and Shelburne, Vermont (the "Calkins Property"); WHEREAS, Developer and Calkins entered into that certain Option to Purchase and Purchase and Saie Agreement, dated Jaly 5"' and 6"' with respect to the Calkins Property (the "Option Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Developer is seeking approval from the City of South Burlington for a Planned Unit Development (hereinafter "PUD") (referred to in the Option Agreement as a Planned Residential Development) to be constricted on the Calkins Property; WHEREAS, in order to constrict its proposed PUD, the Developer may be required to obtain local, state and federal permits, approvals, rulings, judgments and decisions and pursue appeals related to the same; WHEREAS, to the extent necessary, Calkins desires to grant the Developer permission to seek any and all permits and approvals for the Developer's PUD on the Calkins Property and to join in as a co -applicant and otherwise cooperate with the Developer in obtaining any and all permits and approvals for the Developer's PUD; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Developer and Calkins agree as follows: To the extent necessary, Calkins hereby grants the Developer permission to seek any and all permits, approvals, judgments, decisions, rulings, appeals or other actions that Developer, in its sole and unfettered discretion, deems necessary or advisable for Developer's proposed PUD. Calkins further agrees to cooperate, and if necessary serve as a co -applicant, on any permit application or other approval sought by Developer and in any appeal therefrom. 2. Calkins and Developer hereby agree that the Developer, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have no obligation to construct its PUD nor to exercise Developer's rights under any permit or approval granted to it. Developer shall be responsible for compliance with said permits to the extent that it develops the PUD, and has not assigned any permit provided for herein or is required to do so by the terms of any permit in the event of non -development and non -assignment of the permits. 409597 v2: 8346-00007 3. Calkins and Developer further agree that Developer, in its sole and absolute discretion, and to the extent allowed by law, may assign any permit or approval issued to Developer in connection with its proposed PUD to any party, including but not limited to a homeowner association, condominium association or similar entity. 4. Calkins and Developer hereby agree that should Developer assign any permit issued to Developer in connection with Developer's proposed PUD Developer's assignee shall assume full responsibility for compliance with said permit and should the Calkins Property or any portion thereof be sold, the purchaser of the Calkins Property shall take the Calkins Property subject to any permits or conditions pertaining to the Calkins Property. The assignee shall agree to the same. Calkins hereby agrees that Calkins shall lopk solely to the Developer's assignee after said assignment. 5. In the event the Developer chooses not to construct or proceed with the Developer's proposed PUD, and the Developer chooses not to assign its interest in permits and approvals to another party, any permits and approvals issued in connection with the Developer's proposed PUD and any plans, reports, surveys and other information relating to the permits and approvals shall be assigned by the Developer to Calkins upon the request of Calkins. In the event that the Developer assigns its interest in the permits and approvals to Calkins, Calkins shall assume all risks and responsibilities relating to said permits and approvals. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be amended except by an instrument signed by both parties to this Agreement. 7. In the event the terms and conditions of this Amendment conflict with the terms and conditions of the Option Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall control. In witness hereof, the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the dates shown herein. In the presence of: By: Witness Print Name: 14161CIS0- tfolc�rf� Date: March /. t�, 2005 Witness Print Name: Date: March %2005 l So Vill ge Co `-un' ' s LLC Du Aut orized ggent Print Name: Jl7W04 SCh�Lcc�iZ By: c�r�' �%� I CC•�--�� Paul R. Calkins v 409597 v2:8346-00007 } Updated at So. Burlington Town Clerk Offices by consulting Grand List dated 6/28/07 and Sales Report Transaction book dated 1/1/06 — 9/1/07. Confirmed Shelburne addresses with Town Clerk. By Michelle Holgate Ruth Trevithick Harold & Eleanor Bensen Janet Farina 1751 Spear Street 1803 Spear Street 1807 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mary Pappas Donald & Lynn Cummings William & Ayse Floyd 1809 Spear Street 1811 Spear Street 1813 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stuart & Helen Hall Harry & Patricia Davison Patricia Calkins 1815 Spear Street 1827 Spear Street 1835 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 George & Shelley Vinal Mark S. Westergard/Curt Moody Barbara Lande 1845 Spear Street 1855 Spear Street 1865 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 William Reed James & Paula Carroll 1967 Spear Street Frank Costantino (reE1975 Spear St.) 1971 Spear Street 155 Chesapeak Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Alan & Diane Sylvester John & Amy Averill Daniel Martin 1985 Spear Street 3958 Spear Street 4012 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 Harlan & John Sylvester Craig S. Bartlett, III Rodolphe & Denise Vallee (reE2003 Spear St.) 4047 Spear Street 4043 Spear Street 51 South Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Shelburne, VT 05482 Burlington, VT 05401 Robert F. Cooper Carolyn E. Long Revocable 'Trust (reL1505 Dorset St.) 1720 Spear Street 7 Mariners Cove So. Burlington, VT 05403 Shelburne, VT 05482 Richard & Dawn Derridinger William & Gail Lang 1575 Dorset Street 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 r / .Scott J. Michaud■\ Dorset Farms Master Assoc. Tonya Bosworth Jason & Jennifer McGahey c/o Property Mgt. Associates 192 Catkin Drive 190 Catkin Drive P.O. Box 1201 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Mark & Deborah Fay Susan C. Bliss Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 188 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Carolyn Terhune Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto Michael & Mary Eliz.Bouvier 35 Floral Street 33 Floral Street 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi Robert P. James James & Karen Larrow 29 Floral Street 79 Bower Street 77 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano Donald & Lisa Anqwin Mitchel Cypes & Lynan Moy 75 Bower Street 73 Bower Street 74 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Peter and Gayle Con1diu Brian & Christine Sowle Dan and Marquerite Wetzel 67 Bower Street 50 Cabot Court 183 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Zinaida & Vazgen Aydinyan Philip & Darcy Carter Brigette & Richard White 185 Catkin Drive 187 Catkin Drive 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Dirk and Deborah Marek Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 191 Catkin Drive 193 Catkin Drive 195 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 CIVIL t"HGAINEt"i"UNG ASI*SOCWE'N'S, IN C. 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 November 9, 2007 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: After additional research on market conditions and the completion of final coordination efforts with the area utilities, South Village Communities is hereby submitting this amendment application to propose the following modifications to the existing Development Review Board approval. 1. In support of bringing the front porches of the Traditional Neighborhood Design closer to the sidewalk, the front yard setback on public streets is proposed to be revised from 10 feet to five (5) feet. 2. In order to provide design flexibility at the rear of the lot, particularly at the rear lane areas, the set back to Lanes is proposed to be reduced from 10 feet to five (5) feet. 3. A few of the proposed buildings have decks that are located on the side of the structure. In order to provide the design flexibility to utilize this design component and achieve the cadence of the building facades on the streetscape, we are proposing that the side yard setback be reduced to five (5) feet from the current 10 foot setback requirement. We have attached plan sheet C1.31 which shows the proposed buildings and the relationship to the side yards. 4. The Lot configuration in the northern third of phase I has been shifted around slightly. There is no increase in the number of permitted units. The primary changes include: A. The relocation of the multiple family buildings away from the intersection of Allen Road East and Aiken Street in favor of a more low scale entry into the Village from Spear Street. This affects Lots 1 - 4. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 2 of 2 November 9, 2007 B. The elimination of Churchill Lane, a private lane between Lots 10 and 12 in favor of a revised configuration of single family buildings and the creation of lots 10A and 1013. C. The reconfiguration of the lots and unit types between Lots 23 through 28 on Chipman Street. We have attached a "before and after" 11" x 17" sheet depicting the currently permitted layout and the proposed layout. 5. The platting of the proposed electrical and communications structures. Generally the project has been designed so as to provide much of the distribution system from the rear of the buildings. However, when dealing with a compact design we found that there are still some instances where full compliance with the Land Development Regulations was not feasible. There are three locations where we are seeking a waiver to the front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet (lot 11, north of Lot 51 and Sta 221 +20 on Allen Road East). The proposed distribution system layout and associated electrical cabinets are depicted on Sheet C6.1. This completes our summary of the changes that are reflected in the Phase I Preliminary/Final Plat amendment package. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, OrlDavid S. Mars `� hall, E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Prelim. Plat Applic. & Applic. Fee - Base Fee plus 4 new lots ($511.00 + $400) Final Plat Application & Application Fee ($511.00) 1 set of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans "Before and After" 11 x17 comparison Plans cc: J. Segale (w/ 2 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosure) C:\1Let\01243\Phase I\LaRose-Prelim-Final Amendment let.wpd J CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development RevieOUI�' rd FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner RE: Agenda #14, Preliminary Plat Application DATE: December 7, 2007 South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, are seeking preliminary final plat approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 156 residential units and a 100 student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 2) reducing rear yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 3) reducing side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 4) revising the lot configuration of the northern third of Phase 1, and 5) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street. Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as staff, have reviewed the plans and have no concerns with any of the proposed changes. Previously approved coverage limitations remain in effect. Staff has also consulted with the Chief of the Fire Department. However, comments were not available at the time of the staff comments. It is possible that some will be available at the December 11, 2007 hearing. Staff recommends that the Board approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-07- 74 and Final Plat Application #SD-07-75. Looney Ricks Kiss Architects, Inc. 175 Toyota Plaza, Suite 600 Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Telephone 901 521 1440 Fix 901 525 2760 December 5, 2007 Mr. Joe Segale Retrovest 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401-3830 RE: South Village South Burlington, Vermont Setback Waiver Request Dear Mr. Segale: This letter is in response to your question concerning the 5' side yard setback for the single family homes at the South Village Development. The State of Vermont Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Safety currently enforcers the 2003 International Building Code, which references the 2003 International Residential Code for "...detached one- and two-family dwellings and tnultiple singe -family dwellings (town homes)..." Section R302 Location on I.,ot, paragraph R302.1 sates that "Exterior walls with a fire separation distance less than 3 feet shall have not less than a one -hour fire -resistive rating with exposure from both sides.." The 5' setback provides a 5'-0" fire separation distance, so according to the building code, the walls do not have to be rated and it can be inferred that the risk of fire exposure is not enough to require rated walls at a. 5'- 0" setback. The 5' fire separationdistance is 2'-0" or 66% greater than the required code minimum of 3'-0" for um•ated walls. If this matter requires any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Brett Ammons jba flcorrspnd\2007\0107075\Itr ssetbackIifesafety.doc PC: Brett Hirsch, file Enclosures as noted Celebration Dallas .Jacksonville Memphis Nashville Princeton Rosemary Beach se' 20ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING r yesr-\ 9 O 4 MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION / 17 J DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE 9M9m" w (1) 187.8 ACRES FIa 1( I I I� �-eaov NOTE 1: INDICATES 20' MOE STORMWATER I MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CENTERED ON I' 0EI I I SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS I ry II M EASEMENT 61 ma7evtN 10.25 ACRES ( 51 i 0.22v (s¢ Now: 0 I 1 INITaY]0•E- _I r �''Po N- NOe E I NOE�1' 1!- i I sago' _ _ exz9•w S21a � O�4 / -a.>s• 1 1 r->o. -, r>am- � I r --OW 11 a->aee'-�l 3422_ � s2a•w O / /// NI I I I I t' I e.7e /20' ACCESS EASEMEN SE VINC I �56) I U, lj r l JJ0.21ACRES 1?2 4Ow '0 ; 1O �yliI 60 ;,,$ ,.11 187.E ACRES /ASTER HOMEOWNERS/ASSOCIATION 0.21 ACRES Ala 0.17 ACR® � ACRES - a 0.17 ACRES- 0.20 ACR® 8 E 777 ,9 9 (t) R I I (I$ o.17 ACRES I$ �I 62 I J� /// nIg / //•'��--STORMWATER EASEMENT °.yry8 Ha2jo,� le'» L 1 0.19 RE9 1 NOG' 44 0.10 ACRES / '. i / TO BE CONVEYED TO 2 Q N?4•Je•'M•F A'31•J3'JO4 /! (1) I I 9.e7' L I NOewS'N•E J (_ N L-No_Vs'aa F IJ I.Noe '44• / CITY OF S. BURLINGTON ( SITE ENGINEER: I IA r 'r4o m Ip CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. PO. BOX 485 SHELBURNE VT 05492 0p!-9BS2323 FAR: 603-BB5237T A. - - �IO DM9M sl� ACL rr ' �ITmn CHKCKKD m1A1 DSM I TRC.D _LK4.1>'-'J NO 440 -AM EASEMENT Sa.41' Ye4 . ".1 R�130.00 N011le'4�E (SEE NOTE 1) °R.NAOE-15.ee' �� l l /. 1 OWNER w`2e �J ORNNAOE EASEMENT NOewS'as•E lA9EMENT $ .00 L.31.0a Pa2N0 \ _ p� (SEE N.. 1) ALLEN ROAD EAST (SEE Now 17 - e°.00 -44 '•V .,�•4�a'E NOe]3'44'E L.1xJ3' NIe•36'41w STORM WATER SOUTH VILLAGE a,Eo9T ,�.w v44w sa�YH•wia x°. r--i).e9' zxo.o° 1� �Lrw„Te•� r/Te.ze'-- m T •;'� -dos POND 3 _ COMMUNITIES LLC. �JJ 1 1 I ZQ j 'a MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT ) 12 /.1 ' COMMON �,,�' '� „, J ✓ I 'r %3e. asr °AEAwIENr I ` ` / STORM WATER RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING 0.19 AC. :f ,) W a O J OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 1 14 'A1+ 6 S 8 4r�� T­_21 '(SEE NOR I) !- w- OgA 0.28 ACRES I „IO _ - - a"(POND 4 ' D.R. SITE PLAN APPROVAL 92 };yj1�.7E'�I'° C .T W S' 28 (vR-esao°`TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING ��)' ^ °"�ACRES ': 1(� 0.17 AC THIS PUT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDMSIONOF HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. \A%I(`3)IO.61 ACRES LUea'� Ax )I' L----�� A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO O.II AC. ® ` \ - L - J �E_ A... Rtiy SI \ OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION R (1) _ _ _� „ r . _ Ilo.00 9 4e ae'ax-w _ L Vi_vrrlEKt/. s �y _ - _ - REFERENCE SHALL REVOCABLETTRUST. 3W /D mS.?a w _ _ NT " COMIdI 'ox'w s4.sz• ]9: \ OF THE ROADWAY. L J r - 77(1 T+-91.er -. _., r._>e,ao'- 77.e9 1 -ee.er ROgD f ,o,)r�-77 \ •__ - 0.14 A/.• $� - W i I I I 1Y1 //-- 0RNNAOE EA \ \ RE CORDER N THE SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND ", DATED MARCH J. 2005. 0.12 AC. y, - R.. O 1 R O m 8 : 8 O ! OII -e.. g / (rEE sAlolr sari \ \ \ I ®` aoa (U C$ I I 9• NmE p H d \ RECORDS 1 p $ (A J �yl 16 F g_-NoJ:o�€ U.J. (t) y(I 42 w I O w ^+ R.49e.oO II R \ \ 0 E ^ ACRES a 9¢ O.1B ACRES O .�Y RI's I$ I I I \ 1 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 8 BELIEF THIS PLAT 1 0.32 ACRES RI r $ T I Z _ 'E 1 (T) - - _ J _ ila NN OE PROPERLY DEPICTS A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF (3) 27 ��e - I 0.18 ACRES rlc yI� 47 I \ LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ,n 9 I 8 9{ 0.26 ACR® EASEu(wT 1 1 1 EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON ON Flo fI>a R 0.19 AC. z g 02 E ' 8 - -19� - o , (U ^ , I12 I1"k (SEE NOT 1) 1 , I OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORD A PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 1 rl� olm 1O�T'E�- e2te -• I (1) I I I I I I ? IRECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANTIAL 0.34 ACRES 8 s I 10.00(1) 33 L] I ^(� I CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT 1 '� 10 I((� (3) ( r3e'E�3e. O ` L50eae'0 •wJ 9Ve' wJ L-SOegYa1'w-J �'i3 1/ I BUBSTANTULL COMPLIANCE WITH 27 VSA 1W3. THIS TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. ° I ".{(u t'. �. 1 1. q0 :000 020 ACRES I ,--- .w- 9791 -Ii0.9)�- - � W �nl- I II ' STATEMENT VALID ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY SITE PLAN APPROVAL. i 0.31 ACRES 1P 1^ i'SE owuNAOE EASFiJErlr NOo9m, -_-I('TT01 , a r=iORIGINAL SIGNATURE A SEAL ABOVEeo.9•(SEE Wore ,) N so$e °S• E ` lOO SLADE 45 ii )bb N}J53' I I I. TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 E36. 11 DPNNACE USEMENr - SOrS�E -I 4 pC. 9 $ I No32 MI O hl's15 T+�-a MI5 I it -so;?-r= (SEE rvoR G w o.oa - 1 '. 26` 0.1 U) 1 41� I8 (2) VL Ilg 41 Hlz (1) „i_ °I- 0.29 AC II rGZ+ I I �W PROJECT TITLE: ^I` oRANAoe usEMDIrtr�'E (2) Ti 7•yi' 41 SIR 0.18 ACRES: I I (3) W. - I 1.49 ACRES ! I 2 -, AT w (SEE NOTE 1 0.09'� V 1 9 R m' - 22 s _ "_,. =o=z 02E ACRES I a) I j o L TT i� i I m SOUTH VILLAGE !'T $0'ro.sa- t1bx (2) 1} a 7A�. O C - tO.fS A" 11"-,-.J Lweae'° •w- 1 �.o.0 -�.3.w-. I l�lp•p - i 911 $ 0.28 ACRES 1 25 (1) :r ltlFl------??TT«.m' 7o.ao' w.or no.)s' _-- q , I � IWw ;.. 'R- O IN I 0.12 Ac. 9 ($1 I vW I SPEAR STREET AND W z�E 3 O 1 1 siE 1 L �3;_ 1 ? FROST STREET = s! w Q I/ 5.04 ACRES \ `.-.=sga'I.1'a' - 1 V 0.26 ACRES 20 `' yD? Woo- - 8 sp, I W I / ALLEN ROAD "g 1 1 p,16 AC. g s9ewe'oz'w' soerR'o2'w soar»' 'w _ mr�e'Ol' 'R soene•oz•w I o I / O 1 SLU - z•E- _ r - �O (� I R.m•- - -)aov- 9.az-1 os9•- �� '/C7 I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 0.19 Ac. 8 55'3 24 r r I -' r _ 1 I •2s. 1 'Wyxg E WA W I (z) w I (1 I lO I I I 49 9R - , c cGEE1DR w \ O R L . - 5O�'9. =- :I O I I ;24 s 31 ?$ w L� r w n3lm'xt / / $ 6 •` - W ®� R3 �1 O R1:, _ -T,g ' . 1 W� tit O.E9 ACRES$ 38 slll�ly YISIZLSIS I(S) I I 1 $I / _U 0.28 ACRES '^ q r 0.19 AC. 0.25 ACRES 'm1a 0.29 ACRES ` 0.18 AC. S I I I (U E}gy�1, r� I / rM + V RIR 23 $ : I 0.187I' J`�I' 1 �'-sog3314�. t �1. (2) 1 1 \ g' (1) E L. _ J sezz4•u ' w I I j� Na.rel P Qe• R AW / / COMMON l - . w 1- - 3'w L -5 _3. w - . J IR �7i E - 1 i I I I 0 Qos• .ase.Do 41ar .ss im.w' - � w RI(p / �C r 0.12 AC. O $ �NW?I 05-E aJ )0 I (1) L soeve'o •w J Isoe•oe' L- - soeae'oz'w - J ;Rla A6-' I ' / I I \� 9�is3° . t" N" / R (1) noQ 4.�E To. .eew ?$ 30 I T'-7o.Do'-I I_0,11' r. _. _TFu.oa- - -I h ./ , tl .e R. se.D° so $ , „ 1.. STflEET Lbe. e' sroeTYso•w _.-ii�T•w o.18 ACR&9 i 137 PmD .G)e' / yya �» 1 oRAMAOE L-414. - = - _ �� lO.. -.-I r. 00 =.,4 L._._N I O w IOL� s hvaew - 7H.,�'.,\ EASEMEnr -aA.a° --E.�-�. _ I o1 - YI5 Sls 0Is s1.3 1 1 R-,oJ.00";'e r - I I-1,-I'-_" o.ze ACRES (3) t87.e ACRES II / sEe N9re o _ I (A W O 0.18 ACREsn _ a . (1) 3 8 "� I ._R ze.00 r �',�,$ .9 IN (1)S N j( / es• Nmm xe �I ® 0.22 ACRES D1 0.18 ACRES (1) I 011ANACE EASEMENT 20' RECREATION PATH EASEMENT ,iae' L-a. I I o,V� 70 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON I N.sxe.o0 I Noov1 pS E ' = I L -. I I 1.06 ACRES I / 80e•0.10 I I I 1 L.- _.J-Ita.01 L M., J LS001'= �^ - -1�9.S,T�_.- q 3.9x� /) �L1 t1.D1' )�I�, I I "O.OA'w- N09Me'03'E nO8TK102 E Noewe Ox'E NOeOe Oz•E I . - n I / 0.92 ACRES 9 0.20 ACRES NJ -- -- __ m$>� .pg� CHIPMAN STREET Q 9onv�,9 _ / � A LOCATION MAP O 1-j I (� I I U) A2\ rroeosarE Noeo9.9z•E Naeoe•° •E Noeor Noeorg•E„ m ITikr ._) ..) t = 9000 ros•E -� 1 O (1) I r 1 ' 1/l A71�-aaee•� r--7aro•-1 r--)aoo•-, r-w.Do•-,-., '.Iv/} I I \_. J L4(M91'x0•WJ I 41 I L I I I I I I'. I .r 1 loll DARK m9c RKYISION MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT s I 0.47 ACI® - I I- I v / a.4e TE.oi Tn'xo RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING YI$ .� ' m I 5D rr� I I '318 ?//j��/ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON2 ti.1�6 O a18 O nlg O AI$ O �V y_ 25-07 °SN REVD LOT UYIIUi A BIAIINC ENLELOPE 1 w ��� D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL - ^I= O.17 ACRE9QI_ 0,17 ACRB4ml= °•17 Ate' -'la °'17 A0�^la's. l �f I 1 I I - LL_ w O.EBACRES 1-11-01 DSM RE410 DRANA(i EAIE*NT5 \STORMWATER EASEMENT 1-5-07 DSM REYI O NUINACE EASEMENT L.__ J -,__,._L J h. _ _ \� TO BE COVEYED TO I 4-14-M.ra90 woo' a oo -)aar--e'- rs CITY OF S. BURUNCTON I P 7 9b'A2'ie'a�'I ^ STORMWATER EASEMENT I � " $, 8 \ I ) I -Jo -a DSM REMsm Lor umur f -�.w oRNF I I - ORAINACE USEYFI4T F \ I� 1-12:% DSM REMSEO LOT LAYWT PRtw`( TO BE COVEYED TO _ _ SEE NOR 1 \ \ I I I CITY OF S. BURLINGTON1 ,, ` STORMWATER EASEMENT TO BE \ I s-a-m TO BE COVEYED TO � rm8 �- - � I I STORMWATER LICENSE DSM REMSED HARMING l--� ,\ 1 II CITY OF S. BURLINGTON v �',Tw \ I I! (WITHIN R.O.W.) TO BE 4-12-05 DSM IREVISED LAYOUT \ �` �`_-- _-- J �� \ I I CONVEYED TO SOUTH _ _ _ _ _ STO PMONDDAT2ER I I� VILLAGE COMMUNITIES \ 11N STORM WATER II EST AGlE `\_\-_-30'.DRAINAGE EASEMENT // TORM WAS 20' MAINTENANCE PHASE, I ^I V 1 $ w POND 3 I IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF '� / V ISIOI V DEDICA71ON - 14' K 200• ECREATION PATH 20' EASEMEN7 TO - _ - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ m POND 1 EASEMENT TO BE „ -�� _ / CONVEYED TO THE Q R.O.W.EXPANSION--__--_-__-__ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ��ml^ ,/ �- TOWN OF SHELBURNE SUBDIVISION U�AINA�G - _________ _ _ EA ENT TO CITY 1 20 WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON _-- --- I �CREAll PAIH 20 --zp-.ip---1i1 . �1p4,gp' ssx' C - - _ _ �I z"9•i,'1� ® _ .. _ _ �g.� �..B"I{30Do �� _ sorax'a-w - Nm azwE _ - �OP4 'w Tom. -________�_.L--------------_ 0-4 OE 0 ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------- TO SWIFT STFEEr _ SPEAR ST_RE_ ET 6' R.O.W. - U o04 N"RIN� NIIMDEN ------------- -_ -- - 6 _ ___ _ \ - r ___�__I �_-_ ______ -� r____ 1 T -__ i� __� * -___- _____ __- - ;� APHIC SCALE / / :____ __-____ -`\ t-" _ J LY 2 1. No I I 1 I I I e9m. no. 1 1 I t I IncIh 0N FEET ) EL 01243 I ` / I orosse `b 4 MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION / J I a O 1 1 4 N06374a'E I 3,� 11 I DRAINAGE EASEMENT NOTE (1) \ 187.8 ACRES NI •1{ I. F.AIT.TENANCE EAEMENTMCENTERED ONINDICATES 20'DE �R$SURFACE DRAINAGE COMPONENTS I I. 1 N�lu RES _ EASEMENT 0 gl I (SEE NOTE 1) f / C / / 61i .ta.0 a>'2SIE p r - AJ4's,,ryT N s'aa• oeN3 E I 1 s _ fl.aT _ _ . _ oo n 3'4a"E i sQZ7Nli f'3a•2e / / fCESS T. J'zz-101 5II _szxs O / SECNJ/ E I g 107.e ACRES I l I /MARHOMEOWNERS/ASS9 C A/TON let 0. AC / •+ (1) ( A R® STORMWATER EASEMENT TO BE CONVEYED TO y wZg3 rv2o3 I / CITY OF S. BURLINGTON 0'g TI 1 aa,, a.,...a......a..f i O 1 f m Ali CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE. VT 05482 -.62020 FAX:80241e62x we0 w g�o GOPTIMG xT ®t M. - ARI 4I' DMwn F� r ACL ��m cxgcKKo DSM APPROVED RC NW e0.0e' S4A1• � 1. / T. • La141>'-. J N015'Oe 40' >0. DRAINAGE >0. R-2 .p0 \i l l / l ( \ . g '^ • %� R�}.00 NO, "E Ore NOe]3•OR-AM , H'E -e.ee .xe.w wX AINAGE EASEMENT EASEMENT /' l� I OWNER: � (SEE No1E 1) ALLEN A ROAD EST (sm .ore y 8 R.2eo.ao zeo.00 Q� ^ "eapp -- _ AD "oe .3'as"E `CAl/ay // J STORM WATER SOUTH VILLAGE .065SH"E L.Ox, 3x' 'FV �S .�N+B'3g'a1'W a { -,. 50�33NW .I 20 1 (- n.e0= .2zaoo 4. O W$z. ' I r i-- - L-I oa.3e• ESe.xe'--53{I - POND 5 ` 1. w I W n 2.e>• F 4 s a• w w °RAT MULTI FAMILY DEVELOPMENT i COMMUNITIES, LLC. 0.13 AC. I nl! 0.28 AC f5 ^I l i \ h "9 ` g a xif a51 - - e L�gRA ` ✓ STORM WATER �RICHTS DEFERRED PENDING \ COMMON (G1T OF SOUTH BURUNGTON (1) ° 1 S s More I) POND 4 D,R�. SITE PLAN APPROVAL 15 8 3 s �� ,ee.z, R s5a.ao71 TEMPORARY EASEMENT SERVING (-'-mIa'� ACR a?~ O )„ 0.17 AC. a7zzp• L-3v>z "roay,•E I I THIS PUT DEPICTS THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. :t _ n ee• k• A $ - a'ao SQ e3 ry. L•-_--,�� A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BASED UPON 0.51 ACRES L - OUR SURVEY OF THE ENTIRE PROPERTY. EASEMENT AND CUL-DE-SAC TO . 1 AC. \ -mgys w -' J - o'T>!-E `/FFCr Ry4g S,1 Y x'W BE TERMINATED UPON EXTENSION "' 1 _-ttp,pp_ _ !- - - Uo.00' soave 0z ' cI� p0 2� �z •W - - - \ \ REFERENCE SMALL BE MADE TO OUR PLATTRLED: - y4'oz, soevg'oa'w SQ sa 3x• 3 -� \ OUTIN OF THE ROADWAY. L _ 500Va•�-g w r H I.B>'_. _., r. _lo.oD'- � gf L +e.e>• NHQAD I{D.>1�- �\ \ IS- PLAT FSURVOCABLEED MARCH _a2 `� 17.•1,• \ . ' _ 1. A o4. N \ VALAOE-PLAT OFSURVEY'. DATED MARCH 23, 2008, RECORDED O.I4 m 8 -I (i) YZ W OIW W 349+•� t -p NEE '1�E"T I \ \ \ \ RECORDS. IN THE SOUTH BURLINGTON NAND f$'gcRFs J yr 1e - In aaP \ Q E 1 O_O6 31I �' 1 TO THE BEST OF TS KNOWLEDGE S BELIEF THIS F 0, .f^yi'' yV d /� \I 1 PROPERLY DEPICTSA PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF 54 :i -_ -Na)�g _ - _ 10.18 ACR® I -I. I` yyI� :P 4� ORaNAm I LAND SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. w • I'; DI - , 0.26 ACRES EASEMENT/ I EXISTING BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON ' soon 'E u.)r ^I m O d I I�'E I) \I 11 OUR ANALYSIS OF RECORD a PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Y Y 0 ml 1g �2 Ems• 42te' e a x S (') I I - o I I „I I I RECOVERED AND ARE IN SUBSTANNAL ( 4 0.3 J t,0.00 - S e i I I I I q I+ ^ CONFORMANCE WITH THE RECORD. THIS PLAT IS IN FUTURE SCHOOL SITE SUBJECT R I 1°' r!a'g_ xe.0 ' `spgvg•p •wJ 'wl 1j$J---SDeve a2"w --) Ln� II I I SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE IMTH 27 VSA 1403.THIS TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON D.R.B. 1 •,y1 I 11L- so�io ao d d 020 I->aoa'- w.>s' Q -Ito -� W "� I I "' STATEMENT VALID ONLY OMEN ACCOMPANIED BY MY SITE PLAN APPROVAL. '$ Im ,.E + Oz'w (- [- ,7 J Yao� I� ORIGINAL SIGNATURE B SEAL (ABOVE). I oz h �� anAGE EASEMEnT Iw°rob •w _ _ J I t I I ( �� S E 009 SEF Wore N Sar26'O1'E 3 - 31- _ I O I T TIMOTHY R. COWAN VT LS 597 Al AM EASEMENT rJ0 �I 1 q0i ohs' (SEE NOTE 1) Oz,T sa w _ _ to. / r $1� M 8 41 / PROJECT TITLE: n nl( ) %I$ O "1- (1) "' =Q"'I' .0.2a ACRES nl,' IW YI YI 0.38 ACRES I: =1 L49 ACRES 17/Z ^ _.AM EASEMENT �'= a0 T1 Wr :C -,09 E... �t ¢ ACRES II (U' I �I I I ' I+'_ "I7 • $ (SEE NOTE , Eo.oa' 1.w ;' ,' SOUTH VILLAGE • •O'3 / 31 -� ,$ sp�T� ,,. ' 2 m ` 6 - - - saene•D •w-' Isoene _ - 11- I3lx L-T.odINIIn pf j 02"W '02"WI og'02'w / •205.00 � ' / ® N �`•T (1) - } rl. �1(\ w133'; - 1 w�o 1 s FROST STREET $ I('l 1 I/ SPEAR STREET AND 5.04 ACRES '0• L ,-sp�3'3'}_ - (. I;L 0.2 A \ 20 tto.Do- n S I ' I 1 W I 1 ALLEN ROAD pC mew'oz•w soeve'az•w sae Dn oz'w _ soeroeo�•w ve•az•w I/ 1 p / J ->a -. ._._Nast-�- r 1 W r (1) �as4x i 1 .23 ACR E _. •R 49 �I �II I�I� � Ia I SOUTH BURLINGTON VT � n3lvl ze'E / , OJ p7/ © g ; 3 541: U i zw 1 rIg n�38 Yls; SIs SI's 513 / S.oa• / / �/' 0 28 ACRES 1` r 0.19 'AC. '� ew 60•/ / / Qg / eas' 1 - _j; a1>,A. 0. ,a4e' ml` soo•z 1 L-ea.laee.' oo U0_s.i2ae9v,e.ACRES CRES •E0a w-1 1 3�tw c� I •"I"I$I; / �II. 1(- O�OI COMMON p 1 (3) I 43.47lox.oa N-I'WE O3E - b/LI IVI 4_ }I (( Nw!rwdlIp •E �waI RGLIFa1A,..g.nR.'nmer 1 I' T/ 64.Ts' go.fa g1KENSTRE� R i o.18 $ i % L-x1.sT R-4a soe'IS'!o'w sl?oo L. 3 39 O Utz %R°P°°fei y� zg �W e / �yd : ap' OwunACE _ 1 'E - - I W O yI I O ' Rafe) ,; SaMh fBMaf EASEMENT .oa.00 .�- _. I +Ao1 -. .1 SIS 1$ SLY 0j 1B7.8 ACRES I/ !t I I / (sT[ NOTE 1) _ �_� xe, go' 3 ';(A W 0.18 ACREBnr� 0.29 ACRES (3) ry - / ��• \ � \ / R�-lez.x • p .w .e2. -.- .I_ cl I 1 I _R.d2 00 ,J S (1) i$ , � I : I RI Iw . r N E r r - �$ n i1. (1) ORMNAGE EASEMENT 20' RECREATION PATH EASEMENT / I I I I I 1.06 AC I I 0' 1 0.18 I. I I C I ✓' 1- NOTE ) TO CITY OF SOUTH BURUNGTGN / v•2O'w I !z I nao"1 L L_ 02'E- I_. _>o.op'-.J LsoolJ $jl l---- .. e.fx I� / NOetle02"E 311.o0 Noeve E Naeroe ozE Noeve DZE 'I � 11 flA p j / os I cR SIR CHIPMAN STREET Y 1LOCATION C T E� P .. S041r2T'w- g13'•A-'Ir R-a600 LOCA 1 ION V MAP 0.21 ACRES I i,21eY I I 1 = 5000 (1) j NOene02'E N(HPOV ' NO-11'02 NOSve'02' 11u• ACBM / ` 1 j - i II (1) 1 nareu INC . r .-ss.ae• i ->o.ao , r-To.oe- F--Ta.00'- -, r - - mz n - - , I 11 DATE cxKCKED Rmslon --lKHEO, -w -� o.5'-n a'D^ L - I.. . 1 MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT s I 0.47 I 1 e>.w m.oi ror20 RIGHTS DEFER ED E D Y f t O 3 �I$ 4N 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON I'w 8�8 O x1$ O NI$ Ig SF 41� I 1 ) s-1s-m DSM REPO LOT UmuT k BUILDING ENVELOPE /^ .w D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL' "1= 0.17 ACRES ml3 0.17 ACRES PI? 0.17 ACRES!'I, 0.17 ACRES nIo ` I I 0.25 ACRES I \ I 11 1-N-07 05M REVISED DRAINAGE EASEMENTS STORMWATER EASEMENT I 11 I-s-m DSM REVISED DRAINAGE EASEMENT s - JI J -, - J J: _ .._ J I L_: _ - 1 "rn \ TO BE COVERED TO , I 4-14-OB DSM O L A f Ie.zY- - O -ro.00 1 aoo. , To.oO 1 moo 1 +e--- J ICITY OF S. BURLINGTON/ PATH EASEMENT !2E4t.22''W SOBnO'02"W SOBnO'02'W 508ro9'Ox'W NOgng 01 50090'Ox"W I I I-.1MD0 OSM RE4ISFD L07 LAYOUT \,� Q STORMWATER EASEMENT -,I DRMNAGE EASEMENT ' / $ \\ 1 �l - i °A"1' I I TO BE COVEYED TO - - (SEE -on 1 _ - _ - - - - - _ s ^ \ I 1 1-I2-OL DSM REVISED LOT LAY01 a 1 I CITY OF S. BURLINGTON I \` _ STORMWATER EASEMENT \ I s-IS-DS OSM REINED HATGNNGT TO BE COVEYED TO 8, ` - , STORMWATER LICENSE CITY OF S. BURLINGTON a "x --_-- J \ / 1 (WITHIN R.O.W.) T0. BE N-12-ps OSM REVISED UYgIT STORM WATER \ 111 CONVEYED TO SOUTH I POND 2 / 11 VILLAGE COMMUNITIES 0 1 \\ w M WATE 1 BAI ADIlB _ ` ` ` ` _ ` _ - - 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' MAINTENANCE PHASE POND 3 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF J TORM WATER _ _ _ _ 81w, : $ , POND 1 /I EASEMENT TO BE `CREATION PATH 20' EASEMENT TO qTY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ^ w i/1 CONVEYED TO THE SUBDIVISION w. _ OWN OF SHELBURNE 1 I DEDICATION - 14' X 200' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nF II -- R.O.W. EXPANSION---------------- 2 VL7 DRAINAHL __ _ __ _-__-______ _-_____-__ EA MENT TOgI I _ 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON �- - _ - = RECRUE110N PATH 20 U`? - _ _ _ PLAT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 ---------- = o ----- _ ----_ --- - - - -� u 0w ---- `---- �o --------- ----------------------- L-1 . 502'R'Oaw --- �i'4x OCN TO BWFT STREET SPEAR STREET _ oa wINo NUMBER -- - . ------r-- -----------�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i ----- - - - - - - - -----a------- , -T --- I --T----- �-- - r--- EE- - - - - - �, * --- _---- _ - �, �CRApwc_ cALE 11 --------- _-- 5e' R.o.w. JULY 20 littm A,. 1• 60' S1.31 II \ !r ( IN FEET PRIM. No. I I 01243 rWi! r> IGGI Irr; ING) Al�)Zi l��rC 928 Falls Road Phone: 802-985-2323 P.O. Box 485 Fax: 802-985-2271 Shelburne, VT 05482 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com December 10, 2007 Mr. Raymond Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary & Final Plat Amendment Application Request for Modification Dear Mr. Belair: In accordance with our discussions earlier today, on behalf of the applicant, we would like to request that the pending application before the Development Review Board be revised to eliminate the request for approval of the electrical cabinet placements. We will submit a new application in the near future that provides more detail on the locations, type and character of the proposed landscaping. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectf David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm cc: J. Segale (w/ 2 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosure) C:\1Let\01243\Phase I\Belair-Prelim-Final Amendment let.wpd CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON �V DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 William & Ayse Floyd 1813 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, I BetsyNMconough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. Adopted this 14th day of Novem- ber 2007 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norman Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director -Technical Services Adopted 11/14/2007; Pub- lished 11/21/2007; Effective 12/12/2007 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material n line add. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, December 11 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Preliminary plat application #SD-07-74 and final plat applica- tion #SD-07-75 of South Village Communities, LLC to amend a previously approved planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 156 residential units and a 100 student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) reducing front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 2) reducing rear yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 3) reducing side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, 4) revising the lot configuration of the northern third of Phase 1, and 5) adding utility cabinets, 1840 Spear Street. 2. Preliminary plat application #SD-07-76 & final plat application #SD-07-77 of Chittenden Bank to amend a previously approved planned unit development of a 677,739 sq. ft. GFA shopping complex with 616,962 sq. ft. of GLA. The amendment consists of: 1) razing a 3310 sq. ft. drive-in bank, 2) constructing a 6000 sq. ft. drive-in bank, and 3) installing a 1330 sq. ft. temporary drive=in bank, 55 & 155 Dorset Street. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection . at the South Burlington City Hall. November 21, 2007 Kules. A SuIL, a Ulatl,c-1c, tificatio" been issued and the ANR is se,, . g public comments on the draft. The application and draft certifica- tion is available for public review during normal business hours at the Waste Management Division office in Waterbury, 103 South Main Street, tel. (802) 241-3444, the South Burlington City Clerk's office, tel. (802) 846-4105, and at the CSWD Administrative office, teL. (802) 872-8100. A final Certification will be issued for the facility without a public informational meeting unless a written request for a public meeting, signed by at least 25 residents, by the City Council, by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, by CSWD, or by an adjoining landowner or resi- dent, is received by the Program no later than 4:30 p.m., December 12, 2007. Comments and questions must be received by 4:30 p.m., December 12, 2007, and must be addressed to: Jeff Bourdeau, Vermont Solid Waste Management Program, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-0404 (Tel: 802-241-3494, Fax: 802-241-3296). REVISED NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that, pursuant to an order of the Chittenden Superior Court in the matter entitled The Bank of New York as Trustee v. Leslie Riddell and the Vermont Department of Taxes (docket n o. 642-06 CnQ, a sheriff's sale of the following described property shall take place at the premises located at 11 Lakeview Terrace in the City of Burlington at 10:30 a.m. on November 28, 2007. The property to be sold is de- scribed as follows: Kevin McLaughlin, Sheriff STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S829-06 CnC National City Mortgage, a division of National City Bank of Indiana, Plaintiff V. Heidi M. Komasa, Thomas Komasa, American Express Travel Related Services, Inc., Gregory Supply Company, Inc. And Occupants residing at 211 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, Vermont, Defendants SECOND AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage given by National City Mortgage to Heidi M. Komasa and Thomas Komasa dated January 27, 2006 and recorded in Volume 950, Page 345 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auc- tion at 10:30 A.M. on December 12, 2007, at 211 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, Vermont all and singu- lar the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Heidi Komasa and Thomas Komasa by Warranty Deed of Louis A. Hamlin and Mary L. Hamlin dated Septem- ber 23, 2005, of record in Volume 934 at Page 255 of the Burlington Land Records and being more par- ticularly described as follows: iyam.",,.,, -••-•- -- icken Loans, And Occupants mding at 3871 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Op- tion One Mortgage Corporation to Thomas Komasa dated July 6, 2005 and recorded in Volume 326, Page 343 of the Land Records of the Town of Shelburne, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auc- tion at 11:15 A.M. on December 12, 2007, at 3871 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being a parcel of land situated on the easterly side of U.S Route 7, together with all structures and improvements thereon, containing 4.2 acres, more or less, located at 3871 Shelburne Road, in Shel- burne, Vermont, which are all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Heidi Komasa and Thomas Komasa by Warranty deed of Robert R. Spencer and Cynthia G.B Spencer of even or approxi- mate date herewith and about to be recorded in the Shelburne Land Records. Terms of Sale: $1o,00o.00 to be paid in cash by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Shelburne. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000. Wells Fargo Bank, National As- sociation, as Trustee gym,'. ,.........,r -- --- mous plus Business C nonymous. Mondays, 7- United Methodist Chi Winooski Ave., Burling{ Valerie at 760-9203. HIV SUPPORT GROUP cilitated HIV/AIDS su that aims to foster a c of.community, self acc personal growth. We a survivors and with all c ence, will help you un enjoy what living po: offer. Mondays @ 7 white building behinc sal Unitarian Church. call Michael J @ 860- PERSONAL IMPROVE[ that focuses on bull tion, becoming mor and living with more group will also addre! as the feelings of bei balanced, stressed c and then will discuss Learning and using r tools to create mo and positive habits. information 802-279 WOMEN'S GROUP & Held Saturday night: noon at 4 p.m. at St.,: Burlington. 862- PEER .SUPPORT GF HELP STRATEGIES Held Friday nights, E chibald St., Apt. #1. MEN'S DROP -IN SU AU men welcome. 1 and older. Open dis Varied topics inclu ships, work, parenti health, personal gr healing, etc. Emoti confidential. Nonju violent. Groups led facilitators. Open b religions and sexu Joseph's House, 11 Corner of Elmwood St. -`Entrance on A ton, Vt. Every Th, Please be prompt.' tion $5 - but non awpy for lack of do call: 434-8180. Vi org. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 37 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, L&,�J Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Michael & Mary Elizabeth Bouvier 31 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 James & Karen Larrow 77 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely,--F� I^ r \ Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Mitchel Cypes Lynan Moy 74 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, ,3� Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Dan & Marguerite Wetzel 183 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 1�&A 031), Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Bridgett & Richard White 189 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, —bd7�9 P-�) "Udk Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Bhagwat & Gina Mangla 195 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts property you own. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. C1 i Y OF SOUTH. BURL ) DEPARTMENT OF PIANNIN INGTON 575 DORSET STREET &ZONING SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMO NT (802) 846-4106 05403 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Paul R. Calkins PO Box 82 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a application for development notice published in Seven Day s.abutting property. It includes an held betting property owners to make aware that being sent to You g the proposed development, public hearing is being pment. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, a regulatory proceeding is re participation in a local development a required in order to municipal approval to the Vermont Ennvironmentalrve rCourt to appeal a offering, through oral or written testimony, a s State law the subject of the ,� Y proceeding shall consist of proceeding, y� a statement of concern related to Please call our office at 846-4106 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: David Scheuer David Marshall C1Y OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF pj,ANNING gL 575 DORSET STREET ZONING SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 21, 2007 Ruth Trevithick 1751 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. for development that abuts property aware that a Y you own. This is being ent►to YOU d tomakeyan pouation Public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings applications are required. p t You will rigs for the same Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, Proceeding is required in order to Preserve p u'r right to'a a municipal regulatory approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies t local regulatoryappeal a local development proceeding shall consist of offering through oral or written ttenarticipion m a statement of concern related to the subject of the g, through Proceeding." g „ testimony, a If you would like to know more about the proposed develo ment, at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule may call this office p chedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 6, 2007 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 015482 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday December 11, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you,have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, &:N � acoo, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl.