HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH 6 - Supplemental - 1840 Spear StreetCITY CLERK'S OFFICE Received.,; 2001 at;J:_V0M Recorded in Vol Mon pag' - So. rlington Lan Re. Attest: Donna S. Kinville, City Clerk IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION SOUTH VILLAGE This AGREEMENT is made this _,,J2ay of October 2007 by and between SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with an office in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Vermont (hereinafter referred to as "Owner") and the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a Vermont municipality located in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont (hereinafter referred to as "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City's Development Review Board ("DRB") has approved a final subdivision plat entitled "South Village, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat" prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated July 2004, last revised May 16, 2007 and August 8, 2007, consisting of three (3) sheets labeled S1.3, S1.3A, and S1.3B and to be recorded herewith in the City of South Burlington Land Records (collectively the "Plan"); and WHEREAS, the final approval of the DRB decision, dated May 3, 2006, as subsequently revised in accordance with the State of Vermont Environmental Court Consent Decree & Order filed February 12, 2007, requires that the Owner dedicate to the City certain streets and roadways, waterlines, drainage/stormwater easements (which will be conveyed to the City in accordance with the City of South Burlington Stormwater Ordinance, and pursuant to a separate instrument, which the Owner hereby irrevocably agrees to execute and deliver to the City ) and recreation path easements all as shown and depicted on the Plan; and WHEREAS, the above -referenced streets and roadways, easements and other interests are all to be dedicated to the City free and clear of all liens and encumbrances; and WHEREAS, the Owner has delivered to the City Warranty Deeds of conveyance for the above -described streets, roadways, easements or interests therein, which the City of South Burlington can record upon its acceptance of said easements, streets and other property interests. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the City's Development Review Board and for other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. The Owner herewith delivers to the City Warranty Deeds and Easement Deeds, unrecorded copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits A (Roads and Streets), B (Recreation Path), and C (Waterline), said delivery constituting formal offers of dedication to the City of the each of the respective property, easements and interests, the same to be held by the City until the acceptance or rejection of each such offer of dedication by the City Council. 2. The Owner agrees that each said formal offer of dedication is irrevocable, and each can be accepted or rejected by the City individually at any time. Owner covenants and agrees that it shall obtain discharges of all liens and encumbrances on Owner's property comprising the offered properties/property rights if and at such time as the City determines it shall accept the offered properties. 3. This Irrevocable Offer of Dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Owner and all assigns, grantees, and successors of the Owner. SOUTH VILL E CO UNITIES, L By: Its Managing em er STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: At Burlington, in said County and State, on this � day of October 2007, before me personally appeared David A. Scheuer, member of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, and he acknowledged this instrument by him subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. Before me, vL� Notary Public CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Its Duly Aut orized Agent STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: � aa At South Burlington, in sai County and State on this day oft'// ber, —2q- , before me personally appeared 6 /i�?i , duly authorized agent of the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and he acknowledged this instrume�FYS bhi led and sub crib,ed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of the C U ZIN�TON. Before e� Not y ubhc N EXHIBIT A WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with an office in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantor"), in consideration of payment of TEN AND MORE Dollars paid to its full satisfaction by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a Vermont municipality situated in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantee"), by these presents, does freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns forever, certain parcels of land owned by u antor in fee simple and situated in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenderi'nd State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: The following strips of land as depicted on that "certain plat or plan entitled "South Village, Spear Street and Allen Road, Sou th° rlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat, Sheet S1.3" prepared by Civil Engineerin ssociates, Inc., dated July 2004, last revised August 8, 2007 and recorded in Map age 3 of the City of South Burlington Land Records, hereinafter called th"A Plan" :. ALLEN ROAD EAST That strip of land depicted as "Allen Ro f s shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street be' .g more particularly bed as follows: Beginning in the easterly sideline of Spear Sty et, thence rnnntng, gene 4 asterly, then southerly for a total length of 1717.77 feet, more or less; ' ` sout ;' ` r unus and intersection with "Chipman Street" and "South Jefferson d". Tha Aon of Allen Road East beginning t the east`' . y sideline of Spe eet an , roceeding easterly a distance of 431.92 f ore or I shall have a uni width of 66 feet; thereafter Allen Road East h 1 have uniform width of 60 feet, ept for a portion of variable width at its intersection with "Chipman Street" and "S Jefferson Road". "Allen Road East" abuts the following lots as shown on the reT renced plat: Lots 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 11A, 12, 14, 15,; , 28, 31A, 48, and Lots 53 through 62. A strip of land 14 feet, more or less, wide and.,0 feet, more or less, long located along the westerly boundary of Lot 1 in the north erly corner of Lot i as shown and depicted on the Plan, is included in this cornve for use by the 1ty for expansion of Spear Street. 05 SOUTH JEFFERSON ROAD That strip of land depicted as "South Jefferson Road" as shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the easterly sideline of Spear Street, thence running generally easterly, then northerly for a total length of 1317.58 feet, more or less, to its terminus and intersection with Allen Road East and Chipman Street. That portion of South Jefferson Road beginning at the easterly sideline of Spear Street and proceeding easterly a distance of 272.19 feet to the point of intersection with Chipman Street shall have a uniform width of 50 feet, thence widening through the next 37.78 feet to a width of 52 feet, thence having a uniform width of 52 feet for the next 500.15 feet thereof, to the point at which South Jefferson 3 Road turns and runs northerly a distance of 507.46 feet, more or less, and at a uniform width of 50 feet, to its point of terminus at the intersection of South Jefferson Road, Chipman Street and Allen Road East. "South Jefferson Road" abuts the following lots as shown on the referenced plat: Lots 1, 5F, 34, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50. NORTH JEFFERSON ROAD That strip of land depicted as "North Jefferson Road" as shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Allen Road East, in the vicinity of Lot 12, then running generally north, for a total length of 281.85 feet, more or less, to the limit of Phase I. The uniform width of this roadway shall be 60 feet. North Jefferson Roadabuts the following lots as shown on the referenced plat: 48, 51, 52, 53, and 11. In addition to the North Jefferson Road right of way described;above, a temporary easement, described as "Temporary Easement Serving Homeowner's Association" shall be granted to the City of South Burlington for"the'western portion of the cul-de-sac at the Phase I limit of North Jefferson Road. Said easement is to be=tenninated upon future extension of this roadway. CHIPMAN STREET That strip of land depicted as "Chipman�Street" as`shown on the Plan. -The centerline of said road or street being more particularly�;descr bed as follows: Beginning in the northerly sideline of "Sou6kfferson Road", thence running generally northerly and then easterly for a total length of 907q`feet, more oi;less, to the traffic circle/roundabout situated at the intersection of the southerly terminus of "Allen Road East," the northern terminus of "Southefferson Road," an`d the easterly terminus of Chipman Street. Chipman Street shall, have a uniform wieet throughout. "Chipman Street" abuts the.following l�its,�#s shown on the referenced plat: Lots 5, SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, 23, 26A 29, 30:31, 3"1°A 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 and 39. AIKEN STREET Thdt"strip of land depicted as "Aiken Street" as shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street being more particularly described as follows: Beginning in the southerly sideline of "Allen Road East", thence running generally southerly for a total length of 721 58,fet,more or less, to the northerly sideline of "Chipman Street", and having a uniform of 52 feet "Aiken Street" abuts the following lots as shown on the referenced p1at:�Lots;2 2A; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 20, 21 and 23. SLADE STREET That strip of land depicted as "Slade Street" as shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street being more particularly described as follows: Beginning in the southerly sideline of "Allen Road East", thence running generally southerly for a total length of 634.28 feet, more or less, to the northerly sideline of "Chipman Street", and having a uniform width of 52 feet. "Slade Street" abuts the following lots as shown on the referenced plat: Lots 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 26, 26A, 27 and 31 A. 0 DEWEY LANE That strip of land depicted as "Dewey Lane" as shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street being more particularly described as follows: Beginning in the easterly sideline of "Aiken Street", thence running generally easterly for a total length of 185.89 feet, more or less, to the westerly sideline of "Slade Street", and having a uniform width of 50 feet. "Dewey Lane" abuts the following lots as shown on the referenced plat: Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9. FROST STREET That strip of land depicted as "Frost Street" as shown on the Plan. The centerline of said road or street being more particularly described as follows:,"Beginning at the southerly sideline of Chipman Street as it passes between Lots 31' and"32, thence running generally southerly for a total length of 430.00 feet, more or less, to the northerly sideline of South Jefferson Road, and having a uniform width of 52 feet . "Frost Street" abuts the following lots as shown on the referenced plat Lots 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47 and 49. The above -referenced streets and rights o€ way being a portion of :the lands and premises conveyed by Warranty Deed of Paul: R. Caulknis; :Trustee, dated December 2; 1997, and recorded in Volume 419, Page 454:.6f the City of South Burlington Land Records. This Deed, and any individual deeds that the Owner may provide to the City for the conveyance of streets, acid roadways within, .4se I of the South Village Project, shall each be and act as a�B ll of Sale t&convey to the';C ty all of the Owner's right, title and interest in and to any subsurface water and sewerage lines, valves, equipment and any appurtenances thereto, located within the deeded rights)=of-way, together with all sidewalks and curbxng,constructed therein: TO HAVE AND T�"TOLD said granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, tote said Grantee, CITY'OF�SOUTH BURL`TNGTON, its successors and assigns, to its own use and behoove forever; And the said' Grantor, " for itself and its successors and assigns, does covenant with the said Grantee, CITY OF'SOUTH BURLINGTON, its successors and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents it, is the sole owner of the premises, and has good right and title to convey the,same in manner aforesaid; that they are FREE FROM EVERY ENCUMBRANCE, except as tarims Grantor hereby engages to WARRANT AND DEFEND the same against all lawful whatever, excepts" aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; GRANTOR has caused this instrument to be executed this day of October 2007. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC By: Its Managing Member 5 STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: At Burlington, in said County and State, on this day of October 2007, before me personally appeared David A. Scheuer, duly authorized agent and member of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, and he acknowledged this instrument by him subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. r EXHIBIT B RECREATIONAL PATH EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with an office in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantor"), in consideration of payment of TEN AND MORE Dollars paid to its full satisfaction by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a Vermont municipality situated in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantee"), by these presents, does freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, a perpetual easement and right-of-way for the purpose of constructing, repairing, replacing and maintaining a recreational pathway for public use over, on and through land in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Strips of land twenty (20) feet in unifo. Easement to City of South Burlingto,- Street and Allen Road, South Bur prepared by Civil Engineering ,; s. a 2007 and recorded in Map Slide 503, Records. The exact location of the afo fixed by the location , 0 eG =&n Said easement an pathway subject t motorcycles, trail N A -of -way shall be condition that no ; and snowmobile by the Grantee, a plan entitl I Subdivision P Path 20' Village, Spear eet S 1.3" Inc., dated July 2004, last re, ' �d August 8, 3 of YCity of South Burlington Land i "d Recreation Path Easement will be ctually constructed. ed by`t , , ublic as a recreational and bicycle ?torized icincluding, but not limited to, 11 be ajTM7ed to use the pathway, except agents, for the purpose of maintaining or Grantee, its successors and" � ,)i hall e ve the right to construct, reconstruct, repair, maintain, replace, patrol, level, a in�and pave said recreational pathway, including all necessary bridges, culverts, cuts and ramps, at its sole cost and expense. Grantee further agrees, for itself and its successors and assigns, that any premises affected by its entry pursuant to this easement and temporary construction easement shall be restored to their condition prior to such entry at its own cost and within a reasonable time. Grantee agrees, for itself and its successors that it will indemnify and hold the Grantor harmless, to the full limits of liability insurance that it customarily maintains, for any injury or damage resulting from the public use of said right-of-way not attributable to acts of the Grantor. Grantee, by the recording of this easement, acknowledges that it has been donated to the City, at no cost to the City, with the intent that Grantor shall receive the full benefit and protection of 19 V.S.A. Section 2309. 7 For purposes of construction a temporary easement and right-of-way five feet on each side of said permanent easement and right-of-way is hereby granted. Said temporary easement and right-of-way shall expire once construction is completed and the recreational pathway is open to the public. The within Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to make use of the surface of the right-of-way and easement such as shall not be inconsistent with the use of said right-of-way, but specifically shall place no structures, landscaping or other improvements within said easement and right-of-way which shall prevent or interfere with the within Grantee's ability to use said easement and right-of-way. Grantee acknowledges that the construction and maintenance of improvements necessary to provide access to Grantor's property shall not be inconsistent with the use of this easement by the Grantee. Being a portion of the lands and premises cc Caulkins, Trustee, dated December 2, 1997, the City of South Burlington Land Records., Reference is hereby made to the above -men and the references therein made all Iii-furthe TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted premis€ thereof, to the said Grantee, CITY' F, SOUTH B own use and behoove forev covenant with the said Grar, until the ensealing of these,] to convey the same,in manr except as aforesaid, and Grp all lawful claims'whatever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, G October 2607. And the said Granto CITY OF SOUTH sents it is the sole ou aforesaid; that they athereby engages to eazas aforesaid. Warranty Deed of Paul R. -.d;in Volume 419, Page 454 of Ian and deed and`therecords thereof, this description. h all the privileges and appurtenances NGTON, its successors and assigns, to its ,r`fself and its successors and assigns, does 2LINGTON, its successors and assigns, that of the premises, and has good right and title REE FROM EVERY ENCUMBRANCE, .RRANT AND DEFEND the same against is instrument to be executed this SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC By: Its Managing Member day of STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: At Burlington, in said County and State, on this day of October 2007, before me personally appeared David A. Scheuer, duly authorized agent and member of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, and he acknowledged this instrument by him subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. 6 EXHIBIT C WATERLINE EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with an office in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantor"), in consideration of payment of TEN AND MORE Dollars paid to its full satisfaction by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a Vermont municipality situated in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont ("Grantee"), by these presents, does freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever, a perpetual easement and right-of-way for the purpose of constructing, repairing, replacing and maintaining waterlines through Grantor's property and being more particularly over, on and through land in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Those areas shown and depicted as "20' Water Main Easement to be Conveyed to the City of South Burlington" on that certain plan entitled "South Village, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat, Sheets S 1.3 and S 1.3A " prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated July 2004, last revise August 8, 2007 and May 16, 2007, respectively; sheet S1.3:.being recorded in Map Slide 503, Page 3, and sheet S 1.3A to be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. Said Water Main Easement runs generally easterly across Lot 48, from a point east of the traffic circle where e. t, South Jefferson Road and Chipman Street intersect, as shown on Sheets'.3 and 1 Plan. The Water Main Easement shall have a uniform width of , enty feet (20')` centered on, and the exact course and location of the Water Mama asement will be i > d determined by, the course and location of the waterline as the;gme is actually cons cted. -:. �g e''is also hejeby'granted a temporary ve feet on each side of said permanei ;e to exercise its rights hereunder.. and right-of-way over and on the .t and right-of-way to enable the Grantee, agrees, for itself and its successors and assigns, that any premises of the Grantor affect y its entry pursuagto this easement and temporary construction easement shall be resto to their conditionprior to such entry at its own cost and within a reasonable time. _ The within Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to make use of the surface of the rights -of -way and easement such as shall not be inconsistent with the use of said rights -of -way, but specifically shall place no structures, landscaping or other improvements within said easement and rights -of -way which shall prevent or interfere with the within Grantee's ability to use said easements and rights -of -way. Being a portion of the lands and premises conveyed by Warranty Deed of Paul R. Caulkins, Trustee, dated December 2, 1997, and recorded in Volume 419, Page 454 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. 10 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantee, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, its successors and assigns, to its own use and behoove forever; And the said Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns, does covenant with the said Grantee, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, its successors and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents it is the sole owner of the premises, and has good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid; that they are FREE FROM EVERY ENCUMBRANCE, except as aforesaid; and Grantor hereby engages to WARRANT AND DEFEND the same against all lawful claims whatever, except as aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has caused this instrument to be executed this October 2007. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: At Burlington, in said County and Stat personally appeared David A. Scheuer, memb and he acknowledged this instrument byljim act and deed of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMU sasis7 vi: 11 day of =day of October 2007, before me 'H VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, to be his free act and deed and the free Page I of 1 Ray Belair From: Timothy Eustace [TEustace@firmspf.com] Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:05 AM To: rbelair@sburl.com Subject: South Village Ray - I reviewed the material you mailed to me, including the Title Certificate, Offer of Dedication and Exhibits. After discussing the project with Amanda Lafferty, it seems like it may be a bit premature to revise and finalize the documents due to outstanding State permit issues. The Title Certificate will need to be updated. It is almost 5 years old. Also, as you noted, it is unsigned and was prepared by Cate Kronk, who is no longer with Paul Frank & Collins. Mark Hall will need to update and sign the certificate. Lets discuss further when you return. Also, to follow up our phone discussion from yesterday - we could not recall the development you referred to in your earlier voice mail. I now recall that you were going to discuss something involving the Tech Park development. I am around all day tomorrow. Thanks. - Tim Timothy M. Eustace, Esq. Stitzel, Page & Fletcher, P.C. 171 Battery Street P.O. Box 1507 Burlington, VT 05402 802-660-2555 This Electronic Mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which are CONFIDENTIAL and legally PRIVILEGED. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom this transmission was addressed, as indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the contents of the information in this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please reply to the sender at 802-660-2555 or the above address and delete this message and all attachments from your storage files. Thank you. 7/ 14/2006 Page 2 Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned deeds and their records, and to all prior deeds and their records, for a further and more complete description of the lands and premises herein conveyed. The Grantor herein, Paul R. Calkins, Trustee as aforesaid, hereby warrants that he is the sole Trustee of the aforesaid Revocable Trust, that his appointment as said Trustee has never been revoked, and that this conveyance is being made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the aforesaid Trust Agreement, which provides, in part, as follows: "...Upon the death of the survivor of the Grantors, this Trust shall terminate and the outstanding remaining balance shall be paid, delivered or conveyed over to Paul R. Calkins of Lyndon, Vermont..." The Grantor herein further warrants that the said Harley D. Downing died on August 19, 1987 in Burlington, Vermont, and that the said Rena E. Calkins died on September 4, 1996 in St. Johnsbury, Vermont." Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the references therein made, and their respective records and references, in further aid of this description. This report is addressed solely to matters affecting record title to the Property. In providing it, we have assumed that at the time of our examination of title, all documents theretofore delivered to the municipal clerk had been correctly and completely indexed, and that all oral statements made to us by government officials with respect to the status and content ofpublic records were correct and complete. We have also assumed, without independent verification, the genuineness of all signatures, the due authorization of all recorded documents and instruments affecting record title to the property, and the enforceability of all such documents and instruments in accordance with their terms. This report on title to the above -described property is based upon examination of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont; and is furnished in connection with an Option to Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement dated July 6, 2001, in favor ofRetrovest Associates, Inc.; and is for the use of Retrovest Associates, Inc. only and is nontransferable. After such examination and assuming that said records are properly indexed in the general indices, the title of the record owner is a marketable title in fee simple, and I find nothing of record or directed to my attention adversely affecting the title except as set forth herein: 1. MUNICIPAL CHARGES: Assessed Valuation: $894,400.00 Taxes for the current fiscal year: Taxes of $22,476.27 for the tax year running from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 are due in three equal installments of $7,492.09 on July 15, 2001, November 15, 2001 and March 15, 2002. Taxes are current. Delinquent Taxes: None. Page 3 Street, curb and sidewalk assessments: None. Water liens: None. Electricity liens: None. Sewer assessments: None. Fire District, School District or other municipal liens or assessments: None. 2. MORTGAGES: None. 3. ATTACHMENTS and LIENS: None. 4. EASEMENTS and RIGHTS OF WAY: This property is subject to a perpetual right and easement to construct, inspect, operate, maintain, reconstruct, relocate and remove lines ofpoles or towers or both with wires and/or cables thereon for the transmission of electricity and the transmission of intelligence by electricity and all necessary foundations, anchors, guys, braces, fittings, equipment and appurtenances including buried ground wires or cables over and upon a strip of land one hundred fifty (150) feet in width, all as more particularly described in a Findings and Order of the Public Service Board in the matter of Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. v. Rena E. Calkins and Harley D. Downing Docket No. 3828 dated December 30, 1976 and recorded on January 11, 1977 in Volume 131, Pages 19-23 of the South Burlington Land Records. Reference is further made to a Supplemental Findings and Order of the said Public Service Board dated January 4, 1977 and recorded on January 11, 1977 in Volume 131, Pages 31-32 of the South Burlington Land Records. 5. LEASE LAND RENT: None. 6. PROTECTIVE COVENANTS and/or OTHER RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD: None. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL AND LAND USE REGULATIONS: There was no written notice of record of any violation of any state or local land use or development regulations. 8. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY/COMPLIANCE UNDER LOCAL ZONINGMEALTH REGULATIONS: Based on an examination of the records of and representations by the Zoning Administrator of the City of South Burlington, it appears that the aforementioned municipality first required a zoning permit for development of all properties on June 7, 1947 and first required a Certificate of Occupancy for commercial property under the Zoning Regulations on September 3,1963. We assume that the existing farmhouse predated the requirement for permits and certificates of occupancy. A zoning permit may be required for any future renovations to the farmhouse. In Page 4 addition, future development by Retrovest Associates may require permits and approvals from all governmental authorities. 9. REMARKS and OBJECTIONS TO TITLE: The Notice of Option to Purchase executed by Retrovest Associates and Paul R. Calkins is recorded in Volume 512 at Page 45 of the South Burlington land records. We note that the attached tax maps of the property show dotted lines that appear to be tracing a stream bed. We cannot verify this through any information available in the land records. In addition, the chain of title does not reveal a metes and bounds description of the property. Therefore, we cannot certify the size or exact location of the property. We recommend that a survey of the property by a surveyor, registered with the State of Vermont, be conducted in order to determine the location of the boundary lines and the acreage of the property. 10. EXCEPTIONS - a. This report does not cover, and makes no representation with respect to: 1. The right of parties in possession. 2. Mechanics' or Materialmen's liens not recorded. 3. Any violations of law, ordinances, orders or requirements noted in or issued by any federal, state or municipal department having jurisdiction affecting the premises, including, but not limited to, Land Use Permits (if any); subdivision permits; failure to file notice of new or existing underground storage tanks; and notice of hazardous wastes. Specifically, no certification is made as to matters involving subdivision; development; zoning; or environmental permits or approvals. Further, our search has been limited to only the municipality in which the land lies, as stated in the deed of conveyance. We are rendering no opinion as to whether an Act 250 Permit is or is not required in connection with the sale or the use of the premises. 4. Any facts which would be disclosed by a physical survey or inspection of the premises. 5. Except where indicated, probate, bankruptcy and other court records, and records of birth, death, marriage and divorce. 6. Any right or claim, including but not limited to, any right of possession or claim for damages relating to the land, whether or not of record, by or on behalf of any Indian or Indian tribe or nation. 7. Any other matter not properly recorded in the land records. b. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a representation that: (i) an actual inspection of the premises has been made; (ii) driveway and utility access to the premises conforms with the provisions of Title 19 V.S.A., § 1111; (iii) underground storage tanks do or do not exist or have or have not existed on the premises, or (iv) hazardous waste does or does not exist on the premises. Page 5 C. No inquiry or investigation has been conducted, and no certification or representation is made concerning any activities which could or might result in forfeiture of any right, title and interest in the premises to the United States for any violation under the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, as amended in Chapter 13 of Title 21, United States Code Annotated. d. Unless otherwise indicated, municipal charges are based upon telephone or verbal verification with the appropriate municipal officer. The above examination and this report refer to and apply only so far back as a Warranty deed dated May 17, 1945. This report is certified down to the 31st day of August 2001 at 3:40 p.m. PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS a Professional Corporation Catherine Kronk, Esq. 259152 vl: 3264-00014 EXHIBIT A Being the South Burlington portion of the land and premises subject to the Option Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement dated July 6, 2001, between Retrovest Associates, Inc. and Paul R. Calkins. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Paul R. Calkins by Warranty Deed of Paul R. Calkins, Trustee of the Downing -Calkins Revocable Trust, dated December 2,1997 and recorded on December 12, 1997 in Volume 419, Pages 454-455 of the South Burlington Land Records and being more particularly described therein as follows: "Being all of those same lands and premises conveyed to the Grantor herein, Paul R. Calkins, Trustee of the DOWNING - CALKINS REVOCABLE TRUST dated September 1, 1984, by the Warranty Deed of Harley D. Downing and Rena A. Calkins, dated September 1,1984 and recorded in Book 209 at Pages 68-69 of the South Burlington Land Records, and in Book 87 at Pages 350- 351 of the Shelburne Land Records, wherein said lands and premises are more particularly described as follows: "Being certain premises consisting of 242 acres, more or less, with the buildings and improvements thereon and the contents therein, located on the easterly side of Spear Street, so-called, and being all of those same lands and premises conveyed to the Grantors herein, Harley D. Downing and Rena E. Calkins, by Warranty Deed of Sand Dunes Realty Corporation dated May 17, 1945 and recorded in Book 20 at Page 55 of the South Burlington Land Records and also recorded in the Shelburne Land Records and being all of those same lands and premises conveyed to Sand Dunes Realty Corporation by deed of Rachel S. Fuller, Executrix, by deed dated September 17, 1943 and recorded in Book 18 at Pages 109-111 of the South Burlington Land Records, and in Book 28 at Pages 557-559 of the Miscellaneous Records of the Town of Shelburne." Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned deeds and their records, and to all prior deeds and their records, for a further and more complete description of the lands and premises herein conveyed. The Grantor herein, Paul R. Calkins, Trustee as aforesaid, hereby warrants that he is the sole Trustee of the aforesaid Revocable Trust, that his appointment as said Trustee has never been revoked, and that this conveyance is being made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the aforesaid Trust Agreement, which provides, in part, as follows: "...Upon the death of the survivor of the Grantors, this Trust shall terminate and the outstanding remaining balance shall be paid, delivered or conveyed over to Paul R. Calkins of Lyndon, Vermont..." The Grantor herein further warrants that the said Harley D. Downing died on August 19, 1987 in Burlington, Vermont, and that the said Rena E. Calkins died on September 4,1996 in St. Johnsbury, Vermont." 259152 vl: 3264-00014 IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION SOUTH VILLAGE This AGREEMENT is made this _ day of February, 2006 by and between SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Owner") and the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Municipality") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality's Development Review Board has approved a final subdivision plat entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," prepared by Civil. Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 consisting of three (3) sheets labeled S 1.3, S 1.3A, S 1.3B and recorded in Volume , Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records (collectively the "Plan"); and WHEREAS, the final approval of the DRB decision dated _ contains conditions that the Owner dedicate to the Municipality certain streets, easements and other interests in Owner's land along Spear Street in South Burlington as shown on the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Owner has delivered to the Municipality appropriate deeds of conveyance for the above -described lands, or interests therein, which the City of South Burlington will record upon final acceptance of said easements, streets and other property interests. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the Municipality's Planning Commission and for other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. The Owner herewith delivers to Municipality deeds of conveyance and easement deeds, the descriptive portions of which are attached as Exhibits A, B and C said delivery constituting formal offers of dedication to the Municipality to be held by the Municipality until the acceptance or rejection of such offers of dedication by the legislative body of the Municipality. 2. The Owner agrees that said formal offers of dedication are irrevocable and can be accepted by the Municipality in total or individually at any time. 3. This Irrevocable Offer of Dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Owner and all assigns, grantees, successors and/or heirs of the Owner. IN THE PRESENCE OF: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC Its Managing Member CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Its Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: At South Burlington, in said County and State, on this _day of February, 2006, before me personally appeared David A. Scheuer, member of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, and he acknowledged this instrument by him subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. Before me, STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, ss: Notary Public At South Burlington, in said County and State, on this _ day of February, 2006, before me personally appeared , duly authorized agent of the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and he acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. Before me, Notary Public 2 EXHIBIT A Easements in perpetuity, for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, restoring and/or replacing stormwater drainage lines, together with all appurtenances thereto, on, under and through the following property: Those strips of land depicted as "20' Wide Drainage Easement in Favor of City of South Burlington" on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3 and Sheet S 1.3B, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume , Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The aforementioned Drainage Easements are subject to and subordinate to the interests and rights of South Village Communities, LLC and/or its successors and assigns until such time as the South Village Project is completed in its entirety. Specifically, the City of South Burlington's interest in the aforementioned Drainage Easements are subject to and subordinate to South Village Communities, LLC's right, title and interest in and to those strips of land depicted South Jefferson Road and Allen Road East to the extent that the aforementioned Drainage Easement crosses over, under or through said South Jefferson Road and Allen Road East. The aforementioned Drainage Easements are and will forever be subject to the interests of South Village Communities, LLC and/or its successors and assigns interest in and to those certain easements depicted as "Stormwater Easement in Favor of Master Homeowners Association" on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume _, Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The exact locations of the aforementioned Drainage Easements will be fixed as actually constructed and shown on the final "as -built plans" for the South Village Project. Being portions of the lands and premises conveyed to the Grantor by the Warranty Deed of , dated February _, 2006, and recorded in Volume at Page _ of said Land Records. 3 EXHIBIT B That strip of land depicted as "Allen Road East" as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume _, Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. That strip of land depicted as "East Allen Road" as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume , Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. That strip of land depicted as "Blade Street' as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. That strip of land depicted as "Aiken Street' as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume _, Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. That strip of land depicted as "Chipman Street' as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume _, Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. That strip of land depicted as "South Jefferson Road" as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume _, Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Those strips of land depicted as "Madison Lane" as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume , Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Said Madison Lane is intersected by the strip of land depicted as "Frost Street' as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. That strip of land depicted as "Frost Street' as shown on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I El Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume , Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The exact locations of the aforementioned streets, roads and lanes will be fixed as actually constructed and shown on the final "as -built plans" for the South Village Project. Being portions of the lands and premises conveyed to the Grantor by the Warranty Deed of , dated February , 2006, and recorded in Volume at Page of said Land Records. 5 EXHIBIT C A perpetual easement and right-of-way for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a recreational pathway for public use over, under and through property in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows: Those strips of land depicted as "Recreation Path 20' Easement to City of South Burlington" on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume , Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The aforementioned Recreation Path Easement is subject to and subordinate to the interests and rights of South Village Communities, LLC and/or its successors and assigns until such time as the South Village Project is completed in its entirety. Specifically, the City of South Burlington's interest in the aforementioned Drainage Easement is subject to and subordinate to South Village Communities, LLC's right, title and interest in and to those strips of land depicted South Jefferson Road and Allen Road East to the extent that the aforementioned Recreation Easement crosses over, under or through said South Jefferson Road and Allen Road East. The aforementioned Recreation Path Easement is and will forever be subject to the interests of South Village Communities, LLC and/or its successors and assigns interest in and to those certain easements depicted as "Stormwater Easement in Favor of Master Homeowners Association" on that certain plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington, VT, Phase I Subdivision Plat," Sheet S 1.3, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. dated July, 2004 and recorded in Volume Page of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The exact location of the aforementioned Recreation Path Easement will be fixed as actually constructed and shown on the final "as -built plans" for the South Village Project. Being a portion of the lands and premises conveyed to the Grantor by the Warranty Deed of _ , dated February , 2006, and recorded in Volume _ at Page of said Land Records. 464553 v1:8346-00006 STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES INTERAGENCY ACT 250 REVIEW COMMITTEE RE: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, ) DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL LLC ) COMMISSION # 4 ) APPLICATION # 4C 1160-1 June 28, 2006 ENTRY OF APPEARANCE Please enter the appearance of the Agency of Natural Resources ("Agency"), State of Vermont, by and through its attorney, Elizabeth Lord, in the above -captioned matter. COMMENTS Criterion 1B — Stormwater The Water Quality Division is presently reviewing a stormwater application for Phase I of the development. Additional information has been requested from the applicant with respect to providing clarification on the scope of the project. Upon receipt of the additional information, a draft permit will be distributed for a 30-day public comment period. Approval of the stormwater treatment system will also include the use of an offset project. An application for a construction discharge permit has not yet been received by the Water Quality Division, but is expected within the near future. Dated June 28, 2006, at Waterbury, Vermont. Respectfully submitted, State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources By: Eliza eth Lord, sq. Division of Regulatory Management & Act 250 Review (802) 241-3620 E CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that 1, Andrea McKnight, Program Technician for the Agency of Natural Resources Division of Regulatory Management and Act 250 Review, sent a copy of the foregoing Comments and Entry of Appearance dated June 28, 2006 regarding File #4C1160-1 by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to the following: South Village Communities, LLC c/o Mr. David Scheuer 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Mr. Paul Calkins P.O. Box 82 Lyndonville, VT 05851 David Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 485 928 Falls Road Shelburne, VT 05482 Donna Kinville, City Clerk Chair, City Council / Chair, City Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Colleen Haag, Town Clerk Chair, Selectboard / Chair, Planning Commission Town of Shelburne P.O. Box 88 Shelburne, VT 05482 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 206 South Burlington, VT 05403 District #4 Environmental Commission I I I West Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 Dated June 28, 2006, at Waterbury, Vermont drea McKnibhi J State of Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Department of Environmental Conservation State Geologist RELAY SERVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED 1-800-253-0191 TDD>Voice 1-800-253-0195 Voice>TDD June 9, 2006 Paul Calkins P.O. Box 82 Lyndonville VT 05851 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation Wastewater Management Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 Telephone: (802) 879-5656 Subject WW-4-2613 South Village Phase I 60 lot subdivision; 41 single family resdidences with 3 bedrooms each, 22 duplexes with 3 bedrooms each, 21 triplexes with 3 bedrooms each for a total of 260 bedrooms located at 1840 Spear Street in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Sir/Madam: I have reviewed the application and technical information submitted for the above referenced project. Unfortunately, there were items that were not included or were insufficient and I was unable to determine if this project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. Please provide the following information: 1. Please provide the approval by the Water Supply Division for the water line extension. 2. Please provide two copies of the plan identifying the sanitary sewer and water services to all proposed buildings, including single family residences, on each lot to be developed. It also would be a help to identify the lots by number for single family residences, duplexes, triplexes, and the nine multi family condominiums/apartments. Please respond within thirty, (30) days from the date of this letter. Re -submittals that are incomplete, or made after thirty days may result in the denial of the project. Once I receive the information requested, I will continue my review of the project. If you have any questions as to what is needed, please contact me. Sincerely, Ernest Christianson Regional Engineer cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Act 250 Environmental Commission #4 Water Supply Division Z Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Issuance of Conditional Use Determination #2001-274 Please be notified, as per Section 8.4 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, that the request for a Conditional Use Determination received from Gilman & Briggs Environmental for the construction of a 334-unit development that will impact 19,844 square feet of Class Two wetland and 87,090 square feet of associated 50-buffer zone was approved on the first of May, 2005. It was found by the Agency of Natural Resources that this conditional use will not result in any undue, adverse effects to the protected functions of the significant wetland located east of the intersection of Spear Street and Allen Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Complete copies of the decision can be obtained by calling the Water Quality Division at 802 879-2396 or writing to the address below. Any person with an interest in this matter can appeal this decision pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1269. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b) (4) (B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.verinontiudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is 225 North Main Street, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-479-4487) Erin K. Haney District Wetlands Ecologist Water Quality Division Department of Environmental Conservation- 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452-4695 cc: [Distribution List] K:\Wetl\AM\South Village\South VillageCUD-final issuance notice.doc In the matter of: Conditional Use Determination Section 8 - Vermont Wetland Rules South Village Communities, LLC c/o David Scheur 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 (co -applicant) Paul Calkins PO Box 82 Lyndonville, Vermont 05851 (co -applicant) Application for the construction of a 334-unit development that will impact 19,844 sq ft of Class Two wetland and 87,090 sq ft of associated 50-foot buffer zone. South Burlington, Vermont File #: 2001-274 DEC ID #: EJ05-0114 The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources received application #2001-274 for a Conditional Use Determination. This application has been publicly posted through February 17, 2006 and notice sent to all parties as required by Section 8.3 of the Vermont Wetland Rules. A public information session was held on February 16, 2006. Commenters filed a formal "brief in opposition" near the close of the public comment period, on April 16, 2006. The Applicant responded with a "reply brief' outside the public comment period on February 24, 2006, and Commenters then filed a "sur-reply" brief on March 24, 2006. Findings of Fact After careful examination of this application, the Agency finds as follows: I. The Wetlands A complete application, on behalf of the applicants, was received from Art Gilman and Errol Briggs of Gilman & Briggs Environmental for Conditional Use Determination #2001-274 on January 6, 2006. 2of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 2. The wetlands and adjacent 50-foot buffer zones are located to the east of the intersection of Spear Street and Allen Road in South Burlington, Vermont. There is an existing residence on the parcel. The address of the existing residence is 1840 Spear Street. 3. April J. Moulaert, District Wetlands Ecologist, conducted several site visits to the subject property with the applicants' representatives. 4. The wetlands are identified as palustrine open water and forested wetlands on the Vermont Significant Wetlands Inventory maps and are therefore designated as Class Two wetlands in the Vermont Wetland Rules. 5. (A) Approximately 36 acres of the subject wetland are located on the project site, and the wetland extends off the project site to an undetermined extent. A second Class Two wetland, also known as the Great Swamp, comprises some 9.85 acres on -site, with an estimated similar acreage off -site. The Great Swamp will not be impacted by this project. The site also has several smaller Class Three wetlands, which cumulatively total approximately 4.5 acres. The subject wetland is a mix of open water, scrub/shrub, shallow marsh and wet meadow. A tributary to Monroe Brook flows through this wetland. (B) Two wetland impact areas are proposed as described in detail below: one is at Midland Avenue on the western portion of the property and the other is at the proposed L Street in the eastern portion of the property. In the vicinity of the proposed impact area at Midland Avenue, the wet meadow type of wetland is dominated by sedges and grasses, including, among others, creeping bent grass (Agrostis stolonifera), marsh bluegrass (Poa palustris), common rush (Juncus effusus), and scouring rush (Equisetum hyemale). At the proposed L Street the wetland is dominated by lake sedge (Carex lacustris) in almost a pure stand, with other emergent graminoids. (C) The buffer zone in most areas is scrub/shrub upland on abandoned agricultural lands that are reverting from field to forest; in some areas the succession has just started, in others it is nearly complete. The scrub/shrub community is dominated by gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa) and common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), with saplings of American elm (Ulmus americana), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and others. Much of the old field area that remains is dominated by common bedstraw (Galium mollugo) and by goldenrod, especially tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima). (D) Soil types in the wetlands are primarily Covington silty clay (poorly drained), with some areas of Livingston clay (very poorly drained). In the areas of impact, there are Covington. The soils in the buffer zones are primarily Vergennes clay with some Georgia stony loam, Farmington extremely rocky loam, and Hinesburg fine sandy loam. II. The Proposal 6. This proposal involves the construction of a 334-unit residential development on an approximately 226-acre site. The site has significant resource constraints that restrict development in various areas of the property. In addition to the presence of over 50 acres of wetlands on the subject property, the project is further constrained by the presence of a city -mandated view protection zone extending from Spear Street westerly across the site. 3 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD 42001-274 This has eliminated the potential to place housing units within the western -most portions of the site. In order to protect significant natural resources, such as important wildlife habitat areas, the eastern -most portions of the property have been designated as areas to be kept permanently preserved. In addition to the proposed housing, other project components include a community farm utilizing organic practices. This project also includes an "Ecological Restoration and Management Program" which is based on the following design objectives: 1) restore the ecology, diversity, and beauty of native plant communities in conservation preserves; 2) improve the ecological functioning and beauty of the communal open space and other areas by integrating ecological restoration with native landscaping; 3) provide for the enjoyment of the conservation preserves; and, 4) develop a long-term ecological stewardship program for the open space. The restoration of the native plant communities is intended to improve the health of ecosystems, including wildlife habitat and ecological function. The restoration of a complex native vegetation structure and rich biodiversity in the properties South Village's woodlands, wetlands, wet meadows, and native upland grasslands and forests is intended to provide enhanced habitat for populations of breeding birds, invertebrates, mammals, and other wildlife. In the remaining areas, the project will include a mix of one-, two-, and three -unit buildings and 9 multi- family apartments or condominiums totaling 184 residential buildings, a 100-student school, a day care, and a series of agricultural buildings. The project will be built in three phases with the following per -phase maximum units: 156, 99 and 80. The linear footage of proposed roadways in Phase I is 6,560 public and 1,500 private; Phase II is 4,520 public and 1,130; Phase III includes 3,440 public and 1,020 private; for a total of 14,520 public and 3,650 private. Wastewater disposal will be treated at the City of South Burlington Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The proposed Class Two wetland encroachments are mostly associated with two road crossings as outlined below. The project will impact 19,844 square feet of Class Two wetland and 87,090 square feet of 50-foot buffer zone. "L" Street — This roadway will complete the City -required east -west connection of the local roadway network from Dorset Farms to Allen Road. A 30'-wide clear span bridge with cast -in -place abutments and wing walls is proposed at this location to minimize the impacts on the hydrologic connection of the wetland. The construction procedures will include the placement of a cofferdam on either side of the drainage way to allow uninterrupted flows during construction of the bridge footings. These coffer dams will also minimize the potential for the movement of disturbed soil and silt -laden water into the stream. Two utility line installations will be required creating a temporary impact to the wetlands and stream corridor. Construction dewatering will be carefully controlled through the use of polyacrilimide additives and settling/filtration areas so that silt laden water is not introduced into the wetland or stream corridor. The side slopes have been maximized with the use of a 2:1 slope to minimize the footprint of the fill area. "Midland Avenue" - This proposed roadway has been located to follow along a previously disturbed area. The additional fill footprint for the roadway has been minimized by obtaining waivers from the City for the standard clear distance from the edge of the recreation path to the traveled way from 8' to 5 % a reduction in the path width from 10' to 4of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 8'; and the use of 1:1 side slopes. The existing culvert through the fill is a 15" corrugated pipe. The proposed structure will be an open -bottomed 7'-wide three -sided box culvert on concrete footings. A stream bypass suitable of passing the 2-year design storm will be required to be installed during construction of this structure. Sediment and erosion control measures will include silt fencing along the toe of the fill and stabilization of the fill slopes as soon as possible to minimize the potential for soil erosion and movement. An Individual Operational Stormwater Permit and a federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) will be required for the development of this site. The NPDES stormwater permit will include an approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan designed to minimize discharges of sediment during construction. The operational stormwater permit will require compliance with the Vermont Stormwater Management Manual. Both permits will ensure compliance with Vermont's Water Quality Standards. "L Street Stormwater Management Facility" — Buffer encroachment is proposed on the north side of L Street for the construction of a stormwater management facility. In order to minimize the buffer encroachment, a small wetland impact of 112 square feet is proposed for the outlet structure so as to maximize the depth of the facility. Quiet Path Bridge Approaches — A 20 ft clear span wood pedestrian bridge is proposed to connect two upland areas across a narrow band of wetland. This will require the construction of small abutments and approach fill. The total buffer impact is 454 square feet. Ecological Restoration Program - The proposed restoration plan focuses on creating ecologically valuable biological communities within the context of a developed or disturbed landscape. The project will focus on creating and restoring diverse native ecological systems adjacent to developed areas. The proposed restoration program for the wetlands calls for the enhancement of the existing wetland and its surrounding buffer area. Prior to enhancement, the wetland will require control of invasive non-native species through application of appropriate herbicides and possibly prescribed burning. An appropriate plan for the use of selective herbicides for in the wetland and wetland buffer will be submitted to the Secretary for approval to allow these activities to occur. Herbicides are not broadcast sprayed during a restoration process. Instead the herbicide is wick -applied directly to the target individual plants; this reduces exposure risk to other biota. The species of most concern in the site wetland are reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), and a hybrid grass introduced from Europe, called giant reed grass (Phragmites communis). Reduction of these invasive species will allow the sedge meadow, wet grassland and emergent wetlands in the property to be enhanced and restored. After the restoration program is implemented (a period not to exceed five years), the entirety of the un-impacted wetland and wetland buffer zone areas for the two Class Two wetlands will become dedicated "no -mow" zones, so that they can revert to wooded areas over time. 7. The applicant has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Determination along with numerous attachmenf and engineering plans. The following plans were prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc.: "South Village, Wetland Impact Summary, WIS-1.0" dated January 2005, last revised 1/6/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W 1.0" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W 1.1" 5of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W1.2" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan D Street, W2.0" dated October 2004, last revised 12/21/05; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W2.1" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W2.2" dated October 2004, last revised 1/05/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W3.0" dated October 2004, last revised 12/21/05; "South Village, Storm Water Management Facility, W5.0" dated February 2005, last revised 1/05/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W5.1" dated October 2004, last revised 1/05/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W5.2" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W6.0" dated. October 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Narrative C-7.3" dated July 2004; "South Village, Erosion Control Specifications C-7.4" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Inspection C- 7.5" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Inspection C-7.6" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Details C-7.7" dated July 2004; "South Village. Site Erosion Control 'Details C-7.8" dated July 2004; and "South Village, Site Erosion Control Details C-7.9" dated July 2004. The following plans were prepared by LandWorks: "South Village, Rec. Path Trail Network Plan L-l" dated July 2004, last revised 12/5/05; "South Village, Landscape Buffer to Wetlands L-7c" dated July 2005, last revised 10/7/05; "South Village, Buffer Landscape Plan L-7d" dated July 2005, last revised 12/5/05; "South Village, Buffer Landscape Plan L-7e" dated July 2005, last revised 12/5/05; and "South Village, Quiet Path Sections L-9" dated September 2005. 8. The protected functions of the wetlands in question include the following: water storage for flood water and storm runoff (§5.1), surface and groundwater protection (§5.2), wildlife and migratory bird habitat (§5.4), hydrophytic vegetation habitat (§5.5), open space and aesthetics (§5.9), and erosion control through binding and stabilizing the soil (§5.10). 9. The following functions are either not present or are present at such a minimal level as to not be protected functions: fisheries habitat (§5.3), threatened or endangered species habitat (§5.6), education and research in natural science (§5.7), and recreational value and economic benefits (§5.8). 10. The wetland is significant for the water storage for flood water and storm runoff function because it is upstream of developed public and private property and a stream that is susceptible to scouring and erosion; and it has physical space for floodwater expansion and dense, persistent emergent vegetation that slows down flood waters during peak flows and facilitates water removal by evaporation and transpiration. The road culverts have been sized, and the road crossings have been designed, to retain the natural flow characteristics of the wetland complex so there will be no reduction in water storage capacity. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. ' 11. The wetland is significant for the surface and ground water protection function because it protects water quality through chemical action, or by the removal of nutrients, as demonstrated by fine mineral soils (clay), there are no dead forest or shrub areas and no ditches or channels that confine water and water velocity is lowered through dense, erect, vegetation. The wetland also protects water quality by the retention and removal of sediments and organic matter and by moderating the adverse water quality effects of soil 6of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 erosion and stormwater runoff as demonstrated by having no artificial channelization of the wetland, no soil tillage and the wetland is in a depositional environment with a band of erect, persistent vegetation wider than 20 feet. In order to protect this function, stormwater on the project site will be treated with a series of vegetated "stormwater trains," which are devices used to treat runoff prior to discharge. In addition, there will be at least one stormwater pond as required to meet Vermont Stormwater Management Manual standards. Standard and site -specific erosion control practices will be utilized, and all exposed soils will be seeded and mulched within 24 hours. A silt fence will be placed at the edge of the buffer zone to capture any silt from construction. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 12. (A) The wetland is significant for the wildlife and migratory bird habitat function because the wetland: has the habitat to support one or more breeding pairs of waterfowl or one or more broods of waterfowl; supports or has the resting, staging or roosting habitat to support waterfowl migration; has the potential to support feeding habitat for great blue heron, supports or has the habitat to support one or more breeding pairs of snipe, American bittern, and northern harrier; contains evidence that it is used by muskrat and mink; provides habitat that supports the reproduction of uncommon Vermont amphibian species including: Jefferson salamander, blue -spotted salamander, spotted salamander, or others of similar significance; based on its habitat is likely to support populations of wood turtle; contains the following conditions indicative of wildlife habitat diversity: 1) four wetland vegetation classes (%2 acre or greater in size) are present including: open water contiguous to deep marsh, shallow marsh, shrub swamp, wooded swamp; 2) the dominant wetland vegetation classes are marsh or wooded swamp; 3) the wetland is located contiguous to a stream; 4) the surrounding habitat types are a combination of forest, old field, and open land; 5) the wetland is hydrologically connected to other wetlands of the same dominant vegetation classes within %2 mile; and (6) it contains evidence that it is used by wetland dependent wildlife species. (B) A wren, that may have been a sedge wren, was observed during a site visit in the subject wetland. The sedge wren is listed as a State Endangered species. The wren was observed in the northern portion of the subject wetland in suitable habitat. The northern portion of the wetland will not be impacted by this project. (C) Species of wildlife considered rare or of special concern observed at the site include: Jefferson salamander, Blue -spotted salamander, American bittern, and Northern harrier. (D) Steps taken to avoid and minimize wetland impacts are described in paragraph 16 below. The location of L Street, which impacts the main wetland, has been chosen at a narrow location to minimize intrusion into the wetland, and is downstream from anv pools - of open water that would be attractive to many wildlife species. The other area of wetland to be impacted has less potential as wildlife habitat. Steps taken to reduce impacts to wildlife include: the avoidance steps noted above, in relation to the layout of the streets, the design of Midland Avenue, which uses an existing roadway area that has a low profile so as not to present a barrier to wildlife movement north -and -south along the small stream and valley, retention of the large upland areas between the Great Swamp and the subject wetland, so that the mix of habitats will promote wildlife use, and a proposed habitat restoration component which will improve the quality of the habitats on the property. The 7 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 restrictions placed on the use of the "quiet paths" are beneficial to wildlife and will minimize any disruptions to use of habitat, while affording people the opportunity to view wildlife. In correspondence, the Agency noted the desire of the Department of Fish and Wildlife to retain large buffer zones, 300' in width, around the wetlands on the project. This has been done for the Great Swamp and for the easterly side of the subject wetland, except for the necessary crossing at Midland Avenue, for the large island in Wetland C, and for most of the area of the "Ridge." Altogether the wetlands, buffers, and intervening uplands on the easterly side of the property form a large block of contiguous habitat. (D) While the Agency does find that the project will have more than minimal impact on the above -noted wildlife species habitat that occurs on the project site, the Agency finds the project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function, given the avoidance, minimization, and other mitigation efforts that have been proposed by the Applicant. Such avoidance, minimization, and mitigation efforts, together with the conditions set forth herein, are sufficient to ensure that there will be no undue adverse effect, whether direct and immediate or cumulative and on -going, on protected wetland functions. 13. The wetland is significant for the hydrophytic vegetation function because the wetland provides habitat for a rare species of hydrophytic vegetation, blunt -leaved bedstraw (Galium obtusum). This plant occurs along the seasonal stream in the area mostly north of the Midland Avenue crossing (i.e., downstream of the crossing) in light woodland. This species is ranked S 1 by the Natural Heritage Program (S 1 is defined as: "very rare, generally one to five occurrences believed to be extant and/or some factor(s) making it vulnerable to extirpation from the state") with twelve known historical sites and fewer recent sites. The population occurs mostly out of the proposed impact area. The Applicant plans an intensive habitat restoration program for much of the site, which is generally abandoned agricultural fields and which is currently vegetated with numerous invasive species. The restoration measures are proposed in both uplands (including wetland buffers) and wetlands, and include the removal of nuisance and exotic species by manual methods, as well as by burning, herbicide use and cultivation; and planting of more desirable species. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 14. The wetland is significant for the open space and aesthetics function because the wetland has prominence as a distinct feature in the surrounding landscape. This wetland is not currently visible to any of the public, being topographically hidden in its broad valley. Subsequent to the development, it will be observable by the general public traveling on public roads, as well as by the residents of the proposed South Village. The open wetland is mostly north of the proposed crossing of L Street, and will be visible to motorists. At Midland Avenue, the public will be able to view wetlands on both sides of the road. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 15. The wetland is significant for the erosion control function because there are erosive forces present, and there are areas of erect vegetation greater than 20 feet wide adjacent to a stream. The vegetative characteristics of the wetland that provide this function will not be significantly altered by the project. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 8of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 16. In response to feedback from the Agency, the Applicant revised the original plans in order to reduce wetland impacts. In the current plan, there will be no wetland or wetland buffer zone disturbances associated with the construction of the housing units. The only direct disturbances are associated with road crossings, erosion and sediment controls, and stormwater management areas. The Applicant eliminated a proposed road crossing to address Agency concerns. All areas of disturbance will be promptly restored. As noted above, there are restrictions concerning the property that constrain development on other upland portions, specifically the City of South Burlington viewshed district, which essentially prohibits any further development of the uplands along Spear Street than is already planned. The Applicants have agreed to retain a large contiguous block of important habitat: the subject wetland, the Great Swamp, and the intervening land as a whole. The impacts from the project relate to the road crossings - Midland Avenue and L Street. Such impacts are unavoidable, as the Applicants represented-- and the City of South Burlington did not dispute-- that such road crossings are necessary to comply with the City of South Burlington's policy of connector roads, especially Midland Avenue. The Applicant has worked with the City of South Burlington to significantly narrow the generally required street widths, and this has significantly reduced project impacts from what would otherwise be required. Rule 8.5 of the Vermont Wetland Rules requires that a project must demonstrate that all practicable measures have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to the protected functions of a wetland. The Applicant is also required to show that the proposed conditional use will not have an undue adverse impact on protected wetland functions. In this case, the project has been designed to avoid wetlands and buffer zones to the maximum extent practicable. Measures taken to avoid and minimize impacts to the wetland functions have included several redesigns and scale -backs in regard to wetlands along the southern edge of the property. Additionally, the project was redesigned in at least three other iterations to avoid impacts: 1) The crossing of Midland Avenue was originally about 300' further north and would have crossed a more significant wetland - dependent wildlife area; the redesign brought it to an area of the pre-existing filled roadway, leaving the area northward in a more natural state; 2) A group of housing units in the intervening uplands between Great Swamp and the subject wetland, north of Midland Avenue, were removed from the project design, which reduces impacts to wildlife habitat by leaving the wide (300 feet) buffers around these wetland perimeters as requested by the Department of Fish and Wildlife; and 3) A large group of housing units on the Ridge area have been removed from the design, also allowing the wide buffer zone (plus additional upland) in that area, as requested by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Split -rail fencing, and landscaping, will be installed where development is proposed near the wetlands and is shown on the project plans. The Applicant will permanently preserve all of the remaining wetlands, approximately 35.5 acres, and buffer zones on the entire balance of the site as part of this project. The preservation of extensive wetland, buffer zone and upland areas of the site in perpetuity, the prompt restoration of disturbed areas and the proposed Ecological Restoration and Management plan ensure that any impacts on protected functions are sufficiently mitigated such that there will be no undue adverse impacts from the project. Accordingly, adverse impacts have been minimized. The Applicant has also provided its 9of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 plan to promptly restore any adverse impacts on protected wetland functions, and to ensure the protection of wetland functions with its preservation and management strategies. 17. Comments were raised regarding the need for the through road that necessitates this Conditional Use Determination, and the need for the proposed Phase III units that will be provided access by the construction of the through road. The City has indicated that the through road is required in order to develop this property. The Applicant has provided an adequate explanation as to why the through road must be located where the Applicant has proposed. Furthermore, the design of the through road has been modified to address Agency concerns, as described above. No further mitigation is required beyond what the Applicant has proposed and what the Agency requires herein. The proposed units in Phase III will not result in any direct wetland or buffer zone impacts.l 18. If the project is constructed according to the specifications of the application and accompanying site plans, and the conditions of this Conditional Use Determination, the resulting wetland filling and alteration is not expected to result in any violations of the Vermont Water Quality Standards. The Agency has evaluated the proposed design changes suggested by the Commenters (which were unsupported by sufficient details or analysis) and has determined that the project as proposed by the Applicant and subject to the conditions contained herein complies with the Vermont Wetland Rules, and that further consideration of alternative theories of design is not required under the Rules. Conclusions of Law Based on information provided by the applicant and their representatives in the application for Conditional Use Determination, the Agency of Natural Resources concludes: Under Section 8 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, effective February 23, 1990, the Secretary may authorize conditional uses in a significant wetland or in its adjacent buffer zone. The Rules state that each Class Two wetland is presumed to serve all of the wetland functions identified in the Rules (Section 4.2b). Protected functions are distinguished from other wetland functions in Section 2.20, as those functions that make a wetland so significant they merit protection under these rules. Under Section 8.5a, the Secretary may only authorize a conditional use when it is determined that the proposed conditional use will have no undue adverse effect on the protected functions, unless the Secretary determines such impacts are sufficiently mitigated. 1-Commenters raise a number of arguments regarding the authority to the City of South Burlington to "coerce" the Applicant to build the East-West through road, and cite the U.S. Supreme Court case of Nollan v. California Coastal Cmm'n (483 U.S. 825 [1987]) for the proposition that the City may not "essential[ly] force" the Applicant to bear the cost of the East-West Road as a precondition of the project. The Agency, and not the City, however, is the permitting authority in this case. The Agency's jurisdiction, nonetheless, does not extend to questions of the constitutionality of the City's zoning regulations. Moreover, even if there were a taking of private property for public use at issue in this case (which there is not), the Applicant would have standing to raise that issue. Commenters additional reliance on the "sufficient nexus" test set fort in Nollan is likewise misplaced and merits no further discussion. 10 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 The proposed conditional use cannot practicably be located on an upland portion of the site or on another site owned, controlled or available to satisfy the basic project purpose. All practicable measures have been taken in this proposal to avoid adverse impacts on protected functions. The Agency determines that the proposed conditional use, described in the Findings of Fact and in the Conditional Use Determination application in question, will have no undue adverse impacts, with consideration of both direct and immediate effects and to cumulative and on -going effects, to the protected functions of the Class Two wetland, associated buffer zone on this subject property or the adjacent wetland complex. To the extent that there will be some impacts to protected wetland functions, avoidance of such adverse effects cannot be practicably achieved. The proposed conditional use, however, has been planned to minimize . adverse impacts on protected functions and provides a plan for prompt restoration of any adverse impacts on protected functions. Decision 1. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources finds, that on the basis of the information provided in the application for Conditional Use Determination, there is reasonable assurance that the proposed conditional use will have no undue adverse effects, with consideration of both direct and immediate effects and to cumulative and on -going effects on the protected functions of the significant wetland on this property provided the provisions of the application are supplemented with the procedures described below. This Conditional Use Determination is therefore approved with the following conditions: A. All activity shall be completed, operated and maintained as set forth in accordance with the proposal in Conditional Use Determination Application #2001-274 and all submittals listed in Finding of Fact #7 above. No material or substantial changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the Vermont Wetlands Office. B. The applicant shall notify the Vermont Wetlands Office in writing prior to the start of this project. C. A continuous line of orange snow fence shall be installed along the limit of disturbance where construction is proposed in the vicinity of the wetland or buffer zone prior to the start of construction to prevent encroachments into protected areas. D. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted by the applicant shall be followed. All sediment barriers and construction fencing shall be removed following the successful establishment of vegetation: - - - E. The applicant shall have this Conditional Use Determination recorded in the land records of the City of South Burlington for all affected lands and the applicant shall have this Conditional Use Determination referenced in any deeds for the property. The applicant shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Office with a copy of correspondence or other proof from the City of South Burlington certifying that the restrictions have been recorded. 11 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 F. Within 30 days upon completion of the proposed work in the wetland and buffer zone, the applicants or their representative shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Office with a letter from a Professional Engineer certifying that the project was constructed in compliance with the conditions of this determination. G. The applicant will be required to deed restrict any additional development beyond the project footprint identified in the plans that were submitted as part of this application. H. The split -rail fencing in each phase shall be installed in the locations shown on the plans prior to occupancy of any of the units in the corresponding phase. I. All wetland and wetland buffer zone areas on the property that are not permitted to be impacted as part of this permit shall be allowed to re -vegetate naturally and will not be allowed to be mowed. The only exception to this condition will be any mowing required for the initial implementation of the ecosystem restoration plan (this period shall not exceed five years). J. Road crossing structures and approach fill should not encroach within ordinary high water (bankfull = Q 1.5); should not raise the mean annual water surface profile (Q 1.5) above the profile associated with no existing structure; should not block fish passage; and should maintain natural substrate through the structure. ' K. All proposed activities in the wetland and adjacent 50-foot buffer zone, carried out in compliance with Condition A, must be completed within five years of the date of the Conditional Use Determination or it will expire. An extension of time may be granted for cause. A request for an extension must be received by the Department at least 30 days prior to the end of the three-year period in order to prevent the expiration of this Conditional Use Determination. A request for extension will be considered a minor modification. L. The terms and conditions of this decision shall run with the land. M. The applicant shall conduct additional field studies to determine whether sedge wrens nest in the subject wetland or otherwise use suitable wetland habitat on the site; shall monitor the site annually for the following species of concern: Jefferson salamander, Blue -spotted salamander, Northern Harrier, and American Bittern; and shall submit an annual report to the Agency with the results of these studies. N. The applicant shall monitor the portion of the wetland in question annually during early. July for five years following construction for the nuisance plant species purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and common reed (Phragmites australis). All nuisance plants found shall be pulled by hand and disposed of by burial or burning in a non -wetland location. Additionally, the contractor's equipment shall be cleaned so as to contain no observable soil or vegetation prior to work in wetlands and buffer zones to help prevent the spread of invasive species. 2. The State of Vermont and the Agency maintain continuing jurisdiction over this project and may at any time order remedial measures be taken if it appears likely that adverse 12 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 impacts to the protected functions and values will occur, and to assure future compliance with all statutes, rules and regulations applicable to the facts set forth herein. 3. This Conditional Use Determination does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to comply with any other applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and permits. 4. By acceptance of this Conditional Use Determination the applicant agrees to allow representatives of the Department of Environmental Conservation access to the property covered by the Conditional Use Determination, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont Wetland Rules and the Vermont Water Quality Standards. 5. The Department, by issuing this Conditional Use Determination, accepts no legal responsibility for any damage direct or indirect of whatever nature and by whoever suffered arising out of the project described. Appeals Any person with an interest in this matter can appeal this decision pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1269. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned; and the name of the applicant, and any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (tel. 802-828-1660). Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By: Wallace McLean Director, Water Quality Division Dated at Waterbury, Vermont this 1 st day of May, 2006 City of South Burlington Water Pollution Control Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington VT 05403 May 15, 2006 RE: South Village Cathy Larose Dear Cathy, The South Burlington Water Pollution Control Department has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. Below are my comments on the current drawings. 1. Attached is a copy of South Burlington pump station design criteria 2. All electrical junction boxes shall be located outside the wet well. 3. South Burlington calculates its emergency storage by using maximum day flow not average daily flow. If average daily flow is used that number needs to be multiplied by 1.5. 4. 3 inch PT emergency connection coupling shall have an extension to just under the cover of the valve pit. The valve handle will also have an extension to the cover. 5. Your drawings for pump station # 1 and #2 are the same although in the note section of the drawings pump sizes and force main sizes are different. Why? 6. At completion of each phase a set of as -built drawings shall be submitted to the Water Pollution Control Department for our files. Res a fully, George Dow Superintendent South Burlington WPC The City of South Burlington Pump Station Design Criteria The city recognizes "Guides for the Design of Wastewater Treatment Works" TR-16 prepared by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission as its guide for its pump station design. All sewage pumping stations shall be designed in accordance with the TR-16 manual except as noted below. Submersible Pump Stations: All sewage pumping stations shall utilize submersible pumps unless otherwise approved by the Wastewater Superintendent. Grinder stations shall not be permitted. It shall be possible to remove and replace the submersible pumps without dewatering the wetwell or disconnecting the piping. Pumps shall be of the pull- up design, using a lifting cable and guides for pump removal. The pump shall be connected to the fixed discharge piping with a self-locking coupling. Shaft seal failure or potential seal failure detection alarms shall be provided. Submersible pumps may also be used in a wetwell/drywell configuration. Minimum requirements for wastewater pump stations A. Pump Requirements: 2 non -clog submersible sewage pumps, each designed to handle the peak design flow rate expected from the service area. The designer shall submit an analysis of capacity needs for the service area. Pumps shall be 3 phase with a 4" discharge capable of passing a 3" solid. B. Pump Station Electrical Service: The contractor shall be responsible for providing all materials and labor as required to comply with local and state electrical codes. All electrical connections for pumps will be made outside of the wetwell within a junction box. All electrical panels shall be UL listed. C. Emergency Storage: Provide a minimum of 4.15 hours of storage above the alarm level without surcharging of the sewage collection system. Storage volumes shall be calculated in accordance with the State of Vermont DEC Written Guidance for Preparation of Emergency Action — Electrical Power Failure Plans and shall be based on the maximum daily flow volume being delivered over a 16 hour period. D. Wetwell Level Sensor: The City has adopted a uniform standard for level control systems for all of its wastewater pumping stations. Level control systems shall be consistent with other pumping stations throughout the City which utilize the Muliti-trode control system manufactured by Flygt Corporation. The level control system shall be multi -trade, a multi-sensored probe in conjunction with a multi- triode controller. All pumping stations shall also include a redundant high water alarm trigger that is a separate float -type or mercury type switch, independent of the Multi-trode unit. E. Submersible Duplex Pump Station Requirements: • Pumps (2) • Stainless steel rail system for pump removal • Aluminum Access cover (Bilco or equivalent) • Multitrode pump control • HOA Switch for each pump • Run lights for each pump + Alarm light and audible alarm with battery back-up • Main disconnect switch • Double throw switch with plug for city's portable generator • 110V outlets in panel • Elapsed time meters • Lighting protection • Alternating selector switch • Telemetry system with battery back-up tied into the South Burlington System • Spare parts depending on eq F. Valve Pit Requirements: Shut-off valves and check valves for submersible pumps shall be placed in a separate chamber for ease of maintenance • Check valves 4"(2) • Gate valves 4" (3) • Emergency bypass connection 4" G. Force Main Requirements: All force mains shall be a minimum of 4" in diameter and shall be designed for a minimum velocity of 3.0 feet per second. Maximum velocities shall be no greater than 7.0 feet per second unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent. H. Submittal Requirements: The design engineer shall submit plans on 24"x36' drawings showing appropriate plan and elevation views of the proposed pumping station. Elevations shall be based on USGS datum. The submittal shall identify the extent of the service area and an analysis shall be provided that identifies the full build -out requirements of the service area. An analysis shall be provided to access the capacity and condition of downstream interceptors and pumping stations, in order to determine if adequate capacity is available downstream to handle the proposed flows. Upgrades to downstream facilities may be required prior to approval of any new proposed pumping stations. I. Record Drawings: Prior to the acceptance by the City a complete set of as -built drawings shall be submitted to the City. The as -built drawings shall be provided in both hard copy and electronic format. The drawings shall be electronically drafted using AutoCadd drafting software and shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer who shall certify that the drawings provided represent the actual constructed conditions. Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION RECEIVED FOR SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES LLC VTS000048 4096-INDC The Water Quality Division of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) has received an application for a permit to discharge stormwater runoff from the construction of the first phase of a residential development. The applicant is South Village Communities LLC. The application was originally received on June 28, 2006. The project would discharge sediment and other construction -related pollutants to Bartlett Brook and Munroe Brook. The Department's tentative determination is to issue an individual discharge permit with conditions to control, prevent, and mitigate impacts on water quality. Written comments will be accepted at the address below until the close of the public comment period on Monday, June 4, 2007. All comments must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m. on that date. A public hearing will be held if there is significant public interest. Interested persons should contact the Water Quality Division at (802) 241-3770 to either request a hearing or to be contacted in the event one is to be held. For information on the application, access to related documents, including the permit fact sheet and the draft permit, or a copy of the Water Quality Standards, interested persons should contact: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Division 103 South Main Street, 10 North Waterbury, VT 05671-0408 Telephone: 802-241-3 770 A copy of the draft discharge permit is available at this time. The draft permit, fact sheet, and notice will be available within the next five days at the Water Quality Division website: http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/waterq/wgdhome.htm. Peter LaFlamme, for Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation May 4, 2007 The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation is an equal opportunity agency and offers all persons the benefits of participating in each of its programs and competing in all areas of employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other nonmerit factors. PR OLISOT DATA: PROJECT PARCEL = 31.9ACRES ZONING - SOUTHEAST QUADRANT DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY. - MINIMUM LOT AREA - 3,600 SF MIN. LOT FRONTAGE (LOCAL ST.) - 85 FT MIN. LOT FRONTAGE (COLLECTOR) - 100 FT MAX. RESIDENTIAL DENSITY- 1.2 UTAC. MINIMUM SETBACKS FRONT 10 FT SIDE 10 FT REAR 5 FT 50 FRONT YARD SETBACK ON ALL DESIGNATED COLLECTOR ROADS MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE - 42 % MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE-61% Total Parcel Size Total Parcel Size in Shelburne Total Parcel Size in South Burlington Permitted Maximum Number of Units MULTI - FAMILY: MINIMUM LOT AREA - 12,000 SF (PER UNIT) MIN. LOT FRONTAGE (LOCAL ST) - 120 FT MIN. LOT FRONTAGE (COLLECTOR) - 170 FT MAX. RESIDENTIAL DENSITY- 1.2 UTAC. MINIMUM SETBACKS FRONT 10 FT SIDE 10 FT REAR 5 FT 50' FRONT YARD SETBACK ON ALL DESIGNATED COLLECTOR ROADS MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE -50% MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE -65% COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS: (ENTIRE PROJECD MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE -15% EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE -<1% PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE - 7.43% MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE -30% EXISTING LOT COVERAGE- <1% PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE- 15.3% 225.75 acres 2.61 acres 223.14 acres 156 Units SOUTH VILLAGE t mph - 300 M Phase I Design Plans SPEAR STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT INDEX OF DRAWINGS: SHEET DESCRIPTION Cover/Iadex Sheet SURVEY S1.2 Phase t Subdivision Plat - 1"=200' S13 Phase IS. bdiv6ioa Plat -East 1"=60' EXISTING CONDITIONS C2.0 Existing Conditions - CEA PROPOSED CONDITIONS C3.0 Proposed Rendering Plan L-1 Trail Plan L-2 Street Tree Plan L-3 Design Guidelines ROAD DESIGN C4.0 Street Hierarchy C4.1-4.3 Typical Road Sections C4.4-4.7 Road and Utility Profiles C4.8-4.10 Traffic Control C4.11-4.12 Signage Plans GRADING & DRAINAGE C5.0 Overall Grading & Drainage Plan C&I-53 Grading & Drainage Plans C5.4-5.5 Details UTILITY C6.0 Sewer and Rater D1aster Plan C6.1-6.5 Utility Plans C6.6-6.7 Pump Station Plans C6.8-6.9 Water & Sewer Details EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL C7.0-7.2 Erosion Prevention Site Plan C73 Narrative C7.4-7.10 Details DETAILS C&04kl Miscellaneous Retails SPECIFICATIONS C9.0-93 Specifications FsV q q F® c 'evr/in�oA Landowner: Applicant: LAST REVISED 4-9-06 Mr. Paul Calkins South Village Communities, LLC LEGEND — EXISTING PROPERTY LINE — — OTHER APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE ------— EASEMENT LINE ----TL---- TOWN LINE CMF ❑ CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND CMS O CONCRETE MONUMENT SET IPF/IRF O IRON PIPE /REBAR FOUND w/SIZE O 5/8" REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER SET 'w UTILITY POLE r x--- —x FENCE LINE _. STREAM AG/BG ABOVE GRADE/BELOW GRADE PC/PT POINT OF CURVATURE/TANGENCY VELCO VT. ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. 1.25" FF B it —FALLEN ROAD 1 L. & C. Long Volume 411 Pages 307-309 F�I 582h 3*13:IN— -- 3/:•�OI l 1 I \ 1 r-- STORMWATER EASEMENT J1(4- ANGIE IRON a AG Downing -Calkins Revocable Trust Volume 419 Pages 454-55 223.14 acres (South Budington) + 2.61 acres (Shelburne) 225.75 acres OPEN SPACE ± 193.82 ACRES STORMWATER EASEMENT L. & C. Long Volume 85 Page 67 IRS a" AG TORMWATER A 954 OS' Lof IM I flA. rsc. ens ro rns Ab! an [h- N82'+W23"E 126.09' I• IPF E" AG L. A. & J. G. Demers Vol. 171 Pg.286-287 D. V. Derridinger Volume 583 Pages137-138 1 1 W R. and G. S. Lang IVolume 131 Pages 29"01 1 1 Lot !o^r Aroa B w � I I 1" MF 2 MF 1 a AG 9-AG 1 Sen 2•20•W Dorset Farms Homeowners Association j 128,17' Volume 426 Pages 101-132 J N A I (je N To Dors et Street "E r' IPF MIDLAND pVE_ - - —1 FLUSH EASEMENT `a 3 C °° h� ' t: IPF \ a AG 251.35' 779.05' 147125' 8356 "E89'OS'09E N7 FLUSH ars N89-08'09"E `i\ T - I - EASETIE(JL IUI FU'rD �I `\�•`\c.—.--ii _ .—.—.—.—.—.—. .—.—.——.—.—.—._.—._._ I I \1 O • R. M. & D. M. Valiee P. & J. Clifford ' To / Vol. 141 Pg. 6 m' Volume 165 Pages 130-136 l wn 0/ s ��/n/p�rcn m to l GRAPHIC SCALE WW/ BRASS CAP ( IN FEET) _ L inch — 200 tL Dorset Farms Homeowners Association Volume 426 Pages 101-132 RECF/ VED APR 1 01006 of so gUrli ngton PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. SOX485 SHELB~,, Vr 05M 602. 2= FAX' 9024WWI 1rAb: wMnoBAM.ppm WA31N AWY rm® DSM APPA01® DSM APPLICANT. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAMD 65EPLAMNER/ARpH17FCT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CA& EIVOrA/EER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 7R4FRC E40WE69 TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LAMDLSCAPE AWHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY,, Vr PROJECT TTTI.R: SOUTH VILLAGE1 6-6A..Iint, V " SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT- LOCATION MAP 1° � 3000 0ASi cmam 8lIImm1 -3 W I DSM I RENYO PARCEL NEAS -P-06 DSA OENSFD PAACk1 NEAS -23-05 0SM I AMM ORAMNS EASpOR PHASE I SUBDIVISION PLAT MU DAAIIAIO - AUGUST, 2004 1 " = 200' S1.2 iaor. fle. 01243 _ 48 I I SIR ENGINEER: ptls' ' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 8 187.8 ACRES u 1LEGM 20--- �eNas I t N, 1/•E PROPERTY LINE 1 I� - EASEMENT LINE p` -- /1E IJNE ;U I / CALCULATED PANT I 25 ACRE "° j81 n1 )Ir��IB I �fp^ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. T 'O q.0'22 A _2, I l is I O NON PIPE / REBAR FOUND w/SIZE P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05M r eM1� eTtl 54 L. - ® 'S/8• REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER 09BDZ-De62323 FAX: aY2-99622]T eeb: www.te>w.cdn J '1 NI . - -. --.I I� w� • p.•w N7J'- u '0.Tu L. DID � r -aa,4= � t«,ae� - raoe'T I N°e•ss'u•E uw ro BE SET � comma Ff^�i (,)1 W r._�ea�'- w....• -1 4 .eo• l a CONCRETE MONUMENT TO BE SET Y 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING 'o nN'sN ' 5 56 i, i j I i 59 (' j i ('� (i) 4 POWER POLE o m G -aw2a' 187.8 ACRES / MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AWY g1 18 A 1�1 (,) 8 �10.18 ACRES ¢ 1022 ACREBI @I i I SI 60 I I$ 91X1 aeoao I (W4"rO BEARINGS AND DISTANCES TAKEN s� ^ 1� �L PI$1- 1 I-i ICI' }I I lyjl"I �I �10.21 ACRES �1�.18 AE 18 I_RI0.9 Igl,. (14^.ar) FROM REFERENCE PUN , (NOT SURVEYED) ➢ ceaaso ro tN20 A plln Ac (U I Q.ts ACRES i (1) i (1) i I I ! (i) I I L©I GIs - . _ . _ . _ L - V R n STORMWATER EASEMENT SERVING -'PENT Now wAY DESCRIPTION `h'+ DSM N• �/g� L_.J L._._.J L._.J `` !n \ �MgSTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA710N �-Vc,, "V NO 5' NOS-•0Y41i N00�]'M•E 'E / / `\/17 IPPNOV80 L R.¢2a.0a eria MIA arY ]2/l' 88.06' ee.0e' %.af �.J / CORNER SITE TRIANGLE RESTRICTIVE ANEA ' l.J�lTll 1BOPo• L.]e.4]' 26e1• ea41 TWOO I N2 ALLEN ROAD EAST 4TM•E � ,S � _m AO NUMBER OF UNITS OPPNF.R: NQ�51M'E - .aY BUILDING ENVELOPES SOUTH VILLAGE L etas 31 (2) '• COMMUNITIES, LLC. 1 I 17 + ZJQ I q� b� sf - - / MULTI FAMILY DEVELOPMENT ' I 1 1 I $I I \ CITY OF SOUTH DEFERRED PENDING IGI 51 1 y1 0.28 ACRES 1 1� w YEA MENT SER NG,+. 12 , 1� 0.31 ACRES 1 I IRI 28 se 4�21 R„esa�oo (. GTON D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL Hop ERS AS- - I ^! 026 AC21E81 1 1 (2) 1 1 b1 9 0.13 ACFM rr sin' SEM AND UL-DE-SA TO 0.24 ACRE8 TER TEE PON ON _ J L.�.u-4,. _. J 1 (1) soem'arw 8O(f%j•� ar+n� slzzr - >L_:-smy��`gA-I.r..L._.4Taone'N w Lvaer �_._ saax' slia�v� - \� 1 Nl+r•"" a,s I _ iiaif _ (,), / 3 r - - 1 - Ne/PI I AD , Tea• � 8. �. _j ', VIM ACREs (p s�rs i OL12 ACRES +,!I (3) 11 13 16 Ii ¢1 020A© aA. _ws_._.- �16acRl Q4Q E 42,r a:r. m (1) 1 026ACRES FUTU CHOO TE SUBJE , Q. 1 �O ,,O '$ , Qa�AC _ -•• f0' ni (,) ill I 0.35 ACRES T CITY U BURLNGTON j(e 1 k. - 1yaJ I 0.34 ACf?E3 �1 ' � ` - - ' SITE APPROV , � 16 j „sou �' `� L . 0.20 ACRE8 J r 8 i 'y39.E p.M y�.m.�.E w_roe'4Sw erxl as 143 - - ✓/ Y . V 4 • -' %�-'f I I I" I , .l PR078CT 'ITPLE: 32 � 1 41 I �i . S; 4 (3) °' I 50 // / /� �� 023 AC :68 I'tO.18(RE1)!029 ACRES I�� ACSOUTH ` RI AGE ( 1 ,ll ra.Ei Ne.ii. tee: Vn.w nt asr '8 22 wene's2'w vesa'w ,. roe f (,) 1 1 1 so+ay nwm• ]ooa so.m• na»• / �'i 5.58 ACRES vQ ® ' 029 AC iE3 ®°n 0.09 ACRES 0.13 ACRES I l SPEAR STREET AND �', 0.15 A _ - � 1'+ 0.25 ACRES; 1 _ _ - E ( r� T STREET CR13 ACRES I r l 0 / ALLEN ROAD soweygN w w w ppp / i SOUTH BURUNGTON, 1/T „as.-.�Maas' - it _ „wa• _ uao' a. ,pia a 0. /N gr Crfl AC�i68_'� c,), 'p / O r - - I JO I (2) i 1 025 ACRES 025 ACRES +.``F g41 026 ACRES i YI 023 ACRES iR'el 36 _��� . �:I 40 6�v i i i (2) (2) ! t_._._._._.(2)J0+18A5 i 0.29ACRES I` (2) _.� L.-.-._ ogr�E / �1$ 0.23 ACRES _ o0 4a.e7ra " _ _now' I I(,)2I 3 W'S4 SWEET 0.17ACRES �•s,,F / w. Novo+•os•[ L_40+ae' c, ameSm•w ros�p4•W �._.rroeveoz•E - �. II _Newoo .,-',I1�OU 1 8�., I „Oeqo2-aaa'$A1'_E(,. )I iw rmrisIa.zc' .(-,)., _riI--._. _. �('. _. _Oaoi._._.-. ih,t r i e,ri1,aww• wn.or 1 -1I 3 nav_`'"1 ea dI I/ if 0.h8NI zsAe s 2r +; _.-- +-I. Il() 91$Im® � g 3 1CL0.16Axes IoI(1) i i(1) ACRES 10.24 A3 020 ACRES LdD24 ,( fl21ACRES Novro1.02 ACRES l� II I Noe�'oee'Q°rE I � a_.J �. J � i' $ -,e.� CHIPMANBTflEET a � L . _ . J/ l li LOCATION MAP -gs 0.13 ACRE _ -� r "� L, _ .+* soavz �a•w ss,alno•w saw}w V q0.� "� so�I'�31 / / 1 = 3000 NOew N '021 NOBW N"W 2•E -� I- _�,e NOrI 5A (1) l aT.ee• m.00• xi Taco• wz.rr__, =(:r •P• / // J 11 Naews'�_=___Noo'�'�•w - i r'---1 r--1 r'---'1 r--1 r-- 0.47 ACRES i_ 8 sl • / /( '' MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT (��) 81� ql I 48 1.72 ACREB 9► I RIGHTS DEFERRED PENDING I �I$' I ��.ee ...�1� I IFA$I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON i iln A1.17 ACRE1.T! ACREn,17 ACR61?I 0.25 ACRE �$1 \ 187.8 ACMES D.R.B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I ■ --- DSM IIELOT LAYOUT 1- GSM I! f! L.-.-.-1]S.De'-----'� L]a.Or--J 1 I-Ta00'� l_ J 1 `•1aOH-.J SFD r - eeNE O aodLe'�w-- 4 1-"MBFD LOT LAYM ,y I ` ` saevea2'w reeve m^w NEna'w \ 1 /T 1-l" DSM IIEIM LOT IAWAR t I[ ^�4�r\V STORM WATER EASEMENT ` ` 8 \ / / 6•]7-06 D5M MME D NATCNNG s SERVING MASTER 8 rl HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION / // 4-tx-os Dsu �vSTD uraui STORM WATER EASEMENT " 177 T ` ` ` HOMEOWNERS ASSOGATION ST SERVINCRMASTER�T \ / _ 5'6 ACRES _ �l �' PHASE II 1 1 I- - - - -- - �� _ HOMEOWNERS ASSOGATON SUBDIVISION _ 20' WIDE DRAINAGE 1 ¢ I ` - RECREATION PATH 20' E i / B T IN FAVOR OF iIN .1 5 \- _ ._ _ ASEMENT TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLiNGTON -r - - -I R _ 77�� _._. -_. ______ __ __ __ I _ J 20' WI-E=RAINAGE EASEMENT SERVNG CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON -- --- - RECREA110N pA1H 20' EASE / rrREFrPLAT ----------- ---------- ------------------------------ 0 4------------------------- _1 ------------------------ SPEAR STREET �g�nxic �c............................... -------- ------------------- mvaNW®LR _ i JULY 2004 ------------------------SPEA STREET - - -- m-- ----- �.,. - 1�-- --------�----, --S1.3 1 1 imn w) 2 I PROI. ND. 01243 \ \ \ SITE ENGINEER: LEGEND C -- PROPERTY UNE \ ------- EASEMENT LINE \ A — — — — — — — — — TIE LINE \ , \ CIVIINC, L E • CALCULATED POINT ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, O IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND w/Slff \ —' P.O. dON aR3 SNELBURNE, V71')y181 eoases z�z� Fnr� wavesun wee »ww.ce..r.cw� 0 5/8- REBAR w/ SURVEY MARKER TO BE SET COPYp1C� 'O. POWER POLE STREAM J I� \��I/ ' ' AWY —10 ((, Gd ) EFROM REFERENCENGS AND DISTANCES PLAN1 (NOTE SURVEYED) / \\0' � I DSM — — — — PENT ROADRECOR WAY DESCRIPTION / / I APPRovRD DSM CORNER SITE TRIANGLE RESTRICTIVE AREA / OWNER: / NUMBER OF UNITS / / — — — SOUTH VILLAGE —BUILDING ENVELOPES I _ / - COMMUNITIES, LLC. / / 1 \ � 1 � � 1 \ ' PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE \ \ I IBon�h Borlie re• Yees ose \ \ 1 \ ' SPEARSTREET ROAD AND A \ \ I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 4- �- �\ \ ; - \ STORMWATER EASEMENT IN \ \ I LOCATION. MAP FAVOR OF MASTER \ HOM1" 3000' EOWNERS ASSOCIATION \ = \ \ \ I DATE Ck(BC.IfRD RFYISIDV \ \ I I PHASE I SUBDIVISION AP i � PLAT / DAT! DR .- NUMBER \ \ '20' ACCESS EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF OAF{ 'r JULY, 2004 GRAPHIC SCALE \\� / / MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Sf�(ty� - 1R g sol S 1 1.3A PE01. N0. I In ti 111. \ MATCH LINE SHEET S1.3 01243 r -- — -L--LJL--- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 GRAPHIC SCALE 4M W iM f I ( IN FEET) 1 Inch - 80 (t. R TY LINE \ ----_ _— EASEMENT LINE - TIE UNE \ ---- CALCULATED POINT \ O IRON PIPE / REBAR FOUND W/S12E 5/8" REBAR W/ SURVEY MARKER \ TO BE SET w POWER POLE \ STREAM \ (SWITTTE) BEARINGS AND DISTANCES TAKEN (IO W) FROM REFERENCE PLAN 1 (NOT SURVEYED) RECORD HIGHWAY DESCRIPTION PENT ROAD" ate'<qY \ CORNER SITE TRIANGLE RESTRICTIVE AREA '4-r( sh 1 NUMBER OF UNITS I -I — — — — BUILDING ENVELOPES / I � I �I C? w \I I w IM ACRES I Z J I ' _ 1 ' � 1 Q 1 I I STORMWATER EASEMENT IN I FAVOR OF MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION I NJIYe. J I i 1 � II I / I � 1 __ 11 _ - -- ---------------- , -----5--— — —�--�— -----'�--.-- — — �� — — _ ---_„�_��— �-- � — 20' WVIDDAORFATCITEY OEF A SOMUT RECEIVED ----------- B' z �- - - --_ ---------------- --------a0--------------- o\ - -------_ _-_`-_------- --------- 1 - - -- {yam- I I I - - --_- - - - I I � 1 I SITE ENGINEER: C A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 4B3 SHELBURM,, VF 034B2 Bn25R.Y2— PM 60PABSPPPI web: ww.v.pee N.cem ORARN AWY Ceece➢ DSM ven DSM OWNER: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. I PROJECT TITLE: I SOUTH VILLAGE South bueifneton Vee — SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 9 LOCATION MAP 1" = 3000' MTIM.N PHASE I SUBDIVISION PLAT DATE DR-ING NUNBER JULY, 2004 1.- '01 PR04. NO. S1.3 B 01243 Y tyy N r •' 4 redru - .; ry c d jj It 4 �� 1 �I �« ti 1C•Ts�..e 4j `Jy�o fa ^�$jQ L� 1 �" �� � � � v� �4 t dr � sir �r i � •, t • � • � � a J �1�Cj lN4 �� H' 4 1�k �tlP • �k si � .k �'u� •b� �."'� .a � ��+..' Lli�r. !'`, y i"Ln, ��,F•Jr �',�j,� � �s�` ��.,�,��� s +d�'�i .-. d� t � f t i H Nk No Text Landscape Plan Narrative Typical Planting Plan Project Components The proposed Lerdemp¢ Plan fW South vluuge wW condat m five bade compmleMe: 1)Sh-tT—Ploh- the Proposed erne[ IaP)- gdeaat end dwdwe whldh rrmf— m d,a city mdb— endepedBc*il n foe same (Sheet 42.1"set); 2)Reaoation pla and lwdwape pkNfng amod W with ti, stonnwater tn.hrnnt 1nbl 3)5aeail & ffer.tgadplentr —pubbcnpaasad th.divided iwuae Im m buildhrg ladempe plan (Sheet LJot drk ad) ad; 5) f�pe plea fm w—Ity buildings and m mW i- Ut bWl The Stroh Tree Plan The meet Ien mr tl<fire�ph— f the South VlUe�e project�k develops4pdinrtly in reeprmae m die ¢uldeBm mid provlsl f mM in Acacia ]3($ectlmt 13.06 ojtlte South Burlingmn lend Development Regdall— Fm all p).m malaiW and fen re•pww mpding divinity mepetlee we have enlist on tie V fbm and M.;Ach ore .Sekdilg FaP... 1=1 /'emroarComrnrmida: AGuide M Seln:tingand Pumlumrng Street, 5tada.la m PradM' an developed bu the City of South Burdrhgmn.In this regard the plan add' epecka variatlon for divereity d m avoid mm�ondbr ti At th as well i, the ravonmmded epedest .eursfructlon metM specificatlor. wRl be fdtowe� wlrm a ffia nwdaadagiea mplyed w;u [stet r�b�r�pext;n„d e.d..d r�mlr� T}ie deign PP poeed reliea.n a variety of pahema.n sa m avdd a predictah"'rafalfy dhibctmdc Pinning pattem.it uses dusivs of teen, .'r, rvacietien in aline dunrm ee weR ore 'pKi.Iar Fran PWIW m frml yam adbedra (—.id, of the ghfrof-way) m provide a &—w wA WWr tbg plambg �tian. m some invm.a nardyevlgrevm leery a� MY pare) irnrodumd m pmwde budedng arsd wiener color. The plan' numbe[arepeeen.edtu tie Sheet Tree Planing Ptan forSoutlh refka rheregrri i mmrbev h—preyed from 13B6F.(3)(B). Individual Lot Landscape Plans Thor I.dMd.u) LA PpL�rpu�dre�p:a 1general laming aW p dfor Smtdr-4111age. The Plan)hdude�prov'uuwr fiaF6e ffoolllowing component: 1. Arend Yam.. T— yards will have reties 4—b. end the optluu far peaa�mi I planWrge ad wBdfbwer plantings tetsativn bar®lae lawn seas. I,nvn area are ro rmdaewd fen the dght.f way a,d en ddey..fa � dedr.bk. Fencft and higbfmwith dmpkaqs ut mm mm yra.. wy avulse Fencing will b. a.I id—chat/m fmpW-..d blade by blrw-k bale ratl,rs flul (or Irdividual bontyuda. aleernetivea�ubutasrtrvdredPplLmm' Plentinga ore eruwrmgsd a lawn T1W P include �mhd areef vce of ttr dg t of way will['Picas[ = plemings. 2.SW.Y.rd.. S/yairuh=idmamd-ke enmgetwalmg with Priveno 1ma m y<alyprmhingmweBv wlddryfuwbfinehedge nat1 a r size such AM&T wf uppmpd wiii b of the r p erbrevnee. A shade tree where ap / d k will fz employed (m Cooing the with raven/deck aces t hawwn welt. d streeeldayarda 'dt arras loin evergven trues ore mpropppopsaMed fmb�d[vvig dl a a wlsdbrmk hrr iiordtwmt whW ormchmrwl/bdfer southwot Wt whihere pevellmg s Wn bt tlds I.C.6- A gavel drip edge t ciao prrRoeM arwadrhebaflding m.Cromnnd.re/prevent splaehback and faddrab d--w m Me f d.tion antra Flowering omaohe,aal trees ae.to pmpu pd fen these Imstlorn. Ufihiys UT,g whne.ppropri.le[m b. rovided fen as we)I. 3. Rev Y,,WAlkyway.. Tlve erase wW ba n utifimden in deign with one m two nee. pmpoeed. When they bmnon Smr--mwetlmdama. aap�prrooppriate restoratfmardnetive plantings will be proposed m pswfde m.timdty and m. ti ity m natural vegetatiml arena. Gs and g,ound mum will be -Vl%ffi*.g with uhplatib�r mM=and ®da.l— will ba appmpri... 9. Othec F1e en (Co.dderAW— b dl plasdng plena an evhphais will be pl.nd cot 10 1, nativq Immy plantmean.. affi a Bmitmlawmaeas ben envi.mmentd ande�o�i pmpmm. A range m)awn dfema will been native sedges m petvund mground—w01y grmudbe rec.m.wnded. Smeary, taws ornament, bird bath., etcher grill®, Pity Yega.W� i-asd 1—f —itme will not be tied t front ed1.0 eaaer�frmn sheen urdesa d—daM,.p.- ro ;Zb n w. Groundcover (typ.) Evergreen divider (Juniper/ Arborvitae Typical street II Side Street fenced I nums I fenced area ar/perennial ik street tree gravel drip edge ,erennials II Stone path )le vers/fems cover beds CEO VIED APR 10 Z OW '04Y of so. 11"IfingtMe PLANS PREPARED BY: Landitrks '�7 phoro: 802�89011 M/AN fee 802.39B.10.50 I.M,�kndwnrluhemm DG DRp DR APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSMTANIM PLANNER/ARGATECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHViLLE, TN CIVIL ENGRJEER CIVIL ENG/NEERINGASSOCIATES SHELBLRNF VT TRAFRC EAGWER TND ENGINEERING OSSWEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCWTECT LAND -WORKS NIDDLEBORY, VT ENV1R014PffMAL PLAMW4 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES BROADHEAD, Il? PROJECT Tm e SOUTH VILLAGE a.urk Burlln.[e e, Vrreea[ SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP i• - 9000' — .— DESIGN GUIDELINES JULY, 2004 m�nw.Ia AS INDICATED L- 3 a ,SCE VED APR10 �Citw guriington Landscape Plan Narrative Project Components The . d[.aodacepe Plan for SoiWivmagewill cauiat of flue 6e®c ra.�pn..anm: 1)Stvet Tree PI, Rae propoxdeteetireepientbtgd.�� ®d schedulewld� f2.fdd tothedryerd:nmm azd speri6catorw sa souls (Flied 42 d dJs eetT, 2st)oRmet nd lerdxape planting aeeodated with Poe home; 3onFaemdng. buaedng and planting on public apacwed d coda 4)mdfvidud ltmtee. tot or building Imdampe plans (Sheet C3of mma s d and 5) bui gmpe plmfm smnity building or and mWR-unit boil The Sired Tres Plan 7heatreet Jim fimt phse fth'sood val. pmjeotis devel ednatlym aepmiae to the gWdelb-arMproWimv t mAttitle 13/$eN=13.06 the SouW ewlingEmi. rand Devdoprrcnt Regtdntkau, For all plant emtedals and m ceaPmiee to orovSdmg a diversity of apedee webeve coiled on the hit na.d end epprmhspesenW mF vrmmnhd TreeaJor Vermont Canmvafan AGvide b SdeoI gaud Purr�amy Street, Partarrd lnrcdsayeT ,spubltdwd by the Vem 1C)rban and Comm�aiity Porshy Program. lbe ppTen rim follown ties spedtic infomuRon pr�a�ed m "Adwehdhval Spedtmtiws and StendmdsdiRecBre' es developed buttte tlty of South &vim�cet.mdda the plat addreaeas ep lea varietlmr(oe divesity and to avdd mmw.vltur®, ae well uthe nrootmetded vpeoeaty At crsmtrnctlmtl(aw the"amd—willbe falowed m_dwbneappro Brae anavwlboadogiec ampbyaa will reflect Ifie1P= avddaaimd rcawa, The design prvpoeedteliee an a variety of pelrema aoea to avoid a piM:ceab _told asvhttectmdrplmiBngpdtam. Ituas clusters of trees, di t verbtied m tMs duMem ea well as �Reavbn tees plmded m taint yawl MMda (outside of des �ttuf-way)bprovideastuccos and mbre: plmttng pateem In some ft.—hardy a—&. m(mayfmmsalt are mtodamd W pmA& buffering and winter color. 7M denting munbers repmmtmd m the Stxet7rae Planting Plan forSouthV age reflect the egdmd numbem mmrpreted from 1346 F.(3)(B), Individual Lot Landscape Plans The hdividual Cot Plana represent for pl Wig and la�ape design eppma h. for the individual rMs and bloclw proposed (m South Villege.1bePlvta htclude pmvisiwrt fin tie following omipaomim� o11.pFg—, Yd. Fowa ymnm will hale naive dhroba unndya md. abtxnettvest�o .2_pl1�vm�aam.L1.1maesParebWbes cmwidmed for iberight of way and pn aide yards whore dedmble. Fencing aid ataightlaM'md wdkwayeare pw oaad 'W dmpb gvere mtemewor eromd amcreeesatk walkway enaterieis. Feridrig wtll be oaWdered and/orlmplmimtted on a block by bock bsic rather that for hdivldud frmu ymda alfemettvesw8� 1 � Plantioge meerxwmgtd ealewn � W�gebip mtreebdr which ie partP� � tawny mill' inrhde grins and steer tree 3. Rm Yasd4lUleyways. These arena will be mom utilitarian in dcagn wiW miemtwo trees proposed where they harnan Siormwaler or wetland sees appeopci.b ralorah- and native planWgwillbepr d to pm--Wde mnemWtyatui mnne tlWty ro rah"vegebtlon .Gins and ground will be employed along with ptanBngs between driveways. Acressto garbage and diver—deatiel sin —MRb. msinmined where appropdele. 9.Ofher BkmmmlCowWeraaoru. to ailp plan an emyhads wiRbe plaaedmt Iota, Halve, hardy picot vmtaiala and limit mlawn area foraiviromm�del mrdemlooggiircd pu penlal oA woody grraovetnndDoe es will befromanamimveelad, ro Statuary, lawn omapmda, bird bathe, outdoor gall., play acpnpmmt and lawntundtme wW ratbe perimtted m front yar&orddeyardfrom InrgcvLs nleae deemed appropeiaeeor mdtdly ammnedfrompubllc view. Typical Planting Plan Typical street light �J Wildflowersiferns /groundcoverbeds Strad has (W.) Evergreen divider f Ar'®. wry stone wall -Screening hedge -Stone path Foundation Plantings within picket fenced area with gates tress (typ.) PLANS PREPARED BY - LandWorks M MANNO, Phone: aD2.a9aearl tad: eozseataso bdoQlemNroriavtmm DG 1DR n DR APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: P"AWERIARCMTECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN Q V2 ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOCIATES SHELBUPNQ VT TRAFFIC ENGIA-ER TND ENGINEERWG OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCMTECT LAND -WORKS M(DDLE&MY, VT &VkhROAa/ENTAL RAMWIG APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES MWHEQ, NN PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Seatb Buriln¢ty a, Vermonr. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP 1 ° - SOOO' wa Dram asv>nnt xraas os a.s. mwmawy.,,ua. l.t2pe s taws DESIGN GUIDELINES maxv+oNaera JULY, 2004 AS INDICATED L-3 b 01243 EC_ V E D► Cffiy Of SO. BurlI1°1 ^ Landscape Design Guidelines for Lot Development Side Street Hedge for metbkle - �—'�`i®® Cottage -- — - --- I+Ja Cottage Areas for terreoes/decks and private areas Uflltty metefs or boxes screened where . aPPropriate "_ " CoUags >~ {I —T' d - At least one flowering or specimen trees is recommarideproperty for each I' Duplex I Side Street Flowering or specimen trees A dfvemlty of species to be employed that are responsive to South Burtingtons guidelines and tolerant of street conditions Right of way Utility and bash access from alley Native wildflower or perennial Plantings to minknbs lawn areas Option for fencing In rear, side, andfor front yards Walkways of square cut stone/acored concrete Shrub massing/plant materiels selected to attract wildlife Typical sidewalk From entry porches Sides left free of landscape to allow for fire truck access Scale:1 "=40' Sample List of Acceptable Plantings C: W of tio, tsurnngion PLANS PREPARED BY: 211 LanMoft .rid.-y. SL MW16 Ph— 902308.3011 I— IMM.1650 I6 /, mto@Woramcan olwvm DG DR DR APPLICANT. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: PLAMWRIARCHIrMCT LOONEY RICKS KISS N45HVILLE, TN CNN. ENliNVEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES ,%ELBtfiNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGWEERNVG OSSIPEE, NH LAADSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNIM APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES MOIDHEAD, WI PROJECT TRlE SOUTH VILLAGE Sau,h eueliv� on, Vurm vn, SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP t"- 3000' a,ir oaa® venison I,1 A01 O6 IYMU Nwlcar,�pymYlp I.ILOI W layout DESIGN GUIDELINES JULY, 2004 N AS INDICATED LA 01243 Plan Scale 1 "=100 Proposed Vegetative Buffer Proposed Bike Path - Proposed - - Street Trees Apartment j Building — Proposed Street 358 Section A -A Looking North Scale 1 "=30' (Vertical/Horizontal Scale) -- - Existing Residence Existing Arborvitae Hedge -- Proposed Screening - Proposed Hedgerow Buffer -Proposed Street -- Proposed Bike Path Proposed Home -- Street Trees Existing Residence Existing Arborvitae Hedge -- Existing Vegetative Buffer Proposed Street Proposed Bike Path - Proposed Home ;--- Street Trees Sao Bn — s«- ar 350 Sttrreet - 3! 351 Section C-C' Looking North Scale 1 "=30' (Vertical/Horizontal Scale) ti�Nri ®®362 • .0 PLANS PREPARED BY: Land///`WWorks Ml'ehury'. VT-0577553 ; i/!;I///ll fie: MOz 9.3on fe%:8fY1.BBB 1950 infoGlendwor4e rn DG DRU DR o APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJFCT CONSULTANTS: PLANNER/ARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OCSSPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES BROADHEAD, WI PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE: swan B a r11 neaon, Veraoo 0 0 SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT UVA LOCATION MAP ,•_3" SECTION FROI -, SPEAR ST TO , VILLAGE DEV. MAY, 2005 x� L_5 0&3 Cli le,1�•1 �� gm r..a�,i4 • a . Rio �_ •'Y � - � - �, � ! ! �i. P.- 1 '^ t • r • I 1�" - _-�- i.. � 11.�,-'s '��a3, y4A. y°`e y + �.,�,� Y '41 Ow PHOTO 1 INVENTORY 11 1 Landscape Plan Narrative Project Components The proposed Landscape Plan for the Common Areas, Open Space, and Buffer Areas will consist of three basic components: 1) Restoration and landscape planting associated with the stormwater treatment trains; 2) Screening, buffering and planting on public spaces and common lands; 3) Landscaping in rear yards so as to limit the visual impact of the development from Spear Sheet. Landscaping Guidelines The Landscape Plan for the first phase of the South Village project is developed in response to the guidelines and pprovisions set forth in "South Villager A Conservancy Community, Ecological Restoration and Management Program" as developed by Applied Ecological Services, Inc. Goals are as follows: 1. Restore the ecology, diversity, and beauty of native plant communities. 2. Improve the ecological functioning and beauty of the communal open space and other areas by integrating ecological restoration with native landscaping. 3. Provide for the enjoyment of the conservation preserves 4. Develop a long-term ecological stewardship program for the open space. In order to provide for a diversity of native species in our plant material selection, we will rely on these guidelines to develop planting schedules that respond to the various conditions throughout the project area. Selection of plant materials will also be dependent on local availability. During construction time the specifications will guide implementation and where appropriate sizes and methodologies employed will reflect the best practices and desired results. Landscaping Design This Landscape Plan represents a general planting and landscape design approach for the common areas, open space, and screening of rear yards and condominium buildings. The plan includes provisions for the following areas: 1. Common Areas These areas will reflect a natural design approach. Where they front on stormwater or wetland areas appropriate restoration and native plantings will be proposed to provide continuity and connectivity to natural vegetation areas. Native grasses and ground covers will be employed as well as trees and shrubs in order to restore the natural conditions and create a functional landscape. 2. Open Spaces/ Buffers An emphasis is placed on local, native, hardy plant materials and a limit to lawn areas for environmental and ecological purposes. A range of lawn alternatives from native sedges to perennial or woody groundcovers for natural restoration are recommended. Plants will be selected and located to complement and screen the recreational paths and provide separation from the neighborhoods. 3. Rear Yards/ Condominium Buildings Screening in the form of hedirrows and dense plantings will be established between Spear Street and the development to provide a visual buffer and nose attenuation. Landscape patterns and site furnishings will be used to reflect the Vermont vernacluar. Note: The general landscape plan list trees and shrubs located throughout the project area. For recommendations on soil preparation, planting methods, and lists of groundcovers and ggasses refer to the South Village Ecological Restoration and Management Program Guidelines. Typical Planting Plan BETA LANE �Plw� I I rN . It 11 I I pp� I�•' l� Red Maple (typ•) ____ 'I 7E Red f Bur Oak (tYP•) Area to be seeded with mix of Forbs and Graminoids lelection of plants for this area are located in the afications for Ecol r Restoration and M rassland Enhancement Area Plant Lists anagement DELTA LA_ NE PI ANS PREPARED BY: LandWorks �N M ��N fw: 8023BB.3011 /p:802388.IB60 MvQlar,dworl,artmm DG DR DR .. APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. be of groun v¢rs erennials, and shrubs. Area t b p nted with plugs and se Appropriate pi ( .) erials will be used for soil Refer to Eco as conditions ical estoration and `Arfanagement g d . i i i V 4P,q N PROJECT CONSULTANTS PLAAN40VARCWECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASM UF, IN CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC EN'GMEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT EIW/R0046 TAL PLANNING APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES BROADHEAO, M PROJECT Tm.E: SOUTH VILLAGE Sov,h Bv,1{v.,.., V s, m o v, SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT "vx LOCATION MAP 1 •• _,Ow wn oivm Irnw" COMMON/ OPEN SPACE/ REAR YARD LANDSCAPE JUNE, 2005 AS INDICATED L-7a 01243 Typical treatment of rear yards/ hedgerow screening '✓VI Hedgerow Buffer Mix of: Deciduous trees -Understory and native shrubs -Evergreen Trees -Native groundoovers. Minimal maintenance area (restore native n environs; irtadicate non-native species species and Invaslves) 1 �J� Fencing for screening and privacy Specimen Tree Native perenniall shrub boarder/ buffer Areas around home open for acoessibltty and circulation Typical Home along "F" Street Tree Imo; Typical treatment of stormwater detention areas Legend Selection of plants for this area :''t;c;e %t't• are located in the -Specifications l :tik;eefi} { �•t.e� for Ecological Restoration and Management Program Grassland " 'ti4C�•t Enhancement Area Plant Lists. Vegetation will be planted in Plugs Deciduous trees from the -Specifications for Ecological Restoration and Management Program list Hedgerow plantings from the -SpecificacaltionRes 'ry for Ecologistoration and ®j Management Program list oi•- •I Hedgerow Screening Infill of deciduous trees and understory plantings in distrubed areas. Example of restoration of disturbed areas i. �te • en.. �L JC'ee •'fi;e kre ee<pr"s .ewag LC' ti;;ee i"ktQ:R '�4: �: `�.'�e.'e't `c'd.;k.'4' Q 4•fi'e ;': '@.�5`'1' -.f� n .1.< �+;;1•!;�`S �� '4;efiC.. ^'G •'4 ;S,;Ce.C'z;ti„C; • , .5 ;',. t � @.tiCC"' k4ee'e4a :tien `S''T .`i;tip.ivi. h>`,35 5'.i, Gti e�, ".. .'4;iey ::c"ti n ti.`e� Ke}�ivi I ehy, GCS n JC�. ,�. i-H - e4t.C};1'. 'IM i j; ;hR'tet,,lt:•' ',�.eR"e: i eetti; sc."�tz` •4F:h• 'I's : •,l`' iLIG,t•:efi};SJ�. t„ c' 10r Squares(100' Square Grid Example) Proposed Species for Habitat and Restoration: Bareroot trees, saplings and seeding will be employed to restore the landscape Selection of plant material will be chosen for areas based on there soil types and conditions White Oak Gray dogwood Spruce Remaining open areas to be seede Northern Pin Oak Red -Osier Dogwood Pine with a mix of native groundcovers Bur Oak Smooth juneberry Red Oak Wild plum Basswood Choke -Cherry Downy arrow -wood Typical Number Typical Number Typical Number Typical Square Feet in a100'x100' in a100'x100' in a100'x100' ina100'x100' Plot 113) Plot (141 Plot (12) 25mo Rn Ft RECEIVED APR 10 2006 City of So. Burlington I PLANS PREPARED BY: LandWorks Z ry '05753 MIMA& i1 o(_ �I.3803DI1 ��YY�'y fax:eos.3ea.,eso DG �' DR DR APPI. (CANT: SOUTH VILiAGE COMMUNITIES. LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: PLANNER/ARCHrfECT LOONEY RICKSKISS NASHVILLE, TN OVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, N}f L4AVXAPE AROillIiECT LAND-WORI(S M/ODLEBURY, 1? ENV/RON1111WAL APPLIED ECOLOGICA4 SERVICES BROAD/fAD, W PROJECT 1m.E SOUTH VIILLAGE 9ov[6 Bu[Ilv�[o vl,y.[eov[ I SPEARS AND ALLEN RO SOUTH BURLIN ON, VT U_ LANDSCAPE DETAILS N JUNE, 2005 AS INDICATED L_ 7 b RD. 01243 i buffer treatment of wet/ands Legend Selection of groundcovers, perennials, and shrubs for this area are located In the -Specifications for Ecological s: g yC Reatoration and MarksGsnranl Program 67c is {iSsC�fS, Examples: AgUilpla canadenets, Aster oolentanglanels, Rosa arkansans Deciduous trees from the -Spaoiaes for Ecologgiccall Restoration and Management Program list Examples: Quercus rubra, Quercua macrocarpa, Pumus vlrglnlana H�dpa�row��Iarrtings from theIcations for Ecologlcal Restoration end Manpament Program list MP18- % e�� laevis, Viburnum rafinesquianum Fencing to define lot boundaries N IW �--�ARM -9 Single Family Home (typ•) I— Rear yard L ST EEJ PLANS PREPARED BY: LandWorks 'dd'1rys'VT"MM PAmc'. 801.3883011 �I �i�/��IJ/A,1 � Fb(rylendMdMMmm DIG DR aa.rA i� 'A I D APPLICANT: Dense configuration SOUTH Vl L E of trees 1� r i r - -- Fence deli In property line (typ. - - Defined Vegetative Buffer Typical decidous and evergreen hedgerow planting — Large specimen trees to blend buffer with existing environs IY ,Y 50' wetland buffer delineation WETLANDS COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: PLANNER/ARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CIVIL EAKMER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELMANE, VT TRAFFIC EN('MEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, AN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT' LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES BROADHEAD, WI . , PROJECT TITLE: S(DU-rH VILLAGE _ 1- h 8 u 1 1. .... V .. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LLVX Pro rROf I �f LOCATION MAP 1 • . 30M, oearu I¢Hsu� l0.TA5 00 ANYonl Nnop RECEIVED LANDSCAPE BUFFER TO APR i ® ?jv6 WETLANDS j} � CRY CR � R t). Buffington N Mn JULY, 2005 _- L-7c 01243 Landscape Planning for Buffer and Transition areas . contiguous to open spaces and wetlands As part of the management and development plan for the South Village landscape and open spaces, a multifaceted approach is planned to address 1) transition areas between residential properties and natural areas, Including wetlands; 2) open areas not adjacent to residential areas but contiguous to natural areas, including wetlands and those areas related to the stormwater management components such as STT/swale systems. 1. It is intended that in those areas whict development that there be a designed bt fencing, native trees, shrubs and ground associations and desired native vegetatil presented in the Landscape Plan L-7c aI specifications for Ecological Restoration Program. 2. In open areas not adjacent or connect sections of South Village it is proposed t implemented to address these locations. A. Remove Invasive species (as provide Restoration and Management Program) desirable species on site to remain. The tree and shrub varieties (Pinus strobus ( maple), Quercus spp. (oak) and Fraxinu as well as Cornus spp. (dogwood), woul managed for health and long term vltalit existing desirable native species would i vegetative condition to evolve on the sits natural and uncontrived. B. The existing vegetation management supplemented with field transplants and appropriate. Note that these transplants desirable patterns present as well as es native vegetation in areas where that is accompanying plan delineates those an type of planting approach recommends( existing vegetation retained along with t plantings to be added will be managed i a natural pattern and affect, versus a m designed landscape. Future ' Recrecation Field DA ml lat Path — Buffr tia ® i �c ror d lei \ 1NETIANDS • _^ �. (tp•i ' ( C etla nda n gg tals) \`•�L_ � I 1M I \ '- — *er tiands x<< (See -drawing / L-7c for tails) f disturbed rea �typq 1 0.4 mI _ PLAN$ PREPARED BYt j LandWorks h;Id � ry$11 phww. 802 308 3011 • /// ��//�, Iex, B079B8IBBD . - / nlo�larWwakan.mm DG — ro DR DR APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE ' COMMUNITIES, LLC. r. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: P_0NNE�7E TNER/ARCHIN , / C_�'T LOONEY RICKS KISS 1 NASHVILLE, TN ,I CIVIL ENGINEER �1 CIVIL ENCINEERINCASSOCIATES i \ SHELBURNE, Vr I , 7RAi ENGINEER TND ENCINEER/NG OSSIPEE, NH i � LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ! LAND -WORKS j MIDDLEBURY, Vr ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES / 1\ ` BROADHEAD,.WI � \' PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE 9uueh Bur11 na1�:,: V,:r mnul SPEAR STREET AND 1. ALLEN ROAD 1 SOUTH i3URLINGTON, VT E 0 N m m P; g crocus Nereinus Omamentd Ores Pawn IN Notes: 1. Bulbs are to be planted In accordance with gmwers recommendations for depth. Typical depths are shown. Areas for planting bulbs must be weed free prior to planting. 2. With bare root perennials or grasses care must be taken to plant at cortect depth, and to spread roots out into planting mix in accordance with their natural growth habit Proper soil moisture during and after planting must be maintained. Crown level for perennials must be at or below groundline. 3. pH range for almost all perennial plantings to be in the 5.5-7 range, with the exceptions being heath and heathers at 4.5-5. Enrich sal as required to provide proper planting minimum. 4. When seeding grasses or perennials, proper moisture and mulching is to be provided. Seeding rates and soil preparation will vary with the plant material selected, so grower and/or supplier recommendations for each plant type must be followed. Bulb, Ornamental Grass, and Perennial Planting detail Scale:NTS If limbs are damaged, r/f prune back to maintain canopy shape. Also prune any diseased branches. 4 Drip lime -»—Diatenca from drip line. �----Special protection location of snowfencng for specimen or critical large trees to be saved to (minimum distance). /1 Typical protection: -- snow fencing or woad ' construction barrier preferred at drip line to / r prevent the encroachment of heavy machinery near tree trunks or shrubs ..__ t.: • _:_._ :_ . during construction Maintain existing grade --- Special protection measures when drip line must be enchroached; see NOTES: notes 1. When drip line area must be encroached upon (temporarily) it Is recommended that haybales be placed at or around the base of the tree for machinery to travel over. It is also recommended that the trunk be wrapped (via strapping) with a durebale stryraoam and wood "sandwich" to cushion trunk from damage. Compacting root systems and altering existing grade is to be avoided at all costs. 2. A proper care and maintenance regimen must be instituted for critical specimen tress to be protected. This includes watering before, during and after construction, as wll as feeding and pruning. 3. Where mots am to be severed it is necessary to cut them with a sharp blade and create a clean edge to the excavation, as ripping and pulling will severely damage the remaining roots. Bacfill with native soil and maximum 25% composted soil or rotted manure depending upon pH or make-up of existing 2' mulch layer Loosened native soil Prune dead broken branches; maintain shape of shrub Landscape fabric beneath "Sauser" with mulch optional for individual shrub planting — Set rootball 4-6' above grade to allow for setting. If necessary, with soil type -- Peel back a minimum of 50% of budap; If contalnerized, scarify rootball Notes: 1. For containerized plants, if plant is pot-bound upon removing container, the motball should be scored 1/8" deep with a sharp knife every 5-8" around the circumference. If large woody roots are encircling the roolball, these should be "teased " away and straightened out into the planting mix. 2. Pruning of the shrub should be avoided unless dead, dying, or sevedy damaged branches are present As little branching structure as possible should be removed. Typical Deciduous Shrub Planting Detail Scale: NTS tmP.rms.. Damwtw«t A.arq A%ftd.m..m.emm rr«r. D.mw. amN ew hunk Int«ybom ep�mnt Farbc tram b .nrlose lo. b,yde.. ant Protect wank. wpwt rl Mm.ge prdnptlY m mmrrt can e..l .wmmrlrr nx�mrewbb/dr�yrtl� m,�,mawaea,�co�nrd rbrm,.rrmrmm,�rr eh��aawre- menr a mn.wcnon egalpn,eM and em«gency vmadan mar nwnann $roar ea p,,,,,ra perrormetl M mbmck rant conatruatlon perwn- r�dro tree$ h oPmtrudM Regdre mY tee. ba,n wrm"ed a Mad away rt«n, ram« nr Imo, o-aa praamn :aroma. risen $rye «Tee arPPlro elra orp.Ne each®eel Reera eblppkp a bpaall $roam tr...Nry wrdr repr.mn may be rermea q•••• b o-re b mmah .road ha - r W— levr rd ant Puled rot by rrpmrk «Tor trrdY b renal N Q nay reeun. Dlppkg Yrb bpam ry«end Sbre oraldc fenmd p,aadpn z«roa era aa'.Y hnrg rode wrar IaednO plea hwn roc! «orRar xarw intake artic Try, d ran, Bran. et. ply—, or gx,-1. mereel bwraM He Laxetgrade. «Wfoi. U. realNi welt a n.—d—pseora preparing cubgretle br gnc, elw:krae vegeledve .rdL'ulion m rr —n rrrel grWe rree horn tree[. Ewavra 'N paWme r! grade W Iwm re n+ e.poaee cos, wnn a sew g ewtl coal wror<M1ha ram eNhmro by eaulp- med, by d wnn roa-wamro Brul.I " Soil eyond M rce Tart ee removed by equlPnnM rltlng ourlee a ma drlpllrce a ma tree. sabgrma «.wren«r rr ere pevwg marrWe regadng a mlmrr.rm Pe.<mem m«mt ar a. —) ktr n Mwr and m. trwwe a uplwu). o.lon be Paeme b erode twvy Imtle aejrrt r trove (M1rvyApad burp pevemenr roqulre corker bee .— end e,tg,eee mnpaueonj. Seay minimum p eubgrWa comVectlan umm pavemMd MMw root tone. harN aerrNan 0— Dip —W— w dlemrrnmra ails roe aria arc rar,eam. F,aar by M1� nmj r roor.AwN orb butla«u, uee PoetanC-0eun hnhrps ca«dirdr ashy rncb IorAllor wIIM1 Inerlletlon mnbedam. roradre Wlay hendwa. vm trrcbr by lane in mesa wib root roger wen one km u.m.r.T,mraa „r,e. roomy Tom ram« n.l cnnro mwn. care$ r«,mea mar wen urro atralpM Fes. Prune dead, broker maintain shape oft Option 1 For Stakin -Jeffcp" Tree Brace Shaps or equal (wic steps and grommet 2x2 minimum wood posts or cedar roan $taking (3 par tree it 120 degree increme around trunk) Set rootball 4-6" atx final gaade fa allow 1 settling (12" in clay 3" mulch layer; form "saucer" at perimete option for landscape fabric under mulch I Badkfill with native soil and compost )cation 2 for staking: )uckbill Tree Guy iystem or equal rree wrap only it iuposure or species Narrant protection Remove minimum i0% of bulap and all 4 basket wire -oosen/scarify existing oil to promote root ntablishment 2 x width Set has on firm soil Notes: of roothall — 1. Tree guying/staking products recommended include: Tramtrap, GCS, Inc., 230 Cenler St., North Wales, PA 19454, (800)-380-3584; Duckbill Tree Support, Foresight Products, 6430 E. 49th Drive, Commerce City, CO 80022, (800}325-5360;Wonder Tree -Tie, (714}688-3121. Loosely wrap tree support/strapping around trunk 2. Backrtll of native soil with composted soil to comprise a maximum of 25% of baclkf ll; adjust for will condition and/or pH. Recommended organic soil to be "Nutri-Humus, " as supplied by Vermont Natural Agricultural Products, Inc., Middlebury, VT. 3. Evergreen tree planting to follow these recommendations; planting soil to reflect species requirements and anti- dessicant maybe required for late fall plantings. Scarify sides of containerized of shape/form. 5. Remove tree stakes and trunk wrap after one year. Typical Tree Planting Detail scab: NTS rupee. Tan co..tractrn Atlrxy a.dba.mea.r..r m erYere Many. IA,W«er. bb. « (:«rN«nm idle Grua Bees b keeph err ab«geoul a rant e h—d rg fft Pwlfy minlm.m mrb.rdlarr (emrNd )a41 M rw euppme root eptenr creme.. ProAe...� y.M am He amrawamn—Aty l...yrmmo-.ee- P—e eri.aeoBwm Yapmmpcmr, xaM1 iz b le dwood drip Mk P Iw cameuctlon. wrnw.war oohp.ore errs. herl aeretlon vw.. spar, wear eleponel (.a.. pelntr mk a,el) Pact mrr on 1«ima prabaro drmpug end d.amr d err $roan treaa a.yare lmneel.r d..r.c a.dramrrl.Paa. c«,ra.r ww,aat «,a wrYdumping DWywr wmMur.ree_Dig dkeM romoca ener gel redWb(Aarb4Adu) mrewdbn, rcnacmeery epplbd «rear tlM p.w.nenl herbloldm sae b ue $roam ealrhq wrgan- rpyb,e rrrr oy« Wr mn re aaow mrom«e on d. rbr. mrar.b tab Penb,s P—q errrrl.4. wrddfOrq •aN.l Now p.aq. In.dequW ran Ram.imemlraah.«n mobhu. now; redredra runt, �� rbr; PmraebdWgr, ererrna mein ra�noYe�rb. naoagn rmrmr mar, ay. nrrr and Ey9eec Inn d«P1 bane b pmvr. Pea row radron". ProvaM wPpemenW MMlw: Urb6q Ir,bam w drmW mwm.. am saeemi error. aodanomnlN um ee crm. E.—ea mdetlr rreN tear Fllr prwee«oae dabrye roa«r,.W ma. drrarr Woad r m. bdran a ma bwAav n anal wear r Trot e. fee w mere Mrg b m..l.,.mn spr are w..rk y M aardrm®i rgwt ra tackaw,naae emkwg. away ham bee grou,drt. mr««Jwrtlmber wr roar am rill$ roll Trot h.errq «rdergro,aM new Vruen eurrrgredee ere b Ea rrralaw, make Irdgawr arnyrw ova. tnrrr wan m. a.wy riom m. wank nit.. nova.$ wads rra Mane kawlpbwa.nwe arm la nrrnrn.nc. bnaw:.p. prod w. ra. dr.rreoe rrr a Prodme ft— nw roads a m. ova. sa.e •pxJm Prmt Wwr keq—.fta. rewtre 1Mnrtrp almre, renbrel Innaued w«a.are aram«rm mrrrrrcraw—.,r..--h avml rmerepke urre«urMer Naee treat. « Wn¢ b qaw m.tm irequrs rnpaon. dcrrw, w«dro sew group$«duraatrw aar,wmrp wan tlBl pedmn po«N h Ire aPwr «r Triple a APR 10 Zell-1 PLANS PREPARED BY: LandWorks Ml'ddkP ygyf753 f—Oam81953 t t,a eszsea.tew into@Wd t kw .. DIG DR DR APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: PLANNER/ARCWrECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASIVILLE, IN CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SIELBLIRW, VT TRAFFIC EI ,IER TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, ABi LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MWILEBMY, Vr EIVWROAN40VTAL PLAFAWhG APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES BROADIEAD, WI PRO.IECT Tn1F- SOUTH VILLAGE $eaek a. r r e. I r o.. V e a m o a, SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LOCATION MAP "00' MTE OrIXFD neupx PLANTING DETAILS SEPT, 2005 a w.�aMd NTS L- 8 Pa� l� 01243 1. Upland Meadow Mowed Path 3. Upiand Woodland Path 5. Wetland/Stream Crossing Upland meadow vegetation - The mowed path defined by dense vegetation keeps uses from straying off path Existing soil graded to accept wocdchips and for safe walking Path carefully cleared of protruding tree roots and other obstacles. (site Maintained path corridor — , i Mowed pathway 1 I 0 0 ° 0 ° �10 0 ) 0 6'•O" � I M 2. Non -Wetland Steep Slope (>12:1J PLANS PREPARED BY: x, i Mop9Y LandWorks MiatlM4., ry, VI Vf OarW ' phone: 802S US01I I ��i�l��I/IA,1 � Iaz: 8023BH.1080 - I� � Mo(y7lenduviNMeum a o 'DG O DR OtJ Compact crushed DR stone walk, 4"deep over compacted earllt APPLICANT: Groundoover O SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS 014191 PLANNERIARCM)TCT LOONEY RICKS KISS MASNt4LLE, TN pVK FJ4WER -- _- Scale 1/4"=V-0" CIVIL ENGMIEERWG ASSOCIATES SNELBURNE Vr TRAFRC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING _ OSS/PEE NH — Wetland plant L4ApSCAPE AROWECr materials LAND -WORKS 4' wide beams that MIDDLEMA2Y, VT traverse wetland areas and keeps ENVIRONMENTAL PIANAM users on the trail and out of the wetlands APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES s BROAOfRi10, lM PROJECTTrtLL SOUTH VILLAGE �( A"ul R'13 inYlun. Vur munt " SPEAR STREET AND a :•b ALLEN ROAD o P SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Wetland/Non-Wetland/Non-Stream Drainage --- - 4. Way Crossing Scale 1/4"=V-0" Scale 114"=V-0" uv.MF-`" f t. The mowed path option will be a low Impact approach with little, if any alteration of existing terrain to accommodate the route. Only irregularities in the surface which may prevent safe travel will be addressed. 2. St ep slope routes will require some preparation in places and will be designed and implemented in a manner akin to wilderness trails. In the Adirondacks, such trails are typically surfaced with gravel and gravel fines. Large rocks may be judiciously located and t into the grade for steps or stepping stones. Waterbars may also be necessary in one or two locations. t 3. Upland woodland paths will be sensitively located and established with minimum site disturbance and carefully graded stretches to 4 ensure safe walking and overall accessibility. Raised bridge keeps Surrounding woodland vegetation will be retained and restored as part of the trail development process. users from treading on fragile 4. Boardwalks with light "footprints" will be built for certain wetland and Swale crossings (that may be only seasonally wet) and can be LOCATION MAP environment established by using at grade sleepers for supporting the wooden walkways or with low Impact supports placed In the existing soil with 1" - 3000' minimum disturbance. wa OeOm "" Option for railing 4' wide wood bridge connecting banks Where streams and standing water areas in wetlands are to be crossed by the trail system, narrow wooden bridges will be constructed with sufficient structural support to span the defined waterbody or wet area without any contact or Interruption of flows or conditions. Wetland vegetation Some Notes About the Quiet PativWalking Trail System - ^ The walking trail system proposed for South Village will supplement the other pedestrian and bicycle facilities. These facilities include PATH ° the Village sidewalk system and the South Burlington Recreation Path which courses through the property on its western and southern boundary and buffer area. QUIET ° The walking trails are designed to provide an alternative experience for the village residents and others who may be Inclined to use SECTIONS them. The trails will offer an opportunity to walk away from the developed areas of the village and to enjoy the existing and restored natural landscape of South Village. Specific use and management guidelines have been developed in the South Village Community Land Management Plan; refer to that document for more details about the trails and Quiet Paths. A compatible sign system has been Scale 1/4"=1'-0" developed in concert with the pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular network in South 'Village. j The trail system has been specifically laid out to avoid wetland impacts with only 2 specific crossings at the narl r�SI61 V E D with one of those being collocated with a road crossing. The system is designed to provide the most extensive FFIIEE a SEPT, 2005 take advantage of the full extent of the undeveloped and natural areas on the property, but with a sensitivity to maintain ng the integrity of those natural areas. All wetland buffers will be respected and trails will be laid out in the field to ensure conflicts with I s t and habitats are avoided. s �_ NTS 01243 E II ST-60Pa 111 t! I 11 t_ J - ST 60Pb •r II 1 ! I 1� I 1 �V-66 I� ;/ 150b I/ Imo, I i AL-2 1 -. ffi I ST-52P II I i I , I I iST--sob - -� � 1 I I I ,..... \� ..... ST-54RJ IC SCALE ioo ........... ( nr 1 hush — 100 ft PLAUNS PREPARED BY: TND ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CONSULTANT OSSIPEE, NH : AWY DSM DSM - APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. • PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAw "PuAmemARc+v wr LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN aY1L BVaWVFER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT ST-60P--1 1 1 I 1 1. CE►VED APR i p ztpj6 TRAFF/C EAG WEFR TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L440=4PE A90AMECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TTrLE: SOUTH VILLAGE go.fA No rli•■fo+Y.rw a..s SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LEGEND — VILLAGE CONNECTOR 1 (2 LANES, NO PARKING) (ST-60b) VILLAGE CONNECTOR 2 (2 LANES, PARKINGONENE SIDE) NEIGHBORHOOD STREET (ST-00Pb) LANE (ST-BOc) REAR LANE (AL-20) FT CONNECTOR ROUTE W'R CIIClDID IQII®ON - t- 09f IMM I01 umurs, MW WMWW STREET HIERARCHY PLAN DATH IURIN4 NUNRi:N AUGUST,2004 1" - 100, C4.0 PRO1. NO. 01243 vrlinWon 1'S} Lrlfn.,.a 0 V B ab a. eap o c z z � r W 3 I 3 I �_e_ tS► � 27 5 2 LANES 80'-0" 2' 20' 2 LANES 60,_0. R.O.W. ST-60 11' L 26 2 LANES 50,-0' R.O.W. ST-50b NOTE: ALL CURB WORK TO BE CONCRETE (TYP.) NOTE: THESE STREET SECTIONS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED FOR SOUTH VILLAGE, IN RECOGNITION OF ITS ENHANCED NON -MOTORIST DESIGN AND AS A TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT. THESE STREET SECTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE ELSEWHERE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON. mi 16' L 26' L B' L s 2 LANES �' 60'-0' R.O.W. NOTE: WHERE PUBLIC, STRUCTURAL BASE OF TRAVELLED WAY TO BE 28 FEET FROM FACE OF CURB ST-60Pa mwjr.; ALL FENCES SHALL BE PLACED NO CLOSER THAN 3' FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE SIDEWALK. FENCES LOCATED WTHIN THE PLANS PREPARED BY: 209 1 ah A. 5wh, Sd. 4W N-1,Al., T.lnYw. 37203 T.I"h— 615 726 1110 fm 615 726 1112 hl.nM.ww.hkaon �o w y.�r� r.rtiarr AWY cem OM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND 4W PLANM R/ARCHffWT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CIM E460*-ER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC E40WER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDEYSIPE ARCAUECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE N.r11..' V.... SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 4" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT: RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL NOT BE AFFORDED ---- 1 1/2. TYPE IV FINISH COURSE ANY PROTECTIONS BY THE CITY. _ 2 1/2- TYPE II BASE COURSE a-1-a _ °sM �mrn wo>E TYPICAL 18 GRAVEL BASE STREET V E ® SECTIONS _-COMPACTED SUBGRiADE----_ STABILIZATION MIRAFI S APPROVED FABRIC APR 10 20 JUL.Y, 2004 na�mm xroimn N S. C4.1 TYPICAL ROADWAY SI ON So. Burlington Pwj." 01243 S P E A R S T R E E T ■rlirh `IW I. Qt a o 8 q tt e 0 12 iLANE 9 0 1 LANE 1 66'-0 R.O.W. 5' ii� 8N' 14' 12' 1 1LANE � 1 LAE 66,-0a R.O.W. BV-66 � PRIVATE llDRIVEWAY � II��■!� 7i?I , t IIIII 1 vx.�-- 20' 8' 8' S' 3' 2 LANES �UAIJ`j - ___.nLj� 3' 5' 8' 20' 8' 2 LANES 60'—On R.O.W. ST-60P NOTE: ALL CURB WORK TO BE CONCRETE (TYP.) NOTE: THESE STREET SECTIONS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED FOR SOUTH VILLAGE, IN RECOGNITION OF ITS ENHANCED NON -MOTORIST DESIGN AND AS A TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT. THESE STREET SECTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE ELSEWHERE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON. "9 cc fir` Q ° al L/ 5' _ 8' _ 26' I- 8' I. 5' �dtL__ a 4' 4' 5' 8' 26' 2 LANES 60'-0" R.O.W. ST-60Pb PLANS PREPARED BY: 209 101h Awn. South, Suite 40B N—'ry , T.m..s. 37203 T.1"p1 615 7261110 fm 615 7261112 lm.m.r.mw.l,kmn, moe.d...ny,�o�r AWY I0e APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND 0SEPUWNER/ARCN/TE1C7 LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CAM BVO/NEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURA VT TRAFFIC ENOlNEER TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, NH L44OSC4PE ARCMTECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE fioath Panti• tcn, V.rnanr SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT TYPICAL ALL FENCES SHALL BE PLACED NO CLOSER STREET THAN 3' FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE ES LOCATEDITHIN THE NAFFORDED SECTIONS RIGHTTAOF—WAYCWILL NOT BE ANY PROTECTIONS By THE CITY. RECEIVED �JUL-Y, 2004 APR to N .S. C4.2 9^ PBOI. NO. 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY 0 p i9AVCt o v 9 B 0 p LV 0• 2 LANES 52'-0' R.O.W. a 0' p' 5' 2 LANES 52'-0" R.O.W. ST-52Pb 0 e6 b9 � 0 a � o .� Z D b� Q � J ?� D 16 Or Q LL ZIA 0 b � 0 � b� .rJ >� a 5' 8' 24' 13' 2 LANES 50'-0" R.O.W. 5' 8' 24' 13' 2 LANES 50'-0* f— R.O.W. RD-50 NOTE: ALL CURB WORK TO BE CONCRETE (TYP.) NOTE: THESE STREET SECTIONS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED FOR SOUTH VILLAGE, IN RECOGNITION OF ITS ENHANCED NON -MOTORIST DESIGN AND AS A TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT. THESE STREET SECTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE ELSEWHERE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON. 209101EA $.^5Wf" N.4W6, Tforf. 37203 T,A, w-6157261110 Fay 615 7261112 hMfrnfl w.,w.Ykcorn ra..n..tiro._ noe�l�.fy�rfa�r. ➢Ou1N AWY D6M DISM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND 4W NAmvERjARCt#7ECr LOONEY RICKS KISS NASPMLLE, IN CM ENIiNEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT » E UMFER TND ENGINEERING OSSRIEE, NH LAAMC4PE ARCH17ECr LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH ZTILLAGE / SaefE Ra rll• Vwrw owr SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT TYPICAL ALL FENCES SHALL BE PLACED NO CLOSER STREET THAN 3' FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE 7TA��OQ-F— SECTIONS ANLLY MATEf.Wjg`NNOTE E AFFI ORDTHE ED osn unsmtc �e JULY,2004 APR t0i t NS. C4.3 t BC4E 14 SITE ENGINEER: R OH DEv - ni. VORT mn - oOS.N.eO '�,I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. TT ,D,e ta,{ P 0. BOX 486 SMELSURNE, Vi 05482 _ w DEV - ,>yN � B04YB51}19 FAIL BVSB95]t>f �: www. ceaN.wm >200m� -Yo.OP Y4' M0. . Al3 ]40 I eaw w 46qII MIfWT »).e0 ei- peOR?OaN I w nEv . Ai1D I coP>RIORT - I, g 1011'ONf DLV . »MO w ! eaod w DMMN AWY iow na r sr• ��oo.x �i —.. L ..... PW aay. »uD nn am s . ie.Wo Q w oav . �. Wa. eoemaen: cnscTall DSM +wa lic& . eAl�e w i]N .le APPROVep R OWNER: R F-61WTHE »e Jee RETROVEST - COMPANIES qEL- I; ��kT she-� >es. ]ee Haig" JB I � � i PR07EM: as sse xa eea CALKINS eoo+oo eN+ee Joo+oo JOJ.ao eN.00 PROPERTY FROST STREET PROFILE AIKEN STREET PROFILE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT �i I ! 11 i MW FONT »A . IOb).b Vl VN TA . IM]! 0600' w I »a I »a z wTs�ir.)u we�em J]o JN JN DA'Ee c�ceen RmSIOR »' o ]ee M kid IN 1 eA m JM JN ]u JeD eee -0e DSM eEatSFD SANURY £Y41L - ]ea ]ee 24-0e DSN ADW AR RODE SIDUCMIE -M-OM DSM I AHED WATER LNE Ram m J� �¢ 1 eN - ROAD >a PROFILES !N • ,� )ao+oo ]el+ao ]a>+oo ]oJ+Tq m++OO ]OJ+ao ]oe.00 lu. oo Ilwa �,I,� BENTLEY LANE PROFILE RECEIVED MAY, 2004 DRr �RR BLADE STREET PROFILE �y APRx91 ; - SO' HORZ. C4.5 !i T - 4' VERT. 01243 lolly UI au. nt,all­g1"T1 SITE ENGINEER: s r Nkw run EtLV . m.+o NOI raM rtA - ]OrMT CIVIL INGINWING ASSOCIATES. INC. N Oav - m.al P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VI 06452 ia16eStJP9 FAX B019e5-YI/I N.b: wNw.ceo-vlcpn Al -1" >M k xiaa w NW POINT NON PoNT sr. _ .O.Je.ex M e}A - brb MAD. carrN - A. ae asesavaO DRAM eN - d0)� AWY � �i III � nev nA R eaoe' c�cAzo AD. .19 DSM JJ _.___ F)i-- )n rra°ven DSM ` EDr asv - M OWNER: eCeef M $TA >Y M sago eerM \ a . e.m THE DL RETROVEST r e1` ne as Lam COMPANIES JeA y ■ F4 ]is __ PROJECT: ua e AiL yA w CALKINS a =ag PROPERTY In - -- -- SPEAR STREET AND MADISON LANE PROFILE FLANDERS LANE PROFILE (WEST) ° ALLEN ROAD FLANDERS LANE PROFILE (EAST) SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT IW PONT 6IV - JIAii NMI POHi 9r- eWeOxi� n, ei'iv - nweo NaN roert new - nAw NON raver srA . Jo«n.rt M rtA . JMN.ve M 61V -)Je)0 N-16]e I 106aD' K Y ssOa +c M Mpp VA . = Jl1A KCI ¢3{ I lDer Port aar - JeJ.li IND. -JLY K �M TA eleV i +M PONY pLV - J12RJ - T1ie0.0120e F� � I M � - iea.M F Je0 PONr SrA - ee+ee+r - - - • w'K I AD - wao D ilA d ne . 1 e 311 \ D171 ClR('[TD let®aN )n m xe -- sn xe sAd I Jee mO i )ee xA Jee bA xi m2 ae -0e DSM IMMSED SVeTNtr W*" DSM I AWED NATO UN: eJ full i ROAD >u PROFILES MIWO 61—- � e� rt<aO DEWEY LANE PROFILE CHURCHILL LANE PROFILE DRAWING NUMI— WEST FISHER LANE PROFILED— ILE k� RECEIVED MAY, 2004 EAST FISHER LANE PROFILE — 1' - e0' HORZ. C4.6 1, APR 10 CJUS 1' NO - 4' VERT. N. . 01243 miry of So. Burlington No Text I ' 1 ( I I I I I I I ______-----� -------------------- - __ _ - - _� - - I y i &I. p. \ \ I \ \ II \ \ I \ \ II \ \ I GRAPHIC SCALE \ IN Fr. 1 Inch 20 tt. RECEIVED APR' I \ City of So. Burlington/ PLANS PREPARED BY: DNA•N AWY DSM AFFaovm DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 1 PROJECT TITLE: 1 UTH VILLAGE Bo •.� B..Ilaa.e •, V... nno DATA C� Ral'1910N TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DAra Da1aDlG NIINBBR DEC., 2004 - 20' C4.8 PIIDJ. N0. 01243 1 III I 1 1 � I �7 I I v I I I I I I I 1 — —12" w— f, � I I I In I I II I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W_ - _ 142-0'- 1 \ PLANS PREPARED BY: TND ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CONSULTANT OSSIPEE, NH Dna.a AWY CMCnD DSM "mu DSM APPLICANT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USFPLANNER/ARCH/IECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CNK BVGWEER CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT VWFIC FWG/NEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY,, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VIL— -- —III SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT e6t'mow I RECEIVED I APR 10 2i6 TRAFFIC City of So. Burlington CONTROL PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE eo , , , n�rc nnavwc �uu�mea ro DEC., 2004 (� IN FEET) aCdLe 1 iche 2D 1L . . . . T-20' C4.9 . 01243 I I I I I 1 I I I I I fI 1117 / I / I I I 1 I III I I 1 I I I I ------ --- 1 I 1 I -----------�\\ , V I I I n � I I I I I III I I 1 1 1 I I I / 226-01 80.0' - _ I 1 \ \ I I I I i 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -12" W f, � ECEIVED APR 10 2 GRAP IC SCALE (IN00) 1 �nca - 20 it. PLANS PREPARED BY: TND ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CONSULTANT OSSIPEE, NH naarx AW�YD ,P SMD DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS LAND& EPLANNEAWCN?ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN m LAK�M/EER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGOVEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LMDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT 1 PROJECT TITLE: 1 SOUTH VILIAGE An.rb A•rlr•era •, Y•rw am SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT oars car® aEvmon TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DATE D-G A'Ifl®Ba DEC., 2004 s- C4.10 vaoi. ry . 01243 1�I RUINS — PLANS PREPARED BY: �1 i �—_� I I I - - - - -I /S{,.L jsjY 4hpT CnMP-W-rT 'Aa94"5-0 .N/4zr-1N45 I R1 i... CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. D-3 I ,S`TA. 482 W11-2 _ --- — = eoz-seu = FAX 9 08&227 �i b xxw.cae mm 00 W16-7P ----__ -��IIIIIIAIIUIIIIIIIIII II STA. - W3-3 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS R8-3c 100 ( STA. O / mm ACL W11-1 PAWCW(3 �'% tmcao STA. _---------". D.SM I I \ �.x W6-1 STA. / DSM sra. 1 @� \ X ID J M11161 APPLICANT: ' ! PARKNG LMITD �.......• 1�\ - PAFffE ' a" 25 0-3 TO ' SOUTH VILLAGE \ / cam, I 132-1 Ri-1 R7-2c COMMUNITIES, LLC. E'Z I LW STA, W16-7P STA. \. -) XO . STA. / j' 24000 STA. �9 ��' / I ' 1 POWlDB PAWING ^X r\ / R7-5 PROJECT CONSULTANTS: STA. 70 4WD OW PLANNER/ARCHOFCT I I R7-5 oo xo Boon SPEED l i LOONEY RICKS KISS I ! ! STA. _.L, �'�. PAWING PARKING LUT ! _ NASHWLLE,TN I I SPEED X / \ \Y ll CML ENGINEER I I ular R7-2o R2-1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES \__-1 _ STA. STA PARKBJCi \ �•.�\00 0-3 STA. STA, D-3 i SHELBURNE, VT I 1 STA. I 8� + I JRAFF/C fNG/NEER I f enT�F 10 +�0 VTR �' 108+00 109+00 — TND ENGINEERING ------ a — R7-2c n — — -- — — + — — —I—'---'— — — —'— — — OSS/PEE, NH STA. \TTT' J �' I111i�11111 [.4NaSr4PE ARCH/TECT °v° j -- LAND -WORKS 9.34 1+ i M/DOLEBURY, Vf L� • ID ri160+--1----C � � �tY` I PAFXINQ OF f J i - + R1-1 am OF I Ri v"7 ' PROJECT TITLE; I I Jr I ••Iq TO STA. etlEEi I ! PAIlm STA. yI — I 1 7 PA„fl10�110 I colrel ralacwx+ RSTA.c I I LMT BCEOP i SOUTH VILLAGE i ' BDE aP i t 25 BnFArT i glFlffi I S+' ( 7-2 i R7-2o PAIM�CPIG I I R7-2n sr I o sT T ^, 3 j STA._ SP ALLEN ROAD AR STREET D STA. !"� I R7- j o O IMP I I T e T aP 1 _ +-_--1--I-- — N _ ._... SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 1:7j I I i R7-2c R2 1 -I' + '� LNG vJ 25 I i STA. STA R2-1 5 .87 R2-1 � STA. STA l wo I� I 1 1 �b j PAfB@Kl D-3 + 0 I I I r +I I NI D-3 t STA. j _ STA. __..� 1 D_3 j J R7-2a i 1 I t STA. D-3 i R1--1 DDn STA. 1 D-3 71 I 1 0 +p0 . it Pia = `�— — — — TREElA,s I I — — o I� — ..yy WE oP v �' + i j Oa .I. + JJ giRff{ I LEGEND I P AWJW 'e 1�7 R7-2c I LD I I _ BCE OF v STA. i PARKING BETIMEN FRONT WWEL PATH - -� STRIPING AND I f STA. REAR WHEEL PATH 1" i PAWING ji RSTA.o N SIGNAGE o �ECE _ PLAN I oJf T I Mr R7-5 N I „' nave�mvc m/emea STA. f FEB., 2W5 D-3 I o •l .i� APR A I i Ite..J9 — — Ao +4 i —.— 3-- + J R r0 n1w2, 4no3Q� RIP . PAR1W0 Yelp w PANING Li 810NB '"N 25 -. R7-2o R2-1 STA. STA. LEO& LWID LUT 24,000 RI-1 STA. I r ' I1 1 1 I I I I � 1 I I I ' i Icl PARKNO I �® I HERE D- 1 � ; _ 25 R7-2 1 Iq ®BLPMERiD I 9 • STA. I STA.' WI- STA. R1-1 q S EO 25 R7-5 STA. Ixu s ,, ' l ---- 405+pp� i . , 86r1 STA. "D PARKNC N91E ro C0R✓� R7-2a STA R1-1 STA 3+ TNB ' ®E OP R2. 11 WI-9 I tF y,STA. 12- STA. -' Iq — PAW3�1 BEIYtEE D- 9K1R6 O i LYT 'i 25 I ARKTq R2-1 ® t STA Iq PARKING R7-5 THIS STA. SDEO R7-2a fRS7 ET ND P 2a F70EA. To J) COR7M R7--2c __-STA. city of Sod To th yin �.,�,, B�r�• Of I R7-1 D-3 STA. R7-2a STA. I J1 SPEED 25 I 'ARKNO T� R2-1 e0E Of STA. f119�I r 'ARKNO R9E I r To ib CnRI� PAWCNK3 naB R7-2a gpE OP STA. g1ggT R7-2a --,r STA R1-1 STA E3 ND 'ARKW THS am OF >nR� R7� !--l I R7-2a STA. ST/I� R7-2 3Y� STA. is D-3 ND PARKNQ TH1a MEOF a1R�l —2a A. �1 apm LW 25 STA. NO PAR aW SE ASM Sam R7-2a STA. eo LEGEND PARKING VEHICLE BODY � STA. FRONT WHEEL PATH 1 ( J / , STA. REAR WHEEL PATH Iq PARgM Berm 81a118 R7-2 STA. t -- SPEED LSST 25 MINI R2-1 PAW(N0 STA. R7-5 STA. WI-9 STA 1 STA. PLANS PREPARED BY: c A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT OW2 8W 888-182J FAC 8 83 71 — w�w.cee-N com APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS DR1iN ACL cancan DSM Grp". D APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND usr py-WNER/MCN/IECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VF n RW ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARC%Mr LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, Vf PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT / CC ars aar® smiax APp Cityo f r STRIPING AND SIGNAGE PLAN •� n�Ts Da�.arD aumea FEB., W05 .,� PSOJ. ND. 01243 WIDTH AS 940VM ON PUNS S' CONCRETE SIDEWALK O Oaa O Op0 a°s!�De' C42AVfl. SUBBASE6' 901L OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL NOTES.- 1. EXPANSION JONTS SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PREFORMED JOINT FLRFA (I/. Case, M BITUMINOUS TYPE) 2. BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE DIVIDED AT INTERVALS OF FIVE FEET BY DUMMY JOINTS. TYPICAL SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T. EVSTINc--GROUND ���� CONTf4OL MATTING IN TOPSCL w/PROFILE GRADES G SX STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS GRASS LINED DITCH N.T.S. HIGH STRENGTH NON-SHRNK GROUT LEBARON LF248 24" s 2C C.,. GRATE ./3 FANGED FRAME (OR APPROVED EQUAL) CONCRETE CURB SET FRAME 014 FULL MORTAR ,R:D -BITUMINOUS CONIC. -• PAVEMENT (1/4'/FT. s' SLOPE MIN.) MAX. YAX PRECAST CONCRETE e/MONOUTHIC BASE ADJLMT /D GRADE YM .. 6RIC( (2-6 COURMS) WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 7" -� MN. WIDTH FLE!(I&E GASKET (SEAL EXTERIOR JOINTS AND OFT HOES W/NON SHRINK GROUT) ,B SLNP TOPSOIL SEED k MH SLEEVE► 8' MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL *PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION). TYPICAL CATCH BASIN O CURB N.T.S. .. ........y - - NOTES: Z I. Compbetkn of bodd6 and bedding shall be S eaa0p0aoe00oeaae. Mlmum off 90% (95X roo der dway .,f .ea) S or .-Inn- Inndry d..I?y d.temlsled In the 8 � APPROVED BACKFlLL e(ondard plot[- test (ASTM 0698). THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Beds mab ft riots not be plied an frozen o w d.. APPROVED GRANULAR ALL 3. APProtwd bi ck ri l 11 not contain y stone. more than 12' In largest dbnemlan in THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN W LIFTS (a" roade'a�ya, -I maXMNNm dl°m4tw within 2' of the outNde of Me pips), - contain any h'oun, wet, - organic matarkl. 12' HOPE STORM DRAW PIPE 4. Trendws 00N b, c-npletay deeatered prior to •' 9 Y� placing of p" beddlnyy t-ld and kept dawatered during Mut°Matin of OlI- and bOakG. THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 6. In trenches whh unstable mO wfa, trend) BEDDING MATERIAL bottom edl first be stobXlzed bplacement of file, fabrk then crushed stone eve nro tr m). 6. The sides of tresehes 4' - more M depth tend UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by persom+.1 ah.11 be nested orMoped to the angle of repose as defhad by O.SH.A. standards, TYPICAL STORM TRENCH DETAIL 7 gro-I - . Bedding material d Withhalu mm�­Mt ij. , of a N.T.S. Submit a sample to the Engineer for approval. 1 s erY erT K• TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION N.T.S. TOPSOIL (14 P,) TOP COURSE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1/2" R.1 .. 6' . r 1/4' R. 1. cumac S14LL BE CONSTRUCTED IN lopSECBONS WITH 1/8" JOINT BETWEEN SECTCNS, 2. CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE O(WHI UCIED EVERY 20' AND SMALL BE CONSTRUCTED O: MAIEW CONFORMING TO AASHTO DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2- SPONGE RUBBER OR C-) Gip -CURB DETAIL� N.T.S. TYPICAL ROAD SECTION NTS - SEE SITE PLANS 1/4'/FT. ; SEWER SEVER SOLID ROCK SHALL BE J SHATTERED A MINIMUM OF 2-6' BELOW SUBBASE MATERIAL 4' BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1 1/2' TYPE IV FINISH COURSE I 2 1/2' TYPE II BASE COURSE VA - SEE SITE PLANS 2' TYPE II BITUMINOUS CONCRETE RECREATION PATH aT>� o°RTo°BOo°orOoE�.° 6 I CRUSHED e" GRAVEL SUBBASE COMPACTED SOIL OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR ALL RECREATION PATH DETAIL 9�I,b�in*IB v. v<tV -A C.A. 14 est.ArsP14RA TNV3 i PAVEMENT 4Msn eHO o a a a a s 4' TOPSOIL �•.MVa (cane0 3 i STABILIZATION FABRIC 3/4- WASHED STONE 1/2 T. 500x OR .._...-., _ _ ._.. APM ED APPROVED EQUAL IN. 4' PERFORATED 4SEE PVC PIPE (PVC) _ PLANS FOR FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI _ INVERT ELEVATION 14ONS OR APPROVED lI�- EQUAL FOR UNDERDRAIN -T *SLR ALL PIPE TO //////------CWD WATER LINE DRAIN O IX MN. SEE DETAIL SHEET C-6.6 TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN SECTION N.T.S. e NOTES: a° o Compaction of DackfEl and beddng eaB be qI. msIbma, m 90% (95� der roadsa ..1 ^surf-) If Sn dry den It det-l-d 1 the APPROVED BACKALL standard proctor test (ASTM D698). THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding malwial shill not be placed an fro - IN 6' LIFTS -bgr.de. ip APPROVED GRANULAR FILL 3. Approved backfll Mall of cantaln atones r" 1 IN 6' LIFTUGHS COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS than 12" in I -gent dimendm In rpodwyyEa0. Y masi- diameter within Z. of the r.1d. of the pipe), or contain any /ro2en, wet, - organic mataNal. _ PVC SEVER PIPE 4. Trenches eKA be oampletely dawatered prior to 12 _ Placing of pipe :Wdiny teHal and kept dewaterod durhNeldlation of pip. and b.&M. ' THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 6. In tr-.h- with unetabl. m.t."s, trench BEDDING MATERIAL boIlan, ell] Post W stabXiced byy Placemerlt of 6• (3/4- CRUSHED STONE) (atw f.brk then -shed stone (J/4' rn.k .m). 8. the sides of trenches 4' or man M depth wtwed UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or eloped to the angl. of repo.. as def ed by O.S.H.A. standards. 1. Deciding nratWrlal oR consistor crueh.d .tone TYPICAL SEWER TRENCH DETAIL With With n maximum N.amsample of /4'.ra N.T.S. Nt to the Engineer appmWl. LESMON FRANE & COVER LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. '-C' MIN. ADIUS PLAN V RISE NOTE!! IHVERIS ro K gbxslRDmm p.r Ai1E0. wcassvL calFtEnaN a IEAKAce mT. 2 EB1pu0R IONTS 9NN1 BE SEAIFD ONLY AFTER 91 FtSNL MMPTM OF NrM,ARO IESf. 3. RN1Fe0P Ar415 - NOT RE a- 4. IF WPm OF MAMOIE 13 r C, LESS FROM NM m Opn seele INWrr, Tip! A FIAT IOP setnaD BE sUBSRNTDD AX` THE WALE SECTION. ELEVATION TYPICAL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE N.TS PLANS PREPARED BY: 4__� A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX466 SHELBURNE, VF O64B2 802-DW2323 FAX 802-BRIU71 wsb., www.peN.mn APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS MAJW -Xii, DSM APPBpTEO DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNER/ARCH?EC_ T_ LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VI TRAFFIC SWWW4 N TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L41/0SWE ARCH/IECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VRIAOE 6-1. B •LI.Mta.. Y SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT -SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED h SEAL JONT le CONCRETE RISERS V Opp -' •. FOR ADJUSTMENT f` //�� -POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE STEPS O e' O.C. e A t S9JY p` ��4f� -WATERTIGHTJOINTS USING MASTIC OR RUBBER GASKET Cw COAT EXTERIOR OF ENTIRE So. MANHOLE NTH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) CAST IN PUCE FLEXIBLE MH IL'R L91� oN SLEEVES OR APPROVED EQUAL (TAW. PIPES) LALL .( USE Y (MAX.) SIUSS �_-..... _ AT ALL MANHOLE PIPE CONNECTIONS ..__.._... -CONCRETE ALL TO 4•E OSM ErANw Gu.A.µap.nJ HGNEST CROWN OF PIPE ROADWAY -12' ". -' CRUSHED STOW DECIDING SECTION AND DETAILS DATE FEB., 2005 DRAWTI NUMBER - s� AS SHOWN C4.13 YNUf. NU. 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: EXISTING ROADWAY SAW CUT AND TACK COAT -� TURNING LANE 5' 3' WIDENING FUTURE SHOULDER WIDTH BIKE LANE VARIES SEE NOTE 6$ M (OR AS SHO1M1 / ON PLANS) - 1.5' TYPE III SURFACE COURSE 2' MIN TYPE 11 BASE COURSE- -INCREASE THICKNESS TO MATCH EXISTING 6' DENSE GRADED CRUSHED STONE 12' MIN, FINE GRADED CRUSHED GRAVEL INCREASE THICKNESS TO MATCH EXIST. CDND FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL ROADWAY WIDENING N.T.S. NOTE t - MATCH EXISTING CROSS SLOPE (2% MIN) TND ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CONSULTANT OSSIPEE, NH DRAB! AWY cmc= DSM APVRDYBD DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND asEPLANNmARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CN/L ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAR:/C ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH MIDOLEBURY, VT DHSTRUCTIUN L_2' TYPE IV VADT HIT. CONC �\\ PROJECT TITLE: SEE NOTE 4 12' MIN VADT FRIGRADED (S CRUSHED GRAVEL (SEE NOTE 4) SOUTH VILLAGE I�p.rR FILTER FAHERIC e..Il.■. �...e.. ALTERNATE CURTIAN RECREATION PATH TYPICAL DETAIL DRAIN DETAIL 4' NOTES 1. THE 10' WIDTH CAN BE REDUCED TO 8' IF A, BICYCLE TRAFFIC IS EXPECTED TO BE LOW SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD B, PEDESTRIAN USE IS NOT EXPECTED TO BE MORE THAN OCCASIONAL FILTER FABRIC D. PATHTHEREILOGNMENT SSNO�OSUHOJECTOTOAL AND VERTICAL REDUCE MAITENCEAVECH[CLE LOADING CONDITIONS SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT W41'N. WASHED 2' MINUS STONE 2. WHEN THE 5' WIDTH TO AN OVERSTEEP SLOPE OR DANGEROUS CONDITION CAN NOT BE PROVIDED THEN A SAFTEY RAIL MAY BE REQUIRED 3, A 10' CLEARANCE MAY BE REQUIRED FOR TUNNELS AND UNDERCROSSINGS PERF. PIPE 4. OBSTRUCTIONS INCLUDE TREES, POLES, WALLS, FENCES, GUARD RAILS OR OTHER LATERAL OBSTRUCTIONS 5. WHERE SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT. A CURTAIN DRAIN CAN BE INSTALLED IN LEIU OF THE TYPICAL SWALE. 6, INSTALL APPORATIATE EPSC MEASURES FOR SWALE ETABILIRATION. BIKE PATH SECTION NIS APR 1 0 idub City of So. f3urtingtor) BIKE PATH DETAILS DA'R. DRAlIfNO NUMBBR MAY, 2005 R� C4.14 N.T.S. PROD. N0. 01243 I i \I. I I I GRAPHIC SCALE \I/� (1N PECS ///Y\�::/ cA+R+n1aq l � pHtaa� I I I I , 1L I I I I I I I I I i I GRANITE SLOPE EDGING TYPE PM100 1I1 2% BRICK PAVERI(TRAFFIC ISLANDS) ITEM 618.20, ODIFIED at 19 a4 1, r r m 1—BlTlA11NOUS EMULSIM ASPHALT TACK COAT, ITEM 404.65 PAID FOR AS PART OF ITEM 616.47 \ ASPHAULT AOHESNE, SECTION 618.034 SUBSIDIARY TO 618.20 BRICK PAYERS MODIFIED (TRAFFIC ISLANDS) \ 2" SUPERPAVE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT WEARING COURSE, TYPE HIS V'1°�I'� °'T 24" DENSE GRADED CRUITEM 616.47 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE GUTTER & TRAFFIC ISLANDS S J� \ P4� STONE ITEM 301.35 MODIFIED 3"ISUPERPAVE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT BINDER COURSE, TYPE IIS CA." V*V4 ITEW 616.47 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE GUTTER & TRAFFIC ISLANDS MINI ROUNDABOUT A'ND CHANNEUZATION ISLANDS N.T.S. nQ 1 % rj.ic�gJylcc 4lv�"K �fl NR� PLANS PREPARED BY: _4$A CIVIL ENG NEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOO( 485 SHELBURNE, VI' 054V BDY-0D =3 FAX BOP -V71 xe0: www.aetrKOdn Dw AWY DSM .PPN w DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND LWPLANNER/ARC!!/TECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CM EAMMER CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOC/ATES r SHELBURNE, VT TR MC EAGWEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSWE ARCAPW7' y LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY,VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE 6a.rh A..I�n 1cn Y.r-nn• SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT a4A* , - Of SO nWon SITE PLAN MYE DR.�DlG NU1®9B AUGUST, 20M ec.ra S-1.2 PPOJ. NO. 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: -1 if . j / 1 S1h l ' ' =11 // I 11 1\�$ I1pl1ll'��'/! \ / / -= I 'Yt :','•�j,,, I ( / \ / I(/ / / // 1 /% / I ••b„�� �,/ //\•.•.•-r...-. I 1 1 IlI /.� \I\ ♦ j CML ENGINEMNG ASSOIATES, INC.(•••••••'...:''": P.O. wx4m SHaauRNE, vF orAv I \ \ N \ 8042323 FAX 60 8&2271 ueb: wnw.cee-Mcwn 1 I i I i J :'•': ;`'•y t \\ / / 1 I ' ..,-.c3......':..'...•......•..•::::: 1 ♦1/ ��I \- \ • - r Ill I' I Ililll i I __1 •'.'k....r.•... \ \ ' / / / I I ii// - - . ' \ 1 1/ / 1 \ \ � � •• APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS AVVY .�.......•.. :', :.'. •'.'.:.' '.'• .':.' : :...:i:i 1 I 1 I •:• `r 1 I IrI ItI !! - "i+r � �/ 1 I / '. � \ *,♦L-* ........ I I i I I i 1 1 \ \ / T> I I o \ // ' �$� / / 1 1 x. _-L-j ♦♦l _ �;.�.......+ :_ \ \ \\ \ I I I • • • DSM III _- / I ♦i \ \�, 1 :...,.. ! I II1 d' _ , \/ - 1 ♦I \ \ - I 1 \ I I APPYDVED I I*L-*�"'--•-t' /`�� •,I.�..c� ,•.• 1 •� \-1 III \/ I I / + 'A';: •._'::. I tl I ,�*—"" I / ♦ !:.'.':.':.':: \ �� `DTI •• :'. I I \ I / I .:.-..: �_ ....,` DSM \ _ _ .•., \\ Z ' %/ / I • s..Y...-...-..j APPLICANT: � : :... '.: SOUTH VILLAGE r..... ? ....... -::.:.COMMUNITIES LLC. / ( I• 1 / / 11 ••� / - . PROJECT CONSULTANTS: I 1 M 1 , \ : • • \ \ I I I + / r ! 1 // - 11 \ jt..:" _ .; ..+.....": : ; I C� ♦j / \ LAND UEPLANNER/RC//IECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN I I y I I 1 I �, f/ l 1 / ,✓ / 1 ? ''- - f♦ - I CML EAGWEER f I '1 ' \ 1 t / / • • - // I - 3 - �' �\ \ \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES - - - 1 I 1 \ \ I \ \ 1 /� ! / \\ I ��: / • "::: "'•':: .: _'. .'_. ♦ \\ SHELBURNE, VT T // \`� + %i 'jPp�i�aRiO.OIORa ���i♦. I TR49RC ENO/NEER :::::: ' " ' TND ENGINEERING I i I 1 I II \ \ -_ I --_ * / \ 1 -' - \ OSSIPEE, NH � I 1\ .'fir I • 1 \ 1 I I I �� ( / :' : •' ::....': ': _ / / ' (// / • I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT —��- All • to 1 \ ! / ' 1 `/j1' - \ LAND -WORKS 1 1 I �•*• \ \ \ / \ 1\_ OI1 - \ /� / �r / ' MIDDLEBURY, t? J PROJECT TITLE: / �u J It ' / \\ \ _ _/ i ♦// �/I ��/ / /�--' +1 SOUTHp VILLAGE 1 I I +\ ' , ( // , ,/ . \ _jam%: // 1/ i i �,'� +•�Q \ SPEAR STREET AND _ I I 1 \ I \ \ / \ :AJ..'v'••' •• I 1 / ' ,� S °i / i� 1 / !/II __ iI ALLEN ROAD It 1 �� I 1 \ \ / : ' �\ �♦ T r' / I \ SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT tyI I I I I 1 1 � / / / I I �� \ •- �•- \:.... 1� 1 /' \�r I I / I : I ........... • I I I x� \ I 1 \ � I / �� ! / / 7� l /I r / • \ S dROPOSED STORM 0 DRAINAGE LINE (TYR) 1 > .�\ ♦ • / .: • // / / � �/ ./ 1 �-�� �v \ i i ! ++� � +• � nee c1uc�D roms�oe .. 1 I �! \ / I I I / .: ` h I I I \ \ \ i I 1 / ! I `� •r \ a13-05 OSY FIVW slaw BATS YNIAGWa FN111Y 2-3-05 DSY RENSFo STORM WI.1ER YNaCEAENT FRCWIY I 1 ' � .. ., ; `, '::� , I _ .'.�.._..\_........ ,'; � •:' ' \ - / � � \. GRADING + DRAINAGE ---._.I � f �,/(/ _-r.�t.:..?.�•; ..?-.1-___ OVERALL PLAN 1 ���\/ `�` / l / / . 1 r / � 1 • ♦ �_ � 7" DITE DINAtNG NUYDP,D 2004 7 y.. / ............ I APR i o . , _moo. C5.0 01243 FVLUr : _I J.,_ / / / X \ I /� 1 I PLANS PREPARED BY: 3 * . . . . . X 374.3 \ X 377.3 / 1 I - / < % / /f IS \ \ \ n // _ - _ _ _-,e,.�l _ / / I I - • /� - X--'� X I \ \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. -- Ste- •X / I \ FAX- • . s��i� .. \ P.O. BOX 485 eozsmRNE, 054e2 X / .• j \ \\ \ eozaeo-z3zs FAx� �71n wm: wwvross-kmm JIL, ��l nV \ I I \I APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS 1I \ -� • - `. _.j X376.8 / // /h \/ . . . 1 0 - I �,�• 1oa+ao Ilr AWY Y. I X a 11 -X X I /^n / /-��`•\\ • . - . .:. • • - • • ' X 36 7 1 cxF.c�D If _... • DSM APPRDVR1 \ erv. IN. - s.N. OUT-3g9tS� �.lo �x �• X / \ ,/ / I / i `n DSM D PNASE I uu� OF RECMT10N X / PATH 00 c1ION \ / / ,/ / I \ X `�•�D`SX // / / ! I / % 1 1 I n APPLICANT: 00 1 ; i X-- �:.-- _ ' i T;-- .. SOUTH VILLAGE I \\ n 'f- • Ce 76 - STAJI \ i�,� �- ]M X 377.2 i ce SB A f09+60 / i / ! / \� . - . I p Pow-37a.e' l I - COMMUNITIES, LLC. / I \ W. N-370.0' \ �•� 6x _ \ - - - - W-364. / // / 383.0 \ • . • . • / D i I W. our-SeOs' 00" \ I \I I I a 72 - 9rA eoerl2 \ ��•� na-- \ �c�-rL.-._ _aa 70 \ + - A - -------- i-- 109+-00 -i - I ^I aI � - ,-� �•// - - / �� ��/�` \ / .•.'.. .•.PROJECT CONSULTANTS:1�I- 7.gIRV. w367'X375.3 3W. OUT-367.2b \ I / -+--i - {I- / // //' \\\ //' LANOLWPLANNER/44CHITECT CS 7733 - STA 0DW ,----�/ ^ �^_ _ A / - - _-_ - LOONEY RICKS KISS I - / I 1 \ W. avt-3 e.r NASHVJLLE, 7N CB 71 - W 06-it--OdHelN / V 387.6' I J Poua7ao'srA 1 �2 alv.�.I-iea.1'7l) / 1 // � ,(�• 6 1 (( I / /' , °a�� \ \ \ X 3 (aVIL ENp/lyFEq NN. 375.0' Ib' / W. M.]N.1'(N) / I a SS - 3G 229+93/ 9N. our-Sea.o• / I mm-303' ' - - / 1 W. u1-Sass / Q O CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES .OW-M.a' / - '• \ SHELBURNE, VT I _ �60 _ -1" I, Jo X 375.5 I I 1 w 53 - STA 22e+27 / I j / / 1T \ Pow-3e7.e• I O �4 J/ \ WV. RI-3e2�.(N / �3 \ OUT. s f I \ / :1/R 1 l TRAPRC BWNEER ,yQ�I 1 0 / ce °1 9A 7z+79 1 1 Y \ yy1��` 11 I I // I M1.0372. AA W+ee / i �- I I PovwM:36z.r I nVr aq /! \ �jek TNDossPENE NH \ I 1 INV. Gury3e7.Y // I \ 63 - STA 71+69 1/our3ei1(S' 1 .! I I / \\ a7{('yl an-se7a' IPow-.N_-_ I 1 a / CB ea - Sp 2{0+9 I I / X 361.0 � L WV.- 3e3 oVr-3e3a' I I ( ./ • "` /WL�.>'�/IPE i�/F i /%'i•.T ♦ + _ 017f 7- �107 i SEA 703+12 - LAND -WORKS W. our-See.Y Rw47a.1' I - _ _J--� .+-1- - N I Nv. w-Sa1.o'((w'M�) 1 _ MIDDLEBURY• VT X 375.1 / 1 I 170 00 - - w ,� INv. ow3 iw / . • . • ...... . WV. our-3eaa' / NV.-mi.9A' / \ • \• \ I OMN 10 - SrA CCMae/60+12 CS ON 1 SEA s 73 o CIII 022 - SrA 7yr7e I 1 \\ �-N7a e6.z' f Rr-m1. + - - _ / 1Nv. our 7.3' .- 7e3 1 RN. ." I \ / `+ \ / -_/ PROJECT TITLE: \ I NV. OUr.3e6.1'I elY.. ` I oNN e - SG 71+ O' I Mr. - PoM-371s• RMO- See I / /I 6 N-Ss3.a• ( h \\\ /'S . . . . . . / �+ + .87 urv. IN-36"3�.�fN) I / 1 . . . . . _ / - SOUTI I I 1 I - �- - .-. _. -- IN✓. OUT.ap'a3' / CIS 31 - STA 22H7e Y a . t ► N . r I 1 \ i DY� I . - - --beM-SEA /' � / / ��^0O wv w 3eo.7'(E1 \ I X376.6 Rw-m1.e' i �� / I xv. N-3e0.r(N) / / '-_=-- _-- SPEAR STREET AND \ \ / �/ eN. U-xeo'�p I �. NN. ovr.3eo.e' I / \/ -- _=_ o MA' Nv.-Seeu(/0 �``/ I ouN e - s7A 22a++a \ __= ALLEN ROAD \ RW-J63.9'� I CB s2 - 5/A 22a+70 ce 67 - srA 3ory3z 1 W. wr-3ea.9' I sy _ - \ I /N. M xes.00 � �O r.p6/.7 / \\ i ^ f _ - = SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT \ \ NV. N.3ea1Y(0101 0N1 9 - VA 70++7�%52+37 INv. our-ua.3: J \ WV. our-366.9' 9N•S7N-aea.r I I 4, _ / �'� % / \\ I I I' LEGEND 1 1 1 I co STA 6 04 \ w. our-mcW I X 3 t + \ \ I RN. 0' I , I p ` / I / I \ .1• I 1 ---�- PROPOSED WATER LINE 1 1 \ INN. PUT.37O.3' \ 1 I I ^ _ / \ \ --9�- PROPOSED STORM LINE LINE / I � -" � •- �� � I -s- PROPOSED SEWER LINE \ 1 \\ wP t \II 1 N+r Sex I // I / - -/L I I \ / �� 1 \I 1 \ I 1 \ (\ RE98-. . . . . . . . 6,i I i/ T / 1 /\,/ I -_ -�- PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE k �C 369s1 •/! •.• /�6 I I / -�- \ \ X359.1 / \\ \ �- PROPOSEDGASLMIE ce 30 / , \ _ \ / / \ Or PROPOSED TREES ` o- we' I 1 / OR 76 - STA 301+as \�\ _ / , \ ( • - • EXISTING WE_ 37 i 1 j 11 I ; \ \ _----.- = ' I �\ \ I / -PROPOSED UNDERORAIV + \� `._ \ 1 - - - - °0- - - - - - - - \ j CB 37 - STA 702+18 1 I X 368.� / , �I o I R9A0 Ses.e• / e / / / / / / r ` i . • DATE Cacnm Revlslos RN-37I.3' I I w w - S4C222.62 }I W. N.Sse 7J l_ _ IW. OUT-366.9' / 13Se.2' / 1 L/ - [ '♦._ _i w O / / I I Rlti a' / 1 cv -Nv. our-3e7.3' N / I I ,yljA •r''1 Ce 36 - STA 32+t2 1 I /-_r----ts a - SEA zn+si 1 % I \ ( l .) ' •/ a-¢m DSM ADDED UkDWRAIN RIM-369.2' e1! 30/a M''- MY PoM-353.9' / /' I 1 / �- I W. OUT-365.Y/ �\ I O • i / ON. N-357.0 7-06 D5 REVISED ROAD LAYOUT / 1 \� \ \ \ \ f4 / 1 , J N •- aN i / \ / 5-zr-os DSM REVISED FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS . OUr.3!57.5' W. _ --- - �40 i4 I _ • . • . _• .,,..� u �} GRADING + 130 OD a W, Sim -�-�.� p „_STA -� _ . _ 1 DRAINAGE / i W. Nw7.9' / eN. art_mx I / �/. _ z V' NV----7b' eN.- s , N ;L // I 1 � � / -4/•- . �,• . .''- � / PLAN + j\RN.our-s._IA7C1+ss kAa,c X 376A \ I \ 1 RIM-369. Null➢kk 1 1 \ p 1 IN- .SV(N) I _ I I O \ I NV. IN- 1' w 1 !• / JUNE. 2004 I I 41r TA �C 37 . `378- i I N . ovrda' , I I p I I 1 �3, / _ _ / . GAA H . S ALE / 1 i I + CB 42 - STA 600+13 I II / t I �o DN/ �69.2' -� / a - \• w wp xu.E °�- j I Pow-37�6' I t I -- -�- _ X�/ C5.1 1 n I I I I I Ift N-37OXOo 1" - 40 our-37o.�e x _ S*+o7+aol // 1 /{ eN M I I Ce 31 - sr 700++1 1 / / _X�'- `-� \ _. I/ I }I PoN- zw n(� X X•� _ IN.vs� L I Pko1. no. 9a. W 0'(5) 111 ^Vi X CB 32 /- .9 700+41 X X �- ��J\\ 1 - i en ad. rt. !I 01243 _ � _ -- 3 — O I /_ w 33 - 405+00 /CB 30 - STA bpiat 1 / PLAN9 PREPARED BY: / II \ 1 1 I 11 1 /O \ �.._— O , i/ _ RIN Jens' I / RIum364.i• / /. + . .� tNv. ouY-a� - - � 1 p / Imo. rtWi-�3s9:Try� I � . I• -aa4n' / / � C i� t � f 9r 'R ATM NT , {;+ ` _ +— 1�•— — :::::: SW LE 1 ► 1 _MN 4 - SrA 405 b4 \\ +I ; I5M- 76.7' \ 1 i , I I � I 1 � I I ! \ M, 1• 1 ,y,\ _ , / \ � CNLL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. cs 40 - STA 50.3 w o I - / i \.. \ . W. 370.0' I \ 1 ` RIM-372.6' P.O. BO%486 SHEL&IRNE, V! 06482 7 - SrA +97 \ \ NV. WT-3es.Y I / •� ..�. BOP-0BG-2923 P_ B02B& V1 wnb' uww.cm-N cam 14• a\ I \ 1 3- sr /ioe+z / 63 .. 1 \ 1 1 I I 1 1 ! I r \ ppIN-W-36 I / INv.\N.3eo.z' \ \ 1 \ I Mv. N-3ez. (w) td 20 - STA 4D9431 I ~ \ sN. Qur�a.1• �\� \\ I ,\ 1opi '/ I 0M-3810r s) / I!/1364.11OUT-{sbs,.0• I/ // -srA 21 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS }3m II i ' / '- L/ AWY 1 I — � � ' � d / I j I � I I 1 , \ •. 1 �sM,.. ae9s II I I � / I ! � , I' I II o � \ ~i, � ~ � `' - �, CH9CIID ,N9- ase + DSM �DSM W.- 3p9 I N, / h I 1 _ J 1 1- \ 1 1 \ I I I A \ _ I 2'I� srA xts+49 • • \- �\ APPLICANT: '� _ \, I \ ! I L Nv ass j 1 I i I 1 o i / / T'�'- NiL- 364 �r - 1 \� 1 , o I 1, / 9« 3SLi i \I SOUTH VILLAGE n I IM 3s7.7 a - I 1 COMMUNITIES LLC. ow , lw- 1 II I I I fj \ 1 I / / -' — I 1 I-� _ \\(\ \ • `- PROJECT CONSULTANTS: zs xsrz4 -I - I N II 1 __-'_ /• 2 r ...�._--•- \� I //I I 1 1w. 3"s3er / I -___ :�- \ LA(D!weLmNER/ARcHnFoT / DO -IsA 20+29 I — 1 wr.-au2dee.4• o 2 _ 31 - A"� _, I / I �I - �\ \ i LOONEY NJASHWLLE RICKSKISS s 1 I +'I• !x--- "" ! ( 1 I 1 a 4 L STA 4n0 Nv. our z' __- -- - I wv.� 341A, �' 1 v j I 2/ * 1 I � I - - '-r`"T +-- _ - \ � � - �.. � CML ENOWEER I / j nsrsds.4 1 - SrA +, at+ - _ _-_ - o"c= - - I l I i A 0H 1.e' j sr-3ess' I I _ W. N-3e9.s•) I 1 I 1 I _ lam, J (N(J _ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES -2 su 1+7s , I �\ I \ NW. v. 0ta.3M.41 1 1 \ 1 1� I 1 -� p , /_ -- i SHE/BURNE, VT f I \ \ 1 I \ 1 a 47 - srA 2N24 I 1 I faN-1,4- I I / I I 11 Nv. N-.rpy' 1 MUI ]47 a 3- A 2+/4 \ I I I "crl5 - STA 400+14s \ f 1 I I 1 , w43s9.9• / n 1 I Nv. our e• , \ 706, \ 7R4990 BVG#MER TND ENGINEERING 0 of I -\ �N-3sa'_ - Nv. a1.e• 1 \ 1 t / l 1 I / li .I //• / � 1 1 \ a¢-3po ' \ 1 � �1•r 1 \ 1 ; I , j �� i � , i l , / � I � / 1 d / ig 1 �s4v. 344.5 1, `, I \\ \I I / 1/ , l ' /l ( OSS/PEE, NH / \ 1+00- 1cANDsrAPEARCHr>Ecr /12+2e.5 / r - \� LAND -WORKS 1? DO I t I X ~ ~ 1 �/ \ \ I I / 19N-3e2.1•su1 / • } [ MIDDLEBURY, 12 - STA - / 1 r I I \•�- D ~~ \ �19-r I Nv Nv.1 011f� 10 12+z0.6 . . . . . . . wa.. a 11 I / s 1 \ I `� \ \ \ �� ~ NK art-3ets• 1 I p I / �( / / / - • ./. r-344W ' I I p" aw out.sseJd- - //nz.a/ /// / _ PROJECT TITLE: INN 355 (w) t7 �. Q0UTf'�. �] I I ( \ I \\ `�. '�\~�� +' RW-0ee.A 50D+3=_ / *•'- . OI •toN') ` v IN2. IN-361.n•(M) , a fe I —MI - - \ NY�1ei-4' / , ¢.� , / , I / �%` SPEAR STREET AND // \ / / ALLEN ROAD 100 if19 �1A r SOUTH BURLWGTON, VT 4 0- 1 I ' I DNN\ 2- STA S. _ . . . �-�•-��--� `' � 1 I CS CrA8+00 ~ 1\ 1 ..,�.........• I, \ RECEI DAT9 C9nC10iD 9ir1RON APR 10 AU,_` \ // ~I `• 1�Q_ffi DSM ADDED UNDERMAIN F27-0DSM REN5ROAD IAtt21T I ` \�~ \ �• i / �/� / pq 5-2F05 DSM ADDED FNISH GRADE CONTOURS \ \ ` GRADING + \ �d /�� �'/✓ J ; / / '1\ DRAINAGE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE AUGUST, 2004 / (IN F'6ET) �� / /-' •.-.- •. 1 I� 1 1- 40' C5.2 I Inch - 40 fL II - .I I ) I/ _ _ , / 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: I I \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. I/ 1111 I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 P.O." SHElB1IRNE, yr osa aaaasss3M szs vae soz-EEsnn wm: ww»•.c.-K.caD APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS It / 1\ I I 1\ r D-N I I \ AWY RUINS L — — I \ . . . . . . CRECEED / DSM ' I ,III 1 I \\\1 // I r • r . - . APPROVED I ail III — — — — — --� . 14-L- DSM I APPLICANT �I I II N 5" HDPE V�3� I 1 I I E SOUTH VILLAGE / . I COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: \`\\ ``�`-- i! I II, ■ { , ,y,` \ \RB -- STA 100 0 .'�'i i MAC LWPL44#W 14gQWfECT �/ ra6 I LOONEY RICKS KISS I T- _ \ I NASHV/LLE,TN _ / I -- CIVIL E CIATE -� c NGINEERING ASSO S ------ / >•�---------7^---—+....1.__—I I 1 O � � I / SHELBURNE,Vf 774iF/C ENO/NEEN TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE. NH �� /1 / ` LANOSCAPEARCH/T£CT j�,/ \ I \ LAND -WORKS / � y / � ( '.'. '....'.'.;..'.'.'. / `�\ MIDOLEBURV, Vf PROJECT TITLE: T SOUTH VILI�►IGE =360. 3 V.\ SPEAR STREET AND 15' I \ ^�� �°j�1 �` \ ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT .� 0. 0r���` /% i-- B 74 XST ` �/ ' Ww of S B it INV. IN--`J6$ I I I 4, I o I 1NV. OUT=3 , \� DATE CHRCdb'D HBV[910N I I I I I I II I � I ,' , I II � ~ � I � r/ I!, I I I I I / � B-Id-0A DSM WDED UNDDMIN 5-2/-85 DSM RENSED iRM9FD tlt/➢E CONtt7UIS GRADING + DRAINAGE IIi PLAN li I x \` I `\ GRAPHIC SCALE I I i I / I w 10 zoINV- I j 1 i D­ JUNE, 2004 mu _ INV � 355 r I I I i I i, � SCAtI /t/ 1 ,° 9 20 C5.3 01243 TOPSOIL, SEED & "•" 'eo GOODGO°DOO°0o 00p ODaQCO°GO°Qo 00p00 NOTES: in oo°o°oo°o°o°°oopp Ooo°o°op Oo°°�° o>p Oo° opp00000000 o°o 0000°o°000°o°Ooo 1• Compaction of backGll and bedding shall be a p0 o o°aoe• minimum of SOX (95% under roadway surfaces) o. of maximum dry densityy determined In the test D698). 3 APPROVED BACKFILL standard proctor (ASTM THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen pIN 8" LIFTS subgrade. o i D 2' APPROVED GRANULAR FILL 3. Approwd backfill shill not contain on atones I rn n < THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS more than 12" in largest dimension6" in roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of the outside of the pipe), or Contain any frozen, wet, or organic materlal. HDPE STORM DRAIN PIPE 4. Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to 12 placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewotered during Installation of pipe and backfIli. " THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5. In trenches with unstable materials, trench ° u °o BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall first be stabilized by pixement of filter 000o poor o fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). 6. The aides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standards. ' Beddingmaterial shall consist of crushed stone, TYPICAL STORM TRENCH DETAIL growl orrsand with a maximum size of 3/4". Submit a sample to the Engineer for approval. N.T.S. HIGH STRENGTH NON -SHRINK GOUT LEBARON LF248 24" x 24" C.I. GRATE w/3 FLANGED FRAME (OR APPROVED EOUAL) CONCRETE CURB SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED 81TUMINOUS CONIC. - PAVEMENT (1/4"/FT. y i SLOPE MIN.) 12" MAX. PRECAST CONCRETE 24" x 24"�� w/MONOLITHIC BASE ADJUST TO GRADE WITH BRICK (2-6 COURSES) SEAL w/HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR, OR CAST -IN -PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" —j ' 11111111 MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET (SEAL EXTERIOR JOINTS AND LIFT GROUTS w/NON SHRINK J T11WMP HDPE STORM DRAIN PIPE 8" MM. CRUSHED GRAVEL o o°000°o *PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION). TYPICAL CATCH BASIN ® CURB N.T.S. SIDEWALK WIDTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS 5" CONCRETE SIDEWALK .4 s 0a 00000000coo00000o 0000000aa Ooo0o0o0o0o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o Coo 8" 8" GRAVEL SUBBASE 6. UNDISTURBED SOIL OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL NOTES: 1. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PREFORMED JOINT FILLER (1/4 CORK OR BITUMINOUS TYPE) 2. BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE DIVIDED AT INTERVALS OF FIVE FEET BY DUMMY JOINTS. TYPICAL SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. CONE SECTION OR 4'0- TRAFFIC COVER (HEAVY DUTY) FOR SHALLOW MANHOLES m SOIL OR ROCK PRECAST CONCRETE OR - POURED IN PLACE BASE SECTION 4" TOPSOIL GRANITE CURB TOP COURSE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT .K BASE COURSE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT, ;CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE DENSE GRADED CRUSHED S'fONL , LEBARON FRAME & COVER LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED & SEAL JOINT 2-6 COURSES OF BRICK FOR ADJUSTMENT. MORTARED ON EXTERIOR SURFACES (12" MAX.) 24' POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE STEPS O 8" O.C. WATERTIGHT JOINTS USING MASTIC OR RUBBER GASKET 48" OR 60' e COAT EXTERIOR OF ENTIRE MANHOLE WITH A - k. WATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) MIN 24" MAX. 4 HDPE PIPE 2" SUMP SEAL NTH HYDRAULIC CEMENT a" MORTAR, OR GASKETED FLEXIBLE o °a WATERTIGHT CONNECTION 0 000 12" MIN. 6" MIN. CRUSHED STONE BEDDING TYPICAL STORM MAP EDGING TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO PLACING TOP SURFACE COURSE. JOINT BETWEEN STONES TO BE MORTARED. SEE AOT SECTION 616.03c. SLOPED GRANITE EDGING N.. 3' BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 1" TYPE IV FINISH COURSE 2" TYPE ll BASE COURSE —COMPACTED SUBGRADE-1 STABILIZATION FABRIC MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EOUAL TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION N.T.S. PAVEMENT 000o0000000o a O°a pOOO aGF- CRUSHED GRAVEL 000aoo cocoa o'�-K;o 0 0 000O000OOOOp OOOp�O BANK RUN GRAVEL STABILIZATION FABRIC 3/4" WASHED STONE MIRAFI 50OX OR 12" APPROVED EQUAL MIN. 4" PERFORATED PVC PIPE (PVC) *SEE PLANS FOR FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI INVERT ELEVATION 140NS OR APPROVED 12" 11� N__ I EQUAL f FOR UNDERDRAIN *SLOPE ALL PIPE TO DRAIN O IX MIN. TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN SECTION N.T.S. LAVES CURB CUT DETAIL N.T.S. • ALL CURB MKKNK TO BE CONCRETE ALL JOINTS SHALL BE l THOROUGHLY CLEANED MOOTH CUT EXIST. BIT AND COATED WITH AAA PAVEMENT PRIOR TO PAVING EMULSIFIED ASPHALT EX. BIT. PAVEMENT PRIOR TO PAVING (BOTH SIDES) MATCH EX. PAVEMENT MIN" (MIN. 1 1/2" TYPE III 2' TYPE II) NOTE& NEW BIT;G7N. Prl1ENT.. I. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AT LEAST ONE- WAY TRAFFIC AT ALL LINES DURING YAMK MTFNN 0 0 �EJySIIy �UBB#� O O MATCH EX. SUBBASE Q O Q OQ QQ 2 PROTECTION MAINTENANCE AND OF TRAFFICDURING O 0 OB�YYT"M ®16�Ot'0 Q 00 (18" MIN. CRUSHED O Q Op O Q O O WORK WTHw THE HIGHWAY .w. ALL Q 0 O 0 00 GRAVEL) 0 O 0 O 0 Q Q pROVBTED M ACCORDANCE WTI 111E MANUAL OF — UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DENCES. THE CONTRA CTOt SHALL NOT WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W. _ WI OUT APPROPRATE CONSTRUCTION SIGNING IN PLACE. �Tr S. ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE MADE el SIX (6' LIFTS D + 2' TRENCH SEE AND AND COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 95X MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY ACCOITDING TO ASM ._ - EXCAVATION IN. TRENCH DETAIL DOS& n 4. REPLACE EXISTING ROAD STRIPING AS NECESSARY. REPLACEMENT OF EXIST. PAVEMENT NTS PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 SG2-0B5-2T FAX 90P4w 71 xe5: -— APPLIED APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS DRA1rN AWY CUR— DSM APPsovRD DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND GSEPJANNER/MCH/TECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENO/NEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 77A9RC ENQFNEER TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, NH LANDSWE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Saelk vilRQADV'.•rw°,.. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT ® JE�, vA � REVISION 0.164% DETAILS MTs nnusTNc NUMBEII JUNE, 2004 AS SHOWN C5.4 Psa. so. 01243 —�1 A a p E4" CULVERT END SECTION --/ TYPE 11 STONE FILL (1'-0" MIN. STABILIZATION FABRIC THICKNESS) MIRAFI 500X OR 6" BANK RUN APPROVED EQUAL A' GRAVEL PLUNGEPOOLAd q PLUNGE POOL DETAIL_ --_— N.T.S. MATCH DITCH CULVERT & END SECTION SECTION �N• tia A TYPE 11 STONE FILL 3 11 B, A TYPE II STONE d FILL 0'—O" MIN. THICKNESS) CULVERT 77*_� END SECTION A STABILIZATION FABRIC —]CONTINUE STONE MIRAFI 50OX OR FILL IF REQUIRED APPROVED EQUAL END SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. ,IUNt PILL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY N.T.S. 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 1" TYPE IV FINISH COURSE 1.75" TYPE I BASE COURSE --COMPACTED SUBGRADE--` STABILIZATION FABRIC MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL PARKING LOT SECTION N.T.S. 2 — 4" 0 HOLES FRONT SIDE OF STRUCTURE ELEV. 187.0 6-4"0HOLES ELEV. 188.5 SPACE HOLES EVENLY AROUND STRUCTURE ANTI —VORTEX TRASH RACK SHOP FABRICATED AND SET ON COVER, ASPHALT COATED CORRUGATED GALV. METAL 192.0 PRECAST CONCRETE w/MONOLITHIC BASE 4" 0 HOLES • 188.5 �12" TYPE I 2.5 STONE FILL 1/4" 0 ROD 0 6" O.C. /4" 12" 0 2" x 2" x 1/4" ANGLE PLAN /-1/4" '13 SUMP 6" MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL � a , W 2" PRECAST COVER w/24" 0 OPENING CENTERED WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET 12" 0 HOPE SEAL w/HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR, OR CAST —IN —PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES X` PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION). SECTION TYPICAL RISER DETAIL N.T.S. RECEIVED APR 10 2006 City of So" SUrlington PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 NIELBURNE, VT 0648P 302-WM23 FAX DDbDBB-Wf w www.mR-Kodn APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS D"" AWY C61=D DSM eeeaonD DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: EXISTING LAND tl8EPL4NNER/ARCHITECT GRADE LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CIWL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, Vr TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L406=4PE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: �SOUTH VILLAGE Soerh Ra rl In sr Ye SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT IWISIDR STORM DETAILS 04T6 DRANIItC NUMRRR JULY, 2005 WAIS ASSHOWN C5.5 PRW. FD. 012Q 1 o CULVERT —, END SECTIOt1 STABILIZATION FA'. MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL PLUNGEPCOL.dwg TYPE II STONE FILL (1'-0" MIN. THICKNESS) 776-ANK RUN GRAVEL PLUNGE POOL DETAIL N.T.S. MATCH DITCH CULVERT & END SECTION SECTION JAN• 4 A -A TYPE II STONE FILL �1 8' A TYPE It STONE a FILL (1'-0" MIN. o THICKNESS) CULVERT END SECTION A STABILIZATION FABRIC CONTINUE STONE MIRAFI 50OX OR PILL IF REQUIRED APPROVED EQUAL END SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. HIGH STRENGTH NON -SHRINK GROUT LEBARON LF248 24' x 24' C.I. GRATE w/3 FLANGED FRAME (OR APPROVED EQUAL) CONCRETE CURB SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED BITUMINOUS CONC. °j PAVEMENT (1/4"/FT. o SLOPE MIN.) �1Y MA%. PRECAST CONCRETE r 4„24„ x 24" I I ADJUKS TO 6 G RADE E WITH w/MONOLITHIC BASE \jl't eR CAST -IN -PLACE MH SLEEVES TOPSOIL, SEED & STONE (1' MIN. ;NESS) A -A S1UNL FILL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY N.T.S. � o 00 0 0o �o co NO rn o o°o°oo°o 000 oo o°o°oo 1. Compaction of backfill and bedding shall be o Z pO ° minimum of 90% (95% under roadway surfaces) J � � �.cV.Nf4 of maximum dry density determined in the u ° ,h, standard proctor test (ASTM D698). S F5 APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen IN 6" LIFTS subgrade. N o a D 2' APPROVED GRANULAR FILL 3. Approved backfill shall not contain any stones more than 12" in largest dimension (6" In n ¢ >� ____ THOROUGHLY COMPACTED roadways, 2^ maximum diameter within 2' of o IN 6" LIFTS the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, wet, or organic material. HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE 4, Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to 12^ placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewatered during Installation of pipe and backfill. ..+.W THOROUGHLY COMPACTED p BEDDING MATERIAL 5. In trenches with unstable materials, trench bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of °o filter fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). 6. The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered �— UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standards. 7. Bedding material shall consist of crushed stone, TYPICAL STORM TRENCH DETAIL Sand wltt, a maximum size of 3/4 Submt a sample to the Engineer for approval. Submit N.T.S. LEBARON FRAME & COVER LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. CONE SECTION OR 4'0 \ TRAFFIC COVER (HEAVY \`\ DUTY) FOR SHALLOW MANHOLES 24' Gip < � F O �w~ m,n 48" OR 80" 0 � MIN WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" — MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET (SEAL EXTERIOR JOINTS AND LIFT HOLES w/NON SHRINK g GROUT) 18" HDPE STORM DRAIN PIPE SUMP 6" MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL 'k PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION). TYPICAL CATCH BASIN ® CURB N.T.S. a 2" UM SOIL OR ROCK PRECAST CONCRETE OR POURED IN PLACE BASE SECTION — SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED & SEAL JOINT 2-6 COURSES OF BRICK FOR ADJUSTMENT. MORTARED ON EXTERIOR SURFACES (12" MAX.) —POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE STEPS 0 8" O.C. —WATERTIGHT JOINTS USING MASTIC OR RUBBER GASKET — COAT EXTERIOR OF ENTIRE MANHOLE WITH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) 24" MAX. 0 HDPE PIPE MORTAR-,'M GASKETEO FLEXIBLE WATERTIGHT CONNECTION \ 12" MIN. `--- 6" MIN. CRUSHED STONE BEDDING TYPICAL STORM MANHOLE REVERSE SLO INLET PIPE PAVEMENT u�oQ ooJ a000poo CRUSHED GRAVEL oa 0000 000aoo 0000p0 00 00 oa o o _„oo oo„�o oo„nol � BANK RUN GRAVEL K \BILIZATION FABRIC 3/4" WASHED STONE IAFI 50OX OR 12" APPROVED EQUAL MIN. 4" PERFORATED PVC PIPE (PVC) *SEE PLANS FOR FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI INVERT ELEVATION 140NS OR APPROVED I 12" MIN. I EQUAL F" FOR UNDERDRAIN *SLOPE ALL PIPE TO DRAIN 0 1% MIN. TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN SECTION N.T.S. EXISTING _ --33— GROUND 12' EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN TOPSOIL DITCHES w/PROFILE GRADES EXCEEDING 5%. STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. GRASS LINED DITCH N.T.S. CAST IN PLACE LEBARON LF248 24"x24" C.I. GRATE w/ FLANGED FRAME (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 1/4" 12" RIM WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" PRECAST CONCRETE 12-L MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET w/MONOLITHIC BASE 4 " 0 FINISH GRADE 2 _I _ 15"0 HOPE 1 ° I- NLET INV. OUTLET. INV. _ - TSUMP CAST-IN-PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES CONCRETE ANCHOR-7 6" MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL * PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION). POND OUTLET STRUCTURE N.T.S. OUTLET STRUCTURE NOTES: POND INLET INV OUTLET IN RIM ELEV. INLET PIPE DIA. OUTLET PIPE DIA. N.E. BASIN <1P) 355' 355' 356.8' 6' PVC 15' HDPE S.E, BASIN <2P) 354' 353' 355.2' 4' PVC 15' HDPE BARTLETT NORTH BASIN 371' 371' 373' 3' PVC 15' HDPE BARTLETT SOUTH BASIN 343.1' 342' 345.5 3' PVC 15' HDPE CENTER BASIN 356.5' 356.5' 359.1' 4' PVC 15' HDPE PEAK FLOW 345' 345' 350' 4' PVC-* 15' HDPE MITIGATION BASIN r INV <A) FOR ALL POND OUTLET STRUCTURES TO 2.5' BELOW INLET INVERT ww ADD THREADED PVC END CAP W/ 3.5' HOLE DRILLED PLANS PREPARED BY: A CNIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 06482 SUMS4323 FAX 8D24862221 web: wew.aee- t— APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS DRAWN PBS _cK0 PMB APPROVED DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USEPLANNERIARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VF TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Son t6 Rrl 1_f�o_n. Yerw n++ SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT VO APR � p ?�6 �i0,°tso, e Won n�mR nNWexED REMON STORM DETAILS D1Ta DRAMG Na11BRR JULY, 2005 AS SHOWN C5.6 PP=. No.. 0 2,* PLANS PREPARED BY: I ! I '\\ C\B 7 6 B \S T A CNIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Y' R iM - 3 6 0 . P.O.BOXI&5 SHELBURN� VI 05482 \ � wacesaaza rac eoaaesnn w.c: w..,.-kca. IN APPIIEDECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS I N �,, UT_ , 5' I '�, I \'� AwY DSM I i i 1, "� `\ \ \ I I DSM \ \ I APPLICANT: I �JC i j SOUTH VILLAGE INV i .- 56. I COMMUNITIES, LLC. 1 \` 1 r— I— 5 8 iI 1 1 1 PROJECT CONSULTANTS: I 1 I cANDUSEaLAA%M1AR0AV7FCT- LOONEY RICKS KISS NASNVILLE, IN CML ENaWEER CIVIL ENGINEERING RASSOCIATES 1 + TRAFFIC FJVONEER TND ENGINEERING OSSII NH L"DII ARCNDECT I I � LAND -WORKS MIDDLE6URY, VT 11(j4 I I W I I PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE N i� I �I �, i / I '\ ,' ;I i I i i � 8o•r1 B..I�.crow, Vwrunr I SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT i� it I INV,- �16 1 1 1 ws '■ VMM 11 I 1 ;; / I / GRADING + '1 ' / ! lit1 / ; ; / I / INV. = 3� I ,� I I DRAINAGE / PLAN + I I 1 , I ; I ; 1/ I I X, -1. -.... GRAPHIC SCALE ; I / , 1 MAY, 2005 / ! I 15 ro 10, ' I P. , o. \ \ \ \ i r•I I f 1 I \ L PLANS PREPARED BY: 1 I I I \ B ` STA 100 K 0 ,y\R-- -RI 4 36 1 I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. T- , _ 1 \ I ; P.O. BO%,es SHELBLWC Vr GUV 90"W azl FAX eoa Wl avb: nnr.a. AK — 4— — — ' — --1--- — — — — I I I I APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS AM - I I ALA. N ROAD i DSM / 1• I I / I 1 _— 451. 1 01DW — a I serNDv® fit — \ t `\ •.�,...��'.,,.. _—� 1— %-------\� \ \I I` il� - f, _ �� � �` I -�\\\ APPLICANT: p\nf I\ - SOUTH VILLAGE �I COMMUNITIES, LLC. CB 76B ISTA 100+40 - \\\ 0) \ `\` 1 I I I \ I =360. CD �. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 1 V. \ = 15' \ \ `mac X �` \ LAND t/SEPLAWERAWCh"ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN J ' 1 i r 1 l Y ` \ \, CML ENO/NEER I I I 1 I 6. 37\0 �•� \ ��� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAfF/C MaWEER \1 0• \� y % TND ENGINEERING I r r \ I 4 \� Yl OSSIPEE, NH I LAAiOlACi1Pf .9RAH/TECT 74 ST v LAND -WORKS I I \\ I / Zw_3 \�� ^ MIDDLEBURY, VT ' / \ r `\ INV. IN Im rr,Q.,) I 1 I ; 4-• _ r II I % \M. OUT=3*f_ `�.`(0 PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE I it I 1 I N 1 k- t- r n ft I e. j I SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD I I I I I 56 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT If I I1 I Imo~ I ` I I J 1 0 / O i LEGEND PROPOSED SEWER LME PROPOSED STOW WATER I#* ' P ' I,// I I I ' II I I \\ 1 IF~— PROPOSED OPPOSED dLS IJU ME ' P NEWbEs i Ij `I a 1 j ;EI ED INV.= 395 X 375.3 I I� f II i j i i �3 .3 APR i02 I I'� Citv ofso CB 73 - STA 606� 2 gton RIM=372.6' I I j II I I II INV. OUT=368.1' i x 1 STORM li 60 I _ ' FACILITY #1 Din DMm G nmmm GRAPHIC SCALE jl it I II � t I I II 1 I � 'I / I � � �-' 2006 m b I ! - 29 C5.7 IN mwr I J-D = 20 N 01243 y:. - _ _ \ / SILT FENCE ADJUST LOCATION / A. PLANS PREPARED III: .�� y/ DURING CONSTRUCTION - A. - - - - - _ PHASES AS NECESSARY (TYP.) . - . . .. - - - . . . . . . . - - X 357.2 _ _ . . . _ . • . _ A - - - - - - - - \� 1.1. �. I AA. A,. A,. - --- - - - - "I I . . _ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. I P.O. BON 486 SHEL1iURNE, VT 05082 I B028w62.9P3 FAIL 80Y-8B622]i wwG: www.oeSHewn I "I \ / �•�A.- i • APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS - - - + - - - - - - - /II ICI � \ //AWY ----' \ M . DSM \/JJJA. DS / / AWf PFAN1': 1.0 r 358.% - ' � � _ SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. / - \ - X i A DISTUR'BED-A EAS ABOVE,./OR - - - _ 0 TSIDE NORMAL WATER SURFACE II I , _ \ - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - t EL VATTON TO R COVE 4%'TOPSOIL, I I / / - - I PROJECT CONSULTANTS: A. // _ - -\\- - - - - - - - - - - I \I SE D 8t EROSI CONTiiOL MATTING /� % ll ' //' - - - A. - LAWWEPLA~h4RCIf7ECT I I T- - _ - - �' ; LOONEY RICKS ass / ( NASHNLLE, YN OWL ENOAV6ER �107 _ _ _ / i i CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBLARNE,Vr 359 35B 357 _ �RArrr�c Eivo�NE�R TND ENGINEERING OSS/PE& NH LMOSY, - - . ME ARCh9)ECT - - - - - X 358.9 _ / ` _ \ i LAND -WORKS . I _ MIDOLEBUAY, V! r-- —.^--��-.�� , \ PROJECT TITLE: i ` "~ J=3. �� \\ - - - SOUTH VILIAGE ( / \ - AwwrM Aw Tllwe*ww, Y•T STONE FILL EN >:TI Y I \ DISSIP TION PAfWALE �/ ' l - I • SPEAR STREET AND . ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr - LEGEND r' / \ \ \ I ~ •• / / �Y� y. _ -/ —�— PROPOSED SEWER LINE PROPOSED STORM WATER LANE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LME /. PROPOSED W LINE O* PROPOSED TREES Vi APR . 2006 —� ________________ 42" HDPE STORM DRAIN PIPE ---- - i= - . _ _ f - \ 35 S NE FILL ENERGY- i CONSTRUCTION FENCING OWN OUTSDEff--LIMITS OF i - - I- FESION PADS� \�--'DISTURBANCE FOR CLARITY) j' 15" FES INV==i355.0 X -� - STORM ND ENERGY �// � � /--�,� - FACILITY #2 N PAD /AA. .�'..^_` �_... • _ ! / r _ _ .. . / • \.... A.../ / INSTALL SILT FENCE " - NG TALATION - /. t(//' . • _.,.-.. e — ' . / OFLDRAINAGE S _ _ r �- • , DATE ➢-N. NUNNE➢ ' GRAPHIC SCALE - - - - - % - — _ ,,. , �- ` -.� DISCHARGE PIPE - - - - APRIL., 2006 - . . . " . ��/ \ :.. ,- �' ram- 201 C5.$ ,�-_.-.••�� �------_-3�" - ' �\ 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: INV.= 353 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 iII I P.O. BOX 485 SHELSURNE• VT OUR 1 ' ! I \ / 1 \ } • I I INV.= 353 I eat 2= RUC eo VV w : www.oee-At APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS 1 i ' \ Z �_ 1 \ `\ C) \ I 1 CB 8 - �TA 20+29 . RIM=357.7? \ AWY ills II 1 \ z\ Ind `\ \\} \ rn i INV. OUT=3�55.5' 1 j : ' �� Ivv jv v vv DSM 1I 1 1 I 1 1 \ \ \ \\ DSM I 1 ! I 1 1 �q 111 r I INV.= 350 I I j 7 j INV.-\ 351 \\ \ r 1 6) C} \ APPLICANT: I 1 II SOUTH VILLAGE ' p ' -- 1 COMMUNITIES, LLC. - 11 I 1\ PROJECT CONSULTANTS: I CB 9 -i STA 20+2 L4WL -PL4MV ?ARCHr7FCT RIM=3571 T II LOONEY RICKS KISS 1 1 1 I I INV. IN=i55.3' I NASHVXLE, TN 1 I CB 4 STA 400+ `- j T' O 1 w INV. OUT355.2' INV.= 34 .0' 1 RIM=396.4' I 1 DMH 1 - STA 120+12 401+35am &iwE8q ' I .I © v \ ` j 1 I / I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES \ INV. I �351.6' RIM=364.2' 1 \ I I I SHELBURNE, VT 1 Ir�l 1 I ; tr INV UT�351.5' ' !1 INV. IN=359.5'(N) INV. IN=359.5'(r) rr 7na�c EN�INEfg A 1 + 3 j \ \ \ lj ' INV. OUT=359.41I � TNO ENGINEERING I I 1 l l 1 I I 1 OSSIPEE, NH I I , III I =3 7' 1 ' INV. 347 CB 3 - 'STA 2+84 \ j 1 _CB 5 - STA 400+43 �.6 ` RIM=355.7'\\ \. \ -�- RIM}356.4' 11 \\ mmosIGPEARaw Cr INV. IN=350.7 \I INV. (N=351.8' \ LAND -WORKS = j \ INV. QUT=351.7' 1} `\ MIDDLEBURY, Vf \ I1 11= 1 011 1• i ----- � ---------INV.= 34�.5 \ \ PROJECT TITLE: __ - - - - - - — - 1 11 r+ 1 j - o \^ \ SfiawOtiUATwHrll. VILLVaArGmoE or O \ \\ INV. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT` I I \ LEGEND INV.= 13 4.0' �i i `\ / 1 I I I III B 1 — STA 1+731 / \ '� —�—PROP09E0 SEWER UNE I I 1 PROPOSED STORM WATER UNE \ I1 b --f— —<— PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE =344.5 N —�— PROPOSED GAS LINE V. OUT=34 i INV.1 348 ` oil PROPOSED TREES I } I I I \ �-.-=-© TLANDS VEI I I \f 1 I d p `'' I� \ STORM FACILITY #4 I I I --- GRAPHIC SCALZ\� I I I 1 i I i APPoL 2006 . . . . . . . . . . J ; 11-20' C5.9 1LRFEET ih = 20 . - - - 1 nc}t j PPA�. No. 1 ' }} 01243 'i I / INVI357.1 / 1 r I / 1 r r I / ! 1 / r IIW'- 358 CB 28 /'STA 25+24 ' RIM=359'.9' j INV. 14-356.3' I INV. VUT=356.2' CB 11 - �TA 501+80 j ! __ INV. IN=3 5.3' I _---R 801 - L� I _ ' I 1 1 1 // 11 CB /127 - STA 25+24 — / RIM'=359.9' i IN�, OUT=356.5' / PLANS PREPARED BY: - -j 1I11V.>+353. . . \ f INV.= 354 I \ I i. . . . . . . . �\ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE INC. C �31' P.O. BOX48.5 SiIELBURNE, l? tl5Q82 RI 00 802� 23W FAX 8824062271 wa6: xww.oea-N.com I V. ' / A - APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS W I i� I V. I ' - �-- AWY _DSM / — — — \ \ - i DSM NC ' ! r APPIdCa1NT: . O / INV.= 1' 1 ' ' SOUTH VILLAGE r 1 COMMUNITIES, LLC. _ — ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ �`� `\ PROJECT CONSULTANTS: Al_L_A_NDUSEPLANNER/rIHCt//TECT _ C / LOONEY RICKS KISS I i B 2 STA 7G7r�#/ . . �• NASHwLLE TN / N f N I 9r r I I / / / CAX ENo/NEEH MIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES a7 i' l I PSISHELBURNEVT i `� • • ,/ �" — LAND -WORKS V CB 22 — STAI/ 12+26.5 // `y ' , - - - - - . r - MlDOLEBURY, VT RIM=362.1' INV. IN=357.9' i % A / / �/ - - �' Y - . . . I /' PROJECT TITLE: i INV.= 35A INV. OUT=351.8' / / '/ ' / - - - - \ - ✓ - / ' SOUTH VILIAGE CB 21 —STA 112+26.5- �/ RIM=362.5' ! / /' / r -/ - - - . .' An.*6 Rer11.ero. Vsr nF r !�� INV. OUT=358h' t / ,� // !�/ J - -- _—___ j / . . . / . I SPEAR STREET AND _ --� _ / 5+68 /' / - �% ,� r ALLEN ROAD _ — r — 1 52 IM 62. ./'. . . . .� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT —_ IN IN= 5/ '(W) /' / I IN 5� .(N) / �, / �: . . . / LEGEND I / STA 500+37 �`" -, !► 0 B 5.0' / /, '. ./ ./ . . .,,y!�/. . —�—PROPOSED SEWER LINE 66.3 / ! =361.6' (N) / / 1 / . / . . . j : / / PROPOSED ELECT WATER LAVE I - . , —PROPOSED EGAS LI ELECTRICLINE =361.6'(W) / CB 18 -STA �'+0 � a� j / / / , / , —a— ROPOSED GASLINE =361. r RIM=361.4' / �- /- . . - - - - - - o• s / INV. IN=356 b(W) 0 V. IN=35;6`.5'(S) / , J 1 / / , . j, - / - >� /' _ 1 OUT356.4' r f� ,► co i i . -( . - ;- - / _ f - - , APR QF CB 19 pkY RI 3 ! +40 v. 541 _ -- STORM i' CB 4 - STA 8+00 ; f i / Lo FACILITY #3 ' INV , OUT=356.9' N GRAPRI SCALE ! / ' . ; j i , APR L, 2006 ; / r-20' D) C5.10 L 1LOLaft Pew. No. __ 1 01243 )VIDE FOR POTENTIAL FUTUR CONNECTION TO EXISTING DER MAIN 1 1 1 ( , I 1 CONNECT TO 98 ING 12" WATER MAIN El� ONNECTFOR TING GRAVITY El 01 ►II 1/ I 1 � _ --_ -- PLANS PREPARED BY: I 1Vete. � All water line and related work to be performed In accordance with the C I Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain I Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District #1 and the Village of CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIAIE5. INC, I Jericho. P.Q. BOX 4B5 SHELEJURNE, Vr 05462 ✓W2•Bd5 I.,ZJ FAX 9➢28B5-?271 weG' www.c®-N,cam 1 _ I A1Nl' DSM APPLICANI — — DSM IlIl1 �\ I .........t. ...... rl r I( rf 1 GRAPHIC SCALE ( 2N Fear ) min t zoo 2E 0 1— Itr '� _ .LEGEND PHASE 1 WATER MAIN :•:-: SEWER 1 WATER _ 1 e : -- _ - - APR d � o CONNECT TO EXISTING 12" WATER MAIM 1 ■n,:■ tea:, :a � ,� �s.;ylari� 4-7-06 DSM RMSm NAl2R AND SEWER 5-240 DSM I gM4D NOTE 4-12-05 DSM I AdW= NAI R MAN 2-0.1- DSM I ADDED SEDER + NARR MMM SEWER + WATER MASTER PLAN DATE OMIICVG :"UMAHR AUGUST, 2004 s� 1 200 C 6.0 II 1'ROI. N0. 01243 I 1 I � � PLANS PREPARED BY: 12" WATER LINE / \\ / - �/ _ ....-CHASE II FUT EX LINE E-oON v� I / I 12" G TE VA VE / �„►m���- / J / I /' - I \\ CIVR INGINIIIING ASSCICIATIS. INC. P.O. BOX 486 SHELBUBNE, Vr 054M \3_ I I / / / d 1\ (INSTALL 40FR RY RANi \11 �\ DRAwx I I \ - / 2" BLOW�OFF AWY 04 12" VALVE / /. I / "Ao I 11 I ^a / -�1 DSM \ " / / / , / 12X8 TEE i I / / tea; "PROM`/' I � i ; DSM \ 1 / I \ APPLICANT: (1) 8" GATF_NALVE / / 12" W�rER MAIN I \ (2) 12;-GATE VALVE 6" CAP SANITARY SERVICE // ' / / I SMH /8 TA. \\\ SMH p8 ST& 108+28 �,/ � � SOUTH VILLAGE AIR RELEASE STRUCTURE AND I RIM- 374.2/ / I J` RIM. IN (8 NE)- 359.6 I I - HYDRANT AT HIGH POINT / \ INV. O113'(8"S)- 359.5 COMMUNITIES LLC. INV. IN (8`14)- 384.5 / INV. OUT (6-S)- 364.0 SMH �f7/3TA. 109+ 7 T\ - \\ " 1Q WATER 358.2 358.2 / \ J I I 1 SMH #13 STA. 606+84 - - - _ - - - INV. OUT (8" Y- 358.1 // \ - � � PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 1 I I I RIM373.3 + I / _ _ /�_ / LAND (/SEP(ANNER/ARCJ//7FCT INV. IN (4"NMI- 386.6 _� / / \ I INV. OUT (B"S)- 366.5 / -- 107+00 A08 D 12 TEE / \ / � . . 1 I A-L RO- - - \ / LOONEY RICKS KISS -----/ ` / m ' - - - // (3) 12" GATE VALVE NASHVILLE,TN I / -7 - \ HYPE ANT CML ENO/VEER 5 9.3a - sEwER FORCE / / / / \ \ CIVIL ENG STRUCTURE INEERING ASSOCIATES k / / _ v v 1 MAIN AIR RELEASE / - _ _ _ l // / / / /�' /" \ 1 SHELBURNE, VT SEWER FORCE MNN I / 8"x8" TEE SANITARY SEWER LINE / // \\ 1 7R4f17C ENGINEER + (3) 8" GATE VALVE I I / // 1 1 / - - p �3� ^' f _ _ / TND ENGINEERING /NEW HYDRANT I / 1 / - I 1 / 1 I I J \/ I \ OSSIPEE, NH SMH /11A STA. 705+25 l j'i' I I a 8" 1 WATER MAIN I RIM- 372.4 I / \\ LAAGSC4PE ARCHITECT INV. IN (4-E)- 363.8 t INV. OUT (a-S)-/ 363.5 / 1 u / LAND -WORKS o / /I \\ - - - - o ,1 _ II I 1\ i' MIDDLEBURY, Vr / 12" WATER/MAIN \ / • PROTECT TITLE: ` - o SOUTH VILLAGE I I 1 5 + .87 // I ' Ill \\ /ye V. DDe SPEAR STREET AND \ 1 1 p SMH f2 STA.604+33 3� // / 11I -dA \_ ___ ALLEN ROAD \RIM- 374.8 I I / 1 I Cv 12x12 /E I ___-_ SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT I \ v INV. IN (8"N)- 365.2 / `=t - \ o INV. IN (8`W)- 365.21 I I 0 12x5 FjWUCER NV OUT (8"E)- 365.`/' 12" GATE VALVE (2) / LEGEND 8" GATE VALVE HYDRAN/T / �� AV • ( _____ III,- CAP \ 1 \ � \ 11 I /• - � _ I / / / \\ �� %� I - -- * WATER SHUT-OFF - j HYDRANT -� -,\ I _ _ � - /• ,SF, _ \I I I li - ® GATE VALVE \ \ J I J \ ELr ECTRICAL I \\I // / 1 _ \ _ _ f \\ / \ -c- GAS r1 TRANSFORMER 1 -IMF- WATER LINE SEWER GRAVITY LINE SMH y5 STA. 224+38 1 - i RIM- 366.0 / r SEWER FORCE MAIN + ' \\ a\ - \ INV. IN (8-N)- 3,55.75 1 - 1 -[- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC GATE VALVE ^p/ I O 1 \�^ \ INV. IN (8-E)- 355.75 - ----- STORM LINE SM#15 STA. 602+2l i I '^ \ j ' PINYd ( ) UT "- ---_- _-------.. H 355• i RIM,- 377.7 / 1 8" WATER LINE I \ j am, 10S I _ I INY. IN (8"N)- 368.1 V I INV. OUT (8-S)- 368.+,R+EOAND / / /' j DARE ceeana 86VIWION u \ / o AIR RELEASE STI / ' + . / . ' . . . +-I-ce DSM RENSED SEVER AND EFDRNCA AYWT HYDRANT (STA25) I 1 / 1 / 1-27-as osM aENseu uao urauE t----- \IIIHYDRANT i \ s21-os DSM RENYD MR RE rec SRWCTM _ _ r / I 12-03 DSM RE11SE0 WATER MAIN 2-0-M DSM ADDED SEWER + WATER SERMCES Rs -LAW- - F� / UTILITY 8"/G'A VAL / �- - _ 1 r - �*-� / W " PLAN \ \ I I J \ \ \ I SMH /11 STA. 1702+13 \ \ , RIM- 370.2 / + INV. IN (8-N).yl`S60.1 ;/ / SMH /9 STA. 222+31 / I J _ �• _ - \ / 1 \ I � RIM- 363.9 1 1 \ \ + \ I I INV. OUT (gRE) 360.0 ' 7 ----- INV. IN (10"N)- 354.0 � / 1 � •- - ±/- INV. OUT (10"S)- 3$3.9 _ _ 1 / - / -pd / • DARa DNAnac xDWD� �37g_/1 I I ! // / I p Irfora edllqe n accoraoncedwit rkfhe be / JULY, 2004 Gi�ANHI S A E I I / p I a / J I 1 / peci otionsl and Details. for. the. In tallotran / 3, N 1 1/ I +o I I M I // __�� I f Wa er lineE\and Appurteno ces fo II I scAUR I / ( I o VALVE i' at8r syst�Irs:Owned 5y the Criarrtplain / IT - I' - 40' �.� ter Disjrict, kp Cijy of So th,Burill n, 11 V _\C0 hdpter Fire District #1 and he Viila of I Peol. No. a- 1 I MATCH LINT= SHEE46.2 T C / 59 �� Jeri h - /1 01243 / SMH 7 TA. 408+39 1 l�� o / RIM- 366.§ AIR RELEASE -/ 05+ O � 8" GA VALVE (3) r � V PLANS PREPARED BY: INV. IN W 358.1 (._ / HYDRAN �o 'I- � o ' INV. IN (8"N)= 358.1 I R7 \ I I II \ N O 4 Ur (e'E)- 358.0 PUMW S ATION d1 * RIMs #19 S A. 405+41 apl �._--- - - - --�/ O // \ SMH /I18A - / \ N IN 758 \ \ AIR RELEASE j / / \ RIM= 6a.1 / - CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. q ( -\ 363.1 \ \ '\ O i \ INV. IN (12" 3 1.4 INV. OUT (8rE)- 1363.0 I \ STRUCTURE h 1 \ 1 YkV. IN\ 8 E) 34 8 F.O. BOX485 SHELBURNE, IT ONEV \ \ I AND HYDRANT j SMH #te SrA. aos+ ! HYDRANT IN OU7� 12"N - 3 e� z�zs Fax: eoecesnn SMH /26A STA. 404+10 1 I / ( ) RIM. ��•cL8 \ 8X8 SEE I RIM* 374.3 I 16, \ INV. I IN (8"W)= 363.4 i \ DaAWN INV. IN ( W)- 356.E\\ 8' GpITE VALVE (3) O j I INV.I OUT (8") 363.1 / I 'S�'k 1 / -�� \ ) I I I I I \ INV. OUT6V S)- 356.5 \ O / d q " \ \ + I I T - 8X8 TFj� 1 / X81;t�0Q ,yyo�\ AWY p/j i 8" GA1fE VALVE )cD3M DSM H18 STA. 279 815.0 \ // �dAA + ' 17 _?'V: 3811 ` \ \ `-mod/ `� APPLICANT: I ' I I NV. IN (10"N = 9 / ' '�- / 11 I ) i I IIl j 1 `NV. IN (8" 352.5 \ I 1 J { { SMH #28 STA.1402+84 I I 1 \ I I V. IN (8" = 352.0 " �.- 1I RIM-1364.5 I 1 I I / I I �. - - j ( I1V OUT (8• - 351.9/- \ \ / SOUTH VILLAGE INV+ INV. OUTIN B(8)S)= 355.0 _ _ COMMUNITIES, LLC. -__ �\ SMH ;t2,6 STA. 503 I I 1 I =�_^•_ ' \ II i'1 li _�= 7=" \\I \\ \ 1 \ \ - RIM= 34 " INV. OI�T (8"SE)= 3�2.0 I I -_- _ / - \ - \• PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 01 LAND LSE P4WNER/ARCH17ECT / 7 - 2 -Il // ' -- =__==' \ LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN __-- _ 2 _ r / -- -_-- ��\ \ =c =5E �3c=----- - T 1 I _ - _ -- �- -I_ _ ------ `.\ CML ENGINEER YDRAN 1 ' ' HYDRANT _ _i - �j,� _ _=-o-=_ � CIVIL ENGINEERING RNE,VTASSOCIATES I\ I 1 s 7RIFHC ENO/NEER I I I s2 ' \ \ � \ � I / + 1 / gal= -=aea.� i TND ENGINEERING 1 1 \ \ \ SMH (35 STA. 3+0 I I / I ! i _n �._ IRIM= 357X) \ I / / I i N --_�_ _/�' / / OSSIPEE, NH J I II NV. IN (81N). 350.1_____ / t 1 D 01':l NV. OUT (8-SW)- 350.0\ \ I SMH /23 STA. 4+58 LANDSCAPE ARCH//ECT _\ 1+00 0 - - RIM+ 384.E / / 1 / s - LAND -WORKS _�-.-^_-.-�.�,-_�_ _� -y,- \ �� _ \ INV. IN (6"N)- 356.8 O ELECTRICAL / , / I _____ 1 I J I I � � \ + TRANSFORMER/ / 1 / r "'__���-_ '.1 / /�_ _ - MIDDLEBURY, VT 1 1 3+ \ INV.-IN�G"Sl= 358.8 ((fzzz INV. IN (-4C 35B-B O (TYP.)�-=_-- - -�a INV. OUT (87SE)= 356.7 - /j f-•/� PROJECT TITLE: kit ___------"�2 STA. 2+79 i --I-- / v/ / / I _ SOUTHoVILIAGE 1 I "•` -�'_- / / / / /. IEW 'l.. ______%____________ I (I I _ _E { _ _\ \ H�IDRANT + _ /t ~+ AIR LEASE RUCTU- 1 I I E ----"- - 8r GATE V J - SPEAR STREET AND \ AND YDR ALLEN ROAD AIR RELEASE / SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT \\ STRUCTURE ex / / \\\ •�� LEGEND (3) 8� GATE VALVE \ 1 , - / - / F CAP \ I I l - D WATER SHUT-OFF SMH 22 STA. 6+01 RIM- 367.8 ,-.-_-•____ \\` /h I /I �� HYDRANT INV. IN (8"W)- 356.0 / / RI58 -it 73�JIr)\ IIII ry %' INV. O (8"N)= 358.5 // y; / IN_ �/ l M n / 1 r a TTTiii I / 1 0 GATE VALVE TEE NV. OUT (8"E)= 355.9 H DRAN ��98 I 1 -c- GAS IN$ 35 jb / I / JS ' I / / \ \ \\ 1 \\\ �r GATE VAL,FE (3) / -=_- /// / -iF- WATER LINE I \ I _ // / 1 1 1 SEWER GRAVITY LINE It 1\ ' \ \ \ \ \\ 1 \� \.V I / / f \I 11 i - - SEWER FORCE MAIN 01 \ \ \\ \\ \ i / /L _ �� Y / , / +j' - I I 1 1 I -L- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC STORM LINE DATE c�c® awmox ,_T-Dl DSM RENSED SEAER AND ELECWGL LAYOUT 1-27-05 Dse F"SED ROAD LAYOUT 1 All water line and related work to be I performed in accordance with the \ / / / / / / �' 1 I /'•" / 5-11-OS DSM gENSFD AIR RELEASE STRUCTURES I Specifications and Details for the Installation \ \ / // / / / // �`� I 1 / ,/ / / 1 \ / I 2-QL01 DSM P00© SEWER a WATER SEANCES � of Water lines and Appurtenances for all �\ \ � / I / / / /// � % � , �/ / � / � Water Systems Owned by the Champlain \ /� i Water District, the City of South Burlington, \ \ \ // / �� // / 1 UTILITY Colchester Fire District #1 and the Village of \ \ / I , / / , - - �� �/ /-- �' { Jericho. i /� 0'� 11\ ` PLAN DAYS DRAM. No n GRAPHIC SCALE 1i JULY, 2004 I S�% ngton wN '1 SCALE 4a C-6.2 ( IN E'EET) I10on-sD n. 01243 / I I II;�11 I I � II I CV 1 , I I lI I I 1 I I I I I I / I; II I I� 11 10.0 .0 too, 10.0 12" X 12" TAPPING SLEEVE, VALVE & -VANE B 0 X --- CORE & BOOT 6" FORCE 3 INTO EXISTING ITARY MA 1 �Z7 — I I \ I I I I ' 1I � I I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN F'F.ET j 1 Inch = 20 ft. I ' 1 I I / Note:All water line andrelated work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District #1 and the Villoge of Jercho. L.Z�5 CK NEW 18" STEEL S EEVE AND 12" AS 52 DUCTILE IRO ACROSS SPEAR HE T. INSTALL SECO 18" SLEEVE R URE CaNN 0 SOUTH RLIf�GT MSERVICE AREA ' � 101+C�t - �— 12" GATE VALVE E DIf#ECTI AL BORE OF FORCE M°k� ROADWAY f PRESSURE REDUCING VAULT 12 WATER LINE //--------------—�/ I h %1"1 4 IS If R E 7, 1 A/ City n PLANS PLANS PREPARED BY: r CIVIL ENGINEELING ASSOCIATES, ING P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 BO?PB62DP3 FAY' im2-884-S1>f uep: w,nv.oaaN.own DRAlI1V AWY DSM APPNDP9D DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LIND USE PIANNBVARCH17FOT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CA4L ENOWEER CNIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT / PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE / 8aa1! e. rtlaaoonyer ` SPEAR STREET AND y\ ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LEGEND E— CAP 4& WATER SHUT—OFF / O HYDRANT GATE VALVE \� O DAIS CRICKED ONPON 5-24-M DSM AWED WM 2-01-14 DSM AWED SDO + W110 SERVICES SITE UTILITY PLAN Vton 7 DATL OGA}D,0 NDI®ER j JULY, 2004 j I j / 4 ec4u I' - 20' C-6.3 I 1 PM. ND. 01243 •.•... •. •. •.•... •...•... •. •. •. //' / ���/ `, / _ PLANS PREPARED BY: / _"'A•"� " !� " ./ - /,/ / // // I /,' / / //' \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. _ _ _ / J Note: \ P.O. BOX485 SHELBURNE, VT O5482 ". • . "�f. %•' - /' n' j / /g'1 /i' All woter line �r3d reloted\work to be \ \ \ eoz-aee-zm rain wz"&z­ _366-"/ performed In acCprdance w%h the \ / / / / / i / SpecNcations and,petails for\the Inst lotion DW e `_��� — /,___ �'• // o / of Wate� lines andlAppurtenalces for )all \ \ ._r %� �:•i \\ �, 1 ,/ / / i / /' Water Systems Owne�by the CJ amplairN \ AWY • •/ _..a • •�•'• / \ - / / / / / Water Dist •ct, the Cit of South Burlington CHECKED • U y..r / / / Colchester Fie District 1 and t Vllla a of J g \ \ DSM Jericho. OPROVED I / APPLICANT: • • - l / �' l / l .' \ \ \ \ SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. • �' 1 . • . • . • \ . • . • . • . • . • . l� /� / / t _ : _ —• / t\ // / / I i / \ \ \ \ 1 I I PROJECT CONSULTANTS: • 1 • I / / / ' / — _ _ /' \ I • ' ' • ,' \\ % / j l / / — — — — — /' / \ \ \ w \ ' I I LAND USE PLANNER/ARC///TECT 6� \ I j j LOONEY RICKS KISS / /� , . . . . . . / \ / . 'j,' ...... • ... � .. • � / / / i' �/' /' / / \ I I I NASHVILLE, TN / . �. . -. • .S . � /r11 / /// / �36 II �\ / , / 1 � / / - — ------------- I I I CML ENG/VEER • . . • ... j /' /1 ' / /�' I I I I I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES . . . .� ! / 1 / ( �/ /' //','' `'------ I SHELBURNE,Vf • '�/ 12" GATE VALVE TRAFF/CENG/NEER TND ENGINEERING •I'•'•'••+••••••••• �•••• wl /' % //' �\ \\ •� / 11 l 1 / lI / -- �1 I ' I I I I I I / OSSIPEE,NH .4.. ..-.,.•.•.%/. \ `\\\\\\ \ •/ // /' I / ' / !/ / !! / I I I I I I I I I LANOSC.APEARCN/TECT MIDDLEBURY, VT / . . I \\ I 1 ! // \\ — J + 1 j / 1 3so\ AIR RELEAAE /Z . ..11. \ ++ \�\ +1 r i --_ `_� I I l l I YDRANT, �l ___—_— 11 `�•��,_ /'���\ / FU TIIRE/LOT� / I / / / PROJECT TITLE: i . 7. SOUTH VILLAC`iE \� ' I I I I I \ / / OFTPRE (DGE/ / / / S"otn a".IioIEoa. Varmont I I / / 1 / l SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD �— -\\ ((��L) 12/ GATE/VALVES SOUTH BURLINGTON, yr 12x8/TEE / / ,'� I / I \\1v / ' a \ :a::;.••:•. / / / I \ \ \ ! /' / / / /8" GATE VALVE FUTIORE \ _ ` // / / / 8„ P QA SEWER\MAIN II /' '''`/�.'/ 1 ///I �\\� � .�.I•.�. II 11\ I I /"'CCC /' ' 1 1 N < / / /// / / \ � WETLOD 12" GATE VAi\VES / v, \ I \ / / / r50 WET�AW \12x12 TEE ' BUF6ER (T / I 12x8 R�DUCER I 8" GATE VALVE I �U�'y//RE EXTE SIGN I (2) " CAPI NEW 121 gATER MAIN 11 �' �� I �� _ \ (2) 8' 8" [.I. \\ j �' I / / I I I I �1� wn CHIC® MERMN �+ PHASEI 1 CONSTRUCTION i I r ( ) \ t /' FUTURE THESE IN \ / 1-27-03 DSM REMSED ROAD LAYWT / /ON �' \ EXTENC� THESE LINES TO FAfq. I � � \ � � I \ \ SIDE 9F ROAD, IF ROAD I I 1�- - / CO t/CTED�� TYP / I I / ' I 1 -Y/-05 DSM AODN NDIE �' "' ( / I (�p I 1-1Y-05 DSM RENSED WATER MAIN `/� TUI 11+ -03-04 DSM AWN SEWER 4 WATER SERMCES I / I -4- - UTILITY PLAN PHASE I WATER MAIN INSTALLATION , I \ GRAPi�i IC SCALE /: , �1\. Y �\ , � \ I ', , I \ [/ I � JULY. 2004\ -- _, \' �{M, HP\4 /OCv�ey.pc3\Auto DDirojects\2I001\0124mver.dw /3:9: ,A _? 11 01243 . • ' . ' . i ; l I I \.. .. ,.. L—.T —_ I \ PLANS PREPARED BY: ��� \ \ \ \ 1 I 1 I I I •. .•_• �'� l•. I I I 1 1 1 I I I I � � � \ -\\ I �� \\ \\ \ 1 I I 1 k� I '.'.'.•.'I.� .f.'.-. i \, \\ 1 1 I III 1 I\ 1 I� �'\ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 4M SHELBIpM VT MW \ I I I • . %. I \ \ � \ \ M48& 9Y3 FAX BU4-0B Ml .eD: xw.v.aM-Kean '. . . . . II \\\ \, \ \ HE4Y FJLIPIGEI I \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ I \ \ nfunx I 1 1 1 t \ 1 1 1 \ I \ \ � All water line and related work to be AWY I \\ 1 1 \ 1 I \ performed in accordance with the \\\ - - - - \ I I WAVJ FOLIA(E I \ I j' / i \` I 1 I Specifications and Details for the Installation 1 . - \\\ of Water lines and Appurtenances for all DSM \ I I I \ • 'I'' 9 1 \ 1 I Water Systems Owned by the Champlain 1 I I �• - - . . . . . . .�. . 1 \ I 1 11 I 1 I I I 1 Water District, the City of South Burlington, I _-_-- — \ II 1 I I I I I ! I I j I I(f • j \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ I \ ter Fire Jericho. re District pi and the Village of % APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE • . _ • . - . _ ;1 \ �1 I 1 \ \\ \ \ \ i COMMUNITIES, LLC. AIR RELEAJE I I I 1I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ HYDRANT- / I / I I I I I 1 I I , \ \1 \\\ \��\\ / i PROJECT CONSULTANTS: / FUTGRE/LOT�\1 LANDI�tSEPLANN A4RCHnFCT . . • • • �1 \ \ I 1 1 I \ \ LOONEY RICKS KISS FUTURE EDGE/ q / / . ' NASHVILLE, TN oFI oA91________________\.. cmLavoNvAFR // �� ` \ \ \ CONNECT TO EXISTING 12" \ \• \ 1 / a \ 1 `, �9 \ MIDLAND AVENUE WATER MAIN \ CIVIL ENOINEERINGASSOCIATES / / / / J I ! \ . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . • . \ 1 \ / I \\ + \ �\ \ \\ SHELBURNE, yr 12� p GATE/VALVES I I \ . / 12x8 rrEE / \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEN/ YV TER MAIN (INSTALLED 1 / I I lv� �0 1 I \ __s'� 7RAf�C EN(il/VfEH /8" ` TE J�LVE I / Af FUTURE I�OX CULVERT I ll 1 \ �� TND ENGINEERING \' - I' es �� OSSIPEE, NH / I 8" AP i 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i --- / ... • ... . • . •• ... •I . • ..... • . n \\ / \1 I I I 1 1 _ f— �- 4ANOSC4AE ARa+Y7FCT ' ' NEW YD } \ I 1 I I 1 \ LAND -WORKS / / / \ 4 ... •\_. .... . L • \ \ 1 \\ - . .I . •I. , _ ..� MIDOLEBURY, VT 45' BEND / r _ \ . . 12"• GATE VALVE \ .� \ 1 1 I EXISTING tiG�TF.,/AtVE \ ._L ._-- - - - - L / PROJECT TITLE: YDRANT \ \ \\�_ ,i-'------ `I / / Y� 'SOUTH VILLAGE' / / 1 I l , 45jBEND I_I 1 I'I/ 1 ION I \` + f . . . . . . . I r II 1 II / �\ SPEAR ALLEN ROAD RE EXTE STREETAND µ \ . .. . . . . `. . . . . / . . _ I , 1 ,I I / .�. . . . . . . _ —�� t I I �\ '1 r �I %— _ ; 11 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT / . . . . . . 1 ,yk \ — I +1+\ (PULE I I It nus eewaon 1 I I ( 1 \ I \ \ \ �••� 1 / , I 1-03a osm AM seem . e17ER sOMM lid R K I \ I \DL E I I �I - s HEAVh II � � � UTILITY I I I PLAN 1 \\\\ _ PHASE I WATER MAIN i \ INSTALLATION R E' i E ® — -- nerz nwm+c ncamen I I ll r 1 \\ \ I JULY, 2004 GRAPHIC CAFE APR 10 / , \ HEAVY FOLIAGE` \ I I I• - 40 V-6.5 / I S lmy ft __--,�_ \ i ` I city Ye W. _ 0124a� South Village Master Plan Wastewater Pump Station Analysis PLANS PREPARED BY: 30"0 WATERTIGHT CAST IRON FRAME AND CAUTION THIS IS A CONFINED SPACE. Design Flow STunmary June 21, 2004 South Village Mian Pump Station #1 July 15, 2004 C COVER NEENAH R-6460-C DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT OR APPROVED EQUAL FOLLOWING OSHA CONFINED What ... le, Design Flows Full BuBd-out Phase SPACE ACCESS REGULATIONS. Conditions Conditions 12" SUR 35 PVC QUy DIRI Flow Deac. Flow School 100 Students x 1OOX x 25 GPD/Pereon = 2500 GPD School & Day Care 2120 Residential Flow. 70140 (334 Units) 2120 32760 (156 Units) CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOGA7E5" INC- FROM SMH i6A School Employee. 20 Employees x 100% x 15 GPD/Person = 300 GPD Infiltration P.O. BOX486 SHELBURNE, VF 06482 24"0 WATERTIGHT INV. 346.5 Subtotal 2800 GPD 4" Line 955 (2800 LF) 477 (1400 LF) solae6zDza FAX eo2a 2271 wee: ww,,oss Kaw CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-6460-C 4" UNI-FLANGE AT ALL Municipal WW Flow Credit 20X (560) GPD Housing 334 Units x 100X x 210 GPD/Unit = 70140 GPD 6" Line 273 LF SOD ( ) 138 (40LF) 01"'L OR APPROVED EQUAL PLAIN END PIPE 8" Line 3636 (8000 LF) 1391 (4080 LF) 72" I.D. CONCRETE 4" SWING CHECK VALVE Total Design Flows 72380 GPD 12' Line 3636 (8000 (� LFF)) F 1391 (4080 34 (100 �) ACL WET WELL Municipal Credit -18 09 -686 ' 60" I.D. CONCRETE 4" GATE VALVE Water Design Flows Total Design Flow 70451 GPD 39194 GPD exec>aBn VALVE PIT DSM oty Dena Flow Deac Flow Average Dolly Flow 73.39 GPM 35.62 GPM 4' DRESSER "y 30"0 WATERTIGHT School 100 Students x 100% x 25 GPD/Person 2500 GPD Peaking Factor 4.2 4.2 •"vxmTsn DSM STYLE COUPLINGS CAST IRON FRAME AND School Employees 20 Employees x 10OX x 15 GPD/Person - 300 GPO Peak Flow 306.22 GPM 149.80 GPM (TYP') COVER NEENAH R-6460-C Housing 334 Bedrooms x 250% x 150 GPD/Bedroom - 122GPD APPLICANT: 1 POLYPROPYLENE j OR APPROVED EQUAL Subtotal 2808050 GPD Required Storoge 17613 Gallons 8549 Gallons 6" D.I. Low Flow Fixture Credit 10X (12805) GPD MANHOLE STEPS (TYP.) Total Design Flow 115245 GPD Storage Proi 16000 Gallons 1RMO Gallons (72 ONE VERTICAL) . VC SOUTH VILLAGE 1 South Village - Phase I Force MOM Diameter 6.0 Inches Min. Clearnaing Velocity 2.5 FPS 8.0 Intlles 2.5 FPS qp 6" DISCHARGE PIPE Design Flow Summary Min. Pumping Rate 220.19 GPM 220.19 GPM COMMUNITIES LLC. 6" D.I. July 13, 2004 Chooser, Pumping Rate 320.00 GPM 320.00 GPM CONDUIT FOR LEVEL SENSOR PROBE CABLE r.y Length of Force Main 400.00 Feet 400.00 Fast AND PUMP CABLE Wastewater Design Flows Friction Losses 2.81 Feet 2.81 Feet PROJECT CONSULTANTS: CAST IN PLACE LOCK JOINT High Point in Force Moir, 377.00 Feet 377,00 Feet FLEXIBLE MANHOLE SLEEVES Qty Desc. Flow Deac. Flow Low Elevation In OR APPROVED EQUAL (TYP.) 4" ELBOW School 100 Students x 100% x 25 GPD/Pareon 2500 GPD Pump Station 342.DO Feet 342.00 Feet LAND "PLAAWMA11RC il"i School Employess 20 Employees x 100X x 15 GPD/Para0 on GPD Elevation Change 35.00 Feet 35.00 Feet EMERGENCY CONNECTION Subtotal280 GP LOONEY RICKS KISS 4" D.I. Municipal WW Flow Credit 20X (560) GPD Minor Head Losses 3.00 Feet 3.00 Feet NA$HV2LE, 77V PROVIDE DUAL ALTERNATING GATE VALVE Housing 150 Unit. x IOOX x 210 GPD/Unit 31500 GPD Residual 0.00 Feet 0.00 Feet NEMA 4 JUNCTION BOX NON -CLOG SEWAGE PUMPS & CONTROLS Total Design Flows 33740 GPD MH 40.81 Feet 40.81 Fast CML BVOWWEER SUMP Pump Cycle Storag. 2200 Gallons Run Cycle 8.92 Minutes 1100 Gallons 3.87 Minutes CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 4" MUSHROOM VENT 12" SDR 35 PVC Water Design Flows Wet Well Detention Time 29.98 Minutes 30.88 Minutes SHELBURNE, I? GAC II FILTER GENERAL NOTES TO CONCRETE STORAGE TANKS qty Daac Flow Daec Flow Pump Efficiency SOX 50 X INV. 346.5 1. EXCAVATIONS FOUR FEET OR MORE IN DEPTH ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL aE SHEETED OR SLOPED TO 111E ANGLE OF REPOSE AS DEFINED Schaal 100 Students x 100X x 25 GPD/Person 2500 GPD Pump Size 0.60 H D D 6.60 H P 7X40l EWaNfER PUMP STATION &VALVE PIT PLAN BY OSHA STANDARDS ALL EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA STANDARDS, es School Employees 20 Employex 100% x 15 GPD/Person - 300 GPD Housing 150 Bedrooms x 25DX x ISO GPD/Bedroom = 56250 GPD rve System CuGPM TON 100 75.1 mH 75.1 TND ENGINEERING 2 PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, FOUNDATIONS, ROADS AND SIGNIFSHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY Qi THE Subtotal 59050 GPD OSSIPEE, NH N15 CONTRRCACµTOR.4 Low Flow Fixture Credit 10X (5905) GPD 120 79.6 79.6 3. ALL SURFACE DRAINAGE SHOULD BE DIVERTED AROUND THE WET WELL Total Design Flow 53145 GPD 130 82.1 52.1 MAOSiNPE ARCHTECT .0 VALVE PIT. Emergency Storage LAND -WORKS a. F1ECIRICK SERNCE TO THE PUMP STATION SHALL BE 111E RESPONSIBILITY SEE OF 111E THECONPUCWR. MOM Structure 359.0 - 346.5 - 12.5 • 376 GPLF 4700 Galloon MIDDLEBURY, VT Strai Tanks (2) 5. UNLESS OTHERWSE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. ALL DISTURBED AREAS 359.0 - 346.5 - 12.5 • 14' • 7' * 7.48 • 2 = 18326 Gallons SHALL BE RESTORED TO AT LEAST THE ORIGINAL CONDITIONS. CONTROL PANEL ]REQUIREMENTS Total 23026 Gallons PROJECT TITLE: 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMDE ALL FITTINGS, COUPLINGS AND APPURTENANCES TO PROMDE A COMPLETE AND OPERABLE SYSTEM. 1. UL Listed NEMA 4 L'➢CI- 30"0 WATERTIGHT CAST IRON FRAME AND 7. SHORING BRACING OR DEw'ATERNG SHALL BE THE RESPONSNLITY OF INCT BID. THE CONTRACTOR AND INCLUDED THE CONTRA ICI ebaU he m 2. The pa Npatible with the punipi. COVER NEENAH R-6460-C 4" MUSHROOM VENT OR APPROVED EQUAL TO W/GAC FILTER Rach might, BE CAST IN COVER EQUAL) OR APPROVED EQUAL) hand-0offll time circuit bTmker,Itghmingsuppressor phase loss SOUTH VILLAGE LEVEL SENSOR CONDUIT circuitry, well fag indicator light magnetic s o ., l u 6 a I, l I. E r o n v e r I. n TO CONTROL PANEL cant wr, and main circuit breaker. ALARM LIGHT L e t/2" x 2 1/2" x 1/4" 24"/ WATERTIGHT 30"0 WATERTIGHT 4. Alarm ladication- Alarm field and ham (or bell). &HORN COVER TOP OF TUBING SPEAR STREET AND CAST IRON FRAME AND CAST IRON FRAME AND The suNo usrm "I have an automatically reseaine (ALL WELDS & METAL PARTS ALLEN ROAD COVER NEENAH R-5460-C COVER NEENAH R-6460-C manual silence switch and manual Test switch. TO BE PRIMED AND PAINTED) OR APPROVED EQUAL TO OR APPROVED EQUAL TO SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT BE CAST IN COVER PRECAST CONCRETE BE CAST IN COVER I 5, Alarm Activation- NEMA 4 DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL POLYPROPYLENE I Pump Failure High water COVER LOCATED AT SEPTIC TANK MANHOLE STEPS O 12" O.C. (TYP.) FINISH GRADE TO AWAY Low water x x L 1 " 4' 2 /2• 2 1/2 1/ (ONE VERTICAL) ., < - DRAIN . FROM PUMP STATION LOCKABLE 6. Pawl shall activate a normal) open solenoid valve STRUCTURAL TUBING I ' ---- --- - -' - -, - ---- --'------ w close during a pumping cycle. -THE CONTRACTOR MAY BMIT AN ALTERNATIVE yy - 7. All corrlponerus shall be explosion proof. CONTROL PANEL BRACKET FOR APPROVAL _ I qpR, IN I M NOTE: CONTROL PANEL SHALL ALSO I INCLUDE CONTROLS FOR THE (A_ , o5eo NEMA 4 JUNCTION BOX I.S.- IB CET S.S. UPPER SLIDE S.S. VALVE HANDLE EXTENTIONS I ELECTRONICALLY ACTIVATED VALVES (JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE u � RAIL SUPPORTS 4 DISCONNECT SWITCH HOLE BUSHING & i LOCATED TO BE ACCESSIBLE S.S. PIPE SUPPORTS O POWER SUPPLY COUPLING (SEALED) WITHOUT ENTERING THE WET WELL) - I I I R S.S. PIPE SUPPORTSNECTION -QUICK WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" MIN. CTPT CONNECEMERGENCY T/DISCONNECT a • •• WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET (TIP.) GALVANIZED SLIDE RAIL COUPLING. MALE ADAPTOR W/PIPE I FOR PUMP REMOVAL FLANGE. D.I. MODEL jPF30A OR 12" GRAVITY SEWER �� APPROVED EQUAL n SEE PLAN VIEW FOR ORIENTATION DATE CHECK aavmar INV. - 346.5 y a = 6" D.I. DISCHARGE PIPE '' TO SENSOR A SDR 28 PVC (5' MIN. COVER) 30 i PROBE ' TRAP tr PIPE SUPPORTS 7C.DUTOWER n -----__- COAT EXTERIOR OF PUMP ,.W PUMP BE o' ., . 0 < O00 TO PUMPS _ STATION AND VALVE PIT a' a D.I. •' • a . CONCRETE FILLET WITH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT,,,,,,-,,4" DRESSER J O O SLOPE TO DRAIN Le' STYLE COUPLING�U0 00000000 O O 000000000 SUPPLY AS REQUIRED VALVE PIT CONCRETE STORAGE I NEMA 4 JUNCTION BOX MERCURY FLOAT00000000000000 O O 000000000 TANKS (8' x 15' EACH) (JUNCTION BOX SHALL SYSTEM 4" MIN, BE ACCESSIBLE WITHOUT ENTERING WET WELL) PUMP STATION #1 340.2 •" '0° 4" BACKWATER � ,. ° 0 WAIVE (INV.: 345.0, '.: 4" GATE VALVE PLAN AND EXTENDED MONOLITHIC BASE 4' •'.. �, �.. .. :• ". . 0000 : 4" CHECK VALVE PUMP ',TATON ' ..a ..OHO " 4. O O O O O O O O O •.• 6000 S.S. LIFTING CHAIN O O O O O Cl O O O O O SECTION 000000000000000000 O 0000000000000000000 O OR CABLE IN FLOW _ °00000 °°°°°°°0°0 0°0°0°0°0°0°O°O°O°O°°° CONTROL PANEL INSTALLATION 12" MIN, COMPACTED 12" MIN. OR AS REQUIRED CRUSHED STONE DATE JULY, 2004 DwNrvr. ­FT BY PUMP MANUFACTURER PUMP STATION & HOLDING TANK SCHEMATIC PUMP STATION &VALVE PIT SECTION sr, NITS AS SHOWN C6.6 NTS PRN. no. 01243 30'0 WATERTIGHT CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-WO-C OR APPROVED EQUAL 24"0 WATERTIGHT CASTIRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-6460-C OR APPROVED EQUAL 8" SDR 35 PVC FROM FLOW SPUTTER INV. 157.0 POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE STEPS O 12" O.C. (TYP.) (ONE VERTICAL) CONDUIT FOR LEVEL SENSOR PROBE CABLE AND PUMP CABLE f CALInON THIS IS A CONFINED SPACE, DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT FOLLOWING OSHA CONFINED SPACE ACCESS REGULATIONS. 96' I.D. CONCRETE WET WELL 60" I.D. C VALVE PIT (TYP.) .4" UNI-FLANGE AT ALL PLAIN END PIPE 4" SWING CHECK VALVE 4' GATE VALVE 30"0 WATERTIGHT CASTIRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-6460-C `•,. OR APPROVED EQUAL -CAST IN PLACE LOCK JOINT FLEXIBLE MANHOLE SLEEVES OR APPROVED EQUAL (TYP.) EMER PROVIDE DUAL ALTERNATING 4" D.I. GATE VALVE NON -CLOG SEWAGE NEMA 4 JUNCTION BOX PUMPS &CONTROLS SUMP 4" MUSHROOM VENT W/GAC FILTER PUMP STATION & VALVE PIT PLAN NITS DISCHARGE PIPE 4" ELBOW GENERAL NOTES GENCY CONNECTION 1. EXCAVATIONS FOUR FEET OR MORE IN DEPTH ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL BE SHEETED OR SLOPED TO THE ANGLE OF REPOSE AS DEFINED BY OSHA STANDARDS. ALL EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA STANDARDS. 2. PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, FOUNDATIONS, ROADS AND SIGNIFICANT TREES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 3. ALL SURFACE DRAINAGE SHOULD BE DIVERTED AROUND THE WET WELL AND VALVE PIT. 4. ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO THE PUMP STATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS, ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO AT LEAST THE ORIGINAL CONDITIONS S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL FITTINGS, COUPLINGS AND APPURTENANCES TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND OPERABLE SYSTEM. 7. SHORING, BRACING OR DEWATERING SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT BID. 30"0 WATERTIGHT CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-6460-C 4" MUSHROOM VENT OR APPROVED EQUAL TO W/GAC FILTER (ORENCO BE CAST IN COVER OR APPROVED EQUAL) LEVEL SENSOR CONDUIT TO CONTROL PANEL 24"0 WATERTIGHT 30"0 WATERTIGHT CAST IRON FRAME AND CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER NEENAH R-6460-C COVER NEENAH R-6460-C OR APPROVED EQUAL TO OR APPROVED EQUAL TO BE CAST IN COVER PRECAST CONCRETE BE CAST IN COVER POLYPROPYLENE I MANHOLE STEPS O 12' O.C. (TYP.) SH GRADE (ONE VERTICAL) DRAIN AWAY OFROMPUMP STATION aao r I - I METER NEMA 4 JUNCTION BOX 5•S. B ACKET S.S. UPPER SLIDE S.S. VALVE HANDLE EXTENTIONS a' (JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE �e:� RAIL SUPPORTS 4 LOCATED TO BE ACCESSIBLE \INSIJE S.S. PIPE SUPPORTS WITHOUT ENTERING THE WET WELL) -0' DIAII TER S.S. PIPE SUPPORTS WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" MIN. " ,• EMERGENCY CONNECTION 3" PT QUICK CONNECT/DISCONNECT WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET (TYP.) GALVANIZED SLIDE RAIL COUPLING. MALE ADAPTOR w/PIPE FOR PUMP REMOVAL FLANGE. D.I. MODEL OPF30A OR 6" GRAVITY SEWER INV. --_. APPROVED EQUAL SEE PLAN VIEW FOR ORIENTATION Ai 6' D.I. DISCHARGE PIPE TRAP SDR 26 PVC INV. PIPE SUPPORTS COAT EXTERIOR OF PUMP tna IWNF Q" O 000 STATION AND VALVE PIT trAn Pu WITH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT e• 4" D.I. a' e a DRESSER 4" DRESSER CONCRETE FILLET SLOPE TO DRAIN s STYLE CO GFy00000000000 O O 000 000000000 000000000 MERCURY FLOAT 00000000000000 SYSTEM 4" MIN. 4" BACKWATER VALVE < • Clo 4" GATE VALVE EXTENDED MONOLITHIC BASE •.' .• %- i 0 .. �•�". �...� •.''• 0_00 e 4" CHECK VALVE "O"D O 6000 S.S. LIFTING CHAIN O O O O O O O D 00000000000000 O O O OR CABLE 000000000000000000 00000000000000 O 00000000000000000 0000000000p00?0?0.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12' MIN. COMPACTED 6" MIN. OR AS REWIRED CRUSHED STONE BY PUMP MANUFACTURER PUMP STATION & VALVE PIT SECTION NTS PLANS PREPARED BY: f Wastewater Pump Station Analysis CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. South Village Nlian Pump Station #1 P.O. BOX 485 SHELOURNE, VI 05482 April 15, 2004 BDPBab-Z423 FA% an2-a96 1 wee' x ,nee 4.. Design DU ­ Conditions ACL Design Flows 10 Unite x 210 - 210D GIRD Infiltration 100 GPD c8actnD Municipal Credit (20%) 20 GPD DSM Total Design Flow 2180 GPD APPeom Average Daily Flow 2.27 GPM DSM Peaking Factor 5.0 Peak Flow 11.35 GPM APPLICANT: Required Storage 545 Gallon. SOUTH VILLAGE Storage ProNded 800 Gallons Force Main Diameter 2.0 Inches COMMUNITIES, LLC. Min. Cleansing Velocity 2.5 FPS Min. Pumping Rate 24.47 GPM Chooeen Pumping Rate 25.00 GPM Length of Force Main 200.00 Feet PROJECT CONSULTANTS: Friction Lee... 2.62 Feet High Point In Force Main 357.00 Feet (AwLwPullin hilaoN7ECr Low Elevation in Pump StoRon 346.00 Feet LOONEY RICKS KISS Derail.. Chong. 11.00 Feel NASHVILLE, 7N Minor Head Loses. 3.00 Fast Residual 0.00 Feet CML ENGINEER MH 16.62 Feet CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Pump Cycle Storag. 150 Gallons SHELBURNE, VF Run Cycle 6.60 Minute. Wet Well Detentlon Time 66.06 Minutes 7RAFF10 EASWER Pump Efficiency 40 % Pump Sire 2.00 Hp TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, Al System Curve GPM TDH 20 15.7 25 1e.6 LWDSICAPE ARCHPECr 3s la.a LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, Vr ALARM L 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 1/4' 4 HORNCOVER TOP OF TUBING (ALL WELDS 6: METAL PARTS TO BE PRIMED AND PAINTED) NEMA 4 DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL COVERLOCATED AT SEPTIC TANK TO BEL 2 1/2' x 2 1/2" x 1/4" LOCKABSTRUCTURAL TUBING TNOTE: -THE CONTRACTOR MAY SUBMIT AN ALTERNATIVE CONTROL PANEL MOUNTING BRACKET FOR APPROVAL DISCONNECT SWITCH O POWER SUPPLY CONTROL PANEL SHALL ALSO INCLUDE CONTROLS FOR THE ELECTRONICALLY ACTIVATED VALVES CONTROL PANEL REQUDtEMENTS 1. UL Listed NEMA 4 enclosure 2. Tim panel shell be compatible with the pumps. CONDUIT TO POWER - SUPPLY AS REQUIRED 3. Each pump stall be supplied with a turn light, hand-off-auo switch, elapsed time miter, circuit breaker, lightning oppressor, phase loss cimui ry, and fail indicator tight magneticcomactor, and main circuit breaker. 4. Alarm Indication - Alarm light and hum (or bell). The audio alarm stall have an automatically resetting annual silence switch and menial tea switch. 5. Alarm Activation - Pump Pailune High Water Low Water 6. Panel shall activate a -By open solenoid valve W close during a pumping cycle. 7. AB conVo ens shall be explosion proof. • A' PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE ll Burlington. Vermont SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr �ecj6�, APB �® ^Z ' ° 2006 S 81jr lifigton TO SENSOR i a : PROBE 1 �D TO PUMPS NEMA 4 JUNCTION BOX (JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE WITHOUT ENTERING WET WELL) CONTROL PANEL INSTALLATION NTS agylmON 'UMP STATION #2 'LAN AND SECTION DATE nR41rIM1'G NL MDP.R APRIL, 2005 tiCA18 AS SHOWN C 6.7 Peal. No, 01243 SEED & PAVED NOTES: 1. Compaction of backflll and bedding shall be a a minimum of 90% (95% under roadway surfaces) r of maximum dry density determined in the standard proctor test (ASTM D698). APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen i - IN 8' LIFTS subgrade. ' RIGID INSULATION AS 3. Approved backflll shall not contain any stones j - REQUIRED. USE 1" OF more than 12" in largest dlmensior (6" in > INSULATION FOR EVERY roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, r 2" IS LESS THAN 6'-0" wet. or organic material. NEW WATER LINE WITH POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT q, Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to 6" r '"^_- (HIGH DENSITY CROSS placing of pipe be material and kept dewatered during Installation of pipe and backflll. LAMINATED VIRGIN - POLYETHYLENE 4 MILL FILM) 5. In trenches with unstable materials, trench THOROUGHLY COMPACTED bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of SAND BEDDING filter fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). 6. The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standards, TYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL N.T.S. RqRqqq �I bl� g NOTES: I H GRADll FlI 1. TAPPING SLEEVES AND VALVES ON ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX CWD TRANSMISSION MAINS ARE TO WITH COVER MARKED "WATER" MEET THE CHAMPLAIN WATER TAPPING DISTRICT 'STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR TAPPING SLEEVES AND TAPPING SLEEVE TAPPING VALVE VALVES" DATED NOVEMBER, 1992. ALL OTHER TAPPING SLEEVES AND VALVES ARE TO MEET APPROPRIATE EXISTING MECH. JOINT WITH "MEGA -LUG" DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS WATER MAIN RETAINER GLAND OR APPROVED EQUAL 2 VIET TAPS SHALL BE PREFORMED BY PRE -APPROVED FIRMS ONLY. 3/4" CORPORATION IN FIRST 3. ALL FITTINGS THAT ARE TO HAVE \ LENGTH OF PIPE FOR TESTING CONCRETE POURED AROUND THEM \ -• ARE TO BE WRAPPED WITH 4 mll. NEW " D.I. PIPE POLYETHYLENE PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT. \ ooa \ CONCRETE 3/4" CRUSHED STONE THRUST BLOCK BEDDING (MIN. 12- THICK) (SIZE DETERMINED BY SOIL CONDITIONS) 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE BETWEEN FITTINGS AND CONCRETE TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE DETAIL NTS EXTANa •rtN,L1E To APNIUM IMSATON AS DRECIFD i•' Tx[ EFDTVW+. 1� rx�s1 rMar>t MAAEpLE Ha+vc Ma aoM1a1 • - fir. - 4- AEniCAVtfnntur�•..[ [ a WNW 'a r-M"roiN °�AI"E r 1 a RC1NN Na D II eG IN ,Oi�n cn A^� Y aN.VMIRF9. REfll W � •� GALIAMIMED NPE SUVOIFJ 12• O.C. Nv ATO.W -® d V 2• RIMW EXP. It . 2• x 4' IOIC SPoa, W FLOW EEi YY Immi:Asm I' 10 /• © L ICA2' DORY J/tr ORICE auIsu IU I• cAIAMNmD ti ME RELEASE VwW ells 441E vA-ves 5" t1+ Ir 0DIPCRA110M L9exT iAa 4N➢1'MJGRI ROV Pl E ro nW ff' ' smi DMA - f-M2c�i w�sva RAaE secilEa 1,�r���MDf' T1CXIf3L MWIIONE Si[MS �.asuy tJ HI, rK a FirTNDS oAWANI,I JNL ais Onir"I E Num 21 WADSAN LASER MMSE TOCNT IY ' AIR R1=LEASE MAfdHOLE C-8.4 NOT 1a vI Note: All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District #1 and the Village of Jericho. FLAG AWWA HYDRANT, VALVE AND APPURTENANCES AS PER SPECS 5a N I N / GJ1`0 6" D.I. BLOCK F c ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX W/UD MARKED "WATER" r-- FINISH GRADE ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX WITH COVER MARKED "WATER" //-- TAPPING SLEEVE & GATE VALVE EXISTING / MECH. JOINT, AWWA APPROVED WATER MAIN // SEE SPECIFICATIONS. NEW D.I. PIPE (SIZE AS SHOWN ON PLANS) CONCRETE L -3/4" CRUSHED STONE BEDDING THRUST BLOCK MIN. 12" THICK POLYETHYLENE (3 MIL) TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE NITS ADJUSTABLE IRON CURB BOX W/LID MARKED "WATER" SET CURB BOX JUST INSIDE R.O.W. FLUSH w/GRADE PROPERTY LINE FINISH GRADE-, �i OPERATING ROD \ Z REDUCING THRUST \ TEE BLOCK to 0 in I ERIE CURB BOX DUCTILE IRON INSTALL A «Q. WATER MAIN GOOSENECK LOOP I /MUELLERRB-250209 UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 3/4" CRUSHED STONE 1. ALL BRANCH PIPING AND FITTINGS SHALL BE MECHANICAL JOINT. 2. HYDRANTS SHALL BE LABELED "ND", FOR NONDRAINING ON THE BONNET FACING THE ROADWAY. TYPICAL HYDRANT INSTALLATION N.T.S. WATER OR SEWER LINE MINIMUM 18" SEPARATION BETWEEN OUTSIDE OF PIPES WATER OR SEWER LINE NOTES: 1. AT CROSSINGS, ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER/SEWER PIPE SHALL BE LOCATED SO BOTH JOINTS WALL BE AS FAR FROM THE WATER/SEWER AS POSSIBLE. 2. IF THE SEWER MAIN IS OVER THE WATER MAIN, THE FIRST SEWER PIPE JOINTS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WATER MAIN MUST BE CONCRETE ENCASED. SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE WATER AND SEWER PIPES MAY BE REQUIRED. 3. WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE 18' SEPARATION, THE SEWER MATERIALS SHALL BE WATER MAIN PIPE OR EQUIVALENT AND SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS. 4. WATER MAINS AND SEWER LINES OR MANHOLES SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. THIS DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED EDGE TO EDGE. WATER/SEWER CROSSING DETAIL N.T.S. 5/4" CORPORATION STOP 4-x8"xl6" SOLID AUELLER H-15008 CONCRETE BLOCK 3 4" TYPE "K'• 77 UNDISTURBED SOIL CO�PER SERVICE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION N.T.S. EFFECTIVE LENGTH OF PIPE �4 'ELIND11111REIED BURIED GAIE VALVE, 1PROVAL FROM CITY WATER --v�w�S"S:KW` sv� o•O' �� i� SOIL Y&99EAD END REDUCER PLACE 3 MIL (MIN.) POLYETHYLENE SHEET Fa BETWEEN 'fCONCRETE PIPE AND/OR TTIIN° To PREVENT BOND. .��.UNINSTURBET !/�TEE SOIL \OR ElEt!D 3" 4" 6" 1 8" 12 CONDITION SAFE BEARING LOAD PSF ENDSSOIL ! 1Nr' ETD. - F1H. 32Y EIe. k 9O EEe. 45' ELD. 22S' ne. k so f18. 46' Ele. 225' ETD. MO• E1H. 45. U.S. 223• Ele, 9a' 6e. 46' ETD. 225' Qe. 7.0 0.50.5 to SOUND SHALE 10.000 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 1.5 20 1.0 0.5 3.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 4.5 6.5 3.5 2.0 10.014.0 7.5 2.0 4,000 1.0 J. &S 5.02513. 18. 10. 5.0 3,000 1.5 25 1.5 7.0 2.S 35 2.0 1.0 5.5 7.5 4.0 20 9.0 13.0 7.0 3.5 0. 27. t5.0 e0 2,000 3.0 45 2.5 1.5 S.0 7.0 d.0 2.0 10.515. &0 4.0 Q 5. 14.0 7.0 5. 30. 15. SOUND SHALE 1,000 MAXIMUM WATER PRESSURE . 3001 NOTE: REDUCER BEAAING AREA - 4& BEND OF URGER PIPE THRUST BLOCK DETAILS N.T.S. PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 90246s, a23 FAX eLFAB6Y271 xeb: aww.oes - APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS DRAIN AWY CRRCIRD DSM APFROVRD cem APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLAN(FR/ARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGWEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE $oath W�rlletrnn, 40 rm On1 SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT RECEIVED APR 1 Q 4qui) City of So. BUrtingt r, .-. RR N q.ab 7ASM A•PrAeP K4-A+ A* o,s . ]405 DSM REVISED AR RELEASE MANHOLE DETAIL M-041 DSM I RENSFA DETAILS WATER DETAILS MTR ➢RAimia NUYBDR FEB., 2005 Sc" AS SHOWN C 6.8 1mw. no. 01243 TOPSOIL, RAKE; SEED & MULCH . .�..,.,.y .... _.. .. . ...._ pO( NOTES: ° °O 1. Compaction of beck611 and bedding shall be a °o o°°°oo°Oo° ° o°o°o pO� ° minimum of 90% (95% under roodway surfaces) ¢ o, of maximum dry density determined in the 1� standard proctor test (ASTM D698). 0 APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen z IN 6" LIFTS g subgrode. iD p 2' APPROVED GRANULAR FILL 3. Approved backflll shall not contain an yy stones more than 12" in largest dimension (6" in THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, wet, or organic material. PVC SEWER PIPE 4. Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to 12„ placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewotered during installation of pipe and bockfill. THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5. In trenches with unstable materials, trench oa r BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall first be stabilized byy placement of filter fabric than crushed (3/4" CRUSHED STONE) store (3/4 maximum), 6. The aides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standards. 7. Bedding material shall consist of crushed stone, TYPICAL SEWER TRENCH DETAIL gave or sand with a maximum size of 3/4". Submit a sample to the Engineer far approwl. N.T.S. MANHOLE WALL MANHOLE OPENING ABOVE —0" MIN. IADIUS PLAN �LEBARON FRAME & COVER LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. ^$B8'l,�lii'✓`` SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED & SEAL JOINT 12" CONCRETE RISERS FOR ADJUSTMENT w al POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE U 24_ STEPS O B" O.C. WATERTIGHT JOINTS USING a MASTIC OR RUBBER GASKET F m� COAT EXTERIOR OF ENTIRE MANHOLE WITH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) w CAST IN PLACE FLEXIBLE MH 1" RISE SLEEVES OR APPROVED EQUAL a (TYP, ALL PIPES) 81 v USE 3" (MAX.) STUBS < AT ALL MANHOLE m a PIPE CONNECTIONS o o °c CONCRETE FILL TO 00 0 0 HIGHEST CROWN OF PIPE UNDISTURBED 12" MiN. SOIL OR ROCK CLASS B CONCRETE SHELF AND INVERT 6" MIN. CRUSHED ELEVATION STONE BEDDING mows: 1. INVERTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF LEAKAGE TEST. 2. EXTERIOR JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF LEAKAGE TEST. 3. INTERIOR JOINTS SHALL NOT BE GROUTED. 4. IF DEPTH OF MANHOLE IS Y OR LESS FROM RIM TO CENTERLINE INVERT, THEN A FLAT TOP SHOULD BE SLIBSflTUTED FOR THE CONE SECTION. TYPICAL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE N.T.S. TOPSOIL, RAKE, SEED & MULCH (MOUND 6") APPROVED BACKFILL w/6' MIN. SAND BEDDING 2" SDR 21 PVC 7.6..'`� FM TRENCH SECTION N.T.S. 4" 22 1/2 OR 45 ELBOW 45 WYE 4" MIN. SDR 35 PVC SEWER SERVICE. CONTINUE TO PROPERTY UNE O MIN. SLOPE — 1/4" PER FT. SEWER MAIN END TO BE PLUGGED WITH 4" PVC WATERTIGHT PLUG AND MARKED W/ 2"x4" BOARD EXTENDING FROM SEWER TO 2" MIN. ABOVE FINISH GRADE, PLAN 4" 22 1/2 OR 45 ELBOW 4" MIN. SDR 35 PVC SEWER SERVICE ROTATED AS REQUIRED 100 45 WYE IN SEWER MAIN ELEVATION SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION NITS • CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 3 LOCATION TIES TO END OF LATERAL TO BE INCLUDED ON "AS —BUILT" DRAWINGS. • SEE TYPICAL TRENCH FOR BEDDING AND BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VF 05482 8224Bb4.iP9 FAX B02666,2271 web: www.cMN.am APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS D"_ AWY cescsaD DSM APPWD DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: L4ND 6W PLANNER/ARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENO/NEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAC'E SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT Cc'e,ve ISO. 9tpn SEWER DETAILS DATE DHADING NO1aaTl JULY, 2004 8cA AS SHOWN C6.9 PRDT. ND. 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: ,I - / MAXI NATIVE SOIL AREA TO BE EXPOSED / AT TUAE WITHIN THE ROADWAY PROJECT `\ A TO BE-LAMITEfNO-AQ MORE THAN 2 A WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMI8310N -._ ANR WATER OUALITY DIVISION.\Xy��►x�� x t x \ \� \ \ -- ��.�- / 1 // / I 1 ,,, •!' X•--"-� \ \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ..... X ` The alto Shall be temporarity- s„�.a,-•�X ! �_ s+•' / I / / I ( .-- -r'-i� \\ \ P.O. BOX 485 SHF.LBURNF, VT 05462 `\- .\. �- I _�•X . . . a0RDB6237J FAM a02-096247t webwww.tex-Hcar: on weekly tten A . __ no / _r \ `\ acres of the .� --'' � WALL CONSTRUCTION FENCING � � �Sc/max / x \ � !/ . . . . . j \1 \` PLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULT I s \ _ dleturtied (noirst condition. ALONG LIMITS OF EARTH DISTURBANCE X n \ I + I 1 ` AP ANTS I 372 \ Wheri pra*itatio emit which•/ �•\ could cause a ge frets the -like, / x__�x ( ( >t R 104+e0 the Site shall zed so to- Xr -'X n4 /r. .`1`. �. 1 ACL / 7• ` more than crew of the -she Is -,X�-x ' i / ` �� _ \\ . ! . . . . . . . . a�.aZZJ�S jporretabWzed) Jx r D3M \ INV. IN - 'WV 1 _`D\'. ourwie?.8.. ( I ".•. --x�-x / II i ! / / '� I I , ..,. W \\\ DSM j INSTALL CATCH BASIN X / / / / / / / / / I I . . PROTECTION ) / / / / ) / / I 1 ` APPLICANT: CONVERT TOp ioii PROTECTION AFTER n y W SOUTH VILLAGE 1 % CURB INSTALLATION CS 75 _ / UNTIL ADJACENT RI rci �70.0' \ /�/58 -/ RM.J69.2FAI109+66 / 1 / 1 / // - - _ _ . IS ADEQUATELY INV. OUT.3B9.9' NV. IN COMMUNITIES LLC. / II STABILIZED (fYP.) ' 08 72 - STA 506+12 ou .3pa.z' / / / / \ RIM-372.6'�•�'�'• / II INV. IN-367.3'((YY�� / _ - - - / \\ i . . . . . PROJECT CONSULTANTS: I I I INV. IN-367.3'(N) •� INV. IN-367a'(E) /' A SIRE V I INV. OUT-367.2 �_ / CS 73 - STA 800 // LANOI/SEP[ANNER/ARCH?ECT RIM-372.6' --- - / - - - - - \ INV. OUT-36e.1' i -. - - ' / - - - ' �'� )f E tk iIE / , T I _ _ / u \ LOONEY RICKS KISS • I 1 \ 1 /� ce 71 - _ - ��-' \\\\ NASHVILLE,TN -367.8' - CB 60 - STA 106+ ( 'IZ RR1.360.Y 1 / INV. ( •M1fV. IN-364.1'(vn / i INv. OUT-370.s' - --' \ I CML ENGINEER 1 / 1 / INV. IN-364.1'(N) / CB SS - STA 226,951 / I 1 , I I / INV. OUT-364.0' PoM-36e.3' CS 53 - SU�26+27 INv. OUT-3.5' CIVIL ENGINEER/NGASSOCIATES 1 wM-Jana, rr INv. oursw.a' ���or / / \ 1 SHELBURNE, VT - - INV. IN-382.9'(E) - - - NN I A /bATCH'BA • ' • ' ) 1 9� A' INV. IN-362. '(N) 1 1 TRgFF/C ENGINEER CB 70 - 57A 60+55 / 18 11 - 5 A' iz+ids '6 1 TION iTYP.) 1_ _ 1 RIM.3)2. ' RIM_ 7.2' / / I N. Mz.2•(w� I CO TO DIVERSION TND ENGINEERING \ I I INv. 017ry30].]' / I I 9 6] - STA 7i+59 INv./N-362.z'(s) I\ I PROTECTION AFTER • • • OSS/PEE, NH /RN-37Le' I I INv/ OUT.36x.1' ( ' \ t ce - STA 603+44 /� \ ; INv. our.3ezr / ce x - STA z{6+v CURBIUVSrI}�LATION INV OUT-363.3' UNTILIADJACENTSITE .-'� _ RIM-sn.e' / f , ` LANDSCAPE ARCH/7ECT l I INV. IN-366.6' RI 83 - ' 703+1 x ! _ . '� _ ' • • • • LAND•WORKS INV. our-366.7' / \ - - DMR=s7�2zr IS AD*OUA LY / RIM-J74.1' - - RIM-367.6•zaT1"r`>c"n' x // I 1 W. our-364.3' ' - - I I - - ((TYP.) _ y . . �. INv. IN-361.9'(YQ gT%j 4 M/DDLEBURY, Vr INV. IN-361.D'(N) //�� / \ DMH 10 - $U 60"/50+12 CS 650 STA 32+04 \ �'1 RI 74.5' RIM-371. ' _ _ / CS 62 - STA 7�76 I M INv. OUT 761.6' / INSM ALL Of S BLOCK _ _ \ Nv. IN-Jee.z / Nv. ou zs 1 IN MAN RUN STORAAWATER y _ I / RNI_36T- 1 l / INv. OUT-36e.r1 INV. our-s6x.7/ _ _ _ PROJECT TITLE: ^ �' _ W. e - .4 ]1+s I•n COI ECTION 8�STEM AT 204E SO`rr .�Q J RIM-3]1.5 / I i / 161 11 INTERVALS \\ /�°° ` W. IN-36S.4'�'ry I f /• INV. IN.38J. '(N) I t�'j// I ( I \ / E. ( , //• A LANE _ INV. ON'-39'S.3' � I '7- _ � I 1 • • • • • South B.'i-Nto�, Vcr1- D 1 1 / CB 51 - STA 224+76 CB 65A - STA / �� / I wJ'1 RIM-366.2' , / // •'�'-+�' •' c❑ RN1-371.e• / INv. WI / _ _ _ 6tt y INV. N-365.0'(N) 1j� / INV. IN-J60.7'((�) % ! I 1 . . . . . . . •- I INV. IN-365.0'(W) / / INV. O-360.7.8" �� _ _ SPEAR STRA HND \ I \ - -/ \ CB e]•- srA so+I3x I INV. OUT-364.9' •,-,.� ./ I DMH 6 - FA 224+49 / p \ _ o_�❑ ALLEN ROAD I I 1 \ RIM-Si=.3' RIM-J85.9' / '1 08 52 - SA 224475 / \ • �. - W. 6i 366.0'(Nw)I 1 /' - - _f INv. iN-356.4•(S) - 1 RN¢ ouT2 ei.T \ y. `1 - = SOUTH IN(� VT \ I \ INV. P�! 366.0' SW) 1 DIAN 9 - STA 704+�S2+37 ( INV. N-356A'(N) / p \ _ (J1 n INV (Ui.S66.D' ) I RN-372.4' �r I� W.X- / / // _ \ _ _ iT l ( 1 \ \ t 11 \ NlV. IN-364.7' ( / / _ r ,g on \ \ ...� CB 6�A 60N04 1 iNV. OUT.38s. a' ,a �`+6 A \ 1 I 1\ \ � �•\ iNV•�_370.5' 1\ I II / � �. _ �- '' �� �'�t"�� 1 / _ c _/ // / \\� �• -� I _ I OLT F ENCE / ce x / 1 \ I I \ �6yyC RY.SO4.e' I l \ _ J / ` CB FES T \ v' Mom- PAD . • INV. PUT-3591 / / CS 7e -SSA 301+43 ' NBTALL CATCH BA IN ~ ' \ I / T" ,.PROTECTION (TYP.)I \ )\./ _ �� \\ / I _ __ _ CONVERT TO DNEFI.SION �. - \ I i' ice 60 - Sd Sos+1z - \ 3sz, ,� / / LOCATION MAP PROTC�TIOpI AF TER ! / �'- TB 4 `� CURB INSfALLATIC�N I / / / / _ a000' CID 37 A 7020. / UNTIL ADJACENT f$rfE / °mN �a3.e' {/ �' 6 / / ! // - '- • ce er - A wa I a� 06ac® R6vTa1oN w \I I INV. ouT.36a6' I IS ADEQUATELY C8 FdMS�SIk2n+ z / I W. art-a5b.z 7° I // / STABILVED OWY Nv N.35z4 / / 1 I I 1 < . . . . . . • r . . . . . . . r C9 36 - SrA 32+f2 -_ +NV. OUT-JS7.3' / I 1 \ 1 I ) RIM-369.2' / 1 - - �B 47 - S A 222+4Z / ` I 1 . \ \ \ \ I I INv. OUT-385.T / RIM-363.9' ' ce ez•- su 304+14 / / INv. IN_3sz6•(B) / I \ / . �• - `\ INV. IN-317.8'(s) / \ r M, . ''� 1-zi-aa osN Revlsc0 Raao Inre�r INv. MT-357.5' / \ /. •. •. •. _ •. •. •. •. •.•. •. •.. / !��• \ \ \\ I 11 `.s. - - / L•�C'"`. 6VC/ / / \\ 1 r . r. r . ~ J -ter✓ • . E PSC _ ., ../..... "�' PLAN cB 46 - STA xn+os cIM /e - $TA zs2+Zz- / • • • �. \ I \ \ 8 - 5TA �2 2 / / �itN_383.6' _ 0.6• \ I MAW. OUT-3.9' /INV. OUr-359.3' I \I \ ( I 1 r - > ,�• \ \ I IN.36}5p.1'a INv. OUT-357.e' 1 1 f /•-. \ \ \\ I \ \ \ I CB 34 -I�A 701+55 // ° / I I / f., HIC. C . \ I \ I RIM-369. ' 1 / -/ I x \ \ \ \ IIN. IN_ jl(N) / f6 Iw ..64 Mo nnra - I I' C� SjA \ �37 /) j 1 IIN. N. 3'I'6) I I CB 43 - dTA 221+42 / eT F _ t // / JULY, 2004 re�%1•J `l 4�l Y ( I ( RIM-37W.6' 8- I II INv. Our e4/z' 1 RIM.38j(.'J' I • • / / oa INMJu OUf-3 .4' CB 42 - STA 800+35 1 I a I INv. 158.D' I PoM_374.8' INV/.369.2' -- _.. _�loch •O ). . . • . • / ' SCAW. INv. w.370.3' I I I / 'I' I / i X . • . INV. OU'370. .II 40 (/•�_ 7 1 'RI >3 - ST�1407+00 I / / / / X / 1 r 1 • • \ \ i 1 ^ - V - / . 0 ( 1 RIM. N-3 • n 1 / I / I CB 31 - ST 700+41 1 / / - / X�- \� \ • II P: Auto A NV. IN-369T(W) y CB J2 A ] 0+ X \ X X ( 1 PRD . N0. M \ (s) ..�ubS CB 44 - ST 221+4Ijp . • m. A - . wJFFF-R �, . ,.,� • .�. 2 r_A_recov_9� 1 1 -\ RM.J63�S Sg6 `\ II 01243 4o+oo PLANS PREPARED BY: co 33 - a /CB 30 - .r 40➢+31 Alm. 3e4r \ I \ 1 INv. IN-sse.rS��j - . J I \\ 1 11 1 lY N 11 11 \ - C1`r•�.�� / INJ. IN_J36) / . . . . - I ICI I v vv TR ATM NT I II v j �. A 1 I f SW , I DMII\4 - STA 405 M M NATIVE SOIL AREA TO BE -��� I RIM-}75.T I \ I \ INV. I�-3 ] 7o. \ \ CB 40 - STA \ / / A II,ME WITIAN THE ROAD Y EC 4 \ \ INv. Wf_s7o.o• I \ / \ \ - CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. I olrt .3' CB ] - 5d 40 +97 \ RM-3]x.a' \ 1 � \ \ P.O. BOX 483 $NEL&IRNE, VT 05982 I I TO BE LIMITED TO NO THAN 2 c \ RI9' 365.4' SS \\ 1 Nv. ou _3ae.r b . -`- l I MN 3 - 5T �a+26 / \I BOx-995-M3 EAX.' 902.995@2]1 Are0: www.we-Kcom INV. `IN'-JaO.x' (AIM 35].1' / \ II �, LIT WRITTEN PE N FRGMA VT 1 \\ INV. pyf-3a0.1' \ \\ 1 1 MV IN-Jax. �(1'Q 0�' CB ,{3 - STA x19+9x \V \ () C 29 - STA 409431 R A ALTIY DNISION. I I t I N1'• I"-�2 " /"� R 1.3e4.1' N/ /' RI Na4.c APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS RI/. OUT_1 6 \\ \ ( 1 ))II a O shall flt'y of ex-�j]z.esu sos+99\ nwRN 1 L 1 1 J i NJ. JN.369.6' I I ( / y\'- /\ T \ I � INu/our-J6e.5• / - \ � ' AWY I1 0 Of sft k(}t In fl _ 1 \ / / % �I / CATCH N���---, c6acaD (non-st Condit' / precipitation ' f h I 1 tl \ _ \ // I I / TO (TYP.) \ n DSM I ry j_ I cause a discha g om th e, 1 C ERT-DIVERSION ._LJ\ .PrRooae 'I ' e _ J I I ( IN TIO J DSM �� � atfle � flo that � rrr I' 'than two eci'as 1 1 I / I I I / J I _ \ 1 / - eP \ zel- sr z1e+4e I'I / � 1 t I r I I I I 1 3 ar ADJ, SITE �/ APPLICANT: l ' In a dalvbed ized i - �� - - 1 i / i _ Rasa. ' IS A ATELY \ i SOUTH VILLAGE r�l \ STAB MP.) I r RIM-357 I\ 1 1 RIM.3a7.]` \- \ 0 1 I I I INSTALL PDL1'MER BLOCKS' it ;l °� °�-5 ' - �- _ _ M / I ' IN MAINSTORfr1WA76i COMMUNITIES, LLC. _ _ Yet 7 It !'I ' 1 /I\1 \ \\ I I COLLEC S A 3 II ! Il� ( I \\\ \\ ' l-�� I \INTERVALS\ •. r I I / --•.-.. _ - \ \ / l t- _ I I \ \ • � \ PROJECT CONSULTANTS: / D 23 -/STA 25+24_� I / l - -I �� mM_ _9 I INV. iT-3e6a' / I _ LAND USEPLANNER/MCH/7ECT LAIVST 1 / I ce 9 -IsrA 20+29 - INV. OUT-3es.4' u - A�I+= / I \\\ LOONEY RICKS KISS c9 a L 9TA soo+ / Irry w 55.3 I -� IW, IN- �as�z• NASHVILLE, TN '•� INV. IN-3 3 r \ I INV.. .o' RIM-3M.4' INV. OUT J55.2 -• 1 1 1 RIM 1 - STA 120+11/001+ I - _ - _ - \ I IM/ 1 RIM-J64.2' I I I ZA LANE j \\ I CML EMt?bYEER / J• u• I�e•5 INV. IN-359.6'() I 1 \ 1 1/ I�I r A I+ 1 m i NV. IN-359.6 ( I I I \• I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES I I 1 I I 'b \ IW. our-3so., 1 \ I - - �� \iii�VVV/ •/ SHELBURNE, VI CB 3 - SITA 2+84 Cik - STA 4004143 / ( CB 1] - STA 25+24 11 \ RIM.3aa.7 \ \ \ RIM 3e5.4' \ I RI4:-359.9' / / IN-350.1; IM/. IM J51.5' I \ I / / IMI. OUT-356.5, TRAFFIC ENGINEER I II I 0 \ INV. QUf-351.]• 1 \ I ( I 1/ / GILT FH� TND SS PEE,EHRING 11 / -- I •�.,.. .•..'.•. ••1 LANDSCAPEARCH/TECT Ica n - sT� ; x+ze s \� I % LAND -WORKS II 1 1 \ \ \B6BI 132 - STA S00 - / j RBI-36x.1' / /� • . ` MIDDLEBURY, VT W. o• I I \ INK OVT-361.6' _ -• - "N. OUT- .� / STAbL¢E • _ ✓• % / \ INV. OUT- 8 / F �I I1 \ \ - 9 21 - 9 a px+25.5 // WrTH COM INA $TONE . %.. / INv. our-3se/6" ,I / / FILL AN�� PER PROJECT TITLE: \ 1 • • 1� LONE / N 763A( / L`�%� .. sry/ . A_0o+3=_ O/ our p .( . / a (- . ,� . . W. 6 ... h S a VILLAGE .. v.... IN I14-361.e•(N) / - / / 1 / • . •/ • .�� ]Ic.. • . • . I I I I \\ 1 \ \ \ 1 r RIM-RcB is ai-xa / 1 i . • . • . 3 �s / / / ;� SPEAR ENRROAD D MVSTALL-C FENCING# liLONCT tAdfT8/ F! 4;TH DISTURBANCE SOUTH BURLINGTbN, VT ALONG] . . D F . . . . . . ` I / ' \I DM z - sra 6+12/5ooRl.//� / I /� INV. IN-361.4' !NV. PUT-3eu' / `� 1 . . . . . . \� I ) I CB 14 - STA 6+00 / j "MZ '? • �d . 1 /' j RIM, I.,, / In I it� �\ \ \ \\ \ \ I I I )' r i . LOCATION MAP I^ = 30oo' I Dm c®C"o =VI91ON 1 \•, \ / / / I / / I// / / ]ILI 1-27-06 DSM REVISED ROAD LAYOUT EPSC 411 :o GRAPHIC SCALE `\ \/I 1 /j 11. 11 1 PLAN eo Enid 1177 (m roarOf ) Il / P/R 1 O 4006 / \ I � / � � V 1 nAT9 nxnmmc nlMn6u (` 1,i�s // ./ \\ II DULY, 2004 ruirvm ,- N 1 , - 40C-7.1 A D Projects 2001�012�01243-mash recoyE� cl,,/31/2pDFi12 5�;4Z-Ppq t 1R4�AGs)�e3- - - 91b - r - - - • ,''�� - N M I I 1r I JillI \ � it I I � / � I 131 11 CO i t 1{ i i I 1------37071 IN gyp` `�_c..�_\ _ \�` I1 �```•-��.,�'- :i:. `t:'' %:`. 1 I I 1 t I \ \ \ 1 1 I \ \ 1 LIZEDI, RUCTipN CE IN I OR K DAM o I 1 ' lii 1 i'I 1 i I i It I I � I I II � ;II Il . i ! i I iir SILT 1 ''1 I I F�NCE GRAPHIC SCALE I 1 ( IN FEET) 1 loch = 20 I I A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - PLANS PREPARED BY: / \ CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. I( - P.O. BOX488 SHELMARAF, VT 0CH@2 W24W2W FAX 60P-0 Vn x www.a"— / I _ 1 - - APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS i I - - AWY 1 ` r r r . CIRCIOSO i \ - DSM 1 DSM APPLICANT: I I - .1 SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. 411 YDOWN 1 . �1 � 1 I I ODE SEDIMENT � II - � - PROJECT CONSULTANTS: dQN PLAN FOR ► - LmDUSEPLANNER/ARCNOECT LOONEY RICKS KISS L � NASHV,LLE, IN CM EER RAC OR DOSES SNINAT S( CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES I SHELBURNE, VT .I j TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING I OSS/PEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT \\ LAND -WORKS • `�� MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: - SOUTH V1LIAGE .......... A•• 1 Yr.- \ \ ` SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH LINGTON, VT .. mr •_ • •MAP UNTIL ADJACE� IS ADEQUATELY \� STABILIZED (TYP.) I I I I iL1E DB�1IfN6 NV101� JULY, 2004 1' - 20' C-7.2 FRO No. 01243 rol No Text ♦' 11 r' a / 1 I ATCE C-72A . • .. - -,,'- �Nr / - _ _ i• - / LANE%:`..... ��---- _ - CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. / I _ •/ • _ _ J 1' _ — - _- / / P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VI 05482 >n I /' `� `> / / _ I r ./ . . i� �. _ %"r " • • �' I _ _ • . • / / I i eaeae� M FAX. eoz� n7l I . . . . . 1 ! i w_ / / i / ` 1 l r T APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ACL 1 1 — iDSM x k X I X�` ,L / / 3g6 \ \' .�'► . _ . +1 •_ • + . ,.. /I //'— I `,r: / 1\\ // DSM I I / 1 I ' / �/ \\\ \\ • . - . • I • . • 1 /// / ---/ I /' \ APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND LWPLAMiFfthWCM7ECr LOONEY RICKS KISS . . . . /. �� \ I , / \ \ _ --- / / / NASHVlLLE,TN l:.: ,► ir"—:��-r✓ :. _ - • /` • .. - . - amE/IKibVVfEA / j' % // 1 \\ 1 ' /' \ — ` I ? CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 1 1 1 I I I \ \ \ \ �•l ^>�/ "/• • • - r, • • • _ • l• _ +. / �\ i' _ 11 \1 1 / / / -- i 7RAPRC EVarAEER TND ENGINEERING 1 ! • .%� \ ( i // \_ _ ! / �� --- 1 OSS/PEE, NH LANZISCAPE ARCMECT Ir -\ \ j.. �� • \\\ ..%i.. .. , 111 �/ \\\ /'\/�/ / /�/ �' LSD -WORKS i =oc\ / �\ - _ •+•_ �/� / /% /l �� / \\\ \\ ✓�/. / 1 \\ I I /'/ ,'/' PROJECT TITLE: % / SOUTH VILIAGE / I \ �. / / / /� ,�• I 1 I I // // .. ufm , I f / SPEAR STREET AND ........ ALL EN ROAD I I rl I /' V SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT . + . . �•.. . . - - - / ! CO r //, � / l•.•. . _ . . _,r'f . . . . . . . � i 1 Imo\ `` I I� �/i \ I 2 LOCATION MAP L_ 1 ' / / /' VED �LA / / I r r ✓. 1 ti �\ EPSC 1 `rs (I Ir / � � � 1 � '...,. 11 11 \ \ `J� ` / APR 1 p PLAN WATER MAIN --- / // _ I\ �� j I\\ I r fir \�`\\ \—•`7Y.. C?{,i*Zy!]fjy.� u�a oumw im�mn ' 9to / GKAP C CA�E W _ + _ \\ \\ I /' APPoL 2006 .�\ . . . . . . . . I /, y/ 1, . 40 II )/ •AImA 40 JL I/ �,'�\ / I 11 1 _ _'� +. .-_•. _ // / PPOI. No. / j1E 01243 PLANS PREPARED BY: lb \ \ \ \ I - !• 1 / i 1 I I I I I 1 I / P�E14GINEERING O.BOx� SHLBBURNE,rTES. � INC. ell / / / ! I I �"' \ \ \ \ 1 1 I ..\ . I" . • 1 I 1 I 1 I / - APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS I I \ \ oSM DSM -----'' l~\ �\ \\ \� \ 11 I II i I I l�'''II: j ' i \��� \\ \ 1 1111 1 \� \ / w l I 11 \ \ II 1\ / / /' /' / \ \ \ � i I I � I . " � -J . ". . • . ` \ 1 1 1 \ APPLICAIT: SOUTH VILLAGE y \�\ I 1 I I I I `I \ I COMMUNITIES, LLC. /r/ / � /// // //� r/.1'/i-__-------- -\ 11 II II i i i I� I I i I ---I t-----.-•----•---•-•-•-; I ,\ \ \ \ \ \\ I \ PiWECT 6NSIT1.TANTS: `\\ \\ \V ELOONY RICKS ISS N \\`. I 1 � \\ CIM M __ Li\\ \ CML ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES - . \ I * \\4 \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ SHELBURNE, VT MOM EAGMER ' f✓ l ----- / // l / I I / / /l J I I .. TND ENGINEERING A 1 OSSIPEE, NH LANOSWE ARCHOECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT - _ - • PROJECT TITLE: -•---- 1. �SOUTH VILLAGE X / / \ \ < \ \ \ i� SPEAR STREET AND m do I \ \ / / / / / / I \ - - \ . ,, •• \ I / j — ALLEN ROAD _ SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT �.rya' .r WI / / / I �� -------- _ _ .. 4r. I /' I I I I i� . . . . . . . . . . . .\.\.• :'.�'i-.•� -- .��� , T I I \ I // I I ''� ...... ......... ..... it LOCATION MAP 1" = 3000' X \\ j i 1,\ -- \\ I RECEIVED x I\ M x \\ C E I V E D PLAN � ,\ / 1 •� , WATER MAIN tf uu vv v 01T8 OIUI/INC NIIYHEB I \ \ / GRAPHIC ACALE ¢� f \ \ \ \ APRIL, 2006 G3stin V — / . L V \ \ \ •� , I IN yT�') - \ V A / I coon 740 n. i� I I A V �� rno+. M. 01243 I Sediment & Erosion Control Narrative I. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of the construction of the South Village residential development located on East side of Spear Street, North of the S. Burlington/Shelburne town line, with entrance rood at the Allen Road/Spear Street Intersection. The project consist of single family building lots and condominiums. TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES - The project site is located adjacent to the Spear Street (West side) and stream on the East aide. With the existing high point grades in between, the alto general slopes East towards the Stream and west towards Spear Street roadside ditch. COVER CONDITIONS - The existing site is comprised of fields, patches of woods and areas of wetlands. The intent of the plan is to retain the existing cover and wetlands adjacent to the existing streams as a means of minimizing the impact on stream warming while also providing a undisturbed transition from the proposed improvements to the stream edge. SOILS - The project area (both sides of the main resort area) is comprised of the following soils as mapped by the Soil Conservation Service. X of Erodibility K L1lmlzgd Svmhol Soil GrouD Slopes ,Alga Factor Cv Covington Silty Clay 0 to 2% 27.9X 0.49 GeS Georgia Stony LOom 3 to 8X 5.3% 0.24 FaC Farmington Extremely Rocky Loam 5 to 20% 5.611; 0.43 Lh Livingston Clay 15 to 25% 19.2X 0.49 Ve8 Vergennes Clay 2 to 6X 30.2% 0.43 VeC Vergennes Clay 6 to 12% 1LOX 0.32 Generally the majority of the proposed project site is located within soil groups that have a low wadlability rating. RUNOFF CHANGES The intent of the project is to minimize the impacts outside of the boundaries of the proposed Improvements. This will be achieved through the installation of detention basin. Peak rates of runoff will be controlled through the diversion of intercepted stormwater runoff to a sarles of proposed stormwater detention basins. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - Environmentally sensitive areas that could be Impacted during construction are outlined below. The proposed means of protection (in parentheses) Include: 1. Existing wetlands to be retained. (Installation of silt fence and snow force to prevent contractor encroachment into the wetland buffer). The construction period Is one which environmental degradation can occur. The land during the development phase of the project will be subject to excessive wind, water, ice and gravity erosion. The Implementation of techniques for partial control of erosion and sediment during the unvegetated period and the weeks following when turfgrass growth is sparse and root depth is shallow is critical to the protection of the surrounding environment. The sites contain wetlands and minor water courses. Protection of these resources will be critical to the sustainabilty of these resources both Initially as well as over the long term. The existing wetlands will be protected through the Installation of a silt fence to Crop sediment before It reaches the watercourse. In order to minimize the potential for unintended encroachment Into the wetlands the Contractor will be required to install a protective snow fence (or approved equal barrier) around the wetlands on the sides where the proposed Improvements will occur to further reduce this potential. The proposed buffers around the watercourses will be protected through the Installation of silt fence where appropriate and construction barrier fencing where the wetland Is adjacent to the proposed disturbance limits. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STRATEGY - The following techniques are anticipated to be utilized as port of the erosion and sediment control program. The timing and use of each of the techniques is further defined within the Construction Phasing of the project. 1. Use rapidly germinating cover crops prior to seeding when the ground would otherwise be bare. 2. Include rapidly germinating grasses In the seed mixtures when they will not compromise the integrity of the final product. 3. Utilize hydroseeding with mulch when feasible. 4. Utilize erosion control netting or blankets, with or without seed contained in them on slopes greater than 3:1. 5. Utilizing stabilization materials or sodding areas where runoff is rapid or concentrated. 6. Limiting traffic In the vicinity of streams and wetlands and Installing as few temporary crossings as possible. 7. Installing water bars (swale/berms) on slopes to and channels before It gains sufficient volume and momentum to cause scouring. B. Using two check dams, silt fences, sediment ponds and basins once the soil has begun to move. 9. Preserving existing trees and vegetation near and within buffer areas until after the site has been stabilized. 10. Controlling dust by providing parking lots with prepared surfaces, limiting traffic In all possible ways, planting stockpiles with cover crops or protective blankets, using water trucks, refraining from cultivating and smoothing seedbeds until immediately prior to seeding. 11. Construct the detention basins first and use them as sediment basins during construction as an additional tool in protecting the water quality of the surrounding streams. 12. As port of the detention basin construction, the creation of the gross polishing areas as early as possible, including the use of sod if necessary, is a required element of this erosion control plan. 13. Water pumped from sediment basins will be required to be filtered and then polished prior to discharge to waters of the State. Clallatruatlan Tema Stormwoter Interceptors - These include swoles, berms or monmade diversion structures such as supported V high plywood, super silt fence, wattles, or plastic to intercept surface water and direct it away from exposed slopes. Stone Drains - These generally ore curtain drains Installed along the upper elevation perimeter of the area to be protected where the trench bockfill material of pervious stone has been brought all the way to the surface to Intercept and collect surface stormwater. 11. 'CONSTRUCTION PHASING Each area of the project will require the successful completion of a series of eight construction phases. These ore listed below and are more fully described within this section of the specification. PHASE I - Field Staking and Initial Clearino A. The first phase of construction will require the field staking of the proposed clearing limits. B. The Engineer shall review the staking in the field and make field adjustments to account for environmentally sensitive areas, specimen trees and special areas of concern. C. Initial clearing (not grubbing) may proceed without the installation of silt fences if the work Is undertaken under frozen conditions during the winter. Clearing work completed at any other time of the year and within 100' of any wetland, stream or top of bank shall have erosion control fencing Installed prior to clearing activities. D. The Engineer shall flag the final clearing limits in accordance with the design plan. The Engineer shall designate specimen trees and critical vegetative cover along buffer areas that Is to remain during the initial phases of construction. E. The Contractor shall dear to the designated limits General Notes 1. Prior to any timber being harvested and removed from the site a construction entrance pad shall be Installed at the entrance point to the project sits. 2. Chipping of bronches and other woody material is allowed but the material must be disposed of In an approved area. PHASE II - Malor Drainage and Sediment Control Measures A. Install the surface water and ground water interception devices along the upgradient perimeter of the project area. B. The discharge of sediment laden water from the project site is prohibited. All discharged water from dewatering operations shall discharge into a temporary sedimentation basin(s). Water pumped from the sediment basin for this purpose shall be filtered through a temporary sediment basin or 'Dirt Sag' prior to discharge to a grass lined swale or vegetated polishing area. C. Grubbing activities may commence only after all silt fencing has been Installed around the upgradient perimeters of streams, wetlands and all the downgradient perimeter of the project Iknits. D. Drainage trunk lines shall be installed when feasible prior to the Initiation of full scale grubbing of the project area. The topsoil shall be removed and stockpiled General Note: The Contractor shall install all erosion control measures as depicted on plans and details or as recommended by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. or Soil Conservation Service, prior to any construction. Contractor shall also be responsible for inspecting and maintaining all erosion control measures until project is completed. PHASE III - Grubbina of Clear -vet Areas All eroslm control measures, major clearing and major drainage improvements when feasible shall be complete within the designated development zone prior to the initiation of grubbing of the site. A. The Contractor shall remove all remaining woody materiel and tree stumps and dispose of them utilizing one or more of the following methods: 1. Burning provided that permits are acquired from the State of Vermont Solid Waste Management Division and the Town of Stowe. ii. Disposal on site within designated slope disposal areas only after on Insignificant waste Disposal Permit is acquired. At these sites the following standards shall be met. (a permitted site is located at the old gravel pit) G. 3' separation to the seasonal high groundwater table. b. 100' separation to surface waters. C. Thorough mixing of soil and woody material to minimize future settlement. d. Covering with a minimum of four (4) feet of cover material. Ili. Chipping with on -site disposal in accordance with Item III.A.11 or disposal off -site in accordance with State requirements. iv. Disposal at a certified landfill facility. S. All grubbing of woody materials shall be completed to a depth of at least 12*. C. The Contractor shall remove all medium to large stones and boulders present within the limits of disturbance including future drainage and infrastructure improvements. IThe larger boulders shall be saved for use in retaining walls. Ii. The smaller stones may be buried in predetermined disposal sites. PHASE IV - Topsoil Removal and StockoTi ins A. The Contractor shall strip and stockpile as much as possible of the native topsoil for re -use during a later stage of the project. S. Each topsoil stockpile shall be placed in locations respective of existing environmental features of the site including 100' separation to surface waters. C. Each topsoil pile shall be surrounded on the downgradient side by a row of silt fence. D. Any topsoil pile which Is to remain in place for greater than 15 days shall be temporarily seeded with winter rye to preserve the integrity and minimize the erosion of the soil constituents and release of soluble nutrients. E. The Contractor shall locate stockpiles on the uphill side of the disturbed areas, if possible. During windy conditions, stockpiled material shall be covered or watered appropriately to prevent wind erosion. PHASE V - Mass Farthmovina A. Mass earth moving shall commence as part of Phase I of that particular project area. This will require the construction of temporary haul roads for the movement of material. The Contractor shall locate the haul roads away from all wetland areas and streams. B. The Contractor shall install berms across drainage collection areas as a means of reducing velocities and settling suspended soil material. C. Prior to any forecasted storm events, the Contractor shall prepare stormwater Interceptors across exposed slopes with runs In excess of 100'. The stormwater interceptor swale shall be cut into the earth generally along the contour of the land with channel slopes not to exceed 2X Runoff shall be diverted to vegetated buffers and than to surface water receptors such as sediment ponds. D. The Contractor shall also limit the soil disturbance and seeding application dates to between April 16 and September 15. If soil disturbance occurs later than September 15 and prior to April 16, winter erosion control measures will be necessary. The Contractor shall consult with the Engineer for additional site specific winter erosion control measures. E. All unprotected stockpile material ( borrow, etc.) will hove a silt fence constructed around the perimeter. Locate stockpiles on the uphill side of the disturbed areas, if possible. During windy conditions, stockpiled material shall be covered or watered appropriately to prevent wind erosion. F. Slopes greater than 1 (vertical):3 (horizontal) shall have erosion control netting or matting Installed to stabilize the slope and reduce the arceian potential. Instal netting over mulched slopes so that all parts ore in contact with the soll and mulch. Pin netting with wire staples in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations to ensure full bonding with soil surface. All matting shill be biodegradable. G. Install stone check dame in swales to as shown in the typical details to prevent silt from washing Into the drainage system during construction. H. Control dust through the opplicotim of calcium chloride (on roads and parking lots) or water. An average application of one pound of calcium chloride per square yard of exposed area should be considered for each treatment. The exact number of opplicotims and amount of dust controller shall be based upon field and weather conditions. It shall be spread in such manner and by such devices that uniform distribution is attained over the entire area on which it Is ordered placed. PHA5F VI - Tr.nsall Placement A. Fallowing the completion of the area drainage improvements and site grading, the Contractor shall place the topsoil to rough finish grade. Simultaneously work on the construction of the tees and greens shall be undertaken. S. In coordination with the Architect, the Contractor shall prepare the topsoil to the design finish grade. C. During both phases of the topsoil placement, the Contractor shall Implement as many of the erosion and sediment control measures outlined in Section V - Mass Earthmoving as is possible. It is understood that some of the stormwater interception techniques will need to be less disruptive to the final grading. PHASE Al - Plnntina Prpaaration. Seed. Sod Mulch Germination A. The preparation of the topsoil for planting include. final smoothing and removal of small stones. This work shall occur immediately prior to seeding so as to avoid exposure to aro.ion damage and to reduce the amount of dust generated as part of this process. B. Planting is to occur immediately often the topsoil preparation with special caution being given to upcoming storm events that may displace the seed. C. The planted area. shall be water regularly to protect the new plant. but not over watered so as to cause excess runoff and erosion. D. All ditch" that are not stone -lined shall be topsoned, seeded, fertilized and mulched. Any area which shows signs of erosion shall be reseeded Immediately and maintained until permanent vegetation is established. E. Maintenance: 1. All erosion control measures shall be Inspected daily and repaired and/or replaced as needed. 2. All erosion control measures shall be Inspected after periods of heavy rain. 3. The stabilized road entrance shall be top dressed with additional atone should the existing stone become clogged with sediment. 4. Hay or strow mulch is subject to wind action. Mulch may require anchoring as the weather conditions warrant. PHASE All - Building Eroslon Control Measures A. In order to minimize the son erosion that can occur In the vicinity of new building under construction, the following measures shall be implemented: 1. Between the time the roof of the building is installed and the time when the roof gutters/stormwater collection system is Installed, the Cortractor shall Install three (3) foot wide crushed stone drip edges underneath the eaves of the building. This drip edge shall be graded to divert runoff to a temporary sediment basin with a volume of 400 cubic feet (10' x 4 x 10'). 2. An alternate to the construction of the temporary sediment basin is to construct a stabilized swole to divert the water from the drip edge to the stormwater collection RECEIVE APR i O Z- uub pity Of So_ Burlington PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. SO%488 BHELWW,, Vf W482 6ozaesM FAX ea2e96Ylrf web: wwwceratcw oR.sx ACL costa® DSM leesovan DSM APPLICANT SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNE9/4RCH/1FCT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: I SOUTH VILLAGE Aaerk e..11. V• r SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLiNGTON, VT SITE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE 01T8 DR1wa1G NU HER JULY, 2004 so- AS SHOWN C-7.3 01243 SECTION 02936 - PERMANENT SEEDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. Furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment to complete all seeding work as shorn an the drawings and specified herein. 2. Except where otherwise shown or specified, the Contractor shall seed all areas where new contours are shown on the drawings and all areas where existing ground cover has been disturbed by the Contractor s operations. B. All work and materials of this Section shall conform to the applicable requirements of the VAOT Standard Specifications, Division 600. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Provide the following for approval prior to delivery, to the site: 1. Suppliers Certificate of Compliance attesting that lime, fertilizer and seed meet the requirements specified. 2 The Cwtractor shall provide representative topsoil samples for testing and approval, deliver samples to a public extension service agency testing laboratory, have testing report sent directly to the Landscape Architect and pay all costs. Testing shall report on mechanical and chemical (pH soluble suits) analysts. Report shall be submitted at least one month before any looming Is to be done. 1.03 SEEDING SEASONS A. Seeding and initial fertilizing shall be done between April 1 and June 1, between August 15 and October 15, or as permitted. Seeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground Is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untllloWs. If eeedingg la done during July a August, additional mulch moterlal may be required by the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 LIME A. Lkne shall be standard, ground dolomite limestone, agricultural grade, containing a minimum of 95X of calcium and magnesium carbonates. 100% shall pans the 10 mesh sieve: minimum 9OX shall pass the 20 mash slew; minimum 40% Mall pass the 100 mesh stave. 2.02 FERTILIZER A. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade granular fertilizer as required far sol conditions as pacified in Section 643 of the VAOT Standard Specification. The fertilizer shall be delivered to the project In new, dean, sealed containers which bear a labs fully describing the contents, the chemical analysis of each nutrient the fertilizer grade, the net bulk, the brand and the name and address of the manufacturer. The fertilizer and labels shall conform to all existing State and Federal regulations, and shall meet the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 2.03 GRASS SEED A Provide fresh, clew, new -crop seed of the grave species. proportions and minimum percentages of purity, germination and maximum percentage of weed end as fellows: 1. Park seed Moll normally be used on loam areas. This seed mixture shall conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Kind of Seed Purityy Germinctlon Lbe/Acre Creeping Red Fescue 96X 85X 40 PerwMal Rysgre 98% 9OX 50 Kentucky Bul egress 97X 85% 25 Redtop 95X 80% 5 TOTAL w 120 2. Slope need shall nornolly be used far of dope work, usually 3:1 or steeper and shall conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Kind of Seed Purityy Germination re nation Lbs/Ac Creeping Red Fescue 98% 85% 35 Perennial Ryegram 98% 9OX 30 Redtop 95X Bo% 5 Alsike Gowr 97% 9OX 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil 98X 80X 5 TOTAL a0 B. The seed mixture shall be delivered in new, clean, sealed containers. Labels and contents shall conform to all State and Federal regulatima Seed shall be subject to the testing provisions of the Association of Official Seed Analysts. C. Seed that has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged will be rejected. 2.04 MULCH A. Mulch must be Installed an al seeded areas. The following mulches are acceptable for use. 1. Hay mulch free of weeds and coarse matter at a rate of 90 pounds per 1,000 square fast 2. Wood fiber applied In a slurry (1/6" or Iwgw) at a rate of 40 pounds par 1,ODO square feet. 2.05 WATER A. NI water used shall be obtained from fresh water sources and shall be free from Injurious chemical and other toxic substances harmful to plant life. No water which Is brackish will be permitted at any time. The Cmtroctor shall Identify to the Engineer all aources of water at least two weeks prior to use. The Engineer, at his discretion, may take samples o1 the watw at the source or from the tank at my time and have a laboratory test the samples for chemical and saline content The Contractor shall not use my water from any source which is disapproved by the Engineer following such toots. 2.06 HERBICIDES A. A pre -emergence herbicide, aiduran (tuperean), shall be applied to the finished topsol if seeding is to occur prior to June 1. This type of herbicide is effective against germinating seeds - it kills the plants before they emerge to the soil surface. More Importantly, it doe. not interfere with the germination of d se coason grosses such as Kentucky Bluegrass and C-26 Hard Fescue. B. Application: Contractor shall use extra care in handling. Siduron, commonly known as "tuperaon', shall be applied at the manufacturers recommended rate. 2.07 FINAL FERTILIZER A. 'Uromite' or 'Nitroform" containing 38% nftrogw In a slow release form. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3,01 PREPARA11ON A. Examine finish surfaces and epodes. Do not start seeding work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Perform seeding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has bow completed. B. Notify Landscape Architect at feast seven (7) working days prior to starting ending. C. Prepare areas immediately prior to .ceding as follows•. 1. Loosen sell of seed "as to a minimum depth of 4". 2. Remove stones over 1' In say diameter and sticks, roots, rubbish and extraneous matter. 3. Remove existing weeds and grasme by pulling or tilling under. 4. Grade areas to be .ceded to a smooth, free draining even surface with a loose, moderately coarse texture. 5. Remove ridges and fill depressions as required to drain. S. Restore prepared moos If eroded or disturbed Prior to seeding. 3.02 SEEDING CONDITIONS A. Seeding shall not be done when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or in any other unsatisfactory condition far planting. No ending operations shall be conducted under adverse weather conditions or when cal moisture conditions are unfavorable (too wet ar too dry) or when winds exceed 5 MPH. 8. Construction methods shall be than established as agronomically acceptable and feasible and which are approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall keep all equipment and vehicular and pedestrian traffic off oreas that haw been ended to prevent excessive compaction and damage to young plants. Where such compaction has occurred. the Contractor shall rework the soli to make a suitable lead bed; then reseed and mulch such areas with the full amounts of the specified materials, at no extra expense to the Owner. C. Surface and seepage water should be drained or diverted from the site to prevent drowning or winter killing of the plants. D. All areas and parts of meal which fall to show a uniform stand of gross far my reason whatsoever shoil be reseeded, and such cress and parts of areas shall be seeded repeatedly until all areas are cowered with a satisfactory growth of grass. E Watering Is considered a necessary element far establishment and survival. F. Where ryagra.s has been planted far temporary aroslm control and has not been eliminated prior to the completion of the work, such moos shall be disked at least 3 Inches deep and evaded to permanent grasses to prevent the ryegrass from reseeding and becoming compatitlw with and retarding development of the permanent cover. MtrYJi-9>rar;L`Ir7 A. Lime and fertilizer should be applied prior to or at the time of seeding and Incorporated Into the sol. Kinds and amounts of lime and fertilizer should be based on an evaluation of veil tests. When a sol test is not avalable, the following minimum amounts should be applied: Agricultural limestone, 2 tons per *as or 100 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. Nitrogen (N), 50 Ibs, per acre or 1.1 lbs. per 1,000 aquae feet. Phosphate (P205), 100 Ilia. per care or 2.2 lbs. Per 1,000 square feet. Potash (K20), 100 Its. per acre or 2.2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. (Note. This is the equivalent of 500 lbs. per sae of 10- 20-20 fertilizer or 1,000 Ibs, per acre 5-10-10). B. Seed should be spread unfformly by the method most appropriate fa the site. Methods Include broadcasting and hydromeding as follows: 1. Broadcasting Sow seed using mechanical spreader at a rote of 4 lbs./1,000 square feet. Distribute seed evenly over entire area by sowing equal quantity in tow directions at right angles to each other. Rake seed lightly Into top 1/8" of topsoil, rot lightly and water With a fine pray. 2. Hydromeding: Mix specified seed, fertilize and pulverize mulch in water, using equipment specifically designed for hyd owed application. Continue mixing until uniformly blended Into homogenous slurry suitable far hydraulic application. Apply slurry uniformly to all woos to be seeded. Rate of application as required to obtain specified seed sowing rate. 103 MULCHING A. Mulch materials shall be spread uniformly by hand or machine at a rate of two 50 lb. bales per 1.000 square feet. B. Organic Mulch Anchoring - Straw or hay mulch must be anchored Immediately after spreading to prevent wind 3.G4 MAINTENANCE A. The maintenance period shall begin Immediately after seeding and shall continue until acceptance. B. All mulches must be Inspected periodically, in particular after rainstorms, to check for rid erosion. Where erosion Is observed, additional mulch shall be applied. Net should be Inspected after rainstorms for dislocation or failure. If washouts or breakage occur, reinstall net as necessary after repairing damage to the slope. Inspections should take place until grasses are firmly established. Grasses shall not be considered established until a ground cover is achieved which is mature enough to control sol eroalon and to survive severe weather conditions. Where mulch Is used In conjunction with ornamental plantings, Inspect periodically throughout the year to determine If mulch Is maintaining coverage of the soli surface; repair as needed. C. Seeding areas shall be protected and maintained by watering, reseeding, mowing, weeding, roiling, Insect or disease control measures, re -fertilizing and repair of washouts which are accessary. C. The Contractor seal maintain all seeded areas until full vegetation Is established. D. The Contractor shall also keep all ended areas free from weeds and debris, such as atones, cables, baling wire, and he shall mow at his own expense all slopes 4:1 or less (flatter) and level turf established (seeded) in the following manner: 1. Whw grass reach" a height of 4-6", mow to a height of 3'. 2. At least two cuttings shall be made prior to final acceptance. E. Following mowing, all permanent seeding grass areas (mowed and unmowed) shall receive a uniform application of sow release fertilizer hydraulically plocild at the rate of 10 pounds par 100 square feet. M05 ACCEPTANCE A. Inspection to determine acceptance of seeded areas will be made by the Landscape Architect, upon Contractor's written request. 1. Provide notification at least ten (10) working days before requested Inspection date. B. Seeded crew will be acceptable provided all installation and maintenance requirements have been complied with and a healthy uniform lawn Is established C. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume maintenance. 3.06 WARRANTY A All seeded areas will be warranted far a period of twelve months from date of Owners acceptance. Should any seeded areas fail to maintain full vegetation, failed moos will be refurbished until this pedRcatim is achieved at the cost of the Contractor. END OF SECTION 029364 SECTION 02950 - LANDSCAPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section ineludse: 1. This work shag consist of furnishing, planting end mulching trees, shrubs, vines and ground cower plants of the type and size indicated an the plans or special provisions. It shall also Include all Incidental operations, such as the core of the living plants and the replacement of dead and unsatisfactory plants or unsatisfactory materials before final acceptance of the contract 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with applicable Federal. State and local regulations governing landscape materials and work. B. Employ only experienced personnel who ore familiar with the required Work Provide adequate supervision by a qualified foreman. C. Provide trees, plants and ground cover from a recognized nursery, in accordance with good horticultural practice. Provide healthy, vigorous stock groom under locality of the project and free of disease, Insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun -scold. Injuries, abrasions, or disfigurement Sizes shall be as shown, except that larger sizes may be used If sizes of roots or balls are Increased proportionately. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Guarantee planting materials far a period of one year after dote of acceptance, against defects Indudiny death, disease and unsatisfactory growth, but excepting defects resulting from neglect of Owner, abuse or damage by others, or unusual phenomenon or incidents which are beyond the landscape installers contra. B. Renow and replace trees and shrubs or other plants found to be dead or In unhealthy conditlm during the guarantee period. Plant missing trees, shrubs and plants. Make repiocaments during the growth season following wd of guorwtw period. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Plant wd/or Install materials only during normal planting treasons for each type of landscape work required. B. Determine location of underground utilities and perform work In a manner which will avoid possible damage. Do not permit heavy equipment to damage utilities. Hand excavate, as required to minimize possibility of damage to underground utlitim. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned. C. Plants received by the Contractor shall be kept moist, fresh and protected against exposure to sun, wind and freezing temperatures whether in the receiving yard. In transit, while being handled, or in temporary storage on the jobsite awaiting planting. Bare -root plants, which are not planted immediately upon receipt, shall be heeled -In In trenches with the bundles opened, the plants separated and all roots covered so as to leave no air spokes. Balled and burlopped plants shall have their earth balls covered by earth, wood Mips, cloth, straw or other suitable material which shall be kept moist. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANT MATERIALS A. Grading Standards: Plant materials shall conform to the 'American Standard far Nursery Stock% as approved by the American Standards Association, Inc. B. All plants shall haw wall developed fibrous root systems free of all peat. and disease.. C. Supply specie, size and number as shown m Drawings. 2.02 WOOD CHIP MULCH A. Wood chip mulch shall consist of grew hardwood chips, 1/8" to 1/4' nominal thickness, with SOX having an arse of not fees than one square Inch nor mare than six square Inches. All wood chip mulch shall be reasonably free from leaves, twigs, shavings, bark ar other ddeterims material which are injurious to plant growth. Z03 STAKES A. Stakes for supporting trees shall be 8' long, 2 to 2t" diameter or square. 2.04 ANTI -DESICCANT A. Anti -desiccant shall be an approved emulsion which will provide a film over plant surfaces permeable wough to permit transportation. Anti -desiccant shall be used only when required after approved by the Engineer. 2.05 WIRE RODENT GUARDS A. Wire rodent guards shall be galvanized steel wire fabric with 1/4 Inch square openings and shall be of good commercial quality. 2.06 PLANT WRAPPING A. Plant wrapping material shall be an approved waterproof paper In four -Inch wide rolls or an approved burlap In six Inch wide rolls. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PLANT LOCATIONS A. Plant material locations and bed outlines shall be staked by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 3.02 INSPECTION A. In addition to normal progress observations, schedule and conduct the following formal Inspections, giving the Engineer at least 24 hours advance notice of readiness for Inspection. 1. Inspection of plants In containers prior to planting. 2. Inspection of plant locations, to verify compliance with the Drawings. Special considerations shall be taken In reviewing and Reid locating the proposed berths In the field. 3. Final inspection after completion of planting: a. Schedule this inspection sufficiently in advance, and In cooperation with the Engineer, ea final inspection may be conducted within 24 hours after completion of planting. 4. Final Inspection at the end of the maintenance period, provided that previous deficiencies have been connected. 3.03 EXCAVATION A. Excavation for planting beds and pits shall conform to the approved staked location. and outlines. The latter shall be neatly formed by means of podw or other approved tools. All cud, weeds, roots and other objectionable material excavated from the plant bade or pit sites which are unsuitable for bac"ll shall be removed from the site Immediately and disposed of by the Contractor at an approved site. 3.04 SETTING PLANTS A. All plants shall be at plumb and at such a loyal that after settlement they bear the some relatlon to the surrounding gground as they bore to the ground from which they were dug. Backfill material for all plants shall be thoroughly and properly settled by firming or tamping. Thorough watering shall accompony backfilling unless otherwise approved. Saucers capable of holding water Mal be formed about Individual plants (exclusive of plant beds) by placing ridges of planting soil around each. B. Balled or burlopped plants shall be carefully placed In the prepared pits so that the bails rest an the bcckfill material. Planting soil and peat bockflll shall then be filed In around the plant bull and thoroughly tamped. The remaining burlp around the ball shall then be loosened and spread cut away from the plants or cut away and removed. Such roots as may haw been wrapped around the bull and contained within the burlap shall be straightened and the remainder of the pit filled and tamped planting Boll and peat mixture, making certain that no air packets remain. The bum roots plants shall be properly spread cut in a natural position and planting soil and peat backfll carefully worked In among them. All broken or frayed roots shall be cleanly cut off. C. Fertilizing: Fertilizer shall be applied and cultivated into the top two Inches of the plant pit mac or shrub bed within five days after planting. No fertilizer shall be applied to seedlings. The rates of application shall be approximately as follows: 1. Trees - 2 pounds per inch of caliper. 2. Shrubs and Evergreen - 1/4 pound per fact of height or spread. 3. Vines - 1/10 pound per vine. A second application of fertilizer, at the some rates, shall be applied to all plant Items over the mulch at the and of the establishment period. D. Watering. All plant material shall be watered thoroughly at planting and at such Intervals during the plant establishment period necessary to promote growth. E. Guying and Staking: Immediately after planting, trees shall be guyed or staked as shown w the planting detail sheet of the plans. F. Wrapping: Wrapping shall be placed mound all trunks of deciduous tress two or mom inches in caliper. The wrapping shall start at the base of trees, shall cover the entire trunk surfaces, and shall terminate at the first brooches. The wrapping shall be tied at tap, bottom, and at intervals of not more than two feet Wrapping shall be done at the time of planting but not before inspection of the plant. Leave the wrap on for two swoons, or longer if required. Repair the wrapping as necessary. G. Pruning: Pruning shall be accomplished before or Immediately after planting In such a manner as to preserve the natural character of each plant. All pruning shall be performed by experienced personnel with proper equipment and In keeping with accepted horticultural practice. Cuts over 3/4 inch In diameter shall be painted with an approved tree wound dressing. H. Mulching: Following the plant material Installations, woodchlp mulch (or gravel mulch when specifically called far an the plane or In the spwlol proNsons) shall be hand placed beginning about six Inches from the bass of the tree and spread to a depth of four inches and raked to an even surface over all saucer areas far individual trees and shrubs and over the entire area of shrub beds and elsewhere as directed. I. Establishment Period: The acceptability of the plant material furnished and planted shall be determined at the and of a period of establishment during which period the Contractm shall, as necessary, employ all possible means to preserve the plants In a healthy and vigorously growing condition to Insure their successful establishment During this period, the Contractor shall water, cultivate, prune the plants, and repair, replace or readjust guy wises, stakes, posts and flagging, as may be required or as ordered by the Engineer. He shall reshape plant saucers, repair washouts and gullies, replace lost woodchip mulch, keep all planting sites free from woods, and do other work necessary to maintain the plant. In a healthy growing condition. This Mall Include seasonal praying with approved Insecticides or fungicides as may be required. J. All dead or rejected plants Mall be promptly removed from the project during the period of establishment, and shall be replacedi by the Contractor In kind, quantity and size with live, healthy specimens planted during the stipulated planting season. K. The establishment period does not begin until all plant material stipulated in the cmtract have been planted (first planting). L Approximately six months following the first planting, the Engineer and Contractor Mall inspect the planted material and my dead, dying or damaged material Mall be replaced by the Contractor. This is the second planting and shall be completed within 30 days after Inspection. M. The planted material shall be Inspected again by the Engineer and Contractor approximately six months following the second planting and my dead, dying or damaged material found at the time shall be replaced by the Contractor. This final planting Mall be completed within 30 days of the Inspection. END OF SECTION 02950 4 PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX485 SHFLBURNE, VT 05482 SM405.2825 FAX 8024852271 web: ww,v.CM KOWn Vaasa AWY asecna DSM aPM m DW APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND ( &AAANER/ARAH/7ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CIVIL fMGIAWER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VF 77MFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCH17ECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, Vr PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE S..rk R.,I ins: V. SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT LEGEND SEWER WATER sense" RECEIVED EPSC SPECIFICATIONS APR 1 0 2006 sets bsannra live®t AML, 2006 CRY Of So. Burlington eaa� NOW C7.4 P.ol. xo. 012Q i e SUMMARY OF CONTRACTOR AND ON -SITE COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES FOR INSPECTION AND REPORTING AS RELATED TO EROSION PROTECTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL THESE RESPONSIBILITIES BEGIN WITH INITIAL SOIL DISTURBANCE IN ANY AREA, AND CONTINUE UNTIL DISTURBED AREAS ARE FULLY STABILIZED WITH PAVEMENT, MULCH, OR HEALTHY VEGETATION. Inspection Program The inspection responsibilities of the site contractor and the On -Site Coordinator (OSC) are outlined In the chart below: Weekly/BI-Weekly Feature Dolly Weekly Constwoum Mesuraw AR. R.I. Event Aft. 0.5- Ruin Ewnt Slertn Sew. IMsh C TPR OSC ES C Osc OSC ill F C R C TPR OSC Cheek sa TPR C OSC TPR ES C OSC OSC CarwW tian fan C iPR C TPR ES C OSC oneWctlon Enhance C C OSC TPR ES C OSC OSC Stabeized Areas C TPR C OSC TPR S C OSC OSC Beth OSO C Site Contractor Inspection and Repair ES - EmIrorewmuk Specialist OSC - On -Sits Coard.otor TPR - TMrd Party Revkwer High Risk Areas and Ars is of Special Attention: Areas of nigh risk as outlined M the sediment and ..Non control narrative are gm,waey a..odatad with the disturb— of the natlw solls In a.soclatlon with grubbing activftles h the HMMT lot area and In as.«latlon with foundation work for the Readinee Center bolding. Work uW dI t and In the general Wchlty of wetlands and eat--. ere oreae that require wiled= attention due to the Important resource In the knmadlate area of aan.tructlon. Field Protocol - Areas of special croncem will be reviewed with the contractor prior to initicUngslte clearing «thdtles. These orece will be continually issed by the Cantraclorand the OSC. Any Issues .W be to atfi d In the daily arevweekly reports. All report. "oil be distributed Ala mall to all three partle. In support of the efforts to address seas of concern In a timely manner. • Roth went causing dhchwge ham the Project Ab-lation key. ECS - Ereslan Cantrd Blanket TRM - Turf Reinforcement Mat C-TRM - Composite Turf Roinforenent Mat RECP - Rolled Erosbm Control Products MINIMUM INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Frequency of Inspection - During the .fall swean, once every 7 cosndwdo and within 24 houre aft. any slam! vent that c estes a discharge. e - when site haw been tmporor,y asflndly stabil. oncenronth. what I. to be Inspected - Evidence of. or thr potential for, eedhnent leaving born disturbed areas and material storage a - Locations whew Mlles ante or exit the site. - DMdharge pinntw to aseees whether erosion control m effective In prewnling Impact. to ;.I g water. winter Condllbna Inspection. -inhere construction octM y has been hatted due to frozen c ,nditkns. no Mepections on, requYed until one month before thawing I. expected. INSPECTION REPORT GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES (Inepectkn reports we to be kept for three yeah elver submittal o1 a Notice of Terminatbn Inspection Reports - Components and scope of the Inspection. - No..(.) and qualifications of personnel conduct., the ..P ctian. - Data of the h.peclbn. - Obserwtbns reciting to the hnplementallnn of the SWPPP. - Action taken. - holdente of nanaanplkence. If no Incidents of n.hevnIII ana wee found, the report most contain a ceti0callan that the facility 1. In with the SWPPP and the permit r.PlIonce - Threport must be retained a. a pat of the SWPPP for up to three years after the site has been stabilized. INSPECTION GUIDELINES FOR STRUCTURAL MEASURES Sediment Containment Systems - Has sediment filled to within 12 Inches of where water discharge through the outflow etructureT - Is the outflow structure installed as Ilustreled In the plan.? - Are the embankments protected against ereIon? BARRIERS Still, Fence - 1. the matelot buried in o trench and backf ltedi - Are the stake Installed correctly with the Proper ePa ng? - Has sedMent accumulated to within 12 Inch.. of the lop? - M runoff wale runner, around, below, or D.tween the fabric? Continuous Berm - Has the berm been 1.0.11.d cam Uy? - Is the fabric adequately .topledl Other - Are barriers causing local flooding problems? CHECK STRUCTURES Crushed Rock - Will water flow over the middle Instead o1 around the edge? - He ono heeel of the rook occurred? DRAINS/INLET PROTECTION Rock - Doea rack, cover the .let pen.,? - Are rock diameters abbot 1.0 to 2.0 inches? - Is the rock parlor Installed comecily? - Has the rock barese, boon Installed In host of an slot that M a sump? Inserts - lbw the structure bean Installed comeotly? - will me Aructure prevent runoff .ale from entering the .t- ever .*-? - Has sedkrwt fled up the wtruct r.? what will the sediment be removed? Other - Are frosting conditions impacting the Protection ..sure? DRAINAGE CONTROL D-Ion and Containment Dike - Are they protected against -.1-7 - Haw they been c,mtmct*d to control and divert anticipated flow.? - Should the bottom be fined with any material to prevent ...kn? Slope Drains - will runoff water be deserted Into the pipe? - Does sufficient protection exist to prevent fall... of pipe,? - Is the pipe anchored? - Does erosion protection .eclat where water discharge? - An, they functioning In the manner they .were designed? Slogbhqq / Con.Wctian Ac1MtMs - Doe. all U. ground need to be disturbed? - How much land 1s being disturbed and how much can emaln In g t.tl-? Planting of Pommial Seed - Are drill mart evident that ors parallel or perpendicular to land contours? - He the weed tag been checked and the ml.ture verlflwd? - If weed I. cppli.d hydraulically, haw much was used? - If seed was broadcast, was the ground raked? - What time of the year ... the seed planted? - An -orals becoming elobliehed? Planting of Temporary. Nursery. w Cover Crop -What type of seed via. used? - How long wRI the wg.tallon be In place before planting of perennial gross occurs? - When woe the weed planted? Dry/Hydraulk MWch - Does tha mulch cover 80-f OOX of tinare b g ounulve d? - If dry mulch Is pplled, how Is It hind In Place? - Hoe wind removed the dry much, and is this a problem? Soil Binder - what type of material was used? - When wow It ppli.d? oes - Dthe material sled control erosion? Hilelde Protection by RECP - Is the molerial propedy InsteRW at the tap? - Are sufficient etpba used? - Case the mot.lal ..dap along the edges? - Does the mateld need to be repaired? Channel Protection by ECB's, - I. the mat.bl propsly h.lcfied of the top? TRM'.. .. C-TRM's - Are sulfkbnt stoo- used? - Is the materld property stopped or trenched along the edge.? - Should o milk check structure be install.d an top of the matwks? STRUCTURAL MEASURES INSPECTION POSSIBLE MAINTENANCE Sediment Containment Systems t what 7 1. resuir.d. F-tland outyst structure? carnwa ern .mow, D e opetrean, stabilize. Long flow -path length? Install bathes. Silt Fence Barriers Proo. Placement of stakes? Material In a bench? If notAccumulrehetall. a en Renew. place upstream. and Used in a Ma" a ditch? Remove stucturs. Used around bleb? Remove structure. Other Barton Improper Instafiation4 install another method. Reek Chock Structure Wote flowing around end? Extend rodu Other Check structures net Protection Bala va ry canle? R ce awith rack. DN-W. DikesErosion of kn r er 1 veto"?. Ramow awl reowte. Slope Drams Runoff not flowing .to Repair containment ,yet-. structure? Check to veer If -a" M being dlverted to structure. Runoff flowing into and pet Install a lager diameter pip.. PIP..? Ewluate whether design storm event - .x .d by contacting &signer.. Add more drain.. "Tunneling of -tal-ent dike Rpair embankment with Is eNdent? sandbags. Controlling wind -Borne Particle Iw ground smooth? Develop lumowe psependkula to p-Iling wind dksellan. Do barriers exist? Install barriers perpendicular to to prewolling wind direction. NONSTRUCTURAL MEASURES INSPECTION POSSIBLE MAINTENANCE Vegetation Establishment Has the p..IfI d mixtore been If not. reared. used? Inadequat. growth? Evcuote time of year; plant again. Spotty growth? Evduata .oil condltlon., excesw molature, or need to apply man we". Intrusion of noxiou. weeds? Implement weed control. Dry Mulch Coverage BO-IOOX If not, reapply. Movement of matwid? Need to anchor to grand by crimping v troalflw. HybaWlc Mulch and Otis. Adequate coverage? If not, rea pl . Hydraulically Applied Products p.telontbn? If not evident, do nothing. If evident and vegetation Is not indent. repair and reapply. If evident but we"tatkn Is «arming, wait and eompl.ts another Inspection at a later date. I. wag.tctlon becoming If no, ewluate whamsr climatic estoblished? conditions, hew been adequate far estobiehment If no, reapply. If yea, der nothing. RECP far Slope Protection improper kuldlalbn at top? Work Nth the designers to occurrerap. aelecthn he. inadequate number of too-? Add more staples. 9tlas not In a trench w Install staple or place . a eta ed? trench. Has seeding been completed? If not. rwmow product and ant seed. ECB, TRM, and C-TRM for Proper material used? Work with the designers to Channel ii action ensure proper selection has occurred. krproper Installation at top? Repair or user checks. Lock of stoph tacks? Instep staple or rlprop check.. Additional Technlqu.. Wind Erosion Control Use of cove mops? Time planting, .elect lyy. of gross Use of hydraulic mulch? I..— cest.ation oat.. PHASE I - SOUTH VILLAGE AREAS South Burlington, Vermont Event Based Monitoring Program Event Requiring Monitoring: Any Rainfall Event that creates a discharge from the commencement of construction through completion of construction and stabilization of the site. How Determined: Rain Gage is to be located on -site and is to be reviewed by the Contractor with notification to the On -Site Plan Coordinator or site inspection by the On -Site Plan Coordinator. Record Keeping: By On -Site Plan Coordinator of Rainfall events, sampling dates, sample numbers, chain of command, testing results. Sampling Time: At the tail end of the rainfall event. Sampling Locations: Upstream Control I. North -South of trib. steam, upsteam of construction disturbance limits. 2. East trio. stream, confluence with North -South trio, 3. Upstream of construction limits, Discharge Review 4. North Detention Basin 5, West Detention Basin 6. East Detention Basin 7. (2) Point Where water courses leave property Sample Sizes: 1 quart Sampling methodology Grab Sample Testing Parameters: Turbidity in NTU Testing: By professional testing laboratory or by properly calibrated mobile NTU meter by the On -Site Coordinator (OSC) and/or OSC supporting staff. PROJECT: South Village BY: DSM LOCATION: South Burlington, VT. DATE; AREA INSPECTED: Slructurd Measure. Overall Condition Need Repak G-GOOD, F=FAIR, P-POOR, Y-YES N-NO Comment,: Sediment Containment $yet-. G F P Y N Baron for Sheet Flaw, Sflt Fence G F P Y N Cantinuoua Bemn G F P Y N Drain/Inlet Protection Rock Berrien G F P Y N Channel Check Structures Rack Barriers G F P Vehicle Tracking Pod G F P Soil Roughening G F P Are uncontrolled releases of mud or muddy water from the site evident? YES NO If ye., what correctiw action. are recommended? Are deposit. of sediment evident on adj.-t off.1te streets or propertlee? YES NO If yes, what comectiw actions are recommended? Non-Structurd Measures Overall Condition Need Repair G-GOOD, FaFAIR, P-POOR, YeYES, NANO Comments: Diwrslon Dikes and/or Swale. G F P Y N Slope Drolne G F P Y N Staging Remowl of Vegetation G F P Y N New Vegetatim Establishment G F P Y N Mulch and/or BFM Protection G F P Y N Soil Binder Protection G F P Y N HlReide RECP'e G F P Y N Drainage Channel TRM'. G F P Y N Riprap and/or Gabions G F P Y N Additional Comment.: Inspection completed on _, by I certify this .peetlon was completed by myself or under my euparNeion: Date: _Eerie. P.E. orCPESC No. APR 10 2006 City of So, Surii PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX486 SHELBURNE, VF 05482 802-98e-2323 FAX =,peff-1 71 web: n-caestamr DRAIN ACL cJ¢cs8o DSM APPROVED DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USEPLANNER/ARCHI7ECT LOONEY RICKS KiSS NASHVILLE, IN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 7R4FF/C ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSC4PE J9RC1'I/IECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE AearA Rrh rl 1. era n. Yezm oma SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLiNGTON, VT SITE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION DATE D.M- Iw -. JULY, 2004 sckrX AS SHOWN C-7.5 PHOJ. NO. 01243 1 7 I! NA U MAWFEMAKE OF NONSTRUCTURAL MEASURES REVIEW NONSTRUCTURAL INSPECTION POSSIBLE MAINTENANCE Vegetal wu stab,mhr^ent das the sae+"tied :nix:ire If not, reseee. Evaluate time of yeilu�p{art agar. InadegL.ate clrowth? Spotty growth? Soil t ondilions. PwAss rnDistue, or need to apply more well. Intrusion of noxious weeds? Implenirm srd rrx:trol. Dry Mulch Covrragr^ RCr% :c ifftl%? If net, reapply. Mew nilinr. of material? Need to anchor to itm ground by crimping or tackifiec Hydraulic Mukh and Other Adequate a wrrago? it nol, reapply. Hydaulica:ly Applied ProdurM Deterioration? I If not et4donl, do nothing. H asid mt arxi mgrlauon Is no: evident, repair A -A reapp-`y. If evident but vegclatio i is r.,crurriml, w,iit a':rt1 Compete another inspection at a later date. 1, vegetation : ecaninq nlatrfol:rxf7 F -io, walurte w:m,• her dimatic cmddbmns have near adequate rorestablishment If no, reapply H yes, do netting. NONSTRUCTURAL INSPECTION POSSIBLE MAINTENANCE RFCP im Sbpc flrolrstion � knprroper insiakaWn, M tap? Art In t nLii or extena onto hat Iradi quate number 01 stapks7 Arks more staples. Sides not in trench or stapled? _ Ituij staple or place in a tr'Pnch Has seeding barn CompleirrP7 If rnt, retr0vo product and plant _ seed. ECB, IRV. and C-TRM in, Proper material used? Work vnih (tie dp.wneo to insure Charind Prole Lion 1 d•al proper seitction has occured. InifIrorw insiafation at top? Repair of tsc riprap deck. Lads of staple 0&'Cks? hniall staple or riprap d1Pcic5. Add:ttne- Techniques ' Vdksd Erosion Control Use of cover crops? , inarg of IcWltirg, type of grass. tlsr of hycra A, mulch? Inueate application rate.__ Pmjact: SOUTH VILLAGE LocritWn: SOUTH SAJ40TON vee Condition EUPOL By: DSM Date: r-FAIR r=P_ggx.vP_ggx.v-rry N kO coninxnIs S7Rcn:rc�a,tt,.tfR.4s[nRr 0 _ F P Y ff _. --- _ StxllmeW Coattdaaoca! tJyaletm Ranfeta for Sheet Flown Hale $fit FOM 0 r r 0 F r y N Y N CnsuiOaoua Berm nrairfntef PsarerHaw ... O F P Y N O F P y N — — Belo Barriras G P Y Y N Rock Barden G M F Y N 0 F P Y N 4Laond Chcok Strvetares BaloBmtieca Rock Rarricre J — -- Vehkile 1'rarlta" Pad so RWRhcnLot -_— -- Y N Y N Y N dpp y v G r' P Y N Y N Av uncontrolled releasen of muo or. muddy wAlpi frorr *e.ite e,,Mrmr? YES NO 11 yes, nWt r rrnr 6vP a(aelis are ietcrarunPmdnd' Ar^ depasits a %J men: evident oc adlarrn: oflsitc slimts cr P'0wr1:,si Yrs !u: If yes, what coneaive actions air remm-orded? TYPICAL INSPECTION STANDARDS Pmjcct: SOUTH VILLACIE Location: SOUTH BUS 8J37ON 0uralj Condition BY: Datrx DOM New _G. _V aPcxta v-Yva v.. Re it COmmcnta NOK9PRIMTr.'RAL 1HR.tSURtS l)ivcrsiun Dikes mxlror Swaim Slope drains G r P Y N O F P Y N Staging Removal of Vegetation RE.QIIIHFD7 Y N New Vogorati0n Eatablialmtenl O F P Y N Maloh W&or BFM Protection G F P Y N goill Binder Protection O F P U F P` Y N Y N Hillside RT?CPs Drainageaimmd rwvb 0 F P Y N Riptap andlur Gabfons 0 F P V N F P Y N Addlional cornnwrm Inspection cnmflleled a:i. I trinity lhis inspection was corripietod by myself (sunder my supervision:... Date- CPESC No. RECEIVED APR 1 0 '2006 PLANS PREPARED BY: C A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 486 SHELBURNE, VT OSQ2 6a2-0 2325 FAX 902AE5.2221 wab. Ivww.CM-N— DRAIN ACL ch¢cx® DSM APMMO DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND 6wPL4NNE.R/ARCH1iECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN C/V/L FNG/NEER CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOCLATES SHELBURNE, IT 7HAFRC ENGWEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L4114=APE ARCHRECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Sawth Ax rliwer Vw Dnr SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT REVISION SITE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION O_ DRArrNG -N. JULY, 2004 s— AS SHOWN C-7.6 I`-N. 01243 T 1 It I EXISTING GROUND _ _ _ ( 50� MIN. m $ TEMPORARY SEEDING & MULCH OR NETTING .. -'� 1- SPWyWAY 1 k EMERGENCY MATTI IN f " EROSION CO/� 8 BILE GRADES TOPSOIL EXCEEDING 5X. STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. i ¢ SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES INSTALLED ON N { z y OOW TSIDE GRASS UNED DITCH SIDE 2' CRUSHED STONE \x` ` NOTE: PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION BETWEEN ; O STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PUBUC R.O.W.. I TEMPORARY STOCKPILE DETAIL I 6' a 6. 14,5 GA WIRE MESH 30" HIGH AND BURIED 6' BELOW GRADE, HOOKED TO STEEL STAKES PLAN N.T.S. i FWRE MESH OR FENCE 24'NORELOWER)AIED STONE FILL PAD N,T,S. ROCK NOTE: ALL DEWATERNG DISCHARGES SHALL BE THROUGH SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAPS, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND CLEAN TRAPS AS REQUIRED. PLAN xiir�� r�y�lY 4!• wA 9 1 SECTION A -A SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAP DETAIL N.T.S. SEDIMENT TF (t1500 so. PLAN VIEW P WIDTH M 24' MIN 24" SEE TYPICAL RISER DETAIL _ EXISTING GRADE MAIN. 8' TOP WIDTH EARTH DAM (MAX. 10' HIGH) MI ---- SEDIMENT TRAP Nil -SEEP COLLAR If CMP OUTLET PIPE SECTION SEDIMENT BASIN NIS FILTER FABRIC CLIPPED OR z 15, MIN. WREO TO MESH, TO BE MIRAFl COONS OR APPROVED CRUSHED STONE EQUAL FENCE HEIGHT .. .. ••••-••�•••••• ••POST 2 r2} WOOD 5' 25' EATSDNG GRADE SPACING METAL POST 10' 10' - 4 . a WDOD a 1a CROSS-SECTION FILTER FABRIC TO BE CUPPED, BACKFILLED AND TAMPED 8" BELOW GRADE -STEEL OR WOW STAKES SEE CHART AT MONT 1. INSTALL SILT FENCES AT TOES OF UNPROTECTED SLOPES AND AS PARALLEL TO CONIOIRS AS POSSlIL CURVE TIE ENDS OF 111E MOM UP DITO THE SLOPE REMOVE SEWIDIT WHEN ACEIMULAIED TO HALF TIE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SILT FENCES AT IHE TOE OF ALL FILLED OR UNPROTECTED SLOPES CREATED WRING CONSTRUCTION, NOT NECESSARILY REFLECTED CI THE FINAL PLANS SILT FENCES ARE TO BE WMNTANEO UNTIL SLOPES ARE STAEUZEB 2 00"" WRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO POSTS WTH ARE DES OR STAPLES 3. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECUREU( TO WOVEN WRE FENCE WIN TES SPACED EVERY 24' AT TOP, MD SECTION, AND BORON. 4 WEN Two SECII OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER. THEY SHALL BE OVDXAPPED BY 6', FOLDED MID STAPLED. SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. RIIC •�••_••••�•�:•iWOOD I'IATE — • •; •�;�� BLOCKS PLACED AROUND CATCH BASIN •� �• �• WIRE SCREEN s d•4•A:PLACED AROUND CONCRETE BLOCKS PLAN CONCRETE BLOCKS STACKED I OR 2 LAYERS HIGH PLACED AROUND CATCH BASIN MINIMUM 1"0 ROCK WIRE SCREEN w/ 0.5" OPENINGS PLACED AROUND AND PLACED AROUND TO THE TOP OF - CONCRETE BLOCKS CONCRETE BLOCKS GROUND CROSS-SECTION CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION (WITH CONC. BLOCKS) N.T,S. CATCH BASIN IN 2' SUMP ---•-FLOW .. i--�7(18TM0 GRADE —NATIVE MATERIAL BACKFILL SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.B. CULVERT STABILIZATION FAI MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL FABRIC STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE N.T.S. EXISTING 2 -- GRADE (MIN.) 18" TO 2'-0" ppI C, SEE GRADING r SEE ORPL NN --PLAN -_-- 1 TO BE USED PRIMARILY WHERE SLOPE EXCEEDS 5" STONE FILL STABILIZATION TYPE I, 1'-0" THICK MIN. FABRIC TYPE II, 2'-0' THICK MIN, STONE LINED DITCH N.T.S. POSTS 1. SET POSTS AND 2. STAPLE THE WIRE EXCAVATE A 4"X8" MESH FENCING TO ANGLE 10• TRENCH, SET POST N1RE POSTS. (MEN USING UPSLOPE FOR DOWNSLOPE. FENCING MESH FENCING) STABIUTY AND Ilk SELF CLEANING 12' MIN. _ - 'Jr 6" rtL _ 3. ATTACH FILTER FABRIC 4. STAPLE THE WIRE TO THE WIRE FENCING MESH FENCING TO FILTE AND EXTEND IT TO END POSTS. (MEN FABRIC THE TRENCH, COMPAC7E USING MESH FENCING) BACKFILL SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL N.T.S. A ---I r5 i 4 �4. TYPE 11 STONE TILL, (1,-0" MIN. THICKNESS) �— 6" BANK RUN GRAVEL PLUNGE POOL DETAIL N.T.S. A -A PLANS PREPARED BY: C A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 486 SHELBURNE, VF 05482 8W-0B62S2S FAX &72-D6 _VFT web: wew.e�4K DRANK ACL CREC�D DSM APPROYRD DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNERIARCH?ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILIAGF- Se•Mh Air1N. EF V SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD )UTH BURLINGTON, VT AAq ofso 8�'�Jn Stop, REVISION SITE EROSION CONTROL DETAIL I1 STONE �w DMWING NUMBER <NEs) JULY, 2004 SCALB AS SHOWN C-7.7 TRW. NO. 01243 A 1 ACRE PCµE 1 —E /nc.rroct - Do No layout "Perimeter Comet - Install ✓-hooks control" srt fences .long property lines. All soolment /oden runoff will concentrate and overwhelm the system. Discrwet segments of silt fence, installed with J-hooks or 'smiles' will be much more effective. SILT FENCE PLACEMENT FOR PERIMETER CONTROL N.T.S. M4rS BLANKETS SHMO BE TAILED VERTICALLY DOWNSLOPE. ,. a y <� ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPICAL SLOPE SOIL STABILIZATION NOTES 1. SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE fREE OF ROCKS; CLODS, STICKS AND GRASS. A071S BLANKETS SHALL HOVE' GOOD SOIL CONTACT. 1. APPLY PERAMNENT SEEPING BEFORE PLACING BLANKETS J LAY BLANKETS LOOSELY AND STAVE£ OR STAPLE TO AWNTAV DIRECT CONTACT wTH THE SOIL. DO NOT STRETCH. EROSION BLANKETS & TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS SLOPE INSTALLATION N.T.S. ON \ �vvv, FOR NVEGETATED SLOPES USE DOZER TREADS TO CREATE OR VIES PFAPENDNXAAR TO SLOPE DIRECTION TO WNW ZE RUN-OFF VELOCIMS. SLOPE TRACKING / SURFACE ROUGHENING N.T.S. \\ MULCH 'TRACKING' WITH MACHINERY ON SANDY SOIL PROOVES ROUGHENING WITHOUT UNDO£ COMPACTION STRAW ANCHORING NOTES: 1. ROUGHEN SLOPE WITH BULLDOZER 1. BRC1400IST SEED AND fERTTLIZER. J SPREAD STRAW MULCH J' (76mm) THICK (2 112 TONS PER ACRE) f. PUNCH SrR4W MULCH INTO SLOPE BY RUNNING BULLDOZER UP AND OO11MV SLOPE. STRAW ANCHORING N.T.S. 15' 25'-60' C4.51nI 17.5-1..1 1 DOWNGRADE 2� Y ROLLING DIP STALIL/ZED OUTLET < "y DOWN RADE 120y �SrAealz£D OU7ZEr WATERBAR 221 SIDE SLOPES OR RATTER. .1-1 MAX FOR VEHICLE CROSSING. S� LOPE- IB' M/N ITT SECTION ROLLING DIP AND WATERBAR N.T.S. CULVERT HA ALES OR SILT FENCE SANDBAGS AS REWIRED EW PIPELINE PUMP DISCHARIE THRWGN SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAP, SILT BAG OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD EXIST. STREAM 80 LINER SANDBAGS AS TEMPORARY CULVERT } STONE FILL F REQUIRED TO PREVENT EROSION EXISTING TYPICAL TRENCH STREAM STREABOTTOM 2' CRUSHED STONE BACKFILL .1 EC" Nall I. Canstmatlon Moll be p I—d during the 'dry season'. This wnl preesnably be during Ady r August Construction at oar tkns will not be peanitted eithoul app—ol by the Enginsr. 2. No .ark Mon take plans at the Mrean aro.eln, duing ar dkwUy ahr a rain. 3. Cansbuctlan activity In the area will be kept to a minimum so that vegetation can be maintained adjacent to the channel. 4. ErceIm contra meowns Man be Installed priw to any other work 1n this area and Moll be m.Int.hed and MN In place u 111 suitable permanent —.[an .antra measures haw been stablbhed and we aPwoMa by the Engineer. 5. SIR and debts Mae be removal ban bMind the sandbag. and W p.-d of k1 a moanr approved by the Engineer prior to their rsmoM. e. After igwou, piont growth has been stabllMM. nay bales and set Ana1 may be remand. If ant has ocams elated In ihekoatione and In the eedYnMt to. it shah be ovwd and deposited In an upland nun-w tiond a.. when It Mould be seeded end mulched. STREAM CROSSING DETAIL N.T.S. PLANS PREPARED BY: D 50 l DOWNSTREAM RONLINE SLOPE OF STRUCTURE OF ROCK 1 0,35 0,30 0.25 0.20 015 DID (MM MAXRIUM WATER DEPTH OVER ROCK (mm) /{ —7 0 '3*6 4lf—SS - 66 150 30 38 N 50 BB 4811 END POINTS 'A' WST BE 1W11EP o.55 m/m OR FIATTEIR 1NA1 THE FLOW LINE POINT'S' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. FLaw 11NE AaPE P.O. BOX 465 FIX IMXURNE, K 06482so, O75h-OURS (5 h.) MN. 8026IbTS29 FAX' BPABBS-TD1 web: www.nNM.aom COURSE ROCI( A A A DRA1m ACL (2 R 11Alm1)Y) CHIMIGI - - - - Ban 45 m D D „NN UM DEPTH OF caws< o ROOR PLACED N CHANNEL (0.5 TO 1.5 IT.; a Pfia_ ROCK SET IN t0an ROw IRE IS 15an (0.5 A) oFsmolcE DSM (4 In. MNAAN) IRENCH = %W# Ili APPLICANT: PLACE DOWNSTRE STAUCAIRE SUCH THAT PANT 'a' 15 APPROXAARLY UVA L teT11 IHE LOWEST GROUND MEVATTON OF THE UPSTREAM STRUCTURE STONE CHECK DAM STRUCTURE N.T.S. NOTE- SYMBOL S[ZE DESIGNATION IS- PSD-PIPE DIAM(EX.,PSD-18=PIPE SLOPE BRAIN WITH 18'DIAI. PIPE. / PSD DISCHARGE INTO A L STABILIZED INTO WATERCOURSE, SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. OR ONTO A STABILIZED AREA. _ EARTH DIKE LENGTH AS NECESSARY TO GO THRU DIKE STANDARD FLARED D 221 . PIPE 4' ENTRANCE SECTION III H=D-12' RIPRAP SHALL WATERTIGHT CDISIST OF 60 CONNECTING 6'MIN. 6'DIAMETER STONE BAND CUTOFF PLACED AS SHOWN, WALL SILOPE 3X 3 �TH L EOALLR PIPE FLEXIBLE OR STEEPER � PIPE UATHE DIAMETER AND RIPRAP SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12'IN I THICKNESS. 4'MINA LESS THAN IX SLOPE 21111FJLE C❑NSTRUCTI❑N SPECIFICATI❑NS 1. THE INLET PIPE SHALL HAVE A SLOPE 13F 3% OR STEEPER. 2. THE TOP OF THE EARTH DIKE OVER THE INLET PIPE AND THOSE DIKES CARRYING WATER TO THE PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST V HIGHER AT ALL. POINTS THAN THE TOP OF THE INLET PIPE. 3. THE INLET PIPE SHALL BE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH WATERTIGHT CONNECTING BANDS 4. THE FLEXIBLE TUBING SMALL BE THE SAME DIAMETER AS THE INLET PIPE AND SMALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A DURABLE MATERIAL WITH HOLD-DOWN GROMMETS SPACED AT I& ON CENTER. 5. THE FLEXIBLE TUBING SMALL BE SECURELY FASTENEND TO THE CORRUGATED METAL. PIPE WITH METAL STRAPPING OR WATERTIGHT CONNECTING COLLARS. 6, THE FLEXIBLE TUBING SHALL BE SECURELY ANCHORED TO THE SLOPE BY STAKING AT THE GROMMETS PROVIDED. 7. A RIPRAP APRON SHALL BE PROVI➢ED AT THE OUTLET. THIS SHALL CONSIST OF 6'DIAMETER STONE PLACED AS SHOWN. 8. THE S131L ARO14D AND UNDER INLET PIPE AND ENTRANCE SECTION SMALL BE HAND TAPED IN 4-LIFTS TO THE TOP OF EARTH DIKE. 9. FOLLOW -LP INSPECTION AND ANY NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER EACH STOW. N DRAINAGE AREA MUST NOT EXCEED 5 ACRES. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION FLEXIBLE NEW YORK STATE SOIL 4 WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN N.T.S. SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PLANNERAARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, IN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TRAFFIC ENGINEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANOSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, Vr PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Aa.th R.n11• _Ve SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT RECEIVE C APR 10 2006 City of So. Burlingt r Dow I CAL'® I VEIMM SITE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS Dan aRATTNc MfMBER DULY, 2004 BCMB AS SHOWN C-7.8 Paw. No, 01243 A 0✓ER4AP 6" (150mm) MIN/MUM EXC414ATE CHANNEL TO DESIG)V GRADE F"M AND CROSS SECTON DESIGN DEPTH OVERCUT CHANNEL LONG17ZIDINAL 2" (50mm) 70 ALLOW ANCHOR TRENCH BULKING DURING SEE`6 PREPARA770N y / TYPICAL 1NSTALLA770N SLANKE75 EROSION OR TURFra« REINFORCEMENT U475 INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOT LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR TRENCH SHINGLE -LAP SPLICED ENDS OR BEGIN NEW ROLL IN AN IN7ERM/TTENT CHECK SLOT PREPARE SOIL AND APPLY SEED BEFORE INSTALLING 1k BLANKETS 447S OR OTHER SYSTEM TEMPORARY i H4NNEL LINER + +++ y � W + + + +++ + ++++ + + .}, + NOTES. 1. DESIGN AELOC177£S LXCEMING 1 FT/SEC (0. 5m/sec) REQUIRE 7EMPORARY BLANKE73, MATS OR SIMILAR LINERS TO PROTECT SEED ANO SOIL UN77L VEG£TATTON BECOMES £STABUSHED. 2. GRASS -LINED CHANNELS WDH DESIGN VELOCITIES EXCEEDING 6 FT SHOULD INCLUDE 7URF RE 'ORO MENT A(47S GRASS -LINED CHANNEL TYPICAL INSTALLATION N.T.S. I -94CK OF SIDEWALK I, RUNOFF RUNOFF GRAVEL FILLED SANDBAGS STACKED 7CHTLY CATCH B45/N tz� CURB INLET B4CK OF PLAN VIEW N07ES- 1. PLACE CURB TYPE SEDIMENT BARRIERS ON GENTLY SLOPING STREET SEGMENTS, WHERE WATER CAN POND AND ALLOW SEDIMENT TO SEPARATE FROM RUNOFF. 2. S4ND61465 OF EITHER BURLAP OR WOVEN 'G£OTEXALE' FABRIC, ARE FILLED WITH ORAVEL, LAYERED AND PACKED 77CH7LY. 3 LEAVE A ONE MN084G LEAP IN 7H£ 70P ROW TO PROWDE A SPILLWAY FOR OVERFLOW. 4. INSPECT BARRIERS AND REMOVE SEDIMENT AFTER EACH STORM ELEN7 SEDIMENT AND GRAVEL MUST BE REMOVED FROM 7RE TRAVELED WAY IMMEDIA7EZ Y. CURB & GUTTER SEDIMENT BARRIER N.T.S. PLANS PREPARED BY: DIVERSION RIDGE REQUIRED WHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2R 2..-X OR GREATER VENT PIPE EMERGENCY 1 SPILLWAY C A �%\cY/\�/ p 40 PVC PIPE .7 SCHEDULE CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. FILTER FABRIC P.O. BOX4W SPELBURME 1T 05M SECTION A - A SCHEDULE 40 P✓C PIPE TOP OF EMBANKMENT e024W2327 FAX' 802-0B92271 Rtl0' www.OBe-W.— \ NOTE 49 B4RRLZ -W STRAW BALES, SANDBAGS SPILLWAY USE SANlMt4CS, S7R9W 84LES OR CON77N000S BERM OF OR OTHER APPROVED M£rNODS 1 SEDIMENT RISER WITH ._•.. BASIN TRASH RACK - ACL EOUIVALENT HEIGHT TO CHANNEL/ZE RUNOFF 70 84SIN AS REQUIRED L- _ � STABILIZED ouTz£r cA¢c�0 DSM SUPPLY WATER 70 WASH WHEELS IF NECESSARY dPPROOBD DSM NO INLET END OR/f7C£ INS/OE F ib I I The most important design pammeter SCREEN AND ACCESSIBLE is the control of orifice size, which THROUGH DOOR con control desired dewotenng time. APPLICANT: ry0 naw The longer the dewoteni7g time, the _ better the quality of water discharged PLAN SOUTH VILLAGE �+ / o from the sediment bosin. TRASH RACK EMERGENCY SP/LLWAY ST�A61UZEDNT COMMUNITIES, LLC. A �� I A 1=3"E/50-75mmT)E ' MIN, C �ANOUT SPILLWAY ELE✓ W77N ✓£CETATION MARK MIN. 6" (f50mm) 7"lCX ° 3 6 m) I' (300mm�_ _,.,._,. - t3007 MIN ° O —� LI- ENGINEEREDT SPILL WAAY 2' (6mf INLET SEL£C7ED RLL '�- 84RREL ELEV.T-�7�PLACED /N LAYERS -� PROJECT CONSULTANTS: ° , RON OUTLET END CONNEC TO OU RET P/P£ OR RISER FLOAT -- C P - STAB/UZED i'� III O�� LA ND (ASEPLANNER/ARCHRECT LOONEY RICKS KISS �`__ DIVERSION RIDGE' 50' (15rA) MIN, PLAN 84RRE4 PIPE LONGER 7H4N SHOWN TWO 1/1" DRAINAGE HOLES ANTFLOTATION ANTI -SEEP COLLAR NASHVILLE, 7N cm/ENG/NEER NOTES - , BLOCK TYPIGAL of 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT 1. 7HE ENTRANCE SHALL BE A61/1,17AINED /N A COND17ION 7MT WILL PREY£NT SECTION TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS THIS MAY FLEXIBLE JOINT REQUIRE TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR CLEAN OUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 4" (foo—) OUTLET P/PE TND ENGINEERING 2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PR/OR To ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. TEMPORARY NOTES 1. 7HE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT 8AS/N, DESIGNED OSSIPEE, NH D WHEN WASHING /S REQUIRED, R SHALL BE GRAVEL SKIMMER DESIGN BY. W. FA/RCLOTH BY A OUALIRED PROFESSIONAL, /S REQUIRED FOR DISTURBED AREAS CRE47ER 7H4N` 5 ACRES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT S DONE ON 7T1,mr DRAINS NrO/LAN AWTH PPROVED "E" CONSTRUCTION PAIEiVT A S,B20, 757 WITHIN A LMA/NACE AREA LESS THAN 100 ACRES // THE SEDIMENT &AS/N WILL BE REMOVED W/7H- T LAND -WORKS SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT Ci45/N /N YEARS. ,.ENTRANCE/EXIT "SKIMMER" SEDIMENT POND OUTLET MIDDLEBURY, VT TYPICAL SEDIMENT BASIN TEMPORARY GRAVEL N.T.S. N.T.S. PROJECT TITLE: CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT N.T.S. — SOUTH VILLAGE ` -` /1"w 8°.r4 R.rll. it Ve _ 4" (100mm) 0417ZET P/P a 0 0 g°og A, 0000o I NOTE I. OQ 0 fie skmmer 'mpr-es sesinent trapping efficiency by reguioting the h7%ng and dmining of the basin better than conventionoi methods using EMERGENCY J perforated n'sers or stone. SPILLWAY SK/ OUTLET _ X X^� �_ XX BAFFLE x (S/LT FENCE) NOg Z /ntreosing flow length with the use of Qp[Qp,T con increase basin tmpping efficiency INLET SEDIMENT BASIN WITH BAFFLES AND SKIMMER OUTLET N.T.S. SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT �Ec'EF/V Ab R 10 24 Of So. IISVISION SITE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ➢ATI -MG NUMRBR JULY, 2004 AS SHOWN C-7.9 PROD. NO. 01243 Prefabed Baffle Grid Installation Instructions Step 1) • locate the area for installation of eke Halter Usid and Basin systems • Baravale A treaelu 16 feet whim, 20 inchoA deep, 60 fed long. • Install the first panel beginning at the discharge end of the BafDe Grid. (roe pbuta l) • Apply polymer powder to the entire area where water will be moving (if areas aremissad, thaw mraus may wash away). The powder may be applied by hand or with a Bormmda feed spreader. • Install the Baffles us shown to the dlogram Sail pin ar staple the bottom of the batBes down and construct M place to prmwnt *afec from -wiling the be w. Applythe polymer powder to the base of the grid after completion of the baffle installation. Ktgp 2) a Construct a basin or grit cksmbar at the front cod of the RsfDe Grid. This should be eapalser of holding tffe bulk of heavy sediment that may, report to the llaffte Grid. The purpose Is to create a mixing I xE tUM chamber that can he easily maintained. a install jute fabric ever the surface of true grh chamber for hest water quality. Be sure to imtali at least (2) jute fence barriers wither the pit. More wiB work better. These will act io radum velocity and bureau retention of the particulate withis the pit. This she redness partldle loads to the Billion Grid. greatly tarluciug maintenance. • place polymer blocks up the ditch line at least 100' above the basin and filtration grid. Soil tastingnustbeperfeared tumeWet[hepropor polymer type. • Onaecompleted,gminkleosauallamountefthmpolymer powder through the chambers, grit pit meat baffles. This will "jump start" the system and allow hot for the Flat Lupo to became Activated. Step3) Be sure that the water is hewing "through the bafthwe, can over, under or Around them. All baffle grid panels should be level au water Ouws uniformly, through the paunar. Irregular pause heights w10 core short-eircuWrtte of (fee water Bow, greatly reducing effectiveness writhe grid. • Watch closely for erosion of the pit and pit wells. Add polymer powder to Areas that may begin to with, (Be sum to fix there areas Immediately) • Add pure jute followed wlili terse polymer powder as required until the ph becomes stable. t3netl stable, tar Portiur repairs vrtll bo required. Bade Grid System Schematic Derry Water _. chin Water Out Note: improper polymer block placement or type will result in substandard performance of t Battle Crld System. ronsalr your load distributor fur correct polymer block type and placement. Plow rates through the BafOe Grid wB vary in relation to the volume of stay that adheres to the paid surface. 3000-WD GPM lbw rates are standard andw possiv. caodittoax Property installed! NMPs and the we of polymer powder at the source of land disturbing octivitie the Property a Crid to remain vlable for up 1016 months. (felt chavalml maintenance for sediment removal well be raquhred based on sediment loading .APS W Amin @ 80olpm goo into showing nu erosion during 4 days of Dow CuR,ndal -lays hecuma impawpmamml 0410 jme fabnc whoa the oorrwt Sift Stuirg is usx. Hydroseed applications may be sprayed directly Tier the soft armor system as seen above. Areas of high water velocity will become extremely resistant to erosion without the high cost of expensive matting and blankets. After vegetation becomes established, the Silt Stop. and soft armor will rapidly biodegrade leaving only the intended vegetation. Outperforms All generic polymers or PAM'e Has no toxicity effect or change on soil pH Paases EPA/600/4'90/0271F 4811r. Acute Static Toxicity Test (Disiohnlm Mrgnm) Listed under NSF Standard 60 Drinking Water Chemicals Removes solubillrad..It and clay from water Prevents colloidal solutions from rwswpaMing Will reduce call movement durfug rain *sent. on modorata slope. Reduces pesticide and fortBlaer loss Binds cationic metro with the soil matrix, r.dudng solub0izatioe Reduces wind porno dust conditions 1—aaea *nil newmashillts end water nomination to shallow plants Emulsion a, Powder additive may ire applied to a hydrose ider as the final additive in the mixture. Each additive type may react differently in regards to the soil type that Is being targeted. Specific soi! tests will determine the correct additive that will need to be used. Application of the hydroseW mix will vary only with the viscosity of the solution. Different additive types will create different viscosities. in most cases applicators may not see a difference in the mix solufina. Conventional tockaflers need not be used when using additive within your hydroseed mix. Results are superior tockafication or holding power, homogeneous vegetation, lesser volume of lime or soil conditioning requiromenis and substantial vegetative growth p^temial. Polymer additive has out. performed all Conventional agricuitrral PAM's and tackoflers currently available to date. POLYMER BLOCKS Polymer Block is a saaf-hyxlraicd gal palyacrylanTide black that when pieced within saxmwater or constmetion site drainalpsi will remove fine panicles and rock— NI'U valnsx. Each block is formulated fx,the soil And wane chemmary of the geographical area where plaacenanl end ulaga are Intended. Sol] and walar sumplos Pit required for gcograpbical Anise not previously tented. Polymer Block Placement in 1%tch o; Plam ere of the Hot Log @ shuukl be as close to the saurae of panicle suspcnsimf or NTU origination ns possibh:. Finer particle. Ara =]Lot" suspensions will require grea0er mixing times, usually nova greater than 75 seconds. This rniMng time equecos to The time nwirod for water to flow through a ditch system or a pipe.. Typical reacdon times in Trost gcogruphioal areas are 10.30 aectmda. Meal portmtnance Of the block results when uwd in W, jimouoiiwith Bca Nlmugauwnt Pracciera in place. Rock cheeks, imp inlets, saran tirains, feerefits and slope dmius all greatly enhance the effactive ocas of the block Thu polymer block is designed fora base mow rate of 60-75 GPM. Atypical plaoemrnt is as shown 1n the following diagrxan: block placc— All Coortrucuun 5edimet PucW ,v Dlaturhd .arc au� ur esker Chacics raaw I7vauion —yes. Floc Log Specifications ANSI/NSF Standard Drinking Water Treatment Chemical Additives EPA/600/4-90/027F 4BHr. Acute Static Screen Toxicity Test (Daphnia Magna) APS, Inc. currently has over (40) types of Floc Log® . Each are designed for specific soil. lithologies. Each Floc Logo, is tailored for the specific requirement of water chemistry and soil within your geographicai area. Most soils within EPA Region 4 have been classified and will not require a soil and water sample. Areas outside EPA Region 4 will require a soil and water sample. There is no charge for this analysis. Floc Logo is available in two forms, clarifier and particle. Clarifier Floc Logo Is used for colloidal water and very fine suspended particles. Particle Floc Logo is used heavily particle laden water in areas before sediment traps and sediment ponds. (Floc Log® is available in boxs of (4) each) Floc Log O (Particle) - APS 730o,b,c and d. APS 720a,b,c and d. APS 732s Floc Log O (Clarifier) - APS 702o,b,c and d. APS 705o,b,c and d. APS 771a,b,c and d. Floc Log O (Super Clarifier) - APS 703a,b,c and d. APS 708 APS 709 saasfi�,T.�. - : • iceElan 41Z14111• 1 1 (• 1 t TMmp Intl Sk . L1min Datsnuon vex+ Fl,ra�7Jirttfkm' .... ^' Flom Ing Pltremem NOTE: The supplier of all polymer based systems have at least 5—years of experience in the design of soil based applications. The supplier shall provide a certification that the design is based upon specific soil information and that the PLANS PREPARED BY: C A CML ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 05 SHELBURNE, Vr OSM W2-98SM23 M aR-6962221 web: www.oea+tcam DMFN ACL DSM "room DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USEPL4NNER/ARCHI7ECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN CML ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, Vr TRAFFIC ENOWNEER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE Ian«r\ Rs rli•ern V• SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT E C E AFIT 0 City Of SO gU rare car... I RRwetoN shall polymer SITE EROSION site CONTROL DETAILS recommended application will not create undue adverse impacts to any receiving waters. Dais DRAAma NDAfBER JULY, 2004 AS SHOWN C-7. PROD. NO. 01243 >< ) / PLANS PREPARED BY: EPSC INSTALLA11C I,-TEMPOR TLA IM In, R S, . . . . 71, SO* ACT 'A TEMPORARY WETLAND BUFFER/IMPACT AIR 1160 - - - - - - - . . . . . . CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC, P.O. BOX 466 SHELBURNE V7 GW2 �248�2323 M 902-9�2271 CONSTRUCTION FENCING (SHOWN OFF EDGE OF X.. LIMITS OF DIS TURBANCE APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CO TS TY) STONE 91 11 FOR CLARI (TYPT . . . . . . . 1�71 . . . . . .... . I �WORARY WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT AREA 303 FT "I-/ - - If . . . . . . . . . AWY W14TLAND BUFFER RACT-AREA 0 T' L L t..... -ROM ...... ........ • • A, . . . ... . . APPLITAN 1: A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WETLLND BUFFER IMPACT AR 490 / - - _SEE STREAM CROSSI SOUTH VILLAGMI., • WETLAND BUFFER PACT --- BYPAS1 DETAIL I �4 - 1 . COMMUNITIES, LLe 00 E - WATER 14A 4- E WETLAND IMPA�T AREA 51 0 TEMP D IMPACT A . . . PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 4rRRM I PO WETLAND 11 CT 60 WETLAND SU 'R TE ANY (;OFFER AMIMP,QCI FT2 �DUSEPL�4NAOVARCM�=r IMPACT AREA 4 F '1 2 LOONEY RICKS KISS CT 843 FT A A;E N011SHVILLE, 04 ND IMP CAx avelpillm CML ENGINEERINGASSOCL47ES SHELBURNE, VT 7?UFFIC EWIAEER 4" LOAM. SEED & EROSI CONTROL MATTING ON ALL 7EMPO)ARY TLAD BUFFER TND ENGINEERING SLOPES ABOVE ORO!"RY OSSIPEE, NH // / a / WATER LEVEL IMPACT EA 'UI587 VV" 'UPON BA STALL' LAIAVSC40VE ARCH17ECr SILT A LAND -WORKS x I M%AIk\ MIDDLEBURY, Vr 3 LL Cr`AREA 59Z FT ONE FILL IROFIPSED SWALE . . . . . DISPERSION' ?AD. PROJECT TITLE: PA�T AREA 2' . . . (�9%JTM�PC R�ARY N o M 493 FT . . . . . . rT2 ISOUTH VILIAGE C) 19PA& AREA A 11—h B-111 ...... V.....91 DBUFFER IMPACT - SPEAR STREET ANDyO/ ARyn, �T 2 >(06 Xg?R, ARiA 8014 BUFFY 's _-7- __ :7- ALLEN ROAD Z . . . . . . . oo - Ar / job SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 7 1.00 A. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FOOTING SYSTEM SON. EASTING WATER CUUT�1� . . . . . . TEMPORARY IMPACT 4" L & an CON TR TEE - - — I-- - bt_UPLb R, WATER DII� PERMANENTIMPACT A, BUFFER IMPACT X STONE CHECK DAM SILT FENCE /* CONSTRUCTION FENCE Ol. Cox= ON . . . . . . . . . 12-21-05 DSM REVMD EPW wEAWS I11 This project Is res rtc: ant nnfiftlorls" . . . . . . . I associated with t Determination #2001.274 WETLAND and the State Zo d Rules�, Effective January 1, 2002. The F NDATION D N perm cittt ; If d 611 6geAts 'and �&trbct6rs associated with the . . . . . . . proCROSSING SC RGE PIPE I ognire the -limit9tion't set forth- working in the - 84, FT vicinity of the Class 11. wgilarLds bncl associated tO' buffer..' . TEMPOR RY WE NO IMPAC R PLAN MIDLAND AVE. The CUD pecifically allows a limited amount of encroachment in these 'reagana n6 fL;rthbr rrnpclFti shall be allowed withoOt first reo ivirpg approval, from -the- State -of -Verfnoigt Water DA,B Quality ivision ON-- nuwRER L . '. OCT., 2004 1�. 5' ST FILL -164 - - - - - - - - I WERF9 PA AREA/� �St -1-WETLAND�L1 . . . . GRAPHIC SCAM' < .. . . . . I - - . - 30' W1.0 LE PROO. NO, 62 1 IN -FEET) 1 I.Oh - 30 ft. 01243 4 A, . I - . \ I i \I I � � PLANS PREPARED BY: . . . 3 \ 5 3 ALL DISTURBED AREAS p WITHIN WETLAND AND d REC. PATH 50' TO RECEIVE''' _ .'"` • _ '". I \ \\ ` CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 1 EROSION q_ \ 1r 1 \\ \ \ \ ` MATTING ADDITION P.O.BOX485 SHIHOURNE, Vr 05492 _ ADDITION TO \ \ \ \ \ 4' TOP L AND GRASS _ _ \ • \ \\\ soz-asszszs FAx eozaeszzn »es: .ww.cs+cco.T SEED. .\ \ 1 \ SqL DISTURBANCE BEYOND EDGE OF PATH .� APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS I - TILIZE STREAM BY -._ _ ,4. - +� 'A` i `. `- ��ROXI ATEL IS PROPOSED DUE T UCTIONO AREA OF ` _ _ PRECAST CONCRETE P S DETAIL SHEET C7.7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SILT 3 SHED BOX CULVERT / - II DISURBAN SURVEYED POIGNMENT TO BE FACED IN FIELD BY SURFACE STABILIZATION PER 4 AVVY \ SHEET L-9 \ \ -- DSM / - - - - _ _ _ _ '� • - � \\ �\ � /�/ is .-- `\\ \\ \\ \ \\ }�P�PSRO�Y�60 _ \II. I \l\I \\\I\\ O\\ APPLICANT: . . • • • • • . - - SOUTH VILLAGE CIIIECK DAMS (TIP.) '1 / ; I M �N I COMMUNITIES, LLC. \ I / SURFACi ST ON PER . . . 'I . . . . . I• 1 i y O SNEEF L-O \ . . . . _ _ . . . u, . \ 1 ` - I ME �APACf.'AREA 165 FT \ i !r - I /- . I PROJECT CONSULTANTS: \I\ ..�. N i \ / 1 I SET,.movr. & RESET FENCE AS Own ARl` 5T1tEAL1 \\ / I I NECESSARY DURING FILL/GRADING .CRO59MG AIL SHiET.G7.fl FOB 1 \ / LINED SWALE - '�` 1I 1 PHASE of PRo.ICT (TYPJ I.�IiD(A9EPL6M16VER/ARCH/7FCT / \ �� •• WATER MAIN INSTALLATION AND ! _ / / / ��/ / I / / / \ \ \\ •,MY\ \. - TMEN .FOR- I T NSTALLATION mayMTM CONTROL • + LOONEY RICKS K ISS TEMPLtA(N WETLAND BUFFER IdPArT AREA '95� FT NASHVILLE, IN C✓L ENGINEER-IMPAG•ARE-,,r2• ND MPACT A�A 5221 #' 60TANDlOgARY . CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT w'C--GB.?JNED,..., • ..r.TRAFFIC ENGINEER . I I I I ` _ TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH L4MOSG4PEARCN/TECT ry LAND -WORKS - - - - - _ MIDDLEBURY, VT \ / INSTALL 4' LOAM, AND MULCH ALL AREAS 9UTSIDE BUFFER u WITH SLOP ATTET2 B F ' ,•�� ..._laFt _ _ - - - - - _ - WE AND IMPACT AREA -)2/ifT'2 I I" THAN 3H iV 1 PROJECT TITLE: \� _ .. ..... WETLAND BUFFER11-- FT - .L ice` •\ _A 9 ACTIAREA 24BOO 2 ._.----'- I _ - ND IMPACT A 2 1 -\� \ TEMPORARY WIRTEA FT2O YP / \\\ 1 ' .� SOUTH VILLAGE • • . \- I /�j \� ` SPEAR STREET AND carl5TRucnoN FENCING (TYP.) I POOL I I_ ALLEN ROAD \-INSTALL 4- LOAM, SEED AND 1 1 \I / I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN ALL 1�/ FILL AREAS _ -1 LEGEND TEMPORARY WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT AREA a 40 FT 2 NOTE: This project is restricted by the terms and conditions associated with the 11 _ \ UMRSOFDISTURBANCE Conditional Use Determination #2001-274 and the State Wetland Rules, 0) ® Effective January 1, 2002. The permittee and oil agents and contractors 1 FOOTING SYSTEM011 \\ associated with the project shall recognize the limitations set forth t _ 1 \ working in the vicinity of the Class II wetlands and associated 50' buffer. \ \ The CUD specifically allows a limited amount of encroachment in these areas I I Q ® TEMPORARY IMPACT I \ and no further impacts shall be allowed without first receiving approval \ 11 \ \ from the State of Vermont Water Quality Division PERMANENT IMPACT BUFFER IMPACT STONE CHECK DAM / \\ ----- —p — ---- --- -- --- - 1 �L-------- SILTFENCE \ \\ \\y I PODL t j CONSTRUCTION FENCE �— LJ I III DSM NEIW DISC M:ASAIN _EXI -12' CHIP---- - — RECEIVED \I\ \J� D Iz-n-as osen uvonlm msc rrnsuars - I WETLAND - - _ CROSSING APR 1 0 2006 PLAN MIDLAND AVE. I I i4' i C"] Of W. 47ufft"9twLE � I —r neam,c mnmaa I I OCT., 2004 I -- -- ----126&--- — ---- p a I acva �] �\ (IN FM) f 1'=30' W�7.0 LEAS ■ rER.11O \ \ \ I _-- __...____..___..__.—.__--.___._�..._...___-.....—_-__-__.-.-�-_ -.. I inch . 30 }L f PROOI.. �Nr0. _ PLANS PREPARED BY: i / r / - - - A D&URbED A EAS ABOVE,. OR / . • /. . . . . • \ - 0 TUDE NORMAL WATER SURFACE . CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. _ _ - • \ - - Ik EL NATION TO R COVE 4" TOPSOIL, / P.0.BOX 4BS SHEL&flNE, V D5482 ` I SE D & EROSI CONTROL MATTING . . . . . . W- 23. rAz % W-ee - - WETLAND BUFFER CT O /� _ ' APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS / \ / / AREA = 13724 SF I I . _ _ _ _ AWY - / rI - . - . - _ . - . DSAA DBM ..�. ... ... . r-�" . _. .� :-•. �.,r '�\ APPLICANT: - - - - - - - SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. • .1 l - 1 I - PROJECT CONSULTANTS: 1 • _ - _ " " ..� _ __ _ LAAVD"PLMIVE?hW JRECT . r J J I . LOONEY RICKS KISS Emw h aiii:' iiii _ - _ - - - - - - 1AASWILLE, TN j / STONE FILL ENERGY / _ - // _ _ _ _ _ CM R DISSIP TION SW LE i - - l - / CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES fSHELBURNE, VT \` '1��' � J �..- J �.._ .� ._. - / '!,. ✓ .�} / / _ -% .._r...�- TRAR=fC 6Nls0Yi6ER IND ENGINEERING WETLAND BUFFER, -IMPACT j ` / OSSIPEE, NH AREA= ,9161 SIF _ PERMANENT, NGPACT= 69 SF CT t ' = • -'�� - TEMPORAF/i•Y IMPACT= 882 LAND -WORKS t �~ MIDDLEBURY, Vr // \\\ r^ _ / / •/• • /• PROJECT TITLE: \\ ACCE 5 ROAD ^` / �f' -f CHARIPE SOUTH VILLAGE . WETLAND -IMPACT. .� :....� A + TEMPORARY ® X - - - - - - - SPEAR STREET AND AREA = 11?�FJ ALLEN ROAD WETLAND' BUFFER . . . . . . . . . _ _ —X WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT I TAtLATION IMPACT - - ! . SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr AREA = 2885 SF O - ' ' _ _ _ ` -- - - '"35 AREA 220 SF / - • �42" HDPE STORM DRAIN PIPE -- '� ' / ' . . . _ . .- - LEGEND i gas-' S NE FILL ENERGY ' - LMNISOFDISTUR84AICE �-� � �-' \\ CONSTRUCTION FENCING,�TY�? )�- -- - - �_, (SHOWN OUTSIDE _OF -LIMITS OF .� ISSIPATION PAD .... _ ._. 2 `�- _ __ r - 15" FES IN V i3S5.0 - - - - - FOOTING SYSTEM TEMPO} 4RY WETLAND BUF ER IMPACT EA = 22W FT _ DISTURBANCE FOR CLARITY) / NERGY _ - j+ �-' ^ - ® TEMPORARYIMPACT INSTALL SILT FENCE - - • ] V Cr PERMANENT IMPACT . _ _ - . . �..._ . . . . . _ /f ep - - (-D _� FOLLOWING INSTALATION - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ // OF DRAINAGE BUFFER IMPACT / DISCHARGE PIPE �. . . / .—... STONE CHECK DAM NOTE" y \ _ : �- /// �• Of ig , y-------- SILT FENCE This project is restricted by the terms and conditions associated with the �•. 5a v„IR Q/� �--r- CONSTRUCTION FENCE _ Copditional Use Dpterrrlinatl2n #ZO01-2.74 pnd the State JVetlogd Rglles, - _ ��• - _ - _ _ Effective January 1, 2002. The permittee and all agents and contractors D.n c®cnD �N - associated with the-projept shall recognize the limitations set forth / working in the vicinity of the Gass II wetlands and associated 50 bu1 er _ os r�gn�ascYcesurs The CUD specifically allows p limited cmougt of encroachment jo4hese gpebs_ GRASS LINED SWALE'-Wl-TH-HEAVY EROSION CONTROL MATTING \ a � • �'. __ and no further impacts shall be allowed without first receiving- �6 appro ial� % , 2 � sAs y 's-liDs" ADDED M ur" ` PERMANENT WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT AREA = 1266 FT \ rm DSA NE+sD.[nuewAcs from -the State of Vermo� t W�ofeF �ualit�Divlsion �% - - - I X-►x,• \ ' - 12-23Dw WVSED for uwD¢ NDAD uUmrAr STORM WATER . . . . . _ --- - - MANAGEMENT It FACILITY TWO FOOT RETAINING WALL • _ �/ GRAPHIC' SCALE x FEB., \ - - - - - - FE Dwmm NmmcN 7 � � 2005 ' 1. °i. 20 1 a / 7 ` J — — ' M . 01243 I This project is restricted by the 1;e'rms and conditions associated with the I Conditional Use Determination 3 01-274 and the State Wetland Rules, Effective January 1, 2002. Thelpermittee and all agents and contractors associated with the project shall recognize the limitations set forth working in the vicinity of/the C ss II wetlands and associated 5�-buffer. The CUD specifically allpws a lited amount of encroachmoft in these areas and no further impacts shall b allowed without first rec�t4ing approval from the State of Vermont Wa1!r Quality Division I ' I I I I \ / / I / / I / RW, a 0-1-10-207 q- MA DISSIPATION PAD PLANS PREPARED BY: f0� _ Ix \ - . CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHEtBURNE, Vr 05482 n -QW2.323 FAY: "98522n wen: •vw.cae;.l.um APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS AWY DSM APPLICANT: ; SOUTH VILLAGE / it I Ji COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LANDLbEPL4M%2RARCNWT LOONEY RICKS KISS WhIVILLE, IN 1 C/l4/. EMO/A"R -X I ` I CML ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES ]( I SHELBURNE, VT TRAFAV I ND ENGINEERING / ON (D I _ OSS/PEE, NH I.AA/LiSY`APE ARCYA7FCT '�— WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT W, . LAND WORKS AREA = 126 SF `�\ ----7fEMPORARY \\ I MIDDLEBURY,VT WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT `� O \ J \1 / EPSC INSTALLATION AREA — . `\ . \ _ PRoracJ Ting: SOUTHLTI VII.I.AG3E • � . . . . /{/--- SPEAR STREETAND _ i / e ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT LEGEND LIMITS OF DwuR84NCE 7 , •ylc , FOOTING SYSTEM \ �� sic / /' a4. _ _ ® TEMPORARY/MPACT \ / // •/� E�- PERMANENTIMPACT .. TEMPORA ETLAND BU R IMPACT / EPSC INSTALLATION AREA — 20(8 SF /% ` BUFFER IMPACT \o..•....n�.:.:ir}.i:::. I , ,m� .AL. : : ......... ' TEMPORARY WETLAND BUFFER/MPACT AR — 1160 . . . . STONE CHECK DAM SILT FENCE . .....��:.�..::. � lRE CONSTRUCTION __ � _..... ..... .. ONSTRU FENCE If\� WWTLAND BUFFER RACT. AREA 1 - T2 \ _ I APR. ti�tJ; i _ - CON TILT FENCE (T )• l � ' ' (SH LIMI . FOR I" os" "c"500''r"sEs WETLAND T�MMOORARY•WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT AREA = 303 FTr i CROSSING - PLAN MIDLAND AVE. GR/4PHIr, SCAE . _ _ .� n.'n oaenmc moms" OCT., 2004 \ ` ecwix ,-20 W5.2 f "� I _ _ 1 Inch 20` tt . 01243 FIXTURE TO MATCH EXIST.—" UGHTING SYSTEM — GE 250w HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM w/ PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROL AND CUT—OFF SHIELD ANCHOR BOLTS &— TEMPLATE BY LIGHT POLE SUPPLIER BOLT OR CADWELD—\ GROUND WIRE TO POLE FINISH GRADE— 3" ROUND BRUSHED ALUMINIUM POLE HAND HOLE w/COVER ILLTz g 3/4" CONDUIT FOR .ISCH 80 PVC FROM of #6 BARE COPPER —uT POLE TO POLE GROUND WIRE I�.'f: SEPARATE GROUND (4) #5 VERTICAL 1 i WIRE tom_ 3/4" x 10' COPPER �_ GALVANIZED STEEL TO PVC CONDUIT CONNECTOR WELD GROUND ROD i ig^ i BOND TO CONDUIT, #3 TIES ® 12" O.C. BASE & POLE POLE LIGHT DETAIL N.T.S. n CROSSWALK DETAIL N.T.S. 71;� END TRANSITION SLOPE FACE OF CURB 7'F —11 —FINISHED GRADE OF ROAD PAVEMENT TRANSI11ON CURB N.T.S. " ALL CURB WORK TO BE CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAMP WITH HEAVY 5'—O, BROOM FINISH B MIN. l B r-4-D D � PLAN SIDEWALK RAMP 1/2" REVEAL TEXTURED ROADWAY SURFACE 5.0% MAX. ADJACENT TO RAMP SECTION A -A TEXTURED AUXILIARY RAMP SIDEWALK RAMP AUXIUARY RAMP DIST. AS REO D. 5 —0 MIN. TO MEET GRADE SIDEWALK OF SIDEWALK ROUNDING R. SECTION B-B TYPICAL HANDICAP RAMP N.T.S. SIDEWALK RAMP WITH HEAVY BROOM FINISH TRANSITION CURB--'-- I /�H> 1PL/A�1N' SIDEWALK RAMP 1/2" REVEAL TEXTURED)ROADWAY SURFACE ADJACENT TO RAMP SECTION A -A TYPICAL HANDICAP RAMP N.T.S. 7" HIGH CURB BEGIN TRANSITION SLOPE, CONC. WALK '� ) TRANSITION CURB PAVT. TO MEET LINE & GRADE OF jy ADJACENT MATERIAL 9 2"1 B END TRANSITION SLOPE, CONC. A PAV'T TO MEET LINE &GRADE OF ADJACENT MATERIAL 7" HIGH CURB HEAVY BROOM FINISH PLAN 4, SIDEWALK RAMP Ll" REVEAL o TEXTUREDOADWAYURFACE 5.OR MAX. ADJACENT SECTION A -A TO RAMP AUXILIARY RAMP TEXTURED SIDEWALK RAMP AUXILIARY RAMP DIST. AS RED D. 5 —0 MIN. TO MEET GRADE SIDEWALK OF SIDEWALK ROUNDING (TYP� SECTION B-B TYPICAL HANDICAP RAMP - TYPE 2 N.T.S. PLANS PREPARED BY: A CPAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 0S482 Dt B�2828 FAN: W2a8s2271 -b: wuw.OotKOom APPLIED ECOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS DRLNN AWY c>�'eso DSM ePPR m DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAND USE PL4AWER/AROH/TECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVRLE,TN CML ENG#WM CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VT TAWFFIC EA7GM/EER TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, Mi LWOSCAPE ARG WT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE 5 onrh Ra rlin ero,., Ta r.,nnL SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 1 �7-% 1 DSJ I REMsn OWSSRAX DETNL SITE DETAILS D�SB DMWKG NUl®RR FEB., 20M AS SHOWN C 8.O PRO:. NO. 01243 O EXAMPLE I + SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB LEVEL LANDING I W/ DETECTABLE WARNING RAW - 8.3X MAX. I A CURB + 124' I+ MIN. EXAMPLE 2 - SIDEWALK AND CURB SEPARATED BY GRASS STRIP DETECTABLE WARNING CURB RAMP B SIDEWALK GRASS 8.3% rSTRIP MAX. L CURB SIDEWALK RAMP SINGLE WALK -STRAIGHT APPROACH TO PARALLEL RAMP. B L- 6' MIN. 6' MIN. RAMP 1 8' MAX, CURB RAMP 8' MAX. 24' a i MIN LEVEL - ROADWAY 24' ROADWAY MIN. LANDING SURFACE SURFACE 5.0% MAX. �- 5.0% MAX. ailMA%. ADJACENT R37 MAX, ADJACENT TO RAMP TO RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING DETECTABLE WARNING SECTION A -A SECTION B-B CURB TRANSITION 11 1 TYPICAL HANDICAP RAMP - TYPE 1 7'-o MIN. N.T.S. CURB SECTION C-C EXAMPLE D PAIRED 24' I D E W ALI RAMPS 6' MIN, CORNER AT SIDEWALK CURB 4'-0' MIN. 6' MAX. RAMP CURB RAMP OR OR i OTHERENOW 4'-0, MIN. DETECTABLE � � ROADWAY PERPENDICULAR OBSANSTACLE WARNING SURFACE RURBAN AW IN VIDE OBSTACLE p A J SIDEWALK 2.07 MAX. 8,37 MAX, S O Y, MAX. DETECTABLE ADJACENT TO C. WARNING RAMP SECTION A -A CURB TRANSITILBI CURB TRANSITION CURB ;RW eZK ARE CURB RAMP • 7'-O' MIN, 7TRA MIN. DETECTABLE WARNING CURB 10,07. MAX, SECTION B-B SECTION C-C EXAMPLE 2, SINGLE RAMP ON CORNER RADIUS, A p 4' X 4' LANDING MAX - 2% CROSS SLIDE IN ANY DIRECTION SEE NOTE 4 C � I' CURB CURB RAMP - W/ DETECTABLE WARNING EXAMPLE 3, RAMP ON TANGENT SECTION a 2 TYPICAL HANDICAP RAMP =TYPE 2 N.T.S. F 4'-0' MIN. DETECTABLE WARNING BROOM FINISH ADJACENT DETECTABLE SURFACES FULL WIDTH (TYR) , OF RAMP WARNING 6 MIN, DETAILS 8' MAX. 4' DETECTABLE WARNING PLACEMENT DIRECTION OF TRAVEL 50% MINIMUM TO SQUARE PATTERN, PARALLEL ALIGNMENT 657.. MAXIMUM OF BASE DIAMETER O O O ADJACENT SURFACE OF RAMP / LEVEL LANDING (SEE 0.2' O Q DETECTABLE WARNING NOTE # 5) �. 0.9' MIN. 1.6' MIN, 1,4' MAX. 2.4' MAX. DETECTABLE WARNING DETAILS O O 0.65' MIN BASE TO DETECTABLE WARNING NOTES: BASE SPACING 1. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL BE PAID FOR AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT. 2. CONCRETE ADJACENT TO ALL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL HAVE A BROOM FINISH. 3. THE COLOR OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL PROVIDE A VISUAL C13NTRAST TO THE SURROUNDING SURFACE AND SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE DOCUMENTS. 4. TRUNCATED DOMES SHALL BE ALIGNED ON A SQUARE GRID IN THE PREDOMINANT DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL. 5. FOR SURFACE APPLIED TRUNCATED DONE PRODUCTS, A MAXIMUM 0,25' VERTICAL CHANGE IN LEVEL IS ALLOWED. FOR CHANGES IN LEVEL BETWEEN 0,25' AND 0.50', A BEVEL WITH A MAXIMUM 1-2 SLOPE IS REQUIRED. CHANGES IN LEVEL GREATER THAN 0.50' MUST BE TREATED AS A RAMP - 8.3% MAXIMUM SLOPE, 6. SEE THE CITY OF BURLINGTON FOR A LIST OF ACCEPTABLE DETECTABLE WARNINGS MANUFACTURERS FOR ANY WARNINGS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3 DETECTABLE WARNING DETAILS N.T.S. PLANS PREPARED BY: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. GENERAL NOTES, P.o, BOX485 SHELBURM, Vr 06482 1. THE DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THIS STANDARD WILL BE =486-2323 FAR ee24M271 »,D: xxw.oetkcom ADHERED TO IN THE DESIGN AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK RAMPS . WHERE SIDEWALKS RUN ADJACENT TO ROADWAYS ON STEEP APPLIED ECOLOGICAL. CONSULTANTS (5% OR GREATER) GRADES, RAMP GRADES WILL BE AS FLAT AS POSSIBLE. DeA� ( ON LOW SIDE OF DRIVES AND INTERSECTING SIDE STREETS, RAMPS SHALL SLOPE TOWARDS DRIVE OR SIDE STREET @ 2% AWY 2. NOMINAL RAMP DIMENSIONSt cesc,otD RAMP WI➢TH - 5'-0' MINIMUM DSM RAMP SLOPE - 8.3% MAXIMUM FLARE SLOPE - 10% MAXIMUM '`P'HoveD RAMP CROSS SLOPE - 2.0% MAXIMUM DSM 3. A LEVEL LANDING (NO GREATER THAN 2.0% SLOPE IN ANY APPLICANT: DIRECTION) SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE TOP OF SIDEWALK RAMPS TO ALLOW FOR STOPPING AND MANEUVERING OF WHEELCHAIRS. SOUTH IL� VIL"GE 4 LEVEL SHALLBE T WHOLLY CONTAINED WITHINBOTTOMPERPENDICULAR MARKED CROSSWALKS. COMMUNITIES, LLC. 5. DUMMY JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT TRANSITIONS (GRADE CHANGES) AT TOPS AND BOTTOMS OF RAMPS AND FLARES, PROJECT coxsuLTANrs: 6. VERTICAL DROP-OFF EDGES TO RAMPS WILL NOT BE BUILT UNLESS THE RAMP ABUTS AN AREA WHICH WILL NOT BE USED BY PEDESTRIANS. LAND USEPLAA#WR/ARCHITECT LOONEY RICKS KISS 7, NO VERTICAL 'LIP' OR 'CURB REVEAL' WILL BE PROVIDED WHERE NASHVILLE, TN THE RAMP ADJOINS THE ROADWAY. 8. AT MARKED CROSSWALKS, THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP OR LANDING C_ML EN_D/NEER SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE PAVEMENT MARKINGS. CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, VF 9. WHERE POSSIBLE, RAMP FLARES SHOULD BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE DIRECT LINE OF TRAVEL MOST LIKELY TO BE FOLLOWED TRAFFIC £NOWEER BY THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED. SOUTHSN&LIL 10, SIGNS, POLES, PLANTERS, MAILBOXES, ETC, SHALL NOT BE LOCATED AGE WHERE THEY WILL INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF SIDEWALK RAMPS. 3 o .- ti N , . i , . , , . „ , �• .. „ „ . , LANDSCAPE ARCHRECT 11. WHERE POSSIBLE, SIDEWALK RAMPS SHOULD NOT BE LOCATED WHERE LAND-WORKSD USERS MUST CROSS DROP INLET GRATES, MANHOLE COVERS OR OTHER ACCESS LIDS. IF THIS CANNOT BE AVOIDED THEN GRATE DESIGN AND RY, VT PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ADA REQUIREMENTS. 12. CURB DRAINAGE SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED SO AS TO PRECLUDE THE PROJECT TrrLE: FLOW OF WATER PAST THE SIDEWALK RAMP. 13. WHEREVER FEASIBLE, TWO SIDEWALK PAWS ARE RECOMMENDED IN PREFERENCE TO A SINGLE RAMP. 14. JOINTS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT SIDEWALK SPEAR STREET AND SPECIFICATIONS, HOWEVER EXPANSION JOINTS WITHIN THE SI➢EWALK ALLEN ROAD RAMP AREA WILL BE AVOIDED WHEREVER POSSIBLE. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 15. SIDEWALKS THAT ARE LESS THAN 5' WIDE REQUIRE 5' WIDE BY 5' LONG PASSING AREAS (NO GREATER THAN 2,0% CROSS SLOPE) AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 200 FEET, 16. E.O.P. = EDGE OF PAVEMENT C R C C E I V 17. THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK CURB RAMP STANDARDS DEPICTED HERE MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR ALL LOCATIONS, FIELD CONDITIONS AT INDIVIDUAL LOCATIONS MAY REQUIRE SPECIFIC DESIGNS, DESIGNS MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SHEET A PR AO U„O� TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT FEASIBLE ON ALTERATION PROJECTS AND WHEN STRUCTURALLY PRACTICABLE ON NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AS REQUIRED BY THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES, 4i pail ty _ O� �Q. Suffington H ON MISCELLANEOUSI DETAILS DATE DPA G NUI®6R FEB., 2005 AS SHOWN C8.1 PRO]. NO. of SECTION 01040 - PROJECT COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 MEETINGS de PROJECT ACCESS A. The Owner shall be notified five (5) days prlr to commencement of Work by the Contractor. B. The Contractor will coordinate with the Owner to orrongo an n-site pre-constructlon meeting prior to commencement of any work. Job superintendents and subcontractors shall be included in this meeting. C. The Contractor will coordinate all phases of the Work, so as not to interfere with the normal work procedures In the area. D. The Contractor shall conduct his work in such a manner as to not Interfere with or endanger work or traffic In arms adjacent to the construction area, except as pernittee by the Owner. The Contractor shall so arrange his eanstructler .Prallons as to provide cocoa* for emergency vehicles and equlpment to the work alto at all times. 1.02 LABOR A. The Controctor and subcontractors will employ mechanics akgled In their ...emotive trade.. B. All labor will be performed in a neat and workmanlike manner. 1.03 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY A. The Contractor shall be responsible for Initiating, maintaining, and supervising all O.S.H.A. safety precautions in connection with the Work. B. Fire Protection: The Contractor shall take oil nsosseary precautions to prevent fires adjacent to the Work and shall provide adequate facilities far extinguishing firms. The Contractor shall also prewnt fires in project related buildings and shall prevent the spread of firm to areas outside the Ilmlt. of the Work. C. Safety Precautions: Prior to commencement of Work, the Contractor shall be familiar with all safety regulations and practices applicable with construction operations. No additional payments will be made for equipment and procedures necessitated by these safety precaution& 1.04 INSURANCE A. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to the commencement of the Work. 1.05 CORRECTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall promptly correct all Work rejected by the Owner a. defective Or as falling to .-form to the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall bear all cost of correcting such rejected Work. 1.06 WEATHER CONDITIONS A. No Work shall be dane when, in the opinion of the Owner, the weather Is unsultable. No concrete, earth backflll, embankment, or paving shall be placed upon frozen material. If there Is delay or Interruption In the Work due to weather conditions, the necessary Precautions must be taken to bond new Work to old. B. Protection Against Water and Storm: The Contractor shall take all precautions to prevent damage to the Work by storm. or by water entering the site of the Work directly or through the ground. In can of damage by storm or water, the Contractor, at his own expense, shall make repaln Or replacements or rebuild such parts of the Work as the Engineer may require In order that the finished work may be completed as required by the Drawings and Specifications. 1.07 DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS A. All debris and oxen* materials, other than that which Is authorized to be round, become the property of the Contractor and shall be prompUy removed from the property. The Contractor shall recolve title to all debris and/or exceee material. The Owner will not be responsible for any lose or damage to debris or excess material owned by the Contractor. 1.08 PROJECT LAYOUT A. The Contractor tall be responsible far providing all necessary survey staking. 1. Locate and protect control points before starting work - the aIt.' 2. Proems permanent reference points during progress of the Work. 3. Establish a minimum of two permanent benchmarks on the .vie, refereneed to data established by survey cmtrol point. a. Record locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. SECTION 02110 - SITE CLEARING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Remove surface debris. 2Cloar sit. of plant life and grass iRemove trees and shrubs. 4. Remove .cat system of trees and shrubs. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION A. Protect utilities that remain from damage. B. Protect tress, plant growth. and features designated to remain a. final landscaping. C. Protect bench marks and existing structures from damage w dlepl---Dt. 0. Use means necessary to prevent dust becoming a nuisance to the public, to neighbors, and to other work being performed on or near the site. E. Maintain access to the *It* at oil times. 3.02 CLEARING A. Gear arms required far access to alto and execution of Work. B. Remove trees and shrubs within rms as Indicated - the Plana Remove stumps, roots and tap roots and other projections 1%* ar greaterIn tllametr to 2'-0" below the exeawted surfaces in cut areas and 2'-0" below the exposed aubgrade in RII areoa. 3.03 REMOVAL A. Remove debris, rock, and extracted plant life from site. B. The Contractor shall coordinate Work with the Engineer and Owner In establishing suitable areas within the property :;mite for depositing debris, make and extracted plant Ilto. The Contractor shall be responsible for backfllling (capping) and grading all waste .Its& 3.04 UTIUTIES A. Coordinate with utility companies and ogencies ae required. SECTION 02150 - EROSION CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. The work under this section Includes but is not limited to providing all labor, equipment and materials for the Installation of all required alto related erosion control measure.. If not otherwln directed on the plans, erosion control shoal be In strict conformity with the latest revision of the "Vermont Handbook for Soo Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites". S. Related sections: 1. Section 02210 - Site Erthwork 2. Section 02936 - Permanent Seeding 1.02 GENERAL NOTES A. The discharge of sediment laden water from the project site Is prohibited. All discharged water from dewalrtng operations shall discharge Into a temporary sedimentation trap or �dlrt bag" filter. B. Contractor shall Install all erosion control measure as depicted an plans and details or as recommended by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, or Soil Conservation Service, prior to any construction. Contractor shall also be responsible for Inspecting and malntolning all erosion control measures until project Is completed. C. Contractor shall limit the sell disturbance and and application date* to between May fat and Septemer 15th. Soil disturbance occuring later than October 15th and prior to May lot will require approwl from the Agency of Natural Resources. Site work between October 15th and May tot Involving new earth disturbance will require specific approve: (file by September 15th). D. Al: stockpile material (topsoil, borrow, otc.) shall be protected by slit fence Installed round the perimeter. Mulch shall be copped to disturbed portions of stockpiles at the and of each construction day. Stockpll" to remain In place for more than 30 days Mall be seeded. Locate stockpiles an the uphill side of the disturbed areas, If poesiblw During windy conditions, stockpiled material Mall be oovered or watered appropriately to prevent wind ro.Ion. E. Slopes greater than 1:3 shall haw erosion control netting Instilled to stabilize the elope and reduce the erosion potential. Instal: netting over mulched slopes so that all parts are In contract with the soil and mulch. Pin netting with wire staples 3' o.c. to ensure full bonding with soil surface. F. Install stone cheek dams In grass -lined .wales 50 feet an center to prevent opt from washing Into the drainage system during construction. Check dame shall be removed map vegetation Is mstobl;ah.d. G. Control dust through the application of calcium chloride or water. An average application of one pound of calcium chloride per square yard of expand area should be considered for each treatment. The exact number of applicatlon. and amount of dust controller shall be based up- field and ..*other conditions. It shall be spread In such manner and by such device. that uniform distribution Is attolned over the entire area on which It Is ordered placed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 EROSION CONTROL NETTING A. Jute netting shall consist of undyed and unbleached yom woven Into a uniform open plain weave meah. 2.02 EROSION CONTROL MATTING A. Where required on the plane or where directed by the Engineer, roslon control blankets (matting) shall be North American Green C125 for swales, and SC150 for elope stabilization, Or approved equal. 2.03 FILTER FABRIC A. When filter fabric le required, it shall conform to the requirements of Mirafl 50OX or approved eglwlent. 2.04 CALCIUM CHLORIDE A. Calcium chloride shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 1". Either regular flake calcium chloride. Type 1 or concentrated flake, pellet or other granular calcium chloride. Type 2, may be used. 2.05 WATER A. Al: water used shall be clean and free of harmful amounts of op, a H, code, alkalies, sugar, Organic matter and other substances Injurious to the finished product, plant life or the establishment of vegetation. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CHECK DAM AND INLET PROTECTION A. Check dams shall be Installed in accordance with the project details, and Inspected weekly and following any rain Or malt event producing measurable runoff. B. Catch basins within and adjacent to construction arms shall b. protected in accordance with the details deleted an Meet C-14. Inlet protection shall be inspected wooly, and following my rain or malt event producing measurable runoff. 3.02 SILT FENCES A. The slit fences shall be constructed In accordance with the construction detail. The two. Mall generally be placed 10 fast from the toe of the slope or as shown on the plans. The ands of the fence shall be placed uphill to form a horseshoe &I to trap all runoff. B. The silt fences shall be Inspected weekly, and following rain far damage Or build-up of sediments. All damaged fences shall be repaired or replaced. Sediment deposits shall be removed from the fence as they build up and be placed In an area where there Is no danger of furthr erosion. 3.03 EROSION MATTING A. Erosion matting shall be placed on all gross -lined ditches with profile grade. exceeding 5.0% and shall be placed and maintained In accordance with the Vermont Agency of Transportation Standard Speciflcctions Sections 654 and 755.07, SLOPE EROSION CONTROL STABRIZATION Type A Stabilization (Installed on slopes steeper than 2.5,1) EcoAegis or approved equal Application Rate 4,000 Ibs per acre Composition - Refined wood fiber (90% by weight) Blended hydrocollold- based binder (10% by weight) Water Holding Capacity - 10 times own weight Surface Coverage Thickness - 1/8" to 1/4" North tIdrth 9 American Green DS-75 Fully degradable - non -woven Fully bio-degrable pins In mowed areas (lasting 3 to 8 weeks and may require multiple Installation.) Type 8 Stabilization (Installed on slopes from 2.5:1 to 3.5:1) Hydraulically Abetted Mulch EcoAegis or approved equal Application Rate 3,500 Ibe per acre Composition - Refined wood fiber (90% by weight) Blended hydrocollold-band binder (10% by weight) Water Holding Capacity - 10 times own weight Surface Coverage Thickness - 1/8" to 1/4" Matti,9 North American Green DS-75 Fully degradable - non -woven Fully bio-degrable pins In mowed arms (lasting 3 to 8 weeks and may require multiple Installations) Type C Stabilization (Installed on slopes from 3.5:1 to 6.5:1) Hydraulically Applied Mulch EcoAegis or approved equal Application Rate 3.000 Ibe per are Composition - Refined wood fiber (90% by weight) Blended hydrocollold-based binder (10% by weight) Water Holding Capacity - 10 times own weight Surface Coverage Thickness - 1/8" to 1/4" North American Green DS-75 Fully degradable - non -woven Fully bio-degrable pins In mowed areas (lasting 3 to B weeks and may require multiple Instollatl-a) Type D Stabilization (Installed on slopes from 6.5:1 to flatter) Hydraulically Aoolled Mulch Application Rate 1,500 Hoe per acre Composition - Standard wood fiber Blended hydrocolloid- based binder Surface Coverage Thickness - 1/8" to 1/4" North American Groan DS-75 Fully degradable - non -woven Fully blo-degrable pins In mowed areas (lasting 3 to 8 weeks and may require multiple Installations) 3.04 RESTORATION A. Disturbed areas shall be topsolled, seeded, and mulched within 46 hours of find grading, unless otherwise approwtl, as specified In Section 02936 - Permanent Seeding. 3.05 STABILIZED ROAD ENTRANCE A. A stabilized pad of crushed stone located at any point where traffic will be entering or leaving the mnstruct1w site to Or from a public right-of-way Or street Or as shown on the drawings shalt be constructed far the purpose of preventing the tracking of sediment onto public righte-of-way. B. Design Crlterla: 1. Use 1.5 to 2.5 Inon stone. 2 Use 8 Inch layer of stone. 3. Stan. pad shall be full width of entrance. 4. Minimum length shall be 50 test 3.06 GRASS -LINED DITCHES A. All ditches that ore not .1--lined shall be tpmolled, ended, frtpized and mulched. Any area which shows Wpm of erosion .hall be reseeded Immediately and maintained until permanent vegetation le established. 3.07 MAINTENANCE A. All erosion control measures shall be Inspected weekly and repaired and/or replaced as needed. B. All ercelon control measures shall be Inspected after any rain Or melt event producing measurable runoff. C. The stoblllzed road entrance shall be top dre"ec with additional stone should the existing stone become clogged with sediment. D. Hay or straw mulch I. subject to wind action. Mulch may require anchoring as the weather conditions warrant. 3.08 WINTER CONSTRUCTION A. New sell disturbance between September 15th and May lot will require specific approval from the Water Quality Division. The Contractor shall identify any such areas not addressed by the current Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan (EPSCP) In writing, to the Engineer by September 7th. No new disturbance In them* areas will be permitted until approved by the Water Quality Dlvlalon. B. Silt fence and othr aroelon control measur" requiring earth dlaturb"as for Installation shall be Installed prior to September 15th, unless otherwise approved. SECTION 02210 - SITE EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. All utility and eltework excavation (unless covered In other sections of the.. asp-Ifl-ti.n.), removal and stockpile of topsoll, stabilization fabric, and other miscellaneous and appurtenant works. 2. Site fluln9g. 3. Roadway/porking lot structural sections. 1.02 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASTM C138 - Standard Test Method far Slew Analysis of Fin. and Coarse Aggregates. B. ANSI/ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Son Using Standard Effort. 1.03 PROTECTION A. Protect bench marks and existing structures. B. Protect above and below grade utilities which are to remain. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A Testing laboratory report. Indicating that material for backflll meet. requirements of this Section. B. Field density test reports of site fill in pace. C. Field density test reports for roadway structural smtlon. In place. D. Stabilization Fabric: Submit coal.. of manufacturer's specification. and Installation Instructions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BANK RUN GRAVEL A. This material shall meet the following grading requirements: Percent by Weight Slaw Designation Passing Square Mesh Sieve No. 4 20 - 60 No. 100 0 - 12 No. 2DO 0 - 6 The growl shall be uniformly graded from coarse to flne and the maximum size stone particle shall not exceed 2/3 of the thickness of the layer being placed or 4", whichever is le... 2.02 CRUSHED GRAVEL A. All material. shall be secured from approved sources. This growl shall consist of angular and round fragments of hard durable rock of uniform quality throughout, reasonably free from thin elongated pieces. soft or disintegrated stone, dirt, organic or other objectionable matter. This material shall meet the following grading requirements: Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Passing Square Mash Slew Fine: 2" 100 1 1/2" 90 - 100 No. 4 30 - 60 No. 100 0 - 12 No. 200 0 - 6 Coarse: 4" 95 - 100 No. 4 25 - 50 No. 100 0 - 12 No. 200 0 - 6 2.03 AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE A. Aggregate for surface course and shoulders shall consist of clean, hard growl, crushed growl Or crushed slme. It shall be reasonably free from ailt loam, day or Organic matter. it shall be obtained from approved sources. B. Grading. This moterlal shall be uniformly graded from coarse to fine and shall meet the following grading requirements: Percent by Weight Slew Designation Passing Square Mash Slew 100 90 - 1DO No. 4 45 - 65 No. too 0 - 15 No. 200 0 - 12 2.04 COMPACTED FILL/GRANULAR BORROW A. This material shall be free of shale, clay, friable material, debris, and organic matter, graded In accordance with ANSI/ASTM C136 within the following limits: Percent by Weight Slew Designation Passing Square Mesh Sieve e" 100 3/4" 75 - 100 No. 4 20 - 100 No. 100 0 - 20 No. 200 0 - 12 2.05 GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION FABRIC A. This work shall consist of furnishing and placing an approved stabilization fabric on a prepared surface within the limit. shown an the plans. The fabric shall meet. or exceed the following properties: 1. Grab tonal strength (ASTM D-4632) - 200 Has. 2. Grab test el-gatl- (ASTM D-4832) - 15X 3. Puncture strength (ASTM D-4833) - 120 Ida. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines. levels, contours, and datum. B. Identify known below grade utilities. Stake and flag C. Maintain and protect existing utilltl*e remaining which pass through work area. D. Upon discovery of unknown utility or concealed conditions, discontinue affected work; notify Engineer. 3.02 EROSION CONTROL A. Erosion control must be Installed prior to beginning any earthwork operations. 3.03 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION A. Excavate topsoil from areas to be excavated, re -landscaped Or regraded and stockpile In area. designated on site or ae directed by the Engineer. B. Maintain the stockpile in a mcnner which will not obstruct the natural flow of drainage. 1. Maintain stockpile free from debris and trash. 2. Keep the topsoil damp to prevent dust and drying out. 3.04 SUBSOIL EXCAVATION A. F-awte subsoll from areas to be regraded In accordance with plans. B. Excavate subsoil required to accommodate building foundations, slabs on grade, alto structures, construction operations, roads, and parking areoa. C. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining Into excavation. D. Notify Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work In area until notified to resume work. E. Correct ar s over -excavated by error as directed by the Engineer at no cast to the Owner. 3.05 DITCHES A. Cut accurately to the cross -sections, grades, and elevation. shown. B. Maintain ex-vatlone free from detrimental quantities of loom, sticks. trash, and other debris until completlon of the work. C. Dispose of excavated materials as shown on the drawings or directed by the molls Engineer; except do not, in my came. deposit materials Ina than three feet from the edge of a ditch. 3.06 EMBANKMENTS AND BERMS A. When embankments are to be made on a hillside, the slope of the original ground on which the embankments are to be on shall be stepped and Drapery, drained a. the fill is constructed .o that adwroe movement. of the elopes do not occur. B. Any excavated rook, lodge, boulders, and stone, excel where required In the construction of other Items or otherwise directed, shall be used In the construction of embankments to the extent of the project requirements and generally shall be placed so as to form the base of an embankment. C. Frozen material shall not be used In the construction of embankments, nor shall the embankments or successive layers of the embankments be placed upon frozen material. Placement of material other than rock shall stop when the sustained air temperature, below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, prohibit. the obtaining of the required compaction. If the material Is othere[.. acceptable, It .hall be stockpiled and renrwd for future un when It. condition Is acceptable for use In embankment.. D. When an embankment Is to be constructed across a swamp, muck, Or arms of unstable sall., the unsuitable material shall be excavated to reach soilo of adequate bearing capacity and the embankment begun. Altematlw method& men as use of a stabilization fabric In place of excavation and backflll, may be utilized only after approval of same by the Engineer. E. Material being placed In embankments shall be placed In horizontal laysrs of uniform thickness across the full width of the embankment. Stump& tern& rubbish, and other unsuitable material shall not be placed In embankments. F. Embankment areas shall be placed In elghl-Inch lifts. Effective spreading equipment shall be used on each layer to obtain uniform thlokna" prior to compaction. Each layer shall be kept crowned to shed water to the outside edge of embankment and continuous leveling and manipulating will be requlr.d to amen. uniform density. The entire arse of each layer shall be uniformly compacted to at least the required minimum density by use of compaction equipment consisting of roilers, compactors. Or o eambinatlw thereof. Earth -moving and other equlpment not specifically manufactured far compaction purposes will not be considered! as compaction equlpment. G. All fill material shall be compacted at a moisture content suitable far obtaining the required density. In no can shall the moisture content In each layer under construction be more than three percent above the optimum moisture content and shall be less than that quantity that will cause the embankment to become unstable during compaction. Sponginess, shoving, or other displacement under heavy equlpment shall be considered *vldence far an engineeringdetermination of lack of stability under this requirement, and further placement of material In the area affected shall be stopped Or retarded to allow the material to stoblim H. When the moisture content of the materld In the layer under construction Is ten than the amount neconary to obtain satisfactory compaction by mechanical compaction methods, wotr shall be added by pressure distributors or other approved equipment Water may also be added In excavation or borrow pits. The water shall be uniformly and thoroughly Incorporated Into the soli by din, hrrowing, blading, Or by other approved methods. This manipulation may be omitted far sands and growl. When the moisture content of the material Is In excess of three percent above optimum oisture content, dry material shall be thoroughly Incorporated into the wet material, or the wet material shall be aerated by dlsking, harrowing, bidding, rotary mixing, or by other approved methods; or compaction of the layer of wet material shall be deferred until the layer has dried to the required moisture content by ewporat;on. 3.07 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS A. All backflll. and fills shall be compacted in even lifts (12" maximum) to attain the required densities as follows: Standard Proctor Location ASTM 0-698 Subgrade and (howl for Roads and Parking Lots 95% General Embankments 90% 3,08 MAINTENANCE A. All earthwork should be checked periodically to see that slopes are In good condition. Any rills or damage from erosion and animal burrowing Mould be repaired Immediately to avoid further domag*. If seep. dewlap an the slop". the area Mould be evaluated to determine if the seep will cause an unstable condition. Subsurface drains or growl mulching may be required to solve seep problems. Diversions, berms, and waterwoyo In the land grading area oul Md be checked to see that they are functioning property. Problems found during the Inspections Should be repaired promptly. SITE ENGINEER: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VT 05462 ea2494e323 M 8024ea2Zr1 Mesa www.r*wam DMax' ACL cszCal) DSM AFP.aV® DSM OWNER THE RETROVEST COMPANIES PROJECT: CALKINS PROPERTY SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT REC IVE APR 10 2006 City of SO. 6udingtoi oATe cracsan nevtsloN SPECIFICATION PLAN DATE af-d SDMBER JUNE,2004 1' 1' - 40' C-9.0 PEa. No. 01243 I SECTION 02216 - DETENTION PONDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Construction of storm water detention pond. PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. Compacted FIII/Granular Borrow: The materlol for the fill shall be obtained from the designated areas and shall conform to the requirements of Section 02210 - Site Earthwork. The material shall be free from stumps, woad, brush, roots, sod, rubbish, and other matter that may decay. It should be free of stones over 2 Inches In diameter where compacted by hand or meahanlcal tampers, or over 6 inches in diameter where compacted by rollers or other equipment. Frozen material shall not be placed In the fit[, nor shall the fill material be placed on a frozen foundation. B. Stone Fill: Stone fill shall conform to the requirements of Type I Stone Fill as specified in Section 02439 - Stone Fill. C. Riser and Drain Pipe: Rleer and drain pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 02725 - Drolrege. PART 3 - IDIEC ITION 3.01 SITE PREPARATION A. The area to be covered by the pond and embankments shall be cleared of all trees, brush, stumps, roots and other objectionable material. The area to be covered by the earth embankment and the surface of the borrow area shall be stripped of all grass, roots, organic materials, or other objectionable ml to a depth that will Insure the ernovel of any materials which will prevent bond between the foundation and the fill. Material cleared shall be disposed of In accordance with Section 02110 - Site Clearing. Where the embankmmt will be on a hillside, the slope of the original ground -which the embankments are to be .-.trotted shall be stepped and properly drained as the fill is corstrutted so that adverse movements of the slopes do not occur. 3.02 COMPACTED FILL/GRANULAR BORROW A. Preparation of Foundation: Upon completion of the clearing operation and Just prior to placing the fill material on any portion of the foundation, that portion shall be scarified, plowed, or disked to a depth of 3 Inches. All objectionable material exposed by this operation Mall be disposed of outside the limit. of the fill. B. Placing and Spreading Material: The placing and spreading of material shall be started at the lowest part of the section under construction and the fill constructed in layers of 6 Inches. The layers shall slope slightly towards the mZvolr to prevent puddles and provide far faster runoff in can of rain. Whrs possible, the layers shall extend over the entire ores of the fill. The distribution and gradation of the materials throughout the fill Mall be such that there be no lenses, pockets, streaks, or layers of material differing substantially In texture or gradation from the surrounding materlol. The most porous borrow material Mall be placed on the downstream portlons of the embankmart. D. Compaction: All fill shall be compacted to 95X maximum density per ASTM D-698. E. Limit.! The embankment shall be constructed where located and as detailed In the Contract Plane. Side slope shall be 1 vertical to 3 horizontal. F. Revlalws to the proposed design of the detention pond may be neensry if, In the cpinlcn of the Engineer, unsuitable material is found at the pond location. 3.03 SLOPE PROTECTION A. Placement, Stone Fill Type I shall be placed at locations Indicated on the plans to a minimum thickness of 1'-0" In one course In a manner that will result In a rase -ably well graded surface. Care *hall be taken In the placing to awld di.placldMy/ng nq o! the unmaterial. The Nona shall be placed and distributed so that them w11 be no accumula- tions of either the larger or the smaller stones. Re- arran ant of the stone fill sae b hand labor a ied row I epuipme�rlt may be required to obtain the specified rewltcai. SECTION 02225 - UTILITY TRENCHING AND BACKRWNG PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includeel 1. Trench, backflll, and compact a. specified he eln and an needed for Inotallotlon of underground utilities located 5 feet outside the buildings. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workers who are thoroughly trained and experienced In the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the .peclfled requirement. and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this section. B. Use equipment adequate In slze, cappelty, and numbom to accomplish the work In a tknely manner. C. Comply with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Slew Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. B. ANSI/ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SOIL MATERIALS A. FIII and baekfill materials: 1. FIII material le subject to the approval of the Englner. Materlol provided can be removed from excavations on site or Imported from approved off -sits borrow area.. Materials must be predominantly granular, non -expansive call free from porous matter, organic matter and other deleterious matter and contain no rocks or lumps over 6 Inches In greatest dknen.ion. 2. Rooks having a dYnenel- greater than 2 Inches shall not be placed within 2 feet of the outside of plot. 3. Coneal-Ise. material used for backflll: Provide nand fan. from organic material and other foreign matter. and as approved by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditlons under which work of this section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatlefactory conditions an corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Identify required Imes, levels, contours, and datum. 3.03 PROCEDURES A. Existing Utilities: 1. Unless shown to be removed, protect active utility Imes shown an the drawings or otherwise made known to the Contractor prior to trenching. If damaged, repair or replace at no cost to the Owner. 2. When existing underground utilities, which are not ..heduled for remowl or abandonment, are encountered in the excavation, they shall be adequately supported and protected from damage. Any damage to utilities shall be repaired promptly of no call cost to the Owner. 3. If utility service Is interrupted as a result of work under this sector. Immediately restore service by repairing the damaged utlllty at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. If existing utilities are found to Interfere with the parnment facilities being constructed under this section, Immediately notify the Engineer and secure Instruction.. 5. Do not proceed with disruption of service or permanent r.locottm of utilities until written Instructions are received from the Engineer. B. Protection of persons and property. 1. Barricade pen holes and depressions occurring as part of the work, and poet warning lights an property adjacent to or with public access. 2. Operate warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn such day and as otherwise required. 3. Protect structur a, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, washout, and other hazards created by operations under this section. C. Dewatering: The Contractor, at all times, shall conduct :w.tlons so as to prevent the accumulation of water, Ice, anal snow In excavations or In the vicinity of excavated areas, and to prevent water from Interfering with the progress and quality of the work. Under no conditions shall water be allowed to rise In open trawl after pipe has been placed. D. Accumulated water, ice, and wow Mall be promptly removed and disposed of by pumping or other approved means. Disposal shall be camled out In a manner which will not create c hazard to public health, nor cause Injury to public or private property, work completed or In progress, or public str*ot.. nor cause any Interference In the use of streets and road by the public. Pipes under construction shall not be used for drainage of oxcowtime. E. Maintain accees to adjacent arms at all time. 3.04 TRENCHING A. Pmvld* hoisting and shoring necessary for protection of the work and for the safety of personnel. 1. Sheeting and bracing required for trenches Mall be removed to the elevation of the pipe, but no shooting will be allowed to be pulled, removed, or disturbed below the pipe. B. A trench shall be excavated to the required depth and to a width sufficient to allow for )olning of the pipe and as poctIon of the bedding and backflll material under and around the pipe. C. The completed trench bottom shall be film for Its full length and width. D. If Indicated on the plans or directed by the Engineer, poor foundatlm material encountered below the normal grade of the pipe bed Mall be removed and replaced with granular backflll. E. Where pipes are to be placed in embankment fill, the excawtion are be made after the embankment no. been } f the completed to a height o 3 feet us the diameter a P W v pips oboes the designed grade of the pipe. F. Excowling far appurtenances•. 1. Excavate for manholes and similar structures to a distance sufficient to leave at twat 12 inchw clear between outer surfooee and the embankmmt r shoring that may be used to hold and protect the banks. 2. Over -depth excawtion beyond such appurtenances that has not bow directed will be considered unauthorized. FIII with sand, growl, or loan concrete as directed by the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Excavation shall not Interfere with normal 45 degree bearing play of foundations. H. 'Where utility runs traverse public property or am subject to gyovernmental or utility mpony jurisdiction, provide dopthw , bedding, cover, and other requirements as set forth by legally constituted authority having jurisdiction, but in no case lees than the depth shown In the Contract Documents. I. Where trenching occur. In existing towns, remove turf In sections and keep damp. Replace turf upon completion of the baokfilling. 3.05 BEDDING A. Pipe Bedding Arm: Prior to laying pipe. bedding material shall be placed to the limits of the excavation and to a depth beneath the pipe a. specified. This material shall be either sand, gravel, or crushed store and shall of contain large lump. and *tones over me Inch In dameter. As the pipe le laid, bedding moterlal shall be extended to 6 Inches above the pipe and leveled along the width of the trench. 3.06 BACKFILLING A. Baekfilllrlg Mall not be done In freezing weather, with frozen material., or when materials already placed are frozen. S. Backfill material sholl be evenly spread and compacted in Ilfte not more than 12 Inches thick or as approved by the Engineer. Previously placed or new materials shall be moistened by sprinkling, If required, to ensure proper bond and compaction. C. Trenches which haw been improperly backfilled, enclosed or covered u before It has been roved hall be reopened. p en approved a ape Refill and compact as spealfied, or otherwise correct to the approval of the Engineer, at no additional cost to the Owner. 0. Take pedal care In bockfilling and bedding operations to not damage pipe and pipe coatings. E. No compacting shall be done when the material Is too wet to be compacted properly. At such times the work shall be suspended until the previously placed and new materials haw dried out wfflclwdy to permit proper compaction, or such other precautions are taken as may be necessary to obtain proper compaction. F. Backfill material shall be compacted to the following percentages of maximum dry density and the In -place moisture content shall not be more than 2% above the optimum moisture content, as determined by Standard Proctor ASTM 0696. 1. Around all structures, under roadway paving, shoulder and embankments - 95X 2. All other areas - 903L G. Frost Protection: Pipes laid with less than the minimum cover over the crown and when approved by the Engineer shall be protected against freezing by Installation of rigid Insulation for the width of the trench. Insulation shall be a minimum of 2 Inches thick with one additional Inch of thickness far every foot of depth of piping Ise. than 5 fast. The sheets shall be placed 6 Inches above the crown of the sewer after compaction of the 6 Inch Ill Immedlately above the crown. Care shall be exercised by the Contractor during backflll and compaction over the insulation. The .hoots shall most the compressive strength requirement. of ASTM D1621-73. 3.07 TEST FOR DISPLACEMENT OF SEWERS AND STORMDRAINS A After the trench has been bockfilled to above the pipe and has been compacted as specified, check saware and stormdralns to datermine whether displacement he. occurred. B. Ysually Inspect pip. Installation by flashing a light between manholes or between the locations of the manholes, by mean. of a flashiight or by reflecting sunlight with a mirror. C. If the illuminated Interior of the pipe line show. poor allgnmmt, displaced pipes, or my other defects, correct the defects to the specified conaltions and at no additional coot to the Owner. D. After visual approval of pipe, a 95% mandrel test may be required. SECTION 02400 - WORK ON OR NEAR PRIVATE PROPERTY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The work under this sectiw Includes the protection of private property and the rsetoral of reps near or on private property. (For further requirements see the General Condition. and the Special Condition. of thee. specl0catlons.) 1,02 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor Mall, upon award of the Contract, take photographs of the existing conditions in the project area. Than photograph. Malt be taken as directed by the Owner and/or as follows: 1. Any suitable camera may be used, but the lone must be a "wide angle lens having a focal length of not mere than thirty-five (35) mlllim.ten. 2. The photographs shall be at least three and a half (3.5) Inches wide and five (5) Inches long, colored, printed with a matted finish and barderless. Each photograph shall be marked with the following Information on the back: Location Station Data B. Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit a second set of photographs, taken as before. showing the conditions in the project area. Each photograph shall be marked an the back as specified above. C. Approximately 10 each before and after photographs will be required. 1.03 PROTECTION A. Every effort shall be made to protect prlvete or public property during construction. All damaged tree, shrubs and other vwgetatim shall be replaced In kind by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All material not specifically described, but required for work included In this section shall be new, first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to the approval of the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LAWNS A. in areas where removal of lawns Is necessary to complete the work, the Contractor may elect to cut, remove and stockpile the cad and put It back at the completion of the work, or replace the sod with new nod. Seeding shall not be considered as an approved equal to either of tha .bow alternatives. 3.02 BUSHES A. Bushes which are In the way of the construction and am located on private property sholl either be removed, stared and replanted or shall be replaced at the option of the Owner. 3.03 PAVEMENT A. Existing driveways and parking row shall be protected during the construction. Damaged paved areas outside the contract limits shall be neatly cut out and replaced with bituminous concrete to the complete satisfaction of the Owner. SECTION 02439 - STONE FILL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Stone FIII - Types I, 11, III, and IV. 2. Rip -Rap - Heavy Type. Light Type. 3. G-textle Fabric. B. This work sholl consist of furnishing and placing protective materials In conformity with the dimensions, elevations and at the locations Indicated In the contract or as directed by the Englnser. 1.02 REFERENCES A. VAOT Standard Specification., Section 700. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STONE FOR STONE FILL A. Stone for atone fill shall be approved, hard, blasted angular rock other than serpentine rock containing the fibrous variety chrymille (palrotion). The least dknenslon of the atone shall be greater than 1/3 of the longest dimension. The stone fill shall be reawnably well graded from the smallest to the maximum size stone specified so as to form a compact mass when In place. Type I: The longest dimension of the stone shall wry from 1 Inch to 12 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone In place shall haw a twat dimension of four Inches. Type II: The longest dimension of the stone shall very from 2 inches to 36 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the atone In place shall haw a least dimension of 12 Inches. Type III: The longest dimension of the stone shall wry from 3 Inch.. to 48 inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the atone In place shall how a least dimension of 16 inch... Type IV: The longest dimenslon of the stone shall wry from 3 Inches to 60 Inches, and at least 50 portent of the volume of the stone in place Mal haw a [met dimension of 20 ]none. 2.02 RIP -RAP A Stone far rip -rap shall be approved, rough, unhewn quarry atone, as nearly rectangular In section as practicable. The atone shall be hard, sound and resistant to the action of water and weathering. They shall be of o rock type other than serpentine rock containing the fibrous variety chrywtile (aebostoe) and suitable in every respect for the purpose Intended. Heavy Type: The Individual stones shall haw a depth equal to the thickness of the coume of fip-rap. At least 75 percent of the volume of the rip -rap, am plate In place, shall consist of atones that haw a minimum volume of 16 cub lC foot. Light Type: The Individual atones shall how a depth equal to the thickness of the course of rip -rap. The rip -rap, complete In place, shall consist of stmea that how a minimum whim. of 1/2 cubic foot. 2.03 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC A. Geotextile fabric shall conform to the requirements of Section 02210 - Sit. Earthwork. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. The areas to be protected Mall be constructed and graded to the line. Indicated m the plane or as directed by the Engineer and, If a fill arm, shill be compacted. All elopes shall be maintained to the neat lines indicated - the plans prior to the placing of gootextlle fabric or bedding material, stone flit, rip-mp or slope paving. 3.02 PLACING STONE FILL A. The specified .tone fill shall be placed In we course thickness ore shown an the plane in a manner that will result In a reasonably well graded surface. Core Moll be taken In the placing to avoid displacing of the underlying material. B. The stones shall be w placed and distributed that there will be no accumulations of either the larger or smaller sizes of two. C. Rearrangement of the stone fill by hand labor or mechanical equipment may be required to obtain the specified results. D. When atone flll and geotextlle fabric are to be placed a. part of an embankment, the protective materials Mall be placed .mcurrenlly with the construction of the embankment unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. E. When stone fill and gnatextlle fabric is to be placed under that will minimize segregation water, methods the b a iread g and Insure that the required thickness of protective material will be obtained. SECTION 02513 - BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Seatlw Includes: 1. Base Coupes 2. Leveling Coupes 3. Finish Course e. General: This work Mall consist of one or mere coumas of bituminous mixture, constructed on a prepared foundation in accordance with these Spoclfl=tlMa and the type of surface being placed, and In conformity with the Imes, grades, thicknesses and typical trans sections shown on the plan. or established by the Engineer. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled waken who are thoroughly trained and experienced In the necessary rafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requkemmts and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. All materials and Installation shall be In accordance with The Asphalt Institute Manuel (MS-4) and the VAOT Standard Specifications, 1990. C. Mixing Plant: Conform to State of Vermont Standards. D. Obtain materials from name source throughout. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Bituminous concrete shall not be placed between November 1 and May 1. Material shall not be placed when the granular subbase Is wet or when the air temperature at the paving site In the shade and away from artificial heat Is as (allow.. Air Temperature Pawment De vas Fahrenheit Compacted acted Depth P 40 Degrees or Delow Greater than 1 114" 50 Degrees or below Less than 1 1/4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Materials shall be combined and graded to meet the crlterlo as defined In the VAOT Standard Specifications, Division 700 farType II (base courss) and Type III (finish .-me) bituminous concrete. B. Gradation: Materials Moll be Iambi and graded to meet composition limits epwifled In VAOT Standard Specification, Section 406.03, for the boss course and finish course. C. Thickness of paving for drives and parking lots shall be as shown on the plans, croslsting of base course and finish tours. D. For pavement reconatructlm areas due to trenching, the depth of each coures shall be Incrwwd by 1/2". Powment reconstruction coused by trench happening due to improper placement or non -approved placement shall be performed at no addltional coat to the Owner. 2.02 TRAFFIC MARKINGS A. Traffic marking point to be factory -mixed, meeting the requirements of the VAOT Standard SDeclfication., Section 708.08. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install In accordance with VAOT Standard Spwlflcatims, Section 405. 3.02 EXAMINATION A. Verify base conditions under the provision. of Section 02210 - Site Earthwork. B. Verify that compacted granular base Is dry and reedy to support paving and Imposed leads. C. Verify gradients and slewllons of base are correct. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Matching Surfaces: When a new pavement Is to match an exiting bituminous pavement for a roadway or trench, the Contractor shall vertically smooth cut the existing Pavement. over the existing gravel base. The smooth cut Mall be thoroughly cleaned ated and cowith Emulsified Asphalt, RS-1, )Jet prior to paving. 3.04 PREPARATION - TACK COAT A. When the bottom coupe of bituminous concrete pavement 1. left over the winter, or Paving 1. to be made over an existing bituminous concrete pavement, the exletiny surface shall be cleaned and Emulsified Asphalt applied before the next coupe Is applied. B. Al.. apply to contact surfaces of curb.. C. Coat surfaces of manhole and catch basin frames with oil to prevent bond with asphalt pavement. Do not tack coat than surfaces 3.05 PLACING ASPHALT PAVEMENT A. Place to compacted thickness Identified an the plans. B. Compact pavement by rolling. Do not displace or extrude pavement from position. Hand compact In areas Inaccessible to rolling equipment. C. Develop rolling with coniocutive passes to achieve own and smooth finish, without rollor marks. 3.06 JOINTS A. Joints between old and n w pavements our between successive days work Mall be mode so on to insure a thorough and continuous bond between the old and new mixtures. Whenever the -reading process 1. Interrupted long enough for the mixture to attain it. initial stability, the paver shall be removed from the mat and a joint constructed. 8. Butt Jalnto Moll be formed by cutting the Povement in a I t right an se to the centerline rher. the pDwm one a P g a powment has .true surfaco, as all be treed by the use l a wit'i Emulsified Ths butt joint S-1, be thoroughly ewt.d with Emulsified Asphalt, Type RS-1, just prior to depositing the paving mixtures. C. Longitudinal joints that haw become cold shall be coated with Emulsified Asphalt, Type RS-1, before the adjacent mat I. Placed. If they haw been exposed to traffic, they Mall be cut back to a clean vertical edge prior to painting with the annulsian. 0. Union otherwise dlrocted, longitudinal joints shall be offset at least 6" from my joint In the lover coumas of powment. Transverse joints Mall not be constructed nwmr than one foot from the tran.wrse )Dints constructed in lower counee. 3.07 TOLERANCES A. The surface will be tested by the Englneer using a 16 foot straight -edge of selected locations parallel with the centertine. Any variations exceeding 3/16 of on Inch between any two contacts shall be satisfactorily eliminated. A 10 foot straight -edge may be used on a vertical curve. The straight -edges Mall be provided by the Contractor. B. Scheduled Compacted Thickness: Within 1/4 Inch. C. Variatim from True Elevation: Within 1/2 Inch. 3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Permit no vehicular traffic on surfaces until thoroughly cod and hard. 3.09 REPAIR OF SUBSIDENCE A. Settlement - Should any pavement sotto. within on. year of completion of the Contract, such pavement sholl be repaired at the Contractor's expense If the Contractor falls to make such ropoln promptly upon receipt of notice to do so from the Owner, then the Owner may make such repairs as necessary and the Contractor Mall pay the Owner far all cost. Incurred In making such repoln. 3.10 MARKING PAVEMENT FOR PARKING A. Striping - Thoroughly clean the reas to reaelw striping and locate all striping as Indicated an the Contract Plan.. All striping Moll be 4" wide unless otherwise noted. S. Mlscelloneou. - Pro -Ado handicapped symbols and ail other miscellaneous signs and symbols as Indicated on the Contract SITE ENGINEER: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SNEMIRIl , VT 05M eaz-pinal FA apze66eYrl woo: www.awN.can Praram m ana I ne D Dn" ACL CMCUD DSM "T'Ro .a DSM OWNER THE RETROVEST COMPANIES PROJECT: CALKINS PROPERTY SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT ECE► E D APR 1 of So" Bo rn t 0 n IF SPECIFICATION PLAN aATP. aMmNf. NIIMRF.R JUNE, 2004 sr.,x PRal. Na. 01243 SECTION 02515 - CURBS AND WALKS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section incudm: 1. Concrete Curbs 2 Concrete Sidewalks PART 2 - PRODUCTS 7-01 CONCRETE A The concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 p. at 28 days and Mall conform to the requirements of Cast -in -Place Concrete. 2-02 ADMIXTURES A. Ak-entraining admixture Mall meet or exceed ASTM C260. Air content shill range from minimum of 5R to 7Xz maxknum. 2-03 EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL A. Expansion joint material Mall be premdded bhuminms feller conforming to ASTM D994. PART 3 - EXECUTION 101 CONCRETE CURBS A. Excavation required be mode to the requd depth and the haw material upon which the curb to to be vat shall be compacted to a firm. even surface. All soft and unsuitable material shall be removed and replaced with suitable material which .hall be thoroughly compacted. B. Installation: The curb shall be set so that the front top line Is in claw conformity to the line and grade required. Ali apace undr the curbing shall be filled and thoroughly tamped with material meeting the requirements of the material for the bed .--. C. Concrete Mixing and Placing: Compaction of concrete placed In the farms shall be by spading or other approved method.. Form. Mall be left In place for 24 houm r until the conamte he. vat suffe"tly as that they ean be removed without Injury to the curbing. Upon removal of the forms, the curb shall be Immediately rubbed down to a smooth and u fform -to- but no plastering win be permitted. Fr this work, competent and skillful finishers Mall be employed. D. Sections: Curbing shall be constructed M sections having a uniform length of ten fast, unless otherwise ordered. Sections shall be separated by open joints 1/8 Inch wide except at expansion joints. E. Expansion Joints: Expansion joints Mall be famed at the Intervals shown - the plans using a pro -farmed expansion Joint filler having a thickness of 1/4 Inch cut to conform to the cans -section of the mrb. They shall be constructed at 20 foot intervals or as fleeted Engineer, by the EngineWhen the curb Is constructed adjacent to or on concrete pavement, expansion joint. Mall be located opposite or at expansion Joint. M the pavement F. Badeflling: After the concrete has set sufficiently, the spaces in front and back of the curb Mall be filled to the required elevation with layers of not more than six Inches of the same material as the bedding and thoroughly tamped G. The Contractor all protect the curb and keep It In alignment until the completion of the contract Each curb which to damaged at any time previous to final acceptance of the work Mall be removed and replaced with satisfactory curb at the Coltmetors expanses 102 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS A. Excavatio and Foundation: Excavation .hall be made to the required depth and to a width that will permit placing of bed eourm material and the installatim and racing of the forma Bad corm material Mall be placed to the depth and section shown an the plans. When the layer required exceeds six inches, two rs layeof approximately equal depth shall be ed placand cash layer thoroughly compacted - that It I. hard and unylWding. The wetting of bed course materlol may be marked to obtain the mmpactlon. S. Finishing: The surface Mall be finished with a wooden float. No plastering will be permitted. The edges Mall be rounded with - edger having a radius of 1/4 inch. The surface of the eldewalk, after the floating and screeding process I. completed, shall be finished with a broom of a type approvedn by the Engineer, drawover the surface parallel to the transverse pints, Special t.A.,In9 on slderallk rrMIn nps all be Installed accordance with canstmctlon plan details. C. Joints: Unless otherwlee Indicated an the plans or directed by the Engineer, expansion joints Mall be placed every 20 fast. Expansion joints Mall be formed around all appurtenances -on as manholes, utility pate. and other .bstnetians extending Into and through the sidewalk. Pre -formed pint filler 1/4 inch thick shall be installed In these pint.. Expm.on Joint fluor of the thickness Indicated shall be Installed between concrete .derrdks and any fixed structure su.h as a building or bridge. This expansion pint material Mall extend far the full depth of the walk. Between the expansion pints, the sidewalk shall be divided at Intervals of 5 fast by dummy pints farmed by a Jointing tool or other acceptable means as directed to provide grooves approximately 1/8 Inch wide and at least 1/3 of the depth. When the sidewalk I. constructed next to a concrete espan- sion, jont material Mall be placed between sidewalk and curb for the depth of the .16-0, D. Curing Wring the curing period all traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, shall be excluded. Vehicular traffic shall be excluded for such additional time as the Engineer may dkast. E. Backfilling: Before the conrete he. been opw.d to traffic, the pace an each side of the sidewalk Mall be beakfilled to the required elevatim with suitable material, firmly compacted and neatly graded. SECTION 02700 - WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERA. 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sao tbn induam: 1. Pip. Materlols 2. Hydrants 3. Valves 4. Fittings 5. All other appurtenances necessary to complete the water main system as shown an the Contract Plans. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit published data from manufocturers of products and acce-leg specified. Indicating compliance with mrguiremants to the Engineer and local municipality. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A All materials and the installation procedure shall be M accordance with the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division and the applicable constructim ordinances of the bed municipality. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 101 GENERAL A. Furnish ell.. tees reducing tees, wyes. couplings. Increasers, crosses, transitions and and caps of the some type and class of material as the conduit, or of material having equal or superior physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Engineer on necessary to complete the water sYet-. 2-02 DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE A. Pipe shall be Tytan Ductile Iron Claw 52 (sizes as shown on the pima) conforming to current ANSI/AWWA C1SI/A21.51 latest review. Push-m pint pipe shall be minimum thickness Claw 57 Push -on joint accessories shall conform to applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C711/A21.11. B. Pipn shall be cement mortar lined on the inside In accordance with ANSI Specification A21.4 except that the cement lining thickness shall not be law than 1/8 inch. A plus tolerance of 1/8 Inch will be permitted. C. Pipe shag be given an Interior bituminous coating In accordance with ANSI Spedfeatim A21.4 and an exteNor bituminous coating of cool, ter or asphalt base M accordance with ANSI Specification A21.51. 2.03 FITTINGS A. Ductile Iron fittings shall conform to ANSI Specification A21.10, 350 PSI working Premium. Cast Iran Claw 250 pipe fittings shall be allowed In Ilw of ductile Iran flttings Class 350. W.H. Iron compoct fitting. conforming to AWWA C153-88 will be allowed In INo of fug body flttinga 19. All M.J. fittings shill have mega -lug glands for additional joint restraint C. Belts Mall conform to ANSI Specification A21.10. 2.04 TAPPING SLEEVES Contact Champlain Water District prior to scheduling a wet tap at transmission main. A. Tapping sleeves and] be of the split sieve design, constructed with two solid half-swvee bolted together. Sleeves Mall be fall -wrap and full gasket stokgem steel. Mall haw a working pressure of at least 200 psi, and shall haw mechanical joint ands with and and side gasket seals B. All icon body tapping sleeves shall be provided with a 3/4" NPT test dug, or other provisions must be made far air testing the Valve and sleeve at maximum working pressure, prior to tapping. C. Ail bolts and nuts for medwnical joints of tapping sleeves shall be of high -strength chat Won or high -strength, low - allay steel conforming to ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11-90. D. All belts and nuts far flanged Joints of tapping si.ves shall be of AISC Type 304 stainless etml. E. All bolts and nuts shot] be sound. dean, and coated with o rust-rmistant lubricant; their surfaces shag be free of objectionable protrusion that would Interface with their fit in the made-up medanicd or Ranged joint. F. All bolts and nut. used with ail pipe sleeves shall, upon final tightening end testing, be brush tooted hiovlly with bitumostle cold -applied material to thoroughly cover all exposed surfaces of the bolts and nuts. 2.05 TAPPING VALVES A. Tapping valves shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C509--87 Standard for Resillent-Sorted Gate Valves for Water and Sewage Systems, e...pt as modified herein. Values shall open counterclockwise and shag haw a minimum working pressure of 200 psi. Inlet flanges shall be Clam 125 conforming to ANSI Specification 016.1 or ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, and outlet c"nection shall be Standardized Mechanical Joint unless specified otherwise - the Contract Plana far the type of pipe required far the branch or lateral plpsMe. S. Buried tapping vohes shall be provided with a 2 Inch square -on nut and - - installed wile a cost Iran valve box es required to allow positive acceno to the valve operating nut at all tines. In installations when the depth from grade to top of valve operating nut le greater than WO", a vdw stem riser shill be provided and Metalled such that the depth from valve stem rl.er nut to grade Is from 4'0' to 6'0" (minimum length of valve stem floor Is 2'0"). Valve atom riser Mall be of high strength steel and of aeld.d construction. 2.08 GATE VALVES A. Valves shag be manufactured to meet all requirements of AWWA SpeaHleatlan C509-87. Values 12 Inches and smaller and] be bubble tight, zero leakage at 200 psi working premism. Valves shall how non-rtaing stems, open counterclockwise. and be provided with a 2 Inch square operating nut with crow, cast M metal to Indicate direction of opening. Each calve shall have makes name. pressure noting and year In which manufactured coat on the body. Prior to hornent from the factory, each valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to twice the specified working pnewum, Gate wlvm shall be Mueller. Dreamer or Kennedy. B. Burled valves Moll be installed with a vales box. 2.07 VALVE BOX A. Cast horn New England style elide -type, 5 1/4 Inds shaft. 6 fact beach depth. B. Cover shall be cast Iron, marked 'WATER" and Indicating direction of opening. 2.08 HYDRANTS A. Mulder Centurion or Kennedy K61-A or Waterms Pacer with 6 fact minimum bury and National Standard thread. The hydrants shall haw at least 12 Inches between the bottom of the steamy cop and the ground The Contractor shall verify the hydrant requirements with the local water deportment and fine deportment One model shall be used throughout the project PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A Installation of all water lines shall he in accordance with AWWA C (100 latest revision. B. All pipe and fittings shall be Inspected and tested in accordance with the manufacturers specifications and the aforementioned AWWA Specifications. The Contractor shall fumtah for approval cer8ftcatim from me pipe manufacturr that all tests have been performed with satisfactory results. Pipe shall not be Metalled without the Engineer's approval. C. Pipe, fittings. and accesvorl. shall be carefully handled to avoid damage. Prior to the dot. of oceeptance of the project work by the Owner, the Contractor shall replace any new pipe r accomry found to be detective at any time, including after installation, at no expense to the Owner. 0. AI pipe showing crooks shall be rejected. If cracks occur In the pip., the Contractor may, at his own expanse and with the approval of the Engineer, mt off the racked portions at is point at Insist 12' from the visible emus of the crock and use the sound portion of the pips E. AN pipe and fittings "I he cleared of all foreign matter and debris prior to Installation and Mall be kept clean until the time of ocesptones by the Owner. F. The pipe Mall be laid to -farm to the lines and grads indicated m the drawings or given by the Engineer. Each pipe shag be w laid as to form a dose Joint with the next adjoining pipe and to bring the Inverts continuously to the required grade. G. At all times, when the pipe laying is not actually M Program. the open ands of the pipe shall be dosed by temporary watertight plugs or by other approved means. If water is in the trench when work le resumed, the plug shall not be removed until all danger of water entering the pipe has passed. The pipe shag be Installed In trenches and at the line and grade shown an the Contract Plana. Any deflection Joints shall be within the limits ep pacified by the manufacturer. H. All piping and appurtenances connected to the equipment shall be supported so that no strain will be Imposed on the equipment. If the squip-ent manufacturers speclficatlers include that piping loads are not to be transferred. the Contractor shall submit crtifleation of compliance. 1. For pressure piping, concrete thmst blocks shall be Metalled at all unrestrained fittings and other locations as Indl.ated an the Contract Plana. Minimum bearing area Mall be as shown on the Contract Plane. Concrete shall be 2,500 psi. Concrete shag be placed against undl.turbad material and Mall not cover Joints, bolts or nuts, or Interfere with the removal of any joint. Wood" side forme Mall be provided for thrust blocks. J. Conductivity bonds or wedgm wall be installed ed every pip. Joint. K. A minimum separation of 18" vertical and 10' horizontal Mall be maintained hot- the autslde of all ni,ter and sewer lines unless a variance Is granted by the Water Supply Divi.lan. L. There shall be no physical connection between the distribution .yet- and any puree, pumps, hydrants, r tonke which are supplied or may be supplied with a water that Is, or may be contaminated. M. The Contractor shag take all necessary precautlons to prevent flotation of the pipe in the trench. N. All trenching safety standards shall be In conformance with all applicable State and Federal guidelines. The Contractor .not be eddy reaprmale far any safety citations by State or Federal Inspectors. 3.02 SETTING OF VALVES AND FITTINGS A. Valves, fittings, plugs, and cops shall he set and Joined to pipe M the manner specified above far laying and joining pipe. B. Vdra box. are to be Matalled on all buried vdvm. The boxes shall be cast Iron with a minimum 5 1/4' diameter and long enough to oxt"d from the value to finished grade. The box- shall andoon, the operating nut and stuffing box of the .Ives. Valor box- shill not transfer load. onto the valve. C. Downs shall be clam hitting and dirt tight with the tap of the cover A..h with the top of the box rim. Covers shall be marked "WATER" with an arrow, Indicating the direction of opening. 3.03 SETTING OF HYDRANTS A. Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed m as to provide ..-plot. acceselbility and minMiz. the p-siblllty of damage from vehicles r injury to Pedestrians. B. yWnan placed behind the curb, the hydrant barrel shag be mt so that no portion of the pumper er how nozzle cap will be less than 6 Inches nor more than 12 Inches from the gutter face of the curb. C. When mt in the lawn apace between the curb and the sidewalk, or betwe" the sidewalk and the property line, no portion of the hydrant or nozzle cap shall be within 6 Inches of the sidewalW. D. All hydrants Nall stand dumb and shag have their nozzlm parallel with. or at right angles to, the curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb, except that hydrants having two hors nozzim 90 degrees apart shall be rat with each nozzle facing the curb at on angle of 45 degrees. Hydrant' shall be set to the established grade, with nozzles at least 12 Inches above the ground as shown or as directed by the Engle mr. E Each hydrant shall be connected to the main with a 6 Inch cast Iron branch controlled by an Independent six Inch gate valve, unions otherwise specified. F. The waste opening of all hydrants will be mcurely plugged. 3.04 DISINFECTION A. Disinfection of the pipeline shall be directed by the Engineer and meta far all water, materials. equipment and labor to perform the required testing shall be at the Contractor's expanse AWWA Standard C-651 (latest revision) Mboomraosm. A all be used as a far the disinfection pI allots""D n/ testing "all be completed by an Independent Engineerthird party unless otherwise approved by the Engineor local municipality. B. The Engineer will require as minimum: 1. Complete flushing of the pipeline to wash out all dirt. debris, site. which may haw accumulated In the pipeline during construction. 2. Following flushing (to dean car water), the Contractor will odd chlorine to the entire pipeline whams of water men that the water will haw not law than 25 mg/L fr- chlorine, and let the mixture mt for at least 24 horn. 3. After the 24 hour duration, the water M the ppeline shall be tested far residual free chlorine and must contain a minimum of 10 mg/L chlorine. If lees than 10 mg/L are found, than the disinfection procedure shall be repeated until at least 10 mg/L chlorine residual is Indicated by test 4. Upon successful completion of the step. above, the plPeline shall be flushed again until the chlorine concentration In the pipeline Is no higher than that prowling in the supply syet-. After this find gushing and before the pipeline ta placed In service, bacteriological samples shall be cdiected an two areeoutive days, and eubmltted to the Vermont Health Department far ondysle. If the Initial disinfection fags to produce samples which pass the Vermont State Health Department requirements for potable drinking water, than the process Mall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. Upon satisfactory results by the Vermont State Health Department, the pipeline may be placed In service. 3.05 PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TESTS A. Th. Contractor shag f.-I h all gouges, testing plug.. cape and all other necessary equipment and labor to perform leakage and prwssurs tests In sections of an approved lanpth. Each valved sepelan or a maximum length of 1.000 fast of pipe shall be tested. The Contractor shall provide ct his oar, expanse any additional tops to the water line necessary to perform the pressure and leakage test between wives. All dlsinfactlon/testing Mall be completed by - tndepmdent third party unless otherwise approved by the Engineer or local municipality. B. All water required far testing Mall be potable. All testing shall be conducted In the presence of the Engineer. C. The Contractor shall make the necessary provisions to tap the pips at the high point to release all air and shall plug sane after completing the test Hydrants or blowoffe located at high points may be used far air release In Ilea of taps If approved by the Engineer. D. Fr the pressure test, the Contractor shall develop and maintain for two hours 150X of the working pressure or 200 Poll whichever la greater. Failure to hold within 5 psi of the designated pressure far the two-hour period conatltutes a failure of the motion tested. E. No pipe Installation shall be accepted If the leakage is greater than that determirod by the following formula, Lon N P L­ SDP .5 7,400 Whichever 1. lees S - Length of Pipe Testing L Alowable Leakage In Gd/Hr D - Nominal Diameter of Pipe (7 P s Average Test Pressure (pal) N Number of Joint. In the Pipeline Tested All testing Mall be conducted to accordance with AWWA C600 (latest rovislon). F. Should any nectlon of pipe felt either the pressure or leakage test the Contracts .hall do everything necessary to locate and repair or replace the defective pipe. fittings or Joints at no coat to the Owrr. S01TTH BURLINOTON WATER DEPARTMENT NOTES: I. AB domestic savioe and fire sprinkle systems thin one convected to the public wets system shall be protected with a bwk0ow prevention assembly, and an eppromme them. eximaxim system in omptianm with the Ordinance for tee Control of Croea Concoction Within the Was Svsem of the Cay of South B_edm�mn, hm"forth Ito "Backfiow Ordinance." Please cones this department far more informatim on haddlow prottmon dewcrs. 2. Access main be provided b the Department liar those curb stops and gets vah as located outside the City ROW for disconnecting service to delinquent accounts provided thin the City of South Burtmgton fall- the requiremenfs set forth in Stara Stante Tit]. 24 V.S.A. Chapter 129, Uniform Wee sad Sewxs Disconnect. 3. F ght-m b Decide [me (DI) wxmr pipe shall base no less than dues (3) brass wedges installed . each joint. Bury depth to the new m.n shall be six feet (63 to the top of the pipe. 4. All hydrants oh.l meet the al rementionad specifi.. mn, and a hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant. Hydrant drama shall have ell drains plugged prior to m fellation. 5. No andergound ubtihImo or structures shall be installed within f fed (4) from the weal main on either side, from the top of the main as the finish grade, with the cnoepeon of atom sewn and sanitary sewer lines as stoned in the show ref ced Specifications. Tans shag nor be placed ova any water manorsavior line, nor plaost within tweoly fond (20) of cry apprnenance, vidisdmg fire hydrams. 6. Separation between the water main and service line and nearby sanitary and some hewer lima shall comply with the VT WSR mu-sm. and the above refertoced Speci6cstioos. 7. he South Berlin&. Water Deparmast ordinance stew that "All w.a be. sod appormances sot located in the City nghtot way or public grounds shall be considered private pmeusnt to the ordinance and others of the Citv," aed; 11. -Die Department sbell nor matsmia any water lines that have.. formally been ...opted by the City, except in subdivisions that me designed a Department SpeciGc.imma and am intended to be ancepted," suit; 9. "AD w.r Tones and appurka- located within an area so designated as rose ictad r Iowans by the deri lop. shall be consixfood pivsic" I O. At this time private fire hydrants are assessed a $100 per hydrant annual fee, and sprinkler systems one assessed a $30 a.ual fea. 11. Prior m any banding -emotion, the building ci naaetor must concoct this Depar mant to it- City requirements for meter sizing, meta sadness, and barlilow protection- 12. The SBWD shall be seat any future had copy plans involvmg this project f review. Future plans mug include derails and specification as required in the above oral' cad Specifications. 13. The SBWD shsM be notified prior to boakfill g to inspect.) joists, fittings. ..is tine tap., epPnrmarcer, water line cressmgs, it testing. 14. The polydheylax pipe ences xumt and installation shall cofuna, m aurmt ANSVAW WA C105/A21.5 Specifications 15. A hard copy sal of As-Bmlts in well as one electronic copy in Auto-CAD.dwg Version 14 Format or never shall be supplied to this department upon mompision ofthe wavr syaem impravememra. SECTION 02725 - DR.ANAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Drainage pipe and appurtenances. 2. Drainage structurm. B. Related SectW-: 1. Section 02.225 - Utility Trenching and Backfllli g 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturrr 's technical data fo 1, Pips and ppurt-once.. 2. Structures. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL REOUREMENTS A. Furnish Ws, tow. reducing two, ryes, couplings, Increasers, rowns. transits -a and and caps of the name type and dose of material as the eondult, or of material having equal or superior physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Engineer. 2.02 DRAINAGE PIPE AND PERFORATED PIPE A if the Contract Plans do not specify o particular type of pipe, at the Cootractr'e option. the fallowing materials may be .-at 1. Polyvinyl Chloride pip. conforming to ASTM Specification D3034 - F679, (PVC) sewn pip. and fitting. SDR 35. 2. Cormgated Polyethylene pipe and fitting. (smooth interior) mesting the requirements of AASHTO M-294 and M-252. 2.03 CONCRETE STRUCTURES A. ASTM C478, sized - indicated. 2.04 METAL ACCESSORIES A. MaMoie frames and corers: 1. Grey cost Iran, ASTM A48, ors shorn an plane. PART 3 - E ELUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A Examine the ae- and conditions under which stern sawr system work Ie to be Instilled and notify the Engineer In writing of eondltlons detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions haw be" corrected. 3.02 GENERAL A. When existing underground utilities. which are not scheduled for removal or abandonment are encountered In the excavation, they shall be adequately supported and protected from damage. Any damage to utilities shall be repaired promptly at no additional coat to the Owner. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Hand trim excovatl" (where neosesary) to required elevation. Correct over --.time with fill material. S. Ths. Nopm shall be graded to match the grade an Mown on the plan.. Where required, and section. Mall be placed and backflged to pmwnt undermining. C. Remove large atanes or other hard matter which could damage drainage structures or Impede consistent Dodcfilllng or compaction. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF PIPE A. Pipe shall be Installed in accordance with Section 02225 - Utility Trenching and Bocklgling. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES A. Promet concrete structures: 1. Poor precast concrete structures and cowers as Mown on the Contract Plans, 2. Where manholes mcur in pavement, mt tops of frame. and town flush with finish surface. 3. Provide rubber joint gasket complying with ASTM C443. 3.06 INSTALLATION OF STONE FILL A. Place atone fill as Mown on Contract Plane. SECTION 02730 - SANITARY 1EV" SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Gravity Sewer Pipe 2. Manhole Structures and Appurtenances B. Related Sections: 1. Section 02225 - Utility Trenching and Backfllling 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit published data from manufacturers of products and accessorise specified, Indicating compliance with requirements. 1.03 OUAUTY ASSURANCE A. Al saritry sewer materials and construction of same "all be -shown on the Contract Pima -it shall meet the requirements of the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (Department of Envires m"tal Conservation) and the Public Works Standards and Specifications of the local municipality. PLANS PREPARED BY: C A CNIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 485 SHEL BURNE. VT 06482 8024W2M3 frill lyi"e 2271 web: www,newcem lou- AWY Cluea-a COA A 1110 ID DW APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: LAVD (J(S1EPLA1111MERA41`10hVIECT LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHWLLE, TN LYNL Eyeloil EW CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SlIELBURAFE, VF 1R4ffV I TND ENGINEERING OSS/PEE, NH I-MEISCAPE ARCH17ECT LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILI.ACE nor► we•11e ran Vs...nt SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD TH BURLINGTON, VTVT Linn APR i020 fiY cif tSo. Burlington DAR egrtaoN ApilfD ND1ES SPECIFICATION PLAN DATE Ma1Nr, NUYDint JUNE, 2004 9.11. 1r = 40, C-9.2 PJmxJ. Nm. 0121* 11 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Furnish Its, teas, reducing tees, syn. couplinge, Increasers, crosses, transitions and end cops of the some type and close of material as the conduit, or of material hating equal or superior physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Engineer to provide a complete and operabl. system. 2.02 PVC GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER PIPE A. PVC sewer pipe shall conform in all respect@ to the latest revision of ASTM Specifications 0-3034 or F679, Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fitting., SDR 35 pips. All pipe and fittings shall be clearly marked as follows: - Manufacturers Name and Trademark Nominal Pipe Size (as shown on plane) - Material Designation 12454-C PVC L.saaend "TypePSM SDR 35 PVC Sewer Pipe" or "PS 46 PVC Sever PIP. - Designation ASTM D-3034 or F679 B. Joints shall be push -an type using sostomerlc gaskets and shall conform to ASIM D-3212. The gaskets shall be factory Installed. The pipe shall be furnished in nominal 13 foot length& Sufficient numbers of short length# and full machlno fittings shall be provided for use at manholes and connectlons. All connectlons will require the use of manufactured fittings. Field fabricated, #addle-tps connections will not be considered acceptable. 2.04 MANHOLES A. Manholes shall be alzed as Indicated an the plan and shall be precast concrete with a monolithic bane and shall conform to the latest version of ASTM Specification 0478. S. Shelves shall be constructed with concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. Inverts for sewer manholes shall be as shown an the plans and details and shall be constructed with concrete or brick, as par the local municlpalltyrs standards. Inverts shall haw the exact shape of the sewer to which they are connected, and any change In size of direction shall be gradual and even. C. All manholes are to be provided with copolymer polypropylene plastic steps with steel reinforcement 12 Inches on center. D. All manholes shall be provided with rough, gray, cast Iron manhole frame and covers. All Iron coatings shall be thoroughly cleaned and then coated with hot tar before being delivered. From as and covers shall be LeBaron LC 266, or an approved equal, and haw a minimum weight of 400 pounds. E. Precast risers and bases for manholes shall conform to ASTM Specification C-478. The pipe opening In the precast manhole ay#tan shall how a east -In -place flexible gasket or an mulwtent system for plpe Installation as approved 6 the Engineer. Joint. between manhole rlswe shall be 1 minimum width flexible gasket or approved equals. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Care shall be exerolasd by the Contraotor to avoid disrupting the operotlon of existing sanitary mower facilities without prior written approval of the Engineer. B. Whan existing underground utilities not scheduled for removal or abandonment are encountered in the excavation, they shall be adequately supported and protected from damage. Any damage to utilities shall be repaired promptly at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Inetallatlan of pipe shall be In accordance with Section 022.25 - Utility Trenching and Back811ing and as specified by this section. 3.02 BEDDING FOR PIPE material shall be shoed to fit the le fora A. Then beddmglesstn 1 p DP depth a not less than .. percent .Its total height and shall haw recess to reoelw the ball. 3,03 LAYING PIPE A. In gweral, sewer pipe shall be Installed In accordance with the latest detailed Instructions of the manufacturer. B. The laying shall begin at the outlet end and the lower segment of the pipe shall be In contact with the shaped bedding throughout Its lull length. Ball or grooved ands of rlgld pipes and the circumferential laps of flexible pipe shall be placed facing upstreom. C. All pipe and fittings shalt be carefully examined for. defects and no pipe or fittings stall be told which ore known to be defective. If any defect]" piece Is discovered otter layin4, it $hail be removed and replaced at the Contract" a expense. All pipes and fittings shall be cleaned before they are laid and shall be kept clean until accepted in the completed work. D. The pipe shall be laid to conform to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings or given by the Engineer. Each PIP. shall be so laid as to form a close pint with the next adjoining pipe and to bring the inverts continuously to the required grade. E. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent flotation of the pipe In the trench. F. When pipe laying Is not In programs. the opan ands of the pipe shall be dosed with temporary watertight plugs. If water is In the trench when work Is resumed. the plug shall not be removed until all danger of water entering the pipe ]a eliminated. 3.04 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE TESTING A. The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and Instrumentation required far proper completion of the flushing and testing. Quality of water, teat procedures, and method of disposal of water shall be approved by the Engineer. Prior to testing, flush with water to remove construction debris. S. All tests shall be made In the presence of the Engineer. Preliminary tests made by the Contractor without being observed by the Engineer will not be accepted. The Engineer will be notified at least eight hours before any work Is to be Inspected or tested. C. The maximum sewer length to be tested at one time shall be that length between any two manholes. D. Air Testing: Low pressure air testing shall be conducted In accordance with the following procedures: I. Each and of the test section shall be plugged, capped and braced. Necessary safety precautions shall be taken to prevent blowouts and possible Injury. 2. An air hose shall be connected to a tapped plug used for on air Inlet. The home will be connected to the air control equipment, which shall Include valves and Pressure gauges. Then. shall allow air to enter the .ewer test line. monitor air pressure In the sewer, shut off air, and provide pressure reduction and relief. The monitoring pressure gauge shall have a range of 0-10 psi with dMsiona of 0.10 psi and accuracy of 0.05 psi*. 3. The air compressor and air supply shall be connected to the test line and the test creation filled slowly, until a constant pressure of 4.0 paig Is maintained. 4. A pressure above 3.0 paig shall be maintained far at least five minutes to allow the temperature to stabilize. A check for leaks shall be made and If any are found, the pressure shall be released and the fitting replaced or repaired. 5. After the stabilization period, the pressure shall be adjusted to 3.5 paig and the air supply disconnected. S. Measure and record the time interval for the test line pressure to drop from 3.5 psig to 2.5 paig. 7. If the groundwater table is above the pipe, increase .bow test pressures 0.5 pets fora h foot the groundwater To above the Invert of the pipe. 8. The requirements of this specification shall be considered satisfied If the time required in seconds for the pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 psi greater than the average back from of any groundwater that may submerge the pipe le not less than that computed according to the following table: Minimum Test Time for Various Pipe Sizes Diameter (Inches) Time (Sec./100 Ft.) 4 18 8 45 8 75 10 90 12 110 Minimum Test Period = 1 minute 3.05 MANHOLES A. The excavation shall be to the depth Indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer, and carefully shaped and graded. B. Manhole sections shall be precast concrete and shall conform to the dimensions Indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer. C. Channels, inverts and floor areas for sewer manholes shall be constructed of brick and mortar or concrete Inverts shall haw the exact shape of the sewer to which they are connected and any change In size or direction shall be gradual and even. All construction of sewer manholes must be carried out to Insure watertight work. D. The required courses of brick shall be placed on tap of the concrete to the elevation Indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer. Brick shall be told In an appropriate manner by a compotwt mown. After the bricks are Told, the joints an the Inside of the brick masonry shall be neatly pointed. The outside surface of the brick shall be cowered with mortar of the came quality as used for laying the bricks so that a reasonably smooth surface Is obtained. E. The cast Iron from. shall be set as Indicated on the plan• In a full mortar bed. The grade or cower shall be property placed In the frame. 3.06 MANHOLE TESTING A. Manholes shall be tested separately by one of the following two procedures: 1. ExAtration Leokoge Test: All pips$ and other openings Into the manhole shall be suitably plugged and the plugs braced to prevent blowout. The manhole shall then be Poled with water to the top of the cone section. A period of time may be permitted, If the Contractor so wishes, to allow for absorption. At the and of this period, the manhole shall be refilled to the top of the cone. If necessary, and the measuring time of at least four hours begun. At the end of the test period the manhole shall be refilled to the top of the cone, measuring the volume of water added. This amount shall be converted to gallons per vertical foot depth for 24 hours. The leakage for each manhole shall not exceed one goilon/wrttml Mot/day. If leakage exceeds the allowable rate, repolre shall be made as approved by the Engineer and the manhole retested. If the Contractor eiects to backfill prior to testing, the testing shall be at his own risk, and It shall be Incumbent upon the Contractor to determine the moon for any failure of the test. No adjustment In the leakage allowance will be mode for unknown causes such a. locking plugs, absorption, etc. It will be assumed that all loss of water during the test Is a result of leaks through the joints or through the concrete. Furthermore, the Contractor shall take any steps necessary to assure the Engineer that the water table Is below the bottom of the manhole throughout the test. 2. Vacuum Test: This method of testing manholes far leakage Involves the use of a device for sealing the top of the manhole cone nation and pumping the air out of the manhole, creating a vacuum and holding this vacuum for a proscribed period of time. The procedure for this test is as follows: a. All lifting holes and exterior pinta shall be filled and pointed with an approved non -shrinking mortar. The completed manhole shall not be backfllled prior to testing. Manholes which haw been backfilled shall be excavated to expose the entire exterior prior to vacuum testing or the manhole shall be tested for leakage by means of the exfstratlon leakage test. b. All pip" and other openings Into the manhole shall be suitably plugged In a manner to prevent dl.placement. e. A plate with an Inflatable rubber ring the size of the top of the manhole shall be Installed by Inflating the ring with air to pressurs adequate to prevent leakage of air between the rubber ring and the manhole wall. d. Air shall than be pumped out of the manhole through an opening In the plate until a vacuum is created Inside of the manhole equal to 10 inches of mercury on an approved vacuum gouge. The removal of air shall then be stopped and the test begun. & The manhole shall pass this test If the vacuum holds at 10" Hg or drop. no lower than 9" Hg within the following times: Time Depth of 4' Manhole Minutes Seconds 0' - to' 2 0 IV - 15, 2 30 is' - 20' 3 0 20' - 2V 3 30 I. If the vacuum drop exceeds 1" Hg during the specified time periods, the manhole shall be roe"led and Step. 2 through 5 above repeated until the vacuum holds for the specified time. g. After the manhole poems the vacuum test, it shall be backfilled carefully so that no leaks are created. If the manhole Is disturbed In any way during backfilt, It shall again be vacuum tested according to Steps 1 through 5 above. If the manhole falls the vacuum test, the Contractor shall test the manhole using the manhole e.fI1tralToW test. h. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a written log of each manhole leakage test result. I. Manholes shall be tested and accepted prior to building manhole inverts. SECTION 02921 - LANDSCAPE OWING PART 1 - GENERAL 1,01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Finish grading; bring rough grade in areas to design elevation as shown on the drawings. 2. Topmost Work shall consist of furnishing, placingg and shaping topsoil. or placing, spreading, and shaping topsoll form stockpiles or stripped areas. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL A. On -sits topsoil shall be natural surface layers of call stripped, grubbed, stockpiled, and conditioned, If necessary, for use to topaoiling and seeding operatlns. Additional topsoil shall be brought in from off -alto at the owner's expense for areas locking sufficient topsoil to support vigorous plant growth. B. Topsoil droll be loose, friable, reasonably free of admixtures of subsoll, free from refuses, stumps, roots, brush, weed., rocks, and stones i 1/4 Inch In overall dimensions. The topsoil shall also be free from any material that will prevent the formation of a suitable seedbed or prevent seed germination and plant growth. It shall contain not less than three (3) nor more than twenty (20) percent organic matter as determined by lose-on- IgnItlon of own -dried samples drawn by the Engineer. Any material which has become mixed with undue amounts of subsoil during any operation at the source or during placing or spreading will be rejected and shall be replaced by the Contractor with acceptable material. C. Topsoil shall consist of sandy loam, loom or silt loam with the following maximum proportion$ of materials a. determined by slew analyst$ or In.p.ptlon, 30-50 silt: 0-20 clay, and shall be dark brown In color when dry. D. Borrow Topsoil: Provide name of source. Each source of borrow topeoll shall be natural surface sop from well drained areas. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. Clean subgrode of ail stumps, atones, roots, trash or other materials which might hinder proper tillage or spmding. B. All surfaces on which topsoll I. to be placed shall be graded to a reasonably true surface and scoriflod by raking, discing or other approved means to a minimum depth of two Inches before placing topsoil, 3.03 PLACING TOPSOIL A. Minimum Mal depth of topsoil shall be 4 Inches. B. Place topeoll when seeding operation. can closely follow spreading operations. Use topsoll In relatively dry state. C. Topsoil shall be spread and shaped to the lines and grades .hown an the plans, or as directed by the Englneer. The depth stated In the contract to which the topsoil to to be placed Is that required after final mlling of the material has taken place. All stones, roots and debris over 1 1/4 Inch In diameter along with any sodding weeds and other undesirable material shall be removed. D. After shaping and gmdin® all trucks and other equipment shall be excluded from the topeolled area to prevent excessive compaction. The Contractor shall perform much work as required to provide a friable surface far seed germination and plant growth prior to seeding. E. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to restore to the line. grade and surface all eroded areas with approved material and to keep topeoiled areas In acceptable condition until the completion of the work. SECTION 02936 - PERMANENT SEEDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment to complete all seeding work as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 2. Except where otherwise shown or specified, the Contractor shall seed oil areas where new contoum are shown an the drawingsand all areas where existingq ground cover has been disturbed by the Contractors operations. B. All work and materials of this Section shall conform to the applicable requirements of the VAOT Standard Specifications, Division 600. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Provide the following for approval prior to delivery to the site: 1. Suppliers Certificate of Compliance attesting that time. fertilizer and end most the requirements specified. 2. The Contractor shall provide representative topsoil samples for testing and approval, deliver comple. to a public extension service agency testing laboratory. haw testing report sent directly to the Landscape Architect and pay all mate. Testing shall report an mechanical and chemical (pH plubie salts) analysis. Report shall be submitted at least one month before any looming is to be done. 1.03 SEEDING SEASONS A. Seeding and Initial fertilizing shall be done between May let and September 15th, unless otherwise authorized. Seeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground Is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untillable. If seeding Is done during July or August, additional mulch material may be required by the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 UME A. Lime shall be standard, ground dolomite limestone, agricultural grade, containing a minimum of 95% of calcium and nlm agneslucarbonates. f00% shall pass the 10 mesh slew: minimum 90% shall pass the 20 mesh slew; minimum 40% shall pass the 100 mesh slew. 2.02 FERTILIZER A. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade granular fertilizer as required for call conditions as specifled In Section 643 of the VAOT Standard Specifications. The fertilizer shall be delivered to the project in new, dean, sealed contalnem which bear a label fully describing the contents, the chemical analysis of each nutrient, the fertilizer grade, the net bulk, the brand and the name and address of the manufacturer. The fertilizer and labels shall conform to all existing State and Federal regulations, and shall meet the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 2.03 GRASS SEE ' A. Provide fresh, clean, new -crop seed of the grace specie., proportions and minimum percentages of punt , germination and maximum percentage of weed and as follows: 1. Park end shall normally be used an loam o sou . This and mixture shall conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Kind of Seed Purityy Germination Ube/Acre Creeping Red Fescue 96% 95% 40 Perennial Ryagraea 98% g0% 50 Kentucky Bluegrass 97X 85X 25 R.dt.p 95% 80% 5 TOTAL w 120 2. Sipe asod shall normally be used for all dope work, usually 3:1 or steeper and .hail conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Kind of Seed Purity Germination Lba/Acre Creeping Red Famous 98% 85% 35 Perennial Ryegraes 98% 90% 30 Redtop 95% so% 5 Smooth Bromegraee 96% 85X 10 TOTAL - 80 B. The seed mixture shall be delivered in new, dean, coaled containers. Labels and contents shall conform to all State and Federal regulations. Seed shall be subject to the testing provi.lons of the Awedation of Official Seed Analysts. Mixes containing Sweet Clover, White Clover, or Birdfoot Trlfoil shall not be used. C. Seed that has become wet, moldy, or otherwiss damaged will be rejected. 2.04 MULCH A. Mulch must be Installed on all seeded areas. The following mulches are acceptable far use. 1. May mulch free of weeds and coarse matter at a rate of 90 pounds per 1,D00 square feet. 2. Wood fiber applied In a slurry (1/6" or longer) at a rate of 40 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Z05 WATER A. All water used shall be obtained from fresh water sourc" and shall be free from Injurious chemical and other toxic substances harmful to plant life. No water which in brackish will be permitted at any time. The Contractor shall identify to the Engineer all sources of water at ]pat two weeks prior to use. The Engineer, at his discretion, may take samples of the water at the source or from the tank at any time and haw a laboratory test the samples for chemical and saline content. The Contractor shall not use any water from any source which Is disapproved by the Engineer following much tests. 2.06 HERBICIDES A. A pre -emergence herbicide, slduron (tupercan), shall be applied to the finished topsoil if seeding Is to occur prior to June 1. This type of herbicide Is afocti. against germinating ...do - it kill. the plants before they emerge to the soil surface. Moro Importantly, It does not Interfere with the germination of cool "aeon grams such as Kentucky Bluegrass and C-26 Hard Fescue. Contact Engineer prior to application. B. Application: Contractor shall use extra care In handling. Slduron, commonly known as "tuoarsan", shall be applied at the manufacturer. recommended rate. Z07 FINAL FERTILIZER A. "Uramfte" or "Nltroform' containing 38% nitrogen In a slow misses farm. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3,01 PREPARATION A. Examine finish surfaces, and grades. Do not start seeding work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Perform ending work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface he. been completed. B. Notify Landscape Architect at twat sewn (7) working days prior to starting seeding. C. Proper* areas Immediately prior to seeding as fellows: 1. Looean soil of and areas to a minimum depth of 4". 2. Remove atones over 1" In any diameter and sticks, roots, rubbish and extraneous matter. 3. Remove existing weeds and grasses by pulling or tilling under. 4. Grade areas to be seeded to a smooth, free draining even surface with a loose, moderately coarse texture. 5. Remove ridges and III depressions as required to drain. 6. Restore prepared areas if eroded or disturbed prior to sowing. 3.02 SEEING CONDMONS A. Seeding shall not be done when the ground Is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or In any other uncatiefactory condition far planting. No ending operations shall be conducted under adverse weather conditions or when soil moisture conditions are unfawrable (too wet or too dry) or when winds exceed 5 MPH. B. Construction methods shall be those established as agronomically acceptable and feasible. Th. Contractor shall keep all equipmert and whicular and pedestrian traffic off areas that haw been seeded to prevent excessive compaction and damage to young plants. Where much compaction has occurred, the Contractor shall rework the all to make a suitable "ad bed; then r end and mulch much areas with the full amounts of the specified materials, at no extra expense to the Owner. C. Surface and seepage water should be drained or diverted from the site to prevent drowning or winter killing of the plants. D. All areas and parts of areas which fall to show a uniform stand of grass for any reason whatsoever shall be reseeded, and -on areas and part. of arsoe shall be ended repeatedly until all areas are covered with a satisfactory growth of grate. E. Watering Is considered a necessary dement for establishment and survival. F. Where ryog'ss has been planted for temporary aroston control and has not been eliminated prior to the completion of the work, much aroma shall be discord at least 3 inches deep and seeded to permanent grasses to prevent the ryograam from reseeding and becoming competitive with and retarding development of the permanent cover. 3.02 SEEDING A. Lime and fertilizer should be applied prior to or at the time of seeding and Incorporated Into the soil. Kinds and amounts of lime and fertilizer should be based on an evaluation of Boll test.. When a all test Is not available, the following minimum amounts should be applied: Agricultural limestone, 2 two per acre or 100 lbs. per 1.000 cauare feet. Nitrogen (N), 50 too. par acre or 1.1 lbs. par 1.000 square fact. Phosphate (P205), 100 be. per acre or 2.2 lbs. per 1,000 .quays fast. Potash (K20), 100 lbs. par acre or 2.2 Ibe. per 1,000 square feet. (Note: This is the equivalent of 500 Ibe. per are of 10- 20-20 fertilizer or 1,000 Ibe. per acre 5-10-10). B. Seed should be spread uniformly by the method most appropriate for the site. Methods Include broadcasting and hydro"eding as follows: 1. Broadcasting: Sow seed using mechanical spreader at a rate of 4 Ibs./1,D00 square feet. Distribute and evenly over entire area by sowing equal quantity In tow directions at right angles to each other. Rake seed lightly Into top 1/8" of topsoil, roll lightly and water with a fine pray. 2. Hydresseding: Mix specified end, fertillze and pulverize mulch In water, using equipment specifically designed for hydroseed application. Continue mixing until uniformly blended Into homogwous slurry suitable for hydraulic application. Apply slung uniformly to all areas to be seeded. Rate of application as required to obtain .p.ifled seed .owing to. 3. Hydraulio application of end will not be allowed within 2D0 fact of the detention pond. 3.03 MULCHING A. Mulch materials shall be spread uniformly by hand or machine at a rate of two 50 Ib, bales per 1.000 square feet. 8. Organic Mulch Anchoring - Straw or hay mulch must be anchored Immediately after spreading to prevent wind blowing. 3.04 MAINTENANCE A. The maintenance period shall begin immediately after .coding and shall continue until acceptance. B. All mulches must be Inspected periodically, In particular after rainstorms, to check for rill erosion. Where erosion Is observed, additional mulch shall be applied. Net should be Inspected after rainstorm.. far dislocation or (allure If washouts or breakage occur, reinstall net as necessary after repairing damage to the slope. Inspections should take place until grosses are firmly established. Grasses stall not be considered established until a ground cover Is achieved which to mature enough to control soil erosion and to survive severe weather conditime. Where mulch ls used In conjunction with ornamental plantings. Inspect periodically throughout the year to determine if mulch Is maintaining coverage of the sop surface•, repair as needed. C. Seeding areas shall be protected and maintained by watering, reseeding, mowing, weeding, rolling, insect or disease control meaeures, m-fwtllizing and repair of washouts which are necessary. C. The Contractor shall maintain all seeded areas until full vegetation 1. established. D. Ali ended area. shall be kept Me from woods and debris, such as stones, cables, baling wire, and all slopes 4:1 or lees (flatter) and fowl turf shall be mowed In the following manner. 1. When grace reaches a height of 4-61 mow to a height of 3". 2. At twat two cutting. shall be made prior to final acceptance. E. Following mowing, all permanent seeding gram. areas (mowed and unmowed) shall receive a uniform application of slow release fertilizer hydraulically placed at the rate of 10 pounds per 100 square feet. 3.05 ACCEPTANCE A. Inspection to determine acceptance of ended areas will be made by the Landscape Architect, upon Contractors written request. 1. Provide notification at least ten (10) working days before requested Inspection date. B. Seeded areas will be acceptable provided all Installation and maintenance requirements have been oompllod with and a healthy uniform lawn is established. C. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume maintenance. 3.06 WARRANTY A. All seeded areas will be worranted for a period of twelve months from date of Owner's acceptance. Should any ended arms Mil to maintain full vegetation. failed areas will be refurbished until this specification is achieved at the cost of the Contractor. SITE ENGINEER: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX485 SHELBURNE, VT 05482 ep24e5.2 U0 FAX 802485M12211 web: www.oea-N.cwn DIi61rN ACL CNECEED DSM dPPRDYEll DSM OWNER: THE RETROVEST COMPANIES PROJECT: CALKINS PROPERTY SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT SPECIFICATION PLAN DATE DRWTNG NNNDER JUNE, 2004 scni.E 1" = 40' C -9.3 PRN. NO. 01243 \ PLANS PREPARED BY: c 1 I I\ {':: i \_7 A .'.'.(.": .': \I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 �II 1 /� / '•• : • 1 I P.O. BOX 485 SHELBURNE, VI 05482 — — `•J .'•'i •: :.: I \ BOT-OH3THT9 FPX HOT-BHSTT)1 uep: wvw.cea-N.can I AWY _ - 1 \ -t-. / \\ HECI�D ................... ........ ... ..... .. .. ....... .... .................. ............................. - 1DSM ............................. ........ I 1 ............................... �...�...�- I ...... \................................................... ..::::. �117 / : DSM I1, ... .... \ ...... 1 \................................ ........ \ APPLICANT`�------ ��::::. \1 SOUTH VILLAGE - \�:. COMMUNITIES, LLC. ever `:i :::::::::::::::...............::. ...................... .... ......... PROJECT CONSULTANTS: _j ... :':":'!':':'::':':.':"::-::':•.•.•:: LAND( �WRAM6gA1Raff1Wr .'..'."::.'.'.'.'.".'.':: \\ LOONEY RICKS KISS / _ N4SHI7LLE, TN I I �': E CML AKi/NEER ....... ... .............. / \ �/ I rI DIM' ; 1 _ = ^ � _ i' `\ — � � . � ..... ......... .:':::: CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES _. .. ..\ ju SHEIBURNf. VT - �— j � E � / � \ I /'.'.'�'�'��!'.'.'::'.':':'.':':':':-:•:-,•;..,.. / � � � � »..,... � IRAFHC EWNEER �� I • — 223 �`� I /� G /= — f TND ENGINEERING \ :.'..'.'.'.'.'..'.': ' / i f \ OSSIPEE, NH 1 I8B -- 1 44NOISC4PE ARCHITEC --- _ �\ T f... Vr ; r .. r: y i i _� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 % MMI DLEB -WO PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH II �% �`%ILIAGE ::: SPEAR STREET AND aS G % I :::'ti:•:':':' I \ ' i , I I I \ ALLEN ROAD - - 1 I \ ; ; • 1 ( 1 \ `' I I I I I \1 I SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT I I53 .....:.':.: it 27 ow EIV E I 911 €I F UITY of S . ........ ... . I 1 \ - - ' 911 STREET ADDRESS PLAN a � � �- D1TF DH1FIYi; � �1,. _ — �%—..: / `\ FEB., 2006 dH . —(I - .7 oo'n �-- �I 01243 STATE OF VERMONT NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD DISTRICT #4 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 111 West Street • Essex Junction • Vermont • 05452 • (802) 879-5614 • Fax (802) 879-3871 MEMORANDUM To: Interested Parties From: Stephanie H. Monaghan, District #4 Environmental Coordinator <;0N Date: March 29, 2006 Re: Public Hearing: Land Use Permit Application #4C1160 - South Village Communities, LLC & Paul Calkins A public hearing on the above referenced matter has been scheduled for Monday, May 15, 2006. This hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. (if not before). The hearing will take place at the Essex Junction District Office of the Agency of Natural Resources, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT. The Commission requires that the Applicant submit all of its revised plans and evidence to all parties listed on the attached certificate of service and that four (4) sets of the documentation be submitted to the District Commission Office on or before Monday, May 1, 2006. All parties must be prepared to go forward and present all their evidence on the criteria under which they have been admitted. Please contact me at 802/879-5662 with any questions or concerns. Thank you. CERTIFICATE OF SERVIJ I hereby certify on this 9 day of March, 2006, a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 MEMORANDUM TO INTERESTED PARTIES #4C1160, was sent first class mail, postage prepaid to: PARTIES: South Village Communities, LLC c/o Mr. David Scheuer 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Mr. Paul Calkins PO Box 82 Lyndonville, VT 05451 David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. PO Box 485, 928 Falls Road Shelburne, VT 05482 Mark Hall, Esq. Paul Frank & Collins One Church Street, PO Box 1307 Burlington, VT 05402-1307 Amanda S.E. Lafferty, Esq. Stitzel, Page & Fletcher, PC PO Box 1507 Burlington, VT 05402-1507 Steve Apfelbaum Applied Ecological Services, Inc. 17921 Smith Road PO Box 256 Brodhead, WI 53520 Chair, City Council/Juli Beth Hinds, Director of Planning & Zoning (City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 hair, Selectboard/Chair, Planning Commission own of Shelburne O Box 88 helburne, VT 05482 :hittenden County Regional Planning Commission 0 Kimball Avenue, Suite 206 outh Burlington, VT 05403 izabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney/Julie Moore eve Sease, Director, Planning Division )ency of Natural Resources )3 South Main St. - Center Bldg., 3rd Floor aterbury, VT 05671-0301 Page/COS/#4C 1160 PARTIES (Con't) R.M. "Skip" & Denise Vallee c/o Jon Anderson, Esq. Burak Anderson & Melloni, PLC 30 Main Street, PO Box 787 Burlington, VT 05402-0787 Alan & Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Mitchel Cypes 74 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Daniel Wetzel 183 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Barbara Hibbitts E16 Stonehedge Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 FOR YOUR INFORMATION District #4 Environmental Commission Thomas Little, Chair/Michael Flaherty/Kate Purcell 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 John Dietrich Fuss & O'Neill 78 Interstate Drive West Springfield, MA 01089 ited at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 4day of March, 2006. i \Act250\ADMIN\CS\4C1160.wpd ris ine Commo Natural Resources Board Technician 879-5660 �)\)--1C Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Issuance of Conditional Use Determination #2001-274 Please be notified, as per Section 8.4 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, that the request for a Conditional Use Determination received from Gilman & Briggs Environmental for the construction of a 334-unit development that will impact 19,844 square feet of Class Two wetland and 87,090 square feet of associated 50-buffer zone was approved on the first of May, 2005. It was found by the Agency of Natural Resources that this conditional use will not result in any undue, adverse effects to the protected functions of the significant wetland located east of the intersection of Spear Street and Allen Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Complete copies of the decision can be obtained by calling the Water Quality Division at 802- 879-2396 or writing to the address below. Any person with an interest in this matter can appeal this decision pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1269. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition; the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b) (4) (B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is 225 North Main Street, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-479-4487) Erin K. Haney District Wetlands Ecologist Water Quality Division Department of Environmental Conservation 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452-4695 cc: [Distribution List] K:\Wet]\AM\South Village\South VillageCUD-final issuance notice.doc In the matter of: Conditional Use Determination Section 8 - Vermont Wetland Rules South Village Communities, LLC c/o David Scheur 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 (co -applicant) Paul Calkins PO BOX 82 Lyndonville, Vermont 05851 (co -applicant) Application for the construction of a 334-unit development that will impact 19,844 sq ft of Class Two wetland and 87,090 sq ft of associated 50-foot buffer zone. South Burlington, Vermont File #: 2001-274 DEC ID #: EJ05-0114 The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources received application #2001-274 for a Conditional Use Determination. This application has been publicly posted through February 17, 2006 and notice sent to all parties as required by Section 8.3 of the Vermont Wetland Rules. A public information session was held on February 16, 2006. Commenters filed a formal "brief in opposition" near the close of the public comment period, on April 16, 2006. The Applicant responded with a "reply brief' outside the public comment period on February 24, 2006, and Commenters then filed a "sur-reply" brief on March 24, 2006. Findings of Fact After careful examination of this application, the Agency finds as follows: I. The Wetlands 1. A complete application, on behalf of the applicants, was received from Art Gilman and Errol Briggs of Gilman & Briggs Environmental for Conditional Use Determination #2001-274 on January 6, 2006. 2of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 2. The wetlands and adjacent 50-foot buffer zones are located to the east of the intersection of Spear Street and Allen Road in South Burlington, Vermont. There is an existing residence on the parcel. The address of the existing residence is 1840 Spear Street. April J. Moulaert, District Wetlands Ecologist, conducted several site visits to the subject property with the applicants' representatives. 4. The wetlands are identified as palustrine open water and forested wetlands on the Vermont Significant Wetlands Inventory maps and are therefore designated as Class Two wetlands in the Vermont Wetland Rules. (A) Approximately 36 acres of the subject wetland are located on the project site, and the wetland extends off the project site to an undetermined extent. A second Class Two wetland, also known as the Great Swamp, comprises some 9.85 acres on -site, with an estimated similar acreage off -site. The Great Swamp will not be impacted by this project. The site also has several smaller Class Three wetlands, which cumulatively total approximately 4.5 acres. The subject wetland is a mix of open water, scrub/shrub, shallow marsh and wet meadow. A tributary to Monroe Brook flows through this wetland. (B) Two wetland impact areas are proposed as described in detail below: one is at Midland Avenue on the western portion of the property and the other is at the proposed L Street in the eastern portion of the property. In the vicinity of the proposed impact area at Midland Avenue, the wet meadow type of wetland is dominated by sedges and grasses, including, among others, creeping bent grass (Agrostis stolonifera), marsh bluegrass (Poa palustris), common rush (Juncus effusus), and scouring rush (Equisetum hyemale). At the proposed L Street the wetland is dominated by lake sedge (Carex lacustris) in almost a pure stand, with other emergent graminoids. (C) The buffer zone in most areas is scrub/shrub upland on abandoned agricultural lands that are reverting from field to forest; in some areas the succession has just started, in others it is nearly complete. The scrub/shrub community is dominated by gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa) and common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), with saplings of American elm (Ulmus americana), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and others. Much of the old field area that remains is dominated by common bedstraw (Galium mollugo) and by goldenrod, especially tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima). (D) Soil types in the wetlands are primarily Covington silty clay (poorly drained), with some areas of Livingston clay (very poorly drained). In the areas of impact, there are Covington. The soils in the buffer zones are primarily Vergennes clay with some Georgia stony loam, Farmington extremely rocky loam, and Hinesburg fine sandy loam. II. The Proposal 6. This proposal involves the construction of a 334-unit residential development on an approximately 226-acre site. The site has significant resource constraints that restrict development in various areas of the property. In addition to the presence of over 50 acres of wetlands on the subject property, the project is further constrained by the presence of a city -mandated view protection zone extending from Spear Street westerly across the site. 4 ) 3 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 This has eliminated the potential to place housing units within the western -most portions of the site. In order to protect significant natural resources, such as important wildlife habitat areas, the eastern -most portions of the property have been designated as areas to be kept permanently preserved. In addition to the proposed housing, other project components include a community farm utilizing organic practices. This project also includes an "Ecological Restoration and Management Program" which is based on the following design objectives: 1) restore the ecology, diversity, and beauty of native plant communities in conservation preserves; 2) improve the ecological functioning and beauty of the communal open space and other areas by integrating ecological restoration with native landscaping; 3) provide for the enjoyment of the conservation preserves; and, 4) develop a long-term ecological stewardship program for the open space. The restoration of the native plant communities is intended to improve the health of ecosystems, including wildlife habitat and ecological function. The restoration of a complex native vegetation structure and rich biodiversity in the properties South Village's woodlands, wetlands, wet meadows, and native upland grasslands and forests is intended to provide enhanced habitat for populations of breeding birds, invertebrates, mammals, and other wildlife. In the remaining areas, the project will include a mix of one-, two-, and three -unit buildings and 9 multi- family apartments or condominiums totaling 184 residential buildings, a 1 00-student school, a day care, and a series of agricultural buildings. The project will be built in three phases with the following per -phase maximum units: 156, 99 and 80. The linear footage of proposed roadways in Phase I is 6,560 public and 1,500 private; Phase II is 4,520 public and 1,130; Phase III includes 3,440 public and 1,020 private; for a total of 14,520 public and 3,650 private. Wastewater disposal will be treated at the City of South Burlington Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The proposed Class Two wetland encroachments are mostly associated with two road crossings as outlined below. The project will impact 19,844 square feet of Class Two wetland and 87,090 square feet of 50-foot buffer zone. "L" Street — This roadway will complete the City -required east -west connection of the local roadway network from Dorset Farms to Allen Road. A 30'-wide clear span bridge with cast -in -place abutments and wing walls is proposed at this location to minimize the impacts on the hydrologic connection of the wetland. The construction procedures will include the placement of a cofferdam on either side of the drainage way to allow uninterrupted flows during construction of the bridge footings. These coffer dams will also minimize the potential for the movement of disturbed soil and silt -laden water into the stream. Two utility line installations will be required creating a temporary impact to the wetlands and stream corridor. Construction dewatering will be carefully controlled through the use of polyacrilimide additives and settling/filtration areas so that silt laden water is not introduced into the wetland or stream corridor. The side slopes have been maximized with the use of a 2:1 slope to minimize the footprint of the fill area. "Midland Avenue" - This proposed roadway has been located to follow along a previously disturbed area. The additional fill footprint for the roadway has been minimized by obtaining waivers from the City for the standard clear distance from the edge of the recreation path to the traveled way from 8' to 5 % a reduction in the path width from 10' to 4of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD 42001-274 8% and the use of 1:1 side slopes. The existing culvert through the fill is a 15" corrugated pipe. The proposed structure will be an open -bottomed 7'-wide three -sided box culvert on concrete footings. A stream bypass suitable of passing the 2-year design storm will be required to be installed during construction of this structure. Sediment and erosion control measures will include silt fencing along the toe of the fill and stabilization of the fill slopes as soon as possible to minimize the potential for soil erosion and movement. An Individual Operational Stormwater Permit and a federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) will be required for the development of this site. The NPDES stormwater permit will include an approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan designed to minimize discharges of sediment during construction. The operational stormwater permit will require compliance with the Vermont Stormwater Management Manual. Both permits will ensure compliance with Vermont's Water Quality Standards. "L Street Stormwater Management Facility" — Buffer encroachment is proposed on the north side of L Street for the construction of a stone eater management facility. In order to minimize the buffer encroachment, a small wetland impact of 112 square feet is proposed for the outlet structure so as to maximize the depth of the facility. Quiet Path Bridge Approaches — A 20 ft clear span wood pedestrian bridge is proposed to connect two upland areas across a narrow band of wetland. This will require the construction of small abutments and approach fill. The total buffer impact is 454 square feet. Ecological Restoration Program - The proposed restoration plan focuses on creating ecologically valuable biological communities within the context of a developed or disturbed landscape. The project will focus on creating and restoring diverse native ecological systems adjacent to developed areas. The proposed restoration program for the wetlands calls for the enhancement of the existing wetland and its surrounding buffer area. Prior to enhancement, the wetland will require control of invasive non-native species through application of appropriate herbicides and possibly prescribed burning. An appropriate plan for the use of selective herbicides for in the wetland and wetland buffer will be submitted to the Secretary for approval to allow these activities to occur. Herbicides are not broadcast sprayed during a restoration process. Instead the herbicide is wick -applied directly to the target individual plants; this reduces exposure risk to other biota. The species of most concern in the site wetland are reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), and a hybrid grass introduced from Europe, called giant reed grass (Phragmites communis). Reduction of these invasive species will allow the sedge meadow, wet grassland and emergent wetlands in the property to be enhanced and restored. After the restoration program is implemented (a period not to exceed five vears). the entirety of the un-impacted wetland and wetland buffer zone areas for the two Class Two wetlands will become dedicated "no -mow" zones, so that they can revert to wooded areas over time. 7. The applicant has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Determination along with numerous attachment and engineering plans. The following plans were prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc.: "South Village, Wetland Impact Summary, WIS-1.0" dated January 2005, last revised 1/6/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W 1.0" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W 1.1" 5of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W1.2" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan D Street, W2.0" dated October 2004, last revised 12/21/05; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W2.1" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W2.2" dated October 2004, last revised 1/05/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W3.0" dated October 2004, last revised 12/21/05; "South Village, Storm Water Management Facility, W5.0 dated February 2005, last revised 1/05/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W5.1" dated October 2004, last revised 1/05/06; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W5.2" dated October 2004; "South Village, Wetland Crossing Plan Midland Ave., W6.0" dated October 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Narrative C-7.3" dated July 2004; "South Village, Erosion Control Specifications C-7.4" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Inspection C- 7.5" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Inspection C-7.6" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Details C-7.7" dated July 2004; "South Village, Site Erosion Control Details C-7.8" dated July 2004; and "South Village, Site Erosion Control Details C-7.9" dated July 2004. The following plans were prepared by LandWorks: "South Village, Rec. Path Trail Network Plan L-l" dated July 2004, last revised 12/5/05; "South Village, Landscape Buffer to Wetlands L-7c" dated July 2005, last revised 10/7/05; "South Village, Buffer Landscape Plan L-7d" dated July 2005, last revised 12/5/05; "South Village, Buffer Landscape Plan L-7e" dated July 2005, last revised 12/5/05; and "South Village, Quiet Path Sections L-9" dated September 2005. 8. The protected functions of the wetlands in question include the following: water storage for flood water and storm runoff (§5.1), surface and groundwater protection (§5.2), wildlife and migratory bird habitat (§5.4), hydrophytic vegetation habitat (§5.5), open space and aesthetics (§5.9), and erosion control through binding and stabilizing the soil (§5.10). 9. The following functions are either not present or are present at such a minimal level as to not be protected functions: fisheries habitat (§5.3), threatened or endangered species habitat (§5.6), education and research in natural science (§5.7), and recreational value and economic benefits (§5.8). 10. The wetland is significant for the water storage for flood water and storm runoff function because it is upstream of developed public and private property and a stream that is susceptible to scouring and erosion; and it has physical space for floodwater expansion and dense, persistent emergent vegetation that slows down flood waters during peak flows and facilitates water removal by evaporation and transpiration. The road culverts have been sized, and the road crossings have been designed, to retain the natural flow characteristics of the wetland complex so there will be no reduction in water storage capacity. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 11. The wetland is significant for the surface and ground water protection function because it protects water quality through chemical action, or by the removal of nutrients, as demonstrated by fine mineral soils (clay), there are no dead forest or shrub areas and no ditches or channels that confine water and water velocity is lowered through dense, erect, vegetation. The wetland also protects water quality by the retention and removal of sediments and organic matter and by moderating the adverse water quality effects of soil 6of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 erosion and stormwater runoff as demonstrated by having no artificial channelization of the wetland, no soil tillage and the wetland is in a depositional environment with a band of erect, persistent vegetation wider than 20 feet. In order to protect this function, stormwater on the project site will be treated with a series of vegetated "stormwater trains," which are devices used to treat runoff prior to discharge. In addition, there will be at least one stormwater pond as required to meet Vermont Stormwater Management Manual standards. Standard and site -specific erosion control practices will be utilized, and all exposed soils will be seeded and mulched within 24 hours. A silt fence will be placed at the edge of the buffer zone to capture any silt from construction. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 12. (A) The wetland is significant for the wildlife and migratory bird habitat function because the wetland: has the habitat to support one or more breeding pairs of waterfowl or one or more broods of waterfowl; supports or has the resting, staging or roosting habitat to support waterfowl migration; has the potential to support feeding habitat for great blue heron, supports or has the habitat to support one or more breeding pairs of snipe, American bittern, and northern harrier; contains evidence that it is used by muskrat and mink; provides habitat that supports the reproduction of uncommon Vermont amphibian species including: Jefferson salamander, blue -spotted salamander, spotted salamander, or others of similar significance; based on its habitat is likely to support populations of wood turtle; contains the following conditions indicative of wildlife habitat diversity: 1) four wetland vegetation classes (1/2 acre or greater in size) are present including: open water contiguous to deep marsh, shallow marsh, shrub swamp, wooded swamp; 2) the dominant wetland vegetation classes are marsh or wooded swamp; 3) the wetland is located contiguous to a stream; 4) the surrounding habitat types are a combination of forest, old field, and open land; 5) the wetland is hydrologically connected to other wetlands of the same dominant vegetation classes within 1/2 mile; and (6) it contains evidence that it is used by wetland dependent wildlife species. (B) A wren, that may have been a sedge wren, was observed during a site visit in the subject wetland. The sedge wren is listed as a State Endangered species. The wren was observed in the northern portion of the subject wetland in suitable habitat. The northern portion of the wetland will not be impacted by this project. (C) Species of wildlife considered rare or of special concern observed at the site include: Jefferson salamander, Blue -spotted salamander, American bittern, and Northern harrier. (D) Steps taken to avoid and minimize wetland impacts are described in paragraph 16 below. The location of L Street, which impacts the main wetland, has been chosen at a narrow location to minimize intrusion into the wetland, and is downstream from any nnnl s of open water that would be attractive to many wildlife species. The other area of wetland to be impacted has less potential as wildlife habitat. Steps taken to reduce impacts to wildlife include: the avoidance steps noted above, in relation to the layout of the streets, the design of Midland Avenue, which uses an existing roadway area that has a low profile so as not to present a barrier to wildlife movement north -and -south along the small stream and valley, retention of the large upland areas between the Great Swamp and the subject wetland, so that the mix of habitats will promote wildlife use, and a proposed habitat restoration component which will improve the quality of the habitats on the property. The 7of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 restrictions placed on the use of the "quiet paths" are beneficial to wildlife and will minimize any disruptions to use of habitat, while affording people the opportunity to view wildlife. In correspondence, the Agency noted the desire of the Department of Fish and Wildlife to retain large buffer zones, 300' in width, around the wetlands on the project. This has been done for the Great Swamp and for the easterly side of the subject wetland, except for the necessary crossing at Midland Avenue, for the large island in Wetland C, and for most of the area of the "Ridge." Altogether the wetlands, buffers, and intervening uplands on the easterly side of the property form a large block of contiguous habitat. (D) While the Agency does find that the project will have more than minimal impact on the above -noted wildlife species habitat that occurs on the project site, the Agency finds the project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function, given the avoidance, minimization, and other mitigation efforts that have been proposed by the Applicant. Such avoidance, minimization, and mitigation efforts, together with the conditions set forth herein, are sufficient to ensure that there will be no undue adverse effect, whether direct and immediate or cumulative and on -going, on protected wetland functions. 13. The wetland is significant for the hydrophytic vegetation function because the wetland provides habitat for a rare species of hydrophytic vegetation, blunt -leaved bedstraw (Galium obtusum). This plant occurs along the seasonal stream in the area mostly north of the Midland Avenue crossing (i.e., downstream of the crossing) in light woodland. This species is ranked S 1 by the Natural Heritage Program (S 1 is defined as: "very rare, generally one to five occurrences believed to be extant and/or some factor(s) making it vulnerable to extirpation from the state") with twelve known historical sites and fewer recent sites. The population occurs mostly out of the proposed impact area. The Applicant plans an intensive habitat restoration program for much of the site, which is generally abandoned agricultural fields and which is currently vegetated with numerous invasive species. The restoration measures are proposed in both uplands (including wetland buffers) and wetlands, and include the removal of nuisance and exotic species by manual methods, as well as by burning, herbicide use and cultivation; and planting of more desirable species. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 14. The wetland is significant for the open space and aesthetics function because the wetland has prominence as a distinct feature in the surrounding landscape. This wetland is not currently visible to any of the public, being topographically hidden in its broad valley. Subsequent to the development, it will be observable by the general public traveling on public roads, as well as by the residents of the proposed South Village. The open wetland is mostly north of the proposed crossing of L Street, and will be visible to motorists. At Midland Avenue, the public will be able to view wetlands on both sides of the road. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 15. The wetland is significant for the erosion control function because there are erosive forces present, and there are areas of erect vegetation greater than 20 feet wide adjacent to a stream. The vegetative characteristics of the wetland that provide this function will not be significantly altered by the project. Based on the factors described above, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 8of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 16. In response to feedback from the Agency, the Applicant revised the original plans in order to reduce wetland impacts. In the current plan, there will be no wetland or wetland buffer zone disturbances associated with the construction of the housing units. The only direct disturbances are associated with road crossings, erosion and sediment controls, and stormwater management areas. The Applicant eliminated a proposed road crossing to address Agency concerns. All areas of disturbance will be promptly restored. As noted above, there are restrictions concerning the property that constrain development on other upland portions, specifically the City of South Burlington viewshed district, which essentially prohibits any further development of the uplands along Spear Street than is already planned. The Applicants have agreed to retain a large contiguous block of important habitat: the subject wetland, the Great Swamp, and the intervening land as a whole. The impacts from the project relate to the road crossings - Midland Avenue and L Street. Such impacts are unavoidable, as the Applicants represented-- and the City of South Burlington did not dispute-- that such road crossings are necessary to comply with the City of South Burlington's policy of connector roads, especially Midland Avenue. The Applicant has worked with the City of South Burlington to significantly narrow the generally required street widths, and this has significantly reduced project impacts from what would otherwise be required. Rule 8.5 of the Vermont Wetland Rules requires that a project must demonstrate that all practicable measures have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to the protected functions of a wetland. The Applicant is also required to show that the proposed conditional use will not have an undue adverse impact on protected wetland functions. In this case, the project has been designed to avoid wetlands and buffer zones to the maximum extent practicable. Measures taken to avoid and minimize impacts to the wetland functions have included several redesigns and scale -backs in regard to wetlands along the southern edge of the property. Additionally, the project was redesigned in at least three other iterations to avoid impacts: 1) The crossing of Midland Avenue was originally about 300' further north and would have crossed a more significant wetland - dependent wildlife area; the redesign brought it to an area of the pre-existing filled roadway, leaving the area northward in a more natural state; 2) A group of housing units in the intervening uplands between Great Swamp and the subject wetland, north of Midland Avenue, were removed from the project design, which reduces impacts to wildlife habitat by leaving the wide (300 feet) buffers around these wetland perimeters as requested by the Department of Fish and Wildlife; and 3) A large group of housing units on the Ridge area have been removed from the design, also allowing the wide buffer zone (plus additional upland) in that area, as requested by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Split -rail fencing, and landscaping, will be installed where development is proposed near the wetlands and is shown on the project plans. The Applicant will permanently preserve all of the remaining wetlands, approximately 35.5 acres, and buffer zones on the entire balance of the site as part of this project. The preservation of extensive wetland, buffer zone and upland areas of the site in perpetuity, the prompt restoration of disturbed areas and the proposed Ecological Restoration and Management plan ensure that any impacts on protected functions are sufficiently mitigated such that there will be no undue adverse impacts from the project. Accordingly, adverse impacts have been minimized. The Applicant has also provided its 9of12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 plan to promptly restore any adverse impacts on protected wetland functions, and to ensure the protection of wetland functions with its preservation and management strategies. 17. Comments were raised regarding the need for the through road that necessitates this Conditional Use Determination, and the need for the proposed Phase III units that will be provided access by the construction of the through road. The City has indicated that the through road is required in order to develop this property. The Applicant has provided an adequate explanation as to why the through road must be located where the Applicant has proposed. Furthermore, the design of the through road has been modified to address Agency concerns, as described above. No further mitigation is required beyond what the Applicant has proposed and what the Agency requires herein. The proposed units in Phase III will not result in any direct wetland or buffer zone impacts.' 18. If the project is constructed according to the specifications of the application and accompanying site plans, and the conditions of this Conditional Use Determination, the resulting wetland filling and alteration is not expected to result in any violations of the Vermont Water Quality Standards. The Agency has evaluated the proposed design changes suggested by the Commenters (which were unsupported by sufficient details or analysis) and has determined that the project as proposed by the Applicant and subject to the conditions contained herein domplies with the Vermont Wetland Rules, and that further consideration of alternative theories of design is not required under the Rules. Conclusions of Law Based on information provided by the applicant and their representatives in the application for Conditional Use Determination, the Agency of Natural Resources concludes: Under Section 8 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, effective February 23, 1990, the Secretary may authorize conditional uses in a significant wetland or in its adjacent buffer zone. The Rules state that each Class Two wetland is presumed to serve all of the wetland functions identified in the Rules (Section 4.2b). Protected functions are distinguished from other wetland functions in Section 2.20, as those functions that make a wetland so significant they merit protection under these rules. Under Section 8.5a, the Secretary may only authorize a conditional use when it is determined that the proposed conditional use will have no undue adverse effect on the protected functions, unless the Secretary determines such impacts are sufficiently mitigated. ' Commenters raise a number of arguments regarding the authority to the City of South Burlington to "coerce" the Applicant to build the East-West through road, and cite the U.S. Supreme Court case of Nollan v. California Coastal Cmm'n (483 U.S. 825 [1987]) for the proposition that the City may not "essential[ly] force" the Applicant to bear the cost of the East-West Road as a precondition of the project. The Agency, and not the City, however, is the permitting authority in this case. The Agency's jurisdiction, nonetheless, does not extend to questions of the constitutionality of the City's zoning regulations. Moreover, even if there were a taking of private property for public use at issue in this case (which there is not), the Applicant would have standing to raise that issue. Commenters additional reliance on the "sufficient nexus" test set fort in Nollan is likewise misplaced and merits no further discussion. 10 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD #2001-274 The proposed conditional use cannot practicably be located on an upland portion of the site or on another site owned, controlled or available to satisfy the basic project purpose. All practicable measures have been taken in this proposal to avoid adverse impacts on protected functions. The Agency determines that the proposed conditional use, described in the Findings of Fact and in the Conditional Use Determination application in question, will have no undue adverse impacts, with consideration of both direct and immediate effects and to cumulative and on -going effects, to the protected functions of the Class Two wetland, associated buffer zone on this subject property or the adjacent wetland complex. To the extent that there will be some impacts to protected wetland functions, avoidance of such adverse effects cannot be practicably achieved. The proposed conditional use, however, has been planned to minimize adverse impacts on protected functions and provides a plan for prompt restoration of any adverse impacts on protected functions. Decision 1. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources finds, that on the basis of the information provided in the application for Conditional Use Determination, there is reasonable assurance that the proposed conditional use will have no undue adverse effects, with consideration of both direct and immediate effects and to cumulative and on -going effects on the protected functions of the significant wetland on this property provided the provisions of the application are supplemented with the procedures described below. This Conditional Use Determination is therefore approved with the following conditions: A. All activity shall be completed, operated and maintained as set forth in accordance with the proposal in Conditional Use Determination Application #2001-274 and all submittals listed in Finding of Fact #7 above. No material or substantial changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the Vermont Wetlands Office. B. The applicant shall notify the Vermont Wetlands Office in writing prior to the start of this project. C. A continuous line of orange snow fence shall be installed along the limit of disturbance where construction is proposed in the vicinity of the wetland or buffer zone prior to the start of construction to prevent encroachments into protected areas. D. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted by the applicant shall be followed. All sediment barriers and construction fencing shall be removed following the successful establishment of vegetation. E. The applicant shall have this Conditional Use Determination recorded in the land records of the City of South Burlington for all affected lands and the applicant shall have this Conditional Use Determination referenced in any deeds for the property. The applicant shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Office with a copy of correspondence or other proof from the City of South Burlington certifying that the restrictions have been recorded. 11 of 12 South Village LLC/ Calkm., CUD 42001-274 F. Within 30 days upon completion of the proposed work in the wetland and buffer zone, the applicants or their representative shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Office with a letter from a Professional Engineer certifying that the project was constructed in compliance with the conditions of this determination. G. The applicant will be required to deed restrict any additional development beyond the project footprint identified in the plans that were submitted as part of this application. H. The split -rail fencing in each phase shall be installed in the locations shown on the plans prior to occupancy of any of the units in the corresponding phase. All wetland and wetland buffer zone areas on the property that are not permitted to be impacted as part of this permit shall be allowed to re -vegetate naturally and will not be allowed to be mowed. The only exception to this condition will be any mowing required for the initial implementation of the ecosystem restoration plan (this period shall not exceed five years). J. Road crossing structures and approach fill should not encroach within ordinary high water (bankfull = Q1.5); should not raise the mean annual water surface profile (Q1.5) above the profile associated with no existing structure; should not block fish passage; and should maintain natural substrate through the structure. K. All proposed activities in the wetland and adjacent 50-foot buffer zone, carried out in compliance with Condition A, must be completed within five years of the date of the Conditional Use Determination or it will expire. An extension of time may be granted for cause. A request for an extension must be received by the Department at least 30 days prior to the end of the three-year period in order to prevent the expiration of this Conditional Use Determination. A request for extension will be considered a minor modification. L. The terms and conditions of this decision shall run with the land. M. The applicant shall conduct additional field studies to determine whether sedge wrens nest in the subject wetland or otherwise use suitable wetland habitat on the site; shall monitor the site annually for the following species of concern: Jefferson salamander, Blue -spotted salamander, Northern Harrier, and American Bittern; and shall submit an annual report to the Agency with the results of these studies. N. The applicant shall monitor the portion of the wetland in question annually during early July for five years following construction for the nuisance plant species purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and common reed (Phragmites australis). All nuisance plants found shall be pulled by hand and disposed of by burial or burning in a non -wetland location. Additionally, the contractor's equipment shall be cleaned so as to contain no observable soil or vegetation prior to work in wetlands and buffer zones to help prevent the spread of invasive species. 2. The State of Vermont and the Agency maintain continuing jurisdiction over this project and may at any time order remedial measures be taken if it appears likely that adverse 12 of 12 1 South Village LLC/ Calkins CUD 42001-274 �� impacts to the protected functions and values will occur, and to assure future compliance with all statutes, rules and regulations applicable to the facts set forth herein. 3. This Conditional Use Determination does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to comply with any other applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and permits. 4. By acceptance of this Conditional 11se Determination the applicant agrees to allow representatives of the Department of Environmental Conservation access to the property covered by the Conditional Use Determination, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont Wetland Rules and the Vermont Water Quality Standards. 5. The Department, by issuing this Conditional Use Determination, accepts no legal responsibility for any damage direct or indirect of whatever nature and by whoever suffered arising out of the project described. Appeals Any person with an interest in this matter can appeal this decision pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1269. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned; and the name of the applicant, and any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vennontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (tel. 802-828-1660). Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By. c ,,,,,,r-- Wallace McLean Director, Water Quality Division Dated at Waterbury, Vermont this 1st day of May, 2006 No Text The CAND1 luminaire consists of a seamless, one-piece, injection -molded polycarbonate globe mechanically assembled on a Rotomatic' quarter - turn access mechanism by concealed stainless steel hardware, and sealed with a silicone gasket Protecting the globe is a bent guard and a spun -aluminum exterior deflector. The luminaire assembly is secured under a one-piece cast -aluminum ballast housing, which is in turn suspended from a CN1 mounting. The CANOI can accommodate lamps up to 25OW with the RR optical system. When used with other optics, it can accommodate up to 175W. The CAND3 differs from the CAND1 in that it features a large spun -aluminum deflector and housing suspended from a CN3 mounting. It can accommodate a ballast up to 175W. The CMD4, which features a smaller mounting adaptor, a different spun -alu- minum deflector and aluminum rod guard, is suspended from a CN4 mounting. The CAND5 luminaire is similar to the CAND3, except for the style of its mounting. The CANDSI luminaire is a smaller version of the CAND1 and can accept up to 100W. CANDI, CANDY 011104, CANDSand CANDSt luminaires are UL and CSA approved. These luminaires are available with the following globe finishes PCC: Clear Polycarbonate PCCPD: POND PCO: Opal Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Lamp Guide Optical Systems CAND Wattage 1/3/4/5 S1 RR OPUCS lexcept CANDSI) Optics others RR sa Round borosilicate refractor 70 MH, medium — — ® RR5: Symmetrical (V) IUD MH, medium — — a RR3: Asymmetrical (III) 175 MH, mogul ® ® N/A RUM Asymmetrical (III) 250 MH, mogul N/A ® N/A with medium deflector 35 HPS, medium — — — 50 HPS, mogul — — —" SR ICANDSI only) 70 "Ps, mogul — — ®" Small round borosilicate 100 HPS, mogul — — 0. refractor 150 HPS, mogul ® a N/A SR5: Symmetrical (V) 250 HPS, mogul N/A a N/A SR50: Symmetrical (V) with deflector a Remote ballast in mounting or pole base. Medium base lamp only. CANDITm, CANDY"" CAND4n", CAND51m and CANDS1m41 luminaires accommodate H.I.D. or incandescent lamps as shown in the above table. HPS ballasts feature a -40F (-40C') lamp starting capacitywith a high powerfactor of 90% and operate within ANSI trapezoidal limits. MH ballasts feature a -20F` (-30C') lamp starting capacity with a high power factor of 90%. All ballasts are UL recognized and CSA certified. The luminaire's globe is secured by a Rotomatic" quarter -turn mechanism for easy access to the lamp and ballast cone. The ballast, assembled on a unitized ballast tray, is integrated in the hood of the luminaire or remote in the mounting or pole base. Ordering Sample 100 HPS I CAND1 - PCC I SE3 LLTS�OPUCS (except CANDSI) I, ✓,, Hydroformed cut-off reflector , system set in faceted arc - image duplicating_ patterns „ SE5: Symmetrical (V) ` SE3: Asymmetrical(III) RACE OptiCS (except CANDSI) Round acrylic (100W max.) or borosilicate (150 and 175 W) refractor with segmented uptight recovery dome RACE5: Symmetrical (V) RACES: Asymmetrical (III) RACEM Asymmetrical (III) with deflector Other optical systems available LN! Nickel -plated louvers LB: Bronze -plated louvers LMP: Lamp without optical system (Lamps not included) For further information, refer to the Outdoor Lighting Application Guide 120 1 CN1 - 1A 27' E IfiB E E- J5E M E E E sE Li Insertion depth of tenon J i 24' (610 mm) EPA: 3.93 sq.ft. Weight- 58 Ibs (26.3 kg) CAND9 - SE - CNt CNN Two 2" by 3" (51 by 76 mm) rectangular extruded -aluminum arms with caps, welded to the side of a 4"-round (102 mm) aluminum tube - mounting. A 901 section of bent extruded aluminum measuring 1 1/4" (32 mm) D.D. is welded to the side of thernounting bycist- aluminum spacers. A C1N1-OV version capable of accommodate up to 2 ballasts of 175W is avail- able. Consult factory. CN3 A 901 section of bent extru- ded aluminum measuring 23/8" (60 mm) O.D. is welded to two ends of a cast -aluminum decorative side -pole adaptor, which is in turn welded to the side of a 4"-round (102 mm) pole - top mounting. SMG-15 I 6 N6TA I FS � .J� �°.._ 1. lSfif_ - _ .. " ... �1 �,,�l�a�{4b�� � {_ ♦:„�r�..�',1.�.,.-. .. .�{.Nr, ..w The Candela Mariner CAND7 luminaire consists of a one-piece, seamless, injection -molded poly - carbonate globe mechanically assembled on the plate supporting the Sealsafe'° access mechanism, and sealed with a silicone gasket A spun -aluminum hood with cast- . aluminum decorative finial is mechanically assembled on the top part of the technical ring. Providing toolfree access to the lamp, the Sealsafe shutter and sleeve, with self-adjusting injection - molded silicone gasket, keep the optical chamber hermetically sealed. Protecting the globe are bent aluminum rods mechanically assembled on a one-piece post - top cast -aluminum adaptor. SE or RACE optical systems can be incorporated in the CAND7 luminaire. The ballast must be remote in the pole or pole base. Consult the manufacturer for details and wattage lii nits. EPA:1.40 sq.ft Weight: 45lbs. (20.4 kg) The CAN97haninaire is UL and CSA approved. Candela Mariner - CAND7 SE optics Hydroformed cut-off reflector system set in faceted arc - image duplicating patterns SE5: Symmetrical (V) SE3: Asymmetrical (III) DACE optics ib�Round acrylic (100W max.) or borosilicate (150 and 175 W) refractor with segmented uplight recovery dome RACES: Symmetrical (V) RACES: Asymmetrical (111) RACE30: Asymmetrical (III) with deflector (Lamps not included) For further information, refer to the Outdoor Lighting Application Guide. 30' 1762 mml �U E E IS u Insertion 4 1i6" 0 I.D.depth of tonal 4' 1102 mall 1105 man I 22' 155r— g E E 0 'v _ U o E O Insertion i 26 i depth of tenon (660 mm) EPA: 3.34 sq.ft. Weight: 571bs (25.9 kg) CAND3 - RR - CM3 r tings CN4 A section of extruded aluminum measuring 2318" (60 mm) D.D. is welded at one end to an aluminum luminaire ballast -adaptor, and at the other end to the side of a 4"-round (102 mm) pole -top adaptor. An angled aluminum rod is welded to the horizontal arm and the vertical pole - top mounting. A CM4-0U version capable of accommodate up to 2 ballasts of 175W is avail- able. Consult factory. CN5 A 1B0e section of bent extruded aluminum 2 3/8" (60 mm) O.D. is mechani- cally assembled to two cast -aluminum pole side adaptors, which are in 8 turn mechanically assem- bled to the side of a pole. Consult the Pole Guide for details and the complete line of mountings. Configurations —0 0--.0 03 1A 2 2A 010 3 3R 4 Z6' (66�I l _ E E N E E 3 C'] Insertion 22' 1 m E depth of tenon (559 mm) EPA: 3.12 sq.ft. Weight 451bs (20.4 kg) CAND4 - RACE - CN4 Poles APR4 APR4 & LBC2 a a a o bOt bOd SM6 R80 &TBC1 - vU, BC:1012' BQ 12117 1267 mm) (318 mm) Consult the Pole Guide for details and the complete line of poles. 24' 1610� c� o E E E v E v c 1. E E � � M rL_� (660 mm) EPA:2.91 sq.ft. Weight: 441hs (20.0I(g) CAND3 - SE - CN5 16 Standard Colors Available 12 The specially -formulated textured j IA) Lumital powder coat is available in a range of 16 standard colors. This unique coating of thermosetting polyester resins provides a highly -durable UV -resistant exterior finish as per ASTM G7. Lumital coatings are specially formulated for outstanding salt -spray resistance according to ASTM B117 standards. All surfaces are chemically treated using a four -step (aluminum) or six -step (steel) process prior to painting. Consult Lumec for complete specifications. SC Special Color Provide a 4' (102 mm) square color chip. It is possible to order smaller minimal quantities of powder paint at a premium. Your representative will be able to tell you if a powder coating can be developed for your project. Lamiseal, a biofriendly reactive organic conversion coating, is applied m on all aluminum parts that are subject to salt -spray corrosion. Consult Lumec for complete specifications. Please note that where quantities do not warrant it, Lumec reserves the right to use an oven -cured liquid polyurethane finish. E 15' 1381 mm)l C E E � t 16 I E (406 mail EPA:1.20 sq.fL Weight: 25 Ibs 111.4 kg) CANDSI - SR - CNS - M FS Luminaire (consult Lumec) 115 house stitaia 15r only) DR" Pole Options-,; Duplex receptacle (120 volts only) GFI" Duplex receptacle with ground fault interrupter (120 volts only) PH Photoelectric cell LS" Provision for loudspeaker outlet BA" Bannerarm IP Interior paint(consuftfactory for applicable poles) LBC Optional base cover ° Consult factory for feasibility with cast -aluminum shafts. Base covers for APR4 & SPR4 poles only (replace standard base cover). A"g, fft , LBC1 LBC2 LOW LBC4C LBC4S South Village Spear Street View Protection Zone Maximum Building Height Computation January 31, 2006 372 Baseline Elevation of Spear Street Scenic View Protection Zone 0.017 Baseline Slope ft/ft Maximum Distance Middle of Assumed Max. Height From Baseline Lot Existing 1st Floor Height of Above Lot # Description Base Line Elevation Grade Elevation Building Old Grade Phase I 51 Residential 1074 390.26 367.5 367.0 23.3 22.8 52 Residential 1059 390.00 366.8 368.0 22.0 23.2 53 Residential 1177 392.01 363.5 365.0 27.0 28.5 54 Residential 1066 390.12 364.7 366.0 24.1 25.4 55 Residential 1070 390.19 364.0 365.0 25.2 26.2 11 School Bldg 765 385.01 376.5 377.0 8.0 8.5 TND TND ENGINEERING TRAFFIC, TND, TRANSPORTATION AND CONSULTING 430 RICHARDS AVENUE PORTSMOUTH, NH 03801 603.373-8651 603.986.6007 EMAIL: Chellman@TNDEngineering.com www.TNDEngineering.com David S. Marshall, P.E. March 14, 2006 Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 928 Falls Road, PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482-0485 VIA Email Only Re: South Village Traffic Dear Mr. Marshall: As you know, I am the author of the South Village traffic impact analysis that was completed approximately one year ago. Recently, the former pair of crossings of the wetlands in the center of the project have been consolidated into one relocated crossing between the two former crossings (see plan, below). I" 4M 1av i 1 r _ IT trij r PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • TRAFFIC CALMING- ZONING • STREETS • ENGINEERING Planning for the Future with the Technology of Today and the Lessons of the Past March 14, 2006 2 of 3 Questions have arisen concerning whether this change will require a substantive change to the traffic impact analysis, specifically those questions below: 1. What are the traffic distribution implications for the project with and without a mini -roundabout? 2. Is a mini -roundabout appropriate for the [the red arrow intersection above]? 3. What are the recommended traffic volumes for a mini -roundabout? 4. Based on the anticipated traffic volumes does a mini -roundabout provide adequate protections to pedestrian and bicycle use? 5. Are there any alternate materials that can be used for the deflector islands in lieu of a mountable curbing and a raised island? 6. Specifically with regard to pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular movements, what are the pros and cons of a traditional four-way intersection at this location? In order, I offer the following: 1. If a roundabout is not constructed, approximately 75% to 85% more traffic will be directed to and from the southerly drive intersection with Spear street (from 59 AM trip to 102 and from 67 PM trips to 123)1. However, if the intersection highlighted above with the red arrow is constructed as a mini -roundabout, or otherwise constructed so as to direct westbound traffic to the north- and ultimately toward the project's intersection with Allen Road, it is my opinion as a professional engineer that no significant changes in the traffic flows will occur. 2. Yes, a mini -roundabout is appropriate for that intersection. 3. There are various opinions regarding the capacities of mini -roundabouts, but the potential volumes at the subject intersection are low and well within the capacity of the mini -roundabout that is proposed. J Without a roundabout, the turning movement distributions would also change at the Spear Street/Allen Road intersection (more on the south approach, fewer on the west approach), but those have not all been calculated. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • TRAFFIC CALMING• ZONING • STREETS • ENGINEERING Planning for the Future with the Technology of Today and the Lessons of the Past March 14, 2006 3 of 3 4. A mini -roundabout is a form of traffic calming that will serve to slow drivers better than an unwarranted four-way "stop" controlled intersection. As a result, this will improve the environment for non -motorists. 5. Yes, cobblestone deflectors are an option, and many other materials have been used effectively as well. 6. See #4, above. In addition, a mini -roundabout will direct more of the "ridge" vehicular traffic to and from the "main" entrance at Allen Road and along the edge of the Village core. Away from the site itself, no changes will occur in off -site impacts in either case. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or for further discussion. Respectfully Submitted, TND Engineering Chester "Rick" Chellman, P.E. Principal Pc: David Scheuer, President PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • TRAFFIC CALMING• ZONING • STREETS • ENGINEERING Planning for the Future with the Technology of Today and the Lessons of the Past Street Tree Plant Schedule Botanical Name Common Name Deciduous Trees Acer x freemanii Freeman Maple Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' Armstrong Red Maple Amelanchier x laevis Alleghany Serviceberry Corylus colurna Turkish Filbert Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffeetree Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak Quercus rubra Red Oak Sorbus decora Mountainash Ulmus americana 'Princetor Princeton Elm Evergreen Trees Picea glauca White Spruce Pinus strobus White Pine Size Clty. Notes Unit Cost Cost 2-2.5" cal. 34 B&B $500.00 $17,000.00 2-2.5" cat. 3 B&B $500.00 $1,500.00 10-12' multi -stem 40 B&B $590.00 $23,600.00 2-2.5" cal. 28 B&B $450.00 $12.600.00 2-2.5" cal. 36 B&B $460.00 $16,560.00 2-2.5" cal. 37 B&B $590.00 $21,830.00 2-2.5" cal. 32 B&B $515.00 $16,480.00 2-2.5" cal. 24 B&B $400.00 $9,600.00 2-2.5" cal. 45 B&B $650.00 $29,250.00 8-10, 37 S&B $500.00 $18,500.00 8-10, 35 B&S $425.00 $14,875.00 Total $181.795.00 Note: • Landscape Architect to assist in selecting plant materials. All street trees plantings shall conform to the Arboricultural Specifications and Standards of Practice of the City of South Burlington • No tree planting shall be undertaken until finish grading is completed Remaining (non-streetscape) Landscaping Costs Description Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Single Family Home Plantings 47 $5,365.00 $252,155.00 Duplex Lot Plantings 11 $5,870.00 $64,570.00 Triplex Plantings 7 $7,690.00 $53,830.00 Open Space Plantings 11 $10,015.00 $110,165.00 Total Off-street Planting $480,720.00 (Not including multi -family Buldings) Single Family Home Lot Plant Schedule Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Pyrus communis Pear Trees 2-2.5" cal. 2 B&B $500.00 $1,000.00 Evergreen Trees Pinus Resinosa Red Pine Tree 8-10' 1 B&B $425.00 $425.00 Hedge/border Materials Woodwardi Arborvitae Arborvitae 3'4' 49 B&B $40.00 $1,960.00 Border Plantings Leatherwood 3'-4' 18 B&B $60.00 $1,080.00 Ground Cover Materials Comptonia Peregrina Sweet Fern 1 Gal Container 90 $10.00 $900.00 Total $5,365.00 Duplex Lot Plant Schedule (two units) Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Pyrus communis Pear Trees 2-2.5" cal. 1 B&B $500.00 $500.00 Acer sacharunum Silver Maple Tree 2-2.5" cal. 1 B&B $500.00 $500.00 Malus coronaria Sweet Crabapple Tree 2-2.5" cal. 2 B&B $500.00 $1,000.00 Evergreen Trees Picea glauca White Spruce Trees 8-10' 2 B&B $425.00 $850.00 Hedge/border Materials Speria Japonica Spirea 1 Gal Container 11 $40.00 $440.00 Border Plantings Leatherwood 3'-4' 18 B&B $60.00 $1,080.00 Ground Cover Materials Mixed Perennial Garden Potted 100 $10.00 $1,000.00 Mixed Wildflower Garden Bed Seed 500 SF $1.00 $500.00 Total $5,870.00 T0-16' �t fPlant''Scheddlb(three'units) Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Amelanchier Arborea Downy Serviceberry 2-2.5" cal. 6 B&B $400.00 $2,400.00 Evergreen Trees Picea glauca White Spruce Trees 8-10' 2 B&B $425.00 $850.00 Hedge/border Materials Woodwardi Arborvitae Arborvitae 3'-4' 31 B&B $40.00 $1,240.00 Speria Japonica Spirea 1 Gal Container 19 $40.00 $760.00 Border Plantings Leatherwood 3'-4' 9 B&B $60.00 $540.00 Ground Cover Materials Mixed Perennial Garden Potted 100 EA $10.00 $1,000.00 Comptonia Peregrina Sweet Fern 1 Gal Container 90 $10.00 $900.00 0,�I Total $7,690.00 Space free Plant "Schedule' peh Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' Armstrong Red Maple 2-2.5" cal. 4 B&B $500.00 $2,000.00 Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak 2-2.5" cal. 6 B&B $590.00 $3,540.00 Quercus rubra Red Oak 2-2.5" cal. 5 B&B $515.00 $2,575.00 Ground Cover Materials Mixed Perennial Garden Potted 100 EA $10.00 $1,000.00 Comptonia Peregrina Sweet Fern 1 Gal Container 90 $10.00 $900.00 Total $10,015.00 SOUTH VILLAGE A MULTI -PHASED NEW URBANIST COMMUNITY DECLARATION OF AREA ASSOCIATION AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS This Declaration is made this day of , 200566, by South Village Communities, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with a principal place of business in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont (the "Declarant"). The Declarant hereby desires to submit all of the land and premises described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property") to the Vermont Common Ownership Act, 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17 and hereby declares that all of the Property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions, which shall run with the Property and be binding on all of the parties having any right, title or interest in the Property or a part thereof, their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. WHEREAS, the Declarant received permits and approvals to construct a Planned Community in the City of South Burlington on the Property to be known as "South Village"; WHEREAS, South Village, as currently approved and contemplated by the Declarant, will contain three hundred thirty four (334) residential dwelling units, an agricultural enterprise, quiet paths, recreation paths, a school with athletic fields and all associated infrastructure, including but not limited to roads, sewer, water, cable, gas, electricity and any other utilities deemed necessary by the Declarant; WHEREAS, the Declarant currently contemplates that the three hundred thirty four (334) residential dwelling units in South Village will be constructed in not less than three (3) phases over time and will be comprised of nine (9) different building types; WHEREAS, prior to commencing construction of South Village, the Declarant desires to create the Planned Community pursuant to the Vermont Common Ownership Act, 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17 (the "Act"); WHEREAS, the Declarant further desires to provide for the initial framework of the governance of South Village in this Declaration; WHEREAS, the Declarant anticipates amending this Declaration from time to time to bring this Declaration into conformance with the plats, plans, permits and approvals, as well as the vision and desires of the Declarant for South Village; NOW THEREFORE, the Declarant does hereby create the following Planned Community in accordance with the Act and the following terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and restrictions. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. "Act" shall mean the Vermont Common Ownership Act, 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17. Section 1.02 "Area Association" shall mean and refer to the SOUTH VILLAGE AREA ASSOCIATION, INC., its successors and assigns. Section 1.03. "Common Element" shall mean all those portions of the Property not included within the boundaries of a Unit, Lot or Limited Common Element, and the property, interests and rights included in the term Common Element as defined in the Act. Section 1.04. "Common Expenses" means expenditures made by or financial liabilities of the Association together with any allocation to reserves. Section 1.05. "Declarant" shall mean South Village Communities, LLC, and any successor in interest in the Property as developer, by virtue of any deed or other instrument of conveyance or foreclosure decree. Section 1.06. "Development Agreement" shall mean the Development Agreement between South Village Communities, LLC and the City of South Burlington dated August 2005 and recorded in Volume at Page _ of the South Burlington Land Records. Section 1.07. "Development Rights" shall have the same meaning as prescribed in 27A V.S.A. §1-103(14) and as further defined in Article VI of this Declaration. Section 1.08. "Farm Lot" shall mean the Lot (as that term is defined in Section 1.08 below) which the Declarant currently contemplates subdividing from the Property and constructing a school building, as shown on the Plats and Plans. Section 1.07. "Limited Common Element" means a portion of the Common Elements, designated in this Declaration, or on the Plats and Plans (as defined in Section 1.10 below), or by the Act, for the exclusive use of one or more but fewer than all of the Owners (as defined in Section 1.09 below). An allocation of a Limited Common Element to a particular owner or owners may not be altered without the consent of the owner whose Unit or Lot is affected. However, this Declaration may only be amended in accordance herewith and may not be amended in accordance with the provisions of 27A V.S.A. §2-108(b). Section 1.08. "Lot" shall refer to any subdivided lot within the Planned Community on the Property in which there is a defeasible fee simple title and it further includes all buildings and improvements thereon. 2 Section 1.09. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot or Unit (as that term is defined below in Section 1.10 below) on the Property, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. For voting and assessment purposes, the Declarant shall be deemed an Owner. Section 1.10. "Plats and Plans" shall mean those certain plats and plans entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington Vermont", dated 2005, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., reduced copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit and full-size copies of which are recorded herewith (collectively the "Plats and Plans") Section 1.11. "Planned Community" shall mean the planned residential development to be known as South Village to be located on the Property as shown on the Plats and Plans. Section 1.12. "School Lot" shall mean the Lot which the Declarant currently contemplates subdividing from the Property and on which a school and related facilities will be constructed, as shown on the Plats and Plans. Section 1.13. "Unit" shall refer to a unit located within a Condominium within the Planned Community. However, no Lot, Common Element, or Limited Common Element or portion thereof shall be considered a "Unit" for purposes of this Declaration. ARTICLE II NAMES OF COMMUNITY AND ASSOCIATION Section 2.01. Name of Community. The name of the common interest community is South Village. Section 2.02. Name of Association. The name of the Area Association is the South Village Communities Area Association, Inc. Section 2.03. Control of the Association. (a) There shall be a period of Declarant control of the Area Association, during which the Declarant, or persons designated by it, may appoint and remove the officers and members of the Board of Directors. The period of Declarant control shall terminate no later than the earlier of- (i) sixty (60) days after conveyance of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Units and Lots that may be created by the Declarant to Unit Owners other than the Declarant or an entity controlled or owned by it; or (ii) two (2) years after the Declarant or its successors in interest has ceased to offer Units and Lots for sale in the ordinary course of business; or (iii) two (2) years after the right to add new Lots or Units is last exercised by the Declarant; or 3 (iv) the day the Declarant, after giving written notice to Unit and Lot Owners, records an instrument voluntarily surrendering all rights to control activities of the Area Association. (b) At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by Unit and Lot Owners who are not the Declarant within sixty (60) days after twenty-five percent (25%) of the created Units and Lots are conveyed to Owners other than the Declarant. At least thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by Unit and Lot Owners who are not the Declarant within sixty (60) days after fifty percent (50%) of the created Units and Lots are conveyed to Unit and Lot Owners other than the Declarant or an entity owned or controlled by it. ARTICLE III PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Section 3.01 Municipalities. The Property is located in the City of South Burlington and the Town of Shelburne. Section 3.02 Property Description. The Property is described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. ARTICLE IV UNITS Section 4.01. Number of Lots and Units. The Declarant reserves the right to create up to three hundred thirty four (334) residential dwelling units. The Declarant further reserves the right to create a school on the School Lot, an organic farm on the Farm Lot, a bed and breakfast hotel/inn and all other amenities and improvements the Declarant deems necessary in connection with the creation of South Village. Section 4.02. Identification of Lots and Units. The initial Lots and Units are shown on Plats and Plans. In the event of a conflict between the Plats and Plans, including but not limited to notes, illustrations, diagrams, dimensions shown thereon, and the provisions of this Declaration, the Plats and Plans shall control. Upon completion of South Village, "As Built" Plats and Plans shall be recorded and shall control the identification and boundaries of the Units and Lots. Section 4.03. Use and Occupancy Restrictions. Subject to the Development and Special Rights reserved by Declarant herein, the following use, alienation and occupancy restrictions apply to all Units and Lots and to the Common Elements and Limited Common Elements: (a) The Units and any Limited Common Elements of assigned to a particular Unit or Lot shall be used for residential purposes only. The Lots, other than the School Lot and the Farm Lot, are to be used for residential purposes only. With the prior written approval of the Board, a Unit or Lot Owner may engage in a home occupation, as long as the use, in the sole discretion of the Board, does not adversely affect the residential character of the neighborhood, or interfere with the peaceful occupancy of neighboring Units and Lots. If a Unit or Lot Owner is granted permission to 0 engage in a home occupation, the Unit or Lot Owner shall be solely responsible for compliance with all state and local regulations concerning commercial uses in buildings. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarant may maintain such sales offices, model units and other non-residential uses as Declarant determines is necessary in the construction of South Village. Moreover, the restrictions under this subparagraph (a) shall not apply to any Lot or Lots which Declarant designates for use as an inn/bed breakfast and shall not apply to any Lot or Lots on which the Declarant constructs a meeting center, community rooms or center, business center or other non- residential uses. (b) The Units and Lots and any Limited Common Elements assigned to them, other than the School Lot and Farm Lot, shall not be used for commercial or offices purposes, except as provided in subparagraph (a) above. (c) Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or Lot or in the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements which will increase the rate of insurance for the Area Association, without the prior written consent of the Area Association. No Unit or Lot Owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in his Unit or Lot or in the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements which will result in the cancellation of insurance of the Area Association or any part thereof or which would be in violation of any law, regulation or administrative ruling. No waste shall be committed in the Common Elements. (d) No offensive or unlawful use shall be made of the Planned Community or any part thereof, and all valid laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereover shall be observed. All laws, orders, rules, regulations or requirements of any governmental agency having jurisdiction thereover relating to any portion of the Planned Community shall be complied with, by and at the sole expense of the Unit or Lot Owner or the Area Association, whichever shall have the obligation to maintain or repair such portion of the Planned Community and, if the latter, then the cost of such compliance shall be a Common Expense. (e) No Unit or Lot Owner shall obstruct any of the Common Elements nor shall any Unit or Lot Owner store anything upon any of the Common Elements (except in those areas designated for such storage by the Board of Directors) without the approval of the Board of Directors. Nothing shall be altered or constructed in or removed from the Common Elements except upon the prior written consent of the Board of Directors. (f) The Common Elements shall be used only for the furnishing of the services and facilities for which the same are reasonably suited and which are incident to the use and occupancy of the Units and Lots. (g) NEED TO FORMULATE PARKING REGULATIONS. (h) Other than on the Farm Lot and School Lot, the maintenance, keeping, boarding and/or raising of animals, livestock, poultry or reptiles of any kind, regardless of number, shall be and is prohibited on any Lot or within any Unit or upon the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements, except that the keeping of small, orderly domestic pets (e.g., dogs, cats or caged birds) not to exceed two (2) per Unit or Lot without the approval of the Board of Directors, is permitted, subject to the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors; provided, however, that �1 such pets are not kept or maintained for commercial purposes or for breeding, and provided, further, that any such pet causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise shall be permanently removed from the Property upon ten (10) days written notice from the Board of Directors. Such pets shall not be permitted upon the Common Elements unless leashed or accompanied by and under the control of a responsible person, and that responsible person shall be responsible for cleaning up any mess caused by said pet. Any Unit or Lot Owner who keeps or maintains any pet upon any portion of the Property shall be deemed to have indemnified and agreed to hold the Area Association and each Unit and Lot Owner and the free and harmless from any loss, claim or liability of any kind or character whatever arising by reason of keeping or maintaining such pet within the Planned Community. All pets shall be registered and inoculated as required by law. All Unit and Lot Owners and their pets shall comply with the Land Management Plan (as that term is defined in Article XX) as the same may be amended from time to time. (i) No signs of any character shall be erected, posted or displayed upon, from or about any Unit, Lot, Common Elements or Limited Common Elements without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. 0) Open burning on any portion of the Planned Community Property is prohibited. . Lot Owners may use gas and charcoal grills so long as the same do not unreasonably interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment of other Unit and Lot Owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Area Association shall conduct the open burning set forth in the Land Management Plan (as that term is defined in Article XX below), and may conduct such other opening burning as its consultant(s) may recommend to accomplish the land restoration goals set forth in said Land Management Plan. (k) Each Unit and Lot and the Common Elements and Limited Common Elements shall be occupied and used in compliance with the Rules and Regulations which may be promulgated and amended by the Board of Directors including regulations as to noise. Copies of the Rules and Regulations shall be furnished by the Board of Directors to each Unit and Lot Owner. Amendments to the Rules and Regulations shall be conspicuously posted prior to the time when the same shall become effective and copies thereof shall be furnished to each Unit and Lot Owner upon request. By accepting a deed conveying title to a Unit or Lot in the Planned Community each and every Unit and Lot Owner acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the Rules and Regulations as adopted and amended by the Board of Directors. (1) There shall be no garbage or other waste material stored or kept in the Common or Limited Common Elements, except in trash receptacles on the day garbage is to be removed by the Unit or Lot Owners garbage pickup and hauling company or the City of South Burlington, if the same provides municipal garbage service at the time. (m) No amplified music, loud musical instruments or loud radios, stereos or televisions shall be permitted in the Limited or Common Elements, except as permitted by the Board of Directors. (n) No window air conditioning unit may be installed in any Unit or within any building or improvement on any Lot without the approval of the ACC (as that term is defined in Article XV below). 2 (o) There shall be no storage of any kind on lawns, patios or porches, if any, with the exception of those items typically found on lawns, porches and patios of other residential dwellings and lots in the City of South Burlington. (p) No satellite dishes or other antenna shall be installed outside of a Unit or building on a Lot without the prior written approval of the Area Association, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (q) No improvement or alteration to any Unit or Lot may be made which would impair the structural integrity or mechanical systems or lessen the support of any portion of any other Lot or Unit. No exterior change shall be made to the exterior of a Unit or Lot without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors and in accordance with Article XV of this Declaration. (r) There shall be no exterior clothes lines on any Lot within view from another Lot, another Unit or a road, street, trail or bicycle path. (s) Each Unit and Lot and Common Elements and Limited Common Elements shall be subject to and occupied and used in compliance with this Declaration, Bylaws attached hereto, and the Rules Regulations of the Area Association as may be promulgated and amended from time to time. ARTICLE V COMMON ELEMENTS AND LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS Section 5.01. Common Elements and Limited Common Elements. a. A "Common Element" means those portions of the real estate and/or building not included within the boundaries of a Lot, and the property, interests and rights included in the term Common Elements as defined in the Act. b. A "Limited Common Element" means a portion of the Common Elements, designated in this Declaration, or on the Plats and Plans, or by the Act, for the exclusive use of one or more but fewer than all of the Owners. An allocation of a Limited Common Element to a particular owner or owners may not be altered without the consent of the owner whose Lot or Lot is affected. However, this Declaration may only be amended in accordance herewith and may not be amended in accordance with the provisions of 27A V.S.A. §2-108(b). Section 5.02. Party Walls and Footings. Any wall or footing which is constructed and located on the line between any Lots in South Village shall constitute a party wall or footing for the perpetual benefit and use by the respective Lot Owners. a. Maintenance and Repair. If it becomes necessary or desirable to perform maintenance thereon, or to rebuild or repair the whole or any part of a party wall or footing, such expense shall be shared equally by the Owners of the adjoining Lots to the extent that such costs are not satisfied from insurance proceeds. Whenever such 7 party wall or footing, or any part thereof, shall be rebuilt, it shall be as initially constructed with materials of like quality to the original structure. All repairs, maintenance and replacement of party walls and footings shall be approved by the involved Lot Owners; provided that if such maintenance, repair or replacement is brought about solely by the neglect or willful misconduct of a particular Lot Owner, any expenses incidental thereto shall be borne solely by such Lot Owner. b. Use. A Lot Owner shall have the right to the full use of said party wall or footing for whatever purpose the party wall or footing was intended during initial construction, including lateral support. C. Benefit. Each party wall or footing constructed in South Village is to be and shall remain a party wall or footing for the perpetual use and benefit of the respective Lot Owners thereof, and to their heirs, successors and assigns; said Property being conveyed subject to this condition, and this condition shall be construed to be a covenant running with the land. Each Lot Owner shall have the permanent easement to permit repair of the party wall or footing. The mortgagee of a Lot Owner shall have all the rights of the Lot Owner created in this section. d. Lien. A Lot Owner repairing a party wall or footing, and who shall pay for the same, shall have a right of a lien against the other Lot Owner sharing said party wall or footing, for repairs needed as such right of a lien is created for contractors under the laws of the State of Vermont, to the extent that said lien is legally enforceable, but in no event shall said lien have priority over the lien of any mortgagee. ARTICLE VI DECLARANT RIGHTS AND SPECIAL RIGHTS Section 6.01. Development Rights. The Declarant for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby reserves the following Development Rights on the Property: (a) The right to subdivide Lots or Units or convert Lots or Units into Common Elements or Limited Common Elements; (b) The right to add real estate to South Village; (c) The right to withdraw real estate from the Property and South Village; (d) The right to create Lots, Units Common Elements and or Limited Common Elements within South Village, (e) The right to construct, and otherwise complete improvements indicated on the Plats and Plans, as amended and to construct and complete improvements described in the Public Offering Statement pursuant to 27A V.S.A. §4-103(a)(2); (f) The right to, and an easement to, construct additional improvements on the Property, including but not limited to road, driveways, walkways, parking areas, lighting, utilities, landscaping, and any other improvements necessary or convenient to be constructed or installed in connection with the construction and completion of South Village ; (g) The right to modify or redesign any Lot or Unit prior to the first conveyance of title to said Lot or Unit to a third party bona fide purchaser; (h) The right to grant all appurtenant easements and rights granted in this Declaration or any amendment hereto to the Lots and Units; (i) The right to grant easements through, over, under and across the Property for foot and vehicular traffic, for utilities servicing the Lots and the Units, including but not limited to sewer, water, drainage, gas, electricity, telephone and cable television lines and appurtenances; (j) The right to maintain up to three (3) sales offices within any Unit, Common Element, Limited Common Element or on any Lot within South Village and may in its sole discretion relocate said sales offices at any time; (k) The right, without limitation, to maintain signs on the Common Elements and on any Limited Common Element controlled by the Declarant and upon any Unit or Lot owned or controlled by the Declarant advertising South Village; (1) The absolute right to amend this Declaration to accomplish any of the foregoing or any other rights reserved by the Declarant in this Declaration; (m)All rights the Declarant would otherwise have under 27A V.S.A. §2-116; (n) The right to construct, enlarge, modify, demolish, reconstruct or reestablish any buildings or other improvements on Common Elements, Limited Common Elements or on a Lot or Unit, provided the Declarant still owns or controls the Lot or the Unit; (o) The right to modify, change and relocate drives, roads, parking areas and structures, bridges, drainage and utility lines; (p) The exclusive right to make allocations of sewer capacity to one or more Lots or Units within the Property, and until the South Village has been completed, no one may take any action which would increase the sewer usage or allotment to a Lot or Unit within the Property without the express written consent of the Declarant first obtained. After South Village has been completed, the Area Association must approve any enlargement of sewer usage by a particular Owner. The Declarant shall comply with all local, state and federal permits regarding sewer allocations; (q) The right to store construction material in and to enter upon the Property for any purpose during the construction and sale or rental of Lots and Units in the various phases of South Village; Section 6.02. Property and Expiration of Declarant's Rights. The Declarant's reserved rights set forth in Section 6.01 above apply to the Property and shall, unless earlier terminated by the Declarant in the Declarant's sole discretion, terminate upon the conveyance by the Declarant of the last Unit or Lot to which Declarant or its successor and assigns holds title in South Village. Upon termination of Declarant's rights under this Section 6.02, all remaining real property not previously conveyed and not otherwise included within a Unit or Lot shall become a Common Element and the Declarant shall no longer be liable for the expenses of said real property and the Area Association shall then be liable for the expenses of said real property from the date thereof Section 6.03. Exercise of Development Rights. The Declarant shall exercise any of its rights under this Article VI in accordance with 27A V.S.A. §2-110, unless the same may be amended or repealed, in which case the Declarant may exercise its rights under this Article VI in any manner allowed by Vermont law at that time. W Section 6.04. Transfer of Development Rights. The Declarant may transfer its rights contained in this Article VI in accordance with 27A V.S.A. §3-104, unless the same may be amended or repealed, in which case the Declarant may exercise its rights under this Article VI in any manner allowed by Vermont law at that time. ARTICLE VII ALLOCATED INTERESTS Section 7.01. Allocated Interests. The undivided interest in Common Elements, and the percentage of liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit and Lot, are described in Exhibit "Table of Interests", attached hereto. As each Unit and Lot is developed by the Declarant and an amendment to this Declaration is executed and recorded to create the new Lots and Units, the amended Declaration shall include an amended "Exhibit B, Table of Interests" to reflect the allocated undivided interest in the Common Elements, and the percentage of liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit and Lot. By accepting and recording a deed to a Unit or Lot, the owner of the Lot or Unit hereby acknowledges that the creation of new Units and Lots will reduce their proportionate interest in the Common Elements and the percentage of liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit and/or Lot and hereby accepts the same. Section 7.02. Formula for Allocated Interests. Pursuant to the Act, the allocated interests of all Units and Lots must total one hundred percent (100%). However, South Village will be constructed in three (3) phases over time and so all of the interests cannot be allocated simultaneously. Therefore, as each Unit or Lot is completed, an interest in the Planned Community shall be allocated to that Unit or Lot, such that the total of all of the Units and Lots then existing plus the new Unit or Lot shall total one hundred percent (100%). As a new Unit or Lot is completed, the interests allocated to the then existing Units and Lots shall be reduced. The interest allocated to each Unit and Lot shall be fixed by the Declarant. The determination by the Declarant may not discriminate in favor of Units or Lots owned by the Declarant. Section 7.03. Reallocation of Interest After More Units and Lots Added. As set forth in Section 7.01 and 7.02 above, as new Units and Lots are completed and added to the Planned Community, the interests allocated to the then existing Units and Lots shall be reduced. The Declarant shall allocate an interest to the new Units and Lots in accordance with Section 7.02 above. ARTICLE VIII RESTRICTIONS ON ALIENATION Section 8.01. Price Restrictions. If the resale price of any Unit or Lot is restricted by the permits and approvals for South Village or by local ordinance or regulation or by covenant or restriction contained in the chain of title for the Unit or Lot, the Owner may not sell or otherwise convey an interest in the Unit or Lot for consideration in excess of said restriction(s). Section 8.02. Resale Restrictions. Each Unit and Lot shall have the benefit of and be subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws of the Area Association, the rules and regulations of the Associations and any amendments thereto and the 10 same shall run with the title to each Unit and Lot. Furthermore, a Unit or Lot may not be conveyed pursuant to a time-sharing arrangement described in Section 1-103(29) of the Act. Section 8.02. Leasing Restrictions. (a) Other than the School Lot Owner and Farm Lot Owner, no Unit or Lot Owner shall lease a Unit or Lot or portion thereof other than on a written form of lease approved by the Area Association, requiring the lessee to comply with the Declaration, the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Area Association, as the same may be amended from time to time, and providing further that failure to comply with the same constitutes a default under the lease. The Area Association shall be given prior written notice of any rentals of a Unit or Lot. Unit and Lot Owners may not lease any Unit or Lot for less than a three (3) month term and for no more than two (2) terms in any twelve (12) month period. No Unit is to be leased or occupied by more than two (2) unrelated persons at any one time. No portion of any Unit or Lot other than the entire Unit or Lot shall be leased for any period. (b) The Unit or Lot Owner shall be responsible for any damage, destruction or misuse of the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements by the tenant, sub -tenant or their permitted occupants of that Unit or Lot. (c) If a tenant of a Unit or Lot Owner violates the provisions of the Declaration, this Amendment, the Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations of the Area Association, in addition to exercising its right in accord with subparagraph (b) above, the Area Association may: (i) after giving notice to the tenant and the Unit and/or Lot Owner and an opportunity for the same to be heard, levy reasonable fines against the tenant for violations; (ii) enforce any other rights against the tenant for the violation which the Unit or Lot Owner as landlord could lawfully have exercised directly against the Unit or Lot Owner, or both. ARTICLE IX APPURTENANT EASEMENTS AND LICENSES Section 9.01. Appurtenant Easements and Licenses. The easements and licenses appurtenant to and those included in South Village are set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. ARTICLE X RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES BETWEEN LOTS AND UNITS Section 10.01. Relocation of Boundaries and Expenses. In the event the owner or owners of a Lot or Unit apply to the Board of Directors relocate the boundary of a Unit or Lot pursuant to 27A V.S.A. §2-112, and the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that that the relocation of the boundary is reasonable, all costs, including attorneys fees and recording fees, shall be paid by the owner or owners that requested the boundary relocation. 11 ARTICLE XI SUBDIVISION OF LOTS AND UNITS Section 11.01, Declarant's Right to Subdivide Lots and Units. The Declarant reserves an absolute right to, in its sole discretion, subdivide any Lot or Unit in South Village prior to the conveyance of title to said Lot or Unit to a bonafide third party purchaser. Section 11.02. Owner's Right to Subdivide Lots or Units. Except as set forth in Section 11.01 above, no Lot or Unit may be subdivided without the approval of eighty-five (85%) of the owners of the Lots and Units within South Village and upon receipt of all local and state approvals to accomplish the same. Any and all costs associated with subdividing a Lot or Unit shall be borne by the owner of said Lot or Unit, including but not limited to Area Association attorney's fees and all recording fees. Section 11.03. Accessory Apartments. The owner of a Lot may, subject to local and state approval (if necessary), and further subject to review and approval by the ACC (as that term is defined below), add an attached accessory apartment to a house or attached garage located on the Lot. However, in no event shall the accessory apartment contain more than (1) bedroom nor contain more than four hundred (400) square feet. In the event an accessory apartment is occupied by someone other than a relative of the owner of the primary residence located on the Lot (a relative shall mean those within the second degree of kinship by either blood, marriage or civil union), the occupancy of the accessory apartment shall be subject to the terms and provision set forth in Section 8.02 of this Declaration. ARTICLE XII AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION Section 12.01. Amendment and Vote Needed. This Declaration, including the Plats and Plans, may be amended only by vote or agreement of owners of Lots and Units to which at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the votes in the Area Association are allocated. Section 12.02. Effective Upon Recording. An amendment to this Declaration properly adopted pursuant to Section 12.01 above shall not be effective unless and until recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. Section 12.03. Amending Declarant's Rights. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.01 above, the Declarant's rights set forth in Article VI of this Declaration may not be amended without the consent of the Declarant. ARTICLE XIII TERMINATION OF COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY Section 13.01. Vote Needed to Terminate. Except in the case of taking of all of the Units and Lots by eminent domain, the Planned Community may only be terminated by agreement and vote of one hundred percent (100%) of the Unit and Lot Owners to terminate. 12 ARTICLE XIV RIGHTS OF WAY AND UTILITIES Section 14.01. Rights of Way and Utilities. Declarant does hereby establish and create for the benefit of the Property, and does hereby grant, give, and convey to each and every individual or entity hereinafter owning any Unit or Lot on the Property, the following non- exclusive easements, licenses, rights and privileges: (a) Right of way for ingress and egress, by vehicle or on foot, in, to, upon, over, and under the roadways, parking areas and paths, now or hereafter to be constructed or established on the Property, for all purposes for which roadways and paths are commonly used, including the transportation of construction materials for use by the Declarant, unless terminated by the Declarant. (b) Right to connect with, make use of and, if necessary, to maintain, repair, and replace underground utility lines, pipes, conduits, sewer and drainage lines, which may from time to time be in or along the roads or in other areas of the Property; provided that all damage caused by the exercise of such right is promptly repaired, including, without limitation, the restoration of all surface areas to their condition immediately prior to such exercise. (c) The easements, licenses, rights, and privileges, established and created by this section shall be for the benefit of and restricted solely to the Declarant and Owners from time to time of Units and Lots in South Village, their tenants and guests, who have the legal right to occupy said Units and Lots. Furthermore the Owners' easements, licenses, rights and privileges in any roadway, right of way, pathway or parking area hereunder shall be subordinate to the interests of the City of South Burlington in the event that any of the same are dedicated to the City of South Burlington. (d) Each purchaser of a Unit or Lot takes title subject to all rights of way, permits, conditions, covenants, approvals, restrictions and easements of record, and/or lines, poles, wires, guys, pipes, and valves already in place (underground or overhead), for water, sewer, electricity, telephone and cable TV. (e) Each purchaser of a Unit or Lot takes title subject to all drainage swales, culverts and lines running over, under, or across the Property. (f) Until such time as the roads, water lines and sewer system are taken over by the City of South Burlington, they shall be maintained, repaired, and managed by the Area Association. ARTICLE XV DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW Section 15.01. Architectural Control Committee. (a) The Declarant hereby establishes an Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") for the Property. 13 (b) The ACC will consist of three (3) members, one member designated Chairman and one as Secretary. The Declarant shall appoint the initial members of the ACC, and until the Declarant or its successors and assigns has completed construction of the entire South Village project on the Property, Declarant shall have the right to renew the terms of those members. Upon completion of the South Village project on the Property, all three (3) members may be appointed by the Area Association. At all times, at least one (1) member of the ACC shall be a licensed architect or landscape architect, and if no resident of South Village meets these qualifications, the Board of Directors shall hire an individual that meets these qualifications to be a member of the ACC. In no event shall the number of members of the ACC exceed three (3). (c) All of the Property described herein shall be subject to the architectural controls and conditions described in this Declaration, including but not limited to the School Lot and the Farm Lot. (d) Excepting the Declarant, no building, fence, wall, hedge, tree or other structure shall be commenced, erected, or maintained upon any Lot, or any part thereof, nor shall any exterior addition to, or change or alteration therein (including exterior finish or trim), be made to any building, structure or other improvement on any Lot until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, color, height, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted and approved in writing by the ACC. The ACC may withhold its approval for any reason. In the event the ACC fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within sixty (60) days after said plans and specifications are submitted to it, approval will not be required, and this section will be deemed to have been fully complied with. (e) The Committee shall meet upon call by the Chairman, and in his/her absence, upon call by the Chairman Pro Tem, who shall be so designated by the Chairman. Committee meeting to be at time and place convenient to a majority of the members. A quorum shall consist of all three members, and a quorum shall be necessary to carry out functions of the Committee. (f) Excepting the Declarant, no sign may be erected, installed, or placed anywhere on the Property, or on any building or other structure thereon, unless the shape, size, material, color, wording, and design of said sign has been submitted to and approved by the ACC in writing in accordance with this Section 15.01, and the sign is in compliance with all federal, state and local ordinances and regulations. (g)If, in the reasonable opinion of the ACC, the landscaping of a Lot or Unit and/or exterior appearance of a Unit or building or other structure on a Lot is not being maintained in a reasonable manner, and such lack of maintenance or repair is visible to other owners within South Village or visible to the general public, the 14 ACC shall have the right, upon 30 days written notice to the offending owner(s), to have the maintenance or repair performed by the Area Association. If the owner(s) fails to carry out the repair or maintenance in a timely manner, the cost of said maintenance or repair shall be deemed a duly authorized and voted upon "supplemental assessment' and lien against the Lot or Unit. (h) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ACC shall maintain an approved planting list (the "Approved Planting List"). The Approved Planting List shall list those landscape items that may be planted, installed or otherwise placed on a Lot without first obtaining the approval of the ACC. In the event a Lot or Unit Owner seeks to plant, install or otherwise place landscaping on a Lot that is not allowed under the Approved Planting List, the Owner shall first seek approval from the ACC, which may be withheld for any reason. ARTICLE XVI MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 16.01. Membership. If completed as currently contemplated, the Area Association shall have three hundred thirty four (334) memberships. The Declarant shall initially hold all three hundred thirty four (334) memberships. As Declarant conveys a Lot or Unit on the Property, the purchaser of that Lot or Unit shall automatically acquire the corresponding memberships of that Unit in the Area Association, and the number of memberships in the Area Association held by Declarant shall be reduced accordingly. Unit and Lot Owners acknowledge and agree by acceptance of a deed to a Unit or Lot that a membership is not the equivalent of an allocation under Article VII of this Declaration and that although each Unit and Lot Owner will be granted one (1) membership in the Planned Community, the undivided interests of the Common Elements and the liability for Common Expenses will vary and be based upon the percent allocated to the Unit or Lot as designated by the Declarant in accordance with Article VII of this Declaration. Section 16.02. Voting Rights. The Area Association shall have one (1) class of voting membership. Members in the Area Association shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each membership. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot or Unit, that Unit or Lot shall still only have one (1) vote and the owners of the Unit or Lot must designate one owner to cast the vote on behalf of the Unit or Lot. ARTICLE XVII AREA ASSOCIATION PURPOSE Section 17.01. Purpose. The purpose of the Area Association is to repair, maintain, replace, and otherwise care for, insure and manage the Common Elements to be developed by Declarant and to be deeded to the Area Association for the benefit of its Members, in addition to the rights of the Area Association. Except for future development rights, easements, and rights of way reserved by Declarant said Common Elements shall be used exclusively by the Owners of the Units and Lots in South Village, and by their tenants, invitees, guests and employees. 15 ARTICLE XVIII COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS Section 18.01. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments. The Declarant, for each Unit or Lot owned on the Property, hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Unit or Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Area Association: (a) annual assessments or charges, and (b) special or supplemental assessments for operating expenses and capital improvements, such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided. The annual and special or supplemental assessments, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the Unit or Lot against which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person or entity who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. In a voluntary conveyance, the grantee of the Unit or Lot shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor of said Unit or Lot for all unpaid assessments against the latter for his/her share of the common expenses up to the time of the grant or conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefore. However, any such grantee shall be entitled to a statement from the manager or Board of Directors of the Area Association, setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments against the grantor and the grantee shall not be liable for, nor shall the Unit or Lot conveyed be subject to a lien for, any unpaid assessments against the grantor in excess of the amount therein set forth. Section 18.02. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Area Association shall be used exclusively for the repair, replacement, maintenance, insurance and operation of the Common Elements, in addition to the other rights of the Area Association under this Declaration, and the payment of real estate taxes and other municipal assessments upon the Common Elements. Section 18.03. Budget and Annual and Supplemental Assessment. The Board of Directors may fix the annual budget of the Area Association. The Board of Directors shall within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the budget send a written summary of the budget to all owners of Units and Lots in the Planned Community and a meeting of the Unit and Lot owners shall be held within fourteen (14) days of receiving the mailing of the written summary to ratify the budget. The budget shall be ratified at the meeting unless sixty-seven (67%) of the Unit and Lot owners reject the budget at said meeting. The budget adopted by the Board shall be an amount determined by it necessary to pay any and all of the costs and expenses of the Area Association. If during any fiscal year the Board of Directors determines that the annual assessments to Unit and Lot owners for that year are less than operating expenses actually incurred or likely to be incurred, the Board may adopt a supplemental budget. Said supplemental budget shall be adopted and ratified in the same manner as the initial budget for that year. Upon the ratification of the supplemental budget, the Board may assess the Unit or Lot Owners a supplemental or special assessment for the additional sums stated in the supplemental budget. Section 18.04. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments and supplemental assessments authorized above, the Area Association may levy a capital assessment covering a period either longer or shorter than the year in which it is 16 voted for the purpose of paying the costs of construction, reconstruction, adding to, replacing, or otherwise improving a capital improvement upon the Area Association property (including fixtures and personal property) provided that same is duly adopted by the Members at any annual or special meeting called for the purpose and that at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Owners in the Area Association at the time approve such capital assessment. Such a capital assessment shall be payable in accordance with the resolution authorizing the same. Section 18.05. Rates of Assessment. Both annual and special or supplemental assessments shall be fixed for all Units and Lots using the following formula, and may be collected on a monthly basis: The percentage interest in the Planned Community for each Unit or Lot as set forth on Exhibit_ attached hereto and made a part hereof multiplied by the total annual or special assessment, equals the share assessed to that Unit or Lot. The Area Association shall keep reasonable and accurate records to properly and fairly allocate the Common Expenses between owners. Section 18.07. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments; Due Dates. The annual assessment provided for herein shall commence as to any Unit or Lot which is completed and ready for occupancy on the first day of January in each year. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Unit or Lot at least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject thereto. The due date shall be the first day of each month unless otherwise established by the Board of Directors. The Area Association shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge, furnish a Certificate, signed by an officer of the Area Association, setting forth whether the assessments of a specified Unit or Lot have been paid; notwithstanding the foregoing, the Area Association shall fuunish such a certificate upon written request of any mortgagee and shall not charge a fee or premium to any mortgagee for the furnishings of such certificate. A properly executed Certificate of the Area Association as to the status of assessments on a Unit or Lot must be sent within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request and is binding upon the Area Association, the Board and every other Owner as of the date of its issuance. Section 18.08. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments; Remedies of the Association. If an Owner fails to pay any assessment when it is due, the delinquent amount shall accrue interest from the due date until the date payment is made at ten percent (10%) per annum or at the highest legal rate of interest allowed, whichever is less, and further, in the event collection is required, the Owner shall, in addition to interest, be responsible for any attorneys' fees or costs in connection with the collection of same, including the cost of foreclosure, if necessary. The Area Association may bring an action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same, or foreclose the lien against the Unit or Lot. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Elements or abandonment of his/her Unit or Lot. Section 18.09. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages and Condominium. The lien for the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage and to the lien of any Condominium Association on the Property. Sale or transfer of any Unit or Lot 17 shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Unit or Lot pursuant to mortgage foreclosure, or any proceeding in lieu thereof, shall extinguish the lien for such assessments as to payments which became due prior to such sale or transfer, and the status of assessments on a Unit or Lot is binding upon the Area Association as of the date of its issuance. The unpaid share of common expenses or assessments shall be considered common expenses collectible from all of the Unit or Lot owners including the acquirer, his/her successors and assigns. Section 18.10. Assessments and/or Charges for Future Development by Declarant. Notwithstanding any provisions in Section 18.01 through Section 18.09 to the contrary, no annual assessments or charges or special or supplemental assessments shall be used by the Area Association in connection with future development on the Property by the Declarant, or to pay for any repairs or reconstruction necessitated by future development of the Declarant. ARTICLE XIX SUB -ASSOCIATIONS Section 19.01. Sub -Associations and Organizations. In addition to the Declarant's other rights contained in this Declaration, the Declarant hereby reserves the right to create Sub - Associations within the Planned Community. The Sub -Associations, and all Unit Owners therein, shall have the benefit of and be subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws of the Area Association, the rules and regulations of the Associations and any amendments thereto. ARTICLE XX COMMUNITY LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN AND AGRICULTURAL RESTRICTIONS Section 20.01. Community Land Management Plan. The terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and restrictions contained in that certain land management plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Community Land Management Plan" dated November 2004, revised , 2005 attached hereto as Exhibit_ (the "Land Management Plan") is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Declaration. Furthermore, the conditions and restrictions contained in the Land Management Plan shall run with Property and each Unit and Lot shall be conveyed subject to and with the benefit of the conditions and restrictions of the Land Management Plan Section 20.02. Agricultural Restrictions. 18 ARTICLE XXI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 21.01. Town & State Approvals & Permits. The Area Association, and all Unit and Lot Owners therein, have the benefit of and are subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of the Development Agreement and permits and approvals from the City of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, and any amendments thereto. Section 21.02. Enforcement. The Area Association or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens, and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Area Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In addition, if the violation of the covenant, restriction, or condition is also a violation of any state or local permit or approval, the applicable governmental body shall have the right to enforce any such condition or restriction. Section 21.03. Invalidity. If any provision of this Declaration is held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any provisions of this Declaration which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, and to this end the provisions of this Declaration are severable. Section 21.04. Waiver. No provision of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been waived by reason of any failure to enforce, regardless of the occurrence of violations or breaches from time to time. Section 21.05. Acceptance of Title. The Area Association shall accept the legal title by deed of the Common Elements from Declarant when it conveys the same to the Area Association on or before the completion of construction on the Property by Declarant, its successors or assigns, provided that title to the Common Elements at the time of such conveyance is free from liens or encumbrances, causing title to be unmarketable. This conveyance by Declarant, its successors or assigns shall be subject to all rights of way, easements, restrictions, covenants, permits, approvals, licenses, leases and conditions of record. Section 21.06. Capitalized Terms. Except as otherwise set forth in Article I, all capitalized terms used in this Declaration shall have the definitions provided in the Act. Section 21.07. Headings. The headings in this Declaration are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has caused this Declaration to be executed on this day of , 200 By: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company Lo Its duly authorized agent 19 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , in said County, this day of , 200-56, personally appeared David Scheuer, the duly authorized agent of South Village Communities, LLC, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him, to be his/her free act and deed as its duly authorized agent and the free act and deed of South Village Communities, LLC. Before me 435584 v1:8346-00006 Notary Public 20 EXHIBIT SOUTH VILLAGE AREA ASSOCIATION, INC. BYLAWS ARTICLE I PLAN OF OWNERSHIP Section 1.01. Name. The name of the Corporation is South Village Area Association, Inc. Section 1.02. Applicability. The provisions of these Bylaws are applicable to the Planned Community as set forth in the Declaration. The term "Property" as used herein shall be limited to such Common Elements of the Planned Community as set forth in the Declaration and all easements, rights, and appurtenances belonging thereto, and all of which have been submitted to the provisions of said 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17, known as the Vermont Common Interest Ownership Act (the "Act"). Section 1.03. Compliance. All present and future Unit and Lot Owners, mortgagees and lessees of Units and Lots and their employees, and agents, are and shall be subject to the Articles of Association, these Bylaws, the Declaration and the rules and regulations made in accordance therewith, together with any amendments thereto. The acceptance of a deed or conveyance, or the entering into a lease, or the fact of occupancy of a Unit or Lot, shall constitute an agreement by the Owner, Lessee or Mortgagee that the Articles of Association, these Bylaws, and the provisions of the Declaration, as they may be amended from time to time, are accepted, ratified, and shall be complied with. Section 1.04. Office. The office of the Association, and the Board of Directors shall be located such place as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors. Section 1.05. Definitions. Each capitalized term used herein without definition shall have the meanings specified in the Vermont Common Interest Ownership Act (the "Act") and/or the Declaration. ARTICLE II SOUTH VILLAGE AREA ASSOCIATION, INC. Section 2.01. Composition. The Association shall consist of all of the Unit and Lot Owners acting as a group. For all purposes the Association shall act merely as an agent for the Unit and Lot Owners as a group. The Association shall have the responsibility for administering the Planned Community, establishing the means and methods of collecting assessments and charges, arranging for the management of the Planned Community and performing all of the other acts that may be required or permitted to be performed by the Association by the Act and the 21 Declaration. Except as to those matters which the Act specifically requires to be performed by the vote of the Association, the foregoing responsibilities shall be performed by the Board of Directors or their designee. Section 2.02. Powers and Duties. The Association shall have all of the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs related to the Planned Community and may do all such acts and things as are not prohibited by the Act, and as authorized by the Declaration, including the following: (a) Adopt and amend these Bylaws and rules and regulations for the Planned Community. (b) Adopt and amend an annual budget for revenues, expenditures and reserves of the Planned Community; (c) Collect assessments for common expenses from Unit and Lot Owners to pay for the costs and expenses of the Planned Community. (d) Hire and discharge a managing agent or agents and other employees, agents and independent contractors for the Planned Community. (e) Initiate, defend or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings in the name of the Association on behalf of itself or two or more owners in the Planned Community on matters affecting the Planned Community. (d) Make contracts and incur liabilities in connection with the Planned Community. (e) Regulate the use, maintenance, repair, modification and replacement of the Common Elements and Limited Common Elements. (f) Make additional improvements to the Common Elements. (g) Acquire, hold, encumber and convey in the Association's name any interest in real estate or personal property, except as provided in Section 3-112 of the Act. (h) Grant easements, leases, licenses, and concessions through or over the Common Elements. (i) Impose and receive payments, fees or charges for the use, rental or operation of the Common Elements, other than Limited Common Elements and for services provided to Unit and Lot Owners. 0) Impose charges for late payment of assessments; (k) Impose reasonable fines for violations of the Declaration, these Bylaws or the rules and regulations of the Planned Community by a Unit or Lot Owner, so long as notice is given and a hearing held in accordance with these Bylaws; 22 (1) Impose reasonable charges for preparation and recordation of amendments to the Declaration, resale certificates or statements of unpaid assessments and to impose reasonable charges for copying records of the Association. (m) Provide indemnification for its officers and Board of Directors and maintain liability insurance for its officers and Directors; (n) Assign its right to future income, including the right to receive common expense assessments, to the extent provided by the Declaration. (o) Exercise any other power conferred upon the Association by the Declaration or these Bylaws or which is legally provided for similar entities or which is necessary and proper to govern and operate the Association. Section 2.03. Annual Meetings. The annual meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Tuesday in June of each year, unless such date shall occur on a holiday, in which event the meeting shall be held on the succeeding day. At such annual meetings the Board of Directors shall be selected by the Unit and Lot Owners. The Unit and Lot Owners may transact such other business at such meetings as may properly come before them. Section 2.04. Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Association shall be held at the principal office of the Association or at such other suitable place convenient to the Unit and Lot Owners as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Section 2.05. Special Meetings. The President shall call a special meeting of the Association upon a petition signed and presented to the Secretary by Unit Owners with not less than twenty percent (20%) of the aggregate votes in the Association. The notice of any special meeting shall state the time, place and purpose thereof. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice. Section 2.06. Notice of Meetings. It shall be the duty of the secretary or other officer of the Association to mail a notice of each annual meeting, other than the first annual meeting, and each special meeting of the Unit Owners, at least ten (10) but not more than sixty (60) days prior to such meeting, stating the time and place where it is to be held, and the purposes thereof, including an agenda. Such notice to be mailed to each Unit and Lot Owner of record, at the Unit or Lot address or at such other address as such Unit or Lot Owner shall have designated by notice in writing to the secretary. The mailing of a notice of meeting in the manner provided in this section shall be considered service of notice. Section 2.07. Conduct of Meetings. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association and the Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meeting and record in a minute book all resolutions adopted at the meeting as well as a record of all transactions occurring thereat. The then current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors when not in conflict with the Bylaws, the Declaration or the Act. 0A Section 2.08. Title to Units. Title to Units or Lots may be taken in the name of an individual or in the name of two or more persons as tenants in common, joint tenants with right of survivorship, or as tenants by the entirety, or in the name of a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity or fiduciary. Section 2.09. Adjournment of Meetings. If at any meeting of the Association a quorum is not present, Unit Owners having a majority of the votes who are present at such meeting in person or by proxy may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than forty-eight (48) hours after the time the original meeting was called. Section 2.10. Voting. Each Unit or Lot is entitled to the vote designated for that Unit or Lot, regardless of the Common Element interest assigned to such Unit or Lot. The Owner or Owners of each Unit or Lot, or some person designated by such Owner or Owners to act as proxy on his/her or their behalf and who need not be an Owner, shall be entitled to cast the voting shares appurtenant to such Unit or Lot at all meetings of Unit and Lot Owners or by his/her attorney in fact. The designation of any such proxy shall be made in writing to the secretary and shall be revocable at any time by written notice to the secretary by the Owner or Owners so designating, except where an irrevocable proxy is permitted by statute. No proxy shall be valid after the expiration of eleven (11) months from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided therein. Any or all of such Owners may be present at any meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners and, those constituting a group acting unanimously, may vote or take any other action as a Unit or Lot Owner either in person or by proxy. Unit or Lot Owners (including the Board of Directors if the Board of Directors or its designee shall then hold title to one or more Units) shall be entitled to cast a number of votes at all meetings of the Unit or Lot Owners equal to the number of Units or Lots owned, regardless of the Common Element interest assigned to such Unit or Lot. A fiduciary shall be the voting member with respect to any Unit or Lot Owned in a fiduciary capacity. Section 2.11. Majority of Unit Owners. As used in these Bylaws, the term "majority" of voting shares shall mean more than fifty percent (50%) of the total authorized voting shares of all Unit and Lot Owners present in person or by proxy and voting at any meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners at which a quorum is present. Section 2.12. Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the presence in person or by proxy of a majority of the total number of Unit and Lot Owners shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Unit Owners. Section 2.13. Majority Vote. The vote of a majority of Unit and Lot Owners at a meeting at which a quorum shall be present shall be binding upon all Unit and Lot Owners for all purposes except where, in the Declaration or these Bylaws or by law, a higher percentage vote is required. Section 2.14. Consent. Whenever by a provision of statute or by these Bylaws or the Declaration, the vote of a Unit or Lot Owner is required or permitted to be taken at a meeting thereof in connection with any corporate action, the meeting and vote of the Unit and Lot Owners may be dispensed with, if all of the Unit and Lot Owners who would have been entitled 24 to vote upon the action if such meeting were held shall consent in writing to such corporate actions being taken. 25 ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 3.01. Number and Oualification. The affairs of the Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of nine (9) persons, all of whom shall be Unit and Lot Owners or fiduciaries of Unit and Lot Owners. Each Unit and Lot Owner shall be entitled to vote for the members of the Board. The composition of the Board of Directors shall further be as follows: (a) The Declarant shall appoint all nine (9) members to the Board of Directors until such time as the eighty third (83`d) Unit and/or Lot in South Village is sold by the Declarant, at which time two (2) of the nine (9) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect two (2) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the two (2) of the Directors appointed by the Declarant. The vacancies created by these resignations and the Directors elected to these positions shall be known as Village Center Director #1 and Village Center Director #2. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Village Center Director #1 position or the Village Center Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the initial one hundred fifty six (156) Units and/or Lots constructed by the in South Village. The resignations, special meeting and election called for under this Section 3.01(a) must occur within sixty (60) days after the sale of the eighty third (83`d) Unit and/or Lot in South Village by the Declarant. The Declarant shall continue to appoint the other seven (7) Directors until the time set forth in Section 3.01(b) below. (b) Upon the completion and the sale of the one hundred fifty sixth (156d') Unit and/or Lot in South Village, one (1) of the remaining seven (7) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a second special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect one (1) Owner to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the Director appointed by the Declarant. The vacancy created by this resignation and the Director elected to this position shall be known as Village Center Director #3. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Village Center Director #3 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the initial one hundred fifty six (156) Units and/or Lots constructed by the in South Village. The resignations, special meeting and election called for under this Section 3.01(b) must occur within sixty (60) days after the sale of the one hundred fifty sixth (156 h) Unit and/or Lot in South Village by the Declarant. The Declarant shall continue to appoint the other six (6) Directors until the time set forth in Section 3.01(c) below. gel (c) Upon the completion and the sale of the two hundred and fiftieth (250th) Unit and/or Lot in South Village, four (4) of the remaining six (6) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a third special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect four (4) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the Directors appointed by the Declarant. The vacancies created by this resignation and the Directors elected to these positions shall be known as Field's Edge Director #1, Field's Edge Director #2, Ridge Director #1 and Ridge Director #2. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Field's Edge Director #1 position or the Field's Edge Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the Units and/or Lots constructed by the Declarant located in the Field's Edge neighborhood of South Village so-called, which will consist of the ninety-nine (99) Units and/or Lots constructed after the Village Center so-called consisting of the initial one hundred fifty-six (156) Units and/or Lots. Until the time set forth in Section 3.01(d) below, for a person to be eligible for the Ridge Director #1 position or the Ridge Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner in South Village. The resignations, special meeting and election called for under this Section 3.01(c) must occur within sixty (60) days after the sale of the two hundred fiftieth (250th) Unit and/or Lot in South Village by the Declarant. The Declarant shall continue to appoint two (2) Directors until the time set forth in Section 3.01(e) below. (d) Upon the completion and sale of the three hundred thirty fourth (334th) Unit and /or Lot by the Declarant, the Ridge Director #1 and Ridge Director #2 elected pursuant to Section 3.01(c) above shall resign and a fourth special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect two (2) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the Directors elected to the Ridge Director #1 position and the Ridge Director #2 position under Section 3.01(c) above. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Ridge Director #1 position or the Ridge Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the Units and/or Lots constructed by the Declarant located in the Ridge neighborhood of South Village so- called, which will consist of the final seventy-nine (79) Units and/or Lots constructed after the Field's Edge neighborhood so-called consisting of ninety-nine (99) Units and/or Lots. (e) The Declarant shall continue to appoint the other two (2) Directors until such time as the Declarant has sold one hundred percent (100%) of the Units, Lots and any other land compromising South Village. After the Declarant has sold one hundred percent (100%) of the Units, Lots and other land comprising South Village, the two (2) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a fifth special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect two (2) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the Directors appointed by the Declarant. The vacancies created by this resignation and the Directors elected to this position shall be known as At Large Director #1, and At Large Director #2. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the At Large Director #1 position or the At Large Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the Units and/or Lots in South Village. 27 (f) Notwithstanding Sections 3.01(a)-3.01(e) above, the Declarant may at anytime, in its sole discretion, choose to relinquish the right to appoint a Director or Directors prior to those times set forth in Section 3.01(a)-3.01(e) above. However, the Declarant may, prior to the termination of Declarant control as set forth in Section 2.03 of the Declaration, record an instrument in the City of South Burlington Land Records that describes actions of the Association or Board of Directors that can be taken only after approval by the Declarant before such actions become effective. (g) After all of the Directors have been elected by the Owners as set forth in this Section 3.01, the composition and qualifications of the Board of Directors shall remain the same unless and until the Owners amend this Section 3.01 in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof. Section 3.02. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors, or its designated managing agent shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association and to perform all of the acts that the Association could perform, except that the Board of Directors may not amend the Declaration, terminate the Planned Community , elect members to the Board of Directors or determine the qualifications, powers duties or terms of office for the Board of Directors. In acting on behalf of the Association, the Board of Directors shall perform the duties necessary for the administration of the affairs related to the property of the Association, including but not limited to the following: (a) Prepare an annual budget, in which there shall be established the assessments of each Unit and Lot Owner for the Common Expenses of the Planned Community (the "Common Expenses"). (b) Make assessments against Unit and Lot Owners to pay for the costs and expenses of the Planned Community, establish the means and methods of collecting such assessments from the Unit and Lot Owners and establish the period of the installment payment of the annual assessment for Common Expenses. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, the annual assessment against each Unit and Lot Owner for its proportionate share of the Common Expenses shall be payable in equal monthly installments, each such installment to be due and payable in advance on the first day of each month for such month. (c) Provide for the operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of all of the Common Elements (d) Collect the assessments against the Unit and Lot Owners, deposit the proceeds thereof in bank depositories designated by the Board of Directors and use the proceeds to carry out the administration of the Planned Community. (e) Open bank accounts on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories thereon. (f) Make, or contract for the making of, repairs, additions and improvement to or alterations of the Common Elements, and repairs to and restoration of the Common Elements, in 28 accordance with these Bylaws, after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty, or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings. (g) Enforce by legal means the provisions of the Declaration, these Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations and act on behalf of the Unit and Lot Owners with respect to all matters arising out of an eminent domain proceeding. (h) Obtain and carry insurance against casualties and liabilities, as provided in these Bylaws, pay the premiums therefore and adjust and settle any claim thereunder. (i) Pay the cost of all authorized services rendered to the Association and not billed to Unit and Lot Owners or otherwise provided for in Article V of these Bylaws. 0) Keep books with detailed accounts in chronological order of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common Elements and the administration of the Planned Community specifying the expenses of maintenance and repair of the Common Elements and any other expenses incurred. Such books and vouchers accrediting the entries thereupon shall be available for examination by the Unit and Lot Owners, their duly authorized agents or attorneys, during general business hours on working days at the times and in the manner set and announced by the Board of Directors for the general knowledge of the Unit and Lot Owners. All books and records shall be kept in accordance with good accounting practices. Unit and Lot Owners shall pay reasonable charges for any copies requested by them. (k) Notify a mortgagee, if requested, of any default hereunder by a Unit or Lot Owner subject to such mortgage, in the event such default continues for a period exceeding sixty (60) days. (1) Borrow money on behalf of the Planned Community when required in connection with any one instance relating to the operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of the Common Elements, provided, however, that the consent of at least two-thirds (2/3) in number of all Unit and/or Lot Owners, obtained at a meeting duly called and held for such purpose in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws, shall be required to borrow any sum in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). (m) Controlling the use of all Common Elements (n) Review the books and records of the Association annually. (o) Do such other things and acts not inconsistent with the Act, the Declaration or these Bylaws which the Board of Directors may be authorized to do by these Bylaws or by a resolution of the Association. Section 3.03. Managing Agent. The Board of Directors may employ for the Condominium a "Managing Agent" or other personnel at a compensation to be established by the Board of Directors, to perform such duties and services as the Board of Directors shall authorize. 29 Section 3.04. Election and Term of Office. The term of office for the initial members of the Board of Directors shall be staggered. Three (3) of the initial members shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Three (3) of the members shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and one (1) member shall be elected for a term of four (4) years. The members of the Board of Directors shall hold office until their respective successors shall have been elected by the Association. Except for the terms of the initial members of the Board of Directors, all members shall be elected to a fixed term of two (2) years. Section 3.05. Resignation of Members of the Board of Directors. A member of the Board of Directors may resign at any time. In the event a member resigns, a special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held and the Unit and Lot Owners present at said special meeting shall select a replacement to complete the unexpired term. Section 3.06. Reserved Section 3.07. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the directors, but such meetings shall be held at least once every twelve months during each fiscal year. Notice of regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given to each director, by mail or telegraph, at least ten (10) business days prior to the day named for such meeting. Section 3.08. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President on three (3) business days notice to each director, given by mail, which notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President or Secretary in like manner and on like notice on the written request of at least one (1) director. Section 3.09. Waiver of Notice. Any director may at any time, in writing, waive notice of any meeting of the Board of Directors, and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Attendance by a director at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall constitute a waiver of notice by him/her of the time, place and purpose of such meeting. If all directors are present at any meeting of the Board of Directors, no notice shall be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting. Section 3.10. Telephone Meetings. Members of the Board of Directors and members of any committee designated by the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting of such board or committee by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and participation in a meeting in such a manner shall constitute presence in person at such meeting. Section 3.11. Ouorum. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, the majority of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the votes of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present, shall constitute the decision of the Board of Directors. Section 3.12. Compensation. No director shall receive any compensation from the Condominium for acting as such. 30 Section 3.13. Action Without MeetinE. Any action by the Board of Directors required or permitted to be taken at any meeting may be taken without a meeting if all of the members of the Board of Directors shall individually or collectively consent in writing to such action. Any such written consent shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors. Section 3.14. Liability of the Board of Directors, Officers, Unit Owners and Association. (a) The officers and members of the Board of Directors shall not be liable to the Association for any mistake of judgment, negligence or otherwise, except for their own individual willful misconduct or bad faith. The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the officers and directors from and against all contractual liability to others arising out of contracts made by the officers or the Board of Directors on behalf of the Association unless any such contract shall have been made in bad faith or contrary to the provisions of the Act, the Declaration or these Bylaws. Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall have no personal liability to any Unit or Lot Owner with respect to any contract made by them on behalf of the Association. Every agreement made by the officers, the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent on behalf of the Association shall, if obtainable, provide that the officers, the members of the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent, as the case may be, are acting only as agents for the Association and shall have no personal liability thereunder (except as Unit and Lot Owners), and that each Unit and Lot Owner's liability thereunder shall be limited to the total liability thereunder multiplied by his/her Common Element interest. (b) The Association shall not be liable for any failure of water supply or other services to be obtained by the Association or paid for as a Common Expense, or for injury or damage to person or property caused by the elements or by the Owner of any Unit or Lot, or any other person, or resulting from electricity, water, snow or ice which may leak or flow from any portion of the Common Elements or from any pipe, drain, conduit, appliance or equipment. The Association shall not be liable to any Unit or Lot Owner for loss or damage, by theft or otherwise, of articles which may be stored upon any of the Common Elements. No diminution or abatement of any assessments, as herein elsewhere provided, shall be claimed or allowed for inconvenience or discomfort arising from the making of repairs or improvements to the Common Elements or from any action taken by the Association to comply with any law, ordinance or with the order or directive of any municipal or other governmental authority. ARTICLE IV Section 4.01. Designation. The principal officers of the Association shall be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may appoint an assistant treasurer, an assistant secretary and such other officers as in its judgment may be necessary. All officers shall be Unit and Lot Owners, and shall be directors of the Association. 31 Section 4.02. Election of Officers. The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the organization meeting of each new Board of Directors and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. Section 4.03. Removal of Officers. Upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board of Directors any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, and a successor may be elected at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors or at any special meeting of the Board of Directors called for such purpose. Section 4.04. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association; preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors; and have all of the general powers and duties which are incident to the office of president generally including, without limitation, the power to appoint committees from among the Unit Owners from time to time as the President may in his/her discretion decide is appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association. Section 4.05. Secretary. The Secretary shall perform the duties incident to the office of the Secretary of the Corporation and as required by the laws of the State of Vermont, including but not limited to the following: (a) The Secretary shall record all votes and proceedings of the Unit and Lot Owners and directors or any executive committee thereof. (b) The Secretary shall attend to the giving of notices of special meetings of the Board of Directors and of all of the meetings of the Unit and Lot Owners of the Association. (c) The Secretary shall be custodian of the records and seal of the Corporation. (d) The Secretary shall maintain an office in Burlington or South Burlington, Vermont or such other place as may be designated by the Board of Directors, where the corporate records of the Corporation shall be kept and shall procure and file in the Secretary's office certified copies of all paper required by law to be filed with the Secretary of State, except the annual report. (e) The Secretary shall maintain a book or record containing the names, alphabetically arranged, of all persons who are members of the Corporation, showing their places of residence, voting interest, and the times when they respectively acquired the Unit or Lot, and the times of any transfers thereof. The Secretary shall keep such book or record and the minutes of the proceedings of the members open daily during the usual business hours for inspection, within the limits prescribed by law, by any person duly authorized to inspect such records. At the request of the person entitled to an inspection thereof, the Secretary shall prepare and make available a current list of the officers and directors of the Corporation and their residences. (f) The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence and present to the Board of Directors at the meeting all official communications received by the Secretary. 32 Section 4.06. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for Association funds and securities and shall be responsible for keeping full and accurate financial records and books of account showing all receipts and disbursements, and for the preparation of all required financial data, and shall report annually to the Unit and Lot Owners; make disbursements on behalf of the Association upon consent of the Board of Directors except as provided in Section 4.07; and be responsible for the deposit of all monies and other valuable effects in the name of the Board of Directors, the Association or the Managing Agent, in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Directors; and, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of treasurer. Section 4.07. Execution of Documents. All agreements, contracts, deeds, leases, checks and other instruments of the Association for expenditures or obligations in excess of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500), and all checks drawn upon reserve accounts, shall be executed by any two persons designated by the Board of Directors. All such instruments for expenditures or obligations of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) or less, except from reserve accounts, may be executed by the Treasurer or any one person designated by the Board of Directors. Section 4.08. Compensation of Officers. No officers shall receive any compensation from the Corporation for acting as such. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the employment or compensation of a person as a managing agent or employee, or the services of such person who shall also be an officer, provided only that such employment by approved by the Board of Directors and full disclosure thereof be made by the person so engaged. Section 4.09. Officer Designated to Execute and Certify Amendments. Any officer of the Association may execute, certify and record amendments to the Declaration on behalf of the Association, so long as the officer is so designated in writing by the a majority of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V OPERATION OF THE PLANNED COMMUNITY Section 5.01. _Determination of Common Expenses and Assessments Against Unit and Lot Owners. (a) Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1" to December 31 S` unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. (b) Preparation and Approval of Budget. (i) For each Annual Meeting of the Association, the Board of Directors shall adopt a budget for the Association containing an estimate of the total amount considered necessary to pay the cost of maintenance, management, operation, repair and replacement of the Common Elements, and other expenses that may be declared to be Common Expenses by this Declaration or a Resolution of the Association and which will be required during the ensuing fiscal year for the administration, operation, maintenance and repair of the Property and the rendering to the Owners of all related services. 33 (ii) Such budget shall also include such reasonable amounts as the Board of Directors considers necessary to provide working capital, a general operating reserve and reserves for contingencies and replacements. With the notice of the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors shall send to each Owner a copy of the budget in a reasonably itemized form which sets forth the amount of the Common Expenses and any special assessment payable by each Owner. Such budget shall constitute the basis for determining each Unit Owner's assessment for the Common Expenses of the Association. (c) Assessment and Payment of Common Expenses. The total of the estimated funds required from assessments for the operation of the Planned Community set forth in the budget adopted by the Board of Directors shall be assessed against each Unit owner in proportion to its respective Common Element interest. However, no assessment shall be made against the Declarant as to any Unit or Lot completion of which has not been certified by the Declarant in an instrument filed with the Board of Directors. Sale of any such Unit or Lot by the Declarant shall be deemed to be completion of the Unit or Lot and the Unit or Lot Owner shall thereupon be assessed as provided herein. (d) Reserves. The Board of Directors shall build up and maintain reasonable reserves for working capital, operations, contingencies and replacements. (e) Effect of Failure to Prepare or Adopt Budget. The failure or delay of the Board of Directors to prepare or adopt a budget for any fiscal year shall not constitute a waiver or release in any manner of a Unit or Lot Owner's obligation to pay its allocable share of the Common Expenses as herein provided whenever the same shall be determined and, in the absence of any annual budget or adjusted budget, each Unit and/or Lot Owner shall continue to pay each monthly installment at the monthly rate established for the previous fiscal year until notice of the monthly payment which is due more than ten days after such new annual or adjusted budget shall have been delivered. Section 5.02. Payment of Common Expenses. Each Unit and Lot Owner shall pay the Common Expenses assessed by the Board of Directors. No Unit or Lot Owner may exempt itself from liability for his/her contribution toward Common Expenses by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the Common Elements or by abandonment of its Unit or Lot. Prior to or at the time of any conveyance of a Unit or Lot by an Owner, all liens, unpaid charges and assessments shall be paid in full and discharged. The purchaser of a Unit and/or Lot shall be jointly and severally liable with the selling Owner for all unpaid assessments against the Unit and/or Lot for his/her proportionate share of the Common Expenses up to the time of recording of the conveyance, without prejudice to the purchaser's right to recover from the selling Owner amounts paid by the purchaser therefore; provided, however, that any such purchaser shall be entitled to a statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments against the selling Unit Owner within ten (10) business days following a written request therefore to the Board of Directors or Managing Agent and such purchaser shall not be liable for, nor shall the Unit conveyed be subject to a lien for, any unpaid assessments in excess of the amount therein set forth. 34 Section 5.03. Payment of Assessments. No Unit or Lot Owner shall be permitted to convey, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, sell, or lease his/her Unit or Lot unless and until he shall have paid in full to the Board of Directors all unpaid common charges theretofore assessed by the Board of Directors against its Unit or Lot, and until he shall have satisfied all unpaid liens against such Unit or Lot, except bona fide mortgages. Section 5.04. Collection of Assessments. The Board of Directors or the Managing Agent, at the request of the Board of Directors, shall take prompt action to collect any assessments for Common Expenses due from any Unit or Lot Owner which remain unpaid for more than thirty (30) days from the due date for payment thereof. Any assessment, or installment thereof, not paid within five (5) days after due shall be subject to a late charge of $10.00 (to be reviewed and set annually by the Board); in addition any unpaid assessment shall accrue interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) or at the greatest legal rate, whichever is less, on the overdue assessment or installment. The Unit or Lot Owner shall also be liable for and pay to the Association all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. In any action brought by the Board of Directors to foreclose a lien on a Unit or Lot because of unpaid common expenses, the Unit or Lot Owner shall be required to pay a reasonable rental for the use of its Unit or Lot; and the plaintiff in such foreclosure action shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to collect the same. The Board of Directors, acting on behalf of all Unit and Lot Owners, shall have power to purchase such Unit or Lot at the foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, vote the votes appurtenant to, convey or otherwise deal with the same. A suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid common charges shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing the same. Section 5.05. Written Statements. (a) Statement of Common Expenses. The Board of Directors shall within ten (10) business provide to any Unit or Lot owner, contract purchaser or mortgagee so requesting the same in writing with a written statement of all unpaid assessments for Common Expenses due from such Unit or Lot Owner. The Board of Directors may impose a reasonable charge for the preparation of such statement to cover the cost of preparation. (b) Statement of Default. A Unit or Lot Owner who mortgages its Unit or Lot shall notify the Board of Directors of the name and address of its mortgagee. The Board of Directors shall maintain such information in a book entitled, "Mortgage of Units". The Board of Directors shall promptly notify any mortgagee of any Unit or Lot, upon request, of any default in the performance of the Unit or Lot Owner of any obligation pursuant to the Declaration, the Bylaws and the rules and regulations which is not cured within sixty (60) days. Section 5.06. Insurance. (1) The Board of Directors shall obtain and maintain, to the extent available, the following master policies of insurance, naming the Association as insured (for the use and benefit of the Unit and Lot Owners and mortgagees), as their respective interests may appear: (a) Casualty or physical damage insurance on the Common and Limited Common Elements, together with the service machinery, apparatus, equipment and 35 installations located in any buildings located on the Common and Limited Common Elements, and existing for the provisions of central services or for common uses, in an amount not less than One Hundred Percent (100%) of their full replacement value (exclusive of footings) as determined by the directors annually in their judgment (and all policies shall therefore contain a replacement cost valuation endorsement, so-called, or the equivalent) against (1) loss or damage by fire or other hazards covered by the extended coverage endorsement, and (2) such other hazards and risks as the directors from time to time, in their discretion, shall determine to be appropriate, including but not limited to, vandalism, malicious mischief, windstorm and water damage, boiler and machinery explosion or damage, and plate glass damage. Certificates of such insurance and all renewals thereof, together with proof of payment of premiums, shall be delivered by the directors to all Unit and Lot Owners and their mortgagees upon request, at least ten (10) business days prior to the expiration of the then current policies. (b) Comprehensive public liability insurance and property damage insurance in such amounts and forms as shall be determined by the directors, covering the Association, the directors, all of the Unit and Lot Owners and any Managing Agent of the Property, with a combined limit of not less than $1,000,000.00. (c) Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance covering any employees of the Association. (d) Errors and omissions insurance for the directors and officers. (e) Adequate fidelity coverage to protect against dishonest acts on the part of officers, directors, trustees, and employees of the Association, including but not limited to, employees of the Agent. The premiums shall be paid by the Association, and: (i) All such fidelity bonds shall name the Association as an obligee; (ii) Such fidelity bonds shall be written in amounts required by FNMA, FHLMC, PMI's, the VA or other similar institutions; (iii) Such fidelity bonds shall contain waivers of any defense based on exclusion of persons who serve without compensation from any definition of "employee". (f) Such other policies of insurance as required by FNMA, FHLMC, PMI's, the VA or other similar institutions. (g) A Standard Mortgage Clause must be included in the policy which names as mortgagee either FNMA or the servicers for the mortgages which FNMA holds on Units or Lots in the Planned Community. When a servicer is named as mortgagee, the policy shall also designate as the payee, "The mortgagee, its successors and assigns." (h) Such other insurance as the directors shall determine to be appropriate and such other insurance as may from time to time be required by law. 36 on t 0 r (2) Limitations. Any insurance or fidelity bond obtained shall meet the following: (a) All policies shall be written with a company licensed to do business in Vermont and holding a financial rating in one of the top two categories. (b) Exclusive authority to negotiate losses under said policies shall be vested in the Board or its insurance trustee. All proceeds shall be payable to the Association or its trustees, and shall be held for the use and benefit of the Association, the Unit and Lot Owners, and their respective mortgagees. (3) Payment of Insurance Deductible. In the event of damage to any unit or lot which is covered by the master insurance policy, the Association will be responsible for payment of deductible amounts under the policy except where: (a) The damage to such unit or lot was caused by the Unit or Lot Owner's negligence; (b) The damage to such unit or lot, absent the coverage by the master policy, which would have been the maintenance responsibility of the Unit or Lot Owner. (4) Separate Insurance. Each Unit and LotOwner shall, at its own expense, to obtain insurance for its own unit and lot and for its own benefit and to obtain insurance coverage upon his/her personal property and for its personal liability. All Unit and Lot Owners shall obtain insurance upon any improvements made by it to its unit or lot. Further each Unit and Lot Owner shall insure its share of the common and limited common elements in its separate insurance policies, including but not limited to liability insurance coverage. All such policies shall contain waivers of subrogation if available. Section 5.07. Lien for Assessments. The total annual assessment of each Unit and Lot Owner for Common Expenses or any special assessment of any other sum duly levied and any late charges and costs of collection, made pursuant to the Declaration, is hereby declared to be a lien levied against the Unit of such Unit Owner as provided in Section 3-116 of the Act. Section 5.08. Maintenance, Repair, Replacement of Common Elements, and other Common Expenses. The maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Common and Limited Common Elements shall be governed by the Declaration. Section 5.9. Injunctions. The Board shall have the right to abate, enjoin or remedy by appropriate legal proceedings, either in law or in equity, the continuance of any violation of the provisions of the condominium documents, including, without limitation, an action to recover any sums due for money damages, injunctive relief, foreclosure of the lien for payment of all assessments, any combination thereof, and any other relief afforded by a court or competent jurisdiction. Such remedies shall be deemed cumulative and shall not constitute an election of remedies. The failure of the Association or its Board to enforce any rights, covenants or conditions of the condominium shall not constitute a waiver of the right to enforce such rights, covenants or conditions in the future. There shall be, and there is hereby created and declared to 37 be, a conclusive presumption that any violation or breach, or any attempted violation or breach, of any of the covenants and restrictions of the Declaration or Bylaws shall so damage the community and its property values that it cannot be adequately remedied by action at law or exclusively by recovery of damages. Section 5.10. Costs and Attorneys' Fees. In any proceeding arising because of an alleged failure of a Unit or Lot Owner to comply with the terms of the condominium documents, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover the costs of the proceeding and such reasonable attorneys' fees as may be awarded by the court. Section 5.11. Fine. The Board shall have the right to impose upon a Unit or Lot Owner a reasonable fine, commensurate with the severity of the violation of any of the provisions of the above -referenced documents, which fine shall become a continuing lien against the Unit or Lot of the defaulting Owner enforceable in the manner provided by the Act and the Bylaws. Section 5.12. Abatement. The Board shall have the right to remove, at the expense of the defaulting Owner, any structure, alteration, improvement or condition placed on the Common Elements by an Owner in violation of the provisions of the above -referenced documents. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS Section 6.01. Amendment. These Bylaws may be amended by vote of at least sixty- seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association. Section 6.02. Notices. All notices, demands, bills, statements or other communications shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally or if sent postage prepaid (i) if to a Unit or Lot Owner, at the address of the Unit or Lot, unless the Owner designates a different address in writing and files said address with the Secretary of the Association, or (ii) if to the Association or the Board of Directors at the principal office of the Association or at such other address as shall be designated in writing to the Unit or Lot Owners pursuant to this Section. Section 6.03. Captions. The captions herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of these Bylaws or the intent of any provision hereof. Section 6.04. Gender. The use of the masculine gender in these Bylaws shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders and the use of the singular shall be deemed to include the plural, and vice versa, whenever the context so requires. Section 6.05. Terms. Unless otherwise set forth in these Bylaws, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meaning given to those terms in the Declaration of Area Association and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for South Village. 38 Dated at Burlington, Vermont, this day of In Presence Of: witness Print name: STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. 2005. South Village Area Association, Inc. i Its duly authorized agent Print name: At Burlington in said County, this day of , 2005, personally appeared David Scheuer, duly authorized agent of South Village Area Association, Inc., and he acknowledged this instrument, signed by him as agent aforesaid, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of South Village Area Association, Inc. Before me, Notary Public Print name: My Commission Expires: 2/10/2007 435584 v1:8346-00006 W SOUTH VILLAGE A MULTI -PHASED NEW URBANIST COMMUNITY DECLARATION OF AREA ASSOCIATION AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS This Declaration is made this day of , 2 ft by South Village_ , - Deleted: s Communities, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with a principal place of business in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont (the "Declarant"). The Declarant hereby desires to submit all of the land and premises described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property") to the Vermont Common Ownership Act, 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17 and hereby declares that all of the Property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions, which shall run with the Property and be binding on all of the parties having any right, title or interest in the Property or a part thereof, their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. WHEREAS, the Declarant received permits and approvals to construct a Planned Community in the City of South Burlington on the Property to be known as "South Village"; WHEREAS, South Village, as currently approved and contemplated by the Declarant, will contain three hundred thirty four (334) residential dwelling units, an agricultural enterprise, quiet paths, recreation paths, a school with athletic fields and all associated infrastructure, including but not limited to roads, sewer, water, cable, gas, electricity and any other utilities deemed necessary by the Declarant; WHEREAS, the Declarant currently contemplates that the three hundred thirty four (334) ' residential dwelling units in South Village will be constructed in not less than three (3) phases over time and will be comprised of nine (9) different building types; WHEREAS, prior to commencing construction of South Village, the Declarant desires to create the Planned Community pursuant to the Vermont Common Ownership Act, 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17 (the "Act"); WHEREAS, the Declarant further desires to provide for the initial framework of the governance of South Village in this Declaration; WHEREAS, the Declarant anticipates amending this Declaration from time to time to bring this Declaration into conformance with the plats, plans, permits and approvals, as well as the vision and desires of the Declarant for South Village; NOW THEREFORE, the Declarant does hereby create the following Planned Community in accordance with the Act and the following terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and restrictions. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. "Act" shall mean the Vermont Common Ownership Act, 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17. Section 1.02 "Area Association" shall mean and refer to the SOUTH VILLAGE AREA ASSOCIATION, INC., its successors and assigns. Section 1.03. "Common Element' shall mean all those portions of the Property not included within the boundaries of a Unit, Lot or Limited Common Element, and the property, interests and rights included in the term Common Element as defined in the Act. Section 1.04. "Common Expenses" means expenditures made by or financial liabilities of the Association together with any allocation to reserves. Section 1.05. "Declarant' shall mean South Village Communities, LLC, and any successor in interest in the Property as developer, by virtue of any deed or other instrument of conveyance or foreclosure decree. Section 1.06. "Development Agreement' shall mean the Development Agreement between South Village Communities, LLC and the City of South Burlington dated August 2005 and recorded in Volume at Page _ of the South Burlington Land Records. Section 1.07. "Development Rights" shall have the same meaning as prescribed in 27A V.S.A. § 1-103(14) and as further defined in Article VI of this Declaration. Section 1.08. "Farm Lot' shall mean the Lot (as that term is defined in Section 1.08 below) which the Declarant currently contemplates subdividing from the Property and constructing a school building, as shown on the Plats and Plans. Section 1.07. "Limited Common Element' means a portion of the Common Elements, designated in this Declaration, or on the Plats and Plans (as defined in Section 1.10 below), or by the Act, for the exclusive use of one or more but fewer than all of the Owners (as defined in Section 1.09 below). An allocation of a Limited Common Element to a particular owner or owners may not be altered without the consent of the owner whose Unit or Lot is affected. However, this Declaration may only be amended in accordance herewith and may not be amended in accordance with the provisions of 27A V.S.A. §2-108(b). Section 1.08. "Lot' shall refer to any subdivided lot within the Planned Community on the Property in which there is a defeasible fee simple title and it further includes all buildings and improvements thereon. Section 1.09. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot or Unit (as that term is defined below in Section 1.10 below) on the Property, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. For voting and assessment purposes, the Declarant shall be deemed an Owner. Section 1.10. "Plats and Plans" shall mean those certain plats and plans entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Spear Street and Allen Road, South Burlington Vennont", dated , 2005, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., reduced copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit and full-size copies of which are recorded herewith (collectively the "Plats and Plans") Section 1.11. "Planned Community" shall mean the planned residential development to be known as South Village to be located on the Property as shown on the Plats and Plans. Section 1.12. "School Lot" shall mean the Lot which the Declarant currently contemplates subdividing from the Property and on which a school and related facilities will be constructed, as shown on the Plats and Plans. Section 1.13. "Unit" shall refer to a unit located within a Condominium within the Planned Community. However, no Lot, Common Element, or Limited Common Element or portion thereof shall be considered a "Unit" for purposes of this Declaration. ARTICLE II NAMES OF COMMUNITY AND ASSOCIATION Section 2.01. Name of Community. The name of the common interest community is South Village . Section 2.02. Name of Association. The name of the Area Association is the South Village Communities Area Association, Inc. Section 2.03. Control of the Association. (a) There shall be a period of Declarant control of the Area Association, during which the Declarant, or persons designated by it, may appoint and remove the officers and members of the Board of Directors. The period of Declarant control shall terminate no later than the earlier of (i) sixty (60) days after conveyance of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Units and Lots that may be created by the Declarant to Unit Owners other than the Declarant or an entity controlled or owned by it; or (ii) two (2) years after the Declarant or its successors in interest has ceased to offer Units and Lots for sale in the ordinary course of business; or (iii) two (2) years after the right to add new Lots or Units is last exercised by the Declarant; or (iv) the day the Declarant, after giving written notice to Unit and Lot Owners, records an instrument voluntarily surrendering all rights to control activities of the Area Association. (b) At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by Unit and Lot Owners who are not the Declarant within sixty (60) days after twenty-five percent (25%) of the created Units and Lots are conveyed to Owners other than the Declarant. At least thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by Unit and Lot Owners who are not the Declarant within sixty (60) days after fifty percent (501/6) of the created Units and Lots are conveyed to Unit and Lot Owners other than the Declarant or an entity owned or controlled by it. ARTICLE III PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Section 3.01 Municipalities. The Property is located in the City of South Burlington and the Town of Shelburne. Section 3.02 Property Description. The Property is described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. ARTICLE IV UNITS Section 4.01. Number of Lots and Units. The Declarant reserves the right to create up to three hundred thirty four (334) residential dwelling units. The Declarant further reserves the right to create a school on the School Lot, an organic farm on the Farm Lot, a bed and breakfast hotel/inn and all other amenities and improvements the Declarant deems necessary in connection with the creation of South Village. Section 4.02. Identification of Lots and Units. The initial Lots and Units are shown on Plats and Plans. In the event of a conflict between the Plats and Plans, including but not limited to notes, illustrations, diagrams, dimensions shown thereon, and the provisions of this Declaration, the Plats and Plans shall control. Upon completion of South Village, "As Built" Plats and Plans shall be recorded and shall control the identification and boundaries of the Units and Lots. Section 4.03. Use and Occupancy Restrictions. Subject to the Development and Special Rights reserved by Declarant herein, the following use, alienation and occupancy restrictions apply to all Units and Lots and to the Common Elements and Limited Common Elements: (a) The Units and any Limited Common Elements of assigned to a particular Unit or Lot shall be used for residential purposes only. The Lots, other than the School Lot and the Farm Lot, are to be used for residential purposes only. With the prior written approval of the Board, a Unit or Lot Owner may engage in a home occupation, as long as the use, in the sole discretion of the Board, does not adversely affect the residential character of the neighborhood, or interfere with the peaceful occupancy of neighboring Units and Lots. If a Unit or Lot Owner is granted permission to 4 engage in a home occupation, the Unit or Lot Owner shall be solely responsible for compliance with all state and local regulations concerning commercial uses in buildings. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarant may maintain such sales offices, model units and other non-residential uses as Declarant determines is necessary in the construction of South Village. Moreover, the restrictions under this subparagraph (a) shall not apply to any Lot or Lots which Declarant designates for use as an inn/bed breakfast and shall not apply to any Lot or Lots on which the Declarant constructs a meeting center, community rooms or center, business center or other non- residential uses. (b) The Units and Lots and any Limited Common Elements assigned to them, other than the School Lot and Farm Lot, shall not be used for commercial or offices purposes, except as provided in subparagraph (a) above. (c) Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or Lot or in the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements which will increase the rate of insurance for the Area Association, without the prior written consent of the Area Association. No Unit or Lot Owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in his Unit or Lot or in the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements which will result in the cancellation of insurance of the Area Association or any part thereof or which would be in violation of any law, regulation or administrative ruling. No waste shall be committed in the Common Elements. (d) No offensive or unlawful use shall be made of the Planned Community or any part thereof, and all valid laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereover shall be observed. All laws, orders, rules, regulations or requirements of any governmental agency having jurisdiction thereover relating to any portion of the Planned Community shall be complied with, by and at the sole expense of the Unit or Lot Owner or the Area Association, whichever shall have the obligation to maintain or repair such portion of the Planned Community and, if the latter, then the cost of such compliance shall be a Common Expense. (e) No Unit or Lot Owner shall obstruct any of the Common Elements nor shall any Unit or Lot Owner store anything upon any of the Common Elements (except in those areas designated for such storage by the Board of Directors) without the approval of the Board of Directors. Nothing shall be altered or constructed in or removed from the Common Elements except upon the prior written consent of the Board of Directors. (f) The Common Elements shall be used only for the furnishing of the services and facilities for which the same are reasonably suited and which are incident to the use and occupancy of the Units and Lots. (g) NEED TO FORMULATE PARKING REGULATIONS. (h) Other than on the Farm Lot and School Lot, the maintenance, keeping, boarding and/or raising of animals, livestock, poultry or reptiles of any kind, regardless of number, shall be and is prohibited on any Lot or within any Unit or upon the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements, except that the keeping of small, orderly domestic pets (e.g., dogs, cats or caged birds) not to exceed two (2) per Unit or Lot without the approval of the Board of Directors, is permitted, subject to the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors; provided, however, that such pets are not kept or maintained for commercial purposes or for breeding, and provided, further, that any such pet causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise shall be permanently removed from the Property upon ten (10) days written notice from the Board of Directors. Such pets shall not be permitted upon the Common Elements unless leashed or accompanied by and under the control of a responsible person, and that responsible person shall be responsible for cleaning up any mess caused by said pet. Any Unit or Lot Owner who keeps or maintains any pet upon any portion of the Property shall be deemed to have indemnified and agreed to hold the Area Association and each Unit and Lot Owner and the free and harmless from any loss, claim or liability of any kind or character whatever arising by reason of keeping or maintaining such pet within the Planned Community. All pets shall be registered and inoculated as required by law. All Unit and Lot Owners and their pets shall comply with the Land Management Plan (as that term is defined in Article XX) as the same may be amended from time to time. (i) No signs of any character shall be erected, posted or displayed upon, from or about any Unit, Lot, Common Elements or Limited Common Elements without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. 6) Open burning on any portion of the Planned Community Property is prohibited. Lot Owners may use gas and charcoal grills so long as the same do not unreasonably interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment of other Unit and Lot Owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Area Association shall conduct the open burning set forth in the Land Management Plan (as that term is defined in Article XX below), and may conduct such other opening burning as its consultant(s) may recommend to accomplish the land restoration goals set forth in said Land Management Plan. (k) Each Unit and Lot and the Common Elements and Limited Common Elements shall be occupied and used in compliance with the Rules and Regulations which may be promulgated and amended by the Board of Directors including regulations as to noise. Copies of the Rules and Regulations shall be furnished by the Board of Directors to each Unit and Lot Owner. Amendments to the Rules and Regulations shall be conspicuously posted prior to the time when the same shall become effective and copies thereof shall be furnished to each Unit and Lot Owner upon request. By accepting a deed conveying title to a Unit or Lot in the Planned Community each and every Unit and Lot Owner acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the Rules and Regulations as adopted and amended by the Board of Directors. (1) There shall be no garbage or other waste material stored or kept in the Common or Limited Common Elements, except in trash receptacles on the day garbage is to be removed by the Unit or Lot Owners garbage pickup and hauling company or the City of South Burlington, if the same provides municipal garbage service at the time. (m) No amplified music, loud musical instruments or loud radios, stereos or televisions shall be permitted in the Limited or Common Elements, except as permitted by the Board of Directors. (n) No window air conditioning unit may be installed in any Unit or within any building or improvement on any Lot without the approval of the ACC (as that term is defined in Article XV below). 6 (o) There shall be no storage of any kind on lawns, patios or porches, if any, with the exception of those items typically found on lawns, porches and patios of other residential dwellings and lots in the City of South Burlington. (p) No satellite dishes or other antenna shall be installed outside of a Unit or building on a Lot without the prior written approval of the Area Association, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (q) No improvement or alteration to any Unit or Lot may be made which would impair the structural integrity or mechanical systems or lessen the support of any portion of any other Lot or Unit. No exterior change shall be made to the exterior of a Unit or Lot without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors and in accordance with Article XV of this Declaration. (r) There shall be no exterior clothes lines on any Lot within view from another Lot, another Unit or a road, street, trail or bicycle path. (s) Each Unit and Lot and Common Elements and Limited Common Elements shall be subject to and occupied and used in compliance with this Declaration, Bylaws attached hereto, and the Rules Regulations of the Area Association as may be promulgated and amended from time to time. ARTICLE V COMMON ELEMENTS AND LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS Section 5.01. Common Elements and Limited Common Elements. a. A "Common Element' means those portions of the real estate and/or building not included within the boundaries of a Lot, and the property, interests and rights included in the term Common Elements as defined in the Act. b. A "Limited Common Element' means a portion of the Common Elements, designated in this Declaration, or on the Plats and Plans, or by the Act, for the exclusive use of one or more but fewer than all of the Owners. An allocation of a Limited Common Element to a particular owner or owners may not be altered without the consent of the owner whose Lot or Lot is affected. However, this Declaration may only be amended in accordance herewith and may not be amended in accordance with the provisions of 27A V.S.A. §2-108(b). Section 5.02. Party Walls and Footings. Any wall or footing which is constructed and located on the line between any Lots in South Village shall constitute a party wall or footing for the perpetual benefit and use by the respective Lot Owners. a. Maintenance and Repair. If it becomes necessary or desirable to perform maintenance thereon, or to rebuild or repair the whole or any part of a party wall or footing, such expense shall be shared equally by the Owners of the adjoining Lots to the extent that such costs are not satisfied from insurance proceeds. Whenever such party wall or footing, or any part thereof, shall be rebuilt, it shall be as initially constructed with materials of like quality to the original structure. All repairs, maintenance and replacement of party walls and footings shall be approved by the involved Lot Owners; provided that if such maintenance, repair or replacement is brought about solely by the neglect or willful misconduct of a particular Lot Owner, any expenses incidental thereto shall be borne solely by such Lot Owner. b. Use. A Lot Owner shall have the right to the full use of said party wall or footing for whatever purpose the party wall or footing was intended during initial construction, including lateral support. C. Benefit. Each party wall or footing constructed in South Village is to be and shall remain a party wall or footing for the perpetual use and benefit of the respective Lot Owners thereof, and to their hens, successors and assigns; said Property being conveyed subject to this condition, and this condition shall be construed to be a covenant running with the land. Each Lot Owner shall have the permanent easement to permit repair of the party wall or footing. The mortgagee of a Lot Owner shall have all the rights of the Lot Owner created in this section. d. Lien. A Lot Owner repairing a party wall or footing, and who shall pay for the same, shall have a right of a lien against the other Lot Owner sharing said party wall or footing, for repairs needed as such right of a lien is created for contractors under the laws of the State of Vermont, to the extent that said lien is legally enforceable, but in no event shall said lien have priority over the lien of any mortgagee. Section 5.03. On Site Sewage Pumping Station. The sewage pumping station and associated equipment located on the Property as shown on the Plats and Plans shall be a Common Element of the Planned Community and the Owners shall be responsible for the costs and expenses of maintaining the same until such time as title to the same is dedicated to and accepted by the City of South Burlington. Section 5.04. On Stormwater Treatment System. The stormwater treatment system and associated equipment located on the Property as shown on the Plats and Plans shall be a Common Element of the Planned Community and the Owners shall be responsible for the costs and expenses of maintaining the same until such time as title to the same is dedicated to and accepted by the City of South Burlington. ARTICLE VI DECLARANT RIGHTS AND SPECIAL RIGHTS Section 6.01. Development Rights. The Declarant for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby reserves the following Development Rights on the Property: (a) The right to subdivide Lots or Units or convert Lots or Units into Common Elements or Limited Common Elements; (b) The right to add real estate to South Village; (c) The right to withdraw real estate from the Property and South Village; (d) The right to create Lots, Units Common Elements and or Limited Common Elements within South Village, (e) The right to construct, and otherwise complete improvements indicated on the Plats and Plans, as amended and to construct and complete improvements described in the Public Offering Statement pursuant to 27A V.S.A. §4-103(a)(2); (f) The right to, and an easement to, construct additional improvements on the Property, including but not limited to road, driveways, walkways, parking areas, lighting, utilities, landscaping, and any other improvements necessary or convenient to be constructed or installed in connection with the construction and completion of South Village ; (g) The right to modify or redesign any Lot or Unit prior to the first conveyance of title to said Lot or Unit to a third party bona fide purchaser; (h) The right to grant all appurtenant easements and rights granted in this Declaration or any amendment hereto to the Lots and Units; (i) The right to grant easements through, over, under and across the Property for foot and vehicular traffic, for utilities servicing the Lots and the Units, including but not limited to sewer, water, drainage, gas, electricity, telephone and cable television lines and appurtenances; (j) The right to maintain up to three (3) sales offices within any Unit, Common Element, Limited Common Element or on any Lot within South Village and may in its sole discretion relocate said sales offices at any time; (k) The right, without limitation, to maintain signs on the Common Elements and on any Limited Common Element controlled by the Declarant and upon any Unit or Lot owned or controlled by the Declarant advertising South Village; (1) The absolute right to amend this Declaration to accomplish any of the foregoing or any other rights reserved by the Declarant in this Declaration; (in) All rights the Declarant would otherwise have under 27A V.S.A. §2-116; (n) The right to construct, enlarge, modify, demolish, reconstruct or reestablish any buildings or other improvements on Common Elements, Limited Common Elements or on a Lot or Unit, provided the Declarant still owns or controls the Lot or the Unit; (o) The right to modify, change and relocate drives, roads, parking areas and structures, bridges, drainage and utility lines; (p) The exclusive right to make allocations of sewer capacity to one or more Lots or Units within the Property, and until the South Village has been completed, no one may take any action which would increase the sewer usage or allotment to a Lot or Unit within the Property without the express written consent of the Declarant first obtained. After South Village has been completed, the Area Association must approve any enlargement of sewer usage by a particular Owner. The Declarant shall comply with all local, state and federal permits regarding sewer allocations; (q) The right to store construction material in and to enter upon the Property for any purpose during the construction and sale or rental of Lots and Units in the various phases of South Village; Section 6.02. Property and Expiration of Declarant's Rights. The Declarant's reserved rights set forth in Section 6.01 above apply to the Property and shall, unless earlier terminated by the Declarant in the Declarant's sole discretion, terminate upon the conveyance by the Declarant of the last Unit or Lot to which Declarant or its successor and assigns holds title in South Village. Upon termination of Declarant's rights under this Section 6.02, all remaining real property not previously conveyed and not otherwise included within a Unit or Lot shall become a Common Element and the Declarant shall no longer be liable for the expenses of said real property and the Area Association shall then be liable for the expenses of said real property from the date thereof. Section 6.03. Exercise of Development Rights. The Declarant shall exercise any of its rights under this Article VI in accordance with 27A V.S.A. §2-110, unless the same may be amended or repealed, in which case the Declarant may exercise its rights under this Article VI in any manner allowed by Vermont law at that time. Section 6.04. Transfer of Development Rights. The Declarant may transfer its rights contained in this Article VI in accordance with 27A V.S.A. §3-104, unless the same may be amended or repealed, in which case the Declarant may exercise its rights under this Article VI in any manner allowed by Vermont law at that time. ARTICLE VII ALLOCATED INTERESTS Section 7.01. Allocated Interests. The undivided interest in Common Elements, and the percentage of liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit and Lot, are described in Exhibit "Table of Interests", attached hereto. As each Unit and Lot is developed by the Declarant and an amendment to this Declaration is executed and recorded to create the new Lots and Units, the amended Declaration shall include an amended "Exhibit B, Table of Interests" to reflect the allocated undivided interest in the Common Elements, and the percentage of liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit and Lot. By accepting and recording a deed to a Unit or Lot, the owner of the Lot or Unit hereby acknowledges that the creation of new Units and Lots will reduce their proportionate interest in the Common Elements and the percentage of liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit and/or Lot and hereby accepts the same. Section 7.02. Formula for Allocated Interests. Pursuant to the Act, the allocated interests of all Units and Lots must total one hundred percent (100%). However, South Village will be constructed in three (3) phases over time and so all of the interests cannot be allocated simultaneously. Therefore, as each Unit or Lot is completed, an interest in the Planned Community shall be allocated to that Unit or Lot, such that the total of all of the Units and Lots then existing plus the new Unit or Lot shall total one hundred percent (100%). As a new Unit or Lot is completed, the interests allocated to the then existing Units and Lots shall be reduced. The interest allocated to each Unit and Lot shall be fixed by the Declarant. The determination by the Declarant may not discriminate in favor of Units or Lots owned by the Declarant. Section 7.03. Reallocation of Interest After More Units and Lots Added. As set forth in Section 7.01 and 7.02 above, as new Units and Lots are completed and added to the Planned Community, the interests allocated to the then existing Units and Lots shall be reduced. The Declarant shall allocate an interest to the new Units and Lots in accordance with Section 7.02 above. 10 ARTICLE VIII RESTRICTIONS ON ALIENATION Section 8.01. Price Restrictions. If the resale price of any Unit or Lot is restricted by the permits and approvals for South Village or by local ordinance or regulation or by covenant or restriction contained in the chain of title for the Unit or Lot, the Owner may not sell or otherwise convey an interest in the Unit or Lot for consideration in excess of said restriction(s). Section 8.02. Resale Restrictions. Each Unit and Lot shall have the benefit of and be subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws of the Area Association, the rules and regulations of the Associations and any amendments thereto and the same shall run with the title to each Unit and Lot. Furthermore, a Unit or Lot may not be conveyed pursuant to a time-sharing arrangement described in Section 1-103(29) of the Act. Section 8.02. Leasing Restrictions. (a) Other than the School Lot Owner and Farm Lot Owner, no Unit or Lot Owner shall lease a Unit or Lot or portion thereof other than on a written form of lease approved by the Area Association, requiring the lessee to comply with the Declaration, the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Area Association, as the same may be amended from time to time, and providing further that failure to comply with the same constitutes a default under the lease. The Area Association shall be given prior written notice of any rentals of a Unit or Lot. Unit and Lot Owners may not lease any Unit or Lot for less than a three (3) month term and for no more than two (2) terms in any twelve (12) month period. No Unit is to be leased or occupied by more than two (2) unrelated persons at any one time. No portion of any Unit or Lot other than the entire Unit or Lot shall be leased for any period. (b) The Unit or Lot Owner shall be responsible for any damage, destruction or misuse of the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements by the tenant, sub -tenant or their permitted occupants of that Unit or Lot. (c) If a tenant of a Unit or Lot Owner violates the provisions of the Declaration, this Amendment, the Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations of the Area Association, in addition to exercising its right in accord with subparagraph (b) above, the Area Association may: (i) after giving notice to the tenant and the Unit and/or Lot Owner and an opportunity for the same to be heard, levy reasonable fines against the tenant for violations; (ii) enforce any other rights against the tenant for the violation which the Unit or Lot Owner as landlord could lawfully have exercised directly against the Unit or Lot Owner, or both. 11 ARTICLE IX APPURTENANT EASEMENTS AND LICENSES Section 9.01. Appurtenant Easements and Licenses. The easements and licenses appurtenant to and those included in South Village are set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. ARTICLE X RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES BETWEEN LOTS AND UNITS Section 10.01. Relocation of Boundaries and Expenses. In the event the owner or owners of a Lot or Unit apply to the Board of Directors relocate the boundary of a Unit or Lot pursuant to 27A V.S.A. §2-112, and the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that that the relocation of the boundary is reasonable, all costs, including attorneys fees and recording fees, shall be paid by the owner or owners that requested the boundary relocation. ARTICLE XI SUBDIVISION OF LOTS AND UNITS Section 11.01. Declarant's Right to Subdivide Lots and Units. The Declarant reserves an absolute right to, in its sole discretion, subdivide any Lot or Unit in South Village prior to the conveyance of title to said Lot or Unit to a bonafide third party purchaser. Section 11.02. Owner's Right to Subdivide Lots or Units. Except as set forth in Section 11.01 above, no Lot or Unit may be subdivided without the approval of eighty-five (85%) of the owners of the Lots and Units within South Village and upon receipt of all local and state approvals to accomplish the same. Any and all costs associated with subdividing a Lot or Unit shall be borne by the owner of said Lot or Unit, including but not limited to Area Association attorney's fees and all recording fees. Section 11.03. Accessory Apartments. The owner of a Lot may, subject to local and state approval (if necessary), and further subject to review and approval by the ACC (as that term is defined below), add an attached accessory apartment to a house or attached garage located on the Lot. However, in no event shall the accessory apartment contain more than (1) bedroom nor contain more than four hundred (400) square feet. Moreover, in no event shall the parking areas of a garage be converted to living or habitable space. In the event an accessory apartment is occupied by someone other than a relative of the owner of the primary residence located on the Lot (a relative shall mean those within the second degree of kinship by either blood, marriage or civil union), the occupancy of the accessory apartment shall be subject to the terms and provision set forth in Section 8.02 of this Declaration. ARTICLE XH AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION Section 12.01. Amendment and Vote Needed. This Declaration, including the Plats and Plans, may be amended only by vote or agreement of owners of Lots and Units to which at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the votes in the Area Association are allocated. 12 Section 12.02. Effective Upon Recording. An amendment to this Declaration properly adopted pursuant to Section 12.01 above shall not be effective unless and until recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. Section 12.03. Amending Declarant's Rights. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.01 above, the Declarant's rights set forth in Article VI of this Declaration may not be amended without the consent of the Declarant. ARTICLE XIII TERMINATION OF COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY Section 13.01. Vote Needed to Terminate. Except in the case of taking of all of the Units and Lots by eminent domain, the Planned Community may only be terminated by agreement and vote of one hundred percent (100%) of the Unit and Lot Owners to terminate. ARTICLE XIV RIGHTS OF WAY AND UTILITIES Section 14.01. Rights of Way and Utilities. Declarant does hereby establish and create for the benefit of the Property, and does hereby grant, give, and convey to each and every individual or entity hereinafter owning any Unit or Lot on the Property, the following non- exclusive easements, licenses, rights and privileges: (a) Right of way for ingress and egress, by vehicle or on foot, in, to, upon, over, and under the roadways, parking areas and paths, now or hereafter to be constructed or established on the Property, for all purposes for which roadways and paths are commonly used, including the transportation of construction materials for use by the Declarant, unless terminated by the Declarant. (b) Right to connect with, make use of and, if necessary, to maintain, repair, and replace underground utility lines, pipes, conduits, sewer and drainage lines, which may from time to time be in or along the roads or in other areas of the Property; provided that all damage caused by the exercise of such right is promptly repaired, including, without limitation, the restoration of all surface areas to their condition immediately prior to such exercise. (c) The easements, licenses, rights, and privileges, established and created by this section shall be for the benefit of and restricted solely to the Declarant and Owners from time to time of Units and Lots in South Village, their tenants and guests, who have the legal right to occupy said Units and Lots. Furthermore the Owners' easements, licenses, rights and privileges in any roadway, right of way, pathway or parking area hereunder shall be subordinate to the interests of the City of South Burlington in the event that any of the same are dedicated to the City of South Burlington. (d) Each purchaser of a Unit or Lot takes title subject to all rights of way, permits, conditions, covenants, approvals, restrictions and easements of record, and/or lines, poles, wires, 13 guys, pipes, and valves already in place (underground or overhead), for water, sewer, electricity, telephone and cable TV. (e) Each purchaser of a Unit or Lot takes title subject to all drainage swales, culverts and lines running over, under, or across the Property. (f) Until such time as the roads, water lines and sewer system are taken over by the City of South Burlington, they shall be maintained, repaired, and managed by the Area Association. ARTICLE XV DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW Section 15.01. Architectural Control Committee. (a) The Declarant hereby establishes an Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") for the Property. (b) The ACC will consist of three (3) members, one member designated Chairman and one as Secretary. The Declarant shall appoint the initial members of the ACC, and until the Declarant or its successors and assigns has completed construction of the entire South Village project on the Property, Declarant shall have the right to renew the terms of those members. Upon completion of the South Village project on the Property, all three (3) members may be appointed by the Area Association. At all times, at least one (1) member of the ACC shall be a licensed architect or landscape architect, and if no resident of South Village meets these qualifications, the Board of Directors shall hire an individual that meets these qualifications to be a member of the ACC. In no event shall the number of members of the ACC exceed three (3). (c) All of the Property described herein shall be subject to the architectural controls and conditions described in this Declaration, including but not limited to the School Lot and the Farm Lot. (d) Excepting the Declarant, no building, fence, wall, hedge, tree or other structure shall be commenced, erected, or maintained upon any Lot, or any part thereof, nor shall any exterior addition to, or change or alteration therein (including exterior finish or trim), be made to any building, structure or other improvement on any Lot until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, color, height, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted and approved in writing by the ACC. The ACC may withhold its approval for any reason. In the event the ACC fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within sixty (60) days after said plans and specifications are submitted to it, approval will not be required, and this section will be deemed to have been fully complied with. 14 (e) The Committee shall meet upon call by the Chairman, and in his/her absence, upon call by the Chairman Pro Tem, who shall be so designated by the Chairman. Committee meeting to be at time and place convenient to a majority of the members. A quorum shall consist of all three members, and a quorum shall be necessary to carry out functions of the Committee. (f) Excepting the Declarant, no sign may be erected, installed, or placed anywhere on the Property, or on any building or other structure thereon, unless the shape, size, material, color, wording, and design of said sign has been submitted to and approved by the ACC in writing in accordance with this Section 15.01, and the sign is in compliance with all federal, state and local ordinances and regulations. (g)If, in the reasonable opinion of the ACC, the landscaping of a Lot or Unit and/or exterior appearance of a Unit or building or other structure on a Lot is not being maintained in a reasonable manner, and such lack of maintenance or repair is visible to other owners within South Village or visible to the general public, the ACC shall have the right, upon 30 days written notice to the offending owner(s), to have the maintenance or repair performed by the Area Association. If the owner(s) fails to carry out the repair or maintenance in a timely manner, the cost of said maintenance or repair shall be deemed a duly authorized and voted upon "supplemental assessment" and lien against the Lot or Unit. (h) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ACC shall maintain an approved planting list (the "Approved Planting List"). The Approved Planting List shall list those landscape items that may be planted, installed or otherwise placed on a Lot without first obtaining the approval of the ACC. In the event a Lot or Unit Owner seeks to plant, install or otherwise place landscaping on a Lot that is not allowed under the Approved Planting List, the Owner shall first seek approval from the ACC, which may be withheld for any reason. ARTICLE XVI MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 16.01. Membership. If completed as currently contemplated, the Area Association shall have three hundred thirty four (334) memberships. The Declarant shall initially hold all three hundred thirty four (334) memberships. As Declarant conveys a Lot or Unit on the Property, the purchaser of that Lot or Unit shall automatically acquire the corresponding memberships of that Unit in the Area Association, and the number of memberships in the Area Association held by Declarant shall be reduced accordingly. Unit and Lot Owners acknowledge and agree by acceptance of a deed to a Unit or Lot that a membership is not the equivalent of an allocation under Article VII of this Declaration and that although each Unit and Lot Owner will be granted one (1) membership in the Planned Community, the undivided interests of the Common Elements and the liability for Common Expenses will vary and be based upon the percent allocated to the Unit or Lot as designated by the Declarant in accordance with Article VII of this Declaration. 15 Section 16.02. Voting Rights. The Area Association shall have one (1) class of voting membership. Members in the Area Association shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each membership. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot or Unit, that Unit or Lot shall still only have one (1) vote and the owners of the Unit or Lot must designate one owner to cast the vote on behalf of the Unit or Lot. ARTICLE XVII AREA ASSOCIATION PURPOSE Section 17.01. Purpose. The purpose of the Area Association is to repair, maintain, replace, and otherwise care for, insure and manage the Common Elements to be developed by Declarant and to be deeded to the Area Association for the benefit of its Members, in addition to the rights of the Area Association. Except for future development rights, easements, and rights of way reserved by Declarant said Common Elements shall be used exclusively by the Owners of the Units and Lots in South Village, and by their tenants, invitees, guests and employees. ARTICLE XVIII COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS Section 18.01. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments. The Declarant, for each Unit or Lot owned on the Property, hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Unit or Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Area Association: (a) annual assessments or charges, and (b) special or supplemental assessments for operating expenses and capital improvements, such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided. The annual and special or supplemental assessments, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the Unit or Lot against which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person or entity who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. In a voluntary conveyance, the grantee of the Unit or Lot shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor of said Unit or Lot for all unpaid assessments against the latter for his/her share of the common expenses up to the time of the grant or conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefore. However, any such grantee shall be entitled to a statement from the manager or Board of Directors of the Area Association, setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments against the grantor and the grantee shall not be liable for, nor shall the Unit or Lot conveyed be subject to a lien for, any unpaid assessments against the grantor in excess of the amount therein set forth. Section 18.02. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Area Association shall be used exclusively for the repair, replacement, maintenance, insurance and operation of the Common Elements, in addition to the other rights of the Area Association under this Declaration, and the payment of real estate taxes and other municipal assessments upon the Common Elements. V-1 Section 18.03. Budget and Annual and Supplemental Assessment. The Board of Directors may fix the annual budget of the Area Association. The Board of Directors shall within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the budget send a written summary of the budget to all owners of Units and Lots in the Planned Community and a meeting of the Unit and Lot owners shall be held within fourteen (14) days of receiving the mailing of the written summary to ratify the budget. The budget shall be ratified at the meeting unless sixty-seven (67%) of the Unit and Lot owners reject the budget at said meeting. The budget adopted by the Board shall be an amount determined by it necessary to pay any and all of the costs and expenses of the Area Association. If during any fiscal year the Board of Directors determines that the annual assessments to Unit and Lot owners for that year are less than operating expenses actually incurred or likely to be incurred, the Board may adopt a supplemental budget. Said supplemental budget shall be adopted and ratified in the same manner as the initial budget for that year. Upon the ratification of the supplemental budget, the Board may assess the Unit or Lot Owners a supplemental or special assessment for the additional sums stated in the supplemental budget. Section 18.04. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments and supplemental assessments authorized above, the Area Association may levy a capital assessment covering a period either longer or shorter than the year in which it is voted for the purpose of paying the costs of construction, reconstruction, adding to, replacing, or otherwise improving a capital improvement upon the Area Association property (including fixtures and personal property) provided that same is duly adopted by the Members at any annual or special meeting called for the purpose and that at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Owners in the Area Association at the time approve such capital assessment. Such a capital assessment shall be payable in accordance with the resolution authorizing the same. Section 18.05. Rates of Assessment. Both annual and special or supplemental assessments shall be fixed for all Units and Lots using the following formula, and may be collected on a monthly basis: The percentage interest in the Planned Community for each Unit or Lot as set forth on Exhibit_ attached hereto and made a part hereof multiplied by the total annual or special assessment, equals the share assessed to that Unit or Lot. The Area Association shall keep reasonable and accurate records to properly and fairly allocate the Common Expenses between owners. Section 18.07. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments; Due Dates. The annual assessment provided for herein shall commence as to any Unit or Lot which is completed and ready for occupancy on the first day of January in each year. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Unit or Lot at least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject thereto. The due date shall be the first day of each month unless otherwise established by the Board of Directors. The Area Association shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge, furnish a Certificate, signed by an officer of the Area Association, setting forth whether the assessments of a specified Unit or Lot have been paid; notwithstanding the foregoing, the Area Association shall furnish such a certificate upon written request of any mortgagee and shall not charge a fee or premium to any mortgagee for the furnishings of such certificate. A properly executed Certificate of the Area Association as to the status of 17 assessments on a Unit or Lot must be sent within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request and is binding upon the Area Association, the Board and every other Owner as of the date of its issuance. Section 18.08. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments; Remedies of the Association. If an Owner fails to pay any assessment when it is due, the delinquent amount shall accrue interest from the due date until the date payment is made at ten percent (10%) per annum or at the highest legal rate of interest allowed, whichever is less, and further, in the event collection is required, the Owner shall, in addition to interest, be responsible for any attorneys' fees or costs in connection with the collection of same, including the cost of foreclosure, if necessary. The Area Association may bring an action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same, or foreclose the lien against the Unit or Lot. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Elements or abandonment of his/her Unit or Lot. Section 18.09. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages and Condominium. The lien for the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage and to the lien of any Condominium Association on the Property. Sale or transfer of any Unit or Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Unit or Lot pursuant to mortgage foreclosure, or any proceeding in lieu thereof, shall extinguish the lien for such assessments as to payments which became due prior to such sale or transfer, and the status of assessments on a Unit or Lot is binding upon the Area Association as of the date of its issuance. The unpaid share of common expenses or assessments shall be considered common expenses collectible from all of the Unit or Lot owners including the acquirer, his/her successors and assigns. Section 18.10. Assessments and/or Charges for Future Development by Declarant. Notwithstanding any provisions in Section 18.01 through Section 18.09 to the contrary, no annual assessments or charges or special or supplemental assessments shall be used by the Area Association in connection with future development on the Property by the Declarant, or to pay for any repairs or reconstruction necessitated by future development of the Declarant. ARTICLE XIX SUB -ASSOCIATIONS Section 19.01. Sub -Associations and Organizations. In addition to the Declarant's other rights contained in this Declaration, the Declarant hereby reserves the right to create Sub - Associations within the Planned Community. The Sub -Associations, and all Unit Owners therein, shall have the benefit of and be subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws of the Area Association, the rules and regulations of the Associations and any amendments thereto. ARTICLE XX COMMUNITY LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN AND AGRICULTURAL RESTRICTIONS 18 Section 20.01. Community Land Management Plan. The terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and restrictions contained in that certain land management plan entitled "South Village, South Burlington, Vermont, Community Land Management Plan" dated November 2004, last revised „October 13, 2005 attached hereto as Exhibit_ (the "Land - - Deleted: February s --- Management Plan") is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Declaration. Furthermore, the conditions_and restrictions contained in the Land Management Plan shall - Formatted: Font: sold run with Property and each Unit and Lot shall be conveyed subject to and with the benefit of the conditions and restrictions of the Land Management Plan. Section 20.02. Auricultural Restrictions. ARTICLE XXI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Formatted: Font: Bold Section 21.01. Town & State Approvals & Permits. The Area Association, and all Unit and Lot Owners therein, have the benefit of and are subject to all of the conditions, terms and provisions of the Development Agreement and permits and approvals from the City of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, and any amendments thereto. Section 21.02. Enforcement. The Area Association or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens, and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Area Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In addition, if the violation of the covenant, restriction, or condition is also a violation of any state or local permit or approval, the applicable governmental body shall have the right to enforce any such condition or restriction. Section 21.03. Invalidity. If any provision of this Declaration is held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any provisions of this Declaration which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, and to this end the provisions of this Declaration are severable. Section 21.04. Waiver. No provision of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been waived by reason of any failure to enforce, regardless of the occurrence of violations or breaches from time to time. Section 21.05. Acceptance of Title. The Area Association shall accept the legal title by deed of the Common Elements from Declarant when it conveys the same to the Area Association on or before the completion of construction on the Property by Declarant, its successors or assigns, provided that title to the Common Elements at the time of such conveyance is free from liens or encumbrances, causing title to be unmarketable. This conveyance by Declarant, its successors or assigns shall be subject to all rights of way, easements, restrictions, covenants, permits, approvals, licenses, leases and conditions of record. 19 Section 21.06. Capitalized Terms. Except as otherwise set forth in Article I, all capitalized terms used in this Declaration shall have the definitions provided in the Act. Section 21.07. Headings. The headings in this Declaration are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has caused this Declaration to be executed on this day of , 200E - Deleted: 5 By: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company ME STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. Its duly authorized agent At in said County, this day of , 20M, personally_ - Deleted: 5 appeared David Scheuer, the duly authorized agent of South Village Communities, LLC, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him, to be his/her free act and deed as its duly authorized agent and the free act and deed of South Village Communities, LLC. Before me 435584 v1:8346-00006 Notary Public 20 EXHIBIT SOUTH VILLAGE AREA ASSOCIATION, INC. BYLAWS ARTICLE I PLAN OF OWNERSHIP Section 1.01. Name. The name of the Corporation is South Village Area Association, Inc Section 1.02. Applicability. The provisions of these Bylaws are applicable to the Planned Community as set forth in the Declaration. The term "Property" as used herein shall be limited to such Common Elements of the Planned Community as set forth in the Declaration and all easements, rights, and appurtenances belonging thereto, and all of which have been submitted to the provisions of said 27A V.S.A. Chapter 17, known as the Vermont Common Interest Ownership Act (the "Act"). Section 1.03. Compliance. All present and future Unit and Lot Owners, mortgagees and lessees of Units and Lots and their employees, and agents, are and shall be subject to the Articles of Association, these Bylaws, the Declaration and the rules and regulations made in accordance therewith, together with any amendments thereto. The acceptance of a deed or conveyance, or the entering into a lease, or the fact of occupancy of a Unit or Lot, shall constitute an agreement by the Owner, Lessee or Mortgagee that the Articles of Association, these Bylaws, and the provisions of the Declaration, as they may be amended from time to time, are accepted, ratified, and shall be complied with. Section 1.04. Office. The office of the Association, and the Board of Directors shall be located such place as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors. Section 1.05. Definitions. Each capitalized term used herein without definition shall have the meanings specified in the Vermont Common Interest Ownership Act (the "Act") and/or the Declaration. ARTICLE II SOUTH VILLAGE AREA ASSOCIATION, INC. Section 2.01. Composition. The Association shall consist of all of the Unit and Lot Owners acting as a group. For all purposes the Association shall act merely as an agent for the Unit and Lot Owners as a group. The Association shall have the responsibility for administering the Planned Community, establishing the means and methods of collecting assessments and charges, arranging for the management of the Planned Community and performing all of the other acts that may be required or permitted to be performed by the Association by the Act and the 21 Declaration. Except as to those matters which the Act specifically requires to be performed by the vote of the Association, the foregoing responsibilities shall be performed by the Board of Directors or their designee. Section 2.02. Powers and Duties. The Association shall have all of the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs related to the Planned Community and may do all such acts and things as are not prohibited by the Act, and as authorized by the Declaration, including the following: (a) Adopt and amend these Bylaws and rules and regulations for the Planned Community. (b) Adopt and amend an annual budget for revenues, expenditures and reserves of the Planned Community; (c) Collect assessments for common expenses from Unit and Lot Owners to pay for the costs and expenses of the Planned Community. (d) Hire and discharge a managing agent or agents and other employees, agents and independent contractors for the Planned Community. (e) Initiate, defend or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings in the name of the Association on behalf of itself or two or more owners in the Planned Community on matters affecting the Planned Community. (d) Make contracts and incur liabilities in connection with the Planned Community. (e) Regulate the use, maintenance, repair, modification and replacement of the Common Elements and Limited Common Elements. (f) Make additional improvements to the Common Elements. (g) Acquire, hold, encumber and convey in the Association's name any interest in real estate or personal property, except as provided in Section 3-112 of the Act. (h) Grant easements, leases, licenses, and concessions through or over the Common Elements. (i) Impose and receive payments, fees or charges for the use, rental or operation of the Common Elements, other than Limited Common Elements and for services provided to Unit and Lot Owners. 0) Impose charges for late payment of assessments; (k) Impose reasonable fines for violations of the Declaration, these Bylaws or the rules and regulations of the Planned Community by a Unit or Lot Owner, so long as notice is given and a hearing held in accordance with these Bylaws; 22 (1) Impose reasonable charges for preparation and recordation of amendments to the Declaration, resale certificates or statements of unpaid assessments and to impose reasonable charges for copying records of the Association. (m) Provide indemnification for its officers and Board of Directors and maintain liability insurance for its officers and Directors; (n) Assign its right to future income, including the right to receive common expense assessments, to the extent provided by the Declaration. (o) Exercise any other power conferred upon the Association by the Declaration or these Bylaws or which is legally provided for similar entities or which is necessary and proper to govern and operate the Association. Section 2.03. Annual Meetings. The annual meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Tuesday in June of each year, unless such date shall occur on a holiday, in which event the meeting shall be held on the succeeding day. At such annual meetings the Board of Directors shall be selected by the Unit and Lot Owners. The Unit and Lot Owners may transact such other business at such meetings as may properly come before them. Section 2.04. Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Association shall be held at the principal office of the Association or at such other suitable place convenient to the Unit and Lot Owners as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Section 2.05. Special Meetings. The President shall call a special meeting of the Association upon a petition signed and presented to the Secretary by Unit Owners with not less than twenty percent (20%) of the aggregate votes in the Association. The notice of any special meeting shall state the time, place and purpose thereof. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice. Section 2.06. Notice of Meetings. It shall be the duty of the secretary or other officer of the Association to mail a notice of each annual meeting, other than the first annual meeting, and each special meeting of the Unit Owners, at least ten (10) but not more than sixty (60) days prior to such meeting, stating the time and place where it is to be held, and the purposes thereof, including an agenda. Such notice to be mailed to each Unit and Lot Owner of record, at the Unit or Lot address or at such other address as such Unit or Lot Owner shall have designated by notice in writing to the secretary. The mailing of a notice of meeting in the manner provided in this section shall be considered service of notice. Section 2.07. Conduct of Meetings. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association and the Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meeting and record in a minute book all resolutions adopted at the meeting as well as a record of all transactions occurring thereat. The then current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors when not in conflict with the Bylaws, the Declaration or the Act. 23 Section 2.08. Title to Units. Title to Units or Lots may be taken in the name of an individual or in the name of two or more persons as tenants in common, joint tenants with right of survivorship, or as tenants by the entirety, or in the name of a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity or fiduciary. Section 2.09. Adjournment of Meetin¢s. If at any meeting of the Association a quorum is not present, Unit Owners having a majority of the votes who are present at such meeting in person or by proxy may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than forty-eight (48) hours after the time the original meeting was called. Section 2.10. Votin¢. Each Unit or Lot is entitled to the vote designated for that Unit or Lot, regardless of the Common Element interest assigned to such Unit or Lot. The Owner or Owners of each Unit or Lot, or some person designated by such Owner or Owners to act as proxy on his/her or their behalf and who need not be an Owner, shall be entitled to cast the voting shares appurtenant to such Unit or Lot at all meetings of Unit and Lot Owners or by his/her attorney in fact. The designation of any such proxy shall be made in writing to the secretary and shall be revocable at any time by written notice to the secretary by the Owner or Owners so designating, except where an irrevocable proxy is permitted by statute. No proxy shall be valid after the expiration of eleven (11) months from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided therein. Any or all of such Owners may be present at any meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners and, those constituting a group acting unanimously, may vote or take any other action as a Unit or Lot Owner either in person or by proxy. Unit or Lot Owners (including the Board of Directors if the Board of Directors or its designee shall then hold title to one or more Units) shall be entitled to cast a number of votes at all meetings of the Unit or Lot Owners equal to the number of Units or Lots owned, regardless of the Common Element interest assigned to such Unit or Lot. A fiduciary shall be the voting member with respect to any Unit or Lot Owned in a fiduciary capacity. Section 2.11. Maiority of Unit Owners. As used in these Bylaws, the term "majority" of voting shares shall mean more than fifty percent (50%) of the total authorized voting shares of all Unit and Lot Owners present in person or by proxy and voting at any meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners at which a quorum is present. Section 2.12. Orrorum. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the presence in person or by proxy of a majority of the total number of Unit and Lot Owners shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Unit Owners. Section 2.13. Maiority Vote. The vote of a majority of Unit and Lot Owners at a meeting at which a quorum shall be present shall be binding upon all Unit and Lot Owners for all purposes except where, in the Declaration or these Bylaws or by law, a higher percentage vote is required. Section 2.14. Consent. Whenever by a provision of statute or by these Bylaws or the Declaration, the vote of a Unit or Lot Owner is required or permitted to be taken at a meeting thereof in connection with any corporate action, the meeting and vote of the Unit and Lot Owners may be dispensed with, if all of the Unit and Lot Owners who would have been entitled 24 to vote upon the action if such meeting were held shall consent in writing to such corporate actions being taken. 25 ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 3.01. Number and Qualification. The affairs of the Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of nine (9) persons, all of whom shall be Unit and Lot Owners or fiduciaries of Unit and Lot Owners. Each Unit and Lot Owner shall be entitled to vote for the members of the Board. The composition of the Board of Directors shall further be as follows: (a) The Declarant shall appoint all nine (9) members to the Board of Directors until such time as the eighty third (83`d) Unit and/or Lot in South Village is sold by the Declarant, at which time two (2) of the nine (9) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect two (2) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the two (2) of the Directors appointed by the Declarant. The vacancies created by these resignations and the Directors elected to these positions shall be known as Village Center Director #1 and Village Center Director #2. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Village Center Director #1 position or the Village Center Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the initial one hundred fifty six (156) Units and/or Lots constructed by the in South Village. The resignations, special meeting and election called for under this Section 3.01(a) must occur within sixty (60) days after the sale of the eighty third (83`d) Unit and/or Lot in South Village by the Declarant. The Declarant shall continue to appoint the other seven (7) Directors until the time set forth in Section 3.01(b) below. (b) Upon the completion and the sale of the one hundred fifty sixth (156d') Unit and/or Lot in South Village, one (1) of the remaining seven (7) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a second special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect one (1) Owner to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the Director appointed by the Declarant. The vacancy created by this resignation and the Director elected to this position shall be known as Village Center Director #3. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Village Center Director #3 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the initial one hundred fifty six (156) Units and/or Lots constructed by the in South Village. The resignations, special meeting and election called for under this Section 3.01(b) must occur within sixty (60) days after the sale of the one hundred fifty sixth (156d') Unit and/or Lot in South Village by the Declarant. The Declarant shall continue to appoint the other six (6) Directors until the time set forth in Section 3.01(c) below. (c) Upon the completion and the sale of the two hundred and fiftieth (250a') Unit and/or Lot in South Village, four (4) of the remaining six (6) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a third special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect four (4) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the Directors appointed by the Declarant. The vacancies created by this resignation and the Directors elected to these positions shall be known as Field's Edge Director #1, Field's Edge Director #2, Ridge Director #1 and Ridge Director #2. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Field's Edge Director #1 position or the Field's Edge Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the Units and/or Lots constructed by the Declarant located in the Field's Edge neighborhood of South Village so-called, which will consist of the ninety-nine (99) Units and/or Lots constructed after the Village Center so-called consisting of the initial one hundred fifty-six (156) Units and/or Lots. Until the time set forth in Section 3.01(d) below, for a person to be eligible for the Ridge Director #1 position or the Ridge Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner in South Village. The resignations, special meeting and election called for under this Section 3.01(c) must occur within sixty (60) days after the sale of the two hundred fiftieth (2501) Unit and/or Lot in South Village by the Declarant. The Declarant shall continue to appoint two (2) Directors until the time set forth in Section 3.01(e) below. (d) Upon the completion and sale of the three hundred thirty fourth (334t') Unit and /or Lot by the Declarant, the Ridge Director #1 and Ridge Director #2 elected pursuant to Section 3.01(c) above shall resign and a fourth special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect two (2) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the Directors elected to the Ridge Director #1 position and the Ridge Director #2 position under Section 3.01(c) above. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the Ridge Director #1 position or the Ridge Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the Units and/or Lots constructed by the Declarant located in the Ridge neighborhood of South Village so- called, which will consist of the final seventy-nine (79) Units and/or Lots constructed after the Field's Edge neighborhood so-called consisting of ninety-nine (99) Units and/or Lots. (e) The Declarant shall continue to appoint the other two (2) Directors until such time as the Declarant has sold one hundred percent (100%) of the Units, Lots and any other land compromising South Village. After the Declarant has sold one hundred percent (100%) of the Units, Lots and other land comprising South Village, the two (2) Directors appointed by the Declarant shall resign and a fifth special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held to elect two (2) Owners to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of the Directors appointed by the Declarant. The vacancies created by this resignation and the Directors elected to this position shall be known as At Large Director #1, and At Large Director #2. For a person to be eligible to be elected to the At Large Director #1 position or the At Large Director #2 position, the person must be an Owner of one of the Units and/or Lots in South Village. 27 (f) Notwithstanding Sections 3.01(a)-3.01(e) above, the Declarant may at anytime, in its sole discretion, choose to relinquish the right to appoint a Director or Directors prior to those times set forth in Section 3.01(a)-3.01(e) above. However, the Declarant may, prior to the termination of Declarant control as set forth in Section 2.03 of the Declaration, record an instrument in the City of South Burlington Land Records that describes actions of the Association or Board of Directors that can be taken only after approval by the Declarant before such actions become effective. (g) After all of the Directors have been elected by the Owners as set forth in this Section 3.01, the composition and qualifications of the Board of Directors shall remain the same unless and until the Owners amend this Section 3.01 in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof. Section 3.02. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors, or its designated managing agent shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association and to perform all of the acts that the Association could perform, except that the Board of Directors may not amend the Declaration, terminate the Planned Community , elect members to the Board of Directors or determine the qualifications, powers duties or terms of office for the Board of Directors. In acting on behalf of the Association, the Board of Directors shall perform the duties necessary for the administration of the affairs related to the property of the Association, including but not limited to the following: (a) Prepare an annual budget, in which there shall be established the assessments of each Unit and Lot Owner for the Common Expenses of the Planned Community (the "Common Expenses"). (b) Make assessments against Unit and Lot Owners to pay for the costs and expenses of the Planned Community, establish the means and methods of collecting such assessments from the Unit and Lot Owners and establish the period of the installment payment of the annual assessment for Common Expenses. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, the annual assessment against each Unit and Lot Owner for its proportionate share of the Common Expenses shall be payable in equal monthly installments, each such installment to be due and payable in advance on the first day of each month for such month. (c) Provide for the operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of all of the Common Elements (d) Collect the assessments against the Unit and Lot Owners, deposit the proceeds thereof in bank depositories designated by the Board of Directors and use the proceeds to carry out the administration of the Planned Community. (e) Open bank accounts on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories thereon. (f) Make, or contract for the making of, repairs, additions and improvement to or alterations of the Common Elements, and repairs to and restoration of the Common Elements, in 28 accordance with these Bylaws, after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty, or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings. (g) Enforce by legal means the provisions of the Declaration, these Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations and act on behalf of the Unit and Lot Owners with respect to all matters arising out of an eminent domain proceeding. (h) Obtain and cant' insurance against casualties and liabilities, as provided in these Bylaws, pay the premiums therefore and adjust and settle any claim thereunder. (i) Pay the cost of all authorized services rendered to the Association and not billed to Unit and Lot Owners or otherwise provided for in Article V of these Bylaws. 6) Keep books with detailed accounts in chronological order of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common Elements and the administration of the Planned Community specifying the expenses of maintenance and repair of the Common Elements and any other expenses incurred. Such books and vouchers accrediting the entries thereupon shall be available for examination by the Unit and Lot Owners, their duly authorized agents or attorneys, during general business hours on working days at the times and in the manner set and announced by the Board of Directors for the general knowledge of the Unit and Lot Owners. All books and records shall be kept in accordance with good accounting practices. Unit and Lot Owners shall pay reasonable charges for any copies requested by them. (k) Notify a mortgagee, if requested, of any default hereunder by a Unit or Lot Owner subject to such mortgage, in the event such default continues for a period exceeding sixty (60) days. (1) Borrow money on behalf of the Planned Community when required in connection with any one instance relating to the operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of the Common Elements, provided, however, that the consent of at least two-thirds (2/3) in number of all Unit and/or Lot Owners, obtained at a meeting duly called and held for such purpose in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws, shall be required to borrow any sum in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). (m) Controlling the use of all Common Elements (n) Review the books and records of the Association annually. (o) Do such other things and acts not inconsistent with the Act, the Declaration or these Bylaws which the Board of Directors may be authorized to do by these Bylaws or by a resolution of the Association. Section 3.03. Manaeine Agent. The Board of Directors may employ for the Condominium a "Managing Agent" or other personnel at a compensation to be established by the Board of Directors, to perform such duties and services as the Board of Directors shall authorize. 29 Section 3.04. Election and Term of Office. The term of office for the initial members of the Board of Directors shall be staggered. Three (3) of the initial members shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Three (3) of the members shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and one (1) member shall be elected for a term of four (4) years. The members of the Board of Directors shall hold office until their respective successors shall have been elected by the Association. Except for the terms of the initial members of the Board of Directors, all members shall be elected to a fixed term of two (2) years. Section 3.05. Resignation of Members of the Board of Directors. A member of the Board of Directors may resign at any time. In the event a member resigns, a special meeting of the Unit and Lot Owners shall be held and the Unit and Lot Owners present at said special meeting shall select a replacement to complete the unexpired term. Section 3.06. Reserved Section 3.07. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the directors, but such meetings shall be held at least once every twelve months during each fiscal year. Notice of regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given to each director, by mail or telegraph, at least ten (10) business days prior to the day named for such meeting. Section 3.08. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President on three (3) business days notice to each director, given by mail, which notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President or Secretary in like manner and on like notice on the written request of at least one (1) director. Section 3.09. Waiver of Notice. Any director may at any time, in writing, waive notice of any meeting of the Board of Directors, and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Attendance by a director at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall constitute a waiver of notice by him/her of the time, place and purpose of such meeting. If all directors are present at any meeting of the Board of Directors, no notice shall be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting. Section 3.10. Telephone Meetings. Members of the Board of Directors and members of any committee designated by the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting of such board or committee by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and participation in a meeting in such a manner shall constitute presence in person at such meeting. Section 3.11. Ouorum. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, the majority of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the votes of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present, shall constitute the decision of the Board of Directors. Section 3.12. Compensation. No director shall receive any compensation from the Condominium for acting as such. 30 Section 3.13. Action Without Meeting. Any action by the Board of Directors required or permitted to be taken at any meeting may be taken without a meeting if all of the members of the Board of Directors shall individually or collectively consent in writing to such action. Any such written consent shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors. Section 3.14. Liability of the Board of Directors, Officers Unit Owners and Association. (a) The officers and members of the Board of Directors shall not be liable to the Association for any mistake of judgment, negligence or otherwise, except for their own individual willful misconduct or bad faith. The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the officers and directors from and against all contractual liability to others arising out of contracts made by the officers or the Board of Directors on behalf of the Association unless any such contract shall have been made in bad faith or contrary to the provisions of the Act, the Declaration or these Bylaws. Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall have no personal liability to any Unit or Lot Owner with respect to any contract made by them on behalf of the Association. Every agreement made by the officers, the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent on behalf of the Association shall, if obtainable, provide that the officers, the members of the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent, as the case may be, are acting only as agents for the Association and shall have no personal liability thereunder (except as Unit and Lot Owners), and that each Unit and Lot Owner's liability thereunder shall be limited to the total liability thereunder multiplied by his/her Common Element interest. (b) The Association shall not be liable for any failure of water supply or other services to be obtained by the Association or paid for as a Common Expense, or for injury or damage to person or property caused by the elements or by the Owner of any Unit or Lot, or any other person, or resulting from electricity, water, snow or ice which may leak or flow from any portion of the Common Elements or from any pipe, drain, conduit, appliance or equipment. The Association shall not be liable to any Unit or Lot Owner for loss or damage, by theft or otherwise, of articles which may be stored upon any of the Common Elements. No diminution or abatement of any assessments, as herein elsewhere provided, shall be claimed or allowed for inconvenience or discomfort arising from the making of repairs or improvements to the Common Elements or from any action taken by the Association to comply with any law, ordinance or with the order or directive of any municipal or other governmental authority. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 4.01. Designation. The principal officers of the Association shall be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may appoint an assistant treasurer, an assistant secretary and such other officers as in its judgment may be necessary. All officers shall be Unit and Lot Owners, and shall be directors of the Association. 31 Section 4.02. Election of Officers. The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the organization meeting of each new Board of Directors and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. Section 4.03. Removal of Officers. Upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board of Directors any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, and a successor may be elected at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors or at any special meeting of the Board of Directors called for such purpose. Section 4.04. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association; preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors; and have all of the general powers and duties which are incident to the office of president generally including, without limitation, the power to appoint committees from among the Unit Owners from time to time as the President may in his/her discretion decide is appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association. Section 4.05. Secretary. The Secretary shall perform the duties incident to the office of the Secretary of the Corporation and as required by the laws of the State of Vermont, including but not limited to the following: (a) The Secretary shall record all votes and proceedings of the Unit and Lot Owners and directors or any executive committee thereof. (b) The Secretary shall attend to the giving of notices of special meetings of the Board of Directors and of all of the meetings of the Unit and Lot Owners of the Association. (c) The Secretary shall be custodian of the records and seal of the Corporation. (d) The Secretary shall maintain an office in Burlington or South Burlington, Vermont or such other place as may be designated by the Board of Directors, where the corporate records of the Corporation shall be kept and shall procure and file in the Secretaryes office certified copies of all paper required by law to be filed with the Secretary of State, except the annual report. (e) The Secretary shall maintain a book or record containing the names, alphabetically arranged, of all persons who are members of the Corporation, showing their places of residence, voting interest, and the times when they respectively acquired the Unit or Lot, and the times of any transfers thereof. The Secretary shall keep such book or record and the minutes of the proceedings of the members open daily during the usual business hours for inspection, within the limits prescribed by law, by any person duly authorized to inspect such records. At the request of the person entitled to an inspection thereof, the Secretary shall prepare and make available a current list of the officers and directors of the Corporation and their residences. (f) The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence and present to the Board of Directors at the meeting all official communications received by the Secretary. 32 Section 4.06. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for Association funds and securities and shall be responsible for keeping full and accurate financial records and books of account showing all receipts and disbursements, and for the preparation of all required financial data, and shall report annually to the Unit and Lot Owners; make disbursements on behalf of the Association upon consent of the Board of Directors except as provided in Section 4.07; and be responsible for the deposit of all monies and other valuable effects in the name of the Board of Directors, the Association or the Managing Agent, in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Directors; and, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of treasurer. Section 4.07. Execution of Documents. All agreements, contracts, deeds, leases, checks and other instruments of the Association for expenditures or obligations in excess of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500), and all checks drawn upon reserve accounts, shall be executed by any two persons designated by the Board of Directors. All such instruments for expenditures or obligations of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) or less, except from reserve accounts, may be executed by the Treasurer or any one person designated by the Board of Directors. Section 4.08. Compensation of Officers. No officers shall receive any compensation from the Corporation for acting as such. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the employment or compensation of a person as a managing agent or employee, or the services of such person who shall also be an officer, provided only that such employment by approved by the Board of Directors and full disclosure thereof be made by the person so engaged. Section 4.09. Officer Designated to Execute and Certify Amendments. Any officer of the Association may execute, certify and record amendments to the Declaration on behalf of the Association, so long as the officer is so designated in writing by the a majority of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V OPERATION OF THE PLANNED COMMUNITY Section 5.01. Determination of Common Expenses and Assessments Against Unit and Lot Owners. (a) Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be January ls` to December 3 1 " unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. (b) Preparation and Approval of Budget. (i) For each Annual Meeting of the Association, the Board of Directors shall adopt a budget for the Association containing an estimate of the total amount considered necessary to pay the cost of maintenance, management, operation, repair and replacement of the Common Elements, and other expenses that may be declared to be Common Expenses by this Declaration or a Resolution of the Association and which will be required during the ensuing fiscal year for the administration, operation, maintenance and repair of the Property and the rendering to the Owners of all related services. 33 (ii) Such budget shall also include such reasonable amounts as the Board of Directors considers necessary to provide working capital, a general operating reserve and reserves for contingencies and replacements. With the notice of the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors shall send to each Owner a copy of the budget in a reasonably itemized form which sets forth the amount of the Common Expenses and any special assessment payable by each Owner. Such budget shall constitute the basis for determining each Unit Owneras assessment for the Common Expenses of the Association. (c) Assessment and Payment of Common Expenses. The total of the estimated funds required from assessments for the operation of the Planned Community set forth in the budget adopted by the Board of Directors shall be assessed against each Unit owner in proportion to its respective Common Element interest. However, no assessment shall be made against the Declarant as to any Unit or Lot completion of which has not been certified by the Declarant in an instrument filed with the Board of Directors. Sale of any such Unit or Lot by the Declarant shall be deemed to be completion of the Unit or Lot and the Unit or Lot Owner shall thereupon be assessed as provided herein. (d) Reserves. The Board of Directors shall build up and maintain reasonable reserves for working capital, operations, contingencies and replacements. (e) Effect of Failure to Prepare or Adopt Budget. The failure or delay of the Board of Directors to prepare or adopt a budget for any fiscal year shall not constitute a waiver or release in any manner of a Unit or Lot Owner's obligation to pay its allocable share of the Common Expenses as herein provided whenever the same shall be determined and, in the absence of any annual budget or adjusted budget, each Unit and/or Lot Owner shall continue to pay each monthly installment at the monthly rate established for the previous fiscal year until notice of the monthly payment which is due more than ten days after such new annual or adjusted budget shall have been delivered. Section 5.02. Payment of Common Expenses. Each Unit and Lot Owner shall pay the Common Expenses assessed by the Board of Directors. No Unit or Lot Owner may exempt itself from liability for his/her contribution toward Common Expenses by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the Common Elements or by abandonment of its Unit or Lot. Prior to or at the time of any conveyance of a Unit or Lot by an Owner, all liens, unpaid charges and assessments shall be paid in full and discharged. The purchaser of a Unit and/or Lot shall be jointly and severally liable with the selling Owner for all unpaid assessments against the Unit and/or Lot for his/her proportionate share of the Common Expenses up to the time of recording of the conveyance, without prejudice to the purchaser's right to recover from the selling Owner amounts paid by the purchaser therefore; provided, however, that any such purchaser shall be entitled to a statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments against the selling Unit Owner within ten (10) business days following a written request therefore to the Board of Directors or Managing Agent and such purchaser shall not be liable for, nor shall the Unit conveyed be subject to a lien for, any unpaid assessments in excess of the amount therein set forth. 34 Section 5.03. Payment of Assessments. No Unit or Lot Owner shall be permitted to convey, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, sell, or lease his/her Unit or Lot unless and until he shall have paid in full to the Board of Directors all unpaid common charges theretofore assessed by the Board of Directors against its Unit or Lot, and until he shall have satisfied all unpaid liens against such Unit or Lot, except bona fide mortgages. Section 5.04. Collection of Assessments. The Board of Directors or the Managing Agent, at the request of the Board of Directors, shall take prompt action to collect any assessments for Common Expenses due from any Unit or Lot Owner which remain unpaid for more than thirty (30) days from the due date for payment thereof. Any assessment, or installment thereof, not paid within five (5) days after due shall be subject to a late charge of $10.00 (to be reviewed and set annually by the Board); in addition any unpaid assessment shall accrue interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) or at the greatest legal rate, whichever is less, on the overdue assessment or installment. The Unit or Lot Owner shall also be liable for and pay to the Association all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees. In any action brought by the Board of Directors to foreclose a lien on a Unit or Lot because of unpaid common expenses, the Unit or Lot Owner shall be required to pay a reasonable rental for the use of its Unit or Lot; and the plaintiff in such foreclosure action shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to collect the same. The Board of Directors, acting on behalf of all Unit and Lot Owners, shall have power to purchase such Unit or Lot at the foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, vote the votes appurtenant to, convey or otherwise deal with the same. A suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid common charges shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing the same. Section 5.05. Written Statements. (a) Statement of Common Expenses. The Board of Directors shall within ten (10) business provide to any Unit or Lot owner, contract purchaser or mortgagee so requesting the same in writing with a written statement of all unpaid assessments for Common Expenses due from such Unit or Lot Owner. The Board of Directors may impose a reasonable charge for the preparation of such statement to cover the cost of preparation. (b) Statement of Default. A Unit or Lot Owner who mortgages its Unit or Lot shall notify the Board of Directors of the name and address of its mortgagee. The Board of Directors shall maintain such information in a book entitled, "Mortgage of Units". The Board of Directors shall promptly notify any mortgagee of any Unit or Lot, upon request, of any default in the performance of the Unit or Lot Owner of any obligation pursuant to the Declaration, the Bylaws and the rules and regulations which is not cured within sixty (60) days. Section 5.06. Insurance. (1) The Board of Directors shall obtain and maintain, to the extent available, the following master policies of insurance, naming the Association as insured (for the use and benefit of the Unit and Lot Owners and mortgagees), as their respective interests may appear: (a) Casualty or physical damage insurance on the Common and Limited Common Elements, together with the service machinery, apparatus, equipment and 35 installations located in any buildings located on the Common and Limited Common Elements, and existing for the provisions of central services or for common uses, in an amount not less than One Hundred Percent (100%) of their full replacement value (exclusive of footings) as determined by the directors annually in their judgment (and all policies shall therefore contain a replacement cost valuation endorsement, so-called, or the equivalent) against (1) loss or damage by fire or other hazards covered by the extended coverage endorsement, and (2) such other hazards and risks as the directors from time to time, in their discretion, shall determine to be appropriate, including but not limited to, vandalism, malicious mischief, windstorm and water damage, boiler and machinery explosion or damage, and plate glass damage. Certificates of such insurance and all renewals thereof, together with proof of payment of premiums, shall be delivered by the directors to all Unit and Lot Owners and their mortgagees upon request, at least ten (10) business days prior to the expiration of the then current policies. (b) Comprehensive public liability insurance and property damage insurance in such amounts and forms as shall be determined by the directors, covering the Association, the directors, all of the Unit and Lot Owners and any Managing Agent of the Property, with a combined limit of not less than $1,000,000.00. (c) Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance covering any employees of the Association. (d) Errors and omissions insurance for the directors and officers. (e) Adequate fidelity coverage to protect against dishonest acts on the part of officers, directors, trustees, and employees of the Association, including but not limited to, employees of the Agent. The premiums shall be paid by the Association, and: (i) All such fidelity bonds shall name the Association as an obligee; (ii) Such fidelity bonds shall be written in amounts required by FNMA, FHLMC, PMI's, the VA or other similar institutions; (iii) Such fidelity bonds shall contain waivers of any defense based on exclusion of persons who serve without compensation from any definition of "employee". (0 Such other policies of insurance as required by FNMA, FHLMC, PMI's, the VA or other similar institutions. (g) A Standard Mortgage Clause must be included in the policy which names as mortgagee either FNMA or the servicers for the mortgages which FNMA holds on Units or Lots in the Planned Community. When a servicer is named as mortgagee, the policy shall also designate as the payee, "The mortgagee, its successors and assigns." (h) Such other insurance as the directors shall determine to be appropriate and such other insurance as may from time to time be required by law. 36 (2) Limitations. Any insurance or fidelity bond obtained shall meet the following: (a) All policies shall be written with a company licensed to do business in Vermont and holding a financial rating in one of the top two categories. (b) Exclusive authority to negotiate losses under said policies shall be vested in the Board or its insurance trustee. All proceeds shall be payable to the Association or its trustees, and shall be held for the use and benefit of the Association, the Unit and Lot Owners, and their respective mortgagees. (3) Payment of Insurance Deductible. In the event of damage to any unit or lot which is covered by the master insurance policy, the Association will be responsible for payment of deductible amounts under the policy except where: (a) The damage to such unit or lot was caused by the Unit or Lot Owner's negligence; (b) The damage to such unit or lot, absent the coverage by the master policy, which would have been the maintenance responsibility of the Unit or Lot Owner. (4) Separate Insurance. Each Unit and LotOwner shall, at its own expense, to obtain insurance for its own unit and lot and for its own benefit and to obtain insurance coverage upon his/her personal property and for its personal liability. All Unit and Lot Owners shall obtain insurance upon any improvements made by it to its unit or lot. Further each Unit and Lot Owner shall insure its share of the common and limited common elements in its separate insurance policies, including but not limited to liability insurance coverage. All such policies shall contain waivers of subrogation if available. Section 5.07. Lien for Assessments. The total annual assessment of each Unit and Lot Owner for Common Expenses or any special assessment of any other sum duly levied and any late charges and costs of collection, made pursuant to the Declaration, is hereby declared to be a lien levied against the Unit of such Unit Owner as provided in Section 3-116 of the Act. Section 5.08. Maintenance, Repair, Replacement of Common Elements, and other Common Expenses. The maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Common and Limited Common Elements shall be governed by the Declaration. Section 5.9. Injunctions. The Board shall have the right to abate, enjoin or remedy by appropriate legal proceedings, either in law or in equity, the continuance of any violation of the provisions of the condominium documents, including, without limitation, an action to recover any sums due for money damages, injunctive relief, foreclosure of the lien for payment of all assessments, any combination thereof, and any other relief afforded by a court or competent jurisdiction. Such remedies shall be deemed cumulative and shall not constitute an election of remedies. The failure of the Association or its Board to enforce any rights, covenants or conditions of the condominium shall not constitute a waiver of the right to enforce such rights, covenants or conditions in the future. There shall be, and there is hereby created and declared to 37 be, a conclusive presumption that any violation or breach, or any attempted violation or breach, of any of the covenants and restrictions of the Declaration or Bylaws shall so damage the community and its property values that it cannot be adequately remedied by action at law or exclusively by recovery of damages. Section 5.10. Costs and Attorneys' Fees. In any proceeding arising because of an alleged failure of a Unit or Lot Owner to comply with the terms of the condominium documents, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover the costs of the proceeding and such reasonable attorneys' fees as may be awarded by the court. Section 5.11. Fine. The Board shall have the right to impose upon a Unit or Lot Owner a reasonable fine, commensurate with the severity of the violation of any of the provisions of the above -referenced documents, which fine shall become a continuing lien against the Unit or Lot of the defaulting Owner enforceable in the manner provided by the Act and the Bylaws. Section 5.12. Abatement. The Board shall have the right to remove, at the expense of the defaulting Owner, any structure, alteration, improvement or condition placed on the Common Elements by an Owner in violation of the provisions of the above -referenced documents. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS Section 6.01. Amendment. These Bylaws may be amended by vote of at least sixty- seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association. Section 6.02. Notices. All notices, demands, bills, statements or other communications shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally or if sent postage prepaid (i) if to a Unit or Lot Owner, at the address of the Unit or Lot, unless the Owner designates a different address in writing and files said address with the Secretary of the Association, or (ii) if to the Association or the Board of Directors at the principal office of the Association or at such other address as shall be designated in writing to the Unit or Lot Owners pursuant to this Section. Section 6.03. Caations. The captions herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of these Bylaws or the intent of any provision hereof. Section 6.04. Gender. The use of the masculine gender in these Bylaws shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders and the use of the singular shall be deemed to include the plural, and vice versa, whenever the context so requires. Section 6.05. Terms. Unless otherwise set forth in these Bylaws, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meaning given to those terms in the Declaration of Area Association and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for South Village . 38 Dated at Burlington, Vermont, this day of , 2005. In Presence Of: South Village Area Association, Inc. By: witness Its duly authorized agent Print name: Print name: STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At Burlington in said County, this day of , 2005, personally appeared David Scheuer, duly authorized agent of South Village Area Association, Inc., and he acknowledged this instrument, signed by him as agent aforesaid, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of South Village Area Association, Inc. Before me, Notary Public Print name: My Commission Expires: 2/10/2007 435584 vl:8346-00006 39 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATER QUALITY DIVISION 103 SOUTH MAIN STREET WATERBURY, VERMONT 05671-0408 NOTICE: DRAFT STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: December 20, 2006 —January 18, 2007 PERMITTEE INFORMATION PERMITTEE NAME: South Village Communities, LLC PERMITTEE ADDRESS: 70 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 PERMIT NUMBER: 4096-INDS PROJECT ID NUMBER: EJ96-0400 DISCHARGE INFORMATION NATURE: Treated stormwater VOLUME: As necessary RECEIVING WATER: Unnamed tributary to Bartlett Brook and unnamed tributary Monroe Brook EXPIRATION DATE: Five years from issuance date of final permit DESCRIPTION: This is a draft discharge permit proposed for issuance to for the discharge of stormwater runoff from Phase I of the proposed South Village residential subdivision in South Burlington, Vermont to Bartlett Brook and Monroe Brook. Phase I of the project includes 156 residential units and associated infrastructure. The means of treatment includes overland flow, grassed swales, and wet ponds. TENTATIVE DETERMINATIONS Tentative determinations regarding effluent limitations and other conditions to be imposed on the pending Vermont permit have been made by the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VANR). The limitations imposed will assure that the Vermont Water Quality Standards and applicable provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act, PL 92-500, as amended, will be met. FURTHER INFORMATION The complete application, proposed permit, and other information are on file and may be inspected at the VANR, Waterbury Office. Copies, obtained by calling (802) 241-3770, will be made at a cost based upon the current Secretary of State Official Fee Schedule for Copying Public Records from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. PUBLIC COMMENTS/PUBLIC HEARINGS Written public comments on the proposed permit are invited and must be received on or before the close of business day (7:45 am - 4:30 pm) January 18, 2007 to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Quality Division, Building 10 North, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0408. Comments may also be faxed to 802-241-3287. The permit number should appear next to the VANR address on the envelope and on the first page of any submitted comments. All comments received by the above date will be considered in formulation of the final determinations. During the notice period, any person may submit a written request to this office for a public hearing to consider the proposed permit. The request must state the interest of the party filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. A hearing will be held if there is a significant public interest (including the filing of requests or petitions for such hearing) in holding such a hearing. RIGHTS TO APPEAL TO ENVIRONMENTAL COURT At the conclusion of the public notice period and after consideration of additional information received during the public notice period, the VANR will make a final determination to issue or to deny the permit. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed . from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www vermontjudiciarv.or . The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-828-1660). Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation To: Juli Beth Hinds > > F/Z -- CIVIL E GI IEENI IG A1�JCUI rEs, 11 IC, 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Memorandum cc: Tom Hubbard Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com From: Dave Marshal Re: Dorset Farms North -South Recreation Path Alignment Investigation Date: November 2, 2006 In following up on your request, we conducted a site visit of the proposed alternate recreation path alignment as depicted in the plan entitled Option C (See attached 11 x17 plan) on November 1 st, 2006. This routing is primarily a north -south connector between the recreation path planned to be constructed as part of the South Village project and the Shelburne Town Line. This route is located on the common property of Dorset Farms and runs parallel to the Vallee property located to the west. Currently there is an informal grass path (maintained by Dorset Farms, not the City) which generally begins at the termination point of Midland Avenue, follows westerly along the existing fill across the wetland, then southerly along the west property line of the Dorset Farms common land and then easterly along the City/Town line. An easement for a future recreation path along the western portion of the common lands is depicted on the recorded Dorset Farms subdivision plat (see attached 11 x 17 portions of the plat). The language of the easement generally indicates that the easement is to be located on the as -built location of the recreation path pending subsequent field investigations to determine the optimal route. Due to the proximity of the Vallee home near the common property line with Dorset Farms and the proposed recreation path, the Vallee's have requested that the proposed alignment of the path be placed at least 50' from their property line to protect their privacy. There is a moderate size wetland that occupies the middle ground between the Vallee property and a moderate size hill to the east. Utilizing topographic mapping and aerial mapping interpretation of the existing conditions, a conceptual route was sketched out for consideration which achieved the desired goals. Our field investigation found that there are suitable upland areas for siting the path as depicted on the plan. The section with the least flexibility is at the south end where Memorandum Page 2 of 2 November 2, 2006 interspersed areas of wetlands and upland soils prevail. By placing the path along the toe of the nearby hill, the wet areas can be avoided. This alignment will require a minor cut and fill to provide a level path surface. The available upland soils in the section of the proposed route north of this pinch point widens into a progressional forest where the tree population is dense with an average diameter of four to six inches. The routing is fairly flat but will require a lot of cutting for the proposed pathway. Further to the north the forested area becomes more mature and less dense yielding an alignment that can be placed which preserves the large trees with minimal cutting. In this area there is a large amount of tree tops on the ground which is assumed to be damage from the ice storm or high winds. The most northern section approaching the Town/City Line transitions quickly into a cleared area with progressional growth. In summary, the alternate path is a very viable alignment which will achieve the goals of the north -south connector leg depicted on the Official Map while providing the separation requested by the abutting property owner. = * No. 6 - .,o Ir-� �i SsIONA` 00 0 50 too 200 IN FEET I inch = 100 fL 9 m J 400 . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ter. . . . . . or ... ...... .......... . _-378 -og 'A SITE LOCATION PLAN N/F Arproved by resolution of the Planning Commission - The Cite of South BurlinRtorl,'l-lermont on the ' '-tip day 0f f , Iq4 r nu-)jevt to the require wepts of.s�iidconditions of sail resralotion. Signed 1 i�`-I _� 0',, v of 214 t is k S , 19 f i , by Chairman nr Clerk 1" ipf Refer to referenced plat by Krebs and Lansing 1. THIS SURVEY WAS COMPILED FROM FIELD SURVEY AND RECORD RESEARCH INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING PLATS. "BOUNDARY SURVEY—MBL ASSOCIATES" BY KREBS AND LANSING, DATED JANUARY 6, 1994. "SOUTHEAST SUMMIT —PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF LANDS—MBL ASSOCIATES", SHEETS 1-9 BY FITZPATRICK/LLEWELLYN, DATED JANUARY 6, 1994. 2. REFER TO SHEETS 2 of 3 AND 3 of 3 FOR LOT LAYOUTS AND EASEMENTS 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN rL13 BY KREBS AND LANSING. N$�;1,I MITS OF IMPF Y MBL ASSOC 9 83 W. & G. LAN G �. N/F (131/299) 84 60.05' N 7 85 `. 86\., �� 82 ti 87 88 66 81 ' so 67 ' 7 60 68 PPr) r(IAAAAr)kl AD1= A A 21 \ 9.78 ACRES p ipf ,L 0 N10'00'26"W 80.00, 69 �S1 �9 7/58 62 2 63 57 0 7 90 64 G 56 i 5 � 65 ,- �52 92 54 `�'a 93 c`a 53 ' 51 94 —L—L i f 117 116 115 PRD 11Comm N 9 118 DOWNING— CAULKINS REVOCABLE TRUST , AREA C N/F 80.00' 141 140 (209/68) S10 00 39 E a��. 142 121 I 1� LIMITS OF IMPROVEMENTS j 143 120 BY MBL ASSOCIATES 1113 139 157 144 138 / BASIN B ��9�� 'Olk 54 153 145 37 �\ „�, 152 0 <"4ei 9ON 155 146 PRD 151 -� r �13s COMMON 156 150 147 135 AREA D ' n 149 148 134 �2VADE RECREATION y �. ipf / PATH EASEMENT (TO BE n CENTERED ON FINAL PATH ALIGNMENT) Z 133 6` SUBJECT TO RELOCATION UPON SPECIFIC SITE INVESTIGATION 1 158 , �;9\ c 159 132 131 130 \ Z 160 �O�X o \ 161 VERA40NT ELECTRIC p 3 R s 330.00' (131 OWERI' OMPANY S L ® 74.50 w /94) - - 270.00n a 25.w T o S9'07`E z n F DOR ET FARMS 1sD.1s' CONDO NIUMS AND CONDOMINIU COMMON AREA \ 8.46 ACRES x / Z N , o� PRD COMMON AREA E4 a � 19.77 ACRES o Z r /h ` J C.ATkIIV DRIVE �� Y ► 0 ate. 574:5Z — � — ipset by Lamoureux, Stone and O'Leary (see insert on referenced plat by Krebs and Lansing 8.79 ACRES 1096.22' CITY TOWN OF SHELBURNE N69'19'05"W & S. SHAPIRO / N/F (307/53) J. & K. PERNUCCI N/F A (383/134) \ 1/ 2 ipf �o � Vp_ ll\\%. D 1� Pf�,.6��Oi 9 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 200 ft. LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY -R. & P. WARD ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE — — _- - — SIDELINE OF NEW ROAD ROW PROPERTY LINE N/F IS CENTERLINE (102/41) NEW LOTLINE OF STREAM L SIDELINE OF EASEMENT WIRE FENCE S50.3�8.3f, z � 4S, 8 IRON PIPE 0 �fUN�f o m 2 w ■ CONCRETE MONUMENT ipf IRON PIPE FOUND 8 o, m r �7 \ C N N rTj cmf CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND �`Z,, N/F NOW OR FORMERLY 6 ?0� S5g• STREAM 5 �, - �— _ SURVEY CONTROL 50' WIDE BAND FOR \ < 4 15' WIDE PEDESTRIAN Q z (307/53) DEED REFERENCE TRAIL EASEMENT (186/195) Ln :: D PRD COMMMON AREA B c N Ln 2 19.39 ACRES - m OWNER BASIN A STORM EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF 9QUTH BURLINGTON3 N MBL ASSOCIATES 1 i N37'13'S3"E n TOTAL ACREAGE = 155.27 ACRES Area to tie -line = 155.32 Acres 80 OD' 5 32. � 3 I N5246' r l - `10' 66' (HWY. VOL. 1/12) -R`�0,— EASEMENT OLD TOWN OF BURLINGTON RECORDS L=692.32' TO NET&T _ 250. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON BASIN A R=204000, N730Q�20524 cmf � RECEIVED FOR RECORD �+ L=72Q ' 1" � ��� I,� A.D. 19�& � i ST ASEMENT TO THE �P; Z ATE_ O'CLOCK MUJU�TES_}I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON b$ FINAL LOCATION TO BE Gj� Y1 D AND RECORDED IN �;*e �'-.'.,=kf CENTERED ON PIPE 8l in ATTEST. �. TOWN CLERK PRD COMMMON AREA E1 s °c`,� I I J p I o n 4.75 ACRES S69'51'26"E 685.58' I" ipf D APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING B. & S. COTA '-� COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, 16' WIDE TEMPORARY m VERMONT. ON THE DAY OF 19 / —7 !� ' ; \ N/F I SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SAID EMERGENCY ACCESS ROAD // 1 ` (278/582) Iipf RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS 2_DAY OF_ 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT (218/3) Pga 0 AON AREA E2 ( - '8.33 ACRES 1 D BY MBL ASSOCIATES A FUTURE USE (r POND _ r (SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING DIRECTOR) O TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIS PLAT IS BASED ON INFORMADON ABSTRACTED FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER P. & L. CANNIZZARO I O Z OFFICJAL RECORDS. AND MARKERS EVIDENT ON N/F THE PROPERTY, AND CONFORMS WITH THE IDOUGLAS =HENSON (294/62) I �+ � REQUIREMENTS, 27 VSA��p3. DATED THIS DAY OF /Jl�z 1998rn %No. ���` list L.S. t/2" G� 1-25-98 CHANGED LOT SIZE COMMON AREA A DEL ipf C. & L. HILL 1-22-98 ADDED METES & BOUNDS COMMON AREA H BFD ` N/F 1 11-12-97 REVISED CONDOMINIUMS, COMMON AREAS DLH (142/482) I �I date description by REVISIONS THESE PLANS �D PLANS WR L"101S ONLY K USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: i of SHEETS MBL ASSOCIATES,, ' — N/F (27% i / SKETCH/CONCEPT PRELIMINARY � FINAL 4 I I C. DA. —H ALL E:1 RECORD DRAWING DORSET FARMS prol. X N/F t" (312/96) ,� ipI --- _� gOa1 iIPf '1 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT survey BFD/QL design OTHERS rawn w� \ S17'23'56"W v ` 28.00' ' ,! See 270/251 for Development restrictions e 1430.00' � YBRIEN i 2 (25/373) i� PERIMETER PROPERTY ° c e PLAT rDLL-H/DJG 9-97 ale LAMOUREUX, STONE & O'LEARY 200' Consulting Engineers Inc. 14 Morse Drive no. Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 878-4450 1 OF 4 Engineers —Planners —Surveyors 0-7-r 311 SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 June 7, 2006 David Scheuer Retrovest 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Scheuer: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved minutes from the May 2, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, qno Betsy ogh Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 MAY 2006 Mr. Dinklage asked if there would be outdoor seating. Mr. Boyer said none is proposed. Mr. Belair said staff recommends a right turn out only. Mr. Dinklage said that doesn't happen in practice, and he would rather see it made safe. Mr. Bresee suggested a better bike rack. 8. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-21 of South Village Communities, LLC, for a planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility of a 334 unit residential project, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Marshall noted that the Master Plan has 3 phases. This application is for Phase I, the "village" area, which consists of single family, 2 and 3-family lots. Mr. Marshall then showed a "mini -roundabout" which is being proposed to deflect traffic from the village center. He noted that Public Works Superintendent is supportive of this, but the Fire Chief is not. The Fire Captains apparently do not want to have to drive over anything. Ms. LaRose asked about landscaping for the center of the island. Mr. Marshall said "grass pavers" would allow for plowing. Mr. Marshall noted that Bruce Hoar had said he needed little deflector islands, but the Fire Chief said no to this. Mr. Hoar felt the deflectors could "neck down" and slow traffic down. Ms. LaRose said she didn't feel that the delivery trucks driving over the kind of mountable curbs being used in Winooski would be a problem. Mr. Marshall said these are now a New York State standard. He also felt the Fire Chief is rightly very protective of his equipment. Mr. Dinklage noted there are already speed bumps in the city that are higher than the proposed curbs. Mr. Kupferman suggested having traffic coming westward use Allen Road. Mr. Scheuer was concerned with tampering with an integral design. He would rather abandon the roundabout altogether. Mr. Bolton suggested the possibility of using "rumble strips." Ms. LaRose said Mr. Hoar didn't like those. Ms. LaRose urged caution about widening roads. They have been approved as part of the Master Plan, and it would require a "step backwards" to reapprove the Master Plan if there were such changes. She also didn't feel that going back to the Fire Chief would accomplish anything. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 MAY 2006 Mr. Dinklage felt that if the applicant suggested something less than 45 degrees on the deflectors, it would be "a winner." Mr. Bresee said there are things on the bike path that are tougher than that to get across. Mr. Hall noted that on page 10, Item C, they are concerned with the phrase "no disturbances in the wetland" because they are in deep discussions with the state and are dealing with the agricultural component. He felt there could be language to keep homeowners from dumping stuff into the wetland. Mr. Dinklage noted receipt of a memo (2 May 2006) from the Director of Planning & Zoning and a letter from John Anderson expressing concern with landscaping on the southern boundary. Mr. Marshall noted no landscaping is proposed there in this phase. Ms. LaRose asked about the cul de sac. Mr. Marshall said it is temporary until the road is extended. Mr. Belair said the city would have to approve legal documents for this. Mr. Bresee noted that the rec path is currently designed to go near the storm basins. He asked about fencing and suggested adding some distance between the path and the storm basins for safety. Mr. Marshall said that has already been done. Mr. Marshall said it is not practical for them to try to renovate the house at Spear/Allen Road. He asked if they could take it down temporarily and then replace it with another house. Mr. Belair said that would depend on the Master Plan. Ms. LaRose said it would require revision of the Master Plan. Mr. Dinklage said a use consistent with the Master Plan would not be a problem. Mr. Belair said if the use is not residential, they would have to come in for a site plan. The following amendments were made to the draft motion: Stipulation 9G was amended to add: "and those agricultural activities permitted under Vermont wetland rules." Stipulation 3J was amended to read: "The plan shall be revised to show the proposed mini -roundabout consistent with Federal Highway Administration standards with mountable components consistent with other traffic calming structures used elsewhere in the city. Stipulation 3N was amended to read: The plans shall be revised to comply with requests of the Water Pollution Control Superintendent. Stipulation #22 was amended to add: "...except those agricultural activities permitted under Vermont wetland rules." Mr. Bolton then moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-06-21 of South Village Communities, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Kupferman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. -5- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 2 MAY 2006 As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. N'- 0 6- (x' Date -6- CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 4, 20o6 David Scheuer Michelle Holgate The Retrovest Companies 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Re: South Village Final Plat Phase i Dear Mr. Scheuer & Ms. Holgate: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on May 2, 20o6 (effective 5/3/o6). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within i8o days (must be submitted by October 30 20o6) of this approval or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, �� Gl Betsy onou h g Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 7002 2030 0002 o65o 6735 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c), HEARING DATE: NAME MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OF INTE ---- --- _-- REST VI r cZo /J LAWY �- sTtrNs -3°CoS '1�1�GlSrtat+J R,� s� tNG,�-olv vd-- �C'rl'l Mlle �f 70 S,�®C�ski ( �jr�✓J G5�¢U/ LL- J��fTI� 'L[4��� Z W---i'j l JW lj�11(&L4 M a1 he� u, '� L�//' �1%1' (Od z ", V,(' CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: I ` G C) NAME Men lKlr' nnno�cic, ---••-- ••----�-�-�� I I\VJCV 1 yr m l CttCJ 1 SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802) 846-41o6 May 4, 2006 Mark Hall, Esq. Paul Frank & Collins 1 Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Hall: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough South Burlington Planning & Zoning Department I 1 SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802) 846-41o6 May 4, 20o6 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Marshall: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, 'aA-7q Betsy McDonough South Burlington Planning & Zoning Department SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802) 846-41o6 May 4, 2oo6 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee c/o Jon Anderson, Esq. Burak, Anderson, & Melloni PO Box 787 Burlington, VT 05402-0787 Re: South Village Dear Mr. Anderson: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, —Y� r Pon�& Betsy McDonough South Burlington Planning & Zoning Department BuRAKPDERSON MELLONI PLC Counsellors at Law VIA HAND DELIVERY Development Review Board City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Michael L. Burak° Gateway Square • 30 Main Street Jon Anderson Post Office Box 787 Thomas R. Mellon" Burlington, Vermont 05402.0787 Michael B. Rosenberg' Phone: 802 862-0500 Shane NK McCormack-t Fax: 802 862-8176 W. Scott Fewell0 Anja Freiburg www.vtlawl.com Alto admitted in New York •Also admitted in the District of Columbia #Also admitted in Jtassaehusetts 13,Uso admitted in Connecticut & Pennsylvania May 2, 2006 Re: Final Plat Application #SD-06-21 of South Village Communities LLC Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter represents a statement of the continuing concerns of Skip and Denise Vallee with the proposed project. Besides all concerns previously stated, areas of concern include landscaping along the southern boundary of the project. Very truly yours, Jon Anderson JTA\alb S:\Client Matters\72835\letters\jta drb2.doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: April 20, 2006 \sub\south_village\final_phasel.doc Plans received: April 10, 2006 -MW.* SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-06-21 Meeting Date: May 2, 2006 Owner Applicant Paul Calkins South Village Communities, LLC P.O. Box 82 70 South Winooski Avenue Lyndonville, VT 05851 Burlington, VT 05401 Engineer Property Information Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Tax Parcel 1640-01840-F 928 Falls Road Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) District Shelburne, VT 05482 39.8 acres Location Map CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING -- \sub\south village\final.doc Ia:1071X , • ►1 South Village Communities, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is requesting final plat approval for a planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 156 residential units and a 100-student educational facility, of a 334 residential unit project, 1840 Spear Street. The applicant received master plan approval on July 19, 2005 and phase one preliminary plat approval on February 10, 2006. COMMENTS Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on April 10, 2006 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements The dimensional standards outlined in Table C-2 of the Land Development Regulations were altered though the Master Plan approval process for the subject property. The approved waivers are outlined in the decision and findings of fact for Master Plan #MP-04-01. The proposed project (Phase 1) does not meet all of the dimensional standards approved in the Master Plan. Specifically, the side setback for lot 5 is shown as 5 feet. It should be 10. 1. The plans shall be revised to show a 10 foot side setback for lot number 5. Furthermore, the setbacks listed on the cover sheet are not those approved as part of the Master Plan. 2. The cover sheet shall be revised to list the setbacks as approved during the Master Plan process. 3. The cover sheet shall be revised to remove the references to minimum lot frontages. There are no minimum lot frontages in the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. As was discussed during the Master Plan reconsideration, the applicant had requested that the preliminary and final plat reviews of each of the three phases be limited to single-family, two-family, and three-family dwelling units. Thus, any buildings with greater than three dwelling units, in addition to the school, will be reviewed under separate site plan reviews. The Development Review Board approved this with the Master Plan approval. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations PUDs shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. The utility plans are depicted on sheets C6.0 through C6.9 of the plans. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final doc According to Section 15.13(B)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public utility system shall be extended to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure, to the proposed dwelling units. The South Burlington Water Department has been reviewing the plans on an ongoing basis. Comments should be available at the hearing. 4. The South Burlington Water Department shall review the water plans and provide a final set of comments prior to final plat approval. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has been reviewing the plans on an ongoing basis. His most recent comments are listed in memorandums dated April 27, 2006 (attached). 5. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the South Burlington City Engineer, as outlined in his memorandums dated April 27, 2006. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The grading and drainage plans are depicted on sheets C5.0 through C5.5 of the plans. The erosion control plans are depicted on sheets C7.0 through C7.10 of the plans. The grading and erosion control plans were reviewed by the City Engineer. 6. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to this project is proposed via a 48' wide pubic roadway directly across from Allen Road and a 24' wide roadway approximately 1,260' south of Allen Road. Both of these public roads access onto Spear Street and have a 60' wide right-of-way. They feed into a public roadway network within the project boundaries. At this time, the applicant is proposing to close the street network with two (2) cul-de-sacs: one (1) to the north of the project and one (1) to the south of the project. These cul-de-sacs will only be temporary, as the Master Plan, of which this project is Phase 1, depicts this public roadway network extending to the north and to the east. Circulation on this property appears to be adequate. The applicant is currently proposing two (2) points of ingress and egress, and the master plan proposed two (2) additional points of ingress and egress for the overall project. In addition, the master plan depicts a right-of-way to the property to the north, which could facilitate an additional point of ingress and egress in the future. As part of the proposed amendments to the PUD, the applicant is proposing to install a mini - roundabout at the intersection of the consolidated wetland road crossing and the Village neighborhood. The applicant has stated that this will act as a traffic calming device that deflects CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final.doc traffic away from the center of the Village neighborhood, keeping it instead on the perimeter. Comments on the technical specifications of the roundabout have been deferred to the Fire Chief and the Director of Public Works. The Fire Chief provided comments on the proposed roundabout in a letter dated February 3, 2006. He has stated that given the five -inch height of the curbing, and the tight turning radius, it will not be possible for the larger trucks to proceed through without hitting at least two of the tree possible curbs, something which could possibly damage the vehicles. At this time, his suggestion is to return to the concept of the four-way intersection. The applicant, in an effort to satisfy the concerns of the Fire Chief, has provided a new plan which depicts flush fully mountable materials in the deflector islands and central island. They also submitted a letter from their traffic engineer dated March 14, 2005 (attached) outlining the possible traffic benefits of the mini roundabout. The Fire Chief responded in a letter dated April 28, 2006 (attached). He again expresses his concerns with the curbing. In consultation with his staff, the Fire Department continues to feel that "the mini roundabout would be detrimental to the springs and undercarriage of the fire vehicles" and would require them to drive over it every time. He continues to say that "at this time we cannot support the creation of the mini roundabout" with curbing. He also acknowledges Mr. Hoar's concerns with the lack of curbing. The Director of Public Works issued comments in a memorandum dated April 27, 2006 (attached) and stated that he will support the roundabout provided that raised curbing is maintained in the roads which contribute to this roundabout. He specifically notes that he does not approve of flush curbs if the roundabout is approved. He notes that curbing is important for keeping traffic flowing where it should and also for snow plowing. Staff recognizes the concerns of both the Fire Chief and the Director of Public Works. At this time, staff recommends that the Board not approve of the roundabout as there appears to be no way to meet all of the goals of the parties involved. Curbing, even mountable, will present problems for emergency vehicles as well as all other large vehicles which may use the intersection. Large delivery or moving trucks will likely utilize this intersection to service the residents within. Requiring vehicles to mount curbs when there is a possibility of causing damage could open liability issues for the City. However, as stated by Mr. Hoar, not having curbing will also present problems for the City. A four-way intersection may be most appropriate in this case. 7. The Development Review Board shall discuss the merits of the mini roundabout and issue judgment as to whether it shall remain and, if so, what type of curbing it shall have, if any. The applicant shall adhere to this decision. The applicant submitted a traffic impact study prepared by TND Engineering, dated April 8, 2004. The applicant also submitted a traffic impact study addendum, dated June 17, 2004. Both of these documents were submitted to Fuss and O'Neil for technical review. The specific traffic management strategies to control access and circulation for the proposed project will be provided as they become available. 8. The applicant shall pay all applicable traffic impact fees prior to issuance of a zoning permit for each unit. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final doc The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. This phase of the master plan overlaps some Class III wetlands and is adjacent to the major Class II wetland on the property. There is no development proposed in the Class II wetlands or its respective 50' buffer. However, there is encroachment into the Class III wetland and/or their respective 50' wide buffers. The Natural Resource Committee reviewed the proposed project on July 22, 2004 and January 5, 2006 and recommended approval of the preliminary plat plans with conditions. The Development Review Board at preliminary plat hearing accepted the following conditions: 1. phase in east -west roadway based on City need and/or project need; 2. if the east -west road is constructed, the NRC recommends: a. wildlife -friendly design features b. wetland protection features 3. locate bike paths and pedestrian paths in a manner that minimizes wetland impacts; 4. if wetland experts disagree on the delineation at the DRB meeting, the NRC recommends that the DRB invoke technical review; 5. no pesticide application; 6. no mowing in wetlands and/or their buffers except for maintenance of the recreation and quiet paths; 7. disturbance of wetland vegetation should be limited to remediation activities; 8. no planting non-native species in wetlands or their buffers. 9. that the bridge crossings avoid the use of pressure treated wood. 9. The applicant shall adhere to the recommendations of the South Burlington Natural Resources Committee, as amended by the Board and Staff, and as stated above. Pursuant to Section15.18 (B)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, the applicant has submitted a plan for the management and maintenance of the dedicated open spaces created through the Master Plan. At this time, there do not appear to be any major issues which present themselves with this plan. 10. The plans shall be revised to depict all wetlands and buffer barriers on the site plan. A legend shall be included that delineates between the various classes of wetlands. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. Pursuant to Section 9.01 of the Land Development Regulations, the Southeast Quadrant District (SEQ) is hereby formed in order to encourage open space preservation, scenic view and natural resource protection, wildlife habitat preservation, continued agricultural use, and well as planned residential use in the largely undeveloped area of the City known as the Southeast Quadrant. The open character and scenic views offered in this area have long been recognized as very special and unique resources in the City and worthy of protection. The location and clustering of buildings and lots in a manner that in the judgment of the Development Review Board will best preserve the open space character of this area shall be encouraged. In order to analyze this project's visual compatibility with the area, the entire master plan, of CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final doc which this project is phase 1, must be considered. The master plan is visually compatible with the planned development patterns of the Southeast Quadrant. The buildings, building lots, and roads are clustered and concentrated towards the westerly portion of the property, creating significant open space areas in the central and easterly portions of the subject property. The more than 132 acres of open space preserved through this master plan will maintain the open character of the Southeast Quadrant and will protect wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife habitat. This project has five (5) lots that intersect the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District. These lots shall comply with the building height restrictions outlined in Section 10.03(F) of the Land Development Regulations. As long as these lots comply with these height restrictions, the project will offer scenic view protection. The plans have been revised to indicate the maximum building heights for the five (5) lots that intersect the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District, as outlined in Section 10.03(F) of the Land Development Regulations, 11. The applicant shall adhere to the restrictions on the maximum building heights for the five (5) lots that intersect the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District, as outlined in Section 10.03(F) of the Land Development Regulations and as noted on sheet S 1.3 of the plans. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The layout proposed through the Master Plan will preserve over 152 acres of dedicated open space, mainly in the central and easterly portions of the subject property. The location of this open space will create contiguous open space corridors with the properties to the south and north of the subject property. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The South Burlington Fire Chief has been reviewing the plans on an ongoing basis. As previously noted, his concerns at this point are with respect to the proposed mini roundabout. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. All of the proposed infrastructure and services proposed for this project are consistent with the infrastructure and services proposed in the Master Plan, of which this project is Phase 1. These services and infrastructure have been designed to facilitate extension to adjacent properties. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. The applicant has submitted proposed lighting details (cut -sheets) for the multi -family units involved in Phase 1 of the project. These are within the regulations and are sufficient for the site. The proposed recreation path is depicted for the entire master -planned development, of which this project is Phase 1. The Recreation Path Committee reviewed the recreation path and provided comments in a memorandum from Tom Hubbard, dated December 10, 2004 (attached). The plans depicting the recreation paths, including their location and timing of construction, have been CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final.doc approved as part of the Master Plan process. 12. All of the proposed roadways and sidewalks shall be compatible with the approved Master Plan. 13. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed project is consistent with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan and the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Staff feels the proposed project accomplishes a desirable transition from structure to site and from structure to structure. Staff also feels the site provides for adequate planting and safe pedestrian movement. The parking for this project has largely been resolved as part of the Master Plan process. The site plans appear to show sufficient parking spaces for the single family, duplexes, and triplex units as part of the garages and driveways. Parking for the multi -family buildings consisting of four or more units will be handled when those buildings are revisited at site plan review. Pursuant to Section 13.01(G)(5) of the Land Development Regulations, bicycle racks shall be depicted on the plans. The plans do not depict bicycle racks because staff has asked that multi- family buildings containing more than three units be reviewed individually. Bicycle racks shall be included on those future plans. Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. The proposed parking plan for the residential units is in compliance with this requirement. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The maximum height for buildings with a pitched roof is 40' from average pre -construction grade. The maximum height for buildings with a flat roof is 35' from average pre -construction grade. In addition, five (5) of the proposed lots fall within the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District. These lots shall comply with the building height restrictions outlined CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final.doc in Section 10.03(F) of the Land Development Regulations. Staff has already stated that the plans indicate that maximum building heights for these five (5) lots. The elevations for the mullti-family buildings shall be reviewed as part of the site plan review for each multi -family building. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Staff feels this criterion is being met. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff feels this criterion is being met Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. It is not necessary for the Development Review Board to require any additional easements for this project (Phase 1 of the Master Plan). Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). 14. Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any dumpsters on the site shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final doc Landscaping and Screening Requirements Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the proposed Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to planned unit development review. The minimum landscape requirement for this project is determined by Table 13-9 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The costs of street trees are above and beyond this minimum landscape requirement. The applicant must submit information on the estimated buildings costs of the proposed three-family dwelling units and a landscape budget indicating the value of the proposed landscaping. The applicant's landscape plans for the proposed street trees are included on sheet L-2 of the plans. Sheets L-3, L-3a, and L-3b show typical landscaping details for single- family, two-family, and three-family dwelling units. The City Arborist reviewed the proposed street tree plan and provided comments in an email dated April 25, 2006 (attached). 15. The plans shall be revised to comply with the recommendations of the City Arborist. The estimated value of the multi -family dwelling units would be used to calculate the minimum required landscape value, which would have to be bonded for by the applicant. Condition number 8 of the 2/10/06 MP states that "no site plan review will be required for the three (3) unit multi- family dwellings which are substantially in compliance with the "typical" of these units included with each final plat plan for each phase. Additionally, bicycle racks shall not be required for the buildings and landscape bonding will be required." 16. The applicant shall submit information on the estimated buildings costs of the proposed three- family dwelling units so as to determine bonding requirements. 17. The screening of the utility cabinets shall be approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board as an amendment to the final plat. As part of the Fire Chief's comments dated February 3, 2006, he stated that the tree locations, as proposed in accordance with the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, do not adequately allow for fire suppression or rescue capabilities. He has asked that the Development Review Board grant a waiver to address this issue. While staff supports an adjustment in the planting of street trees to better facilitate emergency services, staff previously suggested that such an adjustment should be done with the consultation of the applicant, staff, the Fire Chief and the city arborist. This has occurred and all parties are comfortable with the final proposed locations of the street trees. Restricted Areas This project has buildings and building lots proposed in designated "restricted areas", as depicted on the Southeast Quadrant Official Zoning Map. The project has development proposed in a "restricted area" designated to facilitate a planned roadway. The applicant has proposed a roadway network through the property that will connect Midland Avenue to Spear Street. Thus, the "restricted area", designed to facilitate the planned roadway, as labeled on the "Southeast Quadrant Official Zoning Map", is no longer necessary. The project also has building lots proposed in a "restricted area" designated to protect scenic views. A portion of this "restricted area" overlaps the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District. The applicant is following the building height requirements for the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District, as outlined in Section CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 10 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final doc 10.03(F) of the Land Development Regulations. Thus, development in the "restricted area" that overlaps the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District is warranted. In addition, the application is proposing building lots in the "restricted area" along Spear Street that is designated for a scenic view corridor. This development is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District, as development in this "restricted area" allows the applicant to cluster more of the units towards the westerly portion of the property, away from the wetlands, wildlife habitat, and other natural resources that comprise the central and easterly portions of the property. All of the proposed building locations are in conformance with the approved Master Plan. Street Names The applicant has submitted street names on the site plan for Phase I. However, some of the names on the plan remain unapproved by the South Burlington Planning Commission. The applicant shall either revise the plans to remove unapproved names, or seek approval by the Planning Commission. The applicant shall not receive final plat approval until this issue is taken care of. 18. The applicant shall either revise the plans to remove unapproved names, or seek approval by the Planning Commission for proposed names not already approved. The applicant shall not receive final plat approval until this issue is taken care of. Some sheets in the plans still reference preliminary street names, such as "Delta, Gamma, etc." These names shall be removed and replace with approved names on ALL sheets showing streets. 19. The plans shall be revised to change all references to the approved street names on all sheets showing streets. E911 Addresses The applicant has submitted E911 address for this proposal that appear to be in compliance with the E911 addressing standards. Other 20. The applicant shall pay all applicable impact fees prior to issuance of the zoning permit for each unit. Pursuant to Section 15.08 (D) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the applicant has submitted homeowner's association legal documents with the final plat application. The documents should include language that: a. ensures that the garages will not be converted to living space; b. prohibits the storage and parking of recreational vehicles within the development; c. prohibits clearing of land, disturbance of land, or application of pesticides within wetlands or wetland buffers, except for the Class 111 wetland on Lot 16 and the Class 111 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 11 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \sub\south village\final.doc wetland to the west of Lot 20; d. ensures that the association shall assume all maintenance responsibilities for the sewage pumping station; AND e. ensures that the association shall assume all maintenance responsibilities for the stormwater drainage facilities until such time as a future City stormwater utility accepts the stormwater infrastructure. It is difficult to tell from these documents whether and where these items have been addressed. Staff was unable to find language addressing these issues in a manner that appeared clear to them. Staff respectfully requests that the applicant highlight all of these issues and indicate conformance with above. 21. The applicant shall plainly demonstrate that the homeowner's association documents demonstrate conformance with the items numbered a-e above. 22. Pursuant to Section 15.17 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, prior to issuance of the first zoning permit or start of utility or road construction, the applicant shall submit all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g. irrevocable offer of dedication and warranty deed for proposed public roads, utility, sewer, drainage, water, and recreation paths, etc.) to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington Land Records. 23. Prior to the start of construction of the improvements described in the condition above, the applicant shall post a bond which covers the cost of said improvements. 24. Pursuant to Section 15.14(E)(2) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, within 14 days of the completion of required improvements (e.g. roads, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc.) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer, "as -built" construction drawings certified by a licensed engineer. 25. The applicant should address the timing and use of the proposed temporary cul-de-sac at North Jefferson Road. There are many outstanding issues with this project that require resolution before any decision can be made. Staff respectfully recommends that the South Burlington Development Review Board continue Preliminary Plat application #SD-05-92, so that the applicant may address the outstanding concerns included in the numbered items in the "Comments" section of this document. Respectfully submitted, tathy#ln LaRose, Associate Planner Copy to: David Scheuer, Applicant Dave Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS SOUTH VILLAGE Spear Street 04/27/06 1. Public street R.O.W. width should be at least 60 feet. 2. The Engineer (Civil Engineering Associates) shall prepare the as -built plans. They shall maintain good field notes as construction progresses so that accurate as -built plans can be prepared. 3. Add north arrow to plan S1.3A. 4. Add north arrow and street name (Spear Street) to plan S1.313. 5. The southerly street connection to Spear Street should have a R.O.W. width of 80 feet for a distance of 200 feet so in the future that intersection can be improved. 6. Add north arrow to sheet L-2. 7. Add street names to sheets C-4.8, C-4.9, & C-4.10. 8. Manhole covers and drainage structures shall be adjusted to grade using precast concrete risers, not bricks. 9. The radii of all intersecting streets at the Spear Street/Allen Road intersection shall have concrete curbs shown on all plans. 10. Sheet C6.0 is impossible to read. 11.A fence as called for in some of the street cross sections should be outside the street rights of way. - 1 - Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 12. City Pollution Control Superintendent shall review the sewage pumping station design. 13. City Water Department notes on plan sheet C-9.2 shall be complied with — especially note 5 — re -grading tree planting. 14. Prior to planting any trees, the Engineer shall take out the location of water & sewer mains with in the planting area. Landscape plans shall also show water & sewer mains where trees are planted. -2- South tsurlington Fire Depart lAent 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4110 Douglas S. Brent, Fire Chief April 28, 2006 Ms. Juli Beth Hinds, Director of Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Project Spear Street Dear Juli: On April 12, 2006 I met with Mr. Dave Marshall relative to the mini roundabout which has been proposed for the South Village project. He brought with him several drawings and pictures of the mini roundabout and we discussed the issue so that I would have a better understanding of how it would work. I told Mr. Marshall that I would be having a meeting the following day with the fire department shift commanders and would explain this issue to them for their input. After a great deal of discussion the unanimous feeling of the Captains was that the mini roundabout would be detrimental to the springs and undercarriage of the fire vehicles. As you know this mini roundabout would require us to drive up over it every time we traveled that roadway. Therefore, as of this time we cannot support the creation of the mini roundabout as presented. Earlier this week I spoke with Mr. Marshall by telephone relative to our decision and he told me he understood our position. He also asked if I would take a look at a newly redesigned roundabout plan if he were to send it to me. On Thursday I received the new version by email. I looked at the new changes and I also spoke to Bruce Hoar about this new plan and he has some problems with it. At this time I think that it would be prudent for him to satisfy Bruce's requirements and following that discuss the changes with me. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, / Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief Cathyann LaRose From: Bruce Hoar [sbpwbkh@adelphia.net] Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:50 PM To: Cathy Larose Subject: South Village 3 South Burlington Public 'Works 575 DORSET STREET T U (802)6-7961 AX. ( 2)6 ^7q7 7 zaa k a Memorandum O: Development Review Board =ROM: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director )ATE: April 27, 2006 :C: Cathy LaRose RE: South Village Fhe following are comments from plans received by this office on 4/20/06 and marked latest revised 4/9/06. There are items in this ;et of plans that have not been changed since comments made on previous sets. ❖ No brick to be used in any structure Just putting a line through item is not changing the plans. ❖ C 4.14 why note one that allows for reduction of Bike Path widths. ❖ Only approved method for pipe connections at structures to be cast in Place Flexible Manhole sleeves. Remove or approved others. We are not recommending any brand name just a type of connection. ❖ I do not approve of flush curbs if the roundabout is approved. I support the idea of the roundabout but want to make sure that it is used properly. The original mountable curbs were acceptable. I want some curb reveal to help keep the traffic flow where it should be and also for snow plowing. I want to make it clear that I support a roundabout just not one with flush curbs. 4/27/2006 Cathyann LaRose From: Craig Lambert [sbpwcl@adelphia.net] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 2:34 PM To: Cathyann LaRose Subject: Re: Landscaping, etc etc Cathy, I just finished looking at the South Village plans. Everything looks pretty good with one exception in the Tree Planting Detail. The following clause, "the root flare shall be planted at or slightly above final grade(due to nursery practices, this ma require removing soil from the top of the root ball to locate the root flare)" should be substituterd for the specification which states" set rootball 4-6" above final grade to allow for settling(12" in clay soil). Let me know if you have questions. I should be able to stop by sometime this week. Craig — Original Message From: Cathyann LaRose To: 'Craig Lambert' Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 2:05 PM Subject: Landscaping, etc etc Hi Craig, Can you stop in when you're out this way. 1 have some plans for you. Also, did the South Village people get the plans to you as I asked them to? Will you have a chance to offer comments before Friday? Let me know. Thanks! -Cathy Cathyann L. LaRose Associate Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802.846.4106 claros-e@sb,url.com www.sburl.com /27/2006 TND TND ENGINEERING TRAFFIC, TND, TRANSPORTATION AND CONSULTING 430 RICHARDS AVENUE PORTSMOUTH, NH 03801 603.373-8651 603.986.6007 EMAIL: Chellman(aYINDEngineering_com www _TNDEngincering. com David S. Marshall, P.E. March 14, 2006 Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 928 Falls Road, PO Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482-0485 VIA Email Only Re_ South Village Traffic Dear Mr. Marshall: As you know, I am the author of the South Village traffic impact analysis that was completed approximately one year ago. Recently, the former pair of crossings of the wetlands in the center of the project have been consolidated into one relocated crossing between the two former crossings (see plan, below). South Village \u�h Nudingm. \`<rrnnr An h W"W x PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • TRAFFIC CALMING- ZONING • STREETS - ENGINEERING Planning for the Future with the Technology of Today and the Lessons of the Past March 14, 2006 2 of 3 Questions have arisen concerning whether this change will require a substantive change to the traffic impact analysis, specifically those questions below: 1. What are the traffic distribution implications for the project with and without a mini -roundabout? 2. Is a mini -roundabout appropriate for the [the red arrow intersection above]? 3. What are the recommended traffic volumes for a mini -roundabout? 4. Based on the anticipated traffic volumes does a mini -roundabout provide adequate protections to pedestrian and bicycle use? 5. Are there any alternate materials that can be used for the deflector islands in lieu of a mountable curbing and a raised island? 6. Specifically with regard to pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular movements, what are the pros and cons of a traditional four-way intersection at this location? In order, I offer the following: 1. If a roundabout is not constructed, approximately 75% to 85% more traffic will be directed to and from the southerly drive intersection with Spear street (from 59 AM trip to 102 and from 67 PM trips to 123)1. However, if the intersection highlighted above with the red arrow is constructed as a mini -roundabout, or otherwise constructed so as to direct westbound traffic to the north- and ultimately toward the project's intersection with Allen Road, it is my opinion as a professional engineer that no significant changes in the traffic flows will occur. 2. Yes, a mini -roundabout is appropriate for that intersection. 3. There are various opinions regarding the capacities of mini -roundabouts, but the potential volumes at the subject intersection are low and well within the capacity of the mini -roundabout that is proposed. I Without a roundabout, the turning movement distributions would also change at the Spear Street/Allen Road intersection (more on the south approach, fewer on the west approach), but those have not all been calculated. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • TRAFFIC CALMING- ZONING • STREETS • ENGINEERING Planning for the Future with the Technology of Today and the Lessons of the Part March 14, 2006 3 of 3 4. A mini -roundabout is a form of traffic calming that will serve to slow drivers better than an unwarranted four-way "stop" controlled intersection. As a result, this will improve the environment for non -motorists. 5. Yes, cobblestone deflectors are an option, and many other materials have been used effectively as well. 6. See #4, above. In addition, a mini -roundabout will direct more of the "ridge" vehicular traffic to and from the "main" entrance at Allen Road and along the edge of the Village core. Away from the site itself, no changes will occur in off -site impacts in either case. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or for further discussion. Respectfully Submitted, TND Engineering Chester Rick" Chellman, P.E. Principal Pc: David Scheuer, President PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • TRAFFIC CALMING• ZONING • STREETS • ENGINEERING Planning for the Future with the Technology of Today and the Lessons of the Past Cathyann LaRose From: Dave Marshall [dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 5:10 PM To: sbpwbkh@adelphia.net; sbvtfdchief@aol.com Cc: Cathyann LaRose; Michelle Holgate; David Scheuer; Rick Chellman Subject: South Village - ARernate Roundabout Plan South Village Roundabout Alt:p... Chief - We understand that your staff is concerned with the impacts of tires having to climb the proposed mini -roundabout mountable curbing (at typical emergency response speeds) and the associated damage to the emergency response vehicles. We have attached a sketch of a revised roundabout configuration which addresses the needs of providing enough of a vertical presence to direct traffic while addressing your concerns. To address your department's concerns, we have enlarged the roundabout and have eliminated the vertical components of the previously proposed curbing in favor of flush curbing and flush fully mountable materials in the deflector islands (granite cobble) and central island (brick pavers). Since this design enlarges the roundabout to allow for the Tower truck to go around the central vertical feature while also eliminating the potential impact issues, we believe that we have addressed the major concerns with the proposed roundabout. As we are highly interested in minimizing the number of issues for the Tuesday May 2, 2006 DRB meeting, your input on this matter would be greatly appreciated. David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 928 Falls Road, PO Box 485 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 P:802-985-2323 x310 F:985-2271 1 PAAuto((CADD Protectsl2W1t01243\01243-master_phase 1-new-mundabout_dwg, 4252" 3.5225 PM, ayoung 1 a � . 11//llillyf � ► LL / I 4 0 s_ / 1 20' ACCESS EASEMENT SERVING S1TE SNGINMI: 9e.sy , I MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION South Village b3 1 187.8 ACRES N-"•E / Spoor street View Protection ions I \0 � et ai I II Mealmum eullnlnp Nelpn[eom pul•ilOn i (1) � / r , I N10be'1,'E I � Jen u•ry 91, x008 I A T.vs Ie / I p 2 e 11 T. Elev V. 9f s pear s tree[ acenle Vle w P retectl0 n z. ne p .w• :� 5V e �Ir' I cn ea,alne slaps (rtirt) �v I / pjlsll 1 I- / I« 61 Sig m• A CIVIL EN01NEiRNO ASSOCIATES, INC. 0122 A / _a1x I>N oHt.ae. 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(2) \ r I \gl� g� -( a L _ _ __ - -J L._. .J L.J L.- _ -._ -.-J I RI ^� South Burl n ton, �/ -�\ % ++o.e7-.�'lF• '� �R1'¢ 9,\'7, �� \Y} '�: �3� �.. s0ect0a•w soetxa2• saeae'oY aoewm_•W_� T cr 9 (1) 1 $ \ 9 �1I° O Or Opo 013 ACRES SPEAR STREET AND • 015 "'� R'- 1g\, 025 ACRES j 20 0.2s A SCRES J �ga ( `I g ET 0.13 ACRES sly I ALLEN ROAD _ 9on 9" a 50eOe , SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT „nor _.5 $ _¢` �,aoo - - a• mlv a..r _ _1�aS� _ s4. 0.14E y�'I,� ' I 5.58 ACRES �0''11``ACAEB�/' +,\ r (I)� r , ® / I � ©`1 gL(d 4aTPspE 18,} r 23� (2> 31 ='g 36 38 w , l /I I "/ 1 O 1 p 'aPs1 0.25 ACRES \ "\ 0.26 ACRES I�j�IIsI 40 0l3 J , tl / (_ (2) \ IA\ 0.25 ACRES 1 1 �1$ 1 P\ ," 023 ACRES 1 = O WI' = O awoe 1 \ (2) (2) 018 A � � tl I 1'I 1 029 ACRESI �SCOMMON \1. 1'F\�' '\off (2) `1.._._. -.� I ._._._.J4'I L._.�pnvatut._.J m271'I/ii i(1)a lI l VM 'W / ,II ACi ES \ \ V - .eoe LlasO eonreo w ,.a WY ' 023ACREB - - - oo s•y wTa' r'- -- _.J L J - -'- .ra' - - . o � - � 1 30 (�) I Sbe91r sceotrax• _110. • I 91 / ~' fLe _ __.-.Iroe•f .-•e.»' -20. • meU ranlx'N i..-017 ACRE _ 3 I i I I ) ,,tt.rr,.v �rrF♦ NOeO T'f yy / Y nTa� r ' _. q1 �.- - _ _ r _ _'4 , \ eon _ - ao-'� - Ilowr E- - �1 II jIY II O\t)`$ L.7 h8A C1=11 !J0 Inl a _ a ND.e9w_ _ (1) (1) 4 # 5 sl I O (1)1.?I E! .(1) 0.29 ACRES o•.o, ._. ._ - - '^ 2A jH"Yq O 18 I 0.18ACRE3 "' I^� I , (�) I I of I I , , _ O 1 R 10.24 ACRES L . _ . _ - _ J n 020 ACRES /O �I =gi1024 ACRES j�I-I I� 9oa,3so•w L._. _._._.J L._._.J L._1 L - _- - - J f / L \ ,N. m' 11,.01' 7adY 00. ' 109.96' 1.02 ACRES 1 '21 ACRE 1 t I I 8 r . _ . _ _ -f mra.44 E Nmm'm•f oaf Naebe'or _ _ _.. Iroebe oa'E r - ---- -- _ L _ . 5 71,15. CHFUAN STREET 0.13 ACF195 . J /, LOCATION MAP J, net' 41.1e eaxo 1 - 3000 `. ` �.' ti Sm�SP'.S•w son YsolY 3be'IYeo'w x NOeoe'aa'c NoeotYOY[ Noem'o2t roe hoeve'oa'f 1+1�11 / 59 eC Taos im n / / D.rt DfjQm ttLVON u0ss ,ram o'Or« r - ., r . ., r _ - j--NFmbe a,t 1I, 1 0.47 ACRES SB I I 50 O �. I8 7¢ I / , %I I MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT a �!dls�IIg�llg IIgl�l I 5 Im" / 1.72 ACRES'1 CITY OF DSOUTH EBURLINGTONI_ $ H 1 > 110T1 ACRE�1�17 A0111 117 ACRE> 1�1 7 ACR I 0.25 ACRES m+ \ 187.8 ACRES / 1�8 DA-B. SITE PLAN APPROVAL I (1) I I \t) I I I I 0) I I L J 1 L._._.J 1 L_ry) -1�L _ _ J� L._._0) - / an -a Dw �eunNGENSIacS,Lmumms 70A0' 70.00 TO Dp'- - - Ie1e� i 1-30-01 OSM REVISED LOT LAMS _ ` mS90'�N saeve'oaaw a0eoe'02'W Noevem f foeq'0a'W I A \ 1-17-01 OSM REVISED LOT IAYWT 1 I I \ 543-0e DSM RENSM HATMAI \\ ' STORMWATER EASEMENT ` ` 8 eg -� / / /-ta-m DSM K'A!ED LAYOUT SERVING MASTER O �` I I ,t - HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 1 - - - STOSERVINRMWATR EASEMENG MASTER T / \ I \ \ HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ST SEERVINGRMASTERENT \ /; PHASE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION / \\ \I n].1' I 5.76 ACRES \ \ ` � I 1 i I � / r- - - - - - �1 I , SUBDIVISION RECREATION PATH 20' EASEMENT TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON _ 2D DRAIpACE - - - SEPLAT ENTI OFI 50'-_ _-_ __ _________ ________ -- _ __ pE B L - - _ _ - J 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON �- I 20' EASEIAEN� - - - - ,�ppp,�1 ------ - - - - -- • • __---__-__--__-____ _--________- oA14 DR4RDfi0 NOMBESi --------------------------------------- SPEAR STREET GRAPHIC ISCALE - --------------------------------- JUL , 2004 -•.n- - a7rs-+ter --e+- - T -1=- ------------- Y _ t 11 A - - - - - xe � an.,. a I I 1 1 !' I LDoh = 60 r1. �243 Permit Number SD- 0 6 - � f CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Paul Calkins, P.O. Box 82, Lyndonville, VT 05851 Phone: 1-802-626-5793 V 419, P 454-455 S. Burl. 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) V 210, P 1 0 6 -1 0 7 Shelburne 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) South Village Communities, LLC 70 South Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT 05401 Phone: 863-8323 Fax: 863-1339 4) CONTACT PERSON (Person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address phone& fax #) David Scheuer, South Village Communities, LLC, 70 So. Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT 05401 Phone: 863-8323 Fax: 863-1339 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS 1 340 Spear Street 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1 6 4 0 - 01 8 4 0 - F 7) DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Abandoned Farm House and Agricultural Use b) Proposed uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain)Phase I consisting of single, duplex and triplex buildings on 39.8 acres. Empty lots for future multi -family (73 Units) building and proposed school will be approved for development as part of a separate site plan approval process. c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Height. of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Mixture of heights 30' to 40' , two stories. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) 1 existing unit to be taken out of service. 41 single family units, 22 units in duplex buildings and 21 units in triplex buildings for a total of 84 units. 72 units are to be placed on the remaining vacant residential lots penning final site plan approval. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) The future school site will be permitted under a separate site plan approval process. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if OverlayDistricts are applicable) View protection zone from Spear Street encumbers a portion of the site. h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. No changes of significance from the preliminary plat approval 8) WETLAND INFORMATION a) Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? Yes, Class II and Class III. b) If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands or their associated 50' buffers? Yes, a small portion of both the Class II and Class III wetlands and buffers will be impacted. c) If yes, this project MUST be reviewed by the Natural Resources Committee prior to review by the Development Review Board. Please submit the following with this application: 1. a site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's Wetlands Map. 2. response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria). 9) LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a) Size of Parcel: _ 39.8 acres (acres /sq. ft.) b) Building Coverage: Existing 1, 335 square feet 0.08 Proposed 300,781 square feet 17.35 % c) Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 4,320 square feet 0.25 % K Proposed 720,090 square feet 41.54 d) Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing N/A square feet Proposed N/A square feet 10) AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: % (Does not include .remaining open space) ft. * *Projects disturbing more than on -half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11) WAIVERS REQUESTED a) List any waivers from the strict standards in the Land Development Regulations (e.g., setbacks, height, parking, etc.) that the applicant is seeking Please see attached list. 12) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) $ b) Landscaping (see Section 13.06(G) of the Land Development Regulations) $ c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) 13) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out) 839 VIE' s (84 units, no school) b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out) 66 VIE's (84 units, no school) 85 VIE's (ir units, no school) 14) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 7:15 - 8:15 AM 4: 30 to 5:30 PM 15) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION Monda 16) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Fall 2009 3 17) ABUTTING LANDOWNERS — please list abutting landowners, including those across any streets. You may attach a separate sheet. iPL4-"E ! 51M us'r 16) PLANS AND FEE '* 5 t O- c O Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I V x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information and is accurate to the best of my kno)wh Sl as part of this application has been submitted ATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Lam' /Complete 11 4 AMENDMENT TO OPTION TO PURCHASE AND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT SOUTH VILLAGE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT This Amendment to Option to Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement (hereinafter this"Amendment's is made this �,Lh dayof March 2005, by and between South Village Communities, LLC, a Vermont limited liability company with a principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, the assignee of Retrovest Associates, Inc. (hereinafter "Developer's and Paul R. Calkins of Lyndonville, Vermont (hereinafter "Calldns"). WHEREAS, Calkins owns the property known as 1840 Spear Street located in South Burlington and Shelburne, Vermont (the "Calkins Property"); V�HEREAS, Developer and Calkins entered into that certain Option to Purchase and Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated July 5'h and 6`"'witti respect to the Calldns Property (the "Option Agreement"};. and WHEREAS, the Developer is seeking approval from the City of South Agreement flora Planned a Planned Unit Development (hereinafter TUll) (referred tom Opho Residential Development) to be constructed on the Calkins Properly, WHEREAS, in order to. construct its proposed PUD, the Developer maydecisiobe requirednd to obt an local, state, and federal,peimits, approvals, rulings, judgments related to the same; seek WHEREAS, to the extent necessary, Calkins desires to grant theDeveloper alp permission dtto join any and all permits and approvals for the Developers PUD on and all permits in as a co -applicant and otherwise cooperate with the Developer in obtaining any and approvals for the Developer's PUD; NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual covenants te are hereby acknowledged, the set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of w Developer and Calkins agree as follows: 1 To the extent necessary, Calkins hereby grants the Developer permission to seek any and rovals, judgments, decisions, rulings, appeals or other actions that all permits, app Developer, in its sole and unfettered discretion, deems necessary or advisable for Developer's proposed PUD. Calldns further agrees to cooperate, and if necessary serve as a co -applicant, on any permit application or other approval sought by Developer and in any appeal therefrom. 2 Calkins and Developer hereby agree that the Developer, norin issole exercised absolute discretion, shall have no obligation to consttuc rights under any permit or approval granted to it. Developer shall be responsible for compliance with said permits to the extent that it develop the PUD, and has..not igned any permit provided for herein or is required to do so b the terms of any pen-nithe event of non -development and non -assignment of the permits. 409597 y2:6346-00007 Calkins and Developer further agree that Developer, in its sole and absolute discretion, and to the extent allowed by law, may assign any permit or approval issued to Developer in connection with its proposed PUD to any party, including but not limited to a homeowner association, condominium association or similar entity. 4. Calkins and Developer hereby agree that should Developer assign any permit issued to Developer in connection with Developer's proposed PUD Developer's assignee shall assume full responsibility for compliance with said permit and should the Calkins Property or any portion thereof be sold, the purchaser of the Calkins Property shall take the Calkins Property subject to any permits or conditions pertaining to the Calkins Properly. The assignee shall agree to the same. Calkins hereby agrees that Calkins shall look solely to the Developer's assignee after said assignment. In the event the Developer chooses not to construct or proceed with the Developer's proposed PUD, and the Developer chooses not to assign its interest in permits and approvals to another party, any pennits and approvals issued in connection with the Developer's proposed PUD and any plans, reports, surveys and other information relating to the permits and approvals shall be assigned by the Developer to Calkins upon the request of Calkins. In the event that the Developer assigns its interest in the permits and approvals to Calkins, Calkins shall assume all risks and responsibilities relating to said permits and approvals. 6. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be amended except by an instrument signed by both parties to this Agreement. 7. lii the event the terms and conditions of this Amendment conflict with the terms and conditions of the Option Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall control. In witness hereof, the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the dates shown herein. In the presence of 1 10 Aiol�-?o �- ,3 Witness Print Name: M I M GIl e- hW, af- Date: March +h 2005 T Witness Print Name: C'Ff1¢rr e ,r-r Date: March2405 409597 d1:8346-00007 th V lage Co r C Duly Authorized Agent Print Namc: DA✓jO .SCSI t LL Ee— B : �� - �' y Paul R. Calkins James Bouyea 4139 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05401 The Snyder Companies 15 Brickyard Essex Jct., VT 05452 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 37 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Michael Bouvier 31 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Mark & Deborah Fay 188 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 D,f�-7-i O t 12-2-0°5 Patrick & Juanita Clifford 4047 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Littleton & Carolyn Long 1720 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Robert F. Cooper (ref. 1505 Dorset St.) 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Littleton Long 1702 Spear Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Tonya Bosworth/Anthony Maietta Susan C. Bliss 192 Catkin Drive 197 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Brian & Carolyn Terhune 35 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dorset Farms Commons Assoc. c/o MBL Associates 25 Pinecrest Drive Essex Jct., VT 05452 Bhagwat & Gita Mangla 195 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto 33 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Kirk & Nancy Weed 190 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dirk & Deborah Marek 193 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Ritika Paul Philip & Darcy Carter Anthony & Nancy Bianchi 191 Catkin Drive 187 Catkin Drive 29 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 fames & Christina Robert Jared & Karen Larrow Pasquale & Deborah Distefano 79 Bower Street 77 Bower Street 75 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 So. Burlington, VT 05403 Donald and Lisa Anqwin 73 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Robert and Amy Kakalec 41 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Pierre Heroux & Susan Mabey 92 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Ahmed & Arwa Ginawi 76 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Jeff and Lisa Palmer 189 Catkin Drive So. Burlington, VT 05403 Erwin Cohen & Dana Farr 39 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 John & Sandra Cardamone 80 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 David & Linda Ritner 43 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Stephen Lane & S. Tenebaum 27 Floral Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Patrick & Mary Ellen Forgione 78 Bower Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 1 April 27, 2006 928 Falls, Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Final Plat Application Dear Ms. LaRose: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Please find enclosed 5 full size copies of the revised Sheet S1.3 plat plan and one copy of an 11" x 17" reduced size version. This plan has been revised to include the view protection zone location and height limitations for those lots located within the view protection zone. This plan has also been revised to correct the side yard and rear yard setbacks depicted on the plan, while also updating the street names to reflect those on the Planning Commission approved list. Lastly, a point of clarification on the proposal to recon truct the existing White house located on Lot 11A. The applicant is seeking pe mission from the City to reconstruct this building at the same or greater set back from Spear Street. Due to its current condition, the building is beyond economical restoration. The applicant is seeking to remove the building to provide additional space for a temporary contractor's trailer/laydown area. After the phase I infrastructure is complete, the replacement building would then be constructed. The period of time between removal and replacement could be two to three years. This completes our summary of the changes that are reflected in the Phase I Final Plat plan. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, Project Engineer Attachments: 1 set of 11" x 17" plans, 5 sets of full size plans cc: M. Holgate (w/ 3 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosure) C:\1Let\01243\Phase 1\LaRose-Fina1.1et2.wpd CAVIL EN IGINEERIl IG A'S,SUCIArt_,::;. Il IC� 928 Falls Road P.G. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 April 7, 2006 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Assistant Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village PRD Calkins / South Village Communities, LLC Phase I Preliminary Plat Amendment Application Proposed Reconfiguration of Roadways/Lots Dear Ms. LaRose: Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Now after having received the amendment to the preliminary plat approval to reflect the consolidation of the roads crossing the wetland, South Village Communities, LLC is submitting this final plat application for Phase I which encompasses the following components: Approval of a 71 lot subdivision comprised of 59 lots for the single, duplex and triplex structures, one lot (lot 11A) for the redevelopment of the existing house site (pending submittal of a new site plan); deferrals of development on eight (8) open space lots (lots 1, 15, 20, 26A, 31A, 47, 48, 49), deferrals of development on three (3) lots pending approval of separate site plan applications for those future multi -family buildings (located on lots 2 and 50) and the school on Lot 11. In order to assist in the review of the plan submittal we have summarized the conditions and staff comments below and have provided a status update of each of the required action items. AMENDED PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect, except as amended herein. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant, and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 3. The plans shall be revised prior to final plat submittal as follows: a. The plans shall be revised to depict the building envelopes as in compliance with the dimensional standards approved in the Master Plan. These revisions have been implemented into the revised Plat Plan, Sheet S-1.3. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 2 of 13 April 7, 2006 b. The cover sheet shall be revised to list the setbacks as approved during the Master Plan process. These values are now integrated into that summary. C. The plans shall be revised to remove the building envelopes currently being shown on some of the proposed common lots. The future multi -family buildings and school building have been removed in favor of a note identifying the need to acquire Site Plan approval from the DRB. d. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the South Burlington City Engineer, as outlined in his memorandums dated June 2, 2005, and February 3, 2006, prior to submittal of the final plat application. These changes have been implemented into the plans. Please see the responses listed later on under "City Engineer Comments". e. The plans, specifically Sheet C4.10, shall be revised to show the westerly boundary of the Spear Street right-of-way. This sheet and the accompanying sheets now depict the right-of-way on the west side of Spear Street. f. The roadway plans shall be revised to the mutual satisfaction of the City Engineer, Director of Public Works, and Fire Chief. This is understood. g. The plans shall be revised to depict all wetlands and buffer barriers on the site plan. These layers have been turned on for the site grading plans. h. The plans shall be revised to indicate the maximum building heights for the five (5) lots that intersect the Spear Street — Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay District, as outlined in Section 10.03(F) of the Land Development Regulations. Plat Plan Sheet C1.3 has been revised to include the maximum heights of the buildings on those lots impacted by the Spear Street - North View Protection Zone. A copy of the computations is attached. The plans shall be revised to include the approved street names and E 9-1-1 addresses. The street names have been revised to reflect the approved 9-1-1 names. The proposed 9-1-1 street address numbers are depicted on Sheet C10.0. BAe. (ten+h.i.�riroQnco Page 3 of 13 April 7, 2006 The street tree planting plan shall be revised to meet the satisfaction of the City Arborist and the Fire Chief. Please refer to the February 6, 2006 letter from the Fire Chief concerning the placement of the trees. We have responded to each of the comments from the City Arborist later on within this letter. 4. The applicant shall comply with the requests of the South Burlington City Engineer, as outlined in his memorandums dated June 2, 2005, and February 3, 2006, prior to submittal of the final plat application. The requested sewer capacity study was originally submitted to Mr. Szymanski on February 1, 2005. A copy of this study was forwarded to staff at the Preliminary Plat hearing on February 7, 2006. 5. The South Burlington Water Department shall review the water plans and provide a final set of comments prior to final plat approval. We have responded to each one of the most recent comments from the Water Department in a related section later on in this summary. We will forward on a set of plans directly to Jay Nadeau for his review and comment. 6. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. We believe that the requirements of these two sections have been met with the submitted plan package and associated specifications. However, this would also be an acceptable condition of approval. 7. The applicant shall submit a revised traffic impact study based on the changes proposed as part of this amendment with the final plat submittal. Please find enclosed a copy of the March 14, 2006 letter from Mr. Rick Chelman, indicating that if a mini -roundabout is constructed at the intersection of the former D Street and L Street that there would be negligible changes in the traffic circulation and volumes 8. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the Natural Resources Committee as outlined in the minutes of their July 22, 2004 and January 5, 2006 meetings. 1. Phase in east -west roadway based on City need and/or project need; This has been addressed in the previously approved phasing agreement. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 4 of 13 April 7, 2006 2. If the east -west road is constructed, the NRC recommends: A. wildlife -friendly design features - A low profile is proposed at the east crossing to mimic the existing conditions. The west crossing will be a bridge to facilitate the corridor use. B. wetland protection features - This has been implemented with the use of the bridge and steepened slopes and narrowed pavement widths to reduce the footprint widths and associated impacts. 3. Locate bike paths and pedestrian paths in a manner that minimizes wetland impacts; These have been brought in adjacent to the roadway so that there is one and not multiple impacts. A. If wetland experts disagree on the delineation at the DRB meeting, the NRC recommends that the DRB invoke technical review; This has been done. B. No pesticide application; This is an acceptable condition. C. No mowing in wetlands and/or their buffers; This is acceptable except that some quiet paths are located in the buffers while some buffers within the heart of the project are totally being eliminated. D. Disturbance of wetland vegetation should be limited to remediation activities; This is an acceptable condition. E. No planting non-native species in wetlands or their buffers. This is the heart of the Restoration Plan concepts. This is an acceptable condition. F. That the bridge crossings avoid the use of pressure treated wood; This is an acceptable condition for the Quiet Path crossing (this crossing is not proposed as part of Phase 1). The street bridge west crossing will be reviewed to determine the most sensitive preservative method to enable the use of a sustainable bridge material. 9. Pursuant to Section15.18 (B)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall submit a plan for the management and maintenance of the dedicated open spaces created through the Master Plan. The management and maintenance plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning and Zoning, prior to final plat approval for Phase 1. Any issues on which the Director of Planning and Zoning seeks technical review shall be conducted at the applicant's expense. Please find attached the latest version of the Community Land Management Plan for the project. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 5 of 13 April 7, 2006 10. The South Burlington Fire Chief shall review the plans and provide a final set of comments prior to final plat approval. We have submitted plans directly to the Chief for his review and comment. 11. The applicant shall submit lighting cut sheets as part of the final plat submission. Please find attached the cut sheets for the proposed lighting for this project. The street lighting is proposed to be minimal, primarily at intersections of public streets. 12. The applicant shall submit street lighting details and cut sheets, as part of the final plat submission. The lighting details are depicted on Sheet C8.0. 13. All of the proposed roadways and sidewalks shall be compatible with the approved Master Plan. The proposed roadway widths and presence of sidewalks is consistent with the typical sections included in the Master Plan approval. In fact the same typical sections are included except that the fence locations have been adjusted per the comments from Bruce Hoar. 14. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 15. Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any dumpsters and utility cabinets on the site shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 16. The applicant shall submit information on the estimated landscaping costs associated with the proposed three-family dwelling units with the final plat application. Please find attached a listing of the estimated landscaping costs for this building 17. Pursuant to Section 13.06(G) of the Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall submit a landscape budget indicating the value of the proposed site landscaping and street tree landscaping, with the final plat application. The site landscaping budget shall be separated from the street tree landscaping budget. The restoration plan is not proposed to be initiated with Phase I so no budget is being submitted at this time. Please find attached a copy of the landscaping estimate for the street Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 6 of 13 April 7, 2006 scape. The remaining site development components are attached as a separate sheet. 18. The South Burlington City Arborist shall review the landscaping plans and provide a final set of comments prior to final plat approval. This is understood. 19. The screening of the utility cabinets shall be approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board as an amendment to the final plat. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 20. The applicant shall pay all applicable impact fees prior to issuance of the zoning permit for each unit. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 21. Pursuant to Section 15.08 (D) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall submit homeowner's association legal documents with the final plat application. The documents that include language that: W up a. ensures that the garages will not be converted to living space; b. prohibits the storage and parking of recreational vehicles within the development; C. prohibits clearing of land, disturbance of land, or application of pesticides within wetlands or wetland buffers, except for the Class III wetland on Lot 16 and the Class III wetland to the west of Lot 20; d. ensures that the association shall assume all maintenance responsibilities for the sewage pumping station; e. ensures that the association shall assume all maintenance responsibilities for the stormwater drainage facilities until such time as a future City stormwater utility accepts the stormwater infrastructure. Please find attached one copy of the Master Homeowner Associations's legal documents. 22. The final plat application shall include a Certificate of Title as required pursuant to Section 15.17 of the South Burlington Land Development Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 7 of 13 April 7, 2006 Regulations. This section requires the submittal of a document that identifies all the property and easements to be dedicated to the City. Please find attached an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication and Certificate of Title. We have also attached the original Title Opinion issued for the project for your review. This will be updated to reflect the surveyed acreage values for the property. 23. Pursuant to Section 15.17 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, prior to issuance of the first zoning permit or start of utility or road construction, the applicant shall submit all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g. irrevocable offer of dedication and warranty deed for proposed public roads, utility, sewer, drainage, water, and recreation paths, etc.) to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington Land Records. Please find attached a draft of the proposed offer of dedication of associated roads and easements to the City of South Burlington. 24. Prior to the start of construction of the improvements described in the condition above, the applicant shall post a bond which covers the cost of said improvements. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 25. Pursuant to Section 15.14(E)(2) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, within 14 days of the completion of required improvements (e.g. roads, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc.) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer, "as -built" construction drawings certified by a licensed engineer. This is acceptable as a final condition of approval. 26. The applicant shall submit for final plat approval within 12 months. Provided that this application is deemed complete, this final plat application has been submitted within the 12 month period commencing on February 7, 2006. CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS 02/03/06 1. Comments submitted in memo dated 6/2/05 have not been addressed on plans submitted 2/2/06. Acknowledged. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 8 of 13 April 7, 2006 2. In memo dated 9/2/04, a study of down stream sewer main capacity was requested. A copy of this study shall be submitted. A copy of this study was resubmitted on February 7, 2006. 06/02/05 1. The intersection of Allen Road and Spear Street shall include concrete curb at the radii. This has been added to the plans on Sheet C5.3. 2. Sewer M.H. #13 should be moved northerly 100 ft. This has been implemented into the plans on Sheet C6.1. 3. Five hydrants must be at least 5 feet from road edge. Additional location requirement information has been shown on the water detail sheet for the hydrant. While the site plans have been revised where appropriate, due to the scale of the plans and legend character for the hydrant, it may appear at locations that the five (5) foot value is not being achieved. In this case the requirements of the typical detail will supercede the site plan. Please note that the standards from Jay Nadeau provide some additional flexibility to the site contractor as it requires the hydrant to be placed between four (4) and six (6) feet from the curb. 4. All lots shall have provisions for footing drains shown on the plans. The combined roadway underdrain/footing drain is now depicted on Sheets C5.1 through C5.3 5. Lot #6 shall show a sewer connection. This lot is intended to be an open space lot therefore no service was proposed at this location. 6. Corner lots shall have 20' x 20' sight easements and should be shown on the plans. The plat plan Sheet S1.3 depicts these easements. 7. Sewage pumping stations shall be private and built outside of the street R.O.W. It is understood that the wastewater pumping station will be privately owned and maintained. The main pumping station on the east side of Phase I has been relocated out of the public right-of-way. 8. Sewer, water, and force mains within private streets will be privately maintained by the homeowners. In accordance with the requirements of the Water Department that the water main be located within the public right-of-ways and that Bruce Hoar stated that all sewer mains shall be within the public right-of-ways, the Site Utility Plans C6.1 - C6.2 have been revised to adopt this policy. It is duly noted that the stormwater Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 9 of 13 April 7, 2006 utilities located outside of the public right-of-way will be privately owned and maintained. 9. Concrete monuments shall be set delineating street R.O.W. including private streets. They shall be set at all corners and at curve P.C. and P.T. (S1.3) shall show their locations. Sheet A1.3 has been updated to reflect this requirement. 10. Some of these comments have been addressed on plans received May 25, 2005. Duly noted. June 7, 2005 From: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director Below are my comments on the South Village plans for the meeting on June 7, 2005. • Fences appear in some of the cross sections of the road typicals. Fences cannot be in what will be city right of way. The roadway typical section sheets C4.1 - C4.4 have been revised to provide at least 3' of separation from the edge of the sidewalk to the proposed fences. We propose that a condition of approval be added stating that the fences located within the public right-of-way will not be entitled to any protections by the City. • We did agree on some landscaping features within the ROW but the property owner needs to know that we will not be responsible for damage due to maintenance of our ROW. This is an acceptable condition of approval. • Mail boxes and newspaper boxes must be according to Post Office Heights. This is an acceptable condition of approval. • No brick or mortar on sanitary/stormwater manholes or catch basins. Concrete risers or other public works approved risers. The detail sheets have been revised to eliminate the reference to the use of brick for adjusting frame elevations. • All pipe openings in structures to be booted. The detail sheets have been revised to eliminate the options for grouting the pipes and now only calls for the use of boots. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 10 of 13 April 7, 2006 • L-Street elevations seem to disappear for CB 77-78-79-80-81-82 and outfall. L Street construction is not proposed as part of this phase of the project. The sheets depicting the storm drainage run to the Stormwater Management Facility #2 are now depicted in more detail. • All crosswalks to be block type. All pavement markings to be permanent materials. We have eliminated the proposed "Zebra" striping in favor of the "Piano Keys" striping for the crosswalks and have added the note that the paint shall be VAOT compliant durable markings. • Truncated domes at all ADA assessable ramps. This requirement and details are outlined on Sheet C8.1. Nonetheless, this is an acceptable condition of approval. We would offer the use of the cast iron truncated dome assemblies used on the Winooski Downtown Development project as these provide superior durability at the risk of some initial staining of the surrounding concrete. • No rebar in any concrete. The rebar depicted in the flush curbing at the driveway crossings has been removed from the detail on Sheet C5.4. • All sewer lines should be in the center of City streets and not down the private roads. Sheets C6.1 and C6.2 have been revised to reflect this policy. This memo is in addition to past memos on this project. City Arborist Comments 8/11/04 The species selection and distribution look good overall. Following are a number of recommendations? 1. The species and cultivar of cherry needs to be specified. This has been added to Sheet L-2. 2. The clay soils in this area of the city are often slightly alkaline and for this reason Freeman Maple may be a better choice than Red Maple as it is less apt to suffer micronutrient deficiency. Red Maple is acceptable provided that soil tests show the soils to be acidic. The Freeman Maple has generally been substituted for the Red Maple. Additional soil testing is a good idea and is an acceptable condition of approval. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 11 of 13 April 7, 2006 3. 1 wouldn't recommend planting A -Street entirely with "Princeton" and "Liberty" elm. Both trees are American Elm cultivars, which have shown resistance to Dutch Elm disease, but susceptibility could still become an issue. "Liberty" Elm has also shown susceptibility to elm yells disease. "Accolade" Elm is a possible substitution for "Liberty" Elm. The street tree mix has been changed in this area to include "Turkish Fibert". The Liberty Elm has been removed from the project mix. 4. I'm uncertain from the plant key which trees are Japanese Tree Lilac and which are Columnar Red Maple. The Japanese Tree Lilac has been eliminated from the Legend. Specifications 1. Tree Planting Detail should be included. This is depicted on Sheet L-8. 2. Add specification that no tree planting shall be undertaken until finish grading is complete. This note is depicted on Sheet L-2 3. Any fertilizer and lime applications must be based on a soil test. The rates recommended in the specifications are excessive. This is an acceptable condition of approval. 4. Add a clause stating that all street tree plantings shall conform to the Arboricultural Specifications and Standards of Practice of the City of South Burlington (available trough the City Planning Office or the City Arborist). This note has been added to Sheet L-2 SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT July 29, 2005 1. The SBWD shall be notified prior to backfilling to inspect all joints, fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, water line crossings, and testing. This note is on Sheet C9.2 Note 13. 2. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. Duly noted. 3. A hard copy set of As-Builts as well as one electronic copy in Auto- CAD.DWG Version 14 Format or newer shall be supplied to this department upon completion of the water system improvements. This is an acceptable condition of approval. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 12 of 13 April 7, 2006 4. The poor copy conditions on the copy we reviewed do not adequately show curb stop locations. These locations must be provided to the SBWD prior to final approval. We apologize for the reproduction quality of the plans. Original color plans will be submitted to the Water Department directly for review. 5. Generally, water line, hydrant, and gate valve locations are not clearly represented on these plans. Again, this is a byproduct of the reproduction quality. Sheet Specific Comments 1. Sheet C-6.3 a. The proposed 12" water main shall be connected to the Spear Street water main on the west side of Spear Street. A pressure -reducing vault with an approved pressure -reducing valve shall be installed on the proposed water main east of this intersection on the north side of the new road from South Village to Spear Street across from Allen Road, in the green belt. This will require the boring and sleeving under Spear Street for the new water main, and a wet tap on Spear Street on the existing 12" water main. There will also have to be installed a second sleeve of the same size or larger, for a future water line that will connect from the SB Main Service area to this water distribution system. The note on the plans requiring the 12" line be capped must be removed. (This has not been done.) This has now been done. It must be understood that the water supply direction for this project will be from the connection pint on Midland Avenue. The PRV and piping on Spear Street will supply a second supply point to the Spear Street area; the Spear Street line cannot supply water to this project. The PRV shall be set according to pressures agreed to with the Champlain Water District. The PRV vault and assembly instructions must be provided to this Department for review and comment prior to construction starting. The submittal of the PRV Vault design for review and approval prior to the start of construction is an acceptable condition of approval. 2. Sheet C-9.2 a. Allowable hydrants per the "CWD Specifications" include the Kennedy K81-A, Mueller Centurion, and Waterous Pacer. The same model should be used throughout this project. Waterous Pacer hydrants require a "Boston Operating Nut". The specifications on Sheet C9.2 have been revised to reflect this requirement. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 13 of 13 April 7, 2006 3. Sheets C4.4 - C4.7 a. The correct water line sizes should be used in all future Road Profiles. (This has still not been changed on sheets C4.4-4.7. Those sheets still show 6" water lines in some Road Profiles.) These sizes have been corrected on the profile sheets C4.1 - C4.4. This completes our summary of the changes that are reflected in the Phase I Final Plat plan package. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Res , David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Application & Application Fee ($510.00) 1 Set of 11" x 17" Plans, 5 Sets of Full Size Plans VPZ Building Height Calculations Chelman Traffic Letter Community Land Management Plan Lighting Cut Sheets Streetscape Landscaping Budget Remaining Site Landscape Budget Master Homeowner's Association Document (under separate cover) Title Opinion Irrevocable Offer of Dedication - Draft CC: M. Holgate (w/ 3 sets of enclosures) CEA File 01243.00 (w/ enclosures) \\Dave\11eN1243\Phase 1\LaRose-Fina1,1et.wpd RECREATION PATH COMMITTEE May 1, 2006 The Recreation Path Committee held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 1, 2006, at 7 pm in the small conference room at the city office building. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lou Bresee, Chair; David Jacobowitz, Vice Chair; Ed Darling, Secretary; Barry Carris, Bill Cimonetti, Rick Hubbard, and Donna Leban. ALSO PRESENT: Tom Hubbard, Recreation Director; Dave Marshall, representing Meadowlands Business Park; and Tim McKenzie, representing Technology Park. The minutes of the April 1 Oth meeting were approved. In relation to the Meadowland Business Park development, Mr. Marshall reviewed the current plan. An off -road rec path is planned along Swift St. Extension, the main street through the development. There is also an easement running along the north side of the property. In relation to the South Village Communities development, Mr. Marshall reviewed the current plan. Some kind of fence or hedge may be included for the portion of the path along the east side of phase 1 in the vicinity of a retention pond. The committee would like the path to be built 10 feet from the pond. Mr. McKenzie, representing Technology Park, discussed the location of sidewalks and paved and unpaved paths in the park. We talked about the possibility of constructing a path along the edge of the property bordering the Interstate in the vicinity of a state - designated conservation zone. The planned path, indicated by the black line on the current plan, would be constructed in segments by various owners of the proposed buildings that would be built on Community Drive. There is an issue involving rec path and sidewalk construction, and storm -water permits. The committee believes that all of Community Drive should include a paved recreational path. To accomplish this purpose, this path would not necessarily need to be constructed adjacent to Community Drive at all points. The Muddy Brook project crossing is being discussed in Williston this evening and will be discussed by the So. Burlington City Council on May 15, and then by a state board in June. A letter of intent needs to be submitted to the Vermont Agency of Transportation by June 2 to be considered for an AOT Enhancement Grant. The Spear Meadows project hearing was held last week, and Act 250 approval is expected. The next meeting will be Monday, June 5, 2006 at 7 pm in the small conference room in the city office building. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ed Darling, Secretary RECREATION PATH COMMITTEE May 1, 2006 The Recreation Path Committee held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 1, 2006, at 7 pm in the small conference room at the city office building. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lou Bresee, Chair; David Jacobowitz, Vice Chair; Ed Darling, Secretary; Barry Carris, Bill Cimonetti, Rick Hubbard, and Donna Leban. ALSO PRESENT: Tom Hubbard, Recreation Director; Dave Marshall, representing Meadowlands Business Park; and Tim McKenzie, representing Technology Park. The minutes of the April 1 Oth meeting were approved. In relation to the Meadowland Business Park development, Mr. Marshall reviewed the current plan. An off -road rec path is planned along Swift St. Extension, the main street through the development. There is also an easement running along the north side of the property. In relation to the South Village Communities development, Mr. Marshall reviewed the current plan. Some kind of fence or hedge may be included for the portion of the path along the east side of phase 1 in the vicinity of a retention pond. The committee would like the path to be built 10 feet from the pond. Mr. McKenzie, representing Technology Park, discussed the location of sidewalks and paved and unpaved paths in the park. We talked about the possibility of constructing a path along the edge of the property bordering the Interstate in the vicinity of a state - designated conservation zone. The planned path, indicated by the black line on the current plan, would be constructed in segments by various owners of the proposed buildings that would be built on Community Drive. There is an issue involving rec path and sidewalk construction, and storm -water permits. The committee believes that all of Community Drive should include a paved recreational path. To accomplish this purpose, this path would not necessarily need to be constructed adjacent to Community Drive at all points. The Muddy Brook project crossing is being discussed in Williston this evening and will be discussed by the So. Burlington City Council on May 15, and then by a state board in June. A letter of intent needs to be submitted to the Vermont Agency of Transportation by June 2 to be considered for an AOT Enhancement Grant. The Spear Meadows project hearing was held last week, and Act 250 approval is expected. The next meeting will be Monday, June 5, 2006 at 7 pm in the small conference room in the city office building. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ed Darling, Secretary May 1, 2006 Civil Engineering Associates Mr. Dave Marshall P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 RE: South Village Dear Dave: The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the latest set of plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below and refer also to all previous comments on this project applicable to the water line and appurtenance installation. 1. The attached Application for Water Allocation must be completed and returned to the South Burlington Water Department as soon as possible. As your project continues, the Application for Water Allocation will need final approval from this Department, which will be contingent upon available water storage capabilities within the City. Current water distribution system upgrades have been substantially completed that should allow for the construction of your project, pending approval of all other local and State requirements. 2. Based upon the final water allocation request, water service fees shall be applied to the project based on the current Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council, and therefore subject to change prior to completion of the project. 3. All water installation work and water distribution material must comply with the "CWD Specifications". Details for this project must be the same as those within the above referenced CWD Specifications. 4. The above referenced CWD Specifications state that no water lines shall be installed after November 15 or before April 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent. The Superintendent may restrict work before November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions. 5. Mechanical joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or a Department approved equal grip ring. 6. Fire hydrants shall be placed at each intersection, with a maximum of 500' between hydrants. Fire hydrant assemblies shall consist of an anchor tee connected directly to a six-inch RW gate valve, the appropriate length of 6" DI pipe, the fire hydrant, and appropriate thrust block. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned CWD Specifications, and a hydrant flag shall be supplied with :f 7. each hydrant at the time of installation. Hydrant shall have all drains plugged prior to installation. Note: Waterous fire hydrants must be installed with a "Boston Operating Nut." Corporations shall be Mueller B-25008 or Cambridge brass. Curb stops shall be Mueller B-25209 or Cambridge brass. All brass unions and adapters shall be Mueller or Cambridge brass. Sheet Specific Comments: Note: All station locations are approximate. a. Sheet C-6.1: i. There is a 12xl2 Tee, 12x8 Reducer, 12" Gate Valve, and 8" Gate valve shown at Station 224+50 on Allen Road East that does not coincide with a water line. Please identify the correct location for this tee and valves or remove it from your plans. ii. Much of the water line on Blade Street is shown as being constructed in the road. The water line must be located behind the curb, in the green belt between the curb and sidewalk. This shall be the case for all water lines within this project. iii. The same comment can be made for portions of the water line on Allen Road East. iv. The water line on Allen Road East is shown as requiring two-90 degree bends where it crosses the road near station 221+20. This Department prefers the installation of two 45degree bends with joint restraints and appropriate thrust blocks. v. It does not appear necessary to install an 8" gate valve at station 220+80 with gate valves at station 219+50 and station 227+00. A preferred location would be in the middle of these two stations. vi. Any location on these plans that show a change in direction of the water line which requires a bend must be identified on the plans with the appropriate sized bend (ex. 45 degree bend) b. Sheet C-6.2 i. At approximate station 8+25 you have designed a fire hydrant installation at a 90-degree bend with three 8" gate valves. This location shall have two 45-degree bends installed with one 8" gate valve. The hydrant shall be located on the west side of the western 45-degree bend, near the sidewalk crossing. ii. Please refer to note a-ii from C-6.1 above for several water locations on this sheet. iii. There is no identification of what is to be installed at the point of intersection on South Jefferson Road and the water line (unknown size) leading to the east. (See note a -I from C-6.1 above). c. Sheet C-6.3 i. This Department would like to review the detail of the PRV at your earliest convenience. d. Sheet C-6.4 i. There is no identification of what is to be installed at the point of intersection on South Jefferson Road and the 12" water line leading to Midland Drive. (See note a-i from C-6.1 above). r ii. The valve configuration at station 11+30 on the line to Midland Drive should be a 12x12x8x8 cross, not a tee as shown. e. Sheet C4.4 i. Water line sizes are still identified as 6" on several of the road profiles on this page. ii. The water line on the "L" Street profile must go around the bridge system, not underneath the system as shown. f. Sheet C4.5 i. Water line sizes are still identified as 6" on several of the road profiles on this page. g. Sheet C4.6 i. Water line sizes are still identified as 6" on several of the road profiles on this page. h. Sheet C6.0 i. Typical Hydrant Installation: The water line is shown as being in the road in this detail. Water lines shall be placed behind the curb within the ROW. ii. All fittings shall be restrained with Mega -Lug retainer glands or approved equal. iii. Air Release Manholes- The vent tube4 may be required to be run to a location so as not to be a hazard for pedestrians or traffic. Vent tube locations must be determined on a case -by -case basis. All air release structures must be set far enough away from nearby fire hydrants to avoid flooding during routine or emergency use of the fire hydrants. g. Sheet C6.0 i. All Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe for this project shall be installed with polyethylene pipe encasement. ii. Pipe testing: Maximum pipe test lengths shall be approximately 1,000 feet. Longer lengths may be approved on a case -by -case basis. 9. Fire flow conditions must be able to meet the requirements stated in the CWD specifications, as well as meeting any conditions set forth by the Fire Department. A minimum 35 psi rule under normal conditions, and a minimum 20 psi rule under fire flow conditions may be limited in this project area. Sufficient engineering and design must be incorporated in order to meet State Water Supply Rule and the above CWD Specification requirements. 10. Normal working pressure in the distribution system for this project shall be designed to produce 60 psi and not less than 35 psi. Further, the SBWD Specifications for Water Lines and Appurtenances requires all hydrants in a residential development be able to supply no less than 500 gpm. at 20 psi at the worst case hydrant residual pressure. The developer and his engineer are responsible for ensuring any hydraulic design for this project considers these requirements. The developer and engineer are responsible for all inadequacies in water supply pressure for fire and domestic requirements within this development, including those associated with the aforementioned changes. 11. The SBWD shall be sent any future hard copy plans involving this project for review. Future plans must include details and specifications as required in the above referenced Specifications. 12. The SBWD shall be notified prior to backfilling to inspect all joints, fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, water line crossings, and testing. 13. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. 14. A hard copy set of As-Builts as well as one electronic copy in Auto-CAD.DWG Version 14 Format or newer shall be supplied to this department upon completion of the water system improvements. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call me. Sincerely, Jay Nadeau Superintendent CC. Cathyann LaRose Doug Brent Plan Reviews: South Village 4-06 South Village Phase I Multi -Family Landscaping Review May 2, 2006 In accordance with discussions with P&Z Office staff, it was agreed that the aggregate landscaping budget would be based upon all of the multi -family buildings proposed as part of the Phase I approval. In this case there are six (6) triplex units proposed and 11 duplex units proposed . 1500 = Average square footage per unit 80 = Average const. cost per square foot Triplex Analysis 3 = Units per triplex $360,000 = Const Cost per triplex 6 = Number of triplex Units in Phase 1 $2,160,000 = Total Construction Cost Landscaping Requirement $7,500 First $250,000 $5,000 Second $250,000 16 600 Remaining Value at 1 % $29,100 Required $7,690 Listed Landscaping Value per Triplex Complex 6 = Number of triplex Units in Phase 1 $46,140 Total Landscaping Value Proposed Duplex Analysis 2 = Units per duplex $240,000 = Const Cost per duplex 11 = Number of duplex Units in Phase 1 $2,640,000 = Total Construction Cost Landscaping Requirement $7,500 First $250,000 $5,000 Second $250,000 21 400 Remaining Value at 1 % $33,900 Required $7,690 Listed Landscaping Value per Duplex Complex 11 = Number of duplex Units in Phase 1 $84,590 Total Landscaping Value Proposed South Village Phase I Landscaping Summary Remaining(noli-streetscape);Landscaptng;Costs ':: 4 I ✓A i 4 I^ F.Tr'Ad 4 S[yo �y� �'Y /� �, TiA p4 '�i''� JB ;4y{aL?� I,-j13"th,„ 'tlF'. Sin le Famll Home Lot Pla t Schedulel�r1� "'�'�i��r 1t�4 �SEI i3t�kc -- ... ,. .. soh w,�.es. �.cr<..m..e,,�;�9 H t,b,tibe ..x m�,. 0 4rN.,s1 Botanical Name Common Name Size City. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Pyrus communis Pear Trees 2-2.5" cal. 2 B&B $500.00 $1,000.00 Evergreen Trees Pinus Resinosa Red Pine Tree 8-10, 1 B&B $425.00 $425.00 Hedge/border Materials Woodwardi Arborvitae Arborvitae 3'4' 49 B&B $40.00 $1,960.00 Border Plantings Leatherwood 3-4' 18 B&B $60.00 $1,080.00 Ground Cover Materials Coin tonia Pere nna Sweet Fern 1 Gat Container 90 $10.00 $900 00 r 3iFT rurm s.$n3g,y IMi, 3r ij %, z Iza# Total $5,365.00 Duplex Lot Plant4SclieduleJU a ts) "� "r y-�3y �` fJIT ; �� � f� � � .. .n __... _ � ,A.d2.+M 0_5r14i 3•a.i'iiN,.�`i2,G.^'"4..�.u8..,3ur.'r•;K?u':h� .e» Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Pyrus communis Pear Trees 2-2.5" cal. 1 B&B $500.00 $500.00 Acer sacharunum Silver Maple Tree 2-2.5" cal. 1 B&B $500.00 $500.00 Malus coronaria Sweet Crabapple Tree 2-2.5" cal. 2 B&B $500.00 $1,000.00 Evergreen Trees Picea glauca White Spruce Trees 8-10' 2 B&B $425.00 $850.00 Hedge/border Materials Speria Japonica Spirea 1 Gal Container 11 $40.00 $440.00 Border Plantings Leatherwood 3'-4' 18 a&B $60.00 $1,080.00 Ground Cover Materials Mixed Perennial Garden Potted 100 $10.00 $1,000.00 Mixed Wildflower Garden Bed Seed 500 SF $1.00 $500.00 Total $5,870.00 ,�g[ +� 4 4>�r. y`Cs i'9 �1.y�-, ITr pleX Lot Plant Schetiule_� hree un ts) F � E ... _.._ a, ... _ _, . r � _ - - - Botanical Name Common Name Size Qty. Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Amelanchier Arborea Downy Servicebery 2-2.5" cal. 6 B&B $400.00 $2,400.00 Evergreen Trees Picea glauca White Spruce Trees 8-10' 2 B&B $425.00 $850.00 Hedge/border Materials Woodwardi Arborvitae Arborvitae 3'4' 31 B&B $40.00 $1,240.00 Spada Japonica Spirea 1 Gal Container 19 $40.00 $760.00 Border Plantings Leatherwood 3'4 9 B&B $60.00 $540.00 Ground Cover Materials Mixed Perennial Garden Potted 100 EA $10.00 $1,000.00 Coin tons Peregnna Sweet Fern 1 Gal Container 90 $10.00 $900 00 Total $7,690.00 .. ... .........m.�i^r r 4, -,,, .,.F.it"j' > ,s- �'r"eta Hyi b"Y. a•-*nks e 1;'ux �a�'z*,R'. OpenlSpace TreePlant�Schedule��1«g� Botanical Name Common Name Size otes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' Armstrong Red Maple 2-2.5" cal. 4 B&B $500,00 $2,000.00 Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak 2-2.5" cal. 6 B&B $590.00 $3,540.00 Quercus rubra Red Oak 2-2.5" cal. 5 B&B $515.00 $2,575.00 Ground Cover Materials Mixed Perennial Garden Potted 100 EA $10.00 $1,000.00 Con tons Peregnna Sweet Fem -3'-.''uA�ji 1 Gal Container 90 $10.00 $900 00 rr §d °K� .rk +,'" "�' ;Lp,i._ `'ICE ?�g �s i ;.u+ ='�'a �--;� vr,c F -sad, n p ear. :: '✓rs Jrxu_ia''a'a..Asa..7C3i3.:a:'�w.JALIa'iJd..n,sM.Ks:iS-ki'Nkk.°Ya�t!u`:You't6;.;Yi{<.`Yr..��4irx.�aJ..i.i'A:iS".w.aa°,r.ReA"tW �� Total $10,015.00 South village Phase I a 'ai1Id5Eta'.;?{uid'a.i„�St`ti�.�''kl%�i rk./�wa i3�1 al I,II,"ik ,„i'f? Street Tree Plant Schedule 4 „ �r72 Botanical Name Common Name Size q Notes Unit Cost Cost Deciduous Trees Acer x freemanil Freeman Maple 2-2.5" cal. 34 B&B $500.00 $17,000.00 Acer rubrum'Armstrong' Armstrong Red Maple 2-2.5" cal. 3 B&B $500.00 $1,500.00 Amelanchier x laevis Alleghany Serviceberry 10-12' multi -stem 40 B&B $590.00 $23,600.00 Corylus colurne Turkish Filbert 2-2.5" cal. 28 B&B $450.00 $12,600.00 Gymnocladus diolcus Kentucky Coffeetree 2-2.5" cal. 36 B&B $460.00 $16,560.00 Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak 2-2.5" cal. 37 B&B $590.00 $21,830.00 Quercus rubra Red Oak 2-2.5" cal. 32 B&B $515.00 $16,480.00 Sorbus decora Mountainash 2-2.5" cal. 24 B&B $400.00 $9,600.00 Ulmus amencana Princeton Princeton Elm 2-2 5 cal 45 B&B $650 00 $29 250 00 �.iSul.W I+F��i�?��i Evergreen Trees Picea glauca White Spruce 8-10' 37 B&B $500.00 $18,500.00 Pinus strobus White Pine $425 00 $14 875.00 t•' s� Nadal, [� fP��a 1 � :�8&B frry '.'fig 111 wn i Total $181,795.00 Note: • Landscape Architect to assist in selecting plant materials. • All street trees plantings shall conform to the Arboricultural Specifications and Standards of Practice of the Citv of South Burlinaton • No tree planting shall be undertaken until finish grading is completed f 22B I april 12-.19, 2006 1 SEVEN DAYS INLEGALS/SUPPORTGROUPS CONTRACTORS AND HOME: OWNERS: Cedar shingle dipping. Call for pricing 1-877-405-2004. DRYWALL DOCTOR: Expert dry- wall repair 27 years. 802-862- 1089. GENERAL CONTRACTOR, HANDYMAN SERVICE. 20 years experience. Fences, outbuildings, additions, remodeling, bath- rooms, kitchens, carpentry, plumbing, masonry, wiring, renewable energy systems. Fully insured. Extensive references. 518-425-0094. HENDERSON HAULERS: Moving services, local, Long distance, commercial, residential. 802- 309-1168. LAKE CHAMPLAIN PAINTING COMPANY: Expertise: Interior and exterior painting, wallpaper projects, removal and repair, cleaning and seating decks patios and fences. Free gutter cleaning. Senior citizen dis- count. Free estimate. Contact, Omer Alicic, 802-658-9275 or 802-324-7173. We look forward to painting your home soon! LEARN OR IMPROVE your Spanish with a Licensed VT Spanish teacher. Classes person- alized to leaning styles/profi- ciency levels. Call. for more info, 802-338-0209. QUALITY CAPENTRY and masonry work. Frame to finish, restorations and remodels. Fully insured work guaranteed. References available. 802- 224-6294. SPRING CLEANING: Weekly or by the job. Call Jill, 802- 373-2395. SPRING CLEANUP and Lawn mowing, competitive rates and free estimates. Call The Greener Side at 802-324-1327. STOPPED LISTENING TO your vinyl records and reel-to-reel tapes? Turn them into CDs (or DVDs) and unlock your coltec- tion! Call 603-966-4541 for info. SUMMER SITTING: Services include spotless home cleaning, dependable house and pet -sit- ting. Rates vary for jobs. I'm honest and thorough, ready to work! References available. 802- 734-6790. WEDDING VIDEOS last a Life- time! Made to perfection by professional with 5 years film industry experience. Book now, your wedding day memories are precious! Email justin_hare@ hotmail.com. ► volunteers VOLUNTEER BABYSITTERS: Needed for Vt. Refugee PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The. South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final plat application #SD-06- 20 of Homestead Design, Inc. to amend a previously approved planned unit development con- sisting of 89 multi -family units in 24 buildings. The amendment consists of: 1) a minor reloca- tion of building M, 2) minor site modifications to sidewalks, Patios, etc., and 3) landscaping modifications, Songbird Road. 2. Final plat application #SD-06- 21 of South Village Communities, LLC, for a planned unit development of Phase I consisting of 156 residential units and a 100 student educa- tional facility of a 334 unit resi- dential project, 1840 Spear Street. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Halt. April 12, 2006 STATE OF VERMONT Chittenden County, SS. Vermont Family Court Chittenden County In Re: T.M. Docket No. T.179-3-04 Cnjv Notice of Hearing To: Sean Porter, putative father of T.M. The State of Vermont has filed a petition to terminate your residual parental rights to T.M. You are hereby notified that a hearing to consider the termi- nation of all residual parental rights to T.M. will be held on Thursday, May 4, 2006 at 1:00 P.M. at the Family Court of Vermont, Chittenden County, 32 Cherry Street, Burlington, Vermont. You are notified to appear in connection with this case. Failure to appear at this hearing will result in the termi- nation of any rights you may have to T.M. The State is repre- sented by the Attorney General's Office, 32 Cherry Street, Suite You are hereby sum- moned and required to serve upon Corey J. Fortin, Esq.', plain- tiffs attorney, whose address.is P.O. Box 4493, 35 King Street, Burlington, Vermont 05406.; an Answer to plaintiff's Complaint in the above entitled action within forty-one (41) days.after the date of the first publication of this Summons, which is;March 29, 2006. If you fail to do so; judgment by default will be taken against you for the ;relief demanded in the Complaint. Your Answer must also be filed with the Court. Unless otherwise pro- vided in Rule 13(a). Your Answer must state as a Counterclaim any related claim which you may have against the plaintiff, or you will thereafter be barred from making such claim in any other action. YOUR ANSWER MUST STATE SUCH A COUNTER- CLAIM WHETHER OR NOT THE RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COM- PLAINT IS FOR DAMAGE COVERED BY A LIABILITY INSURANCE POL- ICY UNDER WHICH THE INSURER HAS THE RIGHT OR OBLIGATION TO CONDUCT THE DEFENSE. If you believe that the plaintiff is not entitled to all or part of the claim set forth in the Complaint, or if you believe that you have a Counterclaim against the plain- tiff, you may wish to consult an attorney. If you feel that you cannot afford to pay an attor- ney's fee, you may ask the clerk of the. Court for information about places where you;may seek legal assistance. Plaintiffs action is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated May 16, 2005. Plaintiffs action may. effect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the City of Burlington at Volume 392, Page 361. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chittenden, State of Vermont. It appearing from Affidavit duly filed in the above entitled action that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the methods prescribed in V.R.C.P. 4(d) through (f) inclu- sive, it is hereby ORDERED that. service of the above process shall be made upon defendant, Samuel Dimascola, by pu6tica- tion pursuant to V.R.C.P. 4(q). BEREAVED PARENT SUPPORT GROUP: Every first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Enosburg Falls, 10 Market Place, Main St. Parents, grandparents and adult siblings are welcomed. The hope is to begin a Compassionate Friends Chapter in the area. Info, please call Priscilla at 933-7749. BIPOLAR SUPPORT GROUP: Open to members. New Leader- ship. A forum for strength, humor and self-discovery. For information, call Emma at 802- 899-5418. CONCERNED U.NiTED BIRTH - PARENTS: A group offering sup- port if you have lost a child to adoption or are in reunion or have yet to begin your search. 802-849-2244. EATING DISORDERS PARENTAL SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with or at risk of anorexia or bulimia. Meetings 7- 9 p.m., third Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Community Church, Rt. 15, Essex Center. We focus on being a . resource and providing reference points for old and new ED par- ents. More information, call Peter at 802-899-2554. HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP: Second Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30. Community Health Center, second floor, 617 Riverside Ave., Burlington 802-355-8936. SAVINGS SUPPORT GROUP for all low, to moderate -income Vermonters who wish to have support around saving, budget- ing, managing or investing money. Call Diane at 802-860- 1417 x104 for information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Big book text, Mondays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Overeaters Anonymous, Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Suvivors of Incest Anonymous, Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Al - Anon Family Group, Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. "I Love Me", an educational support group on self care for suvivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Mondays, 5:30-7 p.m. Call AWARE, 802- 472-6463, 88 High Street, Hardwick. AUTISM SUPPORT DAILY: Free support group for parents of children with autism. 600 Blair Park Road, Suite 240, Williston. 1st Monday of each month, 7-9 p.m. Call Lynn, 802-660-7240, or visit us at http://www.Autism SupportDaity.com for more info. ARE YOU A CLOSET SINGER? Do you have a good voice (haven't made the dogs how[) but are afraid of fainting in pub- lic while oerformino? lnin a NW VT GAY AND LESBIAN Foster and Adoptive Parent Support Group: 6-8 p.m. Thr third Thursday of each mont starting October 20 through 2006. Casey Family Services, Main St., Winooski. AUTISM: Free support groul parents and caregivers of ch dren with ASO. Montpelier, Sunday of the month, 3-5 p. at the Family Center. Call Jessica, 249-7961 for child inquires. More info, www.aa ware.org. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MOT ERS OF CHILDREN WHO H. SURVIVED CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: The Women's Rape 1 Center in conjunction with Family Connection Center of a free, confidential, ten -wee support group, beginning or October 25. Info, 802-864-0 PARTNERS OF CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVOR Meet 4th Monday of month. R.U.1.2? Center, 34 Elmwooc Ave., 6:30-8 p.m. Call Timbe 310-3889 or email missmor pheusl@yahoo.com for mor, info. ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE anc Dementia support group. He the last Tuesday of every me at Birchwood Terrace, Burlington. Info, contact Stefanie Catella, 863-6384. WEEKLY SMOKING CESSAT. support group: Small.groups. Caring atmosphere. Stop smc in just 21 days using natural proven, safe methods. No unhealthy drugs. Call 264-1S WEEKLY WEIGHT -LOSS sup group: Small groups. Caring atmosphere. Get great result using natural, proven, safe methods. No unhealthy dieti Call 264-1924. FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUP PORT GROUP: If someone ii your family or one of your friends is in an abusive reLat ship, this new support group designed especially for you. Info, call Women Helping Battered Women 658-1996. PARENTING GROUP: 6-weel group for people parenting c dren of all ages now forming Please call RiverValley Associ for more information. 651-7° HAIR PULLERS SUPPORT GROUP: The Vermont TTM Support Group is a new supp group for adult pullers (18+) affected by trichotillomania (chronic hair pulling) as well parents of pullers. This will I supportive, safe, comfortable and confidential environment Meets on the 4th Monday of evPni mnnfh A_7•Zn n m Fi. 928 Falls Road P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, VT 05482 April 20, 2006 Mr. Craig Lambert, City Arborist City of South Burlington Department of Public Works 500 Patchen Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: South Village Residential Porject Final Plat Review Dear Mr. Lambert. - Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com In accordance with the request of Cathyann LaRose, Please find enclosed a partial set of the South Village Final Plat application plans. Sheets L-2 and L-8 relate directly to the proposed street trees and your comments are specificaly requested for these items. The remaining sheets generally relate to standard landscaping concepts for the private lots (L-3a, 3b and 4), buffer landscaping between certain lots and the wetlands (mandated by the Conservation Commission, Sheets L-7b and 7c)), plantings along the new recreation path (L-5, 7b), and Private Common areas (L-7a). Your comments as to appropriateness, especially when it comes to mandated components or plantings near the recreation path would be helpful also. We have summarized your earlier review comments and have provided responses to each to assist in your updated review of the project. City Arborist Comments 8111/04 The species selection and distribution look good overall. Following are a number of recommendations? The species and cultivar of cherry needs to be specified. This has been added to Sheet L-2. 2. The clay soils in this area of the city are often slightly alkaline and for this reason Freeman Maple may be a better choice than Red Maple as it is less apt to suffer micronutrient deficiency. Red Maple is acceptable provided that soil tests show the soils to be acidic. The Freeman Maple has generally been substituted for the Red Maple. Additional soil testing is a good idea and is an acceptable condition of approval. Mr. Craig Lambert Page 2 of 2 April 20, 2006 3. 1 wouldn't recommend planting A -Street entirely with "Princeton" and "Liberty" elm. Both trees are American Elm cultivars, which have shown resistance to Dutch Elm disease, but susceptibility could still become an issue. "Liberty" Elm has also shown susceptibility to elm yells disease. "Accolade" Elm is a possible substitution for "Liberty" Elm. The street tree mix has been changed in this area to include "Turkish Fibert". The Liberty Elm has been removed from the project mix. 4. I'm uncertain from the plant key which trees are Japanese Tree Lilac and which are Columnar Red Maple. The Japanese Tee Lilac has been eliminated from the Legend. Specifications 1. Tree Planting Detail should be included. This is depicted on Sheet L-8. 2. Add specification that no tree planting shall be undertaken until finish grading is complete. This note is depicted on Sheet L-2 3. Any fertilizer and lime applications must be based on a soil test. The rates recommended in the specifications are excessive. This is an acceptable condition of approval. 4. Add a clause stating that all street tree plantings shall conform to the Arboricultural Specifications and Standards of Practice of the City of South Burlington (available trough the City Planning Office or the City Arborist). This note has been added to Sheet L This completes our summary of the issues as we understand them. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Respectfully, —� David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures - Plans L-2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 7c, 8 cc: C. LaRose (no enclosure) CA1Let\01243\Phase 1\Lamher1,wpd Page 1 of 1 Betsy McDonough From: Betsy McDonough [emcdonough@sburl.com] Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 2:16 PM To: 'Michelle Holgate' Cc: 'Dave Marshall' Subject: South Village Staff Comments Attached are the comments from Staff regarding South Village. See you at the meeting on the 2" d! Betsy Betsy McDonough South Burlington Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 4/28/2006 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 ISI) - O(.0 — Z) April 12, 20o6 Rodolphe & Denise Vallee 4043 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy Mc onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Jon Anderson, Esq. ' dITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-41o6 April 12, 20o6 Paul Calkins PO BOX 82 Lyndonville, VT 05481 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." Please call our office at 846-41o6 if you have any questions Sincerely, C:9� � � �Jk Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: David Scheuer, Retrovest CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2oo6 Dan Wetzel Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a public hearing notice including an application in which you are an interested person. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, r� Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (8o2)846-41o6 April 12, 20o6 Dean Pierce, Planner Town of Shelburne PO Box 88 Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Mr. Pierce: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts the Town of Shelburne. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 April 12, 20o6 Colleen Haag, Clerk Town of Shelburne PO Box 88 Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Ms. Haag: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts the Town of Shelburne. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, "I Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. r CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-41o6 April 12, 20o6 Ruth Trevithick 1751 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, c "k- Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Mary Pappas 18og Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 April 12, 20o6 Stuart & Helen Hall 1815 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call. this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. . G ) l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 George & Shelley Vinal 1845 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Susan Walker William Reed 1967 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, q� U MOL) Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2oo6 Alan & Diane Sylvester 1985 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Harlan & John Sylvester 51 South Street Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 9C ry Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. } CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Carolyn E. Long 1720 Spear Street Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering,. through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, I Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. m CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802-)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Richard & Dawn Derridinger 1720 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, R C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Harold & Eleanor Bensen 1803 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you. to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough `J Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. I m CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Donald & Lynn Cummings 1811 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy cDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. a 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2006 Harry & Patricia Davison 1827 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, I on Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Mark S. Westergard Curt Moody 4606 Cedar Springs Road #821 Dallas, TX 75219 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, c� Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2006 Frank Costantino 1971 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, E): �. Betsy McDonough Planning &Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-41o6 April 12, 2oo6 John & Amy Averill 3985 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 1 11 E CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOU T H BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2006 Craig S. Bartlett, III 4047 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an. application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. I r CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 April 12, 2006 William & Gail Lang 1675 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, ()I Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2006 Janet Farina 1807 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 William & Ayse Floyd 1813 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Patricia Calkins 1835 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, C )\ayl-fl Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. II o CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-41o6 April 12, 20o6 Barbara Lande 1865 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 James & Paula Carroll 155 Chesapeake Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2oo6 Kenneth & Cheryl Goodwin 4012 Spear Street Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, L Betsy Mc onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Robert F. Cooper 7 Mariners Cove Shelburne, VT 05482 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, �C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4lo6 April 12, 20o6 Dorset Farms Homeowners Assoc c/o Property Management Assoc Scott Michaud PO Box 1201 Williston, VT 05495 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. E CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Mark & Deborah Fay 188 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, C75� Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Brian & Carolyn Terhune 35 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 1`� 1 Betsy Mc onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 April 12, 20o6 Anthony & Nancy Bianchi 29 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call . this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant. Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Pasquale & Deborah Distefano 75 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. t:. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (8o2)846-4io6 April 12, 2oo6 Peter & Gayle Conklin 67 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. E CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Tonya Bosworth Anthony Maietta 192 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, g-- Dlc)(Acu Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VI' 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Susan C. Bliss 197 Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2006 Stanley & Carolyn Pallutto 33 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 James & Christina Robert 79 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, "'�8N al-C) (—C4 Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Donald & Lisa Angwin 73 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, �C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 4 / t / ' CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Brian & Christine Sowle 50 Cabot Court South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy Mc onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ,. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING r 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 2006 Kirk & Nancy Weed Igo Catkin Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON h DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DOR,SET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Matthew & Beverly Broomhall 37 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, �U Oil) l Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING ' t 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Michael & Mary Elizabeth Bouvier 31 Floral Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, - R--1DaTuk-,-- Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 James & Karen Larrow 77 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 April 12, 20o6 Mitchel Cypes Lynan Moy 74 Bower Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. tyre'!�; 000 a 74 Sri S Gvl7 s SV �y�CT%vi,> i>Yo 3. Q%sld l /`T o r y /i )W �s 1, 3 0 o d S7�rc� mot„ s 17. <7 s 7 �re z r�vo Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4io6 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS South Village g Spear Street 02/03/06 1. miffed in memo d 2/2/06. ted 6/2/05 have 2. In memo dated 9/2/04 , a study of down stream ater main ca was requested. A copy of this study sha� be submittoci. 1l. IA?- �✓ l f7 �S OM c o � �� � S�� 7' G rc> S S �5 CC7/ of 7 LS 4v �c / ek G u 7 Sie�4 G T t Sic-c,c- �S 7G b�� e-S Qt e ^' � Gv�-Y, � �-� w � -�� � s >c ct� ` 1 L rev 44- 714 K < -o-Ei7L � A60' bye G i) G S G(-v I r) S t v/ `�� I /� - c ,tom `l� !� S • / % G�/ Gi!SO � ptv �,G�ek-' SOUTBURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 March 9, 2006 David Scheuer, President The Retrovest Companies 70 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Minutes - South Village Dear Mr. Scheuer: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved minutes from the February 7, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOAK_ 7 FEBRUARY 2006 The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 7 February 2006, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: M. Behr, Acting Chair; L. Kupferman, R. Farley, G. Quimby, M. Birmingham Also Present: R. Belair, Administrative Officer, C. LaRose, Associate Planner; B. Nedde, D. Marshall, M. Holgate, M. Hall, D. Scheuer, E. Darling, B. Cimonetti, L. Bresee, J. Larkin, B. Hoadley, S. Barsch, B. Bouchard, D. Senecal-Albrecht, M. Perrin, P. O'Brien; A. Parent, The Other Paper 1. Other Business: Mr. Belair advised that the applicant for agenda item #6 had asked for a continuance on their appeal. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Appeal #AO-06-01 of Technology Park Associates, PMF Energy, Inc., and Annix-Vermont, Inc., until 21 March 2006. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-03 of Homestead Design, Inc., to amend a previously approved plan for a planned unit development consisting of 89 multi -family units in 24 buildings. The amendment consists of subdividing a 13.15 acre parcel into two lots of 1.53 acres (lot #5) and 11.62 acres (lot #3), Songbird Road: Mr. Nedde said the intent of the plan is to isolate building "A", which is on Spear Street, onto its own lot. There are no other changes. Mr. Belair said staff had no issues. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-06-03 of Homestead Design, Inc., subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Kupferman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 3: Continued Public Hearing: Master Plan #MP-05-02 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a planned unit development consisting of: 1)a 334 residential unit traditional neighborhood design to include single family, two-family, and multi -family dwellings, 2) a 100 student educational facility, and 3) a community building to support a 35-acre farm. The amendment consists of: 1) eliminating two streets, 2) relocating a street to reduce wetland impacts, and 3) revising the lot layout resulting from the street modifications, 1840 Spear St: -1- IEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOAR- 7 FEBRUARY 2006 Mr. Marshall reminded the Board that the original plan had 2 crossings of the wetland. These two roadways are being consolidated into one. Regarding the Phase 2 area, there was an issue of the layout impacting some wetland and extending beyond the developable area. The new plan is within limits, and units have been removed from a "nesting" area. Mr. Behr commented that it appears there is a reduction of 5 lots. Mr. Marshall said there are still 334 units; they are just distributed differently among single, duplex, and triplex units. There are also the same number of units in each phase of the plan as were in the original plan. Mr. Marshall then addressed issues that had arisen during staff review. He said one of the aims of the project is to spread traffic out as much as possible. Obviously, consolidating 2 roads into one goes against that aim. To address this, Mr. Marshall said they have added a mini -roundabout. The Fire Chief has, however, expressed concern with this and with the number of mountable curbs. Mr. Marshall said they will be using a type of mountable curb that doesn't have the sharp edges that can ruin vehicle tires. He said they will be meeting with the Fire Chief and the head of Public Works to discuss this further. Mr. Belair reminded the Board that they had previously agreed to review the triplex buildings as site plans. Mr. Marshall said this would eliminate the requirement for bike racks. There is, however, a question as to whether to handle the triplex buildings as multi -family buildings or single family homes for landscape purposes. As single family homes, the would have the usual requirement for 2 trees per lot, but no other landscaping requirements. Mr. Belair noted that the requirement for street trees is totally different from landscaping on the lots. Mr. Belair suggested that the applicant be asked to provide a construction cost value for each of the 13 triplexes and to show a "typical" landscaping with a landscape value for each building. There would also be a requirement that the applicant bond for that amount to be sure the landscaping survives. If the applicant doesn't put in the required amount, the city can use the bond to put in landscaping. Mr. Marshall said they can live with bonding for the triplexes. Mr. Belair noted that the applicant is asking to work out the roundabout issue with staff. Mr. Kupferman said he wasn't sure how the movement of traffic would be affected if they had to go to 4-way stops. Mr. Marshall said he thinks there is a solution that would allow them to convince the Fire Chief and Public Works and allow for the roundabout. -2- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOAR- 7 FEBRUARY 2006 Mr. Behr said he would prefer a 4-way stop as he didn't like the idea of driving over a curb in such a nice neighborhood. Ms. Quimby agreed. Messrs. Kupferman, Birmingham and Farley preferred the roundabout concept if the Chief and Public Works approve it. Mr. Cimonetti, representing the Recreation Path Committee, said that at their last meeting they attempted to review this plan but an important sheet was missing. The Committee wants to know how the amended Master Plan will affect the sidewalk and rec paths. Mr. Cimonetti also noted that mini -roundabouts don't typically handle pedestrians and bicycles very well. The Committee would like to see any change in the overall scheme of rec paths necessitated by changes in the roads and would also like to weigh in on any future issues regarding the rec path. Mr. Marshall showed the original route of the rec path with the old road design. When the design was changed and the roads consolidated, they lost the opportunity to go directly across the south end. The path is now also outside the housing units so it does not cross any driveways. There is one consolidated crossing of the wetland. Mr. Cimonetti said the Committee would be interested to see a profile of where the path goes near traffic and also the pedestrian amenities in the vicinity of "the hub." Mr. Behr asked if there will be pedestrian striping of the roads. Mr. Marshall said there will. The approval motion was then amended to require a landscape bond for landscaping that is typical of the triplexes and to define the review process for triplexes, eliminating the bike rack requirement for the triplex buildings. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Master Plan #MP-05-02 of South Village. Communities, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Continued Public Hearing: Preliminary Application #SD-05-92 of South Village Communities, LLC, to amend a planned unit development of Phase 1 consisting of 150 residential units and a 100 student educational facility of a 334 unit project. The amendment consists of: 1) realigning the connector street to Phase III, and 2) revising the lot layout, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Marshall showed the change in access for a unit previously served by the road that was eliminated. He also showed the relocation of the sewer pump station. The mini -roundabout remains the main issue. -3- )EVELOPMENT REVIEW BOAR -� 7 FEBRUARY 2006 Ms. LaRose noted that the Fire Chief wants street trees moved because of the swinging of ladders on the trucks. Regulations would have to be waived to do this. Ms. Rose suggested a consultation with the Fire Chief and City Arborist to address this. Mr. Marshall said they have a typical footprint and can show how each unit can be accessed in an emergency situation. Moving the trees would present a challenge. They are hoping to find a middle ground. There will be similar issues in other phases of the project. Mr. Belair said they may end up with fewer street trees because of this, resulting in big gaps without any street trees. There is the possibility of requiring trees to be planted somewhere else or requiring the planting of larger trees. Mr. Scheuer said they would probably plant larger trees than required, but if they can't get them, they might go with an alternate scenario of additional trees somewhere else. Mr. Belair felt this can be worked out at final plat. The approval motion was amended to eliminate stipulation #8 and to modify stipulation #16 to mimic the master plan re: typical landscape cost. Mr. Belair reminded members and the applicant that there is a new state statute under which a subdivision approval never expires. Because of this, he is proposing the infrastructure be constructed within a stated period of time. If it is not, the application would have to be re -approved. This would apply to all future subdivisions. Members agreed to deal with this before final plat. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Preliminary Application #SD-05-92 of South Village Communities, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Continued Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-05-95 of Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, for a planned unit development consisting of a 54,372 sq. ft. general office building,192 Tilley Drive: Mr. Bouchard said this is lot #4 and the third building in the subdivision. 250 parking spaces are being requested although only 190 are required. Mr. Bouchard said they know from experience that 190 won't work. They are woefully short of parking in the first building built, and people are parking on the street. They don't want to repeat that mistake. They feel that there should be at least 5 parking spaces per 1000 sq. ft. Mr. Bouchard also noted changes to enhance the entrance and make it more visible. Mr. Behr asked about the possibility of underground parking. Mr. Bouchard said it is too expensive. -4- CAY,jo it fGlINl=CERII I 928 Falls Road P.C. Box 485 ShIburne, VT 05482 February 1 ", 2005 Mr. William SzymanAi City Engineer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Subject: South Village Saaitary Sewer System Investigation and Design Study Dear Mr. Szymanski: ASS ,'­C)o l,�i 64 Phone: 802-985-2323 Fax: 802-985-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com In accordance with you request, an analysis of the sanitary sewer collection system for the proposed South Village Residential Development has been performed. This new development is to be located to the lot east of the intersection of Spear St. and Allen Rd. The sanitary sewer throughout the development will be collected by a system of gravity sewer lines and sanitary manholes, which will accumulate at the primary sewer pump station located at the low point of the system (see attachment A). The pump station will then feed a force main, which runs to an existing gravity sewer main located on Allen Rd. that is collected at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The purpose of this investigation is to determine if this existing gravity sewer infrastructure has the ability to accept additional capacity of flow from this proposed project. Existing Conditions This existing gravity sewer main is part of a larger sewer collection system (see attachment B). The existing main line, which will be directly affected by the additional effluent produced from the South Village development, was surveyed and inspected for physical condition, existing size and slopes, as well as current and maximum capacity. Attachment C details the e:dsting conditions of the sewer main and structures connecting the South Village force main to the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. All pipes and structures appeared to be in good physical condition upon visual inspection. Anasis Once the pipe slopes were calculated, a field investigation was performed at critical structures, which either had minimum slope values or were located at critical points within the system. These structures include SMH's 5, 6, 11, 16-18, 23, 27-30 and 34. Flow data was collected at these structures at peak use time periods (between 7:00-7:30 AM) on various days (see attachment D). This chart provides the measured depth of effluent at the aforementioned structures, as well as a calculated percentage of flow duough each pipe using open channel hydraulics. This chart also calculates the new capacity at the critical points within the system after adding the additional flow produced by the pump station of the new development. To determine the additional flow from this pump station, the values from the Wastewater Punip Station Analysis for the main pump station were used (see attachment E). Findings All structures measured were well below full capacity conditions, and in fact, after adding the proposed additional flow from the South Village project, no point in the system would be running at over 40% capacity. There were two points within the system with similarly high capacity values after introducing the proposed additional flow. The gravity sewer line between SMH's 23 and 24 represent the highest proposed capacity at 39%, in part due to the additional flow, shallow existing gradient and small 8" diameter. The sewer line between SMH's 34 and 35 has a proposed capacity of 35%, mainly due to the high existing flows, which stems from this line being the first shallow gravity piping section after a major collection structure. Treatment Capacity In terms of treatment capacity, the Bartlett Bay Treatment Facility itself currently runs between 0.5 to 0.6 mgd, with a maximum capacity of 1.25 mgd. Full build out capacity of this treatment facility is roughly 1.6 mgd. The new South Village development is expected to generate around 74,780 GPD, based upon the wastewater Pump Station Analysis (attachment E), creating a new effluent total of between 0.58 to 0.68 mgd to be treated, well within the capacity of the facility. We appreciate the assistance of Mr. Jim Marshall from the City of South Burlington Public Works Department in providing all of the technical information regarding the exiting sanitary sewer collection system and the Bartlett Bay Treatment Facility. This concludes our assessment of the sanitary sewer collection system for the proposed South Village Residential Development. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures: Attachments A-E cc: CEA file #01243 (w/ Enclosures) - +•_ �_ •'.�'I 1'-1't`10 C�. fiM9lA1�-<ay - _ n4t�y , : I• 46 ti', s� / 1tb�%QRv7 �, .� ♦ Z �� .i � 1Q2fn1YMR/H • Yi r zr it •C YlaJ k„ tr ,u •�at'rw ,-�(���~ ]rYYtt7arH />�iMAr AiQNM! [11/MiJ ' _� �_ .� r•t r N T .++ } 40 t •` ws f1ftMk1 ' 4-C w o4 R� fi- t� Li! JJklO�P .?N2!l1�13N5 ! to L ck�-► ' v w, X WOWN t►lt�. a p v a p cr • a-� - •� '� 1{wo ; to I o v lAFY ,b'i r3� O I sNrl . F , o _s `,'fir - i• i {� V wi0 ♦ �° .• 11�tsy NAh i ` �� �►� '� ' ? �`f -� �,zr` a r• NO Illt WA 3 {'rr • C - yyH trp'�` �'� 'z� , • r7r v ? !` .s .• � w�vd.. ��r>ir yo ^ 47 ai .p to �' .y1t J' �►� s ti ! t �t s IN OM A7 to, - t s r L! U •; z s. Al w y � m AWY),l + Ck to _ U-J = s • S+`�.-fr>7r:" 4- ,'_y �5 . fy,„ PAD IN1 �v, 1 VlI v, qT ,.. `i. •�'•7. a._ ""�'. •4. // Z �AINO bVV'11 %✓i�� •S ) - W 0 01243 - Retrovest Existing Gravity Sewer Line Inverts, Distances, and Slopes. Level Run - JSOIWGS 07/21/03 TBM Control Point #2 - Capped Rebar - Elev.=367.67' Description Rim Elev. In Out Inv. In Inv. Outl Slope Dist. Horiz. Dist. Pipe Size Pipe Slope TBM 367.67 - - - - I - - - - SMH 1 348.68 6.75 6.80 341.93 341.881 280.00 279.61 8.00 0.066 SMH 2 333.97 10.65 10.75 323.32 323.22 271.00 269.61 8.00 0.084 SMH 3 306.56 6.10 6.15 1300.46 300.41 53.30 53.05 8.00 0.068 SMH 4 301.43 4.65 4.70 129678 296.73 275.30 274.59 8.00 0.072 SMH 5 281.67 4.70 4.75 1276.97 276.92 70.50 70.50 8.00 0.008 SMH 6 281.31 4.95 9.70 1276.36 271.61 224.90 224.89 8.00 0.012 SMH 7 278.91 10.00 10.10 268.91 268.81 211.10 210.84 8.00 0.050 SMH 8 268.34 10.05 10.15 258.29 258.19 269.50 269.35 8.00 0.032 SMH 9 259.43 9.95 10.10 249.48 249.33 300.80 300.69 8.00 0.026 SMH 10 251.38 9.90 9.95 241.48 241.43 239.60 239.54 8.00 0.024 SMH 11 245.91 10.30 10.40 235.61 235.51 258.70 258.61 8.00 0.007 SMH 12 238.90 520 5.25 233.70 233.65 39.00 39.00 8.00 0.087 SMH 12A 238.59 8.35 8.45 230.24 230.14 132.00 131.92 8.00 0.031 SMH 13 234.05 8.05 8.10 1226.00 225.95 210.00 209.90 8.00 0.055 SMH 14 227.46 13.10 13.20 214.36 214.26 305.50 305.34 8.00 0.023 SMH 15 217.64 10.30 10.35 207.34 207.29 167.60 167.58 8.00 0.030 SMH 16 215.35 13.10 13.20 202.25 202.15 106.30 106.30 8.00 0.006 SMH 17 214.66 13.10 13.20 201.56 201.46 217.00 217.00 8.00 0.004 SMH 18 213.84 13.30 13.40 200.54 200.44 248.30 248.18 8.00 0.012 SMH 19 206.23 8.75 8.85 197.48 197.38 260.40 1 260.10 8.00 0.053 SMH 20 193.74 10.10 10.20 183.64 183.54 - 180.00 8.00 0.054 SMH 22 182.28 8.40 8.45 173.88 173.83 - 252.00 8.00 0.069 SMH 23 165.04 8.50 8.55 156.54 156.49 - 142.00 8.00 0.003 SMH 24 163.06 7.05 7.25 156.01 155.81 - 76.00 8.00 0.073 SMH 25 160.64 10.35 10.40 150.29 150.24 - 282.00 12.00 0.006 SMH 26 155.68 7.20 7.30 148.48 148.38 - 244.00 12.00 0.008 SMH 27 154.05 7.55 7.65 1146.50 146.40 - 215.00 12.00 0.002 SMH 28 152.19 6.20 6.20 1145.99 145.99 - 215.00 12.00 0.001 SMH 29 152.81 7.00 7.00 1145.81 145.81 - 246.00 12.00 0.005 SMH 30 152.18 7.50 7.50 144.68 144.68 - 210.00 12.00 0.001 SMH 31 151.63 7.20 7.20 1144.43 144.43 - 210.00 15.00 0.002 SMH 33 151.91 8.00 8.00 1143.91 143.91 349.70 349.49 15.00 0.033 SMH 34 139.67 7.30 7.30 1132.37 132.37 348.90 348.79 15.00 0.017 SMH 35 130.78 4.20 4.20 126.58 126.58 35.60 35.60 18.00 0.037 SMH 36 130.38 5.10 5.10 125.28 125.28 - - 18.00 - 01243 - Retrovest Existing Gravity Sanitary Sewer Line Flow Investigation Prepared by Civil Engineering Associates Measurements taken represent average centerline depths of flow in inches. Structures used in the investigation were chosen based on location within the system and pipes having shallow slopes. All measurements taken were done between 7:00-7:30 AM on their respective days. Date 11/24/04 12/8/04 12/22/04 Structure m (ft/ft) Avg. (in) Pipe Dia. (in) y/D Surface Diameter (in) Area of Pipe (in^2) SMH 5 0.008 0.00 0.00 <0.10 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 50.24 SMH 6 0.012 0.00 <0.10 <0.10 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 50.24 SMH 11 0.007 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 8.00 0.06 3.80 50.24 SMH 16 0.006 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 8.00 0.06 3.80 50.24 SMH 17 0.005 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.75 1 8.00 0.09 4.50 50.24 SMH 18 0.012 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 0.13 5.20 50.24 SMH 23 0.005 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 0.13 5.20 50.24 SMH 27 0.005 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 12.00 0.13 7.75 113.04 SMH 28 0.005 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 12.00 0.15 8.50 113.04 SMH 29 0.005 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.25 12.00 0.19 9.00 113.04 SMH 30 0.005 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.50 12.00 0.21 9.50 113.04 SMH 34 0.017 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 15.00 0.30 13.75 176.63 Structure Effluent Area (in^2) Capacity (%) Theta (radians) P (ft) Rh (ft) Q (cfs) Qt (gpm) New Capacity (%) SMH 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.00 #DIV/0! SMH 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330.00 #DIV/0! SMH 11 3.14 0.06 0.99 0.65 0.03 0.32 475.15 0.20 SMH 16 1 3.14 0.06 0.99 0.65 0.03 0.30 464.38 0.22 SMH 17 4.71 0.09 1.19 0.77 0.04 0.32 472.68 0.31 SMH 18 6.28 0.13 1.42 0.91 0.05 0.54 571.10 0.30 SMH 23 6.28 0.13 1.42 0.91 0.05 0.35 485.63 0.39 SMH 27 14.13 0.13 1.40 1.35 0.07 1.03 791.03 0.21 SMH 28 16.49 0.15 1.57 1.50 0.08 1.06 806.75 0.25 SMH 29 21.20 0.19 1.70 1.60 0.09 1.20 869.32 0.30 SMH 30 23.55 0.21 1.83 1.71 0.10 1.23 884.07 0.33 SMH 34 52.99 1 0.30 2.32 2.60 0.14 4.62 2401.53 0.35 *** P=Wetted Perimeter, Rh=Hydrualic Radius, Q=Flow M JE Wastewater Pump Station Analysis South Village Main Pump Station #1 July 15, 2004 Design Flow Infiltration 20% Municipal Credit Total Design Flow Average Daily Flow Peaking Factor Peak Flow Required Storage Storage Provided Force Main Dia. Min. Cleansing Velocity Min. Pumping Rate Chosen Pumping rate Length of FM Friction Losses High Point of FM Low elev. in PS Elevation Change Minor headlosses Residual Pump Cycle Storage Run Cycle Wet Well Detention Time Pump Efficiency Pump Size System Curve Design Conditions 72,380 GPD GPD 74,780 GPD 77.90 GPM 327.16 GPM 18,695 gallons 20,000 gallons Inches FPS 220.19 GPM 330,00 GPM 1,800.00 feet 13.37 feet 377.00 feet 342.00 feet 35.00 feet 4.00 feet 0.00 feet 52.37 fFuea. 1,800 Gallons 7.14 Minutes 23.11 Minutes 7.27 Hp GPM TDH 300 50.2 330 52.4 350 53.9 400 58.1 Hydromatic SFPX, 8.25" Impeller, 7.5 HP single phase, 1750 RPM. CONNECT FORCE MAIN EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER SEE SITE PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION GRAPHIC SCALE n eh h FCC•7 --- 1 i - 200 00 fi, All work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Dwned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, and the Village of Jericho. Details should be modified to the above reference specifications. PLANS PREPARED BY: rJ CIVIL INGINIIRING ASSOWIS. INC P.O. BOX 48S SifEMRNE, VT 054S2 q��1�11, ! mz „ �D o N DRANK AWY CREQRD DSM APPROVED DSM APPLICANT: SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC. PROJECT CONSULTANTS: L4Ao u p awvEwafflwr LOONEY RICKS KISS NASHVILLE, TN U' NL EAK�AI4ER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SHELBURNE, Vr TRAFFIC ENGwaw TND ENGINEERING OSSIPEE, NH 4WpSC,AVE AIfCHUWr LAND -WORKS MIDDLEBURY, VT PROJECT TITLE: SOUTH VILLAGE SPEAR STREET AND ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT LEGEND SEWER WATER LOCATION MAP I" = 3000, ]ATE I CBBCEBO REVISION SEWER -F WATER MASTER LAN DATE HAVING NUMBER AUGUST, 2004 scAlc �'` 1' = 200' C6.0 PROf. NO. 01243