HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 05/05/2021 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for Wednesday 05/05/2021 at 6:12 pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Larry Kupferman, Drew Shatzer, Colin McIntosh, Jean Sebastien-Chaulot, Lisa Yankowski, Cory Santorello. Missing: David Crawford, Ray Gonda (resigned effective 04/27/21. Public attendees: John Bossange, (new applicant to join the NRCC) & Everett Marshall from the VT Dept of Fish & Wildlife. With the resignation of Ray as the chair and the anticipation of new committee members being appointed by the City Council- Lisa nominated Larry as interim chair, Jean 2nd. Lisa nominated Jean as interim vice chair, Colin 2nd. Unanimously approved. 1) Welcome and we passed on reviewing the procedures for virtual meetings. 2) No additions or deletions. 3) No comments from the public. 4) Adoption of 04/07/21 meeting minutes- adopted unanimously. 5) Our guest speaker is Everett Marshall. Presenting Rare, Threatened & Endangered Species Data. This is data available on the State of Vermont Dept of Fish & Wildlife website, under Natural Heritage Inventory. Rare species are those generally under 20 in the existing population and rapidly becoming extinct. Some of the endangered species include the Little Brown Bat and many native wildflowers. The ranges identified on maps are designed with buffer zones to help obscure the actual locations. This is especially true if a species has made it onto the Federal Endangered lists. Little Brown Bat populations have been decimated over several years by the White-nose Syndrome. a. Another useful guide for homeowners & cities is the Wetland, Woodland, Wildlife Guide to the Natural Community of VT. 6) Vision for the conservation and preservation of South Burlington’s natural resources- a. We have decided we need to evaluate the work plan we had developed just before the pandemic forced the city to cease functioning with full staff & committees. There were several months when we did not meet and the city just approved extending the Interim Zone period to the maximum time allowed. i. When evaluating what we have, we need to think about next year. What categories should we work on based on our goals. 7) Wildlife corridor mapping. a. This was high on the ” to do” list for Ray. It was a much mentioned topic at the DRB meeting 05/04, on the proposed development of the Long Property on Spear Street. i. John mentioned this an area he and many of us are still learning about. Larry proposed we start on a case-by-case basis as we develop our expertise. The committee agreed. 8) PFAXs- a. This is a current “hot Topic” around Vermont & the U.S. PFAX - a chemical found in foam used fighting fires used at the Burlington International Airport and by the VT Air Guard. It is highly toxic and has been found in the land, water and cows on a large farm along the Winooski River. As well as other areas of the state. b. Lisa feels we need to become more knowledgeable about this topic so we can better discuss the ramifications vs our natural resources. Add this to the work plan. Information sources to check on: i. Dark Waters- movie ii. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning iii. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/14/health/what-are-pfas-chemicals 9) Video Project a. This was also started by Ray. He wanted to have a place that compiles videos of wildlife captured on wildlife cams around the city. A spot that the citizens could access aqnd which could act as an information record for the city. Ashley can post on the city’s google site. Jean feels we need to curate them and decide what we want to use. Colin will add more and we can each go in and rank them. Discuss at the next meeting. 10) Members & staff reports a. Chair- nothing b. Staff Report- reference information from Ashley. The survey work on Red Rocks is done now the designing can begin. It is complicated due to this park’s unique Act 250 status. Wheeler will have trail work beginning and new way finding signage installed. May 15th in the morning will be a Bird Banding Demonstration and the Weed Warriors will working in the afternoon. Design work for the overlook will begin in Underwood. Check out city council chair, Helen Riehl’s facebook plug on dog etiquette in the SB parks. c. LDR Proposals Update- nothingnew. We do need to concentrate on understanding them better. d. Work groups Reports- Long Development Lisa & Larry both joined the virtual meeting 05/04, before the DRB. There seems to be issues with proceeding with the sketch plan and great opposition from South Point development and South Meadow. The Long property is between these two other developments. Many suggestions for a major redesign from members of the surrounding property owners. The LDR’s can cause confusion depending on what the finale LDRs end up being. 11) Future agenda items: Work plan, wildlife corridor, look at and evaluate the wildlife videos. 12) The next meeting is 06/02/21 at 6pm. 13) Lisa motioned to adjourn, Jean 2nd- adjourned 8:07pm i.