HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 06/10/2021
Draft Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, June 10, 2021 @ 6 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting Members Present: Diane Bugbee, Margaret Ann Cross, Patrick Leduc, Ted Lenski, Stacey Pape, Margery Vagt, Penne Tompkins,
Members Absent: Lauren Ballard, Lee Freeman, Alicia Lamonda, Jay Pasackow,
Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray
Friends of the Library
Call to Order
Patrick Leduc called the meeting to Order at 6:04pm
Additions and deletions to the posted agenda
Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda
Approval of regular board minutes of May 13th, 2021
Diane asked that three items regarding the work of the Finance Committee: library
budget and staffing plans, foundation funds and how to access, and library fees. As a
result, action on the minutes were delayed in order to make the edits and will be an
action item at the next board meeting.
Chair’s report
Patrick asked that Jennifer provide an update on the moving and opening plans.
Jennifer Murray reported SBPL closes at 5:00 PM June 11th for the move to the new
building. Moving day is June 18th, and new shelving is coming in next week, no later
than June 25th. The library will reopen July 19th.
Friends of the Library report
Committee Reports
Governance and Nomination Committee Report
Stacey Pape reported the committee is working furiously to update library policies in
time for the opening. The policies should be ready for the board’s approval in time for
the July meeting. Patrick Leduc said Margaret Ann Cross and Ted Lenbski have been
reconfirmed as board members. He also said the new fiscal year begins July 1st,
committee positions will be open for movement.
Finance Committee Report
Ted Lenski reported the committee didn’t meet but is planning a July meeting to
discuss library fees and to finish discussion of funds transfer from the Foundation.
Patrick Leduc said the meetings are open to the public so Penne Tompkins and Diane
Bugbee can continue to participate as members of the public if they wish.
Ted Lenski reported the city requested funds from the Foundation and that since the
email came to him he’ll respond but that the foundation will need to make a plan about
how much the Foundation has in cash and anticipated expenditures. The city will
receive a cheque, and the committee will define the process of cash flow to the city in
support of the library.
Advocacy Committee Report
MargaretAnn Cross reported the committee has not met.
Director’s Report
Jennifer Murray said the open house is planned for July 23rd and the city requests an
officer of the trustees to speak at the event.
The staff are meeting in person again and the new city manager joined the meeting to
meet everyone. Staff has finished ordering for the opening day collection, and the
items should arrive June 28th. The cataloguer is creating records in advance. The
shelver will help with processing once the items arrive.
Jennifer reported some staffing news including that Charlotte Carr has been hired as
the digital specialist and that she is interviewing internal candidates for the YA
specialist and the Adult specialist positions. Jennifer also shared that Sue Myer has
been hired as the new circulation specialist.
Pennie Tompkins said the clock is in and the skylight is open and that all board
members are invited to the donor gala July 18th.
Jennifer Murray said she is working on creating a display policy. finalizing the new
schedule, and completing the signage.
Upon a question from Patrick Jennifer said the board will be able to hold their first
meeting in the new space in August, and the library is getting set to offer hybrid
Since Jennifer has a lot on her plate with the move and opening Patrick Leduc offered
that the trustees could help with new board member orientation.
Patrick Leduc asked when the FOL will move to the new building, and Jennifer Murray
said they will be moved at the same time, but the FOL cannot come to the building
until June 28th.
In their last meetings as Trustees, Diane Bugbee and Penne both offered words of
Diane said it has truly been a privilege to work with these people, and it has all been
made easier by Jennifer and her team. Penne Tompkins said she is happy to know
she will still be working with Jennifer and the Foundation. She added the library staff is
so dedicated to getting things and it has been a lovely experience and privilege.
Jennifer Murray said she has ordered books for both the retiring trustees.:
Meeting Adjournment
Seeing no other Business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:05pm