HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 06_Airport331.5'331.5'331.0'331.0'330.5'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'329.0'334.0'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5' 332.0'332.0'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.0'331.0'331.0'331.0'331.0'330.5'330.5'330.5'330.5' 330.5'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'329.5'329.0'SDSDWWWWWWWUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UE UK UK UK UK UK UK UE UE UE UE XXXSSSSSSSSSSSSG SD SDSDSDSDSDSDSDUE UE UE U E SDGW W W W W WW TV TV U E UEUEUEUE UE UE U E U E UEUTUTUT DBGVBBESDDEWVWVBBBSEBBBBBBBBBBGVTV TV TV TVT V TV UT UT UT UTU T UT UE UE U EFP FPFPOSWUE UE U E SD SD SD SD SD SD SDOSWTVTVOS WCUE UE UESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDSDSDSDSD AE&TGVAE&TAE&TAE&TAE&TAE&TSD X X X X X X X BBBBBSDSDSDSDSDSDTVELRAMP11"MAPLEELTEL11"MAPLE14"MAPLE12"PINE10"PINE12"MAPLE16"LOCUST11"PINE10"MAPLE12"MAPLE10"PINEEL14"PINE10"MAPLEGARAGE DOOR8"MAPLEEL28"MAPLE12"BIRCH14"LOCUST6"SPRUCE12"LOCUST14"PINESIGN LIGHT1.2'X1.8'ELEC VAULT6"ORNAMENTALEL6"SPRUCE12"LOCUST(2)14"PINEEL16"BEECH10"LOCUST(2)10"SPRUCE8"GINKO10"PINETELTV6"ORNAMENTALGROUND LIGHT14"CATALPA12"PINEEL8"ORNAMENTAL4"SPRUCEGROUND LIGHT12"PINE16"BEECH20"MAPLE(4)14"PINE8"BEECHELCATVTEL8"PVC14"PINE8"BEECH6"SPRUCE14"MAPLE10"PINE8"BEECH6"SPRUCEGARDEN EDGE5"GINKO14"PINE6"SPRUCE12"LOCUST12"LOCUST16"PINESIGN LIGHTGARDEN EDGE12"VCPRIM 331.13INVS IN 321.5INV OUT 321.3ELELELELELELRIM 331.28INV IN 322.7INV OUT 321.88"PVC8"VCPX3'WIDE DOORWAY333.17X3'WIDE DOORWAY332.73METALLIDMETALLIDMETALLIDXROOF347.63XROOF358.88XROOF 358.72XROOF 358.65XBUILDING FOOTPRINTROOF LINE7"SPRUCE5"SPRUCEXWALK SIGNAL7"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE754124/7-025"SPRUCE4CONDUIT DROPS6-0/12A/74718/100K 1DROP/LI5"SPRUCE10"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE12"MAPLE7"SPRUCE11"SPRUCEEL CABINET5"SPRUCE12"MAPLE7"SPRUCE7"SPRUCE7"SPRUCE7"SPRUCE5"MAPLE(3)CONC BLOCK WALLS14"MAPLE7"SPRUCE7-0/74716/111-3-1 4DROPS/2LIEL CABINET4'WIDE DOORXSD SD SDSDSDSDDED XXX XUTILITYCABINETELECPULLBOXELANE 5 LANE 4 LANE 3 LANE 2 LANE 1 BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH DN TSA PRECHECKGENERAL PASSENGERSTSA PRECHECK GENERAL PAX.K9 SCREENINGKCM XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCL10 CL10 C14C12 C10 C14 C12 CL12C14C10 CL14CL12 3-VD 13-AA 10-IVDFENCE TO BE REMOVED XX X 6-CS 11-CS 13-CS13-CS 65-BG 113-SC 113-BG 250-SC 66-BG 180-SC 81-SC 2-IVJ 4-GT 3-GT 2-BN 1-BN 2-GT 3-BN 2-BN 39-PV 7-CA 17-CA 27-CA 47-PV REMOVE CONCRETE IN ISLAND AND CREATE PLANTING BED EXISTING BITUMINOUS CONCRETE WALK TO REMAIN POURED CONCRETE EGRESS SIDEWALK REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN THIS LOCATION. CREATE PLANTING BED. REPLACE CONCRETE CURB IN CONFIGURATION SHOWN. PROPOSED FENCE CONFIGURATION EXPANDED DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE PLANTINGS FOR DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE SCREENING DECORATIVE GRAVEL EDGE SCREENING FOR EXISTING UTILITY CABINET, TYP. 1-BN 2-BN 1-BN 1-BN EXISTING BITUMINOUS CONCRETE WALK TO REMAIN CL16 CL16 CL16 CL16 EXISTING STREET LIGHT TO BE RELOCATED RELOCATED STREET LIGHT REMOVE CURBING & REPLACE L A W N L A W N L A W N DECORATIVE GRAVEL EDGE CENTERED ON BLDG. PILASTER, TYP. PLANTED WITH ORNAMENTAL GRASS 5'2-CA 9-CS 5-BG +332.67 + 330.89 4.0% POURED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 12-BG +333.17 EXISTING STREET LIGHT TO REMAIN EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN EXISTING EVERGREEN TREE TO REMAIN PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE PROPOSED SHRUB PROPOSED PERENNIAL/ORNAMENTAL GRASS LEGEND EXISTING STREET LIGHT TO BE REMOVED EXISTING STREET LIGHT TO REMAIN EXISTING STREET LIGHT TO MOVED EXISTING STREET LIGHT MOVED TO NEW LOCATION COLUMN - NO ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATED COLUMN LIGHT 20'-0" 1 58" TOP RAIL, TYP. 2"2" COMMERCIAL GRADE GALVANIZED HINGE 1 58" BRACE RAIL, TYP. 3" O.D. ROUND 3"6'-3"3'-9"6'ALL JOINTS ARE WELDED TO PROVIDE A RIGID FRAME 3" TRUSS ROD Lockable Latch CLASS B CONCRETE 10" DIA., TYP.4'CLASS B CONCRETE 10" DIA., TYP.4'FOREST GREEN VINYL SLATS 9GA. GALVANIZED WIRE WOVEN IN 2" MESH. Tension wire LINE POSTS 10' O.C. MAX. POST TOPS Galvanized steel top loop 1 58" Top Rail, typ. 9GA. ALUMINUM TIES, 24" O.C., TYP. TENSION BANDS ON END, CORNERS & GATES, 9 GA. ALUM. TIES ON LINE POLES. SPACE 24" O.C., TYP. LINE POST, 1.9" O.D. GALVANIZED PIPE CORNER POSTS, 3" O.D. GALVANIZED PIPE 1 58" Brace Rail on ends & corners, typ.6'38" truss rods on ends, corners & gates, typ.2"TENSION BARS TYP OF ENDS, CORNERS & GATES TYPICAL GATE N.T.S. CHAIN LINK FENCE DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE N.T.S. NOTE: ALL PORTIONS OF CHAIN LINK FENCE SHALL CONFORM TO 2011 AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SECTION 727.02 GATE FRAMES SHALL BE ASSEMBLED BY WELDING, RIVETING, OR BOLTING AND SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH ALL NECESSARY FITTINGS. THE PANELS ADJACENT TO EACH GATE SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A BRACE ROD AND TRUSS ROD TO SUPPORT THE GATES. 3" DIAMETER POSTS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL GATE, CORNER AND END POSTS. SCALE OF FEET 20020 40 P L A N T S C H E D U L E KEY QTY.SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING MATURE HT T R E E S BN 13 Betula nigra 'Heritage'RIVER BIRCH - single-stem 3"-3.5" CAL. AS SHOWN 40'-60' GT 9 Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Street Keeper'STREET KEEPER HONEYLOCUST 4"-4.5" CAL. AS SHOWN 45' HT. S H R U B S AA 13 Aronia arubutifolia 'Brilliantissima'RED CHOKEBERRY #5 4' O.C.7'-8' HT. CS 52 Cornus sericea 'Arctic Fire'DWARF RED TWIG DOGWOOD #3 3' O.C.3'-4' HT. IV 10 Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite'DWARF WINTERBERRY #3 3' O.C.2.5'-3' HT. IVJ 2 Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy'WINTERBERRY (male pollinator)#5 5' O.C.4'-5' HT. VD 3 Viburnum dentatum 'Chicago Lustre'ARROWWOOD VIRBURNUM #5 7' O.C. 10'-12' HT. ORNAMENTAL GRASSES BG 261 Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'BLUE GRAMA GRASS PLUGS 24" O.C. 30-36" CA 53 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'FEATHER REED GRASS #2 18" O.C. 3'-5' PV 86 Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS #2 24" O.C. 3'-6' SC 624 Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blaze'LITTLE BLUESTEM PLUGS 18" O.C. 24-36"3/8/2021 1:57:00 PMBIM 360://20444 - BTV TRP - SSCP Consolidation/20-1411 BTV TIP South Addition.rvtBURLINGTON INTERNATIONAIRPORTTERMINAL INTEGRATIONPROJECT20-015 HKW CO LANDSCAPE PLAN L100PERMIT SET APRIL 2, 2021 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 0540304/02/21 No Date RevisionsLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREWAGNERHODGSONVT802.864.0010wagnerhodgson.comNY518.567.1791430 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534project name:sheet title: sheet no. scale: project no. checked by: drawn by: proj. date: sheet date:project address:P 802.879.51537 CARMICHAEL ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452SCOTTPARTNERS.COMF 802.872.27641 4.28.21 Fence detail 1 2 5.27.21 Revise tree species 2 2 331.5'331.5'331.0'331.0'330.5'330.0'330.0'330.0'334.0'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.0'332.0'332.0'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.0'331.0'331.0'331.0'331.0'330.5'330.5'330.5'330.5' 330.5'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'329.5'329.0'SS SS SS SDSDSDWWWWWWWUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UE UK UK UK UK UK UK UE UE UE UE XXXSD SD SSSSSSSSSSSDSDSDSDSDSDSDUE UE UE U E SDGW W W W W WW TV TV U E UEUEUEUE UE UE U E U E UEUTUTUTBGVBBSEDBBSDDEWVWVBBBBBDSEBBBBBBTV TV TV T V T V TV UT UT UT UTU T UT UE UE U EFP FPFPOS WUE UE U E SD SD SD SD SD SD SDOS WTVTVOS WCUE UE UESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDSDSDSDSD AE&TGVAE&TAE&TAE&TAE&TAE&TSD X X X X X X X BBBBBSDSDSDSDSDSDGATENO PARKINGTVELGATENO PARKINGRAMP11"MAPLEELTELAIRPORT DIR11"MAPLE14"MAPLEGATESL15NO PARKING12"PINE10"PINE12"MAPLE16"LOCUST11"PINE10"MAPLE12"MAPLE10"PINEPED XINGEL14"PINE10"MAPLEGARAGE DOOR8"MAPLEEL12"BIRCH14"LOCUST12"LOCUST14"PINESIGN LIGHT1.2'X1.8'ELEC VAULT6"ORNAMENTALEL12"LOCUST(2)14"PINEEL16"BEECH10"LOCUST(2)8"GINKO10"PINETELTV6"ORNAMENTALGROUND LIGHT14"CATALPA12"PINEEL8"ORNAMENTALGROUND LIGHT12"PINE16"BEECHLIFT ARM20"MAPLE(4)14"PINE8"BEECHELCATVTEL14"PINE8"BEECH6"SPRUCE10"PINEWELCOME TO BIA8"BEECH6"SPRUCEGARDEN EDGE14"PINE6"SPRUCE12"LOCUST12"LOCUST16"PINENO PARKINGSIGN LIGHTBIA SHORT TERM PARKNOT IN USEGARDEN EDGEBIA WELCOMEARR/DEP/PARK/RENTTICKETSPITTER14'-6"ELPED XINGELELELELEL14'-6"ELX3'WIDE DOORWAY332.37XX4'WIDE DOORWAY332.66X3'WIDE DOORWAY333.17X3'WIDE DOORWAY332.73METALLIDMETALLIDMETALLIDXROOF 358.64XROOF 347.79XROOF 347.82XROOF347.63XROOF358.88XROOF 358.72XBUILDING FOOTPRINTROOF LINE7"SPRUCE5"SPRUCEXWALK SIGNAL7"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE754124/7-025"SPRUCE4CONDUIT DROPS6-0/12A/74718/100K 1DROP/LIYIELD TO PED5"SPRUCE10"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE12"MAPLE7"SPRUCE11"SPRUCEEL CABINET5"SPRUCE12"MAPLEYIELD TO PED7"SPRUCERESERVED PARKING7"SPRUCE7"SPRUCESIGN POSTS7"SPRUCE5"MAPLE(3)CONC BLOCK WALLS14"MAPLE7"SPRUCE7-0/74716/111-3-1 4DROPS/2LIEL CABINETAIRPORTRIGHT4'WIDE DOORXSERVICEDELIVERYVEHICLESSD SD SDSDSDSDDED XXX XUTILITYCABINETELECPULLBOXELANE 5 LANE 4 LANE 3 LANE 2 LANE 1 BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH DN TSA PRECHECK GENERAL PAX.K9 SCREENINGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDXX X TREE PROTECTION FENCING, TYP. TREE PROTECTION FENCING, TYP. +332.67 +331.55 6.2% +332.67 + 330.89 4.0% +333.17 EXISTING TREE TO BE PROTECTED 6' LENGTH LUG-U-POST 12 GAUGE STEEL W/ GREEN BAKED ENAMEL NOTE: NYLON ZIP TIES (3 PER POST) TO SECURE MESH TO TABS ON POST HIGH DENSITY POLYETHELENE 3200 PSI, ORANGE MESH WITH NOMINAL OPENINGS, 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" EXISTING GRADE TREE PROTECTION SIGN, MIN. 1' SQ. TO BE PLACED ON EACH SIDE OF FENCING OR EVERY 16' O.C. OF LINEAR FENCE. SECURE TO MESH WITH (4) NYLON ZIP TIES 4'-0" MIN.3'-0" MIN.2'-0"4'-0" TYP. 8'-0" MAX. TREE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Locate and clearly identify trees to remain. Flag each trunk at 54 inches above the ground. 2. Protect tree root systems from damage caused by runoff or spillage of noxious materials while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. Protect root systems from ponding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION ZONES 1. Protection-Zone Fencing: Install protection-zone fencing at the Critical Root Radius - a distance of 1' per every inch diameter of tree diameter measured at DBH (diameter @ breast height). Install protection-zone fencing along edges of protection zones before materials or equipment are brought on site and construction operations begin in a manner that will prevent people and animals from easily entering protected area except by entrance gates. Construct fencing so as not to obstruct safe passage or visibility at vehicle intersections where fencing is located adjacent to pedestrian walkways or in close proximity to street intersections, drives or other vehicular circulation. a. Plastic Protection-Zone Fencing: Install to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. b. Posts: Set or drive posts into ground one-third the total height of the fence without concrete footings. Where a post is located on existing paving or concrete to remain, provide appropriate means of post support acceptable to Landscape Architect. 2. Maintain protection zones free of weeds and trash. 3. Repair or replace trees to remain or be relocated that are damaged by construction operations, in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect. a. Do not remove protection-zone fencing, even temporarily, to allow deliveries or equipment access through the protection zone. b. Temporary access is permitted subject to pre-approval in writing by arborist if a root buffer effective against soil compaction is constructed as directed by arborist. Maintain root buffer so long as access is permitted. ROOT PRUNING 1. Prune roots that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune roots as follows: a. Cut roots manually by digging a trench and cutting exposed roots with sharp pruning instruments: do not break, tear, chop or slant the cuts. Do not use a backhoe or other equipment that rips, tears or pulls roots. b. Cut Ends: Do not paint cut root ends c. Temporarily support and protect roots from damage until t hey are permanently redirected and covered with soil. d. Cover exposed roots with burlap and water regularly. e. Backfill as soon as possible. 2. Root Pruning at Edge of Protection Zone: Prune roots flush with the edge of the protection zone, b y cleanly cutting all roots to the depth of the required excavation. 3. Root Pruning within Protection Zone: Clear and excavate by hand to the depth of the required excavation to minimize damage to root systems. use narrow-tine spading forks, comb soil to expose roots, and cleanly cut roots as close to excavation as possbile. REGRADING 1. Lowering Grade: Where new finish grade is indicted below existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades within the protection zone. 2. Lowering Grade within Protection Zone: Where new finish grade is indicated below existing grade around trees, slope grade away from trees as recommended by arborist unless otherwise indicated. a. Root Pruning: Prune tree roots exposed by lowering the grade. Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots. Cut roots as required for root pruning. 3. Raising Grade; Where new finish grade is indicated above existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades within the protection zone. NOTE: If Contractor fails to enforce tree protection measures, resulting in damage and loss of tree(s), Contractor shall replace tree(s) with a 4" caliper substitute at the Contractors Expense in addition to liquidated damages. SCALE OF FEET 20020 40 TREE PROTECTION FLAGGING - PROJECT DEMARCATION NTS 3/8/2021 1:57:00 PMBIM 360://20444 - BTV TRP - SSCP Consolidation/20-1411 BTV TIP South Addition.rvtBURLINGTON INTERNATIONAIRPORTTERMINAL INTEGRATIONPROJECT20-015 HKW CO TREE PROTECTION PLAN L102 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 0540304/02/21 No Date Revisionsproject name:sheet title: sheet no. scale: project no. checked by: drawn by: proj. date: sheet date:project address:P 802.879.51537 CARMICHAEL ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452SCOTTPARTNERS.COMF 802.872.2764LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREWAGNERHODGSONVT802.864.0010wagnerhodgson.comNY518.567.1791430 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534PERMIT SET APRIL 2, 2021 2 5.27.21 Remove crown pruning 2 LANE 5 LANE 4 LANE 3 LANE 2 LANE 1 BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH LANE 5 LANE 4 LANE 3 LANE 2 LANE 1 BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH 16 1/8" 6" MOUNT SURFACE FLANGE LAG BOLT* PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS * DIAMETER, LENGTH & MATERIAL 19 3/8" (+/-1/2") (+/-1/2") 34" 18" (+/-1/2") END VIEW SURFACE FLANGE MOUNT DETAIL RADIUS HOLE TYP. 2 EACH 9/16" NOT TO SCALE 2'-6"2'-6" BICYCLE RACK DETAIL 2'-6" (MIN.) 2" CAPACITY EACH) (2 BIKE BICYCLE RACK PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, 8 INCH MOUNT DETAIL BELOW SEE SURFACE FLANGE (MIN.) 2"WALLNVT STATE PLANE GRIDFalse Northing: 0.0000 False Easting: 1640416.6667 Origin Latitude: 42°30'00.0000"N Central Meridian: 72°30'00.0000"W US Survey Foot Transverse Mercator NAD83 Vermont State Planes VT83 Project No.Scale Revision Drawing No.Sheet Title Client/Project Client/Project Logo Permit/Seal Issued Revision Notes Consultant Copyright Reserved By Appd YYYY.MM.DD By Appd YYYY.MM.DD Dsgn.Chkd.YYYY.MM.DDDwn. use for any purpose other than that authorized by Stantec is forbidden. The Copyrights to all designs and drawings are the property of Stantec. Reproduction or - any errors or omissions shall be reported to Stantec without delay. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions. DO NOT scale the drawing of ORIGINAL SHEET - ARCH D Stantec Street Address City, Province/State, Postal/Zip Code +1.555.555.1234 A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 2019.03.15 CONSTRUCTION NOT FOR PRELIMINARY BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT Tel: www.stantec.com BIKE PARKINGFile Name: ----v:\1953\active\195311193\transportation\drawing\bike parking195311193/195311636 1"=5' BTV QTA RENTAL CAR FACILITY AND BTV HOTEL LOCATION #1 PARKING GARAGE, GROUND LEVEL BIKE PARKING PLAN INSIDE SIDE VIEW ELECTRICAL PANELS AREA REQUIRED TO ACCESS BIKE REPAIR STATION LOCKER FOR HOTEL) LOCATION #2 FOR ADDITIONAL BIKE HOTEL (4 BIKE CAPACITY, SEE PURPLE: TWO BIKE LOCKERS FOR PARKING SPOTS REMOVE 6 EXISTING FOR QTA (4 BIKE CAPACITY) GREEN: TWO BIKE RACKS CAPACITY) GREEN: ONE BIKE LOCKER FOR QTA(2 BIKE ADDTIONAL BIKE RACKS FOR HOTEL) BIKE CAPACITY, SEE LOCATION #2 FOR PURPLE: TWO BIKE RACKS FOR HOTEL (4 MAIN ENTRANCE TO GARAGE N/A*417,000 SFEXISTING FAA BUILDING N/A*32610,000 SFEXISTING TERMINAL 61260,000 SFBTV HOTEL 248,000 SFQTA RENTAL CAR FACILITY SPOTSSPOTSBUILDING AREA LONG TERMSHORT TERMAPPROXIMATEBUILDING DESCRIPTION *LONG TERM PARKING SPOTS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS LONG TERM: 50% OF SHORT TERM SPOTS SHORT TERM: 1 SPOT PER 5,000 SF (MIN. 4) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON BIKE PARKING REQUIREMENTS BIKE CAPACITY) TERMINAL AND FAA BUILDING (36 ORANGE: EIGHTEEN BIKE RACKS FOR SURFACE MOUNT BOLLARDS BIKE PARKING LOCATION #1 AREAS. GUIDE USERS TO BIKE PARKING BTV WILL INSTALL SIGNAGE TO 4. BIKE REAPAIR STATION. RACKS, BIKE LOCKERS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BIKE THE MANUFACTURES DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND MAINTAIN ALL CLEARANCES PER 3. INFORMATION. LOCATION MAP FOR ADDITIONAL SEE DESIGN CRITERIA AND 2. REPAIR STATION. BIKE LOCKER, BOLLARD AND BIKE COLOR AND MODEL OF BIKE RACK, WITH BTV TO DETERMINE STYLE, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE 1. NVT STATE PLANE GRIDFalse Northing: 0.0000 False Easting: 1640416.6667 Origin Latitude: 42°30'00.0000"N Central Meridian: 72°30'00.0000"W US Survey Foot Transverse Mercator NAD83 Vermont State Planes VT83 Project No.Scale Revision Drawing No.Sheet Title Client/Project Client/Project Logo Permit/Seal Issued Revision Notes Consultant Copyright Reserved By Appd YYYY.MM.DD By Appd YYYY.MM.DD Dsgn.Chkd.YYYY.MM.DDDwn. use for any purpose other than that authorized by Stantec is forbidden. The Copyrights to all designs and drawings are the property of Stantec. Reproduction or - any errors or omissions shall be reported to Stantec without delay. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions. DO NOT scale the drawing of ORIGINAL SHEET - ARCH D Stantec Street Address City, Province/State, Postal/Zip Code +1.555.555.1234 A 1 2 3 4 5 2019.03.15 CONSTRUCTION NOT FOR PRELIMINARY BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SOUTH BURLINGTON,VT Tel: www.stantec.com 195311193/195311636 1"=5' BTV QTA RENTAL CAR FACILITY AND BTV HOTEL LOCATION #2 PARKING GARAGE, GROUND LEVEL BIKE PARKING PLAN INSIDE BIKE PARKING - HOTELFile Name: ----v:\1953\active\195311193\transportation\drawing\bike parking - hotelTICKET MACHINE VAN LOCKERS FOR HOTEL) LOCATION #1 FOR ADDITIONAL BIKE HOTEL (2 BIKE CAPACITY, SEE PURPLE: ONE BIKE LOCKER FOR FOR HOTEL) #1 FOR ADDITIONAL BIKE RACKS (8 BIKE CAPACITY, SEE LOCATION PURPLE: 4 BIKE RACKS FOR HOTEL TO HOTEL FUTURE SIDEWALK TOWER EXISTING STAIR HOTEL PROPOSED ENTRANCE ENTRANCE/FUTURE HOTEL EXISITNG SHORT TERM AREAS. GUIDE USERS TO BIKE PARKING BTV WILL INSTALL SIGNAGE TO 4. BIKE REAPAIR STATION. RACKS, BIKE LOCKERS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BIKE THE MANUFACTURES DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND MAINTAIN ALL CLEARANCES PER 3. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEE LOCATION MAP FOR 2. REPAIR STATION. BIKE LOCKER, BOLLARD AND BIKE COLOR AND MODEL OF BIKE RACK, WITH BTV TO DETERMINE STYLE, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE 1. BIKE PARKING LOCATION #2 PIER AND FOOTING BEYOND, LEVEL 1 T.O. SLAB 0" LEVEL 2 -T.O. SLAB 14' -0" B.O. HIGH ROOF 34' -0" T.O. PARAPET 35' -6" 1 8 1/2" 1' - 7 1/2" 1' - 3" A07-03 2 A07-04 1 A07-04 3 A07-04 6 A07-04 A07-03 1 3' - 0"TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY, SEE TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY, SEE /4 A07-03 COMPOSITE CONC SLAB, SEE STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS, SEE STRUCTURAL STEEL BRACE, SEE STRUCTURAL CEILING, SEE RCP /5 A07-03 STEEL BEAMS, SEE STRUCTURAL KAWNEER 1600UT SYSTEM 1 CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY, SEE /5 A07-03 KAWNEER TRIFAB 601UT STOREFRONT WINDOW 5' - 0"8' - 0"CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER BOUNDARY CONCRETE FOUNDATION, SEE STRUCTURAL RIGID INSULATION, SEE STRUCTURAL PIER AND FOOTING BEYOND, SEE STRUCTURAL GRAVEL BASE, SEE STRUCTURAL A07-03 3 LEVEL 1 T.O. SLAB 0" LEVEL 2 -T.O. SLAB 14' -0" B.O. HIGH ROOF 34' -0" T.O. PARAPET 35' -6" D A07-03 1 1' - 3" A07-04 4 A07-04 6 A07-03 2 TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY, SEE KAWNEER 1600UT SYSTEM 1 CURTAIN WALL STEEL BRACE, SEE STRUCTURAL STEEL COLUMN, SEE STRUCTURAL COMPOSITE CONC SLAB, SEE STRUCTURAL TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY, SEE /5 A07-03 /4 A07-03 SLAB ON GRADE, SEE STRUCTURAL METAL PANEL FIN BEYOND, SEE 3' - 11" CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER BOUNDARY STEEL BEAMS, SEE STRUCTURAL EXPOSED STEEL BRACE, SEE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOUNDATION, SEE STRUCTURAL RIGID INSULATION, SEE STRUCTURAL /2 A07-05 DUCTWORK, SEE MECHANICAL SOUND ATTENUATION BAFFLE, SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLANS REVEALS project name:sheet title: sheet no. scale: project no. checked by: drawn by: proj. date: sheet date:project address:P802.879.51537 CARMICHAEL ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452SCOTTPARTNERS.COMF802.872.27641/2" = 1'-0"PMBURLINGTON INTERNATIONALAIRPORT TERMINALINTEGRATION PROJECT20-1411 KT WALL SECTIONS A06-041200 AIRPORT DRIVE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 054031/2" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH WALL SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0"3 WEST WALL SECTION No Date Revisions 3 TIMES THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER MULCH RING, 6'-8' DIA. TREE SET TO BE PLUMB PRUNING SHALL BE DONE AFTER DELIVERY OF PLANTS AND AFTER PLANTS HAVE BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PRUNING PROCEDURES SHALL BE REVIEWED WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. PRUNING SHALL BE DONE WITH A CLEAN SHARP TOOL. CUTS SHALL BE MADE FLUSH, LEAVING NO STUBS. NO TREE PAINT SHALL BE USED. DEAD WOOD, SUCKERS AND BROKEN AND BADLY BRUISED BRANCHES SHALL BE REMOVED. 2" MULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. MAINTAIN MULCH WEED-FREE FOR A MIN. OF ONE YEAR AFTER PLANTING. BACKFILL WITH EXISTING SOIL IN SANDY LOAM SOIL, MIX IN 20% COMPOSTED ORGANIC MATERIAL WITH EXISTING SOIL. GENTLY PACK THE BACKFILL, USING WATER TO SETTLE SOIL AND ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS. PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR COMPACTED NEW SUBGRADE TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT. TRUNK PROTECTION, REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE DOUBLE #10 GA. TWISTED GUYING WIRE, 3 PER TREE WITH TURNBUCKLE MARK THE NORTH SIDE OF THE TREE IN THE NURSERY, AND ROTATE TREE TO FACE NORTH AT THE SITE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE TRUNK FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE SHALL BE REJECTED. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL WITH SOIL. SET TOP OF MAIN ORDER ROOTS FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1"-2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. 4" HIGH TEMPORARY SOIL SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINE, ROPE, WIRE AND BURLAP FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL, 8" MIN. IF PLANT IS SHIPPED WITH A WIRE BASKET AROUND THE ROOT BALL, CUT THE WIRE BASKET IN FOUR PLACES AND FOLD DOWN 8" INTO PLANTING HOLE. CUT ALL GIRDLING ROOTS. NOTES: 1. REMOVE ALL NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL FROM PLANT PIT. 2. REMOVE ALL PLANT MATERIAL TAGS, FLAGGING, AND EXTRANEOUS LABELS, ETC. DUCK BILL TREE ANCHOR 3 TIMES THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER 2" MULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH SHRUB TRUNK. MAINTAIN MULCH WEED-FREE FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR AFTER PLANTING. BACKFILL WITH EXISTING SOIL IN SANDY LOAM SOIL, MIX IN 20% COMPOSTED ORGANIC MATERIAL WITH EXISTING SOIL. GENTLY PACK THE BACKFILL, USING WATER TO SETTLE SOIL AND ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS. PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT. PRUNE TO REMOVE DEAD AND DAMAGED STEMS. MAINTAIN NATURAL SHAPE OF PLANT. DO NOT SHEAR PLANT 4" HIGH TEMPORARY SOIL SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINE, ROPE, WIRE AND BURLAP FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL, 8" MIN. IF PLANT IS SHIPPED WITH A WIRE BASKET AROUND THE ROOT BALL, CUT THE WIRE BASKET IN FOUR PLACES AND FOLD DOWN 8" INTO PLANTING HOLE. CUT ALL GIRDLING ROOTS. SHRUB SET TO BE PLUMB NOTES: 1. REMOVE ALL NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL FROM PLANT PIT. 2. REMOVE ALL PLANT MATERIAL TAGS, FLAGGING, AND EXTRANEOUS LABELS, ETC. SET TOP OF MAIN ORDER ROOTS FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1"-2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS.2"12" MIN.2" LAYER MULCH - DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH PLANT STEMS FINISH GRADE GROUNDCOVER, VINE OR PERENNIAL, TYP. TOPSOIL / PLANTING SOIL AMEND PER SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS UNEXCAVATED GROUND OR SUBGRADE SPACING "D"ROW "A"NUMBER OF PLANTS/SQ.FT. 60" O.C.51.96"0.04 48" O.C 41.52"0.07 42" O.C.36.52"0.10 36" O.C.31.20"0.12 30" O.C.26.00"0.18 24" O.C.20.76"0.28 NOTE: QUANTITY OF SHRUBS AND SPACING AS NOTED IN PLANTING SCHEDULE SHRUB SPACING PLANT CENTER PLANT ROW A A D D D D D ALL EQUAL OR AS SHOWN ON PLANTING PLAN project name:sheet title: sheet no. scale: project no. checked by: drawn by: proj. date: sheet date:project address:P 802.879.51537 CARMICHAEL ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452SCOTTPARTNERS.COMF 802.872.27641 N.T.S TREE PLANTING DETAIL 3/8/2021 1:57:00 PMBIM 360://20444 - BTV TRP - SSCP Consolidation/20-1411 BTV TIP South Addition.rvtBURLINGTON INTERNATIONAIRPORTTERMINAL INTEGRATIONPROJECT20-1411 HKW CO LANDSCAPE DETAILS L400ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 0540305/27/2021 No Date RevisionsLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREWAGNERHODGSONVT802.864.0010wagnerhodgson.comNY518.567.1791430 Warren Street Hudson, NY 125342 N.T.S SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 3 N.T.S ORNAMENTAL GRASS/PERENNIAL/GROUNDCOVER DETAIL 4 N.T.S PLANT SPACING DETAIL The City Lights Building 106 East Allen, Suite 506 Winooski, VT 05404 Tel: 802-497-3653 May 28, 2021 Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: BTV Terminal Integration Project Site Plan Application Response to Staff Comments Ms. Keene: Thank you for your time reviewing the site plan application (#SP-21-18) for the BTV Terminal Integration Project. We have prepared a response to staff comments below in advance of the Development Review Board meeting on June 1st, 2021. We have listed the staff comments first in italics followed by our reply. Updated or added drawings are referenced in the response as well. 1. The applicant indicated in their application form that the lot coverage is unchanged. However, Staff estimates 6,500 sf of impervious is being removed and replaced with landscaping in front of the building. Staff recommends the Board ask the applicant to clarify what the change in impervious is for the purpose of accurate recordkeeping both for this permit and for the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. Staff further recommends the Board ask the applicant to clarify whether the provided values include approved but not yet construction projects (in particular, the airport hotel). The lot coverage does decrease slightly, due to a reduction in impervious area of 6,480 SF (conversion from paved to landscaped area). The table lists both existing and proposed lot coverage as 34.4%, which are rounded numbers and unintentionally imply that there is no change. The percentages are 34.44506% (existing) and 34.42927% (proposed). These numbers both round to 34.4%. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. BTV Terminal Integration Site Plan Application Response to Staff Comments Page 2 of 4 2. Though Staff considers it appears this criterion may be met, Staff recommends the Board request the applicant provide renderings to clarify the scale of the proposed elements, including the proposed exterior “fins” and sun shades. The exterior “fins” are constructed of the same metal panel materials as the exterior walls; the tapered elements are 35’6” tall and align with the roof height, extend approximately 4’ from the building at the top and taper down to less than 1’ at the bottom at grade level. They are approximately 13” wide when viewed from the road. The sun shades are an aluminum outrigger and horizontal blade system which are an integral part of the curtainwall window system. They extend approximately 3’ 6” from the building. We have submitted file ‘46_Exterior Building Views’ and ‘48_BTV TIP South Addition_Fin Sunshade Dwg’ to better clarify the scale of the proposed exterior “fins” and sun shades. 3. Staff recommends the Board require the applicant to provide specific information about how the dumpster will be screened prior to closing the hearing. The dumpster has a chain link fence enclosure with forest green vinyl slats as detailed on the landscape plan, file name ‘18_Landscape Plan_Rev 2_20210528’. In addition, groupings of shrubs are proposed to screen the view of the enclosure. A composition of tall to low plantings are arranged for maximum coverage. Arrowwood Viburnum at the back of the bed will grow to 10 or 12’ in height with an abundance of blue fruit, followed by Red Chokeberry at 6 to 8’ in height with red fall foliage and glossy red berries and finally, in the front is a low Winterberry which gets 3’ tall and has red fruit that persists into the winter. The dumpster is existing and is currently surrounded by chain link fence. The proposed plan is to enlarge the enclosure to the east (airfield side) and relocate an existing dumpster that is currently located on the east side of the more northern planted island into that location to enhance the front of the new building. Given that the dumpster enclosure sits along the service drive, it should not be overly conspicuous to regular traffic entering the airport. Regarding the Staff Comments for Item 13.06G(3) Landscaping Budget Requirements, we appreciate the suggestion of a conditional approval subject to final approval of the landscaping costs for this project, and any carry-over amounts for SP-21-020. Funding for the entire $140,362.71 required for this project is in place, and the Airport will allocate it as required by the Development Review Board for this project and SP-21-020. BTV Terminal Integration Site Plan Application Response to Staff Comments Page 3 of 4 4. Staff recommends the Board review the provided landscaping plan and determine whether to allow the grasses and hardscape as credit towards the minimum required landscaping. The relevant provision of the LDR is as follows. The applicant would like to have the ornamental grasses considered a complimentary planting feature that has been well received on previous projects. Ornamental grasses add texture, color, architectural stature as well as winter interest. In addition, ornamental grasses are a part of a major feature used in the approved Master Plan. A common theme in the Master Plan is the idea of a birch grove presented with low native grasses growing beneath it and is part of the concept presented for the new Airport Gateway project. In terms of the Column Lights, we would consider these as a part of site furnishing rather than a hardscape element. The lighting is meant to be a sculptural feature in which the columns (some lit and some not) are part of a contemporary expression of a birch grove. This series of white light columns will vary in height and will be surrounded by bands of low ornamental grasses as mentioned above. 5. Staff recommends the Board require the applicant to address the comments of the landscape arborist prior to closing the hearing. Staff notes that River Birch have been presented as the central unifying element of the landscaping design and recommends the Board direct the applicant to find a creative way to address the comment rather than removing the trees entirely. As per the recommendation of the City Arborist, the applicant agrees that Honeylocust would be better suited to the area in question. In fact, the new row of Honeylocust will complement those already proposed for the other side of the drive. (Please see the revised landscape plan, titled ‘18_Landscape Plan_Rev 2_20210528’.) We are also providing a planting detail sheet, 49_Landscape Details, in addition to the specifications already submitted as recommended by the City Arborist. The Crown-pruning note on the Tree Protection Specification has been removed per the City Arborist, the revised sheet is titled ‘20_Tree Protection Plan_Rev1_20210528’. To further clarify, the trees shown to be protected are all within the existing planted islands where no work is proposed. There will not be any excavating or filling, but we show protective fencing as a precautionary measure. BTV Terminal Integration Site Plan Application Response to Staff Comments Page 4 of 4 6. Staff recommends the Board require the applicant to provide an updated accounting of the required and provided number of bicycle parking spaces, both short and long term, and calculate whether additional spaces are required as part of this application. If additional spaces are required, the applicant should provide a plan showing where the additional spaces will be provided. An updated bike parking plan has been submitted (file name: 47_BTV Bike Parking 05-28-2021), showing eight (8) additional short-term bike parking spaces located in the parking garage, in “Location #1”. This document also includes an updated overall aerial layout and accounting of the existing and proposed projects at the Airport. Please note that the eight (8) additional bike parking spaces shown on the updated plan have already been installed. In summary, the following files have been added to this submission or revised in response to staff comments: • 18_Landscape Plan_Rev 2_20210528 • 20_Tree Protection Plan_Rev1_20210528 • 46_Exterior Building Views • 47_BTV Bike Parking 05-28-2021 • 48_BTV TIP South Addition_Fin Sunshade Dwg • 49_Landscape Details We look forward to meeting on June 1st, 2021. Feel free to contact me with any questions, 802-324-5522. Sincerely, EIV Technical Services Jacqueline Dagesse, MBA, CPESC, PMP Environmental Engineer