HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 04/07/2021 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for Wednesday 04/07/2021 at 6:05pm Electronic meeting attended by: Ashley Parker, Ray Gonda (Chr), Lisa Yankowski, Colin McIntosh, Larry Kupferman, Jean-Sebastien Chaulot, Drew Shatzer Missing: David Crawford Public attendees: John Bossange & Wayne Nadeau 1) Review of process of Virtual meetings- passed on this. a. Ray quested that if you are not talking to please mute your mike and camera. 2) Additions/deletions to the agenda- none. 3) Comments from the public a. John has applied to become a committee member. b. Wayne is trying to understand what constitutes or the definition of a Natural Resource Protection Zone. Particularly he questions areas of the Vt National Country Club golfing greens considered protected zones. This led to discussion of what is the definition. We think the verbage comes from back when the country club development was proposed. We are not sure if the definition can be found in the LDR language or in the past city comprehensive plans. 4) Adoption of meeting minutes for 03/03/21 and the special meeting minutes from 03/15/2021. a. Larry moved to approved both sets of minutes, Lisa 2n- approved. 5) Discuss/review NRCC Testimony on Proposed LDRs. Reference the Draft NRCC Comments to City Council & Planning Commission on Draft Land Use Regulations Proposal, included in the information packet. a. This complicated because we have LDRs and PUDs. Then PUDs are further split into Traditional & Conservation. It is felt a lot of information is missing and unclear and has been removed. Ray questions what is protected and what isn’t. Definitions are not clear. Paul Conner is supposed to be creating cleaner mapping. b. Jean was at the city meeting and he feels we need to help identify endangered species areas. Ray thinks we need to formally present our thoughts to the Planning Commission- but when could that happen. Larry likes the document and feels we should use it as an outline towards presenting our concerns. Larry moved to adopt the document as our basis for statements when considering LDRs & PUDs. Lis a 2nd, adopted unanimously. 6) Vision of preservation of the city’s natural resources. a. Ray liked a statement City Councilor Meghan Emery had made about her vision of what South Burlington’s future could look like, having infilling of development along major routes like Williston Road and Shelburne Road in the quest to avoid spreading into the remote areas. An example of infilling would be the development of the Long property which lies between 2 other developments. Larry feels we to concentrate more on looking at the natural resources and area where they are. Shelburne Rd and Wlliston Rd are not conservation zones. Discussion led to the work the late John Ewing had done promoting development centers. b. It is felt we need to relook at our Action . Working on the left side priorities- What do we envision, want the future to look like. This goal is what the work plan should have us working towards. A new work group consisting of Larry, Jean & Ray will start looking at this. 7) Video Project on South Burlington Wildlife. Ray has demonstrated that game camera video can be downloaded to a Google drive with an email link. Email recipients can click on the link and view the video. The videos are short in length, about 20 seconds long and use about 250 kb of space. He wants to create a video library to store the images that the public can access and watch. There is still confusion about trying to use the goggle docs the city has for committees that cannot be used for this purpose. But the city’s website has an area that could be used to hold the collection and newsletters we might wish to publish. Colin is working with Ray on developing a site. 8) I89 Discussion and input. Larry complied our suggestions and proposed metrics we thought should be considered. They were sent to the CCRPC group leaders. Larry attended the meeting the city had with the CCRPC. Some of the metric from the natural resource group were added to the metric a. Ray compiled our presentation on the NRC position regarding some of the possible new exits that were being considered as possibly necessary in the future. Lisa took some persuading about why developing an exit 12B would not be beneficial due to increased homes that could be built and increased economic development. Larry motioned to accept the statement, Lisa 2nd. Jean feels we should not submit a statement saying we are against 12b and abstained from voting. The statement was approved and will become part of the public presentation. 9) City staff will start moving back into city hall slowly with employees staggering who is on site each day. You still need to make an appointment to enter the building. a. Chair report b. Staff report- Ashley emailed the committee members who have expiring terms what they need to do to reapply. The deadline is April 12th. i. The survey is done at Red Rocks. There is an owl causing issues, be aware. The cliffs are closed by the Audubon Society- we are hoping the Peregrine Falcons will be back. We are hoping for a successful fledgling this year. ii. Drew is leading an “April Stools Day”, 04/10 at Wheeler Park. Register with Ashley. iii. Underwood has a “Weed Warrior Day” planned for April 24th. iv. Ballet VT is having an event, “Bees & Friends.” Does the NRC want to have a table at this event- think about it. Celebration on the importance of pollinators. Reach out to Holly R at the recreation dept. c. Work groups-Larry & Colin attended the DRB meeting on the proposed development of the Long Property. The sketch plan is continuing until May 4th. Public comments will be after this. Larry is hoping to present our findings but we are part of the information packet. Ray believed proposals that came in after the start of Interim Zoning meant these developers needed to use the “old rules” for conservation areas. The new rules changed some of the conservation requirements and it appears this is allowing the extra 6 houses we were questioning on the edge of the conservation area on the Long Property. Ray was also concerned with Alan Long insinuating he worked with the NRC committee, he only talked to Ray. Larry says there are some trees that should be saved and not been discussed yet. 1. Jean has been researching where to get information on endangered species. We are trying to find information on the locations of endangered plants and animals. Where are those sensitive areas in South Burlington? Jean has a source who has usable information and is willing to share that information with our group on the condition it is not to be shared with the public. We should take advantage of this offer. Jessie contacted Shelburne to see if they had anything. There has been no reply yet. 2. Ray talked to Dr. Walter Pullman, of the Rubenstein School, at UVM. What might be the possibility of having students doing field work as part of their studies? He wants time to consider but thought if could work. d. Drew asked about using a different platform for our electronic meetings. He constantly getting kicked out the Go To Meetings we use. Per Ashley- this is what the city provides for everyone to use. 10) Future agenda items: a. Discuss wildlife corridor mapping. Do we proceed or work on it case-by-case basis. b. Do we want to get involved in PFAS. c. Review endangered species information. The next meeting is Wednesday May 5, 2021 at 6pm