HomeMy WebLinkAboutZP-18-400 - 0026 Duval Street 10/19/2018CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant: Application No: y _ 1 [office use only] Applicant Mailing Address:�-v'� V Applicant Email: . � I� e. o k v �' W t —� r�1LL't� ` C a°„�• Daytime phone: 602 � l l �W� Property Street Address: `' c" _ u 1< a l S �' �`J f ` �i v 1 VT 05403 Property Owner: of Ck V` �+�% �% 2 r' Parcel Size: 337(q Property Owner Mailing Address: / �Q(,) I J ✓2 /y �r tYf((S�JUfy, FL) Tax Parcel ID No. 0600-0W 2 to 1. PROPOSED project including building dimensions (describe): 2. PresentYSE(S) of the property: Single family home on its own parcel ❑ Other (please state the USE per Land Development Regulations- retail, general office, multifamily residential, etc.): S. List all present structure(s) on property (describe including dimensions or square footage of each):(�Jj'l� S�(1 Does 9TNo project include a proposed change of USE? (the property will still be used for the same purpose) ❑Yes (please state proposed changed or added USES per Land Development Regulations- retail, general office, multifamily residential, etc.): 5. ESTIMATED total cost of improvements (materials and labor): 6. Building footprint - i.e. size in sq.ft of main floor of house and all attached and detached structures including enclosed breezeways, garages, and sheds (describe): Existing: fix, Id, Proposed: 4uj5-Lk t beak 7. Total square feet of other impervious surfaces on site (i.e. driveways, patios, decks) Existing: Vv � Proposed: CiW�"L %� S. ATTACH SKETCH PLAN OR SITE PLAN (not required if project consists ONLY of interior renovations or replacement of 1 existing roof, siding, etc. in the exact same size) z o APPLICANT/OWNER CERTIFICATION • The undersigned property owner hereby consents to submit this application and understands that if the application is approved, the Zonina Permit and anv attached conditions will be binding on the property. PRINT NAME Date 5 F Property Owner Signature The undersigned ration is true, accurate and complete. l0J S Date OFFICE USE ONLY — ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION — OFFICE USE ONLY z o0 DATE Received: (� $ FEE Received: $ ✓ Identification of zoning district: PJ CDIT41111,41tn Identification of proposed use: FXPermitted Conditional PROPOSED USE TYPE: Date of SITE PLAN approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of SUBDIVISION approval/ denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of CONDITIONAL USE approval/ denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of appeal VARIANCE approval/ denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of MISCELLANEOUS approval/ denial Approval Date Denial Date Provided applicant copy of URBEC or VCBE Standards Handbook or❑Not Applicable FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION Z I N G P E R M I T APPROVED I (� �� $ J� ► l - Approval Date Administrative Officer's Signature q Permit EFFECTIVE date --LI )41 1 Permit EXPIRATION date DENIED REASON for DENIAL Denial Date Administrative officer's Signature_ Notice of Appeal Rights: Any interested person may appeal this decision by filing a written Notice of Appeal with the clerk of the Development Review Board within fifteen [15] days of the date of this decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $223.00. This permit does NOT authorize commencement of any development activity approved by the permit until the permit takes effect as set forth above. Site modifications and improvements made prior to this permit becoming effective may be subject to removal and site restoration if a timely appeal is commenced. NOTE: The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. � r t I 1 112 Cl/ 10 W444 I J I f � �► ' Yu4L Cl- , a-i It Resid,ential Lease Agreement This residential Lease Agreement, dated "J20JO is between Diane M. Dwyer and N.01. r4,k er4 J4 4 �La��ndlrd The landlord and!or agent(st Islare referred o in this Lease Agreement as Landlord - Diane M. Dwyer Tenants jr -rItI - , 6 The parties agree as follows §1 Rental Property The Landlord agrees to rent to the Tenant the property described as a house located at 26 Dural St in South Burlington, VT. which is referred to in this L'ease Agreement as the "Leased Premises §2 Term of Lease The Landlord hereby leases the Leased Premiseto }he T enant and the Tenant herebv leases the same from, tie Landlord. for the term beg4nninq I continuing until .-,, , /,�, Lease will continue month to -nonth, payable rnontriiy, quarterly. semi-annualiy'or annUiRlIV L'infil'terminated by either party giving 60 days notice of intent to end lease agreement, §3 Condition of Property The Tenant acknowledges that he has inspected pected the Leased Premises, and at the cornmencerient of this Lease Agreement, the interior and exterior ci€ the Leased Premises. as veil as all equipment and any appliances. are toan acceptobie condition and in good working order Tenant a'qreps that Landlord has not made an,,, pron-iises reC-ard ma the .cndition of the Leased Premises'.' Tenant - agrees to return the Leased Prernises to the Landlord at the end of the Lease Agreement in the same condition it was all the begmning of this Lease Agreement §4 Possession 41 T Fie Tenant shaft be entitled to possession on the first day of the terns of this lease and shlati yjeicl, possession to the Landlord on -ale 'as, day of the term of this lease, unless other,,vise agreed to b,,,, both parties in writing, 4.2 At the expiration of the term, the Tenant s'1811 remove his goods and effects and peaceably yield the Lease c Premises to the Landlord in as good a condition as when delivered to the Tenant, ordinary wear and tear excepted, §5 Quiet Possession The Landlord covenants and warrants that upon pe!Iornnance b,, the Tenant of its oblig2beins hereundk��r the Landlord will keep the Tenant in Pxclusivp, quiet. peaceable. undisturbed and urni-iterrupted p.--sses-si,:-;n othe Leased Prermse-, during the te.rrn of this Lease. Tenant confines that any noise fro-m cite ,-iirport or aflr traffic shaill nor b(,, corsidered a vl;otattan o'f Landlord's -warranty of habitability §6 Amount of Rent The amount of the rent is to be paid by before move in, day, A e r i ' -ent nip v he paid in advance monthly, quarterly. s Preferred bv the teriant semi-2nnualty. or annually as §7 Default T 1 If default is made in any of the Covenants or conditions to Oe KePt observed and Performed by the Tenant. other than payment of refit and such default continues for 30 days after notice 'thereof in writing to the Tenant by the Lardlord '0iffj-)out correction incroof and having been coninienced and thereafter di!gentlyexec uted, the Landionj ii,,ay declare the term of this Lease ended and terminated by giving the Tenant I tten notice of such intention. If possession of the Leased Premises is not surrendered, the Landlord may reenter the said Leased Premises The Landlord has, in addition to the remedy provided above. any other rightiemedy available to the Landlord on account of any Tenant default, either in law or equity, §8 Use The Tenant shall not use "Llie Leased Premises for the purposes of storing. manufacturing or selling any explosives flarni-Ti2bles or other inherently dangerous substance. chemical, thing or device of- do or have ary-j"ning on the premises that viould increase the prerniurn on Landlord's Homeowner's Insurance Policy. §9 Occupants No more than 4 Unrelated person(s; may reside on the Leased Premises without obtaining the Prior written consent of the Landlord. §10 Absences The Tenant shall noff', the Landlord of any aritc., j it 102-Ci extended absence from the Leased Premises not later than the firs; day of the extended absence §11 Security Deposit At the time of siownc this Lease Agreement, the Tenant Will deliver to Landlord a security deposit of at the time of sioning this lease agreement, The Security deposit is intended to pay the cost of damages. icleaninq. excessive wear and tear. and unreturned keys once, the Lease Aareement has ended andfor for any unpaid charges or attorney fees Suffered by the Landlord bl/, reason of Tenan', s default of this Lease Agree -Men, Under no circumstance can the security deposit be used as payrnent for rent and/or other charges due during the term of this Lease Agreet. The Landlord's recovery of damages will not bte lirnited to the amount of the Security deposit. men §12 Sublease and Assigrimen'. The Tenant miay part of the Leased Premises. or ass;gn th Q- Lease in or in part v;Ilhout the Landlord's consent Which is not unreesonably witnheld or del.aved §13 Repairs I lie tenant will maintain the Leased Pren-iises, n good repair at all times, and perform minor repairs as necessary, Major i ecairs not due to 'enart s act omission or neglect will be the responstbility of the landlord. §14 Alterations and Improvements The Tenant has the sigh: to place and install personai property in the Leased Premises and faster, the same to the Leased Premises- All perso-nai property. -oihel-he., acquired by the Tenant at the n : commencement of the Lease term or placed or i stakied on the Leased by the Tenant thereafter, will remain the Tenant's oropei"), free and -.!ear of any claim by the Landlord, he Tenant wil;.' have the right to remove the same at any time during the term of this Lease provided that all damage to the Leased Premises caused b,such rer-nivall is repaired by the 1 enanat the I eaa� 'r 1-1 expense §15 Prop rty Taxes-----_ TheLandlord will Pay all general real estate taxes §16 Insurance 01 If the Leased Premises or any other part;: of the building is damaged by fire or other casualty resulting from 1 any act negligence of the Tenant or any of the Tenant's invitees.. rent will not be diminished or abated while such damages are under repair, and the Tenant will be responsible for repair not covered by insurancethe costs of. §17 Utilities and Services The Landlord witt be responsible for insurance on the structure of the Leased Premises. Th _ Tenant will be responsible for insurance of his personal property and for paying all utilities. The Tenant is required to register the utiMies and services in the Tenant's name. The Tenant under stands and agrees that essential services are to be maintained and operational at all times. including ordering oil in a timely mariner so that the tank never empties completely. The Tenant agrees to maintain all interior thermostats at settings no !ow:.er than 50 F and the garage thermostat at no lower than 45 F. Tenant agrees to leave interior door to downstairs back bedroom open when the room is not occupied Tenant is resbonsibie M, snow removal. trash removal and lawn care §1.8 Landlord's Right of Entry 101 The Landlord. with 48 )lours written or emailed notice has the right during the term of this Lease Agreement to enter during reasonable hOUrs to inspect the Leased Premises. make repairs or improvements, or to show prospective buyers and/or enants the property. As provided by law. in the event of an emergency, the Landlord reserves the right to enter the Leased Premises w,thout notice It is required that the Landlord have a working set o` keys and/or security codes to gain access to the Leased Premises `therefore. the Tenant will not change locks, install additional locks, bolts, or security systems without the written consent of the Landlord. Unauthorized installation or changing of any locks will be replaced at the Tenant's expense The Tenant is responsible for any and all damages that may occur as a result of forcible entry during an emergency where them was an unauthorized placement of a lock 1&2 The Landlord shall be allowed to display the usual "For Pent" or For Sale signs and show the Leased Premises to prospective tenants or buyers §19 Parking The tenant will have use of the garage and drive vay for part ing motor vehicle. Only dry vehicles {no water or snow dripping from vehicle; may be parked in the smaller garage; §20 Damage, Destruction and Condemnation 20.1 If the Leased Premises are damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty to the exter.t that enjoyment of the dwelkng unit is substantially impaired, the Landlor"i may eiect to repair the Leased Premises or terminate the Lease upon 30 days written notice to the Tenant. if the Leased Premises are condemne i or cannot reascnabiy be repaired. this Lease will terminate upor, 20 days written notice by either party. The Tenant �,vill give the Landlord immediate notice of any damage to the Leased Premises Rent shalt be abated during the period of time the premises are uninhabitable, unless the damage w tas the result of the negligence act or omission of Tenant or his invitees, in which case the rent shall not be abated. 20 2 if any legally constituted authority condemns the buldding cr such part thereof which makes he Leased Premises unsuitable for leasing. this, Lease will cease when the public authority takes ccssessior:. and the Landlord and Tenant will account for rent as of that date. Such termination will be v,ithout prejudice to the rig^its of either pary tc recover compensation from the condemning authority for any loss or damage caused by the cond-emnation Neither party has any rights in or to anv award made to the other by the condemning authority. §21 Pets Pets 'PXOLI be a!to ved ti+.iti the prior written consent or tre Landlord 14 �Gt � t ( ram; dti✓4, 77_ §22 Nonce Any notice required by the terms of this Lease will be in writing to the following a. ,'notices se it to the Landlord mil be sent to. Jeri±7i r + nE+Q lrr.-i!_Om OP WC N Notices sent to the Tenant be sent to OR 26 Duval St. South Burlington. VT 05403 Notice may t1e given by either parse to the other ,r^ all,, niarner provided for by law, or by any of the following. regular mail, per onal delivery. or email §23 Illegal Activity Conduct of any iilegai activity on the premises shall be a default in the terms of this lease. §24 Rules and Regulations: NA §25 Security Not Promised The Tenant has inspected and acknowledges that all door and window locks, fire extinguishers. security alarm systerns and/or carbon monoxide det4ctors are in sound working order. The Tenant further understands and acknowledges that, although the Landlord makes every effort to make the Leased Premises safe and secure, this in no way creates a promise of security. Tenant agrees to replace the batteries in any battery operated smoke or carbon monoxide detectors in a timely manner. §26 Keys The Tenant will be given 2 key(s) to the .Leased Premises If all keys are not returned to the Landlord following termination of the Lease ':he Tenant will be charged S20 §27 Termination upon Safe of Premises Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease. the Landlord may terminate this Lease upon 30 days written, not ce to the Tenant that the Leased Premises are under contract for sale. §28 Holdover' if the Tenant maintains possession of the P Leased Premises For any .period after the termination of this Lease {referred to as "holdover period"). the Tenant will pay the Landlord Lease paymeit(s) during 'lie holdover period at a rate equal to ; 501!,,, of the most recent rate preceding the holdover period Such ho!d�ver v `�nstitute a month -to -month extension of this Lease §29 Remodeling or Structural Improvements The Tenant is allowed to conduct any construction or remodeling fat the Tenant's expense) only with the orior written consent of the Landlord All such improvements shall become the property of Landlord r less Landlord requests removal thereof. §30 Indemnity Regarding Use of Premises To the extent permitted by law. the Tenant agrees to, indemnify, hold harmless and defend tl-e Landlord' from and against any and all losses. claims, liabilities and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, if any, .vhich the Landlord may suffer or ncur in connection with the Tenant's possession. use or misuse of the Leased Premises. except the Landlord's act or negligence. §31 Dangerous Materials he Tenant wilt: not keep or have on the Leased Premises any article or thing of a dangerous. flammable, or explosive character that night substantially increase the danger of fire on the Leased Premises. or that might be considered hazardous by a responsible insurance company. unless the prior written consent of the Landlord is obtained and proof of adequate insurance protection is provided by the Tenant to the Landlord. §32 Lease Renewal After the Initial Term. this Lease will automatically renew on a month to month basis, unless terminated by either of the parties in accordance with the terms of this lease. See §2 Terin of Lease above. §33 Governing Law The law under which this agreement will he governed. construed and interpreted will be those of the State of Vermont 0 §34 Headings The headings used in this Lease are for Convenience of the parties only aj�a should not be considered Ir) interpreting the rneaning Of any Provision of this Lease §35 Successors The Provisions of this Lease extend to and are binding uwi the Landlord and T enant and their resoective I - iegal representatives, SUCCesscrs and assion-,z. §36 Subordination This Lease IS Subordinate to any mortgage that now exists. or may be giver) later by the Landlord. with respect to the Le-o-sed Prernises. §37 Final and Entire Agreement 37 1 This Agreement tei-mir.a,es and superserjes all priol, understandings or agreementsOn tne subject, matter hereof. This Agreement may be modified only by a furthe,r parries, writ;ng that is duly excuv I) eied both 3 7 2 By signing this Lease Agreement the Tenart certifies that they have read, understood arid agree to COMOV With a!) of the terms. I conditions rules and regulations of this Lease Agr�t�n,,enf.. Including any aadendurns. and that the%, have receive all necessary keys. Tenants' Signatures: After havina read and understanding the full context of this agreement, the undersigned tenants accept /A and agi e, lo thq/�erms set o.-h herein. Tenants also acknowledge receipt of a copy hereof. Dat CA Date Landlord's Receipt of Deposit and Signaturc: I acknow. edge tlhC_ reCejot of S2000 00 sec depos;t from tenants for lease term beginning. which \�vilf serve as security depcsft lor his lease and agree to the terms set forth herein. W, I , Ir y2c e Da