HomeMy WebLinkAboutZP-18-418 - 0011 Butler Drive 11/14/2018CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant: e1)7-0r'Y- �V M6me 1-)ePV7- Application No: 7 [office use only] Applicant Mailing Address: Y4 i 6,/�FTz3N -4, ¢/O ��l�' 4.3 a)d r-�-0c'S jlrx� JYIf1.. b j6o y Applicant Email: `) d,VICe Pen.mI T-o' &"M/4` e Daytime phone:J; iv73 Property Street Address: 1/ 6,) , �D /U/L�l / �' �- VT 05403 Property Owner: %�71,� e' LC�i�lliN Parcel Size: Property Owner Mailing Address: ' Tax Parcel ID No. 02RS -MD )) 1. PROPOSED project including building dimensions (describe): LePO4 I- OBPwce wuyb (Nt>0W., fit) d 1ZYiil-V L7' 01LA L- Gib n 0 L 'resent USE(S) of the property: Single family home on its own parcel ❑ Other (please state the USE per Land Development Regulations- retail, general office, multifamily residential, etc.): 3. List all present structure(s) on property (describe including dimensions or square footage of each): 4. Does the project include a proposed change of USE? EENo (the property will still be used for the same purpose) QYes (please state proposed changed or added USES per Land Development Regulations- retail, general office, multifamily residential, etc.): 5. ESTIMATED total cost of improvements (materials and labor): $ (p j7 6. Building footprint - i.e. size in sq.ft of main floor of house and all attached and detached structures including enclosed breezeways, garages, and sheds (describe): Existing: Proposed: 7. Total square feet of other impervious surfaces on site (i.e. driveways, patios, decks) Existing: Proposed: nTTACH SKETCH PLAN OR SITE PLAN (not required if project consists ONLY of interior renovations or replacement of existing roof, siding, etc. in the exact same size) g, APPLICANTlOWNER CERTIFICATION The undersigned property owner hereby consents to submu INS appliwticn a^d understands that if the appilr.ation is approved_ the zoning Permit and any attached condAtons writ be binding on Ina property M i c.6, C,���-f{/ u 1 L,/ /Ivc 23 f 9 X prKporty Owner Signature PRINT 4AME Date Thu undersigned applicant hereby affirms that the information presented in tos application is titre, accurate a',d complete ppacant Signature PRINT NAME Date OFFICE USE ONLY —ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION — OFFICE USE ONLY (1tGn DATE Received' FEE Received' 5 ✓ r 1� I tentlGcatlon of zoning district: Svc{ Identification of proposed use- U PROPOSED USE TYPE Date of SITE PLAN approvaVdenial Uate of SUBDIVISION approval/ denial \7-1 ",. Permitted =Cond tional Approval Date Daniel Date Approval Do% Denial Dale Date of CONDITIONAL USE approVOU denial — Approval Data Denial Date Date of appeal VARIANCE approveV denial Approval Data Oanlal Dale Date of MISCELLANEOUS approvaV denial Approval Dare Denlaf Date Provided applicant copy of URSEC or VCBE Standards Handbook or[]Not Applicable APPROVED _ _ Approval Date Adrmnietrativo Ofnear's Signature Permit EFFECTIVE data Permit £XPIRATtON date .�� FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION Z O N I N G P E R M I T B v-�) J- "1 DE IE0 REASON for DENIAL Denial Date Nonce of Appeal Rights: Any interested person may appeal th,s deGs+On by filing a wrdten Notice cf Appeal with the Clerk of the Development Review Board within fifteen (151 days of the date o° this decision. The nohx of appoai most be accompanied by a Wing fee of $223.00 This permit Clovis NOT authorize commencement of any development activity approved by the permit until the permit takes effect as set tofth above Site modifications and vnprovementi made prior fir this perm,t becoming eflectrie may be sub;ect to removal and $tie restcratlon it a timely appeal is Commence(f. )40TE: The applicant or pertnittee retains the obligation to identifyapply fo' and obtain relevant slate permits for this p,o;ect Call (302) 8"9.5876 to speak with the regional Permit Sbeualist, r g� Home Improvement Agreement: Page 1 Home Depot License Number(s): Visit www.homedepot.com/c/SV—HS—Contractor—License—Numbers for latest license info #N/A Salesperson Name: Richard Bessette Registration No. (if applicable): Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. ("Home Depot") or service provider named below ("Service Provider") will furnish, install or service the equipment listed below at the price, terms and conditions as outlined on this form. WILKINSON (MIKE New England North 1-96QZ9AR Customer Last Name Customer First Name Store # / Branch Name Lead/Customer Order # 11 Butler Drive South Burlington VT 05403 Customer Address City State Zip (802) 363-9882 1 Imikew@akinson.com.au Home Phone# Work Phone# Cell Phone# Customer Email Address NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL: YOU MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT WITHOUT PENALTY OR OBLIGATION BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE TO HOME DEPOT AT HOME DEPOT USA INC., 2455 PACES FERRY ROAD, BLDG. B-3, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 or EMAIL lie Home Depot 1 @ customercancellationnortheast@homedepot.com BY MIDNIGHT ON THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER SIGNING, UNLESS THE STATE SUPPLEMENT PROVIDES A DIFFERENT CANCELLATION PERIOD. THE STATE SUPPLEMENT CONTAINS A FORM TO USE IF ONE IS SPECIFICALLY PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN YOUR STATE. YOUR PAYMENTS WILL BE RETURNED WITHIN TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS AFTER HOME DEPOT'S RECEIPT OF YOUR NOTICE. YOU MUST MAKE AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP BY HOME DEPOT OR SERVICE PROVIDER, AT YOUR SERVICE ADDRESS, AND IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME CONDITION AS WHEN DELIVERED, ANY MERCHANDISE OR MATERIALS DELIVERED TO YOU. OR YOU MAY CONTACT HOME DEPOT FOR INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING RETURN SHIPMENT AT HOME DEPOT'S EXPENSE. THE LAW REQUIRES THAT HOME DEPOT GIVE YOU A NOTICE EXPLAINING YOUR RIGHT TO CANCEL. PLEASE SIGN BELOW TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN ORAL AND WRITTEN NOTICE OF YO R RI HT TO CANCEL. Acknowledged by: 10/16/2018 Customer's Signature Date Contract Price and Payment Schedule : Payment of the Contract Price is due upon signing unless a different payment schedule is required by law, specified below or in a payment addendum. Contract Price: 1 6190.55 Includes all applicable taxes. Excludes finance charges.* Sales Tax: 10.00 (If applicable) *Maximum deposit ONLY applicable in MD, MA, ME (33%), NJ, Wl (9911o) Jep. 25.0 —] % Deposit Amount 11547.64 Remaining Contract Balance 4642.91 j The Home Depot - 2455 Paces Ferry Road, N.W. Bldg. B-3, Atlanta, Georgia 30339 - Customer Care: 1-800-466-3337 Customer Agreement (C,E,I) (31 Jan. 18) v 50.1.2