HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-88-0000 - Decision - 0495 Spear StreetPLANNING COMMISSION 11 OCTOBER 1988 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 11 October 1988, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Peter Jacob, Chairman; William Burgess, Mary -Barbara Maher, William Craig, Catherine Peacock, Ann Pugh Also Present Joe Weith, City Planner; Fred Martell, Tom Trainer, Tim Diens't, Dennis Webster, Bill Schuele, Edward Burr, Jim Wood, Alan Brusoe, Ann -Marie Soutiere; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper 1. Request of Steve Pcolar & James LaPlant for reapproval of the Final Plat application for a 2-lot subdivision of the one acre Riehle property, 495 Spear Street Mr. Pcolar indicated they will now hook up to the city sewer. There will also be a boundary change of 14 ft. so that parcel B will have 100 feet of frontage on Spear Street. Ms. Peacock moved that the Planning Commission reapprove the Final Plat application of Steve Pcolar and James LaPlant for subdivision of a one -acre parcel with existing house into two lots as depicted on a plan entitled "Proposed Subdivision of 495 Spear„ bv Fred-C. Koerner, C.E., dated June 1988, last revised 11 October 1988. This approval shall include the same stipulations contained in the June 21, 1988 approval for this project. Mr. Burgess seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Continuance of Site Plan application of Community Lutheran Church liston to construct 2432 sq. ft. of new additions, 1560 Wil- Road The curb cut on Williston Rd. has been eliminated as has parking on Williston Rd. There are now 55 parking spaces which exceeds the requirement. The Church is having a prob- lem coming up with money for the project, and would like the Commission to remove the stipulation requiring paving of the parking lot. They feel they can discipline the lot by using curbed landscaped islands. Mrs. Maher thought it should be paved. Mr. Craig suggested leaving it unpaved to see how it works. If it doesn't work, the Commission could later re- quire paving. Mr. Burgess said he would consent to that but was still bothered by the thought that the Church would later say they still couldn't afford paving. Mr. Jacob said he felt allowing no parking on Victory would solve the problem as people would have to park in the lot. Ms. Peacock said