HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-88-0000 - Supplemental - 0495 Spear StreetLAPLANT, James 495 Spear Street Area zoned R-4 District Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements Minimum rear ,yard - 30 feet Existing rear yard - 11.5 feet Proposed rear ,yard - 9 feet Proposed addition 22' x 28' with 22' x 25' attached garage 1�,uKL-jl 6wtTON COONTFY 'Gt.Ui3• INL MPRy3l-& MoN�MENr -17 Coo -o X N., ` bRIvS L PPRKING 3l` Gy:. \:� LA PLAN7.7- y 14.3 - I�i-UKI—lt-16+TON COLiNTFY Gt-UO• (N•G RO a 17 M/�Rt3t.Fa MaN_NMENT' _ - - �� ooti 90001 0—q� -� � p0 , In A, _ � ExKritiy. FiouR�E ............ I f LA PLAN y 75' rPEAk Sr. v City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 August 8, 1988 Mr. James LaPlant 1 North Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Zoning appeal Dear Mr. LaPlant: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, August 22, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your zoning application. Please plan to attend this hearing. Very truly, A - V Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp 1 Encl SOUiM 6UHUNGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117,Title 24 V.S.A. the South Buri' zoewng board of P stment wAl hold a S�:?: atSouthunicipal Offices,Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, August 22, 1988, at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: N I Appeal of Frank Paris seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to construct a 16' x 22' addi- tion (bedroom and enclosed porch) to within six (6) feet of the northerly side yard, at 19 Duchess Avenue. M2 Appeal of Community Lutheran Church, Dennis Webster, agent seekirp aallp- proval from Section 9.20 Conditional uses sub section 9.201 and sub section 9.202 cloy care of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to constrict alterations and ad- ditions (approximately 2400 square feet) to the existing Community Lutheran Church, requesting approval to op- erate a day care center with a maximum of 25 children, located at 1560 Williston Rood. 03 Appeal of James laPlont seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to construct a 22' x 38' adder tion and 22' x 25' attached paroge to within nine (9) feet of the rear yard, lo- cated at 495 Spear Street. 04 Appeal of Kelly Esta- brook-Brown seeking a vori- once from Section 9.10 Permitted uses of the South Burlington Regulations. Re - guest is for permission to operate a bea salon (area approximaN 9' x 10') in conosKiion with a single-family dwelling, at 9 Doane Street. N5 Appeal of Thomas and Nancy Tavares seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for permis- sion to constrict a detached 22' x 24' ga • to within six (6) feet of= southerly side yard, at 76 Shunpike Road. M6 Appeal of Gary Riggs seeking approval from Sec- tion 19.65 Multide uses of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for p"s- sion to construct a 9000 square foot structure, occu- Contkwod Next Column LEGAL NOTICES 1 pyktg with a maximum of four warehouse/contractor type uses on a lot con- taining 41,000 square feet located at lot 17, Ethan Al- len Drive. 07 Appeal of R.P.M. Devel- opment, Paul Marquis, agent seeking a variance from Section 11.503 Planxted Commercial Devel- opment area, dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Re - guest is for permission to construct a commercial pork on a lot conrolning 2.55 acres with 337 feet, also opppprroovol under Section 12.502 Conditionol use (proposed bulding 27,700 square feet) maximum of nine uses, such as wore- lo- coted at 90 Allen RoacE #6 Appeal of Gerry ,Brown and Leo Zachary seeking appproval from Section 19 65 Muhtiple uses of tots South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for permis- sion to occupy on existing 52,000 square foot building for warehousing, light man - wholesale and retatT sales and yyen" of- fice area, presemiy Vermont Floating and Venhlc;; ni lo- cated at 1891 Williston Rood. 09 Appeal of Christine Sheil seeking a variance from Section 19.10 Permitted uses of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for lion to operate a salon (area approxl- matey 13' x 15') in conkxc- tion with a single-fanwly dwelling, at 9 Clover Street. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer August 6, 1988 City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment --Date Applicant -STev2 fcaI-AA L-T,k LA� Ili A d d r e s s e c /la2—"if IV,. Owner, leasee, agent '5UJQL./hM.-\. VJ— 05"/01 Telephone # Official Use APPLICATION HEARING DATE FILING DATE %1&�IISX FEE AMOUNT 3o /-*2 °e_ Landowner Z-Af eyyT Address c o P-lo.Aw- , Uu'2L/4Z,40-,Te1 # Location and description of property G — e4,-rLX / 1k rz — � r r Type of application (check one ( ) appeal -f�r m decision of Administrative Office ( ) request for a conditional use ( V ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisment must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off-se.t the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Aw • e:rbf-� Re son for appeal frS-e- ec'*ts 12('it-i Iit AeA-- /a�r /� The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evi enc�e to the Board. 8 Hearing Date 'V a-��y gnat of Appellant Do not write below this line ----------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on at (month and date) Appeal of seeking a .) (Day of week) to consider the following: Time from Section / • 0y of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to a 7 1.s� .�� 911