HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0000 Calkins CourtCity of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 t June 1, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision for the 4/13/93 Planning Commission approval. If you have any questions, please give me a call. i cerely, J Weith, C ty Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp cc: Patricia Calkins City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 May 17, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 C- Enclosed is a copy of the April 13, 1993 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. i cerely, e Weith, ity Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp cc: Patricia Calkins PLANNING COMMISSION 13 APRIL 1993 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, 13 April 1993, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: William Burgess, Chairman; Mary -Barbara Maher, Terry Sheahan, David Austin, Catherine Peacock, William Craig, Mac Teeson Also Present: Joe Weith, City Planner; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Steve Bushey Philip Drumheller, Stepehn Vock, Chris Bishop, Colin Lindberg, Dennis Webster, James Lamphere, James Carroll, Joseph Openlander, Susan Pritchard, Len Lamoureaux, William Schuele, Dave Marshall, Thomas Heilmann, Peter Collins 1. Other Business: a. Mr. Weith noted that 6 months ago approval was given to Gable to occupy the old Wicks Building. They are seeking an extension of that approval. It would be the first extension. Mrs. Maher moved to approve the extension for Gable as re nested. Ms. Peacock seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Minutes of 9 March and 30 March 1993: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the Minutes of 9 March as presented. Mr. Craig seconded. Motion passed 6-0 with Ms. Peacock abstain- ing. Mr. Austin noted that in the Minutes of 30 March, p. 9, just be- fore the motion the word "substituted" should be "substandard." He also noted the motion was made by Ms. Peacock. Mrs. Maher then moved to approve the Minutes of 30 March as amended. Ms. Peacock seconded. Motion passed 6-0 with Mr. Teeson abstaining. 3. Review Final Plat application of "Pi `A is ' C"�dk°ins to amend a previously approved 6-lot commercial subdivision, Calkins Court: Mr. Bushey noted they are revising a rear lot line which has been moved 7 feet to conform with the Airport. Mr. Weith said there are no problems with the application. 1 Mr. Austin moved the Planninq Commission.approve the revised final lat ap2lication of Patricia Calkins to amend a previously approved six lot commercial subdivision as depicted on a_j2lan en- titled "Plan of Survey and Subdivision for Leland E. & Patricia PLANNING COMMISSION 13 April 1993 page 2 C. Calkins prepared b Vermont Land Surve ors and dated 11 11/ 92 last revised 2 15 93 with the followin sti ulations: 1. Allprevious approvals and stipulations which are not su er- seded b this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The -applicant shall record the final 2lat in the South Bur- lin ton Land Records within 90 days or this.aiDproval is null and void. The plat shall be__siqned_by_the_Planninq Commission Chair or Clerk prior to recordinq. Mrs. Maher seconded. The motion then assed unanimousl . 4. Revised final plat application of Landrum for construction of a 15, 820 sq. ft. addition to an existing 120,537 sq. ft. build- ing used for manufacturing/printing, Lane Press, Hinesburg Rd: Mr. Drumheller said they have relocated the water line and a fire hydrant and have complied with the requirement for additional landscaping with Austrian pine, red maple and willows. Mr. Burgess noted the applicant is providing $6,500 in new landscap- ing and is requesting a $3,000 credit. Mr. Drumheller said they want to break ground as soon as they get their Act 250 approval, and they hope to be done by the end of June which is when the new printing press is due to arrive. Mr. Austin moved the Plannina Commission approve the revised final lat ap2lication of Landrum for construction of a 15 820 s ft. addition to an existin 120 537 s_q._,_,ft._.buildinq used for manufacturing printing as de icted on a two a e set of plans, page one entitled "The Lane Press Inc. 1000 Hinesburq Road South Burlington,_ Vermont re ared by Adams Construction Inc and dated 3 3 93. last revised 3/21/93. with the followina stio- ulations: 1. All previousapprovals and stipulations which are not su er- seded b this approval.shall remain in effect. landscap scapinq bond sha anninZ Commission rants a $3000 credit for existin na on the site. The applicant shall post a $9500 land- d prior to issuance of a zoning/buildin( remain in effect for a period of three and has a ears to as - chance of survivinn . _a 3. All exterior li htin shall be downcastin and shielded and shall not cast li ht be and the property line. Any change in existina liahtina or new liahtina shall be approved by the Cit Planner prior to installation. .. - - -- - .+.- - � ., ,- _ �2kVUK+i+t«rt.t!2�i�tw•t.t•t,t..•,i•tu•<+t�+:,2*t4``��S•_'�''''--- --- '^��Y. ���x "rr�ft'� Wiz, �. MOTION OF APPROVAL CALKINS I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the revised final plat application of Patricia Calkins to amend a previously approved six (6) lot commercial subdivision as depicted on a plan entitled "Plan of Survey and Subdivision for Leland E. & Patricia C. Calkins", prepared by Vermont Land Surveyors and dated 11/11/92, last revised 2/15/93, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall record the final plat in the South Burlington land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plat shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk prior to recording. (mo-pc) J M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: April 13, 1993 agenda items Date: April 9, 1993 3) CALKINS RESUBDIVISION - CALKINS COURT - REVISED FINAL PLAT This project consists of the resubdivision of lots #3 and #6 of a six (6) lot subdivision. The purpose of the resubdivision is to correct an error made in the previous survey which determined the boundary between these two (2) lots and Burlington International Airport property. The Planning Commission reviewed the sketch plan on 2/23/93 (minutes enclosed). This property is located within the IC District. The two (2) lots involved are at the end of the Calkins Court cul-de-sac. Lot #3 is 5 Calkins Court and is developed with a burial vault business and lot #6 is 8 Calkins Court and is undeveloped. The Planning Commission will be reviewing a site plan May 11, 1993 to construct an animal hospital on lot #6. Lot size: This is the only aspect of the subdivision that is being affected by this application. Lot #3 is being reduced from 1.839 acres to 1.77 acres and lot #6 from 3.068 acres to 2.99 acres. The minimum lot size is 40,000 square feet (.918 acres) so both lots will continue to meet the minimum requirement. 4) LANE PRESS - ADDITION - REVISED FINAL PLAT This project consists of the construction of a 15,280 square foot addition to an existing 120,537 square foot building used for manufacturing/printing. The Planning Commission reviewed the sketch plan on 3/23/93 (minutes not available). This property located at 1000 Hinesburg Road lies within the I-O District. It is bounded on the north by New England Telephone and I-89, on the east and south by Dynapower and on the west by several single family residences. PLANNING COMMISSION 23 February 1993 page 5 Mrs. Maher seconded. Motionassed unanimously. 4. Sketch plan application of Leland and Patricia Calkins to amend a previously approved 6 lot commercial subdivision, Calkins Court: Mr. Bushey noted that when the survey was done, the plan was brought to the fence line. They had another survey done recently which went to the Airport's survey line. The Calkins agreed to acquiesce to this. Members had no issues to raise with this. 5. Site Plan application of Sun Tift for use of an existing 1960 sq. ft. building for a hair and tanning salon business, 10 Patchen Road: Ms. Tift said there will be no outside changes to the building. They will only paint and do indoor plumbing work. They will use the same sign that is there. Mr. Burgess noted this use would generate less traffic and less parking but more sewage use. Ms. Tift said he business would use both the upstairs and down- stairs of the building. Mr. Austin moved the Plannin Commission approve the site.plan application of Sun Tift for use of an existin 1 960 s . H. buildin for a hair and tanning salon business as depicted on a plan entitled "Proposed Hair Sensations Site Plan prepared b R.-C.R. and dated 1/6/93, with the following stipulations: 1. All previousapprovals and stipulations which are not su er- seded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. Thisapproval is conditioned on a maximum of four (4) chairs for the hair salon and one tanninq bed. Any increase_ in the num- ber of chairs or tanninq beds shall rectuire Plannina Commission approval. . An additional sewer allocation of 380 d is qranted. The ap- licant shallpay the re uired sewer allocation fee rior to ssuance of a zonina/buildina permit. 4.___Any chan e in existing li htin or new li htin shall be ap- provedby the City Planner rior to installation. 5. The applicant shall obtain a zoning/building permit within six months or this approval is null and void. IPF 0. 20/ EAST OF 0 O O Z Q I � ik SSL CORPORA17ON VOL. 269 PC. 557 ` c OB/12199 ti LOT NO. 1 MAP VOL.252, PC. 17 \s r 'ems: ti9 � l\nG CITY OF BURZINCTON VOL. J5, PC. 445 04127155 SEE HE957FR-MAR17N PLAN 05115194 N 8870'1` nF B L OT 6 2..99 AC. — _ OE BAiJK - / OF N 88;9654" Ak 647.50'r--��^ J09. B6 j LOT .J / 1.77 AC. CHI/N L (NK - - BUILDING N i FF�-71 o Gov. PAARRK/N,A O 01 — -{ �• C 0 r" IL 2086752I' �• R_ scb 8 i ( 1 7.08' /V 44157" W' Al 115927' 45925' y LOT 2 0..92 AC. I PAVEMENT p h wM1 1 li 0 BU/LOINC �— . O 00N q Ii —_ BU/LD/NC �Q h o CHAIN L/NK FENCE 70' PAVED `V 510AI PARK/NC PQVFO �-� 0.00 _ 7J" E I LOT 4 S 8J71 O 14 2/5 AC. -- O?1kz- I J6B 45 -- o m BU/LDINC 24 " CUL W RT BU/LD/NC h LOT 1 ' } 0.99 ,40 LEGEND 0 EXCAVATED f' AREA LOT 5 1.. 9J AC. C I � � o b\ O�q`rF�Fylsi - � CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND a IRON P/PE FOUND • IRON PIPS- SET WA7FR CATS VAL VE UIIL/TY POLE & LINE -0 L/GHT POLE o SEWER MANHOLE m CAS CATS VAL !E c 911R/E0 7FLEPHONE CABLE m SPLICE BOX SDASER CLEAN OUT tt WET AREA SURFACE WA7FR U —0 DRAINAGE LLNE CALCULA7E0 POINT ' F/RE HIDRANT SPOT F/FVA7)LW /ASSUMEDi A900 0 / O m m 0 W CURVE DATA L� 27%7:58" 0 R- 55608' T- 13504' L = 264 95' g, } ''Y�aJ Q , Nj I PA lE0 ' I O PARK/NC - - -1 1 - - - - B' Vim✓ 0 0 XZZIS70N N 617 L5 tv�i7a o j - N 812157" W r Zrwo /2/ TEN7/0/F770T \ 7'SIR/POFLANDCCW✓EYEOFROM SEWER EASEMENTSVOL. ° CALKINS TO THE CITY OF SO. SURLINGTCW VOL. /30,P6. 388 04/30/77 BY WARRANTYDEEO V0.'. 2, IV. 415 SEEMAP VOL 107116: I43 OATEO 06/24/85 GRAP1110 SCALE FEB16 163 C14 of qo. Burlington BUILDING ALEXANDER h: ROSE & LAlfNENCE M. 9A09,4N �S VOL. 25-T PC. 2Y4 09/JO/87 20'EASEMENT -;ILL. 22 PG. 447 10//0/52 20' EASEMENT Pa. 214 H5.' 419 1//20/85 -15r15'E4SEMENT VO_. 21if PG 517 01,101/B7 N/7717. L OC4T/01V IVAP 1. PROPLRTY SH'OWV HAS ACOUIRRED BY[ELAND E. d' PATR/C/A C. CALKINS WD. VOL. 55 PC. 15 TOWN OF SO. BURL/NCTON LAND RECORDS DATED 04122160. ?, PROPERTY SHOWN MAYBE SUQ/ECT TO R1GHT OF IY.4YS AND FASEMEN7 NOT OF RECORD OR APPARENT 11V THE F/EL D. J. REFERENCE /S MADE TO THE FOLL OWNO - 17NAL PLAT O6- FLO PSNT PLAN FOR LAND 01 LELANO CALKINS" SURI£YED BY L.H. Af7LL/S 02/7J AND REDRAWN BY WM ADAMS 04/7J W N LA=7 RFWS/O/✓ BEJNG DATED 04/85. MAP VOL. 197 PO95. - PROPERTY PLAN SHOW/NC PROPOSED TAK/NC LINE BURL/NCTLW MUNICIPAL AIRPORT' BY A F9STER-MAR17N PRO✓ECT NO. 5245 0RAX1✓6' NO. 1 OF 1 BE/NC OA7F0 06/>5/64 - PLAT OF SURVEY REST hA!£N /4'C. " BY WA. ROBENSIIEN DATED 07/97 AND RECORDED MAP VOL. 252 PC. 17 50. BURLINCTOV TOMV CLERK - PROPERTY PLAN BERT ✓. PECOR" BY PALMER CO. L TD ✓OB NO. 74-20 OA/FO 0J/06/74 - IERMONT STA7E HIGHWAY PRO✓ECT SER/ES F NO. 60A SHEET 0OF 2J 1922-1925 4 AREA OF CUL DE SAC R/GHT 0' IYAY = 0.76 AC. AREA OF LOTS 1-6 = /065'AC. AREA OF TOTAL PARCEL SHOWN = 714/AC. 5. PRCpERTY SHOWN /S SUB✓ECT TO THE FOLLOWNC RIGHT OF WAYS A' EASEMENTS -CALKINS TO GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION AND NEW ENCLAND TELEPHONE VOL. 25$ PC. 244 DATED 08/06197 -CALKINS TO GREEN MOUNTAIN POKER CORPORA17CW VOL. 69, PC. 428 07110157 -CALKINS TO VERVVVT CAS SYSTEMS INC. VOL. 297, PC 559 09104190 -CALKINS TO VFRMOVT CAS SYSIFMS INC. VOL. 251 PC. J71 101-05197. 6. CALKINS COURT 60' STRIP ALONG W17H TURNAROUND AT T77'E NORTNERL Y TERMINUS OF SAID 60' STRIP HAS CONVEYED FROM [ELAND & PAIR/C/A CALKINS TO 7ME CITY OF SOUTH BURL/NCTON BY WARRANTY OEED VOL. 257 PC 417 DATED 06124195. 7. rHE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF L OT •V5 WAS MOVED L7FT. SOUTIIERL Y SO AS TO CLEAR THEFENCE ON THE SOUTf/BOUNDARY. m 4/4.70' TO 0 R0,4,0 b o of vfkI4 300, 350 PL V OP SllBF 'Y AND SVMIWIOjV F04 [ELAND E & PA R- IC/A C. CA /IM5 RT. 2 WZZ157OW RO. SO. BURL/NCTC; VERAICWT MUVAT L M SUBYXM" PALAMR COMPANY LL a= 4050 AMLL/STOW ROAD 50. 9URL/NCTON, VERMONT 0540J 802-852-5591 0 _ / CERTIFY THIS PLAT IS y 94SE0 41 CW A TOTAL STAMW �' wino # SIR EY, OEEO RESEARCY FX/STING FIELO E1'10EAU- PLANS ��°0'A DATE NOVEYgER 77, 1992 REL75101VS .4SN0TEDA60VFAND9Y o� AND SUft�� SURIEYEO M. V N', TP L. 02//5/93 1NFM1PAT/0YG1✓ENBYPATR1C14 ORAON T. LEMIEUX C4LA'INS AND STEW 9ZISHEY. Q�t V w CHECKED M OAR0 PRO c CT 9242 PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 G April 9, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Jim Goddette were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, April 13, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please gi me a call. i cer ly, J e Weith, q City Planner Encls JW/mcp cc:' Patricia Calkins ___ ." . - _•:^_�.E'_� __ "ate. ss• i�: -1�^• '` .. :. i Pus T'htturl ngton lfree dress c ��„ wRu G NN11W Box to Bur I COMMIS sorfington, yr 05402-0010 on I ThS South MIwill , Planning Cb hearing at hold the Souk tore^ceR000m, 575 �f t Street, South ^ Burlington, at at Tuesday. to consider the 7:30 P. - #C1lINVOICE NO. bA tollowing. plat RevisedfFiMI fLandruM or Pl"tion ° of a 15,f;20 atrucW to an aqua' ling 12olw Qu re for e used rl WWI rioting, *'' TELEPHONE NUMBER manufacturing(p Isrg I Line. Press. r„+�� Road. ' Revised Flna1 at a I tio^ of Paulo �; to amend in sly aPPrOal s� ubdlsvilx- ' ADO. GHCIICRD. BOX (g) cor lot nmefd Sion, Calkins Court. , 3) Prelirninal Plet Faffell T - r - call p ennThedo �mmercim f _ d � k 1Walatlng aSe new drive -through Service, atin9 car wash, exist- exio � building, exiat- Ing restaurant/bar I n g ing and leased Paten adioini �.4. F enklin business.$hel burns Road. are Copies available for P bU theScut Burlin�gt°^ CAW at 1. William Burgess Chairman South Burlingtm scion Planning Com March 27, A"3----- - - - - -- PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington; Vermont on Tuesday, April 13, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Revised Final Plat application of Landrum for construction of a 15,820 square foot addition to an existing 120,537 square foot building used for manufacturing/printing, Lane Press, Hinesburg Road. 2) Revised Final Plat application of Patricia Calkins to amend a previously approved six (6) lot commercial subdivision, Calkins Court. 3) Preliminary Plat application of Thomas Farrell for a planned commercial development consisting of a new bank building with drive -through service, existing car wash, existing office building, existing restaurant/bar building, and leased parking for the adjoining Ben Franklin business, Shelburne Road. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission March 27, 1993 PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 March 19, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans by no later than Friday, April 2, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincet-ely, V 0141 Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Encl JW/mcp cc: Patricia Calkins I Preliminary Memo - Planning April 13, 1993 agenda items March 17, 1993 Page 3 CHITTENDEN BANK - DRIVE -UP RELOCATION - SITE PLAN --- building is a noncomplying structure, any alteration is subject to Section 19.002 of the zoning regulations and the 25% rule, prior to obtaining the zoning permit the applicant will be required to provide the Zoning Administrator an appraisal of the property to show that the alterations will not exceed 25% of the fair market value. --- proposed landscaping is short $3700 of the $7650 landscaping requirement. --- provide type of lamps and wattage for sign lights, canopy lights, soffit lights and security camera lights. --- provide square footage of existing canopy and proposed canopy. --- a walkway connection to the U-Mall property to the south should be provided. --- provide square footage of floor area devoted to general banking services for public use and square footage of office use. --- a variance will be required to allow the new canopy to project into the rear yard setback, this variance should be obtained prior to review by the Planning Commission. --- ,plan should show existing Dorset Street r.o.w. --- plan should show dumpster location, dumpster should be screened. CALKINS RESUBDIVISION - CALKINS COURT - REVISED FINAL PLAT --- the plat submitted for sketch plan is acceptable for final plat. C Preliminary Memo - City Engineer April 13, 1993 agenda items March 18, 1993 Page 2 3. The 18 inch storm sewer draining southerly sha1Q include a 20 foot easement for maintenance and repair. 4. Storm sewer pipe shall be plastic or concrete. 5. The street end shall include a gravel turn -around for maintenance vehicles. 6. A dead end or no through street signs shall be installed. 7. Trees should be placed back of the sidewalk where there is more room and away from street lights. VALLEE FARM SUBDIVISION - SPEAR STREET 1. A driveway 2600 feet long will be expensive to maintain. 2. Drive will require additional culverts which should be shown on the plans. CALKINS RESUBDIVISION - CALKINS COURT Subdivision plan dated 11/11/92, last revised on 1/11/93 prepared by Vermont Land Surveyors is acceptable. PAGE #2 3. 4. Chittenden Bank Main Dn ive Retocat,ion Tuesday Apn.it 13,1993 AGENDA Don6et Street TW pf.an was reviewed by the bite department and the �o.f'tow.tng must be co)mected bon emergency pnotecti.on; A. The one way bypa66 must be no te66 then 12' wide bon our eq uipm ent B. Due to the upgrade on Do&set Stn.eet and the change os the main entna.nce at tea6t one hydnand .6houtd be .i.n6tatted on the pnopenty by the ma.i.n. entrance. Leeand 9 PafiJt i c i a Catkin6 Catk i.nd Cover t Pnojeat # 9242 Lot #6 At tW time I do not zee a probtem with the .sot #6 but ptan6 wilt have to be reviewed when they cute heady to bui ed-in.g a building on the pro pen ty. 5. New Bank Bui2d.i,ng 0' Dett Pa k Project #93108 Ptan was reviewed and the 6ottow.i,ng 6hou2d be done jon emergency ptotecti.on; A. The main water system atom FaAAelt Road and the bactory mat. 6houed be a .hoop 6y6tem. B. A 6econd hydrant 6houtd be instat2ted near .the new bank and the WVNV buitding. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 March 19, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the February 23, 1993 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, I e Weith, qua City Planner Encl JW/mcp cc: Patricia Calkins I Memorandum - February 23, February 19, Page 4 Planning 1993 agenda items 1993 Access/circulation: Access to the small display area is via an existing 30 foot r.o.w. and access drive used by PJ's as the main access. Access to the large storage area in the rear is via the parking aisles on Pi's property. Circulation is adequate. Coverage/setback: Parcel A: Building coverage is 0%. Overall coverage is 9% (maximum allowed is 70%). Parcel B: Building coverage is 3.4% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 14.7% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is not affected. No structures are proposed as part of this application. The main building housing the veterinarian clinic does not meet the front yard setback requirement. Landscaping: No additional landscaping is being proposed. Staff recommends that plantings be provided in front of the new parking area in order to dress up its appearance from Williston Road. Traffic: This property is in Traffic Overlay Zone 5. No additional traffic is expected to be generated since I.T.E. uses employees and gross square footage to estimate trip ends for new car sales and there will be no additional employees or gross square footage on Mr. Brown's property. - - Other: The Plan should be revised to show the limits of the wooded area on parcel A. No trees should be cut down to accommodate the storage area on this parcel. This will require revising the area proposed for vehicle/boat storage. 4) CALKINS RESUBDIVISON - CALKINS COURT - SKETCH PLAN This project consists of the resubdivision of lots #3 and 6 of a six (6) lot subdivision approved on 4/9/85 (minutes enclosed). The resubdivision is to correct an error made in the previous survey which determined the boundary between these two (2) lots and the Burlington Airport property. This property is located within the IC District. The two (2) lots involved are at the end of the Calkins Court cul-de-sac. Lot #3 is 5 Calkins Court and is developed with a burial vault business and 4 R Memorandum - February 23, February 19, Page 5 Planning 1993 agenda items 1993 Lot size: This is the only aspect of the subdivision that is being affected by this application. Lot #3 is being reduced from 1.839 acres to 1.77 acres and lot #6 from 3.068 acres to 2.99 acres. The minimum lot size is 40,000 square feet (.918 acres) so both lots will continue to meet the minimum requirement. 5) SUN TIFT - HAIR SALON - SITE PLAN This project consists of the conversion of a 1960 square foot mixed office/residential building to a hair and tanning salon. The mixed office/residential use was approved on 4/25/89 (minutes enclosed). This property at 10 Patchen Road lies within the Commercial 1 District. It is bounded on the east by a duplex on Cottage Grove Avenue, on the south by a video store, on the west by Williston Road and on the north by a professional office building. Access/circulation: Access is via an existing 20 foot curb cut on Patchen Road. No changes proposed. Circulation is adequate. Applicant is proposing one-way traffic circulation and will be erecting two (2) one-way signs. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 10% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 50% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 48.5% (maximum allowed is 30%). Front yard coverage is existing and will not be affected by this application. The structure is noncomplying as it does not meet the front and side yard setback requirements. No alteration is proposed which would increase the degree of nonconformity. This structure is subject to the 25% rule in Section 19.002 of the zoning regulations. Parking: This project requires a total of seven (7) parking spaces and 14 spaces are being provided including one (1) handicapped space. Traffic: This property is located in Traffic Overlay Zone 1 which would allow this property to generate a maximum of eight (8) vehicle trip ends (vte's) during the P.M. peak hour. It is estimated that the previous use (office/residential) generated seven (7) vte's and the proposed use will generate 4.8 vte's. 5 C t� CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivisionpplication - FIN PLAT ,/ 1) Name of Applicant c ✓1/ s 2) Name of Subdivision 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: ,s1 �� i �h i � �✓ a � i d�� ��s� � r�G 5) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (11 x 17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor sudivision and under Section 204.1(b) for a m 'Xubdivisi ��. (Signature") applicant o ontact person Date City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 t February 19, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Jim Goddette were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, February 23, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, io!Weith, R City Planner Encls JW/mcp cc: Patricia Calkins PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 February 9, 1993 Steven G. Bushey P.O. Box 2342 South Burlington, Vermont 05407 Re: Calkins Resubdivision, Calkins Court Dear Mr. Bushey: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Please submit revised plans and the reduced plan no later than Tuesday, February 16, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Since ely, Raym nd J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Encls RJB/mcp cc: Patricia Catkins Preliminary February 23, January 26, Page 2 Memo - Planning 1993 agenda items 1993 LELAND & PATRICIA CALKINS - 6 LOT SUBDIVISION - CALKINS COURT --- plan must show type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed utilities (i.e. water and sewer). --- graphic scale should be lengthened so that when this plan is reduced to 181lx24" for recording the scale will be at least 5" in length to comply with new State plat law. --- an 11"x17" reduction of the plan must be submitted. --- lots 4 and 6 should be reversed to match the same lot numbers as the original plat. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Comments February 23, 1993 agenda items Date: January 21, 1993 HAIR SENSATIONS, PATCHEN ROAD If the existing gravel parking lot is to be paved a drainage inlet must be added and tied to the Patchen Road system. BROWN PROPERTY, 3017 WILLISTON ROAD Site plan dated 12/31/92 prepared by Mike Dugan is acceptable. PERRY'S FISH HOUSE, SHELBURNE ROAD 1. A lot of the new plantings are proposed within Shelburne Road r.o.w. This could be lost if the street is widened. 2. Plan dated 1/11/93 is acceptable. CALKINS RESUBDIVISION, CALKINS COURT Subdivision plan dated 11/11/92, last revised on 1/11/93 prepared by Vermont Land Surveyors is acceptable. (��,jutb 'N urlingtun Nirr Rep(,artment 575 B Orset street *uutb ISurlingtnn. liermant 05403 1 f� FAX: (802) 658-4748 (802) 658-7960 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jim Goddette, Fire Chief Re: Tuesday, February 23, 1993 agenda items Date: January 18, 1993 1. HAIR SENSATION, 10 PATCHEN ROAD, DATED 1/6/93 Plan has been reviewed by this department and at this time I do not feel the change in the use of the building will effect given emergency protection if needed. 2. CALKINS RESUBDIVISION, CALKIN COURT, PROJECT #9242 Plan has been reviewed by this department and at this time I do not see a problem in providing emergency protection. 3. PERRY FISH HOUSE, SHELBURNE ROAD, PROJECT #834 At this time I do not see a problem with removing the fish market, but they should be made to have their plan reviewed by the State of Vermont Department of Labor & Industry to make sure the building can take additional seating. 4. BROWN PROPERTY, 3017 WILLISTON ROAD Plan has been reviewed by this department and at this time I do not feel the changes being requested will effect given emergency protection. MSWAK039W4li110@6a 0IlialNOto)ZI Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: b. Applicant -.�3�»:y C. Contact s5/o3 --- 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). &A;AC JIV ax 1� .l �•r►i4r�. _ 3) Applicant's leg 1 intg�rest in the property (fee simple, option, etc. NEW, A""1_ 49942:�pfid% 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. 42.ak 'C'eJ 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of such actions: 8) Submit five copies and one redua d cony 8 1/2 x 11, 8 1/2 x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the follow- ing information: 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belong- ing to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. 4) Type of location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. 5) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. (Signature) applicant or co ct person Date 2 Steven Bushey A N D C O M P A N Y February 1, 1993 R E A I_ E S T A T E I N V E S T M E N T C O U N S E L L I N G Mr. Joseph Weith South Burlington City Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Joe: Enclosed please find a "Subdivision Application - Sketch Plan" for an existing subdivision located on Calkins Court, South Burlington. The purpose of this revised plan is to confirm the location of the common boundary with the Burlington International Airport. To this end, we submit the following for sketch plan review by the South Burlington Planning Commission. The plan shows "as built", pre-existing, improvements together with slight changes in lot line dimensions. The intent of the Owner is to officially document these proposed changes in lot measure and not to substantially change the existing subdivision. I will be happy to meet with you on any of these proposed changes and answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, teven G. Bushey P O B O X 2 3 4 2 S O U T H B U R L I N G T O N, V E R M O N T 0 5 4 0 7 8 0 2• 6 5 8• 6 6 9 9 No Text Mr. Leland Calkins 1835 Spear Street South Burlington, Dear Mr. Calkins: September 15, 1967 Vermont 05401 This is to notify you that the �3oard of Adjustment at their denied your request for a v e HL/h e* rlingto*NXoning ld August 13, 1967 ruly yours, nrY LeClair wn Manager Gravel, Bing &- Shea CLAREE A. GRAVEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW AREA CODE 802-862-5759 ROBERT K. BING CHARLES T. SHEA Burlington OfitCe Center 109 South Winooski Avenue BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 September 1, 1967 South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington Vermont Gentlemen: Re: Leland and Patricia Calkins The above -referred hereby appeal to the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment for a Special Exception as to set back requirements in Business B on the north side of Williston Road. Very sincerely yours, GRAVEL, BING & SHEA Charles T. Shea CTS:smm cc: Mr. Leland Calkins z'Cyr}L y 1 V% f_ .RECEIVE 1 TOWoi OF a, BURLINGTON 4GR's OFFICE_.-____ PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1985 Drive as depicted on a plan entitled "Cedric Demerett. Berard Drive, South Burlington, Vermont" re ared by Adams C n t 1984 and revised 9111,1RA, with the following stipulations: i i� 1. All stipulations from the September 11, 1984 approval are still in effect. 2. A $5,000 bond for landscaping shall be posted prior to permit. 3. This extension expires in 6 months time and the building permit shall -be obtained within that time. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. Mr. Dooley was concerned about giving an extension to an approval that had expired. He felt that approval was lost after the expiration date. Ms. Bechtel said the outcome would not be any different, probably, if he went through the entire process again, but Mr. Dooley felt that in the future, approval should be given again. The motion carried unanimously. `i Consider revision to approval motion for Calkins Court -Industrial subdivision for 7 foot rather than 12 foot dedication of land for future road widening Ms. Bechtel said the City Manager only needed 7'. They do not intend to straighten the curve in that area. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission amend item #2 of final plat approval for the "Calkins Subdivision" granted on April 9, 1985 to read "A 7 foot strip of land for the widening of Williston Road shall be heeded to the City. Legal documents shall be filed within 90 days." Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Other business Since the Chairman's last meeting is May 14, the Commission decided to take him and his wife out to dinner that night. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. Clerk 2. PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1985 1. The plan shall be revised showing 15 parking spaces with 24 foot ajgjes. 2. A $2250 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit._ 3. The landscaping plan shall be made congruent with the site plan and_ show the proper placement of the landscaping. 4. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion and all voted aye. Final plat application of Leland and Patri of 12.8 acre parcel into 6 lots located no industrial subdiv 3017 'Williston Ro Mr. Poger noted for the record that the light which had burned out over the area where plans are displayed had been replaced. He was not sure who to thank for this generous gesture. Mrs. Maher asked why, as mentioned in Ms. Bechtel's 4/5 memo, this plan had never received final plat approval, although development had proceeded as if it had. She�eold it appeared to be an administrative mistake. Mrs. Maher asked whether the foundation had been removed and was told it would be taken out when the building on lot 1 was built. Mr. Crampton said the road had almost been completed and that the untilites were in. 3 buildings have been constructed. The fact that final approval had never been granted was only discovered recently. The old barn on the property will be removed as soon as construction starts. The two hydrants mentioned by the Chief have been installed. Ms. Bechtel noted that only the 50' strip of land needed to be discussed. She noted that the Planner in 1978 had suggested a 50' strip of land for a possible service road to the parcel next door. This strip would be between lots 2 and 3. The property next door is occupied by the Pet Lodge and the road would be within 20' of that building. Mr. Adams said he remembered that the intent of the road was to be a service road to tie into the Pete's Trailer i:art area, to relieve traffic on Williston Road. He said the Calkinses did not want to see this area left. Mr. Poger noted that the Commission had not required a similar area on the Pet Lodge land through an oversight. Mr. Crampton noted that parking was already existing in the area proposed for the access. He asked that it be deleted in light of the changed circumstances. After some discussion, Ar. Dooley said he felt it was the responsibility of the people seeking to have approval to get everything in order, but he did not feel the issue was worth fighting about now and the Commission agreed. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of Leland and Patricia Calkins for the resubdivision of six lots as depicted on plans entitled "Calkins Subdivision" dated 3/30/85, prepared by John Marsh and "Final Plat: Development Plan for Leland Calkins" prepared by A.M. Adams,last revised 3 83 with the following stipulations: 1. Curb cuts for lots 1 and 6 shall be off Calkins Court only._ 2. A_ 12' strip of land for the widening of Williston Road shall be deeded to the City. Legal documents shall be filed within 90 days 3. Calkins Court shall be completed by September 1 1985, as follows: a complete the cul-de-sac by adding ravel curbs and pavingo b lace the final 1 inch surface on the entire road; c install rip -rap at culvert outfall; d) move compound fence out of the street right-of-way. 3. • PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1985 4. The old barn shall be removed within 60 days. 5. The record copy showing dedication and any other changes shall be filed With the City Clerk within 90 days. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. Ms. Bechtel noted that on the original motion a 12' strip of land for road widening requested. She had reduced that to 7' for this motion because the ordinance calls for 14', and the city has been requesting 1/2 from each side of the road. Mr. Poger thought more had originally been requested here in order to straighten the curve. He asked Ms. Bechtel to talk with the City Manager/ Engineer and with the State, and if they do not want 121, to require 7' instead. It was felt that the motion should read 12' and if the applicant has a problem with that later, he can come back to the Commission. Mr. Poger added that lots 1 and 6 should dedicate 12', since that is what was required in 1978. The motion carried unanimously. Final plat application of Ying and Josephine Liu for subdivision of a 15 acre parcel into 2 lots of 5 and 10 acres, located at 40 Highland Terrace It was noted that the Zoning Board had not heard this appeal last night because they had not had a quorum, so it will have to be postponed. Mrs. Maher moved to extend this application until the next regularly scheduled meeting, April 23, 1985 at 7:30 pm at City Hall. Mrs. Hurd seconded the motion and all voted for it. Revised final plat application of O'Brien Brothers agency, Inc./Milot for the revised layout of Bordeau-Rye subdivision consisting of 28 residential units located south of Georgetown Condominiums, west of Hinesburg Road Mr. Milot said they had been asked to sell the project and he had some procedural questions. He wondered whether, if this application is denied, the existing approval would still be valid and was told it would. He also asked whether, if the approval were granted with stipulations which were unacceptable, the original would stand. Ns. Bechtel was asked to check this with the City Attorney. Mr. Poger felt that until a new plan was filed, the old one would stand, but after the filing, the old one would be void. Mr. Kieslich said he hoped to develop the land, but he wanted to chanCe the building layout. He said they had not changed the exterior boundaries of the project, only the interior. The site has been designed with a small green in the middle. Traffic around this circle would be 1-way and the road would be 18' wide. There was some confusion over the status of parcel B. It was not used to calculate density. Ms. Bechtel said it was a separate lot and Mrs. Maher said it should not be shown on the plan. It was noted that the earlier plan for this area included parcel B. The entrance road is shown at 24' wide. Every unit will have two parking - spaces and there will be a lot of landscaping. Extra cars will park along the road. Mr. Poger said the Fire Chief's letter stated that 18' was not wide enough. Ms. Bechtel felt the Commission was being asked to decide about a philosophy of development here. She noted that this application was different from any they had seen before , and that the developer was asking for a waiver from the standard city requirements in order to achieve what he has proposed. 4/22/85 JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission amend item #2 of Final Plat approval for the "Calkins Subdivision" granted on April 9, 1985 to read "A 7 foot strip of land for the widening of Williston Road shall be deeded to the City. Legal documents shall be filed within 90 days". Memorandum April 23, 1985 Agenda items 4/19/85 Page 4 6) CALKINS The final approval motion of this industrial subdivision included a 12 foot dedication for future street widening. Bill Szymanski has agreed that only 7 feet are needed. The motion should be amended since the official motion did notgive me the option to accept seven feet even though your discussion did. April 11, 1985 Steven Bushey P.O. Box 2171 South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Calkins Court, Final Plat Dear Steve: Enclosed are the minutes from your Final Plat approval. Bill Szymanski has agreed that the dedication along Williston Road should be 7 feet. Please submit your record copy showing the 7 foot dedication along the frontage. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg cc: Stephen Crampton Encl No Text 11 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 4/5/85 2) EDWIN HENRY, 119 SWIFT STREET 1. The proposed lot south of the existing duplex should show its north boundary. The record drawing shall show all lot dim- ensions and angles. 2. I am not in favor of private roads however, at this location additional curb cuts would present a hazard. The deeds shall clearly define who is responsible for maintenance of the private road including snow removals. 3. Proposed building lots shall be connected to the municipal water system. 4. On site sewage disposal plans shall be submitted to the City for review. 3) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LOT 8 ETHAN ALLEN FARM 1. Layout and sewage disposal system is acceptable. 4) CALKINS SUBDIVISION3 1. Complete the road which includes the following: (a) Complete the cul-de-sac by adding gravel curbs and paving. (b) Place the final one inch surface course on entire road. (c) Install rip -rap at culvert outfall. (d) Move compound fence out of street rights -of -way. 2. I would like to see old barn removed. This structure is in bad shape and is a safety and fire hazard. 5) YING LIU SUBDIVISION, HIGHLAND TERRACE 1. Private water systems (wells) should be di�iscouragedfor lots smaller than the regulations limit of 10 acres. Residents are experiencing problems where this exists. 2. Manhole of sta. 11+92 shall have a stub for extending line westerly on Highland Terrace. 3. Sewer services if constructed as shown will require easements from adjacent owners. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: James Goddette, Fire Chief Re: April 9, 1985 agenda items Date: 4/5/85 3) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LOT 8, ETHAN ALLEN FARM Plans were reviewed by the fire department for lot #8 Ethan Allen Farm. At this time I am please to inform you that I did not see a problem with giving proper fire protection. r 4) LELAND AND PATRI-CIA CALKINS, 3017 WILLISTON ROAD t _ _ P1-arrs were reviewed by the fire department on the Leland Calkins Development. My records show that the plans were reviewed by us on Wednesday, July 19, 1978. And our only request was for two hydrants to be installed - one on the corner of Williston Road and Calkins Court and the second at the end of the street by the circle. If developed as per the 1978 review I do not see any problems with giving proper fire protection. 5) YING AND JOSEPHINE LIU, 40 HIGHLAND TERRACE Plans have been reviewd by the fire department on the two lot subdivision for Mr. Liu on Highland Terrace. Overall I do not see a problem except there is no hydrant. With Mr. Dubois' development and a new water main installed and the value of the homes built on Highland Terrace, a hydrant should be provided. The location will be spotted by the fire department 2) 119 SWIFT STREET i Plans have been reviewed by the fire department on the 3 lot subdivision at 119 Swift Street. My only concern at this time is that there is no hydrant in this location. The City has in- stalled a water line and I feel with the homes in that area at least one hydrant should be installed on Swift Street by the new road that goes to the back lot. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. PUBLIC- HFJIRING_ x y, ,lus , w?eu�, � 'SOUTH BURLINGPON PLANNING COMMISSION ..e�, �_1,�.�, - ^�.r;.•�-��,���'+,, c ,� x;t-,a,,.. tee;, -�k, ;rt;: ,".'-•�: X_ zi✓,,:::��," ;�,. _ `,Sou r� `an ,i g Commi on;will.holdYa'*=p�b1'ic`,hea`r`iN, at � „ F x,:,; a„ ,.::. r seurl �g C t�Hal :CcriE _r Aoom ` 57.S�D�rset?;'S,treet: 'South"t3ur,jington, consider 1{j`the O1-;_,;x. Z "i;' � `;�-�-,✓x'�'q!�s _ y � �.� x, }.r ',�rc`•i; �., , a - •. _. , °x•. is tion.Ro Lblain and `Pat-rici Calkins f the correction =a".,;fil 'n e'rro nYsthe -resubdhivision of a 12` 8"'i'acr"e arcel :into1"6 lots'° -located north 1of '"2073 and 3017 Williston Road: ''TtJ 3s�bounded on the; west by� Rest Haven Motel (Boutin) , on the north by.Bu'rlington International Airport and on the east by Ira „f Tate', -anal-•on'.the•.south byWilliston Road. 2) Final Plat application of Peter Jacob for the sudivision of a 1.07. acre parcel` -into 2 lots of 25,668 square feet and 124 feet of frontage and 21,168 square feet and 100 feet of frontage, abutted by properties of Blanchette, Moreau, Ober, Martin, Thibault and Brunelle'".and located at 9.0 Patchen Road. 3) Final Plat application of Ying and Josephine Liu, Highland Terrace for-thd,,,two-lot subdivision of a 15 acre parcel into 5"57cre and 10 acre parcels. -Property is bounded by Abrahms, Kwon, Wessell and -Hlghlarid Terrace. 4) Revised Final Plat of Bordeau-Rye development for 28 residential units on Hinesburg Road. Property is bounded on the north by George- town Condominiums, on the east and south by lands of O'Brien, and on the west by Hinesburg Road. April 5, 1985 Steven Bushey P.O. Box 2171 South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Calkins Court, Final Plat Dear Steve: Enclosed are the agenda and copy of my memo to the Planning Commission regarding your application. Please be sure someone is present to represent your application on Tuesday, April 9, 1985. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg cc: Stephen Crampton Encls C C �trr Pepartment exi 'rabquarters DORSET STREET OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER 863-6455 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT. Jul ;T 20, 19 78 Mr. Sidney Poger Chairman Cit-, Planner City Of South Burlington 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear 1"Ir Poger, Cn Wednesday July 19, 11?78 plans were reviewed by this office on the 11a.y 1978 revised plans of the Leland Calkins dovelopmento.ff Williston Road. Through the review 1,Te .find that two hydrants hill be needed to give proper fire protection for that development. One must be installed at the corner of lHill;Eton Woad Anc Calking CT. The seconO must be installed at the circle at the end of Calkins CT. both hydrants can come off the 8" line which rums through the 201 easement between P-s. Calkins propPrt-/ and the -property at 3060 yi vlli stop road . If you have a,ny questions please feel .free to call me at 863-61.55. Sir cerely Ja-aes roddette Sr. Chief Memorandum April 9, 1985 April 5, 1985 Page 2 agenda items 4)( CALKINS,``,INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION Now this is an unusual one. Scrutiny by the legal folks has revealed that the Calkins 6-lot industrial subdivision never received Final Plat approval. Preliminary approval was granted on July 25, 1978 and development has proceeded under this approval. This hearing is to bring this application up to par. Enclosed are the minutes and the stipulations of the Preliminary Approval. The only questionable item is the second stipulation that a 50' strip of land between lots 2 and 3 be reserved for a future service road. It has not been developed over the years with this in mind and does not appear to be needed at this time. In fact, it would only connect to the approved Pet Lodge build- ing See Bill Szym�ianski's comments. 5) LIU, 40 HIGHLAND TERRACE The applicant proposes to subdivide a 15 acre parcel on Highland Terrace into a 10 acre and a 5 acre lot. The Zoning Board will hear the appeal for the creation of a non -conforming lot on April 8. At Sketch Plan,the Commission split 3 to 3 on this subdivision. If approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the issues are as follows: The existing house will be on the 5 acre lot. The applicant intends to connect both lots to City sewer from Dubois Drive. All homes that are passed by the line will have to be connected at each owner's expense. The claim that this subdivision will result in denser develop- ment does not appear valid. It should be obvious that this land could be sold to any abutting property owner to make the 50 acre minimum that can then be developed at 2 units per acre. This subdivision may make that easier. However, the 15 acres could just as easily be joined with an abuttor to reach the same result. There will be some discussion over the 60 foot right-of-way that serves Kwon's land to the south; the 60x111 foot parcel is owned by Liu and has a permanent right-of-way granted to Kwon. See attached letters. June 27, 1985 James Maloney Adams Construction Company 29 Intervale Road Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Calkins Court Subdivision Dear Jim: This letter serves to confirm that the City allocated 1500 gallons per day to the entire Calkins Court 6 lot subdivision. Each lot will receive a portion of this allocation upon site plan approval. There is sufficient capacity at the Airport. Parkway Treatment Plant to handle this. This subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of South Burlington. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg April 26, 1985 Steven Bushey P.O. Box 2171 South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Calkins Court Dear Steve: Enclosed are the Planning Commission minutes for the revised stipulation on the 7 foot dedication. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Stephen Crampton 4/5/85 JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Final Plat application of Leland and Patricia Calkins for the re - subdivision of six lots as depicted on plans entitled "Calkins Subdivision" dated 3/30/85, prepared by John Marsh and "Final Plat: Development Plan for Leland Calkins" prepared by W.M. Adams last revised 3/83 with the following stipulations: 1) Curb cuts for lots 1 and 6 shall be off of Calkins Court only. 21 2) A trTe- foot strip of land for the widening of Williston Road shall be deeded to the City. Legal documents shall be filed within 90 days. 3) Calkins Court shall be completed,a!3 follows: a) complete the cul-de-sac by adding gravel)curbs and paving; b) place the final 1 inch surface on entire road; c) install rip -rap at culvert outfall; d) move compound fence out of the street right-of-way. 4) The old barn shall be removed within ),)days. 5) The record copy showing dedication and any other changes shall be filed with the City Clerk within '90 days. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION JUL7 25. 1978 by the City Attorney. which precludes its use for construction of any residential unit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kona and passed unanimously. Public hearing on preliminary plat application for resubdivision of Calkins Court Mr. Page.said the application Mae for a resubdivision of an original 7 lots approved about 5 years ago. There will have to be some filling on the land but when that is_done.the access road will be level with Williston Road. Both of the front lots will access off Calkins Court, not Williston Road. Mr. Page said he would like to talk to Mr. Calkins about reserving a 50' strip of land for access to land to the east. This would run between two existing buildings. Air. Page said the Fire Chief wanted two hydrants_ installed and that there should be a survey done on the land. He also wanted to talk to Mr.. Calkins about land which might be needed in the future for the widening of Williston Road at that point. If that were done, they would probably straighten-.t1w c*rve at. the same -..time. Air. Woolery moved that.. the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the "Development Plan and Proposed Water and Sewer Lines for Leland.Calkins" da 1. A final engi prior, to final plat a a . review shall be conducted bythe City Engineer, 1. and aDproDriate corrections 2. A 50' strip of land, on the common boundary between lots 2 &J, shall be reserved for a future potential service road. 3. Curb cuts for lots 1 & 4 shall be off Calkins Court only. 4. A commitment on a 12' st shall be determined at or prior t of land for widening of Williston Road t review. 5. Two fire hydrants shall be installed in accord with the Fire Chief's recommendations. 6. A complete survey shall be performed, and monuments and corner markers shall be set. 7. The following required improvements are waived: sidewalks, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jacob. Mr. Poger informed Mr. Calkins that the commission had required.12' strips of land from other landowners along Williston Read for the.purpose of road widening in the future. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Poger asked Mr. Calkins.ta talk to the Planner about several issues that had been raised concerning roads and reserved land. SPOKES, FF OLEY & STITZEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 184 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 986 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 06402-0986 RICHARD A SPOKES JAMES D FOLEY STEVEN F STITZEL Miss Jane Bechtel City Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Calkins Subdivision Dear Jane: 1802) 862-6451 (802) 863-2857 ISSAC N P STOKES April 23, 1985 COUNSEL - 'eA >.;�p The documents Steve Crampton sent to you by letter dated April 2, 1985 are fine. I have advised Steve to make certain that the dedicated property are not encumbered by any mortgage. Very truly yours, Richard A. Spokes/ RAS:mil cc: Stephen Crampton, Esq. L CHARLES T SHEA STEPHEN R CRAMPTON STEWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT B HEMLEY WILLIAM G. POST, JR. CRAIG WEATHERLY NORMAN WILLIAMS JAMES E. KNAPP DENNIS R. PEARSON D. RUSSELL MORGAN GRAVEL AND SHEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 1049 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 April 2, 1985 Ms. Jane S. Bechtel City Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Calkins Subdivision Dear Jane: TELEPHONE 658-0220 AREA CODE 802 CLARKE A. GRAVEL COUNSEL To expedite matters, I enclose copies of irrevocable offers and deeds concerning establishing Calkins Court as a city street and donating a seven foot strip for future widening of Williston Road. Copies have gone to the Honorable Richard A. Spokes for his god -like pronouncement of fitness. We really appreciate your expediting this matter in light of the disarray that exists from a city permit prospective. Cordially, GRAVEL and SHEA S ephen R. Crampton SRC:wsa Enclosures cc: Richard A. Spokes, Esq. (w/enclosures) Mr. Steven Bushey (w/enclosures) Mr. and Mrs. Leland Calkins (w/enclosures) 1 1 ` + CITY OF SOUM BURLING70N Subdivision Application -,FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Ye &xd + 2) Name of Subdivision .'• 3) Indicate any changes to name, address,, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: ( /yip&) a 1 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lipes, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: �,h_h Y i� 1 5) Submit four copies of a final set of plans consisting of a final plat plus engineering, drawings and containing all information required under section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section i 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit too draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. (Signature) applicant or ntact person Date l/ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON a; Subdivision Application - PRELIMINARY PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Leland Calkins 2) Name of Subdivision Calkins Court 3) Describe Subdivision (i.e. total acreace, number of lots or units, type of land use, include gross floor area if comm- ercial.) Total Acres- 11+-. 6 lots. Industrial use. 4) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record,applicant, or contact person since sketch plan application: None -^ _ 5. Name, address, and phone number of: a. Engineer Adams Const. Co. Inc. 29_Iterya3e Rd„ _Burlington, Vermont _864-0721 b. Surveyor L. H. Willis Shunpike Rd., S. Burlington, Vermont 658-4248 c. Attorney Charles Shea___ Gravel, SheaWrighttBurlington, Vermont H. Plit Designer Adams Const Co. Inc 658-0220 -2- ` 6) indicate any changes to the subdivision such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the V property, etc., since this proposal was last before the commission: Lots 4, 5, 6 ' increased in size roughly 50%. 7) List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all cont- igous properties: Arlo Cota & Nelson Shepard, 3060 Williston Rd, S. Burlington, Vt City of Burlington, City Hall, Burlington Vermont Leonard Boutin, 2040 Williston Rd, S. Burlington, Vermont 8) State title, drawing number, date of origi-ia.l plus any revisions, and designers) of the preliminary maps) accompanying this appli- cation: Development Plan for Land of Leland Calkins Date of original- April 1973 Date of revision- May 1978- 9) Attach a preliminary map showing the following information: 1) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the city. 21 Name and address of owner of record, subdivider and designer of Preliminary Plat. 3) Number of acres within the proposed subdivision, location of property lines, structures, watercourses, wooded areas, and other essential existing physical features. 4) The names of all subdivisions i�;�n►ediately adjacent and the names of owners of record of adjacent acreage. 5) The location and size of any existing seaars and i%-ater mains, culverts and rains on the property or serving the property to be subdivided. 6) Location, names and widths of existing, and proposed streets, private ways, sidewalks, curb cuts, paths, easements, parks -3- and other public or privately maintained open spaces as well as similar facts regarding adjacent property. 7) Contour lines at intervals of five feet, based on United States Geological Survey datum of existing grades and also of proposed finished grades where change of existing ground elevation will be five feet or more. 8) Complete survey of subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor. 9) Numerical and graphic scale, date and true north arrow. 10) Details of proposed connection with existing water supply or alternative mans of providing water supply to the proposed subdivision. 11) Details of proposed connection with the existing sanitary sewage disposal system or adequate provision for on -site disposal of septic wastes. 12) If on -site sewage disposal system is proposed location and results of tests to ascertain subsurface toil, rock and ground water conditions, depth to ground water unless pits are dry at depth of five feet; location and results of percolation tests. 13) Provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage in the form of drainage plan. 14) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. 15) The location of temporary markers adequate to enable the Commission to locate readily and appraise the basic lay- out in the field. Unless an existing street intersection is shown, the distance along a street from one corner of the property to the nearest existing street intersection shall be shown. 16) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use and the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 10) Developmental timetable (including number of phases, and start and completion dates) Start of Development to occure as soon aas-permits are Qhtained. Completion unknown at this time. 11) List the waivers applicant desires from the requirements of these regulations: None _ ., . ( - -4- 4 e 12) Attach a vicinity map showing the following: ],) All existing subdivisions, approximate tract lines and acreage of adjacent parcels, together with the names of the record owners of all adjacent parcels of land, namely, those directly abutting or directly across any street ad- joining the proposed subdivision. 2) Locations, widths and names of existing filed or proposed streets, curb cuts, easements, builOing lines and alleys pertaining to the proposed subdivision and to the adjacent properties as designated in paragraph 1 above. 3) An outline of the platted area together with its street system znd an indication of the future probable street system of the remaining portion of the tract, if the Preliminary Plat submitted covers only part of the sub - divider's entire holding. (signature) annlicant or contact person date Adml..lstrative Checklist - PRE(-r-iINARY PLAT Page 1 4. Subdivision name Fe -'Du e Four copies — Date Paid Subdivision name or identifying title, name of City Acreage, property lines, structures, watercourses, wooded areas, other essential physical features _ 6. Abuttor's names 7. Size and location of utlilites, i.e., a water, (storm , to be utilized. _ 8. Location, name, width of existing/proposed streets, private ways, sidewalks, (Fits paths, easements, parks, open space, etc., plus similar facts on adjacent property. 9. Contours, 5/intervals, existing 8 proposed _ 10. Survey,b�,ra, 11. Numerical 8 graphic scale, date, north arrow 12. Water supply provisions 13. Sewage disposal provisions, plus perc test if on site _ z comwent s received -2- 14. Storm drainage provisions, including necessary culverts or bridges 15. Location of temporaty field markers 6. Vicinity Map 7. Lands proposed for public use B. Warning Notice drawn up date Plan Referral Name 19. Street Layout _20. Lot Layout 21. Pedestrian Access 22. Water 23. Fire Protection date Title or Agency Notice published Date Reffered 24. Sewer T_ 25. Utility Lines & Easements ti 26. Outdoor Lighting, 40 _ ✓ 27. Storm Drainage 28. Open Space and Recreation 29. Site Preservation and Landscaping 30. Excavation and Grading 31. Energy Conservation 32. Date & Itemize changes to Plat since date of Initial Preliminary Plat Submission 33. Planning Commission review under the following criteria completed: Assessment of Developmental impacts General Standard of 12.00 2(A), Zoning RPUD Specific Standards (6.302) Site Plan Review Other -4- 34. Date of Planning Commission Action on this Plat 35. Notification letter sent to applicant date PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 21, 1978 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 1978 at 7:30 pm in the ]Middle School Library, 500 Dorset Street. Members Present Ernest Levesque, Vice Chairman; Kirk Woolery, George Mona, David Morency, Sidney Poger, James Ewing Member Absent William Wessel, Chairman Others Present Stephen Page, Planner; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Calkins, Ray and Emery Victory, William Schuele Victory Sketch Plan Review Mr. Victory presented a sketch plan showing 18 2-bedroom cond6minium apartments which he said would sell for $25,000 to $28,000 at today's prices. The bulk of the discussion centered around the question of a sewer policy, and, considering the plant is presently at capacity, whether or not, and under what conditions, it would be appropriate to approve subdivisions with stipulations on sewer, or other city services. D. G. Robertson Site Plan Review Mr. Walt Adams showed the site on a slide and described the business as a burial vault casting and storage business. He stated there would be a maximum of 7 employees. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan of Mrs. Patricia Calkins, for a 3000 sq. f addition to D. G. Robertson, Inc., as depicted on a plan entitled 11 oposed Addition for D. G. obertson... 0, revised 2 , drawn by WMA, r., subject to the foilowing stipulations: 1) �amaE 2) A private right of way agreement shall be executed prior to issuance o a building permit. A su division applicatioe is pending, which, if approved, obviates need for right of way AgFeement. i 3) This approval expires 6 months from this date The motion was secoseconde and passed unanimously. Calkins Relisad Subdivision Review —?sir. Adams described the original subdivision as approved, and the proposed changes in the new subdivision plan. The problem of sewers came up again. While it was understood that soils on site are excellent, Mr. Poger expressed concern about approving on -site sewage disposal for this development and its ramifications for the review of projects elsewhere in f < < 2. PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 21, 1978 the city. The problem which emerged in this case was that the proposed resubdivision entails two new lots, lot #4 which could only be served by municipal sewer, and lot #6 which has excellent soils and is capable of on -site sewage disposal. Mr. Page was directed to find out from Mr. Szymanski how much, if any, sewage capacity was allocated to this development in Phase Y of the sewer. The Commission felt that lot #4 presented no problems, with appropriate stipulations. As far as lot #6 was concerned, .the Commission felt there were no problems if it were covered in Mr. Szymanski's allocations; if not, they felt it was a legal rather than a technical or engineering problem. Minutes of February 14, 1978 It was moved by Mr. Woolery and seconded by Mr. Poger to defer the reading of the minutes until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Appointment to Southern Connector committee Mr. Woolery moved that Mr. Poger represent the Planning Commission on the Southern Connector Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mona and passed unanimously. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:15 pm. Clerk July 28, 1978 Mr. Leland Calkins 1835 Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Gust This is to formally confirm the action of the South Burlington Planning Commission in approving your preliminary plot for a re -- subdivision of 6 lots, on July 25, 1978. The minutes of the meeting are enclosed, which specify the conditions of your approval. Wben these stipulations are met, and the application fee ($6 2.00) is paid, a hearing for your final plat will be warned. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Stephen Page, Planner SP/mcg 1 Encl ccs Walt Adams Adams Construction Company 1 July 28, 1978 Mr. Walt Adams Adams Construction Company j 29 Intervale Road Burlington, Vermont 05401 Res Legal Documents for Calkins Court Subdivision i Dear Walts You will need the following legal documents for final plat approvals (1) warranty deed for Calkins Court (to be a city street) (2) utility easements (for any water mains outside the street R„©.W,) (3) agreement on land for widening of Williston Road (offer of irrevocable dedication) (4) agreeme t on lend reservation (for potential service road in back) (5) escrow agreement (to guarantee construction of public improvements# i.e., turnaround, hydrants, etc.) *monde .awe Semple agreements for items 205 are enclosed. As we discussed over the phone, you (or more likely an attorney) will want to sit d wn with Gus & Pat to iron out the exact wording on these documents. Understand that the enclosed samples are to provide a starting point from which to work out mutually agreeable wording. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephen Page, Planner SP/meg * Enc1 7/25/78 / SSP SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL - CALKINS COURT RESUEm IV IS ION I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of Mr. & Mrs. Leland Calkins for a re - subdivision of 6 lots as depicted on a plan set of 2 pages entitled "Development Plan & Proposed Water & Sewer Lines for Leland Calkins" dated 5/78, drawn by WMA, Jr., subject to the following stipulations: 1) a final engineering review shall be conducted by the City Engineer, prior to final plat approval, and appropriate corrections made on the final plat. 2) a 50' strip of land, centered on the common boundary between lots 2 & 3, shall be reserved for a future potential service road. 3) curb cuts for lots 1 & 4 shall be off Calkins Court only. 4) a commitment on a 12' strip of land for widening of Williston Road shall be determined at or prior to final plat review. 5 two fire hydrants shall be installed in accord with the Fire Chief's recommendations. 6) a complete survey shall be performed, and monuments and corner markers shall be set. 7) the following required improvements are waived: sidewalks, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. G4cau"015, G-[ : zoqI� SOPJO*pj ucq �aor-�o� 6► S �c�- iv tii w 'Pi044*4MD 614 �Vr sVOW C�TZ4B- CLyr* IAVcs I � 4 �N-,,:: b /�- ra Gttt w etaW- CtiNAP \\ATarz 1PIAXr. ;1 �i� r=,Dck m ' 4% . axi- . T etc cti-le c Lars'. .b.cornc",&t, SLAo 7 (.moo T02 \VIVMWi4Cn 6c- 9-f—= Z . 60 veo�l1 I fir t z G�-K�►�Gs �s�t��tiv►�i©�► ;D6,-9- , 04 0 ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST ?ROJECT IIA4M ILE REFERENCE Calkin ourt Resubdivision L L. LETTER OF NOTIFICATION & APPROVAL MOTION OR FINDINGS & ORDER BONDING OR ESCROW AGR EF_.,N' W S LANDSCAPING uR DRA INr G E ROxDS f ClulRBS S IDE. ?ELKS (NOTE ALL RELEASES OR AGREEMrNT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED, WITH DATES, AND PERMITS GRANTED & SITE `!`•r!' ��y�;ual�y► INSPECTIONS COMPLETED, ETC.: .0 UTILITY EASEME ITS RECORDED ACC-PT=D *. BILLS OF SALE i. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE X i. ROADWAYS DEEDS FOR CITY STREETS ACCEPTED PRIVATE ROAD & WAIVER AGREEMENT x i. FINAL PLAT O RECORD COPY STAMPED SIGNED, & FILED OR RECORDED 3. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED i. MISCF.LL -MEOUS AGRE'-JMENTS LAIM FOR ROAD WIDENING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDICATION FUTURE ACCESS POINTS SPARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER ). C Y OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CHAINGE IN PROPERTY LINES .. F S— P A ]D/DAT E! H��cIIIG EU=LD,II7G P?JdIT ;:GZT:=ERIL:G Il:SP. R RECRE" IGI (R CO�,D C LCUL:.TIONS kND DEPOSIT 1-0. ;,CCOUANT) �. i.'�i:CT F( LLO : UP ZJi-:LU AT IO:I: SCrOOL f:IDS CAR COUNTS SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 8, 1973 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 1175 Williston Rd. Chairman Tudhope opened the meeting at 7: 30 P. M. ", MEMBERS PRESENT Douglas Tudhope, Chairman; Arthur Bailey, Vice -Chairman; Mary Barbara Maher, Harold Brown, Huzh Marvin and Ronald Schmucker. MINUTES OF MAR-H 27 AND APRIL 241 1973 Commissioner Maher moved to accept the minutes of March 27, 1973 and of April 24, 1973. They were approved. Commissioner Marvin asked that the minutes of May 8, 1973, show that a letter from himself to the Commission expressed his objection to time spent on amendments to the 1964 Ordinance. It was unanimously approved to have it in the record. KRDIVISION HEARING ON IILLISTON RD. PROPERTY EASTERLY OF REST HAVEN MOTEL The Subdivision plan shows 12,8 acres divided into 10 commercial lots. Mr. Szymanski's report recommended designating a right of ,way east to west for possible future development; a change in the water main from 6" to 8"; two drainage inlets; sewerage system be installed near the future Phase V to allow eventual hookup. Mr. Ward said the site is presently zoned Business B. He said percolation tests indicated no problem with on -site sewerage. The immediate plans of the subdivision are for development of five sites. Mr. Towne recommended a different fill be used than presently being used which would be cleaner and more sandy. Mr. Leland Calkins said it would be very expensive to use all sand. Commissioner Maher asked Mr. Szymanski about the wisdom of filling the ravine. Mr. Szymanski said it would take tremendous fill and that pipes would be necessary to handle drainage. Chairman Tudhope expressed concern that the ravine should be filled in after the Commission had recently received testimony that steep slopes should not be developed. Commissioner Marvin said that t'se slope was 2 to 1 and that it was good property to build on. Commissioner Maher 2. SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING the entire back be designated as one lot to be undeveloped. MAY S, 1973 Commissioner Schmucker suvgpsted an analysis be made ?s to the type and method of filling within the means of the builder. Following much discussion and withdrawal of several motions, Commissioner Bailey moved to approve the subdivision, providing only lots 1,2,3.5 be developed and the remaining lots be undeveloped, providing the recommendations of the city manager be met, providing the utilities be under rounding, providing there be landscapping, and further that the city manager make a report for the method and type of fill and desirability of developing the remaining lots. The motion was passed unanimously. CONTINUE WORK SESSION ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE Chairman Tudhope briefed the Commission on several communications. He distributed brochures on a training course for management practices. From the office -of Eying and Spokes a letter expressed the opinion that there was significant discrepancy between the proposed Master Plan and proposed toning. concerning the Airport area and that the plan should be amended so they mould be in harmony. The second letter* from Ewing and Spokes expressed the opinion that excluding the existing homes along the lake from the RCO crone would not constitute arbitrary action. Chairman Tudhope said the Commission received a letter from Mrs. Barbara Bull, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, expressing the Committee's concern that all sites for concervation, openspace Pnd recreation be on the Master Plan map, zoning map and official map. Secondly the Committee expressed its belief that the projected population of 20,000 is socially dust and that greater population would destroy the qualtity of life. If greater population is projected the Committee would like information to plan for parks, etc. The Committee requested that they receive the agenda and minutes of the Commission. Mr. Szymanski was asked to give the Committee the agenda and minutes. The Commission approved the proposed amendment #14. P.2, to delete RCO from Bartlett's Bay and Queen City Park. Discussion concerning the lake in general was postponed. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a.public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, July 25 , 1978, at.7:30 p.m., to consider the following: Preliminary plat application of Mr. & Mrs. Leland Calkins for industrial resubdivision of a 12.8 parcel into 6 lots, from 1 to 4 acres, north of 2073 and 3017 Williston Road. The proposed subdivision is bounded on the south by Williston Road, on the west by lands of Leonard Boutin, on the north by the Burlington International Airport, and on the east by lands of Arlo Cota and Nelson Shephard. 1 3 7 e Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William B. Wessel, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission July 8, 197B M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Stephen Page, Planner Re: Next Meeting's Agenda Items Date: 2/17/78 I. Victory Sketch Plan Palmer and Robertson Site Plans - refer to SSP and DW memos of 2 3 78, previously sent to youyfor comments. II. Calkins Revised Subdivision - The enclosed map shows this 10 lot sub- division as originally approved,in 1973. The proposal is to reduce the number of lots from 10 to 6 and to shorten the roadway. The proposed layout is a substantive improvement over the previous plan. Where are no significant impacts on municipal facilities. My primary concerns relate to layout and development, i.e., final fill and grading plan, required improvements and bonding, and conditions regarding future curb cuts, access roads, and Widening of Williston Road. 1 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Calkins Development, Williston Road Date: February 17, 1978 1. Water main must be 8"minimum. Water main and services shall be reviewed by the Champlain Water District. 2. Additional drainage inlets will be required. 3. Sewer main must be extended to service this area when capacity becomes available Respectfully submitted, William J.iz City Manager To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer Re: Calkins resubdivision, Calkins Court 1) See Stephen Page's memorandum relating to the history of this development. 2) Lots 4 and 6 (all other lots pre-existing) are in conformance to area requirements (Section 11.00), zoned Airport Industrial District. 3) Design of cul-de-sac requires approval by the City Engineer. 4) Calkins Court is presently a private drive, prior to additional development developers should consider deeding road to City. 5) Additional building proposed for lot #3 requires a variance under Section 11.15. 6) Standards of percolation test have changed since those taken by Willis in 1971, additional tests should be taken on lots 3,4, and 6. 7) Developer should be required to install culvert and complete fill program on lot 4 prior to issuance of any permits or post bond (with one year expiration) for total amount of work to be completed. 8) Access to lots 1 and 4 should be from Calkins Court only. IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION AGREEMENT by and between LELAND E. CALKINS and PATRICIA C. CALKINS of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, jointly referred to as "Owners") and the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON (hereinafter referred to as "City"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the City's Planning Commission has approved a final subdivision plan entitled "Calkins Subdivision", dated March 30, 1985, and recorded in Plat Volume at Page(s) of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington; and WHEREAS, the final approval of the Planning Commission includes the condition that Calkins Court will be conveyed to the City of South Burlington as a public street, all as set forth in Final Plat Review of the "Calkins Subdivision" dated May 9, 1985; and WHEREAS, the above described lands and/or interest therein are to be dedicated to the City free and clear of all encumbrances, pursuant to said final approval and final plat; and WHEREAS, Owners have delivered to the City appropriate deeds of conveyance for the above described lands and/or interest therein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the final approval of the City's Planning Commission and for other good and valuable consideration, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. Owners herewith deliver to the City a deed of conveyance, an unexecuted copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, said delivery constituting a formal offer of dedication to the City to be held by the City until the acceptance or rejection of such offer of dedication by the legislative body of the City. 2. Owners agree that said formal offer of dedication is irrevocable and can be accepted by the City of any time. 3. This irrevocable offer of dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon -all assigns, grantees, successors and/or heirs of Owners. Dated this day of 1985. In Presence Of: Leland E. Calkins Patricia C. Calkins In Presence Of: CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Its Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , in said County, this day of 1985, personally appeared LELAND E. CALKINS and PATRICIA C. CALKINS, and they acknowledged this instrument, by them signed, to be their free act and deed. Before me Notary Public STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At South Burlington, in said County, this 1985, personally appeared day of , duly authorized -2- agent of the City of South Burlington, and he/she acknowledged this instrument, by him/her signed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. [PS13U] Before me, Notary Public -3- SOUTH BURLINGTON NOTICE SUBDIVISION HEARING The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 8, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: The appeal of Leland Calkins of South Burlington, Vermont for approval of a subdivision of a parcel of land, containing 12.8 acres into tdn (10) commercial building lots, located on the northerly side of Williston Road, bounded on the north by lands of the City of Burlington, bounded on the west by land owned by Leonard Boutin and on the east by land owned by Nelson Shepard, as per plans on file in the office of the City Zoning Administrator. Douglas I. Tudhope Acting Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission 4/21/73 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT OR SUBDIVISION PERMIT 1. Applicant's Name, Address, and Phone Number LelarJ Calkins, 1835 Spear St. So. Burlington, Vt, 862-6916 2. Name Address, and Phone Number of the Person Whom the Commission should contact regarding this Application d Calkins 1835 Spear St. So. Burlington 862-6916 3. Nature of the Development or Subdivision Commercial Sub -Division 4. Location of Development or Subdivision 2000-3000 Williston Road 5. High and haw Elevations of the Tract of Land involved With the Development or Subdivision Low 150 High 2M 6. Address of each of the Apo;Acant's Offices in Vermont As Above `V11 �. Applicant's Legal Interest in the Property (Fee Simple, option, Etc.) Fee Simple + 1 ,,5 '.;;n: �,- �•^; ";;�"ju- ?�,n�a;�y;,S,�Ar",':�'q ;�'},_, t;e �,. ,-u •..,x.,_ i.^15'7�.`i � ... •,r �. ti., uf,:' � .0 .�.^��� ..Yii � 30.e,�_., i _ l�� h ��' � . ue i-.� �r: ., hIV.: .. �.. N.... ,.._ ems. .,.1 5t'�- .ti/. - 2 - 8. If the Applicant is not an individual, the Form, Date, and Place of Formation of the Applicant FORM: DATE: PLACE: 9. Estimated Cost, Exclusive of Land Cost of the Development (Applicant for a Subdivision Need Not hswer) 10. Application for a Subdivision, the Number of Lots �_ 11. What Restrictive Covenants are Planned for any Deed(s) to be issued? - None 12. Description of the Proposed Development of Subdivision A. Plans and Specifications: (1) Attach a detailed plat or plot plan of the proposed project drawn to scale, s owing the location and dimensions.of the entire tract. This plan should also show: all lots, streets, roads, water lines, sewage systems drain systems, buildings, existing or intended. (2) In subdivisions where individual water and sewage facilities are intended, indicate the proposed location(s). (3) Show all easements, parks, playgrounds, parking areas, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial, existing or intended. 00 Include a-contgur map of &he land involved drawn on.a scale of 5.foot contour intervals. (5) Indicate on the plans the location and width of any easements for utilities, roads, etc., exist- ing or intended. Attach a written explanation of any such easements. 11 -3- 13. What is the purpose of this Subdivision or Development and What is the intended use of the land after Subdivision or Development? Commercial 14. Describe the Site of the Proposed Development or Subdivis- ion including information, if available, on Soils, Streams or Other bodies of Water, Bedrocks, Etc. Soil -Sand No Streams, No Bedrock 15. Acreage: - A. Number of acres owned, or in which you have a legal interest B. Number of acres in this project 12.8 C. Number of acres previously developed 4 D. When do you anticipate beginning the project i M_.on�-_ 9. When will this development or subdivision be completed 16. Water System: A. What type of water system is to be provided, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, municipal system, etc. Community System B. Where is the nearest municipal water system and is it available and feasible to use it? on property 17. Sewage System: A. What. type of sewage disposal system is to be provided or intended, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, or municipal system? Individual System 0 -3- 13. What is the purpose of this Subdivision or Development and What is the intended use of the land after Subdivision or Development? Commercial 14. Describe the Site of the Proposed Development or Subdivis- ion including information, if available, on Soils, Streams or Other bodies of Water, Bedrocks, Etc. Soil -Sand No Streams, No Bedrock 15. Acreage: - A. Number of acres owned, or in which you have a legal interest B. Number of acres in this project 12.8 C. Number of acres previously developed 4 D. When do you anticipate beginning the project i Mom E. When will this development or subdivision be completed 16. Water System: A. What type of water system is to be provided, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, municipal system, etc. Community System B. Where is the nearest municipal water system and is it available and feasible to use it? on orouerty 17. Sewage System: A. What,type of sewage disposal system is to be provided or intended, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, or municipal system? Individual System 4= B. Where is the nearest community sewage system and is it available and feasible to use it? One mile away, Not feasible C. If the sewage system is other than a community, municipal, or individual lot septic tank and leaching field, include competent professional engineering evidence that it will perform satisfactorily. 18. Adjacent Property: A. List below the names and addresses of adjacent property owners . . NORTH- City of Burlington WEST - Leonard Boutin, 2040 Williston Road EAST - Arlo -Cots & Nelson Shepard, 3050 Williston Road SOUTH - Harold P. Brown Jr. 3017 Williston Road B. What is the adjacent property used for at'present? West -Motel East -Garage, South -Animal Hospital North - Airport C. What is the future usage intended for the adjacent property? 19. Zoning: A. Which'District or Districts is the proposed site with- in according to the official zoning map of the City? DATE SIGNATIIRE r -t� 00, 0000� I MEMORANDUM TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: WILLIAM J. SZYMANSKI$ CITY MANAGER RE: CALKIN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DATE: MAY 81 1973 1. Provisions should be made so that the adjacent properties would have access to the east -west street. 2. The water main must be 8" with a hydrant installed at the bend. 3. There should be two drainage inlets just before the turnaround. 4. Sewerage system should be designed to conform to the City preliminary plan for Phase V. Temporary systems should be installed so that they can be connected to the City system when it is built. 39 Park Street, Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 April 31, 1973 Russell Reay, Assistant County Forester Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Dear Rusa: Regarding the development plan for Leland Calkins of South Burlington, I have prepared the following: Cowaents on Soils, Landf'illing, and Drain by Robert N. Towne District Conservationist USDA Soil Conservation ;service Soil Types: As according to the USDA Soil Survey Map attached: AdA,AdD,Mp Soil. Symbol: AdA-Adams and Windsor - loamy sand or sand; excessively drain- ed. DeptIy to bedrock and or water table appeared to be at least 1.5 feet. The slope varies from 0-5%. Soil lindtaations for septic tank sewage disposal are slight, li.rd.tations for builainf,- are slight. AdD-Adams and Windsor - loamy sand on slopes varying from 12-30%. Soil limitation for septic tank sewage disposal is sevens due to the slope, with possibility of sewage effluent con � ng to surface on the side of the slope causing; pollution and soil erosion. -)oil limitatations for building; are sey(,re due to the slope. 24L—Buck and Peat - This soil is mainly level and occupies the marsh„- areas next to the steel) Adams arid Windsor slopes. The muck is kept wet and saturated with water which is seepint- out of the sandy banks onto t, ie muck areas. The muck is 1" to 3" deep where checked. The soil below the muck is sandy and saturate(( with water. This soil is not suited for septic s; sterns or building due to tr,e veer poor drainage. Laadfillin6: It is aassur,*d that, some of the deep Bullied muck and peat areas will to filled( tY)ese areas are to the North, South and hest of the proposed development ) to make land for building etc. The fill to Le used should ,e fairly clean and free of trees, logs, stumps and wooden trash, to prevent voids in the fill that might cause settl f ment after decay and, disrupt buil,,_iinr,, foundations. There will also to J Landtilling(con't)% settlement and compaction oi' the ,-iu k and peat eXter i il.ilne , so time sho-Alcz ue a.'10wea for this i,-efore is c:or,e. All slopes sfaouli: €.e L f t at a 2 to 1 to lscillitzste vegetation growth ar,c prE:veut soil erosion or bank sluff'ing. Drainages It seems as N isabU to install interception drainat e 6af'ore the fill is put in place. "T'h: aao of per . ora t eb steel, 'Lltuminoas coasted$ unk-eraxWo of 6; diameter is suggested. TAs should be placed Li a trench z�long the toe of t ,e steep sasidy bank to pick up the seepac;e ano uondac;t it to an outlet lelow the proposed fill area. Thf� perfora;,ed pipe ,houL te wrapped with some type of M,ergl.ass filter to pr .gent sanU from, filling t}:e pipe. The deep gull to tYie south and near At./#2 should, also be erFained +(� filled. Thu culvert from the: access road$axid drainizA6 Rt 2, should be pi;:ee into Vie exteded c Avert for an outlet. U technical advice is needed on the drainage please contact the Ooil Conservation :service at Essex Juntion. i x CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT OR SUBDIVISION PERMIT 1. Applicant's Name, Address, and Phone Number LelarA Calkins, 1835 Spear St. So. Burlington, Vt. 862-6916 2. Name, Address, and Phone Number of the Person Whom the Commission should contact regarding this Application Leland Calkins 1835 Spear St. So. Burlington 862-6916 3. Nature of the Development or Subdivision Commercial Sub -Division L+. Location of Development or Subdivision 5. 2000-3000 Williston Road High and Low Elevations of the Tract of Land involved with the Development or Subdivision Low 150 High 200 6. Address of each of the Applicant's Offices in Vermont As Above 7. Applicant's Legal Interest in the Property (Fee Simple, Option, Etc.) Fee Simple n C - 2 - 8. If the Applicant is not an individual, the Form, Date, and Place of Formation of the Applicant FORM: DATE: PLACE: 9. Estimated Cost, Exclusive of Land Cost of the Development (Applicant for a Subdivision Need Not Lswer) 10. Application for a Subdivision, the Number of Lots 11. What Restrictive Covenants are Planned for any Deed(s) to be issued? None 12. Description of the Proposed Development of Subdivision A. Plans and Specifications: (1) Attach a detailed plat or plot plan of the proposed project drawn to scale, showing the location and dimensions of the entire tract. This plan should also show: all lots, streets, roads, water lines, sewage systems, drain systems, buildings, existing or intended. (2) In subdivisions where individual water and sewage facilities are intended, indicate the proposed location(s). (3) Show all easements, parks, playgrounds, parking areas, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial, existing or intended. (4) Include a contour map of the land involved drawn on a scale of 5 foot contour intervals. (5) Indicate on the plans the location and width of any easements for utilities, roads, etc., exist- ing or intended. Attach a written explanation of any such easements. i -3- 13. What is the purpose of this Subdivision or Development and What is the intended use of the land after Subdivision or Development? Commercial 14. Describe the Site of the Proposed Development or Subdivis- ion including information, if available, on Soils, Streams or Other bodies of Water, Bedrocks, Etc. Soil -Sand No Streams, No Bedrock 15. Acreage: A. Number of acres owned, or in which you have a legal interest B. Number of acres in this project 12.8 C. Number of acres previously developed 4 D. When do you anticipate beginning the project 1 Month Z. When will this development or subdivision be completed 16. Water System: A. What type of water system is to be provided, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, municipal system, etc. Community System B. Where is the nearest municipal water system and is it available and feasible to use it? on property 17. Sewage System: A. What type of sewage disposal system is to be provided or intended, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, or municipal system? Individual System f B. Where is the nearest community sewage system and is it available and feasible to use it? One mile away, Not feasible C. If the sewage system is other than a community, municipal, or individual lot septic tank and leaching field, include competent professional engineering evidence that it will perform satisfactorily. 18. Adjacent Property: A. List below the names and addresses of adjacent property owners. NORTH- City of Burlington WEST - Leonard Boutin, 2040 Williston Road EAST - Arlo -Coca F_ Nelson Shepard, 3050 Williston Road SOUTH - Harold P. Brown Jr. 3017 Williston Road B. What is the adjacent property used for at present? West -Motel East -Garage, South -Animal Hospital North - Airport C. What is the future usage intended for the adjacent property? 19. Zoning: DATE A. Which'District or Districts is the proposed site with- in according to the official zoning map of the City? SIGNATURE B. Where is the nearest community sewage system and is it available and feasible to use it? One mile away, Not feasible C. If the sewage system is other than a community, municipal, or individual lot septic tank and leaching field, include competent professional engineering evidence that it will perform satisfactorily. 18. Adjacent Property: A. List below the names and addresses of adjacent property owners. NORTH- City of Burlington WEST - Leonard Boutin, 2040 Williston Road EAST - Arlo -Coca F_ Nelson Shepard, 3050 Williston Road SOUTH - Harold P. Brown Jr. 3017 Williston Road B. What is the adjacent property used for at present? West -Motel East -Garage, South -Animal Hospital North - Airport C. What is the future usage intended for the adjacent property? 19. Zoning: DATE A. Which'District or Districts is the proposed site with- in according to the official zoning map of the City? SIGNATURE May 9, 1973 Mr. Leland Calkins 1835 Spear street South 'Burlington# VT 05401 Dear Mr. Calkins: Be advised that', the 47outh Burlington Planning Commission has granted approval of your application for subdivision as per site plan dated April, 1973 with the following stipulationst 1. that approval is granted only to lots 1, 2 3 and 5 as shown and that the remaining area be desi,gnatel as an un- developed area; 2, that the recommendations of the City Manager be incorporated in the plan (see attached memorandum), 3, that the proposed development be served with underground utilities 1+. that landscaping plan be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval at a later date,and 5. the remaining lots be filled with the recommendations of the City engineer. A final plan must be submitted for recording with the City Clerk as per the provisions of T27, V.S.A. Chapter 15, Section 1403. If you have any questions, feel free to call me. Very truly, Richard 'hard Zoning Administrative Officer RW/ j 0 e MEMORANDUM TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: RICHARD WARD, ZONING ALMINISTRATOR RE: CALKINS SUBDIVISION DATE: MAY 21 1973 Area zoned Business District B. Minimum lot size required 40,000 square feet. Proposed lots range from 40 to 59,000 square feet. General soil conditions are sand with good percolation results. Lot #4 is presently being filled with heavy soils and building materials. Lots #1, 29 59 3 & 6 can be considered acceptable building lots, other would require fill. Two lots presently are occupied. 1. Autofix and 2. Twin State Electric. Both buildings are in conformity with Business B provisions, other than for landscaping. Open drain tile from lot #4 and #7 into natural drainageway along lot #7, 8 and 10. Existing overhead power along lots 1, 2 and 3. Recommend underground service for development. Heavily treed area to rear of lots 3, , 69 9 and 10, some filling to rear of lot #3• Total area contains 12.8 acres, will require Act 250 permit. This area has been checked by Mr. Russell Reay, Assistant County Forester and Mr. Robert Towne. See attached report. 39 Park Street, Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 April 31, 1973 Russell Resy, Assistant County Forester ;osex Junction, Vermont OA52 Dear Muss: Regarding the develojxwnt plan for Leland Calkins of South ;.aurlinPton, I rAve prepared the following: CouurianU on Soils, Landf illin6, and Drainage ��l- by Robert M. Towns Distriet Conservationist MA Soil (:onservation Service Soil Tjpes: As acc-,ming to the :USDA Soil Survey 14ap attached: AdA,AdDpMp Soil Symbol: AdA=Adams and Wiiidsor -- loamy sane or sand; excessively drain- e "•e:pV� to bedrock and or water table appeared to Le at least 15 Feet. The slope; 3reriea from 0-5%. Sail li,-Utations for septic tank sewage 6isposal are slight, lindtations for buildixu ; are slight. AdD-Adams and Windsor - loam sane: or, slopes varying from 12-30;A. :soil limitation for :septic tank Sewage disposal is severe due.: to -thee slope, with possibility of sewsu,e effluent eom: ni, to surface ore the side of trhe slope causing pollution and soil erosion. w)oil limi yatations for Lu{ ldin, are sev-Yre due to the slope. iw1-•c5:uck a-u(i 'eat - This soil is =inly 1 vel iuid occupies the mareb,,., areas next to the steep ilda:w a:id i'indsor slopes. The :ruck is kept wet acid saturaLe:d with grater which is seepirL, oat o., the sanely Lard{s onto the ruck areas. The muck Jz 1" to Sri deep where checked. The soil i.elow tfi:� muck is sari(y Lnr: sa-iuratec, with water. This soil Jus not suited for septic a'-s�te.%s or tluile ing oue to t:,e t. ry poor %irtLiage. Landfilliag: It is usaw-tei that, som, o1' the deep gallie;d muck tancj pest ar=eras will Ge f'illeu( t -tese area, are to the North, south " iti est of the proposed developiaent ) to makc land for wil4in& etc:. The fill to t£3 used s,.oul=i ce fairly clean and free of trees, logs, stumps and wooden trash, to prevent voids in the fill that might cause settlf.=meat after .1eJcay and disrupt Lull,:irW; foundations. rhere will also Le Landffilling ( con 0t): settlement zind :.o.-,,ip&,.tion cal Vie, and peat after filila,�,: so time sho,-iL, Le a,loured for this Lefore buildini, is z"4o;2e. All slopes sho-al-C; Le 1, f t a. * 2 to 1 to f acillit�te Yet;ettATAon f,ro-wth -i,,k% pi-,--ve-,it soil erosion or bank sbuSfing. Draixtage -. It seevts au,isabl& to install Literseption 6raLria,-e Ueiore- the fill is put in piace. 'The asc: of perioraLed steel, Ldturrdnous coated $ ., unrer6[s&&cd' 6" diameter is suggested. 'iris shoula Le placed in b trench alont, tree toe of t,.e steer, sand,-- Lwik to pick up the se"-.e vji6 uonduct it to an outlet Lelow the proposed fill v.rea. TIe perfora-.ed pipe Otoal,- te wrapped with some t.,,,pe of Merglz,as filter to sa.id fro.,i,, filling tl-re pipe. The deep Cull,, to the aouth and near Rt.#2 shoulc also be drained if filled. Tl,.f- calvert from the access road ,,and drainiag Ht#2, .mould be Pi, e,-� into V.,e exteded c 11vert for an outlet. if technical advice is needed on the drainage please contact the Ooil Gonservation Service at Essex Juntion, q '0 MAP SYMBOLS- " SOIL SURVEY INTERPRETATIONS SOILSERIES-MUCK AND PEAT DESCRIPTION OF THE SOIL Soils in this series are very poorly drained and consist of muck and peat. The muck and peat consists of the remains of reeds, sedges, and woody plants that grew in shallow ponds and marshes. Slopes are mainly level, but in places they are 3 to 5 percent. These soils occupy depressions and marshy areas. The soils typically consist of muck and/or peat to a depth of 4 feet or more. In places, mineral material is present at 3 to 4 feet. Permeability is moderate to moderately rapid; available moisture capacity is high; and fertility is low. The water table is at or near the surface unless the soils are artificially drained. Depth to bedrock typically exceeds 5 feet. INTERPRETATIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR FARMING AND RELATED USES SOIL SLOPE PHASE CAPABILITY SUBCLASS CULTIVATED CROPS PASTURE AND HAY ARTIFICIAL DRAINAGE WATERWAYS POND RESERVOIR AREAS POND EMBANKMENTS A,B VIIIw SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE - The very poorly drained condition as a result of a high water table is a severe limitation for farming and related uses. The organic muck and peat has a poor capacity to support loads when wet. Drainage is difficult because the muck and peat settles unevenly upon drying. wind erosion also is a potential problem when large areas are drained and farmed. The material is unstable in embaknments and erodes readily. SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR WILDLIFE SOIL SLOPE PHASE OPENLAND WILDLIFE WOODLAND WILDLIFE WETLAND WILDLIFE A,B SEVERE SEVERE SLIGHT MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE - Establishing and maintaining habitat for openland and wetland wildlife is difficult because of the high water table and low fertility. Trees blow down readily because of the high water table and anchorage of roots. The high water table is a favorable feature for wetland wildlife. WOODLAND INTERPRETATIONS SLOIPE PHASE SEEDLING MORTALITY EROSION HAZARD WINOTHROW HAZARD COMP ANTION EQUIPMENT LIMITATION ORDINATION SUBCLASS HARDWOODS CONIFEROUS UNSUITED R COMMERCIAL FOREST PROD TION ESTIMATED PRODUCTIVITY RATING FOR SELECTED SPECIES NORTHERN HARDWOODS RED OAK WHITE PINE RED PINE WHITE SPRUCE RED SPRUCE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE June 1969 ADVANCE COPY - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS IN COOPERATION WITH VERMONT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND COORDINATION BETWEEN STATES IS COMPLETED VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS AND PARKS USDA, FOREST SERVICE October, 1969 SOIL SERIES— MUCK AND PEAT SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR RECREATION C SOIL SLOPE PHASE CAMP AREAS PICNIC AREAS ATHLETIC FIELDS AND PLAYGROUNDS PATHS AND TRAILS PARKING AREAS A,B SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE `1AJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE FOR RECREATION - The major limitation for all recreational items is the high water table, The muck and peat are unstable when wet and have a poor capacity to support foot and vehiclular traffic. Structures placed in or on the organic material settle unevenly and are subject to damage. NOTE For buildings, septic tank sewage systems, ponds, and access roads refer to other sections. SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SOIL SLOPE PHASE SEPTIC TANK SEWAGE DISPOSAL SANITARY LAND FILL STREETS AND ACCESS ROADS BUILDINGS EXCAVATIONS PIPELINES, ETC. LAWNS, GOLF FAIRWAYS AND LANDSCAPING WITH BASEMENTS WITHOUT BASEMENTS A,B SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - The high water table and poor capacity to support loads are the main limitations for residential and community development. Ground water seeps into basements, sanitary land fill trenches, and other excavations. Structures placed in or on these organic materials settle unevenly and are subject to damage. Septic tank filter fields are saturated during wet seasons and the soil has poor capacity to absorb effluent. ESTIMATED PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES FOR ENGINEERING SOIL HORIZON CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL PASSING SIEVE PERMEA- BILITY AVAIL WATER SOIL SHRINK - SWELL USDA UNIFIED AASHO H4 :10 40 200 DEPTH TEXTURE CAP. pH POTENTIAL Inches in., hr in., in. 0 to 40 Muck and Peat PT --- ___ ___ ___ ___ Variable More 7ariable Low plus than .22 SUITABILITY OF SOIL AS A SOURCE OF TOPSOIL- Poor, oxidizes readily, loose when GRAVEL- Not suitable, no gravel, organic SAND- dry. ROADFILL- Poor, high compressibility, poor capacity Not suitable, mainly organic material to support loads. DEFINITION OF RATING TERMS The soil is evaluated to a depth of 5 feet or less. The three classes of soil limitations are Slight -relatively free of limitations or limitations are easily overcome. Moderate -limitations need to be recognized, but can be overcome with good management and careful design Severe- limitations are severe enough to make use questionable. SOIL SURVEY INTERPRETATIONS do SOIL SERIES _WI NDSOR LOAMY SAND OR SAND MAP SYMBOLS — A cl A _ /�T %� DESCRIPTION OF THE SOIL _ Soils in this series are excessively drained and sandy. They occupy deltas, kame terraces, and old lake beaches. The parent material consists of water -deposited sands. The slope ranges from 0 to more than 25 percent. Stones and gravel are seldom found in this soil or if present they are seldom present in sufficient quantity to affect use. The soil typically has a very dark grayish brown, very friable loamy sand, sand, or loamy fine sand surface layer that overlies a strong brown loamy sand or sand subsoil. Pale brown sand or fine sand lies at a depth ranging from 20 to 30 inches. Permeability is rapid; available moisture capacity is low or moderately low; and natural fertility is low. The frost heave potential is low. Depth to water table and bedrock is typically greater than 5 feet. INTERPRETATIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR FARMING AND RELATED USES SOIL SLOPE CAPABILITY CULTIVATED PASTURE AND ARTIFICIAL WATERWAYS POND RESERVOIR POND PHASE SUBCLASS CROPS HAY DRAINAGE AREAS EMBANKMENTS A,B IVs MODERATE MODERATE NOT NEEDED MODERATE SEVERE SEVERE C VIIs SEVERE MODERATE NOT NEEDED MODERATE SEVERE SEVERE D,E VIIa SEVERE SEVERE NOT NEEDED SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE - Low natural fertility and low or moderately low available moisture capacity are severe limitations for cropland and vegetation for embankments. This soil also is subject to wind erosion if not maintained in vegetation. Since this soil is well drained, artificial drainage is not needed. Establishing and maintaining vegetation in waterways is difficult because of the sandy condition and low natural fertility. Special caution is needed when using the soil for reservoir areas and embankment material because of the porous nature of the sandy material. Seepage of water through embankments and flowing of the sandy material is a potential problem. SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR WILDLIFE SOIL SLOPE OPENLAND WILDLIFE WOODLAND WILDLIFE WETLAND WILDLIFE PHASE A,B,C,D SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE E VERY SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE - The low natural fertility and low or moderately low available moisture capacity are severe limitations for eats;blishing and maintaining openland and woodland wildlife habitat elements. The well drained and droughty condition is a severe limitation for wetland habitat elements. The water table is deep and vegetation that is tolerant of drought is best suited for this soil. WOODLAND INTERPRETATIONS SLOIPE PHASE SEEDLING MORTALITY EROSION HAZARD WINDTHROW HAZARD COMP ANTION EQUIPMENT LIMITATION ORDINATION SUBCLASS HARDWOODS CONIFEROUS A,B,C SEVERE SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT 5s D SEVERE SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT MODERATE 5s E SEVERE MODERATE SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SEVERE 5s ESTIMATED PRODUCTIVITY RATING FOR SELECTED SPECIES NORTHERN RED WHITE RED WHITE RED To To HARDWOODS OAK PINE PINE SPRUCE SPRUCE Favor Plant 45-55 45-55 50-60* W.P. W.P. Site index Site index Site index R.O. S.M. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE June 1969 ADVANCE COPY - SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS IN COOPERATION WITH VERMONT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND COORDINATION BETWEEN STATES IS COMPLETED VCPUnNT nFPGRTUFNT nFFORFUT Aun PARKS. USDA FOREST SERVICE November 1970 S{ IMITATIONS FOR RECREATION / SOIL ATHLETIC FIELDS SLOPE CAMP PICNIC AND PATHS AND PARKING PHASE AREAS AREAS PLAYGROUNDS TRAILS AREAS A,E MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE SLIGHT C MODERATE MODERATE SEVERE MODERATE MODERATE D SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE E SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE FOR RECREATION - Establishing and maintaining vegetation is difficult in heavy use areas because of the sandy textures and droughty condition. The soil has good capacity to support foot traffic and vehicular traffic, but dust is a problem in unvegetated areas. Layout and construction of camp sites, picnic areas, playgrounds, and parking areas is difficult on the C, D, and E slope phases. The sandy material provides a good subgrade for parking areas and access roads, but shaping and grading is required on the sloping to steep areas. NOTE For buildings, septic lank sewage systems, ponds, and access roads refer to other sections. SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SOIL SEPTIC TANK STREETS AND BUILDINGS LAWNS, GOLF SLOPE SEWAGE SANITARY ACCESS EXCAVATIONS FAIRWAYS AND WITH WITHOUT PHASE DISPOSAL LAND FILL ROADS BASEMENTS BASEMENTS PIPELINES, LANDSCAPING A,B SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT MODERATE MODERATE C MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE SEVERE D,E SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING USE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Contamination of shallow water supplies is possible where septic tank systems or sanitary landfills are used. The soil material provides a good subgrade for streets, driveways, sidewalks, and basement floors. However, it erodes readily on slopes. Vertical trenches and other excavations are unstable, especially when the soil is wet or under loads. Lawns and turf dry out quickly during prolonged dry periods. Frequent application of water and fertilizer are required. Because of the sandy porous nature of this soil, unfiltered effluent may contaminate shallow wells and nearby lakes and streams. ESTIMATED PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES FOR ENGINEERING SOIL HORIZON CLASSIFICATION i OF MATERIAL PASSING SIEVE PERMEA- AVAIL. WATER SOIL SHRINK - SWELL USDA DEPTH TEXTURE UNIFIED AASHO 04 410 040 4200 BILITY CAP. pH POTENTIAL Inches mVhr. in./in. 0-20 Loamy sand, or SP-SM or A-3 or 90-100 80-100 65-95 5-25 More 02-.10 ,5-5.5 Low sand SM A-2 than 6.3 20-40 Sand or coarse SP or A-3 or 90-100 85-100 40-85 0-10 More 01-.08 .5-6.0 Low plus sand SP-SM A-1 than 6.3 June 1969 SUITABILITY OF SOIL AS A SOURCE OF TOPSOIL- Poor -sandy, low available moisture GRAVEL -Not suitable -dominantly sand SAND- Fair -excessive fines in places ROADFILL- Fair -low trafficability, difficult to compact DEFINITION OF RATING TERMS, The soil is evaluated to a depth of 5 feet or less. The three classes of soil limitations are: Slight -relatively free of limitations or limitations are easily overcome. Moderate -limitations need to be recognized, but can be overcome with good management and careful design. Severe- limitations are severe enough to make use questionable. (Back) usa•.aw.nm.u. ■. n» rune 2/ 11 V LAMU N I n AAAAN I X IMLL) Aeu. bib4 TUTBLANX REGISTERED U S PAT OFFICE /�!'� TUTTLE LAW PRINT PUBLISHERS RUTLAND VT 05701 • /...'� now Llt at LELAND E. CALKINS and PATRICIA C. CALKINS Of South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantor s , in the consideration of ---------------------------------Ten and More------------------------------ Dollars paid to our full satisfaction by CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipal corporation Wx in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantee by these presents, do freely (6tur. Grnni. Or11, fQnnuru And Tonfirm unto the said Grantee CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, its successors Emckx Adve and assiins forever, a certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Being a strip of land, sixty feet (60') in uniform width to be used for public roadway purposes, said strip commencing at a point in the northerly sideline of Williston Road (U.S. Route #2) and thence proceeding generally northerly to a turnaround. Also included and conveyed is the turnaround at the northerly terminus of the sixty foot strip. Said sixty foot wide strip and turnaround are more particularly depicted on a plat entitled "Calkins Subdivision", dated March 30, 1985, and recorded in Map Volume at Page(s) of the South Burlington City Land Records. Included with this conveyance are all improvements located within, over, or under said roadway strip and turnaround including, but not by way of limitation, paving, curbing, base preparations, hydrants, all utility mains and appurtenances thereto, and sidewalks. By acceptance and recordation of this deed in the South Burlington Land Records, Grantee acknowledges that Grantors have fully satisfied the requirements of the City in constructing said improvements, that same were constructed properly in compliance with City codes and regulations, and that Grantee is accepting said improvements in their "as is" condition. The property conveyed herein is a small portion of the property conveyed to the within Grantors by Warranty Deed of Clifford J. Shangraw, Jr. and Elizabeth S. Shangraw dated April 22, 1960 and recorded in Volume 56 at Page 15 of the South Burlington City Land Records. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained in further aid of this description. [Calkins Exhibit A - PS13U] un have nnb to ROO said granted premises, with all the privileges and ap- purtenances thereof, to the said Grantee CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipal corporation, its successors *dm and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; .4nd the said Grantors LELAND E. CALKINS and PATRICIA C. CALKINS for ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant with the said Grantee CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, its successors and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents we are the sole owners of the premises, and have Adood riLfht and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are (free Nrom $uerg Enrumhronre: except as above -mentioned, and we do hereby engage to Warrant Anb Drfenb whatever, except as aforesaid. +ln Witnens Whereof. we this day of jit Pmwncr of State Of Vermont, �Ss. (fuuntg of Chittenden the same against all lawful claims hereunto set our hands and seal .1. D. 1985 LELAND E. CALKINS PATRICIA C. CALKINS .4t day of LELAND E. CALKINS and PATRICIA C. CALKINS this .1. D. 19 85 personally appeared, and they acknowledged this instrument, by them sealed and subscribed, to be their free act and deed. z U) z z H z H a � w t: a E-4 a o '�C H U __N Before me W U U_ O An it W J U Notary Public (Title) o M O Y w cr C] C] W .J U O Z U. W O C] Z LLJ u w > OJ Q Q W w V U a- -0 Cr � wO ir W w F- 0 cr- WO Y Q Q m Q cr CHITTENDEN COUNTY, VERMONT - SHEET NUMBER 33 � » ` n 724 000 FEET lJoins sheet 271 W W LL 0 0 0 E o o (Joins sheet 39) 711 000 FEET 33 N ii �i Di;� Lri HT 1 The sketch elan for this proposal was reviewed last February, when there was no available capacity to sewer this project. There is presently adequate capacity for these lots. It hears repeating that this ne-vi plan shows a reduction in the number of lots (from lU to 6) , less filling, and a substantially shorter road,;,a,7 than the pre-existing plan. A -artial utilities reTri e?r (wat�er auo:.,177, fire -oro'c:.ction) has he- r_om)letec; the balance of the e.agin�2erinc.,, can be def err_e� --o the n <,t .: ?vi :_IJ Stag? (ro•ae,,,m�-, and storm drainage details), :Then ,.uS '.Fill have returned from vas^,3%lon. I suggest that the Courmii scion s•-ipulate all future curb nuts shall bW off CalsLins Court, that the subdivi:'gr reserv= ;,n ar3a =or a -LC u'*ure potential service .road, and that ? o. lanc for -.:i : n?rc o° "'iliston n d ob—iinec'. l _ 1