HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-82-0000 - Decision - 0000 South Beach Road (2)PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 23, lr The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tue:;day, March 23, 1982 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Sidney Poger, Chairman; Peter Jacob, George Mona, James Ewing, Kirk Woolery, Robert Walsh Member Absent Ernest Levesque Others Present David Spitz, Planner; Judy Hurd, The Other Paper; Richard Johansson, William Duff, Stephen Page, Bruce Kent Minutes of March 9, 1982 The March 9, 1982 minutes were approved on a motion by Ns. Jacob, a second by Mr. Walsh and a unanimous vote. Slide/sound show by Vermont Community Energy Projects Mr. Bruce Kent presented a slide show entitled "Vermont Community Energy Projects", which showed some of the energy conservation projects various Vermont communities have been involved with recently. After the show, Xr. Kent noted that its purpose was to start the process so the city would have a body to look at things and make suggestions, and to make the energy conservation question a community one, not an individual one. Mr. Poger suggested that the show be presented to the City Council, since they are the body which would appoint any energy coordinator and/or committee. He said he supported the idea. Continuation of public hearing on final plat application by Gerald Milot for The Landings, a 48 unit multi -family development at Bartlett's Bay Mr. Spitz said there had been two outstanding areas - water and legal. As far as water, the Superintendent says this project will be all right without looping, and a major fire in this area would not hamper service in the rest of the system. As far as the legal requirements, Mr. Spitz said they were 90% complete and he felt that was good enough at this time. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final-plat_application by Gerald Milot for a 48 residential unit PUD at Bartlett's Bay as depicted on a plan entitled "The Landin preDared by Fitzpc,trick-Llewellyn tissociates, stamped and dated 3/16 82 subject to the followint' stipulations: 1. The_Iroposal for abandonment of a portion of public roadways shall be Uproved b,Lr the City Council. All abandoned road segments shall be seeded. 2. The following bonds shall be provided prior to issuance of the first building permit: I 2. PLANNING COMMISSION a. A landscaping bond of S40,000. MARCH 23, 1982 b. ,Sufficient bonding amounts to cover costs of public streets and utilities. 3. The recreation fee for this project is $40,000. A base fee of ilk r eunit shall~be provided prior to issuance of each building permit. The balance of $718.33 per unit shall be paid within 6 months after issuance of each building permit and shall be secured by a letter of credit or equivalent surety. 4. All f inal City Attorney and a date for the final legal documents shall be submitted to and approved by the igned documents shall be submitted prior to the recording lat (90 days after ao:,rovai j . 5. All boardwalks along the beach shall be removed prior to each winter season. 6. This approval expires in 2 years. 7. Screened recreational vehicle storage area shall be designated on sheet 2. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. Mr. Poger asked how the units would be heated and was told they were not sure yet. Using lake water and heat pumps will not work, as had been discussed as a possibility at the last meeting. Mr. Spitz noted that he had not included a stipulation that construction vehicles only use the new road, as the residents have requested. He felt that should be encouraged, but he did not know how to stipulate it. Mr. Walsh felt that Mr. Milot had stated that he would use the new road as much as possible, and he thought that was good enough. The recreational vehicle storage area was discussed. Mr. Page said there was only one area that could be and that is near the entrance to the project. They have not graded or sized the area, feeling that the homeowners association can decide on the size needed. Since the area is very conspicuous, he felt there would be incentive to screen it. The area set aside is 100' x 1001. The Commission felt the area should be screened when it was used. It was noted that the stairs to the beach might be permanent, although they have not been designed yet. Mr. Spitz noted that stipulation ##6 meant that building permits had to be obtained within 2 years. The motion carried unanimously. Site plan application by Robert and Frances Townsend for an 1800 sq. ft. addition to the ALCO business on Dorset Street Mr. Johansson said they proposed to add an area 30' x 60' to the back of the building, for parts. By doing this they will eliminate the eyesore of all the storage trailers in the back. They also plan to install a fence along the back of the property with a gate. This should make more traffic come out San Remo Drive instead of this property. The addition will be used to store parts. Mr. Woolery said it would be nice if the storage trailers could be replaced by some nice landscaping. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve