HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-95-0000 - Supplemental - 0123 0251 Shunpike RoadCity of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 30, 1995 Robert Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the July 11, 1995 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, paqase give me a call. rel Oe Weith, ity Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes W. Spencer Baker City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 14, 1995 Robert Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Planning Commission on July 11, 1995. If you have any questions, please give me a call. S'n erely J Weith, C y Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes W. Spencer Baker PLANNING COMMISSION 11 July 1995 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, 11 July 1995, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: William Burgess, Chair; Mac Teeson, David Austin, Mark Crow, Terry Sheahan Also Present: Joe Weith, City Planner; Spencer Baker, Robert Fuller, Mike Lawrence, Gerry Milot, Amy Lindsay, Peter Judge, Lenore Budd, Rick Davis, Alan Levi, Brad Rabinowitz, Wayne Deslauriers 1. Other Business: a. Mr. Weith showed members the Resolution for Mary -Barbara Maher which he will have framed. 2. Minutes of 13 June 1995: Mr. Austin moved the Minutes of 13 June by approved as written. Mr. Crow seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Burgess abstaining. 3. Public Hearing: Final Plat application of Robert Perry for a boundary line adjustment between two existing parcels of 1.72 acres and 0.94 acres resulting in two reconfigured parcels of 1.21 acres and 1.45 acres, 123 and 251 Shunpike Road: Mr. Baker noted that the farmhouse is owned by Sheila Bowes who wants to own less land. Mr. Baker's Company wants to extend their lot a bit. There are no plans to develop the lot at this time. Mr. Burgess said all everything appears to be in conformance. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the final lat application of Robert Perry for a boundary line adjustment be- tween two existing parcels of 1.72 acres and 0.94 acres resultin in two reconfi ured parcels of 1.21 acres and 1.45 acres 123 an 251 Shunpike Road,,_.as de icted on a plan entitled "Plat Showin Survey for Boundar Line Revisions Between Spencer and Nancy Baker and Sheila Bowes, 123 and 251 Shunpike Road, South Bur- lin ton Vermont," re ared b Button Associates, dated 4 20 95, last revised 6 3 95, with the following sti ulations: 1. All_pL2Zj2E2_2ppE2Zals and stipulations which are not super- seded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The final plat plan shall be recorded in the land records PLANNING COMMISSION 11 July 1995 page 2 within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk _prior to re- cording. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion then passed unanimousl 4. Site plan application of Pauline's Restaurant to amend a pre- viously approved site plan for a 340 sq. ft. addition to a standard restaurant and increasing seating capacity from 103 seats to 129 seats. The amendment consists of relocating two handicapped spaces and adding two exterior lights: Mr. Fuller said the business has been approved for parking in front of the building, but it makes more sense to have parking on the left side. The lights are in the upper parking lot and will be 2 sodium white lights. They put a plywood shade around them so they cast down. They will also replace spotlights with down - casting fixtures. All restriping has been done. No issues were raised. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Pauline's Restaurant to amend a reviousl ap- proved roved site plan for a 340 s . ft. addition to a standard restaurant and increasing seatin capacity from 103 seats to 1.2_9_ seats. The amendment consists of relocatin two handicapped s aces and adding two exterior li hts as de icted on a plan en- titled "Pauline's Restaurant 1834 Shelburne Road re ared b Robert Fuller, dated 11 3 94, last revised 2/28/95, with the _fol- lowing stipulations: 1. All revious approvals and sti lations which are not su er- seded by thisapproval shall remain in effect. 2. The site plan shall be revised priorto issuance of a in permit to show the changes listed below and shall require approval by the City Planner. Three co 1es of the approved revised site lan shall be submitted to the City P_lanner__-prior to permit issuance. a. The site lan shall be revised to show two handica2ped spaces with minimum dimensions of 13'x22' 3. All new exterior lighting shall consist of downcastin shielded fixtures so as not to cast light be and the property_ line. Any Chan e in lighting shall be approved_!aZ the City Planner prior to installation. 4. An chan e to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. State of Vermont 7 T v �X Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Environmental Conservation State Geologist Natural Resources Conservation Council RELAY SERVICE FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED 1-800-253-0191 TDD>Voice 1-800-253-0195 Voi ii�% August 3, ly Sheila Bowes 251 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Applicant: AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation Wastewater Management Division 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Telephone #(802)879-6563 Subject: EC-4-1917 boundary line adj exist sfr mun. water & sewer 1.21 acres .52A parcel deferred located Shunpike Road in South Burlington, Vermont. We received your completed application for the referenced permit on 07/27/95, including a fee of $150 paid for by Check Number 15447 & 15548. This application falls under the Single Lot Subdivision Program Area, and under the Performance Standards for this program area, we have 30 days of 'in-house' time for our review of your application. The information contained in your application has been forwarded to the Permit Specialist and an Act 250 District Coordinator. If not included with this letter, a Project Review Sheet will be sent under separate cover. A Project Review Sheet indicates other State agencies and departments you should constact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have questions relating to Act 250 jurisdiction, a District Coordinator may be reached at 879-6563 for Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle and Addison Counties. If you have questions relating to other department and agency jurisdictions, you can reach the Permit Specialist at this office. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 days in-house, please contact this office. DEFERRAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION DE-4-2071 WILL BE PROCESSED WITH THE ABOVE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION. Sincerely, 7 Il L Roberge Administrative Secretary c: South Burlington Planning Commission South Burlington Selectboard Robert Perry, Esq. Chlorine Free 100 % Recycled Paper Regional Office - Barre/Essex Jct./Plttsford/N Springfield/St Johnsbury City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 13 , 1995 Robert Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the June 13, 1995 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Weith, City Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes W. Spencer Baker PLANNING COMMISSION 13 June 1995 page 2 2. The plan shall be revised prior to issuance of_=a zq_-oninpermit_ to show the changes listed below and shall require -approval by the City -_Planner. Three copies of the a roved revised site plan - - W - ---------------------�---�� - --- - -- --_Ek shall be submitted to the City Planner rior to permit issuance. a. The site plan (Sheet SP1) shall be revised to show rack as __req_uired_ under Section 26.253(b) of the Zoni_n lations in a location approved by the City Planner. W a bike Requ- b. The landscape plan(Sheet SP2) shall be revised to show the correct building dimensions and s uare footage. 3. The Planning Commission_ approved a landscapin2 credit of $__168 for existingWlandscapin . The site is well landscaped so no ad- ditional landscaping is warranted. 4. For the purpose_ of calculatin required_roadWWimpact fees under__ the South �Burlin ton Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed canopy will generate 0 additional vehicle trip ends durinq the P.M. -peak hour. 5. Any new exterior li htin shall consist of downcastLn2 shielded fixtures so as not to cast li ht be and the propert line. Any change in li htin shall be approved b the Cit Planner prior to installation. 6. The applicant shall obtain a zoninq permit for the canopy within 'six -months _or this approval=is_null_and void.= 7. The a licant shall obtain a Certificate of OccugancZZCom- pliance from the Administrative Officer prior to use of the canopy. 2._Any chan e to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlin ton Planning Commission. Mr. Teeson seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Sketch plan application of W. Spencer Baker for a boundary line adjustment between two abutting properties tc convey 0.51 acres from one parcel ro the other parcel, 123 and 251 Shunpike Road: Mr. Perry said the lots are at the far end of Shunpike Rd., and the object of the application is to tranfer a parcel 70 ft. in width from parcel one to the other parcel. No development i:; planned at present, but the transfer would create a lot large - enough to be subdivided. Mr. Teeson noted further review would be required for subdivision. PLANNING COMMISSION 13 June 1995 page 3 Members felt the plan 1(-)-)ked acceptable. 5. Public Hearing: Final Plat application of Lionel Sicotte to subdivide 70,192 sq. ft. of land with an existing duplex into two lots of 40,090 sq. ft. and 30,102 sq. ft., 44-46 Hinesburg Road: Mr. Perry said this is the same plan the Commission saw a month ago. One lot will front on Hinesburg Rd. and the other on Heath Street. One lot has the duplex, and other will probably have an- other duplex. The applicant got variances from the Zoning Board for the rear yard and for insufficient frontage. Mr. Austin noted the building envelope was not shown on the plan. Mr. Perry said the plan shows a 35 ft. setback north and south ani a 10 ft. setback east and west and this is in conformance with the ordinance. Mr. Sheahan moved the Planning Commission approve the final _plat application of Lionel Sicotte to subdivide 70 192 s ft. of land with an existinn duplex into _�go lots of 40, 090 sq. , ft. and 30,102 sq.� ft., 44-46 Hinesburg Road, as depicted on a plan en- titled "Plat of Surve Showin Pro osed Subdivision for Li.(-)nel R. Sicotte in the City of South Burlin ton Vermont prepared b Harold Marsh, dated May 6,_1.9_95, last revised 6 2 95, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous :o rovals and stipulations which are not su er- seded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. A sewer allocation of 600d is r. developer of this lot will be required prior to issuance of a zonin ermit. 3. The final lat olan shall be recorded in 1--he land records withlri 90 days or th'_s appro,al is null and void. The plan shall be si ned bv the Planninq Commission Chairman or Clerk prior to recording. 4. Any deed tranfer�of 0f00(-? C tv shall - pntain a -ference to the e_ Plannin(,^bmm.issi.on poroval dated 6/�5 and Zoning Board approval of 5/22 /95. Mr. Teeson seconded. Moc .on passed_a:-ia-iimous",Y.- 6. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat Ltoplication if David DuBru1 to 1) subdivide a 4.76 acre parcel in`o 7 lots ranging in si-;i- from 19,002 sq. ft. to 69,630 sq. ft. and 2) adding 1 dwelling unit to a 2-family dwelling on lot #6 to create a 3-unit multi- family dwelling, 1001 Dorset St: • MOTION OF APPROVAL 7/11/95 ROBERT PERRY I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of Robert Perry for a boundary line adjustment between two (2) existing parcels of 1.72 acres and 0.94 acres resulting in two (2) reconfigured parcels of 1.21 acres and 1.45 acres, 123 and 251 Shunpike Road, as depicted on a plan entitled "Plat Showing Survey for Boundary Line Revisions Between Spencer & Nancy Baker and Sheila Bowes, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont", prepared by Button Associates, dated 4/20/95, last revised 6/3/95, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The final plat plan shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chairman or Clerk prior to recording. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: July 11, 1995 agenda items Date: July 7, 1995 3) ROBERT PERRY - BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT - FINAL PLAT This project consists of the boundary line adjustment between two (2) abutting properties to convey 0.51 acres from one parcel to the other parcel. The reason that subdivision approval is necessary for this boundary line adjustment is because the lot being enlarged will be capable of subdividing into more lots than before the adjustment and under these circumstances it is a subdivision. The sketch plan was reviewed on June 13, 1995 (minutes enclosed). These properties located at 123 and 251 Shunpike Road lie within the R4 District. They are bounded on the east by Shunpike Road, on the north by a single family dwelling, on the west by undeveloped property and on the south by a contractor's yard and office. Access: Access to these lots is not shown on the plan. Access will not be affected by the boundary line adjustment. Lot size/frontage: The minimum lot size requirement of 9500 square feet (0.22 acres) will be met by both lots. The parcel at 123 Shunpike Road will increase in size from 0.94 acres to 1.45 acres. The parcel at 251 Shunpike Road will decrease in size from 1.72 acres to 1.21 acres. The minimum frontage requirement of 80 feet will be met by both lots. The frontage for 123 Shunpike Road will increase from 135 feet to 205 feet. The frontage for 251 Shunpike Road will decrease from 240 feet to 170 feet. Setbacks: Setback requirements will be met. Utility easement: The boundary line adjustment will result in the sewer line serving 251 Shunpike Road being on the 123 Shunpike Road parcel. The legal documents for this easement should be approved by the City Attorney and recorded in the land records prior to recording the plat. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 7, 1995 Robert Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Wally Possich were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, July 11, 1995 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. in erel, 114 Jo Weith, Ci Planner JW/mcp Encls cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes W. Spencer Baker TRUE N 'Cr ZO VW Mph molts) DVST icr N l3. 1/' 58" E , 170.00' IROW PIPE FOLND "Cr ZONIoG DISTRICT N/F RICHARD T WIL L IS 120 K/MBALL AVE. IRON PIPE FOUNO 340': TO CENTER OF KALIBALL AVE 1 f 3 O h lb 2 N/F ROBERT V. & RICHARD T. WILLIS IRON PIN IRON PIPE FOLM To RE SET DAYA6ED IS" MOT"/ _ PROPOSED NEW "R4" ZONNG PROPERTY LINE ASTAICT SHEILA D. & WALLACE E. BOWES 3 ORIGINAL AREA: 1.72 ACRES p TO BE CONVEYED: 0.51 ACRES h p TO BE RETAINED: L21 ACRES m O � n e GARDEN A =I� � 2 GARAGE F SS HOUSE >i PORCH _ 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD 0 A PIN W o AIE SET 170.00, 1 INDZ.1.1 N l3' ll' /0" E 4 j9.5' R.O. W. 1 ' NO TES ..C,.. zoo'" DISTRICT N 13' 11' 56" E — N /3' 11' /0" E — 73 3B' T 12 7.24 ' 1 "R 4" Z DASTIIMCT EXISTAV6 PROPERTY LINE TO RE arsoL vED o • o N � A N' 2 AREA To SPENCER L NANCY v CONVEYED I BAKER 0.51 ACRES ORIGINAL AQREA: 0.94 ACRES TO BE AOLWED. 0,51 ACRES °i TOTAL NET: 1.45 ACRES 01 ~ w (: O a MI 2I � POOL a PDOL 1 HOUSE -I GARA SIIS g ORCH t—I p I � A Ss = I I W 2 I I IRON PIPE ss I i0I I 1110 r 123 SHLNAWKE ROAD W 70.0' ' 135. DO' I I N/3*U,10"E — I 0 s, SHUNPIKE ROAD SSW I. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ORIENTED TO PREVIOUS SURVEY DATA SHOWN ON A PLAT BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGAIEERS, WC., ENTITLED "PLAT OF LAND, R.D.R. ENTERPRISES, SOUTH BURLWGTON, VERMONT", DATED 2-76. REVISED 4-30-84. 2. IRON PW BOUNDARY MARKERS NOTED HEREON AS "SET OR TO BE SET", ARE 5/6" RENIF'ORCYVG STEEL, 40" LONE', CROWNED WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP. 3. THE REVISED BOUNDARY SHOWN BETWEEN BOWES AND BAKER, AND RESULTWG NET AREAS SHOWN, ARE DEPENDANT LWON THE EXCHANGE OF APPROPRIATE DOCLNENTS. 4. PERIMETER BOUNDARAES OF BOWES AAID SPENCER ARE BASED ON DEED MIFORMATION, DA TA SHOWN ON PREVIOUS SURVEY CITED W NOTE L AND PHYSICAL EV"AOCE COLLECTED BY CONTEMPORARY SURVEY AETHOOS IRON PME FOMD N/F HAROL D P. BROWN "CI- ZOAWNG DISTRICT NO MARKER Fowo 'IR 4' ZOMrMG DfST1MCT N/F JOSEPH 1 JOYCE ZAJCHOWSKI 79 S APAa ROAD 940'x TO SOUTHERLY EDGE OF WILLISTON ROAD (US RTE. 2) R)GHT OF WAY AFORMA TKW SHOWN HEREON IS GENERALLY CONSISTENT WITH ASS TPA TED DEEDS, NTERVLWS WITH ADJACENT LAAO- 0WNERS AND PERTIWNT PHYSICAL EVOENCE, AND CONFORM/ WITH THE 0WOLOTEAM1ITS OF SECTIONT 0401 TIMU 0404. OF TITLE 27, V.S.A, TO THE MEST O/ MY 00VAEOSE_AAD REL [F. r^ %� vAOspo G ANIrroK La NS COdPILED AND PREPARED BY BUTTON ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS - iOCMADARY COWSUL TANTS 1#MT"TOW, VERA"T 1802) 434-"" L wn-rcw i a" me FhD SU► 4 5. UNDERGROUMD SEWER AND WATER SERVICE LOCADONS ARE BASED ON OBSERVABLE VALVES, AAD INSTALLATION NOTES KEPT BY TIE OIMER AAD RECOLLECTMW OF THE MISTALLER 6. THE SEWER LMMI TIE STREET AS DIAAETER. THE WATER AMAV IS ?4- DIAWTER. GRAPHIC SCALE E 6" 7. BOTH PROPERTAES SHOWN hEREON LE WHOLLY WITHW THE "R-4- ZOAW6 DISTRICT OF TIE CITY Of SOUTH #JftMI6TOM 40 ?O 0 40 BO f20 160 FEET L O C US LEGEND V • RON PAN OR PAPE FOUND O ARON PW SET OR TO BE SET (SEE NOTES) - - IMONT-QF-WAY OR EAAANWT LIVE — — — SAAITARY SEWER SE'RWCE (.SEE NOTES) — — WA TEA SERVICE (SEE NOTES) O CUB STOP PLAT SHOWANG SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY LINE REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER & NA NC Y BAKER A N L2 SHEIL A BOWES 123 & 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT SCALE: l" - 40' PROJECT NO.: 947002 DRAWN BY: V.G.B. DATE: 4-20--95 REVISED 6•03•jOS: MWROVEMENFS, LITILIT64, EA"VENT ADDED �IN� (D \999. \I C. 9�\\0�, \-S. PLANNING COMMISSION 13 June 1995 page 2 2. The plan shall be revininsed prior to issuance_ of a zoermit to _show the changes_ listed below and shall require approval by the City Planner. Three copies of the approved revised site lan shall be submitted to the Cit Planner priorto permit issuance. a. The site plan (Sheet SPl) shall be revised to show a bike rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the Zoning Re u- lations in a location approved by the City Planner. b. The landscape plan (Sheet SP2) shall be revised to show the correct building dimensions and s uare footage. . The Planning Commission approved a landscapinq credit of $168 or existing landsca in . The site is well landscaped so no ad- itional landscapinq is warranted. 4. For the purpose of calculating required road impact_ fees under the South Burlin ton Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed canopy will enerate_ 0__ additional vehicle trip ends Burin the P.M. peak hour.W� 5. An new exterior liqhtinq shall consist of downcastin shielded fixtures so as not to cast light_bey_ond_the propert line. Any chan e inlightinq shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 6. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit for the can within six months or this approval is null and void. 7. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Com- gliance from the Administrative Officer prior to use of the canopy. 8. Any chan e to the site lan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. Mr. Teeson seconded. Motion oassed unanimous) . 4. Sketch plan application of W. Spencer Baker for a boundary line adjustment between two abutting properties to convey 0.51 acres from one parcel to the other parcel, 123 and 251 Shunpike Road: Mr. Perry said the lots are at the far end of Shunpike Rd., and the object of the application is to tranfer a parcel 70 ft. in width from parcel one to the other parcel. No development i::; planned at present, but the transfer would create a lot larger enough to be subdivided. Mr. Teeson noted further review would be required for subdivision. PLANNING COMMISSION 13 June 1995 page 3 Members felt the plan 1(-),)ked acceptable. 5. Public Hearing: Final Plat application of Lionel Sicotte to subdivide 70,192 sq. ft. of land with an existing duplex into two lots of 40,090 sq. ft. and 30,102 sq. ft., 44-46 Hinesburg Road: Mr. Perry said this is the same plan the Commission saw a month ago. One lot will front on Hinesburg Rd. and the other on Heath Street. One lot has the duplex, and other will probably have an- other duplex. The applicant got variances from the Zoning Board for the rear yard and for insufficient frontage. Mr. Austin noted the building envelope was not shown on the plan. Mr. Perry said the plan shows a 35 ft. setback north and south and a 10 ft. setback east and west and this is in conformance with the ordinance. Mr. Sheahan moved the Planning Commission approve the final plat application of Lionel Sicotte to subdivide 70,192 s •ft. of land with an existinq duplex into L �qo lots of 40 090 sq., ft. and 30,102 sq. ft.44-46 Hinesburg Road,_as depicted on a plan en- titled "Plat of Survey Showinq Proposed Subdivision for Lionel R. Sicotte in the Cit of South Burlin ton Vermont," pretpared b Harold Marsh dated Ma 6 1995 last revised 6 2 95 with t_he__ followina stipulations: 1. All previous___-_.-_2aroyals and stipulations which are not su er- seded by this a proval shall remain in effect. 2. A sewer allocation of 600 gpd is ranted for lot #2. The developer of this lot will be required to the pergallon fee prior to issuance of a zoninq permit_._ 3. The final plat 'olan shall be recorded in �.he land records with�.n 90 days or th'.s apprgv-al is null and void. The plan shall be si ned by the Planning Commission Chairman or Clerk _prior to recording. 4. Any de�ed tranfer of o=ooecty shall contain a-,ference to the 13_ PlannLn_c omm.iss ;.on�Board �roval dated 6�13�95 and Zoning approval of 5/22 /95. Mr. Teeson seconded. Motion Dassed�a,aa.z.imous1.y. 6. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat application if David ou3rul to 1) subdivide a 4.76 acre parcel in�o 7 lots ranging in si7i� from 19,002 sq. ft. to 69,630 sq. ft. and 2) adding 1 dwelling unit to a 2-family dwelling on lot #6 to create a 3-unit multi- family dwelling, 1001 Dorset St: . . . -rUE or, - , ,.,n .r m Dal drops out of r _unnln fo g bi The Assoaled Press his decision after a week of nego- make or wanted to make the ki NEW YOR� — Citing his tiations with Knicks' vice presi- of commitment that is neces& eluctance to r urn to the daily dent and general manager Ernie to return to coaching." K, nd of coaching, 64-year-old Grunfeld. :buck Dal withdrew Friday as a With Daly out of the runni Y Y "It's an intriguing job, one of Grunfeld may now turn to D :andidate for ithe vacant New the five or six best coaching jobs Nelson, the former Milwauk Mork Knicks' coaching job. in sports," Daly said. "But ulti- Bucks and Golden State coa The Hall of�Fame coach made mately, I didn't feel that I could who resigned as Warriors coa L FOR BIDS Vinooski Housing S Bartow Street Vinooski, Vermont separate sealed BIDS Wi oe received for the ROOT tEPLACEMENT (CIAF 110/911), at the Spric 3arden (VT6-2) elded'i Liousing complex on Ea6 spring Street in Winoos i LArmont. The proect I :onsist of removing existing built-up rooferr(� and insulation and instal. Ong new insulation, sincJE nembrane roofing, flash. 'ng and accessories. The finished root is to have a 5 year total system war- anty. 'aids will be received by he Owner at their offices it 83 Barlow Street in Vinooski, Vermont until 1:00 P.M. (local time)), hursday. July 13, 1995. aids will be publicly )period and read aloud. aids may not be modsHgd vithdrawn or canceled for t0 days. The Owner !!e acres the right to reject my or all bids and the fight to waive any infor- nalities in the bid subrrlis- kions. -he CONTRACT U- AENTS may be exams It the following I Mtlo Vinooski Housing A r ty. 83 Barlow Street, t- looskt, VT. rhe Office of the r- Aitects, FRANK G IL- -OT Architects, Ltd. lssociated General C�n- ractors of Vermont an Room, 4049 Williston R d, south Burlington, VT Norks in Progress Ian loom, Suite 6, 4049 il- iston Road, South ur- ington, VT W Dodge Plan R 10 Farrell Street, 3urlington, Vermont :opies of the CONT CT )OCUMENTS may ob- ained at Blueprints, tc., 10 Farrell Street, 3urlington, Vermont, Pyment of a non-r n- table $20.00 charg for )ach set. Payment be ry cash or check ble o Blueprints Etc. :ach bid is to be a m- rained by a Bid if 5% of the bidefacle nt t the form of a Bidnd M certified check ,ayable to the Owns 'he successful BI DER MI be required to p vide Payment and rfor- iance Bond for full ontract amount nr I I at- j LEGAL NOTICES • flce of New EngIan, Partnership Inc. On Prospect Street, Montpe lier, Vermont 05602 upoi request. A deposit c $50.00 is required. There will be a pre-bN conference at the site of Monday, June 26, 1995 a 10:00 AM. The Owner reserves the right to reject bids and tc waive all irregularities. END OF INVITATION TC BID June 23 & 24, 1995 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION The Shelburne Shipyard, Inc., pursuant to Title 9A V.S.A., Article 7, Section 210, will sell at auction to the highest bidder at the Shelburne Shipyard in Shelburne, Vermont on July 6, 1995, at 9:00 a.m. the following boats: 1. One 25' wooden Chris Craft power boat held on account of Alan Longe, now or formerly of South Burlington, Vermont; 2. One 24' Columbia fi- berglass sailboat held on account of Paul Moutal, now or formerly of Bur- lington, Vermont; 3. One 42' Beneteau fi- berglass sailboat held on account of Patrick Thom- as, now or formerly of St. Kitts, West Indies; 4. One 25' Owens wood- en power boat held on account of Barry Golds- mith, now or formerly of Montgomery Center, er- mont. The sales will be by public auction and the terms will be cash. All sales will be to the highest bidder. For information concerning these boats, please con- tact Mary Griswold at Shelburne Shipyard (985- 3327 or Herbert J. Down- ing, sq. (878-3346). June 17 & 24, 1995 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given tht the undersign will sell to satisfy lien of owner, at public sale by closed bid- ding on July 15, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. at Extra Space Storage facility located at 15 Williston Ffoad, Willis- ton, Vt. The personal goods stored therein by the following. Rise Berard Douglas Jones Constance O'Neil David Sproates Virginia Collins Purchases must ha marls 1 LEGAL NOTICES The request is for add 3 tions to a noncomplyin barn and house locate, The property is located i f the Agriculture 1 District. The above requests me I be reviewed in the Plar Wing and Zoning Offic t between the hours of 8:0 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. r June 24, 1995 PUBLIC HEARINO SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlingtor Planning Commission wil hold a public hearing a the South Burlington Cit) Hall, Conference Room 575 Dorset Street, Soutt Burlington, Vermont or Tuesday, July 11, 1995 al 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final Plat application o1 Robert Perry for a bound- ary line adjustment be- tween two (2) existing parcels of 1.72 acres and 0.94 acres resulting in two (2) reconfigured parcels of 1.21 acres and 1.45 acres,123 and 251 Shun- pike Road. 2) Preliminary Plat appli- cation of Century Partners for a planned unit devel- oPPment consisting of 87,357 square feet of general office and shop- ping center use in four (4) buildings, 100 Dorset Street ans 2 Corporate Way. Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission. SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Reeggulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, July 10, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: Appeal of Greg Macedo- nia seeking a variance from Section 25.00 Area, density and dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for per- mission to construct a 1 LEGAL NOTICES fi- of the hearing. gg I. Mary Fell, Clerk n Underhill Zoning Board c Adjustment y June 24, 1995 3 ABSOLUTELY FREE auto, call 7-11, 7 days FREE JUNK CAR REMOVAL Dan dk Sons 893"389: car A FREE JUNK CAI REMOVAL If not com pietety dismantled R 1111 Salvage Tues Fri 8-5. Sat 8-12 655-0651 DOO — Need a caring F loving home for a mixed ; yr old male Shepherd/Do barman dog. Needs roorr to run. Very loving & pro, tective. 893-8703 FREE CAT beautiful blacN & white, 6 yr old cat. Very skiddish, needs a good home with no other pets. 655-5929 TRUNDLE BED Under section No mattress. For more info call 879-8113 WATER HEATER 80 Gallon stonelined electric. Call 802-862-1779. TABLE l CHAIRS — Small white kitchen table & 2 chairs, $75; Oak en- tertainment center, $200; 2 oak bar stools, $60 as; Please call 878-2016 CHILDCARE/ 4 NEEDED NANNY Needed immediately for 31/2 year old boy and 2 yyear old girl on horse f arm. 6:30am-4:30pm., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. or Sun. Call 425-3530. SHELBURNE Live-in Nanny Openings w/good families. Car helpful, good salary. 862-5216 SO. BURLINGTON Looking for energetic, mature, and non-smokingg individual to care for 3 children, ages 5 mos. to 3 in our home. Experience and references required. 1 yr. committment. Attractive salary. Call 864-7932 6-9pm. CHILDCARE/ 4A OFFERED CHARLOTTE New mom looking to care for your child In her home. Call Becky at 425-3846. "OLCHESTER Indepen- dent, honest, responsible, loving, mature mom. Care for little ones in Your 1 LOST & FOUND LOST CAT. Small (abot Ibs), long haired, wr female. Wearing tz >f Georgia Ctr. area, R on Thursday, 6/15. Pie call! 527-2205, anyt leave message t LOST GREEN BROWN ADORE BOOK/FRENCH PA, PORT On Riverside A "Danielle Delrue Chaik 1 reward offered. 658-69, 1 LOST KEYS — 1 s green tag, house keys car key. Lost in Burling, in May. 660-4364 LOST OR MISPLACE Negatives r! Prints my daughters newbc moments, in hospital. O- ar negatives & prints it Believe lost at CTC/V, mont Color in Benningt 7//93. Call Jeffersonv (802) 644-2260 with into LOST PICK-UP TRUC BED LINER On South, near Exit 12. R ward. Call 482-2728. PERSONALS ADOPT A beautiful hor and open arms look f, ward to caring for yc baby, by providing lo% security and a lifetime hapiness. Legal/Medic expenses paid. Plea call Gwen 1-800-717-40C ADOPTION A LOVING CHOICE Our family values of lov respect, positive self e teem and education c fared to a child. newborn would comple our lives. Expenses pai. Leeggal. Rose/Mike 1-B& 484-7171 LOVE (5683), BIRTH MOTHER Searc ing for Denise Y. XX; born 1951 in Canad Searchee: Laurette XXX. Date Of Birr, 5/14/69. Any info. Cont& Free Press Box #283. ENDLESS LOVE Devc Lion & security await your newborn. elp mak our happy family con plate. Legal, medical. Ex penses paid. Call Rhond or Mark 1-800-588-4613. FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS is proud to support Vermont ETV. NEEDED: Blankets, new socks, dis posable diapers, cleanir, Supplies. COTS 864-740: SINGLES TIP OF THE WEEK 6S7-2SOO Free Recorded Message THANK YOU SAINT JUDE MY REQUEST HAS BEEN GRANTED. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, July 11, 1995 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final Plat application of Robert Perry for a boundary line adjustment between two (2) existing parcels of 1.72 acres and 0.94 acres resulting in two (2) reconfigured parcels of 1.21 acres and 1.45 acres, 123 and 251 Shunpike Road. 2) Preliminary Plat application of Century Partners for a planned unit development consisting of 87,357 square feet of general office and shopping center use in four (4) buildings, 100 Dorset Street and 2 Corporate Way. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission June 24, 1995 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 June 22, 1995 Robert Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road Williston, Vermont 05495 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Wally Possich and myself. Please respond to these comments with revised plans and/or additional information no later than Friday, June 30, 1995. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sin ely, Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant RJB/mcp Encls cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes Spencer Baker M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: July 11, 1995 agenda items Date: June 22, 1995 PAULINE'S RESTAURANT - SHELBURNE ROAD Site plan received June 7, 1995 showing relocated handicapped parking spaces is acceptable. ADELPHIA CABLE - KIMBALL AVENUE Site plan showing phase 2 addition prepared by Trudell Engineering received 6/20/95 is acceptable. BAKER - BOWES - SHUNPIKE ROAD Lot plan prepared by Button Associates Land Surveyors dated 4/20/95 is acceptable. RAGS & RICHES - WILLISTON ROAD Site plan with latest revision dated 6/13/95 prepared by Brad Rabinowitz is acceptable. 10 FARRELL STREET - INTERNAL BUILDING RENOVATION Plan received 6/21/95 is acceptable. PETER JUDGE - DORSET STREET - CORPORATE WAY 1. Preliminary site plan is very difficult to read. Final plan must be legible and show utilities plainly. 2. Method for storm water retention shall be included in final plan. 3. Storm water inlet on widened Corporate Way must be extended to the face of the curb. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Wallace Possich, South Burlington Fire Chief Re: Plans Reviewed for July 11, 1995 Agenda Date: June 20, 1995 I have reviewed the following site plans and my comments are as follows: 1. Pauline's Restaurant Dated 6/7/95 1834 Shelburne Road Acceptable 2. Rags & Riches Dated 6/19/95 1717 Williston Road Acceptable 3. Baker & Bowes Properties Dated 6/5/95 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Acceptable 4. Adelphia Cable Dated 6/20/95 Kimball Avenue Project No. 89059-51 Acceptable 5. Judge Development Corporation Dated 6/21/95 100 Dorset Street/2 Corporate Way One additional hydrant is needed at Corporate Way entrance, otherwise acceptable. 6. 10 Farrell Street Building Dated 6/21/95 Acceptable M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Plcnning Commission From: Raymond J. Belaironing and Planning Assistant Re: Preliminary Memo - July 11, 1995 agenda items Date: June 22, 1995 PAULINE'S RESTAURANT - RELOCATE PARKING SPACES - SITE PLAN --- parallel parking spaces along the northerly boundary should be eliminated in order to provide proper aisle width for the angle parking. --- the parallel handicapped spaces should have a minimum dimension of 13'x 20' to meet ADA requirements. W.SPENCER BAKER - BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT - FINAL PLAT --- plan should be revised to show the zoning boundaries. BRAD RABINOWITZ - ADDITION - SITE PLAN --- proposed landscaping is $140 short of the $580 minimum requirement. Plan should be revised to show additional landscaping to meet the minimum requirement. --- show fire hydrant easement. --- will the addition result in additional retail floor area or additional employees? --- sidewalk should be shown continuous across the driveway. --- will there be any additional exterior lighting? If so, provide locations and details (cut sheets). --- provide bike rack as required under Section 26.253 (b) of the zoning regulations. --- the road impact fee for this project will be approximately $250. -1 N N/F ROBERT V. 6 RICHARD T. WILLIS TILE /wd A1N DA FIFE FollO OAAr6E0 rsEE Aoresl MpGNE tE91 N 13' Ir 5B" E + N 13- 11' 58" E N r3' IT f0" E SEE 170.00E 73.38E 127,24' iwoN IYFE FOL.o N/F RICHARD T. WILLIS 120 A746ALL AVE. F MPE FoLM 340's TO CENTS OF KheALL AVE. PROPOSED NEW PROPERTY LINE ExrSTBN MaPERrr uME To BE MOL VED O b SHEILA D. d WALLACE E. f AREA TO I SPENCER l NANCY BOWES 3 CON EYED BE BAKER ORIGINAL AREA: L72 ACRES 0,51 ACRES I I ORIGINAL AREA: 0.94 ACRES TO BE CONVEYED: 0.51 ACRES h i. A TO BE ACQUIRED.0.51 ACRES p TO BE RE TANED.' 1.21 ACRES m *I ; I TOTAL NET 1.45 ACRES 9AADEN A i �°J 2 a4:o a Aff YAA !1 g FOIwD 251 SPIAWIKE ROAD I r 123 SA AWIKE ROID w o r seT 170.00E rAo�inl� 70. 00'— 135.00' I I N 13'IT 10"E—y „ N13, 11'10"E — SHUNPIKE ROAD " NO TES 1. HEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ORIENTED TO PREVIOUS SURVEY DATA SHOWN ON A PLAT BY TRLCELL CONSUL TIVG ENC4WERS, INC.. ENTITLED 'PLAT OF LAND, R.D.R. ENTERPRISES, SOUTH BURLNGTON, VERMONT", DA rED r2-76. REVISED 4-30-84. 2. PON PIN BOLWARY MARKERS NOTED HEREON AS -YET OR TO BE SET", ARE 5/8" REINFORCING STEEL, 40" LONG, CROWNED WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP. 3. THE REVISED BOUWARY SHOWN BETWEEN BONES AND BAKER, AND RESU. Tm MET AREAS SHOWN, ARE DEPENDANT UPON THE EXCHANGE OF APPROPRIATE OOCLAWNTS. 4, PERAIETER BOIRDARIES OF BOWES AMC SPENCER ARE BASED ON DEED INFORMATION, DATA SHOWN ON PREVIOUS SLRVEY CITED N NOTE L AND PHYSICAL EVIDENCE COLLECTED BY CONTEWIPORARY SURVEY AErHD05. 5. UDE'RGROCM SEWER AND WATER SERVICE LOCA rOW ARE BASED ON OBSERVABLE VALVES, AAV NSrALLATKIN NOTES KEPT BY rHE OWNER AAD RECOLLECTION OF THE NSrALLER. & THE SEWER LIE N THE STREET 0 8- DWAErER. TK WATER AWN N 24' DWAETLR. 7. BOTH PROPERTIES SHOWN HEREON LE WICLL Y WTTHN rw R-4" zcwfG DISrpx r OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLNGTON I 3 It lV N O n 2 I 3 OA Z rBOR Pme FOIAB N/F HAROLD P. BROWN �(i,S tUN 1 I nm 11\ BURL) VG TOh( INTERNATIO 1 AIRPORT,_ � v S1 TEy j 3 —LOCUS- -LEGEND LEGEND — i 0 WON PIN OR PIPE FOUND O WON PM SET OR TO BE SET (SEE NOTES) W ANEA — RBHT-OF-WAY OR EASEMENT LIE — — — SANTARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE NOTES) — — WA TER SERVICE (SEE NOTES) 0 CLRS STOP N/F JOSEPH R JOYCE ZAJCHOWSKI 79 SHLOW-IKE ROAD 940's TO SOUTHERLY EDGE OF WILLLSrOR ROAD (U.S. RTE. 2) RIGHT OF WAY .rowW rqK __ HEREON a RAIDIALLY c_`EWT MM ABSTRACTED GETM. RrEIAVEws — AOAAIYNr LA OWAERS AAO P ?/ T M—AL EVVVXE UO caFMMt WITH T AEOI.RGENTs a: SECTIa Ha IHKI 4". eF TITLE 27, V.SA, To rw /Esr OF rr/r KAJOBRED6E .MSC K-LAI. Avrrwa L.S 40 ievv c of YERMO yP 4 YAUBrr C COMPILED AAO PREPARED # BVTrOr BY BUTTON ASSOCIATES %04• LAN) SWVEYORS - BORDARY CONRMA. rANTS 4'YD MNrN6rOK VERWNT suW4 IB02) 434-2653 GRAPHIC SCALE 40 20 0 40 BO 120 l60 FEET RECEIVED AN 9 5 lc,-- City of So. Burlington PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY LINE REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER & NANCY BAKER A N O SHEIL A BO WES 123 d 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT SCALE.' I" - 40' PROJECT NO.: 947002 DRAWN BY: V.C.B. DATE: 4-20-95 wENSFf. 6- 15 Aw'wOV WNTS. U­, E15E.NFVI A— (C) \Wb- . N C. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Robert J. Perry 2) Name of Subdivision __None 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application None 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: None 5) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (11 x 17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor sudivision and under Section 204.1(b) ,for a major subdiv' ' n. ( '"gnature) a lican or contact person Date PERRY & SCHMUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1480 WILLISTON ROAD P. 0. BOX 2323 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05407 ROBERT J. PERRY TELEPHONE RONALD C. SCHMUCKER (802) 863-4558 ELIZABETH F. NOVOTNY TELECOPIER (802) 862-0937 June 142 1995 Joe Weith, Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Joe: Enclosed is the final plan application for the Baker/Bowes boundary line adjustment, a filing fee check in the amount of $30.00, and one plan. I have talked to Ray Belair, who said he could use some of the plans submitted for sketch plan as part of the initial filing. I have today requested the surveyor to provide additional copies and a recording mylar, which shows the IC District boundaries and will provide them to you in the next few days. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Robert J. Perry, Esq. RJP/nlb Enclosures ,mi printed on recycled paper Memorandum - Planning June 13, 1995 agenda items June 9, 1995 Page 2 Other: The landscaping plan should be revised to show the correct building dimensions and square footage. 4) W. SPENCER BAKER - BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT - SKETCH PLAN This project consists of the boundary line adjustment between two ( 2 ) abutting properties to convey 0.51 acres from one parcel to the other parcel. The reason that subdivision approval is necessary for this boundary line adjustment is because the lot being enlarged will be capable of subdividing into more lots than before the adjustment and under these circumstances it is a subdivision. These properties located at 123 and 251 Shunpike Road lie within the R4 District. They are bounded on the east by Shunpike Road, on the north by a single family dwelling, on the west by undeveloped property and on the south by a contractor's yard and office. Access: Access to these lots is not shown on the plan. Access will not be affected by the boundary line adjustment. Lot size/frontage: The minimum lot size requirement of 9500 square feet (0.22 acres) will be met by both lots. The parcel at 123 Shunpike Road will increase in size from 0.94 acres to 1.45 acres. The parcel at 251 Shunpike Road will decrease in size from 1.72 acres to 1.21 acres. The minimum frontage requirement of 80 feet will be met by both lots. The frontage for 123 Shunpike Road will increase from 135 feet to 205 feet. The frontage for 251 Shunpike Road will decrease from 240 feet to 170 feet. Setbacks: Setback requirements will be met. Utility easement: The boundary line adjustment will result in the sewer line serving 251 Shunpike Road being on the 123 Shunpike Road parcel. The legal documents for this easement should be approved by the City Attorney and recorded in the land records prior to recording the plat. Other: The final plat should show the zoning boundaries. K City of South Burlington 5/6 DORSET STREET SOU ,,LH146TON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658.7955 June 9, 1995 Robert Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ?ONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Wally Possich were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Weith,� City Planner JW/mcp Encls cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes W. Spencer Baker M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: June 13, 1995 agenda items Date: May 19, 1995 KEN SMITH PROPERTY LOTS 25 & 26 (BELTER DEVELOPMENT) COMMERCE STREET 1. Site plan dated April 1995 prepared by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn, Inc., is acceptable. GOODRICH PROPERTY - HINESBURG ROAD - KENNEDY DRIVE 1. Water and sewer services to new building should be shown. 2. A pedestrian walkway to Timber Lane should be considered. GRAINGER INC. EXPANSION - GREEN TREE PARK - GREGORY DRIVE Site plan prepared by Trudell Engineering with latest revision dated 5/16/95 is acceptable. SPENCER BAKER & SHEILA BOWES - SHUNPIKE ROAD Survey plan defining new lot lines prepared by Button Associates dated 4/20/95 is acceptable. SICOTTE - 2 LOT SUBDIVISION - HINESBURG ROAD Sewer and water services for lot 2 should be shown on the site plan. GERMAINE LECLAIR (3 LOT SUBDIVISION) PATCHEN ROAD Sewer and water services serving lot 1 & 2 will be private lines maintained jointly by the owners of these lots. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 May 26, 1995 Robert J. Perry, Esquire 1480 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 04503 Re: Boundary Adjustment, 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Perry: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Wally Possich and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans, if appropriate, no later than Friday, June 2, 1995. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sinc ely, t/`� nd J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant RJB/mcp Encls cc: Wallace & Sheila Bowes W. Spencer Baker Preliminary Memo - Planning June 13, 1995 agenda items May 26, 1995 Page 3 --- indicate the use of the garage/barn. This building can only be used for storage related to the dwelling at 185 Patchen Road. --- the applicant should be aware that development of lots #1 and #2 will be subject to school, road and recreation impact fees. W. SPENCER BAKER - BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT - SKETCH PLAN Sketch plan should be revised to include the following additional information (this information is required under Section 201.1 of the subdivision regulations). --- locations of all structures of both lots. --- existing zoning boundaries --- type of, location and size of existing and proposed water and sewer lines. ICV CONSTRUCTION, INC. - CANOPY - SITE PLAN --- provide planting plan including additional plantings to meet the landscaping requirement of $168 unless a waiver is being requested. --- provide square footage of office space, the number of non - office employees and the number of company vehicles operating from the premises. --- the size of the existing building increased in size since the 6/20/89 approval from 138'x 114' (15,732 square feet) to 141'.1"x 115.4" (16,271 square feet), building and overall coverage information should be revised accordingly. --- provide front yard coverage information along Gregory Drive. --- the note on the plan indicating that phase 1 is "proposed" should be replaced with "existing". --- provide total number of employees --- a bike rack should be provided as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations. --- plan should be revised to indicate the correct setback requirement along the east boundary is 15 feet, not 30 feet. 3 N N/F ROBERT V. d RICHARD T. WILLIS rRLE IRON PIN —PIPE FOLM TO BE SET DAMAGED 15EE NOTES) NAvwvPGN7w:_E( l N 13' ll' 58" E y N 13- IT 58" E N 13' 11' 10" E ,SEE / 170.00' 73.38127.24' IRON P PE iO1MD i N/F RICHARD T. WIL LIS 120 KIA49ALL AVE. IRON PIPE FOLMD 340't TO CENTER OF KIMBALL AVE. PROPOSED NEW PROPERTY LINE SHEILA D. S WALLACE E. BOWES ; ORIGINAL AREA: L 72 ACRES p TO BE CONVEYED: 0.51 ACRES In p TO BE RETAINED- 1.21 ACRES m O P M b . 2 PN TO i0 BE SET 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD )SEE NOTES) 170.00' \� N13 If' 10"E—ma /� SHUP 419.5' R.O.W. 1 NO TES EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE DISOL vED O O 10 AREA TO SPENCER 9 NANCY BE BAKER CONVEYED 1 0.51 ACRES ORIGINAL AREA: 0.94 ACRES i. TO BE ACQUIRED: 0.51 ACRES kit m 01 � TOTAL NET:!.45 ACRES n wIn z O 0 B) `RON PIPE OLA1D 123 SHUNPIKE ROAD 1 0.00' 135.00' N 13'11'10"E IRIKE ROAD I. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ORIENTED TO PREVIOUS SURVEY DATA SHOWN ON A PLAT BY rRUDELL. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., ENTITLED 'PLAT OF LAND, R.D.R. ENTERPRISES, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT", OA TEO 1?-76, REVISED 4-30-64. 2. IRON PIN BOUNDARY MARKERS NOTED HEREON AS "SET OR TO BE SET", ARE 5/8" RE#WrORCING STEEL, 40" LONG, CROWNED WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP. 3. THE REVISED BOUNDARY SHOWN BETWEEN BOWES AND BAKER, AND RESULTING NET AREAS SHOWN, ARE DEPENDANT UPON THE EXCHANGE OF APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. 4. PERIMITER BOUNDARIES OF BOWES AND SPENCER ARE BASED ON DEED INFORMATION, DA rA SHOWN ON PREVIOUS SURVEY CITED IN NOTE 1. AND PHYSICAL EVIDENCE COLLECTED BY CONTEMPORARY SURVEY METHODS. I 3 a a IN N A 2 i 3 IRON PIPE FOLM N/F HAROLD P. BROWN _LOCUS _ LEGEND - O IRON PIN OR PIPE FOUND O IRON PIN SET OR TO BE SET (SEE NOTESI NO MARKER RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOL,M N/F JOSEPH 9 JOYCE ZAJCHOWSKI 79 SHAN'IKE ROAD 94 O't TO SOUTHERLY EDGE OF WILLISTON ROAD (U.S. RTE 2) RIGHT OF WAY INFORMATION SMJW -WON 4 GEMERALLY COMAS TENT WITH ABS MACrED DEEDS, NTERVEWS MM ADJACENT LAND- OWNERS AND PERrNENr PHYSICAL EV WE, A/O CONFORMS WIrH rW REQ(. EMENTS OF SECTIONS HO' TNIU 404. OF TITLE 27. V.S.I.. TO rW BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BEL.EF. ;lam 4C/ .:-- VA c BUTTON, L.S. 413 COMPILED ANO PREPARED BY BUTTON ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS - BOLWARY CONSULTANTS MINTIVGTON, VERMONT (802) 434-2653 GRAPHIC SCALE 40 20 0 40 BO 120 160 FEET REC,,r.--�VED MAY 15 1995 City of So. Burlington PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY LINE REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER & NANCY BAKER A N D SHEIL A BOWES 123 8 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT SCALE. T' - 40' PROJECT NO.: 947002 DRAWN BY. V.C.B. DATE: 4-20-95 �995. V .C. %a\\m, LS. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Wallace Possich, South Burlington Fire Chief Re: Plans Reviewed for June 13, 1995 Meeting Date: May 24, 1995 I have reviewed the following site plans and my comments are as follows: 1. W.W. Grainger, Inc. Dated 5/16/95 Lot 13 Green Tree Park Project No. 88155 Acceptable 2. Ken Smith Property Dated 4/28/95 Commerce Avenue Project No. 95039 The plan is acceptable with one (1) requirement. Due to the length of the building and the location of the nearest hydrant, one (1) additional hydrant is needed to be located at or near the south end of the parking lot. I would prefer that the hydrant be installed on the east side of unit 5. 3. Lionel Sicotte Dated 5/6/95 Project No. 2519 Acceptable 4. 625 Hinesburg Road Acceptable 5. Germaine LeClair 185 Patchen Road Acceptable 6. Baker and Bowes Property 123 & 251 Shunpike Road Acceptable 7. Olde Dorset 1001 Dorset Street Acceptable Dated 5/8/95 Project No. 95017 Dated 5/15/95 Project No. 9520 Dated 5/15/95 Project No. 947002 Dated 5/15/95 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record Wallace E. & Sheila D. Bowes 251 Shunpike Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 b. Applicant W• Spencer Baker 123 Shunpike Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 C. Contact Robert J. Perry, Esq., 1480 Williston Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 (863-4558) 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). Boundary adjustment transferring the northerly 70 feet of the Bowes' lot to the Baker parcel subject to a state deferral permit. 3) Applicant's legal option, etc. Contract purchaser 4) 5) interest in the property (fee simple, Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties South - Richard Willis; West - Willis Trust; North - Joseph Zajchowski and Janice Brown Trust; East - Shunpike Road Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. None 1 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. None 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affects the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of such actions: None 8) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (8J x 11, 8J x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the following information: a) Name and address of the owner of record and applicant. b) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. c) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). d) Boundaries and area of: 1) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record, and 2) proposed subdivision. e) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. f) Type of, location, and size of existing and proposed streets, structures, utilities, and open space. g) Existing zoning boundaries. h) Existing water courses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. i) Location of existing septic systems and wells. j) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. k) All applicable information required for a site plan, as provided in the South Burlington Zoning Regulations, shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential development. rat < (Signature) applicant or contact person Date