HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0251 0253 Shunpike Road1401, OWN southburlino CY PLANNING & ZONING September 19, 2008 David H. Greenberg, Esq, PO Box 201 Burlington, VT 05402-0201 Re: 253 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Greenberg: Enclosed, please find a check in the amount of $6500 for the installation of landscaping at 253 Shunpike Road. This money was escrowed by Hart Development, LLC for the landscaping at this property for which he was found in default for failing to install the required landscaping. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. X;a cer y f mo J. Be air Administrative Officer cc: Hart Development, LLC 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www,sburi.com S. Brown Richardson Vice President Commercial Real Estate Tel. (802) 660-1342 / Fax (802) 862-0240 April 7, 2008 Raymond J. Belair South Burlington Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Hart Development, LLC / Randall F. Hart Dear Mr. Belair, Pursuant to your letters of March 31 and April 2, 2008 and the terms and conditions of the "Site Plan Escrow Agreement" of April, 2005, enclosed please find a Treasurer's Check in the amount of Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500.00) in full satisfaction of the Bank's obligations thereunder to the City of South Burlington, as "Municipality" under the Escrow Agreement. The Municipality shall expend the funds remitted herein pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Escrow Agreement. Regard S. Brown Richardson Vice President SBR/cls cc: Hart Development, LLC Enc. Two Burlington Square P.O. Box 820 Burlington, Vermont 05402 802-658-4000 www.chittenden.com 06/05/2008 16:50 80286255537 DAVID GREENBERG, ESQ DAV2,) NaEF�,, ISO PAGE 02/03 PAGE 02/P,3 {.ems♦�-yT eyliri�lc. '�A�-.�`fTE OrW-F1,} Y L.gIj1T.SO 1 1V1 NTTY, SS: Jeffi-ey Zhu, Sabrina Zbu, Michael ZhU, ) Betty Chas. Shaun chu, Yit. Hong mili, 1 and Xiao Chun. Qui, ) Plaintiffs } ClUTTE"NDEN SUPERIOR COURT Docket No, S0092-07 Cuc V . ) Rai) dal l P . Hart and ) Mart Development, LLC, } f�efez�dA+�ts j STIP JLAILON NOW COME the parties and stipulate and agree as follows: l , Upon execution of this Stipulatxm wid after Plaintiffs execute it, Defendants ,hall pay to Plaintiff the sum of $1000.00 to be distributcd by Plaintiffs in 3 equal portion with the otivners of each townhouse at issue receiving theft respective one-third share. 2. WitWn 45 days after Defendants execute this Stipulation, Defendants shall pay to Plaintiffs the sum of $3500.00 to be divided by Plaintiffs in three equal portiom vith nwxiers of each tovmhouse at issue receiving their respective one-third share. 3. The $6000.00 currently in escrow by Wiener & Gale, P.C. pursuant to mi Escrow and Iudemnification Agreement dated January 31, 2006 shall be released to Plaintiffs immediately as follows: 1. a. $2000.00 to Jeffiey Zhtt. Sabrina Zhu and Mic lhael Zhu b. $2000.00 to Deasy Chu and Shaun Chu c_ $2000.00 to Yit Hong Mui and Xiao Chin. Qtu 4. ne $6500.00 cur tly field by die- City of South Burlington in escrMV to assure cozapletion by Defendants of certain site work pursuant to the municipal pe=its and approvals issued for the 3 townhouse project at 253 Shunpike Road in South Burlington, Vermont shall be releaseA to Plaintiffs as follows: a. $2166.66 to Jeffrey Zhu, Sabrina Z:hrt and Michael Zhu b. $2166.66 to Betty, Chu and Shaun Chu Page 1 06/05/2008 16:50 80286255537 DAVID GREENBERG, ESQ PAGE 03/03 e512U2008 14:24 e0266. )27 DAVID GREEt.T(ERG, 60 RAGE 73183 c. $2166.67 to Yit Hong Mui a -ad Mao Chun Qui 3 _ By executing this Stipulation,, Defendants waive auy Wterest titer• may Iraq=e in the funds referred to above which arc held izi e5c9row either by Vvimer &. Ga1c; P.C. or by the City of Soutb Burlington. d, Provided Defendants make the payments required by paragraphs 1 and 2 abt�vc on a timely bmis, Plaintiffs sbatl promptLy dismiss their case with prej ice. Dated: , 2008 7e£.£���' Zhu, laintlff Dated. Sabt'i2�,a Chu, Plainti D�tEd: , 200R N ichael Zhn- Plaintiff. Dated.- � � J , 2008 Betty C lainttiff Date,d-._K- a�_� 2008 - k, — C Sbaun Chi4 Plaintiff P Dated: D D , 2008 fit Hong Mui, plaintiff Datcd- C p 20�J8 E a0 Chun Qui Plaintzft Dated:__ 4, A� _; 2008 Randall T� Tar, Def--n�, t Hart Development, LJX, De d ateci:. � .2008 By: D /�-- &I Randall. F. Hart, Duly Authorized Agent Pale 06/05/2008 16:50 80286255537 DAVID GREENBERG, ESQ PAGE 01/03 DA.VID H. GREENBERG A.TTOWNEY AT LAW P.O. SOX 201 BURLLNGTON, VT 05402-0201 TELEPHO-NE (802) 862-8165 THE DANIEL KERN HOUSE FAX (802) 862-5537 70 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVE BURLiNGTON, VT 05401 FAX TRANSNUSSION COVER SHEET TOTAL PAGES: 3 O1 GINA,L TO FOLLOW BY MAIL: no (Including cover sheet) DATE: June 5, 2008 FROM; DAVID n. GREENBERG, ESQ Beth. Burdick TO; Ray Belau' OF: Cite of South Burlington Zoning Administrator FAX #: (802) 846-4101 SUBJECT: 3 Towmbouse project, 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Please fund attached copy of the Stipulation executed by the panties resolving the dispute over the unfinished work at the above mentioned properties. NOTE. This transmission contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the addressee named above_ ,lsty use, dissemination or distribxntion by anyperson or entity other than the addressee is stricdyprohibited Ifyou have received this transmission in error, please notify my office immediately by telephone and return the original transmission to )ne at the above address. SITE PLAN ESCROW AGREEMENT 1VlENT, executed in triplicate by and beNveen e,t THIS AGREE , hereinafter referred to as "Developer", the CITY OF SOUTH BIJRLINGTON, hereinafter refehere nafter referred to s and the ck 111 a a 4 "Bank"- WfTNESSETH-- .: ,�,.� S��, otHr..approval from the WHEREAS, GEiveioper IIAA :ems:�.. _.__ MUNICIPALITY'S Development Review Board for as e1 plctepon a site plant of located at /9 6 , dated and /1, entitled L C -- prepared by tea* `� O WHEREAS, Developer is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete certain improvements; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish an escrow account to secure the obligations of the Developer atset forth in the City approval; and WHEREAS, the Bank executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of escrow agent. NOVA' THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the �poclfications sat forth in said site plan and relateu documerit-5: 2- The Develcper shall comp to the improvements set forth in Paragraph one no later than--'ty21 a — ---- 3. DEVELOPER shall replace or repair any defEsctive or improper work or materials which may be recognized within three (3) years after completion of the irnpr()vernents set forth in Paragraph one. For the purpose of this Agreement "completion" Shull be deemed to have occurred when the MUNICIPALITY has Inspected and approved the construction of all the improvement's required by tisAgreement and issued written notice to the DEVELOPER that the construction 4, For the guaranty of Developer's performance cit all requirements herinabove 5c2t forth, and prior to the mit for peveloper suance of a d Bank any �ageng that the swim f _��5��--shall be set aside and held in escrow by the Bank and sN��ll be available for payment to the Municipality in accordance with the terms herein set forth. 5. if the Municipality shall file with the Bank a Statement that the Developesr is ;, the c;dnernent of Municipality in default under the terms of this Agreement, the Bank shall from time to lime P3Y mo1iies F1°^t .old eAGros�� fund to the h1lunioipe1ity, in amounts not to exceed a total enabling the Municipality to complete improvements and requirements set forth In this Agreement. 6- The Municipality will promptfy submit to the Developer a copy of such statement a:s it files with the Bank, The consent of the developer to such payment by the Bank to the D velopl shall account of making suchot be required. Bank shall incur no liability to thePeron acc payment to 'the Municipality , nor shall the Bank be required 10 Inquire into the propriet» of any claim by the Municipality of default on the part of the Developer car into the use of such funds by thti Munieipallty in comp g such improvements. 7, The Municipality shall not file with the Bank a statement of default until thirty (30) drays after notice has been sent by it to the Developer by certified mail, return receipt requested, settinS, forth its intention to do so. S. All monies jeleased by the Bank to the Municipallty pursuant to paragraph five (5) shall be used by the Municipality solely for the purpose of performing obligations imposed upon the Developer by that portion to be Agreement upon which the Developer Ia then ,.afar„ - performed by the Municipality pursuant hereto shall be let on a contractual basis, or on a time and mater►ai basis or shall be performed by the Municipality with its own work force and equipment or shall be accomplished in such a manner as in the Judgement of the Municipality shall accomplish the work most expeditiously and economically. 9. If monies are released by the Bank to the Municipality pursuant to paragraph five (5) and it shall later develop that a portion ofthe releaseshall d monies are surplus to the Municipality's needs, any P lusrefunded bar the Municipality to the Bank to be held and distributed by the Bank pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 10. The Bank will not refuse or delay to make such payments to the Municipality when requested by the Municipality by the appropriate statement, and Developer will not interfere with or hinder such payments by the Bank to the Municipality. Said statement shall contain a certificate of complizince with the notice requirements of paragraph seven (7) of this agreement. 11. This agreement shall terminate and shall be of no force or effect upon performance of all requirements contemplated hereby, and the completion of the warranty period set forth in paragraph three (3), 12. The suns of 0 shall be maintained in escrow until certification to the Bank by the Municipality of the completion of the warranty period set forth in paragraph three (3). 13. This agreement shall not only be binding upon the parties hereto, but also their respective heirs, executers, administrators, successors, and assigns. Dated at r rl c� this day of _ J Witness ZWtne Dated at this day 0 ew 20 o-1 200 By - Duly thorized Agent (DEVELOPER'S NAME) By. - —C Witne s Duly uthorized Agent '.ITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Dated at this day of gi i— 5 ,r i ,� , 2 00 . By, Duly Authorized Agent (NAME OF BANK — 3`' PARTY) Chittenden Trust Company d/b/a Chittenden Bank by S. Brown Richardson, VP i r ®®I/ southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 2, 2008 S. Brown Richardson, VP Chittenden Bank PO Box 820 Burlington, VT 05402-0820 Re: Hart Development, LLC — Escrow Agreement Default Dear Mr. Richardson: This letter is to further explain the nature of the default by Hart Development, LLC. The City's approval required that the developer install $6500 worth of landscaping as part of the project. The developer has failed to install any of the plant material, despite promising the buyers of the three (3) units that he would. Also, the developer never seeded the site resulting in significant erosion which ended up in the stormwater pond. If you need further information, please let me know. Zer . Belair Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com P ,, southburlington PLANNING & ZONING March 31, 2008 S. Brown Richardson, VP Chittenden Bank PO Box 820 Burlington, VT 05402 RE: Hart Development, LLC — Escrow Agreement Default Dear Mr. Richardson: Pursuant to Paragraph #5 of the enclosed Escrow Agreement, which you signed on April 13, 2005, the City deems the Developer (Hart Development, LLC) in default of said agreement. The Developer has not planted the required landscaping a the 251 Shunpike Road property as required under the terms of this agreement. Pursuant to paragraph #7 of said agreement, the City has notified the developer by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested (copy enclosed) notifying him that the City has deemed him in default of the agreement. The 30 day waiting period required under paragraph #7 has expired. Therefore, the City directs the Chittenden Bank to release the entire $6500 being held in escrow to the City of South Burlington. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sin4r,ayVBei::�' Administrative Officer cc: Hart Development, LLC 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com A al PAR ®®� southburlinoon PLANNING & ZONING February 26, 2008 Hart Development, LLC c/o Randy Hart 253 Carter Field Road North Andover, MA 01845 Re: Landscaping Escrow Account Default — 253 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Hart: Pursuant to Section 7 of the Site Plan Escrow Agreement dated 4/25/05, please be informed that you are in default of the terms of said Escrow Agreement for failure to install $6500 worth of landscaping at the above referenced property. Thirty (30) days after the receipt of this letter, the City intends to file a statement with the Chittenden Bank that you are in default under the terms of the Agreement. The City will then request that the bank pay the City $6500 from your escrow account to be used to install the required landscaping for the approved site plan. Sincoik y d J. elair Administrative Officer CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7006 3450 0002 0949 2250 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com USPS - Track & Confirm Page 1 of 1 r UNITED STATES 2POSTAL SERVICEt Home I Help Tracts$ Confirm Track & Confirm Search Results Label/Receipt Number: 7006 3450 0002 0949 2250 Status: Delivered Trask & Confirm--, Enter Label/Receipt Number. Your item was delivered at 11:46 AM on February 28, 2008 in NORTH - ANDOVER, MA 01845. Notification Options Track & Confirm by email Get current event information or updates for your item sent to you or others by email. Site Mao Contact Us Forms Goyl Services lobs Privacy Policy Terms of Use National & Premier Accounts Copyright©1999-2407 USPS. All Rights Reserved. No FEAR Act EEO Data FOlA40 http://trkcnfrm l .smi.usps.com/PTSIntemetWeb/InterLabellnquiry.do 3/4/2008 CIT C Received Recorded in ol. Of So. Burfinglor Attest: Donna WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WB.LISTON ROAD :O. BURUNGTON, VT05403-6030 3RWS OFFICE Oat 5m!�Ion .L: 3J�� and Records SHUNPIKE ROAD TOWNHOUSES Ktrtvme, CRY OW& NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC is the owner of a parcel of land located on Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont (hereinafter the "Owner"); and WHEREAS, the Owner has obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board (hereinafter the "DRB") for a planned unit development consisting of one (1) three (3) unit building. The approval consists of creating separate lots under the footprint of each unit and a lot containing the remaining land, as shown on a plan entitled "Lands of Randy Hart, 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Four Lot Subdivision Plat", prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson, dated May 20, 2005, last revised on May 25, 2005, of record in Map Slide qbO of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Property"). WHEREAS, the DRB's approval imposes certain conditions on the subject Property. NOW THEREFORE, the Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the land unless and until modified or removed by the DRB or its successor: 1. The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with 'the terms and conditions of the written decision of the DRB dated July 19, 2005 (File No. SD-05-51). 2. The Property is and shall constitute a single parcel of land for purposes of compliance with City of South Burlington regulations and ordinances now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations. The Owner covenants and agrees that for the purpose of compliance with and application of City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the Property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if townhouse units located on such property are conveyed to separate unit owners together with an undivided interest in the common land. 3. The proper party for purposes of submitting applications for approval from time to time under City ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, shall be all of the unit owners or their duly authorized representative, as designated by all of the owners in a document duly executed and recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. The City shall act upon any -1- 1.0 v '1 I WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WMUSTON ROAD 0. BURLINGTON, VT 05403-6030 application submitted by all of the unit owners or their duly authorized representative and shall not be required to resolve a dispute between the Owner and the unit owners as to the respective rights of the Owner and unit owners. It shall be the duty of the unit owners or the Owner to notify all others having an interest in the property that may be affected by the application proceeds of the commencement of such proceedings. 4. Any action to enforce any City ordinance or regulation, including zoning or subdivision regulations, against the Property, or activities or events occurring on the Property, may be brought against the unit owners or the Owner. It shall be the duty of the unit owners and/or the Owner to notify all others having an interest in the Property that may be affected by the enforcement proceedings or the commencement of such proceedings. Any decision in an enforcement proceeding, including a decision granting injunctive relief or penalties, shall be enforceable at the City's sole discretion against the unit owners, the Owner or the owner of any unit within the Property. 5. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property or an interest in the Property. 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors and assigns. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this 6th day of December, 2005. HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC Guy L, Babb; STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS, Agent At South Burlington, in said County and State, on this 6th day of December, 2005; Guy L. Babb, Duly Authorized Agent of HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC, personally appeared and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Before me, Notary Public My commission expires: 02/10/07 -2- Approved as to form and content: By: ' South Bury ington City Att rney 116"7-f-Y tin. 605 cam' H \St0\SIJBDI VIS\SHUNPIKE ROAD TO W NHOUSESW oticeConditions-PlannedUnitDevelopmcnt.wpd ENDADFyMENT WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WILLISTON ROAD BURLINGTON, VT05403-6030 U_ 0 c.> 0 Ln N LAJ w H J WALLIGHTER 250 CUTOFF LUMINAIRE APPLICATIONS Building perimeters, entrances, walkways and residential yards Loading docks and many other wall mounted area lighting applications SPECIFICATION FEATURES uL /uL 7598 Listed Suitable For Wet Locations -Three-piece die-cast aluminum housing protected inside and out with dark bronze electrocoat finish Enclosed, gasketed, with anodized aluminum reflector and tempered glass bottom closure Standard and tamper resistant hardware included ORDERING NUMBER LOGIC xxxx xx x X W25C = See Ballast and See Ballast See Ballast Wallighter 250 Photometric and and (250 wattmax.) Selection Table Photometric Photometric luminaire with Selection Tahle Selection Table cutoff optics 05 =50 07 -70 S = HIPS 10 =100 M= MH or 15=150(55v) Merc 17 =175 (with 20 =200 175W 25 -250 only) 77 =70/75 GGHz 0 = 120/2081 24077 Multivolt 1 = 120 2 = 208 3 = 240 4 = 277 5 = 480 D = 347 F = 2OX347 •Thru-feed conduit entrance on side with built-in conduit clamps • Front access to ballast components when installed • Mogul (E39 standard) or medium base (E26 standard) sockets x x x Xxx xx See Ballast and 1 =None G = Glass For IES Optical DB=Dark Photometric 3 = Internal PE Configuration See Bronze Selection Table Control Ballast and Photometric Selection Table A = Autoreg For PE Kit, see Accessories MGL = G = Mag-Reg Mogul base E39 with (Standard without lamp) Grounded Socket Shell MED = Medium base E26 H = HPF Reactor (Standard with lamp) or Lag K = Hot Restart M= Mag-Reg N = NPF Reactor or Lag P = CWI with Grounded Socket Shell GE Lighting Systems, Inc. www gelightingsystems, c om B = Time Delay Automatically Switched Quartz F = Fusing (Not available with multivolt ) Q = Non -Time Delay Automatically Switched Quartz WALLIGHTER 250 CUTOFF LUMINAIRE FIXTURE DIMENSIONS KNOCKOUTFOR 75 in. (19mm) CONDUIT r7.750 in (197mm)� 12.875 in (327mm) I 11.770In. GASKET (291 14.438in (367mm) Approximate Net Weight Suggested Mounting Height 686 in. (17mm) DIA 356 in (9mm) CIA KNOCKOUT KNOCKOUT FOR (4 PLACES) 188 in. (5mm DIA KNOCKOUT PE KIT ASSEMBLY FOR USE WITH 4.000 in. (102mm) OCTAGON BOX (4 PLACES) 4.375 in mm) 1.375 in. (35mm) MAX .625 in. (16mm) MIN 6.344 (161mm) 13 2.8—O— (7arri .150 in. (4mm) 188 in. (5mm) DIA KNOCKOUT FOR USE WITH 3.250 in. (83mm) 437in.DIA 1113,7 1 mm) DIA J OCTAGON BOX (4 PLACES) 4.000in. (102mm) .875 in. (22mm) DIA (2 PLACES) 8.000 in. (203mm) .188 in. (5mm) DIA KNOCKOUT FOR USE WITH GEM -BOX (2 PLACES) 15-30 Its 8-14 kgs 8-20 h 2-6 M All light sources are clear unless otherwise indicated Ballast T eNolta e Light 6OHz IES Distribution Photometric Curve Wattage Source I Multivolt 1120 1208 1240 1277 1480 1347,12OX347 Type Number 35-17---- MOGUL BASE LAMP (NOT INCLUDED) 50 HIPS H H, K, N H H H H H SC3 8825 70, 100, 150(55V) HPS H G, H, K, M G, H, M G, H. M G, H. M G, H, M G**, M SC3 8825 200* HIPS A A A A A C/F A SC3 8830 250* HIPS A A A A A A A SC3 8830 175 MH A A A A A A A SC3 8828 250* MH A A, P A, P A, P A, P A, P A, P SC3 8831 MEDIUM BASE LAMP INCLUDEDI 50, 70, 100, 150(55V) HPS N N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SC3 8833 70, 100 MH H N/A I NIA N/A N/A N/A I N/A I SC3 18835 175 IMH I A N/A I N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A I SC3 18837 NOTE: *Horizontal lamp operation C/F - Contact Factory N/A = Not Available **347 Volt Only REFERENCES See Page A-79 for start of Accessories. See Page A-83 for Explanation of Options and Other Terms Used. GE Lighting Systems, Inc. www.gelightingsystems.com 1 • METAL HALIDE LAMP DATA (See WARNING, Page T-34) ORDERING ABREVIATION I ANSI CODE FINISH LIGHT CENTER LENGTH INCHES VERTICAL BURNING HORIZONTAL BURNING INRAL LUMENS RATED AVERAGE LIFE 10 HOURS PER START INITIAL LUMENS RATED AVERAGE LIFE 10 HOURS PER START MXR50/U/MED M-110 Clear 3-7/16 3,900 5,000 N/A N/A MVR50/U/MED IPULSEARCTI M 110 Clear rHALIDE 3-7/16 1 3,100 1 5,000 1 11,900 6,000 lClear 1 5,500 12,000 MXR70/U/MED M-98 MVR50/U/MED 11MAUDE M 98 Clear LAMPS 3-7/16 1 4,700 1 12,000 N/A I N/A MXR100/U/MED M-90 Clear 5-7/16 9,000 15,000 N/A N/A _ MVR100/U/MED I M 90 Clear 3-7/16 1 8,100 1 15,000 1 N/A I N/A MXR150/U/MED M-102 Clear 5-7/16 12,500 15,000 N/A N/A MVR150/U/MED M-102 MULTI-VAPOR'METAL Clear HALIDE 3-7/16 1 11,700 15,000 N/A N/A Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° 7-1/2 17,200 20,000 N/A N/A MXR175NBU/PA M-137 MXR175/C/VBU/PA M-137 Coated, Vertical Base Up±15° 7-1/2 41,000 20,000 N/A N/A MVR175NBU/PA M-137 Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° 7-1/2 41,000 20,000 N/A N/A MVR175/C/VBU/PA M-137 Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15° 7-1/2 44,000 20,000 N/A N/A MXR175NBU/MED/PA M-137 Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° 5-3/4 43,000 20,000 N/A N/A MXR175/C/VBU/MED/PA PULSEARC'"MULTi-VAPOR'MErAL M-137 Coated, Vertical Base Up 115° HALIDE LAMPS 5-3/4 37,000 20,000 N/A N/A MVR250NBU/PA M-138 Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15°(30)* 8-1/4 231000 15,000 20,000 N/A N/A MVR250/C/VBU/PA I M-138 Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15°(30)* rHALIDE 8-1/4 21,500 15,000 20,000 N/A N/A MVR320NBU/PA 400-WATT PULSEARC­ ' M-132 MULTI I Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° -VAPOR METAL HALIDE LAMPS 8-1/4 31,000 15,000 N/A N/A MVR400/VBU/PA M-128 Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° (301* 11-15/16 44,000 20,000 30,000 N/A N/A MVR400/C/VBU/PA CERAMIC CMHT1 METAL M-128 HALIDE 1 Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15° (30)* LAMPS 11-15/16 42,000 20,000 30,000 N/A N/A CM470/U/830/MED M-98 M-139 Clear 3 7/16 6,300 10,000 CMH100/U/830/MED M-90 M-140 Clear 3-7/16 9,200 10,000 N/A N/A SSAF-T-GARD' lamps are available. Lamp designation is changed from MVR to MVT. Lumens and Life data are reduced. *Vertical ± 15°, open fixture -all other, enclosed fixture. **Requires ballast with pulse ignitor N/A = Not Applicable t - POMB Base (Position Oriented Mogul Base) NOTE: Longer than rated lamp life can occur when operating cycles exceed an average of 10 hours per start - contact lamp manufacturer. Consult lamp manufacturer for lamp lumen depreciation. All MXR lamps have an apparent color temperature rated at 3,200° Kelvin and all MVR lamps have an apparent color temperature of 4,000° Kelvin. "Trademark of General Electric Company Oata subject to change without notice GE Lighting Systems, Inc. www.gelightingsystems.com 01 "11 ,`, h. LTTEPRO 2.002 CONTOUR PLOT TEST #GE178835, CATALOG #W25C10M***GMED** NUM LUMS/ ORIENTATION: 1 lum LAMP: GE MXR100/U/MED MOUNTING HEIGHT: 14.0, BRACKET ARM LENGTH: 0.0 LLF: 0.72, LUMENS: 5500, ELL. UNITS: FC SCALE: 1 IN=10.0FT (:,E Wa W orY -c r 70 tx) CYI.c4al Ha l i ol-e, 30.00 20.00 .7c 10.0c -30.00 - 0.00 - (H 00 0.00 -10.00 10 4 E20*3140.00 u O -20.00 -30.00 Legend: A=3.00 B=2.00 C=1.00 D=0.50 E=0.20 POW.I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 9, 2006 Randy Hart 151 Carter Field Road North Andover, MA 01845 Re: 253 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Hart: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced projects approved by the Administrative Officer on January 9, 2006 (effective 1/9/06). Please note the conditions of approval including that you must apply for a zoning permit within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Mc onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. i sp- cG —0x CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy Hart (978) 689-8700 and Dousz Henson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452, 878- 4450 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 (original project parcel) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) There is one three unit building on the 36,690 s.f. parcel. b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) There is no change proposed. c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) The total buildingcoverage, including the existing three unit building and its associated decks is 3,241 S.F. (8.2 %) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) The existing building is and will remain two stories. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) The three existing units are proposed to remain. f) Number of employees (existing and proposed) N/A g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above) 7) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 8.2 % Proposed 8.2 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 26.5 % Proposed 26.55.2 c) Front Yard (along each street) Existing 0.2 % Proposed 0.2 % 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: To be Determined b) Landscaping: $13,750 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) Total estimated to be $350,000 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): a) Average daily traffic (in and out) 16 Vehicles b) A.M. Peak Hours (in and out) 2 Vehicles c) P.M. Peak Hours (in and out) 2 Vehicles 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Winter, 2005/2006 01/05/2006 15:18 FAX 9786898720 HART NE REALTY U 002 Jan. �. 2006 2:44PM L yreux & Dickinson No.5133 P, 2 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11 " x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE OF SUEIN Y5SION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line ❑ Planning Commission I have reviewed this site plan application and find in to be: City /-�0 Complete EXHIBIT A O Incomplete Lamoureux & Dickinson j Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Email: mail@a LDengineering January 5, 2006 Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: As we discussed, attached please find five full size copies and one 11 " x 17" copy each of the revised Site Plan, a completed application and an application fee of $85.00 for the above referenced project. As you know, the purpose of this amendment is to show the record location of the three unit building, including the decks that have been constructed. The revision also shows an updated coverage table for the project. The information in the Application deals specifically with Lot #2. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, +Dog Henson, L.S., E.I. cc: Mr. Randy Hart P:\2004\04070\final-site APP cover- 1-06.wpd Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying No Text No Text 66A15TOM ROAD LEGEND PROACT BOUNDARY PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ABUTTER PROPERTY LINE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'OIGSAFE" AT BUILDING SETBACK 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. EXISTING - - - ----- SIDELINE OF PROPOSED EASEMENT DWEUJNG I I "s IRON ESITE JOHN EJPATRICIA A TER IRON PIPE SE I POOL HOUSE 1 I I 362 N/F .RRSS RAILROAD SPIKE SET ® I I VOL 217. PO --W--A- -'�- EXISTING WATER LINE, GATE VALVE AND HYDRANT t0' � 1 j I EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE AND ROLE D.S;NIGH I I - ---5-----I`1 h- EXISTING SNITARY SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE -G - - - - --/-. EXISTING GAS LINE t� I GO HIGH GEXISTING TREE N W. SPENCER ANANCY L BAKER ' ; , I �- ID '-r- PROPOSED NEW WATER LINE AND GATE VALVE 11 vOL U:N PG. 172 / N PROPOSED NEW WATER SERVICE AND ONIB STOP PROPOSED THREE UIIIr CONDOMINIUM BUILDING I ) I 1 -9--------- PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEWER UNE AND MANHOLE LOCATION PLAN _ I ' i/ /' I I I PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEWER sERMCE I I I I NTS / / / / j (4) J' O,A PROPOSED NEW STORM PIPE 6' MARE CEDAR Fti PROPOSED NEW FORCE MAW ii �yG, I 1 / 3 AL CEDAR HEDGE 3- SON 26 PVC FORCE MAN t5EA' FORCEM TO .. / / _. _ -......I I I I PROPOSED NEW 5' O 00 PROPOSED K. TREE IRSI / WIDE CONCRETE I - SIDEWALK. -G PROPOSED GAS SERVICE 3 � AL IO _ ��- IRS 1 1 PROPOSED SILT FENCE C APRE 13O• /EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 8" I11 RIM N . W_FROM UST) - 3M.57 ® STONE GIEO( DAM PROPOSED FP DECK I I AS _ -- r-- - I a a' WV IN (FROM SOUTH) - 33177 ,� NEW BUILDING MOUNTED 70 WATT METAL HALIDE LIGHT - �, 2" PORLIIRS 18' MARE ) 4r INV OUT . 334.67 GRASS SWALE'� . `� T.o. % �rI�1�"' / 1 \ -- - <'I'.T9� I NEW 3' FM INV. IN - 346.00 p I EIEV.-339 I T.O. F T.O. PION I 1 I I 1 / ELEV.a339 ELEV,.341 1 E1°5 8- PVC SEWER SERVICE ... ... I GARAGE GARAGE 4� $ / SLAB SLAB -MADE \ / I / ELEV. V. / SLAB / I I-S V. I_ I }} N L ELEJ40 3 PM 3 I . 3S&0 1 1 \ 1 I I TBM - E sr-,, SANITARY SEWER RUBY S.RILLS 1RILLT FAMILY / 9• y 35 VC.- ,I 3 S 1 '---_ n I �\ 4ANI/OLE RM - EIEV - 352.07 N/F 5 I O - IY APPLE / 12' MAPLE I U I SEE PAVEMENT 506, PG 242 1 3 / .-.� �', /L/ i' I 1 REPLACEMENT DETAIL 3'sr .... _ _ e / 36 A6N i MA W 2 MA _ I , 1 EXISTING 4' GAS UWE PROJECT DATA PUMP 1 SEWER MANHOLE /1 SWE RAOt $E _....-- _. _. W A_TATION I PNOPERTY / PROPOSED Y_ A6i II SNUB 16 o I G I y,/ RIM ELEV, -l3394 'F .;V LINES I DNA. LILAC 5' DIA. -I I I 1. P .yi ,CF1�7F 1.21 ACRES, VOL. 670, PC. 515 RIM ELEV. - 3M.75 STOCKADE FENCE n 6- WV W+ 7. 332 /0 CET I I I L 8 I 0. 4' INV. IN - SM.20 I _ OUMPSTER ENCL RE / r4' 1 I I LOT Q I PP 8I j S4Bt1G.DISIDICI R-* 6' INV. OUT - 333.00 'AI I 13.000 SF. � I I I I I 3. LOT COVERAGE: EXISTING u, ,WNCRE7E WALK I �I TOTAL eutalc toVENAGE roTN COrtlIAGE RESOLUTION REALTY AREA PROPOSED ALLOF[D I PROPOSED ALL : PROPOSED I I PARTNFRSIIP Lor 1 1s,000 SF 2.1W Y (w.o>h 2n.oR x.eta si (xo.tlD 4o.os 3 MA \ - 40' ACCESS I N/f IDT 2 39.61E SF 12!41 3 0. ./337.0 1 EASEMENT M 1 1 VOL_ 439, PO 357 ( 21h xD.ax 10,518 SF (36.51) a.oR LOT I 5 PS LOT ! NOW. 1 4.FROM & REM 30 FEET \ •. 3 39,a'0 S.F. AREAA/R \ I - 1 "`I I I ExH571NG MARBLE SIDE o FEET ZONING PROPOSED S10RMWATER INFILTRATION POSTS AND SHRUBS O ZONING DISTRICT IC gS71TICT I ARER (NND IEMPg7ANY SEDIMENT / __ - - '-- TO SE REMOVED. IN S. PARKING SPACES, EXISTING MAIL BOX REWIRED; LOT I - 2 SPACES PER D.U. +, R-4 f gNRMG CONSTRUCTION) LOT 2 - 2 SPACES PER D.U. + 1 SPACE PER A D.U. i AN1 •. CE VED O EDGE OF EXISTING I CONSTRUCTION (itAVI1 DRIVEWAY ENTRASTAINUNCE FRONDED; LOT 1 - x SPACES. 1 INSICE, 1 OUTSIDE � RI7RANCE LOT 2 - 8 SPACES, J WSOE. 4 OUTSIDE 3 MA \'I�)� C "ASH 1 SEE PAVEMENT / M7 ' REPLACEMENT DETAIL e. "B""" DISTRICT SERVICE NAtER AND SAMT Ary( I - PROMOS - ARY SEWER ARE PRIVATE. 8ONN0 / R_I�lICT , . I \� \ - __ _ I - ! CSADDLE AND 2" O CORPORATION ��1OMINCLUDES 04-91E DETENTION AND / _ W W NEW A , WNADER POPE FttN NEW W rr --. '-. - ._ - g• di. uLAC TO BE 3 ro / NEW 2 IPF _ 4' - 8" WM1L PRIES -- •R.EydVED AVID / - _ _. } _J V&VE 1 I.D. ENO' \ I 1 0.9• HIGH 310• 1� _ i 1 ,� 1 OWNER/APPLICANT 1 15' SPRUCE .O HID. I \ RANDY HART 5' TALL HEMLOCK sNRUBS \ i IHOH I \ 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD NORTH ANDOVER. MA 01845 ZONING DI MINT IC I I \ EXISTING MANHOLE NOTES ;- v i I I INSTALLEDOVER �V I v t. THE PERIMETER GOU HOWL INFORMATION SHOWN D lY PLAN IS BASED EN A PLAN ENTREE "PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY RENSOMS BETWEEN I I / \ I // _ - I I SPENCER AND NANCY BAKER AND SHOLA BOWES. 123 ! 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, / 1 \ I I I 1 1-OS-08 REVISED PER RECORD BLDG LOCATION/SET PROP. OORS. IT SOUTH BURIINGTON, VT DATED 6-30-95' BY VAU(HN C. BUTTON. LS. \ / ) I',I I Q I 2-1-05 REVISED PER CITY APPROVALS dH 2. MIS PLAN IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. \ \ ' 11-19-04 IREMOVED PROPERTY PLAT INFORMATION DUH EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ( I < N IPF \ RIM E1.EV - 350.41 1.0' L0. �� REVISNOFNS 3. EACH UNIT SHALL HAVE A 5/8' a 3/4' WATER METER WSTALIFD BY 7HE SOUTH EDLUND COMPANY. WC. I O THESE PLANS MTIH WEST PEYM'1016 SHOULD 6 OF \ 8' INV. IN ( EAST) . 336.4 \ I I 0.3' HIGH 3{FF15 BU1tIJNGTOV WATER DEPARTMENT. ' B' NV. IN ( SOUTH) - 3M.24 GRAPHIC SCALE VOL 4TNa PG. 662 ` 8' Wv. OUT - .14 \ I I GILT C USED O THE PIIEPOSE SHOWN BfLQI: 4. THE PROCITYPOSED OF SW 1H BED DRIVEWIMTONAY SHALL HAIL FOR EASEMENT ALONG AC ACROSS THE \ I I Q SKETCH/CONCEPT CURB STO NEW PAVED DRIVEWAY ro LOT 2 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACCESS ro THE \ \\\ 1 Iui 1 C3 PRELIMINARY CURB STOPS lW LOT 2. // /'// • " / \ 1 I CORNVESTORS PORATION OF ( IN PM I FINAL s \ I `IERMONT RECORD DRAWING IOa NNW. MourWWn Super HWWock I inch P 20 It I I I N/F EXISTING I VOL. 364, PG. 635 LANDSOF pro} no. FADING1 s ' RANDY HART I In I I T&BED 1 I ROAD -O BI SHUNPIKE LTN TX N VIMM '"DO I i I I EJMSTING 8' IIOWn R Ei\ J I ` V, LH SEWER SEANCE SIT � I I E PLAN �� JI/ULH � \s� - -� 1;� nup ALL WATER IRIS AND RELATED WORK TO BEPET60MRED IN ACCORDANCE NI1H THE, /�.,, Bate LINES AND F.��T�ug=. `; IaAOR_ALL WAR1t YS E CHAMPLNN WATER JAN 05 ` �_ soOle THE SEW sHAu BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO BAaKFwNG To LAMOURELX & UICKI.\SON 1 =2O INSPECT ALL JOINTS, FITTINGS, MAIN E TAPS, APPURTENANCES AND WATER LINE $ 5611 '�" CMsvItleN EWefYF. WRi1-hl. n0. CROSSNGS i li MwtI.R c �� f Qlp1p� City of So. Burlington "°f l� " y 412 1 '''%'141: �A°� Taf 6B2-8T84/60 ILK'S OFFICE keceived k0corded In Vol, , of so. fHttgt�rt 4tt4w. twn& and Rawrds EASEMENT DEED L L2�A KOWNB, CRy ciwk KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that KART DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Vermont Limited Liability Company, with its principal place ofbusiness in Methuen, in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Grantor, in the consideration of ---TEN AND MORE--- Dollars paid to its full satisfaction by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipality organized and existing under the laws of the State of Vermont, with its principal place of business in South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Grantee, by these presents, does freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said Grantee, the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and its successors and assigns forever, a certain easement in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Being an easement for the benefit of the Grantee for access to the water shut-off valves to the Units within the Shunpike Road Townhouses. The easement areas constitute ten foot by ten foot squares centered on the respective shut-off valves. Said easement is designated as "Proposed 10' Water Easement to City South Burlington Centered on Water Line" on a plan entitled "Lands of Randy Hart, 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Four Lot Subdivision Plat", prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson, dated May 20, 2005, last revised on May 25, 2005, of record in Map Slide of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Together, also, with the right at all reasonable times to cross and recross the Grantor's land by convenient and reasonable approaches to gain access to the above -described premises on foot and with motor vehicles and construction equipment for the purposes herein described; provided, however, that this right of access must be exercised in a careful manner, with prior notice to the Grantor and the surface shall be returned to its original condition. The purpose of this easement is to allow the City of South Burlington, or its designee, access to the water shut-off valves to the three Units, as depicted on the above -referenced plan, in case of emergency or for failure to pay water/sewer service charges, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 5141, et seq. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the water service lines, shut-off valves and appurtenances constitute property of the Grantor, its successors and assigns. The Grantor, its successors and assigns shall be solely responsible for the construction, maintenance, repair and replacement of said water service lines, shut-off valves and appurtenances. Being a portion of the land and premises conveyed to Hart Development, LLC by Quitclaim Deed of Randall F. Hart dated March 8, 2005 and recorded in Volume 700 at Pages 641-642 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the references therein made, and their respective records and references, in further aid of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantee, the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and its successors and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; WARD, KENNEY & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WILLISTON ROAD SO. BURUNGTON, VT 05403-6030 And the said Grantor, HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and its successors and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents it is the sole owner of the premises, and it has good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are FREE FROM EVERY ENCUMBRANCE; except as above stated, and it does hereby engage to WARRANT AND DEFEND the same against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC hereunto sets its hand and seal this 20th day of December, 2005. HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC Guy L. B4bb, Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. L.S. At South Burlington, in said County and State, this 20th day of December, 2005, Guy L. Babb, Duly Authorized Agent of HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC, personally appeared and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Before me, My Commission Expires: 02/10/07 Vermont Property Tra^_&Jor Tax a2 V.S.A. Chap 231 ,it WO USE &`i.c ' C [: C T Ra rn No.,Clerk data- HASta_8\SUBDIVIS\.SHUNPIKE ROAD TOWNHOUSES\ED City access.Wpd WARD, KENNEY & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WIIddSTON ROAD 0. BURLINGTON, VT 05403-6030 OF 0JCAC1"'J?4ENT STITZEL, PAGE & FLETCHER, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 171 BATTERY STREET P.O. BOX 1507 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402-1507 (802) 660-2555 (VOICE/TDD) STEVEN F. STITZEL FAX (802) 660-2552 or 660-9119 PATTI R. PAGE* WRITER'S E-MAIL(TEUSTACELFIRMSPF.COM) ROBERT E. FLETCHER WRITER'S FAX (802) 660-9119 JOSEPH S. McLEAN TIMOTHY M. EUSTACE AMANDA S. E. LAFFERTY (*ALSO ADMITTED IN N.Y.) December 27, 2005 Ray Belair Town Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Hart Development, LLC (Shunpike Road Townhouses) Dear Ray: JILL E. SPINELLI WILL S. BAKER Enclosed please find the fully -executed Notice of Conditions of Planned Unit Development in connection with the above - referenced matter. Also enclosed is Ward & Babb's check to the City of South Burlington for $21.00 for the fee for recording the Notice in the City Land Records. Note that I have inserted the Slide number for the Plan, per the information you supplied - with Guy Babb's approval. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Timothy M. Eustace TME:rh enc. CC: Guy L. Babb, Esq. son6022 hart.cor EUGENE J. WARD, III GUY L. BABB JOHN J. BALKUNAS, JR (VT, NJ) DAVID J. ANGUS, II (VT, MA) ALLAN W. RUGGLES (VT, NY, CA) GREGG M. HARRIS CHRISTINA L. DEGRAFF-MURPHY REGISTERED LAW CLERK: KAREN D. ALLARD December 21, 2005 Timothy M. Eustace, Esq. Stitzel, Page & Fletcher, P.C. 171 Battery Street P.O. Box 1507 Burlington, VT 05402-1507 WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW A Trade Naine for a Professional Corporation generaldelivery@wkblawyers.com CLOSING COORDINATOR: DEBRA DENNY Re: Shunpike Road Townhouses, 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, VT Dear Tim: LEGAL ASSISTANTS: SHARON R. THOMPSON CHARLENE R. JOHNSON PARALEGAL: JO RICHER Enclosed please find the Notice of Conditions of Planned Unit Development which I have executed for Hart Development, LLC. Please sign on page 3 and forward the Notice for recording in the Land Records with the enclosed check in the amount of $21.00. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. C dially, Guy L. Babb, Esq. (babb&.wkblawvers.com) _ GLB:jr Enclosures 3 STITZEL PACT & FLETCHER, PC 3069 WILLISTON ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6030 4Telephone (802) 863-0307 0 Facsimile (802) 863-4587 92 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ST. ALBANS, VERMONT 05478 4Telephone (802) 524-5718 0 Facsimile (802) 524-5718 REPLYTO: SOUTH BURLINGTON OFFICE l Page 1 of 2 Timothy Eustace From: Guy Babb [babb@wkblawyers.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:48 AM To: Timothy Eustace Subject: Re: Hart Development, LLC No that is fine- ----- Original Message ----- From: Timothy Eustace To: babb@wkblawyers.com Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:43 AM Subject: FW: Hart Development, LLC Guy - any objection to our filling in the recording info. for the plan? - Tim From: Ray Belair [mailto:rbelair@sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:31 AM To: Timothy Eustace Subject: RE: Hart Development, LLC The plan is recorded at Slide 460, page 6. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 802-846-4106 From: Timothy Eustace [mailto:TEustace@firmspf.com] Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:45 AM To: Ray Belair Subject: RE: Hart Development, LLC OK. Is the plan recorded? Guy sent me the original NOC to sign "approved as to from" but he left the recording info for the Map Slide blank. Happy holidays Ray. - Tim From: Ray Belair [mailto:rbelair@sburl.com] Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:44 AM To: Timothy Eustace Subject: RE: Hart Development, LLC Tim, FYI I recorded the water shut-off easement. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 802-846-4106 12/27/2005 WARD & BARB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 W►LLISTON ROAD D. BURLINGTON, VT 05403-6030 SHUNPIKE ROAD TOWNHOUSES NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC is the owner of a parcel of land located on Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont (hereinafter the "Owner"); and WHEREAS, the Owner has obtained approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board (hereinafter the "DRB") for a planned unit development consisting of one (1) three (3) unit building. The approval consists of creating separate lots under the footprint of each unit and a lot containing the remaining land, as shown on a plan entitled "Lands of Randy Hart, 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Four Lot Subdivision Plat", prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson, dated May 20, 2005, last revised on May 25, 2005, of record in Map Slide 7�y of the City of South Burlington Land Records (the "Property"). WHEREAS, the DRB's approval imposes certain conditions on the subject Property. NOW THEREFORE, the Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the land unless and until modified or removed by the DRB or its successor: The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the written decision of the DRB dated July 19, 2005 (File No. SD-05-51). 2. The Property is and shall constitute a single parcel of land for purposes of compliance with City of South Burlington regulations and ordinances now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations. The Owner covenants and agrees that for the purpose of compliance with and application of City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the Property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if townhouse units located on such property are conveyed to separate unit owners together with an undivided interest in the common land. 3. The proper party for purposes of submitting applications for approval from time to time under City ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, shall be all of the unit owners or their duly authorized representative, as designated by all of the owners in a document duly executed and recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. The City shall act upon any -1- WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WILLISTON ROAD J. BURLINGTON, VT 05403-6030 application submitted by all of the unit owners or their duly authorized representative and shall not be required to resolve a dispute between the Owner and the unit owners as to the respective rights of the Owner and unit owners. It shall be the duty of the unit owners or the Owner to notify all others having an interest in the property that may be affected by the application proceeds of the commencement of such proceedings. 4. Any action to enforce any City ordinance or regulation, including zoning or subdivision regulations, against the Property, or activities or events occurring on the Property, may be brought against the unit owners or the Owner. It shall be the duty of the unit owners and/or the Owner to notify all others having an interest in the Property that may be affected by the enforcement proceedings or the commencement of such proceedings. Any decision in an enforcement proceeding, including a decision granting injunctive relief or penalties, shall be enforceable at the City's sole discretion against the unit owners, the Owner or the owner of any unit within the Property. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property or an interest in the Property. 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors and assigns. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this 6th day of December, 2005. M. STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC Guy L, Babb,'A�y Authorized Agent At South Burlington, in said County and State, on this 6th day of December, 2005, Guy L. Babb, Duly Authorized Agent of HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC, personally appeared and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Before me, ( c RNotary Public My commission expires: 02/10/07 -2- WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 3069 WILLISTON ROAD �. BURLINGTON, VT05403-6030 Approved as to form and content: By: South Bury ington City Att rney 1^6-r*y 1"• 6AS7,+C-e H:\Sta_8\SUBDIVIS\SHUNPIKE ROAD TOWNHOUSES\NoticeConditions-PlannedUnitDevelopment.wpd -3- EUGENE J. WARD, III GUY L. BABB JOHN J. BALKUNAS, JR (VT, NJ) DAVID J. ANGUS, II (VT, MA) ALLAN W. RUGGLES (VT, NY, CA) GREGG M. HARRIS CHRISTINA L. DEGRAFF-MURPHY REGISTERED LAW CLERK: KAREN D. ALLARD WARD & BABB ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW A Trade Name for a Professional Corporation generaldelivery@wkblawyers.com December 21, 2005 Ray Belair City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 CLOSING COORDINATOR: DEBRA DENNY Re: Shunpike Road Townhouses, 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, VT Dear Ray: LEGAL ASSISTANTS: SHARON R. THOMPSON CHARLENE R. JOHNSON PARALEGAL: JO RICHER Enclosed please find an Easement Deed to the City for access to the water shut-off valves and a Property Transfer Tax Return. Please execute the Property Transfer Tax Return for the City and record the Easement Deed in the Land Records. Our check in the amount of $21.00 for the recording fee is enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Cordially, Guy L. Babb, Esq. (babb(a wkblawyers.com) GLB:jr Enclosures cc: Timothy M. Eustace, Esq. 3069 WILLISTON ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403-6030 0Telephone (802) 863-0307 4Facsimile (802) 863-4587 92 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ST. ALBANS, VERMONT 05478 0Telephone (802) 524-5718 41acsimile (802) 524-5718 REPLY TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON OFFICE CITY {OF SOUTH U1RLI1',,TGT01NT DEPARTMETNTT OF JFLA1,\TN\ E11jG & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH H BUR,LINGTON, VEF.MOI�,1' 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 August 18, 2005 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Minutes Dear Mr. Henson: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the minutes from the July 19, 2005 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 91--XzN �a Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. DEVELOPViFI®T REVIEW BOARD 19 JUL`t' 2005 or what is yet to be put in. Members agreed to delete Stipulation # 13. Fire Chief issues: Mr. Smichenko said they met with the Fire Chief and discussed the fire lane around the building. A fire truck came in and drove the route, and they were fine with what is proposed. Minor curve work will be done. The approval motion was amended to add the following conditions: The plans shall be revised to show the following: a) the plans shall be revised to a revised curb location per the Fire Chiefs request outlined in his letter dated 7/19/05 and shown on the Trudell Consulting Engineers sketch dated 6/23/05 presented at the meeting. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-05-41 subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Kupferman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-05-51 of Randall Hart. Request is for I) three 1,061 sq. ft. footprint lots and 2) one 36,510 sq. l`t. lot, 253 Shunpike Road: Mr. Henson said the one change from the earlier approval is to allow 3 units in the building to be sold as town houses instead of condos. The 3 owners will be members of a homeowners' association. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-05-51 of Randall Hart subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SIB--05-50 of The Snyder Company to amend a punned unit development consisting of 31 single family dwellings and one existing single family dwelling on 26.8 acres. The amendment consists of landscaping revisions and driveway relocations, 1700 Spear Street: Mr. Snyder reviewed the surrounding properties. RIE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD \drb\sub\hart\prelim final_4lot.doc Agenda # 6 Owners/Applicant Randall Hart 151 Carter Field Road North Andover, MA 01845 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date. July 7, 2005 Application received: June 7, 2005 HART — 4 -LOT SUBDIVISION 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-05-51 Date: Julv 19, 2005 Property Information Tax Parcel 1560-00251-R 39, 690 Square Feet Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF SOUTH BURLING TON 2 PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD \drb\sub\hart\prelim final 41ot.doc Randall Hart, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary and final plat review of a project to subdivide a 36,510 sq. ft. lot into four (4) lots consisting of: 1) three (3) footprint lots of 1,060 sq. ft. and, 2) the remaining 36,510 sq. ft. lot, 253 Shunpike Road. Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on June 7, 2005 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Tahla 1 Mmansinnal Requirements District Required Proposed Size 6,000 SF 1,060 SF nsity 4 units/acre n/a ildin Covera a 20% n/a rR4ing erall Covera a 40% n/a nt Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. e Setback10 ft. > 10ft. r Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. 4 zoning compliance n/a some of the dimensional requirements are not applicable because no development is proposed at this time ♦ waiver required pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) of the Land Development Regulations SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure. The units on the proposed lots will be connected to the public water system. The South Burlington Water Department has already reviewed and approved the proposed water lines. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING 1drblsublhart relim_final 4lot doc The units on the proposed lots will be connected to the public sewer system. The proposed sewer lines are depicted on the plans. The 15' wide force main easement connecting the subject lots to Shunpike Road is depicted on the plans. The City Engineer has already reviewed and approved the proposed sewer lines. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The proposed subdivision does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. The proposed subdivision does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The City's Official Wetland Map indicates that there are no wetlands on the subject property. The applicant has concurred that there are no wetlands on the subject property. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed subdivision is compatible with the planned development patterns of the R4 Zoning District, as outlined in Section 4.03(A) of the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. This criterion is not applicable to the proposed project. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The proposed subdivision does not warrant review by the South Burlington Fire Chief. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff feels this requirement is being met. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff feels this requirement is being met. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW' BARD PLANNING & ZONING J 1di, , b\hartlnrelim final 4lot.doc Staff feels the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Lot Layout According to Section 15.10 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, a minimum width to length ratio of one to five (1:5) shall be used as a guideline by the Development Review Board in evaluating lot proportions. Square or roughly square lots shall not be approved. The large lot (36,510 square feet) that will result from the proposed subdivision will be in compliance with this guideline. Staff does not believe that the footprint lots proposed through this subdivision need to comply with this guideline. Other 1. For purposes of planning and zoning, the four (4) lots included in this subdivision shall be considered one (1) 39,690 square -foot lot, as originally approved on January 18, 2005. The applicant will be required to record a "Notice of Condition" to this effect which has been approved by the City Attorney prior to recording the final plat plan.. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Final Plat Application #SD-05-51 subject to the conditions numbered above. Respectfully submitted, xl,�, 6� Cathya#n LaRose, Associate Planner Copy to: Randy Hart DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 17 MAY 2005 GLA. The amendment consists of: 1) razing an existing single family dwelling and 2) constructing a 2624 sq ft retail store, 155 Dorset St: Mr. Khouri said they have addressed issues raised at sketch plan hearing including front yard coverage. Ms. McIntyre noted they were asked to reduce pavement in the front yard setback. What they did was to pull the pavement back, eliminating 900+ feet of pavement with no loss of parking. Ms. McIntyre also noted they had originally been told to bring buildings up front to be pedestrian friendly. Mr. Paquette said he wanted to be sure nothing had changed with access. Ms. McIntyre said nothing about access has changed. Regarding the sprinklering of the building, Mr. Khouri said they will submit plans, and if there is a requirement to sprinkler, they will do so. Mr. Khouri also advised that the light fixture they are providing is a shielded fixture. Ms. McIntyre showed a diagram of the light. Mr. Belair said it was his understanding that when front yard coverage exceeds the regulations, a plan should make it better. This plan makes it worse. He wanted to be sure the Board understood this. Mr. Boucher said it was the DRB that asked to move the building forward, so he was OK with it. Members agreed to amend the motion to remove Stipulation #8. Mr. Boucher then moved to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-05-36 of University Mall subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sketch Plan Application 4SD-05-31 of Randall Hart to subdivide a 36,510 sq. l/ ft. lot into four lots consisting of: 1) three footprint lots of 1060 sq ft and 2) the remaining 33,330 sq ft lot, 253 Shunpike Road: The applicant noted that this subdivision was approved earlier this year. After that approval, their attorney said they should sell the units as "footprint units." They are thus changing from 3 condo units to 3 town house units. Mr. Dinklage reminded the applicant that these are still 2 lots but within lot #2, there are 3 footprint lots. Mr. Belair said this is similar to South Point and several other developments. For planning & zoning purposes, they will be considered one lot. The applicant was OK with this. The applicant noted that lot #2 will be owned by individual owners and a homeowners association will be responsible for upkeep of common land, etc., as one owner. -3- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 17 MAY 2005 There are no changes to the site plan. Mr. Kupferman asked if there is a hydrant on site. The applicant said no and showed the location of the nearest hydrant. He said Labor & Industry will decide whether sprinklers are needed. Members were OK with this. 7. Public Hearing: Preliminary plat application #SD-05-32 and final plat application #SD-04-33 of Northfield Savings Bank for a planned unit development consisting of: 1) razing a 1307 sq. ft. service station and car wash building with four fueling positions, and 2) constructing a 2500 :sq ft drive-in bank, 1143 Williston Rd: Mr. White said there have been no substantial changes from sketch plan. Mr. Belair said the traffic issue has been resolved. Mr. Dinklage noted receipt of a letter from Gary Farrell who has no objections to this plan. Ms. Quimby moved to approve preliminary plat application #SD-05-32 and final plat application #SD-04-33 of Northfield Savings Bank subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. S. Site Plan Application 4SP-05-18 of Lodging North, Inc, to amend a previously approved plan for a 162 room hotel with a 135 seat standard restaurant and a 150 member fitness center. The amendment consists of: 1) widening an access drive, and 2) adding 11 parking spaces, 1117 Williston Rd: Mr. Dinklage noted this is the "companion" applicant to the previous application. Mr. Farrell said the only change is the location of the dumpster. It had been removed for a while then returned because housekeeping people need it. A recycle bin will also be placed there. These will be screened. Mr. Belair said staff has no other issues. The motion was amended to add stipulation #3a as follows: The plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three copies of the approved revised plan shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to permit issuance: a. The plan shall be revised to indicate appropriate screening around the new dumpster storage area. Mr. Boucher then moved to approve site plan application #SP-05-18 of Lodging North, Inc. subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. CITY OF SOUTH BUR L INGTON (DEPARTMENT OF PILANNNNG & ZONaTG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMOI\IT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 14, 2005 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Hart Dear Doug: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy McD0 ough Planning & ning Assitant Encl. Jay Nadeau To: Ray Belair Subject: Easement deed Ray - Regarding the wording for the easement deed for the Randy Hart project, I offer the following: the size should be a 101x10' centered over the curb box. We would not be bringing in any construction equipment as we will not own the curb boxes. We only need access for emergency shut offs or for failure to pay shut offs. Any damage to the box requiring excavation or repair would be the owners responsibility. Jay 1 SITE LOCATION PLAN RUBY B. WILLIS FAMILY TRUST N/F VOL. 506. PG 242 - ZONING DISTRICT IC EXI LLING ������ �[%/////////////D///////� Ji P&VOIJUSE I W. SPENCER AND NANCY L. BAKER N/F VOL 101. PG. 172 PROPOSED 15' WIDE FORCE MAIN EASEMENT TO REMAINING LANDS (4) 3' DIA. DAR 6" MA CEDAR — _ 3' DIA. A HE A A _LILAC . S UNIT g1 UNIT /2 UNIT N3 1,060 S.F. 1.060 S.F. 1,N60 S.F. I B" APPLE 14' 7 LEGEND PRQIECT BOUNDARY — � PROPERTY LIVE ABUTTER PROPERTY UK PROPOSED EASEMENT OULDHG SETBAM SnEUHE of PROPO6EO [ASETIENT MDR PIPE FOUND I I JOHN P. AHERN n+oN nPE SET A PATRICIA A. VAUTIER —W— 01 — ENSIM MTER LINE GATE VALVE AND HYDRANT N/F EVISIM DVEm1EM U UTY LIVE AND POLE I I I I VOL. 217. PG. 382 —S- — — y l H EnSAM SAINTARY SEVER UNE AHD MANNDL.E I —G — — — EmS GAS UNE IPF yyI I I IPF EIOSTIW TREE 0 0 I.D. 0.5. HIGH 0.0' HIGH iI 31 a =1 I F� RECEIVED — IPS I I PROPOSED NEW JUN O 7 2W5 5' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK. ton -----g L 12' APPLE L W_L-- I I W RI 3 REMAINING LANDS \ m RANDY ART ; 56,510 S.F. \ \ I g N/F� PROPOSED n o VOL. 670, G. 515 40' ACCESS L EASEMENT ��• £ TO RANDY PROPOSED 10' WATER EASEMENT \ m S 01108'10' E HART 1Dp• � TO CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CENTERED ON WATER LINE \ \ EXISTING® ZONING -- SHED D161RICT R-4 \ 2' CHERRIE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY 20" ASH' 1 ZONING DISTRICT R-4 L — W— -- — W W _ 5' DIA. LILAC — Y IPF N 88Ve'10' w .�' �" IPF I.D. I HIGH ;� �= 15" SPRUCE ❑ IG I ZONING DISTRICT IC 4' - 6';WHIT PINpS 5' TALL HEMLOCK SHRUBS• , NOTES EDI.UND COMPANY, INC. 1. THIS PLAT WAS COMPILED FROM RECORD RESEARCH AND THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING PLATS: 8. VOL 478, PG. 682 I "PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER AND NANCY BAKER AND SHEILA BOWES, 123 & 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT DATED 6-30-95" BY VAUGHN C. BUTTON, L.S. "LANDS OF RANDY HART, 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON. VERMONT. TWO LOT SUBDIVISION PLAT." DATED 8-25-04, LAST REVISED 2-1-05, BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON CONSULTING p� G / ENGINEERS, INC. BIHLpMG I 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON SURVEY GRADE GPS OBSERVATIONS AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY, JUNE, 2004. 3. THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO OTHER EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY. I I 4. ALL EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. I ' 5. ALL MONUMENTATION IS AS SHOWN ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED SURVEY. 6. ALL IRON PIPES SET ARE 1" INSIDE DIAMETER. 7. A CLOSED TRAVERSE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON 6/23/04. THE METHODS AND THE RESULTING ERROR MEET OR EXCEED THE MINIMUM PRECISION REQUIREMENTS FOR URBAN SURVEYS. 8. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, THE OWNER SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR AND REQUEST THAT HE/SHE SET THE CONCRETE MONUMENTS AND IRON PIPES INDICATED ON THIS PLAT. LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON WAIVES ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE FAILURE OF THE OWNERS OR THEIR SUCCESSORS TO HAVE NOTIFIED AND REQUESTED THAT LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON SET THE CONCRETE MONUMENTS AND IRON PIPES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. 9 -'�. PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO CREATE THE THREE FOOTPRINT L NO A REMAINING LANDS LOT LOT THAT WAS CREATED 8Y RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOU '_INGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1-18-05 UNDER APPUCATION SD-04-88. GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 :U W 120 ( IN FEET ) I inch - 30 ft. City of So. Duriing — —I — EXISTING 88_PVC SEWER SERVICE I -S I I � I I u { I I I I `I EXISTING a GAS cei I LINE B' I I RESOLUTION H REALTY PARTNERSHIP VOL. 439, PG. 357 OWNER/APPLICANT CL z I z I = i � I 3 EXISTING MARBLE POSTS AND RANDY HART SHRUBS TO BE 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD REMOVED. NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 EXISTING MAIL I BOX APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, ON THE DAY OF 2005 SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2005 BY (CLERK OR CHAIRMAN) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON RECEIVED FOR RECORD A.D. 2005 AT O'CLOCK MINUTES _M AND RECORDED IN IPF 1.0" I.D. — ATTEST: CITY CLERK 0.3' HIGH 5-25-05REVISED PER SKETCH PLAN REVIEW DLH INVESTORS date despr( ti0n I by CORPORATION OF REVISIONS VERMONT N/F PLANS W M LATEST WASPS SHWID / OF VOL 364, PG. I ORLT USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BMW (] SKETCH/CONCEPT 835 0 PREUMINARY FINAL 1 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIS PLAT IS BASED ON INFORMATION ABSTRACTED `�E4IFEFAAA FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER OFFICIAL RECORDS AND CONFORMS WITH THE DOUGLAS REQUIREMENTS OF 27 VSA & 1403. - L. " DATED THIS DAY OF 2005 NONSON 656 I LANDS OF proj. no. RANDY HART 04-070 survey TB/BFD 253SHUNPMEROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT design DLH drown FOUR LOT checked 51UDD I V 1510N PLAT ABR/DJG date 5-20-05 stole LAMOUREUx&DIC70NSON camwdng ETrglneem Inc 1" = 30' 14M—Dnve Em a JDnmon, VT OM52 el" 802-111"50 Sht. no. PL CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGT ON DEPARTMENT GE PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VI' 05403 (802)846-4io6 June 29, 2005 fla4 ab0*(-:5 Randy Hart `151 Carter Field Road North Andover, MA 01845 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development., you may call this office at 846-4io6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH RURLINGTGN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4lo6 .June 29, 2005 Spencer Baker 123 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public he, -ring. - Sincerely, Betsy Me-bonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. deGtil 71ac SNAMI MEETING DATE�-� Np��Acl_- �R(�Dac CF o�mf4as-� T4 i0lhd 14=±:61oate— -70 winari-ska Aue— qj Abil 47-- Ali,0716-J J, 0 1 14A v L 23 Piz mow I—�—CYD CITY OF SOUTH B UR L INGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLA1�T 14G & ZON114G 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 20, 2005 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Hart Property Dear Doug: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on July 19, 2005 (effective 7/19/05). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 90 days (must be submitted by io/17/os) of this approval or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Mc nough, Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. C�g 69 fir Permit Number SD- 0 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Bk. 670, Pg. 515 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy Hart (978) 689-8700 or Doug Henson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction VT 05452 878-4450 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 253 Shunpike Road 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 (original project parcel) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) The parcel is currently vacant. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) This Proposal is for three new 1,060 s.f. footprint lots and one 36,510 s.f. remaining lands lot c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. existing buildings to e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. 2 f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. a) Building: Existing % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing %Proposed_% c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _% Proposed_% 9) COST ESTIMATES N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. a) Building (including interior renovations): b) Landscaping: c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve any construction. a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: N/A, the proposed subdivision does not involve anv construction. 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (see Exhibit A). PA I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this final plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete i Director of lanning & Zoning or Designee Date 3 Spencer W. Baker Ruby B. Willis Family Trust Edlund Company, Inc. 123 Shunpike Road 352 Highlands Drive 159 Industrial Parkway South Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Burlington, VT 05401 Investors Corp. of Vermont 30 Main Street, Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 P A2004\04070\AbuttersList. wpd Resolution Realty Trust 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 John P. Ahern 90 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Essex Junction, VT 05452 June 6, 2005 Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 253 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering On behalf of our client, Randy Hart, we are hereby submitting an application for Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat approval for the property at 253 Shunpike Road. This proposal, which is located within the Residential 4 (R-4) District, involves the subdivision of a 39,690 s.f. lot into four lots consisting of three footprint lots of 1,060 s.f. each and a remaining 36,510 s.f. lot We have enclosed the following for your review: • Five full size copies and one reduced copy of the project plan Sheet PL-1 ; • Final Subdivision Plat application with $260.00 fee; • List of abutting property owners. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, +DoHenson, L.S., E.I. cc: Mr. Randy Hart PA2004\04070W'mal-AMEND-SUB APP covenwpd Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying oot IEN DAYS !hide of a registered has transferred the n from the vehicle accumulated unpaid a newly acquired vehi- chicle which had accu- se unpaid tickets even er has obtained a new n for the vehicle.] to owner. Notice to of an impounded all be provided as set action 20-74 (b). [The )lice or his duly I representative shall :ertified mail, return luested, the registered :he vehicle or a holder ity interest therein, if y can be readily ascer- thin five (5) business e storage of a vehicle o subsection (a) of ,n.] otice referred to in i (b) shall be tendered )rescribed and provid- chief of police and ibe the year, make, serial number of the icle; the storage Loca- ;h vehicle; and the its of release as set !ction 20-73, and a :he right to reclaim -Le within ninety (90) the date of the mail - notice. The notice ate that failure to e vehicle within the ded shall be deemed all right, title and such vehicle to the -lington. Upon the :he registered owner of or a holder of a terest therein to e vehicle within the ribed the Burlington artment may dispose iehicle in the manner ovided, however, that ied vehicle shall be )r a period longer than M twenty (120) days.] its 8th day of June ie Board of Public missioners: m Baldwin, P.E. )irector - Technical /8/2005; Published ffective 7/20/05 i [Brackets] delete. iderLined add. URLINGTON :EGULATIONS ing traffic regulations enacted by the Public emission as amend- kppendix C, Motor and the City of is Code of Ordinances: (12) [In the space immediately north of College Street on the west side of South Union Street for a distance of 100 feet, between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.] Reserved. (13) [In the space between the driveways in front of 116 Main Street.] Reserved. (14) In the 50-foot space next westerly of South Union Street, on the north side of College Street for a maximum time limit of 30 minutes. (15) As Written (16) In the first space east of Church Street on the north side of Main Street for a maximum time limit of 30 minutes. (17) through (20) As Written (21) [In the two (2) spaces in front of 260 College Street.] Reserved. (22) [The parking space in front of 96 College Street.] Reserved. (23) [On the north side of King Street in the first space west of St. Paul Street.] Reserved. (24) through (28) As Written (29) [In the space in front of 47 Maple Street, and for no more than thirty (30) minutes.] Reserved. (30) [In the two (2) spaces north of College Street on the west side of South Union Street, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for a maximum time limit of fifteen (15) minutes.] Reserved. (31) In the two (2) spaces in front of 79 College Street for a maximum time limit of 30 min- utes. (32) [In the space in front of 10 East Avenue.] Reserved. (33) In the space in front of 9- 11 Center Street.] Reserved. (34) through (35) As Written (36) (In the space in front of 164 St. Paul Street, during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.] Reserved. (37) through (39) As Written (40) [The fourth space north of Main Street on the west side of South Union Street.] Reserved. (41) [Provide a loading zone 40 feet in length on the south side of Maple Street across the street from 390 Maple Street.] (42) As Written (43) On the south side of Pearl Street in the first space west of Church Street for a maximum time limit of 30 minutes. (44) through (45) As Written (46) [On the north side of Main Street immediately west of the existing handicapped space in front of 250 Main Street.] Reserved. (3) The city -owned parking garage located at 27 Cherry Street, known as Lakeview Parking Garage. Adopted this 8th day of June 2005 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 6/08/2005; Published 6/29/05; Effective 7/20/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURL.INGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amend- ments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington's Code of Ordinances: Sec. 19. Parking rates. (a)Parking meter spaces may be occupied for periods indicated by depositing the following sums: (1) through (7) As Written (b) The rate of charge for park- ing in metered city lots shall be as follows: (1) through (7) As Written (8) [Reserved] College Street Parkino Garage: First two (2) after two hours; maximum daily rates of $5.50, $70.00 and $80.00 monthly teases. Limited Early Bird parking at $3.00 ger d'y. (9) [Reserved] Lakeview Parking Garage: First two (2) hours free: $0.75 ier 1/2 hour after two hours: maximum daily rate of $5.50. $70.00 and $80.00 month y teases. (10) [Reserved.] Marketplace ParkinsGarage: First two (2) hours free: $0.75 per 1/2 hour after two hours: maximum daily rate of $5,50, $70.00 and $80.00 monthly teases. (11) [Marketplace Parking Garage: Twenty-five cents ($0.25) per half-hour up to the fourth hour, fifty cents ($.50) per half-hour from the fourth hour up to the maximum of five dollars ($5.00) per day; fifty dollars ($50.00) per month. Reserved. (12) [Marketplace Parking Garage between 6;00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month. Reserved. (13) [Municipal Parking Garage, if entered between 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per day when available parking space is anticipated.] Reserved. (14) through (15) As Written (16) [Marketplace Parking Garage, sixty dollars ($60.00) PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGiON DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, July 19, 2005, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final plat application #SD-05- 50 of The Snyder Companies to amend a planned unit develop- ment consisting of 31 single family dwellings and one (1) existing single family dwelling on 26.8 acres. The amendment consists of Landscaping revisions and driveway relocations, 1700 Spear Street. 2. Appeal #AO-05-01 of Garrett & Lisa Huyer appealing Notice of Violation #NV-05-06 for illegal deck, 194 Laurel Hill Drive. 3. Final plat application #SD-05- 51 of Randall Hart. Request is for: 1) three (3) 1,061 sq. ft. footprint lots and 2) one (1) 36,510 sq. ft. Lot, 253 Shunpike Road. 4. Application #CU-05-12 of Beverly Amblo for Conditional Use Approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to add an accessory residential unit, 23 Butler Drive. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board June 29, 2005 STATE OF VERMONT RUTLAND SUPERIOR COURT RUTLAND COUNTY, SS. DOCKET NO. 319-5-05 Rdo.r Citifinancial, Inc., Plaintiff V. Jeffrey Machain, Citifinancial, Inc. Leaann Johnson, State of Vermont, Office of Child Support And Occupants residing at 48 Baxter Street, Rutland, Vermont, Defendant believe that you have a Counterclaim against the plain- tiff, you may wish to consult an attorney. If you feel that you cannot afford to pay an attor- ney's fee, you may ask the clerk of the Court for information about places where you may seek legal assistance. Plaintiff's action is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated February 4, 2002. Plaintiff's action may effect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the City of Rutland at Volume 427, Page 571. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Rutland, State of Vermont. It appearing from Affidavit duly filed in the above entitled action that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the methods prescribed in V.R.C.P. 4(d) through (f) inclu- sive, it is hereby ORDERED that service of the above process shall be made upon defendant, Jeffrey Machain, by publication pursuant to V.R.C.P. 4(g). This Order shall be published once a week for three consecutive weeks on June 30, 2005, July 7, 2005 and July 14, 2005 in Seven Days. A copy of this Order shall be made to defendants at their address if their address is known. Dated at Rutland, Vermont this 21st day of June, 2005. Hon. William Cohen Presiding Judge Rutland Superior Court 512-05Summons & Order ► support groups DON'T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? Call Vermont 211, a program of United Ways of Vermont. Within Vermont, 866-652-4636 (toLL- free) or from outside of Vermont, 802-652-4636. Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP: Daily except Sundays, 1-2 p.m. Focus is on mutual support and coping skills. 300 Flynn Ave. Info, 865-6138. WOMEN'S EMOTIONS ANONY- MOUS GROUP: Fridays, 6-7 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club, 62 Oak St., Burlington. Info, 899-4906. MALE SUPPORT GROUP: For men who have survived sexual violence. This group will provide a safe, encouraging space for Cgs OF SOUTH BURLEINGTON DEPARTMENT OF N1 Z'qG & ZGI\\TE,\JG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 July 11, 2005 Randall. Hart 151 Carter Field Road North Andover, MA o 1845 Re: Minutes Dear Mr. Hart: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the May 17, 2005 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, r Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: May 9, 2005 \drb\sub\hart\sketch_41ot.doc Application received: April 8, 2005 HART — 4 -LOT SUBDIVISION 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-05-31 Agenda #6 Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 Owners/Applicant Property Information Randall Hart Tax Parcel 1560-00251-R 151 Carter Field Road 39, 690 Square Feet North Andover, MA 01845 Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\sketch 41ot doc Randall Hart, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking sketch plan review of a project to subdivide a 36,510 sq. ft. lot into four (4) lots consisting of: 1) three (3) footprint lots of 1,060 sq. ft. and, 2) the remaining 36,510 sq. ft. lot, 253 Shunpike Road, Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on April 8, 2005 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements R4 Zoning District Required Proposed ♦ Min. Lot Size 6,000 SF 1,060 SF Max. Density 4 units/acre n/a �l Max. Building,Coverage 20% n/a �l Max. Overall Coverage 40% n/a Min. Front Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. > loft. �l Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. zoning compliance n/a some of the dimensional requirements are not applicable because no development is proposed at this time ♦ waiver required pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) of the Land Development Regulations SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure. The units on the proposed lots will be connected to the public water system. The proposed water lines should be depicted on the plans. The South Burlington Water Department has already reviewed and approved the proposed water lines. 1. The plans should be revised to depict the waterlines proposed to serve the three (3) 1,060 square -foot lots, as depicted on the site plan approved on January 18, 2005, prior to submittal of the next plat application. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\sketch 41ot doc According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The units on the proposed lots will be connected to the public sewer system. The proposed sewer lines should be depicted on the plans. The 15' wide force main easement connecting the subject lots to Shunpike Road is depicted on the plans. The City Engineer has already reviewed and approved the proposed sewer lines. 2. The plans should be revised to depict the sewer lines proposed to serve the three (3) 1,060 square -foot lots, as depicted on the site plan approved on January 18, 2005, prior to submittal of the next plat application. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The proposed subdivision does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. The proposed subdivision does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The City's Official Wetland Map indicates that there are no wetlands on the subject property. The applicant has concurred that there are no wetlands on the subject property. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed subdivision is compatible with the planned development patterns of the R4 Zoning District, as outlined in Section 4.03(A) of the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. This criterion is not applicable to the proposed project. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The proposed subdivision does not warrant review by the South Burlington Fire Chief. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff feels this requirement is being met. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\sketch 41ot doc Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff feels this requirement is being met. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Lot Layout. According to Section 15.10 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, a minimum width to length ratio of one to five (1:5) shall be used as a guideline by the Development Review Board in evaluating lot proportions. Square or roughly square lots shall not be approved. The large lot (36,510 square feet) that will result from the proposed subdivision will be in compliance with this guideline. Staff does not believe that the footprint lots proposed through this subdivision need to comply with this guideline. Other 3. For purposes of planning and zoning, the four (4) lots included in this subdivision shall be considered one (1) 39,690 square -foot lot, as originally approved on January 18, 2005. The applicant will be required to record a `Notice of Condition" to this effect_ 4. The plans should be revised to remove the following components, prior to submittal of the next plat application: a) the multi -family building; b) the single-family home and all references to "Lot #1 " c) the driveway serving Lot #1; d) the reference to `proposed property lines". 5. The plans should be revised to depict the three (3) 1,060 square -foot lots, prior to submittal of the next plat application. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "comments" section of this document prior to submitting a combined preliminary plat and final plat application. Respectfully submitted, rian Robert on, Associate Planner Copy to: Randy Hart SI TE LOCATION PLAN RUBY B. WILLIS FAMILY TRUST N/F VOL 508. PG. 242 ZONING r NOTES EXI TIN% D///ZIA IPEMOOL HOUSE I W. SPENCER AND NANCY L BAKER N/F VOL 101, PG. 172 PROPOSED 15' VADE FORCE MAIN EASEMENT TO LOT 2 (4) 3' DIA CEDAR 3' DIA. HEDGE „LILAC , A A A .----5 __ IF — UNIT#— UNIT 02 UNIT /3 1.060 S.F. 1.060 S.F. 1.060 S.F. � I g I s I ZONING DISTRICT R-4 ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY I L — _ IPF ' I.D. — HIGH I LOT Q2 REMAINING LANDS 36.510 S.F. (NOT INCLUDING UNIT AREAS) I LEGEND — - PRD.ECf BOIADAIEY — - PIRIPOgD PROPERTY UE ABITIIER MPERTY U/E — - - P,XIPOSED EASEYFRT -SE11"I" SPEU E OF PRDP06ED EASEMENT R � � • ANON PrE FTXAD I JOHN P. AHERN •PsIRON PIEE SET & PATRICIA A I I VAN —RF- �� - EIPSOD W1FR LIVE. GTE VALVE AID N1oRANr I I I VOL. 217. PG. EIPSTND OVOWAD 1XRUW LW AND POIE I 382 —S- - - �- ENSIHO SANITARY SEVER UNE AND MANHOLE —G - -may-, - - EFslE16 (i/B UIE IPF 1I IPF 1.5� I.D. `� Ewsmc TREE: 1.0' t.D. 0.5' HIGH =x T I I 0.0' HIGH 31 I 31 =1 I FI I I 1 I IPS PROPOSED NEW 5 WIDE CONCRETE 18� MAPLE -POR:Ait4- � ( EXISTING 8_PVC SEWER SERVICE I I I ll I gI 12" MAPLE I I bl I 4' GAS 5' DIA LINETNG DIA ULAC SHRUB I 81 I RESOLUTION EXISTING PROPOSED N" al REALTY CONCRETE 40' ACCESS PARTNERSHIP WALK EASEMENT 'N—�� I I I N/F TO LOT 1 VOL 439. PG 357 PROPOSED I?rye PROPERTY LINES CHERRIE ZONING DISTRICT R-4 LI / — — 5' DIA LILA ` 62 1. THIS PLAT WAS COMPILED FROM RECORD RESEARCH AND THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING PLATS: 'PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER AND NANCY BAKER AND SHEILA BOWES, 123 & 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT DATED 6-30-95' BY VAUGHN C. BUTTON, L.S. LANDS OF RANDY HART, 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SOUTH BURUNGTON, VERMONT. TWO LOT SUBDIVISION PLAT.' DATED B-25-04, LAST REVISED 2-1-05, BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON SURVEY GRADE GPS OBSERVATIONS AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY, JUNE. 2004. 3. THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO OTHER EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS —OF —WAY. 4. ALL EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS, 5. ALL MONUMENTATION IS AS SHOWN ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED SURVEY. 6. ALL IRON PIPES SET ARE 1' INSIDE DIAMETER. 7. A CLOSED TRAVERSE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON 6/23/04. THE METHODS AND THE RESULTING ERROR MEET OR EXCEED THE MINIMUM PRECISION REQUIREMENTS FOR URBAN SURVEYS, B. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, THE OWNER SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR AND REQUEST THAT HE/SHE SET THE CONCRETE MONUMENTS AND IRON PIPES INDICATED ON THIS PLAT. LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON WAIVES ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE FAILURE OF THE OWNERS OR THEIR SUCCESSORS TO HAVE NOTIFIED AND REQUESTED THAT LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON SET THE CONCRETE MONUMENTS AND IRON PIPES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. 9. THE CITY OF S/Y 4URUNGTON SHALL HAVE AN EASEMENT ALONG AND ACROSS THE f "1SED NEW PAVED DRIVEWAYI 2 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACCESS TO THE CURB STOPS ON LOT 1 N AAO•'10' W 3a9.9/' — '�•P s IS' SPRUCE O i 4 1— 6 !WHITE PINES EDLUND COMPANY, ING N/F VOL 478. PG, 682 ki Ci,�'Of. I I OWNER/APPLICANT I IPF I I I I I 1 Q I •I 5' TALI HEMLOCK SHRUBS f I �� I I I I I EE77OO gg BULLRING i EXISTING MARBLE POSTS AND RANDY HART SHRUBS TO BE 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD REMOVED, NORTH ANDOVER. MA 01845 DUSTING MAIL I oV^ APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. ii 6 VERMONT, ON THE DAY OF 2005 SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS I OF SAID RESOLUTION, SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2005 BY (CLERK OR CHAIRMAN) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON RECEIVED FOR RECORD A.D. 2005 AT O'CLOCK MINUTES_M AND RECORDED IN IPF to" I.D. _ _ ATTEST: CITY CLERK 0.3' HIGH INVESTORS date description b CORPORATION OF VERMONT REVISIONS _ N,F THESE nANs VAIN IAIESf REVISg16 SIIdID / OF VOL 3PG. ONLY E Usm FOR 11E ptwwpm ADYIN MDDW: SHEETS 635 SKETCH/CONCEPT 1 0 PREUMINARY O FINAL 0 RECORD DRAWING LANDS OF Pn, -L RANDY HART sLFVey GRAPHIC SCALE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. THIS `,11"ITA7j 30 0 ,s 30 1zo PLAT IS BASED ON INFORMATION ABSTRACTED `��`t �� TfJ` FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER �` p OFFICIAL RECORDS AND CONFORMS WITH THE DOUGLAS �1 REQUIREMENTS OF 27 VSA & 1403. — L. HENSON ( IN FEET) DATED THIS —__ DAY OF _ 2005 No. 656 I inch = 30 ft.: of lilt E`,o ` cFe v �O 08 ev/%1n9t0n Permit Number SD- 0 5 - APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700, (978) 689-8720 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Bk. 670, Pg. 515 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700, (978) 689-8720 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.)Fee Simple 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy Hart (978) 689-8700, (978) 689-8720 or Doug Henson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452, 878-4450, 878-3135 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) One single family dwelling on 1.21 acre parcel. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Proposed 3 unit multi -family building on new 0.91 acre lot, plus existing single family dwelling on remaining 0.30 acre lot. This application is to amend the original approval, SD-04-88 to allow the proposed three new units to be sold as "footprint" lots. c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 4,975 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) The existing two story single family dwelling will remain the same. The proposed three unit building will be two story. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) 1 existing plus three proposed. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A - The existing and proposed buildings will remain/be residential. 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 4.1 % Proposed 9.4 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 5.0 % Proposed 25.2 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 0.1 % Proposed 1.4 % 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) Lot 1 will be served by an easement across Lot 2 for ingress, egress and utilities. 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) The existing dwelling on Lot 1 is currently served by municipal sewer and water. The three unit building on Lot 2 is proposed to be served by municipal sewer and water. 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES (this may be provided on a separate attached sheet) See attached sheet 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 2005 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ��- 2 Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: qlvb,5- I have reviewed this final plat application and find it to be: complete ❑Incomplete Director of Planni g & Zoning or Designee Date 3 I n Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Email: mail@a LDengineering April 8, 2005 Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision - 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: As we discussed, on behalf of our client, Randy Hart, we are hereby submitting an application for Final Subdivision Plat Amendment approval for the property at 251 Shunpike Road. This proposed amendment is to allow the currently approved three new units to be sold as "footprint" units instead of standard condominiums. We have enclosed the following for your review: • Five full size copies and one reduced copy of the Subdivision Plat; • Subdivision Sketch Plat application with $125.00 fee. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, +Dug Henson, L.S., E.I. cc: Mr. Randy Hart PA2004\04070\final-plat-amend APP cover.wpd Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLAN1 E'qG & Z01"JING 575 DOR,SET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMOIIIT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 12, 2005 Randall Hart 151 Carter Field Rd. North Andover, MA o1845 Re: 253 Shunpike Rd. Dear Mr. Hart: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy c onough Administrative Assistant Encl. LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel. (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 mail(a)LDen0neering.com • Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Soils • Wetlands • Landscape Architecture • TRANSMITTAL ❑ Mail ❑ Fax ® Hand carried ❑ To be picked up ❑ Courier service TO: Ray Belaire FROM: Doug Henson ADDRESS: DATE: 4-4-05 FAX NO: RE: City approval PROJECT NAME: Hart/Shunpike Road PROJECT #: 04070 COPIES DATE SHEET DESCRIPTION ® ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Plans Shop Drawings Report Copy of Letter Change Order Specifications 1 2-1-05 PL Two Lot Subdivision Plat (mylar) 1 -- -- DXF file on disk COMMENTS: Ray, as requested, attached is the mylar for the Hart project along with the $11 recording ® Disk fee, as well as a disk with a DXF file. Please feel to contact me if you have any further questions or comments, Doug. ® For your review ® For your use ❑ For comment ❑ As requested ❑ F.Y.I. ❑ For execution Signature: Doug Henson COPY TO: Randy Hart TOTAL PAGES: (Including cover page) ❑ Front Office Copy ❑ Project File Copy Revised: 7/29/04 P:\Old 0 Drive\DOUGH\transmittal logo 2004.doc State of Vermont WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective January 1, 2005 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective June 19, 2003 Case Number: WW-4-2332 PIN: EJ05-0057 Landowner: Randy Hart 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 This permit affects property referenced in deeds recorded in Book 141 Page 279 of the South Burlington, Vermont land records. This project, to create Lot 1 (0.30 acres) with an existing single family residence and to create footprint lots for three proposed residential condominium units (Unit 1 through Unit 3), served by municipal water and wastewater services, located on Shunpike Road in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. GENERAL 1. This permit does not relieve the permittee from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division — telephone (802) 241-3400, Water Quality Division — telephone (802) 241-3770, the Department of Labor & Industry — telephone (802) 828-2106 or (802) 879-2300, the Department of Health — telephone (802) 863-7221, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 2. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans prepared by Douglas Goulette which have been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Project #04-070: Lands of Randy Hart, 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont Plans: Slit. No. PL "Two Lot Subdivision Plat" dated 8/25/04, last revised 3/15/05; Sht. No. 1 "Site Plan" dated 8/25/04, last revised 3/15/05; Slit. No. 3 "Details and Specifications/Water" dated 8/25/04, revised 2/1/05; and Slit. No. 4 "Details and Specifications/Sanitary" dated 8/25/04, revised 2/1/05. 3. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems; building location or the approved use of the building, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. 4. The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-2332 Randy Hart Page 2 Land Records within thirty, (30) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 5. The Wastewater Management Division now reviews the water and wastewater disposal systems under 10 V.S.A., Chapter 64 — Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit. 6. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 7. A copy of the approved plans and this permit shall remain on the project during all phases of construction, and upon request, shall be made available for inspection by State or local personnel. Lot 2 as depicted on the plans and not specifically referenced as being approved for a use requiring a potable water supply and wastewater disposal system shall comply with the Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective August 16, 2002, Section 1-403(a)(5) for the creation of unimproved lots. 9. The Division has relied solely upon the licensed designers certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. WATER SUPPLY & WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 10. No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a certification from a designer or the installer, signed and dated, that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with the permitted design and all permit conditions, were inspected, were properly tested, and have successfully met those performance tests." This shall include the water supply system, and wastewater disposal system, water service line and sanitary sewer line to the three residential condominium units. 11. The project is approved for water supply by connection to the municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The Wastewater Management Division shall allow no other method, or location of obtaining potable water without prior review and approval. 12. The project is approved for wastewater disposal by the construction of a connection to the municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-2332 Randy Hart Page 3 Wastewater Management Division shall allow no other method, or location of wastewater disposal without prior review and approval. 13. A Homeowners' Association or equivalent legal entity shall be established, whose articles of association shall contain all necessary rights and easements for the full operation, maintenance, and repair of the water line and wastewater collection and delivery system. Such rights shall also enable the users (and designees) thereof to enter upon the property for construction, inspection, maintenance, and other such reasonable purposes as may arise regarding the wastewater disposal system. Prior to the sale of any of the subject dwelling units, the permittee shall submit a copy of such declaration, bylaws, and articles to the Wastewater Management Division. 14. The wastewater disposal system for the three residential condominium units is subject to an easement onto the lands identified as Lot 1. No construction on or conveyance of the approved lots is allowed until such time as a copy of the executed easement has been recorded and indexed in the town land records. It is recommended that a copy of the executed easement be sent to the Wastewater Management Division. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on March 28, 2005. Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By ucy M 4p Dolores M. LaRiviere Assistant Regional Engineer C For the Record South Burlington Planning Commission & Select Board Douglas Goulette Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-41o6 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS Re: Randy Hart Shunpike Road 3/10/05 Because I didn't have the chance to review the final plans before the final meeting I submit the following concerns: 1. Trees, especially large trees, should not be planted on top of water and sewer lines. Any plantings should be at least 5 feet from these utilities. 2. The sewage pumping station piping will be subjected to freezing with piping with in 18 inches of the cover. Most winters the frost penetration is at least 4 feet in depth. 3. The emergency pump hook up should be in the force main piping so that an emergency pump can be set up and discharge using existing force main. The set up as proposed will require pumper truck. 4. Raw sewage contains solids which will clog the 1/4 inch weep hole almost immediately. State of Vermont h AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Environmental Conervation State Geologist RELAY SERVICES FOR HEARING IMPAIRED 1-800-253-0191 TDD>VoicE 1-800-253-0195 VOICE>TDD March 10, 2005 Randy Hart 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 Wastewater Management Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 Telephone: (802) 879-5656 Subject WW-4-2332 Create 2 lot subdivision from the existing parcel and construct a 3 unit condo building in a newly created lot. located on Shunpike Road in South Burlington,. Vermont. Ladies & Gentlemen: I have reviewed the application and technical information submitted for the above referenced project. Unfortunately, there were items that were not included or were insufficient and I was unable to determine if this project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. Please provide the following information: 1. Is there a prior state subdivision permit for the existing 1.21 acre lot. created in 1979? 2. Are footprints of condominiums being conveyed along with the units? Please respond within thirty, (30) days from the date of this letter. Re -submittals that are incomplete, or made after thirty days may result in the denial of the project. Once I receive the information requested, I will continue my review of the project. If you have any questions as to what is needed, please contact me. Sincerely, �" Dolores M. LaRiviere Assistant Regional Engineer cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Douglas Goulette Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury a State of Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Environmental Conervation State Geologist RELAY SERVICES FOR HEARING IMPAIRED 1-800-253-0191 TDD>VOICE 1-800-253-0195 VOICE>TDD February 11, 2005 Randy Hart 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation Wastewater Management Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 Telephone: (802) 879-5656 RE: WW-4-2332, Create 2 lot subdivision from the existing parcel 4.nd construct a 3 unit condo building in a newly created lot., Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on February 10, 2005, including a fee of $832.50 paid by check #802. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 45 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. For the Division of Wastewater Management Eileen Brady -Whitney Environmental Technician cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Douglas Goulette Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington SD-04-88 & SP-04-48 Dear Ray: Jody Carriere, P.E. Patricia Coburn, P.E. Jason Dattilio, L.S. Doug Goulette, P.E. Doug Henson, L.S. February 2, 2005 Roger Dickinson, P.E., PTOE Gail Henderson -King, ASLA Len Lamoureux, P.E., L.S. Andrew Rowe, P.E. Brian Tremback, CPSSc In accordance with the Development Review Board's decisions of January 18, 2005 we are hereby submitting three sets of the revised plans for the above referenced project. The following is a summary of the changes: Final Plat Decision SD 04-88 Condition 1 &2 - No response needed. Condition 3 - The sidewalk is shown in the location agreed to with Brice Hoar. Condition 4&5 - No response needed. Condition 6 - responses to the City Engineer's comments of January 13, 2005 • 1 - The width of the driveway has been changed from 24' wide to 20' wide. • 2 - The pipe size has been re -labeled. • 3 - This pertains to the Site Plan only. • 4 - This pertains to the Site Plan only. • 5 - The sidewalk is now shown across the driveway. The remainder of the comment pertains to the Site Plan only. • 6 - This pertains to the Site Plan only. Civil • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Soils • Wetlands • Surveyin j Mr. Ray Belair February 2, 2005 Page 2 • 7 - This pertains to the Site Plan only. Condition 7 - responses to the South Burlington Water Department comments of January 13, 2005 • 1-4 - These pertain to the Site Plan only. • 5 - A note stating the an easement to the City of South Burlington along and across the new paved driveway to Lot 2 has been added to the plans to provide the City Water Department access to the individual unit curb stops on Lot #2. • 6-14 - these pertain to the Site Plan only. Site Plan Decision SP 04-48 Condition 1 &2 - No response needed. Condition 3 - Plan Revisions • a) The width of the driveway has been changed from a uniform 24' wide to 20' wide from Shunpike Road down to the building. In front of the building, the drive has been widened to 26' wide. • b) A bicycle rack has been added to the plan adjacent to the dumpster enclosure. • c) A snow storage area has been added directly uphill of the stormwater infiltration area. • d) 1- The width of the driveway has been changed from a uniform 24' wide to 20' wide from Shunpike Road down to the building. 2- The pipe size has been re -labeled.. 3- The open cut has been removed from the Site Plan. 4- The buildings are not proposed to have basements. 5- The sidewalk is now shown as continuous across the proposed driveway, and the sidewalk detail on Sheet 2 has been revised as requested. 6- Recycled concrete is not proposed as the road sub -base. Mr. Ray Belair February 2, 2005 Page 3 7- The pump station and force main have been relocated. After meeting with George Dow at Bill Szymanski's request, we have added notes on Sheet 4 requiring that a spare, duplicate, grinder pump be on site at all times, that a pump station alarm be placed inside each of the three units on Lot 2, and that contact information for the homeowners association be provided to the City of South Burlington Pollution Control Department e) 1-The allocation application has been sent to our client to be signed and submitted. 2- We have added a note on Sheet 3 in regard to water meters. 3- We have added a note on Sheet 3 in regard to meeting the CSWD/SBWD construction specifications. 4- We have added a note on Sheet 3 in regard to backflow preventers. 5- A note stating the an easement to the City of South Burlington along and across the new paved driveway to Lot 2 has been added to the plans to provide the City Water Department access to the individual unit curb stops on Lot #2. 6- We have added a note on Sheet 3 in regard to the water tap. 7- The utilities meet the separation requirements. 8-10 - it is understood that the water lines and services for this project will be private. 11- We understand that one set of the three sets accompanying this letter will be forwarded to the Water Department for review. 12- The note added to sheets 1 and 3 requires that the Water Department be notified prior to backfilling. 13- No response needed. 14- Record Drawings will be supplied to the Water Department upon completion of construction. Condition 4 - See 3d above. Condition 5 - See 3e above. Mr. Ray Belair February 2, 2005 Page 4 Condition 6 - No response needed. Condition 7 - A construction cost estimate prepared by Mr. Hart and his bank is attached. Condition 8 - A landscaping cost estimate prepared by Gail Henderson -King, a landscape architect with our firm is attached. According to Table 13-9 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the construction cost estimate of $350,000 requires a landscaping budget of $9,500 ($250,000 x 3% + $100,000 x 2%). The proposed landscaping budget of $13,750 meets this requirement. Conditions 9-11 - Our client is aware of these requirements, and is responsible for them. Condition 12 - No response needed. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. Sincerely, 4a__O� Doug Henson, L.S., E.I. cc: Mr. Randy Hart P:\2004\04070\final-site approv response.wpd 01/19/2005 14:39 FAX 978689872( HART NE REALTY 2001 giiN ENGLANo REALTY Randy Hart Broker / Owner 111116-.5- �Q�a2 ►'Y1(Z- �eNSo�� y o e�S/a l/� ° ) A is vn o(Z IBC/ A5,q,2 d I r�G r, o oQ C Nv ✓ `�J j 6 , r C o vv� {� l .e�TC 1�,Q41� � ��r�1 �3 �6 0� - 3�ood ��' c'o P As roll Qoo_ 3 v N ITS ] ,Telw oKk- and GI�AVe� �Ag�RP(r�c el" S, Qa`r(ysT�aM���� �G `�► u N tiS T9�dNoo 3 p doe- `� o U o C7'l O 7'S PI R�4-� J � v c�o het S�Ted c n � 264 Broadway • Methuen, MA 01844 • Tel: 978-689-8700 • Fax: 978-689-8720 www,hartnerealty rnm Hart A ?rty Landscape Estimate of Probable Cost Prepared by Gail Henderson -King, ASLA, Landscape Architect October 2004 Item Botanical Name Icommon Name I Size Unit Cost I Quantity I Subtotal Trees AS Acersaccharum 'Green Mountain' Green Mountain Sugar Maple 2 1/2" - 3" Cal $625 4 $2,500 AL Amelanchierx laevis Alleghany Serviceberry 1 1/2" Cal $545 9 $4,905 FP Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore' Patmore Green Ash 2 1/2" - 3" Cal $550 2 $1,100 MA Malus spp. Crabapple 1 1/2" Cal $250 6 $1,500 PS Pinus strobus White Pine 5' - 6' Height $185 5 $925 TC Tsuga canadensis Canadian Hemlock 5' - 6' Height $300 6 $1,800 Shrubs PM Pinus mugo Mugo Pine 24" - 30" Height $60 3 $180 PM Prunus maritima Beach Plum 24" - 30" Height $50 3 $150 SB Spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Anthony Waterer Spirea 24" - 30" Height $40 6 $240 SY Syringa vulgaris Lilac 30" - 36" Height $90 3 $270 VD Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood Viburnum 24" - 30" Height $60 3 $180 Total Costj $13,750 LOCATION PLAN N TS GRASS _ SWALE PUMP STATION ALARM PANEL RUBY B. YAWS FAMILY .._.-, TRUST N/F onL. 506. PG. 242 SEVER PUMP STARD RIM ELEV 335.5 6' INV. IN 32830 ZONING DISTRICT IC NOTES 1. THE PERIMETER BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS BASED ON A PLAN ENTITLED 'PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER AND NANCY BAKER AND SHEILA BOWES. 123 k 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT DATED 6-30-95' BY VAUGHN G BUTTON, LS. 2- THIS PLAN IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ABUTTER PROPERTY LINE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "DIGSAFE" AT BUILDING SETBACK 1-888—DIG—SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. EXISTING DWELLING SIDEUNE OF PROPOSED EASEMENT 9 IPF IRON PIPE FOUND I P. AHERN 3 POOL HOUSE I I I I PATRICIA A VAUTIER I N/i VOL 217. PG 382 .IE IRON PIPE SET qT� ® I -L- EXISTING WATER LINE. GATE VALVE AND HYDRANT I I I Oft � EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE AND POLE I ( I I I � —S—�- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNE AND MANHOLE —--- I - --G----?-\--- EXISTING GAS UNE EXISTING TREE N—W— PROPOSED NEW WATER UNE Al. GATE VALVE I I P W. SPENCER AND NANCY L BAKER I I,' PROPOSED NEW WATER SERVICE AND CURB STOP / ( 1 1 VOL Mr. 6 172/ i I I N I —§ {�— PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEWER UNE AND MANHOLE / ( // // 1 ( I PROPOSED TWEE LINT CONDWNIUM BUILDING i I ) // // 3 PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEWER SERVICE I rl 1 i i i / I ST PROPOSED NEW STORM PIE (4) 3' DIA. I , M PROPOSED NEW FORCE MAIN CEDAR -„� I I I /^� .. / / 6' MAPLE // I I I I 0 [. 2 O PROPOSED NEW TREE •,F / 3 AL CEDAR HEDGE / / / / I - - PROPOSED NEW 5' IPS / I / / -------S WADE CONCRETE I —G PROPOSED GAS SERVICE r i --� --1 I --J SIDEWAl1C PROPOSED SILT FENCE 1 180' 3 AL ' 33]0 3 TC _ r I IPS 8' APPLE r \ 'T'�r_� - ' 130 / \� IPS EllI I I EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM ELEV 352.OT STONE CHECK DAM 70 WATT META HALIDE U(NT I IYAC 1 AS -� f-- \\ I !r INV. IN (FROM EAST) 335.57 !r INV. IN (IRON SOUTH) - 334.77 NEW BUILDING MOUNTED s 10.(R. / m I 1 \\I i/ POPLAR53 18' MAPLE /—s� e� `I I 8` 1 I 8' INV. OUT - 334.67 I p ELEV..3S9 1 i I i.0. ELEV. 1ryDN T.O. FNON 339 EUCV.-341 / I I I I I 14' APPIE ^ �\ Fj `\S V - EXSTNG B' 0.I. SEWER SERVCE / / GARAGESLAB 9LAR m AM I ( I 1` I Iw ---- / I / ELEV. EIEV. .338 -338 / IY I 1 S I i i` Z I/ 0 5 / MQ SIO 3 12 INv IN I 338.0 I \ ---_ I6 +I mill I 1\ I RIM - EXISTING SANITARY RIM SEWER S w / g ) I MANHOLE - ELEV - 352.07 yY I G 3 P I I I 12' APPLE I I I ' / 12MAPLE / / \ / I M } 3$Tbp(ADE�LNOE 3 Sa / I I I ` I EXISTING 4' GAS UNE PROJECT DATA / 336.5 2 MA W / -PROPOSED 5' DIA. SHRUB P4RrEL u2r. PG 515 / DUMP RE SEWER MANI/OLE /1 'E / I PROPERTY LINES I I S' DIA LILAC 1. 1.21 ACRES. VOL 670. n ENCLO�LIhE ELEV. 7, 33B.7S 1 I I 2 Z9tlMfi.P1SR-4 I810E 24' WIDE PAVED KIM 4' INV IN 329.00 2�3 I / \ ( LOT 1O 1 FP ' I I I /DRIVEWAY 5' I.6JT 32&lb A. I I I I \ 1 I 13,000 S.F. I I I I 3, LOT COVERALL \ / I I I I EXISTING I CONCRETE WALK N I I TOTAL &lIlDI1G COVERAGE TOTAL COVERAGE (' 26 P FORCE MAIN I L 4 -as2, I N I I RESOLUTION REALTY AREA PROPOSED ALLOWED PROPOSED AILOMED I 1E�� £ / / 3 MA / PROPOSED ( } 40' ACCESS I. I I I PARTNERSHIP N/F `AL- LOT 1 LOT 2 T;,000 SF ]a.690 SF 2,161 4F 10.610 200J[ 3,181 Y (8.0%) 2GOR 2.516 SF tzwx) 4GOf 11.073 SF (27.911) 4GOi I I %0 / ) EAASEMENT TO I I 439. M 357 I L I 3 AL / /IPS - IPS I 4. MINIM IN R IIR D SCTBACN4 LOT / /�• / _�/ / (I / EXISTING SHED ® FRONT & REAR 30 FEET SIDE 10 FEET / 39.690 S.F. $ / _ % I - I I I E)OSDNG MARBLE ZONING 3 STRICT PROPOSED INFlLTRATON / / I / \ - - _ I POSTS AND SHRUBS Tp BE REMOVED. 5. PARKING SPACES R TEMWATER AREr (ANDD IENPORARY SEDIMENT / / I / 1 EXISTING MAIL BOX EOUIRLTY, LOT 1 - 2 SPACES PER D.U. PMND DURING CONSIAUCTON) / / N 1\ -. - - - - - _ _ _ I LOT 2 - 2 SPACES PER O.U. i 1 SPACE PER 4 D.U. BE RE D REPlA�11E0 TED EDGE OF EXISTING GRAVEL D(OVEWAY I I sTARIuzED �-ENTRANCETIOU PROVIDED: LOT / - 2 SPACES. 1 INSIDE, 1 OUTSIDE 20" ASH I SIRVCRON LOT 2 - 6 SPACES. 3 INSIDE. 4 OUTSIDE / I AllS & UT1 TIES w I PROVIDE SERVICE SADDLE 2" - WATER AND SANITARY SEWER ARE MUNICIPAL ICT � � I AND COPPER CORPORATION INCLUDES ON -SITE DETENTION AND CL INFlLTRATON. I ILT R INFILTRATION. / / R 4 3 NIA I - - �/ _ W I W \ IAND WATERAPI PIPE. NEW 12 6 % E/ `TIC FM vu uANCvE•--..- I 1 I I CONNECT NEW 3" FORINTO 310' \ \\ 5' TALL H OCK UBS I " I EXISTINGTING SEWER EVER MAIN. _ SEE DETAIL ON SHEET �E ~ 15' SPRUCE ❑ PF I H ZONINIS dSTRICi IC I EXISTING MAN. .E / I INSTALLED OVER \ ( I EXISTING WATER MAIN IPF \ EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE \ I Q N EDLUND COMPANY, INC. \ RIM ELEV -VT50 N \ 1 O \ a- INV. IN (Fl(OM EAST) 336.41 \ 1 I GRAPHIC SCALE VOL 4788PG. 682 \ 6' INV. IN (4--* SOUTH) N) - 336.24 \ I I \ 8' INV. OUT 376.14 \ I 1 \ \ \\ I I \ I INVESTORS ( INOr FEET) \ 1 �.. I " I COR VERMONT 1 LOcb = 20 1t 1 Z I I N/F KaIF lootaffl-I Name Common Name Duane 81sa litemarks mas S Acersacchanan 'Green Mountan' Green Mountain Sugar Maple 4 21/2" -3" Cal B&B, Minimum B' 6ranching height L Amelanchier x I.W. Allegheny SeNceberry 9 112'CM B&B, Minimum 6' branching height FP F.Ainus nns venica 'Patmore' Patmore Green Ash 2 21/2' -3' Cal B&B Minimum (ttinarching height MA Me/us spp. Craba ple 8 1 1/2" Cal B&B, Minimum El'branching height, sae cultieens'Robinson' and'Lieet' S I'mus stlob- White Pine 5 5'-e'Height B&B C Tsuge canademus Canedan Hemlock 6 5'-6'Height B&B M1rubs PM P/nus mugo Mugu Pina 3 24"-30"Heiht B&B PM Prunus mentime Beach Plum 3 1 24' - 30" Height B&e SB Spines x bum e/de 'Anthony Waterar' lArthory Waterer Spires 8 24'-30'Heiht B&B BY Syringe Vulgens Lilac 3 30"-Nr Height B&S D V(blTmum dentatum Armwsood T/IbDmem1 3 1 24' - 30" Height B&B I I VOL. 364, PG. 635 I = I E IV .�-11 I I I I Is�y/�;(4��� 1 Q I I d LVVI I -- .- I I � - `` ei11►'f., A � � D , ,^f',o. Burlington 6a11 Arrrllll VVV OWNER/APPLICANT RANDY HART 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD NORTH ANDOVER. MA 01845 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT 1) UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM BEST AVAILABLE SOURCE AND MAY OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF EXISIINO UDUTIE5 AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITY, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOV SHOWN HEREON, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY NEW TAP LOCATIONS AND SHALL CONNECT ALL UTIUTIES TO NEAREST SOURCE THROUGH COORDINATION WITH UBUTT OWNER. 21 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING VEGETATION, PAVEMENT, AND STRUCTURES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WOK UNLESS NOTED ON THESE PLANS, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH FORM STE UPON OOMPETION OF CONSTRUCTION. MY SURFACES, UNEH S OR STRUCTURES MIC HAVE BEEN DAMAGED BY ME CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH T EY WERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. 3) SEE OTHER DETAIL SHEETS OF THESE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 4) ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE 2001 VERMONT AOENOY OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLNGTON PU8UC WORMS SPECIFICATIONS AND THESE PLANS 5) A MINIMUM OF OE -WAY TRAFFIC SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONIINHIOU" TWO-WAY TRAFFIC WILL BE REWIRED AT NIGHT, PEAK -HOURS, AND WHENEVER POSSIBLE DURING ACTUAL CON STRUCTON ACTIVITIES. IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER, MUNICIPALITY OR ENONEER. A UNIFORMED TRAFFIC CONTROL OFFICER SHALL DIRECT TRAFFIC DURING PEAK HOURS, TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SGN9 AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE NTH STATE AND CITY STANDARDS 6) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPON98LE AT HIS OR HER OWN EXPENSE FOR ENSURING MAT THE DUST CREATED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT CREATE A NUISANCE OR SAFETY HAZARD. VMUE AND WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WET SECTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA NTH WATER. APPLY CALCIUM CHLONDE. DR SWEEP THE ROADWAY WITH A POWER BROOM FOR DUST CONTROL. 7) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF STARING ANY WORK, CUTTING PAVEMENT, BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION OF ANY UTIUTES, BRINGING IN ANY NEW GRAVEL OR STONE FOR ME NEW BASE, PAVING, ALL TESTING, AND FINAL INSPECTION, IN ORDER TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE NTH THE PUNS. B) PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 9) ALL FILL SHALL IE PLACED IN 6 INCH LIFTS AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY AASHTO T-" STANDARD PROCTOR. AND SHALL BE TESTED AT 500' INTERVALS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 10) BACKFILL UNDER PIPES IN FILL AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 952 OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. THE PIPES SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED OVER ADEQUATELY COMPACTED SOILS. 11) ME SILT FENCES CHECK DAMS, AND DITCHES SHALL BE INSPECTED, MAINTAINED AND RUMRED BY ME CONTRACTOR AFTER EVERY RAINFALL UNTIL ALL OISTUREIW AREAS HAVE BEEN PAVED OR GRASSED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES LULL INCLUDE ME REMOVAL OF ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENTATION. I2) THIS DESIGN MUST BE INSPECTED BY LAMOUREUX AND DICKINSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE NM THESE PUNS. LANDUREUX AND DICKINSON WAIVES ANY AND ALL RESPCNSIBUTY AND LIABILITY FOR PROBLEMS THAT ARISE FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DESIGN INTENT THAT THE PLANS CONVEY, AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY ME CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT THE MONKS AND TESTS IN PROGRESS. 13) ALL SLOPES, DITCHES AND DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH. CLEAN AND FREE OF POCKETS WIN SUFFICIENT SLOPE TO ENSURE DRAINAGE. ALL JOINTS SHALL SE THOROUGHLY O.EANED AND EXISTING COATED NM SAW CUT E%19nNG BIT. BIT. PAVING EMVLSFIED ON ONE OR ASPHALT PROM PAVEMENT PRIOR TO PAVING BOTH SIDES TO PAVING 1'-0' THICKNESS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT OR MIN. A MINIMUM OF 1 1/� Ci TYPE II OVER 2 1/2' OF TYPE I BASE COURSE _ THICKNESS OF EXISTING GRAVEL E%ISiNCi `o,• OR IF' MINIMUM DENSE GRADED -GRAVEL. BASE. CRUSHED STONE PER VT. STATE - ,o ��,• SPEC. 704.03 TINE O, TRENCH 1. SETUP AND MAINTAIN SONS AND OTHER SAFETY CONTROL DEVICES. 2. RESHAPE HOLE AND PATCH AREA BY CUTTING NTH CONCRETE SAW INTO A SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR SHAPE. CUT SIDE FACES VERTICALLY. RESHAPE DOWNWARD TO SCUD MATERIAL AND AROUND HOLE TO SOUD PAVEMENT, 1 BACKFILL TRENCH IN 6" LIFTS AND COMPACT EACH LIFT TO 25% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASTM 0698 STANDARD PROCTOR. 4. REMOVE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND THOROUGHLY SWEEP THE HOLE AREA CLEAN OF MUD AND STANDING WATER. 5. APPLY LIQUID EMULSION (RS-1) TO VERTICAL FACES IN A UNIFORM MANNER. DO NOT PUDDLE EMUL90N ON BOTTOM OF THE HOLE. 6. PLACE TYPE II BASE COURSE PAVEMENT A MINIMUM OF 2 1/2' THICK. 7. FILL TOP OF HOLE WITH TYPE III BITUMINOUS CONCRETE AND COMPACT IN LIFTS OF NO MORE MAR 2'. FINAL LIFT 9H0AD BE 1/2' TO I' ABOVE ADJOINING PAVEMENT BEFORE COMPACTION SO MAi AFTER COMPAC71M THE PATCH IS LEVEL WITH THE EXISTING PAVEMENT. EACH LIFT SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED NTH A VIBRATORY PLATE COMPACTOR CR A VIBRATORY PORTABLE ROLLER. EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN THAT 15 TO 20 PASSES ARE REQUIRED NM A VIBRATORY ROLLER AND A MIX TEMPERATURE ABOVE 250 DEGREES F ARE NECESSARY TO ENSURE GOOD COMPACTION. HAND TAMP SHOULD ONLY BE USES FOR SMALL AREAS (LESS MAIN 1 S.F.). B. CLEANUP AREA. DO NOT LEAVE EXCESS FILL OR EXCAVATED MATERIAL ON ME PAVEMENT REMOVE SAFETY SIGNS AND DEVICES. REPLACEMENT_ OF EXISTING BTTUiVIINOUS PAVEMENT NTS )IT EDGE OF EXISTING RENT BACK A MINIMUM HE 1) FOOT. CLEAN ))A WITH EMULSION TO PAVING, INTERSECTION CONSTRUCTION DETAIL'A' NTS B'-10' VARIES <s (TEXTURED)TEXTURED d"' ROADWAY OR � j1 SDEWMI( SURFACE SIDEWALK RaulNIOwc � RAMP N LANDING SECTION A -A • SIDEWALK RAMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL STREET INTERSECTIONS WHERE NEW SIDEWALKS AND CURBS INTERSECT. • MAXIMUM DESIRABLE RAMP SLOPE - 1"/FT. SIDEWALK RAMP WITH TEXIURED SURFACE A � --;A r: SOEWALK..................CRASSROADWAY E SIDEWALK RAMP TYPE I N.T.S. TEXTURING NOTES: 1. ALL SIDEWALK RAMPS PROVIDING ACCESS TO AN ADJACENT ROADWAY SHALL RECEEVE AN APPROVED TEXTURED TREATMENT WHICH SHALL BE SIP -RESISTANT AS WELT. AS DETECTABLE BY CANE BY ME VISUALLY IMPARED. 2. VEXTURN0 SHALL EXTEND ME FULL NON AND DEPTH OF THE RAMP. 1 TEXTURING SHALL CONTRAST NM THAT OF ME SURROUNDING SURFACE. APPROVED TEXTURED TREATMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: A. FOR PORTLAN0 CEMENT CONCRETE RAMPS: EXPOSED AGGREGATE 5URFACE. ME METHOD FOR ACHIEVING THE EXPOSED AGGREGATE SURFACE SHALL COMPLY WITH PROCEDURES SPECIFIED BY APPROVED VENDORS OFF ETE RETARDING ADDITIVES USED FOR TINS B. BRICK SURFACES MAY ALSO BE USED FOR BON BITUMINOUS CONCRETE AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE RAMPS, GRADATION REQUIMENGWIS MATERIAL SIEVE PERCENT (x) E2L PASSING 2" 100 x CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR SUBBASE I $4 60-Io0 N ]0 x VT SPEC 704.0SA FINEN N1OO 0 12 % DW ] ,/Y DID Z Y Ra-laax CRUSHED STONE DENSE R7a4.06 2'75-100% VV SPEC 1/2' ,/]' '_SO 30-Cox F4 13-Max A2o0 0-6 x F6 00 x SANG FOR CEMENT MORTAR ISS 15-40% VT SPEC 704.13 N1oo a-10x poo o-5% ]' 100E SAND BORROW Axa CUSHION VT SPEC 70105 1 1/2" 1/Y tM-Iaox 70-LOON H so-loax N,aO µm 6-2D x " x J 1 1/2' Mm TYPE III SEE SITE PLAN FOR GRADING -\ 2• THICK TYPE II SLOPE TO MATCH FINISH -DENSE GRADED CRUSHED MIRAFl 500% FABRIC GRADE OF PAVEMENT GRAVEL BABE AS PER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) VT. STATE WE UNDER GRAVEL 1704.0fiA FINE TYPICAL DRIVE CROSS SECTION HIS NOTES: 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY PUBLIC WORKS REOUREMENTS, THE 2001 VERMONT STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND ME APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2. EMULSION WILL BE PLACED BETWEEN ME BASE AND FINISH COATS OF PAVEMENT WHEN THE FINISHED COURSE IS NOT PLACID WITHIN 5 MONTHS OF THE BASE COURSE PLACEMENT. 4' TOPSOIL AND PLANT DENSE GRASS S' THICN STANDARD 6" THICK DRIVES VARIES - SEE STE PLAN B. 5 3500 PS TYPICAL 4' TOPSOIL AND ] CONgREIE PLANT DENS: GRASS 1 WALK SHUNPIKE ROAD 1 /4-/FT. f 3 G' THICK CRUSTED GRAVEL PER VT STATE SPEC 11704.05A FINE NOTES WHEN SIDEWALK IS CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO CONCRETE CURBB. PLACE ASPHALT TREATED FELT NOTRS, BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND CURB. 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 3.500 PSI AT 28 DAYS AND SHALL BE MR ENTRAINED NM AN ADMIXTURE PRODUCING AN AIR CONTENT OF 5111 TO 7% BY VOLUME. 2 HALF NOTXNCH CEEDING TWENTY SVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL FEET ((20'). 90EWMKS SHALL BEBSCORED TOAA DE3TM AOF ONE INCH (I") EVERY FIVE (S') FEET. CURB AND SIDEWALK SECTIONS SHALL BE SEPARATED BY A PREMOLOED JOINT FILLER. 3. AFTER THE INITIAL CURNO PERIOD IS OVER! (APPROXIMATELY 28 DAYS), ALL EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS OF Mn-SPALUNG COMPOUND. CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. FINISH GRACE UNOISTURBm SOIL BACKFlLL NN APPROVED Z E%CA VAMATERIAL i THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6' LIFTS ME SIDES OF TRDNCNES Y 4 FT. OR MORE IN DEPTH SETHE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "DIGSAFE' AT ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL BE SHEETED OR IF COVER IS LESS THAN 5 1IV. PLACE 4' NICK INSULATED 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. SLOPED TO ME ANGLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOARD. WHICH IS SUITABLE OF REPOSE FOR BURIAL OVER PIPE. 12' D S GUTSEDE APPROVED ROCK FREE BACKFILL- COMPACTED N W LIFTS (NO 6• AMETER OF PPE) STONES LARfITR MAN 1 1/2' 0 OIAMETER) L ME CONTRACTOR SHALL AT REVISIONS ALL TIMES KEEP ME TRENCHES ENTIRELY FREE OF WATER THES[ PLANS WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD / OF UNTIL ALL WORK IS FINISHED ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: SHEETS 3/8' CRUSHED STONE AND READY FOR BACKFLwNG p SKETCH/CONCEPT Bmgxa O PRELIMINARY LEDGE PAYMENT LIMIT FIN AL 5 UNDISTURBED SOIL D" FEET 0 RECORD DRAWING TYPICAL STORM TRENCH NTS RANDY HART; 251 SH UNFUM ROAD SOMME BURLINOTON V81RIIdIIl7f design DLLE DETAILS AND PP/8 SPECIFICATIONS decked ABRAM ` ei L1ef,f" e xe. - :,Ff,, 44rflP��Y4,; DRIVES AND SIDEWALKS T. LARROEBYUX & MCEIQSON 14 MWBII D"�RN�, 3—BHI—V'NMASS T*1B1iR1170 no. {�W F// i WATER LINE SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 GENERAL: This itan .'an cane.( or the Inbaipmert , aqu, a material required for the,complete construction of the walermains and servkes Much Mee Include e—VOtlon, bxkRiinq, pips. valves, W ., hydrwt.. elbow., reducers, and all other oppurlenance. ay for a .,pill. wakarmaln aylem a indfcaLed an th. a l -pi.d bowing.. All material. and fn$talalbn. Mal be approved by the local municipawater authority. 1.2 WATER SYSTEM MATERIALS: A. VALVE BOXES: valve do.- MWI be of the ..at iron 3-pi.. id. type wlln a top Rang., five and one quarts Inch (5 1/4•) short and six foot IS') trench depth. Vdw boxes Mal have a oast Iron oo ma,ea lawd "WATER' and it Moll Indicate the dir-ttan of op.ning. Th. ba. atxR endure fit tinge and be dirt -tight wish the top fivah with the top of the Mx rim. B. CORPORATIONS Co"'wation Mall be WCLwrvrarka Braes and monufa Clured in accordance with AWWA CB00. Corporatlano .hall have MuNls threads, oclopted as AWWA Figure / 1, athe Milt and a compreeabn-type Riling at the Outlet. Both Inlet and wUat MoII be of the some alit. Corporou.. Mall be used fa all tap. larger than three -fourths man (3/4) in diamwler. 2' n iUan3 �o bathirrectly toppex Into when Iran pipe larger thou qa Inches (2-) upping allow d v Iw is used, sholl a top be made and o —W.U- in.taied without the use of a loppng .odd.. CorporciLl.n. Mai be Must. H-150M or equal. G CLMBSTWS CurbWll wholl be a quarler-hum, plug- Valve with an 'O' rNqq-type lea and What be manufactured of moterworka Brass n o<cordonce with AWWA CB00. The curbslop sholl open loft and nova a positive stop. No c—.top ..I have the ability to drain IM s lino Bath inlet cud 00 of ter. ryN.lopp Mall haw oompr.aalo -typo llu.g.. The tee hedd of the curb- stayy Malt have provlslon for the connectlan of a servka rod. Curh.Lops Mal be Mueller H-15209 err aq-1. (Muller 300 Boll Valves ore not aa.wt.N..) 0. COPPER Copper laying Mal by typo W, -ft-temper, conforming to ASTM BBB. The name Or trademark of the manufacturer and type Mal be stamped at regular lotarvaio along the Pip,. E_ CURB BOXES AND RODS Curb boxes Mal be of the eliding gdyelablrlyye capable of ad),.Ung ham five feet la ol. feet (5' - e'). fie base of the In. Mal be a'ch-I,pe .o dealt. 11TV the Ina. /ram ,..telg aracby On the cu rb.t p. The edjuatdel upper section hall Inone i M (I") in alemeta Is. use with three-IWrths war ana Inc, (3/4' antl 1') cwbetoD,. For largo ourbstopa. the vpper emotion shall be ere and ana-fourth. in Me. (1 1/4') in diameter. Slatiwary fade ofxed to the key of the curb.tap Mai M thirty inane/ (30') Fn (24 far three -fourth! chat one nag (3/4' and I) urbstaps and twenty-Idur Inches (24 ) for long., rb.tape, Th. cover of the box Mal be by 'Muell tw with the Ma- hole .aver. Tha wad 'WATER" Mel Ina inscribed an the cover of the boz Bath lM .over and the upper section of the box Mal Ins abl, to be located with an ,.quo-typs meta locola. C. FELD TESTING E.eapt ere atnerwiw d—W., olI pipainale anal be ..led. Pips— laid m excavollon err beaded In concrete shell be tested odor to backRllnq Or the placing of waste, and any exposed piping Mdl be tested prior to veld panting. The Contractor Mall Iu%inh all douche, !eating plugs. eopa. and all other necessary equipment cud I* Or to perform leakage and prewwur. teat in actions f on applawtl length. Enah vatI— eectlon a a maximum of one th—and feel (1,000') of the pipe Shall be tested. NI waW raaul;ed for testhq Mal be patch,. NI testing shall be conducted 1, the prsaenae of that Engines. Far the pro— test, the Contractor Mall develop and malntoln 200 pound, par /ware nah k, two hours. Falurs to hold Lha dadg-NKI Kee— far the two-hour period .an.ULut- a foil.,. of In..-tion lasted. The Iarkage test Moll be performed entiy With the pressure taaL During the Laat, the Contractor —11 a ths qu..I ty of water required to maintain the test pressure. Leakage Mall not exceed the quantity given by L . SO (Sgare root of P) / 133,200 . Ww: L Leakage n gollw./nour S = Length of proollne tested D - Diameter of pipe In Inches P - Avsage teat pressure In psi NI telling Mai M conducted 1n accordance with AWWA C-000 latest revision. Should any -,I of tM pipe fats either Ne preswre err lackag. tots, the Contract - Mall do everything necu'a- to locate and rwxpoll cr replace the defective p0s. lilting,. ar joint. at era e.p... to tin. awns. D. DISINFECTION: Chlari xim of the ot—in $hall be conducted Only after Ins m n has been lushed and a clear stream Is obtonwd ox determined by the E.9hod, a The Contractor WHO furnish all labor. equipment material., and tool, non .wary W disin feel [era pip. ana p .,w, nea, in ttadonu dh ma AWWA Standard far Ol,lnfectIng Watermaln.. _o51, with the exception of the tablet method. The method of dianfacHan Mall be by thew atkw,... lead mathpa unleaa otharwiaa appmwd by the Engines. After filling. R.Milg, and the addition of chlorine solution, the ha tlgalne concentration within the pipe Moll be at least 50 mg/1. The cNorinoleat .hat r in the m n for a Period of at Iwa.l 24 hours. At the and of thi. par". the tree tad woler In al portion, of the main Mall not haw a rwal of .as than 10 the En 41 eOf er�The drfr.. tNanl dleinfeotiw !halt be performed ands the lixervbbn of g Prods...hdi be deemed ao«vtable only after (2) somplaa of water from the RuMad, ai.iniontad 'a in taken by the Engineer and tested at an approved laboratory show no wkwnoe of bacteriological aonte nnatlon. Ol,lnfeodan shall conform to the latest AWWA C-651 redskin. fie pipeline and opp,Remon, I Moll be ,antaned in eantrrninoted condition Y foal occ.planca Dien/setiOn Mal Ina repeatedwher war Minr. requited 0era experae to the Omer until final adcaptance by the Owner. uNCHMRBm SOIL SACKFUL NTH APPROVED ENCAVATED --- THOROUGHLY COP M IN e" UFTS ME SIDES a MENCI ES b ♦ R. CR MORE W oEPM ; IF PLACE 1' 11HIIX W9lUmGN ENTORE3 BY PERSONNEL — K sN EETED OR SLOPED TO THE .WOLF ----- - - - - - - BOARD. WIICH IS $UITA9IE Fat BDAAL OVER PIPE. hN a REPGSE 12" ve LCCARE TMS,µAt Inv[ ,.Vat MC = ♦ e APPRDKD Fir FIRE BACNFlLL MOROUGXLY {'0. 19 QU19DE DIAMETER a APE) COMPACIED IN 6" L— O S—Es "9kw O LM , aANEIFR) b 1 --- O --- t ME COW1RACiOR SnntL AT —_ W.. — ME rM.Po CS APPROVED GRAVEL OR SAND FCR D.I. a EHlHFREE OF WATER INTIL¢ALL W IS M!IHOD 3 i aNOS,wD STaxE dR 3/e• ro 3/4� WUSNm CRAVEL GOL PVC AND —1 FOR BAgKII-1 PIPE urasnexaED SOL D+2 FEET LEDGE PAYMENT Lbal TYPICAL WATER TRENCH NIS I^ W -1 PIPE DIAMETER H W D 0-6" D+8" D+8" B-12" 2D 2D I 12-36" D+12" D+12" CONCRETE ENCASEMENT DETAIL (RMW i ,1 EXISTING 24' WATER LINE STYLE CURB 80. HEEXACORExRNL PWO: GENERAL WITH 1 FOINDME9 Nil. 410M OR APPROVED EQUAL SERVICE CM O MEETING OF INSTALL A KARCAL f.VTME NECK"LOOP I 1 ING RE IREMENTOI REOUIRENENIS 11 I I Nu H-10200 O I I a S TOP OR Ou Si APPROVED APPROVED EQUAL C.MDOE BRASS, 2"aT//4' BRASS 2' COFFER CONPfE940N TEMPORARY PM � Finelo iFE NO � 150-HCH3 tXt 0- TYPE MEQUAL MR PROVEG EQU/ 4X W X ,e" SOLD WATER SERVICE DETAIL CONCRETE BLOCK N TS ALL WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES FOR ALL WATER SYSTEMS OWNED BY THE CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT. THE CITY OF SOUTH_ BURLINGTON. COLCHESTER FIRE DISTRICT, AND THE VILLAGE OF JERICHO. THE SBWD SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING TO INSPECT ALL JOINTS, FITTINGS, MAIN LINE TAPSr APPURTENANCES AND WATER LINE CROSSINGS. THESE PUNS WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: I/ OF SHEETS C] SKETCH/CONCEPT E7 PRELIMINARY FINAL 5 C] RECORD DRAWING LANDSOP proj. no, le•p70 RANDY HART 251 SHUNPIKEROAD SOUTH BURLINOTON VPRMONT de.fgn DLH DETAILS AND ,-. n n'n'bn$ SPECIFICATIONS ABIRJEBR/D26 IG =ti~ n' %111- f� S No. * - welt �: o,; 0f. ID,smhm,`.,• WATER date uzga LAMOUREUX ! IRC�QSON C—dit.R Keheer4 E.. uuaaendt. Er.s 3—lae, VT 63452 a0ala chi'�i .era. 3 r SANITARY SEWER SPECIFICATIONS I SANTART SEVER PIPES SHALL BE OF THE SIZE ANO TYPE INDICATED ON ME PLANS. APES INSDE THE PUMP STATION SHALL BE SCH 40 OR BO PVC, FORCE MAN PIPE SHALL BE SOR 26 PVC AM GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE SON M PVC. 2) ALL BACKFLL SHALL BE PLACED IN 8' LIFTS. AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO %95 OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AT GPTMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D698 STANDARD PROCTOR. 3) ALL NEW GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER INNS SHALL BE LEAK TESTED BY A LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST AND DEFLECTION TESTED. THE LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST WILL BE USED TO SIMULATE INRLTRATION OR-EXRLTRATKN INTO OR OUT OF ALL GRAVITY SANITARY SEWERS ALL TESTING WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE ENGINEER. AI R TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WTH ASTM C628-80. THE MINIMUM ALLOWED TIME FOR A PRESSURE DROP FROM 3.6 PST TO 2.6 PSI SHALL BE 0.7 MINUTES PER 100 FEET OF 6' SEWER. AFTER THE FINAL BACKFILL HAS BEEN IN PLACE AT LEAST 30 DAYS, THE DEFLECTION TEST MAY BE PERFORMED. NO PIPE SHALL EXCEED A DEFLECTION OF NINETY-FIVE PERCENT (95 %). IF THE DEFLECTION TEST IS RUN USING A RKRD BALL OR MANDREL IT SHALL SHALL HAVE A DIAMETER EQUAL TO % 95 OF THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE THE TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED WMOHT MECHANICAL PULUNC DEVICES. ALL MANHOLE AND PIPELINE MATERIALS, METHODS AND TESIINO SMALL BE N ACCORDANCE WIN TOWN AND STATE STANDARDS AND THESE PLANS. 4) ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE TESTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE INVERT BY THE VACUUM TEST METHOD DESCRIBED N THE TECHNICAL SPEOFICATIONS. FOR MANHOLES UP TO 10' DEEP THE MINIMUM ALLOWED TIME FOR A VACUUM DROP FROM 10" TO 9" IX MERCURY SHALL BE 2 MINUTES. S) ALL GROUT SHALL BE BLOC( BOND OR A SIMILAR WATER -TIGHT, HIGH STRENGTH BONDING GROUT. A STANDARD STRENGTH MORTAR GROUT (SAND GAR CEMENT) IS UNACCEPTABLE. I �FYi�L�IMTi7� I. THIS DESIGN MUST BE INSPECTED BY LAMOUREUX k DICKINSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THESE PLANS LANDUREUX h DICKINSON WAIVES ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR PROBLEMS THAT ARISE FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS. AND THE DESIGN INTENT THAT THE PLANS CONVEY, AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY ME CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT ME WORKS AND TESTS N PROGRESS. 2. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MTIFWNG THE ENGINEER AND THE DTY FOR INSPECTION OF ME WASTEWATER SYSTEM AT APPROPRIATE STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTACTING THE ENGINEER ARE LISTED BELOW. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO DETERMINE THE IOWN'S REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTION OF EACH OF ME FOLLOWING ITEMS, THE FORCE MAIN PRESSURE TEST - FUNCTION OF ME PUMP STATION 1 N A TILTE'R7AT A 1kTf4W 1. ONCE PER YEAR THE PUMP STATION SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A QUAURED PERSON. THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE VERIFIED AND ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS, CLEANING. OR OTHER MAINTENANCE SHALL BE DONE. 2. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN WATF]R-CONSERVING FIXTURES (TOILETS WITH MAX. 1,6 GALLON FLUSH AND SHOWERHEAD AND FAUCET AERATORS WITH MAX. 2 GALLON PER MINUTE FLo.), 3. THIS DESIGN INCLUDES ONE OR MORE STRUCTURES THAT MEET THE DEFINIPDN OF A 'CONFINED SPACE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL A CONFINED SPACE BE ENTERED EXCEPT IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH OSHA REQUIREMMTS. NOTE: ON CROSS-COUNTRY MANHOLE FRAME a COVER SEWER LINES, RIMS SHALL NEENAN R1642 LEBARON BE A MINIMUM O 8' ABOVE LC266 OR EOLAL FINISH GRADE. NO PARGING Of NMRIOR FLASH GRADE RMWWWK W JOIN15 WITH MORTAR $HALL BE ALLOWED GROUT FRAPE ro WIsm ADJUST BM WITH CONCRETE RISERS AST REIN�OiU GONC. MANHOLE COME -a MININ POLYPROPYLENE IY.ARIC IWNCS WIN 1/2' WADE 60 STEEL REINFORCEMENT OR i¢IAL, 11' a.G PNEEAST CONDREIE $ELF AND INVERT 1' RIM[ (MAX.) WANULAR VAOT SPEC TDCOB LIDW UMIT�YENT COAT DWRIW OF CONCRETE WITH NO (7) COATS Of WATCNIMR EENANT 3'-0' SEE iEOFIGTIWS fOR W i[91IN0 REOINELENIS a rtwD Ku... DA—T N ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. I C-N3 AND AS.T.LL C-M OR BUM ROPE -NFIDEo $TEFL LURE FAWIC VARIABLE STANDARD LENGTHS Sv TNaMC O ]'- PWO LENGTHS 1z• CONCRETE BAST MN 2, �/` %/i `/� W �') �y'\` MGHT• 3/8• TO 3/4" µ • s• ae CRUNED s10NE REDOING FAQI WAY OD KOt W.E UMEatOKE T:HG FE OFXCAV TO LATTS EXCAVATION TYPICAL PRECAST SANITARY MANHOLE NTS FINISH MADE BACKFLL WITH APPROVED EXCAVATED MATERIAL THIXRGUGHLY COMPACTED N a'UFM ME SIDES OF TRENCHES ♦ FT. OR MORE IN DEPTH ENTERED BY PERSONNEL — SHALL BE SHEETED OR SLOPED To THE ANCLE OF REPOSE APPROVED ROCK FREE BACKFLL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN a" _c LIFTS (NO AN UNDER MAN 1 1/1" DIAMETER) 3/4^ CRUSHED STONE ILL F MANHOLE CHANNEL NTS USE PVC PPE OR PRESSURE TREATED 2" X 4' TO MARK LGCATION AND DEPTH OF _ SERVICE CONNECTION, EXTEND FROM PLUG TC 2' ABOVE FINK GRADE 4" MINIMUM SERVICE SUR 35 PVC CONNECTION UEDCE PAYMENT UNIT TE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT L TOMES KEEP ME 1REN01EG DNnRELY FREE OF WATER UNL ALL WORK IS FINISHED ANC READY FOR BACKRLLNC X PAYMENT LINT UNDISTURBED SOL —/ - ", • • "• - TYPICAL SANITARY SEWER TRENCH NTS NTS 3• GALVANIZED VINYL MATEO VENT CAP MM BRONZE SCREEN 36' 3' GALVANCED STEEL VENT RPE PNNTEO GREEN SLOPE AWAY FROM POMP STATION \ S " 0.01 46" I.D. PRECAST RENFORCEO CONCRETE MANHOLE - ASTM C470-eD 5.5' MIN COVER PSI CONCRETE CAST IN PLACE T FLEXIBLE GASKET \ SOLID SLEEVE CGWI.NC' O-RING RUBBER OASNET IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-443 AND ASTM C-301 AT ALL JOINT$ OR $UM. ROPE NONCIU1HIO 6A$ MINIMUM T NIGH TEMPORARY PLUG LEDGE PAYMENT MIT SLOPE 1/4'/FT SANITARY SEWER MAIN SEE SEWER 1ENO1 DETAIL FOR SEWER MAIN AND SERVICE BEDDING DETAILS SAMTARY SEWER ALUMINIUM ACCESS HATCH OR APPROVED EQUAL MINIMUM OPENING TO BE 30" X 30' DR AS RECOMMENDED BY PUMP MANUFAMRER. COVER SHALL HAVE LOCKING HASP PUMP STATION SPECIFICATIONS L ME PUMP STATION TANK SMALL HAVE SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TD ACCOMMODATE ME REWIRED PUMP, THE SPECIFIED DOSE VOLUME, AND THE NECESSARY EMERGENCY STORAGE VOLUME, VOLUMES AND CORRESPONDING CONTROL HEIGHTS ARE BASED ON AN INSIDE TANK DIAMETER OF 72", 2 LAMOIREUX h DICKINSON RECOMMENDS ME USE OF A STEEL -REINFORCED. 4.000 PSI HEAVY DUTYCONCRETE TANK CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND H-20 WHEEL LOADING HOWEVER, ME OWNER, AT HIS/HER OWN DISCRETION, MAY USE AN ALTERNAME STRUCTURE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RULES ] ME TANK AND ITS RISER(S) SHALL BE WATERTIGHT (SEE TESTING SPECIFICATIONS). THE 4" TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL FADUTIES AND PERSONNEL FOR CONDUCING ME FOLLOWING OF n MULCH DISTURBED AREAS LEST. THE PUMP STATION TANK SHALL BE TESTED BY FIWNC TO A POINT AT LEAST TWO (2) HANDLE LOCKING INCHES, BUT NOT MORE THAN THREE (3) INCHES, ABOVE THE POINT OF flISFR CONNECTION TO HASP THE TOP OR THE TANK. IT MLL BE NECESSARY TO PLLNO THE INLET AND OUTLET IF THESE ARE NOT STILL SEALED. A STABIUZAnON PERIOD OF ONE (1) HOUR SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALLOW FOR ABSORPTION. AT THE END OF THE STABILIZATION PPERIOD, THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE REFILLED IF NECESSARY THE LEST OF TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS SHAH THEN BEGIN DURING B"PRO 4" 5'u NFMA 4R L ONION 1 �� .UNCTION 0x GATE VALVE 0' STANLE9; STEEL LIFTING CHAIN STAIMLSS STEEL. PIPE SUPPORTS BALL CHECK VALVE 63D OALLGI STORAGE 3.0 ]^ SOH 40 GAR BO PVC 1 /4' WEEP HOE ,,.. a TYPICAL fLOA SWITCH ...".. TYPICAL PUMP STATION DETAIL e• $T35 PVC FRO. BIJIlDINO \TYPICAL CAST IN PLACE FLEXIBLE GASKET —PROVIDE STAINLESS STEEL VERTICAL PIPE SUPPORTS WITH 3/4' STAINLESS THREADED ROD ANCHORED INTO WETWELL EVERY 3' ON CENTER (MIN. OF 2) 3" GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE VENT 72' I.D. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE - ASTM C476-66 LIMITS TO SOUR SEEK COUP 12' AROUND PUMP STATION THE TEST, THE STRUCTURES ACCESS PORT(S) SHALL BE COVERED TD PROTECT FROM RAIN AND INFILTRATION. AT THE END OF ME TEST, MERE SHALL BE NO VISIBLE OR MEASURABLE EXFILTRATON OR INFILTRATION ESSHALL TRATION OR THE TT ALL BE CONSOEREO FAILED. IF ME TEST FALS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIROR REPLACE THE STRUCTURE AND RE -TEST AT NO EXTRA EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. 4. THE PUMP STATOR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF FREEZING OF SEWAGE IN THE PIPES OR STRUCTURE. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT UMITED TO PROVIDING A DRAIN KOLE TO ALLOW ME FORCE MAIN TO DRAIN BETWEEN DOSES. 5. BACKFILL SIDES AND TOP OF TANK WIM SAND OR BRAVO- ALL BACKRLL MATERIAL AROUND THE TANK SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 96X OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ME AASHTO-T-99 STANDARD PROCTOR. 6. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATONAL ELECTRIC CODE AND MATERIALS SHALL MEET U.L APPROVAL, 7. AT A MINIMUM, ME FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH THE PULP STATION; -ALARM, FLOATS, CONTROLS -NENA 4 JUNCTION BOX -LIGHT AND AUDIBLE ALARMS -MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH -LIGHTNING PROTECTION 8. DESIGN FLOWS! 3 RESIDENTIAL UNITS A 210 GPD/UNIT - $30 CPD MINIMUM STORAGE REQUIREMENT = 630 GPO 9. PUMP S'ECFICATIGNS HEAD LOSSES; 3' SON 26 PVC O 60 GPM 385' OF FORCE MAIN 2.3 FT STATIC LIFT (337'-32W) - 13.0 FT VALVES AND FITTINGS - 5.4 FT TOTAL HEAD LASS - 21.0 FT NNE DISCHARGE RATE - 50 GPM USE ONE (1) GRINDER PUMP, SI NQLE PHASE, 230 VOLTS, MINIMUM CAPACITY; 60 GPM O 21 FT TDH. 10, THE CONTRACTOR AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE PRESENT DURING START-U�THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WATER SOURCE TO PERFORM A FULL OPERATIONAL CHEW OF THE PUMP STATION, INCLUDING ALL FLOAT FUNCTORS. ALARMS, AND INDICATOR LIGHTS. THE PUMP SHALL BE FIELD-TESTED TO INSURE ME PUMPING CAPACITY MEETS ME PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 3' SCH 40 OR' SCH 8o PVC 4000 PSI CONCRETE l NM % 30' CPENOR OPENING OR AS RECMMENQED BY PUMP CENTER WE a OVA TER WATERLCE) TEMPORARY THESE PLA05 WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: • 18' TNT. PLUG O SKETCH/CONCEPT NEW WAHRINE OR SEANCE 3 sDR 2a PVC FORCE MAN CONNECTION O PRELIMINARY FINAL cwTCR DRxL ffPlo p+�QqA RECORD DRAWING CATCH UNDER SEWER OQ O" LANDB OF BASIN MAIN TNN 'AZS OR MINIMUM 5' MA HOLE SEPARATION RANDY HART ISNRR ONE LLMGM O PITS 9TRMUCTUR OVER SEWER EXISTING B' 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD 8CRITH HURLENOTON VERMONT A.C, SEWER SOR 26 PVC IER NEW WAaE OR SERVICE 46 SWEEP FITRNo ♦T�T� DETAILS AND •tY MIN. ; SDR 35 PVC SERVICE SADDLE SPECIFICATIONS • IF 18" OF VERTICAL SEPARATOR CAN NOT NEW SEWER PIPE BE MNNTNNED, ME SEVER LINE SHALL BE (CENTER N1II1 WE IDIOM CONSTRUCTED TO WATERLINE STANDARDS, A SEE SEWER TRENCH DETAIL FOR SEWER NAN AND SERVICE SANITARY d DER rATERLNE) 41NIMLN OF 20 FEET BEYOND EACH SIDE OR BEDDING DETAILS IIILIISFA ,�4 0( ).F� F, 20 FEET BEYOND EACH SIDE OF THE CROSSING. \ /�� 1!\,' ), � LAMOUREUX ! D10MSON �,l—L 1, ` sort n SEWER / WATER SEPARATION DETAIL SANITARY SEWER == (" *= FOR CROSSINGS FORCEMAIN CONNECTION"g 'TeLU247"3D NTS NTS AF0111 LIB TT CIE "4" rur -y TTMA9PD 91 w TO TURF ESTABLLSIIIviENT SPECIFICATIONS ALL DISTURBED AREAS MAT 00 NOT HAVE AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (PAVEMENT. SIDEWALKS, ROOFS) OR ARE NOF LANDSCAPED WITH BARK MULCH. SHALL BE STABILIZED NEW GRASS COVER, ALL SEEDING AND MULCHING FOR ESTABUSHING NEW GRASS COVER SHALL BE COMPLETE PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 15, PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL AND THE APPLICATION OF SEED. FERTILIZER, LINE (INHERE APPLICABLE), AND MULCH SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WIRE THE FOLLOMNO P I. A MINIMUM OF a OF APPROVED TOPSOIL SHALL SHE RACED IN All AREAS. PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL SHALL NOT Q FINISH CRUDE OF BE DONE WHEN ME GROUND OR TOPSOIL IS FROZEN, EXCESSIVELY WET, OR OTHERWISE N A CONDITION DETRIMENTAL TO THE WORK. FOLLOWING PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL ME SURFACE SHALL ENE LL RAKED. ASTONES, LUMPS, ROOTS, RASB-LINED ((D SWN1 M STONE -TIRED WA'E. OR OTHER 0&ECTIONAL MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED. 9 1 URBAN SEED MIXTURE SHALL BE SPREAD UNIFORMLY N ALL AREAS AT ME SPECIFIED RARE B• MN 3. Ifs IRA FERTILIZER SMALL SE APPLUED ONLY AFTER PERFORNNO A SOL E¢S7 AND BE APR.ED BASED UPON SOL DEFICIENCIES LINE SHALL ONLY BE APPLIED AS NEEDED BASED UPON A SOL PH TEST. 4. MULCHING SHALL FOLLOW LDW THE SEEDING OPERATION BY NOT MORE THAN 24 HOURS, MULCH SHALL BE SPREAD 10 O• ANGLIM aEaR 'ToNE FILTER FNBHC Le' ' FILTER FASRC UNIFORMLY OVER THE AREA AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 2 TONS PER ACRE SITE CONDITIONS MAY WARRANT THE B 3144 TO APPLICATION OF A TACKFlER TO HOLD THE MULCH N PUCE. IF NECESSARY TO RETAIN THE MULCH, ME CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY AN APPROVED TACKIFER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. NNGLILAR GF.AH STONE SECETOTTA-A SBC77ONSB 5. ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3H:1V SHALL HAVE EROSION MATTING APPLIED OVER THE SEED. ALL DITCH CENTERUNE GRADES GREATER MAN 59 OR AS SHOWN ON ME PLANS SHALL HAVE EROSION MHATTNG APPLIED OVER THE SEED, EROSON MATTING SHALL COINSST OF EROSION CONTROL BLANKET RIM 10OX AGRICULTURAL STRAW MATRX STITCH BOUNDED WITH DEGRADABLE THREAT) BETWEEN TWO PHOTODEGRABA13LE POLYPROPYLENE NETTINGS NORTH AMERICAN SISO OR EQUAL & THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A FULL GROWTH OF GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RE -VEGETATED. VEGETATION GROWTH SHALL BE PERMANENT AND SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT EROSION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF PRECIPITATION. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING AND CARNO FOR SEEDED. MULCHED, AND AREAS OF ESTABLISHED VEGETATION UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ME WORK BY THE OWNER. STUMP DISPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS ME TREES THAT MUST BE OJT WILL BE USED AS FIREWOOD. ME STUMPS. BRUSH. AND EXCESS UNSUITABLE EARTH WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT ME LOCATION DESIGNATED BY THE FNONCER AS A Sli DISPOSAL AREA WELL ABOVE ME SEASONAL HHICHH WATER GR HAULED OFF-STE TO A STATE -APPROVED LANDFILL. IF ON-STE STUMP DISPOSAL IS WHAEMENTm, THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SHALL BE MET: I, WHENEVER POSSBLE. STUMP DISPOSAL SITES SHOULD BE LOCATED ON NEARLY LEVEL TO MODERATELY SLOPING LAND$ (SLOPES LESS THAN 1211). 2 DISPOSAL SITES WILL NOT BE LOCATED IN OR OMN 100 FEET OF ROWING WATERCOURSES OR STREAMS OR IN ACTIVELY MOGNC DILLIES. 3. DISPOSAL SITES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN FLOODED OR FLOOD -PRONE LANDS, MARSHES OR OTHER AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS. 1. ON CHANNEL SLOPE A SLOPE, I 1 lDE OF STONE 4OF DOWNSLDPE . ELEVATION (L-1ATSLOPEA ttEAN $TOTE PR yQ�E� OFZL6 I. STONE WILL BE PLACED ON A FILTER FABRIC FOUNDATION TO THE LINES. TIRADES AN LOGPONS SHORN IN THE PUN, 3. SET SPACING OF OEGH TAUS TO ASSUME THAT ME ELEVATIONS OF ME CREST OF ME DOWNSMEAM DAM 5 AT THE BABE ELEVATION OF ME TOE OF THE UPSTIEAW DAY. !. PROTECT TIE CHANNEL DOWNSTREAM OF ME LOWEST CHECK OATH FROM SCOUR AND EROSION WIN STONE OR LINER AS P N ATE. 4. ENSURE THAT CHAMEL APIAU HANCES SUCH AS DAVERT ENTRANCES BELOW CHECK DLMS ARE NOT SJE ECT TD DAMAGE OR BLOCKAGE FROM DISPIACEU STONES. 5. ME EON 5 RESPONSIBLE FOR PREMENTNO CLOOGND / B—ON OF THE STONE CHECK G DURING AND IMNEDATELY AFTER CONSMUCRON, UNTIL THE PROECT'S PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLS ARE N PLACIE DECETATON ESTABLISHED. STREETS PAVED, ETC.) AND THE PROTECT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER. IF NECESSARY, SOME SHALL BE CLEANED OR BEALACEO TEMPORARY STONE CHECK DAM DETAIL 9 4. STUMPS WELL BE PLACED ON ME SITE N A SIMILE UFT PRIOR TO BACKFLLIND. WHEN AOOITIONA. STUMPS ARE TO BE DEPOSITED ON ME SAME SITE, EACH SUCCESSIVE LAYER OR LFT OF STUMPS WILL BE BACKFILLED. 5. A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET (27 OF OVERBURDEN WILL BE PLACED OVER ALL DISPOSAL SITES f I :MAuN I—_` m URBAN MIX GRASS SEED oRA�s L ;'°D ;„ ' S BY WEIGHT LBS LIVE SEED PER ACfl TYPE OF SEED AN / 31.5 45 CREEPING RED FESCUE (/ DEPTH vAR[e a AEI e, AWP 37.25 37.5 KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS----- _� 31.25 }].5 HUNTER HARDY, PERENNIAL OPP 100 120 11 LAVE R SEED PER ACRE BNALE HART SLOPE TO DRAM WTN Lvl NOTE. URBAN SEED SHALL BE SHABE USED IN ALL AREAS AAND OATO fT�, WAx. a FT/FT 1 E STOHHE FOR ORAOES IN EXCESS 5 0.015 0.06 itAl (e A SEQUENCING OF EROSION CONTROL BY THE CONTRACPOR LWORCCIAMUCEECNPlEN EROSION CONTROL A) SUITABLE TREES THAT MUST BE MAINTENANCE A) ME SLT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED 1) CLEARING & GRUBBING CUT WLL BE USED AS FIREWOOD. AY REGULAR INTERVALS AND FOLLOYRNO STUMPS SNAIL BE DISPOSED OF AS EVERY HEAVY RAAND REPAIRED RAJ ALL, SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET. OR REPLACED AS NEEDED. B) THE TOPSOIL ON THE SITE SHALL BE STOCKPILED WITH CONTINUOUS STAND SILT FENCE AROUND ME STOCNPLE 2) STAB LAZED CONSTRUCTION A) INSTALL AT PROJECT ENTRANCE A) CLEAN MUD DEPOSITS AND ADD STONE AS NEEDED. ENTRANCE 3) SILT FENCES h A) STONE FILTERS SMALL BE PLACED A) ME SILT FENCES OR STONE SMALL BE STONE FILTERS AROUND THE INLET OF CATCH BASINS AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. INSPECTED AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND FOLLOWING EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL REPAIR B) SILT FENCES SHALL BE PLACED OH REPLACE AS N®ED. MEASURES TO IN DRAINAGE AREAS AS SHOWN ON REMAN IN PLACE UNTL ALL DISTURBED ME PLANS. AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND 0000 VEGETATIVE COVER ESTABLISHED. 4) DISTURBED AREAS A) DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED N ALL A) APPLY MEASURES AS FIECLESSARY AREAS. CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR WATER DURING DRY WEATHER. MAY BE USED. B) REORAOE OR REPAIR MATERIALS AS NEEDED FOLLOWING RAMS OR SPRING THAW. 5)TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL A) SILT FENCES AND STONE FILTERS A) THE SLT FTCES, AND STONE FILTERS AID SMALL BE PLACED ALONG PERIMETERS SEdNENT BASIN (STDRMWAIER DETENTION BASH) WHERE STORMWATER RUNOFF IS LIKELY TO OCCUR AS SHOWN ON ME PLANS OR AS SHALL BE INSPECTED AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND FOLLOWING EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL REPAIR OR NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION . R TLFEACE ASS AND EDEDSILTFESNCEINSSSHHALL REMAIN IN PUCE UNTIL ALL OISTIRRBED AREAS ARE FINISHED B) STORMWATER DETENTION BASINS SNAIL BE B) THE DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE DISCHARGE USED AS SEDIMENT BASINS TO COLLECT POINTS ON ME STE SHALL BE MONITORED DUMP RUNOFF AND SETTLE SEDIMENTS DUMNO CONSTRUCTION. OR IMMEOMTELY AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT FOR SEDIMENT LAOEN, DISCOLORED WATER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR ADD TO THE PREVENTION MEASURES TO ELIMINATE ME DISCOLORATION FROM WATERS DISCHARGING OFF ME PROJECT STE. 6) WETLANDS (IF APPLICABLE) A) PROW TO BEGINNING ANY EARTHWORK. TEMPORARY SILT FENCES SHALL BE ERECTED A) ME EROSION CONlR0. DEVICES AND MAIDS SHALL BE INSPECTED AT REGULAR ALONG ME EDOE OF THE WETLANDS. HEAVY INTERVALS ANT) FOLLOWING EVERY RAINFALL. THE EQUIPMENT ACTIVITY SHALL TAKE PLACE UPSLOPE OF THE EROSION CONTROL CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN, MAINTAIN OR REPAIR ME EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS NEEDDED TO MEASURES MERE SHALL BE NO ALTERATION, PREVENT SEGMENT FROM REACHING THE DISTURBANCE OR OTHER ACTIVITIES MMIN THE EXISTING WETLANDS EXCEPT AS SHOWN WETLANDS. ON THIS PLAN. 7) TOPSOIL AND SEEDING A) THE REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS SHALL A) VISUAL INSPECTION FOR GRASS BE TOPSOILED, SEEDED AND MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ME SPECIFICATIONS ON COVER, RE -SEEDED AND MULCHHED AS NECCESSARY. THIS SHEET. EVERY EFFORT SMALL BE MADE TO SEED AND MULCH DISTURBED SOTS WITHIN 48 HOURS OF PLACING ME TOPSOIL 8) DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE S®ET) ANDTMULCHEO UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL TYPICAL SPECIAL DRAINAGE SWALE TUTS PLAN NO ES: I. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MANTANEO IN A oGNDITI01 ANKH MILL PRMNr TRACNNO OF SET)- ONTO WBLIC RIGHTS -Of -WAY. THIS MAY RECUIRC PEA DEC TOP DRESSING WTH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CCNNTANS DEWING AND RFPNR AND/OR CHEWROHT aANY YG9-TES USED r0 TAM "IMENT. SLAMOR TRACT®, S = OR WASHED ON ro PAWLIc WGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY THE CONTRACTOR. E. DUST USE OF GUILD THE MiMMOPES OR WATER WAY BE NECESSARY TO OONTR0. 3. P�RDE APPROFRIATE TRA.B— —EN B .11 CONSTRUCTION M TINGE AND PUBMG BDNT-CIF-WAY. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT !��®SIT®9�NlipN�.mAMY1■.ro- E �NNaN�,■MN■■ BE INTO GROUND Mares I) USE ONLY MANUAL METHODS OF INSTALLATION AND CIEANNG W THIN WETLAND AND BUFFER ZONE 2) PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION OR EARMMONNG ME CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A CONTINUOUS SILT FENCE -TRIM STREET TREE$ AY ME LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE BROWN ON ME STE PLAN. TO PROVIDE EI FT / 2 METERS 3) FROZEN MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE USED TO KEY IN THE BOTTOM OF ME SLT PENCE. IF NECESSARY. GRANULAR BETWEEN ME GROUND AND BORROW SHALL BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO KEY N THE SLT PENCE RATHER MAN FROZEN NATIVE MATERIAL ME FIRST TREE BRANCH 4) ME CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SLT FENCE AROUND ME PERIMETER OF TOPSOIL STOCKPILES AND AT OTHER LOCATIONS AS NEEDED. TREE TRUNK TEMPORARY SILT FENCE NTS TREE PIT--\ II ZI—OF 8 KKFRMU CH A OA TRUNK MINIMUM CUT AND REMOVE WIRE MESH BASKET. CUT ANT) REMOVE ROPE ANT) OR UNDISTURBED SOIL BURLAP WRAP FAO. TOP WIN RUCIBNALL AFTER PLACEME TIN TREE PIT. FOR ROOTWIVNEILNl7P BURL -P TO ALLOW BREAK APART EDGE OF EXCAVATION W/SHOVEL AND BLEND PLANT M% 3 %BALL dA WITH EXISTING SOL TO PROVIDE SOIL TRANSITION 1. EACH TREE MIST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE TRUNK FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP THE E ROOT BALL TREMARC ES WHERE ME TRUNK IS NOT VISUSLE SHALL SE REJECTED. DO NOT COVER ME TOP OF ME ROOT BALL AM 5011- 2. STAKING REQUIRED DAILY IN SITUATIONS WHERE TREES WILL BE SUBJECTED TO WINDY REMOOIVEED BY TTHMEECONTRAACTOR THE ETHE END OF TRADE W�µTY ECRIOD TAKES SHALL BE 3. TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER PLANTING 4. EXAMINE ENTRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, TREE WRAP, ROPE, STRING AND SURVEYOR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING TO PREVENT GROUND. 5. MERE SHALL BE NO WATERING SERM INSTALLED AROUND TREES. & PLANT MIX SHALL CONSIST OF ME FOLLOWING RATIO: 3 PARTS EXISTING SOIL I PART TOPSOIL 7. TREE PIT TO BE 3 TIMES AS WIDE AS ROOT BALL. e. PRUNE ONLY DUD OR CRUSHED ROOTS AND DEAD OR INJURED BRANCHES. TREE PLANTING DETA L N TS ICE AROUND END POST AND r aY WITAWNC A WOOOEN LAN THROUGH THE FRONT AND iHES as ...... _ �N .......■NONoN�%��\■�L►NN■N.N'. eH "■L■i■NNNNNNNNNNNi'inii NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..■■■ NNNN=C' .■.■.■■■■L■■.■ ■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■n■ n ■■.■■■■■.■■...��__ —"GOO PENCE POBiS INSTALLED NO fT a Cam'•.. ND E: WHERE FENCE 5 REQUITED AROUND TREES TO BE FRESERMD, THE FENCE SHALL W NSTAIIAD AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND SHALL NOT BE ATTACHED TO THE TREE MUM(. CONSTRUCTION BARRIER FENCE NP SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: TOPSOIL SEED, MULCH, AND INSTALL MATTING, CR HYDROSEEO WITH APPROVED BINDER AFTER SURFACE ROUGHENING. SLOPE GRADING NITS REVISIONS ED SKETCH/CONCEPT O PRELIMINARY 5 FINAL RECORD DRAWING LANDSQ+ Proj. — 644170 RANDY HART TRIM 231 SHUNPIKE ROAD SOUTH BLURLINOTON YFRM@Il' de9ig. DLH DETAILS AND aFOWH nwLff SPECIFICATIONS Checked e Z 1�9 '�iy - e IN A `_ a.11 ^ �`� EROSION CONTROL AND LANDSCAPING ta'DJO tl19M LAMOUBET X m IIICMQSON C 6LL�oY.R1r SCale 5 if 'RDPBPEI® `.;: ,, �o I1 E1� VS\ M—OE MYOE. Duw S—lue Um, YTLSN32 TRL'E02.S/LM50 LitePro 2.002 Point -By -Point Results Nov 08, 2004 PROJECT: Randy Hart/04070 GROUP: Project location AREA: Wall - 70W MH GRID: @ 10 feet PREPARED BY: Emily Stear VALUES ARE FC, SCALE: 1 IN= 30.OFT, HORZ GRID (U), HORZ CALC, Z= 0.0 Computed in accordance with IES recommendations Statistics GROUP MIN I 1 MAX I AVE I AVE/MIN MAX/MIN + 0.051 2.33 1 0.56 1 12.30 50.84 Luminaires Used TYPE QTY TEST# DESCRIPTION W3 2 -------- Wall 70W ME,, (1) WAL3 <W25C10M***GMED**>, LLF= 0.72; Y-AXIS 182.40 172.40 162.40 152.40 142.40 132.40 122.40 112.40 102.40 92.40 82.40 72.40 62.40 52.40 42.40 32.40 22.40 12.40 2.40 5.38 25.38 45.38 65.38 85.38 105.38 125.38 145.38 165.38 185.38 205.38 225.3 245.38 265.38 285.38 305.38 325.38 345.38 15.38 35.38 55.38 75.38 95.38 115.38 135.38 155.38 175.38 195.38 215.38 235.38 255.38 275.38 295.38 315.38 335.38 X-AXIS r Page 1 t l GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1) UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM BEST AVAILABLE SOURCE AND MAY OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO PINY UTIUTY, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY NEW TAP LOCATIONS AND SHALL CONNECT AlL UTILITIES TO NEAREST SOURCE THROUGH COORDINATION 'IN UTIu TY OWNER. 2) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING VEGETATION, PAVEMENT, AND STRUCTURES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE TE WORK UNLESS NOTED ON THESE PUNS CONTRACTOR SMALL REMOVE ALL TRASH FORM SITE UPON COMPETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY SURFACES, LINES OR STRUCTURES YMICH HAVE BEEN DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH THEY WERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. 3) SEE OTHER DETAIL SHEETS OF THESE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, REOUREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 4) ALL WORN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE 2001 VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUC"ON, THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON PUBLIC WORKS SPECIFICATIONS AND THESE PLANS. 5) A MINIMUM OF ONE-WAY TRAFFIC SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. CONTINUOUS TWO-WAY TRAFFIC NLL BE REWIRED AT NIGHT, PEAK -HOURS, AND MENEVER POSSIBLE DURING ACTUAL CONSIRUCTON ACTIVITIES, IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER, MVNKOPAUTY OR ENGINEER A UNIFORMED TRAFFIC CONTROL OFFICER SHALL DIRECT TRAFFIC WRING PEAK HOURS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE NTH STATE AND CITY STANDARDS 6) ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AT HIS OR HER OWN EXPENSE FOR ENSURING MAT DIE DUST CREATED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ODES NOT CREATE A NUISANCE OR SAFETY HAZARD. MOE AND WEN DEEMED NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WET SECTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA NTH WATER. APPLY CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR SWEEP THE ROADWAY NTH A POWER BROOM FOR DUST CONTROL. 7) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 24 HOURS N ADVANCE OF STARTING ANY WORK, CUTTING PAVEMENT, BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION OF ANY UT1unis BRINGING IN ANY NEW GRAVEL OR STOE FOR ME NEW BASE, PAMNG, ALL TESTING, AND FINAL INSPECTION. IN ORDER TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE NTH ME PLANS B) PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 9) ALL TILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 6 INCH LIFTS AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO 96X OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED SY AASHTO T-99 STANDARD PROCTOR, AND SHALL BE TESTED AT 500' INTERVALS. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 10) BACMn LADE" PIPES IN FILL AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 952 OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT, THE PIPES SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED OVER ADEQUATELY COMPACTED SOILS. 11) THE SLT FENCES CHECK DAMS, AND DITCHES SHALL BE INSPECTED, MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER EVERY RAINFALL UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN GRASSED AND OR GRASSAND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER THE MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WILL INCLUDE ME REMOVAL OF ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENTATION. 12) THIS DESIGN MUST BE INSPECTED BY LAMOUREUX AND DICKINSON CONSULTING ENCNEFRS. ESSEX JUNCTION. VERMONT TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WIN THESE PLANS. LAMOUREUX MO DICKINSON WAVES ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBUTY AND LIABILITY FOR PROBLEMS THAT ARISE FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DESIGN INRT THAT THE PLANS CONVEY, AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY ME CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT THE VONKS AND TESTS IN PROGRESS 13) ALL SLDPE9. DITCHES AND OISTURSED AREAS SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH. CLEAN AND FREE OF POCKETS NTH SUFFICIENT SLOPE TO ENSURE DRAINAGE ALL JOINTS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND EXISTNG COATED NM SAW CUT EXISTING MT. BIT. PAVING EMULSIFIED SAW ONE OR ASPHALT PPoOK PAVEMENT PRIOR TO PAYING BOTH SIDES TO PAVING! THICKNESS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT OR A MINIMUM OF I I//�� OF TYPE 1E OVER 0 1/2' OF YME 4 BASE COURSE THICKNESS OF EXISTING GRAVEL o ' EXOSTNfT o OR1B' MINIMUM DENSE GRADED •QSAVE. BASE. -I CRUSHED STONE PER VT. STATE ,• r o . SPEC. 704.05 FINE TRENCH EXCAVATION 1. SETUP AND MAINTAIN SONS AND OTHER SAFETY CONTROL DEVICES. 2. RESHAPE HOLE AND PATCH AREA BY CUTTING NTH CONCRETE SAW INTO A SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR SHAPE CUT SIOE FACES VERTICALLY, RESHAPE DOWNWARD TO SOLD MATERIAL AND AROUND HOLE TO SOLD PAVEMENT, J. BACKFILL TRENCH IN 5" LIFTS AND COMPACT EACH LIFT TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASTM 0699 STANDARD PROCTOR. 4. REMOVE AL LOOSE MATERIAL AND THOROUGHLY SWEEP ME HOLE AREA CLEAN OF MUD AND STANDING WATER. S APPLY LIQUID EMULSON (RS-I) TO VERTICAL FACES IN A UNIFORM MANNER. DO NOT PUDDLE EMULSION ON BOTTOM OF ME HOLE. 6. PLACE TYPE II BASE COURSE PAVEMENT A MINIMUM OF 2 1/2' THICK. 7. FILL TOP OF HOLE WIN TYPE III BITUMINOUS CONCRETE AND COMPACT IN LIFTS OF NO MORE THAN 2". FINAL LIFT SHOULD BE 1/2' TO I" ABOVE ADJOINING PAVEMENT BEFORE COMPACTION SO THAT AFTER COMPACTION THE PATCH IS LEVEL NTH THE EXISTING PAVEMENT. EACH UFT SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED WITH A VIBRATORY PLATE COMPACTOR OR A VIBRATORY PORTABLE ROLLER. EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN THAT 15 TO 20 RE PASSES AREWIRED WITH A VIBRATORY ROLLER AND A MIX TEMPERATURE ABOVE 250 DEGREES F ARE NECESSARY ENSURE TO ENRE WOO COMPACRO. HAM TAMP SHOULD ONLY BE USES FOR SMALL AREAS (LESS THAN 1 S.F.). S. CLEANUP AREA. DO NOT LEAVE EXCESS FILL OR EXCAVATED MATERIAL ON ME PAVEMENT. REMOVE SAFETY SIGNS AND DEVICES. REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NISI IG N EDGE OF EX ST— PAV�MLN INTERSECTION CONSTRUCTION DETAIL'A' NTS S'-TO' VARIES ; TEXTURED) TEXTURED IL4 ROADWAY OR I$q SIDEWALK SURFACE R --I,-SIDEWALK ---- RAMP cg • LANDING W SECTION A -A • SIDEWALK RAMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL STREET INTERSECTIONS WHERE NEW SIDEWALKS AND CURBS INTERSECT. e MAXIMUM DESIRABLE RAMP SLOPE - I'/FT. SIDEWALK RAMP NTH TEXTURED SURFACE A A SIDEWALK 1 MI— CUSS ISLAND mOE OF ROADWAY SIDEWALK RAMP TYPE I KT TEXTURING NOTES: 1. ALL SIDEWALK RAMPS PROVIDING ACCESS TO AN ADJACENT ROADWAY SHALL REDEYE AN APPROVED TEXTURED TREATMENT MICH HULL BE SUP -RESISTANT AS WELL AS DETECTABLE BY CANE BY ME VISUALLY IMPARED. 2. TEXTURING SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH AND DEPTH OF THE RAMP. 3. TEXTURING SHALL CONTRAST NTH THAT OF THE SURROUNDING SURFACE. APPROVED TEXTURED TREATMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS A. FOR PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE RAMPS'. EXPOSED AGGREGATE SURFACE, THE METHOD FOR ACHIEVING ME EXPOSED AGGREGATE SURFACE SHAM COMPLY WIN PROCEDURES SPECIFIED BY APPROVED VENDORS OF CONCRETE RETARDING ADDITIVES USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. B. BRICK SURFACES MAY ALSO BE USED FOR BOTH BITUMINOUS CONCRETE AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE RAMPS, GRADATION REQUM MENTS MAIERUL SEVE PERGOHT Eft L2L PASSND r 100 % C FOR SUBBASE 1 I/r N 90-1 Do % 00-do % VT SPEC 70+0 VT SPEC 704.D5A THE Pe0 0-12 % F200 — % /r 100 % T M-loos GEn a1V3Nro STARE r 1• 75-MOOR -�% VfN_ 704.06 /r 30-Bo% IM FARO 0-6 % M Do % SAND FOR CEMENT MORTAR SW 15-4= VT SPEC 704,13 N00 0-10% E000 o- N Y loos SRNBORROW AN O CUSHIONI/2' 1 1/Z' as -Maas c Ta303 H B0-loos F100 0-20 % PDO 0-6 % TYPX:AL SON SIDES - SDESLOPES SHAM NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2 ON I NTH 4' CC MMPACTED TOPSOIL AND DENSE GRASS COVER. VARIES 2 T I/2' THICK TYPE III ' 12' SEE SITE PUN WEARING COURSE- 1 FOR GRACING 2' RACK TYPE II R— SLOPE TO MATCH FINISH LpEHSE GRADED CRUSHED GRADE OF PAVEMENT GRAVEL BASE PER RAFl SOOX APPROVEDD EQUAL) VT. STATE SPEC. ( EQUAL) UNDER GRAVEL i704.05A FINE TYPICAL DRIVE CROSS SECTION NTS NOTES: 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE CITY PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS THE 2001 VERMONT STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS J FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND ME APPROVED ENGINEERING PUNS AND jy SPEDFlCARONS 2. EMULSION WILL BE PLACED BETWEEN ME BASE AND FINISH COATS OF PAVEMENT WHEN THE FINISHED COURSE 19 NOT PLACED WITHIN 5 MONTHS OF IIE BASE COURSE PLACEMENT. S' THICK STANOARO 6' MCI( DRIVES B. 5 JSCO PS VARIES - SEE STE PLAN TYPICAL 4' TOPSCIL AND CON(REIE PUNT OEN9E GRASS 1 WAK 1/4'/FT. SHUNPIKE ROAD 1 3 S' NICK CRUSHED ORAVEL PER VT STATE SPEC 0704.05A FINE NISIEL MEN SIDEWALK IS CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO CONCRETE CURB. PLACE ASPHALT TREATED FELT NfITRR• BETWEEN SIDEWALKAND MRS. 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 3.500 PSI AT 26 GAYS AND SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED WTH AN ADMIXTURE PRODUONO AN AIR CONTENT OF 51L TO 7% BY VOLUME. 2. HALF INCH (T/2') TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING TVIENTY FEET (20'). SIDEWALKS SHALL BE SCORED TO A DEPTH OF ONE INCH (1') EVERY FIVE (S') FEET CURB AND SIDEWALK SECTIONS SHALL BE SEPARATED BY A PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER. 3. AFTER THE INIML CURING PERIOD IS OWN (APPROXMATELY 28 DAYS), ALL EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE TWo COATS OF ANT-SPAWNG COMPOUND. CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL /�/Q{/� N.T.S. "... C.. Of n.SH GRADE UNDISTURBED SOILBACKFILL NTH APPROVEDEXCAVATED MATEMALTHOROUGHLY COMPACTEDIN 6* UFTS ME SUES OF TRENCHES 4 FL OR MORE IN DEPTHTHE SHALLEDRYPERSONNEIF SMALL BE SHEETED OR CE Is ISss MAN 51/2•. PLACE 4' ICK:N INSULATEDOFREO CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'DIGSAFE' AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. i0 NEANQE- OF REPOSE ------- BOARD,WIRCN IS SUITABLE FOIM BURIAL OVER PIPE. jDt2 OLJ APPROVED ROCK FREE BAO A__DIAMETER COMPACTED N e' LIFTS (NOSTOES OFTSIPIPE) LAR(IR MAN 1 I/2O11T THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT REVISIONS ALL TIMES KEEP ME TRENCHES �—ENTIRELY FREE OF WATER TIff5[ PLANS WITH LATEST F6.YISIONS SINGLED / OF UNTIL ALL VARK IS FNISHED ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: SHEETS 3/5' CRUSHEDSTONEAND READY FOR SACKFILUNG SKETCH/CONCEPT BEDDINGHEDGE PRELIMINARY PAYMENT LINT FINAL 5 UNDISTURBED SOIL FEET 0 RECORD DRAWING TYPICAL STORM TRENCH LS � 44-M NTS 77�� TK RANDY HART HART survey iHMB9D 23E SMNP22 ROAD design SOU771 BURLINOTOK VBSMan DI.B DETAILS AND remEs SPECIFICATIONS chM ked ARRI ME 4fA 1`EF��FA' DRIVES AND SIDEWALKS dote J. /f 1025v04 a xe. i LAMOlw= • INC BISON CeI;E �Rw�141Na 9 n0 :;;,P,, "EWe1ERP i� NMtneDli.N ' �T4,.- L.L, ,TNNTMsetleA YTHLSLf1 'hk SOLI7LN10 ("W Sf� Fs// WATER LINE SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 GENERAL; This item anal con-gIn - of Me lobar, sq.,pmwt, ana material -wirm Mr 1st complete wflavuctlan Of Me volern' and services Nhkn riall Indu IC e-Yotkn. bockrding, pipe, valve, tees, hydrants, .Ibor. reducers, and all other os ,,M....Is etetuary to, a crnplels watarmain system a indicated on Me accepted d-ngs. AN materials and inatdlatima Must be approval by the local municipal voter authority. 1.2 WATER SYSTEM MATERIALS: A. VALVE BOXES: Voles bozo. Mel be of the east iron 3-pisoe ii- we it, a top fang., live and one quarter inch, (5 1/4") shaft and Six foot (B') trench d.pM. Val. loxes hot how. d oast Iron w marked 'INA11R' and It shall Indicate the d'eeoll- of opening, The boxes dvdl and.. fittings and be dirt -tight with the top Bush with Me lop of the ba. rim. B. CORPORATIONS oms CorpM.'t. -" be WOLs—o Brow old m nuf.-rad in corcanc. with WWA ACB00. Cgrooratlons shall nave Mudier lhmade. adopted ad AWWA Figure I, at tilt Inlet one a rnprewlan-type filling at the -list- Both inlet and 0uleI 'lees be of Me sun . QW,-bar. Mall be used for all tape larger than three-fwrtha man (3/4) NI d �ter. CMporatlons shall be directly lapped into ductle from ppe larger than two Inches (2-) In diameter. In fie other inatoncs, -hat whan a tapping ieew and vatw I. used. Mall tap be mode and a crpUI Instated IAhwt the um of a lappng -Mo. Corporations Must be Llueser H-15006 or ague. G OURBSTTIPS LYlrostop$ shall be, a quortr-tum, plug -type wIw With an -0- Ong -type tea and Mtll be man. focturad of W to-orke Brow in accordance with AWWA CBOO. Tha -rbstop Mal span left and nave a paaitiw stop. No curbatop Mou hove the ability to drain the 'c. line. Bat, inl.l and ..hot of NI curlslopp Mall have compre.don-type fitWq.. The its head of the curb- el0pp shall how provMbn for the con-Uon of a delvke rod. Curbatapa Moll in Mueller H-15209 of equal. (Must, 300 Boll Val- are not acceptable.) D. COPPER Copper tubing shaU by type')., snR-tempt, ranlnfming to AST). BBB. The name or trad.mork of the mdhafaaturr and type Malt be Mt.m,.d of rpulr Interval. along Me pp.. EE CURB BOXES AND RODS Orb bauea hall be of the sliding odj.t.bM-type ..able of adP.UYq from Rw feet to sex fact IS' - n'), The base of cue ban Mal be oral -type - as to prevent Me box from matnq directly an th. -ah" The wluetade upper eeclan Mau pe one i.M (1-) in dkmetr far use With three-lourth, and one Mch (J/q' ma 1") cvbatop,. Fr larger wrb.tws. the upper section Mae b. an. and one-fourth. Inches (1 1/4') in diamelr. Sto bonry rocs .Nixed to the xey of r...-slap Mop be Mity in— (30-) in IanQth for three -fourths aW are inch (3/4 and 17 cu-slaps oral twenty -lour Intriea (24) for lergsr -elapw The tour of tan box so al be by 'Mueller" rile the No- he. The rud 'WATER- Mae be ir_b. an the w of Ms plc Both Ms m and Ile upper -M. of Us Dox Mal W able to be Iota of wile an aqua-typ. meal lawtr. C. FIELD TESTING Except as atherwiee d-Wo, all pipelines What be Mated Pipil- laid in ez<awlkn r leaded In conret. shall be tested pdr to backfellnq r the placing of can.rats, and any maasad piping shall be Mstad prier to field painting. The ent-Wr Mall furniri all gouges, testyq dug., cop. and all Other nettasa,y equipmant and labor to p.rfrm lee keg. ano per-.u,. lost in ncliane al on oppr.-d length. Each I,— section or maximum of are thousand feel (1,000') of the pipe Mall be tested. NI era lr reguired far testing ehdl be patab.. NI testing shall be cerMucted in the prs.once of the Engineer. Fr the presavc test. the Contract., shall develop and main loft 200 pound, per square inch Ir I.. In. Fall- la hold the designated pressure for the t-m - period conelilutes o 1.1- of Me section tested. The Wakags test Moll be praMm d tl riM tan prsssum Met. Owns the test, Me Contract Wall measure the quantity afywaler rewired to maintain teat prclaur Leakage shall not exceed the quantity qA.. by: L - $D (Sq ,. root of P) / 133,200 w,re. L LeaMage o gollan./,our S = Length of pipeline tested D - Diameter of pip. In inches P Average lea, prewum N pal AO testing MOSS be conducted In accrdance with AWAA C-000 latest revision. Should any section of the pipe fat. either Me poseur. or leakage torte, the Contractor Mae do eveylhinq n wry toI.-M and -.err a, replace the defect). ppe fitting., r pints at no experes to the GWner. D. DISINFECTION: CHlrnatfon of Me-1-Ioin ehotl ae conducted only after the ma n no. been Bushed and a clear stream Is Mtdned as date -tried by the Engineer, The Contractor Moll furnish all lobo, equipment, materiala. and toes necessary M didnfeel Me pipe and pyurlenaneu in occrdana with th0 AWWA Slondard Mrss Dtalnrectlg W.tamr , _ 651. with M< CxttpUon of the tablet meMod. The method of disinfection Man be by Me contnuoua feed method unless oM.-iw approved by Me Engineer. After n1Fng. Bushing, and Me addition of chkrine solution, the free eNrInd, con-tralloft within the ppe shall be at Iwat 50 mg/1. The eNodvat1d volt shas re n Ile m n for a period of at teasel 24 hour.. At Me end of Mis period, the v en t e d 'ra Mr N ee arw AsM prtlon. of the main Mall not haw a r"dusder Me t of Is. Mon the EngNerof k Tore dbntectan dpiroefesa .,all be debited ac¢d pl. only after (per of samples of water from the Bushed, CINIM140W 1016 laksh by the Engineer and tested at an aUpr-d laboratory Who. no Nwanw of occMrlaopfae oantomhgtbn. DI'Infectlon Mal conform to Me lalwl AWWA C-551 reMdan. The pipeline and appurlenencea .hall be maintained in an ontorninoted condition ..IN ern al dccep Lan... Oi.nfscuen Mall be repeated when and wh r. required at no expand* to iM Owner Until NnGI acceptance by the Dimmer. BAWILL WIN APPROVED EXCAVATED MATERIAL THOItOUQa Y COMPACTED IN e' LIFTS ME HIDES OF TRENCHES FT. OR MORE N OEPM fNIER0 BY K SONNf1 91ALL BE HHEFTED ORSLOPED TO TEE ANGLE r "POW MPRGVFO NOON FREE BACKRLL THOROUGHLY COMPACIED IN r FH LASS N1NN111/2- DhAMETGt) APPROVED GAVEL OR SAND FOR D.I. a TGE PIPE, ]�♦' reBND Ban 1ff3/4 OtUSHEO OSAV. FOA PVC r UNDISTURBED SOL D+2 FEET TYPICAL WATER TRENCH NTS PIPE DIAMETER H W D 5-12" 2D 7D 12-36" D+12" D+12" UNOISNRBm SOIL IF aAi IS LESS MAN P PLACE q- Tia0K NSLLATON BOARD, IN IS SUITABLE FOR SUN& OYER PPE, INK �xHE 94LL ol, mKa OKR M[ GD.N • a SO -SpIrV;ERR r plpE) ME cc!4" FTOR SNAIlLL AT fS Keep The TNENc," ENTIRELY ME OF ATM UNTIL ALL WORK IS FNSIAM AND READY FOR BACKISLNO LEDGE PAYMENT UWT CONCRETE ENCASEMENT DETAIL EXISRNC 24' ,I WATER LNE SERVICE SADDLE INSTALL MEETNC CITY OF GOOSE SO. SURUNCTON REQUIREMENTS CANBWDGE BRASS, 2" COPPER 4'.3/q' BRASS CON SSG FITTING RE No. / EQU A50-HIpvEp DN3 G NIPPER SERNEE AL WATER SERVICE DETAIL NTS ALL WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES FOR ALL WATER SYSTEMS OWNED BY THE CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. COLCHESTER FIRE DISTRICT AND THE VILLAGE OF JERICHO, THE SBWD SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING TO INSPECT ALL JOINTS, FITTINGS, MAIN LINE TAPSx APPURTENANCES AND WATER LINE CROSSINGS. _EFEE/ARCH STriE 0.1RB BOX NTH NEXADONAL PUIC; GENERAL VPRGNp EQUAL410Te G MUELLER N-1520s OUR STOP OR APPROVED EOIK B" M ORY'" q' X W X Ir SOLD CONCRETE BLOCK THESE PUNS W1TH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: T CF SH-Us 0 SKETCH/CONCEPT PRELIMINARY FINAL s RECORD DRAWING LANDSCIF Proj. no. RANDY HART IM-o20 TSMM 211 SHUNPEKL ROAD SOUTH BUILLINOTO VPRMCNr design DLH DETAILS AND FIMLE 0011101,11 A L �� ,pJ/16rmt� `�,,� w�P �iiinl•w• SPECIFICATIONS WATER checked AB1sID1G Oat* V2YO4 LAMOUREUX & MCMNSON co I- 14W-Lhh.. Frx]asctloq YT a5152 rs1: sG2J944 m scale 3 f i SANITARY SEWER SPECIFICATIONS 1) SANITARY SEWER PIPES SHALL BE OF ME SIZE AND TYPE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. PIPES INSIDE THE PUMP STATION SHALL BE SCH w OR 80 PVC, FORCE MAN PIPE SMALL SE SEIR 26 PMD APO GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE SOR ]S PVC. 2) ALL BACKFLL SHALL BE PLACED IN B' LIM. AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO X95 OF MAXIMAL DENSITY AT O I)MUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D698 STANDARD PROCTOR. 3 ALL NEW GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER MAINS SHALL BE LEAK TESTED BY A LOW P ESSURE AIR TEST AND DEFLECTION TESTED. THE LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST WELL BE USED TO SIMULATE INFILTRATION OR EXRLTRATNN INTO OR OUT OF ALL GRAVITY SANITARY SEWERS ALL TESTING WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE ENGINEER. AIR MSTINO SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE AM ASTM C828-80. THE MINIMUM ALLOWED TIME FOR A PRESSURE DROP FROM 3.5 PS TO 2.5 PS SHALL MINUTES 0.7 NUTES PER 100 FEET OF 6" SEWER AFTER THE FINAL BACKFXL HAS BEEN IN PLACE AT LEAST 30 DAYS THE DEFLECTION TEST MAY BE PERFORMED. NO PIPE SHALL EXCEED A DEFLECTION OF NINETY-FIVE PERCENT (95 1Q. IF THE DEFLECTION TEST IS RUN USING A ROD BALL OR MANDREL. IT SHALL SHALL HAVE A DIAMETER EQUAL TO X 95 OF THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE. THE TEST SMALL BE PERFORMED WITHOUT MECHANICAL PULUNG DEVICES. ALL MANHOLE AND PIPELINE MATERIALS, METHODS AND TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WIN TOWN AND STATE STANDARDS AND THESE PUNS 4) ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE TESTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE INVERT BY THE VACUUM TEST METHOD DESCRIBED N THE TECHNICAL SPEOFICATIONS FOR MANHOLES UP TO 10' DEEP TIE 44NNUM ALLOWED TIME FOR A VACUUM DROP FROM 10" TO 9" OF MERCURY SMALL BE 2 MINUTES. 5) ALL. AGROUT SHALL BE BLOCK BOND OR A SIMILAR WATER -TIGHT, HIGH STRENGTH ON BDINO GROUT. A STANDARD STRENGTH MORTAR GROUT (SAND & CEMENT) IS UNACCEPTABLE. M TQ nLT nmrllh T I. THIS DESIGN MUST BE INSPECTED BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT TO ENSURE COMPUANCE WITH THESE PLANS LAMOUREUX k DICKINSON WAIVES ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBUTY AND UABIUTY FOR PROBLEMS THAT ARISE FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. AND THE DES" INTENT THAT THE FLANS CONVEY. AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOMMD BY ME CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT ME WORKS AND TESTS N PROGRESS. 2. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBIUFY FOR NOTIFYING THE ENGINEER A THE CITY FOR INSPECTION OF THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM AT APPROPRIATE STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTACTING THE ENONEER ARE USTED BELOW. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO DETERMINE THE TOMS REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION. J. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTION OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ME FORCE MAIN PRESSURE TEST FUNCTION OF ME PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE 1. ONCE PER YEAR ME PUMP STATION SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A W AUFIEO PERSON. THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE VERIFIED AND ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS- CLEANING. OR OTHER MAINTENANCE SHALL BE DONE. 2. INSTALL ANO MAINTAIN WATER -CONSERVING FIXTURES (TOILETS WTH MAX. 1.6 GALLON FLUSH AND SHOWERHEAD AND FAUCET AERATORS WITH MAX. 2 GALLON PER MINUTE FLOW), 3. THIS DESIGN INCLUDES ONE OR MORE STRUCTURES THAT MEET THE DEFINITION OF A "CONFINED SPACE'. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL A CONFINED SPACE BE ENTERED EXCEPT IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH OSHA REQUIREMDJIS. NOTE ON CROSS-COUNTRY —E — fl SEWER LINES, RIMS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6' ABOVE NEENAH R1642, ON UXHWI OR EQUAL FINISH GRADE. ••, NO PARGINO G INTERIOR FNSH GRADE IRNOKwoNN OR JOINTS WTH MORTAR 9WL 9E ALLDAfD ' ORWME i FRA ADJUST RIM WITH TO PoSFR CONCRETE RISERS x4" MN. 16.111. C419 PREGIT RMNfGiCw CONIC. YANHQL COAT ...OR OF WN011— WIN TIO (]) COATI DF WATERPROOF COATI CON -0 WRDR 3'-0• C1P0L POLYPRWYLFNE 9:E 9SORGndl FOfl MH fE9TIN11 PLASTIC RUNGS WITH 1/2' GRADE DO STEEL REQAREMENTe RD OR EGIL,MENT OR EQUAL, o mw nuenIX GASKETAMA N AdXWMIAxAE �� AM AS.TM.' GET AND AS.TAR C-0B1 OP �I SUM ROPE LAGGED STEEL CURE FATEWC 9FLi AND NWRT CAST IN RACE VAR491E RUDDER "WET T M.N. F011 7TANDARO wA1RRTIMIFNOMs COHST. (TIN. ALL RPE9) (1,R] • ♦ rt.) aura ORPNULAR vMIA4[ SACKFUL FDR STRUCTUREf TN10N10 VMi SPEC 701011 p _ RUG IFN9M8 DMAX. MAX (2,] k 1 Ff.) PAT. NT 12. e• 12' CONCRETE BASE MIN. i�� �Y/: /� ENT, HDLNT. ]/B' TO ]/4' CRUSHED SIOIE BEDDING FAGI WAY 00 NOT u: UIEBTOHE WITSOF EICAV DAO FE TO TS cavanox TYPICAL PRECAST SANITARY MANHOLE NIS FINISH GRADE APPROVED ROCK FRO SA WELL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6' UFFS (NO STONES lAROE MAN 1 I/r OAMETER) 2'. RAC III MANHOLE CHANNEL NTS USE PVC PIPE OR PRESSURE TREATED 2' X 4' TO MARK LOCATION AND DEPTH OF_ SERMCE CONNECTION. EXTEND FROM PLUG TO 2' ABOVE FINAL GRADE 4' MINIMUM SERVICE SEAR 35 PVC CONNECTION Y 3' GALVANIZED VINYL COATED VENT CAP MM BRONZE SCREEN 36' 3' GALVANIZED STEF1 VENT PIPE PAINTED GREEN SLOPE AWAY FROM PUMP STATION � S - 0.01 46" I.D. PRECAST — REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE - ASM C47e-D6 5.5' MRI COVER D PSI CONCRETE CASTEN PLACE FLEXIBLE GASKET \ SOLID SLEEVE COLPLNC� O-RING RU66ER OASRET IN ACOORDANCE WITH ASTM C-443 AND A7TM C-MI AT ALL JONTS GM sum ROPE N CN40u mIC OAST N UY 2 HIGH TEMPORARY PLUG 1 SLOPE 1/4•/FT ME= PAYMENT UNIT L•-6" SANITARY WWOR MAN SEE SEWER TRENCH DETAIL FOR SEWER MAIN AND SERVICE BED GNO DETAILS SANITARY SEWER SERVICECONNECTION TUTS THE CONTRACTORSHALL AT SHAAT ALL TIMES KEEP ME TRENCHES ENTIRELY FREE OF WATER UNTIL ALL wORK IS FNISMLU AND READY FOR BACKFTLLNO 0E PAYMENT UNIT UNDISTURBED SOL ." ... TYPICAL SANITARY SEWER TRENCH NTS PAYMENT AWMINIUN ACCESS HATCH OR APPROVED EQUAL MINIMUM OPENING TO BE 30" X 30" OR AS RECOMMENDED BY PUMP MANUFACTURER COVER SHALL HAVE LOCKING HASP PUMP STATION SPECIFICATIONS I. ME PUMP STATION TANK SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO ACCOMMODATE ME REQUIRED PUMP, THE SPECIFIED DOSE VOLUME, AND THE NECESSARY EMERGENCY STORAGE VOLUME. VOLUMES AND CORRESPONDING CONTROL HEIGHTS ARE BASED ON AN INSIDE TANK DIAMETER OF 72'. 2. LAMCUREUX & DICKINSON RECOMMENDS THE USE OF A STEEL -REINFORCED, 4.000 PS HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE TAM( CONSTRUCTED TO WMSTAND H-20 WELL LOADING. HOWEVER, THE OWNER, AT HIS/R1ER OWN OSCRETON, NAY USE AN ALTERNATIVE STRUCTURE INCONFORIMANCE WM THE VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RULES 4" TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH ]. THE TANK AND ITS RISER(S) SHALL BE WAMRTIGINT (SEE TESTING SPECIFICATIONS), THE MULCH DISTURBED AREAS CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL FAQUTIES AND PERSONNEL FOR CONWCTWO ME FOLLOWNG LIFTING TEST. THE PUMP STATION TANK SHALL BE TESTED BY FILUNO TO A POINT AT LEAST TWO (2) HANDLE LOCKING INCHES, BUT NOT MORE MAN THREE (J) INCHES. ABOVE THE POINT OF RIBA CONNECTION TO TIE TCP OF THE TANK. IT WELL BE NECESSARY TO PLUG THE INLET AND OUTLET IF THESE ARE NOT STILL SEALED. A STABILIZATION PERIOD OF ONE (E) HOAR SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALLOW FOR ABSORPTION. AT THE END OF THE STABILIZATIONPPEROD. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE ILE 8" 4" 5 NEMA SIR L uFnOR 1 APPROVED JUNCTION I GATE VALVE j f co' STAHL Is STEEL LFn CHAIN STA LESS STE L PIPE SUP ORES BALL CHECK VALVE fi30 OAL�11 STORAGE 3.0 WO EW FM1C WEEP IleWEEP HOLE 49 TYPICAL FLOAT _ _ •„e„ ,,. SWITCH TYPICAL PUMP STATION DETAIL S' SOR35 PVC FROM SUILDINQ \TYPICAL CAST IN PLACE FLEXIBLE GASKET —PROVIDE STAINLESS STEEL VERTICAL PPE SUPPORTS WIN 3/4• STAINLESS THREADED ROD ANCHORED INTO WETWELL EVERY 3' ON CENTER (MIN. OF 2) 3' OALVANIZED STEEL PIPE VENT 72' ICI. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE - ASTM C476-66 .. UNITS TO SOLID SLEEVE COUP 12i ' AROUND PUMP STAnON Y SCHEo0 SCH 60 PVC 40M PSI CONCRETE RFFI D IF NECESSARY. THE TEST OF TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS SHALL TEN BEGIN. "NO THEE TEST, THE STRUCTURES ACCESS PORT(S) SHALL BE COVERED TO PROTECT FROM RAIN AND INRLTRATION. AT THE ENO OF THE TEST, THERE SHALL BE NO VISSLE OR MEASURABLE EXFILMR ON OR INFILTRATION OR THE LEST SHALL BE CONSIDERED FAILED. IF THE TEST FAILS, THE CWTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE STRUCTURE AND RE -TEST AT NO EXTRA EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. 4. THE PUMP STATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF FREEZING OF SEWAGE IN THE PIPES OR STRUCTURE THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO PROVIDING A DRAWN HOLE TO ALLOW THE FORCE MAIN TO DRAIN BETWEEN DOSES. 5. BAC1ffI11. SIDES AND TOP OF TANK WITH SAND OR GRAVEL.. ALL SACKFILL MATERIAL AROUND THE TANK SHALL BE THOROUWLY COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN SOX OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE AASHTO-T-99 STANDARD PROCTOR. S. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL MEET ME REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AND MATERIALS SHALL MEET U.L APPROVAL. 7. AT A MINIMUM, THE FOLLOMNO ITEMS SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH THE PUMP STAnm. -ALARM, FLOATS CONTROLS :-ALARM, 4 JUNCTION 00X -LIGHT AND AUDIBLE ALARMS -MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH -LIGHTNING PROTECTION 8. DESIGN FLOWS: 3 RESIDENTIAL STORAGE UNITS A 210 ENT = 63 630 CPD NINE MUM STORAGE UNITS x 210CP = 630 GPD 9. PUMP SPECIFICATIONS HEAD LOSSES: 3' SOR 26 PVC 1 60 GPM / / 365' OF FORCE MAIN - 2.5 FT STATIC LIFT (337'-324') - 13.0 FT �f/ VALVES AND RTTINGS - 5.6 FT TOTAL HEAD LOSS - 21.0 FT .J[[ MIN, DISCHARGE RATE - 60 GPM 1(/ t S 4✓/ f USE ONE (1) GRINDER PULP, SINGLE PHASE, 230 VOLTS. MINIMUM CAP e: AYiP CPN�O572T1ypi,T TOM. /W� ' START-U�THE CO�ACTOR SHALGI PROVIDE NA �WAITEER SSOALL URCE TO PER►IQFNN `Q FULL OPERATIONAL CHECK OF THE PUMP STATION, INC MIND ALL FLOAT FUNCTIONS, ALARMS, AND INDICATOR LIGHTS. THE PUMP SHALL BE FIELD-TESTED TO INSURE THE PUMPING CAPACITY MEETS THE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. /{) �MINIMUM ND' X OPENING OR AS RECOMMENDED By PUMP (HMG WATEILWE) TIES[ PURS WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD • le' MN. TEMPORARY PLUGr ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: O SKETCH/CONCEPT SOR 26 PVC NEW WAR — OR SERVICE FORCE MAN CONNECTION El PRELIMINARY o ONE IDROM OF RR 1.�+i FINAL RECORD DRAWING CATCHCNRR B BARN SIN MAINTAIN UNDER SEWER Oa + Q' Nqj' LANDSQF OR MINIMUM S' MANHOLE SEPARATION oFE IENGM (F' PIPE TOUCH RANDY STRUCTURES jALI-�CEN11'A � OVER SEWER EXISTING 6' 171 SFEINPTTB ROAD A.C. SERER SOUTH HILLIALINOYIIIVICTa NEW WATER UE E OR SERVICE MAN SOR 26 PVC SWEEP FITTING . 11J• NN \ SORTJB PVC SERVICE SMILE DETAIA AM • F ,e• OF SEPARATION CANSHALL SPECIFICATIONS SEWER PIPE BE MAINTAINED. THE SEWER LINE SHALL BE NED. THE L B UCT(CENTER — ONE LENGTH CONSTRUCTED TO WATERUNE STANDARDS, A oER wA1ERLINE) SEE SEWER TRENCH DETAIL BFORED SEWER MAIN AND SERVICE BEDDING DETAILS 1E1111 SANITARY 20 EET BEYOND EACHMINIMUM OF 20 FEET ESIDEDOFATHECH SCROSSING. \/\� p11 ). SEWER /WATER SEPARATION DETAIL FOR CROSSINGS SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN CONNECTION _� $ MO' 6k„ 'o%J//�AAF® �- _ LAMOURR" 4 TIIOWQSONC4rhllq ewgt 4 1— Dmi- \`.= fiW TWD 1G2d7LN50 NTH TUTS ! IIii11 V4,Y 44.07/ s—ey IBABPD design DLH 31-3.1 nwLB checked ABRAM date 112.va TO 4 40 ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT 00 NOT HAVE AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (PAVEMENT, SIDEWALKS, ROOFS) OR ARE NOT LANDSCAPED WITH BARK MULCH, SHALL BE STABIU2EO NEW GRASS C ER. ALL SEEDING AND NULCHNO FOR ESTABUSHING NEW GRASS DOVER SHALL BE COMPLETE PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 15. PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL AND THE APPLICATION OF SEED, FERTILIZER. ONE (WERE APPLICABLE), AND MULCH SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING; N I. A MINIMUM OF a OF APPROVED TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL AREAS, PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL SHALL NOT G FINISH GRADE OF BE GONE WHEN THE GRWNG OR TOPSOIL IS FROZEN, EXCESSVElY WET, OFF OTHERWISE INGRASS-T A CONDITION DETRIMENTAL TO THE WON(. FOLLOWING PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL THE SURFACE SHALL BE RAKED. ALL STONES. LUMPS, ROOTS, (SD HOWNI OR STONE SW OR OTHER OB,ECTIONAL MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED. B ♦n. i,.r� L URBAN SEED MIXTURE SHALL BE SPREAD UNIFORMLY N ALL AREAS AT THE SPECIFIED RATE 4'/" • 9" wN. I S FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED ONLY AFTER PERfORMNG A SOL TEST AND BE APPLIED BASED UPON SOL q 1 DEFICIENCIES WE SHALL ONLY BE APPLIED AS NEEDED BASED UPON A SOIL pH TEST. 1{3Eypl {. ONLY SHALL FOLLOW ME SEEDING (ITERATION BY NOT MORE MAN 24 HOURS. MULCH SHALL SPREAD 2" N 0' ANGUM aFiR+ 9ToxE FlLiFJI FA90C FILTER FABRC 0 T UNIFORMLY OVER T KFIE AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 2 TONS PER ACRE SITE CONDITIONSAINT MAY WARRANT THE APPLICATION A TACKFlER TO MULCH IN PUCE. IF NECESSARY RETAIN THE MULCH, THE 8 .T/4' rG I- 1/a• HOLD ED CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY AN APPROVED TACNIFER M1MOUi ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. S T AGOULWR CLFiN STONE SUM NA -A SP.CTTOAT 5. ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN JH: TV SHALL HAVE EROSION MATTING APPLIED OVER THE SEED. ALL DITCH DEN RUNE GRADES GREATER MAN 5% OR AS SHOWN ON ME PLANS SHALL HAVE EROSION MATTING APPLIED OVER THE SEED. ENO90N MATTING SHALL CONSIST OF EROSION CONTROL BLANI ET WITH IOOS AGRICULTURAL STRAW MATRIX STITCH BOUNDED NTH DEGRADABLE TI%AD BETWEEN TWO PHOTOOEGRADABLE POLYPROPYLENE NETTING$ NORTH AMERICAN S150 OR EQUAL 6. WE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A FULL GROWTH OF GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RE -VEGETATED. VEGETATION GROWTH SHALL BE PERMANENT AND SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT EROSION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF PRECIPITATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSENF FOR PROTECTING AND CARING FOR SEEDED. MULCHED. AND AREAS OF ESTABLISHED VEGETATION UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BY THE OWNER. STUMP DISPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS THE TREES THAT MUST BE OUT WILL BE USED AS FIREWOOD. THE STUMPS. BRUSH. AND EXCESS UNSUITABLE EARTH WLL SE DISPOSED OF AT ME LOCATION DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER AS A STUMP DISPOSAL AREA WELL ABOVE THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER OR HAIA.ED OFF-STE TO A STAFE-APPROVED LANDFILL. IF ON-STE STUMP DISPOSAL IS IMPLEMENTED, THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SHALL BE MET1 I, WHENEVER POSSIBLE, STUMP DISPOSAL SITES SHOULD BE LOCATED ON NEARLY LEVEL TO MODERATELY SLOPING LANDS (SLOPES LESS THAN 1211). 2. CISPOSAL SITES WILL NOT BE LOCATED IN OR WITHIN 100 FEET OF FLOWING WATERCOURSES OR STREAMS OR N ACTIVELY ERODING GULLIES. 3. DISPOSAL STIES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN FLOODED OR FLOOD -PROW LANDS. MARSHES OR OTHER AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS 4. STUMPS WILL BE PLACED ON THE SITE N A SINGLE LIFT PRIOR TO BACKFILUNG. WHEN ADDITIONAL STUMPS ARE TO BE OFP09TED ON THE SALE STE, EACH SUOCES/VE LAYER OR LIFT OF STUMPS WILL BE BAEKFILLED. 5. A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET (2') OF OVERBURDEN WILL BE PLACED OVER ALL DISPOSAL 9 ES. URBAN MIX GRASS SEED 1< BY WEIGHT LBS. LIVE SEED PER ACRE TYPE OF SEED 31.5 45 CREEPING RED FESCUE 37.25 37.5 KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 31.25 37.5 WINTER HARDY. PERENNIAL R 100 120 1 LIVE SEED PER ACRE URBAN SEED MO SHALL BE USED IN ALL AREAS SEQUENCING OF EROSION CONTROL BY THE CONTRACTOR MAJOR OONSTRUCIICSN rrEM EROSION CCN7RM A) SUITABLE TREES THAT MUST BE MADUENAIMM A) ME SILT FENCE SHAH BE INSPECTED I) CLEARING A GRUBBING UT WILL BE USED AS FIREWOOD. AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND FOLLOWING STUMPS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF AS EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL AND REPAIRED SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET. OR REPLACED AS NEEDED. B) THE TOPSOIL ON THE SITE SHALL BE STOCKPILED WITH CONTINUOUS STAKED SILT FENCE AROUND THE STOCKPILE 21 STABILIZED CON51RUCTON A) INSTALL AT PROJECT ENTRANCE AlCLEAN MUD DEPOSITS AND ADD STONE AS NEEDED. ENTRANCE 3) SILT FENCES 4 A) STONE FILTERS SHALL BE PLACED A) THE SILT FENCES OR STONE SHALL BE STONE FILTERS AROUND THE INLET OF CATCH BASINS AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. INSPECTED AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND FOLLOWING EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL REPAIR B) SILT FENCES SHALL BE PLACED OR REPLACE AS NEEDED. MEASURES TO IN ORANAGE AREAS AS SHOWN ON REMAIN IN PLACE UNTL AL DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND DOW THE PLANS. VEGETATIVE COVER ESTABLISHED. 4) DISTURBED AREAS A) DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED N ALL A) APPLY MEASURES AS NECCESSARY AREAS. CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR WATER WRING DRY WEATHER. MAY BE USED. B REORADE OR REPAIR MATERIALS AS FOLLOWING RAMS OR SPRING THAN. 5)TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL A) SILT FENCES AND STONE FILTERS A) THE SILT FENCES, AND STONE FILTERS AND SMALL BE PLACED ALONG PERIMETERS SEDIMENT BASIN (STdRMWAr DE TON BASIN) WFERE STORMWAMR RUNOFF IS LIKELY TO SHALL BE ZPECYED AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND OCCUR AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION. FOLLOWING EVERY HEAVY RANFALL REPAIR OF REPLACE AS NEEDED. SILT FENCES. STONE B) STORMWATER DETENTION BASINS SHALL BE B) THE DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE DISCHARGE USED AS SEDIMENT BASINS TO COLLECT POINTS ON ME STE SHALL BE MONITORED DURING UNOF flF AND SETTLE SEDIMENTS DURING OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT FOR CONSTRUCTION, SEDIMENT WIDEN, DISCOLORED WATER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR ADD TO THE PREVENTION MEASURES TO ELIMINATE THE DISCOLORATION FROM WATERS DISCHARGING OFF ME PROJECT SITE. 6) WETLANDS (IF APPLICABLE) A) PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY EARTHWORK, TEMPORARY SILT FENCES SHALL BE ERECTED ALONG ME EDOE OF THE WER-ANDS. HEAVY EQUIPMENT ACTIVITY SHALL TAKE PLACE UPSLOPE OF THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. THERE SHALL BE NO ALTERATION, DISTURBANCE OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WORN THE EXISTING WERMOS EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, 7) TOPSOIL AND SEEDING A) THE REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE TOPSQLFD, SEEDED AND MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WM THE SPECIFICATIONS ON THIS SHEET. EVERY EFFORT SHALL BE MADE TO SEED AND MULCH DISTURBED SOILS WTHIN 48 HOURS OF PLACING THE TOPSOIL 8) DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEED AND MULCHED UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL A) THE ER09ON CONTROL DEVICES AND WETLANDS SHALL BE INSPECTED AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND FOLLOWING EVERY RAINFALL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN, MAINTAIN OR REPAIR THE EROSION CONTROL DEICES AS NEEDDEO TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM REACHING THE WETLANDS A) VISUAL INSPECTION FOR CRASS COVER, RE -SEEDED AND MULCHED AS NECCESSARY. ON CI —NIL A SLOrC� I(Z 2 TIDE OF STONE CREST DNAGF COWNSIDPE T CHEO( VALE F11NAlI0N1_EVELL) 2 2• M 6' ANGUVN A CLEAN STONE Bpi$, PR17FII5 1. STONE WLL DIE PLACED ON A FILTER FABRIC FWNEWNw TO ME LINES DIVIDES " G LOTIONS SHOYN IN THE PLAN, 1. SET SPACING OF CHECK RAMS TO ASSUME THAT THE EIEVATONS OF ME CREST OF ME OOWNSRREAN DAM B AT THE SAME ELEVATION OF ME TOE OF TIE UPSTRFAY MY. OAPPPROTECITE� CHINNEL DOWNSTREAM OF THE LOWEST CHECK DIAL FROM SCOUR AND EROSM WITH STONE OR UNER AS 4.ENSURE THAT CHANNEL N,PPURTENANCES SUCH AS CULVERT ENTRANCES SELDII CHECK D•,MS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DINIGE OR SLOCI(AOE FROM DISPLACED STONES. S. ME CON IS RESPONNI MR PRESENTING CLOGGING / 2MYCH OF ME STONE CHECK OW DURING AND INHEDWTELY AFTER COIDEMUCTION, UNTIL THE PROJECT'S PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLS ARE N PLACE (VEGETAnON MMILISHED, STREETS PAID, TIC.) AND TILE PROJECT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER, IF NFCIFS I , STONE SHALL SE OFANED OR AFAICF➢. TEMPORARY STONE CHECK DAM DETAIL € mOMAiIT— r rco� 111111 1* 0E INF�//R ANTI O S TITL IN. W D DWAI INVERT -SLOPE TO NOrz.. ONAN WM IA.I OAI a R 21• USE SIDE DTG MH IRUOrS IN W F'IYFT I EXCESS OF 0.S5 Ff/FT (5 2) TYPICAL SPECIAL DRAINAGE SWALE TUTS TO PROVIVIDD 6 FTES / 2 METERS BETWEEN THE GROWD AND THE FIRST THEE BRANCH TREE TRUNK TREE %7 7• jID( MULCH A MINIMUM �OF B FROM TRUNK V 1, V V VR CUT AND REMOVE WRE MESH BASKET. CUT AND REMOVE ROPE To,ANTI' " UNDISTURBED SOIL BURLAP WRAP AFTER ONACEME2f1! IOF N TREE PIT. FSp flENAININC BIIUURLAP TO ALLOW OR RGOT OEYEDPMEN T. BREAK APART EDGE OF 1 EXCAVARON W/SHOVEL AND BLEND PLANT WX 1 X BALL INA. WITH EXISTING SOIL TO PROVIDE SOIL TRANSITION 1. EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE TRUNK FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLARE IS NOT ISSUE SHALL BE REJECTED. DID NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL AN SOL 2. STAKING REQUIRED ONLY IN SITUATIONS WHERE TREES WILL BE SUBJECTED TO MINDY CONDITIONS SLY AsDETERMINED ATETHE PROJECT OFARTHE�WARRAANTY PERIOD, TAKES SHALL RE 3. TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER PLANTING C EXAMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, TREE WRAP, ROPE, STRING AND SURVEYOR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING TO PREVENT 1 DUNG. 5. MERE SHALL BE NO WATERING BERM INSTALLED AROUND TREES. 5. PLANT MIX SHALL CON95T OF ME FOLLOWING RATIO, 3 PARTS EXISTING SOL T PART TOPSOL 7, TREE PIT TO BE J TIMES AS WIDE AS ROOT BALL. B. PRUNE ONLY DEAD OR CRUSHED ROOTS AND DEAD OR INJURED BRANCHES TREE PLANTING DETAIL NTS PLAN NO ES: I. THE ENiMNCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WN KH Nll1 PRDtNT OF 9llAEHr ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -PLAY. MIS MAY RECURE PERIODIC TOP SSW WM ADDITIOI.0 STONE AS COTMNS WAVID AND REPWR AND/0R CYANEXT BF ANY ND SURE$ USED TO TRIP SFDMENT. SDINEHT TRAO®, SPILLED, OR —H. D.TO PUBLIN: 1­­- BHALL BE REMOOED IMMEDIATELY BY TILE CONTRACTOR. L ME USE OF CAIOUM CIS.ORDE OR WATER MAY BE NECESSARY TO OON1110. OUST WRNO ME SIwMER E. NM•AOE APPRGRIATE TRANSTNN BETWEEN STAMU— CONBTRUCBON ENTRANCE ANTI PUBLIC RgNT-OF-WAT. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT II/YYplellgal F6ia Ni/rWP -- II�iaRpwalrsls/// —STAKES TO BE ONLY MAWAL METHODS OF INSTALLATION AND CIEANNG WMIN WETLAND AND BUFFER ZONE R TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION OR EARTHMOING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A CONTINUOUS SILT FENCE OMIT OF DISTURBANCE SHOWN ON THE STE PLAN. EN MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE USED TO KEY IN THE BOTTOM OF THE SILT FENCE. IF NECESSARY, GRANULAR SHALL BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO KEY N THE SILT FENCE RATHER MAN FROZEN NATIVE MATERIAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND THE PERIMETER OF TOPSOIL STOCKPILES AND AT OTHER TEMPORARY SILT FENCE NTS r,1' -. r uloGiGMESSES//r/r/r/rrrrrrrRor/Mlol uaaj aaaaaa naaa�Maiiaaaaaaaaaaaaau■aaaaaaaaaaaai B\\■ •Yr//III/IOU\/\\\�� .j W\I I\■\■\■\\\■\\r■.\w\r■. "M..>>, \\\\\\\\\\\\t,Y■\ 11\\\TI■B///// ITT■//N/.///////■r/ BIM\\\/\/\//\\\\\\\■\\\.\■\\.l\\\\\\\\\L17 ■\.\7/rN11 - 11OnnaOmaaaaap■aaopaaaaa0aaaaaaaoaaaaYaal aauIIniaaaauaauuaaauaIll . aww_.0 STE FENCE POSTS TO BE L FOR DISTURBED SLOPES USE DOZER READS PRIOR TO SEEDING G MULCHING - TO CREATE GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE DIRECTION TO MNIMZE RUNOFF VELOCITIES, SLOPE GRADING TUTS SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: TOPSOIL, SEED. MULCH, AND INSTALL MATTING, OR HYDROSEED WITH APPROVED BINDER AFTER SURFACE ROUGHENING. ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: $MEET$ E:l SKETCH/CONCEPT 0 PRELIMINARY FINAL s RECORD DRAWING LANDB4R pro} no. RANDY HART DETAILS AND r- SPECIFICATIONS 11� ChScke `„111/, l� atN pr�I�10 3 w aNi `� E I/��l I �,w•� llll11T 1V EROSION CONTROL AND LANDSCAPING ABIRMN �2y0. LAMOTIREUX & MCKINSON CONaMWNB B.Mglerf, IMWc T1 EG2i/L{/SOYT 45/12 SCONE C- PROJECT: Randy Hard04070 GROUP: Project location AREA: Wall - 70W MH GRID: @ 10 feet PREPARED BY: Emily Stear VALUES ARE FC, SCALE: 1 IN= 30.017T, HORZ GRID (U), HORZ CALC, Z= 0.0 Computed in accordance with IES recommendations Statistics GROUP I MIN I MAX I AVE I AVE/MIN I MAX/MIN + 1 0.051 2.33 1 0.56 1 12.30 1 50.84 Luminaires Used LitePro 2.002 Point -By -Point Results Nov 08, 2004 TYPE QTY TEST# DESCRIPTION W3 2 -------- Wall 70W MH, , (1) WAL3 <W25C10M***GMED**>, LLF= 0.72; Y-AXIS 182.40 172.40 162.40 152.40 142.40 132.40 122.40 112.40 102.40 92.40 82.40 72.40 62.40 52.40 42.40 32.40 22.40 12.40 2.40 ...-.i,� + - r+J + + t 1 W3 + + 0.33 1.0 2.04 2.33 8 47 M. -1-.51 0.86 1.5 0. 6 0.35 .8 �-1�40 1.27 4 .66 0. 1.18 1 5 .47 0 lr a:0.3R 0 33� 0.28 0.30 40- Q53 - A SR_ 44 L--+. + + + + + + + + + + + 0.0 OV. 0.05 0.07 0.09 0!09 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.10 0.08 I9 0.18 5.38 25.38 45.38 65.38 85.38 105.38 125.38 145.38 165.38 185.38 205.38 225.38 245.38 265.38 285.38 305.38 325.38 345.38 15.38 35.38 55.38 75.38 95.38 115.38 135.38 155.38 175.38 195.38 215.38 235.38 255.38 275.38 295.38 315.38 335.38 X-AXIS Page 1 CITE( OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PIANNI114G & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 8464106 FAX (802) 846-4101 February 2, 2005 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Minutes — Hart Property Dear Mr. Henson: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the January 18, 2005 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 1�zq AWYL/I Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 JANUARY 2005 11. Public Hearing: Application #VR-04-02 of George Hubbard seeking a variance from Section 3.10, Accessory Structures and Uses of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The request is for permission to allow a detached accessory structure (retaining wall) to be placed in the front yard, 6 Park Road: Mr. Dinklage asked why the applicant has already constructed the wall. Mr. Hubbard said he knew nothing about the regulations until Mr. Belair called him. He had thought it was a landscaping issue. The wall makes the garage work and allows for drainage. Mr. Dinklage explained that a variance must meet 5 criteria. He felt the applicant had other options for the driveway. Mr. Hubbard said he wasn't prepared to address the 5 criteria at this meeting. Mr. Dinklage felt it would be hard to convince the Board. Ms. Dimmer, president of the neighboring homeowner group, said the wall is now against their property line. She thought there was a difference of 3 ft. in height there. Taking down the wall would cause a problem with washing out of gravel and dirt from the driveway. Mr. Belair said the issue is a wall in the front yard. Regulations say it can't be in the front yard. In addition, 3-4 feet of that wall is within the city's right-of-way. The applicant asked to continue to see what he can do. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Application #VR-04-88 of George Hubbard until March 2005. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12 Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SP-04-48 of Randall Hart to construct a three unit multi -family dwelling, 253 Shunpike Road: Mr. Henson showed the location of the 2 lots. He noted that the City Engineer has made requests for changes. This will require an easement across lot #1 for sewer force main for lot #2. Mr. Henson showed the location of the requested sidewalk. The sidewalk will curve out to protect 2 large trees. The following stipulations were added to the approval motion: #6. The applicant shall comply with the requests of the City Engineer as outlined in his comments dated January 13, 2005. #7. The applicant shall comply with the requests of the South Burlington Water Department as outlined in Jay Nadeau's memorandum dated January 13, 2005. -5- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 JAl? VARY 2005 Ms. Quimby then moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-04-88 of Randall Hart subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. QSite Plan Application #SP-04-48 of Randall Hart to construct a three -unit multi -family dwelling, 253 Shunpike Road: Mr. Henson said this will be a 3-unit condo served by a driveway from Hinesburg Road. The driveway for the existing building would remain. The City Engineer has asked that they re-route the forcemain. He also requested changing the width of the drive at 2 places to accommodate parking. This is OK with the applicant. They will add a bike rack. Mr. Belair noted he needs a final budget number so he can finalize the landscaping request. Mr. Henson said they want to add another parking space for a total of 7. Mr. Belair suggested using on -street parking which would be possible with the widening of the street. Mr. Baker asked if it is possible to move the building further south. Mr. Henson said that would create a problem with a pond. Mr. Dinklage asked if the lip of the pond could be the boundary. Mr. Henson said that is a contractor issue. They would need a construction easement from the side property. Mr. Baker asked about the setting of iron pins and when this would happen. Mr. Henson said that during construction, there would be a stake at the corners. After grading, the pins would be set. 14. Sketch plan application #SD-04-90 of Diemer Properties, LLC for a planned unit development consisting of. 1) razing a 16-room motel and single family dwelling, 2) constructing a 6,000 sq ft retail/office building, and 3) constructing a 14-unit multi -family dwelling, 490 Shelburne Road: Mr. Llewellyn identified this as the Town & Country Motel property. He showed the existing conditions with 16 motel units. They want to tear this down and build a retail/ Office building with residential units in back. The main access would be off Shelburne Street. There are also 2 curb cuts on Bacon Street. The plan is to close the Shelburne Street curb cut and use the 2 Bacon St. accesses. They want to keep the 2 Bacon St. curb cuts. Mr. Dinklage asked why. Mr. Llewellyn said to separate the residential and commercial uses. 'li' Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mailgLDengineering.com Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer [A Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: Jody Carriere, P.E. Patricia Coburn, P.E. Jason Dattilio, L.S. Doug Goulette, P.E. Doug Henson, L.S. November 19, 2004 Roger Dickinson, P.E., PTOE Gail Henderson -King, ASLA Len Lamoureux, P.E., L.S. Andrew Rowe, P.E. Brian Tremback, CPSSc As we discussed, attached please find five full size copies and one 11" x 17" copy each of the revised Site Plan, and the Subdivision Plat for the above referenced project. As you said, by splitting the original Site Plan into these two separate plans, the Development Review Board will be able to approve the two plan separately, allowing the possibility of minor amendments to the site plan to be approved by you administratively. We understand that due to a complicated and controversial application currently before the Board, we will not be able to heard before January 18`'', 2005. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, +Oug Vt%-Ts • cc: Mr. Randy Hart P:\2004\04070\fmal-site APP cover2.wpd Civil • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Soils • Wetlands • Surveying jiLamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering.com Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: Jody Carriere, P.E. Patricia Coburn, P.E. Jason Dattilio, L.S. Doug Goulette, P.E. Doug Henson, L.S. November 16, 2004 Roger Dickinson, P.E., PTOE Gail Henderson -King, ASLA Len Lamoureux, P.E., L.S. Andrew Rowe, P.E. Brian Tremback, CPSSc On behalf of our client, Randy Hart, we are hereby submitting applications for Final Subdivision Plat approval and Site Plan approval for the property at 251 Shunpike Road. This proposal, which is located within the Residential 4 (R-4) District, involves the creation of a new 0.91 acre lot (Lot 2) with a three unit multi -family dwelling to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water. The existing dwelling, currently served by municipal sanitary sewer and water services, will stay on the 0.30 acre remaining parcel (Loth. Lot 1 will be accessed by means of a forty foot wide access easement across Lot 2 centered on the existing and proposed driveway, and it's utilities will remain as they are. There are two proposed building mounted 70 watt metal halide lights for the project, one on the garage for unit #3, and one centered between the garages of units #1 and #2. These lights are proposed to be down -shielded, and mounted fourteen feet above grade. We have attached the lighting computations, and a catalog cut sheet of the proposed lights. In regard to stormwater, the site will be graded to include a special drainage swale around the northwest corner and along the westerly property line. This swale leads to a storm -water infiltration area that has been designed to contain a twenty-five year storm. The peak flow for the site for the twenty-five year storm is 0.25 cubic feet per second (cfs). The infiltration rate based on the Adams - Windsor soils on the site and a bottom area of 1,430 s.f. is 0.42 cfs. This means that the infiltration area will absorb the storm water faster than the inflow rate. As a precaution, the storm -water infiltration area has a storage volume of approximately 4,400 cubic feet. We have enclosed the following for your review: Five full size copies and one reduced copy of the project plans ; Civil • Transportation • Planning- Landscape Architecture -Soils- Wetlands • Surveying N Mr. Ray Belair November 16, 2004 Page 2 • Site Plan Review application with $185.00 fee; • Final Subdivision Plat application with $260.00 fee; • List of abutting property owners; • Lighting calculations and information. Please call our office with any questions. cc: Mr. Randy Hart PA2004\04070\fmal-site APP covenwpd Sincerely, +Dug Henson, L.S., E.I. j CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy art (978) 689-8700 or Doug Henson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction VT 05452 878-4450 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 (original project parcel) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) There is one single family dwelling on the existing 1.21 acre parcel b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) This Proposal is for anew 3 unit multi -family building on anew 0.91 acre lot while leaving the existing single family dwelling on the remaining 0.30 acre lot c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) The total building coverage including the existing garage and dwelling and theproposed new three unit building is 4,975 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) The one existing unit is proposed to remain in addition to the three proposed new units f) Number of employees (existing and proposed) N/A g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above) 7) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 4.1 % Proposed 9.4 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 5.0 % Proposed 25.2 % c) Front Yard (along each street) Existing 0.1 % 'Proposed 1.4 % 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: To be Determined b) Landscaping: $13,750 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) Total estimated to be $350,000 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): a) Average daily traffic (in and out) 16 Vehicles b) A.M. Peak Hours (in and out) 2 Vehicles c) P.M. Peak Hours (in and out) 2 Vehicles 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Summer, 2005 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE No'v, 11. 2004 1:53PM La )reux & Dickinson No.0835 P. 7 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Fine (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11 " x 17") oftbe site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A)_ I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of s application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. /I SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: El Planning Commission ❑ City Planner I have reviewed this site plan application and fmd it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete City Planner or Designee Date Permit Number SD - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Bk. 670, Pg. 515 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy Hart (978) 689-8700 or Doug Henson. L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction VT 05452 878-4450 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 (original project parcel) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) There is one single family dwelling on the existing 1.21 acre parcel b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) This Proposal is for a new 3 unit multi -family building on a new 0.91 acre lot while leaving the existing single family dwelling on the remaining 0.30 acre lot c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) The total building coverage, including the existing garage and dwelling and the proposed new three unit buildinl is 4,975 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) The existing two story single family dwelling will remain as it is The proposed three unit building will be two story. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) The one existing unit is proposed to remain in addition to the three proposed new units f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A - residential subdivision g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 4.1 % Proposed 9.4 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 5.0 %Proposed 25.2 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing_0.1 % Proposed 1.4 % Fronts yards to be crossed only by driveways and walks 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): To Be Determined b) Landscaping: $ 13,750 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): Total estimated to be $350,000 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 16 Vehicles b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out):2 Vehicles c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out):2 Vehicles 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Summer, 2005 2 Nov.11. 2004 1:52PM La k e u x & Dickinson ) No,0835 P. 4 14) PLANS .AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the irifortnation listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (sae Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of mar knowledge. Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this final plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date 3 0 F- 0 N WLLJ x t' J J WALLIGHTER 250 CUTOFF LUMINAIRE APPLICATIONS • Building perimeters, entrances, walkways and residential yards • Loading docks and many other wall mounted area lighting applications SPECIFICATION FEATURES • g&, 1598 Listed Suitable For Wet Locations -Three-piece die-cast aluminum housing protected inside and out with dark bronze electrocoat finish • Enclosed, gasketed, with anodized aluminum reflector and tempered glass bottom closure • Standard and tamper resistant hardware included ORDERING NUMBER LOGIC X.XM $X x x W25C = See Ballast and See Ballast See Ballast Wallighter 250 Photometric and and (250watt max. ) Selection Table Photometric Photometric luminaire with Selection Table Selection Table cutoff optics 05 =50 07 =70 S = HPS 60Hz 10 -100 M= MH or 0 = 120Y2081 15=1501", Marc 2401277 17 =175 (with Multivolt 20 =200 175W 1 = 120 25 =250 only) 2 = 209 77 =70175 3 = 240 4 = 277 5 = 480 D = 347 F = 20K347 0 •Thru-feed conduit entrance on side with built-in conduit clamps • Front access to ballast components when installed • Mogul (E39 standard) or medium base (E26 standard) sockets IA 1t X 1 )00( )Q( ...: XKX , .: ; See Ballast and 1 = None G = Glass For IES Optical DB=Dark B = Time Delay Photometric 3 = Internal PE Configuration See Bronze Automatically Selection Table Control Ballast and Photometric Switched Selection Table Quartz A = Auloreg For PE Kit, see F = Fusing (Not Accessories MGL = available with G = ag--Reg Mogul base E39 muhivolt) with (Standard without lamp) Q = Non -Time Delay Grounded Automatically Socket Shell MED = Switched Medium base EZ6 Quartz H = HPF Reactor (Standard with lamp) or Lag K = Not Restart M= Mag-Reg N = NPF Reactor or Lag P = CWI with Grounded Socket Shell . GE lighting Systems, Inc. ? www.gelightingsystems.com FIXTURE DIMENSIONS KNOCKOLITFOR .75 in. (19mm) CONDUIT �7.750in. (197mm)� WALLIGHTER 250 CUTOFF LUMINAIRE 686 in. (17mm) DIA 356 in- (9mm) DIA KNOCKOUT KNOCKOUT FOR (4 PLACES) 188 in. (5mm DIA KNOCKOUT PE KIT ASSEMBLY FOR USE WITH 4.000 in. (102mm) r 5in OCTAGON BOX (4 PLACES) 111mm) 1.375in. (35mm) MAX 625in. (16mm) MIN 6.344 in. (161 mm) (327mm) III o I 9 a 2.875tn. -b— -O- (7 150 in. 4mm 188 in. (5mm) DIA KNOCKOUT FOR USE WITH 3.250 in. (83mm) OCTAGON BOX (4 PLACES) 11.770In. 437 in. DIA 4.000 in. 299mm (11mm DIA (102mm) 875in. GASKET ( ) �14.438 in. (2 ES) 8.000 in. (22mm) DIA (367mm) (203mm) 188 In. (5mm) DIA KNOCKOUT FOR USE WITH GEM -BOX (2 PLACES) Approximate Net Weight 15-3016s 8-14 kgs Suggested Mounting Height 8-20 ft 2-6 M BALLAST AND PHOTOMETRIC SELECTION All light sources are clear unless otherwise indicated. Ballast TypeNoltage Light 160Hz IES Distribution Photometric Curve Wattage IMultivolt 120 1208 1240 27T 480 341, 120X347 T e Number 35-17 ---- MOGUL BASE LAMP (NOT INCLuri 50 HPS H H. K, N H H H H H SC3 8825 70, 100, 150(55V) HPS H G, H, K, M G, H, M G, H, M G, H, M G, H, M G**, M SC3 8825 200* HPS A A A A A C/F A SC3 8830 250* HPS A A A A A A A SC3 8830 175 MH A A A A A A A SC3 8828 250* MH A A, P A, P A, P A, P A, P A, P SC3 8831 70, 100 I MH I H I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I SC3 18835 175 IMH A I N/A N/A N/A TN/A I N/A I N/A I SC3 18837 NOTE: *Horizontal lamp operation C/F = Contact Factory N/A = Not Available **347 Volt Only REFERENCES See Page A-79 for start of Accessories. See Page A-83 for Explanation of Options and Other Terms Used. GE Lighting Systems, Inc. www.gelighfingsystems.com Ott n C --1 CD a M m a 0 S Z M 40 11 METAL HALIDE LAMP DATA (See WARNING, Page T-34) ORDERING ABREVIATION ANSI CODE FINISH LIGHT CENTER LENGTH INCHES VERTICAL BURNING HORIZONTAL BURNING INITAL LUMENS RATED AVERAGE LIFE 10 HOURS PER START INITIAL LUMENS RATED AVERAGE LIFE 10 HOURS PER START SO-WATTHALIDE Clear 3-7/16 31900 5,OD0 N/A N/A MXR50/U/MED M-110 MVR50/U/MED M-110 Clear 3-7/16 3,100 5,000 1 11,900 6,000 iHALIDE 3-7/16 5,500 12,000 N/A N/A MXR70/U/MED M-98 i Clear MVR50/U/MED M-98 Clear 3-7/16 4,700 12,000 1 N/A N/A IIHALIDE Clear 5 7/16 9,000 15,000 N/A N/A MXR100/U/MED M-90 MVR100/U/MED M-90 Clear 3 7/16 8,100 15,000 N/A N/A rHALIDE Clear 5 7/16 12,500 15,000 N/A N/A MXR150/U/MED M-102 MVR150/U/MED M-102 Clear HALIDE 3 7/16 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 5-3/4 11,700 17,200 41,000 41,000 44,000 43,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MXR175NBU/PA MXR175/C/VBU/PA MVR175NBU/PA MVR175/C/VBU/PA MXR175NBU/MED/PA 1M-137 M-137 M-137 M-137 M-137 1 Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° I Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15° Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15* Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° MXR175/C/VBU/MED/PA M-137 Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15° 5-3/4 37.000 20,000 N/A N/A MULTI -VAPOR' METAL HALIDE LAMPS 8-1/it 8-1/4 23,000 15,000 20,000 21,500 15,000 20,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A MVR250NBU/PA MVR250/C/VBU/PA 138 M-138 Clear, Vertical Base Up±15° (30)* Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15°(30)* HALIDE Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° 8-1/4 31,000 15,000 N/A N/A MVR320NBU/PA -132 M ii 11-15/16 11-15/16 44,000 20,000 30,000 42,000 20,000 30,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A MVR400NBU/PA MVR400/C/VBU/PA M-128 M-128 Clear, Vertical Base Up ±15° (30)* Coated, Vertical Base Up ±15° (30)* CMH` METAL CMH70/U/830/MED HALIDECERAMIC M-98 M-139 Clear 3 7/16 6,300 10,000 N/A N/A CMH100/U/830/MED M-90 M-140 Clear 3-7/16 9,200 10,000 N/A N/A TSAh- I -GAKU- lamps are avaiiame. Lamp ❑ebiynauun w LA101[YOU ilulII IvIv„ .0 Ivev I. I-. *Vertical ± 15°, open fixture -all other, enclosed fixture. **Requires ballast with pulse ignitor N/A = Not Applicable t - POMB Base (Position Oriented Mogul Base) NOTE: Longer than rated lamp life can occur when operating cycles exceed an average of 10 hours per start - contact lamp manufacturer. Consult lamp manufacturer for lamp lumen depreciation. All MXR lamps have an apparent color temperature rated at 3,200° Kelvin and all MVR lamps have an apparent color temperature of 4,000° Kelvin. &Trademark of General Electric Company Data subject to change without notice GE Lighting Systems, Inc. wvvw.gelightingsystems.com t;a HE LITEPRO 2.002 CONTOUR PLOT TEST #GE178835, CATALOG #W25CIOM***GMED** NUM LUMS/ ORIENTATION: 11um LAMP: GE MXRI00AYMED MOUNTING HEIGHT: 14.0, BRACKET ARM LENGTH: 0.0 LLF: 0.72, LUMENS: 5500, ILL. UNITS: FC SCALE: I IN= 10.OFT C71= W c-, W 5 VA �- e r 7 c) io tYl z-kt I Ho h: 1-cep 30.00 20.00 7c, —10.00 -30.00 - 0.00 - C .00 0.00 10.00 -20.00 10 20. 30.00 O -30.00 Legend: A=3.00 B=2.00 C=1.00 D=0.50 E=0.20 Spencer W. Baker Ruby B. Willis Family Trust Edlund Company, Inc. 123 Shunpike Road 352 Highlands Drive 159 Industrial Parkway South Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Burlington, VT 05401 Investors Corp. of Vermont 30 Main Street, Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 PA2004\04070WbuttersList. wpd Resolution Realty Trust 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 John P. Ahern 90 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 53-7134/2113 741 RALEIGH REALTY TRUST 33711094 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD I NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 DATE__ PAY TO THE TO �\) \/ \ ORDER OP '� `� � ©� �J � � � �L lre N � � q'q vQ DOLLARS 8 0 e a nn�yyq��hhh�eratuw s c� MEMO _....... __.___ 1:2 L L3? L3401: 33 ? L L094�i' 0?4 Permit Number SD- 4 - oe CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Bk. 670, Pg._ 515 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road North Andover MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy Hart (978) 689-8700 or Doug Henson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction VT 05452 878-4450 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 (original project parcel) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) There is one single family dwelling on the existing 1.21 acre parcel b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) This Proposal is for a new 3 unit multi -family building on a new 0.91 acre lot while leaving the existingsingle ing_le family dwelling on the remaining 0.30 acre lot c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) The total building coverage, including the existing_,, garage and dwelling and the proposed new three unit buildinl is 4,975 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) The existing two story single family dwelling will remain as it is The proposed three unit building will be two story. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) The one existing unit is proposed to remain in addition to the three proposed new units f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A - residential subdivision g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 4.1 % Proposed 9.4 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 5.0 %Proposed 25.2 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 0.1 % Proposed 1.4 % Fronts yards to be crossed only by driveways and walks 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): To Be Determined b) Landscaping: $ 13,750 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): Total estimated to be $350,000 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 16 Vehicles b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out):2 Vehicles c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out):2 Vehicles 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Summer, 2005 2 Nov,11. 2004 1:52PM Lamo, y ' )ickinson ) 0835 P, 4 14) PLANS ANad FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the inforrnation listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the final plat application (sec Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION:_ I have reviewed this final plat application and find it to be: i� Complete Incomplete i ( �,V W�' / 0711� of Planning Sc Zoning or Designee Aate 3 /' CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Rand, Hart (978) 689-8700 or DougHenson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452, 878-4450 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 (original project parcel) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) There is one single family dwelling on the existing>, 1.21 acre parcel. b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) This Proposal is for a new 3 unit multi -family building on a new 0.91 acre lot, while leaving the existing single family dwelling on the remaining 0.30 acre lot c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) The total buildingcge, including the existing garage and dwellingproposed new three unit building is 4,975 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) The one existing unit is proposed to remain, in addition to the three proposed new units. r f) Number of employees (existing and proposed) N/A g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above) 7) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 4.1 % Proposed 9.4 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 5.0 % Proposed 25.2 % c) Front Yard (along each street) Existing 0.1 % Proposed 1.4 % 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: "fo be I)etem mied b) Landscaping: $13,750 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) Total estimated to be $350,000 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): a) Average daily traffic (in and out)16 Vehicles b) A.M. Peak Hours (in and out) 2 Vehicles c) P.M. Peak Hours (in and out) 2 Vehicles 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Summer, 2005 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE Nov. 11. 2004 1:53PM Lamy lux " �ickinson ).0835 P. 7 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11 " x 17") oftlae site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A)_ I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of s application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1/7 SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: 1:1 ❑ City Planner I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: wc/omplete ❑ Incomplete or Designee Spencer W. Baker 123 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Investors Corp. of Vermont 30 Main Street, Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 P A\2004\04070\AbuttersLi st. wpd Ruby B. Willis Family Trust 352 Highlands Drive Williston, VT 05495 Resolution Realty Trust 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Edlund Company, Inc. 159 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT 05401 John P. Ahern 90 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering.com Mr. Ray Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: Jody Carriere, P.E. Patricia Coburn, P.E. Jason Dattilio, L.S. Doug Goulette, P.E. Doug Henson, L.S. November 16, 2004 Roger Dickinson, P.E., PTOE Gail Henderson -King, ASLA Len Lamoureux, P.E., L.S. Andrew Rowe, P.E. Brian Tremback, CPSSc On behalf of our client, Randy Hart, we are hereby submitting applications for Final Subdivision Plat approval and Site Plan approval for the property at 251 Shunpike Road. This proposal, which is located within the Residential 4 (R-4) District, involves the creation of a new 0.91 acre lot (Lot 2) with a three unit multi -family dwelling to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water. The existing dwelling, currently served by municipal sanitary sewer and water services, will stay on the 0.30 acre remaining parcel (Lotl). Lot 1 will be accessed by means of a forty foot wide access easement across Lot 2 centered on the existing and proposed driveway, and it's utilities will remain as they are. There are two proposed building mounted 70 watt metal halide lights for the project, one on the garage for unit #3, and one centered between the garages of units #1 and #2. These lights are proposed to be down -shielded, and mounted fourteen feet above grade. We have attached the lighting computations, and a catalog cut sheet of the proposed lights. In regard to stormwater, the site will be graded to include a special drainage swale around the northwest corner and along the westerly property line. This swale leads to a storm -water infiltration area that has been designed to contain a twenty-five year storm. The peak flow for the site for the twenty-five year storm is 0.25 cubic feet per second (cfs). The infiltration rate based on the Adams - Windsor soils on the site and a bottom area of 1,430 s.f. is 0.42 cfs. This means that the infiltration area will absorb the storm water faster than the inflow rate. As a precaution, the storm -water infiltration area has a storage volume of approximately 4,400 cubic feet. We have enclosed the following for your review: Five full size copies and one reduced copy of the project plans ; Civil • Transportation • Planning• Landscape Architecture • Soils • Wetlands • Surveying Mr. Ray Belair November 16, 2004 Page 2 • Site Plan Review application with $185.00 fee; • Final Subdivision Plat application with $260.00 fee; • List of abutting property owners; • Lighting calculations and information. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, +Dug Henson, L.S., E.I. cc: Mr. Randy Hart P:\2004\04070\fmal-site APP cover.wpd CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOtJTI1 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 20, 2005 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Final Plat Application #SD-04-88 and Site Plan Application #SP-04-48 Dear Mr. Henson: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision for Final Plat Application #SD-04-88 approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on January 18, 2005. (effective 1/20/05). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 00 days (must be recorded by 4/20/05) of this approval or this approval is null and void. Also enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision for Site Plan Application #SP-04-48 approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on January 18, 2005 (effective 1/18/05). Please note the conditions of approval, including that a zoning permit must be obtain within six (6) months. If you have any questions, fee free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. -nuay - p.m. 802- s welcome, tS64_14AVMAPLE STUDY DESK: 26 inches x 48 inches. Keyboard pull-out. ��t YYe makf? h0U5t' Ca.... $50. 879-3022, please call before 9 p.m. needs. Info, 917-11i4VIZ3 or constanciag@1' Vishnow.co m or www.123s{ Anow.com. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVEL- OPMENT REVIEW BOARD IRIDA AFTER npanion/share ,711. insidering adop- jelp! We specialize amilies with birth inwide. Toll free, 24 866-921-0565. One .options. (AAN CAN) NEW WRITERS: The or Alternative n, supported by the on of Alternative News and by alternative ke this one, seeks expe- ninority journalists and (college seniors and paid summer writing at Northwestern y's Medill School of ;m, Chicago. The eight - ,gram, June 19 - August aims to recruit tal- inority writers into the ve press and train them :ine-style feature writ - participants will be cho- paid $3000 + housing at allowances. While the is designed to encour- )rity writers to consider n the alternative press, es of any ethnicity may >r information visit ww. medi Lt. northwest aaj or write for an on: Academy for ive Journalism, stern University, Medill f Journalism, 1845 Rd, Evanston, IL :mail attacademy@ stern.edu. Application February 11, 2005. stern University is an �portunity educator and r. (AAN CAN) :ertainment I DANCERS featuring ng wild for your next , bachelor party or fun - show. 802-658-1464. !nt welcome. ifessional S. ER SWEDISH MASSAGE, ,ry with Big Sur long driving for airports, s. Hairdressing and :are for elderly. Call qi, 864-6213. DAY PARTY your palate rget. Specialty platters e parties/personalized or house parties. Contact roods@yahoo.com or -4840. LAIN VALLEY HOME : From window and door nent to decks, siding, interior finish and every - between. Contact 343-7861. E BASEMENT EXPERTS: iced basement renova- LCI. Turn your basement sable family space. :es, competitive pricing. ;8. A+ CERTIFIED COMPUTER REPAIR by excellent techni- cians. Low rates, fast turn- around. Refurbished computers available. ReCycle North Tech Services, 266 Pine St., Burlington, 658-4143 ext. 23. COMPUTER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES: PCs, Macs, network- ing, web design, tutoring, digi- tal graphics and audio editing. Competitive rates. Many refer- ences. House calls and in -shop. Free quote, 864-7470 orin- housecomp@verizon.net. GREEN MOUNTAIN COMPUTER Consultants: We build, service and install anything PC. Home theater! Custom service, we don't just make it work, we keep it working! Free consultation, house calls of course. The best will cost you less! greenmtn@ adelphia.net or 802-318-1924. ► financial A CASH NOW OFFER: Turn future money from lawsuit set- tlements, lottery awards and annuity payments into cash now. Free quotes. 800-815-3503 or www.ppicash.com. (AAN CAN) ► cleaning secs. HOUSE CLEANING: For a reli- able, thorough home cleaner with 3 years, experience and refs., call 802-860-2428. THE CLEAN TEAM: Residential and commercial cleaning service. Also offering move -in, move -out and construction clean-up. Locally owned/operated. Guaranteed. Call The Clean Team today. 310-6770. ► photography MODELS WANTED: Looking for a few aspiring F models interested in the commerciat/fashion indus- try. Must be between 15-35 and have very good complexion. Uni- que opportunity for free experi- ence, portfolio and help breaking into the industry. Contact Dave, 862-1172 or email rusldp@juno .corn or http://www.rusWp. com. ► tutoring SPANISH: New beginning course starting in January at the Gaiter School. Improve your Spanish comprehension and speaking skills with a native and experienced teacher. Ongoing classes. Courses conveniently located at the Gaiter School (Mondays, Shelburne) and in Montpelier (Tuesdays). Reasonable rates, with instruction tailored to your individual needs. Free info, 917-364-3123 or con- stanciag@123spanisnow.com. ► sports equip. SHAPED ROSSIGNOL SKIES w/bindings. Very good condition. Bandit X 177 cm, $175. Viper X9.3 184 cm, $95. 496-7111, evenings. YAKIMA RACK SYSTEM: 1 steel head bike carrier w/locks. Cross bars. Q towers w/clips for Saturn. $125/OBO. 802-467-8583. ► music for sale CELLOS, STRING BASSES, VIO- LINS, VIOLAS: New and old instruments, sates, restoration and repair. Experienced luthiers. Paul Perley Cellos, in business since 1988. 802-229-1501, pperteycellos@aoL.com. YAMAHA PSR-630 PIANO KEY- BOARD: Weighted keys, comput- er interface. Original cost, $800. Will sell for $350. 879-3022, please call before 9 p.m. ► music services CD MANUFACTURING: Give us a call and see why over 200 of New England's top musicians trust us with their CD manufac- turing. Great prices and excellent service! Call Charles Etter Studios at 802-425-3508. COSMIC HILL RECORDING: MIDI and production services. Years of experience in writing, playing, recording and produc- tion. Dedicated to making your music sound great. $25 per hour. 496-3166. Moretown, VT. QUESTION MARK PRODUC- TIONS: Audio engineering/pro- duction, live sound, recording. 802-578-9356. ► musicians wanted KEYBOARDIST WANTED FOR 5- PIECE BAND: Originals and cov- ers. Rock and R & B. For audition, leave message at 802-734-0602. ► music instruct. DRUM LESSONS: Work w/a pro- fessional, energetic drummer w/BFA in jazz. 6 years' experi- ence in touring rock band (US and Europe) and a great atti- tude. Beginners welcome. Refs. avail. Contact Steve, 658-6205, thadhad@hotmaiLcom. GUITAR: All styles/levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musician- ship, personal style. Paul Asbelt (Unknown Blues Band, Kiliman- jaro, Sneakers Jazz Band, etc.), 862-7696, www.pauLasbett.com. ► legals CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amend- ments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington's Code of Ordinances: Sec. 27. No parking except with resident parking permit. No person shalt park any vehicle except vehicles with a valid resi- dent parking permit or a valid guest pass and clearly identifi- able service of delivery vehicles on any street designated as "res- idential parking." (a) As Written (b) As Written (c) As Written (d) As Written (e) Specific criteria for this sec- tion is as follows: (1) through (8) As Written (9) Designation of area. Only streets within the following des- ignated areas may be designated for resident -only parking. Those areas are: 1. Bounded by North Street, Willard Street, Main Street, Union Street, Beech Street, Deforest Road, Deforest Heights and generally the city limits to the east, but not including Willard and Union Streets where these streets define the bound- ary, except that resident -only parking may be imposed gm South Willard Street from Cliff Street to Howard Street and in front of 331, 325, 321 and 309 South Willard Street. (2) through (5) As Written Adopted this 6th day of October 2004 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director -Technical Services Adopted 10/6/2004; Published 12/22/04; Effective 1/12/05 Materials in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. Probate Court Form No. 32 Notice to Creditors STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN IN RE THE ESTATE OF OLGA M. HALLOCK LATE OF HUNTINGTON, VERMONT DOCKET NO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Olga M. Hallock late of Huntington. The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Halt Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final plat application #SD-04- 88 of Randall Hart to subdivide a 1.2 acre parcel developed with a single family dwelling into two (2) lots of 13,000 sq ft (lot #1) and 39,690 sq ft (lot #2), 251 Shunpike Road. 2. Application #CU-04-17 of Twin Oaks Sports & Fitness for conditional use approval under Section 14.10 Conditional Use Review of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow as accessory uses to an indoor and outdoor recreational facility, the following uses: 1) short-order restaurant (snack bar), 2) personal service (hair salon), and 3) retail shop (pro - shop), 142 West Twin Oaks Terrace. 3. Application #CU-04-16 of Vignesh Sotai for conditional use approval under Section 14.10 Conditional Use Review of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to allow an accessory residential unit, 8 Laurel Hill Drive. 4. Application #VR-04-02 of George Hubbard seeking a vari- ance from Section 3.10, Accessory Structures and Uses of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The request is for permission to allow a detached accessory structure (retaining wall) to be placed in the front yard, 6 Park Road. 5. Final plat application #SD-04- 92 of Charles DesLauriers to amend a previously approved planned unit development con- sisting of: 1) a 184 unit congre- gate housing facility and 2) a 104 unit extended stay hotel in two (2) buildings. The amend- ment consists of installing a 10' x 15' concrete pad for a walk-in cooler addition, 401 Dorset Street. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board December 22, 2004 STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTOlW DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 14, 2005 Doug Hensen Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Randall Hart — 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Hensen: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, loc)� I I - Betsy Mc onough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONYLL'TG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 22, 2004 John P. Ahern 90 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Bets Y CDonou h g Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF 'PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 22, 2004 Resolution Realty Trust 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLI1NGTON DEPARTMENT OF PI.A1 NING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOU'rH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 0540E (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 22, 2004 Ruby B. Willis Family Trust 352 Highlands Drive Williston, VT 05495 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy cDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONE'IG 575 DORSET STREET SOLTII BIJRLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 22, 2004 Edlund Company, Inc. 159 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It inc;udes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, e Betsy IDo ough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 22, 2004 Spencer W. Baker 123 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, r j Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BIJRLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 1, 2004 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Henson. - Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy NYcDonough Administrative Assistant cc: Randall Hart Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: January 3, 2005 \drb\sit\hart\siteplan.doc Application received November 17 2004 HART 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-04-48 Agenda #13 Meeting Date: January 18, 2005 Owners/Applicant Property Information Randall Hart Tax Parcel 1560-00251-R 151 Carter Field Road 1.21 acres North Andover, MA 01845 Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District ' r CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING - \drb\sit\hart\siteplan doc Randall Hart, hereafter refereed to as the applicant, is requesting site plan approval to construct 3 multi -family units on a 39,690 square foot lot, 251 Shunpike Road. Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on November 19, 2004 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements R4 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size Lot 1: 0.25 acre Lot 1: 0.30 acre Lot 2: 0.75 acre Lot 2.- 0.91 acre �1 Max. Density 4 units/acre 3.31 units/acre Max. Building Coverage 20% Lot 1: 16.8% _ Lot 2: 8.0% Max. Overall Coverage 40% Lot 1: 20.1 % Lot 2: 27.9% Min. Front Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 34 ft. Lot 2: 42 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. Lot 1: 17 ft. Lot 2: 15 ft. V Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 32 ft. Lot 2: 35 ft. zoning compliance SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Staff feels the project accomplishes a desirable transition from structure to site and from structure to structure. The applicant has submitted an adequate landscaping plan. The plans depict a 5' wide sidewalk along the existing roadway, per the request of the City Engineer. According to Table 13-1 in Section 13.01(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed units will require a total of 7 parking spaces. The plans show a total six (6) designated parking spaces located in garages and driveways. The additional parking will be provided on the roadway. Pursuant to Table 15-1 of the Land Development Regulations, a private roadway without parking shall have a pavement width of 20' and a private roadway with parking shall have a minimum CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sit\hart\siteplan doc pavement width of 26'. The proposed roadway has a pavement width of 24'. Thus, the pavement width of the roadway immediately adjacent to the units shall be increased to 26', and the pavement width of the remainder of the roadway shall be reduced to 20' 1. The plans shall be revised to depict the pavement of the roadway immediately adjacent to the units at a width of 26 ; and the remainder of the roadway at a width of 20 ; prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Section 13.01(G)(5) of the Land Development Regulations requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. 2. Pursuant to Section 13.01(G)(5) of the Land Development Regulations, the plans shall be revised to depict a bicycle rack, prior to issuance of a zoning permit. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking is located at the front of the proposed new residential units. Staff feels the location of the proposed parking spaces is appropriate. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed building is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed building is under the 40' height maximum for the City. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 3. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The building proposed in the project will be of similar architectural style. There is a significant amount of landscaping on the site to serve as a buffer between the surrounding buildings. (t) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The proposed building relates harmoniously to the residential structures surrounding the property. In addition to the above general review_ standards, site plan applications shall meet the followin specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street; to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINUTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sit\hart\siteplan doc At this time, staff does not feel that any additional access easements are necessary for the subject property. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Staff has already noted that pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans show an adequately screened dumpster on Lot 2 Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. The applicant submitted an adequate landscaping plan, which was integrated into the site plan on Sheet 1 of the plans. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G)(2) of the Land Development Regulations, and shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The applicant did not specify the proposed building costs, but stated that $13,750 of landscaping was being proposed. The applicant must submit the estimated building cost, so that staff and the Development Review Board can calculate the minimum landscape requirement for the proposed project. In addition, the applicant must submit a landscape budget, prepared by a landscape professional, indicating that the minimum landscaping requirement is being met. 4. The applicant shall submit the estimated building cost, so that staff and the Development Review Board can calculate the minimum landscape requirement for the proposed project, prior to site plan approval. 5. The applicant shall submit a landscape budget, prepared by a landscape professional, indicating that the minimum landscaping requirement is being met, prior to site plan approval. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans do not show snow storage areas for the subject property. 6. The plans shall be revised to show snow storage areas for the subject property, prior to site plan approval. Lighting The applicant submitted exterior lighting details (cut -sheets) that are in compliance with Appendix D of the Land Development Regulations. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sit\hart\siteplan doc Other 7. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer, as outlined in his comments dated January 13, 2005, prior to issuance of a zoning permit. In addition, the applicant shall comply with any requirements of the City Engineer that do not involve the revision of plans. 8. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the South Burlington Water Department, as outlined in the memorandum from Jay Nadeau, dated January 13, 2005, prior to issuance of a zoning permit. In addition, the applicant shall comply with any requirements of the South Burlington Water Department that do not involve the revision of plans. Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve final plat application #SP-04-48, conditional upon the applicant addressing the numbered items in the "comments" section of this document. Respectfully submitted, Brian Robertson, Associate Planner Copy to: Randy Hart Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4io6 CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS Randy Hart 2-10t subdivision Shunpike Road O1/13/05 1. Entrance drive can be 20 feet in width. 2. Sewer main in Shunpike Road is io inch, not 8 as plan shows. 3. Gas main can be pushed across road not open cut as plan shows 4. New buildings shall have footing drains if there are basements. 5. New sidewalk shall be continuous across the entrance drive. Road side edge of sidewalk shall be 3-inches above the crown of the road and then slope down 1/4 inch per foot if in -fill section and up 1/4 inch per foot if in cut section. Thickness across drive shall be 8 inches. 6. Recycled crushed concrete can be used for road base. 7. The sewage pumping station shall conform to New England Pollution Control Commission Standard TR 16. The station shall have provisions for auxillery power and accessable to tank truck. The force main shall discharge to a manhole in the sewer main. Force mains exceeding 300 feet in length shall include cleanouts. Station control panel shall be close to the station access. SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 January 13, 2005 Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Dr Essex Jct. VT 05452 RE: Randy Hart Project Dear Sirs: The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below. 1. The attached Application for Water Allocation must be completed and returned to the South Burlington Water Department as soon as possible. Current water distribution system upgrades have been substantially completed that should allow for the construction of your project, pending approval of this application and all other local and State requirements. 2. Each individual unit within this project shall have a 5/8"x3/4" water meter installed by this Department. The current residential water connection fee for each unit is $800, however the City Council has the authority to establish rates, including service initiation fees, hydrant use fees, user fees, turn on/shut off fees, and other similar fees to defray the cost of planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance of the system, by resolution at any open meeting of the City Council. The fees are payable at the time an application for water service and water meters are requested. 3. All construction drawings and plans shall have a note saying "All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District #1, and the Village of Jericho, henceforth the "CWD Specification." Please add this note to future plans in visible locations. All water installation work and water distribution material must comply with these specifications. 4. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance For The Control Of Cross Connections Within The Water System Of the City Of South Burlington, henceforth the `Backflow Ordinance." Please contact this department for more information on backflow protection devices. 5. Access must be provided to the Department for those curb stops located outside the City ROW for disconnecting service to delinquent accounts provided that the City of South Burlington follows the requirements set forth in State Statute Title 24 V.S.A. Chapter129, Uniform Water and Sewer Disconnect. 6. Also enclosed is a copy of the CWD tapping application for the needed tap on the CWD 24" transmission main. Please complete boxes 3 thru 12 and return to this department for approval. The tapping fee must be paid in full prior to the tap being completed, and all requirements of the Champlain Water District must be met during the tapping process. Only CWD/SBWD approved tapping companies may tap the CWD 24" transmission main. 7. Separation between the water main and service line and nearby sanitary and storm sewer lines shall comply with the VT WSR requirements and the above referenced Specifications. 8. The South Burlington Water Department ordinance states that "All water lines and appurtenances not located in the City right-of-way or public grounds shall be considered private pursuant to the ordinance and others of the City," and; 9. "The Department shall not maintain any water lines that have not formally been accepted by the City, except in subdivisions that are designed to Department specifications and are intended to be accepted." 10. For this project, the 2" water service line and individual service lines will be considered private. 11. The SBWD shall be sent any future hard copy plans involving this project for review. Future plans must include details and specifications as required in the above referenced Specifications. 12. The SBWD shall be notified prior to backfilling to inspect all joints, fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, water line crossings, and testing. 13. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. 14. A hard copy set of As-Builts as well as one electronic copy in Auto-CAD.DWG Version 14 Format or newer shall be supplied to this department upon completion of the water system improvements. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call me. Sincerely, Jay adeau Superintendent CC. Brian Robertson DD. Doug Brent Plan Reviews: Randy Hart SITE SWALE PUMP STATION ALARM PANEL RUBY B. WILLIS FAMILY TRUST N/F VOL. 506. PG. 242 SEWER PUMP STATION RIM ELEV. - 335.5 6• WV IN - 320.30 ZONING DISTRICT C-I No 1. THIS PLAT COMPILED FROM RECORD RESEARCH AND THE USE Of THE - FOLLOWNO PUT: 'PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER -- -'--- AND NANCY BAKER AND SHEILA BOWES, 123 $ 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD. SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT DATED 6-30-95• BY VAUGHN C BUTTON. LS 2. BEMINGS ARE BASED ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED SURVEY. 3 THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUB.ECT TO OTHER EASEMENTS MD/OR MCHTS-OF-WAY. 4, ALL EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS S. ALL MONUMENTATION IS M SHOWN M THE ABOVE REFERENCED SURVEY LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY - PROPOSED PROPERTY UNE - ABUTTER PROPERTY LINE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY •DIGSAFE• AT - - BUILDING SETBACK 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. EXISTING DWELLING SDEUNE OF PROPOSED EASEMENT I I 0 I JOHN P. AHERN k IPF IRON PIPE FOUND • EXISTING I I I PATRICIA A VAUTIER •IPS IRON PIPE SET POOL MOUSE I I 1 I VOL 217. G 362 IPF ® --W--BQ- - EXISTING WATER LINE. GATE VALI AND HYDRANT ( I I OHW EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE AND POLE I { I 1 I IPP --5---- S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNE AND MANHOLE NFI - - --C------- EXISTING CAS UNE ( I EXISTING TIME 11 I I W- PROPOSED NEW WATER LINE AND GATE VALVE / / I W. SPENCER AND NANCY L BAKER 1 I N/F B PROPOSED NEW WATER SERVICE AND CURB STOP / 1 \ VOL HUI, PG 172 0 -5-� PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE PROPOSED THREE UAIT CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ( ) / / I I I S /// PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEVER SERVICE I / / / / ( / / / I I I ST PROPOSED NEW STORM PIPE / I I / (4) 3- DIA CEDAR PROPOSED NEW FORCE MAN / / / ( ( /---� AIK 8• MAPLE / I I I I yrW [ 5 r. 2 O PROPOSED NEW TREE Lw'J) ii CEDAR HEDGE / I I PROPOSED NEW 5' p5 I / / I 1 --------S�� I ---G - PROPOSED GAS SERVICE / ----~- - i - J - i SIDEWAIOUK.CRE7E PROPOSED SILT FENCE Y N I ' 179.9 3 AL/ I 3 TC 337.0 IPS \ B• APPLE /1 T��jj,��� - IPS T3QOD' - I T / I I EMSIING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM ELEV r 352.07 STONE CHECK DAN LILAC eC -: INV. IN (FROM EAST) - 3334. ,� NEW BUILDING MOUNTED 70 WATT METAL HALIDE LIGHT T.0. / I I- �-- 1 ( I g \ -/ // 2 PORM iB• ARSINE\ i - 4` I I 6-.. I I Or 8• INV. IN (FROM SOIUTN) - 314.T1 e B• INV. OUT - 3M.67 �w I -33 1 i I EIEV-339 T.O. T.O. 1TNDN ELEVL339 ELEV. 341 I I g I . I i ` \ �i DUSTING Y / GARAGE OARAOE I\ 14 APPLE / I / CiEv°. EicvB. / �5 /ELEV. I I LS III I� I 5S --- C` -SJB -sse -s+o 12 INv. W F. 3 I - 33R0 I \ I I `� I IBM - EXISTING SANITARY SEVEN N /V'' g /,,��o•.,,}}q• J VD 37. / NQ I��j! MANHOLE RIM - ELEV - 352.07 //�• /� Yyl 0. 3 P I 1Y APPLE I I 12• MAPLE ` i •'j I �.rj( �1 C- / $ / I I / 11KKBB (✓U O C 3 se S _.. / 36 ASH I I I I Of Iaj SSTOCI(AwOE 3� 2 NA w 3 / I PROPOSED i (I EXISTING 4' GAS LINE PROJECT DATA So <v�� / I S3G5 ENCLO E SEWER M / 'L' M1 I I PROPERTY I I I S DIA LILAC ' S' OA SHRUB I8, S°I I Ab ENCLO E RIM FLlY. 7' 3 .75 3 LEES I L 0 I I I 1. FZONING DISTRICT 1T ACRES. VOL. 670. PG 515 2A' N1DE PAVED (2) 4' WV IN - 329.p) ~ . I I yr \ 2. ZONING DISTRICT R-4 ,DRIVEWAY 6 INV.T - 328.80 v. I ( ry I (/g ) / ( 17,000 SF, I 1 FP ; I I i SLOT GOYERAGE� II) ml I I EXISTING I fn ' I / /I I \ _CONCRETE WALL( I TOTAL BUILDING COVEIfABE TOTAL COVI]:AGE 3' 28 P FORCE MAN / / �'732� 1 I RESDLUTIOI REALTY AREA PRd'OSED ALLOWED PROPOSED ALLOWED I W I I PROPOSED o I PARTNERSHIP LOT 1 1J,000 Y t1B1 9F (18.Df0 20.pi 2.818 SF (20.11h I0.0R W ACCESS N I I N/F N I I ELEV-/]l7.0 / / 1 LOT 2 J9.090 9 3.1G4 Si (e.01O 20.OIL 11,073 SF (27.9M 4 KU S / � 0• E - I LO�MENT TO I I i Wl. 438. PG. 357 6 1 3 AL 130,00' 'PS i f 5 1'S LOT L -. / �I EXISTING V 4. MINIMUM REOUIREn SETBACKS 39.680 / Q�6 -� I -- /"�Y SHED ® I I EMSRNG MARBLE FRONT k FEAR 30 FEET ZONING 3 PROPOSED STORMWATER INFILTRATION y / / ---j11�.'iwLN!\j SIDE 10 FEET pSTRICi AREr (AND TEMPORARY SEDIMENT M I POSTS AND SHRUBS / / I / I TO BE REMOVED. 5. PARKIN- EXISTING MAIL BOX R-4 I FOND WRING CONSTRUCTION) / / ; I _ - - _ - - 1 REWIRED: LOT I - 2 SPACES PER D.U. LOT Z - 2 SPACES PER G.U. a T SPACE PER 4 D.U. B pA/ SNRUl�TO - _ I I I PROVIDEp LOT 1 - 2 SPACES 1 INSIDE. I OUTSIDE V BE REMOVED �V/O EDGE OF EIOSTWG CONSTR STABILIZED REPLArTED I GRAVTL pPoVEWAY I CONSTRUC110N ENTRANCE LOT 2 - 6 SPACES 3 INSIDE, 4 OUTSIDE O I 20• ASH / I - - SEE CONSTRUCTION DlmBWNMJIII' -' I Kr / I ~DETAILS PROVIDE SERVICE 6 - WATER AND SAWTMY SEWER ARE MUNICIPAL. STRICT I I SADDLE AND 2 - STORMWATER INCLUDES ON -SITE DETENTION AND / R-4 I L -- (y COPPER CORPptAF N / 3 NIA WATERAL PIPE FOR NEW INFILTRATION. i-.pLAC TO BE 9VALVEO FIIY N BB'OB•10• W ' -_ "V•ED AND-f2EPCA _ - I CONNECT NEW 3*Zip,T�/��ER/APPLICANT FORCEM. INTO _ 309.94' \ 5' TALL OCK UBS I I I N SEE DETAIL SEWER MAW. ON SHEET 5 SEE CARTER TFIELD ROAD /4. NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 \I \ `, 4��� 15• SPRUCE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING DISTRICT C-1 I i / \ /l RECEIVED FOR RECORD I I I \ EXISTING MANHOLE AD. 2004 INGD OVER EXISTING WATER MAIN AT O'CLOCK NINUTIiS_N AND RECORDED W ATTEST. ClTY CLERK IPF EXISTING SANITARYSEWER MANHOLE I .Q N \ RIM ELEV - 41 I REVISIONS EDLUND COMPANY. INC. I O GRAPHIC SCALE /F B' INV. IN ( ow EAST) . ss6.41 THESE ' VOL 478. PG 652 B• INV. IN ( SOUTH) - M24 \� ( I ONLY BE PUSED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: SHEETS d IOU \ e• INV. OUT - S!&14 I I \ \ I O SKETCH/CONCEPT \l I I W I 1 0 PRELIMINARY 777/ 77777777/777/t777/_ INVESTORS 100001L ( PCIRATION FINAL 1N FEET) I OF 1 mm = zo It / \ I Z I C�YExMowr � RECORD DRAWING s EXISTING I D I I I VOL 364. G. 635 LANDS OFF Ono. BUILDING RANDY HART aT�FD I I 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD Geaign I I SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT D1.H TWO LOT F9Wn SUBDIVISION R'D71 Checked SITE PLAN AND ABR/DI0 V31IIgIA 4U111/7I TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIS �A \I Illy AAA 01 /l AAi, SUBDIVISION PLAT date PLAT IS BASED ON INFORMATION ABSTRACTED zl �I �� A �/ easro4 FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER ?�� is ?J eJ`'� j scale OFFICIAL RECORDS AND CONFORMS WITH THE DOUGlAS _ ^ ,� REQUIREMENTS OF 27 VSA h 1403, - L. sell LAMOUREUX&DICICINSON 1"=20� HENSON - C-.Idag Eaelueem (- DATED THIS - DAY OF A_ 20nA No. 656 . \�14 Morse Drive'htno. 03452 A71L4450 •E /III IITVV All/I\TIV iB CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: January 3, 2005 \drb\sub\hart\final.doc Application received- November 17 2004 HART— 2-LOT (MINOR) SUBDIVISION 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-04-88 Agenda #12 Meeting Date: January 18, 2005 Owners/Applicant Property Information Randall Hart Tax Parcel 1560-00251-R 151 Carter Field Road 1.21 acres North Andover, MA 01845 Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District 40fibs ry.= op.'{ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\final.doc Randall Hart, hereafter refereed to as the applicant, is requesting final plat approval to subdivide a 52,690 square foot lot with a single family dwelling into two (2) lots of: 1) 13,000 square feet (Lot #1), and 2) 39,690 square feet (Lot #2), 251 Shunpike Road. The Development Review Board reviewed the sketch plan of the proposed subdivision on October 5, 2004 (minutes enclosed). Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on November 19, 2004 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements [ R4 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size Lot 1: 0.25 acre Lot 1: 0.30 acre Lot 2: 0.75 acre Lot 2: 0.91 acre �I Max. Density 4 units/acre n/a �l Max. Building Coverage 20% Lot 1: 16.8% Lot 2: n/a Max. Overall Coverage 40% _ Lot 1: 20.1 % 30 ft. Lot 2: n/a Min. Front Setback Lot 1: 34 ft. Lot 2: n/a. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. Lot 1: 17 ft. Lot 2: n/a. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 32 ft. Lot 2: n/a �l zoning compliance n/a some of the dimensional requirements are not applicable to Lot #2 because no development is proposed as part of this subdivision SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions. - Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\final.doc The existing single-family dwelling is connected to the public water system. Additional units on the proposed lot will also have to be connected to the public water system. The proposed water lines are depicted on the plans. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The existing single-family dwelling is connected to the public sewer system. Additional units on the proposed lot will also have to be connected to the public sewer system. The proposed sewer lines are depicted on the plans. The City Engineer reviewed the proposed plans and provided comments in a memorandum dated September 30, 2004 (attached). The applicant complied with all of the City Engineer's requests prior to submittal of the final plat application. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The proposed project does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Lot #1 is currently accessed by a private driveway off of Shunpike Road. The applicant is proposing to access both the existing single-family dwelling and the proposed lot via a 24' wide private drive off of Shunpike Road. The existing single-family dwelling will have a driveway extending from the proposed drive. In addition, the applicant is proposing a 40' wide access easement across Lot #2, connecting Shunpike Road to Lot #1. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The City's Official Wetland Map indicates that there are no wetlands on the subject property. The applicant has concurred that there are no wetlands on the subject property. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed subdivision is compatible with the planned development patterns of the R4 Zoning District, as outlined in Section 4.03(A) of the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. This criterion is not applicable to the proposed project. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\final.doc Staff does not feel that the South Burlington Fire Chief needs to review the plans for the proposed subdivision. However, any plans for future development of the proposed lot will need to be reviewed by the Fire Chief. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff feels this requirement is being met. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff feels this requirement is being met. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Lot Layout. According to Section 15.10 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, a minimum width to length ratio of one to five (1:5) shall be used as a guideline by the Development Review Board in evaluating lot proportions. Square or roughly square lots shall not be approved. The two lots proposed through this project are in compliance with this criterion. Other The applicant is proposing to construct a sidewalk along the property's frontage within the Shunpike Road right-of-way. 1. The applicant shall construct the sidewalk at a location approved by the Director of Public Works. The sidewalk shall be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy fro any development proposed on Lot #2. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve final plat application #SD-04-88, as submitted. Respectfully submitted, Brian Robertson, Associate Planner Copy to: Randy Hart DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 OCTOBER 2004 Ms. Quimby moved to approve application #CU-04-08 of Harry Bliss and Kelly Miller. Mr. Kupferman seconded. There were no votes for approval and 4 votes to deny. The motion was therefore deemed to have failed. 9. Site Plan Application #SP-04-32 of Paul G. Adams to amend a previously approved plan for a 12,840 sq. ft. light manufacturing building. The amendment consists of constructing a 7,010 sq. ft. addition,1215 Airport Parkway: Ms. Adams said the addition is identical to what they have now. It will also improve safety. The existing building would serve as the 4t" wall for this addition. Mr. Boucher said they will need to screen the dumpster. Ms Adams said it will be relocated. Mr. Belair said it should not be visible from the street. Staff is recommending a $1049 landscape credit and a 25% parking waiver. Ms. Adams said this is a metal fabricating business. They are not expanding the business, just getting more usable space for storage, etc. They will be no additional employees. Mr. Belair explained the traffic impact fee which is based on square footage and use. Mr. Boucher noted a letter from Tom Hubbard regarding an easement for a potential rec path in front of the building. The applicant was OK with this. The motion was amended to add #3d as follows: The plan shall be revised to show a 20 foot recreation path easement along the front of the property. Condition #13 was added as follows: The applicant shall submit a legal document for the recreation path easement to be approved by the City Attorney prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan application #SD-04-32 of Paul G. Adams subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Kupferman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10 Sketch plan application #SD-03-66 of Randall Hart to subdivide a 52,690 sq. ft. lot with a single family dwelling into two lots of 1) 13,000 sq. ft. (Lot 91) and 2) 39,690 sq. ft. (Lot #2), 251 Shunpike Road: Mr. Henson showed the location of the existing dwelling which would be Lot #1. It is served by municipal water and sewer. He showed the existing driveway. Mr. Boucher noted the City Engineer's comment on the ending of the sidewalk. He suggests the sidewalk be continued along the front of the property line. Mr. Henson said they is OK. They will have to relocate some shrubs. SITE LOCATION PLAN RUBY B. WILLIS FAMILY TRUST N/F VOL 506. PG 242 ---` " --" ZONING DISTRICT IC 1 EXISTING POOL HOUSE IPF I I ZONING DISTRICT R-4 —' I ZONING DISTRICT X BOUNDARY LOT (2 39.690 S.F. ZONING DISTRICT R-4 W. SPENCER AND NANCY L BAKER N/F VOL 101. PG. 172 CEDAR HEDGE I I I PROPOSED PROPERTY LINES - LOT 1Q 13,000 S.F. I I. i 1 30 L a a 5 e8OC10' E DWELLIN% k //'—//z/.A 3' DIA L PS 3' DIA SHRUB TO BE REMOVED AND — REPLANTED EDGE OF JJJ 20' ASH EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY / j -- 12' MAPLEI DIA. LILAC 5' DIA. SHRUB CONCRETE WALK z PROJECT BOUNDARY — PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE — ABUTTER PROPERTY LINE BMLDNG SEteAac SIDEUNE M PROPOSED EASEMENT •IPF IRON PIPE FWND I VIPs IRON INK SET JOIN P. AHERN I I & PATRICIA A _w- -84-— E.YISRNG WATER LINE. GATE VALVE AND HYDRANT VAUTIER — W W EMTING OVERHEAD UTIUTY LINE ANO POLE N/F I I Va. 217, PG. —S— — — EI SMNG SANTARY SEMER UK AND MANNDE 11 NG WS LINE I I I I I I I I w I I I I I u I I I I I I IPS PROPOSED NEW S' WIDE !! E CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 7 EXISTING 6' D.I. SEWER SERVICE 13 -------- S — —— lo I I ,I ly I �I EXISTING 4' GAS cf LINE I8 �I I BI I I RESOLUTION ' PROPOSED iO to REALTY 40' ACCESS �I PARTNERSHIP EASEMENT I I I N/F TO LOT 1 VOL, 439, PG. 130.00' i a I I I I 357 — _ _ 5' DIA. LILAC IPF 4 N IISMS'10' w#4-- _ 309.94' _--- ��'❑—_ 15" SPRUCE 4- _ 6' I WHITE PINES 5 TALL HEMLOCK SHRUBS 11 IONW. DISTRICT 1C EDLUND COMPANY, INC. N/F VOL. 478, PG. 652 1 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 80 120 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 30 IL NOTES 1. THIS PLAT WAS COMPILED FROM RECORD RESEARCH AND THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING PLAT: "PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY REVISIONS BETWEEN SPENCER AND NANCY BAKER AND SHEILA BOWES, 123 & 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT DATED 6-30-95" BY VAUGHN C. BUTTON, L.S. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED SURVEY. 3. THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO OTHER EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY. 4. Z EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. 5. UMENTATION IS AS SHOWN ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED SURVEY.( FEX STING BUILDING EXISTING MARBLE POSTS AND POSTS SHRUBS BE REMOVED.. EXISTING MAIL �/j'�. V>^ BOx • „! �� 40 0 OWNER/APPL NT RANDY HART /Y 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON RECEIVED FOR RECORD A.D. 2004 IPr AT O'CLOCK MINUTES_M AND RECORDED IN ATTEST: CITY CLERK INVESTORS CORPORATION OF VERMON7 date descri Lion b N/F REVISIONS VOL 364, PG, THESE PLANS WITH LATEST REVISIONS SHOULD / Of 635 ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW: SHEDS E3 SKETCH/CONCEPT 0 PRELIMINARY I♦ FINAL I 0 RECORD DRAWING LANDS OF prrol no. —I— RANDY HART survey TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIS PLAT IS BASED ON INFORMATION ABSTRACTED %%% I111,A7 FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND/OR OTHER OFFICIAL RECORDS AND CONFORMS WITH THE �„'�,! DOUGLAS REQUIREMENTS OF 27 VSA & 1403. _ L. ' ' DATED THIS ____ DAY OF , 2004 HENSON i� No. 656 ,,TrPiiiilt `,\ DEPAIRTMEPiT IDE :PLA1\Tl`T11O & ZONE14C, 575 DORSE.T STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 21, 2004 Doug Henson Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Minutes — 251 Shunpike Road Dear Mr. Henson Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the October 5, 2004 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant cc: Randall Hart Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 OCTOBER 2004 Ms. Quimby moved to approve application #CU-04-08 of Harry Bliss and Kelly Miller. Mr. Kupferman seconded. There were no votes for approval and 4 votes to deny. The motion was therefore deemed to have failed. 9. Site Plan Application #SP-04-32 of Paul G. Adams to amend a previously approved plan for a 12,840 sq. ft. light manufacturing building. The amendment consists of constructing a 7,010 sq. ft. addition, 1215 Airport Parkway: Ms. Adams said the addition is identical to what they have now. It will also improve safety. The existing building would serve as the 41h wall for this addition. Mr. Boucher said they will need to screen the dumpster. Ms Adams said it will be relocated. Mr. Belair said it should not be visible from the street. Staff is recommending a $1049 landscape credit and a 25% parking waiver. Ms. Adams said this is a metal fabricating business. They are not expanding the business, just getting more usable space for storage, etc. They will be no additional employees. Mr. Belair explained the traffic impact fee which is based on square footage and use. Mr. Boucher noted a letter from Tom Hubbard regarding an easement for a potential rec path in front of the building. The applicant was OK with this. The motion was amended to add #3d as follows: The plan shall be revised to show a 20 foot recreation path easement along the front of the property. Condition #13 was added as follows: The applicant shall submit a legal document for the recreation path easement to be approved by the City Attorney prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan application #SD-04-32 of Paul G. Adams subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Kupferman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. UOSketch plan application #SD-03-66 of Randall Hart to subdivide ai 52,690 sq. ft. lot with a single family dwelling into two lots of 1) 13,000 sq. ft. (Lot #1) and 2) 39,690 sq. ft. (Lot #2), 251 Shunpike Road: Mr. Henson showed the location of the existing dwelling which would be Lot #1. It is served by municipal water and sewer. He showed the existing driveway. Mr. Boucher noted the City Engineer's comment on the ending of the sidewalk. He suggests the sidewalk be continued along the front of the property line. Mr. Henson said they is OK. They will have to relocate some shrubs. M CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: September 28, 2004 \drb\sub\hart\sketch.doc Application received: September 1, 2004 HART — 2-LOT (MINOR) SUBDIVISION 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-04-66 Agenda #10 Meeting Date: October 5, 2004 Owners/Applicant PropertV Information Randall Hart Tax Parcel 1560-00251-R 151 Carter Field Road 1.21 acres North Andover. MA 01845 Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District 9 Post -it® Fax Note 7671 Date 10 # oeS� 16 Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\hart\sketch doc Randall Hart, hereafter refereed to as the applicant, is requesting sketch plan review to subdivide a 52,690 square foot lot with a single family dwelling into two (2) lots of: 1) 13,000 square feet (Lot #1), and 2) 39, 690 square feet (Lot #2), 251 Shunpike Road. Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on September 1, 2004 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements R4 Zoning District Required Proposed 4 Min. Lot Size Lot 1: 0.25 acre Lot 1: 0.30 acre Lot 2: 0.75 acre Lot 2: 0.91 acre Max. Density 4 units/acre 20% n/a Lot 1.- 16.8% Max. Building Coverage Lot 2: n/a Max. Overall Coverage 40% Lot 1: 20.1 Lot 2: n/a Min. Front Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 34 ft. Lot 2: n/a. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. Lot 1: 17 ft. Lot 2: n/a. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. Lot: 32 ft. Lot 2: n/a zoning compliance n/a some of the dimensional requirements are not applicable to Lot #2 because no development is proposed at this time SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure. The existing single-family dwelling is connected to the public water system. Additional units on the proposed lot will also have to be connected to the public water system. The proposed water lines are depicted on the plans. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\su b\hart\sketch.doc 1. The South Burlington Water Department should review the plan for the proposed project, prior to final approval. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The existing single-family dwelling is connected to the public sewer system. Additional units on the proposed lot will also have to be connected to the public sewer system. The proposed sewer lines are depicted on the plans. The City Engineer reviewed the proposed plans and provided comments in a memorandum dated September 30, 2004 (attached). 2. The plans should be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer, prior to the final plan submittal. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The proposed project does not involve and construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Lot #1 is currently accessed by a private driveway off of Shunpike Road. The applicant is proposing to access both the existing single-family dwelling and the proposed lot via a 24' wide private drive off of Shunpike Road. The existing single-family dwelling will have a driveway extending from the proposed drive. In addition, the applicant is proposing a 40' wide access easement connecting Shunpike Road to Lot #1. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. 3. If wetlands exist on the property, the plans should be revised to have the wetlands and associated buffers delineated by a wetland professional, prior to the next plan submittal. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed subdivision is compatible with the planned development patterns of the R4 Zoning District, as outlined in Section 4.03(A) of the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. This criterion is not applicable to the proposed project. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \d rb\sub\h a rt\sket ch . d o c Staff does not feel that the South Burlington Fire Chief needs to review the plans for the proposed subdivision. However, any plans for future development of the proposed lot will need to be reviewed by the Fire Chief. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff feels this requirement is being met. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff feels this requirement is being met. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Lot Layout. According to Section 15.10 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, a minimum width to length ratio of one to five (1:5) shall be used as a guideline by the Development Review Board in evaluating lot proportions. Square or roughly square lots shall not be approved. The two lots proposed through this project are in compliance with this criterion. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "comments" section of this document prior to submitting a final plat application. Respectfulr ly submitted, Brian Robertson, Associate Planner Copy to: Randy Hart BILL SZYMANSKI, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 846-4106 (phone) 846-4101 (fax) COMMENTS Randy Hart Shunpike Road 9/30/04 1. Existing sewer mains in Shunpike Road are asbestos pipe not D.I. 2. Existing sidewalk should be extended across the frontage of this subdivision. 3. The closest municipal stormwater system is on Kimball Avenue. 4. Plans shall show the gas main and service to the units. WILLIS TON ROAD LEGEND - PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE — - ABUTTER PROPERTY LINE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'DIGSAFE' AT — — — — — BUILDING SETBACK 1-888—DIG—SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. - - SIOFIINE OF PROPOSED EASEMENT SITE I I P. •IPF IRON PIPE FOUND I I .qHN AHERN d PATRICIAN VAULTER •IFS IRON PIPE SET WL 217. PC 302 I IPF I --W--�--L- E7QSTINC WATER UNE. GALE VALVE AND HYDRANT I I OHW EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE AND POLE I PF �Ipl —�f ?� EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNE AND MANHOLE\\ I ; EXISTING TREE 1 I 51 ' N—W— PROPOSED NEW WATER LINE. GATE VALVE AND HYDRANT I I I o KIMBq \ W. SPENCER AND NANCY L BAKER i I ; PROPOSED NEW WATER SERVICE AND CURB STOP 4 AVENUE \ 1 N/F I I N I �3—�— PRCPOSED NEW SANITARY SEWER UNE AND MANHOLE VOL 101. PC. 172 / / /' ( ! PROPOSED NEW SANITARY SEMEN SERVICE ti PROPOSED THREE UNIT CONDOMINIUM BUILDING I'll NEW LOCATION PLAN I i / i i i - ' ' Pr PROPOSED NEW TREE MAN NTS 1P5 179.94' 10 I o _...._I n / \ IPS 0. T_ -' - • IPS I XISNO SANITARY MANH TISEMAN..ANI5Z 130.00% E 1 I RIM ELR — e" INV.. IN (PROM IJM EAST) - 335.57 B' INV. (Mow- 334.7I (D / I G e" INV. OUT - 334.67 4.87 �/ 3 ` \ SE%S1NTO. FTDN GC 8" D.1SEVER SERVIELEV-339 SLABSLAB T.O. PFDN T.O. FNDN GARAGE CE ELEV. ELEV. ELE-339 ELEV.-341 ALAS -3° -S° C� R %Y s �'I RECEIVED RUBY B. WILLIS FAMILY . -- .I S YS„' W TRU� `T I 6" 35 PVC y pVG C 9 / / V)L /508. PC. 241 ..-.... ' w ,r g SEP 0 1 2004 isrATION 24' ME EYPAVED / %E CAI i ; I vROPosEo I I L — I I City of So. Burlington / / ^ �. I 6 LINESPROPERTY I I I(� \ 1 i 13 D00 O. I 3 S2 1 z 40' ACCESS o I I RESOLUTION REALTY I 1 �35 PROPOSED I PMiNERSHIP 28 PVC FORCE MAIN / // O•N ! L- A- EASENF w ' LOOT I TO N bOL. 139,/PC 357 S88 '0" E \ a M / !IPS . - L i t30.00 'Ps 390� / — — / \ ^ MARBLE POSTS PROJECT DATA / / \ /. PARCEL 5M2E: 1.21 ACRES. VOL 870, PG 515 EASING GRAVEL J I 2 ZONING DISTRICT C-1 ZONING INS CT R�4 / / / ! ,y 1) I i DRIVEWAY I s.�� I ' SE NCON STRUCTION ]. ZONING d51RICT R-1 I / O i `•J - - - - I IDETLS LOT CDVfRACE: ZONIN4 DISI7OCT / � / / I \ - - - BOUNDARY / I / I I I TOTAL BURDWIG COVERAGE roTAL COVERAGE _. _..._........-... AREA PROPOSED Au0WE0 PRGPOSEO AuOWED i ING as1R/IC4'R-4 `! W O I ` I LOT 1 13.DOG SF 2.WB1 SF (1a Zell W W to LOT 2 39.690 SF 2.794 SF 7.0� Mm '0.6W SFO(26.9� -- —�— I /. MINIMUM REQUIRED SETBACKS: MT d REAR30 FEET N 88108*10SIDE 10 FEET 94 IPF I N PARKING SPACES,' At\ \\\ I REOIIREP, LOT 1 2 SPACES PER O.U. LOT 2 - 2 SPACES PER D.U. + 1 SPACE PER 4 D.U. — ` PROVIDED. LOT 1 - 2 SPACES zoNINc asTRlcr LOT 2 - 6 SPACES. 3 INSIDE. ] OUTSIDE EMS G MANHOLE 8 1111L(LES 1 ! \ I I 1 \ INSTALLED OVER - WATER AND SANITARY SEWER ARE MUNIMAL ------------- EXSTNG WATER MAIN - STORMWATER INCLUDES ON -SITE DETENTION AND INFILTRATION WITH OVERFLOW TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM. I 1 / / i I \ \ IPF \ \ (\ I Q U, REVISIONS EDLUND COMPANY. INC. \ \ \ I O NX RAMS Wa LATEST RDRSIDI15 sIaDLD / OF N/F \ \ \ I 8L ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOII I SE SNOWELOW: ELS STE VOL 475. PG. 882 \ \ I SKETCH/CONCEPT i \ \ \ I I 111 I Q PRELIMINARY \\ \\ I CONPORATIOp OF Q FINAL \ I I tL VVE'T"T Q RECORD DRAWING \.f VOL. 364, O 635 LANDS OF prof. no jj 04-070 GRAPHIC SCALE I =n I RANDY HART TE/8 E%1511NC SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FD RNA ELEV - 350.41 251 5HUNYIKE ROAD tleslgn WINV. IN (FROM EAST) - 336.41 I SOUTH UR INGTON VERMONT m m 8" INV. IN (FROM SOUTH) - 335.24 DLH B" INV. OUT - 335.14 rO_ FEM JT/ Toren )a I S I TWO LOT 5U5DIV151ON cnBOKDLH6a NOTE: i 5KETCH PLAN d. e�wc 1. EXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARY INFORMATION WAS OBTNNED FROM A PLAN I I 8/25/04 ENTITLED "PLAT SHOWING SURVEY FOR BOUNDARY REVISIONS BETWEEN OTY1VERfAPPLICANT SOW. SPENCER AND NANCY BAKER AND SHEILA BOWES. 123 d 251 SHUNPIKE ROAD. SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT DATED 6-30-95" BY VAUGHN C BUTTON. LS. LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON CoTMWTIWg FngmeeTs, IT1e. WIL no. RANDY HART IA Morse lJriVs 151 CARTER FIELD ROAD ETucJnvctim,VT 03452 1 NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 Let: 802-87&/450 1 Permit Number SD- 4 - APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall F. Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Bk. 670, Pg. 515 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randall Hart, 151 Carter Field Road, North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 689-8700 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.)Fee Simple 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Randy Hart (978) 689-8700 or Doug Henson, L.S. at Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452, 878-4450 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 251 Shunpike Road 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 34/1560/00251 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) One single family dwelling on 1.21 acre parcel. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Proposed 3 unit multi -family building on new 0.91 acre lot, plus existing single family dwelling on remaining 0.30 acre lot c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 4,975 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) The existing two story single family dwelling will remain the same. The proposed three unit building will be two story. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) 1 existing plus three proposed. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A - The existing and proposed buildings will remain/be residential. 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 4.1 % Proposed 9.4 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc.) Existing 5.0 % Proposed 25.2 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 0.1 % Proposed 1.4 % 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) Lot 1 will be served by an easement across Lot 2 for ingress, egress and utilities. 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) The existing dwelling on Lot 1 is currently served by municipal sewer and water. The three unit building on Lot 2 is proposed to be served by municipal sewer and water. 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES (this may be provided on a separate attached sheet) See attached sheet 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 2005 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER 2 08-27-'04 13:59 FROM-U- T reuxMickinson 8028783135 T-093 PO4/04 U-070 e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and exisfto Its +M =airr) 1 cxisfirz- pl'—'- thrac proposed. f) Number of employees& company vehict?-- 'r -, VICIMOU-0 ""A 11gs will remain/be residential. t *4 1 . - r, tjj 1—; !& Pic 4: 'i 06' 9) LOT COVE a) Building: �79' Pimpowd--9.4 / o b) Overall (building, parking, 77 7 5.0 .......... ,A 77- 4 king —0.1 % Proposed 1.4 % 10) TYPE 0FE,"'&'-,---- V, r-Fxnss Lot 2 for Ingress, egress 1) PROPOSED Lt " " 4i, r1%hL elling on Lot I is currently --d wacr71eUJIA, Ulit ilOil IjNI)f tbf,Vjy - Municiped, fln-M,fL- =-4 ADDRESSES (this may be provide-d wi a t it. I 4 �0�iv� clk. a. DATE: 2005 T 0";,:r qll been submitted and is accurst to the best of my know1c,3z SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ,, OF PROPERTY OWNER 2 Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: y&w I have reviewed this final plat application and find it to be: Qeom lete ❑ p Incomplete we�k DirectorZP&ifngg & Zoning or Designee Date 3 Spencer W. Baker Ruby B. Willis Family Trust Edlund Company, Inc. 123 Shunpike Road 352 Highlands Drive 159 Industrial Parkway South Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Burlington, VT 05401 Investors Corp. of Vermont 30 Main Street, Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 P:\2004\04070\AbuttersList. wpd Resolution Realty Trust 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 John P. Ahern 90 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 jiLamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering.com Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Randy Hart Subdivision 251 Shunpike Road, South Burlington Dear Ray: Jody Carriere, P.E. Patricia Coburn, P.E. Jason Dattilio, L.S. Doug Goulette, P.E. Doug Henson, L.S. September 1, 2004 Roger Dickinson, P.E., PTOE Gail Henderson -King, ASLA Len Lamoureux, P.E., L.S. Andrew Rowe, P.E. Brian Tremback, CPSSc As we discussed, we are writing on behalf of our client, Randy Hart in regard to the subdivision of the property at 251 Shunpike Road. We are requesting your review of the enclosed application, and placement on the Development Review Board agenda for Sketch Plan approval for this subdivision. The project is located within the Residential 4 District (R-4). We have enclosed the following for your review: Five copies and one reduced copy of the Sketch Plan; Sketch Plan Review application with $125.00 fee; Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, b0g Henson, L.S., E.I. cc: Mr. Randy Hart P:\2004\04070\SKETCH APP cover.wpd Civil • Transportation • Planning • Landscape Architecture • Soils • Wetlands • Surveying