HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-81-0000 - Decision - 1830 Shelburne Road (3)'I,A:, NING CUMINIS ION JULY 21, 1981 The :,outh Burlington Planning Commission held a rej ular meeting; on Tuesday, July 21, 1961 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City ball, 575 Dorset St. T:embers Present Sidney roger, Chairman; George Mlona, Peter Jacob, Ernest Levesque, Kirk r;oolery, Hobert Walsh Member Absent James Ewing Others Present David Spitz, Planner; Jodie Peck, Free Press; Bruce & Robert Jolley, Michael Smith, Edwin Sanborn, Carroll Berry, Nancy & Jim McClary, Jim McNamara, Doug Fitzpatrick, Steve Page, Gerald Milot, Robert Krebs, Judy Hurd, Lowell Krassner, Mary and M.A. ;>mith, Charles Smith, Robert & Clara Ryan, Bill & Shirley Hosick, Ray Tremblay, Wilbur Newton, Paul Farrar I✓.inutes of July 14. 1981 The minutes of July 14, 1981 were approved on a motion by Mr. Jacob, a second by Mr. Woolery and an affirmative vote, with Messrs. Poger and Walsh abstaining because they were not present. site plan a, i:lication b-Y Jolley A:,sociate,s.)for a beverage mart with an c:xistinr ras station at 1850 "helburne Road :Ir. Woolery noted that when approval was granted for this lot to add diesel pumps, a stipulation was then added that there be no cars stored in back. That stipulation has been complied with. "r. Upitz said the applicant had been before the Zoning Board for multiple use approval. They had requested addition of a beverage center xr:d redemption center. The 'Zoning Board discussed traffic at length and had felt the redemption center would generate too much traffic, so that was riot approved, but the beverage center use was. The Board also noted that because there was a similar use across the street, left turns proba iy would not be a problem. .Ir. apitz saw no way to consolidate curb cuts on this lot -,,'rich would give a better traffic situation. .)b Jolley said a small area of space would be added and lie showel f.ch of what they hoped the building would look like. They will put in and flowers. A new floor will be put down in the two bays and the will Co in the new part of the building. A storage are: is si:own, but they are not sure if they will natd all that space for storage, '.11., y will re,::ain a full -service station. :Ir. Jolley said they would a-eaee--v oottles if a6kcd, but they will not ..remote that activity. r. Jolley said there would be nj outside storage of bottle.5 at :, 1. ir. was concerned that peo.le ;could parr in front of the c. -r. Levesque arrived at this tuns Xi-. ?..cob su-Bested "no parking" signs to prevent what :.'r. 'a:owns, -.Y'r cone ; :Ted °ug.out. 2. PLANNINC COIr:ISSION JULY 21, 1981 Mr. .•,00lery moved that the South Burlington :Tanning Commission apx,rove the site plan al)plication of Jolley As:,ociates_for a beverage mart in addition to an existing e7as station at 1Es30 Shelburne Road as demoted on a plan entitled "Topography Survey, Jolley Associates," dated 5 5 dl, prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, subject to the following stipulations: 1. A landscaping bond of 4750 shall be provided. 2. This site plan exi;ires in 6 month:. 3. Adequate signing to indicate beverage parking shall be installed. 4. T ere sh_�Lllbg_oQikt4_ide _�torazq,__ I-Ir. Jacob seconded the motion and all voted yes. A:%plicPtion by the Glenwood Corporation for revised final plat aN::roval of :hale II, 109 units, of the :;tonehedge development Mr. Spitz said there were very few changes from the sketch plan stage. .;ecause of the land swap in this area, the units are being rearranged from the original plans. KIr. apitz added that cluster J would now be the same type as the rest of the development and the changes proposed for that cluster will not take place. Detailed information will be submitted cluster by clu:ter, as previous approvals :have been handled. f"r. Pa e, repreetentint,, the develol;er, said the sewer easement mentioned in the City Engincer's memo was not a problem. .-Ir. Lona asked whether the pedestrian trail easement would run along t.".e southern boundary. Mr. Page said he had not discussed it, but said it could be added as a stipulation and if there were a problem, he would return. Pr. McClary, a resident of atonehedge, said there was a problem with draina-e running through cluster ;i. "Ir. noolery moved that the :youth Burlington Planning Commission approve time revised final plat a `lication by the Glenwood Corporation for Phase II 1T9 units of the jtonehed�,-e develo ment as der,icted on a )lrn entitled " tonened;7e Condominiums, :'hale 2, Final i'lat," prelared by Fitzpatrick - Llewellyn Associates, dated June 1981, subject to the following stii.ulations: 1. Previous stipulations from. aj)pruvals dated 11/27/79 and 4/29/80, as they affect this revised aI)plication, shall remain in effect. 2. A 20 foot wide sewer easement shall be provided between the manhole northeast of the swimming pool and the loop road for possible future extension easterly. 3. Unobstructed_ access shall be maintained to sewer manholes that are located off ;saved areas. 4. Legal documents stall be submitted, prior to issuance of a building permit for phase II, to clarify the status and location of a pedestrian easement tiirou n pm -se I to the city park land. 5. A pedestrian easement.srall be indicated along the southern boundary. 6. The City Engineer shall approve and note on the plan of record_ 1Ii..^,114-LT -G CIJI�:ISSION JULY 21, 1981 detailed drainage frog*, cluster H prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. :.'oat and trailer :,nrkinr shall be adequately screened. I•ir. Jacob seconded the: motiun and it carried unanimously. Continuation of warned :)ublic tiearinp on final plat a-)llication by Ray iccorTor a 134 unit subdivision, consisting —of- 5� sagle-family and 79 multi-fa:iiy units, on .::;ear :.treet :sir. 82itz said it had not been clear whether this development was going to have to be redrawn, so the plan has not been changed since the last meeting, and there are no final legal documents. The City Attorney sfiys that what he has seen in ro.igh form is all right, but those are not final documents. Mr. Yoger said the Attorney would have to review the documents before approval was given. :r. Page, rePresenting the developer, said sidewalks were shown on one side of the cul-de-sacs. Mr. Spitz did not feel sidewalks on the cul-de-sacs were needed at all and I,ir. Woolery agreed, if the streets were to city sthndards. It was agreed to remove the sidewalks from the cul-de-sacs. Downstream drainage was discussed. I.:r. Fitzpatrick, the developer's enijneer, said they had done a detailed study which showed that the pond on the Horticultural Farm would not be hurt by drainFice from this development. There is also a drainage problem downstream on Brigham Hoad. ::r. Fitzpatrick said there was a 4' culvert in that area, which in his mind wa:; too small. It was felt that this was an existing city problem. Mr. Poger said that if the city would take responsibility for it, fine. If not, it would be consistent,with Past policy on traffic to say that the develo,,:aent could not ;o in without the problem oein- solved. ?:r. Levesque felt it was a city ,problem and this developer should not be held up. fir. Pilot staid drainage would be released no faster than it is now from the pond which would hold the water on the property. :r. Levesque suggested one pond instead of three, so people could skate in the winter. ::r. ritzpatrick expL:ined the drainage plans. The parcel, except for the L.ulti-family Portion, would drain into an existing swale. There is a very small i,ortion of the property which will run into another ravine on the land, closer to Pheasant Way. dater presently sheets across this land into the backyards of the I•:eadowood development, and that will be picked up and nut into the swale. Yr. r"cKinlny, a resident of Meadowood, had submitted some information on drnina,,e to the Commission (conie3 on file with i'lanner). He said he was concerned about an increase in water in his area. Fie also worried that sewer system construction i,arallel to the back of his property would disturb the subsurface soils and damage trees in that area. lie had hired a forest management specialist to submit a report, and that person, Mr. Wilbur, was here tonight. :'r. ':'ilbur recommended underdrains for the section of sewer behind the McKinley and Terris lots. He was also concerned that with removal of the brush and grass on the land, the speed of the water would increase, which would maize the existing; drainage problems worse. lie recomr.:ended erosion control measures during construction. ^r. Milot did not agree with all the points in the report, but said they were willing; to do what had been asked. A new swale was proposed behind the McKinley and Terris lots. 'Zr. Mona noted that this would entail removini quite a number of trees. The proposed new swale would run into an existing small ravine next to the Hosick lot, but the