HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-86-0001 - Decision - 1805 Shelburne RoadPLANNING COMMISSION 27 MAY 1986 PAGE 2 North Country Planning, dated May, 1986, with the following stipulations: 1. The landscaping requirement of $240 is waived. 2. When the lot to the south is developed and the right of way is used, the applicant's right to use the access drive to the parking lot shall terminate unless renewed by vote of the Planning Commission. 3. The parking lot spaces shall be delineated on the plan. 4. A revised plan reflecting these changes shall be submitted to the City Planner for approval prior to permit. 5. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval shall be null and void. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 3. Sketch plan application of Alan Gigure for a subdivision of a 1.73 acre parcel into 4 lots at 150 Airport Parkway Mr. Gigure said he would like the access road to be private despite the fact that there will be 4 units and only 3 are allowed. Mrs. Lafleur said she would like to see contours shown on the plan. Setback from the pond must be 50 feet. There should also be a turnaround at the end of the road in the event the property to the rear is developed and the road may have to be upgraded. Mr. Jacob said a little rectangular corner would suffice for turning. The road would never be a city street since it is only 50 feet wide. Mrs. Maher said the site plan must show building envelopes, etc. 4. Site plan application of Harry Curth for construction of a 2924 sq. ft. carwash on lot #3 of Fassetts 3-lot subdivision, 1805 Shelburne Road Mrs. Lafleur noted that this proposal used a portion of the Fassetts Bakery lot which will be deeded to Mr. Curth. This will increase the allowable trip ends to 80. Ms. Peacock ex- ressed concern that a portion of the driveway will be on someone else's property. Mrs. Lafleur said the arrangement will be in the deed. She also confirmed that nothing in the plan has changed but the lot size. Mr. Dooley asked how the seasonal variation problem is solved. Mrs. Lafleur said it is averaged. Mr. Dickinson said that he, Craig Leiner and Mrs. Lafleur had agreed that seasonal adjustment was an acceptable way to compute this. Mr. Dooley said he does not agree with seasonal adjusting though it doesn't PLANNING COMMISSION 27 MAY 1986 PAGE 3 matter here because carwash. Mrs. Hurd you can only get so many cars into the said she is bothered by how they increased the lot size, but she acknowledged it was legal. Mr. Dooley moved that the S. Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Harry F. Curth for con- struction of a 2,720 sq. ft. building at 1805 Shelburne Rd (Lot #1 of the Fassetts 3-lot subdivision and an annexed portion of the Fassetts Bakery lot) as shown on -a set of plans entitled "Property of Fassetts Bakery, Inc., Revised Site Plan" and "Shelburne Road Car Wash -Site Plan" prepared FitzPatrick-Llewellyn, Inc, dated February, 1984, last revised 5/86 and March, 1986, stamp dated May 15, 1986 respectively, with the following stipulations: 1. A $4500 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. 2. A 16,000 gallon per day sewer allocation is allotted to this use. This includes 500 gpd of the 1500 gpd allotted to the 3-lot subdivision. The applicant shall pay the $2.50 per gallon fee prior to permit. 3. The applicant shall implement the recommendation of Wagner Heindel & Noyes for storm water detention, after review and approval j?y the City Engineer. 4. A bond for the sidewalk along the frontage shall be posted rior to permit. The bond amount shall be determined b� the City Engineer. 5. The a2plicant shall contribute toward the Shelburne Rd. intersection improvement fund in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total amount based on 62 trip ends created this facility. 6. The operator of the carwash shall be responsible for any deicing required on the private drive as a result of the car wash oyeration. — - 7. A fire hydrant shall be installed prior to permit in a location specified by the fire chief for these 3 lots 8. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this a2proval shall be null and void. ✓9. It is the applicant's responsibility to record the revised subdivision plat with the City Clerk within 90 days or this approval shall be null and void. The plans must be approved by the Planner and signed the Chairman or Clerk of the Planning Commission rior to recording. PLANNING COMMISSION ; 27 MAY 1986 PAGE 4 Mr. Belter seconded, and the motion passed 5-1 with Mrs. Maher voting against and Mrs. Hurd abstaining. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Heathcote Associates for construction of an addition for a net increase of 18,462 sq. ft. and related site improvements at the South Burlington Factory Outlet Mall, 518 Shelburne Rd. Mr. Dooley asked what changes had been made from the prior plan. Mr. Ramos, architect, said they have addressed parking and internal car movements, lot coverage, landscaping. They have also brought a part of the T.J. Max building inside. Mrs. Lafleur said that 7,000 sq. ft. have been brought in. Lot coverage would be reduced from 94.5% at present to 93.5%. Mr. Ramos said they could convert some parking to open space and reduce coverage to 89-90%, since new land has been ac- quired. The bank will remain at its current location and has been informed that when their lease is up in 1990 they will no longer have a drive-in facility in that location. The plan calls for an unbroken cruising lane ending at Grand Union which they feel will help divert traffic to the rear. Mr. Dickinson addressed traffic. They now generate 950 trip ends during the design hour. The current schedule is to open in the spring of 1987. At that point, the Southern Connector will be under construction to be completed in 18 months. So they tried to calculate conditions now and in 2 years. At the completion of the Connector, problems such as Swift St. and insufficient merging areas will be solved. At present, the Home Avenue/Factory Outlet intersection are at Level of Service D; Swift St. is at Level F. In 1988, without the project, Home Ave will stay at Level D, Swift St. will stay at Level F, the entrance intersection will be Level E. They tried to identify improvements that could be made and suggested Home Ave signal timing be changed which would get it back to Level D. Entrance signal timing adjustment could be just a hair over D/E, and Swift St. timing could result in Level E. They also looked into prohibiting left turns at peak hours which would result in Level $. Mrs. Maher asked on what ground the state would agree to make these changes to accommodate one developer. Mr. Dickinson said it would benefit existing conditions. He noted that 2 of the inter- sections are controlled by the City of Burlington. Mrs. Maher said she did not feel prohibiting people from getting home helped a situation. Mr. Dickinson said at present only 70 cars per hour make that left turn and there are 1800 vehicles heading north. It would be a trade-off, 70 people vs. 1800 people. Mr. Dooley asked what would happen if Burlington optimizes