HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-73-0000 - Supplemental - 1650 Shelburne RoadState of Vermont Department of Fish and Game Department of Forests and Parks Department of Water Resources Environmental Board Division of Environmental Protection Division of Recreation Division of Planning Natural Resources Conservation Council Mr. Wilfred Racine Mutton Hill Charlotte, Vermont 05445 Dear Mr. Racine: AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION MARTIN L. JOHNSON Secretary Montpelier, Vermont 05602 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES January 23, 1974 RECEIVED JAN 2 5 104 IT 7A MANAGCR'S OF CITY SO- Re: Racine's American Motors Building, Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont Pursuant to the Vermont State Board of Health Regulations, Chapter 5, Sanitary Engineering, Subchapter 3, Public Buildings a review has been conducted of your plans and specifications in connection with the above referenced project. Based upon this review, approval of the plans and specifi- cations is hereby granted, subject to the specific conditions found on page two of this approval letter. Enclosed is your copy of the approved plans and specifications. You are reminded that after a plan has been approved by this Division, no alteration of same shall be allowed except where written application has been made to and approval obtained from this Division. You are also reminded that State approval does not relieve the appli- cant from the requirement to comply with municipal/local ordinances, regulations or by-laws governing the design or construction of the project. A copy of the approved plans (and approval letter) shall remain on the project during all phases of construction and, upon request, shall be made available for in- spection by State or local personnel. RGG:drh Encl: Approved Plans Sincerely, Roland G. Gr.enier, Jr. Engineer CC: District Environmental Coordinator Department of Health Department of Education Department of Labor & Industry Department of Public Safety, Fire Prevention Division Administrator, Land Use & Development 'Town Manager, Selectmen, or Health Officer Mr. William Szymanski Mr. W. M, Adams, P.E., Adams Const., Co., 29 Intervale Rd., Burlington, Vt. 05401 Page 2 Racine's American Motors Building Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vt. January 23, 1974 CONDITIONS TO PUBLIC BUILDING APPROVAL TO WILFRED RACINE, CHARLOTTE, VERMONT (1) Cleanouts shall be installed at all changes in alignment of the sewer line. (2) The construction of the water and sewer line crossing must be constructed so that the water line is above the sewer line and insulation shall be placed around the water line in order to prevent freezing. Concerete shall be placed around the sewer line, 10 feet on each side of the crossing. Mate of VtC',TtT_imit Department of Fish and Game Department of Forests and Parks Department of Water Resources Environmental Board Division of Environmental Protection Division of Recreation Division of Planning Natural Resources Conservation Council AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION MARPIN L. JOHNSON Secretary Montpelier; -Vermont 05602 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION �2G2w`b�2 a8, /�f 73 'C NI4o s 1�9 L'__ R n'R - i�se �i.T orn , I J+. D .%YOB Dear Si r,5 RECEIVED JA N 41974 MANAGER'S 0er-1C CITY Sc.. : _``'._ '4 C` Re:_'1�nm156 'n '94 10 rani- 0r E c /rnQ—fL�''��'Loanlo �o/s Based upon the public building plans which you submitted, the Division of Environ- mental Protection has conducted a technical review and found that the plans can not be approved at this time because: ( ) The plans do not clearly depict what is being built. Please clarify this. All the required information has not been received and approval can not be given without additional plans and/or explanation. ( ) The required information has been received; however, some changes must be made to the plans before approval can be granted. ( ✓�J Please read the enclosed regulations and checksheet and submit the information requested in the sections on (v'f SITE PLAN, ( ✓ ' WATER SUPPLY, (✓r SEWAGE DISPOSAL, (r__+­BQILDING PLANS. The checksheet used by this office in the review of your plans has been included for guidance in the preparation of any resubmission. The checks indicate those areas which require additional work by yourself, your consultant or your engineer, Sincerely, �o/arc/ G, �r�"Zhi.er�Jr, Encl: Review Sheet Appropriate Regulations cc: S t 4- /a g -/_ P � 3 e_ o n )' /r, I )"? --e_ cJ , -e� r, .e- eJ.74- r1>ri►.l,(4Aer., ir.mee lil 'II;,;(I" 1",l.elah01ie Area code hrl') , -W)(i • "! 1,11. PUBLIC BUILDING PLAU i?1-;V] 1:W February 8, 19 *7.3 GE'HURAL INSTRUCTIONS Plans and Specifications Jos, the construction, alterai-.i )n nr rr-I-,i.r. of PUBLIC BUILDINGS* in the State of Vermont, 1ric-Itulinq details for the plimil,in,:'1, lu.ni.iix3, lighting, ventila- tion, water supply and srtta l ! disposal. systems shall meet Ili- rc,-quirements of the Depart- ment of Health Public Buildi.nq Regulations. These regulations are eril-orc^d by the Division of rrivi_rowilrW:a.tl protection, Agency of Environmental Conservation, [Montpelier, Vermont, and plans are submitted to this division for review and approval., except for hospitals and nursing wliicli are to be submitted to the Department of IIealth, Divisions of Medical Care t.aci .l i I -i r,-;, Burlington, Vermont. The plans for the plumbi.n('l, 1)catinq, lighting, and vent.i l,,tl,ir��i --,y ,toms shall be drawn by a professional consultant:. The clesidn of the water. sups l y ,ind r,rcaage disposal systems, however, shall bear the seal. of an engineer registered in !.:IrR, �'I_ate of Vermont. Designers, engineers, and i1rchitects are reminded that school hiii.l.dings, eating and lodg- ing establishments, and ioc)(1 esLablishments have design .r.•e,lni r,�mciiL-s peculiar to each building type. These recluii-ements are delineated in the., FiO.,11 I'luilding Regulations under applicable chapters, articles and :sections. For the convr,ri i r.,vof: the designer, pertinent sections have been cxtrnc,l•,r�d from these regulation".; :and ,nix r,;1i Inble in pamphlet- form from the Division of Lrivironment;il Protection. Tlie available 1.` ,rl,l�l t:;, are listed below: 1. Public Health %yarn; and Regulation.:, (Eating and Lodging f:stab lislimetits) 2. Food Establishment Regulations 3. Schoolhouse Regulations The SUBMISSION OF ALL I'LAW: to this division stall he tmrlr in 11WLICATE, and, upon our re- vicia and -final approval, onn s(,t of plans, stamped app).-moved, :!r:zl.l. he returned along with an ,�.pp.roval letter. The ni,l�l.ic.utL ^h:zll be relit-irc<.l I p l:! c'l'_lr i .:_ropv of the approved set of__plans at the pr_oject__.;7 t( In addition to adhe.r. i nq t r) LIi­ .ir.,proved plans for the pur- poses of construction, t:hr, ;ipplicanL, his contractor, ni: hi:; w.itiliori.zed representative sha.l.l be prepared to provide (upon request) the cornple.tn r;^►: r,i approved plans for inspec- tion by state personnel.. At"l-nr a plats has been appi:overl h> - I;her: division, no alteration of the same shall be allowed oxcept where written applicatJoir Iv,!: been made and approved by this division. You are reminded that publ:i.r! building approvals by thi_:; cti.O.,;:ion cto not relieve the appli- cant from the requirements I:o comply with municipal/local or(li minces, regulations or by- laws governing the design, layout or construction of said buildings. *As defined in Title 18, c'r­,=ti.on 1301, V.S.A. •RBQUIREMENTS FOR SU1J t1.1;;'1;10N OJ;' PLAN!' 'i'O 'Fill' c?Ii' PROTECTION ' PROJEC'i' LOCATION_ _S1-''-�Q- �----moo -y- ----------- NAME OF OWNER NAME OF ENGINEER W ,cn\ ^/ ARCHITECT ------------------- ------------------- OTHER DA`1'L PLAN RECEIVI;D2------------ RETURNED_ / /2 /7� _- dur 0_ Lack'of sufficient infor- T11U; CHECKED MARKED I'.I'I'MS LNDICA`l'I, A LACK OP' SU['VA' I PIT" 1 NFORMATION NECESSARY FOR OUR TECHNICAL REV.IJ;;W. 'MIS INFORMATION MUST 131: cil''1'AINED BEFORE A TECIINICA.1, REVIEW FOR APPROVAL CAN BE, MADE BY THIS OFFICE. PLOT PLAN 1. Received Yes (Vf No ( ) 2. Drawn to scale ( ) 3. Indicate 5-ft. rolitours ( ) 4. Indicate Lot size ( ) 5. Indicate location of soil boring & percolat1.(,n L-ests. { ) 6. Indicate loaction of all buildings ( ) r 7. Indicate locat-lon of all proposed and exi..,;Li.wJ :i:oads, highways, driveways, parking areas, and paved areas ( ) 8. Indicate location of all proposed and exi s t::i.t,g brooks, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes ( ) 9. Indicate location of all drainage ditches ;,nd c.,11.verts ( ) Indicate local,ir,i, oI' all exis;t.incl and prc.,I�c.�:; l r;,,waye disposal systems, including pipe locations, pipe s:i_vr.:s, rind pipe materials (VT- 11. Indicate location of all existing and hrepn!;­0 wrir er supply systems, including ' pipe .loc aL-.ions , pipe sizes, and p i pi, m;iL-erials REMARKS a �� a o r-1 k ., r roc+ -t- �O c a-�-, o .-. ca 1, o o - p . S o �v c� � fa i / , -� ^�- S a w v r- l .e s c r- o S s. SOVIAGE DISPOSAL, The Division n) I'i'r)(' -rt: i.on reviews the i(jil of- al 1. G D!:1Cje disposal plans where a subsurface disc]mi.c,y., f7r.-on a public buildilrj i.�: }>:rajnf;cd. ]dhere a sewage discharge (either direct or :i wl .� t:c ct) to a river, stream, lake, pond, or other body of water is proposed, the Wal:er. Silpply and Pollution Control. D:i.vi.si.on of the Department of Water Resources is r_o!�,pons:i.ble for conducting saiel review. Vjhere an existing public sewer is to be utili>':od, Lhe applicant shall present. ich evidence as will show that such utilization :i.!, ccol')L'able to the Department of Hater. Resources and the public works engineer of the local municipality involved. In the design of to., or- sewage works, where large dimReLer sewer lines, manholes, pumphouses or other rip!,)iu-tcnanccs are proposed, Cite r!ttcl racer shall adhere to the design criteria esI:ohI1r;hed in the TEN STATE'S Rt.00I-1f.11-MUND STANDARDS FOR SEWAGE WORKS.* Review of rciajcu- sewage works design shall be ron(Incted by the Water Supply and Pollution Conti.o l Division of the Department- oil Resources when ownership and maintenance oil the system involves a town, fi.re district, city, municipality, or other incorporat.c?d district of the State of Vermont:. In the design of! systems involving a leach f`i.eld or subsurface discharge, this office recoww(,,nrl!; ghat the applicant and/or eng:i icier. make use of the Department of Agriculture, Soil C:c:maervat:ion Service Detailed Soil. ;survey Maps where they are available. These rn,cj.s are not to be considered as a ,.-mhsti.tute for detailed soil borings conducted at: the proposed .leach field site, bi.0-.. often can be used to show where severe or lim.i t: i ng soil conditions exist rr_.rlarili nil Leach field suitability. Listed below -i.s it I,Lttn r.hcckoff sheet: used by t7.h1f3 -c,I f.ice in conducting a review of plan submissions. The items mentioned are conc>i.dcred as MINIMUM and the design engineer is encouraged to use his professional judgment: concerning the submission of additional data and dosi.gn criteria. PLAN CHECKOFF SHEET 1. Design received Yes { ) No ( ) 2. The design of Hio ;,ewage Disposal System must hear the Seal of an Engineer registered in the ;Late of Vermont. ( ) GIndicate basis .for: sewage disposal design. (hesicjn sewage flows will normally be baser) on maximum building occupancy.) (✓< 4. At least two (2) ,;oll borings required within t:hc proposed leach field area. Indicato.. 1.11e soil classification for each. hor.i ctd to a depth of five (5) feet- boioli the, bottom of the ].each field nhr;or_ption surface. Show location oj. ,;oil borings on site plan. ( ) 5. At least four (4) percolation tests to be conducted w:i-Lhin the proposed leach field area. Indicate the results of and beat:ion of each test. ( ) *Copies can be obt.ai aicu.l at: a cost of $1.00 each (f)ecr�mbni:-, 1971 price) from Health Education �: �! i cc' , Dox '128 3 , Albany, New Yorlc . r'1 % �e 6. Indicate eleva;l_irm of the water table, if fotinr . Cr rot_. found, so indicate. ( ) 7. Indicate elevation at which bedrock or other. :iiml>er.vi.Otis material found. ( ) 8. Indicate size_ anal uecif:i.cations of sewage system design, including pipe sizes, pipe materials, septic tank capacities, and leaching field absorption .lt.-eas (square footage). { ) 9. Submit typical cross sectional view of sewer line t:t:onch. ( ) 10. Submit a profile of the sewer line collection system. ( ) 11. Indicate location ol: proposed sewage disposal e;y:;tc;rt can 1>Tat Plan.. Include piping, sr!ptic tanks, and leaching area as proposed. (. ) 12. Sewage leachi.nct oi-oa 'located insufficient distance ft:om water supply,. rivers, lakes, property lines, or buildings, as :ind.i.nated under REMARKS. ( ) 13. Submit calcul.ati.om; which indicate the depths and tie.l.oc:ities at minimum, average, and maximum daily flow for each s.im- sewer used. ( ) 14. Detail the mcthocl of making joints and specify may..eri.als to be used. ( ) 15 Submit detailed dne ;ign of: manholes, pumphouses, sc.pt:ic, ranks, siphons dosing tanks, C117(�ase traps or other appurtenances. (t-� 16 Submit evidence that proposed connection to the exi.sl:i.itg public sewer is acceptable to I -he Department of Water. Resource; on(1 the .local municipality involved. (✓r 17. Indicate replacement area for the leaching field absorption area. ( ) 18.. Submit the engi.neer's statement indicating his evaluation of the suitability of the soil for treaCment of septic tank effluent:. ( ) I,U"' M ARKS a eCL4o r, Sc, cy -t� t—c�P / 5 / �% a d .2 4 G� 0. T E'� � e G o m ✓n Q n �l G� � 2 .� ��--� /� � � � `t' � �-Q. T �, T S le- a_ I a'7� h o /.2 S 5 7Q 47 i. i 2 C iz 2.S . r-'0.�/ S cs C, /5 O J ) a d �� I�QT-Q_ . 5j i 0 "-1W 10-2 e G/ cf o ct r' ti n n i n g 'tf / "� gyp. .L n 5 4-4 4 N D t�-41- /7 b Z- C, c.. c-� 5 a- o> O S S/ .6, // 75 ETr `E'AiL p.,/Oa //h ES P/�.��/h � /i Gv042n ymK- �c/a 5 it 0`0Ki07 —F'/o 'aw vn %7 ► -._ /..e WATER SUPPLY The design of :hidi.,,idual or community wnrt:er r;ripply ':y:::gems involving PUBLIC BUILDINGS with l.e�,s than l0 customers shall. 1,(- sul)ini.t:t:vd to the Division of Pro- tection for review awl approval. Any water supply ,ystcm serving 10 or more cus- tomers is, by law, a )'OBLIC WATER SYSTEM and said dr.slgii must be submitted to the Division of Envi rorimetfl-.al. ite<al.th, Department of: TTr_al l.ai, Iltir.l.i.ngton,. Vermont for review and approval., l,cyulations governing public 1,:atc!r systems may be obtained by writing to the Division, of T.nvironmental TTealth, Drlrlrtment of Health, Burling- ton, Vermont. whei_e -it) existing municipal public water system is to be utilized, the applicant slia.11 pi went: such evidence as will sting tliat such utilization is acceptable to the pul,llc works engineer of the local. mutii_ci.pality involved. The design of m,i_jor water works consisting of lar: le pipelines, pumphouses, liftstations, pre:;r.u.r.e systems, and other appurtr.nces �li�.l.l adhere to criteria contained in the. 'fl!. N 1:1TAT_1 ' S_RECOMMENDED STANDARDS LOT, W71.TJ.;:, WORKS.* Review of major water works dry ;i.qn shall. be conducted by thei Dcl_)a r. i:anent of Health, Burling- ton, Vermont when olm ir-o-.ship and maintenance of: the sys l:c,m involves a town, fire district, city, muiii.cilaality, or other incorporated district of the State of Ver- mont. Below is a plan call•• :off sheet used by this of fice wliou reviewing the design of small water supply ::y s; tenir:. It is considered tho tit T t t i it Itt data required and the design engineer i f; ! tl )Llraft@!(i to 1.1se his prot'.e: sional. 11 1irhlmcnt in determing what: additional data or de!;i.cfn criteria might be necessary I or a complete review of a particular system. PLAN CHECKOFF lO. Design received. Yes ( ) No (L' 2. The design of. t.lu; Water Supply System must bear the Seal. of -an Engineer registered in the state of Vermont. ( ) 3. Indicate type of.* irit:er supply (driven well, bored wel.l., dug well, drilled well, lake, spr.i n!I) 4. Indicate maxi_mmit drptli, if well or spring ( ) , depr:h t.o static water table ( ) , timd df,pt.li to water bearing :forinati.on, ( ) 5. Indicate capaci.t:y c.,f wirt:er supply (ctallons/mint,it..cl +iml how obtained. ( ) Because of the cli.rnnl ty of water required for thL,; pi-oject, a 72 hour pump and drawdown to.nf- ,.hall be performed by a quali.f:i.cd professional engineer or geologist. ( ) 6. Submit detaile(l do ;.i.qn on the proposed pressure :;y,tem including details and specifications, on the proposed gravity o.r- liydrol)nlnuniatic tanks. ( ) Submit. engineer:'.,; e.:,t::i mate of peak hourly demand ((1.-rl.lens per minute) . Include estimate on the duration of this peak demand and justify reasoning. (!�' *Copies available :)t: $t.00 eiich Wecember, 1971. prises,) ;il_. the Health Education Service, Box 7283, idew York. tc� 1 8, Indicate locat:. oic, n;ipohi.lities and ce:1l)ac1t-:i.es of: pi:r>>c,sed pumping equip- ment, disinfeci-Joit crgoij)ment, water pipos, rind wo(:.c,r rcr;ervoirs. ( ) 9. Submit typical. t.-r.-c !,s sectional view of wai:e.r. 1.i.ro trench. ( ) 10. Submit a profile of the water line distribution rry^tem. ( ) 11. Show location and i:.ype of blow -off valves, shut --off valves, air relief valves and check �.,al.ves. ( ) 12. Indicate desicin pi,ec:aut:i.ons for protection of water supply against surfaco contamination. ( ) 13. water supply located insufficient distance from rewacw disposal systems, septic tanks, sow(- : l:i.nes, roads, highways, drai.nzi,.te dit:•chbs, fuel .storage tanks, and prupor.ty lines, as described under. RRHAIMS, 1.4. Submit a copy of Ucpartment of Health water Qualil-y Its -port. ( ) 15 Submit evidence tl,,it the proposed connection to tho existing public water system is accepUihle to the public works engineer of 1-.he municipality involved. ( +T— RI3Pl&MS 4�/oo ) ,s /3j4T�r�a�s� /0 (7 n Sim -es o-tc a // /P�Pa's 44> b'_ �,saC/ I))G�hIC�.,c�c Ls Gt O fJI�P Lj ri /7 oo k-"y,i X " (7) BUILDING PLANS The design of the ini-er:i.or water supply 1`•l11rnhirrrf, i.nt:arior waste plumbing and venting shall comply u i t.h the State Board of lied't:h, Publ.i c; Duil.ding Regulations. where the Public Builcl.ina [zegulati.ons are not specific: co; to the requirements on pipe sizing, proper venting and proper trapping of plumhi.rur fixtures, the National Plumbing Code shall hf., rr;�it•hovized for use PROVIDING it-.., iuje does not conflict with the general or specific requirements set forth in the Puhl:ic Building Regulations of the State of Vermont:. SUITABLE BUILDING PLAUt ,c It[;CIsIVED Yes ( ) ldcr ( ) 1. Floor Plans for vubli.c Buildings and Schools: Plans drawn to soa.lc;. ( ) Identify all areas acid rooms. ( ) Indicate location of partitions, doors, windows, flxtares, and equipment. ( ) Indicate square fool.--acle of all instructional claspr.00nrr: by schedule. ( ) Indicate maximum st.nilent capacity for each inst:r.tict:ional classroom. ( ) Indicate total shident and faculty capacity for: entire school. ( ) Indicate ceiling heicthts of school rooms by schedule. ( ) Heating, Lighting and Ventilation Plans for Public ttrtildings and Schools: Indicate type and loo-ation of heating units. ( ) Lndicate location of light fixtures, outlets and light switches. ( ) rnd:i.cate C.F.M. of bathroom exhaust fans. ( } Indicate C.F.M. of exhaust fans for areas required by specific regular -ion, (�' Indi.cate the foot cEiodl.es of artificial light in school classrooms l,-r, schedule. ( ) Indicate volmme of air to be supplied and exhausted per wi note for each pupil in school cla.-. :rooms by schedule. ( ) 0 Plumbing. Plans for. 11ttbl.i.c Buildings and Schools: Indicate location of all waste vent and water distribul:ion, i in . ( ) Indicate pipe sizes and pipe materials to be used. ( ) Indicate types of equipment. fixture::, and traps to be used. ( ) 'ttulicate isometric or vertical riser d:i ay r. am of waste and vent piping for lnr i l d i.ng . ( ) Indicate isometric diagram of water distribution pit-.ng i'or- buildings two stories or more. (✓l Indicate calculated water t`i.xture unit loading for entire building. REMARKS / n `a r 30 C � r,`/a o / 3 0. 3 / Flo �' c v ct �� r" G. �oS 2 5 S o c,. !�✓ h 2_ L).e '-; 'c(/ 9-0 c o • ti r>, p n d rl a� / Oc i30.G/Z l>Qn�S "tiDm -��rsf /oor /7(1�urPS /+1&t GDnn2G( Zt� -r`iQ S�c.UZ L) k n�` " ot 0 <,/.P_. -44 p -r</o o c/ r', •-,-A p Ic '{ h e ^! -Ir/ao r /a. uC4-Fo r-y 2�-1nc,/���` e 7F���_ o� cYri•�f�,,,9 -�ou� 4,n. T-F e/ec�r�c cl a b a c Sl.L b " r-�- S i e S al r" a 4-1 r- I •a G, pG /a rJGLZ� o L. oL ✓ C� 4- O "' 7 14 /0 / ,Ae . .S � r� 1�. �, r ..�. � ,F i e� cap d' lcf Cc, 7' ,0- , LVO,st-c Pro, l R e G m m m� n G// 4 n. « a'�o t,. ,� a h erg S,%a� E�. .$ n h- A S e p Q it-C.(/ ono t- � a S ' �'-. . 114 a �- la v� mom- •�a� .�%oj� e_ sin S� o�lcl l� e- , - / �/a (a) PP( U1-1VT [OII 130OKLETS ENCL0'(-3J;:D ( ) PUBLIC IILAC`_I'll LAWS AND REGULATIONS (food & lodging establishments) ( ) PUBLIC BUT 1,1) J H(; REGULATIONS ( ) SCHOOLIIOUSE I?1,r[1L,A'1'IONS ( ) TRAILER AND '.i'L',fJ'1' SITP.' CAMPING REGUL,AT"[ON ( ) FOOD ESTABIJ..;I HENT REGULATIONS (stores, eLr. ) ( ) SEWAGE D1SP(.)1,AJ, DESIGN REQUIREMENTS CC: vOWNER_( S ✓iNGINEER�_.M. L21dr b n,. T-,LZ.!i.T 1. 41) S V/ a / ARCHITECT ,-TOWN MANAGER, SLId.C"I'p11.tilJ, HEALTH OFFICER 5���1 a� � ,��L Y"n G. r? s {� � DEPARTMENT OF 111s7\1, 11T DEPARTMENT OF WATE11. M"SOURCLS DEPARTMENT OF EJAIC:ATI'0N —DISTRICT ENVIR0I1111-;6ITAI, COMMISSION if y ✓CHAIRMAN, TOWN I'LAW111IG COMMISSION T Tnmjel 0 �pu-fl��c.r LnS�� 1. SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING JULY 11, 1973 The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment held a public meeting at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Rd., South Burlington, Vermont, on Wednesday. July 11, 1973, at 7:30 P. M. MFMR7;RS PRESENT Richard Myyette, Chairman; Sidney Poger, Robert Martineau OTHFRS PRFSFNT Richard ward, Codes Officer Claire Casey Norman Myers Robert Baker Mrs. Ron Meier Cheryl Benfield, Free Press George Bosworth Reginald Ploof Irene Casey Edgar Welch Peter Collins Wilford R. Racine Jean Hildick, Secretary APPEAL #1 OF IRENE CASEY FROM SECTION 6.20(LOT AREA). 6.40(YARD). AND 6.5l(DWELLING) Chairman Myette announced that since there were only three members of the Board present at this meeting, an appeal may be approved only be a unanimous decision by the sitting members. Mr. Ward said the property in question is located on 22 Wright Court in Residential District B. He said that due to a misunderstanding, Berard Construction erected,a shell for 91181 x 28' addition to Mrs. Casey's home 20 feet i from the rear lot line rather than the required 30 feet provided by Section 6.40. Mr. Ward said he discovered the mistake after making an on -site inspection and Asked Berard to stop construction until an appeal could be made for a variance from Section 6.40, Mr: Ward further explained to the Board that Mrs. Casey wished to change the orin nol use of the addition from a bedroom -bath unit to an efficiency unit. This change would not meet Section 6.26 which requires 7,500 square feet per family unit, and the lot in question contains 9,300 square feet. Also in violation would be Section 6.51 which requires minimum dwelling standards of 650 square feet,and the proposed SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING JULY 11, 1973 addition will have 504 square feet. Mrs. Casey explained to the Board that she wanted to transfer the ownership of the house to her daughter and her fiancee. She said she would like to be able to use the addition for her own living quarters which would be separate from the rest of the house. She said the addition was two-thirds finished and she didn't know what she would do if couldn't be completed. She said the yard requirements could have been met if there hadn't been a misunderstanding. She said it would be just herself in the addition and just her daughter and her family in the house. Chairman Myette suggested that it would help to avoid future mistakes if the dimension requirements were stated on permits. Mr. Bosworth stated hP was'not in opposition to the appeal, but he requested that the Board stipulate th^t the anproval to allow two family units with less than the required lot area should termin^te if there is non -occupancy or sale of the property outside of Mrs. Casey's family. Chairman Myette asked that a petition with four signatures be made a part of the record. The petition reads: "We the undersigned have no objection to Mrs. Casey addingr, an addition of 18 ft. x 28 ft. on the north end of her home. ' Request that Mrs. Casey be given the necessary variances as required by law."' Mr. Poger read the decision of the Board that it was unanimous to grant approval for Appeal #l,dated July 11, 1973, with the stipulation that the duplex use would revert to a single unit use upon sale or non -occupancy. APPEAL #2 OF EDGAR WELSH, FROM SECTION 8.40(YARD)` Mr. Ward said the property in question is Burlington Rent -All, owned by Mr. Welsh, 340 Dorset St. in Business District B. He said Mr. Welsh proposes to construct a 30' x 60' building for storage to be located within 3 feet of the northerly side yard. This would not meet Section 8.40 requiring a minimum side yard 25 feet. Mr. Welsh said he wished to lease most of the proposed storage building to an auto trim business, for storAPe of their parts. He said he preferred not to add on to his existing buildi.nRs because it would cause a less satisfactory traffic pattern for the loading 3• SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING JULY 11, 1973 and movement of his trucks by necessitating them to back up. He said the location of the storage building to the north of the driveway seemed the best use of that portion of his property. He felt it would be an improvement to the area which is nresPntly occupied by old cars. Chairman Myette said the Board is intended to hear hprdshin cAses, and in this instance it didn't appear that the storage shed was essential for the operation of the present business but was meant to generate further inco,ne.' -Chairman M,yette also said he felt that a building within 3 feet of a lot line would deoreciAte the value of the property. He suggested that the Board table the appeal and make an on -site inspection to determine the physical layout of the business. Mr. PoR6r moved to table the Appeal #2. July 11, 1973, in order to make an on -site inspection no later than July 16, 1973. Mr. Martineau seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. APPEAL #3 OF WILFORD R. RACINE FROM SECTION 7.10 (USE) Mr. Ward said the property is southerly of Nordic Ford in Business District A. The proposal is to construct an American Motors and Jeep automobile dealership which is a use not allowed in Section 7.10. Mr. Peter Collins described the proposed construction. He said a use variance for the automobile dealership would not change the character of the area. All access for the business will be only from the feeder road which leads into the National Life Subdivision from Shelburne Rd. (opposite Bartlett's Bay Rd.); there will be no direct access from the business to Shelburne Rd. Mr. Collins i repd a letter from the State Highway Department which said there would be no adverse effect on the traffic flow on Route 7. Mr. Collins explained that Mr. Racine presently is the depler for Jeep and he has been offered the American Motors franchise to be operated jointly with Jeep. The present location on Pine St. does not have enough land to handle both businesses. The Shelburne Rd. site would be ideal, because the lot is large enough and because it is surrounded by other auto dealerships in the area. Mr. Racine said American Motors looked at other sites and chose the Shelbum6 Rd. _ 4. SOUTH BURLINGTON 70NING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING JULY 11, 1973 site, becauSP, as he put it, "They wanted to be where the action is." Mr. Curtis from N-tional Life said that National Life has Riven Mr. Racine three extensions on a contract and that the present one would expire July 25, 1973. Chairman Myette asked Mr. Collins to describe the building and grounds. He said basically it was a steel frame building hnd the exterior would be exposed agregate panels with a standard style building used nationally by American Motors. Display of cars would be in the side and rear yard, but there would be no display in the 75' front yard. Mr. Poger asked Mr. Racine if he felt that the lack of direct access to Shelburne Rd. would be a deterrent to his business. Mr. Racine said no. Chairman Myette said he was impressed with the plans and especially that the business did not ask for parking or display in the front yard. The request for the use variance for Appeal #3.dated July 11, 1973, was approved unanimously by the Board. TABLED APPEAL #3,JiTNE 20, 1973, OF TWIN OAKS TENNIS CENTER FROM SECTION 14.80(SIGNS)_ Mr. Ward said the property is located on Kennedy Drive in Residential District C. Cht�irmnn Myette said the original request was for a 64 square foot sign. He said the anneal wns tabled And that the applicant was asked to return with a size that was in keening with the other signs on Kennedy Dr. The owner of Twin. -Oaks Center nre4Pnted A drawing of a sign which was 12 square feet for the readable portion. Chairman Myette explained that since the June 20 meeting, a new sign ordinance had been passed, but that this applicant was not obliged to adhere since the appeal had been made before the passage of the new ordinance. Mr. Poger asked what the new ordinance stipulated for Residential C. Mr. Ward said that it did not have a special provision -for Residential C. but that it did -allow 6 square feet for a use variance in a residential district. Mr. Poger said he felt a variance should be granted but that the amount of the variance should be in conformance with the new ordinance. Chairman Myette said he sympathized with Mr. Poger except that at the last meeting the Board only specified to the applicant that he coke up with a size in keeping s , 5• SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING JULY 11, 1973 with the other signs on Kennedy Dr. He said he felt the sign was in keeping. Chairman Myette strongly advised the applicant, however, that the existing sign was illegal as of next Monday and that there would be a fine of $10.00 per day for every day the sign remained after Monday. Appeal3, June 20, 1973, was approved unanimously. RESIr,NATION OF gIDNEY POGER Mr. Poger said that as of his anpointment to the Planning Commission his resignation from the Zoning Board of Adjustment was effective. He expressed his thanks for the nleRsure of serving on this Board, and said that it was a beneficial experience. Chairman Myette and Mr. Martineau both expressed their appreciation for the services of Mr. Poger and felt that he had done an excellent job. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Poger moved to adjourn the ►geeting at 9:30 P. M. Mr. Martineau seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. .a ZONING BOARD OIL ADJUSTHEM MEETING JULY lls 197� FINDING OF FACTS APPEAL OF WILFRED RACINE 1st finding - Meets requirements of Business Planned District under proposed zoning plan. 2nd finding - Conforms with general character of area. 3rd finding - Promotes in depth development and decreases curb cuts on Shelburne Road, APPEAL OF IRENE CASEY 1st finding - Does not change character of area - is reasonable use of property. 2nd finding - Hardship due to misunderstanding between Zoning Administrator and contractor. APPEAL OF TWIN OAKS TENNIS CENTER 1st finding - Reasonable sign for Residential C District. 2nd finding - In harmony with other signs in area. 0 ,� F•I�ICK QF THE COMMISSIONER STATE OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MONTPELIER 05602 January 22, 1973 Mr. Brian F. Lloyd Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission P. 0. Box 108 38 Pearl Street Eu sex Junction, Vermont 05452 Dear Brian: Application 4CO094 National Life Insurance Cos2anv Supplementing the January 15th highway Department comments to Jonathan Bump, fir. Curtis, of Hickok i Boardman, and Mr. Lawton, of Webster -Martin, came to the Highway Department and reviewed and discussed the proposed development with Mr. Stickney, Assistant Chief Engineer, and no. They furnished us with plans and profile of the development road, which meet or exceed Highway Department specifications for development roads. The plans as presented have a frontage road serving the remainder of the developable land fronting on US 7 to the North ft Nordic Ford. They also indicated that if they can negotiate and receive approval of the parties having an interest in the existing road immediately northerly of Nordic Ford, this road will be closed off, except for the frontage road entrance and to continue the existing entrance for Nordic Ford. We concur with the developer that entrance opposite the Bartlett* Bay road is the proper place for an additional entrance to Route 7. It is also our understanding that the development road betveen Lots 9 and 11 say be extended in the future to connect with Shelburne Road-Spoar Street Connector, as recommended in the South Burlington Master Plan. They stated that access to Lots 3 and 4 would only be from the development road, and not directly on to US 7, in accordance with our original comment request. r Mr. Brian F. Lloyd T'asa 2 January 22, 1973 Application 4 YCI94 •- astional Life Insurance Coup*M Mork within the right -of -sway of US 7 in constructing the access roar: must be performed under Highway Department procadures and we anticipate the standard clause requiring a developer's participation In traffic control devices, if they are necessary, will be included in this permit. It appeArA the developer is making an effort for a well -planed developmeut and we anticipate no undue adverse impact on highways, existing or planned. GWA : d cm cc: Jonathan; bump, 250 Administrator Agency of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Protection Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Roger 8. Curtis Hickock & Boardman, Inc. 346 Shelburne Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Earl Lawton Webstar Martin., Inc. 1025 Airport Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05401 V*ry truly yours, t G. W. Ayets Utilities Engineer Jtay 61 1973 :fir. WiLirecj, 114. Willey I s Jeep 696 Pine Street Burlington, VT 0 �401 Dear A?, Racine: f use advised that the South Ijurlin��ton ."oning D'0oam - Ad3ustment will. hold a public hearing at t-he amity Hall, Conference Room, 1].?5 Williston Road on 1,4ednesday, J111Y lit l)'-/'3 at 7:30 P,m- to consider your request for a zoning variance, Please plan to attend. Very truly, I'lichard �°.ard Zoning Administrative Officer Hearing Date Advt. Date Advertise 6 days prior to meeting. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following variance. I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree to pay, either now or before the ad appears, a fee of $30..00 which fee is to off -set costs of holding said hearing. Lgnature � 9&I, i a rq s Date SOUTH BUR LINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on , day of week at to consider the following: month and date time Appeal of ::zz /� ` .', mil,. ;�' j - . ,, seeking a (name) variance from Section , '' of number— title of section the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance.. Request is for permission to 0/ 0,,6-e� &-Z tie. ec-e 4 _Al_ �'� ' ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT July 17, 1973 Mr. Wilfred R. Racine Willie's Jeep 696 Pine Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Racinn. Be advises: that your request for a Use Variance has been approved by the City Council at its meeting of July 16, 1973. Prior to your applying for a building permit you will be required to sutmit your glans to the Planning Commission. I will schedule you to appear before the Commmdssion on Tuesday, Jul; 24, 1973, at 7:3o P.m. If for souk reason you can't attend the meeting, please contact me. Very truly sours, Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer RW/11