HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 02/11/2021
Approved Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, February 11th, 2021 @ 5 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting
Members Present: Lauren Ballard, Diane Bugbee, Margaret Ann Cross, Alicia Lamonda, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Jay Pasackow, Penne Tompkins, Margery Vagt,
Members Absent: Lee Freeman, Ted Lenski
Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray
5:06 p.m. Call to Order
5:02 p.m. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda
5:05 p.m. Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda
5:10 p.m. Consent agenda. Approval of regular board minutes of January 14, 2021
Upon a motion made by Trustee Penne Tompkins and seconded by Trustee Diane Bugbee, the
Trustees voted unanimously to approve the Minutes from the January 14th meeting.
5: 11 p.m. Garden Street TIF Project – Ilona Blanchard
Ilona Blanchard briefed the board on the Garden Street TIF Project and status of
current and future plans.
5:16 p.m. Chair’s report
South Burlington has decided offices will not reopen until March 16th, and SBPL is
included in that decision.
The board moved to a discussion of the meeting start times. Patrick Leduc shared that the
meeting time has been consistent for some time and, especially because we have new board
members it would be good to discuss if the time works for everyone. Alicia Lamonda said the
5:00 start time was difficult, and Lauren Ballard agreed. Following this there was general
discussion on what would work for all members and Patrick determined that it appeared that
most board members could managing starting later although not all. Patrick suggested that we
try a 6:00pm start time for a few months to see how it goes.
Jennifer Murray gave a brief review of the shooting incident at the University Mall. She
discussed staff reactions and support services that are available to staff. Trustees urged
Jennifer to share that staff had our support as the process this incident.
Diane Bugbee asked about security measures in the new building and Jennifer Murray said
the building will be appropriately staffed.
5:28 p.m. Friends of the Library report
Committee Reports
5:29 p.m. Governance and Nomination Committee Report
Chair Stacey Pape asked for the trustees input about taking the some of the
documents and procedures off the website for the sake of clarity. Patrick Leduc
offered that we don’t normally vote on what goes on the library’s website and the
trustees provided general guidance to Stacey on considerations for moving forward.
The board then discussed how best to share documents without violating open
meeting laws. The topic was left unresolved with direction to pursue information on
what other city committees are doing in this regard.
5:41 p.m. Finance Committee Report
5:42 p.m. Advocacy Committee Report
6:30 p.m. Director’s Report
Penne Tompkins complimented the staff for their excellent customer service.
Jay Pasackow complimented Jennifer for her ability to handle the COVID, shootings,
and designing a library.
Patrick Leduc asked if usage was remaining the same, and Jennifer Murray said it was
leveling out.
Patrick Leduc suggested we start thinking about how we are going to talk about the new
library and “spreading the good news.”
5:57 p.m. Other Business
Jay Pasackow shared a story about important library connections.
6:00 p.m. Patrick Leduc adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Margery Vagt, Secretary