HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 02/03/2021 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for Wednesday February 03,2021 at 6:03pm Electronic meeting attended by Ashley Parker, Ray Gonda (Chr), Corey Santorello, Colin McIntosh, Larry Kupferman, David Crawford, Lisa Yankowski, Jean-Sebastian Chaulot, Drew Shatzer Members of the public: Margaret Fowle (Audubon VT) & Katherine Kain (US Fish & Wildlife) Absent: Jessica Grillo 1) Ashley reviewed Virtual Meeting processes. 2) No changes to the agenda. 3) No public comments 4) Meeting minutes from January 6, 2021: Lisa moved to accept, Larry 2nd, David abstained. Passed unanimously with 1 correction 5), d- change from limo to limbo. Ashely has corrected the city copy. 5) Wheeler Habitat Management Presentation/discussion with Margaret Fowle & Katie Kain. Shrubland Bird Conservation Management Actions (Reference the slide presentation sent as the information packet.) a. Goal: to designate Wheeler Park as BCR13 (North American Bird Conservation- Champlain Valley site 13). This is a unique area with shrubland, grassland and forest. A prime area where endangered species of meadow birds would nest and live. The park is starting to be overtaken by non-native species of shrubs and invasives choking out the natural food sources. The work would begin with restoring areas succumbing to natural succession of a young forest and eradicating non-native species of shrubs and invasives. This will take several years and require monitoring to prevent invasive regrowth. Brush hogging, grinding down of thicker shrub & small tree areas with machinery referred to as the “Brontosaurus”. Continued removal, mowing and targeted herbicide application for maintenance. The area would be revaluated for bird varieties coming into the area. The BCR is looking for support for this project from the committee and hope to begin fall/winter 2021/2022. Questions and comments from committee members were from Larry, Ray, Jean, Lisa & Drew. The questions were around the concern with using and application of herbicides, funding and who would be doing the work. All of these questions were answered. Larry moved to support Ashley and her work in conjunction with Audubon VT & Fish & Wildlife to develop a management plan to promote improving brushland habitat for the birds. David 2nd. Approved unanimously. 6) O’Brien Bros Eastview Project has a meeting before the DRB 02/17. Colin is currently preparing the NRC Executive presentation of our considerations. Ray will include photos sends information on the agenda. a. Ray asked for our opinion on our evaluation process for this development. David liked not being the point person. Lisa thought we all did part of this and it worked, with the differing observations, thoughts for the present and future. It was a collaborative effort by the NRC group. Larry thought the process was terrific. We presented questions and the developer responded and recognized the importance of working with us. David agreed. 7) Discussion of animal corridor mapping and looking ahead to Vision for South Burlington’s conservation & Preservation of the environment. We will work on this our next meeting. 8) Google drive and docs – Ray was inquiring how to load documents, photos , article with links to other information onto the website so the public can access it. Ashley answered this and Drew will help Ray coordinate the Eastview presentation with the photos to send to Marla at the city. 9) Members & staff reports. a. No comments from our chair person. b. See Ashley’s report that was included with the information packet. i. Ashley included information from the Lewis Creek Assoc. (LCA) and a project they need people to assist with. LCA Forest Carbon Project is a proposed conservation action plan that recognizes the need to increase forested land coverage. Climate change and developing are affecting our forests which are needed for carbon sequestering and storage. 1. Larry is interested because of land in the Queen City Park neighborhood along Potash Brook 2. Staff updates see the document from Ashley. She is checking into whether any students in UVM NR206 Class has interest in projects at Red Rocks. 3. Per Corey- the Dog Management Task Force has their 1st meeting 02/07. Holly Rees- Director Recreation & Parks, will be sending the agenda. Reference “Dog Recreation in South Burlington: Strategies for Natural Resources Protection & Management while Sharing Outdoor Spaces with Dogs” document include in the packet. 10) Future possible agenda items: Animal corridor mapping which is currently does not exist beyond along brooks & streams. How to preserve them. a. Discuss the O’Brien Bros Eastview presentation before the DRB b. Think about areas of interest we may want to investigate c. Will we be testifying to the city about our concerns with over parts of the LDRs & PUDs, we will need to The next meeting is Wednesday March 03, 2021 at 6:00pm Lisa moved to adjourn, Jean 2nd. Adjourned at 8:09pm Other things to think about Dogs and parks The effects of interactions between flora, fauna, dogs and their owners. How do you resolve the issues created? Email your thoughts to Corey. Market street connecting road Does it still need to go through review? Who is doing any developing in that area? Ashley will check on this with Paul, Marla or Alana. Webinar with Ethan Tapper in March- a discussion on land management and herbicide use.