HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Planning Commission - 03/03/2021South Burlington Planning Commission
575 Dorset Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 846-4106
Special Meeting Wednesday, March 3, 2021
7:00 pm
This will be a fully electronic meeting, consistent with recently-passed legislation. Presenters and
members of the public are invited to participate either by interactive online meeting or by telephone.
There will be no physical site at which to attend the meeting.
Participation Options:
Interactive Online Meeting (audio & video): https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/278202341
Telephone (audio only): (669) 224-3412, Access Code: 278-202-341
1. *Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items (7:00 pm)
2. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda (7:02 pm)
3. Announcements and staff report (7:08 pm)
4. *Continued Land Development Regulations Work Session (7:15 pm)
a. Review of provisions for waivers/alternative development standards in the draft LDRs (7:15pm)
b. Traditional Neighborhood Development PUD Type Review: debrief on presentation/ illustrations from
2/23, feedback on the results of TND development calculator; discuss potential adjustments to the
“levers” affecting development and other TND design elements; overview of “mixed-use” component
(7:40 pm)
5. *Review / possible action on possible updated meeting participation guidelines, Jessica Louisos (8:50 pm)
6. Other Business: (8:58 pm)
a. Discuss upcoming Commission schedule
7. Adjourn (9:05 pm)
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Conner, AICP,
Director of Planning & Zoning
* item has attachments
South Burlington Planning Commission Meeting Participation Guidelines
1. The Planning Commission Chair presents these guidelines for the public attending Planning Commission meetings
to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and that meetings proceed smoothly.
2. Initial discussion on an agenda item will generally be conducted by the Commission. As this is our opportunity to
engage with the subject, we would like to hear from all commissioners first. After the Commission has discussed an
item, the Chair will ask for public comment. Please raise your hand to be recognized to speak and the Chair will try
to call on each participant in sequence.
3. Once recognized by the Chair, please identify yourself to the Commission.
4. If the Commission suggests time limits, please respect them. Time limits will be used when they can aid in making
sure everyone is heard and sufficient time is available for Commission to conduct business items.
5. Side conversations between audience members should be kept to an absolute minimum. The hallway outside the
Community Room is available should people wish to chat more fully.
6. Please address the Chair. Please do not address other audience members or staff or presenters and please do not
interrupt others when they are speaking.
7. Make every effort not to repeat the points made by others.
8. The Chair will make reasonable efforts to allow everyone who is interested in participating to speak once before
speakers address the Commission for a second time.
9. The Planning Commission desires to be as open and informal as possible within the construct that the Planning
Commission meeting is an opportunity for commissioners to discuss, debate and decide upon policy matters.
Regular Planning Commission meetings are not “town meetings”. A warned public hearing is a fuller opportunity to
explore an issue, provide input and sway public opinion on the matter.
10. Comments may be submitted before, during or after the meeting to the Planning and Zoning Department. All
written comments will be circulation to the Planning Commission and kept as part of the City Planner's official
records of meetings. Comments must include your first and last name and a contact (e-mail, phone, address) to be
included in the record.
575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com
TO: South Burlington Planning Commission
FROM: Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning
SUBJECT: Planning Commission Meeting Memo
DATE: March 3, 2021 Special Planning Commission meeting
1. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items (7:00 pm)
2. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda (7:02 pm)
3. Announcements and staff report (7:08 pm)
Staff Report:
• Big news of the week is that Jessie Baker has been hired by the City Council to serve as the next City
Manager, taking over from Kevin Dorn who is retiring this summer.
• A reminder of the special multi-committee presentation/discussion of the I-89 Corridor project on
Wednesday, March 10th, 5 pm. There will also be a public forum the following week.
4. *Continued Land Development Regulations Work Session (7:15 pm)
a. Review of provisions for waivers/alternative development standards in the draft LDRs (7:15pm)
The enclosed spreadsheet lists each area where the proposed regulations provide for modifications,
waivers, or alternative development standards.
Commissioner prep: Commissioners are asked to review and send (or bring) questions/thoughts.
Especially helpful would be feedback on types/scales of modifications allowed in different parts of the
Meeting objective: Provide feedback on whether the approach to any of this authority should be
b. Traditional Neighborhood Development PUD Type Review:
The bulk of the meeting is proposed to be dedicated to gathering feedback on the Traditional
Neighborhood Development PUD Type. Specifically:
• Debrief on presentation/ illustrations from 2/23: How do the presentation materials &
conceptual design resonate?
• Feedback on the results of TND development calculator & discuss potential adjustments to the
“levers” affecting development and other TND design elements: What if any characteristics of
the TND should be enhanced, reduced, modified in order to achieve the character & form being
sought, and the transitions to existing development? Staff will also go through any remaining
questions in the Draft TND chapter provided last month.
• Overview of “mixed-use” component: Staff was asked to provide an overview of the mixed-
use/non-residential component of the TND and get Commissioner feedback
Commissioner prep:
• Review the presentation [attached, and on Project website],
• Use and test the TND Development Calculator [provided to Commissioner via email, and
available for download from Project website]
• Review the principal “levers” affecting development in a TND [attached]
• Review TND Draft from last month and identify any outstanding Commissioner questions
[previously provided in packet, available on Project website]
Meeting objective: provide direction to staff on TND PUD type broadly, levers affecting development,
outstanding staff questions, and any other Commissioner feedback.
5. *Review / possible action on possible updated meeting participation guidelines, Jessica Louisos (8:50 pm)
As discussed at the last meeting, Chair Jessica Louisos has provided the enclosed draft updated meeting
participation guidelines.
Commissioner prep: review enclosed document
Meeting objective: Commission action to adopt (or informally accept chair’s procedures) guidelines
6. Other Business: (8:58 pm)
Discuss upcoming Commission schedule [including possible review meeting of I-89 Corridor evaluation
criteria week of March 15th)
7. Adjourn (9:05 pm)
Summary of Waiver Provisions in Draft LDRsWORKING SUMMARYFebruary 3, 2021Area of Review Type of Flexibility Standard Change from current standard LocationSubdivision1. Waiver or modification of applicable subdivision dimensional standards (blocks, lots, streets, etc.)Allows modification or waiver due to physical site constraints or due to Hazards or Level 1 ResourcesSpecifies applicability, establishes standards that are separate from a PUD15.A.01B2. Modification of allowed street types and standards in a subdivisionAllows modification of types or standards where DRB finds alternate proposal achieves purpose & goals; provide DRB with guidanceCurrent standard applies in City Center FBC. Provides greater direction to applicant and DRB as to when to allow modifications15.A.14C(7)Master Plan1. Waiver of certain project elements (summary statistics) to be determined.New standard Article 15.B2. Authority to establish / waive certain process steps for applications receiving Master Plan approvalGeneral authority based on the master plan Similar to current Article 15.BSite PlanWaiver of dimensional standards, such as building heights and setbacksAllows for minor adjustments to a site plan if purposes are metCurrently, waivers other than height must be via PUD; this allows for minor site adjustments14.04Planned Unit Development1. PUD Type supersedes underlying zoning district and subdivision standards for overall arrangement, block size & streets, allocations of land (residential, non‐residential civic, resource), lot size & dimension, building types, density, allowed uses, setbacks, heights, street types PUD type establishes applicable minimums / maximums. Flexibility is within these parametersFlexibility is spelled out in the minimums/maximums; replaces general "waiver" allowance that applied to all aspects of a PUD & Site Plan15.C.01A2. Transition area allowance for modification of specific PUD‐type standardsAllows for adjustments to lot, block, building type requirements to create a transition from existing developmentNew standard 15.C3. Alternative Compliance for design standards regulated by the PUDNew standard See above 15.C.04C(3)4. Specific to the PUD Type, waiver of applicability of certain standards for "infill" versions of the PUDDemonstration of applicability New standard Article 15.CEnvironmental Protection StdsGeneral exemptionsExempts uses/activities not subject to local review, unimproved paths, and removal of invasive species, diseased plants, hazardsMinor changes restricting certain previously permitted activities such as snow storage, etc.ThroughoutRestricted Infrastructure Encroachment & Stormwater RestorationAllows for infrastructure (streets, paths, utilities, stormwater) to be placed within areas regulated by Environmental Protection Standards under limited circumstancesMust demonstrate need and lack of alternative options; must also meet specific supplemental standards for each resource. Stormwater restoration projects have greater flexibilityAt present there is no standard establishing appropriate circumstances for encroachments.12.10Habitat Blocks1. Applicant may modify boundary of habitat block with DRB approval. In all cases, net amount of land in Habitat Block must be equal or greaterThree options for applicant based on scale of proposal; greater size includes more substantial reviewNew standard 12.05D2. For parcels with >70% habitat block coverage, allowance for up to 30% of the parcel to be designated as buildable area via site plan, subdivision, or Conservation PUD.Prioritization of habitat block areas to be retainedNew standard 12.05E, 15.CHabitat ConnectorsApplicant may relocate the connector from the mapped location; DRB may accept narrower connector if existing conditions do not allow for full widthDemonstration that Habitat connector remains functionalNew standard 12.06C
Area of Review Type of Flexibility Standard Change from current standard LocationRiver Corridors / Stream BuffersAllows for renovations to existing buildings Per Federal & State guidelines Impacts subject to Restricted Infrastructure standards10.07Wetlands ‐ Class I and IIAllows for impacts to class II wetlands/buffers within City Center FBC district if criteria are metAssessment of functions and values of the wetland/bufferProhibits impacts to class I & II wetlands & buffers outside City Center FBC district; presently allowed if functional & values are retained / mitigated12.03Wetlands ‐ Class IIIAllows for impacts to class III wetlands/buffers Assessment of functions and values of the wetland/bufferAdditional specify on standards. Exempts impacts to class III wetland buffers for wetlands <300 s.f.12.03Floodplains ‐ 100 yearAllows for maintenance of pre‐existing buildings/structures/utilitiesPer Federal & State rules Specific standards for historic structures added 10.01Floodplains ‐ 500 yearZone B1: allows substantial renovation/new construction that is floodproofed; Zone B2 allows renovation of existing buildingsBased on Federal & State rules for 100‐year floodplainsNew standard 10.01Steep Slopes15‐25% allows new construction with appropriate stabilization/erosion control; 25% only with Restricted InfrastructureEngineering analysis New standard 12.09Design standardsGarage setbacks standardRequirement for garage to be set back from principal façade may be waived by DRBApplies if garage is side‐loaded and has appearance of a frontNo change 3.16, Article 9Civic Buildings / Places of Worship in FBCBuilding Envelope Standards height, glazing, entry standards may be waived by the DRB due to specific nature of the facilitiesNo change 8.06A,BEntry Spacing, FBC T4 DistrictAlternative Compliance may be granted by the DRB Demonstration that the alternative compliance meets specific pedestrian‐oriented objectivesNo change 8.06HGeneralNonconformitiesAllows for certain modifications to pre‐existing nonconforming uses, buildings, lotsSpecific nonconformity circumstances; limits on expansionNo change 3. 11, 8.11Process/SubmittalProcess /submittal waivers Authorizes DRB to waive certain process steps and submittal materials if not relevant to the applicationClarifications ThroughoutZoning District BoundariesApply rules of one zoning district up to 50' into adjacent zoning districtBoard may grant where this modification achieves purposes and results in more consistent designNo changeLots/Buildings in existence prior to 1972Reduced setbacks & increased lot coverage, authority for further setback reduction as conditional useAuthorizes additional reduction in setbacks if certain specific criteria are metNo change 3.06JVarianceState Law allows an applicant, on appeal, to seek a variance from the strict standards of a regulation.State law establishes five criteria, all of which must be met. The "bar" is very high for granting of a variance.No changeNOTES:1. Legal Review has not yet been completed. Consultant has specifically requested that City Attorney review applicability of Alternative Compliance under VT Enabling Statutes2. Staff has requested consultant double‐check this list for completeness / confirmation. Underway as of writing.
Simpson Court / Sunset Ave
Zoning District: R4
Net Density: 3.9 units / acre
Housing Types: Single Family
Appletree / Hadley Area
Zoning District: R4
Net Density: 4.3 units / acre
Housing Types: Single Family, small multi
Village at Dorset Park
Zoning District: SEQ-NR
Net Density: ~6.5 units / acre
Housing Types: Single, duplex, four-plex
Other:Includes some amenities
South Village Phase I
Zoning District: SEQ-NR
Net Density: 8.9 units / acre
Housing Types: Single Family, 2F, 3F, multi
O’Brien Hillside, Phase I
Zoning District: R12
Net Density: ~8 units / acre
Housing Types: Single Family, 2 Family
Other:Has 3-acre park in center
Rye Meadows
Zoning District: SEQ-NR
Net Density: ~6.1 units / acre
Housing Types: Single, cottage, four-plex
Other:Park in center
Five Sisters [Howard/Catherine] Burlington
Zoning District:
Net Density: ~10.5-12 units / acre
Housing Types: Single, 2F, 3F, 4F
Ithaca, NY
•Diverse Unit Mix
•Connections Inside/Outside of the
•Variety in the Forms Used
•Density is between 8-12 du/acre in
Residential area
•Commercial Areas can be between 12-
20 du/acre
Ithaca NY
Bradburn Village, CO
•Defined, Central, and functional Green
•Alleys to support connectivity and drive
parking towards the rear
•Density is between 8 –30 du/acre, but
diverse in its form
Example Concept*
•Site is about 16.3 acres
•Probably typical of where a
TND makes sense
•Residential 2 Zoning
•Has identified wetlands and
habitat corridor areas
•Is adjacent to established
•Access is afforded by Spear
•Multi-Use Path is to the south,
along Swift Street
Lot Constraints Area (acres)
Wetlands –Buffer and Wildlife Corridor 3.7
Roads and ROW 3.4
Transmission Lines
Area (acres)
Area (acres)
1.56 AC (17%)
Housing Type Allowed Units Target
Area (ac)Units
Single Family 33.2 8 4.15 30 53%
Multiplex Small 10.5 8 1.32 10 18%
Cottage Court 4.9 8 0.61 5 9%
Duplex 12 8 1.5 12 21%
MAX = 85%
MIN = 10%
Key Area of Focus:
•Defining the
constraints that limit
•Establishing the
importance of
Civic/Open Space
•Defining road access
to support a grid
street with future
Key Area of Focus:
•Defining lots
conforming to
minimum sizes
•Establishing diversity
in unit mix and form
•Supporting parking
on street (where
appropriate) and on
Key Area of Focus:
•Defining lots
conforming to
minimum sizes
•Establishing diversity
in unit mix and form
•Supporting parking
on street (where
appropriate) and on
230 FEET
450 FEET
Breakdown of Program
Parking in Rear with Carports to Screen from Road
Shared Driveway to minimize curb cuts
Stepped Duplex Units Oriented towards Street
Mix of Unit Types (Duplex, Single-Family)
Neighborhood Narrow Grid Street with Sidewalks
Central and Accessible Civic Open Space with
Neighborhood Grid Street to Support On-Street Parking
Breakdown of Program
Cottage Court with Internal Greenspace
Central Civic Space
Single-Family Detached
Mixed Duplex / Single-Family
Future Road Connection
Alley to Access Parking, Reducing Curb Cuts
Breakdown of Program
Preserved Buffer and Habitat Corridor
Central Civic Space
Larger Multi-Plex in Transition to Denser Neighborhood
Mixed Duplex / Single-Family
Shared Parking Area between Lots
Wider Street to allow On-Street Parking
•Placement and lot configuration are essential to TND
•Defining the parameters that direct the placement of new
units is the goal
•While the specific types of units should vary, their
relationship to the street and each other is vital.
•Height/mass and frontage character along the street are
part of the consideration
South Burlington Planning Commission Meeting Participation Guidelines
Draft for Discussion February 23, 2021
Jessica Louisos, Chair, South Burlington Planning Commission
I appreciate all of the hard work of the Commissioners. I would like to make sure that we are using everyone’s
valuable time efficiently.
The Planning Commission has been conducting virtual meetings since resuming a regular meeting schedule in
August 2020. Our adopted meeting participation guidelines that we share with the public along with each meeting
agenda have not been reviewed or revised to reflect the change in meeting format from in-person to virtual. We
do not have participation guidelines for Commissioners. Considering our near-term continued format for meeting
virtually, I suggest the following two sets of guidelines for review and possible adoption by the Commission:
I am suggesting the following general guidelines for Commissioners to help keep our meetings moving efficiently
with all Commissioners having equitable input. These guidelines are new.
South Burlington Planning Commissioner Member Meeting Participation Guidelines
1. The Planning Commission Chair presents these guidelines for the Planning Commission meetings to
ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and that meetings proceed smoothly.
2. In general, keep your video on and microphone on mute. The video will aid participants in identifying
Commission members. Keeping muted when not speaking will add to the sound clarity of the meeting.
3. Initial discussion on an agenda item will generally be conducted by the Commission. As this is our
opportunity to engage with the subject, we would like to hear from all Commissioners before opening the
floor to the public.
4. Please raise your hand to be recognized to speak and the Chair will try to call on each participant in
sequence. Preference will be given to Commissioners who have not yet spoken on a topic.
5. Please do not interrupt others when they are speaking.
6. Please be respectful. We each are entitled to our individual views, which are not always shared by all.
7. Make every effort not to repeat the detailed points made by others. You may indicate that you agree with
a point made, but do not need to repeat all details.
8. Make every effort not to repeat detailed points already made by yourself. We all have the urge to “fight
back” when others present a conflicting viewpoint. Repeating detailed viewpoints multiple times in the
same meeting or subsequent meetings takes up valuable meeting time.
9. Avoid or eliminate tangent discussion or topics that are not directly applicable to the agenda item
currently being discussed. The Chair may break into a tangent discussion to refocus the group to the
particular agenda item.
10. Try to keep feedback and comments to the policy-level. Avoid comments addressing the specific wording.
Staff, consultants, and the legal team will assist the Commission with finding the exact wording to meet
the policy goals set by the Commission.
11. The Vice-Chair will monitor timing of discussions throughout the meeting. In cases where agenda items
are running over the agenda suggested timing, the Vice-Chair will check-in with the group on progress. It
is recognized that some items have more input or discussion that anticipated and may take additional
time to wrap up and discussion may be extended to complete an item. In cases where discussion requires
additional discussion, data, or analysis the item will be continued to another meeting. In cases where
agenda items scheduled later in the meeting are likely not be covered, this will be recognized partway
through the meeting, announced to participants, and added to a future agenda.
12. The Chat message feature is new to the virtual meeting platform. The chat should only be used for items
specifically related to the agenda item under discussion. The chat should not be used to private message
Commissioners or staff on policy items, as this pulls people away from the main conversation underway.
Vice-Chair will monitor the chat and bring to attention of the group comments or questions relevant to
the discussion. Chat messages will be part of the official meeting minutes.
13. In general discussions will follow the order presented in the agenda. The Chair, with assistance from staff,
will give verbal cues as to where in the packet the discussion is currently focus to help guide participants.
The following guidelines are published along with each meeting agenda to guide the public in their participation. I
have used track-changes to show all alterations from our current adopted guidelines.
South Burlington Planning Commission Virtual Meeting Participation Guidelines
1. The Planning Commission Chair presents these guidelines for the public attending Planning Commission
meetings to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and that meetings proceed smoothly.
2. In general, keep your video off and microphone on mute. Commission members, staff, and visitors
currently presenting / commenting will have their video on.
3. Initial discussion on an agenda item will generally be conducted by the Commission. As this is our
opportunity to engage with the subject, we would like to hear from all commissioners first. After the
Commission has discussed an item, the Chair will ask for public comment.
4. Please raise your hand identify yourself to be recognized to speak and the Chair will try to call on each
participant in sequence. To identify yourself, turn on your video and raise your hand, if participating by
phone you may unmute yourself and verbally state your interest in commenting, or type a message in the
5. Once recognized by the Chair, please identify yourself to the Commission.
6. If the Commission suggests time limits, please respect them. Time limits will be used when they can aid in
making sure everyone is heard and sufficient time is available for Commission to conduct b usiness items.
7. Side conversations between audience members should be kept to an absolute minimum. The hallway
outside the Community Room is available should people wish to chat more fully.
8. Please address the Chair. Please do not address other audience memb ers or staff or presenters and please
do not interrupt others when they are speaking.
9. Make every effort not to repeat the points made by others. You may indicate that you support a similar
viewpoint. Indications of support are most efficiently added to the chat.
10. The Chair will make reasonable efforts to allow everyone who is interested in participating to speak once
before speakers address the Commission for a second time.
11. The Planning Commission desires to be as open and informal as possible within the co nstruct that the
Planning Commission meeting is an opportunity for commissioners to discuss, debate and decide upon
policy matters. Regular Planning Commission meetings are not “town meetings”. A warned public hearing
is a fuller opportunity to explore an issue, provide input and sway public opinion on the matter.
12. Comments may be submitted before, during or after the meeting to the Planning and Zoning Department.
All written comments will be circulation to the Planning Commission and kept as part of the Cit y Planner's
official records of meetings. Comments must include your first and last name and a contact (e-mail,
phone, address) to be included in the record. Email submissions are most efficient and should be
addressed to the Director of Planning and Zoning at pconner@sburl.com and Chair at jlouisos@sburl.com.
13. The Chat message feature is new to the virtual meeting platform. The chat should only be used for items
specifically related to the agenda item under discussion. The chat should not be used to private message
Commissioners or staff on policy items, as this pulls people away from the main conversation underway.
Messages on technical issues are welcome at any time. Vice-Chair will monitor the chat and bring to
attention of the group comments or questions relevant to the discussion. Chat messages will be part of
the official meeting minutes.
14. In general discussions will follow the order presented in the agenda or as modified by the Commission.
The Chair, with assistance from staff, will give verbal cues as to where in the packet the discussion is
currently focus to help guide participants.
15. The Commission will try to keep items within the suggested timing published on the agenda, although
published timing is a guideline only. The Commission will make an effort to identify partway through a
meeting if agenda items scheduled later in the meeting are likely not be covered and communicate with
meeting participants any expected change in the extent of the agenda. There are times when meeting
agendas include items at the end that will be covered “if time allows”.