HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0043 Brewer ParkwayOFFICE COPY SOUTH BURLINGTON NOTICE The Zoning Board of Adjustment for the Town of South Bur2ington, will hold a public meeting at the Muni- cipal Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Wednesday, March 3, 1965, at 7:30 P.m. to consider the following petition: Mr. George J. Chicoine respectively requests the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance of 2(2) feet for rear yard clearance at Lot #50, 43 Brewer Parkway, South Burlington. Vermont. Albert Reynolils, Chairman Free Pre ss February 2J, 1965 Mr. Irving L. Douglas Town Manager Town Municipal Building 555 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Dear Sir: February 12, 1965 I respectively request a hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance of 2,.,.feet 4*mftWO1ftd rear yard clearance at Lot #50 at 43 Brewer Parkway, South Burlington. Very truly yours, March llo 1965 Mr,, George J, Chiooins 307 Lafountain Street Winooski$, Ve"w*t Dear Mr, Chicoine t Ws in to officially notify you that the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their meeting on Wednesdayl, Marah 3j, 1965# held at the Tom Municipal Building at 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington# V*montq granted your request for a variamoo Very truly yourep Irving L. Douglas Th,wn Manager ILDsro act Albert Roynolde February 23, 1 Mr. George J. Chicoine 307 Lafountain Street Winooski, Vermont Dear Mr. Chicoine: This Is to officially notify you that the Zoning Board of Adjustment will kold a public meeting at the Municipal Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Wednesday, March 3, �1965 at 70030 p.m. to consider your petition. Very truly yours, Irving L. Douglas Town Manager ILDirc W4 r O'l 7 - - - - - - - - - - - -7�7_j I nl, TA 1L4 Get Miff Lla- al war 11 February 15., 1965 Mr. J. Warren Mcclure THE OURLINOTON Fm PRESS College Street Burlington# Vermont Dear Rac i In reforonao to your letter of February l2s, 1965 In reference to Lot #!;0 on Brower Parkway* I an enclosing a sketch of the lot# location of the building# front and roar yard clearances* and also side yard clearance. The Ordinancesas Revised February 28s 1964 under PSMOSVII J,kg Y .A.rd 1gLuj.!2MtP i "Yards shall have a mininum of depth* as follows: Front yard 30 foot Roar yard 30 foot Bids, yard 15 feet except that where tbsr* is an established set- baok the front yard shall have a depth of twenty (20) foot or a depth equal to the ox- isting xot-baok line# whiabovor shall be greater. Notwithstanding the alwvep a side yard abutting a street shall have a minimum depth of twenty- fi vo fee V. "The lawful use of any building, structuregor land existing at the tim* of the enactment of this ordinance may be continuedp althougb such use does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinancep providAd the following oonditions are mott (1) Unsafe structures. Noting in this Ordinance shall permit the use of any portion of a building or a structure doblared, unsafe by a proper authority". It is and has boon my understanding that in a development oe there in an setwiblishod lotp tbo yard clearance,, if lot � meet* the now Ordinance# should conform to the Ordinances ipprov*d February 28, 1964. i.weiven NeClure 2. Pobruary 15# 1965 This lot was purobasod from Jimmy George. A building permit was granted to the buildAr for the construction of a now residence on Lot #50 on Brower Parkway knowing that this Lot had been estab- lished In August 1953- ftore are very few residences on Brower parkway that would conform to the latest Ordinances. 1,1 porsonaWr measured sox* of the fvont yard sot-backsp and the front yard sot - back averaged 18 foot to 24 foot. Smo of the side yard.4'. clearance averaged 10 f#*tv 15 ftotj and 20 feet. The majority of rosidences on this street do have more than a 30 foot roar yard clearance. It does appear Mat for a matter of 12 foot we lack about 2 foot In a 10 foot dixtoinee it meeting the roar yard cloaranes. I am asking the Zoning Board,,df Adjustment to review these meaiKtromonts, and also "king the owner and build6r,* Mr. George Chlooinsp to appear at the Zoning Soard zooting. I will keep you advised as to the "to of the hearing,, and if the" are any further questions, do not hesitate to ##ntact me. Very truly yourst Irving L. Douglas Town Manager Mira Cat V. J. DIAeutl Albert Reynolds Dro D"vid Paigal /00 13RE-WE)F Pew IF- ot KA �2g Fd, 13 t'l- 0