HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 01/12/2021January 12, 2021 Attendance: Trice, Amanda, Jennifer, Jean-Sebastien, Penne, Michelle, Ilona (Staff), joined by Phil Godenschwager. • Minutes were not distributed ahead of time and will be postponed until next meeting • Phil’s Presentation of Clock status update: o March 2020 - shut downs impacted lighting and metal partners. Hired engineer firm D&K who reviewed structural plans. o Bracket finished in June; needed on job site early. Made bracket before the frame was made so they have not been fitted together. Will be visiting the site this month to do a test fit with models. Had to install bracket into column and bolts welded in place; no tolerance to move them around. o Finished frame in Sept2020; At that point was able to continue making panels. All panels are complete now. o Leaves made in summer 2020, Next step to make into sections, solder together and put onto the spiral. Will fully attach when installed. Will connect 8-10 together in bunches; sections connected to the frame with wires on back. o Under pandemic was not been able to go into the wholesalers to get supplies. All glass is from existing collection of glass. o Jennifer suggested the idea to have the story of the art development written up to document how piece was made and impacts from 2020 events. o Phil noted a tremendous amount of problem solving in the art process. Ex - copper foil wrapped leaves first try was not strong enough copper; need to solder each together. o Will install milk plexiglass panels behind the glass to diffuse the light and will not see the framing once it is lit up; some blues too transparent. o Clock will be gilded - hands and numbers. Bracket to be painted bronze o Access doors to be able to get in to access clock if need it. 4inch circuit board. Should need infrequent access. o Side panels, bottom mountain foam - look like mountains from a distance. Will paint with acrylics in a flat finish, considering a seasonal theme so color change. Green on bottom and dusting of snow on top. Epoxy fiberglass resin and coat of bondo. Space between foam and glass to provide lighting and will look like sunset or sunrise prior to breaking into night sky. Welded attachments. Will epoxy in place. o Covid comet - goes across the 3 top panels on the front. o Top panel - originally to be glass - earth will be out of glass (transparent) but as this is only 9 inches from the column it would be seen through the panel. Wanted to stop eye on surface and not see the column behind it. Will paint it and put a few constellations using fiber optics. Space scene. Even from a distance will be see stars as will be lit up. Section will act as a cap for light. Aluminum figurines painted same coating as frame but may add paint on them (stars) to have it blend a bit more with sky scene. Decision to change this was also to eliminate the lines that would be present if assembled it as small pieces of glass. o Trice asked if any committee members had any concerns with design changes. No Committee members expressed concern. o Penne made a motion that the Committee accepts the change to the top of the clock to be painted instead of glass. Second - Jean. All in favor. Motion passes. o Any risk of panels detaching and fall down? No o Bottom - marble that has a small universe in it and it was heated into an existing glass hole. Epoxied from inside and will light up. Two "planets" on bottom - Saturn and Jupiter to pay homage to the recent sky conjunction of the two planets. o Committee comments - it will make a nice centerpiece to the library; appreciate the flexibility and ability to make modifications to accommodate available resources. o Visit to make an access platform to be able to access the site for 3-4 days to allow for the installation in pieces. Will also discuss an install date. Phil likely has another 6 weeks of detailing on the clock pieces. Building open in June or July. • Staff update on Budget: CIP and Budget for next year. Budget constraints this year during budget development met by not filling open positions and reduced projects that were funded by general fund. Some of it is tied to the reductions due to lower rooms and meals tax, etc. Public Art budget is between $4-5,000 split up as planning and capital. • New Building Gallery Curator - The long wall from library to auditorium with a gallery rail. Guest curator given an honorarium; contract amount for $4,000. Task to put out a call to artists to see who wants to exhibit; assist artists with setup/takedown; responsible for maintaining the schedule. Ilona asked Committee how we would like to interface with the position; this can be discussed further but intend on there being coordination with the Committee. Aiming for a collection to be up for opening; should we help to set a theme for the first show? Ilona will draft a policy based on other models. Noted typical is 4-6x a year change. It is a lot of work to change exhibits. • Next meeting - Building Curator guidelines/qualifications. February 16th 6pm. • Motion to adjourn Penne; Jennifer second.