HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-86-0000 - Supplemental - 1350 Shelburne RoadCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGrON Subdivision Application - SKE'iCCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner Of record Thomas Farrell - Farrell Distributing Corporation Holmes Road - So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 b. Applicant Thomas Farrell, Farrell Distributing Corporation Holmes Road, South Burlington, Vermont 05401 and William G. Gahagan 939 Ripley Lane, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 C. Contact person James A. Lamphere, Wiemann-Lamphere Architects, Inc 289 College Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). for 18 units of residential �r�ccl �tT 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) Farrell - Owner Cpahagan - Option 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties see Site Plan S) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. street right-of-way -- see sitelan r 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. Extend public water and sewage and storm drainage Add public street 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions: NONE 8) Submit four copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: 1) Name of owners of, record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and cove- nants. . 4) Type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, ' utilities, and open space. I 5) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. (Signature) arl ram" icant'or contact person date Mr.. Far—r(.I, I,r1,,)))�.,!:-. 11 111.1.,1,,) :, .I.53 ;,(.r(. 11;! norih 111• t.h(, I;10, I1(':I I t.* ()J F I(•1' IiII I11 I ttv, 1 (`ittit 1)1 11,. 1I�tli i RI)itll ex tens i oII I. 'Thc! I o1. i s : 011i' l Ik, I 1 1 . 53 tacI.os ) itntI ii mil,: i till is are pernti t.ted. T I I e r,I.-Ins show Ili nett Irni t.s 1: i I It fit, garages . The Ord i mince a I I <,ws a range of 1 1 to 18 on i t.s . (4.53 arres- III inIis we.t", aI- as (.28 here" _ 4 2'5 fit iIiIis 15% fc)I• streets = 6 1 = 3. 64 x 1 = 1 •1 tin i Ls: . Access : TI-I prol)t!rtw t 1 1)c served I-)y IIoIfit t!s 11'.orlcf cxLeII o I I along the southern boundary. This is shown on the I)Ians as a 66 foot r . o . w . It should be an 80 foot r . o . w . as located 1)v E3i11 Szymanski. Access is shown from two dr.i.veways from Hot mes Road extension. I agree t, i t.h 13i 1.1. that one On t ra ric e would he suffici"ent and that it shc)uId be opposite Green Mount.iaiit Drive. Circulation: A loop road of 241 feet, in width circulates through the development. from 11o.1mes [toad ex tens i c)n . Thc! Comm i ss i on should discuss whether or not this street is to be is City Street that. meets City standards ( i .e. 60 foot r.o.w. with :10 feet c)f pavement and curbs Parking: 'These 18 u n i t.s regIii r(:39 parking splices0 are. shown No garages are shown. Landsr.aping : A complete landscaping plan is required at. preliminar.v r)lat. The r)arkirig spaces should he well screened so that. head.li0ats do not_ interfere with the adjoining si.n,le -fanti I homes. Other-: A complete traffic- stud- is needed prior to 1)relifit inar'- plat that till be reviewed b�� Cr•ai.g Leiner. An 1800 g.1).d. se%,er• allocation is required. The applicant must. [)ay th( $2.50 1)t,r. gallon fee prior to pernri t.. 81 t FAIMELI. 1_340_ l_.2 Sit E'LBURNE? ROAD Mr. Farre.l .l. proposes I,o construct a drive -through car t,: tsh on tho 2.2 acres w(!st, of the project. reviewed above. This is the same site as the Rocky's Car Wv1.01 that was approved artd IIas sin(•e expi rc�d . 'I'll i s plan i rtc I ud;'s ,I ret,ra i 1 rhea iIrld g!ls I)on11)s . Acc,i?ss : Actress wi 1 I ho 1'roul two curl) co Ls Ml It() I rates fro:I,i (,!,tens i o I I . The nc!ed for t.wo dr• i ves should L)e d i scuss(,li especi.allsine there is a fro iItti9e road. Al I cifr1.) cuts on Routh 7 must he close(J. 'Phis project, must be redesigned to reflect the pror)osed 8O foot wide ilol mes Road extensi on . Ci.rculat.ion: Circulation i.s complete around and thrOo,h the (lit! wash . Landsc;i_j)i l9: The plans require 51O,500 in nelc Iitn(lscapi119 $6 , 600 is shown. The a1)1) 1 i (JiIII t: i s I-Q(IU(!s t, i rtg ( red i•t. fu I - 0x i s t i n 0 easement g i ve•n . 1 . Underaround power shn L I he pInct"I back or the , ide•e a I k t I of side) with telephone and T . \ . The gas main sha I 1 he in the v rass strip heLween curb and :=.ieigwnik. 5. Al l r.tti.l i t v IrI ans sha l l he s"I m i t.t ed to the t: i hy r"r appr"va I prior to installation or at the eery InLest prior to issuing; Any7 building permits, This also includes st.reret. light-ing. 6. Water Department, shall review and approve water system plans. 7. Road typical section on pager 13, delete note 117 reVorence to decreasing the 18 inches or grave• base. H. Prec_ast, concrete inlets and catch basins can be manur,.actured to exact dimension therefore Were is no need ror up t.o S courses of bricks. Road 'salt deteriorates bricks and mort-ar. The maximum course of bricks should be two courses. 7) FARILELL i PROPERTY, CONDO:`1INIUM DEVELOPMENT, HOLMES ROAD EXTENDED EASTERLY 1. Proposed Holmes Road extension is plotted on sketch plan dated September 23, 1986. The project should be planned around this location. I would recommend there he one road opening; to the site. This opening should be opposite the planned Green Mountain Drive intersection. 2. Site shall include storm water runoff control. 8) CAI? WASH, SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Proposed Holmes Read extension is not located as shown. it is partly located on the property to the south. That properLy is also in for site plan review. Both must work t.oge.ther to lount.e it cohere planned. 2. A single access drive should he considered. This would U i ve exiting cars a ,greater Length of travel beVore entering .a Muhl is street allowing more t.Lme to drip and ;avoiding iceing on the street which is a problem Lire Ci t y has c. i th, other war rashes. It also gets the d r• i ve away rr om ;.a i n t-"rsoo t, i on t.h;a 1 will he hush• in the future. 9) CITY HALL ADDITION ( WATER DE PAR'1'M!{N'I'1 UOItSI.'I' 1. I have worked wi t.h the Water Board :and arch i teat on this project and I approve this layout.. L ., �vttt.��+� urlittgtan �R ire � epttrtnr��ftt �; 575 i9urut street t 3utttb Nurliuutuu, `�lermuut 05401 OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF (802) 658-7960 MEMORANDUM ---------------- TO: SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CHIEF GODDETTE RE: OCTOBER 28,1986 AGENDA ITEMS DATE: OCTOBER 21,1986 #I. CITY COMPLEX ADDITION FOR WATER DEPT. Plan reviewed by this department and the following was found to be a problem in trying to give proper protection; A. Hydrant location. B. Access Around the building. C. Parking and access to the front of the building. With this plan or design there is no way proper protection can be given. - C— -- -- _ #2. Tho�mas Farrell Property yShelburne Road Condos ---- During the review the following was found which needed changes A. Buildings brought closer to the road so the distance was no more then 60' from the center of the roof and 10 foot from the back of the parking space. B. No less the 3 hydrants. I did meet with a member from Mr. Lamphere's office on the problems but the corrections were not made. #3. Proposed Car Wash- Farrelks Property. Only problem found at this time is one hydrant is required by one of the drive ways to the property off the new road. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 658-7955 October 24, 1986 James Lamphere Wiemann-Lamphere Architects 289 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Farrell - 18 unit PUD and Car Wash, Shelburne Road Dear Jim: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658.7958 Enclosed are the agenda and my comments to the Planning Commission regarding these two applications. Also enclosed are Bill Sz,ymanski's comments. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, October a8, 1986 to represent your request. Sincerely, (C Jane B. L:afleur, City Planner• JBI,/mcp Encls cc: Farrell Distributing Corporation William G. Gahagan ,05AR' fool ioo" 47 Z .1 A f- t ... _ ` 1 s At. r. � — -- 171 ... Ik roJ` µryJasl } 2,3 /A 1 I