HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-86-0000 - Supplemental - 1340 1342 Shelburne Roadc raw o . 10/27/86 JBL MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Thomas Farrell and William Gahagan for construction of a 13,500 square foot Car Wash and retail facility at 1340-42 Shelburne Road as depicted on a plan entitled "Site Plan - Proposed Car Wash - Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont" prepared by Wiemann-Lamphere Architects, dated 9/25/86 with the following stipulations: 1) A $10,500 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. The plans shall be revised to reflect this amount and shall include larger 3 inch to 4 inch caliper trees. 2) Access shall be from one curb out on Holmes Road extension. The plans shall be revised to show this. 3) The plan shall be revised to show the 80 foot r.o.w. for Holmes Road extension. 4) The signal at Holmes Road and Shelburne Road shall be installed and operating prior to permit. 5) The applicant shall contribute $,__,= toward the Shelburne Road intersection improvement fund based on the 171 trip ends generated by this development. 6) Legal documents for the dedication of Holmes Road extension shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval prior to permit. 7) The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. \MV-F-lD� October 27, 1986 Mrs. Jane LaFleur, Planner Municipal Offices City of South Burlington Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Farrell Development Shelburne Road - So. Burlington Dear Jane: In reference to the sketch plan of 1350 Shelburne Road and the site plan approval for the car wash at 1340-45 Shelburne Road, we would like to request that you withdraw these applications from the Planning Commission agenda of October 28th. Regarding this withdrawal, please note that we've had a number of requests for changes from our client and it's obvious from your memo that you expect us to build a public street as an extension of Holmes Avenue. At this point, the questions from the developers of the people wishing to build the car wash are such that we feel uncomfortable in going before the Planning Commission until final decisions have been made. Thank you for your assistance. We'll contact you in the near future regarding the progress of this project. nce ely, es A. here JAL/cad WIEMANN-LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS • 289 COLLEGE ST. • BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 • 802-864-0950 D:)te Ri-ccived - - — By --' -- — Date Application Ccenleted and Received 0 CITY OF SOUTH BURL I NG7'ON APPLICATION FUR SITE PLAN Rr"VI ELq 1) AJ+ME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE 'NUMBER OF: (a) Owner of Record Thomas Farrell - Farrell Distributing Corporation Holmes Road - So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 (b) Applicant Thomas Farrell - Farrell Distributing Corp. and William G. Gahagan 939 Ripley Lane, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 1 (c) Contact Person James A. Lamphere Wiemanq-Lamphere Architects, Inc. 289 College St., Burlington, VT 05401 2) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Shelburne Road, South Burlington i 3) PROPOSED USES): Car Wash retail c c 6c f -r-- Cd Gtt 13 41 Ow Sl /4i1 C /t,L ,l t k-e-p 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e.,'# of units, floor area, etc.) 13,500 sf - one storey 5) AUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) 15 full time, 30 part time 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildings 400, 000. 00 (b) Landscaping 6,000.00 (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) Site development $40,000.00 7) ESTIMATED PROJECT Ca1PLETION DATE 8) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out) _ 140 cars in per da 9) PEAK HOUR(S) OF OPERATION 10) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION i2:00 - 2:00 PM Saturday and Sunda DATE SIGNATURE OF PPLlcANr T0: FROM: RE: DATE: #2 t.ttlitl ���� UI ltill�Yt111 �h iCC 9I l'�tilt'ttllftlt 57_1 Ell Uriict *1rCCt �nutll �.3urlirigtou, Vermont 05,111t Of f 1C.F uE JAMES W GOMM:TIt, SH CHIEF (802) 658 7960 MEMORANDUM ---------------- SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION CHIEF GODDETTE OCTOBER 28,1986 AGENDA ITEMS OCTOBER 21,1986 CITY COMPLEX ADDITION FOR WATER DEPT. Plan reviewed by this department and the following was found to be a problem in trying to give proper protection; A. Hydrant location. B. Access Around the building. C. Parking and access to the front of the building. With this plan or design there is no way proper protection can be given. T omas Farrell Property Shelburne Road Condos uring the review the following was found which needed changes A. Buildings brought closer to the road so the distance was no more then 60' from the center of the roof and 10 foot from the back of the parking space. B. No less the 3 hydrants. I did meet with a member from Mr. Lamphere's office on the problems but the corrections were not made. #3. Propose( Car Was}1-jF�arreI l's Property. Only problem found at this time is one hydrant i:= required by one of the drive ways to the property off: the new road. CAC WP►s}k, i34t)- ua Sl)66ume 3.S MEMO FROM: Mark Landon DATE: October 22, 1986 RE: Car Wash Farrell/Gahagan South Burlington, Vt. 1. During the Planning Commission Meeting of August 6, 1986, on page 2, Roger Dickinson presented his firm's traffic study of Rocky's Car Wash done the previous week. They found that the peak traffic was Saturday and Sunday mornings, averaging 15 vehicles per hour, the equivalent of 30 trip ends. During the weekdays, the noon hour and the P.M. peak hour experienced 10 cars per hour, or 20 trip ends. We noted that winter months see higher use than summer months. In estimating traffic at the Shelburne Road location, Dickinson felt that there would be 41 trip ends per hour on weekdays and 61 trip ends per hour on weekend mornings. We added that on Shelburne Road, traffic is higher in summer that in winter months. Therefore: a. Weekdays 41 trip ends/peak hour b. weekends 61 trip ends/peak hour 2. Based on ITE's 46 trip ends per 1000/s.f. of convenience store, the 2400/s.f. convenience store would add: 2400 s.f./1000 s.f. x 46 = 110 trip ends/peak hour 3. The car wash and convenience store would generate a total of,trip ends/peak hour. 4. The condcminimums will generate (apartments) .7 trip ends/peak hour/unit. .7 x 18 = 13 trip ends. 5. Therefore, the total trip ends per whole site is estimated at 184 trip ends/peak hour. 6. The allowable trip ends for site as a Zone 3. 25 x (2.77 acres + 4.53 acres/40,000) x 43,560 = 198.7 or 198.7 trip ends/ peak hour. End Memo...... cc: J. Lamphere File 7 ) 'I_. F_',P,REA:Ls 1 350 SIIE.LBURNE_ ROAD Mr. Farrell proposes to develop a 4.53 acre lot north of the proposed B1)P Realty 0ff.'ice Building, east of Holmes Road extension. The lot is zoned R4 (4.53 acres) and a maximum of 18 units are permitted. The plans show 18 new units wi.t,h no garages. The ordinance allows a range of 14 to 18 units. (4.53 acres minis wet areas (.28 acres) = 4.25 minus 15% for streets = .61 = 3.64 x 4 = 14 units). Access: The property will be served by Holmes Road extension along the southern boundary. This is shown on the plans as a 66 foot r.o.w. It should be an 80 foot r.o.w. as located by Bill Szymanski. Access is shown from two driveways from Holmes Road extension. I agree with Bill that one entrance would be sufficient and that; it should be opposite Green Mountain Drive. Circulation: A loop road of 24 feet in width circulates through the development from Holmes Road extension. The Commission should discuss whether or not this street is to be a City Street that meets City standards (i.e. 60 foot r.o.w. with 30 feet of pavement and curbs.) Parking: These 18 units require 39 parking spaces; 50 are shown. No garages are shown. Landscaping_ A complete landscaping plan is required at preliminary plat. The parking spaces should be well screened so that. headlights do not interfere with the adjoining single-family homes. Other: A complete traffic study is needed prior to preliminary plat that will be reviewed by Craig Leiner. An 1800 g.p.d. sewer allocation is required. The applicant must pay the $2.50 per gallon fee prior to permit. 8 l'. FAEtRELL 1340-42 SHELBURNE ROAD HRWasl� Mr. Farrell proposes to construct a drive -through car wash on the 2.2 acres west of the project reviewed above. This is the same site as the Rock,y's Car Wash that was approved and has since expired. This plan includes a retail. area and gas pumps. U�Access: Access will be from two curb cuts on Holmes road extension. The need for two drives should be discussed especially since there is a frontage road. All curb cuts on Route 7 must be closed. This project must be redesigned to reflectthe proposed 80 foot wide Holmes Road extension. Circulation: Circulation is complete around and through the car wash. Landscaping: The plans require $10,500 in new landscaping; $6,600 is shown. The applicant is requesting credit for existing 3 trees. This information will be available at the meeting. I am riot satisfied with the 200 seedlings that are part, of the land- scaping plan since they do not: appear to contribute a significant amount to the landscaping. I recommend larger trees in the wet, areas as well as on the rest, of the property. Other: The tr.aff:ic overlay zone permits 72 trip ends if we assume Holmes Road is signalized due to the Lakewood project. Data supplied by the applicant shows that the car wash and. convenience store will generate 171 trip ends/peak hour. (See letter) See Bill. Sz,ymanski_'s comments. 9) SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT, 575 DORSET STREET The South Burlington Water Department proposes to construct a 3600 square foot addition (1800 square feet on two floors) to the back of City Hall. The 5.7 acre lot is zoned Municipal. Access: Main access is shown from the existing curb cut on Dorset Street. The southern curb cut will be closed to conform with the Dorset Street widening plans and to improve access. The Fire Department driveway and the northern parking lot driveway will remain. A new access is shown to 595 Dorset Street to conform with the Dorset Street widening since their access will combine with City Hall after the widening. Circulation: The Circulation around the rear of the property will be closed. The new addition will be reached from the northern parking lot. Parking: The 23,600 square foot office building and addition requires 94 parking spaces; 111 are shown. Landscaping, A $5900 landscaping plan is required. New parking lot landscaping includes 10 sugar maple and 5 Austrian pine valued at approximately $2200. The street trees on Dorset Street are presumably part of the widening project rather than this application. Perhaps a contribution towards the City's share should be made. Other: See Bill Szymanski's and Chief Goddette's comments. A water and sewer easement, cuts through this property; construction is outside the easement.. , There is a 50 foot Conservation 'Lone along the Interstate ramp right-of-wa,y. This setback is maintained. 4 Y easement. given. 4. Underground power shall be placed back of the sidewalk (lot side) with telephone and T.V. The gas main shall be in the grass strip between curb and sidewalk. 5. All utility plans shall be submitted to the City for approval. prior to installation or at the very latest prior to issuing any building permits. This also includes street lighting. 6. Water Department shall review and approve water system plans. 7. Road typical section on page 13, delete note 117 reference to decreasing the 18 inches of gravel base. 8. Precast concrete inlets and catch basins can be manufactured to exact dimension therefore there is no need for up to 5 courses of bricks. Road salt deteriorates bricks and mortar. The maximum course of bricks should be two courses. 7) FARRELL PROPERTY, CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT, HOLMES ROAD EXTENDED EASTERLY 1. Proposed Holmes Road extension is plotted on sketch plan dated September 23, 1986. The project should be planned around this location. I would recommend there be one road opening to the site. This opening should be opposite the planned Green Mountain Drive intersection. 2. Site shall include storm water runoff control. CAR WASIi, SIiELBURNE ROA 1. Proposed Holmes Road extension is not located as shown. It is partly located on the property to the south. That property is also in for site plan review. Both must work together to locate it where planned. 2. A single access drive should be considered. This would give exiting cars a greater length of travel before entering a public street allowing more time to drip and avoiding icei.ng on the street which is a problem the City has with other car washes. It also gets the drive away from a intersection that, will be busy in the future. 9) CITY HALL ADDITION (WATER DEPARTMENT) DORSET 1. I have worked with the Water Board and architect on this project and I approve this layout. E WIEMANN LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 289 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PHONE (802) 864-0950 To: A Aa4e_ Date ® ProjectNo. Projects" '4—j -- Gentlemen We are sending you the following items No C.� Items transmitted as follows: 1-1 Approved ❑ Approved as noted Not approved Resubmit for approval Furnish corrected copies ❑ For your files 1-1 Description rewith 1-1 under separate cover M Items nt by: Our messenger Your messenger Remarks class mail WIEMANN—LAMPHERE 2M QCP 985 MEMO FROM Mark Landon DATE: October 22, 1986 RE: Proposed Car Wash List of Existing Trees to be Saved Southwest Corner: 4 Maples: 12"; 12" - 12" dia.; 12" dia; 18 - 16" dia.; height approximately 301. On Shelburne Road/West Side: Lilac: 18' high - 15' dia. spread. Cedar: 10" dia. - 25' high. Northwest Corner: 5 Maples: 8" to 12" dia. - 20' to 25' high. 6 Spruce: 12" dia. - 40 to 45' high (10 existing). 2 Maples: 12" dia. - 30' high. North Side: Cedar Hedge: 15' to 20' high, medium density. Gray Birch: 16" to 18" dia. - 40' high. End Memo...... cc: J. Lamphere File No Text