HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-80-0000 - Supplemental - 0040 IDX Drive (2)Date Received By d fffjjj Date Application ica t ion . �6 j pp Completed and Received By By k) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON X APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVI&I 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE -NUMBER OF: r (a) Owner of Record x500 (b) Applicant (c) Contact Person z'7'0/2061,1 e-;-l!'GVo 2) PROTECT STREET ADDRESS: 1SOOFL/>2 3) PROPOSED USE (S) : (&—' y 07 Ly?r'/A L, 4) SIZE OF PROJDCT (i.e., # of units, floor area, etc.) ���u% ADD/7/D,U C 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) .::70 ��o ,4w171,P1A4.4 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildinsgs m (b) Landscaping (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) /%Dicl 7) ESTIMATED PROTECT CaIPLETION DATE 45 _'!�IAW 8) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out)�/� 9) PEAK HOUR(S) OF OPERATION 'F"Od pi" T/2/aA-y � 10) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Date Received B- 1 I• Date Application Completa5and Received By By CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLIr ,TION FOR SITE PLAN REV IET 1) NME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NIBER OF: (a) Omer of Record �.Q . ��r ,(�rJ�C /Sd0 s� �� So• V (boa) 6,s 8 z6641 (b) Applicant DC,vyxk GO (c) Contact Person x,' .aAd YYi. S s, 6S8 �G6� 6aLc n, z 2) PROJECT S"'aET ADDRESS /.SOO -r ✓� 3) PROPOSED USE 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e., w of units, floor area, etc.) i�• 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) 6) COST ESTI1ATES: (a) Buildings �/00,0400.- (b) Landscaping. 3,00a 3 iih o a cQl cj (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) A!!Y-- _ 7) ESTII.ATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE OLO DaUY, OXD p� 8) EST I11ATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out) DalwA ao (Ma awn 9) P :!�.K HOUR (S) OF OP b'RAT ION A.M S O v - 10) PEAK DAYS OF OP ERAT ION J2/li-Jcr',)` DATE S IGNATU ZE OF : �PPLICAN3T bHS 1/25/82 MOTION OF APPROVAL For the Site Plan Application of BDP Realty for a 4,800 square foot addition at 1500 Shelburne Road as depicted on a plan entitled "New Addition to Existing Office Building", prepared by Gordon G. Woods Associate, last revised 12/17/81. Stipulations 1) Stipulations from the approval dated 10/14/80 shall remain in effect. 2) This site plan approval expires in 6 months. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 1/22/82 2) Mayo's Subaru A package of information is enclosed from zoning Administrator Richard Ward. fie will be presenting this item at the meeting. 3 BDP Realty This application is virtually identical to a previously approved (10/14/80) but expired application. Previous stipulations on drainage data and on re- location of existing trees have been satisfied. I see no new issues or concerns at this time. 4) Unsworth Applicant has satisfied previous questions concerning fill in the con- servation zone and location of trees. The building has, been shifted south- erly and a retaining wall added so that there will be no fill within the conservation zone. Private and county foresters have been consulted: build- ing shrubbery will be replaced by additional white pines, spaced at 15 foot intervals, along the front and side of the building site. This new plan meets the 3% of total cost standard and should effectively landscape though not totally screen building and parking areas. The only remaining unanswered questions concern types of trucks to be repaired and plans for truck storage while awaiting repair. 5) Bartlett Property A communication from the State Agency of Transportation concerning access to and from the South Burlington Connector is enclosed. Since last meeting I have talked with members of the Irish family. Their current intention is to keep farming on their property as long as possible. Provision of access in that direction should not be counted on in the near future. No further word has been received from the courts concerning the access issue through Meadowood at Spear. I believe the applicant understands the limitation to construction of 50 units unless a second public access in some direction is provided. To this point I have not received internal layout revisions incorporating comments made at the last Planning Commission meeting. The 90-degree public street jogs will be retained, but the number and location of access drives to ti City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET !� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 < a; PLANNER 863.2882 January 21, 1982 Vermont Industrial Development Authority Pavilion Office Building Montpelier, VT 05602 Dear VIDA Members: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-2486 BDP Realty has applied for site plan approval for a 4,800 square foot addition to its facilities at 1500 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont. A building permit was issued by the City of South Burlington for a 750 square foot addition on August 18, 1981 (Permit No. 8075). The two additions are referred to herein as the "Project." On October 14, 1980, the South Burlington Planning Commission granted site plan approval to BDP Realty for a 4,800 square foot addition. However, site plan approval expired since no building permit was obtained within the City's 6 month deadline. The current BDP proposal is virtually identical to the previous proposal and will be considered by the Planning Commission at its January 26, 1982 meeting. I am aware of no difficulties or changes in regulations that should cause the office addition not to be approved at this time. Based on the above, I feel this Project is in accord with the comprehensive municipal plan, will not violate existing zoning ordinances and would be located. in a district zoned Commercial 1, will not involve unusual costs to the community, and is in the best interests of the community since it (a) will create new jobs, (b) is a permitted use of the property, and (c) will broaden the economic base of the City. Sincerely, David H. Spitz, City Planner IBD hurfingien date prermning, inc_ 1500 SHeLBURne ROAD • SOUTH BURLinGTon, VeRmonT OS401. 802/658.2664 December 31, 1981 Mr. Dick Ward Zoning Administrator So. Burlington, VT 05401. Dear Dick: Ref: 4800 sq. ft. addition to an existing 14,000 sq. ft. office building This letter is to inform you of our plans to construct a 4800 square foot addition to an existing 14,000 square foot office building approved in Land Use Permit #4C0391, east of Shelburne Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Construction on the above referenced addition will begin as soon as weather permits. Sincerely, Richard E. Tarrant President ms December 3, 1980 Gordon Woods 184 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Gordon, Unon checking my records I have noticed that you have not yet submitted the revised final site plan. I am enclosing the final stipulations plus the findings of fact to aid you in this matter. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, David H. Spitz, City Planner I' 2 Encls I DS/mcg t FINDINGS OF FACT AND/OR STIPULATIONS For the Site Plan Application of BDP Realty Association for a 4,800 square foot addition to an existing office building at 1500 Shelburne Road, as depicted on a plan entitled "New Addition to existing Office Building, Burlington Data Processing", prepared by Gordon G. Woods Associates and dated 9/12/80: Stipulations: 1) The parking lot must be graded so that storm water will not drain on to the adjacent property. 2) The final site plan shall indicate the location of five additional Norway Maples to be relocated from the proposed new parking area. 3) A landscaping bond of $3,000 shall be provided. 4) This approval expires 6 months from this date. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next Week's Agenda Date: 10/10/80 2) Stonehedge Residents See memo for last meeting. 3) BPD Realty Applicant is proposing an addition of 4,800 square feet to an existing 14,400 square foot building. In the initial site plan review, the Planning Commission waived the parking requirement from 70 to 50 spaces. 35 additional spaces are now proposed which should be more than adequate. Some landscaping is being relocated. New landscaping plan is still being reviewed to insure that the required amount of new plantings are being installed over and above any relocated trees. 4) Juster Associates - Shopping Center Enclosed are letters from the property owner's representative and traffic consultant regarding a proposed conversion and ex- pansion for a Welby Drug Store in the Burlington Plaza Shopping Center. A floor plan sketch is also,enclosed. The zoning ordiance permits a drug store in a C-1 zone only within a PCD. Entire property is 12.4 acres and could qualify as a PCD. I would suggest that the applicant pursue a PCD application and provide information on the following: (a) existing level of service at those nearby intersections identified by the Planning Commission, (b) traffic counts and impact on intersection levels of service from existing shopping center traffic, (c) effect of proposed use change on traffic counts and levels of service. (d) presentation and evaluation of potential improvments for upgrading the level of service at nearby intersections, and (e) evaluation of impact of the proposed Southern and/or South Burlington connectors. As an alternative, note that if the use was changed to a drug store but not expanded, the estimated traffic would decrease from the present amount (according to the traffic consultant's reason- able trip generation values). Although the current ordinance would still not approve this circumstance, the proposed change in the ordinance (as agreed to by the Planning Commission in concept) would allow such a decreased traffic volume without PCD approval. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington -Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 10/10/80 2) Burlington Data Processing 1. New parking lot contours are not shown. Lot must be graded so that storm water will not drain on to the adjacent property. 2. A curb or bumper stops should be installed adjacent to rail fence to protect it. ACT 250 NOTICE AMENDI/nU APPLICATION 10 VSA, 86083-6088 Amendment Application #4C0391-2 was filed by B. D. P. Realty Associates, 1500 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont, on October 6, 1980, for the construction of a 4800 square foot addition to the existing 14,000 square foot office building at 1500 Shelburne Road in South Burlington. This project will be evaluated in accordance with the 10 environmental criteria of 10 VSA, 36086(a). Statutory parties to this application are the municipality, the municipal planning commission, the Chittenden County Re- gional Planning Commission, and affected State agencies. Adjoining property owners may participate to the extent the proposal will have a direct effect on their property under the 10 criteria. Other persons may participate at the discretion of the District Commission. If you wish to participate, please contact the Coordinator for further information before the first hearing or date as specified below. Any party can request that the District Commission hold a public hearing , on this proposal by notifying this office not later than Monday, October 22, 1980. If no request for a hearing is filed, the District Commission may dispose of the case by stipulation, agreed settlement, consent order or default. Susan Haitsma Cain, District Coordinator 111 West Street, Essex Junction 879-6563 October 6, 1980 AP OK- M F V -T H Old L ,� .• SC►ttaZIF�C WAA-A E- A Ct-72 PLAgWo�4S rtAX�S DElySIPOQ NI_S _ __-_ FtNIU S Si►�o�S rt'ak►S Hicks, �-- EXI STI N' Ff ICC 'E;QILiD i NIC gCJ Q L I %1 G, TC D A i A_P FCC ES S i ti? C 5aP--U12 i. INC,re tA, L° C 12meNr. COMMON 14AAAV ?J1,?WAy MAPLE as 2oc,— Itw 5 � 55— JAPA E C 2A*9 16. DPCii P 12 %�A U f N C J�ta�ptr (f 35 D G E T: -Tc-rA, L Q4 STY 14 cc, cY 24a cc, 7JG12.4a GORDON G. WOODS A'>SOCIA TES 13i MANE►ELD AVE. BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 4� 33 3Z/