HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-20-40 - Supplemental - 0500 Old Farm Road (31) Exhibit Table of Contents Exhibit Name Exhibit Description Exhibit 001 Email from Marla Keene to O’Brien Eastview LLC dated 9/11/20 Exhibit 002 Preliminary Plat City Application Form Exhibit 003 Master Plan City Application Form Exhibit 004 Updated Project Civil Plans Exhibit 005 Updated Lot Coverage Chart Exhibit 006 Master Plan Exhibit 007 Updated Tree Protection Plan Exhibit 008 Exhibit 009 Exhibit 010 Exhibit 011 Exhibit 012 Exhibit 013 Exhibit 014 Exhibit 015 Exhibit 016 Exhibit 017 Exhibit 018 Exhibit 019 Exhibit 020 Exhibit 021 Exhibit 022 Exhibit 023 Exhibit 024 Exhibit 025 Exhibit 026 Exhibit 027 Exhibit 028 Exhibit 029 Exhibit 030 Exhibit 031 Exhibit 032 Exhibit 033 Exhibit 034 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL October 5, 2020 South Burlington Development Review Board C/O Ms. Marla Keene, Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: O’Brien Farm Planned Unit Development of Remaining Lands; O’Brien Eastview Dear Board Members: O’Brien Eastview, LLC (“Applicant”) filed an application on August 18, 2020 for Preliminary Plat and Master Plan Review for a proposed development located at Old Farm Road in South Burlington. As used herein, the “Project,” shall refer to the project defined in that original submission, as amended below. Attached to this application is an Exhibit Table of Contents detailing exhibits and supportive information provided here as supplemental additional information to the application submitted on August 18, 2020. The exhibits referenced are provided as individual electronic files, labeled according to the exhibit number. These supplemental exhibits are provided in response to an email from Marla Keene, dated September 11, 2020, which requested these changes to exhibits previously submitted. A copy of that email is attached as Exhibit 001. All plans that have been altered per this request are provided again here. Items that have not been changed are not provided again. In addition to responding to staff questions, this supplemental application also corrects the base density to account for an error in the original calculation. Since August, we have continued to work on project planning and providing additional exhibits requested by City Staff. This work has uncovered some inconsistency in key facts stated in the initial application. As you can imagine, with so many exhibits, tables and separate documents it can be challenging to ensure a square footage or unit count reference is updated across many different locations. We apologize for any confusion these errant references may cause. If any inconsistencies exist between stated facts (such as project area or density) in this supplemental submission and in our previous submission, please defer to this supplemental. Numbers stated herein are the most accurate and current figures we have. The base density of the project is 436 dwelling units, calculated as shown at Exhibit 005.1 We appreciate your attention to reviewing these supplemental materials and the information provided below, and will look forward to answering any questions you may have, and confirming our hearing date. 1 Please note that the density and coverage calculations are complicated in this application because some of the land involved is currently owned by the City (the Old Farm Road ROW Land). As part of the project, Old Farm Road will move, and the land currently underlying the road is anticipated to be incorporated into the Project. This 1.3 acres of land is therefore necessary for coverage calculations, but must be removed when calculating current density. 2 To follow please find responses to issues raised in the September 11, 2020 email from Marla Keene and also in conversations regarding the project preceding that email. a. Project Terminology: At the request of staff, we have re-labeled this Project as O’Brien Eastview or Eastview at O’Brien Farm. In our original submission this Project was named Phase II. However, it is clear that numerical phase names can cause confusion when dealing with multiple phases and contiguous master plans, and we recognize that a distinct name is much easier. Attached as Exhibit 004 please find an updated project plan set which includes the new project name on every sheet, as well as other changes outlined below. Plans are provided as individual files electronically. A plan index is also provided as requested. b. City Application Forms: The Applicant has added more information to the Planned Unit Development and Master Plan application forms and is reattaching those forms to this supplemental as Exhibit 002 and Exhibit 003. Fees for both the Master Plan and PUD were previously provided. While these forms are now more fully filled out, the forms do not provide enough space to address the project sufficiently. Please view these application forms in context with the narrative provided for a complete understanding of what is proposed. c. Project Limits: As requested we have added a project limit to relevant plans. This appears as a bold red line around the perimeter of the project. We appreciate this suggestion which has also helped us to uncover some inconsistencies in our submission. d. Project Plats: Plat plans have been updated further to our conversation and the “existing boundary line,” issue noted has been fixed. Plats are included in the updated plan set at Exhibit 004. e. Lot Areas and Terminology: We have provided an updated sheet C1-A, attached at Exhibit 004. This sheet shows the project limits, and the area of the project that lies in different zoning districts. The areas shown on this sheet are then used in the lot coverage chart attached at Exhibit 005. The terminology on Exhibit 005 has been updated to reflect the agreed upon naming, outlined at item (a) above. We hope that this clarifies the information. As demonstrated at Exhibit 005, the Project complies with the maximum coverages on a zoning district by zoning district basis. f. Outdoor Storage or Solid Waste Facilities: In response to your question no outdoor storage or solid waste facilities are currently proposed. g. Project Open Space: The Applicant is submitting a Master Plan at Exhibit 006 which includes in bright green color block proposed open spaces, which were also designated on the previous submission. One item discussed in the 9/11/20 email was if there will be open space between homes. The homes are anticipated to be built on footprint lots. The land surrounding the homes will be in common ownership of the association. There will undoubtedly be space between the homes as all the homes are not connected, they have yards associated with them. Building footprints are shown on the plans, areas where there are not building footprints will be open landscaped areas. These areas will be regulated by the association declarations and bylaws to protect the privacy of homeowners. In terms of lands generally available to all residents of the project for public recreation purposes, the extent of those lands is the green open space blocks shown at Exhibit 006. There are over 25 acres and approximately 25% of all the land in this project dedicated to open space. Also highlighted in green are the walking paths designed for site 3 circulation. Further information regarding the extensive open space amenities of the Project can be found in the original submission. h. Public Dedication of Open Space: The Applicant is open to discussing which if any open spaces shown could be dedicated to the public. This has not been determined at this point in time. If an answer must be provided for the application to be complete, then no open space is currently planned to be dedicated to the public. All open spaces will be for the use of residents in the development and the maintenance will be paid for through association dues. i. Tree Protection Plan: We have surveyed the trees which are indicated for protection on the Tree Protection plan and included the information in that plan as requested. Please see the updated plan attached at Exhibit 007. As discussed on our call with a project of this size it is not feasible to locate all six-inch trees on the property. Therefore, we have focused on providing information for the specific trees we intend to protect. If a tree is not listed on this plan or is shown on the plan to be outside of the current project limits, the tree will be removed as part of construction. j. Electrical Transformer Locations: All plans have been updated to provide these locations per your request. k. Traffic Impact Study: A traffic impact study was provided. As requested, we have included responses to the application form questions with regard to traffic at Exhibit 002 and Exhibit 003. l. Stormwater Calculations: We have provided the watershed map requested in addition to the calculations provided in the original submission. Since your September 11, 2020 email, we have also had some discussion regarding the proposal in our August submission that a Master Plan may not be necessary for this phase of development to achieve the desired outcome of the Applicant. While it appears as though a full and complete response to this issue has not been completed, your preliminary indication seems to be that a master plan will be necessary. Given this, we wanted to ensure that our Master Plan application is complete as well, and that both a preliminary plat and master plan proceed moving forward. We can always decide to close the Master Plan proceeding if it is deemed to be unnecessary. To this end, we have provided a Master Plan at Exhibit 006 for your review, along with the Master Plan application form Exhibit 003, and the fee (provided with our August submission). Pertinent information for this Master Plan is readily available in the submissions made. Lastly, in our recent email exchange you had asked what we are trying to achieve with the proposed subdivision without any improvements and wanting to better understand our intent. I did want to take the time to reiterate here the overall goal of the Project. This Project is being proposed in line with the Phase I master plan and is seeking very similar findings. We have outlined a residential neighborhood that will be fully permitted, and we are creating individual and reasonably sized development lots with approved infrastructure, density trip ends, and open space within the PUD. This is identical to what we did in Phase I, where our Master Plan allowed for us to proceed with site plan only (not a full PUD) for an approved use on a single lot. The roads, trips, density, traffic signal, were all decided. This permit structure creates manageable lots and sufficient certainty for development to proceed. We spoke to this concept at some length in our August submission. 4 To provide a more concise response, in order to facilitate a successful project that meets both the goals of the City and of the Applicant, we must create a framework and certainty for investment to begin. It is not feasible or beneficial to look at this Project only in the area we are looking to build immediately. This would result in large swaths of land not being thought of or incorporated. It would also result in the capital contributions currently proposed by Applicant being imbalanced for substantial improvements to roads, investment in public infrastructure, or parks. By developing an overall framework, confirming with certainty the main pieces of the puzzle, and allowing for streamlined reviews and some insulation to changing political environments, it becomes possible to discuss a rec path from Kennedy Drive all the way to Potash brook (as proposed), or a dog park, or re-routing and rebuilding the intersection for Old Farm Road. These major improvements are born by the homes being permitted for full construction, but also by the potential uses not fully defined, but nevertheless secured, by the framework this PUD puts in place. In many instances, like at Hillside, the master plan and PUD permits issued create a secure framework where capital contributions can be made in advance of full build out. For instance, the Hillside park has been built before the permits have even issued for the apartment buildings it intends to serve. This is because of the framework in place and the certainty created. This is why we are hopeful that we can proceed in the same way again in this phase. We look forward to your review of these supplemental materials and are happy to answer any additional questions you might have. Thank you. Sincerely, Andrew Gill, Director of Development Enclosures 1 Andrew Gill From:Marla Keene <mkeene@sburl.com> Sent:Friday, September 11, 2020 4:09 PM To:Andrew Gill Subject:O'Brien Eastview Preliminary Plat - completeness Hi Andrew,  As discussed, I’ve gone through the application requirement checklist and am providing the following list of elements  needed to be considered complete, with some annotation.    Application Requirement  Project‐Specific Notes  Completed application form; one (1) full‐sized,  one (1) reduced [11" x 17"], and one (1) digital  copy of plans; and a list of the owners or record  of abutting property owners  The application form is incomplete.  Every answer  says, "see narrative" or similar.  Coverages,  heights, etc not provided. Unclear what you’re  requesting approval for.  Provide responses,  including numerical responses where requested.  Any other information or data that the  Administrative Officer or Development Review  Board shall require for a full assessment of the  project pursuant to the Land Development  Regulations  Please provide a plan clearly delineating the  limits of the involved area  Location of existing restrictions on land, such as  easements and covenants.  Will evaluate compliance when a plan showing  limits of project is provided  A complete survey of the subdivision, prepared  by a licensed land surveyor, showing the location,  bearing and length of every street line, lot line  and boundary line, and existing and proposed  restrictions on the land, including but not limited  to access ways and utility easements. Where  applicable, this information shall be tied to  reference points previously established by the  City.  Plats are unclear ‐ there is an "existing boundary  line" in legend but not shown on plat.  Also no  easements (or are there none?)    Lot area in square feet and acres, and lot  coverage calculations including building, overall,  and front yard coverage and the location and  layout of any off‐street parking or loading areas,  traffic circulation areas, pedestrian walkways,  and fire lanes.  Terminology is unclear what area is considered in  calculation because inconsistent phase names are  used.  Please update calculations to reflect  agreed‐upon terminology.  The location of any outdoor storage for  equipment and materials if any, and the location,  type and design of all solid waste‐related  facilities, including dumpsters and recycling bins.  Are uses requiring outdoor storage or solid waste  facilities proposed?  Location of existing structures on the site, and  showing all site conditions to remain.  Will evaluate compliance with this when a plan  showing limits of project is provided  Existing and proposed open space  unclear what is common space and what is  private.  only areas labeled as open space are  open space?  No open spaces between homes?  2 The location of all open space to be dedicated to  the City as well as all open space to be retained  by the applicant or to be held in common private  ownership.  No information provided in narrative or on plans  A list of existing vegetation, with the location,  type, and size of existing trees of six inches or  greater in caliper.  Provide detailed tree information in area of  preliminary plat, specifically the trees that are  identified on plan and along Old Farm Road in  vicinity of storm pond  One set of preliminary plans, elevations, floor  plans, and sections of proposed structures  showing the proposed location, use, design and  height of all structures, roads, parking areas,  access points, sidewalks and other walkways,  loading docks, outdoor storage areas, sewage  disposal areas, landscaping, screening, site  grading, and recreation areas if required. Plans  shall also show any proposed division of buildings  into units of separate occupancy and location of  drives and access thereto.  as noted above, need plan showing clear limits of  project area    Location and design of all utility distribution  facilities  Transformer locations not shown  Analysis of traffic impacts, if required by the  traffic overlay district and/or the DRB.  TIS provided, summary of trips needs to be  provided in application form    Proposed stormwater management system,  including (as applicable) location, supporting  design data and copies of computations used as a  basis for the design capacities and performance  of stormwater management facilities.  stormwater computations omitted.  If possible,  native modeling files preferred.      Sincerely,    Marla Keene, PE   Development Review Planner   City of South Burlington   575 Dorset Street   South Burlington, VT 05403   (802) 846‐4106   www.southburlingtonvt.gov    Notice - Under Vermont’s Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation.   3   575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Permit Number SD-______-__________ (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW □ Preliminary □ Final PUD Being Requested? □ Yes □ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) ___________________________________________ 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone) _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone) _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ a. Contact email address: ________________________________________________________________ 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ O'Brien Family Limited Liability Company, O'Brien Home Farm, LLC, O'Brien Brothers, LLC, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. Phone 802 658-5000; Fax 802 658-5002 Daniel J and Sandra T O'Brien, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 Stephanie O'Brien, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 Volume 884, Page 28; Volume 896, Page 258; Volume 1376 Page 214 O'Brien Eastview, LLC, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: 802 658 5000 Andrew Gill. Contact same as above. andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com 725 Old Farm Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 2 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 5-2018 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor’s Office) ___________________________________________ 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non-office employees): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 600-188-14651, 600-188-14643 and conditions of approval to allow for expedited review of projects within the PUD, the issuance of waivers and setback waivers, as well as protection of open space, and site plan review only for development on single lots within the subdivision. 1260-0200F; 0970-00255.C; 0970-00255; 0980-00055 The Project is the proposed development of approximately 102 acres of land with existing single family residences located at 100, 150 and 205 Old Farm Road, with an overall base density of 436 dwelling units, to become a planned unit development consisting of 25.14 acres of preserved open space with active and passive resident recreational amenities located on six (6) newly created lots, 129 Single-family, duplex and multi-family for-sale-homes, including inclusionary housing units, located on nine (9) newly created residential lots, ten (10) development lots located in the C1-LR zoning district with a base density to be available throughout all development lots of 307 dwelling units and frontage on newly proposed and existing public roads, and nine (9) development lots located in the IC zoning district with frontage on newly proposed and existing public roads and with a development potential limited by lot coverage as no residential development uses are currently allowed. This preliminary plat also includes a request for findings of fact The property consists largely of undeveloped land with no existing uses. The property does include an existing barn, which is not used at this point. The project includes three existing single family residences at 100,150,and 205 Old Farm Road. This application proposes single family, duplex and triplex construction. It proposes construction of all roads shown. It proposes the clearing and leveling of land as shown in graded areas. The project proposes the creation of development lots, the mixing of density across residential districts and availability of density throughout the PUD. The project proposes subdivision of land into development lots, the waiver of regulation requirements, and numerous other items detailed in the narrative attached. The size of each use is detailed in the attached.There are dozens of different building types and sizes, to many to list here. The square footage of buildings cannot be known at this time. 129 structures are proposed to be built. These are all different sizes, and what structure will be built is chosen by the buyer. The maximum coverage that is possible for what is proposed for construction, and what will be eventually built in other zones is 1,412,040 square feet of building footprint. These buildings may be more than one story. Details on all buildings are provided in the enclosed narrative. Many different buildings are proposed. The maximum height of the proposed buildings in this project at this time will be 28' which is the maximum in the R1 district where units are proposed. Height waivers are requested in commercial areas allowing more height. Details of the request are provided in the narrative. The number of floors proposed will vary by location and building type. Details on building type and location are provided. 129 additional residential units are proposed for construction. One existing residential unit will remain. The density of the land involved is for 436 dwelling units. The applicant intends to secure this density for the PUD, allowing for construction of remaining units not used in the R1 land, int he C1LR lands and development lots created. While some hiring may be needed for the construction of this project, and the economic benefits to the community will be very extensive, the use proposed is not directly hiring employees. We will be happy to provide more information on the economic benefits to the community if requested. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 5-2018 h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): ________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: ___________________________ (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing __________ square feet __________ % Proposed _________ square feet __________ % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing __________ square feet __________ % Proposed _________ square feet __________ % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing __________ square feet __________ % Proposed _________ square feet __________ % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? □ Yes □ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50’ buffers (describe) _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please review the detailed cover letter provided. The application intends to solidify the development of all the land involved. It creates certainty in density, layout, lot size and location and available uses. It seeks setback and procedural waivers from the board. The project involves many different parts and each has its own assumptions and requirements outlined in our cover letter. The entire project is a subdivision. Several lot changes are proposed. They are shown on the plat plans. 102.6 acres, 4,469,256 square ft. 11,900 .27% 288,017 6.44 27230 .61 636,632 14.24 No Commercial Not Applicable Wetlands are shown on the existing condition plans provided. Please see letter for details on wetland compliance. No disturbance of any wetlands is proposed by the project. Fencing will be installed to prevent intrusion at locations to be determined during the permit process. 4 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 5-2018 c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City’s wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: ___________________SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City’s specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11. COST ESTIMATES a. New Building or Addition, including initial fit-up. (If fit-up not available, contact Planning & Zoning staff) $____________________ b. Landscaping: $____________________ (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): ___________________________________ 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: ____________________________________________ 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: ______________________________________________ 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: _______________________________ 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City’s Land Development Regulations. Three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. Wetland plans are submitted. Wetland expert has reviewed and provided a letter, as well as delineation. 48 Acres Greater than $30,000,000.00 Required at Final Plat Detailed cost estimates are not available and do not appear to be required with preliminary plat only. 1110 Residential 7:00-8:00AM 5:00PM-6:00PM Mon-Fri. 2032 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 5-2018  /   &   / ',!!,!'&'"'!&!&(*'(*,1'/&*+4!& '*&/!, FH666=HHIH:;&,!'&EJ6DI:;', '-, -*$!&,'& &.$'(%&, -$,!'&+4!+, *+('&+!!$!,1', (($!&,6,*%!&&(($!,!'&'%($,4, %!&!+,*,!. !*/!$$(*'.!, (($!&,/!, *,%,!&&+'*(-$! *!&&',!&+%($*,!!,' +*.!6 +/'*&*,!!,'+*.!+ $$*,-*&,', !,1(*!'*,', +,*,'&1(-$! *!&6   *1*,!1, ,$$, !&'*%,!'&*)-+,+(*,', !+(($!,!'& +&+-%!,,&!+-*, ,', +,'%1#&'/$6   9999999999999999999999999999999999999999        9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999          999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 &%&*,("*#&,*!")#"%        59999999999999999999999999999999999    .*.!/, !+(*$!%!&*1($,(($!,!'&&!&!,,'5   '%($,    &'%($,   9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 %!&!+,*,!.!*   ,                          &!" &%'#$%$        %)#%%&+'""                %)#%%&(" $)*'+'"")"%$)#&*( ,(-! # 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 5-2018 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. ________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT _________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME ___________________________________________________________________________ Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION:__________________________________ I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete _______________________________________________________ Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. dotloop verified09/21/20 5:10 PM EDTA1N6-DP8B-3CDD-GJPJO'Brien Eastview LLC Sandra O'Brien dotloop verified10/02/20 4:35 PM EDT3MNO-4TTH-AGF5-782HStephanie O'Brien Stephanie O'Brien dotloop signature verification: dtlp.us/3nTW-Ll10-RVZZ dotloop verified10/05/20 2:56 PM EDTGHDH-WPV5-0RVX-VEQHEvan Langfeldt Evan Langfeldt dotloop signature verification: dtlp.us/Vv3C-NoDO-VPX5 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Permit Number MP-______-__________ (office use only) APPLICATION FOR MASTER PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being deemed incomplete, and a delay in scheduling for the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, and phone) 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone, and e-mail) 4) APPLICANT’S LEGAL INTEREST IN PROPERTY (i.e. fee simple, option, etc.) 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone, and e-mail) 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (may be obtained online or at the Assessor’s Office): 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): b) Existing uses on property (please describe sizes of each separate use, if applicable) O'Brien Family Limited Liability Company, O'Brien Home Farm, O'Brien Brothers, LLC, Daniel J. And Sandra T O'Brien, Stephanie O'Brien, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. Vol. 884, Page 28, Volume 896, Page 258, Vol. 1376 Pg 214 O'Brien Eastview LLC, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. 802 658-5000, andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com Option to purchase. Andrew Gill, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. 802-658-5000, andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com andew@obrienbrothersvt.com 725 Old Farm Road 260-0200F; 0970-00255.C; 0970-00255; 0980-00055, 600-188-14651, 600-188-14643 The Project consists of a Master Plan to solidify density, open space, road networks, traffic counts, allowed coverage, development areas, process and procedural waivers, height waivers, other applicable waivers, project phasing, project bonding and all other aspects outlined in the application submitted across the 100 acres of involved land. The Master Plan will specifically allow for future development in the project to be approved with site plan review only. The master plan will create a framework and define criteria that are satisfied across the entire Master Plan, therefore limiting the scope of future reviews for projects in the Master Plan. The property consists largely of undeveloped land with no existing uses. The property includes a barn, currently unused, as well as three single family residences located at 100, 150 and 205 Old Farm Road. 2 Master Plan Application Form. Rev. 01-2020 c) Proposed uses on property (please describe the size or number of units and nature of proposed uses) d) Maximum total number of residential units and/or square footage of uses to be developed, including any existing units and/or uses to remain: e) Maximum proposed building height (if applicable) f) Proposed phasing (please describe the number of total phases and, if applicable at this time, the number of units or square feet of uses to be proposed in the first phase): 9) MASTER PLAN UMBRELLA CRITERIA a) Total acreage of involved property(ies) b) Total acreage of first phase for development (if known at this time) c) Total number of residential units and/or sq ft of all uses requested d) Existing impervious coverage, entire site (sq ft and %) e) Maximum proposed impervious coverage, entire site (sq ft and %) f) Maximum existing building coverage, entire site (sq ft and %) g) Maximum proposed building coverage, entire site (sq ft and %) h) Estimated number of existing PM peak hour vehicle trip ends i) Maximum proposed number of PM peak house vehicle trip ends j) Existing or proposed encumbrances on property (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) The Master Plan includes three separate zoning districts. Each district allows certain uses. The plan outlines each area, IC, C1-LR and R1. Uses proposed are all uses allowed in the district underlying the area, to be confirmed at site plan review for future structures proposed. The project lands have density for 436 units in base density value, excluding inclusionary bonus units. The Master Plan will provide for that entire density to be constructed in the C1-LR and R1 areas of the Master Plan. Those units may be located anywhere, and the maximum will be available plan wide,until all are used. Inclusionary offset units will be additional to this base density. 436 Total Residential Units, plus additional inclusionary offset units as applicable. Maximum building site coverage for all areas in Master Plan to be 1,412,040.96 square feet inclusive of all residential units. Total development square footage is not able to be known at this time. Buildings may be more than one story, increasing total square footage from the ground coverage stated above which is allowed. Buildings may only be one story. Applicant seeks Master Plan approval for the full development potential of the site, meaning the full coverage allowed under the current regulations as applied across the plan. No buildings are proposed. Height waivers are requested. No Phases are proposed at this time. Applicant has applied for Preliminary Plat approval and provided some conceptual phasing. Applicant does not feel phasing is required for this permit, but is of course open to developing phasing at the advise of staff and the board, should that be important to review of the project and should that phasing be able to be confirmed with knowledge available at this time. 102.6 unknown. Please see response 8d above. 27230, .61% 2,440,231 56% 11,900 About .27% 1,412,040.96 about 31% 3 1110 There are some easements related to development of Hillside Phase I Master Plan. There are easements along City Roads. Otherwise the property is largely free of easements and covenants. 3 Master Plan Application Form. Rev. 01-2020 8%"#"&+'!&"!.%"'"!"% "'"!" (!#'&7&!'%,.&*%.*'%&(##,.&'%'&. &'"% *'%.'085#&&%%,    -,(          --(    #!&&( ''*&"*&'!"% '"!%$(%,'',1& !)"# !'('"!&0 !7>8%(%&-"#,7?A2+@B28!"!7>8%("#,7>>:+>C:8"'#! (&'&( ''0 ! '74"% '8"#,"##'"! '%&&'! ##!+.*'#!&#%")&!)( &'&!! '"!(&'!( %!'&'%)&"!'. (&'&"&( ''0!##'"! &#'"'',''' "&( ''!'##'"!!"%!*''',1&&(0  &     !   & "''"!""!!#%"#%',"*!%&.! "%!*'?A0009AABA78!'"!>C0=B78"'"('(%!'"! !)"# !' ('"!&.&'%&#"!&',"'##!'0'% !!##'"!" #'.' !&'%') %*#%")'##!'*'%' '!!&"%#(%!!"'!& #%''" &%)0&*"%!%''"&%)&%'(%!'"'',#%"%'"'&'%'"!,#(%!0  %,%','''!"% '"!%$(&'&#%'"'&##'"!&!&( ''!&(%''" '&'" ,!"*0   666666666666666666666666666666666   666666666666666666666666666666 !'(%"##!'!'(%"%"#%', *!%   666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 #! !$%"$!%$#        666666666666666666666666666666666  )%)*'&##'"!!!''"/           666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666  !&'%') %'                    &!" &%'#$%$       The Master Plan is proposing construction of new streets and all utilities associated with those streets. The Master Plan will extend water, sewer, electrical, gas, cable, drainage, curb, sidewalk, recreation paths, walking paths, and all infrastructure proposed in the Preliminary Plat filed contemporaneously with this application. 2032 '+%''(-!)$"$!         '+%''(*$#&+,)!-!)$"$+$'&  +%(,*, $ 3 Master Plan Application Form. Rev. 01-2020 k) Proposed extension, relocation or modification of municipal facilities (sanitary, sewer, water supply, streets, stormwater, etc.) – please describe briefly 10) ESTIMATED FINAL PROJECT COMPLETION YEAR 11) PLANS AND FEE A plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City’s Land Development Regulations. One (1) regular size copy (24” x 36”) and one (1) reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plan must be submitted. One digital (PDF-format) copy of all application materials listed in LDR Appendix E, with plans provided as individual sheets and named to include sheet number and latest revision date, must also be submitted. An application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application in accordance with the City’s fee schedule. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information request as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. _________________________________ ______________________________ Signature of Applicant Signature of Property Owner ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION _________________________________ I have reviewed this application and find it to be: COMPLETE INCOMPLETE ______________________________________________ _________________ Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. The Master Plan is proposing construction of new streets and all utilities associated with those streets. The Master Plan will extend water, sewer, electrical, gas, cable, drainage, curb, sidewalk, recreation paths, walking paths, and all infrastructure proposed in the Preliminary Plat filed contemporaneously with this application. 2032 dotloop verified09/21/20 5:10 PM EDTSF7Y-BBST-EO9Q-QKZNO'Brien Eastview LLC dotloop verified10/02/20 4:35 PM EDTE4DA-WDHR-VZYY-NQQ7Stephanie O'Brien dotloop signature verification: dtlp.us/EzK9-jhqV-gtzD dotloop verified10/05/20 2:56 PM EDT1ZVK-BIY0-JIHM-9NT3Evan Langfeldt dotloop signature verification: dtlp.us/Vv3C-NoDO-VPX5 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM - EASTVIEW KENNEDY DRIVE, KIMBALL AVENUE, & OLD FARM ROAD SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 Kennedy Drive Hi n e s b u r g R o a d SITE Old Farm RoadKimba l l Avenue W i l l i s t o n R o a d SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.comC2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11C12C14C13C16C17C18C15 50' Wetland S e t b a c k Wetla n d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Existing Lot 1 Area = 8.9 acres "Lancaster" Area = 5.0 acres "Stonington" Existing Lot 2 Existing Lot 3 Open Land Area = 2.0 acresExi s t ing Pond #1 Existin g P o n d # 2 Existing P o n d # 3 LIMIT OF EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: X-3 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN BUSINESS PARK NORTH LOT 4 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com Business Park North Lot 4 2.4 ac Vermont Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired Existing shared access Business Park North Lots 3& 4 Existing shared access easement Business Park North Lots 3 & 4 EASTVIEW N40°08'56"E86.54'S05°51'36"W361.91'N40°15'45"E141.38'S5 0 ° 3 6 ' 3 8 " E 17 6 . 6 2 'S23°56 '33 "E67.77 'S3 1 ° 1 4 ' 4 7 "E 8 9 . 1 2 ' S 4 5 ° 0 1 ' 0 5 " E 12 4 . 7 4 'S39°56'04"W253.14'S 4 4 ° 2 0 ' 1 8 " E 1 0 5 . 1 7 'N28°22'01"W45.67'N05°51'00"Wchord 39.56'L=44.15'R=27.50'N40°08'56"E344.88'S08°41'18"E291.92'N39°32'39"Echord 35.04'L=35.04'R=1659.99'N38°04'35"Echord 50.00'L=50.00'R=1659.99'N35°10'52"Echord 117.74'L=117.76'R=1659.99'N07°37'09"W139.06'N85°53'26"W 254.96'S51°49'35"E20.36'S08°41'18"E243.56'N08°41'18"W151.56'N75°30'12"Wchord 115.15'L=117.72'R=162.00'S75°42'39"Echord 155.06'L=158.46'R=222.00'S14°56'24"W46.88'N14°56'24"E46.88'S08°41'18"E72.40'N08°41'18"W72.40'N25°49'35"W19.00'S25°49'32"E111.00'S83°40'45"W53.96'S88°36'15"Wchord 39.55'L=39.54'R=230.00'S55°30'51"Wchord 81.85'L=90.07'R=60.00'N83°58'29"Wchord 20.03'L=20.04'R=230.00'S12°30'26"W239.82'N12°30'26"E239.82'S11°20'40"W675.39'N85°53'26"W119.09'N05°13'17"W168.82'S05°13'17"E260.82'S35°11'04"E16.91'N82°40'51"E chord 65.51'L=66.35', R=120.00'S88°53'59"E chord 43.91'L=44.04', R=170.00'N83°40'45"E4.61'N27°38'56"Echord 62.69'L=63.43'R=120.00'N49°35'10"E380.09'N39°03'08"Wchord 81.58'L=82.05'R=220.00'S41°51'32"Echord 76.76'L=77.00'R=280.00'S31°10'25"Echord 27.42'L=27.43'R=280.00'S36°21'09"Echord 61.13'L=61.33'R=220.00'N36°21'09"Wchord 77.80'L=78.05'R=280.00'N45°37'44"E250.78'N45°37'44"E60.00'N45°37'44"E258.76'N45°37'44"E156.67'N 4 4 ° 2 0 ' 1 8 " W 1 0 5 . 2 0 'N49°35'10"E107.28'S22°19'03"Wchord 603.89'N22°19'03"Echord 566.92'S04°22'20"W29.39'N04°22'20"E73.35'L=192.93'R=167.00N18°34'09"Wchord 197.17'N50°42'27"Echord 182.38'S43°04'58"Wchord 211.44'L=219.94'R=227.00'L=613.88'R=980.00'N40°15'45"E251.76'N4 9 ° 4 4 ' 1 5 " W 90 . 7 4 'S40°15'31"W129.97'S48°43'47"Wchord 126.71'N48°43'47"Echord 109.03'N24°40'54"Wchord 84.70'L=87.46'R=100.00'N08°39'17"Echord 28.81'L=28.91'R=100.00'S39°07'11"Wchord3.99'L=3.99'R=100.00'S04°44'15"Echord 56.57'L=56.57'R=40.00'141.38'N30°13'27"Echord 71.47'L=71.83'R=205.00'N23°27'25"Echord 83.85'L=85.06'R=145.00'N18°56'47"Echord 76.66'L=77.25'R=180.00'S13°25'07"Wchord 48.31'L=48.43'R=205.00'S21°04'56"W308.15'N30°04'25"E355.27'S18°56'47"Wchord 51.11'L=51.50'R=120.00'S14°28'35"W132.68'L=134.59'R=230.00'N05°06'35"Echord 213.73'L=214.33'R=830.00'N14°28'35"Echord 98.07'L=99.48'R=170.00'S05°06'35"Wchord 198.28'L=198.84'R=770.00'N02°17'17"W40.50'S02°17'17"E40.50'S06°19'15"E56.24'S40°25'51"W129.67'N40°15'45"E122.52'L=109.43'R=370.00'L=127.17'R=430.00'S21°56 '56 "E140.78 ' S75°00'36"E 83.40'N18°47'00"E306.64'N06°52'33"E60.66'S14°54'51"W44.06'S04°58'50"E324.19'S12°23'20"W191.04'S04°32'24"W233.92'S13°51'53"W311.80'S07°30'50"W334.38'N06°59'30"W371.47'N08°44'38"E457.62'N05°05'46"E143.93'S80°37'24"W48.39'S31°14'47"E26.08'N05°13'17"W31.00'N84°46'43"E46.00'N85°53'24"W16.77'N84°46'43"E31.00'N05°13'17"W42.00'S84°46'43"W46.00'N64°10'28"E31.00'N25°49'32"W42.00'N25°49'32"W31.00'N64°10'28"E46.00'N72°58'05"W64.04'S64°10'28"W46.00'N81°18'41"E31.00'N08°41'19"W42.00'S81°18'41"W46.00'N08°41'19"W31.00'N81°18'41"E46.00'S33°08'56"W5.00'N35°11'04"W16.91'S11°22'19"W151.91'S11°20'30"W248.64'S07°02'47"W49.94'S06°45'42"W243.58'S07°00'57"W232.01'S5 4 ° 2 5 ' 1 4 " E 97. 3 2 'S57°12'09"W11.46'N57°12'09"E10.09'S49°44'15"E10.59'S40°10'24"W244.60'S40°15'45"WS4 9 ° 4 4 ' 1 5 " E 12 1 . 6 2 ' N4 9 ° 4 4 ' 1 5 " W 12 1 . 6 2 'N40°15'34"E129.98'S4 9 ° 4 4 ' 1 5 " E 90 . 7 4 ' C-C1SC-C1NC-C2WC-C2EC-C3N02°24'36"W47.68'C-D1WC-D1EC-D2WC-D2EC-D3WC-D3EC-D4N06°19'15"W56.24'C-F1WC-F1EC-F2L=576.30'R=920.00'N23°19'06"E106.18'N23°19'06"E39.74'N80°59'51"W60.50'N80°59'51"W11.19'L=210.91'R=167.00N51°49'35"W20.44'N33°08'56"E99.35'N33°08'56"E55.03'S81°28'43"E47.75'N81°28'43"W47.75'N31°14'28"E50.20'S31°14'28"W50.20'S06°39'06"W123.57'N06°39'06"E123.57'S4 9 ° 4 4 ' 1 5 " E 78 . 9 2 ' S4 9 ° 4 4 ' 1 5 " E 84 . 5 7 'S33°44'47"E38.63'S81°18'51"W237.79'N51°50'56"W34.81'S81°18'51"W 376.24'S02°24'36"E47.68'N2 8 ° 2 2 ' 0 1 "W 5 1 . 4 3 'S2 8 ° 2 2 ' 0 1 "E 9 7 . 1 0 'S74°23'52"WS42°50'36"WN88°31'33"W217.90'N59°49'09"E189.31'N59°49'09"E191.43'N59°49'09"E48.86'N59°49'09"E45.12'N35°40'13"E265.01'Lot 18.9 acLot 2 5.0 acLot 32.0 acLot 41.06Lot 58.73 acLot 63.04 acLot 72.44 acLot 58.73 acLot 84.65 acLot 91.83 acLot 100.93 acLot 111.2 acLot 132.78 acLot 152.38 acLot 121.6 acLot 141.1 acLot 171.78 acLot 16 2.61 acLot 20 2.06 acLot 211.90 acLot 222.21 acLot 230.78 acLot 241.37 acLot 18 1.17 acLot 19 1.51 ac156.62'S32°23'44"E122.01'S32°23'44"E32.60'S53°06'12"E55.58'S28°15'01"E93.87'42.76'N49°35'10"E215.80'N40°32'16"W289.90'N47°33'47"E240.22'S77°36'40"E110.58'N54°26'05"W231.69'S35°42'36"W195.86'N43°56'46"W79.54'S47°41'16"W99.70'N54°27'59"W173.53'N53°02'54"W175.43'N36°53'48"E297.51'S86°38'32"Echord 143.65'169.43'L=150.98'R=130.0'N50°39'44"Echord 144.43'N50°39'44"Echord 72.21'N09°08'27"Echord 160.14'N09°08'27"Echord 168.36'123.93'48.89'N82°50'58"W197.56'N21°31'44"Echord 224.98'S36°53'48"W60.35'S53°06'12"E17.07'S86°38'32"Echord 77.35'L=81.95'R=70.0'S53°06'12"E17.07'L=227.81'R=416.55'S27°27'23"Wchord 36.52'L=36.72'R=100.00'L=97.68'R=110.0'R=110.0'L=81.58'N51°51'07"Wchord 94.50'S77°17'27"E30.99'R=100.0'L=161.38'R=975.0'L=160.32'N09°11'45"Echord 55.19'L=55.26'R=340.00'N010°18'41"Echord 95.53'L=95.69'R=475.00'N16°04'57"E61.94'N04°32'24"E213.97'N13°51'06"E194.08'N04°25'48"E71.02'S83°06'21"E37.34'N30°36'15"Wchord 87.31'L=97.78'R=60.00'L=80.69'R=50.00'R=1025.0'L=168.55'N09°11'45"Echord 47.08'L=47.13'R=290.00'N010°18'41"Echord 105.58'L=105.76'R=525.00'N77°17'27"W29.80'N16°04'57"E61.94'N04°32'24"E213.97'N13°51'06"E194.08'N04°25'48"E71.02'S83°06'21"E37.24'S07°02'47"W119.40'S11°22'12"W155.79'S11°20'30"W215.73'378.92'chord 105.52'S53°06'12"E98.81'S53°06'12"E98.81'N36°53'48"E61.09'66.46'S83°04'05"E156.37'N21°31'44"Echord 189.33'L=199.71'R=350.55'N36°53'48"EN07°00'57"E110.00'N07°00'57"EN83°03'58"W156.69'N83°03'58"W156.51'S07°00'57"W229.53'S06°45'42"W243.65'S07°02'47"W171.99'N11°20'30"E408.39'S77°36'39"E91.37'S78°05'29"E113.21'N11°20'30"E99.85'S78°05'29"E113.03'S78°23'39"E157.99'N11°41'49"E101.43'N11°41'49"E80.58'N11°49'33"E255.06'S83°51'45"W159.71'Lot 490.75 acS81°14'10"E122.90'214.36' N85°53'26"W119.09'N85°53'24"W16.77'S11°22'19"W151.91'S11°20'30"W248.64'S07°02'47"W49.94'S06°45'42"W243.58'S07°00'57"W232.01'Lot 20 2.06 acLot 222.21 acLot 230.78 acLot 241.37 acLot 252.20 acLot 261.87 acLot 271.49 acLot 282.46 acLot 323.60 acLot 302.39 acLot 314.80 acLot 341.76 acLot 47Open Space12.23 acLot 290.73 acLot 384.41 acLot 394.52 acLot 402.90 acLot 412.68 acLot 422.79 acLot 432.99 acLot 442.02 acLot 452.17 acLot 461.90 acLot 48Open Space4.20 acBusiness ParkNorth Lot 4 2.4 acLot 331.13 acLot 373.54 ac 1.17 ac 1.51 acLot 351.54 acLot 361.64 acN54°26'05"W231.69'S35°42'36"W195.86'N43°56'46"W79.54'S47°41'16"W99.70'N54°27'59"W173.53'N36°53'48"E200.11'N53°02'54"W175.43'N36°53'48"E297.51'S86°38'32"Echord 143.65'169.43'6.0'L=150.98'R=130.0'N50°39'44"Echord 144.43'N50°39'44"Echord 72.21'123.93'48.89'N21°31'44"Echord 224.98'S36°53'48"W60.35'S53°06'12"E17.07'S86°38'32"Echord 77.35'L=81.95'R=70.0'S53°06'12"E17.07'L=227.81'R=416.55'L=97.68'R=110.0'N51°51'07"Wchord 94.50'S77°17'27"E30.99'R=100.0'S83°06'21"E37.34'N30°36'15"Wchord 87.31'L=97.78'R=60.00'L=80.69'R=50.00'R=1025.0'L=168.55'N09°11'45"Echord 47.08'L=47.13'R=290.00'N010°18'41"Echord 105.58'L=105.76'R=525.00'N77°17'27"W29.80'N16°04'57"E61.94'N04°32'24"E194.08'71.02'S83°06'21"E37.24'S07°02'47"W119.40'S11°22'12"W155.79'S11°20'30"W215.73'S41°50'06"Echord 128.97'S41°50'06"Echord 105.52'S53°06'12"E98.81'S53°06'12"E98.81'N30°34'00"W364.66'S30°34'00"E310.08'N36°53'48"E61.09'66.46'S83°04'05"E156.37'S77°02'20"E51.47'N19°58'59"E80.22'N59°26'00"E81.91'L=106.20'R=270.0'N30°34'00"W77.38'N21°31'44"Echord 189.33'L=199.71'R=350.55'L=129.80'R=330.0'N36°53'48"E252.46'S53°06'12"E244.93'S30°40'28"E40.23'N59°19'32"E44.62'N37°22'51"E163.78'N61°48'20"E67.89'S30°34'00"E114.06'103.31'N36°53'48"E243.56'S30°20'39"E110.98'S40°21'55"Echord 317.25'L=381.96'R=906.87'N59°39'16"E184.45'S30°40'28"E207.01'S30°40'28"E105.02'N59°24'08"E182.43'S30°20'39"E351.48'S30°20'39"E88.25'S30°20'39"E477.46'N36°08'55"E201.48'S52°53'33"E184.41'S30°20'12"E102.52'S59°39'48"W72.43'S74°02'06"E113.45'N36°08'55"E164.23'N49°58'11"Wchord 99.20'L=116.78'R=60.00'N60°54'38"Echord 98.44'L=115.45'R=60.00'S26°17'57"Echord 70.33'L=78.89'R=60.00'N07°00'57"E110.00'N07°00'57"ES13°48'19"WS58°33'37"W53.53'S89°14'41"W148.66'N30°55'56"W92.14'N83°03'58"W156.69'N57°00'01"Wchord 118.65'L=112.84'R=135.00'N18°58'50"Wchord 92.89'L=93.58'R=225.00'N83°03'58"W156.51'N57°00'01"Wchord 74.70'L=77.35'R=85.00'N12°00'00"Wchord 113.56'L=115.65'R=175.00'181.11'N20°53 '24 "W49.32 'N78°37'41"W400.00'S07°00'57"W229.53'S06°45'42"W243.65'S07°02'47"W171.99'N30°55'56"W92.14'N06°58'44"Wchord 156.27'L=157.82'R=325.00'N06°50'20"Wchord 89.28'L=89.93'R=175.00'N11°22'19"E271.31'S78°37'41"E400.00'N11°20'30"E408.39'S77°36'39"E91.37'N89°45'57"E162.26'N64°31'45"E163.92'S39°21'58"E88.99'N09°12'03"E139.30'N07°38'46"W67.43'N00°12'51"Wchord 5.90.54'L=05.90.80'R=350.00'N11°22'19"E28.71'N11°22'51"E237.39'N00°46'39"Echord 51.27'L=51.46'R=175.0'N14°09'31"Echord 12.96'L=12.98'R=75.0'N82°18'35"Echord 291.83'S78°05'29"E113.21'N11°20'30"E99.85'R=435.0'L=297.60'N62°42'40"E48.71'N40°54'49"Echord 55.70'L=57.07'R=75.0'S78°05'29"E113.03'N82°51'12"Echord 316.68'N27°41'43"W25.30'N13°08'50"E105.10'N04°23'57"W27.35'N04°23'57"W42.00'S85°36'03"W27.00'S49°23'57"Echord 26.87'L=29.85'R=19.00'N04°23'57"W50.79'S82°10'44"W120.21'S04°23'57"E256.84'N88°49'07"E151.56'S78°23'39"E157.99'N11°41'49"E101.43'L=322.60'R=485.0'N07°16'26"Wchord 52.34'L=53.46'R=75.00'N04°22'27"Echord 68.64'L=68.90'R=225.00'N11°41'49"E80.58'N11°49'33"E255.06'S83°51'45"W193.33'S82°10'44"W44.21'N85°36'03"E46.00'S82°10'44"W96.51'S12°37'31"W510.28'S78°00'50"E134.83'N09°12'03"E45.07'N35°57'21"Echord 112.54'N27°41'43"W24.86'N07°16'26"Wchord 87.23'L=89.10'R=125.00'N04°22'27"Echord 53.38'L=53.59'R=175.00'N04°23'57"W136.15'L=116.74'R=125.0'N62°42'40"E7.91'N06°55'56"E181.11'N06°55'56"ES00°21'17"Echord 54.99'L=55.12'R=225.00'S83°05'47"E149.59'S06°55'56"W177.11'S06°31'20"E245.93'S11°22'51"W230.21'S01°27'04"E180.34'S11°44'36"W146.03'N06°58'44"Wchord 132.23'L=133.54'R=275.00'N20°53 '24 "W49.32 'N04°45'17"Wchord 125.06'L=126.73'R=125.00'N01°51'17"Wchord 99.04'L=99.49'R=300.00'N00°46'39"Echord 65.92'L=66.16'R=225.0'N07°38'46"W67.43'N09°12'03"E94.24'S30°20'39"E7.01'S40°08'35"Echord 527.26'S38°55'38"W159.50'N30°57'53"Echord 103.18'S67°02'29"E312.62'S38°02'38"E291.81'S45°47'56"W387.13'S45°40'09"W257.73'S02°31'39"W145.20'S44°36'59"W112.00'S77°32'45"E302.29'S77°32'45"E357.27'S25°27'24"W216.21'R=1549.00'L=529.83L=103.51'R=372.42'S25°27'24"W453.10'S12°30'12"W414.13'S11°18'52"W911.36'N78°00'50"W195.63'R=350.00'L=127.31'N83°00'08"E280.17'N11°00'59"E400.65'S82°10'44"W38.03'S83°00'08"W105.99'N83°00'08"E386.13'S04°36'54"W283.90'S04°36'54"W253.70'50.09'61.25'N83°00'08"E285.44'N83°00'08"ES38°55'38"W159.17'N32°11'31"Echord 70.37'L=70.55'R=312.42'N25°27'24"Echord 17.50'L=17.51'R=312.42'N73°09'36"W73.31'N13°27'33"E205.82'N39°48'13"E39.95'N67°58'02"W358.32'S25°27'24"W260.17'S25°27'24"W194.27'N39°48'13"E81.60'N19°59'47"E194.97'N017°13'18"Echord 26.38'L=26.39'R=290.00'N19°59'47"E194.97'N07°35'14"W281.50'N07°29'10"W564.93'N83°00'08"E372.37'N57°48'04"Echord 67.85'L=67.86'R=1559.0'N33°26'45"E10.00'N54°30'28"Wchord 118.74'L=118.76'R=1549.0'N3 0 ° 1 9 ' 2 5 "W 3 7 5 . 0 0 'N15°02'09"E126.61'N78°39'16"W303.36'N17°38'33"Echord 78.86'L=79.10'R=290.00'S04°36'54"W51.40'N84°009'05"W29.94'N84°09'05"W69.33'38.04'N60°54'38"E98.44'159.71'Lot 490.75 acS81°14'10"E122.90'S03°59'45"W214.36' 50' Wetland Se t b a c k Wetlan d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Ne w E n d Sec t i o n Inv. 3 2 5 . 8 Ne w em e r g e n c y spi l l w a y Ne w E n d S e c t i o n Inv . 3 2 6 . 7 5 Ne w O u t l e t Str u c t u r e B . See d e t a i l . Ne w eme r g e n c y spill w a y Ne w O u t l e t Str u c t u r e C . See d e t a i l .NewstonebermNe w E n d S e c t i o n Inv . 3 2 9 . 5 Ne w r i p r a p spla s h p a d Rel o c a t e d C B # 6 8 A NE W R I M 3 4 6 . 8 Inv . i n 3 4 1 . 4 3 Inv . o u t 3 3 1 . 9 Ne w 1 8 " H D P E s = 0 . 0 0 5 Ne w r i p r a p dis p e r s a l p a d Gr a v e l W e t l a n d # 1 C e l l # 2 55' x 2 0 ' El e v . 3 2 6 . 5 Gr a v e l W e t l a n d # 1 C e l l # 1 55' x 2 0 ' El e v . 3 2 6 . 5 Gr a v e l W e t l a n d # 2 C e l l # 2 12 1 ' x 3 2 ' El e v . 3 3 1 . 0 Ne w C B Ri m 3 3 0 . 2 5 Inv. i n 3 2 6 . 9 7 Inv. o u t 3 2 6 . 8 7 Ne w E n d Sec t i o n Inv . 3 2 6 . 7 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 3 2 . 0 Inv . i n 3 2 7 . 8 Inv. o u t 3 2 7 . 7 Ne w C B Ri m 3 3 3 . 2 5 Inv . i n 3 2 8 . 2 2 Inv . o u t 3 2 8 . 1 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 3 3 . 5 Inv . i n 3 2 8 . 5 Inv . o u t 3 2 8 . 4 Ne w C B Ri m 3 3 7 . 0 Inv . i n 3 3 2 . 2 5 Inv . o u t 3 3 2 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 3 . 4 5 Inv . o u t 3 3 9 . 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 3 . 4 5 Inv . i n 3 3 8 . 9 Inv . o u t 3 3 8 . 8 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 1 . 4 Inv . i n 3 3 6 . 6 5 Inv. o u t 3 3 6 . 5 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 3 . 0 Inv . i n 3 3 8 . 2 5 Inv. o u t 3 3 8 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 3 . 3 5 In v . i n 3 3 7 . 7 1 Inv. o u t 3 3 7 . 6 1 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 5 . 0 Inv . i n 3 4 0 . 2 5 Inv. o u t 3 4 0 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 8 . 6 Inv . i n 3 4 4 . 3 5 Inv . o u t 3 4 4 . 2 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 8 . 9 Inv . i n 3 4 4 . 6 5 Inv. o u t 3 4 4 . 5 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 9 . 9 Inv . i n 3 4 4 . 4 9 Inv. o u t 3 4 4 . 3 9 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 0 . 6 Inv. i n 3 4 5 . 8 5 Inv. o u t 3 4 5 . 6 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 7 . 1 Inv . i n 3 4 2 . 5 4 Inv. o u t 3 4 2 . 4 4 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 7 . 0 Inv. i n 3 4 2 . 2 5 Inv . o u t 3 4 2 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 5 . 2 Inv . o u t 3 5 0 . 4 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 5 . 4 Inv . i n 3 5 0 . 1 5 Inv . o u t 3 5 0 . 0 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 8 . 2 Inv. i n 3 5 3 . 2 5 Inv. o u t 3 5 3 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 8 . 2 IIn v . o u t 3 5 3 . 4 5 Ne w T r a s h / Re c y l c i n g Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 7 . 0 Inv. o u t 3 6 3 . 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 7 . 7 5 Inv . i n 3 6 3 . 0 Inv . o u t 3 6 2 . 9 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 1 . 4 Inv. i n 3 6 6 . 6 5 Inv. o u t 3 6 6 . 5 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 1 . 3 Inv . i n 3 6 6 . 4 5 Inv. o u t 3 6 6 . 3 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 5 . 2 Inv . i n 3 7 0 . 4 5 Inv. o u t 3 7 0 . 3 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 8 . 0 Inv . i n 3 7 3 . 2 5 In v . o u t 3 7 3 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 8 . 1 IIn v . o u t 3 7 3 . 4 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 7 . 2 IIn v . o u t 3 6 2 . 8 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 8 . 4 Inv . i n 3 6 2 . 7 2 IIn v . o u t 3 6 2 . 6 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 5 Inv . i n 3 6 7 . 7 5 IIn v . o u t 3 6 7 . 6 5 Ne w 1 8 " E n d Sec t i o n Inv . 3 3 2 . 0 Ne w r i p r a p dis p e r s a l pa d Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 2 . 0 Inv . i n 3 3 6 . 6 Inv . o u t 3 3 6 . 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 2 . 9 Inv . i n 3 3 7 . 9 Inv . o u t 3 3 7 . 8 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 8 . 0 Inv . i n 3 4 3 . 0 Inv . o u t 3 4 2 . 9 Ne w C B Ri m 3 4 8 . 1 Inv . i n 3 4 3 . 3 5 Inv. o u t 3 4 3 . 2 5 New 8" P V C S e w e r s=0.0066 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s=0. 0 0 6 6 Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t lig h t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dra i n Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dra i n Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dra i n Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dr a i n Sn o wSto r a g e Sno wSto r a g e Sno wSto r a g e Sn o w Sto r a g e Sno w Sto r a g e New Trash/Recylcing New Trash/ Recylcing Sn o wSto r a g e Sn o wSto r a g e Sn o w Sto r a g e Ne w Bik e Rac k Ne w Bik e Ra c k Ne w B i k e Rac k Ne wSto n e ret a i n i n g wall Ne w s t o n e ret a i n i n g wal l Gr a v e l W e t l a n d # 2 C e l l # 1 12 1 ' x 3 2 ' Ele v . 3 3 1 . 0 Ne w c o n c r e t e reta i n i n g wa l l Ne w 6 " D . I . C l 5 2 wa t e r s e r v i c e t o bui l d i n g . C o n n e c t t o Pha s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " D . I . C l 5 2 wa t e r s e r v i c e s t o bui l d i n g . C o n n e c t t o Ph a s e 1 s t u b w i t h t e e an d r e d u c e r . Coo r d i a n t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " D . I . C l 5 2 wa t e r s e r v i c e s t o bui l d i n g . C o n n e c t t o Pha s e 1 s t u b w i t h t e e and r e d u c e r . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w S M h Ri m 3 4 2 . 4 Inv . i n 3 2 8 . 4 6 Inv . o u t 3 2 8 . 3 6 Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i a n t e w i t h mec h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i a n t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Co n v e r t 8 " P V C S D R 35 s a n i t a r y s e w e r inst a l l e d i n P h a s e 1 t o buil d i n g s e r v i c e . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 8 " x 8 " x 8" t e e , t h r u s t blo c k . Ne w6" D . I . wa t e r ser v i c e Ne w 6 " D . I . wa t e r s e r v i c e Ne w 8 " x 8 " x 8 " tee, t h r u s t b l o c k . Ne w 1 8 " HD P E s=0 . 0 0 5 Ne w 1 8 " HD P E Ne w 1 8 " HD P E s=0 . 0 0 5 New 18" HDPENe w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 1 2 " H D P E New 15" H D P E New 1 2 " H D P E New 15" HDPENew 1 2 " H D P E New 1 2 " H D P E Ne w 1 5 " H D P E New 15 " HD P E Ne w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 1 2 " H D P E New 15" HDPENew 12" HDPENew 12" HDPENew 12" HDPENew 1 2 " H D P E New 15" HDPE New 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPE New 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 1 5 " H D P E New 1 5" HDPENew 18" HDPENew 18" HDPENew 1 5 " HDPE Ne w 1 8 " H D P ENew 1 5" HD PE New 12"New 18" HDPENe w 1 8 " H D P E New Trash/ Recylcing Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 6 . 2 5 Inv . i n 3 6 1 . 8 Inv . o u t 3 6 1 . 7 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 6 . 2 5 Inv. i n 3 6 2 . 0 Inv . o u t 3 6 1 . 9 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 7 . 5 In v . i n 3 6 1 . 4 5 Inv . o u t 3 6 1 . 3 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 8 IIn v . o u t 3 6 8 . 0 5 s=0 . 0 7 2 s=0. 0 2 3 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 1 Inv . i n 3 6 6 . 2 5 Inv. o u t 3 6 6 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 0 . 0 In v . i n 3 6 5 . 2 5 Inv . o u t 3 6 5 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 4 . 5 Inv . i n 3 6 9 . 7 5 In v . o u t 3 6 9 . 6 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 5 . 1 5 Inv. o u t 3 7 0 . 4 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 2 . 2 Inv . i n 3 4 7 . 4 5 In v . o u t 3 4 7 . 3 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 2 . 7 5 Inv . i n 3 4 8 . 2 Inv. o u t 3 4 8 . 1 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 2 . 7 5 Inv . i n 3 4 8 . 4 Inv. o u t 3 4 8 . 3 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 3 . 5 Inv . i n 3 4 8 . 7 5 Inv. o u t 3 4 8 . 6 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 4 . 4 5 Inv . i n 3 4 9 . 7 Inv. o u t 3 4 9 . 6 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 4 . 4 5 Inv . i n 3 4 9 . 7 Inv . o u t 3 4 9 . 6 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 5 . 1 Inv . i n 3 5 0 . 3 5 Inv . o u t 3 5 0 . 2 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 1 . 0 Inv . o u t 3 5 6 . 2 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 2 . 0 Inv. i n 3 5 7 . 2 5 Inv. o u t 3 5 7 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 5 . 3 Inv . o u t 3 6 0 . 5 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 7 . 2 5 Inv . i n 3 5 2 . 5 Inv . o u t 3 5 2 . 4 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 1 . 9 Inv . i n 3 5 6 . 4 5 Inv. o u t 3 5 6 . 3 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 5 . 8 Inv. i n 3 6 1 . 1 5 Inv . o u t 3 6 1 . 0 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 1 . 5 Inv. o u t 3 5 6 . 7 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 5 8 . 5 Inv . i n 3 5 3 . 7 5 Inv . o u t 3 5 3 . 6 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 2 . 6 Inv. i n 3 5 7 . 8 5 Inv. o u t 3 5 7 . 7 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 6 . 4 Inv. i n 3 6 1 . 6 5 Inv . o u t 3 6 1 . 5 5 Ne w s t r e e t lig h t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w s t r e e t ligh t ( t y p . ) Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dra i n Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dr a i n Ne w 1 0 " PV C R o o f Dr a i n Ne w r i p r a p dis p e r s a l p a d Ne w E n d Sec t i o n Inv . 3 3 2 . 0 Sno wSto r a g e Sno wSto r a g e Sn o w Sto r a g e Ne w M a i l Bui l d i n g a n d Tr a s h / R e c y l c i n g Sn o wSto r a g e Sno wSto r a g e Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 8 Inv . i n 3 6 7 . 9 1 Inv . o u t 3 6 7 . 8 1 Inv . u d 3 6 8 . 6 6 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 9 Inv. o u t 3 6 8 . 1 5 Inv . u d 3 6 8 . 9New 1 5 " HD P E s= 0 . 0 2 1 Ne w 8 "PVC S D R 3 5 s= 0 . 0 2 4 Ne w B i k e Ra c k Ne w B i k e Ra c k Ne w B i k e Ra c k Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 0 . 9 Inv. i n 3 6 6 . 1 5 In v . o u t 3 6 6 . 0 5 Inv . u d 3 6 6 . 9 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 0 . 9 Inv . i n 3 6 5 . 9 Inv. o u t 3 6 5 . 8 Inv . u d 3 6 6 . 6 5 Ne w 6 " D . I . C l 5 2 wa t e r s e r v i c e t o buil d i n g . C o n n e c t t o Pha s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w g a t e val v e , c a p , stu b , t h r u s t blo c k , a n d wit n e s s f o r 8 " wa t e r m a i n . Ne w Hy d r a n t ass e m b l y Ne w 8 " x 8 " x 8 " tee, t h r u s t b l o c k an d g a t e v a l v e . Ne w 8 " w a t e r stu b w i t h c a p , trh u s t b l o c k a n d wit n e s s Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 sani t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w S M H Ri m 3 7 4 . 2 0 Inv . i n 3 6 8 . 5 3 Inv. o u t 3 6 8 . 4 3New 12" HDPENew 15" HDPE Ne w 1 5" HD P ENew 1 5" HDPENew 15" HDP E New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPENew 12" HDPENew 12" HDPENew 1 2 " H D P E New 1 2 " H D P E Ne w 1 2 " HDP ENew 15" HDPE Ne w 1 5 " H D P E New 1 5 " H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPE New 1 5 " H D P ENew 15" HDPE New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPENew 15" HDPENew 15 " HDPE New 1 5 " HDP E Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: PH-1 OVERALL PHASING PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com Meadow Loop Phase Open Space, Park, Amenities Phase Relocated Old Farm Road Phase O'Brien Farm Road extension to new Old Farm Road Phase Existing Old Farm Road improvements & Village Green Phase I/C Road Phase Old Farm Road/Kimball Avenue Intersection Phase Open Space amenities Phase Legacy Farm Avenue, Mountainview, Village Green, & Northslope Phase Parkway Homes and Mountainview Phase I/C Road/Kimball Avenue intersection Phase O'Brien Farm Road cul-de-sac & Northslope Phase Barn Improvements Village Green Phase Old Farm Gateway Phase Open Space, Park, Amenities Phase Construction Staging & Ledge Processing Phase EX. POND #1 EX. POND #2 EX. POND #3 WET POND A GRAVEL WETLAND #1 GRAVEL WETLAND #2 GRAVEL WETLAND #3 GRAVEL WETLAND #4 GRAVEL WETLAND #5 GRAVEL WETLAND #6 GRAVEL WETLAND #7 GRAVEL WETLAND #8 Lot 1 8.9 ac Lot 2 5.0 ac Lot 3 2.0 ac Lot 4 1.1 ac Lot 5 8.8 ac Lot 6 3.0 ac Lot 7 2.4 ac Lot 5 8.8 ac Lot 8 4.6 ac Lot 9 1.9 ac Lot 10 0.9 ac Lot 11 1.2 ac Lot 13 2.78 ac Lot 15 2.38 ac Lot 12 1.6 ac Lot 14 1.1 ac Lot 17 1.78 ac Lot 16 2.61 ac Lot 20 2.06 ac Lot 21 1.90 ac Lot 22 2.21 ac Lot 23 0.78 ac Lot 24 1.37 ac Lot 25 2.20 ac Lot 26 1.87 ac Lot 27 1.49 ac Lot 28 2.46 ac Lot 32 3.60 ac Lot 30 2.39 ac Lot 31 4.80 ac Lot 34 1.76 ac Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac Lot 29 0.73 ac Lot 38 4.41 ac Lot 39 4.52 ac Lot 44 2.02 ac Lot 45 2.17 ac Lot 46 1.90 ac Lot 48 Open Space 4.20 ac Business Park North Lot 4 2.4 ac Archaeology Zone Archaeology Zone Lot 33 1.13 ac Lot 37 3.54 ac Lot 18 Open Space 1.17 ac Lot 19 Open Space 1.51 ac 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-716-616-5 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 20-131-1 31-2 31-3 32-4 32-5 32-6 32-7 32-8 32-9 32-10 31-11 31-12 31-13 31-14 31-15 31-1631-1731-18 31-19 31-2031-21 31-22 31-23 31-24 30-1 30-5 30-7 30-9 30-13 30-14 30-15 30-16 30-17 30-18 30-19 33-1 33-3 33-6 33-7 37-137-2 37-3 37-4 37-537-637-737-837-9 37-1037-1136-1 36-236-336-4 36-5 33-2 33-4 33-5 33-8 33-933-1030-2 30-3 30-4 30-6 30-8 30-10 30-1130-1220-220-320-420-520-620-720-820-920-1020-1120-1220-1320-1420-1520-1620-1720-1820-1920-2020-2120-2220-2320-2420-2520-2630-20 30-21 Lot 36 1.64 ac 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-6 34-7 34-834-934-10 34-11 Lot 35 Phase Lot 35 1.54 ac 35-135-2 35-3 Lot 49 0.75 ac 16-18 pcg 338.5 EASTVIEW 50' Wetland Se t b a c k Wetlan d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EX. POND #1 EX. POND #2 EX. POND #3 WET POND A GRAVEL WETLAND #1 GRAVEL WETLAND #2 GRAVEL WETLAND #3 GRAVEL WETLAND #4 GRAVEL WETLAND #5 GRAVEL WETLAND #6 GRAVEL WETLAND #7 GRAVEL WETLAND #8 Lot 1 8.9 ac Lot 2 5.0 ac Lot 3 2.0 ac Lot 4 1.1 ac Lot 5 8.8 ac Lot 6 3.0 ac Lot 7 2.4 ac Lot 5 8.8 ac Lot 8 4.6 ac Lot 9 1.9 ac Lot 10 0.9 ac Lot 11 1.2 ac Lot 13 2.78 ac Lot 15 2.38 ac Lot 12 1.6 ac Lot 14 1.1 ac Lot 17 1.78 ac Lot 16 2.61 ac Lot 20 2.06 ac Lot 21 1.90 ac Lot 22 2.21 ac Lot 23 0.78 ac Lot 24 1.37 ac Lot 25 2.20 ac Lot 26 1.87 ac Lot 27 1.49 ac Lot 28 2.46 ac Lot 32 3.60 ac Lot 30 2.39 ac Lot 31 4.80 ac Lot 34 1.76 ac Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac Lot 29 0.73 ac Lot 38 4.41 ac Lot 39 4.52 ac Lot 44 2.02 ac Lot 45 2.17 ac Lot 46 1.90 ac Lot 48 Open Space 4.20 ac Business Park North Lot 4 2.4 ac Archaeology Zone Archaeology Zone Lot 33 1.13 ac Lot 37 3.54 ac Lot 18 Open Space 1.17 ac Lot 19 Open Space 1.51 ac 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-716-616-5 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 20-131-1 31-2 31-3 32-4 32-5 32-6 32-7 32-8 32-9 32-10 31-11 31-12 31-13 31-14 31-15 31-1631-1731-18 31-19 31-2031-21 31-22 31-23 31-24 30-1 30-5 30-7 30-9 30-13 30-14 30-15 30-16 30-17 30-18 30-19 33-1 33-3 33-6 33-7 37-137-2 37-3 37-4 37-537-637-737-837-9 37-1037-1136-1 36-236-336-4 36-5 33-2 33-4 33-5 33-8 33-933-1030-2 30-3 30-4 30-6 30-8 30-10 30-1130-1220-220-320-420-520-620-720-820-920-1020-1120-1220-1320-1420-1520-1620-1720-1820-1920-2020-2120-2220-2320-2420-2520-2630-20 30-21 Lot 35 1.54 ac Lot 36 1.64 ac 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-6 34-7 34-834-934-10 34-11 35-135-2 35-3 GRAVEL WETLAND #9 Lot 40 2.90 acLot 41 2.68 ac Lot 42 2.79 ac Lot 43 2.99 ac Lot 49 0.75 ac 16-18 pcg 338.5 LIMIT OF EASTVIEW EASTVIEW 50' Wetland Se t b a c k Wetlan d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III New 8" P V C S e w e r s=0.0066 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s=0. 0 0 6 6 Ne w S M h Ri m 3 4 2 . 4 Inv . i n 3 2 8 . 4 6 Inv . o u t 3 2 8 . 3 6 Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i a n t e w i t h mec h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i a n t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Co n v e r t 8 " P V C S D R 35 s a n i t a r y s e w e r inst a l l e d i n P h a s e 1 t o buil d i n g s e r v i c e . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 san i t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w 8 " x 8 " x 8" t e e , t h r u s t blo c k . Ne w6" D . I . wa t e r ser v i c e Ne w 6 " D . I . wa t e r s e r v i c e Ne w 8 " x 8 " x 8 " tee, t h r u s t b l o c k .Ne w 8 "PVC S D R 3 5 s= 0 . 0 2 4 Ne w 6 " P V C S D R 3 5 sani t a r y s e w e r s e r v i c e to b u i l d i n g . C o n n e c t to P h a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h me c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Ne w S M H Ri m 3 7 4 . 2 0 Inv . i n 3 6 8 . 5 3 Inv. o u t 3 6 8 . 4 3 Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-1A OVERALL ZONING PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EX. POND #1 EX. POND #2 EX. POND #3 WET POND A GRAVEL WETLAND #1 GRAVEL WETLAND #2 GRAVEL WETLAND #3 GRAVEL WETLAND #4 GRAVEL WETLAND #5 GRAVEL WETLAND #6 GRAVEL WETLAND #7 GRAVEL WETLAND #8 Lot 1 8.9 ac Lot 2 5.0 ac Lot 3 2.0 ac Lot 4 1.1 ac Lot 5 8.8 ac Lot 6 3.0 ac Lot 7 2.4 ac Lot 5 8.8 ac Lot 8 4.6 ac Lot 9 1.9 ac Lot 10 0.9 ac Lot 11 1.2 ac Lot 13 2.78 ac Lot 15 2.38 ac Lot 12 1.6 ac Lot 14 1.1 ac Lot 17 1.78 ac Lot 16 2.61 ac Lot 20 2.06 ac Lot 21 1.90 ac Lot 22 2.21 ac Lot 23 0.78 ac Lot 24 1.37 ac Lot 25 2.20 ac Lot 26 1.87 ac Lot 27 1.49 ac Lot 28 2.46 ac Lot 32 3.60 ac Lot 30 2.39 ac Lot 31 4.80 ac Lot 34 1.76 ac Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac Lot 29 0.73 ac Lot 38 4.41 ac Lot 39 4.52 ac Lot 40 2.90 acLot 41 2.68 ac Lot 42 2.79 ac Lot 43 2.99 ac Lot 44 2.02 ac Lot 45 2.17 ac Lot 46 1.90 ac Lot 48 Open Space 4.20 ac Business Park North Lot 4 2.4 ac Archaeology Zone Archaeology Zone Lot 33 1.13 ac Lot 37 3.54 ac Lot 18 Open Space 1.17 ac Lot 19 Open Space 1.51 ac 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-716-616-5 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 20-131-1 31-2 31-3 32-4 32-5 32-6 32-7 32-8 32-9 32-10 31-11 31-12 31-13 31-14 31-15 31-1631-1731-18 31-19 31-2031-21 31-22 31-23 31-24 30-1 30-5 30-7 30-9 30-13 30-14 30-15 30-16 30-17 30-18 30-19 33-1 33-3 33-6 33-7 37-137-2 37-3 37-4 37-537-637-737-837-9 37-1037-1136-1 36-236-336-4 36-5 33-2 33-4 33-5 33-8 33-933-1030-2 30-3 30-4 30-6 30-8 30-10 30-1130-1220-220-320-420-520-620-720-820-920-1020-1120-1220-1320-1420-1520-1620-1720-1820-1920-2020-2120-2220-2320-2420-2520-2630-20 30-21 Lot 36 1.64 ac 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-6 34-7 34-834-934-10 34-11 Lot 35 1.54 ac 35-135-2 35-3 Lot 49 0.75 ac 16-18 pcg 338.5 LIMIT OF EASTVIEW EASTVIEW New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.01 New 15"HDPENew 15" HDPENew 15" HDPE s=0.01 New SMh Rim 417.43 Inv. in 411.73 Inv. out 411.63 New SMh Rim 419.28 Inv. in 413.58 Inv. out 413.48New 12" D.I. water mainNew 12"CL 52 D.I. Water. Connect to Phase 1 stub. Verify elevation prior to laying pipe New 12" x 12" x 12" tee with thrust block New 12" gate valves New 12" CL 52 D.I. water main New Hydrant assembly New CB Rim 417.20 Inv. in 406.45 Inv. out 406.35 Inv. fd 407.7 New CB Rim 417.20 Inv. fd 407.8 Inv. out 406.55 New CB Rim 419.05 Inv. in 408.55 Inv. out 408.45 Inv. fd 409.8 New CB Rim 419.05 Inv. fd 410.3 Inv. out 409.05 Lot 18 Open Space 1.17 ac 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 Lot 16 2.61 ac Lot 20 2.06 ac New 3 4" k copper water service and curb stop. Typical all units. New 4" PVC SDR 35 sanitary service. s=1 4"/ft. min. Typical all units. New 12" CL 52 D.I. wat e r m a i n New 12" x 12" x 4" tee with thrust block New 4" gate valve FUTURE ATHLETIC FIELD PCG 418.0 PCG 419.0 PCG 418.5 PCG 418.0 PCG 419.0PCG 420.0 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-2 SITE PLAN - Meadow Loop Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com Lot 5 8.8 ac EASTVIEW New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.025 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 6 New 15" HDPENew 15"HDPENew 15"HDPENew 15" HDPE s=0.0 2 New 15" HDPE s=0.025 New 15" HD P E s = 0 . 0 2 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 3 New SMh Rim 406.64 Inv. in 400.94 Inv. out 400.84 New SMh Rim 413.85 Inv. in 408.15 Inv. out 408.05 New SMh Rim 417.43 Inv. in 411.73 Inv. out 411.63 New SMh Rim 415.9 Inv. in 410.23 Inv. out 410.13 New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 12" CL 52 D.I. water main New Hydrant assembly New 12" CL 5 2 D . I . w a t e r m a i n New CB Rim 409.22 Inv. in 397.45 Inv. out 397.35 Inv. fd 398.95 New CB Rim 409.22 Inv. fd. 398.8 Inv. out 397.55 New CB Rim 414.20 Inv. in 402.45 Inv. out 402.35 Inv. fd 403.7 New CB Rim 414.20 Inv. fd 403.8 Inv. out 402.55 New CB Rim 417.20 Inv. in 406.45 Inv. out 406.35 Inv. fd 407.7 New CB Rim 417.20 Inv. fd 407.8 Inv. out 406.55 Lot 16 2.61 ac Lot 20 2.06 ac 16-4 16-7 16-6 16-5 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 31-1 31-2 31-3 31-4 31-5 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20 20-21 20-22 Lot 31 4.80 ac New 3 4" k copper water service and curb stop. Typical all units. New 4" PVC SDR 35 sanitary service. s=1 4"/ft. min. Typical all units. New CB Rim 414.25 Inv. out 404.4 PCG 418.0 PCG 417.5 PCG 417.5 PCG 415.0 PCG 414.0 PCG 411.0 PCG 409.5 PCG 408.0 PCG 406.0 PCG 410.0 PCG 412.0 PCG 415.0 PCG 418.0 PCG 417.0 PCG 418.0 PCG 418.0 PCG 418.0 PCG 418.0 PCG 416.5 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-3 SITE PLAN - Meadow Loop and Old Farm Road Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 7 . 2 II n v . o u t 3 6 2 . 8 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 6 8 . 4 In v . i n 3 6 2 . 7 2 II n v . o u t 3 6 2 . 6 2 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 5 In v . i n 3 6 7 . 7 5 II n v . o u t 3 6 7 . 6 5 St o r a g e Sn o w St o r a g eNew 12" HDPENew 12" HDPENew 1 2 " H D P E New 15" HDPE Ne w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPENew 8" PVC Sewers=0.076New 8" P V C S e w e r s=0.01 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.036 New 18 " H D P E New 18"HDPENew 15" HDPENew 18" H D P E New 18" HDPE s=0.015 New 15" HDPE s=0.02 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 5 2 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 2 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s=0. 0 5 6 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.046New 15"HDPENew 15" HDPE New 15" HDP E New 15" HDPENew SMh Rim 399.9 Inv. in 394.2 Inv. out 394.1 New SMh Rim 402.25 Inv. in 393.5 Inv. out 393.4 New SMh Rim 406.64 Inv. in 400.94 Inv. out 400.84 New 8" PVC SDR 35 Connect to Phase 1 stub. Verify elevation prior to laying pipe New SMh Rim 392.92 Inv. in 386.55 Inv. out 386.45 New SMh Rim 401.4 Inv. in 395.33 Inv. out 395.23 New SMh Rim 408.9 Inv. in 403.23 Inv. out 403.13 New SMh Rim 402.9 Inv. in 397.23 Inv. out 397.13 New Hydrant assemblyNew 8" D.I. water mainNew 8"CL 52 D.I. Water. Connect to Phase 1 stub. Verify elevation prior to laying pipe New 12" x 12" x 12" tee with thrust block New 12" CL 52 D.I. water main New Hydrant assembly New 12" CL 5 2 D . I . w a t e r m a i n New 12" gate valves New 12" gate valves New 12"tee with valve & thrust block New CB Rim 402.02 Inv. fd 393.25 Inv. in 391.75 Inv. out 391.65 New CB Rim 402.02 Inv. fd 392.95 Inv. in 391.45 Inv. out 391.35 New CB Rim 404.46 Inv. in 393.45 Inv. out 393.35 Inv. fd 394.7 New CB Rim 404.46 Inv. fd 394.8 Inv. out 393.55 New CB Rim 402.25 Inv. fd 399.15 Inv. in 397.9 Inv. out 397.8 New CB Rim 402.0 Inv. in 397.75 Inv. out 397.65 New CB Rim 394.0 Inv. in 383.35 Inv. out 383.25 Lot 19 Open Space 1.51 ac 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 16-18 31-8 31-9 31-10 31-11 30-1 30-2 20-21 20-22 20-23 20-24 20-25 20-26 Lot 16 2.61 ac Lot 20 2.06 ac Lot 31 4.80 ac Lot 30 2.38 ac New SMh Rim 389.2 Inv. in 383.5 Inv. out 383.4 New SMh Rim 395.25 Inv. in 386.6 Inv. out 386.5 N e w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 1 0New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.034±New 12" x 8" reducer New 3 4" k copper water service and curb stop. Typical all units. New 4" PVC SDR 35 sanitary service. s=1 4"/ft. min. Typical all units. New CB Rim 400.12 Inv. in 395.17 Inv. out 395.07 New CB Rim 400.12 Inv. out 395.37 New CB Rim 396.72 Inv. in 391.97 Inv. out 391.87 Inv. fd 393.12 New CB Rim 408.0 Inv. fd 400.98 Inv. in 399.98 Inv. out 399.88 New Hydrant assembly PARK SPACE PCG 406.0 PCG 404.0 PCG 403. 5 PCG 400 . 0 PCG 399. 0 PCG 400.0PCG 400.5PCG 405.0 PCG 407.0 PCG 405.0PCG 416.5 PCG 416.0 PCG 414.0 PCG 414.0 PCG 413.0 PCG 412.0 PCG 410.0Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 8 II n v . o u t 3 6 8 . 0 5 Ne w s t r e e t lig h t ( t y p . ) bu i l d i n g . C o n n e c t t o Ph a s e 1 s t u b . Co o r d i n a t e w i t h m e c h a n i c a l p l a n s . Lot 11 1.2 ac HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-4 SITE PLAN - Meadow Loop, Old Farm Road, Legacy Farm Avenue Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New SMh Rim 392.92 Inv. in 386.55 Inv. out 386.45 New CB Rim 396.72 Inv. in 391.97 Inv. out 391.87 Inv. fd 393.12 New Trash/ Recylcing Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 1 In v . i n 3 6 6 . 2 5 In v . o u t 3 6 6 . 1 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 4 . 5 In v . i n 3 6 9 . 7 5 In v . o u t 3 6 9 . 6 5 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 5 . 1 5 In v . o u t 3 7 0 . 4 Sn o w St o r a g e Sn o w St o r a g e Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 8 In v . i n 3 6 7 . 9 1 In v . o u t 3 6 7 . 8 1 In v . u d 3 6 8 . 6 6 Ne w C B Ri m 3 7 2 . 9 In v . o u t 3 6 8 . 1 5 In v . u d 3 6 8 . 9New 1 5 " HDPE s= 0 . 0 2 1 New 8 " PVC SDR 3 5s=0.024Ri m 3 7 0 . 9 In v . i n 3 6 6 . 1 5 In v . o u t 3 6 6 . 0 5 In v . u d 3 6 6 . 9 Ne w g a t e va l v e , c a p , st u b , t h r u s t bl o c k , a n d wi t n e s s f o r 8 " wa t e r m a i n . Ne w H y d r a n t as s e m b l y Ne w 8 " x 8 " x 8 " tee , t h r u s t b l o c k an d g a t e v a l v e . Ne w 8 " w a t e r st u b w i t h c a p , tr h u s t b l o c k a n d wi t n e s s Ne w S M H Ri m 3 7 4 . 2 0 In v . i n 3 6 8 . 5 3 In v . o u t 3 6 8 . 4 3New 12" HDPENew 15" H D P E New 1 5 " HD PE New 15" HDPE Gravel Wetland #3 Cell#1 60' x 62' Elev. 374.0 N e w 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPENew 8" PVC Sewer s=0.08 New 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPENe w 1 5 " H D P ENew 15"HDPENew 15" HDPENew 15"HDPENew SMh Rim 375.7 Inv. in 369.75 Inv. out 369.65 New SMh Rim 378.95 Inv. in 372.75 Inv. out 372.65 New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 8" x 8" x 8" tee with thrust block and valveNew 8" gate valves New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New 8"CL 52 D.I. Water. Connect to Phase 1 stub. Verify elevation prior to laying pipe New Hydrant assembly New End Section Inv. out 377.5 Forebay New Outlet Structure 3. See detail. New rip rap dispersal pad New berm with stone weir overflow New stone overflow New CB Rim 375.2 Inv. in 370.25 Inv. out 370.15 New DMh Rim 388.0 Inv. in 380.5 Inv. out 380.4 Lot 11 1.2 ac Lot 22 2.21 ac Lot 24 1.37 ac Lot 25 2.20 ac Lot 19 Open Space 1.51 ac Lot 24 1.37 ac Gravel Wetland #3 Cell#1 60' x 62' Elev. 374.0 New 6" PVC cross pipe between cells 2, New 18" PVC vertical inlet pipes 2, New 18" PVC vertical inlet pipes New 1 8 " H D P E Ne w 1 5 " HD P E Ne w 1 5 " HD P E New 15"HDPENew 15"HDPENew CB Rim 390.5 Inv. in 385.55 Inv. out 385.45 New CB Rim 390.5 Inv. out 385.75 New CB Rim 379.62 Inv. in 374.67 Inv. out 375.57 New CB Rim 379.62 Inv. out 374.87 New CB Rim 372.00 Inv. in 367.05 Inv. out 366.95 New CB Rim 372.0 Inv. out 367.25 New CB Rim 371.4 Inv. out 366.65 New CB Rim 370.92 Inv. in 366.25 Inv. out 366.15 New CB Rim 370.85 Inv. in 366.1 Inv. out 366.00 New CB Rim 371.33 Inv. out 366.58 New DMh Rim 370.78 Inv. in 365.75 Inv. out 365.65 New CB Rim 365.36 Inv. in 360.41 Inv. out 360.31 New CB Rim 365.36 Inv. out 360.61 New SMh Rim 371.33 Inv. in 364.38 Inv. out 364.28 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.026New CB Rim 387.0 Inv. out 382.20 Inv ud 382.7 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 6 9 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 5 6 New 18" HDPE HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-5 SITE PLAN - Old Farm Road and O'Brien Farm Road Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New 8" P V C Se wer s=0.031New 1 5 "HDP E New 1 5 "HDP E New 15" H DP E New SMh Rim 411.4 Inv. in 405.7 Inv. out 405.6 Inv. in 404.12 Inv. out 404.02 New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New CB Rim 408.24 Inv. out 402.0 New CB Rim 378.45 Inv. in 372.90 Inv. out 372.80 Inv. fd 374.05 Lot 30 2.39 ac 31-14 30-5 30-7 30-9 30-14 30-15 30-16 30-17 30-6 30-8 30-10 30-1130-12 PCG 385.0 PCG 385.0 PCG 385.0PCG 412.0PCG 412.0PCG 410.0 PCG 4 0 7. 5 PCG 412.0 New 8" P V C Se wer s=0.0075 N e w 1 5 " H D P E New 15" H DPE New Hydrant assembly New CB Rim 375.2 Inv. out 370.45 New CB Rim 377.2 Inv. in 372.20 Inv. out 372.10 Inv. fd 373.45 New CB Rim 377.2 Inv. out 372.45 Lot 25 2.20 ac 30-13 PCG 384.0 New 8" P V C Se wer s=0.0075 New 15" H DP E New SMh Rim 378.75 Inv. in 371.64 Inv. out 371.54 New SMh Rim 380.20 Inv. in 373.6 Inv. out 373.5 New Hydrant assembly New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New CB Rim 378.45 Inv. out 373.7 New DMh Rim 380.22 Inv. in 374.1 Inv. out 374.0 Inv. fd 375.35 New CB Rim 379.3 Inv. out 375.05 Lot 28 2.46 ac 30-18 30-19 30-20 30-21 New 1 5 "HDPE New CB Rim 379.52 Inv. in 373.51 Inv. out 373.41 Inv. fd 374.66 New CB Rim 379.52 Inv. out 374.77 New CB Rim 379.3 Inv. in 374.65 Inv. out 374.55 Inv. fd 375.8 New parking with PCG 386.0 PCG 387.0 PCG 386.0 PCG 387.0 PCG 386.0 Lot 28 2.47 ac HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-6 SITE PLAN - O'Brien Farm Road East Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New 18" HDPENew 15" HDPENe w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s=0. 0 9 5 New 18" HDPENew 15" HDPENe w 1 5 " H D P E New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 8" CL 52 D.I. New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 12" x 8" tapping sleeve w/ thrust block and valve New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New DMh Rim 336.0 Inv. in 327.9 Inv. out 327.8 Lot 23 0.78 ac Lot 26 1.87 ac Lot 25 2.20 ac New CB Rim 335.0 Inv. in 329.85 Inv. out 329.75 New CB Rim 335.0 Inv. out 330.25 New CB Rim 370.85 Inv. in 366.1 Inv. out 366.00 New DMh Rim 370.78 Inv. in 365.75 Inv. out 365.65 New CB Rim 365.36 Inv. in 360.41 Inv. out 360.31 New CB Rim 350.9 Inv. in 345.95 Inv. out 345.85 New CB Rim 350.9 Inv. out 346.15 New CB Rim 344.6 Inv. in 340.0 Inv. out 339.9 New CB Rim 344.6 Inv. out 340.35 Core and boot new penetration. New Inv. 322.0± New SMh Rim 333.0 Inv. in 326.3 Inv. out 326.2 New 8" P V C S e w e r s=0.03 6 New SMh Rim 337.55 Inv. in 331.55 Inv. out 331.45 New SMh Rim 352.0 Inv. in 345.3 Inv. out 345.2 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 6 9 Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 7 3 Landscape retaining wall. Refer to landscape plans. Landscape retaining wall. Refer to landscape plans. Kimball Avenue Road widening Kimball Avenue Road widening HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-7 SITE PLAN - Old Farm Road Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW Gravel Wetland #6 Cell#1 126' x 35' Elev. 323.0 ForebayNew 18" HDPEN e w 1 8 " HD P E New End Section Inv. out 324.0 New rip rap dispersal pad 2, New 18" PVC vertical inlet pipes New stone berm New DMh Rim 334.0 Inv. in 325.2 Inv. out 325.1 Business Park North Lot 4 2.4 ac Lot 26 1.87 ac Gravel Wetland #6 Cell#2 126' x 35' Elev. 323.0 N ew 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 9 1 New SMh Rim 333.25 Inv. in 327.58 Inv. out 327.48 Core and boot new penetration. New Inv. 323.83± New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC cross pipe between cells New berm with stone weir overflow 2, New 18" PVC vertical inlet pipes New Outlet Structure 6. See detail. New End Section Inv. out 320.0 New rip rap dispersal pad Lot 27 1.49 ac Lot 29 0.73 ac Lot 28 2.47 ac HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-8 SITE PLAN - Old Farm Road Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New 12" x 12" x 8" tee with thrust block and valve New Hydrant assembly Lot 32 3.60 ac Lot 33 1.13 ac 33-1 33-3 33-6 33-7 33-2 33-4 33-5 33-8 Historic Barn New CB Rim 414.82 Inv. fd 408.0 Inv. in 406.75 Inv. out 406.65 Rim 419.10 Inv. fd 412.0 Inv. in 410.75 Inv. out 410.65 New 12" CL 52 D.I. wat e r m a i n Event Tent New parking with pervious pavement New 12" x 12" x 4" tee with thrust block New 4" gate valve Ne w 4 " C L 5 2 D . I . w a t e r s e r v i c e New SMh Rim 418.0 Inv. in 411.8 Inv. out 411.7 New 6" PVC Sewer s=0.059New 6" PVC S e w e r s=0.021 Landscape retaining wall. Refer to landscape plans. Pool & Patio. Refer to landscape plans. HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-9 SITE PLAN - Historic Barn Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New 8" PVC Sewers=0.040New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPE New SMh Rim 424.12 Inv. in 418.42 Inv. out 418.32 New 12" x 12" x 8" tee with thrust block and valve Lot 33 1.13 ac 33-1 33-3 33-6 33-7 33-2 33-4 33-5 33-8 New 1 5 " H D P E New Hydrant assembly New 15" H D P E Lot 34 1.76 ac Lot 35 1.54 ac 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-6 34-7 35-3 35-1 35-2 New SMh Rim 406.5 Inv. in 400.8 Inv. out 400.7 New SMh Rim 413.45 Inv. in 407.75 Inv. out 407.65 New SMh Rim 419.05 Inv. in 413.35 Inv. out 413.25 Three (3) new 3 4" k copper water services in common trench with curb stops. Three (3) new 3 4" k copper water services in common trench New 3 4" k copper water services to each unit. New CB Rim 423.42 Inv. fd 415.0 Inv. in 413.75 Inv. out 413.65 New 8 " PVC S ew e r s = 0 . 0 3 5New 8" PVC Sewers=0.037New 4" PVC SDR 35 sanitary service. s=1 4"/ft. min. Typical all units. New CB Rim 414.82 Inv. fd 408.0 Inv. in 406.75 Inv. out 406.65 New CB Rim 414.82 Inv. fd 408.15 Inv. out 406.9 New CB Rim 419.10 Inv. fd 412.0 Inv. in 410.75 Inv. out 410.65 New CB Rim 419.10 Inv. fd 412.15 Inv. out 410.9 New CB Rim 423.42 Inv. fd 415.15 Inv. out 413.9 New 12" CL 52 D.I. wat e r m a i n Event Tent Lot 49 0.75 ac PCG 42 0 . 0 PCG 4 2 0 . 0PCG 4 2 2 . 5 PCG 426.5PCG 425.5PCG 424.5PCG 422.5PCG 420.5PCG 418.5PCG 416.5HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-10 SITE PLAN - Legacy Farm Avenue & Lot 35 Private Drive Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW Gravel Wetland #4 Cell#2 62' x 30' Elev. 381.0 Gravel Wetland #4 Cell#1 62' x 30' Elev. 381.0 New 15" HDPENew 8" PVC Sewer s=0.0075 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.0075 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.051 New SMh Rim 386.86 Inv. in 381.16 Inv. out 381.06 New SMh Rim 389.0 Inv. in 383.33 Inv. out 383.23 New Hydrant assembly New 12" x 12" x 8" tee with thrust block and valve New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New 12" gate valves New 12" x 8" reducer New End Section Inv. out 382.0 Forebay New Outlet Structure 4. See detail. New rip rap dispersal pad New 6" PVC cross pipe between cells New berm with stone weir overflow New End Section Inv. out 378.0 New rip rap dispersal pad 2, New 15" PVC vertical inlet pipes 2, New 15" PVC vertical inlet pipes New stone berm New DMh Rim 385.0 Inv. in 382.3 Inv. out 382.2 New CB Rim 396.5 Inv. fd 391.6 Inv. in 390.35 Inv. out 390.25 33-7 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 36-5 33-8 33-9 33-10 Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac New 15"HDPE New 1 5 " H D P E New Hydrant assembly New 1 5 "HDPENew 15"HDPELot 36 1.64 ac Lot 34 1.76 ac 34-6 34-7 34-834-934-10 34-11 New DMh Rim 388.0 Inv. in 383.75 Inv. out 383.25New 15" HDPE s=0.071New CB Rim 399.8 Inv. fd 393.0 Inv. in 391.75 Inv. out 391.65 New 15 " H D P E s = 0 . 0 0 9 New CB Rim 406.25 Inv. in 400.19 Inv. out 400.09 New 15" HDPE s=0.066 New SMh Rim 408.45 Inv. in 402.0 Inv. out 401.9 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.0075 New SMh Rim 398.8 Inv. in 393.1 Inv. out 393.0New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.082New SMh Rim 406.5 Inv. in 400.8 Inv. out 400.7 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0 .045 New SMh Rim 402.25 Inv. in 396.55 Inv. out 396.45 Ne w 8 " P VC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 5 New SMh Rim 413.45 Inv. in 407.75 Inv. out 407.65 New 8 " PVC S ew e r s = 0 . 0 3 5 New 4" PVC SDR 35 sanitary service. s=1 4"/ft. min. Typical all units. New CB Rim 405.52 Inv. out 400.77 New CB Rim 405.52 Inv. fd 400.6 Inv. in 399.35 Inv. out 399.25 New CB Rim 409.6 Inv. in 401.2 Inv. out 401.1 New CB Rim 410.02 Inv. fd 402.85 Inv. in 401.6 Inv. out 401.5 New CB Rim 410.0 Inv. out 402.7 New CB Rim 414.82 Inv. fd 408.15 Inv. out 406.9 New 1 5 " H D P E s = 0. 0 1 PCG 4 0 4 . 0 PCG 404.0 PCG 4 0 3 . 0 PCG 39 8 . 5 PCG 400.5 PCG 404.5 PCG 409.5 PCG 408.5PCG 418.5PCG 416.5PCG 414.5HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-11 SITE PLAN - Legacy Farm Avenue & Private Drive Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 0 7 5 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.0075 New 8" PV C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 0 New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPE New 15" H D P E New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPENew SMh Rim 385.52 Inv. in 379.82 Inv. out 379.72 New SMh Rim 385.5 Inv. in 377.7 Inv. out 377.6 New Hydrant assembly New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New DMh Rim 374.2 Inv. in 369.7 Inv. out 369.6 New CB Rim 394.1 Inv. in 389.15 Inv. out 389.05 New CB Rim 394.1 Inv. fd 390.6 Inv. in 389.35 Inv. out 389.25 New CB Rim 397.05 Inv. out 392.3 New CB Rim 397.05 Inv. in 392.2 Inv. out 392.1 New CB Rim 400.05 Inv. out 395.3 New CB Rim 400.05 Inv. in 395.2 Inv. out 395.1 Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac Lot 37 3.54 ac 37-637-7 37-8 37-9 37-10 37-11 Lot 32 2.28 ac New CB Rim 405.52 Inv. out 400.77 New 8" in-line gate valveNew 6" PVC Sewer s=0.059New SMh Rim 403.67 Inv. in 396.12 Inv. out 396.02 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.120Landscape retaining wall. Refer to landscape plans. PCG 402.0 PCG 400 . 5 PCG 39 9 . 5 PCG 397.5 PCG 396.0 PCG 395.0 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-12 SITE PLAN - Legacy Farm Avenue Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.125New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 4 1 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 3 4 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 1 7 New 15" HDPE s=0.133New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPE New 15"HDPENew 15"HDPENew 1 5"HDPENew SMh Rim 374.57 Inv. in 368.87 Inv. out 368.77 New SMh Rim 394.41 Inv. in 388.68 Inv. out 388.58 New SMh Rim 399.0 Inv. in 393.3 Inv. out 393.2 New SMh Rim 403.52 Inv. in 397.63 Inv. out 397.53 New SMh Rim 405.71 Inv. in 400.0 Inv. out 399.9 New Hydrant assembly New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New CB Rim 394.1 Inv. in 389.15 Inv. out 389.05 New CB Rim 394.1 Inv. fd 390.6 Inv. in 389.35 Inv. out 389.25 New CB Rim 401.21 Inv. out 394.58 New CB Rim 401.21 Inv. in 391.6 Inv. out 391.5 New CB Rim 403.0 Inv. fd 395.08 Inv. in 393.83 Inv. out 393.73 New CB Rim 403.84 Inv. fd 396.0 Inv. in 394.75 Inv. out 394.65 New CB Rim 403.84 Inv. out 396.75 New CB Rim 405.65 Inv. fd 399.6 Inv. in 398.35 Inv. out 398.25 New CB Rim 405.65 Inv. out 399.85 Lot 31 4.80 ac Archaeology Zone 31-1631-1731-18 31-19 31-2031-21 31-22 31-23 31-24 37-1 37-2 37-3 37-4 37-5 37-6 Lot 31 4.80 ac Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac Lot 37 3.54 ac Inv. out 407.0 New CB Rim 405.0 Inv. fd 396.5 Inv. in 396.25 Inv. out 396.15 New CB Rim 408.5 Inv. out 404.5 New 12" HDPENew CB Rim 405.25 Inv. out 401.25 New 12" HDPENew CB Rim 404.0 Inv. in 395.3 Inv. out 394.3 New 8" in-line gate valve PCG 408.0 PCG 407.0 PCG 406.0 PCG 408.5 PCG 410.0 PCG 410.0 PCG 40 9.5PCG 405.5PCG 403.5PCG 395.0 PCG 3 9 5. 0 PCG 3 9 8. 0 PCG 4 0 3. 0 PCG 404.5 PCG 405.5 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-13 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com SITE PLAN - Legacy Farm Avenue EASTVIEW Gravel Wetland #5 Cell#2 63' x 50' Elev. 366.0 Gravel Wetland #5 Cell#2 63' x 50' Elev. 366.0 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.01 New 8" PVC Sewer s = 0 . 0 1New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.125New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 4 1 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 3 4 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 7 New 18" HDPENew 15" HDPE s=0.133New 15" HDPENew 15"HDPENew 15"HDPENew 1 5"HDPENew SMh Rim 373.7 Inv. in 365.94 Inv. out 365.84 New SMh Rim 374.57 Inv. in 368.87 Inv. out 368.77 New SMh Rim 377.5 Inv. in 371.8 Inv. out 371.7 New SMh Rim 394.41 Inv. in 388.68 Inv. out 388.58 New SMh Rim 399.0 Inv. in 393.3 Inv. out 393.2 New SMh Rim 403.52 Inv. in 397.63 Inv. out 397.53 New SMh Rim 405.71 Inv. in 400.0 Inv. out 399.9 New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New End Section Inv. out 367.0 Forebay New rip rap dispersal pad 2, New 18" PVC vertical inlet pipes New stone berm New 6" PVC cross pipe between cells New berm with stone weir overflow 2, New 18" PVC vertical inlet pipes New Outlet Structure 5. See detail. New End Section Inv. out 359.0 New rip rap dispersal pad New DMh Rim 374.2 Inv. in 369.7 Inv. out 369.6 New CB Rim 401.21 Inv. out 394.58 New CB Rim 401.21 Inv. in 391.6 Inv. out 391.5 New CB Rim 403.0 Inv. fd 395.08 Inv. in 393.83 Inv. out 393.73 New CB Rim 403.84 Inv. out 396.75 New CB Rim 405.65 Inv. out 399.85 Archaeology Zone 31-23 31-24 37-1 37-2 37-3 37-4 37-5 30-1130-12 Lot 47 Open Space 12.23 ac Lot 37 3.54 ac New CB Rim 404.0 Inv. in 395.3 Inv. out 394.3 PCG 4 0 7. 5PCG 405.5PCG 403.5PCG 3 9 5. 0 PCG 3 9 8. 0 PCG 4 0 3 . 0 PCG 404.5 PCG 405.5 30-21 New CB Rim 379.3 Inv. in 374.65 Inv. out 374.55 Inv. fd 375.8 PCG 386.0 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-14 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com SITE PLAN - Legacy Farm Avenue EASTVIEW New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 1 7 New 8" P V C Se wer s=0.031New 15"HDPENew 1 5 "HDP E New 15"HDPENew 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 2 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 3 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s=0. 0 5 6 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.046New 15"HDPENew 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE New 15" HDP E New 15" HDPENew SMh Rim 405.71 New SMh Rim 407.30 Inv. in 401.6 Inv. out 401.5 New SMh Rim 411.4 Inv. in 405.7 Inv. out 405.6 New SMh Rim 392.92 Inv. in 386.55 Inv. out 386.45 New SMh Rim 408.9 Inv. in 403.23 Inv. out 403.13 New SMh Rim 402.9 Inv. in 397.23 Inv. out 397.13 New SMh Rim 409.82 Inv. in 404.12 Inv. out 404.02 New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 8" CL 52 D.I. water main New Hydrant assembly New 12" CL 5 2 D . I . w a t e r m a i n New 12" gate valves New 12"tee with valve & thrust block New CB Rim 403.84 Inv. fd 396.0 Inv. in 394.75 Inv. out 394.65 New CB Rim 405.65 Inv. fd 399.6 Inv. in 398.35 Inv. out 398.25 New CB Rim 405.65 Inv. out 399.85 New CB Rim 408.24 Inv. fd 401.3 Inv. in 400.05 Inv. out 399.95 New CB Rim 408.24 Inv. out 402.0 New CB Rim 402.25 Inv. fd 399.15 Inv. in 397.9 Inv. out 397.8 New CB Rim 402.0 Inv. in 397.75 Inv. out 397.65 New CB Rim 408.14 Inv. in 403.74 Inv. out 403.64 New CB Rim 408.14 Inv. out 403.89 Lot 30 2.39 ac Lot 31 4.80 ac 31-5 31-6 31-7 31-8 31-9 31-10 31-11 31-12 31-13 31-14 31-15 31-1631-1731-18 31-19 31-20 30-1 30-5 30-7 30-9 30-16 30-17 30-2 30-3 30-4 30-6 30-8 30-10 30-11 2.06 ac Lot 31 4.80 ac Lot 30 2.38 ac New CB Rim 400.12 Inv. in 395.17 Inv. out 395.07 New CB Rim 396.72 Inv. in 391.97 Inv. out 391.87 Inv. fd 393.12 New CB Rim 413.5 Inv. fd 405.5 Inv. in 404.5 Inv. out 404.4 New CB Rim 411.5 Inv. fd 402.5 Inv. in 401.5 Inv. out 401.4 New CB Rim 408.0 Inv. fd 400.98 Inv. in 399.98 Inv. out 399.88 New CB Rim 410.1 Inv. fd 401.5 Inv. in 400.5 Inv. out 400.4 New CB Rim 405.0 Inv. fd 396.5 Inv. in 396.25 Inv. out 396.15 New CB Rim 408.5 Inv. out 404.5 New 12" HDPENew CB Rim 405.25 Inv. out 401.25 New 12" HDPENew Hydrant assembly PCG 385.0PCG 405.0PCG 409.0PCG 412.0PCG 412.0PCG 410.0 PCG 4 0 7. 5 PCG 416.5 PCG 416.0 PCG 414.0 PCG 414.0 PCG 413.0 PCG 412.0 PCG 410.0PCG 411.0PCG 412.0PCG 412.0 PCG 4 1 0. 0 PCG 408.0 PCG 407.0 PCG 406.0 PCG 408.5 PCG 410.0 New CB Rim 379.52 Inv. in 373.51 Inv. out 373.41 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-15 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com SITE PLAN - Legacy Farm Avenue EASTVIEW Grave l W e t l a n d # 7 Cell# 2 50' x 2 1 ' Elev. 3 2 8 . 0 Grave l W e t l a n d # 7 Cell#1 50' x 2 1 ' Elev. 3 2 8 . 0 Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s=New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.068Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 1 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 0 New SMh Rim 324.5 Inv. in 318.83 Inv. out 318.73 Core and boot new penetration. New Inv. New SMh Rim 332.67 Inv. in 327.0 Inv. out 326.9 New SMh Rim 338.05 Inv. in 331.78 Inv. out 331.68 New SMh Rim 343.37 Inv. in 337.2 Inv. out 337.1 New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness Lot 38 4.41 ac Lot 39 4.52 ac Lot 44 2.02 ac Lot 48 Open Space 4.20 ac New End Section Inv. out 327.0 New rip rap dispersal pad New 6" PVC cross pipe between cells New berm with stone weir overflow 2, New 15" PVC vertical inlet pipes Forebay 2, New 15" PVC vertical inlet pipes New stone berm New End Section Inv. out 328.45 New rip rap dispersal pad New Outlet Structure 7. See detail. New 12" x 8" tapping sleeve w/ thrust block and valve New Hydrant assembly New CB Rim 333.0 Inv. in 328.75 Inv. out 328.65 New CB Rim 333.1 Inv. out 328.9 New 15" HDPENew 15" HDPENe w 1 5 " H D P E New CB Rim 336.2 Inv. in 331.75 Inv. out 331.65 New CB Rim 336.2 Inv. out 331.95 New CB Rim 340.75 Inv. in 335.8 Inv. out 335.7 New CB Rim 340.75 Inv. out 336.0 New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness New 8" tee with valve and thrust block Kimball Avenue Road widening Kimball Avenue Road widening HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-16 SITE PLAN - I/C Road Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW Gravel We t l a n d # 8 (2) 15' x15 ' c e l l s Elev. 341.0 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 8 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0 . 0 1 New SMh Rim 348.09 Inv. in 341.43 Inv. out 341.33 New SMh Rim 350.12 Inv. in 343.11 Inv. out 343.01 New 8" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness New 6" PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer stub, cap , and witness Lot 42 2.79 ac Lot 43 2.99 ac Lot 45 2.17 ac Lot 46 1.90 ac New Outlet Structure 8. See detail. New End Section Inv. out 337.0 New rip rap dispersal pad Forebay New End Section Inv. out 341.5 New rip rap dispersal pad New End Section Inv. out 339.5 New berm with stone weir overflow and 6" PVC cross pipe between cells2, New 15" PVC vertical inlet pipes New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 8" x 8" x 8" tee with thrust block and valve New 8" gate valves New CB Rim 347.68 Inv. in 342.73 Inv. out 342.63 New CB Rim 347.68 Inv. out 342.93 New CB Rim 349.81 Inv. in 344.92 Inv. out 344.82 New 15" HDPE storm stub, cap, and witness New CB Rim 347.92 Inv. in 342.97 Inv. out 342.87 New CB Rim 347.92 Inv. out 343.17 New CB Rim 346.08 Inv. out 341.83 New CB Rim 346.08 Inv. in 341.78 Inv. out 341.68 New CB Rim 344.78 Inv. in 339.93 Inv. out 339.83 New CB Rim 344.78 Inv. out 340.03 New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" water stub with cap, trhust block and witness HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-17 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com SITE PLAN - I/C Road EASTVIEW Lot 40 2.90 ac Lot 41 2.68 ac Lot 42 2.79 ac Lot 43 2.99 ac HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-18 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com SITE PLAN EASTVIEW New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.020 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.018 New 6" PVC SDR 35 san i t a r y sewer stub , c a p , and witnes s New 6" PVC SDR 35 san i t a r y sewer stub, c a p , and witnes s Lot 38 4.41 ac Lot 39 4.52 ac New Hydrant assembly New CB Rim 333.1 Inv. out 32 8 . 9 New 15" HDPENew CB Rim 336.2 Inv. out 33 1 . 9 5 New CB Rim 340.75 New CB Rim 340.75 Inv. out 33 6 . 0 Inv. in 342. 7 3 New CB Rim 344.78 New CB Rim 344.78 Inv. out 34 0 . 0 3 New 8" wat e r stub with c a p , trhust bloc k a n d witness New 8" tee w i t h valve and th r u s t block New 8" wat e r stub with c a p , trhust bloc k a n d witness New 8" tee w i t h valve and t h r u s t block New 8" tee with valve a n d thrust bloc k Kimball Avenue Road HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-19 SITE PLAN - Rock Extraction & Crushing Area Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com Temporary gravel pad for rock crushing operations Area of re-grading and rock extraction Area of re-grading and rock extraction I/C ROAD KIMBALL AVENUEEASTVIEW 50' Wetland Setba c k Wetland A T y p e I I I 50 ' W e t l an d Se t ba c k Wetland B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-20 WATERSHED PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EX. POND #1 EX. POND #2 EX. POND #3 WET POND & INFILTRATION BASIN A GRAVEL WETLAND #1 GRAVEL WETLAND #2 GRAVEL WETLAND #3 GRAVEL WETLAND #4 GRAVEL WETLAND #5 GRAVEL WETLAND #6 GRAVEL WETLAND #7 GRAVEL WETLAND #8 GRAVEL WETLAND #9 LIMIT OF EASTVIEW EASTVIEW SN006 RECEIVING WATER = POTASH BROOK X X SN005 RECEIVING WATER = WETLANDS IN POTASH BROOK WATERSHED SN007 RECEIVING WATER = WETLANDS IN POTASH BROOK WATERSHED X X SN004 RECEIVING WATER = WETLANDS IN POTASH BROOK WATERSHED 50' Wetland S e t b a c k Wetlan d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-21 TREE PROTECTION PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com LIMIT OF EASTVIEW EASTVIEW Existing 10-12" Pine trees to be preserved Existing trees to be preserved Existing 30" poplars to be preserved Existing 24" maples to be preserved Existing 8"-10" firs to be preserved Existing 24-36" cottonwoods to be preserved Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing trees be preserved Existing trees be preserved Existing trees within wetland buffer to be preserved Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing 8"-12" ash trees and 40" hickory to be preserved Existing 10"-12" ash trees to be preserved Existing trees to be preserved DEMARCATION TAPE DETAIL FOR PROTECTION OF MASS AREAS OF EXISTING TREES INDIVIDUAL TREE PROTECTION FLAGGING - PROJECT DEMARCATION TREE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Locate and clearly identify trees to remain. Flag each trunk at 54 inches above the ground. 2. Protect tree root systems from damage caused by runoff or spillage of noxious materials while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. Protect root systems from ponding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION ZONES 1. Protection-Zone Fencing: Install protection-zone fencing at the Critical Root Radius - a distance of 1' per every inch diameter of tree diameter measured at DBH (diameter @ breast height). Install protection-zone fencing along edges of protection zones before materials or equipment are brought on site and construction operations begin in a manner that will prevent people and animals from easily entering protected area except by entrance gates. Construct fencing so as not to obstruct safe passage or visibility at vehicle intersections where fencing is located adjacent to pedestrian walkways or in close proximity to street intersections, drives or other vehicular circulation. a. Plastic Protection-Zone Fencing: Install to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. b. Posts: Set or drive posts into ground one-third the total height of the fence without concrete footings. Where a post is located on existing paving or concrete to remain, provide appropriate means of post support acceptable to Landscape Architect. 2. Maintain protection zones free of weeds and trash. 3. Repair or replace trees to remain or be relocated that are damaged by construction operations, in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect. a. Do not remove protection-zone fencing, even temporarily, to allow deliveries or equipment access through the protection zone. b. Temporary access is permitted subject to pre-approval in writing by arborist if a root buffer effective against soil compaction is constructed as directed by arborist. Maintain root buffer so long as access is permitted. ROOT PRUNING 1. Prune roots that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune roots as follows: a. Cut roots manually by digging a trench and cutting exposed roots with sharp pruning instruments: do not break, tear, chop or slant the cuts. Do not use a backhoe or other equipment that rips, tears or pulls roots. b. Cut Ends: Do not paint cut root ends c. Temporarily support and protect roots from damage until t hey are permanently redirected and covered with soil. d. Cover exposed roots with burlap and water regularly. e. Backfill as soon as possible. 2. Root Pruning at Edge of Protection Zone: Prune roots flush with the edge of the protection zone, b y cleanly cutting all roots to the depth of the required excavation. 3. Root Pruning within Protection Zone: Clear and excavate by hand to the depth of the required excavation to minimize damage to root systems. use narrow-tine spading forks, comb soil to expose roots, and cleanly cut roots as close to excavation as possbile. CROWN PRUNING 1. Prune branches that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune branches as follows: a. Prune trees to remain to compensate for root loss caused by damaging or cutting root system. Provide subsequent maintenance during Contract period as recommended by arborist. b. Pruning Standards: Prune trees according to ANSI A300 (Part1). c. Cut branches with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop. d, Do not apply pruning paint to wounds. 2. Chip removed branches and dispose of off-site. REGRADING 1. Lowering Grade: Where new finish grade is indicted below existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades within the protection zone. 2. Lowering Grade within Protection Zone: Where new finish grade is indicated below existing grade around trees, slope grade away from trees as recommended by arborist unless otherwise indicated. a. Root Pruning: Prune tree roots exposed by lowering the grade. Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots. Cut roots as required for root pruning. 3. Raising Grade; Where new finish grade is indicated above existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades within the protection zone. NOTE: If Contractor fails to enforce tree protection measures, resulting in damage and loss of tree(s), Contractor shall replace tree(s) with a 4" caliper substitute at the Contractors Expense. EASTVIEW TREE PROTECTION PLAN NOTES 1.Tree Protection Measures to be phased with construction activities. 2.Tree Protection Measures to be installed at commencement of phase construction. 3.Individual trees indicated on this plan as requiring tree protection will be protected with fencing as shown on the details. 4.Large areas indicated her for protection will be demarcated with ribbon fencing as shown on the details. 5.Trees that are not indicated for protection will be removed as required for Phase construction. 6.Only tree indicated for protection will remain at project completion. New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New SMh Rim 413.85 Inv. in 408.15 Inv. out 408.05 New SMh Rim 417.43 Inv. in 411.73 Inv. out 411.63 New SMh Rim 419.28 Inv. in 413.58 Inv. out 413.48 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 5 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 6 New 8" PVC Sew e r s = 0 . 0 1 New CB Rim 409.22 Inv. in 397.45 Inv. out 397.35 Inv. fd 398.95 New CB Rim 414.20 Inv. in 402.45 Inv. out 402.35 Inv. fd 403.7 New CB Rim 417.20 Inv. in 406.45 Inv. out 406.35 Inv. fd 407.7 New CB Rim 419.05 Inv. in 408.55 Inv. out 408.45 Inv. fd 409.8 New 1 5 " H D P E s = 0 . 0 2 5 New 15 " H D P E s = 0 . 0 2 New 15" HDP E s = 0 . 0 1 New 12" Cl 52 D.I . w a t e r l i n e New 12" x 12" x 12" tee, thrust block and gate valvle. New 12 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 12" gate valves Finish Grade centerline Finish Grade centerline New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New SMh Rim 402.25 Inv. in 393.5 Inv. out 393.4 New SMh Rim 406.64 Inv. in 400.94 Inv. out 400.84 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 3 6 New CB Rim 402.02 Inv. fd 393.25 Inv. in 391.75 Inv. out 391.65 New CB Rim 404.46 Inv. in 393.45 Inv. out 393.35 Inv. fd 394.7 New 18" HD P E s = 0 . 0 1 5 New 15 " H D P E s = 0 . 0 2 New 1 2 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 12" C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 12" x 12" x 12" tee, thrust block and gate valvle. New 12" x 12" x 12" tee, thrust block and gate valvle. New 8" PVC SDR 35 sanitary New 12" gate valves New 12" gate valve Finish Grade centerline Old Farm Road HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-1 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE MEADOW LOOP EASTVIEW New SMh Rim 375.7 Inv. in 369.75 Inv. out 369.65 New SMh Rim 378.75 Inv. in 371.64 Inv. out 371.54 New SMh Rim 371.33 Inv. in 364.38 Inv. out 364.28 Finish Grade centerline New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.0075 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 6 New DMh Rim 370.78 Inv. in 365.75 Inv. out 365.65 New CB Rim 375.2 Inv. in 370.25 Inv. out 370.15 New CB Rim 377.2 Inv. in 372.20 Inv. out 372.10 Inv. fd 373.45 New CB Rim 371.0 Inv. in 366.25 Inv. out 366.15 New CB Rim 370.85 Inv. in 366.1 Inv. out 366.00 New CB Rim 378.45 Inv. in 372.90 Inv. out 372.80 Inv. fd 374.05 New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 8 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 8" x 8" x 8" tee, thrust block and gate valvle. New 8" gate valves Hydrant assembly installed as part of Phase 1 Connect New 8" D.I. water main to existing stub. Provide all necessary fittings. New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE New 15" H D P E New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE New SMh Rim 380.20 Inv. in 373.6 Inv. out 373.5 New 8" PVC Sewer s=0.0075 New DMh Rim 380.22 Inv. in 374.1 Inv. out 374.0 Inv. fd 375.35 New CB Rim 379.52 Inv. in 373.51 Inv. out 373.41 Inv. fd 374.66 New CB Rim 379.3 Inv. in 374.65 Inv. out 374.55 Inv. fd 375.8 New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-2 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE O'BRIEN FARM ROAD EAST EASTVIEW New 8" gate valve New SMh Rim 392.92 Inv. in 386.55 Inv. out 386.45 New SMh Rim 401.4 Inv. in 395.33 Inv. out 395.23 New SMh Rim 402.9 Inv. in 397.23 Inv. out 397.13 New SMh Rim 371.33 Inv. in 364.38 Inv. out 364.28 Finish Grade centerline Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 5 2 N e w 8 " P V C Se w e r s = 0 . 0 5 6 Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 5 6 N e w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 8 New CB Rim 400.12 Inv. in 395.17 Inv. out 395.07 New CB Rim 390.5 Inv. in 385.55 Inv. out 385.45 New CB Rim 379.62 Inv. in 374.67 Inv. out 375.57 New CB Rim 372.00 Inv. in 367.05 Inv. out 366.95 New DMh Rim 370.78 Inv. in 365.75 Inv. out 365.65 New CB Rim 396.72 Inv. in 391.97 Inv. out 391.87 Inv. fd 393.12 New 8" x 8" x 8" tee with thrust block and valve New SMh Rim 378.95 Inv. in 372.75 Inv. out 372.65 New 1 5 " H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 1 5 " H D P E New 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 8 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-3 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE RELOCATED OLD FARM ROAD EASTVIEW New Hydrant assembly New 8" gate valve New SMh Rim 337.55 Inv. in 331.55 Inv. out 331.45 New SMh Rim 352.0 Inv. in 345.3 Inv. out 345.2 Finish Grade centerline N e w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 6 9 N e w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 7 3 New CB Rim 335.0 Inv. in 329.85 Inv. out 329.75 New CB Rim 365.36 Inv. in 360.41 Inv. out 360.31 New CB Rim 350.9 Inv. in 345.95 Inv. out 345.85 New CB Rim 344.6 Inv. in 340.0 Inv. out 339.9 New 12" x 8" tapping sleeve w/ thrust block and valve New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" gate valve Ne w 1 5 " H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E Ne w 8 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e Ne w 8 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-4 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE RELOCATED OLD FARM ROAD EASTVIEW New SMh Rim 424.12 Inv. in 418.42 Inv. out 418.32 New SMh Rim 408.45 Inv. in 402.0 Inv. out 401.9 New SMh Rim 413.45 Inv. in 407.75 Inv. out 407.65 New SMh Rim 419.05 Inv. in 413.35 Inv. out 413.25 Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 4 0 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 4 7 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 3 7 New CB Rim 423.42 Inv. fd 415.0 Inv. in 413.75 Inv. out 413.65 New CB Rim 414.82 Inv. fd 408.0 Inv. in 406.75 Inv. out 406.65 New CB Rim 419.10 Inv. fd 412.0 Inv. in 410.75 Inv. out 410.65 New CB Rim 410.02 Inv. fd 402.85 Inv. in 401.60 Inv. out 401.50 New CB Rim 400.05 Inv. in 395.2 Inv. out 395.1 New CB Rim 405.52 Inv. fd 400.6 Inv. in 399.35 Inv. out 399.25 New 1 5 " H D P E New 1 5 " H D P E New 1 5 " H D P E New 15 " H D P E Finish Grade centerline New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 12" x 12" x 8" tee, thrust block and gate valvle. New 12" x 8" reducer New 45° bends with thrust blocks New 12" gate valves Ne w 1 2 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 8" C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New SMh Rim 403.67 Inv. in 396.12 Inv. out 396.02 HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-5 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE LEGACY FARM AVENUE EASTVIEW New SMh Rim 394.41 Inv. in 388.68 Inv. out 388.58 New SMh Rim 399.0 Inv. in 393.3 Inv. out 393.2 New SMh Rim 403.52 Inv. in 397.63 Inv. out 397.53 New 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0. 0 4 1 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 3 4 New CB Rim 394.1 Inv. fd 390.6 Inv. in 389.35 Inv. out 389.25 New CB Rim 397.05 Inv. in 392.2 Inv. out 392.1 New CB Rim 400.05 Inv. in 395.2 Inv. out 395.1 New CB Rim 401.21 Inv. in 391.60 Inv. out 391.50 New CB Rim 403.0 Inv. fd 395.08 Inv. in 393.83 Inv. out 393.73 New 15" H D P E New 15" H D P E New 15" H D P E New 15" H D P E New 15" HDPE Finish Grade centerline New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 8" gate valve New 8" C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 8" C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-6 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE LEGACY FARM AVENUE EASTVIEW New SMh Rim 401.4 Inv. in 395.33 Inv. out 395.23 New SMh Rim 409.82 Inv. in 404.12 Inv. out 404.02 New SMh Rim 403.52 Inv. in 397.63 Inv. out 397.53 New SMh Rim 405.71 Inv. in 400.0 Inv. out 399.9 New SMh Rim 407.30 Inv. in 401.6 Inv. out 401.5 New SMh Rim 411.4 Inv. in 405.7 Inv. out 405.6 Ne w 8 " P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 4 6 New 8" PVC Sewer s = 0 . 0 1 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 7 New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 3 1 New CB Rim 403.84 Inv. fd 396.0 Inv. in 394.75 Inv. out 394.65 New CB Rim 405.0 Inv. fd 396.5 Inv. in 396.25 Inv. out 396.15 New CB Rim 405.65 Inv. fd 399.6 Inv. in 398.35 Inv. out 398.25 New CB Rim 408.24 Inv. fd 401.3 Inv. in 400.05 Inv. out 399.95 New CB Rim 402.0 Inv. in 397.75 Inv. out 397.65 New CB Rim 408.14 Inv. in 403.74 Inv. out 403.64 New CB Rim 400.12 Inv. in 395.17 Inv. out 395.07 New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE New 15 " H D P E New 15" HDPE Ne w 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPE Finish Grade centerline Finish Grade centerline New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 45° bends with thrust blocks New 8" Cl 52 D.I. wa t e r l i n e New 8 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-7 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE LEGACY FARM AVENUE EASTVIEW New Hydrant assembly New 8 " C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 12" x 12" x 8" tee, thrust block and gate valvle. New 8" gate valve New SMh Rim 398.8 Inv. in 393.1 Inv. out 393.0 Finish Grade centerline New CB Rim 396.5 Inv. fd 391.6 Inv. in 390.35 Inv. out 390.25 New CB Rim 399.8 Inv. fd 393.0 Inv. in 391.75 Inv. out 391.65 New CB Rim 406.25 Inv. in 400.19 Inv. out 400.09 New CB Rim 409.6 Inv. in 401.2 Inv. out 401.1 New 15" HDPE New 15" H D P E N e w 1 5 " H D P E New 15" HDPE Finish Grade centerline Three (3) new 3 4" k copper water services in common trench HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-8 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE PRIVATE ROAD & LOT 35 PRIVATE DRIVEWAY EASTVIEW New 12" x 8" tapping sleeve w/ thrust block and valve New Hydrant assembly assembly New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New SMh Rim 332.67 Inv. in 327.0 Inv. out 326.9 New SMh Rim 338.05 Inv. in 331.78 Inv. out 331.68 New SMh Rim 343.37 Inv. in 337.2 Inv. out 337.1 New SMh Rim 348.09 Inv. in 341.43 Inv. out 341.33 New 8" Cl 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 8" C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 8" P V C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 1 New 8" PV C S e w e r s = 0 . 0 2 0 New 8" PVC S e w e r s = 0 . 0 1 8 New 8" PVC Sewer s = 0 . 0 1 New CB Rim 333.0 Inv. in 328.75 Inv. out 328.65 New CB Rim 336.2 Inv. in 331.75 Inv. out 331.65 New CB Rim 340.75 Inv. in 335.8 Inv. out 335.7 New CB Rim 347.68 Inv. in 342.73 Inv. out 342.63 New CB Rim 344.78 Inv. in 339.93 Inv. out 339.83 New 15" HD P E New 15" HD P E New 15" HD P E New 15" HD P E New 15" HDPE Finish Grade centerline New Hydrant assembly New Hydrant assembly New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" tee with valve and thrust block New 8" gate valves New SMh Rim 348.09 Inv. in 341.43 Inv. out 341.33 New SMh Rim 350.12 Inv. in 343.11 Inv. out 343.01 New 8" C l 5 2 D . I . w a t e r l i n e New 8" PVC Sewer s = 0 . 0 1 New CB Rim 347.92 Inv. in 342.97 Inv. out 342.87 New CB Rim 346.08 Inv. in 341.78 Inv. out 341.68 New CB Rim 349.81 Inv. in 344.92 Inv. out 344.82 New 15" HDPE New 15" HDPE Finish Grade centerline HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: CP-9 Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com ROAD & UTILITY PROFILE I/C ROAD EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-1 CIVIL DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 EASTVIEW 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com SPECIFICATIONS: Plan Section 1" x 45° Chamfer Conduit Anchor Bolts Conduit, typ. Anchor Bolts PVC PVC 24" 5 ft. min. NOTE: See Electrical Plans for electrical, conduit, and grounding design. - Concrete Minimum Strength 5000psi @ 28 days - Reinforcement per Specification. Reinforcing shall be ASTM A615 Grade 60 - PVC Conduit Supplied by Others - Anchor Bolts Supplied by Others - Weights Subject to Variation (4) #4 Vertical rebar #4 rebar @ 12" o.c. horizontal 3" reveal. Verify with SBDPW.Finished grade Coordinate bolt configuration with light pole Maintain 3" clear (min.) for rebar from top, bottom, and sides Maintain 3" clear for rebar Weep hole for grounding conductor. 24" No. 6 soft drawn copper grounding conductor. Connect to grounding lug in pole. Weep hole. Install 1/2" flexible plastic conduit for #6 AWG soft copper grounding conductor. Connect to grounding electrode using an exothermic weld. 3/4" X 10' minimum copper clad grounding electrode Top of grounding electrode 12" minimum below ground level HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-2 CIVIL DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-3 CIVIL & WATER DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD DRAWING NO.: DATE: TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE DETAIL Specifications Detail CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT A-5 A-5 Tapping Sleeve and Valve.dwg JUNE 2019 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT Minimum Area In Square Feet, Of Bearing Surface Required For Concrete Thrust Blocks 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT NOT TO SCALE θ NOT TO SCALE CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD DRAWING NO.: DATE: BEARING BLOCK Specifications Detail CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT A-27 A-27 Bearing Block.dwg April 2019 EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-4 CIVIL & WATER DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD DRAWING NO.: DATE: TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL Specifications Detail CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT A-1 A-1 Typical Trench.dwg April 2019 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY NOT TO SCALE CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD DRAWING NO.: DATE: HYDRANT ASSEMBLY Specifications Detail CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT A-16 A-16 Hydrant Assembly.dwg JUNE 2019 EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-5 CIVIL & WATER DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com · · · · · · ·√ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·¾ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-6 CIVIL & SANITARY DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW A A B B HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-7 CIVIL & STORM DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-8 CIVIL & STORM DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com 2'-0"1'-0" EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-9 CIVIL & STORM DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-10 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com 3B. 1. 6. 7. 2. 5. 4.8. 3. 1. 3A. EASTVIEW HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-11 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com “ ” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” ’ ’ · · · · EASTVIEW NOTE: Details on this sheet provided by Green Mountain Power. HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: D-12 SITE ELECTRIC DETAILS Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EASTVIEW Eastview at O'Brien Farm Master Plan and PUD Area and Coverage and Density Zoning District Areas Per Sheet C-1A Date: 09/28/20 Zoning District Coverage Allowed in District Buildings Only. Coverage Allowed in District Combined R1* 18%30% C1LR 40%70% R12 40%60% IC 40%70% Zoning District Area of Land In Eastview Master Plan (includes adjustments to district lines shown at Sheet C-1A) Area in Acres Area of Land In Eastview Master Plan (includes adjustments to district lines shown at Sheet C-1A) Area in Square Feet Existing Building Coverage Existing All Impervious Total Coverage Proposed Buildings Total Coverage Proposed Roads Combined Coverage All Impervious Coverage Allowed Buildings Coverage Allowed All R1 39.20 1707552 11900 27230 288017 217564 505581 307359.36 512265.6 C1LR 23.40 1019304 0 72688 72688 407721.6 713512.8 R12 1.20 52272 0 17063 17063 20908.8 31363.2 IC 38.80 1690128 0 41300 41300 676051.2 1183089.6 Total 102.60 4469256.00 11900.00 27230.00 288017.00 348615.00 636632.00 1412040.96 2440231.20 Maximum Coverages Square Feet Acres Percentage Maximum Building Coverage Entire PUD/Master Plan 1412040.96 32.416 31.59% Maximum Total Impervious PUD/Master Plan 2440231.2 56.02 54.60% Project Density Zoning District Acreage Density Per Acrea Allowed Total R1 39.20 4 156.8 C1LR 23.40 12 280.8 R12 1.20 12 14.4 R12 In ROW for Old Farm 1.30 -12 -15.6 Total 436.4 *Our understanding is that the Incluzionary Oridnance in effect allows for a 20% increase in coverage for accomodation of offset units provided. This coverage limit includes that 20% offset. 50' Wetland Se t b a c k Wetlan d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM EASTVIEW OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: M-1 MASTER PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 EASTVIEW MASTER PLAN 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com EX. POND #1 EX. POND #2 EX. POND #3 WET POND & INFILTRATION BASIN A GRAVEL WETLAND #1 GRAVEL WETLAND #2 GRAVEL WETLAND #3 GRAVEL WETLAND #4 GRAVEL WETLAND #5 GRAVEL WETLAND #6 GRAVEL WETLAND #7 GRAVEL WETLAND #8 GRAVEL WETLAND #9 O'BRIEN EASTVIEW PHASE LIMIT LIMIT OF O'BRINE EASTVIEW OPEN SPACE ZONES - 21.5 acres C1-LR LOTS ZONES - 16.8 acres I/C LOTS ZONES - 26.4 acres RESIDENTIAL ZONES - 21.2 acres ASSOCIATION AMENITY - 3.6 acres OPEN SPACE CONNECTIONS PROJECT INFORMATOIN Total Residential Density Without Any Bonus Density: 436 Total Building Coverage Master Plan: 1,412,041 Sq. Ft. Maximum Proposed Impervious Coverage: 2,440,231 Sq. Ft. Maximum Proposed PM Trip Ends: 1,110 Internal lot line rear and side setbacks are 5 ft. MEADOW LOOP IS A DESIGNATED "LOCAL STREET" "BUILD TO" LINE (5' FROM NEW RIGHTS OF WAY, 30' FROM KIMBALL AVENUE AND KENNEDY DRIVE) "COLLECTOR ROAD" (ALL OTHER ROADS ARE "LOCAL" STREETS) 50' Wetland S e t b a c k Wetlan d A T y p e I I I 50' We t land Se tback Wetla n d B T y p e I I I 50' WetlandSetbackWetland C Type III Storm Water Detention HILLSIDE @ O'BRIEN FARM OWNER AND APPLICANT: ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY INFORMATION: C-21 TREE PROTECTION PLAN Old Farm Road and Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, Vermont O'BRIEN BROTHERS 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 164 Main Street, Suite 201 P: (802) 878-0375 Colchester, Vermont 05446 email@krebsandlansing.com LIMIT OF EASTVIEW EASTVIEW Existing 10-12" Pine trees to be preserved Existing trees to be preserved Existing 30" poplars to be preserved Existing 24" maples to be preserved Existing 8"-10" firs to be preserved Existing 24-36" cottonwoods to be preserved Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing trees be preserved Existing trees be preserved Existing trees within wetland buffer to be preserved Existing trees be preserved until future phase Existing 8"-12" ash trees and 40" hickory to be preserved Existing 10"-12" ash trees to be preserved Existing trees to be preserved DEMARCATION TAPE DETAIL FOR PROTECTION OF MASS AREAS OF EXISTING TREES INDIVIDUAL TREE PROTECTION FLAGGING - PROJECT DEMARCATION TREE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Locate and clearly identify trees to remain. Flag each trunk at 54 inches above the ground. 2. Protect tree root systems from damage caused by runoff or spillage of noxious materials while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. Protect root systems from ponding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION ZONES 1. Protection-Zone Fencing: Install protection-zone fencing at the Critical Root Radius - a distance of 1' per every inch diameter of tree diameter measured at DBH (diameter @ breast height). Install protection-zone fencing along edges of protection zones before materials or equipment are brought on site and construction operations begin in a manner that will prevent people and animals from easily entering protected area except by entrance gates. Construct fencing so as not to obstruct safe passage or visibility at vehicle intersections where fencing is located adjacent to pedestrian walkways or in close proximity to street intersections, drives or other vehicular circulation. a. Plastic Protection-Zone Fencing: Install to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. b. Posts: Set or drive posts into ground one-third the total height of the fence without concrete footings. Where a post is located on existing paving or concrete to remain, provide appropriate means of post support acceptable to Landscape Architect. 2. Maintain protection zones free of weeds and trash. 3. Repair or replace trees to remain or be relocated that are damaged by construction operations, in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect. a. Do not remove protection-zone fencing, even temporarily, to allow deliveries or equipment access through the protection zone. b. Temporary access is permitted subject to pre-approval in writing by arborist if a root buffer effective against soil compaction is constructed as directed by arborist. Maintain root buffer so long as access is permitted. ROOT PRUNING 1. Prune roots that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune roots as follows: a. Cut roots manually by digging a trench and cutting exposed roots with sharp pruning instruments: do not break, tear, chop or slant the cuts. Do not use a backhoe or other equipment that rips, tears or pulls roots. b. Cut Ends: Do not paint cut root ends c. Temporarily support and protect roots from damage until t hey are permanently redirected and covered with soil. d. Cover exposed roots with burlap and water regularly. e. Backfill as soon as possible. 2. Root Pruning at Edge of Protection Zone: Prune roots flush with the edge of the protection zone, b y cleanly cutting all roots to the depth of the required excavation. 3. Root Pruning within Protection Zone: Clear and excavate by hand to the depth of the required excavation to minimize damage to root systems. use narrow-tine spading forks, comb soil to expose roots, and cleanly cut roots as close to excavation as possbile. CROWN PRUNING 1. Prune branches that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune branches as follows: a. Prune trees to remain to compensate for root loss caused by damaging or cutting root system. Provide subsequent maintenance during Contract period as recommended by arborist. b. Pruning Standards: Prune trees according to ANSI A300 (Part1). c. Cut branches with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop. d, Do not apply pruning paint to wounds. 2. Chip removed branches and dispose of off-site. REGRADING 1. Lowering Grade: Where new finish grade is indicted below existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades within the protection zone. 2. Lowering Grade within Protection Zone: Where new finish grade is indicated below existing grade around trees, slope grade away from trees as recommended by arborist unless otherwise indicated. a. Root Pruning: Prune tree roots exposed by lowering the grade. Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots. Cut roots as required for root pruning. 3. Raising Grade; Where new finish grade is indicated above existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades within the protection zone. NOTE: If Contractor fails to enforce tree protection measures, resulting in damage and loss of tree(s), Contractor shall replace tree(s) with a 4" caliper substitute at the Contractors Expense. EASTVIEW TREE PROTECTION PLAN NOTES 1.Tree Protection Measures to be phased with construction activities. 2.Tree Protection Measures to be installed at commencement of phase construction. 3.Individual trees indicated on this plan as requiring tree protection will be protected with fencing as shown on the details. 4.Large areas indicated her for protection will be demarcated with ribbon fencing as shown on the details. 5.Trees that are not indicated for protection will be removed as required for Phase construction. 6.Only tree indicated for protection will remain at project completion.