HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-82-0000 - Decision - 0040 IDX Drivef'LA:! 1I;lG CUI'UTISSION JANUARY 26, 1982 comply with ordinance requirements such as setbacks, etc. Mr. "Iona asked why :dayo's had applied for additional signs when it seemed that the request made the situation one of non-compliance. Mr. Webster replied that the city had a procedure for applying for signs and Mayo's was just trying to follow that procedure. IIr. .lard noted that if cut-out letters were used instead of block letters for the "Subaru" sign, they could have double the square footage. Mr. Poger asked for additional comments, and when there were none, Mr. Ewing moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Mona seconded the motion and all voted for it. Air. Mona said the Commission was reviewing here whether they felt the Code Officer had denied an application which was, in fact, in compliance. If the Commission feels the application is not in compliance, he felt the path was clear. Nr. Poger felt there were two issues - that of the addition to the freestanding sign and that of additional wall signs because of the possibility of separate uses. He felt the freestanding sign, if approved, would be a variance, which is not permitted. The existing sign is the allowed size. I4r. Ewing did not feel there were separate businesses here, and Mr. Wuolery felt that part of the purpose of the sign ordinance was to inhibit the proliferation of signs. He felt this business was clearly defined by the existing signs. I.:r. Poger felt that the appeal process to the Commission in the ordinance was designed to give relief in regard to interpretation of the language, rather than for exceptions to the ordinance. Mr. "tuna moved to uphold the action of the Zoning Administrator on January 5, 1982 in denial of the application for more signs at PIaY2's Subaru. :Ir. Levesque seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. Findings of fact will be signed in two weeks. Site plan application b PD Realt for a 4,f existing office buildinE; a jhelburne ii( Ir. Spitz noted that this application was almost identical to one previously approved by the Commission. The time limit on the approval has expired since, though. Mr. Poger asked whether there were traffic problems in t;,e area which were not present when the previous plan was ap?roved. Mr. Spitz said the; were well within the traffic figures. Nr. aloolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of BPD Fealty for a 4,800 sq. ft. addition at 1500 Shelburne Road as depicted on a plan entitled "New Addition to Existing Office Building", prepared by Gordon G. Woods Associates, last revised 12/17/81, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Stipulations from -the approval dated 10/14/80 shall remain in effect. 2. This site plan approval expires in 6 months. N.r. Mona seconded the motion. Mr. Levesque felt the approval should expire in 1 year, given the bad economic conditions existing now. Mr. Poger felt the 6 month period was fine. I1r. Levesque mentioned talking to the City Council abcut changing the tax rate on the property but Mr. Ewing noted that if, over time, the Commission applied stricter traffic controls which caused the value of a particular property to decrease, that devaluation would show ul) in the fair market value of the property and eventually be reflected in the taxes. The motion passed unanimously.