HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0066 Bowdoin Street7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): CONSTRUCTION OF A PROPOSED CONTRACTOR or BUILDING TRADE FACILITY BUILDING WITH SUPPORTING UTILITIES, PARKING LOT AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES on a 3.06 acre parcel. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): None c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Contractor or building trade facility. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 0 SF Existing, 25,781 GSF for all uses in building. Approximate breakdown of 9,847 SF of office space and 15,934 SF facility shop storage/production. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 14-feet for office areas, 20-feet for remaining areas with a small amount of mezzanine area. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): None g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): None existing_ Proposed Conditions, 30 employees, 2 overnight company vehicles. 42 parking spaces proposed. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): THE PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO THE HINESBURG ROAD VIEW PROTECTION ZONE (MAX ALLOWABLE BLDG ELEVATION = 413.5. PROPOSED HEIGHT OF BUILDING = 375) AND THE AIRPORT APPROACH CONE i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING PROJECT DESCRIPTION Northeast Territories, Inc, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking Preliminary & Final Plat review for a planned unit development to construct a 25,781 sq. ft. contractor or building trades facility, 66 Bowdoin Street. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on July 25, 2013 and have the following comments. This application was continued from the September 17, 2013 meeting in order to provide the applicant time to revise the plans and obtain comments back from the Public Works Dept. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Tat le 1. Dimensional Requirements 10 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 3 Acres 3.06 acres ti Max. Building Coverage 30% 17.52 % Max. Overall Coverage 50% 50 % V Front Yard Coverage (Bowdoin Street) 30% 9.3 % Min. Front Setback (Bowdoin Street) 50 ft. > 50 ft. Min. Side Setback 35 ft. > 35 ft. Min. Rear Setback 50 ft. > 50 ft. Hinesburg East View Protection Zone 413.5 ft. elevation 375 ft. elevation d Zoning Compliance SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has indicated he has no comments. I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 3 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING The applicant shall obtain final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 1. The applicant shall obtain final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. 2. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to the lot is proposed via a curb -cut on Bowdoin Street at the southeast corner of the lot. The applicant has submitted a traffic study dated July 9, 2013 prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson. The report concludes that the project would generate 29 PM Peak Hour Trip Ends. The analysis also states that an acceptable level of services at the intersection of Hinesburg Road-Meadowland Drive- Rye Street D would be maintained and that the peak hour volume warrant for signalizing the intersection would not be met. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. There are no wetlands, streams, or wildlife habitat on the site. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed building is compatible with surrounding and planned development patterns in this zoning district. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The property is bordered on the south by a developed commercial property and to the north by a commercial property which may be utilized in the future. The proposed project includes undeveloped areas along its eastern portion which will create an open space between the proposed building and parking and the Ireland parcel located to the east. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The Fire Chief reviewed the plans and provided the following comments in a letter dated September 9, 2013: ll CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 4 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING "We have reviewed the plans for this proposed project. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. 1. Commercial structures will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. 2. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxe(s), location to be specified by SBFD. 6. Per the plan, C2.1, as I view it shows the fire hydrant being relocated slightly to accommodate the driveway, this is acceptable. It also shows a second hydrant approximately 300 feet past the driveway which is also acceptable. " The applicant has indicated they will comply with the Chiefs comments. Roads, recreation paths, stormwoter facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has indicated he has no comments. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. This criterion is being met. 3. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed project is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Based on an estimated 30 employees and 25,781 square feet of office space and warehouse storage, the proposed building will require 43 parking spaces along with 2 handicap spaces, one of which must be van accessible. 43 parking spaces are provided on site along with 2 handicap spaces, both of which are van accessible. Parking requirements are met. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home, (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re -used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s), or, (u) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Parking is located to the side and rear of the building. A bicycle rack is shown on the plan. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed buildings is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed office portion of the building is proposed at approximately 14', while the height of the proposed warehouse portion of the building is approximately 20'. These are both below the 35' height maximum for flat roof buildings. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Renderings of the proposed buildings have been submitted. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Renderings of the proposed buildings have been submitted. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. In addition to the above eeneral review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not feel that the reservation of land is necessary. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 7 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING A screened, dumpster enclosure is shown on the plans along with construction details. Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) (4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans depict snow storage areas. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan showing 32 trees and 42 shrubs and a total cost of $17,989. The required landscape value expenditure is $17,850 based on a total building cost of $1,035,000. This requirement is being met. The proposed parking areas contain more than twenty-eight (28) parking spaces, and therefore shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations. Based upon a total pavement area of 17,361 SF, 1,736 SF of landscaped islands are required. The applicant is proposing 1,771 SF of landscaping distributed among four islands. These requirements are met. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant has submitted a lighting point by point plan and lighting cut -sheets. This requirement is being met. Other The plans show all ground mounted HVAC units, generators, and utility cabinets along with appropriate screening. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Department of Public Works Comments, stormwater: provided to staff on September 11, 2013: I reviewed the plans for the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. project located at 66 Bowdoin Street and developed by Civil Engineering Associates, dated January 2013 and last updated on 719113. I would like to offer the following review comments: 1. If the project will disturb greater than I acre of land it will require a construction stormwater permit (3- 9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. 2. If the project will create greater than I acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3- 9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Also, this lot may be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (1-1269). If so, this permit will contain requirements related to management of stormwater runoff. 3. The applicant should provide more information on the pond outlet structure. 4. Will the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street and downstream to Potash Brook be able to convey additional runoff from the site during the 25 year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? Provide information (modeling, etc.) as necessary to show that it will. 5. The EPSC plan (sheet C3.0) should contain a stabilized construction entrance, or the applicant should make clear how trucks will be prevented from tracking sediment offsite during construction. 6. What type of inlet protection will be utilized on the EPSC plan? Provide detail. 7. A detail for an emergency spillway is included on sheet C4.1, but no emergency spillway is included in the stormwater treatment area. Is this missing? Where does water flow during large storm events or if the pond outlet structure/pipe fails? 8. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 9. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City s watershed model for Potash Brook. The applicant addressed the Department's comments via an email on September 17, 2013 as follows: We have received your comments concerning the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. project located at 66 Bowdoin Street. We offer the following responses to your request for supplemental information. 1. If the project will disturb greater than I acre of land it will require a construction stormwater permit (3- 9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Yes, this will require that authorization for coverage under the State's General Permit for Construction Stormwater Runoff be acquired prior to initiation of construction. 2. If theproject will create greater than I acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3- 9015 or individualpermit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Also, this lot may be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (I-1269). If so, this permit will contain requirements related to management ofstormwater runoff. This parcel as part of the Meadowland Business Park is subject to an existing Stormwater Permit issued by the State of Vermont. The conditions of approval of this permit require that this parcel provide treatment of the stormwater runoff and to limit peak flow runoff to no more than 2.3 CFS for 2 year design storm. This project provides full treatment in compliance with the State Stormwater Manual and limits runoff to 2.0 CFS for the 2-year storm event. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD �7 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 3. The applicant should provide more information on the pond outlet structure. Please find attached a typical detail for the stormwater pond outlet structure. This is the same structure previously approved for use on the Super -Temp Wire d Cable project immediately to the north. 4. Will the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street and downstream to Potash Brook be able to convey additional runoff f om the site during the 25 year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? Provide information (modeling, etc.) as necessary to show that it will. This infrastructure was never intended to covey that level of peak flow. The key is to ensure that the building and area drains do not backwater in a manner that impacts this or adjacent properties. All of the sites on the east side of the roadway sit well above the existing road and are not subject to any backwater issues. 5. The EPSC plan (sheet C3.0) should contain a stabilized construction entrance, or the applicant should make clear how trucks will be prevented from tracking sediment offsite during construction. Item 3 of the narrative on Sheet C3.2 calls for the installation of a construction entrance. Sheet C3.0 will be modified to show the construction entrance. 6. What type of inlet protection will be utilized on the EPSC plan? Provide detail. Inlet protection will be comprised of either an excavated sump around the CB (for contributory areas of Greater 10, 000 SF) or filter fabric inlaid under the grate. These details will be added to the plans. 7. A detail for an emergency spillway is included on sheet C4.1, but no emergency spillway is included in the stormwater treatment area. Is this missing.? Where does water flow during large storm events or if the pond outlet structure/pipe fails? As this is an excavated pond, the overflow will leave the pond at the low point of the shoulder of the road. The shoulder is sloped at 296 so a formal emergency overflow is not required nor shown on the site plan. Stormwater will flow to the getter line of the street as this is the nearest low elevation feature. 8. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. No issue. 9. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City s watershed model for Potash Brook. No issue The response to the applicant's comments from the Public Works Department will be available at the meeting TRAFFIC Condition #3c of the September 10, 1996 subdivision approval for the business park required that "prior to site plan approval for each lot, the signal warrant analysis shall be updated. When the signal is shown to be warranted at Rte 116/Swift Street Extension, applicant shall install signal at specifications approved by the City." (Swift Street Extension is now known as Meadowland Drive). CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 10 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING The applicant has submitted a traffic study dated July 9, 2013 prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson assuming 9,500 sq. ft. of office space and 15,787 sq. ft. of general light industrial/warehouse space. The report concludes that the project would generate 29 PM Peak Hour Trip Ends. The analysis also states that an acceptable level of services at the intersection of Hinesburg Road-Meadowland Drive- Rye Street D would be maintained and that the peak hour volume warrant for signalizing the intersection would not be met. Staff does not foresee any issues with this proposal that will create unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. ►� a �Z�� �L`I Staff feels that the applicant has addressed issues previously identified and that the Board may close the hearing if it feels all issues have been addressed. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer COMcheck Software Version 4.0.0 Envelope Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code: 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards Project Title: NCCC Office Project Type: New Construction Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 66 Bowdoin Street Walter Adams Walter Adams South Burlington, VT 05403 Neagley & Chase Construction Co. Neagley & Chase Construction Co. 66 Bowdoin Street 66 Bowdoin Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 802 658-6320 802 658-6320 wadams@neagleychase.com wadams@neagleychase.com Building Location (for weather data): South Burlington, Vermont Climate Zone: 6a Vertical Glazing / Wall Area Pct.: 3% Skylight Glazing / Roof Area Pct.: 0% Building Use: Area Type Floor Area 1-NCCC area (Office) : Nonresidential 10700 2-Rental space (Warehouse) : Nonresidential 12359 Section 2: Envelope Assemblies and Requirements Checklist Envelope PASSES Sesign 6% better than code Envelope Assemblies: Component Name/Description Gross Cavity Area or R-Value Perimeter Cont. Proposed R-Value U-Factor Budget U-Factorial Roof 1: Insulation Entirely Above Deck, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] 10700 -- 35.7 0.027 0.032 Skylight 2: Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Plastic, With Curb, Perf, Specs.: 32 — -- 0.500 0.600 Product ID Sola-tubes, SHGC 0.28, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] (c) Skylight 3: Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Plastic, With Curb, Perf. Specs.: 32 --- — 0.500 0.600 Product ID Cira-light, SHGC 0.40, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] (c) Roof 4: Insulation Entirely Above Deck, [Bldg. Use 2 - Rental space] 12359 --- 35.7 0.027 0.032 Exterior Wall 1: Other Exterior Wall, Heat capacity 20.0, [Bldg. Use 7600 -- — 0.031 0.051 1 - NCCC area] (b) Window 1: Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Fixed, Perf. Specs.: Product ID 296 — — 0.160 0,420 Accurate-Dorwin, SHGC 0.28, PF 0.16, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] (c) Door 1: Glass (> 50% glazing):Metal Frame, Entrance Door, Perf. 48 -- -- 0.500 0.800 Specs.: Product ID t'broken frm and door, SHGC 0.40, PF 1.00, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] (c) Door 4: Insulated Metal, Swinging, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] 42 — -- 0.290 0.370 Door 5: Upward -acting, sectional, [Bldg. Use 1 - NCCC area] 241 -- -- 0.038 0.100 Exterior Wall 2: Other Exterior Wall, Heat capacity 20.0, [Bldg. Use 8230 --- — 0.031 0.051 2 - Rental space] (b) Window 2: Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Fixed, Perf. Specs.: Product ID 72 --- -- 0.160 0.420 Accurate Dorwin, SHGC 0.28, [Bldg. Use 2 - Rental space] (c) Door 2: Glass (> 50% glazing):Metal Frame, Entrance Door, Pert. 48 -- -- 0.500 0.800 Specs.: Product ID t'brk frm and door, SHGC 0.40, PF 1.00, [Bldg. Use 2 - Rental space] (c) Door 3: Insulated Metal, Swinging, [Bldg. Use 2 - Rental space] 42 -- -- 0.290 0.370 Door 6: Upward -acting, sectional, [Bldg. Use 2 - Rental space] 241 — — 0.038 0.100 Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 1 of 14 Floor 1: Slab -On -Grade: Unheated, Vertical 4 ft., [Bldg. Use 1 - 380 — 15.0 - -- NCCC area] Floor 2: Slab-On-Grade:Unheated, Vertical 4 ft., [Bldg. Use 2 - 384 -- 15.0 — --- Rental space] (a) Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY, and are not code requirements. (b)'Other' components require supporting documentation for proposed U-factors. (c) Fenestration product performance must be certified in accordance with NFRC and requires supporting documentation. Air Leakage, Component Certification, and Vapor Retarder Requirements: ® 1. Continuous air barrier is provided throughout the building thermal envelope. ® 2. Air barrier joints and seams are sealed. The joints and seals are securely installed in or on the joint for its entire length. ® 3. Penetrations of the air barrier and paths of air leakage are caulked, gasketed or otherwise sealed in a manner compatible with the construction materials and location. Joints and seals are sealed in the same manner or taped or covered with a moisture vapor -permeable wrapping material. The joints and seals are securely installed in or on the joint for its entire length. Li 4. The air barrier is continuous for all assemblies that are the thermal envelope and across the joints and assemblies. Lj 5. Recessed lighting fixtures installed in the building envelope are Type IC rated as meeting ASTM E283, tested to —2.0 cfm, and are sealed with gasket or caulk. 6. Assemblies of materials and components have an average air leakage — 0.04 cfm/ft2 or are qualifying materials as per Section 502. or are concrete masonry walls coated with one application either of block filler and two applications of a paint or sealer coating, or Portland cement/sand parge, stucco or plaster —1/2 inch thickness. ❑ 7. Stairway and shaft vents are provided with Class I motorized dampers with a leakage rate — 4 cfm/ft2. Dampers are installed with controls so that they are capable of automatically opening upon activation of any fire alarm or the interruption of power to the damper. 0 8. Outdoor air supply and exhaust openings are provided with Class IA motorized dampers having a leakage rate ­4 cfm/ft2. Exceptions: LJ Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are permitted in buildings less than three stories in height above grade. 0 9. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are weather sealed. If equipped with an interior dock leveler, the deck of the leveler and rear pit wall shall be insulated with a minimum of 1.5 inches of sprayed closed cell foam. The side pitwalls and pit slab shall be insulated per the slab on grade standard in Table 502.1(1). The spaces between the pitwall and the deck skirts for the leveler shall be weather-stripped. 0 10. Building entrance doors have a vestibule equipped with self -closing devices. Exceptions: Building entrances with revolving doors. ❑ Doors not intended to be used as a building entrance by the public, or intended solely for employee use. ❑ Doors that open directly from a space less than 3000 sq. ft. in area. ❑ Doors used primarily to facilitate vehicular movement or materials handling and adjacent personnel doors. Doors opening directly from a sleeping/dwelling unit. LJ Doors equipped with an alternative means to separate the conditioned space from direct communication with the building exterior or unconditioned spaces when approved by the code official. 11. Where vestibule space tempering is included, a maximum temperature setting of 55 degrees F for heating mode is utilized, mechanical cooling of vestibules is prohibited, the vestibule is constructed according to the building envelope requirements of Section 502.1 and is zoned separately from the conditioned building. Thermostats located within the vestibule are programmable, tamper -proof, and inaccessible to the general public. Exceptions: LJ Vestibule spaces served by radiant floor heating may utilize a non -programmable thermostat Lj 12.Component R-values & U-factors labeled as certified. 13.No roof insulation is installed on a suspended ceiling with removable ceiling panels. ® 14.'Other' components have supporting documentation for proposed U-Factors. 15.Insulation installed according to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. Except when instructed otherwise, edge joints between overlapping layers of continuous insulation are staggered. 16.Skylights without integral curbs mounted in insulation above deck assemblies have curbs that are insulated to the level of roof or R-5, whichever is less. Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 2 of 14 Section 3: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed envelope system has been designed to meet the 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the �Requirements Checklist. YVA1.(+fcrt. �ORS�ocL Df;Sltow W �R�l �YA A'�N Name - Title Signature Date Project Notes: Half of the building is occupied by Neagley & Chase construction for its offices and shop and half of the building is available for rental. Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 3 of 14 COMcheck Software Version 4.0.0 Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code: 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards Project Title: NCCC Office Project Type: New Construction Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 66 Bowdoin Street Walter Adams Walter Adams South Burlington, VT 05403 Neagley & Chase Construction Co. Neagley & Chase Construction Co. 66 Bowdoin Street 66 Bowdoin Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 802 658-6320 802 658-6320 wadams@neagleychase.com wadams@neagleychase.com Section 2: Interior Lighting and Power Calculation A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (tt2) Watts / ft2 (B x C) Vestibule (Common Space Types:Corridor / Transition) 48 0.7 34 lobby (Common Space Types:Lobby) 918 1.1 1010 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 192 1.1 211 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 210 1.1 231 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 192 1.1 211 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 151 1.1 166 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 175 1.1 193 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 217 1.1 239 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 153 1.1 168 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 157 1.1 173 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 157 1.1 173 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 157 1.1 173 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 157 1.1 173 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 160 1.1 176 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 214 1.1 235 Corridor (Common Space Types:Corridor / Transition) 196 0.7 137 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 172 1.1 189 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 169 1.1 186 Storage (Common Space Types:Storage) 76 0.8 61 Janitors (Common Space Types:Storage) 38 0.8 30 mens (Common Space Types:Restroom) 110 1 110 womens (Common Space Types:Restroom) 63 1 63 break/kitchen (Common Space Types:Food preparation) 132 1.2 158 meeting 2 (Common Space Types:Conference / Meeting / Multipurpose) 146 1.2 175 loop corridor (Common Space Types:Corridor / Transition) 987 0.7 691 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 313 1.1 344 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed) 152 1.1 167 PE's (Common Space Types:Office - Open plan) 498 1 498 meeting 1 (Common Space Types: Conference / Meeting / Multipurpose) 370 1.2 444 Storage (Common Space Types:Storage) 134 0.8 107 back corridor (Common Space Types:Corridor / Transition) 54 0.7 38 shop toilet (Common Space Types:Restroom) 69 1 69 shop storage (Common Space Types:Storage) 1420 0.8 1136 shop work area (Common Space Types:Workshop) 3143 1.6 5029 mezzanine space (Warehouse: Medium/bulky material) 1300 0.6 780 Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 4 of 14 Rental space (Warehouse: Medium/bulky material) 12800 0.6 7680 Rental mezzanine (Warehouse: Medium/bulky material) 1500 0.6 900 Total Allowed Watts = 22558 Section 3: Interior Lighting Fixture Schedule A B C D E Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Vestibule ( Common Space Types:Corridor/ Transition 48 sq.ft.) LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 2 15 30 lobby ( Common Space Types:Lobby 918 sq.ft.) LED 8: AX: high hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 2 18 36 LED 10: 111: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 4 15 60 LED 11: HW1: High hat wall wash: LED PAR 20W: 1 2 21 42 LED 12: H2: High Hat: LED PAR 20W: 1 6 26 156 LED 13: H3: High hat wall wash: LED PAR 17W: 1 4 17 68 LED 14: HPW: Troffer wall wash: LED Linear 33W: 1 5 37 185 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 192 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 2 15 30 LED 17: P1: small pendant: LED PAR 8W: 1 1 8 8 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 210 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 2 15 30 LED 17: P1: small pendant: LED PAR 8W: 1 1 8 8 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 192 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Offioe - Enclosed 151 sq.ft.) LED 3: LED: 2x4 troffer dimming: LED Panel 41 W: 1 2 41 82 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 175 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 3 15 45 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 217 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 1 67 67 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 4 15 60 LED 17: P1: small pendant: LED PAR 8W: 1 1 8 8 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 153 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 157 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 157 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 157 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 157 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 160 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 214 sq.ft,) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 1 67 67 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 LED 12: H2: High Hat: LED PAR 20W: 1 1 26 26 Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 5 of 14 Corridor ( Gammon Space Types:Corridor / Transition 196 sq.ft.) LED 2: LE: 2x4 troffer: LED Linear 33W: 1 2 41 82 office ( Common Space Types:Oftice - Enclosed 172 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 office (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 169 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 Storage ( Common Space Types:Storage 76 sq.ft.) LED 2: LE: 2x4 troffer: LED Linear 33W: 1 1 41 41 Janitors ( Common Space Types:Storage 38 sq.ft.) LED 5: LAW: surface strip: LED Linear 22W: 1 1 25 25 mens ( Common Space Types:Restroom 110 sq.ft.) LED 2: LE: 2x4 troffer: LED Linear 33W: 1 1 41 41 LED 9: ACF: above mirrors: LED Linear 33W: 1 1 37 37 womens ( Common Space Types:Restroom 63 sq.ft.) LED 9: ACF: above mirrors: LED Linear 33W: 1 1 37 37 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 1 15 15 break/kitchan ( Common Space Types:Food preparation 132 sq.ft.) LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 7 15 105 meeting 2 ( Common Space Types:Conference / Meeting / Multipurpose 146 sq.ft.) LED 2: LE: 2x4 troffer: LED Linear 33W: 1 2 41 82 loop corridor ( Common Space Types:Corridor / Transition 987 sq.ft.) LED 8: AX: high hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 10 18 180 LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 6 15 90 LED 11: HW1: High hat wall wash: LED PAR 20W: 1 1 21 21 LED 12: H2: High Hat: LED PAR 20W: 1 2 26 52 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 313 sq.ft.) LED 2: LE: 2x4 troffer: LED Linear 33W: 1 2 41 82 LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 3 67 201 office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 152 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 2 67 134 PE's ( Common Space Types:Office - Open plan 498 sq.ft.) LED 11: HW7: High hat wall wash: LED PAR 20W: 1 1 21 21 LED 15: E1-4: indirect square: Other: 1 5 72 360 meeting 1 ( Common Space Types:Conference / Meeting / Multipurpose 370 sq.ft.) LED 4: LEDH: 2x4 troffer: LED Panel 70W: 1 4 67 268 LED 12: H2: High Hat: LED PAR 20W: 1 1 26 26 LED 14: HPW: Troffer wall wash: LED Linear 33W: 1 3 37 111 LED 16: HP4: direct square: LED PAR 20W: 1 1 145 145 Storage ( Common Space Types: Storage 134 sq.ft.) LED 7: LCS8: surface strip: LED Linear 33W: 1 1 53 53 back corridor ( Common Space Types:Conidor / Transition 54 sq.ft.) LED 5: LAW: surface strip: LED Linear 22W: 1 1 25 25 shop toilet ( Common Space Types:Restroom 69 sq.ft.) LED 2: LE: 2x4 troffer: LED Linear 33W: 1 1 41 41 shop storage ( Common Space Types:Storage 1420 sq.ft.) LED 1: LLHV: High bay w/sensor: LED Panel 11 OW: 1 6 237 1422 shop work area ( Common Space Types:Workshop 3143 sq.ft.) LED 1: LLHV: High bay w/sensor: LED Panel 11 OW: 1 8 237 1896 mezzanine space (Warshouse:Medium/bulky material 1300 sq.ft.) LED 7: LCS8: surface strip: LED Linear 33W: 1 8 53 424 Rental space ( Warehouse:Medium/bulky material 12800 sq.ft.) LED 1: LLHV: High bay w/sensor: LED Panel 11 OW: 1 6 237 1422 Rental mezzanine ( Warehouse:Medium/bulky material 1500 sq.ft.) LED 7: LCS8: surface strip: LED Linear 33W: 1 2 53 106 Total Proposed Wafts = 10281 Section 4: Requirements Checklist Lighting Wattage: ❑ 1. Total proposed wafts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/ 15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 6 of 14 Allowed Wattage: 22558 Proposed Wattage: 10281 Complies: YES Mandatory Requirements: ❑ 2. Dwelling units (complete independent living facilities) within commercial buildings are not required to comply with interior lighting requirements of this code provided that > 75 percent of the permanently installed fixtures other than low voltage lighting contain only high efficacy lamps. ❑ 3. Manual Controls: Each enclosed space has manual lighting control. Remotely located manual controls are labelled for area of service and indicate on/off status. Exception(s): ❑ Security/emergency areas with 24-hour operation. ❑ Stairwaystcorridors that are means of egress. O 4. Light Reduction Controls: Each space required to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connected lighting load by at least 50 percent by either controlling all luminaires, dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires, alternate luminaires, or alternate lamps, switching the middle lamp luminaires independently of other lamps, or switching each luminaire or each lamp. Exception(s): Only one luminaire (lamp < 100 W) in space. LJ An occupant -sensing device controls the area. The area is a corridor, equipment/store rooms, restrooms, public lobby, elec./mech. room, or sleeping unit. LJ Areas that use < 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. Daylight spaces having automatic daylighting controls. Lj 5. Automatic time switching controls are installed and have an override switching device. The override switching device allows for — 2 hour operation cycle within spaces — 5000 sq.ft., manual operation, and is readily accessible and located where the operation of the connected lights are visible or communicated to the switch. Exception(s): LJ Sleeping units, patient care areas; and spaces where automatic shutoff would endanger safety or security or where lighting is intended for 24-hour operation. LJ Emergency egress lighting. LJ Spaces where lighting is controlled with occupancy sensors. ❑ Malls, arcades, auditoriums, single tenant retail spaces, industrial facilities and arenas that are — 20,000 sq.ft. are permitted exceed the 2-hour operation cycle limit when a captive key device override switch is installed. 6. Occupant sensors are installed in the following spaces and automatically turn lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving the space: Classrooms, conference/meeting/training rooms, employee lunch and break rooms, private offices, storage/janitorial rooms, restrooms, and other spaces — 300 sq.ft. Automatic -on sensors set power on <50 percent power. Exception(s): 0 Full power automatic -on controls are permitted where manual -on operation would endanger the safety or security of the room or building occupants. 7. Daylight zones have either individual lighting controls independent from that of the general area lighting that are either manual or automatic and serve zones — 2,500 sq.ft. Zones under skylights more than 15 feet from the perimeter have lighting controls separate from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. Exception(s): Contiguous daylight zones spanning no more than two orientations are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device. LJ Daylight spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions and containing two or fewer light fixtures are not required to have a separate switch for general area lighting. IM 8. Automatic daylight zone controls are capable of reducing power to < 35 percent using continuous dimming ballasts and daylight -sensing controls OR, are capable of automatic power reduction using step -dimming multi -level switching and daylight -sensing controls having at least two control channels per zone and at least one control step in the 50 - 70 percent range and another — 35 percent of design power. ❑ 9. Medical task lighting or art/history display lighting claimed to be exempt from compliance has a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. ❑ 10. Separate control device for display/accent lighting, case lighting, task lighting, nonvisual lighting, under-shelf/cabinent lighting, lighting for sale, and demonstration lighting. Li 11 Hotel/motel sleeping units and guest suites have control device(s) at the entry door that control all permanent luminaires and switched receptacles. ® 12. Exit signs 5 Watts or less per sign. Li 13.Tandem wired one -lamp and three -lamp ballasted luminaires (No single -lamp ballasts). Exception(s): Electronic high -frequency ballasts. ❑ Luminaires not on same switch. 0 Recessed luminaires 10 ft. apart or surface/pendant not continuous. Lj Luminaires on emergency circuits. Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 7 of 14 Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement. The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. q� I' A f' Ibrlr, Name - Title Signature Date Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 8 of 14 COMcheck Software Version 4.0.0 Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code: 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards Project Title: NCCC Office Project Type: New Construction Exterior Lighting Zone: 2 (Light industrial area with limited nighttime use) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 66 Bowdoin Street Walter Adams Walter Adams South Burlington, VT 05403 Neagley & Chase Construction Co. Neagley & Chase Construction Co. 66 Bowdoin Street 66 Bowdoin Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 802 658-6320 802 658-6320 wadams@neagleychase.com wadams@neagleychase.com Section 2: Exterior Lighting Area/Surface Power Calculation A B C D E F Exterior Area/Surface Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Proposed Watts Wattage Watts Watts / Unit (B x C) parking and drives (Parking area) 23000 ft2 0.06 Yes 1380 375 NCCC (Entry canopy) 80 ft2 0.25 Yes 20 78 Rental (Entry canopy) 80 ft2 0.25 Yes 20 78 Other door (not main entry) 15 ft of door width 20 Yes 300 85 Illuminated length of facade wall or surface 225 ft 2.5 No 563 180 Total Tradable Watts` = 1720 616 Total Allowed Watts = 2283 Total Allowed Supplemental Watts" = 600 Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces. " A supplemental allowance equal to 600 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non -tradable and tradable areas/surfaces. Section 3: Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A B C D E Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast Lamps/ * of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. parking and drives ( Parking area 23000 ft2): Tradable Wattage LED 21: VP: LED Roadway -Parking Unit 54W: 1 5 54 270 LED 20: LMC: wall mt floods: LED Other Fixture Unit 36W: 1 3 35 105 NCCC ( Entry canopy 80 f:2): Tradable Wattage LED 12: H2: High Hat: LED PAR 20W: 1 3 26 78 Rental ( Entry canopy 80 ft2): Tradable Wattage LED 12: H2: High Hat: LED PAR 20W: 1 3 26 78 Other door (not main entry) (15 ft of door width): Tradable Wattage LED 19: PGN: door lights+em: LED PAR 17W: 1 5 17 85 Illuminated length of facade wall or surface (225 ft): Non -tradable Wattage LED 10: H1: High hat: LED PAR 18W: 1 12 15 180 Total Tradable Proposed Wafts = 616 Section 4: Requirements Checklist Lighting Wattage: Project Title: NCCC Office Data filename: Untitled.cck Report date: 03/30/15 Page 9 of 14 1. Within each non -tradable area/surface, total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Across all tradable areas/surfaces, total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Compliance: Passes. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: 0 2. All exemption claims are associated with fixtures that have a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. ® 3. Lighting not designated for dusk -to -dawn operation is controlled by either a a photosensor (with time switch), or an astronomical time switch. 0 4. Lighting designated for dusk -to -dawn operation is controlled by an astronomical time switch or photosensor. O 5. All time switches are capable of retaining programming and the time setting during loss of power for a period of at least 10 hours. Exterior Lighting Efficacy: 6. All exterior building grounds luminaires that operate at greater than 100W have minimum efficacy of 60 lumen/watt. Exceptions: Lighting that has been claimed as exempt and is identified as such in Section 3 table above. Lighting that is specifically designated as required by a health or life safety statue, ordinance, or regulation. Emergency lighting that is automatically off during normal building operation. LJ Lighting that is controlled by motion sensor. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. *)N.*L kp§04 � ion. ���S�w��n. WcQ 1�4 do ✓, 3�3a�i5' Name - Title Signature Date Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 10 of 14 �( COMcheck Software Version 4.0.0 Mechanical Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Energy Code: 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards Project Title: NCCC Office Project Type: New Construction Construction Site: 66 Bowdoin Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Owner/Agent: Walter Adams Neagley & Chase Construction Co. 66 Bowdoin Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802 658-6320 wadams@neagleychase.com Section 2: General Information Building Location (for weather data): South Burlington, Vermont Climate Zone: 6a Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type & Description Designer/Contractor: Walter Adams Neagley & Chase Construction Co. 66 Bowdoin Street South Burlington, VT 05403 802 658-6320 wadams@neagleychase.com 1 HVAC System 1 (Single Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 100 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 82.00% Et, Required Efficiency = 80.00% Et Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 48 kBtu/h, Air -Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 15.00 SEER, Required Efficiency = 13.00 SEER Fan System: Unspecified 1 HVAC System 2 (Multiple -Zone) : Heating: 1 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 90 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 82.00% Et, Required Efficiency = 80.00% Et Cooling: 1 each - Single Package DX Unit, Capacity = 36 kBtu/h, Air -Cooled Condenser, Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency = 15.00 SEER, Required Efficiency = 13.00 SEER Fan System: Unspecified 2 HVAC System 3 (Single Zone) : Heating: 2 each - Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity = 100 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 90.00% Et, Required Efficiency = 80.00% Et Fan System: Unspecified 1 Water Heater 1: Electric Storage Water Heater, Capacity: 40 gallons w/ Circulation Pump Proposed Efficiency: 2.30 EF, Required Efficiency: 0.88 EF Section 4: Requirements Checklist Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 : 1. Equipment minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) ® 2. Equipment minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 13.00 SEER Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 2: ® 1. Equipment minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) ® 2. Equipment minimum efficiency: Single Package Unit: 13.00 SEER ® 3. Minimum one temperature control device per zone Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 11 of 14 ® 4. Systems serving more than one zone must be VAV systems ❑ 5. Single -duct VAV terminals reduce primary air before reheating ❑ 6. Controls capable of resetting supply air temp (SAT) by 25% of SAT -room temp difference Exception(s): ❑ Systems that prevent reheating, retooling or mixing of heated and cooled supply air ❑ Seventy five percent of the energy for reheating is from site -recovered or site solar energy sources. ❑ Zones with peak supply air quantities of 300 cfm (142 Us) or less. ❑ 7. VAV fans with static pressure sensors are located so that controller setpoint is no more than one-third of the total design static pressure. For ducts with major splits, at least one sensor is located on each major branch. ❑ 8. Systems with DDC of individual zone boxes reporting to the central control panel has static pressure setpoint reset based on the zone requiring the most pressure. Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 3: ® 1. Equipment minimum efficiency: Central Furnace (Gas): 80.00 % Et (or 78% AFUE) Requirements Specific To: Water Heater 1 : ❑ 1. Water heating equipment meets minimum efficiency requirements: Electric Water Heater efficiency: 0.88 EF (241 SL, Btu/h (if > 12 kW)) 9 2. Water heating equipment meets minimum efficiency requirements: E%?$a-EQ top- L tke4 ct Exception(s): ❑ Instantaneous electric water heaters used to serve emergency showers and emergency eye wash stations. g 3. All piping in circulating system insulated ® 4. Hot water storage temperature controls that allow setpoint of 90°F for non -dwelling units and 110°F for dwelling units. The outlet temperature of lavatories in public facility rest rooms shall be limited to 110°F (43°C). M 5. Manual or time control of heat trace and recirculating systems present Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: ❑ 1. Electric resistance space heating. Building heating with electrical resistance units, including baseboard radiation, heat pump reheat coils, duct coils, boilers, domestic hot water heaters and coils in terminal units and air systems, is prohibited. Exception(s): ❑ Areas, such as stairways, that are not permitted to be penetrated with piping or dud and no other method of heating is possible. ❑ Replacement of existing electrical resistance unit. ❑ Special conditions of occupancy or use that require electrical resistance heat to maintain health, safety or environmental conditions. ❑ Limited areas where a practical application of resistance electrical heat is demonstrated (e.g., small interior space such as a rest room which is distant from the distribution system, hazardous material storerooms, stairwell or other means of emergency egress). ❑ Domestic hot water heaters less than 5 kW in total unit input capacity. ❑ 2. Plant equipment and system capacity no greater than needed to meet loads Exception(s): ❑ Standby equipment automatically off when primary system is operating ❑ Multiple units controlled to sequence operation as a function of load ® 3. Minimum one temperature control device per system ❑ 4. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system ® 5. Load calculations per ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183. 0 6. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55°F (heat) and 85°F (cool); 7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override, 10-hour backup Exception(s): ❑ Continuously operating zones ❑ 2 kW demand or less, submit calculations 07. Outside -air source for ventilation; system capable of reducing OSA to required minimum (per ASHRAE 62.1-2007) 08. R-8 supply and return air duct insulation in unconditioned spaces R-10 supply and return air duct insulation outside the building R-10 insulation between ducts and the building exterior when ducts are part of a building assembly Exception(s): ❑ Ducts located within equipment ❑ Ducts with interior and exterior temperature difference not exceeding 15°F. 9. Ducts sealed - longitudinal seams on rigid ducts; transverse seams on all ducts; UL 181A or 181 B tapes and mastics 10. Pipe serving heating and/or cooling systems is insulated per Section 503.2.8. General applicable insulation requirements are: Fluid Temp Range (°F) > 350 : < 1.0" pipe = 2.5" insulation, >1.0" and <4.0" = 3.0" insulation, otherwise 4.0" Insulation Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 12 of 14 251-350 : < 1.0" pipe = 1.5" insulation, < 1.5" pipe = 2.5" insulation, otherwise 3.0" insulation 201-250 : < 1.5" pipe = 1.5" insulation, otherwise 2.0" insulation 141-200 : < 4.0" pipe = 1.0" insulation, otherwise 1.5" insulation 105-140 : < 1.5" pipe = 0.5" insulation, otherwise 1.0" insulation 40-60 : < 1.5" pipe = 0.5" insulation, otherwise 1.0" insulation < 40 : < 8.0" pipe = 1.0" insulation, otherwise 1.5" insulation Exception(s): ❑ Piping within HVAC equipment ❑ Fluid temperatures between 60 and 105"F. ❑ Fluid not heated or cooled with renewable energy. ❑ Piping within room fan -coil (with AHR1440 rating) and unit ventilators (with AHRI840 rating) ❑ Strainers and valves associated with piping — 1.0". ® 11.Operation and maintenance manual provided to building owner ® 12.Thermostatic controls have 5"F deadband Exception(s): ❑ Thermostats requiring manual changeover between heating and cooling ❑ 13. Demand control ventilation (DCV) present for high design occupancy areas (>40 person/1000 ft2 in spaces >500 ft2) and served by systems with any one of 1) an air -side economizer, 2) automatic modulating control of the outdoor air damper, or 3) a design outdoor airflow greater than 3000 cfm. Exception(s): 11 Systems with heat recovery. ❑ Multiple -zone systems without DDC of individual zones communicating with a central control panel. ❑ Systems with a design outdoor airflow less than 1200 cfm. ❑ Spaces where the supply airflow rate minus any makeup or outgoing transfer air requirement is less than 1200 cfm. ❑ Ventilation for process loads only. ❑ 14.Motorized, automatic shutoff dampers required on exhaust and outdoor air supply openings Exception(s): ® Gravity dampers acceptable in buildings <3 stories ❑ 15.Automatic controls for freeze protection systems present ❑ 16. Exhaust air heat recovery included for systems having supply airflow rate of a fan system of 5,000 cfm or greater and a minimum outside air supply of 70 percent or greater of the design supply air quantity, or specifically exempted Exception(s): ❑ Hazardous exhaust systems, commercial kitchen and clothes dryer exhaust systems that the International Mechanical Code prohibits the use of energy recovery systems. ❑ Systems serving spaces that are heated and not cooled to less than 60"F. ❑ Where more than 60 percent of the outdoor heating energy is provided from site -recovered or site solar energy. ❑ Heating energy recovery in climate zones 1 or 2. ❑ Systems requiring dehumidification that employ energy recovery in series with the cooling coil. ❑ Laboratory fume hood exhaust systems that have either a variable air volume system capable of reducing exhaust and makeup air volume to 50 percent or less of design values or, a separate make up air supply meeting the following makeup air requirements: a) at least 75 percent of exhaust flow rate, b) heated to no more than 2"F above room setpoint temperature, c) cooled to no lower than 3"F below room setpoint temperature, d) no humidification added, e) no simultaneous heating and cooling. Q 17. All service water heating requirements are listed in requirements section specific to the system. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 2011 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards, Chapter 8, requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. S%�kbL DFSudue(L wow"JMZIX"�-23136I 15- Name - Title Signature Date Section 6: Post Construction Compliance Statement ® HVAC record drawings of the actual installation, system capacities, calibration information, and performance data for each equipment provided to the owner. 0 HVAC O&M documents for all mechanical equipment and system provided to the owner by the mechanical contractor. Project Title: NCCC Office Report date: 03/30/15 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 13 of 14 ® Written HVAC balancing and operations report provided to the owner. The above post construction requirements have been completed. I w�S iJ i4 Principal Mechanical Designer -Name Signature ! /36 115- Date Project Title: NCCC Office Data filename: Untitled.cck Report date: 03/30/15 Page 14 of 14 r ,All south urfin0to. PLANNING & ZONING December 8, 2014 Re: #SP-14-67 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of of approval including that athat a zoning must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. ;aymond nce ly, 1. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com d A southhurfinton PLANNING b ZONING Permit Number SP- (office use only)( APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ElAdministrative ❑Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): Tom Chase and Mark Neagley 66 Bowdoin Street Suite 100 South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: 802-658-6320 Fax: 802-658-0349 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax ft Tom Chase and Mark Neagley, 66 Bowdoin Street Suite 100, South Burlington VT 05403 Phone:802-658-6320 Fax:802-658-0349 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax ft Robert Higgins, 66 Bowdoin Street Suite 100, South Burlington VT 05403 Phone: 802-658-6320 Fax: 802-658-0349 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: rhiggins@neagleychase.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 66 Bowdoin Street South Burlington 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): As -Built Site Drawing Submission of 66 Bowdoin Street Permit Number ZP-14-110 1. North-eastern shrubs moved approximatly 20' south. 2. Shrubs were added on tr© south -side of the building. 3. The landscaping schedule was updated. 4. The loading docks and the at grade entries swapped locations b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Contractor or buildina trades facilitv Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Neagley and Chase Construction Company home office d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 25781 sf e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): One floor plus a mezzanine f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): 0 g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): 18 h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE a. Building: R Total Parcel Size: 3.06acres Existing 17.52 % / Proposed % / 1 Sq. Ft. 25781 sq. ft. sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 50 % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 9.3 % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 0 * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC $ $20,828 a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 29 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7am to 5pm 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday to Friday 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 11 /1 /14 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)' regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the tirle 01 submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. itAl Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 9 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. ->A 4,A� "�A SIGNAT RE OF APPLICANT U�11- SIGNATURE OF DATE OF SUBMISSION: I -'� Ayv-� (L 0 P--V� TY OWNER Do not write below this line RINT NAME REVIEW AUTHORITY: 11 Development Review Board ❑✓ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 VF State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAW,S/REGULATIONS INVOLVED io V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective December 1, 2010 Landowner(s): Northeast Territories, Inc. Permit Number: WW-4-4211 c/o Mark Neagley PIN: EJ96-038i.o8 20 Southcrest Drive Burlington VT 05401 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0257-00066 referenced in a deed recorded in Book 800 Page(s) 365 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of the proposed construction 25,781 square foot contractor or building trade facility building with thirty employees on Lot 5 (3.o6 acres)of Meadowland Business Park, served by municipal water supply services and municipal wastewater disposal services located on 66 Bowdoin Street in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. 1.GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by David Marshall, P.E. of Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., with the stamped plans listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date Plan Revision Date C1.0 Overall Site Plan 1/01/2013 9/20/2013 C2.1 Site Grading & Utility Plan 1/01/2013 4/21/2014 C4.0 Utility Details 1/01/2013 4/21/2014 C5.2 Specifications 1/01/2013 C5.3 Specifications 1/01/2013 1.2 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits PRIOR to construction including, but not limited to, those that may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission; the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division; the Watershed Management Division; the Division of Fire Safety; the Vermont Department of Health; the Family Services Division; other State departments; or local officials. 1.3 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall record and index this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.4 The landowner shall record and index all required installation certifications and other documents that are required to be filed under these Rules or under a specific permit condition in the South Burlington Land Records and ensure that copies of all certifications are sent to the Secretary. 1.5 No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) that states: `I hereby certi; fi that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with the permitted design and all the permit conditions, were inspected, were properly tested, and have successfully met those performance tests', Regional Offices — Barre/EssexJct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Water Su( Permit W W -4-4211 Page 2 of 3 or which otherwise satisfies the requirements of §1-3o8 and §1-911 of the referenced rules. 1.6 This project is approved for the construction of the commercial building with a maximum of 3o employees on Lot 5. Construction of additional nonexempt buildings, including commercial and residential buildings, is not allowed without prior review and approval by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. No construction is allowed that will cause non-compliance with an existing permit. 1.7 Each purchaser of any portion of the project shall be shown a copy of the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plan(s), if applicable, prior to conveyance of any portion of the project to that purchaser. 1.8 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations, and permit conditions. 1.9 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 The components of the potable water supply herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed in Condition #1.5 herein. 2.2 This project is approved for connection to the water supply system owned by the City of South Burlington for a maximum of 405 gallons of water per day. 2.3 The landowner shall install and maintain backflow prevention devices that conform to Vermont Department of Public Safety standards and NFPA 13 for any connection of a sprinkler fire suppression system to a public drinking water system. 2.4 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their water distribution system. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. &WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 The components of the sanitary wastewater system herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed, in Condition # 1.5 herein. 3.2 This project is approved for connection to the City of South Burlington wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the plan(s) stamped by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division. The project is approved for a maximum of 36o gallons of wastewater per day. Wastewater System and Potable Water ST',i Permit W W-4-4211 Page 3 of 3 3.3 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required if the project is served by the municipal wastewater collection system. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By W Dated May 22, 2014 Jessanne Wyman, Regi al Engineer Essex Regional Office Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division cc South Burlington Planning Commission David Marshall/CEA Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Watershed Management Division Act 25o District Environmental Commission-41005 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety r Rob Higgins From: Tom Dipietro <tdipietro@sburl.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:44 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Cc: ray; Rob Higgins Subject: RE: Northeast Territories, Inc. Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park Stormwater Management 1),tve, Ih,utl< You for Irvwwing thr, i)rui(!r.t with me. I havl- nu r,,,m-, wllh tho I)rulo( I ,I,. Irrr)1)(r&d Illow,e (omidot Ilia I)1mr. ",ippruved" por thr° I)ItW% rr'(puiwrTwnt ih,111k yrru =1111 Ihurn.r. I I)II If -I II I)t I)IIIY I)II(�(,lor I) I)�utlnr�nt I)1 1-1ubItc WorI,, r_Ity cr1'>OIItII 1iIIrllrl{;tern Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments m well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@cea-vt.coml Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 12:09 PM To: Tom Dipietro Cc: ray; 'Rob Higgins' Subject: Northeast Territories, Inc. Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park Stormwater Management Tom - One of the Conditions of approval from the Development Review Board for the Northeast Territories, Inc. Contractor's Facility requires that: 12. The stormwater runoff from the Northeast Territories facility shall be directed to the existing "clean water" ditch {which runs south to north between the proposed stormwater treatment area and the proposed buildings} as a means of eliminating impacts on the existing 18" stormwater conveyance piping on Bowdoin Street. The Public Works Department shall have the opportunity to review and approve the final plans prior to issuance of a zoning permit. In order for us to get the Stormwater to drain to the "clean water" ditch, we needed to mirror the pond layout so that the discharge was at the low end of the ditch (C2.1 Drainage i w ( � -Update 1-15-14.pdf). This configuration now has the discharge points at the north end and the forebay on the south end. This latest layout is just the opposite of the originally submitted plans (C2.1 Drainage Layout 9- 24-13.pdf) where the discharge was to the existing street storm drainage infrastructure (prompting the condition of approval). We have also attached the HydroCad modeling of the area (this also includes the previously constructed CBA building to the east and the proposed Super -Temp facility to the West. This information was previously submitted to you on 12-24-13 as part of the adjacent Super -Temp Wire & Cable facility review. As this is one of the last items required to be cleared prior to the issuance of a Zoning (building) Permit, we are here to assist is any questions that you may have. Thank you in advance for your assistance on this. Best David S Marshall, P. E Civil Engineering Associates, Inc 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 2 CASE NO: State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT 4C1005-11 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Northeast Territories, Inc. 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 (Act 250) 20 South Crest Drive Burlington, VT 05401 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment #4C1005- 11, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6093. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 800, Page 365, of the land records of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to Northeast Territories, Inc. This permit specifically authorizes the construction of a 25,781 gross square foot contractor or trade facility building with supporting utilities, parking lot and stormwater management facilities on Lot 5 of Meadowland Business Park. The project is located at 66 Bowdoin Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Jurisdiction attaches because the Project constitutes a material change to a permitted development or subdivision, and thus requires a permit amendment pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. 1. The Permittee, and its assigns and successors in interest, is obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions. 2. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the conditions of this permit and the permit application, plans, and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission and other material representations. The approved plans are: Sheet C1.0 - "Overall Site Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit #23); Sheet A-100 - "Northeast Territories Proposed Contractor's Facility," undated (Exhibit #24); Sheet A200 - "Building Elevations," dated December 17, 2013 (Exhibit #25); Sheet C2.0 - "Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit #26); Sheet C2.1 - "Site Grading and Utility Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 1/15/14 (Exhibit #27); Sheet C2.2 - "Lighting Plan," dated June, 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit #28); Sheet C2.3 - "Lighting Details," dated June, 2013 (Exhibit #29); Sheet C3.0 - "Erosion Control Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit #30); l Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 2 of 6 Sheet C3.1 - "Erosion Control Details and Specifications," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 9/20/14 (Exhibit #31); Sheet C4.0 - "Utility & Dumpster Details," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 9/20/13 (Exhibit #32); Sheet C4.1 - "Stormwater and Site Details," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 9/20/13 (Exhibit #33); Sheet C5.0 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit #34); Sheet C5.1 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit #35); Sheet C5.2 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit #36); Sheet C5.3 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit #37); and Sheet C5.4 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit #38). 3. All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C1005 and amendments are in full force and effect except as further amended herein. 4. The Permittee shall comply with all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permits: a. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #WW-4-4211 issued on May 22, 2014 by the ANR Wastewater Management Division; and b. Authorization of Notice of Intent #4290-9020.2 under Construction General Permit #3-9020 issued on April 11, 2014 by the ANR Watershed Management Division 5. Any nonmaterial changes to the permits listed in the preceding condition shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. 6. Representatives of the State of Vermont shall have access to the property covered by this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 7. A copy of this permit and plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 8. No change shall be made to the design, operation or use of this project without a permit amendment issued by the District Commission or a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coordinator that a permit is not required. 9. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 8005(c), the District Commission may at any time require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is in compliance with the terms of this permit. 10. The conditions of this permit and the land uses permitted herein shall run with the land and are binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and their successors and assigns. N Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 3 of 6 11. Construction hours shall be limited to the following: Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM; Saturday 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and Sunday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Interior construction hours are not restricted. 12. The project is approved for the following maximum impacts: 30 — full time employees 43 - vehicle parking spaces 360 - gallons per day of wastewater; 405 — gallons per day of water; 29 - PM peak hour vehicle trips; and 44 — AM peak hour vehicle trips. 13. The Permittee shall apply and maintain water and/or other agents approved by the Watershed Management Division in the Project's Erosion Prevention and Control Plan on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 14. The building approved herein is not approved for any manufacturing use or the on -site disposal of any process wastes. The Permittee shall apply and receive amended approval from the District Commission for any change in the use of the buildings that involves the storage or handling of any regulated substances or the generation of hazardous wastes. 15. There shall be no floor drains installed at the Project without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the ANR Wastewater Management Division. 16. The Permittee and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low - flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 17. The Permittee shall comply with Exhibits #30 and 31 (Erosion Control Plan; and Erosion Control Details and Specifications) for erosion prevention and sediment control. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion prevention and sediment control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. 18. All mulch, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 19. All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance. After this time, any disturbance in the area must be stabilized at the end of each work day. The following exceptions apply: i) Stabilization is not required if work is to continue in the area within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours. ii) Stabilization is not required if the work is occurring in a self-contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 4 of 6 20. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be mulched and seeded before October 1. Between the periods of October 15 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Requirements for Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Department of Environmental Conservation's Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (2006). 21. In addition to conformance with all erosion prevention and sediment control conditions, the Permittee shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittee from compliance with 10 V.S.A. (§§ 1250-1284) Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 22. Any extracted stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table and not in any wetland, or at a State approved landfill, so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 23. The Project will not utilize explosives and detonators that contain perchlorate. If the . Permittee determines it is necessary to use explosives or detonators that contain perchlorate, the Permittee will provide an explanation to the Agency for review and approval prior to using the explosives or detonators. 24. The Project will utilize the attached Best Management Practices for Blasting to Avoid Environmental Contamination as recommended by the Agency's Waste Management Division, where applicable. 25. If the total amount of rock anticipated to be blasted exceeds 5,000 cubic yards prior to being blasted, the Permittee will submit a water quality monitoring plan to the Agency's Waste Management Prevention Division. 26. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit #26 (Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan) by replacing any dead or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, whichever is sooner. 27. Prior to any site work, the Permittee shall install and maintain temporary fencing along the tree line to be retained as depicted on Exhibit #26 (Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan). 28. The Permittee shall install conduit infrastructure for future vehicle charging stations within the outside parking lot. 29. The Permittees shall be responsible for a proportionate share traffic mitigation fee payable to the Vermont Agency of Transportation for construction and installation of a traffic signal, geometric improvements and crosswalks at the intersection of Meadowland Drive and Route 116 when the signal warrants are met. The fee is based on the whole project's expected vehicular PM peak hour trip generation as a fraction of those vehicles from the Meadowland Park and Rye Meadows projects. 30. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibit #28 (Lighting Plan), and shall be mounted no higher than 20 feet above grade level. All Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 5 of 6 exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 31. The installation of exterior signage shall be limited to that approved in Exhibits #17 and 26 (Entry Sign Typical; and Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan) and shall not be lighted. The Permittee shall not erect additional exterior signage without prior written approval from the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs and temporary Grand Opening signs. 32. Pursuant to 21 V.S.A. § 268, energy design and construction shall, at a minimum, comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction. 33. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat are specifically prohibited without prior written approval from the District Environmental Commission. 34. The Permittee shall provide each prospective purchaser of any interest in this Project a copy of the Land Use Permit Amendment before any written contract of sale is entered into. 35. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(b)(1) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittee has not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 36. All site work and construction shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans by August 1, 2017, unless an extension of this date is approved in writing by the Commission. Such requests to extend must be filed prior to the deadline and approval may be granted without public hearing. 37. The Permittee shall file a Certificate of Actual Construction Costs, on forms available from the Natural Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6083a(g) within one month after construction has been substantially completed or two years from the date of this permit, whichever shall occur first. Application for extension of time for good cause shown may be made to the District Commission. If actual construction costs exceed the original estimate, a supplemental fee based on actual construction costs must be paid at the time of certification in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of application. Upon request, the Permittee shall provide all documents or other information necessary to substantiate the certification. Pursuant to existing law, failure to file the certification or pay any supplemental fee due constitutes grounds for permit revocation. The certificate of actual construction costs and any supplemental fee (by check payable to the "State of Vermont") shall be mailed to: Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201; Attention: Certification. l Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 6of6 38. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6027(g). , Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this �v + day of July, 2014. By Yr CC A41-1 t-A j V) , Marcy Hard , Vice Chat) District #4 t&aimission Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Thomas Getz Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the Superior Court, Environmental Division within 30 days of the date the decision was issued, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The Notice of Appeal must comply with the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must -file with the Notice of Appeal the entry fee required by 32 V.S.A. § 1431 and the 5% surcharge required by 32 V.S.A. § 1434a(a), which is $262.50 as of January 2011. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the district commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). For additional information on filing• appeals, see the Court's website at: http://www.vermontiudiciary.org/GTC/environmental/default.aspx or call (802) 828-1660. The Court's mailing address is: Superior Court, Environmental Division, 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. W ANRB\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C 1001-4C 1250\4C 1005\4C 1005-11 \4C 1005-11.final.permit.dou EXHIBIT LIST FOR APPLICATION #4C1005-11 Page 1 E I DATE I E I A= Applicant X I R I N I T= Town H I E I T I 0= Opponent I I C I E I RPC = Regional Planning Commission B I E I R I ANR = Agency of Natural Resources I I I I E I VTRANS = Vt. Agency of Transportation T I V I D I DPS = Department of Public Services E I M = Municipality D I I DHP = Division for Historic Preservation WMD = Wastewater Management Division N I I B I L= Landowner 0.1 I Y I 1 1 I I Nature of Exhibit and Date Entered . 1. 03/26/14 A Cover Letter by Civil Engineering Assocs. (03/26/14) 2. Act 250 Cover Sheets 3. Schedule A - Fee Information 4. Schedule E - Adjoiner Information 5. Schedule F - Certification of Service and Notice of Application 6. Schedule G - Act 250 Participants 7. Schedule B - Response to the 10 Criteria and Subcriteria 8. Blasting Protocol Specifications 9. Stormwater Discharge Authorization Permit No. 1-1269 (12/30/96) 10. Construction Site Waste Reduction Plan 11. FEMA Mapped Floodways Map 12. Mapped Class II Wetlands Map 13. Traffic Analysis - Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park (07/09/13) 14. Intersection Capacity Analyses Hinesburg Road/Meadowland Drive 15. Photograph of View Site from Rt 116 to Project Site Location 16. Lighting Cutsheets 17. Signage 18. Historic Preservation Letter (07/29/02) 19. Mapped Wildlife and Natural Communities Map W:\NRB\DIST4\PROJECTS44C1001-4C1250\4C1005\4C1005-11\4C1005-11 exList.docx I EXHIBIT LIST FOR APPLICATION #4C1005-11 Page 2 20. 03/26/14 A COMcheck Certificates 21. Map: Project Location Map 22. Map: ANR Project Location Map 23. Plan: Overall Site Plan, C1.0 (REV 03/26/14) 24. Plan: Proposed Contractor's Facility, Sheet A-100 (undated) 25. Plan: Building Elevations, A200 (12/17/13) 26. Plan: Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan, C2.0 (REV 03/26/14) 27. Plan: Site and Grading and Utility Plan, C2.1 (REV 01/15/14) 28. 99Plan: Lighting Plan, C2.2 (REV 03/26/14) 29. Plan: Lighting Details, C2.3 (06/13) 30. Plan: Erosion Control Plan, C3.0 (REV 03/26/14) 31. Plan: Erosion Control Details and Specifications, C3.1 (REV 09120/13) 32. Plan: Utility & Dumpster Details, C4.0 (REV 09/20/13) 33. Plan: Stormwater and Site Details, C4.1 (REV 09/20/13) 34. Plan: Specifications, C5.0 (Jan., 2013) 35. Plan: Specifications, C5.1 (Jan., 2013) 36. Plan: Specifications, C5.2 (Jan., 2013) 37. Plan: Specifications, C5.3 (Jan., 2013) 38. Plan: Specifications, C5.4 (Jan., 2013) 39. 06/27/14 Civil Engineering Assocs. Cover Letter RE: Supplemental Info (06/26/14) 40. Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit #WW-4-4211 (05/22/14) 41 Civil Engineering & State E-mail Correspondence RE: Stormwater Compliance (2014) 42 Authorization of Notice of Intent #4290-9020.2 Under Construction General Permit#3-9020 (04/11/14) W:\NRB\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C1001-4C1250\4C1005\4C1005-11\4C1005-11 exList.docx C� CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify on this 10th day of July, 2014, a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 Notice LAND USE PERMIT #4C1005-11, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the following individuals without email addresses and by email to the individuals with email addresses listed. Note: any recipient may change its preferred method of receiving notices and other documents by contacting the District Office staff at the mailing address or email below. If you have elected to receive notices and other documents by email, it is your responsibility to notify our office of any email address changes. All email replies should be sent to nrb-act250essex(o)-state.vt.us Please note you can now fill out and submit the Act 250 survey online at: http://permits.vermont.gov/act250-survey instead of printing and mailing the attached pdf version. Northeast Territories, Inc. 20 South Crest Drive Burlington, VT 05401 mneagleyCcDneag leychase.com David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 dmarshalICa)-cea-vt.com Chair, City Council/Chair, City Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Charlie Baker, Executive Director Regina Mahony, Senior Planner Chittenden County Reg. Planning Commission 110 West Canal Street, Suite 202 Winooski, VT 05404 cbaker cbccrpcvt.org rmahonyCab-ccrpcvt.org Elizabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney Agency of Natural Resources National Life Drive, Davis 2 Montpelier, VT 05602 anr.act250(a-)state.vt. us Barry Murphy Vt. Dept. of Public Service 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 ba rry. m u rp hv(cDstate. vt. u s Craig Keller Utilities & Permits/VTrans One National Life Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 craig.kelldr(a.state.vt. us Beth Fenstermacher, Act 250 Coordinator Vt. Agency of Agri, Food & Markets 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901 beth.fenstermacherestate.vt.us Division for Historic Preservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620 scott.dillonCa)-state.vt. us james.dugganCaDstate.vt. us FOR YOUR INFORMATION District #4 Environmental Commission Marcy Harding/Vice Chair James McNamara/Thomas Getz 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 101h day of July, 2014. /s/ Barbara J. Cady Administrative Secretary - 879-5614 W:\NRB\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C1001-4C1250\4C1005\4C1005-11\4C1005-11 csPermit.docx ' South Burlington Planning Zoning 0��I� New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Project Completed by April 1, 2014 ON Project Name & Address 66 Bowdoin Street Property Owner Northeast Territories Effective Date TOTAL IMPACT FEE $33,193. Fire Impact Fees: Value of New Construction: Type of Construction Type of Use Fireproofed Steel Skeleton or Reinforced Concrete _-_- -_ S8 -__ 51 --__--_ S _ _ _ SF Masonry or Concrete Bearing S69 -- S96 S1-1-3 - __ S71 SF Wood Frame Structure S65 593 S -_ - -- __S51 - _ _ S81 - - � SF Pre -Fab Steel Structure SF lmdustriaVManufacturin2 Eneineerine & Research General Office Medical -Off -ice_ General -Retail - ut�ServiceFFadlity Elder Case Facility_ S64 -_ S 8 5104 - S67 - __S54_ _ S4 _ 0 -_ 584 ---574 S78 - S 2 Sprinkler credit? (Enter 1 if yes) Total Value of New Structure: Total Value of New Structure & Contents: Current grand list value of property: Past payments credit: Post construction value of structure & land Future payments credit: Base fee: NET FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE: Road Impact Fee PM Peak Hour VTEs 1 $1,649,984 $4,124,960 $300,000 $234.00 $1,949,984.00 $19.50 $2,487.35 $2,233.85 t South Burlington Planning Zoning AM AI New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees MProject Completed by April 1, 2014 U10 Past payments credit: $451.56 Future payments credit: $1,013.99 OTHER CREDITS: NET ROAD IMPACT FEE $27,530.39 Police Impact Fee Square Feet of New Structure or Addition Base Fee: Square feet of existing structure to be removed Creditable amount Existing Single family homes to be removed Existing 2-3 Family structures to be removed (units) Existing 4+ Family Structures to be removed (units) Creditable Amount Current Grand List Value of Site Past Payments credit: Estimated Post -Construction Value Future payments credit: NET POLICE IMPACT FEE 31,280 $7,437.13 13,575 $3,227.59 $0.00 970,000 $329.80 $1,959,356.00 $450.65 $3,429.09 TABLE PD-7 ESTIMATED POST -DEVELOPMENT VALUES PER SQUARE FOOT OF FLOOR SPACE Type of Use Industrial/Manufa cturing Engineerin and Office (General) Medical Office General Retail Auto Service Elderly Care Motels -- - --- Fireproofed Steel Sketloton or Reinforced Concrete Structure ---- — $76 -g - $100 -- $141 $152 --- --- $96 NA $117 NA SF 25,781 Masonry or Concrete Bearing Wall Structure $56 $79 $110 $129 $81 $62 $96 $85 SF Wood Frame Structure $53 $74 $106 $126 $79 $58 $93 $82 South Burlington Planning Zoning 04& e New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees 001Project Completed by April 1, 2014 U10 SF - Pre -Fab Steel Structure--- $53 $73 $101 $119 $77 $47 $89 $82 SF - -- -- - 0 C 03/14/2014 City of South Burlington Grand List Page 1 of 1 09:17 am Parcel Report ray For Parcel: 0257-00066. NEAGLEY MARK R Name NEAGLEY MARK R CHASE THOMAS E 113 HERITAGE LN SHELBURNE VT 05482 Location (A) LOT 5 911 66 BOWDOIN STREET Desc. 3.06A Codes: (1) (Category)M (Equipment) (Owner)C Wood Crop Pasture Other Site Total Acres: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.06 Real Land Building Equipment Inventory Values: 300,000 300,000 0 0 0 Homestead Veterans Farm Stab. L.U. Acres Land Use 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contract Lease Prev. Eqpm Land Use Amt Prev. Real 0 0.00 0 0.00 300,000 Housesite Special Exmp Grand List 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 Misc: Status: T Updated: 10/01/2013 Last sale was: Valid on 09/19/2013 for $390000 recorded on 1186/125 Grievance Info: Flag: N Remarks: (1) SPAN: 600-188-17605 '1► Hr ►� 10 southburfin2ton PLANNING & ZONING May 8, 2014 Rob Higgins Neagley & Chase Construction Company P.O. Box 2283 So. Burlington, VT 05407-2283 Re: Approval Extension — 66 Bowdoin Street - #SD-13-24 Dear Mr. Higgins: Please be advised that the So. Burlington Development Review Board at its May 6, 2014 meeting approved your request of April 18, 2014 for a six (6) month extension to the time limit in condition #10 of the above referenced decision. You now have until October 22, 2014 to obtain a zoning permit for this project. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. S3monelair R Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com April 18, 2014 City of South Burlington Development Review Board c/o Mr. Ray Belair 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-13-24 -66 Bowdoin Street Dear Mr. Belair: Please consider this letter a notice of our request to extend the allowable period for obtaining a zoning permit for the above referenced project. We wish to extend the period by six months. Please advise if this is acceptable. Thank you, Rob Higgins Project Manager Neagley & Chase Construction Company www.neagleychase.com P.O. Box 2283, South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2283 MAIN 802-658-6320 1 FAX 802-658-0349 ,O�VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinldng Water and Groundwater Protection Division Essex Regional Office in West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septie.vt.gov April 4, 2014 Northeast Territories, Inc. c/o Mark Neagley. 20 Southcrest Drive Burlington VT 05401 Agency of Natural Resources [phone] 802-879-5656 [fax] 802-879-3871 RE: WW-4-42n, Neagley & Chase Contractor Office proposed 5,781 square foot trade facility building with thirty employees on 3.o6 acres located at 66 Bowdoin Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above -referenced project on April 2, 2014, including a fee of $ paid by check #. Under the performance standards for this program, we will have a maximum of 3o days of "in- house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, your consultant will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier, James Sandberg and the reviewer notifying us that you have resubmitted information. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. For the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division _(�4.vu.�C� LX� (�L� Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission David Marshall/Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: ')121 JILI From: JA 1�c Project(s): �XMc4 . f f f ri L l i C'�> Description: Ili"ram �t't`� cf , lylcii Message: K(,v n�n� CAny Copies To: 0/ _....tYYirIIC l ILAJ , ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:42 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Cc: ray; 'Rob Higgins' Subject: RE: Northeast Territories, Inc. Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park Stormwater Management Dave, Thank you for reviewing this project with me. I have no issues with the project as proposed. Please consider the plans "approved" per the DRB's requirement. Thank you. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works City of South Burlington Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 12:09 PM To: Tom Dipietro Cc: ray; 'Rob Higgins' Subject: Northeast Territories, Inc. Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park Stormwater Management IWIT1'11 One of the Conditions of approval from the Development Review Board for the Northeast Territories, Inc. Contractor's Facility requires that: 12. The stormwater runoff from the Northeast Territories facility shall be directed to the existing "clean water" ditch {which runs south to north between the proposed stormwater treatment area and the proposed buildings} as a means of eliminating impacts on the existing 18" stormwater conveyance piping on Bowdoin Street. The Public Works Department shall have the opportunity to review and approve the final plans prior to issuance of a zoning permit. In order for us to get the Stormwater to drain to the "clean water" ditch, we needed to mirror the pond layout so that the discharge was at the low end of the ditch (C2.1 Drainage Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: j 10 1)q To: N�'j �'eI(j 1( From: I w NI I Project(s): (b&0S'j Description: ,el 011 - I &1 M 'Of — )�,'f� W o I�c� Bi Y Message: Copies To: ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1005-11 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On March 26, 2014, Northeast Territories, Inc., 20 South Crest Drive, Burlington, VT 05401 filed application #4C1005-11 for a project generally described as the construction of a 25,781 gross square foot contractor or trade facility building with supporting utilities, parking lot and stormwater management facilities on Lot 5 of Meadowland Business Park. The Project is located at 66 Bowdoin Street in South Burlington, Vermont. The District #4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51 -- Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the South Burlington Town Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Office, and the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board's web site (www.nrb.state.vt.us/lup) by clicking on "Act 250 Database" and entering the project number "4C1005-11". No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before Tuesday, April 22, 2014, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under "For Your Information" may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the district coordinator as soon as possible, no later than prior to the response date listed above. Should a hearing be held on this Project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by Tuesday, April 22, 2014. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). 9W Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this��rday of March, 2014. Stephanie H. Monaghan District#4 Coordinator Natural Resources Board 111 West Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 802-879-5662 stephanie.monaghan(astate.vt.us W:\NRB\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C1001-4C1250\4C1005\4C 1005-11 \4C 1005-11.minor.notice.docx This is a PROPOSED permit; please submit any written comments to Stephanie H. Monaghan, District #4 Commission, 111 West Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452 by Tuesday, April 22, 2014. A permit will NOT be issued until the District Commission receives and reviews the following information: 1. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit issued by the ANR-DEC Wastewater Management Division. 2. Confirmation from the ANR-DEC Watershed Management Division that the project is in compliance with the existing Stormwater Discharge Permit. 3. Construction General Permit issued by the ANR-DEC Watershed Management Division. 4. Does the Applicant agree to Condition #25: "The Permittee shall install conduit infrastructure for future vehicle charging stations within the outsid6 parking lot." CASE NO: 4C1005-11 Northeast Territories, Inc. 20 South Crest Drive AMENDMENT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED A V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 (Act 250) Burlington, VT 05401 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment #4C1005- 11, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§,6001-6093 This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 800, Page 365, of'the land records of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of.a deed to Northeast'Territories, Inc. This permit specifically,authorizes-the construction of a 25,781 gross square foot contractor or trade facility building: with;supporting, utilities, parking lot and slormwater management facilities on Lot 5 of Meadowland Business'Park. The project, is located at 66 Bowdoin Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Jurisdiction attache's because the Project constitutes a material change to a permitted development or subdivision, and thus, requires a permit amendment pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. 1. The Permittee, and its assigns and successors in interest, is obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions. 2. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the conditions of'this :permit and the permit application, plans, and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission and other material representations. The approved plans are: Sheet C1.0 - "Overall Site Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit #X); Sheet A-100 - "Northeast Territories Proposed Contractor's Facility," undated (Exhibit # X); Sheet A200 - "Building Elevations," dated December 17, 2013 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C2.0 - "Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit # X); Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 2 of 6 Sheet C2.1 - "Site Grading and Utility Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 1/15/14 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C2.2 - "Lighting Plan," dated June, 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C2.3 - "Lighting Details," dated June, 2013 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C3.0 - "Erosion Control Plan," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 3/26/14 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C3.1 - "Erosion Control Details and Specifications," dated.Jan., 2013, last revision 9/20/14 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C4.0 - "Utility & Dumpster'Details," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 9/20/14 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C4.1 - "Stormwater and Site Details," dated Jan., 2013, last revision 9/20/14 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C5.0 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C5.1 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2613' (Exhibit # X); Sheet C5.2 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit # X); Sheet C5.3 - "Specifications," dated Jan., 2013 (Exhibit,# X); and Sheet C5.4 - "Specifications," dated Jan-., 2013 (Exhibit # X). 3. All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C1005 and amendments are in full force and effect except as further amended herein. 4. The Permittee shall comply with all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permits: a. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #(permit #) issued on date by the ANR Wastewater Management Division; b. Authorization of Notice of Intent #X-9020 under Construction General Permit #3- 9020 issued on date by the ANR Watershed Management Division; C. Authorization of Notice of Intent #X-9015 under General Permit #3-9015 (Stormwater Discharge General Permit), issued on date by the ANR Watershed Management Division; 5. Any nonmaterial changes to the permits listed in the preceding condition shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. 6. Representatives of the State of Vermont shall have access to the property covered by this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 7. A copy of this permit and plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 8. No change shall be made to the design, operation or use of this project without a permit amendment issued by the District Commission or a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coordinator that a permit is not required. Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 3 of 6 9. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 8005(c), the District Commission may at any time require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is in compliance with the terms of this permit. 10. The conditions of this permit and the land uses permitted herein shall run with the land and are binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and their successors and assigns. 11. Construction hours shall be limited to the following: Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM; Saturday 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and Sunday 8:00 AM to'3:00 PM. Interior construction hours are not restricted. 12. The project is approved for the following maximum impacts: # - vehicle parking spaces 360 - gallons per day of wastewater; 405 — gallons per day of water; # - vehicle trips per day; and 29 - PM peak hour vehicle trips. 13. The Permittee shall apply and maintain water and/or other agents approved by the Watershed Management Division in the Project's Erosion Prevention and Control Plan on all roadways or disturbed areas,within the projectAuring construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully: established to control -dust. 14.. The building approved herein is not approved for any manufacturing use or the on -site disposal of any process wastes. The Perm ittee.shall apply:and receive amended approval from the District Commission for any change'; in -the use of the buildings that involves the storage or, handling of any regulated substances or the generation of hazardous wastes. 15. There shall be no floor drains installed at the Project without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control.Permit from the ANR Wastewater Management Division. 16. The Permittee and all subsequent'owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low - flow plumbingfixtures in'any,buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of"equal or better performance. 17. The,Permittee shall comply with Exhibits #X (Erosion Control Plan; and Erosion Control Details.and Specifications) for' erosion prevention and sediment control. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion prevention and sediment control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. 3' 18. All mulch, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 19. All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance. After this time, any disturbance in the area must be stabilized at Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 4 of 6 the end of each work day. The following exceptions apply: i) Stabilization is not required if work is to continue in the area within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours. ii) Stabilization is not required if the work is occurring in a self-contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). 20. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be mulched and seeded before October 1. Between the periods of October 15 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Requirements for Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Department of Environmental Conservation's Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (2006). 21. In addition to conformance with all erosion prevention and sediment control conditions, the Permittee shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittee from compliance with 10 V.S.A. (§§ 1250-1284) Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 22. Any extracted stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table and not in any wetland, or at a State approved landfill, 'so,as to prevent groundwater pollution. 23. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit #X (Site: Improvements and Landscaping Plan) by replacing any dead -or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, Whichever is sooner. 24. Prior to any site work, the Permittee shall install and maintain temporary fencing along the tree line to be retained as depicted on Exhibit #X (Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan). ' 25. The Permittee shall install conduit infrastructure for future vehicle charging stations within the outside parking lot. 26. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibit #X (lighting Plan), and shall be mounted no higher than 20 feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 27. The installation of exterior signage shall be limited to that approved in Exhibits # (Entry Sign Typical; and Site Improvements and Landscaping Plan). The Permittee shall not erect additional exterior signage without prior written approval from the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs and temporary Grand Opening signs. 28. Pursuant to 21 V.S.A. § 268, energy design and construction shall, at a minimum, comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction. Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 5 of 6 29, The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat are specifically prohibited without prior written approval from the District Environmental Commission. 30. The Permittee shall provide each prospective purchaser of any interest in this Project a copy of the Land Use Permit Amendment before any written contract of sale is entered into. 31. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(b)(1) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittee has not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period,in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 32. All site work and construction shall be completed.i.n,accordance with.the approved plans by May 1, 2017, unless an extension of this date is approved in wrifing.by the Commission. Such requests to extend must be filed prior to the deadline _and approval may be granted without public hearing. 33. The Permittee shall file a Certificate of Actual Construction Costs, on forms available from the Natural Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6083a(g) within one month after construction has been substantially completed or;two years from the date of this permit, whichever shall occur first. Application for extension of time for good cause shown may be made to the District' Commission. If actual construction costs exceed the original estimate, a supplemental fee',based 'o,n;actual construction costs must be paid at the time of certification in accordance with the'fee schedule in effect at the time of application. Upon request, the Permittee shall provide all documents or other information necessary to substantiate the certification. Pursuant to existing law, failure to file the certification or pay any supplemental fee due constitutes grounds for permit revocation. The certificate of actual construction costs and any supplemental fee (by check payable to the "State of Vermont") .shall be mailed to', Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, National,Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201; Attention: Certification,;' 34. Failure to comply'with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6027(g'), Land Use Permit #4C1005-11 Page 6 of 6 Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this day of April, 2014. By Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Thomas Getz Marcy Harding, Vice Chair District #4 Commission Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the Superior Court, Environmental Division within 30 days of the date the decision was issued, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter,220, The Notice of Appeal must comply with the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must file with the Notice of Appeal the entry fee required by 32 V.S.A. § 1431 and the 5% surcharge required by 32 V.S.A. § 1434a(a), which is $262.50 as of January 2011. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, Montpelier, VT 0562073201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the district commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). For additional information on filing appeals, see the Court's website at: http://www.vermontiudiciary.org/GTC/environmental/default.aspx or call (802) 828-1660. The Court's mailing address is: Superior Court, Environmental Division, 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. W:\N R B\D I ST4\PROJECTS\4C 1001-4C 1250\4C 1005\4C 1005-11 \4C 1005-11.draft. permit.dou ( CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify on this 28th day of March, 2014, a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 Notice MINOR Application #4C1005-11, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the following individuals without email addresses and by email to the individuals with email addresses listed. the mailing address or email below. it you nave eiectea to receive notices ana otner aocuments pv email, it is your responsionity to notify our office of any email address changes. All email replies should be sent to nrb-act250essex(a)state, vt.us Please note you can now fill out and submit the Act 250 survey online at: http://permits.vermont.gov/act250-survey instead of printing and mailing the attached pdf version. Northeast Territories, Inc. 20 South Crest Drive Burlington, VT 05401 mneagleya-neagleychase.com David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 dmarshall(a7cea-vt. com Donna Kinvile, City Clerk Chair, City Council/Chair, City Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Charlie Baker, Executive Director Regina Mahony, Senior Planner Chittenden County Reg. Planning Commission 110 West Canal Street, Suite 202 Winooski, VT 05404 cbake r(cDccrpcvt. org rmahony(cDccrpcvt.org Elizabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney Agency of Natural Resources National Life Drive, Davis 2 Montpelier, VT 05602 anr. act250(a)state. vt. us Barry Murphy Vt. Dept. of Public Service 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 barry.murph y(cDstate.vt. us Craig Keller Utilities & Permits/VTrans One National Life Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 craig.keller(c state.vt.us Louise Waterman Seven Days/Classified Ad Section Vt. Agency of Agri, Food & Markets c/o Ashley Brunelle 116 State Street, Drawer 20 255 South Champlain St., PO Box 1164 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901 Burlington, VT 05402 louise.waterman cDstate.vt.us classifieds@sevendaysvt.com Division for Historic Preservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620 scott.dillon cDstate.vt.us james.dug_ganastate.vt.us NRCS, District Conservationist USDA Soils Conservation Service 1193 S. Brownell Road, Suite 35 Williston, VT 05495-7416 iohn.thurgood(a)vt. usda.gov White River NRCD Office 617 Comstock Road, Suite 1 Berlin, VT 05602 whiterivernrcdogmail. com County Forester/ANR 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 Keith.thompson(a)-state.vt.us Patty Malenfant/ANR Dept. of Fish & Wildlife 5 Perry Street, Suite 40 Barre, VT 05641-4266 patty. malenfant(cDstate.vt.us John Gobeille/ANR Dept of Fish & Wildlife 111 West Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 John. Gobeilleastate.vt.us Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 281h day of March, 2014. /s/ Barbara J. Cady Administrative Secretary - 879-5614 W:\NRB\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C1001-4C1250\4C1005\4C1005-11\4C1005-11 csMinorNotice.docx Green Mountain Power Corporation 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446 allen(ccDgreenmountainpower.com Brian Gray Vermont Gas Systems PO Box 467 Burlington, VT 05402 bgray(aD-vermontgas.com Lynn Banach, Project Intake Coord. Efficiency Vermont 128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 Ibanach(cDveic.or-q Michael Barsotti, Water Quality Director Champlain.Water District 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 mikeb(a)-cwd-h20.org FOR YOUR INFORMATION District #4 Environmental Commission Marcy Harding/Acting Chair James McNamara/Thomas Getz 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 ADJOINING LANDOWNERS On File at District Commission Office J soul b�11X i i1 ; i;11 i; PLANNING & ZONING October 23, 2013 David S. Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane So. Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary & Final Plat Approval #SD-13-24 — 66 Bowdoin Street Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on October 1, 2013 (effective 10/22/13). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plan must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to me in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by April 18, 2014) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, l L_ aymond 1. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7010 0290 0000 2215 5686 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 0 St p,A southlhur ngtok PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- / - ' office use only APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW Preliminary X Final PUD Being Requested? X Yes o No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC., 20 SOUTH CREST DRIVE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT Phone: 802/658-6320, Ext. 118;Fax: 802/658-0349; Cell: 802/316-9534 mneagleygneagleychase. com 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 800 Page 365 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC., 20 SOUTH CREST DRIVE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT Phone: 802/658-6320, Ext. 118;Fax: 802/658- 0349; Cell: 802/316-9534,mneaglev@neagleychase.com 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) David S. Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, 10 Mansfield View Lane, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Ph 864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 Email: dmarshall cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 66 BOWDOIN STREET 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0257-00066 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802 846 4106 fax 802 846 4101 www sburl com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): CONSTRUCTION OF A PROPOSED CONTRACTOR or BUILDING TRADE FACILITY BUILDING WITH SUPPORTING UTILITIES, PARKING LOT AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES on a 3.06 acre parcel. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): None c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Contractor or building trade facility. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 0 SF Existing, 25,781 GSF for all uses in building. Approximate breakdown of 9,847 SF of office space and 15,934 SF facility shop storage/production. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 14-feet for office areas, 20-feet for remaining areas with a small amount of mezzanine area. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): None g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): None existing. Proposed Conditions, 30 employees, 2 overnight company vehicles. 42 parking spaces proposed. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): THE PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO THE HINESBURG ROAD VIEW PROTECTION ZONE (MAX ALLOWABLE BLDG ELEVATION = 413.5, PROPOSED HEIGHT OF BUILDING = 375) AND THE AIR_P_ORT APPROACH CONE i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines. number of units, lot niergcrs, etc. Subdivision Appilcation Form Rev. 12-2011 { 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 3.06 Acres 193,186 SF (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing 0 square feet 0 % Proposed 23,334 square feet 17.5 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 0 Proposed 66,602 square feet 0 % square feet 50 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing 0 square feet % Proposed 666 square feet 9.3 % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, 11, or 111) on the subject property? ❑ Yes X No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) NA c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 3.2 Acres or 200,000 SQ. F"T. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form Rev. 12-2011 I 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 1,035,000 b. Landscaping: $ 17 989 (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) _Parking Lots and utilities $120,000. 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 23.7 VPH (weekday) 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 — 8 AM, 4 — 5 PM 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: M - F 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Summer, 2014 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. C /1 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form Rev. 12-2011 V. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. l SIGNATURE F APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPPROPEI TY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: / I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: mplete Incomplete -71� inistrative Officer bate PRINT NAME The applicant or perinittee retains the ohhgatiorr to iclentilj), apply jor, arcl obioin relevant state permits .for this project. Call (802) 879-56?6 to symak i,i,ith the regional Pern it Specialist. 5 Subdivision Application Form. Rev 12.2011 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: September 13 , 2013 SD_13_24_66bowdoinstreet_prelim_and_final Application received: July 25, 2013 NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 66 BOWDOIN STREET PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-13-24 Agenda #8 Meeting Date: September 17, 2013 Owner I Applicant low CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING PROJECT DESCRIPTION Northeast Territories, Inc, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking Preliminary & Final Plat review for a planned unit development to construct a 25,781 sq. ft. contractor or building trades facility, 66 Bowdoin Street. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on July 25, 2013 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements 10 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 3 Acres 3.06 acres Max. Building Coverage 30% 17.52 Max. Overall Coverage 50% 50 V Front Yard Coverage (Bowdoin Street) 30% 9.3 Min. Front Setback (Bowdoin Street) 50 ft. > 50 ft. Min. Side Setback 35 ft. > 35 ft. Min. Rear Setback 50 ft. > 50 ft. Hinesburg East View Protection Zone 413.5 ft. elevation 375 ft. elevation V Zoning Compliance SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has indicated he has no comments. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 1. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. 2. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to the lot is proposed via a curb -cut on Bowdoin Street at the southeast corner of the lot. The applicant has submitted a traffic study dated July 9, 2013 prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson. The report concludes that the project would generate 29 PM Peak Hour Trip Ends. The analysis also states that an acceptable level of services at the intersection of Hinesburg Road-Meadowland Drive- Rye Street D would be maintained and that the peak hour volume warrant for signalizing the intersection would not be met. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. There are no wetlands, streams, or wildlife habitat on the site. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed building is compatible with surrounding and planned development patterns in this zoning district. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The property is bordered on the south by a developed commercial property and to the north by a commercial property which may be utilized in the future. The proposed project includes undeveloped areas along its eastern portion which will create an open space between the proposed building and parking and the Ireland parcel located to the east. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The Fire Chief reviewed the plans and provided the following comments in a letter dated September 9, 2013: "We have reviewed the plans for this proposed project. We have the following concerns and/or CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING recommendations. 1. Commercial structures will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. 2. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxe(s), location to be specified by SBFD. 6. Per the plan, C2.1, as I view it shows the fire hydrant being relocated slightly to accommodate the driveway, this is acceptable. It also shows a second hydrant approximately 300 feet past the driveway which is also acceptable." 3. The applicant should comply with the Chief's comments. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has indicated he has no comments. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. This criterion is being met. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed project is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Based on an estimated 30 employees and 25,781 square feet of office space and warehouse storage, the proposed building will require 43 parking spaces along with 2 handicap spaces, one of which must be van accessible. 43 parking spaces are provided on site along with 2 handicap spaces, both of which are van accessible. Parking requirements are met. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re -used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); or, (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Parking is located to the side and rear of the building. A bicycle rack is shown on the plan. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed buildings is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed office building is proposed at approximately 14', while the height of the proposed warehouse building is approximately 20'. These are both below the 35' height maximum for flat roof buildings. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Renderings of the proposed buildings have been submitted. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Renderings of the proposed buildings have been submitted. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. In addition to the above general review standards site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not feel that the reservation of land is necessary. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 7 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). A screened, dumpster enclosure is shown on the plans but does not appear to totally enclose the dumpster storage area. 5. The plans should be revised to indicate that the dumpster storage area will be completely enclosed by the proposed stockade fence. Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PLID review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) (4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans depict snow storage areas. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan showing 32 trees and 42 shrubs and a total cost of $17,989. The required landscape value expenditure is $17,850 based on a total building cost of $1,035,000. This requirement is being met. The proposed parking areas contain more than twenty-eight (28) parking spaces, and therefore shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations. Based upon a total pavement area of 17,361 SF, 1,736 SF of landscaped islands are required. The applicant is proposing 1,771 SF of landscaping distributed among four islands. It is unclear if these islands are considered to be located within the "interior" of the parking lot as is required. 6. The Board should discuss whether the requirements of Section 13.06(B) are met. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant has submitted a lighting point by point plan and lighting cut -sheets. This requirement is being met. Other 7. The plans should show all ground mounted HVAC units, generators, and utility cabinets. Department of Public Works Comments, stormwater: provided to staff on September 11, 2013: I reviewed the plans for the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. project located at 66 Bowdoin Street and developed by Civil Engineering Associates, dated January 2013 and last updated on 7/9/13. 1 would like to offer the following review comments: 1. If the project will disturb greater than 1 acre of land it will require a construction stormwater permit (3-9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. 2. If the project will create greater than 1 acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3-9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Also, this lot may be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (1-1269). If so, this permit will contain requirements related to management of stormwater runoff. 3. The applicant should provide more information on the pond outlet structure. 4. Will the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street and downstream to Potash Brook be able to convey additional runoff from the site during the 25-year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? Provide information (modeling, etc.) as necessary to show that it will. 5. The EPSC plan (sheet C3.0) should contain a stabilized construction entrance, or the applicant should make clear how trucks will be prevented from tracking sediment off site during construction. 6. What type of inlet protection will be utilized on the EPSC plan? Provide detail. 7. A detail for an emergency spillway is included on sheet C4.1, but no emergency spillway is included in the stormwater treatment area. Is this missing? Where does water flow during large storm events or if the pond outlet structure/pipe fails? 8. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 9. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City's watershed model for Potash Brook. 8. The applicant should address the Department's comments prior to closing the public hearing. TRAFFIC Condition #3c of the September 10, 1996 subdivision approval for the business park required that "prior to site plan approval for each lot, the signal warrant analysis shall be updated. When the signal is shown to be warranted at Rte 116/Swift Street Extension, applicant shall install signal at specifications approved by the City." (Swift Street Extension is now known as Meadowland Drive). CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING The applicant has submitted a traffic study dated July 9, 2013 prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson assuming 9,500 sq. ft. of office space and 15,787 sq. ft. of general light industrial/warehouse space. The report concludes that the project would generate 29 PM Peak Hour Trip Ends. The analysis also states that an acceptable level of services at the intersection of Hinesburg Road-Meadowland Drive- Rye Street D would be maintained and that the peak hour volume warrant for signalizing the intersection would not be met. Staff does not foresee any issues with this proposal that will create unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "Comments Section" of this document before closing the hearing. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer L� { Lamoureux Ft Dickinson Civil Engineers Planners Septic Designers Landscape Architects Land Surveyors RECEIVED JUL 1 � A0 July 9, 2013 CEA, Inc. David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis - Northeast Territories Lot 5, Meadowland Business Park Dear David, As requested, we have examined the impact of the development of an office/general light industrial building to be located on Lot 5 (66 Bowdoin Street) of the Meadowland Business Park. Meadowland Business Park accesses onto Hinesburg Road (VT Route 116) approximately''/z mile south of the 1-89 overpass. As we understand the project, this project includes the construction of 9,500 sf of office space and 15,787 sf of general light industrial/warehouse space. The results of the requested analyses are presented in the following sections. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes were obtained from turning movement counts performed at the intersection of Hinesburg Road and Meadowland Drive by this office in February 2012. A copy of that count is included in Appendix A. Accepted engineering practice is to analyze future traffic conditions using what is called the design hour volume or DHV. The DHV is defined as the 30`h highest hour of traffic volumes occurring on an annual basis. In South Burlington, weekday traffic volumes are typically higher during the PM peak hour; thus the DHV typically occurs during that time period. Observed PM peak hour volumes were adjusted to DHV's by utilizing traffic data from VTrans Continuous Traffic Counter D061 located on US Route 2 in Williston; that being the continuous traffic counter located on a similar highway closest to this Project. That data resulted in the observed peak hour turning movements being increased by 18% to calculate design hour volumes. The estimated design hour volumes were also adjusted to a future design year of 2018. Typically this is done using growth factors calculated by VTrans. With the most recent projections by VTrans now forecasting a -4% growth rate on urban highways over the next 20-year period, a zero background growth rate was applied for the purpose of this study. 14 Morse Drive Essex, VT 05452 t: 802.878.4450 f: 802.878.3135 www.LDengineering.com ♦ 25 Years Serving Fellow Vermonters David S. Marshall, P.E. July 9, 2013 Page 2 On the west side of Hinesburg Road directly opposite Meadowland Drive will be located a proposed mixed -use commercial/residential development (Rye Associates). Also proposed is a manufacturing building on adjacent Meadowland Business Park Lot 6 (Super -Temp). This office recently prepared traffic impact assessments for both projects. Although these projects are still being designed and permitted, their estimated peak hour volumes have been added to the background traffic volumes calculated above. The resulting "No -Build" design hour volumes are shown in Figure 1. Hinesburg Rd (VT 116) 27 584 28 N Rye 32 R 184 Meadowland Street D D 11y 55 Dr R T 71 9 287 8 Hinesburg Rd (VT 116) Figure 1 - 2018 No -Build DHV Project -Generated Trips The trip generation of this Project was estimated using trip generation rates (#110 - General Light Industrial and #710 - General Office Building) published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The estimated weekday peak hour trip generation is shown in Table 1. Table 1 - Weekday Peak Hour Trips (vte/hr) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total 39 5 44 4 25 29 The directional patterns of new project -generated peak hour trips were developed using existing peak hour traffic patterns entering and exiting the Meadowland Business Park at Hinesburg Road. Weekday pm peak hour project -generated trips are shown in Figure 2. The resulting "Build" design hour volumes are shown in Figure 3. David S. Marshall, P.E. July 9, 2013 Page 3 Hinesburg Rd (VT 116) 0 L* Rye 0 71 Street D 0 0 V R 0 0 3 N y y T R 19 Meadowland F 0 it 6 Dr T T 0 1 Hinesburg Rd (VT 116) Figure 2 - Project Weekday PM Peak Hour Trips Hinesburg Rd (VT 116) 27 ic Rye 32 71 Street D 0 + 11 �I 9 584 31 N y y T K 203 4- 0 Meadowland IL 61 Dr T a 287 9 Hinesburg Rd (VT 116) Figure 3 - 2018 Build DHV Traffic Congestion Levels of service (LOS) at intersections are determined by the average control delay; measured in seconds per vehicle. The methodology for analyzing LOS is established by the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)'. At two-way stop control (TWSC) intersections, the overall intersection LOS rating is determined primarily by the delays experienced on the minor street approach(s). Table 2 details the LOS criteria for unsignalized intersections. 1 Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 2010 David S. Marshall, P.E. July 9, 2013 Page 4 Table 2 - Unsignalized Intersection LOS Criteria LOS Avg. Delay LOS Avg. Delay A _<10 D <35 B <15 E <50 C <25 F >50 It should be noted that TWSC intersections located on high -volume major roadways often experience long delays on the side street left -turn and through movement(s). This is because those movements have the lowest priority, and must yield to the major street traffic (which in turn essentially experiences little or no delay). VTrans' level of service policy at TWSC intersections is to maintain a minimum of LOS D on the side street approach(s). Additionally, the same level of service policy does not set a minimum LOS standard at TWSC intersections having very low side street approach volumes (e.g. driveways). This Project's impact on future levels of service and average delays was analyzed by performing both No -Build and Build capacity analyses, and by comparing the incremental differences between those two analyses. Table 3 presents the results of the intersection capacity analyses. The letter denotes the Level of service, and the following number in parentheses represents the corresponding average delay in seconds per vehicle. Detailed capacity analysis output sheets are also included in Appendix B. Table 3 - Hinesburg Rd/Meadowland Dr/Rye Street D Intersection Capacity Analyses Results Approach 2018 PM Peak Hour (DHV) No -Build Build Hinesburg Rd NB LT A (9) A (9) Hinesburg Rd SB LT A (8) A (8) Meadowtand Dr WB LT/TH D (27) D (28) Meadowland Dr WB RT B (11) B (12) Street D - Rye EB All D (31) D (32) The above results show that acceptable levels of service will be maintained with this Project. Additionally, we conclude that the peak hour volume warrant for signalizing the VT 116/Meadowland Drive intersection remains unsatisfied by the above levels of service and future peak hour volumes. Traffic Safety The posted speed limit on Hinesburg Road in the immediate vicinity of this Project is 40 mph. Existing available intersection sight distances at both intersections well exceed the AASHTO recommended intersection sight distance of 445 ft for that posted speed limit. The VTrans 2006-2010 High Crash Location Report does not identify any nearby intersections or highway segments as being high crash locations. Additionally, adjacent roadways and intersections in the David S. Marshall, P.E. July 9, 2013 Page 5 immediate vicinity of this Project do not have any inherent deficiencies that would create unsafe traffic conditions. Multi -Modal Connections This Project will utilize existing sidewalks/paths previously constructed along Meadowland Drive and Bowdoin Street by the Meadowland Business Park. Conclusion In conclusion, the foregoing capacity analyses show that this Project will not create adverse traffic congestion or unsafe conditions on adjacent roads and intersections. We thank you for this opportunity to be of assistance. Should you have any questions concerning the above or if additional information is desired, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, RogerDickinsgon�,P.E., �PTOE PA2013\northeast territories\trafrpt letter.wpd Appendix A Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive Turning Movement Count amoureux & Dickinson( 14 Morse Drive Weather: Clear, 30-40 degrees F Essex, VT 05452 File Name : Meadowland Dr AM Count Counted By: Gail & Jody Site Code : 12012 Lr `ion: VT 116/Meadowland Drive Start Date : 2/22/2012 Pt_,.;ct Number: 12012 Page No : 1 _ _GrouRs Printed- Passenger Vehicles - Heavy Trucks & Buses VT 116 Meadowland - ve I VT 116 S_ outhbound Westbound Northbound Start Time Left j Thru Alp Total Left Rid htr AThru� pp_TotaI _ Ric,�ht Amp Total Int._ Total1 06:00 AM 18 12 30 1 3 4 45 14 59 93 06:15 AM 20 14 34 1 6 7 54 16 70 111 06:30 AM 33 15 48 1 4 5 74 15 89 142 06:45 AM 44 16 60 2 7 9 76 14 90 159 Total 115 57 172 5 20 25 249 59 308 505 07:00 AM 22 23 45 6 21 27 93 8 101 173 07:15 AM 2332 55 2 7 9 106 17 123 187 .51 07:30 AM 07:45 AM - 48 44 ---- -92- - ---------- --- ---- - 4 - - 167 ----- 12 -------179 275 - Total 118 130 248 11 37 48 519 45 564 860 08:00 AM 30 43 73 0 3 3 143 9 152 i7j 08:15 AM 31 I ":''! 37 ': - 68 2 5 ! ° 10 158 �, 13 7 1.71 08:30 AM 21 41 62 2 2 4 78 3 81 08:45 AM 14 31 45 2 3 5 94 9 103 153 Total ------ - 96-- --- 152 ------ 248 ------ 6 ---- 16 ------ 22 - 473 ----- 34 ------ 507 --- 777 09:00 AM 9 26 35 1 6 7 64 4 68 110 09:15 AM 7 47 54 0 2 2 63 1 64 120 09:30 AM 5 39 44 2 4 6 65 0 65 115 09:45 AM 13 36 49 0 _ 8 8 61 _ 0 _ 61 118 Total 34 148 182 3 20 23 253 5 258 463 10:00 AM 3 29 32 1 4 5 55 2 57 I 94 10:15 AM 7 30 37 2 3 5 65 2 67 109 10:30 AM 4 39 43 1 4 5 53 0 53 101 10:45 AM _ 5 38 _ _ 43 0 3 3 71 2 73 119 ---- ---------- Total 19 136 155 4 14 18 244 6 250 423 11:00 AM 5 47 52 3 9 12 52 0 52 116 11:15 AM 5 43 48 5 5 10 56 2 58 116 11:30 AM 8 42 50 2 13 15 65 0 65 130 11:45 AM 6 40 46 _ 0 20 20 57 0 57 _123 Total 24 172 196 10 47 57 230 2 232 485 Grand Total 406 795 1201 39 154 193 1968 151 2119 3513 Apprch % 33.8 66.2 20.2 79.8 92.9 7.1 Total % 11.6 22.6 34.2 1.1 4.4 5.5 56 4.3 60.3 Passenger Vehicles 386 763 1149 32 132 164 1937 148 2085 3398 % Passenger Vehicles 95.1 96 95.7 82.1 85.7 85 98.4 98 98.4 96.7 Heavy Trucks & Buses 20 32 52 7 22 29 31 3 34 115 % Heavy Trucks & Buses I 4.9 4 4.3 17.9 14.3 15 1.6 2 1.6 3.3 amoureux & Dickinson( 14 Morse Drive Weather: Clear, 30-40 degrees F Essex, VT 05452 File Name Meadowland Dr AM Count Counted By: Gail & Jody Site Code 12012 U tion: VT 116/Meadowland Drive Start Date 2/22/2012 Pi-,-,ct Number: 12012 Page No :3 -VT-ff6- VT 116 Southbound Westbound Northbound i Start Time LeLt 1_ ___ Th ru I ----App.-Totill- Left Total ------- �itj _ App. Total Int. Total ] Peak Hour Analysis From 06:00 AM to 11:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 25 31 56 1 7 8 153 8 161 225 07:45 AM 48 44 92 2 2 4 167 12 179 275 08:00 AM 30 43 73 0 3 3 143 9 152 228 08:15 AM 31 37 68 2 8 110 158 13 171 249 - 13�----- - --f55 289 5 20 Total Volume 25 621 42 663 977 %A . Total 46.4 53.6 20 80 93.7 6.3 PHF ----.698 --1 .785 U5 .625 .625 .930 .808 6-2-6 .888 Vr 116 Out In Total [,----64-11 1 —289 j __A30j I_-_ Thru Left L+ Peak Hour Data o 0 :4 North o Passenger Vehide Heavy Trucks & Buses 0 14 Thru RIEh�' _621 421 I 663, - __A23 Out In Total yr 1 16 (' amoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Weather: Clear, 30-40 degrees F Essex, VT 05452 File Name : Meadowland Dr PM Count Counted By: Brian/Bill Site Code : 12012 1 ation: VT 116/Meadowland Dr Start Date : 2/21/2012 I- , iject Number: 12012 Page No : 1 Groups Printed- Passenger Vehicles Heavy Vehicles & Buses VT Route 116 ! Meadowland Drive VT Route 116 SoutThrund Westbound i Northbound I Start Time Left App. Total � I Left , Right r App Total + Thru- I Rlght , App Total Int. Total j 12:00 PM 12.15 PM 1 9 25 54 46 63 71 3 2 34 17 37 19 _ 48 42 _ 3 6 51 48 151 138 12:30 PM 14 36 50 3 18 21 41 2 43 114 12:45 PM 20 52 72 0- 5 5 54- 3 57 13_4 Total 1 68 188 256 8 74 { 82 - 185 14 - 199 , _ 537 01 00 PM 21 50 71 0 7 7 46 2 48 126 01:15 PM 01 30 PM 19 7 45 43 64 501 1 2 6 10 7 12 43 69 1 2 44 71 115 133 01:45 PM '�, 6 550 0 56 2 5 7j 36 2 38 101 Total 53 1 25 5 28 33 - 194 - 1 201 _ 475 02.00 PM 10 46 56 3 9 12 52 0 52 120 02:15 PM 02:30 PM 1 16 14 68 64 84 78 1 10 12 29 131 39 1 56 40 2 2 58 42 155 159 02745 PM 11 72 83 5 22 27 1 47 2 49 159 Total 51 250 301 1 19 72 91 195 6 201 A 593 03:00 PM 03:15 PM 8 10 59 58 67 68 5 8 32 23 37 31 66 63 1 6 671 691 171 168 03:30 PM 10 75 85 6 39 45 50 1 51 181 03:45 PM Total 10 38 87 -9 27 97 317- 7 26 20 -- 114 27_ 1W0 70 249 1 9 71 1 258 -715 195 ; 04.00 PM 6 95 101 11 39 50 53 0 531 204 04:15 PM 1 4 81 85 7 16 23 56 1 57 1 165 04:30 PM 4 120 1241 13 60 731 1 54 1 55 252 04:45 PM 3 110 113 3 26 29 63 3 _ _66 208 Total 17 406 423 1 34 141 175 226 5 231 829 05-00 PM 7 134 141 1 19 43 62 53 0 53 256 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 4 1 123 113 127 114 8 2 16 25 24 27 63 53 1 2 641 55 i 215 196 05:45 PM Total 4 16 88 458 92 474, 2 31 17 10-1 19, 132 43 212 1 4 44 216 1 155 822 Grand Total 1 243 1769 2012 123 530 653 1261 45 13061 3971 Apprch % 12.1 87.9 18.8 81.2 96.6 3.4 Total % 1 6.1 _ 44 5 50.7 3.1 13.3 16.4 _ 31.8 1.1 32.9 Passenger Vehicles % Passen er Vehicles 219 90.1 1741 98.4 1966 97.41 122 99.2 516 96.2 6321 96.8 1215 96.4 41 91.1 1256 96.2 ; 3848 96.9 Heavy Vehicles & Buses 24 28 52 1 1 20 21 46 4 50 123 % Heavy Vehicles & Buses 9.9 1.6 2.61 0.8 3.8 3.21 3.6 8.9 3.8 3.1 T,amoureux & Dickinso"T, 14 Morse Drive Weather.- Clear, 30-40 degrees F Essex, VT 05452 File Name Meadowland Dr PM Count Counted By: Brian/Bill Site Code 12012 1 ition: VT 116/Meadowland Dr Start Date 2/21/2012 Pi,,ject Number: 12012 Page No 3 VT Route 116 Meadowland Drive VT Route 116 Southbound --Left,' ----Thwj-_--Ap--.TotaI Westbound Northbound Start Time Left Right— Total Thru-1 Right App Total Int. Total 1 _p_ Peak Hour Analysis From 12:bO m-to 05:45 PM -Peak 1 of 1 _App._ Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 4 120 124 13 60 73 54 1 55 252 04.45 PM 3 110 113, 3 26 29 63 3 66 208 05:00 PM 7 134 141 19 43 62 53 0 53 256 05:15 PM 1 4 123 127 8 16 24 63 1 6411 215 Total Volume 1 18 487 60-5 43 1467- 188 zn 5 238 931 % App. Total 1 3.6 96.4 229 77.1 979 21 PHF .895 6b 669 - 566 - - .664 -- - - 6-4-4j- - - - _.925 .417 902 909 I Route 116 Out In Total 378 5051 8831 Thru Left Peak Hour Data 17 10 North CD ID M � t Peak Hour Begins it 4F.w PW- oa 0 colyfo C1 Passenger Vehicles I Heavy Yehicles_& Buses of o + Thru Right, F 23Y 51 i 1 530 2381 7681 - Out In Total VT Route 116 Appendix B Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive Intersection Capacity Analyses HCS+: U( ignalized Intersections Rel( e 5.6 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: R. Dickinson Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 7/09/2013 Analysis Time Period: PM DHV Intersection: Jurisdiction: South Burlington Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2018 No -Build Project ID: 13064 East/West Street: Meadowland Dr/Street D North/South Street: VT Route 116 Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): __Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments_ Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 14 5 6 L T R L T R 1.00 Volume 9 287 8 28 584 27 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 9 287 8 28 584 27 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 5 -- -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? No Lanes 0 1 1 1 1 0 Configuration LT R L TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 L T 9 R I 10 I L Eastbound 11 T 12 R Volume 55 0 184 32 0 11 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 55 0 184 32 0 11 Percent Heavy Vehicles 5 0 5 0 0 0 Percent Grade M 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage / No / Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 0 Configuration LT R LTR Approach Movement Lane Config v (vph) C (m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 7 8 9 I 10 11 LT L I LT R I LTR 9 28 55 184 43 978 1249 221 745 183 0.01 0.02 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.03 0.07 0.98 0.98 0.91 8.7 7.9 26.7 11.4 30.7 A A D B D 14.9 30.7 B D 12 HCS+: Uq ignalized Intersections Rel{ e 5.6 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: R. Dickinson Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 7/09/2013 Analysis Time Period: PM DHV Intersection: Jurisdiction: South Burlington Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2018 Build Project ID: 13064 East/West Street: Meadowland Dr/Street D North/South Street: VT Route 116 Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs) 1.00 -__Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments___ Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R I L T R Volume 9 287 9 31 584 27 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 9 287 9 31 584 27 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 5 -- -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? No Lanes 0 1 1 1 1 0 Configuration LT R L TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume 61 0 203 32 0 11 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 61 0 203 32 0 11 Percent Heavy Vehicles 5 0 5 0 0 0 Percent Grade M 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage / No / Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 0 Configuration LT R LTR Approach Movement Lane Config v (vph) C (m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service _ NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 I 7 8 9 I 10 11 LT L LT R LTR 9 31 61 203 43 978 1248 219 745 174 0.01 0.02 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.03 0.08 1.14 1.12 0.97 8.7 8.0 27.8 11.6 32.4 A A D B D 15.4 32.4 C D 12 Page 1 of 2 ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 4:13 PM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Cc: ray Subject: RE: Northeast Territories Stormwater Ray, Per Dave's 9/17/13 response to my initial questions, we have learned that the 18" existing drainage infrastructure beneath Bowdoin street is not capable of conveying the 25-yr, 24-hr storm event for existing upstream properties. The solution that Dave proposes below would prevent runoff from the Northeast Territories property from reaching the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street until the point where it crosses under the street in a 24" pipe located to the north of the property. Therefore, the condition suggested by Dave is acceptable to me as long as I have an opportunity to review and approve the final plans, prior to issuance of a zoning permit. We'll also want to make sure that the 24" culvert under Bowdoin and the downstream drainage swale can safely convey runoff from this project and the upcoming Super -Temp project described by Dave. For clarity's sake, please note that the "clean water ditch" described below is the existing ditch that runs south to north between the proposed stormwater treatment area and proposed buildings. -Tom Thomas J. Di Pietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works City of South Burlington Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared, for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 3:46 PM To: Tom Dipietro Cc: ray Subject: Northeast Territories Stormwater Tom - We have reviewed the opportunities to direct the runoff from the proposed Northeast Territories project away from the Bowdoin Street stormwater conveyance system and found that it is technically feasible to achieve the goal for a couple of reasons. 1) The existing condition invert for the "clean water" ditch is 345.1 at the north 10/1/2013 Page 2 of 2 property line. The Pond elevation is set at 345.0 which means that the normal water elevation would likely increase only by about 5 inches which would still provide a useful volume for peak flow reduction beyond the State mandated minimum. 2) The future Super -Temp project to the north needs to lower the ditch to below the Northeast Territories 345.0 normal water elevation in order to create adequate cover over the pipe for their new driveway cut. Therefore we would propose a condition of approval which indicates that: The stormwater runoff from the Northeast Territories facility shall be directed to the existing "clean water" ditch as a means of eliminating impacts on the existing 18" stormwater conveyance piping on Bowdoin Street. These changes shall be made to the plan prior to obtaining a Zoning Permit. This is the some receiving ditch where the emergency overflows are currently proposed to be directed . Thanks for looking into this with us. Best David S. Marshall, RE Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 10/1/2013 C1811L El`IGII IEE,tll`IG 1114C, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 September 20, 2013 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com RECEIVED Mr. Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator SEP 2 3 2013 City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning City of So. Burlington 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. Office Building, 66 Bowdoin Street Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park Preliminary/Final PUD Application Supplemental Information Dear Mr. Belair: Based upon the directions received from the Development Review Board hearing on this application, we have revised the plans to reflect the following modifications. • There were no action requirements for Staff report Items 1 — 4. • Item 5 Dumpster Detailing — The plans have been revised to include the dumpster enclosure and a detail of the proposed dumpster enclosure. • Item 6 — Island areas — no further action required. • Item 7 — Show all ground mounted utility structures. Subsequent clarification communications with Green Mountain Power indicates that a supplemental transformer will be required. This has been added to the plans and the landscaping plan has been revised to provide screening of the cabinet. • Item 8 — Public Works comments. Each specific comment has been addressed in the attached letter to Mr. Tom DiPietro. This completes our summary of the proposed features of the project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respe ILYy.__ avid S. Marshall, P.E. - Project Engineer Enclosures: Letter to DiPietro Five (5) Full Size Plan Set (not including architecturals) One 11" x 17" Reduced Size Plan CD of plans and documents cc: M. Neagley (w/ enclosures, 11x17 plans); CEA File 13102.00 (w/ enclosures, 11x17 plans) P:WutoCADD Projects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\3-Final\Belair Site Plan Cover.doc ClVl! El Irll IEURl! Ir ri`J`JOClMU), INC.,. 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com September 17, 2013 Mr. Tom Dipietro, Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street Dear Tom: RECEIVE SEP 2 3 2713 City Of So. BUr lington We have received your comments concerning the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. project located at 66 Bowdoin Street. We offer the following responses to your request for supplemental information. 1. If the project will disturb greater than 1 acre of land it will require a construction stormwater permit (3-9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Yes, this will require that authorization for coverage under the State's General Permit for Construction Stormwater Runoff be acquired prior to initiation of construction. 2. If the project will create greater than 1 acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3-9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Also, this lot may be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (1-1269). If so, this permit will contain requirements related to management of stormwater runoff. This parcel as part of the Meadowland Business Park is subject to an existing Stormwater Permit issued by the State of Vermont. The conditions of approval of this permit require that this parcel provide treatment of the stormwater runoff and to limit peak flow runoff to no more than 2.3 CFS for 2-year design storm. This project provides full treatment in compliance with the State Stormwater Manual and reduces peak flow runoff for the 2-year storm event from 5.0 to 0.6 CFS and from 12.5 to 1.2 CFS for the 25-year event. 3. The applicant should provide more information on the pond outlet structure. The proposed outlet structure detail has been added to the design plans. 4. Will the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street and downstream to Potash Brook be able to convey additional runoff from the site during the 25-year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? Provide information (modeling, etc.) as necessary to show that it will. This infrastructure was never intended to covey that level of peak flow. The key is to ensure that the building and area drains do not backwater in a manner that impacts this or adjacent properties. In response to your 9-20-13 follow-up of: What is the infrastructure capable of conveying and/or what was it designed to do? (1 am Mr. Tom DiPietro Page 2 of 3 September 20, 2013 asking this question as it relates to Article 15.13 Section F(3) of the City's LDRs). We offer the following information. The storm drain conveying flow down Bowdoin Street is an 18" HDPE that generally follows the 0.9% grade of the road. The 75% full flow carrying capacity is 5.2 CFS (n=.012). There is a short section north of the project site that was installed with a 0.4% slope which results in a 75% carrying capacity of 4.2 CFS. Hydro CAD modeling of the soils and post development density (38% average impervious) indicates that an unmitigated peak flow rate of runoff per acre is 4.0 CFS for the Q25 storm event. As each of the three (3) lots on the upgradient side of Bowdoin Street are 3+ acres in size, it is clear that the existing infrastructure does not have the capacity to handle the flow from these three lots nor any other contributory flows directed to this conveyance system. The State Stormwater Discharge Permit limits peak flows rates from Lots 4 (CBA Insurance), 5 (proposed Neagley & Chase) and 6 (Proposed Super -Temp Wire & Cable) to 2.3, 2.3 and 2.4 CFS respectfully for the 2-year design storm. In light of these conditions, the next step would be to assume that the pipe system becomes maxed and to review the carrying capacity of Bowdoin Street pavement surface with an assumed depth of 6" at the curb at a gradient of 0.9 and an n=0.02, the carrying capacity = 20 CFS in each lane. The next question is where does the water go once it reaches the north end of Bowdoin Street? The embedded photos shows that before the rises up over the berm of the Homeland Security Facility to the west, the water will flow over the curb and/or earthen berm at the end of the pavement into the field and then down to the wetland/stream to the west. Mr. Tom DiPietro Page 3 of 3 September 20, 2013 Based upon the above carrying capacity and conveyance of flows to a point where Improved properties will not be adversely affected as well as the previously mentioned elevation differentials above the road, it is clear that the characteristics of the existing conveyance system, although not traditional in nature, will not result in damage to private or public property. S. The EPSC plan (sheet C3.0) should contain a stabilized construction entrance, or the applicant should make clear how trucks will be prevented from tracking sediment off site during construction. Item 3 of the narrative on Sheet C3.2 calls for the installation of a construction entrance. Sheet C3.0 will be modified to show the construction entrance. 6. What type of inlet protection will be utilized on the EPSC plan? Provide detail. Inlet protection will be comprised of either an excavated sump around the CB (for contributory areas of Greater 10,000 SF) or filter fabric inlaid under the grate. These details will be added to the plans. 7. A detail for an emergency spillway is included on sheet C4.1, but no emergency spillway is included in the stormwater treatment area. Is this missing? Where does water flow during large storm events or if the pond outlet structure/pipe fails? As this is an excavated pond, the overflow will leave the pond at the low point of the shoulder of the road. The shoulder is sloped at 2% so a formal emergency overflow is not required nor shown on the site plan. Stormwater will flow to the getter line of the street as this is the nearest low elevation feature. 8. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. No issue. 9. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City's watershed model for Potash Brook. No issue. This completes our summary of the responses to your intial and follow-up review comments. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310 or at dmarshall@cea- vt.com. Respectfully avid S. Mar Principal Engineer Cc: R. Belair, M. Naegley; CEA File 13102.00 P:\AutoCADD Projects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local App1icat1ons\3-Fina1\D0etro corespondence.doc CIN/ 1 L Ell G.11 E E k I H G AJ `"00r.At VS4 ! IN r1% 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 September 17, 2013 Mr. Tom Dipietro, Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street Dear Tom: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com We have received your comments concerning the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. project located at 66 Bowdoin Street. We offer the following responses to your request for supplemental information. 1. If the project will disturb greater than 1 acre of land it will require a construction stormwater permit (3-9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Yes, this will require that authorization for coverage under the State's General Permit for Construction Stormwater Runoff be acquired prior to initiation of construction. 2. If the project will create greater than 1 acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3-9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Also, this lot may be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (1-1269). If so, this permit will contain requirements related to management of stormwater runoff. This parcel as part of the Meadowland Business Park is subject to an existing Stormwater Permit issued by the State of Vermont. The conditions of approval of this permit require that this parcel provide treatment of the stormwater runoff and to limit peak flow runoff to no more than 2.3 CFS for 2-year design storm. This project provides full treatment in compliance with the State Stormwater Manual and reduces peak flow runoff for the 2-year storm event from 5.0 to 0.6 CFS and from 12.5 to 1.2 CFS for the 25-year event. 3. The applicant should provide more information on the pond outlet structure. The proposed outlet structure detail has been added to the design plans. 4. Will the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street and downstream to Potash Brook be able to convey additional runoff from the site during the 25-year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? Provide information (modeling, etc.) as necessary to show that it will. This infrastructure was never intended to covey that level of peak flow. The key is to ensure that the building and area drains do not backwater in a manner that impacts this or adjacent properties. In response to your 9-20-13 follow-up of: What is the infrastructure capable of conveying and/or what was it designed to do? (1 am Mr. Tom DiPietro Page 2 of 3 September 20, 2013 asking this question as it relates to Article 15.13 Section F(3) of the City's LDRs). We offer the following information. The storm drain conveying flow down Bowdoin Street is an 18" HDPE that generally follows the 0.9% grade of the road. The 75% full flow carrying capacity is 5.2 CFS (n=.012). There is a short section north of the project site that was installed with a 0.4% slope which results in a 75% carrying capacity of 4.2 CFS. HydroCAD modeling of the soils and post development density (38% average impervious) indicates that an unmitigated peak flow rate of runoff per acre is 4.0 CFS for the Q25 storm event. As each of the three (3) lots on the upgradient side of Bowdoin Street are 3+ acres in size, it is clear that the existing infrastructure does not have the capacity to handle the flow from these three lots nor any other contributory flows directed to this conveyance system. The State Stormwater Discharge Permit limits peak flows rates from Lots 4 (CBA Insurance), 5 (proposed Neagley & Chase) and 6 (Proposed Super -Temp Wire & Cable) to 2.3, 2.3 and 2.4 CFS respectfully for the 2-year design storm. In light of these conditions, the next step would be to assume that the pipe system becomes maxed and to review the carrying capacity of Bowdoin Street pavement surface with an assumed depth of 6" at the curb at a gradient of 0.9 and an n=0.02, the carrying capacity = 20 CFS in each lane. The next question is where does the water go once it reaches the north end of Bowdoin Street? The embedded photos shows that before the rises up over the berm of the Homeland Security Facility to the west, the water will flow over the curb and/or earthen berm at the end of the pavement into the field and then down to the wetland/stream to the west. Mr. Tom DiPietro Page 3 of 3 September 20, 2013 Based upon the above carrying capacity and conveyance of flows to a point where improved properties will not be adversely affected as well as the previously mentioned elevation differentials above the road, it is clear that the characteristics of the existing conveyance system, although not traditional in nature, will not result in damage to private or public property. 5. The EPSC plan (sheet C3.0) should contain a stabilized construction entrance, or the applicant should make clear how trucks will be prevented from tracking sediment off site during construction. Item 3 of the narrative on Sheet C3.2 calls for the installation of a construction entrance. Sheet C3.0 will be modified to show the construction entrance. 6. What type of inlet protection will be utilized on the EPSC plan? Provide detail. Inlet protection will be comprised of either an excavated sump around the CB (for contributory areas of Greater 10,000 SF) or filter fabric inlaid under the grate. These details will be added to the plans. 7. A detail for an emergency spillway is included on sheet C4.1, but no emergency spillway is included in the stormwater treatment area. Is this missing? Where does water flow during large storm events or if the pond outlet structure/pipe fails? As this is an excavated pond, the overflow will leave the pond at the low point of the shoulder of the road. The shoulder is sloped at 2% so a formal emergency overflow is not required nor shown on the site plan. Stormwater will flow to the getter line of the street as this is the nearest low elevation feature. 8. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. No issue. 9. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City's watershed model for Potash Brook. No issue. This completes our summary of the responses to your intial and follow-up review comments. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 010 or at dmarshall@cea- vt.com. Respectfully_,_. _ avid S. Mar E. Principal Engineer Cc: R. Belair, M. Naegley; CEA File 13102.00 P:\AutoCADD Projects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\3-Final\DiPietro corespondence.doc ( 9" 6' HIGH SCREEN GATE (BOARD OR OTHER MATERIAL) -r d x d • d • •A d • d ° . • . d 1 • d ° ♦ ^ • d + " • , d • . , ° 18' (CONCRETE PAD 17'-6"' 16'-0" OPENING 5-9" � 6'-0` _ 5'-9" 4"x6" P.T. T POST PLAN R C u N.T.S. 1 /2"GALV. CARRIAGE BOLTS OR 3/4"x4 ! /2" LONG GALV. LAG BOLTS SCREEN BOARD 2"x6" P.T. GIRTS OR OTHER MATERIAL (TYP.) [AS PER OWNERS REQUEST I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 d I q I tl I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I a I a I a I I I 11 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I d d d I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I A • , d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° o 0 0 0 00000 00000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0°° 00000 00000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00000 O°O 00 00 0° 8" CRUSHED % /� ONCRETE/\ .' GRAVEL P'AD \� \ 4"x6" P.T. POST �\ CONCRETEZA " • / ' .\ \� FILL AROUND 6" CRUSHED POST o°o°a BOTTOM OF \ POST 6'-0" O.C. OR LESS DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE N.T.S. ELEVATION \ . r. ./ >>:P--o--o1- 6'-0' O.C. OR LESS uenerai iwie: All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District #1 and th " e "p`f J�jicho. DATE I CHECKED I REVISION SITE + UTILITY DETAILS DATE MAY, 2013 SCALE AS SHOWN PROD. NO. 13162 DRAWING NUMBER C-25.9 CIAL UN IGU IEEMI IG AV*500CUVES. Il IC, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 July 24, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: maiWcea-vt.com Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. Office Building, 66 Bowdoin Street Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park Preliminary/Final PUD Application Dear Mr. Belair: Northeast Territories, Inc. is seeking preliminary and final plan approval for a proposed office building to be located on the 3.06 acre Lot 5 of the Meadowland Business Park. This structure is proposed as the primary office of Neagley & Chase Construction and one tenant. The proposed structure will include 9,847 SF of office space and 15,934 SF of shop production/storage area. The Building Footprint is 23,334 SF with 2,447 SF of mezzanine area. The building height will generally be 14-feet for the office areas and 20 feet for the shop areas. Zoning - The property is wholly located within the Industrial Open Space (10) district. The sight is constrained by the Hinesburg East View Protection Zone where: Maximum structure height = 413.5 Maximum proposed heights = 375.0 The airport approach cone overlay district also encumbers the air space of this property. Design Approach The proposed building offers multiple jogs to create character and to better define the primary and tenant spaces. The parking has been designed to be located to the side of the building while the front will be used for stormwater management and as a landscaped presentation of the building. On -site Parking — We have attached the computations and compliance needs as it relates to the number of on -site parking spaces and parking lot landscaping requirements. Infrastructure — All of the service connections required for the proposed use are readily available as existing services remain from the original infrastructure construction for the Meadowland Business Park. These include (next page): (- Page 1 of 2 ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:43 PM To: Justin Rabidoux Subject: Comments on Northeast Territories, Inc Site Plan for 66 Bowdoin Street Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Green Justin, I reviewed the plans for the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. project located at 66 Bowdoin Street and developed by Civil Engineering Associates, dated January 2013 and last updated on 7/9/13. 1 would like to offer the following review comments: 1. If the project will disturb greater than 1 acre of land it will require a construction stormwater permit (3- 9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. 2. If the project will create greater than 1 acre of impervious area it will require a stormwater permit (3- 9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. Also, this lot may be covered under an existing State issued stormwater permit (1-1269). If so, this permit will contain requirements related to management of stormwater runoff. 3. The applicant should provide more information on the pond outlet structure. 4. Will the drainage infrastructure under Bowdoin street and downstream to Potash Brook be able to convey additional runoff from the site during the 25-year, 24-hour storm event without surcharging? Provide information (modeling, etc.) as necessary to show that it will. 5. The EPSC plan (sheet C3.0) should contain a stabilized construction entrance, or the applicant should make clear how trucks will be prevented from tracking sediment off site during construction. 6. What type of inlet protection will be utilized on the EPSC plan? Provide detail. 7. A detail for an emergency spillway is included on sheet C4.1, but no emergency spillway is included in the stormwater treatment area. Is this missing? Where does water flow during large storm events or if the pond outlet structure/pipe fails? 8. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 9. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be included in the City's watershed model for Potash Brook. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658-7961 x108 Email: Tdipietrota'�.sburl.com Web Site: www.sburl.com Twitter: @SBPubWorks 9/11/2013 South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 September 9, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair, Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Proposed Construction Office Facility 66 Bowdoin Street Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed project. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. Commercial structures will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. 2. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxe(s), location to be specified by SBFD. 6. Per the plan, C2.1, as I view it shows the fire hydrant being relocated slightly to accommodate the driveway, this is acceptable. It also shows a second hydrant approximately 300 feet past the driveway which is also acceptable. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief ssifieds 'URE: Brown Jordan Fur - et: indoor/outdoor love o chairs, two ottomans. ears; $1,000 for all 5 pieces Offer; originally $8,000. -5320.(08/22) URE: Oak Futon Frame in ,edition; minimally used s optional; $150 Inverter ging around). Nearly new good condition; asking d1578-0342. (08/15) RIGERATOR: G.E. side by 1/2 years old, new with is an ice/water dispenser Sells for $1,500, asking 4easurements: H 69 1/2 age), width 33", depth 33". -2334 to view. (08/29) 'LUB SETS: Men's set ;s Irons, driver, woods, putter, water retriever $50 OBO. Women's set s Irons woods, lob wedge, water retriever and bag; ). Call 860-1430. (08/01) VK FORM: Brackets for your own 20'x 40' Back - rink. Brackets hold your id plastic liner to create a backyard fun! 658-2013 it best offer. (8/22) Beautiful Thomasville earn with small, soft red int. Like new, $300. Trans- ieelchair, excellent con - folds compactly, $100. rl buffet w/lighted hutch, n oak, decorative glass in hutch. Perfect condi- 50. Call651-1139. (08/22) C)uPTQ190 tnn r ];tier ;' . theOther Paper • www.otherpapervt.com • August 29, 2013 • 15 LUGGAGE: Six pieces each ap- proximately 28 inches by 18 inches, $20. Phone 802 999 0625. (08 / 15) PERCUSSION KIT: Gently used Ludwig Percussion Kit. Includes a xylophone, axylophone stand, a pair of mallets, a practice pad that also connects to the xylophone stand, and a pair of drum sticks in a protective backpack case. Originally purchased through Ellis Music Company for $360. Used for Middle School Band. Asking $150. Call 862-1132 (08/08) PING PONG TABLE: Excellent condition, table only. $80. 999- 4328 (08/08) SILK TREES AND PLANTS: Life- like 7 ft. Birch and 5 ft. Ficas tree. Assortment of silk house plants, $30 for all. 734-2928. (08/ 15) STAND UP PADDLEBOARD - Tahoe SUP Alpine Explorer Inflatable SUP IIFt 6In. Comes in sturdy backpack carrying bag, complete with pump with gauge, repair kit, 2 detachable fins. Used twice. Retail $1199. Selling for $999. More info, call Mark at 863- 2037 (08/29) Public N"t�ccs PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington"Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Sep- tember 17, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Preliminary & final plat application #SD-13-24 of North- east Territories, Inc. for a planned unit development to construct a 25,781 sq. ft. contractor or building trades facility, 66 Bowdoin Street.. 2. Conditional use application #CU-13-04 of Charles E. Carpentier for approval of a 7' X 16' deck to project into the front yard setback by approximately 12.5 feet, 2 Iby Street. Final plat application #SD-13-26 of Alan & Christine Palmer to: 1) subdivide a 3.19 acre parcel developed with a commercial building into two (2) lots of 1.46 acres and 1.73 acres, and 2) combine the 1.73 acre parcel with an adjacent 2.1 acre parcel developed with a com- mercial building to create a 3.83 acre parcel, 20 & 25 Palmer Court. Mark Behr, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection WORKBENCH: Tradesman work- at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local pro - bench, 6' x4', great condition. $80. ceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent 999-4328 (08/08) - appeal. August 29, 2013 2005 Subaru Legacy Station Wagon, good condition, 72K miles, asking $7000, call 802-860- Library CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 0187. (08/08) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 219 =day of K , 20 , a copy of the foregoing public notice for (, ( [type of applic tion] # - [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) �r � 0*0d N Dated at 50-MI town/city], Vermont, this '2�9-6 day of I , 20 13 Printed Name: AIN r ftilt s Phone number and email: - - 3 fY1 - Signature: Date: ' Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street - Lot 5 - Abutters List 39 BOWDOIN STREET NORTHEAST TERRITORIES INC 46 BOWDOIN STREET CHASE PROPERTIES & DEVELOPEMENT LTD 65 BOWDOIN STREET GPT PROPERTIES TRUST 104 BOWDOIN STREET SUPER -TEMP REALTY COMPANY INC 630 HINESBURG RD IRELAND SCOTT D & STEPHEN D 20 SOUTH CREST DR BURLINGTON P 0 BOX 2283 S BURLINGTON 9 GALEN ST SUITE 240 WATERTOWN 133 ELM STREET WINOOSKI P 0 BOX 2286 S BURLINGTON VT 054010257-00039 VT 05407 0257-00046 MA 02472 0257-00065 VT 05404 0257-00104 VT 05407 0860-00630 I I TO: South Burlington property owners SUBJECT: Application before the Development Review Board for an abutting property The enclosed Development Review Board public notice or agenda is being sent to you because you have been identified as an abutting landowner to a proposed land development listed on the attachment. The distribution of this information to the abutting landowners is required by state law. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the public hearing as participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Should you have any questions about the proposal, or wish to view the submittals, please contact the South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning. They can be reached at (802) 846-4106 or at City of South Burlington, Department of Planning & Zoning, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. Approved for Distribution by South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning southburlington PLANNING & ZONING PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on September 17, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Preliminary & final plat application #SD-13-24 of Northeast Territories, Inc. for a planned unit development to construct a 25,781 sq. ft. contractor or building trades facility, 66 Bowdoin Street. 2. Conditional use application #CU-13-04 of Charles E. Carpentier for approval of a 7' X 16' deck to project into the front yard setback by approximately 12.5 feet, 2 Iby Street. 3. Final plat application #SD-13-26 of Alan & Christine Palmer to: 1) subdivide a 3.19 acre parcel developed with a commercial building into two (2) lots of 1.46 acres and 1.73 acres, and 2) combine the 1.73 acre parcel with an adjacent 2.1 acre parcel developed with a commercial building to create a 3.83 acre parcel, 20 & 25 Palmer Court. Mark Behr, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. August 29, 2013 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com R Mr. Ray Belair Page 2 of 2 July 24, 2013 Sewer - The project will be served by the existing 8" PVC service line connected to the gravity sewer main on Bowdoin Street. Water — The existing 8" service stub to the 8" water main on Bowdoin Street will be used. Stormwater — The State Stormwater permit limits lot coverage to no more than 50% and requires that water quality treatment be provided on site prior to discharge to the existing stormwater management system. This will be achieved with the proposed treatment facility with the discharge connected to the existing 15" HDPE located in the southwest corner of the property. Power & Communications — The electrical transformer and communications pedestals are currently located in the northwest corner of the property and were designed to provide ready service to Lot 5. Future Expansion - The site has been designed to enable expansion of the proposed building in the easterly direction without exceeding the maximum 50% lot coverage required in the 1/0 District (or State Stormwater Permit). Waivers - No waivers are requested. This completes our summary of the proposed features of the project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer _ \dsm Enclosures: Five (5) Full Size Plan Set (with bldg. elevations) (3 sheets each) One 11" x 17" Reduced Size Plan (3 sheets) Preliminary and Final Plat Applications Application Fee of $2,052.35 (Previously Paid) plus $562.70 for a total of $2,615.05. Parking Lot Calculations Coverage Calculations List of Abutters, Landscape Schedule Traffic Study Pre -addressed Stamped Envelopes (retained by Applicant) CD of plans and documents cc: M. Neagley (w/ enclosures, 11x17 plans); CEA File 13102.00 (w/ enclosures, 11x17 plans) P.1AutoCADD Projects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\3-Final\Belair Site Plan Cover doc Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street Lot 5 - Meadowland Business Park Parking Requirements Overall Site No. Employees 30 Empl x 1.0 Spaces per Empl. _ Total Building 25,781 SF x 0.5 Spaces per 1,000 SF = 1 Van Accessible Spaces Req'd 2 Van Accessible Spaces Provided Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements West Parking Lot 32 # of Spaces in Parking Lot 6.4 # of Speciment Trees Required (1 Tree/5 spaces) 6 Specimen Trees to be Provided East Parking Lot 11 # of Spaces in Parking Lot 2.2 # of Speciment Trees Required (1 Tree/5 spaces) 3 Specimen Trees to be Provided Parking Lot Green Space Calculations Entire Parking Lot 17,361 Total Pavement Area (SF) 1,736 Required Green Space Area (SF) Area DPc tin ion 637 South Island 151 North Island 684 Corner Island 299 East Island 1,771 Total Green Space Island Area Provided (SF) 30.0 Spaces 12.9 Spaces 42.9 Spaces Required 43 Spaces Provided 2 Handicap Spaces Req'd 2 Handicap Spaces Prov'd Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street - Lot 5 - Abutters List 39 BOWDOIN STREET NORTHEAST TERRITORIES INC 46 BOWDOIN STREET CHASE PROPERTIES & DEVELOPEMENT LTD 65 BOWDOIN STREET GPT PROPERTIES TRUST 66 BOWDOIN STREET NORTHEAST TERRITORIES INC 104 BOWDOIN STREET SUPER -TEMP REALTY COMPANY INC 630 HINESBURG RD IRELAND SCOTT D & STEPHEN D 20 SOUTH CREST DR BURLINGTON VT 05401 0257-00039 P O BOX 2283 S BURLINGTON VT 05407 0257-00046 9 GALEN ST SUITE 240 WATERTOWN MA 02472 0257-00065 20 SOUTH CREST DR BURLINGTON VT 05401 0257-00066 133 ELM STREET WINOOSKI VT 05404 0257-00104 P 0 BOX 2286 S BURLINGTON VT 05407 0860-00630 -IN WOO Landscape Schedule Lot #5, 66 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington, Vermont Trees Quantity Kev Name Latin Name Unit Price Size Installed Total 10 AF Freemanii Maple Acer Freemanii 2.5" cal. $ 525 $ 5,250 3 RB Eastern Redbud Cercis Canadensis 2.5" cal. $ 567 $ 1,134 3 BP River Birch clump Betula Nigro 10-12' $ 486 $ 1,458 1 ML Flowering Crabapple Malus Louisa 2.5" cal. $ 475 $ 475 13 CF White Fir I Abies Concolor 6-7' $ 400 $ 5,200 2 1 SS ISerbian Spruce I 1Picea Obovata 6-7' $ 400 $ 800 : 14,31/ Shrubs Unit Price Ouantity Kev Name Latin Name Size Installed Total 10 B1 Broadmoor Junipers Juniperus Sabina 'Broadmoor' 3 gallon $ 75 $ 750 12 HES Hydrangea Endless Summer Hydrangea macrophylla 5 gallon $ 90 $ 1,080 6 DW Salix Dappled Willow Salix integra 'hakuro-nishiki' S gallon $ 90 $ 540 10 FN Forsythia Forsythia intermedia 5 gallon $ 90 $ 900 1 DS Dwarf Birds Nest Spruce Picea abies 'nidiformis' S gallon $ 150 $ 150 3 VD Dogwood Ivory Halo lComus alba'Bailhalo' S gallon $ 84 1 $ 252 Total Trees & Shrubs Unit Price Installed = wholesale price x 2.5 Added Costs: Compost, topsoil, bark mucich, Maintenance & Warranty Building Cost $1,035,000 $27,850 Required Landscaping Value $7,500 First $250,000 x 3% $5,000 Second $250,000 x 2% $5,350 Remaining Value 0 3,b/L $ 17,989 5 ANYTHING GROWS 1-Yofi,ssi(r nul l,andsccl/)c Cosign 6T 111 ti1111hltion MEMORANDUM July 5, 2013 Project: Neagley & Chase Construction Office Facility Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park I have reviewed the Landscape Plan for the new Neagley & Chase Office Building at 66 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington Vermont. The plan is complete, thorough and appropriate for this site based on environmental factors including soil condition, wind, and exposure. Similar plant stock in the surrounding area have proven to thrive. David Wright Landscape Contractor (802) 373-8880 cell agrows@comcast.net 698.1ohtmy Brook Road Ric liniond Vcrmonl 015 4 ` (80 2 ) 3 i 4--108,'-1 li IIIi IT ----- - - - ----- ----- r- I West Elevation I"— 12' i I South Elevation East Elevation North Elevation r1?-W1 ' N.E LEY1 8 oHASE .bine 1150port D PO Box 2283 So Buninglan, Vr 05407-2283 (502) 8565320 858-0349 Faa Dae Dale R—mon i S4ncNCmc� L4- —— [�EmCumvunim - _ Date_ Revision I i Neagley & Chase Office Building RECEIVED So Burlington, V t 05403 Sheel Ttlle J U L 2 5 2013 Building Elevations City of So. Burlington L-Ttl-- A2.0 Sheet 1 of 1 ea v, r n� 1 ^ Ai _ 3•x „ Fa' NU�EI� southburling _on. PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW X Preliminary ❑ Final PUD Being Requested? X Yes ❑ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. L OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC., 20 SOUTH CREST DRIVE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT Phone: 802/658-6320, Ext. 118;Fax: 802/658-0349; Cell: 802/316-9534 mneagleykneagleychase.com 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 800 Page 365 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC., 20 SOUTH CREST DRIVE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT Phone: 802/658-6320, Ext. 118;Fax: 802/658- 0349; Cell: 802/316-9534, mneagleygneagleychase.com 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) David S. Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, 10 Mansfield View Lane, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Ph 864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 Email: dmarshallgcea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 66 BOWDOIN STREET 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0257-00066 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 te1 802 846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www sburl com l 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): CONSTRUCTION OF A PROPOSED CONTRACTOR or BUILDING TRADE FACILITY BUILDING WITH SUPPORTING UTILITIES. PARKING LOT AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES on a 3.06 acre parcel. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): None c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Contractor or building trade facility. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 0 SF Existing, 25,781 GSF for all uses in building. Approximate breakdown of 9,847 SF of office space and 15,934 SF facility shop storage/production. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 14-feet for office areas, 20-feet for remainingareas reas with a small amount of mezzanine area. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): None g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): None existing. Proposed Conditions, 30 employees, 2 overnight company vehicles. 42 parking spaces proposed. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): THE PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO THE HINESBURG ROAD VIEW PROTECTION ZONE (MAX ALLOWABLE BLDG ELEVATION = 413.5, PROPOSED HEIGHT OF BUILDING = 375) AND THE AIRPORT APPROACH CONE i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Subdivision Application Form Rev 12-2011 I t 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 3.06 Acres 193,186 SF (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing 0 square feet 0 % Proposed 23,334 square feet 17.5 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 0 Proposed 66,602 square feet 0 % square feet 50 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing 0 square feet % Proposed 666 square feet _ 9.3 % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? ❑ Yes X No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) NA c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) ofthe Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 3.2 Acres or 200,000 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (l ) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form Rev 12-2011 C1 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 1,035,000 b. Landscaping: $ 17,989 (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) Parking Lots and utilities $120,000. 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 23.7 VPH (weekday) 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 — 8 AM, 4 — 5 PM 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: M - F 1.5. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Summer, 2014 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11 " x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Foam Rev 12-2011 f I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Jam, SIGNATUR F APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF P DATE OF SUBMISSION: 'Y OWNER Do not write below this line I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Administrative Officer Date PRINT NAME The cippliecint or permittee retains the obligation to iclenti&, applyfin-, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak ivith the regional Permit Spec icrli•st. 5 Subdivision Apphcation Form Rev. 12.2011 66 Bowdoin Street Lot Coverage Calculation 5-Jul-13 Entire Site Impervious Areas Building S.F. 23,334 Drive S.F. 24,161 Sidewalk S.F. 1,898 Gravel S.F. 17,057 Misc. S.F. 152 Total Lot Coverage S.F. 66,602 Total Lot Area Acres 3.06 Total Lot Area S.F. 133,196 Total Lot Covera e Lot Frontage Impervious Areas Drive S.F. 666 Sidewalk S.F. - Gravel (S.F.)- Misc. (S.F.)- Total Lot Coverage S.F. 666 Total Frontage Area Acres 0.17 Total Lot Area S.F. 7,200 Total Lot Coverage Use Distribution Building Summary Bottom Floor Mezzanine Office Shop West office 6,558 6,558 Mezzanine Over Office 922 922 Shop Space 5,104 5,104 East office 1,764 1,764 Office Mezzanine over Office 1 1,525 1 1,525 Shop Space 9,908 1 1 1 9,908 Totals 23,334 2,447 9,847 15,934 Gross Square Feet 25,781 Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street Lot 5 - Meadowland Business Park Parking Requirements Overall Site No. Employees 30 Empl x 1.0 Spaces per Empl. = 30.0 Spaces Total Building 22,100 SF x 0.5 Spaces per 1,000 SF = 11.1 Spaces 41.1 Spaces Required 42 Spaces Provided 1 Van Accessible Spaces Req'd 2 Handicap Spaces Req'd 2 Van Accessible Spaces Provided 2 Handicap Spaces Prov'd West Space No. Employees 19 Empl x 1.0 Spaces per Empl. = 19.0 Spaces Total Building 11,100 SF x 0.5 Spaces per 1,000 SF = 5_6 Spaces 24.6 Spaces Required 25 Spaces Provided 1 Van Accessible Spaces Req'd 1 Handicap Spaces Req'd 1 Van Accessible Spaces Provided 1 Handicap Spaces Prov'd East Space No. Employees 11 Empl x 1.0 Spaces per Empl. = 11.0 Spaces Total Building 11,000 SF x 0.5 Spaces per 1,000 SF = 5_5 Spaces 16.5 Spaces Required 17 Spaces Provided 1 Van Accessible Spaces Req'd 1 Handicap Spaces Req'd 1 Van Accessible Spaces Provided 1 Handicap Spaces Prov'd Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements West Parking Lot 25 # of Spaces in Parking Lot 5 # of Speciment Trees Required (1 Tree/5 spaces) 5 Specimen Trees to be Provided The requirements of Section 13.06(B)(2) [10% interior islands] is not triggered as this parking lot has less than 28 parking spaces. East Parking Lot 17 # of Spaces in Parking Lot 3.4 # of Speciment Trees Required (1 Tree/5 spaces) 4 Specimen Trees to be Provided The requirements of Section 13.06(B)(2) [10% interior islands] is not triggered as this parking lot has less than 28 parking spaces. Northeast Territories, Inc. 66 Bowdoin Street - Lot 5 - Abutters List 39 BOWDOIN STREET NORTHEAST TERRITORIES INC 46 BOWDOIN STREET CHASE PROPERTIES & DEVELOPEMENT LTD 65 BOWDOIN STREET GPT PROPERTIES TRUST 66 BOWDOIN STREET NORTHEAST TERRITORIES INC 104 BOWDOIN STREET SUPER -TEMP REALTY COMPANY INC 630 HINESBURG RD IRELAND SCOTT D & STEPHEN D 20 SOUTH CREST DR BURLINGTON VT 05401 0257-00039 P 0 BOX 2283 S BURLINGTON VT 05407 0257-00046 9 GALEN ST SUITE 240 WATERTOWN MA 02472 0257-00065 20 SOUTH CREST DR BURLINGTON VT 05401 0257-00066 133 ELM STREET WINOOSKI VT 05404 0257-00104 P 0 BOX 2286 S BURLINGTON VT 05407 0860-00630 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: May 3 , 2013 fAusers\planning & zoning\development review board\staff Application received: February 7, 2013 comments\2013\sd_13_07_66bowdoinstreet_revisedsketch. doc NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 66 BOWDOIN STREET SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-13-07 Agenda #2 Meeting Date: May 7, 2013 Owner Applicant Northeast Territories, Inc. 20 South Crest Drive same Burlington, VT 05401 Property Information Industrial & Open Space Zoning District IR y 41 4 'xnw d ti � CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING PROJECT DESCRIPTION Northeast Territories, Inc, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking sketch plan review for a planned unit development to construct 26,540 sq. ft. of contractor or building trades facility use, 66 Bowdoin Street. COMMENTS City Planner Cathyann LaRose, Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner, Temporary Assignment, Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on February 7, 2013 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements J 10 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 3 Acres 3.13 acres Max. Building Coverage 30% 16.6% Max. Overall Coverage 50% 50% Front Yard Coverage Bowdoin Street 30% 10.4 % �l Min. Front Setback (Bowdoin Street) 50 ft. > 50 ft. �l Min. Side Setback 35 ft. > 35 ft. �l Min. Rear Setback 50 ft. > 50 ft. Hinesburg East View Protection Zone 413.5 ft. elevation 375 ft. elevation Zoning Compliance SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has not yet reviewed the plans and has stated that they will do so at the preliminary plat level when more details are available. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 3 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to preliminary plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 1. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to preliminary plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. 2. The applicant shall include sufficient site grading and erosion control plans as part of the preliminary plat application. 3. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to the lot is proposed via a curb -cut on Bowdoin Street at the southeast corner of the lot. 4. The City Engineer shall review the plans prior to preliminary plat approval. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. There are no wetlands, streams, or wildlife habitat on the site. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning dishict(s) in which it is located. The proposed building is compatible with surrounding and planned development patterns in this zoning district. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The property is bordered on the south by a developed commercial property and to the north by a commercial property which may be utilized in the future. The proposed project includes undeveloped areas along its eastern portion which will create an open space between the proposed building and parking and the Ireland parcel located to the east. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 4 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING The Fire Chief has not yet reviewed the plans and has stated that he would prefer to do so at the preliminary plat level, after any changes to layout and parking are made by the Board at the sketch plan level. 5. The South Burlington Fire Chief should review the plans for the proposed subdivision, prior to preliminary plat approval. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff has already stated that the City Engineer shall review the plans prior to preliminary plat approval. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff has already noted that the City Engineer shall review the preliminary plat plans and provide comments prior to approval of the preliminary plat application. 6. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed project is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Based on an estimated 30 employees and 26,540 square feet of office space and warehouse storage, the proposed building will require 44 parking spaces along with 2 handicap spaces, one of which must be van accessible. 42 parking spaces are provided on site along with 2 handicap spaces, one of which is van accessible. This is a two (2) space or 4.5% shortfall. 7. The Board should discuss whether to grant a waiver of two spaces or 4.5%. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street, (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re- used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); or, (u) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all buildings) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. Section 13.01(G)(5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. 8. A bicycle rack or racks should be detailed at the preliminary plat level. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed buildings is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed office building is proposed at approximately 14', while the height of the proposed warehouse building is approximately 20'. These are both below the 35' height maximum for flat roof buildings. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Renderings of the proposed buildings should be submitted with the preliminary plat application. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Renderings of the proposed buildings should be submitted with the preliminary plat application. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not feel that the reservation of land is necessary. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). 9. The preliminary plat plan should depict proposed dumpsters and recycling facilities, adequately screened. Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) (4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans should show snow storage areas for the subject property. The plans depict snow storage areas CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G)(2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. 10. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and budget in compliance with Section 13.06 of the SBLDR as part of the preliminary plat plan application. The proposed parking areas contain more than twenty-eight (28) parking spaces, and therefore should be landscaped in accordance with Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations. The applicant disagrees that this requirement applies to the proposed parking areas. 11. The Board should discuss whether the parking areas need to be landscaped. 12. The City Arborist shall review the plans and provide comments prior to preliminary plat approval. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. 13. The applicant should submit a lighting point by point plan and lighting cut -sheets with submission of the preliminary plat plan application. Other 14. The preliminary plat plans shall show all ground mounted HVAC units, generators, and utility cabinets. Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "Comments Section" of this document before proceeding to any further plan review. Respectfully submitted, Cathya# LaRose, ICP, City Planner 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 April 1, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park, Bowdoin Street Sketch Plan Application - Request for Continuance Dear Mr. Belair: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail @cea-vt.eom RECEIVED APR 0 1 2013 City of So. Burlington The applicant is currently addressing the determination that the project is not eligible for consideration of approval under Article 15-09 (B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations due to the proximity of the proposed parking along the front of the building. In order to allow for the enabling sketch plan submittal requirements to be fulfilled, we hereby make this continuance request to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the DRB April 16th, 2013. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: $50 continuance fee cc: M. Neagley, CEA File 13102 P \AutoCADD Protects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\1-Sketch\Belair Final Continuance Req.doc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this second, (2nd), day of April 2013, a copy of the foregoing public notice for Sketch Plan Review #SD-13-07, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: Mr.'s Scott and Stephen Ireland SDIreland 193 Industrial Ave. Williston, Vermont 05495 Thomas Chase Chase Properties P.O. Box 2283 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2283 Mr. Peter Kenny SuperTemp P.O. Box 277 Winooski, Vermont 05404 GPT Properties Trust 255 Washington Street, #300 Newton, MA 02458-1634 Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this second, (2nd), day of April, 2013. Printed Name: Mark R. Neagley Phone number and email: 802-658-6320 ext. 118; mneagley(&neagleychase.com Signature: Date: April 2, 2013 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 CIVIL E11G11IEEit11lr i>JJJCIAWS". 11 IC,- 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 April 10, 2013 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com RECEIVED Mr. Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator APR 10 2013 City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Ciq of So. Burlington 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. Office Building, 66 Bowdoin Street Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park PUD Sketch Plan Application #SD-13-07 Dear Mr. Belair: Please find attached the revised site plan for the proposed Northeast Territories, Inc. contractor yard land use facility to be located on the 3.13 acre Lot 5 of the Meadowland Business Park. In order to eliminate parking located in front of the rear projection of the building, the building has been redesigned and the general configuration of the site has been mirrored so that the low level office component better relates to the existing single story CBA office building to the south. This completes our summary of the recent revisions to the project layout. As the square footage of the uses remains consistent with the original submittal, we ask that the City rely upon that information in reviewing the technical compliance issues for the project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Three (3) Full Size Plan Set (3 sheets each) Ten 11" x 17" Reduced Size Plan (3 sheets) E-mail of revised plans in PDF format cc: M. Neagley (w/ enclosures, 11 x1 7 plans) CEA File 13102.00 (w/ enclosures, 11 x1 7 plans) PAAutoCADD Projects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\1-Sketch\Belair Sketch Cover.doc CIVIL EI GAI EEIRING AJ`JJCIAM. INC, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 January 28, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: Northeast Territories, Inc. Office Building, 66 Bowdoin Street Lot 5 Meadowland Business Park PUD Sketch Plan Application Dear Mr. Belair: Northeast Territories, Inc. is seeking Sketch Plan approval for a proposed office building to be located on the 3.06 acre Lot 5 of the Meadowland Business Park. This structure is proposed as the primary office of Neagley & Chase Construction and one tenant. The proposed structure will include 10,120 SF of office space and 11,980 SF of warehouse storage. The building height will generally be 14-feet for the office areas and 20 feet for the warehouse areas. Zoning - The property is wholly located within the Industrial Open Space (10) district. The sight is constrained by the Hinesburg East View Protection Zone where: Maximum structure height = 413.5 Maximum proposed height = 375.0 The airport approach cone overlay district also encumbers the air space of this property. Design Approach The proposed building offers multiple jogs to create character and to better define the primary and tenant spaces. The parking has been designed to be located to the side of the building while the front will be used for stormwater management and as a landscaped presentation of the building. On -site Parking — We have attached the computations and compliance needs as it relates to the number of on -site parking spaces and parking lot landscaping requirements. Infrastructure — All of the service connections required for the proposed use are readily available as existing services remain from the original infrastructure construction for the Meadowland Business Park. These include (next page): I Mr. Ray Belair Page 2 of 2 January 28, 2013 Sewer - The project will be served by the existing 8" PVC service line connected to the gravity sewer main on Bowdoin Street. Water — The existing 8" service stub to the 8" water main on Bowdoin Street will be extended to provide sprinkler and domestic service. Stormwater — The State Stormwater permit limits lot coverage to no more than 50% and requires that water quality treatment be provided on site prior to discharge to the existing stormwater management system. This will be achieved with the proposed treatment facility with the discharge connected to the existing 15" HDPE located in the southwest corner of the property. Power & Communications — The electrical transformer and communications pedestals are currently located in the northwest corner of the property and were designed to provide ready service to Lot 5. Future Expansion - The site has been designed to enable expansion of the proposed building in the easterly direction without exceeding the maximum 50% lot coverage required in the 1/0 District (or State Stormwater Permit). This completes our summary of the proposed features of the project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Five (5) Full Size Plan Set (3 sheets each) One 11" x 17" Reduced Size Plan (3 sheets) Sketch Plan Application Application Fee of $805.00 Base Fee of $363 plus Commercial (22,100 SF x $0.02) $442 List of Abutters Pre -addressed Stamped Envelopes (retained by Applicant) CD of plans and documents cc: M. Neagley (w/ enclosures, 11 x17 plans) CEA File 13102.00 (w/ enclosures, 11 x17 plans) PAAutoCADD Projects\2013\13102\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\1-Sketch\Belair Sketch Cover doc %J Iry F- w w W ax southburlington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, City Planner 0 RE: Agenda 10, Sketch Plan Application #SD-13-07, Northeast Territories Inc DATE: March 28, 2013 Northeast Territories, Inc, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking sketch plan review for a planned unit development to construct 22,100 sq. ft. contractor or building trades facility, 66 Bowdoin Street. City Planner Cathyann LaRose, Administrative Officer Ray Belair, and Director of Planning Paul Conner, hereafter referred to as Staff, have reviewed the plans and provided comments below. Staff notes herein are therefore kept brief in response to the limited information available at the sketch plan review, and are largely focused on a major issue of concern with the proposed layout. Chapter 14.06 (B) (2) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations (SBLDRs) states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re -used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); or, (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. The sketch plan includes designs for a large parking area to be located in front of the proposed building, between one front of the proposed building and the roadway (Bowdoin Street). Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. Given this stipulation, the portion of the building noted on the plans as "4200 S.F. Office" shall be considered a front side of a building for the purpose of this subsection. A review of the criteria listed states that parking may not be located to the front of the building. The criteria above (i- y) do not provide for exceptions to this rule for the subject property. The parking area shown to the front and is not necessary to accommodate disabled persons. The proposed office building is not a single or two-family home. There do not appear to be any unique site conditions or soils which would allow for parking adjacent to the public street but not for a building. This is a new building on a vacant lot, and is not to be used for public recreation. This is not permitted via the Land Development Regulations, and pursuant to Section 15.02(4)(c), is not waivable by the Development Review Board: In no case shall the DRB permit the location of parking not in compliance with Section 14.06 (B) (2). As the application does not conform to the Land Development Regulations and cannot be considered for waivers by the DRB, staff recommends the applicant revise the building to be in conformance with the LDRs and resubmit the sketch plan for review by the DRB. , ftal :6:1101". southbur .ington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- �� - O (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax#) NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC., 20 SOUTH CREST DRIVE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Book 800 Page 365 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC., 20 SOUTH CREST DRIVE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) FEE SIMPLE 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) MARK NEAGLEY, NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION, 1150 AIRPORT ROAD, PO BOX 2283, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT, 05403 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS MNeagley(a)-neagleychase.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 66 BOWDOIN STREET 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0257-00066 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): CONSTRUCTION OF A PROPOSED CONTRACTOR OR BUILDING TRADE FACILITY BUILDING WITH SUPPORTING UTILITIES, PARKING LOT AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) THE EXISTING LOT IS CURRENTLY OPEN. IMMEDIATELY TO THE SOUTH IS THE CBA OFFICE BUILDING AND TO THE WEST ACROSS THE STREET IS THE HOMELAND SECURITY OFFICE BUILDING. S7S Dorset Street South Burlington, VT OS403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) 22,100 SF NEW CONTRACTOR OR BUILDING TRADE FACILITY BUILDING d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 10,120 SF NEW OFFICE COMPONENT and 11, 980 SF STORAGE AREA FOR A TOTAL OF 22,100 SF. e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) 14' for Office Areas AND 20' for storage areas f) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) NONE g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) THE PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO THE HINESBURG ROAD VIEW PROTECTION ZONE (MAX ALLOWABLE BLDG ELEVATION = 413.5 PROPOSED HEIGHT OF BUILDING = 375) AND THE AIRPORT APPROACH CONE 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 0 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 0 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 0 % Proposed 16.6% Proposed 50.0% Proposed 10.4 % 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) NONE ENVISIONED 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) NONE ENVISIONED 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE February 2014. 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. Sketch Plan - Base fee' $350 $13 $363 Sketch - per non-residential sq ft 22,100 SF x $0.02 $0 $442 $805 Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. -� SIGNAyT>� APPLICANT SIGNATURYOF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 1 I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: ompl-`- The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 DYNAPOWER —, -�— � ✓- SP - RFlE$\L T� I \ \ \ AURGNOTOIIIJJ PROPERIIE/ l PIIRTNFRSHIF J Li r IRE Da J• _ _ •� 1— __ �•( \ ) — _-2 e,T — I — I (I I' �Iliii •,n' _ 5?EPNEND • I / \ aPT P PER y W 1, I � PROPOSED I `1 i SITE 3.06 AC. MC II f FILL LOCAiIO \ \ uC EARTH MOV1N0 CORP. /` I 00, I � $off �®�,,Q�o%© � _•_•_•---•-•-' __� � _r 1 41 l / M/NMD _ �J [c�r.NER � BOLL CIRC f ,0 1 � CONE I �-- OF AIRPORT APPROCH C�EFNMI((''�� l i SOUTHERL-'1 EDGE REI1IED -T Ju City of o.13 irlin on- — GRAPHIC SCALE 1 r Ts 1 Inch of 160 IL /^ i SITE ENGINEER f UVII INGIMIMMG ASSOGATIS, IMG 10 M/ISRFID WEWME SOUMBUv.047M, VT D51D0 mr.asa ruc nxaw-asn ..6 »wo..+t�D, DRA11R JDL DSM AlP11UVlD DSM OWNER; NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT PROJECT I LOCATON LOCATION MAP - 2000 WIS CODCpD 16YLSrUR axe is Ds>w/Ace aEHSPD s>< run J 913 1 DD /ACL I RE-0 sllE Pun OVERALL SITE PLAN DAU D.0 G nuYR� JAN., 2013 1"=150' C1.0 PROJ RU 13102 --� land—,, Schedule LotN5, 63 Dowd— Street, South Bu61ngtor, Vermort II Trees Quantity Key Name Name Umt Pnce SI,e Installed Total I I � 1 EMPLOYEE NTERANCE O E° O NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. GPTPROPEI TRUST 14,317 ShruM Unit Pnce I I' Quantity Key Name Latin Name Sim Installed Total l/ © `E%ISnnG Fly ENq VISITOR ENTRANCE ff] 10 N !road mour luni pers Jun1 erns SohMo''Ha dmoor' awl Ion 17 HES H dran ea Endless Summer Hydron ea mocoph Na 5 Ilon f DW SalaDa pled Willow Salrx mte m'hokuro-nah/kl' S Ilon 10 FIN Forsythia Fors hm mtemedw 5 anon Mj$ DS Dwad III,& N.. Sp— /Neo obles'nW —W S allon 3 VD DoSwoad Ivory Halo Comus alba'emMab' S anon l$ 3,672 / I Total Irm's45hmhd $17,M DUMPSTER 1 stint ENCLOSURE SWA E I Umt Pnce Installed = wholesale pnce x 3 WI CONCRETE RON Addetl Cosls Compas[, topsoil, bark mudch, Maintemnce 6 Wamnty 1 I PROPOSED LrF I LANDSCAPING I— — SNOWS_ GE AREADW FOREBAY I 1 OF 20 PAVED I STORMWATER MIO�f1aYMOf�IC� r © PARIaNG 5 TREATMENT AREA -^-• .� upw'�Ml►'� i-, r L1 I BOTTOM OF PONDj�, ELEV-34&0 • i �,7 •' ' l�Ctlioa'7 0 m D p y-1 1 P0, PAS DRIVE, _� I a a °��El SaSTING _ - TpEES ® CHASE PROPERTIES III 6 DEVELOPMENT LTD I( �fn II II II i I I DE,EDNI I Can OFFIeFj B NTII I BUILDIJVCi '1 II II II I I I � II II I I l II PROPOSED LANDSCAPING (TYP.) r N IT STOCKADE FENCE 1 _ I SURWE STARER �� I y rn i FXI5TING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR - - APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE — — — — APPROXIMATL «TBACK LINE — —SS--------- GRAVTY SEWER I INF — W — — WATER LINE -------UE— — UNDEPCROJND ELECTRIC - - T IFLEPHCNF LINE — G GAS I INE —--ST------- STORM DRA'NACE TINE 05 SEWER MANHOLE `tp] STORM MANH01 r HYDRANT ® SHUT-GFF 14-CH BASIN rh LIGHT POLL SIGN DFCIJUGUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE ('YYYYIYI LJCE OF BRUSH/WOODS _._._ FENCE -- -- DRAINALL SWALE PROJECT BENCHMAR,( I 1 � 1 GRAVEL I YARDrn ygi I IRELAND SCOTT D d STEPHEN D r 1 o I I I I I \\ I I \ l \ I I l I I GRAPHIC S .ALE ( IN FEET II 1 Loeb = 30 R I SITE ENGINEER f GVIL INWNEEPANG ASSOGATIS, ING 10U4W VIEWLAAlE, SWIHBUIMTON, VT05/03 maw-zm FAc asaM-an wb w.u.umm corrarart - OMIIN JDL D DSM ATlROykO DSM OWNER NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP P 2" Dm —,-- �IY1910n ze i] —/ACI_ RENSFD 511E PLAN 91] DSM/ACL REVSEC STE PLAN SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND LANDSCAPING PLAN un DUM. NDIl)[101 JAN..2013 1"=30. C2.0 1. No 13102 i i Q T - rrPE 5 \ \ SITE ENGINEER _ NVJJJ"ry1ry1ry1��A ' ` LEGEND _�--' N rAISTING INVI(4')5-3.D YJ { 1!• MD.\E ww�/EEES I xv (i-aso.ei my -3zza1 \ CONTOUR ------q PROPOSEU CONTOUR �• - _ _ ---- APPROxIIAATE RROPERTy Lm� QVIL INGINIIdNG Assoami . ING f9M41SRE1DMWlARE• SWTHEU1LIAGTOR• VT OM r NE mafrzm cA.c waaaw.an N.N wwAro..,ao5m AFP I ATL SE ThJACK LI --------- .RAV T T >� WER I N( c01-- m,a - Au nwrn wesunD I \y _ - WATER I INF Dluwn 1J JDL UE- UNDEPGROU'ID ELECTRIC gwm xN� T TELEPHONE ,INE \+ cwecwrD �V- 5 DSM I { pYEE o { �{ �Ni-'3..s 5 .r n �- G cA' ONE A.PwD .D INV W (wI J3u 75 I�%C /2a' • A/N) E ERANCE { T XY \-ST ------- STORM ORA'NAGE LIrJE I DSM { "I ! I \ 05 SL WER MANI TOLE I+ ONNER- s / ® STORM MANHOIE I "Y°R^ \ _ "T NORTHEAST IJ5 ..�G 1 I I I I `s�, I `E%ISNXG EAgxq + CLEANOUT - INV= 348.5 NEW CB #6 ® SHLIT-OFF TERRITORIES, INC. IRY 1V XroRI NEW CB #17 .uR"""-'"" I RIM=352.1 RIM=350.9 cA-al aAsry \ r wEv I o { INV. /N=347.85 Y _ rwE w ceµ ExlsnNc �s INV. IN=347.5 _ ST- 0 -3 5 f sw E NEW CB #8 �- { I INV IN-3,3, r NEB'` 4" HDPE W/ FES RIM=350.8 INV. OUT=347.45 INV. OUT=347.8 �- ucIT POLE IN-3.2p - - - T '71 a�\� -siz3 5�- T I I i�� IW°• I Imo' '� INV. =34Z4 SUPERTEMP _ _ I„N 20 SOUTH CREST ! 1 REALTY, LLC - �- s` V BURLINGTON, VERMONT �•�� r Di - {-� Di i'r w� \ - � � I�ECIDUCU; TREE wD i wAJEw smHa1 I NEW CB #8 _ 1 / cA. a TH-T a icN �R/M=349.5 - - f- 7� co�rEROUS THEE INV AT G 33A G - �_ G Y.-��"0 1 1 I I jNV. IN=345.8 � PROJECT I SDN b j _ .�'� - S RFAGE �35B5 iYYYYYI tUG OF F3HUSH �WOUI]S �5� \ IN uTa 1 `NV.01 _ DP .-._.-•-•---• GE I M;G 15_01, � �_ � 353 � SNOW STORAGE � AREA hENGE NEAGLEY &CHASE ETC 35 - -sT--, - 352 353 1 355D �/ �- - URAINAGEvSWALE CONSTRUCTION / I _ Eh '-- l �J� 11 - 1 - ' T 354 3 3. N / \ I - -- - 3537 �� I'ROJEC7 BENCHMARK OFFICE FACILITY -sT- / Q LSEwu"'pn ! --e-_ ''FT "„• - - .:m CB IY5 LOT 5 J l � _ m�a'i' IN�'�{ � r J5' pyp11i11G .. , - '.:' - 35 •353 7 ° N � _ w-w�Y _c- - _N Ix-uf! wv I s-aoz; l I kl� °d6, af;, •%inN=Rig RI .=348.2 =353.2N 1 MEADOWLAND I AIM= 50 1 0 INV. ►N=2 I I FOREBAY ' ' " aim` 1�01b l BUSINESS PARK -- - INV. our=P 1 -345-1 \ { { 1 1 1 �. .i� �j'91t-•fi'-.._tu�.'� Tc 66BOWDOINSTREET ,�p� 1 SOUTH BURLINGTON ` = NEW 18' DFIE W`Y ES 1 I ` 2 '� 11, 3535 Di . 301.05 I ` 1 Jw� „'a 1 ` 2171100E VERMONT r V EL GPTP OPEATIES { gl I i 1' # D -- - -� ' TRUST I 41 1 �Iltr P NEW CB #4 { STORMWATER 53 B ` { I TREATMENT ec +354 T RIM=352.5 1 a 3'J3.5 AREA a� _yitill + INV =348.5 1 DI WITEw !]tMCE I I ,F - +'�•+• 354] - 354 / �70 T%��PVNi �ELEV 354 h I NSCOTTDd wuv�SGg TOR uSTEPHENDE e r�wv .Y .7 OUTLET I \ I� t- 3536 4 STRUCTURE rD p { E RIM=348.0 1 3 3 42 ! I p -0 353.E /INV OUT=345 0 ELL 74 �- N ANT-N FRUIT R0. N 5 - �• - - _ - W ii fi LOCATION MAP NEW CB#1 a 34u_ tx T 3. ( RIM=351.2 - 1 I , - r _ 2000 TYPE • Dl w.11 c11NN sENNGE INVAI INV Ar cAR- IEI C # /M=352.7 I DATE cxwcfsD uvrnon INV. OUT=346.5 INV auT-3 a. { 5 _ I 48 - INV IN=348.1 5 CHASE PROPERTIES 5 3 os/ACE RE- sTE_AN NEW DMH #2 New � 0 I w / � #2 d DEVELOPMENT LTD INV O�. 0 \� _ Hsu osl%ACE REngc SITE PUN nv IIN-I `1 LOCATION RIM=352.7 - - ftIM=348.26 Inv w I / INV. IN=347.5 Inv our-3u i - INV. IN=3M 35 I I 4' HOPE W/ FES / INV. OUT=347 INV OUT=3M.25 I I I x n�ww5 �� INV=34715 �350 { 1 IN D � / � I NORTHEAST II ' l Ro SITE G fZA D I N G TERRITORIES, INC. { e { { I I NV 34 { I { I { { INY. I '� AND I I I III I UTILITY PLAN { I I c,a,�OFRCE.- { I'I � I��'" NI I 17UILDIN(3 'I GRAPHIC SC LE wn Dw.wwc NDIOlw I { I I { I JAN., 2013 ( IN FEET) ( 1" = 30' C!.. r II I I IncD - 30 ft Q O CUNT 0.P LEVELS, A= 100 B- 5A0 C- 12 B= 050 E= 0.10 BIT FY. —t.d by btePro 2030 On 6/7/7013 I1,1069 AN 111111106t II _ _ P I I LI — L - - - Y `S I I 5 (U 'BERG' V 23 (D LFD 2253 Nonr 0.85 i N 'POLE' NiMi78 / A4EBAT78T 1 78 - --- SBOB StaMnrE BBS I PLOYEE I I ENTERANCE = I II AA I © I _r 1 I _ 1 I dra� C—a4446 —aaa44aaaaaaaaapas �0.54h4 i44&4444&i&&i�L 4&4444i4&a4d & 4&i&i&&&� iiiiiiii Lei iir)ii&i44a&4&&&J &&&iai4i44 iiii& 4& i&&44&i4si&isiiii i i&4 a&&&i4& 444444&a&&&i&ii a ° aaaa a6 &a 444&4i i 44444 I&&&&16144&44 4s&si&i44 IiiiOVEflH1 444 iiii & iSii4a4i& �°� &4 &&&Arai i iris&&&& & &&&&&&iii &44&&ii&& SHOP SPACE i i dy�ili .6i i i i i&& i 4 5,175 S.F. tat FLR i i a a a a .6 1 A .6 B51 S.ELEVF MEZZANINE b .644i444a FF.355.0 Laaas i &44aia&.h& = li&4i&4444444si&4a pdpOOFHEIGHT Ilk &iiiiii a aaa6h&aa 44 a 4 a 4 .6GPTPROPERTIES &&&&iiii&4a b&i&i4 h ii 44&44&&& 4i4444h& __— --_- TRUST 4� i & 4 '1 SHOP STORAGE i & & 4 & M�/1NINE OVER OFFICES .6 & i 44 iii 4 && r�M4& 4 i &+� 4 & & & & OFFICE SPACE VISITOR & & & i 4 & & & & & 6 300 S.F. CE a rhi&&4i4444&&a&&& 355.0 ENTRAN 4& 4i444&&i iiii & FF.ELEV= m 4i iiii&&&& iiii 4 14'ROOFHEIGHT 0 & iiii&&& 44&44i & &&iiiii iiiii& 1 iiii&& iiii&&&& IZ I16 &4&44&4& NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. I SUPERTEMP _ —4 S ._& a & i REALTVLLC GSA{-44&iii&&4&6 ��— � �riiiii44iia4iia4a&&iii&i444&&& y.Ti S&&&&& i iiiiii iii d. 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No. 13102 CONCRETE BASE ____- VAR1C11S BREAKAWAY ❑PTiUNS LOCK WA-- 'YPE SHALL BE SPECIFIED ON PNO,FFT PLANS EDGE 01 ROADWAT "A ANOAOR Shia NACM FEE"PLAN '"' I,"IT wME � —, °DR�aE°ND,Ii7T ] LEAq arTP A RNISHEC BY POLE MANUFACTURER 1HRNAOEDA- -POE oJNDNG a"DD - —_j 1 1 qA wABHEI �.glEs .z. - - � iURcov°EAe�s°Pnorm° EL � eaRr � s IR ensL wn_"ER eP'LaN�"o'R°I"x..R AL'_ ANCHOR BELTS TO s,IF eAs wn,�-M- wnsvFTl aTH AYnAsi"no00*�� PLAN VIEI BE STAINLESS STEF_ A IT — —_ - --_ — - TABLE AM SIGN BOLT III n JTE FM I_ _ENT BOUT BIMF N °xsw cHAPI — NC/'TI EAST -- _ - T-I/. u e SLIP BASE AS�FMBI 1 aCEP. ryE1ROJI in ECT .c I sa I_I/. e t BREAKAWAY ) ouONc " ES IN n�FIT A I TS z.. LOI ICBMT- I' &T " -- TOP new of n R SCOPE G Rx O IIc ) SEE GE JIVER "CONTER LENGTH Haan OIAMETER AND BUTT TRAIJS FOPMER BASE T 5c sEEMnoTE µ I III OMMENOED RncA�Awnr FEATURE I cRouxo LEVE. -1/. (MmwuM) GE ANCHs7Rw BASE BIT I CIRCLE raE�I L /sjri ciu PLcamA'LI°rm- MOL+-BMEA.AwA / MAn F�ciuRFR�\ INic IA�H c`uxe"a:IvoE% EIECTROOE u c Ax Er uc cdTrEml<xe°n` 0 I°IUIX1L°cuON II�rvc 5 IF �r�0.D��aN Law �DDE o f o I GP InDILFNEM OBE " ELcc ,�, BOLT CIRCLE FOR 12 US LPMEI'MMED MIN) r� +nf 0 TO mnxSFrnM T ETE eASE SEE MCI 07 RT �\ /OLESS �� _� E D GD iW eoeER AR r HERI AAM LOOCIP EL ?&0,JN°IIcGHLiri°xrnE, (nDURI EACH RE°uuco 7 awe. NO FLEdPROGE ER CLAD PMEFERinm II MIT INB W rvDHD E— °°BOLT co Tu. xoTE�AI r I NO Iu Iry LJ CLEARANCE fTRJ ELEVATION SCORE MARK DETAILS A -A xu10N No HLw secnaN M en,T "NEW ARE FOUR BASIC SIZES FOR CONwFTF BARES, Z FEET R IS FEET TO BE USED w POLE ANCHOR BASE TRANSFORMER BASE HUT` IOLITED TUMInAFRES wTHI MOUNx1H`L£EGIHTAOf EEIS T 10 FEET BASE a z-Ta wE`T x:I«" "oq HE "A"°ELEs HAN MOUNTING HUGHT7 :::sE �g In FEET x 3 FEPILLE�:DflTRANSTIFF.El c.EATEM'' Wf iS14FC 4"�ION 2X K�ER I BASE 9"° n: o .R�AK .S`dNED H I a� E ARE MIN'.UOR AND SHALL AS BELINCnEAYO 9 ET F�RECOMMENOEO Sv�SF LIGHT ALLE !E 1R [W ABOVE BASE SIZES , TI ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE FURNISHED BT AND n1E°cOnIPEIE RI ANcggi IF A? POLE BASE INSTALLATION DETAILS NO SCALE I,UNCRETE EASE ANL ULNLRAL NUILS CONCR`FNISISE1, 0 ^E CON"RCNEAALLNSEDGINLDTSSHALL NAVE A SxOOTH LEVEL TOP OOL ALL R REINF n L CONFORM TO THE R�oUIRERENTS FOR REIN'DRCING 3 TEMPLATE FOR STTAINLESS STEEL TS S ANL WASTERS TO CONTRACTOR P IDR D CONSTRUE I`;n OF BASES SC " n TO A IU E- CCM1UTII ANS B ALL EAP11Ee NLIIL NARIIIII '"ALL RE GALVAH n A w_ s r EI_ GROUNDING EAN SHALL BE uHE °NCRETL SAIL I_ Ge_1ANa s EEL 6 THE MINIMUM BE _RPAD1GssFo c-RI a r°NBur FOR S SsEA EE FAN ING s FT E„ T2NFORE POLL IDS BIIAIIE �oNBGtT 11 Ni ARE—WA_I Fc DREIv USES UMLF-1 A"SFFIIFIC IIIII 'I,S STATED nn THE PLANS SREAkvAY FEATURE xAY RE STAINLESS STEEL BREAKAWAY SUPPORT COUP'_INGS PILL -� EPA m Loci PDT En L HEq ,TIF I eASEI ^LA. w� ER ,I. DE DaPL , ISASE q,MEAOEO STUD GGJPUNG / � 7 O ATMPEAEEo iwD PIECE sxIRTNG- F.ear, OVERSIZE ABHEPS, Allo5 BTAINLESB STEEL THIS SHEET OTHER ST➢S E-173, E-IBOA E-101 NOT TO SCALE RFGUIRFT SITE ENGINEER C _ CIVIL IMINIIII IrG ASMATIL INC. 10ALVEREJDWEWIANE, SOUMYOIIL/NORIN, VTOMM @aN2J9 FAZE pTIM-n)t ue wTxrraw.cam n p z OM11N ACL G.E_D DSM ANCHOR BOLTS k TEMPLATE BY LIGHPOLE o ND HOLE w/COVER APPe°vrtD DSM SUPPLIER OWNER•BOLT OR CADWELD GROUND WIRE EO POLE-°' NORTHEAST FINISH GRADE IN E TERRITORIES, INC. k#3 020 SOUTH CREST N z BURLINGTON, VERMONT 3/4CONDUIT FOR#6 BARE COPPERGROUND WIRE SCH 80 PVC FROM II VERTICALSEPARATE POLE TO POLE w/ GO(4)'5 GROUND PROJECT 3/4" x COPPERGALWIR NEAGLEY & CHASE O WELD GROUND RODGALVANIZED STEEL TOBOND TO CONDUIT,PVC BASE h POLE CONDUIT CONNECTOR CONSTRUCTION "3 TIES 012 D G OFFICE FACILITY POLE LIGHT DETAIL (BEHIND CURB) LOT 5 N.T.S. MEADOWLAND T NO POLE SHALL BE INSTALLED WTHOUT A LUMNAIRE ALREADY ATTACHED BUSINESS PARK 2 ANCHOR BASE AND ANCHOR BOLT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN ON MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 66 BOWDOIN STREET 3 ALL LIGHT POLES WHICH ARE PROVIDED WITH A BREAKAWAY FEATURE SHALL CONFORM SOUTH BURLINGTON IC'THE REOUIRLMLNTS OF IHL AASH10 1985 S ANOARL' SPECIfICAlI0N5 TOR STRUCTURAL VERMONT SUPPORTS FOR HIGHWAY SIGNS, LUMINAIRES, AND TRAFFIC SIGNAIS, SFCTION 7 AND SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS 4 LUMINAIRES SHALL MEET THE REOIIIREVENTS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 5 ALL ELECTRICAL MATERIAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT -0 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THE AREA ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AND/OR THE POWER COMPANY III ITH JURISDICTION IN THE PROJECT AREA 11 6 ALL WORK MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, AS WELL AS LOCAL AND STATE CODES 7 EACH STREET LIGHT POLES SHALL A METAL IDENTIFICATION TAG 2 ATTACHED TO THE POLE PAYMENTT FOR TAGS WILL BE SUBSIDIARY TO OTHER STREET LIGHTING ITEMS IS, ARM 8 ANCHOR BOLTS WILL BE ACCEPTABLE WITH EITHER ROLLED OR CUl-IN THREADS WITH PROJECT MINOR VARIATIONS FROM THE SPECIFIED DIAMETER LounoN A ALL WELDS SHALL BE AT LEAST AS STRONG AS -HE MATERIAL HPNG WELDED 10 PLANS SPECIFY POLES FORATAT_ HCH'ING IN SEVER AI ENGTHS STYLES AND LENGTHS, PLANS SHALLLL SPED TV SHALL 11 COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF POLE LIGHTS WITH LANDSCAPE PLANS �9�fSJ11 12 COORDINATE TRANSFORMER/BREAKAWAY BASES WITH POLE MANUFACTURER — LOCATION MAP 13 ALLLU INAIRES AT ROADWAYREQUIRETRANSFORMER BASE OR BREAKAWAY BASE LUMINAIRES NOTON ROADWAY REQUIRE ONLY BASE = 2000 MTL CHSCIR. IRYISIOR ANCHOR BOLTS h TEMPLATE BY LIGHT POLE SUPPLIER - INSTALL EXISTING BOLT OR CADWELD POLE AND LAMP GROUND WARE TO POLE PAVEMENT FINISH GRADE 3•� SURFACE - o �t LIGHTING DETAILS 3/4• CONDUIT FOR I I SCH 80 PVC FROM o #6 BARE COPPER --T POLE TO POLE w/ GROUND WIRE 1--� SEPARATE GROUND (4) #5 VERTICAL ----I I WIRE t-- 3/4• x 10' COPPER GALVANIZED STEEL TO WELD GROUND ROD 24• PVC CONDUIT CONNECTOR BOND TO CONDUIT, BASE k POLE $3 TIES O 12" 0 C DAn JUNE, 2013 DMRrmc mnu�n POLE LIGHT BASE DETAIL As SHOWN C2.3 N.T.S. PROJ NO. 13102 STTE ENGINEER LEGEND \ F%ISTING CONTOUR ' \ I PROPOSED CONTOUR IPPROAMATE aROPEFTY Llr�� CIVIL EMGII1EE1111G ASSOCIATES IVT O _ ___ - 70 M4YSTIFlD NEWUME, 39UIIIIUIUNOTOA( V! 03M17 Ah'I'RO%IMAIE SL IdACr LNC �aazm r,4c cx.wran wp Iw..ortoom �hhh I r SS GRAVITY S_WER I N -- W — — WATER I INF I pMIRI � --\--UE— UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC I ACL I c�scJo'o T 1Ll EFHONE -INE \ DSM I I L�OJ�Y�EE o � I �— c w GA' I F 1 RANCE I / I \\ \—ST---•- STORM PRANAGE LINE DSM © I Z I 0 CLWTR VANIIOL- �� OWNER / ® STORM MANIOIF INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING I I ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 20% GRADE H YUF AN T NORTHEAST -- ® �� SH'Jl-OFF DUMPSTER TERRITORIES INC. ENCLOSURE =J (,A -CH BASIN J I LIGHT POLE RON 20SOUTH CREST CHECK DAM I I W1 CONCRETE — _ — �- Fw I \ SUPERTEMP] INSTALL STONE REALTY, LLCI _ — _ -SIGN BURLINGTON, VERMONT \ _ QECID0005 TREE ,yd pp _ - I- _ _ — _ _ - -- -35•-7 S 56p 1' CO �Eft0U5 TREE SRAC+3565 PROJECT GOF BRUSH/WOODS ORASE- SNOW ' STORAGE AREA y I FENCE -� NEAGLEY & CHASE DRAI" WAL` CONSTRUCTION — — ..-.•_,.. 1- ......ir•,.•_ ••..-,. 3560 '•, AGE. / S 3543 i San M ,p } y PROJECT HENCFMARH OFFICE FACILITY .p-ATYlri, i \ 35 LOT 5 MEADOWLAND FOREBAY 354 I 1 BUSINESS PARK \ r .y •. TC �`3 3542 I t' 1! g0 353 5 86 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT GRAVEL GPTP APEgTIES 35•9. -., •<3! . * ,r ^�` ©P G YAMD y - — --- - TRUST ^ . STORMWATER 5 I x TREATMENT AREA .y +3541 3535 I �'.' ' . TTOM OF POND ., �� J. .' ~ .•, 354] '354 3570 T 1 71 / visiTOR ELEV-3450 �- Gf. 354 - 354 1n m IRELAND SCOT! D 6 e ENTRANCE �TEPHEN D I� O.�k ,}#"` "4,,s' ,3 0KJG 8 �� �� y h 1 aROJEcr <•I 353 6 353 LOCATION F:. Z + 3535 — — 42 �•5' 35 6 G3530 3536 ��� 9 _._._.53_ NvonAN' . rqo". OL 3 5 5 35 / ' 4 349 Ot LOCATION MAP \ Q 1 } 3 36 / IN T LT E CE II _ - I own cuscap —OOon 48 CHASE PROPERTIES IN T IL FE IC / d DEVELOPMENT LTD "" DSM/ALL RL— FLAN ROSIONCONTROCMATTING \ OW�N SLOPES GREATER T�2O% GRADE I INSTALLSTGNF`CjEGKD7G4f- _ INLETPROTECTFqNI NORTHEAST a a I I � '� ` EROSION TERRITORIES, INC. 111 1� �I I7 /I� INSTAMLL'T \ I I I I I I I M TEC71O� CONTROL PLAN 1 I I CBq.OFRCE Q I I I° ats"e °N I I ILb/NG 1 I GRAPHIC SCALE DATIl pM1IRl6 Nmum II I I I I JAN., 2013 II C3.0 (w eeer 7 1" = 30' Q I I I I Inch - 30 fL F— Na 13102 Introduction This pralect Is sublect to the terms and condltians or the au thoraatmn tram the State of ""act to discharge canstruc5on realea stormwater runoff rage under the S�ale CIrletlon Leneral P,ii S_g,,0 required for any construclion actrwly that tlsturbs 1 0, more acres or land, or ,s parr of c larger development plan tl.al will disturb 1 or ",are < e Trill pralect has bee, deemed to qualify a a Low Rlsk Sile which I. sublet+ fo the a sr on prevention and sediment con landards set for Ina the Stale of V.rman is oral (=PSc) Law Rlek a Si H db k f r to P t Sediment c e The fallowing narrative and Implemntation requirements represent the minima standard far which this site Is required la be malnta,ned es regulated by the Slope of Vermont Any best management prachees (DMP's) "Po", on the "I'll 's EPSC Site c nsaered Pa nt,e hnteg9n loythe mho eandbai Nth! She ashen and rc gemen represent components of the municipal FPSC approval for ,fir prole-t which shal as ,mplomeNed Th, FPS^ plan dn,cls are s,up shot ,n lur,e ,rf the sale 41I cu ultion sites are fluid in their day to day exposures and 'isehi s ,t relates to mmini sediment loss from the ate It respu.1 '1 try a} the Contractor to Implement the neuseary BMP•! to comply with the Low Rlek handbook standards Outlined thls shut based on the mtedm sit• disturbance condlllans which may or may not be Mown on the EPSC SR@ Plan Spec fie BMP'c welch 1"' "I'al be allowing the prrle-I in n cansltlered a tow risk sate Include the items -hocked be ow r lk-esa In •I11150 fed d ell-Ishetl vegeered—Horm,e.lita, .,am —' in —'We boon ..' • —Wi welefl L,mh Me -.It of di• noes uM to two ecru orkne a any are time • There shell b• a maim-- d T cwi•es— dry d dIeMNM ••Mt __urt In eny IPrrbon -store lempvary ar oral eI - ar an i• with en r o • TM1e Pmled a la d,eNN less Mm we scree d edl vnM en eraadlay hlyhw Men N=0 tz • Llmn the peers owl EraId enc• b lees Men two saw with amp greew then I, The Pmlem Ie 'user, ea to a— Is ea•e 1. Mark Site Boundaries Purpose Mork the site boa^tlanes to Identify the Imils of c instruction Delineating your site will help to limit the a of disturbance, Prelleeerve ex,sting vegetation and 1114 er s,on oolential on the How to comply Before beg,mmnq construction walk the site boundaries and flag trees, past signs, or ,stall orange solely fence Fence Is required on any boundary w,tnin 50 feet of a stream, lake, pond or wetlantl, unless the area ,s already developed (exlat,nq roads, builtliI etc ) 2. Limit Disturbance Area Purpose L,m,l the a unl of soh exposed at one time to reduce the arm al p eras on an rile Requirements The petrol l led disturbance ,,e. Is seer It— un the site's wr,llen authorization to discharge Only the oc eage listed on (he outhonmtian loan may be exposed at any given time How to comply al ea Plan ahead d phase the construction acnrlties toe ure that "'I than the perm itled acreage ,s dlsturbed at o e time Be sure to properly stablllze exposed all with seed and mulch ar ontrol matting before beginning walk ,n a new section of -lothen c It, 3 Stabilize Construction Entrance Purpo wh eelssshab"ltzed cV snl lrucot,o backing ern till a he ernove niud film vehu'e o pre etr ckrart csheeF. Requirements It there le, be any branic off of the construction site, you must mslall o stabvehicleAlz<d construction entrance before construction begins How to In stall Rock Slze Use o of t to 4 inch stone Depth B Inches m n,m m Width 12 feet ann,mu Length 40 feel minimum (or ength of driveway, If shorter) Geotexhle Place filter cloth under entire gravel red Maintenance Redress with clean stave as required to keep sed,men( from tracking onto the street 4 Install Silt Fence Purpose Shc fences Intercept runoff and allow suspended sed,mnf to settle out Requirements Silt fence must be Installed • n the downhill side of me construction aab,,he • between any ditch, swats, storm sewer Inlet, or water. at the State and the disturbed so,l • Hay bale• must not be used the sed,men, barriers due to their tendency to degrade end fall apart Where t, place • Place It fence on the downhii cage of bare sod At the bottom of slopes, place fence 10 feet downhill ham the end step' • Ensure 'he e(tf len-ceec.IaI all 'runoff from bare sell • Maximum drainage a ea Is Nacre far 100 feet of silt fence • Install slit fence a s the slope On up and down hill) • Install multiple rows of slit fence an long h, Ile to break up now • Do not install sit fence across d,ohes, channels, or streams or in stream buffers How to Install silt feces • D,g a trench 6 mches deep across the slope • Unroll sit fence clang the trench Ensure slakes a on the downhill nde of the fence • Jam fencing by rolling the and stakes together • Drive stakes ,n against downhill side of trench Don stakes until 16 Inches of fabnc Is In troth • Push ferric Into trench, spread along bottom • Fill trench with sod and park dawn Maintenance Rem - • ave ccumulated sediment before ,t Is halfway up the fnce • Ensue that sec fence is trenched in ground and there are no gaps 5. Divert Upland Runoff Purpose Dir—n bet Intercept runoff from above the c nstruc4on site and direct s ect ,t aand the dsturbed a ''' a is prev nts c water from becoming mudded With sad from the tors Uuclun site Requ ire, en is If tTCewpte• run, onto your site from upslape a and your site is the follaemg two conditions, you ­1metal' diversion berm before disturbing any soil 1 You plan to have an-i� or more acres of suvxuased at any tire'one (116,d,ng read,) 2 Averoge slope It the disturbed area is 207 or steeper How to Install 1 Compact the berm with a shove, or earth-mowng equipment 2 Seedandd mullrh hnrm or cover with ems or control matting imme diately filer stallation 3 Stabilize the flow channel with 1s,P and strew Faith 11 erb u„ control matting bill the ch-,nel With 4 inch slate if the channel slope Is gdrearer t n 20S 4 Ensure the harm a s to a culls, stabu,zad with nprap f ,sure that there snc erasa at one outlet 5 the d,versur berm shall renal In place until the disturbed seas are rrmplelely slabdlzeC 6 Slow Down Channelized Runoff Purpose Stuns heck darns reduce er as,on in dru'nnge ­,nele by suwiriy le., the .,lormwu.er ll.rw Requ rem rots ,f thee ,s o cone,cuoted flaw is yin I.,v. dh or c1.r ) stormwater on yrur site, then you ,at install ate-c check , cams Hay bales must not be used a1 crack tlams How to Install Height No q... ter t^an 2 feet Cen fey ul dam should be 9 inches lower the, the side elevation Side slopes 2 1 or }latter Stan- size Use a mixture of 2 to 9 ,an stone Width Dams should span the w,dth of the channel and extend up the s,de, of the banks Spacing Space the dams so that the bottom (toe) of the upstream dam ,s at the eIe rfi.n of the top (crest) of the downstream dam Thrs spacing ,s seam to the height of the check dam I ,did by the channel slope Spacing (in feet) = Height of check dam (m feel)/Slope In channel (ft/ft) Maintenance Remave sediment accumulated behind the dam the needed to allow channel to dr P through the stone check do, and prevent arge flows from currying sediment o r the dam If si gnificant ficant curs between check tlams I nn r I e of stone eho�ld be installed 7. Construct Permanent Controls Purpose Permanent storm w-br treatment prechaes the constructed nstructed to amtm water qua, Ily, e s s groundwater flows and prevent I.Wlbtreurn flooding Practices ndud. delenlun ponds and WIN on as, mfiltrahan toeing, and st arm water fillers Req uirements If the total ,m pervious- area n your site, o within the c Plan of Eeveiopment, WIII be 1 or more acre , you mus Pt apply for Stale St I'll D,scnarge PerrIA a,d conslfucl permanent slormwe ter treatment practice, on your site These pracuces most be ins blied before the canstrucbion of any ,mp,,,,,uI 'Irma.' How to comply Contact the Vermont Stormwaler Program and follow the requrements ,n the Vermont stormwater Management Manual The Stormwater Management Manual Is available It w vlwaf<rqual,ty rg/stwmwaln fifth •An ,mpe,waa. aurae. ,. a menmad earra�e. "Cludleg, but oat lim,tetl [-, pared an unporwd roods, porkng asroc is, na Wan, and walkway.tlirwn rI m prie- ion runs on rather t,nnnnlee 8. Stabilize Exposed Soil Purpose se Seeding and mulching, apply, ng ,,olio• control malting, and hydra...dill are all methods to stablllze exposed s Mul dies and matting protect the sad surface *his grass Is eetabllshing Requirements ants All are., of d,skurh must have f If rotary ar permanent statedolio within 7,n 14, or 21 days I initial disturbance, as slated In the pralect . must za lion bfler this time, any ,Irk day ,n the area must be It ab,llzed at the antl of each work say the following exceptions apply • ", ,hzallon r' not rI,uir.1 rf earthwork is lu continue ,rr the III.within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours Stabilization a not required If the work Is king In self -Dan lamed valmn (Ie outlet) With a depth of 2 feet or greater (e g house foundation excavation utility trench.,) Al, areas of d,sturbance must have perm .... I staD,llzatiPn within 48 hours at reaching final grade How to comply Prepare bore sae for eeed,ng by grading lt,, lop 3 to 6 Inches of sod and removing any large rocks or debris Seeding Rates for Temporary Stabilization April 15 - Sept '5 - - - Rysgrass (annual or perennial 2D lb,/acre) Sept 15 - April 15 - - - Winter rye 120 Ibs/acre Seeding Rates for Final Stablllz-lion Choose SeMm Nsn far Fina 9ebDrvcwn Qoaer Dave Kne Ibs /.art MelIOW • a Bsd•Rot aefad eeRudee '1 ®•, whee �bver m 02 ti..21 �a TeD Fncue KY-31/Rcbe M. eewn(me/Lnv O1 I-Mai'eeck orlmwm sod Eereee aw231e wfsi sea fie. winlda .per. Mulching Rates April 15 - Sept 15 -- Hay ar Straw 1 Inch deep (1-2 bates/1000 s f ) Sept 15 - April 15 -- Hay or Straw 2 In deep (2-4 bales/1000 0f)E n contra Met+ng As per ma,ufacluer's instructions F ye,. ecd As per manufact, rs in'+ructions 9 Winter Stabilization Managing ens' lie Inlmlza era cn gin, < ucltW s s s[o m and prevent sediment tootling of wafers I a year-round 'challenge Ir Vermont, th's challenge becomes even greater during the late fall, ,ter, and early spring months W 'inter construction' as discussed here, describes the period between October 15 and Apre 15, when erosion proven lion and sediment con trot Is significantly more difficult Rains In late fall, thaws throughout the winter, and spr,Ig melt rn n 'iodate agnflows over frozen and turated around,greatly increasillicanl sa ng the potential for erosion Requnrerceri for Winter Shuldown Fur thane pr alerts 'kilt .11 ca', net, earth sturb,rae ecllr,bes prior ra the winter period (ootobcr 15), 'he fallowing requirement, 1 ust be o adhered to Fd- ,,as to be tab,lrzed by vegetaton, seeding shell be ocre"ted nth later then Septrmner 15 to ensure adequate g law, I aC,I and co er Ifs ding s riot completed by September ls, add hlonol `Dorn lftegelahve protect an must be unwed to staaldz the site Martin winter prerioaf Thhecnc'iudes a of Erosion Co^trot Malting c n g It a y munch layer Seeding with winter e ended 1, a'Icw Inr 'a" garm,ra„on Curing We sparing in can C,I urn ' of er90','frh ,s speu,fiec, apply 1uughly 2 riches w n •Auld st uulC oe tracked ,n or clab,lizedn with Is III, I open areas vunotable c wird If rrlrtoacl Requirements ryitiestrrvolycg earth a,,t,,b.... co^',nue past 01111er 15 ar begin before April 15, the fallaw,ng requirements 1r, usl be aaher Cd to Enlarged a s points, slabiized to provide for sno stockpil,ng cc w 2 Limits of disturbance moved or replaced to reflect boundary of winter work 3 A snow management plan prepared With adequate storage and ontrol of reo el twofer, requiring cleared snow to be stared down slope of all areas of disturbance and cut Of stormwater eat, .kit structure, 4 A m m m 25 foot buffer shall be—no,red from perimeter ontrolls such as slit fence S In or of disturbance that drain to a water body within 100 Feet, two rows of sill fence mull be Installed along the odour 6 Drainage structures roust be kept open and free of snow and e dams 7 Silt fen and order Practic<s req uiring nng earn d1lbu, bannes, must be Ins'-Iletl ahead of trpzm ground 8 Mulch used for temporary stabll,zation must be applied al double the standard rate, or a minimum of 3 Inches w,lh an 80-90% O­er 9 To • re cover of dlsturbed soli ,n advance of o melt event, n saI disturbed soil must be stabilized at the end of each works day, w,lh the fdlaw,ng excepting • If ^o prealpdation wifhm 24 hours is forecast and work will reaume n the sam, disturbed area wlh,r 24 hours, daily stab,l,zat,on is ocnary • ❑,It,rbld a e sthat callect and retain runoff, such al aI r ndatione or open Y most 10 Prior ze',on, now or or Ice must he remonC to less than 1 Inch th lcknees 11 Use 'lone to stabilize a cas such as the perimeter or buildings under con strucl,on or where Panel, ctcn vehicle traffic a anticipated Slone paths should be 10 to 20 feet wide to -ccommodate ysh,cula, traffic 10. Stabilize Soil at Final Grade Purpose Slablllzing the site with seed and mulch or erosioncontrol mat.t reaches final grades thebest way to prevent erosion while construction continues Requirements Within 48 hours of final grading, the exp-set Sall must be seeded and mulched or covered with erasion control matting How to comply Bring the siteo sections of the site final grade a,an as Possible afterrconstruction Is completedd This Oust redo ass the need for additional seamen' and erosion control measure' and well reduce tde ford alstlrbea a For seeding and mulching rates, follow the specifications u,der Rule 81 St ablllnn 9 ExP osetl So l 11. Dewatering Activities Treat water pumped from tln ewa teng-ctrvltiee 'o that ,t ,s clear when ,eanngtheconstruction site Requirements Water from dewater,ng activities that Flows off of the construction site must be clear Water must not be Pumped Into storm sewers, lakes. or wellcode unless the water Is d.ar How to comply Using lack filters or sediment filter bogs on dew-termg discharge hoses or pipes, discharge water into silt fence ainstalled in r a vegetated o eas way from waterways Remove cat umulated sediment afterthe water has d,spers.d and elab,dze te a With seed and mulch tea 12 Inspect Your Site Purpose Perorm site inspections to ensare that all sediment and erasa con trol procl,ces are functiomng properly Regular Inspections and enonce of Practices will alnthelp to reduce casts a c! protect water qud,ty Requirements Inspect the ste at least once every 7 days and after every a,nfoll o owmelt that results 11a discharge from the site Perform ma nlnance to ensure that pro al,a are functioning accord,ng to the spec III. ne outlined in this handbook In the event of a natlaeable eedlment distltarge from the construction Yoe, you must take Immediate act iarl to Inape-t and molntuim eadetinq futon =Ztlm and eedknent control praeticei My NeQtly dleedored etvmratr runoN to water of the Stale must be reported. pathos for nportinq diecharpw am avYlable at. www.vmobNquallty.Dry/etamlratr.htm WOOD - i POST I' ,I i 30'.I D-50 DOWNSTREAM E_CWI_INE SLOPE OF STRUCTURE 0� R ;_ 0 35 0 30 0 25 0111 0 15 0 10 (MM) MAXIMUM WATER UEPTH OVER ROC'( (mml -PLASTIC ORANGE --'48-`— CGNSTRUCTIDf! 150 30 36 41 SO 66 00 FENCE - -EXISTING GRADE NATIVE MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION FENCE DETAIL NTS END PO NTS A MUST BE NIGHER 0 35 m/m OR FLAT -ER THAN THE FLOW LINE POINT "H" FLOW LINE SLOPE /Smm (3 m ) MIN COURSE ROCK A AkAF1OW 60cm = __ �'(2 ft MA,1MUM) MINIMUM D PT F E H O 7O CC'JR45cm SE - R A ROCK PLA CED IN CHANNEL (0 5 TO 1 5 fl ) ROCK SET IN loom ROW LINE IS 15cm (O5 F) CLIFF LPENC'E (4 err MINIMUM) TRENCH SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW DIVERSION RIDGE REQUIRED GREATER WHERE GRADE EYCEEDS 2% r27. OR � ROADWAY 'sgllyn `� ' tiwci rw.'�"-o1'"f FILTER FABRIC SEC"ION A - A NOTE USE SANDBAGS OR SPILLWAY OR .SANDBAGS THER APPROVED METHODS CONTINUOUS BERM OF 10 C-IANNL�IZE RJNOFF i0 EOUIVAI_ENT HEIGHT BASIN AS REOUIRFD SUPPLY WATER TO WASH WHEELS IF NECESSARY 41� 110� �-- { FAA I4Jui r I,w.�,p,;;/S='�,��'.. .. �i;+F''1T'�L•�n .>~a 1� i �It-{:1.,:`,v,'yi .:'x!T•e'}7,� } sl i1 11� f 3 A A 2"-3" (SO, ISmm) '•Yti'i• oC t COURSE AGGREGAIL V ``�^ 12' MIN MIN 8' (150mm) THICK ';/ - `lIic­—D,VERSION RIDGE 50' MIN PLAN NOTES i THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE M AINTA N EO IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT (RACKING OR FLOWING SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING,, REPAIR Al CLEAN OUT OF ANY ANY MEASURES USED r0 TRAP SEDIMENT 2 WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 3 WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NTS POSTS 1 SET POSTS AND 2 SIAPLE THE WIRE EXCAVATE A 4"X8" MESH FENCING TO ANGLE 10' TRENCH, SET POST WIRE -- POSTS UFSLOPE FOR DCWNSLOPE FFNQNG STABILI IY AND SELF CLEANING 100, 12" MIN _ S, I I 3 ATTACH FILTER FABRIC 4 STAPLE THE WIRE TO THE WIRE FENCING MESH FENCING TO FILTER AND EXTEND IT TO END POSTS FABRIC THE TRENCH COMPACTE BACKFILL INFILT RATION SYSTEM SECTION Ni PLACE DOWNSTREAM STRUCTURE SUCH THAT POINT "B" IS APPR11 TEI Y LEVEL WITH THE LCWEST GROUND ELEVATION OF THE UPSTREAM B STRUCTURE , I L STONE CHECK DAM STRUCTURE NTS EMI'OHARY SEEDING & MULCH OR NETONG SII T FENCE OR HAY BALES INSTALLED ON DI DOWNGRAENT SIDE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE DETAIL NITS _ - FILTER FABRIC TO BE FOS MIRAFI 10OX OR APPROVED EQUAL p 36" MIN SPACING 2 X 2 WOOD 5' METAL POST 10' 12" MIN -FILTER FABRIC TO BE CLIPPFD. —STEEL OR WOOD STAKES SEE CHART AT RIGHT 1 INSTALL MIRIP ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL OR AS DETAILED HEREIN 2 INSTALL SILT FENCES AT TOES OF ALL UNPROTECTED SLOPES AND AS PARALLEL TO CONTOURS AS POSSIBLE THIS INCLUDES ALL FILLED OR UNPROTECTED SLOPES CREATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, NOT NECESSARILY REFLECTED ON THE FINAL PLANS. CURVE THE ENDS OF THE FENCE UP INTO THE SLOPE REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN ACCUMULATED TO HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE SILT FENCES ARE TO BE MAINTAINED UNTIL SLOPES ARE STABILIZED 3 WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER, THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY 6", FOLDED AND STAPLED SILT FENCE DETAIL NTS SITE ENGINEER C GVIL ENGINEEIUNG ASSOGATES. ING 1OWNSF]IRDNEM'IANE, SOMBILMINOM VTf1W ma hats FAX eaz4r4mr xee or+team DRAIN JDL c—.. DSM -PEOyED DSM OWNER NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRU CTION CTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWD O/N STREE T SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP _--I.-2000 DATE e16cana enablION EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS D�lw Due all NIal JAN., 2013 e"Ut C3.1 row No 13102 TOISOIL, RAKE, UNPAVED PAVED IUPSOIL, RAKE - SITE ENGINEER SEED h MULCH .I LII 6 MULCH UNPAVED PAVED NOTES - 1 Cool of barkfll add bedding shah be o , - - al 117. d(957. unde, roadway surfaces) - ' of nmaxmum dry ensdy celermired n the - _ _ NOTWS ab standard pracl or lest (APFM DbaH) 1 C-nnpai of l one heeding ,Pall be a Badding matencl shall nal be placed on I,„zri of 907 (9b% Lnder roadway su`', last c CIVIL ENGINEEUNG ASSOCIATES INC. -APPROVED BACKFILL sirborade -{OROUGULY p=l of maximum 1 der t determ it lad it theT r rY s' Y lO MAWFIE D IMN LANE, SOIRN EUILINGTON, l'r O61W �; ,rerl promo" tes' (ASTM D698) ppy4.ystitill FAX p,liMR." . mm 3 Approved backfil shall not contain any stares E COMPACTED IN N" IFTS mo eVe than In I dimension (in ar APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED ? beddiny m Lenul mall nut be placed on frozen - " / RIGID INSUI AT�ON AS roadways, 2" maximum tlicme_er within 7 of UM d within � IN B' 1_IFTS subgradeiss pM1IRcrt REQUIRED USE 1" OF the eutside of the pipe), o contain any trczen (\ ,r INSULATION FOR EVERY wet, n. argunir ma renal o, 3 A d backfill shall n orla;r an stones 0i c Approved Y JDL FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING 4 Trench- RIGID INSUI AT1DN AS more than 12" n largest dimension (6" in Dt2� - st nl be .:ample tely dewatered prior to -- -_ - -_ IS Lc55 ih�PN S' b' placing o' pipe Wedding na' rial and kept iol RED DIRED USE 1' UI rocdwa 2" maxifnurn a;arneter within 2' o! 1NS111_AIION n' eQCQo D dewatered Bunny ins tally+lone of pipe and Da Lvtil _ FfIR V[RY D}2' FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING the act=,'de or the pipe;, n ronfain any fmte�, DSM EV(, SLW1r PIPE IS LESS THAN 6'-0' wet, or orgcnic mater,ai - 5 Ir trenches with unstable materials, trench D AlYRaysp 6" bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of III en — NEW WATER LINE 4 lrrhs shah he crmirleted I ly dewatereron to --- filter 'abnc tier crushed stop. (3/4" maximum) _ placing of pipe becc rig material and kept DSM —TI ROUGILY 6 The trenches L 4 dewatered Bunny ;ry sialla Unn of pipe end back411 OWNER sitles ni 4' o more in depth / _ COMPACTED BED)IN(, ericred ty personnel sh allrbe sheeted or sloped -- THORUUUHLY CUMI'AL1Lll MATE IA 9le of repose cs defined by OSHA 6� D/2 In trenches with unstable moterials, tench SAN➢ BEDDING bat standards 6"i on .,hall lir'.I no slabihced by nlaremenl o ',It, fnht, thrv" crushed stone (3/4" max;munii `- UNJ1:;U_I ED I Heddiny malenal Shull ,, rim I of crushed stone � Soil OR Rack gravel o and wits max a imum al 3/4' za u oldere•, �- 6 Tie der nl rrench4' or Wore In depth enterer' NORTHEAST SLIT sample to We Englnrcrs'fa, ap approval beieonnel shall be sheetbd'.1 sloped to the UNDISTURBEll SOIL DR UNDISTURBED ariyle of repdefined by 0 S If A standards ROCK ose a TERRITORIES, INC. TYPICAL SEWER TRENCH DETAIL / Head ng matinal shah consist of granalar sand NTS u sbmll Sample to EnyiNeer fo' approval th TYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL 20 SOUTH CREST N T s BURLINGTON, VERMONT ADJUSTABLE IRON CURB - ELECTRICAL CABLE MARKING BOX SE LID MARKED PROPERTY LINE 'WATER' SET CURB BOX PROJECT TAPE SHALL BE Pi ACED H" 1USl INSIDE k,l W TO 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE rLl1SFl w/GR I INISH GRADE NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION GRASS- PAVEMENT - APPROVED BACKFILL STAINLESS STEEL OFFICE FACILITY - 24" MIN THOROUGHLY COMPACTED OPERATING ROD ------r! IN 8" LIFTS LOT 5 IFTHDR 35 TELEPHONE _� z ERIE CURB HO% ouNTER GABLE MEADOWLAND WE I mV T C MIN 4" SAND OR DUCTILE IRON INSTALL A CURB STOPBUSINESS ELECIRICAL CONDUIT EINE GRAVEL ON ALL WATER MAIN GOOSENECK (CAMBRIDGECAST PARK IRON VAI VF SIDES OF CONDUI- LOOPBRASS NO -LEAD BRASS12 BOX TOP SECTION MIN DR COVER MARKED INDEPENDENT REll HEAD 66 BOWDOIN STREET "S "SEWER" OF PIPE 2a" MIN SOUTH BURLINGTON "CLEANOUI ]O BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM SBNUF 5151/B4151GOF DEPT APPROVED EQUAL) VERMONT OF BEN 0(S) IN BUILDING SEWER(5) 4" SDR 35 PVC— 45. WYE WHEN CHANGE IN PIPE DIRECTION EXCEEDS 45- (USE LONG SWEEP ELECTRICAL TRENCH — SECONDARY _ 4'xB x16 SOLIDFII ZINGS WIZEN EXCEEDING 45') TUTS CONCRETE BLOCK \ 11u ---� FLOW - UNDISTURBED SOIL 1B I' TYPE 'K' COPPER A I -- -' - -' - -- SERVICE -ALL BRASS UNIONS AND f 4" SDR 35 PVC F CONCRETE CRADLE w/ 3 V CORPORATION STOP (CAMBRIDGE ADAPTORS SHALL BE BRASS NO -LEAD BRASS OR RED HEAD CAMBRIDGE BRASS NO -LEAD MIL POLYETHYLENE PLACED MANUFACTURING BRASS 43B1 OR BRASS OR RED HEAD BETWEEN PIPE k CONCRFTF DEPARTMENT APPROVED EQUAL) MANUFACTURING BRASS PROJECT OR DEPT APPROVED EQUAL) OCATIIX TYPICAL CLEANOL T DETAIL NTS WATER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAIL NTS A NOTES LOCATION MAP 1 Ali water insta9ation work and water distribution material must comply with the "CWD 1— 20W Specrfi cations" pAlt CQCQp RN610N 2 Installation details for this project must comply the above referen(ed CWD Specifications Confl Cts are to be referred to the Engineer for clarification ------ 3 All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected it a beckflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion -- ens LINE MARKING system In compliance with the Ordinance for the Control of Cross Connections Within the Water t- SHALL BE PLACED 12' 2" Sysof the City of South Burlington henceforth the "backflow Ordinance " P'lease contact the Y Y g - 1 3' MIN HORIZONIAL SEPARATION BETWEEN GAS BELOW FINISH GRADE South Burlington Water Department for more information On backflow protechor devices ---- --- - MAIN AND UTILITIES/UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES 2 ONE FOOT PREFERED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN 36" MIN APPROVED BACKFILL 4 CWD Specifications state that no water Imes Shall be Installed after November 15 or before April GAS MAIN AND UTILITIES/uNDERGROUND STRUCTURES, THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent The Superintendent may restrict Work before 6" SAND OR STONE FREE MATERIAL PADDING AROUND GAS 3' MINIMUM SAND OR STONE FREE MATERIAL IN 8" LIFTS November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions PADDING AROUND GAS WHEN VERTICAL SEPARATION 6" OR LESS FROM GAS AND UTILITY/UNDERGROUND GAS LINE 5 Mechanical UTILITY STRUCTURE joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or a Department approved 9 P PP G MIN 6" SAND OR equal grip Ting J DOUBLE COAT AND PAD STEEL GAS PIPE 1MTHIN 6" OR LESS VERTICAL SEPARATION FINE GRAVEL ON ALL SIDES OF CONDUIT IN DETAILS FROM UTILITIES k UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES GAS PIPE TO BE PADDED AREAS OF ROCKY SOIL 6 NO Underground utility Shall be Installed within four feet from the water main On either side, WITH 3" MINIMUM OF SAND DOUBLE COAT STEEL GAS 24" MIN from the t0 g P p Of the main t0 the finish race, with the exception Of storm sewer Ord Sanitary PIPE ONLY IF UTILITY/UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE IS METAL, WRE, CABLE, CONDUIT OR CONCRETE sewer as stated In the above referenced Specifications Trees Shall rot be placed Over any Water main or service line, nor placed within 20' of cry appurtenance, including fire hydrants GAS MAIN TRENCH 7 Separations between the water main and service line and nearby sanitary and storm sewer lines NTS shall comply with the VT WSR requirements and the above referenced Specifications an pMlrpl6 8 Prior to any building construction, the building contractor should contact the South Burlington JAN., 2013 NUOLR Water Department to discuss City of South Burlington requirements for meter sizing, meter settings, and backflow protections Rr.,. 1" C4.0 9 The South Burlington Water Department shall be notified prior to backfillirg to inspect all joints, fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, water line crossings, and testing NO 13102 ( --- -L_L rFRI E E'ID SITE ENGINEER MA1CH DITCH SECTION SECTION • MN 3 1/4' BITUMINOUS CONCRETE - --- L PA VEMLNI 1 1/4" TYPE V FINISH 3 I/4" BITIJMI^ICJS CON`-RET_ -- ---- COURSE 2" TYPE I BASE COURSE F'AVEMEfr' i '/4" "YPE IV FV115H r -� {'•' � COUFSF i' TYFT II BASE C,IURSF 4' A'In. E �'� _ _ _ — - - 12" CRUSHED GROVEL • 0MAAN RRDVXWEIUN I SOUTH &AUMTON,VTO54M 12" CRUSHED GRn DJµ pix ID2aLa>t xwD, TYPE II - ----\� - - ACT SPEC 70405 AA=A STFNF TIII - g " 12" �x•��y y 1 A RANK RUN GRAVFI carrm .x Cr, s - AOT SPEC ]04 G4 12" BANK RIIN GRAVFI 6' ^s JDL L -TED SUPCRADE -- a sots TYPE A! � 1 �� —COMPACTED SJBGRADF_--�, I I PF_ II \TBNF STONF FIT I - SFABILIJAIION FABRIC DSM c I ILL (Y 0` MIN WRATH 50O% OR APPR;,vFD LiABILILAION FABR,C J_ iHICKNLSS) EQUAL MIRAFI 500X OR APPROVED "PH—D n �,_', ;.. EQUAL DSM CULVERT - _ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY END ,ECI IOTI A _ NTS TYPICAL GRAVEL ROADWAY SECTION TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION 01IVER• � IABILI,'AI IUN- I - III STONE NTS FAFRTC MIRAFI SOON FII_I F REDUIREI NTS 7R APPROVED LUL,AI- NORTHEAST END SECTION DETAIL TERRITORIES INC. NTS lb' / -- CAST IRON H-20 F- IOP COURSE BITUMINOUS �{ RATED GRATE CONCRFTF PAVEMENT----(,nNCRETE OR 20 SOUTH CREST _ BRICK PAVERS BURLINGTON, VERMONT ADAPTORS AVAILABLE 110'DRRIN AREA 987 SO INCH 4' THRU 18' BASE COURSE ) N'4 /2" R b" (SEE ARCM PLANSBITUMINOUS CONCRETEGRATF HAS H-20 cHFRVY TRAFFiC� PAVEMENTDOT Rnnrvc 7 5 PROJECT _ OLALSTY� MATERIAL SHALL CONFER --- - ,•- - -' TD ASTM CASTINGS - CLASS 30e 6 ' NEAGLEY &CHASE ,CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE' - - -• - 6' PAINT CASTINGS ARE FLRNISHFD C+ /� VIrH R auac PAINT 18"INLINE DRAINiDRAIN GRAY IRON - CONSTRUCTION TE BANK RUN GRAVEL OFFICE FACILITY GRATE COVLR iS - -__�-_ SUB -BASE MATERIAL g•, 6''REVFRSTHLE, ONSTICKS ❑UT LIKE IS SHOWN 10' x 15' ADAPTORLOT 5 ❑N THE RIGHT ❑NESIDEISFL DSH IIKF ISSHOWN ON THE LEFT tl' RISE1 CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SEC TONSMEADOWLAND IWITH 1/B^ JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS BUSINESS PARK 2 CURBING E%PA,\SION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTEO90, EL HOW EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAI 15CONFORMING TO AASHTG DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2^ 66BOWDOINSTREET SrORSPONGE RUBBER OR CORK)SOUTH BURLINGTON 1 41EWALKSPHALT IANDICONCRFIF CURB TkOIPJ BLTWFhN VERMONT 18"CAST IRON GRATE —TEEN AND wuNE DRAIN BY NYL OPLAST USA, INLINE DRAIN SECTION INC OR APPROVED EQUAL _ YARD DRAIN DETAILS CURB W/SIDEWALK DETAIL NTS NTS e 11 Y EXISTING GROUND i 11 1� PROJECT t� VI I 1 �-- LEBARON LF248- 2 24" x 24" LocnnoN ---- C GRATE w/4 FLANGED 12 FRAME (OR APPROVED FQ'JAL) EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN BITUMINOUS TOPSOIL _I_ CL"'�I' DITCHES w/PROFI LE GRADES SET FRAME ON EXCEEDING 5% STAPLE AS PER CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL MORTAR BFD MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS GROUN GRASS LINED DITCH ADJUST TO GRADE w/PRECAST LOCATION MAP NTS MAX L RISER SECIIGNS (BRICKS SHALL — -------- --- �,_2 NOT BE USED) SIDEWALK WIDTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS I P9011, RAKE,- 'UNPAVED PAVED PRECAST CONCRETE 24" x 24" WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" DATT c�cnD uvLSlan SEED k MULCH w/MONOLITHIC BASE MIN WIDTH FLEXIBLE 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK GASKET (SEAL EXTERIOR - - JOINTS AND LIFT HOES NOTES SEE TABLE w/NON SHRINK GROUT) , ,. 1 Comoactior of backflll and bedding shall be a CAST-'N-PLACE FLEXIBLE o \'" —APPROVED ( KFILL o ( roadway in sthfeaces) MH SLEEVES -i-+. GRAVEL SUBBAS o c APPRO minimum f 907. 957.(under ) 8 '- S o eddied materialof maximum she not be planed on frozen III D BA^ standard aroctor test ASTM D698 - - U UNDISTURBED SOIL OR THOROUGHLY COMPACTED Bedding ? 0o i' IN 6" LIFTS I 1.<t -- -'�^H NOTES GRANUULAR VED FILL COMPACTED APPROVED GRANULAR FILL 3 Approved backfitl shall not contain cry stones D+2 .i THOROUGHLY COMPACTED more than 12" in largest dimension (6" In 24" roadways. 2" maximum diameter within 2' of SUMP 1 E%PANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE STORMWATER ¢ IN 6" LIFTS �• CONSTRUCTED OF PREFORMED JOINT FILLER 1 4 CORK OR a I the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, 6" MIN CRUSHED BITUMINOUS TYPE) ( / wet, or argon matenal GRAVEL (EXTEND TO HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE II{ LIMITS OF EXCAVATION) AND SITE 12" ij 4 Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to _ 2 BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE placing of pipe bedding material and kept < <•�`-�'r'I` °- - - - - iDIVIDED AT INTERVALS OF FIVE FEEL BY DUMMY JOINTS dewatered during Installation a! pipe and backflll lk'l, o aaoa DETAILS TYPICAL SIDEWALK DETAIL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5 In trenches with unstable matenois, trench 4` PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES - BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC NTS 6"t filler fabr,c ;hen crushed stone (3/4" maximum) C478 (LATEST EDITION) 6 The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered �- UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the TYPICAL CATCH BASIN DATT DMmlG NIMpI angle of repose as defined by 0 S H A standards NTS JAN., 2013 7 Bedding material hall consist of crushed C," .1 TYPICAL STORM TRENCH DETAIL stone, with a maximum size of 3/4"Submit ,n.,. NTS a sample to the Engineer for approval 1" = 301 PR a No 13102 i SECTION 02110 -SITE CLEARING PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A Section includes 1 Remove surface debris 2 Clear site of plant Ice and gross 3 Remove trees and shrubs 4 Remove mot system of trees and shrubs PART2-PRODUCTS Not used PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION A Protect utlites that remain from damage S Protect tress, plant growth, and features designated to remain as final landscaping C Protect bench marks and exisbng structures from damage or displacement D Use means necessary to prevent dust becoming a nuisance to the public, to neighbors, and to other work being performed on or near the ..to E Maintain access to the site at all times 3.02 CLEARING A Clear areas required for access to sde and execution of Work B. Remove trees and shrubs within areas as indhwted on the Plans Remove stumps, mots and tap roots and other projscoons 1%' or greater in diameter to 2'-0" below the exwvaled surfaces in cut areas and 2'-0' below the exposed subgrade in rill areas 3.03 REMOVAL A Remove debns, rock, and extracted plant lee from site B The Contractor shall coordinate Work with the Engineer and Owner in establishing suitable areas within the property limits for depositing claims, rocks and extracted plant life The Contractor shall be responsible for backfilting (capping) and grading all waste sites 3.04 UTILITIES A Coordinate with utility companies and agencies as required END OF SECTION 02110 SECTION 02010 - MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A The Contractor shall maintain traffic in the project area to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Engineer This would typically mean allowable short dumbon (15-20 minutes) hnterruptiona and full -day closure for bridge installation If necessary Access by emergency vehicles must be allowed at any time of the day. The Contractor will be responsible to furnish, install and relocate channelization bamere as required to protect the bill workmen and new work It shell be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to keep the Local Agencies (including but not limited to Town Highway Department, Police and Fire Departments) pre-wamad at least 72 hours In advance of changes in traffic patterns due to reduction of pavement widths or closing of Streets The Contractor shall supply, install, maintain, adjust, move, relocate, and store all signs, suitably lighted barricades, traffic cones and treffic delineators, as necessary to carry out the traffic routing plan and maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic. All of this work shall meet the requirements of Local Agencies and the Owner B The Contractor shall furnish, light, and maintain such signs as may be directed, or may be necessary for the safe regulation, or convenience of traffic Said signs will be as specified, they shall be adequate for the regulation, safety and convenience of traffic The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain suitably lighted bamcades, warning lights, etc as needed, or as directed in order to keep people, animals and vehicles from excavations, obstacles, etc The Contractor may be required to employ traf icmen and take other such reasonable means or precautions as the Owner may direct, or as may be needed to prevent damage or injury to persons, whhcies, or other property, and to minimize the inconvenience and danger to the public by his construction operations e The Contractor shall confine his occupancy of public or traveled ways to the smallSet Space compatible with the efficient and safe performance of the work contemplated by the contract C The Contractor shall observe and obey all local and stele lawn, ordinances, regulations and pants in relation to the obstruction of strosm and highways, keeping passage-waye open and protecting traffic where there may be danger from all wristiucbon activities D Suitable lighted bamere or bamcades shall be furnished by the Contractor and put up and maintained at all times during the night or day0me, around all open ditches, benches, excavations, or other work potentially dangerous to traffic Such barricades shall be constructed of 2 inch by 8 inch mugh lumber, Securely supported and braced at least 3 feet high above the ground Barricades shall be placed on all sides and throughout the entire length and breadth of all open ditches, trenches, excavations, or other work which must be barred to the general public Banicades shall be properly painted to the satisfaction of the Owner in order to retain a high degree of visibility to vehicular pedestrian traffic. E Suitably lighted bamcades shall be defined as bamcades Id by flashers in accordance with the paragraph or other lighting methods approved by the Owner in lieu thereof Flashers shall be placed along the entire length of the barricades at an Interval no greater than 8 feet, center to center Flashers shall be power operated, lens directed, enclosed light units which shall provide Intermittent light from 70 to 120 flashers per minute, with the penod at light emittance occurring not less than 25 percent of each on -off cycle, regardless of temperature The emitted light shall be yellow in color and lees than 12 square inches The discernible light shall be bright enough to be conspicuously visible during the hours of darkness at a minimum distance of 800 feel from the unit under one or more directorial, the foregoing specificabons shall apply 10 degrees or more to the side and 5 degrees or more above and below the photometric "a F The Contractor shall furnish and securely fasten flashing units to signs, barricades, and other objects in such numbers and for such lengths of Inn e as are required for the maintenance and protection of traffic, or as the Engineer may order The flasher shell he in operation during all hours between sunset and sunnse, and during pencils of low visibility The Contractor shall maintain, relocate and operate barricades and flashers throughout the life of the contract Should the Contractor or his employees neglect to set out and maintain barricades or lights, as required in these specifications, the Owner immediately, and without notice, may furnish, install and maintain bamcades or lights The cost from any amount due or to become due to the Contractor under this contract G If the Contractors operations or occupancy of any public street or highway, or the uneven surfaces over any trenches being maintained by the Contractor shall interfere with the removal or sending of snow or me by the public authwbes or adjoining land owners, in an ordinary manner with regular highway equipment, the Contractor shall be required to perform such service for the public authorities or adjoining owners without charge If the Contractor fads to do So, he shall reimburse the said authorities or adjoining owners for any additional coat to them for doing such work occasioned by conditions arising from the Contractors operations, occupancy, or trench surfaces, together with any damage to the equipment of said parties by those conditions, or dams of any parties for damage or injury or loss by reason of failure to remove snow or ice or to sand icy a" under these conditions may be H The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing and installing any stolen traffic signs at no additional cost to the Owner uct I The preceding are minimum requirements for the maintenance and protection of traffic during the construction of the project If the Contractor deem. that additional devices are required, they shall be installed after contacting the Owner END OF SECTION 02010 SECTION 02210 - SITE EARTHWORK PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A Section includes 1 All ubllty and sitework excavation (unless covered In other sections of these specifications), removal and stockpile of topsoil, stabilization fabric, end other miscellaneous and appurtenant works 2 She filling 3 Roadway/parking lot structural sections 1.02 REFERENCES A ANSI/ASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates B ANSI/ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Sod Using Standard Effort 1 03 PROTECTION A Protect bench marks and existing structures B Protect above and below grade utilities which are to remain 1.04 SUBMITTALS A Testing laboratory reports indicating that matenal for ball meets requirements of this Section S Field density lest reports of site fill in place C Feld density test reports for roadway structurel sections in place D Stabilization Fabric Submit copies of manufacturers Specifications and installation instructions PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.02 CRUSHED GRAVEL A AJI matenals shall be secured from approved sources This gravel shall consist of angular and round fragments of hard durable rock of undorm quality throughout, reasonably free from thin elongated places, soft or disintegrated stone, dirt, organic or other objectionable matter This material shall meet the following grading requirements Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Passing Square Mesh Sieve Fine 2" 100 1 2" 90 - 100 No 4 30-60 No 100 0-12 No 200 0-6 Coarse 4- 95 - 100 No 4 25-50 No 100 0-12 No 200 0-6 2 03 AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE A Aggregate for surface course and shoulders shall consist of dean, hard gravel, crushed gravel or crushed stone it shall be reasonablyfree from silt, loam, day or organic matter It shall be obtained from approved sources B Grading This matenal shall be uniformly graded from crane to Me and shall meet the following grading requirements Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Passing Square Mesh Slow 12 100 1' 90 - 100 No 4 45-65 No 100 0-15 No 200 0-12 2.04 COMPACTED FILLIGRANULAR BORROW A This matenal shall be free of shale, day, friable matenal, doors, and organic matter, graded in accordance with ANSI/ASTM C136 within the following limits Percant by Weight Sieve Designation Passing Square Mesh Sieve 6' 100 3' 75 - 100 4 No 4 20 - 100 No 100 0-20 No 200 0-12 2.05 GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION FABRIC A This work shall consist of furnishing and placing an approved stabilization fabric on a prepared surface within the limits shown on the plans The fabnc shall meet, or exceed the following properties 1 Grab tensile strength (ASTM 04632) - 20D Ibs 2 Grab tensile elongation (ASTM D-4632) - 15% 3 Puncture strength (ASTM D-4833) - 120Ion PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A Identify required Imes, levels, contours, and datum B Identify known below grade ublibes Stake and flag locations C Maintain and protect existing ublibes remaining which pass through work area 3.02 ER03ION CONTROL A Erosion control must be installed prior to beginning any earthwork operations 3.03 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION A Excavate topsoil from areas to be excavated, re -landscaped or regraded and stockpile in areas designated on site or as directed by the Engineer B Maintain the stockpile in a manner which will not obstruct the natural flow of drainage 1 Maintain stockpile free from debris and trash 2 Keep the topsoil damp to prevent dust and drying out 3.04 SUBSOIL EXCAVATION A Excavate subsist from areas to be regraded in accordance with plans B. Excavate subsoil required to accommodate building foundations, slabs on grade, site structures, construction operations, mods, and pariung areas C Grade top perimeter of exavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavabon D Notify Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work E Correct areas over�excarwted by armor as directed by the Engineer at no coat to the Owner 3.05 DITCHES A Cut accurately to the cross-sechons, grades, and elevabon shown B Maintain excavations free from delrimentil quantities of leaves, sticks, trash, and other debris until completion of the work C Dispose of excavated materials as shown on the drawings or directed by the soils Engineer, except do not. in any case, deposit materials less than three feet from the edge of a ditch 3.06 EMBANKMENTS AND BERMS A When embankments are to be made on a hillside, the slope of the original ground on which the embankments are to be constructed shall be stepped and properly dramed as the fill is constructed so that adverse movements of the slopes do not occur B Any excavated rock, ledge, boulders, and stone, except where required in the construction of other Items or otherwise directed, shall be used In the construction of embankments to the extent of the project requirements and generally shall be placed so as to form the base of an embankment C Frozen matenal shall not be used in the construction of embankments, nor shall the embankments or successive layers of the embankments be placed upon frozen matenal Placement of matenal other than rock shall stop when the sustained air temperature, below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, prohibits the obtaining of the required compaction If the matenal is otherwise acceptable, it shall be stockpiled and reserved for future use when its condition is acceptable for use in embankments D When an embankment is to be constructed across a swamp, muck, or areas of unstable soils, the unsuitable matenal shall be excavated to reach soils of adequate bearing capacity and the embankment begun Alternative methods, such as use of a stabilization fabric in place of excavation and backfill, may he utilized only after approval of same by the Engineer E Material being placed in embankments shall be placed in horizontal layers of uniform thickness across the full width of the embankment Stumps, trees, rubbish, and other unsuitable matenal shall not be placed in embankments F Embankment areas shall be placed in eight -inch lrts Effective spreading equipment shall be used on each layer to obtain undon thickness prior to compaction Each layer shall be kept crowned to shed water to the outside edge of embankment and continuous leveling and manipulating will be required to assure uniform density The entire area of each layer shall be uniformly compacted to at least the required minimum density by use of compaction equipment consisting of rollers, campactore, or a combination thereof Earth -moving and other equipment not specifically manufactured for compaction purposes will not be considered as compaction equipment. G All fill matenal shall be compacted at a moisture content suitable for obtaining the required density In no case shall the moisture content in each layer under construction be more than three percent above the optimum moisture content and shell be lose than that quantity that will cause the embankment to become unstable during compaction Sponginess, shoving, or other displacement under heavy equipment shall be considered evidence for an engineering determination of lack of stability under this requirement, and further placement of matenal in the area affected shall be stopped or retarded to allow the material to stabilize H When the moisture content of the material in the layer under canstmMon is less than the amount necessary to obtain Satisfactory compaction by mechanical compaction methods, water shall be added by pressure distributors or other approved equipment Water may also be added in excavabon or borrow pits The water shall be uniformly and thoroughly incorporated into the soil by disc, harrowing, binding, or by other approved methods This manipulation maybe omitted for sands and gravel When the moisture content of the matenal is in excess of three percent above optimum mmsture content, dry matenal shell be thoroughly incorporated into the wet matenal, or the wet matenal shall be aerated by disking, harrowing, binding, rotary mixing, or by other approved methods, or compaction of the layer of wet matenal shall be deferred until the layer has dned to the required mcel content by evaporation 3.07 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS A Al backfills and fills shall be compacted in even 111 (12' maximum) to attain the required densities as follows Standard Proctor Location ASTM D-698 Subgrade and Gravel for Roads and Parking Lots 95% General Embankments 90% 3.03 MAINTENANCE A All earthwork should be checked periodically to see that slopes are in goad condition Any nlls or damage from erosion and animal burrowing should be repaired immediately to avoid further damage If seeps develop on the slopes, the area should be evaluated to determine if the seep will cause an unstable cenoh6on Subsurface drems or gravel mulching maybe required to salve seep problems Diversions, berms, and waterways in the land grading area should be checked to see that they are functioning property Problems found dung the inspections should be repaired Promptly END OF SECTION 02210 SECTION 02225 - UTILITY TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A Section includes 1 Trench, ball, and compact as speofed herein and as needed for installation of underground utilities located 5 feet outside the buildings 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Use adequate numbers of skilled workere who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who am completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this section B Use equipment adequate in size, capacity, and numbers to accomplish the work in a timely manner C Comply with requirements of governmental agencies having junsdhchon 1.03 REFERENCES A ANSI/ASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates B ANSI/ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Smi Using Standard Effort PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SOIL MATERIALS A Fill and backfill materials 1 Fill matenal IS subject to the approval of the Engineer Malenal provided win be removed from excavations on site or imported from approved off -Me borrow areas Materials must be predominantly granular, non -expansive soil free from porous matter, organic matter and other deleterious matter and contain no rocks or lumps over 6 inches in greatest dimension 2 Rocks having a dimension greater than 2 inches shall not be placed within 2 feet of the outside of pipe 3 Cohesionless matenal used for backfill Provide sand free from organic matenal and other foreign matter, and as approved by the Engineer PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A Examine the areas no conditions under which work of this section will be performed Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work Do not proceed unbl unsatisfactory conditions are corrected 302 PREPARATION A Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum 3.03 PROCEDURES A Exiebng Utilities 1 Unless shown to be removed, protect active ublity lines shown on the drawings or otherwise made known to the Contractor pnor to trenching If damaged, repair or replace at no cost to the Owner 2 When existing underground uhldiss, which are not scheduled for removal or abandonment are encountered in the excavation, they shell be adequately supported and protected from damage Any damage to utttibes shall be repaired promptly at no additional cost to the Owner 3 If ublity service is Interrupted as a result of work under this section, immediately restore Samoa by repairing the damaged utility at no additional cost to the Owner 4 If existing ublibes are found to interfere with the permanent facilities being constructed under this section, Immediately notify the Engineer and secure instructions 5 Do not proceed with disruption of service or permanent relocation of utilities until written Instructions are received from the Engineer B Protection of persons and property 1 Barricade open holes and depressions ocoumng as part of the work, and post warning tights on property adjacent to or with public access 2 Operate warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn each day and as otherwise required 3 Protect structures, utllibil Sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, washout, and other hazards created by operations under this section C Dowatenng The Contractor, at all times, shall conduct operations so as to prevent the accumulation of water, ice, and snow in excavabons or In the vicinity of excavated areas, end to prevent water from Interfering with the progress and quality of the work Under no conditions shall water be allowed to rise in open benches after pipe has been placed D Accumulated water, Ice, and snow shall be promptly removed and disposed of by pumping or other approved means Disposal shall be carded out in a manner which will not create a hazard to public health, nor cause injury to public m private property, work completed or in progress, or public Streets, nor cause any Interference in the use of streets and road by the public Pipe' under construction shall not be used for drainage of excavations E Maintain access to adjacent areas at ell time 3.04 TRENCHING A Provide shoaling and shoring necessary for protection of the work and for the safety of personnel 1 Sheeting and bracing required for trenches shall be removed to the elevabon of the pipe, but no sheeting will be allowed to be pulled, removed, or disturbed below the pipe B A tranch shall be excavated to the required depth and to a width sufficient to allow for joining of the pipe and compaction of the betiding and backfill matenal under and around the pipe C The completed trench bottom shall be fin for its full length and width D If Indicated on the plans or directed by the Engineer, poor foundation material encountered below the normal grade of the pipe bed shall be removed and replaced with granular backfill. E Where pipes are to be placed in embankment fill, the excavation shall be made after the embankment has been completed to a height of 3 feet plus the diameter of the pipe above the designed grade of the pipe F Excavating for appurtenances 1 Excavate for manholes and similar structures to a distance Sufficient to leave at least 12 inches clear between outer surfaces and the embankment or shoring that may be used to hold and protect the banks 2 Over-0epth i xcevetion beyond such appurtenances that has not been directed will be considered unauthonzed Fill wth send, gravel, cr lean concrete as directed by the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Owner G Excavation shall not Interfere with normal 45 dogma bearing splay of foundations H Where utility runs traverse public properly or are subject to governmental or utility company jur sdhction, pmwde depth, bedding, aver, and other requirements as set font by legally constituted authority having junsdhction, but in no use less than the depth shown in the Contract Documents I Whore trenching occure in sxu'bng lame, remove turf in sections and keep damp. Replace turf upon completion of the backfilling SITE ENGINEER. t CIVIL ENGINEEMNG ASSOCIATES, INC. 10MAINV W wENIAW, SOIMIRLI LMRIN VT OW smasazazs Exx svtaw-zrn ...e scow w.,cmn, gMeN JDL r__. DSM "Poo— DSM OWNER NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP_ _ V - 20001 sawelON SPECIFICATIONS DAre DM1nN. Noasaa JAN.,2013 s— AS SHOWN C5.0 eaOJ NO 13102 3.05 BEDDING A Pipe Bedding Area Prior to laying pipe, bedding material shall be placed to the limits of the excavation and to a depth beneath the pipe as specified This material shall be either send, gravel, or crushed stone and shall not contain large lumps and stones over one inch in diameter As the pipe is lard, bedding material shall be extended to 6 inches above the pipe and leveled along the width of the trench 3 06 BACKFILLING A Backfillmg shall not be time in freezing weather, with frozen matenals, or when matenals already placed are frozen B Backfill material shall be evenly spread and compacted in lifts not more than 12 Inchea thick or as approved by the Engineer Proviously placed or now matenals shall be moistened by sprinkling, if required, to ensure proper bond and compaction C Trenches which have been Improperly backfilled, enclosed or covered up before it has been approved shall be reopened Refill and compact as specified, or otherwise correct to the approval of the Engineer, at no additional coat to the Owner D Take special care in backfilhng and bedding operebone to not damage pipe and pipe coatings E No compacting shall be done when the material Is too wed to be compacted properly At such times the work shall be suspended until the previously placed and new materials have dried out sufficiently to permit proper compaction, or such other precautions are taken as may be necessary to obtain proper compaction F Backfill material shall be compacted to the following percentages of maximum dry density and the in -place moisture content shall not be more than 2% above the opbmum moisture content, as determined by Standard Proctor ASTM Dl 1 Around .II structures, under roadway paving, shoulder and embankments - 95% 2 Nl other areas -90% G Frost Protection Pipes lard with less than the minimum cover over the crown and when approved by the Engineer shall be protected against freezing by installation of ngid Insulation for the width of the bench Ineulatron shall be a minimum of 2Inches thick with one additional inch of thickness for every foot of depth of plping lass than 5 feet The sheets shall be placed 6 inches above the crown of the sewer after compaction of the 6 inch lift Imrnsdrateily above the crown Care shall be exercised by the Contractor dunng beckfill and compaction over the insulation The shests shall meet the compressive strength requirements rut ASTM D1621-73 3.07 TEST FOR DISPLACEMENT OF SEWERS AND STORMDRAINS A After the trench has been balled to above the pipe and has been compacted as specified, check sewers and stonndnins to determine whether displacement has occurred B Visually Inspect pipe Installation by fleshing a light between manholes or between the locations of the manholes, by means of a flashlight or by reflecting sunlight with a minor C If the illuminated interim of the pipe line shows poor alignment, displaced pipes, or any other defects, correct the defects to the specified conditions and at no additional Cost to the Owner D After Visual approval of pipe, a 95% mandrel test must be performed END OF SECTION 02225 SECTION 02260 - DUST CONTROL PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A This work shall consist of furnishing and applying Calcium chloride or water to reduce dust nuisance and hazard in accordance with these specifications and as directed by the Engineer B Related work 1 Documents affecting work of this section include, but an not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections of Division 1 of these specifications PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 CALCIUM CHLORIDE A The matenals used shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 144 except that pellet form and flake form shall be acceptable 2 02 WATER A All water used shall be clear and free of harmful amounts of oil, salt, acids, alkalies, sugar, organic matter or other substances Injurious to the finished product, plant Ice or the establishment of vegetation Whore the source of water is relatively shallow, the intake shall be maintained at such a depth and so oncloeed as to exclude sift, mud, grass and other fo edgn matenals No formal test' of water will be made unless the Engineer questions the quality of the water Water known to be of potable quality may be used without tests PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR WATER A Calcium chloride (for roadways) or water (for embankments) shall be applied only at the locations, at such times and in the amount as may be directed by the Engineer M average applicatim of one pound of calcium chloride per square yard of exposed area should be considered for each troatmerd The axacl number of opplicatlons and amount of dust controller shall be based upon field and weather conditions It shall be spread in such manner and by such devices that uniform distribution is attained over the soon area on which It I. ordered placed PART 4 - FAILURE TO COMPLY A In the event that in e thjudgement of me Engineer, the Co retractor falls to adequately control the dust as directed and in accordance with this specification, the sum of $150 00 per calendar day will be deducted from any money due the Contractor as a failure to comply with this specification In addition, If the Owner is required to perform the dust control operations on the project due to Milum of the Contractor to perform adequately, the costs associated with the Owner's operations will also be deducted from money due the Contractor END OF SECTION 02260 SECTION 02400 - WORK ON OR NEAR PRIVATE PROPERTY PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A The work under this section includes the protection of private property and the restoration of areas near or an private property (For further requirements sea the General Conditions and the Special Conditions of these specificatwns ) 1.02 SUBMITTALS A The Contractor shall, upon award of the Contract, take photographs of the existing condtions in the project area These photographs shall be taken as directed by the Owner and/or as follows 1 Any suitable Camera may be used, but the lens must be a "wide angle lens" having a focal length of not more than thirty-five (35) millimeters 2 The photographs shall be at least three and a half (3 5) inches wide and five (5) inches long, colored, printed with a matted finish and bordedess Each photograph shall be marked with the following IMormatlon on the back Location Sfatlon Date B Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit a second net of photographs, taken as before, showing the conditions in the project area Each photograph shall be marked on the back as specified above C Approximately 10 each before and after photographs will be required 1 03 PROTECTION A Every effort shall M made to protect private or public property during construction All damaged trees, shrubs and other vegetation shall be replaced in kind by the Contractor at no additional coat to the Owner PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A AJI matenals not specifically described, but required for work included in this section shall be new, find quality of their respective kinds, and subject to the approval of the Engineer PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LAWNS A In areas when removal of lawns is necessary to complete the work, the Contractor may elect to cut, remove and stockpile the sod and put it back at the completion of the work, or replace the sod with now sod Seeding shall not be considered as an approved equal to either of the above alternatives 3.02 BUSHES A Bushes which are in the way of the construction and an located on private properly shall either be removed, stored and replanted or shall be replaced at the option of the Owner 3.03 PAVEMENT A Existing dnveways and parking areas shall be protected during the construction Damaged paved areas outside the contract limits shall be dignify M out and replaced with bituminous concrete to the complete satisfaction of the Owner END OF SECTION 02400 SECTION 02439 - STONE FILL PART 1 -GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A Section includes 1 Stone Fill - Types I, II, III, and IV 2 RP -Rap - Heavy Type, Light Type 3 Geotextile Fabric B This work Shall consist of furnishing and placing protective matenals in conformity with the dimensions, elevations and at the lacaben3 indicated in the contract or as directed by the Engineer 102 REFERENCES A VAOT Standard Specifications, Section 700 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 STONE FOR STONE FILL A Slone for stone fill shall be approved, hard, blasted angular rock other than serpentine rock containing the fibrous Variety dhrysoble (asbestos) The least dimenson of the stone shall be greater than 113 of the longest dimension The stone fill shall be reasonably well graded from the smallest to the maximum size stone specified so as to form a compact mass when in place Type I The longest dimension of the stone shall vary from 1 Inch to 12 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone in place shall have a least dimension of four Inches Type II The longest dimension of the stone shall vary from 2 inches to 36 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone in place shall have a least dimension of 12 inches Type III The longest dimension or the stone shall vary from 3 Inches to 48 inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone in place shall have a least dimension of 16 inches Type IV The longest dimension or the stone shall vary from 3 inches to 60 inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone in place shall have a least dimension of 20 inches 2.02 RIP -RAP A Stone for rip -rap shall be approved, rough, unhewn quarry stone, as nearly rectangular in section as practicable The stone shall be hard, sound and resistant to the action of water and weathering They shall be of a rock type other than serpentine rock containing the fibrous vanety chryact le (asbestos) and suitable in every respect for the purpose intended Heavy Type The individual stones shall have a depth equal to the thickness of the course of np-mp At least 75 percent of the volume of the np-rep, complete in place, shall consist of stones that have a minimum volume of 16 cubic feet Light Type The individual stones shall have a depth equal to the thickness of the course of did -rap The np-mp, complete in place, shall consist of stones that have a minimum volume of 112 cubic foal 2 03 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC A Griotexhle fabric shall conform to the requirements of Section 02210 - Site Earthwork PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A The areas to be protected shall be constructed and graded to the Imes indicated an the plans or as directed by the Engineer and, if a fill area, shell be compacted All slopes shall be maintained to the neat lines Indicated on the plans pnor to the placing or geotextile fabric or bedding material, stone fill, np-rep or slope paving 3.02 PLACING STONE FILL A The specified stone fill shall be placed in one course thickness as shown on the plans in a manner that will result in a reasonably well graded surface Caro shall be taken in the placing to avoid displacing of the underlying material B The stones shall be so placed and distributed that there will be no accumulations of either the larger or smaller sizes of stone C. Rearrangement of the stone fill by hand labor or mechanical equipment may be required to obtain the specified results D When stone fill and geolextile fabric are to be placed as part of an embankment, the protective matenals shall be placed concurrently with the construction of the embankment unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer E When stone fill and geotsxble fabric is to be placed under water, methods shall be used that will minimize sagrogetlon and ensure that the required thickness of protective material will be obtained END OF SECTION 02439 SECTION 02513 - BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING PART 1-GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A Soot-Indud.e 1 Bose Cpu xsa 2 L.vobna Cmraw 3 Frnr.h C—C. B Gri.nl Thra work shell mnart d ono a man coupes d bnuminau, mlxWn, conabucted on s prepared Wuridabon in —edam wlth these SjoaM ono and the type of surf. o being paced, and in confunniy, tom the Ill -se, grades, thidmn e. and typal close settlers shown on the pan, or established by Me Engineer 1 02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Use adeq, to numbors a skllsd workon who are thoroughly foamed and oxioanMnd m aas the ru.rymina and duo era co nPlmiy familiar with the spedfied requireimMta and the m.thoda needed for proper padamanw of the wont or the session B NI matenals, Md vathelabon shall bon acourdan o wM The Asphalt InseWU Manual (MSS) and the VAOT Standard Specifications, 1990 C Mixing Plant ConWmr W Stab of Vermad sWdad. O Cohen .al t. from loam. amros thragh-1. 1 03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A BlWnmous concrete .hall nab, pared batweser November 1 and May 1 matenal Mail not be paced when the granular subbase Is oat a ohm the air le di eabxe st Ito paving site In the shade and away from aNatlal host b as talkers Air TOnjoasWn Pensovnt Degrees Fahrenheit Cpmoscted Depth 40 one abelow Greatereon 1 j' jig Dag a beow Ls man 1 )' PART2-PRCOUCTS 2 01 MATERIALS A Mabnel. shall be combined end added W meat Ohs coten. so d.fined in the VAOT Standard apace cxfldm, Division 7Do for Type II rha o mono) and Type IV (finish coon) b tuddrou s sonnets a Gradation Maledals Mall be mmbined and graded to moat axnpenco Ilmin specified In VAOT StarId.rd Si etlaostlon, Section 404 03. for the b.es mono and finian paaaa C Thidvreas a craving for drives and Panora lots ..It be as al— m the path. conaatlng of beaa me anand amen nouns D For psremenl nconarrumon arcaa due to trenMin9, the depth preach courx atoll be Increased by 1/2' Psvernwmh mom,trudi in owed by trench reopenbg due to Improper placement or non -approved plant shall be performed at no oddM-. cost to the Owner 2 02 TRAFFIC MARKINGS A Traffic nuel ng point W b , factory -mixed, mooting the requlrsmanb of the VAOT Standard spedfiostim,, a..— 108 Oa PART 3-EXECUTION 3 01 INSTALLATION A Install in accordance with VAOI Standard Sosdfi000n, Sec On 4011 3 02 EXAMINATION A Verify base conedion, under the provisions of Section 02210 - Site EaMwok B Verify that cvnpacted granular base Is dry and ready to support WN and knPosed load, C Verity grodonis antl al —or. of be.. are cared 3 03 PREPARATION A Matching Surfaces When a rear Pavement n W match an axuMng Nrumirims pa orn-1 for a midway or trench, the Crind r shall vemoslly smooth cut the existing p—nit mar the s,shng gravel base Th. smooth cut .Hall be thoroughly loaned and mated Mt, Enul,Ified Asphalt, RS-1, just pnoto paving 304 PREPARATION - TACK COAT A When the boom murea of IxWminous cpncrcle pavement i. Ian over Mn, w filer, or paving i, to be mado over an .,sting bliv Thou, cmcr n, psv.ment, the evOng aurfam shall be Cleaned end Emulsified Asphalt spend before rho nod coupe la applied B NO apply to mntad sudau. of mirth c Cosl,udo— of mmhal. and ptM b-in frames with al W prev.nt bond wdn asph.. pavement DonotWckthatlhaasexf.- 3 D5 PLACING ASPHALT PAVEMENT A Piece W canWcted thidtneu Identified on the plan, B Conped pavement by Mine Do not dt.p.os or exbuds pavarwil hair position Hand oompao In erne. InacosoaWl. to rising equlpmaM C Dev.lop rolling wM con Wens, passes to acNew .van and amoolh finish, without rotor mark. 3 06 JOINTS A Jothta Mar ber old and new p lvemanh or betwsen sucraaave days oak Meal he made ciao insure a thomgh and canlnuaua bond b.nvesn the dd and n,w mixloo, Whenever the apnading prooses Is Intemipled long enough for Ito nlsture W Mail, fir India! the Pi vwr 0.I1 be rwmvad from the at and. joint mnarnided B Butt ]Onto shell be fonn.d by cuWrp the pavement In . veibosl pane at right angles W do, centadins where the p—orn-I he, a Ws sudan a delendned by the use of e atmgh -cig. Th. bud joint shall be thoroughly ... led Mth Emuf.lns l Asphalt Type RS-1, just pd. W depesxing the paling misones C L-ii xine lane. Met have boom. odd shall be cooled wM Emulsified Asphalt, Type RS-1, b.(on th..dNrant man o plec.d If thry nave b.n expes.d W iMfic, they Mell he oil boot to a dean inertial edge plar W painting tom the amulsion D Unl... otherwles dinad.tl, IonglWdinal joint, shell be 11M1al at 1110 a- horn any Idnd in the lower coon , of povemerd. Trsn wsee joints Mall not be oco.truded nearer men we foW from the tranevereo jolnn constricted In lower county 307 TOLERANCES A The eudaos MII be tealed by the Engineer u,Ing a 18 fool alnlght�adge at aal.ded Iguti-o peirelal Mth the cordsinn. My vari.11ona.xoseding 3/ta a an indr beMwn any two tadada .hel bo ubof.c ly ellminand A 10 foot abelgM+dge Hoy bo uaad co a verifto elm Th, Maightadg.. Mel be provWed by the Contlada B Scrodul.d Co n aided ThnJo es, Wxhln 1/4 1nM C Vansbanfrom'r—EI-ids.n WMm112into 308 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A PermM1 no vehicular b.ac on wifooss until thoroughly cool and herd 3.09 REPAIR OF SUBSIDENCE A Settlement - Should any pavement settle within one year of completion of the Contract, such pavement shall be repaired at the Contractors expense If the Contractor falls to make such ropeira promptly upon receipt of nabce to do so from the Owner, then the Owner may make such repairs as necessary and the Contractor shall pay the Owner for all cosh incurred in malung such reports, 3.10 MARKING PAVEMENT FOR PARKING A Sniping - Thoroughly clean the areas to receive striping and locate all stnping as indicated on the Contract Plans All striping shall be 4" wide unless otherwise noted B Miscellaneous - Provide handicapped symbols and all other miscellaneous si gns and symbols as indicated on the Contract Plans END OF SECTION 02513 SECTION 02515 - CURBS AND WALKS PART 1-GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A Section Includes 1 Concrete Curb. 2 Concrater Sidewalks 3. Grind. Curb. PART2-PRODUCTS 201 CONCRETE A The concrete shall have . minimum comisma d,s strength of 4,000 psi at 28 days and shell conform to the requirements of Cart -Plow Concrete 2 02 ADMIXTURES A Air -entraining admixture .hall meat or exceed ASTM C260 Air content shall range from minimum of 5% to 7% maximum 202 EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL A Expansion joint material shall be Premdided bituminous filler confomling to ASTM D994 204 GRANITE CURBING A Vertical and sloped granite curbing shall be ham, durable, reasonably uniform In appearance and free from weakening seams Surfaces shall be .1 follows Top 6" wide, sawn true pane Front Face Smooth quarry split, right angle to top (No dnlf holes showing in top 1 D") Back Face Exposed Plano t anll.l with from is.., straight split to 1 1 /2" below surface End Face Exposed Square planes on top and face Joints Exposed Maximum V lord pointed with moray Exposed faces shall be finished with a jointer Remove all excess mortar from .xposed faces Length Minimum length 3' Depthof Stones V-6" plus or minus V Provide curved curbing to conform to radii indicated of the Contract Plans PART 3-EXECUTION 3011 REMOVING AND RESETTING CURB A Salvage Of Curbing Th. Contractor shall carefully remove, store and clean any curbing specified for reaetting My existing curbing that in to be react which r. Im4 damaged or destroyed as is nsuft of the Contractors operations or failure to store and protect It In a manner that would proven( ft. leas or damage shall be replaced at the Corntrloctors expense B Placing Excewtion, sathng join. and beckflting shall be in accordance with speafiahor s for the type of curb being removed and .,at 302 CONCRETE a GRANITE CURBS A Excev.hdn shall be nude to the required depth and the be.. material upon which the curb Is to be eat shall be compacted to a firm, even surface All soft and unswfable materiel shall be removed end replaced w,th Suitable material which shall be thoroughly compacted B Installaboi The curb shall be at eo that the front tap line is in close conformity to me line and grade required All space under the curbing $hail be filled and thoroughly tamped with mstenal meeting the requirements of the matenal for the bad couree C Concrete Mixing and Placing Compaction of concrete placed In the forma shall be by epeding or other approved method. Forms shall be Ito In piece for 24 hours or unto the conoren has at sufficiently ad that they can be removed without Injury to the curbing Upn ramovai or the form$, the curb shell be rmm$dulely ribbed down to ..mooth and uniform surface but no plloal$ring.11 be pemiloed For this work, comp rterl and skillful finishers shell be employed D Section. Curmng shall be constructed in sections having a uniform length of In feet, unless otherwise ordered Sections Mall be separated by open joints 1/a inch wide except at expansion joints E Expansion Joints Expansion joints shall be famed at the intervals shown on the plans wing le pre -formed expansion joint filler having a Ur ckneas of 1141nch cut to conform to the cross-section of the curb They shall be constructed at 20 foot Intervals or as directed by the Engineer When the curb Is conotructe d adjacent to or on concrete pavement, expansion just. Mall be located opposile or at expansion joints In the pavement F Backfillmg After the concrete he. not 6u1fiaenty, the spaces in front and back of the curb shall be filled to the required elevation with layers of not coon than six inches of the same material as the bedding end thoroughly tamped G The Contractor Mall protect the curb and keep It In alignment until the completion of the contract Each curb which Is damaged at any time previous to anal acceptance of the work Mall be removed and replaced withandalactory curb at the Contractors expense 3 03 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS A Exovation and Foundation Excavation Mall be made to the required depth and to is width that well permit placing of bad course matenal and the installation and bracing of me forms Bed course material Mall be pleoed to the depth and section shown on the plan. When the layer nqulnd exceed. six Inches, two layers A approximately equal depth Mall be placed and each layer thoroughly compacted so thal d Is hard and unyielding. The welting of bad course material may be required to obtain the compectlori B Finishing The surface shall be finshed wth a wooden foot No pla.t.nn9 will be permitted Th. edge. shall be rounded with an edger having . radM. of 1/4 inch The sudnce of the sidewalk, efter the floating and acra dine process Is completed, shall be finished with a broom of a type approved by the Engineer, drawn over the surface paratiel to th. traneveme joint. Special texturing on sidewalk ramps shall be installed er accdrderlu oath construction plan decals C Joints Unfass othew,. indicated n th. pins o direded by the Engineer, expansion joints shall be pieced ovary 20 fast SITE ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEEMNG ASSOCIATES INC, 1011AISFI LDIIEW{MF, SW7y81NILIM37M VT O54M aaTaM-�.tZ1 FAIL pail-2211 M irarwae.Naom OMRN JDL --can. DSM aiiji— . DSM OWNER NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT- NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP _—_.__- __ _ 1'-2000 SPECIFICATIONS DATA Da —. rrue gas JAN., 2013 scars AS SHOWN C5.1 rasa ND 13102 Expansion )oints shall ha formed around all appurtenances such as manholes, utility Poles and Other obstructions extending Into and through the sidewalk Pre -formed joint filler 1/4 inch thick shall be Inataged in theme )Write Expansion joint filler of the thkkname Indicated shall be installed between concrete sidswmlks and any fixed structure such ire a budding or bridge This expsnsittn )oml motorist shall extend for the kit depth of the walk Between the expansion joints, the Sidewalk shall be divided at mleNala Of 5 feel by dummy joiae formed by a joinbrg tool or other .... Ptabie means Sa directed to provid. grooves approximately 1/6 inch wido and at lout 1/3.1 me depth When the Sidewalk ts constructed next to a concrete expan- sion, )olnt material shall be placed between ndewalk and curb fa the depth of the sidewalk D Curing During the cunng paced all traffic, bah pedutnan and vehicular, shall be exdudod Vehicular traffic shall be excluded for much eddl imal time as the Engineer may dhred E B-Oki g Bere-the concrete heir been opened to thefilc, the space on each side of the aldevelk shall be backfilled to the required elovabon with suitable material, firmly compacted and neatly graded END OF SECTION 02515 SECTION 02593 - GEOTEXTILE FABRICS PART 1-GENERAL 1 01 SU MMARY A This work shall consist of furnishing and placing goo-taxeec In underdrains, under embankments, for embankment reinforcement, under -prep and stone NI, ban nd remaining structures, over roadbed subgrmdas, andla beneath pavement over ays, as Indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer B The mile of g.atudil. shall be Protected against damage and dMrlonton until incorporated into the project The gplex°la shall be dry at the binm of installation Th. gsot xtlls shall be rejected If. at the time of Installation, It has defects, deterioration, or damage, as determined by the Engineer C Prior to uu, the 9.0taxtlh shell be stared In a dean, dry piece, out of dlroct sunlight, not -ubjed to extramss of either ha a cold, and with tha manufacturers protective cover on place Recemng, storage, and handling at the job sit. shall be in accordance with the requirement. of ASTM D 4573 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A Th. geofextll. shall be compo..it Of - POlym.n0 year, or fiber oriented Into a stable network which ruains its ri laty. SWcture during handling, placement, and dmSi9n ssmem Ilfe Gea.xhlmm may bm rejected by the Engineer it dimensional stability or mall ce a he gsotax0l. to ambiant femperaums, ..it and aikaha conditions, and mluo-organiams1ruct. do not appear to be satisfactory for the intended purpose Th- 9eotex°I. shall ..at Or -.ad the prepartie. specified harem and in the sp.oal provislon5 Th. gaclexhle shall be free a any chemical treatment or coating which might significantly reduce permeability The Salvager of goota dales shall be finished such that the outer ebere an prevented from pulling away from the fabric Th. geasx0le shall be free of defects or tears TM material shell be protected from damage and deterioration until incorporated into the proj..L 2.02 DEFINITIONS A Gentexble - A fabric manufactured Spacofically for us. in civil angineedng applications Fibers used In the manufacture aa ge.xties shell conelSt of long chain synthetic polymers At least 55 percent by weight of the long chain polymm shall be poly.phlns, poiy.stan, or Pulyomhd.s, polypmpylanms, polysmyiane, or polyvinytdene chlorides B Drainage GootexMe - Goa.xble for instillation in underdmins orother drainage locations, as directed C Stone Fill or Roprap Geatextil - Goaaxtle for onstihtibon behind and beneath stone fill or npnp and other erosion control appbcetims, rack placed for slope stabilization and rock shur key. D Subgrade Gentexble - Geolexhle for Installation on roadway subgndu and under railroad Dallas and In other material sepnatlon opplicatlone E Machine Direction -The long (er warp) direction of the gwluttle The cross-nuchme (or fill) direction 13 perpendicular to the machine direction F Minimum Awn°. Roil V-luse -Tho minimum sire,* roII value a any . roll within a lot Ile prop.rty IS tha minimum average of the test results from any roll with- • la G _Nrovon Goot.xtlle - A texblo Produced by bonding or Int.rmcking of Obas, or berm, .c_Pk3 by mechanical, times or chemical mourn. H Sum Allowance - The minimum distance from the edge of a g"exhl. to the stdch lone n.mct to that edge I Sum Type - A designation relating to the essermial tll.racuo stce of gout xtlle Positioning and rows of stitching in . specified seen seem, as shown on the piano J Stitch Type - A designation relining to the a wbal choeclensbcs of the mfertacing of sawing thmad(s) in a specified sum, as shown on the plea K Woven G.oterobles - A textile comprising two a mom Bob of Mamant. or yams interlaced In Such a way that thay, moult In a uniform paten 203 FACTORY SEAMS A Whom acory "am$ an road., the sheets ofgoohxtie shall be sewn together using a lock-typ. er0tch The sums shell be aown with a polymwk threwd. h . , at least a5 percent by caught pdyolephlna, polyeat.n, or polyamidea, and shall be as mutant to detanondord as the g.otoxtile Nog Seen Nylon (hied. will notb..Ilowad Th. Strength of the Seam shall be determined by the Wit. Snip Tensile method and shall q l beat lust quit a to the larger the minimum requeed tensile Strengths for the anended application 1 204 FIELD SEAMS A Where field seams will be made, the Contractor shall Provide the Engineer with a fieldohtched seam test sample In accordance with ASTM D 1663 The Engineers approval will be required Finn, to the Contractors production field stdchingfSseming 205 SAMPLING, TEST CERTIFICATION, AND ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENTS A Sampling - All geolextiles shall be sempted in accordance with ASTM D 4354 The production unit used for sampling shall be a roil 02593- E Testing - Teats shall be performed to determine geotexble pmpemsis spa.di d herein for the intended appli.bon(s) All gsaaxtll. "party requirements are average minimum roll value. The tensile strength. shell be determined in both machine and crese+nacmne directions C Acceptance Requirements - If the average minimum roll value for any la is ties then the avenge minimum roll v-lu- specified for the application, or d any test rasult IS Ica than the average mean roll value for the tit minus two standard deviations, then the la .hall be rejected All mile shall be dearly labeled as being part as let which has been .reified as meeting all applicable requirements honln D Average mimmum roll values of each of the giMmAtes used shall meet the requirements spoofed in the adschad Table 2 5 Minimum Average Roll Values for G.olextiles 206 EROSION CONTROL MATTING A Whom required an the plans or whom directed by the Engineer, erosion control blankets (mating) .hall be Norm American Green C125 for.walae, and SC150 for slope .tablllzaton, m approved equal PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A The surface receiving the geolounde shall be prepared to a smooth condition free of obenucoon, depression. and debris, to the nest lines and grades as .hover on the contract plane, unfees otherwise directed by the Engineer Whom angular egg-gmle or .harp objects will be in contact with the geolex°le, increased geelextile strength propertes will be required, M stated in Part 2 The geaexble shall not sit dragged on the ground or mishandled In cony way The geotodlle ahall be placed loosely and without wrinkle. sir that placement a the-erdying mmtansl will not to r the g.ohxblo The gordinds shall be lopped w sawn as specified, at the ends and sides of adjoining shoots In addition to the above gamma! requirements the following specific requirements shall be fall ow.It for the .p.014d application B Gact.xtdo Placement on Slopes - The godextile shut. shall be placed with the mmchinm direction oriented perpendicular to the slope When the gwtexbla is placed on slopes stemper then SH IV, the upper sheets shall lap over the lop of the lower sheets The lap. Mail be securely, anchored to the ground aunt. with pin. or stake. as necessary to prevent Slippage and leading a the g.ofextlle Pins shell be stool a fiherglua formed as a'U','V. or T shape or IZISM "man' to prevent total p.netratien Steel wmshe- shall be Provided on all but the "U' shaped pins The upstream or up -slope gootartol. shell ovaomp the obuttmg down -slope goote dale Al vertical lap., securing pins shall be murtod through both leyom -long . line through approximaely the mldpdnt of the Overlap At horizontal laps and Scr.a Stop. laps, securing pins shall be Inverted through the bottom layer only Siecurng pins shell be placed -long a lone approximtey two Inches In from edge of the placed g.otextll- at Interval. net to exceed 12 feat unless otherwise specified Additional pure shall b. matelled a neceoury and whom appropriate, to prevent any undue Slippage or movement of the 9.otaatile Th. us. a soaring pin. will be held to the minimum necessary Pin. Sri to be left In piece unions aharwlu specified C G.o xudds Placement for Slrumbank Prolechon - Whom 9molextilu an placed under water, or in an area whom water will flow, the gootexhle shell be placed with Its machine dlncton parallel to the direction of water flow Successlyg gattuxhie shut. shall be Over epped In such a manner that the upstream shoat n placed ov.r th. top.fth. d.—.t..m .hut Thor gsotajNle .hell bin adis r.y secured to prevent abpp.g. A. the g.atextile I. placdd under water, the beddlll material sh.11 be placed on It to the required thickness The greeds— placement .h.11 not progm- man than 50 fe.t .heed a th. b.ckllll pl.c.ment O Underdriens - When S gacuxtih 14 cpecifled to line an undeadnon trench, the gwtextlle shall be placed to conform loosely to the ehapm or the trench E Geotex0les Under Sterna FIII 1 GeofexbfeS under npnp or alone fill Mell be constructed in accordance with thin details shown on the plans and the following requl-reents The Contractor shall demonstrate la he.edsfsesiw of the Engineer that the combination of the mck fill drop height and the thickness of any send cu.mon, when Specified or required. am adequate So an not to puncture or domago the gm°tudile when placing the ripmp or atone fill Whom a send mshico Is used, It shall be a minimum of or. Inches thick unless otherwise specified or required by the Engineer In addition, the folloang limits apply Table 3 4 Msalmum Drop Height (FM) .into onto -.antl Type a Slane Fit _Gaulextoie Cushion Blanks Class 1 3 3 Cie- II, III, IV, a Rip Rap 0 1 2 After placement Of the npnp or Slone fill, all voids in the stone face that allow the gootm runs to be visible shall be satishctonly backfitM so that the geo extile to completely covered F Roadbed Subgrade and Railroad Ballast Sap. Ion - Th. subgnde shell be prepared In accordance with Seaton 203 of the Standard Specifications Construction vehicles shall be limited maize and weight such that sitting of the initial loft pis -ad above the g.otexble to no grater than thin inches deep Ruts Mall not be graded off but shall be filled with material specified by the Engineer much Out a minimum a -n eight Inch covar is kept over the geotsxhle Turning a vehotla en the Ent Im a cover maWal wall Trot be P—mm The Contractor will not be permitted to use viDretury rollm on the first Rif it pumping or distaiten of the eubgmd. occurs, a determined by the Engineer G S1t Fan. 1 The OSotexte. shall be attached on the up -sop. uds of pooh in aoceirdance with the manufadur.rs ncommendmton or as directed by the Engineer The gma-xble at the boom Of me fanm shall be burled in a bench a minimum of Su inches balm the ground surface The bench shall be bmck lMd and compacmd a. directed by to Engineer 2 Either wood or steel post. shall be used The poets shall haven minimum length of five het and shall be ombedtled at minimum of 751nches below the ground wile. Th. spacing of the posh shall be determined by the Sit fence mnufaclunr or by the Engineer 3 Wood posts shall have . minimum dimension of 2 5 inch by 2 5 inch and shell be free of defects such as knots, splits or gouges Steel Posts shall connate of ad", No b size rnnfoming steel or larger, or shall consist of ASTM A 120 steel tope with a minimum diameter of 341nch 4 Sediment depomds which aocimulam behind the fence shall be removed when the deposit reaches 112 of the height of the .,itfence above the ground surface 5 The Contractorshall repair or -place damaged -lt force as ordered by the Engineer The slit fen. Shot be completely removed prior to acceptance of the project unless othervase directed by the Engineer H Turbidity Curtain 1 When used to contain mtliment, or Pollutants from a work am. which is adjacent to r under water, the fabric shall be installed to completely Woods the portion Of the work area which will be under costar The Contractor .lull design end construct the curtain to deflect and wtherard any existing current or wave action, to be anchored continuously along the bottom, to be a0ec°ve ar any antcipated water level, and to Pnvmnt On escape of all sediments or Pollutants Info the main a"= or body ofwater 2 The Contractor Shell repair or replace damaged or otherwise ineffective filler curtains as oroored by the Engmear The Contractor shall rem-. rratodal accumulated behind the filter curtain as directed by Engineer 3 The Cont-star shall remove the filter curtain and all supporting and anchoring material prior to acceptance of the project unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer 4 The design, conetiuchan and mamtanance plan forthe fitter cunaur Installebon h.t be acceptable to the Engineer before Installation of the curtain begins I Protection of Geaexble - Traffic or conatmcoon equipment will not be permitted to t-vat dlnc[ly on thin geouxtle Th. geOtsxtile shall �Madad at all tmu_ =arena conebuctian from coma Won by surface noff d construco on activities The geaxbie Mai l be covered with the specified oever, material M seen as Possible, unc-end cordmom; shall net .—ad 7 days Specified cover insienat shall be placed on the geotexule in such a manner that the goeii is nut tom, punctured, or shined Th. minimum cover layer shell be eight Inch.. thick or bxnce the maximum aggregate size, whichever is thicker, before construction equipment is allowed over the era alhe gedexbl. End -dumping of aggregates from trucks directly an the goo extile will net be permitted J fair of Goaoxilso - All gaatextle that is tom, punctured, Or contaminated during construction shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor The repair shall consist Of a patch Of the type of geotexule placed Over the affected area The patch shell Overlap the existing gaaoxble a minimum at three feat from the edge of any part of the rapture Whom g-aoxtlfe seems Me required to be Sawn, any damaged sheets Shall be -pai-d by to wing, unless otherwise Indicated on the plans, on the contract, or as dirteded by this Engineer K Overlaps - Minimum overlap requirements are listed in the following table Minimum Owd.o Requirement. Und.rdnln 1' Gee uhl.s Under Clus 16 II Stop. FIII T G-t..tlss Under Rlpr.p 6 Clues. III a IV Ston. Fill 3' Roadbed Subgrade Stabilization 3- Roadbed Subgrade Separation 2' Gootextle Undo Railroad Ballast 3' In the event that the speccl.d overlap is net sufficient, as determined by the Engineer, the ovedep shall be Increased to provid. adequate coverage athe g.aextle shell be Sown tog-lh.r In the field If Hold sown, the requirements a Section 3 12, Field Seem., shall apply L Field Seems 1 Fuld sums shall be Sewn with payment thread, coneisting of Polypropylene, polysster, or Kov10 and shall be as resistant to deterioration So the geotextiie being +awn The thread Mall be of a contrasting color with the geotexule being Sawn, and shall be made much that the Stitches a- expoaad for Inspection when the 9e01exhle Is placed Thread shall be as moslent to ultraviolet light as the geotexble being sewn 2 Stitching Equipment - Th. stitching .q.1pmant Shall be much that it will Provide an acceptable lock-typer stitch, as recommended by the goaoatlls manufacturer and approved by the Engmssr 3 Stitch Requirements - Two news of lock -type stitching shall be used to mks the seam The two rows of stitching shall be 1/2 inch aparleuth a Iaermncea +/.1/4 inch and mall not crou, except fa reshlchong 4 Minimum Sum Allowance - The following table indicates the minimum mounted seem .Ilowance, I e the minimum distance from the geotexWe edge to the stitch lone nearest to that edge Minimum Sum Type (See Plans) Sum Allowance (in ) Flat, or Pryer, Seam Type SSA-1 1/2 "J" Sum, Type Su-1 1 Bult.,ly-folded So.m, Type SSd-1 5 Sum Tvoe - The Contractor shall obtain the 9.0hanie manufacturers recommendation far the type of ...m and stitch to be used If the Contractor dome not provide the formatting technical iaomution, than the Contractor shell use a "J' seam with two pawn Of a lock -type Stitch which places at law three alltchu per inch of awn .Sam This seam well b. teatedu requirod by these specification The prayer seam Met) can be used for repair of damaged on -place gwiaxi la PART 4-MEASUREMENT 401 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A The accepted quantities Of 9.otsxbl. fmlonc will be measured by thin erquere yard as determinant by the eduel surface measurements a the length. antl widths of the installed am. PART 5-PAYMENT 5.01 BASIS OF PAYMENT A The accepted qua lifhu of g.asanle fill will each be paid for at fM contract unit price per square yard complete in place 02593- MINIMUM AVERAGE ROLL VALUES FOR GEOTLXTILFS Roadbed ItsOmd Under Underdr.m (.—..tle Tnt Subli ede Ballad Shoes Trvub Silt Turmdih RenedT Method Seoerarvr5epararur M. LaleeFirm. C.rWNa 1 Gnb Te-de ASTM Snmalh fthr: D-46V 200 [so 240 90` 90 200 2 Gnb Teade ASTM 20.. Elnngauoo f'.i D-4632 20 20 0 50 max it 45lbs 3 Bun ASIM S—luh pa) D-3716 400 'On 430 130- 4 Puncture ASTM ohs) D-3167 N lice 80 ell 120 5 1 p.e " ASTM ZSuaglh D4533 75 100 511 50 50 6 Apparcrt ASTM Opening Shrc D4751 .50 70 -50 50 20 70 (Saxe S.,.) 7 Pemuunhy ASIM (lanai (00i inn (—D Iy-"91 II 10 iri/.` con/sl 00, tl UV Re Iu ASIM M S-9th D-4355 70 71. R..uted) 9 Other dy w12rnnu oay Silo nnly sjn fZ"InW film rat o tz.f, pane Permrietl " Wham angular a44eg- Isrjer aura 4' shu m sharp objece will be u unman vmh d, I,o xae, m ddhe eeocb isdeeper rhea 10 fen, then the mnwum Grub Trn I, Stwin h sod Bwn Sirmeth duff he nu, a d m 1201W a.d2%p. rope jy ' For fabrics to be plaid untlerwater, the specdia anwty of the gmuxde aha0 be> I W ENI) OF SECT ION 02593 SECTION 02700-WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A Section includes 1 Pipe Materials 3 Valves 4 Fittings 5 AI other appurtenances necessary to complete the water main system as shown on the Contract Plan. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A Product Data Submit published data from manufacturers of products and accessonee Specified, indicating compliance with requirements to the Engineer and local municipality 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A All materials and the installation procadure shell be in accordance with the Deparlment of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division and the applicable construction ordinances of the local municipality All water line work shall be done In accordance with the latest specifications and details for the Installation of water lines and appurtenances for all water systems owned by the Champlain Water District PART 2-PRODUCTS 2 01 GENERAL A Furnish ells, tees, reducing teas, Wye, couplings, mereasers, crosses, tranalbons and and caps of the Same type and Gass of material as the conduit, or of material having equal or superior physical and and properties as acceptable to the Engineer as necessary to complete the water system 2.02 DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE A Pipe shall be Tyton Ductile Iron Class 52 (sizes as shown on the plans) conforming to wmnt ANSI/AW WA C151/A21-51 latesj revision Push -on joint pipe shall be minimum thickness Clan 52 Push -on joint accessories shall conform to applicable requirement. of ANSI/AW WA C11lIA21 11 B Pipe shall be cement mortar lined on the inside in accordance with ANSI Specification A21 4 except that the cement lining thickness shall not be low than 1/6 inch A plus tOlenanca of 118 inch will be permitted C Pipe shall be given an Interior bituminous coating in accordance with ANSI Specrfica0on A21 4 and an eAsnor bituminous coating of coal, tar or asphalt base in accordance with ANSI Spacrficabon A21 51 2.03 FITTINGS A Ductile iron fillings shall conform to AW WA C153 and ANSI Specifcabon A21 10. 350 PSI working pressure B AI M J fittings shall have mega -lug glands for additional point restraint C Bolts shall conform to ANSI Specification A21 10/AW WA C111 2.04 TAPPING SLEEVES A Tapping sleeves shall be at the split sleeve design, constructed with two solid half4sevee bolted together Sleeves shall be full -wrap and full gasket stain us steel, shell have a working pressure of at least 200 Pat, and shall have mechanical joint ends with end and side gaek.l eels B AS tapping sleeves shall be pressure tested with water The tapping sleeve and valve must be pumped up to and had at least 200 pal for 30 minutes C AI bolts and nuts for mechanical joints of lapping sleeves shall be of high-sbangth cast Iron M highetrongth, low -alloy, steel conforming to ANSI/AW WA C711/A21 11-90 D All bolts and nuts for flanged joints of tapping sleeves shall be of AISC Type 304 stainless steel E All bolls and nuts shall be sound, clean, and coated with a ru d-resistant SITE ENGINEER lubricant, their surfaces shall be free a objectionable protrusions that would mterfero with their fit in the made-up mechanical or flanged joint C F At bolls and nuts used with all pipe sleeves shall, upon final tightening and testing, be brush coaled heavily with bitumasbc cold -applied material to thoroughly cover all exposed surfaces of the bolts and nuts 2.05 TAPPING VALVES CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC, A Tapping valves shall conform to ANSI/AW WA C509-07 Standard for 10 LD NEW LANE, 5011171BURLINGTON. Vr 050 Resilient -Seated Gale Valves for Water and Sewage Systems, except as ad ,r7l wmb exywa..mma.m modified heroin Valves shall open counlerdockwise and shall have a minimum working prouun of 200 psi Inlet flanges shell be Class 125 cosvercas _ Nsxx v conforming to ANSI Specificabon B16 1 or ANSI/AW WA C110/A21 10, and o6hm s outlet connection shall be Standardized Mechanical Joint unless specified JDL otherwise on the Contract Plans for the type of pipe required fertile branch or lateral pipeline caecian B Buried tapping valves shall be provided with a 2 inch square wrench nut DSM and shall be installed with a cast lron valve box as required to allow posmve ire+aovsu access to the valve operating nut at all times In installations where the DSM depth from grade to top of valve operating nut is greater than 67, a valve stem near shell be provided antl installed such that the depth from valve stem OWXER: nser nut to grid. Is from 41r to 6'0" (minimum length of valve stem near is 2'0") Valve stem near shall be of high strength steel end of w.lded construction 2.06 GATE VALVES NORTHEAST A Valves shall be manufactured to meet all requirements of AW WA SpecMc09-67 ation C5Valves 12 TERRITORIES, INC. inches and smaller shall be bubble tight, zero leakage at 200 psi working pressure Valves shall have non -rising s stems, open counterclockwise, and be provided with a 2 inch square operatng nut with arrow cast in metal to indicate direction of opening Each 20 SOUTH CREST valve shall have maker's name, pressure rating and year in which manufactured cast on the body Pnor to shipment from the factory, each BURLINGTON, VERMONT valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to twice the specified working pressure Gate valves shall be Mueller, Drossor, Kennedy or those approved by the City of South Burlington PROJECT B Buried valves shall be installed with a valve box NEAGLEY & CHASE 2.07 VALVE BOX A Cast iron New England style slide -type, 5 114 inch shaft, 6 foot trench CONSTRUCTION depth OFFICE FACILITY B Cover shall be cast Iron, marked "WATER' and Indicating tllrocben of opening LOT 5 2 09 COPPER SERVICES MEADOWLAND A Corporations shall be Cambndge Brace No -Lead Brass or Red Hand Manufacturing BUSINESS brass 4361 and manufactured in accordance with AW WA C600 Corporations shell have threads, adopted as AW WA Figure 1, at the PARK inlet and a compression -type fitting at the outiat Both inlet and oultet shall 66 BOWDOIN STREET be of the a.me size SOUTH BURLINGTON Corporations shall be directly topped Into ductile Iron pipe In no other VERMONT instance, except when a tapping sleeve and valve 13 used, shall a tap be made without to Corporation Corporations shall be Cambridge Braaa No-Leed Brass or Red Head Manufacturing brass 4351 or equal B Curb stops shall be Invented key type manufactured by Cambridge Bross or Red Head Manufacturing in accordance with AW WA C600 The curb stop 5 _ t1 shall open left and have a positive stop No curb slop shall have the ability to dram the servicalms Both Inlet and outlet of the curb stop shell have comer eaaten-type fithngs The tee head of the curb stop shall have IS stainless steel Service red Curb stops shell be Cambridge Brain; No -Lou d 2 Brass of Red Heed Manufacturing SB 5151 A34151 or approved equal rea wix C Copper tubing Shell by Type'K", soft temper, conforming to ASTM 1366 PROJECT The name of trademark of the manufacturer and type shall be stamped at cocArion regular intervals along the prom D Curb boxes shall be of the sliding adjustable type capable of adjusting from 5 feet to 6 feet The base of the box shall be arch type so as to prevent the box from resting directly on the curb stop The adjustable upper Section shall be suitable for use with the associated curb stop PART 3 - EXECUTION LOCATION MA_P 3.01 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES __ ___ r - 2000 A Installation of all water lines shall be in accordance with AW WA C 600 latest revision IN" chucssp asvuvoN B All pipe and fittings shell be inspected and tested In accordance with the -- manufecturors specifications and the aforementioned AW WA Specifications The Contractor shall furnish for approval certification from the pipe manufacturer that all tests have been performed with satisfactory results Pipe shall not be inatalled without the Engineses approval, — C Pipe, fittings, and accessories shall be carefully handled to avoid damage. Prior to the data of acceptance of the project work by the Owner, -- --- the Contractor shall replace any new pipe or accessory found to be defective ---- at any time, including a0.r Installation, at no expense to the Owner D All pip. ohownng cracks shall be rejected If cracks occur in the pipe, the Contractor may, at his own expanse and with the approval of the Engineer, cut off the cracked portions at a point at least 12" from the visible limits of the SPECIFICATIONS crack and use the Sound portion of the pipe E All pipe and fittings shall be Geared of all foreign matter and debris pnor to Installation and shall be kept clean until the time of acceptance by the Owner F The pipe shall be told to conform to the lines and grades indicated on the dray ings or given by the Engineer Each pipe shall be so laid as to form a close joint with the next adjoining pipe and to bong the inverts continuously to the required grade G. At all Imes, when the pipe laying Is not actually In programs, the open °A1s D"Ifte c Na u ends of the pipe shall be closed by temporary waterbght plugs or by other JAN., 2013 approved mans If water Is In the trench when work is resumed, the plug shall not be removed unbl all danger at water entenng the pipe has passed .cIL S The pipe shall be installed In trenches and at the line and grade shown on AS SHOWN Cj 5.2 the Contract Plans Any deflectionn joints shall be within the limits Specified by the manufacturer mot. No H At D.I pipe and fithngs are to be poly wrapped. 13102 I All piping and appurtenances connected to the equipment shall be supported so that no strain will be imposed on the equipment lithe equipment manufacturer's specifications include that piping loads are not to It. transferred, the Contractor shall submit certification of compliance J For pressure piping, concrete thrust blocks shall be installed at all unrestrained things and other locations as indicated on the Contract Plans Minimum bearing area shall be as shown on the Contract Plans Concrete shall be 2,500 psi Concrete shall be placed against undisturbed material and shell not cover joints, bolts or nuts, or interfere with the removal of any joint Wooden side forms shall be provided for thrust blocks K All water line work shall be don. in accordance with the latest specifications and details for the installation of water lines and appurtenances fur all water systems owned by the Champlain Water District L A minimum separation of 16" vertical and 10' honzontal shall be maintained between the outside of all water and sewer lines unless a variance is granted by the Water Supply Division M There shall be no physical connection between the distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrants, or tanks which are supplied or may be supplied with a water that is, or may be contaminated N The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent flotation of the pipe in the trench O All trenching safety standards shall be in conformance with all applicable Stale and Federal guidelines The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any safety caabons by State or Federal inspectors 3.02 SETTING OF VALVES AND FITTINGS A Valves, fthngs, plugs, and caps shall be set and joined to pipe in the manner specified above for laying and joining pipe she B Valve boxes am to be installed on all buried valves The boxes shall be cast iron with a minimum 5 114" diameter and long enough to extend from the wive to finished grade The boxes shall endow the operating nut and stuffing box of the valves Val" boxes shall not transfer loads onto the valve C Covers shall be close fitting and dirt light with the top of the cover flush with the top of the box rim Covers shall be marked "WATER" with an arrow Indicating the direction of opening 3.03 SETTING OF HYDRANTS A Hydrants shall be located as shown or a directed so as to provide complete accessibility and minimize the possibility of damage from vehicles or injury to Pedestrians B When placed behind the curb, the hydrant barrel shall be set so that no potion of the pumper or hose nozzle cap will be less than 6 inches nor more than 12 Inches fmm the gutter face of the curb C When sat in the lawn space between the curb and the sidewalk, or between the sidewalk and the property line, no portion of the hydrant or nozzle cap shall be within 6 inches of the sidewalk ad D All hydrants shall stand plumb and shall have their nozzles parallel with, or at right angles to, the curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb, except that hydrants having two hose nozzles 90 degrees apart shall be set with each nozzle facing the curb at an angle of 45 degrees Hydrants shall beset to the established grade, with nozzles at least 12 inches above the ground, as shown or as directed by the Engineer E Each hydrant sh.11 be connected to the main with a 6 inch cat iron branch controlled by an independent six Inch gate valve, unless otherwise specified F The waste opening at all hydrants will be securely plugged G All waterous fire hydrants shall be Installed with a Boston Operating Nut H An approved hydrant fl.g must be provided for each hydrant installed 3.04 DISINFECTION A Disinfection of the pipeline shall be directed by the Engineer and meta for ell water, materials, equipment and labor to perform the required testing shall be at the Contractors expense AW WA Standard C-651 (latest revision) shall be used as a basis for the disinfection process All disiMsction/testing shall be completed by an independent thIrd party unless otherwise approved by the Engineer or local municipality B The Engineer.11 require as minimum 1 Complete flushing of the pipeline to wash out all dirt, debris, etc which may ve haaccumulated in the pipeline during construction 2 Following flushing (to clean clear water), the Contractor will add chlorine to the entire pipeline volume of water such that the water will have not less than 25 mg/L free chlorine, and let the mixture set for at least 24 hours 3 chlorine, the 24 hour duration, the water In the pipeline shall be tested for residual free chlorine and must contam a minimum of 10 mg/L chlonne If less than 10 mg/L are found, then the disinfection procedure shall be repeated until at least 10 mg1L chlonne residual is indicated by lest 4 Upon successful completion of the steps above, the pipeline shall be flushed again until the chlonne concentrabon in the pipeline is no higher than that prevailing in the supply system After this final flushing and before the pipeline is placed in service, bacteriological samples shall be collected on two consecutive days, and submitted to the Vermont Health Departrnent for analysis n If the initial diamfecaon fails to produce samples which pass the Vermont State Health Department requirements for potable drinking water, then the process shall be repeated until satisfactory results am obtained Upon satisfactory results by the Vermont State Health Department, the pipeline may be placed in service 3.05 PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TESTS A Th. Contractor shell furnish all gauges, testing plugs, cape and all other necessary equipment and lob" to perform leakage and pressure tests in sections of an approved length Each valved section or a maximum length of 1,000 feet of pipe shall be tasted The Contractor shall provide at his own expense any additional taps to the water line necessary to perform the pressure and leakage test between waves All daunfactlon/leehng shall be completed by an independent third party unless otherwise approved by the Engineer or local municipality. B All water required for testing shell be potable All testing shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer C The Contractor shall make the necessary provisions to tap the pipe at the high point to release all air and shall plug same after completing the teal Hydrants or blowofls located at high points may be used for art release in lieu of taps d approved by the Engineer D For the pressure test, the Contractor shall develop and maintain for two hours 150% of the working pressure or 200 psi, whichever is greater Failure to hold within 5 psi or the designated pressure for the two-hour period constitutes a failure of the section tested E No pipe installation shall be accepted d the leakage is greater than that determined by the following formula L= ND(P)"0 5 or L= SD(P)^0 5 7400 146000 Whichever is less S = Length of Pipe Testing L = Allowable Leakage in Gal/Hr D = Nominal Diameter of Pipe (") P = Average Test Pressure (pai) N = Number of Joints in the Pipeline Tested All testing shall be conducted in accordance with AW WA C600 (latest revision) F Should any section of pipe fen either the pressure or leakage test, the Contractor shall do everything necessary to locate and repair or replace the defective pipe, fillings or Joints at no cost to the Owner END OF SECTION 02700 SECTION 02725 - DRAINAGE PART 1-GENERAL 1 01 SUMMARY A Section includes 1 Drainage pipe and appurtenances 2 Drainage structures B Related Sections 1 Secton 02225 - Utility Trenching and Backfilling 1.02 SUBMITTALS A Manufacturer's technical data for 1 Pipe and appurtenances 2 Structures PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A Furnish alls, tees, reducing team, wyes, couplings, mcraasers, datum, transitions and and ups of the same type and doss of material as the conduit, or of metenal having equal or supenor physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Engineer 2.02 DRAINAGE PIPE AND PERFORATED PIPE A If the Contract Plans do not specify a particular type of pipe, at the Contractor's option, the following materials may be used 1 Polywnyl Chloride pipe conforming to ASTM Specification D3034 or F679, (PVC) a—. pipe and fittings SDR 35 2 Corrugated Polyethylene pipe and fittings (smooth interior) meeting the requirements of AASHTO M-294 and M-252 2.03 CONCRETE STRUCTURES A ASTM C476, sized as indicated 2.04 METAL ACCESSORIES A Manhole frames and covers 1 Grey mat iron, ASTM A46, as shown on plans PART 3 - EXECUTION 3 01 INSPECTION A Examine the areas and conditions under which storm sewer system work is to be installed and notify the Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected 3 02 GENERAL A When existing underground utilihm, which am not scheduled for removal or abandonment, are encountered in the excavation, they shall be adequately supported and protected from damage Any damage to ublibes shall be repaired promptly at no additional mat to the Owner 3 03 PREPARATION A Hand trim sxawbon (whom nommary) to required olovabons Correct over -excavations with flit material B The slopes shall be graded to match the grade as shown on the plans Whore required, and sections shall be placed and backfilled to prevent undormining C Remove large stones or other hard matter which could tlamage drainage structures or impede consistent badkfilling or compaction 3.04 INSTALLATION OF PIPE A Pipe shall be Installed in accordance with Sechon 02225 - Utility Trenching and Baddlling 3 05 INSTALLATION OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES A Precast concrete structures 1 Place precast concrete structures and covers as shown on the Contract Plans 2 Where manholes occur in pavement, set tops of frames and covers flush with finish surface 3 Provide rubber joint gasket complying with ASTM C443 3 06 INSTALLATION OF STONE FILL A Place stone fill as shown on Contract Plans END OF SECTION SECTION 02730 - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS PART 1-GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A Section includes i Gravity Sewer Pipe and Appurtenances B Related Sections 1 Section 02225 - Ublay Trenching and Backfillmg 1.02 SUBMITTALS A ProductData Submit published data from manufacturers of products and accessories specified, indicating compliance with requirements 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Al sanitary sewer materials and construction of same shall be as shown on the Contract Plans and shall meet the requirements of the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (Department of Environmental Conservation) and the Public Works Standards and Specifications of the local municipality PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A Furnish ells, tees, reducing tees, wyes, couplings, Increasers, crosses, transitions and and caps of the same type and leas of material as the condult, or of material having equal or supenor physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Engineer to provide a complete and .parable system 2.02 PVC GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER PIPE A PVC sewer pipe shall conform in all respects to the latest revision of ASTM Specifications D-3034 or F679, Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings, SDR 35 pip. All pipe and filings shall be dearly marked as follows - Manufacturers Name and Trademark - Nominal Pipe Size (as shown on plans) - Material Designation 12454-C PVC - Legend 7yps PSM SDR 35 PVC Sewer Pipe' or 'PS 46 PVC Sewer Pipe' - Designation ASTM D-3034 or F679 B Joints shall be pushbn type using elastomenc gaskets and shall conform to ASTM D-3212 The gaskets shall be factory in.tslled The pipe shall be fumished in nominal 13 foot lengths Sufficient numbers of short lengths and full machine fittings shall be provided for use at manholes and connections All connections will require the use of manufactured fittings Field fobnmted, saddle4ype connections will not be considered acceptable 2.04 MANHOLES A Manholes shall be sized es indicated on the plan and shall be precast concrete with a monolithic base and shall conform to the latest v.mion of ASTM Specification C478 B Shelves shall be constructed with concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 26 days Inverts for sewer manholes shall be as shown on the plans and details and shall be constructed with concrete or brick, as per the local municipti standards Inverts shall have the exact shape of the sewer to which they am connected, and any change in size of direction shall be gradual and even C All manholes are to be prowdetl with copolymer polypropylene plastic steps with steel reinforcement 12 inches on center D All manholes shall be provided win rough, grey, mat Iron manhole frames and covers All iron mshngs shall be thoroughly cleaned and then mated with hot tar before being delivered Frames and covers shall be LeBaron LC 266, or an approved equal, and hew a minimum weight of 400 pounds E Precast nsers and bases for manholes shall conform to ASTM Specification C475 The pipe opening in the precast manhole system shall have a dual -in -plasm flexible gasket or an equivalent system for pipe installation as approved by the Engineer. Joints between manhole risers shall be 1' minimum width flexible gasket or approved equals 2.05 CLEANOUTS A Cleanouts for gravity sowers and form mains shell be provided at locations Indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer Cleanout Fames and covers shall be of laugh gray cast iron Coatings shall be two to pattern and free from flaws The bearing surface of deanout fames and covers against ail other shall be machined la give continuous contact throughout their circumference. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A Care shall be examined by the Contractor to avoid disrupting the operstbn of existing unitary sewer facilmes without prior written approval of the Engineer B When existing underground utilities not scheduled for removal or abandonment are encountered in the excavation, they shall be adequately supported and protected from damage Any damage to utilities shall be repaired promptly at no additional coat to the Owner C Installation of pipe shall be in accordance with Section 02225 - Utility Trenching and Backfillmg and as speofied by this section 3 02 BEDDING FOR PIPE A The bedding material shall be shaped to fit the pipe for a depth of not less than 10 percent of as total height and shall have recesses to receive the bell 303 LAYING PIPE A In general, sewer pipe shall be installed in accordance with the latest detailed Instructions of the manufacturer B The laying shall begin at the cutlet end and the lower segment of the pipe shall be in contact wnh the shaped bedding throughout its full length Bell or grooved ends of ngid pipes and the circumferential laps of flexible pipe shall be placed facing upstream C All pipe and fittings shall be carefully examined for detects and no pipe or fittings shall be laid which are known to be defective If any defective plece Is discovered after laying, it shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense All pipes and fthngs shall be cleaned before they are laid and shall be kept clean until accepted in the completed work D The pipe shall be laid to conform to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings or given by the Engineer Each Pipe shall be so laid as to form a dose joint with the next adjoining pipe and to bring the inverts continuously to the required grade E The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to Prevent flotation of the pipe In the trench F When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed with temporary watertight plugs If water is In the trench when work is resumed, the plug shall not be removed until all danger of water entering the pipe I. eliminated G For force mains, concrete reason blocking shall be provided as detailed at all bend. deflecting 221/2 degrees or more Al the Contractor's option, retainer glads may be used at bends in lieu of concrete blocking Retainer glands shall also be provided at all jambs within three pipe lengths each side of the bends 3.04 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE TESTING A Th. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and instrumentation required for proper completion of the flushing and testing Quality of water, test procedures, and method of disposal of water shall be approved by the Engineer Prior to testing, flush with water to remove construction debris B All tests shall be matle in the presence of th. Engineer Preliminary tests made by the Contractor without being observed by the Engineer will not be accepted The Engineer will be notified at least eight hours before any work is to be inspected or tested C The maximum sewer length to be tested atone time shall be that length between any two manholes D Air Testing Low pressure air testing shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedure. 1 Each end of the test section shall be plugged, capped and braced Necessary safety precautions shall be taken to prevent blowouts and possible injury 2 An air hose shall be connected to a tapped plug used for an air inlet The hose will be connected to the air control equipment, which shall include waves and pmesum gauges. These shall allow air to enter the sewer test line, monitor air pressure in the sewer, shut off air, and provide pressure reduction and relief The monitonng pressure gauge shall have a range of 0-10 psi with divisions of 0.10 pea and accuracy of 0 05 psis 3 The air compressor and air supply shall be connected to the test line end the test sech.n filled slowly, until a constant pressure of 4 0 psig is maintained 4 A pressure above 3 0 psig shall be maintained for at least five minutes to allow the temperature to stabilize A check for leaks shall be made and if any are found. the pressure shall be released and the fitting replaced or repaired 5 After the stabilization period, the preasum shall be adjusted to 3 5 psig and the air supply disconnected 6 Measure and record the bme interval for the test line preaurs to drop from 3 5 psig to 2 5 psig 7 If the groundwater table is above the pipe, increase above lest pressures 0 5 psig for each foot the groundwater Is above the invert of the pipe 6 The requirements of this speofiabon shall be considered sabafled d the time required in seconds for the pressure to decrease from 3 5 to 2 5 psi greater then the average back pressure of any gmundwsW that may submerge the pip. is not less than that computed according to the following table Minimum Test Tim. for Various Pip. Shea Diameter (Inches) Time (Sac /100 Ft ) 4 16 6 45 6 75 10 90 12 110 305 MANHOLES A The excavation shall be to the depth indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer, and carefully shaped and graded B Manhole sections shall be precast concrete and shall conform to the dimensions indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer C Channels, inverts and floor areas for sewer manholes shall be constructed of brick and mortar or concrete Inverts shall have the exact shape of the sewer to which they are connected and any change in size or direction shall be gradual end liven All construction of sewer manholes must be mmed out to insure watertight work D The required courses of brick shall be placed on top of the concrete to the elevation indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer Brick shall be laid in an appropriate I manner by. competent mason After the bricks an laid, the joints on the inside of the brick masonry shall be neatly pointed The outside surface of the brick shell be covered with mortar of the same quality as used for laying the bricks so that a reasonably smooth surface is obtained E The cast iron frame shall be set -indicated on the plans in a full mortar bed The grade or cover shall be properly Placed in the frame 3.06 MANHOLE TESTING A Manholes shall be tested separately by one of the following two procedures 1 Exfltration Leakage Test All pipes and other openings into the manhole shall be suitably plugged and the plugs braced to prevent blowout The manhole shall then be filled with water to the top of the cone section A period of bme maybe permitted, if the Contractor so wishes, to allow for absorption At the and of this period, the manhole shall be refilled to the top of the cone, if necessary, and the measuring time of at last four hours begun At the antl of the test period, the manhole shall be refilled to the top of the cone, measuring the volume of water added This amount.hall be converted to gallons per veinal foot depth for 24 hours The leakage for each manhole shall not exceed one gallon/vertical food/day If leakage exceeds the allowable rate, repairs shall be made as approved by the Engineer and the msnhole retested If the Contractor elects to backflll prior to testing, the testing shall be at his own risk, and it shall be Incumbent upon the Contractor to determine the reason for any (allure of the test. No adjushr-ra in the leakage silowance will be made for unknown muses such as leaking plugs, absorpbon, etc It will be assumed that all loss of water during the lest is a result of leaks through the joints or through the concrete Furthe imam, the Contractor shall take any steps necessary to assure the Engineer that the water table Is below the bottom of the manhole throughout the test 2 Vacuum Test This method of testing manholes for leakage Involves the use of a device for sealing the top of the manhole cone section end pumping the air out of the manhole, creating. vacuum and holding this vacuum for a prescribed period of time The Procedure for this test is as follows a All Iffting holes and exterior joints shall be filled and pointed with an approved non -shrinking mortar The completed manhole shall not be baddllled prior to testing Manholes which have been backfllled shall be excavated to expose the entire exterior prior to vacuum testing or the manhole shall be tasted for leakage by means of the exfiltretion leakage test b All pipes and other openings into the manhole shall be suitably plugged in a manner to prevent displacement e A plate with an inflatable rubber ring the size of the top of the manhole shall be installed by inflating the ring with air to pressure adequate to prevent leakage of air between the rubber ring and the manhole wall of Air shall then be pumped out of the manhole through an opening in the plate until a vacuum is created inside of the manhole equal to 10 inches of mercury on an approved vacuum gouge The removal of air shall then be stopped and the test begun e The manhole shall pass this test if the vacuum holds at 10" Hg or drop. no lower than 9" Hg within the following hmes Time Depth of 4' Manhole Minutes Seconds 0' - 10, 2 0 10. - 15, 2 30 a' -20' 3 0 20- 25' 3 30 f tithe vacuum drop exceeds 1" Hg during the specified time periods, the manhole shall be reamed and Steps 2 through 5 above repeated until the vacuum holds (or the specified bme g After the manhole Passes the vacuum tat it shall be badkfilled carefully so that no looks are created If the manhole to disturbed in any way during backfill, it shall again be vacuum tested according to Steps 1 through 5 above If the manhole fiats the vacuum test, the Contractor shell test the manhole using the manhole exfiltretiori test h The Contraclar shall provide the Engineer with a written log of each manhole leakage test result I Manholes shall be tested and accepted poor to building manhde inverts END OF SECTION 02730 SITE ENGINEER f CIVIL ENGINEE.UNG ASSOCIATES ING 10UV FIEL0NEWIAME. SOUTHSUOINGIM 10TW403 maerivs rAx �ae4mr cub e�vira+..saorn as. - JDL cif( D DSM .VPaOvED DSM OWNER' NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP SPECIFICATIONS DIU .IY11aG NDa us JAN., 2013 seas AS SHOWN Cj5.3 -W. No. 13102 A GMP Electrical Conduit Requirements A Specifications Conduits to be accepted by the Utility shall meet NEMA Standard TC-2 (latest publication for conduit), NEMA Standard TC-3 (latest publication for fittings) and shall be UL marked ElecNcplastic-conduit (EPC) shall be rigid-polyvinyl-chlonde (PVC) of the types listed below i EPC-40-PVC - Electno-plastiocondud 2 EPC-80-PVC - Electnoplas6oconduit 3 The following .,.as are typically used a 2 inch - For street light conductors b 2-1/2 inch - For residential servlcas (conductors smaller than 350-MCM) c 3 inch - Secondary conductors - Residential services (conductors 350-MCM or larger) d 3 or 4 arch - For 15 kV and 35 kV single-phase primary conductors e 4 or 5 Inch - For three-phase conductors 15 kV and 35kV B General Applications 1 All Applications a GMP shall speedy the type, size, and composition of the electrical conduit to be used b The Contractor shall leave a pull rope in the conduit to assist in pulling in the cables) This rope shall have a minimum pull -strength of 500 pounds for all cable Sizes c Road and Utility Crossings - Where required by the local municipality or Utility, conclude crossing all public made, traveled public right-of-ways (private roads in developments), or over other utilities shall be installed as listed below This procedure is necessary to provide mechanical protection of the conduit against damage Minimum depth for road ctoselnge shall be 48 inches rather than the normal minimum 36 inch depth 1) Schedule-40 slectncal-grade conduct, encased In a four (4) Inch concrete envelope under the traveled poison of the highway The concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000-PSI after twenty-eight (28) days 2) Schedule-40 electrical -grade conduit, encased in a Ublity-approved .leave 3) Wgo-galverazed steel may be substituted when crossing existing m.dw.ye 4) Schedul"O electrical -grade conduit in thoroughly compacted gravel backfill, that would pass a 1 inch mesh screen, to a depth of 1 foot above the conduit NOTE Check with local Utility for appropnet. method it Where practical, all mad crossings shall be perpendicular to the side lines of the mad e There shall be no more than 3 ninety -degree bonds in the conduit, including one at the pole/ped/pedestal and another at the motor socket f Ninety -degree horizontal bonds shall have a four (4) foot radius Ninety-degros vertical bends shall have a three (3) foot radius g Electrical -grade schedule-40 and -80 PVC are not to be Joined or mixed in a conduit run -thin the trench The concluhs have the same outside diameters, however, the inside diameters differ It shall be necessary to have ■ terminating cabinet as a transition point if the two sizes are Jared or mixed If schedule-80 a going to be used It might be mote economical to run 0 the entire distance instead of using the terminating cabinet h Condud installations shall be graded to cause all ducts to drain toward one, or both, ends of the section to minimize water retention and freezing Fxamplesfollow 1) From pole gni down to the first vault 2) Graded from vault tp vault 3) Graded from the mid -point of the conduit run to the vault on either aide of the midpoint (double -slope method) 4) Minimum pitch of conduits shall be two (2) inches per 100 feel 5) In areas of high ground water or poor drainage It may be necessary for the customer to supply and install a drainage system for the fiberglass or concrete vaults A Utility inspector shall consult with on -site construction personnel. If no simple solution is apparent the customer may need to have a drainage system designed which shall meat Utility approval 1 The Utility may require concret. encasement of the conduit where foreign objects interfere with the installation of the conduit inn Conduit runs within twenty (20) feet of propane or gasoline installations shall be PVC encased in concrete ( see Section 513 B 1 c above) or ngicl metal conduit j Pull -boxes or vaults may be necessary for lengthy cable runs The size and location of such pull -boxes and vaults shall be determined by the Utility on an individual basis k Ubldy conductors energized at 600 volts or less, and communications, may ublize the same trench as the primary conductors The separation shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches I An expansion coupling is required at the point where the conduit emerges from the ground The coupling should be placed a minimum of twelve (12) inches above final ground grade Verizon Telephone Conduit Requirements I All conduit shall be grey NESC schedule 40 PVC or equivalent (requires telephone engineer approval) 2 4" minimum for telephone cable 3 All conduit joints shall be glued 4 Each section of conduit will be furnished with a 200-300lb rated pulling string All conduits must be plugged in some fashion to keep water and other materials out of the duct (Figure 1) 5 Telephone conduit brought to a utility pole shall be brought up flush to the pole Telephone conduit shell be placed on the back quarter of the pole in relation to the direction of tnef is (Figure 3 h 4) 6 The developer is responsible for placing a #6 AWG bore copper ground wire that shall be connected to the power company transformer vault ground gnd and a 3 foot cod run to the telephone conduit Telephone conduit must be 3'-5' from power and at least 2' from CATV (Figure 5) 7 Venzon does NOT require concrete on road crossings Sand backfill shall consist of fine granular material, 100% shall pass through a 1/4' sieve The sand shall be completely free o1 frozen lumps, rocks stones, debns or rubbish (Figure 6) { V E R N O N rve r i Duel r l/ I, l I r I n I r 11 I l l r I . , r l IT r, • I L n l r I l l l l l i r i r I n F it u r l 1 F It a re 1 irLti i, } � A 1 1 A i r� r r r r rr i r i r v E F It Y r! I 111 r it t i n t 111 ! IIr lY r n l Y n l l li F It Y it 1 I IY'r E, LEI t � I J A I I ll' Y � A YYi 1110 M1rir 1 I SANE 1 F 11 Y to S Lrnlulll=uiir ll elllrllllnll't1YIItAiIPIo! irl ple Ili rA Y11111 VERIZON CONDUIT DETAILS NTS FLAGPOLE SPECIFICATIONS PART 1- GENERAL 11 RELATED DOCUMENTS A Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specd cation Sections, apply to this Section 12 SUMMARY A This Section Includes ground -set flagpoles made from aluminum or fihe"ales 13 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS StrucWml Performance Provide flagpole assemblies, including anchorages and supports, capable of withstanding the effects of wind loads, determined according to NAAMM FP 1001, "Guide Specifications for Design of Metal Flagpoles" Verify basic wind speed with Pmject's structural designer Refer to NAAM FP 1001 or ASCE 7 for maps showing basic wind speeds for U S 1 Basic Wind Speed 90 mph, 3-second gust speed at 33 feet ebovegmund 14 SUBMITTALS A PmductData For each type of flagpole required Coordinate below with qualification requirements in Division 1 Seclron "Quality Requirements " 15 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Source Limitations Obtain flagpole as a complete unit, including fitings, accessories, bases, and anchorage devices, from a single manufacturer PART2- PRODUCTS 21 FLAGPOLES A Flagpole Construction, General Construct flagpoles In one place 0 possible If more than one piece is necessary, comply with the following 1 Fabricate shop and field Joints without using fasteners, screw collars, or lead talking 2 For tapered flagpoles, provide flush hairline joints using self -aligning, snug -fitting, internal elseves 3 For stepped -sectional flagpoles, provide self -aligning, snug-fl81ng joints 8 Exposed Height 35 test C Aluminum Flagpoles Provide cons -tapered flagpoles fabricated from saamless extruded tubing complying with ASTM B 241/, Alloy 6083, with . minimum wall thickness of 3/16 inch Hest treat alter fabrication to comply with ASTM B 597, Temper T5 D Foundation Tubs Cast in piece or protest foundation E Cast -Motel Shoo Base For anchor -halt mounting, provide with anchor bolls 1 Provide units made from same metal and with same finish as flagpoles 22 FITTINGS A Finial Bell Manufacturers Standard flush -seam bell, sized as indicated or, if not Indicated, to match flagpole -butt diameter 1 0 063-inch spun aluminum, finished to match flsgpols B External Halyard Ball-baanng, nonfouling, revolving tuck assembly of alummum with continuous 5/16-inct, diameter, braided polypropylene halyard and 9-Inch aluminum cleats with fastener, Finish exposed metal surfaces to match flagpole 1 Provide one halyard and one cleat at each flagpole C Halyard Flag Snaps Provide two stamle—steel or bronze swivel snap hooka par halyard 23 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A Concrete Comply with requirements in Division 3 Section "Cast-m-Place Concrefa' for normal -weight, air -entrained, ready -mix concrete with ■ minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi B Nonshdnk, Nonmetallic Grout Fsctory-pa kagod- nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C 1107 24 FINISHES A Aummum Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum Mashes 1 Natural Satin Finish Provide fine, directional, medium satin polish (AA-M32), buff complying with AA-M20, and seal aluminum surfaces with clear, herd -cost wax PART3- EXECUTION 31 PREPARATION A Foundation Excavation Excavate to neat clean Imes in undisturbed soil Remove loose soil and foreign matter from excavation and moisten earth before placing concret. B Provide forms for perimeter of flagpole base at grade Secure and brace for ms and foundation tube, sleeve, or anchor bolts in position, to prevent displacement during concreting C Place concrete immediately after mixing Compact concrete in place by using vibrators Moist -cure exposed concrete for not less than seven days or use nonstaining wring compound D Trowel expwad concrete surfaces to a smooth, dense finish, free of trowel marks, and uniform in texture and appearance Provide positive slope for water nrnaff to perimeter of concrete base 32 FLAGPOLE INSTALLATION A General Install flagpoles where shown and according to Shop Drswings and manufacturers written instructions B Baseplete Installation Install beaeplate on washers placed over leveling nuts on anchor bolts and adjust until flagpole Is plumb After flagpole Is plumb, tighten retaining nut. and fill space under baseplata solidly with nonshnnk, nonmetallic grout Finish exposed grout surfaces smooth and slope 45 degraos away from edges of be..plot. END OF SECTION 10350 SITE ENGINEER C CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC, 10NUNEDYIEWIAW,, SOUfNBUWNOTON, VF 05M omasr-aaa rAx arPw-an ..n wrw.n...loun OeAeN JDL c-c-n DSM Avrxovw DSM OWNER NORTHEAST TERRITORIES, INC. 20 SOUTH CREST BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NEAGLEY & CHASE CONSTRUCTION OFFICE FACILITY LOT MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK 66 BOWDOIN STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP DAIS case-1 aEfiaraN SPECIFICATIONS DATE DRASma Nnleseek JAN., 2013 SHOWN AS C5.4 AS fsa No 13102