HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0103 Bowdoin StreetCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: September 12, 2008 \drb\sub\birchwood\birchwood_prelim—finaI Application received: August 22, 2008 651103 BOWDOIN STREET PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION #SD-08-44 FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-08-44 Agenda #10 Meeting Date: S ptember 16, 2008 Applican Owner Birchwood Properties, Inc. Grandview Farms, Inc. 5524 West Cypress Street PO Box 1304 Suite B Burlington, VT 05401 Tampa, Florida 33607 En-gineerlContact Property Information Dave Marshall Tax Parcel ID 0257-00065 Lot 8 3.90 Acres Civil Engineering Associates Tax Parcel ID 0257-00103 Lot 9 3.88 Acres 10 Mansfield View Lane Hinesburg Road North View Protection overlay South Burlington, VT 05403 District Airport Approach Cone Location Ma A, 4, 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood prelim final Birchwood Properties Inc, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary and final plat approval for a planned unit development to construct a 27,700 sq. ft. general office building, 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on June 9, 2008 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements 10 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 3 acres 7.78 acres Max. Density n/a n/a Max. Building Coverage 30% 7.7% Max. Overall Coverage 50% 25.4% Min. Front Setback (Bowdoin Street) 50 ft. 52 ft. Min. Side Setback 35 ft. 107 ft. Min. Front Setback (Thompson Street) 50 ft. 456 ft. Max. Building Height 35 ft. 31 ft Front Yard Coverage 30% 11.7% 4 zoning compliance n/a no residential units proposed SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The entire Meadowland Business Park has been preliminarily approved for water allocation. However, the applicant shall still submit plans and requests to the South Burlington Water Department for review to ensure compliance with the initial approval. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memo dated September 4, 2008 (attached). The applicant has already responded to the issues and staff trusts the applicant and the department to work this out as a condition of approval from the Development Review Board. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood prelim final 1. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated September 4, 2008. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The original subdivision received a 51,272 gpd sewer allocation which is still in effect. To date there is 48,380 gpd available. 2. The applicant shall obtain final sewer allocation prior to recording of the mylar. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The applicant has submitted sufficient grading and erosion control plans. 3. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to this property is proposed via two 24' drives from Bowdoin Street. This complies with the minimum requirement for an entry drive and is therefore in compliance. There is an existing gravel teardrop cul-de-sac at the north end of Bowdoin Street. The applicant is proposing to extend Bowdoin Street to the north property line. They are proposing to submit a new survey plat to show revised property lines and elimination of the temporary easement encumbering Lots 6 and 9 as part of the preliminary plat application, in favor of a hammerhead style turnaround. The Department of Public Works has reviewed the plans and comment on this matter in an email dated September 11, 2008. They are in support of the plan, with minor notes on plan notes. 4. The final drawings shall be approved by the Director of Public Works with respect to the hammerhead turnaround. . Staff does not foresee any issues with this proposal that will create unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. However, a traffic study at the intersection of Meadowland Drive and Hinesburg Road is required to be completed in support of the determination as to whether the warrants for a traffic light at that intersection is required. The applicant has submitted this traffic study (attached). The applicant's study states that the proposed building "will not create adverse traffic congestion conditions on the surrounding roads and intersections..... and not require specific major improvements such as a traffic signal to accommodate this project." CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood prelim final According to the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition, the 27,700 square feet of single tenant office use (land Use Code 715) is estimated to generate 47.92 P.M. peak hour tip ends. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The subject property contains a large section of wetlands along a stream corridor (unnamed tributary of Potash Brook) that drains through the project site from south to north. The project respects the 50' setback from the wetlands associated with the stream corridor. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located According to Section 6.04(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Industrial -Open Space /0 District is established to provide suitable locations for high -quality, large -lot office, light industrial and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. The /0 District regulations and standards are intended to allow high -quality planned developments that preserve the generally open character of the district, minimize impacts on natural resources and water quality, and enhance the visual quality of approaches to the City while providing suitable locations for employment and business growth. The location and architectural design of buildings in a manner that preserves these qualities is strongly encouraged. Staff feels the proposed project is in compliance with the stated purpose of the 10 District, as outlined in the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels andlor stream buffer areas. There are significant portions of open space running along the western portions of the property, so staff feels this requirement is met. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate tire protection can be provided Consistent with previous requests from the Fire Chief, a new fire hydrant is proposed at the south end of the project site to minimize the potential for fire hoses being run -over. Theapplicanthas worked with the Fire Chief towards agreement on the project. The Fire Chief has stated his satisfaction to staff with the plans, and a summary of his comments and the applicant's responses is attached. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The subject property contains a 20'wide recreation path easement which straddles the northern property boundary. The Recreation Path Committee should comment on this easement, and CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood prelim final whether this should be transformed into a recreation path. Previous input from the committee regarding the same path on nearby Lot 6 did not call for any recommended improvements. 5. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. The subdivision plans for the entire Meadowland Business Park show details on street utilities, lighting, and stormwater management. These have been approved by the City Engineer, so they are acceptable for the proposed project. A lighting point by point plan for the proposed project shall be submitted for this proposal, and shall meet the requirements in Appendices A.9 and A. 10 of the Land Development Regulations. In addition, the applicant should submit exterior lighting details (cut -sheets) for the proposed lighting on the subject parcel. The proposed lighting fixtures shall be in compliance with Appendix D of the Land Development Regulations. The applicant has submitted acceptable plans showing proposed lighting locations and details. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed development of this property is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REWEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following genera I review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Staff finds that this criterion is met through the proposed development. Again, the applicant should meet with the Recreation Path Committee. According to Table 13-1 in Section 13.01(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the 27,700 square feet of office building will require 90 spaces. The plans depict 102 parking spaces. According to Table 13-7 of the Land Development Regulations, a property with 100-125 parking spaces requires five (5) hand icapped-accessible parking spaces. The plans currently depict five (5) handicapped -accessible spaces. The dimensions of the proposed parking areas appear to meet the requirements in Table 13-8 of the Land Development Regulations. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood prelim final Section 13.01(G)(5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. Two bicycle racks have been depicted on the plans. Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. The majority of the proposed parking is located to the north side and behind the building. Five spaces are located in the front of the building. However, as the building fronts on a dead-end street, staff finds the location of parking on this property to be acceptable. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has submitted elevations of the building. The height of building is within the limits of the district. The proposed project is located in a business park in a area where both office and industrial uses exists, so staff feels the scale of the proposed building is compatible with existing buildings in the area. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff finds that this criterion has been successfully met; staff finds the architecture to be aesthetically pleasing and believes it will be a welcome addition to the surrounding business park. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Because the project is in a large lot, industrial area, staff does not feel access to adjacent properties is necessary. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood prelim final Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. AM dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans do show dumpsters. Any waste facilities proposed on site shall be shown and shown to be adequately screened. Landscaping and Screening Requirements Based on building cost projections of $4,161,600, the minimum landscaping budget shall be $49,116. The applicant is proposing $49,200 in landscaping. The City Arborist has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memo dated September 5, 2008 (attached). 5. The plans shall be revised to comply with the specifications of the City Arborist per the memo dated September 5, 2008. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage area must be specified and located in an area that will minimize the potential for run-off. The plans depict adequate snow storage areas. Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the SBLDR, any utility cabinets on the site shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board. The landscaping plan shows the proposed screening for the transformer cabinet. View Protection Zone The subject property is located within the Hinesburg Road -North Scenic View Protection Overlay District and thus subject to Section 10.03(H) of the SBLDR. Specifically, no part of any structure within the zone shall exceed an elevation of 393.5 feet above mean sea level plus 5.8 feet for each 1000 feet that said part of said structure is horizontally distant from the Hinesburg Road -North View Protection Zone Base Line shown on the Scenic View Protections Overlay District Map. The applicant has submitted building elevations which include the height of the building in relation to mean sea level as well as the horizontal distance of the building from the Hinesburg Road -North View Protection Zone Base Line, in compliance with Section 10.03(H) of the SBLDR. They are in compliance. Other CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEWBOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood melim final The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memo dated September 11,2008. 6. The applicant shall adhere to the specifications of the City Engineer. Where necessary, the plans shall be revised accordingly. This proposal results in the use of two (2) lots as one (1) lot. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant should record a Lot Merger Agreement in the Land Records. 7. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant should record a Lot Merger Agreement in the Land Records. Staff recommends that the Board approve Preliminary Plat application #SD-08-44 and Final Plat application #SD-08-45 subject to the conditional items included in the staff comments in this report. Res ectfully submitted, Calli-yan V��Rose, Adso'c-ia-fe\�lanner Copy to: David Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates I southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP (UMUC use tudy) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW 1�rAdrninistrative [ilDevelopment Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax 4): GPT Properties Trust 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page ft 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax ft GPT Properties Trust - 255 Washington Street Newton Ma. 02458 Phone 1 800-872-9066 / Fax 1617-527-1909 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Reit Management & research LLC (Kevin Kass) 255 Washington Street Newton Ma.02458 Phone 1800-872-9066 / Fax 1617-527-1909 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: kkess@reitmr.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 65 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington VT. 6. TAX PARCEL ED # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0257-00065 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Install and place in operation a 150 KW emergency/standby power generation system. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Office Space for Federal USCIS (Homeland Security) c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): No Change to usage, just adding a back up generator for the building d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): Existing Building is a total of 27,200 gross SF e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): One story, no basement, will be no changes to buildina structure. f, Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): N/A g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): Occupant live load (max per code 432) h. Other (list any other inforznation pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan App#ceffon Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: Lots 8&9=7.7F_9q. Ft. a. Building: Existing % 27,200 sq. ft. Proposed % No Change q. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing — % / No Change sq. ft. Proposed 0/./ No Change sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing % sq. ft. Proposed % sq. ft, d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. fQ Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 123,500 b. Landscaping: c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): $ Included 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out); No Change 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: No Change 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: No Change 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: December 2013 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I " x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. 1 Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I V x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. Site Plan Appfication Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowled e 7" siG�Afui(E- 6rAPPLICANT 5 SIGNATURE OF PROPERT& OWNER PRINT NAME Do not wxite below this line DATE OF SUBNHSSION:- REVIEW AUTHORITY: 0 Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: ocomp r--- The applicant orpermittee retains the obligation to identify, applyfor, and obtain relevant statepermits for thisproject. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Fcvm. Rev. 12-2011 From: Jim Barlow Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:52 AM To: ray; Paul Conner Subject: RE: 65 Bowdoin Street South Burlington VT Yes From: ray Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:51 AM To: Jim Barlow; Paul Conner Subject: FW: 65 Bowdoin Street South Burlington VT Jim, See below. Is this good enough? Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainabilitv.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or preparedfor use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Ifyou have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email Thank you.for your cooperation. From: Kass, Kevin [mailto:KKassC@reitmr.com] Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:48 AM To: ray <raV@sburl.com> Cc: Perkins, Kristina <KPERKINS@reitmr.com>; Dubrawski, Kelly <KDubrawski@reitmr.com> Subject: RE: 65 Bowdoin Street South Burlington VT Hi Ray, This was a federal requirement by Homeland Security (GSA). This is there spec for the security level at this location. Thanks Kevin Kass Area Chief Engineer Real Estate Services, Northeast Region Reit Management & Research LLC 255 Washington Street, Suite 190, Newton MA, 02458 617.796.7656 direct 1617.527.1909 Fax kkass(dreitmr.com I www.reitmr.com RMR managed companies: Hospitality Properties Trust (NYSE:HPT) Senior Housing Properties Trust (NYSE:SNH) Govemment Properties Income Trust (NYSE:GOV) Select Income REIT (NYSE. -SIR) Five Star Quality Care, Inc. (NYSE:FVE) TravelCenters of America LL C (NYSE: TA) Sonesta Intemational Hotels Corporation From: ray rmailto:ray(asburl.com] Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:40 AM To: Kass, Kevin Cc: Perkins, Kristina; Dubrawski, Kelly Subject: RE: 65 Bowdoin Street South Burlington VT Kevin, I conducted a site visit yesterday in preparation for the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the emergency generator. I saw that there are several strands of barbed wire on the top of the fence. Would you please explain why barbed wire is necessary for this particular installation. Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or preparedfor use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Ifyou have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Kass, Kevin [mailto:KKass@reitmr.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 8:23 AM To: ray <rav@sburl.com> Cc: Perkins, Kristina <KPERKINS@reitmr.com>; Dubrawski, Kelly <KDubrawski@reitmr.com> Subject: RE: 65 Bowdoin Street South Burlington VT Great, Thank you Kevin Kass Chief Engineer Real Estate Services, Northeast Region Reit Management & Research LLC 255 Washington Street, Suite 190, Newton MA, 02458 617.796.7656 direct 1617,527.1909 Fax kkass(cbreitmr.com I www.reitmr.com RMR managed companies: Hospitality Properties Trust (NYSE:HPT) RP CIA@ W, lt�il southburfington PLANNING & ZONING April 30, 2015 Re: #SP-15-22 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of apRroval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, /ayvm Vhd J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com tz:: PLANNING & ZONIN G February 3, 2015 Kevin Kass Reit Management & Research, LLC 400 Centre Street Newton, MA 02489 Re: Expiration of #SP-14-35, 65 Bowdoin Street Dear Mr. Kass: Please be advised that site plan approval #SP-14-35 issued to you to install an emergency generator on 7/17/14 has expired. This approval expired due to noncompliance with condition #4 of said decision which required that a zoning permit be issued for the installation of the generator within six (6) months of the date of the decision or the approval would become null and void. Therefore, you must resubmit a site plan review application for this project as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sin el Z ond J. air ZBeA Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 11 RM southburfin2ton t—_r PLANNING & ZONING July 17, 2014 Re: #SP-14-35 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of agl2roval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within sixL6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sin rep 3 R4amond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com -0� 9 A"L NA , southburfinjiton qzy PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP- I(office use otfly) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW El Administrative El Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): GPT Properties Trust vo i uo, e L-tz5- p,�qC 3 1? 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page A I Vol e 1-tzg- [�9,- 5 4�- 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): GPT Properties Trust - 255 Washington Street Newton Ma. 02489 Phone 1 800 872 9066 Fax 1 617 527 1909 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Reit Management & Research LLC (Kevin Kass) 400 Centre Street Newton Ma 02489 Phone 1 800 872 9066 Fax 1 617 527 1909 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: kkass@reitmr.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 65 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington VT 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0257-00065 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Install and place in operation a 150 KW Emergency/Standby power generation system. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Office space for Federal USCIS (Homeland Security) c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): No change to usage just adding a back up generator for the building. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): Existing building is a total 27,200 Gross SF e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): One story, no basement. will be no changes to buildina structure. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): N/A g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): Occupant live load (Max. per code 432) h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: lots 8&9 7.71Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing % 27,200 sq. ft. Proposed % No Change sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing _% / No Change sq. ft. Proposed % / No Change sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): b. Landscaping: c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC $ 123,500 $ Included a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): No Change 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: No Chan 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: No Change 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: December 2013 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the infort-nation required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I " x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. 1 Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (111 " x 17"), and one digital (PIDIF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. 'eage' ATURE C F APPLICANT 0-Pi Prop-e-�,'e5 �V-V5i, SIGNATURE -OF P40PERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: IkIW REVIEW AUTHORITY: FIDevelopment Review Board 2/Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: 21c,omp, The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, applyfor, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I ICk- Live Outdoors Landscaping Scope of Work Plantings around the generator,. Materials: 0 4 yards of garden mix 0 3 yards of Pine/Spruce mix mulch * Filter fabric 0 6 inch plus drainage stone 0 16 Dark American Arborvitae 0 11 Summer Snowflake Viburnum Workload: • Mark out the area for Dig Safe. • Remove all the sod where the shrubs will be installed. • Plant each shrub in its designated spot from the plans. • Back fill each shrub with garden mix. • Create a bed around the designated shrubs. • Create an edge to deter weed growth. • Apply mulch to each bed. • Remove the sod from the new drainage areas. • Apply filter fabric as a weed barrier. • Spread 6 inch plus drainage stone in these areas. • Haul all debris away. Materials, Equipment, Labor included: $5,435.00 2 Live Outdoors Landscaping Live Outdoors Landscaping Joe Cassani 60 Lakeview Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 Phone: (802) 922-1055 Proposal for Reit Management: After visiting 65 Bowdoin Street in South Burlington, I have put together the following estimate for the work we discussed. The quote includes all materials, equipment, and labor for the job. On the following page, I have included more details on the job and a list of materials. Any additions will automatically be added to the total price at the end of the job. For larger estimates, half of the total price will be a required payment on the first day of the job. The remaining balance will be paid on the day ofjob completion. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at anytime. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Joe Cassani — President Live Outdoors Landscaping Reit management Date Date 0 o 0 (J) -7 0. I � I� -4- - L-- - - ------------__—TT-- - ------- -- AS-BUILT FOR BOULDERS AN1)`BOLLARDS`~ Dnim Ms SERVICE 7 D 34- GrwR4 to MBIN ExbrUng Laid Chw SK Fobfk —T �� ,:- <E> SITE PLAN SCALE; 1* - 20' 2 1. 0 20 b so .0 mo"AI. WALS w mm L scale: 1" = 10* 3' MULCN KEEP AWAY FROM - I• 611%X11 KEN AWAY FROM 3-SOIL SAVER FDA WATERING 3' 501L SAVOR FOR WATERING REMOVE MJRLA1 ,,VIHE FROM 4 ANTIN6 HOLE SHALL BE —BOX PLANTING HOLE SMALL BE AM X Tft� T a THE DIAMETER OF THE RQO13ALL RD TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE RD WIRE U, WKF11 VSINL EXISTING SOIL Qm.be T REMOVE BURLAP AND TWINE HOLE SHALL BE WIM I••••••••• FROM AROUNDTRVNK SOIL IS COMPACTED NT OFF TOP OF WIRE BASKET SHINN PLANTIM WrAIL HOT TO SCALE PLAWDIF AND &TAL2*_NjAL NOT TO WALE FINISH MADE PLANTING PLAN *12-1" MLBrlI 3-S-VISPU'SS' 0 0 0 0 0 -T-T. -0 _k- 0 8-T-THU- 0 0 I 5-&v1sp1rSS- 'PkftM Bod W 2,r Pidwt List Tro" T.THUftc 1 14 L* Ammorican Artmitea TjThikjQ*cc1dwta1oS'NmmR'i 6-7' Is., S., - ki. v&. V,b­p1,ca?mt~u4 5"I� TREE TO RE PLANTED AT SAME MADE AS IN NURSERY, LEVEL WITH FINISH MADE BACKFrLL, USING EXISTING SOM UWE53 OTHERWISE SPECIFIED UNDISTURBED SURMADE z z EA (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) The Planning and Zoning Resource Corporation 100 NE 5tb Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Date: March 2, 2010 Attn: Shannon Staats (our ref# 50709-2) RE: 65 & 1103 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington, VT (see attached for reference) • What is the current zoning of the property? l w lm Q q� • What are the abutting zoning designations? NorthWE South 5e \ East A,rl West SC_ 0 • Was this a Planned Unit Development? If so, could we please get a copy of the PUD? • Is the property in any special, restrictive or overlay district? -)/K • Is this site in compliance with the current Zoning Ordinance? • Are there any legal nonconforming issues? No • Was this property granted any variances, special exceptions, conditional use permits, or zoning relief of any kind? 00 If so, please provide a copy of all the documents. If copies are unavailable, would you briefly outline the conditions of the applicable document (excluding signage)? • To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved zoning or building code violations and/or complaints? AA *Please note, this request is for any active or ongoing violations of which the jurisdiction is aware. PZR is not requesting that any on -site inspection be made. • Was this property developed with Site Plan approval? Y6_5 If so, could we get a copy of the approved plan/ and or conditions? SE.� Please call the undersigned at %0 p`' 4.0 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: TitlehN (Please copy onto your letterhead) Attru Shannon Staats (our ref# 50709-2) Re: 65 & 1103 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington, VT (see attached for reference) Based on our records [choose one]: A valid final certificate of occupancy has been issued and is now outstanding for the Project. For any certificate of occupancies not found, the absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificate of Occupancies are not required. Final Building Permits have been issued and are now outstanding for the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificates of Occupancy for projects constructed prior to the year are no longer on file with this office. The Project was constructed in The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity (such as restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof). We are unable to locate a certificate of occupancy for the Project from our records. We have evidence in our records, however, one was issued and has been subsequently lost or misplaced. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity, restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof. This site is still being constructed. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will be issued when all final inspections have been passed. Please call the undersigned at "/' ' V` 40 if you have any comments or questions. Sincerely, r Name: Title: 1 - I I STORAGE O EKISTMO AMKWa LOT -Q SHED s' EXISTING XITi iXGIX6i CIVIL WGIHRMXG ASSOCIATIL IIVG JLM JIM DSM a1Mei. BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 1 Y& WEST CIYIIE55 Sil1EEi OFFICE BUILDING I — Z ,2OOSF _--_— `j wAo 1 I I PROPERTY LINE BETWEE I I LOT 8 & LOT 9 DISSOLVED I I (PLAN REFERENCE D) - - - w • a .G E%IStMOACCESS I r-- class u w o I I WETLAND- wr I li GRAPHIC SCALE I 1 euTE e TAMA R.3Jtli ururwr BIRCHWOOD SURVEY NOTES i,,,.,,1„,,,.,1111,1,d,,,111w 1 BURLINGTON, INC. lSN WECTCITIE]i S111EE1 I. ­11I �sX i�w�iX�S+�N, .X,.,�W� urur.,;;�I,.Xa�.,�XE«.�A�..�,�,K TAATAiR I w BIRCHWOOD W OFFICE BUILDING 1 wrE DWUR REFERENCE MAPS or PLATS rx. M A IDS BOWDOW STREET Q vn.m�,'w�owweu..v"oim m� n��.Xx.��.w�ib LOTl A B MEADOWLMID BUSINESS PARK O-_� ,.nu,r �¢ux,�vc ...��I.rmnv, SOUTH SURLAVGTON r.lmrll�,wusn.� VERMONr I ' FLOOD ZONE NOTE I mI..,.,-,.w.,•..V.w�...,.W,,.��L.W.,,. 1111 ILOCATION MAP III r vm II FOUNDATION AS -BUILT I PLAN �_ nn_. ' AUG 27, 2008 •� I r=aa AB 1 1 08164 Property Address: 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington, Vermont Legal Description THE LAND IN SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT All of Lot 8, containing 3.90 acres, more or less; and all of Lot 9, containing 3.88 acres, more or less, as the same are depicted on the plan entitled "MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK, Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, Vt., Subdivision Plat," prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated April 23, 1996, last revised August 27, 1996, and recorded on October 22, 1996, in Volume 386, Page 98 of the City of South Burlington land records (the "Land Records") (the "Plan"). Lot 8 is conveyed with the benefit of the following permit allocations, which are a portion of the maximum impacts granted to Summer Ice Joint Venture pursuant to Land Use Permit 4C1005 dated May 14, 1998 and recorded in Volume 428, Page 355 of the Land Records, as amended: (i) 50 vehicle parking spaces; (ii) 1,500 gallons per day of water; (iii) 1,820 gallons per day of wastewater (including infiltration); (iv) 190 vehicle trips per day; (v) 20 AM peak hour vehicle trips; and (vi) 12 PM peak hour vehicle trips. Lot 9 is conveyed with the benefit of the following permit allocations, which are a portion of the maximum impacts granted to Summer Ice Joint Venture pursuant to Land Use Permit 4C 1005 dated May 14, 1998 and recorded in Volume 428, Page 355 of the Land Records, as amended: (i) 50 vehicle parking spaces; (ii) 1,500 gallons per day of water; (iii) 1,815 gallons per day of wastewater (including infiltration); (iv) 190 vehicle trips per day; (v) 20 AM peak hour vehicle trips; and (vi)12 PM peak hour vehicle trips. Together with the right, without consent, to convey the aforementioned permit allocations to other lot owners within Meadowland Business Park, so-called. Reference is hereby made to the instruments and plans referred to above and the records thereof, and the instruments and plans referred to therein and the records thereof, in further aid of this description. Being the land and premises conveyed to Birchwood Burlington, LLC by Warranty Deed of Grandview Farms, Inc. dated August 1, 2008 and recorded in Volume , Page of the Land Records. Schedule 1 {B1056015; 1} 00 �, The Planning &Zoning Resource Corporation i -moftow— 100 NE 6'" Street • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 PZR: Telephone (405) 840-4344 • Fax (405) 840-2608 Toll Free (800) 344-2944 • Toll Free Fax (888) 523-9008 REPORT Please fax to my direct fax number 405-418-2237 To: Ray Belair Fax: Date: March 2, 2010 Subject: Typed Formal Zoning Letter for: Ref. Number: 50709-2 RE: 65 & 1103 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington, VT (see attached for reference) Attached is a typed formal letter prepared with the information provided for the above -mentioned property. Please copy onto the jurisdiction's letter head, sign and fax to my direct fax number. If anything is incorrect, please let me know so the applicable changes can be made. It is my understanding that there will be fees associated with this request. Please be advised that the total fees are not to exceed $28.00 without my approval. If you should expect the fees to exceed this amount, please notify me as soon as possible. Furthermore, any additional costs associated with this request must be approved, in writing, prior to their incurrence. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on the above matter. If there are any questions you are unable to answer, please let us know whom we should contact. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at the toll free number 800-344-2944, extension 3330. You may also reach me by email at: ShannonS@pzr.com. Sincerely, Shannon Staats Information Specialist 1 � r 01,6�11 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING September 4, 2009 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 65 Bowdoin Street Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed, please find copies of the Findings of Fact and Decisions rendered by the Administrative Officer on September 4, 2009 (effective 9/4/09). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, a Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com l Site Plan Application Permit Number SP- �% - 6 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email. cprather@aol.com 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): 822 Pg 87-90 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email; cprather@aol.com 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): David S. Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, 10 Mansfield View Lane, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Ph 864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 Email. dmarshall@cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 65 Bowdoin Street 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 00257-00065 & W257--00103 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description: Update of the site plan to reflect current landscaping configuration and removal of future fountain on the north side of the building. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Approved office use. Site Plan Application c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building— No change d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building +96 SF accessory structure — No change e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): Accessory structure is 141— No change. No change to office building. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): NA g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - Office employees): 93 employees with periodic visitors. No change h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): The Hinesburg Road North View Protection zone and the Airport Approach Cone are located over the top of the building. See Sheet C2.1 for the VPZ analysis. 8. LOT COVERAGE (no change) a. Size of Parcel: 7.78 Acres (338,897 SF) b. Building Coverage: Existing: 27,520 square feet: 0 % Proposed: 27,616 square feet 8.1 % c. Overall Lot Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing: 0 square feet: 0 % Proposed: square feet 20.9 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing: 1,904 square feet: 7.9 % Proposed: 3,938 square feet 16.4 % * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. n E Site Plan Application 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ No change from original approval b. Landscaping: $ Added $500 in plantings at transformer c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): None. 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): No Change from approval. b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): No Change from approval. c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): No Change from approval. 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: No Change from approval. 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: No Change from approval. 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: August 21, 2009 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) NAME MAILING ADDRESS WITH ZIP CODE PARCEL ID Burlington Properties, LTD — P.O. Box 0210, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01020 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC —186 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0860-0596 Chase Properties & Development, LTD — P.O. Box 2283, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0257-00046 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC —186 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0257-00066 & 00039 & 00860-0317 Super -Temp Realty Company, Inc. —133 Elm St., Winooski, VT 05404 0257-00104 Greenfield Capital, LLC — P.O. Box 115, Eden, VT 05652 1715-00035 The Rock of Greater Burlington, Inc. —145 Pine Haven Shores Road, Shelburne, VT 05482 1715-00073 13 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. r" SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT rr ) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 1 REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Lrd' Complete X'j) ❑ y/2/o of Planning & Zoning or Designee EXHIBIT A ClNA L EI Irll EERU! IG ASSOCIAW"'. I1IC. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 August 27, 2009 Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: Birchwood Office Building - Meadowland Business Park Applicant/Owner: Birchwood Burlington, LLC Site Plan Application Dear Mr. Belair: In accordance with your requirements, please find attached a revised site plan and landscaping plan which reflects the current landscaping configuration which has been revised to reflect modifications to improve the performance of the security cameras and to enhance the screening of the electrical transformer and telephone pedestal area. Please find attached a completed application and supporting plans for this proposed facility. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Six (6) Full Size and Nine 11" x 17" reduced Size Plan sets including: C-1.2 Site Grading & Drainage Plan Aug., 2008 Rev 8-27-09 Amended Site Plan Application (with $75 +11 fee) cc: M. Behr (w/ enclosures), C. Prather (w/ enclosures) PAMWCADD Projects\2008\08164\Permitting\Local\Construction\Belair Site Plan Cove2mpd `lam southburlington PLANNING & ZONING July 23, 2009 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 65 Bowdoin Street Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed, please find copies of the Findings of Fact and Decisions rendered by the Administrative Officer on July 22, 2009 (effective 7/22/09). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, 6�" A� Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Site Plan Application Permit Number SP- (i - APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email. cprather@aol.com 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): 822 Pg 87-90 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email. cprather@aol.com 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): David S. Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, 10 Mansfield View Lane, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Ph 864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 Email. dmarshaii@cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 65 Bowdoin Street 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 00257-00065 & 00257-00103 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description: Update of the site plan to reflect improvements in site security and operations. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Site Plan Application Approved office use. c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building— no change d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building +96 SF accessory structure e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): Accessory structure is 14'. No change to office building. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): NA g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): 93 employees with periodic visitors. No change h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): The Hinesburg Road North View Protection zone and the Airport Approach Cone are located over the top of the building. See Sheet C2.1 for the VPZ analysis. 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: a. Size of Parcel: 7.78 Acres (338,897 SF) b. Building Coverage: Existing: 27,520 square feet: 0 % Proposed: 27,616 square feet 8.1 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing: 0 square feet: 0 % Proposed: square feet 20.9 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing: 1,904 square feet: 7.9 % Proposed: 3,938 square feet 16.4 % Sq. Ft. * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. n Site Plan Application 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ No change from original approval b. Landscaping: $ c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): Addition of fountain. 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): No Change from approval. b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): No Change from approval. c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): No Change from approval. 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: No Change from approval. 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: No Change from approval. 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: July 15, 2009 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) NAME MAILING ADDRESS WITH ZIP CODE PARCEL ID Burlington Properties, LTD — P.O. Box 0210, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01020 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC —186 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0860-0596 Chase Properties & Development, LTD — P.O. Box 2283, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0257-00046 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC —186 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0257-00066 & 00039 & 00860-0317 Super -Temp Realty Company, Inc. — 133 Elm St., Winooski, VT 05404 0257-00104 Greenfield Capital, LLC — P.O. Box 115, Eden, VT 05652 1715-00035 The Rock of Greater Burlington, Inc. — 145 Pine Haven Shores Road, Shelburne, VT 05482 1715-00073 13 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. ' - SIG ATURE OF APPLICANT tC5 RA -� - - SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 0� REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have 7CoComplete ed this site plan application and find it to be: _ ❑ Incomplete r of Planning & Zoning or Designee 2' 0" I _ 7/8" 18 GA. FURRING CHANNEL 3/4" EXT. GRADE MDF PAINTED TO MATCH SOFFIT CANOPY LIGHT METAL WALL SYSTEM (SECTION DETAIL A —A SCALE 1" = 1'-0" EDGE OF EXT. WALL HORIZONTAL SOFFIT SYSTEM ANGLED SOFFIT SYSTEM EXT. GRADE MDF PAINTED TO MATCH SOFFIT TYPICAL EAVE DETAIL @ SOFFIT LIGHT SCALE 1" = 1'—O" REFLECTED SOFFIT LIGHT PLAN SCALE 1" = 1'—O" SOFFIT LIGHT Richard Henry Behr Architect, PC 4M sn.n�m" Rwa r: � , S b.—, W 054M F¢,=, ldr01s7 =ASCIA SYSTEM A� CLIENT: h2trpton nroerood rLLC 3324 WM SIrNI. SuH. i 53607 rnmya, FL 33w� GA. SOFFIT I'AL FOR 2' OF STRUCTURAL LIGHT Birchwood Office LIms GHT 03.112.09 CANOPYW Building EAVE DETAIL 83 111oNNn SIM. YMNd.nd Sud— Mrk '^'ur' °�'°' A-SK-13 Notes: Job: Type: c DESIGNER CANOPY L1�- LIGHTING 220/221 SERIES RECESSED LUMINAIRES 220EM/221 EM SERIES RECESSED EMERGENCY LUMINAIRES GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Gardco Designer Canopy Luminaire is a family of downlight and wall wash ceiling mounted fixtures utilizing high intensity discharge and compact fluorescent lamps. The contemporary form housing is available in a variety of architectural finishes assuring compatibility with the building. Downlight optical systems are offered with prismatic or fresnel lenses and the wall washer is offered with a prismatic lens. The Designer Canopy Luminaire is suitable for outdoor applications and features rugged die cast construction, silicone seals and gaskets, and polyester powdercoat finishes. ORDERING PREFIX DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS Enter the order code into the appropriate box above Note. Gardco reserves the right to refuse a configuration Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations. For questions or concerns, please consult the factory. DISTRIBUTION (::2D2D Downlight P Prismatic Lens 221 Wall Wach 220EMI Emergency Downlight 221 Ell Emergency Wall Wash 1 Emergency luminaires are available in 42TRF only, 120V or277V only 50MH 50CMHE' 50HPS 26QFa 70MH 70CMHE' 70HPS 32TRF3 10OMH 100CII 100HPS 42TRF3 150MH1 150CMHEI 150HPS2 175MH MH Metal Halide CMHE Ceramic Metal Halide with Electronic Ballast HPS High Pressure Sodium OF Quad Tube Compact Fluorescent TRF Triple Tube Compact fluorescent 2 ANSI S55 3. Fluorescent lummaires feature electronic ballasts that accept 120V through 277V, 50hz to 60hz, input. Specify VAIN' voltage for 120V through 277V 4 Electronic ballast brand specified by Gardco only 120V or 277V only BRP Bronze Paint P Black Paint WP White Paint NP Natural Aluminum Paint BGP Beige Paint OC Optional Color Paint Specify Optional Color or RAL designation ex OC-RAL7024 Sc Special Color Paint Specify. Must supply color chip Fresnel Lens Available with 220 units only • UNI 120V through 277V 50hz to 60hz, input, 120 277 347 Consult factory for 347V availability prior to ordering Not available in Ceramic Metal Halide with Electronic Ballast (CMHE) types • • F5 Fusing RS Tamper Resistant Hardware QS6 Quartz Standby QST5 Quartz Restrike Timed Delay 5 Not available with EM luminaires, 347V or Ceramic Metal Halide with Electronic Ballast (CMHE) types 6. HID luminaires only. Limited to 10OW maximum quartz lamp wattage Not available in Ceramic Metal Halide with Electronic Ballast (CMHE) types. Available with 150 watt and lower only. Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sitelighting.com © Copyright 2008 Philips Group All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program 79115-92ro8oe Gardco Lighting is a Philips group brand PH I LI PS DESIGNiR CANOPY' 220/220EM/221 /221 EM SERIES RECESSED LUMINAIRES SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: The Gardco Designer Canopy Luminaire utilizes compact ELECTRICAL: HID luminaires that utilize magnetic ballasts are high power fluorescent and high intensity discharge lamps. Housing is recessed in ceiling factor and designed for reliable lamp starting to -201 F. HID luminaires that utilize cavity and shallow trim assembly is surfaced mounted on canopy. Two downlight electronic metal halide ballasts will operate ceramic metal halide lamps only. and one wall wash optical systems are available. Medium base pulse rated sockets are glazed porcelain with nickel plated screw shells. HOUSINGS: Housing assembly features diecast aluminum plaster flange, All fluorescent luminaires utilize electronic ballasts that are high power factor and formed steel ballast tray, adjustable mounting brackets, and steel housing cover. designed for reliable lamp starting to 0 F. Sockets are high temperature PBT with brass contacts. TRIMS: Diecast aluminum trim mechanically secures tempered glass lens. Hollow core, extruded silicone gaskets seal trim assembly to both housing and lens to permanently exclude insects, moisture, dust, and pollutants from luminaire. OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Fresnel lens provides an even, symmetrical downlight distribution. Prismatic downlight lens creates an elongated lighting pattern. Prismatic wall wash distribution provides uniform illumination on adjacent vertical surfaces. Cutout side trim on the Designer Canopy Luminaire allows light pattern on the wall to reach the ceiling line. EMERGENCY LUMINAIRES: In the event of power interruption, integral battery pack will power (1) 42W compact fluorescent lamp at reduced light levels. Maintenance free battery is rated for ambient temperatures down to 0°C. Indicator light is visible through the lens. A test switch is accessible through the door assembly. FINISH: Each luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant electrostatically applied, thermally cured, (TGIC) polyester powdercoat finish. LABELS: All luminaires have UL or CUL (where applicable) Wet Location labels. DIMENSIONS HID Units 26 35" �� \ C ----— 66 929- --- 1138" - •J — 2e 905cm -- -- Ci T 16 58" 42 113cm 39" 162I31cm ---- - - 2 25" 5 715cm O �- - 13 27" 26 35" —- --- 33 706cm - 66 929cm — Compact Fluorescent Units - 220/221 19 02' 48 311 cm 11 38" 28 905cm 5911, 150110m --_-- _ -- 2 25" 5715cm 13 27" 33 706cm Compact Fluorescent Units - 220EM/221 EM z8 9o5cscm 6 05' ISM,- 2 25" 5 715cm 13 27" 20905cm 9 02" 22 911— Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sitelighting.com © Copyright 2008 Philips Group All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program 7911592008 Gardco Lighting is a Philips group brand PH I LI PS NUL ITE LIIV[, . )D Commerce City, CO 80022 (303) 287-9646 (303) 287-0316 Fax EJ L-G HID & COMPACT FLUORESCENT WALL PACK INTEGRAL EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK AVAILABLE (CFL ONLY) DESCRIPTION: THE NULITE EJL-G IS A FULL CUTOFF WALLPACK WITH DIE CAST ALUMINUM HOUSING, ALUMINUM REFLECTOR WITH WIDE THROW OPTICS STANDARD, OPTIONAL FORWARD THROW OPTICS,TEMPERED CLEAR FLAT GLASS LENS, PHOTOCELL ADAPTABLE, OPTIONAL EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK. FIXTURE IS U.L. LISTED AND MEETS "DARK SKY REQUIREMENTS". fXTURE IS WET LOCATION LISTED FOR DOWNLIGHT APPLICATIONS ONLY. DIMENSIONS: Width = 161/2" Height = 7 1/8" Depth = 9 1/4" 14 + 7 1/8" ORDERING INFORMATION PHOTOMETRIC DATA: EGL-G-175MH-WT CATALOG NO. LAMP Characteristics IES Classification Type I L G 126 1- 26 W QT Longitudinal Classification Very Short EJL-G 128 1-28 W DT Cutoff Classification Full Cutoff EJL-G132 1-32WTT Total Rated Lamp Lumens 11,700 EJL-G 142 1-42 W TT EJL-G 70 HPS 70W HPS/MED \ EJL-G 100 HPS 100W HPS/MED EJL-G 150 HPS 150W HPS/MED j EJL-G 70 MH 70W MH/MED EJL-G 100 MH 100W MH/MED - _ - ----- _- , EJL-G 150 MH 150W MH/MED_ EJL-G 175 MH 175W MH/MED 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 OPTIONS: Distance in 10' Units. Luminaire Mounted @ 20' 277 VOLT 277V PHOTOCELL PC EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK* EM PHOTOMETRIC DATA: EGL-G-175MH-WT LOWTEMP. -4 DEG. EMERGENCY BATTERY PACK* EMLT-4 Characteristics WIDE THROW OPTICS (STANDARD) WT IES Classification Type II FORWARD THROW OPTICS FT Longitudinal Classification Very Short -20 DEG. [F] COLD START BALLAST -20°F Cutoff Classification Full Cutoff (Compact Fluorescent Only) Total Rated Lamp Lumens 11,700 FINISHES: BRONZE (STANDARD) B BLACK WHITE BK WH J I 1 " FOR CUSTOM L CO ORS CONTACT FACTORY. \ * Emergency ballast fluorescent only available with compact lamping. 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 U L 0 Distance in 10' Units. Luminaire Mounted @ 20' H13 11 CIVIL E, ire, iEE;tII it ASS CI rEs, IINC, 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com June 25, 2009 Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Birchwood Office Building - Meadowland Business Park Applicant/Owner: Birchwood Burlington, LLC Site Plan Application Dear Mr. Belair: In accordance with your recommendation, please find attached a revised site plan which addresses certain design modifications required to improve the security and operational characteristics of the facility. The proposed modifications in which this application seeks approval include: 1- The placement of additional boulders around the perimeter of the site. 2. Extending the concrete walk at the north entrance towards the mail room. 3. An 8' x 12' storage shed has been added for property maintenance. 4. The bike rack has been relocated. 5. A concrete pad for an emergency generator has been added at the southwest corner of the building. 6. A water fountain has been added at the south and north entry points to the building. 7. High efficiency vehicle parking has been dedicated in the north and south parking lots. 8. Soffit lighting has been added to the building (Catalog cuts and architectural sections are attached) 9. Security lighting in the form of wall sconces (Catalog cuts are attached). These modifications have been highlighted on the plan. Mr. Ray Belair Page 2 of2 June 25, 2009 Please find attached a completed application and supporting plans for this proposed facility. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Six (6) Full Size and Nine 11" x 17" reduced Size Plan sets including: C-1.2 Site Grading & Drainage Plan Aug., 2008 Rev 5-6-09 Catalog Cuts of Building Mounted Lighting Architectural Detail of Soffit Lighting. Amended Site Plan Application (with $75 +11 fee) cc: M. Behr (w/ enclosures), C. Prather (w/ enclosures) P•\AutoCADD ProJects\2008\08164\Permitting\Local\Construction\13elair Site Plan Covermpd ®THE MAIN STREET AM Bond Number S261927 NGM Insurance Company • Old Dominion Insurance Comp Company Main Street America Assurance Company • MSA Insurance Company Information Systems and Services Corporation Performance Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): Surety (Name and Principal Place of Business) Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 West Cypress Street. Suite B NGM Insurance Company Tampa, FL 33607 55 West Street Keene, NH 03431 OWNER (Name and Address): City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: 11 /03/2008-11 /03/2011 Amount: $49,116.00 Description (Name and Location): Landscaping in connection with construction of a new building located on lot 8 and lot 9 Meadowlands Business Park, 65 and 103 Bowdoin Street, South Burlington, Vermont BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): 11/03/2008-11/03/2011 Amount: $49,116.00 Modifications to this Bond: ® None ❑ See Page 3 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: , Birchwood Burlington, LLC (corporate Seal) NGM Insurance Company Signature: Signature: Name: Charles M. Prather Name: Melissa Morse -Luke and Title: Member and Title: Attorney -in -Fact (Any additional signatures appear on page 3) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY— Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or The Essex Agency, Inc PO Box 239 other party): Essex Junction, Vermont 05453-0239 Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) by the NGM Insurance Company. The language in this document conforms exactly to the language used in AIA Document A312, December 1984 edition, third printing, March, 1987. 68-5301 (05/2006) Page 1 of 6 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the perfor- mance of the Construction Contract, which is incorpo- rated herein by reference. 2 If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1. 3 If there is no Owner Default, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1 The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at its address described in Paragraph 10 be- low that the Owner is considering declaring a Con- tractor Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the Contractor and the Surety to be held not later than fifteen days after re- ceipt of such notice to discuss methods of perform- ing the Construction Contract. If the Owner, the Con- tractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be allowed a reasonable time to perform the Construc- tion Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right, if any, subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; and 3.2 The Owner has declared a Contractor Default and formally terminated the Contractor's right to complete the contract. Such Contractor Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety have received notice as provided in Subparagraph 3.1; and 3.3 The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in ac- cordance with the terms of the contract with the Owner. 4 When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Para- graph 3, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor. with consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Con- struction Contract itself, through its agents or through independent contractors; or ragraph 6 in excess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner resulting from the Con- tractor's default; or 4.4 Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: .1 After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the Owner and, as soon as practicable after the amount is determined, tender payment therefor to the Owner; or .2 Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner citing reasons therefor. 5 If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Para- graph 4 with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obliga- tions under this Bond, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4, and the Owner refuses the payment tendered or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy avail- able to the Owner. 6 After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price to mi- tigation of costs and damages on the Construction Con- tract, the Surety is obligated without duplication for: 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correc- tion of defective work and completion of the Con- struction Contract; 6.2 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and re- sulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and 6.3 Liquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual 4.3 Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from quali- damages caused by delayed performance or non- fied contractors acceptable to the Owner for a con- performance of the Contractor. tract for performance and completion of the Con- 7 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others struction Contract, arrange for a contract to be pre- for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the pared for execution by the Owner and the contractor Construction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be se- Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any cured with performance and payment bonds ex- such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall ac- ecuted by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds crue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators or succes- Owner the amount of damages as described in Pa- sors. Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) by the NGM Insurance Company. The language in this document conforms exactly to the language used in AIA Document A312, December 1984 edition, third printing, March, 1987. 68-5301 (05/2006) Page 2 of 6 8 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, in- cluding changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obli- gations. 9 Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is lo- cated and shall be instituted within two years after Con- tractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety re- fuses or fails to perform its obligation under this Bond, whichever occurs first. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limi- tation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdic- tion of the suit shall be applicable. 10 Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. 11 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal require- ment shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: 12 DEFINITIONS 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allowance to the Con- tractor of any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, re- duced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Contract. 12.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the sig- nature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to per- form or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Con- tractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) NGM Insurance Company Signature:. Name: and Title: Signature: Name: and Title: Attorney -in -Fact Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) by the NGM Insurance Company. The language in this document conforms exactly to the language used in AIA Document A312, December 1984 edition, third printing, March, 1987. 68-5301 (05/2006) Page 3 of 6 i NGM INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY 06-0097072 A member of The Main $tree) Amarlea Group KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That NGM Insurance Company, a.Florida corporation having its principal office in the City of Jacksonville, State of Florida, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the By -haws of said Company, to wit; "Article IV, Section 2. The board of directors, the president, any vice president, secretary, or the treasurer shall have the power and authority to appoint attorneys -in -fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the company and affix the seal of the company thereto, bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity or writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking and to remove any such attorneys -in -fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to them. " does hereby make, constitute and appoint David B Holton, Nana BIow, Elizabeth. Griffo, John J Handy, Melissa Morse -Luke, Susan Mongeon------- _ -----------__ --------- its true and lawful Attorneys -in -fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, or other {writings obligatory in nature of a bond subject to the following limitation: 1. No one bond to exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00). and to bind NGM Insurance Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of the NGM Insurance Company; the acts of said Attorney are hereby ratified and confirmed. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolution adopted by the Directors of NGM Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 2nd day of December 1977. Voted; That the signature of any officer authorized by the By -Laws and the company seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or special power of attorney or certification of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, recognizance or other written obligation in the nature thereof; such signature and seal, when so used being hereby adopted by the company as the original signature of such office and the original seal of the company, to be valid and binding upon the company with the same force and effect as though manually, affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NGM Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its Corporate Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 1 st day of March, 2006. yr.. .♦? � ,U,,,µWI11N////// NGM INSURANCE COMPANY By: is� Susan E Mack Corporate Secretary "" °" 010 State of Florida, County of Duval. On this March 1, 2006 before the subscriber a Notary Public of State of Florida in and for the County of Duval duly commissioned and qualified, came William C. McKenna of the NGM Insurance Company, to me personally known to be the officer described herein, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of same, and being by me fully swom, deposed and said that he is an officer of said Company, aforesaid: that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and the said corporate steal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company; that Article IV, Section 2 of the By -Laws of said Company is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Jacksonville, Florida this Ist day of March, 2006. , P. A, .� Cammiaaian tl Di12;* xplray 1lugust 21, � tloM�1Tn, F1n • inaven�, ne M30.71Ffot� I, Brian J Beggs, Vice President of the NGM Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a tru�,ap,d; ,,correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said Company which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at Jacksonville, l~Y'6144 this 3 day of November 2008 ACOR , . CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 11/3/2008Y) PRODUCER (802) 878-5334 FAX: (802) 878-0852 Essex Agency, Inc. 2 Railroad Street P.O. Box 239 Essex Junction VT 05452-0239 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED Birchwood Burlington LLC 5524 West Cypress St Suite B Tampa FL 33607 INSURERA Acadia Insurance Co 31325 INSURERB INSURERC. INSURER D• INSURER E rnvFaer_Fc THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITSAGGREGATE INSR ADD'L TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PDATE YMW D/YYE POLICY MWD nY) LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE FiC OCCUR CLA0264285-10 8/1/2008 8/1/2009 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 To ( RENTEDEa n PR $ 250,000 MED EXP (Any oneperson) $ 5,000 PERSONAL A V INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER X POLICY 0 PEC�RO LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP A $ 2,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY. AG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY OCCUR CLAIMS MADE DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION EACH QCCURRPNQF $ A GR ATE $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED If yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below WC STATURY O R E L EACH ACCIDENT $ E L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE City of South Burlington EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 575 Dorset Street 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT South Burlington, VT 0 54 03 FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE i E Griffo/BETHG ACORD 25 (2001/08) © ACORD CORPORATION 1988 INS025 miom o8a Page 1 of 2 September 17, 2008 Mr. William Szymanski, City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street Cl8/1! EINIGH IEE;tlNG r SSOCIARS, INC., 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 City Engineer South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mailCa)cea-vt.com Re: Birchwood Office Building - Meadowland Business Park Engineering Review Comments SD-08-44 & 45 Dear Mr. Szymanski: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on September 11, 2008 concerning the Birchwood Burlington, LLC office building proposed on Lots 8 and 9 at the mead'owland Business Park. We are in receipt of your comments and have summarized those issues and have provided a response on how the issue has been addressed. Relocated sewer easement 20 ft. in width shall be shown on the plans. This has been added to Sheet C1.3, the Site Utility Plan. 2. New manhole serving new building shall clear the building b at least 20 feet. We have relocated the building to the east and have re -aligned the proposed drainage line and to facilitate the relocation of the sewer manhole further from the building. Due to constraints with the wetlands and associated buffer to the west, the sewer manhole separation has been improved from 10' to 16'. 3. Relocated sewer main shall clear the building by at least 10 feet. Plan shows about 4 feet. The building relocation and sewer manhole relocation has enabled the full 10 foot separation to be achieved. Sewer MH #2 to MH #3 west of the building shall be installed in sleeve because the sidewalk and retaining wall constructed on top of it. The plans now call for this section to be placed in a sleeve. 4. Sewer manhole must be accessible for maintenance and cleaning. New manhole west of proposed building will have to be accessed. We have raised the top of the retaining wall to provide a flat area. With the relocation of the building, there now is adequate room to back a vehicle up to this manhole. 5. Sidewalk shall be continuous across driveways -not depressed as shown. The plans have been revised to include a detail showing the new flush concrete curb and the driveway ramp up into the bit. Conc. Sidewalk. The minimum Mr. William Szymanski Page two of two September 17, 2008 elevation the edge of the sidewalk is to be above the gutter has been set at 6" to provide a reasonable separation without adversely affecting access into the site. 6. Trees shall clear water main by at least 5 feet. This requirement has been met for the water service and new hydrant at the south end of the site. The alignment of the existing water main and available green belt along Bowdoin Street precludes full compliance with the 5' separation. The proposed "infill" trees along Bowdoin Street have been sited consistent with the existing street trees. 7. Bituminous road paving and patching thickness shall be 2.5" base course and 1.5" inches surface course for a total of 4 inches. This detail has been modified on Sheet C5.2. 8. The building footing drains shall include clean -outs especially along the south side of the building where there are several bends. Clean -outs have been added to the grading and drainage plan, Sheet C1.2. 9. Concrete curb along the street shall be depressed at the entrance drives. Curbs shall not cross sidewalk at the entrance. The radius curbs at the driveway entrance points onto Bowdoin Street have been eliminated while the use of flush curb has been clarified on the detail on Sheet C1.2. This completes the summary of the revisions that have been made to the plans. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Sheets C1.1, C1.2, C1.4, C5.2 cc: M. Behr (no/ enclosures) CEA File 08164.00 (no/ enclosures) R\AutoCADD Projects\2008\08164\Permitting\Local\Prelim-Final\Szymanski.wpd �-3kcehwood+b 40""`�-VERMONT State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE DETERMINATION #2001-398 A request for a Conditional Use Determination amendment, required pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 of the Vermont Wetland Rules has been received from David Marshall, P.E. of Civil Engineering Associates, representative for Birchwood Burlington, LLC. An amendment to the approved conditional use is required due to the change in the wetland boundary since the tn-ne of the approval of the original project. The wetland boundary has expanded, and the proposed project, which originally was planned to avoid buffer impacts, now is proposed with stonnwater utilities in the buffer zone. Approval is being requested for 11,683 sq ft of buffer zone impact for grading. stonnwater conveyance and detention, and a small corner (200 sq ft) of a proposed office building. There are no proposed wetland impacts. This wetland has been designated as a significant (Class Two) wetland in the Vermont Wetland Rules, and the project is located on Lots 8 and 9 in the Meadowland Business Park in South Burlington, Vermont. Copies of the application are available for review at the Vermont Wetlands Office in Waterbury, the Town Clerk's Office in South Burlington and the Regional Planning Comrnission office in South Burlington. Conditional Use Determinations may only be approved if it is shown that the proposed conditional use will not have an undue adverse impact on the functions and values of any significant wetlands or then- adjacent buffer zones. Any person may file comments in writing on this application through October 10, 2008 with: Alan Quackenbush State Wetlands Coordinator Water Quality Division Department of Environmental Conservation 10 North Building 103 South Main Street Waterbury, VT 05671-0408 802-241-3761 Date sent: 9 •tS'08 By Enclosure cc: Distribution List Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury T. - - - - -- 'I -I --� - :::::: I SITE ENGINEER. I r )A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. � J.,•'- '•'- ,, ; �'--�--------- - -- I j I I I ll 1,1�41 �XyIt, �>'Ir�;, EOMwsREJnHEh'LwE, sourNtxrwReTON,vrosM .. l PROJECT%,11Iv n '-4Nyi iIIr'I11 1 j ro..N.. .. LOCATION] t................. MJW :f :f:•" :::. ':•I 1 I J I - 1 "l' -�i _, �1�11II ,, cntcrtD i ) :'sifss)iI DSM —� — s-� L '{ ti'I\- II rt��11j1��' ,vrwvto j�:'.%— — T — I \al+ ),Njj�lp4 DSM --'3�y���_ OWNER: BIRCHWOOD 1 1 I I I4 _l! BURLINGTON, INC. I I I 1�:'i ••• „ ,C'�.:"L -� — - _� ---r 1, i F- — 'I � ' I 1 1 � i { ) I\ / �- �J�,- � 5521 WEST CYPRESS S STREET 3.88 AC SUITES • I =' "`[tom -- t r _ I Ii 1 SUMMER ICE JOINT I III TAMPA, FL 33607 VENTURE, LLC ITON j j '{i I' I 11 w I I3•06 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD N Ili j3 90 A SE PROPERTIES BURLINGTON, INC. CHA 4(1�VELOPMENT LTD I - 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE / I I I � G{-. -. •. -�_ O' I �UJOINT I III i II 13.13 Ac. ' - --: / „ _ _ - -- TAMPA. FL 33607 ,. VENTURE, LLC PROJECT: 3.96 Ac. I I I i it .� _ � _ ---- � I, rr11 : _ r BIRCHWOOD JOINT 1- - OFFICE BUILDING — — M OWLAND 1:::: ..-'. 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET :: .J ) \ :::', :::::: ':` ' :':::/ '� ` o f+T LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND �1 :'::::::':.:�. �✓ BUSINESS PARK :{•:':...'- �" !I SOUTH BURLINGTON 'ORIEN I• - - .. II SUMMER ICEJOIM lh�i� l _ i-i•'.'- -� ' VERMONT NLANDS; LLC ttII •:.'•:''' .I, I VENTURE. LLC - tj 1 20 �/ •I 20', PEDESTRIAN '• ' a EASEMENT % I- _./ EAt M�TTRIAN I f EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDAR 5' CHANNEL ; LOCATION MAP ID AREA I LEGEND T-2000 I — ' 1 l \ EXISTING CONTOUR DAW Cn=D m -oN DUBOIS '\ 1-10-M M/ML QIFDAL XWOMS APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE 1-IS-01 DSM/ACL WWD RUM 1T EAST � � — SETBACK LINEy-11-m U9//Aa x01 wEIlNDI QIlFA1gH t I�IGEFA • !I i ______________________ EASEMENT LINE —SS— — GRAVITY SEWER LINE r/ - — G — — GAS LINE GRAPHIC SCALE — — W — — WATER LINE — —UE&T— — UNDERGROUND ELEC. h TEL — IN JILT —ST — STORM DRAINAGE LINE OVERALL ( ) I IDah - 1w tL ® SEWER MANHOLE ep, unUTY POLE SITE 0 SHUT-OFF PLAN SIGN ZONING DISTRICT: ® CATCH BASIN a Q INDUSTRIAL &OPEN SPACE DECIDUOUS TREES DArc nM11DIG Nun1n CONIFEROUS TREE AUG_, 2008 EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS trot FENCE 1" = 150' C_ 1.0 — ND 00000543 V = 828 PG, CITY CLEI( -S OFFICE Received Nov 07►2+1 01:20P Recorded in VOL: 828 PG: 631� (n OF 5o. Burlington Land Records Attsast = Donna Y,inviIle City Olerk LOT MERGER AGREEMENT 000*bA THIS AGREEMENT entered into and effective this I day of Geteber., 2008, by and between Birchwood Burlington, LLC, a Florida limited liability company with a principal place of business in Tampa, Florida (hereinafter "Owner") , andThe City of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality located in Chittenden County, State of Vermont (hereinafter "Municipality"); WHEREAS, Birchwood Burlington, LLC is the owner of two contiguous parcels of land acquired by Warranty Deed of Grandview Farms, Inc. dated August 1, 2008 and recorded in Volume 822 at Page 87-90 of the Municipality's Land Records and being more particularly described therein as Lot 8 and 9 Meadowland Business Park; and WHEREAS, Lot 8 and Lot 9 are shown and depicted on a plan entitled "MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK, Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT., Subdivision Plat," prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, dated April 23, 1996, last revised August 27, 1996, and recorded at Map Volume 386, Page 98 of the Municipality's Land Records; and WHEREAS, Birchwood Burlington, LLC desires to develop and use Lots 8 and 9 as a single parcel of land in conjunction with its planned commercial development of said Lots; and WHEREAS, on Tuesday, September 16, 2008, the Municipality's Development Review Board granted Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-44 and Final Plat Application #SD-08-45 for an office building to be constructed on Lot 8 and Lot 9; and WHEREAS, a condition of the site plan approval is that Lot 8 and 9 be legally merged for purposes of the Municipal Land Use Ordinances, and that a Lot Merger Agreement be executed and recorded in the Municipality's Land Records prior to the issuance of a zoning permit to construct the approved improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Municipality issuing a zoning permit under its Zoning Regulations for development of the two above -described parcels of land as a single parcel by Birchwood Burlington, LLC, the parties hereto agree as follows: From the date of this instrument, Lots 8 and 9, as described herein shall constitute a single lot for purposes of compliance with the Municipality's Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations, which may not be conveyed separately, or otherwise subdivided, without the express written approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board. This Lot Merger Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, and shall run with the land. 631 00000543 � V -. 828 P G = 632 DATED at 1,) 1 D-) 10 8 Vent mitt, as of the date first above -written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Birchwood Burlington, LLC --- By: (Witness) uek Prather, its Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMON-T P4 Or I'4 ei COUNTY OF C-ffff4EMDEN, SS. q,113b �, 0 ,;J, At -VC r,.,oq F , this -) -a day of October, 2008,Chuck Prather, Duly Authorized Aged ofBirchwood Burlington, LLC, personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of Birchwood Burlington, LLC. t,RY:Uk z� c REBECCA A. SMITH MY COMMISSION # DO 394005 * * EXPIRES: June 4,2009 f111"r eoeded ThN Budget Notary Services "le IN THE PRESENCE OF: STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CRITTENDEN, SS. Before me,� Notary Public City of South Burlington By: Cha es Ilafter, Its Duly Authorized Agent IJ01�- At 50` 3y r , this Z day of Octehav, 2008, Charles Rafter, Duly Authorized Agent of the City f South Burlingtoq personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington h.i;-».J'V�Yr :'nN4'Y,'e44 t451; ,4 i{1l,JmAs 4 L/+Y fitt�wsr�.w4'iyy� ore 4 „; Notary ubl' Form Lot Merger AgreenteutagrIL a * r � J .z C November 3, 2008 Ctl Irl�l��IRll Ir 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Mr. Ray Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: Birchwood Burlington, LLC Office Facility 65 Bowdoin Street, Lots 8&9 at the Meadowland Business Park Zoning Permit Application and Supporting Document Submittal Dear Mr. Belair: Please find enclosed the signature page of the lot consolidations document executed by the applicant. This now needs to be executed by the City in order for the document to be eligible for filing with the City Clerk. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully: David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Lot Merger Agreement (Under separate cover) cc: CEA File 08164 (w/enclosures); M. Behr (w/ enclosures): C. Prather (w/ enclosures) P\AutoCADD Projects\2008\08164\Permittmg\Local\Construction\Belair Letterlwpd r1N/I L EINGII IEE;tl'IN I ASO!E) 0CIArES. 1NCA% 10 Mansfield View Lane South Btirlinaton, VT 05403 September 22, 2008 Mr. Craig Lambert, City Arborist City of South Burlington Department of Public Works 500 Patchen Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Birchwood Burlington, LLC Final Plat Landscaping Comments Dear Mr. Lambert: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 F-Mail: mailO- cea-vt.com In accordance with your comments regarding the final plat application landscaping plans for the Birchwood Burlington, LLC project located on Lots 8 & 9 at the Meadowland Business Park, Michael Lawrence has revised the plans to address: "Species selection looks pretty good with two possible exceptions: l . Concolor Fir, Abies concolor may not be the best choice as it does poorly in heavy clay and poorly drained soils This has been replaced with Picea englemanii 2. Bagatelle Barberry, Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea `Bagatelle ' is on Vermont's invasive species watch list and while planting is not prohibited I'd advise using a different species" This has been replaced with Rosa Flower carpet `Scarlet" We have enclosed one set of the L-1 and L-2 sheets last revised 9-22-08 which reflects these modifications. Cathyann LaRose or Ray Belair will need to be advised of the acceptability of these revisions as the issuance of a Zoning Permit enabling construction can not be issued until this and other conditions have been satisfied. This completes our summary of the issues as we understand them. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully, David S_ Marshall; P_F_ Project Engineer Enclosures - Plans L-1 & L-2 cc: C. LaRose, M. Behr, CEA 08164 (All w/ enclosure) P.wutOGADD Projects\2008\08164\Permitting\Local\Prelim-F inal\Lambert.wpd CIVIL El Irll IEEPRIING rISS0C1AfE1S. lj IC� 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com October 20, 2008 Mr. Ray Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Birchwood Burlington, LLC Office Facility 65 Bowdoin Street, Lots 8&9 at the Meadowland Business Park Zoning Permit Application and Supporting Document Submittal Dear Mr. Belair: Thank you for taking the time to review the draft submittal of the Zoning Permit for the Birchwood office building project and providing your input on improving the submittal information. We have enclosed the following documents for your review in support of this application process. Summary of Compliance with Permit Conditions - We have summarized the status of the conditions of approval below. 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect, except as amended herein. Acknowledged. 2. This project shall be complete as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. Acknowledged. 3. The final plat plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plans shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to recording: a. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Arborist as outlined in a memo dated September 5, 2008. We understand that Craig Lambert has reviewed the revised plans and signed off on their appropriateness. b. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer as outlined in a memorandum dated September 11, 2008. We submitted a revised set of plans to Bill Syzmanski On September 18t' and are not aware of any issues. Mr. Ray Belair Page 2 of 4 October 20, 2008 4. The applicant comply with the specifications of the City Arborist per the memo dated September 5, 2008. Acknowledged. All of his recommendations have been integrated into the updated plan set (see note about Craig Lambert). 5. The applicant shall adhere to the specifications of the City Engineer as outlined in a memorandum dated September 11, 2008. Acknowledged. All of his recommendations have been integrated into the updated plan set. 6. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated September 4, 2008. Acknowledged. All of his recommendations have been integrated into the construction plan set (The latest being that the ductile iron pipe is to be polywrapped). 7. The applicant shall obtain final sewer allocation from the Director of Planning and Zoning prior to permit issuance. Acknowledged. An application for sewer connection is attached and the fee ($25 + $11) for the final sewer allocation is included in the overall Impact Fee and Permit Fee check. 8. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Acknowledged. The plans include an extensive EPSC phasing plans, narrative and details. 9. The final drawings shall be approved by the Director of Public Works with respect to the hammerhead turnaround. The plans approved by the Development Review Board reflect the attached approval from Craig Plumb. 10. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. Acknowledged. 11. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall record a Lot Merger Agreement, approved by the City Attorney, in the Land Records. This has been completed and has been forwarded to the City Attorney. We understand that the language has been accepted. 12. The physical and 911 address for this property shall be 65 Bowdoin Street. Acknowledged. Mr. Ray Belair Page 3 of 4 October 20, 2008 13. Any new exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting fixtures. Any change to approved lights shall require approval of the Administrative Officer prior to installation. Acknowledged. 14. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall post a $49,116 landscaping bond. This bond shall remain in full effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of survival. Acknowledged. 15. For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Development Review Board estimates that this project will generate 47.06 vehicle trip end's during the p.m. peak hour. Acknowledged. 16. The mylar shall be recorded prior to permit issuance. Acknowledged. 17. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 17.04 of the Land Development Regulations or this approval is null and void. Acknowledged. 18. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the building. Acknowledged. 19. Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. Acknowledged. 20. The final plat plan (Sheet PLA and Sheet C-1.1) shall be recorded in the land records within 180 days or this approval is null and void. Please find attached Sheet C1.1 for signature and recording. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format Please find attached a CD with the digital information for the plat. The format of the digital information shall require the approval of the South Burlington GIS Coordinator. Acknowledged. Zoning (Building) Permit Application - Attached is a completed application signed by the property owner/applicant. The fee amount of $2,720 (27,200SF $0.10/SF) + $100 + $11= $2,831 is included in the overall Impact Fee and Permit Fee check. A Plan showing the setbacks has been included. The elevations are on the full size plan sheets. Application for Wastewater Connection - This final application form is enclosed. A check in the amount of (1,116 GPD x $9.20/gpd) $10,627.20 is Mr. Ray Belair Page 4 of 4 October 20, 2008 included in the overall Impact Fee and Permit Fee check. Plan sheets supporting this application are attached. Application for Water Connection - This is being processed through Jay Nadeau and we understand is not required to be completed as part of the issuance of the Zoning Permit. Impact Fees - The calculated impact fees are based on the 47.06 P.M. Peak traffic generation and the associated building values from the ordinance. Impacts fee payments for $42,198.07 (traffic) and $3,179.32 (fire) are included in the overall Impact Fee and Permit Fee check. This completes our summary of the documentation prepared in support of the issuance of a Zoning Permit for the project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x310. Respectfully: David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Wastewater Connection Application, Plans Craig Plumb e-mail Lot Merger Agreement (Under separate cover) Sheet C1.1 mylar for signature and recording CD with digital property line information. Zoning Permit Application, Setback Plan Landscaping Bond (under Separate Cover from DEW Construction) Impact & Permit Fee Check ($58,411.59 under separate cover) Three Sets of Updated Plan sheets (landscaping and City Engineer revision sheets) cc: CEA File 08164 w/enclosures no CD/plans; M. Behr (w/ enclosures, no CD/plans): C. Prather (w/ enclosures, no CD/plans) PAAutoCADD Pnnje ts12OOM9164 Letter2mpa ( Page I of 2 David Marshall From: Craig Plumb [cplumb@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:14 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Subject: RE: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Dave, After looking over the plan for Meadowland that you dropped off we (Bruce & I) are ok with what is on the plan with regard to truck turning movements. Please make sure to note that at the end of the hammerhead and the turn around that these area's need to be a smooth transition form asphalt to ground. Also, Bruce wanted me to mention the comments from the rec path committee and that they not be forgotten. Craig Craig P. Plumb Public Works Superintendent City of South Burlington DPW 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Phone: 802.658.7961 Fax: 802.658.7976 Email: cplumb@sburl.com From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:34 PM To: Craig Plumb Subject: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Craig - Just a heads up. We have a hard copy plan being delivered to you which depicts the turning movements for the typical plow. Best. David S. Marshall, P.E Civil Engineering Associates, Inc 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 From: Craig Plumb [mailto:cplumb@sburl.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 10:31 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Cc: Bruce Hoar Subject: Just a follow-up on the proposed temporary hammerhead in lieu of cul-de-sac at the end of Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Industrial Park. We are laying out the "legs" and wanted to get your input on 10/20/2008 ( ` Page 2 of 2 the length of the leg that you would like to see. There are two components. 1. the length of the truck with the plow and 2. how much snow storage you need at the end of the major (the leg most of the snow would be plowed into) leg and the minor leg (which would include the snow from the side throw of the major leg and the snow within the minor leg itself). Lastly, we were hoping to confirm that a 25' radius for the curbing (similar to the public street) would be suitable for use in the hammerhead configuration. Dave, Above are the questions that were forwarded to me by Bruce. Sorry it has taken this long to get back to you. Al. The length of truck and plow is 36'-4". A2. This is an unanswerable question. Snow storage is based on actual snow fall and obviously changes from storm to storm. That said, with regard to the hammerhead, as long as we can push the snow past the end w/o obstacles into an open space (no utility structure etc) than there should not be a problem, just let us know how much space there will be and we will let you know if we think that we need more. Craig Craig P. Plumb Public Works Superintendent City of South Burlington DPW 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Phone: 802.658.7961 Fax: 802.658.7976 Email: cplumb@sburl.com 10/20/2008 ( ( Page 1 of 2 David Marshall From: David Marshall [dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:51 PM To: 'Craig Plumb' Cc: Cathyann LaRose (clarose@sburl.com) Subject: RE: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Craig - Thanks for your input. For the temporary hammerhead, the intent is to provide a non -curbed smooth transition for your guys doing the plowing. The Rec Path comments relative to providing an easy means of egressing from the sidewalk onto the roadway at the end of Bowdoin Street has been integrated into the plan set submitted to the DRB. This includes a mini -curb cut connection between the sidewalk and the road edge. The Rec path Committee had expressed some frustration that the ends of other walkways ended abruptly with no means of egress other than across the green space, or worse..... Best David S. Marshall, P.E Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 From: Craig Plumb [mailto:cplumb@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:14 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Subject: RE: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Dave, After looking over the plan for Meadowland that you dropped off we (Bruce & I) are ok with what is on the plan with regard to truck turning movements. Please make sure to note that at the end of the hammerhead and the turn around that these area's need to be a smooth transition form asphalt to ground. Also, Bruce wanted me to mention the comments from the rec path committee and that they not be forgotten. Craig Craig P. Plumb Public Works Superintendent City of South Burlington DPW 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Phone: 802.658.7961 Fax: 802.658.7976 Email: cplumb@sburl.com From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:34 PM To: Craig Plumb 10/20/2008 ( Page 2 of 2 Subject: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Craig - Just a heads up. We have a hard copy plan being delivered to you which depicts the turning movements for the typical plow. Best. David S. Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 010 F 864-2271 From: Craig Plumb [mailto:cplumb@sburl.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 10:31 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Cc: Bruce Hoar Subject: Just a follow-up on the proposed temporary hammerhead in lieu of cul-de-sac at the end of Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Industrial Park. We are laying out the "legs" and wanted to get your input on the length of the leg that you would like to see. There are two components. 1. the length of the truck with the plow and 2, how much snow storage you need at the end of the major (the leg most of the snow would be plowed into) leg and the minor leg (which would include the snow from the side throw of the major leg and the snow within the minor leg itself). Lastly, we were hoping to confirm that a 25' radius for the curbing (similar to the public street) would be suitable for use in the hammerhead configuration. Dave, Above are the questions that were forwarded to me by Bruce. Sorry it has taken this long to get back to you. Al. The length of truck and plow is 36'-4". A2. This is an unanswerable question. Snow storage is based on actual snow fall and obviously changes from storm to storm. That said, with regard to the hammerhead, as long as we can push the snow past the end w/o obstacles into an open space (no utility structure etc) than there should not be a problem, just let us know how much space there will be and we will let you know if we think that we need more. Craig Craig P. Plumb Public Works Superintendent City of South Burlington DPW 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Phone: 802.658.7961 Fax: 802.658.7976 Email: cplumb@sburl.com 10/20/2008 uk- i-MU-eOUO 00; D4H r KUV -1 I T Ur /bUU 1 H UUKL1N Li0d89b4101 TO:: geG50157 l 1 P.1 op southburlington VERMONT IMPACT & PERMIT FEES WORK SHEET 10 Zoning Permit @ $500/SFD OR 0 i $350/MF unit j1, .w/S.f %q Permit Recording Fee = $11.00 Sewer Impact Fee (#204) _ bedrooms x Lg.p.d. x $9.20 Bartlett Bay Plant: Airport Parkway Plant: School Impact Fee (#222) Recreation Impact Fee (#220) South Village Recreation Impact Fee (#243) J Road Impact Fee (#221) 'i ^ �' 1 �• O =.:> r �„ ,, ; �, ' ,. Fire Protection Fee (#203) 3 / I % • Dorset Street Waterline Fee (#230) Sewer Inspection Fee = $25.00 Sewer Inspection Recording Fee = $11.00 TOTAL v ` jj. '5,j Property Address: &hplq Property Owner: September 17, 2008 Mr. William Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Birchwood Office Building - Meadowland Business Park Engineering Review Comments SD-08-44 & 45 Dear Mr. Szymanski: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on September 11, 2008 concerning the Birchwood Burlington, LLC office building proposed on Lots 8 and 9 at the meadowland Business Park. We are in receipt of your comments and have summarized those issues and have provided a response on how the issue has been addressed. Relocated sewer easement 20 ft. in width shall be shown on the plans. This has been added to Sheet C1.3, the Site Utility Plan. 2. New manhole serving new building shall clear the building b at least 20 feet. We have relocated the building to the east and have re -aligned the proposed drainage line and to facilitate the relocation of the sewer manhole further from the building. Due to constraints with the wetlands and associated buffer to the west, the sewer manhole separation has been improved from 10' to 16'. 3. Relocated sewer main shall clear the building by at least 10 feet. Plan shows about 4 feet. The building relocation and sewer manhole relocation has enabled the full 10 foot separation to be achieved. Sewer MH #2 to MH #3 west of the building shall be installed in sleeve because the sidewalk and retaining wall constructed on top of it. The plans now call for this section to be placed in a sleeve. 4. Sewer manhole must be accessible for maintenance and cleaning. New manhole west of proposed building will have to be accessed. We have raised the top of the retaining wall to provide a flat area. With the relocation of the building, there now is adequate room to back a vehicle up to this manhole. 5. Sidewalk shall be continuous across driveways -not depressed as shown. The plans have been revised to include a detail showing the new flush concrete curb and the driveway ramp up into the bit. Conc. Sidewalk. The minimum Mr. William Szymanski Page two of two September 17, 2008 elevation the edge of the sidewalk is to be above the gutter has been set at 6" to provide a reasonable separation without adversely affecting access into the site. 6. Trees shall clear water main by at least 5 feet. This requirement has been met for the water service and new hydrant at the south end of the site. The alignment of the existing water main and available green belt along Bowdoin Street precludes full compliance with the 5' separation. The proposed "infill" trees along Bowdoin Street have been sited consistent with the existing street trees. 7. Bituminous road paving and patching thickness shall be 2.5" base course and 1.5" inches surface course for a total of 4 inches. This detail has been modified on Sheet C5.2. 8. The building footing drains shall include clean -outs especially along the south side of the building where there are several bends. Clean -outs have been added to the grading and drainage plan, Sheet C1.2. 9. Concrete curb along the street shall be depressed at the entrance drives. Curbs shall not cross sidewalk at the entrance. The radius curbs at the driveway entrance points onto Bowdoin Street have been eliminated while the use of flush curb has been clarified on the detail on Sheet C1.2. This completes the summary of the revisions that have been made to the plans. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Sheets C1.1, C1.2, C1.4, C5.2 cc: M. Behr (no/ enclosures) CEA File 08164.00 (no/ enclosures) P \AutoCADD Projects\2008\08164\Permitting\Local\Prelim-Final\Szymanski wpd r 4#oP YERMONT State of Vermont Agemy of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Amendment to Conditional Use Determination #2001-398 Please be notified, as per Section 8.4 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, that the request for an amendment to Conditional Use Determination #2001-398 received from Birchwood Burlington, LLC has been approved on this 15th day of October, 2008. It was found by the Department of Environmental Conservation that this conditional use will not result in any undue, adverse effects to the protected functions of the Class Two wetland located in and adjacent to the Meadowland Business Park in South Burlington, Vermont. The boundary of the wetland has changed since the original approval. The original proposal did not propose wetland or buffer impacts for development of lots 8 and 9 of the Meadowland Business Park. This amendment approves buffer impacts of 11,683 sq ft for grading, stormwater conveyance and detention, and a small portion (200 sq ft) of an office building. Other than these revisions, all other aspects of this project shall be carried out consistent with the original proposal and the conditions listed in Conditional Use Determination #2001-398. This approval is valid for a period of three years from October 15th, 2008. This decision can be appealed within 30 days to the Water Resources Board pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1269. Alan Quackenbush, State Wetlands Coordinator Wetlands Section Chief Water Quality Division Department of Environmental Conservation 10 North Building 103 South Main Street Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0408 802-241-3761 date a iled:) D 1 Z� by:0 cc: List Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jet./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury ? ® ERMO1V 1 State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Amendment to Conditional Use Determination #2001-398 Please be notified, as per Section 8.4 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, that the request for an amendment to Conditional Use Determination 42001-398 received from Birchwood Burlington, LLC has been approved on this 15th day of October, 2008. It was found by the Department of Environmental Conservation that this conditional use will not result in any undue, adverse effects to the protected functions of the Class Two wetland located in and adjacent to the Meadowland Business Park in South Burlington, Vermont. The boundary of the wetland has changed since the original approval. The original proposal did not propose wetland or buffer impacts for development of lots 8 and 9 of the Meadowland Business Park. This amendment approves buffer impacts of 11,683 sq ft for grading, stormwater conveyance and detention, and a small portion (200 sq ft) of an office building. Other than these revisions, all other aspects of this project shall be carried out consistent with the original proposal and the conditions listed in Conditional Use Determination #2001-398. This approval is valid for a period of three years from October 15`h, 2008. This decision can be appealed within 30 days to the Water Resources Board pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1269. Alan Quackenbush, State Wetlands Coordinator Wetlands Section Chief Water Quality Division Department of Environmental Conservation 10 North Building 103 South Main Street Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0408 802-241-3761 date ailed: D I by: cc: istribution List A�- Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jet./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury C irYngtCrit PLANNfhi.G & Z0NIUG. October 9, 2008 Dave Marshall CEA 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Minutes — #SD-08-44 & SD-08-45, Birchwood Dear Dave: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved September 16, 2008 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 675 Dars:A 3kre*t. sauiI, iffur1',9kit on, ,,,r Dsi`a Tel SU2,c4t.iza6 13-4 AD oi6 t,ai www, ,burr ,cam l ( UrauaAU DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 16 SEPTEMBER 2008 9. Site Plan Application #SP-08-81 of Spillane's Towing & Recovery to amend a previously approved plan consisting of a 5000 sq. ft. building for vehicle towing, repair and storage use and auto rental use. The amendment consists of constructing a 3750 sq. ft. addition and 1250 sq. ft. of mezzanine space in the existing building for the existing uses, 7 Commerce Avenue: Mr. Dinklage noted there is a request for a 3 space parking waiver, 15.7%. Mr. Belair said he received the landscaping plan today. He asked to add a condition that the City Arborist review the plan and that the applicant would make any changes he requires. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-08-81 of Spillane's Towing & Recover subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Plat Application #SD-08-44 and Final Plat Application #SD-08-45 of (ere'iminary woods Burlington, LLC, for a planned unit development to construct a 27,700 sq. ft. general office building, 65-103 Bowdoin Street: Mr. Behr stepped down during this hearing due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Marshall explained that the property is in Meadowland Park, Lots #8 and 9. They will eliminate the property line between the 2 lots. Mr. Marshall then showed the Board the plan they had decided on after Sketch review. They have put as many parking spaces as possible behind the building with the main entrance off Meadowland Drive. The Fire Chief has approved the layout. The Street Department had an issue with how Bowdoin Street would terminate. They have now accepted a hammerhead terminus. Mr. Marshall showed the 20-foot wide recreation path easement, 5 feet of which is on this property and 15 feet on the property to the north. After meeting with the Rec Path Committee, they have included a way for cyclists to get back. Mr. Marshall showed where the water main will be extended -5- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 16 SEPTEMBER 2008 Mr. Dinklage asked how funds would be accumulated for a future traffic light at Hinesburg Road when it is needed. Mr. Belair said this applicant does not contribute to intersection improvements, but they will be paying impact fees. Ms. LaRose added that there is an agreement as part of the subdivision for a traffic light when the warrants are met. There is a mechanism to allow that to happen. Mr. Plumeau noted that there was just a terrible accident a few feet from this location caused by excessive speed. He felt there will be more accidents here in the future. He noted that this project adds 50 more turning movements at peak hour, and this is a concern for him. He felt the city needs to be more aggressive in dealing with Hinesburg Road. Ms. LaRose said these comments will be passed on to the MPO and the State. Mr. Belair corrected the approval motion to indicate that the building is 27,200 sq. ft. and that the owner of the property is Birchwood Burlington, LLC. He added that the peak hour trip ends will be corrected according to square footage. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-44 of Birchwood Burlington, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion as corrected above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. A Jb-b2-nx Date WON AGENCY OF NATURRESOURCES (ANR) AND NATURAESOURCES BOARD http://www.anr.st vt.us/dec/ead/pa/index.htm / http://w4 nrb.state.vt.us/ PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # OF DEC PERMITS: PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW: RESPONSE DATE: PENDING APPLICATION #: WW-4-3145 DISTRICT: TOWN: South Burlington PIN: EJ96-0381.06 OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: (Name) Birchwood Burlington LLC / Charles Prather (Name) Richard Henry Behr Architect / Mark Behr (Address) 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B (Address) 4066 Shelburne Rd (Town) (State) (Zip) Tampa FL 33607 (Town) (State) (Zip) Shelburne Rd Vt. 05482 (Telephone) 813-289-9399 Tele hone 802-951-5159 Project Name: Birchwood Office Building Based on a written or oral request or information provided by David Marshall, received on 8/18/2008, a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts of land of 7.78 acres, located on 65 & 103 Bowdoin Streets. The project is generally described as: Amend permit to merge lots 8 & 9 and construct a 27,200 sf office building with 93 employees served by municipal water supply and wastewater disposal. Prior permits from this office: 4C1005, EC-4-2004 PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ® I hereby request a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coordin o r t t District Coordinator regarding the jurisdiction of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Act 250) over the project described above. ❑ LaKdo&kAgent ® Permit Specialist ❑ Other Person 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION, AND A WRITTEN REQUEST FROM THE ANR PERMIT SPECIALIST, THE LAN DOWNER/AGENT, OR OTHER PERSON. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY REQUEST RECONSIDERATION FROM THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR (10 V.S.A. § 6007 (c) AND ACT 250 RULE 3 (C)) OR MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V. S.A. Chapter 220). (IL7) ** Project: Xcommercial ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal Has the landowner subdivided before? ❑ Yes ❑ No When/where: # of lots: AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED: �'es ❑ No Copies sent to Statutory Parties: ❑ Yes I�l0 BASIS FOZ!DECrIO SIGNATURE: , ��(==5`�� DATE: (�' ' ADDRESS: District # Environmental Commission District Coordinator Telephone: WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED? ® Yes ❑ No ® Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (#1 & #J2** ❑ Notice of Permit Requirements (deferral language ) (#2) ❑ Floor Drains (#1J.2 ❑ Campgrounds (#3j ❑ Extension of sewer lines (1� REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: Ernest Christianson JSIGNATURE: DATE: 9-30-08 ADDRESS: Dept. of Environmental Conservation ® Environmental fement a Office, Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Telephone: 802-879-5676 ❑ Wastewater Mana Division, Telephone: 802-879-5656 OVER »»»»»»» **NOTE. NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES (#) REFER TO PERMIT INFORMATION SHEETS IN THE VERMONT PERMIT HANDBOOK http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/permit hb/index.htm THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON-BINDIV-' DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PF ''ITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF C rRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPA .TENTS INDICATED BELOW. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: ❑ Discharge Permits: pretreatment; industrial, municipal (#771, 7_2, & 8) ❑ Indirect Discharge Permits (419 & 9_1) ❑ Residuals Management #10) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (888-520-4879) Contact: ❑ Construction/modification of source (#14) ❑ Open Burning #18) ❑ Wood Chip Burners (>90 HP) #14) ❑ Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation #14) ❑ Industrial Process Air Emissions (#14) ❑ Diesel Engines (>450 bHP) #14) WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) (800-823-6500 in VT) Contact: ❑ New Hydrants (#22) '6>500' waterline construction #22) ❑ Community Water System (CWS) ❑ Bottled Water #20) ❑ Operating permit (#21) ❑ Transient Non -Community water system (TNC) L21) ❑ Capacity Review for Non -transient non -community water systems (NTNC) (#21) 6' WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR STORMWATER PERMITS #6 —6_5 ) Contact: Contact: Kevin Burke 802-241-1418 ❑ Flood Plains (241-3759) ❑ Ponds (#32.1) ® Construction General Permits >1AC of disturbance (#6.1) ❑ Shoreland Encroachment (241-3777) Steve Hanna (#28) ® Stormwater from new development or redevelopment sites #6.2 & 6_3) ❑ Wetlands (241-3770) (#29) ❑ Multi -Sector General Permit (MSGP) industrial activities w/ SIC codes #( 6.4) l❑jStream Alteration / Section 401 Water Quality Certification / Stream Crossing Structures (476-2679 / 879-5631 / 786-5906) X27 & 32) ¢rWASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Dennis Fekert 241-1493 ❑ Hazardous Waste Handler site ID (241-3888) #36) ❑ Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) June Reilly #33) ❑ Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities drop off (241-3444) 037,39,40) ❑ Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) ® Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) #41 & 44) ❑ Composting Facilities (241-3444) 443 ❑ Waste oil burning (241-3888) ❑ Waste transporter permit #35) ❑ Demolition waste 241-3477 ❑ Used septic system components/stone #41) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: _ ❑ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.) (241-3451) #45) ❑ State -funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION & MERCURY DISPOSAL HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) #46) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS & MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: Judy Mirro/John Daly 10. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT (802-241-3700) Contact : ❑ Nongame & Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species) #47.4) ❑ Stream Obstruction Approval (#47.5) Q DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (802-479-7561) or District Office 879-2300 Contact: ® Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) #49, 50, 50.1, 50.2) ❑ Storage of flammable liquids, explosives ❑ LP Gas Storage ❑ Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers #50.2) ❑ Boilers and pressure vessels #( 50.3) 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: [:]Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors (#51, 51.1, 52, 53, 53.1) ❑ Program for asbestos control & lead certification #54, 55, 55.1) ❑ Children's camps []Hot Tub Installation & Inspection — Commercial #51.1) 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: ❑ Child care facilities (1-800-649-2642 or 802-241-2159) #57) ❑ Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) #59 ❑ Nursing Homes (241-2345) #59) ❑ Assisted Living and Therapeutic Community Residences (241-2345) #59) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: ❑ Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) #66) ❑ Junkyards (828-2053) (#62 ❑ Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) #63 ❑ Railroad crossings (828-2710) (#64 ❑ Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) #61) ❑ Airports and landing strips (828-2833) #65) ❑ Construction within state highway right-of-way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) ##666) ❑ Motor vehicle dealer license (828-2067) (#68) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (800-675-9873 OR 802-828-3429) Contact: ❑ Use/sale of Pesticides (828-3429) (#72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, Z8) ❑ Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-3429) #( 81) ❑ Milk Processing Facilities (828-3429) (#83, 83.1, 85, 87) ❑ Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-3429) #89, 89.1) ❑ Golf Courses (828-2431) #71) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431)(#79) ❑ Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) (#88) ❑ Medium and Large Farm Operations (828-2431) ❑ Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-3429) (#75.1, 80, 16. VERMONT ENERGY CODE ASSSISTANCE CENTER TOLL FREE 888-373-2255 ❑ VT Building Energy Standards (#47.2) 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3211) ❑ Historic Buildings (#47.1 & 11 ❑ Archeological Sites (#47.1 & 101) 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) ❑ Liquor Licenses (#90) ❑ General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) ❑ Business Registration #90.1) El Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) (#90.2) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551 & 828-5787) ❑ Income & business taxes (sales, meals/ rooms, etc) (#91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96) DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2070) ❑ Fuel Taxes; Commercial Vehicle (#69-70) LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 8 Carmichael St., Ste. 205, Essex Jct., VT 05452 (802) 872-2893 (#97, 98, & 99) 24. OTHER: Sections #3424 above have been completed by Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Date: 9-30-08 1 may be reached at 802-879- 5676 Copies have been mailed to: Revised 6/06 XERMONT State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE DETERMINATION #2001-398 A request for a Conditional Use Determination amendment, required pursuant to the provisions of Section S of the Vermont Wetland Rules has been received from David Marshall, P.E. of Civil Engineering Associates, representative for Birchwood Burlington, LLC. An amendment to the approved conditional use is required due to the change in the wetland boundary since the time of the approval of the original project. The wetland boundary has expanded, and the proposed project, which originally was planned to avoid buffer impacts, now is proposed with storniwater utilities in the buffer zone. Approval is being requested for 11,683 sq ft of buffer zone impact for grading, stonnwater conveyance and detention, and a small corner (200 sq ft) of a proposed office building. There are no proposed wetland impacts. This wetland has been designated as a significant (Class Two) wetland in the Vermont Wetland Rules, and the project is located on Lots 8 and 9 in the Meadowland Business Park in South Burlington, Vermont. Copies of the application are available for review at the Vennont Wetlands Office in Waterbury, the Town Clerk's Office in South Burlington and the Regional Planning Commission office in South Burlington. Conditional Use Determinations may only be approved if it is shown that the proposed conditional use will not have an undue adverse impact on the functions and values of any significant wetlands or their adj acent buffer zones. Any person may file comments in writing on this application through October 10, 2008 with: Alan Quackenbush State Wetlands Coordinator Water Quality Division Department of Enviroinnental Conservation 10 North Building 103 South Mani Street Waterbury, VT 05671-0408 802-241-3761 Date sent: °1 •Z s' 8 By: &"� Enclosure cc: Distribution List Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jet./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury . ' I /' I I I 1 1 1 IIN19 \ IIId' • 7, I .ItA� I J.•:'..{' r' l I —-------- —r � I I I 1 1 I1 Le 111'1'/li„y„sr'1�= II 1 PROJECT' — In yd i II r rl III ::. i LOCAT/O Itl"N, al I, I I'IPtI,;, .' CLASS'H T4:• j' \ SUPERTEMP 'il�,l•" I I 3.88 SUMMFAICE JOINT .IIIIr I3.06 Acn - I• I I I� I � rr •I I CHASE PROPERTIES 1 4O€18 OPMENT L III OsUMMERICE JOINT 1 1 1 3.T3 Ac. _ _ - / I VENTURE LLC' SITE ENGINEER. r CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC, IoU4NMDNEWUWE. SOUIHMWUNOTON, VTOW OWN M.I W D M A'rnoraD DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE 8 TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT, BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 I / —_ - 3.96 Ac. I _ _ _ ` PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD JOINT 10 --- - ND DRNE _ - - OFFICE BUILDING — — VIE OWLA_ �� -.... %::': } ...'✓ \7 ; }li�l I RO�o 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET ...................... I LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK �1 ( �= = ':::': I SOUTH BURLINGTON 'oRIEN 1 fJ�. . .. ,) SUMMFAICEJOINT/I��'I l - •'''•' _ l VERMONT NLANOS;/.'.-.'. 1 VENTURE, LLC !' \.:._...... . OIL,,21 1 a::_: .:.:..:.:.............::..:..:.... CUISSi7: 20.20 AC. it .(............'....... •I 1-F-20' PEDESTRIAN a EASEMENT - `I 20'461ESTRIAN EASEMENT / 1 5' CHANNEL EXIS77NG WEAAND BOUNDAR)� r (° AREA LEGEND \ EXISTING CONTOUR APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE 7 I ---------------------- EASEMENT LINE — —SS— — GRAVITY SEWER LINE I' rr - — G — — GAS LINE GRAPHIC SCALE — — W — — WATER LINE — —UE&T— — UNDERGROUND ELEC. h TEL — —STD-- STORM DRAINAGE LINE -- I IN I= ) I IwD - L50 tL ® SEWER MANHOLE cul UTILITY POLE e SHUT—OFF SIGN ZONING DISTRICT.83 CATCH BASIN a INDUSTRIAL &OPEN SPACE DECIDUOUS TREES CONIFEROUS TREE EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS o — FENCE QRS"EM-m VON LOCATION MAP 1• - 2aov DATE I Cn.-. Ilf.lflOn 1-10-OE 0917- CDG�L IIEYl9U15 1-15-DI DSY/Afl MM WUM 12- EAW l-1Y ➢SM/Ad INEwwnmmmAm A �{FFII OVERALL SITE PLAN DATE DMIIRIG NU11.L11 AUG., 2008 1CA12 1"=150' C-1.0 PRO! NO t South Burlington Planning Zoning New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Grand List April 1, 2009 Project Name & Address 65 Bowdoin Street Property Owner Birchwood Burlington, LLC Effective Date 4/1/09 TOTAL IMPACT FEE $45,377.39 Value of New Construction: Tvne of Construction Type of Use Fireproofed Steel Skeleton or Reinforced Concrete Masonry or Concrete SF Bearing SF Wall Structure Wood Frame Structure Pre -Fab Steel SF Structure SF Industrial/Manufacturing S66 S69 S65 S64 Engineering & Research S88 S96 S93 S88 General Office S123 27,200 S113 silo S104 Medical Office S133 S71 S69 S67 General Retail S84 S54 S51 S41 Auto Service Facility 84 S81 S78 Elder Care Facility 102 S74 S72 0 S72 Motel Sprinkler credit? (Enter 1 if yes) Total Value of New Structure: Total Value of New Structure & Contents: Current grand list value of property: Past payments credit: Post construction value of structure & land Future payments credit: Base fee: NET FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE: PM Peak Hour VTEs 47.o6 Past payments credit: $36o.62 Future payments credit: $4,494.72 1 $3,345,60 $8, 364, 000. $778,00 $132.26 $4,123,600.00 $1,731.91 $5,043.49 $3,179.32 South Burlington Planning Zoning New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Grand List April 1, 2009 OTHER CREDITS: ROAD IMPACT FEE: $42,198.07 r oF-4 ON southburlington PLANNING & ZONING September 12, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Birchwood Final Plat Dear Dave: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, Sept 16, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com �A/oocl our//I )g 0/,-yip c, ,,A /0 W t"T P7 �j o l Z. S' G {�' �/ ? /� 1 / hcw �v/ 4 _; 47' l-e4 sZ ZO -le',, t, c74. / '4 i7 -S,e(ovVS uyoou y S C; w L le- —t�-o j i--7 JV- � T1 11-V, H (1-70 J t IC�t 1-1 �J �c 4%/7 ,5,4, & ( L c5 Jt�U iC C4 v LAJG! -7 / C 417 _e6l Lu G9 v 7�v " (f aG-C c % SS e C]' �► r o r ITsg e / r41 v ti 4j cam! 12.) 4 t i7Z/- / 7� Z -7c,/,e.S zcsc GouYS- i7esS S �e C ets .mac n Brown P oning Assistant 0 emcdonougLi sburl com www.sburl.com / a, j C2 �Gt, �� t1 C� i��l/7 �j ``U C ce ,,,rl e u ✓t �5 e�Y'C �cc-1R �i enr�5 0 woj y ����Z/ 1.)L> Cathyann LaRose From: David Marshall [dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:51 PM To: Craig Plumb Cc: Cathyann LaRose Subject: RE: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Craig - Thanks for your input. For the temporary hammerhead, the intent is to provide a non -curbed smooth transition for your guys doing the plowing. The Rec Path comments relative to providing an easy means of egressing from the sidewalk onto the roadway at the end of Bowdoin Street has been Integrated into the plan set submitted to the DRB. This includes a mini -curb cut connection between the sidewalk and the road edge. The Rec path Committee had expressed some frustration that the ends of other walkways ended abruptly with no means of egress other than across the green space, or worse .. . Best David S. Marshall, P.E Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 From: Craig Plumb [mailto:cplumb@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:14 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Subject: RE: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Dave, After looking over the plan for Meadowland that you dropped off we (Bruce & I) are ok with what is on the plan with regard to truck turning movements. Please make sure to note that at the end of the hammerhead and the turn around that these area's need to be a smooth transition form asphalt to ground. Also, Bruce wanted me to mention the comments from the rec path committee and that they not be forgotten. Craig Craig P. Plumb Public Works Superintendent City of South Burlington DPW 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Phone: 802.658.7961 Fax: 802.658.7976 Email: cplumb@sburl.com From: David Marshall [mailto:dmarshall@cea-vt.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:34 PM To: Craig Plumb Subject: Meadowalnd Business Park - Bowdoin Street Hammerhead Craig- 9/12/2008 Just a heads up. We have a hard copy plan being delivered to you which depicts the turning movements for the typical plow. Best. David S. Marshall, RE Civil Engineenng Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 P 802-864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 From: Craig Plumb [mailto:cplumb@sburl.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 10:31 AM To: dmarshall@cea-vt.com Cc: Bruce Hoar Subject: Just a follow-up on the proposed temporary hammerhead in lieu of cul-de-sac at the end of Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Industrial Park. We are laying out the "legs" and wanted to get your input on the length of the leg that you would like to see. There are two components. 1. the length of the truck with the plow and 2. how much snow storage you need at the end of the major (the leg most of the snow would be plowed into) leg and the minor leg (which would include the snow from the side throw of the major leg and the snow within the minor leg itself). Lastly, we were hoping to confirm that a 25' radius for the curbing (similar to the public street) would be suitable for use in the hammerhead configuration. Dave, Above are the questions that were forwarded to me by Bruce. Sorry it has taken this long to get back to you. Al. The length of truck and plow is 36'-4". A2. This is an unanswerable question. Snow storage is based on actual snow fall and obviously changes from storm to storm. That said, with regard to the hammerhead, as long as we can push the snow past the end w/o obstacles into an open space (no utility structure etc) than there should not be a problem, just let us know how much space there will be and we will let you know if we think that we need more. Craig Craig P. Plumb Public Works Superintendent City of South Burlington DPW 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Phone: 802.658.7961 Fax: 802.658.7976 Email: cplumb@sburl.com 9/12/2008 1MLUUC a P-L-11 - Nagy .3 ­ Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the dis- trict coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by September 9, 2008. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Re- gional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners, other interested persons granted party status pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c). Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5). Dated in Essex Junction, Vermont, this 14th day of August 2008. By /s/Peter E. Keibel Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5658 E/ peter.keibel@state.vt.us PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on September 16, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the fol- lowing: 1. Preliminary Plat application #SD-08-44 and Final Plat ap- plication #SD-08-45 of Birchwood Burlington LLC for a planned unit development to construct a 27,700 sq. foot general office building, 65-103 Bowdoin Street. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board A copy of the application is avail- able for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. August 27, 2008 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S0078-07 CnC TO Banknorth, NA, successor in interest to Banknorth, NA, Plaintiff V. sew nwiLydye dna Tor the pur- poses of foreclosing the same will be sold at Puhl -\Auction at 3:00 P.M. on Sept ), 3, 2008, at 1707 Lake Roams, Milton, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the some lands and premises conveyed to Frank P. Wilkins and Penelope Momaney- Wilkins by Warranty Deed of A. Thiboult & Sons, LLC dated January 31, 2001 and of record in Book 215, Page 669 of the said land records. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sate is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Milton. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000. TD Banknorth, NA Sucessor in interest to Banknorth, NA By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S0802-07 CnC Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-FF16, Asset -Backed Certifi- cates, Series 2006-FF16, Plaintiff V. Gregory L. Enzor, Toni Enzor And Occupants residing at 116 Waybury Road, Colchester, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Nationpoint, a Division of National City Bank to Gregory L. Enzor dated September 22, 2006 and recorded in Volume 569, Page 623 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the pur- poses of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 2:15 P.M. on September 3, 2008, at 116 Waybury Road, Colchester, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: ine Dacance of uie pwumse w de provided at the time of sale. The sate is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Colchester. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. SO 444-07 Cnc Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee, Plaintiff, V. Brenda Provost, Dale Provost, and Any Other Occupants of 13 Hilltop Court, Colchester, Vermont, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sate contained in a cer- tain Mortgage Deed dated March 16, 2006, from Brenda Provost and Date V. Provost to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Accredited Home Lender, Inc. Said Mortgage Deed was recorded on March 20, 2006 in Volume 553, Page 215- 233 of the Town of Colchester Land Records. The subject Promis- sory Note and Mortgage were assigned from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Accredited Home Lender, Inc., to Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas formerly known as Bankers Trust Company, as Trustee for IXIS 2006-HE2 by: Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc., f/k/a Meritech Mortgage Services, Inc., as its attorney in fact, by an Assignment dated April 10, 2007 and recorded on April 13, 2007, in Volume 583, Page 219-220, of the Town of Colchester Land Records. The undersigned represents the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same which will be sold at Public Auction at 9:30 o'clock AM, on the 9th day of September, A.D. 2008, at the subject premises of 13 Hilltop Court, Colchester, Vermont, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage will be sold as a whole. cdsn or cerrmea Tunas, or produce a commitment letter from a bank r mortgage company or other rider licensed to do business in the State of Vermont at the time of the sale for the amount of the winning bid. In any case the win- ning bidder shall be required to produce $10,000.00 (ten -thousand dollars) cash or certified funds at the close of auction as the deposit against the sale. The sale will be subject to the Confirmation Order of the Chittenden Superior Court. In the event the auction terms are confirmed by the Superior Court aforesaid, and the winning bidder is unwilling or unable consum- mate the sate, the deposit shall be forfeit. In the event the sale is not confirmed the deposit will be returned without interest. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sate. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Grant C. Rees, Attorney, PO Box 108, Milton, Vermont 05468, 802-893- 7400. By: /s/ Grant C. Rees, Esq. Mortgagee or Mortgagee's Attorney Publication Dates: August 13, 2008 August 20, 2008 August 27, 2008 THE TOWN OF CHARLOTTE, VERMONT NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE PROCEEDINGS Notice is hereby given pursuant to 27 V.S.A. §709, §771, and §775 that the Selectboard of the Town of Charlotte, on is own motion, will conduct an examination and hold a hearing on the Discontinu- ance of a portion of Town Highway #38 known as "Baldwin Road." The portion of said road to be consid- ered for discontinuance is more particularly described as: The Class IV section of Town Highway #38 which extends a distance of 0.17 miles, more or less, south from the home of Dale and Lucille Garvey to the Monkton town line. The portion of said road to be discontinued is shown on the Town of Charlotte's official highway map as an impassable or untraveled corridor. The Setectboard will conduct its examination of the said highway at 5 o'clock p.m. on the 8th day of September, 2008 at the said highway and a public hearing on the same day, commencing at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at the Charlotte Town Offices. Ur IHt WMYA»lUNA (TCF) A nonprofit self - bereavement support g families that have expi death of a child has cl regular meeting this m the Labor Day Holiday September 8, 2008, at the Hospice Services 0 at the Marble Works (fi on the left as you ente from the Addison Inde Middlebury. All bereavr siblings and grandpare encouraged to attend. information, contact c ers, Nancy Merolle at _-- Claire Groleau at 388-5 SELF HELP STRATEGIE GROUP Held at 50 Will West View House. Held only Howard Center, W House clients. GLAFF Gay and lesbiar and foster families. GL support, education, re strategies to help mail strengthen gay and le: and adoptive families western VT. Open to al foster and adoptive pa their children. Food, c vided. The group meet Thursday of each mont at 655-6688 to get me tion and to register. C, DENTS ANONYMOUS M1 group of men and won common purpose is rei co -dependence and de of healthy relationshiF on Wednesdays, 5:30-I Free. Turningpoint Cer Marble Works, Middleb 802-247-3940, www.a INSULIN PUMP SUPP( Starting Wednesday, Ji the Vermont Regional Center 6:30-8 p.m. Su covered will be maxim use of your insulin pui safety issues, travel, s downloading info to y computer. A pump cor cal trainer and Certifie Educators will be press answer questions. All ers and their family ar are invited. RefreshmE served and participant ceive either a free On( Link or Free Style Lite For questions and dire please call The Vermor Diabetes Center at 80; MS SUPPORT GROUP r group for people with sclerosis and their car Sponsored by the Vern of the National Multip Society. Join others w to discuss concerns, a share information and Meets the first and th- day of the month fron in Williston. For more contact Michele at 86 leave a message ,o VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED io V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-3145 Landowner: Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street; Suite B Tampa FL 33607 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 00257-00065, 00257-00103 and referenced in deeds recorded in Book 822 Pages 87-90 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of amending Permit #EC-4-2004 to combine Lots #8 and 9 to become 7.78 acres and construct a 27,200 square foot office building with ninety three (93) employees served by municipal water and wastewater services located on Bowdoin Streets in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions: GENERAL 1. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by David Marshall, P.E., listed as follows: Project No. o8164; Sheet PL-1 "Consolidation of Lot 8 & 9" dated 12 August, 20o8; Drawing Number C-1.o "Overall Site Plan" dated Aug. 2oo8; Drawing Number C-1.3 "Proposed Site Utility Plan" dated Aug. 2oo8; Drawing Number C-5.0 "Sewer Details" dated Aug. 20o8; Drawing Number C-5.1 "Water Details" dated Aug. 2oo8; Drawing Number C-6.o "Specifications" dated Aug. 2008; Drawing Number C-6.i "Specifications" dated Aug. 2oo8; Drawing Number C-6.2 "Specifications" dated Aug. 2008; and Drawing Number C-6.3 "Specifications" dated Aug. 2008. 2. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the building, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. 3. This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission, the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division — telephone (802) 241-3400, Water Quality Division — telephone (802) 241-3770, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety— telephone (802) 879-23oo, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 4. The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 5. By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 6. In issuing this permit, the Division has relied upon the licensed designer's certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply with these Rules. Regional Offices — BM-re/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbin•y I Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-3145 Page 2 of 2 7. Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. WATER SUPPLY and WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 8. No permit issued by the Secretary shall remain valid after substantial completion of a potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a designer or an installer, as specified in the permit, that states: "7 hereby certifij that in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with: the permitted design and all permit conditions; or record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applicable rules, were filed with the Secretary, and are in accordance with all other permit conditions; were inspected; were properly tested; and have successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the water- and wastewater service to the structure 9. This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,256 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. io. The connection of a sprinkler fire suppression system to a public drinking water supply system shall require the installation and maintenance of back -flow prevention devices which conform to the standards acceptable to the Department of Labor & Industry. 11. This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,116 gallons of wastewater per day. No changes to the wastewater disposal system shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 12. This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, and the municipality files a written request with the Secretary, the Secretary will remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve capacity. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval and does not request that the Secretary remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve. Once the project is removed from the list of committed reserve capacity, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. Laura Q. Pelosi, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Y�f � /2W-� i Ernest Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated August 27, 2oo8 cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Water Supply Division Water Quality Division Act 25o District Environmental Commission #4 — Case #4C1005 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety September 16, 2008 Mr. Ray Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street CIVIL sl IG1, I55iM IG 'ASSOCIIAVES. 11 Ir, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Planning & Zoning Office South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: Birchwood Office Building - Meadowland Business Park Boundary Line Adjustment Mylar SD-08-44 & 45 Dear Mr. Belair: Please find attached one copy of the recordable mylar and 3 paper copies for signing by the Development Review Board Chair. We understand that this mylar can not be filed until all of the Conditions of Approval have been satisfied. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323. Res , David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Attachments: Boundary Adjustment Recordable Mylar 3 Paper Copies cc: M. Behr (w/ enclosures) C. Prather (w/ enclosures) CEA File 08164.00 (w/ enclosures) R\AutoCADD Projects\2008\081 B4\Permitting\-oval\Prelim-FinaPSelalr Mylar.wpd t r L WN M aiomo-14' southburlington PLANNING & ZONING September 17, 2008 David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary Plat #SD-08-44 & Final Plat #SD-08-45, Birchwood Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on September 16, 2008 (effective 9/17/08). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 180 days (must be submitted & recorded by March 16, 2009) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Mc onough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6150 6239 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com C SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT September 12, 2008 Mr. David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Birchwood Office Building Dear Dave: 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the final plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below. 1. The current set of plans for the above referenced project is acceptable to this department relative to all water related activity provided the changes or corrections included in this letter have been addressed, including: a. All water pipe shall be Poly wrapped. 2. This Department shall be notified of any changes to this project with revised, updated hard copy plans for further review. 3. The SBWD shall be notified in advance to inspect all joints, fittings, appurtenances, thrust blocks, testing, and crossings prior to backfilling. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call me., Sincerely, AJayydeau Superintendent CC. Cathyann Larose Bill Szymanski, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 South V E R M 0 N T Birchwood Burlington, Inc. Meadowland Industrial Park September 11, 2008 1. Relocated sewer main easement 20 ft. in width shall be shown on the plans. 2. New manhole serving new building shall clear the building by at least 20 feet. 3. Relocated sewer main shall clear building by at least 10 feet. Plan shows about 4 feet. Sewer from M.H. #2 to M.H. (no number) west of building shall be installed in sleeve because of the sidewalk and retaining wall constructed on top of it. 4. Sewer manhole must be accessible for maintenance and cleaning. New manhole west of proposed building will have to be accessed. 5. Sidewalk shall be continuous across driveways -not depressed as shown. 6. Trees shall clear water main by at least 5 feet. 7. Bituminous road paving and patching thickness shall be 2 % inches base course and 1 Y2 inches surface course for a total of 4 inches. 8. The building footing drains shall include cleanouts especially along the south side of building where there are several bends. 9. Concrete curb along the street shall be depressed at the entrance drives. Curbs shall not cross sidewalk at the entrance. Birchwood Office Bldg Landscape Review 9/5/08 Civil Engineering Associates Inc Michael Lawrence LA Good overall landscaping plan with excellent planting specifications Species selection looks pretty good with two possible exceptions: l . Concolor Fir, Abies concolor may not be the best choice as it does poorly in heavy clay and poorly drained soils 2. Bagatelle Barberry, Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea `Bagatelle' is on Vermont's invasive species watch list and while planting is not prohibited I'd advise using a different species 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 July 8, 2008 David Marshall, P.E. Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. RE: Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 Dear David, Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering RECEI E0 JUL 0 9 2008 CEA, Inc` As requested, we have prepared the following traffic impact study for a 26,600 s.f. general office building being proposed for construction on Lot #8 & Lot #9 in the Meadowland Business Park. We have based this study on the above gross floor area provided by your office. To meet the Act 250 permit condition for Meadowland Business Park, this traffic study estimates the amount of traffic this Project will generate, analyzes the impact that traffic will have on the Hinesburg Road (VT Route 116) / Meadowland Drive intersection and identifies whether any improvements are needed at this intersection. These calculations and analyses are presented in the following sections. Project -Generated Trips The trip generation of this Project was estimated using trip generation data published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) for the general office building land use category. The following table shows the resulting weekday vehicular trip ends (vte) predicted to be generated by this project. A.M. P.M. Peak Hour Peak Hour vte/hour vte/hour Enter 57 7 Exit 8 33 Total 65 40 All project trips will access the project site from the Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive intersection. The directional patterns of the new project trips were based on existing patterns of traffic observed during counts conducted by this office at the Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive intersection on June 24, 2008. The resulting distribution of project trips is shown in Figure 1. Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 July 8, 2008 Page 2 Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic data for the Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive intersection was obtained from traffic counts performed by both the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and this office. Average daily traffic volume data for Hinesburg Road (VT Route 116) was obtained from an automatic traffic recorder (ATR) count performed by VTrans at Station D-124 located approximately 0.2 miles north of Meadowland Drive. This count provided 2006 average daily volumes, which were then projected to 2009 volumes using growth rate factors published by VTrans. A peak hour turning movement count (TMC) was performed by this office on June 24, 2008 at the Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive intersection. This count was performed during both the morning and afternoon peak hour periods. Accepted engineering practice is to analyze future traffic conditions using what is called the design hour volume or DHV. The DHV is defined as the 301h highest hour of traffic volumes occurring on an annual basis. The average daily volumes and turning movement counts referenced above were used to calculate the 2009 DHV. Additional trips were then added to background traffic to account for lots within the Meadowland Business Park that are fully permitted, but are not fully occupied. This included an allowance for 67% of the permitted trips on Lot IA, 50% of the permitted trips on Lot #2, 100% of the trips permitted on Lot #6 and 50% of the trips permitted on Lot #10. Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate the resulting no -build and build DHV's used in the following analyses. Traffic Congestion Levels of service (LOS) at two-way stop control (TWSC) intersections are determined by the average control delay on the minor street approach(s); measured in seconds per vehicle. The LOS criteria for unsignalized intersections are shown in the following table: LOS Avg. Delay A <10 B <_15 C <_25 D <_35 E <50 F >50 Historically, the LOS E/F threshold of 50 seconds average delay per vehicle has been used to define the limit of acceptable traffic congestion conditions at TWSC intersections. It should be noted that TWSC intersections which are located on high -volume major roadways almost always experience long delays on the side street left -turn movement(s). This is because those movements have the lowest priority, and must yield to the major street traffic (which in turn essentially experiences little or no delay). Unlike other intersections (signalized, roundabouts and multi -way stop), overall intersection delay is not calculated at TWSC intersections. J Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 July 8, 2008 Page 3 This Project's impact on future levels of service and average delays was analyzed by performing both no - build and build capacity analyses, and comparing the results of the two sets of analyses. All analyses were performed using existing geometric conditions which include exclusive southbound left -turn and northbound right -turn lanes which were installed on Hinesburg Road for Meadowland Business Park. Meadowland Drive also has separate left and right -turn lanes for traffic exiting the park. The following tables present the results of those analyses. The letter denotes the level of service, and the following number in parentheses represents the corresponding average delay in seconds per vehicle. Intersection 2009 AM (DHV) Approach - Movement No -Build Build Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Dr. A (9) A (10) Hinesburg Road - SB LT Meadowland Drive - WB LT C (21) C (23) Meadowland Drive - WB RT B (12) B (13) Intersection 2009 PM (DHV) Approach - Movement No Build Build Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Dr. Hinesburg Road - SB LT A (8) A (8) Meadowland Drive - WB LT C (18) C (19) Meadowland Drive - WB RT B (11) B (11) As part of the approval for Meadowland Business Park, the Vermont Agency of Transportation requested that traffic signal warrants be evaluated for the Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive intersection each time a lot is developed. Using 2009 average weekday build (with project) traffic volumes, it was determined that the peak -hour and four-hour traffic signal warrants were not satisfied. In these analyses, right -turns exiting the Meadowland Drive approach were deducted and that approach treated as a single - lane approach, as per Section 4C-01 of the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices). With that, the 2009 peak hour left -turn volume exiting Meadowland Drive, with this project and previously permitted trips that have not yet been constructed, is estimated to equal 3 vph during the a.m. peak hour and 58 vph during the p.m. peak hour. This is below the minimum threshold volumes of 60 and 75 vph needed to satisfy the four-hour and peak -hour warrants, at 70% of their normal values (the posted speed limit is 40 mph and prevailing speeds exceed that), respectively. Based on the above levels of service and the results of the signal warrant examination, it is our opinion that the additional traffic generated by this project will not warrant signalization of the Hinesburg Road / Meadowland Drive intersection. Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 July 8, 2008 Page 4 Conclusion We conclude, based on the foregoing analyses, that the proposed office building proposed for construction on Lot #8 & Lot #9 will not create adverse traffic congestion conditions on the surrounding roads and intersections. Further, we are of the opinion that the existing roadways and intersections serving Meadowland Business Park have adequate capacity, and do not require specific major improvements such as a traffic signal to accommodate this project. Please call if there are any questions. Sincerely, Patricia Coburn, P.E., PTOE P:\2008\08048\trafrpt. wpd Subdivision Plat Application Permit Number SD- 6;( 5_ qT APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW X Preliminary ❑ Final PUD Being Requested? �s No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email. cprather@aol.com 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 822 Pg 87-90 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B, Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email. cprather@aol.com 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax David S. Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, 10 Mansfield View Lane, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Ph 864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 Email: dmarshall@cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 00257-00065 & 00257-00103 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Consolidation of Lots 8 & 9 at the meadowland Business Park into one 7.78 acre parcel and the construction of a 27,200 SF office building. 1 of 1 Subdivision Plat Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Undeveloped Land c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): Single Story Building with a floor to ridge height of 27 feet. The average pre -development grade is 340.5 feet in comparison to the first floor elevation of 344 producing a total height of 30.5 feet and 28.5 feet to the mid point of the pitched roof. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): NA g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): 93 employees with periodic visitors h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): The Hinesburg Road North View Protection zone and the Airport Approach Cone are located over the top of the building. See Sheet C2.1 for the VPZ analysis. i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Consolidation of Lots 8 and 9 into one 7.78 acre lot. 9. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 7.78 Acres (338,897 SF) b. Building Coverage: Existing: 0 square feet: 0 % Proposed: 27,520 square feet 8.1 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing: 0 square feet: 0 % Proposed: 27,520 square feet 20.8 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing: 1,904 square feet: 7.9 % Proposed: 3,938 square feet 16.4 % 2 of 2 Subdivision Plat Application 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? X Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) The project has been designed to respect the 5-` wetland buffer. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. The wetland delineation is the same as that used for the permitting of the Meadowland Business Park. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 1.8 Acres (80,000 SQ. FT.) * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 4,161,600 b. Landscaping: $ 49,200 (Required $49,116) Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) Site Prep = $ 309,000 Roads & Parking = $ 233,300 Utilities = $ 77.600 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 293 VPD b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 65 VPH c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 40 VPH 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 8 AM to 5 PM 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Spring 2009 3 of 3 Subdivision Plat Application 16. PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach on a separate sheet. NAME MAILING ADDRESS WITH ZIP CODE Green Acres, Inc. — 1269 Spear St., So. Burlington, VT 05403 PARCEL ID 0860-01150 Homer & Marie Dubois — 1405 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01375 Larry & Ginette Brainard — 28 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00028 Scott & Roberta Pennington — 26 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00026 Terrance & Nancy Sheahan — 24 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00024 Mark & Kathryn Boucher — 20 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00020 Christopher & Theri Davis — 18 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00018 Gary & Nancy Lines — 16 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00016 Bradley L. Gardner — P.O. Box 21, Colchester, VT 05446 0860-01398 City of South Burlington - 575 Dorset St., So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01175 Arthur H. & Lexie R. Rye — 1075 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01075 Arthur H. Rye & Bernice R. Brisson — 1075 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01061 James & Sachi Rowley — 1160 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01160 Civil Engineering Assoc. — 10 Mansfield View Drive, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1095-00010 East Mountain View, LLC — 5399 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495 0860-01100 Michael Gravelin— 1060 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-10700& 01060 Spaniel Properties, LLC — 1050 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01050 Burlington Properties, LTD — P.O. Box 0210, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01020 Munson Earth Moving Corp. — 85 Shunpike Road, Williston, VT 05495 0860-0284 O'Brien Meadowlands, LLC — P.O. Box 2184, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-0472 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC — 186 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0860-0596 Chase Properties & Development, LTD — P.O. Box 2283, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0257-00046 Summer Ice Joint Venture. LLC — 186 College Street. Burlington. VT 05401 0257-00066 & 00039 & 00860- 0317 of 4 Suhriwision Plat Applicatinn Super-Teulp Realty e'uuyriii�, Inc:. - 133_Elm _St- NN inooski`VT 05404 _ 0157-00104 Greenfield Capital, 1.1,( V,O, ltns 1 15, Fden, VT U56S) _ _ _ _ 1715-00 The Rock of Greaten I3t clvii-!I n- [uc_I,15-Pine Ila�en Shores Road, Shelburne, V 1715-nnn7 i 17. PLANS AND 11"I" Plat plans shall be .,ubi)uticd which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached ►=ive (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted A subdivision application fee shall bo paid to the City at !hc lime; of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the infol-Mation requested as fart of thij application has been subl"nitted and is accurate to the; best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE= OF APPL.IGANT SIGNA-f URE~ OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line 5 of 5 Subdivision Plat Application Subdivision Plat Application DATE OF SUBMISSION: v � I v� I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: om a Inco plete blld of PlanhiVg & Zoning or Designee 6of6 Subdivision Plat Application Permit Number SD- APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW ❑ Preliminary X Final PUD Being Requested? V417es No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email: cprather@aol.com 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 822 Pg 87-90 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street, Suite B, Tampa, Florida 33607 Ph 1-813-289-9399 Email: cprather@aol.com 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax David S. Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates, 10 Mansfield View Lane, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Ph 864-2323 x310 F 864-2271 Email. dmarshali@cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 00257-00065 & 00257-00103 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Consolidation of Lots 8 & 9 at the meadow/and Business Park into one 7.78 acre parcel and the construction of a 27,200 SF office building. 1 of 1 Subdivision Plat Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Undeveloped Land c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 27,200 SF Office Building e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): Single Story Building with a floor to ridge height of 27 feet. The average pre -development grade is 340.5 feet in comparison to the first floor elevation of 344 producing a total height of 30.5 feet and 28.5 feet to the mid point of the pitched roof. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): NA g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): 93 employees with periodic visitors h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): The Hinesburg Road North View Protection zone and the Airport Approach Cone are located over the top of the building. See Sheet C2.1 for the VPZ analysis. i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Consolidation of Lots 8 and 9 into one 7.78 acre lot. 9. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 7.78 Acres (338,897 SF) b. Building Coverage: Existing: 0 square feet: 0 % Proposed: 27,520 square feet 8.1 % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing: 0 square feet: 0 % Proposed: 27,520 square feet 20.8 % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing: 1,904 square feet: 7.9 % Proposed: 3,938 square feet 16.4 % 2 of 2 Subdivision Plat Application 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? X Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) The project has been designed to respect the 5-` wetland buffer. If yes, please submit the following with this application: A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. The wetland delineation is the same as that used for the permitting of the Meadowland Business Park. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 1.8 Acres (80,000 SQ. FT.) * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 4,161,600 b. Landscaping: $ 49,200 (Required $49,116) Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) Site Prep = $ 309,000 Roads & Parking = $ 233,300 Utilities = $ 77.600 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 293 VPD b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 65 VPH c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 40 VPH 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 8 AM to 5 PM 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday through Fridav 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Sprin_a 2009 3 of 3 Subdivision Plat Application 16. PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach on a separate sheet. NAME MAILING ADDRESS WITH ZIP CODE Green Acres, Inc. — 1269 Spear St., So. Burlington, VT 05403 PARCEL ID 0860-01150 Homer & Marie Dubois — 1405 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01375 Larry & Ginette Brainard — 28 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00028 Scott & Roberta Pennington — 26 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00026 Terrance & Nancy Sheahan — 24 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00024 Mark & Kathryn Boucher — 20 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00020 Christopher & Theri Davis — 18 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00018 Gary & Nancy Lines — 16 Knoll Circle, So. Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00016 Bradley L. Gardner — P.O. Box 21, Colchester, VT 05446 0860-01398 City of South Burlington - 575 Dorset St., So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01175 Arthur H. & Lexie R. Rye — 1075 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01075 Arthur H. Rye & Bernice R. Brisson — 1075 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01061 James & Sachi Rowley — 1160 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Civil Engineering Assoc. — 10 Mansfield View Drive, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01160 1095-00010 East Mountain View, LLC — 5399 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495 Michael Gravelin — 1060 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01100 0860-10700& 01060 Spaniel Properties, LLC — 1050 Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01050 Burling Properties, LTD — P.O. Box 0210, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01020 -ton Munson Earth Moving Corp. — 85 Shunpike Road, Williston, VT 05495 0860-0284 O'Brien Meadowlands, LLC — P.O. Box 2184, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0860-0472 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC — 186 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0860-0596 Chase Properties & Development, LTD — P.O. Box 2283, So. Burlington, VT 05403 0257-00046 Summer Ice Joint Venture. LLC — 186 College Street. Burlington. VT 05401 0257-00066 & 00039 & 00860- 0317 of 4 5 Subdivision Plat Application Super -Temp Realty c 'ompany, Inc. 1 3:3_Elin St., \A, inooski. VT 05404 0257-00104 Greenfield Capital, i I .(' P.O. Box 115. Eden,_ VT.05>vS2_ _ _ - _ _ 1715-00035 The Rock of Greater IluI I111( 011, Inc. 145 Pine fla,,en Shores Road. Shelburne. VT 05-18-2 1715-00073 17. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall he suhrnitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one redm.ed copy (1 V x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submittec and is accurtatc to the beast of my knowledge. SIGNATURF OF APPLICANT C. J,' +ice /�� 1 :`.� �A<' SIGMA-l-URE OF' PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line Subdivision Plat Application Subdivision Plat Application DATE OF SUBMISSION: 6,419 z� hav7reviewprelim inary plat application and find it to be: Incompl lanning & Zoning or Designee bate 6of6 Richard Henry Behr Architect, P.C. 4066 Shelburne Road Tel: 802.864.2888 Shelburne, VT 05482 Fax: 802.865.0257 www.rhboc.com Memorandum To: Chief Douglas Brent Date: July 15'h, 2008 South Burlington Fire Department Cc: File, Chuck Prather Dave Marshall, Jay Hanseman From: Mark Behr Re: Site Plan Review Meeting Project: Birchwood Office Building South Burlington, VT "•1° �"n b, u,t•,i, +„r„ n. .�M' trod^ ,,;is,ry „ et`�1t;�n y,« ,�; LeW „��'��',,,���i ,���.•a,,u'c�, 1,+,u�,i.�ii rv`9�1�'fi:i'{?��,;�•.; ;�"' Dear Chief Brent, This is to confirm our discussions yesterday at the SB Fire Station that you are in acceptance of our most current Site Plan (Richard Henry Behr Architect drawing SP — Conceptual Site Plan dated 7.14.08).with the following comments / requests. Chief s comments / requests: Chief Brent asked if it was possible to tie the parking lot gates into the fire alarm system so that when a fire alarm is triggered the gates automatically raise to allow immediate access to the fire department vehicles to the rear entrance of the building. a. Chuck Prather (building owner) stated that the rear gates can be configured as such and will. The front entry will also have a Knox box with master key to the building. 2. Chief Brent asked the rear parking lot access drives be 12'-0" clear and that the gates raise to full height. a. We will configure the rear parking lot entrance and egress lanes to allow for the 12'-0" clear width and make sure the gates raise to full height to allow for the fire trucks to drive through without hitting the gates. 3. The building will be fully sprinklered and will have a fire alarm system. Chief Brent requested that the Rear entrance to the building also have an annunciator panel. a. RHBPC will review that option with the building owner and provide details at Preliminary / Final approval Phase. P:\Birchwood Properties\7VT2059\corres\Out\2008.7.15 Site plan review Chief Brent.doc 4. Chief Brent requested that there be a hydrant on the West side of Bowdoin Street. a. RHBPC will review that option with Dave Marshall and provide details at Preliminary / Final approval Phase. Chief Brent, please don't hesitate to call me with any questions, we will be proceeding into preliminary / final phases and will submit updated drawings at that time with any clarifications / revisions at that time. Regards, Mark C. Behr, Project Architect Attach: SP- Site Plan 7.14.08 Richard Henry Behr Architect, P.C. 2 TTACHMENT A Turning Movement Figures Figure I Peak Hour Trip Distribution Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 AM Peak Hour VT Route 116 0 42 y y K 7 Meadowland Drive le 1 T 20 0 15 PM Peak Hour VT Route 1 16 0 6 y ta K 25 Meadowland Drive ie 8 T 2p 0 1 inLamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. July 8, 2008 Figure 2 No -Build Peak Hour Volumes Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 2009 No -Build AM Peak Hour VT Route 1 ] 6 190 125 y y K 36 Meadowland Drive It 2 T T 549 45 2009 No -Build PM Peak Hour VT Route 116 491 32 � y K 163 Meadowland Drive IC 50 T 21 287 4 Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2014 No -Build AM Peak Hour VT Route 116 200 130 y y R 37 Meadowland Drive ie 2 T T 580 47 2014 No -Build PM Peak Hour VT Route 1 ] 6 518 33 y y R 170 Meadowland Drive IL 52 T 21 303 4 July 8, 2008 19 Figure 3 Build Peak Hour Volumes Meadowland Business Park Lot #8 & Lot #9 2009 Build AM Peak Hour VT Route 116 190 167 y y K 43 Meadowland Drive IL 3 T 549 60 2009 Build PM Peak Hour VT Route 116 491 38 y y K 188 Meadowland Drive ie 58 T 2p 287 5 Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2014 Build AM Peak Hour VT Route 116 200 172 y y R 44 Meadowland Drive IC 3 T 2p 580 62 2014 Build PM Peak Hour VT Route 116 518 39 y y K 195 Meadowland Drive ie 60 T T 303 5 July 8, 2008 ATTACHMENT B Intersection Capacity Calculations Two -Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Analyst P. Coburn Agency/Co. L&D Date Performed 713108 Analysis Time Period 2009 No Build AM Intersection VT 116 / Meadowland Dr. Jurisdiction South Burlington Analysis Year 2009 Project Description Meadowland Lot #8 & #9 East/West Street: Meadowland Drive North/South Street: VT Route 116 Intersection Orientation: North -South IStudy Period hrs : 1.00 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 549 45 125 190 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 549 45 125 190 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 5 -- -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Configuration T R L T Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 9 10 11 12 L ;A8 R L T R olume veh/h 2 36 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 0 0 2 0 36 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 5 0 10 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L R Dela , Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L R (veh/h) 125 2 36 C (m) (veh/h) 968 235 520 /c 0.13 0.01 0.07 95% queue length 0.44 0.03 0.22 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.3 20.5 12.4 LOS A C B Approach Delay (s/veh) -- -- 12.9 Approach LOS -- -- B Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 21 Generated 7/7/2008 2:30 PM file://C:\Documents and Settings\patti.LDEngineering\Local Settings\Temp\u2kA5F.tmp 7/7/2008 Two -Way Stop Control ( Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Analyst P. Coburn Agency/Co. L&D Date Performed 713108 Analysis Time Period 2009 Build AM Intersection VT 116 / Meadowland Dr. Jurisdiction South Burlington Analysis Year 2009 Project Description Meadowland Lot #8 & #9 East/West Street: Meadowland Drive North/South Street: VT Route 116 Intersection Orientation: North -South IStudy Period hrs : 1.00 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 549 60 167 190 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 549 60 167 1 190 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 5 — -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Configuration T R L T Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 3 43 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 0 0 3 0 43 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 1 0 1 0 5 1 0 10 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L I I R Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L R (veh/h) 167 3 43 C (m) (veh/h) 955 199 520 lc 0.17 0.02 0.08 95% queue length 0.63 0.05 0.27 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.6 23.4 12.5 LOS A C B Approach Delay (s/veh) -- -- 13.3 Approach LOS -- -- B Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated 7/7/2008 2.31 PM file://C:\Documents and Settings\patti.LDEngineering\Local Settings\Temp\u2kA5F.tmp 7/7/2008 Two -Way Stop Control ( Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Analyst P. Coburn Agency/Co. L&D Date Performed 6125108 Analysis Time Period 2009 No Build PM Intersection VT 116 / Meadowland Dr. Jurisdiction South Burlington Analysis Year 2009 Project Description Meadowland Lot #8 & #9 East/West Street: Meadowland Drive North/South Street: VT Route 116 Intersection Orientation: North -South IStudy Period hrs : 1.00 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 287 4 32 491 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 287 4 32 491 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- — 5 -- - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 1 1 0 Configuration T R L T Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 50 163 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 0 0 50 0 163 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 3 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration I I L R Dela , Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L R (veh/h) 32 50 163 C (m) (veh/h) 1254 325 750 lc 0.03 0.15 0.22 95% queue length 0.08 0.54 0.83 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.9 18.1 11.1 LOS A C B Approach Delay (s/veh) -- -- 12.8 Approach LOS -- -- 8 Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 21 Generated 7/7/2008 2.37 PM file://C:\Documents and Settings\patti.LDEngineering\Local Settings\Temp\u2kA61.tmp 7/7/2008 Two -Way Stop Control ( Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Analyst P. Coburn Agency/Co. L&D Date Performed 6125108 Analysis Time Period 2009 Build PM Intersection VT 116/ Jurisdiction South Bt, Analysis Year 2009 Project Description With Lot #8 & #9 Project East/West Street: Meadowland Drive North/South Street: VT Route 116 Intersection Orientation: North -South IStudv Period hrs : 1.00 Dr. Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 287 5 38 491 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 287 5 38 1 491 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 5 -- - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 1 1 0 Configuration T R L T Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 58 188 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 0 0 58 0 188 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 3 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration i I L R Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L R (veh/h) 38 58 188 C (m) (veh/h) 1253 319 750 lc 0.03 0.18 0.25 95% queue length 0.09 0.66 1.00 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.0 18.8 11.4 LOS A C B Approach Delay (s/veh) -- -- 13.1 Approach LOS -- -- B Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated' 7/7/2008 2 34 PM file: //C:\Documents and Settings\patti.LDEngineering\Local Settings\Temp\u2kA61.tmp 7/7/2008 ATTACHMENT C Four -Hour and Peak -Hour Volume Traffic Signal Warrants 2003 Edition l > 500 2 O 400 WW WIL U) Q 300 M W z J 200 �O 100 W 2 U' 2 Figure 4C-1. Warrant 2, Four -Hour Vehicular Volume 2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE �1 LANE & 1(LANE Page 4C-5 *115 *80 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 115 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with two or more lanes and 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, Four -Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) 2 400 0_ 2 Q 300 F" O Wcc Wa- ir a U) Q 200 M W O5; z� _ J 2 O> 100 0= W 0 2 �2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE .1 LANE & 1 LANE 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 80 vph applies as the lower threshogLo volume for a minor -street approach with two or more lanes an 60 vph�pplies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with one lane. *80 *60 1000 November 2003 Sect. 4C.04 2003 Edition Page 4C-7 = 600 CL = 500 Q w 0 400 wa �C U) w 300 CCul OD 200 w 100 _ C3 _ Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour MIUMEM-EpAr"811 •- AH, •- •- Al ■ •- MORE * 150 *100 'FUV ODU OUV IUU OUV JVU IVUV IIUU IGUV IOW I'+UV IUUU IOVU IIUU IoUV MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with one lane. Figure 4C4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70 % Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) _ a U 400 H Q w0 0- 300 CL �a �w Z D 200 _ J 20 100 w _ C'3 _ 2 OR MORE LANIES & 2 OR MORE LANES — 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE LANE & 1 LANE *100 *75 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with two or more lanes and 5 v pplies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -street approach with one lane. November 2003 Sect. 4C.06 l Mr. David Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 August 15, 2008 Subject: Birchwood Office Site Lighting Plan Dear David; Attached is a site lighting plan layout for the Birchwood Office Building site at the Meadowlands Office Park in South Burlington, VT. I have calculated the following lighting metrics based on a 10' x 10' grade level illuminance grid. Main Parking Lot/Sidewalk Statistical Area: 1.06 fc average 0.2 fc minimum (with outlying pts at 0.1 fc) 8.2 fc maximum 41 Max/Min ratio (20 or less is recommended) Visitor Parking Lot/Sidewalk Statistics: 1.08 fc average 0.2 fc minimum (with outlying sidewalk pt at 0.1 fc) 6.9 fc maximum 34.5 Max/Min ratio Maintained illuminance levels are well below South Burlington's maximum average illuminance of 3.0 fc. with maximum pole height of 20'. All fixtures also meet glare restrictions by being full cut-off type. Light trespass at all other property lines is below 0.1 fc as shown on the photometric plan. Light at street curb is 0.1 fc maximum adjacent to entry drive light standards. IESNA Guidelines for parking lot lighting include minimum horizontal illuminance requirement of 0.2 footcandles and a Maximum/Minimum ratio not -to -exceed 20:1. Due to the use of city -required 20' maximum light pole height, this site plan does not strictly conform to those guidelines. However, all of the points at 0.2 fc or less are at perimeter areas where there is little pedestrian/vehicular conflict. Use of a high performance luminaire ensures relatively low lighting contrast, even with the use of 20' pole mounting height of luminaires on poles. Sidewalks adjacent to the main parking lot will receive some light from the building interior. Therefore, we are not adding bollard lighting for this walkway, even though parking lot light levels at the walkway are as low as 0.1 fc. In reality, during working hours, the walkway will receive adequate light levels. Metal halide lamping is used for site lighting due to reliable starting in very cold temperatures. 1 Site lighting consists of a combination of pole mounted cut-off luminaires, low -to -the -ground lighting bollards, and building mounted cut-off fixtures. The pole and building mounted luminaires are selected to direct lighting efficiently over a broad area while restricting light output to less than 1% above the horizontal plane. 150w metal halide pulse start technology is utilized for the pole mounted luminaires. Pole mounted luminaires at the entrance to the main parking lot, the visitor's entry drive, and the main building pedestrian entry are limited to 14' height. 18' poles are used for efficient parking lot illumination for the parking lot and visitor drop off areas. Both types are on 2' pedestals. The bollards and facade mounted cut-off luminaires are used to light walkways at the south and east side of the building. The 42" bollards are well shielded above the horizontal plane. Bollards and facade mounted luminaires use 50w metal halide lamps. This design meets the design intent of Act 250, Section 9f for energy efficiency and protection of the night sky from unwanted glare. It also meets criteria for LEED Site Lighting Criteria 8 for light pollution reduction. If you have any questions regarding the design or specifications, please contact me at 802- 862-1901. Thank you, Donna J. Leban, AIA, LC Light/Space/Design 7 Iris Lane, S. Burlington, VT 05403 lightspd@comcast.net Project: Birchwood Office Building, South Burlington, VT Lighting Fixture Schedule [Type Man ufacturerlCatalog Number 2TLM3-150M McGraw- ;Talon TLM-150MP-3F- Edison IFG with PT optional I ;power tray 12TLM4-150M !McGraw- {Talon TLM-150MP-4F- 'Edison 'FG with PT optional power tray TLM4-150M McGraw- I Talon TLM-150MP-4F- Edison FG with PT optional power tray 'GLB50M �Gardco ,------ ---------- -- - - Bollard BRM820-42"- 4GW50M 1Gardco 50MH Performance Sconce - L I 102-MT-50MH - - - - Mounting - !Lamp__;Ballast M2 Arm Mount 2 180 150w MH MH @ degrees, Round straight pulse start MHC150/U/M/3K/Alto ,Pulse start ;ballast aluminum pole �RSA5M18N fM2 Arm Mount 2 @ 180 1150w pulse start IV !MHC150/U/M/3K/Alto;ballast Pulse start MH, degrees, Round straight !aluminum pole j RSA5M18N M1 Single Arm Mount, }150w pulse start MH Pulse start MH ;Round straight aluminum pole RSAW15N IMHC150/U/M/3K/Alt— �mwpulse ballast Bolt to concrete base start MH iPulse start MH �MHC50/U/M/3K/Alto Surface mount to exterior pulse start MH ,ballast Pulse start MH', ;'wall at 1 V AFF I50w MHC50/U/M/3K/Alto ballast MCGRAW-EDISONO DIMENSIONS •u�llpl - 1Z ---------- -- --------- TLM 23 2/8" [590mm] TILL 31" 1787mm] TLM 16 2/8" 1413mm] TLM [Inset door] 8 118" [207mm] TLM 8" [203mm] TLL 21 5/8" [549mm] TLM [drop door] 9 6/8" [240mm] TLL 10" [254mm] TLL 14 1/8" [359mm] ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER TLM-400-MH-MT-3F-FG-BK-HS rTLL--RT ust Lang lamp Type Voltage' y Wattage' MH=Metal 120=120V =Talon Site 70=70W Halide 205=208V Medium 100-100W Mr=pulse Start 240=240V Site L 150=150W Metal Halide 277=277V Site Large 176-175W HPS=High 347=347V 250-250W Pressure 4111 0V 320=320W' Sodium DT=Dual-Tap 351 Wired 277V' 400=400W' MT=Multi-Tap 750=750W' Wired 277V' 1000=1000W'' TT=Triple-Tap Wired 347V' ST=S-Tap Wired 480V' E.P.A. TLM: 1.54 / TLL: 1.82 Options' F-Single Fuse (120, 277 or 347V) Specify Voltage FF=Double Fuse (208, 240 or 480V) Specify Voltage Quartz Restrike" M=Quartz Restrike with Delay (Also Strikes at Cold Start)" EM/SC=Quartz Emergency Separate Circuit" R1_NEMA Twistlock Photocell Receptacle PC=Button Type Photocontrol HB=House Side Shield" VS=Polycarbonate Vandal Shield L=Lamp Included DD=Drop Door" DESCRIPTION The classic form of the Talon Site Light makes the fixture at home in a multitude of architectural settings, while a variety of lamping and optical options creates specialized solutions for the most stringent application. ,'WMj COMPLIANT I FlC° In all flat glass configurations 4cg W PRELIMINARY Consult www mcgraw-edison.com for updated specifications I OMYltiutlon LagT�lpo �A:�,= FO=Flat Glasses 2F=Type II Formed SO=Sag Glass (See Below) 25=Type II Segmented 3F=Type III Formed Colas 38=Type III Segmented (add as suffix/must specifyl' 4F=Type IV Formed W=Black 4111=Type IV Segmented A}=Grey iF=Type V Formed S2=Bronze is=Type V Segmented WH=White SL-Spill Light Eliminator DP=Dark Platinum AF�Automotive Front Row Y:riloal' GM=Graphite Metallic 7V=Type III 4V=Type IV M=Area Round AS -Area Square Accessories" MA7010•XX=Single Arm Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1011-XX=2 @ 180' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2' 0 D. Tenon MA7012-XX=3 @ 120' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D Tenon MA1013001(=4 @ 90' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA7014-XX=2 @ 90' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA11015401(=2 @ 120' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D.Tenon MA101G-XX=3 @ 90' Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1017-XX=Single Arm Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA701111140(=2 @ 180' Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA11019-3101=3 @ 120" Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8' O.D. Tenon MA104i-XX=4 @ 90' Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA104S-XX=2 @ 90' Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA1049-XX=3 @ 90' Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O D. Tenon MA1201-XX=Direct Wall Mount Kit MA112074X=Mast Arm Adapter" PAA1211-XX=Wall Bracket with 8" Arm" MA1212-XX=Wall Bracket with 10" Arm' MA1213-XX=External House Side Shield" MA1214-XX=External House Side Shield' MA72'16XX=Mast Arm Adapter' MA1216-XX=TLM Direct Pole Mount MA1217-XX=TLL Direct Pole Mount OA/RA1027=NEMA Photocontrol-480V OA/RA1201=NEMA Photocontrol-347V Ill 1 70-175W lamps are medium -bass, 250-1000W are mogul -base 2 320/35OW Pulse Start Metal Halide lamps only 3 Requires reduced envelope lamp 4 Not available in TLM housing a Products also available in non -US voltages and 50Hz for international markets. Consult factory for availability and ordering information. 0 Dual -top is 120/777V wired 277V. Multi -tap is 1201208/240/277V wired 277V Triple -top ballast is 120/277/347V wired 347V Slop is 120/2081240/277/480V wired 480V 7 Requires drop door and sag glass for 250-40PW in TLM Housing 0 Custom PAL color matching available upon request. Consult your Cooper Lighting representative for more information. s Add as suffix in the order shown 10 Quartz options not available with SL or AF optic 11 House side shield not available on 5F, AR, AS or SL optics. 12 Not available in TLL housing. 13 Order separately, replace XX with color suffix. TLM / TLL TALON 7 0" 1 0 0 0 W Metal Halide Pulse Start Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium ARCHITECTURAL AREA LUMINAIRE • Die-cast aluminum housing with integral reveal channels along top surface of housing to promote heat extraction and prolonged electrical component life Ballast and electrical components are mounted to a one-piece galvanized steel tray. Electrical quick disconnects allow tray to be completely removed from housing providing ample hand and tool room for attachment of fixture during installation • Die-cast aluminum door frame opens via release of two (2) toolless latches. Continuous gasketing seals the optical chamber against entry of dirt and moisture Choice of fourteen (14) high efficiency formed aluminum optical systems utilizing horizontal and vertical lamp orientations. Modules feature quick disconnect wiring plugs and are field rotatable in 90e increments • Extruded aluminum arm • U.L. listed for wet locations. CSA certified • Approximate net weight: 47.5-98 lbs. (21.4-44.5 kgs.) COOPER LIGHTING BOLLAkD LIGHTING BPA820/821 /823 DOME TOP LOUVER BRM824/825/827 BEVEL TOP LOUVER 'SPEC IF I IONS UPPER HOUSING: Diecast aluminum dome top secures to one-piece x 1 1/2" (.953 cm x 20.32 cm x 3.81 cm) anchor bolts on a 4 3/4" (12.07 cm) bolt louvered casting with three (3) concealed tamper resistant screws. circle. Ballast is prewired with quick electrical disconnects and mounting bracket is secured with two (2) Phillips head screws for ease of installation and servicing. LOWER HOUSING: BRM820 / BRM824 Luminaire features a cylindrical .125 (.318 cm) wall 6063-T5 extruded aluminum base housing. Bottom section has a welded -in cast ring for attachment to base assembly with four (4) hex head set screws. BRM821 / BRM825 Louver head assembly is affixed to ballast mounting bracket which is suitable for insertion into architectural elements (by others). BRM 823 / BRM827 Luminaire includes a pre -cast concrete base constructed with steel molds and wire reinforcing. Base is acid -etched to provide a smooth textured aggregate finish. OPTICAL SYSTEM: Louvers are angled to provide maximum spacings while shielding the source to 90°. Upper louver features a concealed hammertoned anodized aluminum reflector to increase luminaire efficiency and generate unstriated beam patterns. A fully gasketed Pyrex vessel enshrouds the lamp envelope and is secured with a stainless steel spring. SOCKET: Medium base pulse -rated lampholder is glazed porcelain with nickel plated reinforced screw shell and spring loaded contact. ANCHORAGE: BRM820 / BRM824 Base assembly consists of a cast aluminum platform and ballast mounting bracket. Assembly is secured and leveled to the mounting foundation with four (4) 3/8" X 8" BRM820 / BRM824 BRMS21 / BRM825 8" (20.32 cm) I %e (106.68 cm) 36" (91.44 cm) 30" (76 20 cm) 24" (60 96 cm) 4 3/4" Bolt Circle (12 07 cm) 3" Conduit Opening (7 62 cm) Stub -up Projection 3" Max. (7.32 cm) Bolt Projection 1 1/2" t 1/4" (3.71 cm f 64 cm) BRM 821 / BRM825 Mounting plate is cast aluminum with slots to accept anchor bolts (by others) at 90" on a 6 1/4" (15.88 cm) diameter bolt circle. A 4 1/2" (11.43 cm) diameter opening is required to house ballast assembly. BRM823 / BRM827 Base assembly consists of four (4) galvanized steel base tabs fastened to pre -cast concrete base. Assembly is secured and leveled to the mounting foundation with four (4) 3/8" X 8" X 1 1/2" (.953 cm x 20.32 cm x 3.81 cm) anchor bolts on a 9 1/2" (24.13 cm) bolt circle. Base is designed for 5" (12.7 cm) direct burial ELECTRICAL: Each high power factor HID ballast is the separate component type, capable of providing reliable lamp starting down to-20"F/-29°C. Fluorescent luminaires utilize electronic ballasts that are high power factor and designed for reliable lamp starting to 0°F/18°C. Smart fluorescent ballasts accept 26w, 32w and 42w in all voltages from 120 to 277, 50/60Hz. Sockets are high temperature PBT with brass contacts. Component -to -component wiring within the luminaire will carry no more than 80% of rated current and is listed by UL for use at 600 VAC at 150°C or higher. Plug disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600 VAC, 15A or higher. LUMINAIRE FINISH: Each luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, electrostatically applied, thermally cured textured powdercoat finish LABELS: All luminaires bear UL or CUL (where applicable) Wet Location labels. BRM823 / BRM827 9 1/2" Bolt Circle (24.13 cm) 1 1 " (27 94 cm) Z_ � i 17"1W (4318 cm) NOTE: Factory supplied template must be used when setting anchor bolts. Gardco Lighting will not honor any claim for incorrect anchorage placement from failure to use factory supplied templates. . �Grarta 8" Concrete Base (20 32 cm) 3/8" X 8" X 1 1/2" Anchor Bolts t— .... x2032cmx3.81 cm) Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sitelighting.com © Copyright 2008 Philips Group All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured. Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program 79115-35lo708 Gardco Lighting is a Philips group brand PH 1 LI PS Notes: Job: Type: BOLLARD LIGHTING BRM820/821 /823 DOME TOP LOUVER BRM824/825/827 BEVEL TOP LOUVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Gardco's dome top and bevel top Louver Bollards provide uniform illumination, superior spacings and solid vandal resistance. Rugged extruded and cast construction with silicone seals and gasketing assure years of trouble free service. The BRM820 and BRM 824 are complete assemblies with an aluminum base. BRM821and BRM825 head only units affix to custom architectural elements. BRM 823 and BRM827 luminaires include a concrete base assembly. Each Gardco BRM820/821/823 824/8251827 utilizes 35w through 100w high intensity discharge or up to 42w triple tube fluorescent lamps. Dome Top Bevel Top PREFIX HEIGHT WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note- Gardco reserves the right to refuse a configuration. Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations. For questions or concerns, please consult the factory. RUM - Louvered Bollard Dome Top Bevel Top BRM820 BRMS24 with Cast Aluminum Base 42" 36" 30" 24" BRM821 BRM825 Head Only 11' BRM823 BRM827 with Natural Concrete Base 42" BRM823B BRM827B with Beige Concrete Base 42" BRM823G BRM827G with Grey Concrete Base 42" 50MH' 35HPS2 260P INC2 120 70MH 50HPS' 32TRFI f00wmaximum A19 208 10OMH 70HPS 42TRFI 240 100HPS MH Metal Halide 277 HPS High Pressure Sodium rRF Riple Tube Fluorescent INC Incandescent 1 12W277V Primary only 2 120V Primary only. 3. Features an electronic fluorescent ballast that accepts 120V through 277V, 50hz or 60hz Input. 0'F/18'C starting temperature. BRP Bronze Paint OC BLP Black Paint WP White Paint SC NP Natural Aluminum Paint VP Verde Green Paint I' e - F Fusing SHD Internal 1801 Shield DUP` Duplex Receptacle GFCI' GFCI Receptacle Optional Color Paint Specify RAL designation ex. OC-RAL7024 Special Color Paint Specify Must supply color chip 4 BRM620 and BRM624 only. Available in 36' and 42' heights only Weathertight, flush mounted in lower housing, and located a minimum of fir above grade. Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos,TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sftelighting.com o Copyright 2008 Philips Group All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product Improvement program. 191IS35r970E Gardco Lighting is a Philips group brand PH 1 LI PS Notes: Job: Type: 100 LINE 102 PERFORMANCE SCONCE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Gardco 102 Rounded Wedge high performance sconce offers an excellent alternative to unsightly wall mounted fixtures. These architecturally refined luminaires are designed to integrate naturally to wall surfaces. The 102 luminaires are available with three (3) different distribution patterns - a wide throw, a medium throw and a forward throw. Each luminaire is designed to accept HID sources up to 175MH, and Compact Fluorescent sources up to 42 watt. Housings are sealed throughout, completely excluding moisture, dust, insects and contaminants. CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: 102 luminaires installed in the normal downlight position, with a flat glass lens, provide full cutoff performance. PREFIX DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS Enter the order code Into the appropriate box above. Note- Gardco reserves the right to refuse a configuration. Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations. For questions or concerns, please consult the factory DISTRIBUTION 102 Rounded Wedge FT Forward Throw Not Available with Fluorescent Lamps. 102EM Emergency Sconce WT Wide Throw Not Avarfable with Fluorescent Lamps 102EMR Remote Emergency Sconce MT Medium Throw Refer to confllguratlon Chart below for available combinations AND VOLTAGEWATTAGE LAMP / VOLTAGE CHART -102 CONFIGURATION CHART-102EM5 Combinations marked with a dot or Voltage shown with "UNIV" are available stribution Voltage for ordering 124 2Q@ M M N7 9$4 FluorescenjjC0 12QML717OMH • • -Metal Halide 260CMH-Ceramic CM Metal Halide withOMH • • • • • Electronic Ballast 32TRF •10OMH • • • • • • HPS - High Pressure Sodium 2TRF • 150MH • • • • • TRF - Triple Tube Fluorescent OF - Quad Fluorescent CONFIGURATION CHART - 102EMR5 175MH • • • • • • 50CMHE UNIV Distribution Voltage OCMHE UNIV 100CMHE' UNIV Fluorescent �T MT MT 20 ZL7 M7 W SHPS • 2260F2.3.4 • • • 50HPS • • 32TRF • • • OHPS • • • • • • 42TRF • • • 100HPS • • • • • • 150HPS • • • • • Fluorescent 6011' UNIV • 1. Fluorescent and CMHE luranares Mahn electronic blasts Mat accept 120V ftugh 277V, 50hz to 60hz, input Sp+oy"UNIV vit+ge for 120VdvxVh277V 2260F' UNIV • 2 One (1) temp a powered in emergency mods write 864CG Option 3 AwNMe wM ICE420 option, whxll power; in 0l+nps in emergency mode. ICE420 option only+wdatit wM 2260E 32TRF UNIV • 4CAU77ON: Maxmum beterypea input power for EMR units with 10E42o option is 100 wells(63 amps) when lx+tng 42TRF' UNIV • elementison This is in afton to Ina normal input power brlumunen imps and blibst 5ReAer ki'102 Emarprq sconce Table'm page 2 for+ddoonN maim+bon BRP ®- Bronze Paint BLP Black Paint WP White Paint NIP Natural Aluminum Paint BGP Beige Paint OC Optional Color Paint Specify Optional Color or RAL ex: OC-LGP or OC-RAL7024. SC Special Color Paint Specify Must supply color chip F Fusing 12OV through 277V only. PCB Button Type Photocontrol N/A w/480V OSs Quartz Standby cisr Quartz Standby - Timed Delay Q9247 Quartz Emergency 012V7 Quartz 12V Emergency 020MRe (2)MR16 12V Emergency - 20 Watt 035MRe (2)MR16 12V Emergency - 35 Watt SL Solite® Diffusing Lens UT 5° Uptilt WLU Wet Location Door for Inverted Mount N/A with WG option WS Wall Mounted Box for Surface Conduit Rear entry permitted. WS/UT WS Option w/5° Uptilt Rear entry permitted WG Wire Guard Not available with WLU option POLY Polycarbonate Sag Lens 100w HID maximum. EMR Luminaires Only: 9 B84CG Bodine Remote Emergency Pack ICE420'0 IOTA Remote Emergency Pack 2260E1232TRFory 6 HO omy, Nol awAble with CMHE adpsts, FT Optics or in 46011. 100w Ouch maamum 7WT Optic only 150w HID mar 100w Quartz nwomum. 6. WT optic only 30CMHE or 70CWW only Soppked wM in (2) 20W MR16 or two (2) 35W MR16 Flood (40' beam) lap. 9. Ar Emaryvky Boory pasts for EMR "as MUST be ontaW wM Uninaaas and suppled by Gedco. 10. CAUTION Maximum babervDick mad now for EMR units wM ICE420 notion is 100 wells 1.83 amps) whet hrbm ak Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos,TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.altelighting.com 0 Copyright 2008 Philips Group All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program 79115-12SAM Gardco Lighting is a Philips group brand PH f Lf PS SM100 LINE 102 PERFORMANCE SCONCE GENERAL: Each Gardco 102 luminaire is a wall mounted cutoff luminaire for high intensity discharge or compact fluorescent lamps. Internal components are totally enclosed in a rain -tight, dust -tight and corrosion resistant housing. The housing, back plate and door frame are diecast aluminum. A choice of three (3) optical systems is available. Luminaires are suitable for wet locations (damp locations if inverted). HOUSING: Single -piece housings are die cast aluminum. A memory retentive gasket seals the housing with the doorframe to exclude moisture, dust, insects and pollutants from the optical system. A black, die cast ribbed backplate dissipates heat for longer lamp and ballast life. DOOR FRAME- A single -piece die cast aluminum door frame integrates to the housing form. The door frame is hinged closed and secured to the housing with two (2) captive stainless steel fasteners. The heat and impact resistant 1/8" (.32cm) tempered glass lens and one-piece gasket are mechanically secured to the door frame with four (4) galvanized steel retainers. OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Reflectors are composed of specular extruded and faceted components, electropolished, anodized and sealed. Reflector segments are set in arc tube image duplicating patterns to achieve the wide throw, forward throw or medium throw downlight distributions. ELECTRICAL - STANDARD LUMINAIRES: Each high power factor HID core and coil ballast is the separate component type, capable of providing reliable lamp starting down to-20°F/-29°C. Component -to -component wiring within the luminaire will carry no more than 80% of rated current and is listed by UL for use at 600 VAC at 302°F/1500C or higher. Plug disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600 VAC, 15A or higher. Standard fluorescent units have a starting temperature of 0°F/-18°C. Standard fluorescent ballasts are high power factor electronic solid state. LUMINAIRES with 0924 / G12V /OMR20 / OMR35 OPTIONS: Luminaires with the Q924 option require a separate source of 120V power (by others.) Luminaires with Q1211, 020MR or 035MR options require a separate source of 12V power (by others.) EMERGENCY LUMINAIRES: All emergency luminaires feature an indicator light visible through the lens and a test switch accessible through the door assembly. Minimum battery pack ambient temperatures are as indicated in the 102 Emergency Sconce Table. In the event of a power interruption, emergency luminaires will power compact fluorescent lamps as indicated in the 102 Emergency Sconce Table at reduced light levels for a minimum of 90 minutes. EMR LUMINAIRES include a 7.572.29m, 12 wire, quick disconnect assembly for wiring through conduit (by others) to a B84CG or ICE420 fluorescent emergency battery pack. The fluorescent emergency battery pack MUST be supplied by Gardco. The B84CG option or the ICE420 option required on the order to the factory. CAUTION: Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with ICE420 option is 100 watts (.83 amps) when heating element is on. This is in addition to the normal input power for luminaire lamps and ballast. 102 Emergency Sconce Table" 102 Emergency Battery Pack Min. Lamps Powered Luminaire Ambient Temperature in Emergency Mode 102EM (Integral) 32°F/0°C (1) 26, (1) 32, or (1) 42 Watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp 102EMR (Remote) with 32' F/ 0°C B84CG Option 102EMR (Remote) with 0°F/-18°C (2) 26 Watt Compact ICE420 Option 12 Fluorescent Lamps Notea 11 See GeNm EmerprncylgM0ulutWamutlon(79115-155) for emergency lumen output data 12 CAUTION Maximum battery park input power for EMR units with ICE420 option is 100 weal (83 amps) tmw heating element is on The is in addition to the normal input power for lummaire lamps and ballast LAMPHOLDER: Pulse rated medium base sockets are glazed porcelain with nickel plated screw shell. Fluorescent sockets are high temperature (PBT) with brass contacts. FINISH: Each standard color luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, electrostatically applied, thermally cured, triglyddal isocyanurate (TGIC) textured polyester powdercoat finish. Standard colors include bronze (BRP), black (BLP), white (WP), natural aluminum (NP) and beige (BGP). Consult factory for specs on custom colors. LABELS: All luminaires bear UL or CUL (where applicable) labels, except as noted. Lens down application is Wet Location and lens up is Damp Location, except when using the optional inverted Wet Location components. Emergency luminaires do not bear CUL label. FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: Full cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where zero candela intensity occurs at an angle of 90' above nadir Additionally, the candela per 1000lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100 (10 percent) at a vertical angle of 801 above nadir This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: Cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25 (25 percent) at an angle at or above 90' above nadir, and 100 (10 percent) at a vertical angle of 80' above nadir This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire Mounting Plate 14 4 5/16" --►I O 10 95 cm Y 20.96 cm I �L 1 3/4" dirt 3" 44Cm 762 cm 16 1 /2' 9" O 41.91 cm 22 86 cm Mounting Bolt Pattern Note Mounting plate center is located in the center of the luminaire width and 3 5"(8 89cm) above the luminaire bottom (lens down position) Splices must be made in the J-box (by others). Mounting plate must be secured by max 5116' (.79cm) diameter bolts (by others) structurally to the wall. Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sitefighting.com ® Copyright 2008 Philips Group. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. 79115.1250110e Gardco Lighting is a Philips group brand PH 1 LI PS BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BLDG. August 19, 08 South Burlington, VT Prelim. Planting Cost Estimate Michael Lawrence Assoc. Landscape Architects Essex Junction, VT BUDGET REQUIRED BY SOUTH BURLINGTON $46,500 EVERGREEN TREES PLANT SIZE UNIT COST QUAN SUB -TOTAL ABCO-A Abies concolor 5-6 ft. $300 11 $3,300 ABCO-B Abies concolor 6-7 ft. $375 5 $1,875 PIAB-A Picea abies 5-6 ft. $275 13 $3,575 PIAB-B Picea abies 6-7 ft. $350 3 $1,050 PIGL-A Picea glauca 5-6 ft. $275 11 $3,025 PIGL-B Picea glauca 6-7 ft. $350 4 $1,400 $14,225 DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES ACFR Acer freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' 2-2.5 in. $700 5 $3,500 MACM Malus 'Candy Mint' 2-2.5 in. $500 11 $5,500 PYCA Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' 2.5-3 in. $700 2 $1,400 QUBI Quercus bicolor 2.5-3 in. $750 8 $6,000 SYRE Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' 2-2.5 in. $550 5 $2,750 $19,150 SMALL EVERGREENS & DECIDUOUS SHRUBS BEAB Berberis atropurpurea'Bagatelle' 2 gal.. $40 26 $1,040 CLAL Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' 3 gal. $50 44 $2,200 COPU Cornus pumila 3 gal. $40 54 $2,160 HYMB Hydrangea macrophylla'Blue Billows' 2 gal.. $65 30 $1,950 ILGL Ilex glabra'Shamrock' 2 gal.. $55 35 $1,925 ILVJ Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' 3 gal. $45 1 $45 ILVR Ilex verticillata'Red Sprite' 3 gal. $45 27 $1,215 PIPU Picea pungens 'Fat Albert' 6-7 ft. $680 3 $2,040 PISB Pinus strobus'Nana' 5 gal. $180 9 $1,620 SAPN Salix purpurea 'Nana' 2 gal.. $35 8 $280 THOC Thuja occidentalis'Holmstrup' 5-6 ft. $175 5 $875 $13,190 $46,565 1 i Birchwood Office Building Parking Lot Green Space Calculations South Parking Lots < 26 spaces No Green Space Analysis Required North Parking Lot 29,271 Total Pavement Area (SF) 2,927 Required Green Space Area (SF) Area Description 2,091 Center Island 170 North Island Bumpout 170 South Island Bumpout 295 Northeast Corner Bumpout 295 Southeast Corner Bumpout 256 Mideast Bumpout 3,277 Total Green Space Island Area Provided (SF) Parking Lot Tree Screening 98 Number of Parking Spaces 5 Number of Spaces per Tree 19.6 Required Number of Trees 25 Number of Perimeter Trees Provided Act 250 (GPD) Project Lot # Acres Permit Water Master Plan Approval 105.95 4C1005 48,468 CBA Office Building 4 3.13 4C1005-2 2,250 The Rock Church 11 3.12 4C1005-4 1,301 O'Brien Comm. Condo 2 8 4C1005-5 945 Super -Temp 6 3.29 4C1005-6 675 Logic Supply 10 3.22 4C1005-7 1,148 CEA Office P.U.D. 1A 3.06 4C1005-8 1,013 Birchwood Office Bldg 8&9 7.78 4C1005-9* 1,116 Remaining Capacity 5 79.07 40,020 % Capacity Used 38% 25% 17% (VTE) (VTE) (VTE) (GPD) Project Traffic Project Traffic Total Daily (Spaces) Sewer AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Project Traffic Parking 51,272 830 673 6,773 1,819 1,800 102 102 400 123 1,092 15 15 70 125 945 53 55 389 90 600 20 20 105 30 1,020 23 23 116 100 1,128 42 41 299 80 1,256 65 41 293 105 43,432 510 376 5,101 1,166 15% 39% 44% 25% 36% 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 August 19, 2008 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Planning Assistant City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Re: Birchwood Office Building - Meadowland Business Park Applicant/Owner: Birchwood Burlington, LLC PUD Preliminary Plat & Final Plat Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: Please find attached the preliminary plat and final plat applications for the proposed 27,200 SF Birchwood Office Building to be located on Lots 8 and 9 off of Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Business Park. The Park is currently permitted by the City of South Burlington with maximum benchmarks when it comes to water supply requirements, wastewater disposal needs and traffic generation. We have attached a summary of the allocations to date for each of the six projects that have been approved to date within the 12 lot Business Park. The proposed office use creates a relatively small impact to the water supply and wastewater disposal infrastructure in the area. Lamoreaux and Dickenson has completed a report which updates the traffic study of the intersection of Meadowland Drive and Route 116 as required for the Preliminary Plat application. The study found that the need for a traffic signal at this intersection is not yet warranted. The majority of the parking (98 spaces) has been distributed on the far side of the building in accordance with the City's planning goals. A small number of visitor parking spaces (4) are proposed on the south side of the building. Five (5) handicap spaces are proposed in conformance with ADAAG requirements. There are two entry drives proposed for the project. The number of curb cuts is consistent with the number approved in the original Meadowland subdivision approval. The south entry drive allows for separate visitor parking as well as public ADA parking spaces and provides a aesthetic front entry component to the building. The north entry services the rear parking lot where the majority of the employees and building access will take place on a day to day basis. This side of the building is architecturally designed to be a major entrance as well. The building is served by two main entrances both prominent but unique in design. The site design will utilize the natural topography, which is slightly sloping, to provide positive drainage to the two new detention basins that will be designed to comply with the requirements of the existing Stormwater Discharge Permit issued by the State of Vermont and City of South Burlington Stormwater Ordinance. The parking lot is proposed to utilize both curbed and uncurbed sections so as to allow the water to pass unimpeded to the treatment system. The State Stormwater Permit requires a 10-year design storm peak flow from the two parcels of no more than 7.9 CFS. The proposed design will provide a peak flow of 7.8 CFS. Currently the site is old farmland and does not have any significant tree cover, we are proposing a landscaping plan that utilizes native species plantings that would meet the LEED requirement for shading of impervious surfaces within the required time frame. We would also be developing the property in a relatively compact footprint, leaving a large percentage of the lot open at this time (20.8% lot coverage in comparison to 50% allowable. The architecture of the building was designed to blend in with the surrounding architecture of the existing office park, but have its own strong unique presence with a modern Vermont barn vernacular with the round front entry element and the clerestory windows of the two main building wings reminiscent of a barn structure. The exterior building materials are meant to be natural in appearance but allow for a clean modern office building look with low maintenance and long building life. The clerestory windows above the two main interior spaces will allow an abundance of natural light into even the center of the office spaces providing most of the building occupants with natural day lighting and reducing energy needs at the same time. The central corridor design allows for an efficient way of having two main building entrances while allowing for the secure operations of the building and separates the internal programming elements so as to provide a separation of the functioning program of the building and the support program within the building. Water, sewer, electrical, telephone and cable stubs were previously installed on the east edge of the property and will be extended into the site to service the proposed facility. C Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 3 of 6 August 19, 2008 To assist in your review of the application, we have summarized the Staff sketch plan outline of items to be addressed for the preliminary plat application submittal. 1. The South Burlington Water Department should review the plans prior to preliminary plat approval. We have received comments back from Mr. Jay Nadeau concerning the sketch plan submittal. An updated plan set has been forwarded to him for his review. 2. The preliminary plat application shall include the sewer allocation request. A sewer allocation request has been submitted and an approved allocation has been received and utilized as part of the State permitting for the project 3. The applicant shall submit grading and erosion control plans as part of preliminary plat application. The plans set includes a phased erosion control program supported by narrative details and specifications. The grading plan is associated with the drainage management plan for the project 4. The proposed project shall adheres to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The submitted plans most or exceed these standards. 5. The applicant shall submit a new survey plat to show the revised property lines and elimination of the temporary easement encumbering Lots 6 and 9 as part of the preliminary plat application. A plat plan identifying the perimeter property line information and the proposed elimination of the common property line between Lots 8 & 9 has been included. 6. The applicant shall submit an updated traffic study in accordance with the requirements set forth in the current subdivision approval for the Meadowlands Business Parr as part of the preliminary plat application. Attached is a traffic study prepared by Lamoureux & Dickenson which indicates that the warrants for a traffic signal at the intersection of Route 116 and Meadowland Drive have not been met 7. The South Burlington Fire Chief shall review the plans and provide comments prior to preliminary plat approval. Mark Behr met with Chief Brent to review the proposed site configuration and received confirmation that the plan layout which provides access on the north and south sides of the building is acceptable. A memorandum of this meeting is attached. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 4 of 6 August 19, 2008 8. The applicant should meet with the South Burlington Recreation Path Committee to discuss the recreation path easement on the property and sidewalk extension. The applicant has met with the Committee. It was agreed that the applicant should include a curb cut from the bituminous sidewalk into the extended street near the dead end to allow bicyclists and pedestrians to easily access the road surface and not be stranded at the end of the sidewalk. This has been included in the plans. 9. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All of the proposed utility lines are proposed to be installed underground. 10. The applicant shall submit plans showing proposed lighting locations and details (cut - sheets) as part of the preliminaryplat application. A lighting plan (Sheet SE2.0) and cut sheets have been included. 11. The applicant should submit building elevations showing height of the building from the average pre -construction grade as part of the preliminaryplat application. Building elevations with the requested information are depicted on Sheet C2.1. 12. The applicant shall submit landscaping plans showing as part of the preliminary plat application. A landscaping plan along with a schedule of costs has been submitted. We have also included a spreadsheet showing the internal green space areas of the main lot to demonstrate compliance with the Off-street parking lot layout requirements. 13. The plans shall be revised to detail the means of screening for all dumpsters as part of the preliminary plat application. Details for the screening of the dumpster in included in Sheet C5.2 - Site details. 14. The applicant shall submit building costs as part of the preliminaryplat application. The projected building costs and landscaping values are included in the application and as a separate spreadsheet. 15. The applicant shall submit a landscaping plan for the subject property, prepared in accordance with Section 13.06 of the SBLDR, as part of the preliminaryplat application. Sheet L-1 depicts the proposed landscaping plan. 16. The applicant shall submit a landscaping budget for the subject property, in compliance with Table 13-9 of the SBLDR, as part of the preliminary plat application. The projected building costs and landscaping values are included in the application and as a separate spreadsheet Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 5 of 6 August 20, 2008 17. The plans shall be revised to depict show storage areas. The landscaping plan depicts the proposed snow storage areas. 18. The plans shall be revised to depict any utility cabinets on the site. They shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board prior to final plat approval. The proposed electrical transformer has been sited at a location outside of the 50' frontyard setbackwhile also being accessible for maintenance by Green Mountain Power from the south entry drive. The landscaping plan shows the proposed screening for the transformer cabinet 19. The applicant shall submit building elevations as part of the preliminary plat application. The building elevations shall include the height of the building in relation to mean sea level as well as the horizontal distance of the building from the Hinesburg Road -North View Protection Zone Base Line, in compliance with Section 10.03(H) of the SBLDR. This information is depicted on Sheet C2.1 with regard to the View Protection Zone while the buildings elevations are submitted as stand alone drawings in the plan package. 20. The City Engineer shall review the preliminary plat plan and provide comment. Pending. Based upon the limited number of issues associated with the project, the applicant is seeking a consolidation of the preliminary and final plat hearings to facilitate project scheduling. Please find attached a completed application and supporting plans for this proposed facility. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 985-2323. Lctf David S. Marshall, P. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Six (6) Full Size and Nine 11" x 17" reduced Size Plan sets including: P1 Plat Plan Aug. 8, 2008 C-1.0 Site Location Plan Aug., 2008 C-1.1 Site Improvements Plan Aug., 2008 C-1.2 Site Grading & Drainage Plan Aug., 2008 C-1.3 Site Utility Plan Aug., 2008 ' C C Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 6 of 6 August 20, 2008 C-1.4 Existing Condition Plan Aug., 2008 SL-2.0 Site Lighting Plan Aug., 2008 C-2.1 Lighting Details Aug., 2008 C-2.2 View Protection Zone Plan Aug., 2008 C-2.3 Bowdoin Street Profile Aug., 2008 C-3.0-5 EPSC Phasing Plans Aug., 2008 C-4.0 EPSC Narrative Aug., 2008 C-4.1 EPSC Specifications Aug., 2008 C-4.2 - 4 EPSC Details Aug., 2008 C-5.0 Sewer Details Aug., 2008 C-5.1 Water Details Aug., 2008 C-5.2 Site Details Aug., 2008 C-5.3 Road & Misc. Details Aug., 2008 C-6.0-6.3 Specifications Aug., 2008 L-1 Site Landscaping Plan & Details Aug., 2008 L-2 Site Landscaping Plan & Details Aug., 2008 Preliminary Plat Application (with $811 fee) Final Plat Application (with $511 fee) Letter to Nadeau, Memo to Chief Brent Traffic Study Lighting Cut Sheets Landscaping Cost Estimate Green Space Calculation Meadowland Business Park Resource Summary cc: M. Behr (w/ enclosures), D. Leban (w/ enclosures) M. Lawrence (w/enclosures), C. Prather (w/ enclosures) P.\AutoCADD Projects12008\08164\Permbng\Local\Prelim-FlnaNaRosePrelim.wpd CIN/I L E'i IGII IEM;klI'sIG AS, S0CIAtES, IIN C, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 September 10, 2008 Mr. Jay Nadeau, Superintendent City of South Burlington Water Department Queen City Park Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Birchwood Office Project Meadowland Business Park, South Burlington Dear Mr. Nadeau: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mailC-Wcea-vt.com Thank you for taking the time to review the plans and to discuss the means of providing water supply to this project proposed at 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Business Park. We offer the following narrative in support of those sheet specific comments outlined in your September 2, 2008 letter. A. Sheet C1.3 - The proposed hydrant in the southeast quadrant of the site has been added to the plans. The details on Sheet C5.1 cover the remaining comments from Item A. We have added the general note requiring that all materials and installation methods comply with the City Standards. B. Sheet C1.3 - The call -out for the water service connection to the building has been modified to require the use of an approved solid sleeve coupling. C. Sheet C2.3 - The requirement to install rigid insulation at the water main - storm drain crossing has been added to this sheet. D. Sheet C5.1 - We have modified the detail on Sheet C5.1 to depict the inclusion of a curb stop between the main and the blow -off assembly. We have added the general note requiring that all materials and installation methods comply with the City Standards. E. Sheet C5.1 - The proper South Burlington typical hydrant detail has been substituted for the previous detail. This detail has been further modified to show the tie-in detail with the 8A reducer, the inclusion of an approved N Mr. Jay Nadeau Page two of two September 10, 2008 hydrant flag and recognition that the hydrant is to be a Kennedy K-81 D to match the hydrants in place at the Meadowland Business Park. The Reducer thrust block detail has been modified to eliminate the use of concrete in favor of the use of mega -lug retainer glands. This completes our summary of the revisions that have been integrated into the plans. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864- 2323 x-310. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer ldsm Enclosures Sheets C1.3, C2.3 and C5.1 cc: C. LaRose (no enclosures), CEA File 08164.00 (w/ enclosures) M. Behr (w/ enclosures) PAAutoCADD ProjectsX20081081641Permitting\Local\Prelim-FinalWadeau2.wpd 40�vERMoNr State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation [phone] 802-879-5656 Wastewater Management Division [fax] 802-879-3871 Essex Regional Office 1ii West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septic.vt.gov August 18, 2oo8 Birchwood Burlington, LLC 5524 Cypress Street Suite B Tampa FL 33607 RE: WW-4-3145, Birchwood Office Building amend EC-4-2004 to consolidate Lots 8 & 9 to become 7.78 acres and construct a 27,200 square foot office building with ninety three employees and municipal water and wastewater services located at 65 & 103 Bowdoin Streets in the city of South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on August 18, 2008, including a fee of $314.00 paid by check #026167. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 45 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 in -,house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. For the Division of Wastewater Management Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Regional Offices — Barre/EssexJct./Rutland/Springfleld/St. Johnsbury �IVI �l Irll�I��;tl! IG r����JC1r�l_�. HNIC 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 July 10, 2008 Mr. Jay Nadeau, SuperintendeW City of South Burlington Water Department Queen City Park Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Birchwood Office Project Meadowland Business Park, South Burlington Dear Mr. Nadeau: Phone: 802-864-2323 h at: 802-604-__i l L-Mail: mailC'cea-vt.coni Thank you for taking the time to review the means of providing water supply to this project proposed at 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Business Park. We will integrate your comments into the final plans in support of the preliminary plat application package for the project. Please find attached a formal request for a potable water allocation for the project. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323 x-310. Respectfully, avid S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures Application Form cc: C. LaRose (no enclosures), CEA File 08164.00 (w/ enclosures) M. Behr (w/ enclosures) R\AutoCADD Projects\2008\08164\Permitting\Local\Prelim-FinaMadeau.wpd Smudge and Jam Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 8160TM www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVER` a AVERYO 8160TM Larry & Ginette Brainard Green Acres, Inc. Homer & Marie Dubois 28 Knoll Circle 1269 Spear St 1405 Hinesburg Rd i So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 Scott & Roberta Pennington Terrance & Nancy Sheahan Mark & Kathryn Boucher 26 Knoll Circle 24 Knoll Circle 20 Knoll Circle So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 Christopher & Theri Davis Gary & Nancy Lines Bradley L. Gardner 18 Knoll Circle 16 Knoll Circle PO Box 21 So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 Colchester, VT 05446 Cityof South Burlington b't I, Arthur H & Lexie R. Rye i Y Arthur H Rye & Bernice R Brisson Y 575 Dorset St 1075 Hinesburg Rd 1075 Hinesburg Rd So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 James & Sachi Rowley Civil Engineering Associates 1 East Mountain View, LLC 1160 Hinesburg Rd 10 Mansfield View Lane 5399 Williston Rd So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 Williston, VT 05495 Michael Gravelin Spaniel Properties, LLC Burlington Properties, Ltd 1060 Hinesburg Rd 1050 Hinesburg Rd PO Box 0210 So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 So Burlington, VT 05403 Munson Earth Moving Corp O'Brien Meadowlands, LLC Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC 85 Shunpike Rd PO Box 2184 186 College St Williston, VT 05495 So Burlington, VT 05403 Burlington, VT 05401 � Chase Properties & Dev., Ltd I Super -Temp Realty Company, Inc. Greenfield Capital, LLC PO Box 2283 133 Elm St PO Box 115 So Burlington, VT 05403 Winooski, VT 05404 Eden, VT 05652 The Rock of Greater Burlington, Inc. 145 Pine Haven Shores Rd Shelburne, VT 05482 I �W09L8 ®�,2 J�1� AH3AV-00-00'8-6 �. -,w09L8 %IaegeG al zaslll4n ! ua03-AaaAen MPA „®e aft)A ©MUe 10 Mdej a6eu:)as a uoissaidwo Cl�/1! �l�lrll I�t;tl� Ir r�J:JJ�Ji1t�Z) 11 ICE 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 July 29, 2008 Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Offices 5500 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Birchwood Office Building Meadowland Business Park, South Burlington, VT Request for Ability to Serve Letter Dear Mr. Belair: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com We are in the process of preparing an Act 250 application for the proposed 30,000 SF Birchwood Office project to be located on Lots 8 & 9 at 65 Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Business Park in South Burlington, Vermont. As you may be are aware, this proposed office complex is currently moving through the City approval process. Based upon the information submitted in the municipal applications and findings from the Development Review Board's Sketch Plan review, we would greatly appreciate it if you would complete the attached Municipal Impact Questionnaire. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosure Municipal Impact Questionnaire cc: CEA File 06248.00 (w/ enclosure) P WutoCADD Projects12008\08I64\Perndtdng\Act 250\Ab litylmundnVacd et wpd ACT 250 MUNICIPAL IMPACT QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is intended to help applicants gather evidence to submit under Criterion 7 - Municipal Services. A letter or narrative from the Town Manager, Selectboard Chair or appropriate official may also serve as evidence. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE: Applicant Name: Birchwood Burlington, LLC - Birchwood Office Municipality: City of South Burlington Title and Date of Site Plan Submitted: Site Plan Sheet C-1.0 dated June, 2008 TOWN MANAGER, DEPARTMENT HEADS, OR EQUIVALENT TO COMPLETE: a) Does the municipality have the capacity to provide the following services without unreasonable burdens for the above project: Fire Protection X Yes _No _ Mun. does not provide this service. Police Protection X Yes No _ Mun. does not provide this service. Rescue Service X Yes _No _ Mun. does not provide this service. Solid Waste Disposal _Yes _No X Mun. does not provide this service. Road Maintenance X Yes —No Mun. does not provide this service. b) If "no", what are the deficiencies? c) If the service is unavailable from the municipality, who provides the service so that the town doesn't have to? d) Would the deficiencies occur without this project? _Yes or No? If "no", what measures can the applicant take to alleviate the deficiencies? e) If the deficiencies are common to many projects, does this project create burdens which are disproportionate to the taxes and user fees to be paid to the municipality? Yes or _No? If "yes", does the municipality recommend the imposition of an impact fee or other means to mitigate any unreasonable burdens? f) Are you available, after sufficient notice; to answer questions related to the above statements at an Act 250 hearing? /—Yes or _No I certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 'FA1? L. CQti?Ay-tP\ Name JREC7-C>9 D Position `i Date July 17, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Minutes — Birchwood Office Building Dear Dave: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved June 17, 2008 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Donough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Street 5unth Yi" 11545.1 to) 802 641,1ftt6 lax 301..8W4101 winw.stttiri.czm ( SOUTH , URLINGTON DEVELOPMENT Rl ✓IEW BOARD 17 JUNE 2008 S. Continued Design Review Application #DR-08-03 of Patrick Malone requesting design review approval for the exterior modifications to a 33,733 sq. ft. building consisting of office and retail food use, 222 Dorset St. The subject property falls within Design District 1 of the City Center Design Review Overlay District: Ms. Hainley advised that the applicant had spoken with the artist and got a revised drawing for the artwork at a lower cost. It will be installed within a year. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Design Review Application #DR-08-03 of Patrick Malone subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-28 and Final Plat Application #SD-08- 29 of Merchants Bank for a planned unit development to amend a previously approved plan for a 100,932 sq. ft. retail building (40,205 sq. ft. vacant) and a 1000 sq. ft. bank with a drive -through facility. The amendment consists of: 1) enlarging the bank's leased parcel to 1.02 acres, 2) razing the existing bank building, and 3) constructing a new 2120 sq. ft. bank building with a drive -through facility, 929 Shelburne Rd: Mr. White showed the location of the new building. The existing bank would continue to operate while the new building is built. It would then be demolished. There have been extensive discussions regarding the traffic overlay issues, and there is now an agreement. Mr. White said that philosophically they have no issue with connecting to the adjacent property, but since there is no specific plan, they can't give a definitive answer. Mr. Dinklage noted the Board's desire to pursue this in the future. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-08-28 and Final Plat Application SD-08-29 of Merchants Bank subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. ketch Plan Application #Sd-08-33 of Birchwood Properties, Inc, for a planned unit development to construct a 25,685 sq. ft. general office building, 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street: Mr. Marshall said the applicant has been awarded the bid for the Homeland Security building in Meadowland Business Park. Mr. Dinklage noted the applicant is presenting 3 options for the plan. Mr. Marshall said the main difference between options 1 and 2 is access. Option 2 has a dead-end road, and Bruce Hoar would have to weigh in on that. Option 3 makes the building more energy -4- SOUTIL ORLINGTON DEVELOPMENT RL r IEW BOARD 17 JUNE 2008 efficient and has a more efficient layout. Mr. Belair noted that Option 3 has less coverage and less of an impact. Mr. Dinklage asked if proposal 3 is OK for fire access to the rear of the building. Mr. Belair said there is no problem. Mr. Marshall said based on the nature of sprinklering, the Chief will have comments. Ms. LaRose noted that Bruce Hoar doesn't like dead-end streets. Mr. Dinklage asked about a "hammerhead T" instead of a cul de sac. Mr. Belair said Mr. Hoar wants only cul de sacs. Members felt they would like a "tutorial" on Mr. Hoar's thinking. Mr. Dinklage said the Board will want a traffic assessment. He questioned whether there is warrant enough to trigger a light, even if the state is opposed. Mr. Marshall felt that at build -out there will probably be a light. He added that if the warrants are there, it would be a safety issue and would be hard for the State to say no. Mr. Bresee noted that Hinesburg Rd. is scheduled for repaving. During that process, the lane width will be reduced fro 12 feet to 11 feet, for traffic calming. Mr. Marshall noted that the sidewalk will be extended to the property line. Members preferred Option #3. 11. Continued Conditional Use Application #CU-07-09 of L. E. Farrell, Inc. to change the use of a 94,000 sq. ft. light manufacturing building to warehousing, processing, storage, and distribution use, 20 Karen Drive: and 12. Continued Site Plan Application #SP-07-83 of L. E. Farrell, Inc., to change the use of a 94,000 sq. ft. light manufacturing building to warehousing, processing, storage and distribution use, 20 Karen Drive: Mr. Belair advised that the applicant had asked for a continuance until 5 August. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Conditional Use Application #CU-07-09 and Site plan Application #SP-08-83 of L. E. Farrell, Inc., until 5 August 2008. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Appeal #AO-08-11 of Cedar Bluff Condominium Association, Inc., appealing the issuance of Notice of Violation #NV-08-14 for zoning violations at 303 & 305 Lime Kiln Road: Mr. Belair advised that the applicant had asked for a continuance until 1 July 2008. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Appeal #AO-08-11 of Cedar Bluff Condominium Association until 1 July 2008. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. -5- 5d,_th Burlington Fire Nartment 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4110 Douglas S. Brent, Fire Chief June 25, 2008 Mrs. Cathy LaRose Planning and Zoning Department City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Birchwood Office Building Bodoin Street Dear Cathy: I have reviewed the sketch plans for the construction of the office building on Bodoin Street. I reviewed several versions and spoke with Dave Marshall relative to all of them. 1. Currently I support the sketch labeled C- 1.0. It appears to have the best circulation and flow for emergency response and would best support how fire operations would be handled were there to be an emergency. 2. Any other comments I will leave until such time as the preliminary plans are submitted and then I will provide my full review. Given my discussions with Dave Marshall at this point this seems to be the major item which is holding them up. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. erely, Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief AP A aim s outhburlington PLANNING & ZONING June 13, 2008 Dave Marshall Civil Engineering Associates 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Birchwood Dear Dave: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. rr- Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: June 13, 2008 \drb\sub\birchwood\birchwood_sketch Application received: June 9, 2008 651103 BOWDOIN STREET SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-08-33 Agenda #10 Meeting Date: June 17, 2008 Applicant Owner Birchwood Properties, Inc. Grandview Farms, Inc. 5524 West Cypress Street PO Box 1304 Suite B Burlington, VT 05401 Tampa, Florida 33607 Engineer/Contact Property Information Dave Marshall Tax Parcel ID 0257-00065 Lot 8 3.90 Acres Civil Engineering Associates Tax Parcel ID 0257-00103 Lot 9 3.88 Acres 10 Mansfield View Lane Hinesburg Road North View Protection overlay South Burlington, VT 05403 District Airport Approach Cone Location Map a t y r { CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch Birchwood Properties Inc, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking sketch plan review for a planned unit development to construct a 25,685 sq. ft. general office building, 65 & 103 Bowdoin Street Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on June 9, 2008 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements 10 Zoning District Required Proposed �l Min. Lot Size 3 acres 7.78 acres Max. Density n/a n/a Max. Building Coverage 30% 7.7% Max. Overall Coverage 50% 25.4% Min. Front Setback Bowdoin Street 50 ft. 52 ft. Min. Side Setback 35 ft. 107 ft. Min. Front Setback (Thompson Street 50 ft. 456 ft. Max. Building Height 35 ft. 31 ft Front Yard Coverage 30% 11.7% zoning compliance n/a no residential units proposed SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The entire Meadowland Business Park has been preliminarily approved for water allocation. However, the applicant shall still submit plans and requests to the South Burlington Water Department for review to ensure compliance with the initial approval. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memo dated June 11, 2008 (attached). CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch 1. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated June 11, 2008. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The original subdivision received a 51,272 gpd sewer allocation which is still in effect. To date there is 48,380 gpd available. 2. The preliminary plat application shall include the sewer allocation request. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The applicant has not yet submitted grading and erosion control plans. 3. The applicant shall submit grading and erosion control plans as part of preliminary plat application. 4. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to this property is proposed via two 24' drives from Bowdoin Street (for option number 1 and there are 3 curb cuts for option number 2). This complies with the minimum requirement for an entry drive and is therefore in compliance. There is an existing gravel teardrop cul-de-sac at the north end of Bowdoin Street. The applicant is proposing to extend Bowdoin Street to the north property line. They are proposing to submit a new survey plat to show revised property lines and elimination of the temporary easement encumbering Lots 6 and 9 as part of the preliminary plat application. The Director of Public Works should review the plans and comment on this matter. 5. The Director of Public Works shall review the plans and provide comments with respect to the cul-de-sac on Bowdoin Street. Staff does not foresee any issues with this proposal that will create unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. However, a traffic study at the intersection of Meadowland Drive and Hinesburg Road is required to be completed in support of the determination as to whether the warrants for a traffic light at that intersection is required. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch 6. The applicant shall submit an updated traffic study in accordance with the requirements set forth in the current subdivision approval for the Meadowlands Business Park as part of the preliminary plat application. According to the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition, the 25,685 square feet of single tenant office use (land Use Code 715) is estimated to generate 46.2 P.M. peak hour tip ends. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The subject property contains a large section of wetlands along a stream corridor (unnamed tributary of Potash Brook) that drains through the project site from south to north. The project respects the 50' setback from the wetlands associated with the stream corridor. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. According to Section 6.04(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Industrial -Open Space IO District is established to provide suitable locations for high -quality, large -lot office, light industrial and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. The IO District regulations and standards are intended to allow high -quality planned developments that preserve the generally open character of the district, minimize impacts on natural resources and water quality, and enhance the visual quality of approaches to the City while providing suitable locations for employment and business growth. The location and architectural design of buildings in a manner that preserves these qualities is strongly encouraged. Staff feels the proposed project is in compliance with the stated purpose of the 10 District, as outlined in the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. There are significant portions of open space running along the western portions of the property, so staff feels this requirement is met. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. Consistent with previous requests from the Fire Chief, a new fire hydrant is proposed at the south end of the project site to minimize the potential for fire hoses being run -over. 7. The South Burlington Fire Chief shall review the plans and provide comments prior to preliminary plat approval. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch The subject property contains a 20' wide recreation path easement which straddles the northern property boundary. The Recreation Path Committee should comment on this easement, and whether this should be transformed into a recreation path. Previous input from the committee regarding the same path on nearby Lot 6 did not call for any recommended improvements. The application calls for the extension of Bowdoin Street travel way but does not include the extension of the adjacent bituminous sidewalk. The plans should be revised to include the extension of the sidewalk. 8. The applicant should meet with the South Burlington Recreation Path Committee to discuss the recreation path easement on the property and sidewalk extension. 9. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. The subdivision plans for the entire Meadowland Business Park show details on street utilities, lighting, and stormwater management. These have been approved by the City Engineer, so they are acceptable for the proposed project. A lighting point by point plan for the proposed project shall be submitted for this proposal, and shall meet the requirements in Appendices A.9 and A.10 of the Land Development Regulations. In addition, the applicant should submit exterior lighting details (cut -sheets) for the proposed lighting on the subject parcel. The proposed lighting fixtures shall be in compliance with Appendix D of the Land Development Regulations. 10. The applicant shall submit plans showing proposed lighting locations and details (cut -sheets) as part of the preliminary plat application. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed development of this property is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. r CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sublBirchwood\Birchwood sketch Staff finds that this criterion is met through the proposed development. Again, the applicant should meet with the Recreation Path Committee. According to Table 13-1 in Section 13.01(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the 25,685 square feet of office building will require 90 spaces. The plans depict 107 parking spaces. According to Table 13-7 of the Land Development Regulations, a property with 100-125 parking spaces requires five (5) handicapped -accessible parking spaces. The plans currently depict five (5) handicapped -accessible spaces. The dimensions of the proposed parking areas appear to meet the requirements in Table 13-8 of the Land Development Regulations. Section 13.01(G)(5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. Two bicycle racks have been depicted on the plans. Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. The majority of the proposed parking is located to the north side and behind the building. Eight spaces are located in the front of the building. However, as the building fronts on a dead-end street, staff finds the location of parking on this property to be acceptable. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has submitted preliminary sketch elevations of the building. However a determination of how the building relates to the original grade is not included. 11. The applicant should submit building elevations showing height of the building from the average pre -construction grade as part of the preliminary plat application. The proposed project is located in a business park in a area where both office and industrial uses exists, so staff feels the scale of the proposed building is compatible with existing buildings in the area. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Staff has already stated that the applicant should submit updated elevations of the proposed building. Landscaping plans will assist in the determination of compliance with this requirement. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff has already stated that the applicant should submit landscaping plans and updated elevations of the proposed building. In addition to the above -general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Because the project is in a large lot, industrial area, staff does not feel access to adjacent properties is necessary. However, the Development Review Board should consider the benefits or limitations of the two curb cuts off of Bowdoin Street proposed as part of this project. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans do show dumpsters. Any waste facilities proposed on site shall be shown and shown to be adequately screened. 12. The plans shall be revised to detail the means of screening for all dumpsters as part of the preliminary plat application. Landscaping and Screening Requirements The applicant has not yet submitted cost projections for this property. The applicant has not yet submitted landscaping plans for the property. 13. The applicant shall submit building costs as part of the preliminary plat application. 14. The applicant shall submit a landscaping plan for the subject property, prepared in accordance with Section 13.06 of the SBLDR, as part of the preliminary plat application. 15. The applicant shall submit a landscaping budget for the subject property, in compliance with Table 13-9 of the SBLDR, as part of the preliminary plat application. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage area must be CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch specified and located in an area that will minimize the potential for run-off. The plans do not yet depict snow storage areas. 16. The plans shall be revised to depict show storage areas. Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the SBLDR, any utility cabinets on the site shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board. 17. The plans shall be revised to depict any utility cabinets on the site. They shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board prior to final plat approval. View Protection Zone The subject property is located within the Hinesburg Road -North Scenic View Protection Overlay District and thus subject to Section 10.03(H) of the SBLDR. Specifically, no part of any structure within the zone shall exceed an elevation of 393.5 feet above mean sea level plus 5.8 feet for each 1000 feet that said part of said structure is horizontally distant from the Hinesburg Road -North View Protection Zone Base Line shown on the Scenic View Protections Overlay District Map. 18. The applicant shall submit building elevations as part of the preliminary plat application. The building elevations shall include the height of the building in relation to mean sea level as well as the horizontal distance of the building from the Hinesburg Road -North View Protection Zone Base Line, in compliance with Section 10.03(H) of the SBLDR. Other The City Engineer shall review the preliminary plat. Details for his review, including but not limited to curb radii, road details, and sewer details, should be provided as part of the preliminary plat application. 19. The City Engineer shall review the preliminary plat plan and provide comment. This proposal results in the use of two (2) lots as one (1) lot. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant should record a Lot Merger Agreement in the Land Records. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "Comments" section of this document before continuing on to preliminary plat submission. Respectfully submitted, Cathyann Rose, Associate Planner C CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Copy to: David Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\Birchwood\Birchwood sketch June 11, 2008 Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Birchwood Office Building Dear Sirs: The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below. 1. The attached Application for Water Allocation must be completed and returned to the South Burlington Water Department as soon as possible. As this project continues, the Application for Water Allocation will need final approval from this Department, which will be contingent upon available water storage capabilities within the City. 2. Based upon the final water allocation request, water service fees shall be applied to the project based on the current Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council, and therefore subject to change prior to completion of the project. 3. All construction drawings and plans shall have a note saying "All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Champlain Water District Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances, henceforth the "CWD Specification." 4. The CWD Specifications are applicable to all new construction and reconstruction of water infrastructure. Variations from the CWD Specifications will not be permitted except as provided within the CWD Specifications. The appropriate CWD Supervisor as defined in the CWD Specifications shall determine the acceptability of any deviation from the those specifications. Private water lines and appurtenances shall be designed to the same standards as public water lines and appurtenances. All water installation work and water distribution material must comply with the "CWD Specifications". Details for this project must be the same as those within the above referenced CWD Specifications. 5. A copy of the final approved plans shall be submitted to the Department prior to construction of the water system improvements. 6. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance For The Control Of Cross Connections Within The Water System Of the City Of South Burlington, henceforth the `Backflow Ordinance." Please contact this department for more information on the installation and proper setting of backflow prevention devices. 7. The above referenced CWD Specifications state that no water lines shall be installed after November 15 or before April 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent. The appropriate CWD Supervisor may restrict work before November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions. 8. Eight -inch and larger Ductile Iron (DI) water pipe shall have no less than three (3) brass wedges installed at each joint. Bury depth to the new mains shall be six feet (6') to the top of the pipe. DI water pipe shall be Class 52, cement lined. Soil corrosiveness testing is required for this DI water pipe installation or the pipe shall be poly wrapped. 9. Mechanical joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or approved equal. 10. The water main extensions shall be continuous to the furthest property line of the project as shown on these plans. The line shall have a cap secured to the pipe with an approved retaining gland and thrust bock installed at the end of the main. 11. The proposed fire hydrant location must be approved by the SBWD and the SBFD. A second gate valve on the proposed hydrant lead is unnecessary and can be eliminated from future design plans, however an 8"x6" reducer must be installed on the hydrant lead between the hydrant isolation valve and hydrant. Typical fire hydrant assemblies shall consist of an anchor tee or a Swivel Joint Hydrant Tee, a six-inch RW gate valve, the appropriate length of 6" DI pipe secured to the gate valve with the appropriate retaining glands, the fire hydrant, and appropriate thrust block. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned CWD Specifications, and an approved hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant. Hydrant drains shall be plugged prior to installation. Note: Waterous fire hydrants must be installed with a "Boston Operating Nut." 12. The South Burlington Water Department ordinance states that "All water lines and appurtenances not located in the City right-of-way or public grounds shall be considered private pursuant to the ordinance and others of the City." The proposed fire hydrant shall be considered private and subject to the private fire hydrant annual assessment fee. 13. No parallel underground utility shall be designed or installed within four feet (4') of the water main from either side, or above the water main from the bottom of the main to finish grade. The exceptions of storm sewer and sanitary sewer are only as allowed by the CWD Specifications and the VT Water Supply Rule. No building or structure shall be built above the water line or within the water line easement. Generally storm sewer and sanitary sewer will be designed to be installed with a five-foot (5') separation unless provisions have been included to allow for proper support of either the storm water or sewer structures or water lines in the event of a needed excavation of the water main. The gas line, telephone line, and electric service are not shown on these plans. No utility shall be placed within five feet of any gate valve or ten feet of any fire hydrant. C Generally, trees and shrubs shall not be placed over any water main or service line, nor placed within 20' of any appurtenance, including fire hydrants. 14. Prior to any building construction, the building contractor must contact this Department to discuss City requirements for meter sizing, meter settings, and backflow protection. 15. The SBWD shall be notified in advance to inspect all mechanical joint fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, thrust blocks, water line crossings, and testing prior to occurrence or backfilling. 16. Upon completion of the construction project, "Record Drawings" shall be supplied to the appropriate CWD supervisor in the form of one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy in Auto -CAD Version 2003 Format (.DWG) or newer. All Record Drawings are to include valve ties, and manufacturer make and casting date for all gate valves. Location ties for all curb stops, and water shut offs (WSO's) shall also be provided on the Record Drawings. On given projects CWD may require that submittals and/or O&M manuals be submitted in electronic Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) format. 17. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. Future plans must include details and specifications as required in above. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call me. Sincerely, Jay Nadeau Superintendent CC. Cathyann LaRose Bruce Hoar Doug Brent Plan Reviews: Birchwood Office bldg 6-08 201'-4" 8'-0" 44'-0" 28'-0" 24'-0" I I J" N 28'-0" 121'-4" E F G 28'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" I I I I I I I I I I I I I GREEN SPACE GREEN SPACE Y OD t4i 20H KICNARD KINKY mpt AKDNrrw 04 2 WEAV g 3LE "SCARSDI VOIIK 10 914-722.9020 ARCHITECTS CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MEP DESIGN CLIENT'S CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEER In NWUA M L"n� �Wn, ON00 4 6" . VT W411.20i.1 LANDSCAPE DESIGNER TRAFFIC ENGINEER SITE LIGHTING stow lummamm-ii-, Birchwood R Office Building Lots I&9 Mlldowhlnd Pm* South SuMngtm, VT 05403 AWMT FIRST FLOOR PLAN TVT700I SUBMITTED FOR ,"t-0" SKETCH PLAN REVIEW A-1 coy,` 9 as I Arme co g ONO T� N i:r ,— "fin son ONO mm■ ONO lmiafti RICIIARD If. REHR ARCHITEI T P.C, 2 WEAVER STRFFT SCARSDALF NFW 1'ORK NMI 914-72$ 9020 ARCHITECTS CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MEP DESIGN CLIENT'S CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEER CrvY Enpnnrinp MwUebc. Inc. ra MeneMIE V W Lem a1M1 e 232" aui, V(06101 op-48a7Jp1 LANDSCAPE DESIGNER TRAFFIC ENGINEER SITE LIGHTING Birchwood Office Building Lots 889 Maado land Park South Burlington, VT OW3 OWNER ancawppE pr."— Nc. 55 I Weel a Tempe. FL IMOi erueo-eaw AWM. TILE SOUTH & EAST ELEVATIONS ��7Vi2059 Y' • 1'-0" SUBMITTED FOR SKETCH PLAN REVIEW A-2 V V M31n3a NVId H313NS .o•,t=„ m' 2iOd03111WBf1S 6SOZ1/�G SNOIIVA913 1S3M V HINON juu owMvdn aece- iBecc �e 0 W�8'�oeg0 wwM� lea >ul'M4etlwy po ry ,hWs jOEpbryol6ulp��9 41�oS yied puelmopeayy 688 slol N/7/fDuiplin8 eowo poompi18 3WVN ONIIHOII 311S a33NION3 OId3Va1 a3NDIS30 3dVOSONVI CLCL-PLOV fBe^A lA',�o�BUBinO N�0 auv� xqn plNeue4V Ol wl ee�maev B„ueayBu3 XM] a33NION3 vnl� S1NViinSNOO S,1N3110 NOIS30 d3W a33NION3 1"nlOnldiS S1NV1lf1SNOO S.10311HOaV OZ0614-bl6 Etlf01 NHOA M3N `HIVOSHVO9 1'�i']H1S HAVHM Z I'm ONV H113H'fl HV! OIN mom mom mom man mrm mom m Q#1 RICHARD 11. BERR ARCHITECT P.C. ; WEAVER STREET SCARSDA LE, NTW YORK 10593 9 14-722-9020 ARCHITECT'S CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MEP DESIGN CLIENT'S CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEER McnB.—Id L.- LANDSCAPE DESIGNER TRAFFIC ENGINEER SITE LIGHTING W.A------.---- — PROJECT NAME Birchwood Office Building Lots 899 Meadowland Park South Burlington, VT 05403 OWNER ,B24 w.. — s.., .- 8 ;­ IL FRONT ENTRY RENDERING 7VT2059 SUBMITTED FOR SKETCH PLAN REVIEW A-4 '/041 9 Z FROM ;OVATIONS A' T FAX NO. = J� 13 2008 11:49AM P1 . D� wetw�ir id�w 16is . DA?B CW $!� ham �wiewy4b�toelodl�a "MOM "d bay Q Gaimpbft . i�i�°�°rdlYm���'�■i�ar�o Droe v 3 Permit Number SD- 00 - APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) G�RP.-At7Vct-vJ V-- n s+ mac. Q5oX %bO4 PS�t w�-c `k-1 �fT o54ot 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) c3y- g�cx� pc't 570 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) ? _V�EST G.l C::-mun <STP-,EW r , 5"t TIE- B TAMbA L 3b07 Pit 12� c '3- 2.ef�, -C i 39cJ f 9-5 i 3 - -7?L05 . 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax 5. , Gk \11 L� 0 Fob 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: (ate P-o--Lc> 103 �aw►�oi �.I �t-r2c-x^T 0z5'7 - CDO16 3 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) cp go CoS 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) uNtc �t � Ft� livo pF*-y=cAE:. c" lv� ,� *►L7 + g� �.►cSS `P K b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) 25, C,55 5t= c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 2 S . co 8S Sr — 0 `SF d) Proposed height of building (if applicable) M e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) µo r-l-rS f) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) pcza,a=- 5 %T5 vs (,-A �t c QR o �C T-�o/1 tea-►G ►-r �s � ��-�.� �.ta cx xyt�c-: t-t &A i -n ,JG 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 0 % Proposed —7.7 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 0.6 % Proposed 25.4 % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 8 ,1 % Proposed 11 . % 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) zo' wtve gMw& r,P,•s��►.� -t �,-o c c'z�.�Prcsv 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) "6-nNS--', _6Lr—#-,jiT1 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES (this may be provided on a separate attached sheet) A,- c.tttQ 5-.tSV- 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE oP) l.P�-ao5�ap��► - �iu.,l�: 2�o�j 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A sketch subdivision application fee is $125. 2 I hereby certify that all the information requested as pail of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 11z( *&" __ SIGNATURE OF PROPERT OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: CT/Complete ❑ Incomplete of 04ar g & Zoning or Designee(Datel 3 0�, so 7� 9�0 7 Map Number 0257-00104 0257-00066 Birchwood Office Building List of Abutters 06/05/08 Page 1 of 4 Name & Address Super -Temp Realty Company Inc. 133 Elm Street Winooski, VT 05404 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC 186 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 2���� 1 s� 0257-00046 Chase Properties and Development, LTD P.O. Box 2283 South Burlington, VT 05403 0257-00039 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC l QAN 186 College Street Burli can; VT 0�401��� 1715-00035 G eenfield Capital, LL P O. Box 115OaWA E en, VT 05652 ,. 1715-00073 The Rock of Greater Burlington, Inc. C �ebi=b, Hav hores Road � j yu ' T OS 284 Munson Earth Moving Corp. 85 Shunpike Road Williston, VT 05495 0860-01020 (Burlington Properties, TI) C/o Dan Kalman P.O. Box0210 1 South Burlington, V 5403 I J V 111� 6S(J o - oous—S r Birchwood Office Building List of Abutters Page 2 of 4 472 O'Brien Meadowlands, LLC P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05403 596 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC 186 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 317 Summer Ice Joint Venture, LLC 186 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 0860-01150 Green Acres, Inc. 1269 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01375 Homer & Marie Dubois 1405 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00028 Larry & Ginette Brainard 28 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00026 Scott & Roberta Pennington 26 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00024 Terrance & Nancy Sheahan 24 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00020 Mark & Kathryn Boucher 20 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 1002-00018 Christopher & Theri Davis 18 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 Birchwood Office Building List of Abutters Page 3 of 4 1002-00016 Gary & Nancy Lines 16 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01398 Bradley L. Gardner P.O. Box 21 Colchester, VT 05446 0860-01175 City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01075 Arthur H. & Lexie R. Rye 1075 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01061 Arthur H. Rye & Bernice R. Brisson 1075 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01160 James & Sachi Rowley 1160 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 1095-00010 Civil Engineering Assoc. 10 Mansfield View Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01100 East Mountain View, LLC 5399 Williston Road Williston, VT 05495 0860-10700 Michael Gravelin 1060 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 0860-01060 Michael Gravelin 1060 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Birchwood Office Building List of Abutters Page 4 of 4 0860-01050 Spaniel Properties, LLC 1050 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 PLAWWT1 GWm& Z0ri{W,s June 9, 2008 Grandview Farms, Inc. PO Box 1304 Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is the draft agenda for the Tune 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public meeting is being held regarding the proposed development. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, I" &V-� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Birchwood Properties, Inc. David Marshall, Civil Engineering Associates 475 Cturs�tt a1.re41 Snu!',t 9uYhnq!v-7, VT 1154�1 tel 903.1144.t!LM faX 0(12.1f4t 491 w-vAw s1.�uri.r:, m southburfinoton i LANNINi & ZfUf INV. June 9, 2008 Super Temp Realty Co 133 Elm Street Winooski, VT 05404 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the Tune 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, ' u bco, l Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 571 Dnr:nt Suutk ,,r}r•nyla*z, YT flGatJ t e I �A2,,L'l6,4,,�, C 4 1 x 90-' G'4f'.001 wvo&%%biirs,ecm southburlinown PLANK fit & ZONING June 9, 2008 Northeast Territories, Inc. PO Box 2283 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the Tune 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. bloi Dats:t .ratratul S,Duix VT t,54u2 key rax wiww sbll er ,CTin soot 'fur i.ollo June 9, 2008 Chase Properties & Development, LTD PO Box 2283 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the June 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 5M Dorsst '31rw,)t uixa,^. ssr�: rffcs:, VT 3NV*3 eod fsfs'_' L166 c338 dtM d+22.t46.t101 vv-va r s,burY,�,rrt� June 9, 2008 Greenfield Capital, LLC PO Box 115 Eden, VT 05652 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the June 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, 1 Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 5r5 Deritt'Sheol, 15swift Rarhmqian, YT 05463 let lax R02.045.4'101 c ..sturi.c cr. southbudington PLANN`FWC & Z0N1,N6 June 9, 2008 The Rock of Greater Burlington PO Box 464 Milton, VT 05468 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the June 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, t&A i60WX,) Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. VS llax3 l Strual uautN Yt A54SD3 le7 CO2 1'46,^6.1GO fax wei w•.sbuf�.Faw l A sou t burlingtoii PLAAWtRG & ZON1.1k6 June 9, 2008 Munson Earth Moving Corp c/o South Burlington Realty PO Box 2204 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the June 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, TWN�)Qjk, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 105 Dars,zl streal Soutf, Burlington, YT Y15403 Ael P02 INK all! 04V,4ttll rsv�s�.�aun:.w�m southhurfiligton PLAM NIAti & iaNING June 9, 2008 Burlington Properties, LTD PO Box 9210 South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the June 17, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 57�A Da; i -t Strr,eI mutt i ?�tsrlinij1rrs, YT Et5449 tel E02,f'.1 t.1,06 l&x 0C IJj141 Mill a-ejsk.at r11r_.c,.Tr, 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 June 6, 2008 Ms. Cathyann LaRose, Planning Assistant City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Birchwood Office Building - Lots 8&9 65 and 103 Bowdoin Street Meadowland Business Park PUD Sketch Plan Amendment Application Dear Ms. LaRose: Phone: 802-864-2323 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: mail@cea-vt.com Birchwood Properties, Inc is seeking to construct a 25,685 SF office building on Lots 8 and 9 off of Bowdoin Street at the Meadowland Business Park. The Park is currently permitted by the City of South Burlington with maximum benchmarks when it comes to water supply requirements, wastewater disposal needs and traffic generation. So far six projects have been approved to date within the 12 lot Business Park. The proposed land use associated with the proposed office use creates a relatively small impact to the water supply and wastewater disposal infrastructure in the area. As the project progresses, we will be using the services of Lamoreaux and Dickenson for the updating of the traffic study at the intersection of Meadowland Drive and Route 116 as required for the Preliminary Plat application. The majority of the parking has been distributed along the periphery of the building on the sides and in the back in accordance with the City's planning goals. A small number of visitor parking spaces are proposed on the southeast side of the building. An entry drive allows for separate visitor parking as well as public ADA parking spaces and provides a nice front entry to the building. The rear parking lot where the majority of the employees and building access will take place on a day to day Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 2of3 June 6, 2008 basis is architecturally designed to be a major entrance as well. The building is served by two main entrances both prominent but unique in design. The site design will utilize the natural topography, which is slightly sloping, to provide positive drainage to the two new detention basins that will be designed to comply with the requirements of the existing Stormwater Discharge Permit issued by the State of Vermont and City of South Burlington Stormwater Ordinance. The parking lot is proposed to utilize both curbed and uncurbed sections so as to allow the water to pass unimpeded to the treatment system. Currently the site is old farmland and does not have any significant tree cover, we would be proposing a landscaping plan that used native species plantings that would meet the LEED requirement for shading of impervious surfaces within the required time frame. We would also be developing the lot in a very compact footprint, leaving a large percentage of the lot open at this time. The architecture of the building was designed to blend in with the surrounding architecture of the existing office park, but have its own strong unique presence with a modern Vermont barn vernacular with the round front entry element and the clerestory windows of the two main building wings reminiscent of a barn structure. The exterior building materials are meant to be natural in appearance but allow for a clean modern office building look with low maintenance and long building life. The clerestory windows above the two main interior spaces will allow an abundance of natural light into even the center of the office spaces providing most of the building occupants with natural day lighting and reducing energy needs at the same time. The central corridor design allows for an efficient way of having two main building entrances while allowing for the secure operations of the building and separates the intemal programming elements so as to provide a separation of the functioning program of the building and the support program within the building. Water, sewer, electrical, telephone and cable stubs were previously installed to the east edge of the property line and will be extended into the site to service the proposed facility. Ms. Cathyann LaRose Page 3of3 June 6, 2008 We have attached two site plan options which differ slightly with regard to the circulation patterns for the building. We would like to have the opportunity to review these ideas with the Development Review Board in support of the preparation for the next phase of permitting. Please find attached a completed application and supporting plans for this proposed facility. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 864-2323. Respectfully, David S. Marshall, P.E. Project Engineer \dsm Enclosures: Five (5) Full Size and one 11" x 17" Reduced Size Plan set including: Business Park Location Plan Site Plan Building Floor Plan Building Elevations Building Isometric Elevation Application and Fee ($125) cc: C. Prather (w/ enclosures) M. Behr (w/ enclosures) M. Willard (w/enclosures) P:V1utoCADD Projects\2008W8164\Permitting\Local\LaRoseSketch.wpd Iookl••• r1x�A� x•. 1� 0 0 Ing 0 0 • / • • rJrrsa C rJnr>. i nen-B Pub -A -A 1 I { f SITE ENGINEER: Z �^ m I O Copu w 14 Ecru d w 7 Hopi A �n w 12 Phda I JOH I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, IN 10AMNSFEIDVIEWLANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr VAM M2M423t� FAC IOYM42t11 I O Clal wW xwvcxM.c"m carrq•rt - .u, gaxn quarm // mu•n — 5 CI 1 9 Copu MCL I' Deep Topsoil 12 Phda Planting Bed C°� MCL I 7 Hopi Mulch Bed with 2" Deep s -_, Its -_ -, 15 Ecpu Hardwood Bark Arr•o.m MCL z Abro-B ",x OWNER: BIRCHWOOD r2'� DETAIL PLAN OF WEST END OF PARKING ISLAND PLANTING 1 BURLINGTON, INC. L-1 SCALE I"=10' 1 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B i I 9 Ecpu TAMPA, FL 33607 APPMCANT: I 1 5 Hopi 10 Copu-8 Phda BIRCHWOOD I I w 8 cope 3 Hopl BURLINGTON, INC. • 1 °' 1 __ 15 Ecpu 5 Clal 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET I 3 Hopi __ SUITE sue" I 7 Phda _ _ __ _ ) TAMPA, FL 33607 I� 3 Hopi 3 Hopi PROJECT: 8 Phda BIRCHWOOD \ I I + 7 Clal I' Deep Topsoil Planting Bed 5 Hopl 9 Ecpu OFFICE BUILDING J\ - 3 Hopi I I Phda Mulch Bed with 2" Deep 9 Clal Hardwood Bark 54 & 103 BODOIN STREET ` [a cJaparuaj , [la Tins o be remw s>Tl1 jl I LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND ■ i 1 1 I 31 HoEc N E p BUSINESS PARK I SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT DETAIL PLAN OF EAST END OF PARKING ISLAND PLANTING MIC HAEL LAWRENCE ASSOC. ;G JapneJP - Lo Y 1 SCALE !"=1 O' LANDSCAPEARCNRECTS a B LINDEN LANE rcman • , WicGnrond �� F— �SSEN JUNCTION, VERMONT 05452 802A7EF2778 MCLAS"COM LJ I I Y Pisb II I' Deep Topsoil I ',I • I I Planting Bed Mulch Bed with 2" Deep I 1 I Hardwood Bark s� 45a n p 3 Hymb 6 Ilvr F Lawn 11 I I ter O l I I I 4 Clal O I-3 3 Rofs II91 BAri Oxman RilWiTon _ r 3 3 Hymb I I I 5 Rofs - O 'II !1 li 2 Ilgl r. Jar—, I' Deep Topsoil J "1ebob� ` Planting Bed Mulch Bed 2" Deep 3 Hymb ^ I I with Hardwood Bark J 3 Lawn I I Hele 6 Ilvr I O Hepr LANDSCAPE 15 Hcde 15 Hele I 4 Sapn 16 Hepr PLAN & DETAILS I' I \ ' I 411g1 Lawn I I I 6 Plsb 8 Rofs Hy b eAr• Du—' nlnm 11 � SEPT.2008 F I rar. 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN I I I 4 DETAIL PLAN OF VISITOR ENTRANCE PLANTING 1 = 30 rm NO. L-1 L-1 SCALE W=30' I I I L-1 SCALE I"= 1 O' 0816 I I 4 M Comer Employee PaHN'q LOE Tnrolwmer Pad gft 1c ma 3 Thod Thra lvx 1DcDpN llgl + A — Thod FW 2' Hardwood BRhJ Mvkh Bed Tho J ` `Elec Ivl Meter t \ 4 Thoh L'.oA isep awn 1 A DETAIL PLAN OF UTILITY PAD L-2SCALE 1/ 1 6"= 1'- O"I' Deep Topeod Rating ,MVlchBed wlUl 2' Deep rdGE p5o11 G Ilgl dwith 2" eep ngl Hardwood Bark _ e uYr ARBORTIE GREEN rLAT WOVEN FOLYPROFYLENE 5TAAING MATERIAL-3/41N WIDE, SOO IB BREAK STRENGTH [ZT`f FASTEN ARBORTIE TO STAKES, WRAF OVER Rom MLL TO K[Ir TREE FROM RoCNw u1Tx2'x2'L HARDWOOD STARES DRIVEN (MIN I &I FIRMLY Iwo SUB - GRADE PRIOR TO BMKFI W NG UNDI5TURDED SOIL TRIM XoDUOIS TEE} To FROVIDE G FT CLEARANCE ADJACENT TO SIDEWAUA AND FARKING AREAS � FWMD TREE TRUNK — 20 GAL TREE GKTOR WATERING DAG OR APRRWED EOUN. (IRRED 3- MULCH - DO NOT APFLYo MOUND AROUND TRUNK FORM 4. 5MCER � FINISH GRIN[ FEEL ELI F FROM — ��TT�T�T�T� — _ TOF /3 0E ROOfdVl _ mllllTWn+lll�ll-I- 2 % ML DIA BR[M ArART EDGE OF w�RTHORp1a1lY rOfKe MGVAi1W W5HOV[L NOTES 5ECTION I FLANT TREE SO THAT Tor OF ROOT FLARE 15 EVEN WITH THE FINISH GRADE 2 STAKNG AS REQUIRED ONLY IN 51TUATION5 WHERE TREES WILL M 5UDJCCTED TO WINDY CONDITIONS A5 DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT UNDSTl, E ARCHITECT 3 TREES 5HALL M GUARANTEED FOR A rERIW OF TWO YEARS ARM PLANTING 4 —INE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, ROW, 5MR AID 5URVEYOR TAFE PRIOR TO RANTING TO rREVENT GIRDLING ARBORTR GREEN FIAT YV0V N rmYROFvtENE STAKING MATERIAL -N41N WIDE, 900 LB 15 W STRENGTH [2y " rA5TEN ARBORTIE TO STAFE5. TO Q OVR ROOT BALL To REV TREE FROM ROCKING (,I)2'%2'x 2L — HARDNUOD STM(E5 DRIVEN (MIN 181 FIRMLY INTO 5UB- GRME FNOR TO ' MCmWNG UND15TURDED 5011. FWMD TREE NRRE) 3' MULGI - DO Nm AFRY or MWND AROUND TRUNK FORM 4- SOIL 5AUCER — FIN15H GRAPE —W- FEEL 5URW FROM DEAVA*eD e1*LKIDevAU oanlOe — — — - TOF 113 Or ROOTBAU — �' 2 %BALL DIA ERE. APART EDGE Or wATn nOROURKr 'ATIW W5HOVEL 5ECTI W NOTE5 I PLANT TREE 50 THAT TOF OF ROOT rLARE 15 EVEN WITH THE FINISH GRADE 2 5TAKING AS REWIRED MILT IN 51TLIAT1ON5 WHERE ME5 WILL BE 5UBICCRD TO WINDY CWDITIW5 AS DETERMINED DT THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD Or TWO YEAR5 AFTER PLANTING 4 E%AMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, ROW, STRING AND 5URVEYOR TAR FIRM TO FLOUTING TO R[EVENT GIRDLING FRO H - DO NOT MWND TRUNK 4' SAUCER WATER THOROUGHLY 5ECDW NOTE 1 REMOVE ALL NUR5RY TAGS, ROTE, STRING, AND rLAGr>✓NG rRIOR TO RATING TO FREVENT GIRWNG 2 FOUNT 5HRU5 50 THAT TOF OF ROOT BALL 15 EVEN WITH THE RNISHED GRAD[ 3 5HRUB5 SHALL DC GUARANTIED FOR A rCRIOD OF TWO YEARS ARtR PLANTING I �1� DETAIL PLAN OF EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE PLANTING / �• 1 DETAIL PLAN OF ENTRY CIRCLE PLANTING �3� DETAIL OF PLANTED DECIDUOUS TREE r4 DETAIL OF PLANTED EVERGREEN TREE � DETAIL OF PLANTED SHRUB L-2 SCALE I"=1 O' L-2 SCALE 1 / 16"= V- O" L-2 NTS L-2 NTS L-2 NTS PLANTING SPECIFICATION I PLANT NAMES INDICATED SHALL COMPLY WITH "STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES" AS ADOPTED BY THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN JOINT COMMISSION OF OF HORTICULTURE NOMENCLATURE. PROVIDE STOCK TRUE TO BOTANICAL NAME AND LEGIBLY TAGGED 2 COMPLY WITH SIZING AND GRADING STANDARDS OF THE LATEST EDITION OF "AMERICAN 5TANDARD5 FOR NURSERY STOCK" 3. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN 4 PROVIDE PLANTS TYPICAL OF THEIR SPECIES AND VARIETY, WITH NORMAL, DENSELY DEVELOPED BRANCHES AND VIGOROUS, FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEM, 5 PROVIDE ONLY SOUND, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS PLANTS, FREE FROM DEFECTS, DISFIGURING, KNOTS, SUN5CALD INJURIES, FROST CRACKS, ABRASIONS TO THE BARK, CROOKED LEADERS, PRUNING WOUNDS GREATER THAN I INCH IN DIAMETER, INSECTS AND DISEASES. G. EVERGREEN TREES SHALL BE BRANCHED TO THE GROUND 7. PROVIDE ONLY FRESHLY DUG PLANTS. 6. DO NOT PRUNE PLANTS BEFORE DELIVERY. 9 ALL PLANTS SHALL BE LARGER THAN THE MINIMUM 51ZE SPECIFIED 50% OF THE PLANTS SHALL BE IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE RANGE SPECIFIED. 10. PLACE PROTECTIVE COVERING OVER PLANTS TRANSPORTED IN OPEN VEHICLES TO PROTECT FROM WINDBURN 1 1. BALLED AND BURLAPPED PLANTS; PROVIDE FIRM, NATURAL BALLS OF EARTH CRACKED OR MUSHROOM -SHAPED BALLS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. 12 CONTAINER -GROWN STOCK- PLANTS SHALL HAVE BEEN GROWN IN CONTAINER FOR SUFFICIENT LENGTH OF TIME FOR THE ROOT SYSTEM TO HAVE DEVELOPED TO HOLD ITS SOIL TOGETHER, FIRM AND WHOLE. PLANTS SHALL NEITHER BE LOOSE IN THEIR CONTAINER NOR POT BOUND. 13 5HRUB5 AND SMALL PLANTS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SPREAD AND HEIGHT INDICATED IN THE PLANT LIST SINGLE STEMMED OR THIN PLANTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 14 TIME OF PLANTING - APRIL 15TH TO OCTOBER 1 5TH. 15. BEFORE STARTING WORK, REPORT ANY DEFECTS ON THE 517E SUCH AS INCORRECT GRADING, TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE H15 ACCEPTANCE OF THE AREAS TO BE PLANTED AND HE SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE WORK OF PLANTING I G LOCATE PLANTS INDICATED ON THE PLAN IN THE FIELD. IF 0155TRUCTON5 ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, DO NOT PROCEED WITH PLANTING OPERATIONS UNTIL THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HAS SELECTED ALTERNATE PLANT LOCATIONS 17 CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO INSPECT ALL PLANT MATERIAL ON 51TE TO REVIEW QUALITY, SIZE AND VARIETY BEFORE PLANTING PROCEEDS 18 PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE PERMITTED IF AUTHORIZED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT K THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APOP15T 19 IF PLANTS CANNOT BE PLANTED IMMEDIATELY UPON DELIVERY, PROTECT WITH SOIL, WET PEAT M055, BARK MULCH OR IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 20. STAKE PLANT LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. BEFORE PLANTING STAKING LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 21 ALL WORK TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 22 DIG HOLES AT A DEPTH TO SET TOP OF ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH FINISH GRADE AND TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL. 23 SET PLANTS GENTLY IN PIT 50 TRUNKS ARE STRAIGHT 24 PLACE TOP501L MIX IN PIT AND COMPACT WHEN HOLE 15 NEARLY FILLED WATER THOROUGLY FILL REMAINDER OF HOLE BUILD 4 IN SAUCER EDGE BEYOND EXCAVATION WATER THOROUGLY AGAIN 25 DRIVE HARDWOOD STAKES P BEYOND EXCAVATION, TIE ARBORTIE STAKING MATERIAL TO STAKES AND WRAP OVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH ONE TWIST AROUND TREE TRUNK 2G MULCH TREES AND PLANTING BEDS WITHIN 46 HOURS OF PLANTING. 27 SATURATE INSTALLED PLANTS WITH WATER DURING MAINTENACE PERIOD AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO INSURE PROPER 501L MOISTURE 28 PRUNE TREES AS NECESSARY TO REMOVE DEAD OR INJURED TWIGS AND BRANCHES MAKE CUTS JUST OUTSIDE OF BRANCH COLLAR, 20. MAINTAIN NEW PLANTING AND CONTINUE UNTIL ACCEPTANCE MAINTENANCE INCLUDES, PRUNING, WATERING, WEEDING, MULCHING, RESETTING TO FINISH GRADE AND VERTICAL POSITION, RESTORING PLANT SAUCERS. 30. CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER DEFICIENCIES MCOME APPARENT AND WEATHER AND SEASON PERMIT 31 REMOVE AND IMMEDIATELY REPLACE ALL PLANTS DETERMINED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO BE UNSATISFACTORY DURING THE INITIAL PLANTING INSTALLATION 32 NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO INSPECT THE WORK FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION WHEN INSPECTION 15 APPROVED, THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL CONFIRM WITH WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE. 33, THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE TO GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE IN A HEALTHY AND FLOURISHING CONDITION FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FROM THE DATE OF WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE 34. REPLACEMENTS SHALL CLOSELY MATCH ADJACENT PLANTS OF THE SAME SPECIES 35 PLANT STREET TREES ONLY AFTER CONSTRUCTION 15 COMPLETE. 3G CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE FAILED OR UNSATISFACTORY PLANTS AT NO C05T TO THE OWN PLANT LIST EVERGREEN KEY TREES OU SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANTNO srFE PIA 13 RCEA ABRUI NORWAY SPRUCE u FT BA1B PM 9 3 PICEA_ NOR—BPRucr &]FT BFB PIEN A 1 1 RCE , ENGL -.. E... .ANN SM—E 5-0 FT BBB PIENB 5 MCEA EN.UEMANI1 ENGLEMANN SPRUCE 6-7 FT BBB PIGLA II PICEAGLAUCA WHITE SPRUCE FT, B&B PIOL-B 4 RCEAGLAUCA WHITE SPRUCE &]FT. BBB DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES ACFR 5 ACER MEEMANS'AUTLIMN 19 a ' AUTUMN BLAZE MARE5E MAC. II MAWS 'CANDY MINT CANDYMIMTCRAw 2-251M BhB PYCA 2 PYRUB CAUUEF1ANA •CHANTICLEER- CLEVEU SELECTPEAR 25-3IN. BBB OUST B QUERCusmco OR SWAMr WIIREOAK 25.31N BBB SYRE 5 SVMNGA REDCULATA'IYORY SILK' IVORY SILK LILAC TREE 1-1 R1., ... SMALL EVERGREENS AND CLAL 44 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS CLE RAALN1FOLIA'HUMMINGBIRD' HUMMING RD SUMMERSWEET 3GAL CORJ 58 CORNUS ALSA'RED GNOME' RED GNOME DcKv0 3GA HY.B 30 HYDRANGEA MACI IYLu'BLUE BILLOWS' BLUE BILLOWS HYDRANGEA 2GAL 1L 35 ILEKGLABRA'SHAMROCK' SHAMIOCKINHDERRY 2.— ILVJ I IL VERTK:ILLATA'11. DANDY Jim DAHOY WINTERSERRY 3GAL ILVR 27 IL-VERTICILLATA•REo SPRITE• RED SPRITE WINTERBARRY 30AL RPu 4 RCEA PUrIGENS'FAT ALSERT' FATALBERT SPRUCE 5fi F] 0BB P15B 9 PIIIU9 ST'ROBUS'NANA' DWARF WHITE PINE 5 GAL 2h O IN ROES 26 ROSA FLOWER CARPET SCARLET SCARLET FLOWER CARPET ROSE 2GAL SAPN B SAUx PURFUREA'NANA' OWARF ARCTIC BLUE WILLOW 2W TROD WA OCCIDENTAu9'DEGncOY DEGROOT ARBORVITAE 56 P'T THOH 5 US'HOLMSTRUM DWARF' HOLMSTRUM DWARF ARBORVITAE 54 FT Ec- Hom 73 52 ECHINACEA PURPUREUM HOBTA PLANTMaINEA'ROYAL STANDARD' PUREE CONEFLOWEA PUNTAIN LILY 2GAL 20AL, HERE 26 HEMEROCAW9'DETA' OETA DAYULY 2GAL ..0 10 HEMEROCALUS'ICE CARNIVAL' ICE CARNIVAL DAYULY 2GAL HELE 26 HEMEROCALUS'LEMON' ON DAYLILY 20AL HEMA II HEMEROuWS'MARDI GRA5 MARDI GRAS DAYULY 2GAL HEPR 26 HEMEROCAW "ARIE WILD FIRE PRMIE WIWRRE DAYULY 2GAL HE- 10 HEMEROCAULS'RASPBERRY RAEFEERRY DAYULY 2GAL PNDA 58 KILO%PANICULATA'DA O' DAVIO PHLOx 20AL SITE ENGINEER: A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, IN 10AWISRaD VIEN'IANE, SOUTHSMMOTON, Vr 05403 bxau-aazT sAR Amnau-2zn »mob w.ow.H mm carman eaw - Au RIDm wino DRAITn MCL CiDAC® MCL YrIgVN MCL OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 6524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT:BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT MICHAEL LAWRENCE Assoc LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 8 LINDEN LANE t.SE% JUNL=N, VERMONT 05452 ,,,BO24378-277B MCLASLA COIN OAiE CR[CIRD Ra,I �MM w PIRA - 444 I nr. LANDSCAPE PLAN &DETAILS DATE SEPT.2008 As Shown rm m. 08164 DRAMS RUBEYI L-2 1 1 v w w Iw Iw w w w I SHEET C-2SHO 3ROFILE� I 1 I 1 4 PROPOSED WATER 1 5.r LINE EXTENSISI ON (POLY WRAPPED) w w w w w w w w w w I w w i 1 W/ 2' BLOWOFF I w w w w w w w w w J 1 _ I BLOW -OFF W CURB STOP i --_--- $ O 0 ---—_vo0ov4 / p a �•�DaE a0 O I I ..,I��... �„_ W w \ �` \\ 11 O SET 10 —iSTORMWATER w w w w w w w w\ MANAGEMENT \ `t =-_- - 11 E20 SEWER ASEMENT I \ I w w w w w w w w \ RI . 40H 5.0 PROUNEPRELOCATIONOSED R_50- INV. IN (E)-335.1 8' PVC _ ____----- 13 INV. OUT (S)-336.0 8" PVC 32 LF B SO 3 P SS ---------- _ ________ I I\ \ \ V \ - 0 00 P - -- 5s J PAD --- - ` w w w w w w w J7 \ \.\ N30 3iRA!•/TFOtJ/6W 1 \ \ 1 ELE TY I,pfi u17L nLfTY x I I I I \ \ w w wCONNECT NEW 8" I PROPOSED SEWER \\ 57 (POLY WRAPPED) WATER P w w w w LINE RELOCATION '\ C TO EXISTING 8" STUB WIT Q ( \ w I w .1, INSTALL THIS 2- SDR S35 TION PROPOSED WITH SOLID SLEEVE COUPLING 20' LONG C0J�ICRETE PROPOSED GAS �175' 5' A ENL4ASEMENT'" (, - I �� SLEEy� \� U OFFICE BDIL+DIN `"SEWER MEH EXISTING LINE (TRENCH LINE 1 �S t� \ 50 IN - FILL EXISTING LINE 271200 SF WV IN- BY OTHERS) 1 - I '4' UNDER BUILDING WITH GROUT FIFE 344.0 INV. 0 - S-• SEWER AT CA1b-332. w w \� -. , I ,•• - - GfiA-E? s Ems_R_ CABS - =/ _ _ _.-. — —jCREO I _ _______8--ODE _ _ I I 1 Iw wl w w I I — _ I I I I --SS ____ — -- — w W 5�W 0 3 _ CL 52 CASE - ___F-________ R 35 PVC , --{W- - - — 55- ------ P t _ _�_-_�; 1 CONNECT BUILDIN CE TO 50 //�/ NU o G 0 r S I . I I I — ASS—- — — 1 �.. -a• — w w w w w- 1 1 NEW SEWER MANHOLE O C1 O O O O Q Q RIM-339.2 O INV IN (N)-333.7 8- PVCAINTAN O O O I GRAVEL ACCESSNGd i 1 �tV. IN (E)-333.7 6' PVC r r SEWER M H p10 EXISTING MANHOLEI I NV. OUT (W)-333.6 8- PVC I / RIM-336 49 - 1 i ( REMOVE SEWER M H N11 / p I I I = INV. IN (NE)-332 2 I I RIM-341 88 d O INV IN (SE)=3321 I INV IN-3346 INV -�➢1 I I I I I i I OUT-3345 I p I I INV IN (E)-332.0 1 N I I I I INV. OUT-3319 I 1 I I Iw .�I� w w w w w `1 I ST-•1 ­6 LEDGE a occ II w BUSH 1 CLAgSS I w ! i i Q w w � I I O 1 - � 0 I 6.. WETLAND- w w ' D - -� I II I I 1I EXIMSTEINI w/ //_/ / —/ / —✓g 4 I —y p��k,�iiy��{r ��FQ p pY O BD 5/1'TCRWAGR /HYDRANIMNGLMEJT O Q (MATCH EXIST.FACIITYSTORMWATER HYDRANTS MAVAGEMENT 3 8x6 REDUCE ACILITY � I I ► — I -L _ -- I I 1 I v, w w\ I I I I VC) RIrAWI.: 5o INC_ I / 1 of I / I If EL CTRIC RITY SA,AE$� HPER I EDU REA VALVE ANC -W-I BURY ELE' SECONDA i ELECTRIC e Of 5 CONNEI I 5.0 TO EXI! A L 5 2 EXISTIP S" SCH I SCH SEWER MAIN I I w ' ` Nate: GWHIC _--- ► w I w w w I D1 y � SC" 1 All work to performed in accordance with the Specifications ions and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances I for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain (,) w w 1 Water District, the City of South Burlington, IXT 1 and the Village of Jericho. Details should 1 - t w w I 1 be modified to the above reference specifications. 1 _W— SITE ENGINEER: CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSCKMAHS. INC. 10MMSRB.DMWIANE, SOUIN&ALIAIGION, W 05105 802,011 FAL /OQ MFal1 xM: v,--,AwN.mn corrucllr ©_ - Ins =rm.m MIN MJW CHIC. DSM Arr"M DSM SEWER M.H./1 OWNER: 546.10 N (S)-337.1 8' PVC BIRCHWOOD N (N)- 337.1 8' PVC UT (W)-337.00 8- PV BURLINGTON, INC. IL 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUPPLY TO ' ATE OPERA55 SUITE B vI UFACTURERS TAMPA, FL 33607 I APPLICANT: IT BIRCHWOOD I BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET HYDRANT SUITE ✓ =3 6 5 TAMPA, FL 33607 RY PROJECT: AL 5 BIRCHWOOD 1 5T NE`MIANS' iTINC TTTRRRANSFORMER OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET IG LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND SO EPVC - _ _ BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON 15-01 & 1 VERMONT A 1 --WER M.H #12 5 14722 50 I (NE)-339 06 9 (SW)-339.04 )UT (W)-33898 1 Abondoned) )U7 (N)=33898 1 for 8" PVC) ISTRUCT CHANNEL 1 nNG 3" PVC SLEEVE 1 1 I DAW CNICIXD MIMI- 9-10-01 D91/ACL f"N"" llE'AM 1-1S 08 DSM/ACL MOVED Lum ITEAST 1-11-01 D%I/ACL MSC. a m AND HYDRAN 10-91-01 DSM/ACL III UlUff"No M MDN' -VALVE 11-11-01 D91/NA IRLISiD aF�N1C0. SEIIWLE fI1aY }95-W OSY/ACL A B-27-3 DSI/ACL AM D BECIIIC0. MERIT ! UTIUR 1DX PROPOSED SITE II � I �--- UTILITY 11 PLAN OA'R AUGUST, 2008 DGNINC NUW[R II I I � 11 xAls ill =30' C-1.3 I r"j. No 08164 _ - v _ - -- ST I pROpOSED OFFICE BUILDING 27,200 SF FIFE 344.0 HD -1A 11 � c Y-- N � SITE PLAN .T\I SCALE 1" - 20' HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 2(1 4� 6lI C i 4 2 3 o n ------------ - 14 NEW SA Q I D O O O B O !� I --,I 00 O 7 i) <E> b 2 3 a 12„ -S CS EXISTING GAS SERVICE l� D � D j In C.). GENERAL NOTES: FI D BY THE IN E A EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS REMOVED OR DEMOLISHED AND NOT TO BE REINSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE CLASS E S OWNER AS SALVAGE OR SCRAP THOSE CLAIMED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE OWNER BY THE CONTRACTOR WHERE DIRECTED AT THE SITE. THOSE NOT CLAIMED BY THE OWNER SHALL BECOME PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE LEGALLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND PREMISES. B ANY PLACE WHERE THE CONTRACTOR PENETRATES, CUTS AND/OR REMOVES WALLS, CONTRACTOR IS TO REPLACE, PATCH AND PAINT WALLS TO ORIGINAL FINISHES. C THE EXISTING FACILITY WILL BE OCCUPIED AND FUNCTIONING DURING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN WHEN WORKING IN OR AROUND OCCUPIED SPACES THERE WILL BE NO INTERRUPTION IN POWER, SECURITY, OR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE OWNER ALL POWER OUTAGES AND CUT-OVERS SHALL BE DONE OFF HOURS AND ON WEEKENDS ALL INSIDE WORK SHALL BE SCHEDULED AT LEAST A WEEK IN ADVANCE TO ALERT THE TENANT WHEN INSIDE SUPERVISION WILL BE REQUIRED A GUARD WILL BE ASSIGNED BY THE TENANT TO OVERSEE ALL WORKERS AT ALL TIMES, INSIDE AN OUTDOORS A WRITTEN WEEKLY SCHEDULE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE OWNER WITHIN 10 DAYS OF AWARD OF CONTRACT D CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING TO MATCH ALL UNDISTURBED SOD AND AREAS COMPACT AND BACKFILL ALL AREAS AT 6" LIFTS THE ENTIRE AREA HAS A VERY HIGH WATER TABLE SPECIAL CARE SHALL BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT TO ALLOW FOR TRENCHES AND BACKFILLING TO BE PROPERLY DRAINED SO THAT NO WATER CAN PENETRATE ANY CONDUIT E FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY ERRORS F REFER TO SHEET ME-2 FOR ONE -LINE POWER DIAGRAMS, GAS PIPING DETAILS, AND ALL OTHER RELATED DETAILS G THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING AND COORDINATING ALL UTILITY WORK ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED OFF HOURS OR ON WEEKENDS. THE OWNER SHALL PAY FOR ALL UTILITY FEES H THE EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO HIRE A THIRD PARTY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATOR TO IDENTIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE WORK AREA THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ALL DAMAGE TO ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES DURING THE PROJECT <E> CONDUIT SCHEDULE MARK AMPS CONDUIT SIZE k DESCRIPTION GROUND 1 ( ) 1-1/2" 1-1/2" HDPf NATURAL GAS PIPING WITH FUSION HDPE WELDED JOINTS 1" POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET HEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH HEATER (10) 11I10 THHN-CU, 1" CONDUIT FOR O MISC (3) 1" GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR #12 CU TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL, PROVIDE ALI DATA AND CONTROL CABLES AND DATA WIRING AS BY THE MANUFACTURER O3 400 (1) 4" EXISTING (1) :.00 MCM-XNNW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 20 1" (3) #10 THHN-CU #12 CU OS 20 1-1/2" EXISTING WITH (3) 110 THHN-CU #12 CU © EXISTING EXISTING PRIMARY POWER AND COMMUNICATIONS di UJ ♦A LU z .O w N o N g ca L W C d U m $ Q u w. U a2 O JEOF yPrP.y"'0. W AL KEYED NOTES: O EXISTING GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER UTILITY TRANSFORMER COORDINATE ALL OUTAGES WITH GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER EXISTING 400A, 3 PHASE, 480V, METER SOCKET TO REMAIN INTERCEPT THE 4" CONDUIT AND (4) 500MCM CU O CONDUCTORS FROM THE METER SOCKET TO THE BUILDING. CUT THE EXISTING SERVICE CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS AND RELOCATE THESE TO THE LOAD SIDE NEW TRANSFER SWITCH. PROVIDE NEW CONDUIT AND FEEDERS FROM THE METER SOCKET TO THE LINE SIDE OF THE NEW TRANSFER SWITCH, REFER TO THE ONE -LINE DIAGRAM O3 NEW SERVICE -ENTRANCE RATED, PAD -MOUNTED, 400 AMP. 480V, 3-PHASE AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH AND CONCRETE PAD, TRANSFER SWITCH SHALL BE A KOHLER KEP-DWVC-04DOS-NK RATED FOR SERVICE ENTRANCE, NEMA 3R PROVIDE SWITCH WITH ANR CONDENSATION HEATER, 2 YEAR BASK; WARRANTEE, SUPERVISED TRANSFER CONTROL SWITCH, TTSS. PADLOCK USER INTERFACE COVER REFER TO CONCRETE PAD DETAIL AND MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION DETAIL PRIOR TO INSTALLING CONDUIT 4O NEW KOHLER 150REZGB GENERATOR WITH SOUND-ATTONUATED, WEATHER PROOF ENCLOSURE ON NEW CONCRETE PAD REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS, CONCRETE PAD DETAIL AND ONE -LINE DIAGRAM OEXISTING SITE LIGHT. INTERCEPT THE 1-1/2" PVC AND (3) rY 10THHN WIRES AT THE BASE OF THE SITE FIXTURE PROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW QUAZITE PC STYLE OR EQUAL IN -GROUND JUNCTION BOX TO INTERCEPT THE WIRING EXTEND THE EXISTING CIRCUIT TO THE NEW AND EXISTING SITE FIXTURE AS SHOWN OPROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW SITE FIXTURE TO MATCH THE EXISTING POLE FIXTURES, SPAULDING MCL1-A-3CL-U-5K-4-DB-PR(U) WITH 16'. 4" SQUARE STEEL POLE TO MATCH THE EXISTING FIXTURES REFER TO THE NEW POLE BASE DETAIL PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED EXCAVATION, INSTALLATION, COMPONENTS, AND INSTALLATION O REFER TO THE GAS METER DETAIL AND THE GENERATOR GAS CONNECTION DETAIL O NEW PROTECTION CONCRETE BOLLARDS, TYPICAL REFER TO BDLLARD DETAIL INSTALL AT 42" INTERVALS AS SHOWN KEEP BOLLARDS 36" MINIMUM FROM THE NEW FENCING COORDINATE THE EXACT LOCATIONS OF THE BOLLARDS TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY THE OWNER AND TENANT WHILE AVOIDING ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. OB INTERCEPT THE EXISTING UNDERGROUND SERVICE CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS FROM THE METER SOCKET TO THE BUILDING. RE-ROUTE THE CONDUIT AND FEEDERS TO THE LOAD SIDE OF THE NEW ATS REFER TO THE NEW ONE -LINE DIAGRAM 10 NEW GENERATOR MONITORING AND CONTROL PANEL PROVIDE ALL WIRING AND CONDUIT REQUIRED TO THE GENERATOR AND TRANSFER SWITCH LOCATE THE PANEL BEHIND THE GUARD'S STATION DESK ON THE ADJACENT WALL, VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION ON SITE WITH THE TENANT 11 EXISTING SQUARED D NO PANEL BOARD WITH (11) SPARE BREAKERS PROVIDE (3) CIRCUITS FROM THIS PANEL TO THE GENERATOR BATTERY CHARGER, JACKET WATER HEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH HEATER PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED CONDUIT, WIRING, AND INSTALLATION 12 CORE DRILL AND PENETRATE THE EXISTING BUILDING TO EXTEND THE NEW CONDUITS INTO THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL ROOM PATCH ALL PENETRATIONS TO MATCH THE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION 13 EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL UNDERMINE AND SUPPORT THE SIDE WALK TO INSTALL THE NEW CONDUITS AND CAS PIPING PROVIDE SUPPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION AND COMPACT THE AREA AFTER INSTALLATION TO MATCH PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. 14 PROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW PERIMETER FENCE AS SHOWN WITH (2) 4' GATES. REFER TO THE FENCE DETAIL INSTALL THE FENCE 48" AWAY FROM ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND 36" AWAY FROM ALL PROTECTIVE BOLLARDS 15 PROVIDE AND INSTALL THE CONTROL CONDUIT AND CABLES AND ALSO SEPARATE DATA CONDUIT FROM THE ELECTRICAL ROOM TO THE GENERATOR CONTROL/DISPLAY PANEL FOR FUTURE INTERNET CONNECTION 6 PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT a H - COPYING, DISSEMINA ION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DATE 8/10112 DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN BY JSM BE RETURNED TO THL CLNERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIO14 UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USER'S NEED TO RETAIN THEM DISTRIBUTION TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN APPROVED BY ASG DWG NO A NEED TO KNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED SE-1 ISSUED FOR 8�10/12 CONSTRUCTION SHEET 1 01 1 VERIFY ACTUAL f-- 52"� CONCRETE PAD #6 RE -BAR, 12" CENTERS, - DIMENSIONS WITH THE GENERATOR AND TRANSFER SWITCH SHOP DRAWINGS PRIOR 1" BEVEL ON ALL EDGES 32' TO POURING THE SUBS. PROVIDE THE REQUIRED OPENINGS IN THE SUBS FOR ALL GRADE CONDUITS PROVIDE PERFORATED 48' CLEAN PVC PERIMETER FILL, COMPACTED IN DRAINAGE TO DAYLIGHT 12" LIFTS (TYPICAL) TRANSFER SWITCH PAD DETAIL NOT TO SCALE M6 RE -BAR, 12" CENTERS, 1" BEVEL ON ALL EDGES •••NIC.'...77 PROVIDE P •" PVC PERI� R FILL, COMPACTED IN GENERATOR(TYPICAL) T PAD DETAIL O R PLUGGED FITTING EXISTING 2"G 2'G TO BUILDING BOILERS 1Y!"G R Oj a NEW GAS l< INSULATED O MO SERVICE VALVE 2 TO NEW SERVICE RISER GENERATOR GAS METER DETAI. NOT TO SCALE 3" TO 1-1/2' REFER TO GAS PIPING MATERIAL TRANSITION SPECS NEW FLEXIBLE 1-1/2" FUEL LINE TO GENERATOR —Z REDUCER 3'G O4 R u 6" SEDIMENT TRAP G_ %'Gj" Sn SHUTOFF FROM NEW GAS METER NOT TO SCALE KEYED NOTES: O1 VERMONT GAS TO PROVIDE A NEW NATURAL GAS SECOND STAGE REGULATOR TO DROP THE GAS PRESSURE FROM 60PSIG DOWN TO 5PSIG THE APPROXIMATE NATURAL GAS LOAD IS 1.000 CFH FOR THE EXISTING BUILDING AND 1,930 CFH FOR THE PROPOSED GENERATOR THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THE BUILDING GAS LOADS PRIOR TO SELECTION OF NEW REGULATOR O VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS TO PROVIDE THE NEW/UPGRADED GAS METER (A7 NO CHARGE TO OWNER) FOR THE NEW GENERATOR AND EXISTING BUILDING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THIS WORK WITH VERMONT GAS OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5"-7" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER. THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5'-13" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE THIS REGULATOR IS TO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE GENERATOR THE LINE FROM THE METER TO THE STEP DOWN REGULATOR IS TO BE RUN AT 5PSIG PROVIDE A UNISTRUT SUPPORT AT THE GENERATOR FOR THE NEW REGULATOR INSTALL ALL ITEMS WITH THE REQUIRED CLEARANCES OPROVIDE AN R LYALL & CO ANODELESS RISER, OR EQUAL, FOR TRANSITION FROM POLYETHYLENE PIPING AND THE STEEL PIPING AT THE GENERATOR CLEAN FILL NO STONES URGER THAN 8' DIA GROUND LINE MIN 36" MIN 60' UNDER DRIVEWAYS AND 4 1 STREAMS SANG 6' ABOVE BE CONDUITS N Y TRENCH DETAIL NO SCALE KEYED NOTES KEY DESCRIPTION coHIGH VOLTAGE CABLE DUCT SHABE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS PTO BE SCHEDULE BO ® WARNING TAPE SMALL BE ELECTRIC LEGEND TYPE ALLEN UM T/A-1006-RE OR EQUAL (WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PULED 12' BELOW SURFACE) CONTROL WIRING DUCTS SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS TO BE SCHEDULE 60 MAINTAIN 12' SEPARATION FROM I _ ELECTRIC O UNDERGROUND US PIPING, REFER TO GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS. MAINTAIN 21" MINIMUM FROM ALL OTEHR CONDUITS AND SERVICES 12" DIAMETER CONCRETE GROUND AND OUTDOORS I UTILITY ROOM 3,000 PSI CONCRETE RADIUS TOP OF IT CONCRETE COATSROEE%TERIORWBRHG��ELOWMPAINT -11 If FINISH GRADE -� FINISH GRADE MATERIAL 6" '= I I=1 I I1 I I=I i t 11=1 1 11 I I IIII I =1 I I- II I II I I I -III- .• I I-1 I =1 _ I � I I— --III EXISTING SOIL OR — - • —III i GRANULAR BACKFILL 4'-0" _ UNDISTURBED EXISTING SOIL OR GRANULAR BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 95% III � • • MODIFIED PROCTOR — ENCASE 12' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM _ - CONCRETE ENCASE WITH 18' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM TO 6' BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE BOLLARD TO 6" BELOW GRADE TYPICAL. CONCRETE BOLLARD nETAIL. NOT To SCALE HDP LP-1A 480/277 20B/120 400A <E> <E> NEW ATS E%ISTING NEW UTILITY GENERATOR ANSFORME 1 FEEDER SCHEDULE PARK AYP9 CONDUIT WIRE SIZE GROUND 400 400 (1) 4" (1) 600 MGM-%HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL N2/0 CU 225G 225 (1) 3" (1) 4/0 %HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 12/0 CU Y POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET NEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH O1 MISC (3) 1" HEATER (10) #10 THHN-CU; 1' CONDUIT FOR /12 CU GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL 20 20 1" (2) /10 THHN-CU /12 CU GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 PROVIDE P •" PVC PERI� R FILL, COMPACTED IN GENERATOR(TYPICAL) T PAD DETAIL O R PLUGGED FITTING EXISTING 2"G 2'G TO BUILDING BOILERS 1Y!"G R Oj a NEW GAS l< INSULATED O MO SERVICE VALVE 2 TO NEW SERVICE RISER GENERATOR GAS METER DETAI. NOT TO SCALE 3" TO 1-1/2' REFER TO GAS PIPING MATERIAL TRANSITION SPECS NEW FLEXIBLE 1-1/2" FUEL LINE TO GENERATOR —Z REDUCER 3'G O4 R u 6" SEDIMENT TRAP G_ %'Gj" Sn SHUTOFF FROM NEW GAS METER NOT TO SCALE KEYED NOTES: O1 VERMONT GAS TO PROVIDE A NEW NATURAL GAS SECOND STAGE REGULATOR TO DROP THE GAS PRESSURE FROM 60PSIG DOWN TO 5PSIG THE APPROXIMATE NATURAL GAS LOAD IS 1.000 CFH FOR THE EXISTING BUILDING AND 1,930 CFH FOR THE PROPOSED GENERATOR THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THE BUILDING GAS LOADS PRIOR TO SELECTION OF NEW REGULATOR O VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS TO PROVIDE THE NEW/UPGRADED GAS METER (A7 NO CHARGE TO OWNER) FOR THE NEW GENERATOR AND EXISTING BUILDING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THIS WORK WITH VERMONT GAS OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5"-7" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER. THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5'-13" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE THIS REGULATOR IS TO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE GENERATOR THE LINE FROM THE METER TO THE STEP DOWN REGULATOR IS TO BE RUN AT 5PSIG PROVIDE A UNISTRUT SUPPORT AT THE GENERATOR FOR THE NEW REGULATOR INSTALL ALL ITEMS WITH THE REQUIRED CLEARANCES OPROVIDE AN R LYALL & CO ANODELESS RISER, OR EQUAL, FOR TRANSITION FROM POLYETHYLENE PIPING AND THE STEEL PIPING AT THE GENERATOR CLEAN FILL NO STONES URGER THAN 8' DIA GROUND LINE MIN 36" MIN 60' UNDER DRIVEWAYS AND 4 1 STREAMS SANG 6' ABOVE BE CONDUITS N Y TRENCH DETAIL NO SCALE KEYED NOTES KEY DESCRIPTION coHIGH VOLTAGE CABLE DUCT SHABE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS PTO BE SCHEDULE BO ® WARNING TAPE SMALL BE ELECTRIC LEGEND TYPE ALLEN UM T/A-1006-RE OR EQUAL (WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PULED 12' BELOW SURFACE) CONTROL WIRING DUCTS SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS TO BE SCHEDULE 60 MAINTAIN 12' SEPARATION FROM I _ ELECTRIC O UNDERGROUND US PIPING, REFER TO GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS. MAINTAIN 21" MINIMUM FROM ALL OTEHR CONDUITS AND SERVICES 12" DIAMETER CONCRETE GROUND AND OUTDOORS I UTILITY ROOM 3,000 PSI CONCRETE RADIUS TOP OF IT CONCRETE COATSROEE%TERIORWBRHG��ELOWMPAINT -11 If FINISH GRADE -� FINISH GRADE MATERIAL 6" '= I I=1 I I1 I I=I i t 11=1 1 11 I I IIII I =1 I I- II I II I I I -III- .• I I-1 I =1 _ I � I I— --III EXISTING SOIL OR — - • —III i GRANULAR BACKFILL 4'-0" _ UNDISTURBED EXISTING SOIL OR GRANULAR BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 95% III � • • MODIFIED PROCTOR — ENCASE 12' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM _ - CONCRETE ENCASE WITH 18' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM TO 6' BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE BOLLARD TO 6" BELOW GRADE TYPICAL. CONCRETE BOLLARD nETAIL. NOT To SCALE HDP LP-1A 480/277 20B/120 400A <E> <E> NEW ATS E%ISTING NEW UTILITY GENERATOR ANSFORME 1 FEEDER SCHEDULE PARK AYP9 CONDUIT WIRE SIZE GROUND 400 400 (1) 4" (1) 600 MGM-%HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL N2/0 CU 225G 225 (1) 3" (1) 4/0 %HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 12/0 CU Y POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET NEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH O1 MISC (3) 1" HEATER (10) #10 THHN-CU; 1' CONDUIT FOR /12 CU GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL 20 20 1" (2) /10 THHN-CU /12 CU GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 3" TO 1-1/2' REFER TO GAS PIPING MATERIAL TRANSITION SPECS NEW FLEXIBLE 1-1/2" FUEL LINE TO GENERATOR —Z REDUCER 3'G O4 R u 6" SEDIMENT TRAP G_ %'Gj" Sn SHUTOFF FROM NEW GAS METER NOT TO SCALE KEYED NOTES: O1 VERMONT GAS TO PROVIDE A NEW NATURAL GAS SECOND STAGE REGULATOR TO DROP THE GAS PRESSURE FROM 60PSIG DOWN TO 5PSIG THE APPROXIMATE NATURAL GAS LOAD IS 1.000 CFH FOR THE EXISTING BUILDING AND 1,930 CFH FOR THE PROPOSED GENERATOR THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THE BUILDING GAS LOADS PRIOR TO SELECTION OF NEW REGULATOR O VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS TO PROVIDE THE NEW/UPGRADED GAS METER (A7 NO CHARGE TO OWNER) FOR THE NEW GENERATOR AND EXISTING BUILDING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THIS WORK WITH VERMONT GAS OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5"-7" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER. THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5'-13" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE THIS REGULATOR IS TO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE GENERATOR THE LINE FROM THE METER TO THE STEP DOWN REGULATOR IS TO BE RUN AT 5PSIG PROVIDE A UNISTRUT SUPPORT AT THE GENERATOR FOR THE NEW REGULATOR INSTALL ALL ITEMS WITH THE REQUIRED CLEARANCES OPROVIDE AN R LYALL & CO ANODELESS RISER, OR EQUAL, FOR TRANSITION FROM POLYETHYLENE PIPING AND THE STEEL PIPING AT THE GENERATOR CLEAN FILL NO STONES URGER THAN 8' DIA GROUND LINE MIN 36" MIN 60' UNDER DRIVEWAYS AND 4 1 STREAMS SANG 6' ABOVE BE CONDUITS N Y TRENCH DETAIL NO SCALE KEYED NOTES KEY DESCRIPTION coHIGH VOLTAGE CABLE DUCT SHABE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS PTO BE SCHEDULE BO ® WARNING TAPE SMALL BE ELECTRIC LEGEND TYPE ALLEN UM T/A-1006-RE OR EQUAL (WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PULED 12' BELOW SURFACE) CONTROL WIRING DUCTS SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS TO BE SCHEDULE 60 MAINTAIN 12' SEPARATION FROM I _ ELECTRIC O UNDERGROUND US PIPING, REFER TO GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS. MAINTAIN 21" MINIMUM FROM ALL OTEHR CONDUITS AND SERVICES 12" DIAMETER CONCRETE GROUND AND OUTDOORS I UTILITY ROOM 3,000 PSI CONCRETE RADIUS TOP OF IT CONCRETE COATSROEE%TERIORWBRHG��ELOWMPAINT -11 If FINISH GRADE -� FINISH GRADE MATERIAL 6" '= I I=1 I I1 I I=I i t 11=1 1 11 I I IIII I =1 I I- II I II I I I -III- .• I I-1 I =1 _ I � I I— --III EXISTING SOIL OR — - • —III i GRANULAR BACKFILL 4'-0" _ UNDISTURBED EXISTING SOIL OR GRANULAR BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 95% III � • • MODIFIED PROCTOR — ENCASE 12' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM _ - CONCRETE ENCASE WITH 18' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM TO 6' BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE BOLLARD TO 6" BELOW GRADE TYPICAL. CONCRETE BOLLARD nETAIL. NOT To SCALE HDP LP-1A 480/277 20B/120 400A <E> <E> NEW ATS E%ISTING NEW UTILITY GENERATOR ANSFORME 1 FEEDER SCHEDULE PARK AYP9 CONDUIT WIRE SIZE GROUND 400 400 (1) 4" (1) 600 MGM-%HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL N2/0 CU 225G 225 (1) 3" (1) 4/0 %HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 12/0 CU Y POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET NEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH O1 MISC (3) 1" HEATER (10) #10 THHN-CU; 1' CONDUIT FOR /12 CU GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL 20 20 1" (2) /10 THHN-CU /12 CU GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 FROM NEW GAS METER NOT TO SCALE KEYED NOTES: O1 VERMONT GAS TO PROVIDE A NEW NATURAL GAS SECOND STAGE REGULATOR TO DROP THE GAS PRESSURE FROM 60PSIG DOWN TO 5PSIG THE APPROXIMATE NATURAL GAS LOAD IS 1.000 CFH FOR THE EXISTING BUILDING AND 1,930 CFH FOR THE PROPOSED GENERATOR THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THE BUILDING GAS LOADS PRIOR TO SELECTION OF NEW REGULATOR O VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS TO PROVIDE THE NEW/UPGRADED GAS METER (A7 NO CHARGE TO OWNER) FOR THE NEW GENERATOR AND EXISTING BUILDING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THIS WORK WITH VERMONT GAS OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5"-7" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER. THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE OA NEW 5 PSIG TO 5'-13" W C STEP DOWN REGULATOR SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR AND PURCHASED FROM VERMONT GAS NEW REGULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE NATURAL GAS PIPING INSTALLER THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE ALL WORK AND PRICING WITH VERMONT GAS PRIOR TO THE BID DATE THIS REGULATOR IS TO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE GENERATOR THE LINE FROM THE METER TO THE STEP DOWN REGULATOR IS TO BE RUN AT 5PSIG PROVIDE A UNISTRUT SUPPORT AT THE GENERATOR FOR THE NEW REGULATOR INSTALL ALL ITEMS WITH THE REQUIRED CLEARANCES OPROVIDE AN R LYALL & CO ANODELESS RISER, OR EQUAL, FOR TRANSITION FROM POLYETHYLENE PIPING AND THE STEEL PIPING AT THE GENERATOR CLEAN FILL NO STONES URGER THAN 8' DIA GROUND LINE MIN 36" MIN 60' UNDER DRIVEWAYS AND 4 1 STREAMS SANG 6' ABOVE BE CONDUITS N Y TRENCH DETAIL NO SCALE KEYED NOTES KEY DESCRIPTION coHIGH VOLTAGE CABLE DUCT SHABE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS PTO BE SCHEDULE BO ® WARNING TAPE SMALL BE ELECTRIC LEGEND TYPE ALLEN UM T/A-1006-RE OR EQUAL (WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PULED 12' BELOW SURFACE) CONTROL WIRING DUCTS SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDER ROADS k DRIVEWAYS TO BE SCHEDULE 60 MAINTAIN 12' SEPARATION FROM I _ ELECTRIC O UNDERGROUND US PIPING, REFER TO GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS. MAINTAIN 21" MINIMUM FROM ALL OTEHR CONDUITS AND SERVICES 12" DIAMETER CONCRETE GROUND AND OUTDOORS I UTILITY ROOM 3,000 PSI CONCRETE RADIUS TOP OF IT CONCRETE COATSROEE%TERIORWBRHG��ELOWMPAINT -11 If FINISH GRADE -� FINISH GRADE MATERIAL 6" '= I I=1 I I1 I I=I i t 11=1 1 11 I I IIII I =1 I I- II I II I I I -III- .• I I-1 I =1 _ I � I I— --III EXISTING SOIL OR — - • —III i GRANULAR BACKFILL 4'-0" _ UNDISTURBED EXISTING SOIL OR GRANULAR BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 95% III � • • MODIFIED PROCTOR — ENCASE 12' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM _ - CONCRETE ENCASE WITH 18' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM TO 6' BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE BOLLARD TO 6" BELOW GRADE TYPICAL. CONCRETE BOLLARD nETAIL. NOT To SCALE HDP LP-1A 480/277 20B/120 400A <E> <E> NEW ATS E%ISTING NEW UTILITY GENERATOR ANSFORME 1 FEEDER SCHEDULE PARK AYP9 CONDUIT WIRE SIZE GROUND 400 400 (1) 4" (1) 600 MGM-%HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL N2/0 CU 225G 225 (1) 3" (1) 4/0 %HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 12/0 CU Y POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET NEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH O1 MISC (3) 1" HEATER (10) #10 THHN-CU; 1' CONDUIT FOR /12 CU GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL 20 20 1" (2) /10 THHN-CU /12 CU GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 12" DIAMETER CONCRETE GROUND AND OUTDOORS I UTILITY ROOM 3,000 PSI CONCRETE RADIUS TOP OF IT CONCRETE COATSROEE%TERIORWBRHG��ELOWMPAINT -11 If FINISH GRADE -� FINISH GRADE MATERIAL 6" '= I I=1 I I1 I I=I i t 11=1 1 11 I I IIII I =1 I I- II I II I I I -III- .• I I-1 I =1 _ I � I I— --III EXISTING SOIL OR — - • —III i GRANULAR BACKFILL 4'-0" _ UNDISTURBED EXISTING SOIL OR GRANULAR BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 95% III � • • MODIFIED PROCTOR — ENCASE 12' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM _ - CONCRETE ENCASE WITH 18' DIAMETER SONG TUBE FORM TO 6' BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE BOLLARD TO 6" BELOW GRADE TYPICAL. CONCRETE BOLLARD nETAIL. NOT To SCALE HDP LP-1A 480/277 20B/120 400A <E> <E> NEW ATS E%ISTING NEW UTILITY GENERATOR ANSFORME 1 FEEDER SCHEDULE PARK AYP9 CONDUIT WIRE SIZE GROUND 400 400 (1) 4" (1) 600 MGM-%HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL N2/0 CU 225G 225 (1) 3" (1) 4/0 %HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 12/0 CU Y POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET NEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH O1 MISC (3) 1" HEATER (10) #10 THHN-CU; 1' CONDUIT FOR /12 CU GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL 20 20 1" (2) /10 THHN-CU /12 CU GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 HDP LP-1A 480/277 20B/120 400A <E> <E> NEW ATS E%ISTING NEW UTILITY GENERATOR ANSFORME 1 FEEDER SCHEDULE PARK AYP9 CONDUIT WIRE SIZE GROUND 400 400 (1) 4" (1) 600 MGM-%HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL N2/0 CU 225G 225 (1) 3" (1) 4/0 %HHW-CU PER PHASE AND NEUTRAL 12/0 CU Y POWER CONDUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT, JACKET NEATER, AND TRANSFER SWITCH O1 MISC (3) 1" HEATER (10) #10 THHN-CU; 1' CONDUIT FOR /12 CU GENERATOR ANNUNCIATOR WIRING, 1" CONDUIT FOR TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENERATOR CONTROL 20 20 1" (2) /10 THHN-CU /12 CU GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 GAS PIPING SPECIFICATIONS: 1, PIPING 1% INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE SEAMLESS SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A106 OR ASTM A53 WITH CLASS 150 BUCK MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS CONFORMING TO ASME B163 2 PIPING 2 INCHES AND URGER SHALL BE WELDED SCHEDULE 40 BUCK STEEL, ASTM A53, WITH SCHEDULE 40 WROUGHT CARBON STEEL FITTINGS, ASTM A 234 AND BUTT WELD JOINTS, 3 PROVIDE FACTORY -APPLIED. THREE -DYER COATING OF EPDXY, ADHESIVE, AND PE OR FIELD APPLIED PRIMER AND EPDXY PANT COATING ON ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FIELD APPLIED COATING IS RESTRICTED TO FIRINGS AND SHORT SECTIONS OF PIPE NECESSARILY STRIPPED FOR THREADING OR WELDING FIELD COATING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY AMERCOAT TYPE 240 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GALVANIZING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE PROTECTION 4 UNDERGROUND NO PIPING SMALL BE DRISCOPLE% 6500 PE 2406 MDPE OR EQUAL ME-2 BASE SELECTION HEIGHT BASE O O 72' 42' O O AS REQUIRED FROM POLE MANUFACTURER 24" AS REQUIRED M5 REBAR LOOP REVEAL 2" ABOVE GRADE -� �ri�r�l c�/i - CONDUIT FOR ICI GROUND WIRE N6 COPPER HEIGHT GROUND CAP WELD /5 REBAR (TYPICAL OF 4) ii"k8' GROUND ROD BASE TAPERED LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (SA) NOT TO SCALE BARB WIRE TO BE PER ASTM A121, ZINC COATED, TYPE Z. CLASS 3 OR EQUAL PER SITE FENCING REQUIREMENTS 14 GAUGE ROUND, 4-PT BARBS, MAX SPACING 5 INCHES Lu B" GRAVEL BASE (T30* YP,) 3000 P51, 2B DAY\ Z_ L LI CONCRETE GEOTE%TILE FABRIC � 7 N 12" END/TERMINAL (TYP) coL � 10" LINE POST (TYP) NOTES: � y 1 FENCE FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL BUCK W PVC COATED, 9 GAUGE, 2" MESH � a w 2 SWING GATE HINGES TO ALLOW VERTICAL LIFT REMOVAL WITHOUT TOOL USE V c 3 DIAGONAL REINFORCING STRAPS AND MID -HEIGHT CROSS BAR TO BE USED AT m ALL CORNERS AND ON HINGE -SIDE FENCE PANEL E: % w � � � m CHAIN LINK FENCE AND LATE � NOT TO SCALE Q m J m p � Q e pN Ne to o U ' u m o N PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT d y COPYING, DISSEMINATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT DATE 6/10N2 PERMISSION OF THE US GENERAL SERVICES SCALE AS NOTED ADMI �STRATION IS PROHIBITED THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN ISTRAl10N DRAWN BV JSM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTHORIZED USERS NEED TO APPROVED BY ASG RETAIN THEM DISTRIRUTON TO THOSE WITH OTHER THAN A NEED TO uNOW IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DWG NO DO NO] REMOVE THIS NOTICE PROPERLY DESTROY DOCUMENTS WHEN NO LONGCR NEEDED 8�10�12 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET 2 OF 2 ` \ SITE ENGINEER: r L _ .'l ! nn l �-pQ� \\� ''- I i�,�••�c l _`,l l/l I \ / ! \ / ,/ i / i//�i� ///.� (l r \\\\\\\\�\\\1,\\ /_� I , ) �( '\ —S— r � �: �{� .•.•:a1 p:_.• I_ IJ J 1 J \ \ 1 1 1 I 1S 1I u Ir fIIA 4 DYNAOWER "ND, DRN „1 / OII lr 1 rr CIVIL ENGINERING ASOATES ING fo WNSTiBD NHYIAIF, IOURI M/Y1Y070M N o6rW / l7J J r � \\\\�� /�- / I !> \ \ / / , ' _ ._ r`.:.•1. / r \ _/ III L� dlh, ! 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'.'S'. _ ( \J n I , J / , I ', r ., _ � �111�� ^d/ 4R 9/ , 1 -7 �1•..'i.•.-..L•:':':':':':'c.......... \ 1.— - � \ , , \'NL, , \ / �I r / ( \ 7 ) l l ! 1 ��' \ 1 / J y'.'.'•�'•'•;•\''• :''•"'.Z.'. y .. • / \ , l j1IIl \I T OWNER: ( 1����-- Jil / 1 (/ �i '•� '�.t�....�-.. ~•y '•._ �11\ 1 \ \ 1 \L 111 y.,1 �11 cL tss NI `� BIRCHWOOD �- _ :I 'I `v; I ` \ ` �'I ' _` -,=' ; ;-_=' �' ; �\l•� -(- --'�j -' - _ �,- -%`-_ �5-- � � - \.•.•.•. 1\ I11 �, 9 ' /r I ` � '\\� BURLINGTON, INC. P c ` 1•..I•.•.•.-r. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET �� I l ! I \ `\ 1 "' I \ 1 \ �/t SUITE r 4 \ , \ 1 �` -- - - SbA1MER JOxJI !l TAMPA, FL 33807 l . ,�/ -- ' 7r'.'.-.' 11'' .-, y I r I 1 l �Y h �C rf l Ih�r 4.47 -AG. _ THE ROC __ I I j i� t•�' I \ \\� Aca \ \ , ..� , l i IIIII GTON rr l ll •1. 1 (,7 \j 1 1 ❑ \ \ - - \ j 1 \I; APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD II L �\PI, \I9 1 ���ll_== r� i \l \` J 'L i i I : % rl .� - \ BURLINGTON, INC. _ _ \ f i,7il' ♦ V \ , I � _ -"x=- I v, I - 11 `` • ; •;• �%J \ \ 1 / / / I 1- � r r4. � lD�YEL 1 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET a X RUN LANE f' r JI cLAss /// l i - `\\\ \> 1}�� '1 z wII r' I \ I ( I 11j1 SUITEB F,' r \ \ J k` ( t _ 1 µl .' •1 1 I 1\ 1\ AC. -f- TAMPA, FL 33607 \J\\ \I ,`Ihl t r c \ 1 (1j1 1y11 I ( 1 I ( ! / / / J"/ 1 \ \l �z : V-3.21 Ac. �I`- tll T :':''•i / 4 I \ ll,J•.l c _ ��> ` PROJECT: > 13.06 C. r`-' ' %� \ )L_ .f(`1.%_nE' ;,' _/ r - ��- /.. BIRCHWOOD M - - r `\ �- - ER ICE II Il%E;. _r / r f" / J `- 7 :-:! � � OFFICE BUILDING ' l} c1� _ �� // `/i'' / �� _ _ _ - , _ _ _ _ l \ 1 I I rJ ,' _ is ,/.•.•.• • __,. T 1 _ �., : `l .•.....): •`«' /v �O2 OO Ro LEr R S . ✓- f( �I f•-�•'••••.+\' :':':•':.'s.7-.\c• R �0 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET ' _ - �., _ it...�.;.. ..r....I \.\ I} \\ i �:� ''•'' '.� �F+ LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND O co 1 1 1 1'1 1� )r \ I \ \ \ \I / �� / 1,1 I \ BUSINESS PARK N ` T / / - . J 1 i / , _ l ) 1 1 1 I _ f / I / 1.. l , c ... ;:;:: ' SOUTH BURLINGTON ) / VERMONT O I f 11 (\ 1 \ / / / / ! !/ l J l \ .. ` , ///l/ , / , l_ \ . \� i, 1 O'BHIEN L.'C....PO,.{D.• ( 1 1 S i Q, \1 / ,LLC •. 1• VENMW. 7 I 1 \ �•' :':' ....•.. , f I ti '�\ J ✓ \ \ \ 1 \ \ ( ( ( 111 I ( / l , / , r/ ` � _ _ �\ \ \ � / _ .'t'�'.'.'.'.'._. �\, \ I Jr .'i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. •.'.1 �.'r. GREEN ACRE$INC 1 \ I III II ! J46.44 Ac`.I s / '' .��1 - \\ \ \ � , , / /., .�.... I ' \ \ \ \ I \ �`•'''•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•"•'•"•"•"•'•' �l ' \ Ic)�Ilii\ /�/. 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CURT' Jl..• •. 1 1 ( r / I��� r �• �':•:•:•:•i :`iE '•'•'•�i.•:•J•i• sJ C- r , - / \ \ 1 ..:�: 20.20 AC.1 � I JIr� �\ / I .��� ,\_�/�• ; ^ _ - I _ _ ` \ r 1 \ �'�.. .:'fit:;., '`�\ 4� •.1:•:•'•'.•.•.;;....•........} - /,` II � •'k:•': Y-�• .: \ ` I r J � �•.".•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. •.•.•.•.•.• .� -- - 7"1 C/IYOF \I I / I )�; N-'� - i/� \ _ - _� I \\ \ r I I / / n l 2 P5pESTRIA ''.'.'. k' / I t 1.'.'.'.'.'.•.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-.' i �/ l r� EASEMENT. r 1 J \ (� ,•..P.'.'........••.................!•i� SOVTHBURLWO / I �.i'•;•: d` ., l V l l I f "' r I 1 I 1. J/ •� •'•' / r 4' l I / / - ' ( 1 ' \ l\ \ / I 20� PEDESVIAN) `I \1 !f �l 1 \ 1 `\ / ).' f.'.'.'.'.'.'.:1;• IL EASEMENT 7"'I \ l ll�l! / l o I'll , 1 l ) ` \ r r i, 1 ��• ram\..:::yi;;,; y \ \ Tr- 1 \rl I � I / 1 \ ' \ I `; I l-`I � _ �---`y��)1 \ \ `<� �- 1// � i. :.�.d�:•.•.... e . ' ---� -t \ �J y ,�1 l 1 O _l - / ( 1' / I ( 1 ) _ _ ��-��'�/-f-`� 1 l �, -tom / G•.• i . _ -�SIP��)) r� �- O \\� ' I ') J 1 / // I 1 -_\ tl _->�i' =ii � - �!-�*i�-� i'/� l �7� -. F-, 1 - 1 (, i \\ '•�> EAETTRIAN/ 1 I I) III 1 a I _) l =-'�i i �- , / �. E'C\ r--- �. tl� J ( -- _ 1-• 11 1 ' / ' / - ���' ,- _ _ _ - _ \ \ 1 f - / -\ EX/SANG 14£7LAR S77NG'5' CHANNEL �\ LOCATION MAPrlE"D AREA r = 2DDoLEGEND Q/ / !r�)I I -Leis•=s=� �= I \\ ` \ ,.A- i / \� 1 \•^.�\\\\\\. I �' _ \ 1L EXISTING CONTOUR DAn cnc® sav®oB \_♦�~#N£TLAND 11 AAN NER \ CLEe C \1\\\\\\\\\\ / DUBOIS l _ \ '' DsUAa mrxK axnoA1fNG _PEASTREA _APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE j hNE,�\\\ — — — — SETBACK LINE N \\ 00 O/ EASEMENT LINE _ - - ( _ - _\�IIIIIIf f f lllillJ II 'i / / /' �O� — —SS— — GRAVITY SEWER LINE O x \/ l\- `'� �/ lI J - �1 I\\l 11111 )UIIIIU 1 1 O crr . (/ J _'c* e \ 1 \ \\ r} 1 \ ` fry 1r \11 t X0111111w I I— ' I 1 J ,'(—G — — GAS LINE N GENERA NOTES GRAPHIC SCALE — — W — — WATER LINE I/ r UTILITIES SHOWN DO NOT PURPORT TO CONSTIMEOR REPRESENTALL UTILITIES w r :r aD —UEhT— UNDERGROUND ELEC. A' TEL y, LOCATED UPON ORADJACENT TO THE SURVEYED PREMISES EXISTINGUTILITY (1 LOLITYCO MEAPPRO DISC ONLY ES SHALT RACIORATEDTOELEENGINELL —ST — STORM DRAINAGE LINE OVERALL V^' UTILITY CONFLICTS ALL DISCREPANCIES STALL BE REPORTED TOME ENGINEER — W THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OIG SAFE (le1aH 7=) PRIOR TO ANYCMSTRLCTION l m MT I •O 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR/IIESTORE ALL DISTURBED AREAS(ON OR OFF ME 1 Ime - Lao R ® SEWER MANHOLE SITE STE)ASA DIRECTOR INDIRECT RESULT OF THE CONSTRUCTION ai J ALL GRt D AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL FULL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED 101 UTILITY POLE PLAN 4 MNNTNN ALL TREES QUTSIDEOF CONSTRUCTION LIMBS 0 SHUT-OFF 5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSBLE FOR ALL WORK NECESSARI'FOR COMPLETE SIGN Q AND OPERABLE FACILRIESAND UTILMES OWNER OF RECORD APPLICANT: ZONING DISTRICT: E8 CATCH BASIN IT INNJOITIONTOTHEREQUIREMENTSSET/NTHESEPLANSANDSPECIFIGITIONS, U THECONTRACTOR HECITYOFSOTHBURLI WO. GTN PUBLICWOWS TN1RDS BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. INDUSTRIAL &OPEN SPACE � w DECIDUOUS TREES CONDITIONSANO THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS O DATE DRATM I umm l T�ASSE�B FD I FEET DRADESFORALLPAVEMENT, WALKWAYSANDIAWN 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET, SUITEB 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET, SUITEB CONIFEROUS TREE AUG., 2008 TAMPA, FL 33607 TAMPA, FL 33607 �� EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS A THIS IS NOTABOUNONiY SURVEY AND is Nor INTENDED TO BE USED AS ONE DLi • 0 Q o o— FENCE 1" = 1 50' / Y IFT"FICA'EANY CONFLICTSOR /NCONSASTENCIESWITHTILE PLANS OR SPECIFIGAnONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR VERIFICATION A BEFORE WORK CONTINUES ON THE ITEM IN QUESTION Ad nD �L 08164 FLOOD ZONE NOTE A FORTOH OFTIF fUYatrrRorEnTY F FILLe N1MIX ZOMErMDERCrEp OX FnM FLOOD IawaNlcE - - nrZOXEOCOTIEZONE1irLOEREYDNVs oHEOX� MsANs Y.M0EP1WM0NMDMV- BB ZONE rAaFAe An!E OnNED M ,E a.E �nMM aD. a,�D E�XFrDDO^ w.OD EMF DDD Da�^M ^�FMaD. E� ro 118 LEGEND of SYMBOLS I roarEMFtapaxo mmAruxaEOEm+steaa,ww oxEmFour_• i�-------__-- J SUBECT zora;cMEAa AnepmnmM ••rXEnaoF keMsr zFwonep• - OTHER (APPROX PROPERTY UNE ' BURLINGTON PROPERTIES �Di.Eai� .R, NEF�EN � a CONIC MONUMENT � SFOUND n// cuEoE-a•c roEE FuxrErEo FORa________ i LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Faae�En ose.— Exler Is— Vol. 273 Pg 266 rvum� -1-E e9 / b9 ABOVE / BELOW GRADE (FT) - L Ra*LLTV eoL zn r To -- __ Now or FORMERLY _ - CA / __ SUBDIVISION LOT NUMBER _ / srwnx: wwwe ____ O n I EIYrt rwoe W I EMEMENr yszere D rEoeereux EMa�r� w07 8-----":z\-1 i — _ _ _ — — — — *r EMEMEXr 1 SUPERTEMP REALTY 1 LOCATION a ems•' Merl h_ --- rose ousotvEo NOT to SCALE 1 I / COMPANY, INC. SURVEY NOTES I1 I lY I, O r _ - �- - - _ - - - - - - / © 1 PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY AND PLAT IS TO RETRACE EXTERNAL BOUNDARIES OF CRyol SnM u, I 1 I - - m LOTS 9 a 9 OF THE "MF"ADOWI ANDS BUSINESS PARK" SUBDIVISION (REFERENCE PLAT 3.88 Ac. BuWyton I d1� / 1 i 1 I Ir ^�� A) AND TO DEPICT THE PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION OF THE TWO LOTS INTO ONE 7 76 •01haEMerExr 1 ACRE PARCEL OTHER PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE, FOR 1 I 1t� I I ixE uiroEDro - - REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY n/I —"ram_ M0T0N � - �_ 5 - 2 SURVEY CONDUCTED DUNE 200E UTILIZING AN ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION sum',5 w THE ROCK I �m / I I I % - _ -I �_= ise •�' - - - " - - INSTRUMENT of GREATER-Eiisr aEYailr r avuvrr nil u.r I _ --- 1 TDseor+oLvso� & 3 BEARINGS SHOWN ARE FROM GRID NORTH, VT COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983. BURLINGTON I r _+I J - - I- - - - I SUMMER ICE JOINT CALCULATED FROM OUR GPS OBSERVATIONS AT OR NEAR THE PROJECT AREA O----_r �N Z Al VENTURE, LLC �L EXirt1 M W,OE 1 La i E%IBTINO PROPERTY UNE f O 1 1 CORNER MARKERS FOUND TYPICALLY CONSIST OF 5/E X STEEL RE WITH I ,a se,�TN� II eETvyEEN Lorsat.ore � 1 ALUMINUM CAPS S7AMPED'CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCS -VTLS 59T, SET FL FLUSH 4" Z 1 I I 1'1 TO eE DlssoLVEo O (n 1 5 WITH EXISTING GRADE CONCRETE MONUMENTS FOUND ARE SQUARE UNLESS 3.90 Ac. rri OTHERWISE NOTED. PRE-EXISTING EASEMENTS Z1 eEE FLOW, i _ iris — — jTj zoxE More J + + LOTS 6 a 9 ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXISTING EASEMENTS' 5 m�,-, 3'. �I NeJT2 51 E n/( E-1 A 200f00T-WIDE "CONSERVATION ZONE AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT, CENTERED 0 CHASE PROPERTIES ON THE EXISTING STREAM THROUGH THE PROPERTY, AS DEPICTED ON REFERENCE nil I 0n o d DEVELOPMENT LTD. PLAT'A" SUMMER ICE ° SUMMER ICE N I I O E-2 A 20 FOOT-VNDE SEWER LINE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF SOUTH JOINT VENTURE, LLC I o JOINT VENTURE, LLC HI I BURLINGTON, BOUNDED NORTH BY THE LOT LINE BETWEEN LOTS 9 AND 9, AS m f Vol.367 P9. 43g DEPICTED ON REFERENCE PUT "A". THE EASTERLY PORTION OF THIS EASEMENT TO O � q CEy of SDUM BE RELOCATED A3 SHOWN. II'� O vM hso I E-3 A TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR CUL-DE-SAC AT NORTH END OF BOVWOIN snL+rL=_ - STREET DETAILED DIMENSIONS OF THIS EASEMENT ARE DEPICTED ON REFERENCE - - MAP "A'. THIS EASEMENT TO BE EXTINGUISHED WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED _ DRIVE E-4 A 50-FOOT-WIDE STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT, BOUND NORTHERLY BY M EA D O WLA N D To DEAD END -� THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 9, AS DEPICTED ON REFERENCE PLAT "A' a.n WIDE) - - E-5 A 5-FOOT-WADE PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT, BOUND NORTHERLY BY THE NORTH CRY pl SolRh BuAlrr9ton Ilkla SWIFT ST. EXTENSION (BO - - _ LINE OF LOT 9, AS DEPICTED ON REFERENCE PLAT "A" �- To HINESBURG RD._ pr �- _ _ - � - E-0 AIRSPACE OVER SUBJECT LOTS IS APPARENTLY SUBJECT TO AN "AIRPORT - REFERENCE •SERVING BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, AS DEPICTED ON CE PLAT 1 03 GRAPHIC SCALE �•/ rA ms 1 I ( IN FEW ) I Inch - 100 fL REFERENCE MAPS or PLATS I I CONSOLIDATION OF LOT 8 & 9 A "MEADOWLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK', Rwlaed Data 6/27/1996, prepared by MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK for: Trudeti Consulting Engineers, Inc. Vol 366 Page ga (now Plat Slide 300) South To Me bass of my knowledge and belief this plan pmpwty depicts BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, LL 9.10.08 DSM REVISED SEWER EASEMENT LANGUAGE Burlington Land Records. Me muse, of a survey conducted under my dlrat wprwdn as B "PLAT OF LAND OF SEMICON COMPONENTS, INC ", R s-ed Deb 6129/1966, prepared by Tmdeg Consulting Engineers, Inc Vol 200 Page 71 (now Plat Slide 193) South Surhngtun Land Retards C "BURLINGTON PROPERTES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP", R-.W Data 9115/1995, prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc Vol 356 Page 293 (now out!""M Me "Morey rates- b-., Exalting b-danse.nawn en based upm - erWyab of physical and rawd eAdeno. mwo avd, and are In vub him ial oanrdnnarele wWr the record ur"" otherwise noted The plan Is In subeterrtid rvmpike ce wsh 27 vsA 1eD3 statemrK veld only when e¢aripnletl by r Y oddnss signature w and 65 BOWDOIN STREET CITY of SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 822.08 TRC ADD DEED k MAP CITATIONS Date Ely Rewamn Drawn b TRC/AC(. y Checked by ULM Dote U��•HEET Scale 1" � 100, r CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INCINC. 10MANSFIEtDVIEW LANE, SOUTHBURUNGTON. VT 05403 p�_ Plat Slide 93) South Burlington Land Records. TanahyR Cowan VT LS 591 Approved by TRC Project No 08104 a02-061-2323 FAI( E02dM-2Y71 we0 wmv tx-N corn m bJ vow W spa�q N 14R sod,_ �,� -: lion" V 126,935 SF FFE L-I Rw IYA srrs ENGINEER. 1 14 Ecpu 0 Copu B 7 Hopi 12 Phda 10 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. IN', 10M4NSF1aDWWL4N& SOUTHBIA.MTON, VINO 10 Clal 5 CI 1 5 Copu D"m MCL I'Deep Topsoil 12 Phda Planting Bed MCL 7 Hopi Mulch Bed with 2" Deer 15 Ecpu Hardwood Dark Ar� - ---------- MCL OWNER: r2 DETAIL PLAN OF WEST ENE) OF PARKING ISLAND PLANTING BIRCHWOOD SCALE P- 10' BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B 9 Ecpu TAMPA FL 33607 5 Hopi APPUCANT: 10 COF7u- 5 Phda BIRCHWOOD 8 Cop u- 3Hopi BURLINGTON, INC. S 15 Ecpu 5 Cal 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET 3 HOPI SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 EEI 7 Phda 3 HoEl. 3 Hopi PROJECT: 8 Phda BIRCHWOOD 7 Clal Planting Bed V Deep Topsoil 5 Hopi n 9 Ecpu OFFICE BUILDING 3 Hopi Mulch ged with 2" Deep I I Phda 0 clal Hardwood Dark 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET 5. 1 I LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND 3 Ho I BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT 3-'DETAIL PLAN OF EAST END OF PARKING ISLAND PLANTING 'LIC =1 E L 1;:.W= C E AREe S 8 ij�m I-- J�—I,VERMOW05452 L-V SCALE I"= 10' 4 5amc—com p�- G livr I' Dee[? Topsoil 4 Clal PlantingBed Mulch ed with 2" Deep, t % Lawn Hardwood Dark 0 I I I G myrnt, + Beab 0 4 Clal I' Deep Topsoil G Ilvr G Hymb Planting Bed 3 a D T1- Mulch Bed with 2' celp ele b j I Hardwood Bark 13 13 Hede 13 --3 4 5apn ❑ 13 Hele G 11,31 13 Hepr LANDSCAPE PLAN & DETAILS II I Lawn G P15b "m DMWM moan SEPT. 2008 LANDSCAPEPLAN I I I I 4 DETAIL PLAN OF VISITOR ENTRANCE PLANTING 1" = 30' SCALE I"=30' SCALE I"=10' �.m 08164 ,�::.�«.� � _ boy • I' Deep Topsoil Planting Dec( Mulch Bed with 2" Deep Hardwood Bark LEDGE Lawn 8 Ilgl SITE ENGINEER: AR60RTIE GREEN MT wovEN ARBORTIE GREEN MT WDV[N POLYPROPYLENE STAKING TRIM DEODU" TREE5 TO "MID[ G R POLYPROPYLENE STAKING MATERIAL - NM IN -DE. MATERIAL - 3M IN WIO[. WoLD BRAR5TRENGTn LIlARANrl ADIACENf TO51DBxAwAND 900 LB 5RBTx 5TRENGTH I1nREEI n11M5 TREE CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, MABIBI FA5TEN AR50UIE TO 5TMLS, WRAR OVER ROOT BALD. PARKING AREAS rABTEN AREORTIE TO 5TAKE5. WMr OVER ROOT BALL TO REEF TREE FROM ROCMNG IOAWJSRHDNEWU1N SOUINEIAILO� ym Yi am TO KEEP TREE FROM ROCKING PUJMB TREE TRUNK lillh 102-RIFf2n "W '�k-" TREGATOR 51AN-KEEN[ DRARII 20 DAL T UE aATOR OR "AFPROVTEMNG�MEQUAL rw MCL OR AFFROV[D [DUAL (I/IRED (1/TRE[I COMNNERGrD SHRUB qF® 3' MULCH - W NOT 8 MULCH - 00 NOT ABLY a MOUND 3- MULCH - DO NOT ABLY o MOUND MCL NI 2' K 2' K 2't APPLY a MOUND AROUND TRUNK (M) 2- x P K 2' L nARDw000 5TM0 DRIv[N AROUND TRUNK AROUND TRUNK. MAROWUOD 5TAKE5 DRIVEN (MIN IBy PIRMLYINTO5U6 FORM 1' SOIL SAUCER FORM 4'5AUKM AAR"I (MIN 16.1 FIRMLY I'm 5UD- - PC T 51UY .. GRAD[ PRIOR TO FlNISM GRAM MCL GRADE PRIOR TO BACKFlWNG FlNU1 GRAM / DACKPILU- OWNER: 5aL M. - 1.0 ru05 - - UNDI5TURB[D SOIL - - - EXCAVATED 5OL AND ONE PART EURUNGTW UND9NRBCD 501E - - - / - CUT AND BEND 1' YAL! OCOOM"T OR BIRCHWOOD _ CUT AND BIND �� LAP _ - - BALK WIRE. a'3o AIR R C ET5 "R'°� BURLINGTON, INC. PROM TOP 1/3 OF RCOFBNl dal MN. ABrARS IRGVAim BGAAAD w[ rueT R�L WATER TMOROUGKY AieP.Dno.e rwRr NGIo. MT aY �+�* - EuauGIDx MTI:NNe oTIRmT - BAU DIA+1e• 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET 2 x BALL DIA OAK MART eDGe a SECTION SUITE B ro aLove AlRToana wATU TIKMouEI,IY 2xBNL OIA BREAM ArARr eDGea EXCAVATION h-NOVEL wATBLT,RUIGIrMAY� 5EG11ON exav,LnoN wiSnOvn NOTES, TAMPA, FL 33607 NOTE5 5ECnON BPS, 1. REMOVE ALL NUMJERY TAGS. ROW. WRING. MID rVG w I ' Deep Top5Cm \ J I PLANT TREE 50 THAT Tor Or ROOT PLARE 15 NN'MTH THE FINISH GRAM I PLANT TREE 50 THAT TOP Of ROOT FLARE 15 EVEN W TN THE -5. GRADE Mook TO PLATTING TO PREVENT GROUPING. Planting Bed \\yY Mulch ed wit Bh 2" eep Hardwood Bark z 5TMING A5 REWIRED ONLY IN NTUATIM5 WHEW TREM MILL BE SUB ECfm TO MNDY CONDA5 TION5 DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT LANIDSCAP[ ARCHITECT 3 TREES 5HALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD Or YEARS AFTER PLAITING S EfAMNMI E ENTIRE TREE D REMOVE ALL NUK5ERYTA65, ROF[. 5TRING AND 5U11VEYDR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING TO PREVENT GIRDLING 2 5TAKNG AS "CURED ONLY 1N 51NADON5'MIER TREE5'MLL BE SUB)ECRD TO W1NOT CWDGR TIM5 A5 DETERMINED BY THE PROPER LAND5ARCHITECT 3 TREES SHALL «GUARANTEED FOR A reR oD Or VA FALS AWOL FlANTING A EXAMINE [MIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAG5. ROPE. 5TRING AND 511RVEYDR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING TO PRNENT DIRDUNG 2 PLANT MRUB A THAT TOP OF ROOT BVL 15 NN M. THE FINWED GRAD[. 3 5H UW SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF VA YrARS AFTER5 5HAUG APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B � � TAMPA, FL 33607 1 DETAIL PLAN OF EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE PLANTING / 2� DETAIL PLAN OF ENTRY CIRCLE PLANTING 3� DETAIL OF PLANTED DECIDUOUS TREE / `N\ DETAIL OF PLANTED EVERGREEN TREE 5 DETAIL OF PLANTED SHRUB L-2 SCALE I"=1 O' L-2 SCALE 1"= 10' L-2 NTS L-2 NTS L-2 NTS PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD PLANTING SPECIFICATION PLANT LIST OFFICE BUILDING 1. PLANT NAMES INDICATED SHALL COMPLY WITH "STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES" AS ADOPTED BY THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN JOINT COMMISSION OF OF HORTICULTURE NOMENCLATURE. PROVIDE STOCK TRUE TO BOTANICAL NAME AND LEGIBLY TAGGED. 2. COMPLY WITH 51ZING AND GRADING STANDARDS OF THE LATEST EDITION Of 'AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK". 3. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN. 4. PROVIDE PLANTS TYPICAL OF THEIR SPECIES AND VARIETY; WITH NORMAL DENSELY DEVELOPED BRANCHES AND VIGOROUS, FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEM. 5. PROVIDE ONLY SOUND, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS PLANTS, FREE FROM DEFECTS, DISFIGURING, KNOTS, 5UN5CALD INJURIES, FROST CRACKS, ABRASIONS TO THE BARK, CROOKED LEADERS, PRUNING WOUNDS GREATER THAN I INCH IN DIAMETER, INSECTS AND DISEASES. G. EVERGREEN TREES SHALL BE BRANCHED TO THE GROUND 7. PROVIDE ONLY FRESHLY DUG PLANTS. 8. DO NOT PRUNE PLANTS BEFORE DELIVERY. 9 ALL PLANTS SHALL BE LARGER THAN THE MINIMUM 51ZE SPECIFIED. 50% OF THE PLANTS SHALL BE IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE RANGE SPECIFIED, 10. PLACE PROTECTIVE COVERING OVER PLANTS TRANSPORTED IN OPEN VEHICLES TO PROTECT FROM WINDBURN. 1 1. BALLED AND BURLAPPED PLANTS; PROVIDE FIRM, NATURAL BALLS OF EARTH. CRACKED OR MUSHROOM -SHAPED BALLS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. 12. CONTAINER -GROWN STOCK: PLANTS SHALL HAVE BEEN GROWN IN CONTAINER FOR SUFFICIENT LENGTH OF TIME FOR THE ROOT SYSTEM TO HAVE DEVELOPED TO HOLD ITS 501L TOGETHER, FIRM AND WHOLE PLANTS SHALL NEITHER BE L005E IN THEIR CONTAINER NOR POT BOUND. 13, SHRUBS AND SMALL PLANTS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SPREAD AND HEIGHT INDICATED IN THE PLANT LIST. SINGLE STEMMED OR THIN PLANTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 14. TIME OF PLANTING - APRIL 15TH TO OCTOBER 15TH 15. BEFORE STARTING WORK, REPORT ANY DEFECTS ON THE 517E SUCH AS INCORRECT GRADING, TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE HI5 ACCEPTANCE OF THE AREAS TO BE PLANTED AND HE SHALL A55UME FULL RE5PON51BILITY FOR THE WORK OF PLANTING. 1 G. LOCATE PLANTS INDICATED ON THE PLAN IN THE FIELD. IF 055TRUCTON5 ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, DO NOT PROCEED WITH PLANTING OPERATIONS UNTIL THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HAS SELECTED ALTERNATE PLANT LOCATIONS. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO INSPECT ALL PLANT MATERIAL ON 517E TO REVIEW QUALITY, 51ZE AND VARIETY BEFORE PLANTING PROCEEDS. 15. PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE PERMITTED IF AUTHORIZED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT F THE CITY OF 5OUTH 15URLINGTON AROR15T. 19. IF PLANTS CANNOT BE PLANTED IMMEDIATELY UPON DELIVERY, PROTECT WITH SOIL, WET PEAT MOSS, BARK MULCH OR IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 20. STAKE PLANT LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS BEFORE PLANTING. STAKING LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 21 ALL WORK TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN STANDARDS POP MATERIALS, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE. 22. DIG HOLES AT A DEPTH TO SET TOP OF ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH FINISH GRADE AND TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL. 23 SET PLANTS GENTLY IN PIT 50 TRUNKS ARE STRAIGHT 24 PLACE TOP501L MIX IN PIT AND COMPACT WHEN HOLE 15 NEARLY FILLED WATER THOROUGLY FILL REMAINDER OF HOLE. BUILD 4 IN. SAUCER EDGE BEYOND EXCAVATION WATERTHOROUGLY AGAIN. 25. DRIVE HARDWOOD STAKES I' BEYOND EXCAVATION, TIE ARBORTIE STAKING MATERIAL TO STAKES AND WRAP OVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH ONE TW15T AROUND TREE TRUNK. 2G MULCH TREES AND PLANTING BEDS WITHIN 48 HOURS OF PLANTING 27 SATURATE INSTALLED PLANTS WITH WATER DURING MAINTENACE PERIOD AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO INSURE PROPER 501L MOISTURE. 28. PRUNE TREES AS NECESSARY TO REMOVE DEAD OR INJURED TWIGS AND BRANCHES. MAKE CUTS JUST OUTSIDE OF BRANCH COLLAR. 29 MAINTAIN NEW PLANTING AND CONTINUE UNTIL ACCEPTANCE MAINTENANCE INCLUDES; PRUNING, WATERING, WEEDING, MULCHING, RESETTING TO FINISH GRADE AND VERTICAL POSITION, RESTORING PLANT SAUCERS. 30. CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER DEFICIENCIES BECOME APPARENT AND WEATHER AND SEASON PERMIT 3 1. REMOVE AND IMMEDIATELY REPLACE ALL PLANTS DETERMINED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO BE UNSATISFACTORY DURING THE INITIAL PLANTING INSTALLATION 32 NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO INSPECT THE WORK FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION WHEN INSPECTION 15 AFFROLED, THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL CONFIRM WITH WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE. 33 THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE TO GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE IN A HEALTHY AND FLOURISHING CONDITION FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FROM THE DATE OF WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE. 34. REPLACEMENTS SHALL CLOSELY MATCH ADJACENT PLANTS OF THE SAME SPECIES. 35. PLANT STREET TREES ONLY AFTER CONSTRUCTION 15 COMPLETE 3G. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE FAILED OR UN5ATl5FACTOKY PLANTS AT NO C05T TO THE EVERGREENTREES KEY SC. --NAME COMMON NAM. PLATDING EDE A -A I I A.-coNCOLOR CONCOtoR FIR 56 R. BBB ABCOB 5 AB-CONCOLOR CONCOLOR FIR 67 R. BBB PIABA 13 PK:EA A.E. NOTLWAYBMUCE SR FT. BBB MAIMS 3 PICEA ADIES No-lRUCE B7 R. BBB PIGL-A 11 MCEAOLAUCA WHITE YINcE 36 R.. BBB PIDL.B 4 PN'M DLALIu W.DE BPITLCB tiT .. RAc DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES A- B AcM FREEMANII -AUTUMN BLAIL' AUTUMN BLAZE M.\RE 2.2.51N. fABB MACM II MALLS -CANDY MINT' CANDY MINT CRAnwr15E 2-2 BIN. BBB PYCA 2 PYRUS CALL-ANA'CNANn I N' CLEVELAND SELD:T PEAR 2 5-3 - BBB CUB. B C-U.BK:OLO. S-WHITEGAN 25.3 N. BBB SYRE 5 SYIRNGA "EncULATA i- SIR' IVORY SILK LILAC TREE 2.2 5IN. BBB SMALL EVERGREENS BEAK 26 AND DECIDUOUS SHRUBS BER.ERI. ATRONRN.EA'BAGATELLB' BAGATF„F BAFRIERRY 20AL CLAL aA CLETH"A AWIPOUA'HUMMINO.IKD' HUMMINGBIRD SUTAMERSWEET 3-L Co1AI 53 CORNUE PUMRA DWARF RED nmo Do-v000 3OAL HYMB 30 HYDRANGEA MwCROPHYLI-A'BWEERLU-S' BLUE BILIAWB HYDRANGM 2GAL ILGL 35 ILOLau.M'SHAMNxK' SNwM-I-IR1Y 2- ILYJ I 1Uo-RTCILLATA'JIM DANDY' JIM DANDY WINTEN.ERRv 3 GAL ILVR 27 ILEKVERT1CILLATA'REDSPRDE' REDS-WINTBIOE"M 3GAL PIPU 3 PICEA PUN 9'FAT ALB- FAT ALBERT SPRUCE 67R BBB RBR N RNUB-.-B'NANA' DWARF WHIR MINE 5 GAL 2M-301N. SAP. B SADK PURPUREA-NANA- DWARF ARCTIC SIZE WILLOW 2OAL TNON 5 THWA OCCIOEM-HDJMSTTNM DwMF HOLMBTRUM DWARF ARRoRVITAB 5ER Ec- Hom 73 52 EC.INACEA-.-EUM HOiHA PLANTAONEA'ROYAL STANDARD' P.-CONEFlAWER PLANTAN LILY 2GAL 2- HERE 26 H.MENO-S'DETA' DETA DAYULY 2- HOC 10 HEMEROCAWB'I.. CA"NNAL' ICECARN-DwYuLY 2DAL HELP 26 HEMEROCAWB'LBMON' LJUMON DAYMLY 2OAL HEMA 11 HMEROcAw9'MARDI GARS' MARD GRAS DAYULY Z.- HEPR 26 HEMBROCAWS'PRARIE WILD FIRE' PRARIE WILIxIR. IDAYULY 2GAL HEM 10 HEMEROCALLAS'RASPBERRY RABrBEIBW DAYDLY 20AL PHDA 58 PHLOXPAN- 'DAVI DAVID PHLOK 2 SAL 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT r MICHAEL LAW RENGE Assoc. I LNTDSGAPE RE NRE A {tF���B LINDEN LANE CiXAJUNCTION. VEAMOM 05452 802E78-2778 McuBLACoM REIRLON LANDSCAPE PLAN &DETAILS DHE SEPT. 2008 WAU As Shown PIRW NO. 08164 DRARDLE N L-2 v i w 5 s ppp Q Z w o? � 2 z c ISL- " Z �1 � $ ¢ALL h3Y' �JO z (1 ? v Vj of cc,OO��p oD W c! z $ Q� 02 r��e W� (� W y a �y. 3 V W mrn?mW � v ram _~' (, ` Jz O y Z o ra Z V =L m F m M m W O W N Kp, 4 V O �/) VO zN a `— a IT p I 111 I I � II I I I 'II I I I'I a II a� I II cQ Wm I ' WF II I I tii I ,I I ►I W � W " I � 2 w ow ivq ci ► O� I I ► ' � I I / 1 ► ' / I I � ► 1 I ¢ / I1 0 � r A1 W y — \_ —ao 15— o I W� 1g3�1S r-IVIO4M�g1 __- i--- L: -ci { ° AR I � o CIO 00 N ru I ► WrI pe�t: I ` °°° .vim p o -" I ► N I / °° , I ° 1 I° I I' ;aa;;���`;;z�;'�:. ��� NOyE713S I .l . CO vJ I — c — -t ° W 1 � I ° 1 ,u L I w gar - W I a 0 cu 00 00 Y Ow tY a f o ° M �R 1`j Of 0 `r I 1 �°� � I I �"M"vd�sodoL� W W , I 2 io¢I Is �zl o W 1 % N yg13Spl:l I A5c°i I 1 II o`er St a g -'a a .4 — 1 _ °¢ I y ,'��` zg �•,/� a a � � a a •� \ /ate a ., W 1 i WW 1 I Ira a a I l�•� II �.•�• a a a a a� a l a a a a a a "'� �a a � ---_---- I I y'' a -41 _ a a a a a I a a" II� 1a a �— � a a a a_ a 1 � � �.,,_„_„_ • � _ — — �- — a a a a I a � �� a a a a �•� �� 1 �Illf � ._--'---------•— I I a � a a I� al alll a a ate.•'` , � �'�- , �I \ I" i a a a a � I al a a a ate.• r� , N� _ -� r y I W W I I 1 SITE ENGINEER: ` ` r W W � W W w LOT #9 � -- A I 1 PROPOSED WATER W W W ► 1 3.88 acres LINE EXTENSION CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. 1NL, W W _ _ _ 10M4NSF/ELOWEWIANE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 W `Y W I ' r— — — — — — _— — W2.8N-2323 FAX "-8 -zn, web www ce.-vtro WETLAND _ \ rn—E— row- uc ucm SE 4, BUFFER / — / — .. \ SUPERTEMP (PERMITTED, p/y �•�, / — — — — _ \ NOTYETBUILT) MJW— DSM — — ,yam — — — _ _ \ �-M.its'-t•=� �'�OP � � cnc® Y¢ l24' RP OPOStD �OP�ST^ y �Rovm DUMPSTERd RECYCLING — _ — I l / I ^ST PROPOSED DSM — — \ — I ROAD EXTENSION �1- OWNER: \ —� — t- STORMWATER — 2 fM II I I 1 I 1 I I I GRANDVIEW ANAGEMENT I I \ FARMS, INC. FACILITY ; 56 ET CK I I l l EXISTING GRAVEL P.O. BOX 1304 CUL-DE-SAC BURLINGTON, VT 05401 EL Y I PR ` !/ `L' `1' �Y �Y y �Y �Y APPIJCANT: SS / \�\ PAVREOPPAWNQ \ �i 1 I/ / BIRCHWOOD 5 . I. /( 3 PROPERTIES, INC. ' / END OF EXISTING I 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET ° v PAVEMENT SUITE B •'\ u' W WI W I W v, Vr �\ - ° , \ I TAMPA, FL 33607 I ✓ / ° ° PROPOSED COVERED OSEDPARKNG O'„I I 4/ II PROJECT: CK 12KEPR \ I BIRCHWOOD W lY \ — \ W D.I OFFICE ,OPOSED SEWER , C BUILDING `L LINE RELOC4T/ON , f It /'%�; ° I w v \ § y y �\ ° ° - cpwJl9yd „ _ G 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET u is —LOT 6 & 9 MEADOWLAND _ m — L1S ( — %� — BUSINESS PARK 1 W \\ I1 �k W W W - --- — SOU TH BURLINGTON Ed'T ,�{, t,SCi�„st>,--- —° — 1 VERMONT 41 curacaP EXJSTING SEWER�w I W W W W — — _ __ __________� :;-�^ i o° ° ° ° MAIN I 1 I\ CONNECTNEVAE.T 1 _ — %cowl - i o I I y TO EXISTING TRANISFORMER 11�++ —�w •w `l•__ —SS =H SOR .,..11;;;/;i„' i ° ° 1 r - - o �.geRSE a ;a- .q I :I I 1 • SBR BSP� �_-E- • Y-y- — W ,y W' EXf$TINO SEWfr,R AINTA/NEXISTING 1 PROPOSED \ _ /'� GRAVEL APCESS TO BIKE RACK 1 J 11 I I V V // EXISTING M4NHOLE ; f�� o C c (� ... I LLI I WE i LAND°° 4 W -46 o I I ! ° ' ►— I I \ 9 41 _ ofs w PROPOSED I \ HYDRANT W ° I O I I I I I \ urn o arul°n 41 W 15 I \\ I I W W \ W �,; �, i/ - \ ___r^-.? - `, ➢AYE I I � III I➢ ORS p I I ILI w •yy'� w i� `fir' `<:<'�<�<.;';;?��::�����<,.� . �,_ ��=„r�'r...--y=-�""r Hwy 1 . I I I W �� W j i • L��.�,, may' I 1z -3 I — IISTJI II I II 4, / u, _ 'MANAGEMENT- - FACILITY I "Lu G, - = _ �-II I �s� I - -- - I I i SITE PLAN OPTION#2 \ __ I___�—r LOT #8I .I W � ` I — 1' 1 I v '. ` GRAPHIC SCALE II I I I I 190 acres N ► ' I 1 I I W W\ W W W' N I• I� y N IN I I a'n OumaG Mllmi! ,11 u W I I I I JUNE, 2008 1. L IN !' I I I ? IW I SCALE _ . I � we - 30 x n [I� I � i I 30' V 1. L F� l u v w vI I III 1 I I I 06248 w Iw 1w I w Iw w I I e PROPOSED WATER I I I 5.1 LINE EXTENSION w w w w w w w w w w w. w JI W/ 2" BLOWOFF w w w w w w w w J 11 I / I I BLOW -OFF W/CURB STOP w w w w w w w w w ( I — w w l w w w w w w w w l w w w w w w w w w— w w w w w w w w w w w w / �• I--- �31T " w w w w w w w w w w w w / �. — �_�� - i 13 — w I w w w w w Qw w w IV w_ —/ �• —_ �_� ------- w W ' I• j— 1 — — �'— �— t- w v �w I w w �_ RSTORMWATER I— — 1�rrII— L — — \ [— \• �w w w w w wN w w ' ' MANAGEMENT II FACILITY \` e ,p PRIZPOSED SE R NV. IN (E)-33§§.1 8• PVC UNE RE�OCA INV. OUT (S)-335.0 8• PVC 8 S 3 P C SS 32 LF t3 1 II I \ 1 \•,\ 1 \ 1 1 _ I I w w w w'; Iw w w .J .'• ; _ ;� i \ 1 I• •__ , •I• I 1 I \,\ \ "-` W �Y w \� w w w w w w\, PROPOSED SEWN I 5.1 CONNECT NEW 8" WATER \ 4 \ QPOSED TO EXISTING SOLD SLEEVE COUPLING - --_ I'• \ 1 I \ 20' LONG C CRETE 5.0 \ P ° G ENL4ASEMENi�' w "� '\ E BUILDING REMOVE EXISTING PROPOSED GAS OFFI L+ SEWER MH#IIA BY OTHERS)H UNE _ w w SEWER SERVICE FILL EXISTING LINE /27r 200 `�F INV IN- 1-INV AT CAP-3326 UNDRE BUILDING WITH / FFE'344.0 - INV*. GROUT _ _ EROAD- ODE GIZAVE -w _ _ _ / �_ --. — — — SEEONDAR w II t_______=- �S ,t " — �- °fu i i — LEC IC w-� _ 'I;`f--- — —�; ► 1, 50o'E .� _ INV.-337.0 w� — —W - I I CONNECT BUILDING �' 345 SOR 35 PV� SEWER SERVICE TO 50 / ° - 3a RIM SEWER MANH / �" INV.' IN (N)-333.7 8_' PVC / �+a I;', ; • �_.— I- ___ J I,i, �. .� .i. Ji AINTAIN EXISTING 1 GRAVEL A I 1 INV ,IN TE(11�-3336 BP I GAVE CCESS TQ INV.' 3 VC J ', EXISTING MANHOLE- ; OUT •PVC+ 1 g SEWER M H y l 1 I __J---..� REMOVE SEWER M.H y11 ,G I 1 __--- "" I RIM-33649, I 1 I I'; -=-=- I = INV IN (NE,1-3322 I 1 i RIM46 INV - ;I I 1 L---•, INV IN (SE) 332.1 1 INV. IN-3346 INV -•�•` �S _ I, I I OUT-334 5 > 1 I' _ I I INV IN (E)32.0 I 1 l I _ I INV OUT 1 9 G ,INSULATION �'DE7AILSHOWN ON PROFILESHEET C-2.3'• 5 4•�DP§`ST�11 I - ST SITE ENGINEER: rE R CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. 10MMISRBDBEW WS, SOUR "AGRW, VT M4M 4oT 23W FM Ml�M-Tilt x�b: w�w.av�nta°m carremv R1 aooD - .w. mcim ntamno 1)"" MJW Ms DSM " MOTm DSM I 1 I I NWI SEWER M.H-M1 OWNER: RIN�1p3,,48(.10'' 5 E. IIN (N)��3,337.1�8 PPVC VC BIRCHWOOD I /Mv T (W):3�7.OQ8• P BURLINGTON, INC. 8' PVC / I 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET CAP `� \ SUITE a i'•• TAMPA, FL 33007 �r t ' a APPLICANT: V/VEt D T BIRCHWOOD o V_ ♦RY'5 + BURLINGTON, INC. / / I I 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B I TAMPA, FL 33607 T 12• I PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING � i SEWER MAIN 1; I \1'•, I Iw I w w � w w w I I— — Tom ' L� x3461 143 or 01i Cl/d>t_J U 4 w 1 I 1 Al \ n S ll w w I I 3.7 \ 43� ° I I VIF,TLAND -I- EXISTIN I I \ / 3$ PROPOSED 511 I o R�NT I I STORMWAPEA I Iw \ \ w !/ ( 34Z \ — (cH EXIST. MANAGEME{�T I ; I \ ST WA l — HYDRANTS FACILITYFACILI I It I w j w w w �; _- — ISM MANAG ENT 6 6 REDUCE I All work to be performed in accordance with �SC 'I G HI�w AL; q, j the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, w� -30 and the Village of Jericho. Details should w —I— - I - j be modified to the above reference specifications. II I w w w w w I 1 V-- c 2 EXISTING 5" SCH 80 EPVC _ CONDUIT _ MTC 15-01 N,1 16-01 \ 5.0 CONNECT, NEW11UE&T TO EXISTING T ANSF,ORA 2 PRIMARY ELEC ICAO' CONDUIT ; I EX SEWER 11.Fi,/12 5 RIM- 34722 50, I INV IN (NE)-4 INV INV IN (SW)-3S9.04'i f IIIINV OUT (W)-33898 �n (To B. Abcndod d) 1 I INV OUT (N)-33898 (Con for 8" PVC)RECONSTRUCT'CHANNEL 1 I I •' I I GASTSNG LEEVE PVC 1 11 I I I'1 0 I II i I. 1- _VALNE AND 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT I DATIC I Cep UD I M.M.n I I12_ST 157J II I I II ► \ - -_-_-- PROPOSED - a1 I I I SITE I I UTILITY ^F I I PLAN D�Te AUGUST, 2008 Dumnc noxom I IF � 1 1�. = 30' " C_1.3 II'1101. I I I no 08164 W W W C8N35 am SITE ENGINEER: RIM-344.1 TYPE 8 TYPE 0 CB 38- W IW 'W V W IW W INV OUT-3404 < \ I ( RIM-3444 if�w INV IN-3 40 4 INV. IN-34f_ INV. IN-340 6 W , W W W W W W W W W W I INV-340.1 —INV.. OUT-�`340.6 -- CMP END SECTION — W W W W W W = �' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. W W W W W W W / / — — — _ _ — — \ IOMNSFlBD VIEWIANF SWIH NXid'ARYI, V106/W a0HM41La FAk a09aa4tslf r.h .wrwlKwm _ _ _ � � coIYl00R - uJ. mo1rtN IODtIneO pP STMP END SECTION JPO H ST\ I� \• INV. :3419 ��.nD \ DSM W — J� —W— \ W W W �W\ �•\ ... j % _ \ - �� I S I I I I , I I I'I / OWNER: s. ` �•••�.. � \ � • � -� _ _ � -- � a I I �, `,I BIRCHWOOD % BURLINGTON, INC. IV W TV CK SUITE B � �v W y W I W W \4 • , 1� I I� / I' 5524 WEST SS STREET '% —III_ TAMPA, FL 33607 W 1 � W W W W w� \ �IQ% APP r, I', II I _ - - \ I I \•.` W W LICANT: % ��D9 s BIRCHWOODY _UR: BURLINGTON, INC. \_ II I I I I \ \ \• I \ \ W\',\ WW ';WW .1 WW l IWY` WW WW W.� \ � • `'t I / II I • II45524 WEST CYPRESS STREET/ TYPE B C8/3SUITES \ B-T ,RIMF345 8IN TAMPA, FL 33607 II, ;IN.343.2 IV. PIN�342.0 INV 7V S0 INV PROJECT' 12 IN-3 0NVOUT34 PUT342.3 BIRCHWOODW W -B�D.1 A2 E, OFFICE BUILDING 20' LONG C(pCRETE o I I 65 6 103 BODOIN STREET NLV-SEMEN i I M A LOTD I WW I / RE MOVE - _ - _ _ 2 EXI HTI 80 EPVC E S J MEADOWLAN I \ E/ O EXI7INC eo W W W W W W `'� I- __ __ CONDUITS - " I I _ BUSINESS PARK I I \ SEWER SERVICE i I I I \ - NV. IN- _ - - - _ I SOUTH BURLINGTON 1 , W W W W W W .INV AT CAP 3326 1 1 ,y -t__ -- -7--01 - _ - \ - \ / INV 0 _. __._.._- _ _ -- - __ �5 1 I j , W W• W W W W �— - 1s—m VERMONT — - — ss _ ul 1. — .'"WIDE _ 'W W W W W W W'�•---------------- _SS:: I 7 T Y� STA 5+00 = W W W W W - .r�___.v T,�PYYi -r __ _. — I , SAN IM 47 1 RI SEWER M.H,N12 R -3 22 INV. IN (NE)-4 9 06'-; 35NV. IN (SW)-3904i1 r SDR — _ ',� w` m I ;• I INV OUT (W)-3,3898 cu` (NToV BeOUT Ab(o.(N338.)= I98 '11,I I I„ _ _ _ �, y , •I.I. .I. .� .I. �. . 1 I I I - w (Core for E' PVC) Lu o I RECONSTRUCT,CHANNELSEWER 1 '�lI ,,' 1 - - - / ,• \ ' 1 '� I R M 336 49J 10 V 1 REMOVE SEWER M.H #11 - _-- '`Tv' I I Lu`,� I EXISTING 3" PVC' - INV IN (NEJ-332.2 1 RIM-341 B8\ p'I I I CAS SLEEVE I I I 11•, NV IN (SE) 332 1 1 NV IN OUT 334 5 I 1 1 I 1 _ I I INV IN (E) 3320 ^`` I I' r INV OUT-39 \ I I v J I II I \'. I I I 1 I IW W W \ W W W I I B-6 EDGE I I I 1, I $` D.I. I W B7 ' I' I1 ',1', I I I •, I I !' WI W W CL.{ryi S W 8 W W W \ I - O I I I'. D�Ti CHiCRO M'I.ION ❑ I 1,, I I I 1 I \\ �•• .I W' WEfTLAND`P • D.. II II4-Io-ae D91/M< DQfR0. I1EM90N5 ON I•' I` VAI,VE AND HYDRAN J _ TYPE 8 CB I* Q J-W,,. I RIM-348.5 INV. I 1 •' I I I I \ I TV W M W , _ _ — I ' 12-Si Si' IN-345.1 INV. \ I IN-344.3 INV G. I IN-344.I INV 4.1 IN OUT-. OUT-3441 I' I 'I I • I i y W W W - - - _I - TYE B CB 'I 5 HOPE DRAIN SE TO EX. iUIIDING RIM-3484 INV. EXISTING I NG I1, I \', I I _I 'l \ _ •ice IN-344.5 INV. OUT-3444 CONDITIONS I�'' '', I \`` ``. `'' �'' I I''' '• W \_ W� _\_ - y I „III I PLAN MDa.09m I I G$p�HIC SCALD Dias Dunne nano EET WER P4 I I is j I _ 1 IVVV I AUGUST, 2008 ' I I v j 1 I aces E _ W (1N 1[) W W- I ,' _ 30' C-1.4 '� NO W W W W W I i 08164 SITE IIGHTING ARCHITECT: 1 L W W W I W W I I -- 11 _ ..... — I to t, na b• u t• .0 eo b• +° — W W W W // t• e. +° °o b' t. u +° u = u = � +� u e• u u t, m % u � _u t• to no e• to bO u t U. +' e� ►� °+° +' + + ao m u '✓ u u 1 �1 I b.e• \ m t� > t_ t, m n+ u m elm W W W W /' / �'.r — —e• t• °O b° �m ° e. e, n, +` °i bf ° e ' ' *° � + t e, /+° +0 u to e- °i t, U ' , ' fa b.tot n+ m V. 91 to ��... W I �\ °i e, ro° a. °o n u 1, a• t' t' 1 ', a, a° ; e, +• °' °i b v �' W 4,W \ \ u u m u b0 +• 10 2�iL 4 50 5 d ee b e• / I W W �— W— W I � \ m in ►° °° u to GK 1 u ° I J7 4-°. W W W % W` \\ to m b• to, b.,,+• t' M3 1,.Ma, • e 1-, 1, t' t' \° u t, / 1 / W WWI 20 W W W W W \ u +, ° b° b• a, 4 15 . 1 ' n• t0 tO u I t i, t' ° I e• f, °` V. B0 1, b.t• 1. V a' m e• °i °, m b../ W W W W� W W I '4" •L e• t° U u ' t a, t' t' t, a. +� a• F %A I W W W • W W IW W ` \ m t° 1%'2' 1 IELECTRICAL , n. t` 1' n• t. MH--/ 1I I m m 2 m t• CONWITt(T)Rit) b, +' e• u e, u °, e' be 1 b. %H a W. t o °o / 10 b., W W e' +o no n EWLto *• °0 a0 m V. e' t° t, • n, n, +, °, t ° a b m '3o--bb'-bd, t nRAAFOAME 1 m m 1 -sr--w—aa"es--v - u too a° u W W W ! m a '\�' b• t, a' °` °'--+0" y U n. m I eo b' be u u m W W W W W W W V. W W W I W W W W •` t, \a• ► ED t to U. — 1,L \ PROpOS GW50M1a m ,°— W t' Mali E BUILDING ''A1A=11 I +° °O— 1 W W W W ,° a. A OFFIrC 200 SF e' n u °• 27, °a +' Pro)aot: Birchwood Office Building, South Burlington, VT Lighting F:xWu eohedule FfE 344 0 _ � — +o m a° V. °° m u W I W I W W W W 4, `tu no m to - 1°0 — opei__ei__a8a�o. ,,o m °o I to m m +, °0 *0 Q Type Manufac[u Catalog Number Mounting Lamp Ballast -_I W I IW W W W W W ' m m +. 11 too — — � •__a��#'-°` V. m no +° aO °o °O b° m a• m °i 1 2TLM3-150M McGraw- Talon TLM-150MP-3F-FG M2 An Mount 2 ® 150 150w pulse start MH Pulse start +' n' m *° +, m to I to Y to L 1 Edison with PT optional power degrees, Round straight MHC150/UIM/3KIAlt MH ballast u W W I W W W � — —� ba t• m m nd m °° o to ro' t° °O ton too n• t° b° � • tray aluminum pole o W — —�W _ W W W L t, p• e' no alo �O D IT 7.)' ALm m °i eo m m t°I m m I 2TLM4-150M McGraw- Talon TLM-150MP-4F-FG M2 AnniMount 2 a 1e0 150w pulse start MH Pulse start _ ' m m e• A• ton iB ` o °° V. a• nu m to ro, a° b° °0 ml m m w no eo Z °i m 1 Edison lay PT optional power degrees, poled straight o HC150/U/M13KIA[t MH ballast aluminu 1 - I I m m' b, D• G off, m t, to as eo tc box u RSA5M1eN W W W W W W- t• no 1 'MH: 5 e, a• u w 1 m too , t +' t, too b, m m m V. Q TLM4-150M McGraw- Talon TLM-150MP IF-FG Mt Single Arm Mount, 150w pulse start MH Pulse start b0'�, AL• °o t• teG M3.5 �,'LB ]ti e• t° u Edison with PT optional power Role RSAIM15Nd straight uminum oMHC150/UIM/3K/AI[ MH ballast H` ' I GLB50M Gardco Ballard BRMS2042'- Solt to concrete base 50w pulse start MH Pulse start Q6o a, °i a t. u SOMH MHC50/U/M/3K/Alto MH ballast GW50M Gardco Performance Sconce 102-Surface mount to extenor 50w pulse start MH Pulse start 1°° e. B; bO m m m e, +' = m u t, t° ro• ° b, W a. °' 1 MT-50MH waH.11 'AIF MHC50IUIMI3KIAIto MH ballast t, t• GW50M fin• no ea t° u t, °i : t' A Nullte Wall Pack Surface mount to 1-26wQT ____ u t` EJL—G728 e><terlor wall no too 1 MH�11 _ ' ao b' a0 , +. n• m u t° _ a• °i ° n, Reeeeeed Wminalre Reeeeeed In the 26w to- t• t• U. uo n-A 1• °i fit• b, u t• t.• to tt • e, t, t• t3 to t, u B Gardco 220—P-26QF—UNIV eaves 1 I b, +° u a. too e, u t' el t, +• v Q t0 a, , u °' M4� M a• ° to tot e, \•, Ifj l W W e• ' j °i b• e' m b, eI u m u b' m a• ' t. n, Eu , 1. 'LM-4F1 u •� I W CLASS •U W W °i t° t° °o ro° m m m eo °° m b" °° °° u , ro. t• t• 1 a, u a. t m © ..\... . 1 m to b° b, m to t. V. n' t, a. t. I - WETLAND- W - �° m a, —...—.... e° I b° °i °, m u b. to m b° °o b° ro' t° u a' u °O b° t e� a° t° u 1 1 TRICAL ° m: 1 1 b° t, % e' m u e' u u t° °o m m +` a: t, C QUITa(TY81) ro' ° O I I +• t• e, too to n, a• t° b° m n, a, to eo u I �• I IW W W W °°; ' b° no e• a' m m b• °o b° to Ln b, m t° t. b° en m m u W. +° b' b, ,� bo� /�\ Q I /• 't a m m a° t° °0 b0 ec to to no ./' / / !_ (+' , % ton ee na L' b• m ne be to 4n m—{ i m-6o 1� m 10 to b' m Us W W W j a' m m n° eo t• no m �S' °� to t, n' b° roc roc m t• to e' t° °0 b° °° u m 1 u a• a e• ° eo —� � m—So e• b• Uggm m u e• m no m ton m— IW W W W /' — I/_ s,r a°—'� eo iCi— n' to a• t' m t• m t, a "''e.• n. m n• u e° m m u.. be m m — Iy J� W - V,L ; e• °, eo m m m to ao u a _ u� m tic• m t° e m t• eo e' m I I. to u vo b° 1 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 a1 a n at ao la I Mile W W .L, j ( IN rw 1 I I W W W W ' t Ineh - 60 tL 1 L 1 W W W W W� i 1 � ►, P O Box 4064 Burlington, VT 05406 ph (8021662-1901 fax (802) 062-0101 m°ommww..e° x MATH DL DSM D M OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT an =Cl® Tevlmox 10-71-01 �1/,1C1 12N4D ELECiDLAL YItwE raa IIGG to L1e1S 6-15-at I M/A0. JAM aa1L rAfx (A) a aE6SSm 00I11NG (a) SITE LIGHTING PLAN tun DILi Nin3e1 AUGUST, 2008 or." 1"=30' SL-2. llUN. No. 08164 ANCHOR BOLTS &- TEMPLATE BY LIGHT POLE SUPPLIER BOLT OR rADWELD- GROUNO WIRE HAND HOLE w/COVER TO POLE 2'-0" MIN WHEN N ADJACENT TO A PAVEMENT SURFACE I _ II PAVEMENT FINISH GRADE *._ SURFACE II i 3/4" CONDUIT FOR I - . I SCH 80 PVC FROM of /16 BARE COPPER -T., POLE TO POLE w/ GROUND WIRE SEPARATE GROUND I I WIRE (4) q5 VERTICAL - 3/4" x 10' COPPER 'uI GALVANIZED STEEL TO WELD GROUND ROD 'g• PVC CONDUIT CONNECTOR BOND TO CONDUIT, y3 TIES O 12" 0 C BASE & POLE POLE LIGHT DETAIL (ADJACENT TO PAVEMENT) N.T.S. ANCHOR BOLTS & - TEMPLATE BY LIGHT POLE SUPPLIER BOLT OR CADWELD- GROUND WIRE TO POLE FINISH GRADE HAND HOLE w/COVER —FINISH GRADE 3/4" CONDUIT FORT18,GALVANZ #6 BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE 80 PVC FROM p5 VERTICAL E TO POLE(4) ARATE GROUND3/4" x 10' COPPERE WELD GROUND ROD ED STEEL TO BOND TO CONDUIT, CONDUIT CONNECTOR BASE & POLE /TIES O 12" O.C. POLE LIGHT DETAIL (BEHIND CURB) N.T.S. BINDING WIRE 6' MIN 2 x 4's SPACED 3" APART HEMsINi TRUNK ARMORING DETAIL N.T.S. SITE ENGINEER: i CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC, lak4 REIO VEWlAK SOUI I N .MKIN, W 0503 NN?wN = FAX I04aw8zn Nwtr www.c..Kmm carruoNr - .u, wmwn Nonrvm Down MJW mI DSM , .lo DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT NZWSION LIGHTING DETAILS ua DUMNO NUMBIN AUG., 2008 W= NO SCALE C-2 w 1 FNOI. - 08164 ELEV. 100 — 300 .1. 340 0+00 — _ — _ — — — — _ — _ — i ELEV. = 370.6 2E F. F. ELEV. = 344.PIP 6--- - IN I� Ln Qo F-- 00 TO AVG. E 0-) STING GRADE= 28.5' O N 0) O d- 't �t d PROFILE- 393 5'+5-E' PER 1000' NWESBUBG ROAD -NORTH NEW PROTECTION ZONE BASEUNE - ELEV 393 5' EXISTING GRADE SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 1" = 20' NEW PROTECTION ZONE ELEV-409 THOMPSON STREET EXISTING STORMWAMR DETENTION POND MAX CLEV-3T0 D' /-ROWDOIN STREET WIRE A: CABLE 2+00 4+00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 20+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 \28+00 30+00 32+00 34+00 36+00 PROFILE BEGINS AT CENTERLINE OF HINESBURG RD (RTE 119) `-PROPOSED BUIIDWG VIEW PROTECTION ZONE ELEVATION SCALE 1" = 125' SITE ENGINEER: Ij CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOLC MES. INC, IBAWOW WEWL4K SOwRMlaWe1l RA YF OSW <o.xncrr eaoA -AIM prom wsneo oRARn DSM DSM ArPRGm DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA FL 33607 BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT VIEW PROTECTION ZONE ELEVATIONS mu DDAIRNO MUM AUG., 2008 schul AS AS SHOWN C2.2 I M. 0. 08164 SITE ENGINEER: f �A CIYIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. l0K4NSRRDWEWI,4%f SOUDI9IWIIN07fkl, Yr OM p 4"= FAX w Wl m.ruolrr p = wv. Nlonn M10em DM" ACL MUM DSM ArrNayso DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPWCANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT. BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT ME ME ME ME OAR Q1LCfiD DM W 1-11-11 191/Aa MOAI "9M Ml ME BOYNDOIN STREET PROFILE MMMMM. _DAR DM111NG NUM. AUG., 2008 PROFILE NO SCALE C-2.3 SCALE 1" = 40' p"j - 08164 J, I SITE ENGINEER: � I � I e4'► PRECAST 1Y HOPE W/ F.E.S. OUTLET STRUCTURE TONE UNEDe CVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC INV-335.s RIM-336.7 WALE .I, .y ! .y .y H, .1, J, •y .I, d, H, 6' INV. IN-336.0 / 1 15' INV. OUT-336.0 _ - — _ _ _ - \ 10MANSRBDNFM SOUIH611RL6Kii0N, Vf o5w3 15" HOPE W F.E.S. a bo-wzw rAx• aoza.ran Natr N.rw....caom W W W W W W V q I INV.-335.5 / 5' - — _ _ DIIAWN ®aaD - uA Nrem NsaamaD / DN111N DSM 4 H 'I1 D '_.I.I:',�I;_u I II _I ,— II' zI,I I -I-I'''I , ,— I —�IIIIII—I_I�I II�I °_ I II.II .I.,IIcI . •n-I 1-- —II II 1I 1 �II I 1II�II ;II , I:1' -1, II { II''�-1 '1,- ,I 11'I ,1;,1 1,1 I=wl�i1',',•'1,'1' II',_•777i_{''� —,I, . ;Ii'j' I _''\ IV �I I�v \_I..—I.�I�_I \ I _k �\�- . •-.k;\,II' I•/_\I �; I I\ •'`tI�\\I /II'Il'`''\\.V ';.�'. j' WW\'' -1 `"1, k1,, -�W,�.1i,. 1- r _-WW- ` 1•I- I _�Wv.I,,'I I .\ -I-\\I vW/I 1 -I \ , -�kJ\�•. 1 .,�.'��t-l\.,`,. J� I-\B, II\'II I'1�W�Ww•�\V�i1 — 1`\`\, 1- \,4,�- �Z•3-"_,,y.. '- q ' �� - [-- / �/ De 5_/r2 I - w_I I - - T „ I.II Il I ► II II',I ,'•,� I , , 1IsDl o-SaM OWNER: IL `BIRCHWOOD IRCHWOOD i BURL/NGTON IN C . 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITEB TAMPA FL 33607 STOAMWATEA '4 \'MANAGEMENT I.FACILITY INSTAL C $TRUCTIONAPPLICANT:ENTRANC W/12" PERF. HOPE BIRCHWOODFES INV-337 5 DIP 0t BURLINGTON, INC.W W - INSTALL INLET P$OTQN 'AROUNbYARAIN (TYP.) 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET ROPOaYARD DRAIN SUITEBW AREA(TAMPAFL 33607 M9VIM--333481..00 WITH DPROPOSED YARD DRAIN IP 2 PROJECT: 5RIM-342.0 BIRCHWOOD + INV-339.0 PROPOSED YARD DRAIN 0RIM-342.0 FFICE BUILDING INV.-339.0 ()POSED P 3+7 65 & 103 BODOlN STREET ° LOT 8 8 9 MEADOWLAND 7CFFI�E BUILDING BUSINESS PARK 727,200 SF SOUTH BURLINGTON WPfOPOSED DRAINAGE FFE 344.0 MANHOLE VERMONT ........ 5 RIML341.0 INV.�336.5 w 5DRIP EDGE PROPOSED YARD DRAIN W INV,-3385RIM-342.0 KF DRAIN YARD 344 , INV-339.5 CI v , /, RIM-3420 347 S W RINV.-l-- Lu sl - - DRIP EDGCC 12' PERF. HOP INV.+339 5INSTAL ILi FENCE 12'a12- TES —5 i W 41343Vl' INSiLLCONSTR 2'HDPE W S I STALTRU N +3 ENTRANCE DAa mmo MINONCLASil J, 4, 1INV.-M..- NdE ALONG ET ❑ 15LI WETLANDW 341 OUTLE4'0'PRECAST EXISTIN]I T STRUCTURE 339.5RSTORMWAIt�R INVIMN-3375 WAMANAGEMENT 511cn 2INV. OUT-337.5f- ST FACILITY sMANAG ENT I;IJ -sI 12ST + FACIL STONE UNEDSPILLWAY \INV. 339.2e ,cn PROPOSE EROSION .\ CONTROL PLAN L GFWHIC� sc" \ 1 i j DAu D►AND+D N-ER = j W �'. AUGUST, 2008 1 • I MIDI. nD. i I I , i 08164 SITE ENGINEER: I r i I 7 4'0 PRECAST 12' HOPE W/ F.E.S. e e TONE UNEDe _ 5. OUTLET STRUCTURE T 1 I INV. 335.5 52 RIM-338.7 WALE \ CIVIL ENGINEEIUNG ASSOCIATES. INC 6" INV. IN-336.0 I 15' INV. OUT-336.0 \ 1oM�rSRRDhEw1ANE W os�2 k, IVW w w w ,l, '✓ w / 15' HOPE W/ F.E.S. e - -� _ _emauam rAx DD9aD9.nn w.tr »..D..neDDr I INV. 335.5 5" MJW awm DSM I W W w W IV W Qw w w �, �, / •. `, - ___ __ - �_ HDP�57� -ST DSM w w w W w w :,� ��`...= • — :\ -- --� y1' -- - TABILIZE� I ` NEW 1 OWNER:/ w % STRUCT S I I I I ,M.H.�, —yam —� W k W ...�i; w \W v,' w \ : \� _ ! h �+ ACCES 1� ,0 5 I 0 INV. 'T� W 37.1 !� PVC BIRCHWOOD y W w �� I I - S 337.1 8' PVC w _ — o; I �a I c)-337.OQ8" PV BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WE STREET r C \ •\ 1 t Ig ET 8 PVCI 1 1' WEST CYPRESS TAM A, FL 33607 w w %STORMWATER CAP it 1 / I . pUITEB MANAGEMENT I FACILITY �/ i :.::"' :1:..::.... ` — n'1 N W E R H. -... .... .. �a APPLICANT: e T,I I \ I RI 40.9 I�; , 0f64 12 PERF. HDPE ; .g • . : • i. E!{ F=AI0ATM „ W / 337.5 1 INV. IN E -33 1 8 PVC N ��' BIRCHWOOD W FES INV._ \. \ T ( 9 UR LNGTO \ INV. OUT 5)�J35.0 6' PVC ' P f I _I' — —I� 1 �• \ wll w w w w W �. 8� o I / I > B N, INC. W W W W V \ •II h I I I 5524 WEST CYPRESS STR EET Iu, w ROPOSA,YARD DRAIN SUITE IM�333481.0 '1ZpFTAMPA, FL 33507 RV ` w ww 4, 0 1 \ 1 w �''w .1, '', i w w w \ � '�•�. 'rrr' �riopb$Fbr�Al+brDh�,N �,�, 12" I PROJECT: •\ \ .1 \, r r'r'1'r'r5h' ' r r r r'r'r'r'i'i'i'i;ii; rrr, r, r, 'r h'r 1 \ w w \ w W w BIRCHWOOD r'i'r'r'r'i rr r;r,r,r,r,r,r r r r,lir,r,r,r,r,r,r,r r,r,r r r r r r bid "� bd' '" I 1',• OFFICE BUILDING PROPOSED SEWER ' ,'' ,r, r,r;r;r;r,r;i;i i,r r rr'►rL;{r; r;,r1',rT'yyiMr'r;r �{WN r ry /'''r'''r'''i; r;�r,4 �q q'rr r'i; m 1 1"_ __ .I 1 I \• \ \ :W I w 1v Ji w Ji LINE R OCATION .I\ 4 r r'r'r'r'r'r'r r r r r r'r'rf7 I,{�r 4 r'r'f1{•illbr� r r r r'r r'r'Pr'r'r'r'r'r'r'i'r'r'i'r'r'i' r I� 658r 103 BODOIN STREET .k w � u, + H, w r,r'r'r'r'r,R r , r, ,rrr 1',r�'y4;r'r'r'r;r;r'r'r;r'r'r; r'r'r'r'r'r'r; r'r;rh'r'rhh S 50 \ rrrrr r r,r,r,r r l� rrr r r, rr rrrrrr r rrrrr r 5 I "\ r,r r'r r r,r,r r,rir,r r,r r r r r 'i r,r,r r r r r r r,r r r r,r r r r,r r,r r r,r r,r r LOTB&9MEADOWLAND rr rrrr rrr rrr rrr r rr r rr I 1 BUSINESS PARK •'.i I I I', I \ \ ` ryrli'i'' r'r �'r r;il' '''4RJ iririrdri�'Ir'H'i�i'I r iri�i,iri'iri i�i'iririririri'irit'r'ri}+rrirT;/irrrrrr r r r SOUTH BURLINGTON W r r rr rrrr r rrrrrr rrr rrrrr r,.i r.i .ir r r r r ; D PROPOSED,r'rr ¢ r, � rrrr, rr rr rrr r r r r, rrrrr eDRAINAGE VERMONT •,1 ; 1• I 5. rrrrrr 1T'r, r; r' r'r' ��L1r rrr, r; r, r'r'r r ram* r r MANHOLE r rrr rrr r; r;r, r r r' r�•r'rT'r' ' r;r r r r ram' \w W w w - ,i? r r r'r r r rIi'I'r 'fir•-rli4'r r r r r;r,r;r;r r r , 'cur'-- RIM>•J41.0 r rrr; r; r,r r' r r'r'�'i'i'i'i';r r,,' r r rr;Ji;r,r r r, ' ;� ' r rrr a :EXISTNG' u• \ \ INV.7336.5 - r r;i,r r, r'r r', r,r,1�rr,r�r,','TT7i'r;r'�'€ „r_d,��rr' '1' : SEWER �w 'r'r 'r' ,i,',r r, r, r;r ,r izT•i ,r r'r r r r'r'r'r;Ir MAIN I IT, �•; iid�r'Ar,q,r�1 < -"►� _ '';' ' ri';i;�;r;i;i; r,i,9iil,i'r'� w --- ,r;i'r i,i i' ' 4 'r;r�r w _.� .�/ -- - so 55- 1 - 12' PERF. HDPE - Z ,y 5 INV.�339.5 ,N,T - f AI I 1 /_ •�• •r• AINTAIND- _ 22 rrr rr rrrrr Q EXISTNGj I r' i r r i!,r,��! ; '1 r'r MY�IATQ.�,�`�y L ACCESS Tff ® EXISTINGNHO '1` I, 1 '--- -- .� -- � I 1', rir rrr r r '''''i'i'i'i'r'i'''i i'r' '''1 '•"�' A LEe ' --- ." - t - I I � '• ( 4 ri I'r;r;r;r,rlr,r,r, rDb A,r' i r' � 1 I I -- I � I', r rrr r,r r'r;r r r, f•P � ' � f ' ; � ', 1 ,-- ___.-_ IN STALL SILT FENCE x12" 12"TEE I (TYP) JI a 1 I I _ 1YI',HOPE W/FES INSTAL O VLR.1 �7(A W ,b J INV.:338.0 d O I I'' DAri cncr� ruvrmon O C FENC4 4 I Q I ''1 1 9-10-09 DSM/Aa GDOMNEYOWS t BUFFQR LIN INATL4NDw _� s•;� I \ I �w u, i 4'0'PRECAST D - I EXISTINq I ; _ OUTLET STRUCTURE - G�y,'�,, -- M STORMWATER I� w 7 RIM�339.5 \ _ — J a W I I Ir I1'. 1'•'l I INV.IN�337.5 oacog II 1I ,'{ I I III I •', " _ _ II I _ __ \ 1I - '' I ;w_ wW/ W�cD�� �, wS592 .—,' 2�:r -� _"._fi/_ r„/t =_}5='--'-- ___ _ STO_MWATERMANAGEMET INV. OUT-337.5{__ MANAGEMENT —_ r I15U7'' I I �FACILITNFACILITY 17 CONSTRUCT STABICZEDYACCESS WILTONE UNEDSPILLWAY INV. 339.2f. - - __._____ E p S G q,\ �-_ -_ I PLAN PHASE GWHIC,I SCALP w I I OAR DMDIeC "no I 1 >o \ 0 1 w AUGUST, 2008 30' C-3.1 I 30 �L I I W w I 08164 5 y w I / SITE ENGINEER: y, 1,4, 1-4, y W i W I I INSULATION DETAIL \ SHOWN ON PROFILE LINE EXTENSION I I 5 PROPOSED WATER SHEET C-2.3• W W W W W ✓r W ,� W ,y W. V, y.' I S1 SLOW-OFF WW/CURB STOP STRAIGHTEN DITCH _ — — � _ _� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. •(� jJ, J, W W y, W �, W / I _ _ _ — _ - - \ 10MW4= NEWI+WE SOIRNEU9UNOIOµ VT 05/03 PLACE ROAD BASE _ 802 tea»�� _ \ FOR LAYDOWNSlSE- oMNn W W W W y. W y W J, W y- / \�` I - _ — — — - — "--_� -. �J+J - / '•;\\ -- MJW 24* / — — — —�•� — — / DSM ST ArrNDTm W W .I, .✓ — -d — v. u, u- ' — - k - - _ f ; - DSM - _ —.�...�-. C \' \ 33E 0� I 1 I 1 I I N ,I SEWER IM.Fj./1 OWNER: \ / RIt 346.10 W — I I IN S �a37.1 PVC 3 3 C ) _ —_ �• =..�' 5.0 INN.I N)�'.337.1T8' PVC BIRCHWOOD _ _ �. \ I I V. 'pUT,' (W)�3�7.OQ B' P _ l— \ — — a �' BURLINGTON, INC. 1 1 _ �_ '�i �_ W W v I w �• f, 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET _ _ — — — \ \ "STORMWATER t cAP SUITE B j- r �� �" W ' MANAGEMENT i `� iAMPA,FL33so7 FACILITY I,' APPLICANT: •'�iie�ASEn-SG II i I w BIRCHWOOD T _ -I - i �. I , �" BURLINGTONr INC. _I I \ I \ I INSTALL INL8�T PROTECTION \ 0 �o� 4 // I I( `1{' ARIOUND YAM 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET y, y. SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 II I I 1 I \ I \"•\ W ';`b IW l y W W W \ �\.\ +�`.\ 6 IP E 12� T I PROJECT: I I \ \ \ y \ 4• / D _ - I BIRCHWOOD \ \ \ \ \ IV 6 I 1 I �` OFFICE BUILDING I'• •I 1 I \ \ \ PROPOSED SEWER / 2 CONNECT NEW 8" WATER, u \ UNE RELOCATION JJ pSED 5 / TON o EXISTING 5' STUB 3A = I I 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET .•I 1 I \ ," ,I \ \ e Pf(pP WITH SOLID SLEEVE COUPLING 3+7 0 — .L,1, �(I ING s+e �5 _ PROPOSED GAS •m _ LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND y OFF/ E B OISF LINE (TRENCH UNE — �� = I — _ BUSINESS PARK UNOREBUILDINGNN NTH � 7F �044 0 _ _ �_ — — —BY OTHERS) � SO ON _ _ SOUTH BURL/NGT W GROUT 2— —SS— E ;EXISTING u 5 CONNECT1" VERMONT � RS) NEW ---- 8-WX-GRA __ - \ ` `E` a MAINS 1 i 50 TO EXISTING ANSF,OR _-- _ _ _ '------_-"1 - __ — _ C N I _ CAL _ ss- _ — ! �G ESZEC NOCR ; � 5 I 1 _— � �-- mac-- --__ V - k IN � 0 5.0 7 —+ I _ — SS II --- CONNECT YII — ;! �t x Cr 0)B�U3ILJD3.7OGTIN SDR 3SEWER SERVICE EWER AN Hp 6L^E PVC -1 + INV., IN (N)-�333.7E PVC AIINTTAINEXISTING INV '- EXISTING,GRAVEL ACCESS Tt,( ) 33J.6 8 PV-1 ' II ' ,I coI I I�J MNHO�• I I I I EXISTING 3^ PVC PLACE PERIMETEIR DRAINAGE GAs SLEEVE AND STABILIZE 15'AROUD BUILDING C DRIP EGG INSTPIL SILT FENCE } 1 1- 1 \ W _ f I 1 I I r I I \ 343 I 1 �+ II F I STAL RUC " '3 O I I DAn caa.so �avrnon tr JA w C i NCB ALONG N WETLA El W&LAND 11 I' EXISTIN I `'• I `� W :' ; �I \ p I STORMWAIR I; I \ I l y y I �. M MANAGEMENT \ W_ ST WA °+> _ Q I (' FACILITY W > p L. MANAG ENT s >g 3 - 12 sil� -3 FACILI wcn _ EPSC PLACE ROAD BASE,I�-- — PLAN FOR LAYDOWN USE I PHASE 11 DATD DM MG 1 111NG NUM N „ \ AUGUST, 2008 1 I i l j 9CA12 W 1 III nir r� ill- 30' C-3.2 1 I>k� 30 Ali y. W i I I 1 I rmu. na. I - I 08164 INV-340.1 'k '41 W I W W I I CMP END SECTION 'k 4, p IV 14, ILI q, 4, 4, W 91 QW W W 4, -- ---------- --- -77" \V 41 11A, X, CON\9TRUG r DETENTION T 4- STBOARS MIN WATER MANAGEMENT 'L FACILITY II I�P '41 IV LF j� 32 INSTALLYIMNLFDPROTE(RAIN TY CTIPO.1 000 ARIOUND S @ 1, '41 V-------- IV PROPOSED 8" WATER 5.7 LINE EXTENSION W/ 2- BLOWOFF BLOW -OFF W/CURB RIM-344 I TYPE B -340.4 INSULATION DETAIL PE B CB #36 INV OUT INV. IN-340.4 SHOWN ON PROFILE r;IYM-3444 SHEET C-2.3 INV lN=34L3 EXTEND ROAD, —343 24- @ fy 0 rT CK 1p 1p IV -41 CONNECT NEW 8" WATER _�j 4, -P. N @ TO EXISTING 8" STUB 11 . "I . . . p oposEl) WITH SOLID SLEEVE COUPLING A, BUILDING PROPOSED GAS 4, OFFIt 13UILD UNE (TRENCH LINE Nk 41 BY OTHERS) 7�7,200 SF FFE344-O S ------- � 11, A, ---- ------ 5 5 t - — ----------- c —SS ---- ----------- --------- ------------ - — — --------------- 341 SOR 35 P '41 t: T ------- ale ------------ DRIP ED� --- -------- c SILT FENCE E un ---jr 343 43 s' I/ 4 WLTLAND V N 34a.6 INV. OUT-3�406— ClYIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC bl"FEDINWLINA SWIll"LINOMN VFM40 m [Pl�4F2M • —DlH— miw N P 'N SECTION MM. DSM DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE 8 TAMPA FL 33607 APPUCANT: BIRCHWOOD 3: BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET • TYPE B CB#31 SUITEB �,RIM6345.8: IN INV TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT: IN-342 0 INV 12 OUT-341 BIRCHWOOD 8 OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT CONNEC�, NEW UL&T' To EXISTING IISFORN 2 PRIMARY ELEGICAL' CONDUIT 4 n Exis-nNr 3" PVC GAS SLEEVE D.I. 4E— EXISTING STORMWAAER I \ \ I I MANAGEMEr ClUTY FA % I-.- II �; I I ;I, I 1 W W / — — — �•` — — — _ — — TPYE 8 C8 #31- RIM-348 4 INV IN-344 5 OUT 344 4 INV. 41 v L CONSTRUCT DETENTION GPgHIQSCA4 BASIN , IN FAT A, 30 4L 9-10-05 M/ACL GDIERALREWSM V 0 M II 12_ST S T TYPE 8 CB#32 RIM-348,5 INV. IN-345.1 INV IN-344 3 INV. .: 5 1.- : N I 0 _'44.;­ , EPSC PLAN PHASE III AUGUST, 2008 1"= 30' C-3.3 08164 SITE ENGINEER: Iq I CONSTUCT PARKING LOT 11- CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC- 10M0IffiREDMEWLW MWARJOTM VT OM PLACE FILL matm= FAk 110046f-2M -1 comm d15 4, 'k m" —343 mjw 24" v —ST 't— —ST DSM OWNER: tBIRCHWOOD n 7- 1 .' " , BURLINGTON, INC. /—CK ESSSTREEF % 5524 WEST CYPR Ao 1. SUITE B F Ilk TAMPA FL 33607 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT I T FACILITY _'TAL�,Cr,PTRUP ION ZT APPLICANT: E.TRANIC \v SS BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. t, LF S J — — — — 41 14, 14, IJ * 11' \I, , INSTALL INLET PNOTECTION -0 uu JkROUNb YARD N (Typ.) S 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET TEB Sul TAMPA, FL 33607 IL PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD q, q, 4, 41 OFFICE BUILDING \V '41 p�jopoSED 347 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET G 348 LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND I; i �I- I \ W W W 1'; W \ W W W W .\ IN BUSINESS PARK PH E BUILDING --3 727 ' 200 SF SOUTH BURLINGTON FF15344.0 VERMONT -------------- 5 ZID ---------- ------- CONNECT, NEW UW V '41 'ill NSFDRIO ERVI .0 ------- -------- TO EXIST�NG PRIMARY PIC �CAQ CONDUIT ONO— — ------------- 'p! 4, C 11 Se R 344 345 34�� -- W—� —W — = 1W_ V�—�t—'''`I E: i / / N SOR 35 P\q-- 348 7 ---------- 1 1%, eo EXISTING 3' PVC, &FENCE r- ------ INSTALLI V I STALL kTRU 6LAis il NCIE ALONG 51511NET W&LAND- 04 EXISTIN STORM WAIR ST NA MAIVAUbMb�l A- MANAG ENT FACILITY z I FACILI _G 41 GWHICsc" W. Polio" m '41 30 � GAS SLEEVE INSTALL CONSTRI ENTRANCE A Lu 12'ST ST —3 DIU arc® RMIum 9-10-01 DSM/AQ MfR& WWM - ------- -- EPSC PLAN q PHASE IV DIU DUM0 [ Nn AUGUST, 2008 ill = 39 C-3.4 pm. NO. 08164 SITE ENGINEER: Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Program S. Using stone cheek dams and silt fences once the soil has begun 8. Earth Excavabon/Gr dinq CEA Office PUD to move. A. Mass earth placement to create the building plateau shall Owner/Contractor Responsibilities- (• 9. Preserving existing trees and vegetation near and within buffer commence only after all remaining EPSC measures depicted on the 1. The Owner/Contractor (0/C) is responsible for the on -going areas until after the site has been stabilized. plans are installed. maintenance of all lot specific erosion prevention and sediment control Construction Stormwoler Discharge 10. Controlling dust by providing parking lots with prepared surfaces, B. Surface water diversion BMP's shall employed at the high point of devices and practices. Any subcontractor conducting earth e development o anew commercial building by CEA Properties, LLC is limiting traffic in all possible ways, planting stockpiles with cover the site until the new drainage swale/hollow to installed. disturbance activities an the project site shall review the EPSC plan to be permitted as a Moderate Risk site under the State of Vermont crops or protective blankets, using water trucks, refraining from C. The Contractor shall also limit the soil disturbance and seeding and General Permit and shall complete an application and file with the Construction General Permit (CGP/ 3-9020) for Discharges of cultivating and smoothing seedbeds until Immediately prior to seeding. application dates to between April 16th and September 15th. State a request for Co-Permlttes status. CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Stornwater from Construction Sites Issued for this project. Protocol -Areas of special concern will be reviewed with the D. All exposed soils areas (not including structural fill soils a 2. Periodic inspections shall be performed In accordance with the 10AIANSRFIDVIEWLANE SOUTHISURIUM ON, VT OMField Parties associated with the Issuance and Implementation of the Contractor prior to initiating site clearing activities. These areas will stabilized stone areas) shall be protected prior to any forecasted rain above schedule to ensure that the erosion and sediment control sasu 22¢3 FAX, 1101 n1 weF wwwasxlown requirements set forth In the General Permit and the details within this continually reviewed by the Contractor and the OSPC and any event with mulch or erosion control matting. Pin matting with wire to measures are functioning as required. In addition to the standard c, � c _ document Include: Issues will be Identified In the dolly or weekly reports. All reports Is staples in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations periodic inspections, Inspections of all of the on -site systems shall be Shen shall be distributed via a-mafl to all parties In support of the efforts ensure full bonding with soil surface. conducted after a rain event causing stormwater to leave the site. -State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Water to address areas of concern in o timely manner. E. Install stone check dams in grass -lined smite 50 feet on center Any problems noted during these inspections aholl be corrected PBS Quality Division (State) to prevent silt from washing into the drainage system during is Immediately. SVermont of Verrmont Environmental Commission (Act 250) Best Management Practices - BMP's -Examples Include, but are not tion construction. Check dams are to be removed when vegetation ceecr® -On-Site Plan Coordinator (OSPC) to: sediment fence, erasion control matting, seed, and mulch in established. 3. Once construction has commenced, the 0/C is responsible for the DSM -EnIn (E) accordance with the attached Construction Phasing plan and the 9. Temporary Construction Entrance -Required for entrance and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures protecting -Site ow -Site Owner (Owner) Vermont Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Flied Guide. egress points from the site. nearby aiormwater collection systems and water courses. It Is critical •rraovm -Site Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan Designer (EPSC Installation Sequencing that sediment not be allowed to invade the receiving waters. DSM Designer) 9 ) 10. Planting Preparation, Seed, Mulch, Germination, Maintenance 4. The temporary construction entrance provides a place for parking A The preparation of the topsoil far planting includes final smoothing -Owner's Builder/Contractor (Contractor) 1 Construction Slaking vehicles off-street and a spot where materialtroutcan be off-loaded. A. The building area and parking area locations and construction and removal of small stones. This work shall occur immediately and Intent of the requirement la to provide a stable surface for OWNER: This permit has the goal of minimizing discharges of sediment -laden P 9 9 9 Ilmlta are to be staked In the field the Owner's Surveyor. y �' prior to seedingor placement of EC matting so as to avoid exposure to erosion damage and to reduce the amount of dust generated as vehicles where mud and debris not to tracked parking Y BIRCHWOOD water from the site b Implementing appropriate best mono management Y P 99 i B. The remaining clearing and site disturbance Ilmlta shall be reviewed shaped part of this process. f arm onto the street. Proper maintenance of the area is required until Tito q practices (BMP's) during construction an stabilization of the site. the Engineer prior to Initiating any clearing. The Engineer shall B. Planting is to occur immediately after the topsoil preparation with w can be put Into lace. such time as a permanent driveway P p BURLINGTON, INC. designate specimen trees and critical vegetative cover along buffer de special caution being given to upcoming storm events that may The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all areas that are to remain during the Initial phases of construction. displace the seed/soil. 5. During the entire construction process, the 0/C Is responsible for WEST CYPRESS STREET construction stormwater permit conditions within the entire project p p J C. protect the new t rl l t shall b h d tareas sae water regularly o p l The pane ensuring that mud, dirt, rocks, and other debris are net allowed to 5521 construction area. 2. Clearing -The clearing Ilmlta shall be demarcated In the field plants but not over watered so as to cause excess runoff and erode or be tracked onto the street system by construction vehicles. SUITES Should earth disturbance be required during the winter construction q 9 with continuous flagging. Construction fencing shall be installed along the edges of an stream or wetland buffer areas adjacent to or on 9 y erosion. D. All ditches that are not atone-Ilned shall be topsoiled, and Should any mud or other debris find Its way to the road system, the O/C shall take immediate steps to have it removed. TAMPA, FL 33607 period (October 15 to April ieth), a Notice of Winter Construction shall the lot. Prior to any timber being harvested and removed from the stabilized with erosion control matting. Any area which shows signs of APPLICANT: be submitted it writing to the VT DEC Stormwoler Section prior to the site. a construction entrance pad shall Installed at the entrance erosion shall be restabllized immediately and maintained until 6. Maintenance - Silt Fence commencement the proposed winter construction activity. Any work point to the project site. Chipping a branches and other woody permanent vegetation is established. of the the occuring during the winter period must receive prior approval material Is allowed but the material must be disposed of In an l E. A. Inspect sediment fences daily to ensure that construction BIRCHWOOD Owner and Engineer. Direct all correspondence with the Stormwoler a approved manner. 1. All erosion control measures shall be inspected weekly and repaired All erosion c activities have not impacted their operability and after such rainfall section to the following contact: and/or replaced as needed. event causing runoff from the site. BURLINGTON INC. 3. Inlet Protection -Ensure that BMP's are in place and functioning 2. All erosion control measures shall be inspected after periods of B. Should the fabric the sediment fence collapse, tear, , Megan Moir catch basins, drainage awalea, culvert Inlets, and other areas as heavy rain. decompose, or become ineffectiva, replace promptly. i 5521 WEST CYPRESS STREET Department of Environmental Conservation shown shown on the EPSC site plan. be top dressed C. Remove the sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate Water Quality Division 3. The stabilized road entrance shall with additional storage volume for the next rain event and to reduce pressure on the SUITES 10 North Buildingstone Protection Sites ul Install BMP's along the common lot should the existing stone become clogged with sediment. fence. Take care to avoid damaging or undermining the fence during TAMPA, FL 33807 103 South Main Street line tsites.Adjacent line of adjacent sites. would Include construction fencing to help 4 Hay or straw mulch is subject to wind action. Mulch, where clean -out. Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0408 ach avoid unintentional encroachment onto the adjacent property and silt permitted) may require anchoring as the weather conditions warrant. D. If the utilities are installed after BMP's have been put Into place, fence when the adjacent lot Is downgradient of the construction site. 11. Surface Stabilization -The following stabilization methods are the permit holder is responsible for control of erosion and sediment PROJECT': The Winter EPSC Ian shall specifically identify winter season erosion P P Y Y during the construction pa and for ensuring that all BMP devices prevention and sediment control measures to be used consistent with 5. Protection of Construction Site -Prior to Initiating earthwork on required: are re -installed per the original design. BIRCHWOOD the "Vermont Standards and Specifications for Erosion Prevention and the lot, surface runoff from areas upgradlent portions of the A. Temporary stabilization - Straw mulch (during the earliest Sediment Control". The winter plan shall Include a site plan that depicts construction site shall be diverted from the proposed areas of phases of the project) or erosion control matting placement is On -Site Plan Coordinator Inspections OFFICE BUILDING the proposed work areas, description of the proposed activity, why It P P P P P Y Y disturbance using diversion swales, structures, sand bogs. curbing, or 9 9 9• required on all non -contained disturbed areas prior to forcasted rain 1. The OSPC will normally Inspect erosion prevention and sediment Y P needs to be done this time of year, the area of disturbance, and the other approved method. Protect steep exposed slopes from surface events. control measures In conjunction with routine inspections. Inspections means of satisfactorily stabilizing the site through the winter in runoff by collecting runoff at the top of the slope and diverting it B Install stone check dams in drainage awalea 50 feet on a center will ensure that proper placement and Installation of the erosion 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET preparation for Spring runoff. Into a stabilized conveyance, such as a slope drain or stabilized swals. to prevent silt from washing into the drainage system during prevention and sediment control measures are In place. construction. Check dams shall be removed when vegetation is LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND Groundwater Dewaterin 6. Grubbing established. 2. fifirst Inspection will occur prior to clearing of the site to BUSINESS PARK If ewe Bring o rent ee, pits or other excavations la required during A Grubbing shall occur only after the erosion control measures C. Control dust through the application of water. The exact ensuree that proper BMP's are in place, Including proper demarcation construction, the groundwater will be pumped to a suitable settling around the downgradient perimeter of the site has been established. number of applications and amount shall be based upon field and of the Gearing limits, Installation of constructlon fencing along the SOUTH BURLINGTON facility approved by the engineer and the VT DEC. Those locations shall be reviewed with the Environmental Specialist and weather conditions. It shall be spread in such manner and by such stream/wetland buffer limits, and any other devices required to VERMONT Independent Engineer. Existing topsoil shall be retained and stockpiled devices that uniform distribution is attained over the entire area on protect the receiving waters from sediment deposition during the Inspection Program on site far re -use. which it is ordered placed. clearing phase. B. The Contractor shall remove all remaining woody material and tree D. Install crushed stone apron of at least 15' width around the The inspection responsibilities of the Contractor and the On -Site Plan stumps and dispose of them utilizing one or more of the following perimeter of the building following backfll of the foundation walls. 3. Prior to initiating grubbing and mass earth excavation, the OSPC Coordinator (OSC) are outlined in the chart below: methods: E. Install temporary (sacrificial) crushed atone on all access ways shall inspect the site to ensure that the construction fencing, silt 1. Burning, provided that permits are acquired from the State of and loyclown areas. These areas will be covered later with the fence, construction entrance, and other required BMP's are to place. Feature Deily Weekly After Rain Event Vermont Solid Waste Management Division and the City of South roadway/perking lot base materials or with topsoil. Storm Sewer Inlets C OSPC, E C, OSPC Burlington. F. Permanent Stabilization - Required of all surfaces at the 4 The OSPC will conduct weekly inspections and will prepare weekly Silt Fence C OSPC. E C, OSPC II. Disposal on site within designated slope disposal areas only after completion of construction. The Contractor will install 4" topsoil, sod, reports which are to remain on -site until final stabilization Is Check Dams C OSPC, E C, OSPC an insignificant waste Disposal Permit is acquired. At these sites the seed (where permitted), fertilize, lime, and mulch (seeded areas) the achelved. Construction FencingC OSPC, E C. OSPC following standards shall be met disturbed arena as soon as possible following completion of Construction Entrance C OSPC, E C. OSPC a. 3' separation to the seasonal high groundwater table. construction. Stabilized Arms C OSPC, E C, OSPC b. 100' separation to surface waters. 1. Use rapidly germinating cover crops prior to seeding when the Additional Requirements: Report C OSPC, E OSPC c. Thorough mixing of soil and woody material to minimize future ground would otherwise be bare. settlement. 2. Include rapidly germinating grasses in the seed mixtures when 1. All sediment removed from sediment control practices as part of C - Site Contractor Inspection and Repair OSPC - On -Site d. Covering with a minimum of four (4) feet of cover material. they will not compromise the integrity of the final product. maintenance shall be disposed of In an area that is: Coordinator, E Engineer 9 III. Chipping with on -site disposal in accordance with Item 5 or 3Utilize hydrosseding with mulch when feasible. . a. Leas than elope. b. At least 100f0ft from downalope body to a disposal off -site In accordance with State requirements. Iv. Disposal at a certified landfill facility. any water or conveyance waterbody (including storm drain inlet or ditch) SOIL$, - The project area comprises the following soils as mapped by C. All grubbing of woody materials shall be completed to a depth of c. Area shall be vegetated the Soil Conservation Service. at least 12". D. The Contractor shall remove all medium to large stones and 2. All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent Involved Erodabilty boulders present within the limits of disturbance including future stabilization within 7 days of the Initial disturbance. After this time, any Symbol Soil Group Slopes Area Factor drainage and Infrastructure improvements. disturbance in the area must be stabilized at the and of each work day. VeB Vergennes Clay 2 to 6x 2.0 0.49 I. The larger boulders shall be saved for use in retaining walls. The following exceptions apply. SuS Stockbridge and Nellis Looms 3 to Bx 0.87 0.24 fl. The smaller stones may be buried in predetermined disposal sites. a. Stabilization Is not required if work Is to continue in the area within High Risk Areas and Areas of Special Attention: Areas of high risk are 7. Soil Stockpiles the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the generally associated with the disturbance of the upper profile of the A. The Contractor shall strip and stockpile as much as possible of next 24 hours. native soils In association with the Initial clearing and mass earth the native topsoil for re -use during a later stage of the project. b. Stabilization is not required If the work Is occuring in a self - excavation activities. B. Each topsoil stockpile shall be placed in locations respective of contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or existing environmental features of the site. Special consideration shall greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). Work upgrodient of existing wetlands, small stream, stormwater collection be made to maximize the distance (minimum 100') to the nearest structures and drain lines requires special attention due to the potential water course. discharge of sediment -laden water directly to the receiving waters, C. Each topsoil pile shall be surrounded on the downgradient side by EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STRATEGY - The following techniques a row of silt fence. Any topsoil pile which is to remain in place for greater than 15 Bin cascxsB M.M. are anticipated to be utilized as part of the erosion and sediment0. days shall be temporarily seeded with winter rye to preserve the canprogram. The timing and use of each of the techniques integrity and minimize the erosion of the soil constituents and release further defined within the Construction Phasing of the project. of soluble nutrients. E. The Contractor shall locate stockpiles on the uphill side of the 1. Use rapidly germinating cover crops prior to seeding when the ground disturbed areas, If possible. During windy conditions, stockpiled would otherwise be bare. material shall be covered or watered appropriately to prevent wind 2. include rapidly germinating grasses in the seed mixtures when they erosion. will not compromise the integrity of the final product. 3. Utilize hydroseeding with mulch when feasible. 4. Utilize erosion control netting or blankets, with or without seed contained in them on slopes greater than 3: 1. EPSC 5. Utilizing stabilization materials or sodding areas where runoff Is rapid or concentrated. NARRATIVE 6. Limiting traffic In the vicinity of streams and wetlands and Installing as few temporary crossings as possible. 7. Installing water bare (swale/berme) on slopes to and channels before It gains sufficient volume and momentum to cause scouring. .In AUG., 2008 DIUM. aaeeee C-4.0 NO SCALE NO "WIND. SECTION 02150 - EROSION CONTROL PART I - GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. The work under this section Includes but Is not limited to providing all labor, equipment and materials for the Installation of all required site related erosion control measures. If not otherwise directed on the plane, erosion control shall be In strict conformity with the latest revielon of the 'Vermont Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Guide available from the Stormwater Section of the Vermont Water Quality Division. B. Related sec tlone- 1. Section 0221O - Site Earthwork 2. Section 02935 - Permanent Seeding 102 GENERAL NOTES A. The discharge of sediment laden water from the project site le prohibited. All discharged water from dewatering operations shall discharge into a temporary sedimentation basin. B. Contractor shall install all erosion control measures as depicted on plane and details or as recommended by the Stormwater Section of the Vermont Water Quality Division prior to any construction. Contractor shall also be responsible for Inspecting and maintaining all erosion control meamrea until project Is completed. C. Contractor shall also limit the soil disturbance and seeding application dates to between May let and October 15th. If soil disturbance occurs later than October 15th and prior to May let, winter erosion control measures will be necessary. Contractor shall consult with the Engineer for additional site specific winter aroelon control measures. D. All stockpile material (topsoil, borrow, etc.) will haw a alit fence constructed around the perimeter. Seed and mulch stockpiled material as soon as possible to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation off site. Locate stockpiles on the uphill side of the disturbed areas. If possible. During windy condition., stockpiled material shall be covered or watered appropriately to prevent wind erosion. E. Slopes greater than 3:1 (H: V) shall haw erosion control matting tong Instaled to stabilize the elope and reduce the erosion potential. Install matting so that oil parts are in contact with the underlying soil. Pin matting with wire staples 3' o.c. to ensure full bonding with soil surface. Matting shall be installed In accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. F. Control dust through the application of calcium chloride or water. An average application of one pound of calcium chlorid. per square yard of exposed arm should be considered for each treatment. The exact number of applications and amount of dust controller shall be based upon field and weather conditions. It shoo be spread In such manner and by such devices that uniform distribution is attained over the entire area on which It is ordered placed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 201 EROSION CONTROL NETTING A. Jule netting shall consist of undyed and unbleached yam wovan Into a uniform open plain weave mash. 202 EROSION CONTROL MATTING A. Where required an the plane or where directed by the Engineer, erosion control blankets (matting) shall be North American Green 515OBN for .wales and elope stabilization, or approved equal, for all areas for permanent Installation, and C125 and SC150 where matting Is being used as temporary protection of disturbed soil. until a final surface stabilization method is employed. 203 FILTER FABRIC A. When filter fabric is required. It shall conform to the requirements of Mlrofi 50OX or approved equivalent. 204 CALCIUM CHLORIDE A. Calcium chloride shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 144. Elther regular flake calcium chloride, Type 1 or concentrated Flake, pellet or other granular calcium chloride. Type 2, may be used. 2 05 WATER A. All water used shall be clean and free of harmful amounts of ON. salt, acids, alkalies, sugar, organic matter and other substances Injurious to the finished product, plant life or the establishment of vegetation. 2 06 SEDIMENT WATTLES A. Sediment wattle. shall be King Fibre Corporation slit trapper sediment wattles or approwd equal. 2 07 POLYACRUMIDE A. Pulyacrumlde (polymer) logs (blocks) shall Only be used with permission from the Engineer and VT ANR Water Quality Division. Type shall be Applied Polymer Systems. Inc. floc log or approved equal. The type of floe log used shall be based upon a site specific testing of the native sells. 208 STONE CHECK DAMS A. Stan* check dame should be constructed of 2 to 3 Inch stone. Hand or mechanical placement will be necessary to achieve complete coverage of the ditch or swats and to ensure that the center of the dam is lower than the edges. The maximum contributing drainage area from any One check dam shall not exceed two acres. Saw the detail drawing In the Erosion Control Detalls Drawings far the proper Installation of stone check dame. PART 3 - EXECUTION 301 HAY BALE CHECK DAM AND INLET PROTECTION A. Hay below shall not be used to construct check dams or as a means of inlet protection. 3 02 SILT FENCES A. The silt forces shall be constructed In accordance with the construction detall. The fence shall generally be placed 10 feet from the toe of the elope or as shown on the plans. The ends of the fence shall be placed uphill to form a horseshoe shape to trap all runoff. Sot fence shall not be placed across areas of concentrated flow. B. The slit fences shall be Inspected periodically for damage or build-up of sediments. All damaged forces shall be repaired or replaced. Sediment deposits shall be removed from the fence as they build up and be placed In an area where there Is no danger of further erosion. 3 03 EROSION MATTING A. Erosion matting shall be placed an all gross -lined ditches with profile grades exceeding 5.0% and all other areas called out on the plane. and shall be placed and maintained In accordance with the Vermont Agency of Tronap"tetion Standard Specifications Sections 654 and 755.07. 3 04 RESTORATION A. As coon as construction Is completed In a given area. It shall be topaolled, seeded, fertilized and mulched as specified In Section 02936 - Permanent Seeding. 305 STABILIZED ROAD ENTRANCE A. A stabilized pad of crushed stone located at any point where traffic will be entering or leaving the construction site to or from a public right-of-way or street or as shown on the drawings shall be constructed for the purpose of preventing the tracking of sediment onto public rights -of -way. B. Design Criteria: 1. Use 1.5 to 2.5 Inch stone. 2. Use 8 Inch layer of stone.an 3. St* pad shall be full width of entrance. 4. Minimum length shall be 50 feet. 306 GRASS -LINED DITCHES A. All ditches that are not stone -lined shall be topsolled, seeded, fertilized and mulched. Any area which shows signs of erosion shall be reseeded immediately and maintained until permanent vegetation Is established. 3.07 MAINTENANCE A. All erosion control measures shall be Inspected daily and repaired and/or replaced as needed. B. All erosion control measures shall be Inspected after periods of heavy rain. C. The stabilized road entrance shall be top dressed with additional stone should the existing stone became clogged with sediment. D. Hay or straw mulch I. subject to wind action. Mulch may require anchoring as the weather conditions warrant. 308 STONE CHECK DAMS A. The drainage arm of the ditch or swals being protected should not exceed 10 case. B. The drainage area to any check dom shall not exceed 2 acres. C. The maximum height of the check dam should be 2 feet. The center of the check dam must be at least 5 inches lower than the outer edges. The maximum spacing between the dams should be such that the toe of the upstream dam Is at the some elevation as the top of the downstream dam. D. Check dams should be installed before runoff is directed to the awale or drainage ditch. 3.09 DEWATERING METHODS A. All dewatering methods associated with this project are to be approved by the VT DEC and the engineer prior to use. END OF SECTION 02150 SECTION U2936 - PERMANENT SEEDING PART I - GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A. Section includes: I. Furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment to complete oil seeding work as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 2. Except where otherwise shown or specified, the Contractor shall seed all arms where new contours are shown an the drawings and all areas where existing ground cover has been disturbed by the Contractor's operations. B. All work and materials of this Section shall conform to the applicable requirements of the VAOT Standard Specifications, Division 600. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Provide the following for approval prior to delivery to the site: 1. Suppliers Certificate of Compliance attesting that lime, fertilizer and seed meet the requirements specified. 2. The Contractor shall provide representative topsoil samples for testing and approval, deliver samples to a public extension service agency testing laboratory, haw testing report sent directly to the Engineer and pay all costa. Testing shall report an mechanical and chemical (pH soluble salts) analysis. Report shall be submitted at least one month before any looming is to be done. 1 03 SEEDING SEASONS A. Seeding and Initial fart0izing shall be done between April 1 and June 1, between August 15 and October 15. or as permitted. Seeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground Is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untfllable. If seeding Is done during July or August, additional mulch material may be required by the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 01 LIME A. Lime shall be standard, ground dolomite limestone, agricultural grade, containing a minimum of 95% of calcium and magnesium carbonates. 10OX shall pass the 10 mash sieve: minimum 90% shall pass the 20 mash slew; minimum 40% shall pass the 100 mesh sieve. 2 02 FERTILIZER A. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade granular fertilizer as required for soil conditions as specified In Section 643 of the VAOT Standard Specifications. The fertilizer shall be delivered to the project in new, clean, aeoled containers which bear a label fully describing the contents, the chemical analysis of each nutrient, the fertilizer grade, the not bulk, the brand and the name and address of the manufacturer. The fertilizer and labels shall conform to all existing State and Federal regulations, and shall meet the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 2 03 GRASS SEED A. Provide fresh, clean, new -crop seed of the grass specie., proportions and minimum percentages of purity, germination and maximum percentage of weed seed as follows: 1. Park seed shall normally be used on loam areas. This seed mixture shall conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Creeping Red Fescue 96% 85% 40 Perennial Ryegrasa 98% 90% 50 Kentucky Bluegrass 97% 85% 25 Radtop 95% 80% 5 TOTAL - 120 2. Slope seed shall normally be used for all slope work, usually 3:1 or staapor and shall conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Kind of Seed Purity Germination Lbs/Acre Creeping Red Fescue 96% 85% 35 Perennial Ryograss 98% 90% 30 Redtop 95% 80% 5 Asike Clover 97% 90% 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil 98% 80% 5 TOTAL = 80 3. Shade seed shall normally be used in shaded areas in or along the edge of wooded areas. This seed mixture shall conform to the following table: Minimum Minimum Kind of Seed Purlty Germination Lbs/Acre Creeping Red Fescue 95% Box 30 Tall Fe.cu. 96% 80% 20 Crownvetch 95% 80% 30 TOTAL - 80 B. The seed mixture shall be delivered in now, dean, sealed containers. Labels and contorts shall conform to all State and Federal regulations. Seed shall be subject to the testing provisions of the Association of Official Seed Analysts. C. Seed that hoe become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged will be rejected. 204 MULCH A. Mulch must be installed on all seeded arms. The following mulches are acceptable for use. 1 Hay mulch free of woods and coarse matter at a rate of 90 pounds par 1.000 square feet. 2. Wood fiber applied in a slurry (1/6' or longer) at a rate of 40 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 2 05 WATER A. All water used shall be obtained from fresh water sources and shall be free from Injurious chemical and other toxic substances harmful to plant life. No water which is brackish will be permitted at any time. The Contractor shall Identify to the Engineer all sources of water at least two weeks prior to use. The Engineer, at his discretion, may take samples of the water at the source or from the tank at any time and haw a laboratory test the samples for chemical and saline content. The Contractor shall not use any water from any source which Is disapproved by the Engineer following such tests. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3 Ol PREPARATION A. Examine finish surfaces and grades. Do not start seeding work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Perform seeding work Only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has bow completed. B. Notify Landscape Architect at least sawn (7) working days prior to starting seeding C. Prepare areas Immediately prior to seeding as follows: 1. Loosen soil of seed arms to a minimum depth of 4'. 2. Remove stones over 1' in any diameter and sticks, roots, rubbish and extraneous matter. 3. R- ow existing weeds and grasses by pulling or tilling under. 4. Grade arms to be seeded to a smooth, free draining even surface with a loose, moderately coarse texture. 5. Remove ridges and fill depressions as required to drain. 6. Restore prepared areas If eroded or disturbed prior to seeding. 302 SEEDING CONDITIONS A. Seeding shall not be done when the ground Is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or In any other unsatisfactory condition for planting. No seeding operations shall be conducted under adverse weather conditions or when soil moisture conditions are unfavorable (too wet or too dry) or when winds exceed 5 MPH. B. Construction methods shall be Mow established as agronomically acceptable and feasible. The Contractor shall keep all equipment and vehicular and pedestrian traffic off areas that have been seeded to prevent excessive compaction and damage to young plants. Where such compaction has occurred, the Contractor shall rework the wall to make a suitable owed bad; than reseed and mulch such areas with the full amounts of the specified materials, at no extra expense to the Owner. C. Surface and seepage water should be drained or diverted from the site to prevent drowning or winter killing of the plants. D. All areas and parts of areas which fall to show a uniform stand of grass for any reason whatsoever shall be reseeded, and such areas and parts of areas shall be seeded repeatedly until all areas are covered with a satisfactory growth of grass. E. Watering Is considarad a necessary element for establishment and survival. F. Where ryograss has been planted for temporary erosion control and has not been eliminated prior to the completion of the work, such arms shall be discoid at least 3 Inches deep and seeded to permanent grouse to prevent the ryegrass from reseeding and becoming competitive with and retarding development of the permanent cover. 3 02 SEEDING A. Lime and fertilizer should be applied prior to or at the time of seeding and Incorporated Into the soil. Kinds and amounts of lime and fertilizer should be based on an evaluation of soil tests. When a sell test is not available, the following minimum amounts should be applied: Agricultural limestone, 2 ton. par acre or 100 lbs. par 1.000 square feet. Nitrogen (N), 50 Ibs. per acre or 1.1 Its. per 1,000 square feet. Phosphate (P205), 100 Ibe per acre or 2.2 lbs. par 1,000 square feet. Potash (K20), 100 lbs. per afro or 2.2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. (Note: This is the equivalent of 500 )be. par acre of 10-20-20 fertilizer or 1,000 lbs. par sus 5-10-10). B. Seed should be spread uniformly by the method most appropriate for the site. Methods Include broadcasting and hydromeding as follows: 1. Broadcasting: Sow seed using mechanical spreader at a rat. of 4 Ibe./1,000 square feet. Distribute seed evenly over entire arm by sowing equal quantity In tow directions at right angles to each other. Rake seed lightly Into top 1/8' of topsoil, roll lightly and water with a fine spray. 2. Hydrosooding: Mix specified seed. fertilize and pulverize mulch In water, using equipment specifically designed for hydroseed application. Continue mixing until uniformly blended Into homogenous slurry suitable for hydraulic application Apply slurry uniformly to all areas to be seeded. Rate of application as required to obtain specified seed sowing rate. 303 MULCHING A. Mulch materials shall be spread uniformly by hand or machine at a rate of two 50 lb. bales par 1.000 square fast. B. Organic Mulch Anchoring - Straw or hay mulch must be anchored immediately after spreading to prevent wind blowing. 304 MAINTENANCE A. The maintenance period shall begin immediately after seeding and shall continue unto acceptance. B. All mulches must be inspected periodically. In particular after rainstorms, to check for rod erosion. Where erosion Is observed, additional mulch shall be applied. Not should be sp inected after rainstorms for dislocation or failure. If washouts or breakage occur, reinstall net as necessary after repairing damage to the slope. Inspections should take place until grasses are firmly established. Grasaee shall not be considered established until a ground cover Is achieved which is mature enough to control soil erosion and to survive severe weather conditions. Where mulch Is used In conjunction with ornamental plantings, inspect periodically throughout the year to determine If mulch le maintaining coverage of the soil surface; repair as needed. C. Seeding arms shall be protected and maintained by watering, reseeding, mowing, weeding, rolling. Insect or disease control measures, re -fertilizing and repair of washouts which are necessary. D. The Contractor shall maintain oil seeded arms until full vegetation Is established. E. All seeded areas sholl be kept free from woods and debris, such as stones, cables, baling wire, and all slopes 4:1 or leas (flatter) and level turf shall be mowed In the following manner. 1. When gross reaches a height of 4-6'. mow to a height of 3'. 2. At least two cuttings shall be made prior to final acceptance. F. Following mowing, all permanent seeding gross areas (mowed and unmowed) shall receive a uniform application of slow release fertilizer hydraulically placed at the rate of 10 pounds par 100 square feet. 305 ACCEPTANCE A. Inspection to determine acceptance of seeded areas will be made by the Landscape Architect. upon Contractor's written request. 1. Provide notification at least ten (10) working days before requested inspection date. B. Seeded areas will be acceptable provided all Installation and maintenance requirements have been complied with and a healthy uniform lawn Is established. C. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume maintenance. 306 WARRANTY A. All sanded areas will be warranted for a period of twelve months from date of Owner's acceptance. Should any seeded areas fail to maintain full vegetation, felled areas will be refurbished until this specification Is achieved at the cost of the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02936 SITE ENGINEER: f_ F, CIVIL ENGINEEIING ASSOCIATES IHC, 10MV RBD VIEW ME SOOM&N.MTON, IT OM aoeaarzm FAx: aoz+sran iw: www.cww.m c.rrmoer on" PBS ceEcxm DSM 4rrsovso DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT. BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT DAn cxEcssD esvolon EPSC SPECIFICATIONS DMemC NUMBER Din AUG., 2008 si NO SCALE C- ^ .1 1naNi. No. POSTS 1. SET POSTS AND 2 STAPLE THE WIRE EXCAVATE A 4'X6' MESH FENCING TO ANGLE 10' TRENCH, SET POST WIRE POSTS (WHEN USN. UPSLOPE FOR DOWNSLOPE FENCING MESH FENCING) STABILITY AND SELF CLEANNG Ol' 12' MIN 6- 1 ATTACH FILTER FADRIC 4 STAPLE THE WIRE TO THE WIRE FENCING MESH FENCING TO F1L AND EXTEND IT TO ENO POSIS. (WHEN FAERIC THE TRENCH COMPAC USNG MESA FENCING) BACKFlLL 7 -( 1. MSTILL !LT FUICES AT TOES OF wTaTECTED SAES AND AS PMAUEI. ro CONTalAS AS POSSWIE. CIMYL TIE ENDS R THE FENCE u Wro DIE MOPE RIII SEDIMENT WHEN AOWIWLAIFD TO HALT DIE NIGHT of THE FENCE. Can11ACT011 SMALL Am DURING FENCES Ai HIE lw NECESSARILY ALL ILY R wPED OR FTH SLOPES OfflPLAIT p WAND ES ARE 10 M NOT AI A m &O ES THE FINAL PANS Qi FENCES ME ro E MAINTAINED WTA RAVES ARE STAEIIID. 2 WOVEN WE FENCE TO E FASTENED SECONDLY ro POSTS WITH WINE TIES OR STAPES 3. FILTER CLOTH To E FASTENED SECHIeLY TO WOIEN WE FENCE WITH WES SPAQO EMIT 74' AT TOP. Ma SECTION, AND WaTro11 ♦ WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF MTEN CLOTH A(WON EACH 07HEIE THEY 91ALL E OVDWAPPED er 4'. FO IED AND StAPIFD. SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL N.T S. F ACRE \y� �� I I`Gfl 4 Incorrect - Do Not layout 'penmeter Correct - Install J-hooka control' silt fences along property lines. NI sediment laden runoff will concentrate and overwhelm the system Discreet segments of silt fence, installed with J-hooka or 'smllee' will be much more effective. SILT FENCE PLACEMENT FOR PERIMETER CONTROL N.T.S. TEMPORARY SEEDING A MULCH OR NETTING SLT FENCE INSTALLED OH DOYMGRADIENT WE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE DETAIL N.T.S. SITE ENGINEER: F OVERLAP 6- (150mm) MINIMUM ~ >• EXC4✓ATE CHANNEL A A� AND CRROSS 5ECTON �1 \ H'HER GRADE EXCEEDSR60 I.T R GR64MR 1 ` r DESIGN DEPTH 1 PLACED AROUND AND CIVIL EHGINEERInG ASSOCIATES. INC. \ T JI 9 BETWEENINLETGRATE IOMNGREIDNEWIAW- SOUTHBLOILINGION, Vf OW R040WAY TO THE TOP OF OVERCUT CHANNEL�� LONGITUDINAL J \. \ 7 \ CONCRETE BLOCKS AND FRAME Im4eF-sDE6 FAX em4eNaFr we\ ww.ew+.m. 1' (50mm) 70 ALLOW �N ANCHOR TRENCHcormcer. BULK/TUG DUMNC SEEOBED� I 'I FK TER FABRIC - u'' NO ee�� PREPAR4TTON SECTION A — A r W lr.FW,.,I 7YPlCCAL INSMLU77ON rs ^� i'.• WITH EROSION CONTROL :Z;:'- \/ STRAW SALESSANDBAGS SPILLWAY USE SANDBAGS STRAW BALES R CONRN(/OUS BERM O R OTHER APPROVED METHODS CONCRETE BLOCKS SLAINKE7S R TURF EOU/vACENT HEIGHT 77 C84NNELIZE RUNOFF 70 PLACED AROUND RE/NFRC£MENT AN7S \/•i \/� \ 845N AS RfOUlRED. \ `\ YARD DRAIN SUPPLY WATER 70 WASH p p p WI p m r WHEEZS /F NECESSARY 1NTE1tMITTENT CRECE SLOT LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR TRENCH p p p `IRE SCREEN R p p M D W/ 0.5' OPENINGS OWNER: PACED AROUND SHINGLE -LAP SPLICED ENDS R BEGIN NEW 3 yt� �W �r p p ©O M CONCRETE BLOCKS BIRCHWOOD ROLL IN AN tAwRAN77ENT CHECK SLOT BURLINGTON, INC. PREPARE SOIL AND APPLY SEED BEFORE INSTALLING 'IL �I' ! +eU 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET BLANKETS MATS OR 07HER TEMPORARY CHANNEL LINER ++ �% �' SUITES SYSTEM ++ ++$-+ V 3 A I A 1'-J' 50-75mm r MIN . TAMPA, FL 33007 a ++++ + MINR5'(1550trnm 7 ICK 3.6m + ++ + APPLICANT: + +�+++ - - - - � ° � PLAN +++ }BIRCHWOOD + #+ }+ +++ DIVERSION RIDGE 1 OR 2 LAYERS RICH PACED BURL/NGTON, INC. ++++ AROUND CATCH BASIN 0 + ++ 5 0' (15 m MIN . _ 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET MINIMUM 1"0 ROCK WIRE SCREEN SUITE PLAN PLACED AROUND AND - - / 0 5' OPENINGS TAMPA, FL 33607 TO THE TOP OF 1' - -; PLACED AROUND NOTES NOTES CONCRETE BLOCKS CONCRETE BLOCKS WILL (0.5m/sec) REQUIRE TEMPORARY BLANKETS TRACKINGNNCE ORA FZOW/NGLOF SEDIMENT ONM PUBLIC RBE AMIN)AINED IN A IGHT-OFTWAYS PTHISNMAY ')' 1 _, GROUND PROJECT: ANTS R SIMILAR LINERS TO PROTECT SEED REOUIRE TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR CLEAN OUT O ANY MEASURES USED L BIRCHWOOD AND 50/1 UNTIL VEGETAAON BECOMES TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ESTABLISHED. 1. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE 1 GR45S-1 /NED CHANNELS WITH DESIGN CLEANED PR/OR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC TEMPORARY CROSS—SECTION OFFICE BUILDING VELOCITIES EXCEEDING 6 FT/SEC (1m/1e1) MO GHT--WAY SHOULD INCLUDE TURF REINFORCEMENT AN IS J WHEN WASHING IS REOU/RED, IT SHNCC BE GRAVEL DONE ON AN AREA S7AML/ZE0 MYTH CRUSHED STONE THAT ORMNS INTO AN APPROVED CONSTRUCTION YARD DRAIN 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET GRASS -LINED CHANNEL SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT a451N INLET PROTECTION (WITH CON,. BLOCKS) ENTRANCE EXIT LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS RK EROSION CONTROL MATTING N.T.s. SOUTHBURLINGTON TYPICAL INSTALLATION TEMPORARY GRAVEL VERMONT N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT N.T.S. MINIMUM 1'e ROCK PLACED AROUND 3' TO 4' CLEAN TRAP ROCK WIRE SCREEN METAL STAKE - PLACED AROUND TRAP ROCK Sm -.IWX ul '„K I() 10 m 5'-0" MIN. L� Ml. PLAN DISCHARGE CROSS—SECTION METAL STAKE PLACED AROUND TRAP ROCK WRE SCREEN / 0.5" OPENINGS THAT IS SECURED TO METAL STAKES. ATTACH TO WIRE SCREEN, FILTER FABRIC, MIRAFI 140NS OR APPROVED EQUAL NOTE ALL DEWATERING DISCHARGES SHALL BE THROUGH SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAPS, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND CLEAN TRAPS AS REWIRED WIRE SCREEN w/ 0 5' OPENINGS THAT IS SECURED TO METAL STAKES. ATTACH TO WIRE SCREEN, FILTER FABRIC. MIRAFI 14ONS OR APPROVED EQUAL ,—MINIMUM 1"e ROCK PACED AROUND n WARE SCREEN PLACE 9' MIN FABRIC TO BE COVERED WITH ROCK SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAP DETAIL CI 4.1 N.T.S. MATCH DITCH CULVERT h END SECTION SECTION MAN' A r> T i A -A TYPE II STONE FILL A TYPE II STONE FILL (1MIN o � THICKNESSESS ) CULVERT END SECTION STABILIZATION FABRIC -]CONTINUE STONE MIRAFI 50OX OR FILL IF REQUIRED APPROVED EQUAL END SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. SIDE SLOPES TO BE 3.1 OR AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS E ""NC CIWND IP EROSO4 CONTROL MATTING IN 4' TOPSCL _ DITCHES W/PROFILE GRADES MIN EXCEEDING 5M STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS GRASS LINED CHANNEL N.T.S. MIeIDN EPSC DETAILS DRAWING Numan DATN AUG., 2008 NO NO SCALE C-4.2 I= NO CEA OFFICE PUD South Burlington, Vermont Inspection Program The inspection responsibilities of the site contractor (C) and the On —Site Coordinator (OSC) is outlined in the chart below: Storm Drain Inlets C OSPC E C. OSPC Silt Fence C OSPC E C OSPC Construction Fencing C OSPC E C OSPC Construction Entrance C OSPC E I C OSPC Stabilized Areas C OSPC, E I C OSPC Report C OSPC E I OSPC C — Site Contractor Inspection and Repair OSC - On —Site Coordinator E = Engineer Stormwater runoff from this site discharges to Potash Brook, a stormwater impaired waterway. Work upgradient of wetlands and watercourses draining to Potash Brook are areas that require special attention due to the important resources in the vicinity of the project. Field Protocol — Areas of special concern will be reviewed with the Contractor prior to initiating site clearing activities. These areas will be continually reviewed by the Contractor, the OSC and any issues will be identified in the daily or weekly reports. All reports shall be distributed via e—mail to all three parties in support of the efforts to address areas of concern in a timely manner. INSPECTION REPORT GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES Inspection Report • Components and Scope of the inspection • Nome(s) and qualifications of personnel conducting the inspection. " Dates of the Inspection. • Observations relating to the implementations of the SWPPP. • Action taken. • Incidents of noncompliance. If no incidents of noncompliance were found. the report must contain a certification the the facility is in compliance with the SWPPP and the permit. • The report must be retained as part of the EPSC Plan for up to three years after the site has been stabilized. INSPECTION GUIDELINES FOR STRUCTURAL MEASURES Sediment Containment Systems — Has sediment filled to within 12 inches of where water discharges through the outflow structure' — Is the outflow structure installed as illustrated in the plans? — Are the embankments protected against erosion? BARRIERS Silt Fence — Is the material burled in a trench and backfilled? — Are the stakes installed correctly with the proper spacing? — Has sediment accumulated to within 12 inches of the top? — Is runoff water running around, below, or between the fabric? Continuous Berm — Has the berm been installed correctly? — Is the fabric adequately stapled? Other — Are barriers causing local flooding problems? CHECK STRUCTURES Crushed Rock — Will water flow over the middle instead of around the edge.? — Has movement of the rock occurred? DRAINS/INLET PROTECTION Rock — Does rock cover the inlet opening? — Are rock diameters about 1.0 to 2.0 Inches? — Is the rock barrier installed correctly? — Has the rock barrier been installed in front of u.ndel that is .ump? Inserts — Has the structure been installed correctly? — Will the structure prevent runoff water from entering the storm sewer system? — Has sediment filled up the structure? When will the sediment be removed? Other — Are freezing conditions impacting the protection measures? INSPECTION GUIDELINES FOR NONSTRUCTURAL MEASURES DRAINAGE CONTROL Diversion and Containment — Are they protected against erosion? Dikes — Havethey been constructed to control and divert anticipated flows? — Should the bottom be lined with any material to prevent erosion' Slope Drains — Will runoff water be diverted into the pipe? — Does sufficient protection exist to prevent failure of piping? — Is the pipe anchored? — Does erosion protection exist where water discharges'+ — Are they functioning in the manner they were designed? Staging of Construction — Does all the ground need to be disturbed? Activities — How much land is being disturbed and how much can remain in vegetation? Planting of Perremal Seed — Are drill marks evident that are parallel or perpendicular to land contours? — Has the seed lag been checked and the mixture verified? — If seed is applied hydraulically, how much was used? — If seed was broadcast, was the ground raked? — What time of the year was the seed planted' — Are weeds becoming established? Planting of Temporary, Nursery, — What type of seed was used' or Cover Crop — How long will the vegetation be in place before planting of perennial grass occurs? — When was the seed planted? Dry/Hydraulic Mulch — Does the mulch cover 80-100% of the bore ground' — If dry mulch is applied, how is it held in place' — Has wind removed the dry mulch, and is this a problem? Soil Binder — What type of material was used? — When was it applied' — Does the material still control erosion? Hillside Protection by RECP — Is the material properly installed at the top? — Are sufficient staples used' — Does the material overlap along the edges? — Does the material need to be repaired? Channel Protection by ECB's, — Is the material properly installed at the top• TRM's, and C—TRM's — Are sufficient staples used? — Is the material properly stapled or trenched along the edges? — Should a rock check structure be installed on lop of the material? ADDITIONAL INSPECTION REPORT GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES The site contractor shall keep a written record of: 1. Daily inspections 2. Any problem areas and corrective measures undertaken to prevent future problems. 3. Consistency with the approved plan and any deviations. 4. Disturbed Areas and areas that have been temporarily or permanently stabilized since the last inspection. 5. Signature of the On —Site Plan Coordinator. The inspection reports shall be kept on site and shall be made available on —site or via mail to the Engineer and VT DEC upon request. STRUCTURAL MEASURES INSPECTION POSSIBLE MAINTENANCE Sediment Containment Systems Constructed to Specifications? List what action is re uired Functional outlet structure? Repair or replace. Accumulated sedimentRemove, place upstream, an stabilize. Long Flow —path length? Install baffles. Silt Fence Barriers Proper Placement of stokes? If not reinstall Material in a trench' If not, reinstall. Accumulated sediment Remove, place upstream. and stabilize Used in a drainage ditch' Remove structure. Used around inlets? Remove structure. Other Barriers Improper Installation? Install another method. Rock Check Structures Correct rock diameter? If wrong diameter, re lace. Water flowing around end? Extend rock. Other Check Structures Inlet Protection Cover over structure' Create an opening. Bale barrier on concrete? Replace with rock. Diversion Dikes Erosion of structure'+ Complete repairs and stoblize. Improper location? Remove and relocate. Slope Drains Runoff not flowing Into structure? Repair containment system. Check to see if runoff is being diverted to structure. Runoff flowing into and past Pipes? Install a larger diameter pipe Evaluate whether design storm event was exceeded by contacting designers Add more drains "Tunneling of containment dike is evident? Repair embankment with sandbags. Controlling Wind —Borne Particles Is ground amooth' Develop furrows perpendicular to prevailing wind direction Do barriers exist' Install barriers perpendicular to to prevailing and direction Notes: 1. The Contractor will be required to assign one person responsible for the report preparation and who will act as the primary contact with the Engineer and all regulators. 2. The Contractor will be responsible for daily clean-up of materials deposited on all existing paved areas as a means of reducing sediment runoff to catch basins in wet weather and reducing dust during dry weather. SITE ENGINEER r �A - CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 10MMARRDNEWMAE, SOUMEUBU1113M VrG M3 1102-a.s= MX a0a.ers.an wee: www.waw.eww OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Rims.N EPSC INSPECTION DMRIN. Naaele DNR AUG., 2008 NO NO SCALE C-4.3 rite. Na. 08164 I 4" PVC CAP r FINISH GRADE 4" SDR 35 PVC 45' ELBOW WYE FITTING 4" SDR 35 PVC —FLOW .III=1 I I-1 J I I-11 I-111— I I—TTt nTYPICAL CLEANOUT DETAIL N.T.S. CORE k SEAL NEW HOLE FOR 8" PVC PIPE CONSTRUCT NEW CHANNEL MANHOLE — WALL EXISTING OUTLET PIPE TO BE ABANDONED PLUG EXISTING OUTLET — FILL EXISTING CHANNEL MANHOLE OPENING ABOVE 4" BEND FLOW (22.5' OR 45') MANHOLE WALL END TO BE PLUGGED NTH4" PVC WATERTIGHT PLUG 45 WYE AND MARKED W/ 2"x4" BOARD EXTENDING FROM SEWER TO 2" MIN ABOVE FINISH GRADE. SEWER MAI 4" MIN. SDR 35 PVC SEWER SERVICE STUB MANHOLE EXTEND 20' SOUTH OF OPENING MAIN O MIN SLOPE ABOVE "T WITH MIN. 1/4* PER F PLAN 5' COVER. 4" BEND (22'5' OR 4" MIN SDR 35 PVC SEWER SERVICE 45'), ROTATED FOR PROPER ALIGNMENT 45 WYE IN SEWER MAIN 8" ELEVATION i1SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION NTS U • CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 3 LOCATION TES TO END OF — LATERAL TO BE INCLUDED ON "AS —BUILT" DRAWINGS wd • SEE TYPICAL TRENCH FOR BEDDING AND BACKFILL F REQUIREMENTS m r-61JulANHOLE CHANNEL RECONSTRUCTION N.T.S. '-0" MIN. ADIUS PLAN LEBARON FRAME h COVER �LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. SITE ENGINEER: r E A CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. Mi, IOAWOWWEWlASOUMBURIIVT YBTON, O FAX @M.22" w wwxsw.aee cwmu - wiz. Ma— ssesersF aMTM ACLarm cc DSM 0Fsovso DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. i SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED & SEAL JOINT 12" MAX. CONCRETE RISER RINGS FOR ADJUSTMENT 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE BIRCHWOOD 24„ STEPS O 8" O.C. BURLINGTON, INC. WATERTIGHT JOINTS USING 4 MASTIC OR RUBBER GASKET 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B 48' COAT EXTERIOR OF ENTIRE TAMPA, FL 33607 MANHOLE WITH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) PROJECT: CAST IN PLACE FLEXIBLE MH 1" RISE ° ,o o UNDISTURBED- SOIL OR ROCK CLASS B CONC SHELF AND INVERT GLG V M 11 UIV NOTES. 1 INVERTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF LEAKAGE TEST 2. EXTERIOR JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF LEAKAGE TEST 3. INTERIOR JOINTS SHALL NOT BE GROUTED. 4 IF DEPTH OF MANHOLE IS 7' OR LESS FROM RIM TO CENTERUNE INVERT, MEN A MT TOP SHOULD BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE CONE SECTION I, \TYPICAL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE N.T.S. own cxsLno lansiox TOPSOIL, RAKE, UNPAVEDI PAVED SEED k MULCH NOTES 1 Compaction of backfill and bedding sholl be a mmlmum of 90% (95% under roadway surfaces) ,,, , „ , of maximum dry density determined in the _ standard proctor test (ASTM D698) o APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2 Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen Z IN 8" LIFTS subgrade RIGID INSULATION AS 3 Approved backfill shall not contain any atones '�.)- _ _ _ REQUIRED USE 1" OF more than 12" in largest dimension (6" in Y INSULATION FOR EVERY roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING the outside of the pipe). or contain any frozen, SEWER D�2' IS LESS THAN 4'-6" wet, or organic material. D PVC SEWER PIPE 4 Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to DETAILS placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewatered during installation of pipe and backfill. It T THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5 In trenches with unstable materials, trench first be by BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall stabilized placement of fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). 6filter 4._-, ¢c,t.•� 6. The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the nAn osAema mTMese angle of repose as defined by O.SH.A. standards. AUG., 20M T' Bedding material .hall l of crushed stone /4�TYPICAL SEWER TRENCH DETAIL size Submit asample with a maximum of 3/ saes /1 ovalval prior to use. to the Engineer for approval NO SCALE 1V_ 5 0 N.T.S. Nor. No. x 08164 HYDRANT FLAG NEW AWWA HYDRANT (KENNEDY K81 0). VALVE AND APPURTENANCES AS PER SPECS ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX W/COVER MARKED REMOVE EXISTING THRUST "WATER" POARSE G PEASTONETO I CY VOLUME I BLOCK AND CAP -i I— FINISH GRADE APPROVED EQUAL RETAINING GLAND o NEW 8x6 CAST EXISTING GATE VALVE OR D.I MJ Z CONCENTRIC REDUCER o ANCHOR TEE DBSIINC _ PLUG HYDRANT DRAIN •„•.• �L o NE EXISTING SOIL THRUST BLOCK 3/4" CRUSHED NEW OI.C.L. SPOOL PIECE STONE ANCHOR COUPLING OR SPOOL PIECE WITH MEGA -LUG GLANDS NOTES: 1. ALL FITTINGS ARE TO HAVE MEGA -LUG RETAINER GLANDS. 2 PRIOR TO POURING THRUST BLOCKS ALL FITTINGS ARE TO BE WRAPPED WEN n HYDRANT ASSEMBLY& TIE IN DETAIL N.T.S. 1" MAX FINISH THRUST BLOCK 2"0 COPPER BLOW OFF CURB BOX \TER" N w I Tn INSTALL A GOOSE NECK LOOP CU STOP WATER MAIN jv CORPORATION STOP .• .. 4"x8"x16" SOLID 2" TYPE "K" �Y v ••� y „%. COPPER SERVICE CONCRETE BLOCK ���•��� OR AS SHOWN ON PLAN UNDISTURBED SOIL n CURB STOP N.T.S. Nni9 All work to be performed in accordance with the Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Champlain Water District, the City of South Burlington, and the Village of Jericho. Details should be modified to the above reference specifications. TOPSOIL, SEED h 1 6" APPROVED 13ACKFILL �—THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 8" LIFTS RIGID INSULATION AS REQUIRED USE 1" INSULATION FOR EVERY FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING IS LESS THAN 6'-0" NEW WATER LINE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED SAND BEDDING UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK nTYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL N.T.S. NOTES: 1 Compaction of backflll and bedding shall be o minimum of 90%. (95% under roadway surfaces) of maximum dry density determined in the standard proctor test (ASTM 0698). 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen subgrade. 3. Approved backflll shall not contain any stones more than 12" in largest dimension (6" In roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of the outside of the pipe). or contain any frozen, wet, or organic material. 4. Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewatered during Installation of pipe and bockfill 5. In trenches with unstable materials, trench bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of flter fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). 6. The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O S.H.A standards. 7. Pipe bedding to conform with Section 204, Granular fill. EFFECTIVE INSTALL EBAA OR MINIMUM ONE FULL N.�j%""T ,i<Y.=.: BEARING AREA \^^ `'``l� LENGTH OF PIPE MEGA -LUG OR SIGMA MECHANICAL L APPROVED EWAL JOINT RESTRAINTS RETAINING LNO - + — AT GATE VALVE S; THRUST PLUG' BLOCK UNDISTURBED UNDISNRBED SOIL VALVE/DEAD END REDUCER SOIL NOTE N.TS PLACE 3 MIL (MIN.) N'TS POLYETHYLENE SHEET ' ` BETWEEN ALL CONCRETE .�j,, l ,�•>^„ vTHRUST BLOCKS AND PIPE AND/OR FITTINGS To PREVENT BONO. THRUST BLOCK ' TEE �.�UNDISTURBED 90% 51 SOIL OR HTv H. MINIMUM AREA OF BEARING SURFACE OF CONIC. THRUST BLOCKS Tw swMc 1EEn mmmmmm�mmmmm®�m���mm�wwar-� THRUST BLOCK DETAILS N.T.S. 2"0 COPPER BLOW OFF TYPE I STONE 4' WIDE 3' x 8' LONG _\ I T. STABILIZATION FABRIC— MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL END CAP 8" X 2" TAPPED TEE v O W/ CURB STOP • vp c v BLOCK 4 2" BLOWOFF DETAIL NITS UNDISTURBED SOIL WATER SEWER MINIMU BETWEE EXISTING GATE VALVE k BOX AT STA. 5+95 TO REMAIN WATER SEWER ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX WITH COVER MARKED "WATER" -TAPPING VALVE /-MECH JOINT WITH "MEGA -LUG" RETAINER GLAND OR APPROVED EQUAL NEW 8" 01_PIPE FLOW 3/4" CRUSHED STONE BEDDING (MIN 12" THICK) NOTES 1. All water installation work and materials must comply with the "Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water Lines and Appurtenances for All Water Systems Owned By the Champlain Water District, The City of South Burlington, and the Village of Jericho". 2. Installation details for this project must comply the above referenced CWD Specifications. Conflicts are to be referred to the Engineer and SBWD for Clarification. 3. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance for the henceforth the "backflow Ordinance." Please contact the South Burlington Water Department for more information on backflow protection devices. 4. CWD Specifications state that no water lines shall be installed after November 15 or before April 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent. The Superintendent may restrict work before November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions. 5. Mechanical joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or a Department approved equal grip ring. 6. No underground utility shall be installed within four feet from the water main on either side, from the top of the main to the finish grade, with the exception of storm sewer and sanitary sewer as stated in the above referenced Speclfications. Trees shall not be placed over any water main or service line, nor placed within 20' of any appurtenance, including fire hydrants. 7. Separations between the water main and service line and nearby sanitary and storm sewer lines shall comply with the VT WSR requirements and the above referenced Specifications. 8. Prior to any building construction, the building contractor should contact the South Burlington Water Department to discuss City of South Burlington requirements for meter sizing, meter settings, and backflow protections. 9. The South Burlington Water Department shall be notified prior to backfilling to inspect all joints, fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, water line crossings, and testing. NOTES 1. AT CROSSINGS. ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER/SEWER PIPE SHALL BE LOCATED SO BOTH JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR FROM THE WATER/SEWER AS POSSIBLE 2. IF THE SEWER MAIN IS OVER THE WATER MAIN, THE FIRST SEWER PIPE JOINTS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WATER MAIN MUST BE CONCRETE ENCASED. SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE WATER AND SEWER PIPES MAY BE REQUIRED. 3. WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE 18' SEPARATION, THE SEWER MATERIALS SHALL BE WATER MAIN PIPE OR EQUIVALENT AND SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS. 4. WATER MAINS AND SEWER LINES OR MANHOLES SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION THIS DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED EDGE TO EDGE. (WATER/SEWER CROSSING DETAIL N.T.S SITE ENGINEER: r' F\ CIVIL ENGINEEMNG ASSOCIATES ING loAVASMDWEWLANE, SOUIHBURUNOTOR ITOW IO2-2223 FAX 002.tl1.sa1 ewn www oAtNPVP csrrwaxr zaw - Au woxTe wenna aMeR ACL DSM amVu DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT:BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT IJ.F,UJ WATER DETAILS AAMG mum AUG., 2008 SCAUI NO NO SCALE C-5.1 Rea. No. 08164 EXISTING GROUND 12' EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN TOPSOIL _ DITCHES w/PRORLE GRADES EXCEEDING 5X STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. nGRASS LINED DITCH N.T.S. MATCH DITCH CULVERT h END SECTION SECTION 4 MAN' A -A TYPE 11 STONE FILL 3 1 a, A TYPE II STONE 1 FILL (1'-0' MIN. S THICKNESS) CULVERT END SECTION A STABILIZATION FABRIC -]CONTINUE STONE MIRAFl 5OOX OR FILL IF REQUIRED APPROVED EQUAL WEND SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. 3' MINUS BROWN ROUND RIVER STONE (HINESBURG SAND do GRAVEL) 3/4' TO 1 1/2"e CLEAN FACE OF WASHED STONE BUILDING 3' FINISH GRADE / 16" 1'XG' PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER 6' PERFORATED SDR STAKED 4' O C 35 OR HDPE, SEE PLAN FOR INVERTS FILTER FABRIC MIRAFl 140NS n DRIP EDGE DETAIL AT BUILDING N.T.S. 1/4" a ROD • 6' O.C. HOPE OUTLET 2" x 2' x 1/4" ANGLE PRECAST COVER ./24' e OPENING CENTERED FINISHH GRADE 12' (TYP )T WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1' MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET HDPE ` OUTLET•• /V CAST -IN -PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES TYP FOR ALL PIPES I I I I L II! I PVC INLET r I I ANTI -VORTEX TRASH RACK PLAN SHOP FABRICATED AND SET ON COVER, ASPHALT COATED GALVANIZED METAL 1/4" i \ �8 RIM ELEV •• Ii l iOUTLET•• � INV A•• INV B^ 24" SUMP TYPE I STONE FILL (TYP) �o INSTALL F E S. OR CUT TO CONFORM PVC INLET" TO FINAL GRADE — PRECAST CONCRETE ./MONOLITHIC BASE FILTER FABRIC .IRA"""NS •• REFER TO TABLE BELOW FOR INVERTS AND SIZES a" MIN CRUSHED GRAVEL — POND *PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. NTH I c�1TV' C478 (LATEST EDITION) STORM POND OUTLET STRUCTURE N.T.S. SIUNL HILL RIM ELEV 33a.7 339 5 INV A 336 0 337 5 INV B 3362 3375 INLET m 6" i 6" OUTLET s EMERGENCY STONE LINED SPILLWAY N.T.S. LEBARON FRAME do COVER LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED h SEAL JOINT CONE SECTION OR 4'm CONCRETE RINGS TRAFFIC COVER (HEAW VPRECAST ADJUSTMENT. MORTAREDDUTY) XTERIOR SURFACES (12' M, FOR SHALLOW MANHOLESPOLYPROPYLENE 24"STEPS MANHOLE O 6. O.C. WATERTIGHT JOINTS USING w MASTIC OR RUBBER GASKET F o 48" OR 60" m m1''. COAT EXTERIOR OF ENTIRE MANHOLE NTH A WATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) p O MIN u, 24" MAX. o < ♦ PIPE e m 2` SUMP SEAL WITH HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR, OR GASKETED FLEXIBLE pO� WATERTIGHT CONNECTION 12' MIN. UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK 6" MIN CRUSHED PRECAST CONCRETE OR STONE BEDDING POURED IN PLACE BASE SECTION (TYPICAL STORM MANHOLE N.T S. 2' `EXISTING (MIN ) GRADE 18" TO 2'-0' -1 ��SEE GRADING SEE'PRADMa PLAN PLAN �- 12' MINUS TO BE USED PRIMARILY l 15" THICKNESS WHERE SLOPE EXCEEDS 5%. OR AS SHOWN h STABILIZATION FABRIC STONE LINED DITCH N.T.S. SITE ENGINEER: A CIVIL ENGINEENNG ASSOCIATES. ING 10MAI&FiE1DWEWIAAE, SOUlHa4RUMi1O11 VT Wad ea¢-M4Ntl FAIL tl2Walf wY4 xnwwe+twm corremwr Nee -ALL paYle elOGweD DMwn PBS/ACL c=CXRD DSM areal DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODO/N STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT CAST IRON H-20 RATED GRATE ADAPTORS AVAILABLE 4" THRU 18' DRAINAREA - 98.7 SQ. INCH _`• TOPSOIL, RAKE, UNPAVED PAVED ^ppt pp�, GRATE HAS N-20 (HEAVY TRAFFIC) •i SEED do MULCH ❑p❑ ❑p❑ DOT RATING NOTES: ❑p❑ ❑❑OC 4" - 18" a` '"=�: 1. Typical trench for drainage pipe p00 pppF CONFORM MATERIAL SHALL I- ❑ppf ppp CONFORM TO ASTM A48 -CUSS 308° a°000°oo o��° o° �° o°oo ppC pp /` o np °p°` o°�o°o o°o V 2. Compoctlon of backbll and bedding shall be a PAINT: CASTINGS ARE FURNISHED la" INLINE DRAIN minimum of 90% (95% under roadway surfaces) WITH A BUCK PAINT y4 .;k1'vvXGk:%iJ✓�Gi 62v�i•,L'� aF maximum dry aenaity doter mined m the CAST IRON GRATE a4� APPROVED BACKFILL standartl proctor test (ASTM D698). aAn cYsrnD amuon !� % N THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 3. B.ddinFTS subgrde material shall not be placed on frozen ONE SIDE STICKS OUGRATE COVER IS T AS REVERSIBLE: � ^�l`� %"� u `Y � PP IS SHOWN ON THE RIGHT. z 4 more Approved a6knln largest dimension, �2X maxiimum ONE SIDE IS FLUSH AS %> dlnmet.r within 2' of the outside of the pipe, IS SHOWN ON THE LEFT. RISER �18" 15' -' - --- or any frozen, or organic material. -- -- - x �j jy o it y 5. Trenches shall be completely dewalered prior to enabockfill DRAINAGE 12' HDPE PIPE placing of pipe bedding matl and kept dewatered during installation of pipe and JI'D ADAPTOR D 2' 15' HDPE 6' �` �""°o„ °�'' '° o:YT 6. fie sides of trenches 4' or more m depth entered DETAILS STORM GRAIN 90' ELBOW " by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the :(a' ° --,;ono o' THOROUGHLY COMPACTED angle of repose as defined by O.S H.A. slandords. 18• CAST IRON GRATE ° BEDDING MATERIAL TEE DRAIN BASIN AND INLINE 6^ r�"°�o�o 000; o°o° : F 7 Bedding material for storwater lines shall consist DRAIN BY NYLOPUST USA, storm water of crushed stone or gravel with maximum size of 3/4". !(.:i«'/.�/.. %.G�'C G�'� DAn DMVIna XDYeQ INLINE DRAIN SECTION INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK SEPT., 2008 YARD DRAIN DETAILS n TYPICAL STORM DRAIN TRENCH DETAIL eaAu C-5.2 N.r.s N.T.S. NO SCALE F... NO. 08164 SIDEWALK WIDTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK / o 0 0 0 0 0 o o°o 0 0 0 0 0 `C o°o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0°0 0 0 0 0 0°0°0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0°0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6• 8" GRAVEL SUBBASE 6• UNDISTURBED SOIL OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL NOTES- 1. NO EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED 2 THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE DIVIDED AT INTERVALS OF FIVE FEET BY DUMMY JOINTS. 3. PROVIDE LIGHT BROOM FINISH WITH NO TOOLED EDGES nTYPICAL SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. TOP OF CURB (SEE PLAN FOR TYPE OF CURB) END TRANSITION SLOPE BEGIN TRANSITION FACE OF SLOPE CURB 7 i r, SHALLOW 6'-0" FINISHED GRADE OF ROAD PAVEMENT r2'TRANSITION CURBS N.T.S. TOP COURSE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVERS BASE COURSE BITUMINOUSjj" 6 1 (SEE ARCH. PLANS) CONCRETE PAVEMENT —rf 5" °Oo 6 BANK RUN GRAVEL SUB -BASE MATERIAL 1 CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SECTIONS WITH 1/8" JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS 2. CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED EVERY 60' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL CONFORMING TO AASHTO DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2- SPONGE RUBBER OR CORK). 3 NO ASPHALT TREATED FELT IS TO BE USED BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND CONCRETE CURB TOP CONCRETE CURB w/SIDEWALK DETAIL TOP COURSE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1/2' R BASE COURSE BITUMINO4GR CONCRETE PAVEMENT 7" )p0°Co°'o'00 �o ^CRUASEO' BANK RUN GRAVEL SUR-BASE MATERIAL N.T.S STEEP 1 /4" R. 1 5/8.0 BRA r/ /</ „ly�! 31rO TRUS W/TURNBUCI 1 CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SECTIONS VATH 1/8' JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS. 2. CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL CONFORMING TO AASHTO DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2" SPONGE RUBBER OR CORK). nCONCRETE CURB DETAIL N.T.S. 3 1/4" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1 1/4" TYPE IV FINISH COURSE 2' TYPE II BASE COURSE 12" BANI( RUN GRAVEL AOT SPEC 704,04 COMPACTED SUBGRADE-1 STABILIZATION FABRIC MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL %1 TYPICAL PARKING LOT SECTION 3 1/4" 8ITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 1 1/4- TYPE IV FINISH COURSE 2- TYPE II BASE COURSE 12' BANK RUN GRAVEL AOT SPEC. 704 04 1 --COMPACTED SUBGRADE---_ STABILIZATION FABRIC MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL / s6 TYPICAL ROADWAY SEC11ON N.T.S. AS SHOWN ON PLANS 2 1/2" TYPE It BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK °°O°OC°o°000°o°000°° to°O°O°o°o ° o 0 0°0°0 `i�>r, /��/�ii" is/.."<G%✓/ ��'/,;Jig/%�' 6''\\�� 10' GRAVEL SUBBAS--6•-{ L UNDISTURBED SOIL OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. V (POST TO POST) N' (POST TO POST) e TRASH ENCLOSURE GATE DETAIL N.T.S. N.T.S PAVEMENT CRUSHED GRAVEL BANK RUN GRAVEL STABILIZATION FABRIC 3/4" WASHED STONE MIRAFI 50OX OR 1B" APPROVED EQUAL IN 4" PERFORATED PVC PIPE (PVC) SEE PLANS FOR a O FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI INVERT ELEVATION 140NS OR APPROVED 12" MIN. EQUAL FOR UNI �ERDRAIN *SLOPE ALL PIPE TO DRAIN O 1% MIN nTYPICAL UNDERDRAIN SECTION N.T.S. r011 BIKE RACK (DERO RR2h) io OR APPROVED EQUAL N.T.S. wPAVY DUTY GATE HINGE N 2 PER GATE) BAR 1" GALV '2' X 5" PRIVACY LINK i W/ PRIVACY SLATS I I I L LL J LA .I� 8A FENCE SCREENING DETAIL N.T S. 18" X18" X 84' LONG PRECAST CONCRETE 36• (4000 PSI) PAV 4' CONCRETE OR COMPACTED BORROW —t 30" BOLLARD DETAIL N.T.S. SITE ENGINEER: r CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. fOMANSREI.DNEWIANE SOUTHN(Atl.NGTON, W ORM IOQ-NFITI] FAM @Y4a11 x� wx�nr+/mn mrruenr loom IlmAreD DM" PBS m. m DSM ur♦ovm SAV OWNER: MUNSON EARTHMOVING CORP. APPLICANT: CEA PROPERTIES, LLC PROJECT: SIDEWALK RAMP CEA WITH HEAVY OFFICE BROOM FINISH 5'-0" MIN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TRANSITION CURB— I ( /^ PLAN SIDEWALK RAMP 1/2- REVEAL TEXTURED ROADWAY SURFACE - 5.0X MAX. ADJACENT TO RAMP 121 TYPICAL HANDICAP RAMP \ / N.T.S. SIDEWALK RAMP WITH HEAVY 5'-0' BROOM FINISH MIN. > PLAN SIDEWALK RAMP 1/2" REVEAL TEXTURED) ROADWAY SURFACE 5 OX MAX. ADJACENT SECTION A —A TO RAMP LOT 1A MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT DATZ MMI) 6r1510N N-10-08 D91/AQ Q:KOIN IIEMS015 ROAD & MISC. TEXTURED AUXILIARY RAMP DIST AS RED D. SIDEWALK RAMP AUXILIARY RAMP 5 -0 MIN DETAILS TO MEET GRADE SIDEWALK OF SIDEWALK ROUNDING TYP. MTi DMnnc INY♦nt FEB.,2007 SECTION B—B SCAB NO SCALE C-5.3 _ HANDICAP RAMP rm.. NO N.T.S. 06248 I 1 ExrwloA wAu ff c°rxaere eox PANEL 'A' PANEL 'B' ,. , ________ __ I I I ______ ,. I°• � I F'� ap 7. Ar �� T COVER PANELS, TOP VIEW r 3i.• aersen w Au LWLSIDE EDGES m ° IN IN COVER PANELS FRONT VIEW IS RECESSED LIFTING EYES. r6 REBAR IN APPROX. 2 5' r 6. SLOT (TOTAL 7 EYES) NOTES: b I PANEL 'A' DESIGN LOAD 9,680 Ibs In 2 PANEL 'B' DESIGN LOAD AASHTO H-10 SGQLE: I- 3' 3-PHASE PAD TRANSFORME GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER 35KV p BELOW CORPORATION 70 500KVA 2OBV t TO IOOOKVA DRAWN BY: LAW ONG. NO. OTW DISTRIBUTION STANDARD ORIGINAL APP• K30.: DATE: 4-I -96 SHEET'3 a EONEA[r—E 0 L °i PANEL 'A' PANEL 'B' 7' 0, I eo- Ir h COVER PANELS. TOP VIEW O /.' MA— ON ALL Sl IS EDGES � DJt 3, INT- 06. MIN f COVER PANELS, FRONT VIEW ■ RECESSED LIFTING EYES, 16 REBAR IN APPROX 2 5' x 6' SLOT (TOTAL 7 EYES) NOTES• b I PANEL 'A' DESIGN LOAD 9.680 lb. N 2 PANEL 'B' DESIGN LOAD AASHTO H-10. SCALE: I• 3' 3-PHASE PAD TRANSFORMER GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER 35K ¢ BELOW CORPORATION TO 500KVA 2oev t TO IOOOKVA 4e0V DRAWN BY: LAN IDWG. NO.DTW01625 DISTRIBUTION STANDARD ORIGINAL APP: K30.3 DATE: 4-15-96 SHEETn3 °T 3'� I I I 14• I � ffa 11 K30.3 UTILITY VAULT �J N.T.S. ABOVE TRANSFORMER VAULT IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT MAY BE REQUIRED. ALSO A PRECAST HANDHOLE MAY BE REQUIRED. CONTACT UTILITY COMPANIES FOR ACTUAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. ELECTRICAL CABLE MARKING TAPE SHALL BE PLACED 6' TO 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE LL I APPROVED BACKFI 40" MIN. THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS TELEPHONE CABLE E T C MIN 4" SAND OR ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FINE GRAVEL ON ALL SIDCS OF CONDUIT 24" MIN CONDUIT SHALL BE ENCASED IN A 4" ENVELOPE OF CONCRETE UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. A FOR INSTALLATION UNDER THE TRAVEL PORTION OF THE ROAD. B WITHIN 10' OF WATER, SEWER, GAS AND DRAIN CROSSING. 2ELECTRICAL TRENCH -PRIMARY N.T.S. ELECTRICAL CABLE MARKING TAPE SHALL BE PLACED e" TO 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE I APPROVED BACKFILL 24" MIN COMPACTED IN B" LIFTS TELEPHONE CABLE 4THOROUGHLY MIN 4" SAND OR ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FINE GRAVEL ON ALL SIDES OF CONDUIT 341 340 339 33e CABLE MARKING TAPE SHALL 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE I APPROVED BACKFILL 36" MIN. THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN B" LIFTS MIN 6" SAND OR FINE GRAVEL ON ALL SIDES OF CONDUIT IN AREAS OF ROCKY SOIL ENCH DETAIL ANCHOR BOLTS h TEMPLATE BY LIGHT POLE SUPPLIER FLAG BOLT OR CADWELD POLE GROUND WIRE TO POLE PAVEMEN FINISH GRADES 3"1 SURFACE • II II t z 3/4" CONDUIT FOR I•_ o 06 BARE COPPER _.I T, GROUND WIRE (4) #5 VERTICAL--- 3/4" X 10' COPPER I I WELD GROUND ROD BOND TO CONDUIT, TIES ®12" O.C. BASE &POLE y3 n FLAG POLE DETAIL N.7.S SETBACK/� FNISH BATTER GRADE 6" TOPSOIL DRY LAID FIELD STONE FILTER FABRIC :j WALL FINAL GRADE STRUCTURAL BACK FILL x =1 K-1 I I--III--III— 3" T=EMBEDMENTr 6" UNIT CORE FILL —IIT�h.JT�, 4'► PERFORATED SDR 35 LEVELING DRAINAGE PIPE WITH 3/4"— PAD (COMPACTED 1 1/2• DRAINAGE STONE CRUSHED STONE) & FILTER FABRIC TIE INTO YARD GRAIN nTYPICAL MASONRY BLOCK RETAINING WALL SECTION N.T.S. FINISH GRADE o r TOP OF BEHIND RETAINING WALL / RETAINING WALL ELEV. 341.5 4" PERF. SDR 35 PVC DRAIN LINE � 12" COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE LEVELING PAD sA MASONRY BLOCK RETAINING WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1" � 5t_ ALL DSM E SITE ENGINEER: f CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. tDM4WSTmouiEwur sourReuwNDTav,vrDsa3 mwrzm FAID °m.w�-nn ao: ww..�.emn rnrncam ®aAo - m aaaamD DMlln ACL cn.claD Arraorw DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33807 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROTECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 8 103 BODO/N STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT nmelon340 UTILITY ,,, & MISC. 339 DETAILS � 33e 337 EXISTING GRADE DnAnnc nuluEn SEPT., 2008 NO SCALE C-5.4 N101. nc. 08164 SECTION 02110 SITE CLEARING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1 Remove surface debris. 2. Clear site of plant IIfa and grass. 3 Remove "an and shrubs. 4 Remove root system of trees and shrubs PART 2-PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION A Protect utilities that remain from damage. B. Protect bees, plant growth, and features designated to remain as final landscaping. C. Project bench marks and existing structures from damage or dlaPlacemsnt D Um moans necessary to prevent dust becoming a nuisance to the public, to neighbors, and to other work being performed on or near the site E. Maintain access to the site at all times 3.02 CLEARING A. Clear areas required for access to site and execution of Work. B Remove tress and shrubs within areas as Indicated on the Plans Remove sbmps, roots and tap roots and other projections 1 %" or greater in diameter to 2'-0" below the excavated surfaces In cut areas and 2'-0" below the exposed subgrado In All areas. 3.03 REMOVAL A. Remove debris, rock, and extracted plant life from sits B The Contractor shall coordinate Work with the Engineer and Owner In establishing suitable antes within the property limits for depositing debris, rocks and extracted plant life The Contractor shall be responsible for backfllling (capping) and grading all waste ekes 3.04 UTILITIES A Coordinate with utility companies and agencies an required. END OF SECTION 02110 SECTION 02010 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A The Contractor shall maintain traffic in the project area to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Engineer This would typically mean allowable shod duration (15-20 minutes) Interruptions and full -day closure for bridge Installation it necessary. Access by amergmay vehicles must be allowed at any time of the day. The Contractor will be responsible to furnish, Install and relocate channelizatlon barriers as required to protect the tragic, workmen and new work. It shall be the sofa responsibility of the Contractor to keep the Local Agencies (Including but not limited to Town Highway Department, Police and Fire Departments) pro-wemed at least 72 hours In advance of changes in traffic patterns due to reduction of pavement widths or doming of streets. The Contractor shall supply, Install, maintain, adjust, move, relocate, and store all signs, suitably lighted barricades, traffic cones and traffic delineators, an necessary to cowry, out the traffic routing plan end maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic All of this work shall meet the requirements of Local Agencies and the Owner B. The Contractor shall furnish, light, and maintain such signs as may be directed, or may be necessary for the safe regulation, or convenience of traffic Said signs will be as specified, they shall be adequate for the regulation, an" and convenience of traffic. The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain suitably lighted barricades, warning lights, etc.as needed, or as directed In order to keep people, animals and vehicles from excavations, obstacles, etc. The Contractor may be required to employ trafAcmen and take other such reasonable means or precautions as the Owner may direct, or as may be needed to pment damage or injury to persons, vehicles, or other properly, and to minimize the Inconvenience and danger to the public by him construction operatlons.c The Contractor shall confine his occupancy of public or traveled ways to the smalleet space compatible with the efficient and safe performance of the work contemplated by the contract C. The Contractor shall observe and obey all local and state laws, ordinances, regulations and permits In relation to the obstruction of streets and highways, keeping possage-sys open and protecting troAlc whom them may be danger from all construction activities. D Suitable lighted bathers or barricades shell be furnished by the Contractor and put up and maintained at all times during the night or daytime, around all open ditches, trenches, excavations, or other work potentially dangerous to traffic Such barricades shall be constructed of 2 inch by 51nch rough lumber, securely supported and braced at least 3 feet high above the ground. Barricades shag be placed on all sides and throughout the entire length and breadth of all open ditches, trenches, excavations, or other, work which must be barred to the general public. Barricades shag be properly painted to the satisfaction of the Owner in order to retain a high degree of visibility to vehicular pedestrian traffic. E. Suitably lighted barricades shall be defined as barricades in by flashers In accordance with the paragraph or other lighting methods approved by the Owner In Ileu thereof. Flashers shell be placed along the entire length of the barricades at an Interval no greater than 5 feet, center to canter. Flashers shall be power operated, lens directed, enclosed light units which shall provide intermittent light from 70 to 120 flashers per minute, with the period of light emittance occurring not less than 25 percent of each on -off cycle, regardless of temperature The emitted light shall be yellow in color and less than 12 square inches The discernible light shall be bright enough 10 be oonspauously visible during the hours of darkness at a rninimum distance of $00 fast from the unit under one or more directions, the foregoing specifications shall apply 10 degrees or mom to the side end 5 degrees or mom above and balm the photometric axis F. The Contractor shall furnish and securely fasten gashing units to signs, barricades, and other objects in such numbers and for such lengths of time as am required for this maintenance and protection of tragic, or as the Engineer may order The flasher shell be In operation during all hours between sunset and sunnse, and during periods of low visibility. The Contractor shall maintain, relocate and operate barricades and flashers throughout the life of the controcL Should the Contractor or his employees neglect to set out and maintain barricades or lights, as required In these specifications, the Owner Immediately, and without notice, may fumish. Install and maintain bamcodes or lights. The cost from any amount due or to become due to the Contractor under this contract. G If the Contractor's operations or occupancy of any public stiest or highway, or the uneven surfaces over any trenches being maintained by the Contractor shall Interfere with the removal or sending of snow or Ice by the public authorities or adjoining lend owners, In an ordinary manner with regular highway equipment, the Contractor shall be required to perform ouch service for the public authorities or adjoining owners without charge. If the Contractor falls to do so, he shall reimburse the said authorities or adjoining owners for any additional coat to them for doing such work occasioned by conditions arising from the Contractors operations, occupancy, or trench surfaces, together with any damage to the equipment of Bald Parham by those conditions, or dahms of any parties for damage or Injury or loss by reason of failure to remove snow or ice or to sand ley spots under these conditions may be H The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing and installing any stolen traNc signs at no additional cost to the Owner uct I The preceding are minimum requirements for the maintenance and protection of traffic during the construction of the project If the Contractor deems that additional devices are required, they shall be Installed after contacting the Owner. END OF SECTION 02010 SECTION 02210 SITE EARTHWORK PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A Section Includes 1 NI utility and sitswork excavation (unless covered In other sections of these specifications), removal and stockpile of topsoil, stabilization fabric, and other miscellaneous and appurtenant works. 2. Slle Ailing. 3 Roadway/parking lot structural sections 1.02 REFERENCES A ANSUASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. B ANSI/ASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort. 1.03 PROTECTION A Protect bench marks and existing structures B Protect above and below grade utilities which am to remain 1.04 SUBMITTALS A Testing laboratory reports Indicating that material for beckfill meets requirements of this Section B Field density test reports of site All in place C Field density test reports for roadway structural sections in place. D Stabilization Fabric: Submit copies of manufacturers specifications and Installation Instructions PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 BANK RUN GRAVEL A This material shall most the following grading requirements, Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Paeana Square Mesh Sieve No.4 20-60 No 100 0-12 No 200 0.6 The gravel shall be uniformly graded from coorm to An@ and the maximum sore stone particle shall not exceed 213 of the thickness of the layer being placed or 4". whichever is bee 2.02 CRUSHED GRAVEL A All materials shall be secured from approved sources This gravel shall consist of angular and round fragments of hard durable mck of uniform quality throughout, reasonably free from thin elongated pieces soft or disintegrated etc", did, organic or other objectionable matter This material shall meet the fallowing grading requirements Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Panama Square Mesh Sieve Fine, 2" 100 1 1" 90 - 100 No 4 30-60 No 100 0-12 No 200 0-6 Coame 4" 95 - 100 No 4 25 - 50 No 100 0-12 No 200 0-6 2.03 AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE A. Aggregate for surface course and shoulders shall consist of dean, hard gravel, crushed gravel or =shed atone It shall be reasonably free from silt, loam, day or organic math. It shall be obtained from approved sources. B Grading This material shall be uniformly graded from coarse to fine and shall meet the following grading requirements Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Passing Square Mesh Sieve i J" 100 1" 90-100 No 4 45-65 No 100 0-15 No 200 0-12 2.04 COMPACTED FILLIGRANULAR BORROW A. This material shall be free of shale, clay, table material, debris, and organic matter, graded in accordance with ANSI/ASTM C136 within the following limits Percent by Weight Sieve Designation Passing Square Mesh Steve 6" 100 t 75 - 100 No 4 20 - 100 No 100 0 - 20 No 200 0-12 2.05 GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION FABRIC A This work shall consist of furnishing and placing an approved stabilization fabric on a prepared surface within the limits shown on the plans The fabric shall meet, or exceed the following properties 1. Grab tensile strength (ASTM D-4632) - 200lbs 2 Grab tensile elongation (ASTM D4632) - 15% 3. Puncture strength (ASTM D-1533)- 120lbs PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum B. Identity known below grade utilities Stake and flag locations C Maintain and protect existing utilities remaining which pass through work area 3.02 EROSION CONTROL A Erosion control must be installed prior to beginning any earthwork operations 3.03 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION A Excavate topsoil from areas to be excavated, re -landscaped or regraded and stockpile In areas designated on site or as directed by the Engineer. 8 Maintain the stockpile in a manner which will not obstruct the natural flow of drainage 1. Maintain stockpile free from debris and trash 2. Keep the topsoil damp to prevent dual and drying out. 3.04 SUBSOIL EXCAVATION A. Excavate subsoil from areas to be regraded in accordance with plane B. Excavate subsoil required to accommodate building foundations, slabs on grade, site structures, construction operations, made, and parking areas C Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation. D. Notify Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work In area until notdled to resume work E. Correct areas over -excavated by error an directed by the Engineer at no cost to the Owner 3.06 DITCHES A. Cut accurately to the cross -sections, grades, and elevations shown B. Maintain excavations free from detrimental quantities of leaves, slicks, trash, and other debris until completion of the work C. Dispose of excavated materials as shown on the drawings or directed by the sails Engineer, except do not. in any case, deposit materials less than three feet from the edge of a ditch. 3.06 EMBANKMENTS AND BERMS A. When embankments are to be made on a hillside, the slope of the original ground on which the embankments are to be constructed shall be stepped and properly drained as the fill is constructed so that adverse movements of the slopes do not occur. B. Any excavated rock, ledge, boulders, and stone, except where required in the construction of other Items or otherwise directed, shall be used In the construchon of embankments to the extent of the project requirements and generally shall be placed so as to form the base of an embankment C Frozen material shall not be used In the construction of embankments, nor shall the embankments or sumps ,we layers of the embankments be placed upon frozen material Placement of material other than rock shall stop when the sustained air temperature, below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, prohibits the obtaining of the required compaction. If the material is otherwise acceptable, It shall be stockpiled and reserved for future use when its condition A acceptable for use in embankments. D. When an embankment Is to be constructed across a swamp, muck, or areas of unstable soils, the unsuitable material shall be excavated to reach soils of adequate bearing capacity and the embankment begun Alternative methods, such as use of a stabilization fabnc In place of excavation and backfill, may be utilized only after approval of some by the Engineer E Matenal being placed in embankment$ shall be placed in horizontal layers of uniform thickness across the full width of the embankment. Stumps, trees, rubbish, and other unsuitable material shell not be placed in embankments. F. Embankment areas shall be placed In eight -Inch Ilfls Effective spreading equipment shall be used on each layer to obtain uniform thickness prior to compaction Each layer shall be kept crowned to shed water to the outside edge of embankment and continuous leveling and manipulating will be required to assure uniform density The entire area of each layer shall be uniformly compacted to at least the required minimum density by use of compaction equipment consisting of rollers, compactors, or a combination thereof. Earthariovhng and other equipment not specifically manufactured for compaction purposes will not be considered as compaction equipment G. All All material shall be compacted at a moisture content suitable for obtaining the required density In no came shall the moisture content In each layer under construction be more than three percent above the optimum moisture content and shall be less than that quantity that will cause the embankment to become unstable during compaction. Sponginess, shoving, or other displacement under heavy equipment shall be considered evidence for an engineering determination of lack of stability under this requirement, and further placement of material in the area affected shall be stopped or retarded to allow the material to stabilize H. When the moisture content of the material in the layer under construction Is less than the amount necessary to obtain satisfactory compaction by mechanical compaction methods, water shall be added by pressure distributors orotherapproved equipment Water may also be added In excavation or boimw prtB. The water shall be uniformly and thoroughly Incorporated Into the sod by disc, harrowing, binding, or by other approved methods. This manpulabon may be omitted for sands and gravel. When the moisture content of the material is in excess of three percent above optimum molature content. dry material shall be thoroughly incorporated into the wet material, or the wet material shall be aerated by disking, harrowing, bladhng, rotary mixing, or by other approved methods, or compaction of the layer of wet material shall be deferred until the layer has dried to the required moisture contend by evaporation 3.07 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS A All backfills and fills shall be compacted In aven Ilfis (12" maximum) to attain the required densities as follows, Standard Proctor Location ASTM D-698 Subgrade and Gravel for Roads and Parleng Lots 95% General Embankments 90% 3.04 MAINTENANCE A AN earthwork should be checked periodically to am that slopes are in good condition. Any rills or damage from erosion and ammo) burrowing should be repaired immediately to avoid further damage. If seeps develop on the slopes, the area should be evaluated to determine if the seep will cause an unstable condition. Subsurface drains or gravel mulching may be required to solve seep problems. Diversions, berms, and waterways in the land grading area should be checked to see that they are functioning property Problems found during the inspections should be repaired Promptly END OF SECTION 02210 SECTION 02225 UTILITY TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING PART 1-GENERAL --- -- --- "- 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1 Trench, backfill, and compact as specified herein and as needed for Installation of underground utilities located 5 feet outside the buildings 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workers who am thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of thin section. B. Use equipment adequate in see, capacity, and numbers to accomplish the work in a timely manner. C. Comply with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSUASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Flne and Coarse Aggregates. B ANSVASTM D698 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SOIL MATERIALS A. F01 and backfill materials: 1 Fill material is subject to the approval of the Engineer Material provided can be removed from excavations on site or imported from approved off-s0e borrow areas. Materials moat be predominantly granular, nonyxpsnsive soil free from porous matter, organic matter and other deleterious matter and contain no rocks or lumps over 6Inch" in greatest dimension. 2. Rocks having a dimension greater than 2 Inches shall not be placed within 2 fast of the outside of pipe. 3 Cohesionless material used for backfill: Provide sand free from organic material and other foreign matter, and as approved by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this eschon will be parfonmd. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions am coroctsd, 3.02 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contoum, and datum 3.03 PROCEDURES A. Existing Utilities, 1. Unless shown to be removed, protect active utility lines shown on the drawings or otherwise made known to the Contractor prior to trenching. If damaged, repair or replace at no oval to the Owner 2 When ewating underground utilities, which am not scheduled for removal or abandonment, am mmuntered In the excavation, they shall be adequately supported and protected from damage. Any damage to utilities shall be repaired promptly at no additional coat to the Owner. 3 If utility service Is interrupted as a mutt of work under this section. Immediately motor@ service by repairing the damaged utility at no additional cost to the Owner 4 If existing utilities are found to interfere with tic permanent fadities being constructed under this section, Immediately notify the Engineer and secure Instructions 5. Do not proceed with dsruption of service or permanent relocation of utilities until written instructions are received from the Engineer. B Protection of persons and property 1 Barricade open holes and depressions occurring as pad of the work, and post 'warning lights on property adjacent to or with public scones 2. Operate warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn each day and as otherwise required. 3 Protect sbucturos, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, anti other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement. washout, and other hazards created by operations under this section. C Dewatmrig The Contractor, at all times, shall conduct operetions so as to prevent the accumulation of water, Ice, and snow In excavations or in the vicinity of excavated areas, and to prevent water from intedenng with the progress and quality of the work. Under no conditions shall wader be allowed to nee In open trenches after Pipe has been placed D Accumulated water, im, and snow shall be promptly removed and disposed of by pumping or other approved means. Disposal shall be eomed out in a manner which will not create a hazard to public health, nor cause injury to public or private property, work completed or In progress, or public streets, nor cause any interference in the use of streets and road by the public. Pipes under constmchon shell not be used for drainage of excavations E. Maintain access to adjacent areas at oil time 3.04 TRENCHING A Provide shooting and shodng necessary for protection of the work and for the safety of personnel. 1 Shooting and bracing required for trenches shall be removed to the elevation of the pipe, but no shooting will be allowed to be pulled, removed, or disturbed below the pipe B A tench shall be excavated to the required depth and to a width sufficient to allow for joining of the pipe and compaction of the bedding end bec fill material under and around the pipe. C. The completed trench bottom shall be firm for Its full length and width D If Indicated on the plans or directed by the Engineer, poor foundation material encountered below the normal grade of the pipe bed shot] be removed and replaced with granular backnit E. Where pipes are to be placed In embankment All, the excavation shall be made after the embankment has been completed to a height of 3 foot plus the diameter of the pipe above the designed grade of the pipe. F Excavating for appurtenances: 1 Excavate for manholes and similar shu=ins to a distance sufficlent to leave at least 12 Inch" clear between outer surfaces and the embankment or shoring that may be used to hold and protect the banks 2. Over -depth excavation beyond such appurtenances that has not been directed will be considered unauthorized. Fill with sand, gravel, or ban concrete as directed by the Engineer, and at no additional met to the Owner G. Excavation shall not interim with normal 45 degree bearing splay of foundations. H. Where utility runs traverse public property or are subject to governmental or utility company jurisdiction, provide depth. bedding, cover. and other requhremenfa as sal fors by legally constinded authority having jurisdiction, but In no came less than the depth shown in this Contract Documents. 1. Where trenching occurs in existing lawns, remove turf In sections and keep damp Replace turf upon completion of the backfdling SITE ENGINEER: f r CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC. 10MAIll WEWu1W SOUMuIALMX1171N, yr 05101 sazas.-sus rwc sm.ssrnn w: �w...w.,acaa ar m awns - iiosavm on- ACL cescaso DSM srreowm DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT SPECIFICATIONS DArs DBBmNU NVaeali AUG., 2008 Scua NONE C-6 e O PM. N0. 08164 3.05 BEDDING A. Pipe Bedding Area. Prior to laying pipe, bedding material shall be placed to the limits of the excavation and to a depth beneath the pipe as specified. This material shall be either sand, gravel, or crushed stone and Shall not contain large kimps and stone. over one Inch In diameter. As the pipe Is lald, bedding material shall be extended to 6lnches above the pipe end leveled along be width of the bench. 3.06 BACKFILLING A. Backillling shall not be done In freezing weather, with frozen materials, or when materials already placed era frozen B SacMlll material shag be evenly spread and compacted In lift not more than 12 Inches thick or me approved by the Engineer. Previously placed or new materials shag be moistened by sprinkling, If required, to enure proper bond and compaction C. Trenches which have been Improperly bockNled, enclosed or covered up before 4 has been approved shall be reopened Refill and compact as specified, or otherwise correct to the approval of the Engineer, at m additional coat to the Owner. D. Take special con In bacdgling and bedding operations to not damage pipe and pipe coatings. E. No compacting shall be done when the material Is too wet to be compacted property. At such Imes the work shell be suspended unit the previously placed and new materials have dried out sufficiently to permit proper compection, or such other precautions are taken as may be necessary to obtain proper compoctlon. F Backfill material shall be compacted to the following percentogea of maximum dry density end the tin -piece moisture content shall not be more than 2% obeve the optimum moisture content, as determined by Standard Proctor ASTM D696. 1. Around oil structures, under roadway paving, shoulder and embankments -95%. 2. All other areas - 90% G Frost Protection Pipes lad with less than the minimum Cover over the Crown and when approved by the Engineer shall be protected against freezing by installation of rigid insulation for the width of the trench Insulation shall be a minimum of 2 Inches thick with one additional Inch of thickness for every foot of depth of piping less than 5 feet, The shoots shall be placed 6 Inches above the crown of the sewer after compaction of the 6 Inch IM Immediately above the Crown Caro shall be exarceed by the Contactor during backfill and compaction over the Insulation The sheets shall meet the compressive strength requirements of ASTM D1621-73 3.07 TEST FOR DISPLACEMENT OF SEWERS AND STORMORAINS A After the trench has been backfilled to above the pipe end has been compacted as specified, check sewers and storrndahna to determine whether displacement hoe occurred B Visually inspect pipe installation by gashing a light between manholes or between the locations of the manholes, by means of a flashlight or by reflecting sunlight with a mirror C If the Illuminated Interior of the pipe line shows poor alignment, displaced pipes, or any other defects, correct the defects to the specified conditions and at no addlonel coat to the Owner D After visual approval of pipe, a 95% mandrel test must be performed END OF SECTION 02225 SECTION 02260 DUST CONTROL PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A This work @hall conist of furnishing and applying coloum chloride or water to reduce dust nuisance and hazard in accordance with these specifications and as directed by the Engineer. S Related work 1. Documents affecting work of this section Include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections of Division 1 of these specifications PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 CALCIUM CHLORIDE A. The materiels used shall meat the requirements of AASHTO M 144 except that penal forth and flake form shall be acceptable. 2.02 WATER A All water used shall be clew and free of harmful amounts of oil, salt, acids, alkalies, sugar, organic matter or other substances injurious to the finished product, plant Ile or the establishment of vegetation. When the south of water is relatively shallow, the Intake shall be maintained at such a depth and to enclosed as to exclude silt, mud. gr3se and other foreign materials. No formal tests of water will be made unless the Engineer questions the quality of the water. Water known to be of potable quality may be used without tests PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR WATER A. Calcium chloride (for roadway.) or water (for embankments) shall be applied only at the loeatlona, at such times and in the amount as may be directed by the Engineer. An average application of one pound of calcium chloride per square yard of exposed area should be considered for each treatment. The exact number of applications and amount of dust controller shall be based upon field and "other conditions. It shall be spread in such manner and by such devices that uniform distribution is attained over the entire area on which it is ordered placed PART 4 - FAILURE TO COMPLY A In the event that, In the judgement of the Engineer, the Contractor fads to adequately Control the dust as directed and In accordance with this specification, the sum of $150.00 par Calendar day will be deducted from any money due the Contractor as a failure to comply with this specification. In addition, it the Owner is required to perform the dust control operations on the project due to failure of the Contractor to perform adequately, the costs aasoctated with the Owners operations will also be deducted from money due the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02260 SECTION 02400 WORK ON OR NEAR PRIVATE PROPERTY PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A The work under this section includes the protection of private property and the restoration of areas near or on private property (For further requirements see the General Conditions and the Special Conditions of these specifications.) 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shag, upon sword of the Contract, take photographs of the existing condtions In the project area These photographs shall be taken as directed by the Owner ■ndlor as follows: 1. Any suitable camera may be used, but the lens must be a "Mcit angle tans" having a tool length of not more than thirty-five (35) millimeters. 2 The photographs shall be at least three and a holf (3.5) Inches wide and Me (5) Inches long, colored, printed with a method finish and borderleas. Each photograph shell be marked with the following information on the back: Location Station Date B. Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit a second ael of photographs, taken as before, showing the Conditions in the project area Each photograph shall be marked on the back as specified above C. Approximately 10 each before and after photographs will be required 1.03 PROTECTION A. Every effort &hall be mode to protect private or public property during construction All damaged tress, shrubs end other vogotahon shall be replaced In kind by the Contractor at no additional coat to the Owner PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All materials not specifically described, but required for work included in this section shall be now, flat quality of their respective kinds, and subject to the approval of the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LAWNS A In areas where removal of lawns in necessary to Complete the work, the Contractor may elect to cut. remove and stockpile the sod and put It back at the completion of the work, or replace the sod with new sod Seeding shall not be Considered as an approved equal to either of the above alternatives 3.02 BUSHES A Bushes which are In the way of the construction and are located on private property shall either be removed, stored and replanted or shall be replaced at the option of the Owner 3.03 PAVEMENT A. Existing driveways and parking areas shall be protected during the Conewction. Damaged paved areas outside the contract limits shall be natty Cut out and replaced with bituminous concrete to the complete satisfaction of the Owner. END OF SECTION 02400 SECTION 02439 STONE FILL PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes, 1. Stone FIII - Types 1, 11, 111, and IV 2. Rip -Rap - Heavy Type, Light Type. 3 Geotextife Fabric. B. This work shall Consist of furnishing end placing protective materials in conformity with the dimensions, elevations and at the locations indicated in the Contract or as directed by the Engineer. 1.02 REFERENCES A VAOT Standard Specifications, Section 700. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 STONE FOR STONE FILL A Stone for stone fig shall be approved, hard, blasted angular rock other than serpentine rock Containing the fibrous variety chrysoble (asbestos) The least dimension of the alone shall be greater than 113 of the longest dimension The stone fill shall be reasonably visit graded from the smallest to the maximum am* atone specified so as to form a compact man when in place Type 1 The longest dimension of the atone shag vary from 1 Inch to 12 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone in place shall have IN least dimension of four inches Type It: The longest dimension of the stone shell vary from 2 inches to 36 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the dons in place shall have a least dimension of 12 inches. Type III: The longest dimension of the stone shall vary from 3 inches to 48 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the stone in place Shall have a least dimension of 16 inches, Type IV The longest dimension of the stone shall vary from 3 inches to 60 Inches, and at least 50 percent of the volume of the alone inplace shall have o least dimension of 20 inches. 2.02 RIP -RAP A Stone for rip -rap shall be approved, rough, unhevm quarry stale, as nearly rectangular in section as practicable. The stone shall be had, sound and resistant to the action of water and weathering. They shall be of a rock type other than serpentine rock containing the fibrous variety chrysothle (asbestos) and suitable in every respect for live purpose intended. Heavy Type The hndwidue stones shall have a depth equal to the thickness of the course of rip -rap At least 75 percent of the volume of the np-rap, complete In place, shall consist of stones that have a minimum volume of 16 cubic feet. Light Type: The individual stones shall have .tlepth equal to the thickness of the counts of rip -rap. The np+ p, complete in place, shall consist of stones that have a minimum volume of 1/2 cubic fool 2.03 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC A Geotexhle fabric shell conform to the requirements of Section 02210 - Site Earthwork PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A The areas to be protected shall be constructed and graded to the lines Indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer and, If a fill area, shall be compacted. All slopes shall be maintained to the neat lines indicated on the plans prior to the placing of geotexble fabric or bedding material, stone fill, np-rap or slope paving. 3.02 PLACING STONE FILL A The specified stone fill shall be placed In one course thickness as shown on the plans in a manner that will result In a reasonably well graded surface Care shall be taken in the placing to avoid displacing of the underlying matenal. B The stones shall be se placed and distributed that there will be no accumulations of either the larger or smeller sizes of stone. C. Rearrangement of the stone fill by hand labor or mechanical equipment may be required to obtain the specified results. D When stone fill and geotexble fabric are to be placed as part of an embankment, the protective materials shell be placed concupen0y with the construction of the embankment unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. E When stone fill and geotexthle fabric is to be pieced under water, methods shall be used that will minimize segregation and Insure that the required thickness of protective material will be obtained END OF SECTION 02439 SECTION 02513 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING PART 1-GENERAL im SUMMARY A Section N¢kdu 1 Base Caunu 2 Lrvstlog Courses 3 Finish Cane B General This work shall -.at of one or mar. counts of bitunnous mature, construdad on o prpeed foundation In accordance with mass Spadficatiens W the type Of sud.- being Placed. and In conkorrity with the time, gness. thMims sses W typcat emas sections shown On the pia or ssabMNed by the Engines, 102 DUALITY ASSURANCE A Use sdeguals mmban Of skilled waders who thoroughly mined W aspaWmad In to necessary sate and who a s mmpNny famltar MM the epecllod regue ssmanle ant he msthpd. needed for proper psrimmnce.1 the wan OI his Section B AN motnale anti Installation NW be In acordanca with The Asphalt Instxule Marro (MS-4) and the VAOT Standard Sgct-tine, 1090 C Mast Plant. Conform W Sate of VamxxN Standards D Obtrrl mateml. from.... sauna hrMghmt 103 PROJECT CONDITIONS A Bhumlm is mncrets Nate not be paced beMNn Novemb.r 1 W May 1 MsteM shot not be ds,ad when the messier subbase a will or when the air tamps,akin M Me Paving site in Ms Neds and May from aMdel hit Is as ftllnvn At Temparatun Pa -rent Deoraas Fahrenheit Cmpmced Da M 40 Degrees or boor Gr.atr inn 11- a0 Depress or boM Less inn 1 1- PART2-PRODUCTS 201 MATERIALS A. Marto. "I be combined W graded to mest the entails as defined In the VAOT Sandal Specifications. DWaian 700 for Type 11(bass nun.) W Type IV (finish course) bitummou. commas. B. Gradation. Materials Nat be crrMmd and graded to min composition ltMh spatted in VAOT Sandal Specification. Section 405 03, for the base mums W (MdN course C. Thickness of Paving W dine. W pWrg k a sh.N be a shewn on Me pane, cpnating of be. mhee. slid A.I hcane D. For p- rat n smdbih sera due to bandhag, the depthof edh ceurss.MN b. Inaeaaad by l/T Paysmnl rerorlsWdlon mp by trench reopsnM due n Mnpmpr pW_- wnarypP rid pW.m@nl shall ba perlonmtl at m addMonat cost W er Owmr 2.02 TRAFFIC MARKINGS A TrsMc m nki g Pent W be achxyndxad, maetrhg the requlrerrwla of the VAOT Sh ndwd SpadOcadons, Section 708 OIL PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A Install In scoordsrho ash VAOT SWNad Spedllnbur. Section 408 3 02 EXAMINATION A Verlry bass comMon. under the p-Mon , of Section 02210-Sit. EedMnt. B. Vadry Thal compacted gnnulr base la dry and ready to support p.nbg and Mnp w load.. C Verify gradlem. W .1-tors of bass es -red. 303 PREPARATION A Meeting Sudecas when a maw pavement Is to match an sWNng blWmkeua pavemnl M • rwtlway a bainch, to Contrsclor shot vaNWy smmM M M. esWhg pavwrns,M1 wr the edsbrg giavr bass Thi smoothcot.M0 be I -.Oy mr.d W mined w@h Emuiafied Asphak RS-1. Not pin to prA g 3 04 PREPARATION -TACK COAT A. when tr heaom course of bhuminous comes pa-u h@ ten ovar Me vinW. or an" I. In W road. Ovs, an Mating bituminous concsa pavement the edlidng suds- N.N W dearhed W EmcaRl d Asphot applied before Me rind mime I. applied. B Also apply to cxued surisces darbe C Coat surfaces of manhole W catch been hsnhss with ON to prays,a bond aft uphill pe,ament Do coltad costthw eurte-e. 3 05 PLACING ASPHALT PAVEMENT A Ph- to mmp.cad Momeu atWfied on th. can.. B Compact pevannue by mMg. Do not dsoace or oxbuds pint-rx fran pp.IMon Hand compact In areas maccaselble W rolitng equipment C Develop miling with come-tve pa.ess to achieve even and sm-M Irish. Wlhmt roller marks 3 05 JOINTS A Joints batwan old W new psssmsnte or beteenah suc-calico days wok Nall be made as tore thorough Insure, a rrough continuous bondn babsethe old W ChM miskees soa. the spreading Process Is Intenuped"enough W the mtixhae to mean It. Most stability. the p. hall be rsrpnad hen the cost W .loin oxabuded B But joints MaN De formed by cutting Me poem In a vent -I Ixne 0 ill mVn to the canladir s wean the p.vsmnt has. true surface.. determined by Me uss of. almghl�dga The but lam area be toothy coaled,10, Emdated Asphalt. Type RS-1. lust Prior to depositing it* pwkg mehm C Longihrdna jdMs that her became cold Nall be coaled with EmuWMd Asphalt, Type RS-1, beforethe adjwnt mat la paNayas. n ced thhbeaexpoe d to bstll thy erell b. N I back to a den vedlcal edge prior to psevirg with the amdelon D Unless otherwise dlnda larVaudbhat jdrds Nany be offset at least P hen y joint In the lover mursee of p.v.m.d T-hsvru cant. NW not be mnatuded-Car than om fad from the tisiays,ss Ants constructed In lower omnee. 307 TOLERANCES A The surface mil be tested by Me Englossr haft ■ 16 loot shagift-"s M selected Iocetlons la-lletwith me cnnteln. Any varataa excnding Nl6 d m Inch be~ any Mo console Natl be satisfacorly sa ended A 10 fool Neplx-scipe may be used on a vnl-I curve Th. straight -Wits. Nsfi be provided by tle Contracts B Scheduled Compacted Thickness- within 114 MWh C Variation from True Elevation Within 1/2 Yhm 308 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A Pemll no vNlwar tMAc on aWacas uatY tlnorohglNy cool W IW 3.09 REPAIR OF SUBSIDENCE A Settlement - Should any pavement sold@ within one year of completion of the Contact, such pavement shall be repaired at the Contractors expense If the Contractor fails to make such repairs promptly upon receipt of notice to do so from the Owner, then the Owner may make such repairs as necessary and the Contractor shall pay the Owner for all costs incurred In making such repairs. 3.10 MARKING PAVEMENT FOR PARKING A Striping - Thwoughly clean the areas to receive striping and locale all striping as indicated on the Contact Plans All striping shall bo 4" vndo unless otherme noted. B Miscellaneous - Provide handicapped symbols and all other miscellaneous signs and symbols as Indicated on the Contract Plans END OF SECTION 02513 SECTION 02593 GEOTEXTILE FABRICS PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This work shall consist of furnishing and placing gootextfes in underdarns, under embankments, for embankment reinforcement under riprep and stone fig, behind rejoining structures, over roadbed subgrades, and/or beneath pavement overlays, as Indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. B The mile of geolextiie shag be protected against damage and deterioration unit incorporated Into the project. The gootexhle shag be dry at the time of Installation. The geotexbfe shag be rejected If, at the time of Installation, it has defects, deterioration, or damage, as determined by the Engineer. C. Pnor to use, the geotexhle shall be stored in a clean, dry pace, out of direct sunlight, not subject to extremes of either hot er cold, and with the manufacturers protective cover In place. Receiving, storage, and handling at the job site shag be m accordance with the requirements of ASTM D 4873. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The geotexhle shall be Composed of a polymeric yam or fiber oriented Into a stable network which retains its relative structure during handling, placement, and design service Me Gootextiles may be rejected by the Engineer If dimensional stability or resistance of the gootsxtile to ambient tempeatures, acid and alkaline conditions, and micro-organisnwMaecls do not appear to be satisfactory for the Intended purpose. The geotextile shall meet or exceed the properties specified herein and In the special provisions The geotextile shall be free of any chemical trestrnant or coating which might significantly reduce permeability. The selvage of gootextlles shall be finished such that the outer fibers are prevented from pulling may from the fabric The geotextlle &hall be free of defects or tam. The material shall be protected from damage and deterioration until Incorporated into the project. 2.02 DEFINITIONS A. Geotexthle - A fabric manufactured specifically for use in wit engineering apphsollon. Fibers used In the manufacture of geot@xbles shall con" of long chain synthetic polymem. At least 85 percent by weight of the long chain polymers shall be polyephme. polyesters, or potyon des, polypropylenes, polyethylene, or pofyvinylldene chlorides B Drainage Geotexthe - Geotextile for Installation in underdmins or other drainage locations, as directed. C Stone Fill or Ripnp Geotexhle - Geotextile for installation behind and beneath stone fill or riprop and other erosion control applications, rock pieced for slope stabilization and rock @hoar keys D, Suborode Geotexhle - Gactextlle for installation on roadway subgrades and under railroad ballast and in other material separation opplicallous E. Machine Dlrectionlse - The long (or warp) direction of the gactextlN. The cros achlne (or fill) direction Is perpendicular to the machine direction F. Minimum Avenge Roll Values - The minimum overage roll value of any specific geotextle property is the minimum average of the test results from any roll within a tot G. Nonwoven Geotexflle - A textile produced by bonding or interlocking of fibers, or both, accomplished by mechanical. heat or chemical means H. Seam Allowance - The minimum distance from the edge of a geoteztlle to the stitch line nearest to that edge I. Seem Type - A designation relating to the easeneol dharacterisfim of geotedhte positioning and rows of stitching in a specified sewn seam, as shown on the plan. J Stich Type - A designation relating to the essential characteristics of the Interlacing of sewing thread(s) In a specified "am. as shown on the plans K Woven Geotoxdlee - A textile comprising two or more sets of filaments or yours Ohtedscad In such a way that they result In a uniform pattern 2.03 FACTORY SEAMS A. Where factory seems are made, the shoots of gootextile shall be amm together using a lock -type stitch. The seams shall be sawn with a poymenc thread. I e„ at least 85 percent by weight polyotephms, polyesters, or polysmidea, and shall be as resistant to deterioration as the geotextit. being sewn Nylon threads will not be allowed The strength of the seam shall be determined by the Wide Strip Tensile method and shall be at least equal to the larger of the minimum required tensile strength& for the Intended application. 2.04 FIELD SEAMS A. Where field seams wilt be made, the Contractor shag provide the Engineer with a field-etiched seam test sample in accordance with ASTM D 1683 The Enginears approval will be required prior to the Contractors production field stitchingheaming 2.05 SAMPLING, TEST CERTIFICATION, AND ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Sampling - All geotextifes shall be sampled In accordance with ASTM D 4354 The production unit used for sampling shall be a roll S. Testing - Tests shall be performed to determine geotoxdle properties specified herein for the intended application(s) AN goolextile property requirements are avenge minimum roll values The tensile strengths shall be determined In both machine and crcm- achlne directions. C. Acceptance Requirements - If the avenge minimum roll value for any tot Is leas than the average minimum roll value specified for the application, a if any test result is less than the average mean roll value for the lot minus two standard deviations, then the jot shah be rejected All rolls shelf be clearly labeled as being part of a lot which has been certified as meeting oil applicable requirements heroin D Average minimum roll values of each of the gooaxtlles used shall meet the requirements specified In the attached Table 2 5 Minimum Average Roll Values for Gootexties 2.06 EROSION CONTROL MATTING A Wrier@ required on the plans or when directed by the Engineer. erosion control blankets (makng) *hall be North American Green C125 for swales, and SC150 for slope stabilization, or approved equal. SITE ENGINEER: r 6 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATEL INC. 10MANSFEIOMEWI411114 SOINHBUIlMTON, VrOt 4OHNN d2a CAC &--coast nee www.essaaas onAen ACL coact® DSM MTeovm DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 331107 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT 6@VISION SPECIFICATIONS "To I DMSMO NOasOI AUG., 2008 srAu& NONE C-6. 1 maw rip. 08164 D PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A The surface receiving the geoexge shag be prepared to a smooth condition free of obstruction, depressions and debris. to the nest Isms and grades as shown on the contract plans, unions otherwise directetl by the Engineer Whore angular aggregate or sharp objects will be in contact with the geotextile, increased geotextile strength properties will be required, as stated In Part 2. The geotextlle shall not be dragged on the ground or mishandled in any way. The geotextile shall be placed loosely and without wrinkles w that placement of the overlying material will not tear the gsotexie. The geotexble shag be lopped or sawn as specified, at the ends and sides of adjoining sheds. In addition to the above general requirements the following speaftc requirements shall be followed for the specified application: B Geeextile Placement on Slopes - The geotextile sheets shall be placed with the machine direction oriented perpoMiarlar to the slope. When the geotextile is placed on slopes steeper than 6H 1 V, the upper sheets shall lop over the top of the lower sheets The laps shall be securely anchored to the ground surface with pins or stakes as necessary to prevent slippage and tearing of the gsotextlo. Pins shell be steel or fibergloss fomhad ass "U", "L", or "T" shop. or contain "eon" to prevent total penetration. Steel washers shall be provided on all but the "U" shaped pins Tho upstromm or up -dope gwlexhle shall overlap the abutting down -slops geotextile At , an imps, somfing pins shall be Inserted through both layers along a line through approximately the midpoint of the overlap At horizontal laps and am.. slope 1". Securing pins shall be inserted through the bottom layer only Secoring pins shall be placed along a fins approximately two Inches in from edge of the placed gwtextlle at inervals not to exceed 12 feet unless otherwise specifled, Additional pins shall be installed as necessary and where appropriate, to prevent any undue slippage or movement of the geotexti le The use of Securing pins will be hold to the minimum necessary. Pins are to be IM In place unless otherwise specified C. Geolextlle Placement for Streembank Protection - Where gootexbfes am placed under water, or in an area whore water will flow, the geoaxtle shall be placed with its machine direction parallel to the direction of water flow Successive geolexgle sheets shall be overlapped In such a manner that the upstream Sheet Is placed over the top of the downstream shut The geoextle Shall be adequately secured to prevent slippage. As the geotexhle Is placed under water, the backfill material shell be pieced on it to the required thickness. The gwtexblo placement shall not progress more than 50 feet ahead of the backflll placement. D Underdralm -When a gwtexdls is specified to line an underdmin trench, the gwlextile, dell be placed to conform loosely to the shape of the trench E Gwlextiles Under Stone FIII 1. Geolextiles under dprap or stone fill shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on the plans and the following requirements The Contractor shag demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the combination of the mck fill drop height and the thickness of any sand cushion, when spea0ed or required, an adequate w ao not to puncture or damage the gwtextlle when placing the riprap or alone fill. Where a sand cushion is used, it shall be a minimum of six inches thick unless otherwise specified or required by the Engineer. In addition, the following limits apply Table 3.4 Maximum Drop Height (Feet) onto onto a sand Type of Stone FAI Geotexdle Cushion Blanket Class I 3 3 Class II, III, IV, & Rip Rap 0 1 2. After placement of the nprap or stone fill, a0 voids in the stone face that allow the geoextle to be visible shall be satisfactorily backfilled so that the geotextile Is completely covered F. Roadbed Sublaads and Railroad Ballast Separation - The subgrede shall be prepared in accordance with Section 203 of the Standard Specifications. Construction vehicles shell be limited in Sao and weight such that rutting of the initial lift placed abovo the geotextile is no greater than three inches deep Ruts shall not be graded off but shall be filled with material specified by the Engineer such that a minimum of an eight inch cover Is kept over the geotextile Turning of whldes on the first IIR of cover material will not be pemntted The Contractor will not be permitted to use vibratory rollers on the flat IIR If pumping or distortion of the subgrede occurs, as determined by the Engineer. G. Silt Fence 1. The gwtextlle shall be attached on the up -elope side of puts In accordance with the manufacturers recommendation or as directed by the Engineer The gwtoxdl. at the bottom of tho fence Shall be buried in ■ trench a minimum of six Inches below the ground surface The trench shall be backfilted and compacted as directed by the Engineer 2. Either wood or steel Posts shall be wed The posts shall have a minimum length of live feet and shall be embedded at minimum of IS Inches below the groundsurface The spacing of the posts shell be dalermmed by the silt fence manufacturer or by the Engineer 3 Wood posts shall hue a minimum dimension of 2.5 inch by 2 5 inch and shell be free of defects such as knots, splits or gouges. Steel posts shall consists of either No 6 size reinforcing steel or larger, or shell consist of ASTM A 120 steel pips with a minimum diameter of 3/4 Inch 4 Sediment deposits which accumulate behind the fence shall be rowed when the depose reaches 1/2 of the height of the sift fence above the ground surface 5 The Contractor shall repair or replace damaged silt fence as ordered by the Engineer The slit fence shall be completely removed prior to mcceplence of the project unless otherwise directed by the Engineer H. Turbidity Curtain 1. When used to contain sediments or pollutants from a work aro@ which Is adjacent to or under weer, tM fabric shall be Installed to completely enclose the portion of the work area which will be under water The Contractor shag design and construct the curtain to deflect and withstand any existing cunont or wave action, te be anchored continuously along the bottom, to be effective at any anieipaled water level. and to prevent the escape of oil sediments or pollutants Into tM main stream or body of water. 2. The Contractor shall repair or replace damaged or otherwise ineffective filter curtains as ordered by the Engineer The Contractor shall remove material accumulated behind the Aker curtain as directed by Engineer 3. The Contractor shall remove the filter curtain and all supporting and anchoring material prior to acceptance of the project unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer. 4 The design, construction and maintenance plan for the filler curtain installation shall be acceptable to the Engineer before installation of the curtain begins. I Protection of Geotexble - Traffic or construction equipment will not be permitted to travel dlrectiy on the gwtextle. The asotextile shall be Protected at all times during construction from contamination by surface runoff and construction activities. The geotextile shall be covered with the specdled cover material as own as possible; uncovered conditions shall not exceed 7 days Specified cover material shall be placed on the geotexhle in such a mender that the geotextile is not tom, punctured, or shelled The minimum cover layer shall be eight Inches thick or twice the maximum aggregate size, whichever in thicker, before oonstruction equipment is allowed over the area of the gwtextlle End -dumping of aggregates from trucks directly on the geotextile will not be permitted. J Repair of Geotextile - All geotextile that IS tom. punctured, or contaminated during construction shag be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. The repair shall consist of a patch of the type of geotextile pieced over the affected areas The patch shall overiep the existing gwtextlle a minimum of three feet from the edge of any part of the rupture. Where geotextle seams are required to be sewn, any damaged sheets shall be repaired by sawing, union otherwise indicated on the plans, in the contract, or as directed by the Engineer. K Overlaps - Minimum overisp requirements are listed in the following table Minimum Overlap Requirement@ Undordrain 1' Gwtex0lea Under Class I & II Stone Flit 2' Gootextiles Under Riprop & Classes III & IV Stone Flit Stone FlII 3' Roadbed Subgrade Stabilization 3' Roadbed Subgrade Separation 2' Gootextilo Under Railroad Ballast 3' In the went that the specified ovedep Is not sufficient as determined by the Engineer, the overlap shall be increased to provide adequate coverage or the gooteiNle shall be sown together In the field O field sewn, the requirements of Swoon 3 12, Field Seams, shall apply L. Field Seams 1. Field mama shall be sawn with polymeric thread, consisting of polypropylene, polyester, or Kovlar and shall be as resistant to deleneratlon as the geotextile, being sewn The thread shall be of a contrasting color with the geotextile being Sewn, and shall be made such that the Stitches are exposed for Inspection when the geotexbb is placed Thread ahall be as resistant to ultraviolet light as the geotextile being sewn 2. SWchmg Eoulpment - The stitching equipment shall be such that it wall provide an occeptsbb lock -type stitch, am recommended by the geotextile manufacturer and approved by the Engineer 3. Stitch Requirements - Two rows of lock -type stitching shall be used to make the seam The two rows of stitching shall be 112 Inch apart with a tolerance of ./-1/4 Inch and shag not cross, except for reslltching. 4 Minimum Seam Allowance - The following table Indicates the minimum required seam allowance, I e the minimum distance from the geotextile edge to the stitch line nearest to that edge Seem Type (See Plans) Minimum Seam Allowance (in) Flat, or Prayer, Seem Type SSA-1 1/2 "J" Seam, Type Sas-1 1 Butterfly -folded Seem, Type SSd-1 5 Seam Type - The Contractor shall obtain the geotextile manufacturer's recommendation for the type of "amend stitch to be used If the Contractor does not provide the foregoing technical Information, than the Contractor Shall use ■ "J" mom with two passes of a lock -type stitch which places at least three Stitches per inch of sawn seem This mom will be tested as required by these specification. The prayer seam (flat) can be used for repair of damaged In-pleoo gwlextils PART 4 -MEASUREMENT 4.01 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. The accepted quantities of geotextllo fabric will be measured by the square yard as determined by the actual surface measurements of the lengths and widths of the installed areas PARTS -PAYMENT 6.01 BASIS OF PAYMENT A The accepted quantities of gwtextlle fabric will each be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard complete in place MINIMUM AVERAGE ROLL VALUES FOR GEOTEXTILES Roadbed Railroad Under Underdraln Geotaxille Test Subgrade Ballast Stone Trench Silt Turbidity Property Method S.parator $operator FIIP Lining' Fence Curtains 1 Grob Tensile ASTM Strength(lbo) D-4632 300 la0 240 90" 90 200 2. Grab Tensile ASTM 20 min Elongation l D-4632 20 20 15 50 max C 45 The 3 Bunt ASTM Strength (psi) D-3786 600 400 430 130" 4 Puncture ASTM (Ibs) D-3787 120 100 80 80 120 5. Trapezoidal ASTM Ter Strength D-4533 120 100 50 50 50 (lbs) 6. Apparent ASTM Opening Size D-4751 >50 70 >50 -50 20 70 (Slave Size) 7 Pennitivily ASTM (0 1 cads) (0 01 (0 01 (secl) 0-4491 030 cm/a) WIN) 0.01 8 UV Resistance ASTM I% Strength D-4355 70 70 Retained) 9. Other woven nonwoven woven woven only nonwoven only, alit only 12" min. sld ftlm not film not overlap permitted permitted Where angular aggregate larger than 4" Size or sharp objects will be in contact with the geotextile, or it the trench is deeper than 10 fast, than the minimum Grab Tensile Strength and Bunt Strength shall be Increased to 1 SO lbs. and 290 psi, respectively " For fabrim to be placed underwater, the specific gravity of the geotextil. shall be >1 00 END OF SECTION 02593 SECTION 02700 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A Section includes 1. Pipe Materials 2. Hydrants 3 Valves 4. Fittings 5. All other appurtenances necessary to complete the water main system as shown on the Contract Plans 1.02 SUBMITTALS A Product Data, Submit published data from manufacturer of products and accessories specified, indicating compliance with requirements to the Engineer and local munnapolily. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All materials and the installation procedure shall be in accordance with the Department at Environmental Consorv.tion, Water Supply Division and the applicable construction ordinances of the local municipality PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A Finnish ells. lees, redwing teem, wyes, couplings, increesere, crones, transitions and end caps of the same type and Gass of material as the conduit, or of matenal having equal or superior physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Engineer as necessary to complete the water system 2.02 DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE A Pipe shall be Tyton Ductile Iron Class 52 (sizes as shown on the plans) conforming to current ANSI/AWWA C151/A2151 latest revision Push -on joint pipe shall be minimum thickness Class 52. Push -on joint awaswries shall conform to applicable requirements of ANSI/AW VA C111/A21 11. B Pipe shall be cement mortar lined on the inside in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.4 except that the cement lining thickness shall not be less than 1/8 inch A plus tolerance of 1181nch will be permitted C Pipe shall be given an interior bituminous mating In accordance with ANSI Specification A21 4 and an exterior bituminous coating of coal, jar or asphalt base in accordance with ANSI Specification A21 51 2.03 FITTINGS A Ductile iron fittings shall conform to AW WA C153 and ANSI Speafication A21 10, 350 PSI working pressure B All M J fitings shall have mega -lug glands for additional joint restraint C Bolts shall conform to ANSI Specification A21 101AV VA C111 2.04 TAPPING SLEEVES NOT APPLICABLE A Tapping sleeves shall be of the split Sleeve design, constructed with two solid haOelseves bolted together Sleeves shall be full -wrap and full gasket stainless steel, shall have a working pressure of at temat 200 psi, and shall have mechanical joint ends with and and side gasket seals B. All iron body tapping Sleeves shall be provided with . 3/4" NPT test plug, or other provisions must be made for air testing the vale and sleeve at maximum working pressure. prior to tapping, C. All bolts and nuts for mechanical joints of tapping sleeves shall be of high -strength cast iron or high -strength, low -alloy steel conforming to ANSUAW WA C1I l/A21.11-90 D. All bolts and nuts for flanged joints of tapping sleeves shall be of AISC Type 304 stainless Steel E. All bolts and nuts shall be sound, clean, and mated with a rual-resistant lubricant; their surfaces shall be free of objectionable protrusions that would interfere with their fit In the macs up mechanical or flanged joint. F All bolts and nuts wed with all pipe sleeves shall, upon final tightening and testing, be brush coaled heavily with beumashc coil -applied material to thoroughly coverall exposed surfaces of the bolts and nuts. 2.05 TAPPING VALVES NOT APPLICABLE A Tapping valves shall conform to ANSI/AV VA C509-87 Standard for Resilient -Sealed Gale Vaives for Water and Sewage System. except as modified harem. Valves shall open counterclockwise and shag have a minimum working pressure of 200 psi Inlet flanges shall be Class 125 conforning to ANSI Spedflc2Uon B16.1 orANSIIAW WA C110/A21 10, and outlet connection shall be Standardized Mechanical Joint unless specified otherwise on the Contract Plans for the type of pipe required for the branch or lateral pipeline B. Buried upping vales shall be provided with a 2 Inch square wrwch nut and shall be Installed with a cast Iron valve box as required to allow positive access to the valve operating nut at all times. In Installations whom the depth from goods to lop of valve operating nut Is greater men 61", a valve stem riser shall be provided and Installed such that the depth from valve stem riser and to grade is from 4.0" to 6'0" (minimum length of valve atom mer is 2'0"). Volvo stem mar shall be of high strength steel and of welded construction. 2.06 GATE VALVES A. Valves shall be manufactured to meet all requirements of AV VA Specification C50947 Valves 12 Inches and smaller shall be bubble tight zero leakage at 200 psi working pressure. Valves shall have non -doing stems, open counterdockwme, and be provided with a 2 Inch square operating nut with amow cast In metal to Indicate direction of opening. Each valve shall have makers name, pressure rating and year in which manufactured mat on the body Poor to Shipment from the factory, each valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure aqua[ to Nnoe the Specified working pressure. Gate valves shall be Mueller, Dreswr, Kennedy or those approved by the City of South Burlington. B. Buried valves Shall be installed with a valve box 2.07 VALVE BOX A Cast Iron New England style alide-type, 5 1/4 Inch shaft, 6 foot trench depth. B Cover shall be coat iron, marked "WATER" and indicating directlon of opening. 2.08 HYDRANTS A. Mueller or Kennedy M/JI Shoe N 5 14 A, 240151 M P with 6 foot minimum bury and National Standard thread The hydrants shall have at least 12 Indies between the bottom of the steamer cap and the ground The Contractor shall verify tiro hydrant requirements with the local water department 2.09 COPPER SERVICES A Corporations shall be Cambridge Brass No -Lead Brass or Red Head Manufacturing brass 4381 and manufactured In accordance with AWWA C800. Corporebons shall have threads, adopted as AMA Figure 1, at the inlet and a compression -type fining at the outlet Both inlet and outlet shell be of the same size Corporations shall be directly tapped into ductile Iron pipe In no other instance, except when . topping sleeve end valve Is used, shall . tap be made without a Corporation. Corporations shall be Cambridge Brass No -Lead Brass or Red Head Manufacturing bras 4381 or equal B Curb stops shall be inverted key type manufactured by Cambridge Brass or Red Head Manufacturing in accordance with AW VA C800 Th. curb stop shall open loft and how a positive stop No curb stop shall have the ability to drain the service line Both inlet and outlet of the curb stop shall have mmpmoman-type fil8ngs The tes head of the curb stop shell have provisions for the connection of a service rod Curb stops shall be Cambridge Brass No -Lead Brass or Red Head Manufacturing SB 5151/B4151 or approved equal. C Copper tubing shall by Type "K", soft tamper, conforming to ASTM Ba8 The name of trademark of the manufacturer and type shall be Stamped at regular intervals along the pipe. D Curb boxes shall be of the sliding adjustable type capable of adjusting from 5 feet to 6 feet. The base of the box shall be arch type so am to prevent the box from mating directly on the curb stop The adjustable upper section shall be suitable for use vim the associated curb stop PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES she A. Installation of all water lines shall be In accordance with AW WA C 600 latest revision. B All pipe and fittings shag be inspected and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the afonmwhoned AW WA Specifications. The Contractor shall furnish for approval certification from the pipe manufacturer the all tests have been performed with satisfactory results Pipe shall not be installed without the Engineers approval C. Pipe, filings, and accessories Shall be carefully handled to avoid damage. Prior to the date of acceptance of the project work by the Owner, the Contractor shall replace any new pipe or accessory found to be defective at any time, including after Installation, at no expense to the Owner D M pipe showing cracks shall be rejected If cracks occur in the pipe, the Contractor may, at his own expense and with the approval of the Engineer, cut off the cracked portions at a pant at least 12" from the visible limits of the crack and use the Sound portion of the pipe. E. AN pipe and fittings shall be cleared of all foreign matter and debris prior to Installation and shall be kept dean until the time of acceptance by the Owner F The pipe shag be laid to conform to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings or given by the Engineer. Each pipe shall be so laid as to forth a close joint with the next adjoining pipe and to bring the inverts continuously to the required grade. G. At all times. when the pipe laying is not actually in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be dosed by temporary watertight plugs or by other approved means. If water is in the trench when work is resumed, the plug shall not be removed until all danger of water entering the pipe has passed The pipe shag be installed in trenches and at the line and grade shown an the Contract Plans Any defection joints shall be within the limits specified H. All piping and appurtenances connected to the equipment shall be Supported so that no strain will be Imposed on the equipment If the equipment manufacturer's specifications include that piping bads am not to be transferred, the Contractor shall submit certification of compliance. I. For pressure piping, concrete thrust blocks shall be Installed at all unrestrained filings and other locations as indicated on the Contract Plans. Minimum beanng area shall be as shown on the Contract Plans. Concrete shall be 2.500 psi. Concrete shall be placed against undisturbed material and shall not coverjolnts, bolts or nuts, or rmerfore with the removal of any joint Wooden side ferns shag be provided for thrust blocks. J. Reserved. K A minimum separation of 15" vertical end 10' horizontal shelf be maintained between tiro wtsde of all water and sewer lines unless a vanonce Is granted by the Water Supply Division. L. There shall be no physical connection belwseri the dismbubon system and any papas, pumps, hydrants, or tanks which are Supplied or may be supplied with a water that is, ar may be contaminated M The Contactor shall take all necessary procamons to prevent flotation of the pipe in the trench N. All trenching safety standards shall be In conformance with all applicabio State and Federal guidelines The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any safety citations by State or Federal Inspectors. 3.02 SETTING OF VALVES AND FITTINGS A. Valves, fittings, plugs, and cops shall be set end joined to pipe In the manner speafled above for laying end joining pipe. she B Valve boxes are to be installed on oil buried valves The boxes shall be met Iron with a minimum 5 1/4" diameter and long enough to extend from the valve to finished grade The boxes shall enclose the operating nut and stuffing box of the valves. Valve boxes shall not transfer loads onto the valve C Coven shall be dose fining and dirt tight with the top of the cover flush with the top of On box din Cmem shall be marked"WATER" with en arrow indicating the direction of opening 3.03 SETTING OF HYDRANTS A Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed so as to provide oomplets accessibility and minimize the possibility of damage from vehicles or Injury to pedestrians. B. When placed behind the curb, the hydrant barrel shall be set so that no portion of the pumper or hose nozzle cap will be feu than 6 Inches nor more than 12 Inches from the gutter face of the curb. C. When set in the lawn Space between the curb and the sidewalk, or between the sidewalk and the property line, no portion of the hydrant or nozzle cap shall be within 6Inches of the sidawalked D All hydrants shall stand plumb and shall haw their nozzles parallel with, or at right angles to, the curb, with the pumper nozzle faring the cum, except that hydrants having two hose nozzles 90 degrees apart shall be Set with each nozzle facing the curb at an angle of,15 degrees Hydrants shall beset to the established gmde, wlth nozzles at least 12 Inches above the ground, as shown or as directed by the Engineer. E Each hydrant shall be connected to the main with a 6 Inch mat Iron branch controlled by on Independent six inch get. valve, union otherwise spsafled F The waste opening of ell hydrants will be Securely plugged 3.04 DISINFECTION A Disinfection of the pipeline shall be dlnctad by the Engineer and costs for all water, materials, equipment and labor to perform the required testing shall be at the Contractor's expense. AWWA Standard C-651 (latest revision) shall be used as a basis for the disinfection process All disinfection✓ testing shall be completed by an independent third party union otharvnae approved by the Engineer or local muniapallly B The Engineer will require as minimum: 1 Complete flushing of the pipeline to wash out ell dirt, debris. etc which may have accumulated In the pipefins during construction. 2 Following flushing (to dean clear water), the Contractor will add chlorine to the entire pipeline volume of weer such that the water will haw not less than 25 mg/L free chlonne, and let the mixture set for at lent 24 hour 3 After the 24 hour duration. the water In the pipeline shag be tested for residual free chlorine and must contain a minimum of 10 mg/L chlorine. If less than 10 mg/L are found, then the disinfection procedure shall be repeated until at least 10 mg/L chlorine residual Is indicated by test 4. Upon successful completion of the steps above, the plpelim shall be flushed again until the chlorine concentration In the pipeline is no higher than that prevailing in the supply system Alter this final flushing and before tie pipeline is placed In Serves, bacteriological esmpfes shall be collected on two consecutive days, and submitted to the Vermont Health Deportment for analysis n If the initial disinfection falls to produce samples which pass the Vermont State Hearth Department requirements for potable drinking water, then the process shag be repeated until satisfactory results am obtained. Upon satinactory results by the Vermont State Health Dspamnem, the pipeline may be placed in Service 3.05 PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TESTS A. The Contractor shall furnish oil gouges, testing plugs, cope and all other necessary equipment and labor to perform leakage and pressure tests in sections of an approved length. Each valved section or a maximum length of 1,000 feet of pipe shall be tested. The Contractor stall provide at his own expense any additional tape to the water line necessary to perform the pressure and leakage test between valves NI dlslMectionAnBng shag be completed by an independent third party union otherwise approved by the Engineer or local municipality. B. All water required for testing shall be potable. All testing shall be conducted In the presence of the Engineer. SITE ENGINEER: f CIVIL EMGINEEIIIMG ASSOCIATES. IIYC. fOn1111SR"VEWLAW SOUTHBI1111MION, Vr 01103 acs+ernn nlv. eDasSr-azrr w rwr.,w.aws m 0 e - gr. darn Sonirm WAIN ACL C H,,UD DSM MweoVm DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA, FL 33607 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT sswnon SPECIFICATIONS Dan DeAMG mlaeaa AUG., 2008 scua NONE C-6.2 nior. xo. 08164 4 PREPARATION � C. The Contractor shall make the necessary provisions to top tap the pipe at local municipality's standards. Inverts shall have the D. Air Testing Low pressure air testing shall be conducted in a, the high point to release all air and shall plug same affair completing the lest. A. Hand trim excavation (where necessary) to required elevations Correct exact shops, of them to which they are connected, and accordance with the following procedures. Hydrants or blotioffs located at high points may be used for ale Wesse In lieu over -excavations with fig material any change in size of direction shall be gradual and even 1. Each end of the test section shall be plugged, capped of taps if approved by the Engineer. and braced Necessary safety precautions shall be taken B The slopes shall be graded to match the grade as shown on the plans. C. All manholes are to be provided with copolymer polypropylene to provenl blowouts and possible injury D. For the pressuretest, the Contractor shall develop and maintain for two Where required, end sections shall be placed and backfilled to prevent plastic steps with steel romdorcement 12 inches on center. 2 An all hose shall be connected to a tapped plug wed for hours 150% of the working preseuro or 200 pas, whichever is greater. Failure undermining. an air Inlet. The hose will be connected to the air to hold within 5 psi of the designated pressure for the two-hour period D. All manholes shall be provided with rough, grey, mat Iron control equipment, which shall Include valves and constitutes; a failure of the section tested. C Remove large stones or other hard matter which could damage drainage manhole frames and coven. All Iron coatings shall be prossuro gauges These shall allow air to enter the structures or Impede consistent backfilling or compaction thoroughly cleaned and then cooled with hot ter before being sewer test line, monitor air pressure In the sewer, shut E No pipe Installation shall be accepted If the leakage Is greater than that delivered Frames and coven shall be LeBaron LC 266, or an o8 as,, and provide pressure reduction and relief The determined by the following formula. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF PRE approved equal, and have a minimum weight of 400 pounds. mondming pressure gauge shall have a range of 0-10 pat With divisions of 0.10 psi and accuracy of 0.05 psi* L= ND(PVb.5 or L= SD(Pj"0.5 A. Pipe shell be installed In accordance with Section 02225 - Utility E. Precast risers and bases for manholes shall conform to ASTM 3. The air compressor and air supply shall be connected to 7400 148000 Trenching and Backglling. Specification C-478 The pipe opening In the precast the test line and the test section hied slowly, until manhole system shall have a cost -In -place flexible gasket or ■ constant pressure of 4.0 plig is maintained. Whichever s less 3.05 INSTALLATION OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES an equivalent system for pipe installation as approved by 4. A pressure above 3.0 psig shall be maintained for at the Engineer. Joints between manhole rivers shall be 1" least Nye minutes to allow the temperature to A. Precast concrete structures minimum width flexible gasket or approved equals stabilize A check for leaks shall be made and If any S = Length of Pipe Testing are found, the pressure shell be released and the L = Allowable Leakage in GaIIHr 1. Plow precast concrete structures and coven as shown on the Contract 2.05 CLEANOtITS filling replaced or repaired D = Nominal Diameter of Pipe ('I Plans 5. After the stabilization period, the pressure shall be P = Average Test Pressure (pat) 2. Where manholes occur In pavement. eel tope of trainee and coven Bush A Cleanoule for gravity sewers and force mains shall be adjusted to 3 5 pslg and the air supply disconnected N = Number of Joints in the Pipeline Tested M with finish surface provided at locations Indicated an the plans or as directed 6. Measure and record the time interval for the test line 3. Provide rubber joint gasket complying with ASTM C443 by the Engineer Cleanoul frames and covers shall be of pressure to drop from 3.5 pslg to 2 5 psg. All testing shall be conducted In accordance with AW WA C600 (latest tough gmy wot Iron Castings shall be we to pattern and 7. Ifthe groundwater table is above the pipe, Increase revision). 3.09 INSTALLATION OF STONE FILL free from flows The bearing surface of cleanout frames and above test pressures 0.5 peg for each foot the covers against each other shall be machined to give groundwaer in above the invert of the pipe F. Should any section of pipe fail ether the pressure or leakage test, the A Plow stone fill se shown on Contract Plans raminuous contact throughout their circumference. 8. The requirements of this specification shall be Contractor shall do everything necessary to locate and repair or replace the considered satisfied If the time required in seconds for defective pipe, fittings or Joints at no cost to the Owner END OF SECTION PART 3 - EXECUTION the pressure to decrease from 3 5 to 2 5 psi groster than the average back pressure of any groundwater that 3.00 COPPER SERVICE CONNECTION 3.01 GENERAL may submerge the pipe is not leas than thsl computed SECTION 02730 - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS according to the following table A. General Requirements. The Contractor shall Install copper services os A. Can shall beexercisedby the Contractorto avoid Indicated on the Contract Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Each service PART 1 GENERAL disrupting the operation of existing sanitary sewer Minimum Test Time for Various Pipe Sizes shall consist of a corpohetion, curb stop, copper tubing, and a curb box with - facilities without prior written approval of the Engineer. service cad. Corporation shall be attached to the ductile Iron pipe by moons Diameter (Inches) Time (Sac /100 Ft.) of a direct tap. 1.01 SUMMARY B When existing underground utilities not scheduled for removal or abandonment are oncountered In the excavation, 4 18 B B The copper service shell be extended beyond the curb clop. If required, A. Section Includes shall be adequately supported and protected from 6 45 shown shown on the plena 1. Gravity Sewer Pipe damage Any damage to utilities shall be repaired promptly 8 75 2. Manhole Structures and Appurtenances at no additional cost to the Owner 10 90 C. Building Service Construction Methods The Contractor shell make ell 3. Pressure Sewer Pipe 12 110 necessary taps Into the water main and will Install for each building an C Installation of pipe shall be in accordance with Section 1- approved brace corporetion stop. The Contractor shall also connect the B Related Sections 02225Utility Trenching and Backfilling and as specified 3.05 MANHOLES copper service pipe to the flanged Joint, which shall be connected to the 1 Section 02225 - U611 Trenching and Backllill Utility 9 ng by this section brtsa eurbatap with the Inlet and outlet for the appropriate copper service1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The excavation shall be to the depth indicated on the plans pipe Such ciubstop shall be located not lost than 5'.6" below the ground 3.02 BEDDING FOR PIPE or ordered by the Engineer. and carefully shaped and graded. surface and shell be accessible from the surface through an approved valve box. A Product Date- Submit published data from manufacturers of A The bedding material shall be shaped to fit the pipe for a B. Manhole sacaons shall be precast concrete and shall conform products and accessories spechled, indicating compliance depth of not less then 10 percent of IN total height and to the dimensions Indicated on the plans m ordered by the END OF SECTION 02700 with requirements shall have news... to receive the bell Englnesr. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.03 LAYING PIPE C Channels, inverts and floor areas for sewer manholes shall SECTION 02725 he conshuctad of brick end mortar or concrete linens A All sanitary sewer materials and construction of same shall A In general, sewer pipe shall he installed In accordance with shell have the exact shape of the sewer to which they ore DRAINAGE be as shown on the Contract Plans and shall meet the the latest detailed Ins WNons of the manufacturer. connected and any change In air* or direction shall be PART 1 -GENERAL requirements of the Stale of Vermont Agency of Natural redual and even. All construction of sewer manholes must 1.01 SUMMARY Resources (Department of Environmental Conservation) and the B The laying shall begin at the outlet end and the lower bo corried out to insure watertight work. Public Works Standards and Specifications of the local segment of the pipe shall be In contact with the shaped A. Section includes: municipality municipality bedding throughout its full length. Bell or grooved ends of D The required courses of brick shall be placed on top of the pipes and the circumferential laps flexible of I pipe concrete to the elevation Indicated on the plans orordered Drainage pipe and oppurtenanees. PART 2 -PRODUCTS shall be placed facing upstream by the Engineer Brick shall be laid In an appropriate I 2. Drainage structures 2.01 GENERAL manner by a competent meson. After the bricks are laid, the C All pipe and filings shall be carefully examined for joints on the inside of the brick masonry shall be neatly B Related Sections Furnish ells, less, reducing tees, wyes, couplings, defects and no pipe or fittings shall be laid which are known to be defective. If any detective phew Is discovered pointed. The -tattle surface of the brick shall be covered with mortar of the some quality as used for laying the 1. Section 02225 - Utility Trenching and Backfilling Increasers, croases, transitions and and ups of the same type and class of material as the cmidut, or of material after laying, it shall be removed and replaced at the bricks so that a reasonably smooth surface Is obtained having equal or superior physical and chemical properties as Contractors expense All pipes and fittings shall be cleaned before they are laid and shall be kept clean until E The cast Iron from shell beset as indicated on the plans 1.02 SUBMITTALS acceptable to the Engineer to provide a complete and accepted in the completed work. tin a full mortar bed The grade or cover shall be properly operable system placed In the theme A Manufacturers technical data for D. The pipe shelf he th laid to conform to e lines and grades 2.02 PVC GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER PIPE Indicated on the drawings or given by the Engineer. Each 3.06 MANHOLE TESTING 1. Pipe and appurtenances. pipe shall be so laid an to form a close Joint with the next 2. Structures. A PVC sewer pipe shall conform in all respects to the latest adjoining pipe and to bring the inverts continuously to the A Manholes shall be tested separately by one of the following revision of ASTM Specifications 0-3034 or F679, Type PSM required grade two procedures PART 2 - PRODUCTS Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings, SOR 35 1. Extiftratlon Leakage Test AN pipes and other openings 2.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS pipe All pipe and fittings shall be clearly marked as E The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to into the manhole shall be suitably plugged and the plugs A. Furnish ails, less, reducing tess, wyes, couplings, Increasers, crones, follows • Manufacturers Nome and Trademark prevent flotation of the pipe In the trench braced to prevent blowout ar transition and end cape of the some type and class of malenal as the • Nominal Pipe Size (as shown on plans) F When pipe laying is not In progress, the open ends of the The manhole shall then be filed with water to the top conduit, or of material having equal or superior physical and chemical - Material Designation 12454-C PVC pipe shall be closed with temporary watertight plugs. If of the cone section A penod of time they bo permuted, properties as acceptable to the Engineer. water Is in the trench when work Is resumed, the plug shall d the Contractor so wathes, to allow for absorpton - Legend "Type PSM SDR 35 PVC Sewer Pipe" or not be removed until all danger of water entering the pipe At the end of this period, the manhole shall be refilled 2.02 DRAINAGE PIPE AND PERFORATED PIPE "PS 46 PVC Sewer Pipe" is eliminated to the top of the cone, if necessary, and the measuring f a A, If the Contract Pions do not specify a particular type of pipe, at the - Designation ASTM D-3034 or F679 time of at least four hours begun At the end of the n rn Contractors option, the following materials may be used B Joints shall be pushon type using Mostomenc gaskets and G For fora mains, concrete reaction blocking shall be p provided as detailed at all bends deflecting 221/2 degrees or test period. the manhole shall be refilled to the top of the cone, meawnng the volume of water added. This N shall conform to ASTM D•3212. The gaskets shall be factory more At the Contractors option, retainer glads may be amount shall be converted to gallons per verbal foot 1 Polyvinyl Chloride pipe conforming to ASTM Specification D3034 or Installed. This pipe shall he furnished in nominal 13 foot used at bends In lieu of concrete blocking Retalner glands depthfor 24 hours The leakage for each manhole shall F679, (PVC) sever pipe and fittings SDR 35. lengths Sufficient numbers of short lengths and full shall also be provided at all joints within three pipe not exceed one gallonivemml footdoy If inksge, 2. Corrugated Polyethylene pips end fittings (smooth Interior) meeting the machine fittings shall be provided for use at manholes and lengths each slide of the bends exceeds the Me, shall le made as o ry requirement of AASHTO M-294 and M-252. connections. All connections will require the use of by rginesr and the manhole retested the Engineer nil the approved the E C manufactured fittings Field lebriulad, saddle -type 3.04 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE TESTING _ zi 2.03 CONCRETE STRUCTURES connections will not be considered acceptable. If the Contractor sleds to backfill prior to testing, 3 A ASTM G78, sized as Indicated 2.03 PVC PRESSURE SEWER PIPE A The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and instrumentation required for proper completion of the the feeling shall be at his own risk, and it shall be Incumbent upon the Contractor to determine the reason 2.04 METAL ACCESSORIES flushing and to Quality of water, test procedures, for any failure of the test. No adjustment In the A PVC DIM shall conform in all remects to the latest and method of dlaposal of water shall be approved by the leakage allowance will be made for unknown =uses such revisions of ASTM Specifications D-2241 At pipe and Engineer Prior to testing, gush with water to remove as leaking plugs, absorption, otc. It will be assumed A Manhole frames and covers Mtngs shall be SDR 26 clearly marked as follows construction debris. that all joss of water during the test Is a result of 1. Grey cast iron, ASTM A48, as shown on plans. - Manufacturers Name and Trademark B All tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer. leaks through the joints or through the concrete Furthermore, the Contractor shall take any steps Ij PART 3 - EXECUTION - Nominal Pipe Size (as shown on plans) Preliminary tests made by the Contractor without being necessary to assure the Engineer that the water table is g 3.01 INSPECTION -Material Designation 12454-A NC ASTM 0.1784 observed by the Engineer will not be accepted The Engineer below the bottom of the manhole throughout the test. A. Examine the cross and conditions under which storm sewer system work 8. Joints shall be pwh-on type using elastomenc gaskets will be notified at least eight hours before any work is to be inspected or tested 2. Vacuum Teat. This method of testing manholes for leakage involves the use of a device for sealing the top 0o Is to be Installed and notify the Engineer In writing of conditions detrimental factory installed conforming to ASTM Specification D-3212. of the manhole cone sechon and pumping then out of p to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the C The maximum sewer length to be tested stone time shall be the manhole, creating a vacuum and holding this vacuum Do work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 2.04 MANHOLES that length between any two manholes. for a prescribed period of time The procedure for this S ^1 3.02 GENERAL A. Manholes shall be seed as indluted on the plan and shall test le air follows: a. All lifting holes and exterior Joins shall be }� L be precast concrete with a monolithic bass and shall conform mood and pedlar with an approved non g di A. When existing underground utilities, which are not scheduled for removal 9 re le the latest wanton of ASTM Specification G78. of be mortar The completed manhole shell not he S or abandonment, are encountered in the excavation, they shell be backfilled prior to testing. Manholes which have a adequately supported and protected from damage. Any damage to utilities B Shelves shall be constructed with concrete having a minimum been beckmled shall be excavated to exports the a 0 shall be repaired promptly at no additional cost to the Owner compressive strength p of 3,000 psi at 28 days Imoris for entire exterior prior to vacuum toasting or this Q sewer manholes shall be as shown on the plans and details manhole shall be tested for leakage by means of the �+ and shell he constructed with concrete or brick, as per the ex0ltrahon leakage test g b. AN pipes and other openings into the manhole she$ be wltably plugged In a manner to prevent displacement c. A plate with an Inflatable rubber ring the size of the top of the manhole shall be Installed by inflating the ring with ale to pressure adequate to prevent leakage of air between the rubber ring and the manhole well d. All shag then be pumped out of the manhole through an opening in the plate until a vacuum Is created Inside of the manhole equal to 10Inches of mercury on an approved vacuum gouge. The removal of au shall then be stopped and the test begun. e. The manhole shall pass this teat If the vacuum holds at 10" Hg or drops no lower than 9" Hg within the following times, Time Depth of 4' Manhole Minutes Serwnds O' - 10, 2 0 10'-15, 2 30 1T-20' 3 0 201 - 25' 3 30 I. If the vacuum drop exceeds 1" Hg during the specified time periods, the manhole shall be ressaled and Steps 2 through 5 above repeated until the vacuum holds for the specified time. g After the manhole posses the vacuum test. N shall be backlllled carefully so that no leaks are created. If the manhole is disturbed In any way during backfig, it shell again be vacuum tested according to Steps 1 through 5 above If the manhole falls the vacuum test, the Contractor shell toot the manhole using the manhole exlilhadon test h The Contractor shell provide the Enginser with a written log of each manhole leakage foot result I Manholes shell be tested and accepted prior to building manhole inverts 3 07 PRESSURE PIPE TESTING A General All fora mains shag pen the hydrostsbc pressure test and leakage lest described herein Prior to testing, all anchors and braces shag be Installed NI concrete thrust blacks and restraints shall be in place and cured at tent seven drys. AN buried pipe shall be backfilled. Suitable test plugs shall be Installed end air Mena valves shall be installed at the high points B Hydrostatic Test The following procedure shell be used 1 All au Mane volves *hail be opened and the pipe shall be filled with water at a rate not to exceed the venting capacity of the air retests valve 2 The water pressure shell be mined to 150 percent of the designed operating pressure or 60 psi minimum at the highest polo 3. Failure to hold the designated pressure within 5 psi of the specified test pressure for the two hour period constilutes a failure of the section tested C Leakage Test The following procedure shall be used 1. Leakage shell be defined as the quantity of water that must be supplied Into the pipe being tested to maintain pressure within 5 pas of the specified test pressure. 2. No pipe Installation shall be accepted If the leakage is greater than that determined by the following formula L= ND(P)"05 7,400 Whchever is less L= SD(P)"0 5 133,100 S = Length of Pipe Testing L = Allowable Leakage In GstHf D = Nominal Diameter at Pipe I') P = Average Test Pressure (psi) N = Number of Joints In the Pipeline Tested All testing shall be conducted In accordance with AV WA C600-87 or latest revision END OF SECTION 02730 SITE ENGINEER: f, CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC, 10MVS11E1061ENFUlif SOUIfIIKRUMINM yf 05103 anasasus Icon ssew�aarr vtr i.sx....s..e R m Noe - oil. uaen Ii�aMD DM" ACL cascsn DSM .VleDV*D DSM OWNER: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITE B TAMPA FL 33607 APPLICANT: BIRCHWOOD BURLINGTON, INC. 5524 WEST CYPRESS STREET SUITES TAMPA FL 33607 PROJECT: BIRCHWOOD OFFICE BUILDING 65 & 103 BODOIN STREET LOT 8 & 9 MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT sayslDN SPECIFICATIONS DAU ontrxi; Nusasii AUG., 2008 scaE NONE C-6 s 3 lea. No. 08164 If n SOUTH ELEVATION Scale''-ew = 1'-0" �EAST ELEVATION Scale BI = v-0w 11 E 4 T NOTES: A SINGLE —PLY MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM B VERTICAL METAL WALL SYSTEM BY MORIN CORPORATION F-12-0 PANEL IN 18 GA. WITH KYNAR FINISH 70%, STANDARD COLOR TBD. C. METAL FASCIA WITH KYNAR FINISH D. ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOW WITH KYNAR FINISH E. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM BY MORIN CORPORATION — SLR PROFILE 18" O.C. FASTENED TO 6X6 BEARING PLATE ON 6" POLYISO INSUL. STANDARD COLOR TBD. F TNEMEC PAINTED STEEL BRACKET G. ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT SIZE 4x8x24, GROUND FACE. H. ALUMINUM FRAMING ENTRANCE SYSTEM e imuEO FonnEvaw .an 7 0E1KRl OEYEWnAlEN7 M0011EL1 SET 4a0. 5 OEEIGN DEKIMNENf 1n0011LS5 SEf ■ N N 4 asum FOR SCHEWM OESRO� RENEW ] 14a 3 SSum MRMFLYWMY WOGET WS 702M 2 SUaM]IED Fq1 QM1] nENEN a 25.0e 1 S2TIED FOR SKETCH PIAN RENEW IUNE 20 U20W Rx:WJ10 NENRYWDaI MpIRELf L 1ASItRD t1EHRAACIDTCCT T.C. 40fiAURNGROAD 4 SHELBURNE, VT 05012 AIR-R 2998 ARCHITECTS CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Ntlra, e,yYrnq.I L rO n✓w Ww tlrlo.n. VT af1.f .�-�2rnb0 MEP DESIGN SYwn EyWxNr IK LM1Bnw. VT o11n EoaWuoa CLIENT'S CONSULTANTS CIVIL / GE&TECH ENGINEER a+m �wnniwaw. LANDSCAPE DESIGNER e.�A.mr.vroHsa .manan TRAFFIC ENGINEER Eun VlOFi3 wxsrruso SITE LIGHTING um+sn.=.a+n ro w�au iwtora. W6. TV tSL�iCi`r7"•w•�• SS mamr-w .G'r �..� -_ _ PROJECT NAME Birchwood Office Building Lou ei9 MwdowL" Park South Suington, VT 05403 OWNER aw.,rn.Ma k As2K w.i qw.w s..n sa. a FE �vm 0nwevRG nnF SOUTH & EAST ELEVATIONS PRELIMINARY 7VT2059 ASNOTEO NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION n NORTH ELEVATION Scale e" = 1'-0" NOTES: A. SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM B. VERTICAL METAL WALL SYSTEM BY MORIN CORPORATION F-12-0 PANEL IN 18 GA. WITH KYNAR FINISH 707., STANDARD COLOR TBD. C. METAL FASCIA WITH KYNAR FINISH D. ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOW WITH KYNAR FINISH E. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SYSTEM BY MORIN CORPORATION - SLR PROFILE 18" O_C. FASTENED TO 6X6 BEARING PLATE ON 6" POLYISO INSUL. STANDARD COLOR TBD. PAINTED STEEL BRACKET G. ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE MASONRY n WEST ELEVATION Scale g" = 1'-0" e "suED FaRI�v 7 OEYGN DAh1ML�NfFRODIE69ET ann 5 DE OEVELOPDEM PROGRESS SEr SUN 4 55DE0 FOR SC11Ex1 M DES" RENEW 714 M 3 ED RII! PltS.W UR! SUDD0 ESDIMTE 702M 2 SURMITED FDR ME. RENEW 42S W 1 1 SueNR1ED FM SKETCH RAN RLVIEM PUNE 2Ri Oxon RICHAlID 11ENRV WFHR ARaMrEDTPG RIClWRD N. REHR ARCNTTECT P.C. �* 40fie SHELBURNE ROAD SHELBURNE. VT 054P e02-964.2989 ARCHITECTS CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Mk.in Enon.."V Rc 10 R.Ln L.n an�n..v�acwE MEP DESIGN Sul"n E,MrI", ti< ,61�Wm: x2 pS4N5a7 CLIENTS CONSULTANTS CIVIL I GEO-TECH ENGINEER Clw Er.M ._K ID Rrn414Nwlarn 4DawxDaa LANDSCAPE DESIGNER 4LY,Y�Ln. .Aw,n� Ev.Anw",, rro� 4ma7axm TRAFFIC ENGINEER Lmn.rv.ADW"n "-- vrNllu Wrza7Wl0 SITE LIGHTING uyNSP...onlR, RO M.UM kui,Wn� oHD4 �•,. �-�-.= -rase—.—.x.-. T8' di'�.'Y LSSSiS" � ZL PROJECT NAME Birchwood Office Building Lola ea0 M-doMmrd Pmk South BuMnglon. VT 05403 OWNER eunn.r C. xr 55N WTI L� Svc,. 5u4 ■ L ArbT v1}x4v.RxEN DRAWWDTIRE NORTH AND WEST ELEVATIONS PRELIMINARY 7VT205e s NOD NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION A�2O2