HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-03-39 - Decision - 0046 Bowdoin StreetCI C CITY of SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT of PLANNING & ZONING CHASE PROPERTIES - MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK FINAL PLAT #SD-03-39 FINDINGS of FACT AND DECISION Chase Properties and Development, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is requesting final plat approval to amend a previously approved plan for a 20,300 square foot general office building. The amendment consists of the relocation of an electrical transformer at 46 Bowdoin Street. The subject property contains 3.13 acres and is located in the Industrial & Open Space (IO) District. The South Burlington Development Review Board (DRB) held a public hearing on July 29, 2003 and a continued public hearing was held on August 12, 2003. Thomas E. Chase represented the applicant. Based on testimony provided at the above mentioned public hearings and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the DRB finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is requesting final plat approval to amend a previously approved plan for a 20,300 square foot general office building. The amendment consists of the relocation of an electrical transformer at 46 Bowdoin Street. 2. The owner of record is Chase Properties and Development. 3. The subject property contains 3. 13 acres and is located in the Industrial & Open Space (10) District. 4. The plans consist of two (2) sheets entitled "General Overall Site Plan", prepared by Neagley and Chase, dated May 2, 2002, last revised on May 12, 2003. The utility cabinet, which is the subject of this application, has already been installed. Access/Circulation: Pedestrian and vehicular access to the site will remain unchanged. Traffic circulation will also remain unchanged. Coverage/Setbacks: The existing building coverage for the Lot 44 is 14.9% (maximum allowed is 25%). The overall coverage for Lot #4 is currently 49.3% (maximum allowed is 40%). This coverage violation is a preexisting noncompliance. Because this proposal is comprised of the relocation of the utility cabinet, there will be no additional increase in overall coverage. Front yard coverage along Bowdoin Street is 10.4% and along Swift Street is 3.1% (maximum allowed is 30%). Front yard coverages will not be increased significantly through this proposal. The proposed utility cabinet is not required to meet the standard setback requirements for the IO District. However, according to Section 13.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the DRB may require setbacks or attach other conditions in order to prevent any hazard or noise nuisance to the public. Staff feels that the current location of the utility cabinet is adequate. Parking: Lot #4 currently provides 123 parking spaces, including 5 handicapped spaces. This meets the parking requirements. It should be noted that, Section 13.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, states that there shall be adequate off-street parking for maintenance and service vehicles. This requirement seems to be met with the current parking spaces. Landscaping: Section 13.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations state that utility cabinets shall have suitable fencing to protect the public and sufficient landscaping of sufficient height and density to screen to facility from surrounding property. The current site plan #SD-03-39 does not clearly depict any landscaping or fencing. The applicant shall screen the proposed utility cabinet with landscaping of sufficient height and density, as determined by the South Burlington Development Review Board. Wetlands: The proposed utility cabinet is in close proximity to a Class III wetland, but should have no adverse impacts on it. Lighting: No additional lighting is proposed. Dumpster: The dumpster requirements are not relevant to this proposal. Traffic: There are no changes in the average daily traffic, A.M. peak hour traffic, or P.M. peak hour traffic, resulting from this proposal. Motion by DECIS[ON seconded by to approve Final Plat Application #SD-03-39, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect, except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plans submitted by the applicant, as amended by this decision, and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning. 3. Pursuant to Section 13.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall screen the proposed utility cabinet with landscaping and fencing of sufficient height and density, as determined by the South Burlington Development Review Board. 4. Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 5. Three (3) copies of the final plat shall be submitted to the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 6. The final plat shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Chuck Bolton -nay/abstain/not present Mark Boucher - nay/abstain/not present John Dinklage - e nay/abstain/not present Roger Farley - nay/abstain/not present nay/abstain not present Michele Kupersmith - Larry Kupferman -/nay/abstain/not present Gayle Quimby - Onay/abstain/not present Motion Carried by a vote of �7 - U - O Signed this day of , 2003, by ohn Dinklage, hai