HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Affordable Housing Committee - 11/17/2020November 17, 2020, SoBu Affordable Housing Committee Minutes-APPROVED Page 1 Approved on December 1, 2020 AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMITTEE November 17, 2020, 2020, 10:30 a.m., meeting held online Members attending (online): Leslie Black-Plumeau, Vince Bolduc, Sandy Dooley, Mike Simoneau, John Simson, and Chris Trombly Member absent: Patrick O’Brien Others: Monica Ostby, PC liaison; Kevin Dorn, City Manager (briefly); Paul Conner, Dir. of Planning & Zoning AGENDA 1. Call to order, agenda review, comments from guests 2. Review and approval of minutes of October 26, 2020 3. CCRPC Virtual Housing Convention 11/30/20 4. Discuss strategy to interact with Planning Commission 5. 2021 workplan and committee name discussion 6. Open discussion 7. Adjourn 1, Call to order, agenda review, comments from guests: Chris called the meeting to order at 10:34 a.m. There were no guests. No change to agenda. Note: prior to formal beginning of meeting Kevin informed those present that at the December 7, 2020, City Council (CC) meeting, City Attorney Amanda Lafferty will present her analysis of the legal issues and policy questions relative to the draft amendment to the City’s Sewer Ordinance prepared and proposed by the South Burlington Land Trust earlier this fall. Her presentation will not include a draft amendment to the Ordinance for CC consideration. Kevin then left the meeting. 2. Review and approval of minutes of October 26, 2020: Mike moved and Leslie seconded motion to approve 10/26/20 meeting minutes as drafted. Motion approved: 6-0-0 3. CCRPC Virtual Housing Convention 11/30/20: This meeting will take place online beginning at 6:00 p.m. It is one of a series of meetings the CCRPC (Regina Mahony) has convened and organized about twice yearly during the past two-three years. Agenda includes VHFA presentations on (1) its study of cost of developing affordable multi-family housing and (2) the results of its statewide needs assessment vis-à-vis housing. Chris asked about CCRPC’s role re housing. They are the organizers and annual reporters for the Building Homes Together campaign. Regina convenes and organizes these regional meetings and staff provides assistance and advice to municipalities on housing issues. Those present proposed topics they would like added to the draft agenda that Regina included with meeting invitation. These included: (1) explore how municipalities in region might work together to (a) bring about development of more housing/affordable housing, (b) address the racial justice and equity issues related to access to housing, historically and in the present, (2) effective models for educating communities regarding housing needs, (3) impact of COVID-19 on housing needs, and (4) use of concentric circles showing distance from urban core to demonstrate where housing development is most needed. Paul mentioned the book, The Color of Law (author: Richard Rothstein), as a source of information about the history of government laws and regulations that required racial and ethnic segregation in housing. Paul, Leslie, and Sandy have read this book and attested to its effectiveness in conveying how widespread (not just in the South) and longstanding this practice has been. In addition to racial segregation, zoning has frequently excluded all housing types except detached single-family housing units in all but urban neighborhoods, making it impossible to develop housing that families with modest incomes can afford. The idea of sponsoring a book discussion group “at the Library” was proposed. All present supported this idea. Sandy suggested Jessica Hyman of CVOEO’s Fair Housing Project as a discussion leader for such a group. John Simson will consult November 17, 2020, SoBu Affordable Housing Committee Minutes-APPROVED Page 2 his Library contacts to find out whether/how this might happen. Having several libraries in the county sponsor similar discussion groups was mentioned. Leslie shared that the Vermont Human Rights Commission is sponsoring a conference on “Fair Housing” that begins that afternoon. Richard Rothstein is the keynote speaker for this conference. Leslie will send committee members links to conference agenda and registration webpage. 4. Discuss strategy to interact with Planning Commission: First subject raised was desire to change name of committee. Question raised (not settled): does committee’s name need to include the word “housing”? Might committee obtain a grant that would assist committee re branding and marketing about need for/importance of more housing and affordable housing? Name change will need CC approval. Name change proposal needs written rationale for need to change name and why the new name if better. Sandy mentioned the idea of a Preamble for the committee that would include commitments to (1) So Bu as an inclusive community comprising inclusive neighborhoods, (2) adoption of inclusionary zoning citywide, (3) decreasing existing large household income gaps among SoBu neighborhoods, (4) developing affordable housing in parts of city not served by public transit, and (5) advocating for increased rates of home ownership in So Bu by BIPOC households. Paul encouraged the committee to include the importance of LDRs that promote housing development design that is conducive to strong and vibrant neighborhoods. Leslie: this means inclusive neighborhoods. Wide-ranging discussion including many topics, e.g. historic development patterns in SEQ, when Comprehensive Plan is up for rewrite (not until 2024 but need to get started in 2021), how do we want future development in SEQ to look, can new PUD rules be effective in promoting missing middle housing types, how can LDRs be written to avoid sprawl, and need for more equity and fairness. Paul has asked Planning Commission: what kind of future development do you want in areas of SEQ that are undeveloped and appropriate/available for development? Leslie asked how can committee help Planning Commission? Paul returned to the topic of “how do we want future development in SEQ to look?”, which is the question he asked Planning Commissioners to address within the context of their current work. As part of this discussion he informed those present that one of the “Dorset Meadows” lots has been sold and a covenant now limits development of the property to no more than 9 lots or no more than 9 dwelling units. In addition, while the second “Dorset Meadows” lot has not been sold, its deed now includes the same covenant. This example presents a specific situation to which this question applies: what should be the development options for the remaining undeveloped land adjacent to Dorset Street and south of Nowland Farm Road? In response to Leslie’s question, Paul stated that he would welcome input from the committee in proposing “answers” to the broader question: how should the land in the SEQ that is not subject to preservation as a natural resource be developed? Consensus was for committee to identify a subgroup to work with Paul in providing input to Planning Commission re this question. Chris asked for volunteers for subgroup. Vince and Sandy volunteered. Leslie then suggested that Patrick O’Brien be invited to become a member of this subgroup as his many years of experience as a developer would likely be helpful. Those present supported this suggestion. Chris will contact Patrick and invite him to join subgroup. Monica raised importance of including Inclusionary Zoning at the outset in regulations for PUDs that replace density calculations with housing type rules. Paul is receptive. Not sure where entire Planning Commission is on this subject. Monica would like to know how many fewer acres and fewer dwelling units can be developed in City due to anticipated changes to Article 12. 5. 2021 workplan and committee name discussion: Suggestions for new goals: (1) Include Inclusionary Zoning provision in new PUD regulations and work with Planning Commission toward this end; (2) Do work necessary to support changing committee’s name, including identifying new name, writing rationale/support statement for name change, and proposing change to CC; and (3) Sponsor Library Book Discussion group focusing on book, The Color of Law. With respect to the name change, committee concluded that it would be helpful to review original charge from CC when committee was established and committee mission statement. Idea of “preamble” or something similar supported. Sandy agreed to develop draft. John and Leslie will send her the charge (John sends) and mission statement (Leslie sends) as background info. John mentioned need November 17, 2020, SoBu Affordable Housing Committee Minutes-APPROVED Page 3 to have a report that summarizes committee accomplishments since July 2019 and noted that expansion of Inclusionary Zoning to Transit Overlay District (plus triangle of land adjacent to Hinesburg Road just north of I- 89) as described in FY 2020 Work Plan goal #1 has been accomplished. Leslie volunteered to prepare this report with input from Sandy and John. 6. Open discussion: No time for this agenda item. 7. Adjourn: At approximately 12:30 p.m., Leslie moved and Vince seconded motion to adjourn. Motion passed 6-0-0.