HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-91-0001 - Decision - 1233 Shelburne RoadFINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of Lochmore Associates and Alexander Lewis for construction of an 89 room hotel and 13,800 square foot office/retail building in conjunction with an existing planned commercial development consisting of office, retail, hair salon and restaurant use, 1233 Shelburne Road. On the 16th of April 1991, the South Burlington Planning Commis- sion approved the request of Lochmore Associates and Alexander Lewis for Final Plat approval under Section 204 of the South Burlington Subdivision Regulations based on the following find- ings: 1. The applicants propose to subdivide land and construct an 89 room hotel and 13,800 square foot office/retail building in conjunction with an existing planned commercial development consisting of office, retail, hair salon and restaurant use at 1233 Shelburne Road. 2. The access to the development will be via an ingress only drive from Shelburne Road which is located 310 feet north of the Imperial Drive intersection. This separation results in approxi- mately 100 feet of stacking space for left-hand turns into both Imperial Drive and Lakewood Commons. A secondary access to the project will be provided by a two-way drive from Holmes Road. 3. Parking: The new hotel and retail/office building require 185 parking spaces and 185 new spaces are being provided. The overall project requires a total of 449 spaces and 391 spaces are being provided, a shortfall of 58 spaces or 12.9%. 4. Setback/coverage: All setback requirements are being met. Building coverage is 17% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 66.2% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 4% (maximum allowed is 30%). The coverage on the Lewis lot will not be changing. 5. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement of $27,500 will be met. Street trees are proposed to line Route 7. The City Engi.iieer recommended that trees be located at least 10 feet from sewer and water mains. 6. Sewer: The sewer allocation required for this project is 14,300 gpd. Sewer capacity at the Bartlett Bay treatment facili- ty is unavailable at this time. City policy requires the project to be placed on a waiting list until such time as treatment capacity is available. 7. The applicants have proposed constructing improvements to the Route 7/Holmes Road intersection. These improvements include the addition of exclusive left turn lanes for the northbound and southbound approaches. 8. The expansion will result in 118 additional peak hour trip ends. The applicants must contribute $3,029 to the Shelburne Road Intersection Fund based on the additional trips generated. 9. The expansion proposed includes improvments to the Lewis Motors property. These include closure of the northern most curb cut, removal of an existing used car building, construction of a parking lot, addition of green space and facade improvements to the Suzuki building. 10. The height of the proposed hotel building would be 45 feet. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the Planning Commission approves the Final Plat application of Lochmore Associates and Alexander Lewis for construction of an 89 room hotel and 13,800 square foot office/retail building in conjunction with an exist- ing planned commercial development consisting of office, retail, hair salon and restaurant use as depicted on an eleven (11) page set of plans, the title page entitled "Lakewood Commons, Shel- burne Road, South Burlington, Vermont, Lochmore Associates, Inc.," last revised 11/29/90 with the following stipulations: 1. The stipulations contained in the May 10, 1988 approval and not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall post a $27,500, 3-year landscaping bond prior to permit. The landscape plan shall be revised prior to recording to show plants at least 10 feet from water and sewer mains. This shall be approved by the City Planner. 3. The Commission approves 391 parking spaces for the entire project. This represents a waiver of 58 spaces (12.9%) required by zoning. It is the Commission's opinion that 391 spaces will be adequate since the peak parking periods for the various uses will occur at different times. 4. The applicant shall construct the proposed improvements to the Route 7/Holmes Road intersection as shown on sheet SP2. These improvements include the addition of exclusive left turn lanes for the northbound and southbound approaches. The appli- cant shall submit prior to permit a letter from VAOT approving the proposed improvments to Route 7. Proposed improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. 5. Bonds to cover construction of Route 7 improvements in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer shall be posted prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. A sewer allocation of 14,300 gpd is granted for this project. Due to the unavailability of sewer capacity at the Bartlett Bay Treatment facility at this time, the project will be placed on a waiting list until such time as treatment capacity is available. A building permit shall not be issued until such time as suffi- cient capacity is available as determined by the City Planner. A $2.50 per gallon sewer allocation fee shall be paid prior to permit. 7. The applicant shall contribute prior to permit $3,029 to the Shelburne Road Intersection Improvement Fund based on the 118 additional peak hour trip ends to be generated by this project. 8. Legal documents for the proposed r.o.w., parking lease ar- rangement, and easements shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval prior t permit. These documents shall be recorded in the South Burlington land records prior to permit. 9. This approval includes improvements to the Lewis Motors property as shown on plans and expressed by the applicant. These include closure of the northern most curb cut, removal of an existing used car building, construction of a parking lot, addi- tion of green space, and facade improvements to the Suzuki build- ing. 10. The Planning Commission approves a height of 45 feet for the hotel building. It is the Commission's opinion that such a height will relate aesthetically with existing buildings, will not detract from scenic views, and will allow for greater reten- tion of green space. This approval is conditioned on a maximum 3-story building with pitched roof as represented by the appli- cant. . 11. The new 13,800 square foot building is approved for all office use, all retail use or a mixture thereof. The evaluation of this application assumed a worst case scenario. For example, full retail use was assumed in terms of parking requirements and traffic requirements while full office use was assumed in terms of sewer allocation. 12. In efforts to improve traffic flow along Shelburne Road, the applicant has expressed a willingness to participate in the proposed Route 7 Corridor Transportation Management Association (TMA). Based upon the expressed representation of the applicant, the applicant shall join the TMA once the TMA is officially established. At that time, the applicant shall contribute dues. 13. The final plat drawings shall be revised prior to recording to show the following: a) Note indicating that fire hose connections shall be provided in each stairwell for each floor of the hotel building. b) Note on Sheet SP2 to indicate that 449 parking spaces are required. r c) Sheet SP3 consistent with Sheet SP2. 14. Prior to permit, the applicant shall submit revised deeds for the landswap between the City and applicant (fire station property). These deeds shall be approved by the City Attorney and recorded in the South Burlington land records prior to per- mit. 15. The zoning permit must be obtained within 3 years of avail- able sewer capacity. The Planner shall notify the applicant when available sewer capacity is available. 16. The Final Plat shall be recorded in the South Burlington land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. �Chairma Clerk South Burlington Planning Commission