HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-85-0000 - Supplemental - 1233 Shelburne RoadCity of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 658.7955 November 25, 1986 James Lamphere Wiemann-Lamphere Architects 289 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Jim: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 I am writing to clarify the City's interest and requirements in the development of the two properties at 1340-11350 Shelburne Road (the former Melandy's Chainsaw and the vacant property east of it owned by Thomas Farrell). Both these lots will have access from the proposed Holmes Road extension that will eventually connect to Spear Street. The developer of the former East-O-Lake property (Lakewood Associates) has been required to install a traffic signal at the Route 7/ Holmes Road intersection prior to obtaining a building permit. When a developer submits plans for the Melandy's property, access from Holmes Road extension must be shown. The Planning Commission will require a dedication of the land for this future 80 foot right-of-way for the length of the property. (Some of this right-of-way is on the IDS property to the south which has already been required in their development approval. In other words, not all 80 feet comes from the Farrell property.) The developer of the front lot will probably be required to construct the road to City standards to serve the proposed development and only dedicate the land for the entire length of the front lot. Remember though, the Planning Commission has final authority in this area and approves the location of the curb cut from Holmes Road extension. i James Lamphere Wiemann-Lamphere Architects November 25, 1986 Page 2 If the second (easterly most) lot is developed at the same time, or when development plans are submitted, this lot must also be served by the 80 foot right-of-way. Again, the road must be continued from where it terminated on the first lot, to a point serving the second lot. The Planning Commission again has the final decision on how far east the road must be constructed. At the very least, the r.o.w. to the far eastern boundary will be required. I hope this is helpful. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner JBL/mcp cc: William J. Szymanski, City Manager I January 25,1965 Stephen Crampton 109 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve: Enclosed are the minutes from the Planning Commission meeting. Be sure to file the Final Plat with the City Clerk within 90 days. Sinicerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Thomas Farrell George Bedard 1 ' )/85 J, __ MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Final Plat application of Thomas Farrell for the subdivision of lots as depicted on the plan entitled "Final Plan, Thomas A. Farrell property, East O'Lake Inn parcel, South Burlington, Vermont," dated November 26, 1984 and last revised 1/19/85 as prepared by G.E. Bedard, Inc., with the following stipulations: 1) The lots are approved with the following acreage: Farrell Distributing Corporation, Holmes Road, 12.97 acres; East O'Lake Inn, 1233 Shelburne Road, 4.65 acres; and Allenwood, 1195 Shelburne Road at 8.07 acres, east of the Vermont Railway right-of-way, and as part and parcel of the Allenwood land on the west side of the Railway right-of-way. 2) Any further development on these lots shall require a separate site plan review and approv*A.. 3) A Final Plat shall be recorded with the City Clerk within 90 days. CITY OF SOUM BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Thomas- A. Farrell 2) Name of Subdivision Thomas A. Farrell Property- "East O'Lake Inn Parcel" 3) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: none 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: none 5) Submit four copies of a final set of plans consisting of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for cl minor subdivision and under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. i �%(, 6 Uh(..Ltt. U (Sigareaia°`� 5r0)ntl ppcof cotapesonDate PUBLIC BEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING CIO M4ISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, January4 8 1985, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Preliminary Plat application of Thomas A Farrell for the resubdivision of a 25.69 acre parcel into 3 lots measuring 4.65 acres (East-O-Lake Inn), 12.97 acres (Farrell Distributing Company) and 8.07 acres (Allenwood) The land is bounded by properties of J. Larkin AFayetteco, Inc., Vermont Railway, Swift and Company, A. Lewis and Holmes Avenue and is located at 1195 and 1233 Shelburne Road. 2) Preliminary Plat application of Homer and Marie Dubois for a 151 unit Planned Unit Development on 93 acres entitled Butler Farms. The land is south of Vermont Structural Steel Corporation, east of Economou Farm, Inc , north of J. and J. Marceau and S. and R. Bogurad, and west of Hinesburq Road. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B. Poger Chairman,' South Burlington Planning Commission December 22, 1984 CITY OF SOUTH BURLIN=N Subdivision Application - SKE'I'Q-I PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record Thomas A. Farrell, c/o Farrell Distributing Corp., b. Applicant c. Contact person 5 Holmes Road, South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Thomas A. Farrell Stephen R. Crampton, Esq., c/o Gravel and Shea, P. 0. Box 1049, Burlington, Vermont 05402-1049 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). Resubdivision of original existing 18 acre parcel to create a lot of 4.65 acres around existing vacant buildings Balance of original 18 acre parcel to remain allocated to the Farrell Distributing Corporation Distribution Center complex. Use proposal and site plan for 4.65 acre parcel to be subject of subsequent applications to appropriate city officials and/or boards, commissions. J3Q �.5, a-C, � a3� �tQ 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) Fee simple. 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties On the south by lands of Alexander S. Lewis and lands of Swift and Company. On the west by the State of Vermont (Vermont Railway Right -of -Way) and lands of Thomas A. Farrell. On the north by lands of Thomas A. Farrell. On the east by Shelburne Road (Roil7) . 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. None_ 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. None. 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjusbrient or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions: South Burlington Planning Commission Site Plan Review and approval in August 1979. 8) Submit four copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and cove- nants. 4) Type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. S) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. S'ig at e) applicant or d tephen R. Crampton, Esq. tact person November 27, 1984 date PLULIC f EARI NG SOUPH BURLINGTON PLANNING COAM9ISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, January 22 1985, at 7:G0 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final Plat application of Thomas A. Farrell for the resubdivision of a 25.69 acre parcel into 3 lots measuring 4.65 acres (East-O-Lake Inn), 12.97 acres (Farrell Distributing Company) and 8.07 acres A l.-., ..,.-,.-, .7% Theme l—A is kriir Ai A by ioa of .T T.A rkin_ Fayetteco, Inc., Vermont Railway, Swift and Company, A. Lewis, and Holmes Avenue and is located at 119.5 and 1233 Shelburne Road, and 6 Holmes Road. Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B._Poger Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission January 5, 1985 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 ) Name of Applicant Thomas A. Farrell 2) Name Of Subdivision Thomas A. Farrell Property - "East O'Lake Inn Parcel" 3) Describe Subdivision (i.e. total acrea�^e, number of lots or units, type of land use, include gross floor area if Comm- ercial. ) Realignment of lot lines of three original individual parcels to create the following: acre pa buting Corporation; (2) 4.65 acre parcel allocated to "East O'Lake Inn" property with (3) balance 6--acre, more or ess, a ds of Thomas A. Farrell. 4) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record,applicant, or contact person since sketch plan application: None 5. Name,,address, and phone number of: a. Engineer None b. Surveyor George E. Bedard, Inc., Hinesburg, Vermont 05461 (682-3494) C. A tto rnev : Gravel and Shea, by Stephen R. Crampton, Esq., P. 0. Box 1049, 109 South Vl'iiooski Avenue, BtTri-irgtmn -Vermont---G5401-(8G2-658-D22Q) d. Pl-It Desioner None -- 2 - 6) Indicate anv changes to the subdivision such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, etc., sinco this proposal was last before the Commi s s ion: None 7) List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all coat igous properties: Alexander S. Lewis, Collamer Circle, Shelburne, Vermont 05482 _ - - - Swift and Company (d/b/a Swift Independent Packing Co.) Holmes Road, So. Burlingt8340Yt State of Vermont Agency of Transportation (railroad right-of-way), Montpelier, VT 05602 8) State title, drawing numb--,r, date of origi-. l plus any revisions, and designer(s) of the preliminary map(s) accompanying this appli3` cation: Preliminary Plat" Thomas A. Farrell Property: "East O'Lake Inn Parcel", November 26, 1984, revised December 2, 1984 by G. E. Bedard, Inc. 9) Attach a preliminary map showing the following information: 1) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the city. 2) Name and address of owner of record, subdivider and designer of Preliminary Plat. 3) Number of acres within the proposed subdivision, location of property lines, structures, watercourses, wooded areas, and other essential existing physic,-1 features. r 4) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent anC the names of owners of record of adjacent acreage. 5) The location and size of any existing sewers and water mains, culverts and rains on the property or serving the property to be subdivided. 6) Location, names and widths of existing, and proposed streets, private ways, sidewalks, curb cuts, paths, easements, parks -3- and other public or privately maintained open spaces as well as similar facts regarding adjacent property. 7) Contour lines at intervals of five feet, based on United States Geological Survey datum of existing grades and also of proposed finished grades where change of existing ground elevation ;;ill be five feet or more. 8) Complete survey of subdivision trEct by a licensed land surveyor. 9) Numerical and graphic scale, crate and true north arrow. 10) Details of proposed connection ;aitb existing water supx.Iy or alternative means of providing water supply to the proposed subdivision. 11) Details of proposed connection with the existing sanitary sewage disposal system or adequate provision for on -site disposal of septic wastes. 12) If on -site sewage disposal system is proposed-L location and results of tests to ascertain subsurface foil, rock and ground water conditions, depth to ground water unless pits are dry at depth of five feet; location and results of percolation tests. 13) Provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage in the form of drainage plan. a 14) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. , 15) The location of temporary markers adequate to enable the Commission to locate readily and appraise the basic lay- out in the field. Unless an existing street intersection is shown, the distance along a street from one corner of the property to the nearest existing street intersection shall be shown. 15) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or .reserved for public use and the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 10) Developmental timetable (including number of phases, and start and eompl2tion dates) No present development contemplated. Merely realignment of lot lines and allocation of land to various existing structural components thereon. 11) List the waivers applicant desires from the requirements of these regulations: None -4- 12) Attach a vicinity map showing the rollowing: 1) All existing subdivisions, approximate tract lines and acreage of adjacent parcels, together with the names of the record of all adjacent parcels of land, namely, those directly abutting or directly across any street ad- joining the proposed subdivision. 2) Locations, widths and names of existingIfiled or proposed streets, curb cuts, easements, building lines and alleys pertaining to the proposed subdivision and to the adjacent properties as designated in paragraph 1 above. 3) An outline of the platted area together with its street system and an indication of the future probable street system of the remaining portion of the tract, if the Preliminary Plat submitted covers only part of the sub - divider's entire holding. (s..igriatge) applicant O� contact person ,tephen R. Crampton, Esq. December 19, 1984 date a y CHARLES T. SHEA STEPHEN R. CRAMPTON STEWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT B. HEMLEY WILLIAM G. POST, JR. CRAIG WEATHERLY NORMAN WILLIAMS JAMES E. KNAPP DENNIS R. PEARSON D. RUSSELL MORGAN GRAVEL AND SHEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 1049 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 December 18, 1984 Ms. Jane Bechtel City Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Farrell Sketch Plan Dear Jane: TELEPHONE 658-0220 AREA CODE 802 CLARKE A. GRAVEL COUNSEL This letter will serve as an amendment to the original subdivision application - sketch plan dated November 27, 1984. In the original application, I indicated that a lot of 4.65 acres would be created around the East O'Lake properties with the balance of the original 18 acre parcel to be allocated to the Farrell Distributing Corporation complex. As you can see from the amended plan which has already been delivered to you, 4.65 acres will be allocated to the East O'Lake property, 12.97 acres will remain allocated with the distributing corporation complex, and a thin strip along the northerly boundary lines of the East O'Lake parcel and the distributing corporation lease property will be allocated to the existing adjacent land presently of Thomas A. Farrell. Thank you for your continuing cooperation in this matter. Cordially, GRAVEL and SHEA S ephen R. Cra ton SRC:wsb CC: Thomas A. Farrell M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Farrell Subdivision Date: 1/22/85 At last nights (January 21, 19851 City Council meeting in the process of reviewing the Planning Commission agenda for today (January 22, 1985( item number 4 The Farrell Subdivision was discussed. Council- man George Mona brought up the question on why the entire Farrell parcel is not being reviewed. In reading the agenda item one can draw that conclusion but in discussing it with Jane, the entire Farrell land in the area was reviewed because land was added to the large lake shore parcel. PLANNING ---COMMISSION -------JA1rUARY 8, 1985 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 1985 at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Sidney Poger, Chairman; John Belter, William Burgess, John Dooley, Mary - Barbara Maher, Peter Jacob Member Absent Judy Hurd Others Present Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Steve Crampton, Peter Val Preda, Nicholas & Sarah Pappas, Carl Cobb, Tyler Hart, Robert Blanchard, David Spitz, Lowell Krassner, Robert Krebs Minutes of December 18, 1984 The December 18, 1984 minutes were approved on a motion by Mr. Jacob, a second by Mr. Belter and a unanimous vote. Continue public hearing on Cardinal Woods Extension Ms. Bechtel said this should be continued. Mr. Jacob moved to continue the public hearing on Cardinal 'Foods Extension until January 22, 1985 at 7:30 pm at City Hall. Mr. Belter seconded the motion and all voted for it. Public hearing for the preliminary plat application of Thomas Farrell for the • subdivision of lots into three new sized lots of 8.07, 4.65 and 12,97 acres at 1195, 1233 Shelburne Road and 6 Holmes Road Mr. Crampton spoke for Mr. Farrell. He said they had added contour lines and utilities to the plan. They also show the properties across Shelburne Road. There is no change in access proposed. There is a right of way which extends to the resevoir, but Mr. Crampton did not think it had been used in the past 30 years. Ms. Bechtel noted that the city's tax maps showed the Allenwood parcel connecting to the land in the rear, across the railroad tracks. Mr. Crampton said that was correct and would not change. Mrs. Maher moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of Thomas Farrell for the subdivision of lots as depicted on the plan entitled "Preliminary Plan. Thomas A. Farrell Property, East O'Lake Inn Parcel South Burlington, Vermont" dated November 26 8 and last revised 12 18 84, and prepared by G.E. Bedard. Inc.. Hinesburg. Vermont with the following stipulations: 1. The lots are approved at the following acreage: Farrell Distributing Corporation, Holmes Road. 12.97 acres;` East 0' Lake Inn, 1233 Shelburne Road, 4.65 acres; and Allenwood. 1195 Shelburne Road at 8.07 acres east of the Vermont Railway right of way and as part and parcel of the Allenwood land on the west side of the Railway right of way. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 8, 1985 2. Any future development on these lots will require a separate site plan review and approval Mr.,Belter seconded the motion and all voted for it. Consider sketch plan application of Nicholas and Sarah Pappas and Peter Val Preda for the creation of a new parcel, adjustment of boundary lines and the relocation of Hough Street Ms. Bechtel noted that Hough Street divided the Val Preda parcel and limited the use of the southern piece. The only current user of Hough Street is the Orchard School and the Board has agreed in concept to relocation of their access to the school. Access would now be through Baldwin Avenue. Mr. Dooley arrived at this point. The new street would be to the same standards as Hough Street is now. The City Council has seen the plan and they wanted the owners of the Collette lot to be notified of the plan. Mr. Val Preda said that had been done and that either a fence or some shrubbery would be put in for screening. Ms. Bechtel said the Zoning Board would have to look at the plan, because 2 lots will have less than the minimum frontage, and one will have less than 40,000 sq. ft. Mr. Spitz noted that the Hough Street land would be added to the parcels in question, so there would be a trade-off of land. Mr. Val Preda would take the Hough Street land, but would also give some land to the Pappas lot to compensate them for the loss of land in the rear for the new road. This will be both a shift of land and a subdivision. The subdivision will give Claussen's their own lot. The Commission saw no problem with this. As no applicants were present, the Commission briefly discussed some issues relating to the Southeast Quadrant. Mr. Jacob wanted to limit condominiums in that area. Finding a good location for a fire substation was also discussed. One of the industrial lots was mentioned as a good location for something like that. Public hearing for the preliminary plat application of Homer and Marie Dubois for a 151 unit Planned Unit Development entitled "Butler Farms" located to the west of Ledgeknoll on Hinesburg Road Mr. Tyler Hart noted that a drainage swale ran through the land. He said there would be two entrances to Hinesburg Road and room will be provided for future extension of streets to adjacent land. Mr. Cobb wanted to work out something so that these 60' rights of way would be split between the owners on either side of them, who would maintain them. The city would own the land, though. Mr. Cobb said a 10 acre open space parcel would be left on Hinesburg Road. Dubois will retain another parcel where the houses are now and will give up the development rights on that land. Mrs. Maher asked that this issue be clarified - what will happen if the houses burn down or are abandoned? Ms. Bechtel said the density on the Dubois lot with the houses on it could not be increased once the development rights were given up. She noted, though, that there is an area behind the homes on which an additional 7 units could be built. Mr. Belter suggested that those additional units be shown on the plan at this time, even if they will not be built yet. Mr. Cobb said the family did not want to do that. The roads will be 30' wide and public. Municipal sewer and water is available. Some improvements will be made along rte. 116. 1/7/� JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Preliminary Plat application of Thomas Farrell for the subdivision of lots as depicted on the plan entitled "Preliminary Plat,g', Thomas A Farrell Property, East O'Lake Inn Parcel, South Burlington, Vermont", dated November 26, 1984, and last revised 12/18/84, and prepared by G.E. Bedard, Inc., Hinesburg, Vermont with the following stipulations: 1. The lots are approved at the following acreage: Farrell Distributing Corporation, Holmes Road, 12.97 acres; East O'Lake Inn, 1233 Shelburne Road, 4.65 acresjand Allenwood, 1195 Shelburne Road at 8.07 acres�f�qst of te Vermont Railway right- of -way. 6ont z" 'kp 4-k— a"Wo 2. Any future development on these lots will require a separate site plan review and approval. No Text January 18, 1985 Stephen R. Crampton 109 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve; Enclosed is the agenda for Tuesdays meeting and a copy of my memo. Please submit a Final Application form for my files on Tuesday. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg Encls cc: Thomas Farrell George E. Bedard Memorandum January 22 Agenda items January 18, 1985 Page 2 Future Streets and sewer connections: Sewer stubs have been in- cluded at all future streets. Streets have been named Butler Drive, Worcester Street, Adirondack Street, Mansfield Street, and Marcy Street. Intersection Improvements: The formula and fee is for future, necessary improvements to the Hinesburg Road Kennedy Drive intersection. will review this witn the applicant's engineer. Other: See Bill Szymanski's memo, especially regarding sewer pro- visions. 4) FARRELL, SHELBURNE ROAD This Final Plat application has no changes since the preliminary plan approved at the last meeting. The subdivision regulations require a 3 step process of all commercial subdivisions. The approval motion will be essentially the same. 5) ARNOLD BAKERY DISTRIBUTORSHIP, 57 SWIFT STREET The applicant proposes to convert a single-family home in the C-1 District to office space for Arnold Bakery Distributorship. The business will operate as a warehousing facility and a zoning variance was obtained for this purpose. The second floor will be used as a residence for the owner. A multiple use permit was also granted by the Zoning Board. Pedestrian and Vehicular Access: The existing 10 foot wide drive- way will be widened to 20 feet. This meets the minimum commercial standard. Circulation: The driveway provides adequate circulation and access to the house and garage. Parking: A parking lot is shown for 4 vehicles. This meets the requirement. Landscaping and Screening: An existing hedge will be removed to build the parking lot. Two White pines will be planted in the front lawn. Other: The business will consist of one delivery to the garage between 3 and 4 A.M., 5 mornings a week. The bakery goods will be reloaded into a bread van that will leave the property by 5: 00 A.M. 5 days a week. The first floor will be an office; the second floor will be a residence. There will be no other employees. Two vehicles will be on site, one in the garage and one to the right side of the driveway. No customers will come to the office and no goods will be sold from the office. The ''oning Board limited it to a one-man operation, and restricted it to the hours stated above. January 11, 1985 Stephen R. Crampton 109 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve: Enclosed are the minutes from the Farrell Preliminary Plat approval. I have scheduled your final plat for January 22, 1985. Please call. if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jane S . Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Thomas Farrell - 5 Holmes Road George E. Bedard - Box 32, Hinesburg Vt RD #1 05461 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission \n From: Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner Re: January 8 Agenda items Date: 1/4/85 2) CARDINAL WOODS EXTENSION Plans are not yet ready. This Public Hearing should be continued until January 22, 1985. 6), FARRELL PRELIMINARY PLAT, PUBLIC HEARING This proposed subdivision creates three new sized lots as follows: East-O-Lake Inn lot, 1233 Shelburne Road at 4.65 acres; Farrell Distributing Corporation, Holmes Avenue, at 12.97 acres, and Allenwood, 1195 Shelburne Road, at 8.07 acres. There are no foreseeable problems at this point. Bill Szymanski's comments will be available at the meeting %0 cArrv**-� k Hsw 4) PUBLIC HEARING:BUTLER FARMS, HINESBURG ROAD (DUBOIS The proposed P.U.D. consists of 149 new single-family lots, 2 existing homes, and an additional 7 units possible, to reach the maximum density. This is zoned Agricultural and Rural Residential and can be developed in a P.U.D. at the R-2 level. As many as possible of the following issues should be discussed at this meeting. In the meantime, revised Preliminary Plans should be submitted that incorporate these points and those of Bill Szymanski. I do not want to base a Preliminary Plat approval motion on these plans, given the number of items of concern and revisions needed. After these are discussed this week, the hearing can be continued, based on the submission of revised Preliminary plans. Open Space: The plan should show the open space provisions agreed to with the City Council. These are 1) The land north of the central entrance road shall be dedicated to the City. This should be designated as Lot A, and the size indicated. 2) Land south of the entrance road, north of the Dubois home, shall be designated as lot B, the size indicated, and dedicated to the City. Lots A and B should equal 10 acres at a minimum. 3) The Development Rights to the land around the Dubois homes shall be dedi.cated to the City. 4) The Dubois' shall maintain the development rights to the west of their home. Seven additional units may be placed in this January 4, 1985 Stephen R. Crampton 109 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve: Enclosed is the agenda and my memo to the Planning Commission for the January 8, 1985 meeting. Please note that the meeting time is 7:00 P.M. I will need your completed plans on Monday morning. S incerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg cc: Thomas Farrell George E. Bedard Encls PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 18, 1984 Consider sketch plan application of Thomas Farrell for commercial subdivision of East-O-Lake Hotel parcel located at 1233 Shelburne Road Mr. Steve Crampton explained that the Farrell land wa parcels. 'When the Farrell Distributing Center was built, a small area of the original East-O-Lake parcel, so it was the Center occupied a lot of 18 acres. Now what they want the 12.97 acres under lease to the distributing company to 4.65 acres to the existing inn buildings, and allocate the acres contained in a narrow strip to the Farrell residence line will be realigned slightly. originally in 3 t overlapped into considered that to do is allocate that lot, allocate remaining 1 or 2 lot. The property Mr. Poger asked if there would be a change in the Shelburne and was told there would not be. The Commission asked that the and that the plan show what was across the road from the land. Road access lots be numbered Consider site plan application of G.J. Associates for a 2560 sq. ft. warehouse expansion for auto supplies at 20 San Remo Drive Mr. Gordon Jarvis said some paving would be removed in the front of the lot to allow for more green area. The entrance to the site will also be designated. Ms. Bechtel said these changes would improve the lot. Mr. Poger asked how many parking spaces the lot required and was told that there were 4-5 people who made deliveries. Very few people come to pick up things on the site and there are usually only 1-2 people on the lot. Ms. Bechtel recommended that the number of parking spaces be waived to 17. She noted that if more parking spaces were needed, they were available in the area. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission grant site plan aproval to G.J. Associates, located at 20 San Remo Drive for a 2560 sq. ft. addition to the existing warehouse as depicted on a plan entitled "G.J. Associates. 20 San Remo Drive: Landscape. :rite iIlan" dated 4/24/4 as prepared by Kenneth R. Adams, Inc with the following stipulation, • 1. A �1500 bond for landscaping shall be posted prior to permit. 2. That the Commission waives the required number of parking places and allows 17 spaces for this site. 3. The building permit must be obtained within 6 months from this date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jacob and it carried unanimously. Discuss rezoning proposals for Green Acres (Ralph Goodrich) in the Southeast Quadrant Mrs. Maher left the meeting at this time. Mr. Lamphere said David Spitz of North Country Planning had been hired to analyze the property. He recommended that the minimum lot size be changed from 10 to 5 acres and that average lot size go from 20 to 10 acres. He also felt the boundary line between I-Ag and R could be shifted to follow a tree line on the land. This would change the zoning on about 40 acres of land. He also called for allowing multiple ownership of buildings and allowing multiple users in the office buildings. Mr. Poger noted that during the last revisions of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, the Commission had proposed 800 acres of I-Ag land which would include large lots in an attempt to preserve the visual character of the Quadrant and at the same time provide areas for such uses as IBA Mitel, etc. December 27, 1984 Attorney Crampton 109 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of December 18, 1984. I have scheduled your Preliminary Plat hearing for January 8, 1985, and will send you the agenda before that date. Sincerely, Jane S . Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mc. 1 Encl cc: Thomas Farrell GRAVEL AND SHEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW CHARLES T. SHEA STEPHEN R. CRAMPTON 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE STEWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT B. HEMLEY POST OFFICE BOX 1049 WILLIAM G. POST, JR. BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 CRAIG WEATHERLY NORMAN WILLIAMS JAMES E. KNAPP DENNIS R. PEARSON D. RUSSELL MORGAN December 20, 1984 Ms. Jane Bechtel City Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 TELEPHONE 658-0220 AREA CODE 802 CLARKE A. GRAVEL COUNSEL Re: Thomas A. Farrell Property "East O'Lake Inn Parcel" Dear Jane: Following up on last night's sketch plan approval, I enclose four copies of the necessary subdivision application for the preliminary plat approval. George Bedard will be delivering four copies of the preliminary plat to you tomorrow (Friday) or on Monday after he meets with you today to confirm his understanding of exactly what should be included on the plat. It is my understanding that we will be placed on the agenda for public hearing on Tuesday, January 8. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Cordially, GRAVEL and ,�EA l.� 1. S ephen R. Crton SRC:wsb Enclosures cc: Thomas A. Farrell Diane Gallagher CHARLES T. SHE STEPHEN R. CRAMPTON STEWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT B HEMLEY WILLIAM G. POST, JR- CRAIG WEATHERLY NORMAN WILLIAMS JAMES E KNAPP DENNIS R. PEARSON D. RUSSELL MORGAN GRAVEL AND SHEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 1049 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 December 18, 1984 District Environmental Commission #IV 111 West Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 Attention: Katherine Vose, Coordinator TELEPHONE 658-0220 AREA CODE 802 CGLARKE A. GRAVEL COUNSEL Re: implication for Land Use Permit Amendment 4CO395-4 C Dear Katherine: I enclose an application for a land use permit amendment which I would _ ask be treated as a minor application. — - 0 Under Land Use Permit #4C0395, approval was given to construct a commercial distribution center building/warehouse on -eighteen acres, more or less, in South Burlington, Vermont. The 18 acres are owned by Thomas A. Farrell, with 12.97 acres of the 18 acres which are directly allocated to the distribution center being the subject of a lease agreement between Thomas A. Farrell and the Farrell Distributing Corporation. The balance of the 18 acres are vacant and unimproved except for the presence of a former inn building, motel building and pool area adjacent to Shelburne Road. We y propose to allocate and subdivide a 4.65 acre parcel for the use of the inn building, motel building and pool area, and allocate a narrow strip along the northerly edge of the original 18 acre parcel to the adjoining lands owned by Thomas A. Farrell, thereby leaving the distribution center with the 12.97 acres which are leased and allocated for its site. The inn and motel buildings have been vacant for a period of time and are vacant at this date. We are presently obtaining a subdivision permit from the City of South Burlington with respect to the above. Any subsequent proposals for the use of the 4.65 acre parcel and its buildings would be subject to any appropriate state or municipal review. In light of the above, I would provide a brief review of the 10 criteria: Criteria 1: Air and Water Pollution - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. No streams, floodways or shoreline involved. No sewage or water use. No stormwater considerations. District Environmental Commission #IV Criteria 2 and 3 4.65 acre parcel contemplated. December 18, 1984 Page Two Water Supply - not applicable. No use proposed for No development proposed or construction Criteria 4: Soil Erosion, Ability of Land to Hold Water - no new construction or earthwork. Two delapidated structures, a garage and old dwelling house, will be torn down. Both otructures are located on a flat area and are easily accessible by existing driveways on the property. The demolition will immediately be followed by grading and reseeding where appropriate. Criteria 5: Highway Congestion and Safety - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. Criteria 6: Educational Services - not applicable. Criteria 7: Municipal Services - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. Criteria 8: Scenic/Natural Beauty - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. No landscaping or exterior lighting proposed. Not a historic site, natural area or wildlife habitat. Criteria 9: Not applicable. Criteria 10: Municipal Plan - not applicable. No new use proposed. Local subdivision approval being obtained. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a call. I would appreciate your advising me of the status of the application at your early convenience. Cordially, G VEL and SHEA j Step en R. Crampton SRC:wsb Enclosures cc: South Burlington City Planning Commission (w/enc.) City of South Burlington (City Manager) (w/enc.) Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (w/enc.) Agency of Environmental Conservation (w/enc.) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I, Stephen R. Crampton, sent a copy of the foregoing by United States mail, postage prepaid, on this 18th day of December, 1984, to the following: South Burlington City Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Attention: _City Manager Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission - 58 Pearl Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 Agency of Environmental Conservation State Office Building Montpelier, VT 05602 Attention: Dana Cole -Levesque, Esq. 1984. Dated at Burlington, Vermont this 18th day of December, G EL and SHE 'V ,l to en R. Crampto APPLICATION FOR LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMr"T �TRQ'TIONS: Use this form for all Land Use Permit amendments, including permit transfers. Applications for permit transfers are to be completed by the transferree. )N 1 - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. 4CO395-4 Filing Date: Laws Involved: Deemed Complete By: )N II - TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT 1. APPLICANT: Thomas A. Farrell, c/o Farrell Distributing Corp. 5 Holmes Road, South (Name) Burlington, (Address) - (Phone No. 2. PROPERTY OWNER: Thomas A. Farrell (same as above) (Name) (Address) (Phone Igo.) 3. PERSON TO BE CONTACTED ABOUT THIS APPLICATION (Complete only if different than #1): Stephen R. Crampton, Esq., Gravel and" Shea, P.O. Box 1049, Burlington, VT (Name) (Address)658-0220 (Phone No.) 4. WF.AT IS YOUR IZCAL INTEREST IN THIS PROPERTY? Fee simple 5. IF YOU ARE NOT FILING THIS APPLICATION AS AN INDIVIDUAL, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: N/A (Legal Entity) (Date Formed (State) (Date Registered in Vt.) 6. WHAT IS THE MXURE OF THIS REQUEST TO AMMM THE LAND USE PERMIT: To remove 4.65 acre parcel from an existing 18 acre parcel used for a commercial distribution center, and to remove an additional one acre, more or less, from said commercial distribution center -P.arcel.— - 7. DESCRIBE 11NY CHAN(=S IN THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM INFORMATION IN TiE ORIGINAL IIDPLIC..ATION a. Acreage in the entire tract of land 12.5A+ (minus ').65 acre parcel) b. Acreage in this project 4.65-acres to be subdivided a IA± parcel to be removed and C. Date the project will be started_ immediately addea to a joining lanl. d. Date the project will be completed immediately e. Funding or bonding of this project n a f. ?".unicipal services to be used n a N III - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RFQU=RED ON p--R.�TT T_RA.NSpER.S $• T 'Er'ERR I hereby agree to complete this project as set forth in the application, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the Land Use Permit number , and as amendsd above: (Transferree 9. TRAI'ISFERROR: I hereby agree to the transfer of Land Use Permit # as set forth above: ("--ansferror ) N P7 - NdTICE TO ?A.R'?'L�'S - TO BE COM�LET`r'D BY ALL APPLICANTS FOR A.CT 250 PROJECTS 10. This application must be signed by the applicant. By signing this applicati :mon the applicant assumes responsibility for the information provided and, when the amendment involves Act 250, confizms that the town selectmen, Planning Cor mission and Regional Planning Commission were given a copy of the application as required. 11/3/,5 (Signature of Appl-cant) Thomas A. Farrell x Memorandum December 18, 12/14/84 Page 3 1984 agenda items The boundaries are I-89, Hinesburg Road, and a proposed right-of-way which is a logical land area to designate. It can not be deemed spot zoning. It will abut the R-1 zone that contains about a dozen -h en-p1. quous, to the . T-_C___anC1__Tn(J11AtLid1 __ Ag zones along both sides of I-89. 6) VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS, 85 Swift Street Site plan approval expired September 13, 1984 for the construction of a 7500 square foot office complex and a 10,000 square foot operational center. The office complex is on two floors. As stipulated by the Commission, the new plan shows a sidewalk across the front of the property, and a pipe under the sidewalk for drainage into the ditch. The sidewalk should be completd within a set period of time. The plan also shows separate parking for the office and for the operational center. The office space requires 30 spaces and 38 are shown. The operational center will have 41 employees; 20 spaces are shown. If there are two shifts this should be sufficient, other- wise the Commission should either review the parking situation in a year, or require additional speces. The driveway measures 30 feet, although it is labelled at 35' in width. This should be corrected. Sewer allocation: The office space should require 375 gallons per day and the operational center should require 615 (gpd) using the generous state estimates. The operational center must be placed on the sewer waiting list, and no building permit can be issued for this portion. All other items are sufficient. See Bill Szymanski's memo. 7) FARRELL SKETCH PLAN, ast-O-Lake Hotel, Shelburne Road The applicant proposes to subdivide the present East-O-Lake Inn lot at 1233 Shelburne Road, into a 4.65 acre parcel for the Inn, and to allocate the balance to the Farrell Distributing Corporation on Holmes Avenue, and Allenwood (north of the Inn, and east of the Vermont Rail Road tracks). This proposal will clear up the lot distinctions in this area and will allow the sale of East-O-Lake on 4.65 acres. The 3 new sized lots will be East-O-Lake at 4.65 acres, Farrell Distribution at 12.97 acres and Allenwood at 8.07 acres. There should be no major problems with this subdivision. (see map, page 4) Memorandum December 18, 1984 agenda items -2/14484 Page 4 FAe2RE�t.. 'D � SZR� \3llTl N L \D ak'l a-ccc5 NEW CAsT-o -LASE INN L6L L4.1. 5 AcRE S SHEL3URI�� �� 8) G.J. ASSOCIATES, San Remo Drive Au.EN - W o00 I ACRES NOT TO SCALE The applicant proposes to add 2560 square feet to the existing ware- house building, located at the northeast corner of San Remo Drive. General Comments: The lot is almost completely paved or gravelled. There is no clear distinction between this lot and the lot to the north, except striping on parking lots. Parking: Twenty eight parking spaces are required although 17 full sized spaces are proposed. There is little room for additional spaces although some parking appears to be shared with the adjoining lot. Circulation and Access: The applicant proposes to improve the drive- way entrance by landscaping the front yard and building a better driveway entrance. Landscaping: Proposed landscaping meets the requirements and should significantly improve the lot's appearance. ff GREEN ACRES REZONING - Goodrich-Mikell Enclosed is a copy of a proposal for 4 zoning changes for the Good- rich-Mikell properties in the Southeast Quadrant, east of Ilinesburg Road. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 658-7955 December 14, 1984 Stephen Crampton, Esq. c/o Gravel and Shea P.O. Box 1049 Burlington, Vermont 05402-1049 Dear Steve: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda to the Planning Commission meeting of December 18, 1984. Please note that the meeting begins at 7:Q0 P.M. Also enclosed is my memo to the Commission. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, f lJ� Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg Encls cc: George Bedard -N �{�i2RE�L 3IUM W Co NEI+ LRsz - O -LP,KE 1 N N \-O T L4. to S�-'rCLL,URI�tE �� NOT TO SCR\.E a � U c ua rw (kkq �- C ezvlai- R, R PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING REGULATIONS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1984 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held by the South Burlington Planning Commission on Tuesday December 18, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room located at 575 Dorset Street in the City of South Burlington on a proposed amendment to the 1982 South Burlington Zoning Regulations as previously amended. The principal provision of the proposed amendment may be summarized as follows (pertinent sections are noted in parentheses): Extend the Industrial -Commercial Zone Westward to include a proposed 7.6 acre lot, presently zoned Residential-1, with 400 feet frontage on the Eastern side of Hinesburg Rd., North of I-89, West of land of Helen Tilley, and South of land owned by M. Wright, R. and M. Roy, D. and L. O'Brien and D. and S. O'Brien. (MAP) CHARLES T. SHEA STEPHEN R. CRAMPTON STEWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT B. HEMLEY WILLIAM G. POST, JR. CRAIG WEATHERLY NORMAN WILLIAMS JAMES E. KNAPP DENNIS R. PEARSON D. RUSSELL MORGAN South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, GRAVEL AND SHEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW TELEPHONE 658-0220 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE AREA CODE 802 POST OFFICE BOX 1049 CLARKE A. GRAVEL BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 COUNSEL November 30, 1984 Planning Commission VT 05401 Attention: Jane Bechtel, Planner Dear Ms. Bechtel: Enclosed please find four copies of a sketch plan application, together with a check in the amount of $50.00 representing the required application fee. I would request the application be recognized as a resubdivision and as such, be classified as a minor subdivision. Would you confirm that this application will be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for sketch plan review on December 18, 1984, and be scheduled for final subdivision plat approval at the earliest Planning Commission meeting there- after. We intend to have the final subdivision plan and appli- cation in your hands the day after sketch plan approval. For the benefit of the Commission, let me provide some background and supplemental information concerning the proposed subdivision: 1. The existing parcel contains 18 acres, more or less, with frontage on both Holmes Road and Shelburne Road. The portion of the property facing Holmes Road is the site of the Farrell Distributing Corporation distribution center and is subject to a leasehold interest in the corporation (7.99 acres, more or less). The balance of the 18 acre parcel is open land except for four plus acres fronting on Shelburne Road which contain a former inn building, motel building, and pool area. These buildings are presently vacant. 2. The Distribution Center and its 18 acre parcel received site plan approval from the South Burlington Planning Commission in August of 1979, and subsequently received a South Burlington Planning Commission November 30, 1984 Page Two second approval when there was an expansion to the distribution center building. 3. The application now before the Commission is to allocate 4.65 acres to the existing vacant inn building and motel building. None of the acreage is used in conjunction with the distribution center, and no utilities or easements serving the distribution center are located within the 4.65 acre parcel. 4. Subsequent to subdivision approval, it is anticipated that the 4.65 acre parcel and its vacant buildings may be sold to a third party. The sale would be one of a vacant property. Any subsequent use proposed for the property would be subject to applicable city review and approvals. 5. You will note that two small buildings presently on property to be retained by the applicant will be torn down or removed (labeled "Garages" and "DWL" respectively). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please call should further information be desired. Cordially, GRA L and HEA Stephen R. Cram on SRC:wsb Enclosures cc: Thomas A. Farrell a {t w 0 1) STATE OF VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION # 4 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vt. 879-6563 TO: All Parties FROM: Raymond SAtewar t , MEMORANDUM Assistant District Coordinator DATE: Play 2, 1986 RE: Land Use Permit Amendment Application #4C0395-5 Lakewood Associates, Incorporated and Alexander S. Lewis South Burlington Attached is a corrected Notice of Application and Hearing for the above referenced project. Due to typographical error the original Notice indicated an application was filed for "...the construction of 8,000 square feet of office space in six build- ings...". The Notice should read "...the construction of 48,000 square feet of office space in six buildings..." RSS/aml attachment "CORRECTED" ACT 250 NOTICE AMENDMENT APPLICATION AND HEARING 10 V.S.A., Sec. 6083-6088 Amendment Application #4C0395-5 was filed by Lakewood Associates, Inc., of R.D. #4, Box 4113, Shelburne, Vermont and Alexander S. Lewis, Chittenden County Volkswagon, South Burlington, Vermont on April 4, 1986 for renovation of an existing inn into a 150 seat restaurant and the construction of 48,000 square feet of office space in six buildings to be served by municipal water and sewer and located off of Shelburne Road in South Burlington, Vermont. This project will be evaluated in accordance with the 10 environmental criteria of 10 V.S.A., 6086(a). Statutory parties to this application are the municipality, the municipal planning commission, the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, and affected State agencies. Adjoining property owners may participate to the extent the proposal will have a direct effect on their property under the 10 criteria. Other persons may parti- cipate at the discretion of the District Commission. If you wish to participate, please contact the Coordinator for further inform- ation before the first hearing or date as specified below. Copies of the application and plans for this project are available for inspection by members of the public during regular working hours at the South Burlington Municipal office, the Chitt- enden County Regional Planning Commission Office and the District #4 Environmental Office. A public hearing is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Thursday, May 22, 1986 at the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Office at 66 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, Vermont. A site visit will be conducted at 3:30 p.m., May 22, 1986. BY Lwr� K t erine M. Vose Environmental Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 879-6563 KMV/aml CHARLES T. SHEA STEPHEN R. CRAMPTON STEWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT8 HEMLEY WILLIAM G POST, JR, CRAIG WEATHERLY NORMAN WILLIAMS JAMES E KNAPP OENNiS R. PEARSON O. RUSSELL MORGAN GRAVEL AND SHEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 1049 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 December 18, 1984 RECEIVED DEC . District Environmental Commission #IV , 1984 111 West Street C TANAGER'S OF Essex Jct., VT 05452 SO'S�c N Attention: Katherine Vose, Coordinator TELEPHONE 658-0220 AREA CODE 802 CLARKE A. GRAVEL COUNSEL //� w Re: Application for Land Use Permit Amendment 4CO395-4 Dear Katherine: I enclose an application for a land use permit amendment which I would ask be treated as a minor application. — ® Under Land Use Permit #4C0395, approval was give n to construct a commercial distribution center building/warehouse on -eighteen acres, more or less, in South Burlington, Vermont. The 18 acres are owned by Thomas A. Farrell, with 12.97 acres of the 18 acres which are directly allocated to the distribution center being the subject of a lease agreement between Thomas A. Farrell and the Farrell Distributing Corporation. The balance of the 18 acres are vacant and unimproved except for the presence of a former inn building, motel building and pool area adjacent to Shelburne Road. We y propose to allocate and subdivide a 4.65 acre parcel for the use of the inn building, motel building and pool area, and allocate a narrow strip along the northerly edge of the original 18 acre parcel to the adjoining lands owned by Thomas A. Farrell, thereby leaving the distribution center with the 12.97 acres which are leased and allocated for its site. The inn and motel buildings have been vacant for a period of time and are vacant at this date. We are presently obtaining a subdivision permit from the City of South Burlington with respect to the above. Any subsequent proposals for the use of the 4.65 acre parcel and its buildings would be subject to any appropriate state or municipal review. In light of the above, I would provide a brief review of the 10 criteria: Criteria l: Air and Water Pollution - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. No streams, floodways or shoreline involved. No sewage or water use. No stormwater considerations. District Environmental Commission #IV December 18, 1984 Page Two Criteria 2 and 3: Water Supply - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. Criteria 4: Soil Erosion, Ability of Land to Hold Water - no new construction or earthwork. Two delapidated structures, a garage and old dwelling house, will be torn down. Both structures are located on a flat area and are easily accessible by existing driveways on the property. The demolition will immediately be followed by grading and reseeding where appropriate. Criteria 5: Highway Congestion and Safety - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. Criteria 6: Educational Services - not applicable. Criteria 7: Municipal Services - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. Criteria 8: Scenic/Natural Beauty - not applicable. No use proposed for 4.65 acre parcel. No development proposed or construction contemplated. No landscaping or exterior lighting proposed. Not a historic site, natural area or wildlife habitat. Criteria 9: Not applicable. Criteria 10: Municipal Plan - not applicable. No new use proposed. Local subdivision approval being obtained. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a call. I would appreciate your advising me of the status of the application at your early convenience. Cordially, G UEL and SHEA f Step en R. Crampton SRC:wsb Enclosures cc: South Burlington City Planning Commission (w/enc.) City of South Burlington (City Manager) (w/enc.) Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (w/enc.) Agency of Environmental Conservation (w/enc.) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I, Stephen R. Crampton, sent a copy of the foregoing by United States mail, postage prepaid, on this 18th day of December, 1984, to the following: 1984. South Burlington City Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Attention: —City Manager Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 58 Pearl Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 Agency of Environmental Conservation State Office Building Montpelier, VT 05602 Attention: Dana Cole -Levesque, Esq. Dated at Burlington, Vermont this 18th day of December, G EL and SHE t &t- :l to en R. Crampto APPLICATION (FOR LAND USE PERMIT AMENDYNT TRQ'TIONS: Use this form for all Land Use Permit amendments, including permit transfers. Applications for permit transfers are to be completed by the transferree. IN 1 - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. 4C0395-4 Filing Date: Laws Involved: Deemed Complete By: V 11 - TO BE COMPLE•iED BY THE APPLICANT 1, APPLICANT: Thomas A. Farrell, c/o Farrell Distributing Corp. 5 Holmes Road, South (Name) 7uriington, VT 05401 (Address) - (Phone No.) 2. PROPEICY OWNER: Thomas A. Farrell (same as above) (fie) (Address) (Phone No.) 3. PERSON TO BE CONTACTED ABOUT THIS APPLICATION (Complete onl if different than #1): Stephen R. Crampton, Esq., Gravel and Shea, P. Box 1049, Burlington, VT (Name) (Address)658-0220 (Phone No.) 4. WHAT IS YOUR LEGAL INTEREST IN THIS PROPERTY? Fee simple 5. IF YOU ARE NOT FILIDTG THIS APPLICATION AS AN INDIVIDUAL, COMPLETE TEE FOLT-04ING: N/A (Legal Entity) (Date Formed) - (State) (Date Registered in Vt.) 6. WHAT IS THE MXURE OF TH= REQUEST TO AMEND THE LAND USE PER= : To remove 4.65 acre parcel from an existing 18 acre parcel used for a commercial distribution center, and to remove an additional one acre, more or less, from said commercial distribution center 7. DESCRIBE ANY CHANGES IN THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM INFOR.%TION IN THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION a. Acreage in the entire tract of land 12.5At (minus 5.65 acre parcel) b. Acreage in this project 4.65-acres to be subdivided, a lAt parcel to be removed and c. Date the project will be started immediately acaea ro a Joining TanC. d. Date the project will be completed immediately e. Funding or bonding of this project n a f. Municipal services to be used n a N III - XODITIONAL 1NI F-OF2.�ION M_QU=-RED ON P-RIFT^ T-RANSFER.S 8. TRAM—cr-RREE: I hereby agree to completa this project as set forth in the application, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the Land Use Perini= number , and as amended above: (Trans`erree 9. TRAISTERROR: I hereby agree to the transfer of Land Use Permit 4 as set forth above: (Transferror) N IV - N(Y—"= TO PA.RTZES - TO BE COPM=-'D BY ALL APPLICAlti'TS FOR ACT 250 PROJTS 10. This application must be signed by the applicant. By signing this application the applicant assumes responsibility for the information provided and, when the amendment involves Act 250, confirms that the town selectmen, Planning Cor:.ission and Regional Planning Commission were given a copy of the application as required. -11/3/75 (Signature of /Applicant) Thomas A. Farrell