HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-91-0000 - Decision - 0175 Shelburne RoadFINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of John Larkin and Gerald Milot for construction of a planned commercial development con- sisting of 150 multi -family residential units, a 60 room hotel, 20,000 square foot movie theater (1,000 seats) and 40,000 square feet of retail use, 1175 Shelburne Road. On the 25t.h of. June 1991, the South Burlington Planning Commis- sion approved the request of John Larkin and Gerald Milot for approval of a Revised Final Plat under Section 204 of the South Burlington Subdivision Regulations based on the following find- ings: 1. The amendment to this project consists of substituting a 20,000 square foot 1,000 seat nine (9) screen movie theater for the 60,000 square foot office buildings, the redesigning of the 40,000 square foot retail building from two (2) buildings con- nected by an overhead walkway to one (1) building and increasing the size of the hotel from 40 rooms to 60 rooms by leaving intact a 20 room structure which was previously proposed to be razed. There are no changes to the residential portion of the project. The Final Plat was approved on December 11, 1990. 2. Access: Access to the project from Shelburne Road has not changed. An access change from the proposed Fayette Road in- cludes the elimination of the access to the underground parking area for the former office building. 3. Access to the proposed theater parking area will remain via a curb -cut and driveway located within the proposed 60 foot r.o.w. connection to the Farrell Property to the south. This access was moved seventy (70) feet to the west from the original proposed connection. The 60 foot r.o.w. is proposed in front of the theater. 4. Landscaping: Minor revisions have been made to the landscaping plan and this plan still meets the minimum lands aping requirement of $107,500. One (1) additional street tree has been added for a total street tree value of $14,000. There- fore, the total landscaping value is $121;-500. 5. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 8.4% (maximum al- lowed is 30%). Overall is 34.3% (maximum allowed is 70%). The setbacks from the retail building have not changed. The proposed theater is 20 feet from the Fayette Road r.o.w. while the previ- ously proposed office building was to be only 10 feet from the r.o.w. the 20 unit motel building will be 15 feet from the r.o.w. The site design does well in screening parking areas from Shel- burne Road. 6. Sewer: A sewer allocation of 58,060 g.p.d. is now required. This number reflects the change from an office building to a theater, 20 additional rooms in the hotel and a credit for the existing hotel sewer usage which was not given as part of the December 11, 1990 approval. This new total assumes 52,500 g.p.d. for the residential portion and 5,560 for the commercial portion. Due to limited sewer capacity at the Bartlett Bay Treatment facility, only a portion is available at this time. This project will remain on a waiting list for the remaining gallonage until such time as sufficient capacity is available. This amount will remain as #1 on the list. 7. Traffic: The Final Plat approval granted on December 11, 1990 stipulated that this project is approved for a maximum peak hour trip end generation of 623 trips. This number did not. include the trips generated by the existing hotel which was to have only 40 rooms. The trip generation for the amended plan is as follows: 150 2 bedroom units 99 trip ends 40,000 square foot retail 366 trip ends 1,000 seat theater 104 trip ends Total 569 trip ends This total represents 54 trip ends less than was permitted under the December 11, 1990 approval. This number does not include the trips generated by the existing hotel which is now to have 60 rooms. 8. Parking/Circulation: The proposed commercial uses which are part of this application include the bank, 60 room hotel and theater which require a total of 408 parking spaces. The pro- posed retail building is being shown on the plat conceptually with regards to parking. The Planning Commission will review the parking for the retail building prior to its construction. The plat shows a total of 471 spaces which is adequate for the pro- posed uses. The redesign of the retail building results in a greater amount of parking visible from Fayette Road as opposed to the previous plan in which much of the parking was hidden by the building. Circulation pattern through the site is acceptable. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Plan- ning Commission approves the revised final plat application of John Larkin and Gerald Milot for construction of a planned com- mercial development consisting of 150 multi -family residential units, a 60-room hotel, 20,000 square foot movie theater (1,000 seats) and 40,000 square feet of retail sue as depicted on a nine (9) page set of plans, page one entitled "L&M Park, Overall Site Plan", prepared by Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn, Inc. and dated June 1990, last revised. 6/18/91 with the following stipulations: 1. All stipulations contained in the 12/11/90 approval which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall post a $121,500, 3-year landscaping bond prior to permit. This includes $14,000 for street trees (public r.o.w and $107,500 for site landscaping. 3. A sewer allocation of 58)060 gpd is granted. This includes a 8,600 gpd credit for the existing hotel units. The 58,060 gpd assumes 52,500 gpd for the residential portion and 5,560 gpd for the commercial portion. Due to limited sewer capacity at the Bartlett Bay Treatment facility, only 51,552 gpd shall be consid- ered reserved capacity as approved on 12/11/90. The remaining 6,508 shall be placed as #1 on a waiting list until such time as sufficient capacity is available as determined by the City Plan- ner. 4. It is anticipated that the project will generate 569 peak hour trip ends. This trip generation fits within the 623 peak hour trip ends limit established by the Commission with the 12/11/90 approval. 5. The revised final plat shall be revised prior to recording to show the following: a) More landscaping including shrubbery and /or low berms along parking areas fronting Fayette Road to better screen parking lots from public r.o.w. This shall be approved by the City Planner. 6. Based on the expressed representation of the applicant, at such time as the 60 foot r.o.w. connection to the Farrell proper- ty is opened as a public road, two of the four parking lot curb nuts on the east side of -the r.o.w. shall be closed and parking lot circulation revised to accommodate the reduced curb cuts. 7. The revised final plat shall be signed by the Planning Com- mission Chairman or Clerk and recorded in the South Burlington land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. Chairman or -'Clerk South Burlington Planning Commission