HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 10/27/2020 - Joint meeting 1 Joint meeting of the Recreation and Parks, Natural Resources and Conservation, Bicycle and Pedestrian, and Dog Park Committees on Tuesday 10/27/20 at 5:30 pm. Attending: Staff: Holly Rees and Ashley Parker Committee members: David Crawford (Natural Resources & Conservation), Amanda Holland (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Barb Sirvis (Dog Park), Bob Britt (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Catherine Frank (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Colin MacIntosh (Natural Resources & Conservation), Corey Santorello (Natural Resources & Conservation), Dana Farr (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Drew Shatzer (Natural Resources & Conservation), Havelah Gagne (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Eric Silverman (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Katie Langrock (Recreation & Parks), Linda Chiasson (Dog Park), Lisa Yankowski (Natural Resources & Conservation), Muriel More (Dog Park), Nic Anderson (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Ray Gonda (Natural Resources & Conservation), Shawn Goddard (Bicycle & Pedestrian), William Barber (Recreation & Parks), Will Sudbay (Recreation & Parks), Elizabeth Milizia (Dog Park), Donna Leban (Bicycle & Pedestrian), Larry Kupferman (Natural Resources & Conservation; Dog Park) Members of the public: Andrew Chalnick, Sophie Mazowita 1) Presentation/Discussion of the Underwood Project: (Meeting of the Recreation and Parks, Natural Resource and Conservation, and Bicycle and Pedestrian Committees) Ashley shared the current site plan and described several elements of the shared use portion under discussion tonight. Some areas of concern are parking, speed on Nowland Farm Rd, access points to Underwood. Striping is planned to Nowland Farm Rd to designate parking spots on the side of the road. Trail assessment underway to make good connections between the woodland and meadow trails Comments: Cathy F: comments on the end of the shared use path at the southern end joining the end of Parkside Drive sidewalk becoming an access point. 2 Nic A: why is the shared use path not following the existing mowed path? Ashley: the proposed shared use path follows a course that will affect wetland areas with the least disturbance and still be able to connect to other planned paths and the viewpoint. Nic A: have you consider a 12 ft path rather than the current 10 ft wide? And will it be plowed? Ashley: yes, all SoBu paved paths are ploughed thus the 10’ wide design. Nic A also asked about the design and engineering of a crosswalk (location?) and Ashley will look into that question. Muriel M asked about an access point from Spear St at the south end of the property so that her neighborhood could access the park from across the street. Ashley points out Class II wetlands in that immediate area and issues with people crossing the wetlands. Holly mentioned funds might be available to provide an access point at Spear and Pheasant Way. Discussion about crossings between Deerfield and South Village and how penny for paths might be used for a bike lane, crossings and additional infrastructure on Spear St. 2) Presentation/Discussion of Dog Recreation Management in South Burlington Natural Areas: (Meeting of the Recreation and Parks, Natural Resources and Conservation and Dog Park Committees) Holly : management plans for Wheeler Homestead and Natural area, Red Rocks Park include significant concern for public safety and maintenance of fragile natural systems in place. If dogs are allowed access to these areas, what should it look like and if restrictions are considered, then how should they be implemented. She suggested we look at these questions through three lenses: natural resources, recreation and dog activities and asked about reactions to how/who 3 should proceed with proposals as described in the materials prepared by staff for the meeting entitled “Dog Recreation in South Burlington; Strategies for Natural Resources Protection and Management while Sharing Outdoor Spaces with Dogs”. Holly referenced the research that the Dog Park Committee did to select an area (Wheeler Homestead, northern sloped area) as a site for a new dog park. Discussion: Larry K: would rather see a task force comprised from various committees in order to look thru the “lenses” as Holly referenced. Linda C: described the process used by the Dog Park committee to reach the decision to recommend Wheeler Homestead as a site for a dog park. Muriel M: supports an expanded mission for the Dog Park Committee, referenced some of the research Dog Park members did about “dog recreation” and described the work in Boulder CO as a good resource for future research into best practices. She questioned the pros and cons of a dog permit and further suggests that any plan should include off leash options and use the regional partnership as a source. Elizabeth M agrees that a task force be created to address the issues. Lisa Y: comments on dog issues at Red Rocks and the number of out of towners using Red Rocks as a place to walk their dog. She suggests better monitoring. Holly says a broader perspective at play now to rework the management plans with a tiered approach with feasibility of monitoring to better address issues as well as improve or create educational campaigns. Ray G: concerned with off leash behavior without a closer look at wildlife and habitat focus; sees Underwood as part of the wildlife corridor through that part of town leading south. Ashley offers that research shows that communities value land according to usage and that potential future strategies should come from committees assigned to the tasks. 4 Colin M: traffic at Red Rocks from Burlington and how would a So. Burlington permit proposal affect that usage? Holly: been working with her counterpart at Burlington Parks Dept since there is no dog park facility in the southern section of Burlington. She would like to see a social agreement about the affects of dog waste as part of dog permitting (and licensing?) Elizabeth M: Friends of Dog park group has created a trifold handout and could do more with feedback from others as to what information should be included. She sees the role of the Friends group to volunteer and offer educational materials. Holly: general sense from the meeting that a task force comprised of members from the 3 committees be proposed to Council and have the chairs of each make the presentation. We should vet the idea thru the committees and consider a time in January for Council action. Minutes taken by Larry K.