HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Recreation and Parks Committee - 09/28/2020
Monday Sept 28, 2020
5 PM-6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Present: Jon Pence, Mike Simoneau, Jennifer Kochman, Lauren Wedam, Katie Langrock, Bill
Barber, Caroline Henne, William Sudbay, Christy Pilsucki
Staff: Holly Rees
Absent: Bill Barber
Guests: Barb Sirvis, Betty Milizia
Meeting called to order at 5:02pm by Katie Langrock.
Changes or additions to the agenda
Jennifer asked for some discussion around Director’s Report, will do this after CIP.
Comments from the public not related to the agenda
Approval of minutes from August 18, 2020 meeting
Mike moves to approve, Lauren seconded it. All approved.
New Member Welcome and Why are we here roundtable- Katie and Jon
Welcome to new members! Committee members and guests introduced themselves including a
little about themselves, how long they have been on the committee and why they wanted to be
on the committee.
Discussion of Orientation Schedule/Park Site Visits- Katie
Last year we travelled together in a van to visit each of the parks to discuss history, current
projects and future plans. How best to do this during the pandemic? Jennifer would like to
be involved in the creation of the agenda and would like to have R&P conversations in person
with precautions. Lauren inquired about circulating the information sheet covering all the
R&P spaces so that each committee members can visit the parks on their own time and then we
can meet as a group to discuss, answer questions. Holly will forward the blurb sheet for each
park as well as a map for all committee members to tour independently ahead of getting
together for a socially distant outdoor meeting.
CIP Process Discussion- Holly
Holly said she is still wanting on the Finance Dept before she can have a draft CIP. CIP process
is complicated this year due to the budget freeze. The projects that were not done this year or
anticipated for next year will have to be delayed for another year. Holly said she is waiting to
hear and would estimate that she will have a draft CIP in two weeks. She would like to review
this draft with 2-3 members of the R&P committee before presenting to the full committee. Jon
Pence, Lauren Wedam and Christy Pilsucki volunteered. Betty would like the Dog Park
Committee to be informed about the CIP as they do not know what or where money has been
allocated. Holly said she does not think Dog Park Committee would be impacted by the CIP cuts,
as their funding has come from Rec Impact Fees and not the General Fund, but will confer with
Justin Rabidoux (current staff liaison) to include them.
Discussion of Director’s Report- Holly
Jennifer said The Other Paper has taken out a lot of South Burlington community information.
They are only doing a couple in-depth stories and no longer covering ongoing South Burlington
business due to financial reasons. City Council developed SoBu Times through City website. It
will cover all the departments/committees so our committee will have a lot more exposure.
Holly said there has been discussion to ensure there is fair and equal representation of each
Department and committee, there will be a schedule developed and distributed by Coralee
Holm, Community Engagement and Innovation Director
Jennifer said she is glad R&P Department will have a home but that it is unfortunate they were
not part of the planning for that space at 180 Market Street. Jennifer said the R&P was not
involved in the meetings for planning of offices nor the overall building. Jennifer said they were
only included when it came to development of the senior center. Jennifer said that the
committee needs to know about things that are happening so that we can assert ourselves,
states this is important for new members to know.
Holly said R&P will want to follow the development of the South Burlington Comprehensive
Plan closely. It has been pushed out a bit and it is unclear who will be doing it this year as the
Previous City Planner is no longer employed by the city and no replacement has been hired to
Katie said she wanted to acknowledge that Kevin Dorn and Tom Hubbard are both retiring and
it will be important to forge relationships with new leaders so Holly and R&P get the attention
that is deserved.
Jennifer thanked the R&P staff for hanging in through the furlough and jumping back in as soon
as they were able. She said it shows their enthusiasm and work ethic. We are grateful! Thank
you, Holly! Thank you, R&P staff!
Dog Park Update- Holly and Mike
Barb Sirvis, Betty Milizia, Tom Hubbard, Larry Heffernan, Justin Rabidoux, Carol McQuillen and
Holly met at Wheeler two weeks ago to have conversations about where one space ends and
another begins. Since that meeting, Betty submitted additional language for consideration as
the lease is formalized. Holly said they are trying to make sure everyone’s viewpoints and
desires are heard and reflected as the lease is a binding legal document. Currently, Justin is
moving forward with construction of Wheeler Dog Park. There were two wetland delineations
that needed to be done and, though there is a Class 3 wetland, it does not need to be avoided.
Committee reviewed the map of planned dog park and Holly said they plan to build the fence
and have the structure there in the next 1-2 months.
Mike inquired about the permit. Holly said Justin is working on that now. Mike expressed
concern that the parking lot is already used to capacity and inquired about possible expansion
of that parking lot. Barb Sirvis said there has been discussion of expanded parking. They plan to
focus on the fence first and then look at the parking needs. Betty Milizia agreed and said there
is consideration of a few spaces being added to the western side of the parking lot, maybe a
half dozen dedicated spaces for the park.
Barb clarified that the Dog Park Committee is meeting next week, that her comments tonight
were her own comments and not from the committee.
Overlook Landscaping Update- Holly
Holly said they are working on light filtration to the abutting neighbor and then the pine trees
can come down. She said the are adding a few plantings for beautification. Holly said the bigger
conversation is about view protection, but that they only have control over the pine trees and
that the rest is a Planning and Zoning issue.
Holly said she would like to have a conversation about responses to the public such as who
does it, when do they do it. There are lots of comments on social media that do not get
directed to Holly or R&P. Jennifer said it might be helpful to have those questions/issues
addressed in the SoBu Times. Jennifer inquired if there will be a space for people to bring
questions about the various departments. Katie said this would be a great topic for a future
Update on Common Roots Lease- Holly
Based on last committee meeting, Carol and Holly met to firm up mutual benefit language.
Betty sent in language to firm up Wheeler Dog Park. No final draft yet and no date to be before
City Council yet. Holly said with the timing of the process, R&P Committee may not be able to
review as a group again, but Holly might be able to send it out via email for individual comment.
Barb hopes conversation is happening about the co-mingling that might happen between Dog
Park, community gardens and Wheeler events.
Katie inquired if the lease addresses what happens to the oven if Common Roots goes out of
Update on South Village Soccer Field Design Concepts- Holly
Holly had design meeting with SD Ireland. It will be a regulation size soccer field on the corner
of South Village and Spear Street. There will be a buffer along Spear to catch balls and kids so
they do not go into the road. Holly said she suggested tight vegetation or to look at the dog
park design (split row fence, mesh/chicken wire). The field will need to have irrigation which is
an additional expense. There will be a half-court basketball hoop which will be buffered as
well. The parking lot will have at least 60 spaces but may come later. The rec impact fees are
about $325,000. Holly said they may have to modify based on budget, irrigation needs. Holly
said construction may start next fall. Jennifer inquired about a restroom area. Holly said
bathrooms will be on the backside of the community building along with a water filling station
and/or water fountain.
Meeting adjourned at 6:19pm. Mike made motion, Jennifer seconded. All approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Christy Pilsucki